HomeMy WebLinkAboutENFORCEMENTm m ~IR BALANEE REPORT FOR m SAN JOA~UIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL REVISIONS TO CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY / ETD m ~ June 1990 m Pre~ented to: Dr. Bmb Coleon Hillcrsst Sheet Metol, Inc. ~S~O Eoeton Dr. Bokersfield, CA B330B m Presented by: The Polt Compong ~ A Coli~ornio Corporotion m Air Bolonce Agencu P.O.Box 1~ ,, Lompoc, Colifornio B3~3B. m. .. Technicion John C. Hudson · · ~' ~ ~ " Job Certificotion Number: B0085 ~ m Neil Polt ' = ~ssocioted Air Bolonce Councll Certificotion Number ! ....... ..., ................ ~::~::~ ................. - ........ I ~ SAN JOAOUlN W ¢OMMUNITYHOSPITAL m Report Stotus: ~ m ._. 1 of 7 _ Polt Compong ~ i ~/ ~ ~E of 7 - Mr. Bob Colson % % ~.k _~m~__--I~ I INDEX Son Jooquin Communitw Hospitol i I Conclusion ond Discussion ............................... 001 ETD Air Report .......................................... 002 EF-1 Equipment Informotion .............................. 003 I Mechonicol Room Supply ond Exhoust ...................... 00~ I APPENDIX ................................................ OOS Mechonicol Floor Plons ~. Equipment Colibrotion Schedule ~ I Equipment Colibrotin Informotion I I I CONCLUSION ANO OISCUSSION Son Jooquin Community Hospitol .~ENTRAL_STERILE_SUpPLY_/_ETO i In Centrol Sterile Supply, the scope of the pro3ect woe to redesign the equipment room. A new exhoust fon woe instolled [EF-1] ond the duct woe routed olong the fore of the building and dischorging into the doctors porking lot. I The existing supply system woe only modified by the instollotion of TU-1 which is o constont volume controller suppling 8 registers. Ihs following is brief totol of the supply ond exhoust in the Centrol Sterile Supply ond ETD oreos: SPEC ~CTUAL ~OlFF I Supply : .8,09S 1,880 Air Totol TU-1 Supply : 7~0 788 - Exhoust Air Totol : 1,8S0 1,89S + I The supply system is port of o lorge existing system thor woe not od3usted in ony woy. We did check the domper I ~ ond register OBDs open on the registers thor ore low. The .. TU-1 constont volume box woe odJusted to ochieve the desired .flow. The exhoust system woe troversed ond odjusted on the I roof with the vorioble motor pulley. We ochieved ~ more oir on the roof thon whot woe specified ond ore within the full lood omperoge toting. Adjustments in the ETD oreo were done I with o combinotion of the dompers ond register OBO's. MECHAN~CAL_EQUIPMENT.~DOM: i In the Mechonicol Equipment Room, there wos one supply register (with DSO] ond o ceiling exhoust fort to reod ond od3ust. The supply register woe closed os much os possible ond reod 386 CFM which is 10~ over specificotion. The Iexhoust fon is o direct drive unit thor reod B6S CFM when tested. Due to its opplicotion, the mechonicol controctor sold we would leove it os is. The fort is o direct drive unit i but we did not check if it woe vorioble speed. I I i I I 00001 I Ihs Polt Compony I 'SAN JOA§UIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL / ETO AIR REPORT 06-04-90 / REV,I CFM To1 ToZ FinaZ % Diff Method Location m sUPPLY AIR S01 175 193 158 119 -32Z TENT CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY m s02 200 220 lBO 147 -27~ TENT CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY S03 200 220 180 174 -13~ TENT 'CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY SOl 200 220 180 152 -24~ TENT CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY m s05 200 220 180 .223 12~ TENT CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY S06 lqO 15~ 126 120 -14~ TENT CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY TU-1 m s07 ~40 594 486 527 -2~ TENT CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY SOB 200 220 lBO 201 I~ TENT STERILIZER EOUIP. RN. Total TU-I 740 B14 666 728 S09 140 154 126 125 -11Z TENT CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY m s10 lOO 110 90 92 -Bz VANE ETO CYLINDER RDDN ..' TOT Supply 2,095 2,305 I.B86 1.880 -lOt .. RETURN AIR ROI ...-. '150 165 135 19~ 29Z TENT CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY Plenum Exh m E01 150 165 135 151 1~ VANE OVER STERILIZER EQUIP. E02 150 165 135 140 -7~ VANE OVER STERILIZER EQUIP. E03 115 127 104 104 -10~ VANE OVER STERILIZER EQUIP. EOq 110 121 99 101 -8% VANE OVER STERILIZER EQUIP. m E05 225 24B 203 214 VANE OVER STERILIZER EQUIP. .. E06 300 330 270 300 OR VANE OVER STERILIZER EQUIP, E07 300 330 270 291 -3~ VANE OVER STERILIZER EQUIP. m Total PIenua 1,350 1,~85 1,215 1.301 EOB 200 220 180 197 -2~ TENT STERILIZER EOUIP. RM. m ROg 200 220 IBO 203 2z VANE STERILIZER EQUIP. EIO 100 110 90 104 4~ VANE ETO CYLINDER RODN Equip Exh E11 UNK 25 EST. AERATION UNIT m E12 UNK 40 EST. ETO STERILIZER E13 UNK 25 EST. AERATION UNIT m TOT EXHAUST 1,850 2,035 1.665 1.895 2Z m SJH\ETO\ETO.PP m The Pal t Co,pa.v0 0 0 0 2 . I I EQUI~MEN~ INFORMATION Son Jooquin Communitg Hospitol ! Equipment Loc: : let Floor Rooff I Arso Served : ETO / Csntrol Sterile Supply i .... Equipment Monufoctursr : CsntriMostsr Usntsst Model Number : QB~137G I ~ Seriol Number ~ XNE818S02 I Specified I ~ctuol I I Totol CFM-Fon I 1,850 Totol CFM-Outlet[s] I 1,850 : 1,BBS : + ~ I. Return CFM I ...: Outside Air CFM I I I I · ~otol Stotic Pr ["~C] I I I- I I .Supplg Stotic ["WC] I I I .. Return Stotic ["~C] I l I ... ~. Motor RPM I 17~5 ....... Fort RPM I 1BSO ' ~" Motor Monufocturer I CENTURY I .. Motor HP I 8.0 Uoltoge I L1= ~78 L8= ~7S ~3= ~7S Averoge U I ~75 I ?.:.Amperoge .................... :,L1L8= 3.,0 L1L3=,~.B LSL3= 8.8 ~veroge A I Phose I 3 I Frome I NI~ST Efficiency Po~er Foctor Broke Horsepower I Motor Shsovs ~ 1UP68 X 7/8 Fon Shsovs I 1TB~O X 1 I Belts I [1] A30 Rsmorks: I I File Nome: SJH\ETO\EQUI.P.P~ 00003 I . The Polt Compony I SAN ~OA§U]N COMHUNITY HOSPITAL / MECHANICAL ROOM SUPPLY & EXHAUST 06-04-90 / REV. 1 I Ak Length Midth .... Unknown Rep ~PM .... Avg Ca]c Comments Used Inches Inches FEET Sg URFI URF2 URF3 FPM CFH I Mech. Room Exhaust Fan I Horth 1.00 3.14 18.06 0.39 1,644 1,&93 1~675 1,67! 6S8 Direct Drive South 1.00 3.14 10.50 0.23 1,312 1,376 1,342 1,343 308 Motor: OK'd by Mechanica! I Total Exhaust 965 Contractor i Supply Rep 0.70 6.00 IB.O0 0.75 725 762 721 736 3B60BB fu1! shut SOH\ETO\Ak. PP ! The PaR Company m SAN JOA§UIN CDHMUNITY HOSPITAL / MECHANICAL ROOH SUPPLY & EXHAUST 06-04-90 / REV, 1 ! · HECHANICAL Ak Length #idth .... UnknoHn Rep EPM .... Avg Calc Comments ROOM Used Inches Inches FEET SQ URF! URF2 URF3 FPM CFH I Exhaust Fan North 1.00 5.14 18.06 0.39 1.644 1,693 1,675 1,671 656 Direct Drive I South 1.00 3.1~ 10.50 0.23 1,312 1,376 1,342 1,3~3 30B Motor: OK'd by Mechanical Cont, Total Exhaust 9&5 to leave high. Supply Reg 0.70 6.00 IB.O0 0.75 725 762 721 736 386 OBD full shut I Bird Screen reg. Exh. Fan Traverse 0.95 18.00 32.00 4.00 356 640 521 506 1,922 over parking lot I S~H\ETO\Ak. PP The Pair Company 00004 I I I I I APPENDIR I I I I ~AH JOAQUIH ~OMMUHITV HO;PITAL I Bg~KER:;FIELD, I , ;TO I I I 00005 I ~ -- .- '- '.'. ~,,.~ ' . · · ''II '" i '. ~ .l !I _ - , .. .~ . _~' DUCT 5HAFT i,. , .................. ~ -l~l i Iol I · ~~....~_.'