HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-11/01/90FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY SENSITIVITY: . . Activity, Date # Of Tanks Comments UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAUINATiON SITE REPORT NAME O~ INDIVIDUAL FILI~ ~RT PHONE ~ SIGNA~ :. LYDIA V. VON SYD0W (80~ ~61-3636~ ..... 2700 "H" S'T., STD. 300, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~E~ ~ ~A~ [NVESTER~S THRIFT ~w. JOE ZUHWALT ( ) 'U::-;:~ .~:; 2602 STREE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 .... ,, ' F~LIW N~E (IF APPLIC~ ~ OPE~TOR . P~NE , I SPEEDY CATERING ~ ( )'~ ~ A~CY ~CY ~E ~NTACT PER~N P~NE ..... KERN CO. ENV HEALTH SERV 'DEPT LYDIA V VON SYDON (805 CENTRAL VALLEY ( ) (1) NAME QU~T~ LOST (G~LONS) GASOLINE ~DI~RED Y ~WOI~D ~ IN~O~ROL ~ SU~URF~EMONITORaG ~ ~I~E~NDITDNS ~UR~ oF OI~.ARGE c~s~(s) ~ T~K~ ~ UN~O~ ~ OVERF~ ~ RUP~R~AILURE ~ SPI~ ~E~ ONE ONLY ~ UNDerMINED ~ ~ILONLY ~ GROU~WA~R ~ DRINKINGWA~R-(ONEOKONLYIFWA~LSNAVEA~YBEENA~EO~D) ~E~ ONE ONLY ~ NOA~ONTA"N ~ L~I~IRMED ~ PR~N~A~SI~E~ME~UNDERWAY ~ ~ST~NUPMONffORINGINP~G~ ~ REMEDIA~ON ~ ~ CA~ ~ED (C~UP ~MP~D OR UNNECE~AR~ ~ ~P UNDERWAY CHE~PROPRIA~TION(S) ~ ~CAVA~&DISPOSE(ED) ~ REMO~EP~CT(F~ ~ ~CEDBD~GR~ATION(I~ ~ ~NTAI~ENTBARRIER(CB) ~ ~T~NREQUIRED(NA) ~ T~A~ENTAT~O~P(HU) ~ ~NT~.IL~S) RANDALL L. ABBOT]. DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE [] ASSISTANT DIRECTOR I OURCE MANAGEMENT ENC¥ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTM SERVICES DEPARTMENT November 10 1990 Emvi~onmemai Health Ses, vices Department STEVE McCA! ! I:y, REHS, DIRECTOR Ab' Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Ptannin~ & Developmem Sen~:e~ De~'tmem TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR Joe Zumwalt Investor's Thrift P. O. Box 365 ....... Bakersfield,.CA__93302 ..... : ..................... --.--~ ...... ~ SUBJECT': Location : 315 Lake Street,. Known As : Speedy Catering Permit # : 140001 .Bakersfield, CA Dear Zumwalt: ~ This letter confirms the completion of Site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is theposition of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve youof the responsibility to clean up existing,'additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwisepose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the p~esent or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is.the property owner's responsibility to notify, this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or Site usage. If you have any questionsregarding this matter, please contact joe Canas at (805) 861-3636, Extension 588. Environmental Health Specialist IV Hazardous Materials Management Program CB:JO:cas \140001.clt. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 ,BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 WATER RESOUREs CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY UST CLEANUP PROGRAM SITE SPECIFIC QUARTERLY. REPORT CONTRACTOR NO: SITE NO: SITE NAME: 15000 140001 SOURCE OF FUNDS: FEDERAL EXEMPT: SPEEDY CATERING ADDRESS: 315 LAKE STREET L SUBSTANCE: 8006619 N PETROLEUM:,' Y JOE ZUMWALT INVESTER'S THRIFT REMEDIAL ACTIONS TAKEN: NA RESPONSIBLE PARTY SPECIALIST: 6 SENSITIVITY: NES~ CONTACT NAME: COMPANY NAME: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 RP SEARCH: S PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT: C REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION: C REMEDIAL ACTION: POST REMEDIAL ACTION MONITORING: N ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN: N RAP REQUIRED: CASE CLOSED: Y DATE EXCAVATION STARTED: CATEGORY: SITE STATUS CONTRACT STATUS: 9 EMERGENCY RESPONSE: DATE UNDERWAY: 06/07/89 DATE UNDERWAY: 05/31/89 DATE COMPLETED: 06/07/89 DATE COMPLETED: 06/08/89 DATE UNDERWAY: 07/31/89 DATE COMPLETED: 09/29/89 DATE.UNDERWAY: '11/09/89 DATE UNDERWAY: /. / TYPE: DATE COMPLETED: 10/18/9~ DATE COMPLETED: DATE TAKEN: DATE APPROVED: · DATE CLOSED: 11/01/90 ADDRESS: 2602 "F"STREET ..................... VERi~'iED"'(X) .................. ,' CITY/STATE: BAKERSFIELD,i CA 93301 ABANDONMENT #: A924-14 DATE OF REPORT: 11/05/90 LEAK REPORT: Y CASE TYPE: S - CITY/ZIP: 'DATE CONFIRMED: 06/07/89 DATE REPORTED: 06/07/89 October ~ 5400 ALD~IN CT. groundwater inc. resources ~/.~-~$ 24 m~.~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 //~n~-- ilk '%-~,~, General En~ineerin~ Contractor . /~v ~". Class ~H~z License No. 520768 Kern County Neal~h Depar~men~ D~v~on of Environmental Health B~ker~f~eld, CA B3301 Investor's .Thrift ._' .................................... SDeedy. Catering 315 Lake Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Canas, Enclosed please find the Remedial Action Plan for Investor's Thrift dated October 18, 1990. If you should have any questions or require further information, please contact me at (805)835-7700. Sincerely, GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. Dale A. Johnson Registered Geologist ~t4864 DAJ:tdc MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 LOS ANGELES,(213) 724-3147 (B05) 835-7700 grouhdwater resources inc. 5400 ALDRIN CT. BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93313 General Engineering Contr~actor Class A/Haz License No. 520768 ~. INVESTOR'S THRIFT · Speedy Catering ........... .......................................................................................... 315 Lake Street t Bakersfield, California I~ REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN .: October 18, 1990 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 LOS ANGELES (213) 724-3147 (805) 835-7700 INVESTOR'S THRIFT Speedy Catering 315 Lake Street Bakersfield, California REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN October 18, 1990 1.0 2.0 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND TABLE OF CONTENTS' 3.0 FINDINGS 5.0 DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 6.0 REMEDIATION ALTERNATIVE 6.1 No Action Alternatives 6.2 Excavation and Bioremcdiation of Soil 6.3 Excavation and Aeration of Soil 7.0 8.0 REFERENCES COSTS OF REMEDIATION 7.1 No Action 7.2 Excavation and Bioremediation 7.3 Excavation and Aeration 9.0 LIMITATIONS ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1 Location Map Plate 2 Plot Plan APPENDICES Appendix A Chain of Custody and Laboratory Results Appendix B 4.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY INVESTOR'S THRIFT 1.0 INTRODUCTION Groundwater Resources Inc. (GRI), a RESNA Industries company, has been requested to review the boring logs, laboratory soil analysis, and assessment report for the former Speedy Catering site located. at 315 Lake Street iffBakersfield, Calii~omia~ '.The followMg is a dis~iission of the previous assessment work; and GRI's recommendation of three (3) remedial action options per the requirements of Kern County's Department of Environmental Health Services Handbook UT-35. _. 2.0 BACKGROUND In May 1989, a 10,000 gallon underground gasoline fuel storage tank was remove from the Speedy Catering Site located at 315 Lake Street (see Plate 1). Contaminated soil was detected at the site during the removal and four (4) assessment borings were advanced (see Plate 2) to assess the lateral and- vertical extent of the contamination plume. 3.0 FINDINGS Soil samples taken from boreholes were analyzed Using EPA Method 8010/8020 for benzene, toluene~ xylene, and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) and EPA Method 418.1 for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in gasoline. Complete laboratory results are in Appendix A (attached) and summarize, c[ below: OCTOBER 18, 1990/Page 1 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. INVESTOR'S THRIFT 4.0 GEOLOGY ANDHYDROGEOLOGY This site is located within the modem Kern River alluvial fan complex. River sand and overbank clays and silts of the fan onlap and_.w_~dge,pu~ twp.._._:(.2)_miles t~__t)__..e.?orflaeast onto Plio-Pleistocene~non~ marine coarse alluvium which makes up the lOw rolling hills northeast of BakersfieldL The sediments penetrated by the borehole are characterized by river channel sands and overbank clays and silts. There is only a relatively small mount of stratigraphic variation in texture in all four (4) of the. boreholes. KeTM County Water Agency reported the depth to unconfined groundwater in the Spring of 1990 to ~.-be-130 feet below-ground-level at. this. site_2._. 5.0 DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Based on the information available, it was determined that two distinct contamination plumes exists under the former tank site (see Plate 2). The northern-most plume (approximately 150 cubic yards) was probably the result of spillage during dispensing and fillup. The southern-most plume (approximately 50 cubic yards) was the result of corrosion to the steel tank. Both plumes are assumed to be cylindrical in plan view. 6.0 REMEDIATION ALTERATIVE In review of the data obtained from the borings, laboratory results, and repons the following three (3) alternatives are considered in the final closure of this site.' 6.i No Action Alternatives No short term threat to air, soil, surface waters, or to bioreceptors exist at this site because of the presence of the gasoline plumes in their present state. The 4-inch thick asphalt seal overlying the plumes have negated the diffusion of the gasoline plumes to the surface. This site does not meet all of the sCreening criteria in Tables 2-1, 2-2, and 2-4 of the LUFT Manual (4) for a general risk appraisal (see Appendix B). The toluene, xylene, and ethyl-benzene ~oncentration reported in Boring B-3 exceeds the maximum allowable level on the Environmental Fate Worksheet (Table 2-4). However, the long term health risk to air, soil, surface waters, and bioreceptors would be extremely low based on the surface coverage of the 4-inch thick asphalt cover. It cannot be' determined, from the data available, whether the local groundwater would be impacted from the downward migrations of any hydrocarbons contained in the gasoline plumes approximately 110 feet above it. Therefore, the short and long term risk to the local groundwater cannot be -determined at thistime..Howe~er, the 4dnch thickasphalt cover_would prevent.percolation of surface water throUgh the gasoline plumes to the local groundwater. OCTOBER 18, 1990/Page 2 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. INVESTOR'S THRIFT 6:2 EXcavation and Bioremediation of Soil With this remediation alternative, the contaminated soil would be excavated and treated on-site u_ri!~zing the bioremediati°n techniques described below. The excavated soil would be spread on' Plastic' in dimensions not to exceed 0.5 feet in depth."The soil should be bermed to control run-- off, and fenced to prevent unauthorized entry. The soil should be treated with nutrient fertilizers and bacterial Cultures that are specially adapted to degrade heavy petroleum hydrocarbons. The soil must be regularly turned and watered to promote bacterial growth. The area should be covered with pla~stic during periods of heavy precipitation. Verification samples should be collected and analyzed on a regular basis to determine the clean-up progress. The excavatiofl should be backffil!ed with clean fill material and the site restored to its original condition. The short term health risk for this altematix~e spraying the soil with water as it is excavated from the site. The soil should be treated until the samples collected verify that the hydrocarbons are below levels set by the Kern 'County Department of Environmental Health. The' short term health risk for this alternative would be from the dust produced during the excavation operation. This risk can be mitigated by spraying the soil with water as it is excavated from the site. The soil should be treated until the samples collected verify that the hydrocarbons are below levels set by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health. 6.3 Excavation and Aeration of Soil With this remediation alternative, the contaminated soil would be excavated and stock piled on-site. A composite soil sample should be collected and analyzed for BTX&E and TPH gasoline. Based on the laboratory results, the contaminated soil should be spread on site in dimensions not to exceed 0.5 feet in depth as per the guidelineS set forth in Regulation 8, Rule 40 published by the Kern County Department of Envixonmental Health. The soil should be bermed to control run-off, and fenced to prevent· unauthorized entry. The soil must be regularly turned to promote aeration of. the hydrocarbon compounds. The area should be covered with plastic during periods of heavy precipitation. Verification samples should be collected and analyzed on a regular basis to determine the aeration Progress. The excavation should be backfilled with clean fill material and the site restored to its original condition. The short term health risk for this alternative would be from the dust produced during the excavation operation. This risk can be mitigated by spraying the soil with water as it is excavated from the site. The soil should be treated until the samples collected verify that .the hydrocarbons are below' levels set by the Kern County Department of Environmental Health. It is recOmmended that the soil at this site be allowed to degrade through the natural biodegradation processes presented in Section 6.1. This alternative presents a cost effective method of cleanup with minimal risk to the public health and the environment. OCTOBER 18, 1990/Page 3 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. INVESTOR'S THRIFT 7.0 COSTS OF REMEDIATION 7.1 No Action - The cost that could be expected with the ':No Action;' alternative would be limited to restoring the asphalt removed during tank removal. This work has already been completed, with no further costs anticipated. ,, 7.2 ExcavatiOn and Bioremediation '. With this remediadon alternative, the cost for excavation and treatment of the soil is estimated to be $25,000.00. This price neither includes the cost to restore the site with asphalt nor the 'cost'to provide shoring'that may be required for the adjacent building~ 7.3 Excavation 'and Aeration The cost of this remediation alternative is estimated to be $20,000.00. This price. .neither includes the cost to restore the site with asphalt nor the. cost to provide shoring that may be required for the adjacent building. 8.0 REFERENCES 1. State of California Division of Mines and Geology.. 1965. "Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet". Ferry Building, San Francisco, California. 2. Kern County Water Agency. "Water Supply Report". Plate 4} April 1990. 3. USPEA. 1988. "Cleanup of Releases from Petroleum USTs: Selected Technologies". 4. "Leaking UndergrOund Fuel Tank Field Manual", Oct. 1989. State of California, Water Resources Control Board, Leaking' Underground Fuel Tank Task Force. 9.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Investor's Thrift as it' relates to the property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: - The test borings performed 'at the site. - Previous soil sample analysis provided to GRI. ,- The observations of field personnel. - The results of laboratory tests performed by BC Laboratory, Bakersfield, California. - Our understanding of the regulations of Kern County and the California Regional Water ........ .~Quality Control Board:- OCTOBER 18, 1990/Page 4 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. INVESTOR'S THRIFT Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this report. _Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions fqund occur, with time due to variations temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of which could effect this report.. The services performed by GRI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels, of care and skill Ordinarily exercised by professionals cun'enfly practicing under similar conditions in C~!ifomia. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this report. GRI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No .other. warranty- expressed or implied, .is .made.. ....................................... ................... Respectfully Submitted, GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. Dale A. Johnson, R. G. ~864 ~I6n. P. Fitch Manger of Technical Services General Manager OCTOBER 18, 1990/Page 5 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. ! 000* FOUR groundwater resources, inc. envioronmental/geotechnical services SPEEDY CATERING 315 Lake Street Bakersfield, California LOCATION"MAP PLATE 1 alley to Lake Street N I to Inyo Street telephone ~!i~!:::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::~!iiii!¥!i!~!~i!!!!~!~!~!~!~!~!!~!~::i~i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :n:::: :.:.:,: :+:.:.:.:,:.:.:. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:!:~:~:~:i:~:i:i:~:i:~:i:i:!:~:i:i:!:!:~:!:~:~:~:~:i:~:~:~:~:~: ================================================================ water main transmission lines groundwater resources, inc. environmental/gem~cii~ical services SPEEDY CATERING 315 Lake Street Bakersfield, California PLOT PLAN PLATE 2 APPENDIX A Chain-of Custody and Laboratory Analysis ENYIRONI~ENT,4L ¢1iE¥1C41. ANALYS~S LABORATORIES, INC. · J.J. EGMN, REG; CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 (SOIL) Earth Systems Environmental 170-A Granada S~ San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Attention: Date of Report: ll-Sep-89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 05-Sep-89 Constituent Units Benzene ug/g " 9.67 Toluene ug/g 220.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 62.00 ~Xylene ug/g 92.20 m-Xylene ug/g 216.04 · o-Xylene ug/g 133.54 Total Petroleum Hyd carbm DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 05-Sep-89 Analysis Reporting Results Level 3070.94 5.00 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 07-Sep-89 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA met?~d 8020. Dry Matter Basis California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 n '~i-~ Sample Desc: ~ES-0169-BBi S~cdy Catering 315 Lake' St Bakersfield [: Boring 3 @ 20' S4 9/05/89 @ 11:30 AM £NVIRONIIENT'AL CNE~IC4L ANALYSIS PETROL£UI/ J $ Ep N $188~ LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGHN, FIEG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics " '- (SOIL) ........... ' Earth Systems Environmental Date of 2323 E St RePOrt: 19-Sep-89 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Myke Lane ~,:, ~: ?~.~_., .......... Bo~i~ 3 @ 25' ,~5' 9/05/89 @ 12:00~ DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 05-Sep-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @' LAB: 14-Sep-89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPS: 16-Sep-89 Minimum Reporting Analysis RePOrting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 28.62 0.02 TolUene ug/g 457.29 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 113.38 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 159.27 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g 369.20 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g '223.09 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons · ug/g 5621.81 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for g~-soline by D.O.H~$..L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis I California D.O.H.S Cert. ~102 i~''' E~IVIRONI, IENTAL r CHF. I/IC4L ANALYSI~ i. PETROLEUM LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 . PHONE 327-4911 (SOIL) Earth Systems Environmental 170-A Granada St San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 A%tention: Date of Report: ll-Sep-89 Sample Desc: 'flES-0169-BB1 S~cdy Catering 315 Lake St Bakersfield Boring 3 @ 30' S6 9/05/89 '@ 12:30 PM DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 05-Sep-89 DATE SAMPLE RFL~ @ LAB: 05-Sep-89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 08-Sep-89 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02. Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected ~ 0.02 m-Xytene ug/g none detected .0.02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by .EPA method 8020. Dry M~tter Basis California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 _ ' ElfVIRONI,~FJfTAL CHEI~IC4L ANALYSIS PETROLEU~I LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4i00 PIERCE RD' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 P~rgeable Aromatics Earth Systems Environmental. Date of 170-A Granada St Report: ll-Sep-89 San Luis ObisPo, CA 93406 Attention: '." Lab No.: 6994-5' ~oring 3 @ 35' S7 9/05/89 @ 12i 45 PM DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS 05-Sep-89 05-Sep-89 0?-Sep-89 MLu~m Report'.z~g Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 P-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected '5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dzy Matter Basis California' D. O.H.S. Cert. ~i02 !, i - ENVIRONAtFJ~T~4L i CXERICAL AI~LI'~IS i~ETROLEUR I LABORATORIES, INO. Earth Systems Environmental 170-A Granada St San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Attention: Lab Noo: Sample Desc: DATE SAMPLE CO~: 05-Sep-89 BerAzene Toluene Ethyl .Benzene p-Xylene o-X~lene Total Petroleum J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Purgeable -AromatiCs .......... (SOIL). -- --~ PHONE 3274911 Report: ll-Sep-89 6994-6 ~ESr0169'BB1 S~cdy-Catering ---3iS--Lake - St ~ Bakers fie-l~d Boring 3 @ 40' S8 9/05/89 @ 1:00 PM DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 07 -Sep-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ LAB: 05-Sep-89 Min. im. zm Reporting Analysis Reporting 'Units Results Level ug/g none detected ug/g none detected -ug/g none detected ug/g none detected ug/g none detected ug/g none detected 0.02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 0.02 ug/g none detected TEST ~H~D: T~H for rg~Solille by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA met~ 8020. Dry Matter Basis . 5.00 California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 APPENDIX B ............ ' ........................ ~Leaching Potential-Analysis · o ' Table 2-1 . Leaching Potential Analysis for Gasoline Toluene, Xylene and Ethylbenzene (BTm&E) and Benz ene, ollowin table was designed to permit estimating the concentrat~.''~ The f g · ..... ~ ;- ~=~e without threatening o= ~n=~u ~ ~..- ............. ~ ---centrations-'were-derlve~ water. Th ........ 4_~_ ~=~ories of low, medium or 1-aching potential. TO use .~ne c~=, ~, . ¢= = .... -~ - . core each feature using the we~ghtlng.s~s~a~. zor each of the .features_ _S ....... :-~- ~- each column an~ ~o~al shown at the top of e~ch ~o~um~. ~u~_. ~.~u%~E and TPH levels. them~ Match the total points =o un= =~u,=~ ~ ................................ · ......................... .... S ........ SCORE ........ ;-S ......... SCORE SZTE ¢ 10 PTS ¢ 9 PTS ¢ 5 PTS 0 IF CON- O IF CON- 0 IF CON- FEATURE R DITION ' R DITION R DITION E IS MET E IS MET E IS MET Minimum Depth to >100 51-100 25-50~ Ground Water from the Soil Sample (feet) Fractures in subsurface None Unknown Pres.ent (applies to foothills ~O or mountain areas) Average Annual <10 10-25 26-40~ Precipitation (inches) Man-made conduits which None Unknown Present increase vertical lO ' migration of leachate Unique site features: None fl At least More recharge area, coarse one than one soil, nearby, wells, etc RANGE OF TOTAL POINTS 49pts or more 41 - 48 pts 40pts or less MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 1/50/50/50 .3/. 3/1/1 NA~ B/T/X/E LEVELS (PPM) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 1000' 100 10 TP.H LEVELS (PPM) · \~ If depth is greater than 5 ft. and less than 25 ft., score 0 points. If dep~h~'-5-ftT"-or~=less-,~this-~abl,e~h°uld--n°t--be-'used'' ~ If precipitation is over 40 inches, score 0 points. ~ Levels for BTX&E are not applicable at a TPH concentration of 10ppm TABLE 2-2 GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL FOR PROTECTION OF WATER QUALITY: APPLICABILITY CHECKLIST 1. Is the site in a mountainous area? (shaded moist areas &/or ~areas with rocky subsurface conditions) 2~.~Is~the site in 'an ~area~that could coilec~ SU~face' runoff or intercept water from a source other than the natural precipitation? 3. Does the areal extent of soil contamination ~ exceed 1000 feet,? 4. Do the concentrations of fuel constituents in any ............... Soil.~samptes-~exceed~th~-~f611o~ih~-a~6~nts~-~ ............... ~.. benzene - 100 ppm, toluene - 80 ppm, xylene - 40 ppm, ethylbenzene - 40 ppm? 5. Are there any records or evidence of man-made or natural objects which could provide a conduit for vertical migration of leachate? 6. Do any boring or excavation logs show the presence of fractures, jOints or faults that could act as a conduit for vertical migration of leachate? 7. D° any boring logs show that contaminated soil could be within 5 ft. of highest ground water? 8. Do any boring logs show the presence of a layer of material, 5 ft. thick or more, which is more than 75%' sand and/or gravel? Directions: 1. Boring logs taken during the general risk appraisal can be used to answer questions 5-8.· In addition, analytical results of the soil samples taken during the general risk appraisal can be used to answer questions 3 and 4. ~' Lateral migration of constituents to problem areas shoUld also be considered in questions~5-8. -- The above checklist contains.questions which are designed to identify sites with environmental conditions which could produce a greater risk to ground water than was modeled. The results of the 'general risk appraisal are most apPlicable if all of the questions on the checklist can be answered "no" with reasonable certainty. If any of the questions on the checklist cannot be answered "no", .then the results of the general risk app~aisal~ma~be~tess~al~. 30 TABLF~-3 ENVIRONHENTAL FATE UORKStlEET FOR ~.~c"~~. (FUEL CONSTITUENT) i1111111111111 SURFACE TO J S~PLE TO I = I S~PLE TO I J~T~I.ATIm JmNT~I.ATIO. 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NOTE: CONCENTRATIONS FOR ANY SINGLE SOIL SAHPLE CANNOT EXCEED lOOppm FOR BENZENE, 80pgm FOR TOLUENE, /,Oppm FOR XYLENE ANO /+Oppm FOR ETHYLBENZE.NE IN OROER TO BE USEO WITH THE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAHPLE TO BE INCLUOED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAI41NATION HUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT ]NCLUOE 80TTO~ SAHPLES WHICH NAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LII4IT. SURFACE TO I I S~PLE TO I TABLE ENvIRoNNENTAL FATE ~3RKSHEET FOR -* .: O - = ....... ... E .... SAJqPLE TO J ICONTA,qlNATION GROUND t~ATER J JLEVELS C.C.L. (FUEL CONSTITUENT) . i1111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIiil JACCEPTABLE J CLEANUP? J CONTM4INATION lYES IF E > F LEVELS I NO IF E -< F I S~PLE · 10 ft ~PLE 2 I~ f~:~:~:.~:~? C.C.L. 2 ~ :~:'::'f~:~:~:~:~ .............. ~:~:~[~:~ ~.:~.:~-:.:~.:~- :.?:.:~:~:~:.:.:~:.:~:.:.:~:~:~:.:~:.:~:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~ s~Pc~ ~ ~:~::~::~::~..~:.~:.~:...~~~:~ / ooo :~~y~:~.:~ · :.:-:-: ............................ ~. ~.:.:.:~.:~.:~. 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THE LAST SA,qPLE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION HUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLUDE BOTTOM SAHPLES 14H[CIt HAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT.' · TABLE ENVIRONMENTAL FATE UORKSHEET FOR CLMULATIVE CONTAM[ NATION LEVELS C.C.L. (FUEL CONSTITUENT) · . GE A C~T~INATION IYE~ IF E · F LE~LS I NO IF E ~ F I · ft = feet ppm= parts par mittion NOTE: CONCENTRATIONS FOR ANY' SINGLE SOI~ SAMPLE CANNOT EXCEED lOOppm FOR BENZENE, 80ppm FOR TOLUENE, 40pl3a FOR XYLENE AND 401mpm FOR ETNYLBENZENE IN ORDER TO BE USED UITN THE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAHPLE [0 BE ]NCLUOED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAMINATION MUST BE AT OR ABOVE TNE DETECTION LIMIT; O0 NOT INCLUDE BOTTC~ SAJ4PLES ~NICH HA1/E CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE OETECTION LIMIT. I SURFACE TO I 'TABLE 2-3 ENVIRONNEHTAL FATE ~3RKSHEET FOR~/-~'~ SAMPLE TO I = I SAHPLE TO I Ic°NTA~INATI°~ SUN,ACE I IG"O""D UATERI ILEV L, C.C.L. (FUEL CONSTITUENT) Ilii1111111111 IIIIIIIIIIII1'1 ACCEPTABLE CONTAMINATION LEVELS.' ICLEANUP?I YES IF E > F NOIFE<F ============================= :24:) ft SAMPLE SAHPLE SAMPLE SAI~PLE SANPLE SAMPLE C.C.L. :.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:-:.:-:-:.:-:-:-:-:.:.:.:-+ SAHPLE / ~.- b f ~ili[i~iiiiiiiii = C.C.L. C.C.L. SAHPLE I/~' fti:iiiiiiiiiiiiii? C.C.L. C.C.L. ~' SAMPLE ((0 ft::iii~iii~iiii-::'iii= C.C.L. ........................ C.C.L. SAHPLE 5ft SAMPLE 6 SAMPLE ? ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .v.v ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ft :::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iiiiii:iiii!:iiiiiiii}i:iii :i:i:}}i!i:iii!iiii}iiiiii!iii!}{iii!iiiiiii!i!i i?:iii:: i:;:;ii::iiiiiiii~:;i~:;iiii::i::iii?:;i:iiiiii::ii:;~i:~i:.i:~i;~i~:::?:i?:~:::? ....... 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'"""""'"'"'"'"""' SAMPLE 6 __ft:i'i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i= C.C.L. 6 :"-'":::::::::::: .................. noi:i:i:i:i'i:i'i:i:i ft:i:i:i:i:i:]:!:i:~:i= C.C.L. 7 :::::::::::::i:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: yes:i:?]:: noi:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:i ·:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::::::.~:::::::::::::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::~:~~~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~. ~ ::::::::::::::::::::: C.C.L. 8 :::::::-'::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: yes:::::::: no::::::::::::::::::: ================================================ C.C.L. fti:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i= C.C.L. 9 :::¥2::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ye~::::::: no:':::i:::::::::::: :. :~:.:::::..::::~:::::i:::i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?::::::::::::::::::::::~:::.:::::.::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: f t !:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i=C. C. t. 10 .'.-.-.'...-.-.- :::::::::::::::::::::::::: =============================== ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: C.C.L. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :?iiiiii:.i:::::ii!::i::iii:.!ii::i::i::ili?::iiiii+ S AN p LE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ft = feet pcm = parts per mittion NOTE: COHCENTRAT!ONS FOR ANY SINGLE SOIL SAHPLE CANNOT EXCEED lOOppm FOR BENZENE~ 801~rn FOR TOLUEHE, 40pDm FOR XYLENE AND 40pDm FOR ETHYLBEHZEHE IN ORDER TO BE USEO ~ITH THE GENERAL RISK APPRAISAL. THE LAST SAMPLE TO BE ]NCLUOED IN THE CALCULATIONS FOR CUMULATIVE CONTAHINAT~ON MUST BE AT OR ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT; DO NOT INCLUDE BOTTOM SAMPLES ~H[CH NAVE CONCENTRATIONS LESS THAN THE DETECTION LIMIT. GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE M¢CALLEY Director RESOURCE ~ENT DEPART :NMENTAL 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Baker.field, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY February 5, 1990 Investor's Thrift 2602 ".F" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Proposed Mitigation Action Dear Mr. Zumwalt: This department has completed the review of the selected mitigation option for the contaminated soil at the Speedy Catering facility located at 315 Lake Street in Bakersfield, California. Our review has determined that the selected mitigation plan is approved for implementation. However, it is customary for this Department to reqtiire an evaluation of a "no action" scenario for mitigation. Our preliminary information indicates that this site maybe suited for "no action". Further evaluation should be performed by your consultant, and be performed with your consideration for the future for this site. Please advise this office of your intentions within 10 days of receipt of this letter. Should you have any questions I may be contacted at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ' ~~joet~Can~as~-~''' Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:cd cc: Earth Systems Environmental, Inc., Mike Lane R.L.W. ~quipment, Bud McNabb cana.s~umwalt.let ................................ ~ ............................ ~ .Earth,. Systems Envirc A Member Of The Earth Systems Group 2323 E Street · Bakersfield, California 93301 · Earth SystemS EnVironmental, Inc. A Member of The Earth Syslems Group ' Mike Lane Engineer 2323 E Street Bakersfield, California 93301' (805) 861-8020 FAX (805) 324-2712 Environmental Consulting · Soil & Ground Waler Characterization and Remediation R.L.W. Equipm~_lTC 2080 S. Union Avenue , Bakersfield, CA 93307 (II~[ISSION NO. B-20085-B06 .~'- : ~ ES-0169-BB2 315 ~~ ~~ ,:~ n, C~?.3".;I::HH~I2k 93305 PE~41T#14000 · In response to your request, we feel the __rec~_~__' ~_tion for ex=avation and disposal of contaminated soils Will be the most expeditious and cost-effective z-~.~aedla~ alternative for the subject site. ~-~ is based on the characterization .study dated Sept_~mher 29, 1989, ar~ d/scussior~ with the. approximately 20 feet in diameter, and extend to an anticipated maximum depth of 30 feet below ground surface (bgs). ~%e south excavation would be 'approximately 10 feet in diameter and extend to a total depth of 18 feet bgs.. ~h~ tc'~e3..~,mu,~, of ~o..n~.~.~. so~3. to ~ .~v~ t~ _~-ti.~.~..~ated to be 280 cubic ya~s. Excavated soils should be monitored in the field both Visually and using a photoionization detector (PID) or comparable instrumentation to determine t/m presence of contamination. Excavation of contaminated soils should proceed until the soils remaining in place are thought to be acceptably uncontaminated. Open excavatior,-~ should be fenced With standard 'OHHA safety, fer~ir~. ~e to p~xiaity of u~ ~d~ti~ b~X~ to U~ ~~d ~vatio~, it i.~ reccmmer~___ed__ that the services of a soils engineer be retained to evaluate the potential for structural damage resulting from the exca~ration. ES-0169-B~2 E~v~ Health Department h~-~ been removed. Soil samples should be collected at the direction of a Kern County Health Department r~_prese_ntative . · ' :.~:.-.~:.=~.~,-:~'="-?~ar~- be hela'-:for laboratory, analysis. Soil samples should be sealed with Teflon film, capped," taped and Placed on ice for transport to a California oertified ' Once ~e~oved, the contaminated so~l- should be ~nifested for ~9~osal at a . and local .re,relations. .. E~vation m~ ~ ~hould be ~_~ne by a 9ualifisd o~=acto= an~ in .accordance with Ur~_er~ Tank Regulati~ set forth in OC~ Title 23, the L.U.F.T. field ~] (SWRCB,. 1989), as well as applicable 'state and county · Soil samples collected during e~cavation should be sent to a state-certified laboratory for chemical analysis. Ail of the soil samples should be analyzed for Total petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline ar~ the B~X&E ~ by D.O.H.S. (L.U.F.T. Method/EPA Method 8020). Results of the chemical analysis should verify that contaminated soils have .. been ~e~uoved from the site to levels at or below the action l~ts specified by 100.00 pp~ ~ petrolem h~h~uar~ms (g~oline) 0.30 ppm Benzene 0.30 l:~am. Toluene 1.00 ~ Total Xylenes 1.00 p~m Ethylbenzene. Table 2-1, LUfT ~, March 1989, California Water Resources Control Board: Ex=avation .ar~ ~ of the contaminated soils to th~ above levels should envirnnment. Once em=avatio~ is ccmplete~, th~ potential for migration of '~%e cost for excavation and disposal is estimated to be approximately $90,000 to $100,000. AI~ a rigorous cost-analysis has ~ been completed, we feel this cost is comparable or less than the other remediation alternatives noted in the characterization study.. Additionally, excavation a~d ''.disposal should.be the 'mt '~tious '-f-~-~ti0n'-alternative'- for"~'this site. ES-0169-BB2 It is_~ t~at a qualified geologist or e.~g/neer be on-site, to.observe the e~cavations' ar~'collect soil samgles. ~ co=~let/c~ of the field ~ letter has been pre[k~red for the ex=lusive use of R.L.W, Equ~n~ as it .i~ai~s ~to..the 9roperty. lo~ated ~.at~. 315 ?~ke Street,._~Bakersfield, Californ/a._~ 29, 1989. Ail ~3rk ~as been performed'in accordance with generally aocepted hydrogeology. No other warranty, either ex~ress or imglied, is made. ~ you for this og~=rb~ity to have been of service. If you have any tb~ office at your oonvenienoe. Midlael K. Taqe, PE #P1642 RESULTS OF INITIAL SITE cHARACTER~ATION SPEEDY CATERING BAKERSFn~J~D, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 29, 1989 ES-0169-BB 1 Earth. Systems Environmental, Inc. A Member of The Eart/1 Systems Group 2323 E Street · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (805) 861-8020 · FAX (805) 324-2712 ATTEntION: I. ~ING: R.L.W. Equipment 2080 S. Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 CO~.DilSSION NO. B-20085-B07 ...................... - .................. --.,-~,- ........ · ...... · ..................................... ES=0169=BB1 ..... · -- Bud McNabb, Service Manager RESULTS OF INITIAL SITE CHARACTERIZATION OF UNDERGROUNDFUELTANKSITE, SI:~Y CATERING 315 LAKE STREET BAKERSFI~, CALIFORNIA 93305 Permit #: 140001 1.0 INTI~ODU(IrION This report presents the results-of the initial site characterization conducted at the above referenced property. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the extent of h)xirocarbon cont~uuination identified in May 1989 during remo~l of an underground storage tar~. The scope of work performed to date has consisted of a) drillin~ four exploratory borings, b) collection of undisturbed soil samples, c) laboratory anal)mis of select soil samples, d) review of prior data from the ta~ pull, e) data analysis and f) preparation of this report. }~thods used are in a~coIxt~nce with underground tank regulations and guidelines se~ forth in CCR Title 23, Chapter 3, the Leaking L~derground ~Mel Tank (LU~) Field Manual (C~nCB 1989), and applicable Kern Count~ regulations. 2. SFrEDESC~r~r~ON~~ Currently, the site is a vacant commercial property consisting of five single story garage/office buildings. The site 'is located south of Lake Street between Inyo and Alta Vista Streets, in Bakersfield, California (refer to Figure 1). Prior to 1988,.the property was the local headquarters ,for Speedy Catering. A 10,000-gallon underground gasoline fuel tard~.was installed prior to 1970 for storage and fueling of catering vehicle~. Information regarding inventor~- monitoring,'tank integrity testing, repairs to the tank or piping, and past spills or leaks are not a~ilable. Elevated levels of petroleum h}~trocarbons were detected upon removal of the 'ta~k, conducted by.R.L.W. Equipment, in' May 1989. Tank remo~l was done in a~co~ce with the closure requirements of the Kern County Health Department, VICINI-I-Y MAP SPEEDY CATERING 315 LAKE STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 933o5 SITE CHARACTERIZATION PERMIT No. ,14ooo1' i, FIGURE. 1 PREPARED BY, EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL 2323 E STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 861-8020 9/5/89 MKL Corm No. ES-0207-BB1 .Handbook .#UT 30 ........... Refer to Appendix B for anal.vtical test~results~ for soiL_.__~ ...... ~ samples, taken bel°w the tank during remo~l. Inspection of the tank found pin size holes on the lower portion of the tank at the South end. ~ The site surface areas are either covered b? paving or concrete slabs, except in the 10 by 50 foot tank excavation, located west of the south center building (refer to Figure 2). The excavation has been backfilled with silty sand material. Surfm~e grades appear to slope to~Rrd Lake Street on the north and the 'alley at the southprope~ ~%~e. ............................................. ..................... - ................... - .................. 3.1 Regional Geology The subject property is located in the 'San Joaquin Valley , the southern portion of. Great Valley geomorphic province. The San Jgaquin Valley is surrounded on all sides by mountains, except toward the Central Valley to the nor~. The Serria Nevada R~mge consisting of the Greenhorn, Tehachapi and Kiavah Mountains form the barrier on the east southeast side of the valley. Soils in the area are composed of in a]lm'ium laid do~ during times of hea%~- runoff from the Sierra .-NevaM~ dua-ing or following the Pleistocene. Based on the Soil Survey of Kern County, California': Northwestern 'Part, September 1988, Kimberlina and Cajon soils are mapped in the vicinity of the site. They are predominate]y sandy loams with moderate to high permeabilil~ and overall high to moderate ~ter capacity. · 3.2 Hydrology Based on the "Water Supply Report, 1988" and discussions with Ken Turner of the Kern County Water Agency, the regional depth to ground water has been measured at 125-135 feet with a gradient tou~rd the west-northwest. Depth to ground ~ter at the site may be shallower, considering the proximity of the unlined cham]el running parallel to and on the north side of Lake. However, no ground ~ter was encountered at forty'(40) feet the maximum depth of exploration. 4.0 SITE ASSESS%~N~r METHODS 4.1 Drilling and S0il Sampling On SeptemberS, 1589, four borings were drilled in the area of the former undergrou~d sto~age fuel tank, at the locations sho~ on Figure 2. The borings were drilled to a maximum depth of 40 feet below ground surface (bgs), using a truck-mounted S-inch dimneter hollow stem aug~r type drill rig. Soil samples were collected from each bering at five foot inter~ls, sampling ~s accomplished using a.~3r~.n~h ~diameter _~plit,sPoon _Sampler.__equipped..with Stainless steel liners for soil retention. All sampling equipment was cleaned with TSP and rinsed with deionized water between sample interx~ls 'tominimize the possibility of cross-contamination. Samples were imediately sealed with · SPEEDY CATERING i. ~ ~ . . ......................... L .................... ~ LAKE. ST ........ : ........ .4 ........ ' .......... 7 ..... ;' .......... : TO INYU 'hr' .... BLDG .(.VACANT iBLDG, i ... (.VAC _ANT ) C, on~No. ES-0207-BB1 Teflon-film, -capped, taped:'and-' held'--on transported to a California certified anal)lical laboratory according to proper EPA protocol, observing chain-of-custody procedures. All auger' flights/drill bits w~re steam cleaned prior to use and between borings to prevent cross- contamination. ~6ils were monitored during drilling for evidence of hydrocarbon contamination using a portable photoionization detector (PID). Soil cuttings and sample .......................... -...-.spoils~ were._plaCedin~ DOT_approved 55-gal-Ion.barrels, ...... A/.1---barrels-~are~stored in the building east of the tank site pending identification of proper disposal' methods. Borings were logged by a qualified engineer in accordence with the Unified Soil Classification System, under the supervision, of a California Registered Geologist. Boring logs are presented ~n Appendix A. 4.2. Field Observations As observed in the borings, earth materials beneath the site consist of alluvial soils, ~ich extend' to the m~ximum depth exTlored of 40 feet bgs.' These soils consist of brown to grey. bro~au silty sand (Sb. 1) and fine sand (SP) with scattered gravels and minor caliche cementation. ,Moderate discoloration, accompanied by a moderate gasoline odor ~s recorded in soils from 15 to 30feet beg in boring B-3. No indications of hydrocarbon contamination (odor, discoloration or PID readings) were apparent in any of the remaining borings, nor were recently placed fill soils visibly contaminated. Ground water was not encountered in any of the borings. 5.0 ANALYTICAL MEq~ODS Eight soil samples, selected on the basis of visual evidence of contamination and PID readings, were submitted to a State-certified laboratory for anal)~ieal .testing. Each sample was analyzed for total petroleum h~xirocarbons (TpH) as gasoline by the California DOHS (LUFF Manual)method and for benzene, toluene, xylene and ethyl benzene (BTX&E) bY EPA Method 8020. Refer to,Appendix C. 6.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results of soil anal)~ical testing are summarized in Table 1. Analytical results, along with QA/QC documentation and chain-of-custody forms are attached as Appendices B and C. 6 CommNo. ES-0207-BBI' Sample No. · TPH Benzene Toluene Xylene Benzene : B-l, S4~20' ND ND ND ND ND B-2, S4@20' ND ND ND ND B-3, S4@20' 3070.94 9.67 220.10 441.78 62.00 t "' B-3, S5@25' 5621.81 28.62 457.29 751.60 113.38 B-3, S6@30' ND ND N~ ND ND ......... ~"'~ ~L'B~-:-S4@20''~ .... ND ..................... ND ........... .....ND ............ ; ..... ND ............... ND May, 1989 Tank Pull : N. end ~2'* '29.57 ND 0.01 5.00 0.04 ! N. end @6'* 3660.11 ND 5.48 64.33 7.08 ~-- S. end @2'* 2734.64 0.07 4.14 78.06 8.49 S. end @6'* 23.07 ND ND 0.14 -ND ND: Not Detected. *: Denotes the depth below tank invert, approximately'Il' bgs. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS An~l}~ical results, obtained during this investigation and the prior tank pulling operation, indicate the leaked fuel products at the site are in two separate contamination plumes at opposite ends of the tank. Migration from both sources appears to be relatively limited in vertical and aerial extent. Refer to figures 2 and 3 for plume definition. Pin size holes on the lower, portion .of the Lank end appear to aCCount for contamination in the southern plume, refer to lab results Appendix B. The lateral extent of this plume appears to be limited to a rough cylinder 10 feet in diameter. The contamination extends vertically from the backfilled excavation bottom (approximately 11 feet beg) to 18 feet beg. Spillage during dispensing and fillupmayaccount fgr the contamination in the larger northern plume, refer to lab results Appendix C. The lateral extent of this.plume appears to be limited to a rough cylinder 15-18 feet. diameter. The contamination ex~ends vertically from the hackfilled excavationbottom (approximately ll feet beg) to 27 feet beg. The Division of Environmental County currently Health Services for Kern doeS' not have any applicable soil action limits. However given site-specific conditions, the following action limits are outlined in the LUFr Manual, March 1989, California Water Resources Control Board, Table 2-1: 'VIER FICAL CROSS-SECTION BUILDING EAST OF EXCAVATION) B-2 (N~) J ":' ~11 ~o* ANALYTICAL.LAB RESULTS, (BENZENE CONCENTRATION PPM) .:.TPH CONCENTRATION PPM TANK EXCAVATION: (9..7) ~.': \I II U (28.6) ND k.~)'i:!':!:'EsTIMATED PLUME BOUNDARY SCN..E'm.: HORZ · ! = 10~ · X - 2735'/ 'hid ~I ND ( ND~" i'1--~.' 2~, ND M ND ' II ND I~ ND .~FiGURE 3 SLF~ER I IvtmOSED TO CROSS-SECTION s~ SAMPLES TAKEN USING BACKHOE IN MAY 1989 DURING TANK PULL OPERATIONS @ 2~ AND 6~ BELOW TANK BOTTOH. SITE CHARACTERIZATION SPEEDY CATERING 315 LAKE STREET i BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 i, PERMIT # 140001 :, EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL " il 2323 E STREET ' ~, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805)-861-8020 8 CommNo. ES-0207-BB1 .-.... ...... ..... :. .... ~.~:ppm._T~ta~..Petr~Ieum~H5.z~r~carb~ns~(~as~ine).::~..~`~:~::~:.:~: 0.30 ppm Benzene 0.30 1.'00 ppm Xylenes / 1.00 ppm Ethylbenzene ~/~ ^ copy of this table'is attached as Appendix 'Ben~ 'i~--'i~eluded on--the Pro~sition · 65~ list' ~-of ~chemicals"as-~'-'kno~a--human .......... carcinogen. 8.0 ~ATIONS Based on the data obtained, to date, it appears that 'the zone of soil'' contaminated beneath the site poses a potential threat to public health and the surrounding environment. The concentration of fuel products, particularly benzene and TPH exceeds action levels as 'outlined in the LUFr Manual; consequently~ removal of'these contaminates from the soils will be required by the regulatory agency.. Remediation alternatives that could be utilized for the site consist of but are not limited to the following: 1) Excavation and disposal: would ex~pedite remed/ation however, will be ~" ', hampered by the 'location of the building to the east. The soils to be ~:"'" "~ 'excavated are within the structural zone of influence for the buildings '"" "~ '" foundation and the excavation may require shoring to avoid ~' undermining the structure. '~'3) Vapor ex'traction: should be applicable considering the coarse grain nature of the soils, relatively high permeability and relatively limited areal extent of contamination. However. %his method may be timely and possibly not cost-effective due to the relatively small volume of contaminated soil. Bioremediation: may be viable; various technOlogies are available but in-situ methods have a limited track record, and are subject to dela~m in permit approval from regulatory agencies. '~ The feasibility of these ~rious alternatives should be studied to determine the mo~t'cost effective and efficient means of remediation. :. This report has been prepared for the exclusive of R.L.W. Equipment as itl pertains to the property located at 315 Lake Street, Bakersfield, California. .......................... · The --findings' knd '~ conclusions rendered 'in this report are opinions-based, on I laboratory testing of soil samples collected' during this study. This report !_ does not reflec~ subsurface variations which may exist between sampling points. 9 CommNo. ES-0207-BB1 These variations cannot be anticipated, nor could they be entirely accounted -'3 for in-spite of exhaustive additional:--testing~.-~..All.work_has._.been~_perfQrmed;_in_.~. 'accordance with generally accepted practices in geotechnical/environmental engineering,'engineering geology and h~irogeologY. · No'other warranty; either ex~ress or implied, is made. Thank you for this opportunity to have been of ser%'ice. If you have any q{~esiions regarding this report or the information contained herein, contact this office at your convenience. Respectfully sh~nitted, Michael K. Lane Project Engineer Robert Mohle, CEG # 1409 Vice President i RLW EQUIPMENT ~ APPENd)IX A SI~-"~Y CATERING Comm No ES-0169-BB1 October 5, 1989 Boring Logs 'E r h SysLems EnvironmenL l, Inc. BORING: B-1, DRILLING METHOD: 8-INCH HOLLOW STEM AUGER PROdECT NAME: SPEEDY CATERING DRILLING DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 1989 PROdECT NUMBER: ES-169-BB1 DRILL: MELTON DRILLING TRUCK MOUNT .--.:PROJECT LOCATION: 515 LAKE' ST~ BAKERSFIELD,CA LOGGED BY::.'MY-KE LANE ....... : / SAMPLE# ~ DATA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ REMARKS SP non-cohesive, brown, SAND, medium to fine, angular, firm extent of tank 5 to dense, poorly graded.- 5/G · S-1 I ND 1~ Humid excavation and backfill approx. 11-1S feet beg. 10 10/ S-2~ I ND 4 Humid 1__5[ S~~t'~~~~~~:'" . SlslLT, firm t° dense' , 1Gstiff' It brown,VF SAND to 15/ S-S~ I ND 1G ~oist vFbedded layers ofnativeSANDS°ilS'and inter-siLT ~th minor clay and - gravelS. _ ML sl stiff, brown, ~ANDY ~ILT, oooassional sm. gravels, minor 20/ S-4 I ND 2& ~oist 20 coarse sand and olay, firm. 21 /stiff, brown, SILT, minor vf _ · ~oooassional gravels, mod. dilataney,' , ~sl cementation, firm to hard. ~5 ,~L 24.5 S-5 I ND 40 ~oist - I total depth of boring 25' / 25 ' no ground water encountered SAMPLE SYMBOLS: t SPLIT SPOON ~IL · CORE NOTE: This log of subsurface conditions is a ~-SHELBY THINWALL-'~'O''- GRAB .................. simpljfic_a~t!pn p_f_ao.t, ua!~c~onditions_encountered. It applies at the location and time of drilling. ~ SPT Subsurfa¢~ conditions may differ at other loo~tions and times. 'Earth Systems Environmental,. Inc. BORING: 8- 2 ', DRI LLI NG METHOD: 8-1NCH HOLLOW STEM AUGER PROJECT NAF1E: SPEEDY CATERING DRILLING DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 1989 PROJECT NUMBER: ES- 169-BB1 DRILL: MELTON DRILLING, TRUCK MOUNT .pROJECT LOCATION: 315 LAKE _ST, BAKERSFIELD,CA LOGGED_.BY: MY__K_E _I.A. NE ................................ · I SAMPLE DATA " " = REMARKS ~- ° I Z: I~ LITHOLOGY > - 0 AC 6" AND BASE ~ATERIAL HL ..... stiff~-reddish.brown io .brown.,. ....................... .................... ' ............................. CLAYEY ~ILT, rapid dilatanoy ~L . , - ~ minor fin~ ~nd, non-pl~fi~, $/6 0-1 I ~ 14 Humid _ firm, mi~a~,ou,, ~1. iron oxid- ~tion ~tainin~. int~rb~dd~d - of - ~1. coloration ~han~, to ~r~ ,la~. _ brown. 1~,~ ~tainin~. 1 0 lo/ s-2 I ND 18 Humid _ 11 - clay siringers, v. stiff, plastic, stiff drilling 15 sw is/ s-~: m. ND 20 ~oist non-cohesive, it. brown, SAND, 16 interbedded layers - well graded, fine to coarse spherical VF SAND and SILT - rounded grains, minor _ small gravels, sl. dense, gravels. 21 25 24.5 S-) m ND 65 Hoist - total depth of boring 25' /25 no ground water encountered SAMPLE SYMBOLS: I SPLIT SPOON ilk CORE NOTE: This log of subsurfa6e conditions is a ....................................... ~ S_ HE. LBY...T_H!N.._y_A_LL_O_ ._O_RAB ........ simplification of actual conditions encountered. SPT It-applies'at the location-and time-of drilling; ...................... Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and times. EarLh SysLerns EnvironmenLal, Inc. BORING: B-~ DRILLING METHOD: 8-inch HOLLOW STEM AUGER PROdECT NAME:SPEEDY CATERING DRILLING DATE:SEPTEMBER 5, 1989 PROdECT NUMBER:ES- 169- BB 1 DRI LLER:MELTON DRI LLI NG, TRUCK MOUNT PROJECT LOCATION:~I S. LAKE. ST., BKFD, C.A ...;- LOGGED BY: MYKE LANE ................ -~_~ ....... . .... :..~--~-~ ~1 SAMPLE DATA ~ o ~ LITHOLOGY ~ ~ ~ ~ ,',' . ................ .' -o SM ,....I ._ :. :.: sl. stiff, brown, SILTY SAND,_ ........ ~_: ~ [: . .............. _ :1:::"' "' ' ..... fihe'to-med Sds'mod: dilatan'~ --: .......................... ~ ..... ' ~ · : :: ~: humid, firm. - ~ , , no gasoline odor noted - SP ~ non-cohesive, light brn,F. SAND, in backfilled material, 3 ~[~ silt, poorlggraded, humidto 5/6 S-I I ND 10 approx, ll-l~beg. - moist, slightly dense to loose. - SM ~[~ sl. stiff, gray bm, SILTY SAND distinct gasoline odor. 15- --- ':':' to SANDY SILT, minor gravels, 13/ S-S I so8 _ ML 1~:.'.1 rapid dilatancy, moist, firm. 16 interbedded sands, 20 ':': _ '"' 25/ ~ ".' S-5 I 271 40 __ i, ,, . 26 ' :': ~tiff drilling .:.: ~o/ s-~ I ~ ~2 ~0 '. '. very firm ~o hard, well ,',' - ''" cemented with vein caliche. SC ,,,,, stiff, brown, CLAYEY SAND, - ~ minor oaliche and gravels, 35 '"" no apparent gasoline ~'"" reed grain, dense, humid. 35/ S-7 I 14 35 odor. OONTINUED ~6' B SPLIT SPOON A CORE NOTE: This log of subsurface conditions is a . S AMPLE SYMBOLS :~_[~ .SHELBY_THIN W..ALL__O .~ GRAB .....~ ............ simplification of actual conditions encountered. SPT It'~pPli~t- th'~-16oatiOn"and' time of drilling~ ........................ Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and times. 'Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. BORING: B-5 (CONTINUED) DRILLING METHOD: 8-inch HOLLOW STEM AUGER PROJECT NAME: SPEEDY CATERING DRILLING DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 12989 PROJECT NUMBER:ES- 169-BB1 DRILLER: MELTON DRILLING, TRUCK MOUNT RROJECT LOCATION: 31_5 LAKE ST,...BKFD,_CA ......... LOGGED BY:M_yKE LANE ................................ '"" SAMPLE DATA # ~' ~0 ~ LITHOLO6¥ > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ REMARKS ...... brown~ CLAYEY SAND to ~S/ S-?i 1~ ~5. -~"~' ...........,,,,,~ ....... SANDY CLAY~ humid.' '~'6 .............. ' .... ,,,,, ..... No apparent petroleum ,.,,,"'" odors. ~ ..... ..... ~9.5 S-f:I 1.9 /~0 - total depth of boring 40", no - ground water encountered. 50 55 60 70 .... _l .............. ................... ~_S._HELB_Y. ~H. INW_ALL -0 SAIMPLE SYMBOLS: I SPLIT SPOON ~l~ CORE NOTE: This log of subsurface conditions is a simplification of actual conditions encountered. GRAB ............ It applies at the location-and time of drilling. ii SPT Subsurface conditions mau differ at other locations and times. "Earth Systems Environmental, Inc BORING: B-4 DRILLING METHOD: 8-INCH HOLLOW STEM AUGER PROJECT NAME: SPEEDY CATERING DRILLING DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 1989 PROJECT NUMBER: ES-169-BB1 DRILL: MELTON 'DRILLING TRUCK MOUNT pROJECT LOCATION: :51 $ LAKE ST, BAKERSFIELD,CA LOGGED BY: MYKE_LANE ...... a~ SAMPLE DATA ~ ~ = REMARKS AC 6" AND BASE MATERIAL _ .. :. ~ Numid' ........ SM :"' ; ~u b~;; ~iL~ ...................... ................................. ML .I . . , SAND to SANDY SILT, medium to .. .'...',. fine sand, minor cla~, rapid .... . .... dilatancy, firm. ' ' " 5/6 si- I ND 6 H . . umid .. . ..... interbedded - MH,,,,,~ stiff, gry brn, CLAYEY SILT to . clay. _ ---,.,,,, .... SILTY CLAY, minor fine sand, 1 CL slow dilatancu, firm. ,,,,, ..... 10/~ S-2 ND 1i Humid 15 sw :;:::;:~:' is/ s-~ m ND :;:[;::[~. - 4 Humid :/::::::~ non-cohesive, lt. brown, SAND, 16 interbedded - :7:::::~:' well graded, fine to coarse spherical :7:::~::- . SILT, CLAY and - ;7:::::::. . rounded grains, minor silt and GRAVELS. :;:[[~[:' small gra~els~ loose to sl. dense. - :;:~::~. - ~;::::::' 20/ S-4 I ND 19 Moist 20 :;:~:::~:. - :;:~7:~. SM 11: zfiff, br~n, SILTY CLAY~ SAND - -~ :~:: to SANDY CLAYEY SILT, rapid ::: '~ dilatancy, minor vein oaliche. 2~ ~[ '.', :.] a 24.5 S-SI m ND 50 Moist total depth of boring 25' /25 no ground water encountered . SAMPLE SYMBOLS: I SPLIT SPOON Jl~ CORE NOTE: This log of subsurface conditions is a I~ SHELBY THIN ~ALL-0- simplification of actual conditions encountered. GRAB ............... ......................... ' ................. It applies at-the location and time of.drilling. ~m) SPT Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and times. RLW EQUIPMENT APPENDIX B Corem No ES-0169'BB1 SPl~k~y CATERING ., October 5, 1989 Laboratory reports and Chain-of-Custocb' May 1989 Tank Pulling Operation ~ ' ~:. '--~.-?.. · . .... ~,. ~..'~- .--.~.'::~ .. .. .- :~: .! ~lld&~ '&Jll~' ~~i~L _. -, ~-,~ .'-..~,.',' ..-," . '. ~:' ~t~~ .- ~J.~K~.~~ ' '~:;~ .... " ': :' .' '~'~ "~" ~ ~~m' '~'?~: '"' '"":":'""' ':'~":"' ~_~b,e .,.~: .~,. ~,-.. ,.. .-..' .. ': ..- .¥ ?.:.. -.... ... . .----~"Equtpmn~ - [... ...''.. __~ '~.;'~. .".''~:~:~;.~..:.~).~.~.,',.;.~.: ~. _: ...... - . , ~ ',-..: . . . ..~. '~ '.' .... - ~ ........ :'-P.O. Box 640 .... . ,. · B~ker~ftald, Ca. 9330~ .i- . ~~-~ ~,... ~, :~.,,.~,',-.. . ... · .. . ~ . - . ......t~,.-~-~: , · ..... /.~.t';:,~' .... ...~ *.~.. __ t , · .' ' · ' ' '~' -~ ' - '.' ' ~ '-! ~' ~ · ~ '.':~ -.'-' .- ~ ~n~ton. 8~ ~ ~ . .- ~:.~',2:....: .. ,-~¥...?-......,.,...,,..~.. ' ' . ' ' .' : , · -' ~ 'p "~':~i .' ' ', ~m. ~... . . ~b ~,.- ~23-3 . - .. ,. ~,,. ..:..,....: ~?~,~ ,..:,~ .....,...... -. '~-.:.-~.~. ~:~;.~_.~.~ .... : ...... ~ · . . ': - ~ -' '...~:~,~;' .' '. '. ".~-~ ' · .~ *-' '~. -":" ',' - - . - : - _ .~-.'~t. ,' , ';q~';~-:~' ..,' . -~. ~,,~. · - ~ . ~ ~ ..'~'~ . ;' ~-~ ~ · . ~'~'~ ~ -..-. , ;;'.?~:., '.~ .. . . .~.¢.-' - . - . . - . . . · . "..* ~ ~ ~. .., ] -~;'t:...). · ... ,... . .... ' -~v ~9 '" ' ''~''~1 .~v- ~ ' ' ' ' ~ ~1,~-~: ', '"''~'":" ..... 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CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 ................... ' ........................................ Bo:r~ing'"f @ 2o' Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) 170-A Granada St San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Attention: Lab~ No.: 6994-1 Sample Desc: SES-0169-BB1 Speedy Catering 315 Lake St, Bakersfield, ~.CA S4"'9/05/89 @ 9-.00-AM 'DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: · 05-Sep-89 Constituent Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Report: 07-Sep-89 PHONE 327-4911 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: o5-s~89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 07-Sept89 TEST METHOD: Minimum Reporting AnalySis Reporting Units Results Level ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g 'none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected '0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 5.00 ug/g none detected TPH for'gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. ~r~thod. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020.. 'Dry Matter Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 ENVIRONMENTAL CHE¥1C4L 4#ALYSI$ PETROLEUM 170-A Granada St I'i' San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 , Attention: LABORATORIES, INC. Lab: No.: Sample Desc: J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 ~argeable Aromatics (F~) I L ) PHONE 327-4911 Report: 07-Sep-89 .......... "Boring` 2'-@' 20'-' S~'*-9705789' @' 10'~ 30"AM ................. ' ........ ' ....................... t- ............. ...... DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 07-Sep-89 6994-2 ~ES-0169-BB1 Speedy Catering 315 Lake St, Bakersfield, CA DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ LAB: 05-Sep-89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 05-Sep-89 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Units Results Level none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected Constituent 0.02 0.02 0. O2 0.02 0.02 0.02 Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g EthYl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.~.F.T. ~t[~d. Individual constituents by EPA 'method 8020, Dry Matter Basis California D,O.H.S, Cert. $102 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGMN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Earth Systems Environmental: 170-A Granada S% San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Attention: pUrgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: Lab. No.: Sample Desc: PHONE 327-4911 ll-SeP-89 6994-3 ~ES-O169-~B1 Spccdy Catering 315 Lake St Bakersfield Boring 3 @ 20' S4 9/05/89 @ 11:30 AM DATE ANALYSIS 07-Sep-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ [AB: 05-Sep-89 ti:. DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: i' ' 05-Sep-89 i., Constituent Reporting Level Analysis Results ug/g 9.67 O. 02 ug/g 220.10 O. 02 ug/g 62. O0 O. 02 ug/g 92.20 O. 02 ug/g 216.04 O. 02 ug/g 133.54 O. 02 Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Total Petroleum 3070.94 5.00 TEST METHOD:. TPH for gasoline by'D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T, method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020, Dry Matter Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS t ' PETROLEUM ,il ~ Z 5 1,989 I_ABO RATO F::II ES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) 2323 E St Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Myk~Lane .... :Da't.:e :of Report: PHONE 327-4911 19-Sep-89 Lab, No.: 7256-1 ti "~ Sample Desc: RLW Equipment ' 'B::~ring 3 ~ 25' S5' 9/05/89 @ 12: OOp '_ DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS 05-Sep-89 14-Sep-89 16-Sep-89 Reporting Analysis Reporting Units Results Level Constituent Benzene ug/g 28.62 0.02 Toluene ug/g 457.29 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 113.38 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 159.27 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g 369.20 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 223.09 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 5621.81 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T.. method. Individual constituents'by EPA method 8020. Dry Mabter Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 ENVIRONI/ENTAL CHE¥1CAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) 170-A Granada St Report: ll-Sep-89 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Attention: Lab"' No.: 6994-4 Sample Desc: SES-0169-~B1 Speedy Catering 315 Lake St Bakersfield ............ . ......... Boring-.3-@~:.30 L ,S6_. 9/05/:89 ~@..12; 30 .PM ................. DATE SAMPLE · DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLT,R~TED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 05-Sep-89 05-Sep-89 08-Sep-89 i. Reporting . Analysis Constituent Units Results Minimm~ Reporting' Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g ~Xzlene ug/g m-Xylene- ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Total Petroleum .. Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected ,none detected none detected 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for g~soline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis Co~nents: California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 .ENVIRONMENTAL [i PETITOLEUB LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aroma%ics (SOIL) Ear{h-S~s~e~-Environmental ~ ': '~ ........ '~- -~ .................... Date~f ' ' '~i~-~"~ ~ ~:~:~'- ~-~ ~-::' :*-~-:? ..... 170-A Granada St Report: ll,Sep-89 A%tention: Lab, No.: 6994-5 Sample Desc: ~ES-O169-BB1 Speedy Catering 315 Lake St Bakersfield Boring 3 @ 35' S7 9/05/89 @ 12:45 PM COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED:. 05-Sep-89 05-Sep-89 07-Sep-89 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units ' Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected O. 02 Toluene ug/g none detected O. 02 V.%hyl ~enzene ug~g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g none. detected ' O. 02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected O. 02 o-Xylene ug/g, none detected O. 02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis Com~nts: California D.O.H.S. Cert' ff102 ~/ ~' J. J ?Eglin ~ J~nalyst £NVIRON¥~NTAL CHemICAL ANALYSIS PETFIOLEU¥ LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE'RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) 170-A Granada St San Luis Obispo, CA Attention: PHONE 327-4911 93406 Report: Lab,No.: Sample Desc: ll-Sep-89 Boring 3 .@ 40' S8 9/05/89 @ 1:00 PM . DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS CO~: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLIED: 05-Sep-89 05-Sep-89 07-Sep-89 6994-6 SES-0169-BB1 Speedy Catering 315 Lake St Bakersfield Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results ' Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Total Petroleum none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected Minimum Reporting Level 0.02 0.02 O. 02 0.02 0.02 0.02 5.00 TEST METHOD:. TPH for gasoline 'by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis I' California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 ENVIRONlidENTAL CHEt~ICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEU¥ LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGMN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics ' (,?~DIL) i70-A Gra~da St Report: ll-Sep-89 San Luis Obi~Po, CA 93406 Attention: ° Lab No.: Sample Desc: 6994-7 ~ES-0169-BB1 S~cdy Catering 315 Lake St Bakersfield _Boring 4 @ 20" S4 9/05/89 @ 2:30 PM DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 05-Sep-89 Reporting ' Constituent Units DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED. @ LAB: 05-Sep-89 Analysis Results DATE ANALYSIS O3MPLETED: 07-Sep-89 Reporting Level ' ~enzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl ~enzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected O. 02 O. 02 0.02 O. 02 0.02 O. 02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: .TPH for gas°line by D.O.H.$, L.u.F.T. m~thod. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020, Dr~ Matter Basis C~ifornia D,O.H. S, Cert. ff102 ~J An~iyst , ENVIRONt~ENTAL .... CH~I~ICAL ANALYSIS · PETROL[U¥ LABORATORIES, INC. J.~J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 93308 Quality Control Data ~ar~h~ Systems"' EnvirOnmental':''~-': .... ' ...... . --~ ~-:~.~:::~:n 170-A Granada St San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Attention: PHONE 327-4911 Analysis Date: 07-Sep-89 Sample Matrix: Soil Units: ug/g Quality Control for LabNos: 6994-3, 6994-5, 6994-6, 6994-7, One sample 'in twenty is selected as a representative matrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relative measure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a m~asure of the relative precision of the analysis. Conc. Conc. in Spike. Added to Spike Constituent Sample Spike % Rec Dup Spike Spike %Rec RPD Benzene 0.00 5.01 94.38 101.02 6.80 Toluene 0.00 5.03 101.41 104.60 3.10 Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene 0~00 5.09 88.89 95.86 7.55 0.00 5.02 91.00 98.99 8.41 0.00 5.11 93.48 101.16 7.89 0.00 5.03 91.65 102.17 10.86 TPH Gas 0.00 301.06 94.86 87.70 7.84 · QC Comments: Spiked Sample Concentration - Sample Concentration l~ % Recovery = X 100 (Concentration of Spike) ~ Spiked Sample Conc. - Spiked Duplicate Sampl.e .Conc. I.. X 100 (Average Conc. of Spikes) . ENWRONYENTAL l,-il CHEI/IC4L.: AN4LYSIS PETROLEU¥ LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 BTX/TPH GASOLINE ~-!ity Control Data PHONE 327-4911 170-A Granada St r- San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 .. Attention: Analysis Date: 08-Sep-89 Sample Matrix: Soil Units: ug/g Quality Control for Lab Nos: 6994~4 One sample in twenty is selected as a representative mtrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relative measure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a measure of the relative precision of the analysis. ' Conc. Conc. Dup in Spike Added to Spike Spike Spike Constituent Sample Spike % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene 0.00 Toluene 0.00 Ethyl Benzene' 0.00 p-Xylene 0.00 m-Xylene 0.00. o-Xylene 0.00 TPI-.I Gas 0,00 5.01 94.82 95.36 0.5? 5.03 101.23 101.43 0.20 5.09 94.23 93.76 0.50 5.02 97.50 96.42.. 1.11 5.11 99.97 99.14 0.83 5.03 99.26 :98,92' 0.34 301.06 103.50 98.43 5.02 Spiked Sample Concentration - Sample Concentration % RecoverY = X 100 (Concentration of Spike) · .......................... RPD"(Relative~ Percent'-Difference) ' Spiked Sample Conc. - Spiked Duplicate Sample Cone. X 100 (Average Conc. of Spikes) ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM LABORATORIES, INC., J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTX/TPH GASOLINE Quality Control' Data 170-A Granada St Analysis Date: 07-Sep-89 ' San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Sample Matrix: Soil Attention: I'.Tt~: ug/g .- Quality C~ntrol for Lab Nos: 6994-1, 6994-2 i.'. One sample Lq twenty is selected as a representative .matrix which is spiked. The percentage r~overy (% Rec) of the spike is a relative' i'.' measure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a ~as,~re ~f the relative precision of the -- analysis. t C~nc. Conc. Dup · in .Spike Added to Spike Spike Spike Constituent S~mple Sp',Lke % Rec % Rec RFD BenZene 0.00 5.01 98.96 86.40 1~. 55 Toluene 0.00 5.03 102.69 94.92 7.86 Ethyl Benzene 0.00 5.09 94.10 87.39 7.39 p-Xylene 0.00 "5.02 97.22 89.56 8.20 m-Xplene 0.00 5.11 99.31 91.99 7.65 o-Xylene 0.00 5.03 ' 99.96 90.63 9.79 TPH Gas 0.00 301.06 98.94 101.42 2.48 Spiked Sample COncentration - Sample COncentrati°n % Recovery = X 100 (Concentration of Spike) Spiked Sample Conc.- Spiked Duplicate Sample Conc. x.100 (Average Conc. of Spikes) /[ ~ [-~ CHE¥1C4L ANALY$/S I PETROLEU¥ LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 BTX/TFH GASOLINE · Quality Control Data PHONE 327-4911 2323 E St Analysis Date: 16-Sep-89 i Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sample Matrd~: Soil ~ Attention.: Myke Lane Units: ug/g ~ ;- Quality Control '". for Lab Nos: 7256-1 One sample in twenty is selected as a representative matrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relative measure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a measure of the relative precision of the analysis. Conc. Conc. Dup in Spike Added to Spike Spike Spik~ Constituent Sample Spike . % Rec % Rec RPD Benzene O. O0 5. O1 92.55 94. O1 r W 1 ' 57 Toluene O. O0 5.03 100.42 97.48 2.97 Ethyl Benzene O. O0 5.09 83.32 88.93 6.51 P-Xylene O. O0 5.02 88.21 91.79 3.98 m-Xylene O. O0 5. il 91.18 93.78 2.81 o-Xylene O. O0 5.03 , 89.05 94.10 5.51 TPH GAs O. O0 301.06 93.53 95.84 2.44 Spiked Sample Concentration - Sample Concentration % Recovery = X 100 (Concentration of Spike) RPD:- (Relative,. -Percent~Differen~e ),~ Spiked Sample Conc.- Spiked Duplicate Sample Conc. (Average Cz)nc. of Spikes) X 100 Date Rec'& ~ 'i Attn: Sampler: Name:. Address: Lab# Descripti°n:''~ E~-Ol~'Ct'' ~8~ BC CHAIN OF CUSTODY Sample Type: Water Soil Sludge Oil Other: (specify) Other Tests NO. L- ],!9 ] ] Analysis Requested:!. q ZO' i RelinqUished By: Date: Time: [- Received By: Date: Time: Comments: wMte: Return to Cmtomer wi~h ReFort~ yellow: BC Lab Copy ,~ Project No. i~? Sampler: (Signature) Sample No./Identification Relinquished by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) linquished by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Report To: White: Return to Customer with Repo~ Yellow: BC Lab Copy ., CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Project Location .-~~ ............ :I ~/eS" Field Logbook_No. Chain of Custody Tape No. Date Time Lab No. Date Date Date Date Bill To: Time Time Time Time Received by: (Signature), Received by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) (o ? 7q -- / f/x,,, -7 ANALYSES' REMARKS Total Time Date Da~e Time Time 005 NO: Client/Project Nome' CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Project Location Project No. :i Sampler: (Signature) Sample No./Idehtification Field Logbook No. Chain of Custody Tape No. Date Time Lab No. ANALYSES REMARKS Total Relinquished by/(Signature) · Relinquished by~ (Signature) Relinquished b~: (Signature) Date Date Date Date Bill To: Time Time Time Time Received by: (Signature) Re~ed by: (signat{~-e) - Received .by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date Date. Date Date Time Time Time NO: Time B.C. White: Return to C',ustomcr with Rcpon- Yellow: BC Lab COpy Pink: Originator CgpY I 4100 Pierce Rd.· Bakersfield, CA 93308 i': - BC CHAIN OF CUSTODY _. ' i~ No.' L- iff [ 5 Client: ~ Sampler: '- Sample Type: ~ Analygis Requested: Name Name: ,.~~ Soil .(specify') o o ~ .~ ~ Address.~~ U~ ~-'--~. Address: ""' ~ ~' ~ : Oth~rTes~ [~ o° q ~quish~ ~y: Date: Time: D~eceived By: Date: Time: C;mments: ~. SPV~DY CATERING October 5, 1989 .............. . ..... ~ .................... . .......... TABLE-. 2-=! LEACHING POTEt~IAL ANALYSIS FOR GASOLINE AND DIESEL HAY 1989 I~;~~ Table 2-1 Leaching Potential Analysis for Gasoline and Diesel . U~ing Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons(TPH) and Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and Ethylbenzene (BTX&E) The follOwing table was designed to permit estimating the concentrations of TPH and BTX&E that can be left in place without threatening ground water. Three levels of TPH and BTX&E concentrations were derived (from modeling) for sites which fali into categories of low, medium or high leaching potential. To use the -i;::;~'~';~able,: find ~the appropriate'descripti°n-f°reach'°f'"~the~featu~es Score each feature using the weighting system shown at the top of each column. Sum the points for each column and total them. Match t~ )oint to the allowable BTX&E and TPH levels. ~ S SCORE S SCORE S SCORE ~ '. SITE 'C 10 PTS C 9 PTS' C 5 PTS O. IF CON- 0 IF CON- O IF CON- FEATURE .... R ....... DITI ON ....... ' -~-R'-=: "DIT I ON ...... R- E IS MET E IS MET E IS MET 2s-soX3_ Minimum Depth to >100 51-100 'Ground Water from the Soil Sample (feet) Fractures in subsurface None Unknown Present (applies to foothills l ~) :or mountain areas) Average Annual <10 10-25 26-4 Precipitation (inches) Man-made conduits which, None. Unknown Present increase vertical migration of leachate Unique ~ite features: None ( At least More one ~ than one .recharge area, coarse soil, nearby yells etc. ~ 41 - 48 pts 40pts or less RANGE OF TOTAL POINTS _ Maximin AU WA LE 1150150/50' · 1.31 il B/T/X/E LEVELS (PPM) MAX mm ASOL Z 1000 XO0- ALLOWABLE TPH -- T_.~V~ ?-~ (PPM) DIESEL 10000 1000 100 If depth is greater than 5 ft. and less .than 25 ft., score ' '0points. 'if d~pth-~-'5'ft.'or'-tess, this.table~hould-not-be used.~ ........... i ..................... If precipitation is over 40 inches, score 0.points. Level~ for BTX&E are not applicable at a TPH concentration of lOppm (gasoline) or 100ppm (diesel) 21 Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. A Member of The Ear~ Systems Group 2323 E Street · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (805) 861-8020 · FAX (805) 324-2712 August 15, 1989 County of Kern Environmental Health Services Department 2700 '~' Street, Suite 300 · Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ION NO,. ES-0169-BB1 B-20085-B06 OF~ FUEL TANK SITE. SP~T~ 315 IAKE S~I~EST BAt~/~'..:~ x~. CAT~ 93305 ~Pexmit #: 140001 Thank you for your review of our proposed work plan for the above referenced site dated July 31, 1989. This letter provides clarification to the points you raised during our. recent telephone conversation. SAMPLE BORINGS AND LOCATIONS As to the runber Of borings specified, in our professional opinion we feel a minimum of six borings will be necessary to properly delineate both the vertical ,and lateral extent of contamination in .all direction surrounding the tank. However per you ~equest, we will initially plan on drilling ~nly a minimum of five borings at the revised proposed locations and 'order indicated on the attached 'plot plan. Additional borings may be required based on findings in the field during drilling. As indicated in our proposal, all borings will be drilled to an estimated depth of 25 feet. If contamination is present at a depth of 25 feet in any boring, drilling will be continued, with client authorization, until no contamination is detected in the field. 9/%us determining the vertical extent of · contamination. Boring depths may be limited by the available equipment. Undisturbed soil samples will be acquired by the method proposed at five .foot intervals in all borings. Samples not initially analyzed will be kept in cold storage pending laboratory test results and report approval. 2 ON-SITE STORAGE OF BORING SPOILS Due to public access of th~ site, drill cuttings and soil sample, spoils will be ....... stored in DOT approved 55 gallon barrels in the on-site garage. : IABORATORY~ANALYSIS OF SOILSAH~-~ A 'm/nim~ of two soil samples per boring will be sent to B.C. Laboratories. However, depe_ndin~ on soil litholoc3y and field screening more samples may Our Site Health and Safety Plan is attached. All re~ed modifications and additions to our original proposal by the County of Kern will requ/re prior app+-oval from E.S.E. 's client. Hopefully these clarifications will adequately address your questions. Thank you for your cooperation on this project. Michael K. Lane MKL: sjb · Attachments: - Revised Site PlOt Plan. - ESE Site Health and Safety Plan. - BC Laboratories' Soil Test Results: (Lab # 4223-4, 6' N. Side) "~- ............ - ~ PROPOSED SI~' CHARACO('- ¥IoN PLAN ......... · SPEEDY CATERING :315 LAKE STREET ' · ': ..... :-' : ........ : :?'i ........... ~ ................. ~ .................... i ......... : REVISED ;8/16/89~--'L ............ f"-f--']--'~--?'---~ ....... PERMIT -# --14000t ............................ ] . : ............... ~ .... ' ; ':' ' : -.~--~_ L ........ .... : ........... ~_L.~_ _, ~ .... L ...... ;--d.-~ ..... : ' ' ~ .... -~ ....... ~ ~'--~'~---~ .... T--TTM' ~ ....... : -:-7 .............. ~ ~ ~: .... .... . : .... '.:..: ~ : , , . ;~ . ~ · ~ ~ ti-- l[lll fill] ...... ~--:--~--t -il-~- ~ --~ SUPPORT AREA ~(- VACANT ALLEY "' · ~.. GARAGE :AREA' ................ P~POS~ ~Ig i~RIN~ ............... ~ ........ ,.-: ...................... -- ............. SCALE: I lll~lJ20'-(AL1Z DINENSIONS':'APPROX)' .................. -P~EP-~E-~': B~;:'~RTH' SYSTEMS ENVI~ONMEN- ? ................................................................ _~ ....................... .... : ....: ..... -:.. :._. _ =:.-::: -__.: -:_~-B^~.ERSFiELD__.T}A_~3L~0,~,..., .': :~' ................................................................................. : .... : (8053 - 861'-8020 ............. Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. .A Member of The EaCh Systems Group 2323 E Street · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (805) 861-8020 · FAX (805) 324-2712 2323 "E" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-8020 Federal OSHA Rec~i~ts 29-CFR 1910.120 T~e purpose of this plan is to assign responsibilities, establish personnel protection standards and mandatory safety procedures, and provid~ for emergencies that may arise while field operations are being oonducted at the The provisions of the plan are mandatory for all on-site Earth Systems Env/xc~m~cal, Inc. employees engaged in activities known to be or potentially associated with the presence of hazardous materials. ~ese activities may demobilization. A copy of tb~ plan will be made av~]able to the client, his agents, all rm~ediaticn operations. ~ plan has been prepared to address the activities of Earth SyStem Environmental's employees and does not ~'~'~/, all other · employers fi-om preparin~ a Site Health and Safety Plan for this project. Project personnel involved in on-site investigations and remedia~ operations are responsible for: e Taking all reasonable prehautions to prevent injury to themselves and to their follow employees; and Performing only those tasks that they 'believe they can do safely, and immediately reporting any accidents and/or unsafe conditions, to the client and the company safety officer. Implementing the procedures set forth in the Health and Safety Plan, ar~ reporting any deviations frum the procedures described in the Plan to the client and to the ocmpany safety officer. How old is this information? current as ~une 7, 1989 Physical description of facility vaunt oh,~,ercial property conskst.in~, of . ~ six single-story buf]d~nqs. Previ~,.~!y used by a cat~wir~. Site Status Vacant Will client be on site? No Work t/me limitations St~cial site e~zy ~o~s Da¥1iqht hours only N/~ Warning for site excavation 3 blasts of vehicle horn Ik'esence of hazardous materials. C ]k~tanti~ [xx]cc:nfirm~ Is theexa~ location of hazardous materials: C ]Kz~ CXX] ~sum~ [ ]~ Number of feet to nearest public right-of-way Location of nearest tel~hone Number of nearest telephone Nearest public road Lake or Inyo Streets Nearest water Approximately 10 feet south 2 operations ~t be active participants in ESE E~Ri~ ~edic~l S~ll~e Program. ESE's pr~jram ~s~ ~ployees ~igne~ to bmz~k~s w~te site W~rk-Rest Schedule A ~pply of poe~hle water will ~e kept available r~ar the site. . Safety Trair~ ' '- Field ~ ~-~t r~ceive a 4O hour .~asi¢ health and' safc~y training designed to cc~p~y with the 0S~m/ZPA re~,~ements for hazardous waste operations as promulgated_ by 29 CFR 1910.120 and attend a site-specific safety the following: 1. A briefing on the work to ~e performed and the w~rk sc~s~dule A ~i~ of th~ potential ch~l and R~ical ~ards ~at_~d__ with. the work to ~e performed 3. Haza~ identifi~ti~ 4. Purpose-ar~-l~tati~ns of personal prot~ve equipment Con~cts Should any situati~ or u~pla~d occu~n~ r~ ~_rvi~, the appr~pr~ata c~act fr~m the following ~h~lld be m~: Bak~field Fire ~pt. Bak~fi~d P~lice E~pt. Kern-~M~i~l_~ Center_~ Environ. H~%lth ~vi~ 911 9~ 911 326~2667. ~ 861-3636 4 Hazardous materials addressed in this assessment ~Z~lYI~IC~: The Eollowing chsmicals are ~titive: None ~he follow/rig materials potentially present at th/s project site are specified bY-~California_Pmalth-and-Safety (~de 25249~5-as-recognized and oonfinmed-~-the ................. State of California as carcinogenic and/or mutagenic: 1. Vaporized gasoline ~ oc~2dzdng benzene Potential Worker Hazards: With hydrocarJx~-basgd' fuels may result in dermal irritation ~,9 to desiccation. Respiration of air laden with hl~lrocarb~ vapors may result in oxygen deficiency and/or macus membrane toxication. Mixtures of air and hydzocaf0on fuels emhibit an explosive range th{m .present/r~ an e~plosion hazard. Gasoline contains benzene, a' proven human Tetraethyl I~ad: Gasoline Fuel: Overall Hazard Estimation: Low 0.075 mg/ '- 90O ppm/lO hours (A.¢.G.I.H.) Site Monitorinq Equi~t: Explos~, Photoionization meter Conditions for ~ion of Operations: 50% of the lower explosive limit (IR'w,). The ?Fr. of gasoline varies. · ~he Tmr, of octane is 1%. Level of ~ion Planned: Level D Perscrsl Protection Equipment (PPE) includes Coveralls, leather boots with steel toes and shanks, eye protection, safety helmet and gloves. Modification of this Site Safety Plan is permitted to Level C only. Criteria for Alternative Level of Protection: Detection of > 10 ppm of unknown gasses or vapors. Level C PPE includes Tyvek suits, nitrile gloves and ~,hher boots, eye protection, hard hat, and a half or full-face air-purifying respirator with Scott 642-OA-H cartridge-filters or equi%-alent. Instructions--'f°r' Disposal-~of Contaminated"Equlp~nt: "~- In- approved' containers. - zones. However, care will be taken to avoid transportir~ contaminated soil to uncontaminated areas. Additionally, all non-essential .vehicles and equipment Symptoms of exposure include nausea, vomiting, dermatitis ar~ eye irritation. If these or other unu~,~] symptoms occur while on-site, 'affected personnel Organic vapor monitoring of the ambient a~r shall be ooz~uctsd at reasonable intervals as detarmined by project personnel. ~he purpose of _~_~i_ 'toring is to determine if vapor levels in t_he work area are high enough to warrant persc~ protection measures or evacuation of the site. .Organic vapor .levels should be monitored using an 0VM photoi~zation meter -with an .11.7 eV lamp (probe), calibrated to benzene. A combust/ble gms meter will be available to verify the reading. Backqrcund should be det~wm~_~ by ~m,-~t be reoord_~d_. If any oont/nuous measur~nt that is 100 ppm over ba~ is observed in the work area, respiratory protective action will be required. Lesser protective measures are at the field geologist' s or Before leaving the site\work area, personnel ~ust remove all protective shall be observed before all work breaks. Emergency COnditions are considered to exist if: Any member of the, field crew is .involved in an aCCident, experi~ any adverse effects or symptoms of exposure while on-site; or A condition is discov~ that suggests the existence of a situation more hazardous than anticipated. 5 In the eVent of an On-site emergency, the procedures described below are to be ~mm~ atml_y followed: event of a c~nication breakdown, i.e. radio malfunction or if radios are not available, '~uddies" should use prearranged hand signals or other means of emerge/Icy signals as follows. * Hand gripping throat -'cut of air, can't breath! * Grip partner's wrist or place both hands around wa/st -leave area immediately, no debate! ....... : ........ ' ...................... - ........ ':"=~- .................................... ' ...... =' ~ * Hands on top of D~a~_ - need assistance! * ~ down - no, nec3ative! me ~he field engLneer or geologist will ese~hl~ emergency evacuation routes and will ~ke all project personnel aware of these routes prior to the first on-site activities. In the eVent of an emerge, selection another escape 4. In the eVent that any member of the field crew experiences any adverse effects of symptoms of exposure wb~]e On site, the entire crew should immediately halt work and follow the instructions provided the project supervisor. 5. Wind indicators visible to all on-site personnel should be provided by the project supervisor to indicate possible rcutes for upw/nd escape. 6. The discovery of any condition that would suggest the ex/sten=e of a situation more hazard=us than anticipated_ should result in the evacuation of the field team and re-evaluation of the hazard and .the leVel of protection 7. In the eVent an accident should occur, it will be necessary to Complete an Accident Report Form with the Company Safety officer. COntaminated or potentially COntaminated area of where the possibility for the trar~fer of COntamination exists. ........................ puddles, _pools, mud, etc. Avoid, whenever possible, kneeling on the gruur~, .................. ~-leaning 'or"~sitting' on' equipment ~-or-~grotu~;~'. ...... Do: not place ~'mcnitOring'~- equipment on potentially contaminated surfaces (i.e., ground, etc.) · 3. All field crew m~mbers should be alert to the presence of strong, irritating or nauseating odors that could indicate a potentially dangerous situation. Other senses should be kept .alert to possible hazards as well. 4. Precaution should be taken to p¥-event spillage. In the event a spillage .................... ShoUld'-occurs--' the'-liquid 'mhould'~'-be--con~ ~ _~e~_ '-: ......................... ' ' ' - '5. P£event splashing of the contaminated liquids. Field cr~w members sb~] 1 be familiar with the ~hysical characteristics of investigations, incb~ng the following: * * * * * * ~ot zone (areas of known of ~ contamination). Site access. ' e ~n~m~zed but only to-the extend consistent with work-force re~~ of safe site operations. 8. Safe drilling practices should be observed to avoid electzuCution, injuries, . lost productivity and/or property damage due to above and unde~ * proper clothing (ie. well fitting gloves, hard hat, and goggles). * labeled shut-off/kill switches. * clear work area. clothes, proper leather footware, identification of overhead hazards and maintaining a 20 foot min/m/m clearance to electric transm/ssion lines. * identification of und~ utilities. * using, lock-out systam for electric shut-offs. 9. All wastes .generated durin~ Earth ~ Envir~r~e~fcal, Inc. and/or ~' .................. subcontractor activities at the .site are the responsibility, of:the client ........ 7 sample site. ~ 2. At the sam~l~ site, samplir~ equipment shculd be cleaned after each use. 4. The ~n/mm number of personnel necessary to achieve the objectives shall be within 25 feet of the sampl~ activity. e If emergency and backup subcontractS_ personnel are at the site, they should remain 25 feet fzum the samplin~ activity, where practical. 6. Exulusion zones W~]] be established if. necessary. e All unauthorized personnel will remain outside ex=lusion zones at all ~he Plan Acceptance Form (~ttached) should be filled out by all employees work/rig on the site and retained in the job file. Health & Safety Officer Inc. Robert Mohle (805) 541-5983 M.K. 0~yke.) Lane (805) 323-4232 h~ (805) 861-8020 wk Project-Site Safety Plan pr~ by Myke Lane, Health & Safety Officer. Reviewed and approved by Robert Mohle, Vice President Signature ~ The undersigned have read and understood the attached safety plan and agree to comply with the provisions of this plan. Name ~te Name ~te Position Position 8 Name Date Name Date Position Position Nam~ Date Name Name Dmte Name Nam~ Dmte Namm N~ ~ N~ : 34THI'0 ~ I · STA · · JBB SITE &LU:~MY COUN~ Ii SITE HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN .SPEEDY CATERING EMERGENCY ROUTE TO NEAREST MEDICAL FACILITY KERN MEDICAL CENTER EMERGENCY PHONE: (805) 326-2667 PREPARED BY: EARTH SYSTEMS. ENVIRONMENTAL · 2323 E STRI~ET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 861-8020 · ~,q~' ".~..':' .. .. . .... .... ~ ~.. . .... .....~..., ,~,... .... . . : - ~ . . .~ ,,,]~ , ~~: " . . '. . . ~. _ , ~ ~.~.~..~.. · ..... ........ ..... .~ ..~ . .]..~' ..,' ... . . ......... . ...... ,. .. . . ....~,..,::, .. ...- .. -~ ~j i~., .... ~ ................ . ................ . ;... . . . .-~2~..~..-?.' J~ly 31, 1989 County of Kern Environmental Health Services Depa~ ' 2700 '~' Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield,. CA 93301 COMMISSION NO. ES-o169-BB1 .................................................................................................. : ................................................ ' ................ . ....B't20085~B06 ............. / OF ~ FUH~ TANK SITE, Sl~n~%C CATk~IG 315 IAKE STREET ~~'m .:} r~, CAT.~, 93305 Pezmit #: 140001 We submit our proposed site characterization workplan for the above referenced -~ite for your -~-eview and approval. Currently, the site is vacant commercial Property consisting of six single story garage/office buildings. The site is located south of ?~ke street between Inyo and Alta Vista streets. Prior to foreclosure by Investor's Thrift in 1988, the property was the local headquarters for Speedy Catering. A 10,000 gallon ~nderground gasoline tank was installed prior to 1970 for Storage ,and fueling of catering vehicles (refer to Site Plan). Information regarding inventory monitoring, tank integrity testing, repairs to the tank or piping, and past spills or leaks are not available. Elevated levels of petroleum hydrocarbons were detected upon removal of the gasoline f~el tank, conducted by R.L.W. Equipment in May, 1989. Refer to the attached B.C. Laboratory test results f..o.r soil samples taken below the tank during removal. The site surface areas are either covered by paving or concrete slabs, except in the 10 by 50 foot tank excavation. The excavation has been backfilled with firm silty sand. The surface grades appear to slope toward T~ke on the north and the alley at the south property line. Based on tb~ 'Water Supply Report, 1988" and discussions with Ken Turner of the K~rn County Water Agency, the depth to ground water is anticipated to bez 1~5- 13~5 feet with a regional gradient toward the west-northwest. However, depth to ground water at the site may be different considering the proximity of ~the unlined channel ~ parallel to and on the north side of Lake Street. 2323 E STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 324-4791 FAX (805) 324-2712 315 IAKE ST-~EST 2 ES-0169-BB1 B-20085-B06 JULY 31, 1989 laboratory, analysis of soil samples, and a report of the findings. Ail site set forth in CCR Title 23, the L.U.F.T. field manual (SWRCB, 1989), as well as applicable County of Kern regulations. We therefore propose the following scope of work: ~EALTH AND SAFSTY PLAN PREPARATION In accordance with Federal OSHA Rule 1910.120, a site safety plan will be prepared to protect cur workers at the site. ~e presence of' hazardous materials at the site w~s ~ during the previous tank abar~___~. Ail our field personnel have been'certified for hazardous materials work in accordance with OSHA requirements. The Site Safety Plan establishes personnel response measures. All personnel ~working on the site will be re~,~ed to read, u~derstand and sign the plan. Six soil test borings will be drilled sur~ the area of previously identified centrum/nation at the site using an 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger ~rig. One boring will be drilled in the former tank. location' which has since been backfilled. · The remaining five'borings will be drilled surrounding the first boring. Refer to the attached site plan for tentative .boring locations. All borings will be drilled to an estimated depth of 25 feet below grade or to .~the .first ground-water surface, "if encountered, whichever is less. If contamination is present at a depth of 25 feet in any of the hot/rigs, drilling can be continued, at your request, in order to fully determine the vertical extent .of the cormamination. Investigation of grcun water beneath the site is not proposed at th/s t/me. U~listurbed soil samples will be collected from each boring a~ 5 foot-/ntervals of dePth and held for laboratory analysis. These samples will be collected using a modified California split-spoon sampler (2.5 inch OD) equipped with stainless steel liners. The sampler will be driven beyond the auger bit using a 140 lb. hammer (30 inch drop). Blow counts will be noted on the boring logs. Ail equipment will be cleansed with TSP and rinsed with deionized Water before' use, between sample intervals and between borings. Ail auger flights/drill bits will be steam cleaned prior to use and between borings. ............................. placed'~[on~-ic~-fO~-~i~'~-'--a'''- Callf6~ni&-'-~_r~ifie~.-"-Iaboratory, -6bservir~ WORKPLAN PROPOSAL 315 LAKE STREET ES-0169-BB1 BT20085-B06 JULY31, 1989 ! ~. ............... _ ....... ~po~s~ ~_~1 ~ ~ ~i~ ~ ~~wi~ pl~c ~~. --~ ............................ ~-~:~ ..... ~ A ~ifi~ g~l~ or ~~ ~1 ~ ~i~ ~ 1~ ~ ~r~, ~r ~s ~ ~1~ for~la~e ~~ (~ a ~), ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ sl~ ~~ ~~ ~ay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~. Soil samples collected during drilling will be sent to BC Laboratories, a state-certified laboratory for chemical analysis. Based on field observations, two soil samples ~-om each boring will be selected for laboratory apa~ysis. All of the soil samples will be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydmxx~ag~ (TPH) as gasoline by D.O.H.S. (L.U.F.T. Method) and for BTX&E by EPA Method 8020. Th/s task includes data compilation, interpretation of bor~hole logs, and review of analytical r~sults. A brief report summarizing the results of the. initial site investigation will be prepared and signed by a California Registered Geologist. ~he report will include a site map, findings, conclusions and rec~,,~_ndations as well as copies of boring logs and laboratory Thank you for your consideration of this proposal. If you have any ~e~_~ticns or ~-evisions please contact us at (805) 861-8020-or write this office at your Michael K. Lane Project Engineer Robert Mohle, CEG # 1409 Vice President MKL: sjb Attachments: - BC Laboratories Test Resul.ts .- - Site Plot Plan. .......... ~_ESE.Statement of Qualifications. 0.30 4.~ , _.. ................. · · , .... :-.....;-:.::...'., ,:' ... ~W Equip~nt I. : '... ' '~;'~t .. ';:~::~. '-:: .,: .... . P.O. Box 640 · '1' ' ' · ' I · · ',. ~:,'~1'; '.'.' ~"~ .... .-' '.' *'?:' ," ' · . ..... ~ . . ,.. ...~,, ~. . .',...}, ,:,..~ -, ..~,; -.: ,..... · · ' . ' · . ~b ~.: · ~23-3 - ' · .' '.'~ ~'.. .'. X ' '::.:'~?-/, C' , ;t~}:'-'?..' ' . ~.~. S~ ~~ 315 ~ S~ ' ~.'~.., "' ,'";,..; ::.;.'.~ .".':; '. .. : , ' ,. .' , -. . '. ' ;..:a.;,.' . · .'-q-,V~-': ':... ".',":-'""' · - . ., . . .~ , .. ~ - .- . .... i~ ;~;:~-' ... -~,;.¥ '~ ' .., ,.' '.~y.':.,.'~ :/.. . , ., .. · · ' .... -a;-.'.~'. , ' ' '[ y.~c, .,f.:z~';-':: "--;"".t ', ,, .. .... · . · .. ~ , .t , . ..: ,,..., .. . . .-,.~ ..... ~.: ... . ~ . ~~ · . .~ ........ . ..... . .... ' · ~, · .~.,~ · '~~ r.~ ~ .~.~~ .... .';, ,~l': '," I ',x';'.~' - ;'. - --~--'~' - ";~ ".. ~iV~ ~l ~~' '~ ~ *"' I g-.~.'" · ' ":'"'C~'' " · . .... ,,. , · W . . · ~~_ f, · .- , ~ - .. ~:...:..: -, ~1 - '" ' ~ '"' · '" ;' ':.':~:" '".J'" )' ' ~' q ~' .'.%.~ ::~.'"'"' "-2:.. ' ' '- ' ' ' : ' ' ' '- .',;2 ": -'.; fl. . - ~ ,~ir. '.~- ' __ .... . ~ -' ~ .'?,~ "-.~'! ~.~ ....,~.;, ' ;'.. - ': __ . '~. '. ': - ~lya~l ', . l~~ ~:~ ~''{r':' :.},.::. ::, ~,. 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SECTION 2: STANDARD OF CARE 2.1 2.2 The client recognizes that subsurface conditions may vary from those · observed at locations where borings, surveys, or explorations are made, and that site conditions may change with .time. Data, interpretations, and recommendations by Earth Systems Environmental, (hereinafter referred to as ESE) will be based solely on information available to the consUltant. ESE will. not be responsible for other parties' interpretations or use of the information developed. Services performed' by ESE'under this agreement are expected by the Client to be conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily, exercised by' members of the environmental consulting profession practicing contemporaneously under similar conditions in the locality of the project. No other warranty, expressed .or implied, is made, SECTION 3: SITE ACCESS AND SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 3.2 Client will grant or obtain free access to the site for all eqUipment and personnel necessary for ESE to. perform the work set forth in this agreement. The client will notify any and all possessors of the project site that client has granted ESE free access to the site. ESE Will take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the site, but it is understood by client that, in the normal course of work, some damage may occur and the correction of such damage is not part of this agreement unless so specified in the proposal. The client is responsible for the accuracy of 'locations for all subterranean structures and utilities. ESE will take reasonable precautions to avoid known subterranean structures, and the client waives any claim against ESE, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and ........ hold-ESE-"harml~sS "~f¢5'm"~.r~ blaim'-(si'--liability '-for--injury-~or- loss; including costs of defense, arising from damage done to 'subterranean structures and utilities not identified or ,accurately located. In addition, client_._agrees to compensate ESE for any time spent or expenses incurred by ESE in defense of any such claim with compensation to be based upon ESE's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. SECTION 4: SAMPLE DISPOSAL 4.1 ESE will dispose of all remaining'soil and rock samples 60 days after submiSsion of report covering those samples. Further storage or transfer of samples can be made at client's expense upon client's prior written request. SECTION 5: BILLING AND PAYMENT 5.1 Client will pay ESE the lump sum amount indicated in the proposal or, if no lump sum amount is indicated, in accordance with the schedule of personnel and equipment charges, as shown in the proposal and '.its attachments. Prior to initiation of fieldwork, a retainer as specified in the proposal, is required. Invoices for the balance will be submitted to client by ESE, and will be due and payable upon presentation. If client objects to all or any portion of any invoice, client will so notify ESE in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days of the invoice date, identify the cause of disagreement, and pay when due that portion of the invoice not in dispute. The parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion of the invoice. In the absence of written notification described above; the balance as stated on the invoice will be paid. 5.2 Invoices are delinquent if paYment has not been received within thirty (30) days'from date' of invoice. Client will pay anadditional charge of 1 1/2 (1.5) percent per month (or the maximum percentage hllowed by · law, whichever is lower) on any delinquent amount, excepting any portion of the invoiced amount in dispute and resolved in favor of client. Payment thereafter will first be applied to accrued interest and then to the principal unpaid' amount. All time spent and expenses incurred (including any attorney's fees) in connection with collection of any delinquent amount will be paid by the client to ESE per ESE's current fee schedule. ·In the event client fails to pay ESE within sixty (60) days after invoices are rendered, client agrees that ESE will have the fight to consider the failure to pay the ESE's invoice as a breach. of this agreement. SECTION 6: OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS 6.1 All reports, boring logs, field data, field notes, laboratory test data, ............................... ~__calculations,_ estimates,._.and ..other.._documentsp. repa[ed~by ~ESE as instruments of service, shall remain the property of ESE. 6.2 Client agrees that all reports and other work furnished to the client or his agents, which is not paid for, will be returned upon demand and will not be used by the client or others for any purpose whatsoever. 6.3 ESE will retain all pertinent records relating to the services performed for a period of five years following submission of the report, dudng which pedod the records will be made available to the client at ali reasonable times. SECTION 7: INSURANCE 7.1 '~ESE re~present~and~warrants~th~a~t`-it.~`an;c~it$~gents~st-~``ar~(~ ..... consultants employed by it is and are protected by worker, s compensation insurance and that ESE has such coverage under public liability and property damage insurance policies which ESE deems to be adequate. Certificates for all such policies of insurance shall be provided to client upon request in wdting. Within the limits and conditions of such insurance, ESE agrees to indemnify and save client harmless from and against any loss, damage, or liability adsing from any negligent acts by ESE, its. agents, staff, and consultants employed by it. ESE shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or liability beyond the amounts, limits, and conditions 'of such insurance. ESE shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, or liability arising .from any acts by client, its agents, staff, and other consultants employed by it. SECTION.8: TERMINATION 8.1 This agreement may be terminated by either party seven (7) days after written notice in the event of any breach of any provision of thiS agreement or in the event of substantial failure of pedormance by the other party, or if the client suspends the work for more than three (3) months. In the event of termination, ESE will be .paid for services pedormed pdor to the date of termination plus reasonable termination expenses, including the cost of completing analyses, records and report necessary to document job status at the time of termination..- SECTION 9: RISK ALLOCATION 9.1 There are a vadety of risks which potentially affect ESE by virtue of entedng into an agreement t° perform professional services on the client's behalf. In order for the client to obtain the benefit of a fee which includes a lesser allowance for dealing with ESE's risks, the client agrees to limit ESE's liability to the client and to all other parties for claims adsing out of ESE's performance of the services described in this agreement. The total aggregate liability of ESE will not exceed $50,000 for professional acts, errors or omissions, and the client agrees to. indemnify ESE for all liabilities in excess of the monetary SECTION 10: DISCOVERY OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ' 10.1 The client recognizes that the discovery of hazardous materials may ,,necessitate immediate protective measures to safeguard the public health and safety and agrees to compensate ESE for measures that in our professional opinion are justified to preserve and protect the ...... ' - ....... ' ..... health and safety-of site persohnel ~nd the publiC.' ............................................. ~ ....................... . 10.2 10.3 ESE agrees'to notify client as soon as practically possible should hazardous materials be encountered at the site that pose a threat to human .health, safety 'and the environment. Client agrees that the discovery of hazardous materials at the site must legally be reported to the proper authorities as required by CAC Title 23, Chapter 3, State AB 2185, and Proposition 65. Client agrees to ~make the required report at the recommendation of ESE or, if unable to do so, authorizes ESE to make this report. Client also agrees to inform the property owner in the event that hazardous materials are encountered, at the site. Client recognizes that the discovery of hazardous materials at the site may adversely affect the property's value and may cause the property owner to institute legal action against the client and/or ESE. Client waives any claim against, and agrees to defend, indemnify and save ESE harmless from any claim or liability for injury or loss arising from the discovery of hazardous materials at the site. Client also agrees to' adequately compensate ESE for. any time spent and expenses incurred in defense of any such claim. SECTION 11' DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 11.1 SECTION 12: Contaminated ddll cuttings, sample spoils, and wash water may_be produced as a result of encountering hazardous materials at the site. Such materials will be properly contained, labeled, and stored onsite by ESE.' It is the client's responsibility for the proper transportation and disposal of such hazardous'materials. FAILURE TO ENCOUNTER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 12.1 It is possible that exploration activities may fail to detect the presence of hazardous materials at sites where'such materials are assumed or ............................................ ' ......... expected to.--exists-- ...... Client"'understands"~that-failure---to---discover hazardous materials through appropriate and mutually agreed-upon exploration techniques does not guarantee that hazardous materials -- do not exist at the site.. Similarly, a site that is actually free of contamination at the time of exploration may become contaminated at some later time. Client waives any claim against, and agrees to defend, indemnify and save ESE"harmless-fromany'claim-or. liabilityr for injury or loss which may arise from failure to detect the presence of hazardous materials through techniques commonly employed for that · purpose; Client also agrees.to adequately compensate ESE for any time spent and expenses incurred in defense of any such claim. SECTION 13: AQUIFER CONTAMINATION composition of a site's subsurface even after conducting a comprehensive exploratory program. As a result, there is a dsk that drilling and sampling may result in contamination of certain subsurface areas, as when a bodng passes through a contaminated zone, connecting it to one or more aquifers not previously contaminated and capable of spreading contamination. 13.2 Although ESE will take all reasonable 'precautions to avoid such an· occurrence, client waives any claim against, and agrees to defend, indemnify and save ESE harmless from any claim or liability for injury or loss which may arise as a result of cross-contamination c~used by drilling, sampling, or monitoring well installation. Client also agrees to adequately compensate ESE for any time spent 'and expenses incu°rred in defense of any such claim; SECTION 14: DISPUTES RESOLUTION. 14.1 14.2 All claims, dispUteS, and ·other matters in controversy between ESE and client adsing out of or in any way related to this agreement will be submitted to "alternative dispute'resolution" (ADR) such as mediation and/or arbitration,, before and as a condition precedent to other remedies provided by law. If and to the extent client and ESE have agreed on methods for resolving such disputes, then such methods will be set forth in the "Alternative Dispute Resolution Agreement" which, if attached, is incorporated and made a part of this agreement. If a dispute at law related to the services provided under this agreement and that dispute requires litigation instead of ADR as provided above, then: (1) the claim· will be brought and tried in judicial jurisdiction of the court of the county where ESE's principal place of business is located and client waives the right to remove the action to,any · other'County or jucJicial iuri~di~ion;--~.'n~i:, (2) SECTION 15: the prevailing party will be entitled to recovery of all reasonable costs incurred, including staff time, court costs, attorney's fees, and other claim related expenses. ASSIGNS 15.1 Neither the client nor ESE may delegate, assign, sublet or transfer his duties or interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other party. ..The contractual_agreemeo, t.betweenthe client and ESE shall pertain only to the benefit of the parties hereto, and no third party shall have any rights hereunder. SECTION 16: GOVERNING LAWAND SURVIVAL 16.1 The law of the State of California will govern the validity of these terms, their interpretation and performance. 16.2 If any of the provisions contained in this agreement are held illegal, invalid,' or unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining. provisions will not be impaired. Limitations of liability and indemnities will survive termination of this agreement for any cause. it COUNTY OF ei~-uv,ronmental Health Services DePOnent Mr. Joe Zumwalt Invester's Thrift 2602 "F" Street Bakersfield. CA 98301 SUBJECT: Location: 315 Lake St. Bakersfield. CA 93305 Known As: PERMIT Dear Mr. Joe Zumwalt: .Speedy Cater~ 14OO01 This letter is an official notice 'to inform you that the property described above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health to be the site of an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an'underground storage tank. This notice is sent to you because our records indicate that you are a responsible party fop this property. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work'relating to the above described property and the cost for oversight of these activities. California Heaith and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48 require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE- PARTY SHALL, ON A TIMELY BASIS, DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTERIZATION., FEASIBILITY STUDY AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find attachment "A". Handbook UT-35, which states the minimum required site workplan activities, the necessary requirements for selecting environmental contractors quaiified to perform this work, a glossary of terms, example illustrations, and a 'section discussing the answers to commonly asked questions. The cost incurred by Kern County EnvirOnmental Health for the oversight df the work for'the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is,not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern county Environmental Health in one of the two ways described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of 'the {A) State contract or {B) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options ONLY pertain to costs associated'with oversight. (A) STATE CONTRACT .... ~ .... FOe-State Leaking Underground Storage 'Tank Pilot-Program-.~provides aP mechanism.£or th~ State to ~'etmburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight.and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The..State will then charge you, a responsible party, for both the costs incurred by the County and the State pertaining to your site. (B) COUNTY LOCAL A6REENE~ Kern County Environmental Health is providing this option for those wh° prefer to pay the county directly and avoid the addition of State costs. Prior to the Countf's ......... performance of services, this'Op¥ion requires Your-deposit of $1,000.00 (one.thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account. In this option, a responsible party must' enter into a County agreement, attachment 'B". · To Safeguard the environment, the environmental sensitivity (Attachment 'C") of this site has been reviewed by Environmenta.l Health to determine the potential threat for groundwater contamination. Only sites determined to be non-environmentally sensitive .... may-enroll in'the' LocaI'0ptiOn Agreement~-"Th~-'site~described~-above environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Optidn Agreement;' however, the County of Kern reserves the .right to cancel any Local Option Agreement, should it be discovered that groundwater, contamination or a~unique, comple~ hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Environmental Health will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally sensitive area. It is necessary for you to respond in writing within ten .(10) calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmental Health o.f your choice: either the State Contract or the County's Local Agreement option. If you select the County's Local Agreement, please sign the Local Agreement, enclosure 'B", and return it with your check fOr $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars} made payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kernj County Environmental Health 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield,' CA 9330~, Attention:. Underground Storage Tan~ Contract Administrator. If you select the State Contract, please indicate that you have made'this selection and that you have read attachment "D",.the'official. notification, in a letter sent to the address indicated above. Failure to respond in writing to this notice withln ten (10) calendar days will automatically result in oversight cost recovery for your site(s) to be placed under the terms of ~he State Pilot Program for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. Enclosure 'O" wil~ then serve ~s the official notification of your enrollment into the State Pilot Program for Underground Storage Tanks. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Richard Casagrande Progra~ ~anager, at (805) 861-3636. '- Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director Environmental Health Services Department ...................... attachments COUNTY OF KERN Mr. Joe Zumwalt ATTACHMENT "D" June 29. 1989 Invester's Thrift 26o2-"F"'-$tre~t ......................................................................................................... =-- '"-'~- .............. '-----:-'-:-' Bakersfield. CA 93301 SUBJECT: Location: 315 Lake St. Bakersfield. CA 93305' Known As: Speedy Catering PERMIT #: 140001 Dear Mr. Joe Zumwalt: Thi,s letter will serve as the official notification concerning reimbursement requirements for a responsible party enrolled in the State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program. As mentioned in the introductory letter, by either not responding to this package within ten (101 calendar days or through your own selection of the State Contract option, your site will be placed under the terms explained below: Whereas the Legislature has appropriated funds from the California Hazardous Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state' agency administrative and oversight costs associated 'with the cleanup of releases from underground storage ganks: and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action at the above site are funded, in whole or in part. from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund: and Whereas the above individual{s) or entity(leS) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site: YOU AP~ HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and Safety code, the Above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect cost§ incurred by any and all state and local agencies ~hile overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, aah the above Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Control Board. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Richard Casagrande. Program Manager, at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, attachments Steve McCalley, Director Ehvi¥Onmental-Heatth Services Depa'ftmefit ................... · ,, oreo eldel Failure to do this will prevent thin / I_ v-"'"'/,"~ /.. ~ :~.' ..- i I ~~,.';.",",.".J?.".'?-I-d?-v-°-"- ..... m lO ConaultpObii~&att 1' '. / r) ~ v ~ / ~ ~: -'::. t~ I ~onal fees_the, f?llOWln_~, u~.,v,~w,. ...... flab . · . - I ' ~ :1 .... ~ ~-.-------~'~1 ~"'.'-," 13~ul If] 1'"2 /_(/~,...i~. II/,< I ' , '_t ..... ,-,~,,'~ °~"]/ ~ :~ :, I /'~~ I , ' IU/" J '3 / - '7'-'~/' ; "'~" t ,,. ~(]pn ~! '-'-~1 ~.-' ~ :' r~ . , ,~ . .,., · ./ ' '-- I ~ ."':_";L~ ~ ~::-'! :.. ~ A, t 'n I/1",4 :C:l ~,~ / ' I~,,,~.o~mpx=,-oL. dd,..-. I ' ' ~ } '.: ~;, ~ t ,r nd ' "~' ' !it;''''ti- I~'.- , .....' ' ~ ~~,~~~.' I ( 'i-'::,,i I :'?-'- ' "-/./// uul, "'~,,_..1~_ ____-- ~d.,ITO/)AOTIVE · INDUSTRIAL · PETROLEUM 2080 5OUTH UNIQN:AVENUE~BAK E R S FIE LD, CALIFORNIA June 9, 1989 ,. uN ! 9_ 1989 County Of Kern Health Dept. Attention: Laurel Funk Attached Please find copies of the soil sample documentation from BC' Laboratories for Speedy Catering, 3i6 Lake Street. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please give me a call at (805) 83~-1100. Sincerely, . Servic~ Manager RLW EQUIPMENT BMN/lt RLWEquipment P.O. Box 640 LABORATOR I C'~C,.' .... J. J. EGLtN. eEG. CHEM. GNGII. ',' · 4100 PIERCE RI3., BAKEIISFIELD, CALtr. oI~NiA 9330~ PHONE 327-491.1: Bakersfield, Ca. 93302 Attention: Bud McNabb Lab No.: ~mple Desc: DATE COi~Eu~TED: 31-May-89 RECEIVED ~ LA]3: 31 ~on~tit~ent 0O2 _.__ :.:., .. : .... ...., J]:[:l[', .... .. :-','"?'.>?':1'" · .~:*.:::L., :* ;., ',-- "i[;L,[: ,' Be. ~nzene Toluene Ethy.L Be.n~ e. ne u~'g p-Y. vlene ug,/g m-Xylene ugjg 0.07 4.14 8.49 · 32.34 '~.61 ~3~. 64 To~l Petroleum 0.02 O. 02 0.02 O. 02 5.00 Tt~T Pfk"THOD: ~ for g~ol£r,te Indi'~id,zal constituent,'.-; b:.' EPA ,~thod 8020. .;:. · Ca!iforni~ D.O.H.S. Cert..102 JUN'-I(~' 1989 :' ''~' Envifmm'mntal He~th Div. '. ~arn Couaty He~tth Deot To!u~e .E%b~l B~ ?nmer, e .m-X~lene To?_~ ~ per~ole~r, · Reporttr~ ".. Bnits u~/g n~e ,-~e%ected ug/g none d¢~ected ug/g nc~e desired u~/g : . O. 04 ug/g O. 10 TE~T Mk~HOD: TFH for ~ol~le by D,O.H.$. L.U.F.T. merci. ''.' individual cor~t~ent.~ by ~A me~:~ 8020, .i::.,:'"i. Dm-/ Piat~er Basis --' · California' D, O.H:$. Gert.' 0.02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 0.02 .j, j.' £g!n.: ......... 'LABORATORIES, Inc. ~geable Arr_~m~ica ' To~ Pet~l~ . <:< - ~n~ f · :r,.- ,.... . : '- :-..:.'-.":.::--- ~- . - : .~ ~.. State of California-Health end Welfare Agency ~ I See Instructions one.lEk (~ je 6 Department of Health Services .~Form;~'pproved OMB No. 2050--0039 (Expires 9~3) ' and Front ol~lllge 7 Toxic Substances Control Division - Please or type. (Form designed for use on'~/El~ (12-p#ch typewriter). ~ ' Sacramento, California UNIFORM HAZARDOUS t. Generator's US EPA ID No. Manifest 2. Page 1 {~ /nocument No. Information in the shaded areas WASTE. MANIFEST I~r'~l~l i I~C;'I~..~I~OI/ o,i is not required by Federallaw. 5. Transpolar 1 Company Name ' 6. US EPA ID Number C. Stat~ Trana~'s ID 7. Transpo~er 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number E. Stale Transp~"a ID · 12. Containers 13. Total 14. I. 11. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) Quanti~ Unfl Waste No. . No. Type Wt / Vol State c. State . EPA/~h~ ' ~Al~h~ I I I IIII K. ~ndling ~ea f~ Waste~ Li~t~ A~ve J. Additional Des~ipti~s for Martials Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instru~ions and Additional Info.aliGn GENERATOR'S CE~FICA~ON: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper $hippiflg name and are classified, packed, ma~ed, and labeled, and are in all resp~s in propel condition for transpo~ by highway according to applicable international and national government regulat~na. If I =m = ~Gr~; ~3t~i 96~.gator,; Ceriify [ha[i have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxiciW of waste generated to the degree I have deter/ned to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal current~ available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, if I am a umall quantity generator, I have made a good faith effo~ to minimize my waste generation and sel~ the best waste management method that ia available to me and that I can afford. ' ted/T Printed/Typed Name ', Month Day Year 18. Tran,po, er 2 Acknowledgemen~ Receipt of Mate"al, ' -~' 19. Diecrepancy Indication Spa~ - / ' : ~'Fecility Owner or Operat6r Ce~ification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except a$ noted in Item 19. Printed/Typed Name [ Signature _ / Month Day Year DHS 8022 A (1/88) EPA 8700--22 (Rev, 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete. Do' Not Write Below This Line V~ite: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DAYS To: P.O. Box 3000, Sacramento, CA 95812 Et{VIRONMEN'IAL HEAL'IH DIviSION Telephone (805) 861-3636 . - HEALTH· OFFICER Leon M Hebmlson, M.D. Facil_tty Name /-~ , . ' .. ~~ Kern County Permil¥# . This fOr~ i's to be ~etu~ned to' t, he Ee~n County Health Department ~ithin 14 -'" '. ~ days of acceptance of tank(s) by diaposal or ~ecyclin~ facility A:~:;L::~-holder of_the per,It ~lth .number.noted above is responsible for:'nsu~in~ Da're Tanks Removed ~/~/~ No. of Tanks '~'l -- :.:::':: ::'. Section 2 - To be filled out ~ contFacto~ "~econt~ina%in[ tank(s~: Tank "Decontamination" ContFacto~ ~ Authorized ~ep~e8entatlve of cont~acto'~ c'e~ttflea by 'signing below that ta'nk(s) have. been decontaminated ]n actor(brace with geF~ CountF llea]L~ Department ~equl~ements. Section 3 -To b~ ~tlled out and si~ ~K a~ authoFized ~ep~esentative o~ t~eatment, .s'to~a~e, or dispos,a~ [a~illty acceptinE tank(s): Facility Name Address 2202 S. MILLIKEN AVENUE ONTARIO, CA .Date Tanks Received" 3UNE 6~ 1989 Signature ~"~~J (Authorized Representative) ' AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING? INC. Phone # (714) 988-.8000 Zip 91781 No. of Tanks 1 Title OFFICE MANAGER _. * * * MAILING · (Form #IIMMP-150) INSTRUCTIONS: Fo.ld Ill half nnd staple. DISTRICT OF'FICES ' ' 17G~3FIower s~eel KERN COUNTY I IEALTH DI!PARI'F~JT HEALTH.OFFICER ' Haker~fleld, California 93305 . ' Leon M Ilobmlson, M.D. Telephone (805) 061-3636 ENVIIIONMEtJIAL IlEAL]Il DIVISION ; ~~ DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relchard Facility Name ~ , ~~~~~ . Kern County PermJt..~ * * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD * * This form ia to be returned to t, he Kern County Health Department wlthln 14 da'ya of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. Tile .. .-" . holder of the permit with number noted above is responsible for insuring .' ..... " . .......... ~Jln~_.~h I s . form..An.,.compl e ted and re {nrned.,..==L(.,':-:':~.._ ". ..... ,._.._: .................... ~_,J ....... ~-~&~:: j?~ =,. ~.-..~; '~-.~::'~:~ '--- ~ ~ec~l°n ~. - To be filled out ~ te~re~ovel con~: . ~ / Date 'ranl<s Removed No of Tanks · · .~ · · · · · · · · · . · . . . ~ ,, ., . , . . . , . . . . ., .. . · .,. · J:i~,~','"~{ . 9ec~ion 2 - To be ~llled ou~ ~ con~rac~or "decoo~nmina~inR ........ ~ ,/ /' , Ta.k "DecoutamtnntJon" Contractor ~ AuthoPlzed ~epreaentatlve of cont~actoP cePtlfles by ~lgnJng below tank(a) have been (i~contamJnaLed Ja accor(hmcc with ~aPn CounL~ Ileal~h Depa~tmen~ requlPements. " -- ~S~[ure Ti tle Section 3 -T~ ~ filled ou~ and ~gned hZ ~l~ audwrlzed representative of the [reatment, s[oroEe, or disposal facility occeptJnE .tank(s): Focility Nome. A'MEE~CAN METAL EE~YCL[N~ INC. Address ~0~ S. 'M~LL~'[~ AVENtJE Phone ~ '(71~) .ONTAE[O, CA Zip ~1761 Da~e Tonka Received ~UNE 6~ 1~8'~ No. of Tasks Signature ~~~~ Title OFFICE MANAGER " (Authorized Representotlve) . ....... *' * -* -'f,~A'IL-ING ]'N-,'q-TRui:TIONffi ..... -F'~.'I'~i ..... ]-'ii ..... lii'~'-IT --and strip l-e .' (F(Jrm #1I)IMPJ-JSO) DIRTRIC'r OFFICES INSPECTION TANK CLOSURE Inspector '~\~O,~(kk_ - Date ,PD[ ~[ 1. Tank Decontamination i /Tank decontamination contractor has prior DePartment ~ank decontamination Contractor has on site documentation in use of explosimeter and monthly equipment c~lib~ation. .~Tank deContam~nat'5on contractor documents tank cleaning, 5~ maximum LEL reading, and certifies decontamination on tank t~ackSn~ form. Tank(s) are free of liquid and sludge. ~Licensed hazardous waste hauler collects rinseate and transports wa~e to appropriaze licensed hazardous treatment, storage or disposal facility. TANK(S) ARE A NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE. Tank Explosive Safety //Tank(s) are free of liquid. Tank(s) are grounded. _ ~/All lines to tank(s) disconnected and removed .from tank hole. nk(s) filledwith CO, or other inert gas; 02.level is below 12%, or a maximum 5% of LEI, wi'th 02 between 16.5% and 12%; as verified by Environmental Health Services Meter. :7-,. C02 dry ice added 4 hours before inspection, minimum 2 lbs per 100 gallons of tank capacity. ~x~_~_~ / Dispensing device for liqUid or gas inerting is bonded to tank. TANK(S) ARE NON-EXPLOSIVE. · Tank. Closure in Place Tank top exposed along entire length. Vent line still corlnected. All tank caps are reuloved. At '[east two holes, . Qne on ........ - :' " 'L--~C k~ ....... :' -~i~'- Tank(s) filled with two-sack concrete mix. material flow from ali tank 'top holes. Witness the Backfill and compacted as per public works requirements. · TANK(S) ARE CLOSED IN PLACE. Tank Removal /'Tanks are grounded before removal. All lines to tank(s) disconnected and removed frbm tank hole. uthorized tank removal contractor employee on-site supervising actual tank removai. %~~'paint. Tank(s) marked with tank closure permit number with spray All tank top holes/bungs sealed for transport. · Licensed hazardous waste hauler transports contaminated tanks under manifest to appropriate treatment or disposa.'[ facility. __ Tank tracking form goes wi th tank(s) . · '~/TANK(S) REMOVED FOR IMMEDIATE TRANSPORT. Preliminary Site Assessment Sampling Preliminary assessment contractor has prior Department approval·. -- .All samples requirements. taken as pe~' SW-846, 2nd All samples are undisturbed. edition All samptes taken at locations and dept.hs as per permit.. ~S~mples are properly sealed and preserved in icechest at with blue ice or dry ice. ~q_w~9~L.!f~ COUNTY OF KE 2700 "M" SIreet~ Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA · 93301 Environmental lteaith Services Department '"FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: ! /.~,.,~i~ :~.~,~;_ . '.:,:' Speedy Catering Invester"s Thrift RLW, Equipment '. ' ' 2602 "F" Street ' . ~2080..~ _::_,. ,~.~.~ _..So', .Union ~Avenue · ',;.~],~15~,.~~' BakersLakef ieStreetld, CA ~- -Bakersfield, OA ',"'".'~'~'~Bakersfie~d~.~].~,~,~~. ,' License ~29407 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF ! TANK(S) AT ABOVE LEGATION PERMIT EXPIRES APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY Phone:(805) 327-9311 Phone:(805).834-1100. -,.:..']i~"'- May 18, 1989 pREMiSES · POST ON .......... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: Permittee must notify the Kern County Environmental Health Department at (805),861-3656 two working days prior to tank (removal)or inerting and filling).to arrange for required inspections(s)· 2. Permittee ~ obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiating closure action .' ... Department and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook #UT_30.~ PERMIT FOR pERMANENTCLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS PERMIT. NUMBER A924-14 ADDENDUM · · SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 4 .... .' Sot/ Sampling ] : .. · - · :,., . ,., :-, , ... . ' ~Any deviation;from 'sample locations and numbers · sampled for which are described below and 'in Handbook ~UT-30 must 'reCeive?j. · ~ :,prlor~-approval by the Environmental Health Department.. ~ :: ..... .~.:/,'./::~:;~.~a.. ~-,._:.(Tank size between 1,000 to 1.0,.000 gallons) ,J~:.mini~um- .::.??,?:;~,~:~::~;~,:',,.;:~{,~.~7;.;~;;?:~,samples must..be retrieved one-third of the way in from 'the ~nds, "~ ~',~,~:.~,~:'-'~ ':~ ~]5~{;:',~?-~'~-~'~9~*%' ' ? ' '- - ' ' ~ ' · ' ..... ' ...... ~;,:~-~,~m~:,~:.~.:?;~,~::~,~e~:~:?:.of eac~ tang__~_g~.~.p:t.hs_~_o:f.:iapproxzma:g.~}y._::tWo feet :and ,ermlt appltcati°n'a=e to be utiltzed~'~j~Prtor approval mu~ be':grante~ 'specialist ,listed on' the ~ermit."q~%~{~:[~?:{:.:,,.:: ' .... "~ ........ ~':""'::'~?" .... 6. "-Soil. Sampling '.(p~ping area) . :., ... . :: .... - "a ~tnlmu~ of two samples' must be retrieved at depths of' approximately two .-, ;.'~,::,:,~feet and slx 'feet for every.15 .1.tnear feet. of pipe run and also near .'.,the .... ~. dispenser area (s) ................... . ........ , .... , ...... ................... ........~.~-. ,, ............... .,?.~ a. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline Samples must be analyzed 'for benzene/ toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. .~. .. :-f 8. Copies of transportation manifests' must be submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Department within five days of waste disposal..."~..~.~ ..... 9. All applicable' state laws .for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Environmental Healt~ Department must be notified before movin~ and/o~ ~di~o~i'n~ of .~n~ 10. Permittee is ~esponsible for ~aking sure that "tank disposition record" 'issued 'with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14 of tank ~a~s removal. . ~. ., ...... ..... ...:...,,- Advise 'this office of the ti~e and"date 'of the proposed sampling ~ith 24 hOurs advance notice. 12. Results 'must be submitted to this ]office within three 'days of ,analysis ' CO~p ~ e' o~. ' ;' .~...-:~; ACCEPTED BY: ~ DATE '":' TC: cas :dr ':' K~.~ .C~ itZALTII DLPARTMRNT DIVISION OF' P. NVIR(~AL U~ALTH l'lO0 L~LOMBR STREET. Ikqir~,l~IRLI).' CA 9~305 (606) 881-3836 .. I C~MICAL 8TOI~D (NON~CIAL lANK) TO i~ACILITY IqWVID~O 8Y SOIL TYPE AJa) GROUNDMATEit DEPTH DSTKRMINATION I~IB8 TYP~ IiB #ITHIN ~0. ~ .~-1. ' PREVIOUSLY )BSCRIB8 BOM RF,~IDUI IN TAMK(8) AND PIPIN6 IS TO B~ RBMOVBO AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE T~?b__-,~:_~A?IOM ,, ,5-+Z PIPIM~ * * ~LKASE PttOVIDE INFO~L~TTON REOI~..S'T~O O~ Rf~'ERg~ sipK OF l~TS SHSl~ BBFORS SUBMITYTNG APPLICATION "~ ~"~ -~"~ ~'~"~n ' .~,..,~. ~_.~. ~m, o~ ~-~- xs-~-~ ~e~, .......... (ForB ~HNMP-14O) ~'~,R~ID~ DRAWING OF PHYSICAL i ~OUT OF FACILITY USING SPACE P~ '~VIDED BELOW. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFO~0N MUST-BE .INCLUDED IN ORDER ICATION TO BE PROCESSED: /P~~ ~LI~ ~TI~S D~I~ BY miS. ~L "~" ~ ~ ~.~s OR S~A~ ~ WI~IN 100' ~IUS OF FAC~ u' Permit Cf ,/,--//ODO( .. -' tNTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING Site Specific TimeAccou. pti_ng Site Specific Status Changes: · ' '. -.-?-.'t.' :..,:, CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet .... .: ~:~-'~ Permit'Cf !~_~ Employee Cf Employee Signature 7~-~ ~/!~. __.~ Site Name or Addre,~ ~__,. ,~__~ ~. (,.'"'~ Funding (Local, State, of Federal) ~'~ Site Specific Status Changes: Hours Category Activity Date Code Code Description . ,'~r.."- Notes: . . .':_~.,,--A,.--.,-,-.-,.,,,/' .."::~-,'~-,-~/: '-'-~-'-',--~-'-". ~'--' ~"-'"""~'-'"-'" ~..~ ....... "¢'-- J--/~..,.. ,," .... ,~uxx'"-~ ..... f'~-~:~-'-~ ;~:-~:--~.~ ...... ~-;~:~'~-- .... ;~':'~ .... i-~- ~',~"'','" -~ ' i · Data Entered By: Date: ~,,. Employee # ' Employee Si ~n~ature Fun~ing (Local, S~te-, _~~C~ OP~J:ONS ~OR ~NG S2te Specific ~me Accounting 8i~e 8~e¢i£±c St~s C~a~ges: Date Code- ,Code Descrlp=~on ( 10~s Notes: ~ - I , ' 4 ~ '~' - ' ," " '' , ' ~ ~te~ By: ~te :. · . .: ' -, .~ ,'Z-'.. CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR T,F~KING TANKS ... Site Specific Time %ccounting Sheet ' ' Site Specific Status Changes: ?e~t # } J ,9PO ,I Employee Signature /',~ , 0~ Funding (L0c,al, State, .df Federal) ~ ~ Hours Da/te, ~eegOry Activity (10thc) Code Description / '~, ~.o .-~ Notes: i / . ' f i / ' ~'// -[' ,'? /"" ~ , ..... ' ','-,, '"~ ) ~' Y" '~' ,--/ 1-~>% 1. ~ ~ ,(. ',~s~'~ ~-~- / 'Y*/[--J ( ~ ' ....-~zc,..~' ::.{ /, - , .. ,' ~ ,~ , ,~ ,. ' ......... z ~'' -' . 'Da~e: , . / eCONTRACT OPTIONS' FOR LRAIRING Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Employee # EmPl°yeo Signature ;~/<~/~ Site Name or AddreS~ ~ Funding (Local, State · Site Specific Status Changes: eegory Activity =' .......... Date Code Description Notes: . ~ ' -..'L) :1' [, ~'j~ .. .. Permit # 'CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Employee # Employee Signature //m~ Site Name or Addre,,~ ~..~ Funding (Local, State, 6f Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: ~Ca~t~e~ory Activity Hours Code Description (lOths) .. '. Date Notes: . .~F'~ ~.,.q.;--,~ , ,t. r.-~- ,,~ , ~ ' ' ' ' · I ~,~ . .... Data Entered By: Date: Env. Healtl~ 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) ~CT OPTIONS FOR Site Specific Time Accounting Permit # /%..'-7.~O (." Site Specific Status Changes: Date Code ~/z~ .., 0 ~ Notes: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS . Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet ,?....?:.- .', Permit Employee Site Name or Addres~ Q // [ .... ~ ~.R~. Funding (Local, State, 'of Federal Site Specific Status Changes: c ivi y o=s . :Date~,~= Code Description ( 10ths ) " Notes: ~.,4 ..~ 'I / '._ · ~ ,? . .. . ~ ~ , · ~ ~. .~ ~ ,?.~ ,/~..' '4 '"~"-' ,~!t ~ ~ '~t · ,~ t ~' "-'~ /~ ~ ."'~.~ ~ '~- ' :' 'r '" '~"'~ / , , ' , , ~ ~ter~ By: ~te: Env, Health 580 4113 13'7 (Rev. 5/89) OPTIONS FOR LEAKING Site Specific Time Accounting Permit # ; z/- ~O/T g). /: Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ,.~ /] Employee Signature ./~ (/ ~ Site Name or . ~..._:~.~.,: ,. ~,..r ~..~-:.c¥ ; Address:.</ ~ ~."j~/~ ~'~ Funding (Local, State, 'of Federal) ---~ Date----=--~ Code- ~----~ uo~e Description (10the) CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKINGTANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # /,~/,?.<?.(3 / Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ~ ~.. Employee Signature .~/~_,~ / Site Name or AddreSs ~__:;.e../'..., / Funding (L~cal, State,' of F~deral) .~± Cat, egory Activity Hours Date uo~e Code Description ( 10the Notes: ( '- ---r .-~ / ; ,' ,.."- :,~-~!] ..... ,.~..,,/ ,~-~ ~?~..~ ,.~.~. ,. . . . .. , ., , /,' ~ ~ .-/. ........ .-,.,~ .~>_~?~ ':,: .-,:, ~, ,/ ..... ~.t,, ,,. /,.. ,' · ,,. ., . / I Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 ~113 137 (Rev. 5189) CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING Site Specific Time Accounting Employee # Employee Signature , ~ing (~cal, S~te, of F~o~I) Site Specific Status Changes: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR T,P~ING ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet. Permit # ;~-.~-,'9C'~.,"~ ~ Site Specific Status Changes: iEmployee # ..- ·" ~ . /,; !,.; ;,,,_-, .... · ?,': .:.. Site ~ne or A~a.re~s <,._ ,:~/, ~-~- - 'Funding (Local, State,~'of Fedena~) ~ Cat~egory Activity Hours -." ." Date t~x/e Code Description (10ths) Notes: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5~89) CONTRACT OPTIONs FOR T,F. AKING Site Specific Time A'ccounting Permit # ;,~.C:~<? !~. Site Specific Status Changes: Employee #- Site Name or Address'" ~- /' Funding (Local, State, >of F~deral) Date ~eeg ~o~e Description (!0ths) ~i!>'. CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Employee ~ Si__turegna Employee Site Name or A~ldress' . ..--~0 .,.- 4, '~"~ ' Funding (Local, State, 'of Federal) ~-~ Site Specific Status Changes: Cat. egory Activity Hours Date uo~e Code Description (10ths) " ' '. ~ ~ter~ By: - ' ~ ~te: . ~CT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING Site Specific Time Accounting Employee # " ,A Funding (Local, State, of FederAl) Site Specific Status Changes: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ./:/':9~ ::/ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee Employee Signature :~c ~"/×~.~., ~.~_..._ ~ Funding (Local, State, Of Federal Cat. egory Activity ' Hours Date t~ae Code Description ~ ~~[~, ( lO~s ) h~ ~ter~ By: Date: IEnv. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5189) Site Specific Time Accounting Employee # Site Specific Status Changes: Employee Signature ~. Site Name or'Address Q Funding (Local, State, of, Fed~al) Site Specific Time Account~g Sheet Per.it # M 0 o r) ( Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or ;utare~; Funding (Local, State, 6f FedS-al) Site Specific Status Changes: Date C~eegOry Activity : '' Hours - ~ ,:,~, ~. : ~. . /..t Notes-: ...... '. ' ' · · - Env. l-lealtn 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5~89) Empi6yee '% " Site Specific Time Accounting Site Specific Status Changes: Em~=!oyee.Signature ,~.,= /! ....... ~ite Name or kn~ding (Local, State, Of Federal) ', '~< Hours Date Code Code Descrlp~lo Employee # Employee Signature /~ Site Name or AdM~ C~i7 / (' ' ' Funding (Local, State, 6f Federal) CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TAN~S Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet'"~ Site Specific Status Changes: Notes': Code Description Hours (10tbs) Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev Site. Specific Time Accounting CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR ~,P~K:I:NG ~ANY~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # I ~ O0 0 ~ Site Specific Status Changes: Date.. ~eego~ Activity Hours Code Description ' (10ths) ~.t,~,/~1 ~ .?,~ ~.~' Notes: ~ ~ter~ By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev, 5/89) OPTIONS FOR LEAKING Site Specific Time Accounting Site Specific Status Changes: Date~'- Code Description Notes ~ CONTRACT oPTIoNs ,FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # / ~//~2~/ . Site Specific Status Changes: .Employee # A/~{~- 7~'"', ~_.~T~:~R.~' Site ~e or ,,,es~'~ '~~/~ ~;' .-' '? Date ~eegOry Actigity " ' I Hours · Code DescriPtion ! ~ ( 10ths ) '~ Enter~ By: ' Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) 2700 "M" Street, suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 Fax Number COUNTY OF KERN Environmental Health Services Department May 1', 1989 investors--Thrift ....................................................... ~ ......... .~ ..... ..~,..._ .............. C/O Tom Bates 2602 "F" Street Bakersfield,~ California 93301 RE: Permit Number 140001 Dear Mr. Bates: It has come to tHe'attention of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department that there has been a change of ownership concerning underground storage tanks located at 315 Lake Street, Bakersfield California 93305. 'According to our recordS, interim per'its to operate were issued to Marvin Sprayberry for this facility. A permit to operate underground storage tanks is not transferrable as stated on the permit conditions and on the permit itself' You are therefore in violation of 1. Division 8,.section 8.48.110(B) of Kern County Ordinance which states '"arty person assuming ownership of an underground storage tank used for the. storage of hazardous substances for which a valid permit to operate has been issued shall have thirty (30) days after the date of assumption of ownership to apply for a permit to operate...,, :- 2. Division 20, Chapter 6,7, Section 25284(a) of the. California Healttl and Safety Code which states "...no person shall own or operate an underground storage tank unless a permit for its oPeration has been~issued by the local agency to the Owner." I have enclosed the application for permit to operate the facility. The completed forms must be returned to this office wi.thi, n--.two-weeks~of ..... the-_-date~-~of ..... ~his ..... letter ........ Since date of ownership transfer was .October 27, 1988, the permit invo~ce'wi-ll ....... be back dated to reflect your anniversary date and a 50~ penalty .charge will ,.be added"as ' required in the County fee ordinance. Annual ~.ees are charged for the permit, thus your next billing date will be October 27, 1989. The current fee invoice.is enclosed. Investors Thrift May 1, 1989 Page 2 As ~'per the California Health and safety Code Chapter 6.7 Section ..25287(b) which states "this fee shall include a surcharge...", th'e Kern County Environmental 'Hea'lth Services' Department must assess a surcharge 'of fifty-six dollars ($56.00) per frank on each person who submits an application for a new facility or transfer of ownership. This amount is also reflected on the enclosed invoice. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 861-3636. Your cooperation is much appreciated. TRC:cas Very truly yours, Turonda R. Crumpler, R.E.H.S. Environmental Health Specialist I Hazardous Materials ~anagement Program Enclosures \lakest.vio 4-26-40 :~ .. O000 ,' I t "' , 0~0 0 00000 {£O0-tO0 iO0£-)tO · £0 -..0000 ...... ', ;iNOW 9S( ~ 8;099 i 0SOt0 ')l)) $]NXVH I t ~ !:gOO-tO0 }NI1))N¥ ]dAH 40 -, 0050 ...... OI)lJSU]XV6 x09 0 d '~ O~]Xj$~]xyG---~ ......... ). - ~ 00000 , ~£O0-tO0 ~ .10 -, 0000 ...... .~3AIN3X ti8 -- i "' · ~AtN3~ tLS ,- ....' O0000 ,~ ~gO0-tO0 -. · ZO -. 0000 ...... 0131~$83~¥6 i)i¥ 139 OOt9 .- e~3IJsa3xva I '" ~iv isa 0or9 -- 8so98 osoto · .~ too-too :~HlU¥ $U315¥W )/-O0-EO~OOf-VtO .-. .zO ,. 0000 ..... O13IJ$~3~v6 .... '~^LlflU~ 9tBZ ~ gZZB~ 050tO ~- ~. '5 00000 ,~ =.EOO-tO0 ~.. . ~i~ #OSNaOr ))-O0-20rOOS-etO .zO -. 0000 O13lJS~]~V9 : O131~Sul~vg Z~~tOOZO8~ ... :0 tw3x 80VZ --- 8fO6Z ! OtOEO ~ ~ S -' 00000 .:~50) a])#]d$ ]t-O0-t0?005-)t0 .... ~zc -. oooo ...... O131J$~]~va ;v~alv~ 0Ztt - , t ll'~ 39Vd Stw ~ . ;t) # , ]AIL)V .,~ .,'~ 8LItglSO - ZgO~9 - ~ · .,, 901 t - ' --££~t-~£t~ -- rig;Or - ~6Z f£ -- 'LLfO-~Zt9" * 00000 -- 850~ ~, 0000 ~, t--g 15 )Itl (tg - - : tOf£6 Y~ ol]lJSa]Xve lS J ZO~Z - :j,' t0££6 V3 gl)X$Sa3~vg t~O~t ~s ~ zo~z ~ z~gm8 ' ~- ,- 5 - ooooor~- Wot $)Lwex t .- foo-to0\ -. I{I{#Li$UOI$]4NI ~-O0-gtoOg~-*lOx~x ZOZ Ott ~uc utt ~ NU)] -- £~ '--5-t ,, t--e i. - lS J ~O9Z - - ...... ,, ...... tO£g6 V) -OlJIJSUI~Vg' 881ZZIO[ !S J ZO~Z ~- t9Otg 006~g - ~ ,'., S - 00000 ,, ~ -, NOt S]1V61 t .~ gOO-tOO ~. · -, 9gt',OtZ ti0 t6 ]AIX)V 0ZZ'tgg - O000O -- 850 =., 0000 ...... !* - ,, 908£6 V) al]lJSalXv6 i; .... )AV.lll) ZO6Z - lI - 90£g6 V3 O131JSU]]wg i .-. £81081[[ ]AW 1119 ZO6Z ~ ZZOZ8 O06gt ~. . ,, i t ~ gOO-tOO -. tgt't£ 6tZ,59t - L~Z t£ 0V6'Ot ......... Ot6'Ot ]AIJ3V ]AIL2V Ot6'Ot -. 9ZO'Z5 85t tt ]AIL)V 9Zi'Z5 ~., 5£0'86 ~ /Of'9c ]AII)V S£0'98 - 00000 -- {{Oi -, OO00 ....... S0££61S A])AIN31 OZ£ -- " ~0££6 V) O1)lJSa))V6 ;~ .., EZ8 39Vd ~___ \ t t t 0 ZZ~ * .Vt I t ' '-: " '"' 04/07 L DETAC~ ~A..?H DE.PARTME_NT 'ii':'::::'~ ' ;" (805)'t861-3636 --'" .,' ~'.: "-'~' ..Office Address: · !?:,,;!.i~:', C.r',:,. ,~:~:.~'m~'-~.~:,~!~:. ~'.,- :. . ~..'~c,h .:~ ':, ~, , ]PER~1T/~NVOICE ~40001c-8g ,i. SPRAYBERRy, MARVIN ~ SPEEDIE CATERING CORPORATION ( P.0. 'BOX'~6128 " ~ BAKERSFIELD. CA 93386 ola--/. 1415 Truxtun Aven~~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 2700 M ,Street, Bakersfield 100.00 AMOUH~ENCLQSEDfj; CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY- 05/07/89 J HERE ----I .,i: PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION 'TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMEI~IT.. IDENTIFICATION SEND'iPAYMENT ~ITHIN 30 DAYS TO AVOID 50% PENALTY ,:,:'::1:~? ~!. *: ' -::.:,?~:.':~.~k-k~.,r~,, ,.,.VJ.~ ;' ':>"~,4 'i,: :" .~ 89 PERMIT/INV~iOICE # ~40001C-89 ANNUAL FEEi FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE ..... _W.I ~H __1 .... TAiNK.( S )--:.LOCATED- AT: 315 LAKE STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY 100 .00 " ..'!l KERN COUNTY ' ' ' : HEALTH DEPARTMENT .~ECTIC)N 3807 PENAttIE$. If any fee ,equired by ,his d ............ pold ...... he /' FILE ,JONTEN'rS IN~,'~ITOH¥ Construction Permit I Date /: Permit to abandont No. ~ Tanks Date ~ended Petal: Condi:tons ~PermiC Application'Form, / Tank S~e'ets, 'Pt~ P~ ~ ,, ~Apptication to Abandon tanks(s) Date I~]Copy ag Written Cont~ac~ Betwee~n Owner & Operator I~lnapect ton Reports I~]Correspondence - RacaLvad l'lCor r esponden'ce - Ns/led  Unauthorlsed Relaaaa Reports &bandonmant/Cloaura Raper ta -- Data Data .,?:.' Checkl iai) Chackl est) I'lSampl Lng/Lab Ra~orta ' r'l#VF Compliance Check (NeW "COn'atruction C]STD C~plianca Check (Haw Construction I'I#vF .Plan Check (#aw Construction) I'ISTD Plan Check (#aw Construction} CiNVF Plan Check (~xiating Facility) r"ISTD Plan Chaok (.lxiati~j, Facility) r'l"Incomplete Application, Form l'lPemit Application Checklist CJPermit Instructions I-IDl acer.dad C]?ightnasa Teat Rasults '-- received Data inspection time'', Da ta Da tm I~]Nonitoring Well Cons:ruction Data/Parmlt~ ~Enviro~efltal Sensitivity Data~  G~ound~ater Drilling, Boring Logs Location of.~ater Nails ~Stateeent ce Underground Conduits ~Plot Plan eeaturing All Bnvtronmentally Sensitive ~PhoCos ~Construction Dravings Location: ~flal~ ·sheet showing ~ate and-tally ~Mi ~cel laneou. ~tc 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION TO OPERAT FACILITY =~ ~ - -~:~-~-= ---.-STORAGE KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S, Relchard PERMIT#'14OOOl¢ ISSUED: JULY 1, 1986 EXPI RES: ~u%Y 1, 1989 NUMBER ~0F TANKS= -! ...... - ......... -~ FACILITY: SPEEDIE CATERING CORPORATION 315 ~AKE STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA OWNER: SPRAYBERRY, MARVIN 315 LAKE STREET .BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 TANK # 1 AGE{ IN YRS} .- SUBSTANCE CODE UNK MVF 3 PRESSURIZED PIPING?" NO NOTE: ALL 'INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABLE ** ~ POST ON PREMISES 'DATE PERMIT MAIT,RD: JUL 1 6 1986 DATE PERMIT CH~CK LIST RETURNED: Kern County Health Departme~ . Division o£ Environmental /th~. 1700 Flower Street, Bakersf/~ld, t~ .93305 appl i ca t i o~a.t~- APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND .. · HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES~ STORAGE FACILITY Type of Applica[ion (check): [-~N~w Facility ~'~Modification_of Facility !~isting Facility [~Transfer of Ownership A. Emergency 24-Hour .Contact (name, area code, P~one)': Days ~R[~p,~ ~'P/F~,~, ~ Nights ,, I Facility Name ~PS~51~ C~-~-~e'~k Cd ~P- ' No. of Tanks / . _ Type of Business _.('check)~: .... ~lGasoline_~t/ation ~Jcher _(describe) =~0 '=='~ Is Tank(S) Loqated on an Agricultural Farm? ' [~Yes ~]4~o Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? ~Yes ~ Facility Address ~ /~c- /_~ f7-- Nearest Cross St.. T R SEC (Rural Locations ~ly) Owner ~A~ ~)~;9~.~_,F~ Contact Person ~.'R~z~;~ ;%ddress ~ 7~/.~-Z~',-- Zip ~3°~--- Telephone ~.?~?~ Operator :?~. · Contact Perman Address ................... · Zip ._Telephone ..................................... B. Water to Facility Provided by (~tl~ ~r~F~ Depth to' Groundwater Soil Characteristics' at Facility · Basis. for Soil Type~ and 6rom~d~ater D~pth Detemlnstions Contractor Address Proposed Sta'rting Date Worker's Ccmpensation Certification CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone P[oposed CaupI~tion l)ate Insurer De If This Permit Is For Modification Of An EXisti~ Facility, Briefly Describe Modificatiuns Proposed Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ! Nacre Product Motor_ Vehicle ' Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste ~ Chemical Ccmpositi~ of Materials Stored (~t ~ces~ry rotator vehicle f~ls) Tank $ Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS ! (if kno~) t~mieal Previously (if different) Transfer of Ownership Date of~--ar~fer Previous FacilityName I, Previous Owner accept fully all Obligations. Of Permit No. issued to I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and modify' or termir~te the transfer of the Permit.to Operate this ~derqro~d storage facility upon receiving this ccmpleted form; e TANK ~ ( (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM . TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK AI.L APPROPRIATE BOXES Tank is: []Vaulted []Non-Vaulted []Double-Wall ~]Single-Wall' ~ 'Material ~ ~Carbon Steel Fl Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] FiberglasS-Clad .steel ~]Fiberglass-Re.inforced Plastic [-]Concrete i[-IAlum~in~m~ []Bronze ~known [-] Other (describe) Primary Containment Date .Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) 7J [] Lined Vault Manufacturer Thickness (Inches) []Phenolic []Glass 4. 'Tank Secondary C6ntainment [-1Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner i-]Other (describe): [~Material 5. Tank Interior Lining ~']'Rubber Iq mkyd ~lOther (describe): e e 10. [] None ~known · Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) [] Clay [-]unlined Tank Corrosion Protection - ~Tar or ~p~ltx ~k~m ~ ~Other (de~ri~): .' ,." :7' Cath~ic Protection: ~ne ~pres~ ~rrent S~tm ~riN System i Equi~ent: Leak Detection, ~nitori~., and Interception a. Tank: ~Vis~l (vault~ t~ks only) ~Gro~ter ~nitori~' ~ll(s) ~Vadose Zone ~nitori~ ~ll(s) ~~ Wi~out ~ner ~ U-~ wi~ C~tible Liner Dir~.ti~ Flow ~ Va~r ~t~tor* ~ Li~id ~el ~n~r' ~ Co~tivit~ ~ Pressure Sen~r in ~ular S~ of ~uble Wall .Tank- q uid ~tri~al & Ins~ction Fr~ U-T~, Monitori~ ~11 ily Ga~i~ & I~entory Reconciliation ~ri~ic Tigh~e~ T~ti~ ' F1 None [2] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring S~p with Race~y []Sealed Concrete Race~y. D~Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway FTSynthetic Liner Raceway F]None nknown [2]Other *Describe Make & ~k~lel: ~en Tightness Tested? FlYes []No ~known Date of Last Tightness Test Results 'of Test Test Name Testing C~npany Tank Re,aa r Tank Repaired? []Yes ~]~qo [']Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection -- rator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level OTape Float Gau~e FlFloat Vent Valves [] Auto Shut2 Off Controls []Capacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box ~None []unknown [-]Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping ', a. Underground Piping: ~es [:]No []unknown Material Thickness (inche~ ' Diameter Manufacturer [2]Pressure [~'Suct'i'on DGravity Approximate Length Of Pipe ~ b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : u olyethylene Wrap [qElectrical. Isolation []Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt nknown []None ~]Other (describe): i c. Underground Pipirg, Secondary Containment: i / []Double-Wall [-]Synthetic Liner System [-]None ~Unknown ,[]Other (describe): I I r -.,.-. ..... :: ..... ....... .~.:.,:::~ ..:~ ':~RECEIP-T CERTIFIED MAIL ~'~ -'~ "~ - .... ~ . . ,.-~ . '~;~ .-~:: NO NSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED ........... ',': - - .~:~ .- -~:~'~,~" ~:: ~0T FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ~.:,.~: 't ~- -:~ . ~ ' (See Reve se/ d -... ..." . . . . Y .... ~ostage S -' Cemfied Fee S~ial Delivery Fee "" Restnct~ Dehvery Fee ' Relurn ' ' to whom and Date Delivered ~ Return Receipt show~ng to whom. ~ Da(e. and Abdress of Dehve~ " ' ' ..... ' ' ~ TOTAL Postage and Fees Postmark or Date - .:::. ;..' ':.: .... -...~ ..--.. ':.,..:,... :.~. .- .','.' .... .., ., ... . . . . .,':,'.:;.': ., '-. KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT,,_. (805) 861-3636 'r:L RERMIT/INVOICE SPRAYBERR~ MARVIN -SPEEDIE CATERING P.O. BOX 6128 BAKERSFIELD, CA Mailing Address: Office Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 2700 M Street, Bakersfield CORPORATION 93386 CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY 05/0?/89 J DETACH HERE PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMENT IDENTIFICATION SE~D PAYMENT ~I~HIN 80 DAYS TO AVOID ADDITIONAL §0~ PENA~:~,~ ,, .,~ 04/07 89 PERMIT/INVOICE # 140001C-88 FISCAL YEAR 88/89 FEE FOR PERMIT ~ITtt. 1 TANK(S) LOCATED 'AT: TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND STORA 315 LAKE STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 50% PENALTY FOR LATE PAYMENT OF ORIGINAL INVOICE DETACH HERE ;,~=?,~ , , ,,,~ "~,,,~1 GE FACILITYi! 100.00 §0.00 :'. ' f' "[ KERN COUNTY HEALTHDEPARTMENT .VCTO~ . " , , ~ ~ ] delinquency dale, in addition lo such fee, the OD IIc0nl shall ~y a penal~ equal to fifty 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVI:~ION Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue o-' KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEi,.. ~HTM ;~ April 4, 1989 HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH'. Vernon S. Reichard Mar~in Sprayberry Speedie Catering Corporation P.O. Box 6128 Bak~r~i~i-~-,---CA --.9~386'~--~.- . .......... ._..~ Dear Mr."Sprayberry: This letter is an official notice of your non-compliance with state and county laws relating to underground tanks. Upon review of'our records, it was discovered that the 1988 Permit to Operate fees for Speedie Catering Corporation, 3.15 Lake Street, Bakersfield, California were not paid. Enclosed ts a cgpY. of 1988's invoice plus the 50% late penalty required by county ordinance. The second invoice is for this year's Permit to Operate fees. These invoices must be paid within 30 days to avoid further penalties and/or lega~ action. Be advised that these fees must be paid even if the tanks are no longer in use. If the tanks are not in use, a permit for permanent closure must be obtained from this office. Permanent closure requires either removal or closure in place of your tanks and assessment by soil sampling to determine whether there has been environmental damage as a result of unauthorized-releases of hazardous substances frQm your tank site. The specific requirements for these activities are in Handbook #UT-30, available with.your application. No closure activity can beg!R prior to the issuance of a permit from this office. If you have any questions or feel this assessment is in error, or if you would like an application, and o~r handbook on permanent closure please call me at (805)861-3636. Your prompt attention to this very important matter is appreciated. Sincerely, Lydia von Sydow : Environmental Health Technician ..................... Hazardous- Mater. ia,ls~. Management -- Program .................... .. DISTRICT OFFICES Delann · I.amr)nt · Lake Isabella · M~iave · Ridqecrest · Shafter · Taft ' COUNTY OF KER Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Streel, Suile 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 Fax Number ~\ May 1, 1989 Investors Thrift .............. C/0 ..... Tom Bates 2602 "F" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 · Dear. Mr. Bates: It has come to the attention of ~he Kern County Environmental Health Services Department that there has been a change of ownership concerning underground storage tanks located at 315 Lake Street, Bakersfield, California 93305. According to our records, interim permits to. operate were issued to Marvin.Sprayberry for this facility. A permit to qperate · underground storage tanks is not transferrable as stated on the permit conditions and on the permit itself. You are therefore in violation of : 1. Division 8, section 8.48.110(B) of Kern County Ordinance which, states "any person assuming ownership of an underground storage tank used for the 'storage of hazardous substances for which a valid permit to operate has' been issued shall have thirty (30) days.after the date of assumptioq of ownership to apply for a'permi.t to. operate..." 2. Division 20, Chap't'er 6,7~ Section 25284(a) of the California Health and Safety Code which .states "'..no person shall own or operate an underground storage tank unless a permit for its operation has been issued by the local agency to the owner." I 'have enclosed the application for permit to operate the facility. The completed forms must be returned 'to this office within two weeks of the date of this letter. Since date'of ........................ ownership-.-transf'er'-was--.~Oc~ober---2X-,- 1_988, the _pe~mi~_in~o. ice_.wi.l~ be back dated t° reflect your anniversary date and a 50~ penalty charge will be added as required in the County fee ordinance. Annual fees are charged for the permit, thus your next billing date will be October 27, 1989. The current fee invoice, is enclosed. Investors Thrift May 1, 1989 · Page 2 As per the' California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.? Section 25287(b) which states "this fee shall include a surcharge. · ·", the Kern County Environmental Health Services Depar.tment must assess a surcharge of fifty-six dollars ($56.00) per .~tank on each person who submits an application for a~ new facility ~or transfer of ownership. ° This amount is also reflected on t'he enclosed invoice. If you. have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 861-3636. Your cooperation is much appreciated. TRC: cas Very truly yours, cx.r',_£~'-~w- . ~._... ~.-_.x::_. . ~'~ Turonda ~. Crumpler, Environmental Health Specialist I Hazardous Materials Management Program Enclosures \lakest.vio 4-26-40