HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #1! I I ; ,' I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I : I I.' .' l' .' ," , i/ 2700 'M' Streec. ice. 300' 8akersf~eib. gA 93;01 (805) a61-;6;6 KERN C O UNTY Environmenr. aJ. Hea.i. th Degar'cmem: February 16, 1989 Larry Johnican County of Kern Maintenance Divisio~ 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, 0aiifornia 93301 RE: Soil contamination at tank site, 1430 "K" Street, Bakersfield. Dear Mr. John/can: The Department has-reviewed the Twining Laboratories site characterization report received 2-8-89 and agrees with the conclusions and recommendations of the contractor. The findings indicate locaiized contamination at relatively low levels, groundwater is about 150 feet below site, and no apparent impact to biological receptors is eviden~ or anticipated. The contractor recommends the contaminated soil be left in Diace, the tank excavation backfill be recompacted to engineered fill, and the site capped with asphaltic or Portland cement to prevent any surface precipitation or runoff to percolate through the contaminated zone. As long as the County follows this plan the Department will not require further remediation or monitoring of the site. should the use of this property change from the report recommendation~ the department must have prior notice, review, and approval of such changes. Please'cail me at (805) 861-3636 if you are not in agreement with the proposed action or should you have any questions regarding -~his-matter. BS:cas Sincerely, Bill Scheide, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Management Program CC: 'Larry Dennison Chris Payne Ted Wright Since 1898 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION SOIL CONTAMINATION ASSESSMENT UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANK 1430 "K" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Presented to: Kern Environmental Services Post Office Box 5337 Bakersfield, California 93388 Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 989-113-01 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ........................................... BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................ 32.1 Site Description ................................. 2.1 Project History .... . ............................. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION ................. '-.- SAMPLING AND TESTING PROCEDURES ....................... RESULTS AND FINDINGS .................................. 5.1 Soil Profile ..................................... 5.'2 Groundwater Conditions ........................... 5.3 Results of Chemical Analysis ..................... EVALUATION ............................................ O CONCLUSIONS ........................................... RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................... LIMITATIONS ........................................... PAGE 1 2 2 2 3 4 6 6 6 7 8 14 15 17 LIST OF APPENDICES: APPENDIX A - Logs of Borings ...................... ' ......... APPENDIX B - Chain-of-Custody Documentation ................ APPENDIX C - B.C. Laboratory Test Results .................. APPENDIX D - State of California LUFT Task Force Worksheet. a_lb B-1 C-1 D-1 Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF TABLES Table I - Soil Sample Laboratory Analysis LIST OF DRAWINGS Drawing No. 1 - Vicinity Map Drawing No. 2 - Site Map and Boring Locations Drawing No. 3 - Depth to Groundwater (Kern County Water Agency) Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield Geotechnicaland Environmental Consultants · Engineering and Chemical Laboratories GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION SOIL CONTAMINATION ASSESSMENT UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANK 1430 "K" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1 · 0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a contamination investigation of the soils beneath the area where an underground storage tank was located at 1430 "K" Street in Bakersfield, California. The scope of our services were verbally authorized by Mr. Chris Payne of Kern Environmental Services. The contents of this report include background information concerning the project history. In addition, a description of our investigative procedures used, and the subsequent results obtained are presented. Finally, report contain the logs of the test borings and a copy of the chain-of-custody documentation. The investigation .was performed during November and December of 1988, by th~ Bakersfield Office of Twining Laboratories, Inc. The chemistry testing was performed .by the Analytical Chemistry Division of Twining Laboratories Inc. located in Fresno, California. r-i 2527 Fresno Street · P.O. Box 1472 Fresno, California 93716 · (209) 268-7021 [] 9401 West Goshen Avenue Visalia, California 93291 · (209)651-2190 [] 1405 Granite Lane, Suite 1 E] 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Modesto, California 95351 · (209) 523-0994 Bakersfield, California 93308 · (805) 393-5088 TL 988-113~01 Page 2 2.0 BACKGROUND The following section presents background information with regard to the description of the site and the project history. ~2.1 Site Description: The subject site is located at 1430 "K" Street in Bakersfield, California.' Drawing No. 1 is a vicinity map showing the approximate location of the project site. The project site is located on the east side of "K" Street just south of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe railroad. The site is rectangular in shape and about 0.30 acres in size, approximately 116 feet by 132 feet in plan dimensions. The site is bound by "K" Street to the west, Atchison Topeka and Sante Fe Railroad to the north, an alley to the south, and a Commercial building (Kern County Crime Laboratory) to the east. A site plan is presented on Drawing No. 2. 2.2 Project History: On August 4, 1988, one 500 gallon single-walled underground storage tank was removed from the project site. The approximate location of the tank is presented on Drawing No. 2. 'The tank removal and disposal operations were performed by Kern Environmental Services of Bakersfield, California. ~ ~~~~~~~7~e~ After the underground storage tank was removed 'from the ground, soil samples were collected by Kern Environmental Services Personnel at depths of about 2 feet and 6 feet below the bottom of the tank. According to Mr. Chris Payne of Kern Environmental Services, no holes were noted in the tank when it was removed. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield PROJECT No. 988-113-01 EXPLORATORY SOIL BORING NUMBER AND LOCATION PROJECT No. 988-113-01 A.T. & S.F. RAILROAD 500 GALLON UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANK ~~B-2 -3 KERN COUNTY CRIME LAB NORTH ALLEY 1430 '-K,, -Street ~_B~i~k~,i r s f~eld , California SCALE: . IDATE: 1":30,I 2/06/89 IDRAWING No. I 2 of 3 The Twining Laborotories, Inc. F R E,NO/M ODES TO/VI SA LIA/BAI(ERSFI El,. D TL 988-113~01 Page 3 On August 9, 1988, the test results of the soil samples° collected at the site were reported to Mr. Bill Scheide of the Kern County Health Department. The ~~~~-~~~~f ~~~~?~~ In a letter from the Kern County Health Department, Mr. 'Scheide stated that the test results indicated significant levels of Total Petroleum Eydrocarbon contamination and that a site characterization to determine the extent of contamination in the soil surrounding the tank would be required. Upon review of the work plan, authorization was given to Kern Environmental Services to proceed with the work as outlined in the work plan. After a review of the proposed work plan, Twining Laboratories requested that one additional boring located at the presumed center of the removed tank be added to the proposed investigation. 3.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The purpose of this investigation was to determine the general horizontal and vertical extent of diesel contamination in the area where the underground storage tank had been located at the project site. ' A summary of the actions taken during our investigation is outlined as follows: Fresno M~esto Vi~lia 8a~r~ield TL 988-113-01,.° page '4 A telephone conversation was held between Mr. Chris Payne of Kern Environmental Services and Mr. Theodore Wright of Twining Laboratories, to discuss the concerns of the parties involved regarding the project. The work plan submitted to the Kern ~ounty Health Department by Kern Environmental Services was also discussed. A site reconnaissance and field investigation were conducted. Laboratory tests were conducted on soil samples obtained from 'the project site. The data obtained from our field and laboratory investi- gations were evaluated to develop conclusions and recom- mendations with regard to the extent of diesel contaminated soils at the site. 4.0 SAMPLING AND TESTING PROCEDURES On at the locations ~"~~~.. All field drilling'and engineering services were provided by Twining Laboratories, Inc. personnel. The boring locations were measured from the tank location identified by Kern Environmental Services with a measuring tape. The exploratory borings were drilled using a Mobile B-40 drill rig equipped with 6 inch diameter, continuous fligh't hollow stem augers. ContinuOus logs of the soils encountered in the bo~ings were recorded· ~~ ~ ~. ~ were obtained from the borings ~ ~~~_~~a depth of ~ ~~ ~-~'~- ~ ~' ~ Each soil sample was obtained by pushing or driving a thin-walled steel sampler equipped with pre-cleaned brass tubes approximately 12 inches into the soil. The test borings were Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113~01 Page 5 ~~ ~~4~a depth of ~ After the soil samples were obtained the borings were backfilled with a sand-cement grout as outlined in the work plan. The auger cuttings were stockpiled on a plastic membrane liner. The soil samples obtained from the site were retained~ in the brass tubes.' The ends of each brass tube were covered with aluminum foil and plastic end caps, sealed with electrical tape, and immediately cooled to 4°C fOr shipment to our Fresno laboratory. Strict chain-of-custody procedures were followed during the transportation and handling of the soil samples. The soil sampl.es were'received at our Fresno laboratory on November 4, 1988. ~~~ the presence and concentration of the following diesel constituents: The diesel constituents listed above are those items required by the Kern County Health Department for this assessment. The analytical methods used during our testing program were those approved by EPA and are presented as follows: Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113~01 Page 6 Constituent Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes Total Hydrocarbons Oil and Grease Test Methods SW-846: SW-846: SW-846: Methods 5020,~ Methods 5020, adapted for capillary chromotog.raphy ~~wadapted for soils SW-846: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/ Chemical Methods, 2nd Edition, U.S. EPA, 1982. 5.0 RESULTS AND FINDINGS 5.1 Soil Profile: The soil profile at the project site generally consists of silty sands to depths ranging from 5 to 10 feet underlain by poorly graded sands to the depths explored. Based on the rate of drilling, the soils were generally medium dense. Visual observation indicated that natural moisture .content remained at moist conditions to a depth of 26.0 feet, the maximum depth explored. The foregoing is a general summary of the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings drilled for this investigation. Detailed descriptions of the soils encountered in the borings are presented on the logs of borings in Appendix A of this report. The stratification lines shown on the logs represent the approximate b.oundary between soil types; the actual in-situ transition may be gradual. 5.2 GrOundwater Conditions: Groundwater was not encountered in the borings drilled at the time of our field investigation (November 2, 1988') . The indicates the ~~~ to be~ .... .j~.~5_~i~~ in the Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113-01 Page 7 area of the project site. Drawing No. 3 presents a copy of a map from this report outlining the depth to groundwater in the vicinity of the project site. 5.3 Results of Chemical Analysis: Table No. I presents' the .analytical results of the laboratory analysis of the soil samples obtained during this investigation. Boring B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-4 B-4 B-4 Table I - Soil Sample Laboratory Analysis Total Hydro- carbons Diesel Oil and Depth, Benzene Toulene. Xylenes Standard Grease Date Feet mq/kq mq/kg mq/kq mq/kq. .. mq/kq Analy~e.d 10 ND ND ND ND ND 11-09-88 15 ND ND ND ND 15 11-09-88 20 ND ND ND ND 25 11-09-88 25 ND ND ND ND ND 11-09-88 10 ND ND ND ND 45 11-09-88 15 ND ND ND ND 50 11-09-88 5 ND ND ND ND 65 11'-09-88 10 ND ND ND ND 55 11-09-88 15 ND ND ND ND 35 11'09-88 5 ND ND ND ND 55 11-09-88 10 ND ND ND ND 30 11-09-88 15 ND ND ND ND 40 11-09-88 Fresno Modesto Visatia Bakersfield ~ ~ PROJECT No. 988-113-01 DEP~ TO GRO~&TER (From the Kern County ~ater Agency SuppYy Report, dated ~ay, ~988) S~LE: DATE: Bakersfield California DRAWN BY: A~ ' j L~bor~tories, Inc. ORAWlNG No. TL 988-113-01 Page 8 6.0 EVALUATION The purpose of this investigation was to determine the general horizontal and vertical extent of diesel contaminated soil beneath the area'where the underground storage tank was located at the project site. As previously discussed, the test results of the soil samples obtained during tank removal operations revealed high concentrations' of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. The soil samples were taken from the bottom of the tank excavation, near the center of the tank, a depth ranging from 10 to 14 feet below site grade. During our investigation, one boring was advanced in the area where the center of the tank was located, and the remaining borings were advanced in the area surrounding the tank. The results of~ ~of the soil samples selected for analysis obtained from .these test borings ~~~ Analysis of the~~~-~a of the tank (Boring No. 2)~a higher concentration of ~~~~~, as well as ~~~.~(~(0.35 mg/kg and 28 mg/kg, respectively). As the 'contamination found was at a location away from the given center of the tank and at a depth above the given invert elevation of the tank, its existence due to tank leakage appeared unlikely. Mr. Bill Scheide of the Kern County Health Department requested Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113=01 Page 9 that either information be developed to determine what caused this · contamination, or that additional samples and testing be performed in the area surrounding this sample to define further the extent of contamination. ~msm~:~~~m~a~ the~~m3epartment of .u ..... - ........ - ~~~-~ . -~-~ that~m~-' ~ ~ ---for this 'tank m-~.~~. And in discussions with over ten other County personnel familiar with the site, ~"~-'~_'"~'"~-""~~~ ~ that ~.~~%-~~ at one'time ~----~--~-~=~-~ County owned ~m~m~~~~~~~. Rev i ew of aerial photographs of the area from 1975 and 1980 could not substantiate this suspicion. However, ~~performed.for this site~the Department of ~~'~"~ that ~~..~-~ ~ This could explain the presence of near-surface contamination. On December 22, 1988, ~~~ were ~~by Kern Environmental Services Personnel ~ a depth of~ ~ The samples were taken to B.C. Labora'tories, Inc. of Bakersfield, California, for analysis. The Laboratory ~results'of these samples are presented in Appendix C. The results of this analysis indicated that the sample from the boring 5 feet west 'of Boring B-2 had an Oil and Grease content of 312 mg/kg, and the sample Fresno Modesto Visalia 8akers~eld TL 988-113r01 Page 10 from the boring 5 feet east of Boring B-2 had a non-detect~ble lead content and an Oil and Grease content of 941 mg/kg. These Oil and 'Grease concentrations are both less than that of the sample at a depth of 5 feet from Boring B-2 (1700 mg/kg). 'These test results substantiate the conclusion that Boring B-2 is near the center of the contaminated area. The test results revealed that the ~~~~ reveals'heavier hydrocarbons ranging in length from' These hydrocarbons are generally less volatile and less mobile in soil, and thus less likely to migrate away from the area of contamination.~ ~~'~ ~ -~'~ for mitigation measures at the site, ~~ ~ utilizing~ techniques. ~~~to an approved disposal site. ~ith a pavement sec~tion. Supervison, testing and quality control for these mitigation alternatives has not been included in our cost analysis. Our cost estimates have been developed only for providing a general comparision between the three mitigation alternatives and should not be used for preliminary budgeting purposes. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113r01 Page 11 The typical procedures in the land farming biological treatment involve spreading the contaminated soil over a protective liner, adding'waste-destorying bacteria and nutrients fOr their growth, then cultivating the soil on a daily basis to encourage biological trea'tment. This process would result in the soil after treatment being generally contaminate-free, and few if any restrictions upon its use would-be imposed. However, the biodegradation process can take several months to complete. In addition, a review by the Air Pollution Control District normally lasting 2 to 3 months would be required. Therefore, t0 complete the process could take 6 months or more. Based. on discussions with a biological remediation contractor, the minimum cost for this alternative would exceed $30,000.00. The second alternative explored consists of removing the contaminated'soil and transporting it to an approved disposal site, and then replacing the contaminated soil with a contaminate-free soil. This mitigation alternative would result in a site which was contaminate-free with no restricitions imposed upon its use. Removal and replacement operations would take approximately 1 week, and no review by the Air Pollution Control District is anticipated. ~owever, Kern County would still be liable for the contaminated soil and any contamination at the disposal site associated with this ~contaminated soil. Mr. Chris Payne of Kern Environmental Services estimated a cost of $8,500.00 to complete this remidial action alternative. The final alternative explored involved leaving the contaminated Fresno M~esto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113-01 Page 12 soil in-place, and sealing the area with a pavement section. ~ ~that ~ As such, no additional construction cost would be incurred, for construction of the parking lot over the contaminated soil as opposed to constr%ction of the parking lot over contaminate-free soils. A Leaching Potential Analysis for Diesel was performed for this site. The procedures and rationale for this analysis are outlined in 'the Leaking Underground FUel Tank (LUFT) Field Manual issued by the State of California LUFT Task Force. A copy of the worksheet of the analysis for this site is presented in Appendix D. This analysis indicated that the following concentrations of Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Ethyl-benzene; and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons may be left in-place without threatening groundwater:. Con~titutents Maximum Sample Concentrations (m~/kq) Benzene ND Toluene 0.35 Xyelens ND Ethyl-benzene ND Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 1,728 Maximum Allowable Concentrations (mq/k ~ ) 1 50 50 50 10,000 As outlined above, the highest sample concentractions are all below the maximum allowable levels determined from this analysis. Based on the results of the analysis of the soil samples obtained from our test borings which generally revealed low to non-detectable concentrations of Toulene and Total Hydrocarbons, the low mobility in Fresno. Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113~01 Page 13 soil of the constituents involved, the. depth of attenuation for the constituents at between 5 and 10 feet, and the approximately 150 feet of separation between groundwater and the soil containing these constituents, ~~_~~hat ~into the excavation and to provide a stable subgrade for future site development,~~"~~_~--~,~~~_a~ in order for our firm to gain access to advance our exploratory borings ~~~~~~ The asphalt or portland cement concrete pavement section should then be placed on top of the backfilled excavation to rapidly drain surface runoff away from the backfilled area. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113-.01 Page 14 7.0 CONCLUSIONS On the basis of the findings presented in this report, we present the following conclusions: "7.1 The~~~at the site generally consists of ~~~~~~and sandy silts to the depths explored. 7.2 Based on data obtained from the Kern County water Agency Water Supply Report of 1988, ~~~' 7.3 Based on th'e four exploratory test borings placed in the area of the 500 gallon diesel'fuel storage tank, ~ ~ · ~, ~~at a depth of~~,g~ Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113-.01 Page 15 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The following consideration: recommendations are submitted for your 8.1 The loose material in the excavation should be removed and recompacted as engineered fill. 8.2 The on-site soils which are free of organics and debris are predominatly silty sands. These.soils will be suitable for use as fill material provide~ the moisture content of the soil is at or near optimum. Import fill soil should be nonex'Dansive and granular in nature with the fo lowing requirements: Percent Passing 3 inch Sieve Percent Passing No. 4 Sieve Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve Plasticity Index R-value 100 50 - 100 0 - 30 Less than 10 Minimum 40 The import fill material, prior to use should be approved by Twining Laboratories, Inc. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113-01" Page 16 8.'3 Engineered fill soil should be placed in lifts approximately 6 inches thick, moisture-conditioned as necessary, and compacted at or near optimum moisture to achieve a dry density of at least 92 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Test Method D1557-78. Additional lifts should not be placed if the previous lift did not meet the required dry density or if soil conditions are not stable. 8.4 T~e backfilled excavation should be capped with asphaltic or Portland Cement concrete pavement to rapidly drain surface runoff away from the backfilled area. The pavement section should be designed to support the anticipgted traffic conditions. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113-01 ' Page 17 9.0 ~LIMITATIONS The evaluation, conclusions, and recommendations contained in our report are based on the site conditions as they existed at the time of our investigation, and further assume t'hat probes, such as explora'tory borihgs, are representative of the soil conditions at the site, i.e. the soil conditions everywhere are not significantly different from those disclosed by the probes. If different subsurface conditions from those encountered during our exploration are observed or appear to be present, we must be advised promptly so that we can review these conditions and reconside~ our conclusions and recommendations where necessary. If there is a substantial lapse of time between the submission of our report and the start of additional work at the site, or if conditions have changed at or adjacent to the site, we recommend that our report be reviewed to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations considering the changed conditions and time lapse. Our professional services were performed, our findings obtained and our recommendations prepared in accordance with ~generally-accepted engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or implied. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113-01' Page 18 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you should have any questions regarding this report or if we can be of further assistance, please contact our office. Since r ely, THE ~INING LABO~TORIES, INC. Theodore D. Wright, RCE ~33710 Engineering manager 4c: herewith B F Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113-01 Page 19 APPENDIX A Fresno Modesto Visaiia Oakersfietd TL 988-113201 APPENDIX A LOG OF BORINGS This appendix contains the final logs of ~borings. These log represent our interpretation of the contents of the field logs and th results of the field tests. The boring logs and related information depict subsurface condition only at these locations and at the particular time designated on t~ logs. Soil conditions at other locations may differ from conditio~ occurring at these boring locations. Also, the passage of time ma result in changes in the soil conditions at these boring locations. In addition, an explanation of the abbreviations used in t~. preparation of the logs, and a desCription of the Unified Soi' Classification System are provided. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakers, LOG OF BORING PROJECT: 1430 "K" Street HOLE No.: B-1 Bakersfield. California SHEET No., 1_~___ OF 1 JOB No: 988-113-01 LOCAT~0N: See Site Map and Remarks DRILL TYPE:Mobile B-,40 w/6"hollow stem auger , DRILLED BY:. T. Conley hOGGED BY: T. Wright ELEVATION: ToP OF HOLE: - - FT. REMARKS: At identified center of underground GROUNDWATER: fuel storage trunk DATE: STARTED: 11/02f88 COMPLETED: ll/02/RR . _ = -- PERCENT PROPERT I ES: :f ,i,.~ z -. ~ ~- "' -- RETAINED TEST, TYPE AND I-- CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION --c---u', -- z --~- ~ X a. ~ :.a: ~ o o ~ -- .u~ ,i, ~%PLATE NUMBER SAND, Silty; moist, fine to Sample I.D. · -coarser grained', brown Number (SM) 5-- 10-- SAND, .Poorly Graded; mOist, 5RS 1 fine tO medium grained, tan (.SP) 15-- LRS 2 20-- Becoming brown LRS 3 25-- Fine Gravels LRS 4 26.~. JBottom of Boring The Twining Laboratories, Inc. Vlsaila Fresno ' Mocleato Bakerafield '13.106 LOG OF BORING PROJECT: 1430 "K" Street 40LE No.: B-2 Bakersf%eld.-'California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: 988-113-01 LOCATION: See Site Map and Remarks DRILL TYPE:Mobile B-40 w/6"hollow stem auger DRILLED BY: T. Conley LOGGED BY: T. Wright ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: - - FT. REMARKS: ~ F~ nnr~h~ ~F ~d~n~i~d cpn~r GROUNDWATER: of underground fuel storage tank DATE: STARTED: 11/02/85 COMPLETED: 11/02/88 ~ > GRADATION ENGINEERING ~' ~--~ ~ I~o ~ --u ~ PERCENT ~ROPERTIES: ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ -- RETAINED rEST, TYPE AND ~ CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTI'ON ~c'--'~ -- z !~'-~ -- ~: ~x m ~ ~m ~ oo ~-- ~ ,~LATE NUMBER S~TD, Si~t¥; mois't, fine to Sample ~.~. medium grained, §ray-b~ow~ ~umber ~ (s~) 5 ~ ~S 5 10 LRS 6 SAND, Poorly Graded; moist, fine to coarse grained, tan, - micas (SP) 15-- Becoming finer grained LRS 7. 20-- Becoming brown LRS 8 Coarse Gravels LRS 9 2 . ~Rottom of Boring The Twining Laboratories, Inc. VI~I~ ~esno M~e.to B~rslleid TLI06 i~' LO(~ OF BORING PROJECT: 1430 "K" Street HOLE No.: B-3 Bakersfield. 'California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: 988-113201 LOCATION: See Site Map and Remarks DRILL TYPE:Mobile B-40 w/6"hollow stem auger DRILLED BY: T- Conley LOGGED BY: T. WriKht ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: - - FT. REMARKS: · 10 feet southeast of iden~ifi_ed center GROUNDWATER: ~ underground fuel storage tank DATE: STARTED: 11/02/8~ COMPLETED: 11/02 '" ~_ >- GRADATION ENGINEERING . ~ ~ z~ -~ -- ~' PERCENT PROPERTIES: '". z~ ~ ~- ~ -- ~I~TAINED TEST, TYPE AND ~ CLASSLFICATION AND DESCRIPTI'ON .~c'-'~ -- z --~- ~- x SAR-D, Silty; moist, fine to Sample I.D. medium grained, brown Number (SM) 5 S~ND, Poorly Graded; moist, cRS 10 fine to medium grained, tan (SP) 10-- 5RS 11 15-- Becoming ~finer grained LRS 12 20-- Becoming coarser grained LRS 13 Fine Gravels 25-- LRS 14 '26.O.JRottom of Boring The Twining Laboratories, Inc. V~lla Fresno Mode~to BskerdM~ . TL~06 LOG OF BORIHG 1430 "K" Street~ :HOLE No.: B-4 PROJECT: Bakersfield..''California SHEET No. 1 OF i JOB No:' 988-i13-01 LOCATION: See Site Map and Remarks DRILL TYPE:Mobile B-40 w/6"hollow stem auger DRILLED BY: T. Conley LOGGED BY: T. Wright ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: - - FT. REMARKS: 15 feet west of %degtif%ed center of GROUNDWATER: under~round fue% storage tank DATE: STARTED: 11/02/88 COMPLETED: !!/02/88 "'~P-~' >' GRADATION ENGINEERING . ~-, ~ z -~ -- ~- PERCENT PROPERTIES: ~ CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTI'ON-~c'--~'"- z'-. '--=~ ~- ~' --I--"" --I-x ~TAINED TEST. TYPE AND ~ = ~ 0 0 ~ -- m ~ ~ .~ PLATE NUMBER SAND, Silty; moist, fine to Sample I.D medium grained, brown Number (sM) 5 SAND~ Poorly Graded; moist, bRS i5 fine to coarse grained, tan (sp) 10-- LES 16 !5-- Becoming finer grained LRS 17 20-- Sil. ty Sand lenses LRS 18 25-- Fine Gravels LRS 19 26.O~JBo~tom of ~oring The Twining Laboratories, Inc. Vlsalla Fresno Modesto Bakersfie/d TLI06, TL 988-113-01 .~ ,. A-2 LOGS OF EXPLORATIONS EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS LRS Split barrel ring sampler, 2.5-inch I.D., for taking undisturbed samples. Fresno Moclesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 988-113-01 ~.' B-1 APPENDIX B Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield The Twining.Laboratories, Inc. Project No. Date/TimeSampled I I /~/~ Affiliation of Sampler/Shipper "-('"-L/,-~r~ Number ~reet ~ .~ty ~ 'State Zip C°llect~r's Name~/~~/ ~~igna~ure TranspoSed By~~ [~5 ~ ~ ~~ Date Shipped Sample Receiver CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Telephone Address · Date/Time Received Comments Collector's Sample No. Sample Description , Chain of Possession: .... Slgn~ure'  flllati~n -- ' ~' Affiliation Analysis Requested inclusive Dates - Inclusive Dates Inclusive Dates The Twining, Laboratories, Inc. Project No. Date/Time Sampled { I / ~' Affiliation of Sampler/Shipper Address'~"7~) ( Number Street (~ Collector's N ar~=~--~,~/,~ Transported By"~-C~ ~::~'~-~m~-~ ~ld~;(~) / Sample Receiver CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Signature Date Shipped Telephone Address Date/Time Received Comments Collector's Sample No. I~' Sample Description loaf'! 15o f [::,~ ' ~.~° ~° ~ o (o~ 10~11~ Analysis Requested ,:.: · J Affiliation // Afflllatio~ fflllation ..~ Affiliation I//4/?~'1//- F/~'r Inclusive Dates Inclusive Date~ v Inclusive Dates The Twining Laboratories, Inc. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD // / % Signature Transported By%~'~'~ ~-~~, ~h~(5. Date.Shipped Sample Receiver Address Date/Time Received Comments Collector's Sample No. Sample Description Analysis Requested Chain of Poss~ssio~ I 1~~// t~ ~ Slgnature~ _ g fillation /[ Affiliatloe I.Afflil~tio~ J - -- Affiliation I~lcluslve Dates / Inclusive Dates Inclusive Dates TL 988-113-{)1 .APPENDIX C C-1 Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield KEEN EMVIRONMENTAL SERVICES P OB OX 5337 BAKERSFI~r~, CA 93388 Attn.: CHRIS PAYNE 589-5220 LABORATORIES, I r-lC. J.J. EGUN, REG. CHEM.'ENGR. 4100PIERCERD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE327-4911 Data Reported': 12/28/88 Page ! of 2 Date Received:' 12/22/88 Laboratory No.: 9481-! TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (Title 22, Article II, California Admin/strative Code) Sample Description: JOB #E-2Z6 K ST. TANK PROJECT B-2W 5' WEST OF B-2 @ 5'D~ 12/22/88 AT 3:20PM Constituents Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium o Cadmium Chromium Cobalt .Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Chranides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Oil and Grease pensky .-Martens Flash Point PCB'S ug/g TaX, ug/g Reactive Cy-~nide Reactive Sulfide Corrosivity, mmpy Organic Lead Chloride Sample Resu/ts Method n~_/k~ P.Q. L- Method Reference 3i2. 20. 413.1 2 F? 'C 'IYED JAH 0 (See Page 2 for Comments, Definitions, Regulatory Criteria, and References) LABORATORIES, IDC. J. J. ~LIH, REG. CH~. EN~R. PETROLEUM ~100 PIERCE RD., BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 '~ ~IRO~~ S~C~ ., ~te Re~rt~: 12/28/88 P~e 2 of 2 P O ~X 53~7 ~te .~eiv~: 12/22/88 ~FI~TD, ~ 93388 ~to~ No.: 9481-1 At~.: ~S PA~ 589-5220" Sampl~ Description: JOB #E-216 K ST. TANK PROJECT B-2W 5' WEST OF B-2 @ 5'DEEP 12/22/88 AT 3:20PM Constituents Regulatory Criteria STLC, n~/L TTLC, m~/k~ Antimony 15. 500. Arsenic 5.0 500. Bar~um 100. 10000. Beryllium 0.75 75. Cadmium 1.0 100. Chromium and/or Cr (III) compou~ 560 2500. Ooba~t. 80. 8000. Copper J 25. 2500. Lead 5.0 1000. Mercury 0.2 20. Molybdenum 350. 3500. Nickel 20. 2000. Selenium 1.0 100. Silver 5.0 500. Thallium ?.0 ?00. Vanadium 24. ,2400. Zinc 250. 5000. Fluorides 180. 18000. Hexavalent Chromium 5.0 500. OrGanic Lead as Pb None 13.0 pH 2-12.5 2-12.5 PCB's 5.0 50.0 Co~mi~nt: All constituents reported abov~ are in ms/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine' total levels. P.Q;L. = N.D. = I.S. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers. to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed. None Detected (Constituent, if present, would be less than the method P.Q.L. ). Insufficient Sample = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: (1) "Test 'Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, (2) "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", July, 1982. EPA-600, 14-79-020. C~£M/£A/ ,4#Al KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES P O BOX 5337 BAKERSFI~r.n, CA 93388 Attn.: CHRIS PAYNE 589-5220 RATORIES, Ir-lc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM, ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: 12/28/88 Date Received: 12/'22/88 Laboratory No.: 9481-2 Page 1 of 2 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (Title 22, Article II, California Administrative Code)' Sample Description: JOB #E-216 K ST. TANK PROJFLT B-2E 5'EAST OF B-2 @ 5' DW.kTM 12/22/88 AT 3:35 PM Sample Results Method Constituents mq/k~ P.Q.L. Method Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Var~dium Zinc C~des Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexavalent Chromium Oil and Grease Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB'S ug/g TOX, ug/g Reactive Cyanide Reactive Sulfide Corrosivity, mmpy Organic Lead Chloride 941. 20. 413.1 Reference 2 (See Page 2 for Co, m,~nts, Definitions, Recju/atory Criteria, and References) CHEMIC'Al ,4ILIA/Y$/$ KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES P OB OX 5337 BAKERSFI~rD, CA 93388 Attn.: CHRIS pAYNE 589-5220 LABORATORIES, IFIC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCERD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE327-4911 Date Reported: 12/28/88 Page 2 of 2 Date Received: 12/22/88 Labor~toryNo.: 9481-2 Sample Description: JOB #E-216 K ST. TANK PROJECT B-2E 5'EAST OF B-2 @ 5' D~P 12/22/88 AT 3:35 PM Constituents R.ecjulatoz-fCriteria STLC, m~/L TTLC, m~/k~ Antimony 15. 500. Arsenic 5.0 500. Barium 100. 10000. Beryllium 0.75 75. Cadmium 1.0 100. Chromium and/or Cr (III) compounds 560 2500. Cobalt .80. 8000. Copper 25. 2500. Lead 5.0 1000. Mer.cury. 0.2 20. Molybdenum 350. 3500. Nickel 20. 2000. Selenium 1.0 100. Silver 5.0 500. Thallium 7.0 ?00. Vanadium 24. 2400. Zinc 250. '5000. Fluorides 180. 18000. Hexavalent Chromium 5.0 500. Organic Leedas Pb None 13.0 pH 2-12.5 2-12.5 PCB's 5.0 50.0 C~mnent: All constituents reported above ~re in n~3/k~ (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. N.D. I.S. = Practica/ Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based OhS ample size usedandanalytical technique employed. = None Detected (Constituent, if present, would be less thanthemethodP.Q.L.). = Insufficient Sample = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration = Total Threshold Limit concentration (l) "Test Methods for Evaluatin~ Solid W~stes", SW 846, July, 1982. (2) "Methods for Chemical Analysis of WaterandWastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. £/1'~/~1£A/ AW,4/Y$/$ IYTROt £U~ ~ _ ORATORIES, I r-lc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 KERN ENVIRONMENTAL- SERVICES P ,'" BOX 5337 B~. ERSFI~D, CA 93388 Attn.: CHRIS PAYNE 589-5220 'Sa ~leDescription: Constituents Date Reported: 01/16/89 Date .Received: 12/22/88 Laboratory No.: 9481-2 TOTAL CONT~ (Title 22, Article II, California Admin~istrative Code) JOB #E-216. K ST. TANK PROJECT B-2E 5'EAST OF B-2 @ 5''D~ 12/22/88 AT 3:35 PM Antimony Ars~c Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt cop~r Mercury. Molybdenum Nickel Selenium S tlver Thallium Vanadium Zinc · Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hexmvalent Chromium Oil and Grease ' Pensky-Mmrtens Flash Point PCB'S ug/g Reactive Cyanide Reactive Sulfide Corrosivity, mmpy Organic Lead Chloride Sample Results Meth°d roG/kG · P.Q.L. Method None Detected 2.5 6010 i Pa~e I of 2 Reference Page 2 for ~,,,ents, Definitions, R .equ/atory Criteria, and References) ,4Gt~I£UL ~'URf f£T~lOl £lIM ~ ENVI~OI~/~/iNTAL SEIt~CES ? 0 ~X 5337 ~I~,D, CA 93388 [t~ ,.: ~ PA~ 589-5220 LABORATORIES, IFIC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 32L4911 Date Reported: Date Received: 5aboratory No.: 01/16/89 12/22/88 9481-2 Page 2 of 2 ,le Description: Constituents Barium mryllium Chromium and/or Cr ~bal t Lead 4olybdenum Nickel Selen/um lhallium Vanadium Zinc Fluorides. Hexavalent Chromium Om3-on/c Lead as Fo PCB's' JOB #E-216 K ST. TANK PROJECT B-2E 5'EAST OF B-2 @ 5' Dm~ 12/22/88 AT 3:35 PM Rec3ulatozy Criteria ST~, m~/L, TT~, mc3/k~ 15. 500. 5.0 500. 100. 10000. 0.75 75. 1.0 100. 560 2500. 80. 8000. 25. 2500. 5.0 11300. 0.2 20. 350. 3500. 20. 2000. 1.0 100. 5.0 500. 7.0 700. 24. 240d. 250. 5000. 180. 18000. 5.0 500. None 13.0 2-12.5 2-12.5 5.0 50.0 C~ merit: A/1 constituents reported above are in ~J/k3 (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results mgorted represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determ/ne total levels. P.q.L. = N L = 1.3. = Practical Quantitation Lim/t (refers to the least amount of anal%rte detectable based on sample size used and analytics/ technique employed. None Detected (C~nstituent, if present, wou/d 'be less than the method P.Q.L. ). Insufficient Sample = Soluble Threshold r.lm/t Concentration = Total Threshold Limit Concentration - R .~ENUES: (1) "Test-Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, July, 1982. (2) "Methods for Chemical Anall~is of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. P~oiect nameK ~ ~YP2 ~ Numar number ~mpled sampled or containers Signalure Company. Date Time RECEIVED IN COUNTYOF Post Olfice Dox 5337, Bakerslield, California 93388. e-"~805)-58~).5220 In Calilornin · (800) 332-537G TL 988-113-01 D-1 APPENDIX D Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield Table 2-2 Leaching Potential Analysis for Diesel Using Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) and BenZene, Toluene, Xylene and Ethylbenzene (BTX&E) The following table was designed to permit estimating the concentrations of TPH and BTX&E that can be left in place without threatening ground water. Three levels of TPH and BTX&E concentrations were derived (from modeling) for sites which fall into catagories of low, medium or high leaching potential. To use the table, find the appropriate description for each of the features. Score each feature using the weighting system shown at the top of each column. Sum the points for each column and total them..~Match the total points to the allowable BTX&E and TPH levels. S SCORE S SCORE S SCORE SITE C 10 PTS C 9 PTS C 5 PTS 0 IF CON- O IF CON- O IF CON- FEATURE R DITION R .DITION R DITION E IS MET E IS MET E IS MET Minimum Depth~to >100 51-100 25-50* Ground Water from the /O Soil Sample (feet) Fractures in subsurface None Unknown ~Present (applies to foothills ~ or mountain areas) Average Annual <10 10-25 26-40** Precipitation (inches) /~ Man-made cOnduits which None Unknown Present increase vertical t~ migration of leachate Unique site features: None~ At least More recharge area, coarse ~ one than one soil, nearby wells, etc RANGE OF TOTAL POINTS 49pts or more, 41 - 48 pts 40pts or less MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 1/50/50/50 .3/. 3/1/1 .3/. 3/. 3/. 3 B/T/X/E LEVELS (PPM) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 10000 1000 100 TPH LEVELS (PPM) If depth is under 25 feet score 0 points. ** If precipitation is over 40 inches score 0. points. -27- Geotechnicaland Environmental Consultants · Engineering and Chemical Laboratories 2527 Fresno Street · P.O. Box 1472 Fresno, California 93716 (209) 268-7021 9401 West Goshen Avenue Visalia. California 93291 (209) 651-2190 1405 Granite Lane, Suite 1 Modesto, California 95351 (209) 523-0994 5301 Office Park Drive, Suite 310 Bakersfield, California 93309 (805) 322-5216 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE !I1 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Senmes Depamnent STEVE McC. A! I ~'Y, REHS, DIRECTOR ~ ~. ~uuv. ~-co l~dn9 & Devek~m~t Se~v~:es Depa~ment ~ JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 9, 1991 County of Kern Attn: Andrew Richter 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 CLOSURE OF ! UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 1430 "K" STREET IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT #A744-16/160042 This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this. office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance, or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or.proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. BILL SCHEIDE, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST CC: Kern Environmental Service P. O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNL~ 9330t (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805~ 861-3429 FACILITY: ADDRESS : PERMIT #: FILE "K" CONTE:ITs SUMMARY ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments NIemoranaum · KERN COUNTY · o :William A] Wilbanks Design Engineer~ ~o~a , Laurens A. Denij~'q~L ~///~/~ Architect su~j~c~ Relocate Exist?hg Building @ 14th & L DArm February 21, 1989 Telephone No. The north parking lot being developed in this project will be over an existing removed tank(s). Please see that your plans and specifications cover these recommendations from the Health Department (see attached). LAD:am Attachment CC: Bill Scheide- Environmental Health Tom Willman - County Administrative Office LDM/HJE M.35/DAILY-2 G.S.S, 580 1151 395-5005 (Rev. 4/87) £H£MICAI ANAl YSI$ PETROtEU¥ KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES P 0 BOX 5337 BAk~RSFI~rD, CA 93388 Attn.: CHRIS PAYNE 589-5220 LABORATORIES, IRC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Data Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: 12/28/88 '12/22/88 9481-1 PaGe 1 of 2 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (Title 22, Article II, CaliforniaAdministrative Code) Sample Desc~iption: JOB #E-21S K ST. TANK PRCLTECT B-2W 5' WEST OF B-2 @ 5'D~k~m 12/22/88 AT 3:2OPM Sample Resu/ts Method Corot ituents roG_/k~ P.Q.L. Method Antimony Arsen/c Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Se!en~um Silver Thallium Varmdium Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides FlUOrides H~xmvaient Chromium Oil and Grease pH Pensky-M~rter~ Flash Point PCB'S TOX, u~/g Reactive Cymnide Reactive Sulfide CorrosivitY, mmpy Organic Lead Chloride 312. 20. 413.1 Reference I:{'E'CE I yE B (See Page 2 for CoJ~,ents, Definitions, Regulatory Criteria, and References) t C~E~C~ ~ ~$~$ KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES P 0 BOX 53_37 AKE FIW. T.D, CA 93388 Attn.: CHRIS PAYNE 589-5220 LABORATORIES, I J. J. EGLIN0 REG. CHEM. ENGI~. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Re~x2rted: 12/28/88 ?age 2 o¢ 2 Date Received:. 12/22/88 Laboratory No.: 9481-1 Sample Description: Constituents JOB #E-216 K ST. TANK PROJECT B-2W 5' WEST OF B-2 @ 5'DEEP 12/22/88 AT 3:.20PM Regulatory Criteria STLC, m~./L TTr~, r~/k.~ Antimony 15. 500. Arsenic 5.0 500. Barium 100. 10000. Beryllium 0.75 75. Cadmium 1.0 100. .Chromium and/or Cr (III) compounds 560 2500. Cobalt 80. 8000. Copper 25. 2500. Lead 5.0 1000. Mercur~ 0.2 20. Molybdenum 350. 3500. Nickel 20. .2000. Selenium 1.0 100. Silver 5.0 500. Thallium 7.0 700. Vanadium 24. 2400. Zinc 250. '~000. Fluorides 180. 18000. Hexmvalent Chromium 5.0 500. Organic Lead as Pb None 13.0 pH 2-12.5 2-12.5 PCB's 5.0 50.0 Comment: All constituents reported above are in m g/kg (un/ess otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techn/ques to determine total levels. p.q.r.. = N.D~o - I.S. -- Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size usedandanalytical techn/que employed. None Detected (Constituent, if present, would be less than the method P.Q.L.). Insufficient Sample = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration = Total Threshold Limit Concentration .REFERENCES: (1) "Test ~ethods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, (2) "Met21ods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", July, 1982. EPA-600, 14-79-020. C~£MICAI ANAL Y$15 ?£LeOLEIJA, f KERN ~VIRO]~2~TAL SERVICES P O BOX 533? BAKERSFI~T.D, CA 93388 Attn.: CF2RIS PAYNE 589-5220 LABORATORIES, IF'lC. ' J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: 12/28/88 Date Received: 12/22/88 Laboratory No.: 9481-2 Page ! of 2 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS ~ (Title 22, A~ticle II, California Administrative Code) Sample Description: JOB #E-2~6 K ST. TANK PRO3ECT B-2E 5'EAST OF B-2 @ 5' DW_-.-~ 12/22/88 AT 3:35 PM Sample Results Method Constituents n~/kg P.Q.L. Method Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Va~mdi%um Zinc Cyanides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides He_~valent Chromium Oil and Grease pH Pensky-Martens Flash Point PCB'S ug/g TOX, ug/g Reactive Cy-~nide Reactive Sulfide ¢orro$ivi~y, mmpy Or~ganic Lead · Chloride 942. 20. 413.1 Reference (See Page 2 for Co,,nents, Definitions, Recju/atory Criteria, and References) AGt~UL TL//~E ; CI~£MICAI A~/A~ YSI$ P£TFtOLEUM ~ KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES P 0 BOX 533? BAKERSFIW~T.D, CA 93388 Attn.: CHRIS PAYNE° 589-5220 LABORATORIES, IF'lC, j. J. EOUN, RE. CHEM. ENOR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: 12/28/88 Page 2 of 2 Date Received: 12/22/88 Laboratory No.: 9481-2 Sample Description: JOB #E-216 K ST. TANK PROJEGT B-2E 5'EAST OF B-2 @ 5' DFw]: 12/22/88 AT 3:35 PM Constituents Regulatory Criteri.a. STLC, m~/L TTLC, mcj/k~ Antimony 15. 500. 'Arsenic 5.0 500. Barium 100.' 10000. Beryllium 0.75 75. C.~mium 1.0 100. Chrcm~um and/or Cr (III) compounds 560 2500. Cobalt 80. 8000. Copper 25. 2500. Lead 5.0 1000. Mercury 0.2 20. Molybdenum 350. 3500. Nickel 20. 2000. Selenium 1.0 '100. Silver 5.0 500. Thallium 7.0 700. Vanadium 24. 2400. Zinc 250. '5000. Fluorides 180. 18000. Hex~v~lent Chromium 5.0 500. Or~c Lead as Pb None 13.0 pH 2-12.5 2-12.5 PCB's 5.0 50.0 C~ment: P.Q.L. = N.D. = I.S. = All constituents reported above are in rog/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample ~sis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techr~ques to determine total levels. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based OhS ample size usedandanalytical techr~que employed. None Detected (Constituent, if present, would be less than the method P.Q.L.). Insufficient Sample = Soluble .Threshold Limit Concentration = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating SolidW~stes", SW 846, July, 1982. (3) "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. ; LABOR/NTORIES, I r-tc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGII. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ~ ENVIRONMENTAL- SERVI~ BOX 5337 ~%KERSFI~rD, CA 93388 ~ttn.: CHRIS PAYNE 589-5220 Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: 01/16/89 12/22/88 9481-2 Page 1 of 2 TOTAL CONTAMINANTS ':(Title 22, Article II, Califorr~aAclministrative Code) ~m~leDescription: JOB #E-216 K ST. TANK PROJECT B-2E 5'EAST OF B-2 @ 5' D~ 12/22/88 AT 3:35 PM Sample Results Meth°d Constituents m~/k~ P.q.L. Method Antimon~ Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Eead rCUry Molybdenum Nickel Selenium -Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Chmnides Phenols Sulfides Fluorides Hex~valent Chromium 0tl and Grease . Pensky-Mmrtens Flash Point PCB ' S u~ / g Tox, ug/g. Reactive Cyanide Reactive Sulfide Corrosivity, mmpy Organic Chdoride None Detected 2.5 6010 i Reference :See P~ge 2 for C,~...ents, Definitions, R .egu]atqry Criteria, and References) ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES O BOX 5337 - .MfERSFIMrD, CA 93388 ttn.: CHRIS PAYNE 589-5220 LABORATORIES, IFIc. J, J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGI~. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: 01/16/89 Date Received:' 12/22/88 Laboratory No.: 9481-2 Page 2 of 2 ample Description: conStituents 3OB #E-216 K ST. TANK P~ B-2E 5'EAST OF B-2 @ 5' DEEP 12/22/88 AT 3:35 PM R.ecjulatoryCriteria STLC, m~/L TIT~, m~/ka Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium C~dmium Cobalt copper Lead Mercury Molybdemmu Nickel Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Fluorides Hexa~lent Chromium Organfo Lead as Pb PUB's and/ou Cr (III) 15. 5.0 100. 0.75 1.0 560 80. 25. 5.0 0.2 350. 20. 1o0 5.0 7.0 24. 250. 180. 5.0 None 2-19-. 5 5.0 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500. 1000. 20. 3500. 2000. lO0. 500. 700. 24od.. 5000. 18000. 500. 13.0 2-12.5 50.0 '.q.L. = All constituents reported above are in n~3/k~ (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as'sample subjected to appropriate techrdques to determine tote/ levels. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed. None Detected (Constituent, if present, wou/d be less than the method P.Q.L. ). Insufficient Sample = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration = Total Threshold Limit Concentration ~EFERENCES: (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, July, i982. (2) "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. 3? Eg.l.i &-- IClient name~ I P,oiect name Project mar CHAIN O.F CUSTODY RECORD Analyses required Dale I,ampled Time sampled Sample descl'iption Remarks Relinquished by Received by Relinquished by Received by SAMPLES RECEIVED IN' COUNTY OF' Company Dale KERN ENUIRiINMENTSL :gE:RLIlL E: Posl Ollico LIox 5337, Bakerslield. Calilomia 93308 *--(005)"589-5220 In Calilomia · (000) 332-53~'G Time , I ; , ; ! I ! ! , I I I I t I I 'l Environmental Hea~th ON. K~ Count'/Health Del)t. Sample~ /f soilf Received: ~~ ~ /g£~ Identifgcation: TEST RESULTS Examination Oil and Grease mg/kg ND: None Detected Method Detection Limit: 5mg/kg mg/kg: milligram per kilogram on an as received basis Method: EPA Method.~13.1 adapted for soils soil~ Ident~if.ication: TEST RESULTS Sample: Re ce ired: Examination # Oil and Grease mE/kg ND: None Detected Method Detection Limit: 5mg/kg mg/kg: milligram per kilogram on an as received basis Method: EPA Method ~13.1 adapted for soils KERN ENO NMENT I. A Dlvlzlon of Kern Backhoe Sewice. Inc. Cont~ Uc. #432372 50 AUGUST 1988 MR.. LARRY JOHNICAN County of Kern Vehicle Maintenance 14Z5 TrUxtun Avenue Bakersfield~ California 95501 Re': SITE'CHARACTERIZATION - 1450 "K" ST~ .... Tank_.Remova. l.~ermit #A744-0& .......... Dear Mr ,]ohnican, As requested, the following is a brief outline of work to be performed to complete the site characterization at the. above referenced location. Kern Environmental Service shall conduct all work in accordance with Kern County Health Department guideline #UT-50. To do this we will: a)Generate the Site Characterization Workplan, to be reviewed and approved by the Division of Environmental Health before on-site work can begin; b)Bore 5-5 sampling holes approximately 10 feet from the center of the original tank location; c)Co!lect samples from each boring locations at 5~ 10, 15, 20~ and 25 feet in depth. d)Supply professional geologist to log operations, soil type~ sampling depths, and to collect soil samples; e)Submit soil samples to state certified hazardous waste testing laboratory~ acknowledging proper E.P.A. chain-of- custody protocol; and f)Generate Site Characterization Report, upon receipt of soil analysis results, and make recommendations on site remediation. The expected cost for this phase of work is $4840.00. This does not include provisions for any further remediation of the site. REDDING DIVISION: ,CORPORATE ADDRESS: 3675 Charlanne, Suite A, Redding, California 96002 · (916) 223-4.214 Post Office Box 5337, Bakersfield, California 93388 · (805) 589-5220 In California · (600) 332-5376 Kern Environmental this project .. I f proposai please Service you have call me at lo°ks-forward to ,.any questions (805) 589-5220. serving you on regarding this Sincerely, A *Division of Kern Backhoe Service, Inc. Contr. Lic. #432372 August 25,.1988 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Environmental Health Division 14~5 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 ATTENTION:~ Amy Green, Underground Tank Section REGARDING: Gentlemen: Permanent Closure, Tank Permit No. A744-06 KES Job No. E-216 Forwarded herewith please find a photocopy of the completed "Under- ground Tank Disposition Tracking Record" and a photocopy of Manifest No. 88008638. The original tracking record should have been sent to your department by the Disposal Facility. Said documents were generated during tank closure activities conducted in accordance with the above referenced tank closure permit. Sample results have already been forwarded under separate cover. Sincerely, FRR:jm Enclosure ~ . 0 ;~L~, Operat~ Manager~ REDDING DIVISION: CORPORATE ADDRESS: 3675 Charlanne, Suite A, Redding, California 96002 · (916) 223-4214 Post Office Box 5337, Bakersfield, California 93388 · (805) 589-5220 In California * ~BO0~ 332-5376 AUG 24 '88 16:25 1700 ~Wll/~ B4kec~elCI, ~llfomll FacLLIW ~ame Address H&H SHIP SUC 415 543 TANK KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENI~. H~ALTH OlYt610N 239 PO2 I'IF.~TH OFl:l~..q INRECTOR OF ENV~RONMENIN~ HEALTH .Kern County Permit * * UNDERGROUZ~D TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD This form is to be returned to the Kern County Health DepartBent within 14 ~ of acceptance of tank(s)by disposal or recycling facility. The holder of the permit with number noted above is responsible for insuring that this form is completed and returned. Section I - To be_filled out b_~ank remove! contractor: , Phone ~ection 2 - To~be filled out b_j[ contractor Tank "Deoontamina~lon" Contractor ..H F, H Sh. ip Service Cow,any ~tAILIN6 INSTRUCTIONS:' ~old in half and staple.' PostaEe label have already been affixed to outside for your convenience. Address 220 China ~sin Street , Phone ~ (.15} 5~3-.~5 San Francisc~ CAliforni,~ 9~107 _ Zip _.9~107 Authorized representative of contractor certifies by stgnin~ below that tank(s) have been deconta~inated in acco=dance eith Kern Cowry Health Departmen~ .:=Q. A. & $afet~:~ordinator  Title Section filled st~ned uthorlzed representative of the - -treatment,, sto__~.B~, or disposal facility ~aclllt7 Nase H ~ H Ship 5e~ice 'Company Address =~0' China ~s~ Stree~ ~_ _ Phone # (~l~) San Franc~?~ California .... zip 9~]0~ Date Tanks Received ~ __ No. of Tanks One.. and mulling (Form SXMMP-150 ) - AUG 24 '88 16:26 III6H SHIP SUC 415 543 TANK ,9~o'amentO, California UNIFORM HAZARDOUS t~.~1~', u~ EPA I0 No. ~, ~feat-- 'l 2. PIOe G~ato~3 ~e end ~ Ad.aaa { A. State M~telf ~ment ' j Qu~nt~ · Un. : WJ~Io No. US OCT Oel~Hptl~ (Inoluding~muer Shipp~ Name. ~am Cle~. aha ID N~m~er) NO. ~Ty,, ~ . ~/Vol , GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION; I hereDy declare that the contant~ Of this consignment ara fully and accurately aescriDeg auove~¥ intecnatlonal an~ nation~t govemmON regulatiOnS. ' ff am a large Quantity ~enerator, i Cent~ that { nave a ~rogram ,n place ,0 re~uce t~e volu~e and :cAi:try ct waste gener~,9~ :u detormi~ Io bo economically practicaele and that J have aolecto~ the practicaOlO method of ~reatmenJ ~lo~age, or :~o~ob~. :u~ren0y me which minimizes the oresent aha future t~reat to human health an~ the environme~t~ 0R, if I am a s~ll :uantity ~enerator.; nave faith etlon to minimize my waste generation and select ~ oes~ waste managemem methoa that i~ av~i~ele ~o ,~e ~n~ that I can 17. Tra~;a0~e/1 AcknoWje~g~ent Of Rec'eipl ol Materi~la / - -- - z .... 18. T~n~er 2 A~no~edg~a~l of Re~t, ~( Matene~ ~ '/~ - , .... , Printea/Typ~ Name ] S~ature 20. ~8Cfl~ ~ner or Operal~o~ifi0ali~ Of r~ejgt ~f h~zaraou~ mat~flale covered ey tnle manife,t~t~em 19. ' .... Se). Peer,cue edmons are o~eolem TO ~. ~x 3~, Sacrame~, CA 9~812 ~. 2700 M Street B~kersfield. California Mailing AddreM: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3638 RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTI~IL~. ENVIRONMENTAl. HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M HM)M~on, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard August 18, 1988 Larry Johntcan County of Kern Maintenance Division 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Soil Contamination detected beneath the 1000 gallon diesel tank once located at 1430 K Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301. Dear Mr. Johnican: The laboratory results received on August 16, 1988, show soil contamination in the samples retrieved beneatb the 1000 gallon diesel tank once located at 1430 K Street~ in Bakersfield, California. To evaluate the extent of contamination present tn that area you must prepare a site characterization proposal. This department does not approve of any additional work in the area around the contamination either in defining the plume or providing a permanent cover at the site until the site characterization proposal is approved by this department. The department's outline for preparation' qf the. site characterization proposal is enclosed. It may be used as a guide in preparing the proposal to this department within 30 days. If you have any questions, please call me-at (805) 861-3636. Stnc_~rely, _ ,.. Environmental Health ~Oaltst Hazardous Materials Management Program Environmental Health Division AG:dr DISTRICT OFFICES Oelano Lamont . Lake Isabella . Molave . RId~3ecres! . Sh~ffm' ?,~+ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT NA~OF INDIVIDUA~ F~NG R~T - - - a - PHONE * / / SI~/ ~ U~NO~ I~.1~,1 t ~ TANK~ST TANK REMOVAL ~ O~" ~TE ~HAR~BE~N ~ ~ M~OD ~ED ~ STOP D~HAR~ (CHECK ~ ~T Mi Mi o~ ol Y~ YI' '~UN~O' ~MOVE~N~NTS ~ RE~ET.K ~~T.K ~ ~' ~"ARG' .EEN S. OPPE. ?_ ~UR~ YES : . ,FYES. DA.oF .ISCHARGE ~ g'~'~ ~~'~MAT. RI.~ O.ER .PAIR T.K ~ R.PA/RP..cAUSE(S) ~ PIPINGL~ AGE - V~. YRS ~,~EL UNDERMINED ~' ~ILONLY ~ GROUNDWA~R ~ DRINKINGWA~R - (CHECKONLYIFWA~R~LSHAVEA~LYB~NAF~C~D) ~E~ ONE ONLY _ ~cz ~PROPR~A~ ~T~N(S) (SEE B~K FOR ~ C~SI~(C~ ~ ~VA~&DB~E(ED) ~ REMO~FR~PROD~T(FP) ~ EN~EDg~ATION(I~ ~ ~NTAINMENTBARRIER(~) ~ ~VA~&T~AT(~ ~ PUMP&TR~TGROUNDWA~R(G~ ~ RE~ESUP~Y(RS) ~ TR~ENTATH~P(H~ , ~ NOACTIONREQUI~D(NA) ~ O~ER(O~ KERN ENOikflNP4ENT I. SER A Division of Kern Backhoe Service, Inc. Con~ Uc. #432372 August 12th, 1988 LARRY JOHNICAN County of Kern Maintenance Division RE: Underground Fuel Tank Removal- 1430 "K" St. Dear Mr. Jo*hnican, Attached you will find the analytical report, from B.C. Laboratories, on the soil~samples collected immediately upon removal of the underground/fuel tank at 1430 "K" St. on August 9th, 1988. '. As you will note.upon review of ~his.report, there are high concentrations noted on both the '."Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon" and on the "Oil.~nd Grease"'~teSts. A copy of this report will .be forwarded to Ms. Amy Green, with the Kern County Health'Department - Division of Environmental Health. You may wish to' contact her at your convenience to determine your next course of action. K.E.S. looks forward to assisting you on the completion of this project. If you have any questions regardfng this lab report, or on sevices we are prepared to provide, please contact me at (805) 589-5220. CP;op Sincerely, REDDING DIVISION: CORPORATE ADDRESS: 3675 Charlanne, Suite A. Redding. California 96002 · (916) 223-4214 Post Office Box 5337, Bakersfield. California 93388 · (805) 589-5220 AGflI£H~ TUBE LABORATORIES, In(::. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydrocarbons (S0IL) Kern Environmental Service P. O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93388 Attention:Chris Payne Lab, No.: 5827-1 Sample Desc.: Project #E-216 "K" Street ~2-2' beneath tank @1430 Date of Report: 09-Aug-88 Permit ~A744-06 DATE SAMPLE · COLLECTED: 04-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @: LAB: 04-Aug-88 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 09-Aug-88 Minimum .. "Reporting Level Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Toluene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g .None Detected O. 10 o-Xylene, ug/g None Detected O. 10 Isopropyl benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 27254.00 10.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 27254.00 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.'' T.P.H. for Diesel (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis . Corm~nts: OIL & GREASE, mg/k'~i' ...{4083., PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of petroleum hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel st~n~.~ outlinod ~ t.~ California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents Sl:~2i£ic2tll¥ de£inod on this r~port. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all constituents on this report. Robert Plaisance Chemist C#£MICA~ A~VAZ )'SIS LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIIq, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 93308 Petroleum Nydrocarbo~s (SOIL) Kern Environmental Service P. O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93388 Attention :Chris Payne Date of Report 09-Aug-88 Lab No.: 5827-2 ',~rrgl~. De~c.: Project $E-216 "K" Street ~6-6' beneath tank @I440 Permit $A744-06 DATE SAMPLE COLLEUFED: 04-Aug-88 Reporting Constituent Units DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 04-Aug-88 Analysis' Results DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 09-Aug-86 Minimmm Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl benzene ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Total Pet~ TEST METHOD: California State D, O.H. S, (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis Collmlents: OIL & GREASE, mg/kg: 3554.00 3554. O0 3463. for Diesel 10.00 0.10 PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of petroleum hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel standard. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all constib~ents on this report. PHONE 327-4911 Robert Plaisance Chemist · ct nin~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD I'Job number Sampler |s) Analyses required D&te ~ampled Sample description Signature · Relinquis~ by Received by Relinquished by , "- · - Received lay -..... .... Date Time RECEIVED I'N' COUNTY OF .. .K.E~N ENUIRi~NMENTRI, SERU:t:E. Post Office Box 5337, Bakersfield. California 93388 'e'~-805'}-589':5220 In Calil'ornia · (800) 332-5376 A Division of Kern Backhoe Service, Inc. Contr. LIC. #432372 .August 12~h, 1988 AMY GREEN Kern County Health Department Division of Environmental Health 2700 "M" St. 3rd Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 RE: 1430 "K" St. Tank Removal - Permit ~ A744-06 Dear Amy, Attached you will find copies of the lab report samples collected at the "K" St. site, As you will there are high concentrations on both the "Total Pe Hydrocarbons" and on the "Oil and. Grease" portions analysis. The BTX analysis showed no der concentrations. I have notified Mr. Larry Johnican, with Kern Public Works. He is the contact person for this proj you wish to discuss these results with him, you can re at 861-2611. In my letter to him, I suggested that he you to determine his next course of action. If you have any questions regarding this lab rep this project, please contact me at 589-5220. Sincerely, Cg{~STOP-H-~R/~AYNE ,- F i~Fld Sup e: CP;cp REDDING DIVISION: ' 3675 Charlanne, Suite A, Redding, California 96002 ~, (916i -~ CORPORATE ADDRESS: Post Office Box 5337, Bakersfield, California 93388 ,, (805) 5 In California · (8001 332~5376 AGtrI/CL// I'UfI£ £ti£1~1/£A/ ,4~A/ Y$/$ ?£ Ttrlo/£L/M LABORATORIES, IrqC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGi~. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Fetrole,mm Hydrocarbons (SOIL) Kern Environmental Service P. O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93388 Attention: Chris Payne Date of Report: 09-Aug-88 Lab.No.: 5827-1 S~r~le Desc.: Project #E-216 "K" Street ~2-2' beneath tank @1430 Permit ~A744-06 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 04-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 04-Aug-88 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results DATE ANALYSIS ODL~LETgD: 09-Aug-88 Minimum Level Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Toluene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. lO m-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Isopropyl benzene ,zg/g None Detected O. lO Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 27254. O0 10. O0 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 27254:O0 O. lO TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. (Carh~,n Disulfide Extraction) for Diesel Dry Matter Basis Co~nts: OIL & GREASE, mg/kg: 4083. PETROLEUM HYDt~CARBONS: ~antification of petrole~nhydrc~arbor~ utilizing a diesel standard. As outlined by the C~alifornia D.O.H.S. These petrole~, hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TCIFAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum ~tal of all constiO~ents on t?~s report. Robert Plaisance Che~rAst AG~II£1JI I'U,gE ,oE ?~90t EUM LABORATORIES, Int.. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGI~. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydrocarbons (.SOIL) Kern Environmental Service P. O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93388 Attention: Chris Payne Date of Report: 09-Aug-88 Lab No.: 5827-2 .S:~rr,l:,'l~. I.~.~,-:.: Proj.~t ~E-216 "K" Street ~6-6' beneath tank @1440 Pe~it ¢A744-06 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 04-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 04-Aug-88 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results DATE ANALYSIS · COMPLETED: 09-Aug-88 Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Toluene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 p-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected O. lO m-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected O. 10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Isopropyl benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 3554. O0 10. O0 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 3554. O0 O. 10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis Conm~ents: · OIL & GREASE, mg/kg: 3463. PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Q~antification of petrole,~n hyd~arbor~s utilizing a diesel standard. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petrole,~m hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEI~ HYDRf~ARBONS: The s~. total of all constiO~ent~ on this report. · ~o~rt Plaisance Chemist ama CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Job number Simple, Is| Analyses required Oale ' Time tampled ~impled Sample descr;ption Nu~nlber Remork$ s~ Signalure Relinquished ,by -- ~ Received by ." Relinqulshe~ by . ' Received by SAMplES RECEIVED IN COUNTY OF' ... .KERN ENLIlRDNMENThl, Posl Office Box 5337. Bakersfield. California 93388 e~805) 5~9-5220 In California · (800) 332-5376' ,~ LRN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM 2700 M Street HEALTH OFFICER · Bakersfield, California ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Hebertsc~, M.D. Mailing Address: .." 1415 Truxtun Avenue '" DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon PI~NIT FOR PF_.,RNANENT CLOSURE Envi~o~ent~i' License No. 4323~2 Phone t(805} 861-2301 Phone t(805} ·589-5220 PE~IT FOR CLOSURE 0F PE~IT EXPIRES October 25, 1988 .... 1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE _ July 25~ 1988 ~, ~ LOCATION. . ' APPROVED BY ~~!~ ~. ~._~~. ..................... POST ON PRENISES. v ..... ~ ........... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW':. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiating closure action. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handout #UT-30. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center o-f the tank at dept~s of approximately two feet and six feet. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approxtmate.lY..two feet and slx feet for every 15 linear feet .of pipe run and'also near the dispenser area(s). Ail samples must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons and benzene. If any contracto~ other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. DISTRICT OFFICES Delano · Lamont · Lake Isabella · Moiave · Ridaecrest · Shafter.e Taft PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A744-'06 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM -.~ ':' :' -' "' :'~;~"' SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 8. Couies o~ "'~ransport~tion mani~es~s must be submitted to Departmen~ within five days o~ wasLe disposal. , ..... .' -, ~, , ,, ,;' .... ~..=~,.'c...._ .~.,,.'.-:.'=-,,'.: .... , ~ =-:,~'"::~,;.~,'~'~'~c'".'~,,' 9.. Ail appl'lcable s~ate laws ,for hazardous waste disposal, '. '-,.treatment 'aus~ be adhered to. -:The Kern County Health Depar~aen~ ~must notified before moving and/or disposing of any con~aminated soil. lO'. Perml~ee is responsible ~or making sure that-,~ank disposition ;tracking ' .,.... record" .issued .with .this permit :is properly filled Out ~nd returned 'wi. thin 11.' Advise 'this ' office of ~he '~ime and date ,o~ .'the 'proposed .s~aplin~ hours advance notice. ~','~"'" ';.'" ,: ' " - ""~ "' 12. Results must ~e submitted to this office within three days of analy~is ACCEPTED BY_ DATE KERN ENtY N tENT I SERUI A Division of Kern Backhoe Service, Inc. . .' Contr. £ic. #452372 'January 19, 1989 Mr. Bill Schiede KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT UNDERGROUND TANK~DIVISION 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 95501 1989 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT~-' Re: Addendum - Site CharaCterization Work Plan - Tank Removal Permit No. A744-1~ Gentlemen ~ .~ i As discussed in our last phone 'Conversation~ 'Kern Environmental Service collected two additional samples from the Kern County property located at 14JO "K" St.~Bakersfield, California. The first sample was collected five (5) feet west of borehole "B-2",. at a depth of five (5) feet and resulted in 3i2 mg/kg(B.C. Labs #9481-1~ attached. ) The second sample was collected five (5) feet east of "B-2", also at a depth of five (5) feet. (B.C. Labs #9481-2, attached.) These samples were analyzed for "Oil and Grease" only, to acertain the presence, or absence, of hydrocarbon contamination at a minimal cost. Upon completion of the requested analysis, it was noted that the sample five (5) feet west of "B-2", (Lab #9481-1), contained 512 .mg/kg "Oil and Grease" contamination. The sample five (5) feet east of "B-2", (Lab #948i-2), contained 941 mg/kg "Oil and Grease" contamination. At this time I contacted you and you requested additional analysis for lead on the sample of highest concentration, five (5) feet east of The analysis for lead on the above referenced sample resulted as "None Detected", Lab #948i-2 reported Jan i6, i989. These analytical results have been forwarded to Twining Laboratories to be included in their site characterization report. If you have any questions regarding this letter~ or this project, please call me at (805)589-5220. cc:Twining Laboratories Sincerely~ ~H~STOP~E~ ~AYNE, Fi~ Supervisor REDDING DIVISION: CORPORATE ADDRESS: 3675 Charlanne, Redding, California 96002 · (916) 223-4214 Post Office Box 5337, Bakersfield, California 93388 · (805) 589-5220 in California' · ~8r)¢ll K RN F. NUi NA,I N?J I..q RUl iT' A Division of Kern Backhoe Service, Inc. Contr. Uc. #432372 September 15, 1988 'KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Underground Tank Division 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield~ California 95501 ATTENTION: Ms. Amy Green REGARDING: Tank Removal Permit No. A744-O&, Site Characterization Work Plan. o The following is a proposed site characterization plan to be implemented at the Kern County facility, 1450 "K" Street, Bakersfield, California. The property is owned by the County of Kern. BACKGROUND On August 4, 1988, Kern Environmental Service commenced a tank removal ~ob at the above referenced facility. ~ ~ _._-_~-~-_~_~~=.~-~---~.~i~.-~_-_~, ~ ....... ~ ...... ~- ~ ~lgure I is a plan view of the site facility prior to removal activities. Laboratory results obtained from the preliminary assessment, and reported on August 9, 1988, show soil contamination in the samples retrieved below the tank. ~igure II is a summary of all laboratory results obtained to date. SITE HISTORY Currently this property is bare ground only. P~evious structure was demolished approximately four weeks prior to tank removal activities. Structure was unused for last three years and was used as a wine warehouse for approximately seven years prior to that. Further history is unavailable ~t this time~ although it is understood this facility was in place in the 1940's. As indicated on the tank removal permit application, the fuel storage and dispensing facilities have been in place approximately twent ~geolo of the site i~ REDDING DIVISION: CORPORATE ADDRESS: 3675 Charlanne, Suite A, Redding. California 96002 * (916) 223-4214 Post Office Box 5337, Bakersfield, California 93388 · .(805) 589-5220 In California · '(800) 332-5376 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT September 15~ 1988 Page 2 Attention: Ms. Amy Green PROPOSED SAMPLING Kern Environmental Service proposes to a minimum obtain o- - --~=-~=-~ ~--~---~ Proposed boring locations are ~es~gn~t~d--in. Figure 1. Samples will be obtained at five'(5) This depth is considered adequate due to the significant decrease in contaminant levels noted in the preliminary assessment, Figure II. Due to the small volume of the tank and the homogenous soil type it is felt the latteral extent of the plume will remain uniform relative of contamination. Therefore an imaginar focal pointloc~ated at ...... original ~ ..... "~ ~ ~ obtained ~ planned ~ Visible contamination is a judgement call that will be made in the field b ~ if extensive amounts of contaminants are visibly present~  It is proposed to conduct drilling .~ith a ~ ~~-'~ . ~' ~ The augers -act as contin~ousIy advancing steel casings preventing test holes from caving above the levels to be s~ ~. ~ ii ~~" !!~ ......... ~' ~ ~and driving it into undisturbed soils. The sampler will be equipped with brass liners designed to receive intact soil specimens. The sampler will be cleaned with distilled water prior to each sampling action. Clean liners will be placed inside the sampler.. Steam cleaning of~ the augers will also be performed prior to entering the site and'~between test holes to prevent cross contamination. KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT September 15, 1~88 Page 5 Attention: Ms. Amy Green The samples will be capped with aluminum foil~ then with pre~sure fitted plastic caps, and sealed with tape. Each of the samples will be labeled with an adhesive-backed label including boring designations depth of sample, and initials of the individual preparing 'the sample. All samples will be placed on ice in an insulated chest for preservation and transported to Twining'Laboratories~ in' Fresno, California. Only a portion of the samples retrieved may be analyzed initially. The remainder will be held at the laboratory recognizing proper preservation protocol. A Chain-of-Custody form will be prepared to record the name of individuals collecting, transferring, and analyzing the sample. Clean cuttings will be stored and used in the backfill LAB ANALYSIS Samples will be analyzed for total petroleum~ hydrocarbons, oil and grease, and benzene-toluene-xylene. ~l K.E.S. feels these parameters are adequate indicators for the~~O and/or absence of contaminants at this location. presence Laboratory results will be provided to the Kern County ~.~ Health Department within three (5) days of their receipt by Kern Environmental Service. K.E.S. will also notify the Kern County Health Department.twenty-four (24) hours prior to initiating drilling activities. ~-' CBP; cc:FRR Sincerely, ~RANK R. ROSENLIEB Environmental Engineer LABO ATO IF:S, Ir'lc. J. J. EGLIN. REG. CHEM. ENG".. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE327-4911 Petrole,mrJ Hydrccar?~ns { ~DI L ) Kern Environn~_ntat Service P. O. Box 5337 B~kersfield, CA 93388 Att~_ntion: Chris. Payne Date of ~eport: 09-Au.g-88 Lab' No.; 5827-1 S~r~le~Desc.: Project ~E-216 "K" Street ~2-2' beneath tank @1430 Pez~it ~A744-06 'DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 04-Aug-88 Reporting Constituent Units DATE SAMPLE RECEI¥~E) ~ LAB: 04-Aug-88 Analysis Results DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 09-Aug-88 Minim~ ' ~eporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene " ug/g m-Xylene u~/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopro=~yl benzene ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.i0 0.i0 0.10 0.i0 0.10 Pet.ro! e~mm Hydrocarbons i~/g ~ Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 27254.00 TEST ME]~OD: ~lifo~ia StaTM D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for ~iesel (Carkon Disulfide Extraction) 10.00 .0.i0 Dry Matter Basis C/~rr:~.nts: OIL & GREASE, rog/kg: 4083. PETROLEUM HYDgOCARBONS: ~antification of ~etrole~n .hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel standard. As outlined bM the C~lifornia D.O.H.S. These pe. trole~zr~ ~wdrc~arbons are in addition to the consti~J~ent$ specifically defined on t~is report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The s,~, total of all Constil~ents on tY~s rel~rt. Robert Pl~isance LABORATORIES, IFlO. · J.J. EGLIN. I~EG. CHEM. ENGR 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petrole~n Hydrocarlons (SOIL) Kern Environmental Service. P. O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93388 Attention: Chris Payne Date_ of Report: 09-Aug-88 Lab h,.,.: o8.'-?-2 '.-',.~.?..¥.!~.., 1;~..'-;,-.'.: Prc,,i~:t ~E-216 "K" Street ~6-6' ?~neath tar~ @1'440 Peri,it ~A744'06 DATE SAMPLE CYPLLECTED: 04-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE ~ECEIVED ~_ LAB: 04-Aug-88 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 09-Aug-88 Mini~, Reporting Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p- Xy lene ug/g None ' Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detec'*oed 0.10 o-Xylene u~/g None Detected 0. I0 Isopro~yl ~nzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydr~carbons ug/g ~ 10.00 Total Pet. Hydr~arbons ug/g 3554.00 0.10 TEST M~HOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (C~r%/m Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis C~n~nts: OIL & GREASE, rog/kg: 3463. PETROLEI.I~ HYDROCARBONS: Q~antification of tetrole,mn hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel standard. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. q%~ese tet~leum ~dr¢~ar~_~ns are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDR¢~At~BO. NS: 'The s~n total of all constituents on this rep-_~rt. Rot~rt Plaisance Chemi st July 22, 1988 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Division of Environmental Health 2700 "M" Street, 3rd Floor Bakersfield, California 93305 ATTENTION: Amy Green .REGARDING: Tank Removal Permit for 1430 "K" Street Gentlemen: '~ Pursuant to our telephone conversation earlier today, Kern Environ- mental Service will collect four samples as required by UT-30. Samples collected will be transported, under Chain of Custody,~to B. C. Laboratories. Analysis shall include total petroleum hydrocarbons (oil and grease) and benzene, also as required by UT-30. It is our understanding that the tank in question has only contained diesel fuel. If you have any further.question, please contact me at (805) 589-5220. SincerelY, KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE, a division of Kern Backhoe Service, Inc. CP:ja CHRISTOPHER PAYNE, Field Supervisor REDDING DIVISION: CORPORATE ADDRESS: 3675 Charlanne, Suite A, Redding, California 96002 · (916) 223-4214 Post Office Box 5337, Bakersfield, California 93388 · (805) 589-5220 In California · (800) 332-5376 , ~RN COUNTY llEALTII DSPAETMDNT IVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IIEALTll : ]*00 PLOJ~ER 8TREET, DAKEflSPIELD, CA ~.330B 801-3830 TIIIE APPLICATION 19 FOR LENOT!! OP PIPINO TO ABANDON APPI'-T CATT ON FOIl PI~IRM'r T FOR P~--~I~NT CI"OSURIg/ABANDONIVtENT 01~' UNDIgRGROUND I'IAZ ~l~ O U S SUB S T~I,.~C ~E S STOBG.I~ ~'ACT L'T TY OREMOVAL. OR OABAHDONMENT IN PLACE (FILL OUT ONE APPLICATION PER FACILITY) CllEHICAL COMPOEITION OF F~ATERIALS STORED ,AH K. VOLUME CIIF~qICAL TO,ED(NON-CONJ4E~CXAL. HAJU{) ,, DATES STORED ~-~,j~ ~ T0~,~ TO TO TO CHEMICAL PP,~VIOUELY STORED ~ATIiR TO P~CILITY PROVIDED BY IDEPTII .TO OROUNDNATER HR~RS~Ta~ WELL - oIV~ DIST~C~ ~ D~SCRIB~ TYPE IF ,iTDZN ~0o F~aT ~8olh TYPE AT FACILITY DESCRIBE BOW RESIDUE IH TAHK(S) AHD PiPiNG lB TO SE RE'lOVED AND DISPOSED DESCRIBE BOTU TIlE DISPOSAL RBTilOD ~D~OSAL LOC~iO~ FO~ ' ~IPI~O · · p~EASB PROVIDE IHFO~TIOH REQUESTED OH REVERSE SID~ O~ Tills SLIEST BEFORE SUBMI~{H0 APPLICATION FO~ REVIKH Tills FORM IIA9 DEER COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AHD TO TIlE BEST OF l~ RNOWLEDGE Iii TRUE AND CORRECT. PROVIDE DRAWING OF PHYS-u~ LAYOUT OF FACILITY USING SP ..OVIDED ALL OF THE FOIJ_(Y~ING .INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED: TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS PROPOSED SAMPLING L~TIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL "~)" NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION ANY WATER WEII.q OR SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY