HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE 2Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit ; CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE Permit ID #:: 015-000-001211 MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARl LOCATION: 11101 HWY 178 ELD ', TANK [ H~RDOUS.SU~TAN~ 1 0 ~ ............ ~'~"~ ~ 4!(~ ~':~ DISPEN~ i~NS: 015-000-00121 - 001 UNLEADED G '.... ~'. .... ' ':'~ '¥~ .... ~ R NG o .oo_oo _oo 015-000-00121 ~ ........ ,..~. ~;~ ~.uu~ rL~ M~. ~HUTS'OEF SHEAR VAL 1-00031 UNLE~~:~ ~ FLOAT MEOH~'~"SHUTS OFF SHEAR VAL' 015-000-001211-00~ DIESEL FUEL Issued by: Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Ave.,' 3 rd Floor ~ Approved by: . ~ (~ Ralph/H uey, D¥~--~-~~-' Office of Eviro~nenl~"~ices''''x,' Expiration Date:' This 0ermit is iSs,_,_ed for the followin~l. [] Hazardous Materials Plan I-I Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials [] Risk Management Program · [] Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment Issue Date City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 An upgrade compliance certificate has been issued in connection with the operating permit for the facility indicated below. The certificate number on this facsimile matches the number on the certificate displayed at the facility. Instructions to the issuing agency:' Use the space below to enter the following information inthe format of your choice: name of owner; name of operatOr; name of facility; street address, city, and zip code of facility; facility identification number (from Form A); name of issuing agency; and date of issue. Other identifying information may be added as deemed necessary by the local agency. This permit is issued on this 2nd day of November, 1998 to: MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET Permit #015-021-001211 '11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, California 93306 NORTH ~nsPectot~ DATE: / / (c~Ecz ONE) S rTE: D rAGRA3! s Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY_ - 5A - UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANI PECTION Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~ c.~a 6tc~r~k iO, ("- 5r-o~ /~ax(~4 BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 t.2~' FACILITY ADDRESS I [ ( o ! f~cu ¥ 1 7g CITY ZIP CODE FACILITY PHONE N°. G~,~ ' e/~gr.. ~ ~D~ O I .~ e; ~. 0-3 INSPECTION DATE .5--~t ? - 'r 7 erod~ Prod~ Prod~ TIME IN TIME OUT uc ~'oc ~' /~,,-c~ a'c. /3(~j Inst Oate Inst [:)ale Insl Oale INSPECTION TYPE: I ~f 3 / Y[3 /¢g Size Size Size ROUTINE i,,/ FOLLOW-UP ~ Y ('0: ~or~ /~ eoo /~. eeo REQUIREMENTS yes no IVa yes no n/a yes no la. Forms A & B Submitted lb. Form C Submitted V/ lc. Operating Fees Paid ,V~ ld. State Surcharge Paid V' le. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted V/ lf. Written Contract Exists between Owner 8. Operator to Operate UST 2a. Valid Operating Permit 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procadure-2 tl-4~,4:t~ cl~nc e,~[{ 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan i1,~i ~<,,c e(J~;, e~t~s t/ 3a. Tank lntegrity Test in Last12 Months ~.0~ 3 -5'-- ~7 v/ ,,d 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months ~-5"~'7 ~ ~¢~.;~ L,/ 4 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years V' ~ 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years V" ~ 3e. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days v' 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping V/' .~ 4a. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month V/ ~ 4b. Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted v/~ 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually V/ 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks v/ 6. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results v/ 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results V' 8. Ground Water Monitoring 9. Vapor Monitoring 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks v/ 11. Mechanical Line Leak Detectors .V~ 12. Electronic Line Leak Detectors v/ 13. Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps 14. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability .v/ 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment ~[I ~gO.q~U~ 16. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-It 3 Series v/ 17. Written Records Maintained on Site 18. Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to Operating/Monitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days ,.,/' 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection V~ 22. Secured Monitoring Wells ~ 23. Drop Tube . .~/) ,,/ . RE-INSPECTION,D~E RECEIVED BY: INSPEcToR: FD 166g HAZARDous MATERIALs INSPE ' N'. . ~ ' j''' OFFj~.al~e's~eld ~'~e Dept. · . OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES '- 1715 Chester Ave. ~ ,, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Name: Date Completed 5'--~'~- r 7 · Location: ~ ~ I o ~ ~a, ¢ l' 7 S -Business Identification No. 215-000. Station No. Shift (Top of Business Plan)' Inspector 5~-~' Arrival Time: Departure Time: Inspection Time: ~Address Visable ~orrect Occupancy Verification of Inventory Materials' ~ Verification of Quantities Verification of Location . Proper Segregation of Matedal Comments: "- Adequate Inadequate Verification of MSDS Availablity NUmber of Employees: Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abbatement Supplies and Procedures Comments: ,0 Emergeficy Procedures Posted Containers Propedy Labled Comments: Adequate Inadequate Verification of Facility'Diagram Housekeeping Fire Protection Electrical Comments: [] [] UST Monitoring Program Comments: Permits ~ [] Spill Control ~ [] H01d Open Device ~ [] Hazardous Waste EPA No. Proper Waste Disposal 13~ [] Secondary Containment I~' [] Security Gl" [] Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: SIGNATURE 'White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-station Copy All Items O.K correction Needed. Pink-Business Copy -' ELECTRI. CAL SERVICES, INC. January 29, 1997 Mr: Ross ,%essions Sessions Tank I.iners, Inc. F'O Box 4~)61 Bakcrsficld, California 93308 Re: Proposed Cathodic Protection Sy~;te~n ' Mesa Matin l'i~ Stop Market 1 '11 {Il Highw %, '17~ Bakersfield, California 93306 Corrt~s~op~:El~r~tcal ~.rv ico~, Inc. (C.E.$.), proposes to ms~ll a cathvdu: protec~on system.at the a~,vc locaUg~'~?~mg elmer onc 40-foot or ~o 2¢f~t deep anode wells. The ~pe of ground ~'d u~ed ~m be detern~ed based un field condifivns encountered during h~stallation. Eider method should provid~ adequate corrosion protection to ~c exterior of ~c underground h~el storage tanks. C.E.S. proposes tt, in,;tall the cothodic ProtectSon well (CPW) south of the convemencc store, east of the underground storage tanks (See attached.SRe Plan). This location was selected i~ an effort ma×imize the level of prutective current applied to the underground tanks and mmtmi;',c interDren~v from e~istmg cathodicaliy protected pipelines or other metallic substructures that may Ixq nearby. TharLk vou for this t.pportuni .ty to assist you with this phase of ),our torrk~sion mitigvtio~i prt,gr,?m. ShouM you have an)' questions, please feel frcc to contact us at you convenience. '.' Respecttkdly, C()RRO.qlON-ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. Eat'ricia I. I&'ewis Prcsident HIGHWAY 178 10,000 GAL UST. ', , 10,00(] GAL UST. ISLAND STORE -- RECTIFIER . KERN CANYON ROAD LEGEND · P~OSF. D ~10 PRCTECTION ANODE 'V'~LL Il Il CES Corrosion Electrical Services Paramount, Call for,",,a PRC~"C~EC CA')-JOCA, C ;:'ROTEJTION SYSTEM LAYOLF'~ MESA MARIN Pl'[ STOP MARKET 11101 HIGHWAY 178 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 93306 ~ RREC-TIO N.'~"N.O.T~C'E :.... BAKERSFIELD FIRE.DEPARTMENT Location (~/x~"-V~x IJ~"l~ \ Sub Div.'///O ( ~//~ ! 7~' ' Blk.' . ~t You are hereby required to make the following correctionS at the above location: 'HAZARDOUS MATE ' ~iBake, rsfield Fire Dept. ·(~j~J~=.. 0~- £NVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfi¢ld~ CA 93301 Business Name: /"~1~'~ ~ LOcation: / Business Identification No. 215-000 Station No. O, g g, Arrival Time: Date Completed '~,,"~ 7/~",~ (Top of Business Plan) Shift _~.~ Inspector I c,~ ¢-'-'-""-~ Departure Time: Inspection Time: · Adequate Inadequate Address Visable ~ 1'3 Correct OccaiS~ncy-" ? ~ [] Verification of Inventory Materials ~ [] Verification of Quantities 13~I'~., [] Verification of Location 131',,-- [] Proper Segregation of Material ~ [] Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees: Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abbatement Supplies and Procedures Comments: Emergency ProCedures Posted Containers Propedy Labled Comments: Adel~e Inadequate[] verification of Facility Diagram ~ I"1 Housekeeping I~ []r Fire Protection [] Electrical [~" I'1 .Comments: UST Monitoring Program [] Comments: Permits Spill Control Hold Open Device · Hazardous Waste EPA No. . Proper Waste Disposal I~''''': [] Secondary Containment [3~"'"' [] Security I~-"' [] Special Hazards Associated w th this Facility: Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME All Items O.K r3 SIGNATURE Correction Needed White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy UNDERGROUND STORAGE.~'.'INSPECTION %. .~. ..~,,~,.'~J~.",, ...... ,,Bakersfield Fire Dept. '"'"'"'"'"'~"~'"~'"~'"'""'.'"". Office' 0fEnvironmental Services .:. Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILI~ NAME ~¢¢ ~¢~ lx }}~,~.,. ~o~, ~¢~{ BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 ~ ~ ~/ FACILIWADDRESS tl lO1 ~'~[7~ CIW ~~~ ZIPCODE ~~ FACILITY PHONE No. ~' '~,/~(~ - z't ~ ~::~ -. INSPECTION DATE Product Product Product TIME IN TIME OUT In-st Dat[ Inst Date Inst Date INSPECTION TYPE: Size Size Size ROUTINE ~ FOLLOW-UP o5 , REQUIREMENTS ye~/ ~h .n/a yes no n/a yes no 1 a. Forms A & B Submitted t~ ~r ~ ,.~- 1 b. Form C Submitted ,~-/, w.' m~- I' lc. Operating Fees Paid ld. State Surcharge Paid ~' ~'~ ~'~ le. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted ~,~ lf. Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST 2a. Valid Operating Permit ~;' ! ~ "~' 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan -~ ~ t/ ~,' 3a. Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months ~,//! ,/~ ~ 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months _ 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years ~ ~'~ 3e. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product'Piping 4a. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month ~, 4b. Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually ~ 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gaugi,ng Records for Small Tanks 6. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results 8. Ground Water Monitoring 9. Vapor Monitoring 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks 11. Mechanical Line Leak Detectors 12. Electronic Line Leak Detectors i3. Continuous Piping Monitoring in,Sumps / 14. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment 16. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series 17. Written Records Maintained on Site ~18. RepOrted Changes in Usage/Conditions to Operating/Monitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours ~'~ 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades 21. Records Showing'Cathodic Protection Inspection ~-~ 22. Secured Monitoring Wells ,. RE-INSPECTION DATE RECEIVED BY,: OFFICE TELEPHONENo. FD 1669 (rev. 9/95) _1 _1 CONTINUED (See 2nd File) MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET 1101 HWY 178, BAKERSFIELD CA. Coating Procedures and Safety Manuel for Underground Storage Tanks Utilizing U.L. Listed Spray Material GC-900. Main Office P.O. Box 731 El Centro, CA 92244 (619) 352-4832 FAX 352-2646 Branch Office @521 West Fritz Bakersfield, CA 93307 (805) 83,3-[t,501 FAX 833-0423 NV LIC. CA LIC. NO. 418129 A - 540757 NHAZ AZ LIC. NO. 099125A NO. A22-0039190 NV HANDLERS LIC. NO. UTH-1103 ~, TABLE OF CONTENTS General.. ............................................................................................................................... 1 De£mitions ............................................................................................................................ 2 Responsibilities ............. : ....................................................................................................... 2 Pre-Enlry Requirements ...................................................................................................... :. 3 Isolating a Space ..................................................................................................................... 3 .Atmospheric Testing of Confined / Enclosed Space ................................................................ 4 Tank Opening PreParation ...................................................................................................... 5 'Yank Entry Requirements ...................................................................................................... 7 Classiticafion of Space / Ent~aj Approv~ ................................................................................ 8 Special Safety and Protective Equip .ment ................................................................................ 8 Standby Requirements ................................................................... : ...................................... 9 Continuing Precautions and Requirements .............................................................................. 9 Tank Cleaning ................................................................................ : ................................... I 0 Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Procedure ..................................................... ~ ........................ ! 1 Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Report (Sample) .......................... : ......................................... 13 Abrasive BlaSting .......................................................................... i ..................................... 15 Tank Assessment ................................................................................................................ ! 5 Spray Application ................................................................................................................ ! 6 Sealing the Manway ....................................................................................................... : ..... 17 Vacuum Testing ; .................................. ~ ........ : ...................................................................... 17 Additional Testing ................................................................................................................ 17 Confined Space Classification Table ................................................... Tesl Results -Entrv Classification Chaff ....... Check I.,iit for Entry Into An Existing Confined Space ........................................................... 20 Material Safety Data Sheets (UL Listed Spray Materail GC-900) ......................................... 21 Material Safety Data Sheets (Methhyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide) ................................................ 25 Emergency .Response Information ......................................................................................... 2'/ I. GENERAL~ The scope of this specification c°vers n lumkey job including, 'but not. limited to, eXcaVations; ~por freeing; tank opening; ,brastve blasting; sa~ removal nad lawful disposal of bottom sediment, water and tank residue; coatin~ /lining ;q~plicntion; inspeclions; .sealing manwnyS; and Final testing. . - : gessious Tank Liners, Inc. certifies thai nil supervisors to be' used on lids work m'e familiar wilh and, except as may be specified otherwise, will comply.with the procedures established in the following publications: I. Cleaning Petroleum 8tornge Tanks (AP1 Publication 201'5, November 1976) 2. Cleaning Small Tnnks and Containers (NFPA 327, 1970) ~ 3. Recommended Prnctice for Protection Against Ignitions ^risin~ Out of Static, Lightening, and gtray Currents (APl RP 2003, lVlm~h 19112) 4. Recommended practice for the Interior Iinlng of Ext~ 8reel UndetRrotmd 8forage Tanks (APl RP 1631, 1993) gessiOns Tank Liners, Inc. "~ertifies that procedures have been develoPed and that all personnel have received ~ining on and will comply with the rules and regulations of the Environmental Protection Ai~-ncy and the Occupationnl Safety md Health Administration. Including, but not limited to those are: 40 CFR:. Part 262-Stnndards for Generntors of Hnzm'dous Waste Part 262-Standards for Trnnsporters of HazardoUS Waste 29 cFR: 5ubpart H-Hazardous Materials . ' gubpart l-Personal Pro~ecthre gubpart J-General Environmental Controls gubp~ L-Fire Protection gubpart Z-Toxic and Hazardous 8ubstances gehsions Tank Liners, Inc. wifl provide an on-site su~or at,nil limes who understands the health and safety requirements for this work nad Who w,~l be re~q~, .~,_le tot' maintaining a safe en'.,~roriment in the wink area; Sessions will have on hand at least Iwo (2) properly mninlnined and tested portnhle fire ex'linguinh .~.~..; ~eesio, s will provide ~ppropflate pergonal protective clothing and eq~pment including posttiv~ preSsure.fldl faceplece ntt masks nad combustible toxic I~S measuring dev~n~. gesntons Tank Ltners, Inc. shall obtain all requtred 8tare and local penntls and npprowls of. all regulating authorities. The owner ,shall remove the Itqutd product ~om the tank leaving the bottom sedime, t and waler for removal bY.' gessions. Bottom sediment, water and tank residue ate to be disposed of in a safe and lawful matmbr acceptable to local and Slate regulatory agencies. Before any work Is done which might release vstnn the work area shall be barricaded and Page 1 appropriate accident prevention signs shall be pOsted. All sources of ignition are Io be eliminated from the area where flammable vanom may be present or may t~'avei. Thc area shall be kept fi'ce of sources of ignition during the wt}rk period. !1. I)EFINITIONS . "C0ntined .sp_a~e_" means all areas or pieces of equipment where, (I) e~sting ventilation is i.~suffiicieni to remove dangerous air concentrations and/or oxygen .deficiency may exisl ~'~r develop, and. ·(2) the ready access or egress for the removal of a 'suddenly-diSabled' worker' is difficult due to the location or size of the-opening. · E_n_c. Jo__se__d_sl~9_e_ means any area, enclosure or piece of equipment where a dangerous air concentration and oxygen deficiency does not exist BUT the ready access or 'egress for thc removal of a suddenly-disabled Worker is difficult due t~ the location or size of the opening. Note: All enclosed spa_c.es s~all be considered confined ~aces until tests vefifv_th_e · s~ace is safe for ent~._.., ~'.l_).~.n_g~:_~:9~_s..~ir _c_o_n..c..e..p_tra_~:.o_n.~i. is an atmosphere that may cause inju~, or illness, due to thc presence of flammable or combustible vapor, or loxic substance in excess of the safe limits. ;'O_~'gen _defigie__n_.c~ exisLs if the atmosphere contains less than 19.5% oxygen. '_'~p_e..rvisor" refers to the person who oversees the operation of the facilily where the work rs being performed. This may be the facility supervisor Or his written designate. "Person in cha. r. ge_" refers to the person who has been designated to direct the work of the other employees involved in performing a specific task. "_'_S¢_n_d__by_'~' refers to the person who is a~signed to maintain surveillance on workers inside an enclosed or confined space and a.qsures that blinds or other equipment are not altered which could affect the safe .ty of the persons inside the space. -- '~'.Ba_cLkup:'. refkrs to the person who can be easily contacted and immediately respond provide assistance to' the'standby person. .'_'D_esi_~gn_.a.t_ed__t_e..s_t_cr_" refers to the person who has received training and has a demonstrated abili .ty in performing testq for flammable/toxic vapors and oxygen deficiency. Ill. RESPONSIBILrrIES The supervisor is responsible for verifying/hat/he employees are adequately trained in safe Page 2 e,try proced,res, re.~coe method.q, te.qfiwR teq,irement, arid safety .req,iremenLq for each entry. The ~tpervt.qnr..qhaft ts.q,e pennit.q an.d. entry la~. 1.*he ~mPen4sor .qhall 'n~.q,re that tile peraon-fn-eharRe haw. the nece.q.qarv Protec. l~,.e an~I ~afe? eqi,lmlent on-l~ite lo do ~e j°h .qaFe!v. 'lhe Per~tm-m~char~e i.q ~e.qprm,qd~le fbr aa.q~mnR that #11 teqniremenH of thi.q tncl, dlnR permit teq,ltemenls, are followed. I le m,.qt per~rmally ove. r~ee initial ent~ into a and a.~se.qs the ha?ard.q and conditinn.q nf the .qpace tn he entered prior tn and d,rin~ the wink. lie m,.qt he/n,ailahle at the site d,rin~ Ihe entire period that wmker~ are in.~ide 'a confined .~pace. I;~ach tndlvJd, al involved in a confined or enclosed .qpace entry ix te.~pon~ihle For confonni~B lo the req,irement.q of applicable petmjf.q and lhe provL~ion.,~ of thJ.q Violnfinn.q are cnnaldered a breech of safety odes and can mlh, ject the YJolalor tn di.qCiplina ,ty action. ^ method ~F re.~c,i,~ a dieabled ~mker meal he ~labli~hed ~or lo en~. If a te~c,e method canwof he e~fmMi~hed, ~fty JR Pr~i~iled. Any d~nflOn flora Ihi~ ~ln~dard meat he aphid in ~lins. ~onflnrd or nn enclosed l)ero~ work in~l~n8 en~ i,fn an enclosed or confined ~pace he~n~, n plan for clean;,~, i~olntlnR and enle~n~ mO~l he e~tnbli~hed ~ the p~on,in_charRe, 'A~ pn~ of Ihi~ plnn. the appropdnle ~nle~nl gnretv l)ntn gheet~ (Mgl)g) for mal~al~ wotke~ m~ he e~po~ed to nm~t he r~ewed ~th all per~o~ invol~d in lhe work. An enh~ reqeenl 'm,~l he completed an pa~ of the plnnnln~ phase of lhe work 1o he done. l'hh teq,e~l h Rood rot the d,tafinn of the work ,nle~ condilton~ 'chan~e. After nn ent~ plnn hn~ been e~InhliH~ed, the apace to he entered mo~t he isolated. All llne~ lo and rrnm lhe ~pnce ~hnll he i~loated rrnm ,the ~pace ~ hindin~ di~cnnneclinR. a-d ple~nR, or eqe~lnnt mea,~, i'hreaded line~ ~hall he disconnected ~d pl,~d a~ clo~e the ~pnce a~ possible. Any hleede~ ot drnin Connecfion~ he.eeo the blind and the ~pnce m,~t cnpped or pl,~ed. ' l).ted nnd s;~ned (:AU'I'll)N-l)() N()*I' OPI~R~'I'E t~ ~hnll be placed at each blind or di~connecled fine. The Iocnfio,~ of wl~ere f.~ ,re pl,ced ~ho,ld b~ m.lmnlned on. lo& The ~hoold be .~d lo ce~iry fhnl ~11 blind~ hn~ been rem~d .nd line~ reconnected ~ to AtOll-lip. ~11 rolaflnR eq,fpmenf Iff the ~pnce, '~och a~ mt~ or mof~-operaled.va[~, ~hnll clcct~cnlty disconnected or de-ener~zea, locked naa la~ed ~lh a ~MH'ION DO ~(.)'1' ()PER A'I'~ fa~ accmding to e~labliH~ed lockout ~oced,~. gleam ~ hOfoil c~il~ inside the wpAce ~haff be ~[wcoflflecfed or Minded with valve~ clo~ed and locked at the point where they enter the space. A CAUTION - DO NOT OPERATE lag i~ als° required. ' ' If several pieces of equipment must be isolated as a unit, each piece of inlerconnecied equipment must be open to the atmosphere and made safe for entry. Tanks are to be degassed per local requirements. When a space has been opened, but not approved for entry, a DO NOT ENTER tag mast be hung al each opening. When openings are left uncovered 'and unatlented for more than a' shift, additional prolecfion shall be taken to assure entry, is prohibited. The opening(s) should be barricaded by a positive means (e.g., chicken wire, hardwire cloth, etc. that does not block air fl°w). VI. ATMOSPHERIC TESTING OF A CONFINED/ENCLOSED SPACE After a space has been isolated, opened and ventilation ·established (either natural or mechanical), it. must be tested to establish what the conditions are within the space. DO NOT ENTEI[ tags shall be posted at each entrance into a space m~til tests verify that conditions of space are safe and 'the appropriate ENTRY PERMIT tag has been completed and approved. Testing should be done by th~ Person-in-charge, Or a designated tester. The person conducting the tests should verify that the testing equipment is properly calibraled and adjusted to assure accurate results. Testing equipment should be checked and calibrated whei~ circumstances might cause suspicion cOncerning the equipments' accuracy (i.e., unit dropped, etc). With mechanical type ventilation stopped, the person-in.charge or 'a designated tegler should perform the tests indicated on the ENTRY REQUEST at the entrance of the space (e.g., mamvay opening). Resulis of the tests should be recorded on the ENTRY REQUEST. Tests must also be taken at low spots in a space, in areas a4justed to pipes and tubin~ armmd irregular surl'aces and mixers, and in areas away ti'om openings Where venlilatiou may be re~f~cted. ' · · When.all areas in a space cannot be thoroughly tesled from the outside, further testing ams! be done within the space. ' Note: Spaces are not to be entered when flammable vapor levels measured at entrances are greater that 10% of the lower flammable limit. When a space is entered for the first time after having been removed from aclive ser,,4ce, the person performing tests within the space must wear a snpplied air or self-contained brealhing apparatus (SCBA) when entering the space. A standby person having an SCBA mos! be presenl while testing is being conducled. Tests Ibr flammable or explosive vapors, oxygen deficiency, or carbon monoxide ate lo run every. 4 hours, or if the space has been vacated for over 30 minutes, or per the enclosed/confined space eniD,. request if it calls for more often than 4 hour interval .lesling. Hydrogen sulfide, temperature, te~raethy! lead or hazm'dou.q material~ testing, ff required, will l~c Page 4 specified for each pastiCt)lar job. Continuous may be used in place of periodic monitoring. Work may continue while relenting i'~ being done. Test re~tn sh~l ~ ~c~ded ~ ~e a~o~ale ~pnce on the EN1RY PER~T tag and initialed. Follo~ng in a list of materials/conditions w~ch may e~st ~n n space and if present must be ~luated an pa~ of the en~ ~ess. ~e test ~sul~ Hsted f~ each mat~aUcondifion are to be used to establish the ~e of en~ req~r~ ~nt m~ be met. I. ~able or Ex~los~ Vapo~ Test results Ab~ 10% Low~ glsmmnble limit (l~Fl,) - NO ENTRY ALLO~D; 5% to 10% L~ - SPECIAL E~Y ~QIHREMEN'rs must be Followed; Below 5% LFL - GE~RAL E~Y ~Q~~8 mint be followed. 2. ~g~ Tent results - Below 16.1% - En~ allowed ~ KMgRGg~'~IES-ONI,Y u~ing SCBA or oth~ ~lied air ren~rntor equicor; 16.1% t° 19.5% --SPECIAL ~N'I:RV REQI~E~,WrS must be followed; Ab~ 19.5% - GE~R~ E~RY ~QUIREMEN'I'S mu~t be followed. 3. Hy_d_rogcn Sulfide(H2~) 'rest results , Above 10 Opm . SPECIAL ENTP, Y REQUIREMENTS mt)st be followed; l0 opm or less - OENERAL ENTRY REQUiREMEN.rg re,st be followed. 4. [:i~._l H__yd__or_ea_rbo~_n.a (gasoline-like vapors) - Test results - Above 300 ppm - SPECIAl. ENTRY REQUIREMEN'I'S mast he followed; 300 ppm or.less GENERAl., ENrRY REL~UIREMENTS mt)st be followed: 5. Te__mpe!~alU_t_e Test re,,mlt provided, and time in the area is limited to no more than 30 minutes continuous with 15 mis,re break between period~. VII. TANK OPENING PREP^RATION 8.a. fe..ly. ~.__-Cau~ons . ^ comh,stihle gas indicator shall he used to check for hazardous vapors in the area. ,41! open flames and ~atk-protfi~cing equipment within the vapor hazards area shall be shut down. Electrical equipment used in the area shall be explosive Proof or approved the service. .'-'l:apk_JS-°!at!gn - Before any work on the exterior ~fface of the tank begins, tanks shall be innpected to determine how the tank is to be isolated. If a tank in equipped with n vent manif'ohl. fill llne or syphon assembly, necessary measnres shall be taken to isolate each tank. The vent the tank being lined shall be isolated from vent~ of other tanks which may still be in service. Thin may require a temporaLy sepnrn!e vent for the tank being lined. All electrical switches st)pplyi,~ .electrical current to submerged pumps and/or other equipment connected to the leak shall be disconnected and locked. .. Page 5 l{cmoval ol' I i 'uid th'oducls ......................... ~_~.q .......................... - As much prrducl, water.and sediment as possible shall be removed using explosion-proof or ail' driven pumps. '!)_e..ga?_sjB. g - This section shall bc conducted in accordance with all applicable local regulations. IF local regulalions require control systems For vapor Freeing, lhe method to be tlscd shall be speci15ed in the permitting process. A. Tl~e tank shall be thoroughly degas~ed with ah' to remove tlammable vapors. Residue capable of producing llammable vapors ~hall be removed. Tho concentralion of fla~able vnpor~ in a lank may go lhrough lhe llammal~le range befi~re a safe almosnhere i~ ~blained. 'l'herefi~re, il i:; necessary Ihal precautions are taken lo eliminale lhe possiblity of Ibc discharge of slalic eleclhcily, dining the degassing procedm-es .... ons~derahon shall be ~ven lo ensure thai lhe vapors are nol venled inlo areas where fl~ey could produce a hazardous condition. B. Pressure in lhe lank shall nol exceed 5 PSIG. To prevent excess pressure, the venl linc ~:hall bc checked lo make certain il is fi'ee fi'om obsl.mclions and traps pror lo ventilating lhe tanks. C.' Ventilalion of lhe lanks sh~ll be accomplished by one of the following methods: !. lf SELECTEI), an air or approved electrically driVen educl0r type ail' shall be properly bonded lo prevent lhe possiblily of slalic eleclricily generation and dischar~)c. When using this melhod, Ihe 1511 (drop) tube shall remain in place Io assure that the vapms xx'ill'bc ~li,l~vn Ii{mi Ihe b¢)llom of iht: lank. An extension shall be used Io discharge lhe vapors itt the lank a minimum of(12) feet above grade. Vacuum in the lank shall nol eXceed 5.3" Hg. 2. IF SEIJ,~CTFJ), a defilsed air-blower shall have the air dill'using pipe prol~crly trended to preven! the discharge of a spark. Fill (drop) luhes may be removed to enhance ditli~sion of the air in l.he lank. Ail' supply shall be fi'om a compressor, which has been checked ensure a clean air supply, fi-ec liom volatile vapors. Air pressure in Iht lank shall n0! cxcccd PSIG. 3. IF SEI_,EC, TEi), a f'an lype air mbver may be used to blow air'into the lank thrm~gh Ibc till opening of the lank. The hn shall be driven by compressed ail' of an approved electric molor. The fan shall be properly bonded to Ihe lank. Fill (drop) lubes may be renmved lo enhance diffision of air in the tank. The tank venl shall be inspected to make Sure il is free of all obslructions. Air pressure in the tank shall not exceed 5 PSIG. ... I). All'equipment and ventil~lli(ms ,~?lems u.qed in the conlined space shall comply xxilh .,\rliclc 502 and 5(13 of the National Electric Code. ~!..e_s_t.!n.g?.!o.n._~__mab!e...._X.apgr..f;pn~_e.n..!.r.a!i.o._n.s_ - An important phase o{' the operation is ~l~c lcsling {~l' the vapor flammabilily in lhe excavated area and in Ihe lank. Such lesls shall be made .!vith a condmsfiblc gas indicator lhaf is properly calibraled with haxane itt air, and thoroughly Page 6 checked and maintained in accordance with mannfacturers*instmctions. Personn responsible for testing shall be complcte_ly familiar with the use of the instrument 'and the interpretationn of' its readings. ' When purging in being performed by a diffi~ed or fan .type air mover, the tank vapor shall he tested b~v placing the combustible gas indicator probe into the fill opening with the fill (drop) h~he t~noved. Readings ,shall be taken at the bottom, middle and upper portionn of the tank and the in.~tmment shall he purged with £resh air after each reading. Readings of 5% or of the Lower Flammable Limit (LFL), an indicated in the tank and at the vent riser ot educlor, ,shall bc obtained before thc tank is considered safe for opening. When p~rglng is beii,g performed by. an educlor- .type air mover, readings shall be taken by placing the combustible gan indicator through a probe hole provided in the side of the eductor.' The probe access shall be Inca!ed where the vaporn being removed from the tank are tented to mixing with compressed air induced into the eductor fi.om the air compressor~ Readings of lank vnprwn which are I0% or le.~n of the Llq. shall be obtained before the tank is considered sale fin' opening. Viii. T^NK ENTRY REQUIREM.tiN'T~ Opening the tank - Entry. into the tank, or any work upon the tank which could res,l! in the ignition of tank vapors, in prohibited until testing of the tank atmosphere has determined !ha! the tank vapors' are *lens than 5% LFL. Entry personnel shall wear a safety harness connected to n safely line held by the standby man o~dnide the tank. If no manhole and cover exists, an openi.nR with the minimum dimensions of 22"x 22" or, in tanks where a permanent manwav in to be a'Uached, a circular access opening a minimum of 22" in diameter shall be cut in th~ tank avoiding fabrication seams. A manhole-cover joint shall be provided with a trowel material ffetermined fo 'be .enttaflle for lletut4 fo be ~ored and shall have a thickness of not lens !hah inch (3.2 mm).' When cutting in~o a tank for entry, the tank wall section being removed shall marked wilh chalk. ~ll~e lank vapors shall be conOnnously tested by insetting the meter probe leant 24" into the hole verifying the vapor concentration is less than 5% or the LFL before proceeding with the opening procedure. · · / W^RNIN(_~: Veneilntion and pertodle fe.vtlnlt for jlammnMe vapors, sfiM! eon~nne ~rOnehout ~e eagle lin~g o~on. Pe~)nnel ~hall n~r enter a tank ~thout ~or adequate ~nfilafion, and ~nfilalio, shall co,6n,e while pe~onn are in the tank. l~6ng lank cuing op~nfions, air ~essure lenn thnn 5 Pgl(~ ~hall be maintained fo preen! a blow o~ wh~ blo~8 ~r into the tank daring the gn~ freeing process. 7b re,old Anll4 np qf~nble ~ors, Mr sA~ Ae ~ ~om ~e '~nnA boffom ~ronR~onf fAe llnln~ oper~on. The tank shall be c~lf u~n8 a cold chisel or sni~ using lubricating oil to reduce fHcfinn, heat and ponnihle sparks. Prior to the rmal cu~ ~e secfi~ being rem~d shall be suppmled I, pr~en/its falling into the tang; Page 7 I.X.t.'I..A,q,qlI?I(?,:,VFi()N ¢.)F SI'/{('E / EN:I'I{y APPR()VAI., After the almosphere wilhin a space has becn teslcd Iht thc n~alefials/condili<ms itldicalc'<t on Iht ENTRY I~I~()I~ES'I', lhe per~on-it~-chm-ge, logclher with the supervisor, should cvalualc Iht rc~ulls, classit? ~he SPaCe .as either Confined or enclosed and establish thc appropriate requirements !~ be lblloxved for l.hc entry lo continue. The person-in-charge w;!l ,,omplctc th6 required enlD. per;Ifil. 'l'he person-in--charge will double check lo assure lines inlo anti oul of Ibc gpac. e properly blinded or disconnecled and lagged, and clechical equipmenl in lhe space is l~cked ami I;~ggctl oul. lie will initial lhe ENTRY PERMFI' lag in fl~e space used Io verily, thai the area bein~. cnlered ig properly igolaled · - ,- The person-in-charge will assnre lhat there is a plan of rescue Io be used in Ibc cx,'c~tl w.rker becomes disabled and'mUst be removed fi'om Ihe space, lie will renew Iht mclhod ~x. ilh all personnel involved wilh the operation prior to approving Iht I;;NTRY I'ERklIT tag. 77~e perxon-in-cbavge shall review the axmo,~l~here text re,~'t~l~, tl~e enter req~ire,wnt.~ · ~l~ec~ed o~ the appropffate MateffM Sari,O, D~a Shee~ ~ith all Person,v u~o ,ill be entering the .vl~ace. Mtcr thc re;iow, lhe pei'son-in-charge ~;'ill sigm and d;fle the tag in the Space "Thig cquipmcnl is sal~ lo enter" and affix il ~o the space where people can enlcr. A properly-complclcd ;md ~iLmed ENTRY PERkIIT lag affixed to an entrance apl~roval tbr entry, prox4ded the conditions listed in the I';NTRY l'El~Ml'l' are IblloWed. The ENTRY PERMIT lag is good fi)r the duration of the day. ff work is lo conlim~c, lag shall be renewed. Renewal is accomplished by relesling and rechecking lhe condili,ns. Il' Ic~ls and conditions are wilhin safe limil~, lhe pcrson-in-charge renewg lhe "This equipmcnl · enlcr" ~pace and enler lhe new expiration date in lhe "pe~il exl)ireg" space. X. ,",;t't:.(.'!^!. SAI E I ~ ANI) I'I~():I'I~C'IlIVI;. Whenever enh'v requires wcnrin8 of gi~pplied air regpirnfoD, proleclion, pcrstm~ shall' wear a sat~lx, harness wilh an nllached'linc. The harness shall be Ibc Ivpc c;q~ddc' suspending a pcrson in' lhc Ul~ri~hl position. WrJsllcls shall nol be used. ' l'hc lil~linc shall bc r,pc of a minimum I/2 inch diamelcr, and 2000 pound Icsl wilh Free end anchored oul~ide the space. For lop enh~, a mechanical hoisting de~cc shall bc I~tox'idt..d t0r lit)ing persons oul of' lhe space. ' l'etsons wor~ng in spaces which h;~ve lasl conlaincd sul)slanccs which c,uld be hm'ml'tfl il al~orbed lhrough lhe skin ~hall we~r prolecfive clolhing as specified by lhe supe~sor. Only lighting and clecfical equipmenl which has been approved ~afe tbr the area shall used. In addition, Io minimize shock hazards, such lighting and equipmenl shall be operaled ~ I;~ Vollg or legg or pro~ec~ed bv nn approved ground Faull circuil inle~plcr t° shul doxvn cleo. ileal p'~xver ghould a ghorl-circuil be delecled. A lirsl aid kil ~hall be available in Ibc immediafe area ou~ide lhe space. A 13pc of ~vm'nin~ de~.Jce gitsil be ;n.'sil~ble immc~dJ;~/cly oulsidc thc sp~cc Io nsgislancc if lheneed a~se~. The requiremeni may be xvaivcd by lhe s~iPcn.~sor if lhcrc'will bc Page ample people in the area in ca,~e of an cmergency:~.. If welding fi~mes are present inside, or if the temperature in the space exceeds I O0 degrees F, the ,~pace mast be ventilated by an eductor or blower. 1'he eductor or blower should he mounted on the roof or a.q near the lop of the space as possible Io maximize ventilation. Means · ~honld be taken lo reduce vibration noise by the eductor selling on metal surface (i.e. bolting it to a flange}. XL ,.N'I'^NDn¥ REQiJiREMENTg A standby is alWaYs required when entry is to be made into either' a confined or enclo,~c¢l space. . l)ufing a confined space entry the standby must rematn al the entrance as long a~ workem are in.aide. 'At leanl one ad¢litionnl worker who may have other duties shall be wilhin slghl or call of Ibis ,~tandby.. This person shall be known as a backup. ' The standby shall be positioned oul,nide the entry point nearest the workern(s) in.~ide. 1 lc mn~t be aware of Ibc n~rc of the..work being performed and the pos,nible hazards that might be enco.nlered. The standby is to assore no one removes blinds, or shuts off air blowers or other eq.ipment necessa .fy fi~r safe entry and is to be alert for changing conditions and hazards thai miff. hi affect the safe .fy or persons in.qide the space. 'l'he standby shmdd try lo remain in visual costa'et and communication With the person(s) inside at all limes. If Ibis is not possible, a plan must be worked out that the standby Will be assured lhe pernon(n) inside can get hln attentlon if they are in tronble. The standby re.st have SC13A immedialely available for the rescue of a disabled person 0r other emergency. W'hen entry i, into a condined space, either the standby or backup person m.,~l be trained in fir,~l aid' and ca~diop.lmonnrv resnScitation (CPR) If c.tting, b.r. int~, welding, gnldning or chipping is being performed in the space or olber ,~o.rces of ignition are lad.ced, the standby must have 2 rated fire extinguishers (and fire ho,~e if' po,~sible) and be trained in fire fighting. lit the person(s) in,~ide the space are weari.g respiratory l'n'otecff~n, the standlw mu,~t have ~;.'!h him reap!rate.fy protection eq.ipment wh|eh has a separate air supp.ly. 'l'he re,~plt'at¢.v protectioh eq.ipment, shall be provided with a communication device if the person(s) inside are mit or the tine of sight of the standby. A standby may enter a confined space only in an emergency and on.ly after alerting sac,thor per,~on ontnide of' lite intent to enter. If the emergency i.~ fat resell ~f tm ttn.vttfe ohwe,~pbere~ tr ,VcB/I mn.vt lie .wrn fi.l' trII reS. ers. XII. CON'I'INUIN(; I'RF, C^UI'I()NS ^ND REQUIRF, MENT8 Air len~n8 inside Ibc space shall be eonduted at s"~cient inte~als (no longer than 4 hm..~) ~n ennm.e the ntmnnphcre remninn flee of flammable, ~droc~h~s, to.cs ancot oxy~e. deficiency. If the sp~cc in left x~cant for 30 minutes Or loner, rctesfing is ~qu~cd before c.t~ in Page 9 pcrmilicd. ,All lesl resluls shall be recorded on the ENTRY PERMIT tag.' If continuous m{inil~)r,~ wilh alarms are.u.~e(t, lesl results need nol be recorded. · It' conditions inside Ihe space change, retesting is required beli~re Work can Coatimm. Relcsling. of. a confined slmce .~hould be conduclcd and thc rcsulls show Ihal all m~lcrinl.'cor!dilion levels are Within Ibc acccplable ranges for (Jeneral l~inlry. Persons performing retests of enclosed .s. paces need nol wear an SCBA becauie in order' 1~,: a space..Io be cla.~sitied as an enclosed space, dangerous'air concentralions and oxvge, dclicicncy musl nol 1)e prcscnl. ' ' 'l'hc basic I. 2. proccdm-c in relesling m~ cn~losed space is' I[ available, almo~pheric lesl equipment lhal can be equipped wilh lelcscoping shall bc used ' I~xIend'lest pr{d,cs Io lheir lhll lenglh, rclesI lhe. space al its main enh-y pohH and al all areas 0ml lhc lesl pr~l,e can reach. I{ccord lesl' resulls on cxisling enh~ lag. If test results are ~hIhin ihe aCcepIable range, slowly enter the space kccpiug IcsI probe fiflly exlended while ~ng the test apparatus time lo respond to changing conditions. When no'olher worker is presen! within a space du~ing retcsling, a standby must be present oulside the space. l'orlahlc powe~;cd cquipmcnl should be localed oulsidc Iht si)ace on thc downwind side m;m~xav openings f0 prcvcnl their exhnusl or flammable vapors li'0m being pulled insitlc. ' If an unsal~ condition re%es or an emergency occm's al Iht tacililv, all persons in~i(Ic exil Ibc space immcdialelv and I?.N't'I~Y. I~f~RMIT lags shall shall be removed and replaced hv N()T F~N'I'I?.R tags, ,.M lh~ end o1' each day, prior Io ltm complelion ot' lhe job, lhc space musl be secured prcvcnl cnln: by unaulllo~ized Persons. EN'I'I~? PIT, RMIT lags shall bc removed and replaced I)() t3)'l' I:~N'I'I':R lags. Xlll. 'I",:\NK {.:].EANIN(, Spgcjal cquipmcn! - Sar'ely Wearing .'\l~p:,rel - :l.lttst be Hv~rtt b.l' each n~at~ throt~ghout the et~re proce.vs. I. l"rc~h air hehnel 2. l.ong-sleeved n~bl>er glo~,es 3.. 'I ligh mhbe~' boots 4; Wrisllel safely harness Special cqtnpmenl 1. Alumim~n~ shovel l>age I() ' 2. Wooden handled broom. 3. Floor d .fy absorbent 4. plastic, nlumimlm handled bucke~ 5. Explosion proof drop light gafct¥_requireme.nIs - 11m~g the entire cleanitl~ opcrati°s~, thc filnncl mu~l remnin °pern~ lo Mlow mnximixed fresh flit into the t~nk. e~e~t c~re re,st be tnk~ wh~ ~tedng the lnnk, Inking ex~n men~l~re~ lo ~vold ~lnnding in ~luge or g~qoline ~t i~ ~ the floor. Allow time fi~r light ~ju~enl; if lhme i9 sol ~deqn~le lighfin~ ~n explosion ~oof dr~ light m~ be NOTE: .lk~~t m~ not ~e ~ed u~ a~ ~e ~ ff~er o[ ~or ~p h~ ~een up ~d removed ~om ~e t~ - - ~ blower-lype or positive-pressure ~kfine hose should be worn ~ any perth who enl~r leaded gnnloine lnnk lh~t bna md been ~horoughly cleaned ~d freed ol toxic wpo~. Thin ,ti only lo In,g cleaners, but lo afl olhe~ who go into lbe lank for any pt, pose. 'lhe hnnd-operaJed .blower-lype equipment I' hose is Commonly nsed. Oth~ ~pes of positive-pres~m e re~pk~lo~ eqn~pmeot tony be ,ned .ff i~ is reco~ized lank cleaning equipment and ils use is fnfly unde~lood. C~,isler m~sgs sh~ll ,~t be used. Hone fi, es for nit m~nkn should be kepi clean. If pe~onnel notices a~ odor while the mask, he musl le~ lhe ~snk nj once and not re-~ler until the condi~ is co~ecied. In ~he ~nt of ~nv ind;cafion of res~rato~ equicor nol wo~g ~operly, the should immedinlely le~ve'fl~e Jnnk. Afl pe~onnel nhnll went cle~n clothing ~om the s~n oul; also sp~ed ~oves ~,d bOol$ of good quality, ~nd in good condition. (~lo~h~ng nhnfl be chnnged (nnd lnundered) and a b~lh shall be Jaken ~e~ dny. ]C time, lhe chdbing gels $onked ~lb g~sofine or sludge, lhe pe~onnel shMI balhe al o~ce 0,d phi clenn clolhen.'~ Al the end of lhe day, ~nd ~fler the job h~ been complete~ resph'~orn, gl~s, and fools mnsl be cleaned. XIV UI-,~IR^gONI(~ 'I'IlICKNEgg (I^uGINo PROCEDURE The objective of'lhickne.~s tasting is to assnre the average metal wall thickness thm,~h ~ede~ of identified, Average me~nremenf~ of one-foot ~ one-mot ~ecfion~. l~Irn~onic fe~fin~ may ~I~o be peffo~ed ofl tnn~s wilh exisffng inte~ lining. (~n~l wall metal thickne~ ~h~ll be e~tnbli~hed ~ gn,~e me~m~rement~ taken ~t the tank fop manway. .AOet the tank has been emptied and the inle~or surface has be~ cleaned out, lhe m~lls ~te di~ded into sections ~s 1. WoII~ - Mesm~temenls for tank walls shall be d~ded into one-foot by one-fn,I secfinns be~n~i~ ~1 the fill end of lt~e bollom of the tank and exlending o,~ard art, nd length. Any additional area of lhe lank wall which is Jess less than one-Fool by one-fi~ol shall measured and ~eated as. an additional section. 2. Heads - Mea~nremenf~ f~ tank heads ~hall d~de the head info fonr eq,n~ ~cCfffms hy esta~fishing a horizontal nnd ~cal diameter line as an axis center point exfendiog l~age 11 oulward on each axis line. Any. additional area of Ibc tank heacl which is less than onc:li)0l by one-l°ot ghall be nleast~l'ed and b'ealed as an addilJonal geclion. 'thickness gauging mcasuremenls sJiaJJ be laken in Ibc ¢cnlcr if' each scclJoil oJ the. I;inJ, '~vall and heads. Tanks shall be closed in aCCOl'(lallc¢ wilh JXrlicle 7 of'Ilia C'alit[)rnia I.In(ler&rom~d '~loragc' 'l'ar~k .RcguJalJotlS if: lite tanks's average racial lhigkncss is tess Ihan 75(~,6 oJ' thc ori~fi~;d Ihickncss or il' lhe I;lllk h;Is':lllV Of thc [~)llowing (lei)els: " l. (.)pen soillll or splil longer Ih;in 3 inches 2. l~crtbraliOn lm'~cr d~m~ I-I/2 inches in diam~l~r m' below n ~auSin8 opcnin8 nl the botlom of a tank where Iht perforation Shall bc no larser than 2-1/~ inchc~ 3.: lqve or more perl~)ralJons in any one- ~(luare fool area ,1. Nluiliple perfbralions of which any single perlbralion is ,larger lhan 1/2 inch in diameler '1'(? dctcrmi,c acthcrancc tr~ ll~c,,:,c ~t6dclincs~ pcrfbrations shall bc brass hallpecn hammcrcct (bcl~rc, :u~d alter abrasivC blasling) lo'remove lhin racial and obtain structurally sound I'erl~,';~tions shall bc reamed unfil fhc c(lgcs of' file hole arc a tllillillllltll Of 1,/~'' thick. Slccl plaits "'.'b' :d~:~ 1:,c ~vchlcd Io It~z inlci'j~ ~vaJJ lo nlninlain coral)llanoc wjlh thc aCCel)fable wall m pvrl;,r;~tcd areas, l~epair ol'seam si)ills nla).' bo repai;s l)y welding. Welding shall be conductvd by i)Cl'S(ms l~amiliar with JloI work Repairs may he made ~o Ihs IdnJ< il' lbo lhe lank meels rcqllircnlvnls scl li,'lh (.'nlifi,'t~in I.tndergt-(mn(l S!0t'age Tank Rc, gulafions, st]bseclion 2660 (k). Theirs in ~fecl fanl.>; ~;I',:,tl h:, phL~ed u.~in~ sell' tal~i~ing.bolfs' boiler plugs, wale~--lighl hydraulic cemenl, or b),' ~vchlin~. :ldditio}~. hok's in slcel mid libcrglas~ tanks ~hall be repaired ns Repair n~'eas d~nll be covered wilh Ol)oxy or isophlhalic resin. 'Hie. resin basc'~hall by cr)ml)alible wilh th~ intended use of the tank. ' l"ibcrglass c. lolh ~vilh a l!lJ.nJnlilnl wt'ighl of 1.5 oz/yd lhal is sJl;lnc treated shall bc ~'Oml~lclcly inlo Ibc resin bas~. 'l'hc resin b~s¢ sflnll b~ applied a minimum of lwo i'ches beyond Ibc libcrglass ~lolh. ,All repairs shall include inslallation of tiberglass cloth with a minimum dimension ol' 1L~ 12 inches cenlered over thc area Io be repab'ed. [,argcr rcpab's shall rc(illJre Iht clolh 1o bc C'flr)llgJl Io provide cJolh corel'age oJ'al Icasl liv~ inches of cJolh bonde(! Io lhe lank wall, Ii1eaMil~d Ii'om lhe mflctmosl edge of Ibc repair, area Io the clolh's edBe. ,4 sccomi layer o1' libel'Blass clolll, 1.5 o~Jyd, shall be Jnslalled clil'cclly over die l)rim;u-)' clolh laver and shall be ¢11l lO overlap lhe pt~ma~ patch by 1.5 inches on all sides.' Ibc repair shall bc allowvd Sul'licJenl cure linle, ~s delem~ined by lhe t'eRitl manulaclm'cr. lo pr(,,,~(te an ncccplnblc bagc J~!l' lank lining apl~licalion' Page , 1 2' Ultraso. tc ~lhiclmess Gauging Report !i''~' ~,,,t, ~ut ,.t-,,,~,,~.,.._ · ~4 d4res.t: ' '" " 7'nnlt ~tze: ... Tttnk Loeatl on: .: . .. Date: T~nk Dlnmerer:_ FT TnnR £~n~h: .____.F/'. Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. Ultrasottic Thichness G~uging RePort Fill End 1'ankh cad Opposite End CI'LiNI)I:'R W/l l.~ I'otal Averag{ 7bicknes.~ I;'IL I.. "! }~tal es 7 btm Number~ A vera~e 71iickness OI'I'OSITE END , ? brai Number of Gauges _ Average lltickness 707'/fL T/INK SHELL A I;ERAGE ]b-_J~£es 7Dral tVttrnber of Gauges ,I VlillAGE IIHCKNE$6, DE, YI¢;N I?HC'KNE,¥,~ "'- _ Average 7hickness X lo0 = °lo OFDE~TGN 7 IHCKNESS ,'! C'¢'E I, r R E. IE cI' · 4 U IIIORIzED $1GNA lURE XV. ^BRAglVE BLASTING Tanks shall he abrasive blasfed to a white metal, rtnn~g all sludge from pits, mst plug,s, perforations, and any other openings. Special eq_uip~_n_t - A. Approved safety equipm~t as follows: 1'. White disposable plastic coveralls 2. Blasting helmet with positive air displacement 3. Wristlet safety harness B. Silver duct tape C. ^bravise Biasing equipment !. Abrash,'e blaster with deadmnn control and light 2. Abrasive materials 3. Nozzles D. Two plastic buckets E. Broom ' F. Aluminum shovel Blast operators shall use U.S. Bureau of Mines approved helmet connected to a source of' clean, compressed air. Canister lype masks may not be used. Blast hoses shall be grounded to dissipate static charges. , Only nonferrous tools shall be used for cleaning surfaces of ru~_ sediment, etc. Pe~onnel wor!dng on tanks will wear rubber boots, fresh air masks, life lines nad clenn clothing with no metal buttons or fittlngs. Filler lype air respirators should be worn by all others who are exposed to blast envirofiment. Adequate protection for personnel from flying particles shall also be provided in a,y blasting operation. Safely goggle: shah I,e worn by all persons near any blasting operation. Fresh air shall be s,~lied lo the mask through ~ hose with a posiliv~ displacemen! blower to the windward side of the manhole in the tank. Adequate power operated blowers .nhatl conlinue the air s,ppiy un!ii personnel wearing masks have left tank and removed face pieces. One end of a rope ~.hall be secured .to the harness to assist in removal, if necessary. F..~tra respirator equipmen! shall be available for emergency use. Page 15 (."on'osion does not usually take the fbrm of a uniform loss (i.e., general deterioration of a surlacc m'ea). Most corrosion occurs by leaving a pitted appearance resulting in peHbrations. 'A small perfbradon in a tank wall Can result when the entire tank surface has lost no more than is found in a 50 cent piece. Numerous perforations in a one foot area indicates localized con'osion. The number and size of pedbrafions in a tank are the criteria used to evaluate ifa tank can be lined lo gix.'¢ maxinmm of a 20 year life cxlcnsion. Ifa tank has perfbrafions not exceeding the limilalions, the tank is considered nol ~o have been slruclurally impaired..A lank with a perforalion or leak can, in fao, have over 100 years el' sh'uCmral lit~ remaining before lhe tank is impaired Io the poinl that the tank collapses. Prior to the application of the lining material, a miminmm 1/4" thick sled reinlbrcing pi;dc, rolled lo the Contours or lhe rank, with minimum dimensions of eight inches by eighl inches shall bc inslallcd undcr Ibc lill (drop) lube and gauging tubes. The plale shall be covered wills libcrgla~ clolh embedded in resin. . . XVll. SPRAY APPI.IU,VI'ION ..p._ccoal E qujp_~__c n~t. Respirator, - Scoa air supply, wristlet safety harness and lanyard, and protective' clolhing Air supply - lO(} psi conlinuous inp.l pressure and $0 cfm minimum volume al spray cquipmcnl - ltoses - I O0 1t. of malcdal hose Spray gun Calalvsl dclivc~y unil Material pump Buckcls (2) plastic With almnin~ handlcs Mil Collo~ i-aSs Brushes ' Explosion proof drop hght NO FI.,~, SMOKING, MA'rC~mS OR ~LI)ING IS AIJ.~OWlY) WI'I'I (5O') IqFTY FEEl. ' ' ]here should be al leasl (2) men on all inledor lank jobs. One should he omsi(le fl~e lank, e(luippc(l wid~ an aPl)rm,.cd air hood, plus a rope wilh surely harness. Enou~ venlilalion shall be prodded to change the ak inside once every six minulcs. Air must be circuialcd inlo all pans or the tank. Thickness shall be checked regularly wifl~ O~c mil gauge. The entire area shall be checked for pinholcs ~th a holiday detector and am' such ho~days sha~ be coaled over. The coating lhickness shall be checked tbr pinholes belbrc closing lhe lank. using Page 16 either an EIcometer or a Bronson coating gauge. lining shall be hardness tested using harCol hardness tester, instrument, to'determine that the lining hardness meets the abov~ ~quirement,. XVIll. 8EALINO TIlE MANWAY or equivelant The manway shall be closed with a 1/i" thick steel (but not less than original thickness) and overlapping the hole at least two inches on each side. The cowr plate shall be pre-formed to the tank conlour and must fit snugly to the tank mrface at the plate edges. The cover plate shall be abr~ive blasted nnd coated as described in seCtion XV. ApprOVed sealing compounds that are compatible with the lining ~dstem shall he applied lo lhe tanl~ mating surface. The cover plate shall be securely fn~tened to the tnnk by bolts on 4" cenlem, genllnlg compound shall be applied over the cover plate out~id· the edge nnd bolls 1o ensure proper seall,g, with a ~" ,o-,,e~lap on the tank And cover plate. After the tank and cover plate compound have fully cured, tank tightness testin~ shall be conducted. A 5 lb. air test of the tank with the use of soap solution to check the lid shall be the minimum §ghtness test. XIX,. VACUUM IESTINO Testing buried steel tanks for slmctural soundness m~y be accomplished by vacm~m leslintt, and when required by the authority having jurisdiction, shall be performed in the followina manner: The tank shall withslan(i, without collal~inff, a vacuum for no less that I m~nute. 'Fhe vac.um shall :not exceed 5.3"ttg. 'l~e vacuum in the lank musl not exceed V-(I/2 D + ti) X 0.gt~ 1. v = Vacuum in inches m~r~ury ~.. D: Diameter in feet 3. tl - The maximum actual burial d~th in feet, but not less thsn 3 feet, to the top of the tank. XX. AI)DITIONAL TESTING The tank and piping shall be precision tested in accordance with NFPA 329. TANK SHALl, NOT BE Pl.,ACED BACK INTO SERVICE UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION IS APPROVED, Page 17 CONi':INED SPACE CIJA$SIFICATION 'I'ABi,I,~ haraclenst~cs Ulass A - lmmedialely dangerous. [Jib-rescUe procedures requh'e thc Cllll"~' o[ more lhan one indi,~dual. Fully'equipped life support equipment is mandalob,' Mainlainancc of commmfication requires asr adciitional slandby person slalioned wilhin lire conlined space. t;lass B - Dangerous, but not immediately litb 'threatening. Rescue procedures require the entry of no more than one individial fill equipped with life supporl equipmcnl. Indircc.~ xSsual or auditoLy communication with pcrsohnel. Class C- Potentially hazardous.' Requires no modification of work procedures. 'Slandard rescue procedures, l)irecl communication with personnel fi'om outside fire conlined space. · {)xygen Class A - 16% or less (:'.lass t3 - *( 120 mmHg) or greater than 25% Class ('. - *(190 mmItg) Flammalfilily Class A - 20% or greater of l,l;'l~ Class B - 10% to 19~, I.i:'L · {..:lass C - 1.0% l.F1. or less T6xicily. (?lass A - **II)[..H Class B ' Greater lhan cOntaminatitm level, less than Class (: - Les~ than contamination level ' * Based on a l~lal atmospheric pressure of 750 mm}K} (sea level) ** Immediately Dangerous Io Litb or ttealth (IDLH), as referenced in NI(.)SIt l{e~is~rv Toxic and Chemical Snbslances, Mamffacturing .hem~sts dala sheets, industrial hygiene guide~ or other recognized authorities. . Page TEST REsuLTs _ ENTRY CLASSIFICATION CItART ,The chart below lists the'materials lhat must be evaluated as part of the confined/enclo,~ed space entry procedures. AcCeptable levels of these materials haw been set to. setv~ as a bn,4c crileria in deciding which type of entry to follow. The chart conlains the name of the material Io be evaluated, along with the corresponding acceptable levels for each of the Iwo types of entry, (3eneral and Special. - NOlt,~: All materials must test at or gelow the acceptable limits for General Entry. before n space can be declared safe for entry following Oeneral Entry. requirements. If any one malerial tests above the acceptable limits, Special Entry requirements mu~t be followed. ENCLOSED 8PACF, M~LeriaJ...o.r CO_n_di_fip _n Flammable vapors '.. Oxygen I lyitrogen gnlfide {lt2g) l_Jghl HydrocarbOns (gasoline-like materials) l,ead Compounds Other Toxic/Combustible Materials Ma!efial ~D_NF~D Flammable Vapors Oxygen · ~ !ydrogen Sulfide (I 12g) I Jght I lydrocmhons (gmoline-like malerials) Lead Compounds Other T°xiclCombusfihle Mnleriab ~ ~!~ ri al-o_f_C__on, dJfi. oA! Flammable Vapors l lydrogen 'Sulfide General Enlry Accepta___bJe___T_ _c..st_ Resu I! s Below 5% l,Fl, Greater than 19.5% oxygen 0 Paris per million (ppm) 300 ppm or less Levels below 4ms per cubic foot njt~ Cleaning Consult wilh Division Complin,ce Specialist for requirements *Special Enhy 5% to 10% I.FI. Less that 19% I to I 0 ppm Greater than 300 ppm Level~ above 4 mg per cuhlc foot nflL,'r cleaning Consul! with Division Compli,'mCe Specialist for requireme,ls .~P_~Ug_~.~_E_.NT_ fRY P'g-S T..mCHONS Restriction Greater than 10% LFL - .NO ENIRY ALLOIFEi) LeSs than 16.1% EMERGENCI' ONLY With self contained breathing apparalus (gC.B A ) Over 10 Ppm - EMERGENCY ONLY - wilh Page 19 : . TEST RESULTS - ENTRY CLASSIFICATION CI The chart below 'lists the materials lhat must be evaluated M part of the confineWenclosed, space entry procedures. AcCeptable levels of.these materials have been set to serve as a basic criteria in deciding which ~'pe of entry to follow. The chart contains the name of the material be evaluated, along with the corresponding acceptable levels for each of the two types of enhx, (~;eneral and Special. . NOTE:. All materials must test at or b61ow the acceptable limits for General Enlvy. before n space can be declared safe for entry following General Entry requirements, ff any one malarial tests above the acceptable limits, Special Entry requirements must be followed. ENCLOSED SPACF, ~_t .e_ ri al or ConditiOn Flammable vapors Oxygen ' '. I lydrogen S,lfide !.,ighl tlydrocarbons (gasoline-like materials) Lead Compounds Olher Toxic/Combustible Materials . Mateaal or Condi °n aeneral Entry Acceptable Test Re.~ult.~ CONFINED SPACE Flammable Vapors Oxygen ! lydrogen Sulfide (t128) 15ght tlydrocarbons (gasoline-like materials) Lead Compounds Other Toxic/Combustible Malefials Below 5% l,Fl, Greater than 19.5% oxy. _Rea 0 Parts per million (ppm) 300 ppm or less Levels below 4ms per cubic foot after cleaning Consult with Division Compli,,ce :~pecialist for requireme,l,~ Materia! of Condition · Special Enh-y Accep._ta__ble ~e~s!..~_e. $3;!~S 5% to 10% l,Fl, Le~ fha! ! 9% I to 10 ppm Greater than 300 ppm Levels above 4 mg per cubic foot nfl~ cleaning Comull with Division ' ' ' (,omphance Speeialist for requiremen~.q ADDITIONAL ENTRY RESTRICTIONS Greater than 10% LFL - N@ £/V~R~A££OW£D Lc~s than 16.1% EMERGENCY ONLY W~h seff conMined brez~h~ng apparaflt,n Over I0 ppm - EMERGENCY ONLY - with (~q('l} A) Flammable Vapors Ox'ygen Hydrogen Sulfide. (H2S) Page 19 UHF.(;I( HST F'()I~ ENTRy INT() AN F. XISTING C('.)NFINE1) Si'ACE 1. Permit 2. ,.\lmosl)hedc Icsliug 3. ~ !oniloring · 1. 5, lcdical Training of personnel (~. tml~eling nnd imsli.g h'¢paraliorl Isolale/lock(ml/tag " Purge and Cleaning processes Requirements lot special equipment/tools Procedure,~ l.ifial plan Slandby ' (.. ommumcalmns., obscrvalmns Work 9. Safi:l.~' Equipmcnl and Clothing I'lead protection I leafing prolcclion I lnnd prolecfion Fool I)rolccli(m Body prolecli~m Respiralory prolection Satbly bells l.ifk lineg.hamess X X X X X X X X 0 X X X X O. I (I.-- Rescuc Equipmc.l X X X 0 ( ) X () X X X; X X 't; X X X X X X () () (.) () () X 11, (.) 0 X X X 0 0 () () X × ...................... :C .......... 2 X pcrsotl Page 20 MANUFACTURER: ADDRESS.. PHONE:· DATE OF PREPARATION: r SUPERSEDES MSDS DATED: PRODUCT NAME: .MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ARMOR SHIELD, INC. #1 SCttOLL ROAD FALMOUTlt, KENTUCKY 41040 For information purposes 8:00 am ' 5:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time Telephone: 1-606~654-8265 FOR EMERGENC¥i Call CHEMTREC: 1-R00-424-9300 to be -.~ed "ONLY IN Tile FVEN OF CHEMICAL EMERGENCIES INVOLVING A SPILL, LEAK, FIRE EXPOSURE OR ACCIDENT INVOLVING CHEMICALS" December I !, 1991 January12,1991 GC - 900 Lining Malerlzl · SECTIONI- ~--~ ............. ' ' COMPONENT DATA _HAZARDOUS InGREDiENTS,,_, co _t,~_ ON NA~m C__t~t~IC_A_L_NAME ' Slyrene Vinyl Benzene -- Perce~i Composition - 58% _C, A.S.___NO___~. 000100-42-5 Osha - Pel 50ppm g-hr Twa, 100 ppm Slel Ag~h-'l~V: $0 ppm 8-hrTwa, I00 ppm Stel OTHER INGRF. DIENT~ Pr~pr;c!ary Ingredients SECTION II - PHYSICAL DATA (For $~ne) B__O~. lNG_POINT; 293OF -~PEcIFIC GRAVITYA (h o ,,, 1) Approximntely 1 MELTING POINT' Not Applicable _VAPOR PRESSURE~ {mTM tlg ~ 20oC): 4.5 mm Hg) .PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLU~ 20-80 _VAPOR DENSITy3 (Alt -- 1): 3.6 Evnpornte Pate (Ethyl Ether --- !): ND ~OLUBILITY IN WATER: Not APplicable pH: Not Determined _APPEARANCE AND ODOR_; Red Viscous Liq,iid SECTION III - FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA Ft. ASr~ rorer (o~.. ~'6 ' - ..... · ~ ' ' METHOD USED: TCC ' "--~ ................... _FLAMMABJ_LITY LIMITS (%): (For Styrene) L___EL__~: !, I UEL: 6.1 pagc 21 (;Nil 1( )N TI~KIIq:A~A'I I)R f:~ 914 (l':o,· .~LVieue) FIRI~.ANI) I-~XPI.(}SION llA~ARDS Mnlerinl is flnmmnble. Preve,l ~mokinn, open flnme ~lafic nnd clccl~ic:fl cl,n~l, ir Icmpc~nh,e~ ovc~ IOO~F. or henl r~om fi~e ~iI,nlipn~ m~y C~ll~ rnpid ~lymerizntion. hesf 8ene~nfio,. nmi x nl,~,s clo~cd coulninc~ Io ~qm,e. Keep cool wifl~ wnler ~pr~y. ,~(7'FION IV flEA{~TIVI'I'y DATA (t~o Idil~o~!S iO Ayoid)~ lh~Inble ~xce~ive be'hi tony chute n clo~ed conlniner lo explode IBILI'i y (Mnle~iM Io Avoid): Peroxide~, oxidizer~, ~c ds. bn~e~ I IAZAIiI)()US I)I~COMi'OSI1 ION PRODUCIS (X). CO~, Iow mol~nlnr xvei~hl hyd~ocnd~on~, o~Uic ncid~ ~S I'~)LYNII.~iLIZA'I I()H; Nih}, ~cur if exposed Io henl somces or p~olou~ed ~lmn~e nt,ove ~C' IIAZARDS (Incl,dh~ sc.~e nnd cl,onic effecI~ nnd D'mplom~ ofoverexlmsme) (llenllh hnxn~d~ n~e nbc, I-~ of fhe upper r~pirntoO, l~ncI. Skin Conlncl. ~.Iny result in skin iililntion. Sl)'rene is considered Io be n plimnry ~kin tony ret,fl ill dcrmnlili~, lunched hv ~m~h d~y or crnc~ed ~in. P~olo~'~d or ~epenled eye expo~me h~ Ibc. v:q,,,~ r~:~ kidney dnmn~e n,d hm~ d~mn~e. I, nddiliou, preliminn~ re~ 11~ of iuhnlnliou ~h~dic~ iud chic lhnl lah.~:,.~ mm sly~eue yin inhnlalion showed evide,ce of hemi,~ los.,;. Relevnnce Io lillln~ll~ remnin~ Illlclc;~r t,/o Ye~ No No I, Mn~ch~ 19R7. lhe h~fe~nafhmnl A~cn~, for Re~enrch on ('nncer flAT~(') ~eclnc~ fi~,l ~h ~c,~ :~ I ..... iht ....... Page 22 ~ide..for which Ihe~e i~ ~u~cte,t evidence ~f enrelno~enlellY In e~pertmeulnl nnimnl~ which hn~ pe;¥hernl ,e~oqt; ~;lem di~otde;; tony nl inclen;ed rhk ro~ e~tre Io Ihi; te~phnlor wtlh mRnate X, nlmr en~lrht~e~ ~ cn~i~ler~ or ~pplt~ ~ir ~e~hnlor. Alwny~ u~e fe~ph~lo~ comp~ny'~ ~e~ph~o~ prnl~llon p~o~nm ~nd OSlIA reRul~lioa~ under ~9 C~ 1910. PROI'~CIION: Ir ~e comnc~ i~ ~sible. wen~ chemi~l prol~ive FROIEc'ilvE CLO'llllNO le~ ~l~ved el~hh~, Ion~ pnal~ ~nd ~l~tnyl ~lmhol or ~lyelhylene or vllon glove~ should ~ nvntlnhle. Lnuudel contnmh~nled clolhlnK ~rore rewen~i,~. U~e explosion pr~[ molor~ nnd eq,dpmem. IVI'/,- I EFIIAL AFETY 3ATA SI-IEE'r ArOCtlEM 114o M~LIt^ny I10^t~ · r'.o. l~ox loae · taurrAto, tl~V YOrll( 14~.4o tI.A i ~ I AL 5.0 0.~ ~.0 1LV 1988'- I ~pm (l~AI ........... ~50 ......... aS.A.~.l. ' .... . ......... ...... '": ......... ' ................... ~ .... : ................. 4 ............ ' ...... :' '. ........ .................. * ...~L .... : ......... lined dttrt,g ewpo~ut.e tn flre. fl~CllVllY tr~n~ftfon .,e~f g~ft~, prmno~erg A.fI re,f,,ch,9 ,Re 24 C011110~ I VI I y ........... :': ......... '.. LUIIG l~rrt~cl~ ... EYE - OlIlEI1 ... ..... ; ........ ..................... Il/r: ........ ~ ........ . a':'~t''ln"'... . .. ~. ~,v, ,,.%,,,~,,, i~.p;r. -- ~ ,T ................ VrllltlAtlfjll ~FOUIR~II~IITS U~e ~Itl, nrJ~q[t~f.e ve,~lla~lon. Lncnl exhaust. *II[51'I~RIU~ IYI'~ ............. Can or ~nrtrldgep gas or vapor OIItF. R P~IF. CIIVE [OUIPtI[UT.. ~y~ash s~a~lon .................................. .-~ ......... I)~ t~n~ ~ore l~e~r eoml~us~ll?les ~ep a~y from hent~ ~park~ 00 no~ reuse eo,~al~er IIAIllq_lll~ l:t~llllllllltl5 ....... :., 5~n~n I:nl.~ lflfl"r (]secI. ~o maintain n~lvn /'Itfl'AIl[f~ ~y~ I · '' .............. '::'.~.:'. ,.,:?.~:::,.~, ,,~,,,,.,~,,,~ ~"""~, .' ................... : .............................. '--~ ~flO llllltary floa~ "~lfalo~ IIY' I1~]~0 ' l'l~,lr:. .......................... ' , .... of hn,,dllng and tl~I or /nf~ll~e ~lfl I~nyd.rl -ar' CO,,lr~,l, AIti('IF' IUrl:l:H~ll~ll [lfl[ll~[jj[[~ lIF~[IU ~Hll l~l~[ll~lll~ ~l.l.l.l~l[lIY [fl~ ~[l IAll~[ lll[~[Oll. ~t (Ill {~(llllllllllll,~ ~{~'l'lIuif-} {}I f In.~nhl I It.y Ile~ct Irt t¥ U II,_nllh ] ] . Ill,Ih rl~m~blllty 2 ?. "tln,le~nte lle~cttvtty 0 I ,'~llght 0 ~ l~l~n~;'.*,o't (llm'~ d.t~lls on h~rds ~t'e ~lve. tn succeed!n~ctlon~.) I)ln~nlbyl~lllne I~ ~ Clns1* Ilia Enmh,~tlhle I. tq,ld~ rl~sh Point. Auto lnnltlcn f.ll [l~t~.~ I-flt~-474-9~. t. ocal rnvt~o~me~t.! ~e,cy should be m~tlfled. and t~t~ Io ~n ~ppt'ov~d. treatmPht. 5loraqn or disposal f~clllty. and (Ir~n ~hne~.~ ll~ot'n~gh ~lee.~ln~ .f the e.tlte tontmmlnst, ed ~hm~er thorol~ghly ' ' at'e~ of the ,,.<e~ary. Support tteathll{~ ~llh ~ttlfl(tel ~t. pl.}~ll,~ , If 2-1 rl~ys'. In ~h~ of 5~ln nb~ot-ptl~t, ~plr,m~ tony bn delnyed. EMERGENCY INFORMATION I] I] I] 8I] I~alX]~A¥ I] 7'8 BAIK~RSF~IX-,LD, WRrI'rEN..A, iONITORING PROCEDU ..ES ~ ~mg pm~ m~ ~ k~ ~ ~ U~ ~n ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ a~ ~of~~g~ ~~~m~ (~e~ia~) ~~of ~y ~ m ~ ~g ~u~, ~ ~u~ m ~ ~ ~m ~g ~.~. B. 'What methods and equipment, identified, by name and model, will b~xused for performing the monitoring: Tank Piping T~ Ce Describe the location(s) where the monitoring will be performed (facility plot plan should be attached): De List the name(s) and title(s) of the people responsible for p~f°rming the monitoring and/or maintaining the equipment Reportin~Format for monitoring: Tank Riping Describe the preventive maintenance schedule for the monitoring equipment. Note: Maintenance must be in accordance with the manufacturers, maintenanoe sohedule but not less than every 12 months. Describe the training necessary for the opera=ion of uST system, including piping, and the monitoring equipment: F.,MEP ENCY RESPONSE PLAI UNDERGROUND SN'ORAGE TANK MON O PROG ~mg ~ m~ ~ k~ ~ ~ U~ ~n ~ a~ ~. ~ ~~n on ~ of ~ ~g ~ ~ ~ ~ m~ ~ (the !~! a~y) ~ ~ ~ of ~y e~ m ~ m~mg p~um, ~ ~u~ m ~ a~l ~ ~g ~ ~. R~u~ by ~ ~2(d) ~d ~1~) CCR. 1. If an unaUthorized release occurs, how wall the hazardous SUbstance be cleaned up? Note= If released hazardous su~stanoes reaoh the environment, inorease the fire or explosion hazard, are not cleaned up from the secondary ¢ontaxnme~%~ith~8 h~Ur~'~ %-~- det~'r¥~r~te the Secondar~ containment, then (the local aqenclt) musk be notified within Z4 hours. Jo~,~ p s 2l _ Describe the proposed me,'hods and equipment to be used for remoVing and p.roperly disposing of any hazardous substances. Describe the location and availability of the required cleanu equipment in item 2 above· Describe th9 maintenance schedule for the cleanup equipment. List the name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) responsible authorizing any work under the response plan: nec~ary I'YP~ OF ACTION (C/tec# one ~m only) r cITy OF BAKERSFIELD' ~.~ I mc : 1715~Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 9~301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STOOGE TANKS- UST FAClLI~ ~ 1. ~ S~ ~RM~ ~. R~~ ~RM~ ~ ~. C~ OF INFOR~TION (~ ~. ~ T. ~R~E~LY ~OSED SITE ~ 4. ~ED ~IT ~ ~ ~) ~ 8. T~K RE~VED ~ 6. ~ S~E CCOSURE i I. FACILITY 1 81TE INFORMATION I 8U$1NES~ NAME (Same II FACIUTY NAM~ De O~A - O~Ing ~ Al) 3 FAC~LrrY ID fJ NEAREST CROSS ~ffF~F-¥ 401. [] 2. o~8'r~rro~ FACILITY OWNER ~ r-] 1. 'CORPORATION ,~2. INDIVIDUAL. TOTAL NUMBER OF TANK~ REMAINING AT SITE [:::] 3. PARTNERSHIP r-] 4. PROCESSOR I-I 0. OTHER 403. dvl~n, ~ ar a41k:e wt'~ al)er~es I1~ UST. CITY 410. ~I'ATE 411. ZiP COOE 412. PIROI"t:Jg~Y OWN~TYPE ~ INDIVIDUAl. [] 4. LOCALA~/~ r"] 6. STATE AGENCY 413. · , ','Y:'. ~.' :' ::.'.," ~ T~~m,~~. '.'~."...:;..'.,..., .;'~:' ' T~ 0~ 414. I ~ 415. ~LI~ OR ~ ~ 416. CI~ ' " 419.' 417. J STATE 418. I ZIP COOE ~ ~ I'"1 4. LOCALAGENCY/OIS'TR~'T [] 0. STATEAGF. NCY' '..": ' IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST 8TORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER "": :::'i.:':""::".":/:~:'::"}~:::::!:;.';., i~i:.. ,':'... V. PETR~M UST.F'iNAN:ciAL RESPO~iaiLiTY -' . :':7'7 [] Z GUA,RAJ~TEE . [] 5. LET"IT~ OF CREDIT [] 8. STATE FUNO & CFO L.~i iP..~ [] ~. OTHER: [] 3. iNSURANCE [] 5. F.X~N [] g. STATE FUND & C,~ vL LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILIHO ADDRES$ VII. APPUCANT 81GNATURE ~lion: I c~rUfy ~ the ~f~ i~0M414 I~ II ~n~e ~ m:gumll to I~e b~l~ ~ my ~.__,_. STATE UST FAC~UTY FACILITY ~'1' ~Z, PROPER'FYC~ER [] 3. TAHKOWNER 423. UPCF (7/99) DATE 424. PHONE 425. T~LE O~ ~1~ ~. 42~.I 1 g~.UPG/~AD~ GI~YiFIGATE NUMBER (F~'/a~/~11 Ofl~) S:~CUPAPORMS~wrcb.a.wpcl CITY oF BAKERSFIELD r~ OI~CE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ,~IRVICES t 7~ Chester Ave., Bakersfleld,'C'A 93301. (661) 326-3979 I UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE IIa I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION BUSINESS NAME (Seine is FACILITY NA~E o~ ~ - I~ 8uNne~ A~} One form per tank II. INSTALLATION Check all ~at apply · The installer has been certified by the tank and Piping manufacturers. The installation has been inspected and certified b~ a registered professional engineer. The installation has been inspected and approved by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. All work listed on the manufacturer's installation checklist has been completed. The installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. IdentiN_ method; -' ~ III. TANK OWNER/A-GENT SIGNATURE '~ O~FICE OF ENVIRONMENTAJ,.~SERVICES ,.. 1715 Lql~ster Ave., Bakersfleid,.CA 93~1~1 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND 3TORAGE TANK.~ - TANK PAGE 1 r?PE OF ~CT~3N [] ! N~ ~iTE I~R~4IT ["] 4. A~EN~O p~qMf"r 3. o~rE INSTALLED (YEAR/MO) 435 I. TANK DE~7.RIFr13ON TA.N~ MANUFACTURER 453 / COI~A.RTM~ALIZED TANK [] Ym [] No t If 'yN'. c~m~e o~e p~ fo' e, ec~ cc, mp~'~mem. ' TAHK CAPAC.~"Y mN ~S ~ ~ OF ~T~S T,M~ L~E · ~. ~. MOTC>R Vrr. HI(3.E ~ (,'f ,.m, med. ~ ~ Type) [] ~. Uze~ TYI:~ OF TAJx~ '~ J. '~DL.~ V~,.K [] 3. ~INOLE WALL WITH r-i 5. ~3LEWA~LWITHINTERNA~BI~IX:N~ii:M EX'~ I,~ ~ 0 4. S~'tK~.E WAL.t.~NAVAUt.'r ~3. FmERO~.~SS/PtAST~ Os. one/f~n ~/) FANK MATERIAL. a~:c.-~V ~t~ '[-] I. BAi~ ~ (c~c~o~o~y) .fl z S'rNNLES~Sl~EL ;,~LLANOOVERFILL YEAR~ALLED 450 TYPE(F.o?localu~eo~y) 451 OVEP,.clU. P~ROTECT~ONEQUiPMENT:YEARiN~T'~.~ED 452 · ~..:/,:7,.,,~,-, :i-..',.~. -:. ~.~s,.-~:,..,."<-..:',,. ~_. ...... :~,~.,::.:,:,.:::..;:. .. ??:..~?:....; ......... ;.~:-~ .... : .,,.....~;~..:~j....~: .... ..~::..: .....,~., ,,;, ..:~,~:~,,,KL~X~. ~. .._ ,,,:,,.., ~,.,..... ,' :.:.,' : . .... .......,,.,.~.. '~.,,.2. AUTO/v(ATK~ TANK(3AUOIN~(ATO) --] 3. C~NTINUOUS ATO ~ 4. 3TATJ3TICAL tNV~NTO~Y R:~TION (SIR) 81ENNLAL TA.N~ T~rlN<3 'CF (7/~g) S:~CUPAFORMS~WRCB-B.WP 0 O 'FlCll Oil INVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM TYPE C3, 1; I=~E~URE ~ 2. SUCTION .k4ANUI=ACTURERIC:] 2. OOu~.EWAJJ;:' i MANUFA~'TTUR P R !C:] 1. ~ s'rE~L MATERt'ALSANO~r"I 2. ST,/dNLE~ s'rEEL r-1 ?. (~,~.LVA.N{ZED STF.~L CORROSION ! -- ' P~3~ECTK~N ill ]. Pt.~ncco~ATtat~wrm~ I"1~. UN~e~OWN · 5. STEEL W/ COATIN~ i~9. CATHOOK:~TEGTION 4a4 [] 2. OOUBLE WALL [] 9~. O~ MANUFACTURER ~ [] t. 8ARESTEEL [] e. FRPCOMPATIBLE WI 100% METt.iA~ L?"'l 2. STAINLESS STEEL [] 7. G,N. VAN(Z~.D~i~P.I. [] 3. PtAST,:: CO~,~'*T~m.E WWH CON'r~NTS [] a. R.EXm~ (HO~') [] 99. o'rHER [] 4[. STEEL W/COATING [] g~. U~ 46 [([j~ 1. ELECTROMC UNE LEAK DETECTOR 3.00~H TEar 1MTH AUTO I~,Jl&m ~l.flJT OFF FOR ~ SUCTION SY'~'EMS: · ~ S. DAJLyvlSUALI,4OMTORJ,~O~PUMI:qNOSYSTEM+TP~,~ALPI=IN~~ lSA~E SUCTK)N SYS'rEM8 (NO VALVE~ ~1 a~3W (~OOND ~): o~s~qseRcom''uw'em' ~ I. ~:x~T~ec:~'we~?a.~nlo~'Fme.~.~vALve IX. OWNER/OPERATOR 81GNATLIRE IPM'm~t,,k~be'(Fo(Joc~Ju~o~y) ' 473 I' 471 TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR UPCF (7/99) $:~C UPAFORM..,e~WRc~.-~.WPD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - INSTALL~.TION On~Lorm pero~tank: I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION ' ~-~T~~-~'~ .......................... Check a/I that epp/y " The installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The installation has been insped~l and certified by a registered professional engineer. The installatiOn ha~ been inspected and approved by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. All work listed on the manufacturer's installation checklist has been completed. The installation conlractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. Identify_ method; III. TANK OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE DATE O~FICE OF ENVIRONMENTA ~ERVICES 1715 ~ster Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND 3TO.GE TANKS- TANK PAGE ~ LOC~ r~oN W~TNU~ ~ (~) ~ CO~°XRT~-NTAL~EO TANK F') ¥.~ [] NO ~].1. MOTO~ VEHIO.~ FU~. Ft mat*~d. ~ ~ [] 3. C~E~.AL PRO(X.~T [] 5. SI~IGLEWALLWITHINT'ERNN. BI. N3OE~SyS'TEM [] 4. S~N(K.E WALL IN A VAULT ? C,'~ o,'~ x/mm on,y) TANK MATERIAL _ ~_ C-:~ .... [] 4. [] ~. ~'COMP^'nSLE wn00% ML='n-iANOL []~. OTHER r~ JN'r~ ~ f-i 1. RUOeER ~ oR COATzNG 3PSLL ANO OVERFILl. YE, AR IN~TAt..LED 4~0 TYPE (For local use only) 4~1 OVERFILLPROTECTIONEQUtPMEN"r:YF_ARINSTALLED 452 ['-] I. ALARM [] 3. FiLL TUBE SHUT OFF VALVE /- [-] 1. Vi..'~UAL (~h~34..~ WALL IN VAULT ONLy.) I-) Z CONTII~<~4g~ INTERSTITIAL. MONITORIN~ [] 3. U.~UAL V. TAHK CLO~URE INFORMATION I PERMANENT CLO~JRli IN Pt. AC~ 'CF (7/9g) $ RCU PAFORM,S~SWR~8. WP 0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 'OFFICI OF' INVII~3NMENTAL ~ERVIC,,ri UNO~RQIqO~NO ~N<I A~OVECL~OuNO SYSTEU rYPt~ r~ 1. I=~E~URI= ~ 2.'SUCTION .... rl 3. 04~AVITY 45& CONSTRUCTiOt~.,'~ 1. SINOLE WALL ' /v~ANuFACTURERIi'~ 2. C~U~L~ WALL~ i M~ ~JFACT~RER ~ MATERIALS AND ,{-'~ 2. STAINLE~ S~L r~ 7.. ~v~~ ~RROS~N l-] 1. ~EsSURE [] 2. SUCTION [] I. SINGLE WALL [] 2. DOUBLE WALL MANU FAC'T1JRER [] 1. I~ARE STEEL [] 2. STAINLES~ STEEL E:] 3. PLASTIC COMPATIBLE W~TH CONTENTS [] 4, FI~ERC. d.ASS [] s. STEEL w/COA'nNG 81NOL.~ W~MJ. fi~-~O 4~ IESSURiZED PtP~3 (Check a4~ ~ 4~1~1~)'): , · ELECTRONIC UN~ LF.A~ ~ $.0 01:~ ~ v~rH AUI'O PUI4P ~tJT OFF FOR [] 3. ~NAL SUCTION [] $. D~ji. yvtSL~Lla3Nn'ORe~O~IaJMPt~SYSTEM+~IaPa'~~ TEST (0. I GPH) . SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROLIN~ P~NG): GRAV/TY FLOW:. ~NGLE WALL ~ ~w (~ ~ ~ ~): ~:] 18. A~NL~..Ih'TEC~r'rYTEST(0.1 GPH) DALLY VISUAL CHECK [] 1~. 7..~ ~~' ~'.. T', .'~"/'.:~;.,,i!,; , I o~Te,,,~r,,.u.eo ~ee IrI z CONTeaXXmO~=e~RF~a~mOR+AUOmLeANOVtm~A~aJaS U ~.;nu~c~UNER/MONn' ' 473 471 DATE ~ ~/0 ~OO TITLE OF OWNER/OPeRATOR ~ ', UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORM~WRC~'WP c CITY OF BAKERSFIELD O~E OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~RVICES ~ 17t-5 CheSter Ave., Bakersfield, 'CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF .COMPLIANCE One form per tank I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME II. INSTALLATION ........ " E! The installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The installation has been insped~l and certified by a registered professional engineer. The installation has been inspected and approved by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. All work listed on the r~anufacturer~s installation checklist has been completed. The installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. Identify_ method: III. TANK OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE LI I!: U.i' 1715 L~ster Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93~ (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STOOGE TANKS- TANK PAGE 1 LOC.~ rroN wrl~N ~ ~ CO~4o'~'R1'~..NTA~.ZZ~O rANK 0 YN [] NO 4.38 I, KJk&~F_R OF COIv~A.RTIVENTS · ~- ~. ~:)TO~ VEHIO.E FUEL (~' ~rked. ~ Pee~eom O 2. L.EADED ~3. OeS-*-eJD- _ [] & AWAnON ~ Eib0. OmER TYPE OF TA/~( TA~K MATERtAL- Immary tank 0 4. ~N(~LE WALL IN A VAULT ( C,'mc~ ot~ ~ Dray) TANK MATI[Rb~ - _~-=:-=-.--,~.¥ ~ [] 1. [~ STEEl. [] 8. FRP COMP^T1BLE WM00% ~-'THANOL 0g$. O~ [] 8. F'I:~COMPATIBL.~ W/100% !~D.{A/,K)L 0~. U~KNOWN [] · ~coe~x~a~ ~ 0~. ~ [] ~0. CO*TEO S¥eet [] .g. OmE~ ?_.n~k o,~ ~ o~y] SP1LL AND OV~RFILL PROTECTION EQUtPt~ENT: YEAR INSTAt'mFn 452 V. TANK CLO:~URE INFORMATION I PERMANENT CLO~URE IN PLAC~ .':~r,~4,~ red O~rll L~T u~.o (YI~M3VOAY} 4aa 18T~ATE0 QuANnTY C~ ~JBSTANC..~ ~ TAbIK FILLED WTTH INERT M417.RIAL? 'CF (7/9g) S:\CUPAPORMS~WR~B.WP O . - OFFICE OF ~NVIRONMENTAL ~ERVIC.,~8 · ·" .-.~ 171S Chelter Av~., hkMlfl®ld, CA 93301 (~2~3971 '[ ~ ?ANK - [] 3. ,ruNe0 T~.NC~ I--I ce. OTHe.~ 4CO 1'9~. UN~ CONSTRUCTION,/:~ l. 311%~.E WALL MANUFACTURERIF'I 2. OOU~..~ WALL MANUFACTURER .C:]..t..PI::~EssuRE [] 2. ,~,JCTION [] 3. (~AVITy ' ,4 i'"] I. SINGLE WALL [] ~' U~ .4, [] 2. DoUsI,.E WALL [] 9g. O~ MANUFACTURER -- 4~ [] [] ~ O$.STEEL~ATING PRESSURtZED PIPING (~ M ~t 0 5. OAa. YV~d~MONITORII~OF~sYsTEM+~I=I=e~e~EORrrY TEST (0.1 C.~RA vI'rY FLOW:. IX, (WVN~RJOPERATOR SIGNATURE uPCF (7/99) TITLE OF OWnER/OPeRATOR ' · S:\CUPAFORMS~WRC,B'B'WPD / ~ ... CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~_ ' ~-~ ,'~ oinks_ E OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~RVlCE$  1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION One form per tank BUSINE~.~ NAME {Same Il FACIUI'Y NAME ~' ~ - ~ ~ A~) i ill II llll J .............. II. INSTALLATION Check a//~hat apply . .. The installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The installation has been inspe~,~l and certified by a registered professional engineer. The Installation has been inspected and approved, by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. All work listed on the manufectumr'e-insta!lation checklist has been completed. The installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Sew'ices. Identify method: IlL TANK OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE $1C.d'4ATURE OF TAN~ OWNF~AGENT .) . CITY'OF BAKERSFIELD O~ICE OF ENVIRONMENTAIi~ERVICES ~ 1715 c~ster AVe., Bakersfield, CA 93~ (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STOOGE TANKS- TANK PAGE 1 TANK [] S. ~ Or ~NI=OR~,~rK)N) [] & TEJ~ORARY SITE CLO~JRE C') 7. ~ERM~U~ENTLY 0.OSEO ON ~'E (.~;ec~y~-/e~)c~u~eon~) I--] a.-r~< REMOVEO . I. TANK OF~J~IPTION 4,12 / TANK MAMJFACTURER .. ~I TANK C.~eAC, n~ ~N GALLO~S NUMBER OF COMPARTME~S I , Iq$3 TAM( U~E · (~. ~~ r~) ~ ~ ~~ - ~3. ~_ 0 a. A~~ 0 3. ~~ ..... ~. u~ ~ T~~ [] & I~R~COMPATIBLE W/100'% ~ ~°ILLANOOV~RFILL "t~.A~IN~TALLED 450 T'YT~ (Foe /oca/ ute o, m~y) 45t' '~o~,~.,,~,,,,~) ~,. snxcom,,,~e, em' ~/97 ~. o.o.-- ,~/~ ~ . ; · ' ''-' ~2. AUTOMATIC TANKI~MJ~NO(ATO) 0 3. CONTINUES ATO [] 4. :~TATI:~TIC. A~ IN~.NTO~' R~CONC~UATION (~11~).* 81ENMAL rANK I'EITINQ ESTIMATE0 0AT~ ~ U~I) (YI~/MO/0AY') OV~J~FILL P~OTECTION EQUIf~IENT: YF..AR IN$TAtL_~O 452 [] ~. ~ -- [] 3. FILL TUI~ SHUT OFF VALV~ ,_ .~ oOUaUI WALL TANK OR ?ANK ~TN ~U3OeR (CMc~ a~ ~m e~y~. [] 2. CONTINU(X~ INT~/~,~TITL4~ MONJTORJN(3 [] 3. M~NU~U. MONrTOR~3 V..TANK CL(34URE INIIO~MATION I PIRMANINT CLOIURil IN TAHK FNJ.ED VVffH INF. AT MATERiAL ? O ., 0"~ 4~7 $:~:UP~U:OR~s~sWRc, e-S.WPO CITY OF BAKERSFIELD e oFFic! OF ENVIRONMENTAL 8ERVtCE~ Ave.. ~k~fleld. CA $3301 (M1) ~ J PROTECTION iC~ 3. I:q. ASTIC~ATIBLEWITH~.~~ ' ' r~"l~. UNI43qOwN · ., ~0 s. ~L~' ~. ~~ '~ 0 2. suc~N C] 3. O~AVffy' 0 2. ST~NLESS ~STEEL ."0 z. (~.v~D S'TE~. .:: O ,. ~=me~ss O o. CAT,O~C P.0T~c:~o~ .... / IX. OMtNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE UPCF (7/g9) 0 4. iWLYVmU/U.C~C~ 471 I TITLE OF OWI~R/OP~qATOR 470 474 472 S:~CUPAFORMS~qwRCII~.WPO P.O. BOX 1567 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93302-1567 * PH. (661) 326-0446 Fax (661) 326-0453 Emaih redwinetest @ prodigy, net Tank and Pipeline Complian-c~ Experts TesLing · Installation · Removal · Closure Monitor and Cathodic Protection Testing License No. 532878 HG No. 415 RG No. 5761 IMPRESSED CURENT cATHODIC PRO~TION CERTIFICATION SITE: Mesa Matin Pit Step Market 11101 Hwy. 178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 ,.iR n E! VED! OWNER: [ APR 1 0 2000 "JBY:' '" ' ~ C P. ~ ~n~on Date: Structure to Soil Potential Readings for Previously Installed Systems (System Off)' DATE: 4--7-2000 CONTACT: Don PHONE: 366-4886 JOB #: CONTACT: PHONE: TANK .... TANK ....... Fdeh- ' - Prociuct--" Vent S or E Ena Cente? ' N or w End Ele~ff°nic NUMBER SIZE Type Line Line of Tank of Tank of Tank Conduit 1 10K 7 -.564 -.883 -.977 -.929 -.984 -.980 2 10K 89 -.635 -.883 -.933 -.765 -.925 -.921 3 10K 92 -.675 -.885 -.920 -.788 -.967 -.965 4 10K DSL : -.733' -.883 -.973 -.868 -.804 -.800 ; F:','¥' ::LS.1T, g_c,ture to Soil Potential Readings for Previously Installed Systems (System On) t,'~;TANK ," ~:TANKq";' E'TFuela:.rc: Product %'Vent;!~?,'?:S"bf, E End Center ' N or W End 6t,ech'cx'~::: NUMBER SIZE Type- Line Line of Tank of Tank of Tank Conduit :':..1;'-..;U:'! 10K 87 -.933 -1.067 -1.877 -1.863 -1.225 -1.223 :'<'2':,'~", 10K .... . :'":-',.89 ..... .960~''' '~1";065 -1.477 - .968 -1.458 :-1.454 3 10K 92 - -.947 -1.070 -1.377 - .908 -1.089 -1.086 4 10K DSL -.952 -1.071 -1.577 -1.111 -1.187 -1.185 I hereby certify that the minimum system potential requirements of Impressed Current Cathodic ...... Protection: ................ ~.. ~ _ [ x [ Have been met Have not'been met for the systems referenced above: taken in acCordance with the minimum standards of the'National Association of Corrosion Engineers, and as done to comply with EPA and State Directives of ' signcrture of Redwine Testing Services, Inc,~Technician.:' ', ' .:,,. : · ' '.: .... ~ · '- Model JSA¥S 4 Volts 14 Amps 7.8 ............... : ................................................................... LEADING THE INDUSTRY SINCE 1986 March 29, 2000 Mesa Marin Pit Stop Market 11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Dear Underground Tank Owner: Your permit to operate the above mentioned fueling facility will expire on June 30, 2000. However, in order for this office to renew your permit, updated forms A, B & C must be filled out and returned prior to the issuance of a new permit. Please make arrangements to have the new forms A, B & C completed and returned to this office by May 15, 2000. For your convenience, I am enclosing all three forms which you may make copies of. Remember, forms B & C need to be filled out for each tank at your facility. Sho_uld you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Steve Underwood, Inspector Office 0fEnvironmental Services SU/dlm Enclosure · lete items 1,2, and 3. Also complete Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: DON WRIGGLE ME~S~ F~A,,~IN PIT ,STOP MKT 11101 ~ 178 BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 2. Ar~cle ~o~/~-~?'-'~c~m-'~eryice /abe/) PS ~3811, 'JuLy 1999 A. Received by (Please Print Clearly) B. Date of Delivery [] Agent [] Addressee . delivery address different from item 1 ? [] Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: [] No I Service -Type ~ Certified Mail [] Express Mail [] Registered [] Return Receipt for Merchandise [] insured Mail [] C.O.D. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) [] Yes Domestic Return ReCeipt 102595-99-M-1789 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE · Se'ncler: Please print your name, address, and Z~P+4 in this b°x BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPART[''AE'NT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL sERvtCES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 US Postal Service Receiptfor Certified ~ail No Insurance Coverage P~ovid~[ Do not use for International Mail (See reverse Sent to DON WRIGGLE Street & Number 11101 HNY 178 Post Office, State, & ZIP Code BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 Postage $ .3 2 Certified Fee 1.10 Spedal Deliver/Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered 1.10 ~. Retum Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address ~ TOTAL Postage & Fees $ 2.5 2 Postmark or Date FIIIE D March 28, 2000 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE 8F. RVlCE8 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349' SUPPRESSION SERVlCF..8 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave.. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805).326-0576 TRAJNING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (8O5) 399-5763 Don Wriggle Mesa Matin Pit Stop Market 11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, CA 9306 Certified Mail Failure to.Submit/Perform 3 Year Certification on Your Cathodic Protection System NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE' FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Mr.' Wriggle: ' Our records indicate that your 3 year Cathodic Protection Certification is past due. You are currently in violation of section 2635(a) Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16 of the California Code of Regulations. "Field-installed cathodic protection system shall be designed and certified as adequate by a corrosion specialist. The cathodic protection system shall be tested by a cathodic protection tester within six months of installation and at least every three years thereafter." If you have performed this three year certification,~please submit a copy to our office ASAP! If you have not performed the cathodic protection testing, you will have 30 days (April 28, 2000) to comply. Since your cathodic protection system is part of your monitoring system, it is imperative that the testing be done and received. Failure to perform testing will result in the revocation of your permit to operate. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm CORROSION- '%'ELECTRICAL SER VICE , INC. START UP CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM SURVEY MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET 11101 HIGHWAY 178 BAKERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA 93306 Prepared For: Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. PO Box 49061 Bakersfield, California 93308 Prepared By: Corrosion-Electrical Services) Inc. 16210 Gundry Avenue Paramount, California 90723 March 1997 16210 GUNDRY,4VEIN'UE, P,4R..L~,IOUNT, (_;4LIFOtL~Z4 90723 PHONE: (56D 634-4929 FAX: (56D 634-5131 CA.. LICE~'~SE C-lO 684718 CORROSION- ,, ~ ELECTRICAL SER VICES~ INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS SURVEY PROCEDURES SURVEY ANALYSIS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TABLES · Potential Survey Data Sheet · Cathodic Protection System Maintenance Record Sheet · Rectifier Data Sheet DRAWINGS · Site Map 1 1 1 2 2 16210 GI.5¥DRY,4I/ENUE, PA'R,4MOUNT~ CfilLIFORNI,4 90723 PHONE: (562) 634-4929 FAX: (562) 634-5131 ' CA. LICENSE C-lO 684718 .CORROSION- ELECTRICAL SER VICES INC. INTRODUCTION This rePort contains information pertinent 'to the successful operation of the cathodic protection system located at Mesa Marin Pit Stop Market 11101 Highway 178, Bakersfield, California, including present structure-to-soil potential measurement data, survey procedures, and recommended maintenance program. INSTALLATION SPECiFiCATiONS The impressed current cathodic protection system installed at this facility in March 1997 consists of the following i~ems: Four 3-inch diameter x 60-inch long graphite anodes installed in one 10-inch diameter x 40-foot deep cathodic protection well. The well is backfilled with petroleum coke breeze and vented to the surface via PVC piping. A traffic-rated road-box is placed over the anode well._ The anodes are connected to the rectifier by a header cable. One Good-All rectifier rated at 50 volts and 12 Amperes (DC). Miscellaneous electrical fittings and cathode header cable. SURVEY PROCEDURES The following procedures were followed during the start up survey: · The rectifier was energized and the operating voltage and amperage were noted. · Structure-to-soil potentials were measured with a digital volt meter connected between the structure and a saturated copper-copper sulfate reference electrode in contact with the earth. Test point locations are listed on the attached data sheets. During the above procedure the tap settings on the rectifier were adjusted as needed to ensure that sufficient protective current is being applied to the underground metallic structures at this'facility. - ' . 16210 GL6'¥1)RY,4VENL~E. P,4R,.L$1OUNT, (;4LIFOR~.¥1,4 90723. PHONE: (562) 634-4929 F,.L~:' (56D 634-5131 CA. LICENSE C-10 684718 1 CORROSION- ELECTRICAL SER VICES INC. SURVEY ANALYSIS Structure to soil Potential measurements for each test point are above National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) design criteria of 850 millivolts (mV) with cathodic protection applied. Rectifier output (DC volts, and amperes) and potential measurement data for each test location are shown on the enclosed data sheets. cONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon our visual inspection and the data obtained during the survey, Corrosion- Electrical Services, Inc., concludes and recommends the following: · The cathodic protection system is operating as designed and the underground tanks are receiving adequate protective current at this time. · The State required follow up survey will be conducted at this facility within the next four to six months. Corrosion-Electrical Services, Inc., recommends that the rectifier data (volts and amps) be recorded weekly'on the attached Rectifier Data Sheet and mailed or faxed to Corrosion-Electrical Services, Inc., on a quarterly basis. If any significant changes are observed in the volts and/or amperes on the rectifier, Corrosion-Electrical Services, Inc., should be notified immediately. Along with the above Corrosion-Electrical Services, Inc., recommends, that in order to protect your investment, an annual survey be performed by a qualified individual. We will forward a letter approximately one year after the installation date requesting your authorization to perform this service on your behalf. 16210 Gt6¥DRY.4VENUE, P.4R.,U~[OUN1; CA;LIFOR2VIA 90723 PHONE: (562) 634-4929 FAX: (562) 634-5131 (24. LICENSE C-lO 684718 2 CORROSION- ' ELECTRICAL SER VICES, INC. This start up survey was conducted in accordance with the procedUres described in the - National Association Of' CorrosiOn Engineers (NACE) Standard Recommended Practice RP0285-95, Corrosion ContrOl of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection and'American petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practice 1632, Cathodic PrOtection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems. Thank you for the opportunity to assist you in this phase of your cathodic mitigation program. If you have any questions please contact us at your convenience. Respectfully, coRRosiON.ELECrRICAL SERVICES, INC. katricia J. Brewis ' President 16210 GL(NDRY AVENUE, P,4R,4~IOUN1; C4LIFOIL'¥1A 90723 PHONE: (56D 634-4929 F,4X:'(562) 634-5131 CA. LICENSE C-10 684718 3 CORROSION-' .. "ELECTRICAL SERVICE& INC. CLIENT: MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET TEST DATE: ~8-97 SERVICE STATION NO.: SYSTEM LOCATION: 11101 HIGHWAY 178, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1445 JAY M. SHIPLEY '1~: G. SAIT,,A RECTIFIER DA TA MANUFACTURER: GOOD-ALL SERIAL NO.: 96UT2561 RATING: 50 VOLTS 12 AMPERES VAC: 120 OUTPUT: 4 VOLTS 2.5 AMPERES MONITOR CHECK: SEI3'ING: A 3 HOURME'I~READING 00116.8 HRS LAS'FREADWG HRS DATE 3-8-97 GHANGE IN READING HRS ACTUAL HOURS HRS DAYS OFF FIELD TEST DATA STRUO'i~RE-TO-SOIL - I (ON) INSULATOR TEST LOCATION POTENTIAL (MV) PO'IT=NTIAL (MV) i (on) I (oft) STATION u'nLn'Y FUEL TANK # 1 -1117 -401 FUEL TANK #2 -1114 -401 FUELTANK - #3 -1113 -401 FUELTANK - #4 -1112 -401 VENTS - -1140 DISPENSERS WATER UNES - -1017 S3'RUCTIJRE-TO-SOIL ELEC3R~AL CONDUrr - -1038 I (on) I (off) AIR - WASTE OIL TANK - MFT CYUNDER - CuCuSO4 R~ LOCATION ~}: DIRT LOT SOU33-1WEST OF TANKS ~: (FIF! 13) START UP SURVEY. SYSTEM IS OPERATING AS DESIGNED.· ALL POTENTIALS ARE A~OVF ~'THE NACE CRITERIA OF -850 MILUVOLTS. 16210 GUNDRYAI/E[VUE, P,.tRAMOUNT; CAI, IFORNL4 90723 PHONE: (562)634-4929 F,:L¥: (562) 62t4-5131 CA. LICENSE C-IO 684718 CORROSION- ELECTRICAL SER VICES, INC. CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE RECORD SHEET NUMBER: GOOD-ALL SERIAL #96UT2561 120 VOLTS MARCH 8, 1997 4 SIZE: 3-- X 60' LONG LOCATION OF RECTIFIER UNIT: NORTH WALL INSIDE STORE TYPE OF RECTIFIER: AIR COOLED TYPE OF ANODES: GRAPHITE RECTIRER'MANUFACTURED BY: RECTIFIER AC INPUT: RECTIFIER DC OUTPUT: DATE TURNED ON: I PHASE 6O · CYCLE 1.~2 · AMPERES RECTIFIER READINGS RECTIFIER SE'I-lING D.C. OUTPUT BY DATE REMARKS COARSE RNE VOLT AMPS A 3 4 2.5 G.S. 3-8-97 START UP SURVEY 16210. GUNDRYAVENUE, PAI~4MOUNT, CALIFOI~NI.4 90723 PHONE: (562) 634-4929 F,,L¥: (562) 634-5131 CA. LICENSE C-lO 684718 . . RECTIFIER QUARTERLY RECORD RECORD WEEKLY JOB # 1445~ owNER MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET LOCATION ' 11101 HWY 178, BAKERSFIELD. CA. UNIT D.C. OUTPUT - DATE TIME REMARKS BY NO. VOLTS AMPS I 4 2.5 3-8-97 START UP SURVEY G.S. UNIT NO. UNIT NO. NORMAL RANGE: .1 UN[t' LOCATION NORTH WALL INSIDE STORE UNIT LOCATION UNIT NO. i VOLTS .1 - 7 AMPS .~5 - 6 UNIT NO. VOL'IS AMPS NOTE: IF UNIT STABILIZES OUTSIDE NORMAL, NOTIFY YOUR ENGINEER !!! MAIL TO CORROSION-ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC. QUARTERLY HIGHWAY 178 10,000 GAL UST. ~ 10,000 GAL UST. I , 10,000 GALUST. I 10,000 GAL UST. I CPW ISLAND LEGEND AS BUILT · PROPOSED CATHODIC PROTECTION ANODE WELL C Es Corrosion ElectriCal Services Paramount, California JOa NO.. 1445 CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM LAYOUT SCALE NONE MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET 11101 HIGHWAY 178 DRWN. BY LJB BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93306 '~ ~plete items I and/or 2 for additional services. I aJso wish to receive the (t ;~I~Plate items 3, and 4a & b. following services (for an extra  · Ptiht your name and address on the reverse of this form'so that we can fee): ~ ,: '., '" return~this card to you. . · ~ * Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the'b;~ck if space 1. [] Addressee's Ac~dr~s d6es not permit. .~ : Write?Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the'article number 2. [] Restricted Delivery ~ The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date ~ delivered. Consult postmaster, for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number __ ~ DO" ~IGGLE ~.~'~ ........ il 4b. Service Type ~ STOP ~j~][T I~'1~. Registered [-I Insured ~I]~S~?i ]- 10 ![~'[~]]~ ].78~IT BA~l{SF~ELD CA -,.,.~u - ~ "~ Merchandise gnature (Addressee) ~l./Ad'~essee's Address (Only if requested /?~.~fee is paid) ~ PS Form 381 1, December 1991 ~u.s.(~PO:1993--352-714 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAl. SERVICE Official Business PENAL~..I~OR ; USE TO AVOID PAyM OF'"POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 il'l,,,,ll,,,IMl,,,,,,Ihhh,,I,h,,ttll,,,,,,ll,l,l,lh,,'l 024 366 Certified Ma~t £~ ye;ag~'-'Pr°vided Do ~Ot USe ~v. J [See D August 18, 1999 Don Wriggle Mesa Marin Pit Stop Market 11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 CERTIFIED MAIL FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 · PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 RE: Failure to Perform or Submit Cathodic Testing NOTICE OF VIOLATION & ' SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Business Owner: Our records indicate that you are passed due on your cathodic protection testing, which is part of your leak detection system. Section 2635(a)(2) of Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16, of the California Code of Regulations reads as follows: "Field-installed cathodic protection systems shall be designed and certified as adequate by a corrosion specialist. The cathodic protection system shall be tested by a cathodic protection tester within six months of installation and at least every three years thereafter." By this letter, you are hereby notified that on September 18, 1999, your permit to operate will be revoked, unless the above mentioned testing and documentation is received by this office. If you have performed the required testing, please submit a copy as verification to our office, as soon as possible. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at 661-326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm /, D February 9, 1999 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 ' FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 · EN~/IRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 3994697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Mesa Marin Pit Stop Market 11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 RE: Compliance Inspection Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The city will start compliance inspections on all fueling stations within the city limits. This inspection will include business plans, underground storage tanks and monitoring systems, and hazardous materials inspection. To assist you in preparing for this inspection, this office is enclosing a checklist for your convenience. Please take time to read this list, and verify that your facility has met all the necessary requirements to be in compliance. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 805-326-3979. Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosure D 'I January 28, 1999 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE '(805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Don Wriggle Mesa Marin Pit Stop 11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 RE: Rectifier Inspection Records Dear Sir: Our recOrds reveal that your facility was recently modified to meet 1998 uPgrade requirements. Our records als° show that your facility uses cathodic protection using an "impressed current system." California Code of Regulations Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16 Section 2635(a) requires that all impressed-current cathodic protection systems shall be inspected no less than every 60 calendar days to ensure that they are in proper working order. Since cathodic protection is a vital part of your monitoring system, this office will be verifying that your logs and inspection records are up to date. To assist you, this office is providing you with a "Rectifier Inspection Sheet" for your convenience. Should you have any questions with regard to your cathodic protection system or record keeping requirements, please do not hesitate to call ,me at 326-3979. Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosure cc: R.Huey, Director, O.E.S. Permit to Opera Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ............. ~,~:?i~,~???:? !~ ~,~ ' This permit is issued for the following: LOCATION 11101 HWY 178 TAN H~RDOUS SUBSTANCE ~:~?...........,~......'.'::~. ""' , ;,.~,, .... ,i,~,i~]~,~,E~,,,~ ~,~,-~Ai.~L ~Jb~:lT~: :i~~ ONITOR TYPE TYPE METHOD O 0001 UNLEADED GASOLINE 10~00¢~00 G'~L ....... 81'{~78~?~? SW S .,?,:~: ~ATG =/~':-:::"::::~? DW f PRESSURE ALD 0002 UNLEADED SUPREME GASO 10,~00~'Q.0 GAE';:;~::,.,,.. 8/i'/83 '; '~'" ~SW SI'J,'~"'"';."' ATG?~:'==:~'.,,::=~i? DW F PRESSURE ALD 0003 UNLADED PLUS GASOLINE 10,00~,,G~?:: :;::~:':~8/1t83 SW~,;:::~. ' ,'' ...... ,,. ..... ....................... ~...,...?:::> .... ATG'::, :=~,~? DW F PRESSURE ALD 0005 DIESEL FUEL 10,000'~9'~: g~ ~ :',:~8/~8~~,. .,. SW" ,. ,~,,: "~, ,,ATG? DW F PRESSURE ALD '%:...-*' :..=.. Issu~ by: j~!B~ersfieid F~e DepaRment Approved by: ~~~' ~~) 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor Voice (805) ~26-3979 F~ (805)~2~S76 ExpkationDate: ~n~ ~O~ ~000 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT February 13, 1998 FlEE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINI~RA~IVE ~r,J~qCF,5 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSK)N SEI~lC~ 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SEII~/ICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (80~) 326-0576 ENVIEONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Che~ter Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93,308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Mesa Marin Pit Stop Market 11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 RE: "Hold Open Devices" on Fuel Dispensers Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The Bakersfield City Fire Department will commence with our annual Underground Storage Tank Inspection Program within the' next 2 weeks. The Bakersfield City Fire Department recently changed its City Ordinance concerning "hold open devices" on fuel dispensers. The Bakersfield City Fire Department now requires that "hold open devices" be installed on all fuel dispensers. The new ordinance conforms to the State of California guidelines. The Bakersfield Fire Department apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector cc: Ralph Huey Underwriters C~!d CoasL Coari~.~q, /nc. .'~. Derick Sharp Route 2 Box 106A Our R.~..~erencc: Subj-cc: rTndergrou~z~3. ~-~ ...... ~ ....... c- . ....... 9:- ~:~-- T,iuing System. a~ ~nd,~:'ground 'Storaoe~ .. Tank ~c~b]e wall Rer. rofi= Li.niaq Dear ..Mr' Sba~: T~s is CO coufi~ that Unde~.'wziuers ~ratozius Inc. has eva!ua~e~ the s~ject producn~, ~d '~ n=ve fo~d thc ~terials and ~,roce~ to comply with the re~liL~mun~m of ~!856, Ou~!~e of P~posed 7nvest~cati::~ For Ondcr~'ound S~oragc Tank r,in~g Sys~cmm. These p~ducts ~re covered ~nder ~'s Listing By Repn~ dared ~s= 30, 199% under F~]e ~16002. If you have ~ny quez~,io,'_,s, pteaue concauL u.~. Very.. Tru. l¥ Yours, