HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REP. 10/16/2003 CITY OF BAKi~SFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOB SITE city, zip ~ ¢ 3~0 I Phone No. INSTRUCTIONS: Please call/'or an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same number are ready. They will run in consecutive order beginning with number I. DO NOT cover work tbr any numbered group until all items in that group are signed offby the Permitting Authority. Following these instructions will reduce the number of required inspection visits and therel'bre prevent assessment of additional fees. TANKS AND BACKFILL INSPECTION J DATE J INSPECTOR Backfill of Tank(s) Spark Test Certification or Manufactures Method Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) PIPING SYSTEM Piping & Raceway w/Collection Sump El~tfical Isolation of Piping From T~k(s) Cath~ic Proration System-Piping SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, OVERFILL PROTECTION, LEAK DETECTION Liner Installation - Tank(s) Liner Installation - Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Sen~m, Float Vent Valv~ ~ P~uct Compatible Fill Box(~) Product Line Leak Detectors) Leak Detectors) for Annual Space-D.W. Tank(s) Monitoring Well(sySump(s) - H20 Test Leak Detection Device(s) for Vadose/Gmundwater Spill Prevention Boxes FINAL Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks Fill Box Lock /r _ Monitoring Requirements Type F?'n[~/ IzZ.' q- 05e~ __ Authorization tbr Fuel Drop OC. 12-q-o-~ "~." __ CONTRACTOR LICENSE# CONTACT PHONE# ~xTr~F~/ -- No. - V CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) ;}26-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT/MODIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK r ~E OF APPLICATION (CHECK) [ ]blEW FACILITY [,I~MODWICATION OF FACILITY [ ]NEW TANK INST/~I'LATION AT EXISTING FACILrl'Y STARTING DATE /{~ -/~ ~ tC) ~ PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE FACILITY NAIVIE ,,'~,,o/_ .,?/'~.,,., ~"_,~,~_,o~ z~,x' ~-~_~/.y~/O/EXIS~O FACILITY P~ NO. FACILITY ADDRESS /~"zto d~ ,~. A ~/~__ CITY /'~f~L- ZIPCODE TYPE OF BUSINESS ~-.~_~,?~z:~A~ .-~..0.77_~Z~ - ~ # TANK OWNER ~ ~'.7'- PHONE NO. ADDRESS /~'~t~3 ~tg//,J.~/~, ~.~o/,~ /iff~ crrY yr~-/~ ZIPCODE CONTRACTOR ~'7.~/_ 1'7.,) ) ) ,<' '"" ~'tc~. - - CA LICENSE NO. AODRESS.'e <-~A' ~ i/',b,,,~-7o ~.a Pe crrY /~r"','_ za, CODE PHONE NOT -.'~ 2 7--' '~" %-Z/Z-- ' ' BAKERSFIELD crrv BUSh, mSS LICENSE NO.~ WORKMAN COMP lqO. /'qr2 7' ~4/~2 - <2~ INSURER .~.,¢ F,~ ~'~,y~¢,,~ BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE WORK TO BE DONE /AJ_~ ~ z.t .f').~/_ }~ ./.x~ z/~ /~/./~ t~ WATER TO 'FACILITY PROVIDED BY DEPTH TO GROUND WATER ~1' SOIL TYPE EXPECTED AT SITE NO. OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED X'~ ARE THEY FOR MOTOR FUEL SPILL PREVENTION CONTROL AND GOeR MEASURES PLAN ON FILE .YES NO .YES NO SECTION FOR MOTOR FUEL TANK NO. VOLUME UNLEADED REGULAR PREMIUM DIESEL AVIATION TANK NO. VOLUME SE,CTION FOR NON MOTOR FUEL STORAGE TANKS CHEMICAL STORED CAS NO. CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED (NO BRAND NAME) (IF KNOWN) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY :.: ':. · : ' ::::. : ::.. :. :: : ': '..ii: :J :iii i::iii ,~i::,: :'. .': .::.: ::: ::::: .: ...~: : .: .::::::::~:':::: : : :'::::::i :::i :!':::~. · . : .. . , :::::::::::::::::::: , ::::.: : :, .. -. :.:: ::::::::::::::::::::: :,:: ... ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::.:. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .::!.:::.:,:.:.::.:. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,:.:,::::.::.::.:.:: ,:::,:::. ::. ,:,::.: ...... ~ ......... ~,. :~ · .:...: THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGUI~TIONS. THIS FO/,RM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE ,aND CORR~T. - APPROVED B.'~ ~ '~PI~IC'--ANT NAME (PRINT) ~~PLICANT SIONA~/RE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED L CAL-VALLEY EQUIPMENT P,O, Box 80067 Bakersfield, CA 93380-0067 RE: PERMIT FOR G.E.T. > BAKERSFIELD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 ***SEVEN HUNDRED TEN AND 00/100***DOLLARS OCTOBER 16, 2003 3888~ 38881 $710.00 3888~ CAL-VALLEY EQUIPMENT ~ COMERICA BANK- CALIFORNIA P.O. BOX 80067 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380-0067 90-3752/1211 (661) 327-9341 L PAY TO THE ORDER OF ***SEVEN HUNDRED TEN AND 00/100***DOLLARS DATE AMOUNT OCTOBER 16, 2003 $710.00 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1715 CHESTER AVENUE .~7%, BAKERSFIELD, CA93303-2057 ~t~' j. j~..~ ~. STATE OF CALIFORNiA--ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY PETE WILSON. Governor DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 (916) 323-5871 August 4, 1992 Golden Empire Transit District Judy Daunell 1830 Golden State Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301-1012 EPA #: CAD981441363 BOE #: HGHQ36030335 Dear Ms. Daunell: You have recently requested to withdraw your Initial Notification of Intent to Operate Under Permit by Rule (PBR) (DTSC Form 8462) for your facility located at 1830 Golden State Ave, Bakersfield, CA. We have reviewed your letter dated July 21, 1992, and have approved your request to withdraw your initial notification. We are also removing you from the PBR data system. You stated that you want to withdraw because: The waste is not a hazardous waste, and you are also not treating the waste. If you treated hazardous waste at any time in the past, you may be subject to past annual fees as a hazardous waste facility for acting m a manner requiring a treatment permit. Assembly Bill 646 provides for a retroactive exemption from those fees for facilities that: (a) treat less than 150 gallons of silver photofinishing waste in any calendar month during a reporting period or (b) that becom~ authorized under permit by rule and submit the 8462 by June 30, 1992. By withdrawing your form DTSC 8462, you will not be eligible for that exemption. These fees can total at least $10,000 a year depending on the quantity of waste treated. By submitting an Initial Notification of Intent to Operate Under Permit by Rule (DTSC Form 8462), you became subject to an $1,109 fee to be billed by the Board of Equalization. We are informing the Board of Equalization that you filed in' error and that we have approved your request to withdraw your initial notification. If you have any questions or need further information, please call the appropriate regional office at the number listed on the enclosed map, or call the Permit by Rule Unit at the letterhead address. Sincerely, Michael S. Homer, Chief Permit by Rule Unit Enclosure cc: Region 1 Kern County Board of Equalization STATE OF CALIFORNIA--ENVIRONMENTAL PROTE'(~, ~ON AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 (916) 323-5871 Date: 04/21/92 GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-1012 EPA ID: CAD981441363 For facility located at: 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Permit by Rule Facility: The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has received your Fixed Treatment Unit Permit by Rule Initial Notification of Intent to Operate (DTSC Form 8462). This.letter only acknowledges receipt of that notification, and does not authorize operation of any treatment activity at your facility. Enclosed are DTSC Forms 8462A (Fixed Treatment Unit (FTU) Permit by Rule Facility-Specific Notification) and 8462B (FTU Permit by Rule Unit-Specific Notification). If you are currently operating your fixed treatment unit, you must submit the completed Forms 8462A and 8462B for your facility by April 1, 1992, including all required attachments. You must include a completed Form 8462B for each unit at your facility. We have also enclosed a copy of the Disclosure Statement, form DTSC 8430, the Certification of Financial Responsibility for PBR Operation, DTSC 8113, and a package of other Financial Responsibility forms from which you can select the proper forms for one or more of the acceptable financial mechanisms. An order form for PBR documents (1002) is attached with a map of our regional offices printed on the back. If you need additional forms, they may be obtained from the nearest regional office of the DTSC, or by contacting this office. California law requires that the enclosed forms be certified (signed) by an authorized corporate officer or any other person in a company who performs decision making functions that govern operation of the facility. (See Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Section 67450.2 subds. (a)(2) and (b)(3) and Section 66270.11.) Our staff must rely upon job titles to judge if the signer has decision making authority for your facility. For instance, a vice president or general manager would clearly be authorized to certify (sign) while an environmental manager or safety officer would not. If the forms are improperly signed the notification will be rejected and returned to you and you will have to resubmit the entire notification package. Paqe 2 EPA ID: CAD981441363 Since this is your initial notification for operation under a Permit by Rule for your facility, you will be billed by the Board of Equalization for the fee specified in Section 25205.7(h) of Chapter 6.5, Division 20, of the California Health and Safety Code. The fee is $1,109 this year and will be adjusted annually for inflation on' July 1st. That fee will also cover your first Facility-Specific and Unit-Specific notifications, mentioned above. Additional fees will be due for the annual notifications you must submit in future years. You are also required to amend these notifications whenever any information changes. You will be charged one-half of the annual fee ($555 this year) for each amended notification which you submit. Hazardous waste laws and regulations are detailed and complex. At any time, you may be inspected by the DTSC or your local county health department. Violations of laws or regulations which are found may make you liable for criminal, civil or administrative penalties, as provided by law. If you have questions on completing the required forms, or have questions on operating requirements for your operation, please contact the'nearest DTSC regional office, or this office at the letterhead address or phone number. Sincerely, Michael S. Horner, Chief Permit By Rule Unit Surveillance and Enforcement Branch Enforcement and Program Support Division Enclosures CC: SUSAN J. LANEY, CHIEF FACILITY COMPLIANCE UNIT DTSC REGION 1 OFFICE SURVEILLANCE & ENFORCEMENT BR. 10151 CROYDON WAY, SUITE 3 SACRAMENTO, CA 95827 ~H~IS BURGER, R.E.H.S. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 2700 M STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 groundwater resources inc. May 11, 1988 5610 DISTRICT BLVD., SUITE 106 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A License No. 520768 'Hs, Ann Boyce Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division %."~!Y Tz-uxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Golden Empire Transit. Suspected H.ydrauiic-F!uid Leak t$.']O Golc[en State Avenue 6a.kersfie]d, CA Dear Ms, Eoyee in response t.o your :~equest., l.l~is iett. e~- describes the procedures employed and o:~servat, ions made on Hay 4, 1988, immecfiately prior ~ o a t. eiephone conversation between you and Jon Fitch of Grcu. ndwater ~' urces ~ "'" . ' ~'~ ~i ~' ch ~eso !nc. ,.~_~Ri) During that ca,! ~,r. . ... ~ speakins to .you on a conference phone/receiver, relate~ that no evidence of contamination was found in the backfill or in t. he soil beneath the suspected bus hoist, A hole was cut t. hrough the concrete adjacent to the hoist and sol! was excavated to a depth of approximately four feet, revealing {.he south side of the device ,where the pressurized hydraulic line and the fluid return line are attached to t. he !lois.~. cz/finder. A minor amount of hydraulic fluid was observed on {.he inside, and also outside, of the box around the upper part of t. he hoist where the upper hydraulic-seal is housed. !t was an observed leak past this easily accessible upper seal which prompted the search for a more significant release at t. his hoist. ~4o evil, once of seepage downward around the hoist cylinder was found. Since only one side of the hoist was visible in the four-foot hole, an auger was used to sample the sand at, greater depths beside and beneath the hoist. Using the manufacturer's drawings of the hoist installation, a seven-degree inclined hole was augered to intercept the edge of the concrete foundation beneath the hoist. On first attempt the auger struck the edge of the concrete. The boring was then reamed away from the hoist in order to allow t. he auger to pass a few inches from the foundation. An undisturbed sand sample was taken with a split- spoon sampler just below ~.he edge of the foundation a~ 12.5 feet and another below the hoist at 16 feet. No visible indication or MAltING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805} 835-7700 OTHER LOCATIONS: LOS ANGELES i213) 724-3147 PL^CENTIA (714J 528-2415 Ns. Ann Boyce Kern County Health Department May 11, 1988 Page Two odor of contamination was observed in either sample. Since the water table was encountered at 16 feet, a bailer was used ~etrieve a water sample. No odor or visible indication of contamination was found in or on ~.he suFfaoe of the water sample. ~h_ augered hole was back£illed w~th bentonite pellets as a se,si to the bottom of the four-foot excavation. A steel plate was placed over the excavation until repairs are made. i supervised the investigation and personally witnessed the excavation, boring and sampl in~ procedures described above, Nothing was observed indica~,ing a ~e!ease of hydraulic oil into the soil .~round the hoist or into the native sand beneath the hcist. R J Y: W j i 720 Golden Empire Transit District A Pollution Solution Steve Underwood Bakersfield Fire Department En~roranental e~_~ ! 7! 5 Chester Ave Bakersfield CA 93301 ~_9~(19 ........... Dear Steve Confirming our conversation on 5-10-02 about the diesel spil_!l that occurred at our diesel- fueling island on 5-9-02. During the conversation ! informed you tb~_t we spilled ten gallons of diesel fuel at the fueling island, and that the spill was comained and disposed of correctly. You ipr. fo..,:m, ed mo. that the fo..,'m.s for reporting a spill were for underground tank systems, and since tM spill was contained and disposed of correctly with no threat of exposure al! we needed to do was report the spill to you. If you have any questions give me a c~! at 66!-869-6329. 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301-1012 (661) 324-9874 FAX (661) 869-6394 GROU . ATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A Lic. #504072 (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles January 8, 1988 Ms. Ann Boyce Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield~ CA 93305 Underground Storage Tanks Golden Empire Transit 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield~ CA Dear Ms. Boyce, Our firm has been retained by !]olden Empire Transit to represent 5hem in their forthcoming plan z-ecently approved by their Board of Directors. On Wednesday, January 6, 1988, the Board of Directors authorized the following: 1) Preparation of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Assessment for the above referenced facility. 2) Permitting and ins%at!ation of aboveground storage facilities for diesel fuel, new motor oil, and waste oil. Removal of all six <6) existing underground storage tanks at ~tnis facility. The current inventory of underground tanks are listed as follows: ea. 25,000 gallon Diesel ea 10,000 gallon Gasoline ea. 2,000 gallon New Oil ea. 4~000 gallon New Oil ea. 4~000 gallon Waste Oil Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose[ * San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles Ms. Ann Boyce Kern County Health Department January 8~ 1988 Page Two This letter is to inform you of the intention of Golden Empire Transit. As the work progresses we will be contacting your office for removal permits of existing tanks. If you have any additional questions, please contact our office at (805) 835-7700. Very truly yours, · Fitch Project Manager JPF:dji 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DE-'PARTMEI~TI ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION November 12, 1987 HEALTH OF~CER Leon MHebert~m,M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relcherd Jon Fitch Groundwater Resource Industries P.O. Box 9383 Bakersfield, CA 93389 RE: Assessment Status Dear Jon: The status of the following assessments being reviewed by this department are listed below: White's Black Gold, California City, (550015) - This department agrees with the proposed vapor extraction mitigation plan. Final approval must be obtained from Kern County Air Pollution Control District. Quinn Company (388-01, 432-01, 442-01) - In regards to sampling the piping on site, the terms of the abandonment permit indicate that samples should be taken every 15 feet. Please note the requested additional sites marked on the plot plan referred to as "Plot 2", (from plans submitted 10-12-87). 3 o This deparment agrees with the proposed sampling sites for the diesel dispenser. Golden Empire Transit (060013) - The accepted remediation action has been undertaken ~'J ~ ""'~ Tank abandonment actions may be scheduled for the future." Mobil Chemical (A141-O1) - Please refer to the copy of the enclosed letter sent to Jim Wakeman, dated 11-11-87. If there are further questions about actions needed to be taken at these sites, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Tom Mele Environmental Health Specialist aazardous Materials Management Progam DISTRICT OFFICES 1700 Flowm, 8tre44 ?ele~one (.OS) COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR'rMEO ENVIRONMENTAL HEAl. TH DIVISION October 30, 1987 HEALTH OFFICER LeonM Hebal~m, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon 8. Relchard Mark Pishinsky Groundwater Resource Industries 5610 District Boulevard, Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 Re: Golden Empire Transit ~. Pishinsky: The Regional Water Quality Control Board was notified on October 27, 1987 about the localized soil and water contamination that is present at the Golden Empire Transit facility located on 1830 Golden State in Bakersfield. At their request the Kern County Health Department will be handling the remediation. The site characterization and remediation alternatives report that was submitted by Groundwater Resource Industries has been review~dby this office. It was determined that the "Limited Excavation" alterna- tivewouldbe the best solution for this site. The terms of.this alternative should also include the following additions: 1. properly evacuate then sample and analyse the water collected from the ~lls referred to as ~f~l and ~83 after the contaminated soil has been removed and clean soil has been backfilled; submit sample results to this office. 2. submit to this office a copy of the transportation manifest covering the shipment of the contaminated soil to a proper disposal site. 3. submit a plan addressing further water sampling if initial sample results exceed applied action levels. If you have any further questions please call 861-3636. Sincerely, Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program 10,000 ~allon Tank 0 0 A-15 A-14 N SCALE IN FEET 1' = 24' i I i 0 12 24 crele A-12 O LEBEND · Monitor Well 0 ,Auger Hole Contours nre oF TVH in ppm as measured with PID meter GROUNDW^'[ER RE,5OURCE I NDUSTR I ES- ( 805)8:35- 7700 e. nv ~ r',:,n rr~ ental/geotecnnical services ~MW3 A-9.~ Concrete '/canopy A-190 Project Number: 06187 GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. PLOT PLAN A-17 A-180 Fence PLATE 2 LONG LEAC~-~ lINE- '. ~ DI~TAJI.. E~=.~_.~i/Pq. i · 5E.PTlC. TANK- 3000 CALLDN C. APACJ'~-- NE QUADRANT I00' LONG LEA~H FOR DETAIL 5CE DIDT~l~t..l'rIo ~ BOX- FC~ E3ETAJt :bEE 4'COTG FO~ ~ ~ ; i WASTE CAPPED L__J E~LOW GRADE - '- E!~ CONTINUED ~Y OTHER3 IN YAP-D --; 6OX- 'SEE DIESEt- :LOW VO GRADE IN YD ~OX- { ~ D~-T~I -- ~_T~3 D~"'rAILL. -- E OIL SUPPLY UNE ~£LOW C~OE -- SOY IN YD. BOX -- ~W ~E I'/~ ~5 BELOW DCW BELOW TO AC/G · AC/7' CONTINUATION SEE '1 - FC~ LEC~ND ~EE ~/M4 l i ! Form 569 HPN 5123 14. Name o! SuDplier, Owner or Dealer State Dnle of Test 15. TANK TO TEST .--~'~-~//c/-~ Identity by position ~fend nnd Grede 16. CAPACITY Nominal Cepacity /~ ~) 0 0 there doubt es to True Capacity? [] Is See Section "DETERMINING TANK CAPACITY" By most accurate capacity chert available GlUon$ From ] Station Chart ,~ Tank Manufacturer's Chert [:._] Company Engineering Dali [] Charts supplied with pelro TLle ] Other 17. FILL-UP FOR TEST SLick Readings to ~ in. Stick Water Bottom before Fill-Up ~ ~ Inventory to Y, in. Gallons Fill up. STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY QUANTITY Total Gallons Gallons ea. Reading '1 Tank Diameter Product in f.ull tank (up to till pipe) 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK/z-)-/~_~----~/,Z'. ~,_~O See manual sectio.s applicable. Check below a.d recold procedure in log (26). ~/~. /~/~..~: ~ [] Water In tank [] High water table in tank excavation [] Line(s) being tested with VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM ]Stage I [~ Stage II 0 0 I 26. 27. 28. D~E TIME (24 k.) 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR TSTT ASSEMBLY Bottom of tank to Grade* .................... Add 30" for 4" L ................. Add 24" for 3" L or air seal ....... Total tubing to assemble Approximate ........ 20. EXTENSION HOSE SEI'RNG Tank top to grade' .................................. Extend hose on suction tube 6" or more below tank lop ..................................... 30. HYDROSTATIC PRTSSURE CONTROL 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (al TO TEST THIS TANK IS Today Warmer?,. Colder? i J --~ F Product in Tank __° F lrdl-up Product on Truck 22. Thermal-Sensor reading after circulation / .~/~:;,Z ~ ~ 0/4~/ d,g,ts ~earest 23. Digit, .r 'F iff range of ex.cl~ change .Bi ~ d:gds 24. total quantity in coefficient of expansion for full tank (15 or 17) involved product volume change per 'F (24) Digit~'p~r LF in test Rant e (23) 'If Fill pipe extends above grade, use top of fill LOG OF TEST PROCEDURES Record details of setting up end running test. (Use full length of line if needed.) Reading IQ. 25. 31. Slafldpipe Level in Inches Beginning Levelto of which Reading Restored 32. VOLUME MEASUREMEKTS(~ RECORD 10.101 GAL. Product in Graduate Product Repleced (*-) llvlorl Alter Product Reading Rending Recovered (+) Expected Change ( + or - ) °F 34. 35. Thermal Sensor Reading = ~ '-~ ,~ gallons volume change in Ibis tank per Volume change per digit, test Compute to 4 decimal )laces. factor (al TE#PERUURE COMPENSATION USE FACTOR 37. 36~hnng, Computation Higher ;' (C)x (11 = r - Expansion + Lo~; Conic.cleon - 38. NET VOLUME CHANGES EACH READING Adjustment Volume Minus Expansion (*) Ot Conlracli0n (-) a 33lV)- #37(I 39. ACCUMULATED CHANGE At High Level record lotjI End Deflechon At taw tirol compute ~:haflle per Hour IIFPk srJterw) PLEASE PRINT 1. OWNER r,o,,,y Tank(s) Chart for Tank System i~ ~tness Test petro Tale TANK TESTER Nlme Name Ad~lte$$' 2. OPERATOR 3. REASON FOR TEST (Explain Fully) 4. WHO REQUESTED TEST AND WHEN 5. WHO IS PAYING FOR THIS TEST? 6. TANK(S) .INVOLVEO 7. INSTALLATION DATA 8. UNDER6ROUND WATER 9. FILL-UP ARRANGEMENTS 10. CONTRACTOR, MECHANICS, any other contractor involved 11. OTHER INFORMATION' 0fl REMARKS 12. TEST RESULTS 13. CERTIFICATION /~// Serial No. el Thermal .,. j Addless Company, Agency el Indivlevll ' ~ PellOn Autholiaing Company or AlhliSlion Terminal or other contlct for notice oz inquiry 'J'illl Billing Addllll City Still Zip Identify by Direction ?! Location Cover N Idl dol¥ Concrete. Black TOp, J Cepscily 8rand/Suppliej · /,,/,,,~///,,/. Fills Sill. Titalill make. OrOp Grade' 4 Vents Sill. Ml~lloldld Depth to the Water table Siphonas Steel/Fiberglass Pumps Il the water over the tank Tanks to ba filled "7~'~'3 hr. ~'~/~'"~"Oat, A,rangedby Exlra product lO "lop off" and run TSTT. How and who to provide Consider NO Lead, Name Talll)honl Additional information on any items above. Ollicials or others to ba advised when testing is in progress or completed. Visitors or observers present during test etc. Tests were made, on the above tank systems In accordance with test procedures prescribed for pa|re [It._.~ "~ es detailed on attached lest charts with results as fOllOwS: ~,,is~ - ~_ _<~"t'/. ~. ~. ~, Thll la to COdlty that thole lank eyltonle wore tailed on the d~ll{I) Ihown. Those indlcaled as "Tight" meet Ihe crllerla ealabllshed by the National Fire Protection Asoclation Pamphlet 329. __ ~ , h' Date Tested Date LOCATION: //~:) Name O.~TOR: ,he: -A'~OV ~"' N'lme R~SON FOR TEST_ DATA CHART For Use With Stt~ NO. a~/o( ~me( ~'Ci~ - - - Addle~ Repm~ntadvn .T'Mepho~ N~ aphoni No. Oealaf, Mg~. of OthM Addf#~ (If diifagent than Location) Tetapho~e Ne. S TEST REQUESTED BY: Name · SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ? CONTRACTOR OR COMPANY MAKING TEST MECHANIC(S) NAME ' t~'~ · IS A TANK TEST TO BE ~ YES MADE WITH THIS LINE TEST? ~ ~NO Oldm NO. Billing Addllll PUMP O, D,S.,SE,S .. _ '~ ~ 14 PRESSURE 15 VOLUME lB TEST RESULTS 11 IDENTIFY 12 TIME 13 LOG OF TEST PROCEDURES, EACH LINE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, ll~i OR kP- READING NET AS TESTED (MILITARY) WEATHER. ETC. ·El:ORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER CHANGE CONCLUSIONS, REPAIRS AND COMMENTS COVE. APPROXIMATE t7~ ._~ 10 WEATHER..~'('/~/'~'~""~/~ TEMPERATURE IN TANKS_ 'F__ 'C OVER LINES ~ ~ BURIAL DEPTH '~,.k To~ .,~ - KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR~M! · .. :......, .-.........;.,:, ~: ,::. ?.. .. LocATIoN .. .: .~. :. .:," ! ,';'; ;;.,, ,. A.' INDICATE BELOW;,THE, EXACT LOCATION OF WELL.WITH LINES, WATER' BODIES OR" WATER.. COURSES, DRAINAGE PRIVATE SEWAGE.DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. INCLUDE DIMENSIONS, LOCATION OF WELL IN SECTION LINES. LOCATE WELL BY MEASURING FROM PROPOSED WELL SITE TO TWO (2) SEC- TION LINES OR % SECTION IF A ROAD(S) BORDERS THE LAND. THE MEASUREMENT(S) SHOULD ALSO BE MADE FROM THE CENTER OF THE ROAD. Health 580 4113 306 EH (Rev. 5/87) (Pg. 3 of 3) ~Golden Empire Transit District September 11, 1987 Janis Lehman Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Janis: This letter is to confirm our phone conversation of September 10. When you review the inventory recording and reconciliation sheets for August, you ~.ll notice that on August 20, we received delivery of a load of ~d~i-~-~'~'.l~ The stick readings taken before and after delivery indic~"~hat 9116 gallons were delivered. It appears that one of the closing readings was misread as the truck and trailer combination will not hold more than about 7500 gallons. I believe the reading is high by about 10", resulting in approximately 2000 gallons difference in the total fuel delivered. As you can see, the rest of the month balances out fairly well for a variation percentage of only 1.1%. I am also enclosing a copy of the waste oil inventory control sheet. We had the oil pumped out today and I will be starting a new sheet for next week. It appears that regulations will only allow us to store waste oil for 90 days so we will be pumping this tank out on a 90 day schedule. Each time it is emptied I will send this report to you. As always, if you have any further questions, please contact me. Sincerely, ~,~d ± Baunel 1 /~.qa ±ntenance bna l_vst /JD 1830 Golden State Avenue P.O. Box 2870 Bakersfield, California 9330~2870 805 324-9874 Golden Empire Transit District Page 2 September 16, 1987 As you can see, by conservative calculations, the 90 day period would not start for this facility until you had accumulated 26,000 gallons of waste oil. However, other regulations would apply to you before you exceed 5,000 gallons of waste oil. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Environmental Healt]~ Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JL/gb Enclosure 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305~1198 Telephone (805) 861-2231 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Director of Public Health Air Pollution Control Officer September 16, 1987 Golden Empire Transit District Attn: Judi Daunell P.O. Box 2870 Bakersfield, CA 93308-2870 Dear Ms. Daunell, This letter is in reference to the 4,000 gallon waste oil tank located at the Golden Empire Transit facility. You stated in a letter to this office, dated September 11, 1987, that you would pump out this waste oil tank every 90 days in order to meet regulations. If you will refer to the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Section 25123.3 (enclosed for your convenience), you will see that in part (1) it states that sites where wastes are contained for greater than 90 days are considered storage facilities, however, in subsection (b), it qualifies when this 90 day time period begins. This subsection states that the time period for calculating the 90 day period begins when 100 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste or 1 kg of extremely hazardous waste is accumulated (or when any amount of hazardous waste first begins to accumulate at facilities which generate the above amounts of waste during any calendar month). A rough calculation follows as to what this amount would be in gallons for waste oil. first a) b) c) Volume (1)= weight (g) density (g/l) d) one liter= 0.26 gallons therefore: (c) 100,0009= 100,000 liters iR/i (d) 100,080 'i x 0.26 gallons= 26,000~gal 100 kg= 100,000 grams (g) assume the density of the waste oil to be 1 gram/liter (a conserva- tive estimate, remember, oil floats on water). 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 KhRN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Seotember !?. 1987 HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Judi Daunei Maintenance Analyst Golden Empire Transit Distr ct P. O. Box 2870 8akersfie!d. Ca!ifornia 92303-2870 Dear Ms. Daunel. This deparr:nent has reviewed the standard inventory control monitoriny worksheets for the two manifolded 25,000 gallon diesel rue1 tanks at the Golden Empire Transit District facility located at 1830 Golden State Avenue in Bakersfield. California. These records indJcate that 'this tank system is consistently unable to meet the requirements of this monitoring program. You n~ust therefore implement one of the following methods to monitor these tanks, or you may propose an alternate monitoring program il]at either meers or exceeds the environmental protection offered by the standard inventory monitoring program: Remove and z'epia,:e ~he existing single walled tanks with a secondarily contained '-,'-¢zem Install an electronic in-tank level sensing system that exceeds the capabilities of manual monitoring. install a ground ~va t e.r monitoring well . a vadose zone monitor !n? we] i . and p~r'form standard inventory control monitoring. This c>p~ior: may not be feasible due to the possi!0iiiry of grolllld ,t,H[.o[' contamination in this area. You have 30 days in ~vh i,-:h ro submit a work p/an and a timetable for the option that you choose. tf you have any questions, p.iease feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636. S i ;]ce re.ly, Janis Lehman Environmental Health Specialist Ilazardous alaterials ,~anagement Program DISTRICT O~FICES Ms. Janis Lehman Kern County Health Department September 18, 1987 Page Two If you have any additional questions, please contact our office at (805) 835-7700.' Very truly yours, David E. Fulton Project Geologist DEF:dji GROU ATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A Lic. #504072 (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles Ms. Janis Lehman Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Well Permit Golden Empire Transit District 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Lehman, The following information describes the necessity of boring an additional monitoring well by Groundwater Resource Industries (G.R.I.) in order to persue a more detailed investigation of contamination at the above referenced facility. The two (2) initial borings that were proposed in the Site Characterization Plan, dated August 4, 1987, have been drilled and completed as monitoring wells. Boring B-I, located near the leaking pump assembly of the tank, encountered groundwater a depth of~~ below the surface. Drilling was completed at to a depth of ~3--~eet. Boring B-2, located at the dispenser area, was drLl~ed to a total depth of 32 feet with groundwater present at~8.5~fee~ below grade. As part of the requirements set by the County (KCHD) and State (RWQCE) G.RoI. plans to complete an additional well in an at- tempt to establish a groundwater gradient. A triangular pattern will be used in order to meet this objective. The facility is located next to the Kern River adding to the complexity of the hydrogeology. Published source information (Kern County Water Agency) indicates that steep gradients are present as groundwater flows away from the river towards the valley. The permission to drill an additional well has been requested for the purpose of defining the groundwater gradient at this site. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose * San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles GROU~WATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES GOLDEN EMPIRE ]'RANSIT DISTRICT 1850 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93~03 REMEDIATION AND FINAL STATUS REPORT 4GROU~WATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT REMEDIATION AND FINAL STATUS REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduc'~ion and Conclusions Background Vadose Plume Cleanup Operations Groundwater Plume Status Li mi tations APPENDICES I._aboratary Results Chain o~ Custody Sampling Protocol GROUI WATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transit i. () INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSIONS This r-eport presents the outcome of vadose remediation work performed and subsequent water table assessment results at the Goldec, Empire Transit District ~acility located at 1830 Golden Stat. e Av'enue, Bakersfield, California. Groundwater Resource Industries (GRI) performed the work and submits this report with the conclusion that both the vadose plume and the grounwater pi. use i";ave dissipated and no ~urther remediation is indicated. ~."';' (".,.. BACKGROUND Some time shortly before July 2.7., i987, an undetermined amount of unleaded gasoline was released into the backfill around a 10,000 gallon underground storage tank in the bus parking lot. In r~sponse to a request from the Kern County Health Department, a Site Ci~aracterization Plan was submitted and i~ was approved August ~2, 1987. Augering and sampling to determine the extent o¥ c:ontaminati on was performed between August 20, 1987 and S~.~ptember 24, 1987. A Site Characterization Report was submitted Oc~ober 20, 1987. The report described a vadose contamination plume o-~ very limited extent in the pea-gravel ba~k-~ill below the i::)o:Li"i'~ of release which was near the top of the tank. Some of the product was also detected in groundwater sampled from Monitor Well-..1 (MW-l) which encountered the water table at about 16 feet, below '~he point of release. The path of groundwater plume migration was identified by means o~ soil-gas investigation down gradient from the release point even though water samples ~rom MW--~;, located in the path o~ migration, showed no hydrocabon con'~amina'~ion. GRI recommended that the vadose contamination plume in the pea-gravel be excavated and, ~ollowing that, a water analysis be made to determine i~ hydrocarbons still occur in MW- The vadose plume removal was attempted November 2, 1987. GROUI I WA TE R RESOURCE 'INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transit VADQSE F'LUME CLEANUP OPERATIONS L.~;ing ..--~ photoionization detector and sense of smell it was determined that the contaminated pea-gravel had dried up. Normal high temperatures during July~ August and September increased the rat~:.~ of evapor-ation o~ the gasoline to the extent that the pea- gravc, l~ removed from what once was the vadose plume, was no Ic,"~ger contaminated. The use of shovels and a backhoe was expected to be effective in the removal of the pea-gravel, but because of flow lines, vent lines, electrical conduits and MW-1 in the area to be excavated, 'khe backhoe was unable to work. Digging by hand with shovels was also seriously hampered by' the piping obstacles and the pea- graw:-~l t-ends to cave into the place where digging is attempted. A ..~ield conference was held with Mr. Tom Mele of the Kern County Heal ti'; Depar-tment who, after r-eviewing the facts and the .s':i. tuat i on ,: concluded that further excavation would be unproductive. Permission was grmnted for restoration of the ~.ite:.,~ with MW-1 to remain in place and functional. GROUNDWATER F'LUME STATUS Wate~ .... ~:r,.-:~m MW-1 was sampled November 2, 1987. The the well was pu,."',3c)~:~ ,::~.-~: approximately 60 gallons at a rate of 2.75 G.P.M. The a(::iui.f:er" has such good hydraulic conductivity that the well did n(::P~ pump down at that rate. Water samples were then collected and tr'an~ported immediately to B. C. Laboratories for analysis. N(::~ L:~en:.:~c~ne was reported while ethyl benzene , toluene, and xylene ~.~:~)rc~ reported in trace amounts~ as indicated on the lab report, Appc~ndix A. 5.0 LIMITATIONS dis~c:ussion and' conclusion presented in this report are based the observations of field personnel, the results of labor-atory tests performed by B.C. Laboratories, Bakersfield, 2 GROUI WATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transi~ California, and our understanding of the regulations of Kern County and the California Regional Water Control Board. It is possible that variations in the soil or groundwater conditions could exist beyond the points explored in this inw~stigation. Also, changes in the hydrogeologic conditions fc, und could occur 'at sometime in the future due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors. The services performed by G.R.I. have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Respc.~.ct..i:ul i y submitted, (Groundwater Resource Industries) Da '~: e: .~ GROUN~WATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES APPF. ND I X A AGI~I£UL TUllE CHemiCAl ANAl YSI$ PETIIOLEU¥ LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 11-03-87 LAB No.: TRAVEL BLANK SAMPLE DESCRIPTION:P-#06187 TRAVEL BLANK FOR LAB~ 21403-1 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 11-02-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 11-02-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 11-03-87 TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS gg/1 ng/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 rig/1 ~g/1 gg/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 MINIMUM ANALYSIS REPORTING RESULTS LEVEL none detected 0 5 none detected 0 5 none detected 0 5 none detected 0 5 none detected 0 5 none detected 0 5 none detected 0 5 none detected 0 5 none detected 0 5 none detected 0 5 COMMENTS: TPH - none detected MRL = 0.5 TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS CH£MICA~ A~AL Y$15 PET~?OL ,CUM LABORATORIES, InC. J. J. EGLIN, ItEG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 11-03-87 LAB No.: 21403-1 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION:P-~06187 WM-i-1 MW-1 WATER DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 11-02-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 11-02-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 11-03-87 TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 rig/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ng/1 ~g/1 gg/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34O3O 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 ANALYSIS RESULTS none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 1.05 0.62 0.95 18.60 18.60 MINIMUM REPORTING LEVEL 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 COMMENTS: META AND PARA XYLENES CO-ELUTE TPH - 39.72 MRL = 0.5 TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS By .~ GROU~DWATE R RESOURCE INDUSTRIES A F' F' E N D I X OROUNDWAr~e' ' RESoURc~' · .... · INDUSTRIES CH^~N 0ir CUSTO0Y RECORD i ': ".. ".: ;: -. REi'dARK$ ? ::'~ ....¢";:? :-.':.. :..-.:,. ~~.. ~/,. ',~~: · ~ · .~..~ ~.. ...... , . .' j.-:. ;;. Rel~bhed bg ~$1~ature) Date~e Received bg: (s~nat~e) Reltnqu~st~d bg: CSignature) Date,~e. Received.. . ~.: (~at~e). ~"~~~,' I ' ' Rel~quts~d ~g: ~' Date~e · · (Si~ature) Date/Time. Received bg Rel~ished bg :CSignature) Dale~lme Received for Lab~at~g bg: Date~e Remir~ · . CC: (~tgnature) .GR~NDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES APPENDIX C SAMPLING P ROTOC.OL %GRC NDWATER RESOURC INDUSTRI£$ , ' APPENDIX C TEST BORZNG PROCEDURES I. Soil Sampling Protocol The following procedures are followed during soil sampling operations utilizing the hollow stem auger drilling technique. A. Hollow Stem Auger Soil borings drilled by the hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. Augers, samplers' and all downhole equipment are steam cleaned prior to use. In the field steam cleaning is done between borings to minimize the potential for cross-contamination. A G.R.I. geologist observes the work, visually logs the soils, and collects.samples at appropriate intervals. The Unified Soils Classification System is utilized to classify soils encountered. Additional geologic observations'are noted as appropriate. Soil samples destined for laboratory analysis are collected by a modified California Split Spoon. This sampler uses three, six inch long, by two inch diameter (o.d.} tubes. Various tubes can be Utilized ~o accommodate the type of analysis necessary~. Stainless - Steel . Plastic - All organics and general analyses (not to be used for copper or zinc analysis). All organics and metals analyses for copper and zinc (not to be used for chrome or nickel analyses) All metals analyses (not to he used for organics) GRO IDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES. Appendix O (cont'd) 0 The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the G.R.Z. laboratory; Tubes are scrubbed, inside and outside, with a brush and TSP. They are next steam cleaned, and packed in clean containers with seals. Tubes are delivered to the drilling site in these closed con~ainer~' to preserve the state of cleanliness. .. After the sample(s} have been removed from the sampler, the sampler is completely disassembled and scrubbed in TSP and f. ap water. It is then rinsed in two separate tapwater baths and re- assembled with three, clean tubes. Dirty tubes are field washed .in TSP, rinsed with water, and placed in buckets for transport back to the G.R.I. lab for cleaning and preparation. 9. The sampler is driven by a 140 pound hammer with a 30 inch free fall. Blow counts are recorded as number of blows per 6 inches.of drive. 10. The sampler is driven 18 inches at'each sampling interval. The first {or lowest-) tube is generally retained as tho sample for analysis. The other two tubes are retained for. back-up or split samples. Il. 12. 13. 14. A sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose soils are antfcipated[ This'will prevent the soil from falling out of the sampler. After retrieval, the sample is. Visually logged and immediately sealed with. aluminum foil .lined caps, labeled, and chilled.. Clean field ice chests and chemical ice ('blue ice') are used to keep the' samples cold until delivered to the chemical laboratory. Teflon seals are atso available for field samples. .. Samples are delivered'to, the laboratory the same day they are taken, if physically possible. If the samples must be held until the next day, they: are kept frozen in a secure'freezer at the G.R.Z. facility. Sample control is maintained by a Chain of Custody form which accompanies the sample. The form documents the time, date, and responsible person during each step in the transportation process. RESOURCE INDUSTRIES . . : AX~I)EHDXX D '' )~GNZTORZNG WELL ~AJ4PLXNG PROTOCOL sample collection~ '. .' SMupI° pump tS disassembled and the usbd bladder removed. Teflon sampler' lines are pressure washed with 5 ~o 10 . gallons of entire s~st~m, . . · 7. Prior to samPlo.~ollecticn, a minimum of five well volumes are purged from the veil to permit collection of ~ r~presenta~lve groundwater sample .from the aquifer penetrated. Purge Volume. Determination .. '. · he following procedure is followed ~o determine the appropriate purging vol.unm prior to well sampling,' level £ndica~or. 14~asu~ement datum is the top og fill' ring or ~op of veil pro~ec~or* Depth ~o ~h~ bottom o£ the well is'measured b¥'a clean tape and plump hob.' If poss/ble,.this is compared to ~ell cons~uc~ion log to. determine inconsistencies, i,e. .da~a~ed casing, sediment '£n cah~n~, RESOURCE · INDUSTRIES · Ce o W~Ce: yoltime. ~e calcula~ed'b¥.mulCLpl¥~g .~otal racer l. }riot Co 8'ampli~, & ~t~:lJnLun o~ ~h~oe .~o £&vo ~ell · ~orn~CLon, ' .. ' 2. ~oasurements o£ pe, conductivity, and temperature are ~aken kC £req~enC ~n~e~vals du~n~ ~he purge. S~abl~l~za~Lon .o~ C~eso values 2ndtc~Ce8 representative ~o.nna~ton ~lutds are hetng, removed ~rom 3, ~n. the event ~haC tho ~e~l ~s'punped.dry, an procedure ~ bo relieved, Oflco,~ veil ~he ~a~e~ ~ha~ en~r8 ~he ~ell ~u~ng.~ecovo~y ~s,. bM. v~ll, ~ere~ore, be p~ped d~ ~n~.aXXov~d OOt o=~e a~ ~he origins! water .leve~,.. . 4',. Purge racer ~s punped d~ectl¥ ~nto barrels on stce.unc~l oho pro'per mar~od o~ d~epos&~ 5.. S~p~es p~ped d~rec~lY ~n~ ~ho s~Ce ce~ed l~bo~o~.,con~c~ed ~o~ par~Lcul~r Job've~e l~beled ~nd p~ced 2n 6,. S~ple8 are delLv~ed dL~ly ~. ~e l~ on ~h~ s~"day o~ 8~p~ng' bF cour~er, vhenever,prac~cal, '~ next d~y dettv~ ts necessary, ~ 4 degrees C ~o:n2gh~ &nd , 7. S~pIo8 eeo acc~p&n~ed doc~on~s ~he ~e, ~a~e ~nd each .cop o~ ~e c~ansport~c~n process. Tho G.R.I. coded sample numbering' s~St:em al lo~s tdenCt~LcaCton of 8~pte and clton~ ~ G.R.X.,. vhtle neC. rovealLng tho cXLon~ ~o ~o Laboratory or other ~ncerested p&rtte8. * . .GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DISTRICT SITE CHARACTERIZATION AND REMEDIATION ALTERNATIVES GROU DWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES GOLDEN EMF'IRE TRANSIT DISTRICT SITE CHARACTERIZATION AND REMEDIATION ALTERNATIVES TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.0 4.0 5.0 ~. C) 7,,0 Background Soil Borings and Sampling Procedures Soil-Gas Investigation Findings Conclusions Regarding The Contamination Plume Remediation Alternatives Ref erer, ces Limi rations ILLUSTRATIONS I::' ]. a t e P! at:~.~ 2 Pi ate I::' 1 a t ~:. 5 Site Location Map Plot F'lan l_og of Borings Soil-Gas Investigation Data Sheet Vertical Cross-Section Through Borings B-1 and B-.3 AF'PEND ICES B. Laboratory Results Chain of Cu'stody Sampling F'roto¢ol GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transit This report presents the results of an investigation to determine the exter;t of contamination resulting from an unauthorized release of unleaded petroleum product at the Golden Empire ]"rar;s.:it District facility, located at 1830 Golden State~ Avenue, Bakersf i el. d .~ California. Groundwater Resource Industries .'..'G.R.I. ) conducted the investigation and, with this report, suggests remediation alternatives. 1. C, BACKGROUND I]r": ,]'ur'ie 19,. 1987, GRI performed a Petro-Tite Line ]'est on the product line from a 10,000 gallon underground storage tank. The i i ne passed ,~ the test.. ~at a .040 gal 1-on~ ,pe~,,~,~,~~~. ~Sub.s~clLi(~.i"itly~ on July 2..3~ 1987~ at the request of the Kern County Health Department~ GRI attempted to perform a F'etro-Tite Line 'l'~st on that s~sme line. The test was aborted because the line couici not be brought up to the required test pressure. A damaged .... union connected to the Red Jacket l in_~ br.a~s sealing ring on a .~ . 1,.,..,.~k ~,,,~tw~.t~ ~.w.~.__repl~qe~ ~,d ~ faulty 1-1 ~ impact, valve from · ~'~" T~[]~]~r~ z~:ea]~-~.~ ~_~mp..1 a~e.d. Fol 1 owing a successful twenty- · i" ,....,,'o i~,:::)ur air pressure test the product line was refilled with un ]. ~'~a,":le'~ ,~:]a-~sol i ne and passed .a Petro-Tite Line Test. An undetermined amount of unleaded gasoline was discharged into '~.:. I'"~:~.~ s,::)i i near the Red Jacket 1 ine leal-..: detector. The cc:,n~am~.nated soil which was excavated during repair operations has been placed in two fifty-five gallon DOT 17H drums located near the excavation. .... :",= ()haracterization F'].an~ dated August 4, 1987, to define the a .~:, .; ....... verti c:al and borizontal extent of the contamination ~ was sub, mi tted to Ms. Oani s Lehman of the Kern County Health Depart. cent. The plan was .approved on August 12~ 1987 and the proposed work was performed between August 20~ 1987 and September 24..) 1 -~ ~ ... 2 ,, SOIL BORINGS AND SAMF"LING PROCEDURES iS.F:.'.][. 's workplan ic, itially consisted of three borings, one at tl'~,~a tank ].ocation near the Red Jacket line leak detector, one at the ,:_~i..-'~spenser area~ and one centrally located in t. he downgradient area overl, yir;g a suspected groundwater contamination plume (Plot i:::'lan, Plate 2). These borings were completed as groundwater GROU WATER REsouRCE INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transit monitoring wells using 2-inch diameter schedule 40 PVC with .020- inch ~actory per~orations. The third boring was drilled based on the laboratory results o~ borings i and.-, ~ and on a soil-gas investigation designed to de~ine the boundries and direction o~ the groundwater plume. The borings were made with nine-inch diameter~ continuous-~light hollow stem auger equipment. Drilling was performed by Melton Drillin~ o~ Bakers{ield~ Cali{ornia under the supervision ~ a G.R.I~. geologist. The cores were taken with a California Split Spoon ?})ampler and described as they were acquired. A log o~ each boring is presented in Plate 5. Soil samples intended ~or laboratc)ry analysis were sealed, labeled, and placed on ice t. ransport to a certified laboratory. A chain o~ custody (Appendix B) was maintained ¥or all the samples. Boring B-1 was drilled to a 'total depth o~ 50 ~eet with~ gr~undwater encountered at approximately 16 ~eet. Boring B-2 was drill~.d to 52 ~eet with groundwater encountered at appro,ximately 16 ~eet. Boring B-3 was drilled to 39 ~eet with groundwater encountered at approximately 16 ~eet. See Boring Log (Plate 3) · ~c)r well construction information. Augers and downhole equipment, including samplers, were steam cleaned between successive borings to avoid contamination ~ according to the Sampling Protocol presented in appendix C. In addition, each soil sample obtained was tested on-site ~or ]'otal Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) concentrations using a TIP phot(~)ionization de~ection meter. SOIL-GAS INVESTIGATION Sc)il-gas :investigation re+ers to ~he analysis o~ the soil-air in the vadose zone as a means 'to loca'te suspected underground cc)ntamination ~rom volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) including pet. r~leum products. This technique o~ c~ntaminan~ mapping is very cost-e~.~:ective since i~ provides a rapid means o~ collecting data~ at the project site, without the cost and time delays associated with conventional drilling and sampling. Numerous samples can be collected over a large area which increases the pr~babi 1 i ty of detecting and del ining the boundaries of a contamination plume. GROUNDWATER RE5OURCE INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transit The Golden Empire Transit site was characterized by suspected contaminated groundwater at approximatly 16 feet in depth overlain by medium to coarse grained sands, indicating a large amount of air-filled porosity into which the gasoline vapors could migrate. T'he objective of the soil-gas investigation employed by G.R.I. was to obtain information as to the boundaries of the plume, its direction of flow, and a quantitative estimate of the concentration levels within its plume. This data was then used to locate a third monitoring well. Although gasoline is a mixture of over 200 petroleum-derived chemicals, analysis of the gasoline components is usually limited to the detection of Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and Total Volatile Hydrocarbons (TVH). Those constituents possessing high vapor pressures, low molecular weights, and low aqueous solubilities readily partition out of the groundwater and into the soil-gas zone enabling detection by portable monitoring equipment. The procedure for collecting the data involved using the auger equipment described in section 2.0 above, sampling at depths of 9~ 14~ and 16 feet using the 'split spoon sampler. The bottom of the acquired brass tube was covered with sterilized gauze allowir~g air to flow through the tube. TVH in parts per million (ppm) was then measured using the TIP photoionization detection meter to extract and analyze the vapors. Additionally, an auger hole was drilled and sampled upgradient and outside of the contaminated area to determine what the ambient readings would be on clean soil at the facility site. This data will serve as a guide to determine the plume's boundry. A summary of data collected from each auger hole location is pl."'esented in Plate 4. A contour map showing TVH (Plate 2) details the readings observed at 14 and 16 feet for the auger hole locations. Based on this information, it was decided to locate the third monitoring well between auger holes A-9 and A- 10. 4.0 FINDINGS 4.! Laboratory analysis of Soil Samples Soil samples taken from boreholes B-l, B-2, and B-5 were anlayzed by B.C. Laboratories of Bakersfield, California, using EPA GROU DWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transit 502C,/8020 method to determine BTX-TPH concentration of ,_ :~,~ ~.=. ,_ i t uen ts present. gasol i ne The analyses on soil samples from boring B-1 indicate belo~ action level contamination .for soil down to 25 feet and non- cletectable amounts at 29 feet. ]'he concentration levels for Tot.al Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) ranged in value from 174 ppm at 16 .Feet to 56 ppm at 20 feet to 148 ppm at 25 feet. Boring B-2, located by the dispenser, had non-detectable amount~ o.f: contamination'from 5 feet down to the total depth of 30 feet. Soil samples analyzed for boring B-3 also revealed non-detectable amounts of contamination within the soil. Labor-ator'y results in Appendix A. .-'-I-,2 Laboratory Analysis of Water Samples Tw.,:.:~q'~t,:, ..... f our hours after completing the monitoring wel 1 s, the w.at:,-.~r was sampled using a teflon bailer. Four well volumes were pur~ecl from each well to ensure a representative sample was taken from t. he aq_~ifer. Two water samples taken from each well and a '~.:.rav~,l blank were sent to B.C. Laboratories to be analyzed for ~'!"X-"I"F'H using EPA 602 method. Gr"our'~dwater samples from ~ (~orino B-l) revealed a highl concentration of 5.10 par-tsar billion (ppb) and 9.36 ppb for~ ~B(~-:?nz.z.z. ne .from the two samples. Toluene concentrations were 7 ppbI ~'~-o ..z,f: ppb respectiw~ly and the tot_~l Xylenes ~ere ~.:,~ ppb i z..~.oc:) Pl:)b~ respectively. Groundwater samples from HW-2 (Boring B-2) sho~ed no reportable levels of contamination from either sample, One o-f: the water samples from 1~1~ (Boring B-3) ~ collected .)~:~pC ........ ember ¥0~ 1987~ reported 1.6 ppb Benzene and 1.6 ppb TF'H~ ~"whi].e analytes in the second sample were all below minimum r"ei]or"ting level. The B.C. Laberat~ries analyst who ran th~se samples explained the difference between the two 5 ml sample runs as a possible interference due to a trace amount of Benzene in the lab equipment (see letter, Appendix C). MW-3 was resampled · an,z~ 25 ml sampl.~s were analyzed to avoid interference due pc)ssible hydrocarbbn residuals in the lab equipment. sampl, es from M~-:~ showed ne reportable levels of c~nta~n~'~-~r The tra',;el blanks, analyzed for the same constituents as the ware; .... samples, indicated no detectable levels of contamination. 4 GROU DWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transit 4.5 Geology and Hydrogeology T'he project site is located on the west-side of the San Joaquin Valley bordering the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Surface geology at this location consists of Sierra Nevada provenance alluvial fan material. These Pleistocene continental deposits were derived from the erosion of hard crystalline granitic rocks by the Kern River and laid down as coalescing alluvial fans. The Kern River Alluvial fan lies along the river between Bakersfield and Oildale. and radiates out into the valley in a IlO-degree arced fan sloping approximately 7 feet per mile. The sediments penetrated by the borings are comprised of loosely compacted silts to 10 feet and poorly sorted sands, commonly containing pebbles and cobbles, to 55 feet. The silts were brown to grey in coloring with occassional rust colored mottling and were only slightly plastic. The sands were grey and brown in color, micaeous, and silty with low plasticity and contained layers of one-inch pebbles and cobbles. Kern County Water Agency' (KCWA) reported depth to unconfined groundwater in 1986 (most recent report) to be less than 50 feet below ground level at this site. During the drilling process groundwater wa~ mncountered at approximately 16 f.eet bq~ow ~r~ in' oorings B-l,B-2 and B-3. The Kern River,located approximately one-half mile to the northwest, serves as the primary natural and artifical recharge to the groundwater basin. According to the KCWA, the direction of groundwater movement is away Yrom the Kern River in a southeasterly direction with a gr'adient of approximately 75 feet per mile. The results from G.R.I.'s soil-~as ~nvestigation would suggest a soutM' to s~u~-~?r'l ~1 ~r_~_ect~o_n based on the oirection of the co--ion plume within the groundwater. ' The average rainfall in the vicinity of the site, based on a 20 yeaF average, is estimated at 5.5 inches. As measured at the Bakersfield Airport, located 2.25 miles to the northwest, 50 percent of the average precipitation occurs in the winter (January, February, March) and only 2.percent during the summer (July, August, September). 5.0 CONCLUSIONS REGARDING THE CONTAMINATION PLUME 5.1 Vadose Zone Plume The location of the contamination release was found to be in the GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transit a~m~ ..... of the Red Jacket line leak detector-on the unleaded gasoline tank. The tank rested on a concrete slab approximately two feet thick. Pea-gravel was used as a fill above the concrete slab and surrounding the tank. Below the concrete slab was undisturbed soil. Plate 5 shows a cross section of the plume in the vadose zone. Due to the high permeability of the pea-gravel and the lack of undisturbed soil between the tank and groundwater, liquid contamination would percolate downward with 1 ittle lateral extent. The soil from the four-foot deep excavation around the turbine pump contains contamination from the spill and is presently covered,on-site, with polyethlyene sheeting. 5.2 Groundwater Plume As discussed in section 5.1 above, contamination from the release quickly migrated through the fill into the groundwater. Laboratory analysis of groundwater from borings B-2 (MW-2) and B-3 (MW-3), however, indicated non-detectable levels of contamination present. The location of MW-2 is believed to be just outside the direction of groundwater flow downgradient from MW-1. ~W--3. located approximately 59 fe~t south-southeast of MW- 1 is believed to be in the heart of the suspected plume b~ed on the data collected from the soil-gas investi'gation (see Plate 5). The rate of groundwater flow has not been determined nor is it available in the source literature due to seasonal variations and other variables such as recharge and discharge rates and the fact that the Kern River is a controlled flood channel. It is important to note however that 1986-87 was a dry season and that flow from the Kern River is slow throughout the summer months. Based on the laboratory analyses, the soil-gas investigation, and the hydrogeological data available it appears as if the groundwater plume migrated south-southeast with some of the volatiles partitioning out into the soil-gas zone. Those volatiles that don't readily partition out are more water soluable and have lower vapor pressures. It has been found that soils predominantly contaminated by migrating vapors, rather than liquids, will show higher field values than laboratory values because the photoibnization detector extracts vapors from a large volume of relatively undisturbed soil within the brass core-tube, while the lab analyst takes only one or two grams of sub-sample GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transit and aerates it in the process of handling it. This was confirmed by the soil-gas investigation which essentially defined the pathway of the plume even though groundwater contamination is no longer detectable downgradient from the release. 5.3 Near-Term Threat Due ~to Plume in Vadose Zone The source of contamination (i.e. the area of the Red Jacket line leak detector) is located in the middle of the bus parking lot at the project site which is sealed by asphalt and concrete paving. The near-term threat to biological receptors is minimal due to the remote and secured location of the contamination and because a large part of the contaminated soil has. been removed during the repair operations on the leaking pipe-union. Several factors needed to be addressed because there still exists the potential for near-term problems. The presence of buried pipes and structures in the immediate area might serve as conduits for migrating vapors which in turn might collect beneath the paving in an explosive concentration. A wash rack for the buses is located approximentely seventy feet northeast of the source of contamination. This, combined with precipitation, could flush any remaining contamination down into the groundwater. Finally, there'is also the possibility of water- level flucuations as' a result of the Kern River rising and falling. This could effectively wash contaminants from the base of the vadose plume into the groundwater. 5.-"~ Near-Term Threat Due to Plume in Groundwater As previously discussed, the amount of gasoline released into the soil is small. The soil-gas investigation revealed the direction o.F the groundwater plume by tracking the remnant vapor concentrations that partitioned out into the soil-gas zone above th,~ water table. Subsequent borings showed that the groundwater plume is no longer detectable at MW-5, indicating that the plume has dispersed into very low concentration levels. The cost associated with assessing the extent of the plume outside the Golden Empire Transit District facility versus the threat imposed /y it would be inordinant because the threat is minimal. ~ Many of the same concerns discussed under Section 5.5 woul to"the groundwater since any contamination in the vadose z affect the groundwater zone should leaching occur. Theref is the opinion of G.R.I. that remediation be directed at removing the contaminated soil in the vadose zone followed by a water analysis to determine if the plume still exists at MW-I. 7 GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transit 5.5 Long Term Effects '[he long term threat of the vadose and groundwater plumes to biological receptors would be minimal under existing conditions. However, should the facility be altered or put to some other use that might uncover the contamination in the process, the risk of exposure to bioreceptors (people) would increase. 6.0 REMEDIATION ALTERNATIVES 6.1 Limited Excavation Limited excavation is considered to be the quickest and most economical method of remediation. The pea-gravel beneath the Red Jacket line leak detector should be removed as well as any soil beneath the tank down to the groundwater table. On-site monitoring with a photoionization meter should be used to determine when all of the contamination has been removed. All excavated soil, including the contamination contained within the soil presently stored at the surface, should be manifested and disposed of at an appropriate site. Clean backfill should be used to restore the excavation to grade. 6.~° Vapor Extraction The second most favorable form of remediation would be to use the existing monitoring well as an extraction well whereby the volatiles are extracted and filtered using activated carbon drums. Operations would cease when extracted gases meet the concentration levels set by the county. The time required to achieve an acceptably low level of contamination may be as little as a few weeks to a few months. 6.3 ~o Action~) The "no-ac~i~orr"~iternative would allow the diffusion and natural degradation to destroy the plume over a very long period of time. However, due to contamination so recommended. REFERENCES the near-term risks involved with close to groundwater this alternative having is not "Ground Water Geology and Hydrology of the Kern River Alluvial-Fan Area, California" 1~57 U.S G.S., Open File Report 1966. S GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Golden Empire Transit "Water Supply Report, 1965", Kern County Water Agency, Kern County, California, Plate 4. 8.0 I_IMITATIONS The discussion and recommendation presented in this based on: The test boring performed at the site. 'The observations of field personnel. The results of laboratory tests performed by B.C. Laboratories, Bakersfield, California. Referenced documents. Our understanding of the regulations of Kern County and the California Regional Water Control Board. report are It is possible that variations in the soil or groundwater conditions could exist beyond the points explored in this investigation. Also, changes in the hydrogeologic conditions found could occur at sometime in the future due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors. The services performed by G.R.I. have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Respectfully submitted, G.R.I. (Groundwater Resource Industries) JU' Fitch .. Date: _~_?-~.~- ~"~ -;v'~d~ E. Fu~o~ ......... GROUNDWATER RESOURCE I NDUSTRI ES- ( 805)835- 7700 environmental/geotechnical services ,3 ,-! FOUR' I Haspil. a GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT 1830 COLDRN RTATR AVRN[I~ LOCATION MAP PLATE 1 Project Number !0,000 ~all0n Tank I-'r..V 1 A-12 0 0 A-15 0 A-14 A-9 ~.~ Concrete /canopy W2 A-lgO A-17 N SCALE IN FEET 1' ~- 24' i I l 0 12 24 LEGENO I YIonitor We)l 0 Auger Hole Conlours are of TVH in ppm as measured with PID meter A-mO GROUNDWATER RE,SOURCE I NDUSTR I ES- ( 805)835- 7700 ~nvlr'or mehtal/o~ole, cl~nlcaJ sP. rvices Project Number: 06187 m GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. PLOT PLAN fence PLATE 2 I CHEMICAL ANALYSES SAMPLE S I ' ,: '~ ~ ~i ~OIL DESCRIPTION WELL CONSTRUCTION Benzene PID TPH -'~= - - -- -d ppm ppm / Locking cap TrafFic box ~__0-- ~: cerrmeht grout -- "-- ,-., % '~ _ _ _ ,_.," ~.--' , :~, ~ 15 15 -I 8-1-15 :!2!:!:: SM Sd, qy, m-¢s~,~lty, roicac.e~u~, --:' ' .....V,:.T. @ 16' ~ - -- .:i:i:!:!gas sneer anooaor, we[ ~ lo'. .... ,.c, ... ~0.10 15 -- --I B-l-16 :::::2: SH Sd, gy, m-c~.e, ,~lty, micac, eous, J ~ -- J '''' mJJ' gas sneer ama Boor, wet_~ 16', 4: ~', '::' _ 173.84 -- -- I::::::::'4" sky cly be(I (~ 16-1/2'. :7,'~' ~- ~' ~~ 0.2'1 13 .... 55,67 "'"'" · ., ~ ~ ~<.2.2. S.:; __. 1.43 1700' 5 B-1-25 ~:.:.:.:.: SM }d, ~y, f-pse, slty, micaceous, " ~ 1~.43 lo30 ....- .... Heeung oaor, ;:.~.:.:.' T.D 29' ,.0.10 7 m B-l-30 ::]:~:~:~: SM Sd, gy, f~se, sky, micaceous, ' -- <0'!0 -- -- m'"""'m fleelmno~.~m~ odor, wet , bottom in 40 "upper 45 -- end to - -- ~ COr~. SURFACE ELEVATION:Esl. 410'. LO66ED BY: RdY TOTAL DEPTH: 29' SUPERVISED BY: RJY DATE DRILLED: 8-20-87 DIAMETER of BORIN6: 9' WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: 16' OROUNDWAIER RESOURCE INDU$1RIE5 LOCATION: PLATE ( 805)835- 7700 GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT environmental/geotechnlcal services ~3 PROJECT NUMBER: 06187 LOG OF BORING B-I page 1 of 3 CHEMICAL ANALYSES SAMPLE '-.-. Laboratory Field ~_ '; _-, '~ I ,_% "-" Z:. '~u WELL CONSTRUCTION Benzene.. PID ,~ :: ~ '"" ~', ~, 50IL DESCRIPTION TPH ;:':~' '" ':'- ¢' ' ~ I-- -, T_ ppm ppm 0 LL.':' ... II _ <0.10 10 '_.5_-I B-2-5 !i:;i:::;~i:~ii-li: P1L SilL, bt, clyey, rnicaeous, moist, :--" -- ~ -- ,O,lO 32 16 I0 -I B-2-10 !i[!ii!i!!!!iiiirlk S__ilt,,,gry, rustmot, Uing, sol'L, · .-. mOlSC, no o(~or ~ -. : ._ -- -- ?~.i:i!:': ... , ,. .... --: 15-ml -: -;~-. , ::~,, _ _~ B-2-15 ::::::::: SM 1to recovery '-' ::'= ' '"' 'w'.T. ~.~ 1 i~' -- -- -- ~ ':::::::: ]!~ '-- ' '~. _ 8 22 _ -~ 8-2-16 ::i:!:i::: S1'1 Sd, gry-br, reed, silty, moist, ,:::. ~_, ,, .... ::;::::::-sofL, no odor' ,.? <0.10 :.:.:.:.' =:.'~: " 73 10 ' 20 -~1 .... ~ ~. - <0,10 - -- B-2-20 ::::::::: St1 Sd,,gy-br, !nLerbe. ddedy l'wit, h ~ '- ::::::::' mea-cse, m~c, we~ ~o oaor . . ... '..7 ~ ..... 44 16 ' 25 -I ":':':': · -. :: . _, bo~ ~up -- - -- B-2-25 .::i!!!!!!: Si'lSd, gy-br, fTcse, ~ilLy, mic, _ ;.:.;.:.: common, wet no o(Ior "running sar, a" ~ ~ :.:.:.:.: backf'ill <0.10 NE 30 30- ~B-2-30 !iii?SM Sd, gy, l'-cse, .silty, mic, wet, .................................. <0,10 - -- no odor, partial rec. T.D. ~2' _ -- 35 -- 40 45 ,, , , , ~ , SURFACE ELEVATION:Esi. 410'. LOGGED BY: RdY TOTAL DEPTH: :~2' SUPERVISED BY: ILJY DATE DRILLED: 8-21-87 DIArlETER oi' BORING: -, ~/ATER ENCOUNTERED AT: I 8-112' GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDU,STRIE$ LOCATION: PLATE ( 805)8;S5-7700 GOLDEN EFIPIRE TRANSIT environmental/(jeotechnical services LOG OF BORING B-2; PROJECT NUrlBER: 06187 CHEMICAL ANALYSES SAMPLE Laboratory Field ~- .S~ :- ..-" ,1, ..-I =n ,)., WELL CONSTRUCTION Benzene o ..~ z=. ,,, ~ ~: ~ '"" o' ~ SOIL DE~P, IPTION ppm ppm / Lock, ed cap Lr~,Ffic box 0 ,;0 .'-~ -- -- -- : --: bentonite -- --- ,:x ..-n seal -- -- -- 5 - 5 --I B-3-5 i:i'~.~";!~!ML Silt, bm, clayey, loose, si, moist, -- ?i.~.~..?i.~ fid odor '. z'... ' --_ 3 6 --''°--I B-3-10..... :!:!:i:!:iSM Sand, O.qyobr,n.,.v.e, ry fi.no.,loose,. :: ... , -- <0.10 15- ::':':' '" ',? ~o,,o ,o 7 I B-3-15 ::::::::: SM Sand, tan-bm, mod-coarse, loose ,,, ~:.. WT 16' -- 'i:i:i:idean occasional pebbles, moist, · :':';': no odor .j: ..}:~ ...... ....:.,.,'" ,' ,- _ ,0.10 8 11 _20_-I B-3-20 :i!iiiiii .... SM Sa,n,d,, br!l~ med,-coarQe, mica ':' <0.10 ::::::::peuoies I , wel. l~O o(Ior ~= .~' 'iF! -- -- ,,..,..,. t:: :;'~' ' ~ _ _ _ .:::::::: iGas slick noticed in cleanup bucket.) c..~ :-..~ -- -- B-3-25 :i:i:!:i: SM Sand, brn, mod-coarse, mica "'-'--': ' ~0.10 :::::::: pebbles 1, wet, no odor _ 7 ~4 '~°_-I ~-s-~o {:i:!:!: s, Sand, brn,rine-coa~se, si~t., mica -- -- :!:!:!:! pebbles 1% wet, no odor -- -- -- :':':':' cobbles 0 , ,~.~. $S .:.:.:.: ',/end C~p -- (0.10..~ ~~ ~......-.:::::::: " no ooor T.D. 39 FT. 40 45 LOG6ED BY: DEF SURFACE ELEVATION:Esl.. 85' SUPERVISED BY: DEF TOTAL DEPTH: 39' DIAMETER of BORIN6: DATE DRILLED: 9-24-87 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: 18' GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES LOCATION: PLATE (805)835- 7700 GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT environmental/§eotechnicai services LOG OF BORING B-3 PROJECT NUMBER: 06 ! 87 (MW3) paoe 3 of' Auger Hole PID Reading (ppm) Soil Description A-Cfi aL I$ feel= 93 Sand,bm-gray,clayey,very silty, fine-medium grain,moist,no odor ^-10 at g feet= q26 Sand. bra-gray, very silty, fine-coarse, · at 14 feet= 85 occasional pebbles, moist, no odor ^-I 1 at 5 feel= 50 Sill brn, clayey, moist, no odor at 11 feel= 1 Sand, bra-gray, very silty, loose at 14 feet= 1 Sand, bm-gray, very silty, loose Sand, It. bm-tan, medium-coarse, at 16 feet= 1 clean loose, slightly moist, occasional pebbles, no odor ^-12 at 9 feet= 0 Sand, bm-gray, very silty, dry, loose, fine-medium aL 14 feet= 1.8 Sand, bm-gray, very silLy,loose, slightly moist, occasional pebbles, fine-medium at 16 fe~l- 1.0 Sand, Lt. brn-tan, mrdium-coarse, clean, loose, slightly moist t A-13 I at 9 feel= 5 Sand, bm-gray,very silty, slightly moist, loose, no odor at 14 feeL- 12 Sand, bra-gray, fine-coarse, loose. Slightly moist., occasional pebbles, no odor at t6 feeL= 2 Sand, bm-gray, coarse, loose, very pebbley, very moist, occasional pebbles, no odor A-14 at 9 feet= 8 Silt, bm-gray, clayey, moist, loose, no odor at 14 feet= 1 Sand, brn-gray, medium-coarse, loose, slightly moist, occasional pebbles, no odor aL 16 feet= 1.$ Sand, brn-gray, coarse, loose, very moist, weL~ no odor A-lb aL 9 feet= 339 Silt, brn, clayey, loose, slightly moist, no odor at 14 feet= 19 Sand. tan-bra, medium-coarse, clean, loose, slightly moist, no odor at 16 feet= 7 Sand, brn-Can, medium-coarse, clean, loose, moist, no odor GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT PLATE (805) 835-7700 BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. 8~'lV i FOl]m el~ t ~l l / geotechn i c a 1 $ err ices SOIL-GAS INVESTI6ATION /Il' DATA SHEET r-.,~., cu F_.,:.: T ,,n~., ::';,,.,, ,...,, J d'" 12 Auger Hole PID Reading (ppm) Soil Description A-17 al 9 feel= 276 Sill, bm, clayey, loose, slightly moist, no odor at. 14 feel= 30 Sand, bm-tan, medium-coarse, clean, loose, slightly moist., no odor at 16 feet= 7 Sand, bm, fine-coarse, pebbly, loose, no odor A-18 Clayey layer e 7 feel. at 9 feet= 48 Sand, bm, very fine-medium, loose, slightly moist, no odor al 14 feel- 7 Sand, lan-brn, medium-coarse, clean, loose, no odor at 16 feel= 2 Sand, ~an-brn, medium-coarse, clean, loose, no odor ^-19 at 9 reel= 6 Sill, bm, clayey, firm, slighUy moist, no odor at 14 feet= 2.5 Sand, gray-brn, silty, loose, occasional pebbles, moist, no odor at 16 feet- I Sand, bm-tan, medium-coarse, loose, clean, moist, occasional pebbles, no odor A-20 at g feet- 12.2 Sand, brn, silty, fine-medium, slightly moist, no odor al lq feel= 4.2 Sand, tan, fine-medium, slightly silty, slightly moist, no odor al 16 feel= 2.1 GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT PLATE (805) 835-7700 BAKERSFIELD, CALIF env i ronm en ta l / geo techn fca 1 serv i res $01L-C-.~5 I NVESH 6ATI ON 4 DATA SHEET I PROJECT '06187 I d'12 I rGROUI~ATE R RESOURCE INDUSTRIES APPENDIX A ANALYSIS LABORATORIES, Ir'lo. J. J. C'GUN, lEG. CHEM. ENGI 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFOI~NIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention: JOHN FITCH Lab No.: Sample Desc: 16926 PROJECT~ 06187 B-l-16 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: 25-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 20-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 21-Aug-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.39 5.06 11.06 9.44 21.53 2.09 119.27 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 173.84 Test Method: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 25-Aug-87 Minimum Reporting Level 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 0.10 Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: ated] constituents on this report. The sum total of all [non-chlorin- Robert Plaisance Chemist £tlII~I{.AI A#AI Y$15 LABORATORIES, IF O. J. J. EGLIN, lEG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, C)dJFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention: JOHN FITCH Lab No.: Sample Desc: 16927 PROJECTS 06187 B-l-20 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: 25-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 20-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 21-Aug-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 25-Aug-87 Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g 0.27 0.10 Toluene ug/g 1.43 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 0.29 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 1.63 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 5.44 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 46.62 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 55.67 Test Method: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: 0.10 Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons~are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: ated] constituents on this report. By The sum total of all [non-chlorin- Robert Plaisance Chemist CH~ICAZ ANAZY$1$ IES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, lEG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIEliCE liD., BAKEliSFIELD, CALIFOliNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention: JOHN FITCH Lab No.: Sample Desc: 16928 PROJECT# 06187 .B~,I-25 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: 25-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 20-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 21-Aug-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 25-Aug-87 Constituent Reporting Units Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Pet.Hydrocarbons ug/g Analysis Results 1.43 / .10 17.83 None Detected 17.69 1.73 101.26 Minimum Reporting Level 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 148.43 0.10 Test Method: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By Robert Plaisance Chemist CHEMICAl A#ALY$I$ LABORATORIES. InC. J. J. EGLIN, lEG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention: JOHN FITCH Lab No.: Sample Desc: 16929 PROJECT~ 06187 B-t-29 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: 25-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 20-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 21-Aug-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 25-Aug-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-X¥1ene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-X¥1ene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 Test Method: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: ated] constituents on this report. By The sum total of all [non-chlorin- Robert Plaisance Chemist I~#E~ICAI A?I~JY$1$ . PET#OL£11¥ LABORATORIES, InC. J. J. [GUN, lEO. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention:JOHN FITCH Date of Report: 08-Sep-87 Lab No.: 17036 Sample Desc.: PROJECT~ 06187 BzZ-5' GASOLINE DISPENSER DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 21-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 01-Sep-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 05-Sep-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated], constituents on this report. By Robert Plaisance Chemist RATORIES, Ino. J. J. EGJJN, ~. CHEJ~L EN$ff~ 4100 PIERCE RD., B,A, KEBSFIELD, CALIFOIIN~ 93308 PHONE 327-491 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention:JOHN FITCH Date of Report: 08-Sep-87 Lab No.: 17037 Sample Desc.: PROJECTS 06187 B~2~48' GASOLINE DISPENSER DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 21-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: O1-Sep-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 05-Sep-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0.10 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated], constituents on this report. By Robert Plaisance Chemist A~VClll TURE EH£MIEAI A~AIY$1$ PETROLEUM I:::IATORIF.°,, Ino. J. J. EG4JN, ilr~. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention:JOHN FITCH Date of Report: 08-Sep-87 Lab No.: 17038 Sample Desc.: PROJECT~ 06187 ~2.-20' GASOLINE DISPENSER DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 21-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 01-Sep-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 05-Sep-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-X¥1ene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0.10 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated]constituents on this report. By Robert Plaisance Chemist LABORATORIES, I F'IC. J. J, EGUN, KG. CHEM. ENG4L 4100 PIERCE liD., BAKEilSFIELD, CALIFOIINIA 93308 PHONE :327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention:JOHN FITCH Date of Report: 08-Sep-87 Lab No.: 17039 Sample Desc.: PROJECT# 06187 B-2-30' GASOLINE DISPENSER DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 21-Aug-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 01-Sep-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 05-Sep-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0.10 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated], constituents on this report. By Robert Plaisance Chemist £HEMICAI PETROLEUM LABORATORIES, IRE::. J. J. EGLIN, lEG. CHEM. ENGL 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 ! Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5810 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 108 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention:JOHN FITCH Date of Report: 28-Sep-87 Lab No.: 20016 Sample Desc.: PROJECTS 06187 B3--~§'59' S.W. OF TANK DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 25-Sep-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 25-Sep-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 28-Sep-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Petroleum HydroCarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL. PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By,__ Zoraida Kaczd~rowski Chemist C#~¥1CAZ A/iAI)SIS LABORATORIES, Ino. 4100 PIERCE.RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention:JOHN FITCH Date of Report: 28-Sep-87 Lab No.: 20017 Sample Desc.: PROJECT~ 06187 B3~-:Z0~ 59' S.W. OF TANK DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 25-Sep-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 25-Sep-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 28-Sep-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0.10 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By,__ ~oraida Kaczo~owski Chemist Ctl[¥1~Jl AIMIY$1$ LABORATORIES, IRC:. J. J. EGUN, IIEG; CHEM. ENG~ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKEBSFIELD, CALIFOI~NIA 93,108 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention:JOHN FITCH Date of Report: 28-Sep-87 Lab No.: 20018 Sample Desc.: PROJECT~ 06187 B3~25-'59' S.W. OF TANK DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 25-Sep-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 25-Sep-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 28-Sep-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0.10 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis 0.10 Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By' Z~raida Kaczoro~ski Chemist RATORIES, Ino. J. J. EGUN, BEG. CHEM. ENGB. 4100 II'IEliCE liD., BAKFJI~FIELD, CALIFOliNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention:JOHN FITCH Date of Report: 28-Sep-87 Lab No.: 20019 Sample Desc.: PROJECT~ 06187 .~35 59' S.W. OF TANK DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 25-Sep-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 25-Sep-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 28-Sep-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-X¥1ene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0.10 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTALPETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By tZoraida Kaczo~00wski Chemist LABORATORIES, Inc:. J. J. EGLIN, lEG. CHEM. ENOI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKEIISFIFID, CAUFOIINIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 ! PURGEABLE.~D~NIC ANALYSIS GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 9-10-87 LAB No.: 17216 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: PROJECT~ 06187 MN1.-1 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 'STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 COMMENTS: META AND PARA XYLENES CO-ELUTE TPH = 2100 ~g/L MRL = 0.5 ~g/L TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 9-09-87 MINIMUM ANALYSIS~~dREPORTING RESULTS LEVEL 5.10 0.5 none detec 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 7.04 0.5 902.00 0.5 700.00 0.5 700.00 0.5 By J/J ~Eg~n CF,~MICAI P[T~O~U~ LABORATORIES, II-lC. J. J. EGLIN. lEG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 i PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 9-10-87 LAB No.: 17217 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: PROJECT~ 06187 MW1-2 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 8-21-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 8-26-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 9-09-87 TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dfchlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~gtl ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 MINIMUM ANALYSIS REPORTING RESULTS~' LEVEL .~.9,36 ~ 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0,5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0,5 36,50 0,5 806,00 0,5 680.00 0,5 680.00 0,5 COMMENTS: META AND PARA XYLENES CO-ELUTE TPH = 2050 ~g/L MRL = 0.5 ~g/L TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS By A~y s% ~ ~tlll~lfAl AltAl Y$15 · ~ LABORATORIES, I1 O. J. J. EGUN, ~. CHFJdL ENGIL 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 9-10-87 LAB No.: 17218 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: PROJECT~ 06187 MW2-1 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 8-21-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 8-26-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 9-09-87 TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 MINIMUM ANALYSIS REPORTING RESULTS LEVEL none detecte~ 0.5 none detecte~ 0.5 none detected_~ ~ 0.5 none detecte~ ?' 0.5 none detected:~~ 0.5 none detected~ 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 COMMENTS: TPH = none detected MRL = 0.5 ~g/L TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS By  lyst '-- 4_O B-3 VADOZE ZONE - N/D qROLLNi)WATER, ~F ConLoutrs ar~ o( TVH In. Sca 0 5 IN FE~T horlT, onLa[' io 2o 3o B- ! [,/,TURBINE PUllP ASSEI'I~LY PEA-GRAVEL . :~/ ~""~'FILL RISER 155.6? \ <O.T( ~0,10 _~.Benzene in ppm 175,04 I TV~ in l~m GOLDEN Ei"~)l~ TRANSIT YERIlCALCP, D,5,TSECTION THROUOH BORINO B-i GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES-(80,5)8:~5-7700 environmental/geotechnical services Project Number 06187 ..... jd~';- GOLDEN EMPIP. E TRANSIT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFOP, NIA VERTICAL CROSS SECTION THROUGH BORING B-I and 6-3 PLATE 5 CHEMICAl/IIALY$1$ PETROLEUM LABORATORIF , I I'-IC. J. J. EGLIN, lEG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 9-10-87 LAB No.: 17219 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: PROJECT~ 06187 MW2-2 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 8-21-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 8-26-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 9-09-87 TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 ANALYSIS RESULTS none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected MINIMUM REPORTING LEVEL 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 COMMENTS: TPH = none detected MRL = 0.5 ~g/L TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS By l'Mst LABORATORIES, Ino. J. J. ['GUN, lEG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: TRAVEL BLANK FOR LAB~'s 17216-17219 Date of REPORT: 9-10-87 LAB No.: TRAVEL BLANK DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 8-21-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED ~ LAB: 8-26-8? TEST METHODS: EPA 602 AS RECEIVED BASIS CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 COMMENTS: TPH = none detected MRL = 0.5 ~g/L TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 9-09-87 MINIMUM ANALYSIS REPORTING RESULTS LEVEL none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 CH£MICAi ANAL Y$15 PETROLEUM ORATORIES, J. J. C-MJN, KG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CAUFOIINIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 10-19-87 LAB No.: 20425 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: PROJECT~ 06187~M~-1 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 9-30-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 9-30-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 10-14-87 TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 MINIMUM ANALYSIS REPORTING RESULTS LEVEL none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected· 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 COMMENTS: TPH = none detected MRL = 0.5 ~g/L TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS By ~(./JJ. E~lin AGIIICglL C#£MICAI A~AZ ATORIES. Ino. J. J. EGLIN, lEG. CHEM. ENGII. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKEIISFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93~08 PHONE 327o4911 PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 10-19-87 LAB No.: 20426 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: PROJECT~ 06187 MW03-1 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 9-30-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 9-30-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 10-14-87 TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-X¥1ene AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 ANALYSIS RESULTS 1.60 none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected MINIMUM REPORTING LEVEL 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 COMMENTS: TPH = 1.6 MRL = 0.5 ~g/L TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS By ANALYSIS ::lIES, IRE:. J. j. EGUN, I~G. CHfJ4. ENGff,. 4100 PIEIK~E ltD., BAKFJtSFIELD, CALIFOI~hHA 93308 PHONE 327-491 i PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 10-19-87 LAB No.: TRAVEL BLANK SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: TRAVEL BLANK FOR LAB ~'S 20425-20426 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 9-30-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 9-30-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 10-14-87 TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 rig/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 ANALYSIS RESULTS none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected MINIMUM REPORTING LEVEL 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 COMMENTS: TPH = none detected MRL = 0.5 ~g/L TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS By PET#OtEU¥ LABORATORIES, IF O. J. J. EGUN, lEG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIEIK:E RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFOENIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 10-19-87 LAB No.: 20924-1A SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: MONITOR WELL - ~3 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 10-15-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 10-15-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 10-17-87 TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 ANALYSIS RESULTS none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected MINIMUM REPORTING LEVEL 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 COMMENTS: TPH = none detected MRL = 0.5 ~g/L TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS By A6111CW TUllE CHEMICAl PETIIO~EU¥ RIES, Ino. J. J. [GUN, lEG. CHEM. ENCI. 4100 PIEKE I~D., BAKE~FIELD, CXLIFOI~NIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 10-19-87 LAB No.: 20924-1B SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: MONITOR WELL - ~3 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 10-15-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 10-15-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 10-17-87 TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 ~ MINIMUM ANALYSIS REPORTING RESULTS LEVEL none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 none detected 0.5 COMMENTS: TPH = none detected MRL = 0.5 ~g/L TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS By CIi~CMICA~ LABORATORIES, I I-lC. J. J. K~.~No IE(~. CHEM. ENGI. ~00 FIEIK:E RD., BAKEI~FIELD, CALIFORNIA ~3308 FHONE 327-~! ! PURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS (WATER) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Date of REPORT: 10-19-87 LAB No.: TRAVEL BLANK SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: TRAVEL BLANK FOR LAB ~ 20924-1 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 10-15-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 10-1.5-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 10-17-87 TEST METHODS: EPA 602 CONSTITUENT Benzene Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Ethyl benzene Toluene o-Xylene m-Xylene p-Xylene AS RECEIVED BASIS REPORTING UNITS ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 ~g/1 STORET CODE 34030 34301 34536 34566 34571 34371 34010 81551 81551 81551 ANALYSIS RESULTS none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected MINIMUM REPORTING LEVEL 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 COMMENTS: TPH = none detected MRL = 0.5 ng/L TPH - TOTAL PURGEABLE HYDROCARBONS By rGROUN~I~ATE R RESOURCE INDUSTRIES APPENDIX B rGROUNDWATE R se~o c, st~-t ~,d.. ~u~. ~oe RESOURCE Bakersfield. California 93313 (805) 835-7~ -- INDUSTRIES cHAin o~ CUSTODY RECORD !213) 724-314T -- SAP1PLERS: (Signature) PR13,JECT HUt-IBE~ CGNDITIGN ' S~LE / ~ S~LE LOCATION ~aBER DATE T~ ~ ~ m ~-I-~q ~/z~ 1~ ,, ,~ X /Fa ~( .... Reli~bhed b9 ~Si~,ture) Date~ime Received bg :(Signit~e) Relinqulst~6 ~g :(Signiture) Dlte~e Received bg :(S~gnit~e) Rel~quis~d bg :(Signature) DltelTJme Received bg :(S~nat~'e) Re~,Ji~hed Rel~Jshed bg :(~ignature) Date~Jme Received for Lab~at~g bg: Date/T~e Remar~ C~: (Signature) ~ ,. , · FGROUNDWATER 66~o c~su~t ~d., su~, toe RESOURCE .,k.~sne~S. California 93313 (805) 835-77~ -- ~ersfie~ INDUSTRIES C.,m o~ CusToDY RECORD !213) 724-3147 -- ~ ~geles S~LE ~ ' S~LELOCATION Rel~ts e) D~te~Jme Received for L~boratorg bg: Date~e R~r~ CC: .~ GROUNDWATE R ~8~o r,su~t ~vd.. .~te ~08 RESOURCE Bakersfield. C~difomla 93313 (805) 835-7~ -- ~ersfie~ INDUSTRIES cH,IN O~ CUSTOOY RECORD 1213) 724-3147 -- ~ ~geles SAI~IPi~R$: (St2nature) PF~OJECT NUr. IBER CONDITION ~ SAI~PLE . R£c[pr ~ ~ (LAB "$ ETC3 Rel~he4 bg ~Si~ature) Date ~ime RecelYed bg: (Stgnat~e) Relinquist~d bg: (Signature) Date ~e Re¢elved bg: GROUNDWATER 5e~o r~su~t ~vd., Sure ~oe RESOURCE Bakersfield. California g3313 (805) 83~77~ -- ~ersfie~ 'INDUSTRIES CHAIn ~F CUSTODY RECORD f213) 724-3147 -- ~s ~eles Rel~bhed b~ ~Si~ature) D~te~ime Received bg :(S~nat~e) Reltnquist~ bg: (Signature) Date~e Received Rel~quts~d bg: (Si~lture) Dare.Be Recetved bg :(S~nat~e) Re~uished bt :(Signature) Darlene Re~eived Rel~qutshed bg :(Si~at~e) DMe~ime Received for Lab~t~g bg: Date~e Remar~ CC: (Signature) ~ '; ! I  GROUNDWATE R 5e~ o r~=t~-t ~vd., Sure RESOURCE ~kers,eU. Ca~forrga 9331 (805) 835-7T~ -- ~ers~e~ INDUSTRIES C.,m o~ CUSTODY RECORD 1213) 724-314T--~geles ~., ~o ~ce RE/'IARKS ETC3 Rel~bhed b9 ~${~ature) Da~ime Received bg: (SJgnat~e) RelJnqu~st~6 bg: (Signature) Date ~e Receive4 bg Rel~quts~d bg: (St~ature) Date/Time Receive4 by: CS~nat~'e) Re~,~/~~ture) Date/T~e Rece~~at~e) Rel~qu~nature) D~te~ime Received for Lab~at~g bg: D~te~e Rem~r~ CC: GRO UNDWATE R se lO r~strct ~,d.. Sure 10e RESOURCE B~kerstield. C~lifoml~ g3313 (805) 835-77~ -- ~ersfle~ * .' INDUSTRIES CHxm o~ CUSTOOY RECORD 1213) 724-3147 -- ~s ~geles ~S AI-I~L[RS: (Si.nature) PROOECT NUr-IBEJ~ C:C~DIT ION ~ ~ - Rel~qu~d by: (Si~ature) Date/T~e Received by: CS~nat~e) ReH~,Jished ~t: (Sign&lure) :re~.naeure~~..~.. Date~ime Received far Laborat~g bg: Date/T~e Remar~ Rel~quJshed bg GRO~NDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES S A M P L I N G p R.O T 0 C.O L GROUtWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES October 18, 1987 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 General-Engineering Contractor Class A Mc. #504072 (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles BC Laboratories 4100 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA. 93308 Attention: Terry Rowles Re: B.C. Lab. No's 20425, 20426, 20924-1 GRI Project No. 06187 Gentlemen, This letter is to confirm my telephone and in-person conversations with Terry Rowles on October 15, 1987. As per my understanding BC Laboratories was ex- periencing background contamination of benzene prior to the analysis of water samples (MW3-1 and MW03-1 collected September 30, 1987) from project number 06187. You explained that a 5 ml quanity of sample is analyzed and that the background levels of benzene in this small of quanity could show up as being slightly above the minimum reporting level. To resolve this conflict you sug- gested analyzing a larger quanity (25 ml). You also indicated at this time that these additional samples would be processed free of charge. Based on this information, G.R.I. obtained two (2) water samples and had them analyzed on October 15, 1987. Sample identification information is as follows: Samples- MW3-1, MW3-2, Travel blank Lab. No. 20924-1 G.R.I. Project No. 06187 Collected on: October 15, 1987 Processed on: October 15, 1987 Thank you very much for the extra effort and prompt attention you've given this matter. CC: G.R.I. file #06187 Mr. Robert Leuth Mr. J.J. Eglin Very truly yours, David E. Fulton Project Geologist Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell * Los Angeles MAJOR DIVISIONS DESCRIPTION COARSE- GRAINED SOILS GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS SAND AND SANDY SOILS USCS SYMBOLS WELL-GRADED GRAVELS OR GRAVEL SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES. POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS OR GRAVEL SAND MIXTURE, LITTLE OR NO FINES. SILTY' GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY MIXTURES. CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY MIXTURES. WELL-GRADED SANDS OR GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES. POORLY-GRADED SANDS OR GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES. SILTY SANDS, SAND-CLAY MIXTURE FINE- GRAINED SOILS SILTS AND CLAYS LL<50 SILTS AND CLAYS LL>SO HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS CLAYEY SANDS, SAND-CLAY MIXTURES. INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS, OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY. INORGANIC CLAYS Of LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTI CITY, GRAVELLY. CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS. ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILT CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY. INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SANDY OR SILTY SOILS, ELASTIC SILTS. INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS. ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY PEAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES (805) 835-7700 environmental/geotechnical services UNIFIED SOILS CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM GROUNDWATER. RESOURCE INDUSTRIES APPI~DZX C. TEST BORING PROCEDURES I. Soil Sampling Protocol The following procedures are followed during soil sampling operations utilizing the hollow stem auger drilling technique. A. Hollow Stem Auger Soil borings drilled by the hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. Augers, samplers, and all downhole equipment are steam cleaned prior to use. In the field steam cleaning is done between borings to minimize the potential for cross-contamination. A G.R.I. geologist observes the work, visually logs the soils, and collects-samples at appropriate intervals. The Unified Soils Classification System is utilized tO classify soils encountered. Additional geologic observations.are noted as appropriate. Soil samples destined for laboratory analysis are collected by a modified California Split Spoon. This sampler uses three, six inch long, by two inch diameter (o.d.) tubes· Various tubes can be utilized to accommodate the type of analysis necessary:. Stainless Steel Plastic Ail organics and general analyses (not to be used for copper or zinc analysis). All organics and metals analyses for copper and zinc (not to be used for Chrome or nickel analyses) All metals analyses (not to be used for organics) INDUSTRIES . II '~PENDZX C WELL ~%X~'r~G P~OTO¢O~ The following procedur~ deta£ls, tho routine that is employed in decontamination of groundwater Sampling equllment prior to sample collection~ ' .. Exterior surface of sampling, tubes are decontaminated by steam-cleaning during, withdrawal fromeverywell. 2. Sample pump is disasse~bled and the usbd bladder removed. 3. AIl pump components are then steam-cleaned and rinsed in d£stllled water. 4. Pump is reassembled with a new bladder installed. 5, Teflon sampler' lines are pressure washed with 5 to l0 gallons of clean, hot water through direct connection to steam-cleaner. ' 6. Five gallons Of distilled water are then'~umped through' entire system. ?. Prior to sample.~ollection, a minimum of five well volumes are purged from the well to pe~m£t collection of a ~&presentat£ve groundwater sample .from the aquifer penetrated° Purge Volume. Determination .. The following, procedure Ls followed ~o determ£ne the approp, r.l. ate purging volume prior to well sampling.' 0 The depth~to-water is measured by a clean, electric water level indicator. Measurement datum is the top of f~ll' ring or top of well protector, Depth to th~ bottom of the well ~s measured by'a clean tape and plump hob.. If possible,.this is compared to ~he well.construction log to. determine inconsistencies, i.e. .damaged casing, sediment 'in ca~ing, e~c. GROUNDWATER RESOURCE. INDUSTRIES Append~: 'O (cont' d) 0 ® The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the G.R.I. laboratory. Tubes are scrubbed, inside and outside, with a brush and TSP. They are next steam cleaned, and packed in clean containers with seals. Tubes are delivered to the drilling site in these closed containers .to preserve the state of cleanliness. .. After the sample(S) have been removed from the sampler, the sampler is completely disassembled and scrubbed in TSP and tap water. It is then rinsed in two separate tapwater baths and re- assembled with three, clean tubes. Dirty tubes are field washed.in TSP, rinsed with water, and placed in buckets for transport back to the G.R.I. lab for cleaning and preparation. 9. The sampler is driven by a 140 pound hammer with a 30 inch free fall. Blow counts are recorded as number of blows per 6 inches-of drive. 10. The sampler is driven 18 inches at each sampling interval. The first (or lowest) tube is generally retained as the sample for analysis. The other two tubes are retained for. back-up or split samples. 11. 12. 13. 14. A sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose soils are anticipated. This. will prevent the soil from falling out of the sampler. After retrieval, the sample is.visually logged and immediately sealed with. aluminum foil .lined caps, labeled, and chilled. Clean field ice chests and chemical ice ("blue ice") are used to keep the samples cold until delivered to the chemical laboratory. Teflon seals are a%so available for field samples. .~ Samples are delivered'to, the laboratory the same day they are taken, if physically possible. If the samples must be held until the next day, they: are kept frozen in a secure' freezer at the G.R.I. facility. Sample control is maintained by a Chain of Custody form which accompanies the sample. The form documents the time, date, and responsible person during each step in the transportation process. INDUSTRIES ' W~ter vol~mm is calculated'b¥.multlpl¥1~g .total water depth bM tho inside .diameter o£ the casing. This figure is one well volume. .. C. Well Purging .and S~npling' I. Prior to s'ampl[n~, a ~i~Imum o£ three .to £1ve well voluno8 are purged from each well. to ensure that water sampled i8 representative of. the groundwater within .fomation. .. 2. aeasu~ements 0£ pH, conductivity and temperature are taken at freq~entintervals during the purge. Stablllization .of these values indicates that representative formation fluids are being, removed from tho ~ell. ~n. the event that the wail ts'punped.dry, an alternate procedure will bo ~ollowed. Once, a well is pumped dry, the water that enters the well during.recovery ks,. by. definition, representative formation water. The welA. will, tharefore, be pumped dry an~.allo~ed to rat.var to 80% or more of the original water level..: Purge water i.s pumped directly into barrels on site-until the proper method of disposal is determined. Samples pumped directly into sampling bottles prepared by the state certified laboratory.contracted for the particular ~ob'were labeled and p~aced in coolers for transport to tho 6.. Samples are delivered directly to. t~e lab on the same'day o~ sampling'by courier, whenever,practical. 'If next day delivery 18 nece8'sary, the samples, a~e.~ept refrigerated at 4 degrees C overnight and delivered.to.tho laboratory the following morning. . 9. Samples are accompanied by a .Chain 'of Custbdy' form.which .documents the tame, ~ate and responsible person during each step o£ the transportation' process. The G.R.I. coded sample numbering system allows identification of sample and client to G.R.I.,. while not. revealing the client to the laboratory or other interested partles. ' GROUN VATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class ALic. #504072 (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles SITE CHARACTERIZATION PLAN Golden Empire Transit District 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose * San Ramon * Campbell * Los Angeles GROU ATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES August 4, 1987 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A Lic. #504072 (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles Ms. Janis Lehman Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Site Characterization Plan Golden Empire Transit District 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Lehman, Groundwater Resource Industries (GRI) has been retained by the above referenced facility to investigate possible soil contamination from a known leaking product line repaired under permit #060013M. On July 23, 1987, G.R.I. conducted a Petro-Tite Line T~st on the unleaded product line of a 10,000 gallon underground storage tank. This tank has been in place for approximately four years and has passed a Petro-Tite precision test. The line test failed. After excavation of the tank turbine pump area and product lines, a dam- aged brass sealing ring on a 2" union connected to the Red Jacket line leak detector at the tank was found and replaced. Upon re- moval of a 1-1/2" impact valve from the dispenser area the line held pressure. After a successful 22 hour air pressure test on the isolated product line, a Petro-Tite Line Test was conducted on July 31, 1987, fcllowing the re-filling of the line with unleaded gasoline. The line passed 'Kern County Environmental Health re- gulations at +.000 G.P.H. Discrepancies in inventory monitoring suggests that there has been a loss of product in the tank. Approximately 3 to 5 gallons of unleaded gasoline was discharged into the soil near the Red Jacket line leak detector. Two 55 gallon DOT 17H drums contain contaminated soil from this spill. Because of the known leakage from the product line, we have prepared the following plan to define both the vertical and horizontal extent of any soil contamination or discharge. Groundwater is reported to Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles Ms. Janis Lehman Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division August 4, 1987 Page Two to be at an approximate depth of 16 feet. Initially, we recommend two (2) boring locations drilled to groundwater. The proposed soil boring locations (see Plate 2, Plot Plan) include: (1) boring at the 'tank location near the leaking pump assembly and (1) boring at the dispenser area. Undisturbed soil samples will be taken at plan- ned intervals every five (5) feet. During the boring project all borings will be logged hy a G.R.I. geologist. Ail samples will be seal~d, labeled and chilled on location and then transported to a State Certified laboratory. The samples will be analyzed for Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH). Chain of custody records will be kept on all samples. If the initial planned borings reveal obvious contamination in the soil profile down to groundwater, as measured on-site with a photo- ionization meter or LEL Meter, then a more detailed site characteri- zation would be initiated to identify the extent of groundwater pollution. The borings would be completed as groundwater sampling wells following company protocol, which is enclosed for your review. After the borings are conducted and samples are analyzed, a report will be prepared for your office with. all results, logs, laboratory analysis, hydrogeology, definition of the contamination and a recommendation of remedial action alternatives. We have not as yet identified the proper method for mitigation of this site. Upon completion of the proposed work, we will explore the site specific alternatives. The final mitigation technique will be designed on field results as outlined above. Ail work will be supervised by our Staff Registered Geologist, Mr. Rex Young (State Registration #720). In order to conduct the borings, the personnel on site will be equipped with a Draeg~r PA-80 Air Pack, Gastech D-II Vaportester or equivalent, fire extinguishers and any additionally required equipment for health and safety considerations. If you have any additional questions or input, please contact our office at (805) 835-7700. Very truly yours, David E. Fulton Project Geologist DEF:dji Encl. CC: Ms. Judy Daunnell, GET Mr. Robert Lutz, GET ~~ .... 3; ~',,za~ooooomcamooomooE ]e ~3c-,..:/zw '~ GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES-( 805)855-7700 'env ironmental/geotechnical services Project Number' gOLDEN EMPIRE.TRANSIT 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENTTE LOCATION MAP PLATE 1 I0,000 gallon Lank elbow in pipe 25.000 gallon Lank excavation area T open I~ench elbow mn pipe ope ~ unleaded ~-'-~ , ~ole I I dispencer i I dispensers SCALE I inch = 24 feeL i I I 0 12 24 LEGEND Q- Proprosed bering IocaLion ~ - ConLaminaLed siLe Fence-- GROUNDWATER RESOURCEINDUSTRIES (805) 835-7700 environmenLai/geoLechnical services GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PLOT PLAN PLATE 2 1700 Flower Street Bakersflel;I, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 PERIqlT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STOP, AGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebe~t~on, M.O. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERNITNUNBER #060013M CONTRACTOR: Golden Empire Transit District 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, CA Golden Empire Transit Dist. P. O. Box 2870 Bakersfield. CA 93303 G. R. I. P. 0. Box 9383 Bakersfield, CA 93389 License #5040?2 NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP RENEWAL PERMIT EXPIRES APPROVAL DATE September 12, 1987 June 12, 1987 ..(~ ,}iX, MODIFICATION ~.~ ~?.~ ~ ! ' APPROVED BY .l.' .~ 1~ .................... POST 0N PRENISES ...................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This permit applies only to the modification of an existing facility involving exposure and repair of the unleaded product line. 2. Ail construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. 3. All equipment and materials in this construction must be installed in accordance with all manufacturers' specifications. 4. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48 hour advance notice. 5. A site assessment is necessary in order to determine the full extent of contamination. This must be performed by a qualified contractor. ACCEPTED BY ,(~. ,~~ DATE GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES APPENDZX A SAMPLING PROTOCOL GROUI WATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES' APPENDIX A me TEST BORING PROCEDURES Soil Sampling Protocol The following procedures are folloWed during soil sampling operations utilizing the hollow stem auger drilling technique. A. Hollow Stem Auger Soil borings drilled by the hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. Augers, samplers and all downhole equipment are steam cleaned prior to use. In the field steam cleaning is done between borings to minimize the potential for cross-contamination. A G.R.I. geologist observes the work, visually logs the soils, and collects samples at appropriate intervals. The Unified Soils Classification System is utilized to classify soils encountered. Additional geologic observations are noted as appropriate. Soil samples destined for laboratory analysis are collected by a modified California Split Spoon. This sampler uses three, six inch long, by two inch diameter (o.d.) tubes· Various tubes can be utilized to accommodate the type of analysis necessary: Brass Stainless Stsel Plastic All organics and general analyses (not to be used for copper or zinc analysis) Ail organics and metals analyses for copper and zinc (not to be used for chrome or nickel analyses) All metals analyses (not to be used for organics) GROUI WATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Be ~ppendix ~ (cont'd) The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the G.R.I. laboratory. Tubes are scrubbed, inside and outside, with a brush and TSP. They are next steam cleaned, and packed in clean containers with seals. Tubes are delivered to the drilling site in these closed containers to preserve the state of cleanliness. After the sample(s) have been removed from the sampler, the sampler is completely disassembled and scrubbed in TSP and tap water. It is then rinsed in two separate tapwater baths and re- assembled with three clean tubes. Dirty tubes are field washed in TSP, rinsed with water, and placed in buckets for transport back to the G.R.I. lab for cleaning and preparation. 9. ' The sampler is driven by a 140 pound hammer with a 30 inch free fall. Blow counts are recorded as number of blows per 6 inches of drive. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. The sampler is driven 18 inches at each sampling interval. The first (or lowest) tube is generally retained as the sample for analysis. The other two tubes are retained for b&ck-up or split samples. A sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose soils are anticipated. This will prevent the soil from falling out of the sampler. After retrieval, the sample is. Visually logged and immediately sealed with aluminum foil .lined caps, labeled, and chilled. Clean field ice chests and chemical ice ("blue ice") are used to keep the samples cold until delivered to the chemical laboratory. Teflon seals are also available for field samples. Samples are delivered to. the laboratory the same day they are taken, if physically possible. If the samples must be held until the next day, they are kept frozen in a secure freezer at the G.R.I. facility. Sample control is maintained by a Chain of Custody form which accompanies the sample. The form documents the time, date, .and responsible person during each step in the transportation process. RESOURCE INDUSTRIES . II APPENDIX A MONITORING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL Groundwater Sampling A. Decontamination The following procedure details, the routine that is employed in decontamination of groundwater Sampling equipment prior to sample collection~ ' Exterior surface of sampling, tubes are decontaminated by steam-cleaning during withdrawal from,very well. 2. Sample pump is disassembled and the used bladder removed. 3. All pump components are then steam-cleaned and rinsed in distilled water. 4. Pump is reassembled with a new bladder installed. Teflon sampler lines are pressure washed with 5 2o 10 gallons of clean, hot water through direct connection to steam-cleaner. · e Five gallons of distilled water are then'~umped through' entire system. Prior to sample.collection, a minimum of five well volumes are purged from the well to permit collection of a r~presentative groundwater sample .from the aquifer penetrated. Be Purge Volume. Determination The following procedure is followed to determine the appropriate purging volume prior to well sampling. 1. The depth~to-water is measured by a clean, electric water level indicator. Measurement datum is the top of fill ring or top of well protector. 2. Depth to the bottom of the well is measured by'a clean tape and plump bob. If possible,.this is compared to the well construction log to determine inconsistencies, i.e. damaged casing, sediment 'in casing, etc. RESOURCE' INDUSTRIES · Appendix A (cont ' d) Water.volume is caloulated'by, mu~tiplyi~g .total water depth by the inside .diameter of the casing. This figure is one well volume. Well Purging .and sampling 1. Prior to samplin~, a ~l~imum of three .to five well volumes are purged from each well. t~ ensure that water sampled is representative of. the groundwater within the formation. .. 2. Measurements Of pH, conductivity and temperature are taken at frequent intervals during the purge. Stablilization of these values indicates that representative formation fluids are being, removed from the well. In. the event that the well ~s'pumped.dry, an alternate procedure will be followed. Once:a well is pumped dry, the water that enters the well during.recovery is,. by definition, representative formation water. The well will,.therefore, be pumped dry and'allowed to recover to 80% or more of the original water level. 4. Purge water is pumped directly into barrels on site until the proper method of' disposal is determined. 5. Samples pumped directly into sampling bottles p~epared by the state certified laboratory.contracted for the particular job'were labeled and p~aced in refrigerated coolers for transport to the laboratory.. 6.. Samples are delivered directly to. the lab on the same day of sampling'by courier, whenever'practical. If next day delivery is necessary, the samples, are. kept refrigerated at 4 degrees C overnight and delivered.to.the laboratory the following morning. : , 7. Samples are accompanied by a .Chain'of Custody' form.which documents the time, 4ate and responsible person during each step of the transportation process. The G.R.I. coded sample numbering system allows identification of sample and client to G.R.I.,.while not revealing the client to the laboratory or other interested parties. ' UNDERGROUND STORAGE:TANK*UNAUTHORIZED' RELEASE (I~EAK) ! CONT.AMINATIO~~PORT REPORT DATE C~EJ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NAME OF IN.VIDaL P~l~ ~RT : J PH~E ~ J S~a~ , · -: - -~' '"~ REPRESE~ING ~ OW~PE~R ~ ~GIO~L ~A~ ~ ~MP~ OR ~E~ ~E ~ ~ A~RESS ~ME ~NTACT PE~ON I P~ F~tLI~ N~E (IF APPLIC~L~ { OPE~TOR } P~ ~ ADDRESS ~' O- REGION~ BOARD , P~NE (1) NAME QU~T~ L~T (G~ONS) ~ UNKNO~ DATEDI~O~RED ~WDI~VERED ~ IN~ORY~ROL ~ SU~RF~MONITOR~G ~ ~~IT~NS DATE DI~HARGE BE~N - ~ M~OD USED TO ST~ DI~HARGE (CHECK ~ ~T ~ ~j Ui O~ D] Y[ y[ ~ UNKNOWN ~ ~ ~MOVE~N~NTS~o,~ ~ REP~ET~K ~ CL~T~K I ~SDI~HARGEBEENSTOPPED? ~ ~PAIRTmK ~ REPAIRP~G ~ CHm~PR~EDURE ~UR~ OF DI~HARGE T~KS ONLY~i~ MA~RI~ CAUSE(~ ~ T~KLE~ ~ UNKNO~ ~~ ~. ~ FIBERG~S ~ OVERFEL ~ R~R~AEURE ~E~ ONE ONLY ~ UNDETERMINED ~ SOILONLY ~ GROUNDWATER ~ DRINKINGWA~R- (CHECK ONLY IF WA~R ~LS HAVE AC~LY BEEN AF~C~D) ~ECK ONE ONLY H~O O~ 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California g3305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION August 12, 1987 HEALTH OFRCER Leon MHebertaon, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relchard Robert Lutz Golden Empire T P. O. Box 2870 Bakersfield, California 93303-2870 Dear Mr. Lutz, This department has reviewed the proposal submitted by Groundwater Resource Industries for the Golden Empire Transit facility located at 1830 Golden State Avenue in Bakersfield, California. This proposal is acceptable for characterizing the extent of contamination which may have resulted from leaks In the 10,000 gallon unleaded tank's product line. A well permit will be necessary for the borings which are to reach groundwater. Enclosed for your convenience is an application for a well permit. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Ilnzardous Haterials bianagement Program JL:aa cc: David E. Fulton Enclosure DISTRICT OFFICES GROUI WA TE R RESOURCE INDUSTRIES July 31, 1987 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A Lic. #504072 (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles Ms. Janis Lehman Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Line Test Results Golden Empire Transit 1830 Golden State Ave. Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Lehman, The test results for the Certified Line Test for the above re- ferenced facility are as follows: LINE TEST RESULTS: 7-31-87 Unleaded Product Line +.000 G.P.H. CONCLUSIONS: Line Test PASSED per Petro-Tite (Heath Consultants) System Tolerance Standards for Remote Systems of +.010 G.P.H. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call (805) 835-7700. Very truly yours, P. Fitch JPF:dji Encl. cc: Mr. Bob Lutz Ms. Judy Daunell Mailing Address: P.O. Box9383, Bakersfield, Oalifornia93389 OtherLoc~ions: SanJose · SanRamon · Campbell · Los^ngeles DATA CHART ~.." I For Use With , OPERATOR: ' / / . 0 ~ ~ O COVER APPROXIMATE 1~ PRESSURE 1S VOLUME ~ ' ~ 1S TEST RESULTS IDENTIFY 12 TIME 13 LOG OF TEST PROCEDURES, EACH LINE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, psi OR kPe READING NET AS TESTED (MILITARY) WEATHER, ETC. BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER CHANGE CONCLUSIONS, REPAIRS AND COMMENTS / ~ / GROUN ATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES July 24, 1987 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A Lic. #504072 (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles Ms. Janis Lehman Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Golden Empire Tansit 1830 Golden State Ave. Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Lehman, Enclosed you will find the Petro-Tite Line Test results on the unleaded gasoline tank (10,000 gallons) at the above referenced facility tested on July 24, 1987. We have discussed these re- sults by telephone this date. Petro-Tite Line 'Test Results: Date System Results 7-24-87 Remote Pump Line for Unleaded Gasoline -.170 G.P.H. Conclusions: Product line Failed Petro Tite Line Test. If you have any questions regarding this test, please contact Mr. Randy Jackson at (805) 835-7700. Very truly yours, ~Jon P .~Fi~-~~ JPF:dji cc: Ms. Judy Daunell, G.E.T. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles ·KERN. CO. UNTY HEALTHDEPARTMENT .~, ..... . . ' ,DIVISION OF'ENvIRONMENTAL HEALTH*': · i.: ? ~'L1700,Fi;.OWER ~STREET,*'' . "' ':' TELEPHONE: *(805), 861.36~6' '* .; APPLICATION DATE PROPOSED STARTING DATE PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE .IDB SITE: OIRECTIONS TO WELL SITE: TYPE OF WORK DONE: (CHECK, ONE) NEW WELL [~ DEEPEN [] RECONSTRUCTION [] DESTRUCTION [] INTENDED USE: 'DOMESTIC/PRIVATE DOMESTIC/NONPUBLIC DOM ESTI C/PUBLI C TEST HOLE MONITORING CATHODIC PROTECTION OTHER [] (1 Connection) CONSTRUCTION METHOD: [] (2-4 Connections) [] (5 or more connections) [] DEPTH TO WATER: RoTARy [] CABLE TOOL [] · BORED- []. SEALING MATERIAL (CHECK ONE) NEAT CEMENT ~ CEMENT GROUT [] CONCRETE [] · PUDDLED CLAY m-1. OTHER GRAVEL PACK (CHECK ONE) YES ~ NO ~ROM /&/ To *5---/ FROM TO__ P.0.OSEO CAS,. DIAMETER TYPE CONDUCTO R: GAUGe/WALL YES [] NO ~ PROPOSED WELL DEPTH: FT PENETRATES 2 OR MORE AQUIFERS YEs [] , NO ~ Health 580 4113 ~ EH (Rev. 5/87) (l~J. 1 of 3) PROPOSED PERFORATIONS OR SCREEN FROM .TO FEET FROM .TO FEET FROM .TO FEET PROPOSED S~;ALS/PLUG(S) OTHER FROM FROM , .TO ,, . FEET ,TO FEET ' ~ [SEE REVERSE] 1,. Permit aPPl :~mua~!~.t°' the Planning DeP~ : , submission t~ the Health DePartnient. ~ :., .'~.. 2.. L }P, er~!~-app_l ,L~at!0n~s mUSt be submitted.' ~.me He~t~ D,epartment at. i, m · 3,'." ·Well si'te, apPr°val is required befo}e beginning'any work related to Well constructiOn, tt ~tag~ at w~ichan insPecflofl ts required unless, insPection Is waived or completed2 "· 4.' "' Other. req~'ired inspections include:' settin~ condLlctor casing, E-Logs, all 5. In areas~where'a well penetrates more than one aquifer, and one or more of the aquiferscontains P°oeq~water, an E-Log shall be required.to dete~;mJnethe'locatidti~of the confining clay layer(s). 6. ~A phonecalt to the Department °fficeis required on the morning of the day thiitworkis to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. · 7. Approval 'of-Water quaii[y and-fihal construction, features are required before the well is put into Uae, and before a' permit Number is released to Building!'nspection Services. C~ction under this ·Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 9. Any misrepresentation or.non-compl.iance with required Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuanceof a "Stop Work Order." 10. A copy of the DePartment of Water Resources Driller's Report as well as copies of E-Logs and water quality analyses must be submitted to the Health Department within 30 days after completion of the work. 11. "Dry" holes must be properly destroyed within two (2) weeks of drilling. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of issuance if work has not'been started and reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. The Job Card shall be posted and remain _at the well site available for the inspector to sign it'off. "' Lead pipe shall not be. used in construction of any private or public water supply system. The use of solders containing more than 2/10 of 1% lead is prohibited in making joints and fittings in any private or public. potable water system. I have re~mply with the General Conditions noted above. · FOR- OFFICIAL USE ONLY ZONING ACCESS APPROVAL: YES ~ . NO [] FLOOD PLAIN APPROVAL REQUIRED: YES [] ~,N~ APPLICATION APPROVEO BY ,/~ ~.~ DATE DISAPPROVED BY DATE REASONS FOR DENIAL OR CONDITIONS.' KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF PERMIT OR REASONS FOR DENIAL: E-LOG REQUIRED: YES [] NO ~ GRAVEL CHUTE 'REQUIRED= YES [] NO . ,~ SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS Health 580 4ZZ3 306 EH (Rev, 5/87) (Pg. 2 of 3) TOTAL FEE ,.-~'~g" PAID ON RECEIPT ~/ C~H ~ CHECK ~ FEE RECEIVED BY .~1 ~~ " RESOURCE INDUSTRIES June 25, 1987 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A Lic. #504072 (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles Ms. Janis Lehman Kern County Health Department Kern County Environmental Division 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 Re: Line Test Results Golden Empire Transit 18030 Golden State Ave. Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Lehman, The test results for the Certified Line Test for the above referenced facility are as follows: LINE TEST RESULTS: 5-25-87 10,000 Unleaded (Dispenser & Product) -.040 G.P.H. CONCLUSIONS: The line test PASSED per NFPA #329 tolerance. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call (805) 835-7700. Very truly yours, Jon P. Fitch ~'~'~.>:: .... JPF:dji Encl. cc: Ms. Judy Daune Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles LOCATION: ?~PO Ne'me DATA CHART For Use With Street No. end/o; Cornel' Address Dealer, Mgr. or Other Address (If different then Location) Telephone No. TEST REQUESTED BY: Order NO. Billing Addre$1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 14 PRESSURE 15 VOLU~E 16 TEST RESULTS 11 IOENTIFY 12 TIME 13 LOG OF TEST PROCEDURES, EACH LINE (MILITARY) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, psi OR kPa , READING NET CONCLUSIONS, REPAIRS AND COMMENTS AS TESTED WEATHER, ETC. BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER CHANGE I // // ~/~ .. _'' CONTRACTOR OR COMP~J~Y MAKING TEST ISA TANK TEST TO BE ~ YES , .AK. AND ~PE OF~ j~~} ~ MADE WITH THIS LINE TEST? PUMP OR DISPENSERS ~ ~ NO · / cove. -~-~ ~Y ~ ~I~ APPROXIMATE WEATHER TEMPERATURE IN TANKS ~ 'F~ 'C OVER LINES ~~ , ~ 8URIAL DEPTH Con&e;~ac(To~. ~C. ' / __217 MOUNT VERNON, SUITE 6, TANK TESTING INTERNATIONAL, INC, BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93307-2749 805-322-2067 .EaSXO~ ~mNC COMPANY NAME GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT co~^~ Judi Darnell co~^~ ~s 1830 Golden State 'Ave. ~.~A~ Bakersfield, Ca. '93303 ~.~A~ ~.o~ (~05) ' 324-9874 ~ONE · *~'OWNER GOLDEN EMPIRE T~NSIT Judi Darnell CO~A~ ~.~A~ Bakersfield, Ca. 93303 ~o,~ (805) 324-9874 TANK FARM LOC. A'~ON The sv,n~m used for t'~SUng is the "EZ%' 'O-lEK" Leak De~.ctio, Sys~m. This ~ ~ desl~necl tn meet the NFPA m~uir~me~s and is ~-~.nni~le of aet~n$ · leak ~ t~ .~, salla ~ ,our. Tins cr,~,~ of .OS ~ailon ~ hour is not m be conm'ued as ~ I:ermissa;~_ ~ ran Ramer an aclu,mc%, toie~nce of t~e t~'~ng equi~n~tt and aliow~ ira' ~ vadb~lk~Ve~ We a.uume no. msponsibili~f f~l' any pnxiuct leaYaSe.. A~I ~utls am in~kx.1~Fo~. 'TFJ.,E~HONE c~=-~,~-- ,.7'2~ ~ 2~-)~; ~ C Total Fill Tank Tank# I~ ,lb Test level Measured gravity 37 test fl Water Water Table I Product temp. EZY-CHEK WORK SHEET Coefllecient .Chart cal. .05 'Temp. cal. ~, .ooo~;~ level start level gain + x (A) level end loss - x (A) result 53 _ ~ = 32 x · ooo~q ='-. 7o _'3~= 31 x . [~ ~b ~ temp. temp. gain + .b '~4 start end loss- x (B) lemp. final ' x (B) result result . Nq : 3q5 = t- oo ~ 3q5 -i~ib = e oo, X 073 . ;,~-I -.oo~, · 3q:_ q : 30 Certilied tight Leak rate per hour Total Fill Tank Water Water Table EZY-CHEK WORK SHEET Tank # Measured gravity :' Test level Product Product temp... CaDacity Coefflecient Chart cal. .05 'Femp. cal. x = {A) = test level # start level end gain + x (A) level temp. loss - x (A) result start ~s = ~8 x o~q = 055) ~lalion Iocalion ~,ddress ;ily, Slale Date temp. gain + x (B) temp. Ilnal end loss - x (B) result result ~le - .00~ = X -' Certified lighl Leak rate per hour Operalor Fill Tank A.G.. Water Water Table EZY-CHEK WORK SHEET Tank # i6 Measured gravily ... Test,eve, I[o~,~r.~- Produot ~),e~l capacity. NI~ Product temp. N/~ Coefflecient .Chart cal. .05 ..+. = .. ~/~ ']'emp. ca,. , N I/Y x. N/R- _ i~/, , ,IA) level level gain + x (A) level start end loss - x (A) result 77_ 7¢ = I x-.00.5 ~ .00~ ~ = X = · ~ ~ X letup, temp. gain + x (B) temp. start end loss - x (B) result = X = = X = X = = X = LEAK RATE Certified tight ~-~ Leak rale per, l~U,r , 0 l~O G.P .H. Ilnal resull Total Fill Tank A.G.. N/~ Wale r i~ Water Table Tank # ~, Measured gravily :- lestlev¥ I1~ ~-d~- Product N/~ . Product temp. EZY-CHEK WORK SHEET P~.%~t ,, Caoacitv ~lr~ ~/R CoefHecient Chart cal. .05 + hi/~ = .......... N/~3 fA) -l*em,. cai ..... /~/~ x rJ/. - ~/r~ lest level tf start level gain + x fA) level end loss - x fA) result X .,alion location lq:L . / Date Hw-,v_ temp. start temp. gain + x lB) letup. end loss - x lB) result final result ~e Certified light Leak rate per,our -. LEAK RATE G. P. H. Total Fill Tank Tank # -~. Measured gravil¥ Water ..~ Water Tablo EZ¥-CHEK WORK SHEET Product .//..~',"/'~-'?~;'? CaDacil¥ '~"~"-Prod uct t e,n p. ~'3 ~'~' ! Coelfiecient Chartcal. .05 'l'emp. cal.. O0~ 3"3'"~'r~ ~' x + /~.33_73 = lest level If start level gain + x (A) level end loss - x (A) result / Date temp. temp. gain + x (B) lamp. start end loss - x (B) result final result x ~--. 3~1o ='-~a Leak rale per hour ~ ~7 Total Fill Tank Tank # A.G 3 ~, Water ~ Water Table Test level ~'" '~'(' Product EZY'CHEK WORK SHEET Chart cal. .O5 Measured gravily :' Product temp. ~'~'~', · -'- - / Coefllecient :-~, ~/ Temp. cal.-_:':7~')'9,G~ :';~" x. = .-o~-~ (A) lest level start level gain + x (A) end loss - x (A) - x o002 ~ =-'-/& x ,oo27 level temp. temp. gain + x (B) result start end loss - x (B) = ,'/2¢2_ = -~ x ,~x7 ---- X -.!/ 3q result final result LEAK Certilied light ~ Leak rate per hour -- RATE rota~ Fill Tank Tank # '~ Test level Measured gravily ;' Water ~) EZY-CHEK ~-/ Water Table :--~0' WORK SHEET Product/7~ / 2 Capacity .... ,' .- .Chart cal. .05 Product temp .... .c~',~. / Coefflecient bT~,. q" ']'emp. cal.~x y? 77. j test level start level gain + x (A) level lemp. lemp. gain + x (B) temp. end loss - x (A) result start end loss - x (B) result Date final result =, :?z; l ] ; . 7/ .... -~ L~ ~TE G.P.H. ~, .~j,;' ·. Ceflilied ltglll ¢ Leak rale per hour' .... / ,~_ ~~ "~/ 4 Fill Tank Tank # Test level Measured gravily :' Water Water Table ~,9 / Product EZY-CHEK WORK SHEET .j Capacity, '/ ..... ,Chart cai .05 / Product temp. ~._.'-2, / , Coeffiecient ~"'~, ¢ 'Temp. cal. lest level start level end gain + x (A) level loss - x (A) result x , O0~, / ,x . 0.9.21 =,~ o.9'k L~ temp. start temp. gain + x (B) end loss - x (B) result result ~._.e [,flL - -oo7 Certified tight q,, ~/0 Leak rale per hour LEAK RATE G. P. H. Total Tank A.G.. 20'~ Water ~ Water Table ..?~.. EZY-CHEK WORK SHEET Tank # ~ Test level Measured gravily (~ 5 ;' Productte,np. D- / Coelliecient ~z~. [/ 'Temp. cal.:('~/7? 5"~"';';~ x test level I1 start level gain + x (A) level end loss .-- x (A) result -~ . ~+ x .,oo~, .,~ X x ~7 temp. temp. gain + x (B) temp. Iinal start end loss - x (B) result result - LEAK RATE Certified light[' ~)~ Leak rate per hour '"P-~ ,~0~' 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: COUNTY HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DEPARTMENO OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PEP~IIT NUMBER #060013M CONTRACTOR: Golden Empire Transit District 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield, CA Golden Empire Transit Dist. P. O. Box 2870 Bakersfield, CA 93303 G. R. I. P. O. Box 9383 Bakersfield, CA 93389 License #504072 NEW BUSINESS PERMIT EXPIRES Seutember 12, 1987 CHANGE OWNERSHIP RENEWAL APPROVAL DATE 3une 12, 1987 ~ .POST ON PREMISES ..... J.--. . . ~ .... v. ....... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This permit applies only to the modification of an existing facility involving exposure and repair of the unleaded product line. 2. All construction to be .as per facility plans approved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. 3. All equipment and materials in this construction must be installed in accordance with all manufacturers' specifications. 4. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48 hour advance notice. 5. A site assessment is necessary in order to determine the full extent of contamination. This must be performed by a qualified contractor. DISTRICT OFFICES ./ TANK # (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM , TANK) --FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK Atf- APPR6PRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted [~n-Vaulted []Double-Wall ~'~ingle-Wall 2. ~ Material F arbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel iberglass-Reinforced Plastic [-] Concrete [] Aluminum [] Bronze [-]Unknown [] Other (describe) 3. ~ Containment DsteInstalled Thickness (Inches) Capa.city (Gallons) Manufacturer ..... 4. Tank Secondary containment L/; ~ ~ "7"~J'~. ~ ~ []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner [-]Lined Vault [~one E]Unknown [-]Other (describe): Manufacturer: [-]Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Linin~ []Rubber []Alkyd nEpoxy []Phenolic []Glass nClay ~lined Or, known []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --]~G~'lvanfzed [-]Fib~rglass-Clad [-]P~ly~thylene Wrap [']VirtYl Wrappirg [-]Tar or Asphalt []Unknown nNone ~Other (describe): ~ c~~ .~.~,~( Cathodic Protection: [~None []Impressed Current System ~]Sacrtficial )~%ode System 'Descrit~ System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitor]~, and Interception a. Tank: [qVisual (vaulted tanks only) [-]Groundwater Monitorirg' Well(s) [] Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner '' [-]U-Tube with C~mpatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* []Conductivity, Sensor* [2] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- Da iguid ~trieval & Inspection Fr~m U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ~Periodi¢ Tightness Testirg [] None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipirg' [-]Monitoring Sump with Race~ay [] Sealed Concrete Race~y t-]Half-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Raceway [-]Synthetic Liner Race~ay ~-None [-] Unknown [] Other , *Describe Make ~& M~del: 8. ~en Tightness Tested? ~Yes []No []Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test ~7~2~~ Results of Test Test Name /~i ~{/~ ~ ~ ~q~ Testing C~mpany .~7~ ~ /3~,~Z~ 9. Tank Reda i r ; ~ Tank Repaired? [']Yes ~ [2]Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe R~pairs 10. Overfill Protection [~perator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors [~vel [-]Tape Float Gauge [-]Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls  Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box [-]None ~kno~ Other: List Mak~ & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Ce Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer [-]Pressure [-]Suction [~ravity Approximate [e~3th of Pipe Underground Pipirg Corrosion Protection : [-]Galvanized t-]Fiberglass-Clad [qImp~essed Current ['~Sacrificial Ar~x]e [2]Polyethylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolati~ [-]V. lnyl Wra~ ~Tar or Asphalt []Unknown [-]None ~)ther (describe): Underground Pipirg, Secondary Containment: n]Double-Wall [-]Synthetic Liner System [~one [-]Unkno~ TANK # ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM . TANK) --FOR EACH-~- SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BO~E'S Tank is: []Vaulted ~'Non-Vaulted •Double-Wall [9~ngle-Wall ~ Material arbon Steel [] Stainless Steel ~ Polyvinyl Chloride [-] Fiberglass-Clad Steel iberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Aluminum [2] Bronze [-]Unknown [] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 4. Tank Secondary Containment ~]Double-Wall [']Synthetic Liner [-]Other (describe): []Material Thickness (Inches) 5. Tank Interior Lining [-]Rubber [-]Alkyd [-]Epoxy [-]Phenolic [-]Glass []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protectlon Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer . [] Lined Vault [~ne Dunknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) I-]Clay [~filined Dunkno~ ~Galvanized -[2]Fiberglass-Clad •Polyethylene Wrap •Vinyl Wrappirg DTar or Asphalt []Unknown gone [']Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: [~one [2]Impressed Current System [']Sacrificial Anode System ~--~rike System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Intercept. ion e,. Tanh: [-]Visual (vaulted tanks only) ~Groundwater Monitoring' Well(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) DU-Tube Without Liner [-] U-Tube with Ccrapatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [~"Daily Gatgirg &- Inventory Reconciliation D Periodic Tightness Testirg []None [] Unknown ~ Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring Sump with Race~ay [-]Sealed Concrete Race~y [] Half-Cut Ccmpatible Pipe Raceway [] Synthetic Liner Raceway [~4qone []Unknown []Other , *Describe Make % M~deI: 8. Tank Tightness l~is Tank Been Tightness Tested? [~Yes []No [']Ur%known Date of Last Tightness Test~~ Results of Test Test Name .~,dt~4d, w~ ~z,Tt '~.~4~.' ~/" ~esting Ccmpany 9. Tank ~ ~ ' Tank Repaired? []Yes [~o []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) 10. 11. Describe Repairs Ce Overfill Protection [~Dperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level []Tape Float Gauge [-]Float Vent Valves []Auto Shut- Off Controls B Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box [-]None Dunknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices a. Underground Piping: [~es []No []Unknown Material . Thickness (inch~es.) Diameter Manufacturer [']Pressure [~ooction [2]Gravity Approximate Length o'f Pipe Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : [-]Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad [-]ImIxessed Current []Sacrificial Anode [']Polyethylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolation [2]Vinyl Wra]~ [2]Tar or Asphalt []Unknown []None ~)ther (describe): ~ ~ ~ Underground Pipirg, Secondary Contair~ent: ~ [~Doublc Wall []Synthetic Liner System [~]N~ne []Unknown TANK ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is: []Vaulted [~4on-Vaulted r]Double-Wail [~ingle-Wall 2. ~ Material D Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel [~Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Alu~inumm [] Bronze [3Unknown [] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment ~ate Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary contair~aent . []Double-Wall [~Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault ~'~ne []Unknown [-]Other (describe): Manufacturer: []Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Linin~ [-]Rubber [-]Alkyd ~]Epoxy. [-]Phenolic [-]Glass [-]Clay ~[nlined []Unknown [-]Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protectlon --]~G~lvanized -I-]Fiberglass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrappirg [-]Tar or Asphalt ~Unknown ~one [~Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ~None []Impressed Current System ['~Sacrtfi~'tal Anode System ~--~ribe System & Equil2nent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitorine, and Interce[~t. ion a. Tank: ~-lVisual (vaulted tanks only) ~]Groundwater Monitorirg' W~ll(s) []Vadose Zone ~onitorirg Well(s) [-]U-Tube Without Liner [] U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [-] Conductivit~ Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- quid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ~Periodic Tightness Testing []None []Unknown []Other · b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping~ [] Monitoring Sump with Race~ay [] Sealed Concrete Race~y I-]Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway [~Synthetic Liner Raceway [~one []Unknown []Other ~ · Describe Make ~& M~del: 8. Tank Tightness l~is Tank Been Tightness Tested? [~es []No ~]Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test ,~~~Z-~] Results of Test .... Test Name .~ ~Z~4eu~ ad~ .~ g.q, Testing Ccmpany .~/~[~ 9. Tank Re~air ~ ~ (_,/ Tank Repaired? []Yes ~ []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) 10. 11. Describe Repairs Overfill Protection [~)perator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors [~vel []Tape Float Gauge [3Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls  Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box []None []Unknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices a. Underground Piping: [~i~s [~]No []Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure [~oction' []Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe ~ Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : E]Galvanized [qFiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current []Sacrificial Anode [-]Polyethylene Wrap [2]Electrical Isolation ~]¥in¥1 Wrap ~]Tar or. Asphalt [-]Unknown •No. ~-]Other (describe): .~A&u~0 ~?~,~ ~. Underground Piping, Secondary Contair~nent: []Double-Wall [-]S~nthetic Liner System [~ne [-]Unknown be Co TANK ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM I TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES Tank is: [~Vaulted ~on-Vauited []Double-Wall ~ingle-Wall ~ Material arbon Steel [] Stainless Steel D Polyvinyl Chloride D Fiberglass-Clad Steel iberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Alu~inmm [] Bronze [-]Unk~own [] Other (describe) 3. primary Containment prate Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer · 4. Tank Secondary Contair~nent [qDouble-Wall [~Synthetic Liner [-]Lined Vault [~J~ne []Unknown [-]Other (describe): Manufacturer: []Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lin]nc~ []Rubber DAlkyd [qEpoxy []Phenolic []Glass DClay ~'~lined [-]Unknown BOther (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --]~G~lVanfzed -[~fr~fass-Clad/[-]Polyethylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrapping [-]Tar or Asphalt DUnknown ~]~9one []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ~qone [-]Impressed Current System DSacr'tfici'al' Anode System ~ribe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detect]on, M~nltorim~, and Interception a. 7~ni,: [-]Visual (vaulted tanks only) []Groundwater Monitoring' Well(s) [-]Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) [-]U-Tube Without Liner [-]U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)~ [] Vapor Detector~ [] Liquid Level Sensor~ [] Conductivit~ Sensor~ [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [] L~iguid ~trieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ~Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [-]Periodic Tightness Testing [] None B Unknown ['] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping~ []Monitoring S~xap with Raceway [-]Sealed Concrete Race~y []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway [-]Synthetic Liner Raceway [~'~one []Unknown []Other , · Describe Make .~ M~deI: Date of Last Tightness Test..4~.~~~ Results of Test Test Name ~f/~4~ .~ ~ J~'. ~ ~sting Company ~'M ~_~r~ 9. Tank ~ ~ ~ Tank Repaired? []Yes ~ [-]unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) 10. 11. Describe Repairs Piping a...Underground Piping Thickness (inches) be Ce Ove__r f~ 11 Protection ~Opera~'or FiliS~ Controls, & Visually Monitors Level []Tape Float Gauge ['lFloat Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls [-]Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box [-]None [']Unknown [-]Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices [~fe s [-]No D Unknown Material Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure [~}~oct'ion [~]Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : FqGalvanized []Fiberglass-Clad ~Im[xessed Current []Sacrificial Anode []]Polyethylene Wrap [-]Electrical Isolation [-]Vinyl Wrap []Tar .or Asphalt Underground Piping, Secondary Contaim~ent: ~Double-Wall []]Synthetic Liner System ~ne [2]~nkno~ TANK ~ (FILL OUT REPARATE FORM . TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BO~ES 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted [~6n-Vaulted ~]Double-Wall ~ngie-Wall 2. ~ Material a rbon Steel [-] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [-] Fiberglass-Clad Steel iberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] A~in~x~ [] Bronze [-]Unknown [] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufactur~er - 4. Ta'nk S. econdary Contair~ent ' ' []Double-Wall '~Synthetic Liner [-]Lined Vault [~ne [-]Unknown ~-]Other (describe): Manufacturer: [-]Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior []Rubber [-1Alkyd [-]Epoxy. ~]Phenolic []Glass r-]Clay ~d~lined [']t[nknown []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ---[~Galvanized ~ass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap []-]Vinyl Wrapping []Tar or Asphalt []Unknown ~N~ne [-]Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ~ne ~]Impressed Current System [-]Sacrificial Anode Syst~ Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detect]on, Mor~itoriD-~, and Interception a. T:~r~k: [-]Visual (vaulted tanks only) [-]Groundwater Monitoring' Well(s) [~]Vadose Zone Monitorirg Well(s) [~U-Tube Without Liner [] U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor~ [] Conductivity Sensor* [~] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank" [-1 Liquid R~trie~al & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [~aily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [-]Periodic Tightness Testirg []None []Unknown [] Other b. Pipirg: Flow-Restrictirg Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping~ [-]Monitoring Sump with Raceway [] Sealed Concrete Raceway [~Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway ~'~one []Unknown []Other , *Describe Make % M~del: 8. Tank Tightness l~is Tank Been Tightness Tested? ~es [-]No [-]Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test /~%~7-,~{2~~ Results of Test Test Name ~, /FLL~(/t~ '~ ~/-~ $~j~ Testing C~pany 9. Tank Re~ai r ~ ' Tank Repaired? [-]Yes [~ []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) 10. ll. Describe Repairs Overfill Protectfon []~rator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors [mvel ~Tape Float Gauge ~Float Vent Valves ~Auto Shut- Off Controls  Capacitance Sensor [qSealed Fill Box [-]None [-]Unknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices P ping a...Underground Piping: ~es [2]No []Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer [2]Pressure ~Suction [-]Gravity Approximate [~rgth Of Pipe Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : [-]Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad [-]Imp~essed Current ~Sacr~f~cial Anode [-]Polyethylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolation [-]¥1,y.1 Wrap ~Tar or Asphalt []Unknown ~None ~k)ther (describe): ~/;~_~_~ ~ Underground Piping, Secondary Contaim~ent: (/ [~]Double-Wall [-]Synthetic Liner System ~ne []Unknown [-]Other fdescrfbe): Facility Name ~ ,~6~,7 ~.~_ ~ Permit TANK ~ (FILL OUT .~EPARATE FORM .H TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank i s: [] Vaul ted []~n-Vaulted []Double-Wal I ~'~ingle-Wal 1 2. ~ Material  arbon Steel []Stainless Steel []polyvinyl Chloride []Fiberglass-Clad Steel iberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete D Aluminum [] Bronze [-]Unknown [] Other (describe) 3. primary containment Date Installed Thickness (Inch.es) Capacity (Gallons) 4. Tank Secondary Cun:ainment' - []Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault [-]Other (describe) []Material Thf'ckneSs (Inches) 5. Tank Interior Lininc~ ---~R~{6ber DAlkyd [-]Epoxy. []Phenolic []Glass [-]Other (describe) 6. Tank Corrosion Protecti'on -~Galvanized --~-~TS~-~ass-Clad [qPolyethylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrapping []Tar or Asphalt []-]Unknown ~[~one []-]Other (describe) Cathodic Protection: ~None []Impressed Current System FISacrifi¢lal' A~ode System ~--~ribe System & Equipment: 7. Leek Detection, Monitorings, and Interception a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) []-]Groundwater Monitoring' Well(s) [~]Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner e e 10. Manufacturer . [~ne [-1 Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) []Clay [~lined []~U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directirg Flow to Monitoring We.il(s)* Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [-] Conductivit~ Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [] Liquid B~trieval & Inspection Fr~m U~Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [~Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing [] None [q Unkno~ ['] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' · []Monitoring Sump with Race~y []Sealed Concrete Raceway []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race~ay ~None [] Unknown ['] Other · Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness l~is Tank Been Tightness Tested? ~es []No []Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test /~uT~~ Results of Test Test Name ~ {~1/4~A~ ~f- ~.' ~,' Testing Company Tank ~ ~ ~ ' ' Tank Repaired? ~Yes ~o []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection [~jperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors l~vel [-]Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves []Auto Shut- Off Controls  Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box []None [~]Unkno~n Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. ..Underground Piping: Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ? - [-]Pressure ~'Suction [-]Gravity APProximate Length of Pipe ~ Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current [2]Sacrificial Anode ~Polyethylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolation ~Vin 1 .~v~ ,~ [2]Unknown ~None [~her (describe): W~ ~ Underground Pipirg, Secondary Contairment: []Double-Wall [']Synthetic Liner System ~ne [-]Unknown PERNIT CHECKLIST This checklist Is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and' that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to Implement the first-phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to KCHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes lV~o A. The packet. I received contained// ~ ~ 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requlrement~ Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and Operator), Chapter 15~JKCOC #6-3941), Explanation of/Substance Codes, Equipment L~ts and Return Envelope. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook tUT-10. with the following forms: a) "Inventory Recording Sheet" b) "Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary on reverse" c) "TEnd Analysis Worksheet" 3) Modified Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-15 with form: "quarterly Modified Inventory Control Sheet" with "quarterly Summary on reverse" 4) An Action Chart for each inventory method (to post at facility) B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number.of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have tile following ,F~qulred equipment (as described in Handbooks under "Before Starting") 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for a~l)~tanks at this facility {if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permlt).~.~ ~ F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring (Handbook #UT-10) and Modified Inventory Control Monitoring (Handbook #UT-15) were started at this facility in accordance with requirements described on interim permit conditions. Date Started ~- ~- ~ $iEnature o£ Person Completin~ Checklist: Title: ~~ TANK TESTING INTERNATIONAL, INC. 217 MOUNT VERNON, SUITE 6, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307-2749 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 MAY ! 9 1987 805-322-2067 Attn.: Janice Lehman · :.-¥~N COUNTY H~ALTH DEPT. May 18, 1987 Enclosed are copies of test results for G.E.T. (Golden Empire Transit). Judi Darnell requested copies of test to be sent to you. If you need help in interpretation, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Fernando R. Valenzuela FRV/afv Certificate# 1510 CERTIFICATE OF PRECISION LEAK TEST Tank Testing International, Inc. has tested and certifies this tank and line system tight per N.F.P.A. 329 Criteria. Date: 5-10-87 Location' GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT 1830 Golden State Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. Tanks: 1. 24,628 gals. 2. 24,628 gals. 3. 4. Diesel Diesel TANK TESTING INTERNATIONAL, INC. 217 MOUNT VERNON. SUITE 6, BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93307-2749 805~32P-~ Kern County tlealth Departme Division of Environmental 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA (805) 861-3636 93305 Permit No. Al~ation Date o6oo~3~ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type Of Application (check): ~]New Facility~odificatton Of FacilityC]gxisttng Factlit~C]Transfer Of Ownership Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days Judi Daunel! 805-.]24-9874 Nights " " " ~22-9692 Facility Name Golden Empire Transit District No. Of Tanks ,~ ~, Type Of Business (check): []Gasoline Station ~Other (describe)Transit District Is Tank(s) Located On An Agricultural Farm? OYes [~]No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily For Agri.c~ultural Purposes? OYes ~No Facility Address I~30 Golden Sta~e Ave. Nearest Cross St. "F" St. T R SEC (Rural Locations Only) Owner Colden Empire Transit~'~istrict Contact Person Judi Daunell Address P.O. Box 2870 ~kfld Zip ~303 Telephone 324-9874 Operator ssame Contact Person Address Zip Telephone B. Water To Facility Provided By California kater Service Depth to Groundwater 16' Soil Characteristics At Facility Tine silt-sand Basis For Soil Type and Groundwater Depth DeterminationsSoil samples t~ken 10-82 for buildinc C. Contractor ~roundwater ~esource Indus~i~mtractor's License No. 50407~ Eo Address~ ~.,0. x o~/~ 2kfld Zip ~89~,-~,~ Telephone ~?~-7700 Proposed Starting Date ~-i~-~ Proposed Completion Date Worker's Compensation Certification No. ~r'l '/ ,56~-~7 Insure~tate Corn?. ~und D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed Ex,rose and repair unleaded product Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank # Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Fuel Oil [] [] [] [] [] [] 0 r-i [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Chemical Composition Of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank # Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS # (if known) Chemical Previously Stored (if different) Transfer Of Ownership Date Of Transfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued to I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed form. This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. KERN COUNTY HEALTH D E pARTI~i'E NT PERMIT IN~NTORY RECORDING SHEET EQUATI ON 1 1 2 3 4 .5 6 I '1 I 8 9 10 l! 12 13 OPENING OPENING CLOSING CLOSING METER _ DAILY METER = TOTAL READING GAUGING GAUGING DELIVERED WATER DATE GAUGING INVENTORY INVENTORY READING READING METERED ADJUSTMENT BEFORE AFTER INVENTORY GAUGING ~' O3 / SALES DELIVERY DELIVERY ,,, DAY/HOUR. INCHES GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS - GALLONS INCHES GALS INCHES GALS GALLONS INCHLS ~(;q'i i3~ 'A~foo.f ao~3o.~g Iq90 12~ I~go~q ~o~b I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS a' TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT. SIGNATURE DATE ~nv. H~ltfi S80 4113 1018 TNVENTOR¥ RECONCTLXATION SHEET FACILITY F~~w ~,~,.~"~-/~,~ TANK , ~r; 16 CAPACITY ~/~c}- ~ PRODUCT ~ MONTH/YEAR EQUATI ON 2 E(~UATI ON 3 EQUATI ON 4 opENING DELIVERED CLOSING INVENTORY TOTAL 'ETEREO -- READING = TOTAL 'ETE~ED TOTAL 'ETE~ED - INVENTORY = AMOUNT DATE INVENTORY + INVENTORY - INVENTORY = REDUCTION SALES ADJUSTMENT THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT REDUCTION OVER OR SHORT DAY/IIOU~ _. GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS' GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS +GALS. -GALS. r-~ ~93[ ~o~i~-~ I~I'~,D~~ ~O~%.af ~llO ~110 ~I/D ~0~. 7_~ ~1.~ ~EK ~ ~T~S //5Dd ///////////////////////////////// } ~ ~q % ////////////////////////////// ~ ~ gPq,O o%0 ..I 35S~.~ ~/So~,~ ~o.~ I~qg I~q~ t~ /~b.~ ~-[3 ogg~ ~-77S.~f g57~o.oo go/~.7f go/q. ~1~ , gOl~ ~o1~ 9~ ]. ~ ~EK 2 TOTALS l/qqg.73~' IIII/111111111111//111111111/1111 /2 / % ;~' ii////111111111111111/11111111' /25.3 !9' /~' ~_~3o~ ~1~!.~' ~.so I~/].?~ Iq~q /~ l~ 13 I1. 7~ I~o.~b~ ~~ .~.~ ~. oo //0.~ ~ ~ ~ //5.~ //~.~ ~EK 3 TOT~S /321~'.;5l /111111111111//////////////////// q ~ III/I///////////////////////// l~3. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s' 5a~ . ' ! // / //I/// /i ~7~ ./ /11 i //// / ~g~B.~5g~gl.7~ Env. I-lealtt~ 5804113, 1017 (6/~6) (Fronl) -'? T N'~r'I~NTORY RECONC T L'T ATT ON SUI'/I'~{,./~I{Y A. Percent Variation: Amount Over/Short (Col. - B. Reporting: Gals. ~ Total Metered Throughput (Col. 15) .[~ ~ 1. Does the Amount Over or Short exceed 350 Gals? 2. Does the Variation exceed 5%? []]NO - Continue Gals. x 100 = ~.~ % Variation A. Percent Variation; [-]NO - Continue rou~onitoring ~Y~S - Report within 24 hours of discovery. routine monitoring i_~YES - Report to Permitting Authority within 24 hours of discovery. L. Amou.t Over/Short (Col. ] Gals. Total Hetered Throughput (Col. 15) /~L/3~- Gals. x 100 = _ / · ~ % Yz:riation Reporting: ' ed :~0~'Gals? ~1~ - Continue routine monitoring [~Y~S -' Report-w~thin ~4 hours of discovery. ~. Does the Amount Over or Short exce 2. Does the Variation exceed 5%? ~JNO - Continue routine monitoring ~]YES - Report to Permitting Authority within 24 hours of discovery. A. Percent Variation: - -~ :, Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) ~//~rf~'..gL~ h Gals. B. Reporting: 1. Does the Amount Over or Short exceed 350 Gals? 2. Does the Variation exceed 5%? A. Percent ,Variation: Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) Reporting: Total Metered Throughput (Col. 15) Gals. x' 00 - /V. ? Variation ~NO - Continue routine monitoring ['-]NO - Continue routine aonitorlng Report within 24 hours of discovery. [~ES - Report to Permitting Authority within 24 hours of discovery. e 3~ Gals. + Total Metered Throughput (Col. 15) I[~q~) Gals. x 100-- · 3 ~ % Variation 1. Does the Amount Over or Short exceed 350 Gals? ~NO - Continue routine monitoring ~]YES - Report within 24 hours of discovery. 2. Does the Variation exceed 5%? ~N0 - Continue routine monitoring ~YES - Report to Pe~mittlng Authority within 24 hours of discovery. A. Percen_t Variation: Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) --56~ S.ls. ~ Total Netered Throughput (Col. 15) qq~F Gala. x 100'- /' / Variation Does the Variation exceed 1.5~? ~NO - Continue routine monitorinz I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT Tills I$ A TRUEAND ACCURATE REPORT. Efl~. He~th 500 al 13 1017 (6~6) (Back) SIGNATURE E]YES - Report to PermitttnE Authority within 24 hours of discovery. FACILITY TANK# 3 CAPAC I TY ?~ ~ SUBSTANCE STORED PERMIT # 0~0~ /3 ~_. QUARTER/YEAR ~/~ COL. TEST WEEK 1 2 4 5 6 COL. 2 WEEKLY S HUT -D 0 WN TIME PERIOD IWATER ILEVEL INCHES 7 9 10 12 13 DATE/HR TO DATE/HR DATE/HR ~-~, TO DATE/HRS-5- 053 0 I DATE/HR:J-/~ TO DATE/HR`.5' 1.5' DATE/HRS~o /0~ o I TO I DATE/HRS~-;~ /~ I b~ I DATE/HRSJU TO ~ ¥5_I DATE/HR5 I ?0 q~l DATE/HR/~ 4' mfl TO I DATE/HR ~/'7 DATE/HR DATE/HR DATE/HR COL 41COL 5I COL. 6 2ND 1 ST INCH GAUGE -GAUGE = CHANGE INCHES INCHES 5q INCHES DATE/HR 71 ]DATE/HR "7 -~ DATE/HR DATE/MR DATE/HR DATE/MR ]DATE;HR I COL. 81COL. COL. 7{ 9 COL. 1 0 I COL. I 1 ] 2 ND_ 1 ST =VOLUME IVOLUME VOLUME CHANGE +SUBTOTAL C UMULATI VE CHANGE £s + GALLONS ] GALLONS I GALLONS I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I 30'7o I I I I I I I ",flSo oo I-15 '9- I P~30.L/q I ~ I I I I ! GALLOKS I o -t5-5~ GALLONS -/5. 5 > -o.¥/ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TREND ANALYSI S WORKS-HEET o AC I L I TY. ~ .~~ ~~. PERMI T kNK # /~. /~ CAPACITY ~~ ~ PRODUCT ~ YEAR/PERIOD ~- ! NS T RUCT I O N-S : iRT A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at 'top form. In the space for year '] ! 16 period indicate the year and t~ DAY DATE (+/-] consecutive period of anal/si )~Y 1 ~-~O --- being conducted (from 1 throu~ )AY 2 ~-}/ -f-- 12 only). Transfer the date an ~AY 3 ~- ! -f- the sign from columns 1 and 16 c 3AY 4. ~ / Reconciliation Sheet to column DAY 5 ~ ~c- at left. Use the table below t DAY' 6 ~-~ ~ determine the action number fo DAY ? ~-~ ~ the period being analyzed. DAY 9 ~ ~ ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 g-~ --~ TAB L E DAY 12 ~-/u ~ 30-DAY I ACTION DAY 13 ~-// ~ PERIOD NUMBER{ NUMBER DAY 14 ~-/~ ~ ! = 20 DAY 15 ~/~ ~ 2 = 37 ~AY 16 ~- /? ~ 3 = 54 DAY 17 ~1~ ~ 4 = 69 DAY 18 ~-I~ { ~ ; 5 = 85 DAY 19 ~-/~ ~ 6 = 101 DAY 20 ~-/~ ~ 7 : DAY 21 ~-~ ~ 8 = 133 DAY 22 ~-;0 "'-" 9 = 149 DAY 23 ~-~/ -'-> 10 = 165 DAY 24 f-~ '-f- Il = 180 DAY 25 p-~ ~ 12 = 196 DAY 26 ~-~ DAY 27 ~.~ ~ Circle appropriate period an, DAY 28 ~-~ ~- action number. A full cycle 'DAY 29 ~-~ ~ made up of periods 1-12. afte' DAY 30 ~-~ -Y--- ~hich a new cycle begins. Us, ~0TAL MINUSES /~ information to complete Part B PART B: ACTION NUMBER CA'LCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative' minuses from previous periods tn this cycle. Line 3. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ............. Line 4. Actto~ number for this period {from table above) .... Line 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? [-~Yes ~o If Yes, you have a reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-lO 'STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL NONITORING' Env. H~lth 580 4333 1016 (6~6! /3 Sc o? 1700 Flower Street . Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 ~RN T [~TERT 1vi PE ~IVIT T TO O P E t:~A.T E : UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY COUNTY HEALTH DEIPAR'I'MEN ~"~.~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION OWNER: FACILITY: GOLDEN EMPIRE TRANSIT DIST. 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA Leon, M!~~. DIRECTOR OF ENVlROHME~ HEALTH M I "T ~/~ 0~6 0::0.-1 3 C ' SSUED: ,, APRIL 1, 1987 EXP T R'~'ZS : APRIT. 1, 1990 NUMBER OF TANKS= 6 GOLDEN-EMPIRE TRANSIT DIST. 1830 GOLDEN STATE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 TANK # 6~IIN YRSk SUBSTANCE CODE PRESSURIZED PIPING? lA,lB,2 2 MVF 2 NO 3.4 2 NON-MVF 2 NO 5 2 WO 2 NO NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABLE *** POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAILED: DATE PEPS. lIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: Kern Cour{t~ Health Department ~ Division or Environmental Heal~ 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA Application D~ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ~ of Application (check): []Ne--~ FaC['lity ~Modification of Facility ~/Existing Facility [7Transfer of Ownership A. Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days ~ ~ Nights ,~ ,, ~df -30q- !~! Type of Business (check):' ~]Gasoiine Sta'tion ~ther (deSCribe)'/'/~x~ Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? []Yes ~No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? [qYes Facility Address /~30 ~1 ~ /~ Nearest Cross St. T R sEC (RUral Loca'tions Only) Address .I~5o t~.~ ~ .,/J~. ' 'Zip ~ Telephone ~a.S~- Operator . G~* ~,..T; .'~, · contact Person . ~ Address ~,~,. ~ ~ ~?0 Zip _~ Telephone B. Water to Facility Provided by ~/~ ~3~c Depth to' G~t.%'~ Soil Characteristics' at Facility ~ ~. ~ ~ ;~; ~ Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater De~th Det~rmina~i~ns ~ ~ C. Contractor CA Contractor's License N~. Addr ess Zip Te lepho~ Proposed "Starti~ Date Proposition Dste Worker's C~mpensation Certific~tion ! Insure£ De 'F. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ~ Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded ~ [] ~ I~~ 0 Regular Premium Diesel Naste Ch~ical Cemposition of Materials Sto.~ed (.not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemic~ml Stored (non-co~m~erciai name) CAS # (if kno~) Chemical ~reviousl~. Stored ( ! f different) Transfer of Ownership Date o---f-T~-~nSfer Previous Facility Name I, Previous Owner the transfer of the modi fy or terminate facility upon receivirg this completed fo~m. accept full~ all obffgatibns of Permit N~. ~ issued to I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and Permit to Operate this ~dergro~d storage This form bas been completed under penalty of true and correct. >gnature perjury and to the best of my knowledge is FACILITY TANK # ];~. }~ CAPACITY PART A : QVERAGE/SHORTAGE DAY DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY 1 DATE 5 -31 &- / 9 ~-~ 14 ~-~ / 15 2o ~ 24 f¢ -~I AL M NUSES ~ ~ PRODUCT ~ YEAR/PERIOD ~2-~ I NSTRUCTI ON~ : Pill in all information at top of form. In the space for year/ 16 period indicate the year and th~ (+/-) -/- DAY DAY DAY TOT consecutive period of analysis being conducted (from I throBg[ 12 only). Transfer the date an~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 o~ Reconciliation Sheet to column~ at left. Use the table below t( determine the action number fox the period being analyzed. ACTI ON NUMBER TABLE 30-~AY I ACTION PERIOD NUMBER NUMBER I = 20 2 = 37 3 = 54 4 = 69 5 = 85 6 = 101 7 = 117 8 = 133 9 = 149 10 = 165 11 = 180 12 = 196 Circle appropriate period and action number. A full cycle is made up of periods 1-12, after which a new cycle begins. Use information to complete Part B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Line 3. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ............. Line 4. Action number for this period (from table above) .... Line 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? {--]Yes [~o If Yes, you have ~ reportable loss and must,begin notification and investigation procedures as described in Kern County-Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY'CONTROL MONITORING" Env. H~lth 580 4113 1016 (6/86) 63. ZI 64 64. 500 64. 750 65. 000 65. 250 65.-500 65.~750 3561.41 3573.45 3585.37 3597.19 .............................. 3608.89- 3620.49 ............................ 3631.96 3643.32 5654.56 68 68 3687.54 3698.28 3708.89 3719.35 3729.69 3739.88 3749.92 3759.82 3769.56 3779. i5 3788.59 3797.86 3806.96 3815.89 3824.64 3833.2i 3841.69 3849.79 3857.79 3865.58 3873.!5 3880.51 3887.63 3894.52 390~..16 3907.54 3913.65 3919.47 3924.98 3930.17 3935.01 3939.46 3943.50 3947.06 3950.08 3952.41 3953.69 66. 66. 66. 67. 67. 67. 67. 68. 68. 68. 69. 69. 69. 69. 70. 70. 7i. 72. 72 · 73. 74. 74. 74. 7 4. 75. 75. 75. 000 3665. 250 ....................... 3676. 500 750 000 250 ~,00 750 000 500 750 ~50 500 750 000 250 500 000 500 750 000 500 750 500 750 ~50 5~ 750 000 500 Tc, t a 1 Vt, 1 urine > 3953.69 Gallons 48. 48. 50. 50. 50. 47~0 2603.51 47~-~ 2619.63 47. ,, nO 2635.72 48. 000 265!. 78 250 ....... 2667.80 500 ........................ 2683.80 750 ................................ 2699.76 49. 000 ................. 2715.69 49. 250 ............................. 2731.58 500 ................. 2747.44 750 .... 2763.26 000 2779.05 ~_~ 2794.80 500 28 ! 0.5 ! 50. 750 2826. 18 51. 000 284!. 80 51. 250 2857.39 51 ~ 2872.94 51. 750 2888.44 52. 000 2903.90 ~9.31 58. 588 8934.68 5~. 75~ 2958. 53. 880 8965. 53. ~ 2980.49 53. 500 2995.67 53. 750 3010.79 54. 000 3025.86 54.25~ 3040.88 54. ~,_ ~ ~.~ 3055.85 5~. 7'5~Z~ 3070.78 ~ 000 308~ ==~,~. 250 3100.4 ,~::~. ,.':,J ~, 3 J. 59.0 5~ 500 3J./a.~! ~':~. ,"a~:~ 3187.95 ~7. ¢ 7~, 3202.32 =-~. 250 32 57.5~0 3230.87 =? '75~ ~'-" = 04 ~,8. 000 3259. ! 4 58. 250 3273. i7 58. 500 3287. 13 58. 750 3301.02 59. 000 33i4.84 59. 250 3328.57 59. 500 3342.24 ~q~:. 750 3355.82 60. 000 3369.33 60. 250 3382.75 60. 500 3396. i0 60. 750 3409.36 61,000 3422.53 61. 250 3435.62 6!. 500 3448.62 6i. ~0 3461.53 62. 000 3474.35 62. 250 3487.08 62. 500 3499.72 62. 750 ~oi% ~5 31. Z I. 500 31. 750 32. 000 34. 34. 35. 35. 35. 35. 36. 36. 37. 37. 37. 38. 38. 39, 39. 39. i5t2.81 !529.20 1545.61 1562.04 1578. 1594. 32.250 ........................... 1611. 32.500 .......................... 1627. 32.750 1644. 33.000 .............................. 1660. 250 ............................. 1677. 500 000 500 750 000 250 500 750 000 250 7~: 000 500 000 ,J00 750 500 750 i694. 1710. 1727. i743. !760. 1777. !793. 1810. !826. 1843. 1860. 1876. 1893. 1910. 1926. !943. 1960. 1976. i993. 20i0. 2026. 2043. 2~Z~60. 2 >9'3~ 2 i i ~z~. 95 43 .......................................... ~0. 000 40. 250 40. 500 · 40. '~ ~'-" 4 1. 000 4 i. ~'~ 41,500 42. 000 42. 250 42,500 42. '75~ 43. 000 43,250 43,500 43. ~='~ 44. IZ100 44. 250 44. 500 44.7~0 45,000 45. 250 45. 500 46. 000 46. '-'~ ' 2126.78 2143.41 2 ! 60.04 2.," 76.66 2!93.27 2209.88 2243.05 ~B76. i 7 ~9~. 7B B309. B5 ~358.74 ~375. Bi ~39 !. 66 B4~8.09 ~4~A. 5~ 244~. 89 2473.60 2489.93 2~108~ .~'~'~ 2522.5! · -.~ ;. 98 52 08 65 23 82 42 03 65 28 92 56 21 86 52 18 84 51 18 85 52 18 85 51 83 ~9 13 15.000 i5.250 15.500 15.750 ....................... ~.7. . -- 17. 17. 18. 18. 18. 19. 19. 19. 20 · 20. 20. 20. 21. 21. 21. 21. 22. _ Z, :5 23. 23. .-, ~. 24. 24. 24. 24. 25. 25. ~26. 26. 26. 26. 27. 27. 27. 27. 28. 28. 28. 28. 29. 29. 29. !4. 250 518.07 53!. 16 544.34 557.60 ................ 570.94 ....... 584.37 ........................................ 597.87 16.000 ..................... 611 · 46 16.250 625. 12 16.500 .................. 638.86 --.16. 750 .................................... 652.67 000 666.56 250 680. 500 694.55 750 708.66 000 722.83 · -~ 737.07 500 75 '.'., 37 ~ ~,0 765.74 000 780. 18 250 794.68 500 809.24 750 823· 86 000 838.54 250 853.28 500 868..08 750 '882.94 000 897.85 ~: ~,~, 91~. 81 5~0 927.83 ~ ~,0 942.90 00~Z~ q=~ 03 250 973.20 5~D 988.42 250 ]. 034.38 500 i 049.80 750 1085. '-'= 0G0 1080.76 2'~-70 i 096.30 500 i I 1 !. 89 ,'~ i 127 000 1143. ! 9 ~i~,~, i t 58.90 500 1 .t T4.64 75~ t 190.43 000 1206.25 250 ! 222. I 1 500 ~8.01 ,~ ~,0- 1253.93 000 1269.90 500 1301.9B /~,~ 1317.98 000 i 334.06 250 1350. 18 500 1366.33 750 1382.50 000 1 ,t~ d~. 70 ~: ~,~, i414.93 500 1431. 19 750 1447.46 HORIZONTAL TANK---(RND)--- 75.5 IN. DIA. X .204 IN .... SHELL LENGTH ........................................................ HEAD .DEPTH=~=_ ~O_IN 250 _' ........ 0. 500 ......... 0. 750 ~ ~50 I. 500 i. 750 2. 000 2. 500, 2.75'~ 3. 000 ~-. 250 ~. 500 ~'. 750 4. 000 .4. 250 4. 500 4. 750 5. 000 5. 750 6. 000 ~.. 750 7. 000 7. 750 9. 000 9.25~ 9. 500 9. 750 10.25~ 10.5~ 11. 880 I 1.75~ ! 2.50~ 1S. 800 i S. 25~ 1S. 508 .................................... 1.28 _. 3.~1 6.63 10.20 14. ~.3 18.69 23.53 28. ,'I 34. "-"':' 40.04 46. 15 52.53 5~. 17 66.06 73. 19 80.54 88. 12 95.91 103. c,,~ 120.48 12~. 05 137. t 46.74 155.84 : 74.54 ].84. 13 193.88 203.77 213.82 224.01 234.34 244.81 255.41 266. '1. 5 277.02 288.01 299. 13 310.37 32 !. 73 333.2 344.80 356.5 ! 368.32 380.25 392.28 404.42 416.66 429.00 44 t. 44 453.98 466.61 4~9. ~4 1~00 Flower Sheet Bakersfield, CaJi[ornla 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION May 7, 1987 HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertlon, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relehard Judy Daunell Golden Empire Transit 1830 Golden State Avenue Bakersfield. California 93301 Dear Ms. Daunell: After careful review of tile reportable inventory variations at your facility located at 1830 Golden State Avenue, Bakersfield, California (permit #060013), this Department has concluded that these results are due to a history of low throughput. This letter is to advise you that you will be granted a "provisional exemption" from the standard reporting described in your permit packet. This Department is currently undertaking a study of the inventory control problems of low-throughput tanks. To facilitate this, a copy of reconciliation worksheets for tanks listed on the attached outline must be sent to this Department monthly so that we may add this information to our data base. Please send all submittals to my attention. Our preliminary information indicates that a change in reportable variations is necessary when tile throughput of a tank is less than 2,000 gallons per week and less than 10,000 gallons per month. The accompanying "Low-Throughput Tank Reporting Outline" describes these changes. A revised action chart and an example of a changed summary sheet (on the back of inventory reconciliation worksheet) have also been enclosed for your convenience. Please make these changes on your worksheets for weeks in which you have low throughput. Be advised that this provisional exemption is subject to change as further data becomes available to the Health Department. If, however, a listed tank at any time exceeds the defined low-throughput amounts, you must revert to compliance with the original reporting requirements. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence I can be reached at (805) 861-3636 between 8 am - 9 am. Sincerely, Janis Lehman Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JL: sw 1~' n ,,', '1 n ~ ~l 'r' ~ ~ DISTRICT OFFICES Low--Throughput Tank Reporti nc Outline These amended permit requirements are only applicable to tank(s) indicated below when weekly throughput is less than 2000 gallons and monthly throuchput is less than 10,000 gallons: Effective Date: May 7~ 1987 Facility Permit # 060013 Tank # 2 ~ Unleaded Tank # 3 ~ 40 weight oil Tank # 4 , 40 weight oil Tank # n/a , n/a Amended Permit Requirements: 1. Revised inventory reconciliation monitoring worksheets are to be submitted to the Health Department on a monthly basis. 2. Revised Action Chart is to be posted at facility 3. All variations exceeding the following amounts must be reported as described on page 16, Part "2" of Handbook ~UT-IO. DAILY - 75 gallons WEEKLY - 150 gallons MONTHLY - 200 gallons TREND ANALYSIS - No change (Form #HMMP - 110) Model D-6 25,000 Gallon Tanks/Tank Size and Capacity in Liters Calibrations for Level Tanks Actual Capacity 93420 Liters Dipstick L~ers Dip~k L~ers Dipstick Liters Dipstick L~ers Dipstick L~ers Dipstick L~ers Dipstick L~ers 1" 119 52" 32090 103" 74930 2" 311 53" 32933 104" 75674 3" 549 54" 33778 105" 76410 4" 825 55" 34627 106" 77137 5" 1133 56" 35479 107" 77856 6" 1470 57" 36333 108" 78567 7" 1833 58" 37189 109" 79268 8" 2219 59" 38048 110" 79960 9" 2629 60" 38909 111" 80642 10" 3059 61" 39771 112" 81314 11" 3509 62" 40634 113" 81976 12" 3977 63" 41499 114" 82627 13" 4464 64" 42365 115" 83266 14" 4967 65" 43232 116" 83895 15" 5487 66" 44099 117" 84511 16" 6022 67" 44966 118" 85115 17" 6572 68" 45834 119" 85706 18" 7136 69" 46710 120" 86284 19" 7714 70" 47586 121" 86849 20" 8305 71" 48454 122" 87399 21" 8909 72" 49321 123" 87934 22" 9525 73" 50188 124" 88453 23" 10154 74" 51055 125" 88956 24" 10794 75" 51921 126" 89443 25" 11445 76" 52786 127" 89911 26" 12106 77" 53649 128" 90361 27" 12778 78" 54512 129" 90791 28" 13460 79" 55372 130" 91201 29" 14152 80" 56231 131" 91588 30" 14854 81" 57087 132" 91951 31" 15564 82" 57941 133" 92287 32" 16283 83" 58793 134" 92595 33" 17011 84" 59642 135" 92871 34" 17746 85" 60488 136" 93109 35" 18490 86" 61330 137" 93301 36" 19241 87" 62169 138" 93420 37" 20000 88" 63004 38" 20766 89" 63836 39" 21538 90" 64663 40" 22317 91" 65486 41" 23103 92" 66304 42" 23894 93" 67117 43" 24692 94" 67926 44" 25494 95" 68729 45" 26303 96" 69526 46" 27116 97" 70317 47" 27934 98" 71103 48" 28757 99" 71882 49" 29584 100" 72655 50" 30416 101" 73420 51" 31251 102" 74179 OWENS-CORNING FIBERGLAS CORPORATION Non-Corrosive Products Division Fiberglas Tower, Toledo, OH 43659 Pub. No. I -PE- ~ -' 843: I L~tno U.S.A., Octcl~er. 1981 Copyright ~- 1981 Owens-Corning F~berglas Corpcr~bcn · . ............ ~.~ ....... ~,..~., .,~ ,.. ~..~ ..... ~., ~, ,.. ,~ ~.~..~. ~: ..... .%.~.. ...... ~.,,~...,,~ , · ~. ~ ........ · ~ ~ :::":~[)~J.~);2~ :~';2i~:~::; ~';¢~ .' "' ¢~i;~1~:~,~"~ '~''~: ~'''~ ' .:~' ~'.~:', :.~;~.;), ...... , ..... · ...... · .." .-.~ ' --.'-. ~ .~,}~'~U~ ~:. /~,';:' Model D-6 2,000~Gallon',Tank~TankLS~ze~and :.Capac~;~n , .Cahbrabons .fOr. Level anks Actual Capac ..2087. Gallons 1". ~ 13~,"-~ 26'/~" ~697~ 39'/~" ~!~,~; 52"~ ' ,..- . .... ~ ~-64 64~/~" 1'/~" ~.~ 14'/~" ~286~ 27"-:~'~fl 3~/~" ~198.~ 52V2". ~65~ 65V~" ~2003~ 2=/~'' ~'2~¢. 15~h" ~24& 28V," :~62~ 41" :,~1245..?~ 533/,'' ~1697;~ 66V=" h2026=~' "' 3V~" ;;.~f35~&.~ 16" ,~,~39~ 28~/,,, ~781~ 41V=" ~1.264.;= 54,/~" ~&~7)~;~ 67" ~2035.~¥ 4" ~46.~:I 16~/," 'r'~362'~ 29~h'' '~9~: 42'/~" :~1292.'~ 55" :~.~37~ 67~/~'' '~2047,;h' 4V~" :~.:.50;.J 17" ~j~;370_~ 2~/~'' ~8~8~ 42V~" .~;;1302' 55V~" ~..7~ 68" .~2051~ 7V~" .~;1,13~,: 20V~" ?~476~, 33" ~941~ 45~/~'' ~1422~: 58V~" ~;~1~0~: 71V~" ,2086~, 8'/2" i~.!.35':' 21'/~" .~'~5~0.~. 34" =~zg~. 463/~'' :~!458.~, 59'/=" ~!868~ ~[~., ~'~ ~,". ~;!.65~ 22'/~" ,:~5~ 35'/,". ~0~ 48"..- ~503~ 6~/," ~1~... 10'/=" ~, 23'/~" ~580~:; 36" .. ~q~5~ ..48~/~'' :~1.529~..: 61'/~" ~,.9~ .. 1~/," ~.90.~ 23'/~" ~89~{ .36'/~" ~10~.~ 49". ~i1'5~8~ 61~,". ~192~ 11". ~96~: 23~" ~598~ 36V=". ~1;~ 49V," ~547~; .62" ~93~ 113/~''. ~.~.~ 24'/~" ~ 37'/~" ~q~ . 50" :.. " 'Registered T.M.-Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation . , . · ~ ', .... ,...., . .. . .'..:,; .' .'.. --,: .,.-~ '.'. ~ Model G-5 and G-6 4,000 Gallon Tanks/Tank Size and Capacity in Gallons Calibrations for Level Tanks Actual Capacity 4030 Gallons Dipstick Gallons Dipstick Gallons Dipstick Gallons Dipstick Gallons Dipstick Gallons Dipstick Gallons Dipstick Gallons 443/4'' 1935 51 rYe" 2368 581/2" 2776 653/8" 3148 721/4" 3473 791/~'' 3744 86" 3939 441/8'' 1943 513/,¢, 2376 585/8" 2783 651/2" 3154 723/8" 3479 79V4" 3748 861/8" 3942 45" 1951 517/8" 2384 583/4'' 2791 655/8" 3161 72V~" 3484 79~" 3752 86V4" 3945 451/8'' 1959 52" 2391 581/8" 2798 653/4'' 3167 725,~'' 3489 79~b'' 3756 863/8" 3947 451/4'' 1967 521/8'' 2399 59" 2805 657/8'' 31 73 723/4'' 3495 795/8'' 3760 861/2'' 3950 453/8" 1975 52V4" 2407 591/8'' 2812 66" 3180 721/8" 3500 79~'4" 3764 86¥8" 3953 451/2'' 1983 523/8'' 2414 591/4'' 2819 661/8'' 3186 73" 3505 791/8'' 3768 863/4'' 3955 455/8'' 1991 521/2'' 2422 593/.'' 2826 661/4'' 3192 731/8'' 3511 80" 3772 867/8'' 3958 453/4'' 1999 525/8" 2430 59V2" 2833 663/8'' 3198 731/4'' 3516 80V~" 3776 87" 3961 457/8'' 2007 523/4" 2437 595/8'' 2840 661/2'' 3205 733/8'' 3521 801/4" 3780 871/8'' 3963 46" 2015 527/8'' 2445 593/4'' 2847 665/8'' 3211 731/2'' 3527 803/8" 3784 871/4'' 3966 461/8'' 2023 53" 2452 591/8'' 2854' 663/4'' 3217 735/8', 3532 801/2'' 3788 873/8'' 3968 461/4'' 2031 531/8'' 2460 60" 2861 667/8'' 3223 733/4'' 3537 805/e'' 3792 871/2'' 3971 463/8', 2039 531/4" 2468. 601/8'' 2868 67" 3229 737/8' 3542 803/4" 3796 875/8" 3973 461/2'' 2047 533/8" 2475 601/4'' 2875 671/8'' 3235 74" 3547 801/~'' 3800 873/4'' 3976 465/8'' 2055 531/2'' 2483 603/8" 2882 671/~'' 3242 741/8'' 3553 81" 3804 877/8'' 3978 463/4'' 2063 535/8'' 2490 601/2" 2889 673/8'' 3248 74V4' 3558 811/~,, 3808 88" 3980 467/8'' 2071 533/4'' 2498 605/8'' 2896 671h'' 3254 74318" 3563 81114" 3812 881/8'' 3983 47" 2079 537/8" 2505 603/4'' 2902 675/8" 3260 741/2'' 3568 813/8'' 3815 881/4'' 3985 4 71/8'' 2087 54" 2513 607/8'' 2909 673/4'' 3266 745/8'' 3573 811/2" 3819 883/8'' 3987 471/.¢' 2095 541/8'' 2520 61" 291'6 677/8'' 3272 743/4'' 3578 815/~'' 3823 881/2'' 3989 473/8'' 2103 541/4'' 2528 611/.'' 2923 68" 3278 74~/8'' 3583 813/4'' 3827 885/8'' 3992 471/2'' 2111 543/8" 2535 611/4" 2930 68V8" 3284 75" 3588 817/8" 3830 883/4'' 3994 475/~'' 2119 541/2'' 2543 613/8" 2937 68 V," 3290 751/8'' 3593 82" 3834 887/8'' 3996 473/.~" 2127 545/8'' 2550 611/2" 2944 683/8'' 3296 751/,¢' 3598 821/8'' 3838 89" 3998 47%" 2135 543/4" 2558 615/8" 2950 681/2'' 3302 753/8'' 3603 82V," 3841 891/8'' 4000 .48" 2143 54?/8" 2565 613/,'' 2957 685/8'' 3308 751/2'' 3608 823/8" 3845 891/4'' 4002 48V5" 2150 55" 2572 617/8" 2964 683A' 3314 755/8'' 3613 82V2" 3849 893/8'' 4004 48~/~'' 2158 55V8' 2580 62" 2971 68~/¢' 3320 753/4'' 3618 825/8" 3852 891/2'' 4005 483/8'' 2166 55V4" 2587 621/8'' 2977 69" 3326 757/8'' 3623 823/4" 3856 895/8'' 4007 481/2'' 2174 553/8'' 2595 621/4'' 2984 691/8'' 3332 76" 3628 827/8'' 3859 893/4'' 4009 485/8'' 2182 551/2'' 2602 623/8'' 2991 691/.~'' 3338 761/8'' 3633 83" 3863 897/8'' 4011 483/4'' 2190 55ry8" 2610 621/2'' 2998 693/s'' 3343 76!/~" 3638 83118" 3866 90" 4012 48?/8'' 2198 553/.'' 2617 625/8'' 3004 69V2" 3349 763/8'' 3643 831/4'' 3870 901/8'' 4014 49" 2205 55?/8'' 2624 623/.~'' 3011 695/8'' 3355 761/2'' 3647 833,~'' 3873 901/4'' 4016 491/~'' 2213 56" 2632 627/8'' 3018 69~/.~'' 3361 76¥~" 3652 831/2'' 3876 903/8'' 4017 4 91/,.'' 2221 561/8'' 2639 63" 3024 69~/¢' 3367 763/4" 3657 838/.'' 3880 901/~'' 401 9 493/8'' 2229 561/,¢' 2646 631/8'' 3031 70" 3372 767/8'' 3662 833/,~'' 3883 905/8'' 4020 49V2" 2237 563/8'' 2654 63V4" 3038 701/8'' 3378 77" 3667 837/.'' 3887 903/4'' 4021 495/~'' 2245 561/2'' 2661 633/8'' 3044 701/,'' 3384 771/8'' 3671 84" 3890 907/8'' 4023 493/,'' 2252 565/8'' 2668 631/2'' 3051 703/8'' 3390 771/4'' 3676 841/8'' 3893 91" 4024 49z/8'' 2260 563/4'' 2675 635/8'' 3057 701/2'' 3395 773/5'' 3681 841/4'' 3896 911/8" 4025 50" 2268 567/8'' 2683 633/4'' 3064 705/8'' 3401 771/2'' 3685 843/8'' 3900 911/4" 4026 501/e'' 2276 57" 2690 63~/8'' 3070 703/4'' 3407 775/8'' 3690 841/2'' 3903 913/8'' 4027 501/.¢' 2283 571/8'' 2697 64" 3077 707/8'' 3412 773/4'' 3695 84rye" 3906 911/2" 4028 503/8'' 2291 57V4" 2705 641/8'' 3084 71" 3418 77~/8'' 3699 84~/4" 3909 91¥8" 4029 501/~'' 2299 573/8'' 2712 641/4'' 3090 71 I/8" 3423 78". 3704 84z,~'' 3912 913/4" 4029 505/8'' 2307 571/2'' 2719 643/8'' 3097 711/,~,, 3429 781/8'' 3709 85" 3915 917/8" 4030 503/,¢' "2314 57rys" 2726 641/2'' 3103 713/8'' 3435 781/4'' 3713 851/8'' 3918 92" 4030 507/8'' 2322 573/4'' 2733 645/8" 3109 711/2" 3440 783/8'' 3718 851/4" 3921 51" 2330 577/8'' 2741 643/4'' 3116 71¥8" 3446 781/2'' 3722 85:~" 3924 51 Ye" 2338 5'8" 2748 647/8" 3122 713/4" 3451 785/8'' 3727 85V~" 3927 511/4" 2345 581/8'' 2755 65" 3129 71 ?/8" 3457 783/4'' 3731 858/~'' 3930 513/8" 2353 581/4'' 2762 65V8" 3135 72" 3462 787/8" 3735 85~4" 3933 511/2" 2361 583/s'' 2769 651/4'' 3142 721/~'' 3468 79" 3739 851/8'' 3936 Model G-6 10,000 Gallon Tanks/Tank Size and Capacity in Gallons Calibrations for Level Tanks Actual Capacity 972.8 Gallons Dipstick Gallons. Dipstick Gallons Dipstick Gallons Dipstick Gallons Dipstick Gallons Dipstick Gallons ~ Dipstick Gallons 443/4" ' 4685 515/~'' ' 5660 ~ 581/2 .... 6599? · 653/8" -.~7478 '~ 721/4" '8273 791/s'' · 8957 : 86" 9479 447/8" 1:4703' 513/4- .5677': 58¥s .... 6615 :'i 651/2" "i~'~7494 '~ 723/8" 8287 791/4" 8968' 861/8" 9487 45". 4721 51 ;'/s" : 5695' 583/4" 6632 '. 655/8" '-. 7509" 721/2" 8300 793/~'' 8979 ' 861/4" 9494 451/8" 4739 52" 5712 · 587/8" ' 6648 653/." ': 7524' 725/8" 8314 79v~" 8990 : 863/8" 9502 45V4" 4757 52W' 5730 59" 6665 657/8 ": 7539 723/4" 8327 79%" 9001 86V~" 9509 453/8'' 4775 521/," 5747 591/8'' 6681 66" ~-7554' 727/8" 8341 793/4" 9011 86¥8" 9516 451/2'' 4792 523/8'' 5764 591/4'' 6698 661/8'' .'7570 73" ' 8354 79?/8'' ' 9022 863/4'' 9524 455/8'' 4810 521/~'' 5782 593/8'' 6714 661/4'' - ,"7585 731/8'' 8367 80" 9033 867/8'' 9531' 453/, .... 4828 525/~'' 5799 591/2'' · 6731.'" 663/8'' '~:::7600", 731/,,'' 8381 801/~'' ' 9044 87" 9538 457/8" 4846 523/.'' '5817 59¥8" 6747' 661/2" ':;17615 733/8" 8394 801/4" 9054- 871/8" 9545 46" 4864 527,/~'' 5834 593/4'' 6764 ' 665/~'' ': 7630' 731/2'' 84.07 803/8'' 9065 871/4'' 9552 46V8" 4882 53" ' 5851 597/8'' 6780 663/4'' 7645 735/8'' '8420 ' 801/~'' 90,7.5, , 873/8'' 9559 461/.'' 4900 531/8'' 5869 60" 6797 667/8'' "7660 733/4'' 8433 805/8'' 9086 871/2'' 9566 463/8'' 4918 531/4'' 5886 60V8" 6813 - 67" 7675 737/8'' 8446 803/4'' 9096 87¥8" 9572 46V~" 4936 533/8'' 5903 60V." 6829 671/, .... 7690'(' 74" 8459 80~/8'' 9106 873/4'' 9579 465/8'' 4953 53V2" 5920 603/8'' 6846 671/,'' 7705 · 74V8" 8472 81" 9117 877/8'' 9585 ' 463/4'' 4971 535/8'' · 5938' 60¥2" 6862 673/~'' .'7719 74 Vs" 8485 811/8" 9127 88" 9592 467/8'' 4989 533/4'' 5955 605/8'' 6878 671/~'' 7734 743/8" 8498 81Vs" 9137 881/8'' 9598 47" 5007 537/~'' 5972 60~/." 6894 675/s'' 7749 741/2'' 8511 813/8'' 9147 881/4'' 9604 47V~" 5025 54" 5989 607/8'' 6911 673/,'' 7764 ' 745/8'' 8524 81 I/2" 9157 883/8'' 9610 47V." 5043' 541/~'' 6007 61" 6927 677/8'' 7779 743/.'' 8537 ' 815/8'' 9167 88V2" 9616 473/8'' 5060 541/4'' 6024 61V8" 6943 68" 7793 . 747/8'' 8549 813/4'' 9177 885/8'' 9622 47V2" 5078 543/8'' 6041 61V," 6959 68V8" 7808 ' 75" 8562 817/8" 9187 883/4'' 9628 475/8'' 5096 54V2" 6058~ 613/8'' 6975 68~/,'' 7823 '! 75V8" 8575 82" 9197 88~/8'' 9634 473/4'' 5114 545/8'' 6075 61V2" 6991 683/e'' 7837 75V4" 8587 821/8'' 9207 89" 9639 477/8" 5131 543/.'' 6092' 615/8'' 7007 68V2" .. 7852 753/8" 8600 82V." 9216 891/8" 9645 48" -5149 547/8'' 6110 613/4'' 7023' 68¥~" -=7866 ' 75V~" 8612 823/8'' 9226' 89V4" 9650 48V8" 5167 55" 6127-' 617/8" 7039; 683/.'' · 7881 755/8'' 8625 · 821/2'' 9236. 893/8'' 9655 48V4" 5185 55V8" 6144 62" 7055 687/8'' ' 7895 753/4'' 8637 825/8'' 9245 89V2" 9660 483/8" 5202 55V4" 6161 62V8" 7071 69" 7910 757/8" 8650 823/4" 9255' 89¥8" 9665 481/2'' 5220 553/5'' 6178 621/4 .... 7087' 691/8'' 7924 76" 8662 827/8'' · 9264 893/4'' 9670 485/8'' 5238 551/='' 6195 623/8'' · 7103 691/,'' '7939 . 761/8'' 8675 83" 9274 - 89?/5'' 9675 483/.'' ~' 5255 555/8'' '6212 621/2 .... 7119 ' 693/8'' - 7953 76V4" 8687 ' 831/8'' 9283 90" 9680 487/8 .... '.5273" 553/.'' "6229. 62¥8" '7135' 69W' "?'7967-' 763/8" 8699 831/4'' 9292 90V8" 9684 49" 5291 557/8'' 6246 623/4'' 7151 695/8'' : 7981 76V2" 8711 833/8'' 9301 90V." 9688 49V8" · 5309 56" 6263. 627/8 .... 7167' 693/,'' i~': 7996 765/8'' 8723 ' 831/~'' '9310 903/8'' 9693 49V4" .'5326 561/8 .... 6280 63" .7183''~ 697/8'' !/i',801.0 ' 763/4'' 8736 ' 835/8'' - 9319 901/2'' 9697 493/8'' 5344 561/4'' 6297 ' 631/8'' 7198" 70" ' 8024 · 76z/8'' 8748 .' 833/4'' 9328 ' 905/8'' 9700 491/2'' '5361' 563/8'' · 6314'. 63V4" 7214. 701/~'' i 8038, 77" 8760 837/8'' 9337 903/4'' 9704 495/8'' '; 5379 561/2" 6331 633/8 7230 701/4" ~':8052 77%" 8772 84" .9346 907/8" 9708 ' 493/4'' 5397 565/a'' 6348 ' 631/2'' 7246 70~/8 ..... 8066- 77V." 8784 ' 841/8'' ' 9355 91" 9711 49718" 5414 563/,," ' 6364 63¥8 .... · 7261 · 70112 .... 8081 773/e'' 8796 841/~'' 9364" 91118" 9714 50" '5432 567/8'' 6381 633/4'' 7277 70¥8" 8095 77 V2" 8808 843/8'' 9373 911/4" 9717 501/8'' 5450 57" 6398 637/8'' 7293 703/,'' '8109 775/8'' 8819 84V2" 9381 913/8'' 9720 50 V4" -5467 57 Vs" 6415 64" 7308. 707/8'' 8122 773/4'' 8831 845/8'' 9390 911/2" 9722 50~/8'' ,': 5485 57V4" 6432'" 64V8" 7324 71" ' 8136' 777/8'' 8843 843/4'' 9398' 915/8'' 9724 5OVa" -. 5502 573/8'' 6448 641/,'' 7339 71V8" ' 8150 78" 8855 84z/8'' 9407~ 913/,'' 9726 50¥8" 5520 ', 57V2" 6465 643/8" 7355 71 V," 8164 781/8'' .8866 85" 9415 91 ~/8" 9727 503/4'~ 5537 575/8'' ' 6482' 641/2'' 7370 -' . 713/8'' ;' .8178 781/4'' 8878 851/8'' 9423 92" 9728 507/8'' 5555 , 573/4'' '6499 ' 645/8" 7386 711/~" ~i 8192 783/8'' ' 8890' 851/,'' '9431 ' 51" 5572 577/~'' 6515 643/4" 7401 715/~'' 8205 78V~" '8901 853/a'' 9439 511/~'' 5590 58" 6532 - 647/~'' 7417 713/,'' 8219 . 785/~'' '8912 851/2'' 9447 511/4" 5607 581/8'' 6549 .- 65" ' 7432 717/8" !'. 8233 783/4'' 8924 855/8'' 9455 513/8" 5625. 58V." 6565 ' 65V8" 7448 72" 8246~' 78:'/5" . 8935 853/4" '9463 511/~" 5642 583/8'' 6582. 651/4'' ' 7463 721/8'' 8260 79" 8946 857/8'' 9471 This chart can be used to gauge mo,del G-6 tanks. Fibe l las* Tanks for Fuel Storage Calibration Chart Model G-6 10,000 'Gallon Tanks Model G-6 10,000 Gallon Tanks/Tank Size and Capacity in Gallons Calibrations for Level Tanks (2 ILE, -DgD Actual Capacity 9728 Gallons Dipstick-?-,~allons Dipstick ·Gallons, Dipstick Gallons Dipstick· '.Gallons`; Dipstick .Gall'o~s. Dipstick Gallons. Dipstick Gallons 1/4" :~-'.'!i 2 68/8'' 'i:?:289' 13" · 782 193/8" 1414~ 253/4'' ~'2143., 32Vs" ':,2948 ' 381/2'' - 3808 s/8" ,'?.'-'8 7" '313. 133/8 .... 816 193/~'' :' 1455:~' 261/. .....'2189" 32V2 .... 2997 3..87/e'' 3859 ~/~" ?~'? 14 71/4'' ':.'.-330 138/8'' ~!"838 ' 20" .:'1482:'.;: 268/.'' .'2219" 323/4'' ~.3030 391/8'' . 3894 1V8" !:,: 20 71/2 ..... 347' 13.//~ .... 862 20V4" ' i509;" 268,~" "'2250 · 33" ¥3063' 393/8'' 3929 1 lA" ' :.i !: 24 78/8'' 355 14" ' 873 203/8 .... 1523 :..? 26~/4'' '2265~ ' 331/8 .... '3080 39V=" 3946 13/8" !"?:'" 28 ' 73/4" .?' 364 141/s '~ 885 · 201/2 1536""' 267/8 .... 2280': 33V," .3096. 39§/8'' 3964 1.1/~'' ?.'~'.:':32- 7'/8 ...."373' t41/~'' 897' 208/8'' :' 1550 :' 27" '2296 333/~ .... '3113 · 393/~'' ':3981 lS/~'' '"""' 36 8" '" 382 143/8'' 909 20~/," · '1564.~: 271/. .... 2311. 331/2'' 3129' 39z/~'' 3998 17/8'' ~:'~:.44 81/,'' "'400 148/8 ......'932.: 21" 1592'- 273/8'' :2342':?' 333A'' "3163" 40V8" i'4033 2" :.~.' 48: 83/a'' "' 409' 143/4 ..... : 944 21Vs" ':1606.-'-," 271/~' ;<2358 -' 337/8" '13179 ". 40V4" "4051 21/4'' 'i:i!.i'? 58 88/~'' ::'~.427"- 15" 968' 213/e'' ~1633 :t't 273/4'' :~'2389',! 34V8" 3213' 401/2'' '4086 28/8'' ::':~:73 9" 454.' 153/8" '. 1005 213/4" I.'. 1676";', 281,~'' -..':~2435~' 34V2" ",'3263 407/8" :4138 27/8'' .~:?':!" 83 91/~'' 473 158/8'' 1029 ' 22" 1704' "i 28318" -'~ 2467" 3431," · 3296- 41V8" 4173 3" .??'~'~89 93/8" ?.- 483'::' 153/4" ' 1041' 221/8" .:1718 :: 281/2 .....2482' 347/8" 3313., 411/4" 4191 31/,'' 't";iltlO0' 98,~'' ~ 502" 16" :' 1066 ': 223/8'' ';1.747~','I 283/4'' :2514' 35'/8" 3347 411/2" 4226 3V2" ';'i~,':'1t2 97/~'' ' 521 161/~'' 1091 22~/8'' ,1775 '. 29" .'"2545. 353/8" - 3381 41~/4' :' 4261 3~/~'' ?'118 10" "-:.'531-' 163/8" ..1103 223/,'' 1789'" 29V8" 2561' 351/2'' ' 3397 417/8'' 4278 37/e'' '~'~'".'. 130 101/4'' 551 16~/8'' 1128 23" 1818' '. 293/~'' "2593.~ 353/4'' 3431 42V8" 4314 4" ;":"1136 103/8'' ' 561 ' 163/,'' 1141 ' 231/8'' 1833 291/2" - 2609 357/8" ' 3448 421/,~'' 4331 41/8" ':,'~ 143 101/2" -. 571 16z/8'' 1153 23V4" 1847-;. 29~/8'' 2625 36 .... 3465 ' 423/8" 4349 41/4 ..... : 149 10~/8'' · 581 17" 1166 233/,'' 1862 ' 29314" '2641" 36V8" 3482 ' 421/~'' '4367 4112'' ':' 162 10./18" 601' 1711~'' 1191 23518'' 1891" 30" '2673 3631~'' '_3516 423/~'' 4402 4~/8 ..... '-169 11" ' 611 173/8'' 1204 233/4'' ' 1905 ' 30118" '2689, 36112" 3533 42%" .4420 43/4 .... ~'; 176 111/o" 622 17V~" 1217 23~/8'' 1920 30'/," 2705.." 368/~" 3550 · 43" 4437 4z/s .....; 183 111/~'' 632 175/s" 1230 24" 1935: 303/8" 2721" 363/4" 3567 43Ve" 4455 5" "'7-190 113/8" 642 173/4'' 1243 24118" 1949: 30112" 2737 36718" 3584 431/4'' 4473 5118" .:'~' 197 11112" ;::' 653 177/8" 1256 241/~'' ' 1964 308/8" ' 2753 37" 3601 433/8" 4490 51/4'' '"'" 204 118/8'' "'663 18" 1269" 243/8 1979. 303A'' '2769' 37 VS" 3618 431/2'' 4508 53/8 .....':'212· 113/," '674 181/8`' ~ 1282 · 241/2" 1994~' 30.//8" 2785 371/4'' 3636 438/~'' 4526 51/~ .... '":'219 1 lZ,~'' ' 684 18114" 1295' 24~/~" 2009 ' 31 ..... 2801" 373/~'' 3653 43314" 4543 58/8'' "~;'226 12" ' 695. 183/s .... '1308.:: 243/~" '~2023": 311/8'' ,':"2818'": 37V= .... 3670 43.//a" 4561 6V4" : 265 12~/8" -" 749 19" '· 1374' 253/8'' ' 2098 313/," :2899 38V8" 3756 . 441/2'' 4650 63/8'' 273 12~/4'' ' 760 'i 19Ve" '1387 25V2" 2113.'., 317/8'' '2915,.,, 381/,~'' 3773 448/8" 4668 ;Registered T.M.-Owens-Cornmg Fiberglas Corporation FACILITY ~Z-D~'At ~mf/R-~ '"~,+/V5/7- TANK KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEP~d{TlVII~NT IN%TI~NTORY RECORDING SHEET # /~:/~ CAPACITY ~1~ E~ PRODUCT p/~3~L PERMIT # O~O~../~ MONTH/YEAR .,,4 EQUAT I ON 1 I 2 3 '' 4 5 6 I '7 I 8 9 10 li .12 OPENING OPENING CLOSING CLOSING METER _ DAILY METER = TOTAL READING GAUGING GAUGING DELIVERED WATER DATE GAUGING INVENTORY INVENTORY READING READING METERED ADJUSTMENT BEFORE AFTER INVENTORY GAUGING C OD SALES DELIVERY DELIVER. Y DAY/HOUR INCHES GkLLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS - GALLONS INCHES GALS INCHES GALS GALLoNs iNcHE~- ,t-~ ¢%," 'o~ $~ q4 .~3. oo 1~6~.5.~, l&,35'7.~ff /~ 6~-/A / ?~-~- .., &-~ o~3~ 7~ ~ ~q. ~ ~Tq~.~ /~ql~8 /r~,~,?~_,.,. ~ ..... ~-q ~o7 9~ ~9~1~ ~q~o.n~ ~5~31.~ 1~6~3~ l&q~lg~ ~/;3 ................... ~-~ o~/o ~lh ~ D. fq31. ~ A3Pq~. ?8~ 1~5~ t~.B/f ,-1~ ~% ~ ~Y4 JSq~F. ~ J3qlq.~3~ 1~5~ /~GL3q3 ~113 -- ,-,9 iow ~q~ 39 1153~. ~o l&Tqo .v~' /~b 93q~ /OOs-q~? /~ ff~ 3'~3"~..~d~ 115~ ~Tfisslq~l$03~.~ 70?q. ~ ~'~ '.__ ~._135 lo~-~Jq 5/ l~qO.qff ~;q. aff l~bq.3~ Ib&73q3~ Iq~l ~al~iSl toTqo.l/ ,ul~iTO '3q337./ 95q~.70' ..... r I HERi':BY CERTII~Y THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT. SIGNATURE DATE Env. Health ~0 4113 1018 (6/86) I N%rI~NTORY RECONCI LI ATI ON A. Percent Variation: ~ri.-.,~-~" Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) \~.~"~-~-- Gals. B. Reporting: ~- 1. Does the Amount Over or Short exceed 350 Gals? 2. Does the Variation exceed 5%? E~o A. Percent Variation: Total Metered Throughput (Col. 15) ~]NO - Continue routine monitoring - Continue routine monitoring ~]YES~ - Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) Report tog: 1. Does the Amount Over or Short exceed 350 Gals? 2. Does the Variation exceed 5~? [~NO m x31 A. Percent Variation: Gals. x 100 = ~.~' Variation [~ES - Report within 24 hours of discovery. Report to Permitting Authority within 24 hours of discovery. Gals. + Total Metered Throughput (Co1. 15) /~//~ ~]NO - Continue routine monitoring - Continue routine monitoring ~ES - Gals. x 100 = ~'~ 7 · Variation ~'ES - Report within 24 hours of discovery. Report to Permitting Authority within 24 hours of discovery. Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) / ~eporttngi 1. Does the Amount Over or Short exceed 350 Gals? 2. Does the Variation exceed 5~? ~NO Gals. + Total Metered Throughput'(Col. 15) .,,//~ [~1{0 _ Continue routine monitoring - Continue routine monitoring ~]YES Gals. x 100 = /. 3'~ · Variation Gals. ~]YES - Report within 24 hours of discovery. - Report to Permitting Authority within 24 hours of discovery. w~x 4] A. Percent Variation: Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) ",~. ~.. Reportln£: 1. Does the Amount Over or Short exceed 350 Gals? 2. Does the'Variation exceed 5%9 urral A. Percent Variation: Total Metered Throughput (Col. 15) {~0~-~ Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) {~00 R~porting: Does the Variation exceed 1.5~? DNO - continue routine monitoring [~NO - Continue routine monitoring ~YES Gals. +" Total Metered Throughput (Col. 15) ~]NO - Continue routine monitoring I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND ACCURATE RKPORT. EnV. ~ellth 5801113 1017 (6/86) (Back) SIGNATURE Gals. x oo: 5.3- Variation E~'ES - Report within 24 hours of discovery. - Report to Permitting Authority within 24 hours of discovery. Gals. x aGO = 3./' Variation ~YES - Report to Permitting Authority within 24 hours of discovery. ~ DATE .~ c:~)...~ ~-~ // 1-NVENTORY' RECONC1-LTAT1.0N SHEET FACILITY ~[~---D~-~ ~-f~p/f~ ~,~.4-~.S/T TANK ~ /~;/~ CAPACITY ~,,~,~'~.~ ~,'~/9- PRODUCT p/~--~E'Y-_ MONTH/YEAR i. EQuAT'!' 01~ 2 EQUAT1. 0I~ .3 EQUAT1- ON 4 DATE '- OPENING + DELIVERED _ CLOSING = INVENTORY TOTAL METERED _ READING = TOTAL METERED TOTAL METERED _ INVENTORY = AMOUNT INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY REDUCTION SALES AD3USTMENT THROUGHPUT THROUGHP~ REDUCTION OVER OR SHORT DAY/IIOUR GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS +GALS -GALS. ~EK 1 ~T~S 1~1~1~1~/Ifil~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ':' "", _,", ~1~1~1~1/~~~~~~'~~~~~Ifil~~~~~~.. _ ~:~:'. ., ...'-. /: ~. 'i:: .,,c:. 1/1/1//////Ifil///////Ill///// ' '" '-~ ~EK 2 TOT~S IIIIilllllillilllllllllllllllllll ..,. ' ~EK ~ ~T~S 1~1~1~1~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~~~lUll~~~~ I //.- ~ ~' IIIIIIIIIIIIIII, !1111111111111 ' '. '. ,:,: '. · ,' Z" ,~A ~OLIIV6. LINE II C D ~A~NTENANCE BUILDIN6 F, 4-" PV.C. SEWER LINg