HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANKPRO____VID__E. DR__AWiNG OF PHYSICALly_?" OF FACILITY USING SPACE PROVIP BELOW. ALL OF'THE FOLLOWING INFORlW_A~N JST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FO~ ulCATION TO BE PROCESSED: _t ' TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS ?~OP0SE~ SA~PL~N~ LOCATIONS *ESrG~TEa ~¥ TH~S SYMBOL "Q~)" NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION ~._ANY WATER WELLS OR SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY ~__NORTH ARRow II1 FACILITY: ADDRESS : F][LI'~ CONTE.~ITS SUMMARY Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing A'ddress: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH Oi=FICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Novembez~ 2~, 1988 Thomas Fallgatter 5401 Business Park South # 114 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Re: Tank Closure - 1501 "H" St.., Bakersfield Dear Mr. Fallgatter: This department has received all the required submittals for the tank closure at the above address, Permit # A738-16. The laboratory analyses for the soil samples taken beneath the waste oil tank removed at this site indicate no significant soil contamination. Based upon this information, the department considers this preliminary assessment complete and no further tank assessment is required. Sincerely, Bill Scheide Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous' Materials Management Program BS:cd cc: Ron Ruettgers George Sweet Ronal,t F. Rnettgers Civi Engineer 112-04 August 23, 1'988 1801 215t STREET, SUITE 4 BA KERSFI ELD, CA LI FORN IA 93301 (805) 327-1969 James R ./P~rker Kuhs &/Parker P.O. /Yox 2005 Bakes field, CA 93303 . REF:/ H Street Underpass/Purchase Dear Mr. Parker: and Sale Agreement/Fallgatter underground "tank used in pit adjaOent thereto. The right-of-way necessary for the project and within remainder property of Thomas C, Fallgatter, which has been approved for purchase by the District. The Sales Agreement.required the removal of the tank by [qr, Fallatter and an initial assessment of 'th¢~ underlying soils. An)' contamination was the responsibi].ity of Mr. Fa[ig~q"ter. Attached .is a test report front SMC Laborator,~[ concerning the initial assessment. This Work was accomplished under permit A738-16 of the Kern County Health Department. On August 19, 1988, MI-. Vern Reichs'rd, Chief of the Environmental Health Division of the Kern County Heat. th Department, advised tha% his. department had "bought off" on the tank, meaning the test report was suffi6ient to indicate.; the absence of contaminants due to the tank'and the Health Department would make no further requirements'. 2 ) TIlE SUMP This was a steam-cleaning s.ump~ located within th'e right-of-way take .area on 'the Fallgatter property. This facility is not considered an underground tank and 'thus, 1) THE TANK 'Phis facility, i.s an connection with a lubrication tank lies outside the required · .This letter is specifically concerned, with the removal of an underground tank and a sump located on property outside and inside, respectively, of the take line for right-of-way necessary' for the H Street Underpass project. A Sales Agreement between the Greater Bakers'~ield Separation of Grade District and Thomas C. Fallgatter requires specific conditions be met concerning these facilities prior to the close of escrow. Specific comments are as follows: J.R. Parker 112-04 August 23, 1988 Page 2 does not directly, fall under the jurisdiction of the Health Department, and therefore, no permit was required or requested. The Sales Agreement required the sump removal and initial assessment by ~ir. Fallgatter at the District's expense with further investigation if necessary and any remedial action due to contaminant's found being the responsibility of Mr. Fallgatter. ~.nitial testing indicated[ a low-level total organic halide' reading'suggesting further testing.. This was accomplished by Mr. Fallgatter again with mixed results at low levels for this test, A portion of the second set of samples were provided National Toxicology Laborafory for mass spectrographic analysis. The test results indicated no. halogenated volatile compounds detected. A draft report was submitted Environmental Assessor, ind'icating underlying soil of the sump. by George R. Sweet, no contamination of On behalf of the District and the City of Bakersfield, thi~ writer made a special request to'Vern Reichard in a meeting on August 17, 1988 for advice and recommendations as to the adequacy of the investigation to date. On August 19, 1988, Mr. Reichard responded that he was. concerned about the integrity and possible loss of volatiles in the' sample delivered'to National Toxicology Laboratories. He suggested 'either resampling' and res. ting or strong confirmation that the samples tested could not have reasonably'lost any volatiles which might have been present. This confirmation was subsequently provided by those people handling the sample and that information was related to Mr. Reichard on August 22, 1988. He then indicated his primary concern had been satisfied. The report of Mr. Sweet is attached. .Based on the attached documentation and my discussions with Reichard, it is my opinion the requirements and conditions contained in Section 4.1(c), (d), (e) and (f) of the Sale~ Agreement have been met. J.R. Parker August 23, Page 3 1988 By copy of this letter, I ~¢i. sh to extend my appreciation to Mr, Vern Reichard and his staff for their assistance. Very truly yours, ORIGINAL SIGNED B~ RONALD F. RUE'FI'GERS gonald F. Ruettgers, Engineer to the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District RFR/skb Attachment ec:~Vern Reichard Thomas C. Fallgatter E.W. Schulz SMC Labor tory C].ient Name: George S~¢eet. Address : P.O. Box. g0.qt;3 [~akersfie].d, CA Analytical Chemistry l.,abaratory No. 1585 arid 1586 [gI:'.iSUL,TS OF ANALYS:[ S ~t585 Project: Tom Faligatte~' Project No. A738-16 ID: 2' Below Tank ugm/gm TOX ND .Oi.l & "' ~ (:~ease ND Total lead 14,9 (rog/kg) ~1586 ID: 6' Belmv 'l'ank u.gm/gm 'POX ND Oil & Grease ND Total lead 2.94 (rog/kg) ?letl';od of Analysis' for TOX: 600/4-84 008 ,~'lethod of Ana.l. ys:i.s for Oil ,~ Grease: EPA 9071 Tot:al lead Ana.l. yai. s done by BC Laboratories, Ina.' TOX = Tol'.aJ Or'gar~i.c Ila.]ogen · HItL = b'li ni lllUlll lgi-if)i~rt;ing' Level HI2.[, TOX = 20 ugm/gm bll'2l., Oi.]. & (]'['e;lse = 20 tJgI1];/g'Ill ugm/gm = microgram per gram rog/kg =mi. lligrain i)el~ kilcgram NJ) : Not detected OnLy va'lues above h'IRL, are l'epol:'ted. 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakerslield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P,O, Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 REPORT OF CONDITIONS · on the SUM~AND CLARIFIER FACILITY at the FALLGATTER PROPERTY 1501 "H''' STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA GEORGE SWEET 'I.. SITE CONDITIONS A. Sump Removal. ~Prior to removal of the sump all fluid which could be extracted from the sump and clarifier was removed and shipped to a recycling facility for return of the hydrocarbons to the marketplace. On July 27, 1988 the sump was broken up in place and removed to class III landfill. Ail work was ob~served by George Sweet and the following is noted: 1. The side of the clarifier and sump that was adjacent to the surrounding soil was a gray, concrete color and showed no evidence of leakage through the containment structure. Surrounding soil was a uniform color, uniformly damp but not overly moist,and free of~any odor. The portions of the sewer connection that were exposed were also free of any evidence of leakage. B. Preliminary Assessment Work. 1. Initial tests in accordance with the Proposal. The initial testing was developed in accordance with the proposal as follows: Location of Sampla ~' , .... 2' below the bottom of the sump near the north end 6' below the bottom of the sump near the north end TOX # 0 2O 28 20 O&G # All levels are reported in ugm/gm .MinimumReporting Level 2O 2O '" a. Indications. The total organic halides (TOX) test was utilized for the purpose of determining.if any halogenated organic solvents which' might be associated with the use of the sump and clarifier were loose in the environment surrounding the sump. Initial tests indicated that there might be a iow level of contamination present in underlying soils. Further research has revealed l:hat the test method becomes increasingly unreliable at very Iow levels of contamination. Certain biases can be. attributted to dirty samply equipmenC or poor technique. In addition, · the broad universe of materials identified by the test may be reporting on a material totally unrelated to !~he. sump materials. More evidence would be needed ~o make any sort of de~ision on the matter. C. Additional Assessment Work. Additional assessment work was authorized by Mr. Fallgatter and ~t Was decided to drill a hollowstem auger test hole to recover two samples from below the area of surface inter£erence, utilizing different sampling equipment and different samplers. The samples would be analysed for TOX and if found to be negative the minor levels of contamination.that might.have been indicated by the inital tests would be considered an anomaly. If-the tests indicated possible evidence of contamination the same samples~ould'be analysed by qualitative methods for the presence of halogenated volatile compounds of the type associated with the solvents that might have been used with the sump. If the results of these tests were negative the indication would be that there was no soil contamination by reason of the sump. 1. Additional TOX Quantitative Analysis. On August $, 1988 the additional hole was drilled and samples made by Consolodated Laboratories, Inc. at 11' and 1~' below the bottom of the sump. The results of these sample analysis are as follows: Location of Sample 11' below the bottom of the sump @ north end (14' below ground dal:um) 16' below the bottom of the sump @ north end (19' below ground dgl:um) # All levels arereported in ugm/gm * Minimum reporting .level T0X ~ Reported MRL 29.8 39.0 2O 2O a. Indications. Levels of total organic halides were shown to exist at both locations. The levels, below 50 ugm/gm are reported to be considered minor by the Kern County Health Department but above the minimum reporting level. It is reasonable to expect 'that some compounds that fit into the broad universe of the TOX analysis could be present. Further research would be warranted. 2. Qualitative'Analysis .. The remainder.of the 11' and 16' samples were sent to National Toxicology Laboratory for mass spectrographic analysis'to narrow the universe of the possible source of contamination reported for these samples. Mr. Tom Sheath, of National Toxicology Laboratory, was instructed to determine by .the qualitative method if any halogenated organic solvents, i.e., halogenated volatile complounds were present in the samples. The report from the laboratory stated: "No halogenated volatile compounds were'detected." a. Indications No halogenated volatile compounds including halogenated organic solvents are present in the soils under the sump. SinCe the OiI and grease test was negative and since the possibility 'of halogenated organic solvents had been disproven there would appear to ~.be no known source of contamination from the sump into the underlying soil. D. Opinions 'and Conclusions. BaSed on the laboratory '~ analysis and observed data it must be concluded that there iR no indication of contamination of'the underlying soil resulting from-the operation of, or the remowal of the sump and clarifier at this property. RES PJlCTEULLY SUBMITTED. Reg±stered Environmental Assessor ,d Em3Meerlng Contractor ,I I)rillJng C~nlractor c:.:,::::::.G.E.Q.g¢, E' 'SWE'ET": .... , Environmental Contrdctor '"~ . , '" 4233 Quinn Road' ".:'~?'??::' '.'.:m..~'. ..... O. ,Box 80963 · . ..... :' .., "..,," . .'.' ..:.'. '., .~.: ::.'.:?:.,....~. ,....,' ., .............. ...i:';,.,~::::;,::::...~:~:.,,.~........: · :.,~,;...:~.~/- ........ :.?..-.~'~:~: ..... :.' ';..' "%'/i'~.,-,~'i::., Conlractor's Lic. ~521243 Reglslered Environmental Assessor August 19, 1988 'Mr. Tom Fallgatter 5401 Business Park South, Suite 114 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Refer: "H" street. Demolition, sump removal, REPORT OF sAMPLE HANDLING Dear Sir: Samples "Y-14" and "Y-19" were handled in accordance with the current doctrine for handling samples of soil.containing volatile organic compounds and at' all times stored at <4°C while, in my custody so that no .significant loss of volAtiles could have occurred. · Samples "Y-14" and "Y-19" were obtained.by me on the morning of August 5, 1988 directly from the split ring sampler, hermetically sealed in glass jars and packed nested in ice cubes in an ice chestwhere they remained until delivered to SMC Laboratory at 1330 hours, August 5, 1988. On August 11, 1988 at 1000 hours I received the cooled samples, still properly labeled "Y-14" and "Y-19", from SMC Laboratories and placed them into a nest of ice cubes for transport to National Toxicology Laboratories, Inc. Samples were delivered to National Toxicology Laboratories, Inc. at 1035 hours, August 11, 1988. I received the laboratory report for NTL Lab #: EACO84,.~ample ID: "Y-14" at about 1630 hours, August 11, 1988 which stated, "No halogenated volatile compounds were detected". On Saturday August 13, 1988 I received a verbal report from Mr. Sneath at National Toxicology Laboratories stating that he had not detected any halogenated volatile compOunds in.sample "Y-19". SMC LabOratory Analytical Chemistry To i{hom It". Hay C'oncet'n: Sol. 1 samI)le,.s i. cten~if'Led as Y-14 and Y-'LO (our l. ahot'at.o,'y num}~er:~ 1748 and. 1749) ~e~-e receivc;~i f~om G~o,~ S~<eet, ~ 5' August,' 1.988' ah 1:1:30 h~a. Tho Samples ~,'.e.l'(.~ hand l. ocl p~'o. Loco]. f"o~' hand'l.i.n~ and at. ~.]]. tsimo:s al'.c,l-i-~(J. (~uakody so I:.Jl'a.I, rio ~J.~gllJ. Jfii::aril. 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 i lat, iona I '. Labo rat'° ries :'INC. T° wl~om it may concern, ' : ~" ~'":"'..' '.i:r~;.~}..;?~Yi~.~omas C. Sneak. B.S. ,: ': . : . · v'.x. :~'~;,..x!,; .~?:':~'i~i:.~.l,;_· :' · . ' '.'.. ..4 ~, :.~ ~; ~,,:,~',. ~ ~y~ ~ ~,.I: ~'D~r ' · ' ' :: ];~L..-.:,.'; : . · August. 22,1988. '. samples Y-14*and Y-19 we,re handled in accordancei~.Wi'th. eS~abl i. shed doctrine~ .~or handel lng samples containing. ?V'olati 1e organi'c'.compounds and at ali times were stored :at 4. degrees; loss of vol atfle compounds should have occurred. :. The.samples were received form Mr"'aweet on. 8/il}88~?at 10:~5' am. Analysis of Y-14 ~as performed on 8711/88 and Y-19 Tom 8neatl~ ~ ..:,. Ch i e~ ' To>', i col ogi st 3101 - 16th Street, Suite 107-- Bakersfield, California 93301 CHAIN OF CUSIODY ' Soil ~ (specify)- Add~eSs: ~~~, ~ Address, SlUdge Attm Lab # Description: Other Tests c Re~inq~shed By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Comments: CHAIN OF CUSTODY oat.i°nal t, II,..I,,,, ~ xlcolog¥ mi~ Laboratories i~c. .CHAIN-OF-EVIDENCE DOCUMENT NAME · ~.. .:.. -- AGENCY .... SUBMI~ING ITEM · PAGE, OF ~ RECEIPT ITEMS.. · ITEMS BY , SIGNATURE DATE FROM DATE TIME ~ SIGNATURE DISPOSAL ITEMS TO SIGN DATE ITEM,S COPY OF THIS 'DOCUMENT GIVEN TO SIGNATURE TO SIGN · DATE DATE · , TIME TITLE. NTL GNU SMC Laboratory' Analytical Chemistry Client Name:George Sweet Address : P.O. Box 80962'. Bakersfield, CA 93380-963 Date sample rece'ived : 7-22-88 Date analysis completed: 7-28-88 Date of report : '7-28-88 ~aboratory No. 1585 and 1586 RESULTS OF.ANALYSIS #1585 Project: Tom ,P'azl-ga~=x Project No. A738-16 ID: 2' Below Tank ugm/gm TOX ND Oil & Grease ND 'Total lead 14.9 (mg/kg) #1586 ID: 6' Below Tank ugm/gm TOX ND Oil & Grease ND Total lead 2.94 (mg/kg) Method of Analysis for TOX: 600/4-84 008 Method of'Analysis for Oil &'Grease: EPA 907] Total lead Analysis done by BC Laboratories, Inc. TOX = Total Organic Halogen MRL = Minimum Reporting Level MRL TQX = 20 ugm/gm MRL Oil & Grease = 20 ugm/gm ugm/gm = microgram per gram mg/kg = milligram per kilogram ND = Not detected Only values above MRL are reported. Stan Comer 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 1700 Flowec $1reet Baker~'ield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ~VI$1ON Facility Name I Address HEALTH OFIqCER L~on M Hebert~o~, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vemo~ S~ Relchard Kern County Permit * * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD This form is to be returned to the Kern County Health Department within 14 days of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. The holder of the permit with number noted above is responsible for Insuring that this form is completed and returned. Section ! - T~o.be filled out by tank removal contractor: Tank Re.oval Contractor: f~eO uz~, ~~> Address ~ ~). &;~-~'"~,~,C) ? (~ ~ Date Tanks Removed ~;~/~-~/~ NO. Of Tanks ~ectlon 2 - T__q b_~e filled .out by.contractor '"decontaminating tank(si: Tank"Uecontamtnatlon" Contractor Address Authorized representative of contractor certifies by signln~ below that ta~(s) have been decont~lnated tn accordance with Kern County Health Department ff~qutre~ent~. Signature Title Section 3 -T~ be filled out and signed ~ a~ authorized representative of the treatment, storage, or disposal facility accepting tank(s): VALLEY TREE & CONSTRUCTION Phone # 805 I ,~99-1783 Facility Name Address 4233 Q-uinn Road Bakersfield, C~ Date Tanks[R~et~v d , J~u~- 22,,/1988 Zip 03386 No. of Tanks * * * MAILING INSTRUCTIONs: Fold in ball and staple. Postage and mailing label have already been affixed to outside for your convenience. (Form #HMIHP-150) D{S~ICT OFF{CES 2700 M STREET MAILING ADDRESS 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 933Q1 (805)'861-3636 PEI~qIT FOR PERI~qNENT CLOSURE 'K.-RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART , ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAl.TH Vernon S. Reichard PEPu~IT NU~BE~ A738-16 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: "H" Street Demolition 1501 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 0I~IER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Thomas Fallgatter 5401 Business Park South #114 Bakersftld, CA Phone #(805) 763-4171 CONTRACTOR: George Sweet P.O. Box 80963 Bakersfield, CA License No. 521243 Phone #(805) 393-6370 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES October 13, 1988 1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE July, ~3, 1988 LOCATION. . APPROVED ~;Y PfREMIS?~"~~)'~~"~-~"""~-' .POST ON ................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permtttee to obtain permits which may b, required by other regulatory agncles prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiatln. closure action. 3. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of the rani at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 4. Ail waste ell samples must be analyzed for total organic halides, oil an~ grease, and lead. 5. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Healt. Department within five days of waste disposal. DISTRICT OFFICES Oelano · Lamont · L~ke Isabella Moj.ave RIdgecrest · Sha[ter · Taft PERMIT FOR PERMANE'NT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS,' SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A738-16 ADDENDUM 6. A'll applicable state laws for hazard:ous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Ker.n County Health Department must be notified, before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. 7. Permittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly fllled out and returned within 14 days of tank removal. 8. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with. 48 hours advance notice. 9. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis completion. 10. Advise the Kern County Health Department and Fire Department within' 48 hours of destruction of tanks in order .to observe procedures. ACCEPTED B DATE KERN COUNTY II~AL~II DEFARTMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IIEALTII t 17oD F'OWERSTREET. DA~eRSFIeLD. CA~eO~i '.ii ~' ~i (005) nO]-OOS6 .: ~ · ~ . IAPPLICATION DAD > :i--¥: :' "- h ic''' .... ~'; ' · OF TANKS TO ne AOANDONED . [LENOTII OF PIPINg.TO ADANDON APPLICATION FOR Pr*;RMIT FOR PERMANENT OLDS URE/ASANDO~ME;NT OF UNDERGROUND HA~RDOUS SUBSTANC~-S STORAGE FACT LI TY ': APPLICATION IS FOR REMOVAL. OR ABANDONMENT IN PI~CE ~, (FILL O~ ONE APPLICATION PER FACILI~) ~0JECT CONTACT ]PNONE # JSEC/T/R (RURAL LOCATIOXS ONLY) I DAVe-. (805)328-9091 Juanita WEBB I NIm,TS-. (80~) ~2~-9091[ n~ faCILiTY MANE ~DOR~SS ,~REST CROSS STREET "H" S~reet Demolition 1501 "H" S~., Bakersfield 16th Street 0~/NER ADDRESS PNONE Thoma Fallgatter 5401 Business Park South, Suite 1]4 (805)328 -9091 George Sweet I P. O. Box 80963, Bakersfield, CA (805)393-6370 PROPOSED J~ROJEQT STARTINg DATE ICALIFORN~A LICENSE · ]WORKER'S COMPENSAT~O~ · {INSURER .. Soon as Possible ~ 521243 .I 1011703-87i State Fund ' George Sweet P..0. Box 80963, Bakersf~eld~' CA ~805 )393-6370 ~RK~R'S COXPENSATIO~ 8 [NSURER PlfONg 1011T0~-87 State Fund (805 ) 83& -8300 LABORATORY TIIAT WILL ~ALYZE $~PLES ADDRESS PIIONB SMC ~bora~ory 3~55 Pegasus Rd., Bakersfield (805 )393 -3597 =HEXICAL COXPOSITION OF MATERIALS STORED UHE CIIF~JCA~ STORED (NON-COMMERCIAL NAME) DATES STORED rAl <bDO Gallons waste Oil unk unk TO TO TO TO CHE~ICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED unknown ~ATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED ~V California Water Service Co. (City Main) ~EAREST WATER NELL -'GIVE DISTANCE AND D£SCRIDE TYPE IF WITHIN 600 FEET IDgPTII TO GROUNDWATER 140 feet (September 1987) ISOlL TYPE AT FACILITY Approximately 800' to 1,000' NNW of the site I "B" Slow infiltration rate BASIS FOR SOIL TYPEAND CROUNDWATER DEPTII DETER, INATION Kern County Public Works Subdivision Map / Kern County Water Agency r0TAL NUMBER OF SANPLES TO ES ANALYZED {SA/4PLES WILL BE ANALYZED FOR: { Oil & Grease, Total halogenated Hydrocarbon, Lead· Two (2) ! DESCRIBE HOW RESIDUE IN TANK(S) AND PiPINg IS TO DE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL COMPANIES) Washwater & residue .to Gibson Refinery for recyclin~ by MP Vacuum Service Co. DESCRIBE BOTH Tile DISPOSAL METR0O AND DISPOSAL LOCATION FOR: TANK(S) Cut & Sheared @ Valley Tree & Const., Bakersfield, thence Sierra Metals Co. PIPIXO · Scrap metal for ,disposal at salvage yard. Sl6~&TUR~ /'/______~,~~,~ _TI'TLS Contractor oars 6/22/88' (Form. *IIHMP-140) Contract SJ-1042-88