HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 1/23/19995ii !i "iil ENVIRoNM TAL' HEALTH · DIRECTOR~. Ilaka'~k]; CA 93301 (805) 861.~3638 (805) 881-3429 FAX January 23, 1995 Pensinger's Motor Homes 1770 Golden State Highway Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Jim Pensingcr SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL LOCATED AT 1770 GOLDEN STATE HIGHWAY, BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Mr. Pensinger: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation involving thc Class V shallow injection well at the above location. It is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. In an effort to help you understand any liability that may still occur, please be advised that there could be liability under other federal and state regulations or codes. Along with this liability, conditions that may pose a threat to the public and/or groundwater from existing or future conditions may have to be addressed at a later time. Any changes in the present or proposed use of thc site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. Please notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If we may be of further assistance to You, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3637, extension 8744. Sincerely, Steve McCalleY, ~D~r o B .... E.A. Hazardous Materials Specialist I! Hazardous Materials Management Program cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik . ".' · - Regional Water' Quality COntrol Board., FreSno "-'' .. i" A'rI'N; Kevin Long::" .-, .j. - ,. . ;; · ..',. STEVE McCALLEYo R.E.H.S.* DIRECTOR 2700 ,M, Street, Suite 300 Bakerafield, CA 93301 (806) 861-3636 {805) 861-3429 FAX Mr. Jim Pensinger 1770 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 June 29, 1994 SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL LOCATED AT 1770 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Mr. Pensinger: This Department has reviewed the Soil Characterization Workplan submitted by Wilson and Associates on behalf of the above-referenced facility. The workplan as outlined is acceptable to this office. Prior to the commencement of any activities, please notify this office so that a convenient time can be arranged for a representative to inspect/witness the work. If there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (805) 861-3636, extension 8744. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, ,Director By: .., R.E.A. Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management program cc: John Wilson, Wilson and Associates File CIVIL ENGINEEPlINI~ May 3, I994 Mr. Michael Driggs Hazardous Materials Specialist II Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 SUBJECT: SOIL CHARACTERIZATION WORK PLAN PENSINGER'S MOTOR HOMES ~/~0oSO2~ 1770 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Reference: Soil Sampling and Testing Report, BSK and Associates, Inc., March 23, 1994 Dear Mr. Driggs, This communication presents Wilson and Associates, Inc.'s (W&A's) work plan for soil characterization activities at Pensinger's Motor Homes located on 1770 Golden State Avenue, Bakersfield, California. W&A proposes to conduct additional soil characterization associated with the former wash water disposal system at the above referenced facility. These additional assessment activities to determine the lateral limits of lead-containing soils in the vicinity of the leach line from the system's septic tanks were requested by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCDEHS) in a letter dated April 25, 1994. W&A proposes to conduct'a site characterization consisting of an exploration trench.along the entire length of the drain.pipe, the two septic tanks in series, and the leach line. This willresult in the removal of. the drainpipe, septic tanks~ and leachline as well as the: lead-containing soilS. The base and sidewalAs of. the exploration trench will then be sampled~ to verify successful removal, and the stockpile of excavated soil will be sampled to determine appropriate disposition. Upon completion of the field activities, and receipt of the laboratory data, W&A will prepare a report of findings documenting the field activities, analytical results, data analysis, conclusions and recommendations for additional activities, if required. BACKGROUND Descriptio,. The'three acre site is ~Oca~ted on 1770 Golden ~ta~e Avenue the city of Bakersfield,. Kern~ount~, California (Figure 1). A wash rack, and associated ~ash~ater disposal system was formerly operated at the facility (Figure 2). The site is situated within an area of predominantly commercial businesses. The overall site topography is relatively flat with a slight fall to the west-southwest. Project History The site is occupied by a 10,500 square foot building. A trailer washing, area is situated adjacent to the northwest side of the building (see Figure 2). Trailers were washed on a 40 foot by 40 foot cQncrete slab with a grated center drain. Until December 1993, wash wate~ generated from the trailer washing operation drained .into a~'ooncrete catch basin which discharged into a 500-gallonconcreteseptictank. Overflow from thetankdischarged into an identical septi= tank, whioh finally discharged into a leach line. The owner has discontinue~ use of the system. The owner was advised by the KCDEHS that the system may be classified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a Class V shallow injection well, and would be subject to the requirements of theUnderground Injection Program (UIP) under which local oversight is provided by the KCDEHS. The KCDEHS requested organic and inorganic analysis of a water and sludge sample from the catch basin. This. analysis indicated the presence of both organic and inorganic compounds in the wash water. Based upon these results the KCDEHS requests a preliminary soils investigation to determine whether these compound were present in the soils beneath the system's components. BSK and Associates, Inc. (BSK) were contracted by Pensinger's to perform a soils investigation consisting of advancing four soil borings (B-1 through B-4) on January 21, 1994 to a maximum depth of 18 feet below ground level (BGL) at the locations shown on Figure 2. Laboratory analysis of soil samples detected only trace concentrations of organic compounds in the soil. However, the metal lead was.detected in the sample from ~ feet B~Linboring B-~ at a concentration of 41.mg/kg, and a wet extraction of t hats ample indicated 1.7 mg/1 of soluble lead (see BSK's Soil Sampling and Testing Report dated March 23, 1994 for a completed discussion of the analytical results). The KCDEHS determined that these concentrations~ are in excess of those naturall~:~uc~m~=/n~in, the sOil. at the' site, and has requested additional site characterization to determine the lateral limitsof lead-containing SOil in the vicinity of boring B-3as wellL a ..req~e_sting. alternatives for abandonment of the .system. W&A proposes to conduct a site characterization consisting of an exploration trench along the entire length of the drain pipe, the two septic tanks in series, and .the leach line. This will result in the removal of the drain pipe, septic tanks, and leach line as well as the lead-containing soils. The base and sidewalls of the exploration trench will then be sampled to verify successful removal, and the stockpile of excavated soil will be sampled to determine appropriate disposition.' 'GEOLOGIC SETTING The site is located in a relatively flat area at an elevation of approximately 500 feet above mean sea level in the southern part of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a north-south trending valley, approximately 400 miles long by 50 miles, wide, the southern portion of which is known as the San Joaquin Valley. The surface of the San Joaquin Valley is primarily composed of unconsolidated Quaternary-aged alluvial sediments. Beneath the alluvial sediments are older, predominantly lake bed deposits. These lie unconformably on Miocene and Pliocene~aged marine sediments, which extend to crystalline basement at a depth of approximately 30,000 feet BGL. Geologic deposits in the study area include Pleistocene alluvial sediments of the Kern 'River Formation, which form a homocline dipping gently to' the southwest.' The deposits are alluvium consisting of poorly indurated and dissected fan deposits (California Division of Mines and Geology, 1964). Soil borings at the site indicate that the alluvium is characterized by unconsolidated, silty andwell, gradectsands to a depth of 18 feet BGL, which was the greatest depth penetrated in the previous investigation at the site. Surface anc~ groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley is derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the east, and is transported by five major rivers, the southernmost being the Kern River. The subject site is located approximately one mile south of the Kern River. The depth to the regional unconfined aquifer is in excess-of 100 feet BGL, with the direction of groundwater flow to the southwest (Kern County Water Agency (KCWA), 1992 Report on Water Conditions, Improvement District No. 4, February 1993 ). The nearest known ~~ of~ perche~, groundwater is 2 miles to. the east.-so~theaet--at~ ~de~h~ BGL in the abandoned Kern River channel to the ancient Kern Lake bed (KCWA, 1992 Water Supply Report, May 1993). No.~ perched groundwater is known-- to exist Groundwater was not encountered during previous drilling_to a depth. of 18 feet BGL at the site. H~ & S~Y P~ A written Health and Safety plan will be implemented for site work conducted during the field investigations conducted for this project. The purpose of the plan is to provide specific safety procedures to be implemented during the handling of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated materials. The Health and Safety Plan is required under regulations set forth in Federal OSHA .CFR 29 1910.120, since the UST decommissioning laboratory reports documented the presence of potentially hazardous materials at the site. This Health and Safety plan is included as Appendix A to the work plan. SITE CHARACTERIZATION Exploratory T~nching and Samplina Prior to trenching, Underground Service Alert (USA) will be notified a minimum of 48 hours inadvance of excavation activities. The exploration trench will extend to a depth of 12 feet BGL, and a width.of 5 feet. along..the entire length of the drain pipe, the two septic tank~in series, and the leach line~ This will result in the removal of thedrainpipe, septic tanks, an~ leach line as well as the.lead-containing soils. The base and sidewalls of the exploration trench will then be sampled to verify successful removal, and the stockpile of excavated soil will be sampled to determine appropriate disposition. Soil samples will be collected at 20-foot intervals along the base and sidewallsof the excavation, as well as a sample representative of every 50 cubic yards of excavated soil, and retained in 6-inch by 2.5-inch diameter brass sleeves. The sample sleeves will be sealed with Teflon-- film, capped, security taped, labeled, and placed on ice for transportation to a California Department of Health Services (DOHS) certified laboratory. Strict chain of custody procedures will be utilized for all samples collected to ensure sample integrity and to document sample possession from the time of collection to the final destination. It is estimated that 12 soil samples will be analyzed. Laboratory turn around time for -this phase will be § working days. If the laboratory results indicatethat no additional excavation is required, then thetrench will be backfilled with i~port material, and. returned to surface grade. Otherwise~ the excavation will be deepened or expanded to remove the lead-containingsoil, then backfille~, A recommendation for the appropriate disposition of the stockpiled soil wit1 be provided in the report of findings. Laborator_v Anal_vsis~ of Soil Sam_Dles Soil samples will be sent to a state-certified chemical analysis. The soil samples will bear~ lead using USEPA Test Method 6010. laboratoryfor REPORT OF FINDINGS A report will be prepared which details the field activities, sampling procedures, analytical results, data analysis, conclusions, and recommendations. Based upon the conclusions, W&A will recommend what further actions, if necessary, should be performed. The report will be prepared under the supervision of a Registered Professional. Certified laboratory reports and chain of custody documents will be included. SCHEDULE OF COMPLETION W&A can mobilizeon-sitebeginning work described in this work plan within approximately one week upon authorization to proceed from Client, and approval of the work plan bythe KCDEHS. The projected time frame for completion of the major tasks is one day for tren~.ng and sampling the borings, one week for laboratory analysis, and two weeks for report preparation once. the laboratory analysis has_been, completed. Thank you for your consideration of this work plan. If you.have any questions, or if we can be of service in any way, please contact this office at your convenience. Respectfully Submitted, WILSON AND AS-~OCIATES, INC. , R.C.E.# 23270 Enclosures: Attachment A - Site Health and Safety Plan cc: Jim Pensinger - Pensinger's Motor Homes APPENDIX A SITE HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN SITE DESCRIPTION SITE HEALTH AND sAFETY PLAN The three acre site is located on 1770 Golden State Avenue the city of Bakersfield, Kern County, California (Figure 1). A wash rack, and associated wash water disposal system was formerly operated at the facility.(Figure 2). The site is situated within an area of predominantly commercial businesses. The overall site topography .is relatively flat with a slight fall to the west-southwest. SITE HISTORY The site is occupied by a 10,500 square foot building. A trailer washing area is situated adjacent to the northwest side of the building (see Figure 2). Trailers were washed on a 40 foot by 40 foot concrete slab with a grated center drain. Until December 1993, wash water generated from the trailer washing operation drained into a concrete catch basin which discharged into a 500-gallon concrete septic tank. Overflow from the tank discharged into an identical septic tank, which finally discharged into a leach line. The owner has discontinued use of the system. The owner was advised by the KCDEHS that the system may be classified by the USEPA as a Class V shallow injection well, and would be subject to the requirements of the UIP under which local oversight is provided bythe KCDEHS. The KCDEHS requested organic and inorganic analysis of a water and sludge sample from the catch basin. This analysis indicated the presence of both organic and inorganic compounds in the wash water. Based upon these results the KCDEHS requests a preliminary soils investigation to determine whether these compound were present in the soils beneath the system's components. BSK was contracted by Pensinger's to perform a soils investigation consisting of advancing four soil borings on January 21, 1994 to a maximum depth of 18 feet BGL at the locations shown on Figure 2. Laboratory analysis of soil samples detected only trace concentrations of organic compounds in the soil. However, the metal lead was detected in the sample from 9 feet BGL in boring B-3 at a concentration of '41 mg/kg, and a wet extraction of that sample indicated 1.7 mg/1 of soluble lead. The KCDEHS determined that these concentrations are in excess of those naturally occurring in the soil at the site, and has requested additional site characterization to determine the lateral limits of lead-containing soil in the vicinity of boring B-3 as well a requesting alternatives for abandonment of the system. W&A proposes to conduct a site characterization consiStin~ of,-an exploration trench along the entire length of the drain pi~e, the two septic tanks in series, and the leach 'line. This will result in the removal of the drain pipe, septic tanks, and leach line as well as the lead-containing soils. The base and sidewalls of the exploration trench will then be sampled to' verify successful removal, and the stockpile of excavated soil will be sampled to determine appropriate disposition. The remaining section of drain pipe underneath the concrete wash pad will be capped, the metal drain grate will be removed, and a concrete grout will be used to complete the abandonment' of the wash pad drain, and drain pipe. PURPOSE The purpose of this plan, which was developed specifically for operations at the referenced site, is to assign responsibilities, establish personnel protection standards and mandatory safety procedures, and provide for contingencies that may arise while field operations associated investigating soil and groundwater are being conducted at the site. This plan complies with, but does not replace, Federal Health and Safety Regulations as set forth in 29 CFR 1910 and 1926, California Health and Safety Regulations set forth in Title 8, California Code of Regulations, and guidance established bythe California Department of Health Services. This plan is to be used by W&A as a supplement to such rules, regulations, and guidance. APPLICABILITY The provisions of the plan are mandatory for all on-site W&A employees engaged in activities known to be or potentially associated with the presence of hazardous materials. These activities may include, but are not limited to, mobilization, project operations, and demobilization. Changes and/or unanticipated site conditions may require modification of this Site Health and Safety Plan (SHSP) in order to maintain a safe work environment. Any proposed changes to this plan should be reviewed by the Corporate Health and Safety Officer of W&A, prior to their implementation. If this is not feasible, the project team leader may modify the plan and record all changes in the field log book. Under no circumstances will the plan modifications conflict with Federal, state, or local health and safety regulations. Under 29 CFR 1910.120 (b) (15) W&A is required to notify each subcontractor.of the hazardous materials identified by W&A. The acceptance of such responsibility does not and shall not be deemed an acceptance of responsibility for'any other'.~ihealth~ requirements, such as those related to drilling or backfilling. Each subcontractor shall in accordance witha Site Health and Safety Plan foritsemplOyees, which covers any exposure to hazardous materials whiCh~may be present on site. The subcontractor shall hold W&A harmless from, and indemnify it against, all liability in the case of any injury or injury of its own employees. W&A reserves the right to review the subcontractor's Site Health and Safety Plan at any time. W&A reservesthe right to suspendthe subcontractor's site work and ask the subcontractor's personnel to evacuate the hazard area in the event of grossly inadequate health and safety precautions on the part of the subcontractor or the belief that the subcontractor's personnel are or may be exposed to an immediate health hazard. KEY PERSONNEL AND RESPONSIBILITIES The key personnel and their responsibilities for this project are as follows: corporate. Health and Safety Officer The W&A Corporate Health and Safety Officer (CHSO) for this project is Mr. John Wilson. It is his responsibility for developing and coordinating~the W&A health and safety programs. For this project, he is responsible for reviewing and approving this SHSP for accuracy and incorporating new information or guidelines which aid the Project Manager and Site Health.and Safety Officer in further definition and control of potential health and safety hazards associated with the project. Pro4ect Manager The W&A Project Manager (PM) for this project is also Mr. John Wilson. Ir'is his responsibility to report to upper-level management. The duties of the PM are as follows: · Prepare and organize the SHSP which describes all planned field activities that may be encountered at the site. · Obtains permission for site access and coordinate field activities. · Brief field team on specific assignments and potential hazards, and ensures that all health and safety requirements are met. · Provides a copy of this SHSP to each member of the project field team· Site Health and Safety Officer The W&A Site Health and Safety Officer (SHSO) for this investigation is also Mr. John Wilson. He advises the PM on all aspects of health and safety on-site and recommends stopping work' if any operation threatens worker or public safety. Other duties include: Implement the SHSP. · Select personal protective clothing and equipment specific for the project and ensures that they are properly stored and maintained. · Assure that all personnel assigned to site have appropriate health and safety training and have a current baseline medical examination. · Assign key safety duties and responSibilities to team members. · Monitor the work parties for signs of stress, and.also monitors on-site hazards and conditions. · Know emergency procedures, evacuation routes, arranges on-site first aid facilities and off-site emergency care. · Conduct daily safety meetings and periodic inspections to determine if SHSP is being followed. · Establish and maintain site record keeping, including reporting accidents, as required. - Participate in preparation of SHSP and revise it as necessary.. · Verify that drilling or excavation locations have been cleared for underground utilities and other subsurface structures before subsurface exploration is initiated. Team Members The responsibilities for the team members are as follows: · Take all reasonable precautions to prevent injury to themselves ~nd to their fellow employees; and · Performing only those tasks that they believe they can do safely, and immediately reporting any accidents and/or unsafe conditions to the client and the CHSO..; ~,:~?iii,'i: ·. :~ , -. :~-:.~ :.:.~::..~, .~ .?~ii~,.~!~i · Implementing the procedures set forth reporting any deviations from the procedures described in the Plan to the SHSO and to the CHSO. SITE INFORMATION All field activities will take place on the Pengsinger's Motor Homes 'property. All drilling activities will take place in the daylight hours between 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. The presence and location of hazardous materials, which are hydrocarbon compounds and metals, has been confirmed through previous investigation. If needed, three blasts of a horn will be sounded for site evacuation. This site information is current and has been verified through analytical testing. HAZARD ASSESSMENT Hazardous Materials Hazardous materials may be a health hazard to site personnel via ingestion, skin absorption, or inhalation. Biohazards or accidental 'ingestion of contaminants may occur via hand-to-mouth actions. Dust inhalation may 'also contribute to ingestion of chemical contaminants. During excavation, soil sample collection, and sample preparation, inhalation of contaminant vapors could occur. Skin absorption may occur via contact with contaminated soil and/or ground water. The degree of hazard depends upon the adverse characteristics and toxicity of the chemical contamination, the amount of potential contact, and the exposure time. The greatest potential for chemical hazard to site personnel is during excavation activities. The following substance is potentially a chemical hazard at the subject site: Substances Involved ~hysical Stat~ Petroleum Hydrocarbons Liquid/Absorbed Characteristics Irritant The following materials potentially present at this project site are specified by California Health and Safety Code 25249.5 as recognized and confirmed bythe State of California as carcinogenic and/or mutagenic: 1. Petroleum hydrocarbons may contain trace amounts of benzene. Potential Worker Hazards With hydrocarbon-based liquids, contact.~may result. irritation due to desiccation. ReSpiratiOn hydrocarbon vapors may result in oxygen deficiency and/or.:mucQuS membrane irritation. Mixtures of air and hydrocarbons exhibit an explosive range thus presenting an explosion hazard. The minor amount of petroleum hydrocarbons detected at the site may contain trace amounts of benzene, a proven human carcinogen. Potential exposure values and limits for benzene are listed in the table below. TABLE i - POTENTIAL EXPOSURE VALUES Chemical Highest Conc. IP~ TLV2 IDLH' Flammable Detected in (electron (ppm) Level Range Samples (ppm) volts) (percent) Benzene ND 0. 9245 10 Carcinogen 1.3-7.1 ~Ionization Potential in electron volts (er) ~fhreshold Limit Value as the time-weighted average (TWA) published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) 'Immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) level as published by National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Publication Number 85-114, September 1985. ND: non detected Benzene is a .colorless liquid with an aromatic odor. It is incompatible with strong oxidizers like chlorine or bromine with iron. The routes of exposure for benzene include inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, and skin and/or eye contact. Symptoms of exposure to benzene include irritation to the eyes, nose, and respiratory system, giddiness, headache, nausea, staggering gait, fatigue, anorexia, lassitude, dermatitis, and abdominal pain. The potential health hazard from benzene exposure is very remote at this site. Conditions for Suspension of Operations Site monitoring equipment will include a Photo-ionization detector (PID) or a Flame-ioniZation detector (FID) during drilling and trenching. Field activities at Level D will be suspended when the continuous FID or PID level in the breathing zone increases to ten times background levels (assuming an ambient range of five to ten ppm). Level of Protection The level of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) needed for this investigation is Level D. Level D PPE includes coveralls, leather boots with steel toes and shanks, eye protection, safety helmet and gloves. If warranted, this Site Safety Plan'can be modified for use of Level C situations. Modification to Level B or Level A is beyond the scope for this Site Safety Plan and is not permitted. The criteria for upgrading to Level C PPE is the detection of unknown gasses or vapors in concentrations greater than 10 times background levelsor unknown liquids present within the work area. Level C PPE includes Tyvek suits, nitrile gloves and rubber boots, eye protection, hard hat, and a full-face air-purifying respirator with Scott 642-OA-H cartridge-filters or equivalent. Physical Hazards Drilling equipment will be working near buildings and overhead phone lines. Proper precautions required when working around an operating drill rig will be strictly adhered to. Ail workers will be positioned upwind from drilling equipment at all times. SliDs. Trips and Falls Ail field personnel shall become familiar with the general terrain and potential physical hazards (ravines, potholes, and loose gravel) which would be associated with accidental risk to slips, trips and/or falls. Splashes and Spills Ail field personnel shall wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves and goggles to prevent potential dermal exposure to accident splashes and spills that may occur during excavation of contaminated soil and soil sampling. Sunbur~ Working outdoors on sunny days for extended periods of time can cause sunburn to the skin. Excessive exposure to sunlight is associated with the development of skin cancer. Field staff should take precautions to prevent sunburn by using sun-screen lotion and/or wearing hats and long-sleeved garments. ~eat Street the dissipation of body heat and moisture. very quickly, depending on the Heat stress can be a major hazard, especially for workers donning personnel protective equipment (PPE). The same protective materials that shield the body from .chemical exPOsure alsolimit Heat ~ea~e~ ~nd~on~, ~lo~h~n~, and ~he ~nd~vSdual ~he ~o~e~. Beo~u~e hea~ ~e~ ~ ~o~bZy one o~ ~he ~ Oo~n (and ~en~al~ ~e~ou~) ~ne~ a~ ha~ardou~ ~a~e ~e~, ~on~o~n9 and o~he~ ~even~ve p~e~au~on~ are Heat stress monitoring' should commence when personnel are wearing PPE, including Tyvek-type coveralls, and the ambient temperature exceeds 70°F. If impermeable garments are not worn, monitoring should start when the temperature reaches 85°F. The following monitoring program is for . workers wearing semipermeable or impermeable encapsulating ensembles when the temperature in the work area is above 70°F: Heart Rate should be measured bythe radial pulse during a 30 second period as early as possible in the rest period. ~he next work cycle should be shortened by one-third while the rest period is kept the same, if the heart rate exceeds 110 beats per minute. If the heart rate still exceeds 110 beats per minute at the beginning of the next rest period, shorten the following work cycle by one-third. Preventing heat stress is particularly important because .once someone suffers from heat stroke or heat exhaustion, that person may be predisposed to additional heat injuries. To avoid heat stress, the following steps may be taken: · Modify work/rest schedules according to monitoring requirements, and mandate slowdowns as needed. · Alternate personnel assigned to particular tasks to minimize over stress at one job function. · Add additional persons to work team, and work during Cooler hours, if possible. · Provide shelter or shaded areas to protect personnel during rest periods. · Maintain workers body fluids to ensure that the cardiovascular system functions adequately by having workers drink 16 ounces of fluid (preferably water) before beginning work, and urge workers to drink at least 16 ounces of fluid during each rest period. · Encourage workers to maintain an optimal level of physical fitness. An initial work/rest cycle on one hour work and fifteen minutes rest is recommended for protection of staff when the heat stress hazard is high. The recommended cycle will be adJuSted~Up ' · based upon worker monitoring, envirormental cond~ ................... ~_".' _~__-____Z~:~i: judgement of the site safety officer. At... anY' members recognize the signs or symptoms of heat stress~ a schedule~ rest period, they will notify the site safety officer immediately in order that a rest period can be called. some of the signs and symptoms of heat stress are heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Heat rash is characterized by a decreasing ability to tolerate heat and skin irritation and may result from exposure to heat or humid air. Skin cleanliness and treatment with mild drying lotions are necessary to prevent infection. Heat cramps are caused by heavy sweating with inadequate electrolyte replacement and are characterized bymuscle spasms and pain in the hands, feet, and abdomen. Treatment of this disability consists of administering salted liquids orally. Heat exhaustion may result form physical exertion in a hot environment when cardiac output is inadequate to meet increased flow of blood that results from dilation of peripheral blood vessels Or dehydration. It is distinguished by pale, cool, moist skin, heavy sweating, dizziness, nausea, and fainting. First aid for heat exhaustion is as follows: 1. Immediately remove victim to support area, or if you are the victim, proceed to the support area. 2. Decontaminate, if practical, before entering support area. 3. Start cooling, but be careful not to cause a chill. 4. If conscious and not in shock, give water to drink slowly. 5. If vomiting, and/or signs and symptoms are not lessening within an hour, call for emergency help and/or transport victim to emergency room. 6. If person is a victim of heat exhaustion, they should not work the remainder of the day. The most serious form of heat stress is heat stroke. This is caused when the temperature regulation fails and the body temperature rises to critical levels. Immediate action must be taken to cool the bodybefore serious injury and death occur. Red, hot, usually dry skin, lack of, or reduced perspiration, nausea, dizziness and confusion, strong, rapid pulse, and coma are the signs and symptoms of heat stroke. First aid for heat stroke is as follows: 1. Immediately move victim to cool, unoontaminatedarea, the support area, and remove' ~and chemical-resistant clothing,~iff g 2. Cool the victim rapidly using whatever means necessary. This can include, but may not be limited to, removing clothing, fanning, and placing in water. 3. DO not give drinking water to victim. 4. Treat for shock, if needed. 5. Transport the victim to a medical facility immediately for further cooling and monitoring of body functions. Cold Stress Cold stress is a particular concern when field activities are performed while the air temperatures at the site are below 40°F. If winds are blowin~ at 5 mph or grater and/or the weather is damp or wet, cold stress is even more of a potential hazard. Donning of appropriate clothing, having warm shelter readily available, carefully scheduling work and rest periods, and monitoring workers' physical conditions are precautions that will be taken to prevent cold stress. Cold injury (frostbite and hypothermia) may occur if cold stress is not prevented. As apreventive measure, the body core temperature must not drop below 96.8°F. Pain in the extremities is the first early sign of cold stress. Severe shivering sets in when the body core temperature drops below 95°F. If this occurs, work will stop immediately and the affected worker(s) will take a warming break of sufficient duration that the signs and symptoms of cold stress go away. Noise Heavy equipment, such as drilling rigs and excavators, may produce loud noise. The effects of noise can include, but may not be limited to: · Physical damage to the ear, pain, and temporary and/or permanent hearing loss. · Communication interference that may increase potential hazards due to the inability to warn of dangers and the proper safety precautions to be taken. OSHA regulation 29 CFR Part 1910.95 describes an effective hearing conservation program that must be administered whenever noise exposures equal or exceed an S-hour, time-weighted average sound level of 85 dBA (decibels on the A-weighted scale)· In addition, if workers are subjected to noise exceeding an 8-hour, Heavy_ Equ_ipment and Drillina Before beginning any site work, the drilling subcontractor will perform a safety inspection of the drilling equipment. Personnel shall not work with equipment that they judge to be unsafe because of deterioration, missing parts, obvious defects, or improper use for site conditions. Ail equipment shall be bonded and grounded, sparkproof, and explosion-resistant, as appropriate. ANSI-approved hardhats must be worn at and near the drill rig or any other heavy equipment. Since hea~ pieces of equipment will be used during ~rilling, steel-toed boots/shoes are required during drilling operations, as well as during operation of other heavy equipment. The driller must maintain a safe clearance (at least 10 feet) between overhead utility lines and the drill rig at all times. Underground Utilities The general engineering contractor will locate all underground utility locations prior to the starting of drilling activities. Resources used include site plans, utility companies, and Underground Services Alert (USA). In California, USA must be contacted at least two, but not more than fourteen, days prior to drilling on public property. MEDICAL MONITORING Ail W&A employees .assigned to the sampling operations must be active participants in W&A Employee Medical Surveillance Program, which meets the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.120. W&A's program requires employees assigned to hazardous waste site investigations and remediation to take pre-assignment, annual, and exit medical examinations. The CHSO will maintain current copies of training certificates and statements of medical program participation for all site personnel. Work-Rest Schedule Depending on the prevailing temperature and h~midity, a work-rest schedule may be necessary. Duration and frequency will be at the discretion of the excavator and/or site supervisor. A supply of potable water will be kept available near the site. Safety Training Field. personnel must receive 40-hour basic health and safety training, designed to comply with the OSHA/EPA requirements for hazardous waste operations and eight hours of annual refresher as set forth in 29 CFR 1910.120, and attend a site-specific~safety orientation conducted by the project .super~isor..~~ shall include the following: ~"' z) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) A briefing on the work to ~ ~rfo~ed and the'"~rk' schedule A d~scusS~on of the ~tential chemical and physical hazards associated with the work to be perfo~ed Hazard identification ~se and limitations of personal protective e~pment Decontamination and emergen~ response procedures Proof on-site conduct. EMERGENCY CONTACT AND PROCEDURES Contacts Should any situation or unplanned occurrence require outside or support services, the appropriate contact from the following should be made: AgeDcy Ambulance Kern County Fire Department Police KCDEHS Person to Contact Dispatcher Dispatcher Dispatcher Mr. Michael Driggs .TelephoD~ 911 911 911 (805) 861-3636 Paramedics should be summoned in the event of a serious injury; they will arrange to transport the victim to the nearest appropriate facility. A first aid kit will be available at the site for use in case of minor injuries. If anyone receives a splash or particle in the eye, the portable eyewash will be used to irrigate the eye for 15 minutes. If direct contact with contaminants occurs, affected skin areas should be washed immediately with soap and water. At least one person at the site will have current certification in First Aid and CPR. SITE LAYOUT The level of hazard associated with the work to be performed does not require dividing the site into formal exclusion, contamination reduction, and support zones. However, care will be taken to avoid breathing vaporized petroleum hydrocarbons. CONTAMINATION MONITORING Organic vapor monitoring of the ambient air shall be conducted at reasonable intervals as determined by project personnel. The purpose of monitoring is to determine if vapor levels in the work area are high enough to warrant personal protection measures or evacuation of the site. Organic vapor levels should be monitored using an OVM photoionizatton meter with an 11.7 eV lamp (probe), calibrated to benzene or .a (organic ~' Foxboro_ OVA "vapor ~ ~:.analyzer):~,,~qZ.08-.~,' , flame-ionizatzon detector calibrated for non''-meth~[. :~i?:~(' ~- -;~ ,:~-' ~,~ '~,,:~t~;~',%,:,~'~' ~'~'~'~.,A,~-k'~ ~ :~:~,~,~,~,~,~' ~ ~'~' ~'~ :.-. , Background should be determined by taking readings begins. All readings, background and others, must berecOrded~. If any continuous measurement is observed to be 10 times over background levels in the work area, respiratory protective action will be required. Lesser protective measures are at the field ge01ogfsts or engineers discretion. DECONTAMINATION Before leaving the site/work area, personnel must remove all protective equipment and wash their hands, faces and necks. These washing procedures shall be observed before all work breaks. To minimize the potential for cross-contamination, all excavation equipment shall be decontaminated before the start of drilling, between borings, and before removal from the site. Sampling equipment shall be decontaminated before sampling and between sampling with washing with laboratory-grade detergent, a water rinse and a contaminant-free distilled water rinse. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Emergency conditions are considered to exist if: * Any member of the field crew is involved in an accident, experiences any adverse effects or symptoms of exposure while on-site; or - · * A condition is discovered that suggests the'existence of a situation more hazardous than anticipated. In the event of an on-site emergency, the procedures described below are to be immediately followed. Personnel on-site should use the "buddy system" (stay in pairs). In the event of a communication breakdown, i.e. radio malfunction or if radios are not available, "buddies" should use prearranged hand signals or other means of emergency signals as follows: * Hand gripping throat - out of air, can't breath. Grip partner's wrist or place both hands around waist - leave area immediately, no debate! * Hands on top of head - need assistance * Thumbs down - no, negative. The field engineer or geologist will evacuation routes and will make all project personnel aware of these routes prior to the first on-site activities. In the event of an emergency, selection other escape route will be based on the nature, of the emergency and wind direction. Visual contact should be maintained between "buddies" on-site, with the team remaining in close proximity in order to assist each other in case of emergencies. e In the event that any member of the field crew experiences any adverse effects of symptoms of exposure while on site, the entire field crew should immediately halt work and follow the instructions provided the project supervisor. Wind indicators visible to all on-site personnel should be provided by the project supervisor to indicate pOssible routes for upwind escape. The discovery of any condition that would suggest the existence of a situation more hazardous than anticipated should result in the evacuation of the field team. and re-evaluation of the hazard and the level of protection required. In the event an should accident occur, it will be necessary to complete an Accident Report Form with the company Safety Officer. STANDARD SAFE-WORK PRACTICES General Eating, drinking, chewing tobacco and smoking are prohibited in the contaminated or potentially contaminated area of where the possibility for the transfer of contamination exists. Avoid contact with potentially contaminated substances.. Do not walk through puddles, pools, mud, etc. Avoid, whenever possible, kneeling on the ground, leaning or sitting on equipment or ground. Do not place monitoring equipment on potentially contaminated surfaces (i.e., ground, etc.). All field crew members should be alert to the presence of strong, irritating or nauseating odors that could indicate a potentially dangerous situation. Other senses should bekept alert to possible hazards as well. 4' Precaution should be taken to prevent spillage. In the event a spillage should occur, the liquid should be Prevent splashing of the o tamxnate4 hquids, '~':"~ ~'~'~"~'~ ~ Field crew members shall be familiar with the physical characteristics of investigations, including the following: * Wind direction in relation to ground-zero area. * Accessibility to associates, equipment, and vehicles. * Communications. Hot Zone (areas of knOwn or suspected contamination). Site access. * Nearest water sources. The number of personnel and equipment in the contaminated area should be minimized but only to the extent consistent with work-force requirements of safe site operations. Ail wastes generated during W&A and/or subcontractor activities at the site remain the property of the client. PLAN ACCEPTANCE FORM The Plan Acceptance Form (attached} should be filled out by all employees working on the site and retained in the job file. Corporate Health & Safety Officer John Wilson (805) 323-6460 Site Safety Officer John Wilson (805) 323-6460 Project-Site Safety Plan prepared by John Wilson in conjunction with the Corporate Health & Safety Officer. Signature: Date: The undersigned have read and understood the attached safety pIan and agree to comply with the provisions of this plan. Name Date Name Date Position Position Name Date Name Date Position Position Name Date Name Date Position Position Name Date Name Date Position Position Name Date Name Date Position Position CIVIL 'ENGINEEI:ilNG SUI:qVEYINC~ APril 26, 1994 Mr. Michael Driggs Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield,'CA 93301 RE: 1770 Golden State Avenue Pensinger Motor Homes Dear Mr. Driggs; Wilson & Associates, Inc. (W&A) has been retained by Pensinger MotorHomes toprepare a work plan, for additional characterization of the 'leach line' area. W&A would request that an ~ fifteen days be allowed in which to respond to your April 25, 1994 correspondence, to Mr~ Pensinger. If you desire additional information please contact this office. Respectfully submitted, SON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Jd~h R. Wilson, R.C.E. #23270 Registration Expires 12-31-97 oc JiTM Pensinger Pezmit # Employee # EmDloyee Signature ;ire Name or Aa~ess Fundin~ (Local, State, CONrRACT OPTIC~SFORLEAKINGTANES Site Specific Time AccountingSheet Site Sl~cifkc Status Changes: of Federal) Code Description (lOths) Notes: I' CO~fl~"T C~TIC~ FOR LEAKIN~ TPA~KS Site Specific T/me Account/rig Sheet Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or A~8~ess Pur~ng (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Sta~hm.Changes: {~IVII. ENISlNEEFIIN(3 ' ~UlalVEYtN{:~ GENTI. EMEN; Wl~ ARE SENDING YOU [] Attached LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ~-TTENTION · ' Under separate cover via_ the following items.' [] Plans I-3 Specifications I~ Copies COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPTION THESE AI~E TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~3 For approval ~ For your use r-.'.'.'j As requested ~ For review and oomment ~ FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted r--j Returned for corrections LJ Resubmit ['~ ,~ubmlt .. [] Return copies for approval copies for dlstributiu~ COrr'eCt~d prints lg PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US OOPY TO:_ , ....... LABORATORIE S, IN C. FAC31MILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET DATE OF TRANSMISSION: FAX NUMBER:. ATTENTION: COMPANY: ROM: Duane Yancey BC LABORATORIES, lNG, FAX NUMBER (805) 327-1918 COMMENTS: ANY PROBLEMS WITH TRANSMI~ION, PLEASE CALL: (805) 327-4911 EXT. Transmitted by://_l".~<,,~...~ ~__: ~,,~,,,;~-;'~,'Z , NUMiSER OF pAGEs (including co/vet ~/h~/t),,-'~~' WZT,~N & ASSOCIAT~ 2517 "E" TOTAL CON~=~ATZONS Code o~ Re~ula=~ons, T~Ble 22, ~eO=ton $$261) Copper 2.$ mg/~g 0,8 SW-$010 ~S, 2~00. Lead None Detected mg/kg ~.~ SW,$0Z0 ~,0 1000. All above con~i=~Aenge are =spot=ed on an .as re~elv%c~ (Wet) s~Ie Total Tl~remhul~ Lima= ~OgCe~tragion ...... " ".., "' 323-$~{0 D~e Reae~ed~ ~age x JOH~ WILSON TOTAL CONCENTRAT;O~S (Call'or&ia Code of Regulations, Title 22, Se~O~ 66~61) Me~hod STSC TTL¢ Coppe~ 2.{ m~/k~ 0,5 ~W-6~10 28, ~$00, Lea~ 3.0 me/kg ~,$ SW-~010 S.0 I000. STLC = gW = "w~st ~o~ ~ ~va~uating ~o~l~ wastes ~nym~ca~/Chemia&l EPA-BW-{46, Sep~eml~e~, 1986. All above ~onstiCue~s &rs reporte~ on an as Results =e~Orted represen~ ~o~als (TTLC).&8 sample sub~e~e~ ~o ap~o~=~&te"'.' ' ~echniques ~O ~e~ermine ~o=&l levels. ':,, ',,,' ' Pra~i=al ~u~&~&t~on Limi= (re~er~ to the le&~ ~u"~ounb O~ ~aly~e ~eue~able based on sample o~e used and an&ly=i¢al technique employed), $ol~ble Thresh~Id Limi~ Concen=~&tion Tot~ Thresho1~ Limit Concen~r&~O~ .' ..... ..' .... :. ...'" Deparl:m&nt: S~q~ervim~r ,' .. ., ...,, ', WILSON &/~SOCXAT~g Attn.= JOHN R, WILSON J0~N WiL~ON TOTAL C0~C~TRATI0NS Code of R®~ulations, Ti=la 22, Regulator7 Me=hod STLC TTLG Lead 82. m~/k~ 2.~ SW-~X0 $.0 1000, ~e~ul=s =epQtteO =ep=esen~ totals (TTL¢)"aS' sample 'sub, acted =~ app~opr~&=e' ."..". b&sed on sa~nple size used and analy~i~al ~echni~ue ez~loyed). eTLC = Soluble Threshold Limi= Con~en~a=£on SW - "Tee= ~e=hods rom ~valuatin~ ~oli~ W&s=es ~hye~al/Chem~&l Methodm,, ~KgRG~X~LDt ~A ~3~i ~aboracO:ry No,: JOHN R, WILSON 325-6450 TOTAL C0NC~NTRATIORS . ~thgd OTLC TTLC ~op~er ~,$ m~/k9 0.5 ~.6050 26. 2500. ~echnique~ =o deten~ine total lev~Is, ,, P,~,L. = P=ac~/cal ~an~i~ation Limi~ (~e~ers ~o ~he least ~0~ Of analy~e detectable STLC . Sol. Is Threshold Limi= Concentr~i$~ $W - ,,Tem~ H~ho~s ~o~ Svaluat~ng ~oli~ Wastes physical/Chemical ',F~OH.,~ 8055254?25 A~n.: JOHN ~&ge 1 ® 0=~0AM BY JOHN WZLSON TOTA~ CONCENTRATZO~ Copper ~, mg/kg 0.~ sW-60X0 Lead 4.2 mg/k~ 2.~ SW~6010 ~TL~ TT~C 5.0 1000. STLC -- SW -"Tes= Me=hOds fo~ ~valuating Solid wastea P~e~c&l/C~em~0&l Me=hOdS" EPA-~W-S%6, Sep=e~er, ~986. all above oon~;i~ue~ce e~e =&ported on an as rev&ired .(wet) sample bas~e, ": .... Results reDor~e~ ~ep~esen~ ~otals (TTLC)' &~ 'sample m2bJecced ~0 'appropriate ~echniques ~o 6etem~ne ~o~al levels. ',, ~cC~c&i ~u~n~iCe~ion ~imiC (refe:~ ~a Ohm leam~ amount of ana~y~e"de~eo~an~e b~ed on sample ~ize u~e~ a~d analybgcal technique employed). Soluble Threshol~ Limi~ Co~cen~gation Total Thre~hol~ Limi= Concen=r&~ion '," ' FROM 8055254'725 ., 4.18. WILSON & A~SOCIAT~$ 2217 "E" ST~==? ~AY~FI~LD, ~A 93301 At~n.~ ~O~N R. W~LSON Bate ~e~e~e~: 0~/~]~ LEACH LINE 40' W/ OF SEEP PIT #~ ~0AM ~Y ~O~N WzL~0N SAMPLED ON TOTA3~ ¢ONCENTRATIONa Cods O~ Regula=~O~s, Title 22, Section ~6261) Met~o~ ~TL~ TT~C Coppe~ lO, ~/k~ 0.~ $w-$~10 25. 230~, Lead g.? m~/~ ~,5 SW-60~0 ~.0 1000. AZZ above ¢~na=ituen%e are repor~e~ on mn aB xe~e~ved .(we[) Sample basis, ..,.=.~ "' R~Ult~ re,or,ed repre~n~ totais (TTLC)~ "~e' '~am~[e 'sub]e~e~ ~0 ~o~=i&~e :':"::"'~ Soluble Threshold Limte Total Threshold ~imit COneen~agion '. ' . ". '. ~ ~ / ~ 0 / ~ ~ r~ 11:38 em R~E~C E ! P~T KERN CO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY 2?00 'M' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 CASH REGISTER ustomer P.O.~ I Nth By IOrder Date O$1B?-IN I CSR I 08/30/94 I I Description 4751HAZ MATS WORK ORDERS MWO001 REF: EM 502?5: 6/25 - 7/31/94 Invoice Nbr. I ,128304 Type of Order DENSINGER FAM & SURV TR Ship Oa~e I Via I Terms 08/30/94 120-PENSIN1 I NT I t Quantity Price Unit Dffsc Total 1 24.00 E .24.00 3 CK 14223/PENSINGERS MOTOR HOMES INC Order Total 24.00 THANK YOU[ Amount Due Payment Made By Check 24.00 24.00 & Associates 7 "V" Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 '(805) 327-0671 (805) 324-4218 FAX March 23, 1994 BSK JOB B94002 Mr. Jim Pensinger 1770 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 SUBJECT: Soil Sampling and Testing Report Shallow Disposal System 1770 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Pensinger: BSK & Associates (BSK) is pleased to present analytical results for the above-referenced project. The work was conducted in conformance with the scope of work discussed with Mr. Michael Driggs of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD). BACKGROUND The three acre site is at 1770 Golden State Avenue in the city of Bakersfield (see Figure 1) and is being used by the owner as a recreational vehicle and trailer rental business. The site is occupied by an approximately 10,500 square foot metal building. A trailer washing area is situated adjacent to the northwest side of the building. Trailers are washed on a 40 foot by 40 foot concrete slab (see Figure 2). Until December of 1993, wash water generated from the trailer washing operation drained into a concrete catch basin which discharged into a 500-gallon concrete septic tank. Overflow from the tank discharged into an identical septic tank which finally discharged into a leach line. The owner has discontinued use of the system. The owner was advised by the KCEHSD that the system is classified by the U.S. EPA as a Class V Shallow Injection Well and is subject to the requirements of the Underground Injection Program (UIP). Kern County requested the owner to obtain water and sludge samples from the catch basin and to test the samples for the presence of organic compounds and metals in conformance with guidelines set forth under the EPA UIP. Results of analytical tests performed by B. C. Laboratories of Bakersfield, California indicated the presence of gasoline, diesel, oil and grease, and metals in the samples. Based on the results of the preliminary tests, KCEHSD requested the owner to obtain soil samples from beneath the system components and to test for petroleum hydrocarbons and metals. Geotechnical Engineering · Engineering Geology · Environmental Services · Construction Inspection & Testing · Analytical Testing Soii Sampling and Testin~l~Report Shallow Disposal System 1770 Golden State Avenue BSK JOB B94002 March 23, 1994 Page 2 FIELD INVESTIGATION Four soil borings were drilled on the site using a drilling rig equipped with hollow-stem augers on January 21, 1994. Boring B-1 was drilled adjacent to the west septic tank and undisturbed soil samples were obtained at depths of 12 and 16 feet below site grade (two feet and six feet beneath the bottom of the tank). Boring B-2 was drilled adjacent to the east septic tank and soil samples were obtained at 11-1/2 and 15-1/2 feet below grade. Boring B-3 was drilled adjacent to the leach line and samples were obtained at depths of 9 and 13 feet. Boring B-4 was drilled approximately 100 feet northeast of the system and a soil sample was obtained at a depth of 10 feet for testing to assess background levels of specific metals in the native site soils. Boring locations are shown on Figure 2. Drilling and sampling operations were directed by a BSK geologist who took custody of the samples and visually classified soil types encountered during drilling by the USCS method. Soil types, sampling depths, drilling conditions, and other pertinent information was recorded on field logs by the geologist. Following sampling, the boreholes were backfilled with drill cuttings. Prior to sampling, augers, bits, sampling devices, and other associated equipment were decontaminated by rinsing with a high pressure hot water washer, washed in laboratory grade detergent, and rinsed with potable water. Samples were collected, stored and transported in accordance with guidelines outlined in U.S. EPA Test Methods for Evaluating SolM Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods: SW-846, Third Edition. Chain-of-Custody documentation was maintained during sample collection and transport. LABORATORY TESTING Soil samples were shipped to BSK's state certified analytical laboratory in Fresno, California for testing. Samples obtained from two feet beneath the system and the background sample were analyzed for aromatic hydrocarbons (BTEX), total petroleum hydrocarbons-gasoline (TPH-G), total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel (TPH-D), arsenic, barium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, and vanadium by EPA and Department of Health Service approved test methods. Samples obtained from a depth of six feet were held by the laboratory pending test results of the shallow samples. Subsequently, the hold samples from Borings B-1 and B-3 were also tested for BTEX, TPH-G, TPH-D, arsenic, barium, lead, nickel, copper, and mercury. In addition, the sample from Boring B-3 at nine feet was tested for soluble arsenic, lead, nickel, and copper by the California Waste Extraction Test method. SITE OBSERVATIONS Soil types encountered during drilling generally consisted of silty sand underlain by poorly graded sand to the maximum depth explored of 18 feet. Detailed descriptions of soil types are presented on the attached Boring Logs. 8, Associates Soii Sampling and Testin~eport Shallow Disposal System 1770 Golden State Avenue BSK JOB B94002 March 23, 1994 Page 3 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results of the samples taken at depths of two feet and six feet beneath the system were compared to the results of the background sample. Results indicate that diesel and specific metal compounds exceeding site background levels are present beneath the system at the sample locations. Results are tabulated below. Copies of the laboratory reports and Chain-of-Custody documentation are attached. LIMITATIONS Findings presented in this report are based on laboratory testing of discrete soil samples obtained from specific locations. Reported results may not reflect actual concentrations that may exist at other locations and times on the site. Findings are valid as of the date of the report. Passage of time, natural processes, or human intervention on the property can cause changed conditions which can invalidate the findings and conclusions presented. We have prepared this report for the exclusive use of Mr. Jim Pensinger. Use or reliance on the information contained in this report, unless given express written consent by BSK or our client, is strictly prohibited. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices for the area, based on guidelines of local and federal agencies. No warranties, express or implied, are made. CLOSING We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. this report, please contact our Bakersfield office. If you have questions regarding BMB/ds Respectfully submitted, BSK & Associates ~Bly~" Project Geologist Enclosures & Associates Soil Sampling and Testing Report Shallow Disposal System 1770 Golden State Avenue BSK JOB B94002 March 23, 1994 Enclosure 1 ANALYTICAL TEST RESULTS '..' '.':.~;::;i:. :! ~' :. ' ' : 17TM GO'EDEN STATE AVENUE : i i.:i:;:~ i .......... January 21, 1994 i' February 11, 1994 g.~ 5°' ~i;:~:::.::~:~:~?~:.~:::Bor!ng:. ;~.~:~i::.':::iii: .!i :::::'~:::' ::::: ! LoCation' · .::" ' i Depth .' Total'..',:.. .:: :.:~'i ' Ar::':': '":' ~ :' ~(::': ::': :: :~:::;.::::i!: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:i:::,~.~:i::i Benzene Toluene Ethylbenze Gas DieSel: :Da '::~: :Pb :::: .... ~::. ::... · :. : : .: · xylenes 12 ND .027 ND ND ND 6.7 3 140 7 7 14 ND B-1 West Septic Tank 16 ND .032 ND ND ND 2.6 7 140 8 7 16 ND B-2 East Septic Tank 11.5 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 14 ND ND ND ND 9 ND .007 ND ND ND 20 6 120 ( 41-"\~ 9 13 ND B-3 Leach Line 13 ND .036 ND ND ND 3.5 4 140 ND 7 14 ND B-4 Background Test 10 NT NT NT NT NT NT ND 23 ND ND ND ND  Method Detection Limit -- .005 .005 .005 .005 1.0 1.0 2 5 5 5 5 0.1 Results reported in milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) Ar = Arsenic Cu = Copper Gas = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Ba = Barium Hg = Mercury Diesel = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Diesel Pb = Lead Ni = Nickel ND = None Detected NT = Not Tested Soil Sampling and Tes?l~' Report Shallow Disposal System 1770 Golden State Avenue BSK JOB B94002 March 23, 1994 Enclosure 2 : ~AEIFORNiA.:~ WASYE.:'EXTRACTION:.~E~T.RESULT$: :.i.::. · LoCatiOn .D~Pth : A~ · Ba pb Ni Cu B-3 Leach Line 9 .19 3.6 1.7 ND 0.2  Method Detection Limit -- 0.02 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Results reported in milliliters per liter (parts per million) & Associates LOG OF BORING B,1 BSK JOB NO: B94002 FIGURE NO: A3 ~ DATE: 1/21/94 SHEET 1 of 1 ~ m LOGGED BY: Blythe m m WATER LEVEL: No Groundwater Encountered ~ ~ < ELEVATION: c~ ~o EQUIPMENT: B-50 ~Z ~ O~ ~ ~ Oo m West Septic Tank ~ i <~ = m DESCRIPTION REMARKS SM .... 6-inch Agregate Base Course '..- Demolition Debris at 1 Foot. . , .. Top of Septic Tank SILTY SAND: Brown; fine grained; moist; w/1/4-inch diameter gravel. "i .-.. Becoming coarser grained. Bottom of Septic Tank -'. "· SLUDGE: Dark grey; moist; strong organic odor. S_i -. S-2 sP :.... i. SAND POORLY GRADED: Grey to dark grey; fine Boring Terminated at 16 : -...' ~ to coarse grained; rounded to subrounded; Feet. '/.'--unconsolidated. The described soil conditions may not be representative of those at different locations and times. ~ ~d i ~lll~_ & Associates LOG OF BORING B,2 DATE: 1/21/94 SHEET 1 LOGGED BY: Blythe WATER LEVEL: No Groundwater Encountered ELEVATION: EQUIPMENT: B-50 East Septic Tank BSK JOB NO: B94002 FIGURE NO: A4 of 1 DESCRIPTION REMARKS SILTY SAND: Brown; fine grained; moist. SAND POORLY GRADED: Light yellow brown; fine to medium groined; subrounded; unconsolidated. 3/4-inch to 1-inch diameter subrounded gravel. Top of Septic Tank Bottom of Septic Tank Boring Terminated at 15.5 Feet. The described soil conditions may not be representative of those at different locations and times. & Associates LOG OF BORING DATE: 1/21/94 SHEET 1 LOGGED BY: Blythe WATER LEVEL: No Groundwater Encountered ELEVATION: EQUIPMENT: B-50 15 ft. N. of W. Septic Tank BSK JOB NO: B94002 FIGURE NO: A5 of 1 DESCRIPTION REMARKS SILTY SAND: Brown; fine grained; moist; gravelly. GRAVEL POORLY GRADED: Granfitc; coarse grained; l-tach to 1 1/2-tach diameter; drain rock. SAND POORLY GRADED: Grey; saturated; unconsolidated. SAND WELL GRADED: Grey; tine grained; moist; unconsolidated. Top of 3-inch Perlbrated Leach Line Boring Terminated at 13 Feet. The described soil conditions may not be representative of those at different locations and times. & Associates BSK Job B94002 February 1994 Figure I · LiSle Ave ? BEARDS Gulf St Orin Wv. SITE Beardsley iI River view '( .Ri~CREAI'ION CENTER ~'. MUSEUM & LANE ~CHOOL Georgi. Denise Ay E HIGHWAY Street JOAOUIN ART GALLERY' )fivP PA TROL · GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT A AUOIIORILIM ' Vicinity Map Pensinger Trailer Rentals 1770 Golden State Highway & Asgo~*iateg B-4 BSK Job B94002 February 1994 Figure 2 3-inch l'er£oraled Leach lfine at 7 feet B-I B-2 Catch Basin Septic Tanks 3-inch ABS; Underground Piping Slab 0 20 40 Scale in Feet Warehouse Building B-i - Exploratory Boring Location Site Plan Pensinger Trailer Rentals ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : 01/21/94 Time Sampled : 0955 Date Received : 01/24/94 Report Issue Date: 01/27/94 Case Number : Ch940257 Lab ID Number : 0257-1 Sample Type Project Number : B94002 Sample Description: West septic tank S-l; B-1 @ 12' : SOLID Analyses for BTEX by EPA Method 8020 and TPH (G) by EPA Method 8015 Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram (mg/kg) Date of Analysis : 01/25/94 Compound Benzene ........................ Toluene ........................ Ethylbenzene ................... Total Xylene Isomers ........... Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (G) Results ND 0.027 ND ND ND DLR 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1. Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 NOTE: Hydrocarbons in the gasoline boiling point range are reported, in accordance with the method, a_~s qasoline. Analyses for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel [TPH(D)] by Method DHS GC/FID Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram (mg/kg) Date of Analysis: 01/26/94 Analyte Results DLR Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (D) 6.7 1.0 Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 NOTE: Hydrocarbons in the gasoline boiling point range are reported, in accordance with the method, as qasoline. Chromatography for this sample is described as inconsistent with the diesel standard because early (light) boiling range is missing or significantly decreased. DLR: Detection Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. Exceptional sample conditions or matr~ interferences ~ay result in higher de~ection lim/~s. one Detected . ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : Time Sampled : Date Received : Report Issue Date: Case Number : Lab ID Number : Project Number : Sample Description: Ch940256 0256-1 Sample Type: B94002 West Septic Tank S-l; B-1 @ 12' SOLID Analyses for Selected Inorqanic Constituents 01/21/94 0955 01/24/94 02/09/94 Method No. Analyte Results Units DLR EPA 7061 Arsenic (As) .............. 3 mg/kg 2 EPA 6010 Barium (Ba) ............... 140 mg/kg 5 EPA 6010 Copper .(Cu) ............... 14 mg/kg 5 EPA 6010 Lead (Pb) ................. 7 mg/kg 5 EPA 7471 Mercury (Hg) .............. ND mg/kg 0.1 EPA 6010 Molybdenum (Mo) ........... ND mg/kg 5 EPA 6010 Nickel (Ni) ............... 7 mg/kg 5 NA: rog/kg: STD: #mhos/cm: %: DLR: 10 Grams of Solid was extracted with 100 mi of Deionized Water. EC performed on extract. None Detected Not analyzed Milligrams per Kilogram as Received Standard Ur~Lts Micromhos per Centimeter at 25°C Percent by Weight Method by Walkely Black Detection Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. Exceptional sample conditions or matrix interferences may result in higher detection limits. Cynthia P~gman, QA/QC Supervisor R930608 SICS.LI ANALYTICAL LABORATORI ES 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : 01/21/94 Time Sampled : NA Date Received : 02/11/94 Date of Analysis : 02/14/94 Report Issue Date: 02/18/94 Case Number : Ch940493 Lab ID Number : 0493-1 Sample Type Project Number : B94002 Sample Description: West Septic tank, S-2, B-1 @ 16' .- SOLID Analyses for BTEX by EPA Method 8020 and TPH (G) by EPA Method 8015 Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram (mg/kg) Compound Benzene ........................ Toluene ........................ Ethylbenzene ................... Total Xylene Isomers ........... Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (G) Results ND 0.032 ND ND ND DLR O.OO5 0.005 0.005 0.005 1. Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 NOTE: Hydrocarbons in the gasoline boiling point range are reported, in accordance with the method, a__s qasoline. LEGEND: DLR: Detection Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. Exceptional sample conditions or matrix interferences may result in higher detection limits. ND: None Detected Cynthi~A' /QC Supervisor R930106 BTPSO. t Jeffr~Creager, Organics Manager ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK- Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : 01/21/94 Time Sampled : N/A Date Received : 02/11/94 Date of Analysis : 02/23/94 Report Issue Date: 02/25/94 Case Number : Ch940493A Lab ID Number : 0493A-1 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B94002 Sample Description: West Septic Tank S-2, B-1 @16' Analyses for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel [TPH(D)] by Method DHS GC/FID Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram (mg/kg) Analyte Results DLR TPH(D) ............ 2.6 1.0 Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 NOTE: : ' Hydrocarbons in the diesel boiling point range are reported, in accordance with the method, as diesel. Chromatography for this sample is described as inconsistent with the diesel standard because early (light) boiling range is missing or significantly decreased. LEGEND: DLR: Detection Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. Exceptional sample conditions or matrix interferences may result in higher ~e%ection limits. ND: None Detected Cynthia P. QA/QC Supervisor Jeff~ [ ' Creager, Organics Manager ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1414 Stanislaus Street 1 Fresno, California 93706 ~ Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1430O-87743310 Date Sampled : BSK-Bakersfield Time Sampled : Jim Pensinger Date Received : Report Issue Date: 01/21/94 NA 02/11/94 03/02/94 Case Number : Ch940492 Lab ID Number : 0492-1 Sample Type: Project Number : B94002 Sample Description: West septic tank S-2, B-l, C-16' SOLID Analyses for Selected Inorganic Constituents Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram (mg/Kg) as Received Method No. Analyte Results DLR Method No. Analyte Results DLR EPA 6010 Alum/hum (Al) ............. -- 10 EPA 6010 Lead (Pb) ................. 8 5 EPA 7061 Arsenic (As) .............. 7 1 E~A 6010 Magnesium (Mg) ............ -- 10 EPA 6010 Bariu~ (Ba) ............... 140 5 EPA 6010 Manganese (M~) ............ -- 1 EPA 6010 Beryllium (Be) ............ -- 1 EPA 7471 Mercury (Hg) .............. ND 0.1 EPA 6010 Boron (B) ................. -- 10 EPA 6010 Molybdenum.(Mo) ........... -- 5 SM 405 Bromide (Br} .............. -- 1 EPA 6010 Nickel (NJ) ............... 7 5 EPA 6010 CadmLium (Cd) .............. -- 1 EPA 353.2 Nitrate (NO3) ............. -- 5 EPA 6010 Calcium (Ca) .............. -- 10 EPA 365.3 Phosphate, Ortho (o-PO4-P) -- 1 * Carbon, Total Organic (TOC) -- 5 EPA 365.3 Phosphorus (P) ............ -- 1 EPA 325.2 Chloride (C1) ............. -- 5 EPA 6010 Potassium (K) ............. -- 10 EPA 6010 Chromium, Total (Cr) ..... -- 5 EPA 7741 Selenium (Se) ............. -- 1 EPA 6010 Cobalt (Co) ............... -- 5 EPA 6010 Silver (Ag) ............... -- 1 EPA 6010 Copper (Cu) ............... 16 5 EPA 375.2 Sulfate (SO4) ............. -- 10 EPA 9012 Cyanide (CN) .............. -- 0.2 EPA 6010 Sodium (Na) ............... -- 10 EPA 340.2 Fluoride (F) .............. -- 1 EPA 6010 Zinc (Zn) ................. -- 5 EPA 6010 Iron (Fe) ................. -- 5 10 Grams of Solid was extracted with 100 ml of Deionized Water. EC performed on extract. ND: None Detected NA: Not analyzed STD: Standard Units Bmhos/cm: biicromhos per Centimeter at 25~C %: Percent by Weight *: Method by Walkel¥ Black DLR: Detection Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. . .Exceptio~//or matrix interferences may result in higher detection 1/mits. C~thia Pi~/n, QA/QC.Supervisor Inorganics Mandger R930608 SICS.LI %./ . ' ANALYTICAL ' LABORATORIES 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : 01/21/94 Time Sampled : 1045 Date Received : 01/24/94 Report Issue Date: 01/27/94 Case Number : Ch940257 Lab ID Number : 0257-2 Sample Type Project Number : B94002 Sample Description: East septic tank S-3; B-2 @ 11.5' ·- SOLID Analyses for BTEX by EPA Method 8020 and TPH (G) by EPA Method 8015 Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram (mg/kg) Date of Analysis : 01/25/94 Compound Benzene ........................ Toluene ........................ Ethylbenzene ................... Total Xylene Isomers ........... Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (G) Results ND ND ND ND ND DLR O.OO5 0.005 0.005 0.005 1. Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 NOTE: Hydrocarbons in the gasoline boiling point range are reported, in accordance with the method, a__s qasoline. Analyses for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel [TPH(D)] by Method DHS GC/FID Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram (mg/kg) Date of Analysis: 01/26/94 Analyte Results DLR Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (D) ND 1.0 Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 NOTE: Hydrocarbons in the gasoline boiling point range are reported, in accordance with the method, a__s qasoline. DLR: Detection Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. Exceptional samp]e conditions or ma~r/x interferences Cynthia ~igman, QA/QC SuperVisor Jeff: Creager, Organics Manager ANALYTICAL LABORATOR I E S 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : Time Sampled : Date Received : Report Issue Date: Case Number : Lab ID Number : Project Number : Sample Description: Ch940256 0256-3 Sample Type: B94002 East Septic Tank S-3; B-2 @ 11.5' SOLID Analyses for Selected Inorganic Constituents 01/21/94 1045 01/24/94 02/09/94 Method No. Analyte Results Units DLR EPA 7061 Arsenic (As) .............. ND mg/kg 2 EPA 6010 Barium (Ba) ............... 14 mg/kg 5 EPA 6010 Copper (Cu) ............... ND mg/kg 5 EPA 6010 Lead (Pb) ................. ND mg/kg 5 EPA 7471 Mercury (Hg) .............. ND mg/kg 0.1 EPA 6010 Molybdenum (~o) ........... ND mg/kg 5 EPA 6010 Nickel (Ni) ............... ND mg/kg 5 10 Grams of Solid was extracted with 100 ml of Deionized Water. EC performed on ex~gract. ND: None Detected NA: Not analyzed rog/kg: Milligrams per Kilogram as Received STD: Standard Units Bmhos/cm: Micromhos per Centimeter at 25°C %: Percent by Weight *: Method by Walkely Black DLR: Detection Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. Exceptional sample conditions or matrix interferences may result in higher detection limits. Cynthi QC R930608 SICS.LI Supervisor /n/~organic s Manager ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800:877-8310 BSK.Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : 01/21/94 Time Sampled : 1125 Date Received : 01/24/94 Report Issue Date: 01/27/94 Case Number : Ch940257 Lab ID Number : 0257-3 Project Number : B94002 Sample Description: Leach line S-5; B-3 @ 9' Sample Type : SOLID Analyses for BTEX by EPA Method 8020 and TPH (G) by EPA Method 8015 Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram (mg/kg) Date of Analysis : 01/25/94 Compound Benzene ........................ Toluene ........................ Ethylbenzene ................... Total Xylene Isomers ........... Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (G) Results ND 0.007 ND ND ND DLR 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1. Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 NOTE: Hydrocarbons in the gasoline boiling point range are reported, in accordance with the method, a__s qasoline. Analyses for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel [TPH(D)] by Method DHS GC/FID Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram (mg/kg) Date of Analysis: 01/27/94 Analyte Results DLR Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (D) 20 1.0 Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 10 NOTE: Hydrocar.bons in the gasoline boiling point range are repo~ted, in accordance with the method, as qasoline. Chromatography for this sample is described as inconsistent with the diesel standard because early (light) boiling range is missing or significantly decreased. LEGEND: DLR: Detection Limit' for the Purposes of Reporting. Excj~onal sample conditions or matrix interferences ~ ult in higher detection limits.  Detected . . . ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : 01/21/94 Time Sampled : 1125 Date Received : 01/24/94 Report Issue Date: 02/09/94 Case Number : Ch940256 Lab ID Number : 0256-5 Sample Type: Project Number : B94002 Sample Description: Leach Line S-5; B-3 @ 9' SOLID Analyses for Selected Inorqanic Constituents Method No. EPA 7061 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA 7471 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 i~ualyte Arsenic (As) .............. Barium (Ba) ............... Copper (Cu) ............... Lead (Pb) ................. Mercury (Hg) .............. Molybdenum (Mo) ........... Nickel (Ni) ............... Results 6 120 13 41 ND 9 Units mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg DLR 2 5 5 5 0.1 5 5 10 Grams of Solid was extracted with 100 ml of Deionized Water. EC performed on extract. ND: None Detected NA: Not analyzed rog/kg: M~lligram~ per Kilogram as Received STD: Standard Units Bm/~os/cm: Mlcromhos per Centimeter at 25°C %: Percent by Weight *: Method by Walkely Black DLR: Detection Ll~E[t for the Purposes of Reporting. Exceptional sample condit/ons or matrix interferences may result in higher detection limits. R930608 SICS.LI Supervisor Iin' g~anics 'Manager ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : 01/21/94 Time Sampled : 1125 Date Received : 03/09/94 Report Issue Date: 03/23/94 Case Number : Ch940745 Lab ID Number : 0745 Sample Type: SOLID Project Number : B94002 Sample Description: Leach line S-5, B-3 @ 9 Analyses for SolubleMetals (WET) Results Reported in Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) in Leachate Method No. Constituent Results DLR EPA 6010 Antimony (Sb) .............. -- 0.5 EPA 7061 Arsenic (As) ............... 0.19--~0.02 EPA 6010 Barium (Ba) ................ 3.6 0.2 EPA 6010 Beryllium (Be) ............. -- 0.05 EPA 6010 Cadmium (Cd) ............... -- 0.05 EPA 6010 Chromium (Cr) .............. -- 0.2 EPA 6010 Cobalt (Co) ................ -- 0.2 EPA 6010 Copper (Cu) ................ 0.2~ 0.2 EPA 6010 Lead (Pb) .................. 1.7 0.2 EPA 7470 Mercury (Hg) ............... -- 0.02 EPA 6010 !Molybdenum (Mo) ............ -- 0.2 EPA 6010 :Nickel (Ni) ................ ND 0.2 EPA 7741 Selenium (Se) .............. -- 0.02 EPA 6010 Silver (Ag) ................ -- 0.05 EPA 6010 Thallium (T1) .............. -- 5 EPA 6010 Vanadium (V) ............... -- 0.05 EPA 6010 Zinc (Zn) .................. -- 0.2 ND: Non~ Detected --: Not Analyzed DLR: De£ection Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. Exceptional sample conditions or matrix interferences may result in higher detection limits. Leacha~e: 0.45Mm fil%ra%e of WET as per DONS WaB~e Ex%faction Test Cynth~C'''~ ~ Supervisor .... Inorgani~ Manager AN.AL~' TICAL LABORATORIES 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : 01/21/94 Time Sampled : NA Date Received : 02/11/94 Date of Analysis : 02/14/94 Report Issue Date: 02/18/94 Case Number : Ch940493 Lab ID Number : 0493-2 Sample Type Project Number : B94002 Sample Description: Leach line S-6, B-3 @ 13' : SOLID Analyses for BTEX by EPA Method 8020 and TPH (G) by EPA Method 8015 Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram (mg/kg) Compound Results DLR Benzene ........................ ND 0. 005 Toluene ........................ 0. 036 O. 005 Ethylbenzene ................... ND 0.005 Total Xylene Isomers ........... ND 0.005 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (G) ND 1. Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR Multiplier = 1 NOTE: Hydrocarbons in the gasoline boiling point range are reported, in accordance with the method, as qasoline. LEGEND: DLR: Detection Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. Exceptional sample conditions or matrix interferences may result in higher detection limits. ND: None Detected Cynt~P/~an, QA/QC R930106 BTP! ' Supervisor Jeff3 Organics Manager AN.ALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK- Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : 01/21/94 Time Sampled : N/A Date Received : 02/11/94 Date of Analysis : 02/23/94 Report Issue Date: 02/25/94 Case Number : Ch940493A Lab ID Number : 0493A-2 Project Number : B94002 Sample Description: Leach Line S-6, B-3 @ 13' Sample Type: SOLID Analyses for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel [TPH(D)] by Method DHS GC/FID Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram (mg/kg) Analyte [ TPH(D) ............ Results 3.5 Sample DLR = DLR x DLR Multiplier, DLR 1.0 DLR Multiplier = 1 Hydrocarbons in the diesel boiling point range are reported, in accordance with the method, as diesel. Chromatography for this sample is described as inconsistent with the diesel standard because early (light) boiling range is missing or significantly decreased. LEGEND: DLR: Detection Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. Exceptional sample conditions or matrix interferences may result in higher detection limits. ND: None Detected Supervisor. Organics Manager ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 · FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : 01/21/94 Time Sampled : NA Date Received : 02/11/94 Report Issue Date: 03/02/94 Case Number : Ch940492 Lab ID Number : 0492-2 Project Number : B94002 Sample Description: Leach line S-6, Analyses for Selected Results Reported in Milligrams Method No. EPA 6010 EPA 7061 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 SM 405 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA 325.2 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA 9012 EPA 340.2 EPA 6010 Analyte Aluminum (Al) ............. Arsenic (A~) .............. Barium (Ba) ............... Beryllium (Be) ............ Boron (B) ................. Bromide (Br) .............. Cadmium (Cd) .............. Calcium (Ca) .............. iCarbon, Total Organic (TOC) Chloride (C1) ............. Chromium, Total (Cr) ..... Cobalt (Co) ............... Copper (cu) ............... Cyanide (CN) .............. Fluoride (F) .............. · Iron (Fe) ................. Results 4 140 14 DLR 0.2 1 5 Sample Type: SOLID B-3, C-13' Inorganic Constituents per Kilogram (mg/Kg) as Received M~thod No. EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA 7471 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA 353.2 EPA 365.3 EPA 365.3 EPA 6010 EPA 7741 EPA 6010 EPA 375.2 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 Anallrte Lead (PD) ................. Magnesium (Mt) ............ Manganese (Mn) ............ Mercury (Hg) .............. Molybdenum .(Mo) ........... Nickel (Ni) ............... Nitrate (NO3) ............. Phosphate, Ortho (o-PO4-P) Phosphorus (P) ............ Potassium (K) ............. Selenium (Se) ............. Silver (Ag) ............... Sulfate ($04) ............. Sodium (Na) ............... Zinc (Zn) ................. Results DLR 5 10 1 0.1 5 5 5 1 1 10 1 1 10 10 5 10 Grams of Solid was extracted with 100 ml of Deionized Water. EC performed on extract. ND: None Detected NA: Not analyzed STD: Standard Units B~os/cm: Micro~hos per Centimeter at 25"C %: Percent by Weight *: Method by Walkely Black DLR: Detection Limit for.%he Purposes of Reporting. Exceptionals~le>~nditions~ or matrix interferences may result in higher detection limits. Cynth~P/gman, QA/QC.Supervisor Inorganics R930608 SICS.LI ~ / ' Manager ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES '1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 497-2889 FAX (209) 485-6935 1-800-877-8310 BSK-Bakersfield Jim Pensinger Date Sampled : Time Sampled : Date Received : Report Issue Date: Case Number : Lab ID Number : Project Number : Sample Description: Ch940256 0256-7 B94002 Backgound Sample S-7; Sample Type: B-4 @ 10' SOLID Analyses for Selected Inorganic Constituents 01/21/94 1200 01/24/94 02/09/94 Method No. EPA 7061 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA 7471 EPA 6010 EPA 6010 Analyte Arsenic (As .............. Barium (Ba) ............... Copper (Cu) ............... Lead (Pb) ................. Mercury (Hg) .............. Molybdenum (Mo) ........... Nickel (Ni) ............... Results ND ND ND ND Units mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg DLR 2 5 5 5 0.1 5 5 l0 Grams of Solid was extracted with 100 ml of Deionized Water. EC performed on extract. ND: None Detected NA: Not analyzed rog/kg: Milligrams per Kilogram as Received STD: Standard Units ~mhos/cm: Micromhos per Centimeter at 25"C %: Percent by Weight *: Method by Walkely Black DLR: Detection Limit for the Purposes of Reporting. Exceptional sample conditions or matrix interferences may result in higher detection limits. Cynthi QC' Supervisor ~30608 MI~.LI i ~ or~ganics Manager I I I A N A L Y T I C A L 1414 Stanislaus Street  Fresno, CA 93706 (209) 485-8310 (800) 877-8310 LABORATORIES (209)485-6935 FAX Illl Analyses Request / Chain of Custody Shaded areas· for 12AB use only Repor~ Atlention: ,L'..Y ~'_¢~/;,'-/-/,_= Project, Quote or PO # .-op¥ to: Phone # FAX# System # Date Time Sampled Sampled Comment or Description/Location Station Code Log Number: ~)~,5 uested Analyses Matrix Type: L- Liquid S - Solid O - Gas Additional Services: Additional Services Authorized by: Payment Received'with Delivery''' .. : Type of Hazards Associated with Samples: Rush Priority: [ ]- 2 Day [ ]- 5 Day Date:__ _ 'Ar~unti [ l - Formal Chain of Custody [ I ' QC Data package Check # Inifials::::: ::: :'.: "'".i:::):!:.::!?':.:'!;':. (Signature) Reciept # Signature Print Name Company Date Time Requested / Relinquished by: ,'~ . ~ - Re~q~h-a~. ~' f - . - R~eived / Re~ived / Re~q~hed by: IIII A N A L Y T I C A L 1414 Stanislaus Street l Fresno, CA 93706 (209) 485-8310 (800) 877-8310 L A B 0 R A T 0 R I E S (209) 485-6935 FAX I Analyses Request / Chain of Custody Shaded· areas for L~B use 0My ]3~;K Log Number.'~.~r~/~L~ Requested Anal~'ses ' t ~;~;;~:~(~(;~;(~;~}~(~;;~; ...................... Date Time Comment or ~ ~ ~ :;~::~?:~ Sampled Sampled Sample Descfiptio~cation S~tion Code %c, ,a"-~ ~, ~'3~ ~:~8E:5:~:~: 5:E:E:E:~: :~:i:~:~:ES~ I. Matrix Type: L- Liquid S- Solid G- Gas Additional Services: Additional Services Authorized by: Payment Type of Hazards Associated with Samples: Rush Priority: [ ]- 2 Day [ 1- 5 Day Date: '. [ ] - Formal Chain of Custody [ ]- QC Data package icheck #::: !:: .: (Signature) Signature Print Name Company Date Time Requested / RdiaquJshcd by: Received / Relinquished ;ay:. ReCeived / Relinquished by: A N A I.. y T I C A L 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, CA 93?06 (209) 485-$310 "(gO0) $7%8310 LA. BORATORIES' ('209) 485.6955 FA~¥ 3malyses Request / Chain of Custody :.Shaded areas for LAB use only Type'ofHazards Associated with Samples: Rush Priority: [ ] - 2 Day [ ] - 5 Da)' Date: ' · . . AmoUi~t!.. $i'.L.....i::' :'.:':.:"::.:;'.ix?: ] - Formal Chain of Custody [ ] - QC Data package Check#' '.". (Signattu-e) R¢ci~pi:#:.': i' Signature Print Name Company Date Time gequc~e~/Reli~qulshed bY~ Roc~A / Re~hed b~ ANALYTICAL 1414 Stanislaus Street  Fresno, CA 93706 (209) 485-8310 (800) 877-8310 LABORATORIES (209)485-6935 FAX Analyses Request / Chain of Custody BSK~ Log Number: .:::...:.:::.::: :.: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5:: ;: :: '::5: :::~ ~'-J::::::::::::.::::" 2> :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Requested Anal3~ses / Cie, stat,, zip 2opy to: S~tem ~i ~ ~::~:::~:::~ Sampled Sampled Sample Descfiptio~cation SUtion Code ~:~:77:,::s::: :::::::::::::::: :~:;:~:~:~:~:::::: COPY Matrix Type: L- Liquid S- Solid G- Gas Additional Services: Additional Services Authorized by: Payment Received With':De!iV~Y'i' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Type of Hazards Associated with Samples: Rush Priority: [ 1- 2 Day [ ]- 5 Day Date: .: 'A~0iinti [ l- Formal Chain of Custody [ ]- QC Data package CheCk#. ::':.~f ::. ::.:. liiiti~l~. (Signature) R%i~{ · ':' :'.: ' ':''....,::: 5:: :::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Signature Print Name Company Date Time Requeated / Relinquished by: Received / Relinquished by: I Received/Relinquished by: Received / RelinquBhed by: & Associates 1~ ~" Street B'al~ersfield, CA 93304 (805) 327-0671 (805) 324-4218 FAX December 27, 1993 PROPOSAL BP93135 Mr. Jim Pcnsingcr 1770 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 S U BJ ECT: Soil Sampling and Testing Shallow Disposal Well Closure 1770 Golden St;de Avenue Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Pensingcr: BSK & Associatcs (BSK) is pleased to pr(sent this proposal to conduct soil sampling and analytical testing at the above referenced site in Bakersfield. We have prepared the proposal in response lo your rcqt,csl tm Dccc~nbcr 20, 1993. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The 3 acre site is at 1770 Golden State Avenue and is occupied by an approximately 10,500 square foot metal buikling. The site is being used by tile owner as a recreational vehicle and trailer renlal bt,sin(ss. A Irailcr washing arca is situalcd adjacent to the northwest side of the building. Trailers are washed on a 40 toot by 40 foot concrete slab. Wash water generated from the washing operations is discharged into a concrete catch basin which drains into a 500-gallon concrete septic tank. Overflow from the septic tank discharges into an identical septic tank which finally discharges into a leach linc. The property owner was advised by the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) that the system is classified by the U.S. EPA as a Class V Shallow Well. Kern Ct)tlllly I'CtJtlCSlctl IIIc I)rOl)crly ow~cr h) el)lain a wale,' lind slmlgc sample the catch basin and to test the samples for the presence of organic compounds and metals in conformance with EPA guidelines. Results of analytical tests performed by B.C. Laboratories of Bakersfield, California indicated the presence of gasoline, diesel, oil and grease, and metals in tile samples. Based on the results of the preliminary tests, the County has requested the property ow,mr to obtaiq soil samples from beneath the system components and to test for identified contaminants. Geotechnical Engineering · Engineering Geology · Environmental Services · Construction Inspection & Testing · Analytical Testing Soil Sampling and Testing Shallow Disposal Well Closure 1770 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, Calilbrnia POSAI, BP93135 December 27, 1993 Page 2 PU'RPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose of the proposed services is assess the presence of identified contaminants in the soil beneath the septic tat6cs and leach line system. The scope of work would include the tbllowing: O O O Soil Sampling Analytical Testing of samples for gasoline, diesel, and specified metals Report of Findings A description of our mclhodology is presented below. KCEHSD would bc notified a minimum of 5 (lays prior to sampling and will be on site to oversee thc field work. Drilling will be accomplished using a truck-mounted drilling rig equipped with hollow stem augers. Prior to sampling, augers and sampling equipment will be decontaminated to preclude cross-contamination between sampling events. Borings will be advanced adjaccm ~o each Septic lank and cvcry 20 linear feet of leach linc. IJndisturbcd samples will be token at depths of 2 t~et and 6 feet beneath each component. A single sample will also be obtained at a depth of 10 I~ct at a location away tYom the system to assess background levels of metals at the site. A BSK geologist or engineer will be on site to direct sampling operations and to rake custody of the samples. Boreholes will be backfilled with the drill cuttings following sampling. On site BSK personnel will be clothed in Level D protective clothing during drilling and sampling. Soil types encountered will be classified by the USCS mc(hod. Saml)lcs will I)c processed, lrallsl)orlcd, and analyzed in accordance with i)roccdurcs described in Ihe I I.S. EPA. Test Mclhodv far Evahtaling SolM Waste; Phy.ffcal/Chemical Methods, SWA-846, Third Edition. Chain-of-Custody documentation would be maintained during sample transportation and handling process to maintain sample integrity. Samples will bc analyzed for BTEX, total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel and gasoline, arsenic, barium, COl~pcr, lead, mercury, nickel, and vanadium ill accordance with the EPA Methods described in EPA/KCEIISD (Iocumcnl Glt/del//l¢',¥ for Clo.vure of Shallow Dispo.ral Wells. During a telephone conversation between BSK and Mr. Michael Driggs of tile KCEHSD it was mutually agreed that samples obtained at 2 feet will be analyzed for tile aforementioned analytes. Samples obtaincd itt 0 fcc( will bc hcld pending results of thc shallow samples. Only in the event that dclcctable levels of identified contaminants are found in the shallow samples will the deeper samples be tested. At thc COml>lctio~, of thc field anti Iai)oratory invcstigatitm, a rclmrt will bc submitted to thc client. Contents of the report would include a site plan indicating site features and soil sampling locations, soil boring logs, and the reported laboratory results of the soil sample. & Associates Soil Sampling and Testing Shallow Disposal Well Closu, e 1770 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, California POSAL BP93135 December 27, 1993 Page 3 ESTIMATED FEE Based on the above-described scope of services, we estimate our total fee to be approximately $3,500.00 to $5,000.00 depending bn the number of soil samples analyzed, Actual charges would be based on services rendered and unit prices stated in the attached price quotation. CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS The scope of work outlined iii this proposal is limited to sampling and testing of soil for organic and inorganic constituents. The proposed scope of work should not be construed as a site characterization study to assess the extent of soil or groundwater contamination which may exist on the site or to remediate the site. There are no provisions in this proposal for materials, equipment, or labor to bring the existing septic system into compliance or to remove thc syslcm, nor will BSK be responsible for any damage to thc system that may result from our site work. The proposed scope of work could result iii tile.generation of hazardous materials. BSK will not be responsible for II~e generation, manifesting, transportation, or disposal of hazardous materials. Hazardous materials which could be encountered during the work will be contained in 55-gallon DOT steel drums and stored on-site. Hazardous materials will remain the responsibility of the client and/or property owner. CIA)SUItE We appreciate tile opportunity to submit this proposal. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact our Bakersfield office. Respectfully submitted, BSK & Associates B,/~ruce M. Blythe Project Geologist BMB:ds Enclosures: BSK & Associates' Terms for Agreement For E,lvironme,mtl Consulting Services Authorization & Acceptance & Associates Soil Sampling and Testing Shallow Disposal Well Closu,c 1770 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, Calilbrma FIELD SERVICES Mobile B-50 Drill Rig (one man crew): Steam Cleaner: 55-gallon DOT Drums: ANALYTICAL SERVICES BTEX/TPI-I-Gasolinc: TPH-Diescl: Arscnic: Barium: Copper: Lead: Mercury: Nickel: Vanaditlm: Soil Digestion: ENGINEERING SERVICES Report Preparation by Project Geologist: Project Manager: Field Geologist: Draftsman: Word Processor: PROPOSAL BP93135 December 27, 1993 Enclosure I $95.00/hour $100.00/day $ 35.00/each $ 90.00/each $ 90.00/each $ 20.00/each $ 20.00/each $ 20.00/each $ 20.00/each $ 20.00/each $ 20.00/each $ 20.O0/cach $ 20.00/each $ 85.00/hour $ 85.00/hour $ 75.00/hour $ 40.00/hour $ 35.00/hour & Associates Soil Sampliug arid Tcstiug l'rul)OSal Shallow Disposal Welt Closure ]770 Oolden State Avenue PI(OPOSAL BP~3135 December 27, 1993 Enclosure 2 BSK & ASSOCIATES' TERMS FOR AGREEMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES ;cope of ;ervices 'rofessional ~esponsibility ;ubsurface .'onditions :ertifications isclosure of IIo I II,.lul y azardous ubstances CONSULTANT shall perform the environmental consulting services that are specified by the Agreement for the agreed upon amount compensation. CLIENT understands that environmental investigations are performed in phases. Initial phases, such as preliminary si assessments, are intended to assist in developing alternatives and plans for further investigation and consequently do not entail the mo exhaustive, and more expensive, investigations performed during later phases of investigation. CLIENT understands that later phases m; lead to discovery of conditions not encountered during the initial investigative phases. Any increase to the scope or other modification shall be made in writing, and it is expressly understood by the parties that these Tern For Agreement For Environmental Consulting Services apply to any modification to the Agreement. CONSULTANT shall perform its services consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other professional consultan praclicing in Iho Iocalily of Iho Project silo under similar circumstances at the time the services are performed. CLIENT understands th the investigation, characterization, and assessments of hazardous or toxic material involve technologies that are rapidly evolving. Existil state of the alt technologies are often new and untried; future technologies may supersede current technologies and the current standa of care. CLIENT understands that CONSULTANT's recommendations must be based upon technologies, standards, and other technic information known at the time the recommendations are made. Present recommendations may differ from recommendations that mig be made at a plevious or later lime because of lite evolving standard of care. No other representation, warranty or guarantee, express or implied, is included or intended by the Agreement. CONSULTANT's investigations and recommendations will be based on test borings, surveys or other investigative work. CLIEh understands that subsurface conditions elsewhere at the Project site may differ from those where test borings had been taken and furth recognizes that geologic conditions may change over time. CONSULTANT shall not be required to execute or Supply any certification of any environmental conditions at the site unle.' 1) CONSULTANT, in its sole judgment, believes that sufficient work has been performed by CONSULTANT to provide the certificatio 2) CONSULTANT, in its sole judgment, believes that the site conditions investigated meet the criteria of the certification; and 3) the exa form of such certification has been provided to CONSULTANT prior to the execution of the Agreement, and CONSULTANT has agree in writing, that the form is acceptable. Any certification supplied by CONSULTANT does not constitute a warranty or guarantee, eith express or implied CLIENT shall provide to CONSULTANT all known information regarding the current and historical past uses of the Project site. CLIEiX rUltlml agfcc~ Ihcd GLJNSULIANI m,~y f~ly UlJUn alii tsuch Inrutlnallun ~upplled by ULIENI, ,~nd GLII-NI wallctnla Ihu m.c. tJlaCy m compJeteness thereof. CLIENT agrees that it will supply to CONSULTANT all known information regarding the nature and existence of any hazardous, toxic dangerous materials that exist on the Project site and that exist on any neighboring properties to the Project site. CLIENT will also infer. CONSULTANT ul any known leak, di~cbalge o~ other ~ulea~e of any hazardous, toxic or dangerous materials on the Project silo and any neighboring properties of the Project site. If CLIENT subsequently becomes aware of any such information, it shall immediately infor~ CONSULTANT of the additional information. CLIENT further agrees that CONSULTANT may rely upon all such information supplied CLIENT. and Iho CI. IFNT warranls the accuracy and compleloness thereof. If CONSULTANT discovels unanticipated hazardous, toxic or dangerous materials during the performance of the Agreement, said discover shall constitute a CHANGED CONDITION mandating re-negotiation of the scope of work to be performed by CONSULTANT and the terrr under which the wolk is to be perfon'ned. In the event that CONSULTANT takes emergency measures to protect the health and safe of CONSULTANT personnel and/or the public, CLIENT shall compensate CONSULTANT for the cost of such emergency measures. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, except to the extent that any claim, cost, expense, rifle or penalty arises from the gro.' negligence or willful misconduct of CONSULTANT, its employees or agents, (for purposes of this provision, "agents" shall incluc CONSULTANT's suppliers or subcontractors of any tier) in CONSULTANT's performance of the Agreement, CLIENT shall roma responsible for any and ail contaminants, pollutants, hazardous waste, spillage, seepage, adverse effect or environmental impairme~ occurring, incident to, arising out of, or in connection with any job performed or to be performed hereunder and CONSULTANT, i' employee~ ur agents shall not be responsible tot any such contafmnar~ts, pollutants, I~azardous waste, spillage, seepage, adwr~e ctt,u or environmental impairment except to the extent that such claims, demands, costs, expenses, fines, or penalties, causes of action, suit. or other litigation arise out el the gross negligence or willful misconduct of CONSULTANT, Its employees or agents. CLIENT shall prefer defend, indemnify and hold harmless CONSULTANT, its corporate affiliates and their respective officers, directors, employees and agen free and harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, cost, expense, fines or penalties, causes of action, suits or other litigatio (including all costs thereof and altorneys' fees) of every kind and character on account of bodily injury, damage to property or violafio of any pollution or similar law or regulation on account of, or incident to, or arising in connection with any pollution, contaminatim hazardous waste, spillage, seepage, adverse effect or environmental impairment arising out of or in connection with any job perform¢ or to be performed hereunder, except to the extent that such claims, demands, cost, expense, fines, or penalties, causes of action, suite. or other litigation arise from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of CONSULTANT, its employees or agents. IISK & A.%~;()(:IA'rI¢..~{, 'I'I,:IIM,'4 I,'OR I,'o1( ENVII(t.)NMI,:N'I'/tl. {'(IN~III.'I'IN(-' MARCII 1992 I'aee ! or :~ Associat Soil Saillplitlg and Testing Propusal Shallow Disposal Well Clos,rc 1770 Golden State Avenue PROPOSAL BP9313: Decemhcr 27, 1993 Enclosure 2 Right of Entry Underground Utilities Limitation of Liability Consequential Damages Indemnification Samples and Cuttings Disposal of Materials Job Site Safety Changed Conditions CLIENT shall grant or arrange permission for right of entry by CONSULTANT upon the Project site to provide the Services under Agreement, whether or not the Project site is owned by CLIENT. The use of environmental equipment and practice may unavoidably a the existing site conditions and affect the environment in the area being studied. CONSULTANT will operate with reasonable car( minimize damage to property. The cost cf repairing such damage will be born by CLIENT, unless otherwise specified in the Agreem~ Prior to the initiation of CONSULTANT's field investigation, CLIENT shall designate the location of all subsurface structures, such as piF underground tanks, cables and utilities, within the property lines of the Project site and shall supply to CONSULTANT any writ documentation regarding samo. CLIENT warranls tho accuracy of any information supplied to CONSULTANT, acknowledges I CONSULTANT will not verify the accuracy of such information, and agrees that CONSULTANT is entitled to rely upon the informat supplied by CLIENT. CLIENT agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless CONSULTANT for any claims or damages related to location of any subsurface structures at the Project site. CLIENT agrees to limit the liability of CONSULTANT and all officers, directors, agents, shareholders, employees, consultm subcontractors, and all other representatives of CONSULTANT to CLIENT for all claims, suits, arbitrations or other proceedings, to aggregate amount of $50,000 or the amount of compensation received by CONSULTANT for sen/ices performed regarding the Proj~ whichever is greater, whelher or not such claims, causes of actions, suits, arbitrations, or other proceedings are based on negligen breach of contract, strict liability or any other theory of legal liability. This limitation of liability includes any claim for attorneys' fees ~ under the Agreement. CLIENT fudher agrees to notify any contractor or subcontractor who may perform work in connection with any design, report, or sb prepared by CONSULTANT of such limilalion o1' liabilily and req[.re as a condition precedent to their performing tile work a hke lim~tat of linbility ~l lh~,i~ pad ;Ds against Ih(~ CON~;tJI.TANT Ill lhe (;v(mI (:I IF. hIT f. ih~, to obtmn ;~ likr! hmilr~tion or lirlbility prows~on, any liab: of CLIENT ;~nd CONSULTANT to such contractor or subcontractor shall be allocated between CLIENT and CONSULTANT in suc manner IJl;.ll Ihe agg[egale liabilily oi' CONSULTANT to all parhes, including CLIENT, shall not exceed $50,000 or lhe amounl CONSULTANT's fee, whichever is grealer. This limitation includes any claim for attorneys' fees due under the Agreement. This limitation of liability' shall suivive the expiration or terrnination ct tile Agreement and shall apply to any additional services not otherv, covered under the Agreement which are provided by CONSULTANT for the Project, whether or not such services are memorialized an amendment, addendum or other modification to tile Agreement. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CLIENT agrees that the CONSULTANT shall not be liable for any special, indirect or consequen damages, whether or not such claims, suits, arbitrations, or other proceedings are based on negligence, breach of contract, strict liabi or other theory of legal liability. CLIENT shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless CONSULTANT, its officers, directors, agents, shareholders, employees, consultar subcontractors, and all other representatives from and aoainst all claims, injunctions, administrative proceedings, suits, damages or liabil direct or IIIdlleu[, arising out of or resulting lrom the CONSULTANT's performance ct services under the Agreement, unlu~ liability ali: by virtue of the sole negligence or intenlional wrongl'ul acts ct CONSULTANT. its officers, directors, agents, shareholders, employe consultants, subcontractors, and other representatives. CONSULTANT shall retain any soil, rock. water and other samples obtained from the Project as it deems necessary for a period not Ion than foHy-hve (.15) days alter Ibc ~ssuance of any documents thai Includes the data obtained from those samples. CLIENT shall be responsible for the removal and lawful disposal of any samples, cuttings and hazardous substances. CONSULTANr shall not be responsible lor lite salety ct arty persons other than its own employees, nor shall it be responsible for operations, procedures, or practices of persons or entities other than CQNSULTANT, its consultants, and its subcontractors. If, during tile course of CONSULTANT's performance under the Agreement, conditions or circumstances are discovered which were contemplated by CONSULTANT at the commencement of the Agreement, CONSULTANT shall nqtify CLIENT Jn writing of the ne~ discovered conditions or circumstances, and CLIENT and CONSULTANT shall then re-negotiate in good faith the terms of the Agreem( If amended terms cannot be agreed upon within 30 days after said notice, CONSULTANT may terminate Ihe Agreement, CONSULTANT shall be compensated as set forth herein under TERMINATION. tre[minaUon The Agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven (7) days written notice in the event of a material breach ct the Agreem( CONSULTANT may terminate lhe Agre~menl if C, LIFNT mmpend.~ CONSULTANT's work for more than sixty (60) days. In the eveni termination, CLIENT shall pay CONSULTANT for the services performed prior to the date of termination, plus actual termination expen'. incurred by CONSULTANT, including, but not limited to, the cost of completing analysis, records and reports necessary to document Project's status at the time of termination. CLIENT agrees that tile limitation of liability and the indemnity obligations of the Agreement shall be binding notwithstanding any terminat of the Agreement. telays In the event CONSULTANT's services under the Agreement are interrupted due to delays other than delays caused by CONSULTAI CONSULTANT shall be equitably compensated (in accordance with CONSULTANT's current Schedule of Charges) for the additio ENVIIJ()NMI{NTAI, ('ON.~t II.TIN(; SERVI(,'I,:,'4 ~ Associ~, Soil Sampling and Testing Pruposal Shallow Disposal Well CIo,~urc 1770 Golden State Avenue PROPOSAL BP9313 December 27, 1993 Enclosure 2 charges associated with mainlaining ils work force for CLIENT's benefit during the delay, or at the option of CLIENT, for such sin charges that are incurred by CONSULTANT for demobilization and subsequent re-mobilization. Notification and Reporting Use of Reports Except for the foregoing provision, neither party shall hold the other responsible for damages or delays in performance caused by: of God or other events beyond the control of the other party or that could not have been reasonably foreseen and prevented. Delays w. the scope of this paragraph which cumulatively exceed forty-five (45) days are deemed a CHANGED CONDITION Under the Agreem CLIENT shall be ~oluly responsible fo~ notifying all appropriate federal, ~tate, municipal or oll~er governmental agencies of lbo exist(. of any hazardous, toxic or dangerous materials located on or in the Project site, or discovered during the performance of the Agreern All reports of CONSULTANT, whelher written or oral, and all opinions rendered by CONSULTANT are for the sole use of CLIENT. 3' are not to be provided to any other person or entity without the express written consent and authorization of CONSULTANT. No o party other than CLIENT may rely upon any reports supplied by CONSULTANT under the Agreement, without the express written c6n,. and authorization of CONSULTANT. CLIENT shall make no representations to any third party that would lead that party to rely upon reports supplied by CONSULTANT under the Agreement, without the express written consent and authorization of CONSULTA Moreover, CLIENT shall not use CONSULTANT's name in any olfering circular, prospectus, annual report, financial statement or o similar material. CLIENT shall defend and indemnify CONSULTANT from and against all claims, damages, liability and expenses, inclu, attorneys' fees, arising out of any such mis-use of CONSULTANT's reports and name. Confidentiality Documents, repeals, disclosures and other informalion of any nature and description which CLIENT supplies to or makes availabh CONSULTAN I- or which CONSULTANT discovers or develops m per[ormance o! the Gerwces under the Agreement shall be deL., confidential C©NStJLTANT shall not disclose same will)out CLIENT's written autlmrization, except to the extent that information is m. public domain or is required by law or under CONSULTANT's professional obligations to be disclosed. Ownership and Maintenance of Documents CLIENT acknowledges that CONSULTANT's reports, boring logs, maps, and other similar documents are instruments of CONSULTA/' professional services, and they are not products. Unless otherwise specified in the Agreement and provided that CONSULTANT has I: fully paid for the services rendered, CLIENT shall have the right to use such documents for purposes reasonably contemplated by parties. CONSULTANT shall have the right, but shall not be obligated, to retain copies of all such materials and shall have the rig( use same for any purpose, unless such use would be expected to cause unreasonable harm to CLIENT. CLIENT shall specify in adva and in writing if CLIENT desires CONSULTANT to maintain such materials for an extended period, and CLIENT agrees to pay for all .~ extra costs. CONSULTANT retains the right of ownership regarding any patentable concepts or copyrightable materials arising from services provided under the Agreement. CLIENT shall not re-use any materials prepared in connection with the Agreement for extension of this Project or for any other Pre without CONSULTANT's written authorization. CLIENT shall defend and indemnify CONSULTANT from and against all claims, dama! liability and oxpen.~e.% includina nltnrnpy.~' fo~, nri~ina nut of .mmh unauthorized re-u.~e. Payment GONSIII TANT will submil invoicor~ on a imrindic I'mr~ir. Ir) CI_IFNT, and Ihr~ invoico~ will hr~ duo upon receipt by O,I IFNT A late payn charge of 1.5% per month will apply to all invoices not paid within thirty (30) days of mailing by CONSULTANT. CLIENT agrees untimely payment ol any invoice consbtutes a mateual breach of the Agreement. Notices All notices and communications from the CLIENT shall be to CONSULTANT's designated Project Manger or Pr~ncipal-ln-Cha(ge. Ve communications st~all be confirmed in writing. Alternative Dispute Resolution All claims or disl)ulus between CONGLJLTANT and CLIENT ;_ul~ing out of or in any way relaled to tho Agreement will be submitte, "alternative dispute resolution" (ADR) such as non-binding mediation, before and as a condition precedent to other remedies provide( law. Either pady may demand ADR by serving a written notice that states the essential nature of the dispute and the amount of tim~ money c~aimed. The notice shall also indicate that the dispute is to be mediated within sixty (60) days of sewice of the notice. mediation shall be administered by the American Arbitration Association or by such other person or organization as the parties may a.~ upon. No action or lawsuit may be commenced unless the mediation does not occur within ninety (90) days after service of notice, mediation occurred but did not resolve the dispute, or a statute of limitation would elapse if suit was- not filed prior to sixty (60) days ~ service of notice. Attorneys' Fees Governing Law Entire Agreement and Modifications Should CONSULTANT initiate any action under the Agreement, CLIENT shall pay, in addition to any fees and costs owed, all reasom attorneys' fees and legal costs incurred by CONSULTANT in such action. The laws of the State of California shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties under the Agreement, including the interpreta of the Agreement. If any pad of Iho Agreement is adj~,dged to he invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity shall not affect the full force effect of the remainder of the Agreement. The Agreement and these Terms For Agreement For Environmental Consulting Services, including attachments incorporated thereir reference, represents the entire agreement and understanding between the parties, and any negotiations or prior agreements are in(eh to be integrated and to be superseded by the Agreement and by these Terms For Agreement For Environmental Consulting So,vi( unless otherwise expressly specified by the Agreement. Any modification to the Agreement shall be in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties, I'atle 3 of ~ Associ. ~[E~N COUNTY ZNV!~ONNENTAL ~EALTH CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION FILE NAME: PENSINGER DATE TIP~ 12/13/93 i .0 NARRATIVE PREPARED PROP. 65 FORM. MEETING AT OFFICE WITH PENSINGER PER HIS REQUEST. WENT OVER THE LAB ANALYSIS WITH HIM AND DISCUSSED THE DIRECTION THAT THE. CASE WOULD FOLLOW. RECOMbIEND SITE CHARACTERIZATION. 12/14/93 REFERRED TO MIKE DRIGGS FOR SITE CHARACTERIZATION. UIC ?APE~ORK C~ECKL~$T KERN COUNTY HAZARDOUS WASTE INCIDENT REPORT .~;mPORTIN,~ Au,.N,Y BEPORTING PERSON KERN CO. ENV. HEALTH SERVICES TERRY L. GRAY PHONE (805) 861-3636 bv~M.,!ON OF DISCHARGE oR THREATENED DISCHARGE STREET ADDRESS: :~lt ~rULDdl S~ATm HWY, CITY: BAKERSFIELD ZiP: 93301 DATE AND TIME OF KNOWLEDGE OF DISCHARGE OR ~ m ' iHR~ATENED DISCHARGE !2/10/93 HOURS SEC: T ~ ~mNSINGma MOTOR HOMES PROPERTY OWNER: ~AME ~D ADDRESS 0~ PA~T¥ ~ESPONSI~5E FOR PENSINGER'S MOTOR HOMES i770 I]OLDEN ~Tg~E HWY, oA~m~Sr=~L~ CA ...... A~mA ~vm~ SCENE .ANAuf~ATmmWAY '! EMPTY LOT DOMESTIC WATER WELL ~ LAKE/POND :v.,r. uE ,.h~ HELEASE t~dMbT.Nt,~b OF RELEASE .ZAUSE OF 01___r" ,~EFD~E~Y Ol WHILE BEING " .... ~' ii _.g~N~ ~A~.D ............ HAZARD:_X_?O×IC ___~LAMMABLE ___?UEE ...... . .... ___bi~, ___anuu.,~,~,~v~ WASTE :_,~ rri NJMBER' .......................................................... [2} ,.n~M, NAM~zHL.,,~ COMPONENT: :~uMMO,I NAME: SOLVENT ..... TOXIC ___ ~A~R~:___ FLA~ABLE ___PU&E ___SOLID ~AOTlv. CORROSIVE MI! ___~i~, RADIOACTIVE W~STE ...... . . POT !D NUMBER: .......................................................... ~ ~ ...... NAME/MAJOR OONPONENT: nA.ARD, TOXIC FLAMMABLE PLRE ___~EAC?IVE ___CORROSIVE ___MIX ___hl~, ___RADIOACTIVE ___~ASTE __GAS DOT ID NUMBER: HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL CCNTA~imN'ATION; iNDICATE ACTUAL ("A") OR POTENTIAL OI___A!~ ................. 02___CANAL/WATERWAY .................. 04_X_SOIL O~___LIVESTOCK O?___WiLDL?E .................. '"------n ~r1 .................. iO___S2U$~LA~D .................. ii___FOO~$TUFF~ .................. ;~___~ROU~D~A~E~ .................. i$___D~ELLiNG .................. ~___, O~H~. _ ................. INTERNAL USE O~LY: .... ~ ~ TO: ,'.NVE~TI,~ATION .,E~mRRAL MADE niAuiHmi~K ~SESSMENT'" : RANEING: ,.:~.~RMATIu, N PHONED-iN? TAKEN BY: ........ DATE REPORT R=CE~ED ~; r. EA.TH DEFT: rOMPUTER iNPUT ....... ~iOTTFT2ATrON BAKERSFIELD, CA. ° (805) $25-5055 1770 Golden ~tate Hwy. Bakekrsfield, FAX TRANSMISSION Ca o FROM PAGES TRANSMITTED: CONFIRMATION REQUE..STED :" INCLUDING COYER . / vola=ile Organic Analysis ~ENSINGER Date of 1770 OOLDEN STATE HWY. Report: 11/24/93 BAY~RSFIELD, CA 93301 Lab #: 93-11706-1 Attn.: JIM PENSINGER 805-325-5055 Sample Description: PENSINGER SUMP WATER, 11-10-9~ e ll:30AM S~PLED bY DAVID Ri~TENHOUSE OF BC LA~ORATORIES, INC. Test Method: EPA Method 8240 Sample Matrix: water Date Sample Collected: Da~e Sample Received % L~b: ~/~0/93 DaCe Analysis Analysis Reporting g~nstituent~ ,,Resu!~ Units None Detected None Detected M~/L None De=et=ed None Detected None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~/L None De~ect~d ~/L None D~ecCed ~g/L None Detected #~/L None Detected #g/L None Detected ~/L None Detected None De=et=ed ~g/L None De~ected ~/L None Detected Mg/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~/L None Detected #~/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L 2.4 #~/L None D~tec=ed #~/L None Detected None Detected 2.5 ~/L None De~e~te~ None De~a'~'~d None Dete~:~ None Detected ~g/L None De~ected ~/L ~nzene ~romodlchloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon te~rachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane .Chloroform Chlorome~hane Dibromochlorome~hane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichloroben=ene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane' 1,1-Dichloroethene ~ran~-l,2-Dichloroe~hene 1,2-Dichloro~ropane Cle-l,3-Dtchloropropene =ran$-l,3-Dichloropropene E~hyl benzene Methylene Chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroe~hane Tetrachloroe=hene Toluene l,l,l-Trichloroe~hane 1,1,2-Trichloroe=hane Trichloroe=hene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1,2-Trichloro. 1,~,2-:rifluoroe=hane Vinyl Chloride .Xylenes' :-'- ,. Minimum Repor~in~ 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1. 0.5 0,5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.$ 0.5 0.5 0.$ 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0'.5 0.5 O.S 0.5 0.5 PEN$!NGER Date Reported: 12/05/93 P~ge 1770 ~OLDEN STAT~ HWY. DaCe Received: 11/10/93 B~,KERSFIELD, CA 93301 Laboratory No,: 9~-11706-1 Attn.= JiM PENSZNGER 805-325-5055 S~le Description: ~~~11-10-93 · 11:30~ S~D BY DAVID RI~OUS~ OF BC~0~TORZES, INC TOTAL CONCeNTRATiONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC g,gn,Stituenp~ Sample R~.sgl,te, Un~ p.O.L, ~ mg/L._ ~ Antimony None Detected mg/L 0.1 Sw-$010 15. 500. 3~rsenic 0.0076 m~/L 0.001 SW-7060 5.0 500. Barium 0.545 mg/L 0.010 Sw-6010 100. 10000. Beryllium None Detected m~/L 0,010 SW-6010 0.75 7~ Cadmium None Detected mg/L 0,005 Sw-6010 1.0 100 Chromium 0.016 mg/L 0,010 SW-6010 560. 2500 Cobalt None Detected mg/L 0.010 SW-6010 $0, 8000 er ~ mg/L 0.010 Sw-6010 2fi. tS00 m~/L 0.050 Sw-6010 5.0 1000 mg/L 0.2 SW-7471 20 um None Detected mg/L 0.010 $W-60~0 350, 3500 Nickel None Detected mg/L' 0,050 SW-6010 20. 2000. Selenium None Detected mg/L 0.002 $W-~740 1.0 100.. Silver None De~ected m~/L 0.010 SW-6010 5,0 500. *Thallium None Detected mg/L 0,100 SW-6010 7,0 700, Vanadium 0.018 mg/L 0.010 SW-6010 24. 2400. Zinc 0,558 mg/L 0,010 8W-6010 250. S000. A/1 above uonstituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results regorted-re~resent =orals (TTLC) as s~mple sub~ecte~ to appropriate techniques to ~ege~mine total levels, STLC a TTLC ~ P~actical Quantitatlon Limit (refers ~o the least amount of analyte detectable. based on sample size u~®d and analytical technique employed). Soluble Threshold Limit Concentr&tion Total Threshold L~mit Concen~ration R~FERENC~$: ~W ~ "Tes~ M~thods for ~valua~in~ So~'d Wastes Ph~sical/Chemical Hethods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. 1770 GOLDEN STATE ~WY. ~KERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn.= JIM P~SINGER 805-325-5055 Da~e Reported: 12/05/93 Date Received: I1/10/93 Laboratory No.: 93-11706-2 WET EXTRACT CONTAI~INA~S AKALyzED ACCORDING ~) TiTL~ 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIPO~NIA CODE OP REGULATIONS FOR ~ZARDOUS WASTB DETER~ZZNATION (STLC) Sample Description: Regulator~ Sample Resul=s Method Criteria o~~ _.. mg/li..t.~r ._ .P.Q.L_~ Metho~ ..... STLC Barium ~_~.~ 0,1 Sw-6010 100, Lead -~ 0.5 SW-6010 5.0 Coz~me~: P.Q.L. ,, STLC All metals =eporKed above are in.mr/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC). These results are based on extracting sample according CO Title 22, Article California Administrative Code using a 4S-hour citric acid (de~onized wa~er for hexavalen= chromium) extraction, Practical Quantita=ion L£mi~ (refers to the least amount of analyte b&se4 on sample size used ~n~ anal¥~Ic&l =echni~ue employed). Soluble Threshold Limit SW - "Te~t Me~hods for Evaluatln~ So!~d Wastes Physical/Ch~mlcal Methods,, EPA-SW-846, Se~=ember, 1986. uASR~"rc3~n$ PgNSINGER 1770 GOLDEN STATE HWY. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn.: JIM PENSING~R 805-325-5055 Date Reported: ~2/05/93 Date Received: 11/10/93 Laboratory NO.: 93-11706-2 Pays I Sa~ple Description: ~~ 11-10-93 ® 10:45A~ SAMPLED BY DAVID ~ITT~N]{OUS E~-~~ATOR IE S, INC. TOT~L CONCEPTIONS (California Code of Re~ulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Method Antimony Arsenic , Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper ' Lead Molybdenum Nickel ~ Selenium Silver Thallium vanadium. Zinc None Detected I~De-ect:ed NO~e 4.9 None None Detected None~cted mt/ky 7.0 SW-6010 mg/kg 0.7 SW-7060 my/k~ 0.7 SW-6010 m~/~g 0.7 SW-6010 my/ky 0.7 SW-6010 mt/kg 0.7 SW-6010 m~/k~ 3.5 Sw-6010 mt/kg 0.7 SW-6010 my/k~ $.5 SW-6010 mg/kg 0.2 SW-7471 my/ky 3.5 SW-6010 my/ky ~.5 $w-6010 m~/k~ 1.0 SW-7740 mt/ky 1.4 SW-6010 mg/k~ ?.0 SW-6010 my/ky 0.7 SW-6010 mg/kg 0.7 SW-6010 ReEulatory Criteria STLC TTLC 15. 500, 5.0 500. 100. 10000, 0.75 75. l..0 100. 560. 2500, 80. 8000, 25. 25oo, 5.o looo. 0.2 20 350 3500 20 2000 1 0 100 s o soO ? 0 700 24 2400 250. 5000 Commen~: P.Q,L. = STLC . TTLC A/1 above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported're~resen~ totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropria~e techniques to determine total level~. Practical Quanc~tatlon Limit (refers co the least amount of ~nalyte detectabZe based on sample size used and analytical ~echnique employed), Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration SW - "Test ~e~hods for Evaluattny.SQlid Wastes Physical/Chemical ~PA-$W-846, September, 1986. Total ~e~roleum HYdrocarbona PENSZNGER '" 1770 GOLDEN STAT~ HWY. Dace of BAK~FZ~.LD, CA 93301 Report: 11123/93 Attn,: JIM PSNSING~.R 80S-32S-~0S$ Lab #: 93-11706-.1 Sam~ie Matrix: Water ~ $~mple Resul~,,~' pni_t~ Total ~etrol~m Hydroca=bons ~ m~/L 1. EPA-418.1 California D,0,H,$. 'Cert'.. ~u~geable Aromatics PENSINGER Dace of 1770 C-OLDEN STATE HWY. Report= 11/23/93 BAKERSFZELD, CA 93301 Lab ~: 93-11706-1 Attn.: JIM PENSINGER 805-3~5-5055 Sample DescriDtion: ~NSZ~S.~..~ 11-10-93 ® 11:$0~ SAR~L~D BY DAVZD RI~"~ENI(OU$~-~F BC LA~ORATORIES, INC. TEST I~"AOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Dace Sample Collected: ~/~o/9~ Date Sample Received % Lab: Dace Analysis Completed: ~/~/~ Minimum Analys i s Report in9 Reportln~ 50. 200, Note: Sample chromacogram noC C~ical of diesel, California D,O.H.S. Cert. $1186 Analysis Re( uested 'E SamPle Disposal Billing Info: Address iCily ,Stale Miles: I i P.O.# ~ ~ 5.0o ea. i 3 Re~um to dient Relinquished by: (Signature) "Relim:luished by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) i i Received by: (Signature~ " ' I)ale: Tm Received by: (Signature) Date.: Tim, Recemed by: {Signature) Date: ' Reti~quished by: (Signalufei ! Reli~u,shed by: iSignature) Received by: {Signature) Received by: {S~nalum) Oa~: T~'u PENSING~R Date of 1770 GOLDEN STAT~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Lab A=~n.: JIM Sample Descrip~On: PENSINGER SU~ WATER, 11-10-93 ~ ll:30$Av/ SA/V/PLED BY DAVID RZTTE~OUSE OF BC L~ORATORIES, INC. California D.O.H.S. Cert. %1186 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakerefleld, CA 93301 (805! 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX November. 3, 1993 Pensinger's Motor Homes 1770 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Jim Pensinger SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL LOCATED AT 1770 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~ Dear Mr. Pensinger: This is to inform you that the property noted above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the site of a Class V shallow injection well. The well has been identified as a wash rack located at the north west comer of the office and shop building. This notice is being sent to you because you have been identified as the contact person for 'the Property listed above. Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations 40 (40 CFR), Section 144.12(a), "no owner or operator shall.., operate [an injection well].., in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of drinking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation.., or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons." During our inspection sufficient evidence was observed to indicate that the wash rack and subsurface structure discharge industrial waste to the ground. Compliance may be achieved by demonstrating that the wash rack and the other appurtenances are not regulated under the Class V Shallow Injection Well Program. Please notify this office within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice of your intention to either proceed with the characterization of the Class V wells in accordance with the-enclosed guidelines from EPA-REGION 9 or demonstrate that they do not meet the criteria of a Class V Well. The enclosed booklet cites the minimum required for site work plan activities, contractor requirements, example illustrations of well designs, and sampling methods and procedures. Should you wish to discuss the above regulations or criteria for Class V identification, please do not hesitate to call the inspector indicated below. Pensinger's Motor Homes Subject: Class V Shallow Injection Well November 3, 1993 Page 2 In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100 the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, review of reports, and laboratory service costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $24.80 per hour for oversight during the abatement of violations associated with the Class V well. If we may be of any further assistance, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalleY, Director By: Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:cas CC.' U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATTN: Dale Essary ~gray~ensing.uic KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPT. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM UIC SHALLOW TNJECTION WELL CHECKLIST :-:.\C'ZLiTY :':_'~HE: PENSI}:GER'S !!OTOR HOHES 9/93 ....:. _. ............. ,:"p::-'Tr-'r,,( S ) : TERRY ',. 72. D i i.'.' i Q ¥ A L ? Y- R T Z !_'i' i P_",_ N T S ' ,.~:'~. :_ x B R Y O () A 2 r~ / z... ~ ._ :._ o '~,'c~:'~c :iRDi{R i':'U).fBER: .1.'02 '75 I i..-Ui'iBER : .[ , GENERAl: iNFORMATiON ,'~t,i',lFn, S ".;2~'? ' ~-'"'":Si'"-'-'-' :: x'.,r: ':' ',,,. r.,. <.i-F,"i',.-OR,E .... %'Ti'D ! ?ARIENT CO}iPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ARE THEY A SUBSIDIARY OF A CORPORATION: NO ARE THEY INCORPORATED IN THE STATE: YES ZIP: PAGE 1 II. UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST CONTACT PERSON: JIM PENSINGER PHONE NUHBER: (805) 325-5505 INTERVIEW THE OPERATOR/NATURE OF BUSINESS HOW LOND IN BUSINESS: 22 'YEARS PLUS ARE 'ru~': ~n~Y A }~EMBER OF AN ASSOCIATION: ARE THEY aWARE Of ::,,~'"-- ¥~TER Slmr';v:-~ ~. WELL SiTE HISTORY ':]/ARS OF OCCUP.LT!ON: 20 YEARS PREVIOUS Oh:X'vRS: ffOWARDS S~-~P_.rv ...... -" '~ .... '"' KOi,:ARD S ~:.:¥ .uu.~ OPERATORS' S UPPLY -.~ ,-'-~--c OF ='"iLiTI-: UNiC,iOWN .......... ~.. ON ~._RV OFFERED V i:,R' l El Di(SC21O"~!O}.i, ....... .)F '..¥v PROC2~':~._ , .-':~ =-:'_: .~.,.. ;',T .... -.- ..,,' , . .::'. ....xf.', Ti",Yi:NANC:i iHAT = :-.,.,~ ~ ~. ~ .,a r: ~ -"' r: q V ".SLX: ........ 'lOVE :;EPONTir ' ,. t ':: S E R V E D i- wH:-Vr :_'Hmxf ri' ,}_S .::RE c..-~,-}p=:r} o1, '4 :-~r-. :IT-- xv.= :'O iHEY }{:\V!~i x:A'I".'!iF{iAL '~',:~TV r,, .-'. CH;:FTS: DESCRrBF. TNT: WASTE ~,±.:.PO_.:~ PRACTICE5 N/:'~ !{. SOLi-i.iNi HAULER: HANIFESTS: OPEN CONTAINER: WASTE OIL HAULER: N/A HANIFESTS: OPEN CONTAINER: FREQUENCY: PROPER LABELING: FREQUENCY: PROPER LABELING: PAGE~ ~ UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST WASTE ANTIFREEZE HAULER: N/A MANIFESTS: FREQUENCY: OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER L.\BELiXG: WASTE SLUDGE HAULER: 5iANIFESTS: OPEN CONTAIXE2: W.\STE uHARA ..... FREQI.'E_~CY: :R. OPER LABELING: OiL F)7. LTER i-{AULER F.REQUEXCT: Pi~Oi:'ER i. ASj:~L-[XG: 7, :.) i-.' ,.. 7 T E-.5: F'.~t'.~PF, E L.',BZL!:'G; ,7, P ..... 7_DE?;Tt£'!CAT~_C?: YL-)JEE}~: 7/_",_ s!_'S..r. NESS PL_:.,X.q. O¥ F'[LiT._': 1'9.-",..F5 !.ix-(.'- ,r..'.EOU£ !:~'ESiEN-TS: X,/.\ !.NSPECT THE FACILITY ;~F..x.!~i~AL S'IiTE CONDITIONS EASE OF ENTRY: GOOD COOPERATION: 6OOD SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMMERCIAL/ INDb'STR~AL A. GENERAL APPEARANCE OF TItE WELL(S): WASH RACK B. SUSCEPTIBILITY TO SPILLS: YES PAGE 3 6 7 UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST rl CLASS V WELL(S): 1 STATUS: ACTIVE YEARS OF OPERATION: 20 PLUS YEARS OiL/WATER SEPARATOR OR GREASE TRAP USED: UXK'NOt~N, -IPPEARS TO HAVE A SEDtHENT TRAP OXLY ARE THE WELLS PUMPED OUT- UNi{XOWN HOW OFTEN: ~,~' RI'ER GEY PLUGGED DO THE :~l..S ..... 'fOTAL 2, EPTH · 9iA',~EYEX: ',..",S Z]"G. F'ROGEA~!: R.V.~9.:?.B. ' -- -"_.' ............. '~'. ...., ,,.Z,.~.',_~-ia. I :,,,'.l: Gd": L..PT '. YxS ' ZE'3 ...... r,~,,!: ..... ' ;; ~vr) pcq.'-p!A- ':ZL.:TZkT.; T :?."~ [ I. :g 2 S hot< '[% THE EFFLUEXT DISPOSED: 7XTO ','i_)'.'.",:<E;~S USED: HOW ;".L\),V AUTOS .\:RE SERVZCED DAILY: 7, OC~',,.fr,c'r'c TO REGUZST ~ L r_,,. S LOGS MONITORING t<ELL DATA FLOW DIAGRAM O~ ~ROCESSES WASTE GEXERATiOX~ AXD D~cpp t~ MAXZTESTS ~OR WASTE DISPOSAL MATE?IAL SAEETY DATA SHEETS PAGE 4 AGENCY: KERN COUNTY UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ~"-~"-C.~-h,-t~ .; !c - ~'-::..~ ',_.~:-'*'"-"-.::_, '_ iNSPECTOR: TERRY GRAY NAC ILI T¥ I NFORMAT ION FACILITY NAHE' r.\NE.{l CO>!PANY: .'~!)DNKS$' i TTO OOLDEN 5T.IYE PENSINGER'S :.!OTOR HOHES lP':'TC;'.,- ,-.,r:. WASTE CTRE:\H: vr,'~U i PHENT iON :7"7 .',,;li'-~ ...... :._ :- THAT }LVf ".'vr,~ .... ,:.'<:~'~' · - ....... '. Ti'i'-' '~'.-) i ','J::._ ..... ~-: ,.,.'.-"' WEL7.~ ,'3~.~ ....... ~ ,.-~,'i{S ~ ?..k · . ' ' " '. ii,- i}: '3 P FiCT I<31,. :7'_'~.i'E: :i:F W!L' :3: _ ',. t. T:2! '~ E R V ! C l ' WATER OF WASTE: ACTIVE: X _\BAiDONED: iNJECTATE S:\}'iPLED: NO VIOL.ilION FOUND: YES FOLLOW-UP NEEDED: YES RCRA FACILITY: NO COH}iENTS: UND£R CO};STE'i'r'T-'"" ',.. 7'i}}'i. : iTE Di.\GRAX~ C,,q~,p¥ /:it'c'--- I~IORK ~)ate:,.;ctober .-'8, 1993 ,",PN: ORDER LOG SHEET Work Order WO (7 a ~ o ~'~'o v.i C i l T l ':' · ..\H }'_1: ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ....... o: ~ELD S-CD C I-R/RG ~009 ,Acres < :3UPP-iNFO '*- EP.%:*;;' T~A :33!-030 :,~a¢:,,--z_ .--.E.'qS...t,,.,_FR .:AP. ES H --, ,ET ;-~,_ :3~ ~, '~, No ~?.,~,,.-,, . .~, ,~ . ~,.~ , a~,-- ,-'7,-, ~'"z.,'"':l E.::;,~ 'STATE ;--q!*i"F z',/.~ ...... ~]'T - -'"'R :T~ L----F';T .-7~,IT~'/--','r :-:-' i-: .' ~' - ::' ....... ' :' /'-"~.. ": ':'_ _ 'l'e "'5/22 POOR ORIGINAL 10(~, Jt 1991 ozC~ uJ ST~K POST~E STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER RR$T CLASS POSTAGE, MAIL FEE, ANO CH~RGE$ FOR A~Y SELECTE~ O?TTONAI. SERVICES. (sss 1. 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