HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION Ship To: ~//,0~nr/l~/v~'/~C _~aCt~ ~[;/~> Page ' ] o~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY ~CORD Attn: ~A ([~ ~~. ~oj~t Name: ~ ~ ~ Analysis ~ Site L~ation: ~ ~f~Cl) ' Date: 0 ' / ~?/ ~[ ' ~ -i · BothWell S~ple Sample T~'~ E ~ ~ Sample Containers ~o. ~o. ~pa ~t~ x~ w~t~! So~ia Othe~ ~ ~] Va. ~o. Xy~ ~ ~~',,' Sa~plea S~p~:t ~ Ship,rs Signature: ~ .~ . ,~ Signature Company Date Time Re~qu~h~ by: / ~ ~ R~eiv~ by: Re~qubh~ by: R~eiv~ by: Sp~ial Ins~cfions / Shipmen~ / H~d~ S~orage R~ukemenm: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC: 21 Tec~ology Drive I~c, Califomia 92718 ~e material(s) listed are received for analysis ~d/or ~eatabilky evaluation. A~ ~e ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. conclusion of~e test work, all remaining material(s) will ~ ret~ed to ~e client ~815 Mitchcll Drivc, Suite 103 for eventual disposal at a licens~ facility. Walnut Creek, California 94598 SMC Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology'Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date Samples Received : 9-25-91 Date Analysis Completed: 9-25-91 Date of Report : 9-26-91 Attn: Mr. Mike Leonard Project Name: Sante Fe Project ~: 91-172 D RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample % ID mq/kq MDL, mq/kq 3588 EX-160-1575 450. ' 5.0 3589 EX-100-160 780. 5.0 3590 EX-100-225 310. 5.0 3591 EX-210-225 350. 5.0 3592 EX-225-160 460. 5.0 Method of Analysis: 418.1 ND = None Detected mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram MDL = Minimum Detection Limit A~gela Horton Analytical Chemist 3 ! 55 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 Ship To: ~/]jtl~JJ//~.Sv~'/ffL. ~:o/.,t,)'~'~, Page I of ) CHAIN OF CUSTODY ~CORD Site Locaaon: ~.~P~-~[~l &CP ' Bofin~ell Sample Sample T, ~e ~ ~ Sample Containers No. No. Depth Date T~e Water Solid Other ~ ~ Vol. No. Type ;Pres Rem~ks Total Numar of Samples Ship~: Ship~r's Signature: .~ '~ ~)~' ~ignature. . ~ Company ~/~(/~lDate ~' Time~ Relinquished by: Rel~quish~ by: R<eiv~ by: Re~qu~h~ by: R<eiv~ by: Sp<ial lns~ctions / ~hipment / H~d~ Storage R~u~emenB: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. ~/~~/~ 21Tec~olo~ Drive I~e, California 92718 ~e material(s) listed are re~ived for analysis ~or ~eatability evaluation. At ~e ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. conclusion of ~e test work, all remaining material(s) will ~ ret~ed to ~e client 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 for eventual disposal at a li~nsed facility. Walnut Creek, California 94598 GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (213) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 and Testing Service ~ LABORATORY REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS DATE SAMPLED : 10/14/91 21 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE DATE RECEIVED: 10/14/91 IRVINE, CA 92718 DATE ANALYZED: 10/14/91 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL ATTENTION: JIM CARTER CLIENT ID : 91-172D GEOTEST PROJECT NO. : '92759-01 ANALYSES: 418ol PROJECT NAME: SANTA FE RAILWAY LOCATION: CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY INFRARED SPECTROMETRY EPA METHOD 418.1 ~A~PLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ~EX 0-75 10' 97 10 EX 75-75 10' 280 10 EXW-25-75 130 10 EXW 125-55 5' 47 10 EXW 0-37.5 5' 1700 10 EXW-5-32.5 6200 10 EX 30-44 5' 1600 10 EX 110-44 5' 230 10 ×EXW 15-32.5 5' 280 10 .EX 30-44 6' 74 10 ND - Not detected below indicated limit of detection.~/// Analyst: RV Reviewed and Approved: Ibis report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necess'arily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This veport is submitted fo~ the e>:clusive use of the client to whom it is ad,~ressed. GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST 3960 E. Gilman Street GEOTEST Long Beach, 90615 PROJECT NO: Telephone:(213) 498-9515 (800)624-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE ~tJ[ OC..~ PAGE ~__ OF PROJECT NAME -~'~Sr~-~- t~,~,~NR~It", ' .... METHODS ADDR£SS C~ ' ~ uJ  COMMENTS ~ C~T~ TIME ' TIME ~ q~A~~ TIME ~~ O?~ COMMENTS YES I NO COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY ~ ~t~t~ TIME~ ~IME ~(~ ~ ~0~ TIME c~'~ , PRINTED NAME ~ co~.~., co~,~.~ co~,~.~ ~'~' GEOTEST Post'Office Box90911, Long Beach, California 90809-O911 (213)498-9515 (800)624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service LABORATORY REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS DATE SAMPLED : 10/08/91 ~1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE DATE RECEIVED: 10/08/91 IRVINE, CA 92718 DATE ANALYZED: 10/08/91 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL ATTENTION: JIM CARTER CLIENT ID : 91-172D GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: 9275'3-01 ANALYSES: 418.1 PROJECT NAME: SANTA FE RAILWAY LOCATION: CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY ~NFRARED SPECTROMETRY EPA METHOD 418.1 SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ~'EXW 250-225 5' ND 10 EXW 175-225 5' 57000 10 · EXW -25- 187.5 4' 3900 EXW 100-225 5' 19000 10 vEX 25-187.5 10' 20000 10 -EX 100-187.5 10' .6500. 10 .*EXW 170-225 5' 500 10 ,,*EX 175-187.5 10' 6800 10 EX 287.~5-225 10' ND '10 ~EX 62.5-225 10' 510 10 ND - Not detected below £ndioated Liait of detection. AnaLyst: SJ Reviewed and Approved:///~,.~ GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST ~o~ office Box g0911, Long Beach, California g0~0g-0gll (213)498-g515 (800)624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS DATE SAMPLED : 10/08/91 21 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE DATE RECEIVED: 10/08/91' IRVINE, CA 92718 DATE ANALYZED: 10/08/91 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL ATTENTION: JI~ CARTER CLIENT ID : 91-172D GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: 92759-01 ANALYSES:' 418.1 PROJECT NAME: SANTA FE RAILWAY LOCATION: CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTEMT BY INFRARED SPECTROMETRY EPA HETHOD SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) {mg/kg) EX 212.5-225 10' ND 10 '.EX 137.5-225 10° 190 10 £XW-25-200 3' 310 10 ' £XW-25-225 5' 22000 10 ,EX 140-250 10' 650 10 · EX 65-250 10' 51000 10 EXW 125-250 5' 19000 10 , EXW 160-240 5' 46 10 EXW 75-250 5' 51000 10 ND - Not detected below indicated Limit o~ detection.~/// Analyst: SJ Reviewed and Approved: / This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. GEOTESTisadivisionofGEOSERVlOES, a Californiacorporation, ORtG~NAL  GEOTEST 3960 E. Gilman Street u,-u ~ ,-~ m Long Beach, 90815 PROJECT NO: ~ Telephone:(213)498-9515(800)624-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODYRECORD DATE tOJ61C~l PAGE I OF_~. PROdE( ,'r NAME~, Irl,~T~ F6 ~, ~ I L U3 ~' METHODS U.I SAMPLE[RS SIGNATURE PRINTEI~ NAME __ ?~r'J~4.~' ~'~ ~.~t.~.-~. ~ ~ ~ SPECIAL HANDLING/coMMENTS CLIENT pROJECT NO. v¢[ J~' ("7"Y~ a '-. ~: z PROJECT MANAGER ~. '~' n 'r ~ ~' =o ~ o O ~AMPLE NO. DATE TIME LOCATION I-- I- ~*:~ ~.~ ioo.,/.15'- lo~ ,o, ,, o RECIEVED ON ICE [ I YF_,E~NO , ~ ~ ~ ~ COMMENTS YES / NO TIME PRINTED NAME . TIME TIME ~COM~.~ - COM~.~ ./  GEOTEST 3960 E. Gilman Street GEOTEST Long Beach. 90815 PROJECT NO: ~t~-~'~... o V Telephone:(213)498-9515(800)624-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE to'/~J'~l PAGE PROJECT NAME .~lt~'T,~. ~ ~-~1~.~,1~' METHODS UJ ADDRESS ~_~,~ ~-~ ~,~e-~.F.F~-,.~ · ~ m SAMPLERS SIGNATURE //~. (~ ~ ~ PRINTED NAME __ ~&~ -~. E~ ~ ~ = SPECIAL HANDLIN~ CLIENT PR~ECT NO. ~J~l ~ D - < = ~ COMMENTS PR~ECT M~GE. ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~MPLE NO. DATE TIME LO~TION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o' I ., ~ I-- ~o ', ~ ~ ~ ~~ TIME ~O~ ~ELI~E~ TIME ~ TIME PR,NTEDNAME -' PR,NTEDNAaE ~,~ PR,N~E. ~ COMMENTS YES/NO ~m~AmnE ~ SIGNATU~~ sIG~URE ~ ~ '~ . COMPANY COMPANY % "- GEOTEST Post Office Box 90911, LongBeach, Californiag0809-0911 (213) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service LABORATORY REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS DATE SAMPLED : 10~09/91 21 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE DATE RECEIVED: 10/09/91 IRVINE, CA 92718 DATE.ANALYZED: 10/09/91 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL ATTENTION: JIM CARTER CLIENT ID : 91-172D GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: 92759-01 ANALYSES: 418.1 PROJECT NAME: SANTA FE RAILWAY LOCATION: CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY INFRARED SPECTROMETRY EPA M~rHOD 418.1 SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECT~ON LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) SP 17-B 1400 10 EX-25-250.10' 1600 10 EXW-30-230 4' ND 10 OM-! ND 10 OM-2 7800 10 SP 18-B 410 10 EX 325-125 10' 190 10. ~,EX 400-125 10' 930 10 ND - Not detected below indicated limit of detection. Analyst: SJ Reviewed and Approved: //////f This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted ~or the e~clusive use o~ the client to whom it is addressed. GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST 3960 E. Gilman Street GEOTEST Long Beach, 90815 . PROJECT I~O: ¢[ Z~G~ -o.~ ~ Telephone: (213) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PROJECT NAME ~ 1~.l,4~Pr ~ ~,,/ML~IA-~' METHODS SAMPLERS SIGNATURE [~/~. ~'~ ~ Z ~ ~ SPECIAL HANDLING/  '~'~J; . m COMMENTS SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LO~TION COMMENTS COMPANY COMPANY C~AN~, ' , , GEOTEST .o~ office Box90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (213)498-g515 (800)624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service LABORATORY REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS DATE SAMPLED : 10/10/91 21 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE DATE RECEIVED: 10/10/91 ~RVINE, CA 92718 DATE ANALYZED: 10/10/91 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL ATTENTION: JIM CARTER CLIENT ID : 9L-L72D GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: 92759-01 ANALYSES: 418.1 PROJECT NAME: SANTA FE RAILWAY LOCATION: CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA &NALYS[S OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY INFRARED SPECTROMETRY EPA METHOD 418.~ SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ~EXW-25-250 4' ND 10 !~ EXW 430-180 5' 160 10 EXW 400-215 5' 95 10 EXW 325-225 5' ~ 270 10 .... EXW 400-225 5' ND 10 - EX 200-112.5 10' 3300 10 ~£X 275-112.5 10' 310 10 ~EX-25-112.5 5' 72 10 ',EX 50-112.5 10' 24000 10 ~EXW 410-70 4' ND 10 ~ EX 425 -94 6' 78 10 ~XW 450-94 3' 34 10 ND - Not detected below indicated limit Analyst: SJ Reviewed and Approved: Report date: This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not ~ecessari£y apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This 'report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL ~L GEOTEST 3960 E. Gilman Street GEOTEST c~ ~ ~L.~ cl. -O t Long Beach, 90815 PROJECTNO: Telephone:(213)498-9515 (800) 624-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE tO IF~[fll PAGE _..L OF PROJEC3' NAME .S~T~t ~. ~./~ t[.~31~/ METHODS REFERENCE uJ = - SAMPLERS SIGNATURE //~/~ J/7 ( ~ ~ u3~u LU~ =_~ ~o= COMMENTS/ ~ ~ CONTAINER TYPE PROJECT MANAGER /' ~ 'r ~ o,~ ~ SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LOCATION I-- I-- ~ ~o> -.~ O RE.~NOUISHED By~'~ ~I ~/~ 'oD~TI I t'O~.;~ U RELINQUISHED BY DATE t~ TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SIGN.~_URE- ,l~/~l i SiGYNATURE/~ SIG,^~ ~ SAMPLE CONDITION~.~.~ PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME ~r~. ,~.~" PRINTE~ ~ RECEIVED ON ICE OOMPANy/ , / //./ CO P*" OOMPA.¥ SPEC'AL S"'PME"T'HA"OL'. ~R ~/ED ' IoI~T~'(O/~! ~:! RECEIVED BY DATE :GN UR~~ r;! JiEC~I~/~ B~ ~L-)AB)~/(/~ OR STORAGE REQUIREMENTS: PRINTED NA~E "' ~ TIME TIME "'" Jm~ GEOTEST GEOTEST 3960 E. Gilman Street PROJECT NO: c:~ Long Beach, 90815 PAGE_~ OF ~ Telephone: (213) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PROJECT NAME .~PrH'rR F'~_., ~'.AiL,.},q-y METHODS REFERENCE ,. uj_- -- ~ ~u ~ z COMMENTS/ S^M.LERSS~GNATURE ~*.-* 'H- ~ O,~ ~ ~a ~ CO.TA,.E. TV.E PROJECT MANAGER. / ~ :c ~o ~ ~.~ PRINTEb NAME ~ ' ' -- PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME cOMpANY coMpANY comPaR~ . COmPaNY ,, ..... y~-~ ..... --G---~O TEST Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 901309-0911 (213)498-9515 (800)624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service LABORATOR~ REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS DATE SAMPLED : 10/11/91 21 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE DATE RECEIVED: 10/11/91 IRVINE, CA 92718 DATE ANALYZED: 10/11/91 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL ATTENTION: JIM CARTER CLIENT ID : 91-172D GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: 92759-01 ANALYSES: 418.1 PROJECT NAME: SANTA FE RAILWAY LOCATION: CALIFORNIA STREET .BAKERSFIELD, CA ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY INFRARED SPECTROMETRY EPA METHOD 4[8.[ SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (mo/kg) (mo/kg) , EX 375-94 8' 370 10 EXW 275-70 4' ND ~EX 300-94 8' ND 10 ~EXW 200-65 5' ND 10 , EX 300-90 10' ND 10 ~-'EXW 350-70 4' 16 10 ~ EX 225-85 10' 9800 10 .. EX 150-80 10' 20000 10 ,/£XW 75-40 7' ND 10 This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL iGEOTEST GEOTEST 3960 E. Gilman Street PROJECT Np: Long Beach. 90815 Teleph0ne:(213)498-9515 (800) 624-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE I° h~ PAGE I'_OF I ,. PROJECT NAME .~,1~ I~'F/~ ~ ~ '~RIL~ ~ METHODS REFERENCE m ~ ~ CONTAINER TYPE CLIENT PROJECT NO. O ~ ~ [ w PR~ECT MANAGER ~ ~ o ~ ~ SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LOCATION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~T T~NSmRTER ~O~ ~. ~~~ TIME ~1~ TIME PRINTED~ ~ TIME RECEIVED ON ICE ~~~/~m ~/&'' J~/~ ~T~ CHAINOFCUSTODYSEAL "~EDZ/~~IG~'URE , 'r~ . RECEIVED BY ~ DATE --~*~"'RE~EIVED~('~). .~~ OR STORAGE REQUIREMENTS: PRINTED NAME i/ COMPANY - COMPANY ,, C~PAN~ " , ,,, SMC Laboratory Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Attention: Mr. Mike Leonard Date Samples Received : 9-26-91 Date Analysis Completed: 9-27-91 Date of Report : 9-30-91 Project Name: Santa Fe Project ~ : 91-172 D RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL LEAD Sample ~ ID uqm/qm MRL,uqm/gm 3621 LEX-SP1 210. 10. 3622 LEX-SP2 150. 10. 3623 LEX-SP3 210. 10. 3624 LEX-SP4 110. 10. 3625 LEX-Ii0-88 120. 10. 3626 LEX-ii5-64 20. 10. 3627 LEX-35-55 43. 10. 3628 LEX-15-82 93. 10. 3629 LEXW-50-95 140. 10. 3630 LEXW-115-45 ND 10. 3631 LEXW-100-110 160. 10. 3632 LEXW-65-325 8.8 10. 3633 LEXW-20-45 8.7 10. 3634 LEXW-130-85 300. 10. Method of Analysis: 3050/7420 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = none detected e~a Horton Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 ° (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 .... CUSTODY REC, ORD , , , Ship To: r~.//,'$tQVAag--,v.r,l.t. 't-7~-L,~T'.,.I,~ Page ] _o£ { CHAI~'OF Site Location: ~)~ ['1 g~ _. , Bofin~ell Sample Sample T' ~e ~ ~ Sample Containers ~ .. ' No. No. Depth Date Time i o Water Solid Other ~ ~ Vol. No. Type Pres ~.~-~31. Sample~ S~p~] ~' ' ' To~l Number o?, Ship~r's Signature: Signature Company Date T~e . Relinquished by: ,, . -, R~eived by: Re~nquish~ by: R~eiv~ by: -.- ~ial Ins~ctions / Shipment / H~d~ Storage R~u~emen~: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS~ INC. ' 21 Tec~olo~ Drive I~e, California 92718 ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. : material(s) lisled are re~ived for analysis ~d/or ~eatabili~y evaluation. At ~e 2815 Milchcll Drive, Suite 103 clhsion of ~e test work, all remaining material(s) will ~ returned to ~e client Walnut Creek, California 94598 wentual disposal at a licensed facility. SMC Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Attention: Mr. Mike Leonard Date Samples Received : 9-27-91 Date Analysis Completed: 9-30-91 Date of Report : 10-01-91 Project Name: Santa Fe Project ~ : 91-172 D RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL LEAD .Sample ~ ID uqm/qm MRL~uqm/gm 3654 LEX 55-60 10. 10. 3655 LEX 85-64 14. 10. 3656 LEX 85-75 23. 10. 3657 LEX SP-5 44. 10. 365'8 LEX 70-75 20. 10. 3659 LEXW 45-64 16. 10. 3660 LEXW 75-85 10. 10. 3661 LEXW 80-44 ND 10. 3662 LEXW 105-75 ND 10. Method of Analysis: 3050/7420 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = none detected An~e~e l~H~r t o~n~~ Analytical Chemist 3 ! 55 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 ·(805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: .21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date Samples Received : 9-27-91 Date Analysis Completed: 9-30-91 Date of Report : 9-30-91 Attn: MR. Mike Leonard Project Name: Santa Fe Project ~ : 91-172 D RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ iD ~ mq/kq MDL, mq/k~ 3653 EX-450-210 ND 5.0 Method of Analysis: 418.1 ND = None Detected mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram MDL = Minimum Detection Limit A~g~la Horton Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P,O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 B°fin~ell Sample Sample T',pe No. No. Depth Date Time Water Solid Other ~ ~ V61. No. :Type Pres Rem~ks To~l Number of S~ples Ship~: Ship~r's Signature: Signature Company Date Time Re~quish~ by: R~eiv~ by: Re~qu~h~ by: R<eiv~ by: S~ial lnsmctions ] Shipment [ H~d~ Sro,age R~ukemenm: ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 21 Tec~ology Ddve I~e, California 92718 ~e material(s) listed are re~ived for analy~i~ ~d/or ~eatabilily evaluation. At ~e ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. conclusion of ~e test work. all remaining material(s) will ~ returned to ~e client 2815 Mitchell Ddve, Suite 103 for eventual disposal at a li~ns~ facility. Walnut Creek, Cali[omia 94598 The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company · 740 East Carnegie Drive San Bernardino, CA 92408-3571 (714) 386-4081 November 20, 1992 - File: 01001857-61 Hazardous Materials Specialist Environmental Health Services Department County of Kern 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Gough: Reference is made to Santa Fe's remediation of the former shop area (Permit No. 170008) located near California and Campus Streets in Bakersfield, California. Enclosed for your review and approval is one copy of the final status report (Closure Report) for the Bakersfield soil remediation project. Request early approval to enable Santa Fe to properly grade the site, allowing for proper drainage prior to seasonal rains. If questions arise, please contact Mick Hardin at the above telephone number. Sincerely, Mick Hardin Manager Environmental and Hazardous Materials Control Enclosure cc: Messrs. Bill McGinn - San Bernardino (w/o enclosure) Ivan Owsley - Bakersfield " Mr. Tim Lassen (w/o enclosure) Environmental Solutions 21 TechnolOgy Drive Irvine, CA 92718 ~ 11-20 02/ira A Santa F¢ Pacific Company SMC LAB Date Reported: 10/12/92 Page 1 P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: 10/08/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-12 Attn.: STAN COMER 805-393-3597 Sample Description: SAMPLE ID ~3350 (SOIL) TB-100 TOT;LL coNTAMIN/LNTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead 28. mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: Ail above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for' Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor 41 00 Ar~as Cc. · Bakers~elrl, C~ ~B~3~Ol~ · [5)0b-)~-~7-,491 I · FAX ~ ~7-1 ~11~ SMC LAB Date Reported: 10/12/92 Page i P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: i0/08/92 BA/~ERSFIELD, CA 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-11 Attn.: STAN COMER 805-393-3597 Sample Description: Si~IPLE ID ~3341 (SOIL) TB-88 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261 Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents SamDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead 84. ' mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: Ali above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluatin9 Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor 4100 At~as Ct. · B@kersf~elct, CA 93308 · [805) 327~4911 · FAX (805) 327-191 8 L~;:~TO~IES SMC LAB Date Reported: 10/12/92 Page i P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: 10/08/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-8 Attn.: STAIg COMER 805-393-3597 Sample Description: SAMPLE ID ~3314 (SOIL) TB-80 TOTD, L CONTAMINANTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead None~Detected mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: Ali above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986.' Department Supervisor 41 OD Ar_Jas Ct. · Bakersfield, r_~ 93~08 · (812)5) 3~-------------------------~7~491 1 · I:AX (BI2b--) 2~7-1 91 8 SMC LAB Date Reported: 10/12/92 Page 1 P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: i0/08/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-9 Attn.: STA/~ COMER 805-393-3597 Sample Description: SAMPLE ID ~3323 (SOIL) TB-73 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents SamDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L. mq/kq Lead 87. mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: Aii above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor 4100 A~las Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (BOb-) 327-491 I · FAX (El2b-) 3~7-1918 SMC LAB Date Reported: 10/i2/92 Page i P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: 10/08/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-7 Attn.: STAN COMER 805-393-3597 Sample Description: SAMPLE ID #3305 (SOIL) TB-47 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. ' Method mq/L mq/kq Lead 95. ' mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating .Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor 4100 Ar~as Ct. · I~akerstie*O, CA ~ · (B(ib-) 327-4911 · FAX (E)(i~ 3~7-1918 I_ABO~IATORIES SMC LAB Date Reported: 10/12/92 Page 1 P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: 10/08/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-4 Attn.: STAig COMER . 805-393-3597 Sample Description: SAMPLE ID ~3278 (SOIL) TB-40 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261 Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead 68. mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: Ail above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique emPloyed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration 7~fLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor 4100 Atlas Ot~ · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (EE2b--) 327-4911 · FAX ~ 327-1 SMC LAB Date Reported: 10/12/92 Page P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: 10/08/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-5 Attn.: STAN COMER 805-393-3597 Sample Description: SAMPLE ID ~3287 (SOIL) TB-37 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents SamDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead 41. mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: Ail above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers ~o the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor 4100 Ar~as Qt. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (BI2b--)327-491 I · FAX (EI2D-)~7-191 lB SMC LAB Date Reported: i0/12/92 Page i P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: i0/08/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-6 Attn.: STAN COMER 805-393-3597 Sample Description: SAMPLE ID ~3296 (SOIL) TB-34 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria ~ Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead 77. mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). _STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, i986. Department Supervisor 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, OA 93308 · (B(2b--) 327~,91 I · I=AX (151Db-) ~7-191B SMC LAB Date Reported: 10/12/92 Page P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: 10/08/92 BAF~ERSFIELD, CA 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-10 Attn.: STAN COMER 805-393-3597 Sample Description: SAMPLE ID ~3332 (SOIL) TB-30 TOT3%L CONTAMINANTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead 104. mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: Ail above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. -- Practical Quantita~ion Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor 4100Ar~as Oc.'. Bakers6elO, C~ ~)3301~ · (19Ob---) ~327~4911 · CUSTODY RECORD Location of Sampling Collector Name: Name: SMC Company: Company: lab a ~__or_to.= 3155 Pegasus Drive Address: Address: Bakcmficld, CA 93308- Telephone: ( ) Telephone: ( ) Telephone: ( 805 .) 39'3-3597 FAX: (805) 393-3623 5ampizn.~ Method: oa,,.u~= x~?~. a~,xx Preservation Methods: Sample No. Date Time Description Analysis Requested Laboratory No. 3323 TB-73 Total Lead ~ 3332 TB-30 .... - 33 1 -88 " " 3350 TB-100 - ? - Relinquished By: ~L ~ Company: SMC LABORATORY, INC. Date: 10/8/92 ~ ~, ~. '' ~/ Company: ~ ~ ~ .~,~ ~o Date: Received By: ( ~- ~_ Relinquished ~/ Company: Date: Received By: Company: Date: Re linquished By: Company: Date: Received By: Company: Date: Sheet~ of~ Location of Sampling Collector Name: Name: SMC Company: Company: Laborato~. 3155 Pegasus Drive Address: Address: Bakemfield, CA 93308 Telephone: ( ) Telephone: ( ) Telephone: (805) 393-3597 FAX: ( 805 ) 393-3623 oamp-znK me~noa: Sample .~zv~. Soil Preservation Methods: Iced Sample No. I Date Time Description Analysis Requested Laboratory No. 3251 I TB-7 Total lead ?~ "-/ 3260 TB-4 " " - 3269 TB-1 " " 3278 TB-40 " " -- q 3287 TB-37 ,, ,, - 3296 TB-34 .... 3305 TB-47 " " -- 3314 TB-80 " " - Received By: ~,~ _,~_~---- Company: ~C/.~/~c~.-t'~_C Date: Re linquished(B~y :) company: Date: Received By: Company: Date: Re linquished By: 'Company: Date: Received By: Company: Date: ,,O , - .Sheet / of SMC LAB Date Reported: 10/12/92 Page P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: 10/08/92 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-1 Attn.: STAi~ COMER 805-393-3597 Sample Description: SAMPLE ID ~3251 (SOIL) TB-7 TOTAL CONTAMINA/~TS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC ~'fLC Constituents SamDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead 15. mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: Ail above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor 4100Ar3as Or. · Baker~--15elcl, C~ ~)330~ · (5)05) 327~4911 · SMC LAB Date Reported: 10/12/92 Page P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: 10/08/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-2 Attn.: STAN COMER 805-393-3597 Sample Description: SA/~PLE ID #3260 (SOIL) TB-4 .TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sa~.ple .Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead 16. mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: Ail above constituents are rePorted on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to deter~hine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA~SW-846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor 41 00 Ar~as Ct. · Bakersfield, ~ 933019 · ~ 327~491 I · FAX (l~)0b--) 327-1 91 8 SMC LAB Date Reported: 10/i2/92 Pa~e i P 0 BOX 80835 Date Received: i0/08/92 BD_KERSFIELD, C_A 93380 Laboratory No.: 9086-3 Attn.: STAN COMER 805-393-3597 Sample Description: SAMPLE ID ~3269 (SOIL) TB-1 TOTAL CONTAMIN/iNTS' (California Code of Regulapions, Title 22, section 6626i) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Metho~ mq/L mq/kq Lead 43. mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: Ail above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration. REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor 4100 ACJas Oc. · Bakemsfield, CA ~. (15~2)5) 327~491 I · I=AX (l~(2b--) ~7-1 911~ Ship To! -'3 I't'~_.. Page r~ of ri CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: P~ject Name: No. No. D~ ~m Ti~ Water Solid'O~t Vol. No. r~ ~s. Re~s Sigmt~ Co~y ~ Ti~ Re~nquis~ by: Re~iv~ Re~nquis~ by: R~iv~ by: S~i~ lns~c6ons / Shi~nt I H~lin~ Stm~ R~i~n~: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOL~IONS~ ~C. 21 T~hnology Ddvc l~inc, California 92718 The mstetlsl(s) listed srt receiv~ for analys~ ancot tres~bility evslust~n 21115 ~itchell ~ive, Sui~ 103 pro.fly of the client and not Environmen~l Solut~ns, Inc. At the conclusion of the t~t work, sll rem~inin~ mslerisl(s) will ~ return~ to the client for eventusl dls~l at n licens~ fscilit[: Walnut Creek, California 94598 ShipTo: ~'!H]~. P~ge (~ of ~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ...... Date: ~ / tO/ ~ Bofin~ell Sa~le S~ple T'~ ~ ~ S~ple Con.nets No. No. D~ Date Ti~ Water Solid O~or ~ Vol. No. Ty~:~es. Re~rks _SD ~ Sig~t~ Comfy Date Ti~ Re~nquis~ by: Re~nquis~ by: R~iv~ by: S~id lns~cfions / Shi~nt / H~lin~ Storage R~n~: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 21 T~hnology Drive I~ine, California 92718 The material(s) listed are receiv~ for analysb an~or treaability evaluation and remain the ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 pro~rty of the cli..t and .or Environmen~l Solutio. s, Inc. At the conclusion of the t~t work, Walnut Creek, California 94598 all remainin~ material(s) will ~ return~ to the client for eventual dis~l at a licens~ facilitg. ShipTo: [,.~r'IC Page ~ of "] CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: P~ject Name: /'4,7% ~ ~,{C Analysis No. No. Depth Date Time Water Solid Other Vol. No. Type I Pres. Rcma~s v v J ¢ , Total Number of Samples Shipped: I ~' Shipper's Signature: ~ Ii. [ 0.. ~".. , ~ Signatur~ Company Date Time Relinquished by: Received by: Relinquished by: Received by: Special l.slruclio.s / Shipmem / Ilandling/Storage Requi~ments: [] ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC, ;21 Technology Drive lrvine, California 92718 The mslerisal(s) listed sare received for nnsalysls sand/of treslability evsalustion sand remsain the [] ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. :2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 property of the client sand not Environmenlal Solutions, Inc. At the conclusion of the test work~ Walnut Creek, California 94598 all remsinin[~ materisl(s) will be returned to the client for eventusal dis[el sat s licensed facility,. ShipTo: ~>I~('. Page /~ of r/ CHAIN OF CUSTODy RECORD Attn: Project Name: t~'~'~ ,{2,~_ / Analysis __~ Date: '[ / 10 / ~ No. No. D~ Dam Ti~ Water Solid O~et ~ Vol. No. Fy~ ~s. Re~rks 3300 Sig~t~ Comply Date Re~nq~sbe~ by: R~iv~ by: Re~nq~s~ by: Re~iv~ by: S~ci~ ins~cgons / Shi~nt / H~dlin~ Stage R~n~: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, ~C. 21 T~hnology Drive I~ine, California 927 ! 8 D ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. The material(s) listed are receiv~ for analys~ ancot trea~bility evaluation and remain the ' 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 pro~rty of the client and not Environmental Solution~ Inc. At the conclusion of the test work, Walnut C~ek, California 94598 all remainin~ material(s) ~11 ~ return~ to lhe ellent for eventual dispel at a licens~ facility. ShipTo: S~'¥1~.~ Page ~ of r~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: Project Name: Site ~cafion: 'Dam: S~ple T . ~ g S~le Con.ne. ~ ~ B~n~ell Sable ~ Date Ti~ Wate~ Solid O~er Vol. No. I T~ ~s. Re~s  No. No. ~R~ ..-ql 3~q3 -ill To~ Num~ of S~les Shi~: I ~ Sig~t~ Comfy Dat~ Ti~ Re~nquish~ by: R~iv~ by: Re~nquis~ by: R~v~ by: S~ifl Ins~c~ons / Shi~nt / Handlin~ Stage R~nm: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOL'IONS, ~C. 21 T~hnology Drive l~ine, California 92718 T~e ~aterial(s) listed are reeeiv~ for anal~s~ ancot trea~bility evaluation ~nd remain the ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2815 Mitchell Drive, Sui~ 103 pro~rty o~ ~be client and not Environmental Solut~n~ Inc. At the conclusion of the t~t work, Walnut Creek, California 94598 all rem~inin~ ~alerial(s) will ~ return~ to lhe client ~or eventual dlsp~l at a lieens~ facility. ShipTo: -~I~C. Page r)x of ri CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD P~j¢ct No.: ~C Bo~n~ell S~Ic S~ple T'~ ~ S~ple Co.~.ers No. No. D~ Da~ Ti~ Wa~r Solid O~cr ~ Vol.No. F~ ~s. Re~s 3267 "1% 3270 -Iq 3~7~ - SCl ~7 ~ -s9 Sigmt~ Comfy Da~ Ti~ R~i~ Re~nq~s~ by: Re~iv~ by: S~ci~ lns~cfions / Shi~nt I Handlin~ Stage R~n~: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, ~C. 21 T~hnology Drive l~ine, California 92718 The material(s) listed are receiv~ for nnalys~ nn~or tren~bilily evaluation nnd remain lhe ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suit~. 103 )ro~rty of the client nnd not Environmen~l Solutions, Inc. At the conclusion of the test work, dl remainin~ material(s) will ~ return~ to the client for eventual dlsp~l at a llcens~ facility. Walnut Creek, California 94598 ShipTo: ..~T*,{"- L_,.>--, P~g, j of r~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD '~ '~'~7 Oat,: Samol* T',Oe ~' .~ Sample Containers '~1~ Boring/Well Sample Depth Dar, Time Water' Solid OtherO ~ Vol.No.Type Pres. Remarks  No. No. -32D] :/.:/,., -~--~ S'q _iq 3:261 -~1 ,,, ~ -lq. ,b x/ Total Number ofSamples Shipped:1 ~"Shipper's Signatun~: Signature Company Date Time Relinquished by: Received by: Relinquished by: Received by: Special Insguctions / Shipment / Handling/Storage Requirements: 1~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. ~-,~:',ul'{'~ ~O ~'~'~'~- ~-PO ~ ,,,i 21TechnologyDrive . - lrvine, California 92718 The material(s) listed are received for analysis and/or treatability evaluation and remain the [] ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC.. 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 property of the client and not Environmental Solutions, Inc. At the conclusion of the test work, Walnut Creek. California 94598 all remainin~ material(s) will be returned to the client for eventual disposal at a licensed facility,. SMC Anal~ical Chemist~ Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address : 21 Technology Drive Irvine,' Ca. 92718 Date samples received .:09.10'-92 Date samples started :09-14-92 Date analysis completed:10-05-92 Date of report :10-05-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS'OF ANALYSIS: TPH (Diesel} ~ ID ug/g DLR,ug/g 3340 TB-94 ND 10 3341 TB-8$ ND 10 3342 TB-95 34 10 3343 TB-89 18 10 3344 TB-96 30 10 3345 TB-90 ND 10 3346 TB-97 ND 10 3347 TB-91 ND 10 3348 TB-98 ND 10 3349 TB-99 ND 10 3350 TB-100 44 10 Method of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): 8015M DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected Kevi~ Laga~ ~ Analytical Chemist 3157PegasusDrive · Ba~rsfield. CA93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. BoxS0835 · ~kersfield, CA93380 ~; FAX(805) 393-3623 SMC Client Name: Environmental SolUtions, Inc. Address : 21 Technology Drive Irvine, Ca. 92718 Date samples received :09-10-92 Date samples started :09-14-92 Date analysis completed:10-05-92 Date of report :10-05-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project # : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: TPH (~iesel) ~ ID ug/g DLR,ug/g 3325 TB-83 ND 10 3331 TB-24 16 ~ 10 3332 TB-30 18 10 3333 TB-23 64 10 3334 TB-31 29 10 3335 TB-22 ND 10 3336 TB-92 ND 10 3337 TB-86 ND 10 3338 TB-93 ND !0 3339 TB-87 ND 10 Method of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): 8015M DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380;,,,,, FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC Laboratory, Inc. Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, inc. Address : 21 Technology Drive Irvine, Ca. 92718 Date samples received :09-10-92 Date samples started :09-14-92 Date analysis completed:10-05-92 Date of report :10-05-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Pr.oject ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: TPH (Diesel) ~ ID ug/g DLR,ug/g 3315 TB-77 ND 10 3316 TB-70 ND 10 3317 TB-71 ND 10 3318 TB-76 ND 10 3319 TB-81 ND 10 3320 TB-72 ND 10 3321 TB-75 ND 10 3322 TB-82 ND 10 3323 TB-73 ND 10 3324 TB-74 50 10 Method of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): 8015M DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected Kevin Lagan~he~i st Analytical 3157 Pegasus Drive · ~rsfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box' 80835 · ~kersfield, CA 93380 FAX (805) 393-3623 ~ ~e Anal~icalChemist~ Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address : 21 Technology Drive Irvine, Ca. 92718 Date samples received :09-10-92 Date samples started :09-14~92 Date samples completed :10-05-92 Date of report :10-05-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project % : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: TPH (Diesel} ~ ID ug/g DLR,ug/g 3261 TB-11 ND 10 3264 TB-12 ND 10 3267 TB-13 ND 10 3270 TB-14 ND 10 3272 TB-59 ND 10 2299 TB-65 ND- 10 3311 TB-79 ND 10 3312 TB-85 40 10 3313 TB-84 ND 10 3314 TB-80 45 10 Method of Analysis' for TPH (Diesel): 8015M DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (ppm) .ND = None Detected Ke~in Lagan~/ ' - Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 :,,,- FAX (805) 393-3623 Date Samples Received :09-10-92 Date Analysis Completed:09-30-92 Date of Report :10-01-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID ~q/Kq DLR, mq/Kq 3341 TB-88 1700 5.0 3342 TB-95 2500 5.0 3343 TB-89 2000 5.0 3344 TB-96 1800 5.0 3345 TB-90 1800 5.0 3346 TB-97 2000 5.0 3347 TB-91 2400 5.0 3348 TB-98 2000 5.0 3349 TB-99 1800, 5.0 3350 TB-100 1400 5.0 Brian Miller Analytical Chemist Date Samples Received :09-10-92 Date Analysis Completed:09-29-92 Date of Report :10-01-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID mq/Kq DLR, mq/Kq 3331 TB-24 1200 5.0 3332 TB-30 1400 5.0 3333 TB-23 1400 5.0 3334 ~ TB-31 1500 5.0 3335 TB-22 1400 5.0 3336 TB-92 1300 5.0 3337 TB-86 1500 5.0 3338 TB-93 1300 5.0 3339 TB-87 1700 5.0 3340 TB-94 1700 5.0 Brian Miller Analytical Chemist Date Samples Received :09-10-92 Date AnalYsis Completed:09-23-92 Date of Report :10-01-92' Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil. and Grease) sample ~ ID mq/Kq DLR, mq/Kq 3321 TB-75 3200 5.0 3322 TB-82 1600 5.0 3323 TB-73 2800 5.0 3324 TB-74 3200 5.0 3325 TBS83 2200 5.0 3326 TB-27 700 5.0 3327 TB-26 720 5.0 3328 TB-28 510 5.0 3329 TB-25 450 5.0 3330 TB-29 520, 5.0 Brian Miller Analytical Chemist Date Samples Received :09-10-92 Date Analysis Completed:09-23-92 Date of Report :10-01-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID mq/Kq DLR, m~/Kq 3311 TB-79 2600 5.0 3312 TB-85 3900 5.0 3313 TB-84 2200 5.0 3314 TB-80 3300 5.0 3315 TB-77 3100 5.0 3316 TB-70 3200 5.0 3317 TB-71 4300 5.0 3318 TB-76 3800 5.0 3319 TB-81 3400 5.0 3320 TB-72 4200 5.0 Brian Miller Analytical Chemist Date Samples Received :09-10-92 Date Analysis Completed:09-16-92 Date of Report :10-01-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID mq/Kq DLR, mq/Kq 3301 TB-46 700 5.0 3302 TB-49 660 5.0 3303 TB-66 740 5.0 3304 TB-32 760 5.0 3305 TB-47 460 5.0 3306 TB-48 410 5.0 3307 TB-67 890 5.0 3308 TB-68 690 5.0 3309 TB-69 940 5.0 3310 TB-78 930 5.0 Brian Miller Analytical Chemist Date samples Received :09-10-92 Date Analysis Completed:09-16-92 Date of Report :10-01-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID mq/Kq DLR, m~/Kq 3291 TB-36 170 5.0 3292 TB-64 550 5.0 3293 TB-51 380 5.0 3294 TB-44 540 5.0 3295 TB-35 290 5.0 3296 TB-34 370 5.0 3297 TB-45 580 5.0 3298 TB-50 460 5.0 3299 TB-65 1500 5.0 3300 TB-33 510 5.0 Brian Miller Analytical Chemist Date Samples Received :09-10-92 Date Analysis Completed:09-14-92 Date of Report :09-30-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS' (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID mq/Kq DLR, mg/Kq 3281 TB-54 410 5.0 3282 TB-41 520 5.0 3283 TB-38 370 5.0 3284 TB-62 460 5.0 3285 TB-53 350 5.0 3286 TB-42 660 5.0 3287 TB-37 320 5.0 3288 TB-63 410 5.0 3289 TB-52 480 5.0 3290 TB-43 910 5.0 Brian Miller Analytical Chemist Date Samples Received :09-10-92 Date Analysis Completed:09-14-92 Date of Report :09-30-92 prOject Name: ATSFRR Project RESULTS~OF ANALYSIS TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID mq/Kq DLR, mq/Kq 3271 TB-15 430 5.0 3272 TB-59 2600 5.0 3273 TB-58 690 5.0 3274 TB-57 320 5.0 3275 TB-56 260 5.0 3276 TB-60 710 5.0 3277 TB-55 ' 370 5.0 3278 TB-40_ 460 5.0 3279 TB-39 270 5.0 328.0 TB'61 560 5.0 Brian Miller Analytical Chemist Date Samples Received :09-10-92 Date Analysis Completed:09-11-92 Date of Report :09-30-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : ~91-172E · RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID mq/Kq DLR, mq/Kq 3261 TB-11 1000 5.0 3262 TB-18 480 5.0 3263 TB-3 360 5.0 3264 TB-12 1300 5.0 3265 TB-17 510 5.0 3266 TB-2 820 5.0 3267 TB-13 2600 5.0 3268 TB-16 310 5.0 3269 TB-1 ~720 5.0 3270 TB-14 1400 5.0 Brian Miller Analytical Chemist Anal~icalChemist~ Client Name:Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Attention :Mike Leonard Date Samples Received :09-10-92 Date Analysis Completed:09-11-92 Date of Report :09-30-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID mq/Kq DLR, mq/Kq 3251 TB-7' 720 5.0 3252 TB-8 710 5.0 3253 TB-21 830 5.0 3254 TB-6 440 5.0 3255 TB-9 480 5.0 3256 TB-20 800 5.0 3257 TB-5 470 5.0 3258 TB-10 550 5.0 3259 TB-19 290 5.0 3260. TB-4 750 5.0 Type of Matrix : Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 418.1 mg/Kg = milligrams per Kilogram (ppm) DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes Brian Miller Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 .' (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC ~,~c~ Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date Samples Received : 9-04-92 Date Analysis Completed: 9-10-92 Date of Report : 9-10-92 Attention : Mike Leonard Project Name: Santa Fe R.R. Yard Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Sample ~ ID % Moisture 3175 East 14.9 3176 West 14.7 3177 South 14.7 3178 Hole 14.9 Matrix type: Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 160.3 % = percent by weight Brian Miller Laboratory Director 3157 Pegasus Drive * Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 Ship To: ,,./~/Zq/C~' //~ Page. / of / / CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~" Site Loc. alion: /,/~'~7~r 'z~'d Date: t~ Sample T rpe ~ .~ Sample Containers Boring/Well Sample Depth Date Time Water Solid Other Vol. No. Type: No. No. ' D Pres. ' Remarks sf- / ?/>y v ?--- 1'3' xo. ! Total Number of Samples Shippe. d: I Shipp~r'sSignatam: ~'~,~ ~ ..... ~. Relinquished by: Received by: Relinquished by: ~' " Received by: ~ ~ Slx=cial l,stmction.~! Shipment ! thndling/Stooge g~ui~m~ ?." ' [~ EN¥_IRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. ,~6)/.~ ~/~:,5'~e7~ ~.. ~ ' 21 Technology Drive J//~'/'"'X..}/' /~L/"/~'~''' L'/tt'~',~,O~ Irvine, California 92718 The material(s) listed are received for analysis and/or treatability evaluation and remain the [] ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 property of the client and not Environmental Solutions, Inc. At the conclusion of the test work, Walnut Creek, California 94598 all remainin[~ material(s} will be returned to the client for eventual disposal at a licensed facility. SMC Laboratory, Inc. Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date Samples Received : 8-28-92 Date Analysis Completed: 9-02-92 Date of Report : 9-02-92 Attention : Mike Leonard Project Name: Santa Fe R.R. Yard Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Sample ~ ID % Moisture 3152 East 12.5 3153 West 11.1 3154 South 10.7 3155 Hole 12.1 Matrix type: Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 160.3 % = percent by weight Brian Miller Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 . · FAX (805) 393-3623 Ship'o: ~'7~ffl/~ '~?'~z~_t~;~ Page of CHA~ OF CUSTODY'RECORD Atto: ~j~t Na~:  Si~ ~cafion: i B~n~e~ S~l, S~,le T~ ~ S~ple Con~ne~ No. No. D~ Da~ Ti~ Wa~r Solid O~er~ Vol. [No. ~y~ ~es. Re~s J ' ~ To~ Num~ of S~les SM~: /~ S~r's Sig~tum: Sigmt~ .Comfy Da~ ~ Ti~ Re~nquis~ by: ~ J~~ ~/~ ~/~ ]~" ~ S~il lns~c~ons / Shinto / ~lin~ S~orsge R~m~n~: ~ ENVIrONmENTAL SOLUTIONS, ~C, ' 21 T~hnology Drive lninc, C~ifomia 92718 The material(s) ~ are receiv~ for analys~ an~or trea~bility evaluat~n and remain the ~ ENVIRONME~AL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2815 Mi~hcli ~ve, Suie 103 pro~rty of ~e client and not Environmental Solu~n~ lac At ~e conclmlon of the t~t work, nil remainin~ mater~l~s~ ~11 ~ retum~ to the client for eventual dispel at a licens~ facility. Walnut C~, California 94598 ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. [ Page 1 of 1 REPORT OF TEST RESULTS TO: Tim Lassen PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Bakersfield/North American Bioremediation DATE: September 1, 1992 CLIENT: North American Technologies PROJECT: 92-237 REFERENCE: GPA7-0071 UNITS rog/kg % SAMPLE NO. METHOD DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS* TPH H20 ESI 2516 EPA 418.1 Landfarm Sample 1-6 (8/24/92) 3635 13.4 ESI 2517 EPA 418.1 Landfarm Sample 7-12 (8/24/92) 4320 18.3 ESI 2518 EPA 418.1 Landfarm Sample 13-18 (8/24/92) 3925 10.7 * The data in this repm~, were obtained usi t~e ] ~.PA-approved methodology listed and ax~ intended fo~ CC: Glenn Androsko Mike Leonard File 0 -.. t) 0 ,ShipTo: ,,.~/t"~.. ~'t~ Page / of / CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Site Location: No. ~o. D~ Date Ti~ W~te~ Solid O~er Vol. ~o. T~ ~es. ; Re~rks . ~ ~' ~ Sig~t~ Comply Date Ti~ ~e~nquish~ by: R~iv~ by: Re~nquis~ by: Re~iv~ by: ~ ~gKL~ 21 T~hnology Drive ~' ~~ L~~~ I~ine' California 92718~, The material(s) listed are re~eiv~ for analys~ an~or treatability evaluation and remain the ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS,~mC. 2815 Mitchell Drive, Sui~ 103 pro~rty of the client and not Environmen~l Solutions, In~. At the conclusion of the t~t work, Walnut Creek, California 94598 all remainin~ material(s) will ~ return~ to the client for eventual dispel at a li~ens~ facility. SMC Laboratory, Inc. Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology 'Drive Irvine, CA 92718~ Date Samples Received : 8-21-92 Date Analysis Completed: 8-27-92 Date of Report : 8-28-92 Attention : Mr. Mike Leonard Project Name: Santa Fe R.R. Yard Project $ : N/A RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Sample $ ID ~ Moisture 3073 East 12.7 3074 West 13.8 3075 South 14.1 3076 Hole 16.7 Matrix type: Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 160.3 % = percent by weight Brian Miller Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 Ship To: ..~v///, ~.~f s/ .:.~ ', Page_~_L__of I, ,CHA~ OF CUSTODY RECORD // ~ I. ~', ," , ~" :~ ~ ~ - - D~: ~/ B~n~ell Sa~le S~plu T~ ~ ~ S~pio Con~n~rs No. No. D~th Dam Ti~ Wa~r Solid O~er_'_ Vol. {No. ~y~ ~es. Re~s ~5~ ~-t~ ~-5V ' Sig~t~ Comply Date Ti~ Re~.!.~ by: i .'?'~,,' ~,,.', , ' · . ,~ .~ /-~; '/ . ~., R~iv~ by: ~ i ReHnq~sh~ by: R~iv~ by: ReHnquis~ by: R~v~ by: S~i~ lns~ofions / Shi~nl / H~dlin~ SI~8~ R~n~: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, ~C. 21 T~hnology Drive I~ine, California 92718 The roster{si(s) listed are re~iv~ for analys~ an~or trea~bility eva{uatlon and remain the ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2815 Milehell Drive, Suite 103 pro.fly of Ihe cl}ent 8nd not Env{ronmen~{ Solut{on~ Inc. At the conc{usion of the l~t work, al{ remslnin~ tastefUl(s) will ~ return~ to Ihe client For eventual dlsp~l at a llcens~ facillt~. Walnut Creek, California 94598 SlLI. IKER I.ABORATORIEB LABORATORY REPORT DF CALII=ORNIA~ INC. '. 11:~_~ E~. Domir~Jez, ~ui~.,e I 159748 8/24/92 2 Oerson, GA · 9OT'aE~ Pu~tm~ ['~Io]r:~3'7-71;~I · F~X [310) ~HT ANALYTICAL RESULTS AEROBIC SAMPLE PLATE DESCRIPTION COUNT/G B/kW: ESI 25~ 280,000 SAMPLE#: TB-85 DATE: 8-19-92 SAMPLE TYPE: SOLID SIZE: 40HL VIAL B/kW: ESI 2511 280,000 SAMPLE#: TB-~ DATE: 8-19-92 SAMPLE TYPE: SOLID SIZE: 40ML VIAL 14Et~a cA'~CCHXA~ M.S. RECTOR SlLL. IKER LABORATORIES LABORATORY REPORT OF CALIFORNIA~ INC, -, 11~ E. Oomin~uez, Suite I S~PLES RECE;~D: RECE[~D F~: ]RVSHE HR. GLENN ANDROSKO ENViR~HENTAL SOLUTIONS 21 TECHNOLOGY DR]~ IRVINE CA 92718 ANALYTICAL RESULTS AEROBIC SAMPLE PLATE DESCRIPTION COUNT/G B/W: ESI 2488 1,600,000 SAMPLE#: TB'7 DATE= 8-19-92 S/~tPLE TYPE= SOLID SIZE: 40ML VIAL B/W#: ESI 2491 860,000 SAMPLE#: T8-11 DATE: 8-19-9Z SAHPLE TYPE: SOLID SIZE: 40ML VIAL B/W~: ESl 2508 45,000 SAMPLE#: TB-22 DATE: 8-19-92 SAMPLE TYPE: SOLID SLZE: 40ML VIAL S/Wff: ESl 2501 15,000 SAMPLE#: TB-46 DATE: 8-!9-~2 SAMPLE TYPE: SOLID SIZE: 40ML VIAL B/W#: ESl 2500 SAMPLE#: TB-51 DATE: 8-19-92 SAMPLE TYPE: SOLID SIZE: &OML VIAL B/W~: ESI 2&~ ~0,000 SAHPLE#: TB-58 DATE: 8-19-92 SAHPLE TYPE: SOLID SIZE: 40HL VIAL * CONTINUED * Ship To: ~"/~'/C'~ ,L/"'~ Page_____Lo~ / CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Site L~ation: Sample T'~ ~ ~ Sample Containers Bofin~ell Sample ~th Date Time Wat~ Solid Other:~ O Vol. No. T~ ~es No. No. o ~ Rem~ks I Total Numar of Sampl~ Shi~: . ~ Ship~r'~ Signature: ~ ~~-Signature Company R~eiv~ R~eiv~ by: S~ial lns~ctions/~hipment / Handlin~ Stor~e R~u~emen~: ~ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. ~ ~<~,' · ~ T<~o~ogy ~ve ~.. ~ ~F~~ ~e, Cali[o~ia 927~8 ~e material(~) li~ted are re~ived for analy*i~ ~ator ~atability evaluati~. At ~* ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS~ INC. . 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite. 103 conclusion of ~e test work. all r~aining material(~) will ~ termed to ~e cli~t for ev~tual dis~sal at a li~ns~ facility. Walnut Creek, California ~598 SMC Laboratory, Inc. Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date Samples Received : 8-14-92 Date Analysis Completed: 8-18-92 Date of Report : 8-18-92 Attention : Mr. Mike Leonard Project Name: Santa Fe R.R. Yard Project ~ % 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Sample ~ ID % Moisture 3030 East 13.7 3031 West 15.6 3032 South 15.3 3033 Hole 14.4 Matrix type: Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 160.3 % = percent ~f~,, ~'~ 'Brian Miller Laboratory Director 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 Ship To: .~ ~', ,[ - /- .., Page .~ of' 9. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: Project Name: ,/'~ ~-,~/ I? ~( Sample Conlainers ~ ~ Bo~ingJWell Sample Sample T~ pc No. No. Depth Date : Time Wateri Solid Otherl ~ lO Vol. No. Type Pres. Remarks ' Ill II Total Number of Samples Shipped: ] [ Shipper's Signature: ,",~.~[ .,~..~..~ (.~_. .i_.-. ~. t, C Signature Company Date Time Re~iv~ R~iv~d Special Instructions / Shipment / llandling/Storage Requirements: l~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 21 Technology Drive Irvine, California 92718 The material(s) listed are received for analysis and/or treatability evaluation and remain the [] ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 ~roperty of the client and not Environmental Solutions, Inc. At the conclusion of the test work, Walnut Creek, California 94598 dl remainin~ material(s) will be returned to the client for eventual disposal at a licensed facility'. StapTo: fi ', -; : '~, Page [ of ~.~,· ~CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: Project Name: .~' ,,, ~jcct No.: // / ..... Date: B~n~cll Sable S~ple T ~ ~ S~ple Con~ne~ No. No. D~ Dale Ti~ Wate Solid O~er__ Vol. No. T~ ~s. Re~rks I ~ - ''~ / / To~ Num~ of S~lcs S~: ~ · .~ Sig~t~ Comfy Date Ti~ Re~nq~s~ by: R~iv~ by: Re~nquis~ by: R~v~ by: S~ci~ Ins~cfions / Shi~nt / H~lin~ St~age R~m~n~: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 21 T~hnology D~ve l~ine, California 92718 The material(s) lis~d nrc reeeiv~ for nnnlys~ nn~or tren~bility evaluation and remain the ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2815 Mitchell Drive, Sui~ 103 ~ro~rty of the client nnd not Environmen~l Solutions, Inc. At the conclusion of the t~t work, Walnut Creek, California 94598 dl remninin~ material(s) will ~ return~ to the client for eventual dlsp~l ntn llcens~ facility. ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. I Page2of2 REPORT OF TEST RESULTS TO: Mike Leonard ] PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Bakersfield Biotreatment DATE: August 24, 1992 CLIENT: ATSFRR - Bakersfield PROJECT: 91~172E REFERENCE: GPA7-0027 UNITS mg/kg % SAMPLE NO. I~THOD DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS* TPH H20 ESI 2506 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-27, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1402 12.0 ESI 2507 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-24, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1227 14.3 ESI 2508 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-Lr2, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1312 14.0 ESI 2509 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-92, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1109 14.3 ESI 2510 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-88, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1546 15.0 ESI 2511 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-96, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1608 13.0 ESI 2512 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-91, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1642 16.6 ESI 2513 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-100, 2 feet (8]11/92) 1496 14.8 * The data in ~is ~ we~ obtained ~ ~ the EPA-~ored methodology listed and are intended for COMMENTS: p~cess evaluation only and no~ f~ me ~ ~r~gul~t~r~ agencies. LABORATORY MANAGER: CC: Glenn Androsko File ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. [ Page I of 2 REPORT OF TEST RESULTS TO: Mike Leonard PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Bakersfield Biotreatment DATE: August 24, 1992 CLIENT: ATSFRR - Bakersfield PROJECT: 91-172E REFERENCE: GPA7-0027 UNITS mg/kg % SAMPLE NO. METHOD DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS* TPH H20 ESI 2488 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-7, 2 feet (8/11/92) 2387 13.2 ESI 2489 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-21, 2 feet (8/I 1/92) 2000 11.5 ESI 2490 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-9, 2 feel (8111/92) 5158 11.7 ESI 2491 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB- 11, 2 feet (8/11/92) 2356 14.9 ESI 2492 EPA (418.1) Landfann Sample TB- 16, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1862 14.5 ESI 2493 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB- 1, 2 feet (8/11/92) 2676 15.7 ESI 2494 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-56, 2 feet (8/11/92) 778 11.8 ESI 2495 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-58, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1925 11.3 ESI 2496 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-40, 2 feet (8/11/92) 2750 12.0 ESI 2497 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-61, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1692 17.2 ESI 2498 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-42, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1975 16.4 ESI 2499 EPA (418.1) Landfann Sample TB-36, 2 feet (8/11/92) 1894 10.5 ESI 2500 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-51,2 feet (8/11/92) 1823 15.6 ESI 2501 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-46, 2 feet (8/11/92) 2383 14.7 ESI 2502 EPA (418.1) Landfann Sample TB-66, 2 feet (8/11/92) 2417 11.8 ESI 2503 EPA (418.1) ' Landfarm Sample TB-32, 2 feet (8/11/92) 2212 20.1 ESI 2504 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-85, 2 feet (8/11/92) 2987 18.1 ESI 2505 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-83, 2 feet (8/11/92) 3316 17.2 * The data in this report were obtained usin I the EP.~ ~pmved methodology listed and ar~ rote. haled for LABORATORY MANAGER: J~ CC: Glenn Andmsko File ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. [ Page_of_ REPORT OF TEST RESULTS UNITS mg/kg SAMPLE NO. METHOD DESCRIPTION' PARAMETERS* TPH COMM~: ~ ~a6m ~y ~ nm fmm by ~a~ ~O~RY CC: ~ ~ ~ ~ , . ~.. . .-~o.~.C .... . ., . . . . - S~pT~ %~... P~ ~ of ~ * "' -:' ; *.-" :', ~.OFC~ODY'RECORD,.::;,..: : :.?'.."' ~,~: , ~ ~.:.. ~kn~.. · ;. 7-;...;,: ~:~-;:,~,..~~?,%.:?.. ::: %-,.~:,:..-;-.f::C,,~,F.. . ,0. ~0.~ ~,, ~ . . ~ · I~~. -.~,..- ...... . - wa~ ~o~a~ ~ ~ Vol ~ T ~ -':' ' '',~ ..... ~:" "' '.'-'-;' ' '"::::'".' ~-%~ ~' ,t,&, ~ · ~ ~¢ * '~,, -: '-~'" ' :-.-I.-"1 .... I:'-~.q~.'~." "-- ':" - .... ' ' ', I '"' ... .... ~*'~*.. ! t ..1 " '!'a-'q~e- : ,. .' ,.' q~ ....t ~ .~ ~'7 t , .- ".-- ~6-~ I I "~ ' ~7~ - ~ ,-¢e I.t' t .. . a ¢ Z* . .. :¢,-, I, , Iti I .~..-¢,rCE ~&-s~ .. 1It. t ' a efta" - I I .... Signat~ , ~Y ~te T~ ' . crj R~i~-~ : fxJ ., ? S~ l~c~¢n~ i SM~,~¢ / ~b¢St~g~ R~~: ..... ~ · - · ~Jn~ C~sn.927ZS' :. '-". ~ .-' . ..... .....~,.. . . '. .<. The ~al{s) H~d are ~ for a~lys~ ptope~y of Ibe ~ienl and not Environmen~l So~n~ ~.~- .__, ~ [.. ,-. ~. ~..~ .~~5~ .. , - ~-~ '~ t~'-i ':~ ~ . ~ '~/5~ '. '-' ,~- ~ "~., ~ '~ 9~/~ .... ' ~.~,~'~; , '~ [~*~ .... ' '.'.'.:... ~ .... ~ ' '.' ¢t,~t~z ~-f~ (~ = ?' S~ Irish=dons / Shiest I Hnd~ Stye R~n~: ~ EN~ONME~ 50Lb~ION~ ~C. ShipTo: _~f~_. Page ~ of t'~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: l~oject Name: ~_ An~ysis Da,e: ~ /~ q~ Bo~n~ell Con~ne~s No. ~ [~ Re~s Tolal Number of Sarnp. les Shipped: Shipper's Signatu~: Signature j Company Date Ti me relinquisl~A by: - /- ! / ....... f/'" Received by: Relinquished by: Received by: Special lnsmiclions / Shipment / Handling/Storage Requirements: [~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 21 Technology Drive Irvine, California 92718 The material(s) listed are received for analysis and/or treatability evaluation and remain the [] ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 ~roperty of the client and not Environmental Solutions, Inc. At the conclusion of the test work, Walnut Creek, California 94598 all remainin~ material(s) will be returned to the client for eventual dispOSal at a licensed facilit},. Ship To: ~> l'~ Page I of ~. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: Project Name: ~ 7.~ F ~-(~../O.~ / 7/ Dat~: ~ / ~J / ~ ~ '~ Bofin~ell Sa~le S~ple T ~ ~ ~ S~ple Con~ne~ No. No. D~th Date Ti~ Water Solid O~cr ' ~ Vol. No. Y~ ~s. / ~ffff Re~s Signat~e Comply Date Ti~ ReUnquishedby: ~7' / / L.l ' ~ R~iv¢ by: Re~nquis~ by: Re~ived by: S~cil lns~c~ons / Shipment / Handlin¢ Sleage R~i~n~: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, 21 T~hnology Drive ~gsoliS b ¢'~ L.o.,zd lmine, Califomia92718 ' ~-' ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. " . The material(s) listed hre receiv~ for analysh an¢or trea~bilit~ evaluatioa and remain the 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 ~ pro~rty of the client and not Environmen~l Solat~as, Inc. At the conclusion of the t~t work, Walnut Creek, California 94598 all remainin~ material(s) will ~ return~ to the client for eventual dispel at a licens~ facility. Shi~ To: ~ ~ . . Page ~ _ ~,. ~,,~4 ~,,~, ~,~ ~,,~ .. ~~~~:.~ .<' ....- ~a-5 ~ -. ~'~-, ,,.~ .~,~5~ ....- ~, ~-~ ~ I i ~ .~ D / ......... l'n,,-~,l 1. _1 ~ ~.~ ag~ '. '".'.. .. "'. -- . ~._Re~"~ ~: R~iv~ ~: ' ' ~' ~S~ Insertions/Shi~nt/H~d~St~e R~n~: ~ EN~ONME~ SOLb~ION~ ~C. l~ine, C~ia 92718 ~ ~e ~al(s) ~ed ~re ~ceived t~ analys~ ancot ~ambi~t~ eva~nfian and re~ the ~ ~V~O~AL SOL.IONS, ~C. prope.y o~ the dlent and not Envkomen~l ~lu~ng ShipTo: ~{~C, Page I of ~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: Project Name: ~'/~f~- (~ Analysis 3 ISS Pe q,-c,.o ', ~je~t so.: q I- Date: ~ / ~sMI / riaL.,, ): Q Boring/Well ,lc Containers No. Remarks 3. Tolal Number of Samples Shippexl: Shipper's Signature: Company ] Date Time Signature Relinquished by: .' ( Received by: Relinquished by: Received by: Special Inslxuctions / Shipment / Handling/Storage Requirements: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 21 Technology Drive ~x0:~ol]~ h it~'~-~ Loo~,J lrvine, Califomia92718 The material(s) listed ~re received for analysis and/or treatability evaluation and remain the F'l ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 property of the client and not Environmental Solutions, Inc. At the conclusion of the test work, all remainin~ material(s) will be returned to the client for eventual disposal at a licensed facilitlt. , Walnut Creek, California 94598 J~--'~ ~--~2 ~£~ ~ : 47 $~ L~OR~TORY P. 0~ Client Namez Environmental Solutions, Address~21 Technology Drive Irvine, California 92718 Attention ~ Hike Leonard Date Samples Received ~08-11=92 Date Analysis Completely08-18-92 Da~e of Report :08-18~92 ProJec~ Names ATSFRR Project ~ ~ 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) !~mple ~ .... ID ma/Ka DLR~ mq/Kq 2964 TB-46 2000 ~%~ 5.0 2965 ?B-66. 2100 2966 ~B-32 620 *-~ ~ 5.0 2967 TB-85 810 ~- ~ 5.0 2968 TB-6$ 990 -- ~i~ 5,0 2969 TB-27 680 .--- ~0% 5.0 2970 TB-24 410 ~ I~X9 5.0 2971 ~S-22 300 -- 13~ 5.0 2972 T~o92 430 -- ~% 5.0 2973 TB-88 590 - ~q~ 5.0 2974 TB-96 470 - I%O~ 5.0 2975 TB-91' 510 - }~q~ 5,0 2976 TB-100 470 -- ;Hi% 5.0 Type of ~atrix ; Soil Method of Analysis; RPA 418,1 mr/Kg s =illigrams per Kilogram (ppm) DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes ~rian Hiller Laboratory Director 3157 P~ Drive · Ba~m~ek~ CA 93308 - ~0~ 393,3S~ P.O. Box 80835 * B~a~d, CA 93380 · FAX ~) 393~623 '' SMC l~bo~or~, Inc. AnalytJc~! ChemJstzy ~ddree~ 21 ?ec~o~og¥ At~ention ~ Mike Leonard Date Samples Received ~08-11-92 Date Analysis Completed~08-14~92 Date of Report =08-18-92 Project Name~ Project ~ ~ 91-172E R~SUtTS OF ~L¥SIS TO?~ P~TROLE~ H~ROCARBONS (0il and Crease) 2951 TB-7 1800 ~ ~7 5.0 2952 T9-2~ [600 -- aO00 5.0 295~ ~B-9 ~800 ~- ~E~ 5.o 2954 TB-11 2200 : ~ 5.0 2955 ~B-16 2700 * 1~6~ 5.0 2958 ~-58 2100 ; lief 5.0 2959 ~9-40 3000 ~ %?~O 5.0 2960 ~S-6~ 3000 ' ~ S.O 296t ~-42 [800 I~ 5.0 2962 Ta-36 1900 ; 'l~q S.0 2963 TB-51 1300 ~ I~ 5.0 ~pe of Matrix ~ Sol1 Method of Anal~sis~ ~PA 418.1 mg/K~ = milligrams per Kilogram (ppm) DLR - ~tection Limit for Reporting purposes Brian Miller Laboratory Director P.O~808~ · .~s~9~80 Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address : 21 Technology Drive Irvine, Ca. 92718 Date samples received :8-11-92 Date samples added :8-20-92 Date samples extracted :8-24-92 Date analysis compl'eted:8-25-92 Date of report :8-25-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: TPH (Diesel} ID ug/g DLR,ug/g 2961 TB'42 17 10 2962 TB-36 ND 10 ' 2963 TB-51 ND 250 (PQL) 2964 TB-46 ND 250 (PQL) 2965 TB-66 ND 250 (PQL) Method of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): DHS GC/FID DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected Brian Miller Analytical ChemiSt SMC Laboratory, Inc. Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address : 21 Technology Drive Irvine, Ca. 92718 Date samples received :8-11-92 Date samples added :8-20-92 Date samples extracted :8-24-92 Date analysis completed:8-25-92 Date of report :8-25-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project # : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: TPH (DieselI ID ug/g DLR,ug/g 2951 TB-7 400 10 2952 TB-21 45 10 2953 TB-9 60 10 2954 TB-11 ND 10 2955 TB-16 96 10 2956 TB-1 '150 10 2957 TB-56 ND 10 2958 TB-58 ND 250 (PQL) 2959 TB-40 750 10 2960 TB-61 56 10 Method of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): DHS GC/FID DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit " TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (PPm) ND = None Detected Brian Miller Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC ~c~, Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date Samples Received : 8-11-92 Date Analysis Completed: 8-14-92 Date of Report : 8-14-92 Attention : Mr. Mike Leonard · Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Sample ~ ID % Moisture 2954 TB-11 12 2959 TB-40 11 2964 TB-46 12 2972 TB-92 11 Matrix: Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 160.3 % = percent ~..~ Brian Miller Laboratory Director 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC Anal~ical Chemist~ Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, California 92718 Attention : Mike Leonard Date Samples Received :08-11-92 Date Analysis Completed:08-18-92 Date of Report :08-18-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID mg/Kg DLR, mg/Kg 2964 TB-46 2000 5.0 2965 TB-66 2100 5.0 2966 TB-32 620 5.0 2967 TB-85 810 5.0 2968 TB-83 990 5.0 2969 TB-27 680 5.0 2970 TB-24 410 5.0 2971 TB-22 300 5.0 2972 TB-92 430 5.0 2973 TB-88 590 5.0 2974 TB-96 470 5.0 2975 TB-91 510 5.0 2976 TB-100 470 5.0 Type of Matrix : Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 418.1 mg/Kg = milligrams per. Kilogram (ppm) DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes Brian Miller Laboratory Director 3157PegasusDrive · Ba~r$field, CA93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. BoxS0835 · ~ker$field, CA93380 · FAX(805) 393-3623 SMC Laboratory, Inc. Anal~ical Chernist~ Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, California 92718 Attention : Mike Leonard Date Samples Received :08-11-92 Date Analysis Completed:08-14-92 Date of Report :08-18-92 Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID mq/Kq DLR, mq/Kq 2951 TB-7 1800 5.0 2952 TB-21 1600 5.0 2953 TB-9 1800 5.0 2954 TB-11 2200 5.0 2955 TB-16 2700 5.0 2956 TB-1 4400 5.0 2957 TB-56 1100 5.0 2958 TB-58 2100 5.0 2959 TB-40 3000 5.0 2960 TB-61 3000 5.0 2961 TB-42 1800 5.0 2962 TB-36 1900 5.0 2963 TB-51 1300 5.0 Type of Matrix : Soll Method of Analysis: EPA 418.1 mg/Kg = milligrams per Kilogram (ppm) DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes Brian Miller Laboratory Director 3157PegasusDrive · ~rsfield, CA93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box80835 · ~rsfie~,CA93380 · FAX(805)393-3623 ShipTo:_G_~ I~fir~b 5 Page, I of J CHAZN OF CUSTODY RECORD Projecl Name:i~. '~' ~' Bofin~ell Sample Sample T. ~ ' Sample Containe~ No. No. ~pth Date Time Water[ Solid '~ O~h~ ~ ~ Vol. ~o. Type Pres Rem~ ,. V To~. Number of Samples Sh.~: q Ship.'. Signature: ~. Signature Company Date Time Rclinquish~ by: Relinquish~ by: V R~eiv~ by: Relinqu~h~ by: R~eiv~ by: S~ial Ins~uctions / Shipment / H~dlin~ Storage R~u~emen~: ~~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. gesulty va21T~olo~ve l~e, California 927 ~~ ql~ ~ ~ q~ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. ~e~afc~a~s) lisled are recei cd for analysis ~d/or ffealabilily evaluation. At ~e 2815 Mitchdl [~ive, Suite 103 conclusion of ~e lesl work. all r~aining material(s) will ~ relumed to ~e climl for eventual disposal at a licens~ facilily. Walnut Creek, California 94598 SMC Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date Samples Received : 8-07-92 Date Analysis Completed: 8-12-92 Date of Report : 8-12-92 Attention :'Mr. Mike Leonard Project Name: ATSFRR Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Sample ~ ID % Moisture 2944 NM 11 2945 SM 13 2946 WM 13 2947 EM 12 Matrix: Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 160.3 % = percent Brian Miller Laboratory Director 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 Ship To: ~ ~. C. /tl~.~ S Page I of I CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: Project Name: ~ ~-~' Date: ~ Samole T, ~ ~ ~ Sample Containers B~n~ellNo. SampleNo. ~th Date Time Water: Solid Oth~ D° ~ Vol. No. T~ Pres Rem~ks Total Numar of Samples Shi~: ~ ShipFr's Signature: ~ Signature ~ Company ~te Time Relinquish~ by: ] / ~ R~eiv~ by: Relinquish~ by: R~eiv~ by: S~ial Ins~ctions / Shipment / Handlin~ Storage R~ukemen~: ~ ~e~l ~ ~. ~Ne }eO~O~ ~ ~ ~'RONMENTALSOLUTIONS, INC. ~ 21 T~olo~ ~ve ImMe, California 92718 ~ ~ ~ ] ~ 7~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. ~e material(s) listed are re~ived f~ analysis ~ ~atabilhy evaluati~. At ~e 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 conclusion of ~e test work. all r~aining material(s) will ~ ret~ed to ~e cli~t Walnut Creek, California 94598 for evmtual dis~sal at a li~ns~ facility. Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date Samples Received : 7-31-92 Date Analysis Completed: 8-04-92 Date of Report : 8-04-92 Attention : Mr. Mike Leonard Project Name: ATSF RR Solis Remediation Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Sample ~.. ID % Moisture 2897 NM 12 2898 SM 12 2899 WM 12 2900 EM 11 Matrix: Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 160.3 % = percent Brian -Miller Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 Ship To:, ~ ~ ~ Page / of [ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: Project Name: Date: / / Bofin~ell S~ple Sample T~,~ ~ ~ Sample Containers No. No. ~p~ Dam Time Water Solid O~er ~ $ Vol. ~o. Type Pros , ~ ~ [ M/ r Re~rks Total Number of Samples Ship.d: Signature Company Da~ Time Relinquished by: Received by: Relinquish~ by: R<eived by: S~cial In~cfion / Shipment / Bandlin¢ Silage R~uriemen~:~ ~NVIRONMENTAL ~ f¢~¢/~ po ~' ~* /<~~ ~ 15520 Rockfield Boulevard,SOLUTIONS'suite D INC. Imine, California 92718 T/¢ 7~ ~ ¢ ~ ~T ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 2820 Shadelands Ddve, Suite 1 Walnut Creek, California 94598 Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date Samples Received : 7-24-92 Date Analysis Completed: 7-28-92 Date of Report : 7-28-92 Attention : Mr. Mike Leonard Project Name: SFRR Soils Remediation Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Sample ~ ID % Moisture 2832 Hole 16 2833 South 18 2834 East 15 2835 West 16 Matrix: Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 160.3 % = percent Brian Miller Laboratory Director 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. [ Page 1 of 1 REPORT OF TEST RESULTS TO: Mike Leonard PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Bakersfield Biotreatment DATE: July 21, 1992 CLIENT: ATSFRR - Bakersfield PROJECT: 91-172E REFERENCE: GPA7-0026 UNITS mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg SAMPLE NO. METHOD DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS* NH4 NO3 POd ESI 2464 Landfarm Sample TB-72 (7/14/92) 0.65 13.2 0.28 ESI 2465 Landfarm Sample TB-76 (7/14/92) 1.30 30.8 0.32 ESI 2466 Landfarm Sample TB-78 (7/14/92) 1.04 13.2 0.24 ESI 2467 Landfarm Sample TB-83 (7/14/92) 1.04 26.4 0.28 2 feet at designated grid location. * Th~ data in this tnqnm wev~ oblainod umin r~ EP ~.. 'I n~ov .od m~hodolo~ limted and mm intruded for COMMENTS: samples composite of pm:e~ *valuati~ only and no; for u.~ b-- ~a~ r~ ,{~a¢';~. CC: Glenn Androsko File ~~: / ~ . . .... ~-. ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. I Page 1 of ! REPORT OF TEST RESULTS TO: Mike Leonard PROJECT DESCRIFTION: Bakersfield Biotrcatment DATE: Suly 21, 1992 CLIENT: ATSFRR - Bakersfield PROJECT: 91-172E REFERENCE: GPA7-0026 UNITS SAMPLE NO. METHOD DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS* ESI 2464 Landfarm Sample TB-72 (7/14/92) ESI 2465 Landfarm Sample TB-76 (7/14/92) ESI 2466 Landfarm Sample TB-78 (7/14/92) ESI 2467 Landfarm Sample TB-83 (7/14/92) COMMENTS: All samples are a composite of top 2 feet at designated grid location. · x~ a,t, ~ aa, ~,o, [~esa evaluatio~ only LABORATORY MANAGER: CC: Glenn Andro~ko File SMC, A ly ic l Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date SamPles Received : 7-17-92 Date Analysis Completed: 7-22-92 Date of Report : 7-22-92 Attention : Mr. Mike Leonard Project Name: SFRR Soils Remediation Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Sample ~ ID % Moisture 2734 South 14 2735 East 15 2736 Hole 15 2737 West 14 Matrix: Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 160.3 % = percent Brian Miller Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 ShipTo: ~'~ J,I/o Page / of / CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Project No.: .... , Site Location: , Date: ~ / /~ /~ ' B~ell S~ple ~* 1" , Sample T, ~ ~ ~ Sample Conmin~s ~o. No. ~te. T~e Wate~ Solid Oth~ ~ ~ Vol. No. Ty~ ~es Rem~ks  Signature Company Date Time Re~nqu~h~ by: -.. R~v~ by: Re~nqu~h~ by: R~iv~ by: S~I l~cfions I Ship~t / H~dlin~ Sto~e ~uk~n~: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. ~' ~ 21 T~oiogy ~ve ~ I~Me, California 92718 ~ material0) listed are re~iv~ f~ ~lysis mO~ ~ataMlity evaluati~, ti i ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. conclusion of ~ test work. all r~aining mmriM(s) will ~ r~ed to ~e cliff 281 ~ Mitchell ~ive, Suite 103 for ~tual dis~sal at a li~ns~ facility. Walnut Creek, California ~S98 ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. [ Page I of 1 REPORT OF TEST RESULTS TO: Mike Leonard PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Bakersfield Biotreatment DATE: July 16, 1992 , CLIENT: ATSFRR - Bakersfield PROJECT: 91-172E REFERENCE: GPA7-0026 UNITS mg/kg % SAMPLE NO. METHOD DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS* TPH H20 ESI 2459 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-7 (7/14/92) 1517 10.2 ESI 2460 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-24 (7/14/92) 1551 15.7 ESI 2461 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-32 (7/14/92) 2903 13.0 ESI 2462 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-51 (7/14/92) 2451 14.8 ESI 2463 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-56 (7/14/92) 1986 19.8 ESI 2464 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-72 (7/14/92) 4313 23.1 ESI 2465 · EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-76 (7/14/92) 4248 18.0 ESI 2466 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-78 (7/14/92) 4242 13.7 ESI 2467 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-83 (7/14/92) 4187 20.1 ESI 2468 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB~85 (7/14/92) 3226 12.8 ESI 2469 EPA (418.1) Landfarm Sample TB-85 Surface (7/14/92) 1413 16.3 · The data in ~his ~ were obtained using ~he~ EPA-a ~pl~oved methodology listed and ar~ intended for COMMENTS: All samples are a composite of toP 2 feet at designated grid location unless olherwise noted. LABORATORY MANAGER:~ ~]~ ~ CC: Glenn Androsko Tony Lizzi File '" /'/( ~- Page [ of. / CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Attn: .. ,,.;de ~:.f Proj¢ctName: /~T~F?.~. / Analysis Date: P / /? / l k  Sample Containers Boring/Well No. No. Depth i Date' Time Wate~ Solid Other , Fype Total Number of Samples S~.,ff~e_d: L~ Shipper's Signalure: )~ ~ (~Ln, x Signature Company Date Time Re _,~__'vcd by: I R~li~qui~l~d by: Received by: Special lnsl~clions / Shi?m~nt / Handling/Storage Requirements: [] ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 21 Technology Drive lrvine, California 92718 [] ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. The material(s) listed are received for analysis and/or treatability evaluation and remain the 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 103 property of the client and not Environmental Solutions, Inc. At the conclusion of the test work, Walnut Creek, California 94598 all remaining material(s) will be returned to the client for eventual disposal at a licensed facility'. BIL. I. IKEI:I I. ABORATORIEB LABORATORY REPORT --n-------- ----- .-I'~-ALII=OI:;INIA~ INC. n,m,,,. 0,,, ~,~ OF 11~ EE. OorninlDuez, ~Ji~e I 157542 7/23/9:~ 1 SAMPLES RECEIVED: 7/20/92 RECEIVED FROM: IRVINE MR. GLENN ANDROSKO ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 21 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE IRV]NE CA 92718 ANALYTICAL RESULTS AEROBIC SAMPLE PLATE DESCRIPTION COUNT/G B/t~: ES! 246~ 220,000 SAMPLE#: TB-72 DATE: 7-14-92 SAMPLE TYPE: SOL!D S!ZE: 8'OZ dAR B/W~: ESI 2465 300,000 SAMPLE#: TB-76 OATE: 7-14-92 SAMPLE TYPE: SOLID SIZE: 80Z JAR B/l~: ESI 2466 340,000 SAMPLE#: TB-?8 DATE: 7-14-92 SAMPLE TYPE: SOLID SIZE: 80Z JAR B/I.I~: ES! 2467 330,.000 SAMPLE#: TB-83 DATE: 7-14-92 SAMPLE TYPE: SOLID S!ZE: 80Z JAR DIRECTOR Rem~ ~.. SMC Analytical Chemistry ' Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date Samples Received : 7-10-92 Date Analysis Complete~: 7-15-92 Date of Report : 7-16-92 Attention : Mr. Mike Leonard Project Name: SFRR Soils Remediation Project ~ : 91-172E RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Sample ~ ID % Moisture 2648 south 13 2649 east 14 2650 hole 14 2651 west 14 Matrix: Soil Method of Analysis: EPA 160.3 % = percent Brian Miller Analytical Chemist 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 ShipTo: .., II,i,., - /.:.~,z Page ! of ] CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD No. No. D~th Dam Ti~ Water Solid O~er Vol. No. F~ ~s. , Re~rks Sig~l~ Comfy Date Ti~ Re~nq, fish~ by: R~v~ by: Re~nquiskd S~al lns~c~ons I Shinto / H~dlin~ Silage R~n~: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS~ ~C. 21 T~hnology Drive ' l~ine, California 92718 ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Th~ msl~risl(s) IJsl~d sr~ r~c~iv~ for snsl~sk snoot Ir~smbilily evslustJon s~d remsin the 2815 ~itcheli Drive, Suite 103 ~ro~rl~ of l~ cli~nl s~d ~ol Environmental ~olulk~s, Inc. AI l~ conclusion of lh~ l~l work, Walnut Creek, California 94598 SlI. LIKER LABORATORIES LABORATORY REPORT OF CALII=ORNIA~ INC. ~o,,o. om ~,~ 11~ i=. [~nin~uez, Suite I 156172 7/08/92 2 CONTINLED: ANALYTICAL RESULTS AERO~]C SA34PLE PLATE OJLTURE DESCR ! PT ! ON COUNT/G ]DENT ! F ! CAT ! ON B/~it: ES! 2&Z~ 200,000 ............ SA,~PLE#: TB-72 DATE :6/26/92 SN, E)LE TYPE:SOL%D SIZE:& OZ. JAR B/g#:ESI 2~*~8 120,000 PSEUDOHONAS STUZER I SAI~LE#:TB-?8 DATE :6/26/92 SAMPLE TYPE:SOLID SIZE:~ OZ. JAR B/JWt:E$12&50 50,000 ALCALIGENES SAHPL~E#:TB-85 DEN%TR]F]CARS DATE :6/26/92 SA/6)LE TYPE:SOL!I) SIZE:4 OZ. JAR B/~'t :ES! 2&5~) 1,200,000 PSEUDOHONAS STUZER ] ' SAY~PLE#: TB-96 DATE :6/26/92 SN,~P LE TYPE:SOLID SIZE:& OZ. JAR D ] RECTOR SILLIKER LABORATORIES LABORATORY REPORT OF CALIFORNIA~ INC. moo, No. D.~ ~ ; 113~) E. Dominguez, Suite I 1561~ 7/~/92 1 Ca.on, CA * ~74~ ~~ [310] ~7-7181 · F~ (310] 6~7-8~ RECEI~D FR~: ]RVINE NR. GLENN A~ROSKO E~IR~HENTAL SOLUTIONS ' ~1 TECHNOL~Y DRI~ IRVINE CA 9~718 ANALYTICAL RESULTS AEROBIC SAHPLE PLATE CULTURE DE SCR I PT I ON COUNT/G ! DENT I F I CAT I OH B/k~:ESI 2&2~ ?..:30,000 PSEUDOHOHAS STUZER l SAHPLE#: TB-? DATE :6/26/92 SAMPLE TYPE:SOLID SIZE:4 OZ. JAR B/I.I~:ES12451 380,000 PSEUIX)~NAS .' SN4PLE#: TB- 11 TESTOSTERON l DATE :6/26/92 SAHPLE TYPE:SOLID SIZE:4 OZ. JAR B/~:ESI243Z~ 90,000 CDC GROUP IV C-2 SAHPLE#: TB-22 DATE :6/26/92 SAMPLE TYPE:SOLID SIZE:4 OZ. JAR B/W#: ESI 2441 250,000 ............ SAMPLE#: TB-46 DATE :6/26/92 SM4PLE TYPE:SOLID SIZE:4 OZ. JAR B/I,It/:ES12442 210,000 PSEUDOHOHAS STUZERI SAI4PLE#:TB-51 DATE :6/26/9~ SN4PLE TYPE:SOLID SIZE:4 OZ. JAR B/kW:ESIZ445 2~400,000 CDC GROUP IV C'2 SANPLE#: TB-58 OATE :6/26/92 SAMPLE TYPE:SOLID SIZE:4 OZ. JAR * CONTINUED ATTACHMENT A LABORATORY REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY FORMS TREATMENT CEI~I~ SAMPLES - TPH, NUTRIENTS AND BACTERIA PLATE COUNTS ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS FIGURE 2 SOIL REMEDIATION PROGRESS SANTA FE RAILWAY BAKERSFIELD RAILYARD 1,000- INITIAL SOIL CONCENTRATION 10,000- Total Oil and Grease Method 418.1 (Screening) 9,000- INITIATION OF BIOREMEDIATION Fuel Hydrocarbons (Diesel) 8,000- EPA Method 8015 (Final) 7,0OO- 6,000- 5,000- 4,0O0- 3,000- 1,000- 40 0- TIME LUMBER SHED 0 100 200 FEET SCALE FIGURE 1 MONITORING PLAN SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. o' -.?:: ::v..'.... ~-' ':'" . ...... 78 ...... 12 .': ' .' : ! IRON SHED I ! ! i ..... i. ..... j ! STOREHOUSE LEGEND -~- ...... 4-FOOT RETAINING DIKE (REMOVED) · ..: .--.i - RAILROAD TRACK (EXISTING AND FORMER LOCATIONS) EXCAVATION LIMITS TREATMENT BED BOUNDARY SAMPLING GRID NOTES: SAMPLES COLLECTED AT APPROXIMATE CENTER OF EACH CELL AT DEPTHS RANGING FROM 1 TO 3 FEET. SAMPLE DEPTHS AND LABORATORY RESULTS ARE INDICATED IN TABLE 1. TABLE 3.0 SUMMARY OF VERIFICATION ANALYSES(1) TOTAL LEAD PRACTICAL SAMPLE LOCATION- CONCENTRATION QUANTIFICATION (mg/kg) LIMIT (PQL) (mg/kg) TB-1 44 2.5 TB..4 16 2.5 TB-7 15 2.5 TB-30 104 2.5 TB-34 77 2.5 TB-37 41 2.5 · TB-40 68 2.5 TB-47 95 2.5 TB-73 87 2.5 TB-80 ND 2.5 TB-88 84 2.5 TB-100 28 2.5 Average Concentration 55 91-172E (11/6/92/ds (1) Locations of samples shown in Figure 1; samples collected Septembex 10, 1992. ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS ;LE 2 ION MONITORING BAKERSFIELD YARD tOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, DIESEL (EPA METHOD 8015)(1~ ~IBI~ Pa~e 2 of 2 1'B-64 TB-~ TS-66 TS-67 TB-68 TB-69 TB-70 TB-TI TB-72 'rB-73 1'B-74 'FB-75 'FB-76 I ft/72o 2 fl/-/,4oo i ft/3,5oo 2 ft/i,8oo i ft/5oo I ft/14,ooo 2 ft/6.7oo 3 ft/'3,d00 I fi/14,000 2 ft/'3,000 3 ft/5,000 2 fi/6,700 1 __ __ I t~1,683 .... 3 ft/13,021 I ft/6,386 .... __ __ I ft/3,778 ..... I ft/4,173 .... - __ 1 ft/2,672 ...... I ft/4.$18 .... - - I ft/2,512 ..... I ft/2.005 .... -- __ I ft/3,508 ..... I ft/4.804 .... - __ ! t~/2,352 ..... I ft/4,355 .... -- -- 2,368 ..... 3,609 -- -- -- 3,440 ........ 4,313 - - - 4,248 _ .. 2, l OOlqC4O) .......... .550 1,5001(I~) 740 $90 690 940 3,2001(ND) ~4,3~1(H]:)) 4,200/0~) 2,$00/(I"~) 3,200/(50) 3,2001(ND) 3.800/(1'413) ~ Ti:'H TP[-I ~ II:'H ~ TI~ TPH TPH ~ Ti~ AVERAG{[ (EPA 418.1) Il 12 -- I ~3.~3 2 ~6.492 .... I ~3,671 .... 2 ~4.5~ 4.207 1~26 - 6.492 (670) (6~) -- 1,~2 1,224 ........ 1.777 2,108 1,085 - 3.~3 -- 5 {0 430 .... 470 .... 470 1.503 ~ - 2,7~ -- 1,642 I, 109 .... 1,608 - -- 1,496 2.082 (~8 - 91-172E (I 1~/92/m8) ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. SOIL REMEDL SANTA FE RAILW/ TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON (EPA METHOD 418. TB-51 TB-$2 TB-53 TB-54 TB-55 TB-$6 TB-$7 TB-5$ TB-59 TB..60 D~[/ TB-62 INIHAL 2 ft/5, t00 ~ fi/g,?00 2 IV~,000 I ftt8,400 2 ft/6,$00 I ft/23,000 I ft/5,000 I ft/9,200 2 ft/7,300 I ft/4,200 2 ft/4,800 I fV270 2 (t0/t4/91- IO/23/9D 11121/91 2 ft/5.322 .... I ft/'~.931 - Ift/ 10.266 - - 2 ft/3.218 12/12/91 2 f0'18.523 .... I ft/3.321 - ! ft/,$.630 - - 2 ft/3.766 115o) (6s0) 11.50o) 5113192 2 ft/'2,059 .... ! f~2.089 - I ft/2,374 - - 2 ft/2.166 - 6/26/92(2) !.801 .... 1,772 - 1,935 - - 1,389 - 7114./9212) 2,451 .... 1,956 ...... 8/11/9212) 1.300/(ND) ..... 1, 100/(ND) - 2,100/(ND) - - 3,000/156) 8/24/92(2) 1.823 .... /778 - 1.925 - _ 1,692 -- 9110/9212) 380 480 350 410 370 260 320 690 2.600/(ND) ?10 560 460 TB-77 'rB-78 'rB-?9 TB-80 TB-81 TB-82 TB-83 TB-84 TB-85 TB-86 TB-87 TB-88 '1 INITIAL 3 ft/9,600 2 fr/3,000 I ft/3.700 I 2 f~/4.500 3 fl/~.500 ! tV~.600 2 fff'/.~00 2 f~7.~00 I tVT,g00 2 ~4.100 i ft/3.~00 2 f*~L000 I l 10/23/91) 11121/91 - 2 t't/6.625 .... 2 ft/8.228 - I Mt/21.868 - - 2 ft/3.9.t~ 12/12/91 - 2 tk/~.049 - -- 3 ft/10.640 - 2 ftY$.344 - I ft/5.75! - - 2 ft/6.884 1/15/92 - 2 tW2.151 .... 2 ft/5.418 - I fl/4.674 '7 - 2 ft/2.620 2/12/92 - 2 ft/~.436 ..... 2 ft,'4.976 - I fl/5.915 - -- 2 ft/3.176 3]12/92 - 2 ft/I.083 .... 2 ft/4.523 - I ft/2.727 - - 2 ft/6.159 .$114192 - 2 t't/3.718 ..... ft/5.08(d - I ft/5.4581 - -- 2 td4..271 (I.100) 5113192 - 2 ft/4.507 ..... 2 ft/4.406 - I fl/7,258 - -- 2 ft/2,397 6/26/92(2) - 2,929 - - - . -- 3,643 - 2,160 -- 1,732 7114/92(2) - 4,242 ....... 4.187 - 2.31913) .... 8111/92(2) .......... 990 - 810 - -- 390 .... 3.316 - 2.987 - -- 1.346 8/24/92(2) ..... 9/10/9212) 3.1001(ND) 930 2.6001(ND) 3.3001143) 3.40011ND) 1.600/(ND) 2.200liND) 2.2001(ND) 3.900/140) 1.300/(ND) m.700/(ND% 1.7001(ND) 2., (I) All concentrations in rog/kg;, total petroleum hydrocarbons (dies,=l) EPA Method 8015 shown in pa~nthesis. (2) Composite sample over treatment bed d~pth. (3) Average of sur face and composite sample. 14) North American Environmental Pilot Test sampks. dONITORING ERSFIELD YARD FUEL HYDROCARBONS, DIESEL (EPA METHOD 8015) of 2 TB-14 TB-15 TB-16 TB-17 TB-18 TB-19 TB-20 TB-21 TB-22 TB-23 TB-24 TB-25 iV7,700 3 ft/10.000 2 fi/8,300 ! tVll,000 2 fi/8,900 3 fi/9,500 2 f-I/13.000 I ft/7.000 i ft/2,000 2 ft/l,500 I ft/4,500 2 ft/2,600 - - 2 ft/15,142 .... I ft/7,161 I fl/5,472 - - - ~ 2 fl/11,029 ..... I ft/5.390 I ft/6,731 -- - 3 ft/3,478 -- 2 ft/6,675 .... I ft/4,302 I ff/2,371 -- - - -- -- 2 ft/6,340 .... i ft/3,957 ! ft/3,832 -- - __ -- 2 ft/6,336 .... I ft/2.638 I ft/I,147 .... - -- 2 ft/4.695 .... I ft/2,096 I f~2,399 -- - - -- -- 2 ft/3,505 ..... I ft/2.639 I f~.345 - - - - .. 2.790 .... 2.238 2.362 - 1,085 - .......... ~.~' - - _ 2,700/(96) ..... 1,600/(45) 300 - 410 - _ !,862 .... 2.000 1,312 -- 1:227 - - j 1,400/(ND) 430 310 $10 480 290 800 830 1,400/(ND) 1,400/(64) 1,2001(16) 450 'flail TPH 'n=H 'IPH TPH T[~ ~ TH.t ~ 'IPH 'IPH TPH 2 ft/570 I ft/I.200 3 ft/I.100 2 ft/4.500 I f~3,000 3 ft/170 2 ft/I,500 i ft/8,600 3 it/t00 t ft/2,700 2 fi/6,900 ! ft/8,700 ..... 2 ft/7.229 ........ ~ .... 2 ft/2,251 -- -- _ I ft,/I.II3 .... ..... 2 ft/15,085 - - _ I ft/3.166 .... _ - - 2 ft/3.4~0 - - -- I ~4.404 .... .... 2 flYlO,Ol2J - - -- I fmYS19 .... I00 _ _ _' 2 ft/2,093 -- -- -- I ft/4,935 _ - - 2 ft/2,6oo - - - t fV2,7oo .... - 2.213 -- 2,271 - -- -- 2,493 .... -- 3,000/(750) -- 1,800/(17) - -- -- 2,000/(ND) .... ~- 2.750 - 1,975 .... 2,383 .... 270 460 520 660 9 I0 340 580 700 460 4l 0 660 460 ,* 05, ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. TAB[ SOIL REMEDIATI( SANTA FE RAILWAY - TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON (EPA METHOD 418.1)/T SAIVlI~LE N1 TB-I TB-2 TB-3 TB-4 TB-5 TB-6 TB-7 TB--8 TB-9 TB-10 TB-II TB-12 DATE DEPT~ DI~TH/ DEPTH/ DEI~*H/ DEPTH/ DI~!I:qT-V DEFrH/ DEFfl4/ DEP'IT4/ DEIc~H/ I~E[~FEI/ DEFIT~ ! ]NTFIAL I ft/3.100 2 ft/$,I00 3 ft/6,600 2 ft/6.300 I ft/3,400 3 ft/3,800 2 ftJ350 2 ft/5.200 3 ft/4,800 2 ft/1,800 I ft/6.200 2 ft/I,500 3 (t0/14/91- 10/23/91) t1/20/91 I ft/5,353 ..... 2 IU39 - - _ I ft/5.415 -- 12/It/gt t ft/2,204 - 3 ft/4,566 -- - - 2 ft/"/3t _ 3 ft/?,746 - I fV19,g96 - 1/14/92 1 ft/2,005 ..... 2 ft/3,2S8 - I ft/2,196 - I ft/3,288 - 2/12/92 I ~5,400 ..... 2 ft/t,526 - - - I f~/5,246 - 2/12/92 ! ft/4,218 ..... 2 ft/2,$64 - - - t ft/I,4S6 - 4114192 I ft/2,506 ...... 2 ft/1,S0! - - - I ft/2,935 - 5/13/92 I ft/1,124 ..... 2 ft/3,104 - - - t ft/2,149 - 6/26/92(2) 1,412 ..... 1,16t - 2,190 - 2,348 - 7114/92(2) ...... t ,517. - .... Sit 1/92(2) 4,400/(I 50) ...... 1,$001 - t,S001(60) - 2,200/(ND) - (400) S/24/92(2) 2,676 ..... 2,387 - 5,158 - 2,356 - 9/10/92(2) 720 820 360 750 470 440 720 710 480 550 1,0~0/(ND) 1,300/(ND) 2, SAMPLE N~ TB-26 TB-2? TB-28 TB-29 TB-30 T13-31 TB-32 TB-33 T!3-34 TB-35 TB-36 T!3-37 DATE DEFTT-V DEFTH/ DEI~H/ DEPTH/ DI~,'IH/ DiE~IT-V DEFI~ DF. FIT-V ~ DEPTH/ IN1TIAL 2 ft/8,100 2 ft/3.?00 t ft/I,600 2 f~/l.300 I ft/3, t00 2 ft/18,000 I ft/2,400 2 ft/2.800 3 fr/12,000 t ft/250 2 ft/'/20 3 (10/14/91- (I ft/~20) 10/23/91) I 1/21/91 - 2 ft/2.728 -- .. -. ..... 2 t~/2.c)62 12/12/91 -- 2 ft/25,379 .... t ft/3,638 - _ -- 2 f~/l,2S5 -- 1/15/92 -- 2 ft/3.076 .... I ft~,625 -- -- -- 2 t~/l,61l --- 2/12/92 - 2 ft/2,SS$ .... i ft/5,801 - -- - 2 ~/2,57[ -- 3/12/92 - 2 tV2,235 .... I ft/4,353 - -- - 2 ft/2,564 - 4/14/92 - 2 ft/3,519 .... I ft/4,$31 - -- - 2 ft/2,048 - 5113192 - 2 ff/3,384 .... I ft/3,111 = - - 2 ft/2,94.$ 6/26/92(2) - 1,285 .... 2,367 - -- _ 2,023 -- 7/14/92(2) ...... 2,903 ..... 8/11/92(2)' - 680 ' _ -- _ - 620 - -- - 1.900/(ND) - 8/24/92{2) - 1,402 .... 2,212 _- - - 1,894 - 9110/92(2) 720 ?00 510 520 1,400/(18) i,500/(2~) 760 510- 3?0 290 i?0 320 (t) AJi concentrations in mE,/ic~ ~otal pelzoleum hydmcarhons (diesel)EPA ZVEethod 8015 shown in pa~endtcsis. (2) Composile sample over treatment bed depth. (3) Avera8e ofsurf~-~e and composite sample. (4) No~lh Amedc~n Environmental Pilot Test samples. ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS CuNTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKb Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # !-?~'(".~,~/ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ~i'i Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, (~ta~, of Federal) ate ~eegOr~ ~ctiv±ty ~ours Code Description (lOths) ~ ..'~, . . . .:. ,.~,~,,,:: ~.~.~ ..1'~ ~,- Notes: I:"' (,i" ,, ...,i: ,. .... " ' ,," ?/,. ~' .. .../ !..~ .... , . ;,' ,-/,,.-1 :': · , : ~ ,' ~ /,- ? '"'. .t./.,. t'. Data Entered By: . Date: ~NTRACT OPTIONS FOR LF. AKING TANK~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ! -] O0 0 ~. Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature D 6~) t",f'[~ Site Name or Address : ''~ Funding (Local,/State), of Federal) Cat. egory Activity ~ours Date ucx~e Code Description (lOths) Data Entered By: Date: .~RAcT OPTIONS FOR LFAKING TANK Site Specific Time Accounting Sheen Permit # ~ 17 O00g Site Specific Status .Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Funding (Local, (State) of Federal Cat. egory Activity Hours Date uo~e Code Description ( 10ths ) N#tes: Data Entered By: Date: 5nv. Mealth 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) boNTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKb Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # /~)~'~'L/~ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ,.~./ , Funding (Local, i/State'), of Federal) ' Cat~ egory Activity Mours Date uo~e Code Description (lOths) Data Entered By: Date: CuNTRACT OPTIONS FOR LW. AKING TANK~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ? '"" ~.' z.~.C.,?. </ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ~i,~ Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, ,State,'. of Federal) Date ~eegOry Activity Hours Code Description ( 10tbs ' ' Notes: ./?., ..{, .~.~ i:.... / ~:..... ~ ,.,~. ~ .... , . ~.' J '[, t · ~. . .., . .. ........ ~/~ ~,--.;,'-,-~ , "~.i , Data Entered By: Date ~ONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ~ 7 ~0 ~ ~. Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature D ~, Funding (Local, ~t~ of Federal) Date ~eegOry ~otivity Hours Code I DesCription (10ths) Data Entered By: · Date: o,~ |,. ~N~o -- Your CAUU ' 'l AGAIN j J WANTS TO  J SEE YOU ~SI'GN E TOPS FO~ 4003~ C.O.L.T. SITE SPECIFIC TIME ACCOUNTING SHEET ........................................................ Site Specific Status Changes (Describe Below) Permit ~.__J_7..~_0_~_¢_~_ Employee Name and ,___D.~_O_~_[~___~._O~._.d~__ .... ~_ Site Name or Address__._~Z%~_.,_~__~.~z~j'j~.~ I C~-'~"'T/~ ¢ ~'~"'"'P"$ ........................................................ E.p~oy.e si~..ture ....... ~!Z"__h ..... .{-~___'~5 .............................. - .................................... ' .................. Funding (Local, State, or Federal) ...... __~_ .................................... - ....................................................... Hours ICat. Ilcttvity IOescription Activity Oate ICed. ICode of (.lO's) ___~!~_t/~_l____~_ ..... I .... ~ ..... I----~-~r .... -~-~-~-~ ....................................................... I---~---- Notes Enteeed 8y .......................................................................................... Oate "'.,:, ' )NTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TA~' '~' oite Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ~.--;~-)~.)¢j Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # 9 ~uployee Signature ~/.~ ~Ft.)~j~/~ Funding (Local,(~tate'~ of Federal) .' Hours Ca~Ory Activity.: Data Entered By: Date: Env. l-lealth 580 4113 137 {Rev. 5/89) 'I )NTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TA~' ~ite Specific Time Accounting Sh~t Permit # /"?0 0 .~,'~- Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ~oFloyee Signature ,~, -~ :: Site Name or Address ~A~.'rA ~[~ Funding (Local, State, of Federal) _Cat_ egory Activity Hours Date code Code DescriPtion ( lOths ) Notes: Data Entered By: Date Env. Health 580 4113 1~7 (Rev. 5/89) C.O.L.T. SITE SPECIFIC TIME ACCOUNTING SHEET --' ............................. J ...................... Site Specific Status Changes (Describe Below) ? i~____~_~__j22_j~__ Employee Name and ~.__:2.~_~_~.'2.:~ ....... ~ .... :re Name or Address ' '"' / /' ' ' " ' - ....................................................... ----~. ................................ ~ ............. ~----.; noloyee Signature ; / - / ..................................................... :nding (Local, State, or Federal) ...... j ...................................... - ....................................................... Cat. Activity I Hours .ate Code Code Description of Activity (.10 s) .ores ' : / ..... ~ ~ ; / ~' /"' ;'"'" ~! ",' ' t'. ..... - ..... *' ' ' ................ ~ ......................................... ---~ .... .; ....... ' .........' ............................... 22--' ................. :tered By ........................................................................................... Date ............................. C.O.L.T. SITE SPECIFIC TINE ACCOUNTING SHEET Permit il I-/~SC'(",~ Employee Name & Number ~F..,~..~",/Ji(~ ~ ,~-~" t,'~ ~-t FY . ~.' F.. /: :.. I~. .... 1 .'.. , Site Nato or Address ............................... ~. ......... : ............... '___'. ! Employee Signature I..' , ('. , '"- . Funding (Loc'al,. State, or Federal) .................................. mCat. JActivityJJoescription JHours. Date JCode ICode of Activity I(.10's) --:xT;,-FT-7::; .... --.F ...... 7--7: ...... ;---7.'F .... Fi .... 77,'~--7-7-7-F ................ 7--: .............................. 7'-.-,-~:.- .... .... ~--:- .... :1 .... :- ..... I ..... : ...... I ............ ~- ......................... ::-- .... : ..................................... I ........... Notes .... ~-..,:.-f~;:7 .... ~- ..... ~FF--/---~,-F'..F ...... F-., -F-.. ¥ ..... ~ ~-, ..... ~¥ .... ? ....... '? ............ F ........................ ~; ........ .... -~- .... : ........ .---;7 .......... 7 ............. 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IActivity I {Houp~ { Date iCede ~Code IDescription of Activity . I(.lO s) Z~;21~2~Z;~ ..... ~-~-~ ....... ~ ..... ~;~:---~;~;F~- .................................................. :-'--F-;:~- ..... Notes .................................................................................................... ~ ........... ................................................................................................ ~___j ...... ~ ........................... Enteeed B~ Oat~ Site Specific Time AccoUnting ~nee~ Permit # j -,7(,~.: ,-'.;c' Site Specific Status Changes: Employee Employee Signature Site. Name or 3~].dress Funding (Local, State, of Federal). 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Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of ~Feder~l) Cat. egory Activity Hours Date co~e Code Description (10tbs) Data Entered By: Date: EO¥. ~eal~ 580 4113 137 (F~ev. 5/89) COl,. RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANK.., Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # / ' u~ ,: L ~'- Site Specific Status Changes: Employee ~ Employee Signat~Jre Site Name or Address ......... .~.~. :.. ,j:. Funding (Local, State, o~;Federa.!l Category Activi~ :- Houm Date ~de ~de '~scripfion'- (l~hs) !i,'I -~ i '"'/ '" l ':, '-' '.-' Notes: I~.' .... , .. ' :~ ,~0. ' '/-; 7- ~";, .. z 'v' "./ , .... /'. :>.~ ,i " ,' ~;., ,:~ ,.,... I ~ ~,~ ~.(.,. - ~ t': '"' ' .... Data Enter~ By: Da~: CONTRACT OP~ONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific ~me Accounting Sheet Permit · I%' ('~"6 :_: .:~.' Site Specific Status Changes: Employee ~ '.:~ Employee Signature '~)" Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activi~ Houm Date ~de ~de ~scription (l~hs) ' ' "~ Notes: -;, ~ ~: ~._~:. ~'. ~ & :,. 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Signature Site Name or Address .... .; ~_........ Funding {Local, State, of ~ederai) Category Activity' -Iours Date Code Code Description (1Orbs) Notes: ,.'~i ,' i: /"' ,¥"' /'.--t, ~;t..~-:~:-.~-., -- . . , ,~..,.,,....~.~ ,~.,~ :-, :i. ~:. .._'.~-/~- Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # /? ~;~r /., ::_'~ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name. or Address .... Funding (Local, State, of E-~era~) Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (1Orbs) .:; / ! '..;/. ~'i :'.; ~1 ~, ,.'.;, ._,;"-' Notes: ~:,:.~ ;..': K~'*,;',;,.'~..-,;" .'.'-"~ '.,~'_;? ~':'-.~ ~ .... ·., ,~ ..- !j f ;.~, · Data Entered By: -r~ ~ ~'~ ~,; ~¢~-;,. +~-'~ ~k-.~"%~'~'"~'~""~'"'--~-~ ~ ~, (._ ATRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ! 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Funding (Local, State, of;F~deral)..i; Category Activity Houm Date ~de Code ~scription (l~hs) .,. .,, .:~':~ ~ /. ?-~-.' , !. ~.,.:/,, .j' Data Entered By: Date: CON~ OP~ON~ FOR LEAKING TANK~ Site Specific ~me Accenting ~heet Permit · / 7; :::":: ~'..:::' Site Specific Status Changes: Employ~ · Employee Signature ~. Site Name or Addre~ Funding (Loc~, State, of{F~der~) Category Activi~ Houm Date ~de Code ~scription (l~hs) , ~ t;' ~,' ~.,,'..~:~; ~ {,~,~'~....~ z~--~' i1-'."~ --¥,...-~] ~., t ~.~: ,;{..... ~ b.--~-.~:.' .'".- ' " Data Enter~ By:. Date: E~. ~ ~4113 137 (REV. 5/~) ~ONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LW. 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Health 51~0 4~1:~ 137 (Re~. 5/89) t~NTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # /-7,.~"; .~ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, S.~..t~, of Federal) Cat~egory Activity Description Hours Date uo~e Code ( lOths ) Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIC~S FOR T,~.AKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # /?~> ~ ~ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or ~0__dress~ Fur~ing (Local, ~ta~tv of Federal) Category Activity Hours Date Code- Code Description (10ths) Notes: Data Entered By: Date: ~m¥. ~ea~ 580 4113 1~7 (Rew. 5/89) ~ Cf.,._ ~'RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TAh,..5 Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet '~'* Site Specific Status Changes: Permit Cf ,:' %: '~ (i..' Employee Cf Employee Signature ~ ? ,'- Site Name or Address ." 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(',',.~ L/- Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, ,state; of Federal) Category !Activity Hours Date Code Code' Description (1Orbs) i,; ':'-/,'.: i '> Notes: ;.< ,? ..:,-: . ,., , . '"i....,'...."?..' .... -~ . ." Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site ~pecific Time Accmnting Skeet Permit # I"? ,'~ :'. c",."/ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ,:/ Employee Signature ~ '" "" ? Site Name or Address:_?.-; ..... Funding (Local,.,Stat~; of Federal) category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) ' i. ' , ......'?::. '.' fr.: !..,...-,. ~.., ~.' -~ : - l., ,-' ,.- ) i ' ' ' / ?--,-. .... · ' ,. , Notes: ~ ~ ., i :.:/ Data Entered Ely: Date: Env. Health 5~0 4113 137 (REV. 5789) CL . tRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANn$ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit Cf / -//-' ~.' (:.z C- Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # '~ Employee Signature Site Name or Add. r__e.ss Funding (Local,i~tate.~: of Federal) Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (10ths) ' "", ":" ..... " t~ ii 1:::'" / ' .... ; ,il ~ ,~;.. ,' ~.l~ ~ .,'.: !-,.' ..'1 ,~ ~' ? ~ ...... :: ~,.~ . . ~ .... ,' j Notes: Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit cf -7,,, ..,:,.', <~>,:/ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee cf ,:? Employee Signature -~-~ Site Name or Address Funding (Local, ~t.a~¢'of Federal) ' Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) ~ , :' ., /'/; Notes: ,' . ½,, ~. ' Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (REV. 5/89) CL ~'RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TAb..,5 Site Specific Time Accounting' Sheet Permit # ] -7 U ~;' (_'~ .x./ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address -' ~ ...... 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" . ~," ? ,,.x ........ ..; · Notes: ~ , . ~ Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # /'7¢-'O O ~L Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or N~dress Funding (Local, ~t~ of Federal) Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (10ths) ? ? / Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 41 ~3 131 (REV. 5/89) C~NTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # /-?~ ~.,~>,"~ .Li~- Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, rS'tate~ of Federal) Cat~ egory Activity Hours Date co~e Code Description ( lOths ) Notes: /'3 .. 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Data ~nte¥'ed By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ~ 7~,~0Od Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Addr~ Funding (Local, ~t~, of ~ederal) ~eegOry Activity Hours Date Code Description (10thc) u Data ?.nte~ed By: Date: [nv. He~lth 580 411] 1~-/ (Rev. §189) :, , ........ .~. .~.~ , >. ...... .' Holding on lirm'#' ........... ~-l~ease coil Long d!stance ~:all.", Returned your call .... Came to see you .Waiting.t°: s~ou . , ~e,,ag ~: .......... ~ ...... .,....~ ............................................. '--' , ~ .... T~. .> ~ ~ ~....~.~... ...... ~.~ ~....~,. . . .~... ..~. .. .~ ~. .~. . . . .~ , ~ . ....~ ..... .~-.~.~...,..~.....~..~.L,...:....~:.~.'...~: ................... ..... ~..~.~.~ ...... L.~....,.: ....................................................................... .......................................................... Time: ..,.,~..~:..~ ..................... ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, INC. December 15, 1992 Project No. 91-172E Ms. Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California 93301 TPH Results Evaluation Santa Fe Railyar~l Bioremediation Project B~kersfield. California Dear Ms. G0ugh: This letteris a follow up to our telephone conversation on December 4, 1991, regarding the residual total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) levels at the Santa Fe Railyard bioremediation project site. Specifically addressed are your questions regarding: (1) the residual TPH that was detected by EPA Method 418.1, but not detected in the test for total petroleum hydrocarbons (diesel) by EPA Method 8015, and (2) the remaining TPH levels at the bottom of the excavation. As you know, we have been managing the bioactivity in the treatment beds by frequent discing (for improved aeration) and adding nutrients and water as necessary. These activities were completed to achieve our clean up level for total petroleum hydrocarbons (diesel) of less than 1,000 mg/kg. To monitor progress of the bioremediation, soil samples were collected on a monthly basis for TPH analysis by EPA Method 418.1. This method was selected as a low cost screening technique since the results include, as "TPH," all freon-soluble compounds that contain hydrogen- carbon bonds. This includes residual biomass along with any petroleum hydrocarbons. Therefore, the EPA Method 418.1 results are generally considered conservative and "high end" values since a broad specU'um of compounds including biomass are included in the detected value. As presented in our Final Status Report dated November 10, 1992, the final soil samples from the treatment beds were collected on September 10, 1992, to demonstrate that cleanup objectives of 1,000 mg/kg TPH (diesel) had been achieved. These samples were similarly screened for TPH by EPA Method 418.1 and the results indicated 41 of the. 109 samples contained TPH levels greater than 1,000 mg/kg. As required by the cleanup objectives, those samples containing TPH greater than 1,000 mg/kg were analyzed for TPH (diesel) by EPA Method 8015, a gas chromatography method specific to identification of diesel and other petroleum hydrocarbon fuels in the Cio to C30+ range. EPA Method 8015 results indicated each sample to be less than 100 mg/kg TPH (diesel). These results indicate the cleanup objectives have been met. Relative to your inquiry as to the nature and source of the TPH detected by the EPA 418.1 test, this material consists of not only TPH (diesel), but also includes residualbiomass and heav3r hydrocarbons in the C30+ range~ EPA Method 8015 is more specific to TPH (diesel) as it only detects compounds up to C30~ range. The heavy hydrocarbons reported by EPA Method 418.1 are residual from the old No. 6 bunker fuel that was previously storeA at the site. and used in the steam engines until the 1950s! Bunker fuel- is a v~n3r-thi~l~and viscous tar-like hydrocarbon: containing heavy hydrocarbon'chains in the C40 to C150 range. These heavy hydrocarbons were identified in the initial site characterization report in several borings drilled in the former location of 21 Technology Drive · lrvtne, California 92718 · (714) 727-9336 Ms. Dolores Gough 2 ' December 15, 1992 the fueling platform (refer to Table 4.2 in the Site Investigation Report Former Underground Diesel Tank and Fueling Platform Area, August 1989). The residual heavy hydrocarbons do not contain benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene (BTXE) and would not represent a health risk. Relative to ground water, our original evaluation was based on a very conservative approach using fresh diesel fuel (i.e. more mobile and more toxic than the heavy residual bunker fuel) and a worst-case migration approach which assumed the diesel would reach ground water and become dispersed at maximUm solubility(i). Even that conservative evaluation showed ground water resources would not be significantly affected. In reSPonse to your request regarding the remaining TPH levels at the bottom of the excavation, Figure 1 shows the as-built footprint and elevation contours of the excavation along with the TPH concentrations from the excavation bottom and sidewalls. Per the approved remediation plan, the soils were excavated to a depth of 10 feet to avoid impacts to future site excavations and/or development. Additionally, the "hot spot" containing elevated levels of lead was excavated to a depth of 12 feet. Bottom sampling of the "hot spot" confirms the remaining levels of lead are well below the cleanup level of 500 mg/kg. The lead analysis results are also shown in Figure 1. Based on the results presented in our November 10, 1992 Status Report and the above information, it is our opinion that the remediation of the soil at the railyard is. compete. The TPH has been reduced to less than 100 mg/kg TPH (diesel) and the residual heavy hydrocarbons (i.e., residual from Old No. 6 bunker fuel) detected by EPA Method 418.1 do not represent a risk or threat. Upon your approval, we will proceed with backfill, compaction, and final grading of the site. We sincerely hope this information addresses your concerns. Please call if you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, TCL:dls Attachment: Figure 1 cc: M.E. Hardin, Santa Fe Railway Company M. Eaton, Environmental Solutions, Inc. (1) Detailed Soil Remediation Plan, Chapter 3.0 Health Risk Assessment, dated November 1990. Lead.Investigation Results and Clarification Supplement to the Detailed Soil Remediation Plan, dated March 1991. ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS SMC Laboratory Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Environmental Solutions, Inc. Address: 21 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92718 Date Samples Received : 9-24-91 Date Analysis Completed: 9-25-91 Date of Report : 9-26-91 Attn: Mr. Mike Leonard Project Name:_ Sante Fe Project ~: 91-172 D RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ ID mq/kq MDL! mq/kq 3562 EX-1000-150 700. 5.0 3563 Ex-900-150 310. 5.0 3564 EX-800-150 ND 5.0 3565 EX-700-150 68. 5.0 3566 -EX-600-150 88. 5.0 3567 ~ EX-500-150 530. 5.0 3568 .EX-400-150 11000. 5.0 3569 EX-550-195 640. 5.0 3570 EX-750-180 310. 5.0 3571 .EX-400-210 2500. 5.0 3572 EX-450-180 520. 5.0 3573 - EX-450-210 5800. 5.0 3574 -'EX-650-195 73. 5.0 3575 EX-400-250 29. 5.0 3576 EX-500-250 740. 5.0 Method of Analysis: 418.1 ND = None Detected mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram MDL = Minimum Detection Limit An~g~la Horton Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623