HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLANIMPORTANT~ MESSAGE FOR A.M. DATE TIME M OF PHONE NO. MESSAGE SIGNED ASSOCIATED L1-A2334 OATE: / / FACIL£TY .~AM.E: UNiT :: .~.F (CHECK ONE) SITE DrAGR.%~! FACILITY .l(,, rnspec~:or" s Commen~s): -OFFIC]2AL USE ONLY- ]. Address: [dentt! 9. Lock by the ~treet numDer~, ia. ~SDS Storage ~. Street(el. Alleys. I1. Railroad TDncks Driveways. and Perkin~ Areas adjacent ~ Cae IZ. Fence or ~arrter property. £nclude ~e s. Wire .~ street names. ~. ~aaonr¥ 3. Stcr~ Drains. Culverts. Yard D=a~ns c. ~cod · - 4. O~aina~e Canal~, O~tches, d. Gates 13. Pewerllnes 3. Buildings a. Fr~ construction 14. ~uard Statlon b. Naaonry construction 15. Storage Tanks: ~denC~f? the c~ Neca~ construction ~ci~ la ~l. a. ~ ~und d. ~eua ~oor ....~ ~ .-~' -~. b.- ~e~u~ b. FI~ Sgr~Lor lg. ~Xde ~ "- ' ~. F&re Standpipe ~0. Out, ida liazardoum W--. Water Reactive T - Toxic ~ - Solid R - C~entc O - Wmmte B - ~tiolo~lca~ Example: Flammable Liquid - FT,, ~ACILITY 9IAGRAM (Requirmt items in addition to the abo~e)' - 1. Risers for Sgriniiler~ 8. Fire ~scapes 2. Partitions 9, A~r ~oflditioning Units 3. Stairways: Indicate the -10. Windowo levels served from hl~eat to lowest. '1I. Inside Hazardous Waste $tora~s 4. £scaiacor: Ifldlcace CAe levels served from 12. Inside Hazardous hi~fleat to lowest. Nateriais Stora~ ~. Klnvator 13. Inside ~azardous ~ateriala 8. Attic Access 14. Sm.~r Oraln Inlets ?. Skylights BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT R E C E [ V E D 2130 "G" S~EET B~RSFIELD, CA 93301 MAY18 1988 (805) 326-3979 ~S'~ ............ ' ~ 4 001280 BUSINESS PL~ AS A WHOLE FORR 2A INSTRUCTI 0NS: 1, To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: ~ /~)7 ~z~D~P 3'~-~-- .... -:.- c~: ~~,~ ~ z~P: ~ sus. P.ONS: (~>~) ~~' .... '. ..... -,. 4. . ;. ;-.L': ...... '.: "' ;,,T.., ' 57';,' ...... .~,;~ff SB~O~ 2= ~6~ ~O~CA~O~S '. 7: ? ; ..t. ., ';;'; .: ;.71 :..:; .;, ' ':C-;Z, .7'? ,: ./.L.-"-'; 7 '..~:X:.; ,.,,'.- ' :;.: ' - ~': ' ..... ' .... : : ' ': '.' In case of an e~e~gency involvlng the ~elease o~ threatened ~elease of a -.-. hazardous aate~laI, call 91'1 and 1-800-8~2-7550.on 1-916-427-4341;. Thls wi'll notl~ .- -, ~ou~ local 'fi~e depa~t=ent and the State Of~lce of Eae~gency Services .as requi~e~ b~ .. la~/';':: ./,' '{~;':":':-; ..... .-- ENPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF E~ERGENCY: NA~E A~ TIT~ D~ING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. ~RS. SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: /~') C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES /(~' IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TE~ FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 5: LOCAL EXERGENCY .~EDICAL ASSI,ST~CE FOR YOLg BUSINESS AS A WHOLE EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO ~ A PROGraM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. .CIRCLE YES OR NO _:INITIAL .. REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS ~TERIALS:.... .................................... ~Y.~NO YES NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES .< ~ '~ ~ - WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .................... ~b.<"....'~N0 ~S NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: ........ i'. ...... '... ~ NO YES NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. - Y~ NO YES NO E, O0 YOU ~INTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... YES <~ YES NO SECTION ?: ~Z~DOUS ~RI~ CIRCLE ~S .~%<NO - ~ DOES YOUR BUSINESS ~LE ~ZARDOUS ~{?ERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUN~F A SOLID, ~$ GALLONS 0F A LIQUID, OR ~00 CUBIC FEET 0F A COMPRESSED GAS:...~.. YE~N0 I, C~ ~e~_~- , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information wili'be used to fulfill my firm's obli~ations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous-Materials (Div. ~0 Chapter 6.9§ Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIGNATURE TITLE ~ DATE BAKERS?!'-rD Ci~ ~ r ~EE DE.-'-.\F,'W:?:'~', :r~S"TRUCTI ONS - 1. ~0 ~avoid fur-.her :~c-~on.--tJuLs form mus~ be're~.~ned 4. Be as BRI~ ~d CONCISE as possible. A. Does uhis Facility unl~ contnin Haznrdous .~at_.~ If '.z~S, see B. If ~0, continue with SE~iOI 4. B. .A~--_ ~ny of ~he h~zurdous materials a bona fide Trade Secret !f No, complete a separate hazardous ma~ariais inventory form marked: IOM-~ADE SECR~S O5~,Y (whi~e form =4A-!) If Yes, compie~ a hazardous ma~eriais inven=cry form marked: ~ADE S=u~.~.=T'o Ok%Y (yellow form ~A-Z) in addition to ~he non-~rade secr~= fo~m. Lis~ oaly the =rude secre=z on form 4A-~. '< A. XAT. CC, .: YES LCCATiCZ: iF ".'ES. $ .'..~ .or A"'~, .... ';-'-'_. ,' ?:0 .HSDSs? 7.--_.~ "~.,,., FLOOR P.r..%:/S7 ':'---S ' :<0 '.<~".'S? '.fEZ .X'O BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I.D. # FORM 4A-1 Page NON--TRADE SECRETS .AZARDOUS MATERX ~-S Z NYE.TORY ,O8!~Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 g 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS ~ BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE F6CILITY ~NIT ~T. CHENIGAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE ~ ,, ~H~: TIT. LE:~' ......... SIONATURE: ~ ...............