HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTE STATE OF CA'LIFORNIA--ENVIRONMENTAL ,,JN AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ~ 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 (916) 323-5871 July 13, 1992 ~San Joaquin Community Hospital EPA #: CAD074328048 Mr. Billy G. Martin BeE #: HFHQ38001089 2615 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 93303-2615 Dear Mr. Martin: You have recently requested to reinstate your Initial Notification of Intent to Operate Under Permit by Rule (PBR) (DTSC Form 8462) for your facility located at 2615 Eye Street, Bakersfield, CA. We have reviewed your letter dated July 1 1992, and have approved your request to be reinstated. We had approved your earlier request to withdraw your initial notification. We are also reinstating you in the PBR data system. We are informing the Board of Equalization that you have ~ reinstated your initial notification and, if you have not alread~y paid, then you do owe the PBR fee. The PBR fee is $1109 if you notified by June 30, 1992 and $1140 if you notified after that date. We have enclosed a copy of the June 22, 1992 letter on the extension of the deadline for subsequent PBR notifications to January 1, 1993 and an updated order form for PBR documents. If you have any questions or need further information, please call the appropriate regional office at the number listed on the enclosed map, or call the Permit by Rule Unit at the letterhead address. Sincerely, Michael S. Horner, Chief Permit by Rule Unit Enclosure cc: Region 1 Kern County Board of Equalization C. STATE OF CALIFORNIA--ENVIRONMENTAL PR, 3N AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ~ 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 (916) 323-5871 June 19, 1992 San Joaquin Community Hospital EPA #: CAD074328048 Billy G. Martin BOE #: HFHQ38001089 2615 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 93303-2615 Dear Mr. Martin: You have recently requested to withdraw your Initial Notification of Intent to Operate Under Permit by Rule (PBR) (DTSC Form 8462) for your facility located at 2615 Eye St, Bakersfield, CA. We have reviewed your letter dated April 9, 1992, and have approved your request to withdraw your initial notification. We are also removing you from the PBR data system. You stated that you want to withdraw because: ' You will utilize the services of a permitted hazardous waste hauler for off-site treatment and disposal. If you treated hazardous waste at any time in the past, you may be subject to past annual fees as a hazardous waste facility for acting in a manner requiring a treatment permit. Assembly Bill 646 provides for a retroactive exemption from those fees for facilities that: (a) treat less than 150 gallons of silver photofinishing waste in any calendar month during a reporting period or Co) that become authorized under permit by rule and submit the 8462 by June 30, 1992. By withdrawing your form DTSC 8462, you will not be eligible for that exemption. These fees can total at least $10,000 a year depending on the quantity of waste treated. By submitting an Initial Notification of Intent to Operate Under Permit by Rule (DTSC Form 8462), you became subject to an $1,109 fee to be billed by the Board of Equalization. We are informing the Board of Equalization that you filed in error and that we have approved your request to withdraw your initial notification. If you have any questions or need further information, please call the appropriate regional office at the number listed on the enclosed map, or call the Permit by Rule Unit at the letterhead address. Sincerely, Michael S. Homer, Chief Permit by Rule Unit Enclosure cc: Region i Kern County Board of Equalization STATE OF CALIFORNIA--ENVIRONMENTAL PR i,~JN AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ~ 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 (916) 323-5871 Date: 04/21/92 EPA ID: CAD074328048 SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL For facility located at: 2615 EYE STREET 2615 EYE STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2615 BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Permit by Rule Facility: The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has received your Fixed Treatment Unit Permit by Rule Initial Notification of Intent to Operate (DTSC Form 8462). This letter only acknowledges receipt of that notification, and does not authorize operation of any treatment activity at your facility. Enclosed are DTSC Forms 8462A (Fixed Treatment Unit (FTU) Permit by Rule Facility-Specific Notification) and 8462B (FTU Permit by Rule Unit-Specific Notification). If you are currently operating your fixed treatment unit, you must submit the completed Forms 8462A and 8462B for your facility by April 1, 1992, including all required attachments. You must include a completed Form 8462B for each unit at your facility. We have also enclosed a copy of the Disclosure Statement, form DTSC 8430, the Certification of Financial Responsibility for PBR Operation, DTSC 8113, and a package of other Financial Responsibility forms from which you can select the proper forms for one or more of the acceptable financial mechanisms. An order form for PBR documents (1002) is attached with a map of our regional offices printed on the back. If you need additional forms, they may be obtained from the nearest regional office of the DTSC, or by contacting this office. California law requires that the enclosed forms be certified (signed) by an authorized corporate officer or any other person in a company who performs decision making functions that govern operation of the facility. (See Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Section 67450.2 subds. (a)(2) and (b)(3) and Section 66270.11.) Our staff must rely upon job titles to judge if the signer has decision making authority for your facility. For instance, a vice president or general manager would clearly be authorized to certify (sign) while an environmental manager or safety officer would not. If the forms are improperly signed the notification will be rejected and returned to you and you will have to resubmit the entire notification package. Paqe 2 EPA ID: CAD074328048 Since this is your initial notification for operation under a Permit by Rule for your facility, you will be billed by the Board of Equalization for the fee specified in Section 25205.7(h) of Chapter 6.5, Division 20, of the California Health and Safety Code. The fee is $1,109 this year and will be adjusted annually for inflation on July 1st. That fee will also cover your first Facility-Specific and Unit-Specific notifications, mentioned above. Additional fees will be due for the annual notifications you must submit in future years. You are also required to amend these notifications whenever any information changes. You will be charged one-half of the annual fee ($555 this year) for each amended notification which you submit. Hazardous waste laws and regulations are detailed and complex. At any time, you may be inspected by the DTSC or your local county health department. Violations of laws or regulations which are found may make you liable for criminal, civil or administrative penalties, as provided by law. If you have questions on completing the required forms, or have questions on operating requirements for your operation, please contact the nearest DTSC regional office, or this office at the letterhead address or phone number. Sincerely, Michael S. Homer, Chief Permit By Rule Unit Surveillance and Enforcement Branch Enforcement and Program Support Division Enclosures cc: SUSAN J. LANEY, CHIEF FACILITY COMPLIANCE UNIT DTSC REGION 1 OFFICE SURVEILLANCE & ENFORCEMENT BR. 10151 CROYDON WAY, SUITE 3 SACRAMENTO, CA 95827 ~R/IS BURGER, R.E.H.S. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 2700 M STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Kern Countl; 1½ealtl~ Det),,t t.lt,:.nt t700 Flower Stc~et Hazardo~us Waste ~an~]~men[ P~n Bake~sf~e]d, CA 93305 ~~ (~05) 861-~6,6 Address ~J . Facility Hauler Person ;~ervie~ ~~~ _ <7// .. The followin~ conditions or practices observed this date are alleged to be violations of one or more sections of the California Health and Safety Code, Divison 20, or the California Administrative Code, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 30, relating to the storage, handling, transportation, and disposal of hazardous and ex tremely: hazardous waste or asbestos containing product.s. The inspection and the collection of samples or other evidence, including the ta~in9 of photographs, uas conducted under 'authority of Section 25185, California Health and Safety Code, and Section 66328, California Administrative Code. You signature a .~owl edges ~.anc~ colle~ction 0f any sa. mples _ribe~ above_. .Authorized R~pres~'ntative o..~ Kern Coun~~lth Dep~rtment ~epresent _ SECTIoN_ ~ ,,,w,,?ff .... GENERATOR CHECKLIST In Cornelia,:ce? Alll ~U ' ' Cen H&S2 CAC3 CFR4 Section Descript. ion5 Yes No N/A I 6' -- -,- .,. ! Cmt. HAZARDOUS WASTE DETEP&IINATION... 66~0~ 262 ...... ~ , -, * ,., (a,b) .11 HazardouS waste d. eterminatton wade for all, waste .. ., HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY 25123 262,34 J'r~.-f~'rO,'6 1~ ~..~ ~I:~' 4~,' '-q~ '~,,,~'dce.~,q" I ~ .3 66370 .(a~(1) Gener. a~tor does not store was. t.~.on-stt~ for more tha. n 90 d. aT~' .~- 66370 Generator does not treat waste on-site * 66370 ... Generator does not d±spose of waste on-site ,, EPA IDENTIfiCATION NU]~BER I. 262 .... I , , .12 Generator has EPA I.D. # (See Face Sheet) : M-~IFEST [ . . 262 Applicabl~ sections accurateiv compl'eted"for 'all waste transported * 66470 .20 off-site 66475 262 ' ' . (a-f) .2~, .23 The fo.o~,in~ is o~ a~ ~nifests.. ._~0P-C~~ ~ntfest document number , ~ame~ mailing addres, s? phone #, EPA ID # of Generator '1 i: ,. Name, EPA ID # of Transporter(s) Name ~ addr. ess ~. EP^ 'ID # of .de.s.il~nated/al(:ernat ire 'fa¢il try - I- . ,,, DOT descriptipn of waste(s) To.t. al quant~t7 of wastes(s) a.n.d, tTp_e[l! contain.e.rs i FIRM NAME: ?age 2 ..of ~l. ll &O "' .... Gen H&S2 CAC3. CFR4 Section Description5 Yes No IN/A MANIFEST, .(.c.o.n t.imnU,,e,d) .... 262 '' ' .... .22 Copie,s. of manifest availabl,e, f.o.r..r.ev.i.ew' . 7f~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~,-~ * (g) Properly completed, copies submitted monthly to DOHS- ;ttO/mj~l.~,? .42(a) StaSu~ of TSD fac.i, ltt¥ ClOpy determined if no.t ,.r.e.turned in 35 days Z62 ~..~ .42(b) Excepti,on..reports submitted to, DOH.S..within 45 days * ._. (c) Hazar,d, ous waste ,taken only to a. Sta,t,e, approvgd facility EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS WASTE * (a,b) Extremely hazardous waste not handled/d~sposed of without permit 66570 ~ (d) No deviation from DOHS approved handlin~,/.disp,osal methods USE AND I~t,~NAGEMENT OF CONTAINERS = · 265 ' ' .171 Containers are in good condition ~ '(-t'-), .. .172 Contai.ners are compatible with wast,e, i,n them ,. 265 .173(a) Container, s are stored closemd 265 · 173(b~ Containers are manmaged toIpr.event. 1.e,akmS 265 .174 Containers are inspected weekly ,for leaks/,defl.e,cts. 265 .176 Ignita,ble/reac,tive wast,es,s,tpr,e.d,.50'(!,5m) from facility property line · -Alll "SECTION' ~ 40 ' GENERATOR. CHECKLIST .......... _Gert H.&.S2 CAC3 CFRp. S.e. cti°n l)e. scrtption5 .... -- USE AND MANAGEMENT Or CONTAINERS (continued) * .,(b) . :17~ Incompatt..bl,es are st.orfd/prot_ected t.nLs.'gpar, ate.containers 265 ' ' ' ..192(b) Stored .waste does not.cause corrosion, leaka~e~or premature failure , 265 Uncovered tanks have 2'(60c~) -~ree~oard, dikes'or other ~----.______________ .192(c) containment structures 265 .192(d) Continuous, f. ee.d systems hav,,e w. aste-feed~..c.u, toff i ~65 Waste analysis done if substantially d~fferent waste is to be il ..... 193 .placed in tankdaily 265 Discharge control equipment, operating equip~e'nt, and waste · 194 level checked 265 ..... ~.194 Cons, truction materials, of tank/containment area checked we~kly 265 At site closure, all hazardous waste, residues, and contaminated 197 equipment will be properly disposed ;{ ;265 .19~ Ignitable/reactive waste protected from any material that would [ (a)(2) cause it to ignite/react ' 265 - .. :!98(b) NFPA buffer zone for tanks observed ......... ~* (b) .199 Incompatibles are ,tored/prgtec. ted in s, eparate tanks 262 '- .30-33 Wast.e is..packaRed, lab. el.led, an.d placarded according to 49 CFR (DOT) 262 · ' - .... 32¢b~ Each container"of ll0C, or less, marked ,a,s follows: ' HAZARDOUS WASTE--Federal Law Pro- hlblts Improper Disposal. If found, contact " the nearest polio.- er public salet¥ authority ,- or the U.S. Environrnent~l ProtecUon . Agency. ' Oener~tor's Name a~d Addrea~ - , "' '- , ' t t i(fq !',~Ai"iE: ' .............. , .... l'a~e 4 ot 6 Alii . S~ECTION ~ GENERATOR CHECKLIST In Com~liance? Gen 'H&S2 CAC3. ~'FR4 - . .. Sect-ion Description_5 ........ Yes No N/.A Cm~ .... AC.C .UF~]~LAT I ON .TIME ......... 25123 262'.J4 -Ail' waste moved off-site within 90 days of accumulation ~ .3 (a) ¢1) commencement to, a. pprove.d.f.acilit.v 262.34 ........ ...~ (a)(2) Ail .waste is in properly_ mana~e.d .tanks/_co_ntainers !262.34 ...... .. (a}(3) .Co.ntainers visiblE marked y!th. date of accumulation commencement ,, , .... P OC?_U S 265 Personnel trained OTJ or in classroom within 6 mont'hs of ' '' · .16 ~employm. ent L(or. ,as of .5/19/80) ................. 265 ...16 Training direction .by person t_r~.in~d in .h.a.zardg.u.s .wa.ste management >~ 265 Training includes emergency response procedures and emergency ~ , ..16. equipment use 265 Personnel training records include titles, job descripiton, dates/ 16 type training .... . ............ · y 265 ~ Special training for ignitables, reactive, or incompatible waste: · 17 f( &pecia!. handling_ no SmokinK siRn_.s,, sppara.t.ion/prot.ecti.on from ~ A/~t-~'e~,'~'~d '¼ ~JJ~ ~,~J- ~4 ~z,f¥- ct'~,~_. ~,I~ ignition source. 265 ~/:~ -- .32 Appropriate communications/alarm syp._tem~ ~<z · 265 Appropriate firefighting, spill control, and decontamination ~O ~' ...... 32 e~uipm.ent ............ ~~__ ~ 265 l/ -~ ......... 32 Adequate water (or foam) supply:_for, fir_e fontrol .._ 265 ..... 33 Adeou~te te~tinz/maintenance_vroc~d, ures fo eme enc e u_ipment ..... 265 .. ,33 Emerge.ncy equipment main~a~ined in operabl.e .conditio. n. - . . . 265 I ,34 Immediate access to internal alarm systems ~ 265 t .35 A.dequate aisle space for unobstructed movement I FI~M NAqE: ' ...... ................. . ~'a~. e, ,,,SECTION ~ GENERATOR CHECKLIST -. ~n Com~liance? Alll :40 -- ................. Gen H&S2 'CAC3 !CFR4 Section Description5 Yes No N/A Cmt 6 ....... CONTINGENCY PLAN AND EMERGEN_CY PROCEDU_._RES 265 '-~'f' , =~f-,~3 Arr_angeme_nts with loc. al author, ities/emer~encv resoonse teams ... 265 , ,51 & 53 .Gen. era. tor has prepare, d COnt.£n~enc. v n!an and maintains at st~ !265 Contingency plan specifies actions for personnel in case of fire · .51 .exp_!oszon_, unplanned releases . ' 265 ~ .52 Names, add. re. sses, phone f/'s of all .q.ual. ified em.e:r~e..n.c~ coordinators ...... ~ 1265 List of emergency equipment specifying location,wd.escr~tio.n~_ ._~ _ .52 and capabilities ~.~ ~.~,~/9 ~ ~ ~.~ .~../.~o ~.~ .52 Evacuation plan .(includin~ signals, routes, and alternates) 265 Copies of contingency plan available at site and local emergency , ,53 ~encie~ .......... 765 ._ 54 Contingency ~lan is amen.ded whenever_ ne.c.e.ssary · 55 eme. rgenc y p. rpc edures ...... -. 265 ..55.. .Eme.rgency, coordinator, has authpritT_t_o ~a.r.ry out. contingency, plan 3h~LJ~ ~e m. l t,~.~ lb5 If emergency (imminent/actual) has occurred emerRency coordinator - .56(a). has actzvat~d alarD]/communicat, ions s.~st~m n~tifie~ appropriate Stnte/ · ',? ~:k~,~f.~t~.il~l~}t= .*65 If acutal emergency has occurred, emergency I 1-~al aut. hor~ties, .. ~4a'~.c-~- ~.t2t~, [.56...(b) coordinator has identified c~racter,exact source ~n,ount ex~en.~ · (c)(d) If actual..eme, rgency has occurred, em_ergency coordinator has reported ' / determined health/environmental hazards and notified appropriate g.overnment officials· 265 If actual emergency occurs, emergency coordinator takes all reasonabl~ .56(e) I measure's necessary to stop spreadin~ 265 ...... _56(f) E~uipment stopped during emergency monitored for intactness 265 I ~56(e) Released was..t.e/con.taminated equip.men~ properly treated~ stored,dispose .1 265 - . .56(h) Contaminated emergency equipme.nt .c~ea_ne_d/i_ncompat.ib].es kept separa.te 265 Notification of State, after "emergency", that site is in compliance ~. .56(i) w~th 265.56(h) _. _ ... ' 265 IAll appropriate data (from emerRencies) [o~.~.e~ in oneratin~ record F IRrt NA~.~E: JkX).! SEC'rIO. t) GENERATOR CHECKLIST In Com~lianie? ~en H&$2 , CAC3 CFR4 . , Section. Des. c,rip, t,i. on5.,... . Yes Ne ........... ,KECORDKEEPINO AND P~. PORT!NO 262 ' M~nifest, ~nual Report, ~ception Reports, and tests results ..... .40. reta~ed at least 3 ~ears .......... 2 62 /¢ F.~- " , , , .&l. Su~.itta.1 of Annual RepoFt ,t,o DOHS (.El.fee.ti.ye fqr ca_!endar year 1.98~) * ,253&2 Sub,m, ietal o,f Annua.1. Rep.orr _to Board of, Equa,1./.~a.t~on. /~  INTERNATIOMAL SHIPMENTS ..... -50(b) Written notification to EPA Administrator for waste exportation z6~ ............ _.~_ ....... .50(b). .Obtained signature of f.oreign consignee re: de.liver,y 262 ....... .,, .21 Manifest requiremen.ts met fpr. hazardous was.t.e expprtation/impor~ation . UNDERGROUND TANKS INFOR}t~TIONAL SURVEY ,Does g,enerator .h,ave. underground tap.ks .containin$: Hazardous materials? . ~ . Hazardous waste? ...... 'Does gene. rator have leak_,detection system for under~r,o, und tanks? I! II -- ~" ~'" H]EALTH DEPARTM(~ " KERN COUNTY . Division of Environmental Health SERVICE AND COMP~INT FORM ~te . ~o~rty Owner '.Address . ~one ,, ~%~ ~ ~'~~ RESULTS OF ~~ ~o~n~ ~ ~T-V'~~ ~~~', · INVESTIGATION Complainant notified of results Investigated by. Date KCHO 580 2760 372-E:H (R.11-80) · ' ~*~"~' KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEI~I~'. ; ~ · ,:~.~'~:~:; Division of Environmental Health /~~_-- ~S~ RVlCS* A~':COMPLAINT FORM Oate~~ ~ Tlme~_ .'~ ~ ~rvlce Request ~mplalnt - ~ CT No. ~lgned to: Reporting ~ _ _ . ~o~rty Owner. Address ~one · ?, Information RESULTS OF .,..' ' '- ' INVESTIGATION. Complainant notified of results, Investigated by ...... Date KCHD 580 2760 372-EH (R.11-80) DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH COMPLAINT This f~ ~ ~ u~ to notify the division of an unsafe and/~ unhealthful ~rking '~.. ~ndltion. Mail ~ hG~ deli~r f~m to t~'nearest division office after c~pleting and signing. ~m~lai.t L~ Ho. · Complainant believes that an unsafe and/or unhealthful condition exists at the following place of employment: ~stablishment: Name ~ ~ Sa~, J ,oaq~, in Commttnity Hospital Phone: ( 8.05 ),, 327-,,1,7,11 . Adc~ess 2615 Eye .... ~ Bakersfield 93301 ' ' ' Street City ZIP Code Type of Business: Hospi,tal ........... ~H~ding or Worksite where Alleged condition is located: Sump & trash compacto,r' f,aci_ng H. Street behind, ,,,,,h°s~tal ~ployer ~s Agent in cha~ge of that a~ea: "CurE"Flint .... Phone: (80..5) 327-1711 The Unsofe and/or Unhealthful Condition: Describe briefly the condition which exists, including the approximate number of employees exposed to or threatened by such condition: Complainant worked a year.aqo for emp. loyer as.head qrou~dskeeper, ~er ~uties . included c]eaninq sump_. Recently..an. employee who did the same job has leukemia, Complainant is now questioning contents in sump. All the hospitals trash in compacted in thi .~ sump_. They w~re oriqinal.!y dumpinq 1.iquid from sump. in city sewer. .~y.~f~m_ Hc~a~_v~r, t.h~- c~ty stopped that. Empl.oyees now d~p liquid contents in (Continued on reverse side) 8. Yes No  Labor Code 6309 states your name kept you that be confidentia~ ~nless req~es~ otherwise. Wcttld ~ou like yottr name to be kept confidential? ~ Has employer or his representative been informed of t~is condition? ~ Has this complaint been considered or filed with any other government agency? If yes, name of agency: left message with M~lth D._n~r~m~t ., , bee~ and/or unhealthful condition the subject of any union/management grievance? I hereby certify that the above, to the best of my knowledget is true and correct. Complainant' s Signature Date City For Office Use Only A. Received By:~ B. Referred To: Pat Fraser Bakersfield 05-29-85 /~/_~ 'N~e '' ~ff~Ce' Date Name C. Referred From: D. Source: ....... ~ Written (Mail) ~ Telephone Name ' Office . Date  In Person 10. A. Assigned To: CEE/IH Name Dat~ Time (Check Formal/Informal ~'bo~ ~n front of form.) B. Serviced By: .... C~E/IH 'Signature .... Date ~ C. In Compliance? ~ Yes ~ No ~ Referred D. Reply to Complainant: Formal: ~ Letter Informal: ~ Telephone ~ In Person ~ Letter Eo Comments: