HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ-BUSINESS PLAN 2001/2002~~OUS MATERIAl.S E~/'ISION ~ TIME CHARGED BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT NUMBER: ~9 DATE: NAME:. ~h/~, ~ TIME CHGD: COMMENTS: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: Winston H. Hickox Agency Secretary California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Toxic Substances Control Edwin F. Lowry, Director 1001 "F Street, 25th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 Gray Davis Governor December 17, 2001 Ms. Jill Smith _Customer Service Supervisor Golden Empire T~'ansit District' 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Ms. smith: The Department of Toxic Substances Control recognizes and commends you for. your exemplary work and continued efforts in promoting pollution prevention throughout the year. Please accept the enclosed "National Pollution Prevention Week 2001 Award" as a token of our appreciation for your outstanding workl Very truly yours, Edwin F.'LoW~ Director Enclosure cc: See next page. The e~ergy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption.' For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web-site at www. dtsc. ca.gov. Printed on Recycled Paper Ms. Jill Smith December 17, 2001 Page 2 CC: / Mr. Howard Wines III V' Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Jeffrey Wong, Ph.D. Deputy Dicector .... Science, Pollution Prevention and Technology Program Department of Toxic Substances Control P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 Mr. Klm Wilhelm Acting Chief Office of Pollution Prevention and Technology Development Department of Toxic Substances Control P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 Cali~fornia~ Environm .elltal Depa, rtment of Toxic substances Control This N~tional Pollution Prevention.Week 2001 Award is presented to ,... goila~n.,~,,Empi~ Transit District ' ' ="~' ~ i -', :77,. The' DePartment of Toxic Su ontrol wis to recognize and commend this organizatiOn for exemplary work and effor~s m pollution prevention throughout the year. Given t~s Fifteenth day of December, Two Thousaad~and One Edwin F. Lowry '~ DireCtor i Department o£ Toxic Substances Control · GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT DATE '1'112c~/01 VOUCHER NO. Bakersfield, California : VENDOR 25701 NAME CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LINE REFERENCE NUMBER REFERENCE DATE AMOUNT ALLOWANCE NET 1 200!-0& · 11/27/0! 2~57. O0 !I ** TOTAL 2~57.00 t*$2~57.00t -- Golden EmpireTransit District A Pollution Solution 1630 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 324-9874 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Bakersfield, CA 93309 DATE ll/2g/O1 0474~2 CHECK NUMBER 0047492 16-49,, 0 PAY TO THE ORDER OF EXACTLY ***.2~57.* DOLLARS AND CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CUPA 1501 TRUXTUN AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA ~5501 CENTS BY BY AMOUNT $ **'2957 "'0 N ? h q B"" ~,o, ?O l, l, I, ? 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY In the Matter of: GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT a California special transit district Respondent. Docket NO.: 2001-06 CONSENT AGREEMENT Health and Safety Code Section 25187 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Parties. The Office of Environmental Services for the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, a Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) authorized by the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cai/EPA) to administer and enforce the Hazardous Substance Control Act in the City of Bakersfield, issues this Consent Agreement (Agreement) to Golden Empire Transit District, a California special transit district. 1.2. Site. Respondent generated, handled, treated, stored, and/or disposed of hazardous waste at the following site(s), including, but not limited to: 1830 Golden State Highway, Bakersfield, California 93308. 1.3 Generator. The Respondent generated the following hazardous wastes: metal dust and machining waste, a "listed" hazardous waste (California Waste Code Number 172) pursuant to Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 66261.126 Appendix Xll (b). 1.4 Jurisdiction. Section 25187 of the Health and Safety Code (HSC) authorizes the CUPA to order action necessary to correct violations and assess a penalty when the CUPA determines that any person has violated specified provisions of the Health and Safety Code or any permit, rule, regulation, standard, or requirement issued or adopted pursuant thereto. DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS 2. The CUPA hereby determines that Respondent violated: 2.1 The Hazardous Waste Control Law (California Health and Safety Code section 25100, et seq, to wit: section 25189.5. Disposal, treatment or storage at, or transportation to, facilities without per~its or afbnb, bthorized points. On August 1,2001, a hazardous waste generator inspection was conducted at the site for compliance with regulatory standards as well as assessing the potential for environmental contamination associated with a recent unauthorized release of diesel fuel at the fuel dispenser. 2.2 On August 3, 2001, a notice to comply was issued to the facility, ordering a hazardous waste determination to be made for the brake lathe metal dust and machining waste which was being regularly disposed of into the municipal trash. 2.3 On August 28, 2001, laboratory results from the sample of brake lathe metal dust confirmed that the waste is considered a hazardous waste in California, due to the high concentrations of total Chromium, an inorganic persistent and bioaccumulative toxic metal. SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE 3. Based on the forgoing DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND AGREED TO THAT: 3.1 Respondent shall make all necessary arrangements to properly manage the brake lathe metal dust and machining material as either an excluded recyclable material marked clearly with the words "Excluded Recyclable Material," or a "Hazardous Waste" and 2 alternatively managed as such, within (30) days from the effective date of this Agreement. 3.2 Submittals. A copy of the GET Standard Program Policy and Procedure for Hazardous Waste: Brake Drum Shavings, dated November 16, 2001, has been received by the CUPA, in care of: Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 3.3 Communications. All approvals and decisions of the CUPA made regarding submittals and notifications will be communicated to Respondent in writing by the Director of Prevention Services, or his/her designee. No informal advice, guidance, suggestions, or comments by the CUPA regarding reports, plans, specifications, schedules, or any writings by the Respondent shall be construed to relieve Respondent of the obligation to obtain such formal approvals as may be required. 3.4 CUPA Review and Approval. If the CUPA determines that the schedule, or other submitted for approval pursuant to this agreement fails to comply with the agreement or fails to protect public health or safety or the environment, the CUPA may: Modify the document as deemed necessary and approve the document as modified, or b. Return the document to Respondent with recommended changes and a date by which Respondent with recommended changes and a date by which Respondent must submit to the CUPA a revised document incorporating the recommended changes. 3.5 Compliance with Applicable Laws. Respondent shall carry out this Agreement in compliance with all local, State, and federal requirements, including but not 3 limited to requirements to obtain permits and to assure worker safety. 3.6 Endanqerment during Implementation. In the event that the CUPA determines that any circumstances or activity (whether or not pursued in compliance with this Agreement) are creating an imminent or substantial endangerment to the health or welfare of people on the site or in the surrounding area or to the environment, the CUPA may order Respondent to stop further implementation of this Agreement for such period of time as needed to abate the endangerment. Any deadline in this Agreement directly aff~Ct-~-d'by a Stop Work 0~der ur~der tl~is section-§hall be extended for~he term of the Stop Work Order. 3.7 Liability. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations of Respondent...other than those violations alleged in section 2 of this order. Notwithstanding compliance with the terms of this Agreement, Respondent may be required to take further actions as are necessary to protect public health or welfare or the environment. 3.8 Data and Document Availability. Respondent shall permit the CUPA and its authorized representatives to inspect and copy all sampling, testing, monitoring, and other data generated by Respondent or on Respondent's behalf in any way pertaining to work undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. Respondent shall allow the CUPA and its authorized representatives to take duplicates of any samples collected by Respondent pursuant to this Agreemet. Respondent shall maintain a central depository of the data, reports, and other documents prepared pursuant to this Agreement. All such data, reports, and other documents shall be preserved by Respondent for a minimum of three years after the conclusion of all activities under this Agreement. If the CUPA requests that some or 4 all of these documents be preserved for a longer period of time, Respondent shall either comply with that request, deliver the documents to the CUPA, or permit the CUPA to copy the documents prior to destruction. 3.9 Government Liabilities. The City of Bakersfield shall not be liable for injuries or damages to persons or property resulting from acts or omissions by Respondent or related parties in carrying out activities pursuant to this Agreement, nor shall the City of Bakersfield be held as a party to any contract entered into by Respondent or its agents in -c~-rrying-otJt ac~i~-ities Pursuant to the Agme~ne~.-' 3.10 Additional Enforcement Actions. By issuance of this Order, the CUPA does not waive the right to take further enforcement actions. 3.11 Incorporation of Plans and Reports. All plans, schedules, and reports that require CUPA approval and are submitted by respondent pursuant to this Agreeement are incorporated in this Order upon approval by the CUPA. 3.12 Extension Request. If Respondent is unable to perform any activity or submit any document within the time required under this Agreement, the Respondent may, prior to expiration of the time, request an extension of time in writing. The extension request shall include a justification for the delay. 3.13 Extension Approvals. If the CUPA determines that good cause exists tor an extension, it will grant the request and specify in writing a new compliance schedule. 3.14 Penalties for Noncompliance. Failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement may also subject Respondent to costs, penalties, and/or punitive damages for any costs incurred by the CUPA or other government agencies as a result of such failure, as provided by the California Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 25188 and other applicable provisions of law. 5 3.15 Parties Bound. This Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon Respondent, and its officers, directors and agents, including but not limited to individuals, and upon the CUPA and any successor agency that may have responsibility for and jurisdiction over the subject matter of this agreement. $ 2,937 is PENALTY The CUPA assesses a penalty of $ 2,937. Payment of the total penalty of due within thirty (30) days from the effective date of the Agreement. ~ ~-~-S-ponden~s--~h~ck Shall be-i~de-pa'yable' to-Ci~/of Bakersfield;' certified Unified Program Agency, and shall identify the Respondent and Docket Number, as shown in the heading of this case. Respondent shall deliver the penalty payment to: Respondent. Mr. Walter H. Porr, Jr. Deputy City Attorney City Attorney's Office City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 A photocopy of the check shall be sent to: Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 This Agreement is final and effective upon execution by the City and "Days" for purposes of this Agreement means calendar days. 6 Date of Issuance: November 20, 2001. Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield .~_~'_en Empire Transit District Typed or Printed Name of Respondent's Representative Date Date CC: Mr. Walter H. Porr, Jr. Deputy City Attorney City Attorney's Office City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 7 A Pollution Solution NoVember 16, 2001 Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Ave¢ue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: As discussed .during our November 16th telephone conversation, I would like to confer 'informallY Wit~-:you'~ mendi~'ned'~iDbc~ N0~(-~00!2~6 Enforcement Order on TuesdaY November 20, 2001, 10:00 at the Office of Environmental ser~i'ces. 'I'shali provide a description of the procedures for the safe disposal of brake drum hazardous material and to comply with the order and a'ny recommendations offered by your department. Our Mr:.Willi.am Scroggins, GET Facility Supervisor is intimately involved with this situation and has research the proper methods for disposal including transport and handling, most notably with the Kern.' County Waste Management program and it's resources. As this was 'the only exception to Mr. Wines inspection, and as we are now aware of the inherent hazardous condition, and remedies we request your consideration particularly as it relates to the penalty imposed in the order. Please find enclosed the Acknowledgment of Receipt, Docket No. 2001-06 Enforcement Order. i l}5oi~-t$ffw-~-d FGbu?~hleetifig. - Sincerely, J. Steve Woods Deputy Chief Executive Officer 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301-1012 (661) 324-9874 FAX (661) 869-6394 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT Without admitting the violations, I acknowledge receipt of this Enforcement Order, Statement to Respondent, Certification of Compliance form, and two copies of the form entitled Notice of Defense. DATED: //- /~ - O / /x~gnature Print Name and Title S:\NOV 2001\EnforcementOrder(GET),wpd BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT M EM O R.A N D U M DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 6, 2001 Susan Chichester,.Business Manager es~ Ralph E. Huey, Director of Prevention Servic Administrative Enforcement Order Attached please find a copy of the ConSent Agreement for Golden.Empire Transit District's Administrative Enforcement order, and the check for $2,937.00 assessed ~.l~nalty for this,. violation. Our cost of investigation and enforcement was $1,000.00. The remaining $1,937.00 is to be split 50/50 with the State Department of Toxic Substance Control. · - We should'therefore send $968.50 to the'state and retain $1,968.50 in the sPeCialEnforcement account. I will draft a letter to the state to accompany the check. Please let me know when we will be sending their share. Thank you. attachment STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY In the Matter of: GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT a California special transit district Respondent. Docket No.: 2001-06 CONSENT AGREEMENT Health and Safety Code Section 25187 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Parties. The Office of Environmental Services for the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, a Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) authorized by the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cai/EPA) to administer and enforce the Hazardous Substance Control Act in the City of Bakersfield, issues this Consent Agreement (Agreement) to Golden Empire Transit District, a California special transit district. 1.2. Site. Respondent generated, handled, treated, stored, and/or disposed of hazardous waste at the following site(s), including, but not limited to: 1830 Golden State Highway, Bakersfield, California 93308. 1.3 Generator. The Respondent generated the following hazardous wastes: metal dust and machining waste, a "listed" hazardous waste (California Waste Code Number 172) pursuant to Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 66261.126 Appendix XII (b). 1.4 Jurisdiction. Section 25187 of the Health and Safety Code (HSC) authorizes the CUPA to order action necessary to correct violations and assess a penalty when the CUPA determines that any person has violated specified provisions of the Health and Safety Code or any permit, rule, regulation, standard, or requirement issued or adopted pursuant thereto. DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS 2. The CUPA hereby determines that Respondent violated: 2.1 The Hazardous Waste Control Law (California Health and Safety Code section 25100, et seq, to wit: section 25189.5. Disposal, treatment or storage at, or transo0rtation to, facilities without permits or at unauthorized Doints. On August 1, 2001, a hazardous waste generator inspection was conducted at the site for compliance with regulatory standards as well as assessing the potential for environmental contamination associated with a recent unauthorized release of diesel fuel at the fuel dispenser. 2.2 On August 3, 2001, a notice to comply was issued to the facility, ordering a hazardous waste determination to be made for the brake lathe metal dust and machining waste which was being regularly disposed of into the municipal trash. 2.3 On August 28, 2001, laboratory results from the sample of brake lathe metal dust confirmed that the waste is considered a hazardous waste in California, due to the high concentrations of total Chromium, an inorganic persistent and bioaccumulative toxic metal. SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE 3. Based on the forgoing DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND AGREED TO THAT: 3.1 Respondent shall make all necessary arrangements to properly manage the brake lathe metal dust and machining material as either an excluded recyclable material marked clearly with the words"Excluded Recyclable Material," or a "Hazardous Waste" and 2 alternatively managed as such, within (30) days from the effective date of this Agreement. 3.2 Submittals. A copy of the GET Standard Program Policy and Procedure for Hazardous Waste: Brake Drum Shavings, dated November 16, 2001, has been received by the CUPA, in care of: Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 3.3 Communications. All approvals and decisions of the CUPA made regarding submittals and notifications will be communicated to Respondent in writing by the Director of Prevention Services, or his/her designee. No informal advice, guidance, suggestions, or comments by the CUPA regarding reports, plans, specifications, schedules, or any writings by the Respondent shall be construed to relieve Respondent of the obligation to obtain such formal approvals as may be required. 3.4 CUPA Review and Approval. If the CUPA determines that the schedule, or other submitted for approval pursuant to this agreement fails to comply with the agreement or fails to protect public health or safety or the environment, the CUPA may: Modify the document as deemed necessary and approve the document as ao modified, or b. Return the document to Respondent with recommended changes and a date by which Respondent with recommended changes and a date by which Respondent must submit to the CUPA a revised document incorporating the recommended changes. 3.5 Compliance with Applicable Laws. Respondent shall carry out this Agreement in compliance with all local, State, and federal requirements, including but not 3 limited to requirements to obtain permits and to assure worker safety. 3.6 Endangerment during Implementation. In the event that the CUPA determines that any circumstances or activity (whether or not pursued in compliance with this Agreement) are creating an imminent or substantial endangerment to the health or welfare of people on the site or in the surrounding area or to the environment, the CUPA may order Respondent to stop further implementation of this Agreement for such period of time as needed to abate the endangerment. Any deadline in this Agreement directly affected by a Stop Work Order under this section shall be extended for the term of the Stop Work Order. 3.7 Liability. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations of Respondent...other than those violations alleged in section 2 of this order. Notwithstanding compliance with the terms of this Agreement, Respondent may be required to take further actions as are necessary to protect public health or welfare or the environment. 3.8 Data and Document Availability. Respondent shall permit the CUPA and its authorized representatives to inspect and copy all sampling, testing, monitoring, and other data geherated by Respondent or on Respondent's behalf in any way pertaining to work undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. Respondent shall allow the CUPA and its authorized representatives to take duplicates of any samples collected by Respondent pursuant to this Agreemet. Respondent shall maintain a central depository of the data, reports, and other documents prepared pursuant to this Agreement. All such data, reports, and other documents shall be preserved by Respondent for a minimum of three years after the conclusion of all activities under this Agreement. If the CUPA requests that some or 4 all of these documents be preserved for a longer period of time, Respondent shall either comply with that request, deliver the documents to the CUPA, or permit the CUPA to copy the documents prior to destruction. 3.9 Government Liabilities. The City of Bakersfield shall not be liable for injuries or damages to persons or property resulting from acts or omissions by Respondent or related parties in carrying out activities pursuant to this Agreement, nor shall the City of Bakersfield be held as a party to any contract entered into by Respondent or its agents in carrying out activities pursuant to the Agreement. 3.10 Additional Enforcement Actions. By issuance of this Order, the CUPA does not waive the right to take further enforcement actions. 3.11 Incorporation of Plans and Reports:. All plans, schedules, and reports that require CUPA approval and are submitted by respondent pursuant to this Agreeement are incorporated in this Order upon approval by the CUPA. 3.12 Extension Request. If Respondent is unable to perform any activity or submit any document within the time required under this Agreement, the Respondent may, prior to expiration of the time, request an extension of time in writing. The extension request shall include a justification for the delay. 3.13 Extension Approvals. If the CUPA determines that good cause exists for an extension, it will grant the request and specify in writing a new compliance schedule. 3.14 Penalties for Noncompliance. Failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement may also subject Respondent to costs, penalties, and/or punitive damages for any costs incurred by the CUPA or other government agencies as a result of such failure, as provided by the California Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 25188 and other applicable provisions of law. 5 3.15 Parties Bound. This Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon Respondent, and its officers, directors and agents, including but not limited to individuals, and upon the CUPA and any successor agency that may have responsibility for and jurisdiction over the subject matter of this agreement. PENALTY 4. The CUPA assesses a penalty of $ 2,937. $ 2,937 is due within thirty Respondent's check shall be Program Agency, and shall identify the Respondent and Docket Number, as shown in the heading of this case. Respondent shall deliver the penalty payment to: Payment of the total penalty of (30) days from the effective date of the Agreement. made payable to City of Bakersfield, Certified Unified o Respondent. Mr. Walter H. Porr, Jr. Deputy City Attorney City Attorney's Office City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 A photocopy of the check shall be sent to: This Agreement is Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 final and effective upon execution by the City and "Days" for purposes of this Agreement means calendar days. 6 Date of Issuance: November 20, 2001. Mr. Ralpl~<~_u~/~'~ Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield Typed or Printed Name of Respondent's Representative Date Date CC: Mr. Walter H. Porr, Jr. Deputy City Attorney City Attorney's Office City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 7 BAKE~RSFIELD CALIFORNIA FAX Tl~ansmittal cover Sheet Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Se~rvices 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 FAX No. (,66I..) 326.0576 · Bus No. (:6~) 326-3979 TO: COMPANY: ~-~ ~ ~- FROM: .o° FAXNo. ~, 6~9~ COMMENTS: 03) The used oil is used or reused on the site where it was generated or is excluded under paragraph (3) of subdivision (d), is managed in accordance with the applicable requirements of Part 279 (commencing with Section 279. i) of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and is not any of the following: (i) Used in a manna constituting-disposal or used to produce a product that is applied to land. Burned for energy recovery or used to produce a fuel unless the used oil is excluded under subparagraph 03) or (C) ofparagraph (2) of subdivision (d). (iii) Accumulated speculatively. (iv) Determined to be inherently wastelike pursuant to regulations adopted by the department. (0(1) Any person who manages a recyclable material under a claim that the material qualifies for exclusion or exemption pursuant to this section shall provide, upon request, to the department, the Environmental Protection Agency, or any local agency or official authorized to bring an action as provided in Section 25180, all of the following i~ormation: (A) The name, street and mailing address, and telephone number of the owner or operator of any facility that manages the material. 03) Any other information related to the management by that person of the material requested by the department, the Environmental Protection Agency, or the authorized local agency Or official. Any person claiming an exclusion or an exemption pursuant to this section shall maint~~e r~ords to dem.o.n~rate to ~e .satisfaction of~the requestin~ agency or official that there is a known market or dmposmon for the material, and that the requirements of any exemption or eXClUSiOn pursuant to tlus section are filet. (3) For purposes of determining gust the conditions for exclusion from classification as a waste pursuant to this section are filet, any person, facility, site, or vehicle ~ngaged in the management of a material under a claim that the material is excluded from classification as a waste pursuant to this section shall be subject to Section 25185. (~ c~'r~c~. ~,S~e..r~ ~ ~oo~ va~- For purposes of Chapter 6.8 (commencing with Section 25300), recyclable materials excluded from classification as a waste pursuant to this section are not excluded from the definition of hazardous substances in subdivision (g) of Section 25316. 12 12/03/01 11:27 8661 326 0576 BFD BAZ MAT DIV ~001 *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT 2305 12/03 11:24 02'12 2 OK 8696393 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: November 20, 2001 Walter H. Porr, Jr., Deputy City Attorney Ralph E. Huey, Director of Prevention Service~/~?/ Administrative Enforcement Orders Today, November 20, 2001, we have concluded the informal heating on the Administrative Enforcement Order for Golden Empire Transit District, as well as KS Fabrication and Machine Inc. Both parties have agreed to the terms included in the consent agreements attached. The penalty for Golden Empire Transit will be $2, 937.00 of which $968.00 will go to the state. The penalty for KS Fabrication will be $3,000.00 of which $1,000.00 will go to the state. Walt, as outlined in the Penalty section of agreement, these checks will come to you. Please then forward same to me at your convenience. Thank you. REH/dm attachment c~m~trff-W'in--~ _ri Postage $ · 34 13-1 Certified Fee ~) · 1 0 Postmark ri Return Receipt Fee ~[ ° 5 0 Here r-1 (Endorsement Required) [~ Restricted Deflvery Fee r-'t (Endorsement Required) r-1 Total Postage & Fees $ 3.9 4 m u'ii Sent To 4[ Ch~ester C Moland r~/;~i~i~"~/~ '/~:f~F P~ '~,' ~,'.' .......................................................... ~n[ 1830 Golden State Highway ~aKerszie±d ~ ~.~Ju . · C 31ete items 1,2, and 3. Also complete i~,,.~ if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: MrS. Chester C Moland GolM,~n Empire Transit District 18.30 Golden State Highway B~kersfield CA 93301 D. Is delivery address different from item 17 [] Yes If YES, eh,teddelivery address below: [] No 3. Service Type i~l Certified Mail [] Express Mail [] Registered [] Return Receipt for Merchandise [] Insured Mail [] C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) [] Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) 7000 1530 0006 3456 3171 PS F~V3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-00-M-0952 D FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 November 20, 2001 Mr. Chester C. Moland, Chief Executive Officer Golden Empire Transit District 1830 Golden State Highway Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Consent Agreement for Docket No: 2001-06 Dear Mr. Moland: Enclosed, please find the Consent Agreement for your signature. You may make a copy for your own records and internal routing, as needed. However, please return the original with both our signatures to me for the official file. Submittal of penalty is to be sent under separate cover, but not later than specified in the agreement. If you have any questions, please call me at 661-326-3979. Sincerely, ~alph~ Director of Prevention Services REH/dm enclosure: Consent Agreement (original) STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY In the Matter of: --.~ GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT a California special transit district Respondent. Agreement (Agreement) district. 1.2. Site. Docket No.: 2001-06 CONSENT AGREEMENT Health and Safety Code Section 25187 INTRODUCTION Respondent generated, handled, treated, stored, and/or disposed of hazardous waste at the following site(s), including, but not limited to: 1830 Golden State Highway, Bakersfield, California 93308. 1.3 Generator. The Respondent generated the following hazardous wastes: metal dust and machining waste, a "listed" hazardous waste (California Waste Code Number 172) pursuant to Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 66261.126 Appendix XII (b). 1.4 Jurisdiction. Section 25187 of the Health and Safety Code (HSC) authorizes the CUPA to order action necessary to correct violations and assess a penalty when the 1.1. Parties. The Office of Environmental Services for the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, a Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) authorized by the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cai/EPA) to administer and enforce the Hazardous Substance Control Act in the City of Bakersfield, issues this Consent to Golden Empire Transit District, a California special transit CUPA determines that any person has violated specified provisions of the Health and Safety Code or any permit, rule, regulation, standard, or requirement issued or adopted pursuant thereto. DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS 2. The CUPA hereby determines that Respondent violated: 2.1 The Hazardous Waste Control Law (California Health and Safety Code section 25100, et seq, to wit: section 25189.5. Disposal, treatment or storage at, or transportation to, facilities without permits or at unauthorized Doints. On August 1,2001, a hazardous waste generator inspection was conducted at the site for compliance with regulatory standards as well as assessing the potential for environmental contamination associated with a recent unauthorized release of diesel fuel at the fuel dispenser. 2.2 On August 3, 2001, a notice to comply was issued to the facility, ordering a hazardous waste determination to be made for the brake lathe metal dust and machining waste which was being regularly disposed of into the municipal trash. 2.3 On August 28, 2001, laboratory results from the sample of brake lathe metal dust confirmed that the waste is considered a hazardous waste in California, due to the high concentrations of total Chromium, an inorganic persistent and bioaccumulative toxic metal. SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE 3. Based on the forgoing DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND AGREED TO THAT: 3.1 Respondent shall make all necessary arrangements to properly manage the brake lathe metal dust and machining material as either an excluded recyclable material marked clearly with the words "Excluded Recyclable Material," or a "Hazardous Waste" and 2 alternatively managed as such, within (30) days from the effective date of this Agreement. 3.2 Submittals. A copy of the GET Standard Program Policy and Procedure for Hazardous Waste: Brake Drum Shavings, dated November 16, 2001, has been received by the CUPA, in care of: Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 3.3 Communications. All approvals and decisions of the CUPA made regarding submittals and notifications will be communicated to Respondent in writing by the Director of Prevention Services, or his/her designee. No informal advice, guidance, suggestions, or comments by the CUPA regarding reports, plans, specifications, schedules, or any writings by the Respondent shall be construed to relieve Respondent of the obligation to obtain such formal approvals as may be required. 3.4 CUPA Review and Approval. or other submitted for approval pursuant If the CUPA determines that the schedule, to this agreement fails to comply with the agreement or fails to protect public health or safety or the environment, the CUPA may: Modify the document as deemed necessary and approve the document as ao modified, or b. Return the document to Respondent with recommended changes and a date by which Respondent with recommended changes and a date by which Respondent must submit to the CUPA a revised document incorporating the recommended changes. 3.5 Compliance with Applicable Laws. Respondent shall carry out this Agreement in compliance with all local, State, and federal requirements, including but not 3 limited to requirements to obtain permits and to assure worker safety. 3.6 Endangerment during Implementation. In the event that the CUPA determines that any circumstances or activity (whether or not pursued in compliance with this Agreement) are creating an imminent or substantial endangerment to the health or welfare of people on the site or in the surrounding area or to the environment, the CUPA may order Respondent to stop further implementation of this Agreement for such period of time as needed to abate the endangerment. Any deadline in this Agreement directly affected by a Stop Work Order under this section shall be extended for the term of the Stop Work Order. 3.7 Liability. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations of Respondent...other than those violations alleged in section 2 of this order. Notwithstanding compliance with the terms of this Agreement, Respondent may be required to take further actions as are necessary to protect public health or welfare or the environment. 