HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK (3)ESC ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES CORPORATION 10! Metro'Drive · Suite 650 · San Jose, California 951 !0 · (408} 453-6100 · FAX (408) 453-0496 September 30, 1993 Mr. Steve Pardieck, Chief Drinking Water and Ground Water Protection Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IX 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105-3901 Re: Sump Closure Report for the Former Mr. Piston Facility in Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Pardieck: Enclosed is the Sump Closure Report for the former Mr. Piston,~facility located at 4110 Wible Road #D in Bakersfield, California. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved closure of the sump in a letter dated August 2, 1993, and the sump was back_filled on August 11, 1993. The soil was recycled by thermal desorption at the CleanSoils, Inc., facility in Bakersfield, California. The excavated area was asphalted to its original condition on September 15, 1993. Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions. Sincerely yours, Richard E. Freudenberger Senior Vice President REF:ssd:ljw 790 Enclosure cc/encl: John MacKessey, Macke-Vee Company Ruben Medina, Department of Toxic Substances Control Terry Gray, Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services Suzanne Marcel, Emerson Electric Co. Frederick S. Phillips, Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Reston, VA · Boxborough, MA · Pittsburgh, P/~ · Minneapolis, MN · Chester. UK · London, UK ESC ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES CORPORATION 101 MetrO Drive · Suite 650 · San Jose, California 95110 · (4081 453-6100 · FAX (408) 453-0496 SUMP CLOSURE REPORT MR. PISTON FACILITY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED BY ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES CORPORATION SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 Reston, VA · Boxborough, MA · Pittsburgh, PA ,, Minneapolis, MN · Chester, UK · London, UK Contents Certification Introduction Site Background Closure Activities Sump Removal Soil Excavation Collection of Verification Samples Verification Sampling Results Backfilling Activities Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures Waste Characterization and Disposal Summary and Conclusions List of Figures: Figure 1 - Site location Figure 2 - Sump location Figure 3 - Excavation log, North-South Figure 4 - Excavation log, East-West Tables: Table 1 - Verification sampling results Appendices: Appendix A - Sludge analysis Appendix B - Verification sampling results Appendix C - Additional verification sampling results Appendix D - Quality assurance summary report Appendix E - Concrete disposal documentation List of List of Page 1 2 4 7 7 8 11 13 16 17 18 19 3 5 9 10 14 ESC ii Contents (continued) Appendix F - Analytical results for composite samples Appendix G - CleanSoils soil profile Appendix H - Non-hazardous waste hauler records Appendix I - Soil recycling certificate ESC Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a systern designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. ~ Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, I certify that the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, tree, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submittiing false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Harry W. Short Registered Geologist #243 -1- Introduction In response to and in accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Administrative Order Docket No. AO-CA92-01 (Order) Section 15, issued to Macke-Vee Company and Mr. Piston Machine and Parts (Respondents) on September 30, 1992, Environmental Strategies Corporation (ESC) conducted a shallow injection well destruction. The field activities were performed in accordance with the scope of work outlined in the Sump Closure Plan prepared by ESC dated March 18, 1993. The sump closure plan was prepared in accordance with the Order and the Guidelines for Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells issued by the USEPA Region IX in 1992. The plan was approved by the USEPA on May 7, 1993 and field work began on June 2, 1993. This closure report describes the activities performed to close the sump, classified as a Class V shallow injection well by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCDEHS), located at 4110 Wible Road/iD in Bakersfield. California (Figure 1). It includes a description of site conditions, closure activities, verification sampling results, quality control/quality assurance procedures, waste characterization and disposal, and summary and conclusions. Mr. Terry Grey of the KCDEHS was onsite to witness the collection of samples for verification of site conditions on two separate occasions. He also witnessed backfilling activities. In addition, the Sump Closure Plan provided for sampling of the drainage route from a washrack located at the rear of the building to the sump. This sampling was undertaken by another consultant and the sampling results will be provided by that consultant under a separate cover. ESC Trader So~: USGS 7.5 ~num Gosford, C~fo~a 1954, photorc~scd 1968 ~d 1973 Planz . Sch ~.:' ' [ WHITE Wible Orchard Fairview Sch FAIRVIEW IN Scale: 1" = 2000' Esr ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES COKP. 101 Metro Drive Suite 650 San Jose, California 95110 408-453-61 O0 Figure 1 Site Location Mr. Piston Facility Bakersfield, California 4 Site Background On August 16, 1990, the KCDEHS inspected the Mr. Piston facility located at 4110 Wible Road #D in Bakersfield, California, and discovered that a sump was being used to receive run-off water from the washing and steam cleaning of engine parts. The KCDEHS classified the sump as a Class V shallow injection well. The sump was located approximately 42 feet north of the building located at 4110 Wible Road #D (Figure 2). The sump was surrounded by a three-foot concrete apron within an asphalt parking lot. The sides and the bottom of the sump are earthen. The sump was fed strictly by overland flow and was not directly connected to any drains, piping, or septic systems. On October 9, 1991, the KCDEHS sent a violation notice to the Respondents requiring them to sample and remove the sludge that had accumulated in the sump. The Respondents took samples from the sludge and submitted the results to the KCDEHS in a letter dated February 4, 1992. The sample of the sludge was analyzed for California Analytical Method (CAM) 17 heavy metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and diesel, and oil and grease. The only metal detected at a concentration exceeding its Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) was lead at 6,830 mg/kg, the TTLC for lead is 1,000 mg/kg (Appendix A). The only VOCs detected in the sludge were benzene (5 mg/kg), ethylbenzene (6 mg/kg), toluene (15 mg/kg), and total xylenes (57 rog/kg). The concentration of TPH as gasoline was 300 mg/kg and the concentration of TPH as diesel was 1,500 mg/kg. The concentration of oil and grease in the sludge was 41,000 rog/kg. In October 1991, pursuant to a request by the KCDEHS, the Respondents immediately ceased all activities associated with the steam cleaning of engine parts and placed a temporary cover over the sump to prevent any fluids from entering it. In September 1992, the USEPA assumed responsibility as the lead agency for the site and issued an administrative order to the Respondents. ESC N Asphalt 3' Concrete Apron ~x 10' Wide I x 2.8' Deep Sump Mr. Piston Building 4110 Wible Road, #D Asphalt Scale (ft) 20 I ESC ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES CORPORATION 101 Metro Drive Suite 650 San Jose, California 95110 408-453-61 O0 Figure 2 Sump Location Mr. Piston Facility Bakersfield, California I:'xLOTU$',~ I{AWPrFIXBAKI~.$ .2.1~RW 6 The USEPA ordered the Respondents to cease all operations associated with the sump and submit a work plan for its closure. In March 1993, the Respontdents submitted the closure work plan, which was approved by the USEPA on May 7, 1993. ESC Closure Activities Closure activities began on June 2, 1993, and consisted of removal of the sump, excavation of contaminated soils, and collection of verification samples. The work area was secured and a decontamination area was set up. The fence surrounding the property was used to separate the excavation from the public and a site safety meeting was held before any activities occurred. The USEPA, the KCDEHS, and the California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) were contacted at: least seven days before the initiation of any closure activities. Initial ambient air monitoring using a flame ionization detector (FID) indicated low levels of rt VOCs emanating from the sump. Thus, the ambientt air required only periodic monitoring. Sump Removal A Case 580 backhoe with a two-inch impact: hammer was used to break and remove the concrete surrounding the sump. After the concrete was broken into manageable pieces, the impact hammer was removed and replaced with a 1-quarter cubic yard bucket. The bucket was used to remove the cement and the grate over the sump. The grate was cut into manageable sizes with a torch. The concrete was placed on and covered with 20-mil polyethylene sheeting. The sludge was removed from the sump and placed in a lined bin. The bin was labeled with the site location and the accumulation date. The gravel under the sludge was also placed into the bin because it had been mixed with sludge. The sludge, approximately 6 to 8 inches thick, was dark reddish brown in color and moist. ESC Soil Excavation The soil was excavated using a backhoe and placed in a lined roll-off bin. When the bin was full, the remaining excavated material was stockpiled ,on and covered with visqueen. The Unified Soil Classification System was used to identify the soils encountered in the excavation. Descriptions of the soils encountered in the excavation are presented on the excavation logs (Figures 3 and 4). After the concrete and sludge were removed from the sump, a coarse to very coarse gravel was encountered. The gravel was discolored green, and the natural color of the soil appeared to be dark grey. The gravel was moist near the surface and became drier with depth. The in-place gravel was dense. The gravel size was coarse to cobble, and poorly graded. A slight odor emanated from the excavation during removal of the gravel, but diminished with depth. The gravel did not appear to be in a natural state of deposition, but seemed to have been placed in this location. The gravel was surrounded on all four sides with a silty sand. The depth of the gravel varied with location, but was found at a maximum depth of approximately 7 feet below the ground surface (bgs). The excavation was advanced 2 feet at a tirae below the sludge for the collection of verification samples. At 6 feet bgs, a dry, dark brown, silty sand was encountered. The sand was coarse to fine in size and poorly graded. The sand seemed to be dense but not cemented. The sand was discolored to a depth of approximately 9 feet bgs. Due to the visible contamination of soil at 9 feet bgs, the excavation was advanced until suspected contamination was no longer present. The maximum depth of the excavation was .approximately 11 feet bgs and the total volume of the excavation was approximately 33 cubic yards. ~Ihe total volume of the spoils from the excavation including the concrete was approximately 35 cubic yards. ESC North '~1 i 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 1.5 - 6 ppm ...-'" SM ./ 0 ppm South GP Poorly graded gravels SM Silty sands ....... Edge of Staining [ Edge of Excavation I~! Sampling Location ~ Soil Type Contact r-Ii Boring and Sampling Location 5 ppm FID Reading 0 1 I I Scale (It) ESC ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES CORPORATION 101 Metro Drive Suite 650 San Jose, California 95110 408-453-61 O0 Figure 3 Excavation Log, North-South Cross Section Mr. Piston Facility Bakersfield, California June 2, 1993 I:q,~OTUg'.~RAWPITIXBAI~$.3.B~W Wes t '~ 'l 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 8 9 10 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 0 0 0 Sludge 1 25 ppm [] 10ppm GP _3 il0 ppm [~8 .......... : ppm ?' ~° [] 0 ppm 0 ppm East GP Poorly graded gravels SM Silty sands ........ Edge of Staining I Edge of Excavation [] Sampling Location ~ Soil Type Contact J-] Boring and Sampling Location 5 ppm FID Reading 0 1 I I Scale fit) ESC ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES CORPORATION 101 Metro Drive Suite 650 San Jose, California 95110 408-453-61 O0 Figure 4 Excavation Log, East-West Cross Section Mr. Piston Facility Bakersfield, California June 2, 1993 11 Collection of Verification Samples Verification soil samples were collected from the middle of the sump in the excavation at depths of 0.5, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 10.0, and 15.0 feet below the sludge. The samples were collected using a hand-driven spoon sampler containing a six-inch long brass sleeve. Samples were collected by advancing the excavation with the backhoe to a point immediately above the .sampling depth and then driving the sampler into the soil. The sampler was driven at least 6 inches with a slide hammer that was repeatedly dropped on the top of the rod attached to the sampler. After recovery of the sampler, the brass sleeve was removed, the ends were covered with teflon tape, capped, and sealed with duet tape. The sample was then labeled, placed in a resealable plastic bag, and placed in iced storage. The chain-of-custody record was completed for each sample. Discoloration of the soils was noted by the field geologist on the excavation log. A FID was used to evaluate the organic vapor concentrations present in the soil samples. Readings were taken by placing soil into a plastic bag, placing the probe into the plastic bag, and monitoring the head space with the FID. Measurements from the FID were used as a screenintg tool and are shown on the excavation logs (Figures 3 and 4). The final verification sample was taken 13y hand augefing from 11 feet bgs to a depth of approximately 14 feet bgs, and then driving a sample through the open auger hole and into the soil. A clayey silt was detected at the bottom of the hole. ?~e clayey silt was not stained and there was no odor emanating from the sample. The sampler and sampling equipment were decontaminated by washing with a non-phosphate cleaner, rinsing with tap water, and rinsing with analyte-free water between each sampling location. All equipment used onsite that may have come into contact with hydrocarbon contamination was cleaned before the equipment entered a new sampling location or left the site. ESC 12 All samples were analyzed for CAM-17 metals, VOCs by EPA method 8240, and TPH as diesel by modified EPA method 8015 by Sequoia Analytical, a state certified laboratory, in Redwood City, California. ESC 13 Verification Sampling Regults The verification sampling results (Table 1) indicate that all contaminants of concem have been excavated and removed from the sump. No VOCs or TPH were detected in the samples collected from depths 10 and 15 feet bgs in the middle of the sump. Metals were detected at concentrations well below their respective TTLCs and were consistent with typical background soil levels as reported in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Professional Paper 1270, "Element Concentrations in Soils and Other Surficial Materials of the Contiguous United States" (Shacklette and Boemgen, 1984). Laboratory analytical reports and chain of custody documentation are provided in Appendix B. In a letter dated June 15, 1993, Ese submilled the verification sampling results to the USEPA with a request for permission to backfill the excavation. The USEPA reviewed the results and was concerned by the detected increase in the concentration of lead between the sample collected at 6 feet (8.8 rog/kg) and the sample collected at 10 feet (65 rog/kg). In a letter dated June 18, 1993, the USEPA requested that an additional sample from the botton~t of the excavation be collected and analyzed by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for lead to determine whether the soil is likely to leach down to groundwater. Ese contracted Smith-Gutcher and Associates, Inc. to collect an additional soil sample as requested by the USEPA. The sample (SAM #1) was collected on July 1, 1993, at a depth of approximately 11 feet bgs and analyzed for lead using the TCLP. A duplicate sample (SAM #2) was also collected from the same location and analyzed by TCLP for lead. The sample was collected in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Sump Closure Plan prepared by ESC and the USEPA Region IX Guidelines for Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells. Mr. Terry Gray of the KCDEHS was present during the sampling and approved the location of the samples. ESC Table 1 Verification Sampling Results Mr. Piston Facility Bakersfield, California June 2, 1993 (a) Analyte~ S-0.5 S-2 S-4 S-6 S-10 S-10A (b) S-15 TTLC (C) VOCs (lag/kg) Ethylbenzene 360 J ND ND ND ND ND ND Toluene 980 J ND ND ND ND ND ND Total xylenes 2,700 J 370 J ND ND ND ND ND Background Levels (d) TPH as Diesel (mg/kg) 3,500 DB 280 DB 710 DB 1,100 DB ND ND ND CAM 17 Metals (mg/kg) Antimony 12 ND ND ND ND ND ND 500 2.2 Arsenic ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 500 22 Barium 1,400 6,100 6,(X)0 2,(X)0 35 47 71 10,000 1,716 Beryllium ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.56 75 3.6 Cadmium 3 i 3.6 3. i ND ND ND ND i 00 Chromium 120 37 38 16 3.3 4.1 9.9 2,500 197 Cobalt 13 7.4 6.9 6.9 ND ND 8.9 8,000 28 Copper 580 B 86 B 67 B 6.9 B 6.3 B 12 B 13 B 2,500 90 Lead 8,100 340 95 8.8 65 63 8.6 1,000 55 Mercury ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 20 0.25 Molybdenum 13 ND ND ND ND ND ND 3,500 4.0 Nickel 47 17 18 3,3 ND ND 12 2,000 66 Selenium ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 100 1.4 Silver 0.62 ND ND ND ND ND ND 500 Thallium 14 ND ND ND ND ND ND 700 20 Vanadium 14 15 15 21 9.4 9.1 38 2,400 266 Zinc 2,600 B 230 B 170 B 51 B 34 B 35 B 47 B 5,000 176 a/ ND = not detected; J = estimated concentration; D = diluted sample analysis; B = analyte detected in associated method blank. b! S - 10A is a duplicate sample of S- 10. c/ TI'LC = total threshold limit concentration. d/ Upper limit of the 95% confidence interval for metal concentrations in, natural occurring soils in the western United States (Shacklette and Boemgen, 1984). 15 Using the TCLP method, lead was not detected in either of the samples. The laboratory analytical reports and chain of custody documentation are included as Appendix C. In a letter dated July 20, 1993, ESC submitted the additional sampling results to the USEPA with a request to close the sump by backfilling the excavation. The USEPA approved closure and backfilling of the sump on August 2, 1993. ESC 16 Backfillinla[ Activities The excavation was backfilled with clean sand on August 11, 1993. Using a backhoe outfitted with a vibratory plate, the excavation was compacted approximately 85 to 90 percent. Mr. Terry Gray of the KCDEHS was present during the backfilling activities. The excavated area was asphalted to its original grade level on September 15, 1993. Approximately 3 inches of base rock was placed on top of the backfill material before placing the asphalt cap. ESC 17 Quality Assurance/Quality Controi Procedures Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures for sampling included the collection of a trip blank, duplicate samples, and a matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MSAVISD) sample. The trip blank is a sample prepared by the laboratory that is transported with the sample containers to and from the sampling event to ensure no contamination is introduced in transportation or handling. A duplicate sample is used to determine consistency in both sampling procedures and analytical methods. In the MS/MSD analysis, predetermined quantities of stock solutions of certain analytes are added to a sample matrix before sample extraction, digestion, and analysis. Samples are split into duplicates, spiked, and analyzed. Percent recoveries are calculated for each of the anal~ytes detected and used to assess analytical accuracy. The relative percent difference between the duplicate samples is calculated and used to assess analytical precision. A QA review summary prepared by ESC's Quality Assurance Officer (QAO) is presented in Appendix D. The analytical results of the duplicate samples indicate acceptable field and laboratory precision. The trip blank was free of contamination. ESC Waste Characteri:,.ation and Disposal 18 The concrete was removed from the site on August 11, 1993 and disposed of at the Granite Construction Company facility in Bakersfield, Califomia. The weighmaster certificates for disposal of the concrete are presented in Appendix E. The soil from the excavation was stockpiled on and covered with visqueen and placed in a roll-off bin. A composite soil sample from the bin and the stockpile were collected and analyzed by the TCLP for metals to characterize the waste. The analytical results indicated that the metal levels were below the threshold concentrations for hazardous waste. Analytical results and chain-of-custody documentation for the composite samples are provided in Appendix F. The soil was profiled and accepted for recycling by thermal desorption at the CleanSoils, Inc. facility in Bakersfield, California. The soil profile is included as Appendix G. The excavated soil was transported to CleanSoils by KVS Transportation, Inc. of Bakersfield, California on August 26, 1993. The non-hazardous waste hauler records are presented in Appendix H. A soil recycling certificate provided by CleanSoils for soils processed through their facility is provided in Appendix I. ESC 19 Summary and Conclusions In response to and in accordance with USEPA Administrative Order issued to Macke-Vee Company and Mr. Piston Machine and Parts on SeFIember 30, 1992, ESC removed the stop. The field activities were performed in accordance with the :scope of work outlined in the Sump Closure Plan prepared by ESC dated March 18, 1993, and approved by the USEPA on May 7, 1993. Closure activities began on June 2, 1993, and consisted of removing the sump, excavating contaminated soils, collecting verification samples, backfilling the excavation, and disposing of waste materials. The KCDEHS provided oversight throughout the'closure process. Verificat:ion sampling results indicated that all contaminated soils have been removed. The soil was recycled by thermal desqrption at the CleanSoils, Inc., facility in Bakersfield, Califomia. The excavated area was asphalted to its original grade level on September 15, 1993. All closure activities were approved by the USEPA. ESC LABO RA' )RIES, INC. ,L ,L E~LIIL ~ 4100 ATLAS CT. BAKERSFIELO. C~LII:ORIIIA ~ PHOI4~ (O0~ ]~.7-4911 FAX ~:151 D.R. SM/iA & ~SOCIATKS Date Reported:' 01/23/92 Page '1 7201 PRUI~E ~. ~ate RQCe~ve~ 01/16/92 R~R~FI~, ~ 9330Q ~:a~O~ ~O.: %14-1 A:~.: DU~ R. S~ 805-589-7861 S~ple DeecripCi~: ~. ~O~ ~C~ESSY - 411~ WTRL~ ~. ~D~ ~FIE~, ~; ~1 QT J~ COZeNInG ~= T~N O~ 01-16-92 · 10:30 ~Y DU~ S~2~ TOTAL CONTAMI ~2LNT.9 (Title 2~. Arttole 11, California Code of Regulat.ions} Regulatory ~thod STLC TTLC ~ ~1= g¢eulLe ~nlce ~ ~ .mq/L mq/kq Antimony ~on¢ Detected mp/kg i0. SW-g010 1S. Soo. Arsenic 12. m~/kg 1.o ~W-7060 5.0 500. ~ar~L~R 1770. m~/k9 1.0 5W-6010 1~0. 10000. Beryllium ~one Detected ms/kg 1.0 $W-6O~0 0.75 75. Cadmium 20. m$/k~ 1.0 SW-~010 1.0 100. Chromium 1~. ms/kg 1.~ ~w-6010 560. 2500. Cobalt 10. ms/kg 5.0 $W'-6010 80. 8~00. Copper 584. ms/kg 1.0 SW-6010 25. 2500. Lead 6830. ms/kg 5.0 5W-601O 5.0 1000. ~ercur%z ~one Detected ms/kg 0.~ SW-7~71 0.2 20. M~olybdentu~ 19. ms/kg 5.0 S~-6010 350. 3500. Niok¢l 51. mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 20. 2000. Selenium Nnne Datectad mF/k~ 1.0 SW-774U 1.0 100. Silver ~one DececteO m~/kg ~.a Sw-~01o 5.0 500. T~alllLLm N~n~ Detected mp/k~ 10. SW-6010 7.0 7~. ~anadium 19. mS/kg 1.0 SW-6010 2%. 2%00. Zinc 21~0. mp/k~ 1.0 ~W-6010 250. $000. Oil & Gr~a~ 4i000. ms/kg 20. ~PA-41~.1 Co~e~t: P.Q.L. - STLC All constituents reported adore are in mg/~g (unle~ otherwise stat=O) on an as received (vat) sample Basis. Reeults reported represent totals (TTLC) as mample uubJected to appropriate technipue~ to determine total levels. Practical Quencitation Limit (re~ers to the 1,a,~ amount of an~ly~e ~etectabl= Pasco on sample a{xe used aha an~lytical technique employed. None Dctccted (ConetlLuez~t,.tf present, would be le~s than the me~ho~ P.Q.L.). Soluble Threshold L~m{t Ccncant=at~o~. Total T~re~hol4 Limit Ccn~ccntration E~A - "Me~hod$ for Chemical An&lya~s of Wat~r end Wa,tes', EPA-600, 14J7~-020. ~W 846, ~eptemDer, 1~86. Depar~ent Supe~-~ieor Attachm'~. n t B LABORA )RIES I C. '" -..-" PurgeaDle Organic AnalyKi~ D.R. SKITH &A~OCIAT£S Date of 7201 FRUITVALE EXT. Report: 01/~1./92 ~RSFI~L~, C~ 93~0~ ~ ~: 414-~ Attn.: D~ R. S~ 805-589-7861 Sample Description: ~R. JO~N ~ACHESSY - %IL0 WXBLE RD. ~D, BAKERSFIELD, C3~: 81 QT JAP, CONTAINING SLUDGE TAKEN ON 01-16-92 m 10:~0 BY DUAN£ SMIT~ Test Method: EPA ~thod 8010/8020 Sample Matrix: Sludge Date Sample Data R,mp]e Date Analyu~o Collecttd: Recelved · Lab: Completed: Analy~iu Reporting Reporting /~ Re~ult~ Unit~ Level Benzene BrOu~Ddichloro~ethanc Brc~oform Carbon te=rachloride ~lorc~thane 9-Chlorouthyl~inyl ~ther Chlorofo~ ~lor~th~e I, ~ 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Di~lcr~fluor~e=h~e 1,l-D{chlor~thane (1,1-D~) 1,2 - Dichlor~th~e 1,1-D{chlor~thene (1,1-DCE) tr~ - 1,2 -Dldiloroe~he ne 1,2-Dichlor~ropane ci~-l,3-Dld~lor~r~eme tr~s-l,3-D~hloropr~ene M~=~ylene ~loride 1,1,2,2-Tetr~chloroeth~e T~=rau~loroe~ene (PCE~ Toluene 1,1,1 ],1.2 Tzlchlor~hene Tr~chlo~ofluor~than~ Vinyl None Detected ~g/k~ None Detected mg/kg ~one D~tected mg/k~ None Detected mg/kg None Dc=coted None Detected mg/~9 None Detected mg/k~ None Detected mg/k~ None Detected mg/k~ None Detected m~/kF NOne Detected m~/kg None Detected None Detected mg/k~ None Detected m~/k~ None Detected mg/kg Non~ Detected m~/k~ None Detected mg/kg None Detected m~/k~ None Detected None D¢~cted mg/k9 6. mg/kg ffone Detected mg/kg None Detected mg/kg 15, mg/kg Non- D~tected mg/kg ~one Detectud ~g/kg None Detect~ mg/kg ~one Detected mg/kg None Detected 2. 3. 3 3 3. 3. 3. 3. 3 3 3. 3. 3. Attachmant B Purgeable organic J~alvsis Peg R~k~$FI£LD, C~ 91t0g Lab ~: ~14-1 AUtn.; DUAKE R. SMITH S05-589-7861 S~le Description: M~. ,IOHN MACN~E~Y - 4110 WII3L~ RD. ~D, BAKERSFIELD, CA: ~1 QT JAR CONTAINING 5LUD~£ TAKEN ON 01-16-92 ~ 10:30 MY DU~ SMITH Minimum An=lysis Reporting Reporting [onstitue~tg ~ . Uni~F L~vcl o-xylene 9. mg/kg 3. m- & p-Xylcn¢: 48. m~/kg 3. Total Xylenes 57. mO/kg 3. Total Tr~halomcthanes None Detected m~/k~ 3. California D.O.H.E. Cert. ~1186 Department Supcr~iSor Attachmcnt B LABORATORIES;-..INC. PctroleumHy~roc~rbcns D.R. SMIT~ & ~k'TIAT~ Date O£ ~201 £RUITVALE EXT. Report: 01/24/92 BAK~R~£I£LD, CA 9~08 ~ ~: 414-1 Attn,: DUANE R. S~IT~ 805-55~o7861 Samplc Description: ~R. OO~LW ~ACHESSY - {110 WIBLE RD. ~D, BAK~RSFI£LD, CA: ~1 QT JAR CONTAINING SLUDGE TAKEN ON C1-16-D2 ~ 10:30 BY DUAR£ eMI/14 TEST ~u~OD, TPH by D.O.II.S. / L.U.F.T. ~i~nual ~lethod - Modifimd EPA 8015 TEST ~--f~OO: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. ~t~numl ~;ethod - ~odif£cd EPA 8015 ~mp~e Matt{x: ~lu~gc D~tc Sample Date Rample Date Analysis Collected: Received ~ Lab: Con~leted: 01/16/~ 01/16/92 ~alysiz Reporting Rep~rtin9 CODstituepts Result~ ~q~t~ Level Total Petzoleum Hydrocarbong (ga~) Totml PeL~uleum Hydrocarhmn~ 300. mg/kg 100. 1500. mg/Xg 200. California D,0.~.S. Cert, ~11~ DeDartment ~uperwi~or Attachmene ~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD I Relinquished by: aecewed by: DUANE R. Lab o~at'uey No. Company: Ouane Iq. Smith & Associates Data aCd Tima: C3mpan¥: Date and Tim Date and Tlma: C3mpan¥: Date and T;ma: SMITH &ASSOCIATES. i,c~' ..:-.. ~. ~?~ CASE NARRATIVE CLIENT NAME: Environmental Strategies Corporation PROJECT NAME: Bakersfield PROJECT #: CA117204 DATE: June 11, 1993 LAB REPORT #: 3F13601 The samples in this report have been analyzed by SW-846 method 8240 for Volatile Organics, Modified 8015 for Total Extractable Hydrocarbons and by 6010 and 7471 for the CAM 17 metals. For method 8420, samples 3F13601 (S-O.5-Sump), 3F13602 (S-2-Sump), and 3F13603 (S-4-Sump) were extracted on June 8,~ 1993. The samples showed Iow surrogate recovery and were reextracted in accordance with method 8240. The reextraction also demonstrated Iow surrogate recovery, therefore, the values reported for these samples should be considered estimated. The extraction blank for the Total Extractable Hydrocarbons (Modified 8015) had contamination believed to be from vial septa. The blank contamination was not subtracted from the sample results because it was either negligible with respect to the sample or not present as evidence by the pattern of the chromatograms. The method blank for copper and zinc also showed contamination, which was also not blank subtracted from the sample results. This contamination was negligible with respect to the sample, results. Signature: ~--~'% Date: Name: T~le: Maile A. Springer Proiect Manaqer SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL' 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, (,A 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 !iii Environmental Strategies Client Project ID: Bakemfield - CAl17204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993iiii !i!::. 101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, S-0.5-Sump Received: Jun 3, 1993 !i!iiSanJose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA8240 Analyzed: Jun 8, 1993i~i i?~iAttention: Bob Bealkowski Lab Number: 3F13601 Reported: Jun 14, 19931~i ~:i~[~i:i~[~:~i~=ii*-~i~[~i:[i[~[i~:[~[~ii~=:[:~i:[:[:[~![if!`~ii[i!~!:~!~i~-~[!!iii~[~[:[i[:!i~*~-~!i[~[i[:[:[![!~!!!i~-ii~[~i:[~ii[:[:!~*i!i![i[:[i[!ii[!i~[~i![!i~!~-~-~i[-~[~[:[~[i:~i~i!~-~i!ii[~ii[:[i[i[![~[:[![~[:[:[~:=![:ii:=iii[i[i[iiiiii~i~i~i~[~i~i~??:~i~[~[~:i~i~i~[~[~[~i~[i[~ii?:ii:??:i[:[~ii?~[i[iii[ii~[:[~[![:[:[i??~[ii~[i[i[i[~[ii~ii[i[:[:[i[i[i[i[:[:[i[~[~[i[iii[i[:[:[~i~i~i~i~[~[~[:f~i~i-:~:[~[ii~[:[~`~*~[~i~[[i~[~[{~=~[:~[~[i[:[:~f*~[-~-~:~:~::{~i~[:[i[ii~[i~[~[!...*.-.iii~-~ii VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results pg/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 500 Benzene ........................................................................... 100 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 100 Bromoform ....................................................................... 100 Bromomethane ................................................................ 100 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 500 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 100 Carbon tetrachloride ....................................................... 100 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 100 Chloroethane ................................................................... 100 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................. 500 Chloroform ....................................................................... 100 Chloromethane ................................................................ 100 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 100 1,1-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,2-Dichloroethane .............. : ........................................... 100 1,1-Dichloroethene .......................................................... 100 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 100 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 100 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 100 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene .................................................. 100 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. 2-Hexanone ..................................................................... 500 ..................................... N.D. Methylene chlodde .......................................................... 250 ..................................... N.D. 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 500 ..................................... N.D. Styrene ............................................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ............................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Trichloroethene ................................................................ 100 N.D. Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Vinyl chloride ................................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. sEQUOIA ANALYTICAL IPlease Note: Icc: Dave Blaushild, Environmental Strategies, 4 Penn Center West, Pittsburg, PA 15276 I Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <1> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 i!..:..:iEnvironmental Strategies Client Project ID: Baker, sfield - CA117204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993!?!i i!i!!101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, S-2-Sump Received: Jun 3, 1 993 ~!ilSan Jose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA 8240 Analyzed: Jun 8, 1993~.~! ~i!iAttention: Bob Bealkowski Lab Number: 3F13602 Reported: Jun 14, 1993iiiii VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results pg/kg /~g/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 500 Benzene ........................................................................... 100 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 100 Bromoform ....................................................................... 100 Bromomethane ................................................................ 100 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 500 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 100 Carbon tetrachloride ....................................................... 100 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 100 Chloroethane ................................................................... 100 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................. 500 Chloroform ....................................................................... 100 Chloromethane ................................................................ 100 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 100 1,1-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,2-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,1 -Dichloroethene .......................................................... 100 cis~1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 100 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 100 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 100 cis~1,3-Dichloropropene .................................................. 100 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 100 Ethyibenzene ...................................... : ............................ 100 2-Hexanone ..................................................................... 500 Methylene chloride .......................................................... 250 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 500 Styrene ............................................................................. 100 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ............................................... 100 Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 100 Toluene ............................................................................ 100 1,1,1 -Tdchloroethane ...................................................... 100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 Trichloroethene ................................................................ 100 Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... 100 Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 100 Vinyl chloride ................................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detect:ion. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <2> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ~}~__nwronment~ ~mt~es ~ient Pmj~t ID: Bake~eld - CAl172~ ~: Jun 2, 1~ ~}101 Metro Dr., SuRe ~0 Sample Descfipt: Soil, S~ump R~: Jun 3, 1~.~ ~San Jose, CA 95110 A~ysis Meth~: EPA 82~ ~: Jun 8, 1~ ~}~ARention: Bob Be~kowsffi ~b Number: 3F13t~3 Re~: Jun 14, 19~ VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results pg/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 500 Benzene ........................................................................... 100 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 100 Bromoform ....................................................................... 100 Bromomethane ................................................................ 100 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 500 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 100 Carbon tetrachloride ....................................................... 100 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 100 Chloroethane ................................................................... 100 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................. 500 Chloroform ....................................................................... 100 Chloromethane ................................................................ 100 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 100 1,1-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,2-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,1-Dichloroethene .......................................................... 100 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 100 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 100 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 100 cis-1,3~Dichloropropene .................................................. 100 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 100 Ethylbenzene ...................................... . ............................. 100 2-Hexanone ..................................................................... 500 Methylene chloride .......................................................... 250 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 500 Styrene ............................................................................. 100 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ............................................... 100 Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 100 Toluene ............................................................................ 100 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 Trichloroethene ................................................................ 100 Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... 100 Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 100 Vinyl chloride ................................................................... 100 Total Xylenes .................................................................. 100 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of dete~ion. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F~3601.EEE <3> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ~ ~-nv~ onmental Strategies Client Project ID: Baker. sfleld - CA117204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993 Ri iiii 101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, S-6-Sump Received: Jun 3, 1993~i! iiiilSan Jose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA 8240 Analyzed: Jun 8, 1993iiii~i !i!Attention: B....O..o~ Bealkowski Lab Number: 3F13(~04 Reported: Jun 14, 1993iiiii ~-:~!~-~!.!`:1:~!~:~:::i;:~;:[!~i?=~:::~i~i~:~;!=~:~=~=~<ii~?:`==~i~~:~:~:~=~=~:~=~:~=~==~:~[~=~:~:~:~`::L[~!~[fi~=~=~:~=~=~:~=~:~:?::~=~:~:!:~=~=~?~i:~i.~=~=!~i=~=~:~=~:~=~:~=~:~:~:`~¥~:~;~-~VL=L:i=.i.=.:!=.=.''.:=L=.:LV.=.:L=.=.:.=?~.=~.i.==.:L:L:.:.:.?.:~L=L=L=L=L:.:.:L=.:L:.=L:.:.=.:.=L:L:.;!=.¥L=L:.:.:.::L=.:.=2.:;~-~!:~;:L:~:~?~$??~?:~?~:~:`~;~[~-~:=~:`~:~?~?;=~=!=!=!=!~=!;¥:~!i~:i=:::~: VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results pg/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 1,300 Benzene ........................................................................... 250 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 250 Bromoform ....................................................................... 250 Bromomethane ................................................................ 250 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 1,300 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 250 Carbon tetrachloride ....................................................... 250 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 250 Chloroethane ................................................................... 250 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................. 1,300 Chloroform ....................................................................... 250 Chloromethane ................................................................ 250 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 250 1,1-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 250 1,2-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 250 1,1 -Dichloroethene .......................................................... 250 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 250 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 250 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 250 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene .................................................. 250 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 250 Ethylbenzene ....................................... : ........................... 250 2-Hexanone ..................................................................... 1,300 Methylene chloride .......................................................... 630 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 1,300 Styrene ............................................................................. 250 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ............................................... 250 Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 250 Toluene ............................................................................ 250 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ...................................................... 250 1,1,2~Trichloroethane ...................................................... 250 Trichloroethene ................................................................ 250 Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... 250 Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 250 Vinyl chloride ................................................................... 250 Total Xylenes .................................................................. 250 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. Because matrix effects and/or other factors required additional sample dilution, detection limits for this sample have been raised. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <4> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ~En:':': vimonmental""~'"'~trategles~' ';"'~'~" ~'~ """~"~"~lent"'"~*'~'~'"'"~'~'"'Project ID: ....... ~"Bakersfield' ........... - ~(~A1 .......... 17204~'""~'"'"~"~*~'~'~'~'#~ .... $~~.- ~J~'~'~'~"~'~'~'~"~'?'~2, 1993 ~ 101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, S-10-Sump Received: Jun 3, 1993!i! iiiiiSan Jose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA ~240 Analyzed: Jun 9, 1993..=~ iiiiiAttention: Bob Bealkowski Lab Number:. 3F13605 Reported: Jun 14, 1993!i!i VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results /~g/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 500 Benzene ........................................................................... 100 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 100 B romoform ....................................................................... 100 Bromomethane ................................................................ 100 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 500 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 100 Carbon tetmchloride ....................................................... 100 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 100 Chloroethane ................................................................... 100 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................. 500 Chloroform ....................................................................... 100 Chloromethane ................................................................ 100 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 100 1,1-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,2-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,1-Dichloroethene .......................................................... 100 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 100 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 100 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 100 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene .................................................. 100 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 100 Ethylbenzene ................................................................... 100 2-Hexanone ......................................... ~ ........................... 500 Methylene chlodde .......................................................... 250 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 500 Styrene ............................................................................. 100 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ............................................... 100 Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 100 Toluene ............................................................................ 100 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 Trichloroethene ................................................................ 100 Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... 100 Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 100 Vinyl chloride ................................................................... 100 Total Xylenes .................................................................. 100 N.Do N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <5> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 !~iEnvironmental Strategies Client Project ID: Bakersfield - CA117204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993i~!i !ii1101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, ,~-10A-Sump Received: Jun 3, 1993i:! ~:iiiiSan Jose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA 8;240 Analyzed: Jun 7, 1993~iii iiiilAttention: Bob Bealkowski Lab Number: 3F13~)6 Reported: Jun 14, 1993iiiii VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results pg/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 500 Benzene ........................................................................... 100 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 100 Bromoform ....................................................................... 100 Bromomethane ................................................................ 100 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 500 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 100 Carbon tetrachloride ....................................................... 100 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 100 Chloroethane ................................................................... 100 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................. 500 Chloroform ....................................................................... 100 Chloromethane ................................................................ 100 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 100 1,1-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,2-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,1-Dichloroethene .......................................................... 100 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 100 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 100 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 100 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene .................................................. 100 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 100 Ethyl benzene ....................................... ~ ........................... 100 2-Hexanone ..................................................................... 500 Methylene chloride .......................................................... 250 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 500 Styrene ............................................................................. 100 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroet hane ............................................... 100 Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 100 Toluene ............................................................................ 100 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 Trichloroethene ................................................................ 100 Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... 100 Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 100 Vinyl chloride ................................................................... 100 Total Xylenes .................................................................. 100 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <6> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 ° FAX (415) 364-9233 !iiii Enwronmental Strategies Client Project ID: Bakersfield - CA117204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993 ~i · :.~?~i101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, S-15-Sump Received: Jun 3, 1993iii! ii!San Jose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA8240 Analyzed: Jun 7, 1993~ !~!iiAttention: Bob Bealkowski Lab Number: 3F13607 ~eported: Jun 14, 1993iliii VOLATILE ORGANICS b!! GC/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results pg/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 500 Benzene ........................................................................... 100 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 100 Bromoform ....................................................................... 100 Bromomethane ................................................................ 100 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 500 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 100 Carbon tetrachloride ....................................................... 100 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 100 Chloroethane ................................................................... 100 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................. 500 Chloroform ....................................................................... 100 Chloromethane ................................................................ 100 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 100 1,1-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,2-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,1-Dichloroethene .......................................................... 100 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 100 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 100 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 100 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene .................................................. 100 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 100 Ethylbenzene ................................................................... 100 2-Hexanone ........................................ : ............................ 500 Methylene chlodde .......................................................... 250 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 500 Styrene ............................................................................. 100 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ............................................... 100 Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 100 Toluene ............................................................................ 100 1,1, l-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 Trichloroethene ................................................................ 100 Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... 100 Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 100 Vinyl chlodde ................................................................... 100 Total Xylenes .................................................................. 100 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <7> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 iii!Emnronmental Strategies Client Project ID: Bakersfield - CA117204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993ii== iii!101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, TB #1 Received: Jun 3, 1993ii!!i i!iiSan Jose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA 8240 Analyzed: Jun 8, 1993!iiii iiiiiAttention: Bob Bealkowski Lab Number:. 3F13608 Reported: Jun 14, 19931ilii VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results pg/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 10 Benzene ........................................................................... 2.0 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 2.0 Bromoform ....................................................................... 2.0 Bromomethane ................................................................ 2.0 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 10 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 2.0 Carbon tetrachloride ....................................................... 2.0 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 2.0 Chloroethane ...................................................................2.0 .. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................. 10 Chloroform ....................................................................... 2.0 Chloromethane ................................................................ 2.0 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 2.0 1,1-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 2.0 1,2-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 2.0 1,1 -Dichloroethene ........................................... : .............. 2.0 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 2.0 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 2.0 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 2.0 cis-1,8-Dichloropropene .................................................. 2.0 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 2.0 Ethylbenzene ................................................................... 2.0 2~Hexanone ..................................................................... 10 Methylene chloride .......................................................... 5.0 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 10 Styrene ............................................................................. 2.0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ............................................... 2.0 Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 2.0 Toluene ............................................................................ 2.0 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ...................................................... 2.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 2.0 Trichloroethene ................................................................ 2.0 Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... 2.0 Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 2.0 Vinyl chloride ................................................................... 2.0 Total Xylenes .................................................................. 2.0 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of dete(,~ion. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer 'Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <8> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 ° FAX (415) 364-9233 iili[ Envfronmental Strategfes Client Project ID: Bakelrsfield - (~A117204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993 iiiiil01 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Matrix: Soil Received: Jun 3, 1993i.ii!i i~i~SanJose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA;~550/8015 Reported: Jun 14, 1993iiiiii iiiiAttention: Bob Bealkowski First Sample #: 3F13~1 TOTAL EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Analyte Reporting Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Limit I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. mg/kg 3F13601 3F13602 3F13603 3F13604 3F13605 3F13606 S-0.5-Sump S-2-Sump S-4-Sump S-6-Sump S-10-Sump S-10A-Sump Extractable Hydrocarbons 1.0 3,500 280 710 1,100 N.D. N.D. Chromatogram Pattern: Non-Diesel Non-Diesel Diesel Diesel Mix > C15 Mix > Cll Quality Control Data Report Limit Multiplication Factor: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: instrument Identification: 100 '~0 $0 50 1.0 1.0 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/8/93 6/8/93 6/8/93 6/8/93 6/8/93 6/8/93 GCHP-5 GCHP-5 GCHP-5 GGHP-5 GGHP-5 GCHP-5 Extractable Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a fresh diesel standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not detected above the stated reporting limit. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <9> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ,~i!it01 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Matrix: Soil Received: Jun 3, 1993~!i San Jose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA 3550/8015 Reported: Jun 14, 1993.:-.~i ii~iiAttention: Bob Bealkowski First Sample #: 3F136D7 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~::: :!::: :::: :~::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~:~::: TOTAL EXTRACTABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Reporting Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Analyte Limit I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. mg/kg 3F13607 3F13609 S-15-Sump Method Bla~nk Extractable Hydrocarbons 1.0 N.D. 6.2 Chromatogram Pattern: Quality Control Data Report Limit Multiplication Factor: Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Instrument Identification: 1.0 1.0 6/7/93 6/7'/93 6/8/93 6/7'/93 GCHP-5 GCHP-5 Extractable Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a fresh diesel standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not detected above the stated reporting limit. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE < 10> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesal3eake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ?-nv~ronmental Strategies Chent Project ID: Bakersfield - 0Al17204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993i~i !ii!!101 Metro Dr.. SuRe C~,O Sample Descript: Soil, S-O.5-Sump R~hted: Jun 3. San Jose, CA 95110 iiiiiAttention: Bob Bealkowski Lab Number: 3F13601 Reported: Jun 14, 1993iiiiii ............ :. ................ :, ............. :-. ,:- +> · +:. ...... -x-...-: .................................... ,:~.: ......... :-: .......................... :..----: ......... :-:... -:... + · · · ,:~z. +¥ · <.. · -:-:-:.:-:<.:.:.:.:.:., .,,<.. · · -:, ........ -:- · ..~:<-.~ ~:~./~.:.:<.~$~+ <-:<~x-.~-..<:~+.~:<~.->:.:-:- - .:- <. - -:-:- ...... INORGANIC PERSISTENT AND BIOACCUMULATIVE TOXIC SUBSTANCES Soluble Threshold Limit ConcentrGtion Waste Extraction Test Total Threshold Umit Concentration STLC Detection Analysis Ti'LC Detection Analysis Analyte Max. Umit Limit Resuit Max. Limit Umit Result (rog/L) (mg/L) (rog/L) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (rog/kg) ~:'~'~i~'"" "'""" ............. l .......... '"'"'"'"'~"i~ ........................ "'""'"'"'~'i:i'O' ...................... '"'"""':'" ........... i ............ '"'"'""'"" .............. ~ ..................... *~'i~'"'" ....................... '~ii'~7-" Beryllium [ 0.75 0.010 - ] 75 0.50 N.D. Chromium (VI) [ 5.0 ......... O.O0~'b ....... - [ .............. 5'00 .... {~'.050 '- Mercury [ 0.20 0.00020 - [ 20 0.10 N.D. Selenium 1.0 0.10 - ] 100 5.0 N.D. Asbestos I 10 - ] 10,000 100 - Fluoride 180 0.10 - 18,000 1.0 TTLC results are reported as mg/kg of wet weight. Asbestos results are reported as fibers/g. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection, SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer %_) Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <11> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 iii!iEnmronmental Strategies Client Project ID: Bakersfield - CAl17204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993!!!~ i!!iil01 Metro Dr., SuRe 650 Sample Descfipt: Soil, S-2-Sump Received: Jun 3, 1993!!!i ::i!i San Jose, CA 95110 ii!!ii !}i.~Attention: Bob Bealkowski Lab Number: 3F13602 Reported: Jun 14, 1993iii::?: `~`~`~·~`~`~`~···~`~`~`··~··~`~··~····~`~···~.~`~`:~:~:~.····~.`~.~·~`~··~:~··~:~··~·.~··~:·~·~···~:~:·~:~·~:~.:~:~·~:~:~:~:~`~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:v:~:~:~:~:~:~.:~:~:~:~:~:~:~`:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~.~:~:-:~:~:c~:~:~:~:~*~:~:...~:-:~:¢-:-:~>:~`:~:~:~:.:~:~:~:~·~::*:~:~-~.:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:.:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: INORGANIC PERSISTENT AND BIOACCUMULATIVE TOXIC SUBSTANCES Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Waste Extraction Test Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC Detection Analysis TTLC Detection Analysis Analyte Max. Limit Limit Result Max. Umit Umit Result (mg/L) (rog/L) (rng/L) (mg/kg) (rog/kg) (mg,/kg) Antimony 15 0.10 500 5.0 N.D. Arsenic 5.0 0.10 500 5.0 N.D. Beryllium I 0.75 0.010 ' I 75 0.50 N.D. Chromium (VI) j 5.0 0.0050 I 500 0.050 - ~1~ it.~ ~'.'.'.'.'.::.::.::.:.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.:.::.: :.:.'.'.'.'.'.'.' ::' ~ '".'.'.':::::'".'::::'.'.'.'.'.:::::.:0.~:~1:0:.::' :~~~~~~:~~~~~.::~~~~~~~~~~:.~:.~~:~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:.~:.:~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~).~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i:::~~~~~~~~~~: :: :'.'.'.'.'.'.": ...... ~D~':: ;:::.'.::7:': LLO~.~.O::'.:;';:':'.';.:..':::'::!':; Molybdenum I 350 0 050 - 3,500 2 5 N D Selenium 1.0 0.10 - 100 5.0 N.D. Silver 5.0 0.010 - 500 0.50 N.D. Thallium 7.0 0.10 - 700 5.0 N.D. ~ ................................................. ~ ............................. ~.o .............................................................................. ~oo.'.o.. .................. ~so.~ ..................... !~...: ....... I~:'. :'. ....... ~.~.~.7.~.~.~.~.~/~.7..~.~/.~.7.~..~..~..~..~..~..~.~.LL~.~.~.%~.~/.~.. :..... :~.~.~. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~. ~.~.~.~.~. ~.~. ~.~ ~.~.~.~/.~:.. ~..'...'..~...L~.~.~.~.~.7.~.~.~.~.~.~.7.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. ~..~.~.~.~.~.~.~/.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~/.~.~.~.~.~.~..~.~.~/.~.~.~.~.~.~/.~.~.~.?.~.~.L 7: ......... ~.~.~!.~!/.~.~.::~:.~.~.~.L..'L .'....~:~.~.~.~.~. ~. ~/:!:~,~.~!~:i~. ~. i::'., ,....... Asbestos I 10 - I 10,000 100 Fluoride 180 0.10 - 18,000 1.0 TTLC results are reported as mg/kg of wet weight. Asbestos results are reported as fibers/g. Analytes reported as N.D, were not present above the stated ~irnit of detection, SEQUOIA ANALY'rlCAL Marie ^. S~ringer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <12> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 i~iiEn~ronmental Strategies Client Project ID: Bakemfield - CAl17204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993!ilii ?=i!101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, S.4-Sump Received: Jun 3, 1993i~ii iiiilSan Jose, CA 95110 i~i~ iiiAttention: BobBealkowski LabNumber: 3F13603 Report~ ~n 14, 1993~ii INORGANIC PERSISTENT AND BIOACCUMULATIVE TOXIC SUBSTANCES Soluble Threshold Umit Concentration Waste Extraction Test Total Threshold Umit Concentration STLC Detection Analysis Ti'LC Detection Analysis Analyte Max. Limit Limit Re,'~ult Max. Umit Umit Result (rog/L) (rog/L) (mc.i/L) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (rog/kg) Antimony 15 0.10 .- 500 5.0 N.D. Arsenic 5.0 0.10 .- 500 5.0 N.D. Beryllium I 0.75 0.010 - ~ 75 0.50 N.D. Chromium (VI) I 5.0 0.0050 ' I 500 0.050 - Mercury I 0.20 0.00020 - I 20 0.10 N.D. Molybdenum I 350 0.050 - ~ 3,500 2.5 N.D. Selenium 1.0 0.10 100 5.0 N.D. Silver 5.0 0.010 500 0.50 N.D. Thallium 7.0 0.10 700 5.0 N.D. Asbestos - 10 ' I' 10,000 ' ' 100" ' "'"'"" '"'"'""~'"'"" ....... '"" Fluoride 180 0.10 - I 18,000 1.0 - TI'LC results are reported as rog/kg of wet weight. Asbestos results are reported as fibers/g. Analyte$ reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of dete,~ion. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A Springer - Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <13> SEQUOIA ANALYT'ICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 ° FAX (415) 364-9233 Enwronmental Strategies ~lient Project ID: Bakersfield - CA117204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993 101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, S-6-Sump Received: Jun 3, 1993!!iii ?:?:iSan Jose, CA 95110 !!iiiAttention: Bob Bealkowski Lab Number: 3F13604 Reported: Jun 14, 1993~ii! INORGANIC PERSISTENT AND BIOACCUMULATIVE TOXIC SUBSTANCES Soluble Threshold Limit Concentratiion Waste Extraction Test Total Threshold Umit Concentration STLC Detection Analiysis TI-LC Detection Analysis Analyte Max. Limit Umit Re.,lult Max. Limit Umit Result (mg/L) (mg/L) (mc.I/L) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) Antimony 15 0.10 500 5.0 N.D. Arsenic 5.0 0.10 500 5.0 N.D. l~U~ ........................................ .-'.:1 ~ ................................ ~0~.-'/.~ ............................. : ................................................. ~.~00 ................. ~O.~ ..................... .,.:... -~ .............. Beryllium 0,75 0.010 75 0.50 N.D. Cadmium 1.0 0.010 100 0.50 N.D. Chromium (VI) 5.0 0.0050 500 0.050 ~.... ........................................... s~o ................................ ;o:~ ............................. 20 0.10 N.D. Mercury I 0.20 0.00020 Molybdenum 350 0.050 " S~lenium ~;0 ..... 0.10 ' ' .- ' ........ 10i~' ~.0 .... 'N;'D; ............ Silver 5.0 0.010 500 0.50 N.D. Thallium 7.0 0.10 700 5.0 N.D. Asbestos I - 10 I 10,000 100 - FluoddeI 180 0.10I 18,000 1.0 - TTLC results are reported as mg/kg of wet weight, Asbestos results are reported as fibers/g. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Made A. Springer Project Manager ~ 3F13601.EEE <14> SEQUOIA ANALYTIICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ~ n onme~ Stmt~i~ ~lem Proj~ ID: Bake~eld - CAl17204 Sam~: Jun 2, 1~ ~101 Metro Dr., Sure ~0 Sarape Descdpt: Soil, S-10~ump R~: Jun 3, 1993~ ~San Jose, CA ~110 ~?~A~emion: Bob B~kows~ ~b Numbe~ 3F13~5 Re~: Jun 14, 1~3~.~.[~ INORGANIC PERSISTENT AND BIOACCUMULATIVE TOXIC SUBSTANCES Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Waste Extraction Test Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC Detection Analysis Ti'LC Detection Analysis Analyte Max. Umit Umit Res~ult Max. Umit Umit Result (rog/L) (rog/L) (rog/L) (rog/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Antimony 15 0.10 - 500 5.0 N.D. Arsenic 5.0 0.10 - 500 5.0 N.D. Beryllium 0.75 0.010 - 75 0.50 N.D. Cadmium 1.0 0.010 ~' 100 0.50 N.D. Chromium (VI) 5.0 0.0050 500 0.050 - Cobalt 80 0 050 - J 8,000 2 5 N D Mercury I 0.20 0.00020 20 0.10 N.D. Molybdenum 350 0.050 3,500 2.5 N.D, Nickel ! 20 0.050 2,000 2.5 N.D. Selenium 1.0 0.10 100 5.0 N.D. Silver 5.0 0.010 500 0.50 N.D. Thallium 7.0 0.10 700 5.0 N.D. Asbestos ] - 10 .. J 10,000 100 - Fluoride I 180 0.10 " I 18,00.0. .. 1:0 - TTLC results are reported as mg/kg of wet weight. Asbestos results are reported as fibers/g. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer '~ Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <15> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive o Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 ° FAX (415) 364-9233 ~:::..~..~......~.~:~~~:~. ................. ~i.....~?~:.~.~:<.:?:~.~:.:.:~........~.~:.:o~.....:.~.:~ ......... ~..:.w~?.:~:.~.~t~~i ............... ~=~mnme~ =~mt~ ~em ~rol~t ID: ~aKe~d - CAl172~ Sam~: Jun 2, 1~ ~101 Metro Dr., SuRe ~0 Sample DescHpt: Soil, S-10A~ump R~N~: Jun 3, 1~[~ San Jose, CA 95110 ~ ~A~ention: Bob B~lkowski ~b Number: 3F13~6 ~Rep~: ~.Jun 14, 19~ INORGANIC PERSISTENT AND BIOACCUMULATIVE TOXIC SUBSTANCES Soluble Threshold Umit Concentration Waste Extraction Test Total Threshold Umit Concentration STLC Detection Analysis TFLC Detection Analysis Analyte Max. Limit Limit Result Max. Limit Limit Result (rog/L) (rng/L) (rng/L) (mg/kg) (rog/kg) (mg/kg) Antimony 15 0.10 500 5.0 N.D. Arsenic 5.0 0.10 500 5.0 N.D. Beryllium 0.75 0.010 ~ 75 0.50 N.D. Cadmium 1.0 0.010 '1 100 0.50 N.D. Chromium (VI) I 5.0 0.0050 500 0.050 Cobalt I 80 0.050 ' I 8,000 2.5 N.B. Mercury 0.20 0.00020 I 20 0.10 N.D. Molybdenum 350 0.050 i 3,500 2.5 N.D. Nickel 20 0.050 2,000 2.5 N.D. Selenium 1.0 0.10 100 5.0 N.D. Silver 5.0 0.010 I 500 0.50 N.D. Thallium 7.0 0.10 I 700 5.0 N.D. Asbestos , - 10 , 10,000 100 - FluorideI 180 0.10 -I 18,000 1.0 - TTLC results are reported as mg/kg of wet weight. Asbestos results are reported as fibers/g. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of dete¢,~ion. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer '~. Project Manager ~...'~ 3F13601.EEE <16> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 iii!ir'nv~ronmental Strategies Client Project ID: Bakersfield - CA117204 Sampled: Jun 2, 1993 ~101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, S-15-Sump Received: Jun 3, 1993!ii?:i iiiiSan Jose, CA 95110 ~!~Attention: Bob Boalkowski Lab Number:. 3F13t51~7 Reported: Jun 14, ::::::::::::~:::: :: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::: :: ::: ::::: :~::::.':::'~:::::::::::: :::::'.::::::::::: ::: ::::::::~:::::::::::::.': ::: ::: :::::: :::~::.':~ :::::: ::::: :::::: ::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: :: :~ ::::: :::::::::: :::: :::: ::: ::: :::::::::.':::::::::::::::~..<::::::::::: :.y.:~.': :::: :::::~:::!::.'::: :::.':.'>'::::: ::.-:.-:::::::::~:::.¥)~:.'{.::'::.:.::::::::::~:.:~:.'{::'~ ~ .~ j.'..:.::::...'.-:: ::' :.: :: :: ::' ~ :.~.~: :...': ::.-:;:::.-':~::'::'?.:'~ :.'..:::: INORGANIC PERSISTENT AND BIOACCUMULATIVE TOXIC SUBSTANCES Soluble Threshold Umit Concentration Waste Extraction Test Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC Detection Analysis 'FI-LC Detection Analysis Analyte Max. Umit Umit Re.~ult Max. Umit Umit Result (mg/L) (mg/L) (rng/L) (mg/kg) (rog/kg) (rng/kg) Antimony 15 0.10 500 5.0 N.D. Arsenic 5.0 0.10 500 5.0 N.D. t~ ..~. ~ ~ ......................... -': ............. ::: :~ ................. ~ ....... :: ........ ~.*.~ ............................................................................................ ~ ............... ::.'::~..~. '~..~. ~-.~. ~..~. ~ ......... ~::::~: ::::: :.:~.~. ~[~ .~.-:: ."-: ::: ::::::'..'..::' <."-::::::::..~:'-':-'.':: ."-:: · Cadmium , 1.0 0.010 ," 100 0.50 N.D. Chromium (VI)I 5.0 0.0050 'I 500 0.050 - ~~ ............................... ~ .............................. ~..~. ~'~:e ............................................................................................... :: ........... .-'-::::: :~..~. ~-.0.'-.~. ~:::: :::::::~:: :::::.-:::: ...~.~.~.-~.~.-.-::::: ........ >. ........ :~:::: ~ ::'.::::: ::: ... - =========================================== ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::: : =================================== ::: ~.::::::~.:::::::::: ~p~i~!? ::~i~i::~::::ili~:: ~::::i::ii ii!?:::~i::~ii ~i~i~i::ii ::!i!i?:i::::~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::iii~ii~i~i~!~i~!~i~!iiii!::!~!~ill~~t~iiii~i~i~ii Mercury I 0.20 0.00020 - I 20 O JO N.D. Molybdenum 350 0 050 ' I 3,500 2 5 N D S~i~niurn 1.0 0.10 - ' .... 1'00 5.0 ~'.D. Silver 5.0 0.010 500 0.50 N.D. Thallium 7.0 0.10 700 5.0 N.D. Asbestos I 10 I 10,000 100 Fluoride 180 0.10 18,000 1.0 TTLC results are reported as mg/kg of wet weight. Asbestos results are reported as fibers/g. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 3F13601.EEE <17> SEQUOIA ANALYI"ICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 · :.:.:.:..'..~:.:.:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:-....~:.~.,:-:.:- ,~ -,:,~!~'.,~" .-'::'~ .... ~<.~*'~' ~'-'r~;~ ~.~. ~ '~ · ~ .... "-'::~ ~ E~ronmen~ Stmtegi~ ~ient Pmj~ ID: Bake~d - CA117204 Sam~: N.~ ~ 101 Metro Dr., Sure ~0 Sample DescHpt: Soil, Meth~ Blank R~: N.~ ~ ~San Jose, CA ~110 ~ ~ARemion: Bob B~kowsffi ~b Numben 3F13~09 . Re~: Jun 14, 1~ INORGANIC PERSISTENT AND BIOACCUMULATIVE TOXIC SUBSTANCES Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Waste Extraction Test Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC Detection Analysis -I-tLC Detection Analysis Analyte Max. Limit Limit Result Max. Umit Limit Result (rog/L) (mg/L) (rog/L) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) Antimony 15 0.10 500 5.0 N.D. Arsenic 5.0 0.10 500 5.0 N.D. Barium 100 0.10 10,000 5.0 N.D. Beryllium 0.75 0.010 75 0.50 N.D. Cadmium 1.0 0.010 100 0.50 N.D. Chromium (VI) 5.0 0.O050 50O 0.050 Chromium 560 0.010 2,500 0.50 N.D. Cobalt 80 0.050 8,000 2.5 N.D. [~d .......... ~3'i~) ...... 0~'~i'~ ' "- ............... 1,'~'(~) ....... ',~'0 '~.51 Mercury 0.20 0.00020 20 0.10 N.D. Molybdenum i 350 0.050 - 3,500 2.5 N.D. Nickel ' 20 0.050 2,000 2.5 N.D. Selenium 1.0 0.10 - 100 5.0 N.D. Silver 5.0 0.010 500 0.50 N.D. Thallium i 7.0 0.10 - 700 5.0 N.D. Vanadium 24 0.050 - 2,400 2.5 N.D. Fluoride I 180 0.10 ' I 18,000 1.0 - TTLC results are reported as mg/kg of wet weight. Asbestos results are reported as fibers/g. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of dete¢~on. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE < 18> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 ' "(415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 i~ir'nwronmental Strategtes Client Project ID: Bakersheld - CA117204 Sampled: N~,.Itl iii 101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, Method Blank Received: N.A. iii!iSan Jose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA 8240 Analyzed: Jun 7, 199,3~iii~ ::iii!Attention:.. Bob Bealkowski Lab Number: VBLK060793 Reported: Jun 14, 1993i~ VOLATILE ORGANICS by Gc/Ms (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results pg/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 500 Benzene ........................................................................... 100 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 100 Bromoform ....................................................................... 100 Bromomethane ................................................................ 100 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 500 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 100 Carbon tetrachloride ....................................................... 100 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 100 Chloroethane ................................................................... 100 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................. 500 Chloroform ....................................................................... 100 Chloromethane ................................................................ 100 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 100 1,1-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,2-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,1 -Dichloroethene .......................................................... 100 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 100 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 100 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 100 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene .................................................. 100 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 100 Ethyl benzene ................................................................... 100 2-Hexanone .......................................... ; .......................... 500 Methylene chloride .......................................................... 250 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 500 Styrene ............................................................................. 100 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ............................................... 100 Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 100 Toluene ............................................................................ 100 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 Trichloroethene ................................................................ 100 Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... 100 Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 100 Vinyl chloride ................................................................... 100 Total Xylenes .................................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. ..................................... N.D. ..................................... N.D. ..................................... N.D. ..................................... N.D. ..................................... N.D. ..................................... N.D. ..................................... N.D. N.D. ..................................... N.D. ..................................... N.D. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. Because matrix effects and/or other factors required additional sample dilution, detection limits for this sample have been raised. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <19> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesal3eake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364~9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 :::::~~.~'~1~~:.~..:~<~ ~ i=i~vironmental Strategies Client Project ID: Bakersfield - CA117204 Sampled: N.A. i!!101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, Method Blank Received: N.~ iiiSanJose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA8:.~40 Analyzed: Jun 8, 1993~ ii~Attention: Bob Bealkowsld Lab Number:. VBLK06089,3 Reported: Jun 14, .,1,993{~ VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results pg/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 500 Benzene ........................................................................... 100 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 100 Bromoform ....................................................................... 100 Bromomethane ................................................................ 100 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 500 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 100 Carbon tetrachloride ....................................................... 100 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 100 Chloroethane ................................................................... 100 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether. ................................................ 500 Chloroform ....................................................................... 100 Chloromethane ................................................................ 100 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 100 1,1 -Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,2-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,1-Dichloroethene .......................................................... 100 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 100 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 100 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 100 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene .................................................. 100 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 100 Ethylbenzene ................................................................... 100 2-Hexanone ......................................... ~ ........................... 500 Methylene chloride .......................................................... 250 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 500 Styrene ............................................................................. 100 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ............................................... 100 Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 100 Toluene ............................................................................ 100 1,1,1 -Tdchloroethane ...................................................... 100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 Trichloroethene ................................................................ 100 Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... 100 Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 100 Vinyl chloride ................................................................... 100 Total Xylenes .................................................................. 100 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of deter~on. Because matrix effects and/or other factors required additional sample dilution, detection limits for this sample have been raised. SEQUOIA ANAL3FFICAL Maile/L Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <20> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ....... 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 "" ':"'. ': ~'. "". i~i! nvlronmental b'tmtegles Client Project ID: Bakemfield - CA117204 Sampled:. · N.A. ~i!101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descfipt: Soil, Ivlethod Blank Received: ii!San Jose, CA 95110 Ana/ysis Method: EPA~t240 Analyzed: Jun 9, 1993~ ii~Attention: Bob Bealkowski Lab Number: VBLK060993 ... .~ ... Reported: Jun 14, 1993~i~ VOLATILE ORGANICS by Gc/Ms (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit. Sample Results pg/kg /~g/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 500 Benzene ........................................................................... 100 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 100 Bromoform ....................................................................... 100 Bromomethane ................................................................ 100 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 500 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 100 Carbon tetrachloride ....................................................... 100 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 100 Chloroethane .............................................. : ....................100 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................. 500 Chloroform ....................................................................... 100 Chloromethane ................................................................ 100 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 100 1,1 -Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,2-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,1-Dichloroethene .......................................................... 100 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 100 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 100 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 100 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene .................................................. 100 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 100 Ethylbenzene ...................................... .. ............................ 100 2-Hexanone ..................................................................... 500 Methylene chloride .......................................................... 250 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 500 Styrene ............................................................................. 100 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ............................................... 100 Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 100 Toluene ............................................................................ 100 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 Trichloroethene ................................................................ 100 Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... 100 Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 100 Vinyl chloride ................................................................... 100 Total Xylenes .................................................................. 100 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. Because matrix effects and/or other factors required additional sample dilution, detection limits for this sample have been raised. N.D, N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <21 · SEQUOIA ANALYTIICAL 680 Chesapeake Ddve · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 Enwronmental Strategies ~ient Project ID: Bakersfield - CA117204 ~ampled: N.A. ii!~i! 101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil, Method Blank/Extraction Blank Received: N.A. iiiiii i!iiiSanJose, CA 95110 Analysis Method: EPA8240 Analyzed: Jun 7, 1993iiiii i!~Attention: Bob Bealkowski Lab Numbe~. VBLK060793 Reported: Jun 14 1993iiii VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results ,~g/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................ 500 Benzene ........................................................................... 100 Bromodichloromethane .................................................. 100 B romoform ....................................................................... 100 Brornornethane ................................................................ 100 2-Butanone ...................................................................... 500 Carbon disulfide .............................................................. 100 Carbon tetrachlodde ....................................................... 100 Chlorobenzene ................................................................ 100 Chloroethane ...................................................................100 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................. 500' Chloroform ....................................................................... 100 Chloromethane ................................................................ 100 Dibromochloromethane .................................................. 100 1,1-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,2-Dichloroethane .......................................................... 100 1,1-Dichloroethene .......................................................... 100 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene .................................................... 100 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene ................................................. 100 1,2-Dichloropropane ....................................................... 100 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene .................................................. 100 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene .............................................. 100 Ethylbenzene ...................................................................100 2-Hexanone ......................................... ~ ........................... 500 Methylene chloride .......................................................... 250 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ..................................................... 500 Styrene ............................................................................. 100 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ............................................... 100 Tetrachloroethene ........................................................... 100 Toluene ............................................................................ 100 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ...................................................... 100 Trichloroethene ................................................................100 Trichlorofluoromethane ................................................... I00 Vinyl acetate .................................................................... 100 Vinyl chloride ................................................................... 100 Total Xylenes ..................................................................100 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. Because matrix effects and/or other factors required additional sample dilution, detection limits for this sample have I~een raised. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL' Maile A. Springer Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <22> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 !i!!iEnvironmental Strategies ' Client Project ID: Bakersfield -CA117204 101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Method: EPA 8240 San Jose, CA 95110 !iiiiAttention: Bob Bealkowski QC Sample #: 3F13601 - 07 Reported: Jun 14, 1993 i::i::iiiiiii!i!i~ii!~:?:i!i!!i~iiiiiiii?:iii?????:i::ili?:ilili!ili!~?:~i!ii!i ~i ?:i ~ ..'..'ii ~i=?~ii ~i:~i::iii:=i::i::iii::iii=:i::i::i:=i::i:=i::iiiii ~ii:~i~???:iii???:iii?:iii!~!!~!!~?:i~::~?~:~?:i?:~!~?:~??????:~i~!i??:i??~i?:iii:???:~i~::iiiii??/?:~i~i~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .';:ii?:iii=???:ili?:iiii:-[~?:i!!!!i!iii!i~ ~iiii==Jil i~i~i~:=~i~i~i~ii==ii!i~[ii .-li?:iiii i?:~=: ."'.-'~!~i~i {i ~i~i~i! i~::~! !i ~.-'.:'::..::: ...................................: ........ ~ .¢':= ~.. ~ =. .>;............ :::: ":".';~:~ ....... QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT: SURROGATE RECOVERIES, EPA 8240 Surrogate Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Recovery, Recovery, Recovery, Recovery, Recovery, Recovery, 3F13601 3F13602 3F13603 3F13604 3F13605 3F13606 S-0.5-Sump S-2-Sump S-4-Sump S-6-Sump S-10-Sump S-10A-Sump Percent Recovery, 3F13607 S-15-Sump 1,2-Dichloro- ethane-d4 60 71 76 106 83 105 106' Toluene-d8 41 69 72 110 93 109 109 Bromofluoro- benzene 42 71 76 111 96 108 108 SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer~,,..~ Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <23> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 iii 101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Method: EPA 8240 iiiii San Jose, CA 95110 i!iilAttention: Bob Bealkowski QC Sample #: 3F13608 ¥.. Reported: Jun 14, 1993 QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT: SURROGATE RECOVERIES, EPA 8240 Surrogate Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Recovery, Recovery, Recovery, Recovery, Recovery, Recovery, 3F13608 TB #1 Percent Recovery, 1,2-Dichloro- 97 ethane-d4 Toluene-d8 101 Bromofluoro- 102 benzene SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer :,,.~ Project Manager 3F13601.EEE <24> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ?~ii Environmental Strategies Client Project ID: Bakersfield - CA117204 ~!!! 101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Matrix: Soil ~?!iiSan Jose, CA 95110 iiilAttention: Bob Bealkowski QC Sample Group: 3F13(J01 - 08 Reported: Jun 14, 1993 .... QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT ANALYTE: 1,1-Dichloro- Trichloroethene Benzene Toluene Chloro- Diesel ethene benzene Method: EPA 8240 EPA 8240 EPA 8240 EPA 8240 EPA 8240 EPA 8015 Analyst: S.Hoffman S.Hoffman S.Hoffman S.Hoffman S.Hoffman C.Lee Conc. Spiked: 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 15 Units: pg/kg /~g/kg /~g/kg pg/kg pg/kg mg/kg LCS Batch#: VBLK060793 VBLK060793 VBLK060793 VBLK060793 VBLK060793 DBLK060793 Date Prepared: 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/;'/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 Date Analyzed: 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/;'/93 6/?/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 Instrument I.D.#: MSF-2 MSF-2 MSF-2 MSF-2 MSF-2 GCHP-5 LCS % Recovery: 92 84 ~0 84 84 73 Control Limits: 59-172 62-157 66-.142 59-139 60-133 50-150 MS/MSD Batch #: V3F13606 V3F13606 V3F13606 V3F13606 V3F13606 D3F13606 Date Prepared: 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/;'/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 Date Analyzed: 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/8/93 Instrument I.D.#: USE-2 MSF-2 MSF-2 MSF-2 MSF-2 GCHP-5 Matrix Spike % Recovery: 100 96 .~2 92 92 86 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 120 112 104 112 108 86 Relative % Difference: 18 15 '12 20 16 0.0 SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Maile A. Springer ' Project Manager '- J IPlease Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents,~ preparation and analytical methods employed for the samples. The LCS % recovery data is used for validation of sample batch results. Due to matrix effects, the QC limits for MS/MSD's are advisory only ~iSd are not used to accept or reject batch results. 3F13601.EEE <25> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 !i~i~ 101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Matrix: Soil i!!iiSan Jose, CA 95110 iiiiiAttention: Bob Bealkowski QC Sample Group: 3F13601 - 08 Reported: Jun 14, 1993 QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT l ANALYTE Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Nickel Mercury Method: EPA 6010 EPA 6010 EPA6010 EPA6010 EPA 7471 Analyst: C.Medefesser C, Medefesser C.Medefesser C. Medefesser A.M. Conc. Spiked: 100 100 100 100 1,0 Units: mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg LCS Batch#: BLK060793 BLK060793 BLK060793 BLK060793 BLK060893 Date Prepared: 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 Date Analyzed: 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/8/93 Instrument I.D.#: MTJA-2 MTJA-2 MTJA-2 MTJA-2 MPE-2 LCS % Recovery: 98 100 101 98 94 Control Limits: 75-125 75-125 75-125 75-125 90-110 MS/MSD Batch #: 3F13606 3F13606 3F'13606 3F13606 3F13607 Date Prepared: 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 Date Analyzed: 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/8/93 Instrument I.D.#: MTJA-2 MTJA-2 MTJA-2 MTJA-2 MPE-2 Matrix Spike % Recovery: 100 103 '101 100 94 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 100 103 102 101 96 Relative % Difference: 0.0 0.0 0.98 1.0 2.1 SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Made A. S. pring~'r'~..~X Project Manager '"~ IPlease Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents,I preparation and analytical methods employed for the samples. The LCS % recovery data is used for validation of sample batch results. Due to matrix effects, the QC limits for MS/MSD's are advisory only and are not used to accept or reject batch results. 3F13601.EEE <26> No. 005264 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD '.":: ." !'~ 'SAMPLERS: (sionatureb, PRINT NAME: Relinquished by: (~nature) Date '/Time Rekeived by: (Signature) LAB NAME: , ~z ~- ~'1~: ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES CORPORATION · Restart, Virginia 22090 ~Rel[~quishe~by: (~) Date / Time Received by: (Signature) couRiER: {703170%~500 Received for Laborat'o~ by: PRIN~ NAME: Date / Time CUSTODY SEAL NOS: I I ,.. A~ENTION ~B: SEND ANAL~ICAL RESULTS TO THE FOLLOWING ESC STAFF MEMBER: DISTRIBUTION: ORIGINAL ACCOMPANIES SHIPMENT; COPY TO ES~ FILES Appendix C- Additional Verification Sampling Results ESC SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesaoeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 CLIENT NAME : PROJECT NAME : PROJECT # SDS # METHOD DATE CASE NARRATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES CORPORATION MACKE-VEE & MR. PISTON FACILITY : CA 117204 : 3G098 : TCLP Pb : July 23, 1993 SEQUOIA I.D. CLIENT I.D. 3G098-01 3G098-02 SAMPLE-S SAMPLE-SD SAM # 1 SAM# 2 3G124-S 3G124-SD Page 1 Continued ..... SUI~Y : The samples in this report have been extracted by Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure ( TCLP ), and analyzed by SW-846 method 7421 for lead. SAMPLE RESULTS : No issues. INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION: No issues. CRDL STANDARDS : Both the CRDL standards, initial CRII and final CRIF were analyzed at 2*CRDL in accordance with the USEPA Statement of Work ILM01.0. The CRDL for lead is as low as 3 ug/L, which is virtually impossible to detect by an ICP instrument. No corrective action was taken since SW-846 does not require analysis of a CRDL standard. '~ INITIAL AND CONTINUI~G CALIBRATION BLANKS : No issues. INTERFERENCE CHECK SAMPLE : No issues. SPIKE SAMPLE RECOVERY : A Spike sample was not digested for this SDG. Samples 3G124-1, 3G124-1S and 3G124-1SD digested in the same batch, on July 7,1993 have been reported with this SDG. POST DIGESTION SPIKE : Not required. DUPLICATE : A duplicate was not digested for this SDG. However Spike and Spike Duplicate digested in the same batch, have been reported with this SDG. LABORATORY CONTROL S~PLE : No issues. Continued ...... Page 2 10. METHOD STANDARD ADDITION : Not required. 11. SERIAL DILUTION : A serial dilution was not analyzed for this SDGo Vice Pr~ Page 3 SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 I QUALIFIERS FOR METALS There are three types of result qualifiers: C (Concentration) qualifiers: a) "U" - analyte not detected at or above the Instrument Detection Limit (IDL). Q qualifiers: a) "E" b) "N" c) "S" d) "W" e) ~1~ f) "+" reported vaJLue is estimated because of the presence of interference. Spiked sample recovery not within control limits. The reported value was determined by the Method of Standard Additions (MSA). Post-digestion spike for GFAA analysis is out of control limits. Duplicate analysis not within control limits. Correlation coefficient for the MSA is less than 0.995. M (Method) qualifiers: a) "P" - For ICP. b) "F" - For GFAA. [CHAIN OF CUSTOI)Y DOCUMENTATION![ ~i~ SEQUOIA ANALYIICAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY .,~.,oou Chesapuake LnmVU · R~uwuOd C,y, CA b'~uu3 · (.~ ,.~/ 364-u~ud FA~,, ;=15) $,.,~-=233 819 West Striker Ave. · Sacramento, CA 95834 · (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 1900 Bates Ave., Suite LM * Concord, CA 94520 · (510) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 Company Name: ~'/~/{.,)/~¢¢/t) ,/-¢E/t)7~- .%'T4.4rT'~--~/~'S (~O~,~. ' Jc,~: ~ ~ s~: ~. zip Cod~: ¢~llfl Turnaround,~ t0 Working Days ~ 3 Working Days Time: Q 7 Working Days ~ 2 Working Days Q 5 Working Days Client Sample I.D. 1.:~,~ / 4. 5. 6. Project Name:,,¢//~_¢~ ~' ~¢~/k. ,,~//.7~/1 Billing Address ( if different): QC Data: I~1 Level A (Standard) ~1 Level B I~1 Level C [~ Level D Comments QI 2-8 Hours I C) Drinking Water IAnalyses RequestedI I ~ WasteWater .,~ ~~//2/ __ I~1 24 Hours I~' Other Date~ime IMatrixl eof Cont. Sequoia's Date: Date: ~/-'¢ Time://~' :5- Received By: 10. Relinquished By: Relinquished By: t ~,,1:., ~..l,'.l .... I I'~, Time: Received By: I,,.,.,, ,-, ..... ,~ ..... ,.: ...,,...,...,. .~lr',. l, , .... .,/-~~ .~, COVER PAGE - INORGANIC ANALYSES DATA PACKAGE Lab Name: SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Case No.: CA '117204 Lab Code: SOW No. Contract: SAS No. EPA Sample No. Lab Sample ID SAM #1 3G098-01 SAM #1 3G098-02 SAMPLE-S 3G127-1S SAMPLE-SD 3G 127-1 SD SDG No. 3G098 Were ICP interelement corrections applied? Were ICP background corrections applied? If yes, were raw data generated before application of background corrections? Comments: Yes/No YES Yes/No YES Yes/No NO I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions stated above. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package and in the computer-readable data submitted on floppy diskette has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or the Manager's designee, as verified by the following signature. Signature: ~ , ~ Name: Su Patel Date: 7' ~ ~:~ / -- ~-'~ Title: Proiect Manac~er ESCCP.CLP COVER PAGE - IN Rev.6/89 Lab Name: Lab Code: Matrix: (soil/water) Level: (Iow/mc, d) % Solids: 1 INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL TCLP EXTRACT LOW 91.4 Contract: EPA SAMPLE NO. SAM # 1 Case No.: CA 117204 SAS No.: SDG No.: 3G098 Lab Sample ID: 3G098-01 Date Received: 07/'02/93 Concentration Units (pg/L or mg/Kg dry weight): ug/L CAS No. Analyte Conc. C Q M 7429-90-5 Aluminum P 7440-36-0 Antimony F 7440-38-2 Arsenic F 7440-39-3 Barium P 7440-41-7 Beryllium P 7440-43-9 Cadmium P 7440-70-2 Calcium P 7440-47-3 Chromium P 7440-48-4 Cobalt P 7440-50-8 Copper P 7439-89-8 Iron P 7439-92-1 , Lead 38.7 u P 7439-95-4 Magnesium P 7439-96-5 Manganese P 7439-97-8 Mercury Cv 7440-02-0 Nickel P 7440-09-7 Potassium P 7782-49-2 Selenium F 7440-22-4 Silver P 7440-23-5 Sodium P 7440-28-0 Thallium F 7440-62-2 Vanadium P 7440-66-6 Zinc P Cyanide NR Color Before: BROWN Color After: COLORLESS Comments: Clarity Before: CLEAR Clarity After: CLEAR Texture: MEDIUM Artifacts: ESC1M1.CLP FORM I-IN 7/88 1 INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Lab Name: SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Lab Code: Matrix: (soil/water) TCLP EXTRACT Level: (Iow/med) LOW % Solids: 91.6 Contract: Case No.: CA 117204 SAS No.: SDG No.: 3G098 Lab Sample ID: 3G098-02 Date Received: 07/02/93 EPA SAMPLE NO. SAM #2 Concentration Units (pg/L or mg/Kg dry weight): ug/L CAS No. Analyte Conc. C Q M 7429-90-5 Aluminum P 7440-36-0 Antimony F 7440-38-2 Arsenic F 7440-39-3 Barium P 7440-41-7 Beryllium P 7440-43-9 Cadmium P 7440-70-2 Calcium P 7440-47-3 Chromium P 7440-48-4 Cobalt P 7~0-50-8 Copper P 7439-89-6 Iron P 7439-92-1 Lead 38.6 u P 7439-95-4 Magnesium P 7439-96-5 Manc~anese P 7439-97-6 Mercury cv 7440-02-0 Nickel P -/440-09-7 Potassium P 7782-49-2 Selenium F 7440-22-4 Silver P 7440-23-5 Sodium P 7440-28-0 Thallium F 7440-62-2 Vanadium P 7440-66-6 Zinc P Cyanide NR Color Before: BROWN Color After: COLORLESS Clarity Before: CLEAR Cla,rity After: CLEAR Texture: MEDIUM Artifacts: Comments: FORM I - IN 7/88 ESC1 M1 .CLP SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 iiiiiEnvironmental Strategies Client Project ID: #CA 117204 Sampled: Jul 1, 19937:!i?: ::?:ii101 Metro Dr., Suite 650 Sample Descript: Soil Received: Jul 2, 1993i!i!i! iiiilSan Jose, CA 95110 Analysis for: % Moisure Analyzed: Jul 13, 1993!iliii iiiilAttention: Jeff Benson First Sample #: 3G098-01 Reported: Jul 15, 1993iiiiii LABORATORY ANALYSIS FOR: % Moisure Sample Sample Sample Number Description Detection Limit Result % mg/kg 3G098-01 SAM #1 1.0 91.4 3G098-02 SAM #2 1.0 91.6 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detectic,n. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Su Patel Project Manager 3G098-01.EEE < 1 > BLANKS '3 3 BLANKS Lab Name: SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Contract: Lab Code: Case No.: CA 117204 SAS No.: Preparation Blank Matrix (soil/water): TCLP EXTRACT Preparation Blank Concentration Units (pg/L or mg/Kg): ug/L SDG No.: 3G098 Initial Calib. Continuing Calibration iili Prepa- Blank Blank (pg/L) ,i ration Analyte (pg/L) C I C 2 C 3 C l::ii Blank C M Beryllium ?~ :?~i P Chromium ?:i iii P Cobalt iii P Copper !ii P Lead 35.4 U 35.4 U 35.4 U Manganese .... P Mercury CV Nickel P Potassium P Selenium F Silver P Sodium P Vanadium ??: P Cyanide .... iill NR ESC1M3.CLP FORM III - IN 7/88 SPIKE SAMPLE RECOVERY Lab Name: Lab Code: 5A SPIKE SAMPLE RECOVERY SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Contract: Case No.: CA117204 EPA SAMPLE NO. SAS No.: SDG No.:- Matrix: WATER Level (Iow/med): LOW % Solids for Sample: Concentration Units (flg/L or rog/Kg dry weight): ug/L Control Limit Spiked Sample Sample Spike Analyte %R Result (SSR) C Resuit (SR) C Added (SA) %R Q M Aluminum P Antimony F Arsenic F Barium P Beryllium P Cadmium P Calcium P Chromium P Cobalt P Copper P Iron P Lead 75-125 948.7000 35.40(X) U 1000.0(3 94.9 P Magnesium P Manganese P Mercury Cv Nickel P Potassium P Selenium F Silver P Sodium P Thallium F Vanadium P Zinc P Cyanide NR Comments: ESC1M5A. CLP FORI~4 V (Part 1) - IN 7/88 Lab Name: Lab Code: Matrix: WATER % Solids for Sample: SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 5A SPIKE SAMPLE RECOVERY Case No.: CA117204 Contract: SAS No.: SDG No.: - Level (Iow/med): EPA SAMPLE NO. 3G124-1SD LOW Concentration Units (pg/L or rog/Kg dry weight): ug/L Control Limit Spiked Sample Sample Spike Analyte %R Result (SSR) C Result (SR) C Added (SA) %R Q M Aluminum P Antimony F Arsenic F Barium ,~ P Beryllium P Cadmium P Calcium P Chromium P Cobalt P Copper P Iron P Lead 75-125 940.2000, 35.4000 U 1000.00 94.0 P Magnesium P Mancjanese ~ P Mercury CV Nickel P Potassium P Selenium F Silver P Sodium P Thallium F Vanadium P Zinc P Cyanide NR Comments: ESC1M5AD.CLP FORM V (Part 1) - IN 7/88 DUPLICATES Lab Name: Lab Code: Matrix (soil/water): % Solids for Sample: SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL DUPLICATES Case No.: CA 117204 WATER Contract: SAS No.: SDG No.: Level: (low/med) % Solids for Duplicate: EPA SAMPLE NO. 3G124-1S LOW Concentration Units ~g/L or mg/Kg dry weight): ug/'L Control Spike Spike Analyte Limit Sample (S) (:; ,. Duplicate (SD) C RPD Q M Antimony ?::; iiiil F Badum ?~ii P Cadmium iiii P Calcium ?:? iili P Chromium '- .... iili P ESC1M§.CLP FORM VI - IN 7/88 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE Lab Name: Lab Code: SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Contract: 5086-91-BOA-072 Case No.: CA '117204 SAS No.: - SDG No.: 3G098 Solid LCS Source: Aqueous LCS Source: SOLUTIONS PLUS Aqueous (pg/L) Solid (mg/kg) Analyte TRUE Found %R TRUE Found C Limits %R Aluminum Antimony Arsenic ,, Barium Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead 1000.0 912.90 91.3 Magnesium Uanc~anese Memur~ Nickel Potassium Selenium Silver Sodium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Cyanide ESC1 M7.CLP FORI~ VII - IN 7/88 Ap ndix D - Quality Assurance Sufi~a~ Report: , ,~!_:j .~ ~"'~'" ' .. , ,. ~,. ~;~,~'~,. ~'.,'. ,.....,. -~, .:: ESC Quality Assurance Review Summary Soil Sampling Results Mr. Piston Facility Bakersfield, California June and July 1993 This Quality Assurance Summary covers seven soil samples and associated quality control samples that were collected from the Mr. Piston facility in Bakersfield, California, on June 2, 1993. The samples were analyzed by Sequoia Analytical Environmental Laboratory, Inc. in Redwood City, California, for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by U.S. EnviroJunental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8240, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as diesel by EPA Me~od modified 8015, and California Analytical Method (CAM) 17 metals by EPA Method 6010/7471. Two additional samples, SAM #1 and SAM #2, were collected on July 1, 1993 and analyzed for lead by EPA Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). This Quality Assurance Summary discusses the analytical results for all field and laboratory quality control samples analyzed in support of this san~pling event. All laboratory data and supporting. information have been reviewed to ensure adherence to the specified analytical, Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC), and chain-of-custody protocols. The results of the QA review and the effect on the reported results are presented below and on Tables 1 through 3. The samples arrived at the laboratory in a chilled state, accompanied by the chain of custody. There were no problems encountered during shipping and handling of the samples between the site and laboratory. Summary of Laboratory Results All samples were analyzed within the required method holding time criteria. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel TPH as diesel was detected in samples S-0.5, S-2, S-4, and S-6. All the positive results have been qualified "D". The "D" qualifier indicates the results was reported from a diluted sample analysis. The samples were diluted to bring the concentration within the linear calibration range of the instrument and method. The samples have also been qualified "B" lCecause contamination was detected in the associated method blank. Volatile Organic Compounds Ethylbenzene, toluene, and total xylenes were detected in sample S-0.5 and total xylenes were detected in sample S-2. The results have been qualified "J". The "J" qualifier indicates the reported results are estimated concentrations. Samples S-0.5, S-2, and S-4 showed low sfirrogate recovery for the initial extraction. The samples were re-extracted in accordance with EPA Method 8240 and the re- extraction also demonstrated low surrogate recovery. This indicates a matrix interference problem. Therefore, the concentrations report for these samples are considered estimated. CAM 17 Metals Metals detected were antimony, barium, beryllium, c ..admium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, molybdenum, nickel, silver, thallium, vanadium, and zinc. The copper and zinc results have been qualified "B". The "B" qualifier indicates copper and zinc were detected in the associated method blank. TCLP Lead The detection limit for TCLP lead was 38.7 gg/l and TCLP lead was not detected in SAM #1 or SAM #2. All QC criteria associated with this analysis were acceptable. Field Quality Control Samples Field QC samples collected in support of the sampling event included one trip blank and two field duplicate samples. Sample S-10A was a duplicate of sample S-10 and SAM #2 was a duplicate of SAM #1. The trip blank was prepared at the laborato~ and accompanied the sample containers to and from the sampling event. The trip blank is used to measure cross contamination, laboratory water quality, and laboratory sample container cleaning. The trip blardc was free of contamination. The purpose of the field duplicate is to evaluate field sampling and laboratory precision by comparing results of two samples taken from the same location' and to evaluate the homogeneity of the sample matrix. The relative percent difference (RPD) between the pair of results for each analyte is calculated and used to measure the field and laboratory precision. Generally, RPDs of 30 percent or less are acceptable for aqueous field duplicate samples. Sample S-10A is a duplicate of sample S-t0. Target analytes detected in both samples were barium, chromium, copper, lead, vanadium, and zinc:. The calculated RPDs are 29.3, 21.6, 62.3, 4.7, 3.2, and 2.9 percent, respectively. The results that ,~,re greater than 30 percent indicate possible non- homogeneity of the sample matrix. Laboratory Quality Control Check Samples Laboratory QC samples analyzed in support of this project included three laboratory blanks, laboratory QC check samples, and one matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) sample. The laboratory blank is a volume of a cle~a reference matrix that is carried through the entire analytical procedure. It is used to determine the levels of contamination associated with the processing and analysis of the samples. TPH as diesel was detected in the laboratory blank for this method. The associated sample results have been qualified "B". No target analytes were detected in the associated laboratory blanks for the VOCs analysis. Copper and zinc were detected in the laboratory blank for the metals analysis. The associated sample results have: been qualified "B". The laboratory QC check samples are used to evaluate the effect of the sample matrix on the method used for analysis. The soil samples were spiked by the laboratory with known quantities of specific compounds as requested by the method. Th,: percent recovery and RPD of the spike compounds were measured and compared with method spike QC limits. The percent recoveries and RPDs of the laboratory QC check samples are with acceptable QC limits. The MS/MSD percent recoveries and RPDs were also within acceptable QC limits. Table 1 TPH as Diesel Analytical Results Mr. Piston Facility Bakersfieht, California June 2, 1993 (mg/kg) (a) S-0.5 S-2 S-4 Analyte SUMP SUMP SUMP TPH ,as Diesel 3,500 DB 280 DB Chromato~,mn non-diesel non-diesel diesel Pattern a/ ND = not detected D = diluted s,'unple ,analysis B = ~alyte detected in associated method blank 7[0 DB S-6 SUMP 1,100 DB diesel S-10 SUMP S-10A SUMP S-15 SUMP Table 2 VOC Analytical Results Mr. Piston Facility Bakersfield, California June 2, 1993 (pg/kg) (a) Analyte S-0.5 S-2 S-4 S-6 S-10 S-10A S-15 SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP Acetone ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Benzene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND B romochlorodimethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Bromoform ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Bromomethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 2-Butanone ND ND ND ND ND ND ND C,'u'bo n disulfide ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Carbon tetrachloride ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Chlorobenzne ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Chloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Chloroform ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Chloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Dibromochloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ND ND ., ND ND ND ND 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND cis- 1.2-Dichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND cis- 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND trans- 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Ethylbenzene 360 J ND ND ND ND ND ND 2-Hexanone ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Methylene chloride ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Styrene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1,1,2.2-Tetrachloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Tetrachloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Toluene 980 J ND ND ND ND ND ND 1,1, l-Trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Trichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Trichlorofluoromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Vinyl acetate ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Vinyl chloride ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Total xylenes 2,700 J 370 J ND ND ND ND ND ND = not detected J = estimated concentration Table 3 CAM 17 Metals Analytical Results Mr. Piston Facility Bakersfield, California June 2, 19913 (mg/kg) (a) S-0.5 S-2 S-4 S-6 S-10 S-10A S-15 Anal~e SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP Antimony 12 Arsenic ND Barium 1.400 Beryllium ND Cadmium 31 Chromium 120 Cob~t 13 Copper 580 Lead 8,100 Mercury ND Molybdenum 13 Nickel 47 Selenium ND Silver 0.62 Thallium 14 V,'madium 14 Zinc 2,600 B B ND ND ND ND ND ND 6,100 8,~0 2,000 ND ND ND 3.6 3.1 ND 37 38 16 7.4 6.9 6.9 86 B 67 B 6.9 340 95 8.8 ND ND ND ND ND ND 17 1.8 3.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 15 1.5 21 230 B 170 B 51 ND ND 35 ND ND 3.3 ND B 6,3 B 66 ND ND ND ND ND ND 9.4 B 34 B ND ND 47 ND ND 4.1 ND 12 B 63 ND ND ND ND ND ND 9.1 35 B ND ND 71 9.56 ND 9.9 6.9 13 B 8.6 ND ND 12 ND ND ND 38 47 B ~ ND = not detected B = analyte detected in associated method blank ESC , , IGRRnlTE · ...... I cOnSTRUL'TIOn WEIGHED AT: FOLD TO KEI:;:I'I DELIVERY ADDRESS I.;.'.I!!:C Y C LIE [11. I1'11l' ,..JAI'IE:S I:,,:OA II I SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED COMMODITY WAS ----~ WEIGHED, MEASURED OR COUNTED BY A WEIGHMASTER, WHOSE SIGNA- TURE IS ON THIS CERTIFICATE, WHO IS A RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY OF · X' ACCURACY, AS PRESCRIBED BY CHAPTER 7 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 12700) OF DIVISION 5 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS J:' [!~ J!il CODE, ADMINISTERED BY THE DIVISION OF MEASUREMENT STANDARDS OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE. I WE MAKE DELIVERIES INSIDE CURB LINE AND ON THE LOT AT CUSTOMER S RISK ONLY AND ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY WHAT- SOEVER FOR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH DELIVERIES - /(~RIVER ........................ ON j~/ OFF J'---] C0PY1 ,_-1&6'56-3-' GROSS & TARE ....... FOB PLANT FO8 JO~ FOB PLANT & HAULING OUT TRK NO / LIC NO OWNER I ZONE ARRIVE I', X.{ 2 [~ 3 I:; 17{ I:;: N BA C U I{ H ON: AT JOB QUANTI~ ORDERED I TONS QUANTITY DELIVERED / TONS ) QUANT TY TO GO / TONS DEPART I ' :L ,, d)O ..... JOB LOAD NO GROSS ~/TONS NET WT / TONS TARE WT / TONS STAND 1. ] . (.} () TIME PRODUCT CODE DESCRIPTION ORDER NO TIME WEIb~MASTER TRIP GRA~ITE, CONSTRUCTION COMPANY J DEPUTY H[:.I:;:ED]:TH I'-IOSL.I]:Y MILES FORM 156C REV. 10190 LAST ORDERED 11-92 BFU 176,400 J WJ~J~HI~O, AT:.~ ~ 6 K E F: N B A C I.:: I-I 0 IZ DELIVERY ADDRESS R I:!: C Y C I... E }) U M F' F:'IZ E ,_J A M E S I:;~ 0 A 0 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS WEIGHED AT: IGRRnlTE conmu on company 1922 B I'", I::' I_ D. / t.,/ WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED COMMODITY WAS WEIGHED, MEASURED OR COUNTED BY A WEIGHMASTER, WHOSE SIGNA- TURE iS ON THIS CERTIFICATE, WHO IS A RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY OF ACCURACY, AS PRESCRIBED BY CHAPTER 7 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION i 2700) OF DIVISION 5 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, ADMINISTERED BY THE DIVISION OF MEASUREMENT STANDARDS OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE. WE MAKE DELIVERIES INSIDE CURE) LINE AND ON THE LOT AT ~o,~n o RiSK ONL't' AiniO ACCEPT NO RESPONSiBiLiT~ WHAT- SOEVER FOR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH DELIVERIES ~ ·. ~ DRIVER ON ~ OFF J'---J COPY1 GROSS & TARE DATE.. ' ,':. ; C'."', ICuST ACCT NO ICUST PO NO CUST JOIBNO ICONTRACT NO TIC~ET NO (.,d/:11.,., :, -qE;8070 1. 1[ 6.'.~ 6~ V OUT :1. *-'" ** .. .:,. 0 7 T,K NO / L,C NO OWNER I ZONE ARR,VE I".'.'B 2'. 8 :~: I", IZ I;; I'1 B ~ C U I:.' I'10 EJ AT JO QUANTITY ORDERED I TONS JQUANTITY DELIVERED I TONS JQUANTITY TO GO I TONS DEPART t J :1.. 0 0' JO B LOADNO GROSSWt ~TONS NETWT~TONS TARE WT ~TO,S STAND '"' ' 1. 1 . 0() TIME PRODUCT CODE DESCRIPTION ORDER NO TIME F' 1. :~: T M I':;1=,: r~(')hl[~ H/HI!i:SI-I BOBTATI.. I;,' .1. 1 4 '., lIME WEIGHMASTER "' TRIP G RANITE,.CONSTRUCTION COMPANY J D~PUTY MEI:;:E 0 ]:TII . j' ~', " MILES FORM 156C REV. 10/90 LAST ORDERED 11-92 BFU 176,400 DRIVER _ - ! Y'] "~ J'"') ~'~¢~[-(' - RECEIVED BY ESC Kern Environmental Services Laboratory No: 36515-! P 0 Box 5337' Date Received: '?-13-93 Bakersfield, CA 93388 Date Reported: 7-23-93 Attention: Marvin R. £astep Sample: ~rown Solid Sample Oescrlptton: (type i) Mr. Piston, 4110 Wible Road, Project £-1038 S-A Composite of I-A, 2-A, 3-A, and 4-A Sampled by Marvin R. Eastep on 7-13-93 from ]015 to 1050 hours Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, Hetall Sample Results, mg/1 Corrected' Measured Concentration C~ncentrat!~ Arsenic, As < 0.005 < 0.005 Barium, Bm 0.81 0.8~ Chromium, Cr < 0.05 < 0.05 te~d. Pb 0.~ 0.18 N~J'c~ry,..~o < O.O00Z < O.O00:~ Silver. Ag, < 0.02 < 0.02 Values corrected based on spike recovery. pther Constituents No Free Liquid RCEA Maximum MRL Method/ ~ ~/l geference 5.0 0.005 7061/1 100.0 0,1 6010/1 1,0 0.01 6010/1 5.0 0.05 6010/1 b.U 0.05 O010/1 g,~ Q,QQQ~ 7471~I l"n ..... O.O0~ 7741YI 5.0 O.OZ 6010/I Reference: 2. ;PA 600/4-7~-020, March 1983 3. California Department of Fish & G;lme J[/ccw ~4~Og Armour Avenue (805] 395-053~ JUL--28--95 WEI) 9 .-56 KERN t)ACKHOE SERV I CE !NC;: m-- e:).:, MOM ZALCO LABORATOI:::tlES, INC. Analytical Consulting Senvioes, Kern Envtronr~ntal Services P 0 Box 5337 BakersFi'etd, t"A 93308 Laboratory Ho: Date Received: Date ~epayted: 36516-2 7-13-95 7-23-93 Attention: Marvia-R. Eastep Sample: Brown Solid (type i) S-B Composite of l-B, 2-B, 3-B, 4-B, 5-B, 6-B, 7-B, and 8-B Sampled by Harvin R. Eastep on 7-13-93 from llI5 to 1155 hours Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, 1311/1 Sample Results. Corrected' Measured Concentrati oft ~;oncent~_mti Arsenic, As < 0.005 < 0.005 Barium, Ba 1.I 1.1 Cadmium, Cd 0.015 0.014 Ch,omtum, Cr · O.0S < 0.05 Lead, Pb 0.12 0.11 Mercury, Hg < 0.0002 < 0.0002 $~lentum, Se < 0.005 < 0.00~ Silver, Ag. < 0.02' < 0.02 Other..Co~ti~u_e_Q_t_t No ~ree klqulO RCRA Maximum MRL met:oo/ Cone. mq/) ~ference 5,0 0.005 7061/i 100.0 0.1 6010/1 1.0 0.01 6010/1 5.0 0,0~ iOlO/1 ~,0 0.05 6010/1 0,2 0.000~ 7471/1 l.O 0.005 7741/1 5.0 0,0~ 6010/1 MRL - Minimum Reporting Level Reference: 1. EPA SW-846, lg86 3rd Edition. 2. EPA 600/4-7~-020, March 1982. 3. California Department of Fish & Game JE/ccw ,4G08 Armour Avenus Lab Operations Manager B~<ersfield. Californl~ @3308_ Zal(:~ L~b · ' .' · ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. 4sos~.~. Chain of Custody Recerd F~ 933C~ [~0~ ~5-0~9 ..... · FROM TO cJ58~la,3 P. 02 . SOIL PROFILI~ ~ GENERAL INFORMATION CleauSoils Inc. Project No.: CLient: ~VO~C Q Generator:. Address: ~t~d Q~ntity: ~ _.~ ~ _ D Tons or ~ Cubic Y~ds ;on~ation Sou~ (Ch~ a~ ~at apply): ~ Und~o~d T~ ~ O~ol~e ~ Above~o~d Ta~ G Diesel F~I U Pi~lin~ ~ Avia~on Fuel ~ S~a~ ~pill ~ No.. Furl Oa B. SOIL C~~ISTICS (Ch~k ~ ~at spply): 3 Gravel ~ Clay ~ Coh~ive ~ Appca~ D~ ~ Coar~ Sa~d ~Sandy ~lay ~ Fin~S~ty Sand ~ Orgamc D FHable ~ Sat~a~d ~ctual Fines P~s~g No. 2~: % Actual Moist~ Con.nc C. ANAL~ICAL [~'Motor 0tl Cl Bunker Oil Cl Crude Oil [] Other. Rocks P~sent Debris Pxe~ent ~,ttach analytical reports for composite sol1 samples with the following minimum frequency: I sample for lc,ss than 500 tons (350 cy); :2 samples for ]ess than 1,000 tons (700 cy); and l sample for each additional 1,000 tons. 13 Projec~ invol ring o~ly vJ,',ff~ petrole~,~ ~roducts (Provide mquesled dam): · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) __~ ppm to .... ppm by EPA Me,od ___ _ · Total Bcnzcne, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, Xylenes (BTEX) "Ppm to ___._. ppm · Benzene ppm to . ppm · Total Lead ppm to . . . ppm I~I All Other Projects (Provide the £oliow~g lab repo.rts-addtdonal dam may be ~¢quested): · TPH by EPA Method 418.1/8015 · BTF. X by EPA Method 8020 · Total H .cavy Metals · Total Halogenated Compounds D. CERTIFICATION [ hereb, y .ce. rdfy .~a.t ~his information is a complete an~ ac. ccu.'a.~e repr. eseatat, ion of the subject soil and all known or ms .p?c~eo na,?ros. ~a.ve .b~p disclosed. ! £urti~r certily tl~at thc su'bjec.t soil is not hazardous b~. federal or state . regmations, ~ unaersmncl that only non-hazardous soflwili be acceptect at CleanSoils Inc. facihtles and no soil will be accepWJ without ~ pro,fly executed agmcmenC j~rarl J~i~ Brown El Black Well, Tank No. Field or Area 111ANSPOIITATlON, P.O. BOX 5295 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93388 (805) 589-5220 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE HAULER RECORD TO BE USED FOR NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES ONLY N7102124 GENERATOR" I (Generator Must Complete) Name /[! .~.CVc - Field Address City, State, Zip ~5FI6~. C~ Phone ~~~ ~J' 6/00 Order Placed By Sig~r~ o~thorized Agent ?3.30 Title WASTE TO BE DISPOSED Type ..Co/L. Generating Location W/lO Special Handling Instructions: [] Gloves [] Goggles Quantity DESIGNATED FACILITY Name ~_-.~/¢' Address ~-I ~-~ P~.~ City, State, Zip [] Other TRANSPORTER, ! (Hauler Must Complete) Name ~'~/'-~ Address City, State, Phone~ Signature of Authorized Agent or Driver Date DISPOSAL FACILITY :1 (Facility Operator Must Complete) City, State, Z'p ~-~ ~----~ . Pho.e Siget~/horized Ag~ Date GENERATOR COPY Ticket Pick Up Date Unit No./"~-- ~'~'"' Time NOTE: This form to be used in lieu of the California Department of Health Services Hazardous Waste Manifest for NON-HAZARDOUS wastes only. REMARKS: Time [] PM DISPOSAL METHOD: [] Surface Impougfl~f'ent ~ [] I~jection Return Copy To: GENERATOR UNLESS OTHERWISE sPECIFIED{/'~'''- ' NOTE: It is not necessary to send copy to Dept. of Health Services. NO HAZARDOUS FEES SHOULD BE LEVIED 5~90 Well, Tank No. Field or Area P.O. BOX 5295 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93388 (805) 589-5220 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE HAULER RECORD TO BE USED FOR NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES ONLY GENERATOR ] (Generator Must Complete) WASTE TO BE DISPOSED N°.102125 Field Address City, State, Zip Phone dOP'_b q~' 6100 Order Placed Signature of. Authorized Agent ~,3-'Xo I Title TRANSPORTER ] (Hauler Must Complete) Si~gnatur~.~/uthorized Ag..~ Name /¢"¢'..,¢ Address ~ O. City, State, Zip Phone ~ Signa~~t~t or Driver DISPOSAL FACIUTY '~ (Facility Operator Must Complete) Name cO,~ City, State, ZiT'- Date GENERATOR COPY 1Type ,_~"O I L- ' Generating Location /-]J/O . IJ/,~t.~ /~,D. L~F/-,/ Special Handling Instructions: [] Gloves [] Goggles Quantity .~O ~,~c.~r DESIGNATED FACILITY Name ~'f..¢~ed _.~'Olt,. Address ,~. / ~'X City, State, Zip P h oneF~/~O_~'b Unit No. /~t'//--- / , Time~r'' (_dl_) [] p~ ') )~,~ Ticket # O/L/L/~ I Pick Up Date ~'--' ~,l~-' ~)....~ [] Other Quantity Received 2¢,l ~~'ate DISPOSAL METHOD: [] Surface Impo~ ID_' I"1 Injecii0n E] Landfill i~Other ~ I,t'".7._.~(i. '~':~',.. Return Copy' To: GENERAIOR UNLESS O11t£R~15£ NOI£: It is not necessary to send co~y to Dept. o! Health Ser¥ices. NO HAZARDOUS FEES SHOULD BE LEVIED 5/90 NOTE: This form to be used in lieu of the California Department of Health Services Hazardous Waste Manifest for NON-HAZARDOUS wastes only. REMARKS: ¢Vell, Tank No. :ield or Area P.O. BOX 5295 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93388 (805) 589-5220 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE HAULER RECORD TO BE USED FOR NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES ONLY N9102126 .., GENERATOR I(Generator Must Complete) Name /v/~E.V¢ -- Field Address Phone [~ ~/oo WASTE TO BE DISPOSED 1Type .So I ~-- Generating Location Special Handling Instructions: [] Gloves [] Goggles Quantity _A" Order Placed By Signature of Authorized Agent Title [] Other Bbl TRANSPORTER ' ,~ (Hauler Must Complete) Name ,/,~'¢~r Address /~o o, ~0 City, State, Zip Phone ~ Sign~ure of Authorized Agent or Driver / DISPOSAL FACILITY (Facility Operator Must Complete) Name ~~ Address 2/~ _ Signature of Au~ ~t / ~ ~ Date FORMKVS-T-20 [ / - / GENERATOR COPY DESIGNATED FACILITY Name (~ Address City, State, Phone C~"O-X'_~ Ticket cf _4' ,,"~)z~ ~/~.7,¢~ Unit No. ,~-'~'"' /~"-'~¢ ~' Pick Up Date c~'Z~'"~ Time NOTE: This form to be used in lieu of the California Department of Health Services Hazardous Waste Manifest for NON:HAZARDOUS wastes only. REMARKS: E'.- /o3 ~' ",.., DISPOSAL METHOD: [] Surface ImpouQdment_. . E]~lnjecti0n":':: Return Copy To: GENERATOR UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ", NOTE: It is not necessary to send copy to Dept. of Health Services. NO HAZARDOUS FEES SHOULD BE LEVIED