HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTE (2) · 'OF PHY5~ .3T_ OF FACILITY USING SP~. ': ~'. PROCESSED: TANK{S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING r.~GTHS AND DIMENSIONS PROPOSED SAMPLING LOCATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL "(~" NEAREST. STREET OR INTERSECTION ANY WATER ~,Lq OR SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY NORTH ARROW -/ Febr-ary, 1-989 Figure 2 Scale: = Building Compressor Pad !000 Gallon Tank Location Gas ~ 1. o~of~oi'"~~ ! Island ~ i_a~p, les K-2-an~ (Above Groun, Tank Pads SITE PLAN Preliminary Soi] Contamination Investigation Hopper Tndustries 3!1 Kentucky Street ~akersfie!d, California BSK &Associates GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS . ~.~s~o · v,s^~,^ · .^.~.s,,,~. · .~^s^~u. OUR F~.bruarv, 1989 Figure -N- Scal.~: 1"=3' 550 Gallon Tank Lomation Location of Soil~~ S,amp les ,ES-W / 2 and 6 / 350 Gallon Tank Location .I,ocation of Soil Samples ES-E 2' and 6' Gas I~land SITE PI,AN Preliminary Soil Cnnt~mination Investigatien Hopper Industries 301 Espee Street ~akersfie]d, Ca]ifnrn~a &Associates GEOTE'CHNICAL CONSULTANTS f~s~o.v,s^~,^. · · · .. ;.<,'..'[: ',,....: 'i OUR JOB B883 August, 1989 Figure 1 bIETAL FABP, i Ca~T I ON YARD ..PG&.~ UNDERGROUND LINE I / REMOVED / x' lO.,O, OO L_.~ - PAINTING AND STEAM CLEANING :'~ B-4 DISPENSER AND TANKS B-] (Appro~ Scale: 1"=20' SITE PLAN SOIL CONTAMINATION CHARACTERIZATION IlOPPER, INCORPORATED 301 ESPEE STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFO~IIA BSK &Assooate~ CEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS- 030, ,[ h~ .~ vJe_.ll, -m- Scale: FUEL I S LAND 1,,=10, BUILDING OVE~IEAD- LINES BUILDING ~ KB-3 ~ KB-4 SOIL SITE PLAN CONTAMINATION CHARACTERIZA?ION HOPPER, INCORPORATED 311 KENTUCKY STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFO~IIA FACILITY: ADDRESS : PERMIT #: FILE CONTENTS ENV. SUMMARY SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments WOrK O]{])m~ LO(; SHEET Tracking' ~: APN: Work Order #: EMO ,_5,5f~'-~ WO Category: Hazmats WO Type:/ . /AhV Reimb.: ¥ V~ N RP Code: INSPECTOR: PROGRAM: DESCRIPTION: RESPONSIBLE RP ADDRESS: LOCATION.: FACILITY NAME: REPORTING PERSON: PHONE NO. COMMENTS: OB;P, 7,DDR.~SS , ~ORK ORl)m~ LOG SH'I~ET Date: Tracking #: APN: - - WORK ORDER NAME: , , .... RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP)NAME: . (~) INSPECTOR: PROGRAM: DESCRIPTION: FACILITY NAME: REPORTING PERSON: PHONE NO. COMMENTS: WORK ORD~ LOG SilEET Date: Tracking #: APN:~- - Work Order #: EMO WO Category: Hazmats Reimb.: y %/ N RP Code: WORK ORDER NAME: . /'~ ,~ ~/./? ~ RESPONSIBLE PARTY ( RP ) RP CONTACT: RP ADDRESS: INSPECTOR: PROGRAM: DESCRIPTION: STATE.~C'7 , LOCATION: FACILITY NAME: REPORTING PERSON: PHONE NO. COMMENTS: : Site Na~ or A~l_dress 1Not&s: c~eeg°ry Act~iuo~eTM IDescription . ' IHours ' · '1 (lOths) .' / Data Entered By: Date: . .':' ' Env. Hea~th 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/891 · Site Name or ~4a~s '"' .... '" ~u~4~ ng (Local, .State, ) : ' ' Date ~eegory A~tivity .. Hours".. Code Descript$on ( 10~hs ) Env. Health 580 4113 ( Site ~cific T~e ~co~t~ Sheet oyee # 7 EmDloyee Signature Site Specific Status Changes: :Date c~eegOry Activity Hours Code Description (lOths) ~ (Lcx3al, sta~e, .of - , [ category ~cc~vi~ ,~our,: Date Code Description (10ths), No~:es: .' / ,--, ,, . y,.., :.., , '~L.-'(C. ~ - ,_, ~ ~; r_ i . ". -- ?. ...... .,;,..,.. .,,,..,.-,,':_~. .. ..... ...~ .... . Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev..5/89) . Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Chan~es: Employee # ~ Employee Signature Site ~,me o= ~___~e~ ~.ibper- D,nd~ng (~al, ~ of F~e~l) eeg°ry Code Description Hours ( lOths IEmployee Signature ~ ' Site Specific Status C~e$: Cateqory Activity Hours Date Code- Code DescriPtion ( 1orbs ) Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 13'/ (Rev. 5/89) ~ O~S ~R T,~ ~ Site ~oific T~e Acco~t~ Sheet Permit #.0~00/~/ .].oyee # -'7 Elmployee $icjna~.zre ~ Site Name or Aaa-e.s! pper Funding (Local, ~ 6{ Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: ,% Date ~eegOry Activity Hours Code Description (1Orbs) Site ~e or ~ss ~~ (~al, Date Code i DeScription - ( 1Orbs)' .. ~ ~ter~ By: ~te: ' ' Fum4~ng (Local, State, of' ~ederal) Cats:~or~ Activity Hours" Date Code Description (lOtim) ~.~. Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev: 5/89) Date C~eegory Activity " Hours'. · Code Description (lOths) Notes: Data Entered By: Date: .'~. ~ . Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) , / ... "Site Specific Time Accounting 'Sheet '. Permit. # ~(9[~01q Site .Specific Status Changes: Employee # 7 Employee Signature,,.__ --,~/t"il'~L ~',/~')~ D Funding (Local,. State, of Feaeral) Date C~lee~ory Activity Hours Co~e Description (10t/~s). ~ ~te~ By: ~te: ~e or ~Hop p~m- r~~ ~ ~~ (~al, S~te, of F~e~i) · ....~-.~...~. , .,..'. ,,.~ ~eegOry Activity Date Code Description ( lOths)' ~ ~ter~ By: .~te: . "' . ' " . . .: , .. ~ >':,{,/.~'.', . ,..~.. Description [l~t.a ~41tered 8¥: Date: '~ Env. Health 580 4113 .... ""'5L":.7- , . , ~_....,_~ , // : .. - .- . ":'. · ."~ "'. ,- . · ' ':. :. :" ':..:.. --'":.. '. :. :::..'......~te. ~laec~zic -Time · # ' ' "'.. '. -- .- Employee Site N~me or A~l~s~ ,' -:' ' .... ' ' Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date ory Activity Code Description .. : ;.('lOth.) · _,,ac~u~__a~ 9k~. a~_s. ~ I,~..~ '~,,~ . .~. t:ii'~.i.;i.'i..' "'"'i.".' Sste Specsfsc T~me Accounting Sheet ,~.~'::~?~ ,,<'~...'. ':'" "" ..... Permit # Employee # Employee Signature ~ Site Name orAddress ~., ~ -~c Funding (Local, State, ~f Federal) SAte Specific Status ~es:""~',.,?:~,.-,. ~eegOry Activity HoLLrs~:.:i~,-:. ' Date Code Description ( lOths)--:' ,' . - / Site Specific Time ~loyee# ~.... .~ ' ~ Employee Signature ,:{ Site Name or ~s~/ ' ~ ~ (~cal, S~te, o~!F~e~l) . OPTIONS ~R LEAKI~ Accounting Sheet .:, ~.... Site Specific Status (~es:' .'. i"-':, Code Description (10ths) Notes: Da~ ~ter~ By: ~te: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR T,RAI{ING Site Specific Time %ccounting Sheet ' ' ' / . Site Specific Status Changes: ?ermit # .'., ,:....:'., o : ~/' .," ~J ..;:", 1 Employee # Employee Signature .,'i/.~.~ .,",.; ;,,; Site Name or Address.// /. ..... ~ (Local, Sta%e, o~-;Federa~) Notes: eegoryActivity Code Description Hours (~0~s)., Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) Permit # Employee 'Site Specific Time Accounting ..-, :: ..., · ·Site Specific Status Changes: . .. .. Employee Signature :. Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Cat_ egory Activity Hours Date Code- Code Description (lOths) ~t~': , Data Entered By: · Date: Employee Signature Site Name or Addres CONTRACT OPTIC~S FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Funding (LOCal, State, ) Cateqoz7 Activity iHours ' Code- Code Description Date ( lOths ) ~ ~ter~ By: ~te: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) · ~e-.~t # Employee # .'! , Site Name or Ad tess:/ Funding (Local, State, o~ederal) Site Specific status.changes :.. ..." .,: "'~ - : " "~' ' ~':'.,Lf' :', :-.: -' ~i~e ~lge¢izic 'rime Accounting'SHeet '. -.-t · ,.'-:.' ,'L .... . CONTRACT OPTIONS FORLEAKINGTANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet ! Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Funding (Local, State, eral) Site Specific Status Char~es: ~t~o~ Activity Hoes Date Code- Code Description (1Orbs) Notes: ~ / t~ ' / .. /' ; ~". ,~ ,,.~, ~",~ ~ ~ ",f "* ~ ~,' " ," ~ . ' '-' ,'~ ~ 't ~,' ." ~ ,,. r, ~,~ ~, , ~ /' /' ./ f~ '% ~, .....'/' ./~ , ~ ~t~r~ By: ~te: ~nv. Nealtn 580 4113 1~ (Rev. Permit # Employee # ' Employee SignatUre 'A~f'' ~.~.~._ Funding (Local, State, o~/Federal) · '-&to Specific'Time Accounting . .... .......... ' ..'. Site Specific Status Changes: Cat_ e~ory Activity . Hours Date Code Description ' ( lOths ) Notes: Permit # Employee # CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKINGTANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Employee Signature Site Name orA d dress Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date ~eegOry Activity Hours Code Description (1Orbs) , Data Entered By: Date: Env. Healtl~ 580 4:113 137 (Rev. 5/89) P~t #nto 0~t~/140o I~ site Specific Status Changes: ' .-'..:.,..- E~ployee # /(/~' (~~~d~-~-~ .. ' :> :......:'.i' .': ~loyee Si~~ .' '.- · .~,:...~ '.' .". ~~ (~al, ~te, o~' ~e~) Hours Code Description (lOths) Dat~, ~eegory Aotivity ~/,~///~? o~ ,~, ~,~ Notes: ............ ' .... · ' ' "~ /,i '1 Fl I ~'~ ' / . I,. ~'~-L~ ~, 5':~ ,n ;~:. , '. ~ ~te~ By: ~2e: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev, 5/89) Permit # ~ OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS ., Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet ~ Site Specific Status Changes: ' Employee # Employee Signature ;~e ,,am~ or Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date C~o~eegOry Activity ,. Hours Code Description (lOths) OPTIGNS FOR LEAKING Employee Site. Specific .Time Accounting .' .~ :;.:' ->i' ? Site Specific Status Changes: Employee Signature ' ..... ';/" Site Name or ~Bress . .' ~tm~ng (l.t:~al, State, of F{~l.o~-~l) eegOry :Activity ~- Hours Date Code Description ( l Oths) ,,i Permit # Employee # Site N~e or ~s ~g (~al, S~te, 6f'F~e~l) CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Date c~O~ Activity Hours Code Description (I0ths) , Notes: ,' / ./...,' , , ',~,,~ ~,~.,.'9 ~ ~ r~ ~ ~.~ '~ ,' ,'.~ , I 'Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 47.13 137 (Rev. 5/89) . ' '-'. ' . ' " ~ " , '.: V::/" 'C;"?'V"}. , ,..,,'_ Site Name Or Address' .. · Funding (Lo al, State~: of '~ederal) iDa?e/ ~eegOry ~ctivit¥ -'.Hours Code - Description . ( lO, ths) Notes:. '. .... .... , ~ ' ' Data Entered,: By: ~. · Date: "..'.: .... :-Site Specific Time g~counting, Sheet Permit # Employee # /' Site Name or gt~aress/' Funding (Local, State, of t ~ederal) Site Specific Status Changes: Hours Da/te/ ~e~°Z~ I~eivity DescriPtion , (10ths) Notes: ' ' '. b ', 4 ~ En~r~ By: .. g ~te: . Env. Healtl~ 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) # ( )DNTRACT OFfIO~S FOR r,~AKING '-~Site Specific Time ~counting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes':' Employee Signature ~ Site Name or ~aaress ~~(- Funding (Local,~tate~ of Federal) Date ~eegOry Activity Hours Code Description (10the) Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) Category Activity " Hours 'l~te C.x~e Cx:~e Doscription ( ~ ~ter~ By: · ~te: . i~/~[~Z/' C.O.L.T. SITE SPECIFIC TIME ACCOUNTING SHEET ~rmit 1~__~__~_.~ .... Employee Name and 1~__~[~.~__~__ .......... Name oe Addeess.__~_~ :nding (Local, Stat~ or Federal) .... Site Specific Status Changes (Describe Below) ICat. Activity .'ate ICode Code Description of Activity Hours (,lO's) ~otes ~tered By Date .-'r'mit ~--~Z~ .... Employee Name and Name DP :nding (Local, State, or Federal) .... Site Specific Status Changes (Describe Below) Cat. Activity .ate Code Code IDescription of Activity '~-'i~'~ ............... ~- ........... ~ ............. ~l--~- .................. ~L~_~,____~_~/_~_ .... ~_~:~.._~:_-._?_~_~ Jotes Hours (.lO's) ~tered By Date /~/~O/Z,/ C.O.L.T. SITE SPECIFIC TINE ACCOUNTING SHEET :nding (Local, State, otYr Fe~eral)_j~ .............................. Site Specific Status Changes (Describe Below) Hours Cat. Activity IDescription Activity }ate Code Code of (. lO's) / ~./~c~-;~L~ ........... ~,~/ .......... o ~:_~_.o._:~_.1_5 ..... l .... :5_ .... l_.~_.~2~.~____a~.~_~_~_~~. .............. 1 .... _s. .... ;ores ~.tered By Date /'~J(~)lZ/ C.O.L.T. SITE SPECIFIC TI,E ACCOUNTING SHEET Permit '~_.~(..O_~C~,J_~___ Employee Name & Number___.~_~'~_~___--~_ ................ unding (Local, State, o~ Federal) ~ .................. ............... ~:~: ........ x:~:~: ..................................................................................... ~5~i .... ~ Date mcode JCode mOescpiption of Activity I[.lu s) '~ ............. ~ .... ~___~~-_-~ ........................................................... Data EnteP~ BV .......................... Date ........................ .... ~/~;~;~/_~___,, __Empl°yee Name & NUmber ...... -~--~/'~'~-~-~/~--.,/--7-- ............ Nome or Addeess ~ .............................. -~----~-T---------------~-T------- Enp]oyee S~gnatupe .... ~ ............. Funding (Local, State, or e )_~_~ ................... ]Cat. [lct~vfty ~' [~rs ~ IOate ICode ICode IOescript~on of ActivitY I(.lO's) I Env. Health 580 4113 137 (12/88) Employee # -7 CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Employee Signature (~i~>~_~ ........ site Na~e or A~res~/;~ ~©~9/~' 9~r- ~'~3... Funding (Local, ~_~ of Federal) ~eegory Activity Hours Date Code Description (lOths) .. '/ ." Notes: Data Entered By: ' Date: = ~~,__~._~._~.~.O.L.T. SPECIFIC TIME ACCOUNTING SLEET ;,,,.;-: ............. _~_c~7- :~5~5::7''~--''' undtng (Local, Sta~, or F~enal) IH~rs Cat. IAct~v~ty IOesceipt~on Activity Date Code mcode of ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Note~ ~ta Entered 8y .......................... ~ete ........................ C.O.L.T. SITE SPECIFIC TIME ACCOUNTING SHEET Site Name or Address ~i~_~eF" - ~~ ICat. Activity I IHours I Date ICode CodeIO,sc.iptionof Activity I(.,o'=) I .Data Entered By ........................ Date ........................ Env. Health 580 41 13 I 3'/ (12/88) . rotc oopi.,r.r r~o Po ~+ lO/b$ o-I..~~ ~c~ ~~e ~n~ not ~I/e~ ~~~e~~+. c~. , J, I l e~9 ~~ ~cen~ o~ ~hm __ OUR JOB B88325 SOIL CONTAMINATION CHARACTERIZATION 301ESPEE STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA BSK & Associates BSI( Associates ~ Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. SEP 1 198 '* OpER. IlUC. September 7, 1989 OUR JOB B88325 Hopper, Incorporated Post Office Box 2900 Bakersfield, California 93303 Attention: Mr. Tom Hart SUBJECT: Soil Contamination Characterization 301 Espee Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Hart: In accordance with our agreement, we have performed a characterization of soil contamination at the Hopper, Incorporated facility at 301 Espee Street in Bakersfield, California. This assessment, based upon a total of six test borings and chemical analyses of soil samples obtained from five of those borings, provides an indication of the extent of soil contamination at the site. The accompanying report summarizes our field work, and presents the results of the analytical testing and our conclusions. If you have questions regarding the information contained in this. report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully submitted, BSK & Associates Geologist// ~ivil Engineer J Soil Engineering* Engineering Geology* Engineering Laboratories * Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 [] Fresno, California 93706 [] Visalia, California 93291 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 [] Pleasanton, California 94566 1645 "E" Street, Suite 105 , Telephone (209) 485-3200 Fax (209) 485-7427 1414 Stanislaus Street * Telephone (209) 485-8310 808 E. Douglas Avenue · Telephone (209) 732-8857 117 "V" Street · Telephone (805) 327-0671 5729-F Sonoma Drive * Telephone (415) 462-4000 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SITE DESCRIPTION FIELD INVESTIGATION SOIL CONDITIONS GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS LABORATORY ANALYTICAL TESTING CONCLUSIONS REMEDIATION LIMITATIONS Paqe 1 2 2 4 4 5 6 8 10 APPENDIX "A" FIGURE 1 FIGURES 2 through 7 TABLE I TABLE II TABLE III - Laboratory Soil Test Results ILLUSTRATIONS - Site Plan - Test Hole Logs TABLE - Preliminary Soil Test Results - Preliminary Soil Test Results - Laboratory Soil Test Results BSK & Associates Soil Contamination Characterization Hopper Industries 301 Espee Street Bakersfield, California INTRODUCTION Hopper Industries was directed by the Kern County Environmental Health Department (KCEHD) to perform a site characterization to identify the extent of soil contamination resulting from underground fuel tanks leakage. Two previous preliminary investigations, related to the directed work, were conducted by BSK & Associates (BSK) concerning soil testing beneath underground fuel tanks following their removal. The initial investigation (OUR JOB B88325, dated February 27, 1989) involved obtaining soil samples from depths of 2 and 6 feet beneath 350 and 550 gallon fuel tanks at the site. Information concerning past uses and the type fuels contained in the two tanks was unavailable. Soil samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons-Diesel (TPH), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons-Gasoline (TVH), and for Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and Ethylbenzene (BTXE). Results of the February 27, 1989 testing indicated the presence of chemical constituents in the soil samples characteristic of commingled gasoline and diesel products. Test results are summarized in Table I. Another preliminary soil contamination investigation (OUR JOB B88325, dated July 21, 1989) involved obtaining soil samples following removal of two 10,000 gallon gasoline fuel tanks and a dispenser island in the ir~ediate vicinity of the previously removed tanks (Figure 1). Preliminary test results for that investigation indicate little or no detectable levels of hydrocarbon constituents in the soil samples obtained from beneath these fuel tanks. Analyses of the samples obtained beneath the dispenser island, which was located adjacent to the 350 and 550 gallon tanks, indicated concentrations of hydrocarbon constituents. The test results are summarized in Table II. BSK & Associates Page 2 SITE DESCRIPTION The Hopper plant site is located at 301 Espee Street in Bakersfield, California. The plant serves as Hopper's metal fabrication facility and machine shop. The project site is situated at the south-central end of the plant. At the time of this site characterization, the surface area over the removed tanks had been backfilled with imported soils. The remainder of the site was paved with asphaltic concrete. In the vicinity of the project site, scrap and fabricated metals were stored, as well as paints and solvents used in a nearby Hopper painting booth. Underground improvements located beneath the site area include a Pacific Gas and Electric main trunk line, minor electrical and water conduits, and a sewer line. A Southern Pacific Rail line is situated south of the site, adjacent to the Hopper property boundary. FIELD INVESTIGATION Our field investigation was performed on August 1 and 7, 1989. Test Boring B-1 was drilled in an effort to determine the existence of shallow groundwater beneath the site. Prior to drilling B-i, a test hole permit was obtained from the KCEHD. The boring was situated approximately 200 feet east of the Suspected area of contamination and drilled to a depth of 100 feet beneath the ground surface. Saturated soil conditions were not observed in the drill cuttings returning to the surface and subsurface waters were not indicated with a water-detecting transducer lowered into the borehole by cable. Soil samples were not obtained from Test Boring B-1. Test Boring B-2 was located over the approximate former location of the adjacent 350 and 550 gallon fuel tanks to assess the vertical extent of soil contamination. Soil samples were initially obtained from a depth of 10 feet and proceeded at 10-foot intervals to a depth of 60 feet and subsequently at 5-foot intervals until the boring was terminated at a depth of 71 feet. A portable photoionization detector (PID) was used at the site to screen soil samples and assist in determining qualitative indications of hydrocarbon contamination. BSK & Associates Page 3 Test Borings B-3 and B-4 were located approximately 25 and 40 feet southeast of Test Boring B-2 to assess the lateral extent of soil contamination in that direction. Test Borings B-5 and B-6 were located about 50 and 65 feet southwest of B-2 to further assess lateral extent of soil contamination in that direction. Drilling was performed with a truck-mounted continuous flight auger drill rig using 8" hollow stem augers. The augers act as continuously advancing steel casings preventing test holes from caving in above the levels to be sampled. The samples were obtained by lowering a 2-inch inside diameter sampler containing stainless steel liners, inside the hollow stem auger, and driving it into undisturbed soils. The sampler was cleaned with Liquinox, a surgical grade biodegradable detergent, and rinsed with distilled water between sampling activities. The hollow stem augers were steam cleaned prior to entering the site and between borings to prevent cross- contamination. The drill drew consisted of a driller and a helper. The field investigation was supervised by a geologist who was responsible for the field boring logs, recording of field conditions, soil sample handling and preservation, Chain-of-Custodydocumentation, and the field equipment cleaning process. Samples were collected intact in stainless steel liners. The samples were capped with aluminum foil, then with pressure fitted plastic caps, and sealed.with adhesive tape. Each sample was labeled with an adhesive-backed label including boring designation, depth of sample, and initials of the individual preparing the sample. The samples were stored in insulated chests with "Blue Ice" and delivered within 24 hours from the time of sampling to BSK State-certified Laboratories in Fresno for testing. A Chain-of-Custody form was prepared which recorded names of the individuals collecting, transferring, and analyzing the samples. A copy of the Chain-of-Custody document is included in Appendix Bore hole cuttings were stockpiled at the site for eventual disposal by the owner. The test borings were grouted with a sand/cement slurry consisting of 7 sacks of Portland Cement per BSK & Associates Page 4 cubic yard of volume. Backfilling of Test Boring B-1 was witnessed by Mr. Dan Starkey with the KCEHD. SOIL CONDITIONS Soils in the vicinity of the project site are classified as Quaternary alluvium. The soils consist of alluvial fan deposits composed of non-uniformand discontinuous lenses of fine and coarse grained sediment. Soils encountered during the field investigation consist of 2 to 6.5 feet of sandy fill overlying interbedded layers of variable mixtures (sand, silt, clay and gravel). Particularly stiff and gravelly soils were encountered at depth in Test Borings B-2 and B-4, resulting in auger refusal. Soil cuttings and undisturbed soil samples obtained from the test borings were observed bythe site geologist for obvious hydrocarbon staining and odor. The soil samples were further screened with the PID for indications of hydrocarbon contamination. The dark gray color of the soils encountered in Test Boring B-2 may be a result of residual hydrocarbon staining. Petroleum odor was initially detected from Test Boring B-2 at an approximate depth of 7 feet and continued to about 65 feet beneath the ground surface. Test Hole Logs, shown in Figures 2 through 7, should be consulted for more detailed subsurface conditions. The logs contain both factual and interpretive information. Horizontal lines, designating the interface between materials encountered, represent approximate boundaries. Transitions between soil layers may be gradual. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Based on information derived from the 1989 Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) Water Supply Report, an unconfined groundwater aquifer may be encountered at an approximate depth of 175 feet beneath the ground surface of the site. The 1988 KCWA Water Supply Report indicated that a shallow perched groundwater zone may be encountered at the site at a depth less than 20 feet beneath the ground surface. However, the shallow groundwater zone is notably absent in the 1989 KCWA report. BSK & Associates Page 5 Discussions with KCWA geologists indicate that this absence is due to differing geologic interpretation of the same data. KCWA piezometer control is particulary scarce in this area. Groundwater was not encountered in the test borings to the maximum explored depth of 100 feet. LABORATORY ANALYTICAL TESTING Laboratory testing was performed by BSK & Associates Laboratories in Fresno, California. Selected soil samples were analyzed for the presence of TPH, TVH, and BTXE. Chemical tests on the soil samples were conducted in accordance with the following listed methods: Constituents TPH BTXE Test Method DHS (recommended procedure) EPA 8015M EPA 8020 Test results from this assessment are included in Appendix "A" and summarized in Table III. BSK & Associates Page 6 CONCLUSIONS Results of our assessment suggest that the maximum depth of measurable concentrations of TPH and TVH occur less than 60 feet below the ground surface. Relatively minor concentrations of the more mobile aromatic petroleum constituents (BTXE) apparently migrated farther downward to a depth less than 70 feet. The lateral extent of TPH and TVH concentrations may be less than 40 feet eastward from the original source, as suggested by the absence of those constituents in the tested samples from Test Boring B-4. However, the lateral extent may be less than 65 feet westward, as indicated from the tested samples obtained from Test Borings B-5 and B-6. Test Boring B-i, drilled to determine the existence of shallow groundwater beneath the site, did not encounter saturated soil conditions. In the absence of any further data, depth to first groundwater is believed to occur about 175 feet beneath the ground surface as reported in the 1989 KCWA Water Supply Report. BSK's analysis of the TPH chromatograms indicate that the tested soil samples contain significant amounts of lower molecular weight hydrocarbons (ie. gasoline) that are not necessarily, well quantified by the TPH method. This suggests that the main contributory source for soil contamination was the gasoline storage tank. Measured concentrations from the TVHanalyses may be a more reliable indication of the actual hydrocarbon contamination. Requlatoryagencies require that remedial action must be taken when concentrations of hydrocarbon constituents in soils exceed the maximum allowable levels. For purposes of preliminary assessment, maximum allowable levels of BTXE and TVH in soils can be estimated using the Leaching Potential Analysis outlined in the Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Field Manual: Guidelines For Site Assessment, Cleanup and Underground Storage Tank Closure published by the State of California Water Resources Control Board. In the Leaching Potential Analysis procedure, the following characteristics of the site are evaluated for downward migration potential of contaminants: 1. Depth of groundwater from the soil sample. 2. Subsurface fractures. 3. Annual precipitation. BSK & Associates Page ? 4. Man-made conduits. 5. Nearby wells and existence of coarse soil. Each characteristic is scored on a scale quantifying low (10 points), medium (9 points), or high (5 points) potential for leaching. The sum of the scores provides an appraisal of site characteristics. Based on the total score, a set of allowable levels of BTXE and TVH can be obtained. Conditions at the site are listed and evaluated as follows: Site Condition Correspondinq Score 1. Depth to groundwater from the 10 contaminated soil sample is about 105 feet. 2. No fractures in subsurface. 10 than 10 inches. 4. No man-made conduits. ~ ~ ....... ,.~_~;~..10-~.L~:,~: At the subject site, soils with a TVH level higher than would be considered excessive of current allowable levels assigned by the Leaching Potential Analysis. Maximum levels of Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and Ethylbenzene would be 1, 50, 50, and 50 mg/kg, respectively. However, based on informal conversations with KCEHD officials, action levels required for remediation by Kern County could be higher than the aforementioned concentrations should the contamination pose no significant risk to human health or to groundwater. Test results from our assessment (Table III) indicate that the current concentration action levels are exceeded in the tested soil obtained from Test Boring B-2 to a depth of at least 50 feet. Additionally, the maximum allowab 'e excee or equaled in the~~_a~_p_~9._~o_~tained from Test the 30-foot sample obtained from Bi5'i ........ "~ BSK & Associates Page 8 REMEDIATION Tests performed in conjunction with this assessment indicate concentrations of primarily gasoline contaminated soils which may extend as deep as 60 feet over an area of some 7600 square feet, and possibly greater, for an approximate volume of almost 17,000 cubic yards. ~.:,~, _ ~c~''' On the basis~that.the.350 and 550 gallon fuel tanks are the point soUrces-"of subsurface contamination, the test results from the lateral Borings B-4 and B-5 suggest a non-radial contaminant plume at the site. Prior to remediation, .it would be advisable to further delineate the lateral boundaries of the soil contamination. Additional costs for site investigation may result in substantial savings in site remediation. In compliance with the KCEHD Site Characterization and Site Remediation Handbook #UT-35, two remedial action options plus a "no action" alternative will be adressed for this particular site. _ , NO Action ~ .j ~. A "no action" option may be considered for this site. The leaking sources have been removed. Based on the reported depth of groundwater and the current vertical depth of soil contamination, as well as the other factors identified in the Leaching Potential Analysis, the risk of impact to groundwater quality is iow. If a no action option is chosen, we would suggest that the backfilled area and surrounding areas be paved to insulat~~ of contamination from activities on the surface and r~the risk to human health. Excavation C~'~-~L ~ ~[~ m(~ This alternative would consist of excavating and selectively stockpiling cont~inated soils for either disposal to a suit~le site, or on-site bioremedial "land fa~ing". Excavation of contaminated soils from depths of 60 to 70 feet may prove difficult because of the near presence of buildings, above and below ground structures, and the relatively cohesionless character of the native soils. A braced vertical excavation and the use of a clam shell excavator would be necessary. A series of large diameter overlapping bucket auger drill rig holes could be BSK & Associates Page 9 considered as an alternative provided temporary steel casings are used to stabilize each hole until backfilling. Depending on the residual concentration of hydrocarbons in soils, disposal of contaminated soils to a Class I disposal site could cost as much as $250 per cubic yard. On-site bioremediation of the contaminated soils may be considered, where the excavated soils are continuously tilled and treated with bacteria and nutrients until the hydrocarbon concentrations are lowered to a level acceptable to a Class II landfill. Estimated costs for on-site bioremediation generally range from $45 to $60 per cubic yard. A Class II landfill may charge an additional amount for acceptance. Soil Venting Soil venting may be accomplished at the site by placing slotted well casings in borings throughout the zone of contamination. The casing is attached to an air pump which then evacuates the soil gasses into either the atmosphere or to a carbon filtration system. Volatile hydrocarbons may be reduced to acceptable levels without excavation using this method. Soil sampling would be necessary throughout the program to monitor the residual levels of contamination until they meet regulatory requirements. This option would also require approval bythe local Air Quality District prior to implementation. Depending on the extraction systems used, a soil venting remediation program could range in cost from $50 to $150 per cubic Yard. BSK & Associates Page 10 LIMITATIONS The findings and conclusions presented in this report are based on data obtained from the test borings shown on the Site Plan (Figure 1), and the soil sample analytical test results. The report does not reflect variations which may exist between borings and sampling points. Such variations cannot be anticipated nor may they be entirely accounted for in spite of exhaustive additional testing. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices for the area, based on the guidelines of local and State jurisdictions. No warranties, either expressed or implied, are made. BSK & Associates BSK & Associates TABLE I LABORATORY SOIL TEST RESULTS (Performed by BSK &Associates Laboratories in conjunction with the removal of 350 and 550 gallon underground fuel storage tanks, reported February 27, 1989). Total Ethyl Tank Depth TVH TPH Benzene Toluene X¥1ene Benzene 350 2' 5800 24000 48 68 120 32 350 6' 3400 4300 22 65 160 59 550 2' 12000 7400 33 47 130 55 550 6' 13000 7000 29 38 120 49 Ail concentrations in mg/kg TVH = Total Volatile Hydrocarbons (Gasoline) TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Diesel) BSK & Associates T~LE II LABORATORY SOIL TEST RESULTS (Performed by BSK &Associates Laboratories in conjunction with the removal of two 10,000 gallon underground fuel storage tanks and a dispenser island, reported July 21, 1989). Location Total Ethyl Tank & Depth TPH TVH Benzene Toluene X¥1ene Benzene Unleaded A-2' ND ND ND ND ND ND Gasoline A-6' ND ND ND ND ND ND Tank B-2' 1100 2200 2.3 60 120 37 B-6' ND ND ND ND ND ND Leaded C-2' ND ND ND ND ND Gasoline C-6' ND ND ND ND ND Tank D-2' ND ND ND ND ND D-6' ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Dispenser E-2' 13 ND ND 0.05 0.16 Island E-6' 4900 730 4.7 10 29 All Concentrations reported as mg/kg ND= None Detected ND 12 BSK & Associates TABLE III LABORATORY SOIL TEST RESULTS. (Performed by BSK & Associates Laboratories in conjunction with this Soil Contamination Characterization conducted at Hopper Industries; 301 Espee Street Bakersfield, California). Test Boring & Sample Depth Total Ethyl *TPH TVH Benzene Toluene X¥1ene Benzene B-2-10' 3400 2400 6.8 8.5 21 11 B-2-20' 7800 5000 0.88 1.3 28 6.6 B-2-30' 6000 9300 0.03 0.5 27 7.1 B-2-40' 3300 4700 3.4 7 21 9.3 B-2-50' 3300 5600 0.18 4 19 6.8 B-2-60' ND ND 0.21 0.57 0.44 0.09 B-2-65' ND ND 0.15 0.14 0.08 ND B-2-70' ND ND ND ND ND ND B-3-25' 4800 4400 2.2 2.2 22 5.9 B-4-25' ~D ND 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.02 B-4-30' ND ND 1.5 1.6 0.89 0.14 B-5-30' 650 1000 6.6 7.7 1~ 12.2 B- 6- 30 ' ND ND ND ND ND ND B- 6 - 40 ' ND ND ND ND ND ND B- 6 - 50 ' ND ND ND ND ND ' ND *These tested samples contain molecular weight hydrocarbons quantified by this method. significant amounts of lower that are not necessarily well ND = None Detected TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Diesel) TVH = Total Volatile Hydrocarbons (Gasoline) BSK & Associates -',TE: ~-,-~ TEST HOLE LOG ~GGED BY: MFH ELEVATION: 8--1 "\TER LEVEL: NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED. JOB: 888325 )UIPMENT: MOBILE B-Se B-INCH HOLLOW STEM AUGE~ FIGURE: 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ G SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES i-0 2" Asphaltic Concrete SM SILTY SAND: brown; fine; dry, (Fill) SP SAND: dark yellowish'brown; fine to medium; I slightly silty; dry, I i SM SILTY SAND: dark brown; fine to medium; dry, 18- I I SP SAND: yellowish brown; fine to medium; micaceous; dry. I1s- SP I GRAVELLY SAND: yellowish brown; fine to I medium sand; fine gravel; micaceous; moist. t , I ML I SANDY SILT: ye!lowish brown; fine; slightly 20~ clayey; iow elasticity; soft; moist, I L ~5 ~ ~ TT THE )ESCRIBE~ SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE RE.R~s:NTA.~VE OF THOSE AT OIFFERENT .OCATIONS AND TIMES, BSK & Asset iates TEST HOLE LOG ~]-1 (CONTINUED) JOB: B88325 PAGE 2 OF4 FIGURE: 2 ~ ~= ~= ~ =~ ~z ,~=W SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES 25 ~L CLAYEY SILT: brown; occasional fine sand; low to moderate plasticity; moist, 30] ! SP SAND: yellowish brown; fine to medium; i slightly s~tty; micaceous; moist, ~ S~ SILTY SAND: brown; fine to medium; occasional 35' fine gravel; moist. I ~L CLAYEY SILT: brown; trace of fine sand; !ow plasticity; softi moist, ] I S~ SILTY SAND: brown; fine to medium; occasiona! 40- I fine gravel; micaceous; mo~st, i ML CLAYEY SILT: brown; trace of fine sand; occasional fine gravel; tow plasticity; ~ ~ soft; moist i HE DESCRIBED 5OIL CONDITIONS HAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT ~ r Nq ..,CAT.¢,~ AND f~ES. BSK & AssQciates TEST HOLE LO6 8-1 (CONTINUED) JOB: 888325 PAGE 3 OF4 FIGURE: 2 C 5 ~ % == ~=z .~d SOIL OB ROCK DESCBIPTfON NOTES i50 I ML CLAYEY SILT; brown; trace of fine sand; Iow plastlcity; firm; moist. J SSi SC CLAYEY SAND: brown; fine; slightly silty; fl low p!asticlty; firm; moist, 1 70- *HE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDZT.'CNb MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT Tr c TIMES. .OCA._ON~ AN£ BSK TEST HOLE LO(] B-1 (CONTINUED) JOB: BBB325 P^GE 4 OF4 FI6URE: 2 SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOfES CLAYEY SAND: bro~n~ fine to medium; occasional fine to coarse gravel; plasticity; firm; moist, I ML i CLAYEY SILl: brown; trace of fine sand; Iow to moderate olasticity; firm~ moist, CLAYEY SAND: brown; ~ine; fine to co~rse gravel; Iow plasticity; firm; moist, I , ring Terminated THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS HAY N ~'E RE?RESENFATZVE OF [HOSE AT DIFFERENT )CATJCN~ AND TIMES. BSK ^TE: B-:-~ TEST HOLE LOG 3GGED BY: ~IF~ ELEVATION: "ATER LEVEL: NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED. JOB: BBB325 QUIP~IENT: MOBILE B-50 B-ZNCH HOLLOW STEM AUGER FIGURE: 3 v ~ = ~ = z ,., ~ SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES I 8 SP SAND; yellowish brown; fine; moist. (Fill) I I ~L SANDY SILT: dark gray; fine; petroleum t odor; moist, Photoionization Detector 10- ' (PID) 2.0 P 616 ] i SP SAND: dark ye!lowish brown; fine; micaceous; ! petro eum odor; moist, i~s_ I i SH SILTY SAND: dark gray; fine; micaceous; I petroleum odor; moist, i , , 20- HL SANDY SILT: brown; fine; slightly clayey; 587 2.0 P petroleum odor; moist, THE OESCR/BED SOZL CONDZTZONS ~AY NET BE REPRESENTATZVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT _OCATZONS AND T_., BSK & Associates TEST HOLE LOG B-2 (CONTINUED) ~TO8: 888325 PAGE 2 OF3 FIGURE~ 3 '~ ~ ~ ~ z .~ ~ SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION HOTES 25 HL CLAYEY SILT: brown; trace of fine sand; plasticity; soft; petro!eum odor; moist, SP SILTY SAND: brown; fine to medium; petroleum odor; moist, 30- SP SAND: yellowish brown; fine to medium; PID 2.0 P petroleum odor; moist, 648 SP SILTY SAND: brown; fine to medium; petroleum odor; moist. 35-' ML CLAYEY SILT: brown; fine sand; low I plasticity; soft; petroleum odor; moist. I 40- SP SILTY SAND: yellowish Brown; fine; 565 2,0 P petroleum odor; moist. 45- SC CLAYEY SAND: brown; fine; silty; low I plasticity; firm; petroleum odor; moist. Occasional fine to coarse grave!, THE DESCRIBED SOIL Cl~ iTI,~4S qAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT .DCATJDNS AND BSK & Associates TEST HOLE LOG !~-2 (CONTINUED) JOB-: B88325 PAGE 3 OF3 FIGURE: 3 v -: =: ~. ~ ~ '~ ~ SOIL OR BOCK DESCRIPTION ~OTES PID " Sa :2.e 52 SP SILTY SAND: brown; fine to medium; slightly 523 clayey; petroleum odor; moist, .[ 68-~ SW ~AVELLY SAND: brown~' fine to coarse sand; J ]2,8 ~15 fine to coarse gravel; angular; hard; slight 340 petroleum odor; dry, I 65-[ 116 ~2.8 89 m ~ ~u~er Refusal THE )ESCRIBED SOIL CONDJ IONS MAY NOT BE RE .... S_NTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT .OCATJONS AND TJ~ES. BSK & Associates ,TE: TEST HOLE LOG ~GGED BY'- MFM ELEVATION: B--3 ~TER LEVEL: NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED. JOB: BBB225 IUIPMENT: CME 75 8-INCH HOLLOW STEM AUGER FIGURE: 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ,~ W SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES I0 2" Asphaltic Concrete SM SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine; micaceous; dry, (Fill) I SP SAND: yellowish brown; f'ine; occasional fine to coarse gravel; micaceous; moist, 10- I sp SAND: yellowish brown; fine; occasional fine Ph°toionization] to coarse gravel; micaceous; moist, Detector I 15- iHL/MH! CLAYEY S~LT: brown; trace of fine san~; 0 ~,0 27 moderate plasticity; firm; moist. I ~O- Cetroleum odor at 22~. ~ 2S ,2.0,!8 THE ]ESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF .THOSE AT DIFFERENT OCATIONS AND TIMES. BSK & Assac iates TEST HOLE LOG ~)-~) (CONTINUED) JOB: 888325 PAGE 2 OF2 FIGURE: 4 ~ : :: PID i2S ML/MH CLAYEY SILT: brown; trace of fine sand; 568 moderate Dlastic_]_it¥_L petroleum odor; moist, Boring Terminated at 26 ft. I I~_ I 1 35- I I I,~_ I I I I THE )E$£R.~BED SOIL COND.TTIONS 1AY NOT BE REP.RESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT BSK .OCATZONS AND TIMES. & Assoc iat,~ TE: 8-7-B TEST HOLE LOB ]GGED BY: MFM ELEVATION: J~--4 "~TER LEVEL: NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED. JOB: 088325 ~UZPMENT: CME 7S B-INCH HOLLOW STEH AUGER FIGURE: 5 v = = ~ = z,. d SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES j 0 2" Asphaltic Concrete SH SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine; micaceous; dry. (Fill) 5 - ~L SANDY SILT: brown; fine; slightly clayey; micaceous; dry. SP SAND: yellowish brown; fine; slightly silty; 10- mJcaceous; dry, Occasional fine to coarse gravel at ML/MH CLAYEY SILT: brown; trace of fine sand; moderate elasticity; firm; molst, 20- SM SILTY SAND: yellowish brown; fine; mi. caceous; moist. I THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS HAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF.THOSE AT DIFFERENT .OCATIONS AND TIMES. BSK & A~saciates TEST HOLE LOG B-4 (CONT.I NUED) JOB: 888325 PAGE 2 OF2 FIGURE: 5 ~ · , ~. ~= z ,. d SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES ~:31 s- : (PID) [~S 2,8 22 j 5P SAND: yellowish"brown; fine'; m[csceous; 133 slight petroleum odor; moist, I j HL/HH CLAYEY SILT:' brown; trace of fine sand; ~ .moderate plasticity; slight petroleum odor; j mo i st. 2,~ 26 J 106 I I 40- J ,56 2,B 25 j Occasional fine to coarse gravel. I ~ ................... Auger Refusal ~ at 44 ft. I THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS HAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT .OCAT!ONS AND TIMES. BSK ATE: 8-7-89 TEST HOLE LOG DGGED BY: MFM ELEVATION: B--S ATER LEVEL: NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED. JOB: 888325 .QU!PMENT: CME 75 8-INCH HOLLOW STEM AUGER FIGURE: 6 ~ J= ~ = ~'~ d SOILORROCKDESORIPTION NOTES I 8 SM SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine; micsceous; dry. (Fill) ML SANDy SILT: brown; fine; micaceous; ~ slightly ctsyey; moist. ~ SP SAND: yellowish brown; fine; slightly i silty; micaceous; dry, THE DESCRIBED 5OIL CDNDJTJONS MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF. THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BSK TEST HOLE LOG EJ-S (CONTINUED) .JOB: B88325 PAGE 2 OF2 FIGURE: 6 r 'Y- ~ ':=: "'"' = '"- d SOIL OB BOCK DESCBIPTION NOTES i25 IlL SANDY SILT: yellowish brown; fine to medium; micaceous; petroleum odor; moist. I Photo1 oni zati on Detector I~_ (PID) 2.0 2~ 616 2,0 21 350 Boring Terminated J at 41 ft. I I 4S- I I THE DESCR/BED $OJL CONDiTiONS HAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BSK & A~, ;ate~ ATE; ~-~-~ TEST HOLE LOG .OGGED BY.' MFM ELEVATION: B-6 ''ATER LEVEL: NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED. JOB: 888325 QUIPMENT: CME 75 8-INCH HOLLOW STEM AUGER FIGURE: 7 ~ ~= ~ == ~ ~z~ W SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES I0 SH SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine; micaceous; dry. (Fill) I ML SANDY SILT: brown; fine; micaceous; slightly clayey; moist. I SP SAND: yellowish brown; fine to medium; slightly silty; micaceous; dry. Ils- 20- THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF.THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BSK & Asseciates TEST HOLE LOG B-6 (CONTINUED> .I08: 888325 PAGE 2 OF2 FIGURE: 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'t ~ SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES '25 I 'SP SAND: yellowish brown; fine to medium; slightly si~ty; micaceous; dry. I 1 ML SANDY SILT: brown; fine; occasional fine Photoionization to coarse gravel; slightly clayey; firm; moist, Detector 2,0 i~s o 3s~ ~ ! ~ CLAYEY SAN~: yellowish brown; fine to medium; I I slightly silty; occasional fine gravel; low q~ plasticity; firm to hard. ~,o 27 o 4S~ 8orin§ lerminatea t58 2.0,34 THE DESC~iBED SOIL CONDITIONS HAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT _OCATZONS AND TIMES. BSK Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 S--mple Type Soil Sample Description 1213 hrs. B-2-10' Lab No. Ch892405-1 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/4/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH I Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 6.8 0.02 Toluene ................... 8.5 0.02 Ethylbenzene ..... 11 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... 21 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons 2400 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected BOL-Betow Detection Limit OLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting .89 Q~C S~per is~~ /~gan~lsor BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 48.5-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 ~-~mple Type Soil Sample Description 1225 hrs. B-2-20' Lab No. Ch892405-2 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/4/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 0.88 0.02 Toluene ................... 1.3 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. 6.6 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... 28 0.02 Total VolatileHydrocarbons 5000 10. Method: BTXE-.EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015M ND-None Oetected BOL-Be[ow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting i,~C ~489 BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street · Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 S_.mple Type Soil Sample Description 1245 hrs. B-2-30' Lab No. Ch892405-3 Report Date ,8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8~4/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 0.03 0.02 Toluene ................... 0.50 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. 7.1 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... 27 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons 9300 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015H ND-None Detected BDL-Be[ow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 89 BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 ~mple Type Soil Sample Description 1310 hrs. B-2-40' Lab No. Ch892405-4 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/4/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 3.4 0.02 Toluene ................... 7.0 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. 9.3 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... 21 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons 4700 10. Method: BIXE-EPA 8020 IVH-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected BDL-Betow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 489 QA/Q~ Sup~ BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 S--mple Type Soil Sample Description 1345 B-2-50' hrs. Lab No. Ch892405-5 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/4/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH I Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 0.18 0.02 Toluene ............... 4.0 0.02 EthylbeniA~ 6.8 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... 19 . 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons 5600 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected BOL-Be[ow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 0' ~89 isor BSI( Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 · Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 f~-~mple Type Soil Sample Description 1430 hrs. B-2-60' Lab No. Ch892405-6 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/4/89 Compound Results .Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 0.21 0.02 Toluene ................... 0.57 0.02 Ethylbenzene ............ 0.09 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...~ 0.44 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected BDL-Be[ow Detection Limit DLR-Oe~ection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting QA/C 'Supe ~upervisor BSI( & Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 ~--~mple Type Soil Sample Description 1510 B-2-65' hfs. Lab No. Ch892405-7 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/4/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 0.15 0.02 Toluene ................... 0.14 0.02 Ethylbenzene ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... 0.08 0.02 Total Volatile.Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015H ND-None Detected BDL-BeLow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 489 BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 S ~mple Type Soil Sample Description 1640 hrs. B-2-70' Lab No. Ch892405-8 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/4/89 II Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH II Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... ND 0.02 Toluene ................... ND 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... ND 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: 8TXE-EPA 8020 TVN-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected ,BOL-Be[ow Detection Limit DLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting )7 89 QA/QC/Supe~ · ~lsor ' BSK ^ o ates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 :--~mple Type Soil Sample Description 1213 hrs. B-2-10' Lab No. Ch892405-1 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of A~alyses 8/10/89 Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DAR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 3400* 10 Method: TPH OHS GC/FID ND-None Detected 8OL-Se[ow Detection Limit OLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting *Note: This sample contains significant amounts of~lower molecular weight hydrocarbons', that are not necessarily well quantified by this method. ~070489 QA~C Sup~v~~r g ~isor ' BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 ~-ample Type Soil Sample Description 1225 hrs. B-2-20' Lab No. Ch892405-2 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/10/89 Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 7800* 10 Method: TPH DHS GC/FID · ND-None Detected BDL-BeLow Detection Limit DkR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting *Note: This sample contains significant amounts of'lower molecular weight hydrocarbons', that are not necessarily well quantified by this method. tC ~489 BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 -ample Type Soil ~ample Description 1245 hrs. B-2-30' Lab No. Ch892405-3 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/10/89 Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 6000* 10 Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Be[ow Detection Limit DLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting *Note: This sample contains significant amounts of lower molecular weight hydrocarbons~ that are not necessarily well quantified by this method. R( ]489 /O/~an2cs ~orvisor BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 ;-~mple Type Soil Sample Description 1310 hrs. B-2-40' Lab No. Ch892405-4 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/10/89 Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 3300* 10 Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Be[ow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting *Note: This sample contains significant amounts of'lower molecular weight hydrocarbons~ that are not necessarily well quantified by this method. !~C ~489 QA.~ ~CC' ~upe~ BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 :--~mple Type Soil Sample Description 1345 hrs. B-2-50' Lab No. Ch892405-5 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 , Date Received ,,8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/!,0/89 Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons~ 3300* 10 Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Betow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting *Note: This sample contains significant amounts of~lower molecular weight hydrocarbons~ that are not necessarily well quantified by this method. ,0 ~89 Organics Supervisor BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 --ample Type Soil Sample Description 1430 hrs. B-2-60' Lab No. Ch892405-6 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/3/89 Soil Analyses for TPH I Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10 Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-BeLow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting R070489 QA/~ Supe~ BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 ,--~mple Type Soil 9~mple Description 1510 hrs. B-2-65' Lab No. Ch892405-7 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/3/89 Il Soil Analyses for TPH I[ Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10 Method: TPH DHS ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 489 organic~pervis°r Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Ind. B88325 :--~mple Type Soil Sample Description 1640 hrs. B-2-70' Lab No. Ch892405-8 Report Date 8/15/89 Date Sampled 8/1/89 Date Received 8/2/89 Date of Analyses 8/3/89 Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10 Method: TPH DHS GC/FIO NO-None Detected BOL-BeLow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 489 QA/Q~ sU~e~ ~anics~isor BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) ~=mple Type Sample Description B-3-25' Soil 0930 hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-1 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8/.14/89 I[ Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH II Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 2.2 0.02 Toluene 2.2 0.02 Ethylben~':::::::::::::: 5.9 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... 22 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons 4400 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected BDL-Be[ow Detection Limit DLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting !0 489 QA/~ Sup i~~ BSI( & Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) S-mple'Type Soil Sample Description 1020 B-4-25' hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-2 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8~14/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 0.03 0.02 Toluene ................... 0.06 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. 0.02 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... 0.08 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected BDL-Betow Detection Limit DLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting O' ~89 ~a/n~s S~p~isor BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street · Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) ~--~mple Type Sample Description B-4-30 ' Soil 1030 hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-3 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8/15/89 Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 1.5 0.02 Toluene ............... 1.6 0.02 Ethylben~ 0.14 0.02 Total Xylene ~omers .~ . 0.89 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015~ ND-None Detected BDL-Betow Detection Limit OLE-Oetection Limi~ For ~he Purposes of Reporting ~,0 489 ~~sor BSI< & Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street · Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 · Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) ~mpleType Soil Sample Description 1300 B-5-30' hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-4 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8/15/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH ]1 Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 6.6 0.02 Toluene ................... 7.7 0.02 Ethylbenzene 12.2 0.02 Total Xylene ~~'~ 16 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons 1000 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVN-EPA 8015M ND-Hone Detected BDL-BeLow Detection Limit DLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 489 QA/.~C Super' BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 · Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) · ~-~mpl e Type Sample Description B-6-30 ' soil 1430 hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-5 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8/15/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH II Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... ND O.02 Toluene ................... ND 0.02 Ethylbenzene ND 0.02 ..... :.. Total Xylene som s ..... ND 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: 8TXE-EPA 8020 TV~-EPA 8015H ND-None Detected BOL-Betow Detection Limit OLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 489 BSK Associates C~hemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) ,~mple.Type F~mple Description B-6-40' Soil 1440 hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-6 Report Date , 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8/15/89 II Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH II Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... ND__, 0.02 Toluene .................. ND 0.02 Ethylbenzene [. . ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... ND 0.02 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015~ ND-None Detected BDL-Be[ow Detection Limit OLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 1489 ~g~a~i~s Su~is2r - BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) ~mple Type Sample Description B-6-50' Soil 1455 hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-7 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8~15/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DnR) Benzene ................... ND 0.02 Toluene .............. N~, 0.02 Etnylbeni~ ....... :- ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ND 0.02 Total Volatile .Hydroc~~ ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVN-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected BOL-Betow Detection Limit OLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting ?0 ~89 /~ga~ic~upervisor BSI'~ & Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) -ample-Type Rample Description B-3-25' Soil 0930 hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-1 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8/14/89 Soil Analyses for TPH II Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 4800 10 Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-Hone Detected 80L-Below Oetection Limit OLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting Note: This sample contains significant amounts of lower molecular hydrocarbons that are not necessarily well quantified by this method. org~n~uperVis°r BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) :--~mple -Type Sample Description B-4-25 ' Soil 1020 hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-2 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8A14/89 Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10 Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ~O-Mone Oetectecl BO~-Beto~ Oetection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting R070489 Org~rvisor BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street · Fresno, California 93706 * TelePhone (209) 485-8310 · Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) :--ample. Type Sample Description B-4-30 ' Soil 1030 hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-3 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8/14/89 Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10 Method: TPH DFIS GC/F[D ND-None Detected BDL-Betow Detection Limit DLR-Detection I. im~t For' the Purposes of Report~,ng Supervi~ ervlsor~ BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) -ample.Type Sample Description B-5-30' Soil 1300 hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-4 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8Z14/89 Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 650* 10 Method: TPH OHS GC/F[D ND-None Detected BOL-Betow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting *Note: This sample contains significant amounts of lower molecular weight hydrocarbons that are not necessarily well quantified by this method. R070489 QA/ gani/rvisor BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus'Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) ~-~mple .Type Soil ~ample Description 1430 B-6-30' hfs. Lab No. Ch892503-5 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/1Q/89 . Date of Analyses 8/~4/89 [ Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection (rog/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10 Method: TPH OHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-BeLow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting .~D70489 BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) -ampleType ~ample Description B-6-40' Soil 1440 hrs. Lab No. Ch892§03-6 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8~14/89 Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10 Hethod: TPH DtIS GC/FID ND-None Detected BOL-Betow Oetection Limit DER-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting , R070~89 BSK Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Industries B88325 (Espee) ~mple..Type Sample Description B-6-50' Soil 1455 hrs. Lab No. Ch892503-7 Report Date 8/24/89 Date Sampled 8/7/89 Date Received 8/10/89 Date of Analyses 8/.14/89 Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection ' (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10 Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Betow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting '~070~89 QA/~Supe s~~ GARY J. WICKS Agency Olrector $?EVE McCALLEY Director RESO MANAGEldENT PROGRAM MONITORING WELL(S) PF..I~ 2700 Id Street. Suite 300 Bakef~fleM. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Teie¢oplef (805) 861-3429 A .G.E N C.Y. PERM1T - MW0137-0~ 0138-0~ OWNER'S NAME: FACILITY NAME: FACILITY LOCATION: DiS nLTNG METHOD: com~ucroR: B.S.IC & Associates T~£ os MOrn'rosin6 wm.(s) Test Holes NUMB£R OF W~Ig RF~UIRED TO MON1TOR FACILITY: Hopper Industries DATE: 7-31-89 Hopper Industries 301 Espee Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Hollow Stem Auger uc~se #: '}909'}2 (2) Two GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PHR/~T: 2. 3. 4. S. 6, 7. 8. 9. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well cons~uetion. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or compler~l. Other required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with required Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will resul£ in issuance of a ~TC)P WORX ORDF. R." A copy of the Department of Water Resoun:es Driller's Report as well as copies of Io~ and water quality analyses must be submitted to the Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. , . A well destruction application must be files with this Department ifa well is being destroyed that is not in conjunction with a test hole permit. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date if issuance if work has not been started and reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor tranderable. I have read and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted above. SPEKiIAL (]ONDITIONS: Approved Annular Seal Depth N/A. Test holes shall be sealed with approved material from bottom to grade. This permit must be signed by either the contractor or owner. OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE / / ~,"4 / PERMIT APPROVED BY: Dan Starkey DATE: 7-31-8~ DS:ed starkey~opper, mw 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 ) .ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR'TMI~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION December 5, 1988 HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Victor Hopper P. O. Box 2900 Bakersfield, California 93303 Dear Mr. Hopper: Upon inspection and investigation of underground hazardous substance storage tanks located on the Hopper facilities at 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street, this department has determined that there may be a significant amount of soil contamination present at these sites and that said contamination would present a threat to the environment and the groundwaters of the state. You are hereby Ordered to perform a preliminary assessment at the above referenced facilities within ? days from receipt of this Notice and Order. This assessment shall incorporate the excavation of the tank tops, the use of a slant drilling rig for soil sample retrieval, the classification of the soils encountered, and the analysis of the samples by a State Certified hazardous waste laboratory. A copy of these test results must be submitted the Kern County Health Department within 3 weeks from the date of this Notice and Order. The drilling date for the soil sample retrieval must be confirmed with this department within 3 days from the receipt of this Notice and Order. The two specific areas of concern, and the specific scope of work for this project are as follows: Areas of Concern: Location 1: 301Espee Street, Bakersfield Center underground fuel storage filled w/th cement. (See map one) tank Location 2: 311 Kentucky St., Bakersfield Apparent underground fuel tank east of the generator shed. (See map two) DISTRICT OFFICES Victor Hopper December §, 1988 Page 2 Scope of work: 1. In the presence of a representative from the Kern County Health Department, the top six inches of the tanks must be exposed within 24 hours prior to drilling in order to determine the direction in which the tanks lie and their burial depth. 2. The samples must be retrieved by a drilling rig that has both angle drilling capacities and a continuous flight hollow stem auger with a split spoon sampler. It will also be advantageous to retain a drilling rig that will be small enough to maneuver under the canopy at 301Espee Street. 3. Samples must be retrieved at a minimum of five and ten feet below the tank bottoms, one-third of the way in from each end, and also any other requested by the Kern County Health Department. It will be necessary to slant drill these borings so that samples may be retrieved underneath the tanks. At the location on Espee Street, a vertical boring must be advanced in an area between the canal and the underground hazardous substance storage tank. The boring must be not more than ten feet from the tank and to a depth of, approximately 40 feet. Samples must be retrieved for analysis every ten feet or more frequently if the soil type or apparent contaminant concentration should change, Sample locations may be modified in the field only with Kern Gount¥ Health Department approval. 4. The soils encountered during drilling must be classified by an experienced geologist utilizing the Unified Soils Classification System. Victor Hopper December 5, 1988 Page 3 5. The samples must be collected by qualified personnel, such as a technician from a laboratory, a.nd a split of the sample must be provided to the Kern County Health Department. 6. The soil samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, zylene, ethyl benzene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (using both a diesel and a gasoline standard). The above required scope of work is necessary for the proper initial assessment of contamination at both locations, and based on the evaluation of the results by the Kern County Health Department and appropriate state agencies, further work in site assessment and characterization may be necessary. If you have any questions, please call either Richard Casagrande or myself at (805) 861-3636. We look forward to your cooperation with this project. JL:cas Sincere~ Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Progra? 12-5-88\Lehman\Hopper2 ~-f 'o. pParem't''''+~mr-, '~ I1 ..... 3It K~N-r'ocK',J (not- -to sc~ RANDALL L. ABBO'I~ DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE !!! ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ~iroranenta] Health S~cea Department SI'EVE MeC.A~ ~ Fy, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control Di~Tict Will.lAM ,J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development S~dce~ Del~rm~ent TED ,JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT March 5, 1991 TO: FROM: ~.~; SUBJECT: Mike Yraceburn, Deputy DA District Attorney's Office Chris BurGer, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist IV Environmental Health Services Department Hopper, Inc. Attached for your review and action as you deem appropriate is a report of our activities and findings as a result of a complaint received reGardinG Hopper's waste storage and disposal practices. Approximately $3,200 in costs have been incurred during this investigation. We would, of course, be interested in recovering this amount in addition to or as a part of any settlement of this matter which you may achieve. Upon readinG the report, should you have questions or need further information please feel free to contact Dan Starkey (extension 579) or me (extension 578) at 861-3636 CB:jg Enclosure 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNLA 93301 (8O5) 861-3636 FAX: (805) CLAIM FOR PAYMENT COUNTY OF KERN STATE OF CALIFORNIA CLAIM OF Hopper, Inc. DATE 5/'3/90 DEPARTMENT Environmental Health ADDRESS P.O. Box 2900, Bakersfield, CA 93303 SOCIAL SECURITY OR iNSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT: FEDERAL TAX ID NO. {I ) CLAIMS MuST BE SIGNED BY THE CLAIMANT AND APPROVED BY THE HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT BEFORE SUBMISSION TO THE COUNTY AUDITOI~.CON'IROLLER (2) CLAIMANT PERFORMING SERVICES TO TWO OR MORE COUNTY DEPARTMENTS MUST MAKE SEPARATE CLAIMS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, (3) CLAIMS FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL EXPENSES MUST INCLUDE A STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE OF COUNTY BUSINESS. 14) NO CLAIMS WILL BE AUDITED OR ALLOWED UNTIL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET, REFUND ON PERHIT #060015-C-90 - TANKS WERE REHOVED DATE OF DEPOSIT 4-24-90 AROD #10790 DEPT #4113 REVENUE #3398 FUND #00001 120 O0 TOTAL J.,mm~ 120 00 The undersigned, under penalty of perjury, slales: That the above claim and Ihe .ems are there,n set out are Irue and correct, that no part thereof has been herelo. fore paid; that the amount therein is justly due; and that the same is presented not Ioler lhon one year after the accrual of Ihe cause of achon. name - - YOUR name here. FOR FILING STAMP ONLY ONLY co .... co .... ~ ~02 ,& & & &' '&" Audited and Allowed A~.o,-Co~.,o~.r 102 & & & & & 102 & & & & & ~UDITOR CONTROLLER ~o,,~~ J 006S I 4113 t000 , iSSue Date Vendor No Oe.~cr,phve Purpose of Cictm · L,md Io 30 Space~ WORKSHEET FOR CLAIM FOR PAYMENT REFUND PAYABLE TO ADDRESS: AMOUNT TO REFUND RECEIPT NO. DATE RECEIVED TYPE OF FEES REASON FOR REFUND //'d-~/l..~ SIGNATURE OF APPROVAL ACCOUNTING SECTION: DATE OF DEPOSIT AROD NO. DEPT. NO. REVENUE coDE NO. FUND NO. /o7?0 /xb govlrom~ental Sensltt~'lty : ,~ i- ' UNDERGROUND Facility Name No. of Tanks Type of Inspection: Comnenta: SUBSTANCE STOR..j FACILITY HAZA~RDOUS ~' INSPIECTI ON R~POR~ Is Information on Permit/Application Correct? Yes ~ No -- Permit Posted? Routine ~ Complaint Relnspectton Yea ~"-"~' No -- ITEM VmL~Tm.S 1. Primary Containment Monitoring: a. intercepting and Directing System (~$tandard Inventory Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device' e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. Secondary Containnent Monitoring: a. Liner b. Double-Walled Tank c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring a. Pressurized f~)Suctloe c. Gravity ,/4~ Overfill Protection (~. 5. Tightness Testing 6. New Construction/Modification ?. Closure/Abandonment 8. Unauthorized Release lMalntenance. General Safety and Operating Condition of Facility Comments/Recommendations: ' ','PC/(~ /''t I(,;) /,'~, ,[ Relnspectlon scheduled? INSPECTOR: Yes No REPORT RECEIVED B,~ ~"'"'~.~ 't"-~' ._ e WATER RESOURES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER'QUALITY UST CLEANUP PROGRAM SITE SPECIFIC QUARTERLY REPORT CONTRACTOR NO: SITE NO: SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: 15000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 060014 FEDERAL EXEMPT: HOPPER INC. 301ESPEE STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 F N SUBSTANCE: 8006619 PETROLEUM: Y DATE REPORTED: 03/10/89 DATE CONFIRMED: 03/10/89 MULTIPLE R.P's: N SITE STATUS CASE TYPE: S RP SEARCH: S PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT: C REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION: C REMEDIAL ACTION: C POST REMEDIAL ACTION MONITORING: ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN: CONTRACT STATUS: 9 DATE UNDERWAY: 03/16/89 DATE UNDERWAY: 04/04/89 EMERGENCY RESPONSE: DATE COMPLETED: 03/21/89 DATE COMPLETED: / / DATE UNDERWAY: 05/25/89 DATE COMPLETED: 03/20/90 DATE UNDERWAY: 03/20/90 DATE UNDERWAY: / / DATE COMPLETED: 01/02/92 DATE COMPLETED: TYPE: DATE TAKEN: LUFT FIELD MANUAL CONSIDERATION 2, H, S, C, A, R (CATEGORY 1, 2, 3, PLUS H, S, C, A, R, W, G, OR O AS APPLICABLE.) CASE CLOSED: Y DATE CLOSED: 01/07/92 DATE EXCAVATION STARTED: / / REMEDIAL ACTIONS TAKEN: NA RESPONSIBLE PARTY CONTACT NAME: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: PHONE ~: CONTACT NAME: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: PHONE ~' CONTACT NAME: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: PHONE #: CONTACT NAME: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: TOM HART HOPPER, INC. P. O. BOX 2900 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303 - ( ) - SPECIALIST: 6 SENSITIVITY: ES ABANDONMENT ~: A 921-06 DATE OF REPORT: 01/07/92 LEAK REPORT: Y CONTACT NAME: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: PHONE #: CONTACT NAME: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: PHONE ~' ~ · CONTACT NAME: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: OR[LL[NG METHO0 / - CONSTRUCT ION INFORMATION WELL ;; WELL ~ WELL WELL WELL DEPTH GROUND ELEVATION OEPTH TO GROUNDWATER ~I.Ol'~ IF KNOWN CASING iNSIDE DIAMETER CASING MATERIALS & GAUGE ,~CREEN MATERIALS & GAUGE TYPE OF BENTONITE ~LUG & DEPTHS .!tNNULAS SEALANT !~ATERIAL & DEPTH FILTER PACK MATERIAL & SiZE SCREEN 3LOT SIZE LENGTH ,SEALANT PLACEMENT t4ETHOD WELL CAP LOC~ASLE FACILITY PLOT PLAN - Provide a description of the facility to be monitored, Include: location of tanks, orooosed monitorino and placement, nearest street or intersection, location of any water wells or surface w~ters within a 500' radius of facility. Please attach. WELL DIMENSIONS - Provide a detailed drawing of well(s), include: depth of well, casin~ ten,th, screen/~i!ter pack length, annular sealants, and well caD. Notean¥ irregularities. Please attach. ZONE OF INFLUENCE - FOR VADOSE ZONE WELLS Provide mathematical calculations that determine the zone of influence for the soil at each site taking into account the monitoring method being used. Please attach. ~dOTE: If this application is not complete it will be returned. 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MONITORING WELL APPLICATION KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEI~NT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ~P~_r~T~-- ADDRESS ORal LiNG CON,RACTOR ~5~ ~' 2"~ c - . ......... .TTARTING OATE ' ~a~.l.~~,~ .............. ENVIRGNMENTAL CONTRACTOR ........ ~/< ~ ~'~,e,,,~S COMPLETION OATE .................... Z}_~6~=~J~~~ .... LITHOLOGY LOGGING REViEHED BY:___ ~EDTH TO GROUNDWATER & FLOW DIRECTION PERFORMED BY: __~_.~-/~ HEALTH OFRCER Leon M Heber~on, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon $. Relpherd APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT (CIRCLE ONE) CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN OR DESTROY A WELL APN: HOME PHONE NO. WORK PHONE NO.]__llQ~r.! - _'7_2~"'~- ......... LICENSE NO. "~"~ 0 PHONE NO. 3Z7- ON ~PPROVE~ _~o, ~ r:a ~ t-NO LICENSE NO...__~ ~,4-.~ .... PHONE NO. ~a~- ce'7 ON REGISTRATION ~: REGISTRATION ;:__~._/~]~_4_~~ 9~4 .......... TO ~OR SITE: T Z') 5 R ~¢];' /~ SEC. ~. '~ 40 ACRE SUB.. ..... _:__ ,.. , 2. 3. 5. 6. T 8. iO.i h~e ¢eao and agre~ to ~mply with the General OWNER' S SIGNATURE OATE APPLICATION APPROVED BY: F)6TF- CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: Permit aPPlications must be submitted to the HealLh_~D~[!~3~.L.a__~_]~!tl~..w~oD_k_in_.D...oays_2£!e£...1.~o_~he ~ell site aooroval is reouired before beginning any work related to well construction. It is lawful to continue work oast the stage at which an inspection is reouired un)ess inspection is waived or comoleted. Other required insoections include: conouctor casino, all annular seals, and final construction features. A ohone pal~ -' '~ ~oartment c?-c9 is reouired on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hour,: ,'. .~a placement OT :.aais or plugs. .. Jonstru~.:' .~ under this -~r~,,t is subject .:s any ins[ructions by Oeoartment representatives. Any misrepresentation or ~on-com:liance with reduired Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "Stop Work Order." A cody of the Department of Water :~sources ,. illeP . %Deft as wei~ as copies of logs and water ~ualitv analyses mus~ be submitted tcche .~ealth OeoarCmem: -.thin :4 days after completion of the work. A well destruction application must be ~ileo with th~s 0eDar[~:~ent if a well is being destroyeo that is not in conjuction witD a test hoie oermit. The oermit is ...~id on the ninetieth (90) caien0ar day after date of issuance if work has not been started and reasonao)e onogress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. Conoitions noted above. . CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE OATE GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALI. EY Director HAZARDOUS M MANAGEMENT MONITORING ~ 2700 M Street, Sulle 300 8akerlfleld, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 Y MW0137-06 0138-06 OWNER'S NAME: FACILITY NAME:,, FACILITY LOCATION: DRIt.I.ING METHOD: CON~CTOR: B.S.IC & Associates TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S), Test Holes NUMBER OF WI~L[.~ REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: ,Hop, per Industries DATE: 7-31-89 Hopper Industries 301 Espee Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Hollow Stem Auger UCENSE #: 490942, (2) Two GI~I]~a~L GONDITIONS OF TIiIS PI~,MIT: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to conlinue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection IS waived or completed. Other required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. A phone call to the Deparunent office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. Consn'uction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Deparnnent representatives. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with required Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP WORK ORDER." A copy of the Deparnnent of Water Resources Driller's Report as well as copies of logs and water quality analyses mnstbe submined to the Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. A well destruction application must be files with this Deparunent if a well is being destroyed that is not in conjunction with a test hole permit. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date if issuance if work has not been started and reasonable progress'toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor :ransferable. I have read and agree to comply with the Gene~'al Conditions noted above. SPECIAL ~OND1TIONS: 1. 2. Approved Annular S-:fi Depth N/A. · rest holes shall be s,'aied with approved material from bottom to grade. This permit must be signed by either the contractor or owner, OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE CON'£RACI'OR'S SIGNATURE PERMIT APPROVED BY: Dan Starkey DATE: 7-31-87 DS:cd starkey%hopper.mw GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURC HAZARDOUS MATFJUALS MANAG~ PROGRAM MONITORING WFJ.L(S) PERMIT AG 2700 M Streel, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 8614636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 ENCY PERMIT- MW0137-06 0138-06 OWNER'S NAME: FACILITY NAME: FACILITY LOCATION: DRILLING MEI'HOD: CONTRACTOR: B.S.K. & Associates TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S) Test Holes NUMBER OF Wl;I.I.q REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: Hopper Industries DATE: 7-31-89 Hopper InduStries 301 Espee S~reet. Bakersfield. GA_ 93301 Hollow Stem Auger UCmSE #: 490942 (2) Two GENEII~ ~ONDmONS OF TillS PERMIT: Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well conslmcfion. It is unlawful to continue work i~t ~e stage at witch an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. Other required inspe~tion~ include: conductor casing, ali annular seals, and final ~J~r~:flon A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and ~ hou:~ befot~ the ~[llci~t~t o~ any seals or plugs. Gonsffucfion under this Permit is subject to any insa'uctions by Department representatives. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with required Permit Gonditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP WORK ORDER." A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report as well as copies of logs and water quality analyses must be submitted to the Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. A well destruction application must be files with this Department if a well is being destroyed that is not in conjunction with a test hole permit. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date if issuance if work has not been started and reasonabie progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. I have read and agree to comply with the General Gonditions noted above. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Approved Annular Seal Depth N/ti. Test holes shall be :..:aled with approved material from bottom to grade. This permit must be signed by either the contractor or own::r. OWNER'S SIGNAI~JRE DATE CON'I'RACI'OI['S SIGNATURE DATE PERMIT APPROVED BY: Dan Starke¥ DATE: 7-31-8~ DS:cd srarkeyMhopper.mw 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Addre.: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM KERN COUNTY HEALTH .DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebert~on, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relcherd /,14. Ud. 'J:K 013-7 '-" 0~/ MONITORING WELL(S) PERMIT OWNER'S NAME: FACILITY NAME: FACILITY LOCATION: ~0~ DRILLING METHOD: l~ TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S) NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: I. Well site approval is repuired before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or comoieted. 2. Other required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Deoartment office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the ~lacement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Debartment representatives. 5. Any misrepresentation or non-comoliance with required Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "Stoo Work Order." 5. A cody of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Reoort as well as cooies of logs and water quality analyses must be submitted to the Health Department within 14 days after completion of the work. ?. A well destruction a~piication must be filed with this Oeoartment if a well is being destroyed that is not in, conjunction with a test hole permit. 8. The oermit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of issuance if work has not been started and resonab)e progress toward comoletion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. g. I have read and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted above. Soeciai Conditions: 1. Approved Annular Seat Depth AJ ~.. This oermit must be signea Dy either the contrailror or owner. OWNER'S SIGNATURE _ ~OAT ~__.~ATE PERMIT APPROVED BY: ~ ~ DATE: ~--~1~='~ CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE DISTRICT OFFICES DATE 2700 M Street Bakerdield. California Mailing Addre~: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (8O5) 861-3636 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM KERN COUNTY HE'ALTH,DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION MONITORING WELL(S) PERMIT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebirlion, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Retchard OWNER'S NAME: FACILITY NAME: OATE: FACILITY LOCATION: ORILLING METHOD: TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S) CONTRACTOR: LICENSE NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: Well site approval is reouired before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. Other reouired inspections include: conductor casing, alt annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A ohone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that ~rk is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or olugs. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 5. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with reouired Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a 'Stop Work Order." 6. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report as well as cooies of logs and water quality analyses must be submitted to the Health Department within )4 days after completion of the work. ?. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department if a well is being destroyeo that is not in, conjunction with a test hole permit. 8. The permit is void on the ninetieth (gO) calendar day after date of issuance if work has not been started and resonable progress toward comoletion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. g. I haveread and agree to comply with the General Conditions noted above. S~eciai Conditions: 1. Approved Annular Seal Depth This permit must be signed by either the contractor or owner. OWNER'S SIGNATURE PERMIT APPROVED BY: DATE: OATE CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE DATE DISTRICT OFFICES R E,-- ~ .Tm m COUN'TY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 2?00 ;nvo'~ ce Nbr. PAGE 1591 Type of: Or"der ~. c..~ :: m kC E 5 i ': T c,-,, '.,, n", '" '-r ........... H O L E !73B 2 m, Or',-'c.~ 311 KENTUCKY .:~T. MONITORING NE'-L' '"~, ,'.,,N~,/"' "'"',EST H.,~c"~' '"' !7'3S HOPPER 301 ESPEE ST. 04/i 3/89 Pr'rice Ui-;i~ D'1¢c 225.00 E 225.00 E O,-dec. To~al NT To~,~"; 225 '00 225.00 450.00 450.00 o.oo THANK YOU ~ ANNUA9 TRE ND · ANAL YS I S$S UM~lw.3%RY ! TANK # / TIME PERIOD: QUARTER 1 PERIOD 1: PERIOD 2: PERIOD 3: QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: PERIOD 5: PERIOD 6: QUARTER S PERIOD 7: PERIOD 8: PERIOD g: TIME PERIOD: Total Minuses This Period (Line S) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period {Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) TIME PERIOD: ----- to Total Minuses This Period (Line ~) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4). TIME PERIOD: '---- to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 8) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line ~) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 4 TIME PERIOD: ----- to PERIOD I0: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Linei4) I hereby certify this is a true and accurate report.%.:i' Signature ANNU~ ' ~END -ANALYSI QUARTER 1 /_j_ ~7 to ~/-7- C~ ' PERIOD 1: ~ PERIOD 2: <:~ PERIOD 3: d) QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: PERIOD 5: PERIOD 6: QUARTER 3 PERIOD 7: PERIOD 8: PERIOD 9: TIME PERIOD: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) TIME PERIOD: ~ to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Lin?"4)! Total Minuses This Period (Line 3)!~...:,:~ ~... Action Number for this Period (Llne:..4)~. TIME PERIOD: -- to:i Total Minuses This Period (Line 3)' Action Number for this Period (Line 4 Total Minuses This Period (Line Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line Action Number for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 4 TIME PERIOD: to PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line,4) PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3). ::?~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) I hereby certify this is a true and accurate Signature C o. [] .~ [] OJ. 03.LSI'II~V Qq)40:IHQ ']OVklOl$ O] 0 A3NOIq ' ' ' H40~'It"IN · 'A~NOI'I .dmr~ MOI$I 1S~:1 01 O3£$i'~l'0¥ · (3q>(OBHO NOI.L¥I::IGI'IVO ;NO'11¥0 ' (1'11¥1,~ )f:})l 1Y I O I M~'I$I J CYJ O/o;tsnro¥ NOI.LYHI~I"IVO . .'IDYl:lO t:: Ol Cl3N~Ii"IJ 3U SNO'IlVO H IgtqnN "1Vl3 ),~ .LWY.LS x .sNo~ A3NOI~ H$1NI:I · S.,3NIO¥3U .. 11¢I~"IIN, INV tgV'fl *lfll')d O~ tlglRn~ov 03NO3HO NOI.L¥1dgl'iYO · J'JV~OJ~ Ol O.INUFII')H gNOT1VO SNO 11vO · 3DYMO.LS 0 t O':INHr~I :IU SNOlqYO [ .~K) I ,LSYJ I SNO'~IYD [ I .';.NC)'{ lVOI lk{Vls H$IN1:1 SONIOYBI:L ': H3ZIqVI01 ' .' NOI.LYUglqYO .I a'{'"lV:lg M]ZI'tVlOI ¢,,:::.1 gOYUOIL{; 01 OBNUf~L3U SNOI'IYO 'lqOOel ONv 1 H~INId : 03)403HO O,L 031srll'OV 'ON N011¥151 NOI.LYUG IqY9 OlVd$1a ~lVO UOlleJqli.O JO 't§ueqo JPlelN 'eAueqo JelAdmbO jo pJooau $NOI'W~ l 0 C C) o o L~ DCOMPUTER CHANGE DMETER CHANGE ['"~ CAU~qATION DW/M NOTIFIED II~&W Reeord of CompMe?l~hanga, Meter Change, or Calibrati..on, READINGS ~ IO.O TOTALIZER READINGS P~OD~CT FINISH START Pump # MONEY TOTAL GALLONS GALLONS RETURNED 10 STORAGE DISPATCH NO, CALIBRATION CHECKED ADJUSTED TO ,TOTALIZER SEALED METER SEALED [] ,ES O .o O -, 0 .o CALIBRATION CHECKED ~otA~ ~ZER S~ALEO ADJUSTEr) l*O I AST ISt ow I METER SEALED [:),Es O NO )U~P-M&KE &NO MOOEL TOTALIZER READINGS FINISH MONEY START TOTAL GALLONS H( IURNI*U IO ShtRA(,F 1 UTALIZER READINGS FINISH START Pump # kK)NE T TOTAL iALI.ONS RE tURNFL) TO .'Fl DRAG[ CALIBRAT ION CHFCKEU ADJUSI ED TO D '- El .o [] ,- [] I~JMP-MAKE &ND MODEL TOTALIZER REAOINGS PflODUC r FINISH START MONEY SERIAL NUMBER ~LALLONS GALLONS CALIBRATION CHECKED FAST IsLo~ TOT ALIZER S[,ALED ,TURNED TO STOAAOE ADJUSTED TO FAST [SLOW METER SEALED I'OTALIZER READINGS FINISH IMON' START [MON£Y Pump #'1 TOTAL ,GALLUNS FLL()NS I~)U. LONS RE TURNED TO STORAGE CALIBRATION CHECKED IFAST ]SL°W "°':F ADJUSTED TO MAINT[NANGE MAN'S SIGNATURE I ,ORCE MANAGEMENT RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR wD mc£ m ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Envi~or~ Health Sen/ices Department STEVE McCAH Fy, RE}iS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Pbuu~ng & Development Se~ces ~nt TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 2, 1992 Mr. Tom Hart Hopper, Inc. P. O. Box 2900 Bakersfield, CA 93303 SUBJECT: Location Known As Permit # 301 Espee Street, Bakersfield, California Hopper, Inc. 060014 Dear Mr. Hart: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed usc of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this m~/tter, please contact Joe Cafias at (805) 861-3636, Extension 588. Chris Burger, Hazardous Materials Specialist IV Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:jrw (canas~hopper. b) 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAI~ERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (8O5) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 SINCE 1 914 INC. Joe Canas ~hvironmental Health Services Dept. 2700 ',M,, Street Suite 300 Bakersfi~ld CA 93301 Juue 10, 1991 Dea~ Joe: After our discussion and with B.S.K.'s site characterization that indicates the threat to the environment is minimal, this letter will confirm Hopper,,Inc.'s desire for a no action plan for the 301 Espee St. site. I am also working on getting a contractor to perform a site characterization on 311 Kentncky Street site, and I will be in contact with you concerning that property. Sincerely, Tom Hart, Plant Manager 301 ESPEE STREET · P.O. 80X 2900 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303 · PHONE (805) 861-7000 · FAX (805) 861-7117 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY RANDALL L. ABBO'I'I' DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE !II ASSISTAHT DIP~CTOR Envir~ Health ~ [~t STEVE McCA~ ~ ~V, REHS, DIRECTOR WILLIAM J, RODDY, APCO TED J~, ~CP, D~R ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT May 13, 1991 Tom Hart Hopper, Inc. P. O. Box 2900 Bakersfield, CA 93303 SUBJECT: Status Report for the Hopper, Inc. Espee Street Site Dear Mr. Hart: It has come to the attention of this Department that no action has been taken since August 1989 towards remediation of contaminated soil at the above-mentioned facility located at 301 Espee Street in Bakersfield, California. The site characterization identified contamination to an approximate depth of 60 feet and 50 to 60 feet laterally. Subsequent correspondence received after performance of the site characterization indicated that a "no action" option for mitigation was desired, however, a final decision has not been received. We are now requesting that a final mitigation decision be determined. In the event the "no action" method of mitigation is selected, the threat and protection of the environment and public health must be addressed. Should you have any questions regarding this notice I may be contacted at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, e Canas Hazardous Materials Spec/al/st Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:jg 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 I='A~- [R/'tr~ ~1-'~&90 & Associates, Geotechn,cal Consultants~t, Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology Environmental Engineering Engineering haboratorie§.~,Che~"a~'}~'a%~ra~o~'es March 20, 1990 OUR~~ Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Attention: Ms. Janis Lehman ~ SUBJECT: Site Characterization Addendum " Hopper, Ins. ~.~'~ r''~-'.. 301 Espee Street Bakersfield, California Dear Ms-. Lehman: We are providing information which you have requested (correspondence dated March 8, 1990) regarding Hopper's Site Charaterization report and initial addendum (BSK & Associates JOB B88325, dated September 7, 1989 and February 2, 1990, respectively) for the Espee Street location. You questioned items contained in those reports which you feel do not adequately characterize the contaminant plume at that site. Our responses to your concerns correlate to numbered items included in your letter. 1. You question our assumption that the vertical extent of contamination would be greatest at the location of Test Boring B-2. That boring was situated over the former location of the removed 350 and 550 gallon fuel tanks. You base your concern on the previous existance of two 10,000 gallon fuel tanks that were in the vicinity, and higher levels of s0il contamination detected at similar depths in Test Borings B-3, B-4 and B-5 than what was found in samples obtained from Boring B-2. Preliminary soil contamination investigations, consisting of sampling and testing soils obtained beneath the 350, 550, and the two 10,000 gallon fuel tanks were conducted by BSK prior to the Site Characterization. Results from those investigations indicated relatively high contaminant levels beneath the 350 and 550 gallon tanks and minor or no contamination found beneath the 10,000 gallon tanks. there are other point sources at the site that we are unaware of, we base our assumption that the plume of contamination originated from the smaller two tanks. ~ Fresno, California 93706 - 1645 "E" Street, Suite 105 . Telephone (209) 485-3200, Fax (209) 485-7427 ~ Fresno, California * 1445 "F" Street - Telephone (209) 485-0100 ~ Fresno, California 93706 · 1414 Stanislaus Street . Telephone (209) 485-8310 ~ Visalia, California 93291 · 808 E. Douglas Avenue - Telephone (209) 732-8857 ~ Bakersfield, California 93304 * 117 'V" Street * Telephone (805) 327-0671, Fax (805) 324-4218 [] Pleasanton, California 94566 - 5729-F Sonoma Drive * Telephone (415) 462-4000, Fax (415) 462-6283 Sit9 Characteri L~n Addendum Hopper/301 Espee Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B89325 March 20, 1990 Page 2 You stated that contaminant levels are higher at similar depths in the lateral borings B-3, B-4 and B-5 than those found in Boring B-2. In fact, Total Volatile Hydrocarbon concentrations are lower at similar depths in the lateral borings than Boring B-2. However, aromatic constituent concentrations are somewhat higher in the lateral borings. As you are aware, hydrocarbon transport in the subsurface can be complex. Hydrocarbons can occur in several different phases and movement of constituents depend on physical properties of those compounds, along with the properties of the soil matrix. Review of Test Hole Logs for the site borings indicates lateral soil changes from Boring B-2 to the other borings. We suggest that the higher constituent concentrations in the lateral borings are a result of the mobility characteristics of the aromatic constituents combined with lateral variations of soil materials. 2. BSK will notify your Department of proposed changes to the Site Characterization Workplans before implementation. 3. The leaching potential analysis characterizes conditions which influence downward migration of hydrocarbons. The subsurface conduits which we refer to in our initial addendum are laterally placed utility lines. We do not consider that these structures are capable of increasing vertical migration of leachate. 4. Vapor phase migration of hydrocarbons along the subsurface conduits is a potential risk. We understand that most of the Hopper facility is paved, and that risk of vapor emission is reduced. However, environmental hazards have been shown to occur in cases where hydrocarbon vapors have emitted into unventilated buildings or structures. If a "No Action" remediation alternative is selected for this site, then potential lateral migration of vapors along subsurface conduits should be investigated more fully. BSK & Associates GARY J. WICKS Agency Olrecto, (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Olrector RESOURCE ~!ENT DEPART'*'~~!NMENTAL March 8, 1990 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (MS) 861-3636 Telecople; (805) 861-3429 AGENCY Mark Milward BSK and Associates 117 "V" Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Subject: Hopper Underground Tank Site Assessments Permit #'s 060014 and 140012 Dear Mr. Milward: This Department has reviewed the site characterization report addendum dated February 2, 1990, for the above referenced facility. There are several concerns regarding both the addendum and the report which this Department feels have not been adequately addressed. They are as follows: The assumption is made in the Espee report that the vertical extent of contamination is going to be greatest at the location of B-2. B-2 is located near the area of the 350 and 550 gallon fuel tanks. It is approximately 20 feet from the center of either of the 10,000 gallon fuel tanks and up to 40 feet away from the farthest ends of these tanks. Borings B-3 and B-4, which are approximately 10 feet away from eastern 10,000 gallon tank both had levels of contamination which at similar depths as B-2 far exceeded the levels of contamination detected in B-2. In the site characterization report, and in your response to our letter dated January 16, 19g0, you state that B-3 and 4 were drilled to determine the vertical extent of contamination plume. This Department is not satisfied that the vertical extent of contamination can be based on the results of boring B-2, since B-3, B-4 and the boring B-5, located approximately 40 feet from B-2, all show higher. levels of contamination at similar depths than B-2. Part of this Department's requirement for a site characterization workplan is a site map which details any drilling obstacles, such as overhead or underground utility lines, structures, etc. As you have learned from this site, the attention to detail when preparing this map is very important in order to insure that the workplan indeed can be implemented. In the future BSK and Associates must be careful to detail any drilling obstacles in their workplans. This Department realizes that unforseen circumstances can cause field changes in drilling plans, but following the requirements set forth in Handbook #35 will minimize these field changes. Also, this Department must be notified of field changes prior to their implementation. ." Site Characteriz ~n Addendum .Hopper/301 Espee Street Bakersfield, California 'OUR JOB B89325 March 20, 1990 Page 3 If you have questions concerning the information included in this letter, please call. Respectfully submitted, BSK & Associates Mark~F. Milward~ 'Civil Engineer MFM/wp cc: Mr. Tom Hart, Hopper Inc. BSK & Associates Mark Milward March 8, 1990 Page 2 In the discussion of the leaching potential analyses for the Espee site, it is stated that there are no man-made conduits. As per your response in the addendum as to why the boring locations were changed, you state that there are underground conduits. The leaching potential analysis should be corrected. The discussion of the "no action" remediation alternative fails to discuss vapor migration along the underground conduits. The addendum containing the above information must be submitted to this Department within 15 days. Should you have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program JL:cas \milward.ltr 2700 M Street Bakersfield. California Mailing Addr.s: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 8~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MONITORING WELL KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT~ DIVISION APPLICATION ~0() .c_~_ FAC'[LITY NAME ,DATE ~:,~.~ s Z'. DR ILL i NG CON TRACTOR .... '?~'6D'O~ ...... ADDRESS .............. ~ 7 STARTING DATE ............................. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTOR DR'OPOS~ ..... AODRESS /l COMPLETION DATE . ~THOLOGY LOGGING REV~EHED BY: _~i,~ OEPTH TO GROUNON~TER & FLOW O[RECT~ON PERFORMEO HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebert~on, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relchar¢~ APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT (CIRCLE ONE) CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN OR DESTROY A WELL cT APN: HOME PHONE NO. WORK PHONE NO."]__L~_~t LICENSE NO. PHONE NO. "--~~~ ON APPROVE~]"~'F~~ LICENSE NO. PHONE NO. ~ ON APPROVED~IST' ~ REGISTRATION TO JOB SITE: T Z~ 5 R ~? SEC..30 aO ACRE SUB.. .... OIRECTIONS TO WELL SITE: .... ./__ -~,.,c/~ ~u,'~.___.e.,~ L.2, ,c,., GENERAL o 6. 7. 8. OWNER'S SIGNATURE APPLICATION APPROVED BY: DATE: CONOITI~SNS OF THE PERMIT: ~C~.!.~ aoolica~ions must be submitted to the Health Oeoartment at least 10 workin~ ~ay.s orior ~o ~he ~ell site aoDroval is reouireU before beginning any work related to well construction. It is lawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is reouired unless inspection is waived or completed. Other reouired insoections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, anO final construction features. A phone ca)l to the Deoartment office is reouired on the mornino'of ti~e day that work is to commence ano 24 hours before the placement of any seals o~ plugs. ConstructieF ~der this Permit is subject to any instructions by Oeoartment representatives. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with required Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a ~Stop Work Order." A copy of the Oeoartment of Water Resources Driller's Report ,~ ~ell as copies of logs and water quality anai,~:~es must be submitted to the Health Oeoartment within ~ .~,~ys after comdletion of the work. A well destruction aoplication must be filed with this Deoartment if a well is being destroyed that is not in conjuc~ion ~itn a test hole oermi~. The oermit is void on the ninetieth {~01 calendar Day after date of issuance if work has not been started anu reasonable progress cowaru com,)etlon made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. comol~withtheGeneralConditionsnotedabove.,~..?y_y% '~~~,"~.~C~,~'/' DATE CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE DATE WELL f INFOR,ATIO/ --- CONSTRUCTION WELL ~ WELL WELL ~ELL DEPTH GROUND ELEVATION OEPTH TO GROIJNDWATER ,'l.Ol'/ IF KNOWN 80REHOLE DIAMETER CASING iNSIDE DIAMETER " CASING MATERIALS & ,~ GAUGE .~uRE_N MATERIALS & GAUGE ,' TYPE OF BENTONITE ,, ~LUG & DEPTHS :NNULAo SEALANT .. ~ATERIAL & DEPTH .tiLTER PACK MATERIAL ,. & SIZE SCREEN SLOT SiZE & L:N ~TH SEALANT PLACEMENT ,, ~4ETHOD WE_u CAP LOCKASLE F~CILITY PLOT PLAN - WELL D~MENoIONa - ~uNE OF iNFLUENCE - FOR VADOSE ZONE WELLS Provide a descriotion of thJ facility to be monitored, Include: location of tanks, orooosed monitor~no and olacement, nearest street or intersection, location of any water wells or surface wa~ers within a 500' radius of facility. Please attach. Provide a detailed dra~ing of well(s). Include: deoth o~ well casinq length, screen/filter pack lenD,n, annular sealants, and well cao. Note an~ irregu(arit~e~. Please attach. Provide mathematical calculations that determine the zone of influence for the soil at each site ~aking into account the monitoring method being used. Please attach. NOTE: If this ao:lication is not comolete it will be returned. BSI( & Associ - § !9 0 * . ng Geotechnical Engineering Engineering Geology Envlronmen~ Engln~~ E~oratories,Chemica[ Laboratories ,..,... ~eb=u~ 2~ 1990 '"- OUR ~OB B88325 Depa=~men~ o~ En~=o~en~a~ Hea~h seduces 2700 N S~ee~ Su~e 300 Sa~e=s~e~d, Ca~o~n~a 93301 Attention: Ms. Janis Lehman SUBJECT: Site Characterization Addendum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California Dear Ms. Lehman: At your direction (correspondence dated January 16, 1990), we are providing information regarding Site Characterizations of 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street in Bakersfield, California. These sites were subjects of soil contamination characterizations we performed for Hopper, Incorporated (OUR JOB B88325, dated September 7, 1989). This addendum contains information that you have requested to complete your review of the sites and correlates to questions you raised in your correspondence. Attached figures representing cross-section configurations of the zones of contamination may be reviewed for additional information. Q. Why were test boring locations changed from those originally proposed? Our initial Kentucky Street Test Boring KB-1 was originally intended to be located directly over the center of the removed tank. Prior to our field investigation, we were told by a Hopper representative that overhead utility services situated above the tank could be temporarily shut down while we worked. As you are aware, OSHA enforces required distances that machinery such as a drill rig mast may operate adjacent to overhead utility lines. As we prepared to initiate our work, the facility foreman reported to us that shutting the line down would seriously inhibit their operations. Subsequently, we located our initial test boring as close to the removed tank as possible without sacrificing safety to the drill rig and to our workers. Other test borings were also located away from the overhead lines to provide a margin of safety. ~ Fresno, California 93706 - 1645 "E" Street, Suite 105 * Telephone (209) 485-3200, Fax (209) 485-7427 ~ Fresno, California - 1445 "F" Street * Telephone (209) 485-0100 ~ Fresno, Calil~ornia 93706 - )414 Stanislaus Street , Telephone (209) 485-8310 ~ Visalia, California 93291 * 808 E. Douglas Avenue * Telephone (209) 732-8857 L~ Bakersfield, California 93304 - 117 "V" Street · Telephone 1805} 327-0671, Fax ~805) 324-4218 ~ Pleasanton, California 94566 - 5729-F Sonoma Drive , Telephone (415) 462-4000, Fax (415) 462-6283 Site Characterization Addendum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 February 2, 1990 Page 2 Kentucky Street Test Boring KB-2 was originally intended to be situated 10 feet from KB-1. However, we placed Boring KB-2 about 20 feet from KB-1. Our intention was to place the next Boring KB-3 10 feet from KB-1 if field observations and field instrumentation (photoionization detector) indicated contamination conditions absent in Boring KB-2. In fact, field conditions suggested contamination in subsurface soils from Boring KB-2 so we situated Boring KB-3 farther away from the removed tank location. Some Test Boring locations at the Espee site were changed based on information concerning underground utility lines and improvements that was not known at the time of our original workplan review. Other changes reflected field decisions based on observations of site conditions and field instrumentation readings. Often during these types of investigations, subsurface conditions not forseen at the time of workplan submittal dictate decisions made in the field. Q. Why was Espee site Boring B-3 terminated at 26 feet? Espee site Test Boring B-3 was intended to indicate lateral extent of soil contamination from the leaking underground tanks. Field observations and instrumentation readings indicated that Boring B-3 subsurface soils were contaminated at 25 feet. Laboratory analysis confirmed our field observation. Based on that criteria, Boring B-3 was terminated so that subsequent borings might be drilled to determine the lateral extent of contamination. Q. Why were samples not retrieved at the termination depths of Espee site Borings B-4 and B-57 In fact, soil samples were retrieved from those borings. However it was decided that testing those particular samples were not necessary to indicate lateral extent of contamination. As you noted, previous samples from those borings were tested and confirmed that contamination had migrated laterally at least that far. Q. Are there other possible sources of subsurface contamination at the Espee site? There is no additional information that we are aware of which would indicate the possible existence of other point sources at the site. BSK & Associates Site Characteriz .on Addendum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 February 2, 1990 Page 3 Q. What are the feasibilities, risks, and cost analyses of remediation alternatives? REMEDIATION ALTERNATIVES (Espee Site) Espee Site Information: Results of our assessment suggest that the maximum depth of significant hydrocarbon contamination (TVH greater than 100 mg/kg and BTXE greater than 1 mg/kg, respectively) occurs less than 60 feet beneath the ground surface at the location of the removed tanks. Relatively minor concentrations of the more mobile aromatic constituents occur to a depth of less than 70 feet. The lateral extent of soil contamination, based on test results of samples obtained from Borings B-5 and B-6, is less than 65 feet from the location of the removed tanks. The volume of hydrocarbon contaminated subsurface soil may range from 10,000 to 17,000 cubic yards. NO ACTION ~0V ~~ff'~ Description: This action would involve leaving the present contaminated soil in place. We would suggest that the backfilled area of the removed tanks and surrounding areas be paved with asphalt or concrete. Paving would insulate the zone of contamination from human activities on the surface and would inhibit to some extent surface water from percolating into the subsurface and leaching contaminants downward. Feasibility: Potential concerns to be considered when weighing a no action alternative include: 1) Will no action result in substantial increase of airborne contaminant emissions? 2) Will it result in contaminant discharge to underlying groundwater? 3) Will it cause known adverse effects on the environment or to human health? The constituents of gasoline include highly volatile components which may transform to the gas-vapor phase and migrate through soil to the atmosphere. In this case, the top of the contaminant plume may be as deep as 10 feet below the ground surface. Also, BSK & Associates Site Characteriz~on Addendum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 February 2, 1990 Page 4 the addition of a surface cap would greatly reduce the risk of airborne emissions. It can not be forseen whether the existing contaminant plume would continue its downward migration into groundwater. Current Kern County Water Agency estimates on depth to groundwater beneath the site is 175 feet. The source of leakage has been removed eliminating continued suppply to the subsurface. Factors evaluated in the Leaching Potential Analysis indicate that the potential risk of groundwater impact is low. Economic feasibilities of alternative remediation options (listed below) highlight "no action" as a valid consideration at this site. Health Risk: Health risks regarding potentially hazardous waste are normally considered in acute (short term) and chronic (long term) effects. The short term risks for this site appear to be low. The subsurface contamination has likely existed in its present state for a number of years without a known report of adverse health effects resulting from it. Determination of the occurrence of health effects due to chronic exposure is difficult and requires additional investigation regarding the toxicologic properties of the contaminants. A thorough environmental risk assessment would conform to standards of practice of an industrial hygiene survey conducted by a Certified Industrial Hygienist. Cost Analysis:~ ~0 OCL'~'~'' Minimal costs would be encountered with a no action option.) EXCAVATION Description: This method would consist of excavating contaminated soils for either treatment on-site by bioremedial "land farming" or aerated to the atmosphere. Excavation of the contaminated soil would require a large diameter bucket auger drill rig. A number of deep columns of soil would be removed throughout the zone of contamination and backfilled with a cement slurry mix. A slope-sided excavation utilizing a clam-shell is not considered feasible. The dimensions of the excavation to remove this much material would extend a great distance disrupting facility operations. BSK & Associates Site Characteriza~ion Addendum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 February 2, 1990 Page 5 Feasibility: Space at the site may be suitable to set up augering, cementing, and trucking equipment. Because of the relative cohesionless nature of the soils, temporary casings may be required to stabilize the augered excavations. Conditions associated with sloped-wall excavations are avoided with the bucket auger method. Vapor emissions are reduced. Safety around the site is increased with the absence of a large open pit. Shoring is eliminated. Over-excavation is not required. Backfilling and compaction is minimized. We understand that a Pacific Gas & Electric main trunk line occurs beneath the site through a portion of the zone of contamination. PG&E's easement along this main line may inhibit feasilbility of soil excavation. Cost analyses, summarized below, seriously limits the economic feasibility of excavation at this site. Health Risk: Health risks involved in excavation of gasoline-contaminated soil include fire potential, release of volatile organics to the atmosphere, and potentially harmful exposure to site workers. Cost Analysis: Included costs are a rough estimate that may be typical of similar sites: - Excavation Costs: $100,000 to $200,000.00 - Bioremediation: $200,000.00 - Surface Aeration: $75,000.00 - Backfill $100,000.00 - Miscellaneous and Contingencies: $50,000.00 Estimated Total Costs: - Bioremediation Option - Surface Aeration $450,000 to $550,000.00 $325,000 to $425,000.00 IN-SITU BIOREMEDIATION Description: Bioremediation is a proven technology for hydrocarbon cleanup in many instances. In this case, bacteria designed to break down hydrocarbon compounds would be introduced through a number of injection wells until contaminant concentrations are reduced to acceptable levels. BSK & Associates Site Characteriz .on Addendum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 February 2, 1990 Page 6 Feasibility: The time necessary to remedy the site using in-situ bioremediation would depend on subsurface soil conditions, hydrocarbon concentrations, and types of introduced bacteria. State and local permitting may be necessary for this type of remediation. Health Risk: Minimal health risks would be encountered due to limited exposure to the subsurface contaminant plume. Cost Analysis: An in-situ bioremediation program may range from $20 to $50 per cubic yard of contaminated soil. For this site, costs may range from $200,000 to $850,000. Firms specializing in bioremediation should be consulted for site-specific costs. SOIL VENTING Description: Vented casings are placed in borings throughout the zone of contamination. Volatile components of the contamination are removed by an air pump attached to the casing which evacuates the soil gases into an appropriate filtration and disposal system. Feasibility: An appropriate soil venting system is designed and operated in accordance with site specific subsurface conditions to maximize contaminant removal effectiveness. At this site, where subsurface soils may contain fine-grained sediments, an enhanced system may be utilized by pumping re-circulated air through injection casings and drawing that air through production casings. In-situ air stripping has been shown to be an effective method of hydrocarbon remediation in many instances. Health Risks: Limited exposure to workers. Cost Analysis: Depending on the extraction system used, and specific site subsurface conditions, a soil venting remediation program could range in cost from $50 to $100 per cubic yard for an estimated total cost at this site of $500,000 to $1,700,000. BSK & Associates Site Characterization Addendum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 February 2, 1990 Page 7 REMEDIATION ALTERNATIVES (KENTUCKY SITE) Kentucky Site Information: Significant concentrations (TVH greater than 100 mg/kg and BTXE greater than 1 mg/kg, respectively) occur at a maximum depth of less than 40 feet below the ground surface beneath the location of the removed tank. Minor concentrations of aromatic constituents occur less than 70 feet below the surface. The lateral extent of significant soil contamination is less than 20 from the removed tank location. Lesser concentrations of contaminated soil occurs between 20 and 35 feet away from the tank. The volume of significantly contaminated soil is approximately 600 to 1800 cubic yards. Lesser contaminated soil may comprise a volume as high as 5400 yards. NO ACTION A "no action" option may be considered for this site. The leaking source has been removed. Based on the reported depth of groundwater and the current vertical depth of soil contamination, as well as the other factors identified in the Leaching Potential Analysis, the risk of impact to groundwater quality is low. Although the contaminant plume would remain in place, there is some evidence, based on field observations, which suggests that in-situ natural bio-degradation may already be proceeding. However, the time necessary for complete or adequate natural bioremediation cannot be determined. If a no action option is chosen, we would suggest that the backfilled area and surrounding areas be paved to insulate the zone of contamination from human activities on the surface and inhibit surface water percolation. Health risks, feasibility, and cost analyses for no action at this site are similar to the Espee site. OTHER ALTERNATIVES Other remediation options listed and described for the Espee site are technically feasible for the Kentucky site. Some difficulty would be encountered excavating soils adjacent to the facility building. BSK & Associates Site Characteriza.ion Addendum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 February 2, 1990 Page 8 Economic feasibility for those options are limited due to high costs compared to the relative value of the property. Remediation costs based on the volume of total contaminated soil are summarized below. Excavation with Surface Bioremediation: $250,000.00 Excavation with Surface Aeration: In-Situ Bioremediation: Soil Venting: $175,000.00 $150,000 to $250,000.00 $270,000 to $540,000.00 LIMITATIONS Findings and conclusions presented in this addendum are based on data obtained from the test borings conducted in accordance with the Characterization of Soil Contamination performed at 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street (JOB B88325, dated September 7, 1989) Opinions expressed regarding health risks concerning the subsurface soil contamination are intended to be an overview of potential health problems that may be encountered. This report is not intended to take the place of a thorough risk assessment which should conform to standards of practice of an industrial hygiene survey conducted by a Certified Industrial Hygienist. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices for the area, based on the guidelines of local and State jurisdictions. No warranties, either expressed or implied, are made. Respectively submitted, BSK & Associates IJ0hn_B. Moor~ ;Civil Engineer MFM/JBM/wp Attachments cc: Mr. Tom Hart, Hopper Incorporated BSK & Associates CJ · ,-i .~ I o U 0 GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCA ~I~-EY Director RESOURCE ~~.~., NT D EPART~:_NMENTAL · ~ .,~. ~ay 14, 1990 2700 14 Street, Suite 300 Bake~fleld. CA 93301 Telel~hoae (MS) N1-3638 Telecoplet (805) 861-3429 AGENCY Tom Hart Hopper, Inc. P. 0. Box 2900 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Subject: 301Espee Street, 311 Kentucky Street, Bakersfield, CA Permit Numbers: 060014, 140012 Dear Mr. Hart: This Department has reviewed the site characterization report and the associated addendums for the above referenced facilities. Three remediation alternatives are discussed for each site in these reports, but a selection of the most appropriate one has not been made by either Hopper or their environmental consultant, BSK and Associates. Based upon these reports, further information is necessary before the "no action" remediation alternative can be considered for either site. In particular a Health Risk analysis must be performed in order to determine if the contamination may be allowed to stay in place without any adverse effects. In addition it will be necessary to accurately determine the depth of groundwater at these sites before closure in place can be considered. This must be done by placing groundwater monitoring wells. These wells must be placed in the areas indicated on the enclosed plot plans and tested for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), benzene, toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene (BTXE). In addition, the Espee site must be tested for Naphthalene using EPA method number 610. A sample of the groundwater from each well must also be obtained and analyzed for the above constituents. If either of the other remediation alternatives are selected, a detailed ' engineering report describing the chosen method and how it is to be implemented at this site must be submitted to this Department. You have 15 days to notify this Department as to which of the remediation alternatives you have selected. Within 30 days you must submit a workplan for implementing the chosen remediation alternative. If you have any questions, or concerns, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, m~teri al s ' Speci al ist II Hazardous Materials Management Program iL:cas GARY J. WICKS Agency Director {80S) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director January 16, 1990 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Baker,field, CA 93301 .Telephone (805) 861-36.16 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY Tom Hart Hopper, Inc. P. O. Box 2900 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Subject: Site Characterization Location: 801Espee Street, Bakersfield, CA 31)~:~:~tucky Str~,~t, Bakersfield, CA Permit #: Dear Mr. Hart: This Department has received the site characterization reports prepared by BSK and Associates for the above referenced facilities. In October of 1989, Mr. Joe Canas from this Department discussed with Mr. Mark Millard of BSK that additional information was necessary in order to complete the review of the site characterization reports. Specifically, the following information was to provided in an addendum to these reports: A discussion of why the sample borehole locations were changed from those approved in the site characterization workplan. A feasibility study for each of the remediation alternatives. At a minimum the study should contain the information required in the enclosed handbook UT #35, included should be a risk and cost analysis. lhe environmental contractor should also recommend the remediation alternative best suited to this site, taking into account the information addressed in the feasibility study. Upon further review of these reports there are other areas which must be further addressed in order to complete this review. They pertain to the Espee Site and are as follows: Why was boring B-3 terminated at 26 feet? The levels of contamination found in B-3 far exceed the levels detected at a similar depth in the boring B-2, which was drilled to a depth of approximate)y 70 feet. Why were samples not retrieved at the termination depths of B-4 and B- 5? The last samples retrieved from these borings both show high levels of contamination. The levels of contamination found in both B-4 and B-5 far exceed the levels detected at similar depths in boring B-2. Tom Hart January 19, 1990 Page 2 This report makes the statement "On the basis that the 350 and 550 gallon fuel tanks are the point sources of the subsurface contamination..." Are there other possible sources for the contamination? If so, they should be addressed. The addendum containing the above information must be submitted to this office within 15 days, so that we may complete our review. If you should have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Janis Lehman Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JL:cas \hart.ltr Tom Hart Hopper, ~nc. P. O. Box 2900 Bakersfield,;CA 93303 Subject: Site characterization ' ' '. 311 Kentucky Street, Bakersfield, This Department has received the site additional ~nfo~ation was necessary in order to 'compl~te.?~the"~e~i!,&W~';°~,:~he::'~lite .".:L-~, - characterization reports. Specifically, the .folloWing "' :'. ~ 1. 'A discussion of why the sample borehole.locat~ons.:w~e:..C~'~ng~',:.~rO,,_: 'minimum the study should contain the 'info~[~Qa~e~e::~'j~ The environmental contractor should 'also .'reco~end,:.~th&~.,~remQdiat:i.'on. Upon further review of these reports there are other areas.:wh)( further addressed in order to complete this review. They pertain tg. the'Espee-Site 1. Why was boring B-3 terminated at 26 feet? ~The'lev. el.S~?d~:?:~O~aminati'On: found in B-3 far exceed the levels detected at.:a similar.::d~pt~::'~n,.:th 2. ~ Why were samples not retrieved at the te~in~t.ion~d&Pthg:':'~f{'~4::a~d B-' '-. 57 The last s~ples retrieved fr~ these borings both s~oW~:~igh' levels of contamination. The levels of '.:, .:;.: page:2 :,:, "..-: .- ::.-..'::..:. i.'::?:.:":~..: ".: ,,:: '~F:::.: :',,: '.:" ..: , :' :..:: ..... ~ .... ,..--:.; ~- ~:...,'.': ',' ~ ~.. ::.::'::~ ":..:::.: , ,. ..... :.... - ..:..,,.: .. '~:gallon -.fuel."tanks ate the 'Po~nt~' '" ~ contamJnatjo'n. ~";" "A~e the~e : :contamination? :if so, they should be"a'dd~essed:::':' The addendum C°nta~n~ng the above ~nfo~atJon.: mus: office w~thJn 15 da~s, so that we ma~ complete our 'If.~ou should have an~ questions, please call .me :at:.(805 JL:cas' · "?Janis Lehman~ · Hazardous Materials spe~ Hazardous Materials Managemen<~:i \hart.ltr BSI(' & Associates, July 21, 1989 JUL 2 8 198 OUR JOB B88325 ENVIRON MENTAL HEALTH Hopper, incorporated Post Office Box 2900 Bakersfield, California 9'3303 Attention: Mr. Tom Hart SUBJECT: Preliminary Tank Site Assessment 301 Espee Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Hart: In accordance with our agreement, we have performed a Preliminary Tank Site Assessment in conjunction with the removal of two underground fuel storage tanks and a dispenser island located within the Hopper, Incorporated facility at 301 Espee Street in Bakersfield, California. ..., ,,, The project involved obtaining soil samples for chemical testing. from beneath the storage tanks and the dispenser island. The / northern fuel tank (Figure 1) reportedly contained an approximate capacity of 10,000 gallons, was used to store unleaded gasoline.. The 10,000 gallon volume southern tank was used %o store leaded gasoline. The fuel dispenser island was located approximately 4.5 feet southwest of the leaded gasoline tank. The project si*~e was the subject of a previous Preliminary Tank Site Assessment conducteo by BSK & Associates (Job B88325, report , dated February 27, 1989). lhe project involved obtaining soil samples for chemical testing from beneath 350 and 550 gallon fuel tanks located directly northeast, and partially underneath, the fuel dispenser island. Chemical analyses of the soil samples obtained from beneath those tanks indicated detectible concentrations of hydrocarbon constituents. Soil Engineering * Engineering Geology * Engineering Laboratories* Chemical Laboratories ;J Fresno, California 93706 1645 "E" Street, Suite 105 * Telephone (209) 485-3200 Fax (209) 485-7427 f.] Fresno, California 93706 1414 ~{amslaus Street · Telephone (209) 485-8310' [] Visalia, California 93291 · 808 E. Douglas Avenue · Telephone (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 * 117 "V" Street · Telephone (805) 327-0671 ~ Pleasanton, California 94566 5729-F Sonoma Drive · Telephone (415) 4624000 P~liminary Ta ~e Assessment 301Espee Street Bakersfield, C~lifornia OUR JOB B88325 July'21, 1989 Page 2 ~' SOIL SAMPLING Soil sampling was performed on June 27 and 29, 1989 in 'the presence of Mr. Bill Starkey of the Kern County Environmental Health Department (KCEHD). Soil samples were obtained from depths of two and six feet beneath the dispenser island and from locations approximately one-third of the tank distance in from each tank end. A backhoe was used to retrieve a large, relatively undisturbed mass from each test location. A clean stainless steel tube was driven into the soil mass to obtain the samples. The samples. were capped with aluminum foil and pressure fitted plastic caps and sealed with adhesive tape. Each sample was affixed with an adhesive-backed label including sampling locations, depth of sample, time of sampling, and the initials of the individual preparing the sample. The samples were stored in an insulated ice chest, packed with· dry ice for preservation, and transported to the BSK & Associates California certified laboratories in Fresno, California for chemical analyses. A Chain-of-Custody form was prepared to accompany the samples recording the name of the individuals collecting, transferring, and analyzing the samples. A copy of the Chain-of-Custody record' is included. LABORATORY ANALYTICAL TESTING Laboratory testing was performed by BSK & Associates' Laboratories in Fresno, California. Soil samples were tested for the presence of Total Volatile Hydrocarbons (TVH), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), and Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, a.nd Ethylbenzene (BTXE). The testing program was directed by the KCEHD. The tests for TVH and BTXE were performed in accordance with EPA ,, Test Methods 8015M and 8020, respectively. The headspace method of soil sample preparation was utilized. In the headspace method, five grams of soil are heated to 90 degrees centigrade for a.period of one hour. A one milliliter vapor sample is obtained and injected into a chromatograph for aromatic separation. TVH is measured with a flame ionization detector (FID). BTXE is measured with a photoionization detector. The test for TPH is in accordance with DHS-approved procedures for analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. The sample is prepared by he×ane extraction prior to chromatographic separation. TPH is measured with an FID. Test results are enclosed and summarized in Table I. BSI< & Associ~'i,' '~e Assessment Preliminary Tan, k 301Espee Street ~ Bakersfield, Ca'lifornia OUR JOB B88325 July'21, 1989'''~'' Page 3 CONCLUSIONS Preliminary analytical test results indicate no detectible levels of the tested constituents in the soil samples obtained from beneath the leaded gasoline tank. The two-foot soil sample obtained from the southern end of the unleaded fuel storage tank (Soil Sample B-2) contained~detectible levels of hydrocarbon constituents. The six foot sample obtained from the same sampling location and the two s°il samples obtained from the northern end of the tank (Soil Samples A-2 and A-6) indicate no detectible levels of tested hydrocarbon contamination. Chemical analyses of the soil samples obtained from beneath the fuel dispenser island indicate low levels of tested constituents in the two-foot sample and relatively higher concentrations in the six-foot sample. LIMITATIONS Findings and conclusions presented in this report are based on the data obtained from the sampling locations shown, on the Site Plan and the soil sample analytical results. The report does not reflect variations which may exist between sampling points. These variations cannot be anticipated nor can they be entirely accounted for in spite of exhaustive additional testing. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices for the area, based on the guidelines of local an State jurisdictions. No warranties, either expressed or implied, are made. Respectfully submitted, BSK & Associates Mark F. Milward Staff Geologist IDS/MFM/ds Enclosures BSK & Associate. "-I Z Z ~;) Z Ol ~--I ZZZZ Z~ZZ ZZ~Z c'- 0 0..~ .~3 1,. ~ U. ~ 0 0 ',~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 II II & Associate~ Associates, Geotechnica[ Con,uitant,, 'I1(?'-F'~L~ JUN ~ 6 ~989 ~ May 25, !939 ~WRONMENTAL H~ALT~ OUR JOB B88325 Mr. Toln Hart Hopper, Incorporated Post Office Box. 2900 Bakersfield, California 93303 SUBJECT: Soil Contamination Investigation Addendum 301 Espee Street and 31! Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Hart: The following response references comments made by the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department in their letter of May 11, 1989 regarding the subject Soil Contamination Investigation. Our responses are keyed to the County's comments. Gas Chromatographic (GC) analysis used for testing Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) graphically presents separation of aromatic hydrocarbon components and-their qualitative amounts. Contamination from a source such as paint thinner may be confirmed by relative amounts of indicative aromatics associated with that contaminant. BSK & Associates engineers and chemists would review the chromatograms and present conclusions regarding the chemical separation of the hydrocarbon compounds. Soil samples would be obtained at 5-foot intervals. The initial soil sample would be obtained 10 feet below the ground surface. Sampling would continue during the first test boring until field conditions at the site have ~i'.qdicated the depth of the vertical extent of soil contamination or to a maximum depth of 100 feet, whichever is less. Soil samples selected for laboratory analysis ~ould be chosen to depict the representative concentration profile of the contaminant plume. We would attempt to obtain at least two clean samples for testing below the zone of contamination to confirm the depth of contamination. A portable photoionization detector would be used to assist in soil screening. Soil Engineering- Engineering Geology - Engineering Laboratories · Chemical La~ratories' Fresno, Catiforma 93706 .. Fresno, CaII;( mia 9.J71)i~ - Visaiia, Cahtorma 9J29~ ... Bakersfield, Cahlorma 933u4 Pleasanton; Caliiornia 94566 1643 "E" Slreot Suite 105 117 "V" 5729-F Sonoma Drive Telephone (209~ 485-3200 Fax (209~ 485-7427 Telephone (209} 485-,B310 Telephone (209} 732-8857 lelephone (§05i 327-0671 lelephone (4 ! 5) 462-4000 Soil Contaminat' Investigation endum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 May 25, 1989 Page 2 Safety measures that would be employed to protect BSK & Associates' personnel at the site would include protective clothing, hats, boots, and gloves. Respirators may or may not be used depending on the BSK & Associates project engineers or geologist's evaluation of site conditions and readings from the portable photoionization detector. A copy of BSK & Associates Health and Safety Plan for this project is included for review. Contaminated cuttings would be stockpiled at the site and covered with plastic sheeting. Disposal of the cuttings would be the responsibility of Hopper, Incorporated through an arrangement with a qualified waste hauler. We feel our responses to the County's comments are sufficient to satisfy their concerns. If you have further questions, please call. Respectfully submitted, BSK & Associates Mark F. Milward Staff Geologist MFM/ds BSK Soil Contaminat Investigation endum 301Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 May 25, 1989 Enclosure 1 HEALTH AND SAFETY BACKGROUND Based on the Preliminary Soil Contamination Assessment, substances that may be encountered include petroleum based hydrocarbon compounds. Moderate to high levels of Total Volatile Hydrocarbons and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons were tested in the soil samples. Moderate to high levels of hazardous petroleum constituents, including Benzene, Toluene, Xylene., and Ethylbenzene may be exposed to the drilling and sampling crew. EMERGENCY cONTACTS AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Kern County Health Department (805) 861-3636 Highway Patrol, Police Department, Ambulance, Paramedics and Poison Control 911 The field crews should be aware of the location and telephone number of the hospital closest to the site. The hospitals in Bakersfield are: ~]~phone No. Bakersfield Community Hospital 901 Olive Dr. 399-031I Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 420 34th St. 327-1792 Kern Medical Center 1830 Flower 326-2000 Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxtun 327-3371 BSK & Associah Soil Contaminat Investigation ndum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 May 25, 1989 Enclosure 2 General Procedures: BSK & Associates employees working on this project must comply with the procedures set forth in this Health and Safety Plan and with safety procedures discussed by the Health and Safety Officer (HSO) prior to start of work. It is virtually impossible to anticipate all conditions on the site and health hazards beforehand. Field crews must accordingly exercise common sense and good judgement in their comportment on the job and in the approach used in a given situation. This plan contains rules, guidelines and working procedures appropriate to the tasks at hand. Field crews shall follow the Health and Safety procedures in this plan. Should there be questions, advice and direction should be sought from the HSO. Medical Screening: BSK & Associates personnel working on this project must maintain the 8SK & Associates medical screening program and undergo a medical evaluation on a six-month interval. The purpose of the medical examination is to monitor personnel health status for evidence of project adverse health effects and for personnel suitability for future work assignments of similar activity. Health and Safet~ Officer (HSO): The Health and Safety Officer for this project shall be Mark F. Milward. The HSO is given the authority for the following actions: Require health and safety precaution prior to site entry by BSK Personnel. Require BSK Employee to obtain immediate medical attention. - Deny access to the site. Order the immediate evacuation of BSK Employees from the site. BSK & Associat( Soil Contaminati(~m~d Investi§ation endum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 May 25, 1989 Enclosure 3 Emergency Action: tf an emergency involving actual of suspected personal injury occurs, the HSO will follow these steps: Remove the exposed or injured person(s) from the immediate danger. Render First Aid, if necessary. personnel. Decontaminate affected Obtain paramedic service or ambulance transport to local hospital. This procedure should be followed even if there is no visible injury. Other personnel on site should be evacuated to a safe distance until the HSO determines that it is safe for work to resume. If there is any doubt regarding the condition of the area, advice of knowledgeable personnel should be sought. (See emergency contacts and telephone numbers). A written report of the incident must be forwarded to the Project Manager, or HSO designee, within twenty-four hours following the incident. Personnel Protection: The nature of the work is such that potentially hazardous conditions could be encountered. It is not possible to anticipate the required protective equipment for unforeseen but remote conditions. The potential for airborne contamination is low to very low. Unless field conditions change, Level "D" protection is considered adequate for this project. Splashing, immersion and unexpected inhalation of chemicals are not anticipated. Items specified below should provide the range of protection anticipated for the working conditions and standby equipment (respirators) for unanticipated Level "C" protection. Gloves: Inner: surgical type (vinyl disposable) Outer: Chemical protective, neoprene or nitrile. BSK & Associah., Soil Contaminat Investigation dendum 3'01Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 May 25, 1989 Enclosure 4 Protective Clothing: - Tyvek, Saranek-coated, zippered coveralls. Footwear: Disposable shoe covers, PVC. Eye Protection: Safety Glasses with sideshields. - Goggles. - Hard. na~ with attachable face shield. - Medical Oxygen Respi rators: Half-mask air-purifying chemical cartridge respirator with an organic vapor cartridge{s} and dust, fume and mist filter{s), including pesticide respirators which meet these requirements. The HSO will ensure that appropriate protective clothing and equipment is in use during field activities. At the end of the day, outer protective clothing should be removed and stored in impervious bags. Disposable clothing should be disposed as directed by the HSO. Safe~_~5~Bment: The HSO will have certain safety items immediately available on-site. These items include: First Aid Kit, including compresses, splints, gauze, triangular bandages, gauze roller bandage, tape, eye dressing packet, emetics. - Supply of clean water. - Portable eyewash facilities or equipment. - Masking or fiber tape. Indelible marking pens. BSK & Associate- Soil Contaminat Investigation dendum 3'01 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 May 25, Ig8g Enclosure 5 - Plastic bags for contaminated equipment and clothing. - Soap or waterless hand cleaner and towels. - Medical Oxygen for resuscitation purposes. - Fire extinguisher (alcohol foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide). Decontamination: The HSO will make arrangements for a temporary decontamination station at the work site. Soap rinse water and wash pan should be available. Waste generated from decontamination shall remain on the site and properly disposed by the owner. Tools and sampling equipment decontamination shall conform to the procedures outlined in the Groundwater Sampling sections. Health and SafetZ Training: Field personnel shall receive health and safety training in the following topics: Hazardous Substances in the Field: - Types and concentrations of hazardous substances known or suspected at the site. - Determination of which routes of exposure to avoid for the waste being sampled and the proper sampling and protective equipment to be utilized. - Physiological and behavioral warning signs of acute toxicity. -Role of the Site Health and Safety Officer. - Authority of the HSO. - Responsibility of each individual to obey the HSO. Identifying and Avoiding Hazards: - Monitoring equipment. - Use of common sense. - Specific problems on site which should be avoided. - Maintenance of personnel communication and visibility. BSK & Associate~ Soil ContaminatiQ Investigation dendum 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 May 25, 1989 Enclosure 6 Use of Apparel and Safety Equipment: - Respiratory protection: selection, fit, donning and use. - Personnel protective equipment. -Limitations of clothing and equipment. Personal hygiene. - Decontamination of clothing and equipment. - Disposal of contaminated clothing and equipment. Prohibited Activities: - Appropriate conduct of personnel during hazardous waste site operations. - Emergency procedures and services. Refer to the emergency contacts and telephone numbers for emergency procedures in the field. First Aid: The HSO or designated field personnel shall be familiar with first aid and CPR Topics and Procedures. Mitigation of Contamination: The HSO shall enforce procedures to mitigate potential contamination during field activities. These procedures should include the following: - Decontamination of sampling equipment, other equipment and tools. - Disposition of decontamination solutions and any other materials used on sampling and drilling equipment. - Disposition of wastes and protective clothing. - Minimization of dust generated from operations by water spraying of surfaces if this procedure is compatible with obtaining sample of specified quality. - Minimization of personnel exposures through the placement of crew members upwind. BSK & Associate, 2700 ~M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861.3636 (805) 861.3429 Fax Number COUNTY OF : vironmental Health Servic~:s Department May 11, 1989 Tom ~art Hopper, Inc. P.O. Box 2900 Bakersfield, CA 9330'3 Subject: Underground Storage Tank Leak Investigation 301Espee St., Permit ~-P4+)iq-/-2- PS 311 Kentucky St., Permit Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Hart: This Department is in the process of reviewing the site characterization proposal prepared by BSK and Associates. There are several areas which must be further addressed in an addendum in order for this Department to complete the review· The areas are as follows: It must be further discussed how it is planned to confirm the presence of soil contaminants possibly due to paint thinners at the site Jn question. A detailed discussion on how the samples are to be selected for laboratory'analysis must be provided. The investigation is being conducted in an area of known contamination. A discllssiorl of the safety measures that will be employed to pmotect personnel must be included. Contaminated cuttin_qs must be handled per a].] applicable hazal'dous waste laws. 'it-must be stated how these soi],s are to be manaoed. Tom Hart Page 2 When this Department receives the addendum to the site characterization proposal covering the above items, this Department will be able to complete it's review. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Janis Lehman Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program JL:cd janis\hart.let 5-11-04 BSI( ^ ociates ~ Geotechnicai Consultants, Inc. May 10, 1989 OUR JOB 888325 Hopper, Incorporated Post Office Box 2900 Bakersfield, California 93303 Attention: Mr. Tom Hart SUBJECT: Status of Underground Tanks 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Hart: This letter has been prepared to formalize a recent conversation regarding removal of underground tanks. It is generally accepted that the ownership of buried single steel wall gasoline tanks is a significant liability in California. We routinely advise clients to remove these tanks and replace them with properly installed double wall tanks. We have been contracted to determine the extent of known contamination believed to be caused by underground tanks recently .removed from your facility. Two 10,000 gallon tanks remain at that location. It is our opinion that removal of the tanks will facilitate the'investigation of the contamination. You have told us that the County of Kern Health,Department has indicated a concern for health and safety during removal of the last two tanks. During a recent visit to the site we noted that most of the soil had been removed from over and around the tanks. The excavation has been open for several weeks. RemoVal of the tanks should cause little additional health risk. We trust this information will assist you in the completion of this project. Soil Engineering * Engineering Geology * Engineering Laboratories * Chemical Laboratories Fresno, California 93706 1645 "E" Street, Suite 105 . Telephone (209) 485-3200 Fax (209) 485-7427 Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stanislaus Street · Telephone (209) 485-8310 Visalia, Caliiornia 9329i 608 E. Douglas Avenue . Telephone (209) 732-8857 Bakersfield, Califorma 93304 117 "V" Street , lblephone (805) 327.0671 Pleasanton, California 94560 · 5729-F Sonoma Drive · Telephone (415) 462-4000 of Under~ ,d Tanks Status 301Espee Street~nd 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 May 10, 1989 Page 2 If there are questions concerning this matter, or if we may be'of further assistance, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, JBM/ds BSK & Associate~ Permit # ",/;;~.i~ ' Environmental SensitiVity ? ~ t' [ UNDEROROUND Facility Name "l - No. of Tanks k_2 Is Information on Permit/Application Correct? Yes/~ff No Type of Inspection: Routine ~ Complaint Inspection Time ~ ]~q~ HAZA~RDOUS SUBSTAIqCE STORAGE FACI LI TY * INSPECTION REPORT * Permit Posted? Yes~ No ~ Reinspectlon Comments: ITEM VIOLATIONS NOTED ...... /,. ~ ~.-. ~,-~ /./r~:r,.: 1. Primary Containment Monitoring: a. Intercepting and Directing System /~, Standard Inventory Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Liner b. Double-Walled Tack c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring a. Pressurized · 'b~., Suction c. Oravity Overfill Protection 5. Tightness Testing 6. New Construction/Modification 7. Closure/Abandonment 8 ~Unauthorlzed Release  -~Maintenance, Oeneral Safety and ~_~/0perating Condition of Facility · '", ,' ~ i, ."'/: t~:: / I/.. , Relnspection scheduled? INSPECTOR: Yes /No Approximate Relnspection Date . REPORT RECEIVED SY.'~--':~'~~~ _ .. (Form SHMMP-170) 2700 ~M' St~l, Suil~ 3~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 (~ ~1-~ (1~$) ~1-~29 F~ N~r COUNTY OF Environmental Health Services Department July 14, 1989 Tom Hart Hopper, Inc. P. O. Box 2900 Bakersfield, California 93303 Subject: Underground Storage Tank Leak Investigation 301 Espee Street, Permit #.2400~dVd O01y 311 Kentucky Street, Permit .*~ffl'4 / flOC,' Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Hart: This Depatmxent has reviewed the recently submitted site characterization addendum prepared by BSK and Associates for the above referenced facility. The site characterization workplan in conjunction with this addendum is acceptable for the initial investigation of this area. This office must be given 48 hours advance notice of sample retrievals. After all samples have been retrieved and lab results obtained, a final report must be submitted to this Department characterizing the full extent of contamination, and suggesting three mitigation alternatives. This report must be submitted to this Department within 30 days after the receipt of all laboratory results. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JL:cas OF -ND O, O D s ' SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: Hopper Inc. 301Espee St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 OWNER(S) NAMe/ADDRESS: Hopper Inc. 301Espee St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: (805)-589-5510 CONTRACTOR: Hopper Inc. 301Espee St.' · Bakersfield, CA License #250252 Phone: .(805)-861-?~84 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 6~ 1'989 TANK(S) LOCATION AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE JUNE 6~ 1989 ................................ POST ON PREMISES ............................ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: It is the responsibility of the Permittee. to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. Permittee must notify ~he County Environmental Health Department at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank (removal) or (inerting and filling) to arrange for required inspections(s). Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30.. Soil Sampling Any deviation from sample locations and numbers Or constituents to be sampled for which are described below and in Handbook UT-30 must receive prior approval by the Environmental Health Department· a. (Tank size 1,000 to 10,000 gallons) - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of' each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. If any contractors or disposal facilities other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted bY the specialist listed on the permit. 10. 11. 12. SOil Sampling (piping area) a minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approX'ima.tely two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and also near. the dispenser area(s)· Sample analysis a. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, x~lene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons for gasoline. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Environmental Health Department within five days of waste disp'osal. All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Environmental Health Department must be notified before moving and/or .disposing of any contaminated soil. Permittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14 days of tank removal. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed samPling'with 48 hours advance notice. .' Results must be submitted to this office within three days.':of· anal,~sis completion. ' .... ACCEPTED BY: DS:cd starkey\921-06.pta 6-7-23 DATE 2700 "M" Sheet, Sulle 300 Bakersfield, CA 933O1 (805) 861-3429 Fax Nnmher PF. RNXT FOR P~ CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY COUNTY OF KERN ~vironmental Health Services Depa~ent P~tNIT NUMBBR&921-06 FACILITY NANE/ADDRESS: Hopper Inc. 301Espee St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 O~(S) NANE/ADDRB:SS: Hopper Inc. 301Espee St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: (805)-589-5510 CONTRACTOR' Hopper Inc. 301Espee St. Bakersfield, CA LXcense #250252 Phon~: (805)-861-7184 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 TANK(S) LOCATION AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE JUNE 6f 1989 APPROVED BY ~D~ ................................ POST ON PREMISES ........................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must notify the County Environmental Health Department at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank (removal) or (tnerting and filling) to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. Soil Sampling Any deviation from sample locations and numbers Or constituents to be sampled for which are described below and in Handbook UT-30 mUSt receive prior approval by the Environmental Health Department. a. (Tank size 1,000 to 10,000 gallons) - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 5. If any contractors or disposal facilities other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. PERMIT FOR PERNAN~NT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A921-06 ADDF. NDOM 10. 11. 12. Soil Sampling (piping area) a minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and also near. the dispenser area(s)· Sample analysis a. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons for gasoline. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Environmental Health Department within five days of waste disposal. Ail applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Environmental Health Department must be notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. Permittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14 days of tank removal. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 48 hours advance notice. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis completion. ACCEPTED BY: DS:cd starkey\921-O6.pta 6-?-23 DATE 2700 "l~l" Slreel, Sulle 300 Bakersfield, CA 9330L (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 Fax · ironmentnl Health Services Dep~,ent ~umber Date: May 22, 1989 To: Permit Applicant: Hopper Inc. This department has reviewed the application and plans submitted for the underground storage facility located at SO1Espee Street, known as Hopper Inc. Based on this review, your application has been denied for the reasons listed below: Preliminary site assessment contractor not listed on application· State approved /ab not listed on application. Environmental information not completed· Total number of samples for 2 - 10,0OO gal/on tanks is a minimum of (8) eight samples. Samples must be analyzed for TPH for gasoline, B.T.X. If tanks are to be cleaned, complete that portion of the permit. We are returning a copy of the original permit application and plans. After making required corrections and/or modifications, the application it may be resubmitted for review. If you have any questions regarding our requirements please q~'il Dan Starkey at (805) 861-3636. DS-cd sta~key\hopper.dni 5-22-36 .~..:~ :':.,.-.!~oo ~,.~.,~::;-::.'.::..:::.!;:.i:;.~:.:~R~':COUNTY~ HEALTH .D. EPAR~~ ~.. :' Bikem~d.*~lff~ ~?~ .'~ :.::i:~.;.,~?L:; ::. q-?.. ENVIRONMENTAL,H~L~.,DIVISION' .... Tele~o~(~5)~l~ .. ,~ ...... ... ,...,, *,,-- _ : · : .... '~,~= · ' · . . · - .... "' ', ' :~ ': ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM' Date __:l O- ~?O - Firm Name Address ~ ~'~.~,~ ~' ~'~"v- ~.-. Person Inte~iewed ,~,: Assessors Parcel # Type Facility "The following conditions or practice;observed this date are violations of one o~: more S~biio'r~S oi't~'c~iii6~'i~:~e;l'tl.i and safety Code, Div. 20, or the California Administrative Code, Title 22, Div. 4,.CHap. 30,:relatin~t0 the ?~torage, handling, transpo~ation, and disposal of hazardous waste" or Ordinance Code of Kern CountY, Di~ 8~t,~U~dergr0Und Conditions or practices must be corrected within the times ordered:beloW:' Your:signatur~".~cknowl~d(3es receipt of a copy of this report and collection of any samples desCribedabove; and is not an admission of guUt./ t "' :' ': : ~' ':':~" '" :'" '*'" '?:~:''' " I ~' ~t /i i' ' '::;~' "" ''/-' ~' "-: ..... ., Il .... ,/. . . '" Fadu're to'fully2'comp,:~, with this "Notice and Order" may result in further legal action by C°'u~y'0r S{~"i; ~fficials. /-~"~" ' " '~ ::_~_'"' " " ":/-- '' '~",~ :..,,,"'..~ . "~' " ' /~i.i:":~' ~.¢~"'" .... " ~. -"'"-".. ,:.::. :.. . - z~ne, r or Authorized Representative /I ~' Agent of the K~rn County Health .Officer · ~ ::,' White -- Original U Canary -- Facility file,'! Pink -- Specialist Environmental Health 580 4113 120 (7/87) :' This c~ecklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received an~d that the Permlttee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to KCHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No A. The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Operator), Chapter 15 (KC0C #6-3941), Explanation of Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-10. 3) The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recording Sheet b) Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with sumary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4} An Action Chart (to post at facility) I Interim Permit Between Owner and Substance Codes, B. I have examined the Information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between O~ner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's na~e and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately ltSted (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). k C. I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information. Sheet'* pertaining t° Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility Is the operator (if '*no'* is checked, attach a copy of a~reement between owner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are Identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters, at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman ~f out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). 0. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures., described tn Handbook SUT-IO. Date Star~ed ~ ---~ -~/~7 Completing ' : _ !' $iKnature o£ Person Ch~ck~is~__. ~" Title: Date: 1700 Flow~ Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 KL..N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT!:- ENVlRONMENI~L HEALTH DIVISION I NTERI M PERMIT TO OPERATE: UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY HEALTH OFFICER Lion M HeW MA DIRECTOR OF EN%lRONMEN'I~L HEALTH Vernon & R P E RFJ'I' T-~'O 6003. 4C~ ISSUED :- JULY 1, 1986 EXP I RE'S: JULy. 1, 1989 NUMBER OF TANKS= 3 FACILITY: ) OWNER: HOPPER, INC. I HOPPER, INC. 301 ESPEE STREET I 301 ESPEE STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA ~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330'3. TANK # AGE{IN YES) SUBSTANCE CODE 1-3 UNK MVF 3' NO PRESSURIZED PIPING? NOTE: ALL iNTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABLE ~ ~ * POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MA!!,~: JAN 2 9, I~ DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: 1700 Flower Street Bakemfield, Callfomll 93305 Telephone (805) 881-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M I.lebefl~n, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Releha~l HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Date I O - '~ ' Firm Name Address ¢01 ~_,~ p (~ ~,:~- ~ ~'~ d%~"? Person Interviewed ~..~ MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Underground Tank Facility # EPA I.D. # Assessors Parcel # Type Facility OU [ c'/¥ NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND ORDER TO COMPLY The following conditions or practices observed this date are violations of one or more sections of the California Health and Safety Code, Div. 20, or the California Administrative Code, Title 22, Div. 4, Chap, 30, relating to the "storage, handling, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste" or Ordinance Code of Kern County, Div. 8, "Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances." Conditions or practices must be corrected within the times ordered below: Your. signature' ~acknowle~ges receipt of a copy of this report and collection of any samples described above, and is not an admission of guiff.,: FailUre to.'fblly)comply, with this "Notice and Order" may result in further legal action by County or State officials. ,, '.,? ~ ,d~;~ner or Authorized Representative Age'nj of the Kern County Health Officer 0 H Z . ;eXn County tiaa!th Depactment )i~ision of Environmental Heal 700. Elower Street, Bakersfield, 93305 Permit Ap~l ication APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES S~E FACILITY Type of Applicati,o.n (check): ONew Facility ~Modification of Facility [~xisting Facility QT~afl~fer of O~mership Baergency 24-Nour Contact (name, area code, ~hone): Days (80g) 861-7184 Nigh~ (8,05l. '3.93-7477 , Facility Name HOPPER INC No. of TaR~ 3 Type of Busine~-'{~heck): '~iG~o¥ine Sta'fion ~ther (deacribe) IND, USTRAIL" ': ..... Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? [-~Yes t~No Is Tank(s) Used ~rimarily for Agricultural Purposes? [']Yes UNo Facility Addreaa 301 ESPEE ST T R SEC Ok~er HOPPER INC A~dress301ESPEE ST OperatorHOPPER INC Add~ess PO BOX 2900 BAKS~SFIE~ , Nearest Croaa St. UNION AVE (RUral LOCations (~ly) "' Contact Perso~ TOM HART Zip 93303 Telel~Bor~i'~l 861-7000 Contact Perso~ TOM HART .... ~iP ' 93303 Tele~hml~(80g) 861f?184 .. ~atar to Facility Provided by CAILF WATER SERVICE Depth to' Groumd~s~ UNKNOWN .... Soil Characteristics at Facllit~ ..... SANDY easts for Soil Typo ~ Groundwater De,th Detemtnattor~ Contractor CA Contractor' a License !~. Proposed Cmplbtton m~ Acldr efl~ Proposed Startir~] Data Worker' s Cmponmtion certi fi~atio~ 't If This pemit Ia For Modification Of An Existing Pactlity, Briefly Dascrll~ Nmtificatio~s Proposed .......................................... Tank(s) Store (check all that apply)= Tank _~ I~asta Product Notor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Pre~lu~ Diesel WosCa Fuel ..... ~ 1 2 3 B B .B B Cbanical Omlam!tion of ~atartals Stored (not necessary for ~otor vehicle Tank I C~_.~._! Stored (non-co.er. cia1 rmme) CAS ! (if kno~) Transfer of O~mershtp pra~tous Facil t ~y-t~m Previous O. ner I, aediYy or tamir[-ti facility uixm receiving this ccmple~d form. ~hls gem baa been c~pleted under penalty of true ami correct. perjury and to the best of my knouledcje is Title PLANT MANAGER I~taMARCH 29 1985 ,, accept 'fully ~1i obfi'gatibns o~ Pe'~;~it N~. __ iss~d' to · I understand that the Permitting A~thority may ~eview and transfer of the Permit to Operate thie usdercjrmnd storage nurr~ .LNU ,- C'"= Permit No./?,~(')(...//'.~("/~. TANK ~_ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM CH TAN_K) FOR EAC~ SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES Tank is: rIVaulted [=]Non-Vaulted r~Double-Wall ~Sincjle-~all ~ Material arbon Steel ri stainless steel ~]Polyvinyl Chloride I-]Fiberglass-Clad Steel iberglass-Reinforced Plastic UlConcrete rlAl~nin~a ['lBronze [-~Unknown ther (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 4. Tank Secondary Containment [~Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner rlother (describe): caPactty (Gallons) Manufacturer 10; 000 UNKNOWN ~Lined Vault [-~None Manufacturer [] Ma ter i al Thickness (Inches) Capacity (~als.) 5. Tank Interior Lining ---~Rubber r~Alkyd []Epoxy FTPhenolic FTGlass []Clay FTUtllinad OOther (de~ri~): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ~Galvani~ ~a~l~ ~l~yle~ ~ap ~Vinyl ~Tar or ~p~lt . ~k~ ~No~ ~Other (de~ri~) Cat. lc Prot~tion: ~ne U~pres~ ~rent S~t~ =~cri[JcJ~-- ~ ~t~ ~rl~ S~t~ & ~ui~ent: 7. Leak Detection, ~itori~, a~ Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) ~]Ground~ater Monitori~J' M011(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring ~ell(s) ~]U-Tube Without Liner be 0'ltl-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitorin~ Moll(e)* [] Vapor Detector* [1 Liquid Level Sensors ~ Conductivit~ Sensor* ~ Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank .... [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitorir~] Moll or A~ar Space [~ily Gaugin~ & Inventory Reconciliation [1Periodic Ti~htll~ T~ti[l~ r7 None [] Unknoun [~] Other Pipiflg: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping" rJMonitoring S~up ~ ~ce~y ~al~ ~re~ ~y ~lf~t Cm~tible Pi~ ~ce~y ~~tic Li~ ~y ~ O U~o~ ~ ~er *~ri~ ~ g ~el: ' 8. ~en Tightness Tested? [-]Yes rJNo Results of Test Testing Company Data of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. ~ Re, air Repaired? []Yes Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs ' 10. Overfill Protection ' ~rator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level OTape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls B Capacitance Sensor UlSealed Fill Box rlNone U1Unkno~ Other ~ List Make & ~kxbl F~ Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: be Co [~Yes []No FTUnkno~m MaterialGALVANIZED PIPE Thickness (i~hes) Dieter ~nufacturer ~essure ~tion DGravity ~roxiMte ~ Of Pi~ ~ '15 FEET U~ergro~ Pipt~ Corrosi~ Prot~ti~ :' ~lvaniz~ ~Fi~rglass~l~ ~ess~ ~rent ~crificial ~ ~Polye~yle~ Wrap ~Electrical I~lati~ ~Vinyl Wry. ~Tar ~ ~lt ~U~o~ ~ne ~her (de~ri~): Undergro~ Pipit, Seco~ary Contai~nt: ~1~11 ~~etic Liner ~st~ ~ne ~o~ · TANK ~ .~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR .CH TANK) · FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: fqVaulted DNon-Vaulted DDouble-Wall 2. Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 4. Tank Secondar~ Cor{tainment ' '[-]Pouble-Wall [2] Synthetic Liner ['~Other (describe): []Material Tl~i~kness (Inches) 5. Tank Interior Lining '--~Rubber DAlkyd ~TEpoxy [-lmenollc DGlass [~Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection Material X~Carbon Steel ['7Stainless Steel DPolyvinyl Chloride Al~nin~u Concrete D B Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic D ~Single-Wall Fiberglass-Clad Steel []Lined Vault ~None Dclay Dt~lined ~m --~[Gal~anized ~ass-Clad []eolyethylene Nrap fflVinyl Wrai~ing ~Tar or Asphalt l-lUnkno~n r~None []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: f]None [~lmpressed Current System rq~a~ril[t~=lal /mode System Describ6 Syste~ & Equil~ent: 7. mLeak. Detection, Monitorir~j, and__ jInterce., ption ' a. Tank: ~lVisual (vaulted tanks only) [~Ground~ater ~nitorin~' Wall{s) I-]Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) [']U-Tube Without Liner [-IU-Tu~ with Compatible Liner Dir~ting Flow to ~nitoring Wa!l(s)~ [] Va~r ~t~tor* ~ Li~id ~vel ~n~r*.~ Co~tivit~ ~r* ~ Pressure ~r In ~ular S~ of ~le ~11 Tank .... ~ Liquid ~tri~al & Ins~ction Fr~ U-T~, ~nitori~ ~11 or ~ar ~ ~ily ~i~ & I~entory Re~nciliation ~ri~ic T~h~m~ ~tt~ ~ None ~ ~~ 0 ~er b. Piping: Flow-Restricting ~ak Detector(s) for Pressurized [-lMonitorin~ S~p ~ ~cemy ~al~ ~re~ ~ce~y ~lf~t C~tible Pi~ ~ce~y ~~tic Li~ ~y ~ U~o~ ~ ~er *~ri~ ~ a ~el: .... en Tigh~ss ~st~? ~Yes ~ ~o~ Date of La~ Tightness Test Test Name 9. ~ Repair Repaired? ~lyes F1No ~]Unkno~n Date(s) of Rapair(s) Describe Repairs 10. (~erfill Pro~ction ~O[~rator Fills, Controls, & Visually ~nitors ~-vel •Ta~e Float Gauge Results of Test Testing Company .... [~Fl~t Vent Valves [] ~to Shut- Off Controla 11. 8 ~pacil~a~e ~r Other ~ a. Underground Piping: Thickness (inches) be ~Sealed Fill Box ['qb~ne l-lUllkno~ll List Nake & Xodel Fo[ Above Devices ~][Yes [~No [~unknown Mater iai GALVANIZED PIPE Dieter Manufacturer [']Pressure [~ction []Gravity Al~>roximate Length Of Pipa R~t~'_~' 'W~ET Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : ~Galvanized DFiberglass-Clad []Imlxessed Current []Sacrificial ~ []Polyethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt []Unknoval l']None []Other (describe): Underground Piping, Secondary Contaim~nt: D']Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner S~stem ~None ~]unkno~m m ~cl~rer UNKNOWN ~o~ Manufacturer ~ Capacity (Gals.) Capacity (Gallons) ~0,0p,0 F~cilit¥ Name ~r'- (-' Permit No. ~,_./T~ _/3d~/~/~C~'. '- TANK ~ 3 (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR .CH TANK) · --FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES Tank is: []Vaulted ~Non-Vaulted []Double-Wall [']Si~gle-Wall ~ Material --~Carbon Steel []Stainless Steel O Polyvin¥1 Chloride []Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Aluaintaa [] Brcxtze rlUnk~lown Other (describe) e Capacity (Gallons) Hanufacturer 250 UNKNOWN []Lined Vault []None Thickness (Inches) FTPhenol ic []Glass 3. Primary Containment Dere I~st~lled Thickness (Inches) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 4. Tank Seco~dar~ Contair~ent [-~Double-Wall [] S~nthetic Liner rlOther (describe): ['1Mater iai 5. Tank Interior Lining ---~l~Jbber ~Alkyd []Epoxy I'~Other (describe): Tank Corrosion Protection Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) []Clay •Unlined ~Unkno~m --~GalvanIzed ~ass-Clad •Pol~thylene Wrap [2]Vinyl Wrapping [~Tar or Asphalt [-]Unkno~n •None •Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: [~4one •Impressed Current System F1Sacri~lci&l ~ System Describe System & Equi[maent: 7. Leak Det?ction, Monitoring, and Interception ~. 'Tank. [1visUal (vault~ks only) [2]Groundwater Monitorir~J' •Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) C]u-'I'ube Without Liner [']U-Tube with Caapatible Liner Directi_n~ Flow to Monitorirg [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor [] Conductivit~ Sen~or [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank bo Piping: Flow-Restrictirg Leak Detector(s) for pressurized Piping' []Monitoring S~p with Rece~y []Sealed Concrete Race, my rTitalf-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race,my [1 Unkno~ [2] Other , *Describe Mak~ & Wi•del: Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fraa U-Tube, Monitoring NBI1 Or annular S~ace ~]~Dally ~u~ilY] & Inventory Reconciliation I'~Periodic Tight/re~1 Te~ting None ~Unknown O Other Se ~en Tightness Tested? C]Yes •No [~Unkno~ Results of Test ~stin9 C~mpany Date of [Jit Tishtnems Test Test Name Repaired? OYes •NO (~kno~n Da te (s) of Repa i r (s) Describe Repairs , , 10. Overfill Vrotection [~{)perator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~vel ~Tape Float Gau~e []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Control~  Capacitance Sensor [']Sealed Fill Box rTNone C]tt~kno~ Other: List Make & ~del F~ ~ve Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Pipin9: [~Yes [-1No []Unkno~ Material G~LVANIZED PIPE Thickness (inches)U~nw~. Diameter. U~ow~ Manufacturer UNKNOWN C]Pressure ~Suctlon [-~Gravlty Approximate Length of Plpm ~ b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : [~k]alvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current [2]Sacrificial Anode npolyethylene Wrap [-]Electrical Isolation ['7Vinyl Wrap [1Tar oN Asphalt rlUnkno~m rqNone []Other (describe): ~_ , c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: [~Double-Wall ~Synthetic Liner System ~None [~Unkno~ l 0o 0 Permit quest tonnat re Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit = and check one of the following before returning this form with payment: 1. Send ~l! information to Owner ~t the ~ddres~ ~ted o~ knvo~ce (~f Owne~ ~s d~6~erent th~n Operator. it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent information;. 2. Send all information to following corrected address: Owner at the 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit Owner). for 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 I0' 550 2 5 9 15 16 28 24 43 34 60 1000 2000 30''~n 40d(~""'""'5'000 6000 7500 ...-uqbO :'~:']:.0000:~'' !:2000::"' :.'" '::"' 58. 99 94 67 120 114 79 142 136 92 165 159 269 327 389 454 272 ,,. ,, 342 ": : 416 495 . 578 112 147 136 165 .194 141 185 171 208 244 204 225 208 253 297 238 267 248 301 354 400 311 289 351 413 311 391 476 566 664 760 11 104 '-t-89 182 273 358 332 404 475 '522 665 12 119 213 207 310 13 134 239 232 348 14 148 265 258 387 '15 163 291 285 428 406 377 458 539 '593 455 424 515 606 667 507 472 574 675 742 '560 522 634 746 821 755 848 945 1044 .863 970. 1080 1194 16 178 '318 313 469 17 194 345 341 511 18, 209 373 370 555 19 224 401 399 599 20 240 429 429 644 614 573 696 819 .901 '.1147 669 625 759 894 983 1251 725 679 825 970 1067 1358 783 734 891 1048 ~ 14'68" 812 790 ~59 1128 1241'"' 157~: 1310 1430 1552 1677 1805 21 254 457 459 689 '22 270,~ 485 490 735 23 28~ 514 521 782 24 30l .542 523 830 25 317 570 584 878 901 846 962 904 1023 9~3 1085 1023 1148 1083 1028 1209 1330 1693 1935 1098 1292 1421 1809 2067 1169 1376 15~'3 /926' :.,2201 1242 1461 1607 2045' 2338 1315 1547 1702 2166 ~576 26 332 598 617 926 1211 1144 1389 1635 1798 2289· 2616 27 347 626 . 650 975 1275 1206 1465 1723 1896 241'3 2757 28 363 .,654 683 1024 1340 1~69 1541 1813 1994 -2538 . 2900 29 378 682 716 1074'!~" 1401 1332 1618 '1903 2094 2665 3045 30 394 709 749 1124' 1470 1396 1695 1995 . 2194 2.793 ~.'. 3192 31 409 735 783 1174 1536 1461 1774 2087 229~ 2922 3330 32 423 762 816 1225 1602 1526 1853 2180 2398 3052 3488 '" 33 437 787 850 1276 1668 1.592 1933 2274 '2501 3183 3638'~ ': ' 34 451 812 884 1327 1735 1657 2012 2368 2604 3315 3788 ,'~;,' 35 465 836 918 1378 1802 i724 2093 2463 2709 ' '3448 39~0 ' ~" " ":=~ 36 478 860 952 1429 1869 1791 2174 2558 2814 3582 ' 40~3 ' : .... ...','.~"' 37 . 491 882 987 1480 1936 1858 2256. 2654 2920.:' 371.6 ":' 4'2'i7:~';' 38 504 904 1021 1532 2003 '1925 2338 2751 3026''' ' 3857- ~.'44,11 ;. .: .. 39 515' 924 1055 1583 2070 1993 2420 2848 3i32 3987, . ' /4..5~6-".,~q 40 526 944 1089 1634 2137 2061 250'3 2945.' 3239 '4123 ': '4'712 41 534 961 1123 168,.5 2244 2128 2.54%4 3040 ' 3J2~4 4256. :4864'...':,?! 42 544 977 1158 1736 2271 2198 26/i, 9 3140 ~454 4397' 5025 .... 43 552 991 1191 '1787 2337 2267 2753 3239 3562 4534 5182 44 560 1003 1225 1838 2404 2336 2836 3337 36'70 4672 5339' 45 1011 1259 1889 2470 2405 '2920 3435 3779 4310 '' 5497 -',6 1295 1939 2536 2474 3004 3534 3887 4948 .5655' ..:. · 17 1327. 1989 2601 2543 3088 3633. 3996 5086r' 5812 , 48 1359 2039 2666 2612 3172 -3731 4104 5224.4' 5'970 / ':' '~9 1392 2088 2731. 2681 3255 3830 '4213' 5362 6128 ;~;< 50 1425 2]37 2795 2750" : 3339 3929 4321' 550'0 6286'. '" mr' ,tl ..... , 51 1457 2185 2858i819!",,;~,,...3423 4027 4430.' 5638.. 6444 52 , .. ,1489 2234 2921 2888 3507 4125 453'8 5776 6601-' 53 ~~521 2281 '2983 2956 3590 ~, 4224 .4646 '5913 67.58 54 t"~ /1552 2328 3014 3027 3675 4324 4756 " 6053 .~-~6918 .': '" 55 1583 2374 3105 3093 3756 4419 4861' i',6187':;". 7071 .,," - 56 1613 2420 3164 3161 3839 4516 4968 632 ~: ~,.,',.': · 7 Z~.6':..' '. 57 i " 1643 2464 ,3223 3229 3921" .4613, ..g075 '645~ ff,,'"~l , 58'., 1672 2508 · 3280 3297 ~ -400~" Z~710 5181 ...;~g47"'.' 7~36"-'/': .'/.~:--"'. ft'. '" 9 1704 2552 3337 3364 4085 4806 '5286 ' 6728 ",:::'~ 7689 ~' ,.,~Y .,;; ' 6,0' '1719 2578 3372 3431 ,;; ...... ,,.... . . · .. . . 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 71 73 7~ 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85' 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 95 ~.7~s7 '2,~?-~ .... -3~;z~e" 5497 1784 ~ 3499 3563 181o 2,7~5 3550 1835 2753 3600 ~86o 2790 36,e 1906 2859 3739 1927 2891 3781 1947 2922 3821 1967 2951 3859 4328 3629 4407 3694 4486 3758 4564. 50~1~(, dO" '7127 .': 8145 · 518b-' '.5703 7258 8295 5277 5805 7388 '8444 5369 5906 7517 ' 859! 1985 2977 3894 .2001 .3001 3925 ~12015 3023 3953 !..;2027 3041 3977 · "'2037 3055 3996 · 2062' 3063 ' 4006 3822 4642 5461 6007 7645 8737 3886 4719 5551 , 6106 7772 8882 3948 4795: 564~" 6205 7897 9025 4010 4870 5729 6302 .8021. 9167. 4072 4944 5817 '. 6398 8143 9307 4132 5018' 5903 ,6493. 8264 ,9445. 6192 5090 ,:5~8' ..6587 8384 4308 5232 ,6!55 7660~ 8617~. 9848 4365 5300 .~' 6236 6860 8730 ,"9978i, 4421 .,5368 ' 6316" 6947' 8342 10105 4476 5635 6394 7033 8951' '10230 4529 5500 6470' '7117 9059 ~0~53 458i 5563 6545=. 7200 9163 463~ 5625 6618 7280 92~5,' ' 10~89 4777 580! 6825 7507 9555;~ 10917. 4822 5856 6889 ,7578 9615 '. 11022", 4866 5908 6951 7646 9732". 11122 4947 6007 7067 7773 9893 11307 4983 ,...6052 7120. 7832: 9968 11391 5019' 6094 7170 7886'10037 11417 5051 6133 721~ 7937 '10102 11545 5106 6200 7295 8024 10212 11671 5123 6227 7326 B059 */0257, 11722,' 5145 6248 7351 8086 10291 11761~' 5155 6260 7364' '8101' .10310 11783=' · -'.- 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305-4198 Telephone (805) 661-3621 O~ER. COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR .T AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT April 6, 1987 LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Director of Public Health Air Pollution Control Officer Hooper, Inc. 301 Espee Street P. O. Box 2900 Bakersfield. California 93303 Dear Sirs: After careful review of the reportable inventory variations at your facility located at 301 Espee Street in Bakersfield, California (permit #060014C), this Department has concluded that these results are due to a history of low throughput. This letter is to advise you that you will be granted a "provisional exemption" from the standard reporting described in your permit packet. This Department is currently undertaking a study of the inventory control problems of low-throughput tanks. To facilitate this. a copy of reconciliation worksheets for tanks listed on the attached outline must be sent to this Department monthly so that we may add this information to our data base. Please send all submittals to my attention. Our preliminary information indicates that a change In reportable variations Is necessary when the throughput of a tank is less than 2,.000 gallons per week and less than 10,000 gallons per month. The accompanying "Low-Throughput Tank Reporting Outline" describes these changes. A revised action chart and an example of a changed summary sheet (on the back of inventory reconciliation worksheet) have also been enclosed for your convenience. Please make these changes on your worksheets for weeks In which you have low throughput. Be advised that this provisional exemption Is subject to change as further data becomes available to the Health Department. If, however, a listed tank at any time exceeds the defined low-throughput amounts, you must revert to compliance with the original reporting requirements. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence I can be reached at (805) 861-3636 between 8 am - 9 am. Sincerely, ffffSanls [.ehman Environmental ltealth Specialist Hazardous /~atertals ~Ianagement Program JL:sw Enclosures fForm letter #HMMP 510) Low--Throu~hDut Tank These amended permit requirements are only applicable to tank(s) indicated below when weekly throughput is less .than 2000 gallons and monthly throughput is less than 10,000 gallons: Effective Date: April 1, 1987 Facility Permit # 060014C Tank # 2 , Regular Gas Tank # n/a , n/a Tank # n/a , n/a Tank # n/a . ,. n/a Amended Permit Requirements: 1. Revised inventory reconciliation monitoring worksheets are to be submitted to the Health Department on a monthly basis. 2. Revised Action Chart is to be posted at facility 3. Ail variations exceeding the following amounts must be reported as described on page 16, Part '2' of Handbook ~UT-IO. DAILY - 75 gallons WEEKLY - 150 gallons MONTHLY - 200 gallons TREND ANALYSIS - No change (Form #HMMP - 110) *1. "M~ Stree~ Suite 300 Bai~rstlel~ CA 93301 861.3429 Fax N-tuber COWT Environmental Health Services Department RECEIVED APR 2 8 Hoooer. Inc. April 2[, ~989 Hopper Inc. 301Espee St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Tom Hart Dear Sir/Madam: This notice is to acknowledge receipt of your application for a Permit to remove 2 tanks at 301Espee Street Pursuant to Kern County Ordinance G-4464, a processing fee of $100.00 is required. Please remit payment as soon as possible in order to avoid delay in the processing of your application. Thank you for your coope~a~_ion in this matter. /J~ Sincere~y, / ~ / Diana Wilson, R.E.H.S. Environmental Health Specialist I DW:cd (wilson\hopper) 4-20-19 KERN COUNTY fl~ALTM DgPAR.TNEt~" JUN 0 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ' 1700 FLOWER STREET. BAKERSFIELD. CA F-e~lRONf'AF''NTAL dEALTH 180Si 881-3838 LENGTH OP PIPING TO ABANDON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/AB,~.tqDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY R~OVAL. OR E2~AMOO~ IR P~CE (FILL O~ OR_~.~ APPLI~TION PER FACILI~ ISEC/T/R (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLYI INEAREST CROSS STREET PRONE ' 7, 'a TANK REMOVAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS P~0~bS~U ~ROJ~ STARTING DATE ]CALIFORNIA LICENSE s I~RKER'S ~ORKER'S C~NPE~SAT~ON ~ NSURER PHONE , PHONE .,, CHEMICAL CONPOSIT~ON OF MATERIALS STORED TANK · VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED (NON-CO)O4ERCIAL NAME) DAmS STORED CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED Q~ATER TO FAC:LITY PROVIDED BY ~EAR~-ST'~ATER' ~.LL' - GIVE-D~IS~AI~/(~E ~O DESC~r~BE TYP~E*f~ k*ITHIN 500 FEET BASIS FOR SOIL TYPE AND GROUNDWATER DEPTH DETERMINATION tOTAL NUMBER OF S'A~PLI~ TO RE ANALYZED DEPTR TO GROUNDMATER SOIL TYPE AT FACILITY / 3ESCHIBE ROW RESIDUE IN TANK{S) AJCD PIPING IS TO RE REROVED AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION AMD DISPOSAL COMPANIES): 3ESCRIBE BOTII THE DISPOSAL METIIOD AND DISPOSAL LOCATION FOR: A PIPING / ............. - · ' PLEA:~.*". 9~lVIO~. :NI~ORNATION REQUE~E. D O..~N REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SR.E.ET B~PORE SUBMII~'YNG APPLICATIOJ eoJ REVIEW · · TR%S FOR~ ,~ aEEN "3NPLET~D UNDER PENALTY O!e PERJURY AND TO TIlE BE~I' OP ~Y KNO#LEDOE IS TRUE AND CORREC'~. _ ~ TITLE DATE 2700 'M~ Stree~ Stdte 300 Bake~ileid. CA 93301 (805) 8~1.3636 (805) 861-3429 Fax Number ronmental Health Services Deparn[l t Date: May 22, 1989 To: Permit Applicant: Hopper Inc. This department has reviewed the application and plans submitted for the underground storage facility located at 301Espee Street, known as Hopper Inc. Based on this review, your application has been denied for the reasons listed below: Preliminary site assessment contractor not listed on application. State approved lab not listed on application. Environmental information not completed. Total n~mber of samples for 2 - 10,000 gallon tanks is a minimum of (8) eight samples. Samples must be analyzed for TPH for gasoline, B.T.X. If tanks are to be cleaned, complete that portion of the · ~' ~ permit. W~ are returning a copy of the original permit application and plans. After making required corrections and/or modifications, the application it may be resubmitted for review. If you have any questions regarding our requirements please ~ D~%S~_ey at (805)861-3636. starkey\hopper, dni 5-22-36 KERN COUNTY N~LTR DEPAR~RNT DIVISION OF ENVIRONNENTAL IIEALTII ITO0 FLOMER STREET. BAKERSFIELD. CA g3305 (8051 881-3(138 THIS APPLICATION IS /*OR APPLICAT:I:ON FOR PERM]IT FOR PERMANENT C r.os UR !~- / AI~ANDONM~-NT OF UNDEROROUND (RU~L LO~TION90NLYI ISEC/T/R NEAREST CROSS STREET TANK NEHOVAL CONTRACTOR DATE ELIHINARY S~ ASSESSMENT ADDRESS iLIPORNIA LICENSE I WORKER'S COMPENSATION :TOR :ADDRESS IWORKER°S COMPENSATION ADORATORY TIIAT HILL ANALYZE SAMPLES INSURER ADDRESS PHONE PHONE PHONE ( ) - PHONE ( ) -- :HEMICAL COMPOSITION OF )4ATERIALS STORED rANK ~ VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED (NON-COMMERCIAL NA~E! / 7 ~/~ f .. ~,....,' ..~--* , ~-',/,-~ ~/.'~-!..:.~ DATES STORED To -?/-,~ .:~".: CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED HATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY ~,~REST'~A~Eg ~LL'- Dive d[S~A~E Ado OESCRIEE TypE'I~fTRIN 600 FEET BASIS FOR SOIL TYPE AND GROUNDt~ATER DEPTH DETERMINATION TOTAL NUXRgR OP SA~PL~ TO BE ~AL~ED ~ILL BE ~ALYZED FOR: I S~PLES DEPTH TO GROUNDMATER SOIL TYPE AT FACILITY 3ESCRIBE ROM RESIDUE IN TAJqKIS) AND PIPING IS TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL COMPANIES): )ESCRIBE BOTII Tile DISPOSAL METIIOD AND DISPOSAL LOCATION FOR: ~v ~~' //~,'~>~ ', ~-, · ' PLE.',:;?. ra~lVlO~- ~NPOR,NAT[O.N REQUESTED O_~N REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET BE. PORE. SURMITTINO APPLICATIO~N POR REVIEI~. ' ' TNIS PORI* .;.A~; BEEN ",3.qPLETEO UNDER PENALTY DP PERJURY AND TO' Tile BEST DP HY KNO#LEDOE TS TRUE AND CORRECT. ,,T,, ,,,, ~ Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. APR ' 5 i l]g HOPPER, INC. April 4, 1989 OUR JOB 888325 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Hopper, Incorporated Post Office Box 2900 Bakersfield, California 93303 Attention: Mr. Tom Hart SUBJECT: Soil Contamination Investigations 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Hart: At your request, we are pleased to submit a work plan for Soil Contamination Investigations for the subject two sites. Project Information Preliminary Soil Contamination Testing (Our Job B88325) was conducted by BSK & Associates for Hopper, Incorporated in conjunction with the removal of 350 and 550 gallon fuel tanks at the Espee Street Site and a 1,000 gallon fuel tank at the Kentucky Street Site (Figures 1 and 2)' Information concerning the type of fuels contained in the three tanks was unavailable prior to the Preliminary Testing. Soil sampling was performed on February 14, 1989 in the presence of Ms. Janice Lehman of the Kern County Environmental Health Department. Soil samples were obtained from depths of 2 and 6 feet below the bottom of each tank. The soil samples were analyzed for the presence of Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and Ethylbenzene (BTXE), Total Volatile Hydrocarbons (TVH), and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH). The Laboratory Soil Test Results are summarized in Table I. Preliminary Test Results indicate relatively high levels of the tested constituents in the soil samples obtained from beneath the 350 and the 550 gallon fuel tanks at the Espee Street Site, and from below the 1,000 gallons fuel tank at the Kentucky Street Site. Soil EnBineerin§* EnBineerin8 Geolo§y · EnBineerin§ Laboratories* Chemical Laboratories , ~ Fresno, California 93706 · 1645 "E" Street, Suite 105 * Telephone (209) 485-3200 Fax (209) 485-7427 ~ Fresno, California 93706 · 1414 Stanisiaus Street * Telephone (209) 485-8,310 ~ Visalia, California 93291 · 808 E. Douglas Avenue · Telephone (209) 732-8857 ~_ Bakersfield, California 93304 · 117 "V" Street · Telephone (805) 327-0671 ~ Pleasanton, California 94566 · 5729-F Sonoma Drive · Telephone (415) 462-4000 Soil Contaminat!i~ vestigation 301Espee Stree~nU 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, Cal~V~ornia OUR JOB B88325 April 4, 1989 Page 2 Chemical analyses of the 2 and 6 foot soil samples obtained from below the 350 gallon tank indicate the presence of constituents likely associated with diesel and gasoline. Chemical analyses of the 2 and 6 foot soil samples obtained from below the 1,000 gallon fuel tank indicate the presence of constituents likely associated with gasoline and possibly the components of paint thinner'- kerosene characteristics. Based on the test results, site characterization is required by the Kern County Environmental Health Department, to assess the vertical and lateral extent of contamination at the Espee Street Site and the Kentucky Street Site. Soil and Groundwater Information The soils in the vicinity of the project sites are classified as Quarternary Alluvium. The soils comprise sand, gravel, silt,.and clay alluvial fan deposits. According to information derived from the Kern County Water Agency 1988 Water Supply Report, a perched groundwater table may be encountered at both sites at an approximate depth of l0 to 20 feet below the ground surface. _Scope of Work The field investigation would begin with the drilling of one boring (B-l) at each site to confirm the depth of groundwater.. The boring would be drilled until groundwater is encountered or to a depth of 100 feet, whichever is less. The groundwater borings would be drilled in a geologically similar area at a location where soil contamination is not expected to be encountered. The Kern County Environmental Health Department requires that borings which expect to encounter groundwater are properly permitted, The County fee for test hole permits are presently $225.00 per hole. BSK & Associates would submit the permit applications with a check for $450.00 supplied by Hopper. The soil contamination investigation would consist of drilling approximately 4 to 6 borings at each site and sampling soils for chemical analyses. The initial test boring at the Espee Street site would be drilled midway between the locations of the 350 and 550 gallon fuel tanks (B-2 on Figure 1). The initial test boring at the Kentucky Street Site would be drilled at the 1,000 gallon fuel tank location (B-2, on Figure 2). The initial test borings would be drilled to a maximum depth of 100 feet. BSK & Associates Soil Contaminati?~), ,vestigation 301 Espee Stree ~d 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield' California OUR JOB B88325 April 4, 1989 Page 3 The remaining test borings at each site would be drilled at some distances from the initial test boring to establish the lateral extent of soil contamination. The proposed test boring locations are presented in Figures 2 and 3. The best borings shall be terminated at least 5.0 feet above the confirmed depth of groundwater. The depths, locations, and the number of borings may be modified based on soil conditions observed at the site. A portable photoionization detector, Photovac Tip, would be used at the site for soil screening and to assist in determining drilling depths. Drilling would be performed with a truck-mounted continuous flight auger drill rig using 8" hollow stem augers. The augers act as continuously advancing steel casings preventing test holes from caving-in above the levels to be sampled. The samples would be obtained by lowering a 2-inch inside diameter sampler containing stainless steel liners, inside the hollow stem auger, and driving it into undisturbed soils. Prior to drilling, we request that plans showing existing underground utility improvements be provided. We will not be responsible for damage to underground improvements not accurately shown on the plans. Two overhead utility service lines at the Kentucky Street site may interfere with the safe operation of the drill rig. We request that these lines be temporarily removed or shut off during drilling. The sampler would be cleaned with Trisodium Phosphate {TSP) and rinsed with distilled water between sampling activities. The hollow stem augers would be steam cleaned prior to entering the site and between borings to prevent cross-contamination. The drill crew would consist of a driller and a helper. The field exploration would be supervised by an engineer or a geologist who would be responsible for preparing the field boring logs, recordi.ng of field conditions, soil sample handling and. preservation, Chain-of-Custody and the field equipment cleaning process. Samples would be collected intact in stainless steel liners. The samples would be capped with aluminum foil, then with pressure fitted plastic caps, and sealed with adhesive tape.. Each sample would be labeled with an adhesive-backed label including boring designation, depth of samples, and initials of the individual preparing the samples. The samples would be stored in insulated chests with "Blue Ice" and delivered on the day of the sampling to BSK Laboratories in Fresno for testing. BSK & Associate, Soil Contami nati~ vestigation 301 Espee Street~nd 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 April 4, 1989 Page 4 Selected 'soil samples obtained from the sites would be tested for Total Volatile Hydrocarbons, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, and for Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and Ethylbenzene. The chemical analyses program was outlined by Ms. Lehman. To the extent permitted by State Regulations {maximum holding time) of 14 days, samples not selected for chemical testing would be held in the laboratory in the event additional testing is deemed necessary to define the extent of contamination. The cuttings resulting from the borings would be stored at the _..-site for eventual disposal by the owner. The holes would be backfilled'"t~'-'the ground surface with a sand-cement slurry. Following the completion of laboratory chemical testing, a report would be prepared describing our work and presenting the test results. Based on the above scope of work, we estimate the fee to be approximately $12,110. Actual charges would be billed on the basis of services rendered and unit prices contained in our current Fee Schedule. A summary of the estimated charges is enclosed for your review. We anticipate performing the field exploration within 3 days of receiving notice to proceed. The completed report should be available three weeks after completion of the fi. eld exploration. Should this proposal appear satisfactory, we would ask that both copies of the enclosed Standard Agreement be signed and returned to this office for execution. We will return on signed copy. The opportunity to submit this proposal is appreciated. be pleased to discuss questions concerning its content. We would Respectfully submitted, BSK & Associates Mark F. Milward Geologist MFM/JBM/ds Enclosure & Assoc~te., BSK Soil Contaminati~ ,vestigations 301 Espee Streetq'~qnd 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR dOB 888325 April 4, 1989 Enclosure 2 ESTIMATED CHARGES Field Investigation Drill Rig Time and Equipment - one operator and helper: Field Soil Classifications, sampling and observations by Engineer or Geologist: Steam Cleaner: Photoionization Detector: Sand-Cement Slurry: 16 hours at $132/hour 16 hours at $65/hour 2 days at $100/day 2 days at $60/day LUMP SUM $ 2,112 1,040 200 120 500 Analytical Testing TVH and BTXE: TPH 30 tests at $120/test 30 tests at $ 85/test $ 3,600 2,550 Re po_r t_._Pr~el~ a r a t i o n Site Evaluation, Permit Application, Data Compilation, and Report Preparation: Drafting: Clerical: 20 hours at $74/hour 4 hours a~ $37/hour 12 hours at $30/hour $ 1,480 148 360 $12,110 TOTAL ESTIMATED CHARGES: $12,110 BSK & Associates GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director ,,¥. RESOURCE ~iENT.. .. DEPART~~MENTAL January 16, 1990 2700 M Street. Sulle 300 Bakersfield. CA 03301 Telephone (~05) 8~il-363~ Telecopler (005) 861-3429 AGENCY Tom Hart Hopper, Inc. P. O. Box 2900 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Subject= Site Characterization Location= 801 Espee Street, Bakersfield, CA 311 Kentucky Street, Bakersfield, CA Permit #: ::.,Y~l~4';and-'~k~ Dear Mr. Hart: This Department has received the site characterization reports prepared by BSK and Associates for the above referenced facilities. In October of lg8gr Mr. Joe Canas from this Department discussed with Mr. Mark Millard of BSK that additional information was necessary in order to complete the review of the site characterization reports. Specifically, the following information was to provided in an addendum to these reports: A discussion of why the sample borehole locations were changed from those approved in the site characterization workplan. A feasibility study for each of the remediation alternatives. At a minimum the study should contain the information required in the enclosed handbook UT #35, included should be a risk and cost analysis. lhe environmental contractor should also recommend the remediation alternative best suited to this site, taking into account the information addressed in the feasibility study. Upon further review of these reports there are other areas which must be further addressed in orderto complete this review. They pertain to the Espee Site and are as follows= Why was bori[~g B-3 terminated at 26 feet? The levels of contamination found in B-3 far exceed the levels detected at a similar depth in the boring B-2, which was drilled to a depth of approximately 70 feet. Why were samples not retrieved at the termination depths of B-4 and B- 5? The last samples retrieved from these borings both show high levels of contamination. The levels of contamination found in both B-4 and B-5 far exceed the levels detected at similar depths in boring B-2. Tom Hart January 19, 1990 Page 2 This report makes the statement "On the basis that the 350 and 550 gallon fuel tanks are the point sources of the subsurface contamination..." Are there other possible sources for the contamination? If so, they should be addressed. The addendum containing the above information must be submitted to this office within 15 days, so that we may complete our review. If you should have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, JL:cas Janis Lehman Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program \hart.ltr '1' ~-~.' / Pereit # / ~'~ ~"~? '-)' Environmental Sensitilvity ~ UNDERGROUND No. of Tanks Type of Inspection: Comments: * INSPECTION REPORT ,- ~/t Address Is Information on P~rmit/Applicatl~n Correct? Yes ~-"No~ Routine -. , Complaint. ITEM VIOLATIONS NOTED 1. Primary Containment Monitoring: a. Intercepting and Directing System b. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Liner b. Double-Wailed Tank c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring a. Pressurized b. Suction '*' c. Gravity 5.' Tightness Testing 6. New Construction/Modification 7. Closure/Abandonment 8. Unauthorized Release 9. Maintenance, General Safety and Operating Condition of Facility Comments/Recommendations: Reinspectlon scheduled? Approximate Reinspection Date~~ · .-,"~ C~ '~L/L I'~Y~.Y) REPORT RECEIVED BY~ , INSPECTOR-':/~- ''''''\ ,, Yes No 2?00 "N' Street, $te. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 e~lvtron~ental Health Servi.es March 30, 1989 Tom Hart Hooper [nc. P.O. Box 2900 Bakersfield, CA 93303 SUB3ECT: Location 311 Kentucky St., Bakersfield, CA Known .As Hopper Inc. PERMIT # 140012 Dear Mr. Hart: The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for work required at the property described above. As a responsible party for a leaking underground storage tank, you have previously received a letter from this Department notifying you of the required work necessary to identify the extent of the contamination. We are now requesting that this work, outlined in UT35, be done in a timely manner. In accordance with California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48, the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department requires a determination of the threat to the environment. Accordingly, you must select an environmental contractor and submit a site characterization workplan proposal to this office within 30 days from the date of this letter. The workplan must be approved by this Department before any work is started. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please immediately contact me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, .~, '" . (] Janis Lehman '-' Environmental Health Specialist JL:dr (lOS) 861-3636' STATE C.O.L.T. .~arch 16, 1989 Tom Hart Hopper, Inc. P. O. Box 2900 Bakersfield, California 93303 SUBJECT: Location: 301Espee Street Bakersfield, California Known As: Hopper, Inc. PERMIT #: 060014 Dear Tom Hart: This letter Is an official notice to Inform you that the property described above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health to be the site of an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank. This notice Is sent to you because our records indicate that you are a responsible party for this property. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property and the cost for oversight of these activities. California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48 require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL, ON A TINELY BASIS, DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTERIZATION, FEASIBILITY STUDY AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRON~NTAL HEALTH'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find attachment "A", Handbook UT-35, which states the minimum required site workplan activities, the necessary requirements for selecting environmental contractors qualified to perform this work, a glossary of terms, example'lllustrations, and a section discussing the'answers to commonly asked questions. According to the criteria listed below and in Attachment "C", your site has been designated as environmentally sensitive. All environmentally sensitive sites are automatically enrolled Into a State contract program for recovery of oversight costs. The environmental sensitivity criteria for sites are as follows: · ' '1. Highest historic &,round water Is within 100 feet of ground surface, or 3. 4. 5. Nearest surface water in unlined conveyance is within 75 feet of tank(s), or Nearest agricultural or domestic water well is within 75 feet of tanks(s), or Facility is located in a designated aquifer recharge area, or Permitting Authority determines possible adverse environmental impact due to facility proximity to unique wildlife habitat areas. The cost incurred by Kern County Environmental Health for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remedlatlon action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs will be recovered by Kern County Environmental Health under the terms of the State· contract described below. This contract ONLY pertains to costs associated with oversight. STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party for both the costs Incurred by the County and the State pertaining to your site. Accordingly, Attachment "D", the will serve as the official notification of enrollment into the State Contract. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Nllon, contract manager, at (805) 861-3636. 'Sincerely, Mary Weddell Assistant County Administrative Officer Environmental Health attachments 2?00 'lq' Street. Sra. 300 8akaref~eid. CX 93301 (80S) 861-:~636 ATTACHMENT "D" March 16, 1989 Tom Hart Hopper, Inc. P. O. Box 2900 Bakersfield, California 93303 SUBJECT: Location: 301Espee' Street Bakersfield, California Known As: Hopper, Inc. PEP, NIT #: 060014 Dear Tom Hart: This letter will serve as the official notification concerning reimbursement requirements for a responsible party enrolled In the State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program. As mentioned In the Introductory letter, by either not responding to this package within ten (10) calendar days or through your own selection of the State Contract option, your site will be placed under the terms explained below: Whereas the Legislature has appropriated funds from the California HaZardous Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state agency administrative and-oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing.removal or remedial action at the above site are funded, in whole or In part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund; and Whereas the above individual(s) or entity(les) have been identified as the party or parties responst'ble for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and Safety code, the Above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all state and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice'from the State Water Resources Control Board. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Nllon, contract manager, at (805) 861-3636, Sincerely, Mary Weddell Assistant County Administrative Officer Environmental Health ,/0: ;ROM: ~ ;ORK TO BE DONE: Mai 1 ln~: Make a file for Other Regular Mail Certified with Return Response Certified w/o Return Response Over Nite Rough Draft (double spaced) Fi,lal (single spaced) Other Plain paper Letterhead Memorandum Form (please include) 8 112 X 11 8 1/2 X 14 11X 17 Envelopes: ReEular (return address) envelopes Large (Manilu) envelopes Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope Copies: Collate Staple Paper Clip Return copies to Sender REMARKS: Distribute: -. District Staff' Program Managers Chiefs D_~mE AND TIME NEEDED: Date Time DATE AND TIME COMPLETED l, Z % a.m. p.m. Date '~5' Time' ,., T.',.'.7~ IS A HIGH PRIORITY PROJECT Associates ~ Geotechnical'Consultants, Inc. February 27, 1989 OUR JOB B88325 Hopper, Incorporated Post Office Box 2900 Bakersfield, California 93303 Attention: Mr. Tom Hart SUBJECT: Preliminary Soil Contamination Testing 301 Espee Street and 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Hart: In accordance with our agreement, we have performed a Preliminary Soil Contamination Testing at the subject two sites, in conjunction with the removal of 3 underground fuel tanks. The project involved obtaining soil samples for chemical testing from beneath the 350 and 550 gallon fuel tanks at the Espee Street Site (Figure 1} and beneath a 1,000 gallon fuel tank .at the Kentucky Street Site {Figure 2}. Information concerning the past uses and the type fuels contained in the three tanks was unavailable prior to the Preliminary Assessment. SOIL SAMPLING Soil sampling was performed on February 14, 1989 in the Presence of Ms. Janice Lehman of the Kern County Environmental Health Department. Soil samples were obtained from below the bottom of each tank excavation at the approximate center of the tank. A backhoe was used to retrieve a large, relatively undisturbed mass of soil from depths of 2 and 6 feet below the test locations. A clean stainless steel tube was driven into the soil mass to obtain the samples. The samples were capped with aluminum foil and pressure fitted plastic caps and sealed with adhesive tape. Each sample was labeled with an adhesive-backed label including sampling locations, depth of sample,~ time of sampling, and the initials of the individual preparing the sample. Soil Engineering · Engineering Geology, Engineering La~ratories, Chemical La~ratories ~ F~sno, Cali~rnia 93706 · 1645 "E" Strut, Suite 105 · ~lephone (209) 485-3200 Fax (209) 485-7427 ~! Fr~no, California 93706 · 1414 Stani~lau~ Street · ~lephone (209) 485-8310 ~ ~salia, California 93291 808 E. Dougla~ A~nue · ~lephone (209) 732-8857 ~ Bakersfield, Cali~rnia 93304 , 117 "V" St~e! · ~lephone (805) 327~671 ~ Plea~nton, Call,mia 94566 · 5729-F 5onoma Dri~ · ~leph0ne (415) 4624~0 Preliminary Soil ~..~mination Testing 301 Espee Street~d 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 February 27, 1989 Page 2 The samples were stored in an insulated ice chest, packed with dry ice for preservation, and transported to the BSK & Associates Laboratories in Fresno, California for chemical analysis. A Chain-of-Custody form was prepared to accompany the samples recording the name of the individuals collecting, transferring, and analy~zing the samples. A copy of the Chain-of-Custody Record is included. LABORATORY ANALYTICAL TESTING Laboratory testing was performed by BSK & Associates Laboratories in Fresno, California. The soil samples were tested for gasoline contamination indicated by the presence of Total Volatile Hydrocarbons (TVH), and Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and Ethylbenzene (BTXE). Diesel contamination was also tested for ~ the presence of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH). The testing program was detailed by Ms. Lehman (KCEHD). The tests for TVH and BTXE were performed in accordance with EPA Test Methods 8015M and 8020M respectively. For TVH and BTX£, the headspace method was used for sample preparation. In the headspace method, 5 grams of soil are heated to 90°C. At the end of one hour, a 1 milliliter vapor sample is obtained and injected into a chromatograph for aromatic separation. TVH is measured with a flame ionization detector (FID). BTXE is measured with a photoionization detector. The test for TPH is in accordance with DHS-approved procedures for analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. The sample is prepared by hexane extraction prior to chromatograph separation. TPH is measured with an FID. The test results are included and summarized in Table I. BSK & Associate- BS]{ & Ass(x.'lale~, Chemical L,ilx~rator~eh 1414 Stanislat,s Street kre,,no. C,IJilt)rlll,I ~')~7()(~ TeJt't)honi' 12()~ 485-8310 Fax (209} 485-7427 Hopper Lab No. Ch89~464-1 BBB385 Report Date 2187189 Sample Type Soil Date Sampled 2/14/B~ Sample Description ES-E2 Date Received 8/15/8~ 08~? hrs. Date of Analysis ~/81/8~ Soil Analyses for and TVH BTXE Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Benzene ~8 .1~ Toluene ...... 68 .85 Ethylbenzene 3~ .~5 Total Xylene Isomers 18~ .~5 Total Volatile HydrocarOons 5~888 5~. Method: BTXE-EPA 8~20 TVH-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit Supervi sot Organ~ QA/QC sot BSK & Associates 1414 Chemical L, fl)oratories Fa× ~2091 485-7427 Hopper 888385 Sample Type__Soil Sample Description ES-E2 Date 08A? hrs. Date Lab No. Ch89046A-1 Report Date 2/2?/89 Date Sampled 2/14/89 Received 2/15/89 of Analysis 2/16/89 J[ Soil Analyses for TPH jJ Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 2~ 1~. Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit QA/QC Super v i sot C~rgani~upervisor Preliminary Soil , amination Testing 301Espee Stree d 311 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, California OUR JOB B88325 February 27, 1989 Page 3 CONCLUSIONS Preliminary analytical test results indicate relatively high levels of the tested constituents in the soil samples obtained from below the 350 and the 550 gallon fuel tanks at the Espee Street Site, and below the 1,000 gallon fuel tank at the Kentucky Street Site. Chemical analyses of the 2 and 6 foot soil samples obtained from below the 350 gallon tank indicate the presence of constituents likely associated with diesel and gasoline. ...... Chemical analyses of the 2 and 6 foot soil samples obtained below the 1,000 gallon fuel tank indicate the presence of constituents · likely associated with gasoline and possibly components with paint thinner-kerosene characteristics. LIMITATIONS The findings and conclusions presented in this report are based on the data obtained from the sampling locations shown on the Site Plans, and the soil sample analytical test results. The report does not reflect variations which may exist between sampling points. These variations cannot be anticipated nor can they be entirely accounted for in spite of exhaustive additional testing. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices for the area, based on the guidelines of local and State jurisdictions. No warranties, either expressed or implied, are made. Respectfully submitted, BSK & Associates Mark F. Milward Geologist T -s/~o~ng~in ~ Civil Engineer MFM/TWL/ds Enclosure BSK & Associat(,~ 0 CD o 0 cD CD BSK & Associate~ 1414 ~l,u~,,,I,lu', 511~'ul f:ru,,no, C,~lm~rm,I ??,701~ J-uluphonu t30'J, 48.5-8310 - Fax (209) 485-74-? Hopper Lab No. ChB9046q-2 888325 Report Date Sample Type Soil Date Sampled Sample Description ES-E6 0853 hrs. Date Received 2/15/89 Date of Analysis 2/21/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Benzene -- 22 .10 Toluene 65 .25 Ethylbenzene 59 .25 Total Xylene Isomers 160 .25 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons 3~40~ 50. Vlethod: BTXE-EPA 80~0 TVH-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit QA/QC Supervisor ~gan i c~/~up er v i sot Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street · Fresno, California 9.~7()h Telephone {2(19~ 485-8310 · Fax (2091 485-7427 Hopper Lab No. ChB~464-2 B8B325 Report Date Sample Type Soil Date Sampled Sample Description ES-E6 ~853 hrs. Date Received 8/15/89 Date of Analysis 8/16/89 IIS°il Analyses f°r TPH II Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons A,3~0 1D. Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit QA/QC Supervisor Chemical Laboratories 1414 :':,la ~ ~, ,'~ ~, Slrt.'elFre~,n<~, C,diI'orma 97,70t Teh,pt~one (209! 485-8310 - Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper B88325 Sample Type Soil Sample Description ES-W2 Date 1308 hrs. Date Lab No. Ch890464-6 Report Date 8/2?/89 Date Sampled 2/14/89 Received 2/15/89 of Analysis 2/22/89 Soil Analyses for and TVH BTXE Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Benzene .......... 33 .10 Toluene ~? .25 Ethylbenzene 55 .25 Total Xylene Isomers 130 .25 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons 12t00~ 5~. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8~15M ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit QA/QC Supervisor Organl S~ 1414 btaJliqau. ~Imt'l I-~.,.r~). (',flitc)rnl,i '9~17t1~', T(,lephon(. t209) 485-8310 * Fax 1209) 485-74.27 Hopper Lab No. Ch890A6~-6 888385 Report Date 8/2?/89 Sample Type Soil Date Sampled 2/1A/89 Sample Description ES-W2 1308 hrs. Date Received 2/15/89 Date of Analysis 2/1&/89 II Soil Analyses for TPH 'II Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 7,g~0 1~. Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit Some TPH as gas may be present QA/QC S!;~er v i sot ' O~ervisor 1414 .qhlnisl,lu~ 51rot'l Chemical Laboralories Ftc, no. C,di~'ormn 9.~706 - Telephone (2091 485-8310 · Fax 1209) 485-7427 Hopper B88385 Sample Type Soil Sample Description ES-W6 1313 hrs. Lab No. Report Date Date Sampled Ch890464-? 8/8?/89 2/14/89 Date Received 2/15/8~ Date of Analysis 2/22/89 Soil Analysesand TVHf°r BT XE [[ Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Benzene 29 .1~ Toluene - 38 .25 Ethyibenzene q~ .25 Total Xylene Isomers 120 .25 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons 13~08 5~. Method: BTXE-EPA 8080 TVH-EPA 8~15M ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit QA/QC Supervisor ~]rganic~x~up~rvisor Chen'~ical Laboratories 1414 S'hmi,.l,m,, ':,i'eet Ftc,no. Calitorn,a qt706 Telepi~or~e i20th 485-8310 - Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Lab No. Ch89~464-? B88325 Report Date 8/2?/89 Sample Type Soil Date Sampled ~/14/8~ Sample Description ES-W6 1313 hrs. Date Received 2/15/89 Date of Analysis ~/16/8~ J[ Soil Analyses for TPH II Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 7,0~0 1~. Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit Some TPH as gas may be present QA/QC Supervisor Organics Supervisor 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, Caimm~;J '~ .~-I)~, 'R'h'lfl~one 1.2'09) 485-8310 Fax ~209) 485-7427 Hopper Lab No. Ch899464-4 B88385 Report Date 8/2?/89 Sample Type Soil Date Sampled 8/14/89 Sample Description K-2 Date Received 2/15/89 1212 hrs. Date of Analysis 2/22/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TVH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Benzene ................... ~6 .lQ Toluene 70 .25 ~Ethylbenzene ~6~ .25 Total Xylene Isomers 159 .25 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons 8~999 59. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected BDL-Beiow Detection Limit QA/QC Super v i sot BSK Chemical Laboratories 1414 _qt,m~,l,iu,, .qlrt't'l Fry,,no, C,difornia 93706 · Telephone 1209~ 485-8310 · Fax ~209) 485-;'.127 Hopper B88385 Sample Type Soil Sample Description K-2 1818 hrs. Lab No. Report Date Date Sampled 'Date Received Ch890~6~-q 8/8?/89 8/1q/89 2/15/89 Date of Analysis 8/16/89 Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 5~9~8 19. Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit Some ~PH as gas may be present QA/DC Supervisor Organ~Supervi sot BSI(. & Associates Chemical Laboratorie.~ 1414 StanisJaus Street Fresno. Califorma '937¢)6 'E,leph~me ~2()(h 485-K'~I0 Fax ~2U9~ Hopper Lab No. ChBg~46q-5 B88325 Report Date 8187/89 Sample Type Soil Date Sampled 2/14189 Samp I e Description K-6 Date Received 2/15/89 1225 hrs. Date of Analysis 2/22/89 J[ Soil Analyses for and TVH BTXE Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Benzene - 18 .10 Toluene 54 .25 Ethylbenzene 51 .25 Total Xylene Isomers 130 .25 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons 5~60~ 5~. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TVH-EPA 8015M ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit QA/QC Supervisor Orga Supervisor 1414 c.t,mi,,I,m~, <,I ~'t' t're,,~,~. C,~l~flmn,~ ~ ~,7()h Teh'phon~' ~.~t) .,. 41~,5-8310 · Fax (209) 485-7427 Hopper Lab No. ChB~04~4-5 BBB325 Report Date Sample Type Soil Date Sampled Sample Description 1225 h~s. Date Received ~/15/8~ Date of Analysis 2/1&/8~ Soil Analyses for TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 5.~00 10. Method: TPH DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Below Detection Limit Some TPH as gas may be present QA/QC Supervisor ~gani~upervisor ~---------- CHAI ".OF CUSTODY' BSK & ASSOCIATES Analytical Laboratory 1414 Stanislaus Street RECORD Fresno, CA 93706 ~.~/~/ , 2o91485-a310 ~ DATE . P.,.ROJECT NO. ANALYSES.' * :....n...  = REMARKS- SAMPLER ~ =~; = o, ' (PrintS) :~ ~ ?~: ' :~ ~ =u ~ ~ (SAMPLE PRESERVATION, Z HANDLING PROCEDURES, [Signatu ~ ~ o o o ~=' o* 9ATETiME NUMBER ~ ~ = =~ : .I ~,'~-~zo° K- ~ ~ ~ S, ~ ..'.i, ~ '. ~,~ 'iz~s 'K- ~ ~ s~ -. x ~ "., ~'~'--:~' " ' : : '.:.'.. ..~,.. ;.~::~ '..~'.'~;:.'~" · ..."' ':,:~' ',.l".." . -. ., ;,'' ~~* ... j , '"'""""'"'""'"'""""'"'"""""""" .... '"':':':':':':':':': TOT~ NUMBER '""""""'"' '" " · '" '"""'~ ._._....._._ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: ............................... o. co.~,.~.s ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:'.::~:": .'~:~:::~:~:~:~:~  DATE RECEIVED BY: RELIN'~ISHED BY:" OATEREGEIVED BY:(LA~ OATE SIGNATURE , -, ~IGNATURE SIGNATURE . ~NATURE COMPANY coMpANY cOMPANY LABORATORY RELINQUIS~D"BY: OATE REC~VED BY: METHOD OF SMPMENT LABO ~TO RY TI ME PRINTED NA~'E PRINTED NAME ~OMP*NY ~COMPANY [LOG-IN'NO. ~.:~ .Environmental Health DiV, ~ O,RECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH KIn Coumy Health Dept f~%, Wr, o, s. R,,~.~,r~ '..: .,. This form is to be returned to the Kern County Health Department within 14 days of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. The holder of the permit with number noted above is responsible for insuring that this form is-completed and returned. Section I - To be filled out by tank removal contractor: TankRemoval Contractor: Address Date TanksRemoved No. of Tanks Section 2 - To be filled out by contractor "decontaminating tank(s): Tank "Decontamination" Contractor H & H Ship Service Company ' Address 220 China. Basin Street .... Phone # 1415) 543-4835 San Francisco, CA Zip 94]07 Authorized representative of contracto6' certifies by signing below that tank(s) have been decontaminated in accordance with Kern County Health. Department requirements. CLEVELAND VALREY Signature Q. A. & Safety Co~rdinator Title Section 3 -To be filled out and siffned by an authorized representative of the , treatment, storage, or disposal facility acceptin~ tank(s): FacLlity Name H & H Ship Service Company Address 220 China Basin Street San Francisco_. CA Date Tanks Received 15 February 1989 Signature CLEVELAND VALREY (Authorized Representative ) Phone # (41K) AA~-4835 Zip ~A'~ n~ No. of Tanks Two (2.) Title Q.A, & Sa~y ~H~nator MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold in half and staple. Postage and mailing label have alread~ been affixed to outside for ~our convenience. (Form #HM~P-150) DISTRICT OFFICES -KERN.:COUNT¥>HEAL.TH 4MENTAL HI 30~ Espee Bakersfield. Phone: (805) . APPROVAL DATE FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: -Hopper, Inc. 301Espee St. Bakersfield, CA PERMIT FOR CLOSURE.oF ~ TANK(S) AT.'ABOVE LOCATION ~APPROVED BY 2. Permittee must obtain a City F/re Depar~ment"Permit>';:'pr-~'~;.~O?.ln'itta~in~ 3. Tank closure activities mus< be per Kern C'0Unty approved me~hods as described in Handbook UT-30.. ,'." t~..C:t~/,<.:>[[~u::',i:.:<-./. 'L.. ~ny deviation from sample locati°ns 'and. numbers sampled for which are described below and in Handbo'o~"UT;:~0?~:.re~eive retrieved beneath the center of the .t~aepth~.:.~fi~:,~'~:r6'~im~tely 5. If any contractors or disposal faCilities other ~han and permit application are to be utilized', ['.Pri°r ,approVai'~:'~S.{-~e'~granted a minimum of two samples must be retrieved at'depths""b'f~<~'~xi~t~ly 'two re--six feet for every 15 linear feet of plpe.-=uA,/and~?:also:'?ear.the 10, 11. 12. Sample, analysis ... :....:. :..~: ...,..:. ,...: a. All. (leaded/unleaded) 'gasoline/dieSel".'Sa~pIes%.:':-mus, :ed '.:for - - benzene, toluene, xylene, and ' total ::~etrOleum~.- ~:: i i '"'(us:inn , both. a gasoline & diesel standard)' .':..:::~....:-"...~.:':.5-.,:?>:::.!?.:-..':21.:.:]~:--:::::::.:i[:..;~.b.?'?.'. . Copies of transpor~at'ion manifests '.muS~':.-:be -Department within'five days of waste All applicable s~ate laws for hazardous. pr trea~men~ must:be adhered ~o.. The Kern County ~e no~ified before moving and/or disposing'OS any Permit~ee is responsible for making sure record" issued wi~h.this permi~ is 14 days of ~ank removal. ' ' ' Advise this office of ~he ~ime and da~e hours advance no~ice. - -"- b::::.'., r .~- _ __~__ ~:___.1...~.:. :-:?::~:::~"¥"?" ,..,,,::::,.: :..~<::, .,.. ' Results mus~ be submitted ~o ~his · ...., ..... . .... ::'.::, ~ :..:'::..:- - ACCEPTED BY:: JL: cd (janis\854-O'6.ptai ~? "-. i: r~/~(8~5):861~3636 J' -' ~'?" ~:/"~:"?'i':~:~-!-'' ~,~': ~ 'i?'?J~ ' :PE~Z~ ~OR PE~E~-'CLOSURE ' ' ' - ' ','~ ~ .'7'.'; S~ST~CES STOOGE ~ACZLZ~ '.~ ,' .~ ., . · . - . . . :... :;'~,. ,~,,~ ~ .... ~ :, ~.? -~.~y~ ~-~:~/ ~Lr ~* ; .-'~.. Hoppe~, ~nc. Hopper, Znc. - ....... "~ "'.':s.Hoppe= ~nc~'.- ~ ?~ ~' ...... - 301 Es~ee St. '' 301 Espee St. · ~ ~-',' ~,-"~:~L::~'30i.,~ Bakersfield, CA' -'... "' "'-'Bakersfield, CA "'.','; ,. . - ~ .. ~;- ":,~ , .. Phone: (805)-861-7000 :, .: . .,::.,:, .~'-,,::.:-. . , -. ,'.. ' " ' ."L' !,' pERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES .... ?i.-;.":Ap~il~:~';. ~ TANK(S) AT"'ABOVE "' ' "A~ROVAL DATE DOO~T~ON " APPROVED BY """ ,' ................................ POST ON ~HZS~S..,' .......... ....'.~.~.'...,'...zv.:., .... - -~,~.-,-.:;~_.. '.. ~t responsibility of the Permi'ttee tt°~.°b~ain':'~e~'~i~'~:~;~'i:~'h~:~aff~r:be 1. is the . required by other regulatory agencies' 2 Permittee must obtain a City Fire Departmen~'"p'~it:':"r[~t.'~6::.i~'t:a~i'n ' · __ .. .~.... . g losure action, ..... .... .,...,,.., ...... :-. ..... ,~,-. · 3.. Tank closure activities must be per Kern.CoUnty H~alth',,'a~,~.:~!~'r~.~:~De'Pa~:~e.nt 4. Soil Sampling ' - . ,:.' '::'.'.. Any deviation from 'sample locations' and" numbers' '6~t'?~?~;i~e~f~;~,:~,t° "be sampled for which are described below and' tn . prior approval, by the Health Department.: '[':~' :." . a. (Tank size 1,000 gallons or less).-.a minimum retrieved beneath the center of the tank at 'depths~:,~f.>aPp~oXima~ely ' tWO feet and six feet. , .- . S. . If any contractors or disposal facilities and permit application are to be utilized', prtor..appr0vai'::[[mu~lt?[.6~!~ranted ' by the specialist listed on the perm~.t. , ..... :~ ,::.-.',,~.:,..-:;...v~-':~??~":?4'[t:::(?'~"[~''t ." 6. aS°ilminimumSamplingof two( piping'samplesarea )must be retrieved'~ .... '""':a'f' feet and six feet' for every 15 linear feet 0f 'pipe' ~un::a'ndi';,~'{~So:'~near· the dispenser area( s )..:' :':. .:.,'3 /'/ :.:,' :[:..-:.."? :[[':~:::[~.'~'[~.:~:~:~;;~j' .-;' ,: .' ' ' benzene, toluene,., xylene, and 'totalJ.i"t · '.both a'gasoline .&..diesel standard).. -"" ...... - ...... '::"' ''~ 8. Copies 'of transportation 'manifests 'must Department within five.days of waste disp6~ai 9. 'All applicable state-laws for hazardous..waste~;,d or treatment must 'be adhered to. The Kern.:cou~Y'[He~al~i~', be notified be~°re moving and/or disposing of an.¥~.,,¢~ 10. Permittee 'is 'responsible for making sure record''· issued with this permit is properl~.;-fil'i&d'i 14 days of tank removal ' : ';,' <"":~':::-'"':.~'~", 11. Advise this office of the time and date of".'~h~".p~ hours advance notice :' '. ~'::..'~"-'~: 12 Results must be submitted to-this office withtn'~'.t. completion. .-' ' ' -."-- '."~ ' ' '" . t-' - ~ ' ;:[~.:'.'.l;~ ' .,-, -?' ..V".--:'.;~'-..-." , . ...... ~;. . - .. /.' ?,'~,4..::-'~ ~",:,-;t ? ACCEPTED : . ~',. - -"'"'.DATE! ( janis\854_'-06.pta) , . .,. :. _... ... .... .;,;..-;\ i~ ' ;'" " :.i- '"' - .... . .....::.':..: '.:. ;.' .. ~, ,% ....... ,...: .. . . .....:,: ~ ~,'.-~. . .:;?.- :?,:!:',::,.'~;-'"' . ~.~,-... .,-.._',.. . ... ,.', .? ..... . . :. i ' ': ,-," )i-. ' ;;-~ '" '"/' ,':' ~': Lf;I-t- :';2: th'.'.2.4 .-. - ...,. -.: -",.':... .". '.....:. . ~. ~:~ '. .... .:':..>'. Hopper, Inc. · '.-:~'...' · Hopper, .~nc 301 Espee St. '-'- .... '301 gspee Bakersfield.. C~ :..:'..,.::: ' ....:'-...'.:~'.. Bakersfield.:: . ... Phone: ",: :-' "'< :.:.' ':.. ,' .:.!-:. ......... : ..:.: :.' '..': ...... ,. .. ... . , . - .... ; .... PERMIT 'FOR CLosuRE OF''''' .< ..'-' PERMIT EXPIRES - '" '- "' - '" -:~ ' "' ' ' " ' : ' -" ' - ' ' ' "": .'',~" ~ T~NK( s,)'.?':':~"A~0vE :~.:.'.~-.',:'<~:.'"'":'.'"~-,'.APP~0v~' LOCATION"?/': :~':'":. ::'<' :[','.'< ::~ : 0 D SY ' '":~'""'~ ~"~":::n.':.: . . ~' ':.':-' ..'- -'~: ' ' " :'~'~ ' ..... ' ...... t ....~...~....- .... POST ON PR~N~S~S :. . ~..:. .. -...... _ ... :~.....;...:.:,.71.,:~... ~. '.~.:is.~he'.'responsibi~y of the Permi~e'<~ . required bY 0kher,.regulatory agencies~ 2..' Perm'i~ee .mUst 'obtain a. City Fire Depar.~m~ closure ac~$on. '. ".?~: .... 3. '.Tank closure ac'~ivities mus~ be per Kern county'.. approved me~hods as 'described in Handbook' 4. .Soil Sampling : , ' ' ' ' - :~::'>'' Any deviation from sample locations, and 'numbers sampled ~or which-are described below and · prior approval 'by ~he Health Departmen~ a.' '"(Tank Stze,l,OOO,gallons or 'less) -. "'.retrieVed beneath ~he'cen~er of two feet and six feet ,' .... 5. ~ any contractors' or disposal facilities o~her :~than" and permit applica~ion are to be u~ilized,-- by the specialist' l~sted.on the 6. Soil Sampling (piping area) .. - '::... a minimum of two samples must be retrieved, at fee~ and six. feet for every ~5 linear 'fee~":"0f. .dispenser area(s). - -,:: ':':.;~-(::.<:~" .. . .. .. '. r' . - .-'- .~,'~?>:-?,:<,. Permit ranted <2 ';,:~ ,: :': ' ?"'two the :~::: .... "- -,'..-' Doth a~gasol'~ne. &.(a/ese/ standa~d)'~': ~.- ' ".'CO'~i~S ."of ?~affsp6rtat'ion: manifests'-:mu~ "." Departaent ~ithin "five :days of Waste :' ~. Ail app,lic~.~'.',s{ate':,'laws, for hazardous' .. or 'treataent- must .be adhered to.. The ' be notified-befOre'mooing.and/or · ' eraittee:, is 'responsible for .aaking sure?ti :1. ~dvise. th't{.~.office of'[the.ttae and · ~2. ~esults':auSt. 'be :subaitted .to this ',off, '. ~,;,..'~ {805) 861-3638 EN, V/RONMENTAL APPLICATION FOR PERMTT FOR PERM. AZ",TI~I~TT '- CLOSURIK/ABANDONM~:NT OF UND~-RGROUND '/' HAZ~RDOUS SUBST~klqC~-S STORAGE FACILITY PROJECT CONTACT IPHONEDAYS-' 861-718~ PACILI~ ~E ~DR~S N~ ~SS S~E~ HO~ INC ~01 ~P~ ST ~ON l~ 0~ER ~ESS PH0~ HOPP~ INC 301 ~P~ ST ( 80~) 861 - 7000 TANK RENOVAL CONTRACTOR IADDRESS iPHO~ HOPPER INC 13m ESP~.W, ST. (805 )861 - 7000 PRO~S~ PROJE~ ~ARTING ~ J~LIFORNIA LICENSE ~ ~RK~'S C~P~SATION ~ ~INS~ I' I PRELIMINARY~:SITE ASS~SS~ CO~R ADDR~S PHONE B~ ~S~IAT~ 117 V ST ~~D CA 9330~ (805 ) 32~067i ~RKER'S C~PENSATION · INS~ER PHONE CP 753%02' Il ' I~US~ ING~ (805 ) 32~O67i ~BORATORY ~T WILE ~AE~E ~P~ ~DR~ PHON~ B~ ~SOCIAT~ 117 V ST ~~D CA 9330~ (~5 ) 32~0671 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 0P ~ATERIALS STORED TANK · VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED (NON-CO~ERCIAL MANE) i __Z,%0_SAL f~ASOT~N'~,.; OR DIF~EL z ~ ~ASOLINE OR DIESEL UNK .TO, UNK UNK .TO UNK CHENICAL PRSVIOUSLY STORED WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY CAILF WATER SERVICE NEAREST WATER WELL - GIVE DISTANCE ~ DESCRIBE TYPE IF WITHIN 5OO FEKT RASIS POE SOIL TYPE AND GROUNDMATER DEPTH DETF.,~J(INATION EXCAVATION TOTAL tflJMBER OP SAMPLES TO BE ANALYZED DKPTI! TO GROUNDWATER UI'~3WN I SOIL TYPE AT PACILI~ SANDY BENZENE AND TOTAL PETROEUM DESCRIBE ~ RESIDUE IN TANK(S} AND PIPING IS TO BE RSNOVED AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE TRANSPOi~ATION AND DISPOSAL COJ~ANIES): TANKS AND P~PING TO BE TRANSPORTED UNDER MANIFEST BY KERN BACKHOE TO H&H SHIPYARD IN SAN FR DESCRIBE BOTII THE DISPOSAL NL~HOD AND DISPOSAL LOCATION POR: TANK(S) PIPING · · PLEASE PROVIDE INFORNATTON RESUES"T~D ON REVERSE SIDE. O..~ TI{TS SHEET EEPQRE SUM(ITTTNG APPLICATTQN ~OR REVTEN · · ;IGNATURe~~:I~r~rS FOR, ~AS Been CO~P£ETED ~P~N~P. . P ERJUm~ AND TO me 8E~TITLEOP m' ~,o,LeDOepLANT MANAGERIS T~U~ A*m CO,ReCT. DATE DEC 22 88 ~Por! ·lfl4MP-140 )