HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 8/18/2003 Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF .PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit is issued for the followin_o: [] Hazardous Materials Plan [] Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials Permit ID #:: 015-000-000962 [] Risk Management Program F RITO LAY IN C ~ .a--rdo-s Waste On-S.e LOCATION: 6320 DISTRICT BLVD IELD ~ "~CA · ~i~.~ '!'! .~ ' ~. OFFICE OF EN~R ONMENTAL SER VICES '~~~ 1715 Ghester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: C~,~~~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 officeofEv~s~ic~ ~ r Voice (661) 326-3979 F~ (661) 326-0576 · Exp~tion Date: ~Un~ ~O~ Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ........... ?.,,~,~,,,~,~,~??~,~,~,,~,,~ ................ This permit is issued for the following: i,,~~'~i':~!'::'i: ,i~ ~?~:~'~:~i i}ii i'~ iii:,::, iiiiii~:,~i~erground Storage of Hazardous Materials LOCATION 6320 DISTRICT ~:'~,JY~h~,~.~,:~:.? BA~ERS:~tELD CA ?:','.'"'=~'"'..~ "T':'.,.. '".. ' ' =,i:"? .~.~ ':. '.. ~r  B~crsficld Bite Depa~mc:t Approved bT: -' O~/C~ 0~ ~ O~L S~ ~C~S 1715 C~e~cr Ave., ~rd Bloo~ vo~c~ <~o,~,~-,,~, June 30, 2000 F~ (a05) ~57~ Expiration Date: ~i ' SITE/FACILITY DIAGRAM · FORM 5 (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRA.',[ FACILITY DIAGR.~[ ~ FRITO LAY INC SiteID: 015-021-000962 Manager : CI--I~RLES BURTON BusPhone: (661) 835-0347 Location: 6320 DISTRICT BLVD ~ Map : 123 CommHaz : UnRated City : BAKERSFIELD · ~'~@~ ~ Grid: iBC FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 ~ SIC Code: EPA Numb: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title TIM KING / LEAD EDWIN ORTIZ / WAREHOUSER Business Phone: (661) 835-0348x Business Phone: (661) 835-0348x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 979-8831x 24-Hour Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire DelHlth Contact : MARY BROELLOS Phone: (909) 941-6207x MailAddr: 9535 ARCHIBALD AVE State: CA City : RANCHO CUCAMONGA Zip : 91730 Owner FRITO-LAY INC Phone: (661) 835-0347x Address : PO BOX 6320 DISTRICT BLVD State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93303 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: -1- 08/13/2003 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 i~ ~-/,~ ~ i M2~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN O/s'-~/.~ Do~;~/~& ///~0 / INSTRUCTIONS: ~-5 3,2. ~/ ,,~5'OD / 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. 5. You may also attach Business Owner / Operator Form and Chemical Description Form(s) to the front of this plan instead of completing SECTION I. below for initial submission. SECTION I: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA MAILING ADDRESS:¢5~O "~:~'f':C,~- '~_1 tf2. EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUs. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELDI OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 BUSINESS OWNER / OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FACILITY INFORMATION Page __ Of __ :. "1, FACILI~ IDENTIFIcATIoN , ~ ,. , ~ I ~ ~ Year Beginning ~00 Year Ending BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILI~ NAME or DBA-~Business ~) 3 '~ BUSINESS PHONE ~02 DUN & ~06 SIC CODE /~ _ ~07 COUN~ ~08 OWNER MAILiNG~ -- CONTACT MAILING 119 PAGER ¢ ...... 128 , PAGER ¢ ~ 133 Cedification: Based on my inqui~ of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I ~di~ under penal~ of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this invento~ and believe the information is t~e, accurate, and complete.  NER/OPE~TOR DATE 134 NAME OF DOCU~T PREPARER 135 NAME~OF OWNE~OPE~TOR (print) ~36 TITEE OF OWNE~OPE~TOR ~37 UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2730.TV4.wpd  CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~. '8 r OFFICE oF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Section I1.1 - DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATIONS I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - D~ng Business As) 3 ADDRESS (For local use o~ly) ' 476. DISCOVERY A. LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: '~ .... ., .-" '4:. NOTIFI B. -EMERGENCY AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: C. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES: · EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN D.CLOSEST LOCAL MEDICAL FACILITY: UPCF (7/99) S:~PROCEDURE MANUAL~Iew HMMP form.wpd HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Section 11.2 - RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES: RESPONSE ACTIONs, RELEASE CONTA~NMENTANDM~T~G~T~ON: gmj)10~-~J R,~ 4m,;Aed o,~ FOLLOW-Up ACTIONS:' ~. O~^~-U~^~OOW~Y~O~EDU~E~: £m?loY=~ ~c~ '-~:^~ ~'~ ~,'115, g~JoY~ ~,'!1 ~or~ ~,~ UPCF (7/99) S:~PROCEDURE MANUAL~Iew HMMP fm-m.wpd HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Section II1.1 - FACILITY AND LOCALITY INFORMATION UTILITY SHUT-OFFS LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY: SPECIAL: ¢~O~ LOCK BOX: YES ~ IF YES, LOCATION: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION I WATER AvAI~BIL~ A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION:~C( B. MATERIALS DATA SHEETS ON FILE: C. BRIEF SUMMARY OF T~INING PROG~M: CERTIFICATION Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining Ihe infocmatlon, I certify under penalty of law Ihat I have personnaly examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is Irue, accurate, and coml:4eta. NER / OPERATOR O. DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE DATE// /O 477. z o NAME OF SIGNER (print) 478. TITLE OF SIGNER 479. UPCF (7/99) S:U:~ROCEDURE MANUAL~New HMMP form.wlxl , -- OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES tn nnrt .t r 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 *"--'~'~'*" HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ,NVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one form l~er matedal per building or area) ~ NEW D ADD ~ DELETE D REVISE 200~ Page ~ of BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILI~ NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 ~ACILI~ ID ~ ~ I 205 ! T~DE SECR~ ~ Yes ~ ~No 206 CHEMICAL NAME If Subject to EPC~, refer to instru~ions 207 ~ ~ EHS' ~Y~ ~No 208 FIRE ~DE H~RD C~SSES (Complete if requ~t~ by I~l fire 210 ~PE p PURE ~m MIXTURE D w WASTE 211 i ~DIOACTIVE ~Y. ~No 212 CURIES 213 PHYSICAL STATE s SOLID __1 LIQUID g GAS 214 FED H~RD CATEGORIES I FIRE ~ 2 REACTIVE ~ 3 PRESSURE REL~SE ~ 4 ACUTE H~LTH ~5 CHRONIC H~LTH 216 (Ch~ ail that apply) * If EHS, amount must be in lbs. STOOGE CONTAINER (Check afl that apply) ~ a ABOVEGROUND TANK ~ e P~STIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM ~ i FIBER DRUM ~ m G~SS BO~LE ~ q ~IL CAR 223 ~ b UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f CAN ~ j BAG D n P~STIC BO~LE ~ r OTHER ~ c TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g CARBOY ~ k BOX ~ o TOTE BIN ~d STEEL DRUM h SILO I CYLINDER p TANK WAGON STOOGE PRESSURE ~ a AMBIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBIENT ~ ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STO~GETEMPE~TURE ~ a AMBIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBIE~ ~ ba BELOW AMBIE~ ~ c CRYOGENIC 225 1 J I 229 2 . / 230, ~X~ 231 ~Yes ANo232 IIOfiV 3 234~ 235 ~ Y~ D No 236 237 4 238 ~ 239 ~ Yes D No 240 241 5 242 243 ~ Y~ ~ No 244 245 I ~RINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DA~E 246 UPCF (7~99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731 .TV4.wpd Revision Number: 23 Revision Date; 111301~5 ~DS Number; 00002 1 B-DA - 1~o Data Available I~;t - l~ot ApplieaSle Material Safety Data Sheet CHEVRO -- Material Sa~et~ Data Sheet ....... C~EVRO Material Safety Data Sheet CHE%SqO ~atezial Safety Data Sheet CHEV~O 7 1. C3EHICAL PRODUCT A3D CO~AI~ IDEIffIFICATION C~VR03 DELO 400 Multigzade SAE 15W-40 PRODUCTNUlCBER(S): C~S235101 C~S238049 COMPS/fY IDEI~TI~IC~TIO~ EM]3RGENC¥ TELEP~O~ ~ERS ~evron USA Pr~u~ CompanF ~TN (24 hr): (8B~)231-SE23 or -- ~vizonmental, EafetF, and Nealth (51~)2~1-Z~23 (International) Room 29~B T~EPORTATION (24 hz)~ CHE~REC 575 Market St. (8gZ)424-93ZB or (2~2)482-761E S~ ~zancisco, Ca 941~5-285E ~RODUCT I~OR~TI03: MSDB Requests: ~vironmental, Safety~ E Health Info~ (415) ~94-1899 Pz~uct Information~ (8~) 5S2-BSB5 2. COM~OEITION/IS~FORMATION ON INGREDIE3TS 100.8 % C3E~R01{ DEL0 4gB Multi,fade S~E 15W-40 CO~ INII~G LUBRICATI~ BASE OIL BA"J].IR~¥ l~II~ PETI{OLEU~I DISTILLATE > 70.0~ 5 'm~/m3 ~mist) ~COI3 TWA ]0 rog/m3 (mist) ACGIH STEL 5 rog/m3 (mist) OEH~ PEL ~t~e BASE OIL may 5e a mizture of any of the following: CAS 64741884, C~S ~4741~95, CAS E4741~4, CAS ~4741~75, CAS 5474~014, CAS ~47425~5, C~B ~4742~, C~B ~4742547, C~S ~4742~27, C~S ~4742~0, oz c~$ ~DDITIVES INCLUDIng THE FOLLOWI~g Revision Number, 3 Revision Date~ 0g/27/g4 ?lEDS Number~ 00560 2 I~DA - ~o Data Available NA - Not Applicable Pz~paz~ according to the OSH~ Hazard Co~unication Standard (2g C~ lg1~,12~) and the ANSI MSDS Standard (Z4~8,1) bF the Tozicolo~ - ~d ~ealth Risk Assessment Unit, CRTC, P,O. Mox 4854, Richmond, C~ 94884 C~0N D~O 4BM Multi.adc SAE 15W-4~ Page 2 o~ 7 ZINC fuLI~ DITMIOPHOEPH~TE Chemical Name: PHOSPHORODITHIOIC ACID,0,0-DI-Cl-14-ALKlq5 ESTERS, ZINC SAL CAgGBG4942~ < 1.G~ Chemical Name: CAEl1~54~ < 0,1~' 5~ ppm ACGIH TWA ~58~ mg/m3 ~CGIH ETEL 1808 mg/m3 OSH~ PEL 11~tS CERCLA 382,4 R COMPOBITION COMM~NT~ All,the components of this material are on the Toxic Substances Cont~ol Act Chemical Substances Inventory, This product fits the ACGIH definition for mineral oil mist. The %91V is 5 mg/m3, the OSHA ~EL is 5 mg/m3, TLV - Threshold Limit Value TWA - Time Weighted Ave~,age STEL - Short-term ExpOsure Limit TP0 - Threshold Planning 0uantity RO - Reportable Quantity PEL - Permissible Exposure Limit C - Ceiling Limit CAS - Chemical Abstract service Numbe A~-5 - Appendix A Categories I) - Change Has Been Proposed ~. ~%ZARDS IDE/ffIFICATION t43TENTI~L HEALTH EFFECTS This substance is not expected to cause p~olonged or significant eye irritation, Thi~ hazard evaluation is based on the data from similar materials. EK IN ~ This substance is not expected .to cause prolonged or significant skin irritation. The systemic toxicity o~ this substance has not been determined, l~owever, it should be practically non-to~ic to intern~! organs if it gets on the skin. This hazard evaluation is based on data from similar materials, The systemic toxicity of this substance has not been determined.. However it should be practically non-toxic to internal organs if swallowed, This hazard evaluation is based on data from similar materials. The systemic toxicity of this substance has not been determined. However it should be practically non-toxic to internal organs if inhaled, prolonged or repeated breathingof petroleum oil mist can cause respiratory irritation. This hazard evaluation is based on data from similar materials. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE, INHALATION: Respiratory tract irritation may include, but may not be limited to, one or more of the following~ nasal discharge, sore throat, Revision Numberl 3 Revision Date: 09/27/94 MMDS Number~ Nba - No Data available NA - N°t applicable CHEVRON DELO 488 Multigrade SAE 15W-4~ Page 3 of coughing, bronchitis, pulmonary edema and difficulty in breathing. 4. FIRST ~ID MEASURES No first aid procedures are required. However, as a precaution flush eye wit.h fresh water for 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses i~ worn. SKIN, No first a~.id procedures are required. ~s a precaution, wash skin -- thoroughly with soap and water. Remove and wash contaminated clothing. If swallowed') give water or milk to drink and telephone for medical advice. "~Consult medical personnel before inducing vomiting. If medical advice cannot be obtained, then take the person and product container to the nearest medical emergency treatment center or. hospital. IKNAL~TIOI~ ~ If respiratorF discomfort or irritation occur~, move the person to fresh ~ir. S~-~ a doctor if discomfort or irIitation continues. -- 5. FIP~ FIGHTING MEASURES FLAMMABLE PROPERTIES~ FLASH POINT, (COC) 3~F (2~4C) sin. aUPOIGNITION: NBa FLAMMABILITY LIMITS EXTINGUISHING MEBIA~' C02, Dry Chemical, Foam and Water Fog. NFP~ R~TIHGS~Healtb FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: For fires involving this material, do not enter any enclosed oz confined lire space without proper protective equipment, including self-contained breathin~ apparatus, COMBUSTION PRODUCTE~ Normal combustion forms carbon dioxide and water vapor and may produce oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, PhOsphorus', and boron. Incomplete cembustion can produce carbon monoxide. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES CHEMTREC EMERGENCY /¢UEBER (24 hr)~ (800)424-9300 or (202)483-7616 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES: Stop the source of the leak or release. Clean up releases as soon as possible, Contain liquid to prevent further contamination of soil, surface water or ~Toundwater. Clean up small spills u~ing appropriate techniques such as sorbent materials or pumping. Where feasible and appropriate, remove contaminated soil. Follow prescribed procedure~ reporting and responding to larger releases. Revision Number: 2 NDA - No Data Available NA - Not Applicable CHEVRON DEL0 400 Multi~rade SAE 15W-40 Page 4 of 7 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING AND STORAGE: DO NOT weld, heat or drill container. Residue may ignite with explosive violence if heated sufficiently. CAUTION~ Do not use pressure to empty drum or drum may rupture with explosive force, 8, EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQuipMENT EYE/FACE PROTECTION: No special eye protection is usually necessary, SKIN PRO~ECTION: NO special skin protection is usually necessary. Avoid p~olonged o~ frequently repeated skin contact with this material, Skin contact can be ~ minimized by wearing protective clothing. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: No special respiratory protection is normally required. Noweuer, if operating conditions create airborne concentrations which exceed the recommended exposure standards, the use of an approved respirator is required. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Use adequate ventilation to keep the airborne concentrations of this material below the recommended exposure standard. · 9.' PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Dark brown liquid, VAPOR PRESSURE: VAPOR DE/~S IT"f (AIR=I): NA BOILING POIIqT: Nh ~TING ~I~: NA SOL. ILIa: Soluble in hydrocarbon solvents; insoluble in water. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: EVaPOR~T ION RATE~ VISCOSI~: I~.S cst ~ 18ZC ~Min.) P~CE~ VO~TILE ~VOL) ~ N~ 18. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Revision Number: 3 Revision Date: 09/27/94 MSDS Numbe~: 0~56~ /fDA - No Data Available NA ~ Not Applicable CHE%rRON DELO ~0~ Multi~Iade SAE 15W-~ Page 5 of 7 HAZARDOUS DECOM]POEITION PRODUCTS NDA. CHEMICAL STABILITY: Ztabl e. COlfDITION$ TO AVOID: No data available. INCOMPATIBILI%"f WITt~ OTHER MATERI~LS: May react with strong oxidizing agents, such__as chlorates, nitzates, HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Polymerization will not occur, 11 . TOXICOLOGICAL IlfFORMATION EYE EFFECTg~ No product toxicology data available. The'hazard evaluation was based on data from similar materials, No product toxicology data available. The hazard evaluation was based on data from similar materials. ACUTE ORAL EFFECTS: No product toxicology data available, The hazard evaluation was based on data ~rom ~imilar material~. ACIY~E IIfRALATIONEFFECTS: No product toxicology data available, The hazard evaluation was based on data from similar materials. ADDITIONAL TOXICOLOG¥ INFORMATION: This product .contains zinc alkyl dithiophosphates (ZDDPs). Several .ZDDPs have been reported to have weak mutaqenic activity in cultured' mammalia~ cells but only at concentrations that weis tozic to the test cells, We d o not believe that there is any mutagenic Iisk to workers exposed to ZDDPs. This product contain~ petroleum base oils which may be refined by various processes including severe solvent extraction, severe hydrocracking, or seveie hydrotIeating. None of the oils requires a cancer warning under %he OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1g10.1200). These oils have not been listed in the National Toxicology Pro,ram (NTP) Annual Repair nor have they been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IaRC) as~ carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A), or possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), During use in engines, contamination of oil with low levels of cancer-causing combustion products occurs. Used motor oils have been shown to cause skin cancer in mice following repeated application and continuous exposure. Brief or intermittent skin contact with used motor oil is not expected to have serious effects in humans if the oil is thoroughly removed by washing with soap and water, See Chevron Material Safety Data Sheet ~o, ]7~] for additional info~mation on used motor oil. Revision Number: ] Revision Bate: 09/27/94 ~SDS Number: 00560 2 NDA - No Data ~vailable Nh - Not hpplicable CHEVRON DELO 400 Multigrade ShE ]5W-40 Page 6 of 7 ~2. ECOLOGICAL IIfEORMATION ECOTOXlCITY~ No data available. KNVIRO~AL FATE: .><xThis material is not expected to present any environmental problems other than tho~e associated with oil ~pills. ]~. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS DISPOSAL CONSIDKRATIONS: - oil collection services and collection centers are available for used motor oil reqclin~ or disposal. Some service stations, automotive service centers, and retailers provide motor oil collection facilities. Place contaminated materials'in containers and dispose o~ in a manner consistent with applicable regulations, Contact your sales ~epresentative or local environmental or health authorities for approued disposal or recycling methods. ~. TRANSPORT IFFORMATION The description shown may not apply to all shipping situations. Consult ~PCFR, or appropriate Dangerous Goods Regulations, for additional description requirements ~e.g., technical name) and mode-specific or quantity-specific shipping requirements. DOT SHIPPING NAME: NOT DESIGNATED ;tS A H/%ZARDOUS MATERIAL BY THE. FEDERAL DOT DOT H~ZARD CLASS f NOT APPLICABLE DOT IDEI~TIFICATION NUMBER: NOT APPLICABLE DOT PACKING GROUP: NOT APPLICABLE 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 311 CATEGORIESf 1.' Immediate (Acute) Health Effects~ NO 2. Delayed (Chronic) Nealth Effects: 3. Fire Hazard: NO 4. Sudden Release of Pressure Hazazd:~ NO 5. ReactivitF Hazard: NO RF~UL~TORY LISTS SEAECHED: ~l=SAP~ ~1~ ll=NJ RTK 22=TSCA Sect Z2=MASS RTE I~=CERCLA ~02.4 2~=TSCA Sect ~ Revision Number: ~ Revision Date: 09/27/94 MEDE Num~oez: 00560 NDA - No Data Available NA - Not Applicable CHEURON DELO ~0~ Multi,fade EAE 15W-~ Page ? 7 ~3=NTD Carcinogen 13=MN RTK ~4=TSCA Sect 04=CA Prop ~5-Carcin 14=ACGIH TWA 25=TSCA Sect 05=Ca Prop 65-Repro Tox 15=ACGIH ST]EL 2~=TECA Sect 8(d) 05=IARC Group 1 15=ACGIN Calc TLr ~7=TSCA Sect ~(a) 07=IARC Group 2A 17=0SHA PEL' 28=Canadian WHMIS 08~IaRC Group 2B 18=DOT Marine Pollutant 29=OSHA CEILING 09=SAPA ~02/384 l~=ChevIon TWA 38=Chevron STEL l~=PA RTl{ 2~=EPA Carcinogen The following components o~ this material are found on the regulatory lists indicated. HEXANE ~z found on lists: 02,~0,11,12,13,~,15,~7,27,28, ~PNOS~HOP~DITH. IOIC ACID,O,O-B~-Ci-14-~LKYL ESTERS, ZINCS~LTS is found on lists~ 0~,~1, SE~-ERELY REFI/fED PETROLEUM DISTILLATE i, found on lists: 14,15,17, ]~. OTHER INFORMATION NFPA RATINGS~ Health ~; Flammability 1; Reactivity 0; (Least-0, ~Sli~ht-1, Moderate-2, Nigh-3, Extreme-4). These values are obtained usin§ the ~uidelines or published eva~luations prepared by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) oz the National Paint and Coatin~ Association (for HMIS ratin~S)~ REVISION STATEMENT: This revision updates Section ~ IHazards ID.), Section ~ (First Aid Measures), ~ection 8 tE~posure Controls/Personal Protection) and Section 15 (Regulatory Information). ' ~ FtR~ J~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES tn ,ntert s r 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661)326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one form per matedal per building or ama) ~NEW D ADD ~ DELETE ~ REVISE 20~ Page -- of BU~SS NAME (Same as FACILI~ NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 CHEMICAL LOCATION 201; CHEMICAL LOCATION ~ Yes ~No 202 ~ CONFIDENTIAL (EPC~) 205 ~ T~DE SECR~ ~ Yes ~ No 206 FIRE ~DE H~RD C~SSES (Complete if r~u~t~ Dy 1~1 fire c~ief) 2i0 WPE ~ p PURE m MIXTURE ~ w WASTE 211 i ~DIOACTIVE ~Y~ ~No 212 CURIES 213 { ~RGEST CONTA'NER ~/~ 215 PHYSICAL STATE ~ s SOLID ~ LIQUID ~ g GAS 214 ~ FED H~RD CATEGORIES 1 FIRE ~ 2 REACTIVE ~ 3 PRESSURE REL~SE ~ 4 ACUTE H~L~ ~5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Ch~ all that apply) * If EHS, amount must be in lbs. STOOGE CONTAINER (Check afl that apply) ~ a ABOVEGROUND TANK ~ e P~STI~NONMETALLIC DRUM ~ i FIBER DRUM ~ m G~SS BO~LE ~ q ~IL CAR 223 ~ b UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f CAN ~ j BAG ~ n P~STIC BO~LE ~ r OTHER ~ c TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g CARBOY ~ k BOX ~ o TOTE BIN  d STEEL DRUM ~ h SiLO ~ CYLINDER ~ p TANK WA~N STOOGE PRESSURE a AMBIE~ ~ aa ABOVE AMBIENT ~ ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STOOGE TEMPE~TURE ~ a AMBIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBIE~ ~ ba BELOWAMBIENT ~ c CRYOGENIC 5:~ 242 243 ~ Y~ ~ No 2~ 245 UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731 .TV4.wpd ~,., B~i~,i~DS .... ', · ..... ....,,,.' ............. D/ t Antifreeze/Coolan ;~! .- .~ . . . ..~>~?:., * .. . . / / . *-. - ' 'r . ~rstBra~sCo~mdon 124~,1 , ' I 4 ~re~ .... :. ~ ' ~ul~l~ 301 ", ' CHE~REC 2 m uan~,OTOG813-1g .....::, *~:..,..:. (8~)424-93~' .,., I i.s~M., · ,~t~V V " I. IDENTIFICA~ON ' ' ~ ...... ...... :~ "' ~ ~ PRODUCT ~E ~o ~/Fleet ~tffree~l~t i' ~'. ~"-, ', t. .... ' :' -', '.-.:., ' ,.'. · ~3~'~ .~:.: :~.-~,, ""'.:: .':.~' '"{' ' " ,. . · .... · ;~-.' ..,....;.~.;,....; : :'.,.'~' ,. · :; :;' ' i.'~ . . " ,:. TYPE Inhibited E~ylene GlyCol .... :: '~"~:;:'~'~'~':'/'; · :~';~.=~,:..- :,:. , ...,~,' STOCK ~52~, ST5201, STJ202. 3T5~5 .- =':.. -}" . ~;..-':',.' . .~:~.:'::',. ,,= ~.._..~ .,.* .f~-~, ~:'¢~,.~,~, ~_: ...... ;~.. ,~ ........ FORMULA GM ~38 MB '~ Inland EmPire: ; :': '":'~:WHITE~C . ' :"" ". II. PHYSICAL DATA : ;' ...... '[ '~ ~' ""':~'" ='- nON , .-. IIOIL~G PO~T, 760 ~ llg .... "'.' ~' ";J34°F . · ,-~ ', ',' ~*,v ..... ~¢~. ,(.r,,.~=,. ~,,.~ ...... FREEZ~G PO~ ~:'~- ' :"8°F -. ,,,-.-~ '~/;.:. ~'~:::'~'~'.~.?'97~ Ooie~,St, ..Rberslde, CA ~v ... · ' ' .-~7 .... . DENSITY (nt 68°~ """ '~" "9.4 lbs/gal" ~ "';' ::' '" :'~'~'~:~ ¢141681-~ · .,., .... ,<,.. :.,:;. '~¢,/7:~':.' ;}~,~(:-:,~¢,.F~ O14) VAPOR DENS~Y (~r = 1) ZI ", .: ,x' ', :. ov.;,,..}~':~,~:~d'~.":...'~':..,..~,-.........:. . ~; ·r:~....:~. ~:~..:~,q. VAPOR PRESSU~ (at 68°~ ~ss ~ 0.1 ~ Hg VOLAT~ES .By VOL~E ~ none '::. " ' soLu~mm~ ~ W~R, b~ W~[ ~m~ ~-- "'-~-".., .~:::: ' ' '" BRANDS sTP® HD/Fleet Antifreeze/C,.olant (includes IARC, NTP, OSHA and ACGIH listed carcinogens greater than 0.1%) MATERIAL % CAS ~ EXPOSURE LIMIT SOURCE Ethylene Glycol 80-96 107-21-1 none eStablished' (1) 50 :ppm (Ceiling) (3) ...,-.-~ j, '~.~ . . , ~, ,.... ~! ..,?~ · Diethylene Glycol. 0-8 111-46-6 none established (3) . NON-HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS >1% ' ; .... : ~ ' ' . Water 1-5 7732-18-5 '.:,j ~:~'-:-' ,~:." i, .: ~-.-:~'.". .. .~;..~..." "-' '- ': , , .. '~... :~. .... ... Sodium "' ''1 ' ~': '" 't,tra~orate 1:~ 1~0~-~-~ ..'~. ~. · ...... .: .... · .... Potaslum ' 0.5-1 7758-11-4 " phosphate . ',: ~ - ~-.',' .... :...~- · .. - &'~· :.'."" :-~' · '. . . ..... . - . , ~i:.,~... ' '" ' '." .i~'~ .,",.;;.' ' · . . - . ~,!:......~ ...: . None of t~e 'ingredients. in th~s product ~re ~-£sted as ~ oarcinogen .... ...J'"::g:-!~:' '"-:.,,,:'~.?.'." or p'ote~tial carcinogen by XARC, NTP or OSHA.. -. .~, :.-~ . , ..... : ........ .. ~',, ~::. · ::,- Thesource for exposume limits listed above 'are: . . . ,.:/. ~' ..,~',~::: ..... ~...: (1) OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (effective 9/89) :;:, ... '... ~.,~,']. (2) ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (1988-89 Edition) .. ,'."~. ~"~-.;' :' (3) Bo~h the OSHA PEL and ACGIH TLV .,.~.: .' :. -~... :. (4) Recon~nended by the Manuf_acturer <. · ~, x../ ~ .. ... ..... ... IV.FIRE AND EXPLOSION H~RD DATA ' '*' '" ' FLASH POINT ~, Tag Open Cup: 2.42°F(117°C) Pens~-lVl~ens Closed Cut~: 220°F(104°C)' ' '. · EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Apply alcohol type-or all-purpose type 'foams by manufaclurers' recommended techniques for large fires. Use-water spray,' carbon dioxide or drl( chemical media for / SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES "~ ' - " Do not spray pool fires directlY.. 'A solid stream of water or foam directed .into. hot, burning liquid cnn cause frothing. Use self-conlnined brea~hing'appntatus and protective clothing · · UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS ....... '"' -'~:'. ..... . .... EFFECTS OF SINGLE OVEREXPOSURE '" '- disconffort .o~r p. ain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, SWALLOWING May cause abdominal ~ ~' .... .:.i ' ~ drowsiness, malaise, blurring of'vision, irritabilily, !mbar pain, ollguria, uremia, and central nervous system effects; including irregular eye movements, convulsions and coma. .Cardiac failure and pulmonary " '"":'~... edema may develop: Sev_~re kidney damage follows the swallowing of · ~. large volumes of ethylene glycol,. May. be fal,,IL A few reports have been · , . published describing the .developmea~ of weakness of the facial muscles, ' ' diminished hearing, 'and.. d~. lc ,ult. wilh' SWallo.?ing, during the late SKIN ABSORPTION No evidence of adverse effects, from available information.. INHALATION .... May cause hTitation of the nose and gu'oal with headache, particularly from mists. High vapor c, oncenlrafions caused, for example, by heating the material in an enclosed ,and poorly ventilated workplace, may produce naUSea, vomiting; h, eadache,"-'dizziness,, and irregular eye movemenCs. - SKIN CONTACT No evidence 'of adverse elIects from available information, FIRST .D~F'leet · -,. . " BRANDS STP® H Antifreeze/Coolant EFFECTS OF REPEATED OVEREXPOSURE ' ':'; '"" ~ '*' ~laQon of mist may p~uce li~ of cm~ n~oa qstem ~voivemeul, p~cu~i~ ~iu~ .~d O~ER EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE C~st~t use resull~g in ~at~ ~cideu~ ~[ s~ con.ct ~y'ca~e skin se~iliz~!ion ~d an ~s~iated MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY OVEREXPOSURE * * · , . :~j.-, ;/~Z. ,}~;?..' ~e nv~lable Ioxicolosy iEo~nlion ad a bowline o[ ae physic~ and che~c~ e~ien'of ~e SIGNIFICANT LABORATORY DATA WITH PORSIBL~ R~AN~ TO NUMAN .H~ALTH E~ylene 81~col has been sbo~n !o p~e dose-~ I~to~euic eff~ in ra~ ~ mice ~ben ~iven ,?. eff~ of exposure of pregn~t m~ ~d m~e to ne~' at co~en~ttons 150. !~ ~d ~00 mg/m3 for ' 6 ho~ a ~y ~oughout ~e ~fi~ of ~g~ogen~, ~tOge~C'~ffect~ w~m ~~ at ~e ~gh est to whe~er ~e developmen~ mxici~ w~ m~ ~ {nh~la~On ~f-aemsOl~ ~~ abso~tion of e~ylene glycol from con~{nat~ s~, ~ swaHo~g of e~ylene glycol ~ n ~t of ~m~g ~e, wett~ coat. ~ a f~er study, co~ng errata mgh neFo 0 con~n~tion ~ whole-~y. Or ~' :""~'. '"~'~ · ' nosegay expo~e, tt was shown ~t nosily ~~ ~t~/~ mat~ toxici~ (1~ ~d 25~ '.~ m~m3) and developmen~ toxici~ ~ wi~ minim~ ~idmce of temtoge~ciF (~ m~3). ~e no- .: ~ .. eff~ concen~a~on ~ed on mnte~ ~xici~) w~ 5~ m~3. ~ n ~er ~y ~ mice, no te~togenic eff~ co~d ~ p~uced whm e~yl~ gl~ol w~npplied to ~e ~ of ~t mice over "~: ~L.' .'.' ~e ~fi~ or org~ogenesis. ~e a~ve o~e~a~o~ ~gg~t that e~ylene gly~i h to ~ ~g~d~ as ~' ~im~ teratogen: ~ere Is c~ntly no arable ~fion ~.s~ggest ~nt e~ylene gl~ol caused b~ ~:'' ~ .... dcf~ ~ h~s. Cut~eous'application of e~yl~' gl~ol'..m meffecQve ~uc~g development~ to~ci~; eXpos~e to ~gh ae~ol co~m~tion h o~y ~Hy eff~OVe ~ p~g developmen~ . IoxiciF; ~e major route for p~uc~g d~elopmm~ to~ci~ is ~r~iy. Two c~nic feeding studies, ~g mu ~d mice, ~ve not p~Uc~ ~ny evide~e ~t e~ylene 81ycol ' BRANDS ', STP® HD/Fleet Antifre.._eic0d,lant EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES ' '. SWALLOWING Give two glasses of water and induce vomiting immediately. Never give ..... .- ·. , n~. ything by mouth to an unconscious person. (let medical help urgently by calling a physician, emergency room or poison control center. i SKIN Remove contaminated clothing. Immediately wash nil affected and , exposed areas w~th soap and copious amounts of water. If tmtat~on or : redness develops and persists, seek medical attention. .... .' · . · . , : . '~,: ..,,,,.:: . · ? .... ...-:.. ',~¥'. ,.,~ INHALATION If s.)~nptoms of exposure develop, remove to fresh air. If breathing ·-.~' becomes difficult, administer oxygen.' Administer artificial respiration if · ' breathing has stopped, andseek immediate medical attention. ! ~YES Exposed eyes should be immediately flushed with copl°~s amounts of .. clean water, using a steady slream for'amlnimUm'of 15 minutes. 'If irritation, pain, Swelling or tenting petsist,"Seek medical attention. -" NOTES TO PHYSICIAN The. principal toxic effects of 'ethylene glycol, when swallowed, are kidney damage and metabolic acidosis. Ethanol is nntidolal and its early .. administration may block the formation of nephrOtoxic metabolites of ....ethylene glycol in the liver..The objecgve is to rapidly achie,ve 'and :'...~,-"'"' "' .......~.li..:' ?~, maintain a blood'ethanol level of appmXin{ately 100 mg/di by gtC, lng a : ..... ? .... loading dose of ethanOl followed by a' malntensnce dose. Intravenous .... .>.. . - / ·: administration of ethanol is the" preferred mute. Hemodialysis may be required. 4--Methylpyrazole, a potent inhibitor or alcohol dehydrogenase, ..:, has been used therapeutically to decrease themetabelic consequences of ethylene glycol poisionlng. Additional thernIi;eutlc modalities which may · .. decrease the adverse conseqUences of ethylene glycol metabolism are the administration of both thinml,e and pyridoxine. Pulmonary edem~ with .hypoxemia has been described in a number of patients following poisoning With .ethylene glycol. Respiratory support with mechanical ventilation may be required. There may be cranial nerve inVolvement in the late stages of toxicity from swallowed elhylene glycoL In particular, effects have been reported involving the seventh, eighth, and ninth cranial nerves, presenting with bilateral' facial paralysis, ~shed hearing and dysphagin. . . ..... ,..~ Material DataSheet FIRST ,, . ,=..,.-,.e,.), .. BRANDS - ST :' // VI. REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY Stable HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION .... ~Will notOCcur .., · .,. ,:.~..~.-"~,?~.~:,~-~--~.~,~. ".- ..,~.;~'i':?:/: ~:i~ ..... ,~ - . · .~' .i' ' ' ' ' ':~' '~' " ..... "~' '"; J'~ · ~ . CONDITIONS TO A¥OH} None . . .~... . ,... ,.4~,.-~,:.;,... ~. :.,~ .~. . - INCOMPATIBILITY (M ! A id) ' ' "~= ' ater als to vo . · -. ,,~:~ ....... .~..~.- .,, : ~ : '-- ~ · . . ': ~ , .." Normally unreactive; however, avoid strong bases at high temperatures, ..- strong ncids, strong oxidizing agen~ nnd materinls renctive with hvdroxvlcomoounds. ' ' '~ : :' ..... .~ "..'":" .. ,.. . ;, ..... ;.~.. ! :( ,.. : ,, . IIAZARDOU$'COMBUSTION OR DECOMpOSITION:pRODUCTS ., -': ~. · ' "' .... --i.~ i ':~ B,~ may produce ¢~xm m~uoxide ~nd/or carbon dioxide. ~.~!:,.:7::.,.~? ~di:' .... ..~;~','~"~'3 0~F,' r[-'{..~'~,.)?~;.?::..... '~" s --= ~' '? - ' ' ' .... - ,. · . . -.' '.'i~-.;,';' ":, ', ' VIL ¥'"""",.~r-iI..,- OR LEAK PROCEDURES ' "' ' ' " ' ,~.,.' . ,. ~.'-~: ' '..~?'.' :.".;'~., · .: .,::.-- ! . ~ . . ~ t, ,::.j · ~ I,,~ · STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF R RELEASED.OR SPILLED :: ' ': ....Wear suitable protective equipment. Small spills should be flushed with .... ' .l~ge qmmfities of water;...I.~.g~ spills should t~ collected for disposal. '. WP~TIg DI~PO$~ METItO iDnCinemte .~ a furnace where l~rmitled under appropdate federal, ~tate, · "-.'" .... or local regulations, Al ~e~ low concentration in water, ethylene glycol · , ~ ~adily biodegradable in ab~ological w~tewater treatment plant. ~ ': VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION ' ~'~ ~ , . .- ~::,:! . '.: ';',.'..~' -. (for manufacturing an0 bulk 9pill cleanup)- RESPIRATORY I'ROTECTION :~ .: "'~' ; ;...',~..!'.' ~. .. FIRST ":' "' ""'~*~ "~ .... ~, BRANDS ... STP® HD/Fleet Antifreeze/ olant · e ~ may ~ exceeded. [o~ ~d~lioa ~cb ~ l~al e~a~t may ~ n~ded to m~n expos~ levels ~!o~ applicable limits. '" , ..,. · : .. ? · . ,, :~;;',~..,- . . · PRO~CT~GLO~S ~micni resist~t, Such ~ .n~mne or PVC coat~, gloves. ~re ~o~ended where needed t0 prevent ~lon ~,ted S~ conlacl EYE PROTECTION SFl~h-pr~f goggl~ r~?mmend~ ; .~ '...-., OTHER PRO~~ - ~tecfive clo~ ~ needed to avoid ~lOnge~rePented s~n contact. ''~?' ~ble w~hing and eye ~us~ng [~ilili~ should ~ available.~ work' a~. ~nl~aled clo~g s~d ~ removed ~d la~dered '~' ~. : · ~. ~L '?"'~¢j,~=~z",~':~. '.. .... ' ....... '..' ~- '"' ' .. ' .... '.:".';~:=?.~.~.~' ~-7.,' .;~.; ' ;. -' ..'.=. ~'~"~'-~.: PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING · ..'..: '.:,,:~.l · ~=... · '., ~.'..'.;~,:~. ~ .- ' Do not store ~ o~n or ~a~led .confiners. ~ , ........... ....... .~ :~ -- · ~ .: .~ .:.,...... ',. ,~. ::-~. - ,, ~ -, _-. · ' K~ep conta~ away fmm 0~n ~es ~d excessive h~C .......... :'~"' · Do not cut or weld on ~ nm con~er, even empty. . =... · · Do not rede ~p~ contra ~s Fo~rly clewed, OTHER PRECAU~O~.s ~ Obse~e aH r~emenu of ~l~t, ~omp~y or government re~fio~. ~EP O~ OF ~ OF ~~H. FIRST ' ' . .... ~:~: ':,'.' ~-" ' " ~ -' -~A~' DEPARTMENT OF ~NSPORTA~ON / · H~~US ~R~S ..... --., ~:..., ... None .~: .~:~ ' ~,-" .'~ "-'~?:" ~'~',~,' ...... - H~ARD CL~S~CATION ::.,; .... · None : ~ .... ~' '~ ~,::,?,~c~:;.:~: · · ...- ~ ~..;'.?'~. ~";~'~¢" :" :' ~E~CATION ~BER "';~' None " ...... ~"~'":'~'~" ~' ~ ~ " ...... ~' ..... ~: ~'..,~ , ,. . .~" .~': · .. ':, .,,......~,, ': . . . ...... L... ~.. ,-.,', . · . . ? ... :..-. ~. .. , .;. ' Xl. ENVIRONM~TAL DATA ' ' ,.,. , . . '../.:,~.,~[~;~:.t~, . ... · ., '"~ ~,:i. :??'-~' EM~RGENcY P~NNING AND cOMMuNi~ RI~HT'~:~NOw INFORMATION ' ' ': >":~?~,~:~?~;~4; ~.~':' .' ' ' · ~" . ~;~;:=:~, .; ~, ~iS p~t cona~ ae followag chemiEals mbj~t Io ~'~ III, S~iion 313 repo~g: · ~.'.'L. .~:~E-..' ~'~; - ' ' ' ~)~.~,~..:.... . -~ ,- .. . . .: ... ~ ':. ,~' -,.-:.....~-E.f~?:,~.,,~..~ ~ .:.'. :... ~t~:~.,..... ' . ... · .. . .~?~..- .; :.¢ ... · . . . ,. _ :?~:~:? .,.~..~ ...... ..:' .,~. ~..~.~:~ .~ CaZL~o~nla P~opos~&on 65 - ~h&s p~odu~ e~n~ains ,. I .eh caz= . eh cause eance= ~..~'f.;~" . ",, I ." . ' · ' --: "- · . · ,.'?.'.,'",.~. '.?~:-"'. v, ' ~.~.9~ .. . . ... . -"c:~,:.." ::,,.s .... ., .~ . .. '. . ~E;:E~;~:: ii'-:~" ' '-;: ' :':' "'" -"'": '~.;/,' "' ' '" ::"~ '~' ":~::~ ':.' .... :~':."=".':,'~.~ ..... , ' ~ -' :~':';':.~a :~':.: .::.. ~,~ ,:'~' "~-";~' '"~"ff~Pt~-'~'fi:" 'i" ' ...-..,~ ~.. .... :.{;:~ ".. -- .~,..~.~-.~ ... , .... ~' :. · ~..~ '. ~.~ ·: · · . . .., ,. ~ ~. ,~'; .,~.. , . . . . ,~..~. .. ~'~ '-:5/~.: : ,." . . .:~., · -, ~ '~.¥~ ~'. - .. .'~?:....:,:: :.. . '"'U :- .~'-'~':.:~'~,...~'~ ::./ · , ' ,.. ,~: ,'~. ~ ~ ...... ~i , . .... . . ,;~.....';[~.~ . ~...~,~ ,. , .~ [* in ae ~esults of ae tesa conducted, ae ,' · . :' ,.. ~'; ':i ..'? ' ' ." .~: ... . ~ . .i.,.:. L" · . ." :.-: ' ' ' /"' ...: '. ~.. ~:"; ..~ ?. ~." _~ ... , · ~.. '.. ' * ' , '; · '- :' ' ~'~' ' / ': ,. ,:"',' ;.'~':~ ,, .......... ~ ~. - .., . . · ' ' '. ,'~ 7...'L' '~ ............ ' ' ,~,....C~ '~ ~'. ' . ,...,...~..? .... . · ,.,j.._. .. .. . .- , ,/. ~.:~'~ :., ~?..' ~. . · · ". ~. ~, ~, '."~ ?'~,,'~" """ · ,."~ ~ ...... ~."4. '-* '- .~*. ~ ,...; ,~ .., .: . ~ ".~ ...~, . . ~,~ '.~. : .... ,. ~. . , ~ . .~.. ~ ,~. ,'""~::'~~~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD  OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION one £onw ~er matedal per building or area) ~ NEW D ADD D DELETE D REVISE 20~ Page ~ of CHEMICAL LOCATIO~ 201~ CHEMICAL LOCATIO~ ~ Yes No 202  ~ CONFIDENTIAL (EPC~) .... ~,"'":' ;: ; .. . ~.< ...: . 2 :' :;":'~ ~" :": 205'"T' T~E'~E~h~" D Yes O 206 CHEMICAL NAME - If Subject to EPC~, refer to ins~u~ions 207 EHS* Y~ ~ No 208 FIRE ~DE H~RD C~SSES (Complete if r~u~t~ by I~1 fire 210 WPE ~ p PURE ~ MIXTURE ~ w WASTE 211 I raDIOACTIVE D Y~ ~ No 212 CURIES 213 FED H~RD CATEGORIES 1 FIRE ~ 2 REACTIVE ~ 3 PRESSURE REL~SE ~ 4 ACUTE H~LTH ~5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Gh~ atl t~at apply) * If EHS, am~nt must be in lbs, STOOGE CONTAINER ~ a ABOVEGROUND TANK ~ · P~STI~NONMETALLIC DRUM ~ i FIBER DRUM ~ m G~SS BO~LE ~ q ~IL CAR 223 (Check afl that apply) ~ b UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f CAN ~ j BAG ~ n P~STIC BO~LE ~ r OTHER ~ c TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g CARBOY ~ k BOX ~ o TOTE BIN ~d STEEL DRUM ~ h SILO ~1 CYLINDER ~ p TANK WAGON STOOGE PRESSURE ~ a AMBIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBIENT ~ ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STOOGE TEMPE~TURE ~a AMBIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBIE~ ~ ba BELOWAMBIENT ~ c CRYOGENIC 225 ~o~, :~ ....... ;~,~.~ ..~:. :;~ ......................... H~RDOUS~CO~:~ ~ :~;..:,; .;.. :.. ~ ~;~';:':;~ Eh~;~:~;;~:'}{:',i:;~:~: ;~: CAS #., 4 238 239 ~ Yes ~ No 240 241 5 242 243 ~ Y~ ~ No 244 245 UPCF (7~99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731.TV4.wpd Page, 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION CHEVRON Automatic Transmission Fluid PRODUCT NUMBER(S): CPS225502 CPS238111 SYNONYM: DEXRON- III MERCON COFIP~NY IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Chevron USA Products Company HEALTH (24 hr)~ (800)231-0523 Enuironmental, Safety, and Health (510)231-0S23 (International) Room 2988 TRANSPORTATION (24 hr): CHEMTREC 575 Market St. (800)424-9300 or (202)483-7816 San Francisco, CA 94105-2858 PRODUCT INFORMATION: MEDE Requests: (800) 228-3500 Environmental, Sa~ety, & Health Info: [415) 894-1899 Product Iniormation: (80~) 582-3835 .2, COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS 180.0 g CHEVRON Automatic Tzans, mission Fluid : CONTAINING COM~ONAqiTS AMOUNT - ~IMIT/0TY AGENCY/TYPE LUBRICATING B~SE OIL CONT~INING ONE OR_MORE OF TRE FOLLOWING > 85.0~ HYDROTREATED DIE~., t{VY PARA Chemical Name, DISTILLATES~ HYDROTREATED~HEAVY PARAFFINIC CaS8~7~25~7 5 mg/m~ (mist) ~CGIH TWA 10 mE/mM (mist) ~CGIH STEL 5 mg/m~ (mist) OSHA PEL SOLVF2~T DEW~NED DIST., HVY Revision Number: 23 Revision Date: 11/38/95 MSDS Number: 88882 ND~ - No Data AVailable NA - Not Applicable Prepared according to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (2~ CFR 1910~1208) and the ~EI MEDE Standard (Z400.1) by the Toxicology ' and Health Risk Assessment Unit, CRTC, P.O. Boz 405~, Richmond, CA 94804 CHEVRON Automatic Transmission Fluid Page 2 o~ 7 Chemical Name~ DISTILLATES, SOLVENT DEW~×ED HEAVY P~RAFFINIC CA584742850 5 mE/m3 (mist) ACGIH TW~ 10 mg/m~ (mist) ACGIH STEL 5 mg/m3 (mist) OSRa PEL SOLVENT REF. DIET. LT NAPHTHEN Chemical Name: DISTILLATES, SOLVENT-REFINED LIGHT NAPHTHENIC CAS64741975 5 mg/m3 (mist) ACCIN TWA 5 mg/m~ (mist) OSHA PEL DISTILLATES, HYDROTREATED Chemical Name: DISTILLATES! (PETROLEUM), HYDROTREATED LIGHT PARAFFINIC ChS64742558 5 mg/m~ (mist) ACGIH TWA lZ mg/m3 [mist) ACGIN STEL 5 mg/m~ (mist) OSHA PEL DISTILLATES, SOLVENT-DEWAXED Chemical Name: DISTILLATES, (PETROLEUM)~ EOLVENT-DEWAXED LIGHT PARAFFINIC CA854742559 5 mg/m3 (mist) ~CGIH TWA 10 mg/m~ (mist) ACGIH STEL 5 mq/m3 (mist) OERA PEL ADDITIVES < 15.0~ COMPOSITION COMMENT: Ail the components of this material are on the Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substances Inventory. This product fits the ACGIH definition for mineral oil mist. The ACGIH TLV is 5 mg/mB, the OSHA PEL is 5 mg/mB. TLV - Threshold Limit Value TWA - Time Weighted Average ETEL - Short-term Exposure Limit TP0 - Threshold Planning 0uantity RQ - Reportable 0uantity PEL - Permissible Exposure Limit C - Ceiling Limit CAS - Chemical Abstract Service Numbe r - A1-5 - Appendi~ A Categories () - Change gas Been Proposed 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS EYE: ·his substaace is not e~pected to cause prolonged or significant eye irritation. Thi~ haaard e~aluation i~ ba~ed on the data ~rom similar · material~. EKIN~ This substance is not expected to cause prolonged or si~i~icant skin irritation, The sy~te~c toxicity of this ~ubst~ce has not been determined. However, it should be practically non-toxic to internal ozg~s if it gets on the skin. ~is hazard evaluation is based on data from ~i~luz materials. Revision N~ez: 23 ' Revision Date: 11/3~/~5 MEDE Nu~ez: ~A - No Data Avail~le N~ - Not Applicable C~ON ~utomutic Tz~nsmis~ion Fluid Pa~e 3 o~ 7 INGESTION~ - The systemic toxicity o[ this substance has not been determined. However 'it should be practically non-toxic to internal organs if swallowed. This hazard evaluation is based on data from'similar materials. IN1]ALATIONI The systemic toxicity of this substance has not been determined. However it should be practically non-toxic to internal organs if inhaled. This hazard evaluation is based on data from similar'materials. FIRST AID MEASURES EYE: No first aid procedures are required. However, as a precaution flush eye with fresh water for 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses if worn. SKIN: No first aid procedures axe required, As a precaution, wash skin thoroughly with soap and .water. Remove and wash contaminated clothing. I~GESTIO~: If swallowed, give water or milk to drink and telephone for medical advice. Consult medical personnel before inducing vomiting. If medical advice cannot be obtained, then take the person and product container to the nearest medical emergency treatment center or hospital. Since this material is not expected to be an immediate inhalation problem no first aid procedures are required. 5, FIRE FIGHTING }lEiSURES I FLAMMABLE PROPERTIES~ ~LaEH POINT, COC 349F (176C) Min. AUTOIGNITION: NDA FLAMMABILITY LIMITS (% by volume in air)~ Lowerl EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: C02, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog, NFPA RATINGS: Health 1; Flammability 1; Reactivity FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: For ~ixes involving this matexial,-do not enter any enclosed ox confined gire space without proper protective equipment, including self-contained breathing apparatus. COMBUSTION PRODUCTS~ Normal combustion forms carbon dioxide and water vapor and may produce oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, and boron. Incomplete combustion can produce carbon monoxide. ~. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES , CHEMTREC EEERG~CY NUMBER (24 hr): (800)424-9300 or (202)483-7518 ACCIDENTAL-RELEASE MEASURES] Revision Number: 23 Revision Date: 11/30/95 MSDS Number: 80002 1 /IDA - No Data available NA - Not applicable C~EVRON ~utomatie Transmission Fluid Page 4 of ? Stop the source of the leak or release. Clean up ~eleases as.soon as possible, observing precautions in Exposure Controls/Personal Protection. Contain liquid to prevent furthe~ contamination of soil, surface water or groundwater. Clean up small spills using appropriate techniques such as sorbent materials or pumping,' Where feasible and appropriate, remove contaminated soil.~ Follow p~escIibed piocedu~es for reporting and responding to larger releases. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE DO NOT weld, heat or drill container. Residue may ignite with explosive violence if heated sufficiently. CAUTION~ Do not use pressure to empty drum or dium may rupture with explosive force. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use adequate ventilation to keep the airborne concentrations of this material below the recommended exposure standard. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EOUIPM~N~ EYE/FACE PROTECTION: No special eye protection is usually necessary. SKIN PROTECTION: No special skin protection is usually necessary. Avoid prolonged or frequently repeated skin contact with this material, skin contact can be minimized by wearing protective clothing. RESPIRATORY PROTECTIONI No special respiratory protection is normally, required, However, if operating conditions create airborne concentrations which exceed the recommended exposure standards, the use of an approved respirator is required. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES " PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Red liquid. pH: NDA VAPOR PRESSURE ~ NA V~OR' DENS BOILING POIN~ I N~ILTING POINT: NA SOLUBILITY~ Soluble in hydrocarbon solvents~ insoluble in water. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.8g ~ ]5.~/~15.~C ZVA~ORATION R~TZ ~ WSCOS~T¥~ ~.8 est @ ~0C (~in.) Revision Nu~bez~ 2~ Revision Date~ ~/~0/95' ND~ - No Data,reliable N~ - Not ~pplieable CHEVRON Automatic Tiansmission Fluid Page 5 of 7 PERCENT VOLATILE (VOL)~ NA 18. ET~kBILIT~ ~ND REACTIVITY H~Z~RDOUS DECOMSPOSITION PRODUCTS: ........ NDA. C~EMICAL STA~Tr. rTV, Stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID~ No data available. INCO~ATIBILI~ WI~ OTHER ~TERIALS: Hay ~ea~ with strong oxidizing agents, such as chlorates, nitsates, peroxides, etc. ~Z~OUS POL/~I ZATION: Polymerization will not acer. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No product toxicology data available. The hazard evaluation was based on data from similar materials. No product toxicology data available, The hazard evaluation was based on data from similar materials, ACUTE 023di KFFECTS: No product toxicology data available. The hazard 9¥aluation was based on data from similar materials. ACUT~ IIT~ALATION EFFECTS: Cd\~-evaluation No Product toxicology data available. The bazar was based on data from similar materials. ADDITIONAL TOXICOLOGY IITFORMATIO~ Thi~ product contains petroleum base oils which may be refined by various 9Iocesse~ includin~ severe solvent extraction, seveze hydzotzeating None of the .oils..zequizes a cance~ wa~ning under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (2~ CFR 1~10.1208). These oil~ have not been listed in the National Toxicology P~o~ram (NT~) Annual Report nor have they been classified by the International agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as; carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A), az possibly carcinogenic to humans · (Group 2B). 12. ECOLOGICAL Ih-FORMATION F~O~OXlCII~f{ No data available. ENVlRO~AL FATE: Revision Numberm 23 Revision Date~ 11/38/95 MSDS Number~ 88882 1 NDA - No Data Available Nh - Not Applicable CHEVRON Automatic Transmission Fluid Page 6 of 7 This material is not expected to present any environmental problems'other than those associated with oil spills. 19. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Place contaminated materials in disposable containers and dispose of in a manner consistent with applicable regulations. Contact local environmental or health authorities for approved disposal of this material. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION The description shown may not apply to all shipping situations. Consult 4~CFR, or appropriate Dangerous Goods Regmlations, for additional description requirements (e.g., technical name) and mode-specific or quantity-specific ~hipping requirements. DOT SHIPPING NAFIEI NOT DESIGNATED AS A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL BY THE FEDERAL DOT DOT HAZARD CLASS: NOT APPLICABLE DOT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER~ NOT APPLICABLE DOT PACKING GROUP: NOT APPLICABLE 75. REGULATORY INFORMATION  SARA 311 CATEGORIES: I, Immediate (Acute) Health Effects: NO 2. Delayed (Chronic) Health Effects: NO .q. Fire. Hazard: NO .-, 4. Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard: NO 5. Reactivity Hazard: NO REGULATORY LISTS SEARCHED: Zl=ShR~ ~1~ 11=NJ RTK 22=TSCh Sect 5(a)(2) ~2=MAES RTl{ 12=CERCLA 302.4 2]=TECA Sect 6 0]=NTP Carcinogen 13=MN RTK 24=TSCA Sect 12 (b) 04=CA Prop 65-Cazcin 14=ACGIH TWA 25=TSCA Sect 05=CA Prop 65-Repro Tax ~5=ACGIH ETEL 25=TSC~ Sect 8(d) 08=I~RC Group 1 18=ACGIH Calc TLV 27=TSCh Sect ~7=IARC Group 2A 17=05HA PEL 28=Canadian WHMIS 08=IhRC Group 2B 18=DOT Marine Pollutant 29=OSHA CEILING 09=SARA 302/:~04 19=Chevzon TWA 3~=Chevron STEL 10=PA RTl{ 20=EP~ Carcinogen The following components of this material are found on the Zegulatory lists indicated. DISTILLATES, SOLVENT-REFINED LIGHT NAPHTHENIC Revision Number: 23 Revision Date: 11/3M/~5 MSDS Number~ 08002 NDA - No Data Available NA - Not Applicable CNEVRON Automatic Transmission Fluid Page 7 of is found on lists: 02,14,17, DISTILLATEEt HYDROTREATED HEAVY PARAFFINIC is found on listsl 14,15,17, DISTILLATES, (PETROLEUM), HYDROTREATED LIGHT PARAFFINIC is found on lists:' Z2,14,15,17, DISTILLATES, (PETROLEUM), SOLVENT-DEWAXED LIGNT DARAFFINIC is found on lists: 82,14,15,17, DISTILLATES, SOLVENT DEW, XED NERVY P~RAFFINIC is found on lists: 14,15,17, NEW JERSEY RTK CLaSSIFICaTION: Under the New Jersey Right-to-Know Act L. 1983 Chapter ~15 N.J.S.A. 3415a-1 et. seq., the product is to be identified as follows: PETROLEUM OIL 16. OTHER INFORMATION NI~PA RATINGS: Nealth 1; Flammability 1; Reactivity 0; (Least-8, Slight-I, Moderate-2, Righ-3, E~treme-4). These values are obtained u~ing the quidelines or published evaluations prepared-by {he National Fire Protection Association (NF~A) oz the National Paint and Coatin~ ~ssociation (£oz ~MIE ~atings). REVISION STATEMENT~ This revision updates Section 15 (Regulatory Information). The above information is based on the data of which we are aware and is believed to be correct as of the date hereof. Since this information may be applied under conditions beyond our control and with which we may be unfamiliar and since data made available subsequent to the date hereof ma suggest modification of'{5~ information, we do not assume any responsib~l ity for the results of its use. This information is furnished upon condition that the person receiving it shall make his own determination o~ the suitability of the material for his particular purpose.  CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one rolm per matedal per building or area) . '~NEW_~.~ [] ADD [] DELETE [] REVISE 200,~ Page ~ of __ BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILI~ NAME or DBA - Doing Business ~) 3 CHEMICAL NAME ~ Y s 0 If Subject to EPC~, refer [o 207 ! FIRE ~DE H~RD C~SSES (Complete if requ~t~ ~y l~l fire 210 ~PE ~ p PURE ~ m MIXTURE ~w WASTE 211 [ ~DiOACTIVE ~Yes ~o 212 CURIES ~ 213 PHYSICAL STATE ~ s SOLID ~1' LIQUID ~ g GAS 214 ~ ~ 1 FIRE ~'2 REACTIVE ~ 3 PRESSURE REL~SE ~4 ACUTE H~LTH '~5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 FED H~RD CATEGORIES (Ch~ alt that apply) - '* If EHS, am~nt must be in lbs. STOOGE CONTAINER ~ a ABOVEGROUND TANK ~ e P~STI~NONMETALLIC DRUM ~ i FIBER DRUM ~ m G~SS BO~LE ~ q ~IL CAR 223 (Check afl that apply) ~ b UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f CAN ~ j BAG ~ n P~STIC BO~LE ~ r OTHER ~ c TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g CARBOY ~ k BOX ~ o TOTE BIN  STEEL DRUM h SILO I CYLINDER p TANK WAGON STOOGE PRESSURE ~ a AMBIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBIENT ~ ba BELOWAMBIENT 224 STOOGE TEMPE~TURE ~a AMBIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBIE~ ~ ba BELOWAMBIE~ ~ c CRYOGENIC 225 4 238 j 239 241 5 242 ~ 243 245 ~ ~ Y~ ~ No 244 ~RINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE 246 UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731 ,TV4.wpd ~"~~-7- CITY O FBAKERSFIELD ?~' ~ FII~E ~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES tn nnrm? r 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 "~~'~' HA~RDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one fo~ ~er matedal per building or ama) ..............~_., . ::: . : . :?: ~:, '-- . :':?~7::.~:~ ;:~ :':: :.~. ~' .:' . · ~ BUSINESSNAME~ ~ ('Same as FACiLi~ NXME ~r DB~'- Doing Business As) 3 .... CHEMICAL LOCATION ~¢ 201~ CHEMICAL LOCATION = Yes ~No 202  ~ CONFiDENTiAL (EPC~) ~ACL~ D~ I~~,i~l ~ } ~,:~[~1 ~ 1 i [ ~ r . 1 ~P~(optiona0 203 ; ORIDg(optionaO 2~ 205 T~DE SECRET ~ Yes ~No 206 CHEMICAL NAME ¢~Vt e~ G/~} If Subje~ to EPC~, refer to ,ns~ion, 207 COU~N NAME ~. ' .'~ ': V ..... "~' '" .;' . . .,. : : '~ ~ ·; · .~.: :; :~ FIRE ~DE H~RD C~SSES (Complete if r~u~ted by I~i fire chief) 210 ~PE p PURE ~ m MIXTURE ~w WASTE 211 ~ ~DIOACTIVE ~Y~ ~No 212 CURIES 213 FED H~RD CATEGORIES ~ 1 FIRE ~ 2 REACTIVE ~ 3 PRESSURE REL~SE ~ 4 ACUTE H~LTH ~ 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Ch~ all that apply) * If EHS, am~nt must be in lbs. STOOGE CONTAINER ~ a ABOVEGROUND TANK ~ e P~STIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM ~ i FIBER BRU~ ~ m G~SS BO~LE ~ q ~IL CAR 22~ (Check afl that apply) ~ b UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f CAN ~ j BAG ~ n P~STIC BO~LE ~ r OTHER ~ c TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g CARBOY ~ k BOX ~ o TOTE BIN d STEEL DRUM CYLINDER p TANK WAGON h SILO STOOGE PRESSURE ~ a AMBIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBIENT ~ ba BELOW AMBIE~ 224 STOOGE TEMPE~TURE ~ a AMBIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBIE~ ~ ba BELOWAMBIE~ ~ c CRYOGENIC 225 5 242 t 243 ~ Y~ ~ NO 244 245 :: . ...¢::~':?,:.:;:-:, ':;t;,?';:d~. ;. · ' ~RINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE 246 UPCF (7~99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731 .TV4.wpd ~. r ~ SZTE MAP CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME I'?~-,A'TO I~k"-{ INSPECTION DATE ADDRESS (~"~2AD ,DI~"(~.-<C_'"C {~Lk/O PHONENO. FACILITY CONTACT '"Cit~X ~---~-W6o BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME ~-O (~,-) NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES '?. Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ,~ Routine l~ Combined [21 Joint Agency ~ Multi-Agency ~ Complaint [~ Re-inspection OPERATION C V; COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities V Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping 4 Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: ~ Yes [~1 No Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 Business Site Responsible Party White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: ~c o T-'f- FRIT0 LAY INC :,. ~ ~Si~eiD:' ~015-021-000962 BusPh0ne: (805) 835L0347 Location: 6320 DISTRICT BLVD Map : 123 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD ~. Grid: 15C FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION i09 SIC Code: , ,r D~nnBrad: EPA Numb: .,~ ,x Emerg~c_¥ contact ./ Title'" E~9~g~ncy contact / Title Business ~hon~: (' -) 8a~-oa47x-I~.' Busin~ss'~hone: (80~) 8a~-oa47x Pager Phons : {~ )~-~x Pager Phone : ( } - x Hazmat Hazards: Fira Press Im~lth D~lHlth OWner~ FRITO~hLAY INC ~ Phone: (214) 334-7000x Address : PO BOX ]5014 State: TX City : D~LAS Zip : 7523~ Period · -'~ to TotalASTs: = ~al Pregarer: TotalUSTs: = ~al Certif ~d: RSs: No Em~[gency Directives: = Hazmat 'Inventory On~ Unified List --A1phabet'ical' ~Ordgr : All Materials at Sits "." Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazards Frm DailyMax MOTOR OIL ' F DH L 24.00 G~ Min IL . IH I,. ,.1~ Do hereby oe~ify that I reviewed.th~ atla~l~ed h~ardous materials manage- ment plan fo~ F~ITO- ~'/m~and thru it along ~ith : .. (Name of 8u~ne~) any corre~ions consfiJujs a compleJ~ and correct man- agement plan for my facili~. os/o3/~oo~ FRITO LAY INC SiteID: 015-021-000962 ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~iv~vl~ ~vi~ / ~ ± ~Y-~ ~Vl~ MOTOR OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: NORTHWEST END OF WAREHOUSE CAS# F STATE i TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient PLASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION -- Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average GAL{ 24.00 GAL 16.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. R{NoRS{ CAS# 100.00 Motor Oil, Petroleum Based 8020835 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretI ~S[BioHazI Radioactive/Amount I EPA HazardsI NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies F DH / / / Min ~ Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site PROPANE PROPA /£ rH~,f/~ //~.~ ~E~,t ~/~dY~-~ Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: APPROXI~TELY 100FT FROM W~EHOUSE CAS~ ? STATE [ TYPE i PRESS~E { TEMPE~T~E i CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Pure ~ove A~ient A~ient FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER ~O~TS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum ~ Daily Average 510948.00 FT3 510948.00 FT3~ 255456.00 FT3 ~Z~DOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. R~ CAS~ 100.00 ~ 74986 ~Z~D ASSESSMENTS TSecret RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT% ~ MCP No N° No No/ Curies F P IH / / /~ Hi -2- 05/03/2001 FRITO LAY INC SiteID: 015-021-000962 Fast Format ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site -- AHency Notification 08/19/1996 CALL 911 -- Employee Notif./Evacuation 08/19/1996 VERBAL INSTRUCTIONS - WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEES TO SHUT OFF PROPANE, GAS, WATER, UTILITIES. OFFICE STAFF TO CALL 911. ALL EMPLOYEES ON SITE TO MEET ON FRONT LAWN. Public Notif./Evacuation 08/19/1996 ONLY EMPLOYEES ARE ON THE PREMISES AND IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY ALL PERSONNEL ARE INSTRUCTED TO EVACUATE ONTO DISTRICT STREET IN FRONT OF THE FACILITY. EmerHency Medical Plan 08/19/1996 MERCI MEDI CENTER - STOCKDALE HWY/OLD RIVER RD - 663-6100 -3- 05/03/2001 ~ FRiTO LAY /NC SiteID: 015-021-000962 Fast Format = Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site --Release Prevention 08/19/1996 PROPANE TANK HAS AN AUTO SHUT OFF IF IT GETS TO HOT. WAREHOUSE MAN TO SHUT OFF ELECTRICAL, PROPANE & GAS. ~/~ -- Release Containment -- Clean Up 08/19/1996 SPILLAGE OF OIL - WE WILL ABSORB IT UP AND PUT IN METAL CONTAINER MARKED CONTAMINATED WITH MOTOR OIL. Other Resource Activation -4- 05/03/2001 F FRITO LAY INC SiteID: 015-021-000962 I Fast Format ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site Special Hazards --Utility Shut-Offs 08/19/1996 A) PROPANE - OUTSIDE WEST WALL SOUTH END OF BUILDING B) ELECTRICAL - WEST WALL, SOUTH END OF BUILDING C) WATER - SOUTHEND OF BUILDING OUTSIDE WEST SIDE OF RECEPTION AREA D) SPECIAL EMERGENCY SHUT OFF NORTH END OF BUILDING E) LOCK BOX - NO -- Fire Protec./Avail. Water 08/19/1996 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED THROUGHOUT THE WAREHOUSE ON EACH WALL - THERE ARE 7 IN NUMBER. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS ARE LOCATED AROUND PROPANE TANK. FIRE HYDRANT Building Occupancy Level 08/19/1996 B-2 -5- 05/03/2001 FRITO LAY INC SiteID: 015-021-000962 Fast Format = Training Overall Site -- Employee Training 02/19/1991 WE HAVE 7 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY ~ DF E~pko¥¢a3 ~ I~ WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE ~ BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING:ALL EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED WITH THE LP GAS REFUELING INSTRUCTIONS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ARE .POSTED AND EXPLAINED TO EMPLOYEES. -- -- Page 2 Held for Future Use Held for Future Use 6 05/03/2001 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES -. UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3ro Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~l~,.i-r ~ L/a,- ,./~ INSPECTION DATE ~ ~,.~. ADDRESS {^ ~ 7~C~ ~ L~ ff. (~ / C,"/ PHONE NO. FACILITY C~NTACT -T'irv'x ~/--~E~'~O BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- CED ~)~'~.~ INSPECTION TIME ~ ~ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES v ~.~ ~_~_._ Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program  Routine [] [] Agency Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection Combined Joint OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand plan contact information accurate Business Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate ,,4/ Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=C°mpliance V=Vi°iati°n~{a Any hazar._dpus waste on site?: ~ Yes Explain: ~ ~,~/:~ OR_,t)t~ Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 Business Sit~Resp, onsible Party White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: ]8/06/96 FRITO LAY INC 215-000-000962 ~ ::'age Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit ~L AUG ~ ~ 7996 General Information Location: 6320 DISTRICT BLVD Map:123 Haz:3 Type: 3 City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 15C F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title Contact Name~ --- Title _~ Business Phone: (805) 835-0347x Business Phone: (805) 835-0347x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 8s~4~-~-7-~x ~Z~ 24-Hour Phone : (805)~x Pager Phone : ( ) - x &~9~ Pager Phone : ( ) - x Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 6320 DISTRICT BLVD D&B Nu~er: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93313- Co~ Code: 215-009 BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 SIC Code: Owner: FRITO-LAY INC Phone: (~/~)3~ -7 Address: P O BX 35034 State: TX City: DALLAS Zip: 75235- Sugary I, /~#~-.~'~ ,~* .-~'~*~#~?Do hereby certify that I h~ve reviewed the a%Isched hazardous matefia~ marmge- ~/F~ ~Y and that it along with meat plan for any ~rr~ions ~nstEute s ~mplete end ~ff~ man- agem~nt plan ~or my fadli~. 08/06/96 FRITO LAY INC 215-000-000962 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-001 PROPANE Liquid 14193 High · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-002 MOTOR OIL Liquid 24 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 08/06/96 FRITO LAY INC 215-000-000962 Page 3 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-001 PROPANE Liquid 14193 High · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 74-98-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 14,193 ~ 7,096.00 58,500.00 StorageI Press T TempI Location FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER IAbove ~Below IAPPROXIMATELY 100FT FROM WAREHOU -- Conc Components MCP ---/Guide 100.0% IPropane IExtreme I 22 02-002 MOTOR OIL Liquid 24 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 24 I 16.00 80.00 StorageI~Press T Temp Location PLASTIC CONTAINER IAmbient~AmbientlNORTHWEST END OF WAREHOUSE -- Conc~ Components ~ MCP ---~uide 100.0% IMotor Oil, Petroleum Based IMinimal I 27 08/06/96 FRITO LAY INC 215-000-000962 Page 4 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation ~RBAL INSTRUCTIONS - WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEES TO SHUT OFF PROPANE, GAS, WATER, UTILITIES. OFFICE STAFF TO CALL 911. ALL EMPLOYEES ON SITE TO MEET ON FRONT LAWN. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation ONLY EMPLOYEES ARE ON THE PREMISES AND IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY ALL PERSONNEL ARE INSTRUCTED TO EVACUATE ONTO DISTRICT STREET IN FRONT OF THE FACILITY. <4> Emergency Medical Plan ~ MEDi-~AL CE~TER 08/06/96 FRITO LAY INC 215-000-000962 Page 5 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention PROPANE TANK HAS AN AUTO SHUT OFF IF IT GETS TO HOT. WAREHOUSE MAN TO SHUT OFF ELECTRICAL, PROPANE & GAS. <2> Release Containment -<3> Clean Up SPILLAGE OF OIL - WE WILL ABSORB IT UP AND PUT IN METAL CONTAINER MARKED CONTAMINATED WITH MOTOR OIL. <4> Other Resource Activation 08/06/96 FRITO LAY INC 215-000-000962 Page 6 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) PROPANE - OUTSIDE WEST WALL SOUTH END OF BUILDING B) ELECTRICAL - WEST WALL, SOUTH END OF BUILDING C) WATER - SOUTHEND OF BUILDING OUTSIDE WEST SIDE OF RECEPTION AREA D) SPECIAL EMERGENCY SHUT OFF NORTH END OF BUILDING E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION'- FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED THROUGHOUT THE WAREHOUSE ON EACH WALL - THERE ARE 7 IN NUMBER. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS AR LOCATED AROUND PROPANE TANK. FIRE HYDRANT - ? <4> Building Occupancy Level B-2 08/06/96 FRITO LAY INC 215-000-000962 Page 7 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Employee Training WE HAVE 7 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING:ALL EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED WITH THE LP GAS REFUELING INSTRUCTIONS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ARE POSTED AND EXPLAINED TO EMPLOYEES. <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use management of over-the-road hazardous material releases. RECEIVED 100 Powdermill Road, Suite 323 DEC ~g1993 SPILLCENTEI ^ on, Massach.se Telephone: 1-508-897-6461 Fax: 1-508-897-9163 O~S REGION ¥ A Division of Kingsbury Associates FRESNO, CA December 23, 1993 Chairperson Kern County LEPC 2550 Mariposa Mall, Region V HazMat Fresno, CA 93821 RE: Generator: Frito-Lay, Inc. Date of Loss: December 23, 1993 Our Claim Number: P3122300 Dear Sir or Madam: On Thursday, December 23, 1993 at approximately 04:30 am EST an incident occurred which resulted in the release of 20 gallons of diesel fuel. This loss occurred in Maricopa, California on Route 33 northbound at a point 2/10tbs of a mile north of milepost 5. The technical name for the product released is 1-D fuel oil, CAS #68334-30-5, commonly known as diesel fuel. The product is not listed under section 302(a) of Title III of SARA. We have contacted the the California Office of Emergency Services, the California Emergency Response Commission, Kern County LEPC, California Hwy Patrol, CalTrans and Kern County HazMat and cleanup is complete. Please call me if you need additional information. Very truly yours, SPILL CENTER William Cumming cc. Nick Bikakis, Frito-Lay, Inc. Peter Hayes, Frito-Lay, Inc. Frito-Lay, Inc. Accounts Receivable Department: In order for Frito-lay to pay~ your invoices accurately and timely, we re~re specific information for each transaction. Please use the following guidelines when invoicing Frito-Lay. 1) Each invoice must have the following information: · Invoice with unique invoice number ® Purcha~e Order number, if issued by Frito-lay location · Invoice date and shipped date or service rendered date · Item or Services description · Item quantity · Line item unit cost and extansion · "Ship-to" location (Frito-lay plant) · "Ship-from" location (vendor plant) · "Remit-to" address Frito-lay vendor terms are net 30 days unless a discount is given. Your cooperation in providing the necessary information will be appreciated and allow Frito-lay to process your payment timely and accurately. Sincerely, FRIRO-IAY, INC. AccountsRL:bc Payable Supervisor 91r130/1 FL-2300-13 ..f'~ ~.,'. ~,~ CITY Dj' BAKERSFIELD 0 , ....~ '~ "~'VE C,aRE ' ~, ~ ,,~ ~, ~ .~ .! ~., ~ ,,'~ (t~=~e or ~ri Do herebs: c=rt ~ ~-- , n;d ~. ~, that I have revie~e~ the '-- . RECEIVED (name of business) and that it along with.the attached additions corrections consti~ ~ ~u~e a comDlete and correct Business Plan for m>: facility. ~sikna~e - U- date ' CITY of BAKERSFIELD '~ ~HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTORY' I:ar. and AOr~culture ~ Standard 8us~n~ss N O N-- T RAD E S E C R E T S " -- ---~ ~--~ ~ ~ ~&C.A.S. ~ ~lth of ~ ~lth ............ at ~ iiC.A.S, i (C~ tMt i~ly) ' ~lth of ~ ~lth ............ ~C~k all t~t .~ly) -. r--~ ~-~ r-. r--~ ~t ~ ~&C.A.S. ~ a F~ Haza~ ~_a R~tiv~ty ~ ~la~ ~--d ~ ~lme ~_a I~tite . ~ith of P~ ~ith '' ~- .......... ~ ~t 13 ~&C.A.S. ~ '.~l~_t .... 1 I 1._~ , I 2.~ l~ 1_ t .... i~ical ~ HNIth ~z~ C.l.S. ~ at II h & C.l.5. ~ ( C~k all t~t rely) .... -~ -- -- - r--~ CWt 12 Mi C.A.S. ~ H~ItH of Prflsu~ ~lth ..... ............. ~'tificati~ (Read and sJ~ after completinE all sections) c:e tHv ~ee ~ity of 1~ t~t I ~ve ~es~ally e~ ~ ~ t~har ~tth t~ ~nt~t~m su~tt~ tn tMs ~ ~11 ett~ ~ts, ,' obtaining t~ tnf~tt~, I ~li~, t~Ct' su.tt,, info--tj~ *s t~. ,ccur,t,, ~ c.olet,. , / , I ~1.~./ ~P GAS REFUELING INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMANENTLY MOUNTED TANKS 1. STOP ENGINE - PUT IN GEAR - SET HAND BRAKE 2. NO SMOKING OR OPEN FLAMES 3. CONNECT FILL HOSE TO TANK 4. OPEN MAIN VALVE AT STORAGE TANK 5. TURN PROPANE PUMP "ON" 6. SLOWLY OPEN VALVE AT END OF FILL HOSE 7. OPEN 80% LIQUID FILL VALVE ON TANK 8. FILL UNTIL LIQUID APPEARS, THEN CLOSE 80% FILL VALVE 9. CLOSE VALVE ON END OF FILL HOSE IMMEDIATELY 10. SHUT PROPANE PUMP "OFF" 11. DISCONNECT FILL HOSE FROM TANK 12. CLOSE MAIN VALVE AT STORAGE TANK DO NOT OVERFILL I have understood the written instructions set forth and have performed the transfer operation, under supervision, at least three (3) full cycles. SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: t ~ LOE~¥i"'£ON !:3i~sZ4~i C-f' BL..',;D HftZ,~RD i:~,~Tii',tG 5 i. OVERVIEg LAST CHANGE tt/0S/87 8Y ESTER JURiS CODE ZtS-009 JURIS BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 MAP PGGE IZ~ GRID ;SC FACILITY UNITS t HGZERO RATING ~ RESPONSE SUMM~RY_~-,'~.~)L~ ~i~O~]~q 5~~, ZA SEC 4) PHIL STAUSE. LOUIS HENGESTA & ~iLL EMERGENCY CONTACTS ZA SEC -- -"~_~,z,~\l~,~ j.t~--.r, lB~._ FACILITY MGR - OnRRELL HAYES - O.S.M. - UTILITY' SHUTOFFS Z~ SEC ~) 0~ ~) PR~NE - OUTSI~ WEST WGLL SOUTH ENO OF 8L~ B) ELECTRICAL - ~ST WALL SOUTH ENO ~ 8L~ - INSIDE W~EHOUSE C) W~TER - SOUTHENO OF BL~ OUTSIDE WEST SIDE OF ~CEPTIQN nRE~ O) SPECIAL - EME~ENCY SHUT OFF NORTH ENO OF ~OTIFIC~ION / PUBLIC EVGCU~TION < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > PAGE t IZ/I$18B OB:lS M~TERI~tL SAFETY DET5 SYSI'EHS., INC. (885) G48-5800 ~ ' ~ LOC~qTION ~Z;,} O]~,~,TRIC'.r~ BLUO H~Z~Rt] qBTING 3 3. HBZ HBT TR~tJ'~iNG SUHHRRY ~i _ ' < NO !NFO~MfiTION RECORDED FOR THiS SECTION > PF~GE Z ]Z/~1S/88 FAB:lS HFtTERIr~L SAFETY DFtTR SYSTEHS, INC. (805) IS48-E]800 t_OC~¥FiON B~Z,:~ :T 8LVi3 H~Z~RD ~A'FING 5 FACILITY UNiT (~1 t L~ST CHBI~E ~ ~ ID TYPE N~HE M~)( ~H'[ UNIT H~Z~RD L OCATi ON C ONT~ I NMENT USE ! PURE PROPANE 14~B3 GAL EXTREME BEHIND WBREHOUSE ~BOVE GROUNO TANKS FUEL ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LIST I 1SS.BZ 18~,~ PR~BNE EXTREME Z PURE COOLANT 188 GBL LOW SW WAREHOUSE WALL PLBST!C CONTAINER[S~ COOLANT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HBZ~RD LIST 1~8G. ~ 1 ~, 8 DI CHLORODI FLUOROMETH~NE LOW ~ PU~ MOTOR OIL ~AL UNKNOWN SW WAREHOUSE WALL PLASTIC CONTAINER[S] OIL TREATMENT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZBRD LIST 2B88.~ ~.8 MOTOR OIL UNKNOWN LRST CHRNGE BY ' < NO !NFO.~TI'_ON F;F~0R~P FDR TNTR ~EETION > PBGE 3 tZ/tB/88 OB:IS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (80S) 548-8800 LOC~¥TION G~Z~) Ol STRI CT BLVD HFtZ~-~RD iq~T!NG ~l EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION / EVACUATION LRST CHANGE it/~5/87. BY ESTEr1 SEC 2) ~ERBAL INSTRUCTIONS - WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEES TO SHUT OFF PROPMNE, GA~, ~ATER, UTILITIES. OFFICE STAFF TO C~LL $11. ~LL E~LOYEES ON SITE TO MEET ON F~ONT L~WN. LAST CH~4N6E 1 · · 2A SEC 1') PROPANE TANK HAS AN AUTO SHUT OFF IF IT GETS TO HOT. WAREHOUSE MAN TO SHUT OFF ELECTRICAL, PROPANE i GAS. PAGE 4 1Z/1G/88 0B:1% MATERIAL SAFETY DA'FA SYSTEMS, INC. (80S) G48-G8t~O BAKERSFIELD CI ~ FIRE DE PAR 21~0 "G" S~EET B~ERSFIELD , CA 9~01 (805) 326-3979 ~ ~ HAZARDOUS gTERI ALS BUSINESS Pn~ AS a WHOLE FORM ~A INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA m. USI ESS AME: _ C IT~~e~'~-~-~ ZIP: ~~ BUS.PHONE: SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emerMency involvinM the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 91! and 1-800-852-7850 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WI~0LE E. LOCK BOX: YES--IF YES, 'LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS7 YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSIST~ICE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A ~IOLE SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED T0 HAVE A PROGR~M WHICH PROVIDES ~MPLOYEES WITH INITIAL REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES 0R N0 INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS .MATERIALS: . . .~ .................................... ~ NO YES NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... NY~ YES NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. ~ .N~N0 YES NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. . YES NO E. DO YOU .MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... YES N~ YES ~0 SECTION ?: F~AZARDOUS ~ATERIAL CIRCLE (~ OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS ~TERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID. $5 GALLONS OF A LIQUID'. OR 200 CUBIC FEET-'~F A C0MPRESSED'G%S:...-.~7'- YES' NO I, ~ ~3~ , certify that the above information is accurate' I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obliMations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. Z0 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500'Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury - 2B - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY BUSI NESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as .possible. SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVEN"rION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS b'~'IT 0N~LY SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS U~JIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials? ...... YES NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are an~ of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES NO If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marke~d,:, NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form ~4A-1) If Yes, com~'l,,ete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ~LY (yell. ow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. L only,' the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: ,PRIVATE FIRE ECTION SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY USE BY RESPONDERS SECTION 6: LOCAT-ION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS UNIT ONLY. A. NAT. GAS../PROPAN~'~ B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: YES SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs? YES ," ~0 FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES ,,," XO - 3B - I.D. # FORM 4A-1 Page NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS I~[ATE R I ALS INVENTORY ' BUSINESS NAME: -~-QCO-,~-DLl ~r~c~, OWNER NAME: ~~ -~~~, FACILITY UNIT ADDRESS: ~ ~}~,~ ~/~p ADDRESS: F.O- ~ . FACILITY UNIT NAME:q~ . CITY, ZIP:~~)&}~. ~ ~)~ CITY,ZIP:~~ ~ ~ pHONE ~: ~ ~ ~5~ PHONE ~: ~%%-~)-q~ mOFF]C]AL USE CFIRS CODE { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL COST USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME. CODE GUIDE EMERUENCY CONTACT:~ ~e~J ~ITI, E:~od),'~lt '~ ' PHONE { BUS HOURS: ~ ~ERGENCY CONTACT:~~}%--" ~S TITLE~ PHONE , BUS HOURS: %~ PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: ~~C ~ ~~ AFTER BUS HRS: ~ - 4A-1 - SITE/FACILITY DIAGRAM FORM NORTH SCALE:r~ -~ BUSINESS NAME!~_~ % % _ FLOOR: N~E:' ~ CCHECK ONE) SXTE D[AGR.~'[ ~ (Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- SITE D IAGRAN items) 1. Address: Identify the 9. Lock (key) Box ', principle buildings by the Street numbers. 10. MSDS Storage Box 2. Street(s}, Alleys, 11. Railroad Tracks Driveways, and Parking Areas adjacent to the 12. Fence or Barrier property. Include the a. Wire street names. b. Masonry 3. Storm Drains, Culverts, Yard Drains c. Wood 4. Drainage Canals, Ditches, d. Oates Creeks, 13. Powerltnes 5. Buildings a. Frame construction 14. Guard Station b, Masonry construction 15, Storage Tanks: Identify the c. Metal construction capacity In gal. a. Above ground d. Access Door .......... b, Underground ....... 6. Utility Controls a. Gas 16. Diking or Berm b. ~lectrtclty 17. Evacuation Route c. Water 18. Evacuation Area: Identify the 7. Fire Suppression Systems: location where a. Fire Hydrants employees will meet. b, Fire Sprinkler 19, Outside Hazardous Connections Waste Storage c. Fire Standpipe 20. Outside Hazardous Connections Material Storage d. Water Control Valves 21. Outside Hazardous for protection systems Material Use/Handling e. Fire Pump 22, Type of Hazardous Material/Waste Stored 8. Fire Department Access or Used (See Below) TYPE OF ~AZARDOUS MATERIAL P = Flammable g = Explosive L - Liquid , R - Radtologlcal ...... C --Corroslve~ ..... O~;---Ox!di. zer~---O-=- Oas-- -'- ? ; Poison ...... Water Reactive T = Toxic $ = Solid H = Cryogenic D = Waste B - Etiological Example: Flammable Liquid - FL ., FACILITY DIAGRAM (Required Items in addition to the above) 1. Risers for Sprinklers 8. Fire Escapes 2. Partitions 9. Air Conditioning Units 3, Stairways: Indicate the 10, Windows levels served from highest to lowest. 11. Inside Hazardous Waste Storage 4. Escalator: Indicate the levels served from 12. Inside Hazardous highest to lowest. Materials Storage 5, Elevator -13, Inside Hazardous Materials Use/Handling 6, Attic Access 14. S~wer Drain Inlets 7. Skylights Frito-Lay, Inc. February 16, 1988 RE: Tier 2 Report Form Submittal Dear Sir: As required by Section 312 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, Frito-Lay is submitting the attached Tier 2 Report Form for our facility located at: Frito-Lay, Inc. 6320 District BlV.~L_3 Bakersfield, CA A copy of this notification is being sent under separate cover to the State Emergency Response Commission with an additional copy for the Local Emergency Response Commission. Please direct any questions concerning this transmittal to the facility manager or designated facility coordinator at the above address. Sincerely, FRITO-LAY, INC. Project Engineer Environmental Stystems cc: Facility CRTK File State Emergency Response Commission Local Emergency Response Commission P.O. BOX 660634 · DALLAS, TEXAS 75266-0634 · (214) 624-7000 FL--4537- 01 ln/ormation Important: Read all instructions before completing Corm · Reporting Period Fr~ January 1 to D~em~r  Im~late {acute) that apply: Pure Mil Solid Liquid Gas S~ret I I Fire Sudden" Release ~ :: I' Chem. ~ame of Pressure ' ~ Dela~ {chr~lc} hecg all Pure $~ret I I Fire " Chem. Name of Pressure Delay~ (chr~lc) that apply: ~re Mix ~lld Liquid Gas I cerll~ u~ ~nalty of law that I have ~s~ally enamln~ a~ am familiar with t~ Inf~matl~ su~lt{~ In this a~ all attach~ ~u~nts, a~ that bas~ ~ my I~ulry of I~Se I~l~,duals res~slble f~ ~alnlng the In,ormatl~, I ~lleve that the su~ltl~ I'nl~mallon Is ~, accurate, a~ complete/ __ ~ave attac~ a site plan ® Frito-Lay, Inc. OCT October 16, 1987 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 ! RE: C~l~iical T,'~fC. Notification Fire Depa~-:~-t with an additional c:ztm2' for the Local Emergency Response Agency. Please direct any questions concerning these materials to the facility manager or designated facility coordinator at the above address. In addition add the facility to your mailing list on any future correspondence concerning SARA Title III Ommumity-Right-To-Know regulations or activity. Sincerely, FRITO-LAY, INC. Robert J. Sherman Section Manager Environmental Ccmplaince cc: Facility CRTK File Local Fire Department Local Emerg~ Response Agency CT600020/i October 12, 1987,.o. BOX 600634 · DALLAS, TEXAS 75266-0634 ' (214) 024-7000 FL--4537-A FRITO-LAY, [NC SARA TITLE [[[ CHEMICAL LIST EECE.IV£.n, "-" Ans'd Item No. Description Hazard CategoryI Numerical Legend 1 = Fire Hazard 2 = Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard 3 = Reactivity Hazard 4 = Acute Health Hazard 5 = Chronic Health Hazard