HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 10/16/1985ITl -.I 0 Z rtl 0 CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR OTH..ER WORK ... SANTA FE ORIGINAL ,FORM APPROVED BY VP.LAW THIS AGREEMENT, made this~ 28th d~y of April, 1994,. between THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTAFE RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ("Santa Fo"), and CONSOLIDATED WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC., hereinaher, whether one party or more, called "Contractor". WITNESSETH, That the parties hereto, for the considerations hereinafter expressed, covenant and agree as follows: Section 1. Engineer Defined. Wherever bsed in this Agreement "Engineer" means the Vice President and Chief Engineer of the Santa Fe or his duly authorized representative who is responsible for engineering supervision of the work. Section 2. Contract Documents. (a) This Agreement, the specifications, special provisions, plans, drawings, schedules, or other papers, designated {') as follows, all of which, whether attached or referred-to, form-the Contract-Documents and are hereby made a part hereof: · Contractors' Equipment, Service and Malarial Price List. b) In case of conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of any of the other Contract Documents, the provisions of this Agreement shall control. Section 3. Scope of Work. (a) The Contractor sh;11, except as may be provided in the Contract Documents, furnish the necessary materials, superintendence, labor, tools, equipment, and transportation, and shall expeditiously perform and complete the following described work which shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with standard customs and procedures in the industry: Hazardous materials removal per work orders issued and made a part thereof, and hazardous materials spill response or other environmentally related work, as requested by Santa Fe. (b) Contractor shall have the exclusive right and cruty to contro! the work of its employees. All persons employed by Contractor or any of its subcontractors in the performance of this Agreement shall be the sole employees of Contractor or its subcontractors. (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -1- Consolidated Waste Industries, Inc. Equipment List Montclalr San Leand['o · Tractor rigs 11 2 · Bobtail Vans 7 1 · Vacuum Trucks 10 3 .:~ · lnduslrial Air Mover 1 0 ~ (Vactor Service Truck) ,~,, · Utility Vehicles/Va,ns 20 3 ,~ End Dumps 3 2 · Roll-Off Trucks 5 3 · Roll-Off Trailers 11 2 " · Dr'/Vans 7 1 · Emergency Response Units I I (c) Santa Fe shall, in ~he absence of Con~racto~'s super, intendant, b.a..ye ~.he right to stop the work if any person employed by Contractor or any of its subcontractors performs work in a manner not in compliance with the requirements specified in the Contract Documents described in Section 2 hereof, and/or performs work in a manner not in compliance with Santa Fe safety rules, not performed in a workmanlike manner, or not performed in accordance with stemdard customs and procedures in the industry; Section 4. Time for Performing Work. This Agreement for your services shall be considered in effect for a period of one year from the date of this Agreement and shall be considered renewed for additional one year periods thereafter unless either party notifies the other party thirty (30) days in advance of the anniversary date of its intent to terminate the Agreement or to otherwise modify the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Santa Fo, however, reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at anytime on fifteen {15} days' notice in the event that Santa Fe determines that the services proviefed by your company are substandard or in the event there is any breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement· However, no termination or cancellation hereof shall release either party from any liability or obligation under this Agreement, whether of indemnity or .: .,. otherwise, resulting from any acts, omissions or. events happening prior to ~he date · : of such termination or cancellation. Section 5. Performance and Payment Bond. Before commencing any work hereunder, the Contractor, at its own expense, shall furnish to the Santa Fo, in a form acceptable to the Santa Fo, a fully executed Performance and Payment Bond. by a surety or sureties-approve., by the Sa.n~a Fo, in the amount of N/A, as secerity f. or-th~ '--'-~'..' ,~,,,.,,.,~ p~',o~m,~ce cd~ ~ Ag.[e..~me..,",t and. for the payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials or equipment in connection therewhh. Section 6. Assignment or Subcontracting. : This contract shall not be assigne, d nor shall any portion of the work be subcontracted without the consent of the Engineer. Executed copies of any and all subcontracts : shall be made available ~o the Engineer upon request. No such contract shall release or relieve the Contracto'r from any obligation hereunder, but the Contractor shall be as fully responsible to the Santa Fe for the acts and omissions of any and all ~ subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them as if such i acts and omissions were the acts and omissions of the Contractor or of persons ~ directly employed by the Contractor. Section 7. Investigation of Contract Documents and Site of Work by Contractor. The Contractor has examined and fully understands the Contract Documents described in Section 2 hereof and has by careful examination ascertained the nature and location of the.work, the chara, cter, quality, and quantity of materials, and of equipment and. fecihties, necessary ;n t,,~Te prosecution of the work, the general and local conditions, and all other matters which can in any way affect the work under this Agreement. The quantities listed in the bid schedule and shown on the plans shall be accepted as approximate only and are shown to provide a basis for comparison of bids. (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -2- Section 8. Contractor's Warranty ...... Unless otherwise provided in the specifications, the Contractor warrants that all materials, supplies and equipment installed or incorporated in the work covered by this Agreement shall be of the best grade of their respective kinds for the purpose, and shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local governmental statutes, ordinances, orders and re.culations. Wi:hour relieving the Contractor of his obligation to provide Santa Fe with products and completed operations insurance coverage under Section 16 hereof, Contractor further warrants that such materials, supplies and equipment shall be and remain free from defects in material and workmanship for the period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the work by the Santa Fe, and agrees to make any necessary repairs or corrections, or provide replacement parts, at Contractor's expense, promptly upon receipt of written notice thereof from the Santa Fo, Section 9. Materials andWorkmansh~p:Inspectlon. (al'? The Contractor shall remove, without expense to the Santa Fo, any work or ? materials found unacceptable by the Engineer, and shall promptly rebuild or :~; replace the same without extra charge. Any omission or failure on the part of .i'~ the Engineer to disapprove or reject any work or materials shall not be construed as an acceptance thereof, and the engineer is hereby authorized to require any defective work or material to be taken out and rebuilt or replaced at the expense of the Contractor at any time within one year from the date of final acceptance of the work by Santa Fe, I-;owev~r, this right shall not waive any other Santa Fe rights at law or in equity with respect to any defective or substandard materials or workmanship. All work and material shall be at all times open to the inspection of, and acceptance or rejection by the Er, gineer. (b) If any of the work to be performed or the material to be provided by the Contractor under this Agreement is expressly required by Santa Fe in the specifications to be subject to the guidelines or provisions of the American Railway Engineering Association Manual for Railway Engineering and Portfolio of Trackwork Plans, the Contractor shall use and have available on this project up-to-date copies of the American Railway Engineering Association Manual for Railway Engineering and Portfolio of Trackwork Plans. Section 10. Changes and Alterations. (al The Santa Fe rase'ryes the right to make, at any time during the progress of the work, such changes and alterations in the details of the work or in the quantities of the work as may be found nec. essary or desirable, and such changes shall not be considered as a waiver of any condition of this Agreement, nor shall they invalidate any of the provisions hereof. The Contractor shall perform the work as increased or decreased. (b) When the change or alteration concerns an item or items the cost of which exceeds five percent of the total contract cost (based on the quantities and unit prices contained in the Contract Documents) and the quantity of the work to be done or the materials to 'be furnished pursuant to the change or alteration is more than 120 percent or less than 80 percent'of the quantity'provided for. such item or items in the Contract Documents, then either party, upon the demand of the other, shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment in the applicable unit prices, as agreed to by the parties in a supplemental agreement. (FORM 102 REV. 02194) -3- Section 11. Force Account Work ......... In the event work is made necessary by changes and alteration of plans or other reasons, and no basis of payment has been provided for such work in this Agreement, or if this is a lump sum contract, such work shall be designated "Force Account Work'. The Contractor shall perform such force account work in accordance with the specification~ and as directed by ~h~. Engineer, and shall be paid for such force account work as described in Section 35 hereof. No such force account work shall be undertaken by the Contractor until a written order has been issued by the Engineer to perform the work on a "Force Account" basis. , Section 12. Eliminated Items. Should any items of work contained in the bid schedule be found unnecessary for the proper completion of the work, the Engineer may, upon written order to the Contractor, eliminate such item from this Agreement and such action shall in no way invalidate this Agreement or affect the enforceability of any. provisions of this Agreement. When the Contractor is notified of the elimination of items, he will be reimbursed for actual work done and all costs incurred in connection with such eliminated items, including mobilization of' ma~erials and equipment prior to said notification, and if this is a lump sum contract, the lump sum .price for the remaining items shall be equitably adjusted as agreed to by the part,es in a supplemental agreement. Section 13. Compliance with Laws. " (a} In the performance of the work provided herein, the Contractor and all subcon",rac~crs shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local governmental statutes, ordinances, orders and regui~_t~or, s. No pens!ties, costs or additional expense resulting from failure to comply with any such requirement shall be payable by Santa Fo. (b) The Contractor shall indemnify, save harmless end assume the cost of defense of the Santa Fe from and against all claims, actions or legal proceedings arising -. from the violation or alleged violation of any laws, ordinances, orders or regulations by the Contractor or any of his subcontractors. Section 14. Patents. Contractor shall indemnify defend and'save harmless the Santa Fe and its affiliated companies from liability of any kind, including costs and expenses, for or on account of the manufacture or use of any patented or unpatented invention, article, or appliance in the performance of this Agreement, except articles specified by the Santa Fo, the use of which the Contractor does not control. Section 15. Indemnity Against Liability for Loss and Damage. (a) Contractor .shall indemnify and hold harmless. Santa Fe for all judgments, awards, claims, demands, and expenses (in¢ludlng_a~orneys' fees), for injury or death to all persons, including Santa Fe's and Contractor's offTcers and em. p. loy.ees, and for loss and damage to property belonging to any person, ans,ng In any manner from Contractor's or any of Contractor's subcontractors' acts or omissions or failure to perform any obligation hereunder, regardless of Santa Fe's negligence, except to the extent that such claims, demands, or (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -4- judgments are proximal, ely caused by the intentional misconduct or negligence of Santa Fe. (b) The Contractor assumes all responsibility for loss of or damage to materials of the Santa Fe after delivery to and acceptance by the Contractor and to materials and property of the Contractor used in the performance of the work until the work is accepted by the Engineer, and shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Santa Fe from and against any liability for loss of or damage to the materials and property of any subcontractor used in the performance of the work, including tools, machinery, equipment, appliances, supplies, scaffolding and forms. (c) in the event any claim shall be made or suit brought against the Santa Fe for damages on account of any personal injury or death or for loss of or damage to property, or if the Santa Fe shall sustain any loss of or damage to its property, for which the Contractor is responsible under the terms of this · Agreement, then if the Santa Fe is not protected by a performance and ,~ payment bond or insurance furnished by ~he Contractor, Santa Fe may deduct from any amounts which then or thereafter would otherwise be due the Contractor hereunder, such amount as in ~he opinion of the Engineer will be ,,_- sulficient to protect it fully from any loss, damage or expense; and if the amount then due or to become due the Contractor is not sufficient for that purpose, then the Contractor shall promptly pay to the Santa Fe such amount as in the opinion of the Engineer is needed to fu. lly.reimburse or protect the Santa Fa. (d) it is mulually understood and agreed that the assumption of liabilities and indemnification provided for in this Agreement shall survive any termination of this Agreement. Section 16. Insurance. (a) Before commencing an.y work under this Agreement, Contractor must provide and maintain in effect insurance, at Contractor's expense, covering all of the work and services to be performed hereunder by the Contractor and each of its subcontractors, as described below: (1) Workmenis compensation, coverage as is required by State law, but if optional under State law the insurance must cover ali employees anyway. THE CERTIFICATE MUST CONTAIN A SPECIFIC WAIVER OF. .:., ,THE INSURANCE COMPANY'S SUBROGATION RIGHTS AGAINS1 SANTA (2) Comprehensive General Liability insurance covering liability, including but not limited to Public Liability, Personal Injury and Property Damage; with coverage of at least $1,000,O00 per occurrence and $5,000,000 in the aggregate, Where explosion, collapse, or und'erground hazards are involved, the X, C and U exclusions must be removed from the policy; (3) AUtomobile Liability insurance, including bodily injury and property damage, with coverage of at least $5,000,000 combined single limit; {4) Contractual Liability insurance covering all of the liability assumed by the Contractor under the provisions of this Agreement, except Section 15 (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -5- paragraph (b) of this Agreement, with coverage of at least .$.5,000,000 combined single limit or ~he equivalent. All insurance shall be placed wi~h insurance companies licensed to do business in the States in which the wor~, is to be performed, and wi~h a current Best's Insurance Guide Rating of A and Class X, or better. If any work is to be performed v;ith[r~ 50 'met ara. railroacL~rack, then insurance must provide for coverage of incidents occurring within fifty (50) feet of a railroad track, and any provision to the contrary in the insurance policy must be specifically deleted. In all cases, the certificate must specifically state that ."SANTA FE IS A NAMED !N~URED PARTY." Any coverage afforded Santa Fe, the'Certificate Holder, as an Additional Insured shall apply as primary and not excess to any insurance issued in the name of Santa Fo. (b) Before commencing any work hereunder, the' Contractor shall furnish to the Santa Fo, Certificates of Insurance on the form (see Form-1919 Standard attached) prescribed by Santa Fe, evidencing the issuance to the Contractor of the policies of insurance provlding the types of insurance and limhs of liability prescribed above, and certifyin, g that the Sa.nra Fo'shall be given not less than 30 days' writ-ten notice prior to any material change, substitution or cancellation prior to normal expiration dates. Cancellation or expiration of any of said policies of insurance shall not preclude Santa Fe from recovery ~he~e~.~nder for any liability aris~ngunder this Agreement. If the Santa Fe certificate Form 1919 Standard is not furnished, the Contractor shall furnish signed policy endorsement from the insurance companies involved, providing the coverage outlined above. {c) It is mutually understood and agreed that the purchase of insurance as herein provided shall not in any way limit the liability of the Contractor to Santa Fo, as herein set forth, Section 17. Liens and blalms from Labor and Materials Furnished. (a) The contractor shall promptly pay or cause to be pa~d all subcontractors and persons furnishing labor, services, articles or materials for the work, whether pursuant to an agreement with the Contractor or any sdbcontractor, and shall deliver the work free from any claims or liens; and in the event of failure of the Contractor so to do, the Santa Fe may pay and discharge any such lien or claim and deduct the amount so paid from any moneys which may be or become due and payable to the Contractor even if there is a dispute between Contractor and the person asserting the claim or lien. Before payment of the final estimate the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer a notarized waiver of lien as evidence that the work is free and clear from al! tie. ns for labor and materials, andthat no claim then exists for which any lien could be filed or enforced. (b) The contractor hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the Santa Fe against all loss, damage, or expense which the Santa Fe may sustain, incur,' or become liable for on account of any such claim or lien:regardless of whether (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -6- any such claim or lien is presented or filed before or..afler the final estimate is paid, and that payment of the final estimate shall not constitute a 'ielease from or waiver of ~his obligation of the Contractor. Section 18. Superintendence; Employees. The contractor shall conslantly keep on the work si~e or have in direct charge, of the work during.its progresso-a competent superintendent, and any information gwen to such superintendent or any notices served upon him shall have the same force and effect as if given to or served upon the Contractor; provided, that if the Contractor is an individual and properly qualified, he may himself superintend the work. The · Contractor shall employ on ~he work only persons who are qualified and competent to perform the work entrusted to them. Section 19. Protection Against Property Damage and Personal Injuries. (a)~:.;:- In all cases and especially wherever the work provided for by this Agreement ¢.~:: is upon or near any track, structure or building of the Santa Fe or of others, the Contractor shall use care and vigilance to avoid injury to persons or property, and whenever local conditions, laws or ordinances require, the Contractor shall furnish and maintain, without expense to the Santa Fe, such passageways, " guard-fences, lights, and other facilities and means for protection as may be necessary. To the extent possible, the work shall be so conducted as not-to interfere with the movement of any trains or. other operations of the Santa Fe; and if in any case such interference is necessary the Contra'ctor shall not proceed until he has first obtained specific authority and directions from the Engineer or from such officer of the Sanla Fe as shall be designated by the Engineer. (b) Contractor will be authorized ~o enter San~a Fe property during regular business .... .,' hours to perform services to be rendered under this Agreement. In the event of emergencies or any other requirement for Contractor's services other than during regular business hours, arrangements to enter Santa Fe property must be made through the Contact Person designated for your presence on Santa Fe ·; property. Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local safety rules and regulations and with Santa Fe safety rules and regulations while on Santa Fe property and while performing services under this Agreement. Contractor :!~ will be provided a copy of Santa Fe Safety Rules and Regulations. section 20. Concurrenf, Work; Order of Work; Possession before Completion. Wherever work being done by the Santa Fe or by other contractors is contiguous ~o work. concurrently carried on hereunder by the Contractor, the Engineer shall establish the r~ghts of the various in~.erests involved to the end that all such work may be coordInated and completed ~n general harmony. The Contractor shall complete the various portions of the contract work in such order of time as the Engineer may require. The Santa Fe shall have the right to take possession of and use any completed or partially completed portions of such work, but such possession and use shall not be deemed an acceptance thereof. "'Section 21. Storage Facilities, Vacation Thereof and Cleaning Up. The Santa Fe will, so far as it conveniently can do so, permit the contractor to use so much of its property as is required for the storage of materials and for temporary (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -7- construction facilities, but if any additional facilities or landis required, the Contractor shall provide the samewi;hout expense to the Santa Fo. The Contraclor shall, as directed by the Engineer, remove from the S~ma Fe's property and from any public property, without expense to the Santa Fo, a!l temporary structures, rubbish and waste materials resulting from the contract operations and shall remove from Santa Fe property all equipment, tools, ma[oriels and supplies not needed whenever directed by the Engineer, but not later than 60 days-abet the work is completed and accepted by the Engineer, unless such 60-day period sh~tl b-e extended in wrhing by the Engineer. Section 22. Delay. If the Contractor shall be delayed in the execution of the work from any cause for which the Santa Fe is responsible, or from any cause which is beyond the control of the Contractor, '[he Contractor shall, upon writ'ten application to the Engineer at the time of such delay, be granted such reasonable extension of time as the' Engineer shall deem equitable and just. Section 23. Compliance with Environmental Regulations. (a) Contractor agrees fully '~o comply with all applicable federal, s~ate and local laws, rules, regulations, orders, decisions and ordinances (hereinafter referred '=to as "Standards') concerning 'hazardous waste" and 'hazardous substances". i'Contractor further agrees periodically to furnish Santa Fe with proof, satisfactory to Santa Fo, that Contractor is in such compliance. Should Contractor not c~mp~ fully with 'c~h-e above-$ta~ed.obli~ations cf ',h~.s· S~-ctlon, notwithstanding anyth{.ng contarned' in any crther-provisdon he~eof,-Santo Fe may, at its option, terrnmate this Agreement by serving five (5) days' notice of termination upon Contraczor; but any waiver by Santa Fe of any breach of Contractor's obligations shall not constitute a waiver of the right to terminate this Agreement for any subsequent breach which rnay occur, or to enforce any ... other provision of this Agreement. (b) Notwithstanding anything contained in the' liability sections hereof, in case of a breach of the obligations contained in this Section, or any of them, regardless of the negligence or allesed negligence of Santa. Fe, Contractor agrees to assume liability for and to save and hold harmless Santa Fe from and against all injuries to any'person and damage to property, including without limitation, ernplo.yees and property of Santa Fe and Contractor and all related exp.enses, including without limitation att.orneys' fees, investigators' fees and litigation expenses, resulting in whole or ~n part from Contractors' failure to comply with any Standa.rd issued, by any govern_re, entel authority concerning "hazardous substances and/or hazardous waste . Contractor, at its cost, shall assume the defense of ell claims, suits or actions brought for damages, and fines or penalties hereunder, regardless of whether they are asserted against Santa Fe or Contractor. Contractor also agrees to reimburse Santa Fe for all costs or any kind incurred as a-result of the Contractors' f~ure ~o comply va[th thi[ Section, including, but not limited to, fines, penalties, clean-up and disposal costs, and legal costs incurred as a result of Contractors' generating, handling, transporting, treating, storing or disposing of "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substances" on the Premises. (FORM 102 REV. 02194) -8- (c) It is understood and agreed :hat a Contractor who' does not now, or in the future, generate, handle, transport, treat, store or dispose of "hazardous wasle" or 'hazardous substances" within ~he meaning of this Section, is not subject to the provisions of Subsection (b) above. (d) To the extent that the activities conducted pursuant to this Agreement result in hazardous or special waste generated by Santa Fe, Santa Fe has sole author'ity to select the disposal site for such hazardous or special waste. As between Contractor and Santa Fa, Santa Fe shall remain liable for the disposal of such waste except where Contractor is negligent or engages in willful misconduct. · Section 24. Suspension or Termination Without Fault of Contractor. (a) The Engineer may at any time or times suspend the work or any part thereof .:: by giv!ng the Contractor notice in writing, and the Contractor shall resume :-~ operations promptly after receipt of written notice from the Engineer so to do. ":~ The Santa Fe shall not be liable for any loss of anticipated profits on account :~: of the suspension, but it will pay the Contractor such amount as in the opinion :-;" of the Engineer will cover the actual expense incurred or pa~d, for any men '?; necessarily retained or equipment kept idle during the period of such suspension. (b} if not notified to resume operations within thirt'y'(i0) days from the effective date of any suspension notice, the Contraclor may, unless it is then otherwise agreed in writing, abandon the work or part thereof specified in the suspension notice, and shall thereupon be entitled to receive a final estimate and payment for such portion of the abandoned work as has been performed, together with an amount which in the opinion of'-t'he Engineer will co,er any additional expense actually and necessarily incurred on account of such abandonment, but no allowance shall be made for anticipated profits on work not performed. {c) The Engineer may also at any time terminate this Agreement upon giving notice in writing to the Contractor, in which event the Contractor shall be paid for all · - work done under this Agreement up to the time of such annulment, including · , any retained percentage rates or prices herein specified or on a prorate basis if - this is a lump sum contract. The Contractor shall also be reimbursed by the ~.~ Santa Fe for any such expenditures as in the judgment of the Engineer are not ;:.:. compensated for by such payments, the intent being that an equitable ,': settlement shall be made with the Contractor, but without any allowance for '-" anticipated profits, with respect to work not performed. (d} If this Agreement provides that the Contractor shall be compensated upon a cost plus a percentage of cost, or upon a cost plus a fixed fee basis, then the foregoing provisions of this Section hereof with respect to payment to the Contractor of amounts to cover any additional expense due to suspension, abandonment, or termination shall not apply, but upon abandonment of all or any substantial part of the work, the fee of the Contractor, in case the Contractor's compensation is upon a cost plus a fixed fee basis, shall be proportionately reduced, and in case the Contractor's compensation is upon a cost plus a percentage of cost basis, the percentage shall be computed only upon the cost of the work actually performed. (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -9- Section 25. Remedies of Santa Fe Upon Failure of Performance by Contractor. {al If the Engineer shall at any time be of the oplnion that the Contractor is neglecting to remedy any imperfections in the work, or is not progressing with the work as fast as necessary to insure its completion within the time and as requir~cYby-this Agreement, or is otherwise violating any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Eng. ineer, on behalf of the Santa Fo, shall have the power to notify the Comrac~or ~n writing to remedy such imperfections, proceed more rapidly with the work, or otherwise comply with the provisions of this Agreement. · (b) If on the expiration of three days after the serving of such written notice upon the Contractor, or within such additional time as shall be specified in such notice, the Contractor shall continue to neglect the work or fail to remedy any specified deficiencies, the Engineer may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the Contractor and may.take possession'of the work and of ali materials, tools and appliances thereon, and employ such means as, in the Engineer's judgment, may be necessary to finish the work. In such case the Contractor shall receive no further payment until the work shall be finished, ~ when if the unpaid balance that would be due under this Agreement exceeds the cost to the Santa Fe of finishing the work, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor; but if such cost exceeds such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Santa Fe and the Santa' Fe shall retain the unpaid balance. (El Upon failure to the Contractor to comply with any notice given in accordance with the prov~slons of paragraph (a) of this Section ,,~emof, the San~a Fe shall have the aliernative right, instead of assuming charge of the errtin~ work, to place additional forces, tools, equipment, and materials on parts of the work for ~.he purpose of carrying on such parts of the work, and the costs incurred by the Santa Fe in carrying on such pans of the work shall be payable by the Contractor who shall be allowed therefore the contract price, but the Santa Fe : may retain the amount of the cost of such work, with ten percent added, from .. any sum or sums due or to become due the Contractor under this Agreement. (d) If this Agreement provides that the Contractor shall be compensated upon a cost plus a percentage of cost or upon a cost plus a fixed fee basis, then ~he provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this. Section hereof with respect to payments to or by the Contractor shall not be applicable, but if any notice served in accordance with said paragraph (a) is not complied with and notice of termination is given as provided by said paragraph (b), the Contractor shall .be Paid for all work performed prior to termination, but such paym.ent shall not include any percentage of the cost of work not performed ~n case the Contractor's compensation is upon a cost plus a percentage of cost basis, and if on a cost plus a fixed fee basis, the fixed fee shall be proportionately reduced; and if the Santa Fe utilizes the tools and equipment of the Contractor for completion of the work, the Contractor shall be paid rental charges therefor as provided in this Agreement or, if-no rental charges .are provided_for, then such rental charges as in the opinion of the Engineer are fair and reasonable. (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -10- Section 26. Records. ' ........ The Contractor shall keep full and de,ailed records only as may be needed for proper financial management of ~his con~ract. Santa Fe shall be afforded access at any reasonable time to all the Contractor's records relating to billing and quality of work to be performed, correspondence, instructions, drawings, receipts, vouchers and memoranda relating to this Agreement, and the Contractor shall preserve all such records and afford access to the Santa Fe for a period of three years after final payment. Section 27. Choice of Forum. · Ali questions arising under this Agreement shall be decided according to the laws of the. state where the work is to be performed. Se~tlon 28. Service of Notices. AIIi~otices herein provided for, if given by the Contractor, may be served by delivering a .C. bpy. thereof to the Engineer, and if given by the Santa Fo, may be served by dehvermg a copy thereof to the Contractor or his representative at the site of the work or i:'{Sy depositing the same in the U.S. Postal Service, or its successor, postage prepaid, addressed to the Contractor at the address shown on the. signal, ute page hereof, or at such other address as the Contractor may h.e..reafter designate ~n writing delivered to the Engineer. .'. Section 29. Joint and Several Liability. In the event that the Contractor consists of two or more parties ali the covenants and ,:~. agreements of the Contractor herein contained shall be the joint and several covenants and agreements of such parties. . ,: Section 30. Severability. ~' To the maximum extent possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement shall be prohibited by, or held to be invalid under, applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective solely to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity,'and this shall not invalidate the remainder of such provision or._any other provision of this Agreement. Se~,tion 31. Successors and Assigns Clause. All the covenants and agreements of the Contractor hereincontained shall be binding upon.the heirs, legal representatives, successors and. assi ns of the Contractor, and shall mute to the benefit of the successors and assigns o~the Santa Fo. Section 32. Scope of Payment. The Contractor shall receive and accept compensation provided for in this Agreement as full paym. ent for furnishing all materials and for performing all work under this Agreement ~n a complete and accep, t.able manner end for all risk, loss damage, or expense of whatever character arising out of the nature of the work or the .. prosecution thereof. (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -11- Section 33. Contract Prlces. '- '' The Santa Fe shall pay, as and when the same shall become due and payable as in this Agreement provided, and subi?ct ~o any adiustment as provided for in Section 10 hereof, ~he following rates or prices, or in case ~his is a lump sum contract,' the following sum: Contractor's Price Schedule marked Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 34. Partial and Final Payments. Unless otherwise provided lathe specifications,' approximate estimates.of work done and material furnished under this Agreement are ~o be made as the work progresses at the end of each calendar momh by-the Engineer,. and. partial payments based thereon are to be made to the Contractor by the Santa Fe within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice.· In making such partial'payments there shall' be.retained 10% of each monthly estimate until final completion and acceptance of all work covered by this Agreement. Whenever in ~he opinion of the Engineer.this. Agreement shall have been compleX, ely performed according' to. the provisions' thereof by the Contracto'r, the Engineer shall make a final estimate and shall certify the same in writing, together with the amount remaining due the Contractor, and including any amounts withheld from previous estimates, but excluding any and all deductions that shall have been or should at the time be made under'other Sections hereof, and the Santa Fe shall, within forty-five days thereafter, pay to the Contractor the amount so certified by the Engineer. Sect[on 35. Payment for Force Account Work. {a) Work which is ordered to' be performed on a "Force Account" basis in accordance with Section 11 hereof shall be paid for in the following manner: {1) Labor. For all labor and foremen in direct charge of the specific operations, the Contractor shall receive.the rate of wage (or scale) agreed upon in writing before beginning work, for each and every hour that said labor and foremen·are actually'engaged in'such work. The Contractor shall receive the actual costs paid to, or in behalf of, workmen by reason of subsistence and travel allowances, health and welfare benefits, pension fund benefits or'other benefits, when such amounts are required by collective' bargaining agreements or other employment contract generally applicable to the classes of labor employed on the work. An amount equal to 10 percent of the sum of the above item will also be paid to the Contractor. (2) Insurance, Performance and Payment Bonds, and Taxes. For property damage, liability, and workmen's compensation insurance premiums, unemployment insurance contributions and social security taxes on the Force Account Work, the Contractor shall receive the actual cost, excluding any and all retroactive penalty adiustments. The Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence of the rate or rates paid for such bond, insurance, and taxes. (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -12- (3) Materials. For materials accepted by 'the-Engineer and used, the Contractor shall receive the actual cost of such materials delivered on the work, including transportation charges paid by him (exclusive of machinery rentals as hereinaher set forth), to which 15 percent will be added. (4) .Eoulpment. For any machinery or special equipment (o~.her than small to~)ls) including fuel and lubricants, plus transportation costs, the use of which has been authorized by the Engineer, the Contractor shall receive i the rental rates agreed upon in writing before such work is begun, for the actual time that such equipment is in operation on the work, to which rental sum, 10 percent will be added. (5) Miscellaneous· No addlt~onal allowance will be made for general superintendence, the use of small tools, or other costs for which no specific allowance is herein provided. (bi Records. The Contractor's representative and the Engineer shall compare records of the cost of work done as ordered on a Force Account basis. (c} Statements. 1~o payment will be made for work performed on a Force Account basis until the Contractor has furnished the Engineer with duplicate itemized statements of the cost of such Force Account Work detailed as follows: .o (1) Name, classification, date, daily hours, total hours, rate, and extension for each laborer and foreman; (2) Designation, dates, daily hours, total hours, rental rate, and extension for each umt of machinery and equ,pment, {3) Quantities of materials, prices, and extensions; (4) Transportation of materials; (5) Cost of property damage, liability and workmen's c0.mpensati.on insurance premiums (excluding any and all retroactive penalty adjustmen.ts), unemployment insurance contributions, and social security taxes. (d) Statements shall'~e accompanied and supported by receipted invoices for all materials used and transportation charges. However, if materials used on the Force Account Work are not specifically purchased for such work, but are taken from the Contractor's stock, then in lieu of the invoices the Contractor shall furnish an affidavit certifying that such materials were taken from h~s stock, that the quantity claimed was actually used, and that the price and transportation claimed represent the actual cost to the Contractor. (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -13- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have exec'utecf this Agreement as of the day and year first above writ'ten, THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY 4515 Kansas Avenue Kansas City, Kansas 66106 ..... Supervisor-Service Con~rac~s (Title) CONSOLIDATED WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. 10680 Silicon Avenue Montclair, California 91763-467-1 / (Signature) (Title) RED/CONWASTE, CON FILE: 01003861 (FORM 102 REV, 02/94) -14- 7--82-1996 9:5L~14 FR;D~.~ CO',JSL.7,_]OA~-.~.:ASTE_ 5:,10 638 CTr~]4~ST ..................... , ..... $ 65.00 l~er hour PROTECT HA~AGE~ ................... $ 55.00 per hour... · .E/L TECHNICIAN ........................ $ 40.00 per hour ADDITIONAL TECH~ICL~-q.. ...... . .... $ 36.50 per hour S/L CLER~ (if needed) .............. $ 2S.00 per ]lOLL= $/L ]~:ERGENCY P~SPONSE UNIT ........... $ 60.00 per hour S/L ~, UTILITZ VEHICLE ................... $ 30.00 per hour S/L 24 FT. VAN ........................ $ 60.00 per hour S/L $ 65 00 per hour " 48 FT. ~ .......................... ~ D.O.T. VACUL~ TRUCKS: 1300 GALLON ................. $ 55.00. per hour 3000 G~T,TON ................. $ 60.00 per hour S/L S(~00 GALLOWo, ............... $ 65.00 Per hoLtr $/L END DOKP T~UCK (80,000 L~.GV~ ....... .....$ 65.00 per hour $/L SINGLE ............ · ........ , $ 65.00 Per hour S/L DOUaLE ...................... $ 75.00 per hour S/L Y~NDAZ THRU FR/DAY, 4:30PK - 8;00A~ .... .... ...... ~ AND 1/2 W~EKENDS .... . .................................... TIKE AND 1/2 HOLIDAYS (New Years Day~ 4~h of July, He~ori&l Day, Labor Day, Thamksgiv~, Chris) ..... DOUBLE TIME 7--~2-1 9~2~S 9: 5,.'5AI4 F"~.D~,t CO',.~?,DL ] DAT-.22D-~.~.:,C.$TE_ 5,1 0 1~8 3~33 I::'. 3 ST=AM CT-~kNER ............................... $ 35.00 per hour* PRT. SSb-R~ WASh-ER ............................. $ 2S.O0 per hour* %r~iR~.ICULITE (3 cu. ft. bags) ................ $ 1!.25 per bag CLAY AJ~SOItBE~T (50 lb. baqs) ................ $ 11.90 per ba~ $/L CAUSTIC SODA (50 !bo bags) .............. ....$ 34.50 per bag $/L DRUM LIhq~RS ................................. $ Z. 75 each s DRUH LABIALS ................................. $ 1. oo eac~ $/L DOT OPEN TOP STEEL DRU~3: 55 ~A/~NS ......................... $ 40.50 e&¢h $/L 30 C&LLONS ......................... $ .32.00 each S/L 14 GALLONS ......................... $ 27.50 each 5 GALLONS ......................... $ 11.50 each S/L DOT CLOSED TOP, 55 GA/~LON.. .......... · ........ $ 40.50 each S/L POLY, OPEN TOP DRUM~: 55 GALLON .......................... $ 57.50 each S/L 30 GALbON' .......................... $ 40.50 each 14 G~%!ON ........... · ......... . .... $ 27.50 each ~O~Y, CLOSED TOP, 55 GAT.TON, .......... :...-.,.$ 40.50 each DRUM ' "' $~47 ach DOT ~5-GALLON RECOVERY .................. 50 e %~R/-WALL F~ZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINERS ......... $ 8~.00 each $/L DOT 17-H STEEL LIDS... ...................... $ ~2.25 each DOT 17-H STEZL RINGS & ~OLTS .................. ~ 7.30 each · DOT 17 H GASKE:I'S $ I 25 e=ch DRU~ B~NGS ................................ .. $ 2.00 each S/L B~ING WR~CH ................ , ................ $ 24.~0 each DRUM SI~ON FUMES ........................... $ 17 o 50 each $/L DRUM U~-~DZE ............... . ........ · ...... $ 50.00 per day POWER DRUM HOIST .... . ....................... $ 75.00 per day PIASTIC SBE~TLNG (100x24~ 6mil.) ........... $ 85.00 per roll $/L END DUR~ LTKER ................ · ............. $ 35.00 truck CO~RZS$OR ...... . ........................... $125.00 per day RIVET ~USTER ................ ................ $ 3~. 0o per ~kZ-CAT FIELD ID~TI~ICATION. · ....... · ...... $. 45. O0 tes~:* 5 k~ GT. NERATOR ...................... ,. ...... $ $0.00 per day S/L FLOOD LIG~I~ .................. , .............. $ ~5.00 per day $/L PORTABLE SCALES ............................. $250.00 per day* CONCRETE/ASPHALT ~ (one =an) ........... $100.00 per day* ~XTRACTION DEVICE ........................... $125.00 per day* L~L/02 MZTZR ................ · ........ · ...... $ ?~.00 per day* LaL/O2/a2S/CO ............................... $125.oo ~e= ~* s/~ ~ $1S0 O0'l:~r day* 638 ?..~,'33 P. ,4 SAM~L~ JAR, $~IPPING AND SHIP~lq~G CONTAINER ................. $ 125.00 each $/L ~AFETY EQU I PMt~'~ · $400 00 per set** $/L LEVE~. A LEVEL ~ .................................... $ 8~.00 ~er set S/L ~L C ~ D ................................ $ 35.00 ~er ~e~ S/L 224 ou. ft. CY~D~ B~~G ~ ......... $ 35.00 per ~1. .~. ~E.%DIEM (For jobs over So miles from our facL%ity)~ ....... . ................................... $ 60.00 per man/ per day**** ~. CONFINED SPAC~ ENTRY PER/4IT ......... . ..... $750. O0 per space · HOUI~LY RAT~ F~R PERSONNEL AND V~__4?CL~...IS ADDITIONAL · * THIS PRICE IS FOR THE DAILY USAGE OF EACH LEVEL A SUIT, I{OWEVER ANY DAKAGE TO A LEVEL A SUIT WILL BE BILLED AT FULL P~PLA~'~ COST. · ** T~IS RATE IS FOR -NOP~KAL" SUBSISTANCE ONLY. ANX UKUSIIAL COST, SUCH AS AIP~A~tES OR PF2%K HOTEL RATES WILL l~E BILLED AT COST PLUS 15%. FROPILE FEE... ........................... . ...... . . . COST pLUS 15% DISPOSAL FEE~ WILL BE DEPENDENT UPON ~ SIT~ CHOSEN BY THE GENERATOR, AND WILL BB QUOTED ON A CASE BY CAS~ BASIS. ALL DISPOSAL 1~ WILL B~ BI~.~xD AT COST PLUS 15%, WITH A DISPOSA3~ FACILITY II~4OICE PROVIDED TO THE SANTA Ai~ ITEMS P. EQ(IESTED, BUT NOT CONTAINED ON THIS LIST WILL BE PROFIDED AND WiLL BE QUOTED ON AN A~ NT~DED BASIS. ALL ~ PART~ ITEKS WILL BE ~I?.~_XD AT COS~ PLUS 15%, WITH ~ TH~ PA~ II~OIC~ FR0VIF~D TO THZ SANTA 1~. TRANSPORTATION OF DRU~S TO TSDF~S ~'ILL BE PRICED AC~2ORDXNG TO TKE ATTACKED SHEET. A~.~. OTHER TYPES OF TRANSPORTATIO~ WILL B]~ CHARGED AT T~ APPROPRIATE BOURLY RATE. ITEMS .~A~E~.D WITH $/L ARE AVAILA~L£ AT ~N LEAND£0 FACI~LITX DRUM TRA.qSPORTATION COST 55-GA~ ~.l.O.g D RL~.S - ~ 1-3'0~ 1-5 6-10 11-20: 2 31-40 >41 14G~ 5GAL ~PROPRIATE 125 110 90 $0 ~ 70 60 100 70 T~0~iES } , A~S 250 225 180 160 125 110 180 165 · BROCO, INC. 75 65 55 50 40 35 55 50 CHF-H WASTE 125 110 90 80 70 60 100 80 CH~..I CAL 225 190 155 140 110 95 155 140 P~EC LAY~AT i ON CROSBY & 75 65 55 50 40 35 55 50. OV]~RgON DZ~O 75 I 65 55 50 40 .. 35 55 50 ENSCO, I~C. 250 225 180 ~60 125 ~10 ~80 165 E~IROSAFE 250 225 18U 160 I~ 110 18~- SNCS. OF ID~O GNB, INC. 75 65 55 50 4P 35 55 50 ~INE S~ 250 225 1~0 160 125 110 180 165 PRO~SO~ NO.IS ~. 75 ~5 55 50 40 35 55 50 SERVICZS OIL PR~S 75 ' 65 } 55 50 40 35 55 50 OIL & SOL~ 75 ~S ~ SS S0 40 35 SS 50 PROCZSS (osco) QA/DRUM. COST 1-5 j 6-ZOj 1~-20 21-30 31-40 >41 14 G~j 5 ~ETRO~ 75 65 55 50 40 35 55 50 ~CLINS (?RC) ,, 3555 50 ~U~E ~IL~ 75 65 55 50 QgIC~ZL~R 250 j 225 !~0 160 125 110 180 165 ' ~RODU~S ~C~CLING 175 150 140 130 110 95 140 110 R~SO~C~S (~I) " ~OC~ 125 110 ~0 ~0 ~0 60 100 CO~TION RO~I~S ~. 212.5 190 155 140 110 95 155 140 " ROMIC 250 222.5 180 160 125 ~ 110 180 165 SO. ~LIF. 125 110 90 80 70 60 100 70 SO~ST 75 65 55 50 {0 35 55 50 STATEWID~ E~. 75 65 55 50 40 35 55 50 s~ (s~s) SYST~S (T~S) . , . U.S. ~CO~Y 225 200 165 150 120 105 !65 150 U.S.~TZON 225 200 365 150 120 305 165 150 QA/DRU3~COST O~&~e ~ ~c, DO~NOT~D,~DORAL~THECOV~GE 2397 ~wis St., Suite 101 p~ES ~OW. ' ......... ~:aen Gro~e ~ 9~640 COMPANIES AFFORDINGCOVE~GE 14-740-~127 c~ ~nsol~da~ea Waste Iudustr~es c~ C A.I S~eci.lty L~ues 106~0 Silicon Avenue '' I~I~D, NO~STANDIN'G AN~ ~OUI~M[N~, ~RM OR COlD.ON OF AN~ CON. CT OR O~ER DO~MENT W~ ~S~CT TO A z ~o ~ 2~-6~ o512t/~4 05/2~/~5 u~ ~ 1,ooo,ooc ~ ~ ~b~ ~ ':' :~ . .. · .. ..... ~ . B ~n%racto=l C~L5292630 05/19/~4 = 05/19/95 Zach ~ss $ 2,000,0. Pollution L~. Aggregate $ 2~O00,C. ~h~ opera, ions of. the ~a=ed Z~u~e~, ~ a~licies except Workers waLve= o~ S~rogaticn xs pro~.xaea xn xavor of Ce~ol~e: on Workers e EX~ 10 DAY~ N~X~ r~R NO~-PA~ OF 'T~surauce ~overs ~ncLde=ts that occur within .~0 feet of ~rac~s.' CO~S30B T~8 A~c~so~ To~e~a a~ Sa~a ~IL30~ DAY~NNO~TO~E~R~I~HO~ERNA~DTO~E ~o ~lwa~ ~=~an~ ~. BUT FA~U~ TO ~IL 5u~ NO~ ~LL IM~SE NO OSL~A~ON OR A~-~: Ma=ager ~ntzacts ~O ~OX ~738 . L~B~ ~ A~ K~D U~N ~E COMPANY, Topeka, KS 66601-1738 S.~'TA ~ RATLWAY CO.~:~A. NY z~-~ ~n~ d ~ch ~ll~o~ non-ren~-~, or ~enoment ~ ~e re~uve '~. In ~dition, ~mm~ ~ Iadus~ l~u~ ~mp~y ~ to ofi%r · N~mtx:r: GLCM~z-0-.%t-96 : Endo~nt Eff~dve Dau~ uhis Endor.~m~n~: 05,'19194 CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OR OTHER WORK SANTA FE ORIGINAL FORM APPROVED BY VP-LAW THIS AGREEMENT, made this 4th day of April 1994, between THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ("Santa Fe"), and HAZPAK, INC., hereinafter, whether one party or more, called "Contractor". WiTNESSETH, That the parties hereto, for the considerations hereinafter expressed, covenant and agree as follows: Section 1. Engineer Defined. Wherever used in this Agreement "Engineer" means the Vice President and Chief Engineer of the Santa Fe or his duly authorized representative who is responsible for engineering supervision of the work. Section 2. Contract Documents. {a) ..: This Agreement, the specifications, special provisions, plans, drawings, schedules, or other papers, designated (') as follows, all of which, whether attached or. referred-t~, form the Contract Documents and are hereby made a part hereof: · Hazpak, Inc's Schedule of Fees For The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe :':- Railway Company dated March 1994. b) In case of conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of any of the other Contract Documents, the provisions of this Agreement shall control. Section 3. Scope of Work. (a) The Contractor~shall, except as may be provided in the Contract Documents, furnish the necessary materials, superintendence, labor, tools, equipment, and transportation, and shall expeditiously perform and complete the following described work which shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with standard customs and procedures in the industry: Emergency response services of waste disposal, transport, or related services per work order issued and made a part hereof. (b) Contractor shall have the excltmive right and duty to. control the work of its employees. All persons employed by Contractor or any of its subcontractors in the performance of this Agreement shall be the sole employees of Contractor or its subcontractors. (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -1- .' (c) Santa Fe.shall, in the absence of Contractor's superintendent, have the right to stop the work if any person employed by Contractor or any of its subcontractors performs work in a manner not in compliance with the requirements specified in the Contract Documents described in Section 2. hereof, and/or performs work in a manner not in compliance with Santa Fe safety rules, not performed in a workmanlike manner, or not performed in accordance with standard customs and procedures in the industry. Section 4. Time for Performing Work. This Agreement for your services shall be effective as of the date hereof and shall remain in effect thereafter until terminated by either party giving not less than thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. SANTA FE, however, reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time on five (5) days' notice in the event that SANTA FE determines that the services provided by your company are substandard or in the event there is any breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. However, no termination or cancellation hereof shall release either party from any liability or obligation under this Agreement, whether of indemnity or otherwise, resOlting from any acts, omissions or events happening prior to the date of such termination or cancellation. Section 5. Performance and Payment Bond. Before commencing any work hereunder, the Contractor, at its own expense, shall furnish to the Santa Fe, in a form acceptable to the Santa Fe, a fully executed Performance and Payment Bond, by a surety or sureties approved by the Santa Fe, in the amount of N/A, as security for the faithful performance of this Agreement and for the payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials or equipment in conneCtion therewith. Section 6. Assignment or Subcontracting. This contract shall not be assigned nor shall any portion of the work be subcontracted without the writ'ten consent of the Engineer. Executed copies of any and all subcontracts shall be furnished the Engineer at the time he consents to the same. No such contract shall release or relieve the Contractor from any obligation hereunder, but the Contractor shall be as fully responsible to the Santa Fe for the acts and omissions of any and all subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them as if such acts and omissions were the acts and omissions of the Contractor or of ~.ersons directly employed by the Contractor. Section 7. Investigation of Contract DoCuments and Site of Work by Contractor. The Contractor has examined and fully understands the Contract Documents described in Section 2 hereof and has by careful examination ascertained the nature and location of the work, the character, quality, and quantity of materials, and of equipment and facilities, necessary in the prosecution of the work, the general and local conditions, and all other matters which can in any way affect the work under this Agreement. The quantities listed in the bid schedule and shown on the plans · shall be-accepted as approximate only and are shown to provide a. basis for comparison of bids. (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -2- Section 8. Contractor's Warranty. Unless otherwise provided in the specifications, the Contractor warrants that all materials, supplies and equipment installed or incorporated in the work covered by this Agreement shall be of the best grade of their respective kinds for the purpose, and shall comply with all applicable federal,_ state and local governmental statutes, ordinances, orders and regulations. Without relieving the Contractor of his obligation to provide Santa Fe with products and completed operations insurance coverage under Section 16 hereof, Contractor further warrants that such materials, supplies and equipment shall be and remain free from defects in material and workmanship for the period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the work by the Santa Fe, and agrees to make any necessary repairs or corrections, or provide replacement parts, at Contractor's expense, promptly upon receipt of written notice thereof from the Santa Fe. Se(~tion 9. Materials and Workmanship: Inspection. (a):i The Contractor shall remove, without expense to the Santa Fe, any work or materials found unacceptable by the Engineer, and shall promptly rebuild or replace the same without extra charge.' Any'omission or failure on the part of the Engineer to disapprove or reject any work or materials shall not be construed as an acceptance thereof, and the engineer is hereby authorized to require any defective work or material to be taken out and rebuilt or replaced at the expense of the Contractor at any time within one year from the date of final acceptance of the work by Santa Fe, however, this right shall not waive any other Santa Fe rights at law or in equity with respect to any defective or substandard materials or workmanship. All work and material shall be at all times open ~o the inspection.of, and acceptance or rejection by He Eng[neer~ (b) If any of the work to be performed or the material to be provided by the Contractor under this Agreement is expressly required by Santa Fe in the specifications to be subject to the guidelines or provisions of the American Railway Engineering Association Manual for Railway Engineering and Portfolio of Trackwork Plans, the Contractor shall use and have available on this project .: up-to-date copies of the American-Railway Engineering Association Manual for .. Railway Engineering and Portfolio of Trackwork Plans. Section 10. Changes and Alterations. (a) The Santa Fe reserves the right to make, at any time during the progress of the work, such changes and alterations in the details of the work or in the quantities of the work as may be found necessary or desirable, and such changes shall not be considered as a waiver of any condition of this Agreement, nor shall they invalidate any of the provisions hereof. The Contractor shall perform the work as increased or decreased. (b) When the change or alteration concerns an item or items the cost of which exceeds five percent of the. total contract cost (based on the quantitie~and unit prices contained in-the Contract Documents) and the quantityof the work to be done or the materials to be furnished pursuant to the change or alteration is more than 120 percent or less than 80 percent of the'quantity provided for such item or items in the Contract Documents, then either party, upon the demand of the other, shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment in the applicable unit prices, as agreed to by the parties in a supplemental agreement. (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -3- Section 11. Force Account Work. In the event work is made necessary by changes and alteration of plans or other reasons, and no basis of payment has been provided for such work in this Agreement, or if this is a lump sum contract, such work shall be designated 'Force Account Work'. The Contractor shall perform such force account work in accordance with the specifications, and as directed by the Engineer, and shall be paid for such force account work as described in Section 34 hereof. No such force .account work shall be undertaken by the Contractor until a written order has been issued by the Engineer to perform the work on a "Force Account' basis. Section 12. Eliminated Items. Should any items of work contained in the bid schedule be found unnecessary for the proper completion of the work, the Engineer may, upon written order to the Contractor, eliminate such item from this Agreement and such action shall in no way invalidate this Agreement or affect the enforceability of any provisions of this Agreement. When the Contractor is notified of the elimination of items, he will be reimbursed for actual work done and all costs incurred in connection with such eliminated items, including mobilization of materials and. equi.pment prior to said notification, and if this is a lump sum contract, the lump sum price for the remaining items shall be equitably adiusted as agreed to by the parties in a supplemental agreement. Section 13. Compliance with Laws. (a) In the performance of the work provided herein, the Contractor and all subcontractors shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local go~ernmentatstatutes, ordinances, orders and regulations. No penalties, costs or additional expense 'resulting from failure to comply with any such requirement shall be payable by Santa Fe. (b)The Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations in any operations, activities or services provided for under this Agreement. The Contractor shall not treat, store or dispose of hazardous waste nor release any hazardous substances as the same are defined in .~- applicable federal, state, or local laws and regulations on or adjacent to Santa ~-~:' Fe's property without first obtaining Santa Fe's written permission. If such permission is granted, the Contractor shall obtain necessary permits and identification number, and provide Santa Fe with copies thereof. {c) The Contractor shall indemnify, save harmless and assume the cost of defense of the Santa Fe .from and against.all claims, actions or legal proceedings arising from the violatIon or alleged wolation of any laws,' ordinances, orders or regulations by the Contractor or any of his subcontractors. Section 14. Patents. Contractor shall indemnify defend and save harmless the Santa Fe and its affiliated companies from liability of any kind, including costs and expenses, for or on account of the manufacture or use of any patented or unpatented invention, article, or appliance in the performance of this Agreement, except articles specified by the Santa Fe, the use of which the Contractor does not control. (FORM 102 REV. 02194) -4- Section 15. Indemnity Against Liability for Loss and Damage. (a) Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Santa Fe fo,r all judgments, awards, claims, demands, and expenses (including attorneys fees), for injury or death to all persons, including Santa Fe's and Contractor's officers and employees,_and for loss and. damage to property belonging.to any person, arising in any manner from Contractor's or any of Contractor's subcontractors' acts or omissions or failure to perform any obligation hereunder, regardless of Santa Fe's negligence, except to the ex"tent that such claims, demands, or judgments are proximately caused by the intentional misconduct or gross negligence of Santa Fe. (b) The Contractor assumes all responsibility for loss of or damage to materials of the Santa Fe after' delivery to and acceptance by the Contractor and to materials and property of the Contractor used in the performance of the work ... until the work is accepted by the Engineer, and shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Santa Fe from and against any liability for loss of or damage to · - the materials and property of any subcontractor used in the. performance of the '~ work, including tools, machinery, equipment,, appliances, supplies, scaffolding :" and forms. (c) in the event any claim shall be made or suit brought against the Santa Fe for damages on account of any personal injury or death or for loss of or damage to property, or if the Santa Fe shall sustain any loss of or damage to its property, for which the Contractor is responsible under the terms of this Agreement, then if the Santa Fe is not protected by a performance and -. payment~bond or insurance furnished by the Contractor, Santa Fe may deduct from any amounts which then or thereafter' wo.u[d_ atherw[s~ be due the Contractor hereunder, such amount as in the opinion of the Engineer will be sufficient to protect it fully from any loss, damage or expense; and if the amount then due or to become due the Contractor is not sufficient for that purpose, then the Contractor shall promptly pay to the Santa Fe such amount as in the opinion of the Engineer is needed to fully reimburse or protect the Santa Fe. (d), it is mutually understood and, agreed that the assumption of liabilities and · ' indemnification provided for in this Agreement shall survive any.termination of this Agreement. Section 16. Insurance. (a) Before commencing any work under this Agreement,-Contractor must provide and maintain in effect insurance, at Contractor's expense, covering all of the work and services to be performed hereunder by the Contractor and each of its subcontractors, as described below: (1) Workmen's compensation, coverage as is required by State law, but if optional under State law the insurance must cover all employees anyway. THE CERTIFICATE MUST CONTAIN A.SPEClFIC WAIVER QF THE INSURANCE COMPANY'S SUBROGATION RIGHTS AGAINST SANTA FE: or in lieu of this waiver, Contractor hereby ~arees to indemnify Santa Fe against all subrooation claims for in!urv or death to Contractor's employees, reoardless of the ne_elioence of Santa Fe. (FORM 102 REV. 02~94) -5- (2) Comprehensive General Liability insurance covering liability, including but not limited to Public Liability, Personal Iniury and Property Damage, with coverage of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and $5,000,000 in the aggregate. Where explosion, collapse, or underground hazards are involved, the X, C and U exclusions must be removed from the policy; (3)Automobile Liability insurance, including bodily injury and property damage, with coverage of at least $5,000,O00 combined single limit; (4) Contractual Liability insurance covering all of the liability assumed by the Contractor under the provisions of this Agreement, except Section 15 paragraph (b) of this Agreement, with coverage of at least $5,000,000 combined single limit or the equivalent. All insurance shall be placed with insurance companies licensed to do business in the States in which the work is to be performed, and with a current Best's Insurance Guide Rating of A and Class X, or better. _... ~- If any work is to be performed within 50 feet of a railroad track, then insurance ,?~ must provide for coverage of incidents occurring within fifty (50) feet of a .... railroad track, and any provision to the contrary in the insurance policy must be specifically deleted. In all cases, the certificate must specifically state that "SANTA FE I$ A NAMED. IN~;URED PARTY." Any coverage afforded Santa Fe, the Certificate Holder, as an Additional Insured shall apply as p. rimary and not excess to any insurance issued in the name of Santa Fe. (b)Before commencing any work hereunder, the Contractor shall furnish to the Santa Fe, Certificates of Insurance on the form (see Form 1919 Standard attached) prescribed by Santa Fe, evidencing the issuance to the Contractor of the policies of insurance providing the types of insurance and limits of liability prescribed above, and certifying that the Santa Fe shall be given not less than ~" 30 days' written notice prior to any material change, substitution or "{'~ cancellation prior to normal expiration dates. Cancellation or expiration of any '~1~.- of said policies of insurance shall not preclude Santa Fe from recovery -. thereunder for a. ny liability arising under this Agreement. If the Santa Fe certificate Form 1919 Standard is not furnished, the Contractor shall furnish signed policy endorsement from the insurance companies involved, providing the coverage outlined above. (c) It is mutually understood and agreed that the purchase of insurance as herein provided shall not in any way limit the liability of the Contractor to Santa Fe, as herein set forth. Section 17. Liens and Claims from Labor and Materials Furnished. (a) The contractor shall promptly pay or cause to be paid all subcontractors and persons furnishing labor, services, articles or materials for the work, whether pursuant to an agreement with the Contractor or any subcontractor, and shall deliver the workfree from any claims or liens; and in the event of failure of the (FORM 102 REV. 02~94) -6- Contractor so to do, the Santa Fe may pay and discharge any such lien or claim and deduct the amount so paid from any moneys which may be or become due and payable to the Contractor even if there is a dispute between Contractor and the person asserting the claim or lien. Before payment of the final estimate the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer a notarized waiver of lien as evidence that the_work is free and clear from all liens for labor and .materials, and that no claim then-exists for which any-lien could be filed or enforced; (b) The contractor hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the Santa Fe against all loss, damage, or expense which the Santa Fe may sustain, incur, or become liable for on account of any such claim or lien, regardless of whether any such claim or lien is presented or filed before or after the final estimate is paid, and that payment of the final estimate shall not constitute a release from or waiver of this obligation of the Contractor. Section 18. Superintendence; Employees. The contractor shall constantly keep on the work site or have in direct charge of the work during its progress, a competent superintendent, and any information given to such superintendent or any notices served upon him shall, have the same force and effect as if given to or served upon the Contractor; provided, that if the Contractor is an individual and properly qualified, he may himself superintend the work. The Contractor shall employ on the work only persons who are qualified and competent to perform the work entrusted to them. section 19. Protection Against Property Damage and Personal Injuries. {a)tn all cases and especially wherever the work provide~for by this Agreement is upon or near any track, structure or building of the Santa Fe or of others, the Contractor shall use care and vigilance to avoid injury to persons or property, and whenever local conditions, laws or ordinances require, the Contractor shall furnish and .maintain, without expense to the Santa Fe, such passageways, guard-fences, lights, and. other facilities and means for protection as may be necessary. To the extent possible, the work shall be so conducted as not to interfere with the movement of any trains or. other operations of the Santa Fe; ;" and if in any case such interference is necessary the Contractor shall not proceed until he has first obtained specific authority and.directions from the Engineer or from such officer of the Santa Fe as shall be designated by the Engineer. {b) Contractor will be authorized to enter Santa Fe property during regular business hours to perform services to be rendered under this Agreement. In the event of emergencies or any other requirement for Contractor's services other than during regular business hours, arrangements to enter Santa Fe property must be made through the Contact Person designated for your presence on Santa Fe property. Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local safety rules and regulations and with Santa Fe safety rules and regulations while on Santa Fe property and while performing services under-this Agreem.ent. Contractor will be provided a copy of Santa Fe Safety Rules_and Regulations. Section 20. Concurrent Work; Order of Work; Possession before Completion. Wherever work being done by the Santa Fe or by other contractors is contiguous to work concurrently carried on hereunder by the Contractor, the Engineer shall establish (FORM 102 REV. 02/94)-. -7- the rights of the various interests involved to the end that all such work may be coordinated and completed in general harmony. The Contractor shall complete the various portions of the contract work in such order of time as the Engineer may require. The Santa Fe shall have the right to take possession of and use any completed or partially completed portions of such work, but such possession and use shall not be deemed an acceptance thereof. Section 2i. Storage Facilities, Vacation Thereof and Cleaning Up. The Santa Fe will, so far as it conveniently can do so, permit the contractor to use so much of its property as is required for the storage of materials and for temporary construction facilities, but if any additional facilities or land is required, the Contractor shall provide the same without expense to the Santa Fe. The Contractor shall, as directed by the Engineer, remove from the Santa Fe's property and from any public property, without expense to the Santa Fe, all temporary structures, rubbish and waste materials resulting from the contract operations and shall remove from Santa Fe p. roperty all equipment, tools, materials and supplies not needed whenever directed by the Engineer, but not later than 60 days after the work is completed and accepted by. the Engineer, unless such 60-day period shall be extended in writing by the En~!ineer. .; .. Section 22. Delay. -. If the Contractor shall be delayed in the execution of the work from any cause for which the Santa Fe is responsible, or from any cause which is beyond the control of the Contractor, the Contractor shall, upon written application to the Engineer at the time of such delay, be granted such reasonable extension of time as the Engineer shall deem equitable~nd just.- Section 23.. Suspension or Termination Without Fault of Contractor. (a)The Engineer may at'any time or times suspend the work or any part thereof by giving the Contractor notice in writing, and the Co'ntractor shall resume operations promptly after receipt of written notice from the Engineer so to do. · The Santa Fe shall not be liable for any loss of anticipated profits on account ---:~ of the suspension, but it will pay the Contractor such amount as in the opinion " ?..'. - ..~. of the Engineer will cover the actual expense incurred or paid, for any men 7. necessarily retained or equipment kept idle during the period of such '" suspension. . (b) If not notified to resume operations within thirty (30) days from the effective .:.. date of any suspension notice, the Contractor may, unless it is then otherwise agreed in writing, abandon the work or part thereof specified in the suspension . notice, and shall thereupon be entitled to receive a final estimate and payment for such portion of the abandoned work as has been performed, together with an amount which in the opinion of the Engineer will cover any additional expense actually and necessarily incurred on account of such abandonment, but no allowance' shall be made for anticipated profits on work not performed. \ (c) The Engineer may also at any time terminate this Agreement upon giving notice \ in writing to the Contractor, in which event the Contractor shall be paid for all work done under this Agreement up to the time of such annulment, including any retained percentage rates or prices herein specified or on a prorata basis if this is a lump sum contract. The Contractor shall also be reimbursed by the (FORM 102 REV. O2/94) -8- Santa Fe for any such expenditures as in the judgment of the Engineer are not compensated for by such payments, the intent being that an equitable settlement shall be made with the Contractor, but without any allowance for anticipated profits with respect to work not performed. (d) If this Agreement provides that the Contractor shall be compensated upon a cost plus a perCentage of cost, or upon a cost plus a fixedfee basis', then the - foregoing provisions of this Section hereof with respect to payment to the Contractor of amounts to cover any additional expense due to suspension, abandonment, or termination shall not apply, but upon abandonment of all or any substantial part of the work, the fee of the Contractor, in case the Contractor's compensation is upon a cost plus a fixed fee basis, shall be proportionately reduced, and in case the Contractor's compensation is upon a cost plus a percentage of cost basis, the percentage shall be computed only upon the cost of the work actually performed. Section 24. Remedies of Santa Fe Upon Failure of Performance by Contractor. (a) - if the Engineer shall at any time be of the opinion that the. Contractor is neglecting to remedy any imperfections in the work,.or is not progressing with the work as fast as necessary to insure its completion within the time and as required by this Agreement, or is otherwise violating any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Engineer, on behalf of the Santa Fa, shall have the power to notify the Contractor in writing to remedy such imperfections,.p.roceed more rapidly with the work, or otherwise comply with the prows~ons of this Agreement. (b) If on ~he expiration of three days aher the serving of such ;;.ri~en notice upon the Contractor, or within such additional time as shall be specified in such notice, the Contractor shall continue to neglect the work or fail to remedy any specified deficiencies, the Engineer may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the Contractor and may take possession of. the work and of all materials, tools and appliances thereon, and employ such means as, in the Engineer's judgment, may be necessary to finish the work. In such case the Contractor shall receive no further payment until the work shall be finished, -.-when if the unpaid balance that would be due under this Agreement exceeds the cost to the Santa Fe of finishing the work, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor; but if such cost exceeds such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Santa Fe and the Santa Fe shall retain the unpaid balance. (c) Upon failure to the Contractor to comply with any notice given in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Section hereof, the Santa Fe shall have the alternative right, instead of assuming charge of the entire work, to place additional forces, tools, equipment, and materials on parts of the work for the purpose of carrying on such parts of the work, and the costs incurred by the Santa Fe in carrying on such parts of the work shall be payable by the Contractor who shall be allowed therefore the contract price, but the Santa Fe may-retain the amount of the cos~ of such work, with ten percentadded~from any sum or sums due or to become due the Contractor under this Agreement. (d) If this Agreement provides that the Contractor shall be compensated upon a cost plus a percentage of cost or upon a cost plus a fixed fee basis, then the provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Section hereof with respect to (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -9- payments to or by the Contractor shall not be applicable, but if any notice served in accordance with said paragraph (a) is not complied with and notice of termination is given as provided by said paragraph (b), the Contractor shall be paid for all work performed prior to termination, but such payment shall not include any percentage of the cost of work not performed in case the Contractor's compensation is upon a cost plus a percentage of cost basis, and if on a. cost plus a fixed fee basis, the fixed fee shall be proportionately reduced; and if the Santa Fe utilizes the tools and equipment of the Contractor for completion of the work, the Contractor shall be paid rental charges therefor as provided in this Agreement or, if no rental charges are provided for, then such rental charges as in the opinion of the Engineer are fair and reasonable. Section 25. Records. The Contractor shall keep full and detailed records only as may be needed for proper financial management of this contract. Santa Fe shall be afforded access at any reasonable time to all the Contractor's records relating to billing and quality of work to b'e performed, correspondence, instructions, drawings, receipts, vouchers and mer~oranda relating to this Agreement, and the Contractor shall preserve all such rec6i~ds and afford access to the Santa Fe for a period of three years after final payment, Section 26. Choice of Forum. All questions arising under this Agreement shall be decided according to the laws of the state where the work is to be performed. Section 27. Service of Notices. All' notices herein provided for, if given by the Contractor, may be served by delivering a c..opy, thereof to the Engineer, and if given by the Santa Fe, may be served by dehvenng a copy thereof to the Contractor or his representative at the site of the work or by depositing the same in the U.S. Postal Service, or its successor, postage prepaid, addressed to the Contractor at the address shown on the signature page hereof, or at such other address as the Contractor may hereafter designate in writing · ' deli×ered to the Engineer, Sec.tion 28. Joint and Several Liability. In ti~e event that the Contractor consists of two or more parties all the covenants and agreements of the Contractor herein contained shall be the joint and several covenants and agreements of such parties. Section 29. Severability. To the maximum extent possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement shall be prohibited by, or held to be invalid under, applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective solely to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, and this shall not invalidate the remainder of such provision or any other provision of this Agreement. (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -10- Section 30. Successors and Assigns Clause. All the covenants and agreements of the Contractor herein contained shall be binding upon the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the Contractor, and shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Santa Fe. Section 31. 'Scope-of Payment;-. The Contractor shall receive and accept compensation provided for in this Agreement as full payment for furnishing all materials and for performing all work under this Agreement in a complete and acceptable manner and for all risk, loss damage, or expense of whatever character arising out of the nature of the work or the prosecution thereof. Section 32. Contract Prices. The'Santa Fe shall pay, as and when.the same shall become due and payable as in this Agreement provided, and subject to any adjustment as 13rovided for in Section 10 here. of, the following rates or prices, . or . in case this is a.lump.sum contract, the following sum: Compensation for Contractor's services will be as set forth in Schedule of Fees dated March 1994, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 33. Partial and Final Payments. ..Unless otherwise provided in the specifications, approximate estimates of work done and material f~rnished~hd~t ti'ds Agreement are to be made as the work progresses · ..at the end of each calendar month by the Engineer, and partial payments based ':. thereon are to be made to the Contractor by the Santa Fe within thirty (30] days of · receipt of the invoice. In making such partial payments there shall be retained 1 of each monthly estimate until final completion and acceptance o.f all work covered by this Agreement. Whenever in the opinion of the Engineer' this Agreement shall have been completely performed according to the provisions, thereof by the Contractor, the Engineer shall make a. final .estimate and shall certify the same in writing, together with the amount remaining'due the Contractor, and including any amounts withheld from previous est[mates, but.excluding any'and all deductions that shall have been or should at the time be made under other Sections hereof, and the Santa Fe shall, within ~[orty-five days thereafter, pay to the Contractor the amount so certified by the Engineer. Section 34. Payment for Force Account Work. (a) Work which is ordered to be performed on a "Force Account' basis in accordance with Section 11 hereof shall be paid for in the following manner: (1) Labor. For all labor and foremen in direct charge of the specific operations, the Contractor shall [ecei_ve the rate of. wage (or scale) a. greed .upon in writing-before-beginning workr for. each ~[ every hour tl3at said labor and foremen are actually engaged in such work. The Contractor shall receive the actual costs paid to, or in behalf of, workmen by reason of subsistence and travel allowances, health and welfare benefits, pension fund benefits or other benefits, when such (FORM 102 REV..02/94) -11- amounts are required by collective bargaining agreements or other employment contract generally applicable to the classes of labor employed on the work. (2) insurance, Performance and Payment Bonds, and Taxes. For property damage, liability, and workmen's compensation insurance premiums, unemployment insurance contributions and social security taxes on the Force Account Work, the Contractor shall receive the actual-cost, excluding any and all retroactive penalty adjustments. The Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence of the rate or rates paid for such bond, insurance, and taxes. (3) Materials. For materials accepted by the Engineer.and used, the Contractor shall receive the actual cost of such materials delivered on the work, including transportation charges paid by him (exclusive of machinery rentals as hereinafter set forth). (4) Equipment. For any machinery or special equipment (other than small tools) including fuel and lubricants, plus transportation costs, the use of which has been authorized by the Engineer, the Contractor shall receive the rental rates agreed upon in writing before such work is begun, for the actual time that such equipment is in operation on the work. (5) Miscellaneous. No additional allowance will be made for general superintendence, the use of small tools, or other costs for which no specific allowance is herein provided. {b) Records. The Contractor's representative and the Engineer shall compare '- records of the cost of work done as ordered en-a Force Account basis. -- (c) Statements. No payment will be made for work performed on a Force Account basis until the Contractor has furnished the Engineer with duplicate itemized statements of the cost of such Force Account Work detailed as follows: (1) Name, classification, date, daily hours, total hours, rate, and extension for each laborer and foreman; (2) Designation, dates, daily hours, total hours, rental rate, and extension for each unit of machinery and equipment; (3) Quantities of materials, prices, and extensions; (4) Transportation of materials; (5) Cost of property damage, liability and workmen's compensation insurance premiums (excluding any and all retroactive penalty adjustments), unemployment insurance contributions, and social security taxes. (d) Statements shall be accompanied and supported by receipted invoices for all materials used and transportation charges. However, if materials used on the Force AccountWork are not specifically purchased for such work, but are taken from the Contractor's stock, then in lieu of the invoices the Contractor shall furnish an affidavit certifying that such materials were taken from his stock, (FORM 102 REV. 02194) -12- that the quantity claimed was actually used, and that the price and transportation claimed represent the actual cost to the Contractor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year. first above written. THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA .AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY 4515 Kansas Avenue Kansas City, Kansas 66106 Supervisor- Cohtra~ Services HAZPAK, INC. 1785 Pomona Road, Suite B Corona, California 91720~.._. - {Title) RED/HAZPAK.CON FILE: 11031718 (FORM 102 REV. 02/94) -13- SCH~ ~ F~ ~R D~MS: ~-~ D.O.T. ~ D~ CL~D T~ ~.~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ D.O.T. ~LY ~, CL~ T~ 4Z~ ~ ~-~; ~ ~ ~ ~, 17-C 1~ ~ ~NK ~ ~.~ r~! ~ 3~'.q': ~:~:8 FR SRN'~A FE ENU ~ ."AT ~ ~ ,:~F? IC B2242~ ~A.K, 11~. SCHEDUU~ OF FEES FOR SANTA FE (P^C.-.~ ~. OF 3) iNC, USI'Rb~ HYGli~tl$T .~C~ I~.ALTH & 8AF~ OFFIOI~ 68J~ C:HE~I,~T 65.00 P~T MANAGER 55.00 LEAD TECHNICIAN 42.00 ADMII'aSTRAT1VE CLERK · . 40-FOOT R.AT'BED AND TRACTOR 88.00 18-FOOT I~O~TAJL'?.,~H L',,~" G, AI'~ 60.00 PICK- UP T~ 15.00 50- BBLVACUUM TI:R.)C.K 65.00 70- E4~i_ VACLqJM ~ 70.00 120-133- BBl. VACUUM. TRUCK 75.00 ~ RESPONSE UNIT 55.0O STEAM CLEANER" eo.oo COMPRESSOR 175.00/day LEVEL C PEt~ONAL PRO~ CLOT~N~ "' LEVEL O ~NAL PF1OTECT1YE CLOT'HING . 25.00 INITM~ WASTE ST~ ,$'7,5.00 EA~ ADDrrlONAL SAMPLE PER PICK-UP 3o.0o e. ac.h ' PROC:E~, PAC~ $~PPLNG :30.00 each HAZPAK, IN~. SCHEDULE OF FEES FOP, SANTA F'E 8 OF 3) LABIpR AND EQUIPMENT: * STRAIGHT TIME TERMS MONDAY THROUGH FFLIDAY ~,00 ~M.- 6:00 P.M, ": ' * ..~SATURDAYSANDAF'TERHOURSWILLE~_BIIIFDATTtMEANDONE-HALF * .,~ SUNDAYS AND HOUDAYS WILL B~ 51! I fl3ATD(~BLETIME * .~'DISPOSAL OR TREATMENT COST8 WILL BE ~U.ED AT COST + 20% * '~WASH-~ F'E~S W1LL JSE Bli I f~ AT COST + 20% * ~':MINIMUMCHAR~4-~U~ON~~R~DEQUI~ ~- * ;~ PER DIEM OF $~3.00 PER DAY PER PERSON W~LL I~E OHARGED FOR FIFi r~ - PROJECTS LOCATED MORE THAN 50 MILES FROM HAZPAK'S OCF'ICE * ALL ITEMS AR~ F.O.B. FROM CORONA, CAUFORNIA * SU~CTED RATES WiLL E~ BI! I 1~3 AT COST + AL~ ACCOUN~ ~ DUE ARq) PAYA.~LE ~ ~ DA't~..c~./.O'WlNO DATP- OP INVOI~ ~'~ '"~ FD/ANC~ ~C~ OP OK~Ah~) Ob~,.-HAI~PRP, OZMT PER M~WHICH IS A.N~AL ~ P:I~.~3~NTAG~ :I~,A'FF~ OF 18% (:liAR(FED ON ~_I_L PAST DUE ACCO~. CERTIFICf E OF INSURANCE I ~e Znsurnnc~ ~ke=s ~O~n~m ~ Znc, ~397 ~s St., Suite 101 ~~OW. .~n O~v~ ~ 92640 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVE~GE 714-740-1127 c~A ~erco & Indust~ Insurancm c~ 8 Natio~l Un,on Fire c~ C A.I SPECI~ LI~S INS CO. c~ D ~l~en Eagle Insurance ~spak, In=. 1785 Po~na ~ad, Suite B ............. ~na ~ 95720 ~S ~ TO ~R~ ~AT ~E ~L~IES OF ~SU~N~ L~D ~LOW HA~ ~EN'ISSUED TO ~E ~SU~D NAMED ABOVE FOR ~E ~LI~ ~1~ ~DI~D, NO~STAND~G A~ ~OU~. ~A~ ~Y ~ ISSUED OR ~Y ~RTA~. ~E ~$U~N~ A~O~ED ~ ~E ~ES ~S~D HE~IN IS SU~ECT TO ALL ~E ~MS, ~US~NS AND COND~ONS OF 5U~ ~S. LIM~S SHO~ : RR[ D~AGE ~ ~ ~e) S ~OfO00 ~ ~ A~OS BODILY INJU~Y ~ · HIR~ A~OS BODILY INlaY ~OP~ D~AGE C' X ' ~"~m~ SE 7732361 02/15/94 02/15/95 .ABB~[GAT[ t 4~000,000 ~ ~cH ACC~ * ~ ~ 000 ~ 000 · D~S~-- ~CH ~OY[E ~ ~ ~ 000 ~ 000 ~e Ce~iEicate hol~er is n~e~ al Ad~it~onal Insur~ as resDec%l the operations of the n~ insured. ~r ~plo~ees can ~rk wi%h~ 50' of the ~il~ad tracts. Waiver of S~rogation ~clud~ on th'e Worker's ~mp ~licF. · - ExcePt ]0 days for non-Da~e~t o~ ~ON ATCHISON; ~PE~ & S~A ~ ~jL30* DAYS~NNOTI~TO~E~R~I~HO~E~NAMEDTO~E ~ILWAY CO~  Attn= LadDie - MAY 16 '~4 16:04 714 758 B82i PI=IGE.~ THE SANTA FE RAILWAY Material ' Safety Data Sheet RETRIEVAL GUIDE Engineering & Technology Development Topeka, Kansas 06/24/92 Introduction Federal and s~ate laws require employers who deal with hazardous materials to collect safe~y data sheets and to make this information available to all employees. By using the IBM computer mainframe and this guide, such information can now be easily accessed by all Santa Fe personnel. It is Engineering and Techno!o.cy Development's responsibility for entering the Material Safety Data information onto the computer mainframe. If you have any questions regarding information displayed or need additional copies of this guide, please contact the ~hemistry Laboratory in Topeka at 820-5678. Material Safety Sheet Retrieval To Start: The following screen should be displayed before lo~ging on. TERMINAL K999999 I$ IN SESSION v, TrH TI-rE ATSF NETWORK ~,'rER APPROPRIATE LOOON DATA BELOW Step 1: Enter ires. TERMINAL K999999 IS L{'4 SESSION V, TI'H THE ATSF NETWORK '------------------~,'TER APPROPRIATE LOC, ON DATA BELOW' - 1 - Step 2: Enter your Logon ID and Password. LOC~,N ID: ~ N ~",,v ~A~'O~ (NOTE: ~T~ N~' pA~WOR~ TO C~ YO~ pA~WO~ O~ ~ PA~ORD , H~S ~P:~. pA~wO~ '~L ~P~ ~ DAYS ~OM AND MWST BE C~NG~ FOR CO~ AC~.) The manufacturer's name of the material in question must be known before proceedi.n,g to the next step (see Appendix, for the program to gain such information). Step 3: Enter /for plsafty. DF$O001 10..~$:38 SIGN COI,:.MAND CO),~L~'~D - 2 - Step 4: Enter the first three letters of the manufacturer's name of the material in question. For example to obtain the MSDS on Texaco's HD57 journal oil, you would have to enter teX. MATE3~AL SAFETY DATA ~IANUFACTURER ~ST 06/17/92 MANUFACTURER NAME: ~x 10:36:22 SEQ - )/~UFACTURER SELECTAC~ON (D=DELETF. C=CHANGF. T=PRODUCT. P=PRD~T) PRD4TER LATA: ~ P~FRESHSCREENPF4/16 NEXT PAGE PAI PREVPAGEPFT/19 LASTPAGEI Note that a list of five different company names are displayed, after entering rex. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA MANUFACTURER LIST 06/17/92 MANUFACTURER NAME: TEX 10:39:22 sS9 0l TEXACO. INC. 02 TEXACO, iNC. (SUP. BY BARTON $OLYE~T$) 03 TEXACO MINING CONffANY TED. S URETHANES, INC. TEXT TITLES SELECT ACTION (D=DEL~] ~. C=CHANGF. T=PRODUCT. P=PR~ PRD~fER LATA: REFRESH SCRF_~'N PF4/16 NEDfT PAGE PAl PREY PAGE PFT/19 LAST PAGE 1 - 3 - Step 5: Select the cor, pany requested by typing in the complete number at the cursor posi~icn (e.g. 01 or 09_ for Texaco). Step 6: Enter a capital T for SELECT ACTION. You do not need to enter your printer Lata number at this point. All of the MSDSs for Texaco, Inc. will be printed, if you do. · k',AT'rJ~IAL SAF]~TY DATA M.A.%'%:FACT'JRE~ k'.ANUFACTU;'~ KAM£: ~ sEQ MA.h'UFA CTUKER O{ OI l"E~CO. 02 TEXACO. ~C, (SUP. BY BARTON $OLVL'~"T$) Ol ,'-~f~CO H~L~G CO~Ah'~ TEXT SI-R. ECT ACTION T (D - DE~--=~ C = C'F.A..~G F_ T = PRODUCT. P {'R Z%'f ER k~TA: _ R -I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-ILFK~H S(.'~,~ PF~/16 .wlg~fT PAGE PAl PRE%/PAGE PF'.~/19 - 4 - Step 7: Hit Enter to display Texaco' s product list. PLPDLI MATERIAL SAFETY DATA PRODUCT LIST 06/17/92 MANUFACTURERNAME: TEXACO. L~C. 10:40:43 SELECT: SEQ PROD NUR~B PRODUCT NAME 01 0000000000 L2602 GEAR LUBRICANT 02 PETROLEUM TRA~ShflSSION FLUID . SYN 2 > 03 39~4560018 00.~9 TEDCACO DIESEL 2 04 3';.5~4800231 00550 ALCAID 0~1 60 O~ 9999999999 00561 WAY LUBR]CAN"T 68 06 9999999999 00572 WAY LUBRICA~"r 220 U7 37~$00~ 10 00614 PiN"NACLE CYLL~'DER OIL 680 08 37f~802.161 00674 JOUP. NALTEX HD $7 09 375a801207 00700 R~GAL O~L R 10 37~4801218 00700 REGAL Oru R 11 3754801181 00702 REGAL OIL R 12 3?54800223 00702 REGAL OIL R 13 3719~50010 00785 TP. ANSULTEX D 14 9999999999 00788 8P[Nq)URA O~L 22 15 9999999999 00901 MULTIFAK EP 0 16 9999999999 00921 M13LTIFAK EP 1 SELECT ACTION iD= DELETE. C =CHA~GE. A =ADD. T = PROCESS TE~T. P-- P R I~R LATA: MAIN MENU PF4;16 N~-~T PAGE PAl PREV PAGEPF7/19 PAGE I Step 8: To obtain information on Texaco's HD57, enter 08 at the cursor position following the word SELECT. PLPDLI Is~s, TER1AL SA FE'I~ DATA PRODUCT LIST 06/'i7'/92 MANUFACTURER NAME: TEXACO. L~C. 10:.~0:43 SELECT: 08 SEQ PROD NUMB PRODUCT NAME 01 0000000000 L2602 GEAR LUBRICANT 02 PETROLEUM TRANSMISSION FLUID . $¥N 2 > 03 39~560018 00~9 TEXACO DIESEL 2 : 04 37f~4800231 00~50 ALCAID OIL 60 0~ 9999999999 00561 WAY LUBRICA~'T 68 06 999999999~ 00~72 ~,'AY LUBRICANT 220 0'/3~$00a10 0061,1 PI~IACLE C~'LL~DER OIL 650 08 3'/f~802161 00674 .~OURNALT~=X HD 57 0~ 37.~801207 00~00 REGAL OIL R l0 3'/f~aS0121~ 00~00 REGAL OIL R 11 37.~801 ~ 81 00702 REGAL OIL R 12 37~800223 00/02 REGAL OIL R I~ 3~1~$0010 007~ TRANSULTEX D 14 ~ 00/88 SPI~'DURA OIL 22 1~ 9999999999 00901 MULTIFAK EP 0 16 9999~)9999 00921 MULT1FAK EP l SELECT ACTION - CD -- DELETE, C =CHANGE. A --ADD. T-- PROCESS TI:TIT, P= PRII~r) PRI~rFER LATA: PF4116 NEXT PAGE PAl PREV PAGE PFT;19 PAGE I If you need MSDS information on a product not listed on the screen, you can roll to the next screen by entering PA1. To roll back to a previous screen, enter PF7/19. Remember to hit the'ALT key also, if thc pA1 or PF numbers are displayed on the ~ont side of your keyboard's keys. - 5 - You may get the ~l~nw~ screen messaces i:~ you roll your screen in either direction too many times: DSF000 10:43:17 I.K~VAL!D PAGE K--QUEST DSF001 !0:43:45 PAGE .~EQUESTED NOT CONTAINED IN CURRENT I~ESSAGE To get back to the original product list, enter PA1. Step 9: Enter p at SELECT ACTION and enter your printer lata number. .: ).,.AT-~RL%L SAF'~TY ~ATA PRODU~ ~T ~ ~ ~el WAY LUB~CA~T 61 ~ ~ ~:~ WAY LUBR1CAN~ ~ ~ IU~N P~A~ ~D~ OIL 6~ 14 ~ ~ SP~'DU~ OIL ~2 15 ~ ~1 ~ULTIFAK ~ 0 16 ~ ~:1 MUL~AK ~ I ~E~ A~ION ~ ~D= D~ C = C~GE. A=ADD. T = PR~'~S ~T. P= PR~) PR~T~ ~TA: ~ M~U PF4;16 RF~T PAGE ~Ai ?RU PAGE P~::9 PAGE I {, Step !0: Hit Enter and the message PRODUCT PRINT SENT TO PRINTER will appear at the bo~:om of your screen. You now have a written copy of Texaco's MSDS on HD57 journal oil. Step 11: If another MSDS is required from a different manufacturer, enter PF4/16 :o get back :o :ks ~/N MENU (manufacturer lis~ screen). If the first three letter's of the manufacturer's name have not been processed onto :he mainframe of Santa Fe's computer system, the following screen will be displayed. - 6 - PLSFAD NL~TER1AL SAI-~- l Y DATA UPDATE SCRF-.~'~ 06/17192 10:40:43 MANUFACTURER NA~.IE: DUP ADDR. E~: - CITY: STATE: Z.LPCODE: COU~'R¥: PHONE: EMERGENCY PItONE: MAI~ MENU PF4/16 COMPLETE MANUFACTURER DATA L'~PUT AND PRESS ENTER Return to the manufacturer list by entering PF4/i6 and call 820-5678 for further assistance on obtaining your MSDS. Step 12: To exit the /for plsafty program, clear your screen by hitting Clear (or Alt Clear) and enter /rcl. /r~l_ Hit Enter to display your logon screen (see Step 1). - 7 - APPENDIX QBTAiNING V,3.NUFACTURER'S .N~3~E FRO.~ PRODUCT INFO.~,-%TION Step !: Enter ires, your LOGON ID and PASSWORD (see Steps ! & 2 of MSDS Retrieval Guide). Step 2: Enter /for iminq. ACFI):D~ R999P LAST SYSTEM ^CC':-S~ 09.37.06:17;92 FROM K999P99 DFS0001 09'35'.18 SION COM~'.~.~D COMPLETED Step 3: Enter PF1/PF13 to obtain the Item Master list. ,, IX:~Q o6t1';;92 INVENTORY MANAG£MENT INQUIRY PFIIPFI~ = E'EM ~.AgT~J~ ?l~,?FI4 "RF~L'IS1T1ON STATUS I~F$;i~FI$ - Opl------------------~ R~QU1SITIONS BY ITF. LL~AREA CODE i'F4,?FI6 "' ~ L~'Y~,'TORY ~fATU$ " PRESS APPROPRIATE PF KEY FOR DESIRED SELECTION" ~'F! i,?F'23., LOC. OFF - I - Step 4: Enter either the 10-digit item number, reference (or product) number, or a short description of the material. For example, enter 3754802161 (the 10-digit item number of HD57 journal oil): ITEM MASTER INQUIRY 06/17192 SEARCH TARGET.= rrF_M ~3MBER ........ = 3754802161 OR REFACE NUMBER.... = - OR SHORT DE, SCI:~ON ..... = "IF RESTRICTED SEARCH DESLR. ED. ~'~"rER AN X BY EACH MATERIAL CI.~SS DESIRED' 03 BUILDING MATERIAL 23 LOCO APPLL~N~ 46 SA~i f. BELTS.HOSE 04 B~B LBR.S%~T~CHT~ 15 ELECT~CAL, MISC 47 CHEMICAL, 05 CROSS TIES 27 GASOL~E 4S STATION~RY 06 BRIDGE MATERIAL 29 LOCO a CAR V,"~:~] -~ ~1 TRACK MATERIAL 08 RAIL 30 CAR LUNfBER 52 TR.ACK FAST--~ERS l0 M OF W MATERIAL 31 SHOP MACHINERY 53 TRACK PANICS I l FAST--~ERS, M1SC 36 JAN'fTORIAL SUPPLY 60 WIRE & CABLE 12 CAR & LC)CO SPRINO 37 LUBRICANT, GREASE 61 SIONAL MATERIAL 15 STEEL. WIRE ROPE 39 DIESEL FUEL 62 POLES & X-ARMS ]6 ROLL~:R BEARINGS 42 P~E & FITTINGS 63 COMMUNICATIONS 20 CAR I~[ATERIAL ~4 TOOLS gO EMD LOCO MATL 21 NON-FERROUS METAL 45 WELDING SUPPLIES 82 GE LOCO MATERIAL 22 AIR BRAKE MATL PFIO/22 = MAIN MF,.~U PFII/23 = LOC, OFF After hitting Enter, the manufacturer of the material in question appears on the screen (e.g. Texaco, the manufacturer of HD57 journal oil). I EM MASTER INQUIRY 06/17192 ..... IMITEMQ2 1 T -REFERI:.~CE NUMBERS rrEM: 37~g02161 U;M: GA PP.]CE: 2.35000 OIL CAR JOURNAL DRUM QUA~ I Il f OIL. CAR JOURNAL (DRUM QUANTITY) AAR SPEC CAR OIL TEXACO D674 JOURNAL TEX HD.57-AAR M-963-g4 ; PREMIUM CAR OIL LOCOMO"f'IVE SUSPENSION BEAR/NO USE. j JOURNAL OIL JOURNAL M-963-g~ DRUM QUANTrTY LOCOMOTIVE SUSPID~SION BEARING SUSPE,~:SION BEARING ........... COMMENTS- ........... LAST PFI/13 = NEXT PF//I4 = FIRST PF3/15 = PRh'V PFI0/22 = ~NQULRY M~4U Step 5: Enter PF10/22 and PFll/23 to exit from the /for iminq program. - II - PRODUCT ACETYLENE (1)**IDENTIFICATION** ~_ANUFACTURER: L~ION CARBIDE CORPCPJ~TION - LINDE DIVISION ADDRESS : 270 PARK AVENUE CITY : NEW YORK STATE: NY ZiP: 10017 COUNTRY : USA INFORI~TION PHONE: - - EMERGENCY PHONE: 304-744-3487 SYNONMS: ETHYNE ETHINE NARCYLENE CHEMICAL FAMILY - ALKYNE ACETYLEN SANTA FE NUMBER: 4735200025 [~%ZARD CLASS: O PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (2)**INGREDIENTS** INGREDIENTS WT % CASE NO. EXPOSURE REFERENCE ACETYLENE 100 74-86-2 N/A N/A PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (3)-.**PHYSICAL DATA** BOILING PT: N/A VAPOR PRESS(MM HG.): 635 SPEC GRAVITY H20=l: N/A ~APORATION .RATE: N/A FREEZING PT: SOLUBILITY/WATER: YES VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l): 0.91 PERCENT, VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 99.09 VOLATILE ORGANIC COUMPOUND (LB/GAL): APPEARANCE-AND ODOR: COLORLESS GAS AT NORMAL TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE, GARLIC-LIKE ODOR. AUTOIGNITION TEMPERA. TURE 299C (57!F). PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (4)**FIRE A~D EXPLOSION FLAZARD DATA** FLASH PT: 0 F (TCC) FLAM..I~ABLE LIMITS LEL%: 2.3 UEL%: 100 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: SEE BELOW. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE: EVACUATE AREA. COOL CONTAINERS W/WATER SPRAY FROM M3LX. DIST. DO NOT EXTINGUISH FLAMES. REMOVE IGNITION SOURCES IF W/O RISK. IF FLAMES kRE EXTINGUISHED, EXPLOSIVE RE-IGNITION MAY OCCUR. USE SCBA. STOP FLOW OF GAS WHILE SPRAYING. REMOVE ALL CONTAINERS. LET BURN. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HA. ZkRD: EXTREMELY FLAM. GAS.FORMS EXPLOSIVE MIX W/ AIR & OXIDIZING AGENTS. CONTAINER MAY RUPTURE DUE TO HEAT. DO NOT EXTINGUISH FLA~ES - POSS. EXPLOSIVE RE-IGNITION. FL~. VAPORS MAY SPREAD AND REMAIN. PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (5)**HEALTH .,AZARD DATA** {A) HEALTH HAZARD EFFECTS OF A SINGLE (ACUTE) OVER EXPOSURE SKIN : NO H3~RMFUL EFFECTS EXPECTED FROM VAPOR. LIQUID MAY CAUSE FROSTBITE. SKIN ABSORPTION NO EVIDENCE OF ADVERSE EFFECTS FROM AVAILABLE INFO. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY OVEREXPOSURE - KNOWLEDGE OF AVAILABLE TOXICOLOGY INFO. & OF PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE MATERIAL SUGGEST THAT OVEREXPOSURE IS UNLIKELY TO AGGPAVATE EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS. FUMES & GASES CAN BE DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH & MAY CAUSE LUNG DISEASE. EYES : VAPOR MAY CAUSE IRRITATION. LIQUID ?AY CAUSE IRRITATION A.ND FROSTBITE. INHALE : ACETYLENE IS A~ ASPHYXIANT. MODERATE CONCENTRATIONS OF VAPOR MAY CAUSE HEADACHE, DROWSINESS, DIZZINESS, NAUSEA, VOMITING, EXCITATION, EXCESS SALIVATION, A_ND UNCONSCIOUSNESS. INGESTION: AN UNLIKELY ROUTE OF EXPOSURE, BUT FROSTBITE OF THE LIPS AND MOUTH MAY RESULT FROM CONTACT WITH THE LIQUID. IF THE LIQUID IS SWALLOWED, M~Y CAUSE NAUSEA. OTHER : PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (B) HEALTH F~ZA_RD - EFFECTS OF REPEATED (CRONIC) OVER EXPOSURE NOTE TO PHYSICIAN (CHRONIC) -PROTRACTED INHALATION OF AIR CONTAMINANTS MAY LEAD TO THEIR ACCD~ULATION IN THE Lb~GS, A CONDITION WHICH F~Y BE SEEN AS DENSE AREAS ON CHEST X-R.AY THE SEVERITY OF CHANGE iS PROPORTIONAL TO THE LENGTH OF EXPOSURE. THE CF_ANGES SEEN ARE NOT NECESSARILY ASSOCIATED WiTH SYMPTOMS OR SIGNS OF REDUCED LUNG F~CTION OR DISEASE. IN ADDITION, THE CHAN- GES ON X-RAYS ~Y BE CAUSED BY NON-WORK RELATED FACTORS SUCH AS SMOKING, ETC. PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (C) HEALTH HAZARD - MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND ~ DATA NOTE TO PHYSICIAN (ACUTE)-GASES,FL~ES A~D DUSTS FAY CAUSE IRRI- TATION TO T~E EYES, LUNGS, NOSE, ~ND THROAT. SOME TOXIC GASES ASSOCIATED WITH WELDING AND RELATED PROCESSES N~Y CAUSE PULMONARY EDEF~, ASPHYXIATION, AND DEATH. ACUTE OVEREXPOSURE MAY INCLUDE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS SUCH AS WATERY EYES, NOSE AND THROAT IRRITATION, HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, DIFFICULTY BREATHING, FRE- QUENT COUGHING, OR CHEST PAIN. PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (D) EMERGENCY A. ND FIRST AID PROCEDURES SKIN : FOR EXPOSURE TO LIQUID, FLUSH WITH WATER AND WArM FROSTBITE AREA WITH' WARM WATER (<!05F). IN CASE OF MASSIVE EXPOSURE, REMOVE CLOTHING WHILE SHOWERING WITH WARM WATER. CALL A PHYSICIAN. EYES : IN CASE OF SPLASH CONTAMINATION, IMMEDIATELY FLUSH EYES THOROUGHLY WITH WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. SEEK THE ADVICE OF A PHYSICIAN, PREFERABLY AN OPRT~ALMOLOGIST, URGENTLY. INHALE : REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. IF BREATHING HAS STOPPED, GIVE ARTIFICIAL RESFIRATION; IF BREATHING DIFFICULT, GIVE OXYGEN. CALL A PHYSICIAN. INGESTION: IF LIQUID IS SWALLOWED, DO NOT iNDUCE VOMITING. CALL A PHYSICIAN. OTHER : NOTE TO PHYSICIAN - ASPI.~LATED ACETONE N~Y CAUSE SEVERE LUNG DAMA. GE. IF LARGE QUANTITY HAS BEEN SWALLOWED, STON=ACH CONTENTS SHOULD BE EVACUATED QUICKLY AVOIDING ASPIRATION. OTHERWISE, DIRECT TREATMENT AT SYMPTOMS. PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (6)**REACTIVITY DATA** STABLE: UNSTABLE: X HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION N~Y OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X PHOTO CHEMICAL REACTION M~Y OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X CONDITIONS TO AVOID: STABLE AS SHIPPED. AVOID USE AT PRESSURES ABOVE 15 PSIG. ELEVATED TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE AND/OR THE PRESENCE OF A CATALYST. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIAL TO AVOID): COPPER, SILVER, MERCURY OR THEIR ALLOYS, OXIDIZING AGENTS, ACIDS, HALOGENS, MOISTURE. F~ZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: THERMAL DECOMP. OR BURNING MAY PRODUCE CAR- BON MONOXIDE, CARBON DIOXIDE, HYDROGEN. WELDING MAY FORM CARBON MONOXIDE AND BON MONOXIDE, CARBON DIOXIDE, HYDROGEN. WELDING MAY FORM CARBON MONOXIDE BON MONOXIDE, CARBON DIOXIDE, HYDROGEN. WELDING MAY FORM CARBON MONOXIDE AND CARBON DIOXIDE. OTHER DECOMP. PRODUCTS ORIGINATE FROM MATL. WORKED. NATE FROM MATL. WORKED. PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (7)**SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES** STEPS IN CASE: FORMS EXPLOSIVE MIXTURES W/AIR. IMMEDIATELY EVACUATE ALL PER- SONNEL FROM DANGER AREA. USE SCBA WHERE NEEDED. REMOVE ALL SOURCES OF IGNI- TION IF W/O RISK. REDUCE VAPORS WiTH FOG OR FINE WATER SPRAY. SHUT OFF LEAK IF W/O RISK. VENTILATE AREA OF LEAK;MOVE LEAKING CONTAINER TO WELL-VENT.AREA. FLAMMABLE GAS MAY SPREAD FROM LEAK. BEFORE ENTERING AREA, ESPECIALLY CONFINED AREAS, CHECK ATMOSPHERE WITH APPROPRIATE DEVICE. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: PREVENT WASTE FROM CONTAMINATING SURROUNDING ENVIRON- MENT.KEEP PERSONNEL AWAY.DISC~RD ANY PRODUCT,RESIDUE, DISP. CONTAINER OR LIN- ER IN AN ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTD~LE MANNER, IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH REGS. PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (8)**SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORmATiON** RESPIRATORY: USE RESPIRABLE FUME RESPIRATOR OR AIR SUPPLIED RESPIRATOR WHEN I~ORKING IN CONFINED SPACE OR WHERE LOCAL EXHAUST OR VENTILATION DOES NOT KEEP EXPCSURE BELOW TLV. SELECT PER OS]~I 29CFR1910.!34. GLOVE: WELDING GLOVES RECOMMENDED.TRA. iN ~OT TO TOUCH LIVE ELECTRICAL PARTS. EYE AND FACE: WEAR GOGGLES WITH FILTER LENS SELECTED AS PER ANSI Z49.1.PRO- VIDE PROTECTIVE SCREENS A~D GOGGLES,IF NECESSARY,TO PROTECT OTHERS. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: WEAR ARM PROTECTORS, APRONS, HATS, SHOULDER PRO- TECTION, AS WELL AS SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING, WHICH HELP TO PREVENT INJURY. VENTILATION: USE ENOUGH VENTILATION, LOCAL EXHAUST OR BOTH,TO KEEP THE FUMES A=.ND GASES BELOW TLV'S IN THE WORKER'S BREATHING ZONE AND THE GENERAL AREA. T~iN THE WORKER TO KEEP HIS HEAD OUT OF THE FUMES. PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (9)**SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS** HJ~NDLINGAND STORAGE: HEAT AND SPARKS DURING USE COULD BE THE SOURCE OF IGNI- TION OF COMBUSTIBLE MATLS. PREVENT.FIRES. USE PIPING AND EQUIP...ADEQUATELY DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND PRES. TO BE ENCOUNTERED. GAS CAN CAUSE RAPID SUFFOCA- TION DUE TO OXYGEN DEFICIENCY. STORE AND USE W/ADEQUATE VENT. CLOSE VALVE. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: NEVER WORK ON PRESSURIZED SYSTEM. DO NOT STRIKE ARC ON CYLINDER. DO NOT GROUND CYLINDER. STORE IN COOL, DRY, WELL-VENTILATED AREA. DO NOT STORE NEAR OPEN F .LAMES. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE EXPLOSION= PROOF. DO NOT STORE W/OXYGEN OR OTHER OXIDIZERS. PROTECT FROM PHYSICAL DAi¢~GE; STORE IN UPRIGHT POSITION SECURED. PRODUCT - ACETYLENE (10)**ORIGINAL ISSUE** ~ PREPARED BY: JUDY MCG~RVEY ISSUE DATE: 1987-08-26 REVISED BY: SANDY ARON REVISED DATE: 1985-10-11 PRODUCT - OXYGEN (1)**IDENTIFICATION** I~_~NUFACTURER: UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION - LINDE DIVISION .ADDRESS : 270 PARK AVENUE CITY : NEW YORK STATE: NY ZIP: 10017 COUNTRY : USA INFORMATION PHONE: - - EMERGENCY PHONE: 304-744-3487 SYNONMS: SANTA FE NUMBER: 0000000000 F~ZARD CLASS: O PRODUCT - OXYGEN (2)**INGREDIENTS** INGREDIENTS WT % CASE NO. EXPOSURE REFERENCE OXYGEN 100 7782-44-7 N/A N/A PRODUCT - OXYGEN (3)**PHYSICAL DATA** BOILING PT: -297.4F VAPOR PRESS(MM HG.): GAS SPEC GRAVITY H20=!: GAS EVAPORATION RATE: N/A FREEZING PT: -361.1F SOLUBILITY/WATER: NO VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=I): 1.10 PERCENT, VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 99.09 VOLATILE ORGANIC COUMPOUND (LB/GAL): AP~EARANCE-A_ND ODOR: COLORLESS, ODORLESS GAS AT NORMAL TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE. PRODUCT - OXYGEN (4)**FIRE AND EXPLOSION ~LAZARD DATA** FLASH PT: N/A FLAMM_ABLE LIMITS LEL%: N/A UEL%: N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: VIGOROUSLY ACCELERATES COMBUSTION. USE MEDIA APPROPRIATE FOR SURROUNDING FIRE. WATER (I.E. SAFETY SHOWER) IS THE PREFERRED EXTINGUISH- ING MEDIA FOR CLOTHING FIRES. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE: EVACUATE ALL PERSONNEL FROM DANGER AREA. IM- MEDIATELY COOL CONTAINERS WITH WATER SPRAY FROM MAXIMUM DISTANCE UNTIL COOL, THEN MOVE CONTAINERS AWAY FROM FIRE AREA IF WITHOUT RISK. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD: CONTACT W/FLA.M~. FLATLS. MAY CAUSE FIRE OR EXPLOSION. CONTAINER MAY RUPTURE; SHOULD NOT BE SUBJECTED TO TEMP >125F. PRO- VIDED W/PRESS. RELIEF DEVICE. SMOKING/FLAMES/SPARKS-POTENTIAL EXPLOSION. PRODUCT - OXYGEN (5)**HEALTH HAZ~%RD DATA** (A) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF A SINGLE (ACUTE) OVER EXPOSURE SKIN : NO EVIDENCE OF ADVERSE EFFECTS FROM AVAILABLE INFORMATION. BREATHING PURE OXYGEN D~'DER PRESSb~E MAY CAUSE LUNG DAMAGE A_NDALSO - CENTR3~L NERVOUS SYSTEM EFFECTS RESb~TING IN DIZZINESS, POOR COORDINATION, TINGLING SENSATION, VISUAL AND HED~RiNG DISTURBANCES, MUSCULAR TWITCHING, UN- CONSCIOUSNESS AND CONVULSIONS. EYES : NO EVIDENCE OF ADVERSE EFFECTS FROM AVAILABLE INFORMATION. IArHALE : BREATHING 80% OR MORE OXYGEN AT ATMOSPHERIC PRES. FOR MORE THAN A FEW HOURS MAY CAUSE NASAL STUFFINESS, COUGH,SORE THROAT, CHEST PAIN & BREATH- ING DIFFICULTY. BREATHING OXYGEN AT HIGHER PRES. INCREASES THE LIKELIHOOD OF ADVERSE EFFECTS WITHIN A SHORTER TiME PERIOD. BREATHING OXYGEN UNDER PRES. MAY CAUSE PROLONGATION OF ADAPTATION TO DARKNESS & REDUCED PERIPHERAL VISION. INGESTION: NO EVIDENCE OF ADVERSE EFFECTS FROM AVAILABLE INFORMATION. OTHER : PRODUCT - OXYGEN (B) HEALTH EAZARD - EFFECTS OF REPEATED (CRONIC) OVER EXPOSURE NO EVIDENCE OF ADVERSE EFFECTS FROM AVAIL.INFO.- NOTE TO PHYSICIAN-SUPPORTI¥'E TREATMENT SHOULD INCLUDE IMMED.SEDATION,ANTI-CONVULSIVE THERAPY IF NEEDED,AND REST. ANIMAL STUDIES SUGGEST TH_AT THE ADMINISTRATION OF CERTAIN DRUGS, INCL. PHENOTHIAZINE DRUGS & CHLOROQUiNE, INCREASES THE SUSCEPTIBILITY TO TOXICITY FROM OXYGEN AT HIGH CONC.OR PRES. ANIM3UL STD-DIES ALSO INDICATE Tt-LAT VITAMIN E DEFICIENCY MAY INCREASE SUSCEPTIBILITY TO OXYGEN TOXICITY. AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION PRODUCT - OXYGEN (C) HEALTH HAZARD - MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND LAB DATA DURING HIGH OXYGEN TENSION MAY CAUSE ALVEOLAR COLLAPSE FOLLOW- ING ABSORPTION OF THE OXYGEN.SIMILarLY, OCCLUSION OF THE EUSTACHIAN TUBES MAY CAUSE RETRACTION OF THE EARDRUM, ~ OBSTRUCTION OF THE PARA_NASAL SINUSES MAY PRODUCE VACUUM TYPE HEADACHE. RETINAL DAMAGE CAN OCCUR WHEN EXPOSED TO 100% OXYGEN UNDER >ATMOS.PRES.ALL EXPOSED FOR LONG PERIODS TO OXYGEN AT HIGH PRES. & ALL WHO EXHIBIT OVERT TOXICITY SHOULD HAVE OPTHALMOLOGIC EXAMS. PRODUCT - OXYGEN (D) EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES SKIN : NO EMERGENCY CARE ANTICIPATED. EYES : NO EMERGENCY CARE ANTICIPATED. INHALE : REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. GIVE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION IF NOT BREATH- ING. KEEP VICTIM WARM AND AT REST. CALL A PHYSICIAN. INGESTION: TNIS PRODUCT IS A GAS AT NORI~L TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE. OTHER : PRODUCT - OXYGEN (6)**REACTIVITY DATA** STABLE: X UNSTABLE: HAZkRDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X~ PHOTO CHEMICAL REACTION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NONE CURRENTLY KNOWN. INCOMPATIBILITY '(MATERIAL TO AVOID): COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS, ASPEALT, FLAM- FLABLE MATERIALS, ESPECIALLY OILS AND GREASES. FIAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: NONE. PRODUCT - OXYGEN (7)**SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES** STEPS IN CASE: SHUT OFF LEAK IF WITHOUT RISK. VENTILATE AREA OF LEAK OR MOVE LEAKING CONTAINER TO WELL-VENTILATEDAREA. REMOVE ALL F~LE MATERIAL FROM VICINITY. OXYGEN MUST NEVER BE PERMITTED TO STRIKE AN OILY SURFACE, GREASY CLOTHES, OR OTHER COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: SLOWLY RELEASE INTO ATMOSPHERE, IN AN OPEN, OUTDOORS AREA. REMOVE ALL FLAMMABLE MATERIALS FROM VICINITY. PRODUCT - OXYGEN (8)**SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION** RESPIRATORY: NOT REQUIRED. GLOVE: PREFERRED FOR CYLINDER FIANDLING. EYE AND FACE: SELECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSF. A 29 CFR 1910.133. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: METATARSAL SHOES FOR CYLINDER EANDLING. SELECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSHA 29 CFR 1910.132 AND 1910.133. VENTILATION: MECHANICAL (GENER3~L) ACCEPTABLE. PRODUCT - OXYGEN (9)**SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS** F_A.NDLING AND STORAGE: NEVER WORK ON A PRESSURIZED SYSTEM. IF THERE IS A LEAK, CLOSE THE CYLINDER VALVE, BLOW DOW~ THE SYSTEM BY VENTING TO A SAFE PLACE, THEN REPAIR THE LEAK. NEVER LUBRICATE OXYGEN VALVES, REGULATORS, ETC. WITH A_N~ COMBUSTIBLE SUBSTANCE. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: WARNING-HIGH PRESSURE GAS.AVOID CONTACT WITH OILS, GREASES & OTHER FLAMM. MATLS. NEVER USE MANIFOLDS FOR OXYGEN CYLINDERS UNLESS DESIGN- ED FOR SUCH USE. USE ONLY WITH EQUIP. CONDITIONED FOR OXYGEN SERVICE. USE PIPING A_ND EQUIP. A/)EQUATELY DESIGNED TO WITHSTA1TD PRES. TO BE ENCOUNTERED. PROTECT CONTAINERS AGAINST PHYSICAL DAMAGE. PROTECT AGAINST OVERHEATING. PRODUCT - OXYGEN (10)**ORIGINAL ISSUE** PREPARED BY: JUDY MCGkRVEY ISSUE DATE: 1987-08-28 REVISED BY: A1TNOR3%WILLIAMS REVISED DATE: 1986-09-15 PROOUCT- ARGON (1)~*IDENTIFICATION~* ~MANUFACTURER: UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION - LINDE DIVISION 'ADDRESS : 270 PARK AVENUE CITY : NEW YORK STATE: NY ZIP: 10017 COUNTRY : USA INFORMATION PHONE: - - EMERGENCY PHONE: 304-744-3487 SYNONMS: :. SHIELDING GAS, ARGON-40 (RARE GAS) NOBLE GAS SANTA FE NUMBER: 0000000000 HAZARD CLASS: 0 PROOUCT- ARGON (2)~INGREDIENTS~ INGREDIENTS WT % CASE NO. EXPOSURE REFERENCE ARGON 100 7440-37-1 N/A N/A PRODUCT - ARGON (3)~PHYSICAL DATA~* BOILING PT: -302,6F VAPOR PRESS(MM HG.): GAS SPEC GRAVITY H20=1: GAS EVAPORATION RATE: N/A FREEZING PT: -308,6F SOLUBILITY/WATER:. NEG VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l): 1.38 PERCENT~ VOLATILE BY VOLUME: VOLATILE ORGANIC COUMPOUND (LB/GAL): APPEARANCE-AND ODOR: COLORLESS~ ODORLESS GAS AT NORMAL TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE, ODUCT - ARGON ~4:~.~FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD OATA~ iFLAsH PT: N/A FLAMMABLE LIMITS LELY~: N?A UEL~: N?A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: ARGON CANNOT CATCH FIRE, USE ~IEDIA APPROPRIATE FOR SURROUNDING FIRE, SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE: EVACUATE ALL PERSONNEL FROM DANGER AREA, IM- MEDIATELY COOl. CYLINDERS WITH WATER SPRAY FROM MAXIMUM DISTANCE UNTIL COOL THEN MOVE CONTAINERS AWAY I--ROM I~"IRE AREA IF WITHOUT RISK. SHUT OFF LI--AI( IF WITHOUT RISI(, ARCS AND SPARI(S CAN ]iGNITE COMBUSTIBLES, SEE ANSI Z4~,1, UNUSUAL I?IRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARI]: ARGON CANNOT CATCH FIRE. CONTAINER MAY RUPTURE DUE TO HEAT OF FIRE, NO PART OI-- CONTAINER SHOULD BE SUBJECTED TO TEMP, >125F. MOST CONTAINERS HAVE PRES. RELIEF DEVICE TO VENT CONTENTS. PRODUCT - ARGON (5)~HEALTH HAZARD OATA~ '~(A) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF A SINGLE (ACUTE) OVER EXPOSURE ' SKIN : A~C RAYS CAN BURN SKIN. NOISE CAN DAMAGE HEARING. ELECTRIC SHOCK CAN KILL. DO NOT TOUCH LIVE ELECTRICAL PARTS. WEAR CORRECT EAR, ;'-'YE, AND BODY PROTECTION. EYES : ARC RAYS CAN INJURE EYES. CAN CAUSE WATERY EYES. SHORT TERM OVER- EXPOSURE TO FUMES MAY DRY AND IRRITATE EYES. INHALE : FUMES AND GASES MAY CAUSE SERIOUS LUNG DISEASE. THIS GAS IS AN ASPHYXIANT. MOOERATE CONCENTRATIONS CAN CAUSE HEADACHE, DROWSINESS, OIZZINESS AND UNCONSCIOUSNESS. LACK OF OXYGEN CAN CAUSE DEATH. SHORT-TERM OVEREXPOSURE TO FUMES MAY CAUSE OIZZINESS, NAUSEA, OR ORYNESS AND IRRITATION OF NOSE ANO THROAT. INGESTION: OTHER : PRODUCT - ARGON (B) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF REPEATED (CRONIC) OVER EXPOSURE NOTE TO PHYSICIAN (CHRONIC)-PROTRACTED INHALATION OF AIR CONTAMINANTS MAY LEAD TO THEIR ACCUMULATION IN THE LUNGS, A CONDITION WHICH MAY BE SEEN AS DENSE AREAS ON CHEST X-RAYS. THE SEVERITY OF CHANGE IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE LENGTH OF EXPOSURE. THE CHANGES SEEN ARE NOT NECESSARILY ASSOCIATED WITH SYMPTOMS OR SIGNS OF REOUCED LUNG FUNCTION OR OISEASE. IN ADDITION, THE CHAN- GES ON X-RAY MAY BE CAUSED BY NONWORK RELATED FACTORS (I.E., SMOKING, ETC). PRODUCT - ARGON .~ .. (C) HEALTH HAZARD - MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND LAB DATA .~.~- TE TO PHYSICIAN (ACUTE) - GASES, FUMES, AND DUSTS MAY CAUSE i~RITATION TO THE EYES, LUNGS, NOSE, AND THROAT. SOME TOXIC GASES ASSOCIATED!,~'.'~ WITH WELDING ANO RELATEO PROCESSES MAY CAUSE PULMONARY EDEMA, ASPHYXIATION, AND DEATH. ACUTE OVEREXPOSURE MAY INCLUDE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS SUCH AS WATERY EYES, NOSE ANO THROAT IRRITATION, HFAOACHE, DIZZINESS, DIFFICULTY BREATHING, FREQUENT COUGHING OR CHEST PAINS. PRODUCT - ARGON (O) EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES SKIN : IN CASE OF ARC BURN, CALL A PHYSICIAN. EYES : IN CASE OF ARC BURN, CALL A PHYSICIAN. INHALE : IF BREATHING IS DIFFICULT GIVE OXYGEN. CALL A PHYSICIAN. IF NOT BREATHING, BEGIN ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION, PREFERABLY MOUTH-TO-MOUTH. IMMEDI- ATELY CALL A PHYSICIAN. INGESTION: OTHER : IN CASE OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK~ DISCONNECT AND TURN OFF POWER, IF NOT BREATHING~ BEGIN ARTIlrI~CIAL RESPIRATION~ PREFERABLY MOUTH-TO-MOUTH. IF NO PULSE~ BEGIN HEART MA$.S~IGE~ IMMEDIATELY CALL A PHYSICIAN. "ODUCT - ARGON (6)~REACTIVITY DATA ~-.e STABLE: X UNSTABLE~i HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZA-I'.I~ON MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X PHOTO CHEMICAL REAC]'I~N MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X CONDITIONS TO AVOID: "!; HIGH PRESSURE-GAS, CIJ~E VALVE WHEN NOT IN USE AND WHEN EMPTY, USE WITH EQUIPM~ENT RATED TO ADEQUATELY WITHSTAND PRESSURES TO BE ENCOUNTERED, DO NOT S'I'I~IKE ARC ON CYLINDER, DO NOT GROUND CYLINDER, NONE CURRENTI_Y KNOWN, INCOMPATIBILITY (MA~IAL TO AVOID): ...... NONE CURRENTLY KNOWN,' '.~RGON IS CHEMI- CALLY INERT, ~'~ HAZAROOUS OECOMPOSI"1'~I~]N PRODUCTS: OZONE ANO NITROGEN OXI[I~ES MAY BE FORMEO BY THE ARC, OTHER DECO~?.OSITION PRODUCTS OF NORMAL OPERATION ORIGINATE FROM BY THE ARC, OTHER OECI]M~OSITION PRODUCTS OF NORMAL OPERATION ORIGINATE FROM 8Y THE ARC, OTHER DECOM~'OSITION PRODUCTS OF NORMAL OPERATION ORIGINATE FROM THE VOLATILIZATION~ RE,O~CTION OR OXIDATION OF MATERIAL BEING WORKED. MATERIAL BEING WORKED, PROQUCT- ARGON (7)~*SPILL OR LEAK STEPS IN CASE: '~ACUATE ALL PERSONNEl-°~FROM DANGER AREA. USE SELF CONTAINED 'EATHING APPARATUS W~E"'RE NEEOEO, SHUT OFF CYLINDER IF' WITHOUT RISK. VENTI- TE AREA OF LEAK OR ~OWE CYLINDER TO WELL VENTILATED AREA, TEST AREA ESP. L~ONFINED AREA~ FOR OX'~,~IEN CONTENT PRIOR TO PERMITTING RE-ENTRY OF PERSONNEL. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: SLOWLY RELEASE INTO AI'MOSPHERE, OlSCARO ANY PROOUCT~ RESIDUE, DISPOSABLE CONTAINER OR LINER IN AN ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE MANNER IN FULL COMPLI.~:if4Z.~E WITH FEDERAL~ STATE ANO LOCAL REGULATIONS, PRODUCT - ARGON (8)~-*SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION.~.~ RESPIRATORY: USE RESPIRABLE FUME P~tES'~IRATOR OR AIR SUPPLIED RESPIRATOR WHEN .... WORKING IN CONFINEO SBs~-W~E OR WHERE LOCAL EXHAUST OR VENTILATION DOES NOT KEEP EXPOSURE BELOW TLV, T~AJIN WORKER TO KEEP HEAD OUT OF FUMES, GLOVE: WELDING GLOVES RECOMMENDED. TRAIN TO AVOID LIVE ELECTRICAL PARTS. ~-'YE AND FACE: 'AR HELMET OR USE FACE SHIELD WITH A FILTER LENS (SEE ANSI o~.1>. PROVIDE PROTECTIVE SCREENS/FLASH GOGGLES TO PROTECT OTHERS, OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: WEAR HAND,HEAD AND BOOY PROTECTION WHICH I'N- C[.UDES ARM PROTECTORS, APRONS, HATS~ SHOULDER PROTECTION~ DARK CLOTHES. VENTII. ATION: USE ADEQUATE VENTILATION AND LOCAL EXHAUST TO KEEP BELOW TLV. AVOID USING ELECTRIC ARCS IN PRESENCE OF CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS (PHOSGENE MAY OCCUR) AND ON PHOSPHATE-COATED PARTS (PHOSPHINE POSSIBLE). PRODUCT - ARGON (c2) ~-~-S PEC IAL PRECAUTIONS~ HANOLING AND STORAGE: ARCS/SPARKS DURING USE COULD BE THE SOURCE OF IGNITION OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. PREVENT FIRES. HIGH PRESSURE GAS MIXTURE. USE PIPING & EQUIPMENT ADEQUATELY DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND PRESSURE. CLOSE VALVE. DO NOT STRIKE ARC ON CYLINDER. I]0 NOT GROUND CYLINDER, OTHER PRECAUTIONS: TI-IE COMPOSITION AND QUANTITY OF FUMES AND GASES ARE DEPEN- DENT UPON THE METAl_ BEING WORKEO, PROCESS, PROCEOURE, & EI_ECTROOES USEO.OTHER FACTORS INCLUDE-COATINGS ON THE METAl_ (PAINT,PLATING,GALVANIZING),NO.OF WELD- ERS~ VENTILATION, ANO AIR CONTAMINANTS PRESENT.READ ANO UNDERSTAND MANUFAC- TURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND PRECAUTIONARY LABEL, GE]' MSOS FOR EVERY MATL. USED. PRODUCT - ARGON (10) ~.~ORIGINAL ISSUE~.* PREPARED BY: ANNORA WILLIAMS ISSUE DATE: 1~'8&-10--13 REVISED BY: KAREN DEROSE REVISED DATE: 1~8~-01-31 . ~ergency Phone N~er(800) 457-2022 M terial Safety Data Sheet C~S2OI~'ZO This Material Safety Data Sheet contains enviro~ental, health and tOX.icology information for your employees, Please make sure this information'is given to them. It also contains intormatlon tO help .you meet community right-to-know/emergency respons~ reporting requirements under SA~A T~tle III and ma~y other laws. If you ~esell th~s product, th~s MSDS must be given to the buyer 0~ the incorporated in your MSD~. D~scard any previous edition of this M~DS. with useful hazard warnings and he'&th evaluations and to ycu~ compliance w~th local~ State and Federal regulations. .............. 1. PRODUCT XD~Z~iCATiON "~ON ~aaded Gasoltnl - LONG-YE~ ~0~ TO ~OR ~ ~US~ ~ IN - oues s ZN .~VRO~ PRODUCT ~ER(S): ~PS20111'0 PRODUCT INFO~TION: (800)582-3835 Revision Nt~_~'~r: 11 Revision Date: 07/03/89 .'HSD5 N~iber: 0003-72 ~A - No Dat~ A~ilable NA - Hot Appltc~le St~ea~d (~9 ~ 1910.1200) by ~e '~hevron ~vizo~ntal HoAI~ Contel, ~OC.~ P.O, Box 4054~ 'Ri~nd, ~ 94804. CHEVROH Unleaded Gasoline Pigs 2 of i0'~ ' 2. FIRST AID ': FAush eyes immediately with fresh water fo~ at least 15 minutes while holding the eyelids open. Remove contact lenses if worn. No additional first aid should be necessary, however, if irritation persists, see a doctor. '." SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water, See a doctor if any signs or symptoms described in this document occur, Discard contaminated non-waterproof shoes and boots. Wash contaminated clothing. " If respiratory irritation or any signs or symptoms as described in this' document occur, move the person to fresh air. If any Of these effects continue, see a doctor. INGKSTION: X'f swallowed, give water or milk to drink and telephone for medical advice. DO ~OT make person vomit, unless directed to do so ~y medical personnel. If medical advice cannot be obtained, then take the person and product container to the nearest medical emergency treatment center or hospital. Note to Physician: Ingestion of this product or subsequent vomiting can'result in aspiration of light hydrocarbon liquid which can cause pneumon~tis. 3. IMMEDIATE HEALTH EFFECTS This substance is slightly irritating to the eyes and could cause prolonged (days) impairment of your vision. The degree of the i~jury will depend on'the amount of material that gets into the e~e and the speed and thoroughness of the ~lrst aid treatment. Signs and symptoms ma~ include pain, tears, swelling, redness, and blurred vision. Eye contact with the vapors, fumes, or spray mist from th~s substance could also cause s~milsr signs and symptoms. SKIN IRRITATION: Prolonged or frequently repeated co2tac~ may cause the skin to become cracked or dry from ~he deferring action o~ this material. 'If a~sorbed through the skin,, this substance is considered practically non-toxic to internal organs. R~SPIRA?OR~/INHALATION~ This substance is slightly toxic to internal organs if inhaled. The degree o! injury will depend on the airborne concentration and duration of e~posure. The target organ(~) is the nervous syst~," Inhglation si gasoline vapor at airborne concentra~lOns exceeding 1000 ppm may cause signs and symptoms of central nervous .system effects such as headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, weakness and loss of coordination, vapor concentrations in excess o! $000 ppm~ay cause'loss of consciousness, coma Revision Number: 1X Rovisioa Date: 07/03/89 I~DS Numbsr: 000372 NDA - No Da~a Available NA - Not ApplicabZe Page 3 of l0 · and death, ariel exposures to high vapor coflcentrat~Lon~ may also cause ........ pulmonary edema and bronchitis. Intentional exposures to excessively high concentrations (e.g., when used as a drug of abuse) have been reported to 0_result in c~inical manifestations that may include convulsions, delirium, - and hallucinations. These manifestations are not known to occur ~ollowing accidental inhalation of gasoline vapor during normal operations, INGESTION: This substance is, slightly toxic to Internal o~gans if swallowed. The depree of injury will depend on the amount absorbed from the gut. The target organ[s) is the nervous system. Signs and symptoms of central nervous system effects may include one or more of the following: headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, weakness and loss of coordination. Because of the low viscosity of this substance, it can directly, enter the lungs if it is swallowed (this is called aspiration). This can occur during the act of swallowing or when vomiting the substance. Once in the lungs, the substance is very difficult to re~ove and can cause severe injury to the lungs and death. 4. PROTECTIVE EOUIPMENT L~E PROTECTION: Do no~ get this material in your eyes. Eye contact can be avoided by wearing chemical goggles. SKIN PROTECTION l No special skin protection is usually necessary. Avoid prolonged or frequently repeated skin conta=~ wi~h ~h~s ma~er~al, skin cofltac~ can be ~.m~n~m~zed by wee=ing pro~ec~ve clotAing. ~SP I ~TORY P~CT I ON ~ No special ~espireto~y p:otec=~on is no~81ly r~lred. However, ......... operating condi~ons c~eate a~=~=no concentrations which exceed t~e race.ended exposure standards, ~e use of an approved required. Refer to the ~ Benzene Standard ~o determine wha~ ~e ~espira~or ~s =equ~ed based on exposure levels. Use ~h~s material only in well ventilated areas. 5. FI~ PROTECTION FL~ POINT: (p-M) < -49F A~OI~ITION= ~A FL~ABILITY= 1.4 - ?.6% ';', EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: C02, D~y Chemical, Fo~ and Wa~er Fog. ~PA ~TI~CS: Health 1; Fla~btli~y 3; Reactivity O; Spectal MPA; ~IS ~TINGS: Health 2; Flx~abiltty 3; Reactivity 0; OtheF ~A; (Least-O, SlightT:l~ .~ode~'er2, Hiqh-3, Extreme-4), These valves are .." obtained using ~h'e "puide~ines or published, evaluati~s, prepared by the'"'" '" Nationai Fi~e Protec~iOn ~sociation or, if aPPlicable, the.National Paint and Coa~ing Association, and do n~t necessarily reflec= the hazard evaluation of the Chevron Envi=o~enta1 Health Center. Read the entire .. Ray, s/on N~er: 11 Revision Date: 07/03/89 ~DS Numar: 000372 ~A - No Data Available G - No~ ~plic~e document and label before using thta product. FIRS FIOHTIN~ PROCEDURES= 'This produc~ ~reeen~ a~ ex,rede ~Lre hazard. Liquid very quickly evaporates, even ~ ~ov ~e~pera~u~es, and ~orms vapor (fu~ea) which can ca,ch ~re and burn v~h exp~os~va v~olence, Invisible vapor spreads easil~ and can be set on ~re by many sources such as pilo~ weldun9 equil~ent, and electrical ~oto=s and switches. For ~Ires ~nvolving ~h~s mater~al~ do no% enter any enclosed or confined fire space v~thou~ prope~ pro~ec~ive equipment. This may include salf-con~ained breathing apparatus ~o pro~ect'agains~ ~he hazardous effects of normal produc~s of combustion or oxygen de~iciency. Read the entire doctu~ent, COMBUSTION ~or~aZ c~bvsc~on fo~ ca~bon d~a~tde end ~a~er vapor; ~co~pZe~e co~vs~on ca~ produce carbon 6. ST0~GR~ ~LING, ~ ~ACTIVITY ~Z~OUS DKCO~OSITIO~ PRODUCTS~ ~A. ST~ILITY: sta~e. ~oUs POLaRIZAtION: Po~e~iza~on vi~ ~o~ occur. IN~ATIBILI~: May react v,th s~ron~ oxidizin~ ag,n,s, such as chlora,es, n~tra,es, peroxides, etc, ~PECI~ Hayer s~phon gasoline by mouth. R~ ~ OBSER~ ALL P~CA~IO~S OS PRODUCT ~EL. Use on~y as a motor fuel. Do not use ~or cleaning, pressure appliance fuel, or any et, her such use. DO ~oT USS OR STO~ near fZ~e, sparks or hot surfaces. U~ ~LY I~ ~LL V~I~TED ~A. Keep container closed. DO EoT T~SFS~ LIQUID TO ~ ~EL~ CO~AI~R. ~OT veld, hea~ or drill container, Replace cap or st~lZ contains haaardo~ or exp~oa&ve vapor or liquid. 7, P~SI~ PROPERTIES SOLUBILI~: $olubl~ ~n hydrocarboni~ insoluble in water. ~PE~CE: Orange to bronze ~OIGING POI~= 2~ - 225C (Va~ablq) ~LTING POINT: NA EVAPO~T~O~: ~A SPECIFIC G~vITy~ 0.7 - VAPOR P~SS~: 5 - 1SPSI (max.) ,~ 100F (Variable) P~C~ VO~TILE (VOL~ %): 99*% VAPOR D~SI~ (AIR-1)~ Revision ~umber: ZZ Ravisto~ Date: 07/03/89 )(SDS Nmabar: 000372 m)A - so Data Availabl~ NA - Hot Applicable 6~'~ .... ..-- Page 5 o! ~0 8. SPILL RE~PON~ AND DISPOSAL CHEMTREC EMERGENCY PHONE ~BKR~ (800) 424-9300 (24 hour), SPILL/LEAK PP~CAU?IONS: Certain geographical areas have air pollution restrictions concerning the use of mater~ls ~n york situations which may release volatile components to the at~tosphere. Air pollution regulations should be studied to determine'i! this materiaI is regulated in the area where It is to be used. This material is considered to be a water pollutant and releases of this product should be prevented from contaminating soil and water and from entering drainage and sewer systems. Eliminate all sources of ignition in v~cinity oZ spill or released vapor. Clean up small spilis using ............. appropriate techniques such as sorbent materials or p%bmping, where feasible and appropriste, remove contaminated soil. Follow prescribed procedures for reporting and responding to larger releases. .... DISPOSALKE?HODS: Place contaminated materials in disposable containers and dispose of in a manner consistent with applicable regular{one. Contact local environ~enta~ or health author~ties for approved disposal of this ~aterial. 9. BXPOSU~ STANDARDS, It~GULATOR¥ LIMITS AND COMPOSITION COMPOSZTZON COMET: All ~he components of this material are on the Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substances ~nventory. The percent compositions are given to &1low for the various ranges o~ the components presen~ in the whole product and may noz equal 100%. PERC~T/CAS# COMPONSNY/EEGULATORY LIMITS 100.0 % CHEVRON Unleaded Gasoline CONTAININ~ < 1.4 % ETHYL BENZSRK . CAS100414 A toxic chemical subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title II! of the Superfund Amendments and aeavthoriza~ion Act o~ 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372. lO0ppm ACGIH TL¥ 125ppm AC~H STEL - 100ppm OSHA PEL 12$ppm OSHA STEL ¢~RCLA 302.4 ROt1000 POUNDS ~ 0,9% XYLSRE-~ ..... Revision Number: 11 Revision Date: 07/03/89 1~05 N r: 000372 ~A - #o Data Available HA - HOt Applicable · .. X-O030~ ~-~ ¢AS106423 A toxic chemical subject to the reporting requirementm of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Par~ 3?2.- CERCLA 302.4 RQ-1000 POUNDS * 4.6 % XYLENE-M ¢AS108383 A toxic chemical sub~ect to the repor~in~ requirements Sec~io~ 31~ of Title ~I~ o~ the Superfund ~en~e~ts ~eauthorizati'on Act cf 1~8~ and 40 CF~ Part 100ppm ACGIH 150p~m AC~IH STEL 10Op~ OS~ PEL 150p~ OS~ STEL CERCLA 302.4 R~=1000 < 6.5~ ~L~E CAS108~B3 A toxic chemical sub~ect to the re~rtinq requirements of Section 313 o[ Title III o~ the Super~und ~en~ents and Reauthorization Act of 19~6 and 40 C~R Part 3?2. 150ppm ACGIH 100p~ OS~ PEL 150p~ OS~ STEE CERC~ 302.4 2G-1000 CA5110543 50p~ AC6IH T~V 50ppm OS~ < 2.4 % CYCLO~E ~11082~ A toxic c~em~cal sub~ect to the re~rting retirements o~ Section 313 of Title III o~ the Super~und ~en~ents and Reauthorization Ac~ of 1986 and ~0 CFR Part ~7~. 30Oppm ACGIH TLV 500p~ OS~ ~EL ~'~ CERC~ 302.4 R~-1000 PO~S < 15.0 ~ ~L TERT BU~L cAS1634044 A 'toxic chemical subject to the re~rting retirements Section 313 o~ Title I~I of the super~u~d ~en~ents and Reauthorizaticn Act o~ 1986 and 40 CF~ Part 372. < 4.9 % B~Z~E C~?1432 A toxic chemical subject ~o the re~rti2~ requireme2~s Section 313 o~ Title II~ O~ the Superfund ~en~ents and ~eauthorization Ac~ o~ 1956 and 40 CFR Part 3?2. 10ppm ACGI~ 5p~ OS~ STE~ C~CLA 302.4 RQ-1000 PO~$ Refer to the OS~ Benzene Standard (29 CFR 1910.1028) for detailed ~raini~g, exposure moni~orin9, cespirator~ protection and medical surveillance re~irements before using this pr~uct. Revision N~rl 11 Revision Date~ 07/03/89 ~D8 N~c= 000372 ~ - No Data Availa~e ~ - Not ~plicablo - -. __ Paqe 7 O{ 10 m CASgS476 A toxic chemical subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372. lOOppm ACOIH TLV l$0ppm ACOI~ STEL 1009DmOSHA PEL 150ppm OSHA STEL " ' CERCLA 302.4 ~-1000 POYNDS 100.0 % ~ASO~INE, A MIXTURE OF AROMATIC AND PARAFFINIC HYDROCARBONS 300ppm ACG~H TLV 500ppmACGIH STE~ 300ppm OSHA PEL 500ppm OSHA STEL TLV - Threshold Limit Value PEL - Permissible Exposure Limit 'STEL - Short-term Exposure L~m~t TPO - Threshold ~ann[ng Ouantity RO ' Reportable 0uantity CPS - CUSA Product Code CC - Chevron Chem~ca! Company CAS - Chemical Abstract Service Number 10. P~GULATORY INFORNA?ION DOT S~IPPlN~ NAMe: ~ASOLINE DOT HAZ~ CLASS: FLAMMABLE LIQUZD DOT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: UN1203 SARA 311 CATEGORIES: 1. Immediate (Acute) Health Effects; YES 2. Delayed (Chronic) Health Effects; YES 3. Fire Hazardl YES : 5. Reactivity Hazard; ~0 ~ A CONI'Oh~N? OF REGULATORY LIS? O~ k~lC~ IT ETIflfLBF~ZF.~E P'XYLRNE(1,4-DIMETHYL BRNZENE) 01,02,~0,26,28, M-XYLENE 01,02,~0,14,15,17,18,26,28, TOLUENE 0~,02,10,14,15,17~18,26,28~ HEXANE 02,10,14',17,28, CYCLOHEXANE , 01,02,10,~4,17,26,2~, T-BUTYL STHER 01,10,24,26, BENZENE 01,02,03,04,10,14,17,18,20,28, O-XYLF, NE(1,2-DIMETHYL BENZF./qE) 01,02,10,14,15,17,1~,26~28, GASOLINE (GRN~RIC) 14,15,17,18, REGULATORY LISTS~ 01'SARA 313 02'MASS RTK 03"NTP Carcinogen 0t-CA Prop. 65 0S-M! HsVislo~ Ntmbeg: 11 Revision Date: 07~03/89 i~DS Nu~E: 000572 NDA - No*Da~a Available HA - Not Applicabl& X-DOSD2'I ml-Bg) 07~IA~C Group 2~ 08-IA~¢ Group 2S 09-SA~A 302/$0& 10-PA RTK ll-~J RTK 12-CERCbA 302.4 13-1~N RTE i§-ACGIH TLV 15-ACGIH STEL 16-ACGZH Calculated TLr 17=OSHA PSi 1B-O~ STEL 19=Chevron TLV 20-EPA Carcinogen 21~TS~ SECT ~ 22-TSCA SECT 5 SNUR 23=TSCA SECT 6 RULE 24-TS~BSCT 12 EXPORT 25-TSCA S~CT BA CA]R 26-TSCA SECT 8D ~9OR? 27-TSCA SECT 8g 28.Canad~an 11. P~ODUCT TOX~COLOG~ DATA Z~ I~ITATION: BEIN I~ITATI~ The Draize Skin P~mat~ Irritation Score (range, 0-8) for a A-hour ex.sure (rabbi~s) Is 0.98. ~he de~ma~ ~S0 ~n Fabbl~s ~s ~ 5 HDA. The oral ~S0 ~n Fa~s ~s ~.75 ~DITZO~ TOXZCOL~Y DATA~ The ~er~can ~etrole~ l~st~tute (~I) s~onsored a study where la~ratory ani~ls were exposed to 67, 292 and 2056 p~ unleaded q~oline vapor hours/day, f~ve days/week for approximately two years. Each exposure group consisted of 200 rats and 200 mice. During the course of the s~udy, male rats had an increased 'incidence of kidney d~ag~ followed by repair and enlarge'ment of kidney tubules. At the end of the stud~, a dose-related incidence of microscopic kidney t~ors was detected in the male rats~ two t~ors were found i~ the low exposure group, and f~ve were found ~n the h~gh exposure group. Female rate and both male and female m~ce did not show this t~e o~ lesion. It was noted ~n the study that an~als that were ex.sod to gasoline ve~rs lived lchqer than the control. Thus, the s~n~f[canoe of the t~or f~nd~ngs ~s d~f[icult to evaluate at th~s time. Additional f~ndi~gs ~n the ~ - sponsored stud~, which were observed only at the highest doses tested (2065 ~), included [1) failure to gain ~dy weight, (2) increased Incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas (liver cancer) in [emale mice, and (3) lung ~n[l~at~cn ~n male and female rats. subsequent test[n~ has ~hown that 6 to 10-carbon branched-chain isoparaf~inic compounds ,in gasoli, ne ~y be r~s~onsiBle the early k~dney damage observed In male'~ets in the ~I stay. Info~at~cn toilet=ed by the ~ a~d others ind{cates t~at the occurs ~n ~he male rat only, does not occur ~n ~emale-rats or mice and monkeys of either sex and may not occur in ~an. Alpha-'2-micro9lcbul~n (AluG}, a protein found ~n the male rat only, acc~ula~ed ~n the k~dney male rats g~ven u~eaded gasoline b~ mouth for 9 days. 2,2,4-tr~methyl pentane (~), an B-caren isopara~f~nic component o~: unleaded gasoline, has ~en shown to cause kidney d~age. A meta~l~te of ~ has been shown to cosine with ~uG in the kidney. The relevance of this re~al acc~ulatAon of ~u~ and its binding to ~ in the ca~atAon o~ ~ldne2 d~aqe is being s~udied. How this acc~ulation and bindin~ o~ ~u~ in Revision N~r: 11 Ray, alan Data: 07/03/8g ~S N~r: 000372 G - No Data AvariCe ~ - Not Applic~le Page · kidney cells and ear;y kidney injury re'ate to t~e development of kidney 12. ADDITIONAL H~ALTH DATA ADDITIONAL HEALTH DATA This product contains benzene. The oK/fA Benzene Standard (2g CFR ......... lg10.1028), contains detailed requirements for traini~g, exposure monitoring, respiratory protection and medical surveillance triggered by the exposure level. Refer to the OSHA Standard before using this product. ........ Repeated or prolonged breathing of benzen~ vapors has been associated with the development of chromosomal damage in experimental animals and various blood diseases in humans ranging from aplastic anemia to leukemia (a form of cancer). All of these diseases can be fatal. No bir~h de,acts have been shown to occur in pregnant labOratory animals exposed to doses not toxic to the mother. However, some evidence of fetal toxicity such as delayed physical development has been seen at such levels. The available information on the effects of benzene on human pregnancies is inadequate but it has been established that benzene can cross the human placenta. This product contains n-hexane. Prolonged or repeated contact with n-hexane may cause nerve damage characterized by progressive weakness and numbness in the arms and legs, loss o~ deep tendon reflexes and reduction of motor nerve conduction velocik~. Recovery ranges from no recovery to complete recovery depending.luPon ~e. severity 'o~ the nerve damage. This product con~ai~s toluene. Toluene has been reported to decrease immunological responses in'~test animals. It has also been reported that when young rats were exposed ko 1000 pp~ toluene for 14 hours daily, two weeks, irreversible hearing losg was detected. The same daily exposure to ?00 ppm for as long as 16 weeks was without e~fect. Since the level necessary to produce hearing loss ..~s greater than ? ti~es the 1987-88 ACGIH TLr for toluene, worker exposures at or below 100 ppm is not expected to cause any adverse effect. There are also ~eports that chronic abusers (glue sniffers, solvent huE[ers) o[ solvents containing toluene have suffered liver, kidney 'and brain damage. Scientific studies on toluene have failed to demonstrate birth de,acts in rats and mice. However, toluene has been shown to ca~se delayed growt~ and extra ribs in the oEfsprin9 o~ rats and mice at inhaled doses (296-399 ppm) that were non-toxic to the mother. Toluene has not conclusively bee~ shown to cause adverse reproductive e'ffects .in hu~lans. This produc~ contains X~[ene, which has been reported to be embryotoxic and to cause developmental' dis.tur~ance~ in rats' and mice exposed before birth. Xylene has given negativ~ results in .several ~utagen testing a~says includlnq the Ames assa~, In a cancer study sponsored ~y the National Toxicology Program (~TP),. technical grade xylene gave no evidence o£ carcinogenicity in rats o~ mice dosed daily for two years. NbA - No bari,Available HA - HOt Al~lle~)le (~~~d~d Oasolina Page 10 of 10 The above ln~oruation is based on tho data of which we are believed to be correct as of the date hereof. Sin~e the information contained heroin may be opplied under conditions beyond our contro~ and with which ye may be unfaml~iar and since data node avat~al~e subsequent Co ~hu da~o hereof de~o~inaClon of ~he Revision ~d:~m~: ~& Revision Oa~&t 07/03/89 llaDS N~md~e~: 000372 I~DA - #o Data AvaXXabXe HA - #or Applicable PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (1)**IDENTIFICATION** MANUFACTURER: CHEVRON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CENTER ADDRESS : 575 MARKET STREET CITY : SAN FRANCISCO STATE: CA ZIP: 94105 COUNTRY : USA INFORMATION PHONE: 800-582-3835 EMERGENCY PHONE: 800-424-9300 SYNONMS: SANTA FE NUMBER: 3934560018 HAZARD CLASS: X PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (2)**INGREDIENTS** INGREDIENTS WT % CASE NO. EXPOSURE REFERENCE BLEND OF PARAFFINS, N/A N/A N/A N/A NAPHTHENES, N/A 90-20-3 10 PPM ACGIH AROMATICS & N/A N/A N/A N/A OLEFINS N/A N/A N/A N/A PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (3)**PHYSICAL DATA** BOILING PT: 157-371C VAPOR PRESS(MM HG.): 0.04 SPEC GRAVITY H20=1:0.82 EVAPORATION RATE: NDA FREEZING PT: SOLUBILITY/WATER: NO VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l): NDA PERCENT, VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 41.00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COUMPOUND (LB/GAL): APPEARANCE-AND ODOR: PALE YELLOW LIQUID. VISCOSITY = 1.9-4.1 CST AT 40 C. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (4)**FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA** FLASH PT: 85 C (P-M) FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL%: UEL%: EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: CO2, DRY CHEMICAL, FOAM, WATER SPRAY. DANGER - COMBUSTIBLE. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE: FOR FIRES INVOLVING THIS MATERIAL, DO NOT ENTER ANY ENCLOSED OR CONFINED FIRE SPACE W/O PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING SCBA TO PROTECT AGAINST HAZARDOUS EFFECTS OF NORMAL PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION OR OXYGEN DEFICIENCY. READ THE ENTIRE BULLETIN. < UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD: LIQUID EVAPORATES & FORMS VAPORS (FUMES) WHICH CAN CATCH FIRE & EXPLODE. INVISIBLE VAPOR SPREADS EASILY ON FIRE BY MANY SOURCES,I.E.,PILOT LIGHTS,WELDING EQUIP.& ELECTRICAL EQUIP. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (5)**HEALTH HAZARD DATA** (A) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF A SINGLE (ACUTE) OVER EXPOSURE SKIN : PROLONGED OR FREQUENTLY REPEATED CONTACT MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION OR MAY CAUSE THE SKIN TO BECOME CRACKED OR DRY FROM THE DEFATTING ACTION OF THE MATERIAL. NO OSHA STANDARD OR TLV ESTABLISHED FOR THIS MATERIAL. HOWEVER, DUE TO POSSIBLE CARCINOGENIC EFFECT, EXPOSURE SHOULD BE REDUCED TO LOWEST FEASIBLE LEVEL. EYES : EXPECTED TO CAUSE NO MORE THAN MINOR EYE IRRITATION. INHALE : BREATHING OF VAPORS MAY CAUSE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DEPRESSION. SYMPTOMS MAY INCLUDE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING - HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, LOSS OF APPETITE, WEAKNESS AND LOSS OF COORDINATION. AFFECTED PERSONS USUALLY EXPERIENCE COMPLETE RECOVERY WHEN REMOVED FROM THE EXPOSURE AREA. INGESTION: NOT EXPECTED TO BE ACUTELY TOXIC BY INGESTION. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN - INGESTION OF THIS PRODUCT OR SUBSEQUENT VOMITING CAN RESULT IN ASPIRATION OF< LIGHT HYDROCARBON LIQUID WHICH CAN CAUSE PNEUMONITIS. OTHER : PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (B) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF REPEATED (CRONIC) OVER EXPOSURE HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED. '~ PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (C) HEALTH I-LAZARD - MEDICAL CONDITIONS Ai~D LAB DATA ~ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT - THIS MATERIAL IS NOT EXPECTED TO PRESENT ANY ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS OTHER THAN THOSE ASSOCIATED WITH OIL SPILLS. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE PRODUCT CAUSES CANCER IN HUMANS. HOWEVER, SIMILAR PRODUCT CAUSED SLIGHT INCREASE IN TUMORS WHEN REPEATEDLY APPLIED TO SKIN OF MICE FOR EXPECTED LIFE SPAN OF A MOUSE(APPROX.2 YRS). SIMILAR RELATED PRODUCT WAS EX- EXAMINED IN SEVERAL MUTAGEN TESTING SYSTEMS. ONLY MOUSE ASSAY SHOWED + RESULT PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (D) EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES SKIN : WASH SKIN THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AND WATER. LAUNDER CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. AVOID PROLONGED OR FREQUENTLY REPEATED SKIN CONTACT WITH THIS MATERIAL. EYES : WASH EYES WITH FRESH WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. IF IRRITATION CONTINUES, SEE A DOCTOR. AVOID CONTACT WITH EYES. INHALE : IF THERE ARE SIGNS OR SYMPTOMS AS DESCRIBED IN THIS BULLETIN DUE TO BREATHING THIS MATERIAL, MOVE THE PERSON TO FRESH AIR. IF BREATHING HAS STOPPED, APPLY kRTIFICIAL RESPIRATION. CALL A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY. INGESTION: IF SWALLOWED, DO NOT MAKE PERSON VOMIT. CALL A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY. OTHER : PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (6)**REACTIVITY DATA** STABLE: X UNSTABLE: HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X PHOTO CHEMICAL REACTION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X CONDITIONS TO AVOID: INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIAL TO AVOID): MAY REACT WITH STRONG OXIDIZING MATERIALS. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: NORMAL COMBUSTION FORMS CARBON DIOXIDE AND WATER VAPOR, AND MAY PRODUCE OXIDES OF NITROGEN; INCOMPLETE COMBUSTION AND WATER VAPOR, AND MAY PRODUCE OXIDES OF NITROGEN; INCOMPLETE COMBUSTION AND WATER VAPOR, AND MAY PRODUCE OXIDES OF NITROGEN; INCOMPLETE COMBUSTION CAN PRODUCE CARBON MONOXIDE. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (7)**SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES** STEPS IN CASE: ELIMINATE ALL OPEN FLA~4ES IN VICINITY OF SPILL OR RELEASED VAPOR. CLEAN UP SPILLS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, OBSERVING PRECAUTIONS IN SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS. ABSORB LARGE SPILLS W/ABSORBENT CLAY, DIATOMACEOUS EA~RTH OR OTHER SUITABLE MATERIAL. A FIRE OR VAPOR HAZARD MAY EXIST SINCE THE CLEANUP MATERIALS WILL ONLY ABSORB LIQUID; THEY WILL NOT ABSORB VAPOR. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: PLACE CONTAMINATED MATERIALS IN DISPOSABLE CONTAINERS AND BURY IN AN APPROVED DUMPING AREA. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (8)**SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION** RESPIRATORY: THIS MATERIAL MAY BE AN INHALATION HAZARD, AND UNLESS VENTILA- TION IS ADEQUATE, THE USE OF AN APPROVED RESPIRATOR IS RECOMMENDED. GLOVE: WEAR IMPERVIOUS GLOVES. EYE AND FACE: WEAR CHEMICAL SAFETY GOGGLES. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: WEAR IMPERVIOUS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. VENTILATION: USE THIS MATERIAL ONLY IN WELL VENTILATED AREA. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (9)**SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS** HANDLING AND STORAGE: READ & OBSERVE ALL PRECAUTIONS ON PRODUCT LA~EL. CON- TAINS PETROLEUM DISTILLATE. DO NOT USE OR STORE NEAR FLAME, SPi~RKS OR HOT SURFACES. USE ONLY IN WELL-VENTILATED AREA. KEEP CONTAINER CLOSED. DO NOT WELD, HEAT OR DRILL CONTAINER. REPLACE CAP OR BUNG. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: EMPTIED CONTAINER STILL CONTAINS HAZARDOUS OR EXPLOSIVE VAPOR OR LIQUID. CAUTION - DO NOT USE PRESSURE TO EMPTY DRUM OR EXPLOSION MAY RESULT. WARNING - NOT FOR USE AS PORTABLE HEATER OR APPLIANCE FUEL. TOXIC FUMES MAY ACCUMULATE AND CAUSE DEATH. FIRE HAZARD IS GREATER AS LIQUID TEMPERATURE RISES ABOVE 85F. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL FUEL NO. 2 (10)**ORIGINAL ISSUE** PREPARED BY: ISSUE DATE: 1985-11-16 REVISED BY: SANDY AEON REVISED DATE: 1985-11-16 PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (1)**IDENTIFICATION** MANUFACTURER: CHEVRON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CENTER ADDRESS : 575 MARKET STREET CITY : SAN FRANCISCO STATE: CA ZIP: 94105 COUNTRY : USA INFORMATION PHONE: 800-582-3835 EMERGENCY PHONE: 800-424-9300 SYNONMS: PRODUCT NUMBER: CPS235182 SkNTA FE NUMBER: 3754801092 HAZARD CLASS: X PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (2)**INGREDIENTS** INGREDIENTS WT % CASE NO. EXPOSURE REFERENCE HYDROTREATED DIST. HVY PARA >85 64742547 5 MG/M3 ACGIH/TWA ADDITIVES <15 N/A N/A N/A PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (3)**PHYSICAL DATA** BOILING PT: NDA VAPOR PRESS(MM HG.): NDA SPEC GRAVITY H20=l: NDA EVAPORATION RATE: FREEZING PT: NDA SOLUBILITY/WATER: NO VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=I): NDA PERCENT, VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 0.00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COUMPOUND (LB/GAL): APPEARANCE-AND ODOR: LIQUID OIL PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (4)**FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA** FLASH PT: 435F(COC) FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL%: NDA UEL%: NDA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: CO2, DRY CHEMICAL, FOAM, WATER FOG SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE: FOR FIRES INVOLVING THIS PRODUCT, DO NOT ENTER ANY ENCLOSED OR CONFINED FIRE SPACE WITHOUT PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING SCBA. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD: NORMAL COMBUSTION FOMRS CARBON DIOXIDE, WATER VAPOR~AND MAY PRODUCE OXIDES OF SULFUR AND NITROGEN. INCOMPLETE COMBUSTION CAN PRODUCE CARBON MONOXIDE. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (5)**HEALTH HAZARD DATA** (A) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF A SINGLE (ACUTE) OVER EXPOSURE SKINj : PRACTIVALLY NON-TOXIC TO INTERNAL ORGANS IF IT GETS ON THE SKIN. THIS HAZARD EVALUATION IS BASED ON DATA FROM SIMILAR MATERIALS. EYES : NOT EXPECTED TO CAUSE PROLONGED OR SIGNIFICANT EYE IRRITATION. INHALE : PROCTICALLY NON-TOXIC TO INTERNAL ORGANS IF INHALED. INGESTION: PTACTICALLY NON-TOXIC TO INTERNAL ORGANS IF SWALLOWED. OTHER : PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (B) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF REPEATED (CRONIC) OVER EXPOSURE PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (C) HEALTH HAZARD - MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND LAB DATA THIS PRODUCT CONTAINERS PER. BAS OILS WHICH MAY BE REFINED BY VARIOUS PROCESSE INCLUDING SEVERE SOLBENT EXTRACTION, SEVERE HYDROCRACKING, OR SEVERE HYDRO- TREATING. NONE OF THE OILS REQUIRES A CANCER WARNING UNDER THE OSHA HAZ COMMUNICATION STANDARD. THESE OILS HAVE NOT BEEN LISTED INTEH NTP kNNULA REPRT NOR HAVE THEY BEEN CLASSIFIED BY THE IARC AS; CARCINOGENIC TO HUNLANS, PROBABLY CARCINOGENIC TO HUMANS, OR POSSIBLY CARCINOGENIC TO HUMA2~S. DURING THE USE IN ENGINES, CONTAMINATION OF OIL WIHT LOW LEVELS OF CANCER- CAUSING COMBUSTION PRODUCTS OCCURS. USED OILS RAVE BEEN SHOWN TO CAUSE SKIN CANCER IN MICE FOLLOWING REPEATED APP. AND CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE. BREIF OR INTERMINTTENT SKIN CONTACT WITH USED MOTOR OIL IS NOT EXPECTED TO HAVE A ~ SERIOUSEFFECTS IN HUMANS IF THE OIL IS THOROUGHLY REMVOED BY WASHING WITH SOAP AND WATER. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (D) EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES SKIN : WASH SKIN WITH SOAP AND WATER THOROUGHLY. REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND WASH THEM. EYES : FLUSH EYES WITH FRESH WATER FOR 15 MIN. INHALE : NO FIRST AID REQUIRED INGESTION: GIVE WATER OR MILK TO DRINK, AND TELEPHONE FOR MEDICAL ADVICE. CONSUTL MEDICAL PERSONNEL BEFORE INDUCING VOMITING. IF MEDICAL ADVICE CANNOT BE REACHED, THEN TAKE THE PERSON AND PRODCUT TO THE NEAREST MEDICAL EMERGENCY TREATMENT CENTER OR HOSPITAL. OTHER : PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (6)**REACTIVITY DATA** STABLE: X UNSTABLE: HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X PHOTO CHEMICAL REACTION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NO DATA AVAILABLE INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIAL TO AVOID): MAY REACT WITH STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS, SUCH AS CHLORATES, NITRATES, PEROXIDES ETC. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: NORAML COMBUSTION FORMS CARBON DIOXIDE, WATER VAPOR AND MAY PRODUCE OXIDES OF SULFUR AND NITROGEN. INCOMPLETE COMBUSTION CAN PRODUCE CARBON MONOXIDE. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (7)**SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES** STEPS IN CASE: STOP THE LEAK OR RELEASE. CLEAN UP RELEASES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CONTIAN LIQUID TO PREVENT FURTHER CONTAMINATION OF SOIL, SUFACE WATER OR GROUND- WATER. CLEAN UP SMALL SPILLS USING APPROPRIATE TECHNIQUIES SUCH AS SORBENT MATERIALS OR PUMPING. WHERE FEASIBLE AND APPROPRIATE, REMVOE CONTAIMINATED SOIL. FOLLOW PRESCRIBED PROCEDURES FOR REPORTING AND RESPONDING TO LARGER SPILLS. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: PLACE CONTAMINATED MATERIALS IN DISPOSABLE CONTAINERS AND DISPOSE OF IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. CONTACT LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL OR HEALTH AUTHORITIES FOR APPROVED DISPOSAL OF THIS MATERIAL. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (8)**SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION** RESPIRATORY: NONE REQUIRED GLOVE: AVOID PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT WITH SKIN EYE AND FACE: NONE NEEDED OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: PROTECTIVE CLOTHING VENTILATION: USE ADEQUATE VENTILATION TO KEEP THE AIRBORNE CONCENTRATIONS OF THIS MATERIAL BELOW THE RECOMMENDED EXPOSURE LIMITS. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (9)**SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS** HANDLING AND STORAGE: DO NOT WELD, HEAT OR DRILL CONTAINER. RESIDUE MAY IGNITE WITH EXPLOSIVE VIOLENCE IF HEATED SUFFICIENTLY. CAUTION!! DO NOT USE PRESSURE TO EMPTY DRUM OR DRUM MAY RUPTURE WITH EXPLOSIVE FORCE. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: PRODUCT - CHEVRON DIESEL ENGINE OIL DELO 6130E SAE 40 (10)**ORIGINAL ISSUE** PREPARED BY: CHEVRON ISSUE DATE: 1993-07-22 REVISED BY: RENEE SALYER REVISED DATE: 1994-05-16 PRODUCT CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (1)**IDENTIFICATION** MANUFACTURER: CHEVRON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CENTER ADDRESS : 575 MARKET STREET CITY : SAN FRANCISCO STATE: CA ZIP: 94105 COUNTRY : USA INFORMATION PHONE: 800-582-3835 EMERGENCY PHONE: 800-424-9300 SYNONMS: SANTA FE NUMBER: 3754801190 HAZARD CLASS: X PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (2)**INGREDIENTS** INGREDIENTS WT % CASE NO. EXPOSURE REFERENCE HYDROCARBON BASE OILS* 74 N/A 5 MG/M3 ACGIH ZINC DITHIOPHOSPHATE 2 N/A N/A N/A CALCIUM PHENATE 1 N/A N/A N/A VISCOSITY IMPROVER, '23 N/A N/A N/A INHIBITORS AND DISPERSANTS N/A N/A N/A N/A IN LUBRICATING BASE OIL N/A N/A N/A N/A *SUGGESTED TLV FOR OIL MIST. N/A N/A N/A N/A PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (3)'**PHYSICAL DATA** .! BOILING PT: N/A VAPOR PRESS(MM HG.) : SPEC GRAVITY H20=l: 0.88 EVAPORATION RATE: N/A FREEZING PT: SOLUBILITY/WATER: NO VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=I): N/A PERCENT, VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 0.00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COUMPOUND (LB/GAL): APPEARANCE-AND ODOR: ARK BROWN LIQUID. VISCOSITY, 14.9 TO 15.8 CST @ 100C. POUR POINT, -22C (MAX.) MISCIBLE WITH HYDROCARBON SOLVE PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (4)**FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA** FLASH PT: 410F. FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL%: UEL%: EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: CO2, DRY CHEMICAL, FOAM, WATER SPRAY. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE: FOR FIRES INVOLVING THIS MATERIAL, DO NOT ENTER ANY ENCLOSED OR CONFINED FIRE SPACE WITHOUT PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. SEE HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD: PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (5)**HEALTH HAZARD DATA** (A) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF A SINGLE (ACUTE) OVER EXPOSURE SKIN : EXPECTED TO CAUSE NO MORE THAN MINOR SKIN IRRITATION FOLLOWING PROLONGED OR FREQUENTLY REPEATED CONTACT. THE SUGGESTED TLV IS 5 MG/M3 FOR A DAILY 8-HOUR EXPOSURE. THIS IS THE OSHA EXPOSURE STANDARD AND THE TLV (1983) FOR MINERAL OIL MISTS. EYES : MAY CAUSE EYE IRRITATION. INHALE : NOT EXPECTED TO BE ACUTELY TOXIC BY INHALATION BUT BREATHING MINERAL OIL MISTS AT LEVELS ABOVE THE EXPOSURE STANDARD CAN CAUSE RESPIRATORY IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT. INGESTION: NOT EXPECTED TO BE ACUTELY TOXIC BY INGESTION. OTHER : PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (B) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF REPEATED (CRONIC) OVER EXPOSURE ~-. DURING USE IN ENGINES, CONTAMINATION OF OIL WITH LOW LEVELS OF CANCER-CAUSING COMBUSTION PRODUCTS OCCURS. BRIEF OR INTERMITTENT SKIN CONTACT WITH USED MOTOR OIL IS NOT EXPECTED TO HAVE SERIOUS EFFECTS IN HUMANS IF THE OIL IS THOROUGHLY REMOVED BY WASHING WITH SOAP AND WATER. HIGH DOSES OF A CALCIUM .... PHENATE SIMILAR TO THE ONE IN THIS PROD. WERE APPLIED TO THE SKIN OF YOUNG RABBITS & SHOWED TESTICULAR FAILURE, BUT NO TESTICULAR FAILURE IN MATURE RAT. i PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (C) HEALTH HAZARD - MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND LAB DATA REPEATED APPLICATION OF ZINC DITHIOPHOSPHATES (ZDDP'S) TO THE SKIN OF MALE RABBITS HAVE PRODUCED SEVERE SKIN IRRITATION, WEIGHT LOSS AND ADVERSE TESTICULAR EFFECTS, PRIMARILY UNDERDEVELOPED TESTICLES. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT HUMAN EXPOSURE TO ZDDP AND CALCIUM PHENATE WILL CAUSE SIMILAR TESTICULAR EFFECTS. MINIMIZE CONTACT WITH THIS PRODUCT. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (D) EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES SKIN : WASH SKIN THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AND WATER. LAUNDER CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. EYES : WASH EYES WITH FRESH WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. IF IRRITATION CONTINUES, SEE A DOCTOR. INHALE : IF RESPIRATORY DISCOMFORT OR IRRITATION OCCUR, MOVE THE PERSON TO FRESH AIR. SEE A DOCTOR IF DISCOMFORT OR IRRITATION CONTINUES. INGESTION: IF A LARGE VOLUME OF THIS MATERIAL IS SWALLOWED, GIVE A LARGE AMOb~T OF WATER TO DRINK, MAKE PERSON VOMIT, AND CALL A DOCTOR. OTHER : PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (6)**REACTIVITY DATA** STABLE: X UNSTABLE: HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X PHOTO CHEMICAL REACTION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X CONDITIONS TO AVOID: INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIAL TO AVOID): MAY REACT WITH STRONG OXIDIZING MATERIALS. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: NORMAL COMBUSTION FORMS CARBON DIOXIDE AND WATER VAPOR AND MAY PRODUCE OXIDES OF PHOSPHORUS; INCOMPLETE COMBUSTION WATER VAPOR A_ND MAY PRODUCE OXIDES OF PHOSPHORUS; INCOMPLETE COMBUSTION WATER VAPOR AND MAY PRODUCE OXIDES OF PHOSPHORUS; INCOMPLETE COMBUSTION CAN PRODUCE CARBON MONOXIDE. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (7)**SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES** STEPS IN CASE: CLEAN UP SPILLS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, OBSERVING PRECAUTIONS IN SPECIAL PROTECTIVE INFORMATION. ABSORB LARGE SPILLS WITH ABSORBENT CLAY, DIATOMACEOUS EARTH, OR OTHER SUITABLE MATERIAL. THIS MATERIAL IS NOT EXPECTED TO PRESENT ANY ENVIRON- MENTAL PROBLEMS OTHER THAN THOSE ASSOCIATED WITH OIL SPILLS. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: PLACE CONTAMINATED MATERIALS IN DISPOSABLE CONTAINERS AND BURY IN AN APPROVED DUMPING AREA. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (8)**SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION** RESPIRATORY: NO SPECIAL RESPIRATORY PROTECTION IS NORMALLY REQUIRED. IF OPERATING CONDITIONS CREATE AIRBORNE CONCENTRATIONS WHICH EXCEED THE EXPOSURE STANDARD, THE USE OF AN APPROVED RESPIRATOR IS RECOMMENDED. GLOVE: IMPERVIOUS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING INCLUDING GLOVES. EYE AND FACE: CHEMICAL SAFETY GOGGLES. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: VENTILATION: USE ADEQUATE VENTILATION TO KEEP THE AIRBORNE CONCENTRATIONS OF THIS MATERIAL BELOW THE EXPOSURE STANDARD. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (9)**SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS** HANDLING AND STORAGE: DO NOT WELD, HEAT OR DRILL CONTAINER. RESIDUE MAY IGNITE WITH EXPLOSIVE VIOLENCE IF HEATED SUFFICIENTLY. CAUTION, DO NOT USE PRESSURE TO EMPTY DRUM OR EXPLOSION MAY RESULT. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: SEE CHEVRON MATERIAL INFORMATION BULLETIN NO. 1793 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON USED MOTOR OIL. PRODUCT - CHEVRON DELO 400 MOTOR OIL SAE 15W-40 (QTS.) (10)**ORIGINAL ISSUE** PREPARED BY: ISSUE DATE: 1985-11-13 REVISED BY: tCAREN L. CARROLAN REVISED DATE: 1985-11-13 PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (1)**IDENTIFICATION** MANUFACTURER: SUMMIT OIL CO., INC. ADDRESS : P 0 BOX 131359 CITY : TYLER STATE: TX ZIP: 75707 COUNTRY : USA INFORMATION PHONE: 903-534-8021 EMERGENCY PHONE: - - SYNONMS: PHTHALATE ESTERS, AIR COMPRESSOR OIL, SANTA FE NUMBER: 3754800010 HAZARD CLASS: X PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (2)**INGREDIENTS** INGREDIENTS WT % CASE NO. EXPOSURE REFERENCE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (3)**PHYSICAL DATA** BOILING PT: >600F VAPOR PRESS(MM HG.): <.03 SPEC GRAVITY H20=l: <1.0 EVAPORATION RATE: FREEZING PT: SOLUBILITY/WATER: VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=I): PERCENT, VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 0.00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COUMPOUND (LB/GAL): APPEAP_ANCE-AND ODOR: AMBER WITH MILD ODOR PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (4)**FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA** FLASH PT: FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL%: UEL%: EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: WATER FOG, DRY CHEMICAL, FOAM, OR CO2 SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE: BURNING WILL PRODUCE TOXIC FUMES. WEAR SCBA AND FULL TURN OUT GEAR TO FIGHT FIRE. AVOID SPREADING LIQUID AND FIRE BY WATER FLOODING. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD: EXPOSURE TO HEAT BUILDS UP PRESSURE IN CLOSED CONTAINERS. COOL WITH WATER SPRAY. PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (5)**HEALTH HAZARD DATA** (A) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF A SINGLE (ACUTE) OVER EXPOSURE SKIN : BELIEVED TO BE MINIMALLY IRRITATING EYES : BELIEVED TO BE MINIMALLY IRRITATING INHALE : BELIEVED TO BE MINIMALLY IRRITATING INGESTION: NO DATA OTHER : PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (B) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF REPEATED (CRONIC) OVER EXPOSURE NOT DETERMINED PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (C) HEALTH HAZARD - MEDICAL CONDITIONS A/ND LAB DATA PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (D) EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES SKIN : WASH SKIN WITH SOAP AND WATER. EYES : FLUSH EYES WITH WATER FOR 15 MIN. CALL A PHYSICIAN IF IRRITATION DEVELOPS. INHALE : REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. GIVE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION OR OXYGEN IF NECESSARY INGESTION: INDUCE VOMITING IF VICTIM IS CONSCIOUS. CALL A PHYSICIAN OTHER : PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (6)**REACTIVITY DATA** STABLE: X UNSTABLE: HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X PHOTO CHEMICAL REACTION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X CONDITIONS TO AVOID: FIRE, HEAT, SPRARKS INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIAL TO AVOID): STRONG OXIDIZIERS HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: BURNING WILL PRODUCE TOXIC FUMES PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (7)**SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES** STEPS IN CASE: ABSORB ON FIRE RETARDANT TREATED SAWDUST, DIATOMACEOUS EARTH, ECT. SHOVEL UP AND DISPOSE OF AT AN APPROPRIATE WAST DISPOSAL FACILITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, AND PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS AT TIME OF DISPOSAL. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: DISSOLVE WASTE IN A SOLVENT AND DISPOSE BY SUPERVISED INCINERATION IN COMPLICANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS A_ND REGULATIONS. PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (8)**SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION** RESPIRATORY: IF OVERHEATED, USE APPROVED RESPIRATORY PROTECTION EQUIPMENT GLOVE: IMPERMEABLE GLOVES EYE AND FACE: SPLASH GOGGLES OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: EYE WASH, SAFETY SHOWERS VENTILATION: LOCAL EXHAUST AND MECHANICAL RECOMMEDED. PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (9)**SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS** HANDLING AND STORAGE: FOR GENERAL PERSONAL HYGIENE, WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING MATERIAL. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND EYES. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: PRODUCT - SUMMIT DSL-125 (10)**ORIGINAL ISSUE** PREPARED BY: SUMMIT ISSUE DATE: 1991-02-14 REVISED BY: RENEE SALYER REVISED DATE: 1994-02-15 " PRQDUCT -- 140(SOLVEN~ 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV ].106 -- I'M (1)**IDENTIFICATION** MANUFACTURER: UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA AOORESS : 1345 N. MEACHAM CITY : SCAHUMBURG STATE: IL' ZIP: COUNTRY : USA INFORMATION PHONE: 312-490-2500 EMERGENCY PHONE: 213-664-2121 SYNONMS: AMSCO SOLV 1106 TM&E CLEANER VOLATILE SOLVENT HYDROCAR80N MIXTURE PETROLEUM NAPHTHA SANTA FE NUMBER: 4716700157 HAZARD CLASS: Y PRODUCT - 140 SOLVENT 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (2)**INGREDIENTS~* INGREDIENTS WT % CASE NO. EXPOSURE REFEREN 140 SOLVENT N/A 64742-47-8 N/A N/A PRODUCT - 140 SOLVENT 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (3)**PHYSICAL DATA** BOILING PT: 367-405F VAPOR PRESS(MM HG.): 0 SPEC GRAVITY H20=1: 0.7 EVAPORATION RATE: 0.08 FREEZING PT: SOLUBILITY/WATER: VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l): 5.2 PERCENT, VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 0.00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COUMPOUNO (LB/GAL): APPEARANCE-AND ODOR: CLEAR, LITTLE IF ANY COLOR; CHARACTERISTIC ODOR. PRODUCT - 140 SOLVENT 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (4)**FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA** FLASH PT: 141F TCC FLAMMABLE LIMITS LELY,: 1.0 UEL%,: 7.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: SMALL FIRES - EXTINGUISH WITH ORY CHEMICAL~ CARBON DIOXIDE~ OR FOAM. LARGE FIRES - USE OF ORY CHEMICAL OR FOAM IS RECOMMENOEO. WATER MAY BE AN INEFFECTIVE EXTINGUISHING AGENT. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE: USE OF SCBA IlS RECOMMENDED FOR FIREFIGHTERS. WATER SPRAY MAY BE USEFUL IN MINIMIZING VAPORS AND COOLING CONTAINERS EXPOSE TO HEAT AND FLAME. AVOID SPREADING BURNING LIQUID WITH WATER USED FOR COOLING PURPOSES. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD: THIS MATERIAL IS COMBUSTIBLE AND MAY 8E IGNITED BY HEAT OR FLAME. THIS MATERIAL WILL BURN, BUT WILL NOT IGNITE READILY. PRODUCT - 140 SOLVENT 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (5)**HEALTH HAZARD (A) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF A SINGLE (ACUTE) OVER EXPOSURE SKIN "MAY CAUL SKIN IRRITATION. PROLONGED EXPOSURE HAY CAUSE REDNESS AND BURNING, DRYING & CRACKING OF THE SKIN, ANO BERMATITIS. PERSONS WITH PRE- EXISTING SKIN OISOROERS MAY BE MORE SUSCEPTIBLE TO EFFECTS OF PRODUCT. THIS SUBSTANCE HAS NOT BEEN IDENTIFIED AS A CARCINOGEN OR PROBABLE CARCINOGEN BY NTP, IARC OR OSHA. EYES : MAY CAUSE EYE IRRITATION. DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE'LIQUID OR EXPOSURE TO ITS VAPORS OR MISTS MAY CAUSE BURNING, TEARING AND REDNESS. INHALE : EXCESSIVE CONCENTRATIONS OF VAPORS OR MISTS MAY CAUSE- IRRITATION OF THE NOSE & THROAT; SIGNS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM DEPRESSION (E.G., OROWSINESS, DIZZINESS, LOSS OF COORDINATION, & FATIGUE). PERSONS WITH IMPAIRED LUNG FUNCTION OR ASTHMA-LIKE CONDITIONS MAY EXPERIENCE AQOITIONAL BREATHING DIFFICULTIES DUE TO ]'HE ]iRRITANT PROPERTIES OF THIS MATERIAL. INGESTION: EXCESSIVE QUANTITIES MAY CAUSE - IRRITATION OF DIGESTIVE TRACT; SIGNS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM DEPRESSION (AS NOTEO ABOVE). ASPIRATION HAZARD - CAi ENTER LUNGS DURING SWALLOWING OR VOMITING & CAUSE LUNG INFLAMMATION & DAMAGE OTHER PRODUCT - 140 SOLVENT 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (8) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF REPEATED (CRONIC) OVER EXPOSURE :.:..! PRODUCT - 140 SOLVENT 6&/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (C) HEALI'H HAZARD - HEDICAL CONDITIONS AND LAB DATA PROOUCT- 140 SOLVENT 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (D) EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES SKIN : REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING, CLEANSE AFFECTED AREA(B> THOROUGHLY BY WASHING WITH MILD SOAP AND WATER. IF IRRITATION OR REDNESS DEVELOPS AND PERSISTS, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. EYES IF IRRITATION/REDNESS DEVELOPS, MOVE VICTIM AWAY FROM EXPOSURE & INTO FRESH AIR. IF IRRITATION/REDNESS PERSISTS, SEEK MEOICAL ATTENTION. FOR DIRECT CONTACT, FLUSH AFFECTED EYE(S) W/CLEAN WATER & SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION INHALE : IF NOSE/THROAT IRRITATION DEVELOPS, MOVE VICTIM AWAY FROM EXPO- SURE & INTO FRESH AIR. IF IRRITATION PERSISTS, SEEK MEOICAL ATTENTION. IF VICTIM IS NOT BREATHING, ADMINISTER ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION BY QUALIFIED PER- SONNEL. IF BREATHINO DIFFICULTIES DEVELOP~ GIVE OXYGEN. SEEK MEDICAL AID. INGESTION: ASPIRATION HAZARD-DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING OR GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH AS ~ATERIAL CAN ENTER LUNGS & CAUSE SEVERE DAMAGE. IF VICTIM IS DROWSY OR UN~ CONSCIOUS, PLACE ON LEFT SIDE WITH HEAD DOWN. DO NOT LEAVE VICTIM UNATTENDED. OTHER : SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. PRODUCT - 140 SOLVENT 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (6)~*REACTIVITY OATA*~ STABLE: X UNSTABLE: HAZAROOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X PHOTO CHEMICAL REACTION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X CONDITIONS TO AVOID: INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIAL TO AVOIO): STRONG ACIDS OR BASES, OXIDIZING AGENTS AND SELECTED AMINES. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: THERMAL DECOMPOSITION IN THE PRESENCE OF AIR MAY YIELD CARBON MONOXIDE AND/OR CARBON DIOXIDE. AIR MAY YIELO CARBON HONOXIDE AND/OR CARBON OIOXIOE. AIR MAY YIELD CARBON MONOXIDE AND/OR CARBON DIOXIDE. PROOUCT- 140 SOLVENT 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (7)**SPILL~OR LEAK PROCEDURES*~ STEPS IN CASE: STAY UPWIND & AWAY FROM SPILL. KEEP ALL SOURCES OF IGNITION & ;HOT METAL SURFACES AWAY. IF SPILL IS INDOORS, VENTILATE AREA. FOAM, ESPECIALLY HIGH EXPANSION FOAM, MAY BE USED TO SUPRESS VAPORS. KEEP OUT OF ORAINS, SEWERS OR WATERWAYS. USE INERT MATERIAL TO OAM& CONTAIN SPILL. OD NOT FLUSH WITH WATER. FOR SMALL SPILLS - DO NOT FLUSH WITH WATER; USE ABSORBENT PAOS. CALL SPILL RESPONSE TEAM IF LARGE SPILL. NOTIFY STATE & LOCAL AGENCIES. WASTE OISPOSAL METHOD: DISPOSE OF PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. PRODUCT -- 140 SOLVENT 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (8)**SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION** RESPIRATORY: MAY 8E NECESSARY TO MINIMIZE EXPOSURE TO VAPORS OR GASES. DEPENDING ON NATURE & CONCENTRATION OF AIRBORNE MATERIAL, USE A RESPIRATOR O. GAS MASK WITH APPROPRIATE CARTRIDGES & CANNISTERS (NIOSH-APPROVED), OR SUPPLIED AIR EQUIPMENT. GLOVE: USE IMPERMEABLE GLOVES TO PREVENT SKIN CONTACT & IRRITATION. EYE ANO FACE: APPROVED EYE PROTECTION TO SAFEGUARD AGAINST POTENTIAL EYE CONTACT, IRRITATION OR INJURY IS RECOMMENDED. ' OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: SOURCE OF CLEAN WATER SHOULD BE AVAILABLE IN WORK AREA FOR FLUSHING EYES VENTILATION: IF CURRENT PRACTICES ARE INADEQUATE FOR MINIMIZING EXPOSURES, AOOITIONAL VENTILATION OR EXHAUST SYSTEMS MAY 8E REQUIRED. WHERE EXPLOSIVE MIXTURES MAY DE PRESENT, SYSTEMS SAFE FOR SUCH LOCATIONS SHOULD BE USED. PROOUCT- 140 SOLVENT 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (9)**SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS** HANDLING ANO STORAGE: KEEP CONTAINERS TIGHTLY CLOSED, COOL~ DRY, & AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION. USE & STORE WITH AOEQUATE VENTILATION. AVOIO INHALATIO~ & PERSONAL CONTACT. USE GOOD PERSONAL HYGIENE PRACTICE. 'EMPTY' CONTAINERS RETAIN RESIDUE (LIQUID &/OR VAPOR) ANO CAN BE OANGEROUS. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: DO NOT PRESSURIZE~ CUT, WELD, BRAZE~ SOLDER~ DRILL, GRINO OR EXPOSE CONTAINERS TO HEAT, FLAME, SPARKS OR OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION; THEY MAY EXPLODE & CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. 'EMPTY' DRUMS SHOULD 8E COMPLETELY DRAINED, PROPERLY BUNGED & PROMPTLY SHIPPEO TO SUPPLIER OR A ORUM RECONOI- TIONER. BEFORE WORKING IN TANKS~ REFER TO OSHA~ ANSI Z49.1. PRODUCT - 140 SOLVENT 66/3 (AMSCO SOLV 1106 - TM (10)**ORIGINAL ISSUE** PREPARED BY: ISSUE DATE: 1987-05-05 I REVISED BY: SANDY ARON REVISED DATE: 1987-05-05 IIi M MAT[RIAL SAFETY DATA $HEET. Revised 11193 I. PR0~UC~I~E~IFICATION Ch~cal~r~e Name las used on labelt Chemical Fa~lyIClas~ificat~on Y~sa-~ide, Inc. F~r information and em~g~cics, con~act Yua~.Exide., 645 Pen~ Street Envlronm~tel Resources Depx. (215) 371.04~. R~ing, PA 19601 24-hour Em~g~cy Response Contact: CHEMTREC ISOO) 424-9300 I1. HAZARDOUS IN~.R~DIE~S~DE~ITY INFORH~ION ~ by ~. Air E~po~ure tim~ ~alm~! ~OmpOfl~tS CAS Number Inorganic l~d co~eund: .' L~d 9436-92-1 60 50 150 ~' ~tim~ny 74&~3 6~ 2 5~ 5~ - · Ars~ 744~38-2 0.2 10 2~ - Celc~um 744~7~2 0.2 . ...... Tin 74~31-5 0.2 2~0 2~ - Ei~ttolyte (sulfuric ~c;~] 76~-93-9 1~30 ~se Matuial: 5.10 NIA N/A NIA Polypropylene 9~3~7-0 Po~yrene 9~3-53-6 S~r~e A~l~nitrile 9~3-54.7 A~Arile B~di~e S~r~e S~3-56-9 Styr~e a~adi~ne S~3-55-8 P~inylchlmide 9002-86-2 Po~rbonate - ~rd Rubb~ - Polyethylene -- Oth~ S;llcon ~ioxi~e 50696-86~ 10 NIA N/A NIA Sheet Mol~ing Compound - 10 N/A NIA NIA Ig~ss-rcinfo;ced ~OTE; In~ga~ J~d 4~ ~Trol~o {~lfuric acid) are t~e priory compon~S of every Exile. Inc. Oth~ ~g~e~ien~S ~y De p~esent ae~ena~t upon ba~1ery type. Contact your Y~sa-Ex~de · ~tM~ta~e for additio~l inf~tion. III. PHYSICAl. I~ATA -- £1ectr olv~e: BOitinO Point: ' 203*F ~ [H=0=11: 1.215 To 1.350 MaKinG Point: Not A~Dli~ble Vapor Pres, sure {~ HO): 10 ~ubili~ i~W~t~r: 1~% ve~o~.Densi~ (AIR m 11: Gr ~[=r ~han 1 {Bu~I a:etate - 1 } A~peerence and ~d~f: ~nufactute~ article; no appar~t o~or. Electroly~e i~ a clear liquid with a sharp. IV. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA F~sh Point: 'No/, Appl;c. able Flammable Limits: LEL - 4.1% IHyarogen G~s) UaL = 74.2% E~ino~ishi~ media: CO~; f~m; d~ ch~mi~l S~;el Rre ~g~in~ Proc~ures: If baker;es ;~e on c~rge, sh~ off power. Use positive pressure, s~f-co~t~ined br~in0 apparatus. Wat~ appli~ ~o ~c~olyte gcn~etes h~t and ~us~ it to spG~cr. W~r ecid-~is~nt cl~hing. .. Unu~l Fire a~ ExplOSiOn hazards: Highly fiam~ble hydrgg~ gas is g~era~ ~uring c~rg[~g and op~ation O~ ~a~crics, To avoi0 risk 01 fire or ez~losion, k~ spar~ or ozner sourc~ of ignit,on ~way from batt~ies. Do " not allow metallic ~t~ls to simultaneousl~ contact negative end ~¢s~ive terminals of cells a~a batavia. Follow ~nuflctureFs in.ructiOnS for instal~o~ and s~vice. V, RI~ACTIVI'I'Y~DA~TA_ S[abflity: Stable X Con,di~';on$ to Avoid: Prolongea overcharge: sources of ign~ion. SulfuriC eciO: Contact with CO~ustibl~ aha organic ~terbls ~y ~use fire and explosion. Also f~cts ~olentlv Wi[h s[rong reducing agarS, ~tels, sulfur trip.aa gas. ~rong oxid~ers aha water. Contact with me~ls m~y p~ucl toxic Sulfur dio~de fu~ an~ ~y fN~sa/~bl= hydrogen gas. L~d compounds: Avoid contact with strong acids, bases, halides, P~logenat~, ~otassium nitrate. Du~ggnate. p~oxide~, nesc~t hydrog~ and ~edu~ng e~ents. Haz~ ~dou. s~ecomo os~on Produ~s: Sulfuric ~cid: Sulfur ir}oxide, c~rbon monoxide, sulfuric ~c;d tulsa, sul~u~ dioxiae, hydrogen. ... Lead compounas: H~gh ~p~tures I~y ~o ~roduce ~oxi= m~l ~ume, vapor or ~ust: con:act wit~ strong gc;d Page 3 of '7 vi, HEALTH HAZARD DATA "'~' Ro',.~es of Ent_ry: Sulfuric acid: Harmful by all foute~ of entry. Lead compounds: Hazardous exposure can occur only when product is heated. ~3x~dize~l or otherwise proc~sed or darrmged to ~e. ate dus% vapor or ~ume. Suffuric a~: Br~thing of sulfuric aci~ vapo;s or mi~ts ~ay ~use severe rcsDiratory irritation. L~d compounds: Inhalation o~ IBrd ~u~[ or fum~ may cause irritation of upp~ r~spiratoty tract and lungs. Inoe~Tion: L~d compounCs: Acute ing~ion ~y ~use a~domi~l pa~n. neus~, vomiting, 8iarrhea an~ severe cramping. This ~y I~d ra~i~ly to systec Toxicity an~ ~ be tr~te~ ~y a ~hy~c~n. '~" Skin Conta~: '" Sul~ri¢ n~: S~e ~r~ti~n, burns nn~ u~ation. L~d compounds: Not nbsorb~ t~ough the Eye C~nta~: ~ecfs of Overe~oosure - L~ co~ounds: Sym~t~ of toxiciw include headache, fatigue, ab~o~! pain, less ot ;pgctitc. muscu~r aches Effe~s.~Qverexposure · Chronic: S~furi~ ,ci~: P~s~ble erosion of tooth enamel; inl~m~tion o~ nose, ~htoet and bronchial tubes. Lud co~ounds: AhemS; n~to~athy. Darticu~rly Of the mOtOr nerves, wit~ wri~ ~r0p: kianey r~roduct~e ~nges in both ~les end Sulfuric acie: The International Agency~or R~rch on Canc~ II~CI ~s ~assified 'strong inorganic add mist containing sulfuric acid' as a ~t~go~ I carcinogen, a subs~nce that iS carcinogenic ~o hu~ns. This do~ not ap~ to llaui~ for~ of sulfuric acid or sulfuric nclB solutions contained within a ba~erv. Inorganic · -- ~st (sulfuNc aci~ mlstl is not g~ated unacr nor~l use of this produc~. Misuse of the product, such ovuc~rging, ~y r~ult in the genuation of sulfuric aci~ mist. Lud compounes: L~d is listed as a 2B ca~clnogen, likely in ani~ls at extrem, ~oses. P~oof of ~rclnooenlclt~ in hu~ns ~s ~cking at present. Arsenic: L;stea by National Toxicology P~ogtam INTPI, Internatio~l Agency fo~ Rose, ch on Cancer (IARCl. OSHA ~n~ NIOSH ~ · ~rcinog~ onW at~ prolongea exposure at high levlls. 3.~I ~0]~3 YSY.~.t O~g8 ~98 ~Tg~ ~t:ZT S8/1Z,'t0 Page 4 of 7 VI, HEALTH HAZARD DATA .Medical Conditions Generally A~ravaled by E~posure: Overexposure to sulfuric aci~ mist may ~use lung damags and aggravate pulmonary conditions. Contact o~ suHu~ic ~cid wi~h s~n ~y aggravate skin ~is~s~s such as eczema aha contact ~erma~itJs. Lead and J~s compoun0s can aggravate so~ forms of ~ney, liver aha neurolooic Ois~ses. E~ergencv and ~rst Aid Procedures: Sulfuric act0: Remove to fresh air im~aiatel?. It breathing is a~flicu]~, give o~en. L~d: Remove from exposure, gargle, wash nose and I~s; consult physician. Inaction: Sulfuri~ ,~i~: Give large ~u~nti~ies o~ water; ~ no~ in~u~e vomiting: consult Dh?si~n. Sulfuric acid: Flush w~h large amoums o~ wa~,r for ~: I~st 15 ~nutcs; r~ove contami~t~ clothing completely, in~uding shoes. L~: Wash i~ed~te~ with soap and water. EYes: VII. PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND U~E SDJll or,Leek ~oceOUr~: ' Sto~ flow of m~uial, contain/abSOrb Stall spills with 0fy san~, earth, vermiculite. Do not use combustible acid-~esi~ent clothing, boots, gloves, ~n~ fict Shield. Do not ~llow ~sJ~grQe of unneuttalized_ecja ~0 sewer. Waste Disposal Methods: S~ent ba~ies: S~d to secondaw I~,d smelt~ for ~e~cling. Hate neutr~li~e~ slurry into s~le~ contain~s and dispose of as ha~rdous waste, as aD~li~able. ~rge wat~-ailut~ sDill~. Of;~ no,reliction and le~ing, should be manag~ in ac:ordance wit~ a~prove~ local, state and fe~ernl teauirem~ts. Con~it ~ate ~ronm~ agency and/of federal EPA. Store bakeries in cool. dry. wcll-v~ti~tcd ar~s with impet~ous surfaces and aOeauate containment in ~he ev~t of spillS. B~i~ should ItsO be mored unaer tool for ptotemion against aaverse w~tner conO~tions. Separate from incompatible ~tulals. Store and handle on~ in ar~s with aaeauate water supply ~nd spill control. Avoid da~ge to confiners. Ke~ away from fire. spar~ an~ ~t. , Pa~e 5 ci 7 ' VII. . PRE(;ALTTION$ FOR SAFE HANDLING AND U~E POISON - CAUSES SEMPE BURNS DANGER - CONTAINS SU~URIC ACID VIII. ~ONTROL M~ASUR~S Eng~ne~ing Contr~: Store and handle in w~ll-v~tilat~d ~. If ~hani~! ventilation ;s used. components mu~ Work Practices: Handle babu}es ~u~iously to avoid s~ills. M~ke c~tain v~t caps are on securely. Avoid contact with intu~l cD,orients. W~r ~ro~ec~ive clothing wh~ filling or handling ~so;ra~o~ Prolectio~: ~one r~uk~ un~= no~l con,it}ohs. ~ ¢on~tretions of sulfuric acid m{~ are known ~0 ex=~d PEL, use NIOSH or M~A-;pproved r~ira=ory prote~on. '~" Rubber or picnic ac;d-t~ant gl~es with elbow-I~g~h gauntlet, ... Oth~ Pfole~ion: Acid-r~ant apron, Und~ sev~8 exposure or e~g~ conditions, w~r a~d*tesistont clothing and boots, In ~rOs wh~e sulf~ic acid is ~an~le~ ~ conc~tratlons gr~tu t~n 1%. e~tgency eyewas~ rations and showers should be provide, with unl~ted water supply. IX. OTHER R. EGULATORY INF0.RMATION NFPA H~z~fd Ratine for.s.uHuric acid: Flammability [Red} - 0 H~h IBlue} = 3 R~ct~iW (Yellow} = 2 ~ulf~i¢ ~cid is wat~-~ctive il concentrated. Prop~ Shipping Name: Battehes, wet, fille~ w~n acid ID Numbs: UN27 ~4 Pa~n~ Grou~: I11 Lab~ Rebuked: Corrosive Page 5 ol 7 ix. OTHER REG~JLATOR¥ INFORMATION (Co~i~ueClt , U.S. ~T Note: Yuasa-Exid~ bat[eries which ~ the test reqvlrem~tS for 'non. spillable wet electric ~or~ge bat~erles', as ~fo~d~ in 49 CFR 1?3.15Sial. are non-re,ua:ed by DOT wh~ pr~t~tcd against short ckcults and It non.spil~ble w~ ~lc~ric slofagc b~teries h~v~ ~o~ ~e~ ~hese requirements, ~e ~ollowing infor~Tio~ woul~ apply: Pro,er Sh;pp{ng ~me: Eatteri~. wet, non.spilbbie . Hazar0 C~ss~ivision: 8 ID Num~: UN28~ Pacing Group: ~b~ Reouite~: Cortos~e R~RA: SD~t I~d.acld batt~M are not regu~[cd as hazardous waste when ~ecycled. Spilled sulfuric aci~ is c~rac~i~ic Mzardous wa~e; EPA h~ar¢ous wa~e number D~2 IcoTrosivity]. ~ERCLA (Su~edvndl e~d ~CRA: [a) R~o~able O~nt~ ~ROl for s~ill~ 1~% sulfuric acid und~ CERC~ (Sup~ndl and EPCRA ~ing a~d Co~un~ Ri~h~ to ~ow Act) is ~.,000 l~s. S~tl and Io~1 re~o~able qu~i~ for spilled susie a~d ~ey ~ry. ..... (b) Sulfu~ ic;d is a I~ed 'E~temely H~rdous Sub~a~ce' u~der EPCRA, wi~ a Thr~hold Planning Quanti~ EPCRA S~ion 302 notifi~tion is ~uir~ if 1,000 lbs. or more of sulfuric acid is pr~ent at one site. The q~ntity af sulfuric acid w~il vary by ba~y type. Contact your Yuasa-Exide t~res~tative for inf~tion. lbS. Or mote an01or if IMd is ~es~t in Q~nTiti~ of 10,000 lbs or Su~ai;er Notif;~t~o~: ThSs pfoCuct contains toxic ch~i~lS which ~y be ~e~o~able under EP~A 3-13 To~c ~i~l R~use I~ventory {Fo~m R) teQukeme~ts. If you ate a manufacturing tacility under co,es 20 through ~9, The tollowing intor~tion ~s provided to ~ble you To complete The requited, reports: A~arox;~te Tg~c ChemicaJ ~AS Numb~ % bY We;~ht L~d 7439-92.1 .60 Sulfuric Acid 7664.93~9 10-30 ' Antimony 7440-36-0 2 * A~senlc 7~4~38-2 0.2 If you ~istri~e this ~roduct to othe~ manufacturers in SIC Codes 20 through 39, ;bls inf0~t;on must be p~o~de6 with the fd~ shia~nt of ~ ~lenOar yea~. ~91~: The Section 313 su~lier notification ~cqu;rement ~oes not a~ly ~o ~atleHes which a~e 'consumer · Not pre.Rent in all batterY types. Cot~tact your Yuasa-Ex;ee rep~esemativc for ed(:litlonal information. --'X. OTHER..RE~LATOIAY INFORMATION ICo~,!;nuedl T$CA CAS NO. ~l~tolyte Sulfuric Acid [H~SO,) 7664-g3.g Liste~ lnorg~nl¢ L~ad ComDoun~ L~d (Pb} 7439-92-1 Listed L~d Oxide (PbO} 1317-36-8 Liste~ L~d Sulfate (PbXO,I 7446-14.2 Listed Antimony ($bl 7440.36-0 Lisled Arsenic (Asl 744~32-2 Listed ~)cium iCa) 744~0-~ ~s[ed Tin (Sn) 7440-31-5 Listed CFC's and other ozgne d~leting ~e~ls (ODC's), ~ciined by the USEPA es Class I succinct. Pursuant Io ....... Se~ion 611 el the Clan A~ A~ ~nU~ts (CAAA) of 1990, finali2ed on January 19. 1993. Yua~-Exide. Inc. '-' established a poficy to dimlnata the use of C~ass I ODC's prior {o thc M~y 15, 1993 dea~hne. PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (1)**IDENTIFICATION** MANUFACTURER: TURNER INDUSTRIES, INC. ADDRESS : 821 PARK AVENUE CITY : SYCAMORE STATE: IL ZIP: 60178 COUNTRY : USA INFORMATION PHONE: - - EMERGENCY PHONE: 815-895-4545 SYNONMS: PROPANE CYLINIDER LP-175 PROPANE DIMETHYL METHANE PROPYL HYDRIDE LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS LP-175 SANTA FE NUMBER: 9999999999 HAZARD CLASS: X PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (2)**INGREDIENTS** INGREDIENTS WT % CASE NO. EXPOSURE REFERENCE PROPANE 93.4 74-98-6 1000 PPM OSHA ETHANE 5.6 74-84-0 N/A N/A ISO-BUTANE 0.72 75-28-5 1000 PPM N/A BUTANE 0.28 106-97-8 800 PPM OSHA PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (3)**PHYSICAL DATA** BOILING PT: -43 F VAPOR PRESS(MM HG.) : SPEC GRAVITY H20=l: 0.51 EVAPORATION RATE: FREEZING PT: SOLUBILITY/WATER: YES VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=I): 1.52 PERCENT, VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 0.00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COUMPOUND (LB/GAL): APPEARANCE-AND ODOR: CLEAR, ODORLESS (ADDITIVE-MERCAPTAN-STRONG-PUNGENT) STRONG SOLVENT - DISSOLVES SOME PLASTICS AND RUBBERS. PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (4)**FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA** FLASH PT: -156 F, CC FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL%: 2.4 UEL%: 9.5 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: CLASS B OR C EXTINGUISHERS. AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE = 920-1020 F. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE: IN EVENT OF FIRE OR ABNORMAL TEMPERATURES, CARBON MONOXIDE AND VARIOUS ALDEHYDES MIGHT BE FORMED. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD: HIGHLY FLAMMABLE - HEAVY GAS. PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (5)**HEALTH HAZARD DATA** (A) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF A SINGLE (ACUTE) OVER EXPOSURE SKIN : FREEZE BURNS IF LIQUID TOUCHES SKIN. EYES : INHALE : SIMPLE ASPHYXIANT AND HAS ANESTHETIC ACTION IN HIGH CONCENTRA- TIONS. INGESTION: OTHER : PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (B) HEALTH HAZARD - EFFECTS OF REPEATED (CRONIC) OVER EXPOSURE PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (C) HEALTH HAZARD - MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND LAB DATA NOT CONSIDERED TOXIC AT AIR CONCENTRATIONS OF 3.5%. PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (D) EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES SKIN : TREAT BURNS AS USUAL - SYMPTOMATIC AND SUPPORTIVE. EYES : INHALE : OXYGEN (AFTER REMOVAL FROM EXPOSURE) IF INDICATED. CAUTION OF FIRE HAZARD IN LUNGS ADVISED. INGESTION: OTHER : PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (6)**REACTIVITY DATA** STABLE: X UNSTABLE: HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X PHOTO CHEMICAL REACTION MAY OCCUR: WILL NOT OCCUR: X CONDITIONS TO AVOID: CYLINDERS - TERMPERATURES ABOVE 125 F. GAS FLAMES, SPARKS, OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIAL TO AVOID): CHLORINE OR HIGHLY OXIDIZING AGENTS. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: COMPLETE COMBUSTION - NONE. INCOMPLETE - CO AND VARIOUS OTHER ALDEHYDES. CO AND VARIOUS OTHER ALDEHYDES. CO AND VARIOUS OTHER ALDEHYDES. PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (7)**SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES** STEPS IN CASE: EXTINGUISH ALL FIRES, ELIMINATE SPARKING EQUIPMENT, VENTILATE WELL. GAS - GENERAL HYDROCARBON. COMBUSTION PRODUCTS - CO AND VARIOUS ALDEHYDES. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: ALLOW SPILLS TO EVAPORATE WITH ADEQUATE VENTILATION. BURN UNDER CONTROLLED CONDITIONS USING PRESSURE REGULATOR OR CONTROL VALVE. PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPi~NE CYLINDER (8)**SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION** RESPIRATORY: CHEMICAL CARTRIDGE OR AIRLINE TYPE RESPIRATOR. GLOVE: EYE AND FACE: CHEMICAL GOGGLES OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: EXPLOSION PROOF EQUIPMENT. VENTILATION: LOCAL EXHAUST RECOMMENDED. PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (9)**SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS** HANDLING AND STORAGE: HANDLE PER 49 CFR 172.101. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: CLASS DESCRIPTION = FLAMMABLE GAS. (DOT 39 NRC) PROPER SHIPPING NAME = LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS (PROPANE) PRODUCT - TORNADO/TEMPEST LP-175 14 OZ. PROPANE CYLINDER (10)**ORIGINAL ISSUE** PREPARED BY: ISSUE DATE: 1985-10-16 REVISED BY: SANDY ARON REVISED DATE: 1985-10-16