HomeMy WebLinkAbout529 DELORES_KERN ROCK CO UNDERGROUND TANK #2-C-03/14/03 Permit to Operate Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit, CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ' - ~,~,? ? i~,?~?!i~??.~,~ ,,~, This permit is issued for the following: ,' ]ssu~ by: ~~ B~er~field Fke D~a~ment Approv~ by: ' B~e~el& CA 93301 Voice {805) 32~3979 F~ (805)326-0576 Expiration Date:June 30. 2000 . . City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 An upgrade compliance certificate has been issued in connection with the operating permit for the facility indicated below. The certificate number on this facsimile matches the number on the certificate displayed at the facility. Instructions to the issuing agency: Use the space below to enter thc following information in the format of your choice: name of owner; name of operator;' name of facility; street address, city, and zip code of facility; facility identification number (from Form A); name of issuing agency; and date of issue. Other identifying information may be added as deemed necessary by the local agency. This permit is issued on this 2"d day of November, 1998 to:. CALMAT CO Permit #015-021-000579 529 Dolores St Bakersfield, California 93305 Fed~/~l-Regfilfitibns; thi~,d6~um~ht:m'a~ be implemented to meet subpart B} 'paragraph'280:2(~); CERTIFICATION OF ' The U.k. Labd and Sedal' fifi~b~r i~ ~ii'tfi'e t6~ ~fi'[eiiine o? the,~ Tile ifi~taile~.~hs~ inldaJ;fiil's~iion~~below representing SIZE ~n aaumns ~:~O,~':~mAE'fldm~eh' ": ':: ': that the installer has read, was cognizant of and has eom- 20,0OO '(:~:;';L ~);~¢}:"5 ~ 512 3 "~ pleted, as applicable¢ all sections.offthe PLASTEEL® .... - · ELUTRON~'¢'Tank Installation:: Instructions attached 5 }'.dO'0 ;{~;.:"~': '::'~:~':"" '~ "' :" Return completed form'to manufacturer to activite 1,000 L-:":' ~'~ :~( ~'h~:'~2'::' 3220¢3~ , , ,, . "' warranty,' ~ . 'COMPLETION LIBT - · ~:-~' I. VISUAL INSPECTION ,'- :'": ':, ~}.~ . ~ ADDRESS , ] ~-~ III. HANDLING : .."~,, ?'.'{4 . ~ - ,'~ IV. ~CAVATION DE'H, BEDDING AND BACKFILL,' '"' __ . CITY STATE ZIP : '~ ~ : ' ' . ' :,.~ELEPHONE : ,~ .,,,~:~.~; -. :~ ~: ...,:2: . '.. ~' : . '" ".~,. : '~ . ..'-":F :' .,:: : · ... ,: STaLLAT on_cb P LET b /SUPERWSOR.SS GnATURE . ......... ' :- ' ' '. .:' .--~- x,. ,-.:":':,,~-:~:.:'.;~.':'~,: :': .: :.'' ' ' VIII; PLASTEEL® SEALING PROCEDURES The responsible SuPSr~J~Br;S ~J~:~a~re'~'b~[b~.i:~rese,ts '., ' ' ' that hhases J thr0ugt~.Vili ~:pfbbe~i~:~ple~d'F~r the ·:, ~N~TALLATION DESCRIPTION PLASTEEC® ELUTRON~,ihSthlla'ti~h':[n~t'ra~tionS: '5 · ,' ' "'' ' ' : --"" PRINT'NAMB PLASTEEL* lANK OWNER YOUR:PLASIEEL® UFAC NAME -C'.~ 'f: ;'N~ ' ~' ,oo, ss .-: 1189 IndustrialAve '-'' FORM INST CERT--0292 ~"~'~'v' ' "' ' ' ' ~ ~:~ ~'~ A 1189 INDUSTRIAL AVENUE, EscONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92029 TELEPHONE {619) 745-0971 FAX (619} 746~9~.15 · q MANUFACTURERS OF DELIVERY TICKET '00 0/~.._ .......... A.P.I., AND UNDERWRITERS YOUR ' I TERMS OUR I DELIVERY ORDER 5?44: NET ~(':) INVOICE DATE NUMBER NUMBER BILL TO ' DELIVER TO K. E. CURTIS COMMERCIAL .PETROLEUM EQUIP. C/O KERN ROCK 7914 AJAY DR'. ' ,.195-DOLORES SUN.VALLEY, CA. 91~¢'~) BAKERSFIELD CA · PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY DESCRIPTION 1 SPECIAL 20,000 GALLON UNI)ERGROUND E.LUTRON PLASTEEL:~ DOUBLE WALL TANK. :"' ':"J':~ ".":': ....... ~-~.!'>-.' 1 5,.000 GALLON UNDERGROUND EI.,UTRON PI,ASTEE.Lt~ '":' ......... ~": ' "" DOUBLE WALl, TANK :..: 1 :SPECIAL 1,000 GALLON UNDERGt~OUND ELUTRON pLA'STE~~ DOUBLE WALL TANK . -. · ...... 3 PLASTEEL KIT(s,) W/' '[N.STA[,L.ATION..;INSTRUCTIONS .' IT IS HEREBY AGREED THAT THE LEGAL TITLE TO ALL MATERIAL ON THE ABOVE ORDER IS IN THE NAME OF JOOR MANUFACTURING !~C: AND SAID TITLE SHALL REMAIN SO UNTIL SAID MATERIAL IS PAID FOR IN FULL. BUYER AGREES THAT MATERIAL MAY BE REMOVED AT BUYER'S EXPENSE IF BALANCE IS UNPAID BY AGREED DATE. r~..~...~,,~,/>,.~' . ~ ' RECEIVED IN GOOD CONDITION EXCEPT AS NOTED. ACCEP J] ~ ,. DRIVER'S LOG ,MID- 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 NOON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOTAL ......................... : ....... i' Serial no's of ....... Serial he's of ............... ' tanks delivered tanks delivered Size Number Size . Number ,"¢~.~ /-.-'~ ~5-1,,;z~ '" Holiday tested at 35,000 volts ' ' Date ~-/')'' ~',Z ' : Pedormed By ~/i',,,., · ,f o~ ¢,r / Witnessed By _,-~~ _~-~'~'"//' ............... PLA TEEC® Double-Wail INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Tank I. GENERAL You ~nay set and securely anchor the ELUTRONmtank on ~llc pad with a miuimmn of 6" of backfill betxvcen tank bot- . The PLABTEEEL® EELUTRONTM underground tank tom ccnterline and the pad. Upon local implelnenting agency is a U.L. Listed Jacketed tank providing corrosion protection approval, you may set and securely anchor lhe and 360o secondary containment per U.L. 1746 and 58. ELUTRONTM tank directly on the smooth, fiat pad taking ELUTRONm underground tanks must be installed care to place a 12" wide x 1" thick piece of felt between tile according to these installation instructions, the latest issue of entire tank bottom centerline and the pad to minimize damage N.F.P.A., Painphlet 30 for underground tanks and local ira- during placement. Consult factory for other anchoring plementing agency regulations, techniques. Tlie installer and/or owner must read and be familiar with the entire installation instructions and Appendix A prior, to in- VI. TESTING stalling the ~I-UTI::IONTM tank. To activate the PRE-INSTALLATION: Aboveground, prior to replacement PLAI~TE~:L® IELUTRONTM Tank Warranty, a corn- . pleted and 'signed Certificate of Installation for Ihe of tank in excavation, precisely follow one of the three testing PLAEITEIEL® ,ELUTRONTM Underground Tank musl options cited iii Appendix A attached. Do not deviate from these be returned to the manufacturer. For additional installation procedures. If the ELUTRON'M tank is delivered with a references, consult the current editions of: vacuum on the interstice, the pre-installation test procedure is not required. -- Petroleum Equipnlent Institute, RP-100 -- American Petroleum Institute, RP-1615 CAUTION: IFOPTION #3 IS USED, DO NOT APPLY ANY I~RESSURE TO TIlE INTERSTICE BEFOP, E II. VISUAL INSPECTION THOROUGHLY UNDERSTANDIN(; AND FAiTHFUI. LY FOLLOWING TFIE PRO- Prior to setting tank iii hole, inspect exterior for damage. If CEDURES CITED IN OPTION #3 OF tank exterior is damaged, call factory regarding correct repair APPENDIX A. DAMAGE TO TANK MAY procedures. Exterior damage is indicated when the blue color OCCUR IF YOU DEVIATE FROM THE PRO- of the FRP laminate has shown a white fl'actured pattern. CEDURES AND SPECIFICATIONS. [ I [. HAND LING POST-INSTALLATION: Complete the back fill procedures . to tile top of tile tank. Complete all piping and connections Good construction engineering practice, common sense and ensuring that unused openings are secured tight with threaded safety must prevail during this phase.~:l..UTROIMTM tanks steel plugs. Apply a 5 pSIG pressure test iii the primary tank are not to be dropped or rolled off of the delivery vehicle onto and check for tightness of piping connections and tank manhole the ground or into the hole. The lifting hook or hooks provid- covers. Gauge should be checked prior to testing for accuracy ed must be used in combination with the proper capacity and have a maximum limit of 15 PSIG. unloading equipment. It is the responsibility of the owner to . CAUTION: THE PRIMARY TANK TEST PRESSURE provide the qualified personnel and safe, proper unloading SIIALL NOT EXCEED 5 PSIG. DAMAGE TO equipment, with specific consideration given to tank weight and TANK MAY OCCUR. ISOLATE PIPING reach distance to set tank in excavation. The preferred lifting FROM TANK BEFORE TES"I'ING THE cable included angle is 600 and must never exceed 120°. A spreader bar may be used to achieve this angle. PIPING AT HIGHER PRESSURES. The i{nerstice (annular spain,) Will be tested usifig~0ption #2 IV. EXCAVATION DEPTH~ or #3 itl Appendix A. BEDDING AND BACKFILL VII. VENTING Follow all local agency regulations. When excavating, allow The PRIMARY (inner) tank must always be vented to a minimum clearance of 6" for backfill around the tank. For atmosphere. The interstitial space does not require venting. minimum burial cover, consult N.F.P.A. 30. If burial cover.over However, local codes may require such interstitial venting. Cmn- top of tank exceeds five (5) feet, consult factory. Backfill ply with N.F.P.A. 30. ' materials should be clean native soils, sand or gravel, free of foreign debris. Hydrocarbon exposed backfill may be re-used CAUTION: DO NOT MANIFOLD YEN"I' FROM PRIMARY if approved by the local implementing agency. Allow a minimum TANK TO ' VENT FROM INTERSTFI'IA L of 12" of backfill be[ween traffic slab and all appertenances SPACE. that are attached to the tank. Damage to tank may occur if sur- VIII. PLASTEEL® DEALING face traffic loads are transmit'ted directly to tank. PROCEDURES V. ANCHORING BYEITEMB These procedures nmst be performed prior to complqtion of back fill and AFTER TESTING. To ensure c0mplcte corrosion CAUTION: The decision to use an anchoring system is the protection, the follmving instructions must be followed: responsibility of the owner. Damage to the tank may occur if the tank is subjected to movement, a. General instructions for. working with fiberglass resin By carefully perforlning the following steps, your Consult the factory for number, size and type Of holddown ELUTI::ION'''~ tank will be fully protected from corrosion. assembilies required when using .q. concrete pad under the l.qt]k. The kil inch,.des materials l;or covering and prolecting Iht ummcd tank connections tank handling hooks, and each ofthepipe connections on top of the tank. The ~L~T~L~ kit If you're not sure how fast it will set up, it is better to mix'several contains hazardous materials.' Read the enclosed material ~ small batches rather than one big one. safely sheels before Proceeding to work wilh d. Application ~L~T~L® kit materials. The standard kit includes the Using thc paint brush provided, DAB the resi, mi. xture into - following materials and tools: dm doth rather than painting it on. You are trying to completely BOX A soak die matting with resin, not just cover it. 4 each I Qt bottles ~L~T~L® resin l:each , Qt. bottle Resin emulsifier or Acetone 4 each I Oz. bottles Catalyst 6 each Star Mats e. Pipe and Risers 10 each Mat strips For standard threaded fittings: Apply resin to the base of the pipe and top of tank and push down the mattiag circle as 6 each Plug mats showu, hnpregnate with resin. 1-3 each 4" Flat pipe plugs hnpregnate the strips of matting and wrap like tape around fha joinl at the base and working upward. Apply any leftover 2 each Paint stirring sticks resin to the outside of the joints when done wrapping. 2 each IV2" Paint brushes For special boll-up flanges: Apply generous coating el' resin to exposed lnetal edges of flange and wrap with resin ira- 3 each Mixing cups prcgnatcd matting strips. Apply leftover resin to nuts and bolts. I each Sheet 60 grit sandpaper . 4 each Hook Mats Additional material is supplied when tank configured with containment collars, special fittings, tnanholes or extensiou b. Preparation Do not mix the catalyst with the resin until all the pieces you wish to impregnate have been fitted in place and the 1" strips of matting are laid out next to their corresponding pipe con- nect~ons. Once the resin and catalyst are mixed, a chemical teac- f. Steel Plugs lion begins that cannot be reversed. Working time for a mixed After fitting fiberglass matting, lift it up and apply mixed batch is about 30minutes at 700 F. Higher temperatures make resin Io linc top of lhe tank surface where the malting will con- ~t set up more quickly, shortening working time. For example, tact. Stick matting over plug into wet resin and totally ira- at 100° F. you will have approximately 15 minutes of workiug prcgnate malting with resin, dabbing in with painl brush as lane. The key things to remember are: (I) Be prepared and Imve described above. all parts prefitted and in place before mixing the resin. (2) Mix only as much resin as you can use in 30 minutes and mix il g. Manhole, Exlension Spool and ltandling tlooks thoroughly~stir for at least I miuute. (3) Work quickly and Apply generous coating of resin impregnated matting strips efficiently. Lower temperatures h~crease resin set-up time and to exposed metal edges and to handling hooks (matting precut). require ~dditional catalyst. Apply leftover resin to nuts and bolts except on access cover. h. Cleannp c. Mixing the catalyst Hands and tools may be cleaned with resin emulsifier before Resin and catalyst must be mixed in the proper proportions Ihe resin has hardened. ~o solvent will work once thc rcsiu has so that the resin will harden properly. Below is a list el some hardened. various s~ze batches you could mix. NOTE: ;IN CATALYST The ELUTRONTM tank installation is not complete un- qt ...... ......... ~.. Y2 oz. iii all exposed steel surfaces on tank are sealed wilh the pint ' % oz. PLAST~EL® fiberglass resin. cup ' ~/8 oz. For additional assistance or information, call your PLASTEEL® ELUTRONm tank factory below: Authorized PLASTEEL'~ ELUTRONTM tank manufacturers JOOR NFG. K&T STEEL HETAL PRODUCTS HUTUAL WELDING STARCO TANX CORP. ZORN INDUSTRIES Escondido California Twin Falls, Idaho Suwanoe, Georgia Honolulu, Hawaii Rhome, Texas Claremont, Now Hampshire Elkhart, Indiana (619) 745-0971 (208) 733-2554 ' (404} 945-~83 (~8) 839-5111 (8~7) 6~-2215 (~3) 5~-1272 (219) 2~-1433 Fax {619) 748-9515 Fax (2081 733.723g Fz~x {.In4) Q32,[~GTI Fay ~O [¥ 3 gq3,1 F~x (R17) 036-2080 Fm~ (GO3) 543. t270 Fi ~ (2!9) 2C~.10~2 PLA EE ® ! il Double-Wall APPENDIX A Tank INSTALLATION SITE TESTING PROCEDURES Option #1: EXTERIOR HOLIDAY TEBT Option #2:' VACUUM TEBT Prior to arrival of the' Elutronm tank at the installation site, coor- Ensure all fittings, connections, hoses and valves are leak tight prior dinate with the ElutronTM manufacturer to have a 12,500 volt holiday to beginning vacuum test. Using a recently calibrated vacuum gauge · test performed using a Tinker-Rasor, Model APW, tester. Any 0naximum gradients to 30" hg), apply a vacuum of 10" of mercury pinholes detected must be repaired using the Plasteel® sealing kit for 30 minutes. Call factory if vacuum decreases below 7.5" of met- materials. Re-test and repair until tank is pinhole free. This test must cury. The vacuum test may also be performed when the tank is covered be performed by a person qualified by the Elulronm tank with backfill. manufacturer. Option #3: PREISEiUREE TEIST If a field pressure test ~s required, set-up test e.quipment per the sche~natic diagram and precisely follow the test procedures listed. CAUTION: DAMAGE TO TANK MAY OCCUR IF PREEiISURE IN THE INTERSTICE EXCEEDS 2 PISIG ABOVEGROUND, Step 1. Ensure gauges are accurately calibrated. 8. 0bserve G2 for 30 minutes. G2should remain at 1V~ - 2 psig. (Call factory if G2 decreases to zero.) 2. Ensure all connections are leak tight. 9. Open V3, vent interstice, G2 to read zero. 3. Close V2, open V3, G2 should read zero. 10. Open Vl, vent primary tank, G1 to read zero. 4. Open Vl, pressurize primary tank until G1 reads Test complete. 3-5 psig, close Vl. Disconnect air source. 5. Close V3, after 30 minutes, check G2. G2 should read NOTE: If the Elutronm tank is covered with back fill, yoTM may test. the interstice at 3-5 PSIG, following steps #1-I0, and carefully zero. (Call factory if G2 does not read zero.) increasing tt]¢ pressure in step #7 to 3-5 PSIG. In step//8, G2 should 6. ' Open V1 and decrease G1 to 1 V2 - 2 p$ig. Close V1. remain at 3-5 PSIG. 7. Open V2, pressurize G2 to 1~/~ -2 psig. Close CAUTION: DAMAGE MAY OCCUR IF INTER- V2. DO NOT' EXCEED 2 PSIG ON G2. DAMAGE STICE PREBBURE EXCEEOB 5 PEIlG. WHEN TO TANK MAY OCCUR. TANK IS COVERED WITH BACKFILL. Pressure Test Equipment Specifications ' '. PRESSURE BLEED-OFF VALVE (V3) Gauges: 5 psig maxillltlm scale VALVE (V1) Valves: Globe type, 30 psi Din VALVE __ AIR SOURCE Pressure Relief Device: 5 psig max. 2) INTERSTICE PRESSURE GAUGE (02) (Gl) PRIMARY TANK PRESSURE GAUGE 5 PSIG PRESSURE FITTING RELIEF - DEVICE FRP LAMINATE PRIMARY TANK SECONDARY WALL FITTINGS INTERSTICE STEEL PRIMARY INNER TANK ' MONITOR TUBE / --t ~ ~ -- t · Authorized PLASTEEL® ELUTRONTM tank manufacturers JOOR HFG. K&T STEEL HETAL PRODUCTS HUTUALWELDING STARCO TANXCORP. "ZORN INDUSTRIES Escondido, California Twin Falls, Idaho Suwanee, Georgia Honolulu, Hawaii Rhome, Texas Claremont, New Hampshire Elkhart, indiana (619) 745-0971 (208) 733-2554 (404) 945-8383 (808) 839-5111 (817) 636-2215 (603) 543-1272 (219) 266-1433 F3~ (6tg) 746-9515 F,~x {2OB) 733.7239 F,qx (47) 932.5671 Fa)~ (808) ,q33 g53a Fax (817'/ 636.2580 Fax (603) 543.1270 FORM INST-J-2-92A Manufacturing Inc. Escondido, CA 92025 619-745-0971 ************************************************************************ Inside Calibration Chart Inside Diameter 20000 GALLON Length 111.5 (in.) Horizontal Cylindrical Tank 475 (in.) DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) 0 0 49 8495 98 18695 1 29 50 8723 99 18843 2 81 51 8951 100 18985 3 149 52 9180 101 19121 4 229 53 9409 102 19252 5 319 54 9638 103 19377 6 419 55 9867 104 19496 7 526 56 10096 105 19607 8 641 57 10326 106 19710 9 762 58 10555 107 19805 10 890 59 10784 108 19890 11 1024 60 11013 109 19964 12 1164 61 11241 110 20025 13 1308 62 11469 111 20068 14 1458 63 11697 112 15 1612 64 11924 16 1771 65 12150 17 1934 66 12376 18 2101 67 12601 19 2271 68 12825 20 2445 69 13048 '21 2623 70 13270 22 2804 71 13491 23 2988 72 13711 24 3175 73 13930 25 3365 74 14147 26 3557 75 14363 27 3752 76 14578 ......... 28 3950 77 14790 29 4150 78 15002 30 4352 79 15211 31 4557 80 15418 32 4763 81 15624 33 4972 82 15827 34 5182 83 16028 35' 5394 84 16227 36 5607 85 16424 37 5823 86 16617 38 6039 87 16809 39 6257 88 16997 40 6477 89 17183 4i 6697 90 17365 42 6919 91 17544 43 7141 92 17720' 44 7365 93 17893 45 7590 94 18061 46 7815 95 18226 47 8041 96 18387 48 82'68 97 18543 ......... 2025 619-745-0971 Manufacturing Inc ~sconaz~o, ~ ~ Inside Calibration Chart Inside Diameter 20000 .GALLON Length Horizontal Cylindrical Tank 475 (in.) 111.5 (in.) ....... DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME '(inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) '0 0 49 8495 98 18695 1 29 50 8723 99 18843 2 81 51 8951 100 18985 3 149 52 9180 101 19121 4 229 53 9409 102 19252 5 319 54' 9638 103 19377 6 419, 55 9867 ..... 104 _~19496 7 526 56 10096 105 19607 8 641 57 10326 106 19710 9 762 58 10555 107 19805 10 890 59 10784 108 19890 11 1024 60 11013 109 19964 12 1164 61 11241 110 20025 13 1308 62 11469 111 20068 14 1458 63 11697 112 15 1612 64 11924 16 1771 65 12150 17 1934 66 12376 18 2101 67 12601 19 2271 68~ 12825 20 2445 69 13048 21 2623 70 13270 22 2804 71 13491 23 2988 72 13711 24 3175 73 13930 25 3365 74 14147 26 3557 75 14363 27 3752 76 14578 28 3950 77 14790 29 4150 78 15002 30 4352 79 15211 31 4557 80 15418 32 4763 81 15624 33 4972 82 15827 34 5182 83 16028 35 5394 84 16227 36 ~ 5607 85 16424 37 5823 86 16617 38 6039 87 16809 39 6257 88 16997 40 6477 89 17183 41 6697 90 17365 42 6919 91 17544 43 7141 92 17720 44 7365 93 17893 45 7590 94 18061 46 7815 95 18226 47 8041 96 18387 48 8268 97 18543 Joor.Manufacturing Inc. Escondido, CA 92025 . 619-745-0971 Inside Calibration Chart Inside Diameter ...... 20000 GALLON . Length 111~5 (in.) HorizontaI Cylindrical Tank~ 475 (in.) DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) 0 0 49 8495 98 18695 1 29 50 8723 99 18843 2 81 51 8951 100 18985 3 149 52 9180 101 19121 4 229 53 9409 102 19252 5 319 54 9638 103 19377 6 419 55 9867 104 19496 7 526 56 10096 105 19607 8 641 57 10326 106' 19710 9 762 58 10555 107 19805 10 ~890 59 10784 108 19890 11 1024 60 11013 109 19964 12 1164 61 11241 110 20025 13 1308 62 11469 111 20068 14 1458 63 11697 112 15 1612 64 11924 16 1771 65 ~12150 17 1934 66 12376 18 2101 67 12601 19 2271 68 12825 20 2445 69 13048 21 2623 70 13270 22 2804 71 13491 · 23 2988 72 13711 24 3175 73 13930 25 3365 74 14147 26 3557 75 14363 27 3752 76 14578 28 3950 77! 14790 29 4150 78 15002~ 30 4352 79 15211 80 15418· 31 4557 32 4763 81 15624 33 4972 82 15827 34 5182 83 16028 35 5394 84 16227 36 5607 85 16424 37 5823 86 16617 38 6039 87 16809 39 6257 88 16997 40 6477 89 17183 41 6697 90 17365 42 6919 91 17544 43 7141 92 17720 44 7365 93 17893 45 7590 94 18061 46 7815 95 18226 47 8041 96 18387 48 8268 97 18543 Manufacturing'Inc. Escondido, CA 92025 '619-745-0971 ************************************************************************* Inside Calibration Chart Inside Diameter 5000 GALLON. Length 92 (in.) Horizontal Cylindrical Tank 175 (in.) DEPTH' VOLUME DEPTH . VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) 0 0 49 2727 1 10 50 2796 ., 2 '27 51 2866 3. :50 52 2935 4 76 53 3004 5 107 54 3073 6' 140 55 3141 7 175 56 3209 8 213 57 3277 9. 254 58 3345 10 296 59 3412' 11 341 60 3479 ,12 387 61 3545 13 434 62. 3610. ' 14 484 63 3675 '15 534 64 3740 16 587 65 3804 17 640 66 3867 18 695 67 3929 19 751 68 3991 20 808 69 4052 21 866 70 4111 22 925 71 4170 23 985 72 4228 24 1045 73 4285 25. 1107 74 4341 26 1169 75 4396 27 1232 76 4449 28 1296 77 4502 29 1361 78 4552 30 1426 79 4602 31 1491 80 4649 32 1558 81 4696 33 1624 82 4740 34 1691 83 4782 35 1759 84 4823 36 1827 85 4861 37 1895 86 4897 38 1963 87 4930 39 2032 88 4960 ,- 40 210i 89 4986 41 2170 90 5009 42 2240 91 5026 43 2309 92 5036 44 2379 45 2448 46 2518 '47 2588 48 2657 JoorlManufacturing Inc. Escondido, 'CA ~92025 619-745-0971 ************************************************************************ Inside Calibration Chart Inside Diameter 5000 GALLON Length 92 (in.) · Horizontal Cylindrical Tank 175 (in.) ************************************************************************ .DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) 0 0 49 2727 · 1 10 50 2796 2 27 51 2866 3 '50 52 2935 4 76 53 3004 5 107 54 3073 6 140 55 3141 7 175 56 3209 8 213 57 3277 9 254 58 3345 10 296 59 3412 11 341 60 3479 12 387 61 3545 13 434 62 3610 14 484 63 3675 15 534 64 3740 16 587 65 3804 17 640 66 3867 18 695 67 3929 19 751 68 3991 20 808 69 4052 21 866 70 4111 22 925 71 4170 23 985 72 4228 24 1045 73 4285 25 1107 74 4341 26 1169 75 4396 27 1232 76 4449 28 1296 77 4502 29 1361 78 4552 30 1426 79 4602 31 1491 80 4649 32 1558 81 4696 33 1624 82 4740 34 1691 83 4782 35 1759 84 4823 36 1827 85 4861 37 1895 86 4897 38 1963 87 4930 39 2032 88 4960 40 2101 89 4986 41 2170 90 5009 42 2240 91 5026 43 2309 92 5036 44 2379 45 2448 ~46 2518 47~ 2588 48 2657 Manufacturing Inc. Escondido, CA 92025 619-745-0971 Inside 'Calibration Chart Inside Diameter ~ !000 GALLON Length 63.5 (in.) Horizontal Cylindrical Tank 74.25 (in.) DEPTH ' VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) (inChes) (gallons) 0 0 49 843 1 3 50 860 2 10 51 876 3 '17 52 892 4 27 53 9O8 5 37 54 923 6 49 55 937 7 61 56 950 8 74 57 963 9 88 58 975 10 103 59 986 11 118 60 996 12 134 61 1005 13 150 62 1012 14 167 63 1017 15 184 64 ' 16 201 17 219 18 237 19 256 20 275 21 294 22 313 23 333 24 352 25 372 26 392 27 412 28 433 29 453 30 473 31 494 32 514 33 534 34 555 35 575 36 595 37~ 616 38 636 ' 39 656 40 '675 41 695 42 714 43 734 44 753 45 771 46 790 47 808 48. 826 Manufacturing Inc. Escondido, CA 92025 619-745-0971 ************************************************************************* Inside Calibration Chart Inside Diameter 1000 GALLON Length 63.5 (in.) Ho.rizontal Cylindrical Tank 74.25 (in.) ************************************************************************* DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) 0 0 49 843 1 3 50 860 2 10 51 876 '3 17' 52 892 4 27 53 908 5 37 54 923 6 ~49 55 937 7 61 56 950 8 74 57 963 9 88~ 58 ,975 10 ~103 59 986 11 ~1i8 60 996 12 134 61 1005 13 150 62 1012 14 167 63 1017 15 184 64 16 201 17 219 18 237 19 256 20 275 21 294 22 313 23 333 24 352 25 372 26, 392 27, 412 28 433 29 453 30 473 31 494 32 514 33 534 34 555 35 575 36 595 37 616 38 636 39 ' 656 40 675 41 695 42 714 43 734 44 753 45 771 46 790 47 808 48 826 ;. Manufacturing Inc. Escondido, CA 92025 619-745-097i ************************************************************************** Inside Calibration Chart Inside Diameter 1000 GALLON Length i '63.5 (in.) Ho. rizontal Cylindrical Tank 74.25 (in.) ************************************************************************ DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH VOLUME ...... DEPTH ~VOLUME (inches) (gallons) (inches) (gallons) ,~ (inches) (gallons) 0 0 49 843 · 1 .3 50 860 2 10 51 876 3 17 52 892 4 27 53 9O8 5 37 54 923 6 49 55 937 7 61 56 950 8' 74 57 963 9 88 58 975 10 103 59 986 11 118 60 996 12 134 61 1005 13 150 62 1012 14 167 63 1017 15 184 64 16 201 17 219 18 237 19 256 20 275 21 294 22 313 23 333 24 352 25 372 26 392 27 412 28 433 29 453 30 473 31 494 32 514 33 ' 534 34 555 35 575 36 595 ~ 37 616 ,~ 38 636 '~ 39 656 ~40 675 41 695 ' 42 714 43 734 44 753 45 771 46 790 47 808 48 826 '- ALMA " 3'Frhzier Park RMC ~ ~ 4 Tim Banks 5 John Hunt 6 Gene Wesley. 7 Dolores St RMC g Don Malony 9 Tehachupi RMC · CalMat Co. of Central CaiJforma and Industrial Asphalt 10 Tony Smith (Triangle Rock) P. O. Box 22800 11 Tuck Colvin Bakersfield, California 93390 12 Shop Pick up 13 SAN EMIl}lO ROCK PLANT ADDRESS 14 Chuck Hyman 1.5 miles west of Old River Road on Hwy166. 166 lS Shop Repair Truck 16 Wheeler Ridge (Scale house) 'OFFICE TELEPHON~ NUMBERS 17 Steve Michaels (Reliance Sup) Main Office 835-4800 18 Southwest RMC plant I Dispatch 835-4804 19 ? Dolores St. Plant 324-6735 20 Panama A/C Plant 18 Southwest Plant 397-1085 21 3 Frazier Park 245-3301 22 9 Tehachapi 822-4158 23 Bill Timmons 24 San £midio Scale House Rock Plant (San Emidio) 858-2673 114 Reliance Rock & Sand 858-2670 (Wheeler Ridge) 858,0106 120 Reliance Cement z Asph t s34-m30 (Wheeler Rklge) Dm cr Nc ,t as VO ClC Ex'r szo s Jo~ ~ 835~9 ~ 363-2~2 ~ 329~ 154 ~s ~ 835~810 C~ 332~328 P~ 329~  835~815 C~ 829-7635 Pa~ 329~877 10~ OK M~e ~v~ ~ ~ 829-7638 ~g~ 329~153 1~ B~, S~ 835~811 10-7 ~ of ~, l~g ~ ~ Pow~ 835~19 10-8 ~ ~ S~ to ~1 ~ Co~ 8354816 ~ P~ 329~76 10-9 R~I ~ T~ ~ 835~818 ~ 363-2~ 1 ~er 329~78 10-10 J~ ~l~e C~ H~ 4835 M~e 828-5~7 Pa~ 321-7~7 10-11 T~ to ~ St~e~c~s ~~.~5~17' ~g~329~513 10-12 ~t~p~nt Bill T~s Pa~ 329~559 10-20 My l~on is Ja~e ~n 835~812 10-21 ~ ~ pho~ ~ Mc~ 4837 10-22 ~ & ~ m., ~ Wa~ 2525 1~23 ~ ~ ~eb ~ 835~13 1~25 ~ you ~n~.. 1~35 Co~ F~ N~~ 10-36 Co~ fi~ ~ (~5) 833-91~ 1~2 T~c a~ at .. ~ ~ (~5) 834-93~ 1~3 T~c fi~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~t (~ E~o) (~5) 858-10~ 10~4 1 ~ve a ~ f~ you ~1~ ~d~) 10~2 U~le to ~y ~ pho~ l~ ~t (~5) 834-28~ ~0-73 S~ ~ a .. ~ (805) 834-1142 10-91 T~ cl~ to ~ ~1o~ St. P~t. (~5) 324~9~ 10-94 pl~ ~ve a !~ ~m 10-~ J~ Compile 10-2~ Poli~ ~ ~ ... 16372 Construction Circle East, Unit Irvine, California 92714 Telephone: (714) 786-7532 FAX: (714) 786-8532 April 9, 1993 RECEIVED Mr. Ralph E. Huey 'A~PR 1 2 1993 Hazardous Materials Coordinator City of Bakersfield, Fire Department HAZ. MAT. DIV. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: Per your conversation with Bret Braden on Friday April 9, 1993 please find enClosed the revised Hazardous Materials Inventory for Dolores Street submitted on behalf of Kern Rock in compliance with California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.95. Please note the correct address for Beazer is 3000 E. South Street, Long Beach California 90805. If you have any questions please contact me at (714) 786-7532 or Bret Braden at (310) 531-3550. Sincerely, I MOORE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE Constance C. Moore President Enclosure cc: Bret Braden, Beazer w/enclosure Bill Butler, Kern Rock w/enclosure 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000-000579 Page 1 · Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information Location: 529 DOLORES ST 'Map: 103 Hazard: Moderate Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 Grid: 29C F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title Business Phone 24-Hour Phone- BILL BUTLER PRODUCTION MANAGER 1(805) 324-9714 x 11805) 588-8412 DENNIS RYMAN CENTRAL MAINT MGR (805) 324-9714 x 805) 589-9052 Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 529 DOLORES ST D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93305- Comm Code: 215-002 BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 SIC Code: 3273 (3 0)~31-3~J2~ Owner: BEAZER WEST INC Phone: ~805-)-~.2.4--97-~· Address: ~§t-5-q~K~R~NE'¥=~~ 3D00 E.' So~fh' Str6~t~' ~' State: ~¢-CA~ City: '~A~- _ ~: . .L~ Long-Beach, CA 90805-- Zip: 3~20~=- 96805 ~ ~ Summary I, , J. Bretton Brad~n DO hereby certify that. I have (Tyl~ ~ I;rint name) reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- ment plan for K~:n ~oc~ , and that it along with any correCtions constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility, .03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000-000579 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quantity MCP 02-012~ACETYLENE Gas 374 High · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-001 ~MURIATIC ACID Liquid 500 High · Reactive GAL 02-022 ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER Liquid 55 High · Immed Hlth GAL 02-016 DARAVAIR Liquid 150 Moderate · Reactive, Immed Hlth GAL 02-006 SOLVENT Liquid 300 Moderate · Fire GAL 02-005~/~NLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 1000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-021 PSI RETARDING ADMIX TUBES Liquid 1400 Moderate · Delay Hlth GAL 02-009 ANTIFREEZE Liquid 55 Low · Fire GAL 02'003v~IESEL Liquid 10000 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-007~HYDRAULIC OIL Liquid 300 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-0II'OXYGEN Gas 644 Low ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-008 TRANSMISSION FLUID (TYPE A) Liquid 55 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-002v/WASTE OIL- Liquid 1000 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-014 ARGON Gas 336 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-010/GEAR LUBE 85-140 Liquid 110 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-018 IRON OXIDE Solid 200~ Minimal · Reactive LBS 02-004 V/MOTOR OIL Liquid 5000 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000-000579 Page 3 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quantity MCP 02-013vrNITROGEN Gas 200 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth' FT3 02-020~ORTLAND CEMENT Solid 405 Minimal · Delay Hlth TONS 02-019 .ULTRA DUTY GREASE Liquid 400 Minimal · Fire~ Delay Hlth LBS 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000-000579 Page 4 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-012 ACETYLENE Gas 374 High · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 74-86-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type:Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING sOLDERING Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 374 ~ 374.00 708.00 Storage Press T Temp~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Ambient~AmbientlINSIDE EAST WALL SHOP - Conc Components MCP ---FGuide 100.0% IAcetylene IHigh ~ 17 02-001 MURIATIC ACID Liquid 500 High · Reactive GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure' Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount'GAL 500 I 25'0.00 I 4,000.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbientlAmbientlWEST OF SHOP,NORTH FENCE -- Conc Components MCP ---TGuide 100.0% IHydrochloric Acid IHigh ~ 15 02-022 ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER Liquid 55. High · Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: 7664-38-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use:CLEANING Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 55 . 30.00 110.00 StorageI~Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL IAmbientlAmbientlNE OUTSIDE OF SHOP - Conc I MCP ---TGuide 20 0% IPhosphonic Acid Dimethy~°mp°nentsEster 5.0% IAmmonium Bifluoride ]ModerateI 60 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000-000579 Page 5 02 - Fixed Containers on Site ~Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-016 DARAVAIR Liquid 150 Moderate ~ Reactive, Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: 1310-73-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: ADDITIVE Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL 150 ~ 150.00 300.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IambientlAmbientlSE PART OF YARD -- Conc Components MCP ----~uide 3.0% Isodium Hydroxide IModerateI 60 02-006 SOLVENT Liquid 300 Moderate · Fire GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Dally Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 300 . 300.00 1,000.00 StorageIIPress l Temp Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbientlAmbientlSW CORNER OF SHOP -- Conc Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% ICleaning Solvent IModeratel 27 02-005 UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 1000 Moderate ~ Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 1,000 ~ 1,000.00 12,000.00 Storage Press T TempI Location UNDER GROUND TANK Ambient~AmbientlEAST OF SHOP, CENTER OF YARD = Conc Components MCP ---/Guide 100.0% IGasoline IModeratel 27 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000-0005'79 Page 6 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-021 PSI RETARDINGADMIX TUBES Liquid 1400 Moderate ~ Delay Hlth ~ GAL cas #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: ADDITIVE Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL -- 1,400 ~ ~ 1,000.00 2,800.00 Storage ~~Press T Temp Location PLASTIC CONTAINER IAmbientlAmbientl'E OF BATCH PLANT -- Conc~ Components ~ MCP ---~Guide 5.0% IMixed Sulfonic Acids and Sulfonates .IModeratel 60 02-009 ANTIFREEZE Liquid 55 Low · ~Fire GAL CAS #: 57-20-1 Trade Secret: No .Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: COOLANT/ANTIFREEZE Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 55 ~ 55.00 165.00 Storage~ ~_Press T Temp · Location 'DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbient~AmbientlSW CORNER OF SHOP BLDG -- Conc~ Components 'MCP ---~uide 100~.0% IEthylene Glycol Low ! 27 02-003 DIESEL Liquid 10000 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34~6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI· Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL -- 10,000 ~ 5,'000.00 175,000.00 Storage Press T Temp · Location UNDER'GROUND TANK IAmbientlAmbientlUNDERGROUND NORTH SIDE -- ConcI Components MCP ---/Guide 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No.2 ModerateI 27 03/09/93 , KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000'000579 Page 7 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-007 HYDRAULIC OIL Liquid 300 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 300 ~ 300.00 1,000.00 Storage Press T Temp LoCation ABOVE GROUND TANK Ambient~AmbientlSW CORNER OF SHOP BLDG --Conc Components MCP --/Guide 100.0% IBrake Fluid, Hydraulic IL°w I 27 02-011 OXYGEN Gas 644 Low · .Fire, pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade seCret: No Form: Gas. Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING~, Daily Max FT3 Daily Average FT3 -- Annual Amount FT3 644 I 644.00 --~ 1,932.00 Storage Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Above I AmbientlINSIDE EAST WALL SHOP -- Conc Components MCP --~Guide 100.0% IOxygen, Compressed IL°w ~ .I 14 02-008 TRANSMISSION FLUID (TYPE A) Liquid 55 Low \ · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade-Secret: No Form: Liquid .Type.: Pure Days: 365 USe.: LUBRICANT Daily Max GALI .Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 55 I 55.00_ 110.00 Storage PreSs T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbientlAmbientlSW CORNER OF SHOP BLDG --'ConcI- Components / I MCP ---~uide 100.0% ITransmission Fluid (Petroleum-Based) ILow I 27 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000-000579 Page 8 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat InVentory Detail ~in MCP order 02-002 WASTE OIL Liquid 1000 Low · .Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 221 Trade'Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE . Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 1,000 I~ 250.00 I 2,760.00 Storage Press T Temp Location ABOVE GROUND TANK Ambient~AmbientlEAST OF GARAGE -- Conc Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% IWaste Oil, Petroleum Based ILow. ~ 27 02-014 ARGON Gas 336 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7440-37-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3336 I Daily Average336.00FT3 I Annual Amount672.00FT3 -- Storage Press T Temp Location. PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Iambient~ambientlINSIDE EAST WALL SHOP -- Conc Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% IArgon IMinimal I 12' 02-010 GEAR LUBE 85-140 Liquid 110 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 64742-57-0 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT ' Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I - Annual Amount GAL 110 ~ 110.00 220.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Iambient~AmbientlSW CORNER OF SHOP BLDG -- ConcI Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% ILubricating Oil (Petroleum-Based) Minimal I 27 · 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 21~5-000-000579 Page 9 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-018 IRON OXIDE ~Solid 200 Minimal · Reactive LBS CAS #: 1309-37-1 Trade Secret:'No Form: Solid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: ADDITIVE Daily Max LBS200I~ Daily Average200.00LBS I Annual AmoUnt600.00LBS m Storage I~Press T Temp Location BAG IAmbientlAmbientlINSIDE WAREHOUSE, S OF YARD -- Conc ~ Components MCP Guide 100.0% Ilron Oxide, Magnetic Minimal I 7 02-004 MOTOR OIL Liquid 5000 Minimal~ · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 64742-65-0~ Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type:-Pure Days: 365 Use: .LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 5,000 I 5,000.00 I 10,000.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK ~ I Ambient~AmbientlUNDERGROUND WEST SIDE - Conc ComPonents MCP --~Guide 100.0% IMotor oil, Petroleum Based Minimal I 27 02-013 NITROGEN Gas 200 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7727-37-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 'Use: OTHER Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 T Annual Amount FT3 --- 200 I 200.00~ 564.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location PORT.. PRESS. CYLINDER IAmbient~AmbientlINSIDE EAST WALL SHOP -- COncI Components I MCP ---/Guide 100.0% INitroge~ ILow ! 21 03/09/93 KERN ROCK coMpANY 215-000-000579 Page 10 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-020 PORTLAND CEMENT SOlid 405 Minimal · Delay Hlth TONS CAS #: 65997-15-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER -- Daily Max TONS405 I~ Daily Average 405.00 TONS --~ Annual Amount 6,200.00 TONS -- Storage ~~-Press T Temp Location. ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbient~AmbientlSE.PART OF YARD -- Conc Components MCP --~ui~e 100.0% IPortland Cement ILow 02-019 ULTRA DUTY GREASE Liquid 400 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth LBS CAS #: 64742-52-5 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use:. LUBRICANT -- Daily Max LBSI Daily Average LBS I Annual Amount LBS 400 ~ 400.00 800.00 Storage Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbient~AmbientlSW cORNER OF SHOP -- Conc~ Components. MCP ---TGuide 100.0% IHeavy Machine Oil Minimal I 27 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000-000579 Page 11 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification' CALL 911 AND NOTIFY THE STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AT 1-800t852-7550. <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation ~NOTIFICATION WILL BE VERBAL AND THE STAFF WILL BE EVACUATED TO THE DESIGNATED AREA. THE CORPORATE OFFICE WILL THEN BE CONTACTED. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation EVACUATION OF THE PUBLIC WOULD BE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPT. <4> Emergency Medical Plan MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AVE. - 327-3371 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - 420 34TH ST. - 327-1792 DR. WILLARD CHRISTIANSEN - 327-9617 HALL AMBULANCE - 324-4111 GOLDEN EMPIRE AMBULANCE - 327-9000 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000-000579 Page 12 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention " THE QUANTITIES OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORED AT THE FACILITIES ARE MINIMIZED. ABSORBENT MATERIAL IS KEPT ON'HAND TO CONTROL SMALL SPILLS. EMPLOYEES ARE REQUIRED TO KEEP THEIR WORK AREAS CLEAR AND UNCLUTTERED CONTAINERS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARE CHECKED PERIODICALLY FOR LEAKS, RUST, AND CORROSION. EMPLOYEES ARE REQUIRED TO USE PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND 'REVIEW MSDS COPIES. SIGNS ARE POSTED AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARE LABELED. <2> Release Containment ABSORBENT MATERIAL IS KEPT~ON HAND TO CONTROL SMALL SPILLS. EMPLOYEES ARE REQUIRED TO KEEP THEIR WORK AREAS CLEAR AND UNCLUTTERED. <3> Clean Up SPILLED MATERIALS ARE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT WILL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY IF FACILITY PERSONNEL CANNOT CONTAIN THE EMERGENCY. <4> 'Other Resource Activation 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY. 215-000-000579 Page 13 ~ 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards CALCIUM CHLORIDE 50# BAGS (POWDER) IN WAREHOUSE (BATCH PLANT) 3 TON MAXIMUM & 4000 GAL LIQUID CALCIUM CHLORIDE IN TANKS EAST SIDE OF BATCH PLANT. <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - SOUTH OF FUEL ISSSLAND BY THE ELECTRICAL PANEL B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTH OF FUEL ISLAND BY THE'GAS SHUTOFF C) WATER - BATCH PLANT AREA D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> 'Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - REGULARLY MAINTAINED FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE HYDRANT - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DOLORES ST AND TULARE ST <4> Building Occupancy Level 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000-000579 Page 14 O0 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY 30 EMPLOYEES. IT CHANGESACCORDING TO THE AMOUNT OF BUSINESS. WE'HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE AND AT THE SHOP. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES ARE SHOWN WHERE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARE STORED. THEY ARE SHOWN WHERE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT ARE. LOCATED AND INSTRUCTION ON THEIR PROPER USE. THIS ORIENTATION IS GIVEN BY THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT AND THE TOUR OF THE FACILITY IS GIVEN BY THEIR DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR OR DESIGNEE. 1, READING A MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET, AND WHERE TO FIND IT. 2. REVIEW OF ALL MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS FOR CHEMICALS THAT MAY BE PRESENT IN THEIR WORK AREA. 3. WARNING ABOUT ALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND WASTES THAT MAY BE PRESENT IN THEIR WORK AREAS. 4. HOW TO READ HAZARD COMMUNICATION ~LABELS ON COTNAINERS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 5. USE OF PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR EACH CHEMICAL. 6. REVIEW OF THE BUSINESS EMERGENCY PLAN AND WHERE TO OBTAIN A COPY. READ THE PLAN, AND SIGN A STATEMENT CERTIFYING THAT THEY UNDERSTAND IT. 7. USE OF A FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND OTHER EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT. 8.-SAFE HANDLING AND HAZARD PREVENTION PROCEDURES AS DESCRIBED UNDER THE PLAN. 9. HOW TO RESPOND IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY OR SPILL AS DESCRIBED UNDER EMERGENCY RESPONSE IN PLAN. 10.EVACUATION PROCEDURES, AS IDENTIFIED UNDER EVACUATION PLAN IN THIS PLAN. ll.WATCH FOR LEAKS, VAPORS, OR OTHER INDICATIONS OF POTENTIAL HAZARDS. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use 03/09/93 KERN ROCK COMPANY 215-000-000579 Page 15 00 - Overall Site " <G> Training <3> Held for Future Use (Continued) <4> Held for Future Use BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEF RTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY pacel cf't6 5usmess Name KERN ROCK COtV~A-N~ Actress .529 DOLORES STREET B~RSFIELD OHEMIOAL DES~I~ON Camion N~e: pIESEL Chem~ N~e: AHM PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL H~RO CA~'3CRIE~ =:re r~ ~ Resct~e ( ~ Suc~en ~eme~e cf Pressure [ Immeoi~e He~t~ fAc~le~ ~ ~etavec He~ (Chrome', ',VAS~ CLASSiF!CA%CN N/A (3-oiglt co~e ~cm OHS Fc~ = ""~ USE CCOE 19 PHYSICALSTA~ So,ia [ ] ~au~a [~ G~ [ ~ =ute Mi=ute AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FAC:D~ , NITS OF M~S~E M~mumOaiyAmoun~: 20¢000~ .~ r ] ga ~ t: Averag~ OaW Amount: .. ~O r 000 curies [ ] Annum Amoun= ~7~ · 000 c) Tem~r~ure: . ¢ ~a~ On SRe . C;=:e~icn Months: ~ j. F. M. A. M. J. J. .:~emreemost~cous I~ DIESEL OIL ~ 2 68476-3i-6 =.m.~ :=m~..~= :~ B IPHE~L 92-52- 4 1 ~v AHM com~nen~ N~HT~ENE 91-20-3 ~0) Loc~on FUEL ISL~ ~ : New; ' &cUit~on ( : Revmton ~Xl ~e,et~cn: ' Checx ff cnem~c~ is a NON C~6UIM CHLORTDE FLAKE 3) 2ct = ~oc::cna'~ N/A C~CI~ CHLORIDE ~]%~'~-]-[ ~' A~M f ] :~S = 10043-52-4 ~ PHYSICAL A ;ff~AU%H PHYStCAL N/A. ~g;L%~ / ..... H~RO CA~'3CRIE~ =re ~'; Re~ve ( } Su:cen Ae~e~e cf Pressure [ ] imme:i~e Hemt~ ~Ac;~: ;~ :~ave¢ ~e~t~ (Chrcntc: N/A use 8) PHYSiCALSTA~ Sc.c [X! ~:u~c []~: G~ [ } =ur~ iX Minute 7) AMOUNT ANO %ME AT FAC;M~ :JNITS CF ME;S~E 8) STOOGE M~mum CalvAmoun[: ¢5.000 :eS [~ gm ' ' ~ ]] al Cgntmner: 12 ~verage Ca,v ~mount 2 500 curies . . Annum Amount: ~ ~ge~[ S;:~ Cont~ner: . me mrs. ~cs: ~==us ,~ CALCIU~ CHLORIDE , 10043-52~4 I01 Lo.,on W~EHOUSE, BATCH PL~T ' 3. Bretton Brade~ Regulatory Affairs Manager ' ..... BAKER :IEL. D CITY FIRE DEP TMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page_.2of!~ 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD KERN ROCK C0t'~A['~/ 'A(:dress =_usines$ Name it~ORy. CHEMICAL DESCRIFT;ON STA,-LJS: New [ ] Addition [ ~ Rewsion iX] O~tetlon ( ~, ;hec~( if cnem~caJ is a NON TRADE SE,.',RET /~.~ ~mmon Na~e: C2~LCIITM CHLQRTDE I. TQUTD 3) DOT # (oot,onml N/A Chem,c~Name: CALCIUM CHLORIDE AHM [ ] CAS ~ 10043-52-4 HEALTH PHYSICAL & HF_AL~'3-t PHYSICAL N/A HA.7.~RDCAT~GCRIES F~re ~] Reactive[ ~ SuodenReieaseofPressure [ 1 ?mmec~iazeHemttlfAcute) [~] OelayeOHea~ttl Chromc~ ',VASTY_ C~,SS;F!CAT~CN ~..~_~_~.~3~3igtt coae ,'rom OHS Fomn 8022~ USE CCDE 08 PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] ~(3Uld '.~ Gas [ ] P'.'re ] Mt:cure ,~] Was[e [ ] Raoioa~Ne [ ] AMCUNT AND ~ME AT FAC=LJTY UNITS OF' MEAStJF.'-- 8) STOP, AGE CODES 06 Maximum Dmly Amount: 400 ,,~ [ ] gal [~ ~3 ' al Cont='ner:- Average Omiy Amount: ?O(~ cunes[ I ~3) Pressure: c) Temoerature: 0 4 Annua~ Amount: L.a~jest Size Contmner;. ,~ Oa~s On Site ~65 C:,m:eW?licn Months: ~Lz,/.._~[sr. J. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. C. N. CAS = % ~,VT AHM 9) MIXT', JRE; ~st CCMPCNENT 10043-52-4 37 :ne mree most hazardous 1) CALCIUM CHLORIDE :nemlca~ comoonen~S or any AHM components CHEMICAL DESC~IFTiON ; ) iNVeNTORY ITATIJS: New [ i Ac[ciRton [ I Rows|on ~>~I Oe~euc3n [ ~ .~.~ec~ ff c.'lemicai is a NCN T'-HAOE SECR- 2) C=mmonName: M-dRIATIC ACID 3) CX:~T ~ t¢o,,on"" N/A ChemlCa~ Name: [TY'DROCHLORIC ACID AHM [ 1 CAS ¢~ ~ 4~ PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL ' HAZARD CATEGORIES F~re ~I'7] Reactive { ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ '. immecJieze He~ut~ (Act.~e) [X] {~H~tayec He~'th (Chron 5! ',¥AST~ CLASSiFiCATiON N/A (:~ciigit code ~om DHS Form &022~ USE CCOE ~ 7) AMCUNT AND %ME AT FAc;~T~ UNITS OF MEASL;R= 8) STORAGE CC~ES 02 MaxlmumOmlvAmount: 500 lbs [ ] ga [~ ~ · ] a) ContaJner: Average Omiv Amount: ~ curies [ ; - b) Pressure: __ Annu~, Amount; ~(l(l c~ Temperature: 0 L.~rgest Size Contmner: D UU ~ OavsOnSke 365 2.;rc~eWl~icn Mont',s: ,-~X~'. J. F. M. A. M. J. J, A. $. C, CAS ~ % WT 9) MIXTtJRE; ~st CCMPCNF-.NT 7647-01-0 34 :~e :nree most ~a~'c:ous 1) HYDROCHLORIC ACTD ~n¥ AHM components 2) ' ~-- 31 10) L=c=~on A~OYE G~O~ ~AS~ ~Cg J. Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager BAKER IELD CITY FIRE DE TMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Pac_e_~3Cfl_~ KERN ROCK COMPANY 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD ' ' CHEMICAL DESC~IFT~QN . 3) COT = Common N~e: PORTL~ CFMFNT ' Chem,~ N~e: PORTA~D CEMENT AHM [ I C;s = 65977-15-1 PMYSiCAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL ~RO CA~GCRIES ~re [~ ~eact~e [ ~ Su~cen ~.em~e c~ ~ressure ~ ~ {mme~i~e Hemt~ fAcute~ ~ ~ :emve¢ HeWn (Chrcmc~ ' ,SE ,CODE 0 l :,~ , =ute Mi=ute [~ W~te [ ~ AMOUNT AND %ME AT ~AC:M~ UNITS OF M~SU~E 8) STQ~G~ CODES M~mum C~iy Amount: :.~ ~ ~ ga { ] t: ' al C~ntanec 99 Average Omiy Amount: curies ~ ' ~) Pressure: U Annum Amoun~ ~~~O~ c) Tem~r~ure: ~est Size Contmne~ =~a~CnSke S;~:e~cnMonms: ~. j. F. M. A. M. J. ' ~. S. C. N. CAS cnem~ com~nen~ or ~y AHM ccm~nen~ CHEMICAL DESC~i~iCN ~ :NVENTC~Y STA~S: New ( ~ ACaiuon ( ~ Rews~on (~ Ce~eucn ( ~ Zhecx ~ :nem~cm is a NON ~CE GU~OL OIL 40 3) ~T = ~o~uon~, N/A 2) Common N~e: 4~ PHYSICAL i H~AL%~ PHYSICAL H~R~ CA~GCRIES ~re ~'~ Rea~tve { ] Suocen Ae~e~e of Pressure [ : ~mmeai~e Hemt~ (Ac~e) {~ C, laveo ~e~m (Chronmc: 26 6) =~ c'~'L g:u~C ~ } : .... Minute ~ W~te [ } Aac:oac:r~e ' : M~mum 2~V Amoun:: 55 :bs [ ] ~m ~ ~ ' a) Contmner: Average C~iv Amount: 30 curies . . ~) Pressure: Annua Amount: 5 ~ c: Tem~er~ure: ~est S~:e Contaner: 5-5 64742-65-0 49 :~emreemcs:2~ccus ~ SOLVENT DEWED DTSTTI,T,ATF p~AVV :nee,ce =cm~nents or 64742-62-7 2 ~v ~M com~nen= :~ SOLVENT DEW.ED RESIDU~ QIL ~0) Lo--,on LUBE ROOM BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DE RTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. INVENTORY Pace cf 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD =_uslness Name ~RN ROCK COMPANY Accress CHEMICAL DESC~IFTION hNVENTORY ~TAT'US. New ' ' Ac~oit~on [ ! Revision ~(] Omet:cn Checx ff chemical ~s a NON ,--'RAC.~ =~' ~ i · T-F~DE 3ECREV GUARDOL MOTOR OIL 30 3) CCT = ~om,on.,~ N/A C~mmon Na~me: i-'NTA ............. ~ AHM [ I CAS = N/A' -' Chem~c.a~ Na~ne: PHYSICAL & H?-ALT~ PHYSICAL [mme~is~e t-te~t~l {Acute~ X i ~etave~ ~esgn (Cbromc .-IAT_ARD CATE_.3CRIE'-- ::re ', ,~ Reactrve ( ] SuaOen P,e,ea~e o~ :ressure { . WASTE CLASSiF!CA%CN N/A f3-~ig~l cooe from OHS ,--,cr~ 80-~3~ USE ,:ODE 26 PHYSICAL'-'T~-; SoU~ [ ] tJclu~cl [~] Ga.~ [ ] =uTe Mixlure-~i W~te [ ] Rac)oaCNe AMOUNT ANC %ME AT FAC:U~ UNITS OF M~&S~5~ 8) STO~G~ COTES 06 M~mum ~y Amount: 55 ~bs { ~ ga r~] t3 * a) Average O~lv Amoun~ ~ curies ( ' b) Pressure: Q ~ . 0~ Annum AmounE ~ cl Tem~r~ure: ~t Size C~nt~ne~ ~0a~OnSke 365 C;~:e~icnMon~ns: ~. j. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. ~. C. N. D CAS = % ',~ A~M 9) MITRE; Ust C~MF~,4.N, 64742-65-0 49 :2et~reemost~ous 1) SOLVENT DEW~%D D!SmTLT,ATF ur&~- o~p~F!N cnem,~ com~nen~ cr 647-42-62-7 2 ~yAHMccm~nen~ 2~ SOLVENT DEW.ED RES!DU~ O) coca, on LUBE RO0~ CHEMICAL DES~I~ICN i) :NVENTQRY STA~S: New { ~; A~ition [ ] Revision ~] 0e~e[~cn ( ' 2hecx ~ :nem~cm is a NON ~C5 ~'%~ ~X~ ~OE ~%TZ MOTIVE G~E~E 1 3) ~r = ~.:::,on~ N/A ~) Common Cheml~ N~e: N/A - &~ PHYSICAL ~ H~LT~ PHYSICAL ' H~RO CA~'3CMIE~ =re X ~ Aero,ye ( ] Suoaen Re~e~e of Pressure { ~ ~mmeai~e He~ (Ac~e) ~ ~mvec helm ~Chromc~ 5~ ',VAS~ C~SS;FiCATCN ',~i~:t ccce ~om OHS =c~ 3C~ USE C~OE ? ~ 6) PHYSICAL 5TA~ Sc:~c [ ]' Q:u~O [~ G~ [ ] =ute ~ ; MinuTe ~] W~te ( ' Rac~cac:Pve ; ' M~mum ~m,v ~moun~: ~ 'mbs ~, ~ g~ F~ -- * ' a) Can:tuner: Average C~iv ~mcun~: ] I 0 curies . . 1 [.0 C~ Temcer~;re: .~es: Size Ccn~ner: 55 ~ N. ~ ~ 3avs 3n S,te 365 ::;::,~,cn Mcn:ns. }~. j. F. M. A. M. J. ' :. ~ .... .... - .... -'-:- 95 :~e mr,. ~:s: ~,::~s :~ PETROLE~{ HYDROC~BONS --. ~v A~M :=m~nem~ 10) L=~,on LUBE ROOM 2ene, - J. Bretton Braden,. ReEulatory Affairs ManaEer BAKER I iELD CITY FIRE DEP I TMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page__of'l-6 KERN ROCK COMPANY 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD usiness Name ACcress INVENTORY STATUS: New [ i Addition [ ] Revision [~ Oetet~on [ ] Check if chemice~ is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ~ TRADE SECRET Common Name: GEd LUBE 85-140 3) COT # (optional) '~/A PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [~ Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acme) [~ Delayed He,Urn (Chron,c) 26 wASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code h-or~ OHS Form 80221 USE CODE PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid ~] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [~ Waste [ ] Raclioactrve [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND nME AT FACILJTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Dally Amount: 55 lbs [] gal ~] ~3 [] a) Container:. Average Dmly Amount: 110 curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: 220 c) T.empera.rure: 04 Largest Size Container: ~'~ ,, # OaysOnSite ~5 CircieWhich Months: ~X~l~J. Fi M, A, M, J, .U. A, S, 0, N, CAS # % WT AHM 9) ~Ix'ruRE: ust SOLVENT DEWA~.~P~)N~!LLATE EEAV~ P./d~,AFFIN 64742-65-0 49 the trtree most haz~raous 1) chemical comoonents or 64742-52-7 any AHM comoonents 2) SOLVENT D~WA.~D ~'~TT3UAT. F~TT 10) Locazmn LUBE ROOM CHEMICAl. DESCRIPTION 1 ) INVENTORY STATUS: New ] Addition [ ] Revision]~ O~°n~-[~]~ Check ff chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET i HEALTH 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL I HAZARD CATEGORIES F~re [~] Reac~rve [ ] Sudden Reiea~e of Pressure [ ) Immediate Health (Acute) X ] Delayed Health (Chronic) WASTE CLASSIFICATION N/A (3-digrt code ~,o,. OHS Form 8022} USE CODE ~ 1 PHYSICAL STATE. $otid [ ] Liquid ~] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mix~ure~ Waste [ ] Raaioac~ive [ } AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FACILJTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES ;[ Msximum Dmiy Amount: 500 lbs [ ] gal [] /t3 [ ] a) Container: 02 i; Average Dmly Amount: 250 ' curies [ ] b) Pressure: 01 ', Annusl Amount: 1-~00 c) Temoerature: Uq' i! Largest Size Contmner: 500 r' # OavsOnSite '~ Circ!eWhich Months: ~. J. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. O ;' MIXTURE: [Jst COMPONENT CAS # '% WT AHM the three most haZ.~dOUS 1) FORMALDEHYDE 00050-0~-~ ] [~] chemicaJ comoonents or TRIETHAMOLAMINE 3 { i any AHM components 2} ~ 3) DTF?~,ANOT.AMTN~' 111-42-2 ~_- [ 1 10) Loca~on BATCH PLANT ~ ce~ry under ~en~u~. or lC,,,v, Fla~ t nave pe~onaily examl~ and ~ ~111~ Wl~ ~e info~ago~ SoDml~ on ~ls 8~Q all a~c~ Qocu~e~. I believe ~ :u~mi~ info~aoon is ~e, accurate, and ccmotete. Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager ~~~ J. 12/31/92 ~Rl~:Name & Title of Au~onzea Com~any ~ecresenm~ve ~na~re Dam BAKER IELD CITY FIRE DE TMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY PageS-..cf~ 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD KERN ROCK COMPANY Actress -2usiness Name .~L DESCRIPTION Common Name: CORN[IX AMEX 210 3) [DOT m {ocmcnm'~ N/A N/A ~-~' AHM [ ] CAS Chem~CaJ Name: ','~7_A_ ---_~ ~_ ./') PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HAZARD CATEGORIES .--ire iX] React~ve [ 1 Suocten Re,ease of Pressure ~ I immediate Health ~Acu~e) 5) WASTE CLASS;F!cATION N/A I3-cigit cocie from OHS Form 80223 USE CODE N'/ =~) PHYSICAL STATE_ So,~ i 1 liclulcl ~] Gas [ ] Pure ] Mixture [~ Waste [ [ .Aa¢:ioa~,'ve 7) AMOUNT ANC ,'~ME AT FAC:.'-'TY OF HE. ASidE 8) STORAGE C~DES Averscje Oaqy Amount: curies [ I b) Pressure: c) Temmerature: Annua~ Amount: ---- L,',...:jest Size Contame~. ~ f} f) OD Oirc:eW~icn Months: ]{~'e~r. J. F, M, A, M, J. J, ;~ ~avs On Site COMPONENT CAS -~ '~ % ',VT AHM 9) U~X'TURE: ust ETHANOLAMINE ! D the ti'tree most naz~'c~ous I ) cnemlC, a~comP.~nen~sor HYDROXYLATED CARBOXYLIC ACID '~1 a~¥ AHM com:x~nents LIGNOSUL¥0NIC AC]iDS ~ 10/ Location BATCH PLANT CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION I) INVENTORY STATUS: New ~Revislon [ ~ Oe,enon { ~ $hecx if c~emicaJ is a NON T-MAOE 2} Common Name: O N/A Chemlca~ Name: ~N-/A: , _~_._~__-;-- ~---.,,. APIM [ ] CAS ~,,'i PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL · HAZARD CA~-EGCRIES ~re [~] ~ea~lve [ '] Suci~en Aemase of Pressure [ I Immeaia~e HeaA,~ (Acme) 5~ WASTE C~SS;F;CA~CN N/A (~iglt coae from OHS =c~ ~} USE CCCE 0 6) pHYS1CAL~TA~ Sc,a ~ ~ ~au~a ~] G~ [ ] Pure ! Minute iX] W~te  UNITS OF M~SURE 8) STOOGE COZES 02 7) AMOUNT ANC ~ME AT ~&C:~ 300 [~ ¢ ] ga k ] ~" ; a) Contmner: M~mum OmiV Amount ; '-- ~ -- Average Oaiy Amount: ~ curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annua Amount ]~0 ' c~ TemDer~ure: 0~ ~es: Size Con~ner: COMPONENT CAS ~ % ''~ AHM 9) MITRE; ~st 30 2 cmem,cm ccm~nen[s or TRIET~OL~MINE 10 l 2A-~7- ~y AHM ccm~nen~ NITROSODIET~L~INE 1116-5~ 10) Lo~,on BATCH PLANT ~ BAKEIJ[ sFIELD CITY FIRE DL ARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Pa~eT__c'!6 ~usmess Name KEt~ ROCK COtV~At~ Ac¢ress 529 DOL0[~ES ~TRF. F,T BAKF. R~T~T,D CHEMICAL ~ES~I~IQN ~) iN~TCRY ~TA~S: New [ ~ A~aitton [ ~ ~ewmon (~ Oe~e~n ( [ . - ACETYLENE 3) CCT = ~cu~n~ N/A 2} C~mmon N~e:. ~ HA~RO C~.2~RIES =ire [ , ~e~c~e { [ 3u~en ~e~e~e of Pressure [~ )mme~i~e He.tn (Acute) {~ ~e~a~e~ He~n (ChFcmc: 8) STC~G~ AveraqeOmWAmoun~ .~ / curies [: bt Pressure: ~0 UZ Annu~ Amount / ~t Size ~ntane~ ~ Ca~ On Site ~6~ C;rc:e~icn Manes: ~ J. F. M. A. >~. J. J. A. ~. C. ~) ~.,,~am u:~ CC?~T 74.~j2= ~ "~ ~;-~'~ the ~nree mast n~OOus I) ETH~E ..... 100 cnem~ c:m~nen~ ar ~y AHM c=m~nen~ :a) :_cca~,on WEST W~L OF SHOP / CHEMICAL C5SCSi~ICN  .~):NVEMTC~YSTA~S; '~ew( ~ .~ccRion( ' ~ev~s~on(~ ~e~e[:cnm: ~ .2hecx~c=em~c~isaNCN ~CE ~ :X ~CE . 2) Common N~e: O~GEN 3) ,Ccc = (o=~,oc~, N/A ' Chem,~N~e: O~GEN ~Mm ' c*s = 7782-gA-7 M~RO CA~'~CRIE~ =re { '~. ~ea~Ive f. ~ ~u~cen ~e~e~e of Pressure -v' X,mmeai~e ~emm (Acux~l ,,. ,,~ C,~avec Memm ,Chrcmc: 04 M~mumO~wAmcun~:, ~22'330/ :b~ [ ~ ~ ' ' ~ 'X atC~n~ner: O? :1 Pressure: " AveraGe C~lv ~mcun~: ~~ c~nes . . '~est S;Z~ Ccnt~ner: .... IF ~,,cNT CAS Cv A~M :=m~nen~ ~ ~01 ~=~,on EAST W~L 0F SHOP J. Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY KERN ROCK COMPANY 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD Name Adcress CHEMICAL BE$C~IFTICN C=mmonN~e: NITROGEN 3) COT = (om,on~,~ N/A C.~em,~Name: NITROGEN AMM [ ! C~S ~ 7727-D7-9 H~RD CA~GCRIE~ =;re ?:[ ,~eac:Ne f 1 Su~en Re~e~e~f PrM~ure ~ ~mmeai~e HemtD fAcutel (~ Ce~avea ;~e~n (Chrcmc:' 42 AMOUNT AND %ME AT FAC:U~ / UNITS OF ME&SUSE 8) STC~GE M~:mum OaiyAmount: 564 l~s [ ] ~a ~' t3 ;X al C~ntmne~ 04¢ Averaqe OaiV Amoun~ ~/ curies ~ ~ 3) Pressure: .~O Annum Amoun~ 564 '~ c) Tem~r~ure: ~Ca~CnSRe ~65 C;m:e~icn Mcnms: ~ J. F, ~. A, M. J. J. A. S. C. MI~dRE: ~st CSMPCN~NT 7727 - mree mos[ n~aous ~) NITROGEN /- ~.' cnem,~ ccm~nenm cr AHM ccm~nen~ WEST W~L OF SHOP CHEMICAL ~C~i~iCN i) tNVEMTCRY STA~S: New( ~ition( ', ~ev,ston(x~ ':e~euon( ~ :hecx~cnem,cmisaNCN ~ACE~EC~ CcmmonN.e: ~LE~ED GASOLINE 3) :CT.Cocuc,~, N/A M~&RO CA~GCRIE~ =re X ~ Read:ye ( I Succen ~e~e~e cf Pressure ; ; immeai~e ~e~tD ~AC=el [X] ;~avec ~emm ;Chronic:X 4MCUNT ;NC %ME 4T ~&C:M~ 00,0/ UNITS CF ',~[;S~ 8) STC~GE M~imum Oa~V Amcum: 1 ~ ',bs ' ] ~ %] ~ al Ccnt~ner: 0 4veraqe C~iv Amount: tunes ~ : m ~ressure: 01 ~est Si:~ Ccn~mner: = '2ars Ch 5;te 365 :;;c:s'~cn ',tcn:~s: ~. j. F. ~. ~. ~,t. ' ' ~. ~. ~ '~ 2 ',tI~JR E. '_st CCMFCN~NT CAS ~ :~ =cs: ~=c=us :~ GASOLINE 8006-61-9 95 BENZENE 71-43-2 fUbU[~[ 108-88-3 -- FTT~T, TRT,,A~ Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager BAKERSFIELD CiTY FIRE DE RTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Business Name KERN ROCK COMPANY Address 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ 2) Common Nam.: MOTOR 0IL 50 ]~]d~ 3) OOT# (optiona) N/A N/A IChemica Name: "~/_~-- i - ' ~ _ _:_~¢;._= AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [5 Reactive [ ]' Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Heath (Acute) X ] Delaye~ Heath (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION N/A (3-digit code from OHS Form 8022) USE CODE 26 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] [Jquid ~] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [~ Waste [ ] Rm3ioactJve [ ] UNITS QF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY Maximum Daily Amount: / b) Pressure: Average Daily Amount: Annual Amount: _~,.~'/ c) Temperature: 04 Largest Size Container: # Days On Site ~ Circle Which Months: ~I[~I~Tj&~ J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT 647~s_~ 2_ 7 %WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) SOLVENT DEWAYF, D RESIDUAL OTL 58 [] chemical components or 64742-65-0 32 ~ny AHM components 3) 10) Location LUBE ROOM CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) iNVENTORY STATUS: New [ ~ 2) Common Name: WASTE OIL 3) OOT# (op{ion~,) M/A ~ ChemicaName: ~NTi& ~ AHM [ ] CAS# N/A ~) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES F~re [l~ Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Heath (Acute) k ] De~ayed Heath (Chronic) 5) WA~ie CLASSiFiCATION 223 (mdig~t code from DHS Form 80~3) USE CODE 40 6) PHYSICAL STATE So,d 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT PAC:UTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES 02 Maximum Daily Amount: 50~0y lbs Il ga g] ~ [] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: 250' / curies [ ] b) Pressure: U i Annual Amount: ~ c) Temperature: 04 Largest Size Container: #OaysOn Site 365 CircleWhicn Months: ~(~', J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) chemiCaJ components or · ny AHM components 10) Location .qOTT"r"FT'~A~q' (qNPM~'P n~ SHOP cer~ty under ~enm~/ of taw, ~a~ J. Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager 12/~1/92  Dam PRINT Name & Title of Authonzeo company Fle~resentatlve BAKF_..F F1ELD CITY FIRE DEI RTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY KERN ROCK COMPANY 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD =us;ness Name ACcress ecxC.', if Cnemtcat is a NCN ,'TPCC~ SEC.'=,E'7 'X~ ') ;NVENTCRYSTA?'JS. New ( :, ~'clCitlon[ ] Rev,s,o~';[ ~e'et'cn'X: _/ ' ' COg/v[IX 400N ~ 3) ocr ~ ~o=.on-,~ N/A 2) Common No, ne: N/A ~hem~c~ Name: ' - - 4~ PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL ~R~ CA,GO'lES are r~ React~e ( ~, Sua~en Amore of Pressure { ~ Immeai~e He~t~ fAcu:e) ' ~ ~e~ave~ He~ fChrcn:c: 7) AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FAC:U~ UNITS CF M~S~5 8) STOOGE '20055 --- al Con:~nen 02 Average Omiv Amount: ---- curies [ . ~1 Pressure: ~ 1 · c: Tem~r~ure: Annu~ Amount: --m_ 0 ~ ~es~ Size C~ntmnec DUU = Oa~ Cn Site 365 %;=:e~lcn Months: ~. J. F. M. A. M. J. ' A. S. C. N. 9) MITRE: ~s: CCMFCN~NT CAS = :% ',~ ~'~ 102-71-6 ~/A ' :nemm~c=m~nen~or ~YDRO~LATED C~BO~LIC ACID 31138-65-5 N/A .'' ~V AHM ccm~nen~ g[G~OS~FON[C ACID 68131-32-8 ~/A BATCH PL~T ~ 10) Locat:on CHEMICAL DESC~I~ICN ~ ~ ;NVENTCAY STA~S: New; ~ A~ition [ ~ ~ews~on ~} ~em[:c~ { ~ 2Xec~ ff c~emic~ is ~ NON ~C~ ~ / g~ PHYSICAL & H~&L%H PHYSICAL H~RD CA~GCRIE~ =re X ~ Ream:ye ( ] Su~en ~e~e~e of Pressure ~ ' ~mmeai~e Hewn (Ac=el ~] ~avec ~e~tn ~Chromc: 6% PHYSICAL 3TA~ 5cl~a [ ] ~cul0 [X~ G~ [ ] ='::~ Mi=ute ~] W~[e [ ~ Rac:cac:~ve 7) AMOUNT ANO ~ME AT FAC:~ UNITS OF ~ =,c. -= 8) STC~G~ Average Cmiv Amount: ~ curies ~ ] =l Pressure: Ol ~es: Si:~ CcnT~ner: 9~ MITRE: ~s: CCMFCNENT CAS ~ :~e three mcs: ~=~cous :) SOLVENT nRwAwra ,..DICTI~ATE HEA~ P~FFIN 6a742-65-D q8 :nem:c~ ccm~nen~ or ~y A~M com~nen~ i01 Lo.,on LUBE ROOM J. Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager ~~~ 12/31/92 OPlNT Name ~ T:,'e cr ~':~c."Z~ Company ~eoresenm~ve ~ S~q~a~r~ Zare ' BAKE FIELD CITY FIRE D'E RTMENT : HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INV1E TORY KERN ROCK COMPANY Address 529 DOLORES STREET B~RSFIELD ~usiness Name CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION. INVENTORY STA~S; New ( ~ ~c~itlon [ ~ ~ews~on~ ~ Cole,on ( ~ Checx ~f cnemm~ is a NON ~OE SECR~ iX] CommonN~e; MOTOR OIL 3) OCT ~ (opuonml N/A PHYSICAL & HCAL~ PHYSICAL . H~L~ H~RO CA~GORIES F;re (~ Reactive ( ]' Sudden Retake of Pressure [ ] lmme~i~e Hemt~ (Acutel ~ ] ~lav~ He~ (Chromc~ 5) WAS~ C~SSIFICA~QN N/~(3-dig~t Code ~Om DHS Fo~ 80223 USE CCDE ~ 7) AMOUNT ANO ~ME AT FAC:M~ UNITS CF M~SUAE 8) STO~G~ CCOES 0 [ M~mum O~iy Amount:" 5'~00 tbs [ ~ g~ ~ ~ ~ [ ] at Confiner: ' b} Pressure: U ~ Average Caiy Amoum: ~/ curies [ i c) TemDer~ure: 04 Annum Amoun[: . ~ges[ Size Con[tuner: mCavsOnSite 365 .... C~rcte~ic. Monms: ~.J. ¢, M. A. ~.4. J, J. A. S. O. N. O . CAS ~ % ',*~ AH M 9) Mt~e: us~ ' SOLVENT ~~TRESIDU~ 0IL 64742-62-7 58 . t~e three most n~:ous 1 ) cnem~ca com~onenm or ~gAHMcsm~nems 21 SOLVENT DEWAX,.%~ DTRTTT.T,AT~ HE3JTY PJ2~.FFI}[ 64742-65-0 ~ERGRO~ FUEL ISL~ I0) Locatmn CHEMICAL DESC~I~ICN 1)iN~NTCRYSTA~S: New( ~ ~dition( ~ ~evision( ~ 0eietmn[ I C~ecxffcnemi~isaNCN~OESECR~ r. ~) Common N~e: AHM [ [ CAS ~ Chemica Name: A) PHYSICAL & M~AL~ PHYSICAL H~RO CA~GCRIES ~re r React;va ( ~ Sudden Reie~e of Pressure ( .~ ~mmeoi~e ~e~tB (Ac~e~ [ ~ 2e~aveO He~t~ (Chr~nicl { ' 5) WAS~ C~SS;FiCA~CN. ~(3-~iG~t c=ce ~om OHS $o~ 8022~ US~ CO0E 5) PHYSICAL STA~ Soiid ~ i ~QU~ ' ' G~ [ ~. =';re I Mi=ute [ [ W~te [ ~ ~actca~e ~ AMOUNT ANO %ME AT FAC:~%¢ UNITS CF ME~SgAE 8) STOOGE M~zmum C~iv Amoum: ihs [ ] ~a [ t3 { ] al Confiner: c) Temcer~ure: Annum Amount: ~gest Size Cantaner: ~ Ce~ On Site C;rc!e ~icn Monms: ~[I Ye~. J. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. O. ~. 9) MITRE: ~st CCMPCNENT CAS ¢ ~he :nme most 2~cous ~ ) cnem~ ccm~nen~ or ~ ' ~y-A~M c~moonents 10) Lo.Ion ' c~ ~oer ~e~/or law, ~8[ I ,~ve ,~e~c~811~ ex~l~ ~O ~ ;~lll~ '~t~ ~8 ,~fC~Oc~ SUD~I~ O~ ~IS ~O ~l a~C~ J. Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager P~INT Name ~ ~e or ,4u~on:~ Ccm~v ~ecresenm~ve ~i~a~re ~ jam ' BAKERSI IELD City FIRE DEP TMENT .. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Pagej_~of Business Name Ke~n Rock Company Address 529 Dolores Street Bakersfield CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS; New [ ] Addition { ] R-'e~ision ~] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [RI TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) CommonNa~ne: JPC 450 Pale Oil / .... 3) DOT'~ (op;ional) N/A ........ .- Chemic~Name: Petroleum middle distillate AHM [ ] CAS# '68476-30-2 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH ' :. :-' PHYSICAL ..... .... HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire ~]~ Reactive { ] Sudden Release of Pressure { ] . .. Immediate Heath (Acute) ~ Delayed Health (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION N/A (3-digit code Eom OHS Form 8022) . USE CODE ....... 08 6) PHYSICAL STATE ' Solid [ ] Liquid []~ ...Gas [ ] ... : Pure Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] ." 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY " .-. ':T-. ' UNITS OF MEASURE 8) sToRAGE ~OES .... Maximum. Daily Amount.. 300 .... ; lbs [ ] gal [~ fi3 [ ] a) Container:. 02 AverageOaiiy an~o~.n~:' .... ~50 ': curies [ ] b) Pressure: . - O1 :' _. Annual Amount: [~.~._... c) Temperature: ' 0/-f " La~est Size Container. ..... #OeysOnSite : 36.5 Circle W~ich Months: ~J, F, M, A, M, J. J, A, S, O. N, D "'"' 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT . . CAS # - %-WT ...... AHM the three most haz~dous __.~) Fuel oil 68476-30-2 100 [ ] chemical components or : any AHM components ...... 2) [ ] 10) Location ~ube roOm CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION" 1 ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision~ Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is ~ NON TRADE SECRET [~[ TRADE SECRET [ 2) Common Name: Automatic transmission type "A" 3) DOT# (optional..'N'/I' Chemicm Name: N/A ANM[ ] CAS # N/A 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire []~ Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [. ! Immediate Heath (Acute) [ ] Oeiayed Heath (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION N/A (3-digit code from OHS Form 8022) USE COOE 25 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [~] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture IX] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAC~I ITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE COOE$ Maximum Daily Amount: ' 5~ lbs [ ] gal ]~r~[ ~t3 [ ] a) Container: Average Dally ~mount: --"~-- curies. [ ] b) Pressure: {.) 1 .... Annual Amount: '.' "l~10 ' c) Temperature: 04 . Largest Size Container:. 5 ~ -' · #OaysOnSite 365 -- Circle W~ich Months: ~"~ J.__ F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, O 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT ~' ' CAS # ..... % WT' AHM the three most haz~dous 1) Petroleum hydrocarbons /' -- ( 90 ! chemical components or > l0 [ any AHM components 2} Additives .... 3) [ 10) Location Lube room I Ce~ un~3er penallyot law, ~a~ 1 have personally exam~neO eno am familia/with ~e ~ntorneDon suDmirted on r11~$ aha ali arzacnea ¢~ocument& I Delieve J. Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager PRINT Name & TTtle of Authonzed Company Representa~ve ~ Signature ~ ~ -Dam , BAKER, IELD CITY FIRE DEPj :{TMENT H DOUS MATERIALS INVEI?rORY Paget3of 16 Business Name Ker~ Rock Compan7 Address 529 Dolores Street Bakersfield CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ]~ Revision [] Deletion { ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [~ TRADE SECRET [ ] / ......... 3) [:X3T # (optional) N'/A 2) Common Nm?e: Antifreeze .......................................................... ChemicalName: N/A AHM [ ] CAS # 57-20-1 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH ~ :. :.~ PHYSICAL ,. ....... HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [] Reactive [ ]. Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) ~ Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION N/A (O-digit code from DHS Form 8022) · USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [~ ...Gas [ ] : Pure [ ] Mixture ~ Wsste [ ] Radio~ ['] .." 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILJTY ....... UNITS OF MEASURE "8) sToRAGE,~'C~OES -: ............ · . MaXamum Daily Amount: ' i i0 ' lbs [ ] gal IX! ~t3 [ .] e) Container:. 06 . '-Average.i~aity Amount: '*- 55- :I . '' curies [ ] b) Pressure: - . _.Annual Amount: ......... 16~ --,, . =- c) Temperature: # Days On Site 36_5 .. CircteW~ich Months: ', '/*. ,~, F, M, A, M, J. J,A, S. O, N, O '~" '~-- 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT *. CAS # ........... ~-WT ...... AHM the three most h~.a~dous ..... ~) Et,hylene glycol 107-21-1 84-94 [. ] chemical components or 0-1 0 anyAHM components ......... 2) Diethylene ~lycol 111'46-6 []. 10) Location Lube room CHEMICAL DEScRIPTIoN 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New[ ] Addition { ] Revision IX] Deletion[ ] Check if chemical is e NON TRADE SECRET [~ TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: Argon "/ -' 3) DOT # (oPtional. N/A Chemic~Name: Argon AHM [ ] CAS# 74~40-37-1 4) PHYSICAL a HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH' N/A ....... ' .......... HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire ~ Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [y~( Immediate Health (Acute) [ I Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5} WASTE CLASSIFICATION "N/A (3-digit code from OHS Form 8022} . USE COOE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] liquid [ ] Gas ~ Pure [~x~ Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radio~ctive CHECX,~LL ~WAT ~.T 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: 333 lbs [ ] gaJ [ ] fi3 [~] a) Container; 04 ...... Average Daily Amount: lO0. curies. [ ] b) Pressure: OW : . ._ A~nual Amount:. ._ -672 ¢) Temperature: U/-+ ' Largest Size Container: ~ ~ - . # Days On Site ~65 Circle Which Months: ~ ~_t,~.~'--'~? F, M, A. M, J, J, A, S, O, N, O " g) MIXTURE: List - COMPONENT CAS # ' '%'WT' AHM the three most haza~dous 1) ArAo~ 7440-37-1 100 [ ] chemicaJ components or .. [ ] any AHM components 2) 3) [ 10) Loc~--~*~on West Wall of shop ( cerO~y unaer penmty of/aw, ~a~ I have personally examined m3o am familiar wi~ D~e intomaDon su~m~rMa on ~n~s and ali attached ~ocumenr=. j De~/eve m.? J. Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager PRINT Name & TTtte of Autho~zed Cornpany Representative Dam ';. BAKER ii)ELD CITY FIRE' DEP i :iTMENT HAZ'A'RDOUS MATERIALS INVEN'rORY Page14ofi6 Business Name K~rn Rock 'Company Address 529 Dolores Street CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS; New [ } Addition [ ] Revision K ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is · NON TRADE SECRET ~] TRADE SECRET [ 2) Common Na~,: Daravair ........ "' i'i ..................... .3!_?0T'""* (°P.;`°"~ ................. NT~ ChemicalName: N/A AHM [ ] CAS~ '1310'73-2 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH .- :-.:.-, PHYSICAL ..... HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive ~] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] . . Immediate Health (Acute) [~ Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION N/A (3-digit code from OHS Form ao==) .. -~J~'~0D'E'''-(~ ~ : S) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [~] . .Gas [ ] .: Pure [ ] Mixture IX] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] UN~TS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE ~'0DES .02 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY .. :"-. '. ' .... Mammum. DaJly Amount: 20 .- lbs [ ] ga ;[~[ lt3 [ ] a) Container. AverageOaily Amount: .... i U - '.. .' '. ' curies [ ] b) Pressure: - - 01 _. Annual Amount: ~... c) Temperature: · U~ '* .. Largest'SiZe C° n{~m~'~--' 3DR ~ .... # Days On Site ~ 365 Circle Which Months: ,~. F. M. A, M. J. J. A. S. O. N. D .... "-- 9) MIXTURE: List - COMPONENT .. . CAS ~ % WT AHM the mree most hazardous ..... ~) sOdium hydro×ide 1310-73-2 3 [ chemic~ components or : [ ] · ny NlM components ......... 2) ............................... 3) 10) Location Abovesround tank by batch plant cHEMIcAL DEScRIPTIoN .......... . ................. :. ::.-.:.-..,_.::....,..: *: 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision~ Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET ~ ] TRADE SECRET [ 2) Common Name: Aluminum brightner 3) DOT # (oPtion~ ChemicalName: N/A NlM [ ] CAS# 7664-38-2 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH N/A PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) {~] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5} WASTE CLASSIFICATION N/A (3-dicJit code from DHS Form 802~) ............. US~ ~:'~1~ ..... 0~ .................................. 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid ~ Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture ~ Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAC{LITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: 55 lbs [ ] gaJ [~ fi3 [ ] a) Container, 07 ..... Average Daily Amount: 3 0 cudes. [ ] b) Pressure: 0 i .... AnnuaJ Amount: ...... 110 c) Tempon~ure: 04 ' ' Largest Size Container:. 55 # Days On Site 365 Circle Which Months: ~'~-~'~ J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N; O '" 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # '% WT AHM me three most hazm'dous 1) Phosphoric acid 7664-33-2 20 [ ] chemicm components or 1341-49-7 5 anyAHM components 2) Amonium Biflouride [ 3) [ l 10) Lcc~on Wash rack cerDfy un(3er penmty of law, tha~ l have personeily examinee1 an(=. am fam~iiar wm~ ~e in/ornaDon su~rmtteo on ~s ana all a~acneO cJocumenr=. J. Bretton Braden~ Regulatory Affairs Man~er ~,//Signature / // · Date PRINT Name & TitJe of Au~horfzed Cornpany Representadve , BAKERSfiELD CITY FIRE DEP i TMENT . H DOUS MATERIALS INVENW'QRY Page l_5of Business Name Ke~n Rock Company Address 529 Dolores Street CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) IN~/ENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ I Re~ision ~] D~letion [ I Check if chemical is · NON TRADE SECRET [~] TRADE SECRET [ 2) Common N .a~n_~e: Argowash ..... 3) DOT # (optional) '~/~' ChemicaIName: N/A AHM [ ] CAS# N/A 4) PHYSICAL,& HEALTH N/A - .. '.~ PHYSICAL ........ HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [)(] Delayed Health (C~ironic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION N/A (3-digit code from OHS Fo~n SO=2) . -U~"~OOE" '-08 6) PHYSICAL STATE · Solid [ ] Liquid ~ :.Gas [ ] : Pure [ ] Mixture [] Waste [ ] Radioactive i'] ." 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY .... . . -:--. · UNITS OF MEASURE 8) sToRAGE ~0DES 07 M~dmum Daily Amount: 110 ... · . .. lbs [ ] ga ]~[ /t3 [ ] a) Container, ........... ' cudes [ ] b) Pressure: - · 01 Average Oally Amour_hr_ .... ~ ~ '" : c) Temperature: 04 " Annual Amount: ] 1 (I .... . "Largest Size con{~in~'r.--- 55 .... .. # OSysOnSite . 365 Circle Which Mcnths: .~, F, M, A, M, J. J, A, S, O. N, D 9) MIXTURE; List COMPONENT . CAS # % WT ........ AHM the ~ree most hazardous .... !) Phenol ethoxylate -- < 20 [ chemicaJ components or : .. [] a~y AHM components ....... 2) 10) Loc~ion Wash rack CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [~x~ Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET ~x~ TRADE SECRET Common Name: Torque. fluid -' 3) DOT # (optional) l~'[~' '- N/A ChemicaJ Name: N/A AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire ~[z~[ Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ! Immediate HeaRh (Acute) lf~][ Delayed HeaJth (chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION N/A (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE coON- 2 6 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [X~ Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture ~F~ Waste ['] Radioective 7) AMOUNT ANO TIME AT FAC~LJTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE COONS . Maximum Daily Amount: 55 lbs [ ] gaJ ~ 1t3 [ ] a) Container, 06 ..-. AnnuaJ Amount:. -.' 1 ~0 - c) Temperature: . -.. . . Largest Size Container. 5 5 #OaysOnSite 365 C[rcle Which Months: ~J. F. M, A, M. J, J. A, S, O, N, O ; '"' 9) MIXTURE: List · COMPONENT CAS # % ',~r' AH the three most hazardous 1) Petroleum hydrocarbons .... [ chemical components or any AHM components 2) 3) [ 10) Location T,ube room ~ unoer pena~y of/aw, ~a~ 1 have persona~ly examineO eno am famiiiar w~ ~e inforneoon suorn~r~eo on ~$ eno ali armcneo documents. J. ~retton Braden~ Regulatory Alfa±rs ~anager / X~ ~R~NT Name & T~#e ~t Au~ho~zed C~rnp~n¥ I~epre~enm~ve $i~n,,~r~ BAKE ELD CITY FIRE DEP ::ITMENT .. IDOUS MATERIALS INVEN=rORY PageL .of_L6 Business Name Ker~ Rock Company Address 529 Dolores street Bakersfield CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New { ~ Addition [ ] Revision [ ~[ Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is · NON TRADE SECRET ~ ] TRADE SECRET [- ] 2) Common Name: _A_~-90 Gear oil ...... 3) O0T'~ (optiona) N/~_" ChemicalName: N/_A_ AHM [ ] CAS# 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH - .. :.-, PHYSICAL . : ......... HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [~ Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 6) ~HYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid ~]., Gas [ ] ~ Pure [ ] Mixture [~] Waste [ ] Radioactive'[] ." UNITS QF MEASURE 8) STORAGE ~'00ES ........... 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY " ' "-'" '06 Mammum.0aily Amount:... 55 .-.- lbs [ ] gal ~ ft3 [ ] a) Container: .... -Average Oaily Amount: 30 .... ".' curies [ ] b) Pressure: -- Annual Amount: 2 ?~ R ,. c) Temperature: ' Largest Size Con~i~'~.-- ~ ~ ...... .. #OaysOn Site : 365 .. Circle Which Months: Al[Year, J, F, M, A, M, J. J,A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT . . CAS # % WT ........... AHM the three most hazardous ..... ~) Petroleum hydrocarbons -- 95 chemical components or any AHM components ....... 2) Addit ives ~ ~ 5 [ ] 10) Loc~tion Lube room CHEMICAL o SCa ON 1 ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemicaJ is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE S~CRET [ ~) Commo~ Name: 3) °°T # Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ 1 Reactive { ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] C~layed Health (chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3~igit code from OHS Fo~n 80~) . USS COOE s) PHYSiCAL STATE Solid ~ ] Liquid [ ] ~ [ ] Pu~ ~ ] Mi~ur, ~ ] Waste [ ] aadio~, 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUT'¢ UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES MaXimum Daily Amount: lbs [ ] gal [ ] tt3 [ ] a) Container: .... Average Daily Amount: cudes. [ ] b) Pressure: ~ . ¢) Temperature: '" .... Annual Amount: ..... - ~ La/ges! Size Container:. - .. # Days On Site Circle W~ich Months: All Year, J, F, M, A. M, J, J. A. S. O. N. D 9) MIXTURE; List COMPONENT CAS # '% WT.' AHM the three most hazardous 1) [ chemicaJ components or ., [ any AHM components 2) 3) [ 10) ~ unoer penal~y of law, ~et I have personally exarnineO aha am famtiiar wtd3 ~le m,)omeDon suom~rted on 01~$ eno all a~acneo oocumenrs. ~. Bretton Braden= Re~;ulatory Af£airs HanaFer ~iign~m Date PRINT Name & TitJe of Au~hotfzed Company Representa~ve OSouthwestDivision February 22, 1993 RECEIVED Bakersfield Fire Department {:EB 2 5 199~ Hazardous Materials Control Unit 2130 "G" Street HAZ. MAT. DiV. Bakersfield, CA 93301 To Whom it May Concern: Please find the enclosed Business Emergency Plan (BEP) and Hazardous Materials Inventory for the Dolores Street Concrete Batch Plant submitted on behalf of Kern Rock Company in compliance with Cali_.fo,~nia Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.95 " If yOu have any questions please contact me at (310) 531-3550 ext. 214. Sincerely, BEAZER USA, Inc. Regulatory .&flairs Manager Enclosure 310'531 3550 FAX310-531 0614 3000EAST SOUTH STREET LONG BEACH, CA 90805 Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: Approx. 30 It changes acording to the amount of business MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Office and Shop BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM:Employees are shown where hazardous materials are stored. They are shown where fire wxtinguishers and personal protection equipment are located and instruction on their proper use. This orientation is gi"en by the Personnel Department anf the tour of the facility is given by their department supervisor or designee 1. Reading a Material Safty Data Sheet, and where to find it. 2. Review of all Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals that may be present 'in their work area. 3. Warning about all hazardous materials and wastes that may be present in their work ares. 4. How to read hazard Communication labels on containers of hazardous materials. 5. Use of personal safety equipment required for each. chemical 6. Review of the business Emergency Plan and where to obtain a copy. Read the Plan, and .sign a statement certifying that they. understand it. 7. Use of a fire extinguisher and other emergency equipment. 8. Safe Handling and hazard prevention procedures as described under thePlan. 9. How to respond in case of an emergency or spill as described under Emergency Response in Plan. 10. Evacuation procedures, as identified under Evacuation Plan in this Plan. 11. Watch for leaks, vapors, or other' indications of potential hazards. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6,95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAr,_IYCOD FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: N A WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. N A WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIME~XC,_,_D THE MINIMUM RE?CRTING QUANTITIES. N A OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: J. Bret:on Bradon CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHATTER 6.95 SEC. 255'30 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. ~" ~i~-NATUR,_ TITLE DATE ._ - Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: Kern. Rock Dolores Street SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Call 911 and 'notlfy the State Office of Emergency Services at 1-800-852-7550 B,. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: Notification will be verbel and the staff will be evacuated to the designated area. The corporate office will then be contacted. C, PUBLIC EVACUATION: Evacuation of the public would be under the direction of the Bakersfield City Fire Department. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: Mercy Hospital Dr. Willard Christansen 2215 Truxtun Ave. 327-9617 327-3371 , Hall Ambulance 327-4111 Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 420 34th Street Golden Empire Ambulance 327-9000 Bakersfield Fire D~. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: The Quantities of hazardous materials stored at the facilities are minimized. Absorbent material is kept on hand to control small spills. Employees are required to keep their work areas clear and uncluttered Containers of hazardaus materials are checked periodically for leaks, ruat, and corrosion. Employees are required to use personal safety equipment and review MSDS copies. Signs are posted and hazardous materials are labeled. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: Absorbent material is kept on hand to control small spills. Employees are .required tp keep their wor areas clear and uncluttered. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES' Spilled materials are disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. The fire department will be notified immediately if facility personnel cannot contain the emergency. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCAT!CN OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR,'- "',"-,~,,-,.~"UTV"', ., NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: .~"""~'~ ¢''¢ n,,~'~ ~,,,,~ by ,,-h,~ ¢,".,~,-.,--,--~o'~ .... ~ ELECTRICAL: South of the fuel island by thru gm~ .~hn,~nCf SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YE$/{~:~ ' IF YES, LOCATION' SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION;WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FiRE PROTECTION' WATER AVAILABILITV (FIRE HYDR,-".NT): South west corner of Dolores Street and Tulare Street, ' ~(~:~'~~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street' Bakersfield, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIA~~~t~AGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. SECTION 1' BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA .__[._~c_%'_ BUSINESS NAME: Kern Rock LOCATION: 529 Dolores Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 529 Dolores Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: Bakersfield STATE: Ca. ZIP: 93305 PHONE: 805-324-9714 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER' SIC CODE'. 3273 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Ready Mix Concrete OWNER: Beazer West Inc. MAILING ADDRESS: 2515 McKinney Ave. Dallas, Texas 75201 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. Bill Butler Production Mamager 324-9714 Ho.588-8412 2. Dennis RTman Central Maint, Manager 324-9714 Ho. 589-9052 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 5us;ness Name KERN. ROCK COMPANY .'-ccress 529 DOLORES STREET' BAKERSFIELD CH~.MICAL PETROLEUM H~ROCARBON AHM(! SAS-' Chem~c~ Na~e: ;-tAZ_,z, RO cATE,$C,P, IE$ .:.re X ~,e~c. twe ( ! .~ucclen Aelea~e c', Pr~<sure ( ' )mmecisle Hemt~ fAc-",e~ r~i "e,avec PHYSICAL ~,T;,T~_ So,o ( L~mu¢3 [~ Ga.s [ ~ :'-'re ,Mi=ute ~] W"<~e ,, · AMOUNT ANO %ME .AT ,=Ac:~TY ',JNITS OF ME,ASL;F.E 8) STCRAG.~ CCCES Maximum Om~y Amc~un~: '-- ~ ' mi pre<sure: ' 0 Avera~m Omtv Amaun~ curies , . · c= Tem ce.r .'ute_:.. ' Annum Amoun: CAS -= :.'t.e:rlreemos;na. zzrcou$ *'~ DIESEL OIL # 2 68476-3/,-6 :.~m,c= c=m~ne.'* :r BIPHENYL 92-52-4 1 , . any ;,MM c=m:~onen~ NAPHTHALENE 91-20-3. : ' ~o) L=c~t,on FUEL ISLAND ·· CHEMICAL Q5SC.~iFT, ICN ~ ~ ',NVENTC,~Y ~TAT*JS. New ! ' ~cC:t:on ( i .=.er,man iX] '_e,eucn ~ ' .~hec× ri. cmemlcm is a NC,N T"~.:,C~ 2) C,;mmon N,~me: CALCUT>~_ CHLORTPF PT,AlT 3) '-CT = :hemlc,~aNmme: C~-LCIUM CHLORIDE A_NIC~ROUS AHM ; :~S= 10043--~2--4 ~A~Z~RO cAT~-'2~IE=- =re .~.' ' Read:ye ( [ Suacen Ael.e:e cf Pressure ~mmec:za~e ~ea~t~ ,Acu-.-'~ 5'~ PHYSICAL ~,T.'T~_ 30.¢ ~ : ,¢Cu:a ~X .~a.~ [ ' : .... Mixl, ute :X~ 'Na..~=e ' ' 7] AMOUNT ;,NO %ME AT .=;C;L~TY UNITS CF M-~;SL;~.-~ 8) STCAAGE - .': Tem=er='.;r-: &n~um :, Zavs Cn CC:,I=C;4ENT ",~S -~ % ',VT ~"'.' 9~ MIX?'J R E. _st N/A J. Bretton Braden Regulatory Affairs Manager BAKER :IELD CFFY FIRE DEF TMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page 2 ~f~ ~ 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD KERN ROCK COM~ANY .Accres$ 5,_'smess Name ~ ~ CHEMICAL OESCFiIFT. ;ON : 1 iNV~:'qTORY STAT'JS: New [ i ,:,~lctmon [ ! Rews~on ~I Oem[ion ! ~ Checx ~f cnem~cm is · NCN ~OE 3EC~,~ [ ~ ~OE 3EC~ .' 3) DOT · ~a~uanm~ 2) CammonN~e: C~C~ CHLORIDE LTQFTD -- ~LCI~ C~0RIDE Chem,~ N~e: ~) pHYSICAL & M~L~ PHYS;CAL ' ~RO CA~GCRIES 5) PHYS;CAL 3TA~ Soli~ 7) AMCUNT AND %ME AT FAC:M~ UNITS CF M~SUF,~ 8) STOOGE CGOES 06 M~mum Oaly Amount: curies [ [ b) Pressure: Average Oaiy Amount: Annua Amount: ~est Size Contane~ DUU ~ Oa~ On Site CAS ~ % ''~ AHM 9) M[~JRE: Us[ COMPONENT 10043-52-4 37 ' :~e mree mos[ ~aous 1) C~CI~ C~0RIDE ~y A~M com~nen~ '3) i ~01 ~:c~,,o. ABOVE GROUND BY BATCH P ~ ! CHEMICAL DESCRiFTiCN i Chec~'ff cnemtCm is a NCN ~05 S~'2~ '. ~OE .EC~ MURIATIC ACiD 3) ~T = t~cu~ :~ ~ROC~ORiC ACID AHM [ ] CAS ¢ ~ Chem~ N~e: , ._~L. H A~ PHYS;CAL & H[AL~ PHYSICAL , , H~RO CA~GCRIE3 ~re .~ ~ Re~tve ( ~ Sudden ~e~e~e ~f Pressure [ ~ immeQi~e He~ rachel ~! 0~lAvec Ne~t~ (Chromc~ . UNITS OF M~SLF. E 8) STOOGE CCCES 02 .[ M~mum Ca, iv Amount: · bi Pressure: curies ~ . 0~ ' AveraGe O~iy Amount: . c) Tem~er~ure: [ , ~ Annu~ Amount: i - ~ges: Size C~n~aner: O~ ~ .I 365 C;rc:e~cn Monms: . j. F. M. A. M. ' J. A. S. C. N. 2 '~ = Oars On Site ~MP,NcNT CAS :2e three most n~cous 1 ) :~em,c~ com~nen[s or N / A ~! / A -- ' ' ~V ANM com~nen~ :) - I '~ ~0)~=~o. ~ovg GRO~ .WASH ~CK ............. ~ J. Bretton 3raden, Regula'tqry Affairs Manager ~am HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 529 DOLOKES STREET BAKERSFIELD KERN ROCK C0~Y 5us;ness.Name CHEMICAL ~ ~N~NTCRY STAUdS. New( ~ iccmon( ~ Rev,s~on~ 2e,e~o¢[ Ch~cx:fcnem~saNCN ~C535C2~ ~RO CA~.3~RIE~ ~re ~ ~eac:Ne [ I Su:cen Ae~e~e ct ~ressure ' : ~mmea~e He.tn (Acute~ AMOUNT ANO %ME AT FAC:~ UNITS OF M~S~E 8) STOOGE M~mum C~v Amount: :~ X] ga { t: · al C~nt~nec , =1 Pressure: U AveraGe O~tv Amoun~ curies - c~ Tem~r~re: ~y AHM, ccm~nen~ C~5MICAL .DESCAi~iCN ~',NVENTC~YSTATJS: New( Ac~itlon( ; Aev,s~on(~ 2e,eucn( ;hecxff:mem~cmisaNCN ~''ESE'2~ GU~OL OIL 40 3). T 2[ Common s~m,~ N~: PETROLE~ ~ROC~BON 'A~M ', ~ ~HYS;CAL i H~4L%~ PHYSICAL '~D' CA~.~CAIE~ ~re ~] ~ea~e ( ~ Succen ~,e~e~e cf ~ressure { ; ~mmeoi~e Me~t~ (Ac;~l {~ Celavec ;~m:~ {Chronic: 26 )A~mUm ~mlV Amoun:: :~s ' i cm ~ ~ ~ al Ccn~mner: Averace C~lV Amount: c~mes , ] :I - :: Temcer~ure: 0 Annu~ Amount: '~es: Si:: Cch:tuner: 5 5 · :ne:~reemcs;~':=us :~ SOLVENT DEW~D DISTTT,T,Am~ ~E,~' :mere,cra ::m~nen:s'ar 64742-62-7 2 mv~,~ :=m~n.e= m SOLVENT DEW'ED RESIDU~ OTL , ~0/ ~=~,~. LUBE ROOM ~ =~,,~... J Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager ~ 12/31/' BAKERSFIELD CITY' FIRE DE RTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS iNVENTORY 4 cf 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD Name ~£RN ROCK COMPANY Accress __ CHEMICAL OESC~,I F'T'~C N GUARDOL MOTOR OIL 30 3) CCT =ommon PEiROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AHM[ ! PHYS;CAL & ~=_,~LTM. PHYSICAL .'~AZARO CA';~-'2GRIE-= =:re ', ~ ,=,eactrve ( I SuaOen Re,esSo cf =ressure ~ tmmeai~e Hero,ri (Ac-~e~ ~; Oemvea ,-;earn (Chrcmc~ ',VAS~ C~SSiF~CA%CN ~ pHYSiCAL'TA~ So.c ' ' ~aUL~ [~ G~ ,~ ....... 06 AMCUNT ANC ~ME AT ~AC:~ ~NITS CF M~mum Oa~y Amount: :,~s ' ga {~] t: al C~ntane~ Average O~iv Amoun~ curies An'nu~ AmounE = Ca~ Ca 3ke 365 :~emre~m~s=~=ous ~) SOLVENT DEW~D Di~TT,T,ATF =r'~' ~ ~ ~,N ~yAHMc=m~nen~ 2~ SOLVENT DEW.XED RES!DU~ OT= '' i-cc~lOn . LUBE RO0~ -- -- 1] ;NVENTGRYSTA~S: New{ ~ Ac~itton ~ ~ev,s~on~] Oe~e~:cn( ' 2h~cx,ff:nemlCmisaNCN~C~5~'2~ >~%%1 MOTIVE GRE.~E 1 C~mmon N~e: c~.m,~ N~e: PETROLE~ ~ROC~BONS ARM ' ' ~mmemi~e He~ (AcNme~ ~:[ ~aveC :~emt~ ~Chromc: . :~RO CA~GCF, I5~ =re X ') Eeoc:ye ( ~ Suacen ~.e~e~e cf Pressure . . '.VAS~ ,:~ESiF~C~=C:4 :~g:t ccce FHYSiCAL ~TA~ ~c:,c [ ~cutC [~ G~ [ ~ ' ' 'jNITS CF M~=S'~.5 8) STOOGE :::5~ 06 M~mum Om~v ;mcun~: ' : · Aver~g~ C~iv &mcunt: :unes . . :: Temcer~ur~: OA N/A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page 5of KERN ROCK COM~AzNY 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD =_us;ness Name Accress CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION : ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ i Addition [ 1 Revision [~ Deietlon ( i C, hecx if c~emlcaJ is a NON 'f'FtAOE SEC2~E'T ~) CommonNarne: GEAR LUBE 85-140 3) COT ¢ '~"¢~"'~ Chemical Name: PETROLEU~ ~ [-FfDROCARBONS AHM [ '] CAS # 4) PHYSIC. AL & H~LTH . PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CA'CE_GCRIES Fire [~ Reactive [ ] Suclclen Reiease of Pressure ] Immeciia~e Hea4tlq (Acute) (~ 0eiaye~ Heath (Chromc) 26 5) WASTE- CLASSiFICATiON (3-dig~t coae from OHS Form 8C~2) USE CODE 5) pH';'SICALSTATE Solid [] tjquicl ~! Gas [ Pure [ Mixture [~ Waste [] Ra~=ioact, Ne 7) AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FAO:LJTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STOF~AGE CODES Average Daily Amount: cunes[ ] b) Pressure: AnnuaJ Amount: c) Temperature: 04 LaJ'gest Size Contaner: ~ ~ ' #OaysOnSite _~_~ _ CircleV~lic~l Montl3s: ~;~IiT~j. F, Mi A, M. J. J. A. S. O. N. ~ p~, :~N,.T~ CAS # % ~ AHM 9) M~XTORE: Us~ SOLVENT DEWAX~,~ ~.ILLATE HEAVY PARAFFIN 64742-65-0 49 tr~e t~ree most ~qa.=a~oous 1 ) cnem~c~ commonenm or 64742- 62- 7 /~ 9 [ ] anyAHMcomc>3nents 2) SOLVENT'_ DEWA~Y~T) u,~TT)fTAT. DTT ~ O) Loch.on LTJBE ROOM CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION : l) iNVENTORY STATdS: New ( ] Addition [ t Revision~ ] ge etlon ( ] Checx ff chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET, 2) CommonNa~ne: W'[:~J)A 7~ 3) COT# Chemical Name: AO~EOLTS SO~UTT0'.~ LTG~OSTTT,'~f-)i~Am~ ~'{T~ :~_,~_T_.XTE AHM [ I CAS # ~) PHYSICAL & H,~-kLTH PHYSICAL H=-ALTH HAT_ARO CATEGORIES Fi, re [~ Reactrve [ ] Suocten Reie~e of Pressure [ ] )mmec~iate HeaJth (Acute) X i ,Deiayecl 5'1 wASTe. CLASSIFiCA~CN (3-<Jic_~ code from OHS Form 8022) USE CODE ~) PHYSICAL STATE- SoiiU [ ) LiQuid ,,'~] Gas [ ] Pure { } Mi~ure~x~ Waste [ ] Raaioac:Jve 7) AMOUNT AND %ME AT FAC~IJTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CCD, ES Me,x[mum Oa~iy Amount: %~"s [ ] gal ~] ,,3 [ 1 a) Cont~ner: Average OaJiy Amount: curies [ ] b) Pressure: 0 ]. AnnuaJ Amount: c) Temoerazure: L&rges[ Size Conr~lmer: _~ 00 #OsvsCnSite ~ Circ!e~ich Months: ~;~'. J. P. M. A, M, J. J. A. S. O. N. · CAS ¢ % WT AHM 9) MIXTURE: L:st ~ 0 ~L~LD E H't"D ¢,oMPONENT "" 00O 50-'q0-f') ] tl~e t.~ree most l~e~.~rcous I ) them,cai comcx=nen~ or TRIETHAMOLAMINE ~'ly AMM comconents . ' l l 1-4.~-_ ' 3) T) T Fm'-4,~ NC)T, AMT NF ! 10) Loc=.on BATC~ PL.~'qT ce~, uncer ¢enaJlv or la'v, ~8~ I nave per~JcnEuly exEu'rllneQ ~1c am t,~JTIIIIEC' WIt13 ~7'le inroma~on $1dornlR~:3 orl [~115 ~o ~1 ar,'~c,'~el3 Qocument=, Dec,eve J. Bredton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Mana§er 12/31/9L ~RI~ Name & Ti~e of.Au~ort=ec Company ~e~resenmDve ~gna~re ~ BAKERSiFIELD cITY FIRE DEP [IIRTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS iNVENTORY Pace6 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD KERN ROCK COM~ANY Acoress -2usiness Name CHEMICAL OESC;R1PTION 1.1N~NTCRY STAT'dS; New ( :: :odmon ( ! F~ev,s~on~ ~ Oemtlcn ( Shecx ff onem,¢-' is & NON ,--FLaOE ''C..5~' [ I T-mACE SEC;RET. C~mmon Name: CO~.T_% .-%~E% 2 ~'0 ;3) COT ~ Chem,C. aJ Name: LIGNOSLrLFONIC ACTT) AHM [ ] CAS PHYSICAL & ,-.5ALTH PHYSICAL HAP_ARD CAT~...qORIES =~re [X] Resc:rye [ I Suaclen Re,ease of Pressure [ I ImmeOiaze Hesttn fAc'~m ~ ~ CemveO Hemtn (Chronic: ',VAST~ CLASS;F!CAT]ON (3-oic3~t code h'om OHS Form 6¢221 'JSE CODE 0 l PHYSICAL STAT~_ So.o ' [ UauIO (~x~l Ga-~ [ ~ Pure Mixlure [~ Wa.~te [ I r%aoioac~.,'ve [ I AMOUNT AND ,"[ME AT FAC:UTY UNITS CF MEASURE 8) STORAGE. Aver.cie Oa4y Amount cunes[ ] b) P,essure: c~ Tem~er-,ure: Annum Amount: '" Largest Size Contmnen '%00 . DOD C;=:eWhicnMontns: ]fJ]'~'. J. F, M. A, M. ' J. A. S. C. N. ,.¢ Caw On Site COMPONENT CAS = % ','cT A~M 9) u~X-FJRE: List ETHANOLA~INE ~ ~o-7~ cnem;C~camc°nentsor HYDROXYLATED CAt~0XYLIC ACID '%1 1 '%R-6S-~ any AHM ccm~nen~S 2~. LIGNOSLrL~ONIC ACIDS ~ 0)' Local,on BATCH PLA~YT CHEMICAL DESCRIFTICN '.I) INVENTORY~-TATUS: New! ~ Addition( i ,=,evls~on(~ Oe~euon[ : Checxrfcnemtc~Uis aNON TRACE'~--'2,-',ET ~ ] -P~CF SE-C?,ET 3) COT = ~oo:~cnm~ 2) Common Name; DAP~.SEI ' AHM [ I CAS Chemlc...~ Name: ' ~ 'T' ^ J,~ PHYSICAL 3. H-CAI2?H PHYSICAL ' HAZARD cAT-E_..~CRIES ~re [X] Rea~ve ( ] Sudden Ae,e&se of Pressure ( ~, Immediate ~ea~,~ iAc~el ~ .~.laveC ,~,eagn (Chromo', 5'1 WAST~ CLAS3iFiCATiCN !3-oig~t code from OHS :c,,.m, 302.3) USE- CCCE 0 8) PHYSICAL STAT~- Scuc; 1 Lic:u~o ~] Ga.~ [ ! . Pure Mixture( {X1 Waa:e [ j 7) AMOUNT ;.NC %ME AT ,--zC:LiT¥ UNITS OF ME,~,SL;F,E 8) STORAGE. CCCES 02 M~mum Omiv ,:,mcunt: lbs F, I ~m .~ ~-. : at CcntaJner: _ Averaoe Oa~iv Amount: curies L ! ~1 ~ressure: - c: TamoeraZure: 04 Anr, u,m Amount: Lay~es: SiZe Ccnrmner: ~¢)0 ~ Cars On Site ~ ~;rc:e Which Months: .'~Y¢...~'. J.' F, M. A. M..2 J. A. -" CCMPCNE.NT CAS 9) :~xTusE. '-st - CALCIUM NIT,LATE ~ 37g~-06-$ 30 ... the mree mos: nazm'oous 1 ) 2 cnem,c~,, c=m~<~nen~s or TRIETHAzNOLAM!NE ! 0 ! 2/'- ~qy AI-IM ccm.~onefi[s NITROSODIETI-L%NLAMINE ~ l ~ 6- 5 &-_%Z____. 10) Loc.~,on BATCH PLANT :sro~. 'under =eria;~ or aw ar ~ .:ucrn~Ce~ iriform, ar~ori ~s ~Je. acc"rare. ~c c=rn~ete. J. Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager BAKE FIELD CITY FIRE DL:~ARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ¢--~e7__*' ~usmess Name KERN ROCK COlv[PANY ACtress 529 DOL~ ' !I C~EMICAL OESC~iFrI(DN ACETYLENE 3) 2) Cammon N~: ACET~ENE ~Mu [ I c;s ~ 74-~620 MA~RO CA~'~RIE~ ~re ~ ~, Rescale ( ~ ~u~an ~e~e~a at Pta~sur~ :~ ~ ~mmeci~ Helm ~Acu:e~ {~ ~emve~ He~n (Chrcmc: ~nnua ~maun~ my AMM c;m~nen~ ~ '.NVESITC~Y ~TA~dS: 'lew ~ ' ~c~ition { ' ~ev~s~an ' O~GEN 31 2CT = ',cc::cnm~ ~ Chem,~ N~e: O~GEN ~M~4 c~s = 77~2-&A'7 '~RD CA~GCMIE~ =r~ ~ =ea~we ( : Su~cen Fe~e~eot Pressure .; , mmect~e ne~m ~;cu~ ~ :e~ave~ ~emm ,~ ....... c. ;~eraqe Cmlv ;mcum: . ;nnu~ Amcun:: tO~ .:~:cn EAST W~L 0F SHOP '3. BreL~o~ Br~de~, Re~Lory Affairs ~er HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY _- KERN ROCK COM]~AlqY 529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD =us;ness Name ACcress 1 , CHEMICAL OESCRIF"FICN c~,m,~,: NITROGEN ,~M { c~s ¢ 7727-~7-9 ' MGRO CA~-~C~I~ ~re ~ ~e~c:Ne ~ ~ Su~en ~e~e~e ot Pressure :~ ' ~Imme~i~e MemtD fAc~:el (~ ~emvec t 7) AMCUNT AND %ME AT FAC:~ UNITS GM ME;SUrE 8) STC~GE .%CCES ' ' ' :1 Pressure: Av&ra~e 0mir Ameunc curies . . Annum Amaun~ c: Temcer~ure; ~t Si:e C~mmne~ cnem~ c:m~nen~ cr ~V ~HM c:m~nen~ '{ i0)'._cC~lon WEST W~L OF I CHEMICAL  N~e: ~LE;~ED GASOL%NE SI :CT ¢ C~mmon M~mum Cm~v ~mcun~: ',bs ' i gm ]~ ~ ' al C~n:mner: 0 :vera~e C~iv &mcun~: ':unes ~ ~ :l ?essure: 0 :nnum Amount: ~ ,,.~;~i -~: OASOLZ~E 8006'6 :~e~,c~ ::m~nen~s :r BENZENE 71-43-2 i'UbU~m~ i08-88-3 i0~ _~:cn ~TTFT T~T ,AN~ J. Bretton Braden, Regulatory. Affairs Manager BAKER iELD CITY FIRE DEP FITMENT ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Pacjeg__ofj_~ KERN ROCK COMPA~NY Address 529 DOLORES STREET Bj~ ~usiness Name CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ [ Addition [ ] Revision [ ~[ De:etlon [ ] Check if ct~emical is a NON TRAOE SECRET 2) CommonNa~me: MOTOR OIL 50 3) DOT ,¢' (optional) ChemicaJ Name: PETROLE~ ~¥~RPI(IAPRO~' AHM [ 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire []~ Reactive [ ]' Sudden Retease of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-0 g t code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODe 2 6 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ I Liquid [~] G~s [ ] Pure [ ] Mi:Cure' [~ Waste [ ] RaClioac'J~e [ ] 7} AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAC[U'Df ' UNITS CF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Oaiy Amount: lbs [ .] gaJ ~ i ~ [ ] a) Container: 06 Average Oally Amount: curies c) Temperature: AnnuaJ Amount:. 0 LArgest Size Container: ..5 ~Oa~sOnSRe: 30.~ .... CircteWhichMonfl~s: ~<~a~J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A. S, O, N. 0 ...... CAS # % WT AHM 9) MIXTURE' Ust, COMPONENT 64742-62-7 58 the tllree most hazardous 1) SOLVENT DEWAXED RESIDUAL QTT, c~emical c~mponents or 64742-65-0 32 ~yAHM components 2~ SOLVENT DEWA×~.D DISTILLATE HEAVY PARAffIN 3) 10~ LocaUon LUBE ROOM CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ I Addition [ I Revision [ ~ Deletion [ I Check ;,f chemiCaJ is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET',' [  2) Common Na,,'ne: WASTE OIL 3) EXiT # (optionml Chemica~ Name: WASTE OT_L AHM [ ] CAS # HEALTH 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HAZARD CATEGORIES · ~re [~ Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] immediate Hemth (Acute) k] Oel~yect HeaRt1 !Chronic) [ 40 5) WAST~ CLASSIFICATION 223 (3-digR code from OHS Form 80:22) US~ 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Uquid ~] Gas [ ] ='.'re [ '~ AMOUNT AND T~ME AT FAC:UTY UNITS OF MEASL~RE 8) STORAGE CODES 02 Msx~mumOally Amount: lbs [ I gal ~] ~,3 [ ] a) Container: Average Omiy Amount: curies [ Annual Amount: c~ Temperature: QA L~-cjes~ Size Container: ,¢OaysOn Site 365 CircieWhich Months: ~.,.,V~,, J. F, M, A, M. J, J, A, S, O, N, 'D CAS ,¢ % ?¢1' AHM 9) MIXTURE:' Ust C O M P %N/E.~T the tt~ree most haz~rclous 11 cnemica components or [ any AHM components ; ceroi¥ unaer gena~ or few, ;lla¢ I nave personally exar~l~<~- 8.riQ ~ /aJT1111al' Wig] ~e ;nrorTlaoon SLIDtTIIE;e~ orl 8'115 arlQ 8Ji at'~cll~:3 cocumenrS. I De.eve. · J. Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager 12/~1/9'2  Dam PRINT Name & Title of Au~orize~ Comoany I~eoresenratJve /gr~E~e BAKER - IELD CI--FY FiRE DEF RTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS .INVENTORY KERN ROCK COMZ~A-N'¥ _529 DOLORES STREET BAKERSFIELD Name Accress ~ CHEMICAL OESCRI~IGN CO'IX 400N C~mmon N~e: LIGNOS~FONIC ACID '.'/AS~ .2~SSiF:CA%CN .,~ ccoe UNITS OF M~S~R5 8) STC~GE AMCUNTXNC %ME AT FAC:U~ ',~ F ~ q~ ~ t3 ' al Con~nec 0~ M~tmum OaiV Amount: ' , Average O~iy Amoun~ cunes[ . c: Tem~r~ure: 0~ Annu~ Amou~E .... ~s[ Size ~ontanen D~ :~e:n~eemos~'~cous ~) ET~OL~INE ~v A~M c~m~nen~ LIGNOS~FONIC .~C~D 68131-32-8 N/A BATCH PL~T Loc~tton CHEMICAL CESCRI~iCN ;NVENTCRY STATJS: '4ew { :: &C~itlon ( Rev,s,on ~] Ce,el:ca ( ~ ' ' Chem~ N~e: PETROLE~ H~ROC aR RDY =~v ;~A' PHYSICAL ~RO CA~GCRIE~ ~ra X ~ Rea~lve ( ~ ~u~cen Rete~e cf Pressure ] ] ;mmeoi~e Hewn (Acu~a~ ~ C~avec m~mm ~Chr=mc: ',vAS~ C~SS;FiCA%CN ~iq~[ ::ce ~m ~S =:~ ~G%2! :JSE CCCE 2 6 PHYSICAL 3TA~ Sc.c t Qcu~O (%~ G~ i : .... Mi=ufa ~ ~ 'N~[e : =.ac:cac:rze : "~ ....... 0 6 AMCUNT ~NC ~ME AT F~C:~ UNITS OF Average C~tv Amount: c~nes , . :: Tem=er~ure: ~nnu~ Amoun:: :~e:~==~:~==~s :~ SOLVENT DFWAVr~ DISTILLATE HEA~ P~FFIN 6&742-65-0- O) Lo~,o. LUBE ROOM J. Bret~on Bradeu, Resulatory Affairs Mauaser BAKEF iFIELD C!_TY FiRE DE ,RTMENT ' ,, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS iNVENTORY KERN KOOK CO~ Address 529 DOLORES STREET B~RSFIELD ~usmess Na~e CHEMICAL OESCRI~ION . i).iN~ENTCRYSTA~S: New [ ~ccman( ~ ~e~,s~on~ ~ Ce,e~on( '~ Checxdcnem~c~isaNON~OES~CR~ ~ ~ ~CE~E'2R~ commonN~.: MOTOR OIL 3) ocr PETROLE~ ~ROC~BON Chem~ Nares; ~MYSICAL PHYS;CAL i ~6AL~ ;~ , imme~i~a ~e~tn (Acutel ~ I. C~av~ He~ ~Chromc~ ( H~RO'CA~GGRIES Fire . , Rest:we; ~' Sudden Re~e~e of Pressure [ ~ WAS~ C~SSiFiCA~ON (3-~iqtt c=~e ~om OHS Fc~ 80221 USE CCOE PHYS[CALSTA~ Solid f [ d~uiO ~: G~ [ AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FAC:U~ UNITS CF M~AS~.5 M~mum O~iy Amount: 1b~ [ t ~ ~ ~ ' curies [ Average O~iy Amount: Annum Amount: = ~ges: S~ze Cant~ner: DUUU '~CaysOn SRe 365 ' . C~rcle~icn Months: ~j, -- CAS ~ % '''~ AHM 9) ~aS: u~t SOLVENT ~{~TRESIDU~ OIL 647 .2-o2-7 58 ' 647~2-65~0 ¢nem~cm ccm~onen: or ~yAHMccm~nen[s 21 SO~VENT QEWA~TD DTRTTTT,~T~ HEAV~ ~ERGRO~ FUEL ISL~' 1O) Lock,an CHEMICAL CESC~I~ICN , . 1}tN~NTCRYSTA~S: New( ~ ;coition ( ~ ~evis~on( ~ .Ceie~onf ) Checxffcnem~isaNON~CES~C?.~ '. Chem~cm Name: 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ , . HA~RO CA~GCRIEB ~re ' ~ Reactr~e { ~ Su~en ~eie~e of Pressure ~ ~mme~i~s Me.tn (Ac~e) { ~ 2e~avec Memtn (Chrcmc~ '"-cic': ~c~e ~om OHS ;o~ 80221 ~) 'NAS~ C~S3;FiCARCN ~'.- -' - Minute { ~) pHys[CAL STA~ SoiiO : ~ ~j~u[~ : G~ [ ~ l~ ~ AMCUNT ANO~MEATFAC:M%F ',be [ 1 ~a ( t~ '' al C~n[~ner: M~lmum C~iv Amount: ' ' ; · 21 Pressure: AveraGe O~iv Amount: " ,:~ Temcer~re: Annu~ Amount: '~ges~ Size C=n[mner: , Ca~ On Site C',rc~e '~icn Monroe: ~ll Ve~. J. 9) MI~JSE; mint C~MFCN~NT C'AS ¢ % ''~ ~h)" ~y A~M c~mconents J. Bretton Braden, Regulatory Affairs Manager ,~INT Name & ~e cr .au~on:~ Ccmc~y ~ecresenm~ve ~i~a~re . jam KERN ROCK COMPANY Fac. Unit: Fixed Containers on Site = Hazmat Inventory = Inventory Details ESTER 07/24/91 -- Name i[ Secret ir CAS/Waste Code ~ PSI RETARDING ADMIX TUBES No · Hazards: Delay Hlth MCP: Moderate Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: ADDITIVE -- Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL ~-- Annual Amount GAL 1,400.00 [ 1,000.00 [ 2,800.00 Key Conc Components I M':F----[Listl <1> 5.0 Mixed Sulfonic Acids and Sulfonates · Mod~;ra.te <2> ~Carbol, ic-Acid~ ·  <Key> Component Details <S> SP~ <C> Components <N> Notes <U> UST-i <I> Inventory List <P> Print <Fl> Help <Esc> Exit CI'I'Y of BAKERSi-IELU 'FarmandAgticulture [1' Sten, dard Business ,{~ NON TRADE SECRETS Dj ~Z) N NAHE: ~Z~ ~ , , S3 ~DA O ND CLA S COD :--'~~ .................. PhYsicH end Hea~th ~zard C.A,S. Number' Component Il Name I C,A,S, Number .. (Check HI that spply) ~ Fire H~zard: ~ Reacthit ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~lr,~i~.Coeponent 12 Hame { C,A,S. Number Health of Pressure ' Component 13 Hame I C.A.S. Humber PhySical Iod ~ee)th U~lard C.A.S. Humber Component Il Hame t C,A.S, Humber {Check al/ that, apply} ~ Component 12 Hame I C.&,S. Hu~ber ~ Fire Hazard[ ~ Reactivity ~elAyed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate ~' Health of Pressure Health ~ Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Humber . Physical 8nd Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber Component II Hame I C,A.S. Humber {Check 811 that Apply) . · ~ Fire HAz~r~ ~ Reactivity; ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ ]ec~e~C°mp°nent 12 Ha~d I C.A,S. Humber ~ :, Health of Pressure Component 13 H~m8 I C.k,S, Number I C.A.S, Humber P I C.k.S. Number ~ }ireH~z~rd ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ · Health of Pressure ComponenL 13 Name ~ C,k,S. Number + = · c m I tin ~11 s ctfons) Lee[thy unoer' ena]~ ~ . ~ ,nn.irv ~{ {hose }n~v~3uals responsible for obtaining the ~ntor~,a~on. I bel}eve that the · ci IY of -BAKERSF /ELD " ' AZARDOUS HAT ER'rALS T NV EN'I~ORY ' !Cure ~/H NO'N--TRADE SECRETS ~,..,Fi'im and AgticuI B' standard Business . lyre Nax Aver}ge Annual Hea~ure. I Coat Cont .. Cont Us toc~tion.~he'{e i' Loom Amt Amc EsL Units on e lype 'Press lemp Co~e '. Storeo in~acl~t~ .See Instructions Physical and He~lth'H~zard ~ C.A,5, Number Component II Name a C,A,5. Number . Component 12 Name I C.~,5. Nu~ber · ~Health of Pressure . Co~ponent 13 Ha~e I C.l.S. Humber · Component II Name & C.A.S. Humber {Check all that; apply)' g Fire Hazard~ g Re,ctivlty ~elayed g Sudden release g i,~%~i¢~C°mp°nent 12 Hame I C.A.5. Humber ~ ~ Health of Pressure Component 13 Hame I C.R.S, Humber Physical lad Health H~zard C.A.5. Humber Co~ponent II Name I C.R.S, Humber (Check ~il.th8} apply) COmponent 12 H8ei I C.A,5. Humber ~ , Health of Pressure Component 13 Hame I C.~.5, Nutber Physical eodH~lthPaZard C,A.S. Number Component II Here t C.A.S, Nut, bmr (Check ~1/ that apply) ! Component 12 N~e I C,A.S. Number J ~ FireH~z~d ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ l~edi~te · ; He,iCh of Pressure Health Component 13 N~ee I C,A,S, Humber Ce~tifi~tio ~ Re and i naf r dom 7 ~fng all s ct{oas) l.ce. ,L '~ ..... ~.. ~-,eo on ~ in,uirv of those individuals responsible for obLaln~n9 the lntormaHon. ] believe'that the s~b~ltteO In,ofF,~t$On is~Fue, accuFe~e, ~no comp~et~.~ · r~u~ 0~ ~or s author~z.~ reoresen~ . MATERIAL. SAFETY DATA SHEET 31;9203 MHteri&l Safeb/ Data Sheet U.S. Department of Labor May ba u.'Sed to comply with O~:cupatlanal Safety and Health Admln~stratlon OSHA'S ~.-lauT. srO Cornmun]cation Standard, {Non-Monde[Dry Form) ~ CFR tg10.1:2~"x3. $,tandard must be Form Approved ¢OnSUIleO for SpeCific; requiremen[s. OM B No. 1218-007:2 M~ut~cF~ ~; ~etge~ Tele~ne 909 c. ~s ~l~s Blvd., S~te ll00 ,14/869-03.00 .. DaLe z~S, ~ 75039 5/Z5/g0 Signaluta o~ Prc~cr ,Section II -- H~rdous Ingr~ient~ldenti~ Info~ation H~atcou5 ~m~nents [S~i~ Che~ ~en~ ~mmmn N~s)) O$~ PEL ACGIH ~V R~ommend~ Mmdlfications of derivatives of lignosu%fonic acids l~Ddifica~iop.~ of derivatives of hydroxyl_a~tpj_..qarb_.oxylic acids Section III -- Physical/Chemical Characteristics ~scible ~k ~r li~d - s~t ~a o~r 'Section IV -- Fire and Explosion Ha~rd Da~ ~*" ~"~ ~*'"~= u~) Non-fl~mmble a~,, u~,= N/A tg~ N/A ] UEt N/A 1 S~,a F~e Fign~ng Pt~ur~ N/A [Recrcx.luce lOcally) O~ 17,t. ?~.~h ' ~-~'*. N/D - No~ De~ermined N/E - None E~Cablished N/A - Not Applicable ~31 ;.c. 204 . ~EF~RfiNC~ FI{.~ ~/~ Section VI -- Health H~rd Da~ s:~r.s s~c sy~p~;~= oi ~o ~y_ ~e re~ess of sk~ m~ e~es of s~ ~d eye tisst~ Fl~h contacted ~ea ~_th c~i~ ~ts of wa~er. For eye $¢c~{~a VII -- P~e~utions for Safe Handlin~ and O~ S:~ ,: ~e r~n ,n C~ ua,~a ~ R~ ~ S>~ ~k up with absor~nt ~%terial ~ place ~ ~ce~ht c~t~rs for ~s~sal Section VIII -- Control Measures N~ re~ed Howl c~e ~o di~ploy, ~tore, in~toll, u~, o~rot~, ~11 or hondl~ moteriol~ or pr~e~e~ involvin~ or cre~tin~ Con- ..... . diti~s dee~hazor~us to life or pro~ as~ws: ~~- __~ . .- Per ...................... By ....................... r ...... 2 .............. MAT£RIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 31:9203 Ma.~erial Safety Data Sheet' U.S. Department of Labor ///..~ ,May I~ use~ to comply with Occupational Safety ',nd Health Adm;nistrat;on .OSHA'.~ HaZa~0 Communlc:,lian $1anQar~l, {Non-Manda[or,/' Farm) ~ CFR 1910.1~. Sianaatd m~ ~ Form Approved 'D~_~ (~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s,~ ~m: ~,~k S~tion I Co~x ~:~ti~ ~~ls ~21-4/86070~300"m~' .Sec~oa II -- Hn?nrd0u$ lngr~ient~ldentJ~ Info.orion " ~P, et L~md~ H~c~ ~cn~ (S~i~ Chemk~ ~emir~ Co~n ~s)) OSHA PEL ACGIH ~V Substituted benzene sulfonace, sodium salt A neutralized aq._L~,,OU.~ solution PEL - N/A T~._V - N/.A · This material is non-hazardouu~ Section Ill -- Physical/Chemical Charactcristi¢~ $ectien IV -- Rte and Explosion Hoard N/A J . Section V -- R~activit'y D-~t~ [s:~;o X None esc~lis~d S~ctian VI -- Haaith H~rd O~ta S~n? Ir, gebpcn? R~;~3) ~1 ~t~': InnAlat~3?No Yes Yes ;~'~ "~'~ ~ ~ ~=; ~ri~5 - sl~ ~d .eyes_~nly ~.th severe May_cause re(hess of eyes and ~ass of skin ~'~=/~ am ~ ~¢~ Fl~h c~¢ac~ed ~ea %~h copio~ ~mts of water. For ey~ c~tacc, c~3s~g a physici~. If m~all~d, 'call a p]~zsician. Section VII ,-- Pr~autions lot Safe Handling and Use s:~;~ :~ s. ~a.~ ,. C~ ~.,~,.-~ '. ~t~ ~, s~.~ S~k _~ ~d. ch absorbent ~e~al ~d place ~ ~ta~i~hr containers for dis~k w~., o~o~, ~;,~ L~ill in accordance with applicable local and federal reRula- · tions. Mate~_al is biodegrmH~ble_~.o P,~, t~ ~ ~a ;n ~ ~ S~ Normal c~re ~o avoid skin and eve con, act. S~ore · above 3~-°F to protect from freezing. __ 06/27/91 10:14 ~'4J~.261 4414 OSC-DIV HYDRI ~002 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 2655 N. MAYFAIR ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53226 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET I C-0020 ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER PAGE 1 MANUFACTURED BY: HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 2655 NORTH MAYFAIR ROAD MSDS#:HY891IC0020XX MILWAUKEE,WI 53226 (414) 257-2300 PREPARED BY:LMT (414) 277-1311 05/31/89 SECTION I - PRODUCT INFORMATION TRADE NAME: ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER / WATER STAIN REMOVER CHEMICAL NAME SYNONYMS: N.A. C.A.S. REGISTRY #: Not Established CHEMICAL FAMILY: Acid Cleaner FORMULA: Proprietary Information DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME: COMPOUND, CLEANING, LIQUID (CONTAINS PHOSPHORIC ACID) D.O.T. HAZARD CLASS: CORROSIVE MATERIAL D.O.T. IDENTIFICATION #: NA1760 D.O.T. LABEL: CORROSIVE . SECTION II ~ HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT PERCENT TLV LEVEL PEL LEVEL Phosphoric Acid < 20% 1 mg/m3 1 mg/m3 Ammonium Bifluoride < 5% * 2.5 mg/m3 * 2.5 mg/m3 NOTE : * Exposure Limit for Fluorides, as F. SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BO1L1NG POINT (DEG. F): Not Estab. SPECIFIC GR.~VITY: 1.12 FREEZING POINT (DEG.F): Not Estab. PERCENT VOLATILE VAPOR PRESSURE (MM HG): Not Estab. BY VOLUME%: N.A VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) : N.A. EVAPORATION RATE(N.A. ): N.A. , ~6/27~91 10:15 "~'4 261 4414 USC-DIV HYDRI ~003 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 2655 N. MAYFAIR ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53226 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IC-0020 ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER PAGE 2 SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Complete APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Clear, Blue liquid. Mild odor. SECTION IV - FIRE EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT (METHOD USED): None. FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL: N.A. UEL: N.A. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: For fires in area use appropriate media. For example: Water spray. Dry Chemical. Carbon Dioxide. Alcohol Foam. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Evacuate area of unprotected personnel. Wear protective clothing, chemical safety goggles and face shield. Cool fire-exPosed containers with water spray. Product generates heat upon addition of water, with possible spattering. Run-off from fire control may cause pollution. Neutralize run-off with Lime,,Soda Ash, etc., to prevent corrosion of metals and formation of Hydrogen Gas. UNUSUAL FIRE EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Product may react with some metals (ex.: Aluminum, Zinc, Tin, etc.)to release flammable Hydrogen gas. Thermal decomposition may produce Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) gas. SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: 1 mg/m3-TWA; 3 mg/m3-STEL (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.Z-l-A) 1 mg/m3-TWA; 3 mg/m3-STEL (ACGIH 1988-89) * Exposure Limits listed are the lowest values for the major constituents of the product. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYE CONTACT: CORROSIVE - Causes severe burns and destruction 06/27/91 10:16 '~'4 261 4414 USC-DIV HYDRITE ~]0-0~'--'-- HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 2655 N. MAYFAIR ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53226 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IC-0020 ALUMINUM BRI GHTNER PAGE 3 SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA of'tissues. Small quantities can result in permanent damage and loss of. vision. SKIN CONTACT: CORROSIVE - May cause irritating and severe burns to the skin. Product contains a HF acid salt. Therefore, there is also danger of Hydrofluoric Acid burns if the material is in prolonged contact with the skin. Care should besexercised to keep the material from getting under the finger nail . Hydrofluoric Acid burns may not be immediately painful or visible. Hydrofluoric Acid will penetrate skin and attack underlying tissues and bones. INHALATION: Mild exposure: Can irritate nose, throat and respiratory system~ Severe exposure: Can cause nose and throat burns, lung inflammation and pulmonary edema. Also depletes calcium levels in the body if not promptly treated, resulting in death due to hypocalcemia. INGESTION: Can cause severe mouth, throat and stomach burns. Can affect kidney function and be fatal if swallowed. Profound and~ possibly fatal hypocalcemia is likely to occur unless medical treatment is promptly initiated. OTHER: ,ROUTES OF EXPOSURE: Product can affect the body if it is inhaled, comes in contact with the eyes or skin, or is . swallowed. There is a possiblity of free Hydrofluoric Acid existing in solution. Prolonged contact, in any route of exposure, may result in hypocalcemia (a defic½ency in calcium levels in the body which if left untreated may be fatal). TARGET ORGANS: Eyes. Skin. Respiratory System. Skeleton. Central Nervous System. Kidneys. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids open during this flushin9 with water. Call a physician immediately. If a physician is not immediately available, apply one or two drops of 0.5% Pontocaine H~drochloride solution followed by a second irrigation for 15 minutes. Use none of the solutions described for skin treatment. Use no oils or greases unless instructed to do so by a physician. .06/27/91 10:16 '~z 261 4414 USC-DIV HYDR ~005 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 2655 N. MAYFAIR ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53226 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IC-0020 ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER PAGE 4 SKIN CONTACT: ** Seek medical attention as soon as possible for all burns regardless of how minor they may appear initially. ** Flush area ~ith water while removing contaminated clothing and Shoes. Follow by washing with soap and water. Do not reuse Clothing or shoes until cleaned. Treatment A: If available, after thorough washing, the burned area should be immersed in a solution of 0.2% 13% iced aqueous Zephiran Chloride (Benzalkonium Chloride - nthrop Laboratories). If immersion is not practical, towels should be soaked with one of the above solutions and used as compresses for the burned area. Ideally compresses should be changed every 2 minutes. Solutions should be replaced annually if not previously used. Treatment B: An alternative to Treatment A is for the physician to inject Sterile 10% Calcium gluconate solution subcutaneously beneath, around, and in the burned area. Initially use no more t~an 0.5cc per square centimeter and do not distort appearance of skin. If pain is not completely relieved additional treatment is indicated., INGESTION: If conscious, dri ~9~t}n$. gALL A PHYSICIAN i~-~.qya[t of. water DO NOT ~_~ .... *~',~, uaKe lmmediatel to s'~'~ unconscious Or in · -uuce vomiting or ~ive .... ~' ~ hospital or a h s' ' Several _ ~ _ -nycn~n b P Y ~clan. NEVE ' . glasses of milk r ..... ~_~Y mouth to an uncon~; o_ ~=~az OUnces of mil~ ^~ ~uu~.vlctlm. given for their soothing effect. ~ ~ magnesia may be INHALATION: Remove victim to fresh air. ~if not breathing, give artificial respiration, Preferably mouth_tO_mouth If breathing difficult, give oxygen. CALL A PHYSICIAN.' OTHER: ALL TYPES OF CONTACT SHOULD BE T~EATED IM~4EDIATELY. 06/27/91 10:17 ~'4 261 4414 USC-DIV HYDRI ~006 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 2655 N. MAYFAIR ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53226 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IC-0020 ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER PAGE 5 SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: X STABLE UNSTABLE · CONDITIONS T~ ~VOID: Contact with water may cause violent reaction with evolution of heat. To dilute: Add product slowly to lukewarm water; not water to product. INCOMPATABILITY: (1) Glass, concrete, and other silicon-bearing materials:' yield silicon tetrafluoride gas. Pressure build-up from this process has been known to blow up glass containers. (2) Carbonates, sulfides, and cyanides: yield toxic gases: carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen cyanide. (3) Alkalis, some oxides, fluorine and other water-reactive materials: cause strong exothermic reactions that can be violent~ (4) Common metals: yield hydrogen gas,a fire and explosive hazard and a reactive hazard. (5) Corrosive to many materials, including leather rubber and many organics. ' HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS. Hydrogen fluoride (Hydrofluoric Acid). ' HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: MAY OCCUR X WILL NOT OCCUR SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BF. TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: CORROSIVE MATERIAL. Evacuate unprotected personnel from area. Maintain adequate ventilation. Use proper Safety Equipment. Contain spill, place into drums for proper disposal. Flush remaining area with water and neutralize with Soda Ash or Lime and dispose of properly. Avoid direct discharge to sewers and surface waters. Notify authorities if entry occurs. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Observe all Local, State, and Federal Regulations. Dispose of at approved Waste Treatment Facility.. If approved, neutralize material and flush to sewer. DO NOT 'pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind or expose empty containers to heat, flame, sparks or other sources of ignition. ~ 96/27/91 10:18 '~41 ~61 4414 USC-DIV HYDRI1 ~007 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 2655 N. MAYFAIR ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53226 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IC-0020 ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER PAGE 6 SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION CONSULT SAFETY EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTOR RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: If recommended Exposure Limits are exceeded wear: NIOSH-Approved self-contained breathing apparatus. NiOSH-approved respirator for HF gas or mists. Do not exceed lim{ts established by the respirator manufacturer. VENTILATION: Maintain adequate ventilation. Do not use in closed or confined space. Keep levels below recommended Exposure Limits. To determine exposure levels, monitoring should be performed regularly. Avoid mist formation. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Acid-proof. Gauntlet-type. Rubber (Latex) Neoprene Polyvinyl Chloride. ' · EYE PROTECTION: Chemical Safety Goggles. Face shield Do not wear contact lenses. ' OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Eye-wash station. Safety shower. Rubber. apron. Chemical safety shoes. Rubber boots. Protective clothing. Full-rubber acid suit. Thoroughly check all protective equipment for pinhole leaks on a routine basis. ................ ~- SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING: CORROSIVE MATERI'AL. Store in cool, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight. Do not freeze. Keep containers tightly closed. Relieve pressure in drums weekly. Store away from incompatable materials. Highly corrosive to most metals with evolution of Hydrogen Gas. Do not store in unlabeled or mislabeled containers. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Do not swallow. Avoid dust or mist formation. Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing m{sts or dusts. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink, or smoke in work area. ~/Z'1/91 1~:1~ ~414 ZS1 4414 USC-DI¥ HYDKI'IE ~ HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 2655 N. MAYFAIR ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53226 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IC-0020 ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER PAGE 7 SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS SECTION X - SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH INFORMATION CARCINOGEN CONTENT % PPM INGREDIENT IARC NTP OSHA NOTE : This product does not contain greater than 0.1% of the known or potential carcinogens listed in NTP, IARC, or OSHA. LD50 ORAL : No data LD50 SKIN : No data LC50 INHALATION : No data The data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to the specific material designated and does not relate to its use in combination with . any other material or process. The data contained is believed to be correct. However, since conditions of use are outside our control 'it should not be taken as a warranty or representation for which HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. assumes legal responsibility. This information is provided solely for your consideration, investigation, and verification. 96/27/91..19:19 ~'~261 4414 USC-DIV HYDRI ~009 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 2655 N. MAYFAIR ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53226 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET INFORMATION CONTAINED MUST NOT BE DETACHED FROM THE MSDS AND ANY COPYING AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THE MSD5 SHALL INCLUDE COPYING AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET. IC-0020 ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER PAGE 1 ED$#: HY891-IC0020-XX-EDS EMERGENCY NUMBER: (414) 257-2300 (414) 277-1311 CHEMTREC: (800) 424-9300 PART 1: PRODUCT/COMPOSITION NO. COMPONENT CAS NUMBER PERCENT P ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER Not Established 100% -TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION- 1 Phosphoric Acid 766'4-38-2 < 20% 2. Ammonium Bifluoride 1341-49-7 < 5% NOTE: PART 2: SARA TITLE III INFORMATION NO. RQ (LBS) TPQ (LBS) SEC 313 313 CATEGORY 311/312 CATEGORIES (*1) '(*2) (*3) (*4) (*5) . P * N/A * N/A A-C 1 5,000 N/A Y N/A A-C 2 100 N/A N N/A A-C NOTE: * RQ and Section 313 rePorting requirements are dependent upon individual ingredients. -FOOTNOTES .... u · 1 ~ REPORTABLE QUANTITY OF EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, SEC. 302 · 2 - THRESHOLD PLANNING QUANTITY, EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, SEC. 302 · 3 = TOXIC CHEMICAL, SEC. 313 · 4 = CATEGORY AS REQUIRED BY SEC 313 (40 CFR 372.42)., MUST BE USED ON TOXIC RELEASE INVENTORY FORM · 5 = HAZARD CATEGORY FOR SARA SEC. 311/312 REPORTING A = I M)4EDIATE (ACUTE) HEALTH HAZARD F = FIRE HAZARD C - DELAYED (CHRONIC) HEALTH HAZARD R = REACTIVE HAZARD 06/27~91 10:20 '~4~261 4414 U$C-DIV HYDRI ~010 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 2655 N. MAYFAIR ROAD MILWAUKEE, Wi 53226 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET INFORMATION CONTAINED MUST NOT BE DETACHED FROM THE MSDS AND ANY COPYING AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THE MSDS SHALL INCLUDE COPYING AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET. IC-0020 ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER PAGE 2 PART 2: SARA TITLE II1 INFORMATION P - SUDDEN RELEASE OF PRESSURE HAZARD PART 3: CERCLA INFORMATION EPA - COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE, COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY ACT. UNDER EPA - CERCLA ("SUPERFUND") RELEASE9 TO AIR, LAND OR WATER MAY BE REPORTABLE TO THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER, 800-424-8802 (CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING THE RELEASE AND CLEANUP DETERMINE REPORTABILITY). THE REPORTABLE QUANTITY FOR THIS PRODUCT IS: 25,000# based on Phosphoric Acid; 2,000~ based Ammonium Bifluoride. NOTE: RQ dependent upon quantities of individual ingredients present. PART 4: RCRA INFORMATION REFER TO LATEST .EPA OR STATE REGULATIONS REGARDING PROPER DISPOSAL. HAZARDOUS WASTE NUMBER = D002 (40 CFR 261.22) PART 5: 'HMIS/NFPA LABEL INFORMATION HMIS NFPA KEY HEALTH: 3 3 0 - MINIMAL FLA~ABILITY: 0 0 1 - SLIGHT REACTIVITY:: 0 0 2 - MODERATE WARNING N/A 3 - SERIOUS WARNING N/A 4 - SEVERE PERSONAL PROTECTION RATING TO BE SUPPLIED BY USER DEPENDING ON USE CONDITIONS. HMIS = HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM NFPA = NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION 704 06z2?z~l ~10:21 84] 61 4414 USC-DIV HYDRI ~011 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 2655 N. MAYFAIR ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53226 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET INFORMATION CONTAINED MUST NOT BE DETACHED FROM THE MSDS AND ANY COPYING AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THE MSDS SHALL INCLUDE COPYING AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET. IC-0020 ALUMINUM BRI GHTNER PAGE 3 PART 5: HMIS/NFPA LABEL INFORMATION HEALTH, FLAMMABILITY, AND REACTIVITY RATINGS SHOULD ONLY BE USED AS A GUIDE. THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR THE PRODUCT SHOULD BE CONSULTED WHEN ASSESSING HAZARD INFORMATION. PART 6: PROPOSITION 65 IF YOUR BUSINESS RESIDES IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR IF YOU SUPPLY PRODUCTS DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY INTO CALIFORNIA, WE ARE PROVIDING THIS INFORMATION TO YOU PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA SAFETY DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT OF 1986 (COF94ONLY KNOWN AS PROPOSITION 65). THIS LAW REQUIRES, IN PART, THAT "NO PERSON IN THE COURSE OF DOING BUSINESS SHALL KNOWINGLY AND INTENTIONALLY EXPOSE ANY INDIVIDUAL TO CHEMICAL KNOWN TO THE STATE TO CAUSE CANCER OR REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY WITHOUT FIRST GIVING CLEAR AND REASONABLE WARNING TO SUCH INDIVIDUAL..." (SECTION 25249.6). THE ACT DOES NOT EXEMPT FROM THE WARNING REQUIREMENT "AN EXPOSURE FOR WHICH THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE CAN SHOW THAT THE EXPOSURE POSES NO SIGNIFICANT RISK..." (SECTION 25249.10). IT HAS NOT BEEN FEASIBLE TO SUBJECT ALL PRODUCTS TO THE DETAILED ANALYSES REQUIRED TO DETERMINE WHETHER EACH OF THE MATERIALS KNOWN TO CALIFORNIA TO CAUSE CANCER OR REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY IS PRESENT IN DETECTABLE QUANTITIES. HOWEVER, BASED ON AVAILABLE DATA, THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS LISTED BY THE GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA MAY BE PRESENT IN THIS PRODUCT: CHEMICAL CONCENTRATION * NO DATA AVAILABLE · NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS SO INDICATED. The data in this Environmental Data Sheet relates only to the specific material designated and does not relate to its use in combination w. ith any other material or process. The data contained is believed to be correct. However, since conditions of use are outside our control it 06z27/91 10:22 ~/~4] 1 4414 U$C-DIV HYDRITE ~012 ~ HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET INFORMATION CONTAINED MUST NOT BE DETACHED FROM THE MSDS AND ANY COPYING AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THE MSDS SHALL INCLUDE COPYING AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET. IC-0020 ALUMINUM BRIGHTNER PAGE 4 PART 6: PROPOSITION 65 should not be taken as a warranty or representation for which HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. assumes legal responsibility. This information is prouided solely for your consideration, investigation, and verification. · _ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF. ro,m LABOR R~uir~ und~ USDL S/few md H.I~ R~lalions for ~ig R~liHng. Beaver ~c~ 'Co~, 'I~c~ ..... .- ' ' 209/948-3035 . · ~c~d ~ 3000 ' · PAI~. PRESE~VA~VES. & ~[VENT~ " '; ALLOYS ~O MEALLIC COATINGS - ., ~ ~V$ ..... .., , . ~ool~v~ ~DOU$ MIXTURES OF O~ER UQUIDI, mLlOS, OR SECTION IV · FlflE ~O ~LOSlON HA~flD DATA racet ~1~ Rene~aee heal: 'and'=~so Snc=~ase eo~os~on on steeZ conta~ ,e=s. '" j'~'~'"~Y ' SECTION V HEALTH HAZARD DATA . . ..... . · -.~ ' J~""=~". ~d~a~e!v flushsk~n o~eves ~ch okenc~.of vacer for ac , - , ,, ... ~ ~G. [I~halac~o~: ramove co ~co~<~acad araa. I~esc~on: d.r~ lar=e SE~i0N VI · aEACTIVI~ DATA Glass, concrece, certain ~ca~) uacurai ~bber, leacher, ~n7 or~an(~ '' ~AZA~OOUI / MAY OCCUR ~O~OlTIO~I TO AVOID Wl~ NOT OCCUR ~E~ION VII - ~PILL OR L~K PROCEDURES racer. Neucr~g ~=h ~cone ~1l release C02 gas ~d =lso reauirr good ~ch 1~ or.~scone and bu~, if pe~c~ed, b7 ULG~ ar~ CO~C ~a a~ · 3c ~y oo i - '; ' ;SECTION VIII - ~PECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION PaO~'l ~pt/ !uapme~c ~au o~ , v~r~r~oa, ~ nee co ~l~m~-~ca f~es · Neoorene aunclec ~e ~e~cal safa~ ;oqgles .~Cl~tc lenl es. SE~ION IX '. ~ECIAL PRECAUTION~ . Do noc a~ov concacc ~ch ~las. s~ ceramic or ocher' s~tca' ca~ ~ r~cclon ~ rap~ ~ch h~C ~. sas evolucion,. ~ial or ~on- nro~Clon (hazardsz' first atd~ acc) ~s abbre~aced due Co ~ufffc~enC · ~ra compla=a ~veraga 'r~d ~ ~c~' 3~aC~ Data 3heat Fo~ OSHA.20 Rev. · . ~...~d, (o ~ ~ ARDOUS. MA'TERiALS 'INVENTO'RY . , .:'~ -.....~ .. : ~ ~ '~ . , .. .:~:~.'~ '~ ...:' :?:,:~.:.,? . . .. ' ~--, rtr..,].,d L--~ ~e~,tlvltv L~, ~1~I~ L--~ ~ ~e]ltsl.'~--~ I~l~? ~ '. ~ . -- ' ' ...... 't, J "i" .'1 '." _.L .... I..='.:L_I I ! ,...I ,,.'__'; ....... -- ~_.:o. ..... '~ ....... ~ ...... ': .................. : ........ t A S'~ ' '... ~mt ;I ~,m t t.i.s. ~ ' IF '": :'; ....... :' ':". '.: ": .: _'" Fi~e ~z~rd L-~ Fe~ctivtty L--~ Celay~ L_~ ~d~ ~fl,ase t--~ {~lmtl ' . ~ - ~eelth ' of Fr~sur/ : Health Cm~t Il ~4~ S C.t.S. v E' ! ~ ~ I ~, .L.~..~__:~__.~l_I I ... - - . -__- -. ...... .... _ .... ~ ....... ' ................ · ~ ': ....... /.,~ ~., u ~¢~ ~,. ~,- ~ ~.~.s. ~..~, / , ~,,:~,,, ,.. ~;~,~) . , . .. · -. · .. . ]----] ...... ..-.~ ........ : ......... ; ....... - ' r-~ r--~ r--~ . ' . r--~ .. . ¢~.~t I~ ~w ~ ~.1.$. ~J,~ ] [ ' ;i'~-;~,~ .... [~rtifi~iti~ '(Reed and'sign aftcr conpJetln~ elJ sections) ~-~,,~ ~s~,Z ~ ~a~ - . ,~,._y~x~_ '=- ' ~' · --. ............. '~'t tr.d OII][)lt [t[le 01 ~.,,t]~u..- ...... ' - ' ' ' ' F · ' FACILITY INFORMATION FORM. · Please answer each of the fotiowin~ questions .by circiin~ Y'(yes or N' (no). 1. Is any acutely hazardous material (AH~I) , manufactured or used in a chemical reaction 9 Y / . 2. Is any'other flammable gas, flammable liquid or explosive material manufactured or used in a chemical reaction 9 : y 3, Is any reaction in question 1 or 2. a moderately or highly~exothermic reaction .(_e..:g. alkylation esterfication,, oxidation, nitration, polymerization or condensation.) or one involving electrolysis ~ Y 4. Can any unplanned release of a AHM to the atmosphere I' 'result from the malfunction of any scrubbing, treatment or neutralization system or the discharge of a pressure relief system ~ Y 5. Does any physiCal or chemical, process in which an ~ AHM is produced used involve a batch process ? Y /~N~? 6. Does any physical or chemical pnocess involve the : production or. use of any AHM at a pressure in excess of 15 psig 9 y /(~. 7. In excess of 275 psig 9. y 8. Does any physical or chemical process involve the production or use of an AHM: at a temperature above 125 degrees F ? Y./ ~9. In excess of 250 degrees 9 y / 10. Can any explosive dust be present in any closed container within 100 feet of an 'AHM or otherwise ~ be present in the same building '.as an AHM 9 y / 'li. Is there any ignition source or open flame within lO0 ft. of any process, storage or transfer area Where a flammable or explosive AHM is present , except where there is a firewall providing protection ? ; Y / 12. Is any lined.or non-metallic pipe Used in the · transfer of any' AHM 9 . Y / '13.'10Is any years· equipment old 9 or piping handling any AHM more . Y /' PLEASEi PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ' ' ( Atta:ch additional pages if necessary) 1 Your company's current workers compens~t~on ' experience modification factor. ~ ' .55 2. How many people occupy the bui.lding~in which AHM's'are used or stOred 9 7'? 3. Give details of all accidents'which involved any hazardous material and all other instances .when 'the fire department has been summoned in an emergency NONE ~ 4. Briefly described the operations process at your plant and the specific processes utilizing AHM's~, including storage proceedures. BatChing concrete and aggr.egate. Aluminum Brightener is used to clean cement film from .......... the~.utside o~f_.ou~..pneumatic t~ail.er._~es.sels ........... . It;is 'applied with a bristle brush with a 5 foot handle. It:is stored in tWo 55 gallon plastic drums. Weihave~ ~0 gallons in storage. This product is no longer 'manufactured with hydroflouric acid. When our suppl~e'is gone, we will no l'onger have it in stock. '~ 5. Briefly' describe the equipment being used in the ;~ processes involving AHMs. ~ Plastic 5 gallon 'pail and bristle brush with 5' foot handle. Face mask and rubber gloves. ~ .... R_e~°r.~.quanti~y_.of AHM(s.),._reference.d-in the-cover-o/O- letter that this business handles. a) Maximum amount on hand at any one time. 110~ gallons Two 55 gallon drums mixed with 50% water and 50% cleaner. b) Please attach a Material Safety Data Sheet for any material that is a mixture. Do not include MSDS for pure substances. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: -State the straight line distance in feet between the business property line and each of the following. 1. Nearest' school. 2. Nearest daycare center, hospital, 500 nursing home or similar facility. Health Serv~qes F~cili~y._ 3. Nearest residence/mote± enc. 1,~0- 4. NeareSt occ_~p~ed ~uilding. 120 Business Name: Kern Rock Co., Inc. , ' 529 Dolores St~., Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 Address: I certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the~ kn~ke'd~e. } Signature ~ : Title: Ge 5./]~/q~ --3-- : ~U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ~'~"" OMB Na. ~R13~7 ~ · Occ~ational Safe~ and Heal~ Admini,t~tion R~uir~ under USDL Safew and Heal~ Regulations for S~iD Re~airinq, Shipbuilding. and Shiobreakinq (29 CFR 1915. 1916. 1917) :~,' ': ,.'. * SECTION I " ' ' Stayer ~emlcai Co., Inc. ~ 209/948-3035 1AA~ ~haw Rd. SCock=oD, CA Hvdroflouric Acid ' Aluminum Brizhcener ~eSd 2000 SECTION Ii - HAZA~U~ iNGrEDiENTS .... , " " HAZARDOUS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS. OR GASES NA - SECTION I11 - PHYSICAL DATA ~RCZ~. vo~T~ , 100%' MA' ( "ti ]eqS ~h~n ~ SO~Ue,~{~ IN WAT~P ComuleCe APPEA~A~C~ANOOOOR Ve~ lionel blue~ sha~ acidic odor SECTION IV - FIRE AND ~PLOSION HAZARD DATA ~e amount o~ ~,,m~num gr!g~Cener vapor released fro,- ~pcured con=a~er ~1 be Increased by hea~. IN 'such cases f~ protective .equipmen~ ~y be uee~eu. O~U=UAU ~,n~ ~-o ~x.uos,a~ H~mos · Dilution wi~h water will generate heat and also increase corrosion on steel conta5 mrs. "" · " SECTION'V . HEALTH HAZARD DATA T~R~5~OL.O I...IMIT VA~UE . . . I 3 oar~_s oer mi!!iqn by volume · / EFFECTS OF QVER~XpOSORM Can ~ediacelv cause severe a~u~ ourn m . · . , p s ( ~arr~cnlar!y dangerous ~o eves. Inhm~a~ion ~y severeiy bu~ respirat~~c~Y==, / jemcion ~!1 meverely bu~ cissues and canbe fatal. '~n'~a~cv~o~msr~o~nacaoum~s Sope~ in removzng acza zs o= pr~=y ~¢~¢. ~ed~are!v f!ushskin ~r eves ~th olencv of water for ac le.w~ ' " ' ' ' .~C~es o~ wa b~ ~alz. ad ~~on SECTION VI - REACTIVITY OATA Glass, concrete, cerlaJn zecals, natural mbber, lealher, mnn7 organc ~Z~ROQU~ -~ ................. WI~ NOT OCCUR SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES water. Neucralt:in8 'a=h limestone ~ll release C02 gas and also ( 'n~ilacion. ' ~good. ~eucraizze.as a~ove ~h line or l~mestone and buu, if pe~tted, b7 " SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION as aeeded :o el~ina~a ~es Neoorene ~auntlet ~e ~e~cal safety ~o=gles wit~s~ic F,zl~ coverage of c/och!n~. ~Jbber ~ho=~ ~o1=4 ,~h ~f~rP~. ~?n~.=~4v,, SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS · ,,Do noc ~z&o~ concoct ~ch ~lasst cer~ic or o~her silic~ co~[aini~ ~~ · ca&ne=s aa re~c:&on is rapid ~h heac and ~as evolution, or Con- Info~c~n (hazards~ first a'id~ etc) is abbreviated due to tn~ufficien~ . more compiete coverage read MCA Ch~cai Safe:y Data Sheet sD ~5 on Hv~ce~ For ..~ (~ashing~on, D.C. 10009 n . o~ ~..~ Farm OSHA-20 A Member of The BEAZER GROUP P.O, BOX 3329 - BAKERSFIELD, CA 93385 (805) 324-9714 * FAX (805) 324-5226 Jul~ 3, 1990 TO: Barbara Brenner From: A1 Mendez Subject:- City of Bakersfield Facility Risk Questionnaire In response to your letter dated June 28, 1990, addressed to Robert Jones, I am enclosing the MSDS sheet for hydroflouric acid. If you~3have any further questions, please contact me or Mr. Robert Jones. A1 Mendez/~/ Assistant Shop Foreman AL:b En¢l: 1 RISKMANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM CHECK LIST 3. R.M.P.P. REQUESTED 4. R.M.P.P. REVIEWED 5. R.M.P.P. APPROVED 6. R.M.P.P. INSPECTION COMMENTS: BUSINESS NAME I. DNUMBER CITY of BAKERSFIELD  ~: >!~)] "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET D. S. NEEDHAM May 2 1, 199 1 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Mr. Robert Jones ' General Manager Kern Rock Co., Inc. Pie. Box 3329 ' ~' ...... Bakersfield, CA 93385 : ' ........... Dear Mr. Jones, Th~ enclosed "Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration Form" must be completed by any business, handling above the minimum reporting quantity of any material on the EPA list of Extremely Hazardous Substances. (Fed Register Vol. 52, No 77, P. 13397). Your company has reported handling the following Acutely Hazardous Materials at the Delores St. facility: 25 GAL, HYDROFLUORIC ACID (ALUMINUM BRIGHTENER) Enclosed is a copy of a letter which I seht 'you last year regarding this compound and additional infOrmation which California .laws' require the Fire Department to collect. It is time to clear up these gaps in your hazardous materials reporting.. PleaSe complete the Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration, attach a copy of the MSDS for this product and return them to me at: Bakersfield Fire Department 2130 G St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 This information will be due on June 21, 1991. If there, have been any changes, regarding the amount of aluminum brightener stored, please use the enclosed inventory form to report them. If yOu have any questiOns, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Material Planning Technician Junm 28~ Mr. Robert Jones ~<ern Rock 529 Oclorc~ S~. Bakersfield C~ Dear Mr. Joneo~ Thank you for respondinQ to the Facility Risk O~estionnai~e that I sent in May.. I still have questions regarding the percentaQe of hydrofluoric acid that your brightener cleaning solution contains. This informatioo is r~adil~ available in the Mat~riaI Safety Oata Shee~s that the product ~anufacturer supplies. Please ~end Me a Copy of the MSDS shee~ so that i can resolve these questions. I appreciate your cooperation in thi~ matter. sincerely, Barbara Brenner . Hazardous Materials Planning Technician Dear Business~ Manager: The followir~g questiorlr~aire is a supplerl~er~t to the ~uteiy Hazardous ~aterials ~e~istratior~ For~ previously sub~itted by your] busir~ess as required ur~der Se~tior~ R55G4 of the Cal~forr~ia Health ~ Safety Code.. This re~istratior~ an acutely hazardous r~aterial ( AHM ), in ar~ armz,.~nt greater thar~ the plar~r~ir~g quar~tity for this che~ical. Additional infor~atior~ is r~ecessary in order to ccm~plete the risk ~ar~age~er~t plar, nir~g fur~ctior~s of this ager~cy. This questionnaire should be ccm~pleted by ar~ officer of the co~par~y or other· persor~ havir~g substar, t ial ~ar~age~er~t control over all operatior~s'at the facility. If there is ar, y doubt as to whether or r~ot the ar~swer to-a quest ior~ yes or r,o, the' ar, swer "yes" shall be giver,. With ir, two weeks of ¥-eceipt, complete arid retuy?r, the -questionr, aire to: The Bakersfield Fire Departmer, t Hazardous Materials' Divisior, 2130 G street. Bakersfield, cA 93301 ~If you need additio~al ir~for~atiorb please call 326-3979. Sir, cerely, ~ ~ Barbara B~enner Hazardous Materials Plarmi~g Techr~iciar~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD ,." ~_ N O N-- I7 RAD E S E C R E T S ' uae, ff._of.~. BUSINESS NAME- ~ ~ ~' O~NER NAME ,.~/.~o-~/~ ~~/. NAME OF T~ FACILITY: ~m~-~ CITY. ZIP':... ffd~~)~. ~J~ CITY. ZX~:' ..~~. ~X~ ~/ . '" DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER frans Ty~ ~x Awriqe ~1 ' ~su~ I ~ Cml ~t ~t ~ L~ttm ~ ~ ~ . ~ of / C~e C~e ~t ~t Est Un*ts m Site 1~ ~e 1~ ~ .. St~ In F~Jltty ~ ~ F,r, Haz,rd [ ] R~tiv,ty [ ] ~1,~'[.~~ ~1~ ~--~ i~,,t, --~ ...... ~lth of P~ ~lth~~ .~ & c.A.S. ~ (C~k ~11 t~t apply) ,,~ ' ........... r--~ -- r--~ ~ ~t I~ ~ ~.l.S. ~ ~lth of P~ ~lth ..... -" LY~,~_ L~I 7~t l, ~ tO~ I " ..... ~' ~ ...... ]~.~Lt_~o_L~ .... ~/ ~.1 I .." .. ~/~~~ ~, c : t'_ J , ....~ ~ t ~ (~k all t~t a~ly) ...................... . : Clrttficati~ (Read and si~n after coep]etJnE all sections) certify ~der ~lty of la~ t~t I ~ve ~r's~ellye~amin~ end me familiar with t~ tnf~tim su~itt~ in this~ roll Itt~ ~ts. ~ t~t ~s~ m ~ i~i~ of t~t t~$vt~ls e~sibla . for.ob,aining t~ in,.~.ti~. I ~lie;t~t~ su. it~ infor, ti~ is tr.i, accurate, ~d c~e. ~ _ J · " '"' :.i ;'!:':' CIT~Y of BAKERSFIELD. ': .; -''~: "7! ' '" '" .... " '~'' : ' '" '/ 'i'i::'.. ' ' ' ' . ~' ........ ~ ro ZNS~gdY~O~' rOR' PROP~ CoDRs ICone Code ABa ~t Isa , Units ~ Site ly~ PrlSl THp ' C~e -. · Stor~ In Facility : See [nstructl~s all t~t apply} ~ : Health el Procure ~' ': . H~lth .... " , · C~t I] NaN & C.A.S. ffuiber .~__ TM.... / ~,,,,,, ,~ ,,,~ ,,,.~ c.~.s. ~.~..~/~ ..... :: ~.~ ~, ~,. ~ c.~.s. ~.~, · ~~ ~~~. I~h~=k all t~t appl~) · ' ~ '-. ' ,'. :", ;~ ' ' Fire ~az'ard u-J R.ctlvR~ ~--~ ~h~ u--J ~d~ ~eh.e ~--J l~l~tm ;~] ~:~. · H. Ith: .el Pr~r~. .' ~lth'' ~t IJ M~ & ~.~.~. Nu~ ....................... : ............. ,,: ~'~/~ .. . ~,., ~ Z (C~k all ~4t apGiy) - ' ' * * ..~:.~ --~ Fire ~ozard u--J Reactivity ~--J Oel~y~ L_J ~d~ ~el.se L_J ~latl ~ealth of Pr~url ; N. Ith .' C~t I] XaN & C.I.S. Numar ..~_L~..L:~.~.J .... ~ .... L.Z~ .... [~_~q'~l,.~ I~..~ rbv-sical ~e~lth ~azard (~heck all thee a;oly) ' :: ~ --- ' ~ ] Fire Hazard [ ~ Reactivity ~--J Oeleyed ~--J ~dd~ ~eleese ~--J l~fate - -' Health of Pressure Haalth C~t I] ~a~ A C.A.S. Nui~r ~E~G[~CY CON[ACIS Certilicati~ ~Rea~ an~ si~n after coap]et]n~ ail sect]ons~ " certify unde~ ~aity of ta. that I ha~e oe,sonally examined and a. fealllar .~th t~ lnfor~t$~ su~lttd ~n thl~ a~ ~11 Itt~c~ d~ua~t~, an~ t~t ~sed ~ ~ Inquiry ~ t~se Individuals res~sl~le' fo~ obtaining t~ Inlo~t$~. I believe t~t t~ ~ubaitted $nloreatl~ II t~u,. Iccurltl. ~d C~plltl. ~ . -~- ' - - ~ . o~i:si~Raa ........................ ",. · · . , '~ '; :' '~: '~ ~'i" ' . . . . .':: .~ i ' . - . ' '!:"': .... '" "' ' " ": ~" Pal" ~ ot_~' ''- ~ · .:.. :~:.::: ':: :..: ?::!?t:!~ .-' ; . : . . - . ............ CITY, ZIP: ~A~~A. ~,~T~. CITY, zIP?. ~~ . ~. "?~O/ DUN AHD BRADSTREET HUHBER II I Code Code .Amt A~t Est Unltl ~ Sill Ty~ Prell lHp ' C~e .. ,' StoF~ In Ficlllt~ See ln~tructt~ _~1~ 1 ............ :[~I ,~ ~1~1 ~ i / I~. I, - .......... k ell t~t apply) ~ L--J Fire ~azerd L--J Reactivity. . ~--J ~ley~,eelthL--J_~d~el Pr,lure~elteSl.:~ ':'L--a..l~lltl~lth .:'.}~';4 '" '~' C~t' I] W~ i~.l.5.'Wu.bee ' .... ' ' . . ~__ ' ~--~ :' ' ~mt ~-~ Fire Hazard ~--~ Reactivity ~--~ ~lay~ ~--~ ~dd~ ~elelse ~.-- l~t~tl ' : - -~. :, .; ' ......  . ' · C~t I] 14~ t C.~.5. Nu~e .. · ' ' ' ~ ' ..~.L&t.~~_~~.~t ~. I ./ I ~ ~ ~¢2_~ ~ ~_s~ ........ ~ ~e~-~ ~?~ ........................ ~,.,,., , . . , ... ~_'. ~ ': ._ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ 7~-~- ? . (Chec~ 411 t~a~ a~ly) ~ ' ' .. ' . - ~d~ Rete~se' -- - r ] t~t, ........... = ........................................ Health of Pressure Health C~t I] flaw & C.i.S. Nue~r .... RS;~" ...................... . ' ...... lllle---~ ..... - ~. , ~ . ~-.~/ . ..... . .~fi_//~ ~21-at-;~: ...... :1 Certificati~ (Read and sJ~n after compJeClnE aJ~ sections) I certify under ~alty of la~ that I ha~e ~trsonally examined an~ ae Feetllar ~lt~ t~ ?nfor~tl~ t,~tttd In this a~ dl ettac~ d~ua~ts, an~ t~t ~sed m ~ inquiry of t~se Individuals res~sible .R~a~~56T_~~_~;~;,~~i~iRTjEi;ifo, obtaining t~ jn~r~tt~. I believe t~t t~ subaitted inforoatl~ 11 true, Iccuratl, edS~i._c~plote.~~'. _~~_ . ~_~ ' - " '' ~ ~0-~S~CrlONS Fd~ PROP~ COD~S Code Code , Amt Amt Est Units m Site ly~ Press l~p ' CMa .. Storm in Facility : See Instructi~s r--q ': ~ ~et 12 NaN &C.l.5. Numbee r-- ~ r-- ~ dd~ Releesl L J i~tate ~;'~ ~Fire ~azard ~--d Reactivity ~-- ~lay~ Health of Pru~ure H~lth .... "'. ~t I] Na~ & C.A.S. Number ~ ~ ~ireHaz:ard ~T] Reactivity L--. Health .of Pr~re. ~ d Fire Hazard''~ Reactivity Oelay~ _ - ...... Certification (Read and sJEn after compJetJnE a11 sections) ' [ certify under p~alty Of lac thee I have oersonally examined an~ aa feetltar ~tth t~ tnfor~tt~ su~ttt~ tn this a~ 111 attlc~ d~ua~ts, and t~t ~sed ~ ~ inquiry of t~se individuals res~sible ~ ~0 ZNS~UC~ION$ FOR PROP~ CODES h of Prusur* KNlth ...; " ' · C~t b~sicol on~ ~eelth ~t~rd C.A.S. : Health .of Pr~ro. .: .' (C~k all t~4t op~ly) Certification (Read and sign after compJetJn~ ali sections) ~ le aT ~nerlooerator O~ o~ner/o=erato['s . . .. ., ~ ~' · ... LOCATION: ~q ~0~ &~ ADD"ESS. ~/~'~.M~e~ /~FF~V~ _ STANDARD' IN~: CLASS CODE lCode Code Act A~t Est Units ~ Site ly~ Prlsl l~p C~e .. Stor~ In Facility See Instructive ell t~t apply) ~ : ~ ~ r ~ r n r n r--n . '. : ~t 12 RaN & C.A.S. Nuibe~ (~heck all that a~ly) t_~ Fire.gaz4rd c_o Reactivity ~--3 Delayed ~-~ ~dd~ {elesse t--~ Health of Pressure Health ........ Certificati~ (Resd 8~d SJE~ alter co~pIetJnE all sections) I certify unde, p~elty of law that I ha~e oersonel~y examined and am FeMlier with t~ {nfor~t{~ su~Jtt~ In tM/ i~ II1 IttlC~ d~um~ts, In~ the ~sed ~ ~ ~nquJry of t~se Individuals res~slble fo~ obtainin the inf~tt~ I believe tMt t~ submitted Jnfor~ltl~ Sl true Iccuratl ~d C~pll~. _ - ~ . ' 7 BAKERSFIELD~,CiTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "0" S~EET ca (805) 326-39?9 USINESS N~E HAZARDOUS lV~T E R I ALS BUSINESS PLAN AS a WHOLE F O RlVi 2A 0"0057 , INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further act£on, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN'ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below fo,' the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS 'NAME: KERN ROCK COMP/U~IY B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 529 Dolores Street CITY: Bakersfield, CA ZIP: 93305 BUS.PHONE: ( 805 ) 324-9714 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emerffency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A. Dennis Ryman, Equipt. Supt. Ph# (805) 322-6913 Ph~ (805) 589-9052 B. A1 Marantos, Supt. of'Plants Ph{ (805) 324-9714 Phm (805) 831-1273 SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: 6 ft. south of co~crete block in center of yard. B. ELECTRICAL: Electrical breaker ~anels on concrete block in center of yard. C. WATER: Water main shut-off center of ~ard south side of electrical ~anels D. SPECIAL: ~-~ E. LOCK BOX: YES /~ IF YES, LOCATION: .. IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAN FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE In event of accident Robert E. jones, Assist. General Manager would be'in charge of directing company operations. In his absence A1 Marantos and/or Dennis Ryman would be in responsible charge. SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE'FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Ho~a~ Kern Medical Center ~ %' ~'; ~ 0' ~ercy HosPital Bakersfield. Memorial Hospital Physicians: Willard Chistiansen, M.D. 327-9617 Stuart L. Parrish, M.D. 32'5-7452 Ambulance Service: Hall Ambulance 832-0123 Golden Empire Ambulance 327-9000 SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRA~M WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER NO NO MATERIALS: . . . .................................... B. pROCEDURES FOR cOORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: ..................... C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPM,E, NT: .................. ~ ~O ~ NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... In future A through D will be covered ~on a regularly sc~duled basf~ at r weekly SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS ~ATERIAL safety meetings. CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDriE HAZARDOUS ,MATERIAL 'IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS 0~ SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, ,OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED' GAS: ...... YES I, ROBERT E. JONES , certify that the above information is accurate. I .understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obliEations unde~ the new .California Health and Safety code on HazardOus Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SI.GNATU~/~~~TITLE Assist. Gen. Mgr. DATE 7~10-S7 BAKERSFIELD CiTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 0FFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS N~E: BUS I NESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 8A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be ~returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACII, ITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UNIT# 01~ FACILITY UNIT N~E: Dolores Street SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION~ ABATEMENT PROCEDURES See attached. SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDS~ES AT THIS UNIT ONLY See attached. SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY '~A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous }[aterials?. ' NO If YES, see B.' If NO, continue with SECTION 4. . ® B. Are any of the'hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-l) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION Regularly maintained fire extinguishers are located at the fuel island, adjacent to lube room, and adjacent to oxygen and acetylene storage area. SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY E,~ERGENCY RESPONDERS 1. SE corner of shop building on NW corner of property.. 2. North side center of 4 large aggregate bunkers in S.W. guadrant of property. 3. Fuel island. 4. On both sides of truck drive throughout batch plant. SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE~ South side df concrete block in center of yard. B. ELECTRICAL: Main breaker panels located on concrete block in center of yard. C. WATER: South side of concrete block in center of yard. D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES G IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? YES / NO, MSDSs9 YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 3B - KERN ROCK CO. DOLORES ST. Section I: Mitigation, Prevention and Abatement Measures Ail of the fuels, engine oil and waste oil is in five (5) underground storage tanks. These are monitored daily for compliance with County of Kern Environmental Health lept. regulations relative to leakage. There are no smoking signs posted at the fuel island and a regularly maintained fire extinguisher is mounted at the fuel island. The lubricants, solvents, transmission and hydraulic fluid are stored in the lube room in the southwest corner of the shop. These are in 42 gal. and 15 gal. barrels and any spills can be contained in the shop area. There are no smoking signs and flammable material signs po~ted in and near the lube room. There is a regularly maintained fire extinguisher in the lube room as well as one in the adjacent shop area. The muriatic.acid used to clean the concrete mixer trucks is stored in a 450 gallon fiberglass tank in the yard next to the truck wash area. The most practi- cal mitigation of a spill of this acid would be secondary containment. A concrete or lined earth container will be constructed for this purpose. There is no fire hazard in connection with the use of the acid. The oxygen and acetylene tanks are chained up right in the specified storage area in the Kern Rock Co. shop building. This area is so located tha~ the tanks cannot be struck by moving vehicles. There are no smoking signs posted and.a regularly maintained fire extinguisher is located'nearby. Wrenches for the tank fittings are maintained on an emergency safety board adjacen~!~to the tank~storag~-area.' KERN ROCK CO. DOLORES ST. Section II: Notification and Evacuation Procedures At This Unit Onll A. In the event of fire: 1) City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. will be called immidiately. 2) A1 Marantos, Dennis Ryman or Robert E. Jones will be notified of the situation immediately. In the event of a fire with the possibility of explosion, as with the under- groUnd fuel tanks, it would be necessary to evacuate those residents in the block on the west of the Kern Rock shop building bounded by Tulare, Inyo, Chico and Dolores Streets. Also employees of Union Oil Co. to the north of the Kern Rock Co. yard as well as Kern'Rock employees. This will be the responsibility of A1 Marantos, Robert E. Jones or Dennis Ryman, Equipment Superintendent. B. In the event of a spill 1) A1 Marantos and/or Dennis Ryman areto be notified immediately. 2) If the spill is not contained and seeps into the ground County~of Kern Environmental Health Dept. will be notified. However at 'this ~location it will be possible to contain any spills within the shop area or in the secondary contain- ment which will be provided for the muriatic acid. There will'be no need for evacuation of employees or nearby residents in the event of.a spill. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2~ ,.,.~ .D. ~ FORM 4A-I Page NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS I NVENTORY BUSINESS. NAME: KERN ROCK COMPANY OWNER NAME: KERN ROCK CO~LPDgqY FACILITY UNIT #: 01 ADDRESS: 529 Dolores Street ADDRESS: 529 Dolores Street FACILITY UNIT NAME: Dolores Plant CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93305 CiTY,ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93305 PHONE *: PHONE ~: [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS COOE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 'YPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS ~ BY HAZARD D.O.T :ODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE 75'. west of shop along 31 ~ '-~6-i 4,000 GAL.~ 02 08 north fence (HZL Acid Muriatic Acid CRMT West 'de of mhD bldg. / ~. 500 2,760` G~L.~:> o1 40 500 gaI. 5aHR in g~d. 100 Waste Oil ORME . . ...... Two lQ,000 ~al..tan~s . --- - - ' ~n. qrq. north sl~eruei 100 Diesel// 7~ CMLQ ;P '20~000 208,000 ~A~-. O1 19 zs±an~ ,~, -' ~ 5000 Gal. tank in grd. q~'n~"~ i'- - - 5,60~ ~jsoo- GAL. .01 26 west side fuel island 100 [ En ~') ORMS Ip- ........ ~ ~_ ........ 1000 Gal. tank in grd. ' ........... //~ ..... 1,000 13,000 GAL!. '01 19 east side fuel island 100 No-Lead Gasoline FLLQ '-- ': Oil & Grease room SW i'p - - 110 275' / "GAL~ 06 08 corner shop bldg. 100 Solvent CMLQ -: :--: ---[ '- -': 0 GAL. ~ 06 *99 .... 100 Hydraulic Oil ORMS ...... _. :.:::: - _ '/P:' ' 55 110 GAL~ 06 26 .... 100 Transmi A) OR~S ',-:_ _._'.-T: ...... i~0- -~A~.:,. Adjadent to steam clean-. ~~Al~inum -_t. ener~ 7 ~/m 55 07 14 er NF~ side of shop bldg 7 Bri~gh~ CRMT t~' f.i ~ ....... . .............. Oil & Greaso room SW ~lc~ ..... ~~ . .... 55 165 GAL~'. 06 09 corner shop bldg. ~ ~ Anti-Freeze O~S ~ 110 420 G~:' 06 26 .... 100 Gear L~e 85-140 O~S P 440 1,200 LBS. -06 26 " " 100 Chassis Grease O~ _-- , Between o~erhead door ~LG : & waiKzn ~oor lnslce ~ : ~ ..... 73~ ...... ~,'~-3'i- i-FT3 ~; 04 42 eas~ waZl shop , loo oxygen OXZD. ~ ~ .... 7%a .... 3~384 .... ~Ti; 04 42 .... 100 Acetylene / ~ ~ FLGS ARE: TITLE: S GNATURE: DATE: MERGENCY CONTACT: TITI, E: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: MERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE # BUS HOURS: RINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS, HRS: - 4A-I - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I .D. ~ FORM 4A-1 Page 2 of2 NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENToRY BUSINESS. NAME: Y, EP~N ROCK COMPANY OWNER NAME: Y~EP~N ROCK COMPANY FACILITY UNIT ~: O1 ADDRESS: 529 Dolores 5tree~ ADDRESS: 529 Dolores Street FACILITY UNIT NAME: Dolores Plant CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93305 CITY,ZIP: Bakersfieldr CA 93305 PHONE ~: PHONE #: ~OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ,.! ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS %.BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACII~ITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE ~P j - ' 5~ ......... 5~~- 'i -'~3 ~ Between owerhead dQor · & W~AKzn Goor inside ~ ~F'~LJ __04 **99 east wail o~ shop 5Idgl 100 Nitrogen ...... 2'82' '"'- 564 FT3; 04 42 " Argon '- ....... 'i NFLG * P(,WER TRANS 4ISSIO] & LU] RICAN ** F~LLER FOR %N .ACC] 'MULAT( R I ~,w'~. ~,",h~r~- ~ .*~n~ TITLE: ~'~:~"- 'Gen. Mgr SIGNATURE " · -, ~ DA' E: 7-10-87 'MERGENCY CONTACT: A1 Marantos TITI, E: Supt. of Plants -- ~ PHONE ~/~S HOURS: (8O5) 324-9714 AFT~ BUS HRS: {805) 831-1273 'MERGENCY CONTACT: Dennis Ryman TITL'E: Equipt. Supt.· PHONE # BUS HOURS: (805) 322-6913 'R!NCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Ready Mixed Concred Prod. & Marketing AFTER BUS. HRS: (805) 589-9052 - 4A-1 - OX 3329 PHONE (805) 324-97'14 Mr. Ralph E. Huey., Hazardous Material Coordinator 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Hazardous Material Inventory Addendum Dear Mr. Huey: Enclosed are the following modifications tO our Hazardous Material Inventory originally submitted July 11, 1987: 1. Sheet 1 of 1 for the Kern Rock Co. Southwest Batch Plant at 4801 Wible Road showing the additionT.of both flake and liquid Calcium Chloride. 2. Sheet 2 of 2 for the Kern Rock Co. Dolores Plant at 529 Dolores St. showing the addition of both flake and liquid C&lcium Chloride. If further information is required or there are any questions concerning this ~ubmittal please call me at 324~9714. Respectfully submitted, REJ/sb AND G#AVEL ASSOCiAT~Ofl - ' llAZAIT[}OU9 MA'I'I~.I{I ALS.' i NV~N'FOlTY .lll~lll.:~;S: 529 Dolores Street AlIIIIIZ991 - 529 Dolores Street FACII, ITV IINIT NAHE: Do~o_r~D_~lant I I'~' . ~ I~;.~ Bakersfield, CA 93305 "[: ITy,zlPt Bakersfield, CA 93305 .... Alii)ti'fl I Aflllt31~l'~ 'Between overhead door NFLG & walkin door inside Nit,rsgen ..... ': NFLG ' ,, ,. Argon 284 564 ~Inside warehouse south of batch office 100 Calci~ Chloride (~lake) C~T .999P_.... 10000 ~a%. s~orage ta~s marRe~ caici~ 47 Calci~ Chl°ride (Liquid) C~T ~4000 1000 ~h] Or~'d~ ~ ~ . ., i IC ~ ON MIXER TRUC TING' oF ~ADY MI:~D C :~TE ......... I~l/il II'AP, IIIISIlIllSS ACTIVITY: Ready Mixed Concrete Prod. & Marketing :.'""~~~' CITY BAKERSFIE D ( zy~e or ~rinn name ) APR 2 1989 Do hereby certify that I have reviewed the attached'Hazardous Materials business ~lan ('name of business) · and that it along with the attached additions or corrections constitute'a complete and correct Business Plan for my facility., · . ~,~ date BUSINESS NAME KERN ROCK COMPANY ID NUMBER 215-000-000579 LOCATION 529 DOLORES ST HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 1 . OV'ERVIEW LAST'CHANGE 02/10/88 BY EVAMC JURIS CODE 215-002 JURIS BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 MAP PAGE 103 GRID 29C FACILITY UNITS 1 HAZARD RATING 3 RESPONSE SUMMARY 2A SEC 4) IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT ROBERT E. JONES,~~P. GENERAL. MANAGER'WOULD BE IN CHARGE OF DIRECTING COMPANY OPERATIONS. IN HIS ABSENCE AL ~AND/OR DENNIS RYMAN WOULD BE IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE EMERGENCY CONTACTS 2A SEC 2). DENNIS RYMAN, EQUIPMENT SUPT 322_6913 589_9052~,,~/~4/ ~%~, SUPT OF PLANTS 5~ ~9~~-~ ~TILITY SHUTOFFS . 2A SEC 3) A) 6 FT SOUTH OF CONCRETE BLOCK IN CENTER OF YARD B) ELECTRICAL - CONCRETE BLOCK IN CENTER OF yARD C) WATER - CENTER OF YARD SOUTH SIDE D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO 2 . NOTIFICATION / PUBLIC EVA'CUATION · LAST CHANGE / / BY /~,' Z~ e~e,,7'~ e/~ A',c~,eC{ ~ ~?,~r~r ., ~ be ~o~' PAGE 1 12/27/88 12:15 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME KERN ROCK COMPANY ID NUMBER 215-000-000579 LOCATION 529 DOLORES ST HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 3 . HAZ MAT TRAINING SUMMARY LAST CHANGE / / BY 4 . LocAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE · LAST CHANGE 02/10/88 BY EVAMC 2A SEC 5) 'KERN MEDICAL CENTER ~k~$~ /~ 183o FLOWER ST DR. WILLARD CHRISTIANSEN D~. STUART L. PAnfiSH HALL AMBULANCE PAGE 2 12/27/88 12:15 .. MATERIAL SAFET'Y DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME KERN ROCK COMPANY ID NUMBER 215'000-000579 : ~LOCATION 529 DOLORES ST HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 FACILITY UNIT 01 A. OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LAST CHANGE 02/11/88 BY EVAMC ID TYPE NAME MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD LOCATION CONTAINMENT USE '.1 PURE ID 500 GAL HIGH /~~ OF SHOP,NORTH FENCE ABOVE GROUND TANKS CLEANING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1078.00 100.0 HYDROCHLORIC ACID ..HIGH 2 WASTE WASTE OIL · ~.~p 500 GAL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND WEST SIDE ~ UNDERGROUND TANKS WASTE ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1598.00 100.0 WASTE OIL UNKNOWN 3 PURE DIESEL ~1~ 20000 GAL MODERATE UNDERGROUND NORTH SIDE 4 UNDERGROUND TANKS FUEL ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1178.00 100.0 FUEL OIL NO. 1 MODERATE 4 PURE ENGINE OIL 5000 GAL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND WEST SIDE UNDERGROUND TANKS LUBRICANT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 2808.00 i00.0 MOTOR OIL UNKNOWN 5 PURE NO LEAD GASOLINE~&/~ 1000 GAL HIgH UNDERGR6UND EAST SIDE ~ UNDERGROUND TANKS FUEL ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1182.00 100.0 GASOLINE HIGH SW CORNER OF SHOP ! OR MET.. CLEANING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1203.00 100.0 NAPHTHA EXTREME 7 PURE HYDRAULIC OIL ~,~~,~ --1~ GAL UNKNOWN sW CORNER OF SHOP BLDG MET.. OTHER ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1224.00 100.0 BRAKE FLUID, HYDRAULIC UNKNOWN 8 PURE. TRANSMISSION FLUID (TYPE A) 55 GAL UNKNOWN SW CORNER OF SHOP BLDG DRUMS OR BARRELS MET.. LUBRICANT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 2813.00 100,0 TRANSMISSION FLUID (PETROLEUM-BASED) UNKNOWN q-~ PURE 'ANTIFREEZE /#~~ 55 GAL UNKNOWN SW CORNER OF SHOP BLDG ~ DRUMS OR BARRELS MET.. COOLANT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS PAGE 3 12/27/88 12:.15 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME KERN ROCK COMPANY ID NUMBER 215-000-000579 LOCATION 529 DOLORES ST HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 FACILITY UNIT 01 A . OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ( * CONTINUED * ) LAST CHANGE 02/11/88 BY EVAMC 'ID' TYPE NAME MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD LOCATION CONTAINMENT USE .~ PURE ANTIFREEZE 55 GAL UNKNOWN ( * CONTINUED * ) ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 2802.00 100.0 ETHYLENE GLYCOL · " UNKNOWN ~I*T/0 .~URE GEAR LUBE 85-140y~~,~, 110 GAL UNKNOWN SW CORNER OF SHOP SLUG ~DRUMS OR BARRELS MET.. LUBRICANT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS,-' 2808.00 100.0 MOTOR OIL UNKNOWN -1-Zf~ PURE OXYGEN 708 FT3 HIGH INSIDE EAST WALL SHOP PORTABLE PRESS. CYL. WELDING/SOLDERING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS · 2359.00 100.0 OXYGEN, COMPRESSED HIGH -~3/~7_- PURE ACETYLENE 708 FT3 EXTREME INSIDE EAST WALL SHOP PORTABLE PRESS. CYL. WELDING/SOLDERING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1241.00 100.0 ACETYLENE EXTREME ~/~ PURE NITROGEN 564 FT3 MODERATE INSIDE EAST WALL SHOP PORTABLE PRESS. CYL. OTHER ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 2324.00 100.0 NITROGEN MODERATE ~i~ PURE ARGON 282 FT3 NONE INSIDE EAST WALL SHOP PORTABLE PRESS. CYL. WELDING/SOLDERING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1365.00 100.O ARGON NONE PAGE 4 ~ 12/27/88 12:15 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BusiNEss NAME KERN ROCK COMPANY ID NUMBER 215-000-000579 LOCATION 529 DOLORES ST HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 " B . FIRE PROTECTION / WAT E'R SuPPLIEs LAST CHANGE 02/10/88 BY EVAMC 3A SEC 4) REGULARLY MAINTAINED FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE-LOCATED AT THE FUEL' ' ISLAND, ADJACENT TO LUBE ROOM, AND ADJACENT TO OXYGEN AND ACETYLENE STORAGE AREA 3A SEC 5.) SE CORNER OF SHOP BUILDING ON .NW CORNER OF PROPERTY, NORTH SIDE CENTER OF 4 LARGE AGGREGATE BUNKERS' IN SW GUADRANT OF PROPERTY, FUEL ISLAND ON BOTH SIDES OF TRUCK DRIVE THROUGHOUT BATCH PLANT D . EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION / EVACUATION LAST CHANGE 02/10/88 BY EVAMC 3A SEC 2) IN THE .EVENT OF A FIRE BAKERSFIELD FIRE-DEPT WILL BE CALLED IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF EXPLOSION, AS WITH THE UNDER- GROUND.FUEL TANKS.,.,IT~WOULD BE NECESSARY ~O_E3fACUATE THOSE RESIDENTS IN THE BLOC~ ON THE WES~tTHE KERN ROCK '8{44~P~ BOUNDED BY TULARE, INYO, ' CHICO AND DOLORE~ STREETS. ALSO EMPLOYEES OF UNION OIL CO. TO THE NORTH OF THE KERN ROCK CO. YARD~/~x~LL AS KERN ROCK EMPLOYEES. THIS WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF AL~'R~, ROBERT E..JONES¢~~NIS~MAN, E~UIP. SUPT IN THE EVENT OF A SPILL - IF THE SPILL IS NOT ~-~'J~l~ SEEPS INTO THE GROUND COUNTY OF KERN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT. WILL BE NOTIFIED. HOWEVER, AT THIS LOCATION IT WILL BE POSSIBLE TO CONTAIN ANY SPILLS WITHIN THE SHOP' AREA OR IN THE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT WHICH WILL BE PROVIDED FOR THE ACID. THERE IS NO NEED FOR E~ACUATION OF'EMpLOyEES OR NEARBY RESIDENTS IN THE EVENT OF A SPILL PAGE 5 12/27'/88 12:15 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME KERN ROCK COMPANY ID NUMBER 215'000-000579 L~CATION 529 DOLORES ST HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 E'o MITIGATION / PREVENTION / ABATEMENT LAST CHANGE o2/ o/88 BY EVAMC 3A SEC 1) ALL OF THE FUELS, ENGINE OIL AND WASTE OILSKIN FIVE (5) UNDER- GROUND STORAGE TANKS. THESE ARE MONITORED DAILY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY 'OF KERN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT. REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO LEAKAGE. THERE ARE NO SMOKING SIGNS POSTED AT THE FUEL ISLAND AND A REGULARLY MAINTAINED FIRE EXTINGUISHER IS MOUNTED AT THE FUEL ISLAND. THE LUBRICANTS, SOLVENTS, TRANSMISSION AND HYDRAULIC FLUID A~_STORED IN THE LUBE ROOM IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SHOP. THESE ARE IN~2 GALLON AND 15 GALLON BARRELS AND ANY SPILLS CAN BE CONTAINED IN THE SHOP AREA. THERE ARE NO SMOKING SIGNS AND FLAMMABLE MATERIAL SIGNS POSTED IN AND NEAR THE LUBE ROOM. THERE IS A REGULAR MAINTAINED FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN THE LUBE ROOM AS WELL AS ONE IN THE ADJACENT SHOP AREA. THE MURIATIC ACID USED TO CLEAN THE CONCRETE MIXER TRUCKS IS STORED'~iN A 450 GALLON FIBERGLASS TANK IN THE YARD ~NEXT TO THE TRUCK WASH A AREA. OXYGEN AND ACETYLENE TANKS ARE CHAINED UPRIGHT IN SPECIFIED STORAGE' AREA. WRENCHES. FOR THE TANK FITTINGS ARE MAINTAINED ON AN EMERGENCY SAFETY- BOARD ADJACENT TO THE TANK STORAGE AREA PAGE 6 12/27/88 12:15 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION / / ~IFI~TION OF I~RY ~~ ~IFI~TION OF ~TION ~0~ s~~o. o~ ~~ ~IFI~TION OF ~ ~T ~~ ~IFI~TION OF ~S AV~~ ~IFI~TION OF ~~ S~P~ & ~~S': EMERGENCY PROCED01q~S POSTED ~J 0 VERIFICATION OF FACILITY DIAGRAM sP~.cmm,, SaZA~DS ASSOCiATeD WIT~ T~IS FACiLiTY: VIO~TIONS: