HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN (2) CITY OF ~::' 'OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES.' ' i7i h "}'~ fie d' (66 '32~ -:3 5 C ester AVe,, Bakers , i CA 11 6 97'~ : ' ' ,~ERFORM A TANK TIGHTNESS TEST/ APPLiCATiON CONTAINMENT }io --,--,i, --,~-~Ec'c~;DA~Y ,TESTING 'FACtorY " ~C~~°7~ : ": 'PE~ TO OPERA~ g ~ pERAToRS ~g~ .' .:.: :~ ~ : , N~ ~ · .~ ' I , , , ' ~ & pHO~ gER OF ONTA ER ON ff~C ~ ~THOD "" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~: ''~; .i ~:~.;'..~ !~.~' OF~S~ROR ~SPE ~' n~ ' ~ :.: ""' 'q: '.'" CERT~CATION $ " ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' i -- t . ,. ?.,o, , .. ,. "5';;.~':' :,: :" ' ~ " '~ :' ;"':; ~' '" '" ~mPROVEDBy , ,'IDA~ ':~: ' sI6NA~'O~ ' " '" ..... ' ' ' '~i,~ ~, ~:,~ :' ":""~ '' '? '::'~ ' I '" i 'i i; BILLING & PERMIT ST [ EMENT BakeOeld Fire Dept. PREVENTION SERVICES Fire Safety Services * Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 'UST/AST PERMIT, TANK TESTING ~ -- ~.~ ~ '~-¢~ ~ 82 I STATE SURCHARGE 86 TENTS, LPG, FIREWORKS, POWDER/OTHER PERMITS 84I COPIES/REPORTS ~ 89 FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION INSPECTOR: [ TIME SPENT: C~,~RGES: ~ CHARGES CODE: REASON and DATE FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION OF INSPECTION: TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): NOTES: CUSTOMER'SIGNATURE: fl INSPECTE~RECEIVER SIGN~URE: t ,,~ ~/ ORIGINAL WHITE: FINANCE CUSTOMER: PINK OFFICE: YELLOW FO1734 (rev. 12/03) CAL VALLEY PAGE 08/69/2004 09:28 6613252529 . ! CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENViRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-397 APPLICATION TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION ADDRESS /7,0/ ~'e.~'z OPERATORS NAME_. OWNERS N~E ~ NA~ OF MON~OR DOES FACILtTY HAVE DISPENSER PANS? TANK # VOLUME YES_F__ CONTENTS it7 ct_ NAME OFTESTINO coMPANY~ C~,I-I/~ti.~ CONTRACTORS LI~NSE N~ & PHONE NU~ OF CO~A~ P~$ON DA~ & ~ ~T IS TO BE COND~ APPROVED BY 88/12/2884 16:38 6613252529 OAL VALLEY PAGE O2 Bldg. No,:. Date ot'Testing/ServtcinB: _~/ MONITORING sYSTEM CERTIFICATION For U.~e By All J, rL~Ih:ttot!~ ~flthtn the State of Gal~,'nia . ~ . /,th~tty Cited: C~pter ~. 7. Health and,q~ety C~e; C~I~ 16, Di~ton 3. Titts 23, ~l~fornia C~e oJ ~egutatlon.~ This form mt~ ~ ~scd 1o d~ement t~ting and se~icin~ of monRorin8 equipment. A scpa~te ceuificatlon or repo~ must be prepared for each monitoring sys~m canal panel by ~o I~hnician who peffo~s the wo~. A copy of Chh fo~ meal be ~vi~d to the tnnk system owneffo~tor, ~e o~erlop~tor must ~bmit a ~py of this term to the local agency regulating dST systems wtUdn 30 days of test date. A. General Information Facility Nmne: ~.~e~G'e/~ ~'~ ~ ~l; Site Add~s:,~~ a~, ' !.~.0 [ '-~C[~ City: ~~a'~/~ Facility Contaa~ Person: Co.ta~t Phone No.: (. M~odel of Monitoring System: ~d~;~ ~ 7a~ee~-.~ ~-25g B. Inventory of Equipment Teated/Certified Check the nll~rol.prlate boxes lo Indicate Ipeciflc equipment Inlp~ceedlservi~edl Model: Model: Mad=l: TanklD: . .~-- ~'? * In-Tank Onoglng Probe. Model: Annular ~pacc or Vault Sea.or. ~ Plplng $ump/ Trench ~ Fill Sump ~ M~hanl~l Line ~ E~tronlc Line L~k D~lor. M~el: ~ Tank eretria t High-Level Sensor. Model: ~ ~cr (sp~lry ~q~ipmcnt type a~d.m~l in ~cflo~ .E on Pa~c 2)' /n-Tank Oaugins'Pmbe. Model: Annular Space or Vault Sen.~or. Model: Piping Sump / Trench FlU Sump goner(s), Model: Meclmnicnl l.tne I~nk I)~e~lot, Model: El~trtmtc I, inc Leek Del~tor, Model: Scctloo I~ on Parc 2): Tank ID: C3 In-Tauk Gauging Probe. Model: C] Annular Space or Vault 8en.~m. Model: C] piping ~mp I T~nch S~r(s). M~eI: ~ Fill Sump 3enseCo), Model: ~ M~hanical Linc Le~ Detector. Model: O 81ect~nio Line Leak D~catoT. Model: CI Taflk Overfill I ].]lsh-l,evcl Sensor. Model: ,,CI, Oth~ {npecl~..esuipmcnt type and modal in.$e .etlon IZ on I'n~e 2~l., , Tank ID: In-T~mk GnuBlng Probe. Model: Annular Space or Vault Sensor, Model: Piping 8ump / Trench ~enaor(a). Model; ~'ill Sump $cnsorCs). Model: Mech,'mleal I. il~c Leak I')elector, Modcl: I51ealroni¢ Line Leak Detector, Model; Tank Ov¢~flll / liq:ll-Lcvcl 8en.qor. Mmleh Otb? ts?ct fy_.~ul~p_m._enl ty, pe a.n_d model Iff Dbpenaer fl): Dispenser Contalnmcnt ~easor(a). Model: Shear Ynlvc(s). $ccli,,o, n I[ on Page 2)., 'rank Overfill / lligh.l.cvel Sensor, Modal: Other (Sl~ciry eq~ipm~t type and model In Di~cnser Cnnleinment 8~sor(s). Model: .Nhc,r Vnlvc(.~). Dispenser  Dl~cnser Ccmialnmea! Sensor(a), Model: · ~hear Valve(n), Dlapenser ID: (;3 Dispenser Cnntainment Sensor(s), Model: C] Shear Valve(a), Containment FI °If the ~¢illly di~epen~era, ¢O1~ C. Certification - I certlry that the equlpme~*t Dispen~er ID: - O Dispenser Containment Sen.~or(~). Model: I"1 Sheaf' Vefvg(a). Containment Obpeneer C] Dbpenser Containment Sea.nor(,), Modch C] ~hear Valve(a). and Chalnl facility, Identified Id thio document w.s f.spectodfaervleed in .c¢ord.nee with the mqnuraetorers' I~uldelines. Attached to (hie Certification ia Intermatlon to. Il:. maqoract, rera' checklbfs) #eeeaanry fo verify (hat Information I! carrel( and n Plot Plan ~howlng the layoul or mo#ltorlag eqllipmeuL Per any equipment e~lpnble of l~eneratln~ .uch reports, I have also attached a copy of the rcportl (check oUIA~ ~)l ~ System set-up O Alarm history report Technician N~me (print): ~Cc ~. , 8i~elum: ~ .... ~~ T~Ung Company Name:_~/._~/~W ~pme--r 'Phone No,:(~&/ )~.~/ , Site Addre~: / 26~ ~//'~ ~ ~~/~/~: ~ Date ofTestin~Servicin8: ~ (~ ~ ~onitorluRSystem Certification ~ F : , [ ~ '~ PAGE 03 08/12/2004 16:38 6613252529 OAL VALLEY D. R~sults olrTe~¢ing/ServicinK ' Com~ the Following checklist: ~ ~ Is thc audible alarm operutionel? ~ ~ Were e nment and positioned so thet otb. er equipment , not ifltu'fere with their proper operat?,on? ~S t3 No* if alarms are relayed to a rG~ote ,~o~',;~,~ steP,or,, is all communications e~uip.~nt {e.g, m~e~) ~ N/A operational? Yes ~ ~o* For pr~suri~e~ pipf.~ system~ d~he lupine ~tomntice]iy shut down Ir the piping ~eco. de~ ~ N/A m~itor~ng system deters a leak, ~ails to opem~ or ts e~ricalty discon~ted? IF y~: which seflso~ initiate positive shut-down? ~C/~ nil ~ot ~p~) ~ Su~p~cnch Sen~; 0 Dispenser ~on/ntnment Sensors. Did yqu confirm ~sitlv~ slmt-down due ~ T~k~ ~d sensor ~ilur~dlsconnection? 0 Yes; 0 ~o. Yes 0 No; ' For ~nk ~sfcms that utili~ the mon;~m~,~ sYet~ as the' prima~ teflk ~verfill ~ming dzvlce ti,e. no m~hanlcal overfill prevention valve is jnSt~led), is the overfill weming ele~ visible and audible st the tank ~ N/A fill iht s) end opereting prop~rfy? if so, at what percent o~nk ~ci~ d~s the alarm triter? Y~' U No ~ snitCh;nE e~ipment mPi~Md? ]'Y~, identify ~c~fic ~nsor~ pm~s, or other equ,pmem rcpl ced and list the manu~c~F~F name ~d model ~r all m~fncemcnt pa~s in Section E~ ~low. YeS* O NO Wes liquid foun~ ~nside ~ seconda~ c~h~t s~teme d~igned as dw systems7 (Check' ell that ~ ~roduct; ~ W~tcr. lfyes~descfl~ ~ps~ ~ Section E, below ...... Ve~ O No* Wu monitoring Syst~ e~t-~,p revi~ to e~ p~ope~ setd~as? ~tt~ch ~e~ up ~po~S, i~ eppiiCabte . --~'VeS ~ No' I, all ~onltorln~ equipment op..~ona~ Per manu~e~t,?r', s~c~cations~: ,. , * In Section E below, describe how mid when these deltcle~ie.q were or ., :' -.,. _ . _ E,, Commc,,~:~/ ~o?-t ~ ~[e~ ~ ~' ~.~.,~ ~ '~1~ ~A~ ... ~-~ 08/12/2004 16:38 6613252529 F. In-Tnnk Gaugin~ / ~lR K, qulpment: CAL VALLEY PAGE 04 Check Ihia box ii'tank §au§in§ is used only rot inventory control. Ch~k this ~x irno lank gauging or SIR equipment is inslall~d. This section must be complcted if in-tank gauging equipment is used to pert'erin leak detection monitoring.. leto the followin checklist: ' includtn~, le~tln~ ~r~fld ¢eult~? Yes O No' Has ell Input wiring been in~c,d ror~eren~nnd~m[n~h~ .......... ~or Y~ ~ No* were all t~;~ gauging pr~be~-~Sua';i~ ]n~p~d ro~ d~ ~d residue buildup? YeS Q No* Was a~uracy o;;ystem product le~el Yes ~ No* Was accuracy nfs~tem'~[er level ~ ~ed? .... Yes ~ No* Were all pmb~ ~i~;tal[~ properly9 Yea ~ No* ~e~e all items nfl the equipatent manu~r'n m~ifl~enance checkfis[ completed? * In lite Section I.l, below, describe how nnd when I. he.,m deflcleneles were or will be corrected. (~. L,ine L, eak Detectors (LL,O): . c3 Check this box tr LLO$ are not installed. Coat')lete the followl, checklist: Yes O No* For equipment Mart-up or annual equlpatent certlltcatlon, was a leak slmulaled in ~r~ Li,,t~ porte, anne? ~ NIA ~h~k all fl~ ~pply) Simulat~ leak ~te: O 3 g.p.h.; O O, I g.p.h; O 0.2 g.p. ll, Yes 0 No' Were all LLDI neaR'ed operational and a~u~ ~ithln reguleto~ ~quJremen~? ~es O Noe ~or mechani~l LLDa, does Ihe ~LD m~ ~roduct flow ir ~'~et~e a leak? Yes ~ Mo* F~ ele~tronic ~O;, do~s ~e turbine nuto~ically abut off ir ~e LLO ~etect; I leak? ' 0 NIA Y~ ~ N°* For el~lronic LLDs, da~ the turbine .uto~ati~lly sJmt o~¢ ~¢ an~'portian of the monitorin~ sy,t~ is ~J~bled ~ N/A or di~o.nected? Ye~ ~ N~' For ~Jecbo~i¢ Lt. Ds. does the turbine ~matl~ily shut off' i¢ any ~dion or the ~ N/A malfunctions or ~ails a Its(? Y~s' Q No'~ Fm eJectroni¢ ~LDs, h~ve'~ll nc~ible wiring e~e~ions be~n visu~ll~ in~pected? Q N/A Ye~ ' ~ No; Were all hems ~;~'lhe eq~lp~en~ atanurnetOrer'~ maintennnce chcckllsl In the Section 14, below, t/ascribe how end wlteu these deflelenele~ were or wily be entree(ed. il. Comments: Pap 3 or 3 o3/of