HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ-BUSINESS PLAN 3/17/1988 Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF .PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This' i~rmitis issu~l for the following: [] Hazardous Materials Plan [] Underground 'Storage of HazardOus Materials Permit ID #:: 015.000~001221 , D Risk Management Program CA L I F O R N IA D E P T O F WAT E [] Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment LOCATION: 4300 EASTON DR 23 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES c~ JU~ ~ 8 2000 - 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: '~(--Ra~p~Huey'D~i ~ssue Date Bakersfield, CA 93301 OfficcofEvironmen~Scrvices ' Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: June 30, 2003 SUMMARY OF UNIFIED PERMIT CONDITIONS IN GENERAL: SPECIFICALLYi 1. This permit ·must be posted or maintained on site at all times. . HAZARDOUS WASTE: 1. Any amount of a hazardoUs waste must be reported to the Office of 2. Any questions regarding this permit shall be directed to the: Environmental Services on the chemical description page Of the Unified . Program Consolidated Forms. OFFICE OF'ENVIRONMENTAL SERvIcEs" 2. Hazardous wastes shall be P~-operly labeled at all tim/~s and properly Bakersfield Fire Department disposed of in a timely manner, no later'than 180 days from accumulating 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 27 gallons (100 kg) at any time, or within 90 days if you accumulate more ' Bakersfield; CA 93301 than 27 gallons (100 kg) per month. (661) 326 - 3979 3. Keep all waste disposal receipts or manifests for three years. 3. You must notify the'OffiC9 Of Environmental Services within 30 days of UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS: any change in ownership. 1. You must ensure that both the owner and operator of the tank are provided with a copy of this permit. If you operate butdo not own the'tank(s), there 4. You must comply with.~e requirements of the California Health and Safety shall be a written operating agreement with the owner to monitor the tanks. Code, (and ~pciate~l~s, roles, a, nd'~ul'htions), as applicable: 2. You must maintain a monitoring program which includes a site map and a 4' Chapter 6.5 ~gen~t~rs ~t6rs of haz~{dous wastes, monitoring and response program appropriate for the design of the tank(s). 4~ Chapter 6.67 fdr~abovegrg~nd ~rage of pe~91eum. .~ ~., ~ ~.3. The monitoring program shall be in compliance with state regulations and d' Chapter 6.7 for flnderground stora~bf?~.~'dous subsj~. ?e~. ~'~.~ ~ ~ ~ subject to annual review by the Offiee~f:~.~nvironmental Services. 4' Chapter 6.75 for petroleum underground storage tank ~e~gj~ nup. ~ ~ ~ - ~ d' Chapter6.95 for hazardous materials response and inventories. ~5-~ ~. ~ ~ABO~"~DS~.-.~)RA~ilF~/[}FPETROL<~UM~ vr Chapter 6.95 (Article 2) for accidental release prevention of acutely 1.-~' ~ ~~~~alt~round.storag~--l~s shall be ,nstalled under a hazardous materials and risk management plans, vahd ~nstal'latt6n ~~O?fi~of Env,ronmental Serv,ces. 2. Any aboveground petrole~~4tan~4~er 660 gallon capacity or 1320 5. You must pay your consolidated annual permit fee and any state service gallons in aggregate storage shall file a storage statement with the State fees, as applicable, for this permit to continue to remain in effect. Water Resources Control Board and prepare a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan. Call (916) 227-4364 for more information. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: 3. A the SPCC shall be maintained on site and a copy also forwarded to the 1. Immediately report any release or threatened release of a hazardous Office of Environmental Services. material if there is a reasonable belief that life, health, safety, or the environment are at risk by calling: CALIFORNIA ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PROGRAM (CalARP):' d' 9-1-1 (for emergencies only), or 1. Any facility required to submit a Risk Management Plan shall implement d' (661) 326-3979 for Office of Environmental Services, and the prevention program listed in the plan for the covered processes on site. 4~ (800) 852-7550 State Warning Center 2. The prevention program shall be self-audited by the facility at least once 2. Report any changes or additions to your hazardous materials inventory during the term of this permit. The results of the self-audit shall be within 30 days of the change to the Office of Environmental Services. available to the Office of Environmental Services for evaluation. 3. Any amount of explosives must be reported to the Office of Environmental 3. Accidental releases of federally regulated or extreme_ly hazardous Services on the chemical description page of the Unified Program substances in reportable quantities shall, in addition to the immediate Consolidated Forms. reporting requirements, also be reported to the EPA at (800) 424-8802. S:\CU?AFORMS\Permit Conditions.wpd Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF-PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This ~ermit is issued for the following: E~ Hazardous Materials Plan El Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials Permit ID #:: 015-000-001221 El Risk Management Program CALIFORNIA DEPT OF ~ Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment LOCATION: 4300 EASTON DR 23 IELD Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF EN~RONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Issue ~te Bakersfield, CA 93301 O~ceofd~ko~ic~%' Voice (661) 326-3979 ~~~ F~ (661) 326-0576 Exp~tion Date: Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON R~VERSE SIDE Thi~ ~ermit is issued for the following: s Materials Plan round Storage of Hazardous Materials PERMIT 'ID# 015-021~)01221 Program CALIFORNIA DEPT OF WATEI LOCATION 4300 EASTON ..... Issued by:  Bakersfield Fire Department Approved by: ~' OFFICE OF ENVIR ONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805),2~576 Expiration Date: . June 30. 2000 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEp~R..TMENT 2130 "G"'S/~REET -.'.?-;~,'"" BAKERSFIELD'.CA93301- ~:} ~ (805) 326-3979 '' !NS~JCT!ONS: 1. To avoid further action, return thin-form by, t "' · Z. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answe~ the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as b~ief and concise as possible. ~ SECTION 1: BUSI~SS IDE~IFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: California Departmept of Water Resources B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 4300 East0n Dr~ve, Suite 23 cIW: Ba'kersf~e]d ziP: 93304 BUS.PHONE: (805) 395-28]5 SECTION 2: ~RGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency ihvolvin~ the ~elease or.threatened release of a hazardous ma~erial,'call 911 and 1-800-852-%8~0 or 1-916-42T-4341..This will notify your local fire department, and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by' law.' -' EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE ~DUR~NG BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A. N. A. MacG~]]~wav Ph~.(805) 395-28]5 Ph~(805) 325-6985 B. David [. Sc~u~s Ph~(805) 395-28]5 Ph~(805) 328-9464 · SECTION 3: LOCATION OF ~ILI~ S~-OFFS FOR BUSI~SS AS A ~OLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: B' ELECTRICAL: Electrical 9a]]er~ -- sou~h end of building c. WATER:' ~ete~ and shutoff 22 feet south of southeast.'Corner of bu~]d~n~ (at s~dewa]k) D. SPECIAL: "' ~ ..... ¥~'-~N. E. LOCK BOX: YES /~ IF YES, ~OCATION': "'. -...-~-~'~'~'~' :z-'~..,:~ IF yES,. DOES fT CONTAfN SfTE PLANS? YES / NO '~SDSS? YES / NO FLOOR P~ANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO SECTION 4: pRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE TWO~ -o~f ~the ,, current.~staYf.¢,~our, employees are trained as "radiological operators Pro~eduresr ~On" respond~n~' to emergencies are ~ncl uded ~n Bepartment of Water Resources "Rad~olo~cal OperatSons.Handbook" (copy attached). SECTION 5~ LOCAL EMERGENCY ~EDICAL ASSISTanCE FOR YOB~ BUSINESS AS A WHOLE ;~.Hos'Pjtal 'Emergency Room ~327-3371 2215. Tru~to'n Avenue ' ' ~Gol den ImpUre ~mbul ance 327-9000 ~all ~mbulance Service ...... 327-4111 SECTION 6: EMPLO~E:TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO ~VE % PRoG~M WHicH PROVIDES' EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER T~INING IN THE~FOLLOWING AREAs. CIRCLE YES 0RNO ~INITIAL REFRESHER .......... ' ..... ........... NO NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. NO NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES NO NO E. DO YOU ~INTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:.... .... NO NO SECTION ?: ~Z~DOUS ~TERI~~ DOES YOUR BUSINESS ~NDLE.HAZARDOUS ~TERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN ~'00POUNDS OF A SOLID, $5 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS:.... .... YES NO I, N. A. MacGill~vray~ , certify' that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will'be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and-Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. ~0 Chapter ~.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate infOrmation constitutes perjury. /~/-~~~- Supervisgr 'SIGNATURE~~ __ TITLE Field Office / DATE 3/8/88 2B - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPAR~iENT 2130 "G"-STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA '93301 OFFTCTAi USE O~LY : ID~ _ _· -' _ _ BUSINESS NAME: " BUS I NESS PLAN SINGLE FACILIT'f UNIT .. FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be'returned by: 2. %~fPE.,'PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILI~f%~IT LISTED BELOW ........ =~' ~i'._~_v' 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as .Possible. " FACILII"I UNIT~ 23 FACILII%r UNIT N~IE: Ca]i'forn~a Dept. of Water Resources 4300 5aSton Drive, Bakersfield SECTION I: MITIGATION, PRE~!ON, ABATEME5~ PROCE1]L~ES A.Integrity of sea]ed ~ad~oact~ve source ~s verified at s~x-month ~nterva]s by leak.test ana]ys~s. ~. ' .... B.Emergency procedures are detailed ~n Sect~on'IV of Departmeot of Water Resources "Rad~o]og~ca] 0perat~o,s Handbook" (copy attached). SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AA~ 'EVACUATION PROCEDL~ES AT'~IS L~iT ONLY See Item ]-B above. SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS b.'NIT ONLY · A. Does t'his Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials? ...... NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form ~4A-1) If Yes', complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRET,~ ONLY (yellow form :4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. , List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. 'SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECT!OX " Two lO# ABC fire ex.tjnguishers · SECTION "5: LOCATION' OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONI)ERS On south side of Easton Drive, across from 4300" ·· SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UN'IT 0XLY. 'None B. ELECTRICAL: £]ectrica] ~a]]ery at south end of bui]din§. c. WATER: At meter vault approximately 22 feet south of southeast corner of B. ai~:di:n§ B~. D. SPECIAL: E LOCK BOX: YES .' iF YES, LOCATIO.Y: IF.YES SITE PLANS? YES / NO MsDss? YES " FLOOR P. LA.YS? YES / NO KEYS? .YES ..; .k'O 3B - FORM lA- I NON'--TRAI}E SECIRETS iIAZ AIIL) OUfl MATEllI ALS' I NvENTOI~Y Same FACII, ITY UNIT I :~:23 .... ,,~';llll~R.q N^MF,: Ca] qfornla Dept'.:-_of:~Water: esource~soHHllll HAHE t ....... i IY. ziP: Bake~sS~e]d, CA 93309 CITY,ZIPI FICI~I, USE , u,,ur: ,: ~805) 395-28]5 ::~ PiioHE I I -- OH ..... ~ g CUB; ~h~ Or CUHMOH NAME CUllg ........ ........... Americium ~ 0. ] 50 0. ] 50 N/A . ,,~ Room Item 5, Double encapsul ~ted se~ ed source Item 6, Soil moisture t,~gage'· NAI. le N:r'A% Ma..c.~.i:%!J.v-r-~Y±:-~*- _ TITLE.' Office Supervisor_ 8,OHATURB~ ~MERnF. II~:¥ COI.ITACT. Same ' TITI, B~ Same PIIOH f fill ............ . -- -- AFTER ilUS · IIRS: 325-6985 ~ r~l~U E~r¥ '(:~IITACT: David L. Scruggs T i ThB~_Radi°l o,qi cal, Operator PIIONEAFTERI BUSBuS.IIOURSiiRS: 328-9464395-2815 STATE OF CALIFORNIA--'RESO~URCES AGENCY ' GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, GovernOr DEPARTMENT OF~WATER RESOURCES 3374 East Shields-Avenue -' ' '" . ' . Fresno, CA 93726 -',. M~rch 15, i988 ',.. -. Mr. Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Fire Department City of Bakersfield 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: This is to notify.you ~that the Department of Water Resources routinely stores a small quantity of radioactive material-at 4300 Easton Drive, Suite 23, Bakersfield. We are licensed by the California DePartment of Health Services to possess and use three sealed sources, each containing 50millicuries of Americium 241/Be. That license, No. 0609-15, is available for your inspection at our Bakersfield office. Only one of the three radioactive sources is permanently assigned to the Bakersfield location. Occasionally, however, one or both of our other sources may be temporarily stored there. As shown in detail 'A' on .the enclosed facility diagram (your Form 5), the radioactive material is stored at the. bottom of one of two plastic pipes which extend-to .about 8 feet below the floor of the building. .I believe radiation flux near the upper end of the storage pipes is approximately at background level. Copies of your Forms 2A, 3A, end 4A-l, Form 5 site diagram and Form 5 facility diagram are enclosed. If you need further information, please call me at 395-2815. Sincerely, Norman A. MacGilliv~aY Radiation Safety Officer San Joaquin District Enclosures