HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 06-90RESOLUTION NO. 6-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ENDORSING APPLICATION FOR AN URBAN STREAM RESTORATION GRANT AND DETERMINING APPROPRIATE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DOCUMENTS, CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTING GRANT IF OFFERED, AND DESIGNATING CONTRACT MANAGER AND FISCAL AGENT WHEREAS, the California Department of Water Resources, Division of Local Assistance, Urban Stream Restoration Program has announced the availability of funds for grants; and WHEREAS, said grants are intended to help solve flooding and ero- sion problems in a way that provides environmental enhancement; and WHEREAS, the Kern River Foundation has proposed to cosponsor a grant application with The City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, we have concluded the project proposed for funding with the grant funds would be environmentally-beneficial and that the Kern River Channel Maintenance Program Environmental Impact Report and the Kern River Parkway Environmental Impact Report were adopted by the Council on January 8, 1986 and November 30, 1988 respectively. Both documents were prepared in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act requirements. WHEREAS, we consider the prospects of receiving such a grant to be reasonably likely. NOW TNER£FOR£, B£ IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: The City of Bakersfield approves the joint application with the Kern River Foundation for an Urban Stream Restoration Program grant. If offered such a grant, we authorize the Kern River Foundation, c/o Richard O'Neil, to accept the grant, develop a work plan for the project, and sign any contract for administration of the grant funds and to submit invoices to the Department of Water Resources for acti- vities carried out under the work plan for the grant contract. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on January 24, 1990 , by the followin9 vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: EDWARDS, DeMOND, SM TH BRUNNI PETERSON McDERMO'Fi' SA VAGGIO NOES; COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS. Council of the City of Bakersfield ~:~.~ ~z " '~ ' MAYOR of the City' of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CITY ATTORNEY :~ the Ci:~, Bakersfield GL:rw 115190 RUS.2 Grant Application 1 California Department of Water Resources Division of Local Assistance Stream Restoration Program Proposal Number Project Identification Information This identification information section will be removed when the Grant Review Team does its assessment of the grant proposal to assure an impartial and objective evaluation. The proposals will be identified by a number. Agencies, city councils, boards of directors, districts, or nonprofit groups or organizations can submit an application. See brochure, Grants, the Urban Streams Restoration Progrant, for detailed instructions for completing this application. I. Project Applicant and Endorser A. Organization or government agency submitting the application: Richard 0'Neil Name of project manager Kern River Foundation Organization or Agency Bakersfield City 6600 Desmond Court 93308 Street address Zip Richard 0'Neil Name of official representing the agency or organization Kern County (805) 327-7524 (Work) (805) 399-9672 (Home) Area CodefFelephone Signature ~ "Date B. O~anization or government agen~ cosponsoringthis application: CSty of Bakersf±eld Gene Bogart Community Services Department Contactname Organization or Agency 4101 Truxtun Avenue 93309 Street address Zip Paul Dow Community Services Manager Name of official representing Ihc agency or organization (805) 326-3715 Area Code/Telephone Signature Date C. If the applicant is an unincorporated citizens group and using a nonprofit organization as fiscal agent to submit the application, indicate the following: Contact name representing private citizens group Name of Group Street address Zip Area Code/Telephone Contact name representing nonprofit organization acting as fiscal agent Name of Organization Street address Zip Area Code/Telephone D. List Other Project Endorsers and Participants (please attach letters from the individuals or organizations listed here): II. What is/are the name(s) of the stream(s) or creeks(s) you are planning to restore? In what city or unincorporated area and county is your project located? Name of Stream(s) Kern RLver City Bakersfield County Kern 1II. Please provide a map locating your project site that includes the regional context and local access to the site. If your project is not in an area already developed for residential, commercial or industrial use, is it designated for such development in an adopted general plan? The project: is in an area already developed for residential, commercial or industrial use. Total Project Budget $ 62,000 Total Grant Request $ _50,000 Proposal Number Grant Application 1990 California Department of Water Resources Division of Local Assistance Stream Restoration Program Page 1 of 7 Project Description Except for maps, design specifications, or existing reports you may have, please confine your information to the space provided on this application. __ 1. Summa~ Statement Describe the purpose of your proposed prlqect. How will your project help contribute to the reduction of property damage from floods or bank hilum or contribute to stabilizing the stream s~tem and watershed? The project as proposed by the Kern River Foundation and the City of Bakersfield will enlnance the river channel and provide for the safe carriage of flood flows through the urbanized Bakersfield area. In conjunction with the adopted "Kern River Parkway Plan" and'~hannel Maintenance Program", the restoration of trees and other vegetation native to the area will protect the existing levees and riverfront riparian areas. See enclosed Kern River Parkway Plan EIR for project description. Page 2 of 7 Please describe the stream restoration or watershed management techniques yon will use. How will these techniques or management measures stabilize the watershed and how will they restore or enhance or prese~e a riparian environment? Attach design specifications, management plans, Environmen~l lmpact Repo~s, or other documents that may help descril~ the pr{~ect. The Kern River Parkway Plan (adopted November 30, 1988) Environmental Impact Report is included with this application. The adopted Environmental Impact Report for the Kern River Channel Maintenance Program was included with the 1988 application. The purpose of the maintenance program is to remove sand and debris which has accuumulated in the primary Kern River Channel. Deposition from high-flow water years has reduced the safe carrying capacity of the main channel. The present earthen levees, which were constructed many years ago, require on-going maintenance to insure floodproofing against the intermediate regional flood. A program of re-planting low-maintenance native trees and riparian vegetation would protect and enhance the river frontage areas by restoring a natural riparian habitat. ls this project a supplement to or being planned in lieu of a local or cooperative local-federal flood control project'.> If it is, please describe the agencies and organizations involved, the stage of the planning process, and the currently proposed plans. Yes - as a supplement to the "Kern River Channel Maintenance Program" (on file with 1988 application) and the adopted Kern River Parkway Plan (attached). Page 3 of 7 Please describe the project's use of public participation in the planning, design and/or implementation of the project.. What citizen organizations are sponsoring or supporting this project? Public organizations have participated in the planning, design and imple- mentation of the projects. These local groups co~sist largely of volunteers concerned with the conservation and beautification of the Kern River and adjacent areas. These groups ~nclude: 1) Kern River Committee 2) Dr. Maynard Moe, Biology Professor, Cal-State Bakersfield 3) Kern Audubon Society 4) Kern-Kawesh Chapter of Sierra Club 5) Kern River Riders (Equestrian Group) 6) California Native Plant Society 7) Native Conservancy (Advisory) 8) Kern River Foundation 9) Bakersfield Educational Studies Area Advisory Committee Whateducationalbenefits willbederived ~rthepublicand whattechnicalcontributionstothe problem ofstream restoratinn or stream corridor management mightthis pr(~ect provide? By establishing this project, various groups throughout the community would benefit by the identification and planting of native vegetation. Public "native walks" and classes from Cal-State University Bakersfield, Bakersfield College and Kern County Superintendent of Schools District have participated and would derive educational benefits as well as the general public through improvement of habitat areas. The techniques used to prepare and restore the streambanks are discussed and recorded (through the use of photos and video-tape) as the work proceeds. Page 4 of 7 What will you submit to the Depa~ment of Water Resources that describes the methods and results of your pr~ect? The minimum required is completing a sumey quest;onnalre and submitting I~re and aRer photos of the project. The Kern River F~mndation and City of Bakersfield will require the participation from the local organizations to submit plans, designs and project reports in a timely manner. Specific locations of re- storation work progress reports will be compiled and forwarded semi- annually to the Department of Water Resources, State of California. Restoration areas planned for the 1990-91 grant cycle are shown on attached aerial photograph. Appropriate survey questionnaires will be submitted as requested. Note: Lone-term operation and maintenance of the project site is the responsibility of the k, rant recipienL __7. What are your plans ~rlong-term management or maintenance ofthe stream(s)you are managing or restoring? Due to the proximity of the Kern River Channel through the incorporated area, the City of Bakersfield is committed to the protection of its population through proper flood control management techniques. One new park maintainer position was added in 1989-90 to oversee and maintain restoration projects completed on the Kern River floodplain to date. The completed projects received an on-going review by the Kern River Foundation and volunteers who participated in the original projects. Page 5 of 7 If you do not receive your grant request, what other options do you have tn meet your project objectives? If your grant proposal was selected for partial funding, what components of your project wuuld you choose for priority funding? Options are currently limited to private donations from various local organizations; other alternatives are limited. The legislation authorizing this proglram requires that the applicant provide a local contribution to the costs of the project. This contribution can be munetary, materials, lahor, vohlnteer labor, staff time, or land easements. Please state how you will meet this requirement. Financial - $5,000.00 Kern River Foundation Labor - $7,000.00 Kern River Foundation Page 6 of 7 -- 10. Please outline your prul>used budget. Quantif.v, when possible, the components of your planning or design process, and the areal (lateral and linear) extent of restoratiun work. labor materials, and equipment requirements. Indicate portions to be funded by DWR and by other sources. Designate the dates you plan to begin and finish the work. 1990-91 (Priority Areas No. (1), (2), (3), (4) per attached map) River bank restoration Water Main extensions to project areas Irrigation system, timer controls and laterals $10,000 See attached work plan 18,000 for installation dates. 12,000 Riparian vegetation 10,000 TOTAL USE OF GRANT FUNDS THIS PROJECT ................... $50,000 1990-91 KERN RIVER FOUNDATION DONATIONS Labor - Installation of riparian trees, shrubs and irrigation systems $ 7,000 Materials - dona~:ed trees and materials 5,000 $12,000 Have all of the questions been answered? An incomplete application will be disqualified. Page 7 of 7 KERN RI%' .R FOUNDATION P.O. Box 1861 Bakersfield, CA 93303 1/11/90 RESOLUTION ENDORSING APPLICATION FOR AN URBAN STREAM RESTORATION GRANT AND DETERMINING APPROPRIATE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DOCUMENT, CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTING GRANT IF OFFERED, AND DESIGNATING CONTRACT MANAGER AND FISCAL AGENT. WHEREAS, the california Department of Water Resources, Division of Local Assistance, Urban Stream restoration Program has anounced the availability of funds for grants; and WHEREAS, said grants are intended to help solve flooding and erosion problems in a way that provides environmental enhancement; and WHEREAS, the city of Bakersfield has proposed to cosponsor a grant application with The Kern River Foundation; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield has concluded the project proposed for funding with the grant funds would be environmentally beneficial and that the Kern River channel Maintenance Program Environment Impact report and the Kern River Parkway Environmental Impact Report were adopted by the City Council on January 8, 1986 and November 30, 1988 respectively. Both reports were prepared in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act requirements. WHEREAS; we consider the prospects of receiving such a grant to be reasonably likely. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED We, The Kern River Foundation, approve the joint application with the City of Bakersfield for an Urban Stream Restoration Program grant. If offered such a grant, we authorize Richard O'Neil to accept the grant, develop a work plan for the project, and sign any contract for administration of the grant funds and designate Richard O'Neil to submit invoices to the Department of Water Resources for activities carried out under the work plan for the grant contract. PRIVATE CITIZENS GROUP OR O~GANIZATION Wi~iam Cooper Pr~ent, K~n ~ve~F~ion Richard O'Neil Board Member/Project Manager/Fiscal Manager, ~er9 River Foundation Date: //1~/~ LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY Gene Bpgart [ DirectOr of ~at?r Resources City of Bakegsfield Date: STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT WORK PLAN I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Native trees and other vegetation shall be planted adjacent to the flood control channel on the Kern River at suitable locations com- patible with the channel's flood carrying function and in accordance with the City of Bakersfield's channel maintenance program. All pro- ject work shall be determined in consultation with the Bakersfield City Water Department and shall have their full approval. The planting project will employ appropriate horticultural tech- niques including the preparation of the planting sites, the provision of any necessary soil amendments, the construction of watering basins, and adequate mulch. Trees and vegetation will be installed in the Fall of 1990 in order to provide the best chance of survival. During a two year period minimum the trees will receive irrigation at least two times per week on a year round basis. An ongoing project maintenance and observation program will be conducted by the Kern River Foundation and supporting organizations in conjunction with the Bakersfield City Water Department. The goals of this program will be: a) Documentation of species survival and growth rate b) Effectiveness of stream bank restoration during high flow periods c) Effectiveness of irrigation systems d) Analysis of restored riparian habitat e) Prevention of vandalism in project areas An important component of the work plan for the restoration pro- ject will be community involvement. During the actual planting of the trees various community organizations will be involved and work days will be desi9ned to receive maximum media coverage. Specific tasks include revegetation of two parcels of second terrace flood plain within the Kern River Channel between Highway 99 on the east and Coffee Road on the west. These parcels total about fifteen acres. They will be rebuilt where necessary with bed material from the Kern River Channel removed under the ongoing Kern River Maintenance Program. Most of these parcels are or will be protected with concrete rubble riprap and covered with soil. The parcels will be revegetated with a combination of sycamore, willow, mule fat, and/or other shrubs that are native to the area. A bubbler-type irri- gation system will be provided to irrigate the new trees during the summer months until they are established. Reve9etation of the area will be accomplished by using volunteer labor from local community service groups. A report documenting progress will be provided to the Department of Water Resources, Urban Streams Restoration Program in accordance with program requirements or on request. II. PROJECT TIME TABLE June, 1990 - Request for grant by Kern River Foundation accepted June, 1990 - Meeting with program representative to review the proposed project and tour project site July, 1990 - All project plans and contracts submitted to State August 1 - October 1, 1990 - Preparation of project site to be conducted by the Bakersfield City Water Department October i - December 15, 1990 - Completion of project to be accomplished through community participation con- ducted by the Kern River Foundation and the City of Bakersfield. TOTAL: $50,000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY THE RECLAMATION BOARD This Permit is issued to: PERMIT NO. 14364 GM Community Services Department City of Bakersfield 4101 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 To implement the "Kern River Channel Maintenance Program" by removing sand, soil, and vegetative growth from the Kern River Designated Floodway. The project is located north of the City of Bakersfield between Union Avenue and Allen Road. Sections 13, 17, 1S, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33 and 34, T29S, R27E and R28E, and Sections 1 and 6, T30S, R27E and R28E, M.D.B.&M. (Kern County Water Agency) Kern River, Kern County NOTE: Special Conditions have been incorporated herein which may place limitations on and/or require modification of your proposed project described above. 19~approved this applica6on and the plans at~ched thereto. Permission is ~anted to proceed with th~ork described in this applica~on, which is incorporated hereto by reference, subject to the following General and Special Conditions. Da~d: (SEAL) GENERAL CONDITIONS: ONE: This permit is issued under the provisions of Sections 8700 - 8723 of the Water Code. TWO: On}y work described in the subject application is authorized hereby. THREE: This perraft does not grant a righ~ to use or construct works on land owned by the Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District or on any other land. FOUR: The approved work shall be accornplisbed under the direction and super~dsion of the State Department of Water Resources, and the permittee shall conform to all requirements of the Department and The Reclamation Board. FIVE: Unless the work h erein contemplated shall have been commenced within one year after issuance of this permit, the Board reserves the right ro change any conditions in this perm~l~ as may be consistent with current flood control standards and policies of The Reclamation Board. SIX: This permit shall remain in effect until revoked. In the event any conditions in this permit are not complied with, it may be revoked on 15 days' notice. SEVEN: It is understood and ag'reed to by the permit~ee :hat the start of any work under this permit shah constitute an acceptance of the conditions in this permit and an agreement to perform work in accordance therewith. DWR 3784 (Rev. 9/85) (over} EIGHT: This permit does not establish any precedent with respect to any other application received by The Reclamation Board. NINE: The permittee shall, when required by law, secure the written order or consent from all other public agencies having jurisdiction. TEN: The permittee is responsible for all personal liability and property damage which may arise out of failure on the permittee's part to perform the obligations under this permit. If any claim of liability is made against the State of California, or any departments thereof, the United States of America, a local district or other maintaining agencies and the officers, agents or employees thereof, the permittee shall defend and shall hold each of them harmless f~om each claim. ELEVEN: The permittee shall exercise reasonable care to operate and maintain any work authorized herein to preclude injury to or dam age to any works necessary to any plan of flood control adopted by the Board or the Legislature, or interfere with the successful execution, functioning or operation of any plan of flood control adopted by the Board or the Legislature. TWELVE: Should any of the work not conform to the conditions of this permit, the permittee, upon order of The Reclamation Board. shall in the manner prescribed by the Board be responsible for the cost and expense to remove, alter, relocate, or reconstruct all or any part of the work herein approved. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIRTEEN: The permittee shall notify the Department of Water Resources by telephone, (916) 445-3942, at least three (3) working days prior to start of work. FOURTEEN: That all trees and brush cleared shall be completely burned or otherwise removed from the overflow area of the Kern River, and no downed trees or brush shall be allowed to remain in the floodway during the flood season between November 15 and July 20. FIFTEEN: That the excavation shall not be made lower than as indicated on the approved plans. SIXTEEN: That the side slopes of the perimeter of the excavated area shall be made no steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. SEVENTEEN: That the excaw~ted area shall be made uniform so that no holes or high spots remain. EIGHTEEN: That the upstream and downstream ends of the excavated area shall be transitioned into the existing channel so as not to cause an abrupt obstruction to the flow of water in the Kern River. NINETEEN: That the material excavated from the low water channel shall not be spoiled in the floodway of the Kern River.