HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 242-04RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING RESOLUTION 198-89 CONCERNING THE CHANGING OF STREET NAMES. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 198-89, adopted November 29, 1989, sets forth the general policy under which the changing of street names would be considered; and WHEREAS, with the passage of time and experience the need to clarify this policy has become evident; and WHEREAS, Section 16.28.130 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to the subdivision of land sets forth the process for naming of new streets created by the subdivision of land; and WHEREAS, upon the recording of subdivisions, the street names therein become fundamental references thereafter for official records and addressing; and WHEREAS, from time-to-time proposals are made to change street names to give recognition to national, state or local individuals, organizations or other entities; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt policies that would establish when street name changes would be considered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. Street name changes may be proposed by the Planning Director, pursuant to the director's responsibility to maintain the city's address system, in consultation with the Public Works Director, Police Chief and Fire Chief to correct mistakes, to accomplish a more efficient emergency response program, or to comply with any federal, state or local law, rule or regulation. 2. For purposes of considering street name changes, the following categories shall determine which general policy will be applied. Cateqory 1: Changes for streets to be named after individuals, service organizations or other humanitarian entities for which federal or state holidays are observed. Cateqory 2: Changes for streets to be named after individuals who have been deceased no less than five years or service organizations or other humanitarian entities which have been out of existence for no less than five years and whose lives or services have been exemplary and brought honor and recognition to the city. ORIGINAL Cateqory 3: Changes for streets to be named after individuals who are living or service organizations or other entities which are still in service and whose lives or services are exemplary and have brought honor and recognition to the city. 3. Applications to rename streets after accident victims will not be accepted for consideration. A. GENERAL POLICIES 1 ) Approval Agency a) Planning Commission is the approval agency for street name changes. Decisions are final at the Planning Commission and are appealable to the City Council subject to the requirements of Section 17.64.130 of the Bakersfield Municipal Cede. b) Planning Commission action will be taken at an advertised public hearing. 2) Application Requirements a) Category 1 requests shall be by application on forms supplied by the city. A petition in support of the application is not required. b) Category 2 requests shall be by application on forms supplied by the city. The application shall include a petition signed by owners of 50% of the businesses of commercial or industrially zoned property or by owners of more than 50% of the property of residentially zoned property or property on streets containing a mixture of residential and any other zone. c) Category 3 requests shall be by application on forms supplied by the city accompanied with a filing fee. The application shall include a petition signed by owners of 75% of the businesses of commercially or industrially zoned property or owners of 75% of the properties of residentially zoned property or property on streets containing a mixture of residential and any other zone. d) The petition requirements and inclusion by one of the three categories qualify the application for acceptance and processing for public headng before the Planning Commission. Approval or denial of the application will be based on staff analysis of the request and public hearing testimony. 4. Responsibility for cost of application and appeal of decision: a) Category 1 and 2 name change requests will be borne by the city. b) Category 3 name change request must be borne by the applicant. 2 ORiG!f~AL c) Appeal o! the decision under either category must be borne by the appellant. d) The application fee shall be set by the City Council. Such fee will be reviewed with the annual evaluation of the cost recovery program. e) The cost of replacing street signs will be borne by the city. 5. Appeals may be filed by the applicant or owners of properly whose addresses would be changed. 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted, by the Counc~u~of1 ~h~0~lCity of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on by the following vote: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER CO~CH. CARSON. BENHAM, MAGGARD, HAN~ON. SU~iVAN. SALVAGGIO COUNCIL.MEMBER ~ COUNCILMEMBER COUNClLMEMBER PAMELA A. McCARTHY, C~VIC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AU[~ ]. 8 )004 HARVEY L. HALL Mayor of the City of APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney JH:pjt S:ccres-co