HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK011 and Gaa Company Western District Post Office Box 147 Bakerstield. California 93302 Telephone 805 321 44300 February 14, 1992 Mr. Dan Starkcy Hazardous Materials Specialist Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Groundwater Monitoring Wells South "H" Street Location Assessment Report Dear Mr. Starkcy: Enclosed please find thc Report of Groundwater Assessment for our South Street property pursuant to Permit Numbers MW 0'/'/4-31, MW 0'/'/$-31 and MW 0'/'/6-31. Thc monitoring wells were installed pursuant to the agreement for sale of the property to document thc condition of~ the groundwater at thc time of the sale. Samples were collected and analyzed for TPH, halogcnated hydrocarbons, and volatile aromatic hydrocarbons by EPA test methods 418.1, 601 and 602, · respectively.~ As shown in thc report and summarized in Table 1, page 8, the minute concentrations found in thc samples do not exceed 1% of any State of California Primary' Maximum Contaminant Level. Also, based on our conversations with thc Regional Water Quality Control Board ~md California Water Service, our results arc comparable to known upgradient and regional groundwater problems. Based on the test results from thc monitoring wells, I request your authorization to abandon the wells after you have completed your review. A written respon~ addressed to mc regarding the Department's evaluation of this report is also requested. Any request for payment of fees associated with thc review of this report should be sent to me at thc letterhead address. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions or need additional information, please· don't hesitate to contact mc at ($05) 321- 430'/. Sincerely, Michael A. Stahi Senior Environmental Coordinator ARCO Oil an0 Gas Company is a Division of Atlantic R~chfietd Company REPORT OF GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT, AT THE ARCO OIL AND GAS COMPANY FORMER OFFICE AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY AT 4121 SOUTH H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared by Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. 6701 McDivitt Drive, Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93313 February 14, 1992 Project No. EB-8010-3 REPORT OF GROUNDWATER, ASSESSMENT, AT TIlE ARCO OIL AND GAS COMPANY FORMER OFFICE AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY AT 4121 SOUTH H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................... · 1 2.1 Site ....................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Background ........................................................................................................ 2.3 Regional Geology and Hydrology .................................................................. 2 2.4 Regional Groundwater Contamination ......................................................... 3.0 GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................... 4 3.1 Drilling ............................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Groundwater Monitoring Well Completion ..................................................4 3.3 Well Development and Groundwater "Sampling .......................................... 5 3.4 Chemical Analysis of Groundwater Samples ............................................... 6 4.0 5.0 RESULTS OF GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT ................................................................. 6 4.1 Soil Conditions ................................................................................................... _6 4.2 Hydrology ........................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Analytical Results ............................................................................................. 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ..................................... 6.0 CLOSURE .......................................................................................................................... 9 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A MONITORING WELL PERMITS APPENDIX B BORING LOGS APPENDIX C WELL DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEETS APPENDIX D WELL PURGING DATA SHEETS APPENDIX E ANALYTICAL REPORTS AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY . n ental, I Eartl Systems Enviro nc. A MemDe~' Of Tile Eaft~ Systems G~OUD - 6701 McDivitt Drive. Suite B · Bakersfield, CA 93313 · (805) 836-0901 · FAX (805) 836-0911 February 14, 1992 Project No.: EB-8010-3 Doc. No.: 9201-E112.RPT ARCO Oil and Gas Company 4550 California Avenue Bakersfield California 93309 Attention: Mr. Mike Stahl SUBJECT: REPORT OF GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT, AT THE ARCO OIL GAS COMPANY FORMER OFFICE AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY 4121 SOUTH H STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents results of a groundwater assessment performed by Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. (ESE) of the groundwater at the above referenced site. This assessment was performed in order to comply with the terms of the property sales agreement. Figure I is a vicinity map showing the location of the site and Figure 2 is a site map showing the location of the groundwater monitoring wells installed during this assessment. Tasks completed to date ~include the drilling and completion of three groundwater monitoring wells, chemical analysis of groundwater samples, and data analysis. All site assessment methods employed are in accordance with regulations and guidelines set forth in CCR Title 23, Chapter 3, CCR Title 22, Chapter 30, Article !1, the CFR Title 29, part 1910, Section 120, and CFR Title 40, Pans 190-299, as well as accepted professional environmental/geotechnical engineering procedures and applicable Kern County regulations. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 ~ The site is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of White Lane and South H Street in the city of Bakersfield, California (see Figure 1). The site was formerly a maintenance facility for ARCO's Kern County operations. ARCO Oil and Gas Coml~ 2 February 14, 1992 2.:l Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. was contracted by the ARCO Oil Gas Company to conduct an initial groundwater investigation of the first encountered aquifer beneath the subject property. In January, 1992 ESE prepared and submitted a Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCDEHS) groundwater monitoring well permit application for The drilling and installation of three groundwater monitoring wells. The KCDEHS approved the applications on January 10, 1992. The permit is included as Appendix A to this report. A site health and safety plan was also prepared and implemented to cover all site activities. 2.3 Regional Geology and Hydrology_ Regional Geology: The site is located in the southern part of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a north-south trending valley, approximately 400 miles long by 50 miles wide. Surface and groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley is derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the east, and is transported by five major rivers, the southern most being the Kern River. The subject site is located approximately 5 miles south of the Kern River. The surface of the San Joaquin Valley is composed primarily of unconsolidated Pleistocene (1.6 million to 11,000 years ago) and Recent (11,000 years ago to the present) alluvial sediments. Beneath the alluvial sediments are older, predominantly lake bed deposits. These lie unconformably on Mio-Pliocene marine sediments which extent to crystalline basement at approximately 20,000 feet. Site Geology: Geologic deposits in the study area include Pleistocene alluvial sediments of the Kern River Formation, which form a homocline dipping gently to the southwest. The deposits are alluvium consisting of poorly indurated and dissected fan deposits (CDMG, 1964). The depth to the regional unconfined aquifer is approximately 170 feet below surface grade beneath the site (Kern County Water Agency, Improvement District No. 4, 1990 Report on Water Conditions, February 1, 1991). However, perched ground water is known to exist 1/2 half to the east at a depth of 20 feet in the abandoned Kern River EB-8010-3 9201-I~ 112.RPT ARCO Oil and-(3ns February 14, 1992 channel to the ancient Kern Lake Bed (Kern County Water Agency, 1990 Water Supply Report, May 1991), and is reported to exist at a depth of 30 feet at the gasoline service station/mini market located 1/2 mile south of the site along the west side of South H Street. However, various consultants, including ESE have advanced in excess of 30 soil borings on the subject property to a maximum depth of 91 feet below surface grade, and no perched groundwater has been observed beneath the subject property. 2.4 Regional Groundwater Contamini~tion Municipal water supply wells operated by the California Water Service Company (CWSC), and located in an upgradient position from the subject property have detected the presence of several hazardous materials including the trihalomethanes:' chloroform, and bromoform, the pesticides: dibromochloromethane (DBCM), bromodichloromethane (BDCM), and 3,3' dichlorobenzidine (DCB), the halogenated hydrocarbons: tetrachloroethylene (PCE), and dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12), and the volatile aromatic hydrocarbons: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes. Mr. Ray Taylor of CWSC's headquarters in San Jose, California discussed with. ESE personnel on February 3, 1992, the analytical data for each well within a one mile radius of the subject property. PCE has been detected in CWSC Well No. 123-02 (SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 13, T30S, R27E) screened within this upper aquifer, and located approximately 1/8 mile north of the subject property ever since chemical analysis was initiated for this substance in 1985 (See Figure 1). PCE has also been detected in CWSC Well No. 129-01 (NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 13, T30S, R27E) screened within this upper aquifer, and located approximately 1/2 mile northwest of the subject property, and in CWSC Well No. 114-01 (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section 12, T30S, R27E) screened within this upper aquifer, and located approximately 3/4 mile north of the subject property ever 'since chemical analysis was initiated for this substance in 1985. The volatile aromatics: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes have also been recently detected in December, 1991 in the CWSC Well No. 129-01 (NE 1/4 of NW 114 of Section 13, T30S, R27E) screened within this upper aquifer, and located approximately 1/2 mile northwest of the subject property. Trihalomethanes, including chloroform and bromoform which are associated with the chlorination of water have been detected in several CWSC wells within one mile upgradient of the subject property. EB-8010-3 9201-EII2.RPT ARCO Oil and Gas Comp~ 4 Februa~ 14, 1992 .Gasoline hydrocarbons including the volatile aromatics have been reported in a perched water zone at a depth of 30 feet at the gasoline service station/mini market located i/2 mile south of the site along the west side of South H Sweet. This perched water zone is not known to extend under the subject property. 3.0 GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT 3.1 Drilling A total of three wells were drilled on January 14 through 17, 1992 within this phase of groundwater characterization (Figure 2). Drilling for all three 'wells was accomplished using a truck mounted percussion hammer drill rig operated by Water Development Corporation and equiped with a dual walled casing. The three wells were drilled to a depth of 185 feet below surface .grade. Groundwater was encountered during drilling at a depth of approximately 168 feet in each of the wells. A California Registered geologist was on-site to log the wells in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System, and construct the monitoring wells. Appendix B contains copies of the well logs including the completion design. 3.2 Groundwater Monitoring Well Completion Three groundwater monitoring wells were installed to determine the potential presence of petroleum compounds in the underlying groundwater aquifer. The wells were constructed in accordance with the State of California Department of Water Resources Water Well Standards, Bulletins 74-81 and 74-90, as well as Kern County regulations. The wells were drilled to a depth of 185 feet below surface grade. The wells were cased with 20 feet of 4-inch 0.02" slotted PVC casing and //3 filter pack sand, installed from the bottom of the boring to 160 feet below surface grade. Blank PVC casing packed in a 3% bentonite, 7 sack neat cement grout extended from the surface downward to the five foot bentonite seal placed above the filter pack. Locking, water-tight well covers were set in concrete to protect and secure the .well heads. EB -8010-3 9201-E112.RPT ~-~ ARCO Oil and 5 February 14, 1992 The effective depth of monitoring well MW-I has been limited to 171 feet due to the concrete grout filling the well screen below this depth. ESE has adjusted to well development and sampling protocols to account for the reduced effective depth. 3.3 Well Development and Groundwater Sampling Following completion of .the groundwater monitoring wells, the wells were developed on January 20 through 22, 1992 by surging and bailing to remove drilling residues and produce low turbidity groundwater. Ali development, purging, and sampling equipment was washed TSP (tri-sodium phosphate) detergent, steam cleaned, rinsed with clean tap water and deionized water, then allowed to air dry before each well was purged and sampled, to reduce the possibility of cross-contamination. Prior to sampling, and 24 hours after well development, the groundwater monitoring wells were purged with a new pre-cleaned bailer to remove stagnant water in the wells. During purging, key parameters including t~mperature, conductivity, and pH were measured with a portable electronic meter and recorded. The meter had been calibrated prior to the sampling event. The purging continued until the monitored parameters stabilized after three casing volumes of groundwater had been removed. It should be noted that the pH and conductivity levels recorded in monitoring well MW-I reflect a stable shift because of the groundwaters proximity to the curing concrete grout within the well screen. Mr. Rafael Leniz, Phd., chief chemist with BC laboratories assures ESE that the preservative added to the sample vials will continue to create an acidic pH in the water samples to inhibit microorganism population. The analytical results for the water sample from MW-! should not be affected by the proximity of the cement grout. The groundwater monitoring .wells were sampled after water in the wells had recharged to approximately 80% of the original groundwater elevation. Data sheets for the well development and purging process are included as Appendixes C and D, respectively. Following purging, groundwater samples were collected on January 23, 1992 with new pre-cleaned disposable Teflonm bailers, and discharged with a non-aerating bottom emptying device into sterilized glass containers, capped with TeflonTM sepia, labeled, and chilled in an ice chest for transport. Water samples were handled and transported according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 9201-El 12.RPT EB-8010-3 ARCO Oil *nd Gas Comp~ 6 February'14, 1992 protocol to the DHS cerlified laboratory requested. Sample identification and chain of custody procedures were utilized to ensure sample integrity and to document .sample possession from the time. of collection to its ultimate disposal. The sample labels identified the job number, sampler, date, time of collection, and sample number unique to the sample. The monitoring wells were SUrveyed on January 24, 1992 from a designated point on the north side of the top of the well casing, and the groundwater levels were measured in each well to an accuracy of 0.01 feet. 3.4 Chemical Analysis Groundwater Samples Groundwater samples from the three monitoring wells along with a travel blank and a field blank were sent to B.C. Laboratories, Bakersfield California. The water samples were analyzed for oil & grease, halogenated hydrocarbons, and volatile aromatic hydrocarbons by USEPA Test Methods 418.1, 601, and 602, respectively. 4.0 RESULTS OF GROUNDWATER ASSESSMENT 4.1 Subsurf~c~ Conditions Subsurface material encountered during drilling was alluvium to the total depth of each well. The alluvium was characterized by rust brown, silty and clayey sands (SM/SC) to a depth of approximately 15 feet. This is underlain by more permeable, tan, fine grained silty to well grade sand (SM/$W) to a depth of approximately 35 feet. Beneath this is an approximate five foot zone of low permeability, gray brown, good plasticity clay (CL). This is underlain by more permeable, rust brown, silly and clayey sands (SM/SC) to a depth of approximately 55 feet. Beneath this is an approximate ten foot zone of low permeability, brown, compacted silt (ML). This is underlain by more permeable, tan, fine grained silly to well grade sand (SMISW) to a depth of approximately 75 feet. Which is underlain by brown, silty and clayey sands (SM/SC) to a depth of approximately 92 feet. Beneath this is an extensive interval of highly permeable, tan, fine grained silty sand (SMISP) interbedded with thin, iow permeability, brown, good plasticity clay lenses (CL) to a depth of 143 feet. The interval from 143 feet to 153 feet is moderately permeable, tan, fine grained silty sand (SM/SP) without the clay lenses. This is underlain by low permeability, gray brown, good plasticity clay (CL) to a depth of 165 feet. Underlying this to the deepest interval penetrated by the wells at 185 feet is high permeability, tan, well graded 9201-E112.RPT EB-$010-3 ARCO Oil and Gm Compa~ ? February 14, 1992 sand (SW). No perched groundwater was encountered during the drilling of these wells in the interval above the primary unconfined aquifer, which was encountered at a depth of approximately 168 feet in each of the wells. 4.2 On January 24, 1991 the relative elevations and locations of the north side of the top of casing of the three groundwater monitoring wells were surveyed. The top of casings have been referenced to an arbitrary, elevation of 375' and are 375.675' at MW-I, 375.00' at MW-2, and 373.155' at MW-3. The depth to water in each of the wells was then measured to an accuracy of 0.01'. The recorded depths were -167.94' in MW- 1, -167.54' in MW-2, and'-167.53' in MW-3. The relative groundwater elevations are therefore, 207.735' at MW-l, 207.46' at MW-2, and 205.625' at MW-3. These groundwater elevations are presented on Figure 2 along with the resultant groundwater flow direction and gradient. The groundwater flow direction is to the south southwest with a gradient of approximately 0.3' .per 100'. ,1.3 Analytical Results-Groundwater Table I presents a summary of the analytical results for TPH as oil and grease, halogenated, and volatile aromatic hydrocarbons in water samples analyzed during the groundwater assessment. Total Peu-oleum Hydrocarbons (TpH) as oil and grease were detected in monitoring wells MW-I, MW-2, and MW-3 at concentrations of I mg/l, 2 rog/l, and 4' mgll, respectively. Toluene was detected in MW-I at 15.0 ug/l in an up gradient position to the subject property, and at 20.0 ugll in MW-2. Total xylenes were detected in monitoring well MW-I at 0.5 ug/l, and in MW-2 at 6.0 ug/l. Ethylbenzene was detected in monitoring well MW-2 at 0.5 ug/l. Chloroform was detected in MW-I at 1.0 ug/i, and 0.5 ug/i in the field blank arbitrarily designated as sample MW-2A. Total trihalomethanes were detected at 1.0 ugti in MW-I, and 0.5 ug/I in the field blank designaled MW-2A. Each of these trace concentrations is significantly below .the State of California Primary Maximum Contamination Levels (MCLs) concentrations for groundwater. No halogenated, or volatile aromatic hydrocarbons were detected in MW-3 at the downgradient position on the subject property, or in the trip blank 9201-E112.RPT EB-8010-3 ARCO Oil and Gas Comp~ 8 Febnuu'y 14. 1992 prepared by the laboratory. Copies of the analytical reports and chain of custody document are included as Appendix E. Sample No~ .... MW-3 MRL MCL_._.~_~ TABLE 1. Analytical Results expressed, in parts per billion, except for TPH as Oil & Grease expressed in parts per million. TPH Oi__! 1..._..._.9___0 2.0 1.0 N/A ~l~loroform 1.0 0.5 0.5 100.0 N/A 0.5 2 000.0 ND: None Dete~ted above Minimum Reporting Level (MRL). ,, NA: Not Analyzed N/A: Not Applicable FB:.Field Blank TB: Travel Blank MCL: State of California Primary Maximum Contaminant Levels. Total 0...____~ 6.0 0.5 l~thyl 0.5 680.0 5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Based on the sampling and analysis, the groundwater sampled from the three monitoring wells on the subject property do not contain concentrations of halogenated, or volatile aromatic hydrocarbons in excess of the State of California Primary Maximum Contaminant Levels. Volatile aromatics were detected at trace concentrations in both monitoring wells, MW-! and, MW-2 positioned at upgradient locations on the property, but not in monitoring well, MW-3 positioned at a downgradient location on the property. The minute concentrations of volatile aromatics in the upgradient monitoring wells may be the result of an off-site source which has also been detected upgradient in CWSC Well No. 129-01 (NE 1/4 of N'W 114 of Section 13, T30S, R27E) approximately 1/2 mile northwest of the subject property. These trace concentrations detected in monitoring wells MW-I and MW-2 are interpreted to correspond to a regional groundwater problem observed in wells upgradient to the subject property. EB-8010-3 9201-EII2.RPT ARCO Oil and Cms Comp~ 9 February 14, 1992 6.0 CLOSURE This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of ARCO Oil and Gas Company as it pertains to the referenced property in Bakersfield, California. The findings and conclusions rendered in this report are opinions based on laboratory testing of groundwater samples collected during this project and analytical data available from California Water Sevice Company through their monitoring of municipal water supply wells. This report does not reflect subsurface variations which may exist between sampling points. These variations cannot be anticipated nor can they be entirely accounted for even with exhaustive additional testing. All work has been performed in accordance with generally accepted practices in geotechnical/environmental engineering, engineering geology, and hydrogeoiogy. No other warranty, either express or implied, is made. Thank you for this opportunity to have been of service. If you have any questions regarding this report or the information contained herein, please contact this office at your convenience. Sincerely, EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Mark R. Magargee, Senior Geologist CC' 3 - Addressee I - SLO I - BAK EB-8010-3 9201-E112.RPT ARCO Oil .nd G~s Com 10 February 14, 1992 REFERENCES California Division of Mines and Geology, 1964, Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet. Kern County Water Agency, 1990, Water Supply Report, September 1991. Kern County Water Agency, 1990, Report on Water Conditions-lmprovement District No. 4, February 1991. California Water Quality Control Board-Central Valley Region, Compilation of Water Quality Goals, October 1990. Personnel Communication, Mr. Ray Taylor, California Water Service Company, February 3, 1992. 9201-E112.RPT EB-8010-3 FIGURES HA KI':RSIr IELO WHITE LANI EAST PANAMA  Earth SystE Environmental 6701 MCDivitt Drive, Suite Bakersfiel,~, CA 93313 (8O5) 836-0901 FAX (805) 836-0911 ms T I TLE Figure _._ o~z- ~_~_.~_:~ co.. ~ / 3 <=./~/ ..,~, ?./,, ~T~,-~,~- ,~Z..~~ f /~Z~ ~Z/~~/~ JOB NO. APPENDIX A MONITORING WELL PERMIT RANDALL g ABBO1T DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE ~JSOURC£ MANAGEMEH~GENCY ENVIRON~AL HIL~TH SERVICES DF.~ARTMENT I,iAT..~aJ~U8 MATERIALB PERMIT ~: MW 0774-3 MANAQEMENT PROGR.*~ MW ~ MONITORIN(3 WELL(8) PERMff OWNER'S NAME: ~rco o~ & Gas Comoany FACILITY NAME: Arco South 'H' FACILYTY LOCATION: 41~1 Soutfl 'H' Street, Bakersfield,- CA DRILLING METHOD: p{q,cussion Hammer CONTRACTOR: Water Develooment Corporation ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRAGTOR. Parth Systems EflvironmeFtal TYPE OF MONITORING W~) Groundwater NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: _ "Three 10. 8PEGIAL CONDITIONS: DATE: January 1 o, 1992 UCENSE NO.: 2~3326 GENERAL CONDiTiONS OF THIS PERMIT: 1. Well site approvel is required before beginning a.ny work relatecl to w~ constmcaon. It Is unlawful to continue wollc past the ~ a~ wllic~ an InspecUort is required un.ss inspection is w~Ved or comptetecL 2. Othe~ reClU~ lnspect~zns L,~ucle: cond~c~ casing, ail annu~r seals, a~cl fa3aJ construction features. 3. A phone caU to me Depem'nent office is required on ne morning of t'ne d~y ~a~ wo~ tS to commence aha 24 Iqoum bek~e tr 4. Con~moUon un~ef ~ permi~ is subject to any tnstru~ions by Depalment representatives. 5. NI weltS constructed (:4 PVC located a~ a contaminae~ s~e where ctegraciation may occur must be Uesuoyea altar 2 years o~ pro,- no degraOatlon is occ~dng or has ocou~red. 6. A,ny misrepresentation or noncomptjance with requimcl Perrrat ~ or Ordinance will result in issuance of a '8TQP WQR ORDER.' 7. A copy of t~ Depatune~ of Wme~ Resource~ Odllefs Report, ~ wall as coplea of logs and water quatlty a~yese, muat t submlaed to the Hea~ Department within 14 clays alter completion of tfm wo~ 8. A well destruction application must be fiJecl wl~ ~ts Department If a well Is being clestroyecl t~at Is not in conjunction with a test ho permit 9, The permit ts void on me ninetian (90) caJendar (3ay after crate of issuance d worn has not been startecl anti masona01e pmgr~ rowan0 completion n'da3~ Fees me not r~unOemte nor transfarat3ie. I have reed a~cl agree to comply with aqe Generel ConclitJon~ noted above. 1. Approvecl Annuia' Seal Dean ~0',. This permit must be signed by ettller tr~ contractor or owner. OWNER'S SIGNATURE PERMIT APPROVED BY: ~. ~-~J- i~e~ Funk, Haza~ous Mat~ats Specml~t CONTRaCtoR'S $1ef, ao, TU~ ~' OATS cas 2700 "M" STREET, SUTFE: 300 i~E~=~=I~.D, CALIFO~IA 93301 \0774-3~. t, (sos) FAX: (805) 861.3429 APPENDIX B W~ L LOGS SOIL DESCRII~TION I I I I I I I I I II I I I I II I I I I I il I II I II I II I II I, I I .11 II II I I I I I I II II II. I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I II LOG of. BORING i~LATE CONSTKUC-TION -' o .~ ~ --~-----~ I I I -II ~ I I I II SOIL DESCRIPTION X~/c~ :~06 LOG of. BORING IPLATE !'-.. I 0{ J SOIL DESCRI~TION : ~,v' O C. LOG of. BORING IPLATE APPENDIX C DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEETS ; ._ ........ WAIER IIY SAMPLIhlG RECORD ~ ' ..... ""~'"- .... ' ...... ' ............. " AND WELL DEVELOPMENTDAIA SAMPLE ID OR WELL t~O.: .~ ~- f DEP~TOWAIER: J~' 9~ PROJECTI~O.:~ 1ASKNO.:,, ~ - 1OTALDEP1HOFWELL:_/~/ PROJECT NAME: ~R~ ~. fl WELL DIAt,IEIER:, ~ ~' DA~E:. , [-~% -~ . _ CASING VOLUME: ~. ~ SAMPLED BY: ~, ~~ _ MEIIIOD OF PURGING:~~ ~URG[CHAR~CTERISIIC9 - ~MP ~ S~c ~ ~u~ REMARKS DEPIH (G PI,Ii I~l ~uu~o c~) lun) (COLOR. II~RIDI~. ~1C.} ~gFf ~ 50Lgfio/l -' pH 4.Cl pHI.O pH I0.0 UNII~ SPECI[ lC [ LECT~ICAL CONDLIC1ANC[ - CALIB~AIlOli ! BIAttDA~DI~OII ~CL SOLUllgNumhoelcm~S*C 74 715 1413 ~8 $8~t0 1~ 1RUM~II R~D~H~ JO~O . Earlh Sysle nvifonmenlal. Inc WAIER O II¥ SAMPLII,~G RECORD SAt,IPLE ID OR WELL NO..' = ~u,.)-'2.- _ DEPTH TO WA1ER: /~'~'5'~f , PROJECT NO.: ~:x~lO 1ASKNO.: ~' 'IOTALDEPIHOFWELL: PROJECT HA/,IE: A~o 5'. H .- WELL DIA/,~EIER: SAMPLED BY:~I''-J MEIIIOD OF PURGING:..,~Z,I¢/Z- F'URGE CHARACTERISHC9 TEMP PH 5[C s~umt REMARKS 'J'iME INIAKE' RATE C'gu VDt ~[tt VDt (*C) (UNll$) IUMIIO~/ DEP1H (GPM) (rub ) ~'uu~Fl:) (;l~J UF f [-R SOL UTIoll pH 4.01 pH ?.0 pti 10.O UNI! ~t J .c,P ECII lC ELECTRICAL CONDLIC1ANC[- C. ALIBI~AIlOII 1 $1AItDA'RDIZ~TIOIi KCL SOLUIIUN umhoj leto (E~ ~$ ' C 74 716 1413 r~r.,/SB SSGqO HDTES: SAMPLE ID OR WELL ttO.: _I~YO - 7~' DEPTH TO WAIER: /~ 7' 5'3 PROJECTUO.; ~010 1ASKItO.:. -~ . 1OTALDEPIHOFWELL: I~" PROJECT HAME:. ~ e ~_o .C. H WELL DIAMEIER: DA1.E: (- z_'z. - q %- .... CASING VOLUME:, //, rURGF. CHARACTERI511CS TEMP (UPHS)Ntl (UUllOS~$~c c~mtot;~ur~ ~. REMARKS 'LIME INIAKE RATE c~u vdt .Hr vot~ ('C) DEPIH (GPM) (ru~ I euu~FO ,~'JFi~ E'-R SOLUTIOI'I pH 4.C'1 pH 7.0 J~H I0.0 UNII 'tlS1RUL~.EJ',II READING ~:O-O 5?ECII lC ELECTRICAL COHDUC1ANC[ - CAtlB~All0111 $1AItDAI:IDIZAI"IOll ~.CL $OLUIIUN u,nhol Icm (D 2S ' C 74 71~; 1413 ~.~S1 fllJMEJI I Rg, Olll.q J JO0 tigTES: APPENDIX D WELL PURGING DATA SHEETS Earth Syste nvironmenla!. Inc SAMPLE ID OR WELL biO.:. ~V~- ~ DEP~ ~O WAIER: PROJECT UO.: ,~o~ o., 1ASK ITO.:. ~ 1OTAL DEPIH OF WELL::/TI ' PROJECT NAME: ~o ~. ~ WELL DIAMEIEn: ~ ~ DALE: { ' ~ - q ~ _ CASIUG VOLUME: SAMPLED BY:. ~ ~ ~~~ MEIlIOD OF PURGI/JG:~ rURGE CHARACTERISTICS ~ ~MP ~ 5~C saur~E REMARKS ]lt,l~ INIAKE' RA~ ~u rot ~[[tvot~ ('C) (U~IIS} {UuIIO~ DEPIH (GPM} (~ } ruu~FD :H CAt lB ~A~ON i S1ANDARD~ AllL~Il I.IDDEL: ~,jF~ ~ sOLUfiOIj pH 4.~1 pH 7.0_ ~H 10.0 UN~I~ SPECU lC ELECTRICAL COH~LIC1ANC[ - CAtlB~AIlOU I SIAUDARDI~OII KCL SOLU]IUN u,,ho~ I cm ~ 25 ' C 74 718 1413 sAMrLEDAT /T~'':e ~. flUALeErllIIO~'AIER~&~'q~' ~CASlUGVOLU~RES-7-~ GALS. ,~ ~ Earth Syste nvironmental. Inc. ~ ,'. --- ,.-,.--,.,:- ........ , .... . ........... " ' AND WELL DEVELOPUENT OA~A- SAMPLE ID OR WELL t~~ _~ _ OEpm TO wA1ER: PROJECT NO.: ~01 o 1ASK ILO.: ~ 1OTALDEPIHOF WELL:_ /~' PROJECT HAME: ~co ~. H WELL DIAUEIEn: DA~E:~ [- ~ - ~ ~ _ CASING VOLUME: · /I. SAMPLED BY' - ~ ' ~ ~ UE]IIOD OFPURGING:~ PURGECHAR~CTERISIIC9 ~ ~MP ~ 5~C s~ur~ REMARKS lIME IN~AK[ RA~ ~u VOL ~[~t VOL (*C) {U~IIS) [UUlIO~ ~lHoL DEPIH (GPI,I) I~ ) ~uu~O CM) 'tH CttlBqA~oNiSlANDI. RDE~llUtl /'~ODEL: ~- ~ ~ =~'JFf~ SOLUROII pH4.Ol pH 7.~ pH IO.O UNI1 SPECII lC ELECTRICAL CONDUCIANC[ - CALIBfiAIlON I STAttDA~DI~HOII KCL SOLU]IL)N u,.I,o. I em ~ ~S * C 74 71~ 1413 ~8 585{0 :s~.~o,~ /~ n. ~.~c~e,~.~owm~,!~o'~ n. ~ Earth Sysle nvironmenlal. Inc. WA1ER o~LiI¥ SAt,IF'tING RECORD ~'"*' ~' ~" ~"" '- ..... ,'.~ ,' -' ......... ' "-" AND Y/ELL DEVELOPI,1ENT DATA SAMPLE iD OR WELL t~O.: : ~Ix ]- '~ _ DEP~ ~O WA]ER: /~.~O ]OTAL OEP]H OF WELt.:_/S~ PROJECTIIO.:.~Io .. ]ASK I~O.:. ~ -- PROJECTNAME: ~co ~. ~ WELL DIM,~E1En: DA~E:. /-~-~ ~ ._ _ CASING VOLUt, tE: /~. SAMPLED BY:_ ~ ~~ ME]IIOD OF PURGING: ~URGE CHARACTERIS]IC~ ~ ~l.IP ~ 5~C ~ur~ ~IME INIAKE~ RA~ ~u VDt ~[(tvot, ('C} (U~IIS) {UUllO~ D[PIH (GPI.IJ I~ I ~uUrFD C~} I"ol (COtOR. ll~lOlff. E1C.) _ ~'JFF ~ SOLU~OIJ pH 4.01 pH 7.0 pH 10.g UNIt t ~S1RUMUdl READING ~:00 [~' ~° _ SPECI~ ~c ELECTRICAL CONDUC1ANO[ - CAL~BfiAIlONI ~:CL SOLUllUN u,nl,oe Icm ~ ~S ' C 71 71~ 1~13 ~ SB6~0 APPENDIX E ANALYTICAL REPORTS AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY '6HEMWAL ANALYS~ PETROLEUM LABO RATO RI E4tS, INC," J. J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. '4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805) 327-4911 FAX (805) 327.1918 purgeable Organic Analysis Date of EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL Report: 01/28/92 6701 MCDIVITT DRIVE, SUITE B Lab #: 653-3 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Attn.: Fa%RKMAGARGEE 836-0901 Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT#: EB-8010-3. MW-1. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 ~ 1:25PM BY TIM F~RTIN. Test Method: EPA Method 601/602 Sample Matrix: Water Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received · Lab: Completed: 01/23/92 01/23/92 01/28/92 , Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Results _ ~ Level Constituents Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform B romome thane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene trans-l,3-Dichloropropene Ethyl Benzene Methylene chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Toluene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1,1,2 Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trlchlorofluoromethane None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L 1.0 ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected. ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L 15. ~g/L None Detected Mg/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L O.S O.S O.S O.S' 0.5 0.5 O.S O.S O.S 0.5 O.S O.S 0.5 O.S O.S O.S 0.5 O.S O.S 0.5 O.S 0.5 O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S 0.5 O.S O.S O.S Post-Consumer Waste Pfinte~ on Environment 25 containing 100% recla~mec~ fit)ers with 15% ENVIRDNI~ENTAL ~,HEM~L ANALYSIS PETROLEUII LABO RATORI , INCL J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. EHGR. 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805) 327.4911 FAX (805) 327.1918 Purgeable Organic Analysie Page EARTH SYSTE~ ENVIRONMENTAL 6701 MCDIVITT DRIVE, SUITE B BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Attn.: MARK MAGARGEE 836-0901 Date of Report: 01/28/92 Lab #: 653-3 Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT~: EB-8010-3. MW-1. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 ~ 1:25PM BY TIM MARTIN. Constituents Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Results Units ~ Vinyl chloride None Detected ~g/L 0.5 o-Xylene None Detected ~g/L 0.5 0.5 ~g/L 0.5 m- & p-Xylenes 0.5 ~g/L 0.5 Total Xylenes 0.5 Total Trihalomethanes 1.0 ~g/L California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor ) Printecl on Environment 25 containing ~00% reclaimed fitters with 15% Post.Consumer Waste PETROLEUM ,LABORATORIES, INC',' ~ J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805) 327-4911 FAX (805) 327-1918 EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL 6701 MCDIVITT DRIVE, SUITE B BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Attn.: MARK MAGARGEE 836-0901 Date Reported: 01/27/92 Date Received: 01/23/92 Laboratory No'.: 653-3 Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT~: EB-8010-3. MW-1. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 ~ 1:25PM BY TIM MARTIN. Constituents Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons WATER;uNALYSIS Results Units 1. mg/kg D.L.R. Method 1.0 EPA-418.1 D.L.R. = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes. REFERENCES: EPA = "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, Department Supervisor 14-79-020. Printed on Environment 25 containing 100=/: reclaimed fibers with 15% Post-Consumer Waste ENVIRONMENTAL · ;~HEI~IC~L ANALYSIS ~T~LE~ LABO RATO RI , INC: J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805) 327-4911 FAX (805) ~q-191~ Purgeable Organic ~nalysi. *Date of EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL Report: 01/28/92 6701 MCDIVITT DRIVE, SUITE B Lab #: 653-4 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93~13 Attn.: MARK MAGARGEE 836-0901 Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT#: EB-8010-3. MW-2. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 · 3:28PM BY TIM MARTIN. Test Method: EPA Method 601/602 Sample Matrix: Water Date Sample Collected: 01/23/92 Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2.Chloroethylvinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene trans-l,3-Dichloropropene Ethyl Benzene Methylene chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Toluene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1,1,2 Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Date Sample Received ® Lab: 01/23/92 Date Analysis Completed: Ol/28/92 Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Results Units ~ None Detected ,, pg/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected pg/L None Detected pg/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected' ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L 0.5 ~g/L None Detected Mg/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L 20. ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected Mg/L 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5* 0.5 0.5 0.5 )PHntecl on Environment 2.5 containing 100% reclaimeCl fil;)er5 with 15=/. Post-Consumer Waste ENVIR~NIIENTJL ~.ME¥1g4L ANALYSIS PETROLEU¥ I ABORATORII , INC'. J. J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORHIA 93308 PHONE'{805) 327-4911 FAX (805) 327-1918 Purgeable Organic Analysis Page EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL 6701 MCDIVITT DRIVE, SUITE B BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Attn.: MARK MAGARGEE 836-0901 Date of Report: 01/28/92 Lab #: 653-4 Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT~: EB-8010-3. MW-2. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 ~ 3:28PM BY TIM MARTIN. Constituents Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Results Units ~ Vinyl chloride None Detected ~g/L 0.5 o-Xylene 1.0 ~g/L 0.5 m- & p-Xylenes 5.0 ~g/L 0.5 Total Xylenes 6.0 ~g/L 0.5 Total Trihalomethanes None Detected ~g/L 0.5 2 California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor (~ PrinteCl on Environment :)5 containing 100% reclaimecl fibers with 15% Post.Consumer Waste (NW~ONU~ PETROLEUII LABORATORIES, INC:. ~ J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR.. 4100 ATLAS CT. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE {1105).~27~1911 FAX (805) 327-1918 EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMP/F~AL 6701 MCDIVlTT DRIVE, SUIT~ .B BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Attn.: MARK ~GARGEE 836-0901 Date' Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: Ol/27/92' 653-& Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT#: EB-8010-3. MW-2. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 % 3:28PM BY TIM MARTIN-~ Constituents Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons WATER ANALYSIS Results .. Units D.L,R, .. Method 2. mg/kg 1.0 EPA-418.1 D.L.R. = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes. REFE~NCES: EPA = .Methods for Chemical ;%nalysis of Water and Wastes" Department Supervisor , EPA-600, 14-79-020' Ih. intecl on Environment 25 containing 100% reclaimec] fit)ers with 15% Post-Consumer WlSte ~fEYfC4L ,~NALI'SIS PETROLEUII LABORATORIES, J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. ~100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA g~__'~l_ PHONE (80b') 327-4911 FAX (805) 327,1918 Purgeable Organic Analysis EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL 6701 MCDIVITT DRIVE, SUITE B BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Attn.: MARK MAGARGEE 836-0901 DaCe of Report: 01/28/92 Lab#: 653-2 Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT#: EB-8010-3. MW-3. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 · i:15PM BY TIM MARTIN. Test Method: EPA Method 601/602 Sample Matrix: Water DaCe Sample Collected: 01/23/92 Constituent______~s Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane DibromochloromeChane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,i-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) Crans-l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene trans-l,3-Dichloropropene Ethyl Benzene Methylene chloride 1,1,2,2-TeCrachloroeCh~ne Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Toluene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1,1,2 Trichloroethane Trichloroechene TrichlorofluoromeChane Date Sample Received · Lab: 01/23/92 DaCe Analysis Completed: 01/27/92 Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Results units Level .. None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L =g/L ug/L ~g/L ~g/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ,g/L .g/L ~g/L ~g/L ,g/~ ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 I:~nte~ on Environment 25 containing 100% reclaimed fibers with 15% Post-Consumer Wllte . CHD, II~L MMLYSIS ' FETROLEU¥ BO RATORI , IN.C:. J. J' EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR.' 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805) 32741911 FAX (805) 327.1918 Purgeable organic Analys~e Page EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL 6701 MCDIVITTDRIVE, SUITE B BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Attn.: MARK MAGARGEE 836-0901 Date of Report.: 01/28/92 Lab #: 653-2 Sample Description: 'PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT~: EB-8010-3. MW-3. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 · i:15PM BY TIM MARTIN. Minimum Analysis Reporting RepOrting Constituents Results _ Vinyl chloride None Detected ~g/L 0.5 o-Xylene None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected ~g/L 0.5 m- & p-Xylenes 0.5 Total Xylenes None Detected ~g/L Total Trihalomethanes None Detected ~g/L 0.5 California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department..Supervisor Printed On Environment 25 cont&im~g 100% recla~meC hDers with 15%. Post.Consumer Waste ENVI~NIIENTAL ANALYSIS i . BORATORIE S, J. J. EGUN, REG, CHEM. ENGR. I~ETROLEU¥ 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805)'3274911 FAX (805) 327-1918 Date Reported: 01/27/92 EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL 6701 MCDIVITT DRIVe, SUITE B Date Received: 01/23/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 653-2 Attn.: MARK MAGARGRE 836-0901 Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT#: EB-8010-3. MW-3. SAMPL~ WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 · 1:15PM BY TIM MARTIN. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons WATER ANALYSIS Results ~ D L R ~ 4. mg/kg 1.0 EPA-418.1 D.L.R. = Detection Limit for Reporting purposes: REFERENCES: · = for Chemfcal Analysis of Water and wastes", Department Supervisor EPA-600, 14'79'020. (~ Ih'intecl on Environment 25 co,~taifting 100% recl&ime0 fil~er$ with 15% Post-Consume~ Waste ENVIR~NIIENTAL ANALYSIS LABORATORIEI INC:. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR.' 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE (805) 327,4911 FAX (805) 327-1918 Purgeable organ£c ;{nalyeis EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL 6701 MCDIVITT DRIVE, SUITE B BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Attn.: MARK MAGARGEE 836-0901 Date of Report: 01/28/92 Lab #: 653-5 Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT~: EB-8010-3. MW-2A. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 ~ 3:28PM BY TIM MARTIN. Test Method: EPA Method 601/602 Sample Matrix: Water Date Sample Collected: 01/23/92 Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvlnyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis.l,3-Dichloropropene trans-l,3-Dichloropropene Ethyl Benzene Methylene chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Toluene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1,1,2 Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Date Sample Received ~ Lab: Ol/23/92 Date Analysis Completed: 01/28/92 Analysis Reporting Results -- None Detected ,, yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L 0.5 yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L None Detected #g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None 'Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected yg/L None Detected yg/L Minimum Reporting 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Printed On Environment 25 containing 100% reciaime" fit)ers with 15% Post.Conlume~ Waste J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR.~ ' . 4100 ATLAS CT. BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA 9330~ PHONE (8O5)3274911 FAX (8O5) Purgeable Organic Anal~rs:J,e .... Page- 2 ~J~TH SYSTE~ ENVIRONMENTAL 6701 MCDIVITTDRIV~, SUIT~ B BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Attn.: MARK M~f4%RGEB 836-0901 Date of_ Report: 01/28/92 Lab #: 653-5 Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT~: EB-8010-3. MW-2A. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 · 3:28PM BY TIM MARTIN. Constituents Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Result~ Unlt~ L~vel , . Vinyl chloride None Detected ~g/L 0.5 o-Xylene None Detected ~g/L 0.5 m- & p-Xylenes None Detected ~g/L 0.5 Total Xylenes None Detected ~g/L 0.5 Total Trihalcmethanes 0.5 ~g/L 0.5 California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor )PTinte(I Off Environment 25 contiming 100%% recl&imeCl fil:)e/~ with 15% Post.Consumer w#te PETROLEUM 4100 ATLAS CT. BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA (~___'~_ PHONE (805) 32]'-4911 FAX'(805) 327-1fl8 Purgeable Organic Analysis · EARTH SYSTENS ENVIRONMENTAL 6701 MCDIVITT DRIVE, SUITE B BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Attn.: MARK MAGARGEE 836-0901 Date of Report: 01/28/92 Lab #: 653-1TB Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT #: EB-8010-3 TRAVEL BLANK. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 ~ 8:10AM BY TIM MARTIN. Test Method: EPA Method 601/602 Sample Matrix: Water Date Sample Collected: 01/23/92 Constituents Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene trans-l,3-Dichloropropene Ethyl Benzene Methylene chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Toluene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1,1,2 Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Date Sample Received ~ Lab: 01/23/92 Date Analysis Completed: 01/27/92 Analysis Reporting Results Units None Detected "~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected #g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected Mg/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected' ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected #g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L Minimum Reporting Level O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S 0.5 O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S PhnteO on EnviromT~ent 25 COntaining 100% reclaimed ill)ers with 15% Post.Consumer B'O'R'ATO RI IN J. J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 ATLAS CT., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~ PHONE (805) ~r/'alg11 FAX (805) ~r/'-1918 Pu~geable Organic Page EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL 6701 MCDIVITT DRIVe, SUITE B BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Attn.: MARK MAGARGEE 836-0901 Date of Report: 01/28/92 Lab #: 653-1TB Sample Description: PROJECT: ARCO S.H. PROJECT #: EB-8010-3 TRAVEL BLANK. SAMPLE WAS TAKEN ON 01-23-92 % 8:10AM BY TIM MARTIN. Vinyl chlorlde o-X¥1ene m- & p-Xylenes Total Xylenes Total Trihalomethanes Minimum AnalySis Reporting Reporting Results Units . ~ None Detected #g/L 0.5 None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected ~g/L 0.5 Californla D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor (~ Pdnte(J on Environft'tent 25 containing 100% reclaimed fil)ers with 15% Post-C, onSumef Wlltl Report To: c~. _~. E La~ Sample Description Date & Time Sampled Reli~uishe~ by: (S~nature) ~R~ · Dae: ~m~ 72- H,. A~ressName:~o~T~ Aaent~n: Miles: Reli~uished by: (5~nature) Rece~ by: (5~nature) Dine: Sample Dis~sal P.O.~ Reli~uished by: (S~nature) Receiv~ by: (Signature) Date: ~m~ ~ Return to client DBA · OWNER ADDRESS ADDRESS ASSESSORS' PARCEL # CTf CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF'INVESTIGATION DATE ! '. '~ ' KERN COUNTY" ENViRONMENTAl..EAr. T. I~ESTIGATION RECORD DBA O~ER ADDRESS ADDRESS ASSESSORS' PARCEL CT CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OFINVESTIGATION DATE I I I I · KERN COUNTY. ENVIRONMENTAr' H'KAf~T~H. INVESTIGATION ,RECORD.. DBA OWNER ADDRESS ~DDRESS ASSESSORS ~ PARCEL CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION DATE E~ployee:~: Employee Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activity ~ Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) Notes: Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific TIme Accounting Sheet rpermit cf .~' / ~) ~)/'~ _~ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee cf Employee Signature Site Name or Addres:~' Funding (Local,-State, of Federal) Category Activity Hours Dat~ , Code Code Description (lOths) Notes: (.O~TRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit Cf Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) // N/otes': .:.,% / -. , Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ~ 1 D O~ Employee # Employee. Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) 'l~ote's: ' Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (REV. 5189) Ci~TRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING T ,A~,.',S Site Specific .Time Accounting Sheet Permit Employee Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) ,., t ;L Notes: 7~, / 'i/,:' '~ n ~ /.~ / ' ,.,.. ~" ~,.~ , ,'~ ,,~.,~ ~ Q ~ -.~ , Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # Employee Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Category , Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) Notes: Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (REV. 5~89) C ,TRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING Site Specific Time Accounting*Sheet Permit Employee # Site Specific Status Changes: Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) Notes: , ~ ,,~ x j ,,~,~ ., .,, ~, ~_ .~.~ ~- ~--/ // Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address,- ~o ~: ' ' Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) Notes: Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (REV. 5189) Date Code Code Description Da~ Enter~ By: ~te: cONTRAcT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS site Specific Time Accounting sheet Permit # ':: .". :.'"'.,::. ;D Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ..... Employee Signature :;i ..' Site Name or A~lre§s .,./" ~-' .., Funding (Local, State, of Federal) eegOry Activity Hours Date Code Description i (10ths) Notes: i';"/ /' '" ': :'. ~-' .. · ~ s- .~ :-' , Site Name or Address,:!:' Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Code Description ( 1Orbs)". Notes: · ' ' Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAK/NG TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Employee # Employee Signature ..,:~, .." ,., .,~,.. -, ---~ Site Name or Address. ,' "-: Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Cat~ egory Activity Hours Date coGe Code Description (10ths) Notes: -~NTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING~-TANKSj Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit EmplOYee # Site Name or ~zldre~ ~ ~ Fundihg. (LoCal, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Hours Category Activity Date ~o~e Code Description (10ths) Notes: Data Entered By: Date: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Addres~ Code Description (lOths) --',' .'." -,,I"'~ : ~" l I Notes: t .~ / /" / _i. ;,. ., ,. .~/ · ;: ~( ,, . . -. -. .. { <:. x" :... , '~.. ! : !, : . . ,' . · ~ ~ . . , : ,'<~, ~ , .,/ :i/ . . .,-- .... ._. .' ' _.Z. i ,'" / -' _ . · ,. x ."~ .., : , ~:. ~,?.....-,, ..., . , ,' ~. ...,.- /.... , ~.,.-:~ ---~. :ix ~ .-~ ,:. ~-~.-~,-~ I~ Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ? i Employee # Employee Signature ." /'"i r'"?~'" ' Site Name or Addres~",.~ ,'- ~:ti~ (LoeaZ, State, o~ ~ede~aZ) Site Specific Status Changes: Category Activity ,Hours Date , ,Code- Code Description (10ths) ,;' ;/' - / t Permit # :.~ f..,,.~,,~-~ Site Specific,'.Stat~s..Chan~s%-~.. '' '. Employee # Empi*~ee Signature ..2~ Site Name or Address 'Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Code Description (lOths) Notes: ... Data ~ter~ By: ~te: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # <,..~,, < ,< ~: Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature ~ite Name or Address / !~ L/ '~/ Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Cat. egory Activity Hours Date ~o~e Code Description ( 10ths ? ~/'~ ,/~, f ~> ~ ~ : /. :Y /. ,,t_" . ,. ..... /.. / " I .,'," ---- / . , . ' ' ',' -' '?' /r{ ': .... ,., :' ~ ~ .~,.~...~. :;.. .... , ~: ,~.~.-,.~,_, ,~.~, g~-.:;.. ;.',E ~ ....... ~, ~ , , -~ ...f ~ ~. :. :,.:..:~';;??::::.::., .,.. --- Funding (Local, State, of F~l~al)  o~y ~tivity " H(~. Date C~le D~scription .(lO~s) .... ~tes: .' :,. t . .: ,.', /~ ' ~" ~'1,'~ ~ ..... ,~ .... , ~ ~,~' ~ ~.-~ ."~ '~":" ": ~ " ' '~ ':-~ ', ~', i ' ~ .... ~ Enter~ By: ~te: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # 'vi Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Date Code Description (10ths) · .,. ~ ..-', ~, :% :_..' Notes: .... ", .'. , .... ' ,' "' : "'. ......... ~- _n .,d .'~"-'' ' ~ . / 6 / / ;:'"' . i' ~ " " ~ .... ~ " " ' : '- ....... *" ~' r " ~ i ', , " r ,'X i".F" , it' I ' / c, " /.:j.: .,'.' ). · /,~:, ,%.:: '. ~ ~[~ / · ..: >. :. ,'..- ':..:" .:~ ~ , ?., . ,. , ..~-.,:.,, .~: ::~ . . Pe?m!t #-~ Employee Signature,s= Site .N~me or (Local,. State, of Federal) Cat_egory Activity (1Orbs). Date C_~4_e Code Description , Notes: ~ ~ter~ By: ~te: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # .L~ ~ASK 4 ~m~loyee Signature" .... - ......... lite Name or baa~ess -~..,,~. OiL & GAS Funding (Local, State, of Federal) _ ~ Hours Date ~eegOry Activity (10ths) Code Description Notes: !:~kjVIEWED FiLE EOR P~C.t~4hNT iHTO C.O PROG~'4. ~ ~te~ B~: ~ite Specific Time Accounting" Sheet Employee # ~oyee si~a~u~ Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Cat~ory Activity Hours Code- Code Description ( 1Orbs ) Notes: ... . ;,, ~ :'1 / / ,, : ,% ! ....... '~ ., ..~ ,, .'~,',~-"?~:,: ? ?m,~ :~;.::~ .....: ~'~-:',.'.-. .' 'f~.'?~' ' .' ::" NcU~. -Tm Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING T3/gKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # %!..-,..- ~ ~,) Employee # Employee Signature ; ~ - / ,. Site ~e or ~e.~....'~,,.,. :., 1 :, ~,~. ~ Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Cat. egory Activity Hours Da~e uo~e Code Description (10ths) Notes: Euz~ing (Local ~ State, of ~ederai) Cat_ c~ory Activity Hours. Dedce Code- Code Description ('10tbs)' t~ CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR T,EhKING ~ ' Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Permit Employee Employee Signature ': '" "' /,..,,,,¢ ' ~,..~ .. ..... Site Name or Address ,~'1 ,.~.;~b~ '":, / ": Funding (Local, State, of Federal eegOry Activity Hours Date,, Code Description (10ths) Notes: ',%..:-:.~,;,~. '-i-"~,"-... ,~ ,.~ :-',, .4 i:~- ":,.. {': ,~.-~ ~ ~' -~ .'q,~i,'.",'~- t,~".', .,~ ['~.~ %~1~1:1~9~11~[k. · .... .: - · '.¥: ~.-i. !.' :,.. '? 7':'' ~::" ' "' '"' <"'::'~'~'""~: '~<'' Data Entered By: '."..-:'; .Date; .".,.:' '.::: i::- :.;.'- '.!:::'i:~:~::~i~;:%:',i ::,'. ., .-' Employee # Employee Signature ~.,Z- ~. :L---- Site Name or Address. iF~ ',V. ~4:) Funding (Local, State, of Federai) Date c~eegOry Activity Hours. Code Description (1Orbs) Notes: f [ --, / / ' ... :.,,.',. ' ~ , ~ I ~ · / / 'l '" " : ' 4 ~ " .... ' ~'~ Da~ Enter~ By: ~te: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # Employee # Employee Signature /,/~ /'/ · :% I -. ,--:-.~ Site Name or ,-, ,,- ., Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: eegOry Activity Hours Date Code Description (lOths) ~;1~, '"' ?- t iz~ ~' ~- Notes: : .. ' "' ." ~ t -,'- L~, '~ t.~ 7..,. "' -~,-'. tS ./ '" ' ~ 6' a r' '~-,:; - .-, ,,:, :'i? .. ......... ,: ~ ,-f'/ ~ , m .,,,- ~ r ,':~, & ' I ,- :.; ~ ,.:,.,,, .,~__,,.,.~.,_.../ ...... I , ~ _~._,~: ,...., ~ ,.... ~ # ~:. . ~,,.: ,~ ,:,..,,,__,,,,.~ ,.~,,,,_, !l., r ,..',. · ,- , ...... ::'-!.g r~ . n '... ....... S ...... ' :.::~.:~.~:'?..~ .'?,:.~?ii.t .'..i' ~.:'-:. ,.,z,-/,.~ : l.., /, tl ,, :~ ,....,,,,-L,i ,.,,.......~.::.-.~:.,.,..~. ............ ' -- ' - · . " . , :, · .c :-,%~'::?-~'~!,.':..'::.,. FACILITY: ADDRESS : FILE CONTENTS SUMMARy PERMIT ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments WORK ORDER LOG SH{~i~':'i'~ WOI~K ORDI~ NAME: RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP) NAHE: RP CONTACT: RP ADDRESS RP CITY: STATE: ziP: RP PHONE NOB.: INSPECTOR: PROGRAM: ( ) ( ) HMMP-Enforoement DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: FACILITY NAME: REPORTIN~ PERSON= PHONE NO. COMMENTS RESOURCE' MANAGEMENT CY RANDALL L. ABBo'I-I ~ ~ i':, DIRECTOR :' "~:'t . ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ~.. : . .'"STEVE McCA~ I'FY~tRI~iS,.DIRECTOR :. TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT June 11, 1992 Mike Stahl ARCO Oil and Gas 4550 California~Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr. Stahl: On March 27, 1992 I witnessed the destruction of three groundwater monitoring wells at the ARCO South "H" site located at 4121 South "H" Street in Bakersfield, California. The wells were destroyed under permit issued by, and in accordance with the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department regulations. Sincerely, RREN, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301. (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE I!i ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Se~ices Depan'ment STEVE ~¢C,~ ~v-y, REHS,.DIRECTOR ~ ~ J..RODD¥~ 7kPCO Plannin9 & De~iop~t Se~ Department TED JAMES, AIcp, D~RECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT · HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MONITORING WELL(S)·PERMIT PERMIT DW'0841-31 ' DW 0842-31 DW 0843-31 OWNER'S NAME: Arco Oil & Gas Company FACILITY NAME: Arco South DATE: April 24, 1992 FACILITY LOCATION: 4121 South "H" Street, Bakersfield DESTRUCTION METHOD: Perforation of well casin.q and fillin.q with cement/bentonite ,qrout CONTRACTOR: Melton Dr in,q Company LICENSE NO,: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTOR Earth Systems Environmental NUMBER OF WELLS TO BE DESTROYED: Three (3) " 508270 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: 1. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the destruction of the wells. 3. Destruction of the wells under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 4. All wells constructed of PVC located at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be destroyed after 2 years or prove no degradation is occurring or has occurred. 5. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Permit Conditions or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP WORK ORDER." 6. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report, as well as copies of logs and water quality analyses, must be submitted to the Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. 7. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of issuance if work has not been started and reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. 8. I have read and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted above. This permit must be signed by either the contractor or owner. OWNER'S SIGNATURE PERMIT APPROVED BY:~'~.z,h_~ ~"Laurel Funk DATE: April 24, 1992 LF: j rw 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 DATE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (hm\funk\084 !-31, m46) (8o5) 86 -3636 FAX: (805) 86].-3429 WORKPLAN FOR WELL ABANDONMENTS ARCO OIL AND GAS COMPANY FORMER OFFICE AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY 4121 SOUTH H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared by Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. 670l McDivitt Drive, Suite B Bakersfield, California 93313 (805) 836-0901 EB-8010-3 April 6, 1992 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARCO OIL AND GAS COMPANY FORMER OFFICE AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY 4121 SOUTH H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PURPOSE AND SCOPE ...................................................................................................... 1 WELL ABANDONMENTS ................................................................................................. 2 Well Screen Perforating ................................................................................. 2 Pressure Grouting ............................................................................................ 2 REPORT ....................................................................... ~: ............................................ 2 SCHEDULE OF COMPLETION ........................................................................................... 2 FIGURE I - VICINITY MAP ........................................................................................ 4 FIGURE 2 - SITE MAP ..................................................................................................... 5 Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. A Member of The Earth Systems Group 6701 McDivitt Drive, Suite B · Bakersfield, CA 93313 ~, (805) 836-0901 · FAX (805) 836-0911 April 6, 1992 Project No.: EB-8010-4 Doc. No.: 9204-E013.WP ARCO Oil and Gas Company 4550 California Avenue Bakersfield California 93309 Attention: Mr. Mike Stahl SUBJECT: WORK PLAN FOR WELL ABANDONMENTS ARCO OIL GAS COMPANY FORMER OFFICE AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY 4121 SOUTH H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: This communication presents our work plan for the abandonment of the three groundwater monitoring wells located at the above referenced site (Figure 1). Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. (ESE) proposes to abandon the wells by perforating the slotted interval of the tour inch PVC well casings, and then pressure gouting the wells with a neat cement/bentonite grout prior to cutting the well casings off five feet below surface grade. ESE ~vill then prepare a well abandonment report documenting the field activities. All site methods employed are in accordance with the Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary Evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites, as well as accepted professional environmental and geotechnical engineering procedures, and applicable Kern County regulations, as well as accepted professional environmental/geotechnical engineering procedures. PURPOSE AND SCOPE Subject to your acceptance of this work plan, ESE's plan~ to destroy the wells includes: · Preparing a Kern County well abandonment permit application. · Abandoning the three groundwater monitoring wells on the subject site by perforating the slotted interval of the four inch PVC well casings, and then ARCO Oil and Gas Company 2 April 6, 1992 pressure grouting the wells with a neat cement/bentonite grout prior to cutting the well casings off five feet below surface grade. Preparing of a well abandonment report documenting the field activities. WELL ABANDONMENTS Well Screen Perforating The slotted interval from 165 feet to 185 feet in each well Will be perforated using 20 foot perforating guns loaded with four 3 and 1/2 gram shaped charges per foot designed to produce 3/8 inch perforations in the well screen. Pressure Grouting After perforating the slotted well-casings, the wells will be pressure grouted through a tremmie pipe using a pressure grout pump with a 3% bentonite, seven sack cement slurry to seal the annular space of the slotted intervals of the PVC casing as well as the insides of the well casings. Because the "annular space already contains a bentonite seal from 155 feet to 160 feet, and neat cement seal fron 155 feet to surface grade, no additional well abandonment is required of the annular space from 160 feet to surface. Upon completion of the cementing the wells, the well casings will be cut off five feet below surface grade, and the upper five feet will be backfilled with native soil to surface grade. Report Preparation A well abandonment report will be prepared to document the well abandonment activities, and will be signed by a Calit~)rnia Registered Geologist. SCHEDULE OF COMPLETION Earth Systems Environmental can mobilize on-site beginning work described in this work plan within one week upon authorization to proceed from Client, and approval of the work plan by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services. The projected time frame for completion of the major tasks is one day for perforating and pressure grouting the wells, and one week for report preparation once the well destructions have been completed. EB-8010-4 9204-E013.WP ARCO Oil and Gas Company 3 April 6, 1992 Thank you for your consideration of this work plan. If you have any questions, or if we can be of service in any way, please contact this office at your convenience. Respectfully Submitted, EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Senior Geologist Addressee - 3 KCDEHS - Ms. Amy Green - 1 BAK- l SLO - 1 EB -8010-4 9204-E013.WP · .c /filM. WHITE SI & C · EAST PANAMA : ' -~-' - -~7-_ ',~ I TITLE Figure  Earth Systems ! /- .d .,,-~.,,,,.~.,,~ Environmental, Inc. ! I 6701 McDwiII Drive, Suite B -- ~ ,-- _ ... ... ~~-- / l ~os) e~.~ . [ . ~~/~z~ ~~~/~ l ~o8 .o. I Z ,4/VZ" Environmental, Inc ' A Meml:,er o! The Earth Systems Group Bakersfield, CA 93313 .. (805) 836-~01 :CE MANAGEMEN' RANDALL L. ABBOTT DZRECTOR DAVID PRIC£ Iii AS,S;$TANT D~R~CTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES HAZARDOUS M^TERIALS MAN^GEM_ENT PRO(~RAM ~_ON[TOR!NG WE'LL APPLICATION DRILL!~G M~THOD APPLICATION PATE PROPOSED ~/z~/~,~ DEPARTMENT APPUCATION FOR A PERMIT (CIRCLE ONE) CQNSTRUCT,~TRUCT DEEPEN OF~ESTRO_~A WEL HOME PHONE NO. LICENSE NO.~ PHONE ON APPROVE~ L~$T REGISTRATION GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: 7. 8, 9. 10. 2700 "M" STTLEET, Perm~_t~_...li~atlons mu~, ~e au~mi~eO :o ~e Envlrcnmenta[.Hea~hSe~ices De~me~ ~ lea~ 10 working ~a~ orlcr to the orggg~ Well site approv~ ie requ!reO ~efo~ Oeginn~ng any work ralntea :o well con,minion, it ie unlm~ui to ~ominue work para t~e meg~ which a~ ingpg~lon ~s requira~ unless ~nspe~!cn is waiveO or compiles. Other require~ inspemions inciuCe: con~umor casing, alt ~nuiar se~s, aha fln~ conffirumlon features. A phone c~ll to the Depanmem off,ce is require~ ~n the morning of the ~a7 that work Is to commence aha 24 houm De~cte piacemem of any seai~ or plugs. Constru~l~n un,er t~is Perm~ is su~jem ~0 any in~rumion8 ~y Depa~mem repreeentat~ve~. Any m~srepresematlon or nonccmplia~ce w~h requirea Perm~ Ccn~lom~ or O~Otne~¢e will moult In issuance of a "Stop Wo~ A copy o1 the Debarment of Water Resources Driller's Repo~. ~ welt ss .;opJes ~ logs aha water qual~ analyses, mum ~e eu~m~ to the Envircnmemai Hea~ So,ices Depa~mem within 1~ Osys sfler completion ol t~e worn. A well Oes(rumion appHcellon must ~e fileO with this Depa~ment if i well la being aee~r~e~ that i, n~ In conJun~On wff~ s tam perm,. The perm~ is voJ~ on t~e ninetlet~ (~) caten~ar Day after Date of issuance ffwork has not Dean ma~e~ eno reasoneD~e progress ccm~sf, cn made. Fees are not refunOao~e nor ~mn~eraOle. ! have read and agree lo cempty w~ the Genersl ConOItlons notes above. (:ATE: SUITE 3OO BAKERSFIELD, CA[JFORN[4. 93301 (80~) 861.3636 FAX: (805) 861.3429 bEC 16 '91 10:0~ FACILITY 9LOT PLAN - WELL DI~SIC~NS - ZONE OF INFL~ - ~OR VADOSE Z~NE WELLS ~Y/~: If this application AEG: cd: formtool\monitor Provide a description of 'c,he factil.~y 'co bs monitored, Include locar, ton of tm=Rs, ~=op:sed moni~orlng an~ placement, nea.~s~ street or intersec'-ton, location of any water ~l!s or surface waters with~_u a 500' rmLtus of facility. Please attach. Provide a de~aile~ ~ra'~lng of w~ll(s), Include: %~11, casing len~, :~crs~/filt~ ~ck se~ts, ~ ~11 cap. Note ~y ~re~i~es. at.ch. depth of annular Please Provide mat_hem~-ical calculations tb~t det~ the zone of influence for the soil at each site t~king into account monitoring met~.odbeing used. Please attach. is no= complete lt~lll be returned. !n Pt I~AK[RSFIELD ,,! WHITE EAST PANAMA I E Figure Earth Systems I ~ .,,~.-..., I ! <~°~),:o~i~°~'~,' I ..~.~,~.~-~/-/~-~ ~".~z'/.--,~2"'.,~/~/ ~oo ,o. I ]4'HIT£ 6701 McDivitt Drive, Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93313 (805) 836-0901 FAX (805) 836-0911 RAND~ L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE !!! ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCAllFy, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM ,I. RODD¥, APCO Plannin9 & Development Se~ices Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MONITORING WELL(S) PERMIT PERMIT #: MW 0774-31' MW 0775-31 MW 0776-31 OWNER'S NAME: Arco Oil & Gas Company FACILITY NAME: Arco South "H" DATE: January 10, 1992 FACILITY LOCATION: DRILLING METHOD: 4121 South "H" Street, Bakersfield, CA Percussion Hammer CONTRACTOR: Water Development Corporation ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTOR Earth Systems Environmental TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S) Groundwater NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: Three (3) LICENSE NO.: 283326 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: 1. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. Other required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 5. All wells constructed of PVC located at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be destroyed after 2 years or prove no degradation is occurring or has occurred. 6. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Permit Conditions or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP WORK ORDER." 7. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report, as well as copies of logs and water quality analyses, must be submitted to the Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. 8. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department if a well is being destroyed that is not in conjunction with a test hole permit. 9. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of issuance if work has not been started and reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. 10. I have read and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted above. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Approved Annular Seal Depth 160'. This permit must be signed by either the contractor or owner. OWNER'S SIGNATURE ~..~ ~ PERMIT APPROVED BY: 'La~urel Funk, Hazardous Materials Specialist DATE: JanuarY 10, 1992 CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATUI~fi~ ~2' DATE LF: cas 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 \0774- 33.. mw (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 MONITORING WELL APPI.~ON s uv c s ~~DOUS ~R~ ~AOE~ PRO0~ 2700 "M" S~ET, SU~ 3~ . . cA Circle One: ^cIi DESTROY Project Contact: ,~,'/~e,, S+a.,,~/' Phone:~_W~?,) ~Z/-,9.~7 Application Date /-/a ' ~Z. No. of Well~ ~ MW No.ts~ ~,/w 77q- ~/ ~t~t'27/., -..~/ ~4W775" 5/ For Office Use Only Facility. Name: ,.~,,('(_x~ f~..~,~' ~ Facility. Phone: Address: ,,~.-//~//.~e~/,,~.~,,~,~City: ~'~'-s'~-'~'/ Cross Street: Owller: Address: B. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Zip: EnvironmentalContractor: ~.~,,-'P,f ify~'z¢_..~5 / Address: ~'70/,,~ ~//,'t.,/7~e~'d~F- f2'~, ~ City: License No. and .Type: c-$7 ~?~?~ //"q" ~', Phone: (~o~) zip: .~ ./ w.c No.: Drilling Contractor: ~.e--'o_,,y"O~- /- License No. and Type: ~-5'~7 Phone: (~_~/d'? zip: ?~g' ~,~ w.c. No.: C. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Depth to Groundwater: ~ /?f' / Verified By: ,,,~,r,,~,,/C ,,~ ,'~~ Lithology Log Reviewed By: /~/,,.,,../ff ,~ff~~,~,/ Registration No.: D. PROJECT INFORMATION ' Proposed Start Date: ,~.~,,.~9 / of Well (Circle One Vadose Zone HMi23/ Proposed Completion Date: Test Hole Date: :,n Pi. Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. A Member of The Earlh Systems Group 6701 McDivitl Drive, Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93313 (805) 836-0901 FAX (805) 836-0911 Wlttt IAKERSFIELD Road EAST TITLE WHITE LAN PANAMA Road Figure JOB NO. .~',~ ~'0/0-/ PROPOSED GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS E/4COR., SEC. 13,30/27 WHITE LANE 217.30' 743.80' 510.41' MW-3 0 258.00' NORTH NOT TO SCALE 'mate well locations. All measurements originatefrom E/4., SEC. 13, 30/27 MW- 1, 300' south, 1,184' west MW-2, 100' south, 175' west MW-3, 790' south, 175' west GROUt,O SURFACE-'---... --TRAFFIC RAIED WELL COVER '~'~----C, AP 16'o"C Erie U ~- GRoU'T IrLUSII TIIREADED ~ ---J~LANK SCIIEDUL£ PVC --NEAT CEMENT GROUT $' SEAL 5' FILTER ?^ck ABOVE SLo15 BENIONITE SEAL IrLUSII TIIREAOEO ~INCll (XMETER PVC SCR[F.N PERFORATION SLOISIZE o.0~- """~ MONTEfl£¥ SAND 011 :NT 2.0' SLO'~ 1'ED '~N TE RVAL NOT 10 SCALE TO: B~E IIOLE Inchel Diameter irLUSii IlIREAOEO [tad CAP T O: TOTAL DEPTII WAIER TABLE g --/~'~/ ARCO Oil and Gas Company Western District Post Office Box 147 Bakersfield, California 93302 Telephone 805 321 4000 January 6, 1992 Mr. Chris Burger Hazardous Materials Specialist IV Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Re.' Groundwater Monitoring Wells South "H" Street Location Proposed Installation Dear Mr. Burger: Enclosed please find a completed application for the installation of three groundwater monitoring wells at the property located at 4121 South "H" Street. ARCO has committed to collect groundwater samples as part of the sale of the property to assess if groundwater has been impacted. The estimated start date for drilling of the wells is January 13, 1992. It is estimated that the drilling and completion of the wells can be accomplished in less than one week. If you have any questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me at (805) 321-4307. Sincerely, Michael A. Stahl Senior Environmental Coordinator ARCO Oil and Gas Company is a Division of Atlantic Richfield Company RECEIPT 1:44 pm KERN CO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY ~?00 'M' $treec 805) S61-3502 Invoice Nbr. I Type of Order ~AoH REGISTER ATLANTIC RICHFIELD 55151 ! Customer P.O.~ [ Nth'By 92 ~ ~MK 01/~6 ~~ 4751 NELLS MONITORING NLL003B 01/06/92 IDF I NT Quantity Price Unit Otac Total' 3 335.00 E 1005.00 Order Total ]005.00 THANK YOU ] Amount Due Paymen~ Made By Check 1005.00 1005.00 S~'~dRCE MANAGEMENT ~ '~NCy RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE !11 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR STEVE McCAII Fy, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control Di~rict WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO TED jAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT December 19, 1991 Michael Stahl Arco Oil & Gas Company 4550 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECT: Location Known As Permit # : 4121 South "H" Street Bakersfield, CA : · Arco Oil & Gas Company : 310063 Dear Mr. Stahl: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Joe Cafias at (805) 861-3636, Extension 588. Hazardous Materials Specialist IV Hazardous Materials Management Program CB:JC:cas L310063.b 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 PS Form 3800, June 1985 ~ ~o ~ qD ~o 6555 m r-' J-dl303U NUrl13U OI.LS31NOQ g98-;~1.~-8861. 'O'd'D'8'l'! ,~ 88~[ '~,~ 'L LSE: mJO:l Sd ' /~ ~0) Umppv s,eefleJ~v~ ~ ~% ' · --mPPY -- oJ~U61S 'g ee~e~ppe jo ~n~uDp Ule~O'aAe~ ~ / aooo POI~I~OO~ I 60886 VO 'prar~s~a~e~ · , ~, zl Au~d~oo se9 pu~ [~0 e !leo pe~olJ~eU ~ 'C 'sseJppe s~eeseeJppe pue 'e~p 'peJe~llep m~M oT Moqs ~ ~L I · ~enDeJ (e)~ puo~ppe Jo& (ee)x~ Xoe o pug ee~j J~ Je~sem~eod ~lnsuo3 'elqellehe eJe seol~ea ~Ul~OllO& eq~ 8eej leUOlilppe JO~ '~ehllep &o~p ~ pue o~ ~ peJ'eAflepuom~eq~joemeueq~noAepl,mOlll~eej~teo~mn~eJe~.noRoiPem~J8ul~m~j~ I elq~ ~ue,eJd ifl~ 81q~ op o) eJnlpd 'epp esJeReJ eq~ uo eoedS ,,0~ NM~M,, eq~ ul es~ppe JnoX ~ I GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY March 9, 1990 Ar'co Oil and Gas Company 4~50 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 SUBJECT: Location: Known As: PERMIT #: 4121 South "H" Street BaLersfield, CA 93307 Arco Oil and Gas Company 310063 Gentlemen: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property described above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health to be the site of an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank. This notice is sent to you because our records indicate that you are a responsible party for this property. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property and the cost for oversight of these activities. California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48 require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL, ON A TIMELY BASIS, DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTERIZATION, FEASIBILITY STUDY AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find attachment "A", Handbook UT-35, which states the minimum required site work plan activities, the necessary requirements for selecting environmental contractors qualified to perform this work, a glossary of terms, example illustrations, and a section discussing the answers to commonly asked questions. The cost incurred by Kern County Environmental Health for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health in one of the two methods described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options only pertain to costs associated with oversight. (A) STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party, for both the costs incurred by the County and the State, pertaining to your site, under the State terms explained below: Whereas the Legislature has appropriated funds from the California Hazardous Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state ageucy administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action at t he above site are funded, in whole or in part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund; and Whereas the above individual(s) or entity(ies) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and Safety code, thc Above Responsible Party or Partitas shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all state and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage lank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parti~ shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resource~ Control Board. (B) COUNTY OF KERN LOCAL AGREEMENT OPTION Kern County Environmental Health is providing this option for those who prefer to pay the County directly and avoid the addition of State costs. Prior to the County's performance of services, this option requires your deposit of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account.,. In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, attachment "B". The environmental sensitivity (attachment "C") of this site has been reviewed by Environmental Health to determine the potential threat for groundwater contamination. Only sites determined to be non-environmentally sensitive may enroll in the Local Option Agreement. The site described above is not in an environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Agreement Option; however, the County of Kern reserves the right to cancel any Local Agreement Option, should it be discovered that groundwater contamination or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Environmental Health will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally sensitive area. It is necessary for you to respond, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmental Health of your choice: either the State contract or the County's Local Agreement Option. If you select the County's Local Agreement, please complete and sign the Local Agreement, (attachment B), and return it with your check for $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) made payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kern County Environmental Health 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attention: Accounting - Local Agreement Option. If you select the State contract, please indicate, in writing, that you have made this selection and that you have read the above official notification. Failure to respond within ten (10) calendar days to this notice will automatically result in oversight cost recovery for your site(s) to be placed under the terms of the State contract for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Susan Gonzales at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, SMC:cas attachments Steve McCalley, Director Environmental Health Services Department \310063.clt Attachment "B" KERN COUNTY LOCAL AGREEMENT OPTION BETWEEN. KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (Kern County Underground Storage Tank Permitting Authority) AND ARCO OIL AND GAS COMPANY Responsible Party for Underground Storage Tank for: ARCO OIL AND GAS COMPANY Permit # 310063 This facility has experienced an unauthorized release of hazardous substances from an underground storage tank. Action is.necessary to protect the public health and the environment of the County, pursuant to Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 8.48 of the Kern County Ordinance Code. THE WITNESS FOR THE COUNTY AND SIGNATURE(S) FOR A RESPONSIBLE PARTY OF THE SUBJECT FACILITY DESCRIBED ABOVE DO HEREBY AGREE THAT: Kern County Environmental Health shall ac~t as the lead agency for regulatory oversight for the: a) Site characterization: the study of a site, including sampling of subsurface soil and water where contamination is found in order to fully assess its extent and threat to the environment. It shall include a discussion of the relative risk to biological receptors and possible pathways of exposure. It may include removal or in-place closure of the tank, disposal or on-site treatment of contaminated backfill or adjacent soil, removal of hazardous substances floating on groundwater, and the drilling of groundwater monitor wells. b) c) d) Feasibility study: the identification and evaluation of feasible alternatives for cleaning up the site and remedying threats to public health and safety. Remedial action plan: the most cost effective, appropriate plan to lessen, alleviate, abate, correct or clean-up the effects that a release of hazardous substances may have on the environment, based on the feasibility study. Remediation: the action chosen by the responsible party and approved by Kern County Environmental Health for the mitigation and clean-up of contamination resulting from an unauthorized release of hazardous materials and any ongoing monitoring of the site. The responsible party shall do the following: ao Conduct all work as directed by Kern County Environmental Health pursuant to State and local law and in conformance with appropriate regulations to assess and remediate the contaminated site. Deposit with the Kern County Environmental Health Leaking Underground Storage Tank Local Option Trust Fund the sum of $1,000.00. The Department's oversight activities will be charged against this account at the rate prescribed by Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.04 (currently $42.00 per hour). Monthly statements will be prepared detailing the activities and services provided and the remaining credit balance. Kern County Environmental Health shall provide the following services: ae Oversight of all activities to characterize the site's threat to the environment and/or the groundwater, and coordination with the appropriate State, County and local regulatory agencies. be Ce Serve as the single contact point for the responsible party's representatives and other regulatory agencies for the activities described in "a" above. If during the Department's review of the site characterization/remedial action plan, it is determined that a permit may be required by another agency, the responsible party shall be referred to that permitting agency. Review reports, conduct inspections, and oversee monitoring until the site poses no further environmental or public health threat. An official certification letter shall be given to the responsible party when the site is determined to no longer pose a significant threat to the environment. The responsible party will be officially notified by Kern County Environmental Health when: Necessary oversight is~completed. A final statement will be provided to the responsible party. If there remains an unexpended balance of the deposit made by the responsible party in the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund, a refund for the unexpended balance will be issued~ - or - Seventeen (17) hours of billable time has been reached. This will give notice that the available funds will be exhausted after five (5) additional hours of billable time at which time the agreement will expire. A statement estimating the amount time necessary to complete any remaining oversight work will be sent. The responsible party will then have another opportunity to renew their agreement with the County. Failure to enter into another agreement shall require Kern County Environmental Health to utilize the State Water Resources Control Board Pilot Project for which the responsible party may be billed by the State directly for the cost of County services as well as State costs. Kern County Environmental Health reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time for any reasons, including groundwater contamination or a uniquely complex hydrogeological condition If an unexpended balance remains on deposit from the responsible party under the terms of this agreement, a refund for the unexpended balance will be issued and the agreement terminated. Once the agreement is cancelled, you, as a responsible party, will be enrolled in the State Leaking Underground Storage. Tank Pilot Program, see enclosure "D". This agreement may be cancelled anytime by either party by certified registered return receipt letter to the other party within five days of said notification. I, (responsible party), have read and agree to the conditions of this agreement for the contaminated site described as: Site Name Site Address City Zip Owner Owner's Address Operator City Zip ~elephone Telephone Billing Address Attn: Permit # In order for this agreement to be executed, it must be signed and accompanied by the deposit of one-thousand dollars ($ 1000.00). Responsible Party: Date: For the County of Kern: Date: %_~r, County Health Oeuar:ment "~.~D~vision of Enviror~ne~tal~l 1700 Flower Street, Bakers~[~l'elL, .CA 93 305 .Permit Appl icati¢ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT 7~ CkP~qRATE t~ERGROLrND }{AZ~dRDOUS SUBST;~qCES S%TDIR~E FACILITY TS~pe of Application (check): [-]NET Facility ~F~xflification of Facility ~]Existir~ Facility []%Tansfer of O~ership C. Zachery Eraergency 24-Hour Contact (nMe, area cede, phone): Da~-s (gf)~) ~?~-4177 Nights · ' of T~unks Facility Nan~ ARCO 0il and Gas ComPany _. 3 ~ of B~iness (check): [2]C~line'StAtion ~Other (de~:ribe) Vacant Office Building Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? [']Yes Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for ;~gricultural Purposes? []Yes ~-gNo Facility Addre~ 4121 South H Street: Bakersfield Nearest Cro~ St. White Lane T 30S R 27E SEC 13 (Rural Locations Cnly) Owner ARCO Oil and Gas Company Contact Person Nancy B. Johannesmeyer ;~dress P.O. Box 147~ Bakersfietd, CA Zip 93302 Telephone (805) 321-4052 Operator Contact Person Address Zip Tele~one ~ater to Facility Provided by On-site water well Depth to' Groundwater 150' Soil (~aracteristics at Facility Fine sandy loam Basis for Soil %%~7~e ar~] Gro~dwater Depth Deteminations SCS: KCWA Water Supp].¥ Report 198 Contractor N/A ~dre~ Pro~sed Startirg Date Worker's Ccrape~ti~n Certification CA Contractor's License Zip Telephone Proposed Ccmpletion E~te Insurer If /~is Pemit Is For Modification Of An Existirg Facility, Briefly Dascrit~ Modificatio~ So Tank(s) Store (caheck all that almply): Tank ~ Waste Preduct Motor Vehicle Fuel BA-01 [] [] [] BA-02 [] [] .~ [] [] [] Unleaded S0~pt.l~r~i~lv~n~-N~h~ Diesel Waste Ge Ch~nical C~ml~sition of Materials Store~ (not necessary for ~tor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stor~ (nor~-cc~rctal r~e) C~ ! (if knc~) ~emical Previously Stored (if different) BA-O1 Empty Unleaded gasoline BA-02 Empts Di~l fnml R~-n~ Fmnty Bi~ ROO2ORQ Naptha Snlwnt (Tank~ hav~ h~n ~mpty ~ince 19R4~ 198& and lgR2 reso~ctively./ Transfer of(~ershi~ Date of ~--ansfer Pre~io~ Facility Name I, N/A Previous Owner accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued to · I understand that the Pemitting Authority may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this u~dergro~d storage facility upon receiving this c~mpleted form. ~'nis form has been ccmpleted under per~lty of true and correct. perj~y and to the t~st of my knowlc~flge Environmental Title Enqineer Date 9-04-87 is KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ o ~o~ ~^, ~ ~ ~ o ~ ., o~, ..... i_-..:.:'_L.L:...~:~.~.,~. ..................... ~ ~,,.,,~,~,~,, ~::>7,,,~,,~,,,, _,~,~/..OP...~..~,,,,~,~, ...... :-,/..~.~'.._::: .................................................................. "°~'"°~.:~. ~:::'-~--~,:,:-----. ----:::-----~--.-~:----------~::~ .~~:Y'--]---.,'""> ~_~:.:.~:, : ~ ........... ..: ................................................................................. RESb~SOF - ;/ t --' ' """ ] I NV ESTI~_~ ~.,:/'"~,f',~GATI ON ........... .,', .................................................................................... ~..~....~.... ":~ :V~:'""~ ...................... '~":: ................................. ~_y.i)/:" ...... ~'""" ................................ ................... r:_:-:~ --~--'-:,'- ::" ........':' ............. ~ ......... :.~:~_:~(1/'1/"'~":: .......... 'l?' ..... ..:'"' ............... : .......................................................................................................................... ...................... ,____/.__~...~_.:_~ ........ ............................................................ :::._~_ .................................................................. ................................... i T! S TATU:'~ ................................... ii .L .F S :.' '; [' S ',':::. ", ':': i 2 / 2 i / :-.;: 9 ' i'.SfFi..!~! ,., [ T ':' ,. i S ;.i ' 7'N -';'.-7- = - .',;.[l f; ZS:::: ..... Pi~O).: [._l =: A D D !,: E 3 S: P N 01',- E I~I ¥o~ qo~ ~o >/~ ^l b 171 '7-/-/-7 AI ~5 RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE Iii ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Se~ices Department STEVE McCP. I I Fy, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILI. JAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department ' TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 25, 1991 Mark Magargee Senior Geologist Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. 6701 McDivitt Drive, Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93313 RE: Remediation of Diesel Contaminated Soil Dear Mr. Magargee: This Department has completed the review of the remediation workplan submitted for the ARCO facility located at 4121 South "H" StreSt in Bakersfield, California. As discussed recently, authority to excavate the contaminated soil is granted; however, bioremediation should not be implemented until the following information has been provided to this office: 1. Name and type of bioculture to be applied and whether they are indigenous or enhanced. 2. The type and amount nutrients to be used. 3. How will nutrient mobility be controlled? 4. Demonstrate through manufacture's brochures or other available information, the efficiency of the proposed biocultures to be applied. 5. How many samples per sampling events will be retrieved to determine efficiency of bioremediation? If you have any questions regarding this notice, I maybe contacted at (805) 861-3636, extension 588. JC:cas 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 Sincerely,. Joe Cafias ~'--- Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 ~nagargee.ltr (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 ¢''' Systems Environmental In ', 7'.'! A M..e~ber of The Earth Systems Group ...... 6~0d McDivitt Drive, Suite B ,, Bakersfield, CA 93313 · (805) 836-0901 · FAX (805) 836-0911 '~'i Project ~.: Doc. No.:gl 07-EO32.LTR San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Kern County Zone 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, California 95501 Attention: Mr. Lance Ericksen SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION TO AUTHORITY TO CONTRUCT PERMIT FOR THE EXCAVATION AND BIOREMEDIATION OF DIESEL IMPACTED SOILS AT THE FORMER ARCO FACILITY, 41 21 SOUTH HSTREET BAKERSFI ELD, CALl FORNIA Reference: Soil Remediation Work Plan, ECE, July I Z, 1991 Dear Mr. Ericksen: This letter serves to inform the San Joaquin Vail'ay Unified Air Pollution Control District Kern County Zone of Earth System Environmental's (ESE) request for an exemption to air emissions Authority to Construct permitting to conduct excavation and bioremediation of approximately 3,500 cubic-yards of diesel impacted soils recently documented at the above referenced property in the southern portion of the City of Bakersfield, California.. The subject property is a half section of land, and is vacant with no improvements remai ni ng. All previous structures have been demolished and removed. The excavation will begin on or before August 1, 1991, and should be completed within two weeks. The bioremedial treatment process ahould be completed within three months. The treated materials will be spread on-site as grading material. Volatile aromatic hydrocarbons may be emitted during the excavation and placement of the semi-volatile petroleum impacted soil at the site. However, a review of the available anal ytical data indicates that the profile of diesel hydrocarbons i mpacti ng the soil qualifies for an exemption to air emissions permitting as described in the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Regulation 8 Rules 40, and 47. The tank removal operations by Pinnacle Environmental and the site characterization conducted by Wilson & Associates collected and anal yzed 44 soil samples for the presence of total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel, and the fuel constituent volatile aromatics benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes. The volatile aromatics were non detected in 58 of the 44 samples. Benzene was detected in three of the samples at 1.0 mg/kg, in one sample at 0.19 Arco 41 21 South H Street 2 ' July 1 2, 1 991 mg/kg, and in two samples at 0.1 mg/kg. A mass balance calculation for the average concentration of benzene in the approximate 3,300 cubic yards that will be excavated and aerated is less than 0.05 mg/kg. Assuming that the entire mass of benzene will volatilize in the first day of e×cavation, then less than 0.05 pounds of benzene will be emitted in that day. This is an overly conservative approach, since excavation will likely require ten working days. Because the emission of benzene for that day will be lest than 0.05 pounds per day, the site qualifies for an exemption as descri bed in Regulation 8 Rule 47 Section 1 09.Z. These emission calculations have been provided as follows: Benzene Emission Calculations Average Initial Concentration Benzene = 0.05 mg/kg Maxi mum Initial Concentration Benzene = 1.0 rog/kg Evaporation Rate 5,500 cubic yards/day = 89, 1 O0 cubic feet/day Average Benzene Emission (89,100 cu fi/day)/(379.4cu fi/lbs-mole = 234.85 lbs-mole/day (234.85 lbs-mole/day)*(O.05 ppm) = 0.0000117 lbs-mole/day Molecular weight of benzene = 78 lbs/1 bs-mole (0.0000117 lbs-mole/day)~(78 lbs/lbs-mole) = 0.00091 lbs/day Maximum Benzene Emission (89,100 cu ft/day)/(379.4cu fi/lbs-mole = Z34.85 lbs-mole/day (234.85 lbs-mole/day)*(1.0 ppm) = 0.000235 lbs-mole/day Molecular weight of benzene = 781 bs/1 bs- mole (0.000235 lbs-mole/day).~(78 lbs/lbs-mole) = 0.018 lbs/day The methodology of the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCO~) "Screening Level Risk Assessment" indicates that the maximum potential emission of 0.018 pounds of benzene over the duration of the project does not present a public health risk. The soil was impacted with a release of diesel fuel number 2. The boiling point of this fuel is approximately 400OF. Since the boiling point is greater than 30ZOF, the site qualifies for an exemption under Regulation 8 Rule 40, Section 113. Therefore the entire 3,300 cubic yards of impacted soil may be excavated and placed onto the uncovered treatment pad during one continuous ti me period. ~'B-801 O- 1 ~J 107-11032.LTR Arco 4121 South H Street 3 Jul~j 12, 1 991 Earth Systems Environmental believes that the excavation and bioremediati.on of this $,500 cubic yards of diesel fuel number Z impacted soil does not present a public health risk, and recommends that the site be provided with an exemption to air emissions Authorlttj to Construct permitti ny.- If you have any questions regarding the information contai ned herei n, please contact this office at your convenience. Si nce re1 y, EARTH :SYSTEI'"I:~ ENYI RO#I"IENTAL, I NC. Mark R. Magargee, R.G. ' Senior Geologist CC: 1 - Joe Canas/Kern County Resources Management Agency Departmentof Environmenta] Health Services I - Mi ke Stahl, Arco Oil and Gas Company 1 - BAK file 1 - SLO file EB-8010-1 9107-EO32.LTR ARCO Oil and Gas Company '~' Western District Post Office Box 147 Bakersfield, California 93302 Telephone 805 321 4000 April 11, 1991 Mr. Joe Canas Hazardous Materials Specialist II Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Canas: Pursuant to your letter dated March 27, 1991, ARCO proposes the following general timeline for the South "H" Street property. May 1, 1991 - release RFP to selected contractors for the site remediation. · June 1, 1991 select contractor. · July 1, 1991 - submit a remediation workplan for your review. Actual site remediation will begin only after your review and approval of our workplan. As you are aware, ARCO is also demolishing the existing structures at this location and actual site remediation will need to be coordinated with this effort. If you have any questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me at (805) 321-4307. Sincerely, Michael A. Stahl Senior Environmental Coordinator ARCO Oil and Gas Company is a Division of Atlantic Richfield Company RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE Iii ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Se~ices Depamnent STEVE McCAII FY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control Dist~t WILLIAM J. RODDY, Al)CO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT March 27, 1991 Michael Stahl Senior Environmental Coordinator Arco Oil and Gas Company Post Office Box 147 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Re: Site remediation of on-site contaminated soil Dear Mr. Stahl: This Department has completed the review of the site characterization study conducted by your contractor for the former Arco facility located at 4121 South "H" in Bakersfield, California. This Department concurs with your proposed mitigation method of excavation and on-site bioremediation treatment. A workplan must be submitted for review prior to initiation of any remediation activities. As discussed during our telephone conversation on March 25, 1991, the remediation workplan must be submitted within 45 days. The time frame for actually performing the required work after workplan approval will be based on progress made with other demolition work to be scheduled. Should you have any questions regarding this notice, please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:ch canas~tahl.let 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 PRINTFI3 ON ~FC¥CI.FD PAPFR (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 MIL. r"tN E,,,. IATE CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING May 8, 1990 Mr. Joe Canas Hazardous Material Specialist Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" Street Suite 300 Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 SUBJECT: Addendum to Workplan: Arco Service Station, 4121 South "H" Street, Bakersfield, California Permit # 310063 Dear Mr. Canas: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of May 8, 1990 regarding the abovementioned property, Wilson & Associates, Inc., on behalf of Arco Oil & Gas Company, proposes the following amendment to the previously submitted workplan: Proposed test hole B-2 is positioned above the location of the former solvent tank product line. Laboratory analysis of samples collected at the time of tank removal operations detected elevated concentrations of oil & grease, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 2,3-benzofuran, and 1,3- dichlorobenzene at a depth of six feet below grade. Laboratory analysis of soil samples collected during the- advancing of B-2 will include oil & grease and solvents using EPA Methods 418.1 and 8240, respectively. Method 8240 has been selected because as a gas. chromatograph/mass spectrophotometer screen for all .volatile organics both the volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons analyzed for using Method 8010, and the volatile aromatics analyzed for using Method 8020 are included in the Method 8240 screen. Wilson & Associates, Inc. hopes that this addendum clarifies and answers the issues stated in our conversation. Respectfully Submitted, Wilson & Associates, Inc. Mark Magargee, R.G. #4892 Senior Hydrogeologist cc:Mike Stahl B: arcolab, add 1701 WESTWINO C)RIVE ' SUITE 113 ' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 [8051 323-6460 · FAX I805) 323-4723 GJ~RY J. WICKS ~ Dlmeto~ (~O~) 861-3502 STEYE McCALLEY DEPARTS'MENTAL '2700 M-8tmet~.Sutte 300 BikefMIdd; CA 93301 Telephofte (~OS) M1-,363~ · Telecoptec ffOS) 8~1-3429 AGENCY May 7, 1990 Mark Magargee Wilson and Associates 1701Westwind Dr., Suite 113 Bakersfield, CA g3301 Dear Mr. Magargee: This Department has completed the review of the site characterization workplan for the Arco Oil and Gas Company facility located at 4121 South "H" Street in Bakersfield, California. After review of the recent workplan addendum submittal, approval to implement the site characterization is granted. A change on the type of analysis to be performed for samples from boring B-2 should be made from EPA method 8010 to 8020. This change will better reflect the type of solvents previously stored and is in conformance to the analysis performed during the preliminary assessment. Should you have any questions regarding this notice, I may be contacted at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely,~ an Hazardous Materials Specialist II Itazardous Materials Management Program JC:cd canas'~maBa r ~ee. let Nglll , SON & IATE CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING April 25, 1990 Mr. Joe Canas Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street; Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 o6 5 Re: Addendum tothe Workplan for Site Characterization at theArco Service Station, 4121 South "H" Street, Bakersfield, California, Permit #310063 Dear Mr. Canas: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of April 24, 1990 regarding the abovementioned property, Wilson and Associates on behalf of Arco Oil and Gas Company, proposes the following amendments to the previously submitted workplan: Teflon tape will be placed over both ends of the brass sampling sleeves containing soil samples for laboratory analysis. The sleeves will then be sealed by end caps and secured with duct tape. Proposed test hole B-2 is positioned above the location of the former solvent tank product line. Laboratory analysis of samples collected at the time of tank removal operations detected elevated concentrations of oil & grease, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, and 1,2-dichlorobenzene at a depth of six feet below grade. Laboratory analysis of soil samples collected during the advancing of B-2 will include oil & grease and solvents using EPA Methods 418.1 and 8010, respectively. Proposed test hole B-3 will be repositioned 14 feet due west of proposed test hole B-1. Attached please find Exhibit 2B, a revised proposed boring location map. Laboratory analysis of soil samples collected at six feet below grade at the west ends of both the northern and southern dispenser islands detected elevated concentrations of fuel hydrocarbons as diesel. Laboratory analysis of soil samples collected for this 1701 WESTVVINO ORIVE~ · SUITE 113 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 [805} 323-6460 · FAX [805] 323-4723 assessment will include fuel hydrocarbons .as diesel and the fuel constituent volatile aromatics using EPA Methods 3540 and 8020, respectively. Because elevated concentrations were detected ~at both of the dispenser islands, a test hole will be advanced through the.west ends of each of the dispenser islands. Additionally,' two laterally assessing soil borings are also proposed. Exhibit 2B presents a revised boring location map. Wilson and Associates hopes that this addendum clarifies and answers the issues stated in our conversation. If any further questions remain, please call the undersigned at (805) 328-0962. Respectfully Submitted, Wilson and Associates, Inc. Mark Magargee R.G. #4892 Senior Hydrogeologist Registration Expires 6/30/90 Philip Gbalwin R.G. #4779 Principal Hydrogeologist Registration Expires 6/30/90 cc. Mike Stahl ¢~f~ WHITE LANE '1 ! ! IO.OOO Oallon Gasoline Tank 1.000 Gallon .~ Diesel Ta. nk I.O00 Gallon Unleaded Oaaollno Tank ¢ I11 Gasoline island C I_~1 Gasoline island I 1') 1,000 Oallon Solvent Tank WAREHOUSE I~EGEND · Boring · .OALE 1110 EXHIBIT2B BORING LOCATION MAP AIII_SON & CIVIL ENGINISF::::F:::IING SUI::IVISYING April 18, 1990 Mr. William Schiede Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Schiede: Enclosed please find a workplan which addresses a Phase 1 Site Characterization of potential gasoline impacted soil revealed during tank removal operations under Permit #310063 at the Arco Service Station, 4121 South "H" Street, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. This workplan has been prepared in response to your letter concerning the subject property dated March 9, 1990. If you have any questions regarding this. workplan, please contact the undersigned at' (805)328-0962. Respectfully Submitted, Wilson and Associates, Inc. Mark R. Magargee R.G. #4892 Senior Hydrogeologist Registration Expires 6/30/90 Philip ~oalwin R.G. #4779 Pricipal Hydrogeologist Registration Expires 6/30/90 MRM/rl cc: Mike Stahl 1701 WESTVVlNO ORIVI5 · SUlTE~ 113 · BAKERSI=IESL[D,lfDA 93301 [805] 323-6460 · FAX [805] 323-4723 CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING Workplan For Site Characterization Arco Service Station 4121 South "H" Street Bakersfield, CalifOrnia Presented To: Arco Oil & Gas Company Mr. Mike Stahl \~_.~,~ NO. 4779  Presented By: ~J Wilson & Associates,Inc. ~ \ April 1990 NO. 4892 ~ ~ Mark Magargee, R.G. #4892 Senior Hydrogeologist lwin, R.G. #4779 Principal Hydrogeologist 1701 WESTVVlNO ORIVE · SUITE 113 · E)AKERSFIEELO, CA 93301 [805] 323-6460" FAX [8051 323-4723 1.0 INTRODUCTION Arco Oil and Gas Company'has authorized Wilson & AssoCiates, .Inc. to prepare this workplan for site characterization at'the Arco Service Station, site located at 4121 South "H" Street,Bakersfield, California. The Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (County) is the lead regulatory agency. 1.1 PURPOSE The site characterization described in this workplan has the following objectives: Further assess the lateral and vertical extent of on-site vadose zone contamination involving gasoline, and the gasoline constituents, benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX); 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK 'The scope of services described in the Workplan include: * Locating underground utilities using Arco Oil & Gas Company as-build drawings (if available) as well as Under-ground Service Alert (U.S.A.); Advancing up to six soil borings in the vicinity of the underground storage tank and associated piping; The six borings will be advanced to a depth of 40 feet or ten feet of unimpacted soil w--~h ever occurs first; Steam cleaning of all drilling and sampling equipment prior to and between each boring to avoid cross-contamination; Collecting soil samples at depth to be evaluated in the field. Initially, samples will be collected at approximately five foot intervals beginning at five feet and continuing until total depth. The samples will be collected using a standard California split-spoon sampler equipped with brass tubes, steam cleaned prior to use. These samples will be field screened and selected samples will be chosen for chemical analyses; Field Screening will be accomplished using photo- ionizing detector equipped with a 10.0eV lamp. Soil samples will be placed in mason jars to approximately 50% capacity, shaken, and let stand for approximately 15 minutes. A standard headspace reading will be collected at this time; * ~ Soil samples collected for chemical analysis will ~ be collected in brass tubes and sealed with -" aluminum foil, end caps and tape. The sealed tubes -~ill be plaCed in a cooler with blue-ice and transported to a DHS certified laboratory under chain-of-custody procedures;. Analysis of selected soil samples for all constituents using EPA methods 3810 (purge and trap for gasoline) and 8020; Prepare field boring logS; Prepare a written report summarizing the results of the investigation with conclusions and recommendations. The report will be certified by a California Registered Geologist or Civil Engineer. 1.3 Schedule Wilson & Associates, Inc. anticipates beginning work described herein within one week upon approval from the County and authorization to proceed from Arco Oil & Gas Company. The soil borings can be drilled and sampled in approximately two working days. The analytical data will be reported within three weeks and the report will be completed within two weeks after receipt of the analytical results. 2.0 Background The Arco Service Station is located at 4121 South "H" Street, Bakersfield, California as shown on Exhibit 1. 2.1 Facility Description The facility is shown to scale on Exhibit 2. The facility was a fuel service station. Previously located at the site was one 10,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank, one 5000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank, one 1000. gallon underground diesel storage tank, one 1,000 gallon undergroUnd solvent storage tank, product lines, and two dispenser islands. 3 2.2 Project History On December 21, 1990 PEC removed the four (4) underground storage tanks from the above described property location, under permit issued by County (permit number 310063). Soil samples, were collected from beneath the removed tanks, product lines, and dispensers. The samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and volatile aromatics (BTEX). The analytical results indicated concentrations in excess of State and County guidelines. Based upon these results, an unauthorised leak may have occured and, additional site characterization may be required. On March 9, 1990, the County issued a letter stating that the extent of contaminants beneath the former tank must be determined. Arco Oil & Gas Company contracted with Wilson & Associates, Inc. to prepare~this Workplan and implement a site characterization study. 3.0 Work Plan Wilson & Associates, Inc. proposes to assess and define the lateral and vertical extent of contaminants in the soil. 3.1 Soil Boring Depths and Locations six soil borings will be drilled to a depth of approximately 40 feet. Soil samples will be collected at five foot intervals beginning at five feet and continuing until ten feet of unimpacted soil is encountered. The proposed locations are shown on Exhibit 2A. The locations have been chosen to provide lateral and vertical definition in the vadosezone. TH-1 will be advanced through the center of the south end of the center gasoline tank where the highest concentrations were detected to access the vertical limits. TH-2, and TH-3 will be placed to access the lateral extent of elevated concentrations. TH-4, TH-5, and TH-6 will be placed amongst the former dispenser islands to assess vertical and lateral limits of a potential dispenser source. 4.0 Methods The following sections will describe in detail the methods to be employed in implementing this workplan. 4 4.1 Boring Methods. The borings will be advanced using a Mobile Drill B-50'rig, or equivalent, with a six inch or larger hollow stem continuous flight auger in accordance with ASTM Method D 1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The augers will be steam cleaned prior to drilling each boring. The lithology and other pertinent data will be recorded on a field boring log in accordance with Method D 2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils. Cuttings and other spoil from the borings will placed in appropriate D.O.T. approved 55-gallon drums until verified, with analytical results, whether or not the soil is contaminated. If the material is contaminated, a. written plan will be submitted by the facility operator to the County for their approval before treatment and/or disposal occurs. Disposal will be the responsibility of the Facility operator and occur within 90 days of completion of drilling. Back filling of any boring or part there of, will occur by pouring a bentonite cement slurry through the auger. 4.2 Soil sampling soil samples will be collected through the auger in 2-inch brass sleeves driven in a split spoon sampler by a 140 pound hammer with a 30-inch drop in accordance with. ASTM Methods D1586-84 for split-barrel sampling of soil and D1587-83 for thin-walled tube sampling of soils. The brass sleeves and sampler will be steam cleaned prior to each use. Soil samples will be driven at depths of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 feet in each boring depending on total depth. The blow counts, recovery, and lithology will be recorded on the field logs. Lithology will be described in accordance with ASTM procedure D2488-84 (Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils). One brass sleeve with soil from each interval will be capped, sealed, labeled in accordance with EPA protocols, recorded on a chain of custody form, placed in a cooler at 4°centigrade or less, and transported to a California Certified Laboratory with the chain of custody for the specified analyses. 4.3 Soil Analyses The soil samples will be analyzed by BC Analytical Laboratories, a California State Certified Laboratory in accordance with state guidelines and EPA protocols. The samples will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons, and volatile aromatics using EPA methods 3810 (surge and trap for gasoline) and 8020. 4.4 Field Screening of Soil Samples Soil samples will be collected using three six-inch brass tubes installed inside a split-spoon sampler. The middle sample tube will be immediately capped and stored in an iced cooler upon collection. The bottom tube will~ be used for lithologic description, and the top tube will be used for field screening. The material from the top tube will be placed in mason jar to approximately 50 percent capacity, shaken, and stored for a period of 15 minutes. A standard headspace reading will be collected at this time and noted on the boring log. 5.0 Ouality Assurance Plan This section described field and analytical quality-assurance procedures to be followed during the investigation and remediation. 5.1 Sample Collection and Handling Protocol Proper sample collection and handling are essential to assure quality of data obtained from a sample. Each sample therefore will be collected in a brass tube, preserved correctly for the intended analysis and stored for no longer than permissible holding time prior to analysis. Protocol to be applied in this project is described in section 4. 5.2 Sample Identification and Chain of Custody Protocol Sample identification and Chain of Custody procedures are designed to assure sample quality and to document sample possession from the time it is collected to the time of its ultimate disposal. The container for each sample submitted for analysis will have a label affixed with the identifying number or the number will be inscribed directly on the container of feasible. The analytical laboratory will assign a separate sample number unique to that sample for internal sample coordination and identification. A description of the sample including the sample number and other pertinent information regarding its collection and/or geologic significance will be written in field notes and/or a geologic boring log being prepared by the site geologist. These field documents will be kept in a permanent project file. All sample will be analyzed by a state certified laboratory for the analyses requested. 6 A properly completed Chain of Custody Form will be submitted to the analytical laboratory along with sample. The laboratory,s assigned number will be properly entered on the form. A quality control officer at the lab will verify integrity of sample submitted, proper sample volume correctness of containers used, and properly executed Chain of Custody Form. Pertinent information will be entered into a log book kept by the laboratory. 5.3 Analytical Ouality Assurance In addition to routine calibration of analytical instruments with standards and blanks, the analyst is required to run duplicates and spikes on 10 percent of analyses to assure an added measure of reliability and precision. Accuracy is verified through the following: 1. U.S. EPA and State certification.of results; Participation in inter-laboratory round robin program; "Blind" samples are submitted for analysis by the quality control officer on a weekly basis. These are prepared from" National Bureau of Standards specifications of EPA reference standards; Verification of results with an alternative method. 6.0 Site Safety Plan Appendix A contains a Site Safety Plan which complies with Worker Right to Know Regulations and CAC Title 26. APPENDIX A SITE SAFETY PLAN Introduction: A Site Safety Plan (SSP) has been designed to address safety provisions needed during the site soil assessment/remediation. Its purpose is to provide established procedures to protect all on-site personnel from direct skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion of potentially hazardous materials that may be encountered at the site. The SSP establishes personnel responsibilities, personal protective equipment standards decontamination procedures, and emergency action plans. Wilson & Associates Inc. seeks to enter property described above of the purpose of conducting a site assessment consisting of up to six (6) borings to evaluate the extent of soil impaction. Soils samples will be collected at five-foot intervals during exploratory drilling using a California modified split-spoon sampler through a hollow-stem auger. All possible efforts will be made to collect undisturbed samples. Each sample to be chemically analyzed will be collected in a brass' sleeve, capped with lined plastic lids, sealed with tape, and placed on ice in a cooler immediately. All Chain of Custody protocol will be followed. Drilling equipment will be brought to the site and operated by a subcontractor: Melton Drilling 7101 Downing Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 C-57 License Number 508270 The SSP described means for protecting all on-site personnel from deleterious contamination or personal injury while conducting on-site activities. As described below we will meet all requirements promulgated by the California Department of Health Services. Site Background: This property was a fuel service station located at 4121 South "H" Street, Bakersfield, California. The facility contained one 10,000 gallon gasoline, one 5000 gallon gasoline, one 1000 gallon diesel, and one 1000 gallon solvent underground storage tanks, associated piping, and two dispenser islands. 8 Responsibilities of Key Personnel: All personnel on-site will have assigned responsibilities. Mr. Mark Magargee of Wilson & Associates, Inc. will serve as Project Manager and On-Site Geologist. He will also serve as Site Safety officer (SSO). As SSO, Mr. Magargee will assure that on- site personnel have received a copy of SSP. Personnel will be required to document their full understanding of the SSP before admission to the site. Compliance with the SSP will be monitored at all times by the SSO. Appropriate personal protective equipment, listed below, will conduct a. training session to assure that all are aware of safe work practices. In the training session, personnel will be made aware of hazards at the site and will utilize Material Safety Date Sheets for information on compounds to be encountered. Mr. Mark Magargee will also be responsible for keeping field notes, collecting and securing samples, and assuring sample integrity by adherence to Chain of Custody protocol. On-site employees will take reasonable precautions to avoid unforeseen hazards. After documenting understanding of the SSP, each on-site employee will be responsible for strict adherence to all points contained herein. Any deviation observed will be reported to the SSO and corrected. On-site employees are held responsible to perform only those tasks for which they believe they are qualified for. ProviSions if this SSP are mandatory and personnel associated with on-site activities will adhere strictly hereto. Job Hazard Analysis: Hazards likely to be encountered on-site include those commonly encountered when operating any mechanical equipment, such as the danger of falling objects or moving machinery. Simple precautions will reduce or eliminate risks associated with operating such equipment. A drilling contractor has been employed to deliver and operate all drilling equipment. Qualified personnel only will have any contact with this equipment. All on-site personnel, including the drilling contractor and his employees, are required to wear hard hats when in close proximity to drilling equipment. Latex gloves will be worn by persons collected or handling samples to prevent exposure to contaminants. Gloves will be changed between samples, and used ones discarded, to avoid cross-contamination. Proper respiratory equipment will be worn if vapor contamination levels 9 on-site exceed action levels as determined using PID. Action levels requiring respiratory apparatus will be 5.~ppm;. in. the breathing space.~ Furthermore, no on-site smoking, open flame,~or sparks will be permitted in order.to prevent accidental ignition. Risk Assessment Summary: Exposure to chemicals anticipated on-site include gasoline, diesel, and benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX). These chemicals represent a hazard because they are moderately to extremely toxic and most are highly flammable. Threshold Limit Values (TLV's), Short Term Exposure Limits (STEL's), and Toxicity levels (LD50, oral-rat), all in mg/kg (ppm), are listed below: Compound TLV STEL Toxicity Gasoline 200 300 .... Diesel 50 75 Benzenes 10 25 4894 Toluene 100 150 5000 Xylene 100 150 4300 Benzene is considered an extreme cancer hazard. Exposure Monitoring Plan: A Photo-Ionization Detector (PID) will be used to monitor vapor concentrations around the site. Should concentrations exceed TLV's, protective measures will be taken. Passive dosimeter badges will be placed in downwind locations if PID reading indicate high levels of volatile organics in the breathing space. personal Protective Equipment: Personnel on-site will have access to respirators with organic vapor cartridges. Replacement cartridges will be available on-site as needed. When handling samples, the on-site geologist will wear latex gloves. Hard hats will be worn by all personnel on-site when in proximity of drilling equipment. Work Zones and Security Measures: Access to the sitewill be restricted to authorized personnel. A set of cones, placards, or wide yellow tape, surrounding he site will define the perimeter. 'The Project Manager will be responsible for site security. 10 Decontamination Measures: Avoidance of contamination whenever possible is the 'best method for protection. Common sense dictates that on-site personnel avoid sitting, leaning, or placing equipment on possibly contaminated soil. Ail personnel will be advised to wash their hands, neck, and face with soap and water before taking a break or leaving the site. Respirators will be washed with soap and water following each day's use. Drilling and sampling equipment used will be decontaminated by steam-cleaning. Sampling equipment will be decOntaminated before each sample is taken and drilling equipment will be decontaminated before each boring is commenced. General Safe Work Practices: Drillers and other on-site personnel will be briefed each day in "tailgate" meetings as to the day's goals and equipment to be used. Anticipated contaminants and emergency procedures will be reviewed. Appropriate personal protective equipment will be put on and verified correct by SSO, including respirator fit. Drilling and sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before being brought on-site. Split-spoon sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before each use. Augers will be steam-cleaned between borings. The On-Site Geologist will oversee operations and log borings in consultation with drillers. The Sample Coordinator will assure that proper protocol is used at all times in collecting and handling samples. Training Requirements: The SSO will conduct a pre-site training session which will include all points of MSDS forms, contaminant properties, warning signs, health hazard data, risk from exposure, and emergency first aid. All chemicals to be covered and the SSO will assure that everyone fully understands site hazards. ~ediG~l Surveillance Program: According to CFR 29, 1910.120, Paragraph (f), employees who 11 wear respirators 30 days or more during-one year. or who have.been exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards ~'~b0ve est~b~i:Shed permissible exposure limits are required to be monitored, medicallY. all site personnel will be required to have had a complete'chemical physical within the past year, Record Keeping: Documentation will be kept on personnel exposed to contaminant hazards on the job site according to OSHA regulations. These will include documentation that employees have received training on-the SSP, respiratory protection, MSDS forms, and all emergency procedures. These will be reviewed during the pre-site training meeting. Exposure records on each job will be kept for 30 years to meet requirements. Included will be names and social security number of employees, medical evaluation, on-the-job logs from entry to exit, first aid administered, visits on-site by outside persons, and personal air monitoring records. Contingency Plans: In the event of accident, injury, or other emergency, the Project Director, Senior Project Manager, or other person will notify appropriate government agencies or individuals as follows: Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Mr. William Schiede (805)836-2261 2. Police, Fire, or Ambulance emergency 911 3. Nearest Emergency Hospital: Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 327-3371 12 ~)rive-in '.)95 COt ° I' l~r~din; I'lan"~ Sch i,.I Ilal. Orchard Iligh Sch IIII1~I EXHIBIT 1 VICINITY MAP WHITE LANE I~GEND 1.000 OsIIo(I Diesel Tank k S,O00 GsIIon Unleadad Gasoline Tank I.OOO Gallon Solvant Tank (~, I I Gasoline island (~' I.'J .Gasoline island WAREHOUSE EXHIBIT2 SITE LOCATION MAP~ ' 'R · Boring WHITE LANE" gallon- Tank Olelel T~nk k ~ S.O00 Gtllon Unlledld Oeeollne Tank B_2.e~'~ ," t.O00 gallon Solvent Tank ('l il:, Gasoline island I~,1 ) ~ B-5 --e B-6-e ', ,.' C'I&I Gasoline island I ! ) WAREHOUSE EXHIBiT2A BORING LOCATION MAP 'T-14 m 15' t. 7 / 74o,--~ X "7 "Z ~p w~ UNDERGR01;IND'STORAGETANK:UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE '(LEAK)/'COI~I~I'AMIN~~P. ORTZ. EMERGENCY . HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES S~E~ ~ ~A~ ZIP NAME I CONT~TPE~ON ] P~ 6;I ADDRESS C~ ~ATE ~P FACILI~ N~E (IF APPLIC~L~ ~ OPERATOR ~ P~ ~ S~E~ C~ ~ ~P ~ ~PE OF BUSINESS ~ CROSS STREET ~ ~PEOFAR~OMMERClAL ~ INDUSTR~L ~ RU~ ~ RETAILFUELSTATION ~h~b~ ~ ~ RESIDENTIAL ~O~ER ~ FAR~O~ER = ~ " P~NE . .... ~ DATEDIS=~RED ~y[O y ~WDI~RED ~ ,N~NTORY~ROL ~ SU~RF~ MON~OR~  DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN M~OD USED ~ S~P DI~HAR~ (CHECK ~  ~S DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED ? -- , ~ O~ER m SOURCE OF DISCHARGE T~KS ONLY~ACI~ . .~ MA~RI~ C~SE(~ ~ ~ T~KLE~ KNO~ . ~ OVERFILL ~ "UP~AILURE  ~ECK ONE ONLY ~ ~ UNDE~RM~NED ~ILON[~ ~ GROUNDWA~R ~ DRINKINGWA~R- (CHECKON~IFWA~R~LSHAVEAC~[~BEENAF~C~ ~E~ ONF ONLY = ~ I~ IN~STI~TION IN PR~RESS (DEFINING E~ OF PROB~M) ~ C~UP IN PR~RESS ~ SIGNED OFF (~NUP ~MPm~ OR UN~AR~ ~ ~ NO~TIONT~EN ~ POST~NUPMONITORINGINP~RE~ ~ ~FUN~AVAI~PR~ED ~ EV~UATI~C~RNATI~S CHECK ~PROPRIA~ ACT~N(S) (SEE BACK FOR ~TAI~) ~ ~ C~SI~(CD) ~ EX~VA~&D~E(ED) ~ REMO~FREEPROD~T(FP) ~ EN~EDB~DEG~ATI~(I~ ~ ~ CONTAINMENT BARRIER (~) ~ EXCAVA~&TREAT(E~ ~ PUMP&TR~TGROUNDWA~R(G~ ~ RE~ES~PLY(RS) ~ TR~TMENTATH~P(~) ~ NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) ~ O~ER(O~ 8 R S Pipin§, Inc. Fuel Tank and Pipeline Contractors LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH To: Date: 2700 "M" ST., SUITE #399 Project: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ATTN: LARUEL FUNK 2-23-90 ARCO 4121S. H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA PERMIT #A1081-31 WE ,fiRE SENDING YOU: [] Documents [] Prints [] Shop Drawings [] Cop9 of Letter(s) [] Copies Description 1 SOIL ANALYSIS FROM SMC LABORATORY FOR ABOVE REFERENCED LOCATION TRANSMITTED: REM,fiRKS ~ Per your request [] For your approval [] For your file [] [] CALIFORNIA HOME OFFICE 1946 E. OCCIDENTAL ST. SANTA ANA · CA 92705 (714) 558-0306 XX%3 BRANCH OFFICE CENTRAL/NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 3108 ANTONINO AUE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 324-7994 ~AY-- 19--$9 FR I 10 8 LUFT PROOUCT/MATERIAU ~PC 140 SAFETY SOLVENT . MSDS CODE NO,: SECTION IV - HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION GENERAL~ .This material i~ an aspiration hazard. OCULAR/EYE: This material may cause eye irritation. Con[aD[ with the liquid ma), cause bu~nln~h tearing, and redne~. DERMAL/SKIN: This material may cause skin irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact may' cause burning, redness, cltying and cracking of the skln~ and dermatitis. INHALATION/BREATH. G: Exposure to mists or to excessive vapor concentration~ may cause Irritation of the nose, th[oat and respiratory tract; Ilgna of central nervous system depreaalonl i.e. headache, nausea, drowsiness and dizziness. INGESTION/SWALLOW~G~ Accidentally swallowing this material can cause irritation of the stomach and digestive tract; Larger. Ingestions may cause signs of central nervous system depression~ i.e, headache, nausea, drowsiness and dizzine~. This material is an aspiration hazard and may enter the lungs when swallowing oe vomiting and cause serious lung damage. CHRONIC/OTHER~ No known additional effects. SECTION V ° SPECIAL HAZARDS AND PRECAUTIONS HAZARDS DURING NON-ROUTINE OPERATIONS: Heating may generate Irritating and toxic vapors. · ~ /sPEcIAL PRECAUTIONS AND COMMENTS[ Emoty' con. t.a..tnera retain material residue which may .,~--~ generate hazardous vapors. Do not pressurize, cut, weld Or expose e_mpty containers to any .., source of heat or flames. '-- mEDICAL CONDITION AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: pulmonary dbease. Pre-existing akin disease. Chronic ~ECTiON VI - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES ATTENTION: IF VICTIM IS NOT BREATHING OR IF BREATHING DIFFICUL. TI~S D~VELOP ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION OR OXYGEN SHOULD 8E ADMINISTERED BY GUALIFIED PERSONNEL, OCULAR/EYE CONTACT: Flush the affec[ed eye(s) with water. If Irritation develops, seek medics! assistance. DERMAl/SKIN CONTAC;TI Remove contaminated clothing and flush contact areas with water and then thoroughly cleanse contact by washing with soap and water. If Irritation or redness develop and petalst~ seek medical asslstance. INHALATION/6REATH[NGt If symptoms of e×posute develop~ move away from sautes of exposure to vapors or mists. If symptoms persist, seek medical assistance. INGESTION/SWALLOWING: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING/ASP[RATION HAZARD. If victim conscious and elert~ give milk or wal;er to drink. Seek Immediate medical assistance. COMmENTS/PHYSICIAN INFORMATION: This material la e moderately volatlie~ iow viscosity mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons with a low order of acute toxioil:y. It is an aspiration haza~'d. ~IA Y-- I 9-- 89 F R I 1'0 9 L U f T P. 04 PRODUCT/MA.TERIALI ~]Pc;: 140 SAFETY SOLVENT MSDS CODE NO. MMD000~0]0AC SECTION V~ - CHEMICAL REACTIVITY INFORMATIbN STABILITYt Stable undo, no,mai conditlone of storage and hendllng. REACTIVITY:. Reacts vigorously with st~'ang oxidizing agents, INCOMPATABII.ITY: Incompatible with sl~'ong oxidizing egent~. HAZAFiDOUS REACTION/DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTSl Thermal dioxide and carbon monoxide. decomposition yields carbon CONDITIONS CONTRII~UTING TO HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATIONI Thio malaria! does not polymeHze. SECTION VIII . FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD INFORMATION NFPA RATING: HEALTH ~ FLAMMABILITY 2 REACTIVITY 0 FLASH POINT (METHOD): 6]°C/TCC;. 6~°C/TQC: FJ~T/AUTOIGNITION TEMPt 4~0°F FLAMMABLE LIMITS (% BY VOLUMF..JAIR): LOWER ~...~~ UPPERI FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDS: This material Is a moderate fh'e end exploslon hazard and may be ignited by any ignition source above ll;s flash point° Vapors may travel to [gni[ion source and flash back, Containers may explode in fire. Vapor explosion haza~'d indoors, outdoom or in sewers. Empty Co.n~aiDer~ retain mai:oriel residue and may generate vapors whioh may ignite and explode. COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Cazbon dioxide, carbon monoxide end wale:' vapo:'. EXTINGUISHING MEDIAl C~bon dioxide, dz'), chemical, foam~ end water, apl'ay, FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Wear protective equipment and clothing when figh[ing fil'es, Including a self-contained broa[hing apparatus for fire~ In enclooed spaces, Use water spray to cool fire-exposed container:, tc dllu[e and disperse vapom, protect personnel, and to flush unignlted spills h'om fh, e area. SECTION IX - PERSONAL PROTECTION AND ENGINEERING CONTROLS EYE AND FACIAL PROTECTION: Chemical goggies are recommended to prevent eye contact. SKIN PROTECTION: Protective gloves and clothing are reoommended when prulonged con:act with [he concentrated material may occur. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Respiratory p~otectIon may be required to minimize exposu:'e t~ vapors. Wear an approved o['gsnic rape:' ca~'tHdge or supplied al, resph'al:o~' as necessary. VENTILATION: Genera! mechanical ventilation or explosion-proof local exhaust are recommended to minimize exposure to 'vapors. OTHER: An eye wash and a source of running wa[er should be available to flush or wash the eyes and skin, . r~A¥-- 19--$~ FR ! 18 ~ LUFT P. ~5 PRODUCT/MATERLAL~ 3PC IN:} ~AFETY SOLVENT MSDS CODE NO;z MMDOOO~O3OAC SECTION X - SI-EPP[NG~ STOR. AGE AND HANDLING PROCEDURES .. . .. .~.. SI-liPPiNG iNFORMATION-' - D.O,T~-SH[pp[NG N~4E:~ Pcb-claus distillate D.O.T. ID NUMBERI UN 1268 D.OoT. HAZARD CLASSiFICATiON: Combustible liquid, SI-EPP[NG REGUt. ATIONS: No label ~equired. See DOT t'egulatlona ~,SCFR 17~,118a for · packaging ~*equi~ements. STORAGEI Store in closed containers In a cool well-ventilated area away from all heat and Ignition and at~ong oxidizing agenda. Containers should be eIectt'icelly bonded and g~ounded when t~ansferring HAND.'JNGI Use In a well-ventilated a~'ee and weae ~ecommended proteoUve equipment and clothing, Use expioelon-proof tools and equlpment. Avoid breathing vapom o[' mists and p~oJor~jed o~ repeated ~kin contact. '~/~..~IvlISUSE OF F_MPTY CONTAINERS. CAN I~E HAZARDOUS, COMPLETELY DRAIN AND HAVE i. ,---~A~COMMERc[A-~Y-CLEANED BEFORE ANY REUSE, KEEP CONTAINERS CLOSED AND DO NOT '~ '""~ 0SE TO STOR, E ANY OTHER MATERIALS BEFORE THEY HAVE BEEN COMMERC[AL-"~"~ CLEANED. DO NOT CUT, WELDj DR~L OR SUBJECT CONTA]NERS TO HEAT OR FLAMES, VAPORS MAY:-iG-""~TE AND EXPLODE'~ SECTION X[ ,. SPS-L~ LEAK AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURF~ SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES~ Evacuate a~ea fo~ large., spIlll. Remove all Ignition ~ou~:e~ end , provide expioslon-proof ventilation. Wea~ recommended protective cio~Ing end equipment, Do no[ ~t[ow spills I~ enter sewers, streams o~ surface waters. Dike and contain spills, .Use inert absorbent to ~*eduee fumes end to pick Up aplllo Collect for lete~, dlmpoaalo DISPOSAL PROCEDURES: DISPOSE OF/~1 ACCORDANCE W[~'I-I FEDERAL~ STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. [mP. tY containers should be ¢ommerciatly cleaned and ~eoonditloned for ~euse, SECTION X// - PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION AND PROPERTIES DESCR/PTIONt A cleat water-white liquid with a cha~acteHsl:Io pert'claus hydrocarbon odoeo · MELTING POINT: NA SOLUBILITY (WATEI~ Negligible BOILING PO[NT/P.,ANGE~ :[B~-2iD°F pHc NA OVERPO[NT~ NA SPEC[F[C GRAVTI'Y: 0,80 VAPOR PRE$SURE~ lmm of Hg a 77°F API GRAVITY: No data, o % VOLATILE BY VOLUME: ~t00~ VISCOSITY: 1.33 est 8 37,8 C VAPOR DENSITYt (Ai~1) 5,~ POUR PO[NTt NA EVAPORAT/ON RATE: (BuAe=L) 0.O6 OTHERJ None MSDS CODE NO: MIvlD00030~0AC NEW/REVISION DATE: REPLACES MSDA CODE NO: New ORIGINAL DATE: New PREPARED BY: David C._M..a. rkie _ DATE= 5-10-86 APPROVED i~Y, ~~~3~ DATE,_ _~'/~3 ,/~' Copyright, [~86. Health & Hazard System$~ G[5 W. I~oQI;hiIl~ ClarGi/~ont;~ CA ~[?[[ THIS HATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET WAS PREPARED /~ UNDER CONTRACT TO HEALTH & HAZARD SYSTEMS ~ ~HO ASSUMES LIABiLiTY FOR THE ZNFORMAT[ON CONTAINED HERE[N, ANY 0U£$T~0N$ 0R C0HMENT$ ~r~=nT~ TUT~ TNK~RMAT~ON SHOULD B£ DZRECTED TO= HEALTHS SYSTEHS N15 ~, FOOTH~LL BLVD, CLAREHONT, CA91711 P ON[ NO: 71 162 -9986 ~q~Y-- I 9--89 FR I 10 7 LUFT WHOLESALE FUELS MATEPJAL SAFETY DATA SHEET' PRODUCT/MATERIAL: ,3PC 140 SAFETY SOLVENT [MERQ. ENCY PHONE NOS. MEDICALt 21;~[664.2.t2Z- (LOAD POISON CENTER 2~ HR NO.) CHEMTREC~ BUSINESSt 805/]27-~,900 MANUFACTURER: WHOLESALE FUELS AOORES$~' 2200 E. 8rundage Lane Bakersfield California ~507-280~ SECTION I - MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAMEr JPC l~,0 SAFETY SOLVENT PRODUCT CODE M$DS CODE NO.I MMD0005050AC CAS REGISTRY NO.: No: registered. NIOSH REGISTRY NO,: Not registered. GENERIC NAME:: Organic moivent CHEMICAL NAME: Mixture of Petroleum hydrocarbons SYNONYMS: Mid-distillate mixture. CHEMICAL F'AMIi. YI Aliphatie, aromatic hydrocarbons CHEMICAL FORMULA: mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons, SECTION I! - HAZARD IDENTIFICATION H~ALTH HAZARDS ~HYSICAL HAZARD.$ ASPIRATION HAZARD SKIN DEFATTING AGENT COMBUSTIBLE LIG)UID MISUS-~ OF EMPTY CONTAINERS CAN BE HAZAP, DOUS AN~"LEAD TO SERIOUS INJURY. READ SECTIONS V~ VIII~ X~ & XI. D,O.T. HAZARD CLASS.' Combustible Liquid UN HAZARD CLASS NOt None NFPA RATING) HEALTH 2 FLAMMABILITY 2 REACTIVITY 0 OTHER) Consume~, Produc~ Safety Commis3[on requtrea a label warning for "'Petz'oJeum distillates", SECTION III - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS AND RECOMMENDED EXPOSURE LIMITS HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS RECOMMENDED EXPOSURE LIMITS .LIMIT TYPE A_ _MOUNT .AGENCY 1) Petroteum distillates None e~tablished. R S Piping, Inc. Fuel Tank and Pipeline Contractors LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2700 "M" STREET SUITE #300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ATTN: LAUREL FUNK Date: Project: FEBRUARY 22, 1990 ARCO 4121.SOUTH "H" ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA PERMIT # A1081-31 UJE ARE SENDING YOU: [] Documents [] Prints [] Shop Drawings [] Cop9 of Letter(s) [] Copies Description 1 UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST #84436923 TRANSMITTED: REMARRS [] Per ~dour request [] For ~our [] For 9our approval Sincerelq, PAMELA J. MARTIN~' [] CALIFORNIA HOME OFFICE 1946 E. OCCIDENTAL ST. SANTA ANA · CA 92705 (714) 558-O306 Y~XBRANCH OFFICE CENTRAL/NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 3108 ANTONINO AUE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (805) 324-7994 · C,MIlornlt--H~alth a~l,'~ Welfare Ageltcy print ~ ~e. ~ :(F~m'~sion~ for use on elite (12-pitch) Wpuw~ih, ) .;~ :'~t ~WASTE MANIFEST '. ~.[:~., Address proper ShipPing Namu. H~zatd Clus~. and 'i ,~. ,:.~ '~'~ 6· [15 EPA-Fi-)- Number US EPA ID Numher 10. lIS EPA ID :.Container :ructions Department of Health Services Toxic Substances Control Division Sacramento, California ' Total is not required by Federal Name/z;, . Indication Space .of Operator: !% i~ · :; : ': ~' .!'.. ERg[B7OU-~,;~): , ~., ~: ; , Month Day Y#ar / · I Date ....................... ..~Month [)ay Year /' Month [)ay ' ype~ · "':;,' . I!'-~l/'Vl~:? :ertification o! receipt of hazmdaus materials covered by this ram'|ifa, st except as noted '1 S-i~it-ature ........... 2 Acknowledgement or Receipt of Materials' 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials . . . / 7~/ .~.._ ' decla~'e ~t-~i"~}~ ~-~ ~'~-~l'~'t~ J~o n si [t ~,~'~, K ~ee fully and accurately described trana~ by highway according !o applicable inturnutio~=al and ,~tion~H Uov~rnme~t~al regulation& l~'/unatt~ro / Date SMC Laboratory Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Address : .Pinnacle Environmental P. O. Box 82216 Bakersfield, CA 93380-2216 Date samples received : 12-21-89 Date analysis completed: 01-04-90 Date of report, : 01-09-90 Project Name: Arco/White Lane Laboratory No. 3706-3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3706 ID:'DT ~ 2' Benzene ND Toluene ND Et.hylbenzene ND p-Xylene ND m-Xylene ND o-Xylene ND Isopropylbenzene MD TPH (Gasoline) ND ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 "0 1 0 1 1 0 TPH (Diesel) 26 10 #3707 ID: DT ® 6' ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.1 To.luene ND 0.1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.1 p-Xylene ND 0.1 m-Xylene ND 0.1 o-Xylene ND 0.1 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.1 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 TPH (Diesel) ND 10 Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) Method of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): 3540/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total. Petroleum llydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not detected Stan Comer 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA93308 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 .(805) 393-3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 Laboratory No. 3706-3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3708 ID: GTN ~ 2' Benzene Toluene Eth'ylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm/gm MDI,,ugm/gm ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND 0.l ND 0.l ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND 1.0 #3709 ID: GTN ~ 6' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropy.lbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND N1)' ND 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 #3710 ID: GTS @ 2' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xy.len~ m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm/gm 19 23 28 59 62 :t9 ND 73 MDL, ugm/gm 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 1 I 0 'l'lql (Diesel) 12,000 10 Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) Method of Analysis for' TPH (Diesel): 3540/8020 (FID) MDL -- Minimum Detection Leve[ TPtl = q'ota[ Petr'o].eum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = No't detected Stan Comer Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3711 ID: GTS ~ 6' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm 1.0 1.1 1.3 2.1 23 1.7 ND 87 0 1 .0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1.0 TPH (Diesel) 22,000 10 Method of AnAlysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) Method of Ana.lys[s loc TPH (Diese]): :t540/8020 (FID) blDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = 'rotal Petroleum !lydrocarbons ugm/gm = mi. cr{~grams per gram ND = Not detected Stan Coiner Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3712 ID: ST ~ 2' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xy[ene m-Xylene o-Xyl, ene. lsopropylbenzene Styrene n-Propylbenzene t-Butylbenzene s-Bury]benzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene n-Butylbenzene 2,3-Benzofuran Chlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ugm/gm. ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MDL,ugm/gm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 0.1 Method of Analysis: 3810/8020 MI)l, = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram NI) = Not detected S tan Comer Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3713 ID: ST ~ 6' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene Styrene n-Propylbenzene t-Butyl, benzene s-Butylbenzene 1,2,.t-Trimethylbenzene n-Butylbenzene 2,3-Benzofuran Chlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dich]orobenzene ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MDL,ugm/gm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0'1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.l 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Method of Analysis: 3810/8020 MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram NI) = Not detected Stan Come,. Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSI!S #3712 ID: ST ~ 2' Oil & Grease ugm/gm HDL,ugm/gm 75 20 #3713 iD: ST ~ 6' ()il'& Grease ugm/gm- MDL,ugm/gm 190 20 Method of Analysis: EPA 9071 MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not detected Stan Comer Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3714 ID: GTIS ~ 2' ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.1 Toluene ND 0.1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.1 p-Xylene ND 0.1 m-Xylene ND 0.1 o-Xylene ND 0.1 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.1 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 #37'15 ID: GTIS ~ 6' ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.1 Toluene NI) 0.1 Ethylbenzene NI) 0.1 p-Xylene ND 0.1 m-Xylene ND 0.1 o-Xylene ND 0.1 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.1 TPH (Gasoline) 3.2 #3716 ID: DPL ~ 2 ugm/gm Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbepzene ND p-Ky]erie ND m-Xylene NJ) o-Xylene ND Isopropylbenzene ND TPH (Gasoline) ND MDL, ugm/gm 0.1 0.1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ] 0 q'Ptl (Diesel) I I 10 Method or' Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 381 Hethod of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): 3540/8020 MDI, = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not detected 0/8020 (FID) (FID) S tan Comer Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3717 ID: DPL.~ 6' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm ND 0 1 ND 0 1 ND 0 1 ND 0 1 ND 0 1 ND 0 1 ND 0 1 15 1.0 #3718 ID: G2PL ~ 2' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) #3719 ID: G2PL ~ 6' Benzene Toluene Ethylbe~zene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm .10 0.1 ND 0.1 .23 0.1 .5] 0.1 .50 0.1 .43 O. 1 ND 0.1 34 ugm/gm MDl~,ugm/gm 2 1 0 I 0 1 2 I 9- 1 6 4D 62 0.1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 l 0 1 0 1 I 0 Method of Analysis for BTX/TPIt (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) MD[, = Minimum Detection Level TP}! = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not detected Stan Comer Laboratory No. 3706 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS through 3733 #3720 ID: SPL ~ 2' Benzene 'roluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xy]ene Isopropylbenzene Styrene n-Propylbenzene t-Bury[benzene s-Butyibenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene n-Butylbenzene 2,3-Benzofuran Chlorobenzene 1,4-Di. chl. orobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MDL,ugm/gm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0ol 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Method of Analysis: 3810/8020 MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not detected Stan Comer Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3721 ID: SPL ~ 6' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene Styrene n-Propylbenzene t-Butylbenzene s-Butylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene n-Butylbenzene 2,3-Benzofuran Chlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND .46 .64 .44 2.3 ND 3.2 ND .32 1.8 .37 MDL,ugm/gm 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0.1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Method of Analysis: 3810/8020 MD[, = Mi. nimum Detection Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not detected Stan Comer Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3720 ID: SPL ~ 2' Oil & Grease ugm/gm 55 MDL,ugm/gm 20 #3721 ID: SPL ~ 6' Oil & Grease ugm/gm 3600 MDL,ugm/gm 20 Method of Analysis: EPA 9071 biDL = Minimum De'tection Level ugm/gm = microg~'ams per gram ND = Not detected SLan Coiner Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3722 ID: GIPL ~ 2' ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.1 Toluene ND 0.1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.1 p-Xylene ND 0.1 m-Xylene ND 0.1 o-Xylene ND 0.1 Isoprop¥1benzene ND 0.1 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 #3723 ID: GIPL ~ 6' ugm/gm MDL.ugm/gm Benzene NI) 0.1 Toluene ND 0.1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.1 p-Xylene ND 0.1 m-Xylene ND 0.1 o-Xylene ND 0.1 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.1 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 #3724 ID: NED ~ 2' ugm/gm MDL.ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.1 Toluene ND 0.1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.1 p-Xylene ND 0.1 m-Xylene ND 0.1 o-Xylene ND 0.1 Isoprop¥1benzene ND 0.1 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 Method of Analysis for BTX/TPtl (Gas0[ine): 3810/8020 Method of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): 3540/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Ilydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not detected (FID) Stan Comer Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3725 ID: NED ~ 6' Benzene ugm/gm Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND p-Xylene ND m-Xylene ND o-Xylene ND Isopropylbenzene ND TPH (Gasoline) 19 MDL,ugm/gm O1 O1 01 O1 O1 O1 O1 10 #3726 ID: SED O 2' Benzene ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Toluene NI) 0.1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.1 p-Xylene ND 0.1 m-Xylene NO 0.1 o-Xylene NO ff. 1 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.1 TPH (Gasoline) NI) O.l ND 1.0 ~3727 ID: SED 9 6' Benzene ugm/gm MDL, ugm/gm To].uene NI) O. 1 Ethylbenzene ND O. 1 p-Xyl erie ND O. 1 m-Xylene ND 0. 1 o-Xylene ND 0.l Isopropylbenzene ND O. 1 ND 0.1 TPH (Gaso.[ine) 1.8 1.0 Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 MD[, = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm : micrograms per gram ND = Not detected (FID) Stan Comer Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3728 ID: NWD'~ 2' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MDL,ugm/gm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 #3729 ID: NWD · 6' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xy]ene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) TPH (Diesel) ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 140 , 000 MDL,ugm/gm O1 01 01 01 01 01 0.1 1.0 10 #3730 ID: SWD ~ 2' Benzene* Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene ~n-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPIt (Gasoline) ugm/gm MDL, ugm/gm ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND O. 1. NI) 0. 1 ND 0. l ND 0.1 ND 1.0 TPH (Diesel) 500 10 Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) Method of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): 3540/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level 'rPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = Not detected Stan Comer Laboratory No. 3706 through 3733 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #3731 ID: SWD ~ 6' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) TPH (Diesel) ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND '0.1 ND 0.1 ND 1.0 6,400 10 #3732 ID: GTIN ~ 2' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropy]benzene TPH (Gasoline) #3733 ID: GTIN ~ 6' Benzene Toluene El:by|benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND O. 1 .10 0.! .24 0.1 ND 0.1 22 1 .0 ugm/gm MDI,,ugm/gm ND 0 1 ND 0 1 NI) 0 1 ND 0 1 ND 0 1 ND 0 1 ND 0 1 2.1 ].0 Method of Anal. ysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) Method of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): 3540/8020 (FID) MDI, = Minimum Detection Level TP[! : Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms [)er gram ND = Not detected St, an Comer v ~7oo ~,,,~, SUo~, ~i: KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ~.:. ~::~ o~~[~:~, ' ........ '"' "~ '; /~l,t~f,h~k ' Kern County Permit ~ * * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION ~'RACKING RECORE This form Is to be returned to the Kern County Health Department within 14 da¥~ of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling fa¢llltyo The holder of the permit with number noted above la responsible for insuring that thls form is completed and'returned. Section 1 - To be filled out b_~ tank removal contractor: Tank Removal Contractor: / ~ate Tanks Removed ....... T~ {~e'fllie~l ;u~ ~y ..... ~ontr~ctor :d~c~ntami~a~:lng'tanl~(;) .... Section ~- - : .... Tank "Decont~tnatton" Contractor ,,::' /~d'.~( - Address Phone ~ ~ ": :' ~uthortzed representative of contractor certlfle~ b~ ,t~nlng belo~ that tank(s) have been decont~tnated In accordance ~tth gem ~ount~ ~ealth ' -'. Sectton 8 - T~ b~ ftlled out and ~lgned ~ a~ authorized ,representative of tho treatmen[, storage, or disposal faelllt~ aeee~tln~ gank{s~: . . {guthortzed Representative} '. (Form #HI~IP-150) ~ - She z"{¥~ ~' · ' ~ '~ ':-:':'7:?~'?':""~' .... 17~F~ et KERN COUNTY HEAL~ ~A~ENT '~:4~j H~O~x-~:.=;, ;.: - Facility Hame ~ ~ern .C~Unty Permit ~ ' Address This form ls to be returned to the Kern County Health Department Fithin 1~ ~ay~ of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. The ' holde~ of the permit with number noted above Js responsible fo~ insuring that this form is completed and ·returned· · .............................. ........... Section 1 - To be filled out tank removal contractor: . Date Tanks Removed /.~-.~('---~ Phone # zip _ No. of Tanks., Section 2 - To be filled out by ~ontractor "decontaminating tank(s): Tank "Decontamination" Contractor ,.. - Authov~zed rep~esentatlve ct contractor certltXe~ by ~lgntng below tha~ ~n accordance w~th Kern gou~tl Bealth tank(s) have been decont~:~tnated Depar/~m-ent requ~, ments.~// · d .:,>~ ¢;// .//'' / >-, -- ...: r X: ~' ..... , ,,.¢¢' ..., ::1' /¢¢:-~-¢__ ..~----- Signature Section 3 - To be filled out and slEned b_x an authorized representative of the treatment., ~tora~e, or disposal factlttE.acceptinE ~ank(s): Facility Na~e ~_~ '~ ~ ~~~~. " ~hortzed Representative) '. * $ * HAILING INSTRUCT'IONS: Fold tn half and staple· . .:.. : GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE N T 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1081-31 FACILITY NAME/,ADDRESS: ARCO Corp Property 4121 So. "H" Street Bakersfield, CA OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: ARCO Oil and Gas Company 4550 California Avenue ' Bakersfield, CA Phone: (805) 321-4000 CONTRACTOR: R & S Piping, Inc. 3108 Antonino Avenue Bakersfield, CA License #408337 Phone: (805) 324-7994 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES February 28, 1990 4 TANK(S) LOCATION AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY November 28? 1989 Laurel Funk Hazardous Materials Specialist ........................................................................... : ......... POST ON PREMISES .......................................................................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Pcrmittce to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments) 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT- 30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee onsite supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. ff any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size leas than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximalely two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons ~ a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT A 1081-31 ADDENDUM 10. 11. The following timetable lists pre-and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks ap_d appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. All soil samples retrieved from beneath solvent tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease, volatile organics (EpA Method 8240). DEADLINE Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program Al least two weeks prior to closure Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of closure and soil sampling Two working days Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management Program No late'r than 3 working days after completion of analysis Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort of repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. 2ob site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyses documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. Accepted By: LF:cas \a1081-31 Post Office Box 82216 Bakersfield, California 93380-2216 (805) 589-8007 Kern County Envlronmemtat Health 2700 M Street Suite 300 Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 Att: Toranda Crumpier December 15, 1989 iqs. Crumpler, R and S Pipe has contracted with ARCO Oil to complete the tank removal project iocated on the 5outhwest corner of the intersections o~ ~hite Lane and South H ~treet. R and ~ Pipe with busy and asked Pinnacle to complete the project as ,2ontracted with ARCO. Pinnacle is acting as a suOcontractor to R and S Pipe. you nave any, questions, u~iease contact Rick Rodney oi and S Pipe or myself at Pinnacle ~nvironmental ,'i:o~]s~r-uc~iol] . Sincerely. Daniel T. ~cales General Manager Pinnacle Environmen%ai (Construction }:'innacie ~nvironmentel Cop, struction (8,05) ~:22- 2c)20 F< and 5 Pipe (~05) B24-7994 WHITE LANE~ Curb N 10,000 Gallon Gasoline Tank Sample Points · 1,000 Gallon Diesel Tank DT 2' GT2S 2' & 6 GT2N 2'& 6' 4 3 2 I ~ 5,000 Gallon Unleaded Gasoline Tank Gasoline island NED 2' & 6' ' NWD 2' & 6' Gasoline island SWD 2' & 6' SED 2' & 6' GTIN 2' & 6' GTIS 2' & 6' Gallon Solvent Tank-~-.,. .... '1 - GIPL 2' & 6' 2- SPL 2' & 6' 3- G2PL 2' & 6' 4- DPL2'& 6' WAREHOUSE KEW COUNTY ENVIRONNEMTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2700 'R° STREET, SUITE 300 9AKERSFTELD.. CA 93301 · ' ~ ~ *' ' (806) 861-3636 APPLICATION 15 P0R PROJ£CT CONTACT FACILITY NANE DMN~R ~ LEHGTH DP ' PTP]N(i~ TO ....... FOR PERMIT FOR OF UNDERGROUND- STORAGE FACI LZ T~ - ,' IPfLL O~ ON~ APPLI~TION PER fACZLI~I ISEC/T/R NEAREST CROSS STREET TANK NENOVAL CONTRACTOR :R ' S COHPEIISA T I Ott ~ORKER'S Ct~NPENSATION ~ R LAOORATORY THAT WILL ANALYZE ADDRESS ' ~/ !CIIENICAL COMPOSITION OF ~ATERIALS STORED 'ANK' ~ VOLUME ClI~341CAL STORED (NON-CO~ERCTAL HANg) OX~S S~RED CII~%~L PR~TOUSLY ~OR~  /,~;)C;'3C'~ ' '-' '' __ . -- ~ ' "?0 O . dATeR TO .FAC:L{~'PROV[DgD~, BY ~, ~ ~DE~ ~ GRO~MATER / i ~IKAREST WATER NELL GIVE DISTANCE AND DESCRIBE TYP~ IF ~ITIIIN 500 FEET ' SOIL T~'P~ AT FACILITY ; U?r. rMTAL NUNSER O~ S~PL~S Td BE A~&LYZgD IS~PLES MILU ~ AN kY : )ES~IBK IIOW RESIDUE IN f~XlSl AND PIPING IS ~ Bi R~O~D AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDI ~NSPO~IDE~D DISPOSAL /X PROVIDE DRAWING OF PHYSICkL. LAYCUT OF FAC!LIIA' USi.~: ~ SPACE PR~IDED B~g. ~ OF ~ FO~WING I~O~TICN MUST BE IN~UDED ~; O~ER FOR ~PLICATION .~(S), PlYI~ & DISPOSe{S), INCLUDING L~S ~ __ PRO~S~ S~LING ~TIONS DESI~A~ BY ~IS S~L "~" ~T ~ OR I~E~ION ~ WATER ~.r.~ OR SU~ACE WA~ wI~IN lOO' ~Ius OF FACILI~ NORTH ARROW Kern County Health Department. Division o~ Environmental Hea 1700 Flower Street, BakersfielL, CA 93305 Permit ADPlication APPLICATION FOR PEP~IT ~X] OPEP~TE U~ERGRCXJND I~;~gDOUS SUBST~d~CES S7~D~%AGE FACILI~ T~q~e of Application (check): l-INeT Facility []~Xx~ification of Facility ~]E~cistirg Facility D~ansfer of CX~nershtp C. Zachery Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area c~x~e, phone): Days (RO~ 371-4177 Nights Facility Name ARCO 0ii and Gas Company .' ~k>'. of T~uqks 3 ~ of Business (check): r'lc, a~line'St~tion ~Other (de~ribe) Vacant Office Building Is Tank(s) [~>cated on an Agricultural Farm? ~Yes ~]~k> Is Tank(s) Used Pri~rily .for Agricultural Purposes? [2lYes Facility Addre~4121 South H Street: Bakersfield Nearest Cross St. White Lane T 30S R 27E SEC 13 (Rural [~cations Cnly) ~er ARCO 0il and Gas Company Contact Person Nancy B. Johannesmeyer Address P.O. Box 147~ Bakersfie]d~ CA Zip 93302 ~lephone (805) 321-4052 Operator Contact Person ~dress Zip Telephone Ce 1~ater to Facility Provided by On-site water well Depth to' Grour~water 150' F~>il (~aracteristics at Facility Fine sandy loam fLasis for Soil ~ arx~ Gro~u~dwater Depth Determinations SCS~ KCWA Water Supp].¥ Report 1984 Contractor N/A Address Proposed Starting Date Worker's Ccmpensation Certification CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Ccrapletion Date Insurer D. If /'nis Permit Is For Mcx~ification Of ~ Existir~ Facility, Briefly Dascrit~ Modifications Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all t/~at a~ly): Tar~ ! Waste Prc~uct Motor Vehicle Unleaded S°~Pt~remium Diesel 9iaste ~uel BA-02 [] [] .r~ BA-n3 [] ~ F. Chenical C~mposition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fu~ls) Tank # Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS ! (if known) Chemical Previously Stored (if different) BA-01 5mpt~ Unleaded §as0]ine BA-02 Emp'{~ ~iesel fuel R~-03 Fmnfv ~ R002059 Naptha Solvent (Tank~ hav~ heen ~mpty since 198~. 1984 and 1982 respectively.) G. Transfer of C~ersht~ Date o£~---a~sfer N/A ereviou~ Owner ~revious Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of ~ermit No. iss~ to . I understand that. the Pemitting Authority may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this ~dergro~d storage facility upon receiving this c~mpleted form. This form has been ccmpleted under penalty of true and correct. perjury and to the best of my knowledge Environmental ~itle Enqineer Dete 9-04-87 is 1700 Flour Street', BaKersf~.., CA 93305 APPLICATION FOR PEP~MIT 77D OPk-7~ATE L~ERGROUND H;%Z~J~DOUS SUBST;%NCES S773~E FACILITY ~ o__~f Application (check): FYNew Facility ['~t'~ification of Facility [~Existir~J Facility [-l~an'Sfer of O~nership C. Zachery ' A. Dnergency 24-Hour Contact (nMe, area code, phone'): Days (RAg) .~?1-4177 Nights (RNA1 R~9.1RAR Facility Nam~i~ ARCO 0il and Gas Comsany ' ~k;', of Tanks ~ of Business (check): f'lGa~line'Station GOt-her (de~ribe) Vacant Office' 8ui]d~ng- .. Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? [~Ye~ Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for ~gricultural Purposes? F']Yes ~"~k~. FaCility Address 4121 South H Street, Bakersfield Nearest Cross St. White Lan~ T .30S R 27E SEC 13 (R~al Locations Owner ARCO Oil and Gas Company Address P.O. Box 147,.~akersfield, CA Zip Operator Address' Zip Contact Person Nancy B. Johannesmeyer 93302 Telephone (805) 321-4052 Contact ~erson Telepho~ B. Water to Facility Provided by On-site water well Depth to'Groundwater 150' Soil (~aracteristics'at ~acility Fine sandy loam Basis for Soil ~ and Grour~Water Depth Determinations $CS~ KCWA Water Supply Report C. Contractor N/A CA Contractor's f..tcense Address Zip Telephorm Pro~x~sed Starting Date Proposed C~pletion Dste. ~k;rker's C~per~ation Certificati~ ~ Insurer D. If /71is Permit Is For Modification Of ~ Existir~ facility, BrieflY.Dm~ribe Modiflcati~ Pro~sed Tank[s) Store (check all that apgly): T~ ! Was_____t~_t~ Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded S° v~pt~emicm~ Diesel ~e~ BA-O1 0 0 Chenical Composition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank $ Chemical Stored (non-co~nercial name) CAS ! (if known) Chemical Previously (if different) BA-O1 Empty, ..BA-02 - Empty Unleaded ~asoline · D'i~l R/~-(~ _ Fmntv ~ RNN?NAq Nantha Snlv~nt !T~ havp h~pn ~mpt_v ~nc~ lqR4_. 19R4 and lqR? re_~oPctiv~_l_v.) G. .Transfer of Ownership Date of-~ansfer Previous Facility Name I, N/A Previous Owner modify or terminate the facility upon receiving this c~pleted form. accept fully all obligations of ~rmit N~. issued to · I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and transfer of the Permit .to Operate this ~dergro~a~d storage ~is fora ~ms been ccmpleted ~der penalty of true and corr~t. perjury and to the best of my knowledge is Environmental Title Enaine~r Date g-04-87 ARCO Oil and Gas Co~,,pany Western District Post Office Box 147 Bakersfield, California 93302 Telephone 805 321 4000 March 8, 1988 Ms. Brenda Knight Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Dear Ms. Knight: Amy Green of your office suggested I send a copy of this application to you. It was filed with your office in September of 1987 but the permit was never re- ceived. Please process the application as needed. If you have any questions, please cont'act me at (805) 321-4052. Sincerely, Nancy B. Johannesmeyer Environmental Engineer NBJ/sb Enclosure ARCO Oil and Gas Company is a Division of AtlanticRichfieldCompany ARCO Oil and Gas C.~.~,pany Western District Post Office Box 147 Bakersfield, California 93302 Telephone 805 321 4000 September 4, 1987 Mr. Bill Schiede Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Dear Bill: Enclosed is an application for a Permit to Operate ARCO's three underground storage tanks at the White Lane and South H Street location. I am also including a plot plan of the tanks' locations. As we discussed on the phone, the tanks have .~been empty for quite some time and no meters or dispensers exist. Once receiving the permit, we propose a modified inven- tory control monitoring program where the tanks will be monitored once a week to assure they are empty. Since the property is currently for sale, ARCO wishes to maintain the tanks in an operable condition for a potential buyer. Please call if you have any questions concernj~g the application or the proposed monitoring program. Sincerely, Nanc'~ B.~,~Johanne~meyer, P.E. -. Environmental Engineer NB J/sb Enclosure ARCO Oil and Gas Company is a Division o! AtlanticRichfieldCompany ARCO Oil and Gas .pany Western District Post Office Box 147 Bakersfield, California 93302 Telephone 805 321 4000 April 27, 1987 Kern County Health Department Division of Environmental Health 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Gentlemen: On July 10, 1986 ARCO Oil and Gas Company submitted an application to your agency for temporary closure (2 years) of three underground storage tanks located at our former headquarters at 4121 South H Street, Bakers- field. A response to that application has not been re- ceived to date. Enclosed is another application for temporary closure. The City of Bakersfield, Fire Pre- vention Bureau, is agreeable to a one-year temporary closure of these tanks. By submittal of this application, ARCO requests approv- al for temporary closure for a period not to exceed one year. These tanks odce stored gasoline, diesel and solvent. They have been empty since 1984 as a result of our office relocation. If the property on which the tanks are located has not changed ownership within one year, ARCO intends to permanently abandon the tanks. Soil borings and lab analysis will be completed upon receipt of a temporary closure permit from your agency. Very truly yours, Corey L. Unfried ' Environmental Coordinator CLU/sb cc: Fire Prevention Bureau Attachment ARCO Oil and Gas Company is a Division of AtlanticRichfieldCompany ARco. Oil and. Gs~mpany Western Di~.,ct Post Office Box 147 BakerSfield, California 93302 Telephone 805 321 4000 April 24, 1987 Mr. L. E. Kollenborn Fire Prevention Bure'au City of Bakersfield 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Kollenborn: Pursuant to our telephone conversation on April 2, 1987, ARCO Oil and Gas Company is requesting a tempo- rary (oneyear) closure of three underground storage tanks at our former headquarters at 4121 South "H" Street, Bakersfield. A plot plan is enclosed. These tanks once stored gasoline, diesel and solvent. The tanks have been empty since 1984. We anticipate these tanks will be either returned to service or per- manently abandoned within one year. Very truly yours, Corey L. Unfried Environmental Coordinator CLU/sb Enclosure cc: Kern County Environmental Health Department ARCO Oil and Gas Comoany ~s a Otvis~on of AtlanticRichtielclCompany Kern County Health Depar~tm~,]'t' Division of Envi~onmeat;~l Health 1700 Flower Street, Bakersf%eld, CA · Type of ~plication (Fill Out One Application Per Facility) [~]Temporary .Closure/Abandonmen--~ [] Permanent Closure/Abandonment ~.~Za. chery Nights (805~ 832-1848 · Project Contact (name, area code, phone): ~{4~833-4177 ..... - Facility Name ARCO 0il and Gas Company Facility Address 4121 South "H" St. - Bakersfield Nearest Cross St. White fane T 305 R 275 SEC 13 (Rura~ .Locations Only) Owner ARCO 0-il and Gas Company Telephone (805) 8_3_3-4042 Address .P. 0. Box 147, Baker§field, CA zip 93302 Operator-- Same Telephone Address Zip Water to Facility Provided by On-site water we]] Depth to Groundwater 150' .Soil Characteristics at Facility Fine ~l~y loam Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations SCS; KCWA Water Supply Rep0rt-198~ Tank Removal Contractor N/A Address Proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation Certifi'catibh'~ CA License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion Date Insurer Environmental Assessment Contractor Address Proposed Starting Date ~brker's Compensation Certification N/A CA License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion Date Insurer Chemical Composition of Materials Stored Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) Dates Stored BA-Ol Motor Vehicle Fuel - Unleaded 'ynk to ,1984 BA-02 Motor Vehicle Fuel - Diesel Unk to 1984. BA-03 Petroleum Distillate - Naphtha Unk to 1982 to Chemical Previously Stored (if different) Describe Method for Retrieving Samples Samples will be taken at 2' and 6' depths below tanks and piping. Samples Will be Analyzed for (ll-R~n7mn~= FDR= 03-Naphtha, benzene, toluene ~ratory That Will Perfom ~alyses .of S~ples B.C. Labs Address 4100 Pierce Road - Bakersfield Telephone (805) 327~4911 F. This application for: ~[emoval or ~a~ndo~ent in place * * PL~SE PR~IDE INFO~TION REQUESTED ~ RE~E SIDE OF THIS SHE~ B~ORE SUBMI~I~ - This form has ~en c~pleted under ~nalty of ~rjury and to the '~st of my knowl~ge is true ~ca ti86'--6f -'~:-,~,k ('S) pi'pin:] of Samples .. Nearest Street .o[ Intersection ~y Water Wells or'Surface' Waters . Facility .- · .'. _~. .... Appr o'Je~! By K~rn tounr, y Health Dep~aftme,'l[' Division of Envico~nental itealth 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA App[ [cation Date . J%lllli_]_ 17 · 1987 ')3'3,']5 , . - NO. of Tanks .to.~ ~%~'~UJo,l-~ .... ~PLI~TI~ mR P~IT ~ T~~' OR P~~"~ :'-: :~ CnOSURE/ABANDO~T OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type of Application (Fill Out One Application Per Facility) [] Tenporary .Closure/Abandonmen--~ [] Permanent Closure/Abandonment Project Contact (name, area code, phone): Days (g(lS] 37~-zH77 .Nights(805) 832-1848 Facility Name Former District Office - ARCO 0il and-Sas c6mpan}' Facility Address 41~1 South "H" Street Nearest Cross St. White Lane T R SEC (Rura'l .LocatiOns Only) Owner ARCO Oj~_(10mpany Telephone (805) 3.~1-4000 Address 4550 California Ave., P.O. Box 147, Bak.ersfie]d~ CA Zip 93302 Opera tot -- Same Telephone Address Zip Water to Facility Provided by On-site water we]] Soil Characteristics at Facility Fine sand}, loam Basis for Soil T~pe and Groundwater Depth De. terminations Depth to Groundwater 150' SCS,KCWA Report 1984 Tank Removal Contractor Address N/A Proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation Certifi'cation CA License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Ccrapletion Date Insurer Environmental Assessment Contractor Address Proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation Certificatio'J N/A CA License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Ccmpletion Date Insurer Chemical Composition of Materials Stored Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-con~nercial name) BA-O1 Motor Vehicle Fuel - Unleaded B_.A-02 Motor Vehicle Fuel - Diesel BA-03 Petroleum Distillate - Naphtha Dates Stored Unk t? 19~4 Unk to 1984 Unk to 1982 to Chemical Previously Stored (if different) Motor Vehicle Fuel - Leaded Describe Method for Retrieving Samples Samples will be taken at 5, 10, and 15. feet inter- va]s be]ow the tanks and composited for analysis. Samples Will be Analyzed for To~al pef~ole,~m hyMrocarbons, benzene, toluene, ~yl~n~: EDB. lead Laboratory That Will Perform Analyses of Samples B.~, ~bs Address 4100 Pierce Road Telephone(805~ 327-4911 F. This applica[ion for: [q removal or []a~andonment in place X temporary closur6 * * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SIDE OF ·THIS SHEET BEFORE SUBMITI"ING ~PPLICATION FOR REVIEW. This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and Correct. Environmental Signature~/~__m _ __ Title Coordinator__'Date ~/zv'/g7. of Sampl Nearest Street ~y ~ate~ wetis"6~ · Facility f NOR'I-"H See attached plot plan ADD~ o';ed BV acility Name 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Unknown Unknown 4. Tank Seconcrary Containment I-]Double-Wall [-~Synthetic Liner [~Other (describe): [-]Material 5. Tank Interior Linin~ ---~-Rubbe r Iq A1 kyd [-]Epoxy [-]Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection e South "H" Proper TANK ~ 'BA-61 (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK) -F~R EACH SECTION, 'CHECK ;~T.[ APPROPRIATE BOXES Tank is: [2]Vaulted [~Non-Vaulted I-]Double-Wall [~Singl. e.-w~!..1 ~ Material [-]Carbon Steel [-]Stainless Steel [-]Polyvinyl Chloride [-]Fiberglass-(~.iad'Steel BFiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [2] Altmin~ [] Bronze [~UnknOwn Other (describe)' Thickness (Inches) []Phenolic [[]Glass Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 10,000 Un known []Lined Vault []None [7~Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) []Clay []Unlined ~t~kno~ -~Galvanized F]Fib~gl'ass-Clad []P~lyethylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrapping []Tar or Asphalt [~Unknown DNone []Other (describe): " Cathodic Protection: []None []Impressed Current System ~lSacrifici~l Af~ode System Describe System & EquiI:ment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: [-]Visual (vaulted tanks Only) [2]Groundwater Monitorirg' Well(s) [] Vadose Zone Monitoring Well (s) [] U-Tube Without Liner [~U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directin~ Flow to Monitoring We,Il(s)* [] VaPOr Detector* [] Liquid L~vel Sensor [] Conductivit~ Sensor [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank [] Liquid ~strieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [] Daily Gat~jing & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing []None [] t~nknown [~Other Yank J$ empty and out of service b. Piping: ~Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized []Monitoring Strap with Raceway []Sealed Concrete Raceway []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway [-]Synthetic Liner Raceway []None ~ Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model: 8. Tank Tightness l~-~--This Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank ~ ~ Repaired? []Yes [7~NO Date(s) of Repair(s) [2]Yes ['~] NO [-1Unk~o~ Results of Test Testing Ccmpany []Unknown Describe Repairs Overfill Protection [~lOperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level []Tape Float Gauge. []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off controls []Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box [-]None []Unknown []Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. UndergroUnd Piping: ~Yes '[]NO [[]unknown Material : Unknown)'..-. Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer' []Pressure [X]Sucti'on []Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []C~lvanized [-]Fiberglass-Clad []Imlxessed Current []Sacrificial Anode []Polyethylene Wrap [-]Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap [-~Taror..Asphalt IX]Unknown []None []Other (describe): -. ~'''~' Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: -".. [~Doublc ?:all []Synthetic Liner System []None [~Unknowrt . .1.' .Tank is: 2. South "H" Proper . TANK '~ · BA.-02 (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR. EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE. BOXE____~S .' " OVaulted ONon-vaulted 'ODouble-Wall ~iqsingle-Wall ~' Material " Carbon Steel '[2] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl ChlOride [] Fiberglass-Clad ·Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [2] Alu~in~ [2] Bronze [X~Unknown Other (describe)' 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Unknown Unknown 4. Tank Secondary Containment ['~Double-Wall ~lSynthetic Liner [-~Other (describe): ['~Material Thickness (Inches) 5. Tank Interior Lining ~-~Rubber [2]Alkyd [-]Epoxy [-]Phenolic []Glass []Other (describe): Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4~000 Unknown []Lined Vault [-]None [~ltlnkno'~ Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) []Clay DUnlined ~]Unkno~ 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --~GalVaniz~d' 'F]Fiberglass-Clad [qPoly~thylene Wrap [-]Vinyl Wrapping [']Tar or Asphalt ~]Unknown [~None []Other (describe): ' Cathodic Protection: [2]None .[2]Impressed Current System ['lSac'r'i'fici~l Ano~ System DesCribe System & Equi~ent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: [qVisual (vaulted tanks Only) [-]Groundwater Monitoring'Well(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring ~ell(s) [2]U-Tube Without Liner [-~U-Tube with Compatible Liner DirectingFlow to Monitoring We~l(s) : [~]Va~Or Detector* D Liquid Level Sensor*[~Conductivit~ Sensor ~Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Doubie Wall Tank- O Liquid Bstrieval & Inspection Frown U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [']Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation r~Periodic Tightness Testing []None r')unknow~q ~]Other Tank is empty and out of service Piping: [~Flow-Restricttrg Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' [-]Monitoring S~p with Raceway ['~Sealed Concrete Race~y I-]Half-Cut Ccmpatible Pipe Raceway [2]Synthetic Liner Race~ay []None [X~Unknown ~.Other *Describe Make & Model: be 8. Tank Tightness ' ]~-~--Thls Tan~Been Tightness Tested? FqYes ~]No r"lUnknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank~ ~-----~]~Repaired? []Yes [~No []Unknown Date(s) of Rapair(s) ,10. Describe Repairs Overfill Protection [~Operator Fill's,' Controls, & Visually Monitors Level [~Tape Float Gauge. []Float Vent Valves []Auto Shut- Off controls [2]Capacitance Sensor ~]Sealed Fill Box []None ~Unkno~ [~Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Pipmng a. Underground Piping: 5~Yes [2]No []Unknown Material Unknown' Thickness (inches) Diameter . . Manufacturer' [2]Pressure ~Suction []Gravity ApproXimate Length of Pipe R~ ~0' b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : . [-~Galvanized [-~Fiberglass-Clad [-]Imp~essed current [~sacrificial Anode []Po!yethylen~ Wrap ~Electrical Isolatic,% [2]Vinyl Wrap [~Tar.or Asphalt [~Unknown []None []Other (describe): Underground Piping, Secondary Contalrment: .. [2]Double-Wall ~Synthetic Liner System [-]None [~Unknown ' ac'il icy N~me . South "H'!' TANK ~ BA-03 ' (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR. EACH TANK) - ',,.:' .... -... FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK Ar.r. APPROPRIATE BOXES. '-':-:"-' Tank· is: OVaulted ONor~-Vaulted ODouble-Wall [~Single-Wa!l ' ~ Material '. .'.'- .... [']Carbon Steel..[]Stainless Steel Iq ~olyvinyl Chloride []Fiberglass<lad'stee1  Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Al'~uinum []Bronze Other (describe)' 3. Primary Containment Date Installed q'nickness (Inches) Unknown Unknown 4. Tank Seconc~ary Con'taimnent []Double-Wail ~Synthetic Liner []Other (describe): []Material 5. Tank Interior Linin~ ---~Rubber [] Alkyd []Epoxy []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection m Capacity (Gallons) 1,000 [:]Lined Vault []None Thickness (Inches) []:]Phenol ic [] Glass Manufacturer Unknown r~ Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) []Clay []t~lined ~]~kno~n ~Galvanized ~ass-Clad []~olyethylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrapping ~Tar or Asphalt [t~Unknown []None []Other (describe): ~ Cathodic Protection: [~None []Impressed Current System ~l~acrificial Anode Syst~ Describe System & Equi[3ment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Intercepfion a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks Only) ~]Groundwater Monitorirg'Well(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) [:]U-Tube Without Liner r-]Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing [']None []Unknown [~Other Yank J$ empty and out of ser¥ice Piping: ~lFlo~-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipirz3' ~Monitoring SL~p with Raceway []Sealed Concrete Race~ly [~Half-Cut Ccmpatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race~ay []None ~ Unknown ~'~ Other *Describe' M~ke & Model: ~U-Tube with C~patible Liner Directing Flow,to Monitoring Well(s)* ~ _[]VaPOr Detector* [-]Liquid Level Sensor* [-]Conductivit~ Sensor* ~Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Doubie Wall Tank []Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Frcm U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space e Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank ~ ~ Repaired? []Yes []]No []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs []Yes ][]No []Unknown Results of Test Testing Company · 10. Overfill Protection 11. ~]Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level [']Tape Float Gauge. [~Float Vent Valves FqAuto Shut- Off controls [~Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box []None []Unknown Q']Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices a. UndergroUnd Piping: ~]Yes -[:]NO []Unknown MateriaI UnknoWn'-~ 'Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer'. . []Pressure [~]Suction f']Gravity Approximate .Length of Pipe R~u ~'5' b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : .. []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []Lmp~essed Current []SacrifiCial'An~de [-]Polyethylene Wrap []Elec:trical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap []Tar.or Asphalt. i~rlUnknown r~None []Other (describe): . · . . ..'~...;' .'. c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: . .. []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System []NOne [~Unknown '~'!'~'~'">'<!~]~":'":'"," ~NVq., ~.LIWAA F __ FENCI~ .~ ol'loP ' ..~NOP . WAF, EH OU 5E (gA~ 5HO? FENCe .~ ....... ?LOT ?LAN ~ GttOWINC~ I~URIED TANR.~ ~0~ ::JNI~gVI4 ~lOHC~