HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 3/29/1991TL 988-099-07 C-1 Appendix C Copy of in-place density test report TL 988-099-08 Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants · Engineering and Chemical Laboratories March 29, 1991 TL 988-99-08 For: Isaacs & Bailey 2707 "F' Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Attn: Mr. Cecil Bailey Project: VALLEY OLDSMOBILE 2300 "H" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Subject: Soil Density Testing Dear Mr. Bailey: This report presents the results .of in-place density tests conducted on the backfill soils placed in a tank excavation located at the above referenced project site. The scope of our testing was authorized and directed by Mr. Cecil Bailey, a representative with Isaacs & Bailey. These tests were conducted by the following personnel of The Twining Laboratories, Inc.: Mr. Bruce Blythe on March 25, 1991, and Mr. Mark Goehring on March 26, 1991. Project Specifications: In accordance with the Remedial Action Plan dated March 19, 1991, prepared by The Twining Laboratories, Inc.; the backfill materials shall be moisture conditioned as necessary and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Test Method D- 1557. 2527 Fresno Street · P.O. Box 1472 Fresno, California 93716 · (209) 268-7021 ['3 9401 West Goshen Avenue Visalia, California 93291 · (209)651-2190 1405 Granite Lane. Suite I ~1~ 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Isaacs & Bailey TL 988-99-08 Page 2 Results of Maximum Density-Optim~n Moisture Determinations (ASTM Test Method D1557, Method Al) Sample Location Material Maximum Dry Density, Optimum No. PCF Moisture, % Composite of material sampled on jobsite 1 113.3 7.8 Results of In-Place Density Tests (ASTM Test Method D2922/Nuclear Gauge with 12 inch Probe) Test Test No. Date 1. 3/25 2. 3/25 3. 3/25 4. 3/26 5. 3/26 6. 3/26 7. 3/26 8. 3/26 Mate- rial Test Location No. Tank Excavation 1 Tank Excavation 1 Tank Excavation 1 Tank Excavation 1 E. End Tank Excavation 15'W. of E. End Tank Excavation 25'W. of E. End Tank Excavation 1 20'W. of E. End Tank Excavation 1 30'W. of E. End Depth Below In- Assumed Place Final Dry Mois- Grade, Density, ture, Inches PCF % 96-104 101.8 8.0 60-68 105.0 11.5 36-44 106.3 10.9 0-8 103.0 12.7 Rel. Req. Comp., Comp., % % 90.0 90 92.6 90 93.8 90 91.1 90 1 12-20 106.8 13.0 94.2 90 1 12-20 106.3 7.0 93.8 90 0-8 110.0 11.6 97.0 90 0-8 106.8 8.3 94.2 90 Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield Isaacs & Bailey TL 988-99-08 Page 3 CONCLUSIONS This .report only presents the test data and results at the locations and depths tested. Test locations and elevations were visually determined from existing site features. The locations and elevations .of the tests should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used.. The relative compaction of the backfill soils, at the locations tested, complies with the min:bmum requirements stated in the Remedial Action Plan submitted for this project. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. Should you have any questions concerning the information provided, please contact our office. Sincerely, THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. Scott A. Goehring / Field Supervisor/Bakersfield Office SAG/km 3c: herewith Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield PROCTOR TEST REPORT 114 112 111 110 109 ? 8 9 18 11 12 N~tep content~ ~. ASTM I~ 1557 Method A #Hodi.Fied# P~octo~, Elev/ Depth CIA=si.FicAt ion N~.t. FIo i st. Sp.G. LL PI USCS AASHTO 0-12# N/A H/A N/A ~ 2.40 H/A N/A H/A ~ TEST RESULTS MATERIAL ~ESCRIPTIOH ~. > INo. 200 No. 4 Optimum moistupe = 2.8 Y. M~xim~m dpv density = 11~.~ P~o~ect Ho.: TL 988-99 Project: VALLEY OLdSMObILE Locttion: 2500 #H# STREET STATE SAN~ Remarks: SAMPLED ~Y: M. GOEHRIHG LOCATIOH: OH-SITE BAKERSFIEL~ CALIFORNIA ~te: ~-29-91 PROCTOR TEST REPORT THE TWINING LA~ORATORIES, ]:NC. SAHPLE ~ATE: ~ig~e Ho. i Sp.8.= 2.40 APPENDIX B Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-099-07 B-1 Appendix B Copies of waste profile documentation and hazardous waste manifests Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield Chemic .. Waste Managen, nt, Inc. WASTE PROFILE AL 7949 Profile # [] Check here if this is a Recertification LOCATION OF ORIGINAL [ GENERAL INFORMATION 1. GENERATOR NAME: R~RF. RT W. HT~TTNC. TON 2. Generator Address: 9'~/~1"i "T4" KTRFI~T BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORN:LA. 93301 3. Technical ContactJPhone: RRI'TC~ RT.VTT-TI~/(.805 ) 4. Alternate ContactJPhone: F. NTFRPRTRES. TNC, Generator USEPA ID: Billing Address: [] Same 2707 "F" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 ~9~-5088 BillingContact/Phone: CECIL BAILEY/(805~ 327-2065 PROPERTIES AND COMPOSITION 5. Process Generating Waste: CT.I~.ANTTP NV .qI3TT, CONTAHTNATTON RESULTTNC FROM LFA[TNG UST 6. Waste Name: OIL AND GREASE CONTAMINATED SOIL 7A. Is this a USEPA hazardous waste (40 CFR Part 261)? Yes [] No ~: B. Identify ALL USEPA listed and characteristic waste code numbers (D.F,K,P,U): NA State Waste Codes: 6 1 l 8. Physical State @ 70°F: A. Solid ~: Liquid [] Both [] B. Single Layer [] Multilayer [] C. Free liquid range to % 9A. pH: Range R _ 1 to or Not applicable t~ B. Strong Odor []; describe 10. Liquid Flash Point: < 73°F L~ 73.99OF [] 100.139OF [] 140.199OF [] ~ 200oF r-I, N.A. ~ Closed Cup [] Open Cup [] 11. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: List ALL constituents (including halogenatec organics) present in any concentration and forward available analysis. Constituents Range Units Constituents Range Units SOIL O- 100 percent TOTAL COMPOSITION MUST EQUAL OR EXCEED 100% 12. OTHER: PCBs if yes, concentration __ ppm, PCBs regulated by 40 CFR 761 [-"]. Benzene if yes, concentration __ ppm. Shock Sensitive [] Oxidizer [] 13. If the waste is subject to the land ban and meets the treatment standards, check here: Pyrophoric [] Explosive [] Radioactive [] Carcinogen [] Infectious [] Other , and supply analytical results where applicable. SHIPPING INFORMATION 14. PACKAGING: Bulk Solid Bulk Liquid [] Drum [] Type/Size: Other 1 2~ Units: ton.~ Shipping Frequency: 15. ANTICIPATED ANNUAL VOLUME: one time SAMPLING INFORMATION 16a. Sample source (drum, lagoon, pond, tank, va~, etc.) Date Sampled: 16b. Generator's Agent Supervising Sampling: I AUTHORIZE CWM, INC. TO OBTAIN A SAMPLE AT THE ENTRy GATE. Sampler's Name/Company: 17. [] No sample required (See Instructions.) GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION /~ ¢ C O i~ O / /,,f~,. 7'~ I ,/t /=c"d /~ "i"r', c~ /~(1~ g.'e C,/ Ai= c'~ L Y'.~ '~ I hereby certify that alt information submitted in tl~s and all attached documents contains true and accurate descriptions of this waste. Any sample submitted is representative ~ as defined in 40 CFR 261 - Appendix I or by using an equivalent method. All relevant ,nformation regarding known or suspected hazards in the possession of the generator has :~ been,,~qi~Closed. I authorize CWM to oO~ain a sample from any waste shipment for purpo.,;es ot recertification. ~ Signature - Printed (or typed) ¢{ame and title Oate ' State of Ca~ifomia.~Health and Welfare Agency ~ Form Apprq~/ed OMB No. 2050.-0039 (Expires gl~F'l Please' prin~ or type. For~ designed fo~ use on ei 2-pitch typewriter). See Instructions on Back of Page 6 and Front of ' e 7 Department of Health Service Toxic Sdl3atancea Control Divisio SaCl'amento.. Califomi. v . WASTE MANIFEST IAI1~101010151716181810 01010101 ] of ],Is~r~uiredbyFederal~w. ,3. Gen~at~a Name and ~ifing Addre~ ~: ~te::~:~.~'~*~/,~ ~ .~ ~: >'..,'~: '~ '" ': "g~~, ~0~ 93301 ....... ~ ..............~,' ................ ~',~' ~' ~ ' 9. Des~nat~ Facil~ Na~ a~ S~e Address 10. US EPA ID N~ ::G~:~E~~~:~[:~::.~:;~:~:~.~::~.: ~4. 12. ~ntalnem 13. Total 11. US ~T Des~tlon (l~uding Pm~ Sh~i~ Na~, ~rd ~, m~ ID Numar) · .N0.. T~ Q~nt~ Un~~ :-::r~W~'~ A R c. :~t~;?:~;.,~:~h '~..::'.~ .::~ ........ ~;Cy::~:~x:;t~;z~ .:.~. ~.~.:[? ~... ~:?:::,~7.:. · I I I I I I I .'~'~ '~"::,' ": ~: d., State~.~v.:.~.:- ~.. ~ .=~ '::.~ .... · .:f~. · ....:::...~.. , · . ,.¥~', ~::. :~ · . · .~. :.. ~ . .~:..:~:~.~:~ :.~.,~ ,. .... · ' 15. Special Handli~ Inat~mi~a and Additional Info~eti~ -' ~~ ~~: ~: ~F~ ~. ~ 7949 ~ .. ~8 D~N ~ 0~ NO. 037 GENERATOR'S ~1~: I hereby d~a~e ~t ~e ¢~lents of this consion~ a~e ful~ and acoura~e~ des~b~ ~ by ~ shl~pl~ ~me sad ar~ ~laas~i~, ~a~. ma~, sad ~1~. a~ ~e ~ all ~es~ in prier ~d~ t~ t~ans~ by h~ey eo~d~ lo appli~b~ ~te~ti~al and nati~al 0ovemment ~Oulefions. H I am a ~roe quant~ gene~ato~, I ¢afli~ that I have a pr~ram in Dlace to ~edu~e the ~u~ and toxic~ of waste 0e~mt~ to ~ d~ I ~ dete~ed to be e¢onom~lly p~a~i~b~ and t~t I have se~ t~ pra~t~ble meth~ of tma~, at.age, or dispo~l ~nent~ a~b~ to ~ ~ minim~es the p(esent ~nd f~ure threat to human heath and the en~r~ment; OR, H I am a small que~ gene~al~, I have made · g~ ~Nh efl~ lo minim~e my waste oene~aflon and select the best waste mansoement meth~ ~t ~ ~vai~ble to me a~ ~t I ~n : PHnted?Typed Name ~ SiOnature ~ ~ont~ Day ~--~ ~. ~,/~/~ ~a ~,~ ~ .... ~ ~1~~/ R PHntedlTyped Name S~gn M~th Day Year s n ~L ?~3~ ~ I~./Tra~s~a~er 2'A~nowl~em~nt of ~ei~t of Materials ~ ~ ' -- ' ~ ~ - ---' - ~ PHnted/Typed Name ~'. ' ~' } Signatu~ Month Day Year I E I 20. Facilffy Owner or Operator Ceoificalion of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Eem T , y PHnted/Typed Name { Signature Month Day Year I Z DHS 8022 A EPA 8700--22 (Rev. 6.89) Previous editions are obsolete. Do Not Write Below This Une · :,u~-: ':;L'~:.J'R~,[OR SENDS IHIS COPY TO DOHS State:p.f California---Health and Welfare Agency See Instructions on Back of Page G Deparlment of He~h Services Fo ._.~o. Pr0ved OMB No. 2050--0039 (Expires and Front of Pa '~ Tox~ Substances Control Division ~i~[ea~e pdnt or type. Form des/gnarl for use on el#e ( ~ch typewr#er). Sacramento. California UNIFORM HAZARDOUS I~G~nerat°~'a US EPA ID N°- Manifest 2. Page II Document No. Information in the shaded areas WASTE MANIFEST.' IAILI01010151716!I81810 01010101:~ of! ia not req,lred by Federal law. 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Addre~ 7, Tran~ 2 ~ny ~ 8. US EPA ID Nu~r 9. Dee~nat. F.~ Ne..~ S,e Address 10. US EPA ID Numbs, ~,~~~ 1 I. US ~T Des~ption (Incl~i~ Proper Shipping Name. ~rd Class. and iD Numbs) 12. ~ntainem 13. Total 14. - Quant~ Unit , 15. 5~cial Handling instils and Additional inlo~ati~ (800)332-5376 ~ P~C~ ~O. 91~2182 "' GENERATOR'S CE~F~A~: 1 .hereby d~are that the contents of fl~a c~sigflmeflt are ruin and accurate~ desc~ abo~ by pro~ shipping ~me a~ are claseif~, pack~, ~, a~ ~1~. a~ are iff all respa in proper cond~i~ f~ traflspod by highway aca~i~ to national government regulations. H I am a large quant~ generator. I ~i~ that I have a pr~ram ~ place to r~uce the volume and toxic~ of waste gen~at~ to t~ d~r~ I ~ dete~ed t~ be economically pregnable and that I have sel~ed the pra~i~bie meth~ of treatment, at.age, or disposal ~ffent~ avalla~ to ~ ~ minim~ea the "..~ present and f~ure threat to human heath and the engraftment; ~. ff I am a small quant~ generator. I have made a g~ fa~h eff~ to miflim~e ~ waste generation and sele~ the best waste management meth~ that is avei~ble to me and that I ~n aff~d. 17. Transpolar 1 A~nowledgement of R~eipt of Materials 18. Transpolar 2 ~ckno~ledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name I Signature ' M~ Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facility Owner or Operator ~ification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Eem 19. ' Printed/Typed Name J Signature Month Day Year DHS 8022 A EPA 8700---22 (Rev. 6-89) Previous editions ere obsolete. Do Not Write Below This Line ~i,~e: G£NEI~AI02 S[N~,fi THIS COPY TO F.'OHS 'h'ITHiN 39 State,of. California--Health and Warfare Agency eeo Instructions on Back of Page 6 Department of H~lth Sewicea .For~, :~pproved OMB No. 2050--4X)39 (Expires and Front of Pa ? Toxic Substances ~1 Division or type. Form cles/gned fo~ use on elite, :~ch typewrfter). Sacramento, Califoml& WASTE MANIFEST CI AI LI 01 01 01 51 71 61 81 81 0 01 0! 01 01~ pt ! .~. =,..u~.~ by F~..I.w. 11: US ~T Desc~.tlo. Oncluding Prop. Sh.~ Ns.. ~. CIa., and ID Number)' Oua.~ Una (800)332~5376 ~S P[~C~ ~0, 9192182 GENERATOR'S CE~F~: I hereby declare that the ~tents of this consignment are fulN and accurately deacHb~ a~ by pr~ ~ipp~ ~me and are clasa~ied, pack~, ma~, and labeled, a~ are ~ all reap~s in proper coati,ion for traaspo~ by highway acceding to appli~ble ~e~t~al and national government regulations. If I am a large quant~ generator. I ce~i~ that I have a pr~ram ia place to reduce the volume and toxici~ of waste generat~ to t~ ~ree I ~ dete~ to be economi~lly pra~ble and that I have sel~ t~ pra~icable method of treatment, Storage, or dispo~l ~ffentN av~b~ to me ~ mind.es the present and fmure threat to human heath and the en~r~ment; ~. ~ I am a small quant~ generate. I have made a g~ fa~h eff~ to minim~e ~ ~aste generation and sele~ the best waste management meth~ t~t la avai~bl,e to me and ~at I ~a afford. 17. Transpolar 1 Acknowl~gement of Receipt of Mate~ls ]8. Tran~po~er 2 Acknowiedgemeat ot Receipi of '~dniedlTyped N~me [ Signature Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facility ~ner or Operator Ce~ification gl receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Eem 19. Printed./Typed Name ~ 8igg~ture M~th Day DHS 8022 A EPA 8700--22 CRev. 6-8g} Previous editions are obsolete. Do Not Write Below This Line , C':?,;:!M,;OP... SEND5 ':'h'¢. ,.. COPY Ti) DOHS WITHIN 30 DAYS :;S.tart 4 ,,~ we,are Agency i See Instructions on of Page 6 Oepa,me.t o~ ,ea~.Services OMB No. 2050--0039 (Expires 9.3~11~ and Froltt of. ~' ~ 7 Toxic Substances Co~t0! Divistcm 'Form designed for uae on eli. :-pitch typewriter). " Sacrame.t0[Califomia . ... - WASTE MANIFEST C} ~'11',} 0] 0] 01 51 71 61 81 81 0 0];~ of ]. ia not required by F~ ~. 6. Tran~ 1 ~pany Name 6. US EPA ID Number :C,::~e :T~~ A' ' - ' '"': ' ....... ' R c. ..... '-.. ', :~?~'~.~? :~ ~::' ~ , '"'t I I IIII '~,~"'*'~ · ~': ..... · I 15. Special Handling Inat~iona and Addit~l Inf~at~ ~S DeA~N ~ Cl~ NO. 037 (800)332-5376 ~S PR~ECT N0. 91E2182 , ~6. ~ GENE~TO~'S CE~F~: I h~oby ~aro t~t t~ ~tents o[ this cons~nme~ are ful~ and accurate~ descNbed a~ve by pr~ ah~p~ nam~ and are c~aaffi~, pack~, ma~. and ~1~. and are ~ all re~ ~ ~ c~dH~ f~ transpo~ by highway acceding to appli~ble ~tematl~al and ~t~al gov~me~ r~u~tl~a. H I am a ~roe quant~ generate, I ~ ~at I have a ~ram in place to r~uce tho volume and toxici~ of waste generat~ to ~ g~r~ I ~ datelined present and f~ure t~eat to human heath a~ ~e en~r~ment; ~, H I am a small quanti~ generate, I have made a g~ faflh effo~ to m~im~e ~ waste gsneration and aele~ the best waste managem~t met~ t~t la avaihible to ~ a~ that I ~n afl~d. Pdnte~/Typed N,me t Signature ~~ M.th Day Year  M~th 0 18. fra.spoder 2 Ack.owledgement of R~¢ of ~dala ~ Pdnte~/Typed Name ' ] Signature Moth Day Year E 19. Oiacrepan~ Indication Space F A C I L  20. Facility ~er or Operator ~ification of receipt of hazardous materials cover~ by this manifest except as noted in Hem 19. y Printed/Typed Name J ~;ignature M~th Day Year DHS 8022 A EPA 6700-22 [Rev. 6-89) Previous editions are obsolete. Do Not Write Below This Line 3.~.:: (kNF. k,',.iCP. S~NDS THIS COPY 10 DOHS TL 988-099-07 A-1 Appendix A Copies of laboratory results and chain-of-custody documentation Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield . I II IIII - ! . I ._ ' I --" ' .... GeotechniCaland EnvironmentaiConsultants · Engineeringand ChemicalLab°ratories REPORT DATE : March 29, 1991 EXAMINATION NO.: 691-1525.1-7 CLIENT : Isaacs & Bailey 2702 'F' Street Bakersfield, CA : Valley Oldsmobile 2300 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA PROJECT NAME DATE SAMPLED : 03-25-9.1 by B. B1Fthe DATE RECEIVED: 03-26-91 at 1513 hrs. from B. Blythe PROJECT MGR: B. Blythe The Twlning Laboratories is accredited by the State of California Department of Health Services for the analysis of Drinking Water and Hazardous Waste under Certificate No. 1371 In accordance with your instructions, the samples submitted were analyzed for the components specified. All samples analyzed were submitted in good condition. The analytical results are enclosed on the following pages. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning the. analyses or'results. Thank you for letting us serve you. JLS:mls lc:herewith THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. Jori L. St:rutzel Inorganic 8upervS~or, Chemistry Divi~:i.~n ["t 2,527 Fresno Street - P,O. Box 1472 I=reano. Call.fOrma 93716 · (209) 268-7021 . I[ . HIll 9401 West Goshen Avenue VIsafla, California 93291 · (209)851.2190 140.5 Granite Lane. Suite REPORT .DATE : March 29, 1991 EXAMINATION NO.: 691-1525.1-? CLIENT : Isaacs & Bailey PROJECT NAME : Valley Oldsmob:[le PROJECT MGR: B. Bl.ythe PAGE I of 2 DATE SAMPLED : 03-25-91 by B. Blythe DATE RECEIVED: 03-26-91 at 1513 hrs. from B. Blythe DATE PREPARED: 03-26-91 DATE ANALYZED: 03-27-91 ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY SAMPLE TYPE CONSTITUENT : M. Peterson : O. 'Koelewyn Soil Oil & Grease METHOD: .413.2 EXAM' NO. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION RESULT (mg/kg) 691-1525.1 5-19 Piping Trench 55 3.0' BSG 18' E/SW Bldg Corn. 5-20 Piping Trench 3.5' BSG 17' W/NE Bldg Corn. 5-21 11.§' BSG Bottom of Excavation 691-1525.4 5-22 8.5' BeG N/Sidewall 45 691-1525.5 5-23 8.5' BSG W/Sidewall 45 691-1525.6 5-24 8.5' BSG E/Sidewall 105 691-1525.7 5-25 8.5' BSG S/Sidewall' 50 MDL (mgtkg) 691-1525.2 50 5 691-1525.3 35 5 5 5 5 5 NOTES: mg/kg: milligrams Der kilogram (Darts Der million) MDL : Method Detection Limi~ F~'esno Modemo V~i8 , B41k~rellek:l REP.ORT DATE : March 39, 1991 EXAMINATION NO.: 691-1525.1-7 CLIENT : Isaacs & Bailey PROJECT MGR: B. Blythe PAGE 2 of 2 PROJECT NAME : Valley Oldsmobile DATE SAMPLED : 03-25-91 by B. Blythe DATE RECEIVED: 03-26-9'1 at 1513 hrs. from B. Blythe DATE PREPARED: 03-27-91 DATE ANALYZED: I ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : D. Lehman : J. Strutzel SAMPLE TYPE CONSTITUENT : Soil : Lead. (Pb) METHOD: 7421 . S~uMP LE EXAM NO. IDENTIFICATION RESULT MOL .(rog/kg) (rog/kg) 691-1525.i 5-19 Piping Trench 3.8 0.5 3.0' BSG 18' E/SW Bldg. Corn. 691-1525.2. 5-20 Piping Trenclh 5.2 0.5 3.5' BSG 17' W/NE Bldg Corn. 691-1525,3 5-21 11.5' BSG Bottom 1.9 0.5 of Excavation 691-1525.4 5-22 8.5' BSG N/S:idewall 13 0.5 691-1525.5 5-23 8.5' BSG W/Sidewall 5.8 0.5 691-1525.6 5-24 8.5' BSG E/S:[dewall 120 0,5 691-1525.7 5-25 8.5' BSG S/Sidewall 4.5 0.5 /. / NOTES: mg/kg: milligrams Der kilogram (parts Der million) MhL : Method Detection Limit Date J~ ,- .~.5"-. '~/' Page ,/ of i Report To: Client Name ..~"..l",~'~,~,~_._y' Address Contact Name Phon~ THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. 2527 Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 268-7021 Chain-of-Custody and Analysis Request Record Copies To: Expected Turnaround: y Rush [] Routine Contract/PO# Specify Time -~' '"..2~' -~'/ ./,2 ~mpler Name ~'. Project Name Address AnalySis Requested TL# ~ Lab Due Date ........ _ l ab~ Client Sample Sample ID# Sample ID ' Date/Time Type #/Size/Type of Container Preservation/Handling: ~ach ha~ardou, ,amplo ~ubmittod For Wator ~am~les. ploase Gomments: {Bilk 10 IF OlHfi~) ~ept. Initials Dato/lime kocation for analyslswlll bo charged a hazard- check one of the following: 601 ous waste disposal fee. Clients that D Drinking Water retrieve hazardous samples within 30 D Waste Water 602 days of the analytical report date will ~ Ground Water (wells) 603 be refunded any disposal fees. ~ Surface Water (rivers. lakes) 604 Relinquished~ ~ _ Delivered By: Received By: Received By: Signatur~ ~ ~ ~ Signature Signature Signature Pri~~/~ ~ ~~ Printed Company Company Company ~/~ ' Company Date~ime Date/Time Date/Time ~ -J~ ~/ ~ Date~ime Log In Date~ime Log In Date/Time Geotechnicaland Environmental Consultants · Engineering and Chemical Laboratories REPORT DATE : April 15, 1991 PROJECT MGR: B. Blythe EXAMINATION NO.: 691-1784.1-2 CLIENT : Isaacs & Bailey 2702 'F' Street Bakersfield, CA PROJECT NAME : Valley Oldsmobile 2300 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA DATE SAMPLED : 03-25-91 by B. Blythe DATE RECEIVED: 04-08-91 at 0848 hrs. from B. Blythe The Twining Laboratories is accredited by the State of California Department of Health Services for the analysis of Drinking Water and Hazardous Waste under Certificate No. 1371. In accordance with your instructions, the samples submitted were analyzed for the components specified. All samples analyzed were submitted in good condition. The analytical results are enclosed on the following pages. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning the analyses or results. Thank you fc, r letting us serve you. JLS:mls lc:herewith THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC~. ,~Jon L. Strutzel Inorganic Supervisor, Chemistry Division 2527 Fresno Street · P.O. Box 1472 Fresno, California 93716 · (209) 268-7021 9401 West Goshen Avenue Visalia, California 93291 · (209)651-2190 REPORT DATE : ADril 15, 1991 EXAMINATION NO.: 691-1784.1-2 CLIENT : Isaacs & Bailey PROJECT NAME : Valley Oldsmobile PROJECT MGR: B. Blythe PAGE 1 of 1 DATE SAMPLED : 03-25-91 at See Below hrs. by B. Blythe DATE RECEIVED: 04-08-91 at 0848 hrs. from B. Blythe DATE PREPARED: 04-06-91 DATE ANALYZED: 04-15-91 ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY' SAMPLE TYPE CONSTITUENT : J. Strutzel, T. Geringer : J. Strutzel : Soil : Lead (Pb) METHOD: 7420 SAMPLE EXAM NO. IDENTIFICATION RESULT (mg/L) MDb (mg/L) 691-1784.1 S-24 8.5' BSG 1.1 East Sidewall/1515 691-1784.2 S-22 8.5' BSG ND North Sidewall/1504 0.4 0.4 NOTES: mg/L: milligrams per Liter (parts per million) MDL : Method Detection Limit ND : None Detected Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfielcl I I' Date ' ' Page" of ..... Reporl To:" .'~ '-':'-.. -..'.:';':.'..,,~:.:~L":'.?.;'::....:iC'' ..":.' ! cOPies To: ' -" ': : Client'Name": ~ "-~'~'('~- ()~. '::~'~t_~:~:b':~l:':"..: ': :." .'. :.,.. . ': ~ ' ':"" " oontrac~po~·: ' · Specify Time · · ' Sampler Name . THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. ... - 2527 Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93721 (209) 268-7021 . Cha!mof-Custody and Analysis Request Record Project Name ~J~'C~-\ O~-J~b\~- · ~. '~rt,~d~~u_~, QI~. Analysis Requested / ' M////// '~.~ID~: Client' Sam'pie '' Sample / / '. ,; · . . Sample ID · ' Date/Time Type #/Size/Type of Container ~~~;-¢.~ .... ~,...~,, , .~....:.:....,,.-...,..:.::-:,., ....., '...;~>~,~.:.. '...'.~..? . '~ ,' , ..~ ,~. ~ - ~ : , : ~~~.?,.:. ~.~.~..~,.~.,,~,~:,........ 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O Ground Water (wel S) be refunded any d sposa fees · ~ Surface Water (rivers, lakes) ~~-~'~ ; . ' - ~ ' ~.t~'-..;..~ ,- .... : "". · · ZALCO LABOI~IATOI~III~S, lNG. Analytical ~, Consulting Services Twining Lab 3701 Pegasus Drive Bakersfield, CA. 93308 Attention: Bruce Blythe Laboratory No: 27127 Date Received: 4-11-91 Date Reported: 4-12-91 Job No: 988-090-03 Sample: Soil Sample Description: Valley Olds 2300 H Street See Below Sampled by Bruce Blythe on 4-10-91 at 1730 hours Lab No. 27127 Description S-26 Background Oil and Grease Sonicator/413.2, mq/1 130 Minimum Reporting Level 5O RLP/tla 4309 Armour Avenue F RO.~l 395-0539 Richard L. Penner Laboratory Director Ba~l~ersfielct, California 93308 FAX [8051 395-3069 i '1 Date ./'~-./.; - .~.... Page / / of ,X THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. 2527 Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93721. (209) 268-7021 Chain-of-Custody and Analysis Request Record Copies To: Expected Turnaround: /Rush [] Routine Specify Time Project Name Address - ~ Analysis Requested Report To: Client Name., ...-- Address J =' Contact Name Phone Contract/PO~ _ ,, / - /// //-. . Lab Client sample Sample / / / / / ' Preservation/Handling: ~ ID# Sample ID Date/Time Type #/Size/Type of Container ,,/ 'iI.: . : ..., . .'. , , ....!, . · ..,., · ... ?.. , , ..,Each ~' For Water samples, please Comments: (BILL TO IF OTHER) Dept. Initials Date/rime · Location hazardous sample submitted · · for analysis will be charged a hazard- check one of the following: 601 ous waste disposal fee. Clients that E) Drinking Water : retrieve hazardous samples within 30 t-I Waste Water 602· days of the analytical report date will [3 Ground Water (wells) 603 . · ..... · be refunded any disposal fees. [3 Surface Water (rivers, lakes) 604 Relinquished By~.~ Delivered By: Received By:, . .'.. ...' .; Received By: ~ ~ . ~ /. : ,-.'~,.. Signature~.~ .--~....;.- ..." '~': ': :'"'"- -.--, Signature S~gnature '""' / ~":" "' { (¥1""'/~ t ~..~_, :. Signature Printed, ,. ...... ..- Printed Company' ' i! ! ~. (i ! /~t~: -' Company Company ~ Company Date/Time 1,' // ,~') / 'J. J? ~ ') Date/Time Date/Time .., .- __ ,- . -; : Date/Time Log In Date/Time ./~/',)}~ Log In Date/Time Geotechnicaland Environmental Consultants · Engineering and Chemical Laboratories REMEDIAL ACTMT~ V~LLRY OLDS~)BILE FACILIT~ 2300 'H' STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared For: Isaacs and Bailey 2707 "F" Street Bakersfield, California April 30, 1991 93301 2527 Fresno Street · P.O. Box 1472 Fresno, California 93716 · (209) 268-7021 1405 Granite Lane, Suite 1 Modesto, California 95351 · (209) 523-0994 9401 West Goshen Avenue Visalia, California 93291 · (209)651-2190 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Bakersfield, California 93308 · (805) 393-5088 TL 988-099-07 TABT~ OF CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 INTRODUCTION .................................... SUMMARY OF REMEDIAL ACTIVITY ................... EVALUALTION ..................................... CONCLUSION ...................................... RECOMMENDATION .................................. CLOSING ......................................... PAGE 1 2 7 9 9 10 LIST OF TABLF. S Table No. 1 - Analytical Results of Confirmation Soil Sample Analyses, Oil and Grease and Total Lead Table No. 2 - Analytical Results of Confirmation Soil Sample Analyses, Soluble Lead Table No.' 3 - Analytical Results of Soil Sample Analysis, Oil and Grease LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A - Results of laboratory analyses and chain-of-custody documentation Appendix B - Waste profile documentation and hazardous waste manifests Appendix C - Copy of in-place density test results for backfill Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants · Engineering and Chemical Laboratories REMEDIAL ACTMT~ V~T,T.WY OLDSMO~IT.R FACIT.IT~ 2300 "H" STREET ~RSFIF~, C~IFORNI. A 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the remedial activities which were conducted to mitigate the oil and grease contaminated soils resulting from a former waste motor oil tank (UST) at the Valley Oldsmobile facility in Bakersfield, California. This work was authorized by Mr. Cecil Bailey of Isaacs and Bailey and conducted bY the Environmental Engineering Division of The Twining Laboratories, Inc. (Twining). The contents of this report include a summary of the remedial activities, the analytical results of the soil sample analyses of the cleanup confirmation samples, conclusions regarding site cleanup, and recommendations for site closure. The three report appendices contain copies of the laboratory analyses and the chain- of-custody documentation (Appendix A), the waste profile documentation and the hazardous waste manifests (Appendix B), and the in-place density test results for the backfill (Appendix C). [] 2527 Fresno Street · P.O. Box 1472 Fresno, California 93716 · (209) 268-7021 [] 9401 West Goshen Avenue Visalia, California 93291 · (209)651-2190 1405 Granite Lane, Suite I ~ 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 TL 988-099-07 Page 2 2.0 SUMMARY OF REMEDIAL ACTIVITIE:S On March 25, 1991, approximately 56 tons of soil containing oil and grease and lead were excavated from the location of the former UST and the UST piping trench at. the project site. The remedial work was performed by Kern Environmental Services in accordance with the Remedial Action Plan (RAP) dated March 19, 1991. After it was determined by visual methods that the affected soils had been removed, cleanup confirmation soil samples were obtained by Twining at the direction of Hr. Joe Canas of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD). The soil samples were obtained from the bottom of the excavation and from each sidewall of the excavation. In addition, two soil samples were obtained from the former UST piping trench. The confirmation soil samples were analyzed by Twining for Oil and Grease and Lead. The analytical results of the soil sample analyses are presented in Table No. 1. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL.988-099-07 Page 3 TABLE NO. 1 Analytical Results of Confi]~ation Soil Sample Analyses Oil and Grease and Total Lead Date Sampled: March 25, 1991 Soil Sample Sample Location Number and Depth 0il and Grease, mg/kg Total Lead, mq/kg S-19 Piping Trench, 55 18 feet East from Southwest Building Corner, 3.0 feet BSG 3.8 S-20 Piping Trench 50 17 feet West from Northeast Building Corner, 3.5 feet BSG 5.2 S-21 Bottom of Excavation 35 11.5 feet BSG 1.9 S-22 North Sidewall 45 8.5 feet BSG 13.0 S-23 West Sidewall 45 8.5 feet BSG 5.8 S-24 East Sidewall '105 8.5 feet BSG 120.0 S-25 South Sidewall 50 8.5 feet BSG 4.5 MDL - 5 Abbreviations: mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) MDL = Method Detection Limit BSG = Below Site Grade 0.5 Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-099-07 Page 4 The analytical results of the confirmation soil sample analyses were transmitted to the KCEHSD on April 1, 1991. The KCEHSD concluded that the potential existed for soil samples S-22 and S-24 to contain concentrations of soluble lead in excess of the regulatory limit of 5.0 milligr~ns per liter (mg/1) set forth in Title 22, Article 11, Section 666199, California Code of Regulations (Title 22 CCR). The KCEHSD requested that the soluble lead concentration be determined for these samples by the Waste Extraction Test (WET) method described in Title 22 CCR. A WET was performed on the samples by ~¢ining on April 3, 1991. The analytical results of the soil sample analyses are presented in Table No. 2. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-099-07 Page 5 TABLE NO. 2 Analytical Results of Confi]~ation Soil Sample Analyses Soluble Lead Date Sampled: March 25, 1991 Soil Sample Sample Soluble Lead, Number Location and Depth mq/1 S-22 North Sidewall ND 8.5 feet BSG S-24 East Sidewall 1.1 8.5 feet BSG MDL - 0.4 Abbreviations: mg/1 = milligrams per liter (parts per million) MDL = Method Detection Limit BSG = Below Site Grade ND = Nondetected To verify that the cleanup level of 50 mg/kg for oil and grease proposed in the RAP was within the limits of the range of the background concentration of oil and grease typical.for the on- site soils, a background soil sample was obtained by Twining on April 10, 1991. The soil sample was obtained from the on-site soils at a location approximately 100 feet northwest from the former UST location at a depth of approximately 3 feet BSG. The soil sample was analyzed for oil and grease constituents by Zalco Laboratories Fresno Modesto Visatia Bakersfield TL 988-099-07 Page 6 in Bakersfield, California on April 11, 1991. The analytical result of the-soil sample analysis is presented in Table No. 3. TABLE NO. 3 Analytical Result of Soil Sample Analysis Oil and Grease Date Sampled: April 10, 1991 Soil Sample Number S-26 Sample Location and Depth 100 feet Northwest from Former UST 3.0 feet BSG Oil and Grease, mq/kq 130 50 Abbreviations: mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) MRL = Minimum Reporting Level BSG = Below Site Grade On March 26, 1991, the excavated soil was manifested and transported as hazardous waste by Kern Environmental ,Services to the Class I Waste Management Unit operated by Chemical Waste Management, Inc. located near Kettleman City, California. Prior to accepting the soil for disposal, the soil was profiled by Chemical Waste Management under Waste Profile Number AL 7949. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield _ TL 988-099-07 Page 7 After the confirmation soil samples were obtained from the excavation, the excavation was backfilled with imported fill material. The excavation was closed at the request of the city of Bakersfield Department of Public ~rks and the KCEHSD because of the close proximity of the excavation to the alley located east of the excavation. The fill was compacted to a minimum of 90 per cent of the -maximum density of the fill material. The backfilling operation was monitored by Twining personnel and in-place density tests were taken during the fill placement in accordance with ASTM Method D-2922. 3.0 EVALUATION The analytical results of the soil samples analyses indicate that the oil and grease concentrations detected in the confirmation samples are within the range of the proposed cleanup level of 50 mg/kg recommended in the RAP with. the exception of soil sample S-24 (east sidewall location). However, the detected level of 105 mg/kg in soil sample S-24 falls within the background range of, 10 mg/kg to 130 mg/kg which was established for the on-site soils by laboratory analyses during the remedial and subsequent phases of the investigation. The analytical results of the soil sample analyses for the samples obtained by B.C. Laboratories at the time of the UST removal Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-099-07 Page 8 in February 1988 indicated that the soils beneath the piping contained a concentration of 1,428 mg/kg oil and grease at a depth of six feet below the piping. However, when excavating the contaminated soil from beneath the former piping during the remedial work, visual observations by Twining personnel and the results of the confirmation sample analyses indicated that the extent of the contamination beneath the piping did not exceed a depth of three feet BSG. A possible explanation for this discrepancy may be that the soil sample obtained .by B.C. Labs could have been taken at a location within the westward lateral extent of the soil contamination resulting from the leaking UST and not beneath the piping. Furthermore, the piping was not removed at the time that the UST was removed in February 1988 but was removed by Kern Environmental Services during the remedial work, thus, it would appear unlikely that B.C. Labs could have obtained a soil sample at a depth of six feet beneath the piping. During the remedial work, the soil in the vicinity of the former UST was excavated to a depth of approximately 11.5 feet BSG for a distance extending in the direction of the piping for approximately eight feet, thus, it. may be concluded that if any contaminated soil did exist at a depth of six feet beneath the piping, it existed within the lateral extent of the contamination resulting from the former UST and that it was removed as part of the remedial work. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-099-07 Page 9 The analytical results of the soil sample analyses for total lead and soluble lead for all of the confirmation soil samples are below the TTLC of 1,000 mg/kg and. the STLC of 5.0 mg/1 set forth in Title 22 CCR. 4.0 CONCLUSION Based on the field observations and the analytical results of the confirmation soil sample analyses, the contaminated soils resulting from the former UST have been removed and disposed of in accordance with state and federal regulations. 5.0. RECOMMENDATIONS A copy of this report should be forwarded to the KCEHSD for their review and comments. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-099-07 Page 10 6.0 CLOSING We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to Isaacs and Bailey on this project. Should you have any questions concerning this report, please contact our office. Sincerely, THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. Bruce M. Blythe, REA No. 02472 Project Geologist/Bakersfield Office lc: herewith KCEHSD: Mr. Canas B Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield