HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ-BUSINESS PLAN 8/6/2003August6,2003 FIRE CHIEF RODI FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFE'rf SERVICES * ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 Mr. Bill Scroggins, Safety & Environmental Coordinator Golden Empire 'Transit District 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Re: Abandoned Oil / Water Separator at 1830 Golden State Avenue Dear Mr. Scroggins: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results of the corrective action taken to abate the disposal of oily liquids into the septic system leach lines at the above-referenced location. Based upon the information submitted, this office is satisfied with the corrective action performed and requires no further action at this time in the above-referenced matter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 661-326-3649. Sincerely, RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HW:db Apd125,1995 Dolores Gough Kern County Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street, Third Floor Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Dear Dolores: I am enclosing copies of the recent soil sampling we did at the line to the oil/water separator. Please advise as to our next step in the closure process, Truly yours, Coordinator enclosures :', .' 1830 GOlden State Avenue :' BakersfiEld, .CalifOrnia 9330i~1012 (805) 324:98~,'~ FAX (80S) 324-7849. ' ~ I Date: ,,? / Tracking APN: - LOG SHEET ~ork Order '-' WO Category:' WO. Type: Reimb.: Y RP Code: WORK ORDER NAME: RESPONSIBLE P^RTY IRP) NAME: RP CONTACT: ~NS~fCTO~: PROGRAM: ~P-Enforcemen DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: FACILITY NAME: COMMENTS: Directions Heportlng Person Reason for Request ? UIC INSPECTION. RESULTS OF ~- . i ~.VESTm^T~O.. //Z'~ _-_..;._~ Complainant notified of results Address Address ,/ P~tone GOLDEN STATE/CAS LABOI~ATORIE$, :NC. April 12, 1995 Forest Mizener EnviroGard 4450 California Ave., Suite K Bakersfield, CA 93309 Re: G.E.T. Dear Forest: Enclosed are the results of the sample submitted to our lab on April 5, 1995. For your reference. these analyses have been assigned our service request number L951945. All analyses were performed in accordance with our laboratory's quality assurance program. Golden State / CAS is certified for environmental analyses by the California Department of Health Services (Certificate # 1296/Expiration - August 1996). Please call if you have any questions. Respectfully submitted, Golden State / CAS Laboratories, Inc. Eydie Schwartz Project Chemist ES/kr 6925 CANOGA AVENUE ' · CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 · 818 587-5550 · FAX 818 587-5555 Client: l'rejec~: Sample Matrix: EnviroOard G.E.T. Soil COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERV'ICE~, INC. Service Request: L951945 Date Collected: 4/4/95 Date Received: 4/5/95 Date Ez'tracted: NA Total Metals Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Aa~lrte Chromium EPA Method Sample Name: WASH Lab Code: L951945-001 Date Analyzed: 4/11/95 MRL Method Blank L951945-MB 4/11/95 3050/60 I0 2 10 ND 3050/60 I0 5 7 ND NA MBL ND Not Applicable Method Reporting Limit. None Detected al or above the method reporting limit. 6925 CANOGA AVENUIE · CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 I~ ~o,~ 818 587-5550 · FAX 818 587-5555 Cliem: ~roj~: Sample Matrix: EnviroGard G.E.T. Soil d ( ( COLUMalA ANALYTICAL SERVICES~-,,~{C. Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydmca.eoons EPA Method 418.1 Units: mg/Kg (.opm) Date Collected: Date Received: Date Extracted: Date AnMyzed: L951945 4/4/95 4/5/95 - 4/7/95 4/7/95 Sample Name WASH Method Blank Lab Code MRL Result L951945-001 10 94 L951945-MB 10 ND' MRL ND Method Reporting Limit None Detected at or above the method reporting limit. Approved By: 6925 ~NOGA AVENUE CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 Date: ~ P.~= No.: 818 S87-5550 · FAX 818 587-5555 Sample Matrix: EnviroGard G.E.T. Soil COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Service Request: Date Collected: Date-Received: Date Extracted: L951945 4/4/95 415/95 ' 4/6195 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel EPA Method Modified 8015/California DHS LUFT Method Units: rog/Kg (ppm) Sample Name WASH Method BI,ink Lab Code Date Anal~l L951945-001 4n/95 L951945-MB 4/7/95 MRL 10 10 Remit 41' l~thod Reporting Limit None De~-t~ at or above the method reporting limit. Chromatogram fingerprint is aot charaaeri~¢ of di~l; other hydrocarbons were detected at thc rcponcd concentration. Approved By: Dale: L~Ig~.XI.~- mi ~ dtl CANOGA PARK, CA. 91303 · 818 587-5550 1~ FAX 818 587-5555 Client. Sample Matrix: G.E.T. 'Soil Service Request: L951945 Date Colleeted: 4/4/95 Date lt_eee___Ived: 4/5/95 Date Extracted: NA BTEX and TPH as Gasoline EPA Methods 5030/8020/Modified 8015/California DHS LUFF Method Total TPH as Ann!yt¢: Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Gasoline Units: rog/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) trig/Kg (ppm) rog/Kg (ppm) m&~Kg (ppm) Method Reporting Limit: 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.1 Sample Name WASH Method Blmak Date Lab Code Analyzed L951945-001 4/11/95 ND ND L951945-MB 4/11/95 ND ND NA TPH ND Not Applicable Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected at or nbovc the method reporting limit. Approved By: 6925 CANOGA AVENUE · CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 818 587-$5S0 · I~ No.: FAX 818 587-5555 SITE DIAGRAM N GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn.: JUDI 324-9874 Date Reported: 04/07/92 Date Received: 03/26/92 Laboratory No.: 2754-1 Sample Description: OIL/WATER/SOLIDS, SAMPLED 3-25-92 ® 4:30 PM Page 1 TOTAL .CONTAMINANTS (Title 22, Article 11, California Code of Regulations) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Antimony None Detected mg/kg 3.5 SW-6010 15. 500. Arsenic None Detected mg/kg 0.35 SW-7060 5.0 500. Barium ~ 2.1 mg/k~ 0.35 SW-6010 100. 10000. Beryllium None Detected m~/kg 0.35 SW-6010 0.75 75. Cadmium None Detected m~/k~ 0.35 aW-6010 1.0 100. Chromium ~.~ 0.35 mg/k~ 0.35 SW-6010 560. 250.0.. Cobalt None Detected mg/kg 1.75 SW-6010 80. CopperJ ~ 2.0 mg/kg 0.35 SW-6010 25. 250~i' Lead None Detected m~/kg 1.75 SW-6010 5.0 1000.':' Mercury None Detected mg/kg 0.07 SW-7471 0.2 20. Molybdenum None Detected mg/k~ 0.35 SW-6010 350. 3500. Nickel None Detected m~/k~ 3.5 SW-6010 20. 2000. Selenium None Detected mg/kg 0.35 SW-7740 ~j~?~O 100~.~' Silver None Detected mg/k~ 0.35 aW-6010 '~5~0 50'0~' Thallium None Detected m~/k~ 3.5 SW-6010 ~?~0 700.'h Vanadium None Detected m~/kg 0.35 SW-6010 2~~. 2400. · Zinc _, ~L 3.1 m~/k~ 0.35 SW-6010 250. 5000. Comment: P.Q.L. = STLC = TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Conc~.~ion ~FE~NCES ' " SW = "Test ~ethods for Evaluatmng All constituents reported above are in mg/k9 (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Resu!ts~.~reported represent~.~0:~a~s ected to approprmate~,technmques, to~:determmne?:~total leve~?: (TTLC) as sample subj ' practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the~3::least amount:, of analyEe~.'~etectable''''::~ based on sample size used and analytical technique emplOYed. None Detected (Constituent, if present, would be less than the method P.Q.L.). Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration SW 846, September, 1986. ' Department Supervisor '~:~'~ ~ 4'100~,t-Jm.~ (L"t. · ~ker~eld. C~ ~ · [E)(2)b--) ~11 · I=AX{80b--J ~-1 ~918 Report To: ~ Analysis Requested . /iLS l ' Name:~b¢~ ~'~P'//'~'~ rRe Project: Address:/~3o ~L.O~ g~- Project ~: C~y: ~/~ Sampler Name: ~ o o La~ Sample Description Date & Time Sampled Comment: Billing Info: Rol~natur.) ~,~ by: (Si~atur.) Date:Time ~B~ ~ ~'~~ AddressName: ~ ~ ~ ~nquished by: (Sign~ Received b~Signature) Date: Time CitY State Relinquished by: (Signature) Receiv~ by: (Signature) Date: Time ~ A~ention: Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time Time: Miles: Relinquished by: (Signature) Receiv~ by: (Signature) Date: Tim~ Sample Disposal . P.O.~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time ~ BC Dis~s~ ~ 5;~ ea. ~ Re~rn to client ' Halogenated Volatile Organic Analysis RECEIVED MAY 18 199;? GOLDEN EMPIRE -~i, GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE B/LKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn.: JUDI DAUNELL 324-9874 Sample Description: STEAM PIT WATER, Test Method: EPA Method ~010 Date of Report: Lab ~: 05-01-92'@ 2:15PM 05/13/92 3 9 0 7 - L~"-'--'~'x. Sample !,~trix: Waste Water Date Sample Collected: 05/01/92 Constituents Bromodichloromethane None Bromoform None Bromomethane None Carbon tetrachloride None Chloroethane None 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether None Chloroform Chloromethane None Chloroethane None Dibromochloromethane None 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Dichlorodifluoromethane None 1,1-Dichloroethane None 1,2-Dichloroethane None 1,1-Dichloroethene None trans-l,2-Dichloroethene None 1,2-Dichloropropane None cis-l,3-Dichloropropene None trans-l,3-Dichloropropene None Methylene Chloride None 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Tetrachloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane None Trichloroethene None Trichlorofluoromethane None Vinyl Chloride None Date Sample Received ® Lab: 05/01/92 Date Analysis Completed: 05/12/92 Analysis Results. Minimum Reporting Reporting Units Level Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detecte~ ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected #g/L 0.7 ,, i~-c~r,1~ ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected ~g/L Detected Detected. '~/L Detected Detected ~.4 p. ~0 ~ ~- /~9/L ~.8 ~ ~ ~ ~9/L De~ected ~/L - . 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Halogenated Volatile Organic Analysis Page 2 GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn.: JUDI DAUNELL 324-9874 Date of Report: La~ $: 05/13/92 3907-1 Sample Description: STEAM PIT WATER, 05-01-92 ~ 2:15PM California D.O.H.S. Cert. $1186 Department Supervisor 4100Atlas CC. ·Bakerstield, CA 9;2)308 · (805) 327-4911 · FAX (E)Cb--J 3~?-1918 Petroleum Hydrocarbons GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT Date of 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE Report: 05/13/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Lab ~: 3907-1 Attn.: JUDI DAUNELL 324-9874 Sample Description: STEAM PIT WATER, 05-01-92 ® 2:15PM ~,~ TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Sample Matrix: Waste Water Date Sample Collected: 05/01/92 Constituents Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene o-Xylene m & p-Xylene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) Date Sample Received ® Lab: 05/01/92 Date Analysis Completed: 05/07/92 Analysis Reporting Results Units None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L 1.5 ~g/L None Detected 9~~ ~g/L .100. 5 l.~ Minimum Reporting Level 0.5 California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor 4100Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 9G30B · [1905J 327~4911 · FAX[B0b--J 3L::r7-1E)IB Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn.: JUDI DALTNELL 324-9874 Sample Description: STEAM PIT WATER, Date of Report: Lab $: 05-01-92 @ 2:lSPM 05/06/92 3907-1 Sample Matrix: Waste Water Constituents Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Sample Results Units mg/L Method P.Q.L. 30. Me thod EPA-418.1 California D.O.H.S. Cert. $1186 Department Supervisor · (_C , C'.C Halogenated Volatile Organic Analysis GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn.: JUDI DAUNELL 324-9874 Sample Description: STEAM PIT WATER, Date'of Report: 05/13/92 Lab ~: 3907-1TB 05-01-92 ® 2:15PM - TRAVEL BLANK Test Method: EPA Method 8010 Sample Matrix: Water Date Sample Collected: 05/01/92 Constituents Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane Chloroethane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4oDichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1oDichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1oDichloroethene trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene trans-l,3-Dichloropropene Methylene Chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl Chloride Date Sample Received ® Lab: 05/01/92 Analysis Results None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None None DeteC~ Date Analysis Completed: 05/08/92 Reporting Units ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L #g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~~/L · ~ /L Minimum Reporting Level 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 o.9 0.5 0.5 0.5 Halogenated Volatile Organic Analysis Page 2 GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn.: JUDI DAUNELL 324°9874 Date of Report: 05/13/92 Lab #: 3907-1TB Sample Description: STEAM PIT WATER, 05-01-92 ® 2:15PM - TRAVEL BLANK California D.O.H.S. Cert. %1186 Department Supervisor 4100 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield. CA ~ · (BO5) 327-4911 · FAX (I]Ob-) 327-1918 Petroleum Hydrocarbons GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn.: JUDI DALTNELL 324-9874 Sample Description: ST~ PIT WATER, Date of Report: 05/13/92 Lab ~: 3907-1TB 05-01-92 ~ 2:lSPM - TRAVEL BLANK TEST METEOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Sample Matrix: Water Date Sample Collected: 05/01/92 Constituents Date Sample Received ® Lab: 05/01/92 Date Analysis Completed: 05/12/92 Analysis Reporting Results Units Benzene None Detected Toluene None Detected Ethyl Benzene None Detected o-Xylene None Detected m & p-Xylene None Detected Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) None Detected Minimum Reporting Level 0.5 California D.O.H.S. Cert. $1186 Department Supervisor Report To: ~ Analysis Requested ¢ Name! d u13 ~ ~4u'-~ ~'c ~ Project: ..5 TE'~ /o/7- Address: ~-'E-'~ Project #: ~Lt.::::3 City: I~J(', Sampler Name: .--_ State: C,~ Zip: ~ /' Other: 'r- Lab~ Sample Description Date & Time Sampled ~'-,~.~ R elin~l~sh ed..l~: (S/g natu re) ~Sig n~ Comment: Billing Info: ,~ Address /~o ~~ ~ ~ City ~ ~ State ~ ~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Receiv~ by: (Signature) Date: Time: L'~~~ Time:A"eRti°n; Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Miles: Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: ' Sample Dis~sal P.O.~ /~ - ~ // . Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: ' OBC Dis~sal ~ 5.~ ea. ' ~ Ream to client RECEIVED JUL 0 ~ 1992 GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT Golden Empire Transit District 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Judi D. Date Reported: 06/29/92 Date Received: 06/03/92 Laboratory No: 4910 Sample Description: Steam pit water, Sampled 6-3-92 ~ 9:15am Enclosed are results for Aquatic Toxicity Date: 22 June 1992 Report to: B C Laboratories 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield, CA Attn: Diana Valadon Sample Description: 4910-1 NCL #: 92-06-215-01A Date Received: 06-09-92 93308 NORTH COAST Page 1 of 2 Date Sampled: 06-03-92 HAZARDOUS WASTE BIOASSAY SCREENING TEST Supporting Data: Control 250 mg/L #1 #2 #1 #2 750 mg/L #1 #2 Initial pH 7.5 7.5 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 DO 9.0 9.0 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 24 Hour pH 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.6 DO 8.0 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.6 Total dead 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 Hour pH 7.3 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 DO 8.0 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.7 7.7 Total dead 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 Hour pH 7.5 7.6 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.6 DO 8.1 8.0 7.7 7.9 8.0 8.0 Total dead 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 Hour pH 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 DO 8.0 8.0 7.8 7.9 8.1 8.1 Total dead 0 0 0 0 0 0 Units pH units mg/L pH units mg/L pH units mg/L pH units mg/L pH units mg/L Survival 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Fish Data: Average Length: 3.6 cm Max. Length: 4.0 cm Average Weight: 0.44g Max. Weight: 0.61g Acclimatization: 10 days Species: Fathead Minnow, Pimephales promelas Date Started: 06-15-92 2 tanks per dilution, 10 fish per tank Samples were maintained at 20 ± 2°C Min. Length: 3.2 cm Min. Weight: 0.30g La~at~'ry Supervisor (s) Jes~~haney, Jr. Laboratory Director LABCRATORIES LTD. Date: 22 June 1992 Report to: B C Laboratories 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield, CA Attn: Diana Valadon Sample Description: 4910-1 NCL #: 92-06-215-01A Date Received: 06-09-92 93308 Page 2 of 2 Date Sampled: 06-03-92 HAZARDOUS WASTE BIOASSAY SCREENING TEST Supporting Data: Hardness and alkalinity (run only on controls and highest concentration). Control 750 mg/L #1 #2 #1 #2 Units Hardness Initial 44 44 46 46 mgCaCO3/L Hardness Final 46 47 42 49 mgCaCO3/L Alkalinity Initial 41 41 44 44 mgCaCO3/L Alkalinity Final 39 38 40 38 mgCaCO3/L Fish Data: Average Length: 3.6 cm Max. Length: 4.0 cm Average Weight: 0.44g Max. Weight: 0.61g Acclimatization: 10 days Species: Fathead Minow, Pimephales promelas Date Started: 06-15-92 2 tanks per dilution, 10 fish per tank Samples were maintained at 20 ± 2°C Min. Length: 3.2 cm Min. Weight: 0.30g Lab~o~t~y~Supervisor(s) QA Officer' Jesse'S. Chaney, Jr. Laboratory Director 1 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 'M' Street, Suite 300 Bakerefield, CA 93301 {8OS) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX July 22, 1993 Judy Daunell Golden Empire Transit 1830 Golden State Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: CLASS V SHAIJ~OW INJECTION WELL LOCATED AT 1830 GOLDEN STATE HWY., BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Ms. Daunell: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property noted above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) to be the possible site of a Class V shallow injection well. The well has been identified as a clarifier, discharging to a leachfield. This notice is being sent to you because you are the owner and operator of the property listed above. Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations 40 (40 CFR), Section 144.12(a), "no owner or operator shall.., operate [an injection well].., in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of drinking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation.., or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons." A review of the laboratory results of samples retrieved from the clarifier indicated the presence of elevated levels of petroleum hydrocarbons in the gasoline, diesel, and oil and grease range. Because of the levels detected, further characterization of the soil surrounding the well system is required. As discussed, the additional work may be conducted when your wastewater treatment system is retrofitted/installed. Enclosed is Kern County Environmental Health Services Department's handbook that describes our requirements on well closure. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100, the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, review of reports, and laboratory service costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $20.00 per hour for oversight during the abatement of violations connected to the Class V well. Judy Daunell Subject: Class V Shallow Injection Well July 22, 1993 Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this matter, I can be reached at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director DG:ch cc: USEPA CV RWQCB By: Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program gough~daunell.let ENVIRONMENTAL KERN COUNTY HEALTH SERV ICES DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST FACILITY NAME: GOLDEN STATE TRANSIT DATE OF INSPECTION: 07/08/93 TIME: _ INSPECTOR(S): DOLORES GOUGH ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: WORK ORDER NUMBER: 50230 I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. 4/93 TRACKING NUMBER: 7016 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT ADDRESS: 1830 GOLDEN STATE HWY CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CA ZIP: PHONE NUMBER: ('805) .32~-9874 93301 OPERATOR'S NAME: SAME ADDRESS: CITY: APN: PHONE NUMBER: PARENT COMPANY: ADDRESS: STATE: ZiP: CITY: STATE: ZIP: ARE THEY A SUBSIDIARY OF,A CORPORATION: NO ARE THEY INCORPORATED IN THE STATE: UNKNOWN II. G. H. I. J. CONTACT PERSON: POSITION: PHONE NUMBER: UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST JuDY DAY'NELL (805) 321-9874 INTERVIEW THE OPERATOR/NATURE OF BUSINESS HOW LONG IN BUSINESS: 20 YRS. ARE THEY A MEMBER OF AN ASSOCIATION: ARE THEY AWARE OF ANY WATER SUPPLY WELL LOCATION AND/OR OWNERSHIP: SITE HISTORY YEARS OF OCCUPATION: 10 YRS. PREVIOUS OWNERS: UNKNOWN PREVIOUS OPERATORS: UNKNOWN PREVIOUS USES OF FACILITY: PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED: BUS TRANSPORTATION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ANY PROCESS, OPERATION, OR MAINTENANCE THAT PRODUCES WASTE: VEHICLE WASH WHAT CHEMICALS ARE STORED ON SITE: OILS AND GREASES DO THEY HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS: YES DESCRIBE THE WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES: RECYCLING SOLVENT HAULER: SAFETY KLEEN MANIFESTS: FREQUENCY: OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: WASTE OIL HAULER: CRANE'S MANIFESTS: FREQUENCY: OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: 2 III. UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST WASTE ANTIFREEZE HAULER:.RECYCLED MANIFESTS: FREQUENCY: _ OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: WASTE SLUDGE HAULER: MP ENVIRONMENTAL MANIFESTS: FREQUENCY: _ OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: WASTE CHARACTERIZED: WASTE OIL FILTER HAULER:CRANE'S MANIFESTS: OPEN CONTAINER: OTHER WASTES: FREQUENCY: PROPER LABELING: VERIFICATION RECEIPTS: HOW OFTEN: OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: E.P.A. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: YES BUSINESS PLANS ON FILE: YES TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: WEEKLY STORAGE INSPECTION: DAILY INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL INSPECT THE FACILITY GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS HOUSEKEEPING: GOOD EASE OF ENTRY: GOOD COOPERATION: GOOD SURROUNDING LAND USE: A. GENERAL APPEARANCE OF THE LEACHFIELD Bo SUSCEPTIBILITY TO SPILLS: WELL ( S ): CLARIFIER TO l 2 3 4 5 6 7 UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST E. F. G. J. K. L. CLASS V WELL(S): ONE STATUS: ACTIVE YEARS OF OPERATION:10 YRS. OIL/WATER SEPARATOR OR GREASE TRAP USED: ARE THE WELLS PUMPED OUT: YES HOW OFTEN: DO THE WELLS EVER GET PLUGGED UP: N0 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (MEASURE) TOTAL DEPTH: DIAMETER: CASING: ARE THE INJECTION WELLS REGULATED BY A STATE OR LOCAL PROGRAM: PERMIT: HOW ARE SPILLS OR ACCIDENTS HANDLED: WHERE DOES THE FLOOR/LOT DRAINAGE WATER GO: STREET CAR WASH: HOW IS THE EFFLUENT DISPOSED: CLEANERS USED: HOW MANY AUTOS ARE SERVICED DAILY: DOCUMENTS TO REQUEST MAP OF FACILITY AS-BUILT DIAGRAMS, PLUMBING PLANS DRILLERS LOGS MONITORING WELL DATA FLOW DIAGRAM OF PROCESSES, WASTE GENERATION, AND DISPOSAL MANIFESTS FOR WASTE DISPOSAL MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS 4 AGENCY: KERN COUNTY UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR: LYDIA V. VON SYDOW FACILITY INFORMATION FACILITY NAME: PARENT COMPANY: ADDRESS: 1830 GOLDEN STATE HWY GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CA ZIP: 93301 CONTACT NAME: JUDY DAWNELL POSITION: DESCRIPTION OF WASTE STREAM: VEHICLE WASH DESCRIPTION OF INJECTION WELL: CLARiFIER TO LEACHFiELD DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY THAT MAY ENDANGER GROUND WATER BUT ?aDT RELATED TO iNJECTION WELLS OR TANKS (e.g. PONDS, SPILLS): iNSPECTION INFORMATION iNSPECTION ELATE: 07/08/93 iqUMBER OF WELLS: 1 WELL TYPE AUTO SERViCE:X STORM WATER: STATUS OF WELLS ACTIVE:~ ABANDONED: INJECTATE SAMPLED:YES VIOLATION FOUND:YES FOLLOW-UP NEEDED:YES RCRA FACILITY:NO COMMENTS: iNDUSTRIAL WASTE: OTHER: AGRICULTURAL WASTE: UNDER CONSTRUCTION: OTHER: