HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTEhydrologue, Inc. Consulting Engineers & Geologists Remediation Engineering Hazardous Substances Geology and Hydrogeology Geotechnical Engineering December 19, 1995 Project No.: 1229-01 Mr. Nick Lacotti Caldwell International Incorporated P.O.Box 1866 Roswell, Georgia 30077 Subject: Soil Compaction Report 1324 Ensley Drive Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Lacotti: Submitted herein is the result of the observation and testing performed on November 14, 1995 during the operation of backfill placement and compaction of the excavation at the above referenced address (see Figure 1). The construction operation included excavation, removal of the hydrocarbon impacted soil, placement as well as compaction of the backfill of the excavated area (created as a result of the removal of the soil), and resurfacing with concrete (Figure 2). The placement and compaction of the backfill were performed by Dargahi & Associates, a licensed contractor in state of California (#663798), under the observation and testing of Hydrologue Consulting Engineers and Geologists. All the operations were performed using a Bobcat Loader, and a Mechanical Loader. l I 55 East Green Street · Pasadena, CA 91106 ' · Tel. (818) 585 - 9696 · Fax (818) 585 - 0046 Caldwell International Inc. page 2 of 4 Project No.: 1229-01 LABORATORY TESTING Imported clean soil was used as backfill material. The backfill material consisted of light brown slightly silty sand with some fine gravel similar in nature to the existing on-site artificial material. The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the backfill material was determined in accordance with the ASTM D-1557-91 Method by hydrologue who performed on-site compaction testing. The results are as follows: Maximum Dry Density Optimum Moisture Content 121 pounds per cubic foot 10.5 percent SITE PREPARATION and FILL PLACEMENT Prior to placement of fill material, construction debris, deleterious materials, and loose soils were removed to expose the firm natural ground. The fill was then placed in 6 to 8 inches lifts, and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. Relative compaction is defined as the ratio of field dry density to laboratory maximum dry density. A total of nine (9) field dry density tests were performed in accordance with ASTM-1556, the Sand Cone Method. The test results are presented in the following table: hydrologue, Inc. Caldwell International Inc. page 3 of 4 Project No.: 1229-01 Results of Field Density_ Tests Test Test date Test Depth Dry Density Water Relative Remarks No. (inches) (PCF) Cont.(%) Comp. (%) 1 11-14-95 16 110.1 8.2 91 Pass 2 11-14-95 16 95.3 6.0 79 Fail 3 11-14-95 14 90.8 7.5 75 Fail 4 11-14-95 16 112.0 9.3 93 Re-Test (Pass) 5 11-14-95 8 110.0 10.1 91 Pass 6 11-14-95 14 109.0 9.1 90 Re-Test (Pass) 7 11-14-95 5 113.0 10.0 93 Pass 8 11-14-95 5 111.3 10.2 92 Pass 9 11-14-95 5 110.1 10.7 91 Pass Notes: PCF Pounds per Cubic Feet The locations of field density tests and limits of compacted fill are shown in Figure 2. The average depth of fill placed was two (2) feet. A Bobcat Loader was used to spread the backfill soil evenly within the excavation area. The Bobcat and a mechanical compacter were then used to compact the fill. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The field density test have indicated that the compacted fills have exceeded 90 percent relative compaction, hydrologue recommends that a copy of this report to be submitted for review to the City of Bakersfield at the following address: hydrologue, Inc. Caldwell International Inc. page 4 of 4 Project No.: 1229-01 Mr. Reggie Lee Building Department City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 LIMITATION hydrologue has prepared this report for the exclusive use of Caldwell International Inc., and other authorized parties. The findings and conclusions presented herein are based primarily upon the laboratory analyses of soil samples collected during' this and previous studies. All work has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted practices in the fields of environmental engineering, geology, and hydrogeology that exist in this or similar localities at this time. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. hydrologue appreciates the opportunity to provide you with our geotechnical service. If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, hydrol°gue, Inc. Seyed Morteza Mortazavi, Ph. Dr". R.G.E.//2216 Enclosures: Site Map Location of Field Tests Laboratory Test hydrologue, Inc. ENCLOSURES hydrologue, Inc. N A ;LIENT 'OC^T,O. '1324 ENSLEY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TITLE I FIGURE =ROJECT SITE LOCATION MAP1229 [NUMBE~ hydrologue. Inc..~ GE.E~.',.,,,Es~ Consulting Engineers & Geologists LEGEND: 1 · N LIMIT OF FORMER EXCAVATION FIELD TEST LOCATION SCALE 0 7 feet CLIENT LOCATION 1324 ENSLEY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TITLE FIGURE LOCATION OF FIELD TESTS .uM.ER 2 :)ROJECT 1229-01 11/30/95 hydrologue, Inc., ~"~'~:""~ Consulting Engineers & Geologists MOISTURE - DENSITY JRVES Sample N° ~ ~J_ ....... Location Sample Taken By 140 130 120 -,, I10 ID'. ' ~..100 Z 9O ,,' Tested By Job N9 Depth Dote , Test N°_ Water Added Wt. of Soil-t- Mold Wt. of Mold Net Wt. of Wet Soil Factor ' ~ Wet Density lbs/cu, ft. Dry Density lbs/cu, ft. MOISTURE ' Tare Ne- . "' Wet Wt.' of Soil + Tare -' Dry Wt. of Soil+ Tare ' Net Wt. of Moisture Loss Wt. of Tare Net Wt. of Dry Soil Moisture % of Dry. Wt. DETER MiN'~.Ti Gravity ;2~80 80 · 70 ~ 0 I0 20 Soil Classification Method of Compaction__ ~ ~" Percent of Passing 3/4" /4'"~-)~ - - N° 4 I ~ Maximum Dry Density !t~t .... lbs/cu, ft. 30 40 MOISTURE AS % OF DRY WEIGHT 50¸ Group Symbol hydrologue, Inc. ., Consultin~ En?,incer~ ~ (;col(qzi,~t~ , .... of SOiL REMEDiATiON.. .... 1324·En_leyDrive ~ ~ -.Bakersfield,.California -- Caldwell Intemntionai Inc0rpomted :' ' ' ' '. '- December19,199 i':. :' '"-: .--..-.. . - · .' .hydr ue~-inc. '"- : /'- .: 'Consulting Engineer's and Geologists ! 1155EasiGreonStreet ®. ~asadena, CA91106 · Phone(818)585.9696, ® 'Fax (,.818) 58~o046 '' 'l REPORT ! of I SOIL REMEDIATION at I 1324 Ensley Drive Bakersfield, California I Prepared for: I Caldwell International Incorporated P.O.Box 1866 I Roswell, Georgia 30077 I I December 19, 1995 I I Project No. 1229-01 I Prepared by: I Hydrologue Inc. vi Ph.D. () / <' MORTAX. A¥1 Seyed Morteza Mortaza ', .D. 0 I i ......... "" Principal Hydrogeologist/Engineer ~ No. 5326 I R.G. No. 5326 ~~ R.C.E. No. 44091 X,~ I I hydrologue, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Hydrologue Field Investigation ................................................................................................. 2 2.0 SOIL REMEDIAL OPERATION ............................................................................................. 2 2.1 Soil Excavation .......................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Soil Sampling ............................................................................................................................. 3 2.3 Soil Treatment ............................................................................................................................ 4 2.4 Soil Compaction ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.5 Slab-on-Grade (Concrete Resurfacing) ...................................................................................... 4 2.6 Air Monitoring ........................................................................................................................... 4 2.7 House Cleaning .......................................................................................................................... 4 3.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS ....................................................................................................... 5 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................... 6 5.0 LIMITATION ............................................................................................................................ 6 FIGURES: Figure 1: Figure 2: Site Location Map Site Plan TABLES Table 1: Table 2: Analytical Results of Soil Samples As Collected and Reported by EPS Analytical Results of Soil Samples Collected by Hydrologue APPENDICES: Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Laboratory Analytical Reports Chain-of-Custody Records Soil Treatment Certification Laboratory Certificate Site Photographs hydrologue, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of soil sampling and analysis associated with the soil remedial operation in a single family residence located at 1324 Ensley Drive, Bakersfield, California (Site, Figure 1). The soil at the subject Site had been impacted by gasoline leaked from a vehicle parked inside the garage. The purpose of the soil remedial operation was to remove the hydrocarbon impacted soil from the subject Site. 1.1 Background Based on the documents provided to hydrologue Inc. ("Hydrologue") by Ron Phares & Co (RPC), in August 1995 an accidental release of approximately 22 gallons of gasoline fuel occurred at the above referenced Site. The RPC insurance claim report indicated that gasoline leaked from a vehicle parked inside the house garage at the Site, while the property owner, Mr. Jeff Andrew, was away on vacation. The gasoline spill occurred near the center area of the attached garage which includes three parking spaces (Figure 2). Prior to the incident, the vehicle had been taken to Sanghera Autohaus, Inc. for repairs where the fuel pump was replaced. The gasoline reportedly percolated beneath the concrete slab through the expansion joints and existing crack in the concrete slab. The property owner contacted EPS Engineering Services, Inc. (EPS) and requested EPS to conduct a Site inspection at his residence to determine the extent of soil contamination. On August 18, 1995, EPS performed a Site inspection and investigated the potential levels of soil contamination and recommended for soil remediation. The proposed remediation process consisted of excavation and aeration of the excavated material for decontamination prior to disposal. On August 18 and 29, 1995 and September 1, 1995, EPS conducted air monitoring using an Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA)/FID to determine the presence of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) inside the house. The air monitoring results showed that concentrations of VOCs were detected ranging from 25 to 250 parts per million (ppm) in the garage. Concentrations of VOCs ranging from 2 to 30 ppm were detected inside the house (EPS report, dated September 8, 1995). From September 18 through September 26, 1995, EPS collected several soil samples from the surface of the impacted area down to approximately 20 inches below ground surface (bgs) using a hand auger. Analytical results of collected soil samples showed that the largest concentrations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPH-G) was 1,543.5 p.g/kg at 10 inches bgs (Table 1). Only two soil samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX). The largest concentration of benzene was 62 gg/kg at 8 inches bgs (Table 1). Chain-of-Custody Record Forms were not available to Hydrologue and are not included in this hydrologue, Inc. I I I I Report of Soil Remediation 1324 Ensley Drive, Bakersfield, California Project No.: 1229-01 report. The laboratory analytical results of soil samples are shown in Table 1 as prepared by EPS 1.2 Hydrologue Field Investigation Hydrologue was later retained by Caldwell International Inc. and its representative, RPS, to perform a Site observation on October 9, 1995. Present at the Site were Patrick Mbaba of EPS and the residence owner. According to EPS, the garage and the house were aerated after the discovery of the gasoline leak, and the residents were asked to vacate the house and to live in another home. On or about October 1, 1995, the existing concrete slab had been demolished and removed in preparation for soil remediation, and the soil beneath the concrete slab was aerated. i I I I I Hydrologue dug out three areas XA, XB and XC near the center of the garage to approximately 20 inches bgs to determine the presence of hydrocarbons in the soil (Figure 2). Only location XA showed a slight hydrocarbon odor (Figure 2). Soil at each location was collected and sealed in a plastic bag and was placed under the sun to enhance volatilization of VOCs emanating from the soil. A Photovac Microtip Model 1000 Photo Ionization Detector (PID) was then used to detect the presence of VOCs. There were no VOCs detected by the PID from any of the soil samples examined at the Site, even from the area with slight hydrocarbon odor. Hydrologue was then retained by Caldwell International Inc. to carry out the EPS recommended soil remediation at the Site. After evaluating all available information provided by EPS on the lateral and vertical extent of soil impacted by gasoline hydrocarbons, Hydrologue proceeded with the recommended soil remediation. I I I I I I I 2.0 Soil Remedial Operation 2.1 Soil Excavation The soil excavation and sampling program was conducted in conformance with the regulatory specifications of Cal/OSHA requirements. The Office of Environmental Services in the City of Bakersfield, and the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District, Southern Region, were contacted and notified regarding the soil remedial operation. A Health and Safety Plan was also prepared and followed during the field activities. On November 14, 1995, soil remedial operation started, and soil in areas where the concrete slab was previously demolished was excavated. Based on the available information on the extent of hydrocarbon impacted soil, the depth of excavation was determined as approximately two (2) feet bgs. All excavation activities were carried out by Dargahi & Associates, a licensed contractor in the state of California (#663798). Upon removal of the soil from the excavation area, the hydrocarbon impacted soil was transported to CleanSoils California, Inc. (CSC) in Bakersfield, California for treatment and recycling. I hydrologue, Inc. I I :1 ! I I I I I I I I l I I I I Report of Soil Remediation 1324 Ensley Drive, Bakersfield, California Project No.: 1229-01 Soil excavation continued until November 15, 1995, when additional excavation was performed on the southern segment of the garage area and in the driveway area outside the garage (Figure 2). The additional soil excavation was performed in areas where trace levels of hydrocarbons were detected in the corresponding soil samples collected and analyzed. Then, additional soil samples were collected and analyzed to confirm that hydrocarbon impacted soil has been removed. Upon completion of excavation actix;ities, the excavation area was backfilled with clean soil, the soil was compacted, and a compaction test was subsequently performed to confirm adequate compaction. All compaction test activities were carded out by Hydrologue geologist under the direct supervision of a California Registered Geotechnical Engineer (R.G.E). 2.2 Soil Sampling Based on the original scope of work, two soil samples had been planned to be collected and analyzed. Because of field observations by Hydrologue geologist who suspected possibility of the presence of trace concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons in the soil, additional soil samples were collected for analysis. One (1) soil sample was collected from each wall of excavation (SSSW-1, SSWW-1, SSNW-1, SSEW-1, Figure 2), and one (1) soil sample SSOA-1 was collected from the excavation in the driveway. Three (3) soil samples SPS-1, through SPS-3 were collected from the soil stockpile prior to transportation for off-site disposal. Based on the laboratory results of collected samples, further excavation was conducted on the southern portion of the garage and the driveway. Four (4) confirmation soil samples (SSOA-2, SSOA-3, SSBS-2, SSSW-2, Figure 2) were collected after completion of additional excavation. Two (2) soil samples SSCS-1, SSCS-2 were collected from the imported clean soil to ensure lack of hydrocarbon contamination prior to backfilling. Furthermore, Hydrologue's PID probe was utilized on the stockpiled soil to determine if volatile hydrocarbon vapors were emanating directly from the soil. There were no detectable concentrations of VOCs as measured by the PID. No visual or olfactory evidence of hydrocarbon was noted by Hydrologue. Hydrologue geologist utilized a clean hand trowel to collect the soil samples from the excavation and stockpile at approximately 2 feet depth inside the soil stockpile. The samples were placed in 2.5-inch diameter brass rings covered with aluminum foil and plastic cap on one end. After sample recovery, the open end of each container was covered with aluminum foil and plastic caps taped over the ends, then sealed in Ziploc plastic bags. Prior to use, all sampling tools and implements were washed in a non-phosphate cleanser solution, rinsed with tap water and then distilled water. The soil samples were sealed, labeled with the sample identifications, dated with time of sampling and Hydrologue project number, and were immediately placed into a chilled ice chest containing frozen blue and/or crushed ice. The samples were logged on chain-of-custody record forms (see Appendix B). I I hydrologue, Inc. Report of Soil Remediation 1324 Ensley Drive, Bakersfield, California Project No.: 1229-01 2.3 Soil Treatment Immediately after excavation, the hydrocarbon impacted soil was transported off-site and was delivered to the CSC facility located in Bakersfield, California for treatment. CSC facility is equipped with Low Temperature Thermal Desorption system that removes the volatile hydrocarbon vapors from the impacted soil by pre-heating and then destroys the removed hydrocarbons by thermal oxidation. Appendix C contains the manifest and destruction certificate for the treatment of 43.02 tons of soil removed from the Site. 2.4 Soil Compaction On November 15, 1995, the excavation area was backfilled and compacted. A soil compaction report dated December 19, 1995 was prepared by Hydrologue and was submitted to Caldwell International Incorporated. 2.5 Slab-on-Grade (Concrete Resurfacing) On November 16, 1995, the backfilled area was prepared for concrete work. The approximate slab thickness of five (5) to seven (7) inches, size of reinforcing wire mesh, number, and placement of the expansion joints were chosen to match the existing concrete slab. The concrete slab was underlain by a 6-mil visqueen liner placed over the compacted fill. One (1) inch of clean sand was placed between the concrete slab and the visqueen liner to aid in curing. 2.6 Air Monitoring During excavation activities, Hydrologue monitored vapor concentrations in the ambient air around the excavation area using a handheld Photovac Microtip Photoionizer Detector (PID) Model MP-1000 calibrated against an isobutene gas standard. There were no concentrations of volatile hydrocarbons detected with the PID monitor. No visual or olfactory evidence of hydrocarbon contamination was noted by Hydrologue. On November 16, 1995, Hydrologue conducted air monitoring inside the house using the PID probe, and there were no VOCs detected. 2.7 House Cleaning Prior to the start of soil remedial operation, the property owner had complained about the generated dust as a result of previous concrete removal activities where the dust had spread inside the house. The property owner requested house cleaning services upon completion of the 4 hydrologue, Inc. '1 I I I I I ! I I I I I I I 'i I Report of Soil Remediation 1324 Ensley Drive, Bakersfield, California Project No.: 1229-01 soil remedial operation. Hydrologue hired a local agency in the City of Bakersfield for all necessary .cleaning as requested and approved by the property owner. Additionally prior to excavation activities, the garage doorway leading to the house interior was sealed off with visqueen liner and tape to prevent dust from entering the house. 3.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS All collected soil samples were delivered for analytical testing to BC Laboratories, Inc. of Bakersfield, a state of California certified laboratory. BC Laboratories is certified for all tests completed as part of this soil remedial operation (Appendix D). Each soil sample was analyzed for TPH-G using Modified EPA Method 8015, and BTEX by EPA Method 8020. Additionally, one soil sample was also analyzed for CAM Metals by EPA Method SW-846, as requested by the soil treatment/recycling facility (CSC). Soil samples were analyzed for gasoline hydrocarbons on a "Rush Order" request from the' laboratory with a two-hour turnaround time. The quick turnaround time was necessary for the on-site Hydrologue geologist to determine the locations where further hydrocarbon impacted soil had to be excavated. The analytical results of the soil samples are shown in Table 2, and the laboratory reports are presented in Appendix A. TPH-G, Benzene, and total Xylenes were not detected (ND) in any of the soil samples analyzed (Table 2). Sample SSOA-1 contained trace concentrations of Toluene, and Ethylbenzene at 0.009 rog/kg and 0.006 mg/kg, respectively (Table 2). After additional soil excavation at the location of SSOA-1, a confirmation soil sample SSOA-2 was collected at the bottom of excavation area. There was no Ethylbenzene, and only trace concentration of Toluene (0.01 mg/kg) below the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water was detected in SSOA-2 (Table 2). After further soil excavation in the area arotmd SSOA-2, another confirmation soil sample SSOA-3 was collected at the bottom of the final excavation. There were no TPH-G and BTEX detected in the soil sample SSOA-3 (Table 2). Samples SSSW-1 and SSBS-1 contained concentrations of Toluene at 0.017 mg/kg and 0.021 rog/kg, respectively (Table 2). After additional excavation, the confirmation samples SSSWo2 and SSBS-2 contained no TPH-G and BTEX. Stockpile soil sample SPS-1 contained Toluene at 0.025 mg&g, SPS-2 contained Toluene and Ethylbenzene at 0.047 and 0.006 mg/kg, respectively, and there were no TPH-G and BTEX concentrations detected in SP-3. Two soil samples SSCS-1 and SSCS-2 were collected from the imported clean soil for backfilling, and there were no TPH-G and BTEX detected in the soil samples. hydrologue, Inc, I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I Report of Soil Remediation 1324 Ensley Drive, Bakersfield, California Project No.: 1229-01 4.0 CONCLUSIONS and RECOMMENDATION Based on the information contained herein, it is Hydrologue's opinion that the Site assessment activities have been completed. Hydrologue recommends that a copy of this report to be submitted for review to the City of Bakersfield at the following address: Mr. Howard Wines Hazardous Material Technician Office of Environmental Services City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Suite #300 Bakersfield, California 93301 5.0 LIMITATION Hydrologue has prepared this report for the exclusive use of Caldwell International Inc., and other authorized parties. The findings and conclusions presented herein are based primarily upon the laboratory analyses of soil samples collected during this and previous studies. All work has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted practices in the fields of environmental engineering, geology, and hydrogeology that exist in this or similar localities at this time. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. P:\REPORTS\GENERAL\R PH REM.DOC hydrologue, Inc. I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURES I I CLIENT 'OC,",T~ON 1324 ENSLEY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TITLE SITE LOCATION MAP :~ROJECT 1229 hydrologue, Inc... Consulting Engineers & Geologists GENERAL:PHARESLM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I il I SCALE 0 7 feet LEGEND: ~-'T,..'~' ~.T I ~-.;~';'~ .~ ~'1 SSSW-2 {~ XC · LIMIT OF FORMER EXCAVATION CONFIRMATORY SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION 11/1995 PRELIMINARY SOl L SAMPLE LOCATION 10/1995 CLIENT LOCATION 1324 ENSLEY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TITLE FIGURE SITE PLAN NUUSER 2 PROJECT 1229-01 11/30/95 hydrologue, Inc. GE.E~L:..^.ES2 Consulting Engineers & Geologists I I I I ! ! I I I I I TABLES TABLE 1 Analytical Results of Soil Samples As Collected and Reported by EPS J.T. Andrews 1324 Ensley Drive, Bakersfield Report Date Lab No. Sample Id DEPTH(INS) Benzene 9/21/95 95-3367B-2 A-1 8 62.0 9/21/95 95-3367B-3 A-3 20 9/21/95 95-3367B-4 B-I 10 9/21/95 95-3367B-5 B-2 20 9/21/95 95-3367B-6 C-1 8 9/21/95 95-3367B-7 C-3 20 9/21/95 95-3367B-8 D-1 8 9/21/95 95-3367B-9 D-3 20 9/27/95 0549 E-1 6 nd 9/28/95 0549 Eol 6 9/27/95 0551 F-1 surface 9/27/95 0551 F-2 surface 9/27/95 0551 G-1 surface 9/27/95 0551 G2 surface 9/27/95 0551 H-1 * surface (see note) 9/27/95 0551 I-1 surface Prepared By: ENVIRONME3ITAL PROTECTION Bakersfield, CA Toluene Ethyl Benzene M+p Xylene o Xylene 416.5 196.0 76.0 1000 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.3 SERVICES, INC. TPH(Gasolme) 949.5 1,543.5 14.0 26.7 ND 320.4 12.0 98.8 PQL units 5 ug/g 5 ug/g 5 ug/g 5 u~,g 5 ug/g 5 ug/g 5 .g/g 5 u,g/g 0.3 mg&g 0.3 mg&g 0.3 mg/kg 0.3 mg&g 0.3 rog/kg 0.3 mg/kg 0.3 mg/kg 0.3 mg&g NOTE: .* Sample E-1 Lab No. 0551 is identified on site plan as "H", and should be designated as Sample I.D. H-1. Reference: EPS Communication I TABLE2 Analytical Results of Soil Samples Collected by hydrologue Sample Depth TPH-G B T E X ID inch mg/kg mg/kg rog/kg mg/kg mg/kg SSSW-1 18 ND ND 0.017 ND ND SSSW-2 18 ND ND ND ND ND S S WW- 1 18 ND ND ND ND ND S SEW- 1 18 ND ND ND ND ND SSNW-1 18 ND ND ND ND ND SSBS-1 22 ND ND 0.021 ND ND SSBS-2 24 ND ND ND ND ND SSOA-1 20 ND ND 0.009 0.006 ND SSOA-2 24 ND ND ND 0.01 ND SSOA-3 26 ND ND ND ND ND SSBN-1 22 ND ND ND ND ND SPS-1 24 ND ND 0.025 ND ND $P$-2 24 ND ND 0.047 0.006 ND SPS-3 24 ND ND ND ND ND SSCS-1 24 ND ND ND ND ND SSCS-2 24 ND ND ND ND ND ! I I I I I ! I I I I I I B E mg/kg ND T TPH-G X Benzene Ethylbenzene milligram of hydrocarbon per kilogram of impacted soil Not Detected Toluene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline total Xylenes I I I I I I ! I I I ! I ! ! I I I I I I APPENDICES I I I I I I I I I I i I I ! I I I Appendix A Laboratory Analytical Reports I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: SEYED MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 84B-585-9696 Page Date Reported: 11/15/95 Date Received: 11/14/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13622-4 BAKERSFIELD: SSSW-1 @ 18" EXCAVATION SD/~PLE Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/14/95 @ 12:03PM 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene 0.017 mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 86. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. I I ! i I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: S. MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Sample Matrix: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 848-585-9696 Date Reported: 11/16/95 Date Received: 11/15/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13668-2 B~dfERSFIELD: SSSW-2 ® 18" EXCAVATION SOIL SAMPLE SAMPLED BY JIMMY AVANCENA Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/15/95 ® 08:33AM 11/15/95 ~l/lS/gs 11/15/95 11/15/95 Practical I I I I I Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 89. % 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 (:DOAtlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805) 327-491 I · FAX(805) 327-1918 I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: SEYED MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 848-585-9696 Page Date Reported: 11/15/95 Date Received: 11/14/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13622-5 BAKERSFIELD: SSWW-1 ® 18" EXCAVATION SAMPLE Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(~): Date Analyzed-8015M(9): 11/14/95 @ 12:05PM 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 I, I I I I I I I I I i I Analysis Reportin~ Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 94. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. -.' "- .-~ c ~ . ~ ....... : ? a 9'~'~ . '?-2_.5~ ~-----_7 4~o'~ '~ - F~,X [ia©5] 3~_7-'' ~ '~ ,I I I I I I LABORATORIES Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: SEYED MORTAZAVI 848-585-9696 Date Reported: 11/15/95 Date Received: 11/14/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13622-6 Sample Description: BAKERSFIELD: SSEW-1 @ 18" EXCAVATION SAMPLE Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/14/95 @ 12:07PM 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 94. Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor listed in this report ere for the exclusive use of the submitting psfi¥. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility lot report atterstion, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: SEYED MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 848-585-9696 Page Date Reported: 11/15/95 Date Received: 11/14/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13622-3 BAKERSFIELD: SSNW-1 ® 18" EXCAVATION SAMPLE Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/14/95 ® 12:00PM 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 91. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: SEYED MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 848-585-9696 Page Date Reported: 11/15/95 Date Received: 11/14/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13622-8 BAKERSFIELD: SSBS-1 @ 22" EXCAVATION SAMPLE Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/14/95 @ 12:13PM 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene 0.021 mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 89. 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. I I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: S. MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Sample Matrix: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page Date Reported: 11/16/95 Date Received: 11/15/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13668-1 848-585-9696 BAKERSFIELD: SSBS-2 ® 24" EXCAVATION SOIL SAMPLE SAMPLED BY JIMMY AVANCENA Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/15/95 ® 08:30AM 11/15/95 1~/15/95 ~/~5/95 1~/15/95 Practical I I I I I I I I I I I I Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected Toluene None Detected Ethyl Benzene None Detected Total Xylenes None Detected Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected Surrogate % Recovery 98. 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~11.86 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100Atlas Ct. · Bskersfleld, CA 93308 · (805) 327-491 I · FAX (805) 327-1918 I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: S. MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 848-585-9696 Date Reported: 11/15/95 Date Received: 11/14/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13660-2 BAKERSFIELD: SSOA-1 ® 20" EXCAVATION BOTTOM SAMPLED BY JIMMY AVANCENA Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/14/95 ® 04:35PM 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected Toluene 0.009 Ethyl Benzene 0.006 Total Xylenes None Detected Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected Surrogate % Recovery 94. Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 SC~a~t O Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. c.~7~_ .:-,=-, - . ~ ...... .~ ~_~,~_?,r?_~ . ~~_7-4~ · ,I I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: S. MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Sample Matrix: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 848-585-9696 Date Reported: 11/16/95 Date Received: 11/15/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13668-3 BAKERSFIELD: SSOA-2 EXCAVATION SOIL SAMPLE SAMPLED BY JIMMY AVANCENA Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/15/95 ~ 08:35AM 11/15/95 11/15/95 Zl/lS/gS 11115195 I I I I I I I I I I I I i Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene 0.010 mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 93. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100Atlss CC, · E)akersflel(~, CA~)3308 · (BO5) 327-491 I · FAX(BO5) 327-1~)lE~ I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: S. MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Sample Matrix: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 848-585-9696 Date Reported: 11/17/95 Date Received: 11/16/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13719-1 SSOA - 3 ~ 26" SOIL SA~4PLW. SAMPLED BY JIMMY AVD~NCENA Water Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 11/15/95 ® 02:30PM 11/16/95 11/16/95 11/16/95 11/16/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 100. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Acl~s (~C. · E)akersfleld, CA 9330[] · CB05) 327-4~)1 I · FAX [805) 327-1 []1 [] I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: SEYED MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page Date Reported: 11/15/95 Date Received: 11/14/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13622-7 848-585-9696 BAKERSFIELD: SSBN-1 ~ 22" EXCAVATION SAMPLE Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 11/14/95 @ 12:10PM 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 100. % 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. ~ ....... ~ ~ . ?~. __ ~ . _ _ I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: SEYED MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 848-585-9696 Page Date Reported: 11/15/95 Date Received: 11/14/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13622-1 BAKERSFIELD: SPS-1 STOCKPILE SAMPLE Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/14/95 @ 10:30AM 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene 0.025 mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 93. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 44 _--~_' ~ __ ~~ -- . ~_: .o_. _ _~ =~ ~ ~ ..... ~ tq~c~, ~ 3~-7--4~'~ '~, · F~,X ~05'. . 3,~.7-'~ ~ ~ I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: SEYED MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 848-585-9696 Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: BAKERSFIELD: SPS-2 STOCKPILE SAMPLE Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): Page n/ls/95 11/14/95 95-13622-2 11/14/95 @ 10:35AM 11/14/95 11/14/95 n/14/9s 11/14/95 I I I I I I I I I I I Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene 0.047 mg/kg Ethyl Benzene 0.006 mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 86. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. 8C Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. '- ' '32 -~ ,.- ~ · ~ ':--q." ?' r ~ ~ ~-~-':~-~ ' ~C5' ~7-xl~~ ~ · ~:~X c~', 3~_7_~ c}~, _~ I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: S. MORTAZAVI Sample Description: Sample Matrix: Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: ~1/15/95 ~/14/95 95-13660-1 848-585-9696 BAKERSFIELD: SPS-3 STOCKPILE SAMPLED BY JIMMY AVANCENA Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/14/95 @ 04:30PM ~/14/95 11/14/95 11/14/95 1~/54/95 I I I I I il I I I I I Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 100. % 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc, assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: JIMMY L. AVANCENA Sample Description: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 848-585-9696 Page Date Reported: 11/16/95 Date Received: 11/15/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13669-1 BAKERSFIELD: SSCS-1 CLEAN SOIL SAMPLED BY JIMMY AVANCENA Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/15/95 ~ 08:37AM 11/15/95 11/15/95 ii/is/95 ii/i5/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 102. % Practical Quantltation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas (~t. · Bakersfield, CAS3308 · (805) 327-4911 · FAX[B05) 327-1818 I I I I I LABORATORIES HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: JIMMY L. AVANCENA Sample Description: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 848-585-9696 Page Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: ls/15/95 95-13669-2 BAKERSFIELD: SSCS-2 CLEAN SOIL SAMPLED BY JIM~iY AVANCENA Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 11/15/95 ~ 08:40~ ~/~5/95 1~/~5/95 11/~5/95 ~/15/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Analysis Reporting Constituents Results Units Benzene None Detected mg/kg Toluene None Detected mg/kg Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 102. % Practical Quantitation Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 1. 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / LoU.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use o! the aubmttt~ng party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100AclasCt. · Bakersfield, GA 93308 · (805) 327-4911 · FAX(E)05)327-1918 I :1 I I I I LABORATORIES TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) HYDROLOGUE, INC. 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106 Attn: SEYED MORTAZAVI 848-585-9696 Date Reported: 11/22/95 Date Received: 11/14/95 Laboratory No.: 95-13622-1 Sample Description: BAF~ERSFIELD: SPS-1 STOCKPILE SD/HPLE Sampling Date/Time: 11/14/95 ® 10:30AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Page 1 Regulatory I I I I I I I I I I I I I Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Antimony None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 15. 500. Arsenic 3.2 mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 5.0 500. Barium 73. mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 100. 10000. Beryllium None Detected mg/k~ 0.5 SW-6010 0.75 75. Cadmium None Detected m~/k~ 0.5 SW-6010 1.0 100. Chromium 5.0 m~/kg 0.5 SW-6010 560. 2500. Cobalt 3.8 m~/kg 2.5 SW-6010 80. 8000. Copper 6.3 m~/k~ 0.5 SW-6010 25. 2500. Lead 2.9 mg/k~ 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Mercury None Detected mg/k~ 0.2 SW-7471 0.2 20. Molybdenum None Detected m~/k~ 2.5 SW-6010 350. 3500. Nickel 4.0 mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 20. 2000. Selenium None Detected m~/kg 0.5 SW-6010 1.0 100. Silver None Detected mg/k~ 1.0 SW-6010 5.0 500. Thallium None Detected mg/kg 0.5 'SW-6010 7.0 700. Vanadium 25. m~/k~ 0.5 SW-6010 24. 2400. Zinc 28. mg/k~ 2.5 SW-6010 250. 5000. Comment: Ail above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. f~Dan Schultz ~Laboratory Director All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting parly. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 4100Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CAS3308 · (805) 327-4911 · FAX(805) 327-1918 I I I I I I I I I ! I I I ! I I ! i ! Appendix B Chain-of-Custody Records CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD' FORM-"~hyd~°~l°gue Inc. PAGE Consulting Engineers e3~ Geologists .... ~,i~, ~,,~,~ METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING ~_?$F~.,----/'/ ~ PROJECT NO./NAME .......... ~AME ~ ~ ADDRE~ t ~ . T~ROUND TIME AIRBILL NO. SAMPLE ID DATE TIME DESCRIPTION ......... 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106-2505 TEL: (818) 585.9696 FAX: (818) 585-0046 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD FORM hydrologue Inc. PA~E 7_-- o. ~. Consulting Engineers e3~ Geologists _ _ _ .~_N_~~ ' ~ PROJ~ ....... METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING P X ~. Z rlON/TEMP~C SHIPPING ~HOD SAMPLE ID DATE TIME DESCRIPTION ~ - ~UR~/~- . ~/ SIGNATURE ~GNATURE mm~ N~E TIME PRI~ED NAME TIME N~E TIME PRIMED N~E TIME TIME 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106-2505 TEL: (818) 585-9696 FAX: (818) 585-0546 LABORATORIES.INC. Oo ial SHIPPING SPECIFICATIONS Exln'~s 1--1 UPS [-] lhmd 1)elivc,'y SAMPLE RECEIP. T FORM' - ~,. ~. :-' SHIPPING' CONTA].NER i -h,'e Chest ~ Box ~ ; Other ~ (Specify). Other [] (Slmci£y) :!:b~= Field Service [] · .' .a}''~' .:' ~lcrnture , Ice ff'] re_Brady Scala: I~e Ch~t [] CmHainm's ~ llml, l~ received? Yes~N. ~ SAMPLE CONDITION Bh,c Ice [] N.n~ " : All ~m,,l, les i,,lac,? ~'u,~N,, m Desm'll,l{un mulch COC? Y~/ No r SAMPLE CONTAINERS ' INORGANIC MI;YFAI.q I. & fIREASI~ I " I ~/0 C OZ. JAR i,., { CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD FORM"SL't~l~l°gue Inc. PAGE l O. ( Consulting Engineers ~ Geobgists ~GNA~ hE PROJ~T N~E z ,~ ~ ___ METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING T~ROUND TI~ AIRBILL NO. ~ ~ ~ ~ Z S*~.LE~D D*TE T~E DESC.~.T~O. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ z ~ R~UI~ED ~/~ ~ DATE DATE ~ ,~NeU~SH~ ay REMARKS ~~.~ DATE . RECB~D BY DATE --R.EIV--,(LA, .,.~ .... ~ __ D,Ti/j~~ ~GNATURE ~ATURE _ ~ .--DN.E TIME PRINTEDN~E TIME ~N~t ~5~ TIME ~'~"- ~o~.~ ~o~.~ ~ :,~ ~ 1155 E. GREEN STREET PASADENA, CA 91106-2505 TEL: (818) 585-9696 FAX: (818) 585-0046 .C LAB ORATORIES. INC. SHIPPING SPECIFICATIONS Exln'css [] UPS [] lhmd Dclivm'y [2] '. _~b Field Service [] Olhm' [] (Specify) · .' .~V. ':' SAMPLE RECEIRT FORM'- SHIPPING'CONTAINER i ~'u Chest [] llux [] Nm{e ~J' Olhur [] (Specify) I),luc Itt: [] SAMPLE CONDrI'iON '" ' ; Nun(:~'~ Ir luml{U,'ntu,'e is nut butu, eun 2 :md 6 C l)lunsu uxpl.nm: nlrntm-c , Icc [] ~:;totly Seah: Ice Ch~t [] Coulaincr~ [] Nm~c ~ : 1 {npl~ received? Yc~ N,, = All smnplcs intact? 5'c~ Nu ~ Dcscripiiun mulch COC? Y~, No : SAMPLE CONTAINERS I I I I I ,I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I Appendix C Soil Treatment Certification Soil Recycling Certificate This document certifies the recycling of 43.02 tons of petroleum contaminated soil, by Thermal Desorbtion, at CleanSoils California, inc. Soil Recycling Facility in Bakersfield, California under our Project Number CA1879. Received from: Hydrologue 1155 E. Green Street Pasadena, CA 91106 Soil location: 1324 Ensley Drive Bakersfield, CA 93312 Dated this lSth day of December, 1995 ~John A. 'Sedwtck I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11-~7-1995 12:59PM FROM Ciean~n~oils SOIL REMEDIATION SPECIALISTS TO NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM 918185858846 P.02 Ciean$oils Inc. 2193 Panama Road Bakersfield, CA 93307 Off~..e: (005) 397-2740 FA2(' (805) 397.2744 N°. 004747' A..,o.,. CA / " .CONTAINERS: Nos VOLUME WEIGHT ~: ~a~'0~M~, TRUCK a OaUMS O CA~0NS D OT,ER. '// ~'f~- / / GENERATING PROCESS ~,J~r,,* WASTE DESCRIPTION COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM % COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM HANDUNG INSTRUCTIONS THE (~EN~TOR CERTIFIES THAT * TH~ WAST~ AS DESC'm~ED ~S ~ 00% ~ NON-HAZARDOUS TYPED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE TYPED OR PRINTED'~ULL-NAME & SIGNATURE DATE ADOP~SS DISPOSAL METHOD crn', STA~, ZiP R~kersfield. CA 93307 mONt # _ (8..05) 397-2740 TYPED l~l;J PRINTED FULL NAME""& SIGNATURE DATE DISCREPANCY COMMENTS .... A \ , , TONS I I I I I I I I I 11-27-199S 12:59PM FROM Cle'~n~oils SOIL REMEDIATION SPECIALISTS Cie~nSoil$ Cali~ornl~ In¢ NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM TO 918185850046 P. 03 CleanSoiis Inc. 2 !23 Panama Road Bakersfield, CA 93307 Office: (005) 397.2;'40 FAX: 1805) 39Z-2744 . CONTAIN~S: Nos VOLUME W~GHT TY~: ~UMP TRUCK a DRUMS D CA~ON$ a OTHER CO~E~S OF WASTE ~M % C0M~N~TS OF WASTE - ~UNG INSTRUCTIONS G~TOfl CE~iES THAT THE THE WA~E ~ DE~R~ED IS 100~ NON-HA~U$ TYPED ~ ~INTED FULL NAME & S~NATURE DATE ~ OR ~iNTEb ~ULL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE ~ME CleanSoil,, Inc. EPA ~D ~ EXEMm ~D~ss 21 ., , DIs~sAL M~HOD R~YCLE -~XXXXXX C~, STATE, ZIP Bakersfield,CA 93307 ~ONE ~ 1805} 397'2740 ~D OR ~1~ FU~ NAME a ~,eNatu.E ' DATE OI~R~ANCY COMME~ TONS I '1 I I I ! I I I I I I I I I,EI: ,1 .',,': v(: i. [~ NET LE~$ _ ,a h ~'5 . ._ PUMPKIN CENTER '~UCK TERMINAL w.,.,,,~ /1 n t./J ~;~,~ '" ~... .:'l'..._ . v,..,m.'.~ .,~ MIKUL$ ~',,,,,~,~ ..... ',,~,', ~ .,~,~ ....... .}-~ ......... fl ,"2--'T ......... 1'" I~'~, ~ / WHOM t tt. I I I I ! i I I ! I I :1 I I I I i I i I I I Appendix D Laboratory Certificate I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DE. PARTMENT OF HEALTH SEJ~VICES 5~0) 5,40-2800 i3an Shul~z ,:iBC Labc~r~toriesl Inc. ::~41 O0 A~llas Court i;Oakersfi'~td, CA '93308 ':bear M~.iShul~zI January 2¢5, 1 post.it° Fax Note ' 7671 ~,S' ~'(,, ?G , -------- our offic~ at (510) 540-28 · !Et~close;J' is an dpcJated copy of ye:ur" * r. ', ==,-., Fields of Testing List. , ill you t~:,ve any' questions, rI i 00. G~or.¢~ C. Kulasingam, Ph.O.,j M~nag~r E.",'.'ir onm.~n :~1 L~bor~tory Acct..Citation Program Certificate Nc.: '1 ?! i ,il m; I I I I I ; LiS~ of Approu?d Fietds of l~in9 arid 8C Laboratories. !nc~ T~HG~E ~o: (~OS) 3~?-4~11 C~RIIF~CA~E ~UM~E2: 1 ~icrsbio~o~y ~f ~rink~n~Voter ~nd Uasteuoter (05-19-90_J. Tota~ Coklforms in Orinkjng water by Yu(tJp(e Twb¢ F~rm~n;at{on ................................. Feca{ Colifor~rks/g. CO~i ~n Orinki~ Wattr hy MTF ......... ~ .................................... ~*' · ' ' Orinkdn~ Wa~r ~y N~...;~rane Filter Yecnmcs .............................. . ...... To,at Coloron' ' in' gr~nk~lng' ' wa{-r. ~.,.Cszck'$. . Prtst_. rk~ce/A~s~nCepresenc~/Ab~e~e .................................... ...... F~ca~ CaJifo~/E. CoL{ ]in Drinkin{ g4{~r Dy c~4 ................... F~a{ ~okifoC~ in ~ast,~a~v ~Y 'M~r~ne.Pil~er ~echnlcS ....................................... r Fe~a.l Stre tjcocci or En~rocac:i bi Eut2~p{~ Tub, ~echnicg ..................................... ~ ~ , -. e-terOCOC,i -y u~rane Fitter Technics ................................... .' Catcim,----i .......... ~ ............. T ~.13 lotat Fi~terab{e Resicue /,, Chtori~ -": ......................... '~ a~ C~uctivi~y ................... . . ~ ........ ~.14 Iron (Co[oeime:ric ~et~c~s OnLy) .... N FLuoride --'¢ .......... ~ ........ c .... v 2.15 ~anganese (CO[ovim~trie ~ethcdS Cmy),f.... .................. ? ~.1~ Phosghate, Maggesi~ .. . ............. 2.17 Sitica sit~i;e .... 7: ........................ ~'t sis o~r~c Cn~c~t ~t_~s i. o~;n~i~ uat~..Los.~:?~l :., ' Q : ' ' ' -. T 3.11 SiLver ...... ' ....................... ca~,~ ~"3" .... ~'T' ~ Chr,cmi~i t~z[ ...... ~ ........ < ..... 3.{~ ~sb~Slos .... , ~ ._:~ .............. Y 3.1~ Z~A ~hcd Coc=er, r"'~ ...... ............-~ .... . ......... . 3.15 E~ He:hc~ 2~0.8 (~hrd~QLz~= $~'~ J te{~' . .............. 3.17 Ant ~ny ---~ ...... Ha~e]se -f .......... < ' ........................ ).lZ {ery~Li~ Mercury ...... I ................' : ).S9 ~icket ..... Se~i~' --1 ......... ~.~ th6L ~ i~m .......................... ,, I ~. t ..... ~ ................................................................... . ..... ~;~ ~:~ ~2~'T ...... t ............................................................................ '7'.''"'['- : . . ~X H~:~cdi~O~-1 x 5.17 ~ i~A MeI~ec .03.1 ..................... ~ 5.19 R~l iP.A ~e:a~d 505 ...... ~ ........ < ...... ~ ).2~ i~A i~.a ~---cl:':R., .... 4 ................ ...... .~1.~ .................... R:~ P~:r¢c:33:,? .................... I I I I I I ,I I I I i I I I I I I I I EXPIRATION OA~; To~aL Radium : ...................... 7.2 7,3 8~ 8.3 8:.5 8,5 8;7 8L 10 8ill .I 8~15 6.11 Gross Atpha by Co-precipitation ........ 6.tZ ~di~m 228 .............................. : 6.13 Radioactive iodine .................... 6.t5 ALpha Emitting shellfish me~t ParaL¥~¢.Sh~Lt?lsh pols.o -- Ac,.xatie Taxi~i.t¥_Bioassavs [~-~;~Z~. : J' bf EPA Me n d, 100 WeS:a~ac~r PhYsicaL .: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10.1& SiLver ~ 10.~0 ~lu~r~de ,, , 10.15 Thatti~r:~ ~ ~40.2(05-17,~0) .............. '~ W ¥ -- x IO.ZC EPA M~thod &O~O(--: ..... ) .......... t0.18 ChromJu~ 7197( ..... T~,) ............... '~1 Extr~ct~O~ Tests of ~1.1 CaliforniaJgBste gx:rac:ic~ ~1.2 ~z~roctionjProc~ure IlI.~ loxiC~:y Characteristic hl.~ Toxicity Characteristic ~13 Organic C~is:ry,.o~ ~z~r~c~' ';asce f~xct~in~ ~asur~cs by CC/~S ¢~{~t{~) : ; I 'Jlp.S ~PA. Me,hod 80~0(0~-0~'~6) .......... Y 1~.1~ Total P~traL?.m ~ydrocarccns " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C~T{F[CAT5 WU~ERi 1186 ~6.23 16.2c ~6,27 16.~8 ~6.3o 16,31 ~6,~ ~.~? ~6.39 ~6.c0 ~6.C5 Surfa¢~an:$ (~A$) .................... iT T~nnin and L{~nln .................. T..I W ~urDidiry ................ ' ......... ~"'1 ~ Iron (Cotor~e~ric On~y) ........... ::'t N ~anganese (¢otorime~ric Only) .......... j N To~nl Re¢overabte .' f' Pttro~e~ Hydrocarbons ................ , y . Tote{ Org0nic ffslJdm~ .............. ''i ¥ ;; I?,2 ~7.5 2:.? zr: .] Phenols ---~ ........................ Y Phospaate, 6tiao ................... phosDhorus, lto~a( ........ . .... Residue, Residue, Filterable (fQS) .......... Y Res{due, No~f~terabte CFSS) ....... T ~esidue, Se:cteebte Residue, vo~ac~te .................. T Silica .... : ........................ 'r Spec~f{c Conductance ............... r Sut~:ide (i~t~des SuLfi:e ---~ ........................ At~min~ --: ........................ An~mcn¥ -- { .................. Y Arsenic llI~ Cad:mi t~n - - - Chr~;u~ Chrcmiam, toe.al -~- Cc~at~ ~ ' Copper ....; ......................... Got;d,--' .... ~ .......... ; ............. T r~n.- ..... ~ .......... ~ ............. . Mer~y .............., 17.1~ 17.~0 17.~t t7.22 17.25 17.25 ~7.~9 ~7.~ 17,3; 17.32 N{cket ............................ '-.; tF Csmiu~ ............ ; ............ '...'.. '. ~ Pa{tedium ........................... P[a~{num ........................... ;{hoc {,..m ' Rut~eniu~ ............................ $:ront rcm ........................... .' ~¢ ?hal [ ium ........................... ~. ~, Z~r.¢ ....... -'~A ,Ue:hod 2C0.~ ................... :, IT 1 Inductively Coup~e~,P~a$,~a/~$~ Co~orimeZFy .............................................................................. Chrcmn~og~n~bic/Mnss'Spe¢ir~4~ri~ ~thod$ ~n Proce~sCd Foods ~ 21.~ GaS Chr~togra¢~iC/MaSS~ Spe::rome:r(c Meth~s in Ra~ C~ditleS ~,$ GaS C~rcm~o~phJ~/HCS~ SOe¢:r~:ri¢ OrDa~cho~orob~ C~Dc~s in Pr:ce~¢ Foods by Cne of :he ;oltouing  ~ ~s Ch~natograchy ~iDn Pressure Liquid Chrcma:cgrg:ny ...................................... Liquid'qhromatogrephy/Mass Spe~:r~.try ..... 22.~ Car~a~:es ~n processed Foots ty Cne :: :ne ;o(~',:~g ae:hc~s LiCuid Chrcma~osra~y/~a~s ~:e:;r~etry ................................................. ~ 22,~ HaLogenat~ ~pounds in R~ Cc~ci:[ts by One of :ne ~o~LOw~ng ' ~ h Gas ¢hro~togra~ y ......................................................  ~ High Pressure Liquid C~r:~c:~:~y ..................................................... Licuid ~h?o~togrR~hy/~sS S;e~sr:~e:ty ................................................. Organc:~os:hqroUs C~c~dS in Ra~ C:~:dities GaS Chro~togra:hy: ......................................................................  Li:uid ~hramatOg?a~y/YeSS ~Dec:r:~etry ................................................. Z~5 Cnrb~J?~:'ts i4 Re- ~c~c~i:iaS dy'Crc Gas Cbr~ma:ogr.~h~" ..................................................................... Licutd ~hrcma:ogriTnY/~a~s Scec:r:~:~y ................................................. Gas'Chr~ma:ograch~" ...................................................... I , ~;~ ~r~ssu~e ~i:u~: :'~:~$::?~:~" ..................................................... I 22..~Z C~rb~.r~:~s 'i~ Fet~ P~c~::s :y Crt :~ I I :_., .~. I pRODUCER ~ ?hon~: B05-83 q:,-6222) 4701 Stoc~d~le H~ghw~y B~Ners~eld, CA ~3309 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE .--' ........... THIS CERTIFICATE IS IRSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORM~Ti~ ~f'A~O-i CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER4 TH~ C/RTIFICA~ DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE ~FFORDEO BY THE pouoEs ~ow. ~ ~ OO~PANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE 93308 LETTE~ r, Continental Ins. Co, COMPANY Continental los. Co. COMPANY LE~ER C Cont'innntal Ins. Co. COmPaNY Fremont ,Indemnity Co. COM~Y LE~[R E INDICATED NO"P2,/ITH~TAND,tt~G ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR O~HER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH TH~ EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIO~ OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMIT~ SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ' )~ . I I I " AN~ ~ ~0 AUTOS ~ NON-OWNEO AUTOS [ mt { ' ~wo : ~. · .,;i ,, , ' C8P6157041~6 POLICY EFFEC'RvE POliCY EXP[RATION ' DATE (MMIOOIYY) 7101f~5 7101/36 7/01t75 7/01[/'36 7/01/95 7/01/~6 'LMM?]? . . , ,) ~,c. occu..~,c~ :" "' 'I'00000~0' BOOI~Y, tNJUR~ $ {Per BODILY ~JU~Y ~H OCCUrrENCE CANCELLATION SHOUL0 ANY OF THE AflOVE 0ESCRIB~D:POLICIES BE CANCELEED ~EFORE: TH1 ,, EXPIR TON DAf THEREOF ~THE LIABILITY OF ANCO UPON THE COMPANY t'OooOOO tqOooo~ i. ' 1 0000001 ' '1 AUTHORI2EO REPRESENTATIVE I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix E Site Photographs I I I I I I I I I li$1 1. Excavation of impacted soil inside garage 2. Excavation of impacted soil in driveway 3. Completion excavation CLIENT LOCATION 1324 ENSLEY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TITLI: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS ~ROJECT 1229-01 hydrologue,.Inc. Consulting Engineers & Geologists 1 I I I I' I I I I I I I I i I I II I II II 4. Staging of impacted soil in preparation for loading 5. Loading of impacted soil for transportation to off-site recycling facility III 6. Backfilling and comp¢ [q[ cting with clean sand CLIENT LOCATION 1324 ENSLEY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TIT~ SITE PHOTOGRAPHS PROJECT 1229-01 hydrologue,. Inc. Consulting Engineers & Geologists II I W I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I [ I II I 7. Compacting 'backfill with mechanical compactor 8. Performing compaction test II I1[ IIII 9. Concrete truck rea¢ I I Il ly to pump concrete CLIENT .oc^T~ON 1324 ENSLEY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA rlTLE SITE PHOTOGRAPHS PROJECT 1229-01 hydrologue, Inc. Consulting Engineers & Geologists I I I I I I I 10. Placing and leveling concrete over reinforcement mesh and Visqueen liner 12. Finishing 11. Placing and leveling concrete over reinforcement mesh and Visqueen liner - ' I II I I I [ oncrete slab CLIENT LOCATION 1 324 ENSLEY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TITLE SITE PHOTOGRAPHS PROJECT 1229-01 hydrologue, Inc. Consulting Engineers & Geologists I