HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT 3/28/1995 Groundwater Scientists ° Environmental Consultants 'March 28, 1995 -Mr. Hans Hu San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 'Bakersfield, California 93301 :Re: Application for Authority to Construct ' Former Auto'Club of Southern California 2301 "F" Street, Bakersfield, California93301 Dear Mr. Hu, ~ The enclosed application(s) for two (2) Authorities to Construct (ATC) are for a temporary (approximately one year) soil remediation project. The remediation project proposed 'herein, will utilize vapor extraction / thermal / catalytic oxidation equipment for the destruction of gasoline range hydrocarbons volatilized from the soil. We are requesting .that two separate vapor extraction thermal oxidation machines be permitted to. operate on this site. The reason for this requeSt is that we currently have a machine available for installation; however, this particular machine has been allocated to another jobsite with an approximate start date of July 1, 1995. Additionally, there is an issue of compliance with the City of Bakersfield Hazardous Materials Division's request to proceed with the remediation by Apdl 15, 1995. By permitting both machines with the understanding that only one machine will be used at this site at any one time, we will be able to make a smooth transition from' machine to machine. Finally, both machines possess the required equipment to meet best available control technology for thermal oxidizers. The propoSed first thermal oxidizer is a Stealth Industries model Bobcat 200 unit, heated electrically. The unit's minimum operating temperature is 600 deg. F This temperature is set to ensure vapor oxidation at reasonable electrical cost. Furthermore, the unit has a catalytic module to complete the oxidation process. The unit is equipped with a regenerative type vapor extraction blower. For improved reliability and safety, the valve controls, actuators, and components are controlled by relay logic. The Bobcat 200 is equipped with a water knock-out pot, automatic air dilution capability, and a nOise reducing muffler. This proposed piece of equipment is designed to shut down' and lock out in the event of a system malfunction. The various safety features include high and Iow oxidizer bed temperatures, high and Iow blower pressure, high intake LEL, high and Iow air pressure, high and Iow exhaust temperature, and water knockout malfunction sensor. 4440 Grissom Street, Suite 100 ' Bakersfield, California 93313 (805) 836-8100 ' FAX (805) 836-8800 (800) 301-42.44 A 99% destruction efficiency is stated in the manufacturer's specifications for the Bobcat 200. ~__ The second thermal oxidizer is an AIREX model RETOX 200 (Regenerative Thermal __Oxidizer), electrically heated high temperature, vapor extraction and treatment system. The unit is equipped with a 200 SCFM blower, an air compressor for actuating the Process valves, and a computerized automatic temperature control unit. The RETOX 200 is also equipped with a water knock-out pot, automatic air dilution, and a continuous strip chart recorder for intake LEL, vacuum pressure (CFM throughput'), and oxidizer bed and stack temperature. The RETOX 200 is designed with various automatic shutdown features in the event of a system malfunction. These safety features include high and Iow oxidizer bed temperatures, high and Iow blower pressure, high intake LEL, high and Iow air pressure, high and Iow exhaust temperature, electric power interruption, and computer module failure. A 99% destruction efficiency is stated in the manufacturer's specifications for the RETOX 200. The maximum design throughput of the oxidizer bed itself is 312 $CFM -(Standard Cubic Feet per Minute) in order to maintain the residence time required for thermal oxidation. AquaGeosciences, Inc. will operate and monitor the Bobcat 200 and the ReTox 200 in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District (SJUAPCD) permits to ensure that hydrocarbon emissions are within the permitted limits. The continuous strip chart recorders, on both machines, will also provide a hard copy record of the intake vapor flowrate, intake LEL, and thermal oxidizer chamber temperature to document proper operation and permit compliance. Enclosed for your review are the complete ATC applications, in questionnaire form, with diagrams, exhibits, and equipment specifications for both the'Bobcat 200 and the RETOX 200. The remediation system will be located in the parking lot approximately 150 feet north of the building formerly occupied by the Auto Club of Southern California, between 23rd and 24th streets in downtown Bakersfield, California.. Actual remediation process is expected to take approximately twelve months. Also enclosed are the Permit Application Fees of $120.00 for the Authorities to Construct review processes. Should yo'u have.any questions or concerns regarding this'ATC permit application, "~ :i please contact the undersigned at (805) 836-8100. Thank you for your time and . - consideration in this review. Respectfully Submitted, -:-- -' Christopher Boyn~n . Project Engineer Philip Goa~in, R.G. #4770 Principal Hydrogeologist Registration Expires, 11/30/06 BOBCAT 200 ~. ~ SOIL AND GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Facility Name: Former Auto Club of Southern California Site Address: 2301 F Street Bakersfield, California 93301 2. Project Managing Company: AquaGeosciences, Inc. Address: 4440 Gdssom Street Suite 100 Bakersfield, California 93313 Contact Name: Philip Goalwin Phone: 836-8100 3. Issue Permit To: AquaGeosciences, Inc. Mailing Address: 4440 Grissom Street Suite 100 Bakersfield, California 93313 4. Source of Hydrocarbon Contamination (Include Substance and Source): previously removed underground storage tank containing gasoline 5. Affected Media: X Soil Ground V~ter 6. Hydrocarbon Concentration of the Soil at the Most Contaminated Location (PPM): 14,000 ppm 7. Hydrocarbon Concentration of the Ground Water at the Most Contaminated Location (PPM): N/A 8. Maximum Hydrocarbon Concentration of the Air Stream Entering the Control Equipment from the Soil Wells (PPM): 9,440 ppm 9. Maximum Hydrocarbon Concentration of the Air Stream Entering the Control Equipment from the Air Stripper (PPM): N/A 10. Maximum Air Flow into the Control Equipment from the Soil Wells (CFM): 250 11. Maximum Air Flow into the Control Equipment from the Air Stripper (CFM): N/A 12. Maximum Water Flow into the Air Stripper (GPM): N/A 13. Control Device: A Bobcat 200 Electric Catalytic Thermal Oxidizer by Stealth Industries. ID # 00141. The unit has a 200 SCFM 7.5 Horsepower Rotron blower which removes the gasoline vapor from the subsurface soil by inducing a vacuum. A separator removes water entrained in the vapor stream. The oxidation chamber is electrically heated to 650°F minimum and a catalyst is employed to reduce the oxidation temperature required to "destroy" VOC's in the vapor stream before dispersing the flue gas to the atmosphere through a 13 foot high stack. The unit operates with 240 volt 3 phase electricity at 45 kW maximum. The unit is 99% efficient. A thorough equipment description is included as an appendix to this submittal. 14. Other Equipment: entrainment pump 1/3 horsepower Teel 3P577A 50 GPM extraction blower 7.5 horsepower Rotron DR 808 200 SCFM @ 5" Hg 15. Type of Supplemental Fuel and Maximum Daily Usage: N/A 16. Maximum Length of Project: 18 months 17. Stack Gas Temperature: 1,200°F maximum 18. Stack Gas Velocity: 200 CFM 76 Feet per Minute 19. Stack Height and Diameter: 13 feet high 22 inch diameter The following are attached as appendices: equipment data sheets for Stealth Bobcat 200 lab results for soil and vapor tests equipment Configuration and site map past permits APPENDIX A EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS BOBCAT 2O0 BOBCAT 200 SCFM · ,~ Electric Catalytic WES .':..' ... :' GENERAL APPLICATION LNFOR,MATION "' FOR THE 200 $CFM ALL .ELECTRiC CATALYTIC VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM The 200 SCFM Electric Catalytic VES (Vapor Extraction System) i$ ideal for remediation sites ... such as gas stations with low volumes of gasoline in the soil, or small manufacturing sites where .:' :..:..: .: a known volume of VOCs have been ctctermined to be present in the soil. Like most sites, thc .. n0mmal VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) concentration entering the VIES will d~crease witlx · time. · -::::"' In order for an all Electric Catalytic Oxidizer to o~rate as efficient as possible, pump tests :..:.'. ,..:conducted .prior to VES specification should indicate a maximum of 3,500 parts per million . (: VOCs bY volume, calculated as'hexane, in the soil vapor. The all Electric Catalytic oxidi~a~r :::"" is.' designed to operate with a catalyst module and a shell and tube heat exchanger. In this way, :..~ .... the VES can continue to treat soil vapors at maXimum rate with minimum supplemental energy ." ...-::..... Costs (,me section 2.4). GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF VES ... ::.:::.!.":'"-" · The equipment described herein consists of one skid or trailer all Electric Catalytic VES .'.' ':'" :.' complete with entrainment separator, vacuum pump, heating elements, oxidizer chamber, · ","' catalytic cell, and'a 50% effective heat exchanger. :..,..- .:.. Soil Vapor enters the VES through a 3" valve mounted directly on the entrainment separator. :':5,' ':'.. Ambient dilution ah' enters the entrainment separator (only when required) tlu'ough a sepaxate ':".. ,. 3' valve. Dilution air is required for high VOCs soil vapor, usually 3500 ppmv Or above. The '.i!:.:: ..':.. '. entrainment separator removes a mi~imum of 90% of the flee liquid entrained within the soil ::.'"".' ::.:" ' vapor stream. 'The soil vapor, or CO-Feed (catalytic oxidizer feed) leaves .the entrainment .. -'" :" separator through 3" pipe to the inlet of the vacuum pump. The vacuum pump which can :,..'... generate up .to 7" mercury vacuum and sufficient discharge pressure to force thc CO-Feed .. :':' through the rest of the system. The CO-Feed flow rate, % of LEL, catalytic cell inlet and :"':: OUtlet, and heat exchanger pre-heat temperature are constantly monitored. These parameters are .. "'::" displayed and recorded by the 6-channeI strip, chart recorder located on the outer door of the ,::.:.-.:..' The CO-Feed then passes through a discharge silencer, flame arrestor, through the heat ..... exchanger, and then into the oxidation chamber. The catalytic Oxidizer is electrically heated using custom designed heating elements to maintain at least 650°F preheat temperature before · entering the c:ataly,m (:ell zone· Desrrtlc/icm efficiency for nrta-methane hydrcmarhcm.q, calculated TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS i.O DESIGN BASIS 1. ! Process Flow The SVE can treat up to 200 SCFM of soil vapor contaminated with non-cMorinated VOCs. 1.2 Soil Vapor .Connection .. One, 3" NPT (female) connection. .':. 1.3 VOCs Concentration : .... At 1,200°F outlet, the maximum $oil Vapor VOCs concentration that can be treated : without dilution is 3,500 ppm by volume, measured as hexane. This is equivalent to .. approximately 25% LEL. VOCs concentration of CO-F~ed entering the oxidizer chamber is continuously monitored :'..: :. '. with an LEL det~tor. If CO-Feed exceeds the % LEL set-point, dilution air is .: .. automatically added to maintain the LEL entering the combustion chamber at the proper '.. concentration. High. LEL level will cause the system to go into alarm mode (see 5.0). ...... 1.4 ' Catalytic Module The catalytic module causes VOC destruction to occur ten times quicker and at · :... temperatures 50% lower than in a thermal incinerator. The conversion .is so efficient that :.' it doesn't need continuous monitoring. " Made ffo.m a variety of durable and highly dispersed Platinum Group Metals. The metals :v :i' '..-v provide the highest catalytic activity and poison re$imance, allowing lower inlet ..-.':: ::'.. temperatures for achieving conversion levels and witl~randing higher operating " .::. temperatures without degradation. : .. Catalytic oxidiation is clearly, economically superior technology for destroying VOCs. 1.5 Operating Temperature Operating temperature, when processing soil vapors, is 650°F minimum inlet to the catalytic cell and 1200°F maximum outlet of the catalytic cell. The combustion .... temperature is measured in the exhau,t stack where oxidation of the VOCs, and the accompanying exothermic reaction occurs. 1.6. Destruction Efficiency Thc oxidizer is designed to destroy a minimum of ninety-nine pcmcnt (99%) of the non- metl~ane VOCs, calculated as hexane, entering the timrmal oxidizer, under the following operating conditions: · ': Inlet temperature: 650 ° F rain Outlet temperature: 1200°F max CO (catalytic oxidizer) feed: 200 SCFM VOCs, ppmv as hcxane: 3,500 ' 2.0 MAJOR COMPONENTS . ·.. 2,1 Trailer/Skid .:.'..' .. The VES can be mounted on a trailer or a skid. A 200 SCFM VE$ is mounted on a trailer with a 2-5/16" ball. The trailer ia street legal, and is equipped with an electric '".'i. '.' .' brake system. A tow vehicle requires a mating system to accommodate thc trailer ":i.. , electric brake system. The DMV trailer registration fee is invoiced as a separate item, Skid mounted systems come on a 6' X 6' steel skid. ?~::.:~'~'~' 'a:~!i;;,':"~z~4~;~', ::'~'~.~.~'~" .... .... ~ . ~ a,~. ~.~. ~ ...,~:.. ~ ~*~'~ <"~ .- .~-:;~.~ . ' ............. ~ .... .~.~ , . · .,.: .~:..{ ~! ~.~ "" : Number of Axles One · ..'. M,aximum Length 6' + tongue (4') .. Surfac~ Flat Stock Materials of Construction Carbon Steel · :. .. Braking System Iilectric 2.2 Vacuum Pump :: ~. Thc vacuum pump will extract 8oil vapor [rom extraction wells designed and installed by others. At 200 SCFM, the vacuum pump generat~ up to 7" Hg vacuum. The :.. vacuum pump generates sufficient discharge pressure to force the soil vapor through the '."' remainder of 'thc system. REV~P~ IDS nOnCX?~ 3 00 'd ~:gt ~H£ ~6-E0-~33 Proce~ Com~ection 2% inches Materials of Construction, Aluminum , ' lmpellor Materials of Construction. Casing Aluminum Blower Performance 200 SCFM @ 5" Hg. Motor H.P. 7.th · Motor Voltage 230/460.3 Phase . '. NEMA Rated Motor Amps 18.8/9.4. "' 2.3 Entrainment Separator · ::.:..... The entrainment separator is placed upstream of the vacuum pump and is designed to remove up to 90% of the entrained liquid contained in the soil vapor. The entrainment :.. separator consists of a "tube within a tuloe" and Ms an integral manual or optional auto- ..,: drain system. Dilution air, which may ~ required because of high Soil Vapor VOCs ., concentration enters the SVE system at the entrainment separator. The flow of dilution · ': '.' air, and that of soil vapor, is controlled by the LEL controller. Standard on the entrainment separator is a visual site glass to monitor any liquids that may accumulate. )'.: ' The liquid a~cumutated in the entrainment s~parator may be considered hazardous waste ::.. and must be disposed of in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations. Process Connection Size 3" female NPT Materials of Constructmn } 3 16 carbon steel · ... 2.4 'Oxidizer , From the vacuum pump discharge, the CO-Feeds the oxidizer chamber through a '."" discharge silencer and a name-an'ester. The oxidizer body is constructed from 3116" plate ~teel and linecl with c~ramic fiber insulation. The oxidizer zone provides the retention time necessary to achieve 99% destruction efficiency for organic VOCs. The oxidizer i, lined with ceramic fiber refractory material. The refractory material provide~ enough insulation to maintain the surface temperature of the oxidizer at safe levels. An exhaust stack is provided with the VES. The standard height is 13 feet. Longer lengths are ~tv~ilable.at additional costs. :- Materials of Cot~truction, Shell Carbon Steel · Insulation Ceramic Fiber ...: .. ... CO-Feed 3" Flanged ~ .. Design Inlet Temperature 6(X)°F Minimum i:. Design Outlet Tem~rature 1,200°F Maximum " ..Design VOCs Destruction Efficiency 99% (se~'section 1.6) The "Energy Table" shows fuel required for various VOCs concentrations. The highest requirement is for zero VOCs concentration, and energy consumption normally decreases with increasing VOCs concentration. The lowest energy consumption vaIues shown cortesi~ond to ,~. the maximum VOCs values that can be processed without exceeding 1,200°F for catalytic oxidation, or 1,200*F for catalytic oxidation. Higher VOCs conce~tatiom require dilution. " "ENERGY TAJ~LE" Calculations ' ' l.g ~0 36 ' . 3.6 ~ 33 KW . 10.9 15~ I9 .." 29.0 4~ 0 KW . 32.6 45~ 0 KW ~.2 50~ 0 KW Note I: Calculations assume 100~ LEL = t3,8~ ppm VOCs. Note 2: ppm VOCs = p~ per million VOCs, by volume,calculat~ Note 3~ B~e~ on 70°F o~d~r ~ed tem~ramre 15 ~ ~t losses. The~ are ~eoritical values and ac~al ~e~ ~m may v~ due to ~Ul~ple site variab~s. LO 'd 9~ :91 I'IH& cJ6-gO-83J 2.5 Flame Arrestor One flame arrestor is placed between the vacuum pump and ~he oxidizer. ~' ' Process Co~ection 3" fl~ged ' ": ' Materials of Core.etlon - Cell Aluminum · " . Materials of Comt~cdon - Hous~g Stol Wetted Pans Alumin~ 3.0 VALV~G , ' The VES .~s two butte~ly control valves upstream of ~e en~ai~t ~arator to control ..... soil vapor ~ dilution air flow. %e ratio of ~oil vapor and dilution air M CO-Feed is "~' eontroll~ by ~e LEL controller. :'",', j.' The soit vapor vane is al'so used to isolae ~e V~ from ~e extraction wells. This valve closes automatically under fll ala~ and shutdown co~itiom (~ 5,0). ..... Additioml process yelping i~lu~s a manual drain valve for fl~e en~i~ent separator, and .?::.'. :, two stai~ess ~I ball vale'es u~ in the CO-Feed and stack gas s~pling lines. 3.1, Auto.tic D~ution · .... ~e automatic dilution valve regulates me flaw of ambient air' in~ the V~, and is operat~ by ae LEL con~oller. Materials of Censt~ction, Seat S~i~e~ Steel I '. .. Materiala of Co~cfion, BMy I Forged Steel " 3.2 Sample L~ .. Each of ~e two sample ~pling l~es contains one stainless steel valve. One line is for CO-Fe~ stapling, ~e o~er for ~mck ga~ stapling. Materials of Co~ction, ~t Stai~ess Stol ..' Materials of Coat.etlon, ~y Stainle$~ Size ~ Inch 80 '~ 9~:9t ~H£ ~6-~0-8~ . FF.8-02-9~ THU J T: ~6. P. 04 Scan Cycle 5 seconds (6 points) .' lh'inmr Type Dot. Matrix, Color ' Voltage Requirements 110 VAC :. Phase Single "" Amp ltafing < 1 .' .. 4.2 LEL Monitor The LEL Controller measures % LEL in'the CO-Feed stream. The % LEL is controlled. . through the operation of the soil vapor and dilution air control valves upstream of the .... · .. entrainment separator. If % LEL exceeds the set-point, the controller closes the soil vapor ... '~ .. control valve, and opens the dilution air valve. If the controller senses % LEI., below the set-point, the action is reversed. .'..'";. The LEL sensor must be replaced at least every three months. This procedure is not ... warranty servic, but may be performed by STEALTH Industries, Inc. personnel.. .::...: ,.. '. ...... . .., ~ ~., ..;.L.~ ~ ~ ;.' .... ? .... :. .ff~.~ .... ~. · ~ ' ,~,~:,. ,,;,~ ~ ~ ~ ... .~ .": ~,...~!,~,. -.~.,_;,;,,,~..] . . - .. , ~. . .,;,,~;.....:. ,~ .~.-. ~.~: ...... ! Range O- 100% I,EL '.. ,,,.. Wetted l~a~,~ Carbon S~el "' Ou~ut 4-20 ma & 04 ¥IX~ ' Voltage Requirements 24 VDC ..'%1 Amp Rating < 1 ·. 4.3 Flow Measurement Device " Diluted process gas flow is measu.,'ed utilizing two devices. The primary flow measuring device dowmtream of the vacuum pump, i~ based upon diffem~fi~l pr~sare. The differential pressure signal is converted to a flow ~ignal and r~corded by ~e strip-chart r~order. P, O1 17:t2 - . ....................-::-----' .~ Range 0-300 SCFM '' Wetted Part~ Ahaninum Output 4-20 ma Voltage t~qu~ent.s 24 VDC ', Amp Rating < 1 4.4 Static Pressure Switch Process "- The static pressure switch dow~tream of' Re vacuum pump mon/tor~ CO-F~ed total . Pr,ssur~. Should the pressure fall below.a pre-~t value, the system will go into an alarm mode (see 5.0), . ' :' :: .:':."': Range O- 10" W.C. "- Wetted Parts Stainless Steel ' Output $.P.D.T. - " Voltage Requirements !10 VAC ,' "::' Phase ~ Single :. Contact I~tings 3 Amps · ..... 4.5 Le,~! Switche~ Should the Level Switch in tahe oami~ent separator ~tect kigh liquid level,' the System '../'.':' .. will go into a shutdown mode (see 5.0). ". :'' Output S.P.D.T. Contact - V°ltage Rcquiremcat$ 110 VAC Pha~ Single Contact Ratings 3 Amps ~osc~,r ~ 10 P, 02 FEB-02-96 THU 17:13 ~.0 FP. OCE$S Tile following alanm and ahu~o~ ~ provid~ wi~ ~ ~ 1. ~w Oxid~r Temperam~ X ~ 2. High O~d~r Tem~m~ " X 3. High VOCs Concen~tion X ..., 4. ~w CO-Feed ~sure X ' ""' 5. High En~ent Separator ~vel X 1.) ~ Condition: Well iso~ion ~lve clo~s. 2.) Shut~ Condi~on: Well ~on valve clo~. SVE has to ~ re~ ~ly. ".:~: Addifi0~ al~s =e ava~able. Ple~ eo~lt S~~ ~d~, ~c. for cost ~fl "' .:.. 6.0 E~C~C~ S~C~CA~ONS 6.1 Ut~ty Req~en~ ..... · ~h 2~ ~S r~s o~ (140 - 1 P~ 2~ ~ps or 240/~80 - 3 ~ase, 2~ ~Wer ~ply ~e~on ~m a 1~ p~l or ufili~ ~le. ...' ..'? ,' A ~lifi~ li~ed el~ con, tot m~ ~ ~d to co~t ~wer to Elec~ co~cfion ~ not includ~ wi~ ~e p~ of a Oxid~r'. '.. ~' elec~cal co. it shalt ~ of fig~, g~v~ come.ion ~le for a Ge~l ~se Envim~em. ,o~c,? ~ 11 ,'.. APPENDIX B LABORATORY RESULTS SOIL AND VAPOR TESTS Vapor, Extraction Test AL~o CTub I~! Southern CaitfomlG , ~ T~ 1 BO 10~ 0:~ 13 0.70 73.8 0.0 10:10 0:10 1 · 0.70 73.0 737.6 13 0.100 10~0 O~O 13 .0.70 ' ?3J 40 ~ 1475.3 O.OTS 10~ 0~5 13 0.70 7~] 1~4.1 0.100 10~0 0~0 13 0.70 7~1 2212.9 0.100 10~S 0~5 1 · 0.50 ' ~ 2~7.0 1 10~ O~ 17 O.~ ~.7 2~D.3 17 D.3S 10~ ~ 17 O.4S ~.4 3~37~ ~0~ O~0 17 [G ~.4 130 ~J 0.275 0~75 11~ I:H 17 '. 0.G ~ 140 2.32 S4g.6 M 4~3 12 0.275 ~M ~ W~ P~t T~ Ex~ ~ M~ ~CumM[vo C~ Wall W~II Well WeB W~ ~me Vo~m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CuE Fm lbs/day 'VW-1 VW-Z ~-3 VW4 ~-5 11~S 0:~ 12 O.~, ~ ~.~ 11~ 0;10 25 0.30' 4G~ 6~ 2S ~.075 11~ O:~S .25 0.~ 49.0 84~4 0.075 S 1~5 ~ 22 O~ ~J 200 17~. 22 12~ 0:~ 22 ~ ~.6 35.5 ~40 7620 24~.3 142 22 D~O0  ZAL_IEC) L. ABC)I=IATOI=IIE~, INC), ~ Analytical ~ l~oneul~=in!;;;I ServlceG ...... ~.. ___ ' %500 S, Union Ave. Rec~ivad~ Rakera(te]dI CA 9~307 R~por~edl Rep Sample DeacrtpCion~ Pra~e~ ~6582-32 VW-i * CHROMA?OGR~PH~C ANALYSIS (~ 16tO) x Componen~a Mole % W~ % O,P.M, Ox¥Den 4,4t8 4.595 Nitrogen ?g,2~8 Carbon Monoxide O.OOO 0.00o M~hane 0.000 0,000 R[hane 0.000 0,000 Propane O,O00 0.000 0.000 I,~8u:ane " 0,000. o.000 0.000 N-eugene .. 0.000 O,OOO ZsoPencane O.O00 O.OOO N-Pfln:ane O.ooo O.OOO 0.~00 Hexanes+ ,9;2 ~,t~O ~otats - t00,000 t00,000 SPECIFIC GR~VI?Y (Air - t) . * SPECTFTC VOt, UHR~ n~,f:,/lh 1~,19 * GROSS CAlOrifIC VALU~ ~U/~u,~, 35,67 ** GROSfl CALORZF~C. VA~UE] ~U/eu.~. ** ~ROS5 CALORIFIC VALUg~ B~U/lb 442.3~ * NET CALORIFIC VALUE~ ~TU/cu,t~. 33.02 x, NET CALORIFIC VALUR~ BTU/cu'~f~. 3~.59 COMPRES~TR~f, ITY FACTOR iR~ (KO Fit ATM) .ggg~ · -.4~09 Armour Avenue tS00 S. Union Ave. Received: ~,p"~LOt 1992 Rakarsfield~ CA 93307 Reported~ S~p $1~ ~992 Attention~ B~b Seck~r S~mp~e De~crip~i~l P~C~ #~82-32 VW-2.~gtlQtg2 * CHROMA~OCRA~HIC ANALYSI~ (2 1610} * Compon~n~ M~e % W~ % ~,P,M. Oxygen g,osl 9,499 ~l~roQan 79.722 C. rbnn Honorific O.O00 O.aO0 M~hane 0.0BO 0.0on Ethane O.0O0 Propane ,, 0.000 O.OOO 0,000 raoaucane O.OOO o,oao o.ooo W-Butane o.o00 .o.00o o.00o T~oPen~ane O.OOO O.OOO O;OOO ~"Pen~ane 0.000 o.000 o.00o Haxane~+ 0.000 0,000 0.000 ?~cals.. loo.00~ loo.ooo o.ooo . S~CI~IC GRAVITY (Air - x GRO~S CALORIFIC VALUE~ BTU/cu,~C, 0,00 .. ~x GROSS .CALORIFIC VALUE~ BTU/lb 0.00 · N~T CAf. ORIFIC VAL~E~ B?U/cu,~. "# ~ET CALORIFIC VALUE) BTU/CU.f~. O,O0 COHPR~SSISII.~TY FACTO~ '2" (60 F;~ ATH) .9994 · Water Saturated ,4 Dry ~a. 9 GO F) i4.73 psla ~ .= ,., 4[BQ~ Armour Avenue BakmrsfieIcI, C:allfor~m 8~B~C:)Et. , _ ~ A=o~at[c Hydrocarbons: ~ethod ~od~ed CARS 4LOA ppmv ppmv Ben,one a) 25 2~ 2,5 0,00393 b) 33 · ~o~uane a) ~00 635 2.5 0.10~5~ b) G?O Xylene ' ~) 9[o 960 b) ~o~o ~chylben~ane e) g4 [07 2,5 O,Olg'72 .. b) [20 .......... FAX (~0~) i1~o ~o~a~£o Hyd~ocs~bons~ Ne~hod Nod~fted C~Ra 4[0~ Da~e Analyzed: 9-~-92 AYg, Weiqh~' ~on~ene a) 0,75' 0~74 0,25 0,00298 -b~ o,?~ . Toluene a) ~6 aG 0,25 0,1Zi~8 b) 25 Xylene ~ a) 99 LO0 0,25 0,54530 b) ~00 .. ~hylben~ene'' a) 10 ...~0... 0,25 0,05460. .... . .'.;.- b)" ~0 B-2, 10 tt 0.0064 0.044 0.010 0.089 ND ND B-2, 20 It ND ND ND ND ND ND B.3, 20 ft ND 0.0081 ND ND ND 31 B-3, 40 ti ND ND ND ND ND ND NA -. Not ana~ed; ND, Not D~ected; TPH - Total ee{m~um Hydmoarbon u ga o ne; TOG.OIl and Grea~e; ppn',- pa~ i:~t r~llion. £nvironmental Laboratories 17062 Murphy Avenue lrvlne, CA g2714-5914 Phone: (714) 851-1544 Fax: (714) 851.2217 J~ID.Z, YB~ Atten~ion: M~rc Selover ~SNA Indus:rise .. 1500 g.-Un~o~ Ave. Pt'o~ect~ 5251-32 ' ;~yL- TmL 0ote~tl~ Limit (~/~g) ,,, 0.~ ,, ................................ _ __. . Samnle B4-~5 ND ND ND S2-202-016. ~4-45 1.1 0.3 S2-202-O17. S4-60 94 430 .900 23 14~000 82-202-O19* ' B5-30 ND ND ~D ~D ND ~6-35 ND ND ND .... 4.2 360 82-202-021. 57-30 ND ND ' ND 0.13 38 s2-202-022. ~8-30 ND HD ND ND ND s2-2o2-023. * · k;~rato~ I~ntlffcitl~ ~R [ A~Lyi{% ~t NO- Anatytee no~ ~teot~ l: or ~v. the itat~ ~t~tl~ trait. (t~ Level ), fotlo~ ~ ~tytla ~1~ EPA ~;h~, 37-,:..=,-:.: -,:.:2: .c-?.', ??) APPENDIX C EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION AND SITE MAPS AUTO DRAIN PUMP (OPTIONAL) INLET PROCESS STREAM/DILUTION AIR MOTOR/POWER CONTROLLER ENTRAINMENT SEPARATOR CLEAN OUT ELECTRICAL PANEL FLOW SENSOR LELSENSOR-- PRESSURE SENSOR-- SOUND PROOFING OXIDIZER ENCLOSURE (OPTIONAL) MOTOR ~ EXHAUST STACK BLOWER NOT TO SCALE INDUSTRIES, INC. 3530 E. Enterprise Drive, Anaheim, CA 92807-1628 TEL: (714) 632-1112 (800) 632-1112 (714) 632-1177 Ave . ~ --- ~. ~'.~a '~'O · ~'~. e' ~NAVAL~ ~u ~I'EG ~s~c~ ~ ~° onWy.., .~ ~ l LADY · Gulf St ' ' : ~ ~ /, ' C~'~ ....... "~":~"~" , 38th ' ' ~8th St ~ ~'.tty · ~ ~ ~ · C~ ~ ~? ~ ;~ '~;~ ~,;';;;~ ' ~ ~ KERNVIEW · - I > : (~ t~ /~ TRANSIT. ' .. :~, ," ', *, ~ ., CANCER / .. ,1, KER~J~,~,~ th Street ~ , urcon ~ve. ~ 11 / Orin Wv :. :.~ j~~_~'~, PIO~~ ~ ~ 35th[ St ' , Ill ~ ' '~"'~' .... ~~'~~ VILLA~ ~ ~ ~~ .... . 'RIAL III ~ _ . . ::: ~, .~~ ~~~~ .... ]. m-,- ~1 . ~etn HOSPITAL, ST. ~ ~J ~ ~ ~ ~ VI f//~ ~e~ / ~ :, ' -~'~jces~ = --~:---- ~ ~, Flower ~ ~1 Il :~ ' ~e'/i~'//, (/~.~ ~t~ee[~ St. - -N~ 30th. ~o ~l O St m I ! Quincy ..... = ~ .~n.~e ~ ~ - - ~ '~ Z~th ,Street ' .... ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' o ~ ~ ~ .i COLI , -~'U -- ¢ '- ~ ~ ~J ' L Wall ~t ~ ~ ~ - ..,~ ~ , . , ..... - ....: · . .......... ~ , -- . AquaGeosciences, Inc. ~hibit 4440 Grissom St. Suite 100 Auto Club of Southern California Bakersfield, California 93313 Bakersfield, California 1 Telephone: (805) 836-8~ 00 Vici nity Map Fax: (805) 836-8800 ii 24 Street sidewalk · existing wells · Proposed Crosstown location Liquors Parking overhead power lines Former Auto ~ Club (/)"" Parking " 23 rd Street AquaGeosciences, Inc. Exhibit 4440 Grissom St. Suite 100 Auto Club of Southern California Bakersfield, California 93313 Bakersfield, California 2 Telephone: (805) 836-8100 Site Map Fax: (805) 838-8800 KERN DRIVING PARKING PEP BOYS SCHOOL KERN HIGH SCHOOL WESTCHESTER ADMINISTRATION OFFICES LIQUERS BP GAS STATION 24 th Street TONY'S AUTO UPHOLSTERY I~ PARKING LOT ~ I,oc,, .o.I CROSSTOWN i O~S,TE i LIQUERS McDONALDS HEALTHLAND INSURANCE SERVICES FORMER N RESIDENTIAL AUTO CLUB 23 rd Street .... clRCi_-E K · CONVENIENCE RESIDENTIAL STORE RESIDENTIAL WAGGONER ELI'S~ VIDEO I AND CLOCKS HOSPITAL I ASSOCIATES AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCE AquaGeosciences, Inco Exhibit 4440 Grissom St. Suite 100 ADJACENT PROPERTIES DIAGRAM Bakersfield, California 93313 FORMER AUTO CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 3 Telephone: (805) 836-8100 Fax: (805) 836-8800 250 CFM Vapor Extraction System (VES) Vapor Extraction Manifold , Th. ermal Oxidizer I IIi Vapor Extraction Well Inlet Well AquaGeosciences, Inc. Title Exhibit 4440 Grissom Street Suite 100 Auto Club of Southern California Bakersfield, California 93313 Conceptual Process Flow for Vapor Extraction ~' Telephone: (805) 838-8100 Fax: (805) 838-8800 EFFLUENT OXIDIZED VAPOR VAPOR EHTRRCTION ~ ,ND TREATMENT U~lT II AIR INLET / VAPOR EXTRACTION MANIFOLD DRAWING NOT TO sCALE NOTE: VALVES, DETAILED PIPING AND INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIED BY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS ARE NOT SHOWN. A0.UAGEOSCIENCES, INC. T it I e Ex hi bit 4440 Grissom St. Suite 100 AUTO CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bakersfield, Ca 93313 VADOSE ZONE REMEDIATION SYSTEM 5 (805) 836-8100 VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM PROCESS SCHEMATIC VES Plumbing designed to accept Flowmeters with future flowmeters for using flow control inlet wells as extraction wells valve Plumbed to Plumbed to extraction wells inlet wells Note: All plumbing 2 inch,schedule 48 PVC pipe with exception of flowmeter nipples which ~tre I inch grey PUC pipe. AQUAGEOSC I ENCES, I NC. TITLE EXHIB IT ~ GRI$$OM ST. SUITE 188 AUTO CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 DUAL ZONE VAPOR EXTRACTION ~1 (885) 836-8188 FAX: (885) 836-8888 ~ DES Manifold Schematic APPENDIX D PAST PERMIT FOR: BOBCAT 200 Ellen Ha~ebeck ~ Control Officer GREAT BASIN UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 157 Short Street. Bishop, CaliErnia 93514 · (619) 872-8211. Fax (619) 872-6109 December 6, 1994 Philip Goalwin AquaGeosciences, Inc. 4440 Grissom Street, Suite 100 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Re: Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) and Air Sparging Systems, Conditional Approval for Permit t° Operate #770 ~' Dear Mr. Goalwin: ~ Enclosed is your Conditional Approval for Permit.to Operate No. 770. The Condition Approval was modified in accordance with your request to more efficiently remediate the site. Please affix the Conditional Approval with the Permit.~to Operate, or a facsimile, on the permitted device sO-it is clearly visible and in an accessible.place, or make it readily available and visible at all times on the operating premises. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call .the District at (619) 872-8211. Sincerely, ' E~len Hardebeck Air Pollution Control Officer PEI~TT TO OPEI~TE CONDTTTON~,L ~,PPROV~,L NO. 770 AquaGeosciences, Inc. 4440 Grissom Street, Suite 100 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Southern California Edison Service Center 374 Lagoon Street . Bishop, CA 93514 CONDITIONS .... 1. The District shall be notified 48 hours prior to operating the Sell Vapor Extraction (SVE) System and Air Sparger System by calling (619) 872-8211. 2. AquaGeasciences, Inc. shall be responsible for the safe operation of this equipment from commencement of this project to final completion and will also be responsible for ensuring that subcontractor(s), employees, and all other persons connected with the project abide by the conditions of this permit. 3. The scope of work shall be limited to installation of one air sparger system and sell vapor extraction system. Construction of this system shall follow the design specifications submitted with the application. Completed wells not in use shall be capped to prevent untreated hydrocarbon vapors from venting to the atmosphere. The sparger manifold network, SVE, and Catalytic Oxidizer shall be properly sized, winterized, and maintained. 4. The volume of air injected into the sparger side of the system shall not exceed a flow rate of 42 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) ...... extracted air over injected air shall be maintained at a ratio of 5:1 or greater. The air sparger compressor shall cease operations automatically whenever the SVE draft fan malfunctions. To verify that these operating limitations are observed, appropriate air flow meters and pressures' gages shall be installed on both the sparger and SVE sides of the system. 5. The gas flow rate through the oxidizer shall be limited to a maximum of 264 (theoretical) scfm. A flow indicator and recorder shall be installed and maintained at the inlet of the catalytic oxidizer to measure and record the volumetric flow rate. 6. The temperature of the catalytic oxidizer chamber shall be maintained above 650° Fahrenheit whenever the vapor extraction fan blower is operating. The temperature required under this condition must be fully regulated automatically by means of a computer system which adjusts the heater output in order to maintain the proper chamber temperature. 7. To determine compliance with Condition I~P 6, the catalytic*oxidizer shall be equipped with a continuous temperature measuring and recording device consisting of at least 1 temperature probe in the catalyst bed. Waste gas circulation blower shall shutdown automatically in the event the oxidizer burn chamber temperature drops below 650° Fahrenheit. 8. Within fourteen days of start-up, AquaGeosclences, Inc., er their contractor shall conduct an efficiency test to determine the percent weight reduction of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) emissions as well as benzene emissions reduced through the vapor extraction system electrically heated catalytic oxidizer. A grab bag sample of the inlet concentration and exhaust stream discharged to the atmosphere shall be taken and analyzed for TPH & BTEX. To reduce possible sample contamination, new Tedlar® bags shall be utilized with the collected sample analyzed by USEPA test method 8020 or CARB test method 410A. Sample results shall be immediately forwarded to the District by means of telephone or FAX transmission. 9. The applicant shall obtain a portable Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) leak det~ctor capable of meeting the performance specifications described in EPA's Source Test ReferenC6' Method 21. This instrument shall be properly maintained, and calibrated against a known concentration of calibration gas. This instrument shall be made readily available during site visits. A flame ionization defector (OVA-FID} or other approved Method 21 analyzer shall be used to indicate volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations at the inlet and outlet stack of the thermal oxidizer. 10. Smoke emissions from the stack outlet shall be kept below a Ringelmann I (20% opacity), District Rule 400. 11. Throughout the project life, the site shall be monitored by modem on a daily basis. Service visits shall be at least once a month for the remediation project. Throughout the life of this project, the applicant shall keep on site a operating log. The log shall be updated by service technicians and record the following information at the time the measurement is taken: a) the date and hours of operation. b) record when inspections or maintenance operations were performed. c) monitor readings (air pressures and process flow rates) or analysis results for the day of operation they are taken. d) degree of hydrocarbon concentrations found throughout the system. (Primarily, the TPH concentrations found at sample ports located before and after the catalytic oxidizer. e) VOC, or OVA-FID leak detector calibration charts. The operating log shall be made available to District staff upon request. 12. Benzene sample results along with a general report describing the status of the cleanup effort shall be submitted to the District on a quarterly basis. As the clean-up effort procoeds,~' sampling frequency may be reduced by written consent of the D;strict. These records shall bo kept on file for a minimum of two years (Rules 210. and 206). 13. Benzene concentration measured at the catalytic exhaust stack outlet shall not exceed 0.22 ppmv as determined by method 410A of the California Air Resources Board. The OVA-FiD shall- be used to detect any volatile organic compounds during service visits, if any volatile organic compounds are detected a Ted/ar* bag shall be utilized to collect a sample. The sample shall be analyzed by method 410A of the California Air Resources Board. 14. The amount of benzene discharged from the catalytic oxidizer or catalytic exhaust stack shall not exceed 0.000459 pounds in any one day as determined by method 410A of Air Resources Board. 15. Liquids trapped within a filter, knock out pot, or water separator shall be considered a hazardous waste and handled and disposed of accordingly. Waste material shall not be stored at the site and will be immediately removed. 16. if deemed necessary by the District to verify compliance with these conditions, the applicant shall within 7 days notice be available to open any water weft, vapor extraction part, or exhaust outlet for the purpose of conducting source tests or to collect samples. In enforcing this permit, any cost incurred in collectlng samples, source testing and laboratory analysis fees shall be the responsibility of the applicant (Rule 302 Analysis Fee}. 17. The provisions of this permit may be modified by the District if it determines the stipulated controls are inadequate. In the event the control system fails to reduce emissions below permitted levels, the applicant shall be required to modify or supplement the system to the satisfaction of the Air Pollution Control Officer. 18. This equipment shall not be operated within 1000 fe~f' of the outer boundary llne of any school (kindergarten through high school). The Vapor Extraction System Electrically Heated Catalytic Oxidizer shall only be used to extract and treat organic vapors from non.chlorinated petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil. AquaGeosclences, Inc. or their contractor shall promptly notify the District in writing should they learn of or encounter conditions where toxic air emissions of concern are allowed to disperse into the ambient air. Toxic air emissions are those listed on the AB2588 list of substances as required by the California Health & Safety Code Section 44321. 19. The operator shaft notify the District within two weeks of completing the Project,.. -RETOX 200 - - SOIL AND GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Facility Name: Former Auto Club of Southern California Site Address: 2301 F Street Bakersfield, California 93301 2. Project Managing Company: AquaGeosciences, Inc. Address: 4440 Grissom Street Suite 100 Bakersfield, California 93313 Contact Name: Philip Goalwin Phone: 836-8100 3. Issue Permit To: AquaGeosciences, Inc. Mailing Address: 4440 Grissom Street Suite 100 Bakersfield, California 93313 4. Source of Hydrocarbon Contamination (Include Substance and Source): previously removed underground storage tank containing gasoline 5. Affected Media: X Soil Ground V~ter 6. Hydrocarbon Concentration of the Soil at the Most Contaminated Location (PPM): 14,000 ppm 7. Hydrocarbon Concentration of the Ground Water at the Most Contaminated Location (PPM): N/A 8. Maximum Hydrocarbon Concentration of the Air Stream Entering the Control Equipment from the Soil Wells (PPM): 9,440 ppm 9. Maximum Hydrocarbon Concentration of the Air Stream Entering the Control Equipment from the Air Stripper (PPM): N/A 10. Maximum Air Flow into the Control Equipment from the Soil Wells (CFM): 250 11. Maximum Air Flow into the Control Equipment from the Air Stripper (CFM): N/A 12. Maximum Water Flow into the Air Stripper (GPM): N/A 13. Control Device: A RETOX 200 Electric Thermal Oxidizer by XIT Technologies. The unit has a 200 SCFM 5 Horsepower blower which removes the gasoline vapor from the subsurface soil by inducing a vacuum. A separator removes water entrained in the vapor stream. The oxidation chamber is electrically heated to 1800°F minimum to "destroy" VOC's in the vapor stream before dispersing the flue gas to the atmosphere through a 15 foot high stack. The unit is 99% efficient. Equipment specifications are included as an appendix to this submittal. 14. Other Equipment: entrainment pump 1/3 horsepower Teel 3P577A 50 GPM extraction blower 5 horsepower Sutorbilt GACLBLA 15. Type of Supplemental Fuel and Maximum Daily Usage: N/A 16. MaximUm Length of Project: 18 months 17. Stack Gas Temperature: 500°F maximum 18. Stack Gas Velocity: 250 CFM 19. Stack Height and Diameter: 15 feet high from the ground, 3 inch diameter The following are attached as appendices: Equipment specifications for the oxidizer lab results for soil and vapor tests site maps past permits APPENDIX A Equipment Specifications- and Configuration VAPOR EXTRACTIQN SYSTEM DESIGN DESCR.IFI/ON OF PROCESS The vapor extraction treatment system to be used at various locations in the Los Angeles Basin will be conducted by recovering soil vapors containing gasoline vapors from subsurface.mils via existing groundwater monitoring wells and/or vadose zone wblls, and treating the vapors with a regenerative thermal oxidation system. Th.is equipment has been previously permitted' by the SCAQMD for use by Park Environmental Corporation ('Park) for applications in Los Angeles County and also for ADWEST Technology, Inc., the manufacturer of the regenerative thermal oxidizer. Each existing groundwater monitoring well and/or vadose zone well to be utilized for vapor extraction will be manifolded to 4' Schedule 40 PVC pipe which will serve as the conduit for recovering soil vapors from treatment. This manifold system will connect to the vacuum side of 5 horsepower rotary positive blower. The gasoline vapors are extracted from the soil and the groundwater surface by enhancing volatiTation with reduced pressure and increased vapo~ "flow through the soil. The blower exhaust containing the gasoline vapors feeds the positive pressure line to the centrifugal demister and flowmeter into the regenerative thermal oxidizer (Please refer to enclosed Figures 1, 2, and 3). After treatment by the thermal oxidizer, the treated well vapors are discharged to the atmosphere with emissions that meet or exceed SCAQMD criteria. GF_2qF_,RAL INFORMATION FOR ALL SYSTEMS The following information is in response to required information for permit applicatiOn as described in 'Vapor Extraction and Treatment Systems Used for Soil Decontamination' prepared by the SCAQMI), dated September, 1990. a. The maximum flow rate of the contaminated flow stream is 300 scfm based on the specifications of the blower system. The flow rate will be determined prior to any system installation based on the results of a vapor extraction treatability study that will be conducted. b) The location of the blower, duct system and emission control devices will be shown on a site by site basis. c) The chosen blower size was based on vacuum requirements determined during a past vapor extraction treatability tests conducted using a 92 SCFM blower at other various sites in the Los Angeles Basin. This data was compared to manufacturer's specification tables to determine proper blower size. C: 117'7I l .PER THE I~L&L OXIDIZER A process flow diagram is included as Figure 2. The thermocouples (four total, two are online, two for backup) are located in the silica gravel bed to constantly monitor and feedback the temoeram.re .:o the ALlen Bradley computer wix/ch adjusts the power output to the heaters as required to ma{ntaln the proper bed temr>erature. The loc.it_ion of. the individual components of the thermal oxidizer is shown on Figure 1 depicting the mailer mounted thermal oxidizer. b) A scale drawing of the thermal oxidizer, is presented on Fig-m-e 1. No burner is required as there is no auxilia~, fuel required. c) The blower is powered by a 5 horsepower motor. The minimum temperature of the gas t.,hat will flow over the silica gravel bed ks 1700° F. d) Selecting the size and capacity, of the thermal oxidizer was based on the available flow rates of exu-acted wen vapors from the vapor extraction/monitoring wells that have been pre'dously tested at various sites. The size and capacity. (300 'SCFM nominal flow) is designed by the manufact-urer, Adwest Technolo~es, Inc. and is based on patented technolo.D' licensed from Combustion En~neering, Inc. Any additional data deemed necessary, for evaluation of the permit application can be obtained from Combustion En~.neering at (800) 828-~4 ext. 394. e) The maximum g~.,flow rate thr6ugh the oxidizer will be limited to the output of the rotary positive blower which is sized to provide 312 SCFM at 6" Hg vacuum. This insures that no more than 312 SCFM will enter the oxidizer at 6" Hg vacuum_ See enclosed blower per/ormance curves and specifications for 4M blower with 5 horseoower motor. f) The manufacturers description of imu-umentation to maintain and control the temperature in the oxidizer are included. ,.: Az.MZI$?ER _$TA~NDARD CONDITIONS FOR VE$ USING THEtLMAL QXIDIZER~ A TEM'PERA~ M:EASU'R.~G DEVICE MUST BE ~STAi.LED .MAIi'CT.O~D AT N/A_ FEET DOWN STI:LEAM FROM TI-tE BLrl~"~'ER OF TEE OXIDLZER. THE MiEASD-KED TEN~ERATD-RE M-UST BE SHO%~' AzN'D KECOKDED BY AN 12N'STRUNgENW WITI-i A SCALE TO EN'DICATE THE TE~M~PERATU-KE STATED U~-DER CON'DITION"NO. 2 AzN-D WITH F -= _ N/A °F. ACCURACY O ~ , 2. TIlE TEMI=ERATU'KE. OF THE OXIDIZER (AS SHOWN BY THE EN'STRD~EENT DESCKI~ED D,.-NDER CONDITION' NO. 1) NfUST BE NL4.EN'TAD, i-ED ABOVE 1700 OF %'HE~R THE VAPOR EXTI~a, CTION SYSTEM IS OPERATING. 3. THE TEN~ERATU'RE REQUTR.ED UNDER CONDITION' NO. 2 NfUST BE REGULATED .. AUTOMATICA.LLY VIA A FULL MODULATED TEM'PERATUKE-FUEL CONTROL SYSTEM. 4. VOLAT1-LE ORGANIC COMI~OU~'''DS (VOC) CONCENTI:L~.TION NfUST BE MIEASURED AT THE INLET OF THE OXIDIZER ONCE AT I.EAST 7 OPERATEN'G DAYS BY USEN'G A F'LA~ME IONIZA~ON DETECTOR OR .-5. DISTRIC~ APPROVED ORGA.N-IC VAPOR ANALYZER C,-xI.I'BRATED PPMV OF I4'EX.&N'E. TrrIE VOC CONCENTRATION NfEz-MSD-fUED AT EN-r .I=~T OF THE OXIDIZER UNDER CONDITION'. NO. 3 ,.MUST NOT EXCEED 5,000 PPMV. ~T.&N'DA.RD CONDITIONS FOR ALL VAPOR EXTRACTION $Y,$TEM$ BENZENE CONCENTRATION AT TtiE EXIT OF OXTDW_ER M'UST NOT EXCEED o. ssPPM BY VOLU~ AS DETERNtEh-N'ED BY M]ETHOD 410A OF CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD. THE BENZENE CONCEh-FRATION WIlL BE DETEtLMINED ON A SITE SPECIFIC BASIS AN-iD ~TLL BE SUBbflTTED FOR REVIEW .~I-ER'CO~ ~I=.TEN'G A V.kPOR EXTRACTION TREATABILITY TEST. 2. A FLOW INDICATOR AN-D RECORDER M'UST BE ENSTAT.T.P.D AND .?,,£,kh-NT[A.L-N'ED AT THE hNq RT OF TIlE OXI'DW, ER TO ..MEASURE AaN-D RECORD THE TOTAL FLOW RATE iN STANDARD CUBIC FEET PER 3. THE FLOW RATE MEEASLrR~D UNDER CONDITION NO. 2 NfO'ST NOT EXCEED 312 STAiN'DAR.D CUBIC.' FEET PER MtN'U'TE. ~ RECORDS NfUST BE NL&INT.~D TO PROVE COMPL~_kNCE wrI'H .~ CON'DITIONS 1.2. AN'D 3, THE RECORDS M'UST BE KEPT EN' A, FORNLA. T : I APPROVED IN WRITEN'G BY THE DIRECTOR OF TIlE DISTRICT ~'; ': ENPORCENEENT DMSION,'AaN'D N£A.DE AVAtI A_Bt .E UPON REQUEST. ~ Az.MIS'PER FIGURE 2 IIZ, 200 A PIPE) " OI SC01';NECT V--I: KNOCI.<-- 0U T POT ,,~ p_~: V A CUUI,4 PUMP '{'4 I<--1: Allrl .:'~ !~; CONTROL. CAB]NET ]NTER]:0R Tlc'NIm NOT TO EXCEEO i30 0EORI[E~ F', RETOX 288 USES MODEL NO. 2BHI 617-0HK49 (CURUE 88) Vacuum Pumps ...~... and Compressors Siemens .System ELMO-G '60 Hz" ' ' ' .. ',:/': '.:'.. :.:-'::" :'~;?..".~';?~? '~:~'~-~-~' ~:,~.~.:" . .: ~ ' '' ."..-i . .'.:: . ::-':: '.? ' ~'~" . .. .. ,..--, ?~:,.':..:~:~-.~;,~:~i:'r:. ~'~::~':?' :.~.'~.:?'..,: · . .-... · -..., ..'?~ ... ..- _.:. · - . . ..:' .-: '. ~ ,., .' ..~:-.L'..~,~i:~:: - '. · : :.t.: · "' , .... :"T"'~:' ~:";'.":r.~?L~":?"~'!'~'?:~'~'' .' 7 ' '~:" ':" "~.':.::.:.¥-' :.:'~ -'. , . ,: . .:,-,. , .~,,:~:.:.. ~.......-.. . .. .... ~.~ 2.:.-,.;L.-~: · . ...,~_ · .:,. ;:,,,~ '~:~,.~:~ ,.;.',,:. :~.~,.::...::~,~:~:?.': . .-.:' . .,..~;~,~.~.~.~::~::~,': :: . . .. '.:..' ,: ,:%.~4, !.:~.'?.~,:'~,'-~ .... . :. ' ' ' :' .,..~. .. Two stage 3 phase 60 Hz Vacuum Perf. Model No. hp kW dB Weight Per~omlance curve~ Curve (A)" lbs 600 No. H 65 2BH1 317-0HF29 0.86 0.63 66 30.9 500- H 67 2BH1 317-0HF49 2.04 1.50 66 39.7 2BH1 317-0HK49~ 1.77 1.3 66 39.7 H 70 2BH1 417-0HF39 2.93 2.15 69 52.9 400- 2BH1 417-0HK39~1 2.38 1.75 69 52.9 H 71 2BH1 417-0HF49 3.47 2.55 69 59.5 H 76 2BH1 517-0HF29 2.38 1.75 77 66.2 ~lX)- H 77 2BH1 517~0HF39 3.47 2.55 77 75 H 78 2BH1 517-0HF49 4.69 3,45 77 83.8 2BH1 517-0HK49~ 4.69' 3.45 77 83.8 H 79 2BH1 517-0HF59 6.26 4.6 77 121 2BH1 517-0HK59~ 6.26 4,6 77 121 ~' 200- H 85 2BH1 617-0HF19 3.48 2.55 79 94.8 H 86 2BH1 617-0HF29 4.69 3.45 79 110 2BH1 617-0HK29~ 4.69 3.45 79 110 ~50- H 87 2BH1 617-0HF39 6.26 4.6 79 137 2BH1 617-0HK39~ 6.26 4.6 79 137 H 88 2BH1 617.0HF49 8.57 6.3 79 178 · · ' 2BH1 617-0HK49~'~ 8.57 6.3 79.. ;178 ~. 100- " H 89 2BH1 617-0HF59 11.70 8.6 79 190 2BH1 617-0HK59~ 11.29 8.3 79 190 ~' H 94 2BH1 647-0GF49 8.57 6.3 79 178 ·; 2BH1 647-0GK492) 8.57 6.3 79 178 ~'. H 95 2BH1 647-0GF59 11.7 8.6 79 190 ~0- H 99 2BH1 817-0HF29 11.7 8.6 79 373 ;~:' 2BH1 817-0HK29~ 11.7 8.6 79 373 - · H100 2BH1 817-0HF39 17.1 12.6 79 452 2BH1 817-0HK39~1 17.1 12.6 79 452. H104 2BH1 847-0JF29 11.7 8.6 79 353 H105 2BH1 847-OJF39 ... 17.1 12.6 79 441 2BH1 847-0JK39~ 17.1 12.6 · 79 441 , O- ~ measured at a ~a~ce ~ 1 m I a UL-approved When ordering please specify the voltage r~luirad. Other ELMO-G with frequency 50 or 60 Hz on request Pertormance curves and operating conditions Vacuum pump Suction of air at a ~emperature of 15°C (60°F) at the inlet flange and 1013 mi)ar (29.92 in Hg ab&) at the discharge flange: Tolerance :t:10%. The maximum pressure differences stated apply to a suction and ambient temperature of 25~: (77~F). Operating values ,.,4th other operating conditions on request. " APPENDIX B Lab Results from Soil and Vapor Tests '~ " Vapor. Extraction Test ~o Ciub I~! Southern Cal~ornl~ , .. ,. .. i0:10 0:10 13 ~.70 I0~0 0~0 13 .0.70 ' 7~ 40 ~ 1475.3 O.eT~ 10~0 030 13 ~70 ~I 2212.g 0.100 lO~S 0~5 lB D.58 · ~ ~7.0 1 G 0.2S0 10~ · O~ 17 O~ j ~7 2~D3 17 0.350 10~ O~ 17 0.4S ~.4 3137~ 0.175 10~ 0~0 17 - ~ ~.4 130 ~ 0.275 0~75 11~ 0:10 25 0.30' 11~ 0:15 2S O~ 4g~ 84~4 0.076 12~ O:~ 22 ~ ~] ;:a5.S 0848 76~0 24~ 142 22 O~ RRSH~ OROUNDHA?~R RRROURCR9 ZNC. bah. MO.! 032979_001 %500 9, Union Ave. Rec. ived~ fl~p~tO~ tg9~ A~en~ion~ Bob Becket '". x CHROMA?OGRAPH~C ~M~LY~ZS Cnmponen~s Holm Oxygen 4.448 "-. 4.595 Carbon Monoxide 0.000 O,O00 H~h~ne O,OOO o,000 Rthane 0.000 0,000 Propane O,O0~ O,OOO O,OOO Iao~uCane " 0,000. 0,000 0,O00"""' M'Bu~ane 0.000 O,OOO · ZSoPenCane O~O00' U-PenCane 0,000 O,OOO · a~a%a - t00,000 t00.000 ,3~7 ' "' · · SPRCT~TC VOLUHR~ nu.f~,/lh t~,19 x GRO~ C~LO~Y[C VA~U;; 5?U/ou,ZC. 35,6? · * OROSfl CALOR~ZC..VALU~ BTU~au,~, · NET CXLORIFIC VA~U£~ ~T~/cg,~. '.33.03 · ~ N£T CALORifiC V~LUR~ ~?U/gu-~fc. COMPR~TB~I,~TY ~CTOR '~' · ~ Hater ~aturated *~ Dry Oaa ~ ~O ~j i4,73 pate Analyat Lahore r. or¥ Direct. or ZALOO L. ABOFtATOI IE!S0 RESPA GROUNDWATER RKSOURCES INC.. Lab. Nn.~ 032~9_00~ ~soo S. Union Ave. ~,ca~vad~ ~kersfteld; CA 933'0? /~ S~mple Da~cr~p~ion~ Pr~ac~ * CHROHA~O~RAPHIC Camponen~a Mnle % W~ % O.P.M. Oxygen g Carbon Mano~tde a.ooo O.OOO Me~hana O,OOO O,00O g~hana 0,000 0.0O0 ' Prepare 0,000 0,000 0,000 ;aaautane " O,OOO O,OOO O,OOa lsoPentani O,OOO' O.OOO 'O;OO0 "- Hexanea+ 0.000 O.OOO SPECIFIC ~RAVITY (Att - · ~ GROSS CALORIFIC VA~UKj BTU/eu,~t, O,OO . ..~.. '"ss GROS~ CALORIFIC VALURa.-R?U/CUo~t, · = ;ROSS .CALORIFIC VALU;; B~U/Ib 0,00 s N~? CALORIFIC.VALU;; ,* ~E~ CALORIFIC VALUe; a?U/eU,f~, 0.00' COM~R~SSIBXI. I?Y FACTOR '2' CiO P;1ATM) ,9994 · Wn~or Sa~ur'a=ad rat. or¥ Ara 1¥.~ r. / I. abo Oirwctur PAX (E~C)5) ~E)!5-30E~f~ HeChod ~odL~ed CARB 4LOA Dn~O AnaLy~Odl g-~$-93 .AVg, ppmv ppmv' -~o/uene a) -600'.. 635 3,5 0,20156' " Xylene ~ a) 9XO 960 2.S O,~?~g3 b) £chylbenzene ~) 94 LO7 Avg = Average Jim J~/~z ~b O~e~a~Lons Mana~e~' [~ ZALC.O LABORATORIES, IN(::), A~en~on: Bob Sample DescriptiOn: Pro, eot ~65'83-33 VW-2~9/tO/g2 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST t , .' , ~.~.,,~'.,...~.,.:~,~ ~i~.: ,...~,...,.' .~.' ~,~. ~ ~ E~y~. Total L~t~ Be~ To~e~ ~ene Xy~a T~ T~ B-l, 10 fl ND ND 0,~ 0,062 1.0 ND B-l, 20 ~ 0.32 0.18 0,~ 1,82 1~ 14 ~ ER~. ro~ B-l, ~ ff ND 47 ~ ~0 2100 El.2, 10 It 0.0064 0,044 0.010 0,08~ ND ND !~2, 20 It NO ND ND ND ND ND B-3, 20 ft ND 0.0081 ND ND ND El-3, 40 fl ND ND ND ND ND ND NA · N~ analyzed; NO=N~ O~t~ad~ TPH · T~lal Petroleum Hydr~utx~ L~tbn 8~e~ T~ ~ne Xy~a B~, ~ fl ND ND ND ND ' ~7 B~, ~ ~ 1.1 0~ 8.0 ~ B~, ~ ff ~ ~ 900 23 14,~ ~, 72 ~ 0.07 ND 0.07 d.~ B~, ~0 ff ND ND ND ND ND : B~, 35 ff ND ND ND 4.2 ~7, 30 ~ ND 0,~ ND 0,~ B~, ~0 ff ND ND ND ND ND NA - Not ana/yzed; ND=Not Deta,:~ed; TPH - To~ Petroleum ppm- I~a'ts ~r ~lllon, EnvirOnmental LaboratOries 17062 MuShy Avenue Irvlne, CA 92714.5914 Phone: (714) 851-1544 Fax: (714) 851-2217 ]dI3L~YBZI_ IIJI)C)KT Atten~ion: ~arc Selover ~SNA ZnduaCrie~ 1500 S. '.Union Ave. Bakersf~eld~ ~ 93307 P:oJect: §251-32 ~at:ix: So~l Det.¢tlet~ Limit (._~l/tg) Sample desorte~ton .?~.. B4-35 ND ND ND ND S2-202-016' 54-45 1.1 0,3 6,0 43 ~80 S2-202-017, ' .. ooO ~.. B4-60 g4 430 .go0 ~3 14~ -:.-: B4-72 .... O. 07 ND O, 07 · O. 50 24 '.--. .. B5-3 0 ND ~D ND ND ND - ' S2-202-0~0* B6-35 ND ND . ND .... 4 · 2 360 S2-202-021, B7-30 ' ' HD HD ' ND 0,13 S2-202-022, B8-30 fiD fid fid ~D ND S2-202-023, (t~ revel ), fotto~~tytls ml~ EPA ~th~, APPENDIX C Site Maps - v ;_1 ~ -~ Th0m~' i~1~ Sillec, ~~;~~.~, ~ 29th ~ ~~~~ . :~ ~'~-"N,'~eiil.pa~ N~~ma"e ~. NHe~ ~t. Niles St. ~' .- m . L ~ 19 th t~ ' ~ : I ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~1 : ~ u'~' '.' , ~ '"~a 0 c ~ 0 ~. ~t~ I ~ e ~LL OF ~E .ORD., CHAMB '' ~ ................ 1 ia - - - a , -. AquaGeosciences, Inc. ~hibit 4440 Odssom SL Suito 100 ~u~o Club of 8outhom California Bakomfiold, California oaala Bak~mfiold, California l,l,phon,: {80S) 8a0-8100 Vicinity Map F~: (805} 8a0-8800 I Street existing wells · N . ° ~: Proposed VES Cmsstown location Liquors ~ ~ Parking powor Iinos Formor Auto Club Pa~ing 23 ~ Street AquaGeosciences, Inc. ~hibit 4440 Grissom St. Suite 100 ~ Auto Club of Southern California Bakersfield, California 93313 Bakemfield, California 2 Telephone: (805) 836-8100 Site Map F~: (805) 836-8800 KERN DRIVING PARKING PEP BOYS SCHOOL KERN HIGH SCHOOL WESTCHESTER ADMINISTRATION OFFICES LIQUERS BP GAS STATION 24 th Street TONY'S AUTO UPHOLSTERY ~ PARKING LOT CROSSTOWN i OFSlTE i LIQUERS McDONALDS HEALTHLAND INSURANCE SERVICES FORMER N RESIDENTIAL AUTO CLUB 23 rd Street ................. ciRcLEK ....... CONVENIENCE RESIDENTIAL STORE RESIDENTIAL WAGGONER ELI'S": VIDEO I ~'":' ' ' AND CLOCKS HOSPITAL J ASSOCIATES AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCE 250 CFM Vapor Extraction System (VES) Vapor Extraction Manifold Vapor Extraction Well Inlet Well ' AquaGeosciences, Inc. Title Exhibit 4440 Grissom Street Suite 100 Auto Club of Southern California Bakersfield, California 93313 Conceptual Process Flow for Vapor Extraction 4 Telephone: (805) 836-8100 Fax: (805) 836-8800 EFFLUENT OXIDIZED VAPOR VAPOR EH'reACTION AND TR£.ATPIENT UNIT ~!1 I AIR INLET/VAPOR EXTRACTION MANIFOLD DRAWING NOT TO SCALE NOTE: VALVES, DETAILED PIPING AND INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIED BY EQUIPMENT MANUFAClURERS ARE NOT SHOWN. AO. UAGEOSCIENCES, INC. Title Exhibit 4440 Grissom St. Suite 100 " AUTO CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bakersfield, Ca 93313 VADOSE ZONE REMEDIATION SYSTEM 5 (805) 836-8100 VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM PROCESS SCHEMATIC I I ro UES Plumbing designed to accept Flowmeters with future flowmeters for using flow control inlet wells as extraction wells valve Plumbed to Plumbed to extraction wells inlet wells Note: All plumbing 2 inch,:schedule 48 PVC pipe with exception of flowmeter nipples which are 1 inch grey PVC pipe. AQUAGEOSCIENCES, INC. TITLE EXHIBIT GRISSOM ST. SUITE 188 ~AUTO CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 DUAL ZONE VAPOR EXTRACTION 6 (885) 836-8 ! 88 FAX: (885) 836-8888 .~'~ VE Manifold Schematic - APPENDIX D -- . Past Permits for RETOX 200- . May 25, 1993 · Mr. Tran Vo, P.E. Senior Air Quality Engineer SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY NL4aNAGEMENT DISTRICT 1177-J2 21865 E. Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 REFERENCE: Request for a "Permit to Operate at Various Locations" Vapor Extraction System Utilizing Regenerative Thermal oxidation Dear Mr. Vo: Please find enclosed an application for a Permit to Operate (P/O) for a vapor extraction system (VES) to be operated at 440 North Market Street, Inglewood, California. This P/O applica~on and additional required technical data follow guidelines outlined in "Vapor:. Extraction,'and,;:i:: · Treatment Systems used for Soil Decontamination' package prepared by the SCAQMD,'d, ated .... -'. September 1990. This Various Location permit application package, following SCAQMD's requirements, includes the following: 1. Filing Fee of $1,802.00. 2. Completed Form 400A: 'Application for Permit to Construct and Permit to Operate". 3. Completed Form 400T: "Air Toxic "Hot Spot' Questionnaire' 4. "Vapor Extraction System Design' describing general information for entire system and specific information for the thermal oxidizer, including process and instrumentation drawings, manufacturer's information, and engineering calculations. This information is presented in the format outlined in "Vapor Extraction and i Treatment Systems Used For Soft Decontamination' prepared by the SCAQMD dated September, 1990. C: 11 'D'II .PER $1OO '~. :-qumeer Ave. ,~I Ar:ane,m. CA 92807 TEL:714-777-IOOt 800-727.7275 FAX: 7;4,777.[26Z If you have any questions regarding the permit application or the treatment equiplnent, please fee[ free to call us at 714/777-1001. Sincerely, Pro ect Manager [ . Ma' [fica W. Gallarda, P.E. " ' '~"'-";~' ':- "':' <~' '':~ Principal Engineer .... "'" RAL:dn?_ C: 117711 .PI~. SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY NtA.NAGEME~NT DISTRICT FORM 400T AIR TOXIC "HOT SPOTS" QUESTIONNAIRE (Required for all businesses) State L~w - AB 2588 Toxic 'Hot Spats" Information and Assessment Ac,, ot 1987 (Health and Safety Code Sections 44300 through 44384) requires the Distdct to establish a program to inventory routine emissions of over 400 toxic substances (see reverse side) and to assess their risk to public health;-. In order to comply wizh the State Law. companies in the process of installing or toddling equipment which emk, s .-.-ir pollutants are reqqired to submit a toxic Dian for review. However, there are exemptions from this requirement. This form was developed to determine whether a plan is required for your fscili~., Please complete and attach this form to your application(s), .=orm 400A. Additional instructions will be m.=.,_,d tc you if you are required to submit a plan. This requirement will net interfere with the ar. antinq 9¢ a Detroit for the equipment, and no ad'~donal fees will b~ required for the fiiinct 9f a toxic plan. Company Name pARK ENVIRON~fENTAL CORPORATION Facility I.D. Facilk~/Address 440 N. Market St., Inglewood, CA Zip Code Check the box(es) below that applies to your facility: 1. [ ]' I do not manufactur.~.~_~.~, formulate, .¥s~ or release any substance or any cmer suos[ancewhich reacts to form a listed subst=nce in the attached AppendiX. 2_ [ ] I have already submit[ed an AB 2558 plan. The ins[aiiatian(s) a~ ar~cheC equipment wiil nat affect the plan. 3. [ ] I am in the process of submitting an AB 258~ plan. 4. [ ] Based on my Annual Emission Fee Forms,. the total emissions of each con:a.m!nant is less than 10 tons per year. 5. [ ] I qualify as a small business. Please answer the [ollowing questions if this box is checked: A. My business acdvit,! consists of the follow!ng: B. My business employs (number o0 __ employees. C. My business has gross annual recei~:s of $ ID. Of the materials to be inventoried (see reverse side), my faciiiz,! is cr will be emilling the following: . - E. I own & operate the following businesses / [ (if more space is needed, oF. ach additional sheets). · I herei~' certJfy tha~m~/a~e'l statements are roue and correct I Title of Sign~ ~igna[ur¢ of Responsflare Member of Orgamzadon .. ..... ' Print Name of Signer .... ::.- ,.. Telephone'Numt3er I Date ' Maurice. W.~ Gallard.~.-...,u'~j.. ........ (714) 7' 7' 7 "='J Q "0 Z I 5-25'-~3 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND PERMIT TO OPERA TE  SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT P.O, BOX 4944 FORM 40CA Diamond Bar, California 91765-0944 I NC, :'~,CV NUMBER ~MPANY INFORMATION ~ssu~ 0ArE ~ E IR0 [ENTAL CORPO TION .~ E~IRO~ENTAL CO. OPTION ~.00 E. Hunter Avenue, Anaheim, California 92807 ~E 'fCU ~ ~&IALL ~US;HES5? [S~E :NST~UCTIC~)S~ ' A'IE~G~ ANNUAL G~OSS ~ECEIPTS; [ · 8~ ; 15 YOU~ ~US;NESS ~I PERCENT OR MGR~ WCM~N.' FACILITY INFORMATION ~CUIPMENT A00RESS LOCATION FAC:LITY NAME Foyer auto repair shop ~ ) 0-Facilitv Removed Foyer auto repair shop I 7 {5 !O~O ~ ~ ',~s-- EQUIPMENT INFORMATION ~apor Extraction System Composed of 300 cfm Regenerative The~al -- ~XIS~NG ~QUIPMENT GP~A~NG'NffHOUT ~fl~lT ~ CHANGE 0F P~I~ -- ~HANGE OF PERMIT ~ONOI~ON ~ -- ~ YES ~ NO I ~IS EQUIPMENT: IF THE ECUIPMENT HAS ~ ~RE¥1CUS WRI~EN N/~ ~AS;C ~,;UIPM~NT ~ AIR ~CLLUT~CN CCNT~OL ~CUIPMENT 3 ~cr ~,~ Ca.STaUC~C. aR moo,rotariaN. i PRIOR PERM.. E~ER INI~AL OPEra. CH DATE: ~O YOU C~l~ CONFIOENTIA~ OF DATA ? (SEE)NSTRUC~NS) ~ YES ~ NO I HE,WE~Y C~FY. UNDER PE~ ~ PERJURY, ~AT ALL [NFCRMA~N CO~AiNE~ HEREIN ANO fNFORMA~CN ~ ~PE OR ~IN~AM~ O~ SIGNER ' ' ~ TELEFHONE NUMBER ' DATE ~au~ice W. GaZ~a~da ~ ~14) 777-1001 5-25-93 ' 0 ENG~ ~NG~ FEE S~EDULE $ VAnAgON ~ECX OR MONEY ORDER NUM8ER A~UNT SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MAN~GF_.~ENT DISTRICT } PAGF_..~ I PAGE ! I., 1 ';"; .. · .,:4~ .,,., . ~PU~ON PR~ING I~P~ NO. AND CA~U~ONS ~PR~ESSED BY ]CHEC~ BY CLASS IV Applics~'s Name: Park Environmental Corporation MsJiing Address: 5100 g. Hunter Avenue Anaheim, CA 92807 Equipmerrt to bM Icosted a't 440 N. Market St., Inglewood, CA ECJUIPMEN'r DE$,(~RIPTION APPUC~AT'I~)N NUMBER SOIL-VAPOR-EX'I'RAC'RON AND TREATMENT SYSTEM CONSISTiNG OF: .-... 1. EXTRACTION ~NE! 1 ~. (4 extraction wells) ,:?". . 2_ WA'F'~q, KNOCKOUT TRAP, -o- GALLON CAPACFi'Y. 3. EX'TRACTION BLOWER, INDUC~--D DRAFT, MODEL . ~__.~__, 5 H.P.). 4. TWO CARBON ADSORBERS, . ~/A ., MODEL , IN S~----=,iES, WFFH POUNDS TOTAL OF ACTIVATED CARBON. BACKGROUND This is new equipment for dne ~ns~c~on c~ the ~ soil verrdncj and v .ap<2r ~_v~acdcn system. The soil is ccr'rt2_minszeq with gasoline PROCESS DE$~RIP'r'ION The insitu deccntamina'don of soit will be s~mplished by verrfing the vaccr extrac:dcn wells to a set of c:m-con adsort:ers in sedes. It is exp. ec:~ci thst the soil dean-up oper-~on ,,viii last 12 monttls, -0- c~/wk, -0- hfs/day. The ccncentr-~cn of hydrocarbons in the 'air sa-earn collection system will be rr~nitared ~ the inlet &nd outlet of the first carbon unit with a continuous rec:2rding device. The oruanic vac~r anaJ,fzer (OVA) will autamal~caJJy imerru.at the power sncl shut dcwn ~e system whenever me ccncenu'sdcn a~"ass the first, unit ex~.,~ds a creset vaiue. ~-he se,'~-,~rtd adscrber is used in se.des to enhsn~ ~he ~lIecdcn efficiency up tc ~ &nd pn2vides a back-up for u.oset s~ould b r e.~_.k-~hroucj ~ SOUTH CQC~ST AIR QUALITY MANAGFJ, IE:NT DISTRICT I PAGE..S I PAGE I ,.'-..,'... ~.1..:~-2 ....... " : APPLICATION PROCESSING' IAI3PI- NO. . ID.ATE. . ,',,, I ~ / R! ' AND ~ULAT3QNS I PRQ<::ESSED BY ICHECKED BY , CALC.ULATIQN$: Given: 3o0 scfm inle~ TPH c~nc.- 5ooo ppmV :ax; 2oo0 ppmV ave inle~ Banzene ~nc.- 5oo ~pmV=ax; 2o0 _ ~v ave -o- lbs ~n ~ % VOC ~ct e~den~/ d~s per mo~ cper~on inl~n~on = 2000 ppm ~ 300., LO° (379 ft3/!b-mo!e) ., '" ~24 hr/d~ = 8.17 lb/hr = 196 = .08t7 (1-0.~) = 1.9 Ib/dsy Mon~ly av~age = R2 = (days of op~on/~) . = ~.9 ( 26 730)= ~.6 lb/day ==NS~==> + lb/day -. C~on ~ ~a~ = 0.~ lb V~[ lb ~n Av~ge ~io~ =.~7 ( Dom/ 0om) = N/A [b/dAy lb ~cn (~) = lb ib / lb/dAy = Begone ~ie~ = ,, ppm ~ opm ,(60 min/~)( ~m),(78 lb/lb-mole} = ~/~ lO° (379 hr/d R1 = lb/hr = lb/day R2 = Ib/~ay (1- 0,99) = lb/day SOIjTH C~::~,ST AJR (~.J,~..FTY M. ANAGF_,ME~tT DISTRICT { PAGES .. ,-,{ PAGE APPI_JC~TION PROCF_~iNG I APPI- HO. I DATE ' AND C¢,LCUL&TIONS ]PROCESSED BY J CHECY,.ED BY Yearly average = R2, (day per year/365) = [.8 * ( 317 /365) = z.6 lb/day @ 365 day/year '~(;;REENING PROCEDURE: M[CR= Qx[X/Q) xU×MP Refer to Prooedure~.For Preoarinq.Risk A~essmerrts d~ed Se~_ 1 ~o90, &nd updateO X/Q t~:~les: Ma~r~"~ 1991 Given- Q = 1.6 lb/day X/Q = O. 5 7 (H = _ ~, ft to fenceline) ..... U = 2.9 x 10® MP = not r~p. pticsJule MICR = ( 1.6 )( 0.57. )(2.9x 10'5) = 0.264 × 10'~ · ' The risk ,'or Benzene c~an_oeci ~om 5.2 x 10-5 to 2_9 x 10'5 on Juiy 10, 1~1. j EVALUATION " (ldmd¢~en tb.rouah b.i_~, school). A uubH¢ r .e~ed under AB3~ for the perrrrk to co'~s~mc~ Ruie 401 No Visible emissions em~. ected. Rufe 402 No nuisance e~ec:~J. Rule 2_12 The d~k is less ~an one, n-one miili~n; no pubiic notice requireo unoer 212- Rule 11~ This o0er~on is a soil miticja~ion mea.sur~ whic~ meem ait l~e r~:luiremenm under ~is rule. N/~ lO, ',/AFC.=., .--:-~--.S-= .=.~.N,-_T~.=-,-MGT~ ~ TPH PID/FID Influent/E~fluen= : Monthly. .,, TPH/BTEX GC/F!D " Influent/Effluent Quarterly TOXIC S. _,STANCES TO BE · ---- · N. Ni;..c s.=m e myI e m~atw, in· 2 ~DT [; :' :.7ricnlcec-Z.2.ci=(~' i~.ic~c{4.5-:lc'e,c.c::ne) Cx,~e:ncicn~ ~c~=:ag:=a~ Cia~vlni:rcsammes .L~aa f~i~:a~fu:~ige} ' ~i~c.l.~ a x~.~aam: 3: uin~q = 2.:.Ciaminc:~luen~ keaa phc ~;r,a.:s ~i~en::~a.ll=Vfe~e ~h:2.~iic anal<riCe m:tcine (a~c i:~ sat:s} Ci~,~ctcsatrcle ~i::cscguaniCine . T:ans.l.[(glme~'~amm~l . i 2.Memyl~iticine .- .... ~enz=~tctice} [2tccvieneimine} ~fr:ia en:o~',ifluctaamene ~urA)vinyll. l:~.~xadi~cie · ~Ma:n~c~sene ~ieniu~ ~C,~u~¢= ...... ?' .'-"-t '7 ~: ..... e~ Oimem~ sultate end--fica :imemyt} ~enzam~ne ,,. ~iium '{c.:clicine~ Mem.Aene :=lctice ........ · - 4 4'.Memvte~e ci~;iine ~nacn~amme (C~lc:naoa:ine} / .2.CimemylhyCrazme · :.:.Cicxane :anc its'~icnlcricel i~lcrce:~?l nj=cs=urea ~.iMem~ni:rcsca~inc)- ;- is (~lcrcme~)e t~er Cicxins (c~lcti~a:~ tcmine Me:rcni~&:cle 'rcmine ccmccuncs (i~crgani:~ Circe: ~lacX ~ C;cxin ~7CC0) --. .~u~ciena Mineral ~i~ers :~e%~anesulfcnate (Myleran} ~=icmcrcn~dn Minerat Ciis :.:'.Thiccia~iiic. e e:a.~uW~tma=:~e Es=a~icl 17 = Mcnc~rc:atine T.,c'ium Cicxica :acmium Es:tone ~;Mcr=nclincm e :~} <-' Tc:a~ aCmium =m=cu~Cs E:::cgens. ncns:erciczl ~(~ ni:rctuau~ic~ne} Tc:.;e~e ~:==n =~acx ex::3~= Es:r:cens. s:ercicat imincl-l-:xz:ctic:e.:ne · Nacg~alene c-Tc[~icige h~r~lc~iCe ~lcram=nenic=l 2.Nac~:~ylamine (C~I t3} ~:~ene oxide Nic'.< ei · Tric~lotoe ~4ne Nicxel =ucsudiCe E~vl me~anesul:ona:e Niri:~=le Tris(1~iS~in~} p~s~ine .~OJoroe~}.~c~ex~-l- ~uCrccar=cn~ (m~tcfina:e~ & ' ~c~urea ~C.N~ :rcmina:eC} a~t3mi~e ~te~ni~ grace) G u-~-~ ~2.~ino~mem~ Ur~:~ane ~-tC~u,C~ne G;u-~-2 (2:~incci:yr::c(: .2-at ~lOfQ~cm G;~:Ca:ce~y~e ,N.,Nitrc SO-N-m e :~Yl~f · z (N- ~s~lafin Gvrcmitrin (~e:al:e~eme:~'~ N..Nitrolo~ e~amine ~s ~ Nc. 2 tctm~h~;~one) N.N;ttcscCimem~am~9¢ ~nc axiCe ~e ~en emissicns Hexacnlaro~en:ene N.N;ttc=c~i-n-~u~amme N.Nitrc ~Cl-n.ot==~ arum · ~=~et HexaC~lcra~onex3nes ~Nitr==ccicn~nylam~n~  SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DIST.RICT Permit No. " /' D40403 PERMrr TO CONSTRUCT/OPERATE -.. A/N253336 9150 FLAIR DRIVE, EL MONTE, CALIFORNIA 91731 Pase 3. ' .... ' ' ' .: ...:'.v.:.'-' .:'-" .' " ...... ";",~:.':':';'~"'::,':"::' "/:::::?::::'.i"':'"::~:":"~:'.'."" ':'.;'.?:?'~::" '.'~;.::.:"' :'v. '~'::"..-';:.'..!:':' initial permit must be renewed by 01[16 ANNUALLY unless the equipment is moved, or changes ownership, If the billing for annual renewal fee (Rule 301.t) is not received by the expiration date, contact the District. Legal Owner ID 087350 Or Operator: PARK ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 4430 E. MIRA LOMA AVENUE, SUITE F ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92807 ATTN: PETER YRANK Equipment located at: VARIOUS LOCATIONS WITHIN THE S.C.A.Q.M.D. Equipment Description: VAPOR EXTRACTION AND TREATMENT SYSTEM CONSISTING OF: 1. VAPOR EXTRACTION WELLS. 2. KNOCKOUT POT. 3. EXTRACTION BLOWER, THERM.~L OXIDIZER, 5 H.P. FORCED DRAFT TYPE, MAXIMUM FLoWRATE 300 SCFM. 4. THERMAL OXIDIZER, AIREX, MODEL RETOX 200 HIGH TEMPERATURE, ELECTRICALLY HEATED, 16.2 K.W., WITH AN AIR COMPRESSOR, 2 H.P., AND AN AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL UNIT. Conditions: 1. OPERATION OF THIS EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION UNDER WHICH THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED UNLF_.~ OTHERWISE NOTED BELOW. 2. THIS EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED ANI) KEPT IN GOOD OPERATING CONDITION AT ALL TIMES. 3. THIS EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE OPERATED WITHIN 1000 FEET OF THE OUTER BOUNDARY LINE OF ANY SCHOOL (KINDERGARTEN THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL). 4. THIS EQUIPMENT SHALL ONLY BE USED TO EXTRACT AND TREAT THE VAPORS FROM NON-CHLORINATED PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON CONTAMINATED SOIL. 5. THE SCAQMD SHALL BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING OF THE FOLLOWING INFOI~MATION AT LEAST SEVEN (7) DAYS PRIOR TO OPERATING THE EQUIPMENT AT EACH LOCATION WITHIN THE SCAQMD. NOTIFICATION SHALL BE SENT TO THE ADDRESS LISTED IN CONDITION NO. 6. A. THE LOCATION WI-IERE THE EQUIPMENT WILL BE OPERATED. ORIGINAL SOUTH. COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Pcmit No. ~ D40403 PERMrr TO CONSTRUCT/OPERATE ^/N253336 9150 FLAIR DRIVE, EL MONTE, CALIFORNIA 91731 Page 2 " CONTINUATION OF PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT/OPERATE B. THE ESTIMATED CALENDAR TIME THE EQUIPMENT WILL BE OPERATED AT THE LOCATION. C. ALL OPERATING RECORDS REQUIRED UNDER CONDITIONS BELOW AT THE PREVIOUS LOCATION. 6. NOTIFICATION REQUIRED IN CONDITION NO. 5 SHALL BE ADDRESSED TO: SCAQMD ENFORCEMENT DIVISION, NEW SOURCES 9150 FLAIR DR. EL MONTE, CALIFORNIA 91731 7. AN IDENTIFICATION TAG OR NAME PLATE SHALL BE DISPLAYED ON THE EQUIPMENT TO SHOW MODEL NO., SERIAL NO. AND MANLrFA~RER. THE TAG OR PLATES SHALL BE ISSUED BY THE MA.N'UFACTURER AND SHALL BE ADHERED TO THE EQUIPMENT IN A PERMANENT AND CONSPICUOUS POSITION. 8. PRIOR TO CONNECTING ANY VAPOR EXTRACTION WELLS TO THE COLLECTION SYSTEM, THE COMPLETED VfELLS SHALL BE CAPPED TO PREVENT VAPORS FROM VENTING TO THE ATMOSPHERE. 9. THE EXTRACTION BLOWERS SHALL NOT BE OPERATED UNLESS EXTRACTED VAPORS FROM THE SOIL ARE BEING VENTED ~O THE THERMAL OXIDIZER. 10. A FLOW RECORDER SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AT THE INLET OF THE THERMAL OXIDIZER TO RECORD THE TOTAL FLOW RATE IN CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE (CF D. 11. THE FLOW RATE MEASURED UNDER CONDITION NO. 10, FOR THE THEILMAL OXIDIZER, SHALL NOT EXCEED 312 CFM. 12. A TEMPERATURE RECORDING DEVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED A~N-D M.kINTAINED IN THE GRAVEL BED AT 19 ~CHES FROM THE INLETS OF THE THERMAL OXIDIZER. THE MEASURED TEMPERATURE SHALL BE SHO~VN AND RECORDED BY AN INSTRUMENT WITH A SCALE TO INDICATE THE TEMPERATURE STATED UNDER CONDITION NO. 13 AND WITH AN ACCURACY OF+ 30 °FAHRENHEIT. 13. WHENEVER' THE VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM IS IN OPERATION, THE TEMPERATURE OF THE OXIDIT. FR, AS SHOWN BY THE INSTRUMENT DESCRIBED UNDER CONDITION NO. 12 SHALL BE MAINTAINED ABOVE 1700 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. 14. THE TEMPERATURE REQUIRED UNDER CONDITION NO. 13 SH.A~L BE REGULATED AUTOMATICALLY VIA A FULLY MODULATED TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM. ORIGINAL SOUTH.COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Permit No. · D40403 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT/OPERATE ^/N253336 9150 FLAIR DRIVE, EL MONTE, CALIFORNIA 91731 Pa~e 3 CONTINUATION OF PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT/OPERATE 15. VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND (VOC) CONCEx'CrRATIONS SHALL BE MEASURED AT THE INLET AND THE OUTLET OF THE THERMAL OXIDIZER AT 1 .FAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) OPERATING DAYS BY USING A FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR OR A DISTRICT APPROVED ORGANIC VAPOR ANALYZER CALIBRATED IN PARTS PER MILLION, BY VOLUME (PPMV) OF HEXANE. 16. THE VOC CONCENTRATION MEASURED AT INLET OF THE THERMAL OXIDIZER UNDER CONDITION NO. 15 SHALL NOT EXCEED $000 PPMV. 17. THE HYDROCARBON VAPOR CONCENTRATION AT THE THERMAL OXIDIZER OUTLET SHALL NOT EXCEED 3 PERCENT OF THE HYDROCARBON VAPOR CONCENTRATION AT THAT THERMAL OXIDIZER INLET AS MEASURED IN CoNDmON NO. 15. 18. THE AMOUNT OF BENZENE IN THE THERMAL OXIDIZER EXHAUST STREAM SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.007 POUNDS IN ANY ONE DAY AS DETERMINED BY METHOD 410A OF AIR RESOURCES BOARD. EXTRACTED VAPOR SHALL BE Aa'qALYZED FOR BENZENE VAPOR CONCENTRATION WITHIN 14 DAYS OF START-UP OF THIS EQUIPMENT. 19. EQUIPMENT SHUTDOWN INTERLOCKS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR LOW AND HIGH THERMAl, OXIDIZER EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE. 20. RECORDS SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PROVE COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, AND 19. THE RECORDS SHALL BE KEPT IN A FORMAT APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE DIRECTOR 0F ENFORCEMENT OF THE DISTRICT. THE RECORDS SHALL BE KEPT FOR AT LEAST T~VO YEARS AND 'MADE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. NOTICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 206, THIS PERMIT TO OPERATE OR COPY MUST BE POSTED ON OR WITHIN 8 METERS OF THE EQUIPMENT. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE THE EMISSION OF AIR CONTAMINANTS IN EXCESS OF THOSE ALLOWED BY DMSION 26 OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR THE RULES OF THE AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. THIS PERMIT CANNOT BE CONSIDERED AS PEI~MISSION TO VIOLATE EXISTING LAWS, ORDINAxNCES, REGUI~TIONS OR STATUTES OF OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. EXECUTIVE OFFICER By Dorris M. Bailey/mb August 8, 1991 ORIGINAL South Coast AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS. 9150 FI-AIR OR.. EL. MONTE. CA 91731 F,'ZBRUARY i$, 1933 ~A,q~ ~NVT.~ONMENTAL CO,Pt' 4~3,3 '= ,~Ii~A LO:qA AVE OFFICIAL OOCUMENT .~N~UNL V~LI.OATiON OF 'PERMIT TO OPERATE DEAR PERMIT HOLDER: THIS LETTER IS THE OFFICIAL NOTICE OF RENEWAL AND AC.KNOWLEDGE,MiNT O~ PAYMENT FOR TH---' ATTACHED LIST,..~OF PE~.MIT(S> TO OPERATE. OPERATION UNDER THIS LETTER AND THE PERMIT,S> -WHICH IT RENEWS MUST BE CONDUCTED OMPLI~NCE 'WITH ALL INFORMATION INCLUDED WITH THE INITIAL CATION ~S WELL AS THE INITIA~.;PERMIT CONDITIONS. THE E~UIPMENT · MUST BE MAINT~INEO 'AND KEPT-. IN 'GOOD CONDITION AT ALL TIMES. U)ILESS OTHERWISE SPECIFICALLY STATED,' THE ORIGINAL PERMIT TO OPERATE R~MA[~'IS IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT, AND MUST SE RETAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF' THE SOUTH COAST'AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. FOR FURTHER INFOR~NATION~ OR IF YOU HAVE ANT QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS LETTER~ PLEASE CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE AT (~0~.) 395-2~D0. SiNCErELY, J.~MES :~. LENTS~ EXECUTIV{ OF.: ICER PA,'~ E 1 South Coast AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS, 9150 FLAIR OR., EL MONTE, CA ~1731 V'.P, IO:JS LgC~'TION'S IM jS CA '3 P~RMIT R EN,-~WALS APPLIC EXPIR4TION -. ..... .--,,-- r' ~'---, SOIL TREAT VAPOR EXTRACT GASOLINE UNDER 253336 01/16/9~ PAGE 2 TEMPORARY PERMIT TO OPERATE GREAT BASIN UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 157 Short Street, Bishop, California 93514 · (619) 872-8211 , Fax (619) 872-6109 PERMIT NUMBER 739... Pursuant to the authority granted under Rule 209-C of the Rules and Regulations for the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District, the AquaGeosciences, Inc. 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 is hearby granted a Temporary Permit to Operate as of March 3, 1994 for the following described operations, associated equipment and buildings located at: Southern California Edison Company 374 Lagoon Street Bishop, CA 93514 This Temporary Permit to Operate covers the initial startup phase for the descr/bed operation. It is granted for an interim time period and shall not to exceed thirty days (30 days) from the date granted. IRYI~ (Cal. H&$ code Section 42301.1) '...The temporary permit to operate shall specify a reasonable p~riod of time during which the source may be operated in order for the District to determine whether it will operate in accordance with the conditions specified in the authority to construct. The source must comply with all permit conditions and Federal~ Statew and District rules and re~uLatlons while under a temporary per.it to operate.' (Rule 209-C). EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION FOR PERMIT: Treatment of subsurface contaminated soil using Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). Phase III Construction consists of connecting to one air sparger manifold network built of four (4), one (1) inch air spargers lines, drilled to a depth of 8 feet, and bored horizontally extending 100 feet in length reaching underneath the a.djacent Contel building. Each air sparger injection line is equipped with-an air pressure regulator controlling injected air from: 1 - Ingersoll-Rand Model EP5 rotary compressor rated @ 40 SCFM 5 'hp CONTROL SYSTEM: SVE network comprises ten (10), two (2) inch vapor extraction lines with one (1) vapor extraction line designed specifically as a safety feature to remove free hydrocarbon vapors trapped, beneath the adjacent Contel building. The nine (9) other vapor extraction lines are bored laterally extending to a total of 100 feet in length. 1 - Seimens Centrifugal blower providing 200 CFM vacuum, @ 160"Ap 5 hp 1 - Hydrovane rotary compressor operating an automatic valve network 2½ hp 1 - Airex Corp. Retox 200, regenerative thermal oxidizer rated @ 16.2 Kw/hr catalytic reduction. PERMIT CONDITIONS: This permit is granted subject to the attached conditional approval. Ir of tho Rnles a~d Regulations of the Great Basin ~ . ~/fi~ ~ix Po~l.tio. co.t~ Distri~ = Di*ieion 26, AIR POLLUTION CONTROL OFFICER Chapter 2, Article 3, of the Health & Safety Code of the ~te of Callfo~a. Date Ellen Hardebeck ~ Conlro! Ol'l~cer GREAT BASIN UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 157 Short Street. Bishop, California 93514 · (619) 872-8211 . Fax (619) 872-6109 March 3, 1994 Mr. Philip Goalwin AquaGeosciences, Inc. 1701Westwind Drive, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Temporary Permit to Operate No. 739 Dear Mr. Goalwin: The District's Air Quality Specialist reports your Soil Vapor Extraction and Thermal Oxidizer System has been installed according to your design specifications. In fulfilling the terms of your Authority to Construct permit, the District is authorized by Rule 209.C to grant AquaGeosciences, Inc., a Temporary Permit to Operate (PTO). Your Temporary PTO is valid for a maximum thirty days (30). While under your Temporary Permit to Operate, routine source activity can begin. During .this period, performance testing must be completed with the sample results returned to the District In addition, please call the District at (619) 872-8211 to schedule another site inspection· We require the extra inspection to confirm that those deficiencies found during the initial inspection have been corrected A final Permit to Operate is issued only after determining that emissions are in accordance with all District Rules and Regulations. If you have any questions regarding your Temporary Permit to Operate, please feel free to contact the District. Sincerely, Duane Ono Deputy Air Pollution Control Officer lc: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL FOR TEMPORARY PERMIT TO OPERATE No. 739 AquaGeosciences, Inc. 1701Westwind Drive, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Southern California Edison Company Service Center 374 Lagoon Street" Bishop, CA 93514 CONDITIONS 1. The District shall be notified 48 hours prior to operating the SVE, Sparger pump or Thermal Oxidizer by calling (619) 872-8211. 2. AquaGeosciences, Inc., shall be responsible for the safe operation of this equipment from commencement of this project to final completion and is also responsible for ensuring that subcontractor(s), employees, and all other persons connected with the project abide by the conditions of this permit. 3. During phase III remediation period, the scope of work shall be limited to installation of one air sparger pump and vapor extraction pump vented to a Retox Thermal Oxidizer system. Construction of this system shall follow the design specificatio~s.i submitted with the application. Completed wells not in use shall be capped to prevent hydrocarbon vapors from venting to the atmosphere. The sparger manifold network, SVE, and Retox Thermal Oxidizer shall be properly sized, winterized, and maintained. 4. The volume of air injected into the sparger side of the system shall not exceed a flow rate of 40 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) or 10 scfm per injection well. The volume of extracted air over injected air shall be maintained at a ratio of 5:1 or greater. The air sparger compressors shall cease operations automatically whenever the SVE vacuum pump malfunction. To verify that these operating limitations are observed, appropriate air flow meters and pressures gages shall be installed on both the sparger and SVE sides of the system. 5. The gas flow rate through the oxidizer shall be limited to the output of the centrifugal rotary blower which is powered by a 5 horsepower, motor sized to provide a maximum 200 scfm. A flow indicator and recorder shall be installed and maintained at the inlet of the thermal oxidizer to measure and record the volumetric flow rate. 6. The temperature of the thermal oxidizer must be maintained above 1700 degrees F whenever the vapor extraction system is operating. The temperature required under this condition must be fully regulated automatically by means of a computer system which adjusts the power output to the heaters in order to maintain the proper bed temperature. 7. To determine compliance with Condition Number 6, the Retox 200 thermal oxidizer shall be equipped with continuous measuring and temperature recording instrumentation consisting of at least 1 temperature probe in the thermal oxidizer bed and at least one recording device. This equipment shall shutdown automatically if the oxidizer temperature drops below 1700° F. 8. Within ten days of start-up, AquaGeosciences, Inc., shall conduct an efficiency test to determine the weight percent reduction of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon emissions as well as benzene emissions reduced through the Retox 200 thermal oxidizer. A grab bag sample of the exhaust stream vented to the atmosphere shall be taken and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons & BTEX. To reduce possible sample contamination, a new Tedlar' bag shall be utilized with the collected sample analyzed by USEPA test method 8020 or CARB test method 410A. Sample results shall be immediately forwarded to the District by means of telephone or FAX transmission. 9. The applicant shall obtain a portable Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) leak detector capable of meeting the performance specifications described in EPA's Source Test Reference Method 21. This instrument shall be properly maintained, and calibrated against a known concentration of Isobutylene gas. This instrument shall be made readily available during site visits. A flame's. ionization detector (OVA-FID) or other approved Method 21 analyzer shall be used to indicate volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations at the inlet and outlet stack of the thermal oxidizer 10. Smoke emissions from the stack outlet shall be kept below a Ringelmann I (20% opacity), District Rule 400. 11. Throughout the initial start-up period, the site shall be visited by a service technician on a daily basis. Over the next thirty days, the service technician shall attend to the site at least four times. After the first month, service calls may be reduced to twice a month visits for the remainder of the remediation project. Throughout the life of this project, the applicant shall keep on site a maintenance'journal. In this journal, the service technician shall log the following information at the time the measurement is taken: a) the date and hours of operation. b) record when inspections or maintenance operations were performed. b) monitor readings (air pressures and process flow rates) or analysis results for the day of operation they are taken. c) degree of hydrocarbon found throughout the system. (Primarily, the TPH concentrations found from sample ports located before, between, and emissions emitted from the Retox thermal oxidizer stack. d) VOC, or OVA-FID leak detector calibration charts. Sample results along with a general report describing the status of the cleanup effort shall be. submitted to the District on a quarterly basis. As the clean-up effort proceeds, sampling frequency may be reduced by written consent of the District. These records shall be kept on file for a minimum of two years. 12. Benzene concentration measured at the exit- stack of the oxidizer must not exceed 0.22 pp~ as determined by method 410A of California Air Resources Board. 13. The amount of benzene in the thermal oxidizer exhaust stream shall not exceed 0.000459 pounds in any one day as determined by method 410A of Air Resources Board. 14. Liquids trapped within a filter, knock out pot, or water separator shall be considered a hazardous waste and handled and disposed of accordingly. 15. If deemed necessary by the District to verify compliance with these conditions, the applicant shall within 7 days notice be available to open any water well, vapor extraction port, or exhaust outlet for the purpose of conducting source tests or to collect samples. In enforcing this permit, any cost incurred in collecting samples, source testing and laboratory analysis fees shall be the responsibility of the applicant (Rule 302 Analysis Fee). 16. The provisions of this permit may be modified by the District if it determines the stipulated controls are inadequate. In the event the control system fails to. reduce emissions to below permitted levels, the applicant shall be required to modify or' supplement the system to the satisfaction of the Air Pollution Control Officer. 17. This equipment shall not be operated within 1000 feet of the outer boundary line of any school (kindergarten through high school). The Redox Thermal Oxidizer shall only be used to extract and treat organic vapors from non-chlorinatedpetroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil. AquaGeosciences, Inc., or Southern California Edison Company shall promptly notify the District in writing should they learn of or encounter conditions where toxic air emissions of concern are allowed to disperse into the ambient air. Toxic air emissions are those listed on the AB2588 list of substances as required by 'the California Health & Safety Code Section 44321. 18. The operator of shall notify the District within two weeks of completing the project. EIIcn 1-13rdcL~:ck ~ Control O~'ficcr GREAT BASIN UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 157 Short Street . B/shop, California 93514 * (619) 872-8211 * Fax (619) 872-6109 January 20, 1994 Mr. Bill .Dennis, Engineer CO~~ Southern California Edison Company "' 421 West J Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 RE: Authority to Construct Phase II, Soil Remediation Project Dear Mr. Dennis: Please find enclosed your "Authority to Construct" issued in regard to the above-entitled matter. Please note, THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TO OPERATE. You must notify the District 48 hours prior to initial plant start up. .This. will facilitate the field inspection' from which compliance with Rules 400, 401, and 402 of the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District Rules and Regulations will be determined. The Permit to Operate will be issued upon successful compliance. Also enclosed is your initial permit fee statement which covers the District analysis~ inspection and first year of operation of your facility. .The fees are arrived at based upon Great Basin Unified APCD Rules and Regulations, Rules 301 and 305. The maximum allowable emission rate is based on the District's Toxic Policy. Under this policy, the District weighs the potential adverse health effects caused .by this 'project as they relate, to ' requirements of District Rule 402 Nuisance. Air emissions of a-toxic nature are subjected to review procedures developed by the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association found in the docdment; Air Toxic "Hot Spot" Proqram Risk Assessment Guidelines, January 92. Your Authority to Construct has been' issued with conditions, which' will assure the operations comply within the standards of Rule 209. Commencing work .under the Authority to Construct shall be deemed acceptance of al. 1 the conditions specified (Rule 210 Conditional Approval). The appeal procedure may be found under Rule 214. If you have any questions regarding yoUr Authority to Construct, please feel'free to contact the District. Signature Deputy Air Pollution Control Officer cc: Phil Goalwin, Aqua-Geosciences, Inc. w/attachments Ellen Hardebcck Control Officer GREAT BASIN UNIFIED A_IR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 157 Short Street . Bishop, Calit'ornia 93514 . (619) 872-8211 . Fax (619) 872-6109 -B TATEMENT- DATE: January 20, 1994 "- APPLICATION NO. :742 ~ TO: Southern California Edison CompanY421 West J Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 SUBJECT: Initial Permit Fee Statement for A/C ~ 742 Before further action' can be taken on your application, the following fee must be paid according to regulation III of the Great. Basin Unified APCD Rules and Regulations: X AIR QUALITY PERMIT ....................... $ 70.00 INITIAL FILING FEE X INITIAL PERMIT FEE total $130.00 ANNUAL RENEWAL FEE AIR POLLUTION VARIANCE FILING FEE ........ $ X ADDITIONAL FEE (Rule 305. @ 1% hours) .... $ 60.00 Please make checks payable to the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District, 157..Short Street, Suite 6, Bishop, California 93514. If the described fee is not received by the District within 30 days from the billing, the District-will be forced to take the appropriate action on your application pursuant, to Rule '300~(D) as follows.: Permit Fee Penalty. After the provisions for granting an Authority to Construct or Permit to Operate have been complied with or on the renewal of a Permit to Operate, the applicant/ permittee shall be notified by mail of the fee due and payable. If the fee is not paid within 30 days after it becomes due, the fee shall be increased~by one half the amount and the applicant/ permittee shall be notified by mail of the increased fee. If the increased fee is not paid within 30 days after notice, the applicant/permittee will be notified by.mail. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: RULE 305. Toxics Risk Assessment Fee Whenever the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District processes an Authority to Construct or Permit to Operate for a facility which emits (a) toxic substance(s), Mr. Bill Dennis January 20, 1994 Page 2 the Air Pollution Control Officer may charge the proponent an extra fee which is not to exceed the cost to the District of the work required by the District Board's Toxics Risk Assessment Policy to estimate the risks associated with t.,~ facility. A toxic substance is any substance listed by ~~ Air Resources Board pursuant to California Health and Code Section 44321. ~..~3~ The fee for work done directly by the District will be calc- ulated on the basis of actual cost ($40 per hour for profess- ional and technical staff and $20 per hour for clerical staff). If the Air Pollution Control Officer de~ermines that it is necessary to hire a consultant to prepare the risk assessment or to advise the District'on impact's to health, the consult- ant's fee will be paid by the proponent. If the pr°pOnent' objects to the particular consultant hired by the District, the proponent may appeal to the District Hearing Board. .~ Failure to pay this fee shall incur the same penalties as failure to pay a permit fee (Rule 300D) Ellen H~rd¢~ck ~ ConLrol Officer GREAT BASIN UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 157 Short Street · Bishop, California 93514 . (619) 872-8211 . Fmx (619) 872-6109 THIS AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT IS NOT A PERMIT TO OPERATE! THIS AUT]{ORITY TO CONSTRUCT WILL EXPIRE TWO YEARS FROM THE DATE GRANTED! DATE AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT GRANTED: JanUary 20, 1994 ~ATC No.: 742 GRANTED TO ....... ~ Southern California Edison Company~(~~ . MAILING ADDRESS... 421 West J Street ~~ . , Tehachapi, CA 93561 ~~ EQUIPMENT ADDRESS. Southern California Edison, Service Center ~ 374 Lagoon Street Bishop, CA 93514 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION FOR PERMIT: Treatment of (sub-foundation) contaminated soil using Soil Vapor Extraction (eVE). During the beginning phase, in order to reduce the potential for fibres ~.Or explosions, one (1) vapor extraction line is proposed to remove free hydrocarbon vapors trapped immediately beneath the adjacent Contel building. The Phase III remediation program utilizing a ROTEX 200 thermal ~oxidizers shall not begin until a special permit has been granted for that equipment. This permit shall cover only the Phase II operations consisting of: CONTROL SYSTEM: SVE manifold network including: 1 - Special 2 inch PVC vapor extraction line bored through the center, of the Contel building ~/a hp 2 - 55 gal; Vent-Scrub, VSC-200 carbon'canisters or equivalent "/a hp 1 - EG&G Roton Model DR 454 regenative blower rated @ 125 SCFM @ 4%" Hg 1% hp 9 - 2 inch PVC vapor extraction lines, bored horizontally beneath the Contel buiiding and temporarily capped for future connection to the thermal oxidizer system. "/~ hp CONDITIONS: This. permit is subject to the attached conditional approval. ' A TEMPORARY PERMIT TO OPERATE the above equipment will be issued only after an inspection to determine if the equipment has been constructed according to the approved plans and the equipment can be operated in compliance with all Rules and Regulations of the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution C~ntrol District. Notify the District at (619) 872-8211 when construction is complete. It is the applicants responsibility to comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations of other governmental agencies which are applicable to the applicants operation. Duane Oho Deputy Air Pollution Control Officer AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT CONDITIONAL APPROVAL No. 742 Southern California Edison Company 421 West J Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 Southern California Edison Service Center 374 Lagoon sa.rest Bishop, CA 93514 CONDITIONS 1) The District shall be notified 48 hours prior to operating the vapor collection system by calling (619) 872-8211. 2) Southern California Edison Company shall be responsible for the safe operation of this equipment from commencement of this project to final completion.. Southern California Edison Company is also responsible for insuring that subcontractor(s), employees, and all other persons connected with the project abide by the conditions of this permit. 3) During the initial phase II remediation period, the scope of work shall be limited to installation of the sparger manifold network, placement of the Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) gathering field and the installation of one vapor extraction pump ducted to the carbon adsorber canisters plumbed in series. This system shall be installed adcording to the design specifications submitted with the revised Authority to Construct application. The eVE network,-' and activated carbon adsorber canisters shall be properly, sized, winterized, and maintained. The'overall volume of air extracted from beneath the Contel building shall not exceed 100 CFM. To verify that this operating limit is observed, appropriate air flo~ meters and pressure gages shall be installed on the SVE side of the~/ system. 4) If hydrocarbon breakthrough is detected in the first carbon .canister, Southern California Edison Company shall either a) install a fresh third canister to the outlet of the second canister, or b) replace the first canister with a fresh carbon canister. A third'canister may also be installed prior to the detection of breakthrough in the first canister. If at anytime prior to the estimated life of the first canister, breakthrough is detected,.' the first canister shall be replaced with a fresh canister by a qualified technician within 7 days of detection of hydrocarbon breakthrough. If hydrocarbon breakthrough is also detected in the second canister, Southern California Edison Company or their contractor shall immediately suspend further operation of the system until the first two canisters have been replace with fresh carbon. 5) Total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) emitted to the atmosphere from the last carbon canister shall not exceed a concentration.of?~ 10 ppmv. Within 30 days, Southern California Edison Company shall determine the appropriate operating curve, and canister service life taking into account the manufacturer's reconunendation. Upon concurrence from the District, this service life shall then be incorporated as a Permit to Operate condition. Southern California Edison Company or their contractor shall allow District staff free access to the adsorber stack outlet, and sampling ports~!~measure and verify that hydrocarbon breakthrough has not occurr~l~ht~e event hydrocarbon breakthrough is detected, or suspected, USA Products, or their contractor shall immediately suspend furt~ 0p~ations 6f the system until the last carbon bed canister in the series is replaced with fresh carbon. 6) During.the first month, at least two carbon canisters shall be connected in series. Throughout the initial start-up period, the site shall be visited by a service technician on a daily basis. Over the next thirty days, the service technician shall attend t6 the site at least four times. After the first month, service calls may be reduced to twice a month visits for the remainder of the remediation prOject. Throughout the life of this project, the applicant shall keep on site a maintenance journal. In this journal the service technician shall log the following: a) the date and hours of operation. b) record when inspections or maintenance operations were 'preformed. b) monitor air pressures and process flow rates. c) degree of hydrocarbon found throughout the system~ (Primarily, the TPH concentrations found from sample ports located before, between, and emissions emitted from the carbon adsorber stack outlet. d) VOC n leak detector calibration charts. e) the number of carbon canisters exchanges performed. As the clean-up effort proceeds, sampling frequency may be reduced by written consent of the District. These records shall be kept on file for a minimum of two years. ~) The applicant shall obtain a portable Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) leak detector capable of meeting the performance specifications described in EPA's Source Test Reference Method 21. This instrument shall be properly maintained, calibrated and made readily available during site visits. Before rotating the last carbon caDister in service, a grab bag sample of the air exhausted to the atmosphere shall be taken and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons & BTEX. To reduce possible sample contamination, a Tedlar' bag shall be utilized with the collected sample analyzed by USEPA test method 8020 or CARB test method 410A. For the first thirty days, the results of these tests shall be immediately forwarded to the District by phone or fax. Sample results along with a general report describing the status of the cleanup effort shall be submitted to the District on a quarterly basis. 8) Because a potential nuisance may be created during site excavation (California Health & Safety Code Sec. 41700), the applicant shall immediately cover all sizable quantities of excavated soil with a visqueen tarpaulin to slow the hydrocarbon' evaporation reaction rate and prevent wind blown dust and dirt from being carried beyond the property boundary. 9) If deemed necessary by the District to verify com~?~ance with these conditions, the applicant shall within 7 da~D~ce be available to open any water well, vapor extraction port, outlet for the purpose of. conducting source tests o~ to samples. In enforcing this permit, any cost incurred in collectin~ samples, source testing and laboratory analysis fees shall be the responsibility of the applicant (Rule 302 Analysis Fee). 10) Spent adsorber canisters and any liquids trapped within a filter, knock out pot, or water separator shall be considered a hazardous waste and handled and disposed of accordingly. Used carbon may not be regenerated at'the site, and shall be promptly removed. 11) The provisions of this permit may be modified by the District if it determines the stipulated controls are inadequate, or if District Rule(s) 400, 401, or 402 are violated. In the event the control system fails to reduce emissions to below the permitted levels, the applicant shall be required to modify or supplement the system to'the satisfaction of the Air Pollution Control Officer. 12) Southern California Edison Company or their contractor shall promptly notify the District in writing should they learn..of or encounter conditions where toxic air emissions of concern are allowed to disperse into the ambient air. Toxic air emissions are those listed on the AB2588 list of substances as required by the. California Health & Safety Code Section 44321. San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT NO: s-2691-1-0 ISSUANCE DATE: 09/13/94 LEGAL OWNER OR OPERATOR: AQUAGEOSCIENCES, INC. MAILING ADDRESS: ~.~40 aR~SSOM STREET, stffrE leo BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 LOCATION: WOOLLOMES AVENUE, DELANO SECTION NE21 TOWNSHIP 25S RANGE 26E EQUIPMENT DESCRIlVrION: SOIL REMEDIATION USING 16.2 KVA AIREX MODEL ROTEX 200 THERMAL OXIDIZER INCLUDING 200 SCFM SIEMENS VACUUM BLOWER CONDITIONS 1. No air contaminant shall be released into the atmosphere which muses a public nuisance. 2. _No air contaminant shall be discharged into the atmosphere for a period or periods agg[_egating more than 3 minutes in any one hour which is dark or darker than Ringelmann 1 or equivalent to 2(I% opacity. 3. The overall VOC control efficiency shall not be less than 99 %, or VOC emissions shall nOt exceed 50 ppmv and retention time shall be no less than 0.5 seconds. · .-'. ....... :-'..' 4. l~isions shall _be made for laboratory .s~mpl. es to be taken, under the supervision of the Air-Pq.llution t2~ntrol District tnspeg, tor,.at startup, anti at me time of. switch-over to new vapor extraction wens or inclusion of additional wens. ' . .. 5. Laboratory samples shall be taken at the influent and effluent gas streams. 6. The samples shall be analyzed for total, petroleum hydrOcarbons (TPH) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene. (BTEX), {:h'_ganie Vapor Analyzer (OVA) r&adings.shall be taken from the same sampling ports ' - immediately followifig the laboratory samples. ' '._ ~ CONDITIONS CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE This is NOT a PERMIT TO OPERATE. Approval or denial of a PERMIT TO OPERATE will be madoafter an in~ection to verify that the equipment has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and conditions of this Authority to Construct, and to determine if the equipment can be operated in compliance with all Rules and Regulations of the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District. YOU MUST NOTIFY THE DISTRICT COMPLIANCE DMSION AT (805) 861-3682 WHEN CONSTRUCTION OF THE EQUIPMENT IS COMPLETED. Unless construction has commenced pursuant to Rule 2050, this Authority to Construct shall expire and application shall be cancelled two years from the 'date of issuance. The applicant is re61xmsible for complying with all laws, ordinances and regulations of all other governmental agencies which may pertain to the above equipment. ~.~ ~W, EXECUTIVE DIRECTORJAPCO sEyE'D SAD~)IN, DIRECTOR OF PERMIT SERVICES Southern Regional Office *2700 M Street, Suite 275 *Bakersfield, California 93301 *(805) 861-3682' FAX (805) 861-2060 'CONDITIONS FOR S-2691-1-0 ~7. ~e VOC n n fions at ~e influent of ~e ~} devi~ sh~ be m~ur~ n0~i i~.~&~"0n~ ~r 'month by OVA, ~V, Dmeger tub~, or o~er D~s~ct:a~prov~ VOC det~fioff~deg~ i8. ~g sh~l be m~n~n~ ~d sh~l include: d~ly running time, m~sur~ influent VOC ~n~n~fions, ~ur~ influent ~d effluent flowmtes, ~d date of sw~ch-over to new va~r exaction wells or ~usion of addifion~ wells. 9. The log sh~l be kept for at l~st two y~s ~d made r~dily av~lable for Dis~ct ~fion u~n i r~uest. "~' 10, Ex~ct~ va~rs sh~l vent ~ough ~erm~ o~di~r for incineration before ~h~g~g to 1 atmosphere, 1. ~e~ oxidi~r va~r ex~cfion blower sh~l not ex~ 2~ ~fm. 12. ~e~ offer combustion ch~ber tem~mmre sh~ be m~n~ at n° l~s ~ 17~ degr~ F~re~eit. ~lB. ~e~ ofidi~r sh~ ~ ~uip~ ~ ~ 0~mfion~ ~~m~ ~dim~r/~rder ~: ~Uously '14. E~aust s~ck sh~ 15, ~e r~ul~ of ~ch ~ur~ ~t sh~ be sub~ ~ll~fion. - San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District PERMIT TO OPERATE 'ERM1T NO: s-2691-1-0 EXPIRATION DATE: 10/31/1999 ~EGAL OWNER OR OPERATOR: AQUAGEOSCIENCES, INC. MAILING ADDRESS: ~.~.~.0 GRISSOM STREET, SUITE I00 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 ~OCATION: LAKE WOOLLOMES, WOOLLOMES AVE., DELANO SECTION NE21 TOWNSHIP 25S RANGE 26E ~QUIPMENT DESCRIFFION: iOIL REMEDIATION USING 16.2 KVA AIREX MODEL RETOX 200 THERMAL OXIDIZER INCLUDING 200 SCFM ',UTORBILT MODEL 'GACLBLA' POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT BLOWER ' ' CONDITIONS :. No air contaminant shall be released into the'atmosphere which muses a public nuisance. L No air contaminant shall be discharged into the atmosphere for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour which is dark or clarke/than Ringelmann 1 or equivalent to 20% opaCity.. ~: The. overall VOC control efficiencY shall nOt be less than 99%',or Voc emiSsions'shall not'exceed 50 pOinv and retention time shall be no less than 0.5 seconds.' ~.~ [. _ shall _be made for laboratOry _s_sompl. es.to be _t_t_t~en., u. nder the supervision of the Air Po..llution' ,i . Control District Inspeg. tort.at starmp, ~d at the time of switch-Over to new vapor'eXtraction Wells or inclusion of additional wells. '~ ;. Laboratory samples shall be taken at the influent and effluent gas streams. 5. The samples shall be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and benzene, toluene, e~ylbenzene, xylene. (B _TE _X). O['.ganic Vapor Analyzer {OVA) readings shall be taken from the same sampling i~.rts - immediately f611owifig the laboratory samples. · . 'CONDITIONS CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE This Permit to Operate remains valid through the permit expiration date listed above, subject to payment of annual permit fees and compliance with permit conditions and all applicable local, state, and federal regulations. This permit is valid only at the location specified above, and becomes void upon any transfer of ownership or location. Any modification of the equipment or operation, as defined in District Rule 2201, will require a new permit..This permit shall ~ posted as prescribed in District Rule 2010. DAVID L. CROW .... Executive Director/APCO Southern Regional Office *2700 M Street, Suite 275 *Bakersfield, California 93301 *(805) 861-3682' FAX (805) 861-2060 CONDITIONS FOR S-2691-1-0 Page:. :.2 7. The VOC concentrations at the influent of the' co.n..tr.o.l device shall be'measured not less than once per month by OVA, TLV, Draeger tubes, or' othel~ Dlstri~f'~p~'~V~! VOC aetection deviCe. $. ~ shall be maintained and shall include: daily runnin~ time, measured influent VOC conCentrations, i~ured influent and effluent flowrates, and date of sw~tch-over to new vapor extraction wells or infusion of additional wells. 9. The log shall be kept for at least two years and made readily available for District inspection upon request. '.. 10. Extracted . vapors shall vent through thermal oxidizer for incineration before discharging to the atmosphere. 11. Thermal oxidizer vapor extraction blower shall not exceed 200 scfm. 12. Thermal oxidizer combustion chamber temperature shall be maintained at no less than 1'/00 degrees Fahrenheit. 13. Thermal_ oradizer sha!l be eq~ .w~_ ~a~n,~~onal temperature, indicator/reCorder to continuously Exhaust stack shall be at least 15 feet high,-w~th mamm~m ms,de dmmeter of 3 roches. 15. The resUlts of each source test shall be submitted to the Dis~ct within 60 daYs after sample