HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 230-04RESOLUTION NO. ~ 3 0 ',. ~) ,~1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR THE ADDITION OF A 1,056 SQUARE FOOT MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING AT AN EXISTING OFFICE SITE, LOCATED AT 2210 MING AVENUE, WITHIN A C-O/PCB ZONE DISTRICT (FLEE NO. 04- 0692) WHEREAS, Mark Costa filed an application requesting development plan approval for the conversion of a residence to an office within a C-O/PCD (Professional and Administrative Office/Planned Commercial Development) zone district located at 2210 Ming Avenue (Exhibit 2); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission through its Secretary set Thursday, July 1, 2004, at the hour of 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber of City Hall, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for a public hearing before said Commission and notice of said hearing was given in the manner provided by Title Seventeen of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, at said hearing the issue was duly heard and considered, and the Planning Commission approved said development plans as the project would meet all required development standards and mitigation; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission forwarded their recommendation to the City Council recommending approval of the development plans; and WHEREAS, the City Council through its Clerk set August 18, 2004, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber of City Hall, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for the Council's review of said site plan; and WHEREAS, at the above mentioned meeting date, all evidence concerning the project was considered by the Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD as follows: That the Planning Commission's findings as contained in their resolution (No. 89-04) are hereby adopted. That the development plan as conditioned in attached Exhibit "1" and as shown in attached Exhibit "3", is hereby approved. .......... 000 .......... ~ % AK~'~d~ -2- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of t~,%~i~ of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on 8 2004 , by the following vote: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH, CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER PAMELA A. McCARTHY~JCMC CITY CLERK and Ex Offi[:io Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: AUG i 8 2004 HARVEY L. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~, City Attorney ok EXHIBIT "1" PCD DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW - 04-0692 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In conjunction with the City's construction of street widening improvements on Ming Avenue, the developer shall provide a standard commercial driveway per City Standards - one wing may be placed on the east property line if there is no possibility of a drive approach on the property to the east. (Public Works Engineering) The developer shall plant and maintain grass or other ornamental vegetative matter over the entire unpaved rear yard area of the parking lot and shall plant fifteen gallon evergreen trees spaced no greater than 20 feet apart inside the fence along June Street. (Planning Department) With the exception of those trees located in the front yard, along the eastern property line (where the drive aisle will be located), the applicant shall not remove any of the existing mature trees on-site. (Planning Department) The developer shall obtain garbage service off of June Street using methods determined by the City Solid Waste Department staff. (Solid Waste Division) SITE PLAN COMPLIANCE LIST The following are specific items that the Site Plan Review Committee has noted that you need to resolve before you can obtain a building permit or be allowed occupancy. These items may include changes or additions that need to be shown on the final building plans, alert you to specific fees, and/or are comments that will help you in complying with the City's development standards. The item will note when it is to be completed and each has been grouped by department so that you know who to contact if you have questions. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - BUILDING (staff contact- Mike Quon 6611326-3676) The developer shall submit 4 copies of grading plans and 2 copies of the preliminary soils report to the Building Division. A final soils report shall also be submitted to the Building Division before they can issue a building permit. Please note that approved grading plans must also match final building site plans and landscaping plans. The developer shall include fire resistive wall construction details with the final building plans for all exterior walls of any building that are within 20' of property lines if it is commercial, or 5' of property lines if it is residential. LP t S:tZONECHANGE[DEV PLAN REVIEW~O4-O692[CC~EXA.DOC August 2, 2004 ORIGINAL Include with or show on the final building plans information necessary to verify that the project complies with all disability requirements of Title 24 of the State Building Code, The developer shall obtain all required approvals from the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (2700 "M" Street, Bakersfield, CA; Ph. 661/862-8700) for any food handling facility, (ie. market, delicatessen, cafe, concession, restaurant) before building permits can be issued. Mobile homes/commercial coaches shall be installed upon a permanent foundation. 6. Business identification signs are not considered nor approved under this review. A separate review and sign permit from the Building Division is required for all new signs, including future use and construction signs. Signs must comply with the Sign Ordinance (Chapter 17.60 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code). 7. The Building Division will calculate and collect the appropriate school district impact fee at the time they issue a building permit. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - PLANNING (staff contact - Wayne Lawson 661/326- 3245) 1. The minimum parking required for this project has been computed based on use and shall be as follows: Total existing building area = 1,697 square feet Existing Office area: 922 square feet @ I space/230 = Existing Residence = Proposed Modular Office - 1,056 square fee @ I space/230 = Total parking requirement = 4 spaces 2 spaces 5 spaces 11 spaces (Note: 16 parking spaces are shown on the proposed site plan) The applicant shall include a copy of a final landscape plan with each set of the final building plans submitted to the Building Division. In addition, one (1) copy of the landscape plan shall also be submitted to the Planning Division. Building permits will not be issued until the Planning Division has approved the final landscape plan for consistency with approved site plans and minimum ordinance standards (please refer to the attached standards - Chapter 17.61). Please be advised that these landscaping standards create four (4) categories of trees and each category has its own separate set of spacing, evergreen-to- deciduous ratios, location, and performance standards. These categories are: 1 2 Street frontage trees Parking lot (shade trees) LP ~ $:tZONECHANGE~DEV PLAN REVIEVV~O4-O692[EXA.DOC August 2, 2004 ORIGINAL 3 4 Shade/accent trees at building entrances Trees that buffer adjacent residential areas Approved landscaping, parking, lighting, and other related site improvements shall be installed and inspected by the Planning Division before final occupancy of any building or site. Please schedule final inspections with the staff contact noted above. (NOTE: Plants must match the species identified and be installed in the locations consistent with the approved landscape plan. Otherwise, changes made without prior approval of the Planning staff may result in the removal and/or relocation of installed plant materials and delays in obtaining building occupancy.) Parking lot lighting is required by the Bakersfield Municipal Code (Section 17.58.060A). Illumination shall be evenly distributed across the parking area with light fixtures designed and arranged so that light is directed downward and is reflected away from adjacent residential properties and streets. Use of glare shields or baffles may be required for glare reduction or control of back light. All light poles, standards and fixtures, including bases or pedestals, shall not exceed a height of 40' above grade. The final building plans shall include a picture or diagram of the light fixtures being used and show how light will be directed onto the parking area. Habitat Conservation fees shall be required for this project and will be calculated based on the fee in effect at the time we issue an urban development permit (includes grading plan approvals) as defined in the Implementation/Management Agreement (Section 2.21) for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. Upon payment of the fee, the applicant will receive acknowledgment of compliance with Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (Implementation/Management Agreement Section 3.1.4). This fee is currently $1,240 per gross acre, payable to the City of Bakersfield (submit to the Planning Division). This fee must be paid before any grading or other site disturbance Occurs. Rooftop areas of commercial buildings (eg. office, retail, restaurant, assembly, hotel, hospital, church, school) shall be completely screened by parapets or other finished architectural features constructed to a height of the highest equipment, unfinished structural element or unfinished architectural feature of the building. Outside work, storage, sales and display of merchandise and materials is prohibited. All activities (except outdoor seating for restaurants), and all storage of merchandise and materials shall be conducted and/or contained within an enclosed building. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT (staff contact - Dave Weirather 661/326-3706) 1. Show on the final building plans the following items: LP I S:[ZONECHANGEtDEV PLAN REVlEW~O4-O692tEXA.DOC August 2, 2004 ORIGINAL All fire hydrants, both offsite (nearest to site) and on-site. Include flow data on all hydrants. Hydrants shall be in good working condition and are subject to testing for verification. Fire flow requirements must be met prior to construction commencing on the project site. Please provide 2 sets of the engineered water plans to Dave Weirather. (Note: Afl new fire hydrants must be purchased from the Fire Department.) Project address, including suite number if applicable. If the project is within a shopping or business center, note the name and address of the center. Name and phone number of the appropriate contact person. D. PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING (staff contact- George Gillburg 6611326-3997) The developer shall construct curbs, gutters, cross gutters, 5'6' wide sidewalks, and streetJalley paving along June Avenue according to adopted city standards. These improvements shall be shown on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. The developer shall install new connection(s) to the public sewer system. This connection shall be shown on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. Show on the final building plans all existing connection(s) to the public sewer system. All on-site areas required to be paved (ie. parking lots, access ddves, loading areas, etc.) shall consist of concrete, asphaltic concrete (Type B, A. C.) or other paved street material approved by the City Engineer. Pavement shall be a minimum thickness of 2 inches over 3 inches of approved base material (ie. Class II A. B.). This paving standard shall be noted on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. If a grading plan is required by the Building Division, building permits will not be issued until the grading plan is approved by both the Public Works Department and Building Division. Before any building or site can be occupied, the developer must reconstruct or repair substandard off-site improvements to adopted city standards as directed by the City Engineer. Please call the construction superintendent at 661/326-3049 to schedule a site inspection to find out what improvements may be required. A street permit from the Public Works Department shall be obtained before any work can be done within the public right-of-way (streets, alleys, easements). LP I S:tZONECHANGE~DEV PLAN REVlEWtO4-O6921EXA.DOC August 2, 2004 ORIGINAL 10. 11. 12. 13. Please include a copy of this site plan review decision to the department at the time you apply for this permit. A sewer connection fee shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued. We will base this fee at the rate in effect at the time a building permit is issued. If the project is subject to the provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), a "Notice of Intent" (NOI) to comply with the terms of the General Permit to Discharge Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity (WQ Order No. 92-08-DWQ) must be filed with the State Water Resources Control Board in Sacramento before the beginning of any construction activity. Compliance with the general permit requires that a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) be prepared, continuously carried out, and always be available for public inspection during normal construction hours. A transportation impact fee for regional facilities shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued, or if no building permit is required, before occupancy of the building or site. This fee will be based at the rate in effect at the time the building permit is issued. The Public Works Department will calculate an estimate of the total fee when you submit construction plans for the project. The developer shall, along the entire frontage of the development within Ming Avenue, either construct a landscaped median island or pay $40 per linear foot to the city for construction of the median island (Y~-width). Building permits will not be issued until one of these options is approved by the Public Works Department. The developer shall form a maintenance district for maintaining the landscaped median island within Ming Avenue along the entire frontage of the development. The developer shall dedicate additional road right-of-way to the City of Bakersfield along Ming Avenue to full arterial width according to adopted city standards. E. PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC (staff contact - George Gillburg 661/326-3997) Show on the final building plans 36' wide (top-to-top) drive approach(es) as indicated by staff on the returned site plan. Drive approaches must be centered on drive aisles. All dimensions shall be shown on the final building plans. F. PUBLIC WORKS - SOLID WASTE (staff contact - John Wilburn 661/326-3114) You must contact the staff person noted above before building permits can be issued or work begins on the property to establish the level and type of service necessary for the collection of refuse and/or recycled materials. LP ~ S:tZONECHANGE[DEV PLAN REVlEWtO4-O6921EXA.DOC August 2, 2004 OFtlGINAL Collection locations must provide enough containment area for the refuse that is generated by the businesses without violating required zoning restrictions (see Planning Division items). Levels of service are based on how often collection occurs as follows: L~ Can or cart service -- rq Front loader bin service -- r~ Roll-off compactor service -- 1 cubic yard/week or less 1 cubic yard/week - 12 cubic yards/day More than 12 cubic yards/day Facilities that participate in recycling operations must provide a location that is separate from the refuse containment area. This shall be shown on the final building plans. Cart service is provided at curbside only, and is limited in the number of carts per parcel. Bin service must provide direct access to container by refuse vehicle. LP I S:t. ZONECHANGEtDEV PLAN REVIEHAO4-O692~EXA.DOC August 2, 2004 ORIGINAL ~1' '2~nos q 3NVlS3HDnH EXHIBIT 3 JUNE STREEI 11900 ),SosE~DsmB. UF~I~DING / · ORIGINAL