HomeMy WebLinkAbout529 DELORES_KERN ROCK CO UNDERGROUND TANK ...... -. .... For ~' ~ ~:" - - £' : KERN ROCK COMPANY~ '-' . :-_ _~ ~ .... -_ _ · '~- ' - ::(~: 529 Delores Street - . ~; ':; -._ z - ' I HEKIMIAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 16692 Gothard St. Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714~ 841-6288 I ENVIRONMENTAL EN(JINEERS' CONTRACT'ORS FAX (714} 848-2603 CA CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE #5005o3 I FILE NO. 1892S July 1, 1992 Agency File No. I BR-0040 I BAKERSFIELI~ FIRE DEPARTMENT Hazardous Material Division '. · 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 I Attention: usT Inspector Subject: UNDERGROUND TANK CLOSURE AT KERN ROCK CO, 529 DELORES .I ST, BAKERSFIELD~ CA 93307 Reference: DISPENSER ISLAND REMOVAL SAMPLING, KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES I INC. JUNE 29~ 1992 "l Dear .UST Inspector: i .On 'June 8, 1992, in accordance with Bakersfield Fire Department Permit No. BR-0040, Hekimian & Associates, Inc. as consultant to K. E. Curtis Construction Co. ( the general contractor ), completed the sampling and subsequent chemical analyses of the soil samples I obtained following the removal of the below listed underground storage tanks: , I Two (2) 10,000 gallon diesel tanks I One (1) 5,000 gallon unleaded tank I One (1) 1,000 gallon fresh oil tank One (1)~ 500 gallon waste oil tank In accordance with regulatory agency requirements, soil samples were taken from below I the tank inverts, and below the pump island at locations indicated in Figure 1. The samples were placed in pre-cleaned glass jars (completely filled without head space), capped with I teflon-lined caps, sealed with tape and marked to identify the samples, then placed in an ice-filled chest and taken to a state certified testing laboratory for designated testing (laboratory reports and chain-Of-custody form attached). Table 1 lists the soil samples I laboratory test results. ! ! Office ,~ Building ,. ~ ! Service~ ~ ,v ;-~- Bay . Concrete EB5-C-9' I ~ . ' . EB1-.N-12' 'Gat~ ~ ~., ~ ,Pump Island ~ -N-16 ._ --i ~ ~ ~ Eb4-C-13 . ./.'-7- ~ ~ I I , - EB3-~-i~ -- I EB1-S-16' ~ E,B3-E-16 ' ~ 8:o'Ck' Processing plant I : ~ Note: Tank Nos. 1 & 2 - 10,000 gallon diesel tanks ~ Tank No. 3 - 5,000 gallon fresh oil tank . ~ 000 gallon gasoline tank , Tank No. 4 - 1,500  ~ ~nk No. 5 - ~]]m~ w~ HEKIMIAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ST~ Gemini ~ (714) I CONSULTING ENClNEERS AND ENVIRONME~AL P~NERS F~X {714} ~-2~ KERS ROCK CO. 6/11/92 F~gure 1 529.Delores St., Bakersfield, CA 93385 I Site Plan showing soil sample locations I Page Three FILE NO. 1892S July 1, 1992 Table 1 - Laborato~ Test Results Sample'I.D. Description Test Method Results (ppm) EB5-C-9' Bottom of Tank No. 5 EPA 418.1 ND excavation, center, EPA 8020 ND 9' below grade EPA 7420 ND EB5-C-13' Bottom of Tank No. 5 EPA 418.1 ND excavation, center, EPA 8020 ND 13' below grade EPA 7420 EB4-C-9' Bottom of Tank No. 4 EPA 8020 ND excavation, center, EPA 8015M ND 9' below grade EB4-C-13' Bottom of Tank No. 4 EPA 8020 ND excavation, center, EPA 8015M ND 13' below grade PI-4' Pump Island, 4' below EPA 8020 ND grade EPA 8015M ND EPA 8015E 510 EB3-W-16' Bottom of Tank ~o. 3 EPA 418.1 ND excavation, west, 16' below grade E~3-E-16' Bottom of Tank No. 3 EPA 418.1 ND excavation, east, 16' below grade EB3-E-12' Bottom of Tank No. 3 EPA 418.1 ND excavation, east, 12' below grade EB3-W-12' Bottom of Tank No. 3 EPA 418.1 ND excavation, west, 12' below grade EB2-S-16' Bottom of Tank No. 2 EPA 8020 ND eXcavation, south, EPA 8015E ND 16' below grade EB2-N-16' Bottom of Tank No. 2 EPA 8020 ND excavation, north, EPA 8015E ND 16' below grade · Page Four