3.8 Data and Document Availability. Respondent shall permit the CUPA and its authorized representatives to inspect and copy all sampling, testing, monitoring, and other data generated by Respondent or on Respondent's behalf in any way pertaining to work undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. Respondent shall allow the CUPA and its authorized representatives to take .duplicates of any samples collected by Respondent pursuant to this Agreemet. Respondent shall maintain a central depository of the data, reports, and other documents prepared pursuant to this Agreement. All such data, reports, and other documents shall be preserved by Respondent for a minimum of three years after the conclusion of all activities under this Agreement. If the (3UPA requests that some or 4 all of these documents be preserved for a longer period of time, Respondent shall either comply with that request, deliver the documents to the (:;UPA, or permit the CUPA to copy the documents prior to destruction. 3.9 Government Liabilities. The City of Bakersfield shall not be liable for injuries or damages to persons or property resulting from acts or omissions by Respondent or related parties in carrying out activities pursuant to this Agreement, nor shall the City of Bakersfield be held as a party to any contract entered into by Respondent or its agents in carrying out activities pursuant to the Agreement. 3.10 Additional Enforcement Actions. By issuance of this Order, the CUPA does not waive the right to take further enforcement actions. 3.11 Incorporation of Plans and Reports. All plans, schedules, and reports that require CUPA approval and are submitted by respondent pursuant to this Agreeement are incorporated in this Order upon approval by the CUPA. 3.12 Extension Request. If Respondent is unable to perform any activity or submit any document within the time required under this Agreement, the Respondent may, prior to expiration of the time, request an extension of time in writing. The extension request shall include a justification for the delay. 3.13 Extension Approvals. If the CUPA determines that good cause exists for an extension, it will grant the request and specify in writing a new compliance schedule. 3.14 Penalties for Noncompliance. Failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement may also subject Respondent to costs, penalties, and/or punitive damages for any costs incurred by the (3UPA or other government agencies as a result of such failure, as provided by the California Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 25188 and other applicable provisions of law. 5 3.15 Parties Bound. This Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon Respondent, and its officers, directors and agents, including but not limited to individuals, and upon the CUPA and any successor agency that may have responsibility for and jurisdiction over the subject matter of this agreement. PENALTY 4. The CUPA assesses a penalty of $ 2,937. Payment of the total penalty of $ 2,937 is due within thirty (30) days from the effective date of the Agreement. Respondent's check shall be made payable to City of Bakersfield, Certified Unified Program Agency, and shall identify the Respondent and Docket Number, as shown in the heading of this case. o Respondent. Respondent shall deliver the penalty payment to: Mr. Walter H. Porr, Jr. Deputy City Attorney City Attorney's Office City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 A photocopy of the check shall be sent to: Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 This Agreement is final and effective upon execution by the City and "Days" for purposes of this Agreement means calendar days. 6 Date of Issuance: November 20, 2001. Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield Date Golden Empire Transit District Date Typed or Printed Name of Respondent's Representative CC: Mr. Walter H. Porr, Jr. Deputy City Attorney City Attorney's Office City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 7 GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT STANDARD PROGRAM POLZCY AND PROCEDURE HAZARDOUS WASTE: Brake Drum Shavings PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE To describe hazardous waste procedures, identify storage, handling and Transportation procedures. REFERENCES Title 22 of California Code of Regulations REVIEW AND APPROVAL Program policy and procedures will be reviewed at least annually and revised as often as required. RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer to assure that this policy is strictly adhered to. The Maintenance Manager and Maintenance Supervisory staff shall be operationally knowledgeable of the contents of this procedure. Brake Drum Shavings Collection Procedures 1) A steel barrel shall be placed directly under the brake drum as the drum is being turned, in order to catch and contain the shavings. 2) The barrel shall be in place at all times during operation of the lathe. 3) The barrel shall be tagged Hazardous Waste, including Generator Information, Physical State, Hazardous Properties and Accumulation start date. Storage requirements and limitations 1) The shaving cannot be stored for more than ninety days from the accumulation start date. Transportation and disposal of shavings 1) Kern County Waste Management Department will be handling the disposal of the Savings. Golden Empire Transit District November 16, 2001 Authored by: Bill Scroggins, Facility Supervisor 2) Kern county Waste Management shall issue Golden Empire Transit District a Variance to transport the shaving to their facility located at 4951 Standard Street, Bakersfield, CA. 3) Prior to transportation the barrel shall be sealed and checked for proper labeling. 4) Where permissible, the brake shavings may be recycled through sale or disposal with a qualified recycler. A record shall be obtained evidencing this type of disposal in full compliance with state regulations. Training of personnel handling I transporting shavings 1) Only properly trained employees shall handle the shavings. 2) Training shall include safe storage and handling, spill cleanup, record keeping, and transportation. Golden Empire Transit District November 16, 2001 Authored by: Bill Scroggins, Facility Supervisor A Pollution Solution November 16, 2001 Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: As discussed during our November 16th telephone conversation, I would like to confer informally with you as mentioned in Docket No. :'2001-06 Enforcement Order on Tuesday Noverhber 20, 2001, 10:00 at the'Office -of EnvirOnm~nfal services.- I'shall ~Sf0¥id~/=d~i-i'l~ti~Sii of the procedures foi~ the safe dispOsal of brake drum haZardous material and t6 6ohiply with' the order and any recommendations offered by your department. Our Mr. William Scroggins, GET Facility Supervisor is intimately involved with this situation and has research the proper methods for disposal including transport and handling, most notably with the Kern County Waste Management program and it's resources. As this was the only exception to Mr. Wines inspection, and as we are now aware of the inherent hazardous condition, and remedies we request your consideration particularly as it relates to the penalty imposed in the order. Please find enclosed the Acknowledgment of Receipt, Docket No. 2001-06 Enforcement Order. I look forward to our meeting. Sincerely, J. Steve Woods Deputy Chief Executive Officer 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301-1012 (661) 324-9874 FAX (661) 869-6394 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT Without admitting the violations, I acknowledge receipt of this Enforcement Order, Statement to Respondent, Certification of Compliance form, and two copies of the form entitled Notice of Defense. DATED: ,~gnature · ~ Pfint~Name and--T-itle $:\NOV 200 l\EnforcementOrder(GET).wpd CITY OF BAKERSHELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 FACILITY INFORMATION Business Activities I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION Page __ of 7 FACILITY ID #(Fer office use only - please leave blank) I EPA ID # 2 DB.AIFAClLITY NAME · Does Your Facility.....' ' · . :..: 7' · : If Yes, Please Complete... . - A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS { OYES ONO 4 V' OES ·FORM 2731 (Che~ica~ Desc~paon Fo.n) 1. Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or ¢' CONSOLIDATED COMPLIANCE PLAN above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 Minimum required plannin,q elements: cuft for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and · Emergency Response Plan USTs)? · Maps 2. Have any amount of an explosive matedal (other than OYES ONO s · Training ammunition) on site? · Prevention · Certifications B. REGULATED SUBSTANCES (RS) OYES ONO 6 ~' OES FORM 2731 (Chernical Description Form) Have onsite RS at greater than the threshold planning quantities established by the California Accidental Release Prevention program (CalARP)? · Incorporating CalARP Program Elements C. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) OYES ~)NO ? 1. Own or operate Underground Storage Tanks? 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? OYES (~NO ~ UST INSTALLATION FORM (one per tank) D. TANK CLOSURE / REMOVAL " OYES ONO 9 V' UST TANK FORM (dosure section--one per tank) 1. Need to report closing a UST that held hazardous materials or waste? 2. Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that was OYES ONO l0 v' TANK CLOSURE FORM classified as hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? E. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) OYES ONO ll V' CONSOLIDATED COMPLIANCE PLAN Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: any tank · Incorporating Federal Spill Prevention capacity is greater than 660 gallons or the total capacity Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) for the facility is greater than. 1,320 gallons. Elements pursuant to 40 CFR Part 112 F. HAZARDOUS WASTE: v' EPA ID number--provide on this page 1. Generate hazardous waste? OYES ONO 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/mo of recyclable materials at OYES ONO 13 v~ RECYCLING FORM the same location it was generated? 3. Recycle more than 100 kg/mo of recyclable materials at OYES ONO 14 v' RECYCLING FORM an offsite location different from the point of generation? 4. Treat Hazardous Waste on site? OYES ONO 15 ¢ TP FACILITY FORM (DTSC Form 1772) 5. Subject to Financial Assurance requirements? OYES ONO ~6 v' CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE 6. Consolidate Hazardous Waste generated at a remote OYES ONO l? v' REMOTE WASTE / CONSOLIDATION SITE site? NOTIFICATION FORM G. PERMIT CONSOLIDATION ZONE: OYES ONO 18 ¢ CONSOLIDATED COMPLIANCE PLAN Intend to consolidate other Cai/EPA agency permits? · Incorporating all other environmental (if yes, please complete Section III and attach) permit requirements per 27 CCR 10410 NOTE: ::" · · · V If you checked YES to any p~rt of Sections' IIA-iiG ab°~,='th~r~ i~: ~dditi~n to the form~ requested· above, please Submit OES Form 2730. UPCF (7/99) S:~CUPAFO RMS'~ACTIVI'FY.wpd .... CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFIC DF ENVIRONMENTAL SER CES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT FOR EXCLUDED OR EXEMPTED MATERIALS ONLY , j, FACILITY ID # , ~i~i .... 'I~I' 1 E PA ' D ~./~ ~)~.~,/?C///.,~_/~_~' BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doin9 Business As) DATES OF REPORTING BEGINNING DATE 500 ENDING DATE Page of 501 ',~,,~ ,,.::~< '.,; ~:~:~:¥~O~~' ;5: ' c.;~.,~'~:~'~:;', ' , , , '': ,' . ,:'- ~,,, .... ~ ~- :;,'- ' , ' 1. Do you recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or OYES (~NO so2 v' If YES you are both the generator and recycler. exempted recyclable material at the same location at which the material was generated (onsite recycling)? Do you recycle more than 100 kg/month of non-manifested, excluded recyclable materials received from an offsite location (offsite recycling)? OYES ~-~'0 5O3 Complete one Recyclable Materials Report. Do not complete Pads II and V. If YES, you are an off=site recycler but not the generator. Complete a Recyclable Materials Report for each generator that sends you materials. - Businesses that only send recyclable materials to an offsite recycler are not required to file this report. -- OffSl~ GENE~TOR OF RECYC~BLE ~TERIAL 5~ OFFSI~ GENE~TOR EPA ID ~ 505 STREET ADDRESS 506 [PHONE 507 ~ILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERS) ,'. 511 CITY 512 STATE 513 ZIP CODE 514 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those directly responsible for gathering the information, the information is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIER DATE 515 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER NAME OF SIGNER (print) 517 I TITLE OF SIGNER .,~ 518 TOTAL NUMBER OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS 519 Page of 516 UPCF (7/99) S:\CU PAFORMS\recycle.doc Recyclable Materials Biennial Report Page I Complete this report if you recycle more than 100 kilograms per month of recyclable material under a claim that the material qualifies for an exclusion or exemption pursuant to HSC §25143.2. Facilities that recycle at the same location at which the material was generated (onsite recyclers) and facilities that recycle materials generated at an offsite location (offsite recyclers) must complete a report. Persons who send materials to another location to be recycled, and who do not recycle material onsite under a claim to an exclusion or exemption provided in HSC § 25143.2, need not complete a report. Offsite recyclers must complete one report for each generator from whom they receive recyclable materials. Complete a separate Page 2 of the Report for each recyclable material. When this report is submitted, provide a copy of the completed report to the generator of the material recycled. Refer to HSC §25143.10 for reporting requirements for recyclers. (Note: the numbering of the instructions follows the data element numbers that are on the UPCF pages. These data element numbers are used for electronic submission and are the same as the numbering used in 27 CCR, Appendix C, the Business Section of the Unified Program Data Dictionary.) Please number all pages of your submittal. This helps your CUPA or local agency identify Whether the submittal is complete and if any pages are separated. 1. FACILITY ID NUMBER - Leave this blank. This number is assigned by the CUPA. This is the unique number that identifies your facility. 2. EPA ID 'NUMBER - Enter your facility's 12-character U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) or California Identification number. For facilities in California, the number usually starts with the letters "CA". If you do not have a number contact the DTSC Telephone Information Center at (916) 324-1781, (800) - 61-TOXIC or (800) 61-86942, to obtain one. 3. BUSINESS NAME - Enter the full legal name of the business. 500. BEGINNING DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD - Enter the beginning date of the reporting period for this report. This report is for two calendar years and is due on July 1 of every even-numbered year. 501. ENDING DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD - Enter the ending date of the reporting period for this report. 502. ONSITE RECYCLING - Check "Yes" if the recycling facility recycles more than 100 kilograms per month of recyclable material generated onsite under a claim that the matedal qualifies for an exclusion or exemption pursuant to HSC §25143.2. Check "No" if the recycling facility does not recycle onsite. 503. OFFSlTE RECYCLING - Check "Yes" if the recycling facility recycles more than 100 kilograms per month of recyclable material under a claim that the matedal qualifies for an exclusion, or exemption pursuant to HSC §25143.2, and'that material was received from one or more offsite locations. Check "No" if the recycling facility does not recycle matedal generated offsite. OFFSITE GENERATOR NAME - If the generator is different from the recycler, enter the name of the person that generated the recyclable material. Complete a separate report for each generator. OFFSlTE GENERATOR EPA ID NUMBER - Enter the generator's 12-character U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identification number. If the generator needs but does not yet have an identification number, the owner or operator can contact the Telephone Information Center at (916) 324-17~81. OFFSITE GENERATOR STREET ADDRESS I Complete items 506 - 510 for each generator of recyclable OFFSlTE GENERATOR PHONE NUMBER I material. OFFSITE GENERATOR CITY OFFSITE GENERATOR STATE OFFSITE GENERATOR ZIP CODE 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. OFFSITE GENERATOR MAILING ADDRESS 512. CITY FOR MAILING ADDRESS 513. STATE FOR MAILING ADDRESS 514. ZIP CODE FOR MAILING ADDRESS Complete items 5'11 - 514 if the mailing address for the offsite generator is different from the street address. 515. 516. 517. 518. SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIER - The business owner/operator of the recycling facility shall sign in the space provided. · This signature certifies that'the signer believes that the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. DATE CERTIFIED - Enter the date that the certification was signed. NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER - Enter the name of the person who prepared the report. CERTIFIER NAME - Enter the full printed name of the certifier. CERTIFIER TITLE - Enter the title of the person signing the report. UPCF (1/99 revised) 17 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~~,~~ OFFI~ OF ENVIRONMENTAL SEI~CES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT FOR EXCLUDED OR EXEMPTED MATERIALS ONLY 521 523 RECYCLABLE 520 COMMON NAME OF RECYCLABLE, MATERIAL MATERIA' NUMBER /~7-~ 5/--//~u/,~ ~ RECYCLABLE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY DURING TWO YEAR REPORTING PERIOD 522 UNITS [] a. Gallons "'~. Pounds [] c. Tons [] d. Kilograms 524 .ECYCL,.G PROCESS^NO BE.EF,C,^L USE OF RECVCLAS'E MATER,^' ~,,~r'~r~, 5'c,-~,,~ .~,,~ 525 AUTHORIZING PROVISION OF 526 BASIS FOR CLAIM TO AN EXCLUSION OR EXEMPTION 527 HSC SECTION 25143.2 2 3 4 Only C°mPle~e if recYclable':~tedaI w~ Used'b rn~e, ° r ~bbstttuie::for a ProduCt: and operating pursuant to HSC Section 25143.2(b) HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENT LIST FINAL PRODUCT(S) HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENT In Recyclable Material In Final Product MADE FROM THIS RECYCLABLE MATERIAL AND BENEFICIAL USE OF FINAL PRODUCT(S) "' 528 i 529 ' 531 533 UNITS 530 UNITS 532 [] a. perce~t [] b. ppm r"i a. percent [] b. ppm 534 535 537 539 UNITS 535 UNITS 538 ... [] a. percent [] b. ppm [] a. percent [] b. ppm 54O 541 543 545 UNITS 542 UNITS 544 [] a. perce~t [] b. ppm i-I a. percent [] b. 546 547 549 551 UNITS 548 UNITS 550 [] a. perce~t t-J b. ppm [] a. percent [] b. ppm If more ~han four constituents are recycled, attach additional sheets using this same format. ': :: ::" :. ',}'::',' :' V. DOCUMENTATION OFKNOWN MARKET(offsite recycle/'s only) 552 DOCUMENTATION IS ATTACHED: Offsite mcyclers must attach documentation that them was a known market for disposition of the recyclable material and any products manufactured from the recyclable material and provide a copy of this report to the generator when Ihe report is submitted to the CUPA. (HSC Section 25143,10(a)(3)(A) ) UPCF (7~99) S:\CUPAFORMS\recycle.doc Recyciable Materials Biennial Report Page 2 Complete a separate Page 2 of the Report for each recyclable material. (Note: the numbering of the instructions follows the data element numbers that are on the UPCF pages. These data element numbers are used for electronic submission and are the same as the numbering used in 27 CCR, Appendix C, the Business Section of the Unified Program Data Dictionary.) Please number all pages of your submittal. This helps your CUPA or AA identify whether the submittal is complete and if any pages are separated. 519. TOTAL NUMBER OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS - Enter the total number of recyclable materials which will be described in this report. Complete a separate Report Page 2 for each recyclable material and verify that the number of pages is the same as the total number listed here. 520. RECYCLABLE MATERIAL NUMBER - Enter the unique identification number of the recyclable material that is described on this page. The recyclable materials can be numbered sequentially, or by any other system as long as the numbers are not repeated or duplicated. 521. COMMON NAME (RECYCLABLE MATERIAL) - Enter the common name'of the material recycled. This is the same as item' 207, the Common Name on the Hazardous Materials Inventory - Chemical Description page. 522. QUANTITY DURING TWO YEAR REPORTING PERIOD - Enter the total quantity of this recyclable material recycled during the two-year reporting pedod. Round to nearest decimal. In this case, 1.4 tons = 1 ton reported. 523. UNITS - Enter the unit of measure for the quantity reported in item 522. 524. RECYCLABLE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - Describe the recyclable material that was used in the recycling process, if not described in item 521, COMMON NAME. 525. RECYCLABLE MATERIAL PROCESS DESCRIPTION - Describe the recycling process and, if the recyclable material was used to provide a product, or was used as a substitute for a product, describe the beneficial use of the recyclable material. 526, AUTHORIZING PROVISION OF HSC SECTION 25143.2 - Enter the subdivision(s), and subparagraph(s) (if applicable) of HSC §25143.2 that served as the basis for the claim to exemption or exclusion. For example: HSC §25143.2(d)(2)(C). 527. BASIS FOR CLAIM TO EXCLUSION OR EXEMPTION - Explain the basis for the claim to an exclusion or exemption. 528. HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENT 1-4 - Descdbe up to four hazardous constituents ofthe recyclable material (use common name, if appropriate). If more than four constituents of the recyclable material are recycled, attach additional sheets using the same format as on the UPCF. (Report for constituents 2 through 4 in 534, 540, and 546.) .. 529. CONCENTRATION RECYCLABLE MATERIAL 1-4 - Enter the concentrations of Up to four hazardous constituents of the recyclable material as a decimal number. (Report for constituents 2 through 4 in 535, 541, and 547.) 530. UNITS RECYCLABLE MATERIAL 1-4 - Enter the unit of measure of the concentration that is most appropriate, for up to four hazardous constituents of the recyclable material. (Report for constituents 2 through 4 in 536, 542, and 548.) .. 531. CONCENTRATION FINAL PRODUCT 1-4 - Enter the concentrations in the final product of up to four hazardous constituents of the recyclable material as a decimal number. (Report for constituents 2 through 4 in 537, 543, and 549.) ' - 532. UNITS FINAL PRODUCT 1-4 - Enter the unit of measure of the concentration in the final product, for up to four hazardous constituents of the recyclable material. (Report for constituents 2 through 4 in 538, 544, and 550.) 533. FINAL PRODUCT/U..SES FOR CONSTITUENT 1-4 - Describe the final product(s) that resulted from the recycling process and how each product was beneficially used. (Report for constituents 2 through 4 in 539, 545, and 551 .) 552. DOCUMENTATION - For offsite recyclers, check the box to indicate that documentation of known market is provided. Documentation is required pursuant to HSC §25143.10(a)(3)(A) to show that there was a known market for disposition of the recyclable material and any products manufactured from it. UPCF (1/99 revised) 19 ri Postage $ I.~ Certified Fee Postmark _11 Return Receipt Fee 1.5 [ Here i-1 (Endorsement Required) r-1 Restricted Delivery Fee 1:::3(Endorsement Required) r-1 Total Postage & Fees $ 3.9 / u'l I Sent To I 4[ Chester C Moland CEO J c= i~;~;z/,',:'~:;'~;'~a"~;;;,'~: ........................................................... / _/ 1830 Co]_dea St.a..~...e....~..~.~.a.Z .............................. .I III I · C~. ~,ete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete ite~11"~ if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Chester C Moland CEO Golden Empire Transit District 1830 Golden State Highway Bakersfield CA 93301 II A. R~eived by (Ple, ase Print Clearly) Delivery 1~~[~ Agent Addressee [] Yes II If YES, enter deliver~ddress below: [] No I 3. Service Type [ [~[(~l~rtified Mail [] Express Mail [ [] Registered [] Return F 1--1 Insured Mail [] C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) [] Return Receipt for Merchandise [] Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) /~00 1530 0006 3456 308___9 PS ~'~"~/"~ ~: Jul~"~ 199--~' Domestic Return Receipt 102595-00-M-0952 D November 7, 2001 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 Agent for Service of Process: Chester C. Moland, Chief Executive Officer Golden Empire Transit District 1830 Golden State Highway Bakersfield, CA 93301 GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT, DOCKET NO.: 2001-06 To whom it may concern: Enclosed please find an Enforcement Order and related documents concerning violations of Chapter 6.5 of Division 20 of the California Health and Safety Code. This Enforcement Order pertains to the illegal disposal of hazardous waste fi.om the brake lathe metal dust and machining waste and does not preclude this Office from taking additional enforcement and compliance action. As indicated in the enclosures, you have a right to a heating. Whether or not you choose to pursue an appeal, you are encouraged to explore the possibility of settlement by contacting me at 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, telephone (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Director of Prevention Services Enclosures Certified Mail No.:-tt~ 16'x25 c~ Bq~ ~599f1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY In the Matter of: GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT a California special transit district Respondent. Docket No.: 2001-06 NOTICE OF DEFENSE Health and Safety Code Section 25187(d) I, the undersigned Respondent, acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Enforcement Order, Statement to Respondent, Government Code sections 11507.5, 11507.6 and 11507.7, and two copies of this Notice of Defense. I request a headng to permit me to present my defense to the allegations contained in the Enforcement Order. Dated: (Signature of Respondent) Please Type or Print the Name and Mailing Address of Respondent (Name) (Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip) S:~NOV 2001\NotlceofDefense(GET).wpd (Telephone Number) STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY In the Matter of: GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT a California special transit district Respondent. Docket No.: 2001-06 NOTICE OF DEFENSE Health and Safety Code Section 25187(d) I, the undersigned Respondent, acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Enforcement Order, Statement to Respondent, Government Code sections 11507.5, 11507.6 and 11507.7, and two copies of this Notice of Defense. I request a hearing to permit me to present my defense to the allegations contained in the Enforcement Order. Dated: (Signature of Respondent) Please Type or Pdnt the Name and Mailing Address of Respondent (Name) (Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip) 8:~NOV 200 l~lot~ _~_ .~fen~e(G ET).wpd (Telephone Number) ~O'V'~ll2~q'[' COD~ Sec2ion 1~507.5. F~clusivi2~ of d~scove=~ prov~sions The provisions of Section 11507.6 provide the exclusive right to and method of discovery as to any proceeding governed by this chapter. Section 11507.6. Xe~uest for discovez~ After initiation of a proceeding in which a respondent or other party is entitled to a hearing on the merits, a party, upon written request' made to another party, prior to the hearing and within 30 days after service by the agency of the initial pleading or within 15 days after such service of an additional pleading, is entitled to (1) obtain ~he names and addresses of witnesses to the extent known to the other party, including, but not limited to, those intended to be called to testify at the hearing, and (2) inspect and make a copy of any of the following in the possession or custody or under the control of the o~her party: " (a) A statement of a person, other than the respondent, named in the initial administrative pleading, or in any additional pleading, when it is claimed that the act or omission of the respondent as to such person is the basis for the administrative proceeding; (b) A statement pertaining to the subject matter of the proceeding made by any party to another party or person; (c) Statements of witnesses then proposed to be called by' the party'and of other persons having personal knowledge of the acts, omissions or events which are the basis for the proceeding, not included in (a) or (b) above; Cd) Ail writings, including, but not limited to, reports of mental, physical and blood examinations and things which the party then proposes to offer in evidence; (e) Any other writing or thing which is relevant and which would be admissible in evidence; 5 (f) Investigative reports ~ade by or on behalf of the agency or o~her party pertaining to =he subject ma=tar of =he proceeding, to the extent that such reports (1) contain the names and addresses of witnesses or of persons having personal knowledge of the ac=s, omissions or events which are the basis for the proceeding, or (2) reflect matters perceived by the investigator in the course of his or her investigation, or (3) contain or include by attachment any statement or writing described in (a) to (e), inclusive, or sommary thereof. For the purpose of this section, "statements" include written statements by the person signed or otherwise authenticated by him or her, stenographic, mechanical, electrical or other recordings, or transcripts thereof, of oral statements by the person, and written reports or summaries of such oral statements. Nothing in this section shall authorize the inspection or copying of any writing or thing which is privileged from disclosure by law or otherwise made confidential or protected as the attorney's work product. (g) In any proceeding under subdivision (i) or (j) of Section 12940, or Section 19572 or 19702, alleging conduct which constitutes sexual harassment, sexual assault, om sexual batterY, evidence of specific instances of a complainant's sexual conduct with individuals other than the alleged perpetrator' is not discoverable unless it is to b~'offered at a hearing to attack the credibility of the complainant as provided for under subdivision (j) of Section 11513. This subdivision is intended only to limit the scope of discovery; it is not intended to effect the methods of discovery allowed under this section. Section 11507.7. Sanctions Petition to compel discovery; Order; (a) Any party claiming his request for discovery pursuant to Section 11507.6 has not been complied with may serve and file a verified petition to compel discovery in the superior court for the county in which the administrative hearing will be held, naming as respondent the party refusing or failing to comply with Section 11507.6. The petition shall state facts showing the respondent party failed or refused to comply with Section 11507.6, a description of the matters sought to be discovered, the reason or reasons why such matter is discoverable under this section, and the ground or grounds of respondent's refusal so far as known to petitioner. ¢l/~J) (b) The petition shall be served upon respondent party and filed within 15 days after the respondent party first evidenced his failure or refusal to comply with Section 11507.6 or within 30 days after request was made and the party has failed to reply to the request, whichever period is longer. However, no petition may be filed within 15 days of the date set for commencement of the administrative hearing except upon order of the court after motion and notice and for good cause shown. In acting upon such motion, the court shall consider the necessity and reasons for such discovery, the diligence or lack of diligence of the moving party, whether the granting of the motion will delay the commencement of the administrative hearing on the date set, and .the possible prejudice of such action to any party. (c) If from a reading of the petition the court is satisfied that the petition sets for~good cause for relief, the court shall issue an order to show cause directed to the respondent party; otherwise th~ court shall enter an order denying the petition. The order to show cause Shall be served upon the respondent and his attorney of record i~ the administrative proceeding by personal delivery or certified mail and shall be returnable no earlier than 10 days from its issuance nor later than 30 days after the filing of the petition. The respondent party shall have the right to serve and file a written answer or other response to the petition and order to show cause. (d) The court may in its discretion order the administrative proceeding stayed during the pendency of the proceeding, and if necessary for a reasonable time thereafter to afford the parties time to comply with the court order. (e) Where the matter sought to be discovered is under the custody or control of the respondent party and the respondent party asserts that such matter is not a discoverable matter under the provisions of Section 11507.6, or is privileged against disclosure under such provisions, the court may order lodged with it such matters as are provided in subdivision (b) of Section 915 of the Evidence Code and examine such matters in accordance with the provisions thereof. (f) The court shall decide the case on the matters examined by the court in camera, the papers filed by the parties, and such oral argument and additional evidence as the court may allow. (g) Unless otherwise stipulated by the parties, the court shall no later than 30 days after the filing of the petition file its order denying or granting the petition, provided, however, the court may on its own motion for good cause extend such time' an additional 30 days. The order of the court shall be in writing setting forth the matters or parts thereof the petitioner is 'entitled to discover under Section 11507.6. A copy of the order shall forthwith be served by mail by the clerk upon the parties. Where the order grants the petition in whole or in part, such order shall not become effective until 10 days after the date the order is served by the clerk. Where the order denies relief to the petitioning party, the order shall be effective on the date it is served by the clerk. (h) The order of the superior court shall be final and not subject to review by appeal. A party aggrieved by such order, or any par~ ~hereof, may within 15 days after the service of the superior court's order serve and file in the district court of appeal for the district in which the superior court.is located, a petition for a writ of mandamus to compel the superior court to se= aside or o~herwise modify its order. Where such review is sough= from an order granting discovery, the order of the ~rial court and ~he adminis~ra=ive proceeding shall be stayed upon ~he filing of the petition for writ of mandamus, provided, however, the ¢our~ of appeal may dissolve or modify the stay thereafter if it is in the public interest to do so. Where such review is sought from a denial of discovery, neither the trial court's order nor the administrative proceeding shall be stayed by the cour~ of appeal except upon a clear showing of probable error. (i) Where the superior court finds that a party or his attorney, without substantial justification, failed or refused to. comply with Section 11507.6, or, without.substantial justification, filed a petition to compel discovery pursuant to this section, or, without substantial, justification, failed to comply with any order of court made pursuant to this section, the court may award court costs and reasonable attorney fees to the opposing party. Nothing in this subdivision shall limit the power of the superior court to compel obedience to its orders by contempt proceedings. 8 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY Of BAKERSFIELD CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY In the Matter of: GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT a California special transit district Respondent. Docket No.: 2001-06 STATEMENT TO RESPONDENT Enforcement Order TO THE ABOVE RESPONDENT: An Enforcement Order ("Order") is attached to this statement and is hereby served upon you. The Order has been filed by the City of Bakersfield, Certified Unified Program Agency ("CUPA"). Unless a written request for a hearing signed by you or on your behalf is delivered or mailed to CUPA within fifteen (15) days after you have received a copy of the Order, you will be deemed to have waived your right to a hearing in this matter. If you do not file a timely hearing request, the Order becomes final automatically. The' request for a hearing may be made by delivering or mailing one copy of the enclosed form entitled "Notice of Defense" or by delivering or mailing a Notice of Defense as provided in Section 11506 of the Government Code to: Mr. Walter H. Porr, Jr. Deputy City Attorney City Attorney's Office City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (661) 326-3721 The enclosed Notice of Defense, if signed and filed with CUPA, is deemed a specific denial of all parts of the Order, but you will not be permitted to raise any objection to the form of the Order unless you file a further Notice of Defense as provided in Section11506 of the Government Code within fifteen (15) days after service of the Order upon you. If you file a Notice of Defense within the time permitted, a hearing on the allegations made in the Order will be conducted by the Office of Administrative Hearings of the Department of General Services in accordance with the procedures specified in Health and Safety Code section 25187 and Government Code sections 11507, et seq. The hearing may be postponed for good cause. If you have good cause, you must notify CUPA within ten (10) working days after you discover the good cause. Failure to notify CUPA within ten (10) working days will deprive you of a postponement. Copies of Government Code Sections 11507.5, 11507.6 and 11507.7 are attached. If you desire the names and addresses of witnesses or an opportunity to inspect and copy items in possession, custody or control of CUPA, you may contact: Mr. Walter H. Porr, Jr. Deputy City Attorney City Attorney's Office City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (661) 326-3721 Whether or not you have a hearing, you may confer informally with CUPA to discuss the alleged facts, determinations, corrective actions and penalty. An informal conference does not, however, postpone the fifteen (15) day period you have to request a hearing on the Order. An informal conference may be pursued simultaneously with the hearing process. 2 You may, but are not required, to be represented by counsel at any or all stages of these proceedings. INFORMAL CONFERENCE If you wish to discuss this matter with CUPA, an Informal Conference has been scheduled for: Date: Time: Location: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 10:00 AM Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 326-3979 You may inform CUPA at the conference whether you wish to pursue a formal hearing or waive your right to a formal hearing, as explained below.. FORMAL HEARING RIGHTS YOU MUST FILE A WRITTEN REQUEST FORA HEARING WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) DAYS IF YOU WISH TO HAVE A FORMAL HEARING. S:~NOV 200 l~StatementToRespondent(GET).wpd 3 STATE Of CALIFORNIA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY In the Matter of: GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT a California special transit district Respondent. Docket No.: 2001-06 ENFORCEMENT ORDER Health and Safety Code Section 25187 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Parties. The Office of Environmental Services for the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, a Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) authorized by the Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cai/EPA) to administer and enforce the Hazardous Substance Control Act in the City of Bakersfield, issues this Enforcement Order (Order) to Golden Empire Transit District, a California special transit district. 1.2. Site. Respondent generated, handled, treated, stored, and/or disposed of hazardous waste at the following site(s), including, but not limited to: 1830 Golden State Highway, Bakersfield, California 93308. 1.3 Generator. The Respondent generated the following hazardous wastes: metal dust and machining waste, a "listed" hazardous waste (California Waste Code Number 172) pursuant to Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 66261.126 Appendix XII (b). 1.4 Jurisdiction. Section 25187 of the Health and Safety Code (HSC) authorizes the CUPA to order action necessary to correct violations and assess a penalty when the CUPA determines that any person has violated specified provisions of the Health and Safety Code or any permit, rule, regulation, standard, or requirement issued or adopted pursuant thereto. DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS 2. The CUPA hereby determines that Respondent violated: 2.1 The Hazardous Waste Control Law (California Health and Safety Code section 25100, et seq, to wit: section 25189.5. Disposal, treatment or storage at, or transportation to, facilities without permits or at unauthorized points. On August 1, 2001, a hazardous waste generator inspection was conducted at the site for compliance with regulatory standards as well as assessing the potential for environmental contamination associated with a recent unauthorized release of diesel fuel at the fuel dispenser.' 2.2 On August 3, 2001, a notice to comply was issued to the facility, ordering a hazardous waste determination to be made for the brake lathe metal dust and machining waste which was being regularly disposed of into the municipal trash. 2.3 On August 28, 2001, laboratory results from the sample of brake lathe metal dust confirmed that the waste is considered a hazardous waste in California, due to the high concentrations of total Chromium, an inorganic persistent and bioaccumulative toxic metal. SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE 3. Based on the forgoing DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND AGREED TO THAT: 3.1 Respondent shall make all necessary arrangements to propedy transport and dispose of the hazardous waste by a State licenced hazardous waste hauler within thirty 2 (30) days from the effective date of this Order. Respondent shall submit a schedule for and description of the proposed transportation and disposal for the CUPA's approval within fifteen (15) days from the effective date of this order. 3.2 Submittals. A copy of the schedule for and description of the hazardous waste transportation and disposal by a licenced hazardous waste hauler shall be sent to the CUPA, in care of: Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 3.3 Communications. All approvals and decisions of the CUPA made regarding submittals and notifications will be communicated to Respondent in writing by the Director of Environmental Services, or his/her designee. No informal advice, guidance, suggestions, or comments by the CUPA regarding reports, plans, specifications, schedules, or any writings by the Respondent shall be construed to relieve Respondent of the obligation to obtain such formal approvals as may be required. 3.4 CUPA Review and Approval. If the CUPA determines that the schedule, or other submitted for approval pursuant to this order fails to comply with the order or fails to protect public health or safety or the environment, the CUPA may: Modify the document as deemed necessary and approve the document as ao modified, or b. Return the document to Respondent with recommended changes and a date by which Respondent with recommended changes and a date by which Respondent must submit tothe CUPA a revised document incorporating the recommended changes. 3 3.5 Compliance with Applicable Laws. Respondent shall carry out this Order in compliance with all local, State, and federal requirements, including but not limited to requirements to obtain permits and to assure worker safety. 3.6 Endangerment during Implementation. In the event that the CUPA determines that any circumstances or activity (whether or not pursued in compliance with this Order) are creating an imminent or substantial endangerment to the health or welfare of people on the site or in the surrounding area or to the environment, the CUPA may order Respondent to stop further implementation of this Order for such period of time as needed to abate the endangerment. Any deadline in this Order directly affected by a Stop Work Order under this section shall be extended for the term of the Stop Work Order. 3.7 Liability. Nothing in this Order shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations of Respondent...other than those violations alleged in section 2 of this order. Notwithstanding compliance with the terms of this Order, Respondent may be required to take further actions as are necessary to protect public health or welfare or the environment. 3.8 Data and Document Availability. Respondent shall permit the CUPA and its authorized representatives to inspect and copy all sampling, testing, monitoring, and other data generated by Respondent or on Respondent's behalf in any way pertaining to work undertaken pursuant to this Order. Respondent shall allow the CUPA and its authorized representatives to take duplicates of any samples collected by Respondent pursuant to this order. Respondent shall maintain a central depository of the data, reports, and other documents prepared pursuant to this Order. All such data, reports, and other documents 4 shall be preserved by Respondent for a minimum of three years after the conclusion of all activities under this Order. If the CUPA requests that some or all of these documents be preserved for a longer period of time, Respondent shall either comply with that request, deliver the documents to the CUPA, or permit the CUPA to copy the documents prior to destruction. 3.9 Government Liabilities. The City of Bakersfield shall not be liable for injuries or damages to persons or property resulting from acts or omissions by Respondent or related parties in carrying out activities pursuant to this Order, nor shall the City of Bakersfield be held as a party to any contract entered into by Respondent or its agents in carrying out activities pursuant to the Order. 3.10 Additional Enforcement Actions. By issuance of this Order, the CUPA does not waive the right to take further enforcement actions. 3.11 Incorporation of Plans and Reports. All plans, schedules, and reports that require CUPA approval and are submitted by respondent pursuant to this Order are incorporated in this Order upon approval by the CUPA. 3.12 Extension Request. If Respondent is unable to perform any activity or submit any document within the time required under this Order, the Respondent may, prior to expiration of the time, request an extension of time in writing. The extension request shall include a justification for the delay. 3.13 Extension Approvals. If the CUPA determines that good cause exists for an extension, it will grant the request and specify in writing a new compliance schedule. 3.14 Penalties for Noncompliance. Failure to comply with the terms of this Order may'alsosubject Respondent to costs, penalties, and/or punitive damages for any costs 5 incurred by the CUPA or other government agencies as a result of such failure, as provided by the California Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 25188 and other applicable provisions of law. 3.15 Parties Bound. This Order shall apply to and be binding upon Respondent, and its officers, directors and agents, including but not limited to individuals, and upon the CUPA and any successor agency that may have responsibility for and jurisdiction over the subject matter of this order. PENALTY The CUPA assesses a penalty of $ 3,937. Payment of the total penalty of $ 3,937 is duewithin thirty (30) days from the effective date of the Order. Respondent's check shall be made payable to City of Bakersfield, Certified Unified Program Agency, and shall identify the Respondent and Docket Number, as shown in the heading of this case. Respondent shall deliver the penalty payment to: Mr. Walter H. Porr, Jr. Deputy City Attorney City Attorney's Office City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 A photocopy of the check shall be sent to: Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 e This Order is final and effective upon execution by the City and Respondent. "Days" for purposes of this Order means calendar days. 6 Date of Issuance: November 7, 2001. Mr. Ralph Huey Director of Prevention Services City of Bakersfield Date Golden Empire Transit District Date Typed or Printed Name of Respondent's Representative cc: Mr. Walter H. Porr, Jr. Deputy City Attorney City Attorney's Office City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT Without admitting the violations, I acknowledge receipt of this Enforcement Order, Statement to Respondent, Certification of Compliance form, and two copies of the form entitled Notice of Defense. DATED: Signature Print Name and Title S:\NOV 200 l~EnforcementOrder(G ET).wpd PROOF OF SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT ORDERS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Av. Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 I served the a. Enforcement Order Statement to Respondent 2 Blank Notice of Defense Forms Other (specify): ~c.~5"- Cc>O~- ~ bo On Respondent (Name): Docket No.: ~ I - C~ Co By serving: ~ Respondent Other (Name and Title or relationship to Respondent): ~ Ct-~Tr--a. C, ri,torSO, ao By personally delivering copies to (address): at (time): on (date): By mailing copies by first-class certified mail, Certified Mail Receipt No.:~lO00 I~bO 000~ 3q~tt, 5t~etum receipt requested, in a sealed envelope addressed to: o My name, business address, and telephone number are: Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 I declare under penalty of Rerju.ry., ,, that the forgoing is true and correct and that this declaration is executed on (date) ~ ti'? t/o ~ at (place) Bakersfield, California. ! S:XEN~OaC~N* ~OmS~P~oo~of S,~vi~¢ ~orm.wpd (Signature) 08:B2A Zalco Laboratories, Inc. 66]-395-3069 ZALCO t_~BOF:::IATC)I:::III:=I~, INC, AmaJyl:ical ~, Cor~sulcfn~ ~erviC~e 4;308 Armour. Avenue Bakersfieid, California 9330B P.O1 DATE: ACCOUNTS RE, CE[ VAE I,E REG AR. DIN(';: INVOIC I~# NUMBER OF PAGES SENT~__ * COVER SHEET IF TItlS 'I']iA~$NiISSION WAS NOT COMPLETE, PLEASE GIVE ME A (:ALL. TI!ANICS Zalco Laboratories, Inc. 661-395-3069 Attention: Bill ScJ"oguin~ SamD1 e Ty~e: Sol 4...'1 FAX P Date Received: Date Reported~ Contract No. : Date Sampled Time Sampied CAM - Title 22, Chapte~ 30 Article Ii Unit · TTLC D~R (061) $$5-0539 (661) ~95-306S Total Concenzz'a~ion 0108106-2 o81o9/o~ OalZ?Io~ 30061 os/os/o% Antimony, Sb Arsenic, As BerylliUm, Be Cadmium, Cd Copper, Cu bea~, ~b ~rcury, ~g Silver, ~ Thallium, ~.'1 Vaz[adium, V Zinc, Z~ 75 m~/k~ ~ 0.~ mg/k~ 75 ~ 0.5 m~/kg 3GO0 m~/k~ 2500 4'! mg/k~ i£00 mg/kg 2~00 17 m~/k~ < O.lO m~/k~ 120 mg/k9 ]500 GOO ~g/kg 2000 < 2.5 m~/k9 7.0 mg/kg 500 ;~5 m~/kg 700 ?4 mg/k~ 5000 5.0 G010A 0.5 6D10A /I 0.5 6010A 125 ~0i0A 5.0 ~2s 6010A /I 2.5 0.I0 7~71~ /J, 5.0 50i0A /1 2.5 B01OA /1 1.0 60~0A /1 5.0 601.0A 2.5 ~010A OS:B3A Zalco Laboratories, Inc. 661-3gB-306g ZA!.._CO L. > BORAT'O IES, INC. Actent ion: Bill Sample Type: Solid Labora~ury No: Da=e Da~e Time Sampled Sampled by Steve CAM - Title 22, Chapter 30 Ar=icle II Cons~ituen=s ITC) P.02 FAX [861! 010~I06-1 ]1~30 Unito TTLC DLR Me~hOd/Ref Total ConCentration A~t~mony, Arsenic, As Beryllium, Cadm/um, cd Chro~ium, Cr Cobalt, C~ CoDper, Cu Lead, Mercux'y, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silver, A9 Thallium, Ti Vanadium, V Zinc, 1800 ~' 0 5 ,:: 0 <50 < ~,S < 25 mg/kg 500 10 ~010A /1 mg/kg 500 1.0 6Ol0A /1 mg/k9 10000 250 6010k /1 mg/kg ~5 0.5 ~D~0A /1 mg/k~ 100 0,5 6010A ~g/k9 2500 2.5 6010A /1 m~/kg 8000 5.0 60~OA /1 mg/k~ 2500 ir5 ~0~QA mg/kg ]000 2.5 601QA /1 mg/k~ 20 O.ZO '/471~ /i ~/k~ 3500 5,0 60~0A m~/kg 2000 2.5 6010A /1 mg/kg I00 2.5 G0tQA ~g/k~ 500 ~,o ~O~OA mg/kg ~0~ 25 n~g/k9 240~ 5.0 60ZOA mg/kg 5000 125 a010A Date AnaLyzed: 08/~2/01 CC: 1. ~;A ~#'84~. 39~4 ~rct ~dlt loll / / Bakersfield, CA 08:53A Zalco Laboratories, ThC. 661-395-3069 7_,a, LO 0 [,_ZkBORATORIES, .~m~lytical ~ O~m~ul~;ing Ssrvice~ 4~Og Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 Bill $Cro~ins P ($$1) 3B5-05:39 FAX (6~1) 395-~069 Labor&t~ry No: 0108106-1 Da:e ~eceived: 0~/09/01 Date Reported: 0~/~7/01 Con~r~t No. : 30061 S~m~le Typc: :~olic~ ~rake Pad Shavi~%~ Sampled by Suew~ Howard ('.'.AM - Ti.t.]~ 22, Chapter 30 Article Ir Extra~!table Soluble Concennra%~.on B&riu~, Ba Copper, Cu Units STLC 5~LR Method/Ref ~ 0,5 mg/l 25 0.5 6010A Dat~ Extractca: Date Analyz~:d~ CC: 08/22/01 + GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT SiteID: 015-021-001501 += Full Format Type+Category+Sub-Category+Datel(ASC) Order +-- One Unified List +-- INSPECTIONS --+ I HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR COMBINED PROGRAM INSPECTION IReference Dates Summary Description WINES 08/01/2001 FOLLOW UP 8-1-01 CHECK BRAKE LATHE DEBRIS, DIESEL LEAK INVESTIGATION. -1- 11/01/2001 + GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT += Full Format == SiteID: 015-021-001501 + Type+Category+Sub-Category+Datel(ASC) Order + One Unified List + ENFORCEMENT I HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR CLASS II VIOLATIONS IReference Dates Summary Description WINES 08/03/2001 NOTICE TO ANALYZE BRAKE LATHE WASTE BRAKE LATHE MACHINE WASTE IS VACUUMED & DISPOSED OF IN DUMPSTER. NOTICE TO COMPLY W/ WASTE ANALYSIS (CAM-17) DETERMINATION. ORDERED i 11/Ol/2OOl BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION REPORT Prepared by: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist / Registered Geologist No. 7239 File Name: S:XAUG 2001\GET Prelim. Inv. Report.wpd Report Date: October 30, 2001 Incident: Hazardous Waste Generator Inspection Location: 1830 Golden State Highway. Doing business as Golden Empire Transit Incident Date: August 3, 2001 Violation(s): Section 25189.5. Disposal, treatment or storage at, or transportation to, facilities without permits or at unauthorized points. Statute: California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.5 Penalty: $3,937 Suspect - 1: Bill Scroggins, Facilities Supervisor Golden Empire Transit Narrative: On August 1, 2001, a hazardous waste generator inspection was conducted at the site for compliance with regulatory standards as well as assessing the potential for environmental contamination associated with a recent unauthorized release of diesel fuel at the fuel dispenser. I introduced myself to Mr. Scroggins and obtained his permission to continue the inspection from the diesel fuel dispenser area into the shop. I observed a metal lathe used for honing brake drums, and a vacuum used to collect the shavings. Mr. Scroggins informed me that the shavings were regularly disposed of in the trash dumpster. I asked if a hazardous waste analysis had been performed on the metal shavings, and Mr. Scoggins informed me there was none. I issued an inspection report to analyze the brake lathe debris and also issued a Notice to Comply letter on August 3, 2001 to perform the brake lathe shaving analysis. Laboratory results submitted to this Office by Mr. Scroggins on August 28, 2001 confirmed that the brake lathe shavings are a hazardous waste by exceeding the total allowable concentration of Chromium. Administrative Enforcement Action - (Golden Empire Transit) Preliminary Investigation Report Page 2 Penalty Calculation Pursuant to Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations Actual or Potential Harm: Metal dust containing Chromium is considered a "Minimal" actual or potential harm. (66272.63(b)(2)(B)) Extent of Deviation: Illegal disposal of a hazardous waste is considered a "Major" violation. (66272.63(c)(2)(A)) Initial Base Penalty: $10,500 (66272.63(d)) Additional Penalties: N/A. One-time incident. One day of violation. (66272.63(e)) Intent (before the fact): Total Base Penalty: Multiplier (0.5 to 1.0) Violation occurred despite good faith efforts to comply with regulation(s). Downward adjustment of 50%. (66272.64(a)) $ 5,250 Adjustment Factors: Cooperation and Effort: Multiplier (0.75 to 1.0) $ 3,937 (66272.64(b)) (66272.65(a)) Excellent cooperation (0.75) Prophylactic Effect: Multiplier (0.5 to 2.0) Neutral effect. Penalty should be set sufficient to discourage improper hazardous waste management practices from continuing. (Neutral Effect = 1) $ 3,937 Economic Benefit: Avoided proper hazardous waste management practices. Responsible party shall be required to properly manage and dispose of the hazardous waste, including container labeling, waste storage area weekly inspection logs, and disposal documentation. Ability to Pay: N/A. [Suspects] are solvent. (N/A) Final Adjusted Penalty: $ 3,937 D August 3,2001 Mr. Bill Scrogins Golden Empire Transit 1830 Golden State Ave Bakersfield Ca 93301-1012 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX {661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1 349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 ChesterAve. - Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 NOTICE TO COMPLY RE: Brake Lathe Repair Shop Dear Mr. Scrogins: It has recently come to the attention of the Office of Environmental Services that a California listed waste is being handled at the above referenced site. "Handle," as is defined in the California Health and Safety Code, Sections 25501 (1) and 25501.3, means to use, generate, process, produce, package, treat, store, emit, discharge, or dispose of this material in any fashion. The waste being handled at the site has been identified as a metal dust and machining waste (California Hazardous Waste Code 172), and if meets certain criteria, is regulated as a "hazardous waste" in California. Section 66262.11 of Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations requires that any person handling such a waste shall determine if it is hazardous according to either its concentrations, characteristics, or categorical listings within the Title 22 regulations. Therefore, prior to September 4, 2001, you shall submit to this office the results of a CAM-17 metals analysis performed by a State licensed laboratory on the brake lathe debris collected in the vacuum canister bag after a representative sample has been obtained by a qualified person or representative of the testing laboratory, under a valid chain-of-custody, for the purpose of determining if the material on site is a hazardous waste. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call me at 326- 3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services