HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 9/24/2003 MARCIAL'S BODY SHOP & SALES Manager : Location: 815 ESPEE ST City : BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 01 EPA Numb:- SiteID: 015-021-002452 BusPhone: (661) 324-8307 Map : 103 CommHaz : Grid: 19D FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title JAVIER MARCIAL / Business Phone: (661) 324-8307x 24-Hour Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Emergency Contact / Title CRISTIAN MARCIAL / Business Phone: (661) 324-8307x 24-Hour Phone : ( ) ~-~,~x Pager Phone : (661)~XCELL Hanmar Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : JAVIER MARCIAL MailAddr: 815 ESPEE ST City : BAKERSFIELD Phone: (661) 324-8307x State: CA Zip : 93301 Owner JAVIER MARCIAL Address : 815 ESPEE ST City : BAKERSFIELD Phone: (661) 324-8307x State: CA Zip : 93301 Period : Preparer: Certif'd: ParcelNo: tO TotalASTs: = TotalUSTs: = Res: No Emergency Directives: ~ry~,~ Do hereby cer~if7 ~hat i have ment plan for~d that it along with any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my faciJity. Gal Gal -1- 09/09/2003 OF ENVIRONMENTAL Si 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 BUSINESS OWNER I OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FACILITY INFORMATION Page Of FACILITY _~,~/,.{INESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAM..E or DBA- Doing Business, As) . SITE ADDRESS B~DSTREET 3 Year Ending ,o~ BUSINESS PHONE Io41 CA 106 s,c CODE (4 Digit #) 103 105 107 108 i OW. ERN^ME IOWNER M^,L,NG ADDRESS CITY , CONTACT NAME ~ CONTACT ~ILING 112 113 1;14 STATEE ~ 115 O~ 116 ~,.-,~O,~c..~'C~{ ~17 CONTACT PHONE ~2c~-M~A2 '" 119 ADDRESS CI~ ~~:~ ~ -C~ ~ ~2o STATE 24-HOUR PHONE ~ 2 q - ~ 6' q ? ,~Z 24-HOUR PHONE 122 130 131 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. 132 133 t SIGNA~UR".~_~ 9F OWNER/OPERj~TOR I NAMES'pF OWNER/OPERATOR (print) 136 DATE 13~ I N~?OCUMENT PREPARER 135 TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR 137 UPCF (7199) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2730.TV4.wpd CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326.3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Section I1,1 - DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATIONS · . . I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME o~ DBA - Doing Business As) ADDRESS (For local use only) ':bi q - 476. - · '~ : DISCOVERY LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: Bo EMERGENCY AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: C. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES: EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN" ..... ':" CLOSEST LOCAL MEDICAL FACILITY: UPCF (7/99) S:~PROCEDURE MANUAL~w HMMP fo,'m.v4xJ Section 11.2 - RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES: Bo RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND MITIGATION: "% Ur'{ ~',,ne ~'~ : .... "" "~ ' . ' ' FOLLOW UP ACTIONs .... · · ~" ' ' ' C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES: UPCF (7/99) 8N~iOCEDURE MANUAL~Iew HMMP fomrl.v4xl HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Section II1.1 - FACILITY AND LOCALITY INFORMATION UTILITY SHUT-OFFS LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY: NATURAL GAS / PROPANE: ELECTRICAL: ~i (~ WATER: SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: ~/ NO PR!VATEF!RE PROTECTION I. WATER AvAi'I~.ABILITY A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): .%, Ac NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: ~ MATERIALS DATA SHEETS ON FILE: i ~ Jr~q.~ ©~-~c~,'c._(~ OY~ BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ~J t"~-~_ O CERTiFICATioN .' Based on my Inquiry of those individuals reseonsible f~ obtaining the information, I certify under penally of law that I h~ve personnaly examined and am familiar with the Information submitted and beilave the information is true, accurate, and c~te. SlGNATUREJ3F~v~(IER I OPERATOR OR DESIGNATED REPRESEJ~I'ATIVE DATE NAME ~'F STGNER (/~rno 478. TITLE OF SIGNER 477. 479. UPCF (7/99) S:~PROCEDURE MANUAL~'~eW HMMP form.wpd ~} CITY OF BAKERSFIELI~ ~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~ rll~ W t~,~mr~r 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 "~'~~* H~RDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one form per material per building or area) [] NEW [] ADD [] DELETE .7. [] R.EVI~SE 200 Page __ of __ BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 ' CHEMCALLOCATION -- '- . \ -- .... ~. n ~'~f ~1'~'~ ~,,.:J~,'.~,~l 201j CHEMICAL LOCATION FACILITYID#1 I ~1 I I .f~¥~ I I I I I i 11 MAP # (optional) 203i GRID#(op'tional) 205 I TRADE SECRET []Yes []No 202 [~]Yes [~No 206 CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME CAS # FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire chief) If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions 207 : t EHS* [] Yes [Z] No 208 :*if EHS is'Yes ' all: amounts I~low mUsfbe ~ lbs. 210 TYPE [] p PURE [] m MIXTURE w WASTE 211 j RADIOACTIVE [] Yes .~ No 212 CURIES 213 LARGEST CONTAII~ER PHYSICAL STATE []s SOLID r"~, LIQUID []g GAS 214 . ,.~ ~'-t"-~.~V") '~ ~_~c~_~ -~ ~-~L 215. FED HAZARD CATEGORIES [] 1 FIRE [] 2 REACTIVE r'~ 3 PRESSURE RELEASE [] 4 ACUTE HEALTH [] 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Check all that apply) ANNUAL WASTE 217 MAXIMUM (~.~ 218 AVERAGE 219 I STATE WASTE CODE 220 AMOUNT J ,~ %C~_~,~-["~/~.~ DAILY AMOUNT J~ O'"~..- DAILY AMOUNT t~.CO O'~. , UNITS* [] ~a GAL [] cf CU FT [] lb LBS [] tn TONS 221 j DAYS ON SITE 222 * If EHS, amount must be in lbs. ~ STORAGE CONTAINER ~X'a ABOVEGROUND TANK ~ [] e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM [] i FIBER DRUM [] m GLASS BOTFLE [] q RAIL CAR 223 (Check all that apply) [] b UNDERGROUND TANK [] f CAN \ [] j BAG [] n PLASTIC BOTTLE [] r OTHER r.~ANK INSIDE BUILDING [] g CARBOY [] k BOX [] o TOTE BIN I I~ d STEEL DRUM [] h SILO [] I CYLINDER [] p TANK WAGON STORAGE PRESSURE ~] a~AMBIENT [] aa ABOVE AMBIENT [] ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~' r~ -a AMBIENT [] aa ABOVE AMBIENT [] ba BELOWAMBIENT []c CRYOGENIC~ 225 .... , 235 ~ Y~ ~ NO 236 :~!~.~?~ :: ~ ..~. ,.". ':h;~.~,: ~.;?:~:.;.~q:;;~&4;~. ';'~(F;~:~::~..:,~.'~:~;· : .:;:~:~:~':~ ~;~III:~-~I~N~UK~~ .4~ ~.;.:.:. '. --~ :'4'.' .: -.: ';/..-...~ .... ';4'-. ~"," PRINT ~ME & T/~E OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE 2~ UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731 .TV4.wpd FACILITY NAME ADDRESS '%~5- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., yd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE PHONE NO. ~ _ ~3o-) BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program Routine ~.Combincd [~ Joint Agency ~ Multi-Agency ~ Complaint {~ Re-inspectiol~ OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials '6 ~.~cO//~f COz../ / Verification of quantities , '~"~,0 C/=' /G'Od~-. / Verification of location t~O ~ //d Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection '~' ~L~S6, ~f~C~f_, Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: / [~Yes ~ No Explain: 0,.~ ~ Questions re~ding ~is ~s~on? Ple~e call us at (661 ) 326-3979 Business Site Responsible Party White- Env. Svcs. Yellow- Stalioo Copy Pink- Business Copy Inspector: FACILITY NAME ADDRESS '~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY CONTACT .3/xv,c'cc INSPECTION TIME /-/,,~r ~ 0 1 q /-//moo q INSPECTION DATE PHONE NO. BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program Routine [~,Combined ~ Joint Agency ~ Multi-Agency F,~ Complaint ~ Re-inspecu°n OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appr~opriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedUres adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection' Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: / [~Yes [~ No Explain: {A.J~ ~ ~ Quesaons reg~ding ~is ~s~on? ~e~e call us m (6~ J'~979 Business Site Responsible Party White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Slalion Copy Pink- Business Copy Inspector: ~CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~oo,t-,' ..~t-~o 1NSPECTIONDATE '7.. Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # [] Routine JS~ Combined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Hazardous waste determination has been made Z~./t-c-- dT'L"'-,a.~$ O C.._. EPA ID Number (Phone: 916-324-1781 to obtain EPA ID #) Authorized for waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire, or explosion within 15 days of occurrence Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation time frames Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line Secondary containment provided Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters Transports hazardous waste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC Retains manifests for 3 years Retains hazardous waste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts for 3 years Determines if waste is restricted from land disposal C=Compliance V=Violation Office of Environmental Services (661) 326-3979 Business Site Responsible Party White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy