HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTE .... Permit ~do. '3 _.- CITY OF BAKE, i FIELD .ij_'/.'~Lj_- ~'~~C;' OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE IN FORMATION ~ SITE ADDRESS ~0~ ~OLF ~ ZIPCODE q~30a ~N FACILITY NAME ~LE~ CR~ ~E~ CROSS STREET ~l~ ~ 'd/ TANK OWNER/OPERATOR ~,g ~¢1~ ~L ¢0, PHONE NO. ~ 22- ~0~3 MAILING ADDRESS ~0 ~ ~69 CitY ~aK~6f~ ZIP q338o CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY C-gL ~/aLLE.'V ~O[l(P~gn~' PHONENO. 32,9-~5~/1 LICENSENO. ADDRESS 3~~ ~J~ AVE . , CI~-~KE~ ~ ZIP~ INSURANCE CARRIER ~¢g~ WO~NS COMP NO. PRELIM INARY ASSESSMENT IN FORMATION: COMPANY ADDRESS 2,0 1'2_ ~.ITOAClNO tqOF_. CITY i~E~'~L~. ZIP ~g.-'~ INSURANCE CARPaER Va~lWa~ ~ 0~-t..."1~068~6 WOmOaENS COMP NO. /.9'3 6q ~$ -9'7 TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY t~ ERN Et/VIR0t4t~NT~I_ ADDRESS ~ 0 ~'K ~ S~'~, CITY WASTE TRANS~R~R IDENTIFICATION ~ER ~ ~q ~ ~ NAME OF RINSA~ DIS~SAL FACILI~ Las ~ mas ADDRESS ~IZ~ ~T~~ ~ C[~~~. FACILITY IDE~IFICATION NUMBER PHONE NO. ,_~'~c~ TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMpANy KVS '"~O, Nc~poR'T~-TIOKI PHONE NO. ~-5Z~ ~.LICENSE NO. TANK DESTINATION ~~ ~ ~~ zip ~ zip zip TANK INFORMATION TANK NO. AGE VOLUME I ,t-_Z I q vrs I0, H o.3 ~g. o0o CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED G fl_501a~ E. J '::/')q - 19ct9 /Vo/vE. O_-,R..~b'n £ I q 97 - Iffq 7 HO/Y, ff (~s6'~or-~ F'h ~L jqq~t - t qq'lNave. D,E..~t. ~-UtSL lq&g-Iq~i2 NO~E k I q Yrs. z OOO OIL,. F,,ronicia~ TI I1'.: Al'PI .ICANT I IAS RI~,C[{IV[.,'I), UNDERSTANDS, AND WILl, COMPI,Y WITII TI.IF,' A'I'rAcI Il{I) C()NI)['I'I( }NS OF TI ils Iq(RM[I' ANI ) ANY OTI II.;R gTATI'L' I.OCA[, AND [.'[.~I)I".RAI, REGULA'rlO~S. ' TI IlS Iq )RM I IA.q I W.F.N C()MIq,I~,TI'.'I) [INI)F,R I'ENA[,'FY OF PERJURY, AND TO TI IE [~~I'RI II.'. ANI ) C¢ )I{RI!C'I'. AI'I'i:i'C,~N'I' ~AMI'.' (PRINT) ~___APPI'.ICANT SI---~;NATURI'.' THIS APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED OVElC~.~.AO ELECTRIC ~OWER f 700 Flower Stree. I. ' Bakersfield, California 93305-4198 Telephone '(805) 861-3621 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR'~ ,vlENT AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Director ol Public Health Air Pollution Control Otflcer .~ ?~ . February 11, 1988 ;:~ ': ';T:"Central Valley Nater Quality Control Board '~. '.: .. :~" "'-'}'~',(:.Attn: · Tim Garrison Y,.::.~. '~'~'- .'[ .. '.:'! ...:..' "~-~':.' "( "~ -'- 0014 'E. ~shland ,, - Fresno, California 93726 Re: Groundwater Contamination-Around Davies 3305 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California Oil Dear Mr. Garrison This letter is written to update your files on groundwater Investigations performed' at or around Davies 0il Company, 3305 Gulf Street, in Bakersfield, California. An underground waste oil tank was removed from Fleet Wholesale Tire in July, 1987. Oil and grease concentrations in the soil were high enough to trigger a necessary assessment. The assessment wa's completed, and since groundwater was so Shallow, a groundwater monitoring well was installed at tile site, !'The soil samples ~etrieved during assessment, did~not show any slgnlflcant soil contamination between the tank bottom and groundwater. The' groundwater samples did show contaminatl°n. The contamination other than the waste oil tank site. trace amounts appears to be of gasoline from a source A Proposition 65 form has been completed, an'd a copy of the assessment report is enclosed. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ~. Environ e~/~)ntal Health S.~re~ialist, Hazardous ~taterials ~Ianagement P~ogram AEO/gb Facility .PTO # 'FILE GONTENTS INVENTORY. :~, Date ~pp. ~ate #of Tanks Plot Plan ~-~ ":" '.> Correspondence - Received ~'. .... Abandonment Permit #.&~-_~_ Date ~ App. Date ~ #of Tanks / Modification Permit # .Date Appl. Date ":Amended Permit GOnditions " : -': . <.-- '. Annual Report Forms :' '"" ' ......... b'0py"0f W=~t'ten -G°nt'ract Between Owner :& Operator Correspondence - Mailed Sampling/Lab Reports -. MVF Gompliance Chec~(New Construction Ghecklist) ~TD Gompliance Gheck (New Gonstruction Gheckl-its) MVF Plak--Check (New Construction) STD Plan Gheck (New "~" ' Gou. stru~t~on) " "' MVF Plan Gheck (Existing Facility) "STD'plan Check (Existing FaCility) "Incomplete Application" Fc?m Permit Application Ghecklist Permit Instructions ~2~. ~O Tightness Test Results Monitoring Well ConstrUCtion Data/Permits Date Date Date Date Environmental Sensitivity Data: , ~roUndwater Drilling, Boring Logs Location of Water Wells ~.~ ................... L_._.Statemen.t.~o~=Undergrou~d_~on~its Date Date Date Discarded' Date Date Date Plot ·Plan Featuring Al/ Environme~tally~Sensitive Data Photos Gonstruction Drawings Location: Half. sheet showing date-re_ceived and t'allv of inspection time, etc '- ' - - - KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1700 FLOWER STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 TELEPHONE: (805) 861-3636 APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN OR DESTROY A WELL CT AP N: 10/9/87 APPLICATION DATE 10/19/87 PROPOSED STARTING DATE 10/20/87 PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE OWNER'S NAME ADDRESS Fleet Wholesale Tire 3305 Gulf Street Bakersfield~ CA 93308 HOME PHONE NO.(805)871-8331 WORK PHONE NO.(805)325-1 261 ' CONTRACTOR · ADDRESS Krazan and Associates 3860 N. Winery Fresno, CA 93726 SUBCONTRACTOR ' ADDRESS, LICENSENO. C57-499908 PHONENO.(209)291-7337 LICENSE NO. T 29S R 27E SEC 23 hOACRESUB. NE/4 JOB SITE: DIRECTIONSTOWELLSITE: East of Pierce Road on south side Gulf Street Well located directly behind garage on west side TYPE OF WORK DONE: (CHECK ONE) NEW WELL [] DEEPEN [] RECONSTRUCTION [] DESTRUCTION [] INTENDED USE: DOMESTIC/PRIVATE DOMESTIC/NONPUBLIC DOM ESTI C/PUBLI C TEST HOLE MONITORING CATHODIC PROTECTION OTHER [] (1 Connection) CONSTRUCTION METHOD: [] (2-4 Connections) [] (5 or more connections) [] DEPTH TO WATER: ROTARY' [] CABLE TOOL [] BORED [] OTHER Hollow Stem Auger 16 feet SEALING MATERIAL (CHECK ONE) NEAT CEMENT [] w/3% Bent CEMENT GROUT [] CONCRETE [] PUDDLED CLAY [] OTHER GRAVEL PACK (CHECK ONE) YES [] NO [] · FROM 13 f~o 25 ft FROM TO~ PROPOSED CASING DIAMETER 2" CONDUCTOR: YES ':E] NO [] TYPE Stai n,1 ess DEPTH 25' GAUGE/WALL PROPOSED WELL DEPTH: MAx 26 FT MIN 25 FT PENETRATES 2 OR MORE AQUIFERS YES [] NO [] PROPOSED PERFORATIONS OR SCREEN FROM 15' .TO - ' 25 FEET FROM .TO FEET FROM TO FEET PROPOSED SEALS/PLUG(S) ANNULAR Pelletized Bentonite OTHER FROM FROM 13 TO l0 fEET TO FEET [SEE REVERSE] GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Permit applications must be submitted to the Planning Department for zoning, access and flood plane clearances prior to submission to the Health Department. 2. Permit applications must be submitted to the Health Department at least 10 working days prior to the proposed sta~ing date. 3. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is Lmlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 4. Other required inspections inclLJde: setting c°nd0ctor casing, E-Logs, all annular seals, and final construction features, 5. In areas where a well penetrates m~rethan~neaquifer~and~ne~i~m~re~ftheaquifersc~ntainsp~rqua~itywater~an E-Log shall be required to determine the location of the confining clay layer(s). 6. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the daythat work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 7. · Approval of water quality and final construction features are required before the well is put into use, and before a Permit Number is released to Building Inspection Services, Construction under this Permit is~.subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 9. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with required Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "Stop Work Order," 10. A copyofth~ Department of Water Resources'Driller's Report aswellascopiesof E-Logs and water quality analyses must be submitted to the Health Department within 30 days after completion of the work. 11, "Dry"holes must be properly destroyed within two (2) weeks of drilling. A well destruction application must befiled with this Department. 12. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of issuance if work has not been started and reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. 13. The Job Card shall be posted and remain at the well site available for the inspector to sign it off. 14. Lead pipe shall not be used in construction of any private or public water supply system. 15. The use of solders containing more than 2/10 of 1% lead is prohibited in making joints and fittings in any p~ivate or public potable water system. 16. I have read and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted above. OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE DATE ZONING zONE ACCESS APPROVAL: YES [] NO FLOOD PLAIN APPROVAL REQUIRED: APPLICATION APPROVED BY DISAPPROVED BY REASONS FOR DENIAL OR CONDITIONS: YES SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [] NO [] DATE: DATE KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS Of PERMIT OR REASONS FO',R DENIAL: E-LOG REQU,RED: YES L---] NO ~, ~ GRAVEL CHUTE REQUIRED: YES [] NO RECEIPT ~ CASH ~ 17(;0 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM'"T HEALTH OFFICER Division of Environmental Health Leon M Hebartson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Well Permit Application Vernon S. Reichard Parcel No, AD LOCATION Assessor's Parcel No. INDICATE BELOW THE EXACT LOCATION OF WELL WITH RESPECT TO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: PROpERTy_ ....... LINES, WATER BODIES-OR WATER COURSES, DRAINAGE PATTERN, ROADS, EXISTING WELLS, SEWERS AND PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. INCLUDE DIMENSIONS. . LOCATION OF WELL IN SECTION LINES. LOCATE WELL BY MEASURING FROM PROPOSED WELL SITE TO TWO (2) SEC- TION LINES OR %SECTION IF A ROAD(S) BORDERS THE LAND. THE MEASUREMENT(S) SHOULD ALSO BE MADE FROM THE CENTER OF THE ROAD. ,q' One Mile Health 580 4113 306 EH ([Rev. 5/87) (Pg. 3 of 3) ~ ?.. L,,.! 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 .. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ' *' 'Fleet Wholesale Tire ' ~". '.*, 3305 Gulf Street · " Bakersfield, California " 'KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION .'August 20, 1987 93308 Attn: Mr. Levctoni HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebe~son, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Re: Soil Contamination Beneath the 300 Gallon Waste 011 Tank Located at 3305 Gulf Street in Bakersfield, California Dear Hr. Levciont: The laboratory results received on August 7, 1987, received show sol! contamination in the samples retrieved below the 500 gallon gasoline tank. To evaluate the extent of contamination present in that area you must prepare a site characterization proposal. This department does not approve of any additional work in the area around the contamination either in defining the plume or providing a permanent cover at the site until the site character'~zation is approved by this'department. The department;'s outline for preparation of the site , characterization proposal Is enclosed. It may be used as a guide _ in preparing the proposal. Please submit your proposal to~. this department wi'thin 30 days. If your 'have any questions Please call me at (805) 861-3636. ..................... : ............................................ Hazardous ~a't~'rials"H~nagea~nt Program AgO:aa 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305-4198 Telephone (805) 861-3621 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT February 10, 1988 LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Director of Public Health Air Pollution Control Officer · Davies Company Properties 6413 Valleyview Drive Bakersfield, California Re: Tank Removal at Fleet Wholesale Tire 3305 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California Dear Sir/Madam This is to advise you that this department .has reviewed the project results for the subsurface contamination investigation at Fleet Wholesale Tire, 3305 Gulf Street, in Bakersfield, California. Based upon the findings described in the report, this department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and that no significant soil contamination was detected below the waste oil tank at the site. Trace.. amounts of gasoline components were detected in groundwater below this tank site. The 'components were not found in the soil between the tank bottom and groundwater. The components were not characteristic of the substance stored in the tank. They'appear to be from a sourc.e other than the tank at thls site. - Davies is presently investigating groundwater contamination, which originated from a gasoline source, south of this tank site. Information collected and compiled in the Site Characterization Report dated November 30, 1987, might be helpful as part of the groundwater investigation. A copy of the report will be Sent to the Central Valley Regional Waker 'Quality Contr~ol Board. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Ha. za~dou.,~ ~4atevlals ~an.a~emen~ P~o~vam HEALTH OFFICER >:* .' ... 1700 Flower Street ' ' Bakersfield. California 93305 *"" " · · - ., ,*. ,." . ." ' EN~RONMENTAL HEAL~ DIVISION · - "Telephone (~5) 861-3636 ~ : , ' - "', ~.','DIRE~R OF EN~RONMENTAL H~L~ '' . .:. ..- '-: , . - ; . .. :' . ',..-.:Uj~.:~ :. q;:J-/.'~. ~<?..~.~5~ ~yr ~.~;,. "'- . .... ,~' '~'~ ~' '7-~.~'~-.C~-', ~:. '~:..'b; ~.e. ': NAME/ADDRESS ,erties "~; FOIl' CLosURE 'OF ,EI~IIT EXPIRES -- "- ~":" ~ ' - ~'.:. ~<!< -" :: ~ '? ~: C q~: ,, 7..~ ~,. · ~' ~' "' '~'~:?'" DATE 'AT ABOVE September '15 '4. '-All -Samples must ,be' analyzed...for ::?otal..:Srgantc halides~:~..otl':and .greas~, 2'~.6..'.':>~All.;/aPpltcablfl '-state ~!aws 'for :..hazardous wasEe dlspoSal,/:~Stra~.sportatton ......--:or'.-ltreatment mu~t be"a'dhere~ t~.':'.:,J-.The Kern County Health' DePh'~ " " 'ied before moving and/or "disp0s'tng of any ' - . · ". .... -~"ACCEPTE DISTRICT OFFICES KRAZA iN(- & ASSOCI ES, IN C. Geotechnical Investigations , ~ ~ Environmental Engineering _ tmboratorv Soils Testing ,~ Monitoring Wells ~.~_~\ :./_/~/?r~j September 21, 1987 .Pr°p°sal i~'leet Wholesale Tire i.J:i~305 Gulf Street ' · "''": Bakersfield, California 93308 ~"' ~.,~i?~' i".,:.: .,'.:': i/: .... ' Attention M~. Ald'o Lencioni RE: Preliminary Site Characterization Investigation 3305 Gulf Street Bakersfield, CalifOrnia Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we are pleased to submit this proPosal for a site characterization investigation at the above-referenced projec~ site. An estimated cost based in unit cost values is attached for your review. [f you have any questions of 'if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully Submitted, ' Jeffrey S. Palmer · ,.. Environmental Specialist NiE/JSP/ko Michael Erwin PrinciPal Engineer R. CE #18625 i c herewith Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 [] Visa/ia (209) 625-8251 [] Merced (209) 383.3993 ESTIMATED PROSECT COST 12, hrs. Drilling ¢ $130.00/hr. $ 1560.00 L' Chemical Analysis: :'"8 fox-total Lead & Oil & Grease ~ $250.00 ea. 2000.00 ....... : ..... ~-~-, ....... ~L--&-EPA-60I:-602-Water Analysis ~ $195.00' ea.' .............................. i95.00 1 Ground water monitoring well (materials) 163.00 25 hrs. Project Administration, Permits, Engineering Analysis ~ $55.00/hr. 1375.00 4 hfs. R, eport Preparation/Graphics ~1525.00/hr. 75.00 Estimated Cost $5,368.00 KI~,AZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. KRA'ZAN' & ASSOCII'- TES, INC. TestM , ~nd ration Geotechnical Investigations Environmental Engineering' l.aborator~ Soils Testing Monitoring Wells September 21, 1987 Proposal " '~Fleet Wholesale Tire ' .' ~' 3305 Gulf Street .-..'~ "." "*" '. ....... i :; ........................ Bakersfield, California 93308 .................................................................................... ~-: Attention: Mr. Aldo Lencioni P,E: Preliminary Site Characterization Investigation 3305 Gulf Street, Bakersfield, California Dear Gentlemen, In accordance with your request, we are pleased to submit this proposal for a preliminary site characterization study at the above-refer'enced project site. It was understood from information provided to this office that the site characterization study was requested by the Kern County Environmental Health Department after samples obtained from beneath a removed waste oil tank at the project site had shown contamination present in subsoils. PP, O3ECT HISTORY The project site was currently developed as a wholesale tire outlet, located at ]05 Gulf Street in Bakersfield, California. lb is understood from information provided to this office' 'that the project site was developed .with a private repair business until about i969. From 1969, the project site was occupied by Davies Oil Distributors, where bulk drum and quart oils were sold. In ~974 Fleet Tire Warehouse relocated to the project, site from a Niles Street address, and at that time, steel structures and a canopy was moved to' and erected on the site. The waste· oil tank was understood to have been installed at that time to accommodate storage of waste petroleum products from routine automotive repairs Main Office: Fresno/Clovis * 3860 N. Winery * Fresno, California 93726 * (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 [] Visa/ia (209) 625-8251 [] Merced (209) 383-3993 Page No. 2 Proposal In July of 1987, the waste 'Oil tanks was exhumed and removed from the property. Soil samples were obtained from beneath the waste oil tank at that shown contamination of subsoils by petroleum constituents. No other information regarding the project site was available at the time Of this proposal. PURPOSE OF.. WORK The purpose of the proposed investigation would-be to determine if ~he contamination noted in subsoils was more significant that what ~'was disclosed during initial sampling and chemical analysis conducted at the time of the waste oil tank ~emoval. Additionally~ a preliminary determination 'of possible impact of contaminants on ground water resources at the project site would be made. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The scope of the investigation would be generally limited to the area in the immediate vicinity of the removed waste oil tank and. adjacent driveway area at the project site. The scope of the investigation would generally be limited to the drilling and sampling of subsoils at selected locations for chemical analysis. Additionally, one ground water monitoring well would be instailed in a down-gradient position to determine if contamination by petroleum products was present in ground water in the vicinity of the previous waste oil tank location. Soil and water samples would be subjected to chemical analysis to determin~ presence and concentration of contamination. The data obtained from the field and laboratory invest!gation would be utilized to help identify exclusion boundaries for the vertical and horizontal extent of contamination in subsoils,and possible impact to ground water, KRAZAN & ASSOCIAYES Page No; Proposal ~ETHOOOLO~Y In order to accomplish the goals established in the scope of the investigation as outlined, it is proposed that the following methods would be ':'bmployed: ~l.. .A . total ...of four exploratory soil .bo~ings .would. be placed at--locations_around. ~'" · ' the previous waste oil tank as shown on the site map included at the end of~ the text. 2. [n order to facilitate drilling in the immediate vic.inity of the remOved tank, the tank removal excavation would need to be backfilled prior t° our field investigation. 3. Each soil borings would be advanced to a maximum depth of 15 feet below the existing grade. The maximum depth of 15 feet below grade was selected as review of published data regarding depths to ground water in the vicinity of the project site has shown ground water to exist at an approximate depth of 16 feet below the existing grade, 4. Auger cuttings from the exploratory soil borings would be repl.aced into the bore'holes upon completion of each hole. A plug consisting of sand cement with approximately' 3% bentonite would be placed in the top 3 feet of each hole. 5. Should ground water be encountered in any of 'the four soil borings'; each boring would be backfilled to grade with a cement-bentonite slurry. 6. Soil borings would be advanced by means of a truck mounted drilling rig, utilizing hollow stem auger, o 7, Soil samples are anticipated to be obtained at depths of lO and 15 feet below -the"b~isting grade at~-'each' boring lOcatioiq~ KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES Page No. Proposal 8. Soil samples would be obtained by means of pushing stainless steel tubes at discreet intervals. 9. One ground water monito[ing well would be placed at a location shown on the site map at the end of the text. The well would be located in a doWn-gradient position (as deter~nined from literature review of published data 'i and work ., accomplished in the area of the project site regarding ground water .......... gradien~..and ..conditions)_ from ~he tank. remoVal.-,si~e. I~ is anticipa~ed-'~hat' well would be constructed of Schedule 40 flush-thread P.V.C well pipe to an approximate depth of 15 feet below grade, and completed with .020" slot stainless steel 2" diameter well screen from 15 to 25 feet below grade. The well would be installed through hollow-stem-auger, with a filter media consisting of #J. 6/2 clean sand. A annular seal composed of bentonite (pelletized) would be placed above the filter media screened interval to an approximate thickness of 3 feet. The well would be finished from the annular seal to the surface ' with a sand-cement grout', where a locking, water tight surface vault would be installed. The well would be developed by means of surge block and bailing, with an equivalent of ] to 5 well volumes being removed prior to sampling. Water from well development would be barreled on-site pending results of water chemical analysis. Samples would be obtained from the well by means of a Te'flon bailer. The water sample would be decanted to a Volatile Organics Analysis vial and transported to a laboratory for analysis. 10. All samples would be collected, maintained and transported under chain of - custody protocol to a state-approved laboratory for chemical analysis; Soil samples would be analyzed to detect the presence and concentration of Total Organic Halides, Total Lead and Oil and Grease. Water samples would be subject to EPA 601-602 analysis. 11. A literature survey of published ground water data in the 'vicinity of the project site would be conducted to generally describe the hydrologic ......................... ~environment-; ................ : KRA'ZAN & ASSOCIATES Page No. Proposal 12~ Upon completion of the field ~nd laboratory investigation, a detailed report would be compiled presenting the findings of our investigation. All necessary permits would be obtained prior to the commencement of the " 'field investigation. > We would be in a position to begin the field portion of the investigation '. within three working days of notification of your and Kern County : .i ....... Environmental Health Department. acceptanee.~ of our pr. oposed .-investigation~- It' is ...... ~-'~-~'": "'~- " anticipated that the field portion of the investigation would take about Z days~ '"¥ providing the existing open excavation were backfilled. Results of the chemical analysis would be expected approximately two weeks following the completion of the field portion of the investigation. The final report should be available for review approximately two weeks following receipt of the results of chemical analysis~ however, verbal results could be made available sooner. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to submit this proposed work plan for the subject property. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do > not hesitate to contact our office. .]SP/MRE/jp 2c herewith lc Kern County Health Dept.: Amy Green Respectfully Submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIATE5 ,)effrey 5. Palmer Environmental Specialist Michael P,. Erwi~ Princip al 'Engineer RCE 1118625 KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES ._.'~ _~_.=u'r~uT¥ ~'0~-,' GULF STREET ....... I OEPTIC TANK J ~~ OFF~E I .. I I ~- Exploratory soil boring locations ~- Proposed monitoring well location .................... NOT -TO ~5C~-L'E ........................ = from IT Copt. map dated 09/10/87 PR0~0S[B SIll C,~RaCI[RI~~: none. ~t~: 9-23-87 ~~ K~ZAN & ASSOCIATISS ZATION INVESTIGATION ~O~w. b Approved FLEET ~HOLESALE TIRE v~taff dP Merged Frexno Visalia Bakerxfieid 3305 GULF STREET I ~oject Ho. Drawin~ No. RA~Dq~TDI B CAI TD~D~ITA ID~rnl 1 ~ ALDO LENCIONi . P.O. Box 2828 Bakersfield, CA. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 17OO FLOWER STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 (805) 861-3636 INTERNAL · OF TANKS TO BE AB~DONED , LENGTH OF PIPING TO ~A~ON APPLICATION F~R PERMIT FOR PERlVIA. NENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZ,~a~.DOUS $UBST~NCES STORAGE FAC ILI TY PROJECT CONTACT Aldo J.Lencioni c/o -F]eet Wholesale Tire FACILITY N~E Davies Oil Comvany. Inc. ~ER 'DaVies company Properties HAYS- (805) 325~1261 NIONTS- (_805) 871--8331 ~0~ G S'~¥~t °~ "'/' ,' 6413 ~alleyview Drive' (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLY) NEAREST CROSS STREET Pi ~_rc~ Rnnrl PHONE ' - '¥~805 )87i '-833i' RmOW CONTRACTOR Z.T. Cor I DREss interna[ional Technol~qy Cor~. 2701 Patton Way 0~-"0~-~, 1137422 A - '~[ WC495-7~-14 PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT CONTRACTOR I. T. ~ Corp .OR~ER' S/~MPENHATION · WC495-71-14 PHONE . . : ."r- (805)589 -9383 .[INSDRERNational Union ..~ire Birminqham Fire. ADDRESS ~ ~ 2701 Patton Way Bksfld.,ca INSURERNational Union Fire Ins.~ Birmingham ' Fire. LABORATORY TRAT WILL ANALYZEi SAMPLES ADDRESS i / ~' : ' B. C. ~ Labs''' · 4100 Pierce Rd. PHONE "i 8o5 589 PHONE ) --- t : ' "''(213 552 87'00 (805 327 4911 ,j CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MATERIALS STORED , - TANK · VOLUME ~ CHEMICAL STORED (NON-COMMERCIAL NAME) .,, ~ ;. : DATES STORED I 300 gal. Waste. Oil I .~~0~ i. ~- ........ : .....~ TO } TO i ..,,., -"; TO CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STOREI I. WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY ' ' NEAREST WATER WELL - GIVE DISTANCE AND DESCRIBE TYPE IF WITHIN 500 FEET No Well Within 500'~'~ SOIL__.TYPE AT FACILITY,, .* ." ._, ~'~ Medium Sand'~e 3 or bette K'.C. Water Agency .. , ~ TOTAL HUMBER OF SAMPLE TO BE ANALYZED [SAMPLES WILL BE ANALYZED FOR: ' '~ 2' 'Jell and Grease, Tox'. Lead .4, ........ .. /,~ ~;~' ~ DESCRIBE HOW RESIDUE IN T~K(S) ~D PIPING IS' TO BE REMOVED ~D DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE T~NSPORTATION ~D DISPOSAL COMPANIES).,: Hydro wash' X 3 ~ith Rote - Jet, Vacuum ou~_ and Tr~spb~'t/qiA' ~,~.. Corp.~t0 PP, DESCRIBE BOTS THE DISPOSAL METHOD AND DISPOSAL LOCATION FOR: i " r' '~ TANK(S) . Abandonment in Place "~ PIPING · ~ ~ * * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE .SIDE OF THIS SHEE NG APPLICATION FOR REVIEW * * TNIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE 'A~D CORRECT. Annabel Lencioni ". (Form tHl~iP-140) ~ OF THE FOI. J.D~.ING "INFOPaMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED: .... -- I TANK(S), PIPING & DISPE~SER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS ~ PROPOSED SAMPLING LOCATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL "~" ~ NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION ,;~ ~:~-.'~ ,. DP~] N--O ~ L · ·PRIVATE :. DRIVEWAY .,'- BLD6. 43' DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER UNCONFINED AND EQUIVALENT WELLS USED FOR CONTROL SPRING ~386 []Permit to Operate [~Construction Permit ~Amended Permit Conditions ~Permit Application Form, ~Application to Abandon ~Annual ~eport Forms FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY Date Da te =~0 f :--Tanks ......... Da~t.e ..... Tank Sheets., tanks(s) Flow Chart Date .of Wr. itten..._Contract__Between__O.wner_.&.-_.Operator. ' Da te Da te Date []Inspection Reports []Correspondence - Received []-]Correspondence - Mailed Date Date Da te [-]Unauthorized Release Reports []Abandonment/Closure Reports [-]Sampling/Lab Reports []MVF Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) [-~STD Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) E]MVF Plan Check (New Construction) []STD Plan Check (New Construction) [-]MVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) []ST• Plan Check (Existing Facility) •'Incomplete Application" .Form [-]Permit Application Checklist [~Permit Instructions [']Discarded E]Tightness Test Results [] Monitoring Well Construction Data/Permits Date Date Date E]Environmental Sensitivity Data: ~]Groundwater Drilling, Boring Logs [-]Location of Water Wells [-]Statement of Underground Conduits []Plot Plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive Data •Photos [~Construction Drawings Location: I-]Half sheet showing date received and tally .of inspection time, E]Mi-~c. el..-La~n e o-~ s~ etc Kern County Health Department Division or Environmental Hea~e~ 1700 Flower Street, BakerJfiel'. CA 93305 Application ~.,. ~ " APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type 9.f.. Application (check): I-]New FaCility [']Modification'of Facility ~Existing Facility [']Transfer of Ownership A. Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area Code, p~one): Days Dave Canfield 805-325-5171 Nighf's .... Facility Name Flee~"-Tire ........... ' ........ -"~--:' ............ "'~'-'~-'~' ............ No. of 'Tank-~''-~':=':~=-' ............. ' ........' Type of Business (check): [~Gas~i-ine Station pOther (deSCribe) Tire company Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? [']Yes ~]No Is Tank(s) Used Prima~r.i~ly,f_or_ ~Agricult.ural Purposes? ~Yes [-~No Facility Address 33UD~bulf Street Nearest Cross St. Pierce Road T -~ R SEC (Rural Locations ~ly) Owner Davi~s Company Properties Contact Person Rick DaVies ........... ]%ddress 3305~ Gulf" Stfe'e{ Z.i_p 93308 Telephon. e, 8.05-323-6063 .... Operator Fl'eet' T~re Contact Person Dave Canfield .. .Address 33'ub ~u'~t'~ ~treet Zip 93308 Telephone 805-325-5171 Water to Facility Provided by California Water serv. Depth to' Groundwater "20 ft'. Soil ~naracteristics' at Facility Sandy Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations estimat~e~ Contractor Address Proposed sta~tin~ Date Worker's Ccmpensation Ce~ttfiCation CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone proposed t~pI~'tion ~te Insurer D. If This Permit Is. For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly:Describe Modifications Proposed Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank t Waste Product Motor Vehicle 1 ~uel [] [] O O [] [] [] O O [] 'D D O.. O D Fi Unleaded ~e~ular Premium Diesel Waste Chemical C~mposition of Materials S~ored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank $ Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS'~ (if kno~) Chemical ~reviously. Stored : . (if dffferen~) " Transfer of'Ownership ~ate of ~-an~fer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name · I, accept fully all 6b~i~ati°ns of Per~'i't NO. issued to · I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and modif~ or terminate 't~he tranSfer of the Permit to .~_rate this ~dergro~d storage ~'i~t~'- ~o~-~-~ ~ i~ --~h f~'-~6~le te~' "'fO-~'~ This fora has been.~.~pleted under penalty of Signature / ~ ~ .... / and to the best of my knowledge is Partner 8-14-86 Title · Date 'acility Name Permit No. TANK ~' I (.?i:. (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR '. TANK) ' FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is: []Vaulted []Non-Vaulted [~FDuble-WalI ~Single-Wall 2. ~ Material ~Carbon Steel [-]Stainless Steel []Polyvinyl Chloride [i-]Fiberglass-Clad Steel " []Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [qConcrete []Aluninum [][]Bronze []]]Unknown [] Other (describe) Dete Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Contair~nent []Do.u~le-Wall r=lsynthetic Liner r']Lined Vault ~None []Unknown []Otb. er (describe): Manufacturer: r~Ma~erial Thickness (Inches) . Capacity. (Gals.), ............... '-'--~Rubber -[] Alkyd '~.F7 Epoxy ---FTPhenolic [] Glass [] Clay . [~lined .[]Unkno~ '~, []Other (describe): 10. Tank Corrosion Protection -' - .-~'~'Galvanized [~Fiberglass-Clad rTpolyethYlene Wrap []Vinyl Wrapping : . ..... '-['~Tar or' Asphalt - []Unknown ~None []Other (describe): ' Cathodic Protection:' []None []Impressed Current System Fl~acri~icial Anode System Describe .S~sfe~ & Equil~ent: Leak Detection, Monitorir~, and Interception, a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) [2]Groundwater Monitoring' Well(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) : []U-Tube Without Liner  U-Tube With Compatible )i~ectin~ Vapor Detector* Sensor' Liner £ i Flow to Monitoring We,Il(s)* '" [] Liquid Level : [~ Conductivit~ Sensor [] Pressure Sen~r in Annular' Space of Double Wall Tank- [2] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space Daily & Inventory Reconciliation [~ Periodic Tightness Testing None ~au~ing Unkno~ [] OCher b. Piping: ~Flo~-Res~ricting Leak Detector(s) ~or Pressurized Piping~ I-1Monttorinq Sanp ~rith Raceway []Sealed Concrete Raceway [] ItalY-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway [] SwmheCic Liner~ Raceway ~None []Unkno~ [] CYcher · ?ightnes~ 'l~stc~:l? FlYes ll~'No FlUnkno~'~ Bate of ~.a~c ?i~htness Teac ltesulr.~ of Test Test Name , Testing C~mpany Tank Re~air Tank Repaired? []Yes ~No Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection []Operator Pills, Controls, & Visually Monitors f~vel []Tape Float Gau~e []Float Vent Valves [-~Auto Shut- Off Controls B Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box ~None []Unknown Other: List Make & ModeI For Above Devices 11. piping a. Underground Piping: ~Yes []No [-~Unknown Mater~al ..................... Thickness .(inches) ............ Diameter ..............Manufacturer ................... []Pressure_ OSuction ~Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : . ~Galvanized []FiberglaSs-Clad :[qImpressed Current []Sacrificial Anode [-]Polyethylene Wrap [qElectrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap [-]Tar or Asphalt ~Unknown []None []Other (describe): c. Undergrour~t Piping, Secondary Containment: ,'1 1700 Flower Street ..-' Bakersfield, California 933.05 ' ' Telepho~ne (805) 861-3636 .', .~.:,~.~.,~,~,~.X~¥..: ~ ~ . . ,:~:: 'UNDERGROUND ~AZA~DOUS 8UBSTAN -: ~ACILtTY. ' ' :' ": ' '"-'"~' ":' '"' %":~"/': ..... ' " ' S ~} i~ :FLEET T IRES ..: ~{?-": ;. ~.'i~':'-':'::~//~'~%:J'~-:7~.':~("~?~'~::l :?:"~ ':~''', DAVIES COMPANY. PROPERTIE ~i~ ~ ,.~o~ T ~T.n :' 'aa :;:~?.;~;.:~7~x',~r,,~"r.:.~f~::%'~ :'~;?l; ';,~'.'..~:; .:2 BAKERSFI ELD, .,~:~l 'KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT": HEALTH OFFICER Laon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION  . DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL~EALTH ;'7.T :[ ~. tf;,,%.?~'[. ,., .... ~.:. 1 1 :.~,,~'T:?¥'.~:' · ..' , '-."t .-';? ' . ' . ;'- ,' :' ~-'.;':';,~:':,-:'~:' ~t¥,'..-~ '~ ~f, t .... ' ,.~ ,'-, ,' ,:.::.;~i~'.'~::V~.':' '."~' "*** POST -:'.ON .PREMISES : ,..~ ~,, / ~.~.L,.'.~'.[~./;' .; ,. · ... .,.:.%--';' . ',.. , ' ' ":' ; · . . .- . .-~,~ ,',~: : -:.-...:_,~,...~, . .. Norlally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live out.side .Kern County, they may choose to have the 'permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted.. .~lease fill tn Perlit $ and check, one of the followinE before returning'this form with payment: : ~ ,. ' 1. ,Send all Information to Owner at the address -listed on invoice (if O~ner 'is different than :"-)" -i .,,-.:-. " ' Operator; It ,will be O~ne~is responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent - Information). 2. Send all information to following corrected address: Owner at the Send all Information to Operator: Address: ~0 ~'~ ~-bg/_ ~ (Operator can ,make copy of permit Owner). ~ INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION RESPONSIVE TO THE NEEDS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ' '. STATUS REPORT .'~., '-~..Removal of 'waste °il tank, ~oil.. - ........ ~ampling and analysis rep'~rt. ~3305 Gulf.St. Bakersfield, Calif .... ' . STATUS REPORT ~ Removal. of waste oil t~ank~ soil ........ sampling and analysis report. ~.-~3305 Gulf St. Bakersfield, Calif. Submitted to: Mr. Aldo Lencioni Fleet Wholesale Tire 3305 Gulf St. Bakersfield, CA. 93308 By: International Technology Corporation P.O. Box 3345 Bakersfield, CA 93385 INT'ERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION ............... __~..=Augus_t~_6_,_ 1987 Project No. 260340 .Mr...~Aldo .Lencioni -' ' ............ ~'"~'"~z~ :~ '~3305 "Gulf St. .Bakersfield, ~.~California .~ 93308 ~7C'i~.~.~. . ~'.~.- ~::-~ -Removal of waste oil tank, soil sampling and analysis report. 3305 Gulf St. Bakersfield, CA. -"De~-r Hr. Lenci0ni:~' ' .-; 7'.~~''~'~::.-, ~";'i~ ~'~:.-'" ~' .... Based upon information gathered on ~he 3305 Gulf St. property, this status report has been prepared to document the remedial activities, removal of one(l) 550 gal. waste O~1 underground tank, soil Sampling and analysis report along with a proposal to remove and dispose of contaminated soil ...... ~.~ ~'~?'~.~:"~-~ REMEDIAL ACTIVITIES On July 23, '1987, an I.T. crew consisting of one (1) field chemist, and three (3) technicians excavated one (1) waste oil .tank along side the Wes...~ end of the building at the North end of the entrance from Gulf St. There was visible surface and subsurface oil tyPe conta- mination down to two (2) feet with an oily odor. One sample site, at the center beneath the tank was taken at a depth I of two (2) feet and six (6) feet using EPA me~hod SW-846. The sampling tool was 2¼" AMS stainless steel sl'eeved hand auger with a PVC - incent and capped at both ends. Tool was decontaminated with distilled water and (TSP) trisodium phosphate, rinsed and air dried. Soil 'samples were placed into two (2) 16 oz. wide mouth containers with PVC outer coating and teflon lined lids. Samples packaged' in blue ice and transported to BC Laboratory under documentation of chain of custody. Samples were analyzed for oil and' grease, total halogenated hydrocarbons (TOX), and lead, see Appen. Dis "A" Excavation site is secrue, barricaded, and tapped. I Regional Office 2701 Patton V~ay · Bakersfield, California 93308.805-589-4970 Page -2- INTER~IONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION PROPOSED REMEDIATION -' B~'~"d -on. '-the -'~n~'iysis in --APpen~-ix' "A- to have migrated beyond six (6) feet beneath the tank. We recommend that further investigation to determine the extent of the existing contamination and the rate of contaminant migration be done. We "-wodld like to meet. with and discuss a plan of investigation with our .,.eH'gineers that will be acceptable both to you'and the Kern County ~Environmental Health Department. "Should you have any questions regarding th~s Statu~ r-ep6rt, please ~' Respectfully submitted~'~ ~'"'~ Supervisor/Field Chemist cc: Kern County~ Health Department DJM/kp P P AG/II£LIL TU/I£ C~I£~ICA/ AiI/A~ YSlS PETflOLEU~ LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 I.T. Corporation Date Reported: 7/29/87 P. O. Box 3345 Date Received: 7/27/87  Bakersfield, CA . 9338S Laboratory No. L~14889 Attn: Duane Meadows P.O. #12376 :. TOTAL EX~llACT'CONT~I~AN~S~B¥ ACID DIGESTION' ·. :.~,', .~z - ': -: ~'~t .~[:.2:', .L-:,:. ' '.7- - :'-'" ' :' "-'~"'.-'.~' ' - ':-~] ' Sam~e ~escription: ~leet ~olesale,'~260~40;'L~H1-01 2' '~der"':~enter ~f tank ' ..., l._./.l,.-~f~:,:.. .... ...... : -.. -..t...'~;,~ a ...... ~est s~de of bldg.;"7/24/87 ~ 11:30',..~,,~.-, ......... -'~ ' ~-";[?:.' 'L'T0tal' Metals~:'m~/kg'~' ...:c~-:---: .... ::-::r"'~= '-~'q-il~[ Method Reference ,~.- ~I .... -...-'. ~ h · ..... .... -.. :: ;:' ..'-.:['~timony ',':(:'i':::..~ ;*:~?'..",.:: :'?-:"':' ::. :': ':' ~t.. ;'?;:4-i.~: ':':"::~'t'[:7040 :~' ':':~:~-t~:t~:.l ,,..; ........ Arsenic ,,:,~ ,~ ..... ,, ...:..,..,~.,,~.~., , ....... 7061 , -I ..... ,- . 500. .... . ~ Bart~ -: .~ .... ...-.:....-- . ~, .-.,,7080 . ..I ,. .... I0000.  Beryllium 210.1 2 75. Cadmim .. 7130 1 ' 100. Chro~ ~ .... : 7190 1- 2500. '".."'.. .- ...~,- .-.,,,:-' 2 . :":" ..,-i.' :.' .' -~t." : O ~ ' ' ' Cobble 1.1 ._ '' ."-~-Copper , ~:., :~."?'~:':;~;(.".:~ :"" ' "(.--'..:, ~ "::~'"~';: }2 0.i .2  Mercury 7471 1 20. Moly~enum 246.1 '* 2 . 3500. . N~ckel . ' . 7520 1 Seleni~ ,7741 .. 1 100.'  Silver 7760 1 ~ 500. ~ Thallium 279.1 2 - 700. Vanadi~ 286.1 2 2400.  Zinc 289.1 2 ' 5000. Cyanides ~ 9010 Phenols '- 420.1 2 ': Sulfides ' ' ' 9030 Fluorides 340.2 2 'Hexavalent Chromi~ 7196 Oil ~'Grease ~9237."  pM 9040 1 Pensky~rtens Flash Point' 1010 1 PCB' s 8080 1  T0X ' 24. 9020 1 Comment: ~1 contaminants reported ~bove are tn mg/'kg (unless otherwise stat~d) on an as received (wet) sample basis. 'Results reported represent totals (T~C) as Sample ~ubJ'ected to approPriate ~echntques to de'temine total levels." (-) refers to "less than". (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 84g, JUly,' 1982. (2) "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020 AGRI~UL TUR~ LABORATORIES, Inc. -..... J.J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. ..... PETROL~U¥ ' ~' 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327~4911 I.T. Corporation Date Reported: .7/29/87 Date Received: 7/27/87 _ P. O. Box 3345 ,' ~ ......... ~+Bake~.s£i~ld~_C..A~9.~$SS ' ' ..... '. ".- · ~ Laborator~ No.: 14890 - . ~iamp~.e p · · · . , ' · -'~..:'~'~,' . ' ' ......... id '-7/24/87 @ 11.40 --,.~ .... ~  Mercury .. , ~,:~ 246 · 1 2 3500. ~ /~ 2000 · ..... ' Seleni~ * · '~ *' ' 279.1 2 .._ Thal 1t~ ' '286.1 2 2400. Vanadt~ . : 289.1 "2 5000. Fluorides 340.2 2 . Mexavalent Chromi~ 7196 1 ' , Oil ~ Grease 11,975. pH :. 9040 1 * .. Pensky-~rtens Flash Point 1010 1 8080 1  PCB ' s TOX 52. 9020 1 Comment: ~1 contaminants reported above are in mg/kg (unless othe~ise stated) on .. an as received (wet) sample basis.. Results reported represent totals .(TTLC)  " ..... . as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to dete~ine total levels. (-) refers to "less than". (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", MW 846, July, 1982. (2) "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020 J. J.~'Eglin TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION PROJECT NAME/NUMBER · SAMPLE TEAS MEMBERS ~, ~~'~'~' .' CHAIN-OF-cusToDY RECORD -j R/A Control'.No. Sample i Sample Date and Time Sample ., Container Condition on Receipt Disposal Number i Location and Description " Collected : Type Type ., :i (Name and Date)! Record No. ~ .. Special Instructions: Possible Sample Hazards: ~iGNATURES: (Name,..(;;ompany, Dat~and Time) Relin-uished By'" i.~ -.., -.) · ,.,.. ' ; , - -., :'-..)-/ 2. Relinquished By: Received B~': ' ,; WHITE o To accompany samples YELLOW - Field copy 4. Relinquished By:. Received By:' , FIEQUEST FOR ANALYSIS ~. :.,~t~ ~':" "': ' ' ',' ' DATE SAMPLES SHIPPED LAB DESTINATION:' :' LABORATORY CONTACT SEND LAB REPORT TO PROJECT N~MBER ~'~<~/O ,~x_.S) '. PROJECT M~NAGER ~_,.~. DATE REPORT REQUIRED PROJECT CONTACT PROJECT cONTACT P ON NO. . sample N'O! Sample Type Sample Volume Preservative Requested Testing'Program i Special Instructions r ~ , , J ' "" ' ,i '~ I, , , TURNAROUN[ TIME REQUIRED: (Rush must be approved by the. Project Manager.) -'. ;!, -'. ~ i., ~ Normal , ,.. Rush ~ (Sublect to rush surcharge) :.: i "~ : '];' '-* pOssIBLE HAZARD IDENTIFICATION: (Please indicate if sample(s) are hazardous materials and/or suspected to cOntain high lev'els';of'hazardous substances)! Nonhazard SAMPLE DISPO~.AL: Flammable Skin Irritant (Please indicate disposition of~sample following analysis· Lab will charge for packing, shipping, ~nd disposal.) Disposal I~y Lab ~ Return lo Client . , FOR LAB USEiONLY .... Received By-': I ( ' ~L),~ ; -~,~-'/L'J- ) '...~: i -"~. WHI~E - Original, to accompany samples YELLOW - Field copy '-.../ Highly Toxic ~Other ;t Dale/Time ~-~. /'- (Please Specify) · ' "' " '" *~"/'.' "* ""i:"' *'" *'" FLEET WHOLESALE TIRE · ',.. ,.;...... ', .'.. ...~ ". · ..' .... *" .* '"" :. "./i-'-'. '.i-':~' '- .~"". ~*'.:' ''!''~" '' : ;:,.:'i ;:'i (805) 325-1261 Bakersfield, CA 93303 '"; '~''' ',~' ~'' '~"~'" Res. 871-~31 "K;RAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Geotechnical Investigations Environmental Engineering Laboratory Soils Testing Monitoring Wells November 30, 1987 Proj. No. E87-084 F,l~et Wholesale Tire 3305 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Attention: Mr. Aldo Lencioni Preliminary Site Characterization Investigation 3305 Gulf Street, Bakersfield, California Gentlemen, In accordance with your authorization, we have completed a preliminary site characterization investigation at the above-referenced project site. The attached report details our findings from that investigation If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. 2e herewith invoice lc Kern Co. Environmental Health Dept. Attn: Amy Green P, espectfully .Submitted, KRAZA~NI & ASSO:,~TES Jeffrey S. Palmer Environmental Specialist .Michael R. Erwin. Geotechnical Engineer i~CE #18625/RGE#297 Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery ,, Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393~2343~F~Z~iN~I~ (2~$;[~b'TE~ Merced (209) 383-3993 Proj. No. E87-081 PRELIMINARY SITE CH. ARACTERIZATION INVESTIGATION 3305 GULF STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA November 30, 1987 Prepared for: Fleet Wholesale 1-ire 3305 Gulf SLreet Bakersfield, California 93308 KP, AZAN & ASSOC. IAI-ES ............................................................ T-ABLE-OF-CONTENTS PRO3EC r HISTOP, Y PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION SCOPE OF, INVESTIGATION TECHNICAL APPROACH METHODOLOGY SOIL PROFILE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Soil Profile F~egional Hydrologic Conditions Ground Water Conditions RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Table I Table II DiSCUSSiON OF FiNDiNGS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOM~vlENDATIONS Conclusions Recommendations LhvlITATIONS · ~EFERENCES SITE PLAN · LOGS OF SOiL 8ORINGS CERTIFIED ANALYTICAL REPORTS WELL INSTALLATION DATA Proj. No. E87-081 Page No. 2 2 3 3 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 10 10 12 Drawing No. 1 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES KRAZAN & ASS.OCIATES , IN C. Construction Testinc and Ins ~ction Geotechnical Investigations Environmental Engineering Laboratory Soils Testing Monitoring Wells November 30, 1987' Proj. No. E87-084. F,.,leet Wholesale 'Tire ]~305 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Attention: Mr. Aid0 Lencioni RE: Preliminary Site Characterization Investigation ]Y~L15 Gulf Street, Bakersfield, California Gentlemen, In accordance with your' authorization, we have completed a preliminary site characterization investigation for the above-referenced project site. It was understood from informal:ion provided to this · office that the site characterization investigation was requested by the Kern County Environmental Health Department, after results of soil samples obtained from beneath a removed waste oil tank had shown contamination present i'n subsoils. PRO.]EC ¥ HISTORY TEe project silo was located at 3305 Gulf Street in Bakersfield, California, and was developed as a wholesale tire outlet. Information provided to this office regarding the subject property indicates the pcoperty was developed with a private auto repair business until about ].969. From 1969, the project site was o~:eupied by the Oav'-ies Oil Distributors, where bull< drum and canned quart oils were sold. In 197L~, Fleet. Tire Warehouse relocated to the project site. At the time of the Fleet Tire occupation of the property, steel structures and a canopy' were moved to the site from elsewhere, and erected. The waste, oil tank was understood to have been installed at: the rear of the transported building at the project site. The waste oil tank was -utilized' to accommodate' the storage of Waste 'peti'-01e~}r~ 'p'{-'~)~lu-e'ts from 'the' auto repair activities at the subject property. Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 9372~ · (209) 291.7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 [] Visafia (209) 625.8251 [] Merced (209) 383-3993 KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page 2 Proj. No. E87-084 'tn 3uly of 1987~ a subsurface contamination assessment was conducted by . Twin Cities Testing on an adjacent property. The assessment was conducted to determine the extent of contamination in soils and ground water at the adjacent property with regard to gasoline leakage at that site. In 3uly. 1987, the waste oil tank was removed from the subject property. Soil samples were obtained from beneath the waste oil tank at: the tim' of the tank removal. The results of the chemical analysis ¢onducted on the soil samples obtained from beneath the removed tank had shown contamination present in the subsoi ts Upon review of the results of the chemical analysis co~ducted'during the tank removal, the Kern County Environmenta! Health Department requested .that a preliminary site characterization investigation be conducted at the subject property. No other information was available regarding the history of the subject property at the time of our investigation. PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION The purpose of the preliminary site characterization investigation was to determine if more significant contamination was present in subsoils that what. had been disclosed as a result of preliminary soil sampling which had occurred at the time of the tanks removal. Additionally, a cursory observation of site specific ground water conditions would be conducted to assess if Contamination by waste oil 'products had impacted ground water resources at the project site. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The scope of the preliminary site characterization investigation was limited to the area in the immediate vicinity of the removed waste oil tank, which was located at the rear (south) side of the existing garage 'structure at the subject property. The investigation was limited to the advancement of exploratory soil borings, collection of sci[ samples, logging of subsoils, chemical analysis of soil samples obtained, installation of a single ground water monitoring well, and sampling of the ground water for 'che,T~iCal"analysi~ KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, iNC. * Page 3 .. Proj. No. EBT-t.]Sb, TECHNICAL APPROACH Th~ investigation at the project site was approached wi-th the rational founded on information obtained regarding 't~'e ]-0~ation of the 'r~'~-v-~-tank, historical depths to ground w~ter, regional ground water gradient and character of the suspect contaminant. Inasmuch the tank removal excavation was open prior to the investigation, the tank removal hole 'was baekfitted with clean soil to allow drilling through the area which was directly beneath the removed tank. Soil samples Would be obtain'ed' from that boring for chemical analysis;-and the boring would continue into the ground water~ allowing installation of a monitoring well. AddiLional borings would then be advanced and sampled at 90 degree intervals about the tank axis adjacent to the exiting sLructure~ approximately 5 feet from (he edge of the removal excavation. Those soil borings and welt would provide samples for chemical analysis. The data obtained from the drilling~ chemical analysis and literature survey would then be analyzed to help determine the extent of contamination at the subject property, within the scope of the investigation described. The rational and technical approach were developed in consideration of the suspect contaminant being a dense non-aqueous phase liquid, in a predominately granular soil matrix, in close proximity to historical .ground water depths. METHODOLOGY tn order to accomplish the. goals established investigation, the following methods were employed: in the scope, of this 1. A proposed work plan was developed for the preliminary investigation, and was submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Oepartment for approval prior to the commencement of the field, investigation. 2. All necessary permits were obtained prior to the commencement of drilling and installation of the ground water monitoring well. KP, AZAN & ASSOC[AYES~ {NC. Page Proj. No. E87-08~, 3. A total of four exploratory soil borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 25 feet below the existing grade. z~. The primary soil boring was advanced through the center of the tank removal backfilled excavation. Soil samples were obtained at discreet intervals from the boring, and the borin§ was completed as a ground water monitoring weft. 5. Three additional soi l'b~rings were placed at 90 degree increments about the previous tanks' axis, about 5 feet from the edge of the removal excavation. 6. Soil borings were made by means of ;a truck mounted drifting rig, equipped with hollow-stem auger. 7. Soil samples were obtained at discreet, intervals by means of pushing stainless steel tubes. Sampling commenced al'. an approximate depth of l0 feet below the existing grade, and soils were sampled at. 5 fool~ intervals thereafter. 8. A single ground water monitoring well was installed at the subject property. The well was constructed of Schedule 40 P.V.C. flush-thread well casing. The slotted interval was constr,,cted of 0.020'' P.V.C. flush thread well screen, and was installed from-13-1/2 feet below grade to 23-1/2 feet below grade. Filter media consisting of t~2/1t16 grade sand was placed in the annulus about the screened interval, to a depth equivalent to Z feet. above the screen. A sea~ composed of bentonite pellets.was'placed at. op the filter media to achieve a three-foot thickness. A fina! grout seal was placed within the remaining annular space from the bentonite seal to the surface, where a surface vault was installed to aceommodal.e the well head. 9. The monitoring well was developed· after completion by means of surging and bailing. Ground water samples were obtained by means KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, [NC. Page Projo No. E87-084 of a Teflon bailer, an'd decanted into a volatile organics analysis vial. ~ 10; ' All "~-r~P-le~'-"~'-r-~'-~'~-i-~-~-~'iHe-d'-a6d--['r'~hSported under 5h'~n-'"'~-~ .................................. custody protocol. ll. Samples were transported to a State-approved laboratory for chemical analysis. Soil samples were analyzed to de[ecL the presence and concentration-of .Oil and. Grease, Total Lead and Pu~lgeable Halocarbons. 12. Please refer to the site plan at the end of tl~e text for soil boring and monitoring well local, ions. SOIL PROFILE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Soil Profile A total of four exploratory soil borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 25 feel below the existing grade at the project site. The soil profile generally consisted of a silty fine grained sand from the surface to an approximate depth of 9 feet below the existing grade. Below the 9 fool below grade strata~ a fine to medium grained sand 'with occasional interbedded lenses of slit"Was encountered to an approximate depth of 2Z fee[ below the existing grade. Below the 22 foot horizon, a coarse rounded gravel 'was encountered to the maximum depth of our soil borings which were terminated at an approximate depth of 25 feet below the existing grade. For more detailed information regarding subsoits encountered at the project site, please refer to the logs of borings included in Appendix A of this reportr Regional Hydrologic Conditions ......... The p-r0jeet S~'[e '~w'&s' located' ~v~i-thin [he South lahontan Hydt:o[~)~'i'~-'Study Area~ which is primarily desert ~nd is drained internally with no outlet Lo the KRAZAN &. ASSO(]IATE5, [NC. Page Proj. No. E87-08L~ ocean. Three major rivers flow t. hrough the region throughout the year (at least in the upper reaches) which are the Owens, Mojaw,. and Armagosa Rivers. .......................... _Wi~h._i_n__.t__h~_..__s_?u___d_y_. area, 81 ground water basins and areas of' potential ground water storage have been idenLified~ of which the inventory covers 55 ground water basins. The total area of the inventory area is about square miles~ with water bearing deposits ranging in thickness up t.o 2~000 feet., ~ Usable storage for 50 of the basins is about 2~,7 million acre-feet, with the. major 'limiting factor affecting usable storage capacity being the occurrence of saline deposits within the'sediments of the ground water basins, Ground Water Conditions (Ground water was encountered in our exploratory soil borings at an approximate depth of 1~ feet below the existing grade. Review of the Kern County Water Agency. Report, May 19877 tends to corroborate our field observations. The project site was located neat" the ~<ern River~ which through the ;~ern. River Channel provides recharge to the unconfined aquifer. The proximity of the project site to the Kern River and also the Calloway Canal suggest that those features influence the hydrologic conditions at the project site. RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS A total of 8 soil and 1 gro,jnd w~.tter sa~nples were obtained for chemica[ analysis from the project site. the samples were submitted to a State-approved 'laboratory~ and analyzed to detect the presence of those consl:ituents associated with petroleum waste oil Soil samples w.ere analyzed to der. ecL presence'~ and concentration of Total Lead~ Oil and (]rease and Purgeable Halocarbons. 'The ground water sample was analyzed Lo detect presence and concentration of petroleum constituents by EPA Method ~02 .analysis~ and Oil and Grease. The results of that analysis is summarized on the Tables as follows: KP, AZAN & ASSOC[ATES~ [NC. '1 ~' Page 7 · - Proj. No. E87-08/4 TABLE [ Concentration of ¢Vaste Oil Constituents in Soil ~',~'~ i. ~ t~ o ,~ ~ ir; "~'r ~'~' ~ ~;: ~ i-i¥i';~'rT;~';~-~;~'~'-~;~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ d)-~-~-~ .............. ~-' CJnstituent~ A-10' A-15' Bi-10' Bl-15' 82-10' 82-15' B3-10' B3-15' Total Lead Oil & Grease 40.0 8.0 Bromodichloro,nethane ~/d n/d Bromoform n/d n/d Bromomethane n/d n/d Carbon Tetrachloride n/d n/d Chlorobenzene n/d n/d Chtoroethane n/d n/d 2-Chloroethylvinyl-' ether n/d Chloroform n/d Dibromochloromethane n/d 1,2-Oichlorobenzene n/d 1,]}-Dichlorobenzene n/d 1,Z~-Dichlorobenzene n/d Oichlorodi flouro- methane n/d n/d 1,1-Oichloroethane n/d n/d 1,2-Oichloroethane n/d n/d 1,1-Oichloroethene n/d n/d trans-l,2-Oich.loro- ethene n/d, n/d 1,2-Dichloropropane n/d n/d cis-l,J~-Oichloro- propene n/d n/d trans-l,::~-Oichlo ro- propene n/d n/d ,Vlethy lene chloride n/d n/d 1,1,2,2- ]'err achloro- ethane n/d n/d Tet. rachloroethene n/d n/d I,l,i-Trichloroethane n/d n/d 1,1,2- rrichloroethane n/d n/d Trichloroethene ,~/d n/d Trichlorofluoro- methane n/d n/d Vinyt Chloride n/d n/d <~ <~ a,.0 12.0 n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d' n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d 4.0 24~0 -2.0 2.0 n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d. n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d' n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d n/d KRAZAN & ASSOC[ATES~ [NC. ~ Page 8 " Proj. No. E87-084 TABLE .I! ............ Concentration._o.f?el~roleum Constituents in Ground...:Wate.r. (Concentrations in parts per billion unless specified otherwise) Constituent Well A Sample Benzene 4.17 Ch[orobenzene n/d 1,2-Oichlorobenzene n/d i,~-Dichlorobenzene n/d i,~;-Dichlorobenzene n/d Ethyl benzene 2.55 Toluene 25.90 o-Xylene n/d m-Xylene n/d p-Xylene n/d Oil & Grease (in ppm) <i.0 Legend n/d - Non-detected < - Less than ppm - parts per million " For more detailed information regarding the results of chemical analysis, please...refer to the certified analytical reports included in Appendix' B of this report. DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS' Soil borings were placed in the immediate vicinity of the previously removed waste oil tank location in order to obtain data which would help to identify the presence and possible movement of contarninant:s in subsoils and ground water. The soil borings were placed adjacent to the tank removal area, as well' as one boring placed.through the ee,lter of the tank removal backfilled excavation. . The soil.boring advanced_._through the center of.the .tank backfill .............. area was developed into a ground water monitoring well. The adjacent remaining KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page Proj. No. E87-084 three soil borings were advanced-to obtain soil samples for chemical analysis and t.o log the subsoils. The soils encountered in exploratory borings at the project site consisted generally of sands and silty sands. Those soil types are generally associated with having somewhat higher rates of permeability than silt or clay sized soils. Ground 'water was encountered al: an approximate depth of 16 feet below the existing grade at the location drilled at the project site. Review of published data regarding ground water conditions in the area of tl~e subject property confirm thai the depth at which ground water was 'encountered was '' t'ypical. The results of chemical analysis conducted on soil samples generally shows non-detectable presence of contamination. However, the results of the oil and grease analysis had shown low levels of oil and grease !)resent in the subsoils, with the greatest Concentration noted in the soil boring located directly beneath the previous tank location, at an approximate depth of ].0 feet below the existing grade. The ].0 fool below grade depth was roughly equivalent tO a depth of about /4 feet below the previous tank bottom. The results of the chemical analysis conducted on tl~e ground water sample obtained from the monitoring well installed at the project site have shown contamination present. The constitue.qrs nCted from that. analysis suggest that the character of the conta~ninant, was more familiar to that.of gasoline, rather than waste oil. The compounds noted from volatile organics analysis of the ground._...water sample obtained from the monitoring well were limited to Benzene, Et~hylbenzene, and Toluene. The results of the oil and' grease analysis conducted on the ground water sample tend to confirm thai suspicion, indicting less than 1 part per million concentration in ground watt~.r. Auger cuttings from the exploratory soil borings at depths and locations , drilled were field screened with a portable photoionization detector. The results of the field screenings had generally shown non-detected readings, with exception of the MW-A boring location. The MW-A boring was sampled at depths of .]`0 and ].5 feel', below the existing grade, and soil sa, nples were field screened as they were obtained. The soil sample obtained from the 3.0 foot ......... ..depth had shown a resp. onse. on the.. p_.ho~o_ior!ization_ ,~et_~.r...o...f...a~pl~r?.~!m. a!?ly :z0 ppm. The' corressponding Iai)oratory chemical analysis result of that. salnple had KRAZAN & ASSOC[AfE5~ [NC. Page l0 Proj. No. E87-084 shown .oil and grease present in the sample at a concentration of 40 ppm, with non-detected levels of total read or purgeable halocarbons. CONCLUSIONS AND i--tECOMMENDATIONS 'Conclusions Based upon review of the data obtained from our filed and laboratory investigations~ review of published data regarding ground water and hydrology conditions in the vicinity of the subject property, and review of investigations of hydrocarbon contamination by others at an adjacent property, the following conclusions have been developed: 1. Ground water exists beneath the previously removed waste oil tank location at' the project site at an approximate depth of 16 feet below the existing grade. 2. Minor levels of petroleum hydrocarbon conta,nination were noted at' an approximate depth of 10 feet below the existing grade, directly below the waste oil tank removal location. The character of the contamination noted at that location was oil and grease at a conce~tration'of 40 parts per million, with non-detectable levels of purgeable organic halocarbons or total lead. .~3. Remaining soil borings and soil samples had shown no evidence of presence of contamination by residual waste oil, either by field observation or laboratory analysis at depths and locations sampled. ~. Results of chemical analysis conducted on a ground water sample obtained from the ground water monitoring welt installed directly beneath the waste oil tank removal location had shown contamination present. In our opinion, the constituents identified in the ground water sample suggest that character of the contamination was more familiar to that of gasoline than waste cit. The constituents noted from the analysis were identified as Benzene, £thylbenzene, ..... and Toluene; with. oil and grease concentrations below detection limits IKRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ .....................................~ II IIIII II I I I Page ll Proj. No. E8?-0Ba, 5. Exploratory soil borings placed radially around the waste oil tank removal location had shown non-detected levels of contamination present, with conducted on those additional samples to detect purgeabte.ha]ocarbons yielded non-detected results. [n our opinion, the iow levels of oil and grease noted in the ,subsoils adjacent to the tank removal location were inconclusive in suggesting waste oil congamination, and 'were not supported as waste oil contamination by other petroleum constituent related chemical analysis conducted on those'same samples. 6. Review of data obtained from the drilling, soil sampling, and chemical analysis of subsoils in the immediate vicinity of the removed waste oil tank, in our opinion, does not suggest the removed waste oil tank as the source of contamination noted in the ground water at the project sil~e (at the location investigated). Recommendations Based upon the conclusions developed from interpretation of data obtained during the field investigation, the following .reeommendat:ions regarding ~he project site have been summarized: ].. It is_.r..eeommended that a thorough review of existing conditions' of adjacent properties be conducted to help define the source of conta~ninal:ion noted in ground water at the project site. 2. Further, it is suggested that periodic sampling of the ground water monitoring well installed at the project site be conducted to obtain ground water samples for chemical analysis. Periodic sampling and analysis of the ground water from Lhe project site could be conducted al: bi-annual or quarterly intervals to monit~)r movement of the noted'contaminants. KIRAZAN & ASSOC[AFES, INC. Page 12 Proj. No. E87-084 LIMITATIONS The findings and conclusions presented in this report were based on the results of field investigation, laboratory chemi~cal analysis and field observation, review of published data regarding geologic and hydrologic conditions in the vic'init¥ of the project site~ combined with interpolation of the subsurface conditions between boring locations. Therefore, data .is evident only to the degree implied by comparison of data obta!ned at each boring location~ and extrapolation. Exploratory soil borings were located in the field by tape measurement from existing landmarks as interpreted from available maps. Those boring locations should 'be considered accurate only to tile degree implied by those methods utilized to locate them. The conclusions of 'this report are based on the information provided regarding tile project site~ review of data obtained frown drilling, sampling and chemical analysis~ the subsurface conditions encountered at the time of tile investigation~ and professional interpretation. The geotechnical data presented herewith is based upon professional interpretation utilizing the "state of the art" and a degree of conservatism deemed proper as of the report date. [t is not warranted that such data cannot be superseded by future geotechnical or technological developments. KRAZAN ,~ ASS(DC[ATE$, [NC. .. Page 13 Proj. No. E87-08~, If there are any questions or if we .can be of further assistance, please do not-hesitate to' cont'act'-our office.- Respectfully Submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOq A//ES 3effrey S. Palmer Environmental Specialist ~vlR. E/3SP/ko Ivfidh'ae I P,. -F'rwin~ Geotechnica[ ¢.ngineer RCE #18625/R. GE# 297 2c herewith invoice lc Kern County Environmental Health Dept. Attention: Amy Green KRAZAN ~x ASSOCIATES, iNC. Page " Projo No. E87-08~. References Hem, Stephen C., and Melancon, Susan M. 1986. Vadose Organic Pollutants, Lewis Publishers Inc., Michigan StaLe of California, DOHS. 1986. Site ~vlitigation Decision working docu.ment Zone Modeling of Tree Manual, Draft State of California, Water Resources Control 3oard, 198,7. Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Field Manual (LUFT)~ draft document Kern County. Water Agency, May 1986~ Water Supply Report~ Kern County Water Agency, (Cebe[l~ et al). Schwendeman~ T.G.~ and Wilcox, H.K.~ 1987. Underground Storage Systems. Lewis Publishers, Inc. Michigan Twin City Testing, Incorporated, Subsurface Contamination Assessment, Davies Oil Company, Bakersfield, California, 1/4231 87-533, 3uly, ].987, St, Paul, Mn. (an assessment report) KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, Project FLEET WHOLESALE TIRE Boring No. BAKERSFIELD,-CALIFORNIA Proj. No. E87-084 OATE DRILLED: ' October 13, 1987 TYPE oF 8ORANG: 8 1/2" HO11 OW Stem HOLE ELEV: GROUNDWATER LEVEL: LOGGED BY: SC' 3" Asphaltic Concrete, 3" Aggregate Base ~e Fine SILTY SAND (SM);' .medium brown, minor . ,x¢~ mica, damp, drills easy , ....... Fine SAND (SP);'white,~igrey and or~,ange,- · damp, drills easy ~o- 0 x No aroma Well-graded SAND (SP); orange-tan, damp, 0 x drills easy ~0110~ OF BORING 20-- *1% = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES Sheet Project FLEET WHOLESALE' TIRE Boring No. BAKERSFIE. LD, "CALIFORNIA 'Proj. No. E87-084 ~' 12" DATE DRILLED: lOctober 13, 1987 TYPE OF BORING: 8 1 HO1 low Stem HOLE ELEV: GROUNDWATER LEVEL: LOGGED BY: SC _ ,~: ~' ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION~ 3" Asphaltic Concrete, 4" Aggregate Base Fine SILTY SAND with mica (SM); dark ~:;'.., brown, damp, drills easy 5-- " · -'' ' >- Well-graded SAND (SW); tan-orange, damp, ~ drills easy ..... '" Fine SILTY SAND with mica .(SM); dark brown damp, drills easy lO- 0 x Fine SAND (SP); tan, damp, drills easy No aroma Well-graded SAND (SW); tan; damp, drills easy 0 x No aroma 15~ BOTTOM OF BORING 25_ *R = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES Sheet 1 , of 1 Project FLEET WHOLESAL~ TIRE Boring No. ~--~ BAKERSFIELD, 'CALIFORNIA Proj. No. E87-084 'October 13, 1987 8 1/2" Hollow Stem DATE DRILLED: TYPE OF BORING: HOLE ELEV: GROUNDWATER LEVEL: LOGGED BY: ' ,~ ~. ~ .- ~ -~ : ~i o' SOIL DESCRIPTION 3" Asphaltic Concrete, 3" Aggregate Base ~ Very'fine to fine SILTY SAND (SM); -mediu, · ' :. brown, damp, drills easy ..-.'.' . . ,: v:. . ... .......... ::.~ ~-.. _ ........... . ....... ~.. ',_' .... SZ Very fine SAND with SIL.T (SP-SM); medium brown, damp, drills easy ~o- 0 x No aroma Fine SAND (SP); grey-white, damp, drills easy 15- 0 x No aroma BOTTOM OF BORING 25~ ' *R = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES Sheet Project FLEET WHOLESALE TIRE Bor!ng No. BAKERSFI.ELD,"CALIFORNIA Proj. No. E87-084 DATE DRILLED: October 13, 1987 ~YpE OF BOmNG: 8 1/2" Hol 1 ow Stem HOLE ELEV: : GROUNDWATER LEVEL: LOGGED BY: ' SC ' e~ 'o C .~_~.~_ ~ :~ ~ .. SOIL DES RIPTION ~ ~- :':~ '-- _ '~:~: :';' '~"':~.,Well-graded SAND (SW); light brown, damp, ~o- 20 x 'F~ne to med~u~ SAND (SP); salt and pepper, damp, dri 11 s easy ..~.r. ~ Septic odor 15- 0 x No aroma ' ' Saturated ~ 16' ;~": :.. · ... 20 .' Coarse, rounded gravel GRAVEL .(GP); satural:ed 25' drill~ ~lightly rm~gh · BOTTOM OF BOEING *R = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES .Sheet i LABORATORIES, I · ' ~ J.J. ~LIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 - REPORT: 11-03-87 MPLE~DESCRI- ION': ............................. L ......... ......................................... : - FPROJECT. E87-084 WELL A TE ' DATE SAMPLE " DATE ANALYSIS MPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED:  10-30-87 10-30-87 11-03-87 ST METHODS: EPA 602 AS RECEIVED BASIS , MINIMUM REPORTING STORET ANALYSIS REPORTING CONSTITUENT ~UNITS CODE RESULTS LEVEL I~enzene ~g/1 34030 4.17 0.5 l~,~lorobenzene ' ~g/1 34301 none detected 0 5 2-Dichlorobenzene ~g/1 34536 none detected 0 5 3-Dichlorobenzene pg/1 34566 none detected 0 5 4-Dichlorobenzene ~g/1 34571 none detected 0 5 o~_thyl benzene ~g/1 34371 2.55 0 5 luene. Ixg/1 34010 25.90 0 5 Xylene ~g/1 81551 none detected 0 5  Xylene ~g/1 81551 none detected 0 5 Xylene ~g/1 81551 none detected 0 5 OMMENTS: '~ ._ ., , tnt t I FI III I I 1 I II I II II I I I I I IIII AGRICUL I'UR£ £1~£AII£AI ANAL LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 pURGEABLE ORGANIC ANALYSIS .(WATER) AZAN AND ASSOCIATES ATTN: JEFF PALMER ~60 NORTH WINERY ,~RESNO, CA ../: 9':3 7 2 6 TRAVEL BLANK FOR LAB~ 21332-1 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 10-30-87 AS RECEIVED BASIS /~- 10-30-87 ,' AsT METHODS:~EPA 602 lorobenzene 2-DiChlorobenzene 3-Dichlorobenzene ,4-Dichlorobenzene lh¥1 benzene luene i~-Xylene l-X¥1ene -Xylene REPORTING STORET UNITS CODE ~g/1 34030 ~g/1 34301 ~g/1 34536 ~g/1 34566 pg/1 34571 pg/1 34371 ~g/1 34010 ~g/1 81551 ~g/1 81551 ~g/1 81551 Date of REPORT: ~11-03-87 LAB No.: TRAVEL BLANK DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 11-03-87 MINIMUM '. REPORTING LEVEL 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 ANALYSIS RESULTS none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected ASFIICUti ~.,~,,.~,~! LABORATORIES.,N~. I MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BA. KERSFIELI~, CA. 933011PHOI~ · Krazan'a Associates, Inc. Date Repor e : / / ~ ·3860 North Winery Date Recei.ved: 10/30/87 ~ Fresno, .CA 93727 Laboratory NO.: 21332-1 ' ..?" ,'., "~. ~: ~. -- ."~"/i'~'.~Z~ ~ L :~ :,i~,L!~'~,;, .,' . " I ........ ~'i-..~.?:~..-': --':':'" ..... ':"i:::'~7'.:':'i~:?i~'.:~'~'~'~:'-:''~ ..... ' ........ ':"."~"-~.' I Sample DescHption: MW-A E87-084 10/30/87 ..... 14:45 " I ~... .., ..... . IOil & Grease, mg/kg - (-) 1. ' [] iI (-)refers to "less than" ' .  B C LABORATORIES, INC. ' ' , . ...... . ..... ~,j. j.~, Egl i~/ I I MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 & Associates Geotechnical Consultan.,ts, Inc. Wesley I, Braun. CE Robert D. Ska§~s. CE Hu§o Kevorkian. CE Iohn R. Hedlev. CE, Joh,~ B. Moore. CE Iohn ,~4. Nlinnev. CE James G. Sutton. CF. Alex Y. kskandarh Cl- loire H, Kirin, CEG Yhoma$ F.. Vahlslrom, Ch Krazan & Associates, Inc. 3860 North Winery Fresno, California 93726 (Prgject #E87-084) 2207-1 2207- 2 2207-3 Lab No.- All Units in B romodichloromethane B romo fo rm 13 romomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroeth¥1vinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1, q-Dichlorobenzene D ichlorocli fl uoromet ha ne 1, 1-Dichloroethane 1,2-DichLq.roethane 1,1-DichloroeU~ene trans-1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride 1,1,2, 2-Tetrachloroethane Tet~achloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2, Trichloroethane TrichloroeU~ene T richloro fl uorome thm~a EPA 8010 - PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS Sample Descriptio~"(S°il) LAB NO: Ch872207 Received: 10/20/87 Reporte.d: 10/26/87 "A @ 10' - 0940 hrs. A @ 15i' 0955 hrs.~ B1 @ 10' - 1500 hrs. rog/Kg 2207-1 Date Sampled ND '10/1 3 10/13 10/13 Detection Limit 2207-2 2207-3 ND .ND 0.01 Vinyl Chloride ._._.~ / ~ND:None Detected ~ Fresno. C,Hif,Jrma ~ Visalia, C.Hiforma ').127~1 3901 So Moom~* IllYd , P O. Box 3236 · (209) 732.8857 D Oa~er~iivld, C.~liiorma 913()4 117 "V" StrL'et Teh.,phon,, (Sl)~l .~27-0h71 ~ Plca~nl,~o, C.H~orn,a ')4;IH~ 572').C ~onoma Drive Tt.h. Hh~.m~, (41 ~] 462.40~) &Associates Geotechnical Consultants.~ Inc. ~,¥esley J I~r.mn. CE John R Hedlev. CE lames C. Sut'.on. CE RobenO. Ska~s, CE JohnB Moore. CE AlexY. E~kand~ri, C[ Ilugo Kuvorkian, CE John ~t Minncv. CE Krazan 6 Associates, Inc. 3860 North Winery Fresno, California 93726 (Prgi'~ct #E87-084) 'EPA 8010- PURGEABLE HALOC~RBONS .......... La:b No.- ..................... Sam-~l'e'-D~scription (Soil) ~2207-4 ?2207- 5 2207-6 : Lab No.- All Units in B r o~.'o d ic hi o rometha ne B romo fo rm B romometha ne Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane D ib romochl oromet hane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Oichlorobenzene 1, ~4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorocli fluoromethane 1, 1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichlo¢oetlaane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene - trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride 1,1,2, 2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachlor°ethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1, 1,2-Trichioroethane TrichloroeUaene T richloro fl uorome Vinyl Chloride John H. Kirk. TI,oma~E Vahlstrom. Ch LAB I~0: Ch872207 Received: 10/20/87 Reported: 10/26/87 ,,..B-.1 @ 15' .-i1545 hrs. · '-~:B-,2 @ 1,0' -11.615 hrs. B-.2 @ 15' - 1630 hrs. mglKg 2207-4 ND 2207-5 ND 2207-6 ~D L b Director Soil-E~n*~,.'rin~, Fnmneerin; (]eolo~Iv · Enmnuerin~; ~..;~or.icor,u, · ~.hummal. I .d,~'.~tonu~ Detec{ion Limit 0.01 ND=None Detected (2 Ftc,n,,, c,,h,om,,, ',!-u~ [] Vis,slla. C~lHorn,a 93:78 141-I St,mNI,m~ Street · Tuh,phone(ZI)9)48g-a IlO 3901So Moonevgl'.d.,PO ~ox323b (209) 7~2-8857 · 11 7 "V" Street TeJt, phon,, (gOS) 327-0t,71 572~'-C Sunoma L)r ~ e Tel~.phonc (41 ~) 4bZ-4~ll) Geotechnical Consultants, inc. Wesley I llr,~tm. C[ Iolln R. Hedlev. C[ lamt's G. Sutton. C[ Rol)e~t D. Ska~. C[ )ohn I~. Moore,. CI~ Aie~ Y I ~afl(h~r,. C[ K~azan 6 Associates, Inc. 3860 No~th Winery Fresno, California 93726 (Project ~E 87-08q) .~,: ~,~'.,'..~ ....-,~. ,~ ;. EPA 8010 "PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS Lab No. 'Sample Description(Soil) . b~hn II Ki~'k, Th,)rT,a,, I:. '~,',~hkt rot'ri. Ch LAB NO: 'Ch872207 Received: 10/20/87 Reported: 10/26/87 Date ~ampled .... ;" B-3 @ 10' - 1700 hrs. '-~ ...... B-3 @ 15' --1720 hrs. Lab No.- All Units in -. rog/Kg B romod ic hl oromethan e B romo fo rm B romomethane Carbon tetrachlori~e' ......................... Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane D ib romoch I oromet ha n e 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1, q-Dichlorobenzene D ich Iorocti fl uoromet bane 1, 1-Dichloroethane 1,2- D ichloi:-bethane 1 ..1-Dichloroethene trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene .1,2-Dichloropropane ..... cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans- 1,3- Dichloropropene Methylene chloride 1,1,2, 2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1, 1,2-Trichlor0ethane Trichloroethe~e Trichlorofluoromethane 2207-7 ND 2207-8 Detection Limit ND 0.01 Vinyl Chloride,~ [ ' ' ' Y' L L b D'rectar ' Soil E~m~.n.~ · [n~im,t, rin~ Cuolo~V · En~immd.~uo~.~on~ · Lh~mic;I ~ato~i.s D=None Detected ~ [~.~.o, Cahior.,,~ '~t, 1414 S~.mi~laus U Vis:li.~, Cahf~)m,,~ ~t3278 .1901 So .S~oof,,v I~lvd . I' O I~ox .~23~ (20~J) 732.~857 [~ flakersileld, C.d~fofrd,I (t l'{().l 117 "V" Sin'ut 1 ,'h'l)hout' (~()q) 327-I)G71 BSK. & Associates .. CHEMICAL LABORATORY TEST DATA ~: ~zc£zv~D: 10/20/87 ~T~ s~'~-~n: 10/13/87 s/J~t~ BY: S. Curra ~Po~T ~Tr_: 11/2/87 ctz~rr: Krazan & Associates, Inc. 3860 North Winery ' LAB NO. SAMPLE IDENTiFiCATION ........................ Fresno, California ~9_37_.~..==. .... . ........... '?~207'-1 .......== A @ 10i 0940 hrs. (ProjeCt ~E87-084) 2207-2 A ~ 15~ 0955 hrs. 2207-3 B1 ~ 10~ 1500: hrs. All Units in"~glKg unless Otherwise Noted (SOIL) -] LAB NO. LAB NO. LAB NO .... LAB NO. LAB NO. LAB NO. DETERMINATION ........ '-"DETERMINATION' 2207-i 2207-2 2207-3 2207-1 2207-2 2207-3 Acidity Total (taCO3) Nickel (NJ) Alkalinity Total (taCO3) Nitrate ( ) Alkallnity ?hth (CatO3) NiLrite ( ) Alumin~ (Al) Nitrogen, Kjeldahl (N) A~nonia ( ) Nitrogen, Organic Arsenic (As) Odor (TO~) Zarium (Ba) Oil & Crease 40 '8 4 Beryl~um (Be) pH (Std. Units} Bicarbonate (HCO3) Phenolics ,. Bio Oxy§eh De~and (02) Phosphace~ Ortho (. ) Boron (B) Phosphorus. Total ( ) ,Bromide (Bt) Potassium (K) Cadmitan (Cd) Residue. Total ac I06'C. 'Calcium (Ca) "Total Volatile, 5~0'C. Carbon, Tot. Organic (C) "Total Filterable (TDS) Carbonate (CO~) "Total Nonfilterable (SS) Chem. Oxygen Demand (02) "Tot.Volatile Nonfilterable Chloride (C1) Selenium (Se) Chlorine. Residual (C12) Silica (BIO2) Chlorophyll ( ) Silver. (Ag) Chromi~a (Ct+6) ,~_. Sodium (Na) ~hromLum. Total (Ct) Solids, Se~tleable (M1/l~h) Cobalt (Co) Sulfate (.SO4) ; Color (AP}iA) Sulfide (S) Cond~cti~rity, Sulfite (503) (~mhos/c~n), at 25'C. Surfactan~s (~d~AS) " Copper (Cu) Turbidity (NTU) Cyanide. Total (CN) Zinc (Zn) Fluoride (F) Total Colifoma (MPN/10Oml) ~[ardness (CaCO3) Fecal Coliform (t.~N/100.~l) Iron (Fe) Lead (Pb) <3 <3 <3 Magnesium (ME) .' Manganese (Mn) Mercury (Hg) Molybdent~= CMo) ...................................... : ........ : .......... 2 ........ , BSK CREMICAL LABORATORY TEST DATA & Associates ~,~ ~zc£:v~o: 10/20/87" ~ s~_~: 10/13/87 s~zo sY: S. Curra cz.:~rt: Krazan & Associates, Inc. 3860 North Winery ............. F~"; ~--C-~lTfb~r~n [~'-': '9372'6 .............. ~ ........ ~-~-- ~o-: ........ -~ ..........;.~,~u: ~oS~rr~F-~C~T~O~ 2207-4 B1 @ 15' 1545 hrs,. (Project #E87-084) 2207-5 B2 @ 10' 1615 hrs'~. 2207-6 B2 @ 15' 1630 hrs. ~.11 Units in mgiKg unless Otherwise Noted (SO L) ...... LAB NO. LiAB NO. LAB NO. [,AB' NO. LAB NO. LAB NO.: DETERMINATION 2207-4. 2207-5 2207-6 DETERMINATION 2207-4 2207-5 2207-6 Acidity Total (CatO3) Nickel (Bi) AlkaliniEy-Total (CatO3) 'Nitrate ( ) Alkalinity Phth (CatO3) i Ni:rite ( ) AluminuGm (Al) Nitrogen, Kjeldahl (N) An~nonia ( ) Nitrogen, Organic (N) Arsenic (As) Odor (TON) !Barium (Ba) 0il & .Crease 12 q 7a ' Beryll%m~ (Be) )H (Std. Units) Bicarbonate (HC03) Phenolics Bio OxyEen D~mand (02) Phosphate. Ortho ( ) Boron (B) Phosphorus. Total ( ) Bromide (Bt) Potassium (K) Cadmium (Cd) Residue, Total ~ Calcium (Ca) "Total Volatile, 550'C. Carbon, Tot. Or~)anic (C) "Total Filterable (TDS) Carbonate (CO3) "Total Nonfilterable (SS) them. Oxygen D~nand (02) "To~.Volatile Nonfilterable Chloride (C1)o Selenium ese) Chlorine, Residual (C12)e Silica (SiO2) Chlorophyll ( ) .... Silver (Ag) Chromiu:a (Ct+6) Sodium (Ns) Chromium, Total (Ct) S~lidsl Settleable (M1/1/h) Cobalt (Co) Sulfate (SO4) Color (APHA) Sulfide-(S) Conduc~ivit-7, Sulfice (503) (;~mhos/c~n). at ZS'C. SurfactanCs Copper (Cu) ,. Turbidity (NTU) Cyanide, Total (CN) Zinc (Zn) Fluoride (F) Total Coliforl~ (MPN/10~uL) Nardness (CatO3) Fecal Coliform Iron (Fe) Lead (Pb) < 3 ~ 3 < 3 Ma~es Lure (M~) Manganese (Mn), Hercux7 BSK & Associates CHEMICAL LABORATORY TEST DATA c~z~-~: Krazan & Associates, Inc. 3860 North Winery 10/20/87 10/13/87 S. Curra ..... _ ........ _Er_es no~--.-.C a t i.for ni a -:937.26 ........ ,. , .... - ...... 2207-7 B3 @ 10' (Project #E87-084} .- ' 2207-8 B3 @ 15' . _...L.5__B__.NO ......... . SA.'"rJ3~-E IDE~'~TIFtCATION- -?':-'~:~'-,-~- 1700 hrs. 1720 hrs. _ _ OETE~MiNAYION LAB NO.- LAB NO. LAB NO ....... ~DET~i'~TiON 2207-7 2207-8 2207-7 2207-8 Acidity Total (Cat03)._ '~ ....... Nick41"(B£) ....... Alkali~£L-'y To,al (CaCO3) ~$~rate ( ....... ~-)- Alkalini¢7 ?hth (CaCO3) '" Niarite ( ) 'Aluminum (Al) Nitrogen, Kjeldahl (N) kn~nonia ( ) Nitrogen. Organic Arsenic (As) .... Odor (TON) Barium (Ba) Oil & Crease 28 Berylium (Be) . ' ......... IpH (S[d. Units} Bicarbonate (HCO3) Phenolics -' Bio Oxygen Demand (02) Phosphate, Or~ho ( ) Boron (B) Phosphorus, Total ( ) Bromide (Bt) Potassium Cadmium (C~) "' Residue, Tocal .It 104'C. Calcium (Ca) "Total Vola¢ile, Carbon, To~.Organtc (C) "To~al Filterable (TDS) Carbonate (CO3) "Total Nonfilterable (SS) Chem.Oxygen De.and (02) "To~.Volatile N,)nfilcersble Chloride (C1) Selenium (Se) Chlorine, Residual ~C12) ....... Silica (Si02) Chlorophyll ( ) S£1ver (Ag) Chromi~a (Cr~6) .... Sodium (Nc) :Chromium, Total (Ct) ~lids. ie~leable Cobalt (Co) Sulfate (S04) Color (Ai~IA) Sulfide Cond~c~ivt~, Sulf£ce (503) '(~mhos/cra) 0 at 25'C. Surfactan~s (MBAS) Copper (Cu) Tuzbidi~y (NTU) ,. Cyanide, Total (CN) Zinc Fluoride (F) Total Coliform Hardness (CaCO3) Fecal Coliform (~.~N/100al) ' Iron (Fe) Lead (Pb) < 3 < ~ Magnesium Manganese (Mn) Me re.,x~y ]"k)l~bdem.~ ('Ho) ................................................................... : ............................... [" .... ' ............. All Units in mg/Kg unless Otherwise Noted {SOIL) ..... -, ............................. :' DATE PAGE_ ~ -PARAMETERS ,' OTHER ADDRE$$ __.KP~.ZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC'. ~50 HO?TH %'17NE~.¥ ~' ~ _ ~'O C~T.TFO~HT~ 937~6 f -- .. . o OBSE RVATIOf/51 ~t,~PLE'NO DATE TIME LOCATION ~z ~ o ~x "~ · -- ' ,~~a ikl/J~UffiH~O~Y / DATE ~~RECEIVED BY DATE~ R E LINQUIEHED UY . DAT~ CEIVED BY DATE ~j ]oFITOTALCONTAINERsNUMBER ~, ~ I ~ METHOD OF SHIPMENT ~ .... . . . ....... ORSTORAGE REQUIREMENTS a!LINOUi:HiD OY OATE RiCEIV[O BY OAIE RELINQUI[HEO By DATE RECEIVfO 8Y II~bo~a~o,yI OATE '~ [ S,;na~u~. il~nitu(e ~;gn~urm Signature '~ ' . , TIME TIME T'IME , 'PAR~L:ETERS ,. . 02-'ERV;.TtOr:S/ !t {I I:;~,TE IR'::-:IYE?. '-': .~,-- ; /TIME ' '" T:°m=~'"'v I . · E}D -"f jDATE. JS.";n~,ture J ~ iT'i,.~_ iC,:.mc ~nv . j IT--' IT---- R~LI:,;QUISHED ~¥ Ftir.:e~J Nam~ R=LI:;QUIS~ ITI;4E JDATE 1 RECEIVED EY I:-'::~'atm'¥) JDATE. Name ii II ii COhn~CTORS 2',,~ A~ IMPROVEUE~S SHA~ BE COMPLIED ANO ACCEPTEO aY 'THE ~~~/ -" PULBIC WORKS DEPA~ME~ PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY OF ANY STRUCTURE.. API:qJCANT$ ADDRESS , .., Use Zone J'l ). f Ccc Type ConsI. Use Code tlE;~;~t~lanning ,.,..~,. <:.,... 7[ ...(,.. ~, i.--~..",~-L. · ' ' '~kction -~ "¥' '('~ '~ ' Tract/PM ~.ot School Distdct ~ Dist. No. ,.,..; ~ /.? No. Bedrooms _~,.) / C6ndit. Area LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION ! hereby alfirm hat I am I censed under provisJpn 2! Chapter 9, LcD ,mmancingwith Section ,7.000) o! Division 3 of the I~usiness aha rroressions Cede, and my ~icense is in full force and effect. Date It'3 I;I ~'d Cont'ractor ~~.,, ~, DC "r., ~N~I'E~I-BUILDER DECLARATION ....... I here~ affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the ~o ow ng reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions · Cede Any c ~ or county which requires a ~rmit to construct alter mpreve (~emo s,,h, or r.epa r a,ny structur% prior to its,, issuance a~so requires the appficant ~ such permit to l~Le a signea statem, e. nt that he ~s licensed ~rsuant to the provisions ol the contractor's.Lic.en,se ~w [Chapte, r~.9 (commendn, g.with, S,~. 7000) of Div. ~ o! the, uusiness anD, ~'ro~essio, ns cooel or th.at he. is, e,xemp, t.?ere.[o~.m.a,no the basi,s, for t~e alleged exe ,mpt~on..Any vLo.)ahon any appli .,c~nt IO? a perm, it su~e,,cts t.h.e..aDf~cam notmore man ,ye nunereo aD ars [~ I, as owner of the prope~ or my ,empl0y.ees with wages as their sole com~nsation, will do the wor~ anU the structure is not intended. Dr..offered for s~e (Sec~, 70~, Business ,and Professions, Code: The ~.;ontractor's License Law odes not ap~y, to an o ,wner property who builds or improves thereon and who odes sucn wan( himself or through this own employees, ,provided that suc.,h i ,mp[.,o,.ve- ments are not intended or otfered for sa~e. I1 however, me ouiloing or mprovemant is sold ~thin one yea, r of completion the owner- builder will have the buruen ct providing that I~e d d not bud or improve for purposes oI sale). [~1 I, as owner of the propeny,.am exclusively C~.'n..tr.a~ing with licensed contractors to ~nstruct the ~,oject (Se, c. / ,u44, uus~ne ,ss and PmlessionS Code: The con[factor s ucense Law ODes nolapl3y to an own,er ct prope.rty who builds or impr,oves theregn and who con[acts ~or su~ projecl,s with a contractor{s) licensed pursuant to the ~Jontractor's ucense Law. - ' [~ I am exempt under Sec. , E & P.C. for this reason Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby at~rm that have a certiticate pt consent to self insure, or a .,cer~ficate ol Workers' Compensation Insurance, or a certified copy ~nereot (Sec. 3800. Lab C:).' Policy No. Cbmpany [~ Certified Copy is hereby furnished.  corti_fied CoW is filed with the ity inspection division. IFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM ELECTRICAL -.. Item N°. ' Fee ! Item Elea. Ser 110V I' '""'J'"' Da, etI F~x~ur. I Heat;r ~ "] ' ~ "~'h I I I w H,,. I ~h, I I · ,.IWLi"" I ~ewor J J ' IBkFP I ? .I "I Isop"~ / ,hower / ""l "1T~E , ' / MECHANICAL I I I I~ & Under qew Un~s ~r~S~ SE I I , I Ve.t Heating I I I F~.Vent ~,~ · I I I ' Heating Over I I / I~a~.H~c ~ '/ I~,su~"c~  Sw~p Coo~ed / [ ~OTAL FEE FEES ENERGY T-24 NESW R- Flogr R- Ceiling R- Glazing S D T Air Inflrat. S M T. Mass KED B1. B2, B.,3 HTG. '.. NC SPECIAL INSPECTION [~1 Concrete [~1 Weld, HS Bolts [~1 Structural Steel [~1 Masonry [~l Fire Pro;sling ~1 Other SPEC. SOIL REQD. SPEC. SETBACKS/ ZONING REQ'D Permit # WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE fohiS section nee~:l, no! be completed it the permit is for one hundred Ila.m. ($100) or essl.. . cert ty that in the pedormance of the work for which this permit is issued. Isha notemployanypersoninanymannersoastobecome subject to the Worker's Compensation Laws ol California. Date Applicent NOTICE TO APPLICANT: fi, after making this Certificate ~f Exemption,you sbc~uld, bqc. om_e s. ubiect to the ,Worke.m. ' Corn ,pens..a~- tion, provisions ol the LaOOr L;OUa yOU must torlhwlLq comply wlln such provisions or this ~rmit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY ~tem { Valuation Fee Permit No. IPlanCheck { S-1 ,., i~, r'" "? ' ' ' IB,dg.Permit S-2 ~-.~'.~-" '" , '2, ~,, '"':' ~}/' ¢ /'/"' ,Plumb. Permit Elect; Permit S-4 . ' Mech. Permit S-5 " :Special S-6 ' iSign Permit J S-7 . · iDowntown S-20 School Fees IS-1061 ................. ' .................. ' ................ Sewer :Bonds 74-12e~27/ . ITOTAL } / Ii I hereby affirm that there is a construction lendin6 a~ency for my performance of the work wh ch this permit is issue[i (Sec. 3097. Civ. C) Lender's Name Lender's Address I c. eMi~ that have read .th s appl cation and state that the above information is c, orrecL. I agre,e, lo comply with all cjl,/and count,/ ord n, ances, ana state ~aws re~atin, g, to building construc, lion, and hereDy authorize rep.resentativ~s oHnis city to enter upon the a~ve- mentioned property tot insPection purpo~es. Signature of Applicant Approved BUILDING DIRECTOR DATE · '.- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BUILDING~ DEPARTMENT dZ)~--' " Permit Fee $ o%2G ~5 ~ ' ' "Attachments: '- . ~;-'~m-% ........ : Performance Bond ~ q.,~--', ,.:-' ~7"7" Z' :~ '~ation Map ' ' ' · ' ":~ " ~ .... ~Sketch o~ EarthenSu~ '-' ..................... ~ ........................................................... 7.~ 2 ....... shying 6 chain !~nk fence ' ¥,:-...... ,~.- ~ .. ~' ~t.. ~.~r~_ Certificate o~ Self-Insurance . . ~ ~orkers ' C~ensae~on · . i:. - - - , nditions of Pemit eo drill and pr~uce an o~ and ~as well and for earthen s~ in an ~.- Zone within the City of Bakersfield at the location stated above, pursuant to 'the conditio, ns of the C.U.P. # ~ · All drilling, including installation and ooerations shall conform to all conditioned attached hereto and inco.~porated herein as though fully set forth in this permit. Dated: BUILDING DIRECTOR CI~RS.FIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT cITY OF BAKEP~FIELD .' · ';.'.',~!.h? ~ ' . · DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ..... i,,.-: ...'.i., !' ' .::'~',;~:~,;.~-~"'. .... ;.~- .1700 FLOWER STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93305 '' TELEPHONE: (805) 861-3636 APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN OR DESTROY A WELL CT. ~ APN: ' ':: 'a..G~~ ' ""':aoDn~SS .'~3'305 ~Ul.f.. Street 10/19/87 ~:~ :''~` '~ Bakersfield, CA 93308 i0/20/87 -: .... :~.".: ':': .... ~ ....Fresno~.?CA~....93726 PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE . . · ADDRESS ' '* .... =" ".'"'~';~?~,:/ '-'~"~: ' HOME PHONE N~:.(805)871-833! WORK FHO"E NO.(805 ) 325- · ICENSE NO. C57-499908'. PHONE NO.(209) 291 -7337 JOB SITE: V 29S R '27E"!'": ~t!~'~'23""40 ACRE SUB. NE/4 East. of Pierce :Road on':'~outh side Gulf Street DIRECTIONS TO WELL SITE: " 'Well located directly behind garage'(-iOnl"west side -. : :. ""' · ' : ,' · , ', '.;.3,::~-;.: .' TYPE OF WORK DONE:· NEWWELL~ :.'.~"~: . . ',:.~ '" .:.,:"~':.'~:DEEPEN r~ .. {CHECK ONE) RECONSTRU~ION ' ~ ?,'.¢.,:'::~?-,).~:):;~:OESTRUCTION ~ '~ '" : INTENDED USE: DoMEsTIC/PRIVATE DOMESTIC/NONPUBLIC DOMESTIC/PUBLIC TEST HOLE MONITORING CATHODIC PROTECTION OTHE~ .... · r~.' (! Connection) ' ~ONSTRUCTION METHOD: [] (24 ConnectionS}' [] (5 or more connections} ROTARY· [] CABLE TOOL [] '.,'. BORED [] OTHER Hollow Stem.'~6ger 16 feet .,., SEALING MATERIAL {CHECK ONE) NEAT CEMENT [] w/3% Bent CEMENT GROUT [] CONCRETE [] PUDDLED CLAY [] OTHER GRAVEL PACK (CHECK ONE) PROPOSED WELL DEPTH: YES [~ NO FROM 13 ftro FROM TO~ . ,:_:i: ::~. PROPOSED CASING 2" .- Sta'inless [] O AMETER l~'Y P E 25 ft : DEPTH '25i CONDUCTOR: GAUGE/WALL YES ~ NO [] PROPOSED 'pERF~I~ATIONS OR SCREEN PROPOSED SEALS/PLUGISD MA× 26 FT ' MIN 25 ~T FROM. ' 15 +0.',. 25 " ...... : ~ ":"' ....... FROM ......... .TO FROM TO · ·YEs [] NO [] Health 580 4113 306 EH (Rev'. 5/87) (Pg. I of 3) FEET ANNULAR Pelletized Bentonite FEET- ............. '.~ -OT HE-R FEET FROM 13 TO 10 FEET FROM. .TO FEET ·, . :..~,.~.,,.;.!: . . . · :.....:.. [SEE REVERSE] ' ',:?';'.. , PENETRATES 2OR MORE AQUIFERS ~.-~..,~:,~:':'.:':.~::~rm. erm~t'app,cat[ons must be.submitted to the P~ann ng'~ePa.~;;h~!fo~,z°ning;?access and ,ooa p~a~e c~e~ p~io~ to - ~ '". ~':;~submlssion to the. Health Depa~ment. ' ' .... -~; ~ ' · ,.-,.~, ~ .,:~ '~ ...... .. .... ' ' · ' ~ .... ~. ..... 3.. :; Well site approval Is required before beginning any work re{atedto.wellconstruction. It,is ~lawful to continue work PaSt the '?~:staee at which an"lnspecUon ~s required unless mspecflo.n,.~.~d.~9~co~Pleted... :, .,:' .,:,.~. ,. . ' '4:."::Other required inspections Include: setting conductor casing;~E~ogs,',all,annular seals,, and final construcbon features,'. : 5. '"::'In areas where a well penetrates m0r6 than one aquifer, and one'or more of th~ ~quffers contai'n~-p~-&~'J{~a~'~'~:E:L~g ' ' .~ shall be required to determine the location of the confiningclay:layer(s)>: 6: .... .?A phone call to the Depa~ment office is requi red on the.,morn~ng. . .>'~ .~ of, ::the-....,,~...,.,day~:that.,. work. is to .c°m~ence and 24 hours before the ~roval ~f'Water:qua ty and final construction features' are;required before the well is put into use, and before a Permit ' ~0ns~r~Ct~°n 'under t~ s Permit Is sabject to any ihstruCtiens:bY:~Oepartment representatives.: '. ': :' -: .... . .,. , . ....... ., ,~.,...~... . ~ . . "., /misrepresentation or non,drop lance with required.Per~{t;Condltlons; o~ Ordinance:will result in issuance of a "Stop ,rk Order. .,,.. · .-,': . - ..- · .:....,. :~-<~r, .~,?, ,~.. ,~,..... .. . '..'.L . ,:~ 10; "'~'Acopy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Repo~ as well as copies of E-Logs and water quality analyses must be · > ..'?submitted to the Health Depa~ment within 30 days after completion of the work,' :':, ". .'. '. ' ' ..... '~ . . ..?,... , ,. . . ... . ,* . :'. 11..~:;~'. D~ hOles must be properly dest:royed within two (2) weeks of drllfing: A well destruction application must be filed with this , .~,;'~.:. -. <.,~:,.~..,~ ~;,. ., ,: :-,,....'. . .. _-. . ' 12, ';:.'~he permi{ is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after:date'of,issuance If. work has. not been.sta~ed and reasonable :'~.?progress toward completion' made, Fees are not refundable.~°r}:transferable.":'",~';. ?.': .:" '..*'" . . .. :.. .... , '.L,~-'~ ? - , '132' ,}"The Job Card shall be posted and remain at the well site.available for the inspector t0 sign it off. - , '.'~/' , . · .......,:~.....;M:~ ..... .. · . :. · ,. i4. 'Lead pipe shall not be used in construction o~ any private' or':public water supply system. ; ' ' 15. 'The use of solders containing more than 2/10 of 1% lead is prohibited in making joints and fittingsin any private or public . potable water syste~. ' Conditions 16.".',~ have read and agree to comply with {he General noted above... ~ ~. . · · .~., OWNER~ SIGNATURE' DATE ":~..'~"' :?~r~,CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE '. DATE .';. ::~,~..,.~., ..., , . ..~. :. ,....;. = ~ . . Iii"' ?"(.':'~[)"~':"..'.- '' . · - " '" ' .. '.: .-,:~:.', ,;~>.,::,. ,.:.";:,"~."','"..:' ' . ' '~". ' · . . ., .~ . '.,'.;::.,'~'k~/.':, ~. .., ·.' '!! :'~! .... , .,, ,. ' , ' , ' ~, . . .. .,:, ZON,N~.'?.. , -i:: .... ' '::i~'"'i:ii?~;'~'?:~';':~"~'::'~;;"~"?""' ;'"""' .... ~ ' ' ':'"=',': i:;~'KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT'.' ' ,.~ .: ,1' ".'~"-'"'rv'~--:' I ' ':: ::CON0'T'ONSO~PERM'TO""E;'SO"SPO~OEN'-A':-- -- ' ' ZONE ' FLOOD P~IN APPROVAL ~ :. :..~::,. DISAPPROVEd , . ' : . , . - . ..... ~ · ., ,. , . . / ~ [ ~ ...'..', .y, ~- ~ ~ · ~ .... ,. - ~r,:.-~o~ ~ '~;"." .~: ...... ' ' . ' v ...... ' ".'": ;,.."~':~'R~c~ ~ CASH ~ '" C~CK ~ . SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS ~t ~,;/'~,,':, ' Health'S80 4113 306 EH (Rev'. 5/87) (Pg~ 2 of 3) . ..:~'?;~..:...... ,: . i7~00 Flower Street BakerSfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 ~{~KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Division of Environmental Health Well Permit Application , LOCATION · Assessor's Parcel No. Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard _Qc~ n tu~y ..., .~::.;,,.. .. .,..~..;.,,..: .,, · ..,:~,",.4.~'.' v., ,,~', .. ......,;.....:' ..'~ ..~ :'. /'1 ::";~'":" " ' '""' ,.','..~ii:~:,:!...'~".~:: ".. ,, B.,·.'.:,:LOCATION OF WELL IN SECTION LINES, LOCATE'WEL. L.~BY:.i,,w~,~ ~, "~,~ ',"'.' ,!'.!i~MEASURING FROM PROPOSED WELL SITE TO ':', .;,~?i~TION LINES OR ~ SECTION IF A ROAD(S} BORDERS ',, :i:":;~iLAND. THE MEASUREMENT(S)SHOULD ALSOi'.'BE?t?ADEJ;';i'},i4~.'::,"'}j". .': ;~ .- .i,,~...," ~...' Healttt.580 4113 306 EH (Rev. 5/871 (Pg. 3 of 3} , . .'. , , One Mile A. INDICATE BELOW THE EXACT LOCATION OF WELL WITH RESPECT TO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: PROPERTY LINES, WATER BODIES OR WATER COURSES, DRAINAGE PATTERN, ROADS, EXISTING WELLS, SEWERS AND ........... _:~-PR.I.VAT*E-SEWAGE DISPOSAL-"SYSTEMST' INCI;UDE-DIMENSIONS;*-?:~ .............. -~-=~ .... L= =:.-- .-=~- --:--'-:'--,*~---; ............ L~bL,