HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTE KERN CO U NTY OFFICE MEMORAND U TO : ACCOUNTING DATE: //- 9- ~ % FROM : ~. ~,&~ y ~ SUBJECT: CLOSURE OF WORK ORDERS WORK ORDER NUMBER WORK ORDER NAME LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS [;TILIZF2] //'3 PROGRAM MANAGER SWEET OIL TOOL RENTAL, INC. 3511 GETTY STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93308 October 29, 1992 ...... TE~Y L. G~Y >,~ ...... Hazardous l~terials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program 2700 M ST~ET SUITE 300 B~ERSFIELD CA 93301 Dear ~.~r. Gray, The following violations have been corrected: 1. Violation of California Health and Safety Code Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 25143.9 The waste oil storage containers have been labeled with the words "Excluded Recyclable Material". 2~ Violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66262.34 (f) (1) (2) (3) (a) (b) (c). The containers that store waste have been labeled in accordance with the above requirements. 3. Violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66264.173 The oily wastes surrounding the waste water recycling unit have been closed. If you have any questions regarding the above corrections, please don't hesitate to contact me at the above telephone number. Sincerely, Bill Wiebe ,.£SL.SRCE MANAGEMEN'I AG.NCY  Environmental Health Services Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEV~ McCALLEY, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR ^i~ Pollutio~ Control District DAVID PRICE !11 mu. to~ J. RODDY, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Planning & Development Sewice~ Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT September 30, 1992 Sweet Oil Tool Rental ATTN: Bill Wiebe 3511 Getty Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: Hazardous waste storage violations located at 3511 Getty Street, Bakersfield Ca. NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS Dear Mr. Wiebe: On August 27, 1992 an inspection was conducted at the address noted above. As a result of that inspection, violations of hazardous waste regulations- and stat'utes were identified. Specific violations are listed below. It has been determined that the facility is in Violation of the following regulations and statutes cited below: I. The facility is' in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 25143.9. "Recyclable waste material must be labeled or marked clearly with the words EXCLUDED RECYCLABLEMATERIAL, The'waste oil Storage containers were not labeled or marked in accordance with the above requirements. 2. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66262.34(f)(1)(2)(3)(A)(B)(C). 2700 "M" STREET, SU~ 3..00 BAKERSFIELD, CALiFOF~NL~ 93301 (805) 861-3636 "Generators who accumulate hazardous waste on site without a permit or grant of interim status shall comply with the following requirements: the date upon which each period of accumulation begins shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and portable. tank; the date the 90 day period begins, for purposes of Subsection (a) and (b) of this Section, shall be clearly marked and visible .for inspection on each container and tank. Ail containers and portable tanks shall be labeled wi th the following information: The composition and physical state of t. he wastes, statement or statements which call attention to the particular hazardous properties of the wastes (e. g. flammable, reactive, etc. ) and the name of the person producing the wastes." It was determined during the inspection that none of the containers storing waste were labeled in accordance with the above requirements. 3. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66264. 173. "A container holding hazardous waste shall always be closed during transfer and storage, except when it is necessary to add or remove waste." It was observed during the inspection that the oily wastes surrounding the waste water recycling unit were open. ORDER TO CORRECT Within thirty (30) Of receipt of this letter, the facility owners or operator must correct all deficiencies noted in this Notice of Violation, submit to the Department written documentation that all violations have been corrected. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100 the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, ~review of reports, and laboratory service costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $80.00 per hour for oversight during the abatement of these violations. If you have any questions regarding this Order, you may contact me at (805)861-3636, extension 582. ~ in¢ erely, Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEVE racc^,, ~¥, REHS, Om£CTOe DIRECTOR ^~, eo~ut~ ¢o.~ol o~,,~ DAVID PRICE !Ii VaU. U~M J. RODD¥, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT September 30, 1992 Sweet Oil Tool Rental ATTN: Bill Wiebe 3511 Getty Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: Hazardous waste storage violations located at 3511 Getty Street, Bakersfield Ca. NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS Dear Mr. Wiebe: On August 27, 1992 an inspection was conducted at the address noted above. As a result of that inspection, violations of hazardous waste regulations and statutes were identified. Specific violations are listed below. It has been determined that the facility is in violation of the following regulations and statutes cited below: 1. The facility is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 25143.9. "Recyclable waste material must be labeled or marked clearly wi th the words EXCLUDED RECYCLABLE MATERIAL" The waste oil storage containers were not labeled or marked in accordance with the above requirements. 2. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, Section 66262.34(f) (1) (2) (3) (a) (B) (C). 2700 "M" STREET, SUFFE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 "Generators who accumulate hazardous waste on site without a permit or"grant of interim status shall comply with the following requirements: the date upon which each period of accumulation begins shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and portable tank; the date the 90 day period begins, for purposes of Subsection (a) and (b) of this Section, shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and tank. Ail containeJ.~s and portable tanks shall be labeled with the following information: The composition and physical state of the wastes, statement or statements which call attention to the particular hazardous properties of the wastes (e. g. flammable, reactive, etc. ) and the name of th.=~ person producing the wastes." It was determined during the inspection that none of the containers storing waste were labeled in accordance with the above requirements. 3. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30., Title 22, Section 66264.173. "A 'container holding hazardous waste shall always be closed during transfer and storage, except when it is necessary to add or remove waste." It was observed during the inspection that the oily wastes surrounding the waste water recycling unit were open. ORDER TO CORRECT Within thirty (30) of receipt of this letter, the facility owners or operator must correct all deficiencies noted in this Notice of Violation, submit to the Department written documentation that all violations have been corrected. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100 the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, review of reports, and laboratory service costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $80.00 per hour for oversight during the abatement of these violations. If you have any questions regarding this Order, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, T~rry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program DRAFT September 4, 1992 Sweet Oil Tool Rental Bill Wiebe 3511 Getty St. Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUBJECT: Hazardous waste storage violations located at 3511 Getty Street, Bakersfield Ca. NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS Dear Mr. Wiebe: On August 27, 1992 an inspection was conducted at the address noted above. As a result of that inspection, violations of hazardous waste regulations and statutes were identified. Specific violations are listed below. VIOLATIONS It has been determined that the facility is in violation of the following regulations and statutes cited below: 1. The facility is in violation of California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Section 25143.9. "Becyclable waste material must be labeled or marked clearly with the words EXCLUDED REC}~LABLE MATEHIAL" The waste oil storage containers were not labeled or marked in accordance with the above requirements. 2. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter' 30, Title 22, Section 66262.34(f)(1)(2)(3)(A)(B)(C). "Generators who accumulate hazardous waste on site without a permit or grant of interim status shall comply with the following requirements: the date upon which each period of accumulation begins shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and portable tank; the date the 90 day period begins, for purposes of Subsection (a) and (b) of this Section, shall be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container and tank. Ail containers and portable tanks shall be labeled with the following information: The composition and physical state of the wastes, statement or statements which call attention to the particular hazardous properties of the wastes (e.g. flammable, reactive, etc. ~ and the name of the person producing the wastes." It was determined during the inspection that none of the containers storing waste were labeled in accordance with the above requirements. 3. The facility is in violation of California Code of Regulations, Chapter 30, Title 22, SeCtion 66264.173. "A container holding hazardous waste shall always be closed during transfer and storage, except when it is necessary to add or remove waste." It was observed during the inspection that the oily wastes surrounding the waste water recycling unit were open. ORDER TO CORRECT Within thirty (30) of receipt, of this letter, the facility owners or operator must correct all deficiencies noted in this Notice of Violation, submit to the Department written documentation that all violations have been corrected. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100 the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, review of reports, and laboratory service costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $80.00 per hour for oversight during the abatement of these violations. If you have any questions regarding this Order, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program $~EET OIL TOOL RENTAL INC. 3511 GETTY STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 ~,. .... 325-7235 ~.~¢ September ?Z, 1992 Te~--ry L. Gray HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENt AGENCY 2700 M STREET SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 ::T. nclosed are 'the i.~ictu;.-es you ;.-eques'ted of 'the oil holding tank. if there i!; any thing else ! can help you with, please do~',"t i~esitate to comtact me a~ the above telepho?.e number. KERN OOU NTY OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : ACCOUNTING DATE FROM :' SUBJECT: CLOSURE OF WORK ORDERS WORK ORDER NUMBER WORK ORDER NAME ~;~.~¢~'7 o,'/ ~-~/ LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS UTILIZED FOR C~.OSURE OS WORE ORDSR PROGRAM MANAGER .... ~--- lo- .-, 78 --- 1001 -, ACTIVE ~ _ -- 332-092-01-00-4C SHEET OIL TOOL RENTAL -. 5497-1755-- 057-039 1 ,' .-, 83,653 ~' ...... ~ ...... ' 83201 3 ...... 31,069 31050 83096 -', 3511 GETTY ST 10/31/82 ..... .. BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 ..... FROM PARCEL 3511 GETTY ST ........... 332-092-01-04-0 BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 - -,.. 114o722 114o722 ..... ,., 3601 GETTY ST 'BAKERSFIELD ,. .... 118- . 121 ,. 1001 ACTIVE 1 PAGE 289 332-092-02-00-7C. SWEET OIL TOOL RENTAL 057-039 ~.. 1 ..... 12o~72 ........ 00000 4, 3 ..... 56,840 ~ -' 31051 91178 ~" 3~11 GETTY ST 00/00/00 *- 997 '" BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 ,' ~ 338,~91 FROM PARCEL -' 3511 GETTY ST 332-092-02-0:°6 BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 ..... 408°800 q08,800 ..... 3511 GETTY ST BAKERSFIELD ~ ...... 122 .... 126 .... 1001 ACTIVE · " 332-09~-02-01-6C SHEET OIL TOOL RENTAL '-: 0~?-039 -~, 1 ...... 12,228 · ' 00000 ~ 3 ...... 55,72~ ~ ~ 3105~ 90174 -o- 3511 ~ETTY ST 00/00/00 ~ 1.128 ~- · '. BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 ,. - 358o198 -, 3511 GETTY ST .......... BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 ..... ~27,~80 4~7,280 .', 3511 GETTY ST BAKERSFIELD . ...... 122 .... 126 -~. 1001 -~ DELETED I --- 332-0~2-03-01-9C HYATT H & MRLTONE R ET UX -, 5103-0055 '-' 057-039 ~-. 1 ~ RENTAL ENTERPRISES ..... 2Mo~71 00000 -~. 3 ..... 13,827 ~ ,. 02010 79172 ~.., P 0 BOX 580 0~/30/7B ~ · -. PASO ROBLES CA 93~7 ......... -, P 0 BOX 5BO ..... ~ PASO ROBLES CA 93~7 .... 3B,79B 38,798 ., ," 3509 GETTY ST BflKERSFIELD - -. ..... 127& .'. 128 .... 1001 - ACTIVE · ., 332-092-03-02-BC DIXON ~ILLIAM L -' 6090-2013 .... - 057-039 1 0.. ,~ ~,---,,-. 00000 3 ...... , 82020 -~- R R 3 BOX 93-D 02/03/88 · . SANTA FE NM 87505 ......... - R R 3 BOX 93-0 SANTA FE NM 87505 ,. ~-, TRACT 1001 I00~ INT M.A. LOTS 127-128 - .... ., 127 .. .... 1001 ., ACTIVE ;.- 332-092-04-00-3C LON HELLINGTON JR & VICTORZA -, 5Y76-OgB2-- .,- -- 057-039 ., I ........... 00000 ~ 3 ....... 82020 -:'. P 0 BOX 6602 07/31/82 ~ ~.- · . TORRANCE CR 90505 .... FROM PARCEL -. P 0 BOX 6602 ........... 332-092-0~-03-0 TORRRNCE CR 90505 .. ,'. 100~ MR S V2 OF TRACT I001 ,aa-09 PTN. OF NE V4 OF SEC. 23 1'17 ' ~AC. P~R. ~6-~ V~AT~D PER. DEED ~9~12' ' I ' ' I / I / I~ I ~ ~*~ ~ I I ' ' ' ' ,o,I;~ '~ ,'~' ~'i'o,~~, I,~ ~, , i' ' , , ~ ' ~ I ~ , ~ L-,~,~--~ ~ ~1 ~ I !,. , , , _._ , ~ _~_~_~__ ~. , , ,,. I ~t-~,~ ~ ~ : ASSESSORS MAP · ' COUNTY #ONK ORDER LOG 'SHEET* Date: ~-_.~'~,--'~% Work Order #: EM0 ..~2. ~'~ Tracking #: ~_~ WO Category: Hazmats APN :_~-_~-~- Go - ~ WO T~e: ~~ RP Code: WORK ORDER NA~E: <~ c,08~7~ 0 ,' / 77~0 / ~,~-,~/ RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP) NAME: RP CONTACT: ~ ,~ RP ADDRESS: ~ ~// ~ry ~, RP PHONE NOS.: (~) ( ) PROGRAM: HMMP-Enforcement HMMP-Permitting LOCATION: FACILITY NAME: REPORTING PERSON: PHONE NO. COMMENTS: WOIIK O]LI)K'lZ LOG SHEET Date: ~'~7~- Work 'Order Tracking ~: ~ WO Category: Hazmats ~N: _~.3~- ~q~- Ol-~- q WO T~e: 33~-o4~ -o~-o~-? Reimb.: Y N BP Code: WORK ORDER NAME: ~ f ~- 0 / / ~'DD/ ~-~;~ / RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP) NAME: RP CONTACT: ~;~ RP ADDRESS: ~ ~// RP CITY: 6 ~ [~-/'~ STATE: CA ZIP: ~33~8 + RP PHONE NOS.: (~v~) (. ) INSPECTOR: PROG~M: HMMP-En fo rc ement HMMP-Pe~mi t ting DESCRIPTION: ~c LOCATION: FACILITY NAME: REPORTING PERSON: PHONE NO. COMMENTS: ~IC Shallow Injec=±o~ Te~ lhec~list ii/9o FACILITY NAME ..~ ~ ~ T ¢~ ~' ,i' ~-Oo / ~ OF ~S~ION ~/~7/~t . . T~: INS~OR (S): ~ ~ r 7 ~ ~ ~ Y ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS I. General Information A. Introduce Yourself and All O~hers (Show Credentials) B. Explain why you are ~/~ere, go over =he No=Ace of Inspe~ion. Have ~ read and si~ C. (Need ~al Info. ) Phone No. ~u.S - 3 ~ ~- ?,~3~ D. ~erator' s N~e: ~ess: Phone No.: (~ BUS--SS ~S, also ask for bus.ess license) E. Parent' C~p~y = Ad.ess: ~e ~ey a s~sidia~, of a co.ora=ion? ~e ~ey inco~orated in ~e State?: II. Inte~ew the Operator~Nat~e of Business A. How ~ng in Bus.ess?: ~o v~,~ B. ~e ~ey a H~her of an Association?: C. ~e ~ey aware o~ any Water Supply Well ~ca=ion/O~ers~ip: . ~o . D. Sl~e His=o~ - Years of Occupation, Previous O~ers and E. Products or Se~ices Offered?: ~7,~/p ~,~ ~Z~ / .~ / F. arief Description of ~y Process, oPer~ion, or G. ~a= ~emicals are S~=ored on SiCe?: H. ~a~eriai Safe~y Da~a Sheets?: Verifica~ion Re=eip=~? How Often?: K. Waste Hauler: Verifi~ion Receipts? How Often?: j~r L. ~k for Site ~ps of Facility ~d ~-Builts, Pl,,~g Plans for ~e disposal G~ SI~ CO~IONS(House~ep~g, ease of cooperation): 64 ~ ~/ /~ i.~ A. General appearance of ~e Well(s): ~c~c//.~ <?.~ /~ ~/~. C. ~lasg V Well[s) S~a~:us Yrs. of ODe~=ig~ D. Oil/Wa=er Separator, or grease ~ap device used: E. ~e ~e Wells ~ped Out, if so How Often: F. Do ~e We~ls ~ver' get Plugged G. Cons=~c=ion De=ails- TD, Di~e=er, ~sing, (Measure) H. A~ ~he Injection w~3~l~ Re~)_la=a=e= by a State or ~cal H. How are Spills, or Accidents Handled?: J. How are Floors Cleaned~: K. ~ere does ~e floor/lo= drainage wa=er go~: L. Car Wash? I~ so, how is effluent disposed? Cleaners used?: M. How many au=os are se~iced daily?: DOCDT[ENTS TO REQUEST 1. Map of Facility 2. As-built Diagrams, Plum,~ing Plans 3. Drillers Logs 4. Monitoring Well Data 5. Flow Diagram of Processes, Waste Generation, and Disposal 7. Material Safety Data Sheets UNDERGROUND TN~ECTTON CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT Inspector 7~,~¥ f"?~ ~¥ Fa~±litv Tn~oz'mat:i. on Paren~ Company Address 3.~(/ ~ ~ Con=ac= N~e and Position Dos=ription of waste Description of injection well Description of activity that :may endanger ground water but not related to injection wells or tan~s (e.g. ponds, spills) Inspection Info.etlon Inspection Date ~/m~?A Number of Wells Well T~pe Auto Service Industrial Waste Agricultural Drainage Storm Water Other Status of Wells Active Abandoned Under Construction Other Xnj ectate Sampled (Y/N) Violation Found (Y/N) ~' Follow-Up Needed(Y/N) RCRA Facility(Y/N) J KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM Oate._~..-_~...~_?..~'_~ ...... Time: [] ~.,~,~.,,~e,, ~o~,,.,~, ~-;.__~_ .......... ~,,,,~,~o,_~ .... ~.Z.....:_.~.~Z_ ............ ~. ........ ~,,.~,,o., ~~ ~,' / .z~!.....~_~ ..... ~o~rt~ O~n~r ........................................... Ad~r~* ....................................... ~ ~,,,o, ,o~ ,,~u,,~._..W~__-- ~~~~-~ ~ ~ . .~ ................... ~_~. .................................. ............................. _.__._ .......................... ,~,o...,,on Taken by RESULTS OF Complainant notified '--~//~ ~ ~ ....................... ~,~ ~ ................. ~z~.~_~ .... ~ .................................. KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SEI~VICES DEPARTMENT SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM Date._.~..~_~.__~_.~ .... Time: [] ~,v,...u.,, c~- Com,,a,n, CT.o ..... ~ ....... ~,,,~.~,o:__~.~:~_..~.~__..~_ ....................... ~o~rty Owner Address ~one Information TaKen by RESULTS OF . I NVESTIGATION._~j_~'/-2~ -- ./~_~.,_-,.;_~_....~.._./=.._..~_~.._~2~_/.~.~..~...~.~,_~Z=y.~_ r/ ~..~_::~_~."~._~_ ..~--~ ~ ' '..: ., .-.~ . .~"~..,.~ .- .'~ . , ;~l~j~.~' ~ ' , .................. ,[ ....... F~.~ ........... .' ......~. ~ .~ .. ~.:~ ' _ ~L ............ .......... ' ...... ~ ';.En?~pn~ntal ~It~ 580 4113 L,)?,d Acceptance Dear Cust,?mer: This letter is to inform .you Gibson 011 & Refining has the appropriate permits' for and has ac:c,:z.,,~tc?d your material for recycling. The am,-~unt '.'e received :.'a.~ !~f~') /'~ does not agree with yo,~r ,1,~t,'~. pl,,a:..;e notify ~:; within 10 we can resolve any discrep-ancies. Very trul.y, yo~, Cynthia Jef~/s /~ Marketing ~nager CJ. 015 A Subs;db,9' 211 I:asl Ocoan Blvd., e..i!a 231 2~C1 .... ~ o. 51., ,,-. ,' [or,gBeach, CA ~802 O?.kar,d CA 9,;5~2 ~ata~sfia~d, CA 93Y01 213/499~996 Telex: ~4-611 4~51446-/?77 Telex: 338-139 8051327-G4~3 Telex: 49492C6 F~ 213/~7-~ ..... F~ 4~5 ] 836-4503 FAX 805 1 861-0229 · i' ~ 1 Al~proved .OMB No. Pleas( UNIFORM H:A, ZA, RD( 4. Generator's 7. Transpocter 2 US 'EPA ID Number . . 9. Deaignllld F!.~iUt~:! ...... 10. US EPA ID Number d, State '; J. Addffional Descyiptions tor Malerials Listed AOove K. Handhng Codes lot Wasle~ Listed AOove /. ,~' lb. Special Handing Inatfuchon~ ~nd A~d~lJonal ~ GENERATOR'5 CERTIFICATION: I ~ j and are clasaihed, packed, mar~ed, an~ labeled, a~ld ar~ in ail respecl~ m proper con(hllo~l for transport by highway according to applicable international and to be economically prachcaO{e and [nat t h~ve selecte~ tht, prAchcAbh~ method et treatmeet, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the ~ ~ I ~. Tran~porler I Acknowledgement ~t ReceJpt of Materials ~ ~ Prinrea/Typed Na~ S~;nature Mont~ Day Yea/ ;~ ~ O 18. Transporter 2 AGknow~a~umenl el Race*pt el Materials  Prinled/Typea Name ' -- ~ignature Month Day Year t 9. Oi~crepaacy tadicat~ Space ~ A