HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN . ~ ENVIROIdNTAL I ~ SYSTEM*, INC. J Bill Rosica REA ~875 Project Manager RECEIV:ED , Bu$)n~ Plan~ AU6 2 8 1990 P.O. Box 5816 SiteAsssssments Bakersfield, CA 933BB Environmental Permitting Ao~'~ ............ (Bo5) 5B9-9391 s.P.C.C. Plans ~ECEIVED AUG 2 8 1990 RECEIVED F£§ 2 7 1991 HAZ. MAT. DIV. · Report By Global Environmental Systems, Inc. Bakersfield, California · · · · · · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page1 of 1 Farm and Agriculture [] Standard Business [] NON'TRADE ~SECRETS ''' BUSINESS NAME: Wall Street Alley OWNER NAME: Dominic Webby... NAME OF THIS FACILITYi T-Shirt Shop LOCATION' 3700 Heston Drive #17 ADDRESS: -2807 Gill Ave i .... STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 2396 CITY, Z~P: Bakersfield, 93309 'ciTY, ziP: BakerSfield 93306 ' DUN. AND BRADSTREET NUMBER PHONE # 324-6207 PHONE # 871-7489 1 2 3 - 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trans Type Maximum Average Annual Measure # of Days Cont. Cont. Cont. Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture / Components Code Code Amount Amt. E~t Units on Site Type. Press. Temp. Code Stored in Facility Wt~ See Insrtuctions U M 10 5 87 GAL. 365 13 I 4 08 East Wall of Business 100 Mineral Spirits Distillates, Hydrotreated Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number None Component # 1 & C.A.S. Number 98 Light 64742-47-8 (Check all that apply) AIl{ylbenzenes [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Component # 2 & C.A.S. Number 2 68~1'5-25-3 Health of Pressure Health Component # 3 & C.A.S. Number u I ~"' I =0 I ~0 I s0 I'~^'. I ~ss I ~0 I ~ I 4 I 29 IEastWall of Business 100 Plastisol Ink Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number None Component # 1 & C.A.S. Number Non-Hazardous (Check all that apply) [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Component # 2 & c.A.s. Number Health of Pressur6 Health Component # 3 & C.A.S. Number u I' ~" 14 I= I=~ I ~^'.1 =~ I~= I~ I4I IEast wall Of Business 100 Emulsion Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number NOne Component # 1 & C.A.S. Number Non-Haz,ardous (Check all that apply) [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Component #,2 & C.A.S. Number Health of Pressure Health Component #'3 & C.A.S. Number Toluene Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number None Component # 1 & C.A.S. Number 40 108-88-3 (Check all that apply) [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Delayed. [] Sudden Release [] Immediate Component # 2 & C.A.S. Number 30 67-64-1Acer°ne · Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Solvent Health~ - of Pressure Healih Component # 3 &'C.A.S. Number 25 64742-89-8 EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 Dominic Webby President ' ' ' ' 871-7489 #2 Joe Chavarria .. Manager 323-3925 Name Title " 24 Hr' Phone Name Title 24 Hr Phone Certification (Read and sign after completing all sections) . I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar-~w[th the inforrr, m, tion sub[nit~d in this and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the nformat on, be ieve that thawed i, nfolfm~tij~p ~J~i ~41e~ ~ccbr.~'"~'d complete. ' Owner ' ~~~ February 25, 1991 Dominic Webby~ · EASTON DRIVE o ~o ~1 S),lOVbtJ. ClVObl'llVbl · · · · · · WALL STREET ALLEY 3700 EASTON DRIVE #17 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 DETAILED DRAWING DRYER ~ I ~ SafetyWasher Kleen DRYER ] ' 8 o 8 8 c 8 ~ ~ oFFiCE ROLL-UP '¢GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC~ Q Electrical Panel DOORS ~ February 25, 1991 ..// 'Chevror CHEVRON Thinner 350B Page Mineral Spirits CPS210433 Paint Thinner ~ MATERIAL ORDERED FOR: P~ O. BOX 2163 8915 SORENSEN AVE SANTE FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA' 90670 Print~Date: November 20, 1989 This Material Safety Data Sheet Contains environmental, health and toxicology information for your employees. Please make sure this information is given to them.. It also contains information to held you meet community right-to-know/emergency response reporting requirements under SARA Title III and many other laws. If you resell this product, this MSDS must belgiven to the buyer or the information incorporated in your MSDS. Discard any previous edition of this MSDS. The Chevron MSDSs have been reformatted and expanded to provide you with useful hazard warnings and health evaluations and to facilitate your compliance with local, State and Federal regulations. 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CHEVRON Thinner 350B; Mineral Spirits; Paint Thinner DANGER! - HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED - REPEATED AND PROLONGED BREATHING OF VAPOR OR CONTACT WITH SKIN MAY BE HARMFUL - MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION - COMBUSTIBLE '"~ - KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CHEVRON PRODUCT NUMBER(S): CPS210433 PRODUCT INFORMATION: (800)582-3835 Revision Number: 10 Revision Date: 07/30/89 MSDS Number: 000093 NDA - No Data Available NA - Not Applicable Prepared According to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) Dy the Chevron Environmental Health Center, 'Inc., P.O. Box 4054, Richmond, CA 94804. 2. FIRST AID EYE CONTACT: No first aid Procedures are required. However, as a precaution flush eyes with fresh water for 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses if worn. SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash Skin thoroughly with soap and water. See a doctor if any signs or symptoms described in this document occur. Discar'd contaminated non-waterproof shoes and boots. Wash contaminated .clothing. INHALATION: If respiratory irritation or an~ signs or symptoms as described in this document occur, move the person to fresh air. If any of these effects continue, see a doctor. INGESTION: If swallowed, give water o2 milk to drink and telephone for medical advice. DO NOT make person vo~it unless directed to do so by medical personnel. If medical advice cannot be obtained, then take the person and product container to the nearest medical emergency treatment center or hospital. Note to Physician: Ingestion of this ~roduct or subsequent vomiting can result in aspiration of 1-rght hydrocarbon liquid which can cause pneumonitis. 3. IMMEDIATE WF. ALTH EFFECTS EYE CONTACT: ' ' .This substance is not expected to cause prolonged or significant eye ...... irritation. This hazard evaluation is based on the data from similar materialsl SKIN IRRITATION: The skin irritation'potential of this s~stance has not been determined. However, it may be a moderate skin irritant so contact with the skin could cause prolonged (days) injury to the affected area. The degree of injury will depend-on the amount of material that gets on the skin and the.speed --and thoroughness of the first aid treatment. Signs and symptoms may include pain or a feeling of heat, discoloration, swelling, 'and blistering. This'hazard evaluation is based on data from similar materials. DERMAL TOXICITY: If absorbed through the skin, this substance is considered practically non-toxic to internal organs. This hazard evaluation' is based on data from similar materials. RESPIRATORY/INHA~TION: Breathing the vapors at concentrations above the recommended exposure standard can cause central nervous s'ystem effects. Signs and symptoms of. central nervous system effects may include one or more'of the following: headache, dizziness, loss of appetfte, weakness and loss of coordination. This hazard evaluation is based on data from similar materials. Read the Additional Health Data section (12) of this document for more information. ~ ReviSion Number: 10 Revision Date: 07/30/89 MSDS Number: 000093 ,NDA. - No Data Available NA - Not ApPlicable CHEVRON Thinner ZSQB ~ ' _a~5 3 oi 7 INGESTION: The systemic tozicity of this substance kaz :t_~-~n determined. However, it should be practically non-toxic to interna~.~ruAns if swallowed. Because of the~ low viscosity of this substance, it.can directly enter the lungs if it is swallowed (this is called aspiration). This can occur during,the act of swallowing or when vomiting the substance. Once in the lungs, the substance is very difficult to remove and can cause severe injury to the lungs and death. This hazard evaluation is based on data from similar materials. · 4. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT EYE PROTECTION: No special eye protection is usually necessary. SKIN PROTECTION: Avoid contact with skin or clothing. Skin contact should be minimized by wearing protective clothing including gloves. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: . Wear approved respiratory protection when working With this material unless ventilation is adequate to keep airborne concentrations below · recommended exposure standards. VENTILATION: Use adequate ventilation to keep the airborne concentrations of this mgterial below the recommended exposure standard. 5. FIRE PROTECTION FLASH POINT: (TCC) 105F (41C) Min. AUTOIGNITION: 254C (489F) FLAM/~BILITY: 1.0 - 6.0% · EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: CO2, Dry Chemical, Foam altd Water Fog. NFPA RATINGS: Health 1; Flammability 2; Reactivity O; Special NDA;. HMIS RATINGS: Health 1; Flammability 2; Reactivity 0; Other NDA; (Least-0, Slight-l, Moderate-2, High-3, Extreme,4). These values are Obtained using the guidelines or published evaluations prepared by the National Fire Protection Association or, if applicable, the National Paint and Coating Association, and do not necessarily reflect the hazard evaluation of the Chevron Environmental Health Center. Read the entire document and label before using this product. F I RE F I GHT I NG PROCEDURES: Liquid evaporates and forms-vapor (fumes) which can catch fire and burn · with explosive violence. Invisible vapor spreads easily and can be set on fire-by many sources such as pilot lights, welding equipment, and electrical motors and switches. Fire hazard is greater as liquid temperature rises above 85 F. For fires involving this material, do. not enter any enclosed or confined fire space without proper protective equipment. This may include self-contained breathing apparatus to protect against the hazardous Revision Number: 10 Revision Date: 07/30/89 MSDS Number: 000093 NDA - No Data Available NA - Not Applicable CHEVRON Thinner 350B Page 4 of 7 effects of normal products of comDustion or oxygen deficiency. Read the entire document. COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: : Normal combustion forms carbon dioxide and water vapor; incomplete combustion can produce carbon monoxide. 6. STORAGE. HANDLING, AND REACTIVITY · .. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION'PRODUCTS: · NDA. STABILITY' Stable. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Polymerization will not occur. INCOMPATIBILITY: May react with strong oxidizing ~gents, such as chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, etc. " SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: READ AND OBSERVE ALL PRECAUTIONS ON PRODUCT LABEL. DO NOT USE OR STORE near flame, sparks or hot surfaces. USE ONLY IN WELL VENTILATED AREA. · Keep container closed. DO NOT weld, heat or dril~ container. Replace cap or bung. Emptied container still contains hazardous or explosive vapor or liquid. CAUTION! Do not use pressure to empty drum or explosion may result. 7. PRTSICAL PROPERTIES SOLUBILITY: Soluble in hydrocarbon solvents; insoluble in water. APPEARANCE: Colorless liquid. BOILING POINT: 325 - 347F (Range) MELTING POINT: NA EVAPORATION: 0.13 (BU AC=i) SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.791 @ 15.6/15.6C VAPOR PRESSURE: 2.2mm Hg @ 20C (68F) of VOC. PERCENT VOLATILE (VOLUME %).: 99+% VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC): 791 g/liter (Max.') VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l): 5.0 VISCOSITY: 1.072 cst @ 37.8C MOLECULAR WEIGHT: 145 (AVG.) 8. SPILL RESPONSE AND DISPOSAL CREMTREC ENERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: (800) 424-9300 (24 hour). SPiLL/LEAK PRECAUTIONS: Certain geographical areas have air pollution restrictions concerning the use of materials in work situations which may release volatile components to the atmosphere. Air pollution regulations, should be studied to +Revision Number: 10 Revision Date: 07/30/89. MSDS Number: 000093 ~NDA - No Data Available NA - NOt Applicable ~ determine if ~%hls material is regulated in the area where it i~ to me ~ used. Eliminate al- open flame in vicinitY of spill or released vapor.' Stop the source of the leak or release. Clean up releases as soon as possible, observing precautions in Protective Equipment. Contain liquid to prevent further contamination of soil, surface water or groundwater. Clean up small spills using appropriate techniques such as sorbent materials or pumping. Where feasible and appropriate, remove contaminated soil. Follow Prescribed procedures for reporting and responding to larger · releases. DISPOSAL METHODS: Place contaminated materials in disposable containers and dispose of ina manner consistent with applicable'regulations. Contact local environmental or health authorities for approved disposal of this material. 9. EXPOSURE STANDARDS, REGULATORY LIMITS AND COMPOSITION COMPOS I T ! ON COMMF_~NT: All the components of this material are on the Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substances Inventory. The Chevron recommended TLr for this material is 125 ppm. The percent compositions are given to allow for the various ranges Of the components, present in 'the whole product and may not equal 100%. PERCENT/CAS# COMPONENT/REGULATORY LIMITS · 100.0 % CHEVRON Thinner 350B CONTAINING 98.0 % DISTILLATES, HYDROTREATED LIGHT CAS64742478 2.0 % ALKYLBENZENES CAS68515253 INCLUDING · 0.4 % 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE CAS95636 A toxic chemical subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372. SARA 302/304 RQ= POUNDS TPQ=10,000 POUNDS 0.4 % CUMENE <~ CAS98828 .A toxic chemical subject to the reporting requirements of Revision Number: 10 Revision Date: 07/30/89 MSDS Number: 000093 NDA - No Data Available NA - Not Applicable ~ '. Page :} -.. Sec--on 3i3 of Title ii! of the Superfund Amendment£ and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372. ~6:um A£GIH TLV 5Cpp~ OSHA PEL CERCLA 302.4 RQ=5000 POUNDS 0.1% TRIMETHYLBENZENES ' CAS108678 PEL - Permissible Exposure Limit TLV Threshold Limit Value STEL - Short-term ExposUre Limit TPQ - Threshold Planning Quantity RQ - Reportable Quantity CPS - CUSA Product Code ,' CC' - Chevron Chemical Company ,CAS - Chemical Abstract Service Number 10. REGULATORY INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME: PETROLEUM NAPHTHA DOT HAZARD CLASS: COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID DOT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: UN1255 ...... cATEGORIES: 'm edia e' (Acu e) ealth Effects; 2. Delayed (Chronic) Heal%h Effects; YES 4. Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard; NO 5. Reactivity Hazard; NO ~ A COMPONENT OF THIS MATERIAL IS SHOWN IN THIS SECTION, THE - REGULATORY LIST ON ~FHICH ~T APPEARS IS INDICATED. MESITYLENE -- 02,26,28, 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE ~01,02,26,28, "- CUMENE 01,02,10,14,17,21,24,26,28, REGULATORY LISTS: 01~SARA 313 02~MASS RTK 03=NTP Carcinogen 04=CA Prop. 65 05~MI 406 ~..06=IARC Group 1 07=IARC Group 2A 08=IARC Group 2B 69=~ARA 302/304 10~PA RTK Il=NJ RTK 12=C~RCLA 302.4 13=MN RTK 14=ACGIH TLV 15=ACGIH STEL 16=ACGIH Calculated TLV 17=OSHA PEL 18=OSHA STEL 19=Chevron TLV 20=EPA Carcinogen 21~TSCA SECT 4 22=TSCA SECT 5 SNUR 23=TSCA SECT 6.RULE 2~=TSCA SECT 12 EXPORT 25=TSCA SECT 8A CAIR 26=TSCA SECT 8D REPORT 27=TSCA SECT 8E 28=Canadian WHMIS '11. PRODUCT TOXICOLOGY DATA - EYE IRRITATION: .NDA. The ~azard evaluation was based on data from similar materials. Revision Number: 10 Revision Date: 07/30/89 MSDS Number: 000093 ,NDA -'No Data Available· NA - Not ApPlicable SHEVRON Thinner ~am ~ 7 NDA. The hazard evaluation was based on data from similar materials. DERMAL TOXICITY: NDA. The hazard ~valua~ion was based on data from similar materials. RESPIRATORY/INHALATION: NDA. The hazard evaluation was based on data from similar materials. INGESTION: NDA. The hazard evaluation was based on data from similar materials. ADD I T I ONAL HEALTH DATA ADDITIONAL HEALTH DATA COMMENT: Reports have associated repeated and prolonged occupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Symptoms reported include fatigue, concentration difficulties, anxiety,.depression, rapid mood swings, and short-ter~ memory loss. The .reports are not clear with regard to the types of solvents that may cause these symptoms, and there is controversy among scientists with regard to whether the condition exists or is caused by this type of product. Since many other diseases cause some or all of these conditions, a doctor should be consulted if any appear. Always use this material in strict accordance with the instructions on the label or in this document. ********************************************************************** The above information is Based on the data of which we are aware and is believed to be correct as of the date hereof. Since the information contained herein may be applied under conditions beyond our control and with which we may be unfamiliar and since data made available subsequent to the date hereof may suggest modification of the information, we 'do not assume any responsibility fo~ the result's of its use. This information is furnished upon condition tha~ the person receiving it shall make his own determination, of the suitability of the material for his particular purpose. Revision Number: 10 Revision Date: 07/30/89 MSDS Number: 000093 NDA - No Data Available NA - Not Applicable : MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IllfOl,llllllll,lllll SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. ~ - 777 Big Timber Rd~ ' ' Elgin, IL 6012 3 "' Safecy-Y, leem Corp. ' '. 312/697-8&60 ~mu (~umW. ~eeC C~. ~& ~nd Z]l~ GoM) Te~oN NumbM fM ~ 777 Si~ Itu~er Road 312/697-e&60 .... El~ia,. Illinois 60123 9112/66, Revtsed 5/26/87, ~/29/87 ,, ~tlofl II--H~ I~~M~ ~~ ' ' , , .e ~ineral S~lrics C.A.S~ Re~. ~o. 8032-32-4 500 ?~ 100 pp~ ~/A 99.9* . DTe prop'~tetar~ Un~o~ Un~o~ ' unk. 0.003 . Anti-Static A~enc mtxtu~e Onkno~ Un~o~ 100 ,sc. I p~,.. hmng Po,nt . . ~ Orl~ (H~- 1) .' 0 · 7 7 5- · . , 310-~00'Y 0.795 vm~ Pressure (mm ~g.) · '5 ~ ~nt ' $ 68'F 2 Evian ~l~ .' V'l~f OenS~ (AIR.I) · 6.9 (Toluene .1) 0.2 ~luOlll~ Iff Wlllf ' ' ' I Clear sreen liquid with characcertscic hydrocarbon odor. ~tlon IV--Fire I~d ~plo~n Hm~ D~ "r , CO~', foam. dry ChemLcal. racer (m~c on.!7) .... '~ . ':, S~C,le F,ro F,gflt~ng P~KUrOl - ..- -Sec, ion 0.t. Si .................... a ll~y ali0 ~one 1o Av~ ......... ' .......- . X Heat, sparks, flame and fire. IncomDltlOility (MItKI ~'A~) ' ' ...,S~,~o~'ox~d~Z~~ ~e~,cs." , Hazardous O~$On Or B~' , ' ' Normally hoverer ~lete ~'11 ~t '~ur; ' ' ~tiOn Vl~HeiKh ~ ~1 Routeis} of Enid: In~tmn? ~in? ~ yes '~es ~eelt~ H~ras~~c) ki~. EYes - Severe irritant lnhalatto~ Excess!vt ~ ; Skin -Can c,au~e {~YinR of s' . . ~'; inhalation can caus~ headache~ dizziness.and nausea. . swallowed. '~ Not listed ~ot ilstea No ' ~ot a k~o~ o: suspected cattY,oEec. , S~gnl ina SymDtoml o~ Ex~ure Dtyt~ of skt~, eye tttLtatio~, headache, dizziness, ~ausea. Mea~al Cona~,o~s Generi,y Aggrivme~ eY Ex--urn ' U~k~o~. Emergency aha ~i~l Ail PreSume ' Skin -.,,~ash vtth soao and vatqT. ~yea,- ~T:~a~e v~th, vate~., , a~ source a~d cai1 a ohvs~c~an. ~est~on - DO NOT ~ S~tlOn VIl~Pr~a~l~l ~Qe S~e Ml~llflg I~ UN -~*- Stees to BeTaken ,n CaN MII~ll ,l ~IIIK ~ SDiI~ . ;~,~..~- ..Catch and collect fo~ tecove:7 as soon as possible. Avoid exposure to ~parks, ,fire .flame, hot s~,tfac'es. - --waste O~sDo~l 9!s~ose of in acco:dance ~ith companY, local, state a~d ~ederal Combustible. Keeo away f:~m heacL SPaTk~ fZame. ~qe ~o=; and te~eated co, tact ~tth ~ktn*. XJ clothes ate t~adve:tent!}' ~atu:ate~ ~0 ~OT. S~O;;. Remove ~he solvent'satura~ed cTo~hes fmmed~a~ely to avoid skin rash. _~eep a~a~ from ~gn~tion sources. ~eep out of reach of children. Section.VIii--Control MeeBure~ .' ~e!f-contained br~ath~ apparatus for concentra~ions above TLV ll~!cs. LNormal room ventilation. [ Xone'. I ~'"~ r~/; . +'' I~ne~ ' .... ' ...... INone. .. [ None. '" ' ~'o~e~t,ve G~oves In cases o~ prolonged con~ac:, [Eye Pmt~on - ' , ~ '"' ,~l,~s~es,,. ' ~e,,er rusher ~lovep. Il'es - E}'eeiasses~ O~-e' ~'otecl,vt Cloth,rig ~ Eau~oment ..... 'i .A '' -: ~:~ sm. oke ~'P. ile , ~-~ *~ ..... · ..... -- ~..~ .... ~ 5o~%.e~. ' ':'~:'~"' . ~ ,.. I:'FI'F.: i)l'"' I..A~,~'T (';I-If~i',lGFZ'i: il. lii.~':i./90 DI':'TX'T I':':f~: F't_~:~!:.'.T:f.~,~,O!..Z, f:'.i' ~1:: I-',~,:.I::.N(..'~ TliCl..IFF'HFiNI':' NO 704-'-",:;.t':JB-"-O046 ii) :i: i,/, (:ii:' '¥'HF.-: )'.)L"-:X'I'i.EF,' I:.;C)[,~:[:', I :I:NF: C)F.'.i'4t::T :1: (.)bi ¥'E:L..I'.'::I:'HONIE NO · B. J. :.?. -" c? 4B..-.~3L~:.~.F.'} ii:' ,. O · ):':O:;':: :.:~:.'59' , i{::' ]'. N l-':".i.) 'j: t.. LE: , iH(, 'i ................................................................ i' Eii:?iiii'iii: ...... i?::::: ...... ................... .................................................................................. FiI.~i:.~L~I:. Nl'.x.l'llEt H:I:(..'IH (.)I::'f-'~F:]:'¥Y F'i..t::';F¥].'L::OL. .-. 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[:' :!: [;~[:: P:h!.D t~::XF"I..O.SL't:£}N I F't::.'.C~.tL;CT C:C).¥tf~; RUg D[:b.'.'!'I~.R :>t....,.,&t:"l"'~¢cr~t, .,.....~ .... q,. F'~GE 0 SF:'I~:C ]: Al.. f':' I REi::".I: (3H'I' ]: NG F:'R OCE l:il JRE S ~ SECTION 5 ...... I-'IE':AI_'fH HAZARD Nk]'tYCAL. (]OND]J'TIONS F'F<ONE 'f'O ,$GG[k(~V~¥¥'[{' )L~N' IEXP(3SUF<E~ O:'F<:~{,'iARY F<C~UTE < S) OF' ENTRY { N/¢~ i~]dEI~(SENCY ANT~ F'I RS'Y' A:i:D I:'ROCEDUF~E~3 ~' }'~em,),/e ,::on'l'ami na'~:~d c Loth i rig., How-> p.~'t' lent t~) fresh .... IND ): 'f ]: ONS T'O ~,UCI :[ D-~ · N/¢,~ ZNCOHF'A'T'T.B:J:L...I:TY <WITH MtYT'ER]:~,I..S); CO ~{nd/or C(.{~.)~. po~:;~ibl, y ox i('{e~ ~'f".. ~i'i'¥'(,gen, HCL.. ~'~ high. I..IAZ¢~irkDOLJS ,.. ~. .~, .............. ,-..)i...Y ~ I,:.}~LZA I .I. ON, ~i I I. no'L' (,(:(:u¥', SECT :E C)N 'Z ~' "" ' ..... ....... ,.~F LLL. OR L..:.A,N · ~;ma!._{. ~.;f.)i I.i...-; m~y |:,,.'-.' aJ'.).'-.;o',"b(eci o1'~'{,'~:, .:..{ b .:::.. ,) r b .?., ¥'~ ';: ma't','-:;ri,:~L... idA,qFf'E I)]:'::-;I='O,~AL. HI'-:'TI-ICiD;~ · .:.',~; ":';~:, I. i cl. ,.,.,,~.;~.:~ t',~'? ~. SI=::CT :f.(')N 8 ...... SI':'EC .~ AL. F'F<{]'TECT :[ (]N :( NF'OI';tM(-YI' :[ (3N I'~E:.~)F'].{-<~ I L)F<'~ PR[]TECT.'(I]N; - - N/~ k)E:NT tr. I..AT .1: ON '~ F'f,:O'¥'E:C'T :1: VE GL.OU[.:.'.!-3 ~. N/,'-', J.':.:'Y'i]: i."'Rc'rFI:~:CT I ON i' U?~.o; ~;...'YJ",?;'~'y ,.':;'/eu{,'-..,af' d¢:;!4igT~(-'::¢l 't',) Df',u'kec:4' ,.'..',c.j.ali ii~.:,~.' .'-.";F.; {.,-.~;h o'f {. i'.Lu~id-.'.'.,., )'THE:i:;,' F'RO"i'E:CT :l: C)N ,~ N/ d', F. m (~.[ l= ~<.1: {., I='RF.-IC;T :( CiES ~ · Material Safety Data Sheet U.S. Department of Labor May be used to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, (Non-Mandatory Form) 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be .- Form Approved consulted for specific requirements. ~'~uj$~,ON9 : OMB No. 1218-0072 IDENTITY (As Used on Label and List) I Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or no Ma~iBlock Red , information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. Section I Manufacturer's Name Emergency Telephone Number Majestech Corporation Address (Number, Street, City, State, and ZiP Code) Telephone Number for information · P.o. Box 440 1-800-431-2200 Date Prepared Route 100 "~ 12/12/90 ~ ..... ~.. Signature of' Preparer (optional) Somers, NY ;'~ {"05'8; KoS% ~o,-g/~--~- Section II -- Ha:,ardous Ingredients/Identity Information Other Limits Ha:'ardous Components (Specific Chemical Identity; Common Name(s)) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Recommended % 'optional) There are not~l/azardous ingredSents. · Section III -- Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H20 = 1). 212°F l Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.) Melting Point as water N/A Vapor Density (AIR = 1) Evaporation Rate ~- 1 (Butyl Acetate = 1) Solubility in Water Appearance and~Odor Red viscous liquid · Section IV -- Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (Method Used) I Flammable Limits LEL [ UEL N/A Non combustableI N/A N/AI N/A Extinguishing Media N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures Not applicable in normal use~ will not burn in present form. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards None · (Reproduce locally) OSHA 174, Sept. 1985 Section V -- Reactivity Data 'Stability. Unstable Conditions to Avoid Stable X None Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid~ Water sensitive materials Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts None at o,-u_~u~ry temperatures Hazardous May Occur Conditions to Avoid Polymerization Will Not Occur X None Sectinn VI -- 14~alfh I,.I .... ,,a m.~- Route(s) of Entry: InhaJation? Skin? Ingestion? N/A viscous liquid Yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) None recbrded Carcinogenicity: NTP? IARC Monographs? OSHA Regulated? No No No Signs and Symptoms of Exposure No hazardous properties ~ecorded. · Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure None known Emergency and First Aid Procedures ....... Ski-n:--wa,s-h-wi-t~-h-wa~ter-': ........ Eye-s: Flush With~a~r Ingestion: Drink water and treat symptomatically Section VII -- Precautions for Safe Handling and Use 'Steps to Be Taken in Case MateriaJ Is Released or Spilled Wash to Waste with a large quantity of water. Waste Disposal Method To be performed in como]~nc~ ~h ~11 c,,~n~ ~: state and federal regulations. Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing · Store in cool conditions in original containers. Other Precautions None Section VIII -- Control Measures · Respiratory Protection (Spec/fy Type) None required Ventilati°n I Local Exhaust N/A ~ I N/A Special MechanicaJ (C,-ene,,*a/~ /A Other N/A Protective Gloves I Eye Protection Recommended for sensit~e sk-[~, ' Not requSred othe¢ Protective Clothing or Equipment None required Work/Hygienic Practices ~. Refer to instructions, Page 2 * u.s.~3.P.o.: ~988-401-529/45775 1308 1308 6308 6308 FR0-1CRXL* Acrylic Lacquer Thinnel page 2 2/1 i SAFETY DATA SHEET Section V -- HEALTH HAZARD DATA .... ROUTES OF EXPOSURE 4-Jan-88 (216) 566-2902 ........... ' .................................................................... 'Extreme overexposure nay result in unconsciousness and possibly de'th. --~--~) None generally recognized. ...... ~........ .................. . .......................... ~ ................... If on SKIN: Vash affected area thoroughly vith soap and rater. 1308 EYE PROTECTION HMIS Section IX -- PRECAUTIONS HEALTH TARSN IN HANDLING AND STORIHO FLAMMABILITY · During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area ventilated - Do not smoke - REACTIVITY This Naterial Safety Data Sheet conforms to the Hazard Communication staodatd, 29 CFR 1910.1200(g)(4), for similar complex mixtures. The above information pertains to this product as currently formulated, and is based on the information available at this tine. Addition of reducers or othe~ additives to this ~4 product may substantially alter t~e co~pesttion and hazards of the product. Since conditions // of use are otltstde our control, ye imke no varzanties, express or implied, and assume no liabllityi ....... ionvithanyu~e, ofthisinf .... ion. .................................. ~ ....................................... ~ ..... CI~HONIC Health Hasards · DurtnK use and until all vapors are Some; Keep area ventilated - Do not smoke - HMJS Consult NFPA Code, Use approved Bondin~ and Gr0undin~ procedures. HEALTH 2 OTaER PRECAUTZONS FLAMMABILITY 3 REACTIVITY 0 the inforaation available at this time. Addition of reducers or other additives to this product liability in connection vith any use of this inforaation, RECE'VED ~o/~4/9o .~UL ST ALLEY '~ S~I~T CO ~5-000-¢,(,~333 JAN 2 1990 Page Overal! Site with 1 Fac. Ur, it Ans' l ............ Ger~eral Ir~format i Locatior~: 3700 EASTON DR 17 Map: 102 Hazard: Moderate Ident Number: 215-000-001333 Grid: 35A Area of Vul: 0.0 Cor, tact Name 'Title Business Phnne ---T 24 Hour Phone] !DOMINIC WEBBY ~~ 't (805) 324-6207 x ~(805) 871-7'489~ "'~ - '~0 ~(805) ~~ ~OUIS ........ - (8(:)5) J~4 6~.7 x ~dr,lir~istrat ~ve Data ~ail ~ddrs: 3700-1? E~TON DR D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: C~ Zip: 93309- Comm Code: Z15-003 BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 SIC Code: Owr, er: DOMINIC & STELLA WEBBY Phor, e: (805) 3Z4-6~07 Address: 280'7 GILL AV State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93306- Summary ...... (Ty~o~,,~..~' ~ reviewed the attached hazardous mat~als manage- ment plan for ~LL~'~-,'-~-~/-t~h~Rt' along with ' (Name of ~a) any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. 10/24/90 WALL ST ALLEY T SHIRT CO 215-000-001333 Page 2 Hazmat InYentor¥ List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pl~-Ref Nar~e/Hazards Form Quantity MCP 02-001 LACQUER THINNER Liquid 55 Moderate Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 10/24/90 WALL ST ALLEY T' SHIRT CO 215-000-001333 Page 3 O0 - Overall Site <D> Notif. /Evacuatiors/Medical <1~> Agerscy Notificatior~ CALL 911 <2> Er,~ployee Notif. /Eyacuatior, .VERBAL NOTIFICATION AND DIAL 911. <4> Er,~ergerscy Medical Plar, MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AVE - 327-33'71. 10/~4/90 WALL ST ALLEY T SNtP. T CO E~15-c)00-00i333 Page 4 00 .- Ove'~'all Site (E) ' Pl i t i ri at i or~/P~-eve.r~t / A Bat emt (1) Release Preventic. n - ' WE TRY TO AT ALL TIP]ES STAY ON TOP OF EVERYTHING, WE KEEP LIDS ON RAG CAN., LIDS ON THINNER AND LIDS ON INKS.· SAFEI'Y KLEEN TANK HAS A FIRE PLUG ON IT. WE KEEP OUR EXTINGUISHERS UP' TO PAR AND ]'HE PLACE CLEAN.' ' ........ <,o> Release Containment <4> Other Resource Activation .- 1 ~-000-0.1 d~d Page 5 10/24/90 WALL ST ALLEY T SHIRT CO '-' ~ ..... A .... O0 - Overall Site <F> Site EmergerJcy Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTH END OF BUILDING C) WATER - OUTSIDE SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <4> Held for Future use 10/24/90 WALL ST ALLEY T SHIRT CO 215~-000-0£)1333 Page 6 O0 - Overall Site <G> Trai~,ing <1> Page 1 BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: <2>~ Page 2 as r~eeded <3> Held for Future Use <4> 'Held for Future Use 10/24/90 WALL ST ALLEY T SHIRT CO 215-000-o01333 Page 4 00 - Overall Site <E> Mit igat ior~/Prever, t/Abatemt <1> Release Prever, ti,z,n WE TRY TO AT ALL TIMES STAY ON TOP OF EVERYTHING, WE KEEP LIDS ON RAG CAN, LIDS ON THINNER AND LIDS ON INKS. SAFEYY KLEEN TANK HAS A FIRE PLUG ON IT. WE KEEP OUR EXTINGUISHERS UP TO PAR AND THE PLACE CLEAN. RECEI D <2> Release Cor~tainmer~t ' / <4> Other Resource Activatic, r~ BAKERSFIELD .CITY FIRE'. DEPART!~NT R [ C E { V E U 2130 "O" STREET' - /// B/h~ERSFIELD. CA 93301 O~~k ,JUl 13 {988 . J (805) 326-3979 { ~flS'~ ~ .......  OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID~ ~s~ ~. '" 0 013 3 3 .AZA~DO=~ ~T~AL~ ~ ~ ~ · FORM 2A ~/~ INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA SECTION 2: E1WERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ' -In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. · EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: ~' ~n~,~ ,.. 3L~-~zo~ 325- B~z~ SECTION 8: LOCATION OF ~ILI~ S~-OFFS FOR BUSI~SS AS A ~OLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: ~ D. SPECIAL: ~ .. ~ E. LOCK BOX: YES / SO IF YES, LOC~TIO~: _. IF YES, DOES IT CO~TAIS SITE PLANS? YES / SO ~SDSS? ~ES / SO ....... --~ FLOOR PLA~S~ YES~/ SO KEYS~ YES / ~0 SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA~ FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 5: 'LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 6:' EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE 'A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER' TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER' A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIASS:...' ....................................~_~ NO YES ' NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... YES ~ YES NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. ~ NO YES NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: .................~)3~[Q, .YES NO E. DO. YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... 3ES~_~_~__ . YES NO SECTION ?: HAZARDOUS NATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POU~F A SOLID~.55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ..... ~ cYES~ NO I, ,,' , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand (hat this in~prmation will .be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health-and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. ~'BAKERSF!ELD'CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET ~BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BuS'I,NESS NAME:, B~USI NESS PLAN SI~NGLE FACILITY UNIT -FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further ~action, this form must be returned by: . 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. ,3. 'Answer %he-questions below for THE FACILITY 'UNIT LISTED .EELOW 4. Be as /BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY 5q~IT# FACILITY UNIT NAME: SECTION' 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES ~J~ ~ ~[7 aO ~¢~ · ·SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDbqlES AT THIS UNiT ONLY SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS .FOR THIS..UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials?. · YES NO If YES, see B If NO, continue with SECTION 4, B. Are any of the haZardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES NO If No, Complete a. separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON.TRADE SECRETS ONLY'(white form #4A-l) "" If Yes,' complete a hazardous mat'erials inventory form TRADE SECRETS. ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition tO ~x.. secret form. List °nly the trade secrets on form 4A~2 SECTION 4':. PRIVATEFIRE PROTECTION SECTION 5: LOCATION OF UPPLY BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF THIS UNIT ONLY. A. NAT. GAS/PROPAN~'~ B. ELECiRI ¢. ~ATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: .... IF YES, SITE PLANS? YES /'NO MSDSs? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS9 YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 3B - ' BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I,D. # FORM 4A-1 Page ~ of NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZ ARDOU. S MATERI ALS I NVENTORY · CITY, ZIP: ~f~~i~ ~/~ .~"~-'~0~ CITY,ZIP: ~-~ PHONE ~: .... ~-~Z.~--~O~ PHONE ~: ~O~-~/~'~q~' [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS ~ BY HAZARD D.O.T COD~ AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT , WT. CHEMIqAL OR COMMON NAME CODE OUIDE NA~E: ~ TITLE: SIGNATURE: DATE: E~ERGENCY CONTACT: 'TITLE: PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: ~ . AFTER BUS HRS: NCY CONTACT: 'TITLE: PHONE ~ BUS ~OURS: '~INCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS, HRS: · ~ - 4~-1 - /~" SITE/FACILITY D I AG R~m~b~f /~'~--~' FOl~M s~ /33 -~ "' / · DATE:~.//~/ FACiLiTY ~E:. UNIT ~: OF / (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGR.~I FACILITY DIAGR.~M I. Address:'Ide~tl;y the 9. Lock (key) Box principle buildings ~ . by the Street numbers. 10. HSOS Storage Box 2. Stuart(s).. AlLays, 11. Railroad Tracks Driveways,',and Parking Areas adjacent to ,the 12. Fence or Barrier property. Include the ~\ a. Wire street nase:a. b, Masonry 3. $tora Drains. Culverts. Yard Drains c. Wood 4. Drainage Canals.,,Dltches, d. Gates Creeks, · 13. Powerllnes 5. 8uildinss a. Fraee construction 14. Guard Station b. Masonry.construction 1S, 3torase Tanks:' Identify the c. Metal construction capacity la gal. a. Above Eround 'd.' Access ', b. Underground 6. Utility Controls a. Gas - 16.. Diking or Berm ,.b. Electricity 17. Evacuation Route c. #at~r 18. Evacuation Area: Identify ~he 7. Fire Suppression Systems: , location where a. Fire Hydrants esployees mill meet. b. Fire $priukler 19.~utside Hazardous Connections #asta Storage \ c. Fire Standpipe 20. Outside Hazardous · Connections #atarial Storage d. Water Control Valves 2i. OutsId~ Hazardous for protection systems Material ~Use/Handllng e. Fire P,,,.p ~2. Type of ~azardoua Material/Waste Stored 8. Fire Oepertment Access or Used (See .' arise) TYPS OF HAZARDOUS ~ATERIA~ . . F - Flasmable ~ · ~xploilve L · Liquid R -.Radlologlcal ** c - Corrosive 0 - Oxidizer G - ~as P - Poison ~ -#ater Reactive T - Toxic $ - SOlid ~ · Cryogenic D - Waste B - Etiological Example~ ~la~able Liquid - FL FACILITY DIAGP.~I (Required Items In addition to the above)-.. l. Risers for Sprinklers 8. Fire Escapes 2. Partitions g. Air Conditioning Unite 3. Stairways: Indicate the I0, levels set*red from highest to lcwest. 11. Inside Hazardous Waste Storage 4. Escalator: Indicate the levels served from la. Inside Hazardous highest to-lowest. Materials Storage S. Elevator 13. inside Hazardous NaterlalS Use/Handling 6. Attic Access 14. Se~r D~aln Inlets ?..Skylights