FILE NO. 1892S July 1, 1992 Table 1 - Laboratory Test Results Sample I.D. Description Test Method Results (ppm) EB2-S-12' Bottom of Tank No. 2 EPA 8020 ND excavation, south, EPA 8015E ND 12' below grade · EB2-N-12' Bottom of Tank No. 2 EPA 8020 ND excavation, north, EPA 8015E ND 12' below grade EB1-S-16' Bottom of Tank No. 1 EPA 8020 ND excavation, south, EPA 8015E ND 16 ' below grade EB1-N-16' Bottom of Tank No. 1 EPA 8020 ND excavation, north, EPA 8015E ND 16, below grade EB1-S-12' Bottom of Tank No. 1 EPA 8020 ND excavation, south, EPA 8015E ND 12' below grade' EBi~N-12'- Bottom of Tank No. 1 EPA 8020 ND excavation, north, EPA 8015E ND 12' below grade r ~Prior to removal, the tanks were triple-rinsed by Palmer Vacuum Services and the rinsate transported under Manifest No2 89415636 (manifest attached) to an approved disposal site. The tanks were approved for removal by Bakersfield Hazardous Division Inspector. After removal, the tanks were transported to Golden State Metals, Inc. for disposal (tank disposal form attached). Based on the sample results and our observations, we recommend approval of the closure report for the tank excavation and further recommend that the installation of the new double - wall tanks begin in this excavation. Page Five FILE NO. 1892S July 1, 1992 However, because the soil samples test results at the pump island, taken at 4 ft below grade, indicated a level of contamination above the cleanup action level, we await instructions on further action. In the meantime, IL E. Curtis Construction Co. retained Krazan & Associates, Inc., a consulting firm, to take an additional sample under the pump island. This report ( Reference 1 ) will be sent to you under separate cover. Very truly· yours, HEKI - A Kenneth K. Hekimia~ s/dent .......... Pre · cc:Dennis York, K. E. Curtis Construction Co. Dennis Ryman, Kern Rock Co. I I 1 I ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL, INC.' I 3002 DOW, SUITE 532 TUSTIN, CA 92680 (714) 832~064 FAX (714) 832~O67 I Hekimian & Associates, Inc. Client Project ID: K.E. Curtis/Kern Rock Co. ATTN: Dr. Ken Hekimian Client Projec,t ~: 1892S 16692 Gothard St. iHuntington Beach,!CA 92647 Analysis Method: EPA 5030 / 8020 I Sampled : 06-08-92 Sample Description: Soil Received: 06-09-92 Analyzed: 06-09-92~ ILaboratoryReference #: HAI 1963 Reported: 06-10-92 AROMATIC VOLATILE ORGANICS (EPA 8020) ! Laboratory Client Dichloro- Ethyl Total Surrogate I sample Sample Benzenes Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Recovery Number Number ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg TFT* (RRb) (RRb) (RRb) (RRb) (ppb) (%) ! !9206097 EB5-C-9' N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 95 9206098 EB5-C-13 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 89 19206106 EB2-s-16 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 91 9206107 EB2-S-12 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 91 9206108 EB2-N-16 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 95 9206109 EB2-N-12 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 90 9206110 EB1-S-16 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 91 1 9206111 EB1-S-12 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 90 9206112 EB1-N-12 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 91 9206113 EB1-N-16 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 89 I Detection Limit: 15 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 IAnalytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. * alpha, alpha, alpha-triflourotoluene iORANGE COAST ANALyTIcAL I Ma~rk~N~oor~ · Laboratory Director I I ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL, INC. I . 3002 DOW, SUITE 532 TUSTIN, CA 92680 (714) 832-0064 FAX (714) 832-0067 I Hekimian & Associates, Inc. Client Project ID: K.E. Curtis/Kern Rock Co. ATTN: Dr. Ken Hekimian Client Project ~: 1892S 16692 Gothard St. I Huntington Beach, CA 92647 IAnalysis Method: EPA 5030 / 8015m / 8020 Sampled : 06-08-92 Sample Description: Soil Received: 06-09-92 Analyzed: 06-09-92 ILaboratoryReferenc~: HAI 1963 Reported: 06-10-92 IVOLATILE FUEL HYDROCARBONS WITH BTEX DISTINCTION (EPA 8015m/8020) ILaboratory Client Volatile Fuel Ethyl Total Surrogate Sample Sample Hydrocarbons Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Recovery Number Number ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg TFT* i(ppb) (ppb) (RRb) (ppb) (ppb) (%) 9206099 EB4-C-9' N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 93 '19206100 EB4-C-13' N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 93 9206101 'PI-4' N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D 92 / I.Detection Limit: 5000 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Volatile Fuel Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. I Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from C6 to C15. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. I * alpha, alpha, alpha-triflourotoluene iORANGE COgST ANALYTICAL Mark Nooranl Laboratory Director ! I ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL, INC. I 3002 DOW, SUITE 532 TUSTIN, CA 92680 ' (714) 832~O64 FAX (714) 832~O67 IHekimian & Associates, Inc. Client Project ID: K.E. Curtis/Kern Rock Co. ATTN: Dr. Ken Hekimian Client Project ~: 1892S 16692 Gothard St. i H untington Beach, CA 92647 Sampled :06-08-92 Sample Description: Soil Received: 06-09-92 IAnalyzed: 06-09-92 Laboratory Reference #: HAI 1963 Reported: 06-10-92 I TOTAL PETROLEUM FUEL HYDROCARBONS (EPA 8015m) I Laboratory Client Extractable Sample Sample Hydrocarbons Number - Number ( mg / k g ) I 9206106 EB2-S-16 N.D. 9206107 EB2-S-12 N.D.~ I 9206108 EB2-N-16 N.D. I 9206109 EB2-N-12 N.D. 9206110 EB1-S-16 N.D. I 9206111 EB1-S-12 N.D. 9206112 EB1-N-12 N.D. I 9206113 EB1-N-16 N.D. I Detection Limit: 8.0 I Extractable Hydrocarbons are .quantitated against a diesel standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from C7 to C30. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. I I ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL Mark Noorani Laboratory Director I 3002 DOW, SUITE 532 TUSTIN, CA 92680 (714) 832-0064. FAX (714) 832-0067 I Hekimian & AsSociates, Inc. Client Project ID: K.E. Curtis/Kern Rock Co. ATTN: Dr. Ken Hekimian client Project #: 1892S 16692 Gothard St.. I Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Sampled : 06-08-92 samPle Description: Soil Received: 06-09-92 Analyzed: 06-10-92 I Laboratory Reference ~: HAI 1963 Reported: 06-10-92 ITOTAL LEAD (EPA 7420) I Laboratory Client Sample Sample Sample Result Number. Number . mg/kg I (ppm) I 9206097 EB5-C-9' N.D. I9206098 EB5-C-13' N.D. I Detection Limit: 1.0 I Analyte' reported as N.D. was not present above the stated limit of detection. I , ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL Mark Noorani i Laboratory Director ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL, INC. 3002 DOW, SUITE 532 TUSTIN, CA 92680 (714) 832-0064 FAX (714) 832-0067' I Hekimian & Associates, Inc. Client Project ID: K.E. Curtis/Kern Rock Co. ATTN: Dr. Ken Hekimian Client Project #: 1892S 16692 Gothard St. IHuntington Beach, ~CA 92647 iAnalysis Method: 418.1 (I.R. with clean-up) Sampled : 06-08-92 Sample Description: Soil Received: 06-09-92 Analyzed: 06-09-92 ILaboratory Reference #: HAI 1963 Reported: 06-10-92 ITOTAL RECOVERABLE HYDROCARBONS ~ Laboratory Client Extractabie Sample Sample Hydrocarbons Number Number rog~kg (ppm) 9206097 EB5-C-9~' N.D. 9206098 EB5-C-13 ' N.D. 9206102 EB3-W-16 ' N.D. 9206103 EB3-W-12 ' N.D. 9206104 EB3-E-12 ' N.D. 9206105 EB3-E-16 ' N.D. IDetection Limit: 8.0 I Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. IORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL Mark Noorani Labor.atomy Director ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAl., INC. 3002 DOW, SUITE 532 TUSTIN, CA 92680 (714) 832-0064 FAX (714) 832-0067 Q C DATA REPORT I Analysis: Lead (EPA 7420) -Date of Analysis: 06/09/92 I Laboratory Sample No.: 9206098 ILaboratory Reference No: HAI 1963 Analyte Ri SP MS MSD PR1 PR2 RPD I(ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) % % % I Lead 0 1000 947 1034 94.7 103.4 8.7 Definition of Terms: Ri Results of First Analysis Spike Concentration Added to Sample MS Matrix Spike Results MSD Matrix~Spike Duplicate Results ~ PR1 Percent Recovery of MS: (MS - Ri) / SP X 100 PR2 Percent Recovery of MSD: (MSD - RI) / SP X 100 RPD ~Relative Percent Difference: {(MS - MSD)/(MS + MSD) X 100 X 2 I oRANGE COAST ANALYTICAL' Mark Noorani ILaboratory Director ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL, INC. I 3002 DOW, SUITE 532 TUSTIN, CA 92680 (714) 832~064 FAX (714) 832~067 I.Q C DATA REPORT I Analysis: TPH by 'Extraction / 8015m IDate of Analysis: 06/09/92 Laboratory Sample No.: 9206110 I Laboratory Reference No.: HAI 1963 Analyte RI SP MS MSD PR1 PR2 RPD I (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) % % % I Hydrocarbons 0 100 86 96 86 96 11 IDefinition of Terms: i ~ R1 Results of First Analysis , 'g SP Spike Concentration Added to Sample MS Matrix Spike Results IMSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Results PR1 Percent Recovery of MS': (MS - Ri) / SP X 100 PR2 Percent Recovery of MSD: (,MSD - R1) / SP X 100 iRPD Relative Percent Difference: ((MS - MSD)/(MS + MSD)). X 100 X 2 Note: No contamination in method blank I ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL Mark Noorani ILaboratory Director ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL, INC. I 3002 DOW, SUITE 532 TUSTIN, CA 92680 I(714) 832~064 FAX (714) 832~067 IQ C DATA REPORT Analysis: TPH by Method 418.1 ~ I Date of Analysis: 06/09/92 Laboratory sample No.: 9206097 I Laboratory Reference No.: HAI 1963 · Analyte Ri SP MS MSD PR1 PR2 RPD · (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) % % % I Hydrocarbons 0 100 104 97 104 .97 7 Definition of Terms: R1 Results of First Analysis SP spike Concentration Added to Sample MS Matrix Spike Results IMSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Results PR1 Percent Recovery of MS: (MS - Ri) / SP X 100 PR2 Percent Recovery of MSD: (MSD - RI) / SP X 100 IRPD Relative Percent Difference: ((MS - MSD)/(MS + MSD)} X 100 X 2 I Note: No contamination in method blank ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL ' Mark Noorani Laboratory Director I 3002 DOW, SUITE 532 TUSTIN, CA 92680 (714) 832~064 FAX (714) 832~067 I Q C DATA REPORT Analysis: EPA 5030 / 8015m / 8020 I D ate of Analysis: 06/09/92 Laboratory Sample No.: 9206099 I Laboratory Reference No.: HAI 1963 I Analyte ~ Ri SP MS MSD PR1 PR2 RPD (ppb) (ppb),~ (ppb) (ppb) % % % I B enzene 0 20.0 19.9 19.5 100 98 2 Toluene 0 20.0 20.2 19.8 101 99 2 I Ethylbenzene 0 20.0 19.9 19.6 100 98 2 iGasoline 0 250 245 248 98 99 1 IDefinition of Terms: Ri Results of First Analysis ISP Spike Concentration Added to Sample MS Matrix Spike Results MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate Results PR1 Percent Recovery of MS: (MS - Ri) / SP X 100 Iof MSD: - Ri) / SP X 100 PR2 Percent Recovery (MSD RPD Relative Percent Difference: ((MSD - MS)/(MSD + MS)) X 100 X 2 I I Note: No contamination in method blank I ORANGE COAST ANALYTICAL Mark Noorani iLaboratory Director CHAIN OF CUSTODY ! REQUEST FOR ANALYSIS .... ... ., Sample Samlde CorltahtM # of Sampling Preservatives DescHI)tion Matrix Type Cont DSte/Time ' ' [~.c_l.~' ~..,, ~, (//2 '" f¢4--c-,~,' ~' ,~o ' ' .7,'7( ¢.:8q-C- I 3' r,~r/ /r' (, . - ~ ,",g.,'f, X ,","X' X ~ s-~.,~.(c.' ,~ ,: .,.-,.: .-,... 4, ,x: _x. Relinquished By: Date/Time: R wed : / ([ Date/'l-m~e: Turnaround Time: (check) ~ DateFl-ume: 48 hours 5 days.~ Relinquished By: Date/Time: R ~ normal ~ Relinqui~ted By: Date/Time: Received By: Date/Time: Sam4)le integrity: (check] :, intact on ~ Ail samples rerna~ the property of the client who is respcmadble for disposed. A disposal fee may' be imposed if dkmt fails to pickup samlde~. CHAIN OF CUSTODY I RJ~QUEST FOR ANALYSIS e~ ~: . / ¢~ ~ t~: ~ ~ ,, ~ ...... Somme ~e ~inm l of ~mplbg ~w~es ~ Desc~fion ~t ~"~/ Type O~,~ ... . .... ~,_s_~t ~d,'J ~.,~ ~ ~~' ~ ~ ~ /~ X~ Relinquish~ By: / ~ D~emm: / ' ~~ ~: ~ f' [ ~emme: Tumaround*ime: (ch~k) Rel~qu~ed ~: D~e~: Dat~me: ~ hour__ 5 da~__ '~ Re~qu~e~. By: ~~: R~~ ~: Date~e: Sa~ in.gr.: (~ecffi ~' ~ on ~ ~ ~ ~ m~ ~e p~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ r~~ tor d~. A dh~ ~ ~' be ~ ~ d~t ta~ ~ p~P ~m~. 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~~// (805) 326-3979 ~ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMINATION I I, ~)~/U~oy~/ ~ i~,t/~'~O,~? an' authorized agent of name I /<~ ~W/~'contracting co. here by 'attest under~ penalty of I perjury that the tank(s)located at ~ ~/ />~'~~address -~ and being removed under permit# .,/~--~,~/~ has been I cleaned/decontaminated properly and a LEL (lower explosive limit) I reading of no greater than 5% was measured immediately following the cleaning/decontamination process. I n~me (print) ignature I I I i  Bakersfield. Fire Dept. PERMIT ~.~- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION ..... UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM i Zh.' '-,;..',; 7 L" L ~, .... , ''-' '/; I PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE ~l~.l,.I ~,,OC.-/~ ADDRESS ~.~J' J)G-d_.ot--~;~ ZIP CODE ~z~,~"" APN I FACILITY NAME K.~D-~ I~oC.-i~__ CROSS STREET T~ (.~F:,.~ TANK OWNER/OPERATOR K ~P--~ ?-, OC.,,~.,. PHONE NO. ~f- ~-~' MAILING ADDRESS ?~ DG-~oR.~ .gq", CITY]~h~._er...S~-,~u~ ZiP CODE. I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY ~..,~_~-C,~'T'~, Co~4.~q'. Co. PHONE No~_.~')~i~.'b~'l-l-~ LICENSE No. ~ol %'-1 o O I ADDRESSJ~-loo e/.-~ ~.o~o ~_p. C'ITYtv~;v/~,~f-.~ f.","~'/~.ZIP CODE '"1 INSURANCE CARRIER /~.r~h-/~H'T- WORKMENS COMP No. vxtp-~l~-s'lG/,=~ PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY HC-,,K,e~tP~ '" ?,,~Sec.. PHONE No.~'I'') ~I'~;~GCmSENo. ~'l~ ADDRESS ~'~J ~1'~; b~ . CI~ ~T,J,~ ~CODE INSURANCE CARRIER b0~O& b F b~Do~' WORKMENSCOMP No. ~-~-~ TANK CLEANING INFORMATION - r_ .~ COMPANY ~.g. ~b~ ~u'b~jM ~ PHONE ADDRESS ~%~ I ~P~G~ ~r~- ' Cl~ ~oP-~-~c~ zip CODE WASTE TRANSPORTER IDEN~IFICATION NUMBER D~ NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILI~ D~&~o ADDRESS CI~ ~p~G~ ZIP CODE FAClLI~INDENTIFICATIONNUMBER ~O~ooi'5~ TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY~.G. ~,~ Go~S~- C'o PHONE N~ H~I-o~LICENSE No.~ ADDRESS I~o~ o~ G,~ ~. CI~ ~L~ p~IPCODE TANK DESTINATION . C~ocl)~M 57~ ~cT~ TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE 'VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE A~ACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. T~M HAS BEEN COMPLIED UNDER PENAL~ OF PERJU~Y, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNO~EDG~ IS TRU~AND'~ORRECL 'APPROVED BY: ~ APPLICANT NAME (PRIN~ APPLICANT SIGNATURE ...THi~pPLIC&TION_BECOMES A PERMIT_WHEN APPROVED -MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "CI~ OF BAKERSFIELD" Department of Health Serwces te of California---Health and Welfare Agency Toxic Substances Control Division Approved OMB No. 2050----0039 (Expires 9-30-91),. SacramentO, California I lase print or type. (Form Oestgnea rot use on etlre { t~'p~{[;n ~ypuwH~=~,,.  1 ~ Manifest 2. Page 1 ~ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~. Generator's US EPA ID No. Document No Information in the shaded areas WASTE MANIFEST ~lAlnl 01 013 1217 ~, 17 ~ ..~1~1~ IO1~ of 6 is nol required by Federal law. 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address A. State Manifest Document Number 89 415.6 3 6 o~oc, ~.o~E~l,~ C8. 733~q S. State Generator's lO Post Offic~ ~ox .... .~,:~, ......................... , 5. Transpoder 1 Company Name 6. US EPA IO Number C. State Transpoder's ID - ' Transpoder's Phone . 7. Transpofler 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number E. St~le Tranapofler'a ID 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address .10. US EPA ID Number G. State Facility's ID · Gibson ~viror:~er~tat I I I I I I I I I I I I End of Co,..,a...r...1,. 1 DfC. Va H. Facility's Phone ~akersfield, Co. ~33;~a ~ I' {~ D ~ [} ~3 1q 13 3-I7 17 805-323-217~ 12. Containers 13. Total 14. I. Quantity Unit Waste No. 1. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) No. Type Wt/Vol "'NON RCP~ .AZA,.. ..... . 'I ~ u~c ~,TASTE LIQUID 223 EPA/Other E ') p 6 r F Ol{Iq~lO ' EPA/~her ~ ~ I I I I I I I O State EPA/Other I I I II I I State d' .. EPA/~her I I ~ I ~ I I J. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above K. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above a. b. I. .. Instructions and Additional Information ~5. Special Handling 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transpod by highway according to applicable international and national government regulations. Il t am a large quantity generator, I certify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, if I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good faith effo~ to minimize my waste Oenerati°nandselectthebestwaste~anagementmeth°dthatisavai!ablet°~e'a~dthatlcanaff°rd' ' ~ ..... I Signatur /' "} /" ~ Month Day Year Printed/Typed Name ~ 'Z~ ~ ~/' ' /' / T .17, Transpoder 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials ,~ /' / / ~ R ~ ~ Month Day Year ~ Leron Pa,~']e ~~-.- .- ~ 1.5, I01q I° I" ~ 18. Transpoder 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt Of Materials ~ F / 19. Discrepancy Indication Space  20. Facility Owner or Operator Ce~ification of receipt of hazardou~ materials covered by thi~ manifest except aa noted in ttom 19. ,11 I Signature [ ] ' ] [ ]M°nth Day Year 8022 A (1/88) Do Not Write Below This Line ~87o~22 . Blue= GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DAY~ ~. 9-88) P{evious editions are obsolete. ~o= P.O. ~x 4~, 5ocromento, CA g5812-0400 GOLDEN STATE METALS, INC. TANK DISPOSAL F°RM Phono (805) 327-355g ' Fa~ (nn~} ~27-574g Contractor's Scrap Mol~ls, Processin~ & Recycling License No. C=ntractor'e Pho~te No, COUN I Y:  NK INGDEC~ON LEAN & DRY (ACCEPT), OR s.32 ~0 ~ RESIDUALS pRESENT (REJECT) ~ LEL READING 3.28 ~ OXYGEN CONTENT . . DISPOSAL FEE ' SCRAP VALUE OTHER ~ TOTAL All fees incurred are per Icad unlesa specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms [hat tank remeval compiles with State laws. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION ~HI~t~ lUtERTtFY~CEIPTAND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(~) A~PECIFIEDABOVE' ALL MATCR1AL~DCOIFIEO~ILL GE COMPLETELY ~Oc~ ~o w~ co~aln Petwleum HydE. S? Yul ~ No ~ Re~ve CyniCs ~ S~fi~s of 1 ~ or mo~ y., ~ Tml ~a~lc n~t~ of l~ ppm ~t ~m? S No ~sM e~n _.~ fumi~ed afl ~ profile,