HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLANRECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ID# Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: Inspector's Name: Time of Call: Datei Time: Outgoing~:~ Type of Call: Incoming [ ] # Min: Returned ~ Content of Call: Actions Required: ~" Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: Business Phone (805) 326-3979 · BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 FAX (805) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal CITY OF BAKERSFSLD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FACILITY INFORMATION BUSlNESS~NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME O~:OBA- Doing Business As) SITE ADDRESS CA DUN &' B~DSTREET 1(21 3 BUSINESS PHONE 102 103 SICCODE Z47 I ,o7 (4 Digit #) COUNT 108 OPERATOR NAME ,/~/.',/~__-"'~,~.~ ~. 109 OPERATOR PHONE b o'~o~ ~/7~ y ,10 OW~EE UAILI~G / CONTACT MAILING : 19 C~TY - ~-~ ~ STATE C ~ z~P NAME ,,,/o x y' NAME 129 TITLE 125 TITLE 130 BUSINESS PHONE ~26 BUSINESS PHONE ~t~ , ~2~'O , ~'~"~='~ ~3~ 24-HOUR PHONE ~27 24oHOUR PHONE 132 PAGER # ~28 PAGER # 133 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. 136 I 'r~TLEOFOWNERJOPERATOR ' ' ,/ 135 137 0£5 FOI~M 2730 (7/g8,) P:\OES2730.TV4.wpd CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FACILITY INFORMATION Business Activities Page __ of __ I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID ~, (For office use only - pleasa leave blank) 1 EPA ID # 2 DBAJFACILITY NAME 3 II. ACTIVITIES DECLARATION Does Your Facility... If Yes, Please Complete... A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WES' ~)NO"4 e/ OES FORM 2731 (Chemical Description Form) 1. Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or ~' CONSOLIDATED COMPLIANCE PLAN above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 Minimum required plannin,q elements: cuft for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and · Emergency Response Plan USTs)? · Maps 2. Have any amount of an explosive matedal (other than (~)YES ~)NO 5 · Training ammunition) on site? · Prevention · Certifications B. REGULATED, SUBSTANCES (RS) (~'ES (~NO s v' OES FORM 2731 (Chemical Description Form) Have onsite RS at greater than the threshold planning V' RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN (RMP Submit to USEPA) quantities established by the California Accidental ~ CONSOLIDATED COMPLIANCE PLAN Release Prevention program (CalARP)? · Incorporating CalARP Program Elements C. UNDER .G. RO. UND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) (~)YES (~10 ? ~ UST FACILITY FORM 1. Own or operate Underground Storage Tanks? ~' UST TANK FORM (one per tank) 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? (~YES (~NO a v' UST FACILITY FORM v~ UST TANK FORM I/' UST INSTALLATION FORM (one per tank) D. TANK CLOSURE / REMOVAL ~)YES (~H~'O 9 v' UST TANK FORM (closure section-one per tank) 1. Need to report closing a UST that held hazardous materials or waste? 2. Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that was (~YES (~'O 40 V' -TANK CLOSURE FORM classified as hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? E. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) (~YES (~O 14 ~' CONSOLIDATED cOMPLIANCE PLAN Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: any tank · Incorporating Federal Spill Prevention capacity is greater than 660 gallons or the total capacity Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons. Elements pursuant to 40 CFR Part 112 F. HAZARDOUS WASTE: ~ EPA ID number--provide o~ this page 1. Generate hazardous waste? ~'ES (~NO 12 To obtain EPA ID#, please phone (916) 324-1781 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/mo of recyclable materials at ~ES (~)NO 43 v' RECYCLING FORM the same location it was generated? 3. Recycle more than 100 kg/mo of recyclable materials at (~YES (~)NO ~4 v' RECYCLING FORM an offsite location different from the point of generation? 4. Treat Hazardous Waste on site? ~ES (~NO 45 ~ TP FACILITY FORM (DTSC Form 1772) v' TP UNIT FORM (one per unit) 5. Subject to Financial Assurance requirements? (~YES (~O 46 ~ CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE 6. Consolidate Hazardous Waste generated at a remote ~)YES ~/~O ~? v' REMOTE WASTE / CONSOLIDATION SITE site? ! NOTIFICATION FORM G. PERMIT CONSOLIDATION ZONE:~YES ~'.~O 18 ~' CONSOLIDATED COMPLIANCE PLAN Intend to consolidate other Cai/EPA agency permits? .,-,-. · Incorporating all other environmental (If yes, please complete Section III and attach) permit requirements per 27 CCR 10410 NOTE: ~ If you checked YES to any part of Sections IIA-IIG above, then in addition to the forms requested above, please Submit OES Form 2730. P:~ACTIVITY.?D.w33d July 1, 1998 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FACILITY INFORMATION Business Activities Addendum Page ~ of __ I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID # (For office use o~ly ~ please leave blank) 1 I EPA ID # 2 DBA/FACtLITY NAME 3 III. CONSOLIDATED PERMIT ACTIVITIES Is your Facility Compliance Plan subject to review by... for satisfying the conditions of these permits? H. DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROI~ (~)YES (~O v' STANDARDIZED PERMIT · All Modifications OYES (~O ~' Non-RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY OYES (~q~O v' RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY I. SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION (~S ONO v' AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT CONTROL DISTRICT (~'ES ONO v' PERMIT TO OPERATE J. STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD OYES <~1~'O t/ WAS:FI- DISCHARGE REQUIREMENT (WDR) CENTRAL VALLI::Y REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL OYES (~O v' GENERAL PERMITS BOARD OYES (~1~0 v' SPECIFIC PERMITS OYES (~ V' NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) K. CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT. (::)YES ~ I,/ REGISTRATION PERMIT BOARD L. KERN COUNTY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PERMITS OYES ~'~ f/' Domestic Water Well Permit OYES ~10 v' Haz Mat Monitoring Well Permit OYES (~O v' Septic System Permit OYES ~',10 v' Public Swimming Pool Permit OYES ~)'~10 V' Food Facility Construction Permit OYES ~lrqO ~ Solid Waste Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Related Permits OYES ~O v' Medical Waste Related Permits M. CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD WASTE WATER DIVISION (~ES ONO v' INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER DISCHARGE PERMIT ,/If you checked YES to any part of Sections III-H to III-M abo(,e, then please address all apPlicable permit requirements in the Facility Compliance Plan. p:~Actlvity adendum.v4x:l July 1, t998 12/30/98 15:06 '~805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT 9826 12/30 15:02 03'18 4 OK 8625176 San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District [/4' Il APPLICATION FOR: AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT (ATC) - New Emission Unit. AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT (ATC) - Modification Of Emission Unit With Valid PTO/Valid ATC. AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT (ATC) - Renewal of Valid Authority to Construct. [ 'j. PERMIT TO OPERATE (PTO) - Existing Emission Unit Now Requiring a Permit to Operate. 2. MAIL~G ADD.SS: STREETW.O. BOX: /O/q ~ ~~ 9-DIGIT 3. LOCATION ~ ~E EQUIPMENT WILL BE OPE~D: ~LN 1~ ~ OF A g S.I.C. CODE(S) OF FACILITY /4 SE~ON TOWNSHIP ~NGE ~ ~o~): 4. ~~ ~,TU~ OV ~US~SS: ~~a ~,~ZW~ ~~~~'~o ~SX*LL n*X~: 5. EQ~NT FOX.ICH ~PLICATION IS ~E (Include Pe~it Nos. if ~own, and use additional she~s if necessau): 6. ~ YOU E~R ~PLmD FOR AN ATC OR [ ] ~S: ATC/PTO [ ~ Optional Section PTO ~ T~ PAST7 If yes, ~: ~. CHECK WHETHER YOU A~ A SPA~ 7. IS THIS PROPERTY ZO~D PROPE~Y FOR [~S [ ] NO ~E VOLUNTARY PROG~MS: ~PROPOSED USE? [ ]Yes [ ]No [ ]Send info 8. IS THIS APPLICATION S~MITTED AS A [ ] YES: NOV/NTC [ ] NO "~SPECT" ~S~T OF ANOV~TC? If3es, ~:. [ ]Yes [ ]No [ ]Send info 10. SIGNATU~ OF~P~T: ,~ TITLE OF ~PLIC~T: 11. TYPE OR P~T N~ OF APPLICANT: DA~: ] PHONE ~: (~ag) a{ F~ ~: ( ) FOR APCD USE ONLY: DATE STAMP FILING FEE RECEIVED: $ DATE PAID: PROJECT NO.: FACILITY ID.: ~'~ P.ntea on Raeve:eu ~'~:,:et, Southern Regional Office * 2700 M Street, Suite 275, Bakersfield, California 93301-2370 * (805) 862-5200 * FAX (805) 862-5201 I City of Bakersfield Permit Consolidation Zone Guidance for the Preparation of a Facility Compliance Plan City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 Ralph E. Huey Zone Administrator December 1998 Table of Contents LIST OF CONSOLIDATED PERMIT ACTIVITIES ............................ iii PREFACE .......................................................... iv ORGANIZATIONAL CONCEPTS ....................... . ....... ..........iv CONSOLIDATED FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN ELEMENTS Section I. Plan Introduction Elements: ........................... 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Plan Coverage 1.2 Table of Contents 1.3 Current Revision Date 1.4 General Facility Information Section II. Core Plan Elements: .................................. 1 I1.1 Discovery 11.2 Response to Unauthorized Discharges 11.3 Continuous Improvement 11.4 Return to Compliance and Follow-Up Actions Section III. Annexes: ........................................... 2 II1.1 111.2 111.3 111.4 111.5 111.6 111.7 111.8 Facility and Locality Information Notification Environmental Management System Emissions Documentation Training and Exercises / Drills Facility Compliance Plan Audit and Modification Pollution Prevention Regulatory Compliance and Management Approval MODEL FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN OUTLINE .......................... 5 APPENDICES ....................................................... 8 Appendix A: Consolidated Regulatory and Permit Cross-Reference Matrix Appendix B: Individual Regulatory and Permit Requirement Indexes CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONSOLIDATED FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN GUIDANCE iii List of Consolidated Permit Activities CQNSOLIDATED PERMIT ACTIVITIES Is your Facility Comp! ance Plan subject iD review by... for satisfyinq the conditions of these permits? do ' DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL (~YES v' STANDARDIZED PERMIT · All Modifications ~)YES (~O ~' Non-RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY OYES (~O ~' RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY SAN JOAQU N, VALLEY UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION ~'ES (~NO v' AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT CONTROL D STRICT ~ ONO v' PERMIT TO OPERATE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (~YES ~1~O v' WASTE'DISCHARGE REQUIREMENT CENTRAL VALLEY REGIONAL WATER C~UALITY OYES (~O ~' GENERAL PERMITS CONTROL BOARD OYES (~O v' SPECIFIC PERMITS ~)YES (~O v~ NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) CALIFORNIA NTEGRATED WASTE (~YES (~O ~' REGISTRATION PERMIT MANAGEMEN..T BOARD KERN COUNTY RESOURCE MANAGEMEN.T. ENVIRONMENTAL H. EALTH SERVICES AGENCY, 'bYES ~O V' Domestic Water Well Permit (~YES (~O ~' Haz Mat Monitoring Well Permit OYES (~1~O v' Septic System Permit OYES (~tl~O v' Public Swimming Pool Permit OYES ~l~r'o v, Food Facility Construction Permit (~YES ~ ~' Solid Waste Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Related Permits OYES ~O v' Medical Waste Related Permits CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ENVIRONMENTAL (~YES (~)NO v~ UNIFIED HAZARDOUS SERVICES~, MATERIALS / HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMIT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WASTE WATER DIVISION ~I~ES (~)NO v' INDU'STRIAL WASTE WATER · DISCHARGE PERMIT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONSOLIDATED FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN GUIDANCE Purpose PREFACE The Consolidated Facility Compliance Plan Guidance is a format that allows facilities subject to two or more environmental permit planning or condition requirements to meet those requirements in a single document. Alternate Compliance Plan Formats The Office of Environmental Services realizes that alternate formats for integrating multiple plans already exist and that others likely will be developed. Certain facilities may find those formats more desirable than the one offered in this guidance. In any case, whatever format a facility chooses, it must demonstrate full compliance with all applicable permit conditions. Consolidated Facility Compliance Plan Philosophy The Facility Compliance Plan represents a new regulatory approach and should be seen as a new concept separate and distinct from existing environmental permits. The guidance is designed to yield a highly functional document for use in varied permitting situations while providing a mechanism for complying with multiple agency requirements. Use of a single Facility Compliance Plan should also improve coordination between facility personnel and local, state, and regional permitting authorities. ORGANIZATIONAL CONCEPTS The format provided in this guidance is organized into three main sections: an introductory section, a core plan, and a sedes of supporting annexes. It is important to note that the elements contained in these sections are not new concepts, but accepted environmental permitting conditions that are currently addressed in vadous forms in existing agency rules and regulations. The goal of this document is not to create new planning requirements, but to provide a mechanism to consolidate existing environmental permit conditions into a single functional plan structure. Introduction The introduction section of the plan format is designed to provide facility personnel, interested parties, and regulatory officials with basic information about the plan and the entity it covers. It calls for a statement of purpose and scope, a table of contents, information on the current revision date of the plan, general facility information, and the key contact(s) for plan development and maintenance. Core Plan The core plan is intended to reflect the essential steps necessary to initiate, conduct, and terminate an environmental permit activity: emissions monitoring, notification, and response, including assessment, corrective actions, and implementation. The response action section should be convenient to use and understandable at the appropriate skill level. A good rule of thumb is that the core plan constitutes an overview of the facility's environmental management capabilities, while the annexes contain the detailed procedures and regulatory conditions with which the facility must comply. Annexes The annexes are designed to provide key supporting information for conducting environmental permit activities under the core plan as well as document compliance with regulatory requirements not addressed elsewhere in the plan. Annexes are not meant to duplicate information that is already contained in the core plan, but to augment core plan irlformation. The annexes should also address issues related to discharge monitoring reports, environmental objectives and targets for pollutant loads and limitations, wdtten follow-up reports, training and quality assurance, plan cdtique and modification process, available control technologies and performance standards, and regulatory compliance, as appropriate. Linkages to Other Planning Documents In all cases, referenced materials must be readily available to anticipated plan users. Copies of documents that have been incorporated by reference need not be submitted unless it is required by the Permitting Authority. The appropriate sections of referenced documents should be provided when the plan is submitted for review and/or approval. Discretion should be used when submitting documents containing proprietary data. It is, however, necessary to identify in the Facility Compliance Plan the specific section of the document being incorporated by reference, where the document is kept, and how it will be addressed if needed by the facility or requested by the reviewing agency. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONSOLIDATED FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN GUIDANCE Consolidated Facility Compliance Plan Elements Section I Plan Introduction Elements: 1.1. Purpose and Scope of Plan Coverage This section should provide a brief overview of facility operations and descdbe in general the physical area, and nature of activities or events to which the plan is applicable. This section should also include a list of which regulation(s) or environmental permits and permitting agencies are being addressed in the plan. 1.2. Table of Contents 11.2. a. Response to Unauthorized Discharges Procedures for internal and external notifications (i.e., contact, organization name, and phone number of facility environmental compliance coordinator, facility personnel, regional, state, and local officials) Establishment of an environmental management system including duties of environmental compliance personnel and the commitment of top management This section should cleady identify the structure of the plan and include a list of annexes. This will facilitate review of the plan by the vadous permitting authorities. 1.3. Current Revision Date This section should indicate the date that the plan was last revised to provide the plan users with information on the currency of the plan. More detailed information on plan update history (i.e., a record of amendments) may be maintained in Annex 111.6 (Facility Compliance Plan Audit and Modification Process). Co Information and preliminary assessment of the effluent loads, including estimates of pollutant emission levels, equipment involved, total throughputs, resources threatened, and bypass or isolation of systems contributing to any emissions that may exceed permissive limits Response resources and corrective actions, including implementation of back- up or auxiliary treatment systems or cessation of operations. 1.4. General Facility Information This section should contain a brief profile of the facility and its key personnel to facilitate rapid identification of key administrative information. The California Environmental Protection Agency (Cai/EPA) Unified Program Consolidated Forms administered by Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPA's), may satisfy facility and permit application information for most businesses. Section II Core Plan Elements: I1.1. Discovery This section should address the flow measurement or emissions monitoring equipment at the facility and the initial action the person(s) discovering an unauthorized discharge will take to assess the problem at hand and access the response system. Monitoring, inspection, effluent limitations, sampling assessment, source control (as appropriate), and initial notification of proper agency personnel should be addressed in a manner that can be easily understood by everybody in the facility. This section should provide for implementation of the environmental management system effectively controlling all emissions and discharges. Appropriate regional, state, and local notification requirements should be reflected in this section of the plan. This part of the plan should then provide information on emissions assessment, establishment of environmental objectives and target levels, implementation of engineering or administrative controls, and mobilization of resources or corrective actions. Mitigating actions must be tailored to the type of emission levels being exceeded. The plan holder is encouraged to develop checklists, flowcharts, and bdef descriptions of actions to be taken to control different types of unauthorized discharges. 11.3. Continuous Improvement Integral to an effective environmental management system is the concept that compliance with permit conditions is only a starting point. This section should identify standards of environmental performance which demonstrate improvements beyond all requirements. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONSOLIDATED FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN GUIDANCE 2 11.4. Return to Compliance and Follow-Up Actions This section should briefly address the development of a mechanism to ensure that the person in charge of the facility can, in coordination with regional, state, or local permitting authorities, return the facility to compliance. In the case of unauthorized releases, certain regulations may become effective once the nonconformance is returned to compliance. In addition, follow-up actions associated with a return to compliance (e.g., incident investigation, response critique, plan review, follow-up reports) should also be outlined in this section. Section III Annexes II1.1. Facility and Locality Information Facility maps Facility drawings Facility description/layout, including identification of facility hazards and vulnerable resources and populations on and off the facility which may be impacted by the discharge of pollutants This annex should provide detailed information to permitting authorities on the layout of the facility and the surrounding environment. The use of maps and drawings to allow for quick reference is preferable to detailed written descriptions. These should contain information critical to the plan review such as the location of discharge soumes, emergency shut-off valves, pollution control and treatment equipment, and nearby environmentally and economically sensitive resources and human populations. 111.2. Notification Internal notifications Local agency notifications Regional and state agency notifications This annex should detail the process of making people aware of an incident (i.e., who to call, when the call must be made, and what information/data to provide on the incident). The facility is responsible for ensudng that notifications are carried out in a timely manner consistent with permitting agency requirements. 111.3. Environmental Management System This annex should contain a detailed description of the facility's environmental management system as well as contain specific information necessary to guide or support the actions of each environmental management system function (i.e., management, operations, planning, logistics, and finance) throughout the facility. a. General In this section of Annex 111.3, planners should bdefly address either 1) basic areas where their environmental management system is at vadance with the International Standard (ISO 14001) or 2) how the facility's organization complies with ISO 14001. Regardless of the environmental management system used, this section of the annex should include the following information: Environmental policy Regulatory compliance b. Management Level Commitment This section of Annex 111.3.b should describe the commitment from the facility's top management to continuously improve the environmental aspects and impacts of its permit activities, products, or services. As the facility's environmental management system matures, further environmental considerations can be integrated into all business decisions. c. Operations (1) (2) (3) (4) (s) (7) Environmental objectives and targets Discharge or release control Assessment / monitoring Containment Recovery Decontamination Non-responder medical needs Salvage plans This section of Annex 111.3 should contain a detailed discussion of specific effluent limitations in place to maintain allowable emission levels and respond to a nonconformance condition or incident. There is a duty to mitigate or correct any adverse impact to the environment. It is important to note that response operations are driven by the type of incident. That is, a response to an aqueous discharge will differ markedly from a response to exceeding air emission limitations. d. Planning (t) Hazard assessment, including facility CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONSOLIDATED FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN GUIDANCE hazards identification, vulnerability analysis, prioritization of potential risks This section of Annex 111.3 should present a detailed assessment of all pollution sources at the facility, an analysis of vulnerable receptors (e.g., human populations, environmentally sensitive areas, and other facility-specific concerns) and a discussion on which risks deserve primary consideration dudng plan review. One approach that is required by certain regulations is to develop planning scenarios for certain types and quantities of effluents (i.e., pollutant load allocations). Facilities may address such planning scenarios and associated calculations in this section of Annex 111.3.d or as part of a separate annex depending on the size and complexity of the facility. (2) Protection This section of Annex 111.3.d should present a discussion of strategies for protecting environmental resources identified through the hazard analysis. Primary consideration should be given to minimizing those environmental impacts identified as a high priority. Compliance with New Source Performance Standards or Best Available Control Technology should be addressed in this section, (3) Coordination with natural resource trustees or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) This section should address coordination with government natural resource trustees or public noticing of other interested parties. In their role as managers of, and experts in natural resources, trustees or other Non- Governmental Organizations (NGO's) can assist in developing or participating in the selection of corrective actions to protect these resources. (4) Waste management This section should address procedures for the accumulation and disposal of contaminated materials in accordance with all applicable regional, state, and local requirements. e. Logistics (1) Medical needs (2) Site security (3) Communications (4) Transportation (5) Personnel support (6) Equipment maintenance and support This section of Annex III should address the capabilities and support mechanisms necessary to maintain the pollution control equipment in operating order. The facility should focus on the needs of its people, systems, strategies, resources and structure in order to achieve its environmental objectives and targets. f. Finance / procurement I administration (1) Resource list (2) Personnel management (3) Pollution control equipment (4) Support equipment (5) Contracting (6) Claims procedures (7) Cost documentation This section of Annex 111.3 should address the acquisition of resources (i.e., personnel and equipment) for the response and monitoring of pollution costs. Information on previously established contracts with organizations supplying personnel and equipment (e.g., compliance monitoring and waste disposal) also should be included. This section should also address methods to account for resources expended and issues such as Financial Assurances and responsibility for third party liability. Annex 111.4 Emissions Documentation Post nonconformance investigation Incident history Required reporting and record keeping This annex should describe the company's procedures for conducting a follow-up investigation of the cause of the unauthorized discharge, including coordination with regional, state, and local officials. This annex should also contain an accounting of incidents that have occurred at the facility, including information on cause, amount released, resources impacted, injuries, corrective actions, etc. This annex should also include information that may be required to prove that the facility met its legal notification requirements with respect to a given incident, such as a signed record of initial notifications and certified copies of wdtten follow- up reports submitted after an unauthorized discharge. Annex i11.5 Training and Exercises / Drills This annex should contain a description of the training and environmental awareness program conducted at the facility as well as evidence (i.e., training records) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONSOLIDATED FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN GUIDANCE that required training for personnel whose work may create a significant impact on the environment have been conducted on a regular basis. Annex 111.6 Facility Compliance Plan Audit and Modification Process This annex should descdbe procedures for modifying the plan based on periodic plan review or lessons leamed through checking and corrective action or response to an actual incident. Procedures to critique an actual or simulated nonconformance situation should be part of the discussion. A list of plan amendments (i.e., history of updates) should be contained in this annex. Plan modification should be viewed as a part of a facility's continuous improvement process. Annex 111.7 Pollution Prevention This annex is designed to allow facilities to include prevention-based requirements (e.g., maintenance, testing, in-house inspections, release detection, site security, containment, fail-safe engineering) that are required in environmental regulations or that have the potential to impact permit activities covered in a Facility Compliance Plan. Pollution prevention should also include the practices that avoid, reduce, or control pollution, which may include recycling, treatment process changes, efficient use of natural resources and material substitution. The potential benefits of pollution prevention include the reduction of adverse environmental impacts, improved efficiency and reduced costs. Annex 111.8 Regulatory Compliance and Management Review This annex should include information necessary for plan reviewers to determine compliance with specific regulatory or permit requirements. To the extent that plan drafters did not include regulatory required elements in the balance of the plan, they should be addressed in this annex. The Appendices of Regulatory Cross-References should be included in this annex to assist permitting agencies on plan review. This annex should also include signatory pages to convey management approval and required certifications such as certification of completeness, certification of adequate response or financial resources, applicability, and/or certification by a Registered Professional Engineer. (This half page intentionally left blank) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONSOLIDATED FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN GUIDANCE 5 MODEL FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN OUTLINE SECTION I. PLAN INTRODUCTION ELEMENTS L1 · 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Purpose and Scope of Plan Coverage Table of Contents Current Revision Date Facility General Information Unified Program Consolidated Forms SECTION II. CORE PLAN ELEMENTS I1.1. Discovery a. Monitoring and detection devices, procedures, and effluent limitations 11.2. Environmental Response a. Procedures for permitting authority notifications b. Establishment of an environmental management system c. Preliminary assessment of environmental consequences d. Response resources and corrective actions 11.3. Continuous Improvement a. Increasing the environmental performance of environmental objectives and targets 11.4. Return to Compliance and Follow-up Actions a., Procedures for checking effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions SECTION IlL ANNEXES II1.1. Facility and Locality Information a. Facility maps b. Facility drawings c. Areas of vulnerability 111.2. Notification Information a. Internal notifications b. Local agency notifications c. State and regional agency notifications 111.3. Environmental Management System a. General (1) Environmental policy (2) Regulatory compliance b. Management Level Commitment c. Operations (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Environmental objectives and targets Emissions control Assessment and monitoring Containment Recovery Decontamination CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONSOLIDATED FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN GUIDANCE 111.4. 111.5. 111.6. 111.7. 111.8. Planning (1) Risk assessment A. Hazard identification B. Vulnerability analysis C. Pdodtization of potential risks D. Planning scenarios (pollutant load allocation) (2) Protection and mitigation procedure details A. Administrative and operational control technology B. New source performance standards (3) Coordination with natural resoumes trustees and other interested parties (4) Waste management eo Logistics (1) Medical needs (2) Site secudty (3) Communications (4) Transportation (5) Personnel support (6) Equipment maintenance and support Finance / Procurement / Administration (1) Resource list (2) Personnel management (3) Pollution control equipment (4) Support equipment (5) Contracting (6) Claims procedures (7) Cost documentation Emissions Documentation a. Post nonconformance investigation b. Incident history c. Required reporting and record keeping Training and Exercises / Drills Facility Compliance Plan Audit and Modification Process Pollution Prevention Regulatory Compliance and Management Approval a. Certifications (1) Owner / Operator / Management's approval (2) Registered Professional Engineer's approval (3) Qualified person's completion review b. Regulatory cross-references CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONSOLIDATED FACILITY COMPLIANCE PLAN GUIDANCE Kr~Wn or Suspected Concen~atlon/day Suspected Absent Absent Suspected Present Present Known or Stmpeeted Concer~ation/day Suspected Absent Absent Suspected Present Present ~0 oO DDDDDDDDDDDDD DOQDDDDODOODDDODDOODD DDODDODDD DOD OOODDDDODDODOODOODOOO ODOODDDDODDDDDDDODDODOD DDDODODDDDDODODDDDDODOD DODDDD DDO ~ DOODOD OOO ~ OOOOOO OOO ~ CHEMICAL COMPOUND VII. HALOGENATED AUPHATICS Meb%ane, bromo- Met%arm. chloro- Melhane. dichlm'o Methane. chlomdibromo Methane, dichlotobromo IVlmhane. tfibromo Me~ane. bichlom Melhane. lelrachlom Ethane. l.lodichlo~o Elhane. ].2-dlchlmo Ethane, l.l,l-blchloro Eb%ane. ].l.2otrichlom E01ane. Ethane. hexachlmo Ethene. chloro Ethene, ~,l-dJchloro Etherm. bans-dichloro Eltmrm. trichlo~o Ethene. tetmchlom Propane. 1.~-dichlmo Propene, 1.3-dichloro Butadlene. hexachiom Cyclopemadle~e. hexachlm*o VIII. PHTHALATE ESTERS [] 0 I~ [] _ [] 0 [] 0 _ x. [] [] [] [] _ O [] I~ [] _ [] [] rfl 0 _ [] [] D [] _ [] [] [] [] _ [] O E! [] _ O [] I~ [] _ [] E! [] O _ [] [] ~ [] _ IX. POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS PESTICIDES Acrolein [] O ~ O Ndrin [] I-I ~ O BHC (Alpha) [] [] [] [] SHC(Sa,) O D [] [] BHC (Gamma) or Undarm i-I [] ~ O SIlo ~ [] D [] O DOD [] O ~] [] DDE I"] O I~] [] DDT [] O i~1 [] Endo~dfan(Npha) [] O [] [] Ena~u~(am) [] [] ia [] Enddn O [] El [] Endrin aldehyde O [] ~l O I-leptachlo~ [] I-! [] [] I,o~h~. D D El D TCDD(o~Di~.) O n I~ [] Toxaphe~e C] O B I-'1 If you are unable to identify the chemical constituents of products you use that discharged in your wastewater, attach copies of the materials safety data sheets for such products. Priority Pollutant Information: Please indicate by placing an "x" in the appropriate box by each listed chemical whether it is "Suspected to be Absent,""Known to be Absent," "Suspected to be Present," or "Known to be Present" in your manufacturing or sewice activity or generated as a by-product. CHEMICAL COMPOUND II. III. METALS & INORGANICS Anlimony A~senic Beryllium Cadmium Copper Cyanide Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium PHENOLS AND CRESOLS Phenol. 2-chlom Phenol. 2,4-dichlo~o Phenol. 2.4,6-trichloro Phenol. pentachlmo Phenol. 2-nitro Phenol. 4-nil~o Phenol. 2,4-dlnibo Phenol. 2,4-cllmethyl m-Cresol, p-chl~o o-Cresol. 4.6-dinit~o MONOCYCUC AROMATICS (EXCLUDING PHENOLS, (PHTHN. ATES] Benz~ne. chtom Benzene. 1,2-dichlo~o Benzene, 1.3-dlchlom ffi 121 O [] [] [] O [] B [] [] [] [] [] [] [] O O O IB Cl [] [] [] O O [] O [] [] El Cl [21 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] El D [] [] [] [] [] _ v. [] [] [] [] _ [] .O [] [] _ ID [] [] [] [] [] [] [] _ [] [] O ~ _ D D [] [] _ D I-1 [] El _ [] r-I [] [] __ [] [] O E! _ w. E! O D [] CRESOLS AND O O [] E! _ [] [] [] ~ _. O [] [] [] _ El [] n [] .__ Benzene. 1.4-dlchloro Benzene. 1.2.4..t~chlo~o Benzene. hexachloro Bem~lne. ethyl Benzene. ni=o Toluene Toluene. 2.4-dlnitro Toluene. 2.6-dlnllro IV. PCBI & RELATED COMPOUNDS D [] [] [] _ [] CI ffi O _ D [] [] [] _ [] [-I i~ [] _ O ID BI El _ [] ID [] 0 _ [] ID ffi ri -- PCB.1016 PCB-1221 PCB.1232 PCB.1242 PCB.1248 PCB-1254 PCB-1260 2-Chlomnaphlhalene ETHERS O [] B O O [] El O D [] El [] O 1:3 [] O O O E) [] D O El D D [] D O Ether. bis(2-chloroethyl) Ether. bis(2-chlo~olsopropyl) Ether. 2-chlomethyl vinyl Ether. 4-bromophenyl phenyl Ether. 4-chlorophenyl phenyl BIs(2-chlomelhoxy) melhane NITROSAMINES AND OTHER NITROGEN-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS Nl~o~amlne. dlmethyl Nltrosamln,. dlphenyl ~D ~:] ~ i.~1~ -- NIt'oMmlne. dl-n-propyl -- - aenzldine. 3.3'-dlchloro O [] ~ n -- Hydrazine. 1.2-dlphenyl I-I O B J-J -- [3 ID [] D ,D ID [] O -- O O ffiO -- D (3 im [] o o o _-- D I,IIm 0 _ , INST]~UCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PART B General Instructions: Type or print the information. A separate Part B should be completed for each major business activity described in Part A. Draw a schematic flow diagram of eachbusiness activity in Part A. Determine the average daily volume of wastewater generated in each area. You will need to make estimates of volumes and record the results in the diagrams. ACTIVITY: OTHER GPD (gallons per day) ll PRETREATMENT SYSTEM '~GPD October 15, 1998 C:\WlNDOWS\DESKTOPXAprils\Electroplater.wpd 8 of 2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PART B General Instructions: Type or print the information. A separate Part B should be completed for each major business activity described in Part A. Draw a schematic flow diagram of each business activity in Part A. Determine the average daily volume of wastewater generated in each area. You will need to make estimates of volumes and record the results in the diagrams. ACTIVITY: MECHANICAL PLATING PRETREATMENT SYSTEM GPD GPD (gallons per day) C:\WIN DOWS\DESKTOPX,Aprils\Electroplater.wpd 7 of 2 October 15, 1998 INS'~RUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PART B General Instructions: Type or print the information. A separate Part B should be completed for each major business activity described in Part A. Draw a schematic flow diagram of each business activity in Part A. Determine the average daily volume of wastewater generated in each area. You will need to make estimates of volumes and record the results in the diagrams. . ACTIVITY: SANDBLASTING. [[ I I I PRETREATMENT SYSTEM GPD GPD (gallons per day) October 15, 1998 C:\WINDOWS~DESKTOPL~prilsXElectroplater.wpd 6 of 2 .INSTR'UCTIONS FOR COMPLETING pART B General Instructions: Type or print the information. A separate Part B should be completed for each major business activity described in Part A. Draw a schematic flow diagram of each business activity in Part A. Determine the average daily volume of wastewater generated in each area. You will need to make estimates of volumes and record the results in the diagrams. ACTIVITY: POLISHING I II II II PRETREATMENT SYSTEM GPD GPD (gallons per day) C:\W1NDOWS\DESKTOP~Aprils\Electroplater.wpd 5 of 2 October 15, 1998 ' INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PART B General Instructions: Type or print the infOrmation. A separate Part B should be completed for each major business activity described in Part A. Draw a schematic flow diagram of each business activity in Part A. Determine the average daily volume of wastewater generated in each area. You will need to make estimates of volUmes and record the results in the diagrams. ACTIVITY: CLEANING I GPD (gallons per day) . PRETREATMENT SYSTEM GPD October 15, 1998 C:\WlNDOWS\DESKTOP~prils\Electroplater.wpd 4 of 2 ~INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PART B General Instructions: Type or print the information. A separate Part B should be completed for each major business activity described in Part A. Draw a schematic flow diagram of each business activity in Part A. Determine the average daily volume of wastewater generated in each area. You will need to make estimates of volumes and record the results in the diagrams. - I I PRETREATMENT SYSTEM GPD GPD (gallons per day) October 15, 1998 C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOPXAprils\Electroplater.wpd 3 of 2 PART B PRODUCTION DIAGRAM Purpose: The production flow chart showing the processes facility which discharge wastewater to the collection system. This information is necessary in order for the Environmental Services Section to assess the quality, volume, and discharge potential of each industrial user. Production diagram: For each major business activity listed in Part A-1 which generates wastewater, draw a diagram of the flow of materials and water from raw materials to finished product. Show all processe.s which generate wastewater. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PART B General Instructions: Type or print the information. A separate Part 'B should be completed for each major business activity described in Part A. Draw a schematic flow diagram of each business activity in Part A. Determine the average daily volume of wastewater generated in each area. You will need to make estimates of volumes and record the results in the diagrams. ACTIVITY: ELECTROPLATING PROCESS UNLOADYNG WASHING RINSE GPD MURIATIC ACID PLATING COPPER [[ RINSE PLATING GPD [ , I NICKEL PLATING RINSE GPD CHROME PLATING I [[DRYING RINSE GPD PHOS- PHATING Zn COATED STEEL PHOS- [I PHATIZER CLEANER RINSE Zn PHOS- PHATIZE RINSE/DRY GPD PRETREATMENT SYSTEM GPD GPD (gallons per day) C:\WlNDOWS\DESKTOPLStprilsLElectroplater.wpd 2 of 2 October 15, 1998 P~TA BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Purpose: The business description is used to determine what substances may be present in the wastewater discharged from your facility as a part of the normal business activity. Production quantities are used · for State and Federal Reports. Description of business activity: Electroplating, Anodizing, Cleaning, PoliShing, Sandblasting, Mechanical Plating, Other - ° Estimated Annual Production: Job Shop Captive Type of Service (Provide service at request) (Retail sale) % of Business % of Business Electroplating Anodizing Cleaning Polishing Sandblasting Mechanical Plating Material discharged to the collection system: Give the common and technical names of all raw materials and products which may be discharged to the sanitary sewer. Briefly describe the physical and chemical properties of each item. Description October 15, 1998 .5 .. ~i'.:'~. 'P°llutant iCadimtum (T) ...... · ~ Chromium (T) :~opPer (T) "': .... Lead (T) "~: '.,: ..... Nt'Cke 1 (T) -"*-' "/- ' sil'ver (T) Federal Categorical Standards TABLE 3.3 PRETREATMENT STANDARDS FOR THE METAL FINISHING CATEGORY 40 CFR PART 433 PRETREATMENT STANDARDS FOR EXISTING SOURCES (PSES) "- ..... · ' CManide, total "': '" ' ~ Total Toxic Organics (interim) -.--"... 'Total Toxic Organics (final) .. ": '.Alternative to total cyanide: CYanide amenable to chlorination ~--':.i :'-; 'P0il,utant ,~. v- Cadmium (T) .·..'.,-.. .Ch'.romium (T) " :,'['...'."'Lead' (T) .: ~. ' NiCkel (T) ..... C~a~ide, total .~ ~.~'al'. Toxic Organics .... Al~ern.ative to total cyanide: ~yanide, amenable to chlorination Daily Maximum (mg/1) 0.69 2.77 3.38 0.69 3.98 0.43 2.61 1.20 4.57 2.13 0.86 PRETREATMENT STANDARDS FOR NEW SOURCE'S (PSNS) Daily Maximum (m~/1) 0.11 2.77 3.38 0.69 3.98 0.43 2.61 1.20 2..13 0.86 No-.maximum monthly average TTO concentration regulated. 'I':':.:'~,~i'..'.;(Ti)'= .total. 3-"17 Attachment 2 '.'. Haximum 0.65 City of Bakersfield, Local Limits treatment processes; in no event shall the below- specified limits for Plant 2 or Plant 3 be exceeded: Plant 2 Plant 3 Arsenic 0.81 mg/L i.00 mg/L Cadmium 0.11 mg/L 0.19 mg/L Chromium (total) 4.28 mg/L 5.00 mg/L Copper 3.97 mg/L 7.13 mg/L I_ead 0.90 mg/L 1.48 mg/L Mercury 0.20 mg/L 0.09 mg/L _ enum .~ 1.47mg/L 6.64 mg/L Selenium 0.45 mg/L Silver 2.41 mg/L 2.81 mg/L Zinc 6.93 mg/L 5.25 mg/L Benzene 0.50 mg/L 0.50 mg/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.30 mg/L 0.50 mg/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.20 mg/L 5.50 mg/L Ethylbenzene 7.920 mg/L 7.920 mg/L Methylene chloride 31.0 mg/L 44.0 mg/L Phenols 2000 mg/L 300 mg/L Tetrachloroethene Zero mg/L Zero mg/L Toluene 3.390 mg/L 3.390 mg/L ~. -0~ DissOlved ~S,~!ii:l~ 3500 mg/L 2700 mg/L 6-12 unit 6-12 unit ~g~'Notwithstanding the limitations that are specified above in this section: a. The city may impose more restrictive standards or requirements on discharge if it is deemed necessary to comply with the objectives of this ordinance, specific prohibitions or the terms of the city's waste discharge order. b. The city may authorize discharges containing higher concentrations on a site-specific basis, provided that the. concentrations of such discharges shall not cause pass through or. itlterference. Upon approval by the city, site- specific limitations shall be established through the terms specified in the discharger's industrial wastewater discharge.permit..The city may impose mass limitati0~__!~..._a_d.d_i_tio, n~t0, or in place.of, concentration based limitations. However, no special agreement shall be allowed to contraven~ federal, state or !oca~'pi~etreatment standards. 457 'Attachment 1 14.12.230 23. Any blowdown or bleed water from cooling towers or other evaporative coolers exceeding one-third of the makeup water; 24. Any single pass cooling water; 25. Any excessive quantities of radioactive material wastes; 26. Recognizable portions of the human anatomy. C. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to any public sewer which directly or indirectly connects to the city's sewerage system any wastes, if in the opinion of the city engineer such wastes may have an adverse or harmful effect on sewers, maintenance personnel, wastewater treatment plant personnel or equipment, treatment plant effluent quality, public or private property, or may otherwise endanger the public, the local environment or create a public nuisance. The city engineer, in determining the acceptability of specific wastes, shall consider the nature of the waste and the adequacy and nature of the collec- ...tion, treatment and disposal system available to accept the waste. D. The city engineer shall from time to time prepare a list of the maximum permissible quanti- ties or concentrations of certain constituents in industrial wastewater flows and otherwise issue detailed directions for meeting the requirements of this section. (Ord. 3667 § 1 (part), 1995). 14.12.230 Hospital wastes. A. Hospitals, clinics, offices of medical doctors and convalescent homes: 1. May discharge, through a city-approved grinder installation with inlet size 'and design features suitable for its intended use and so con- stmcted that all particles pass through a maximum three-eighths inch opening, wastes 'of the following categories: a. Wet organic kitchen wastes from food preparation and disposal but excluding all paper and plastic items; (Bakersfield 9-95)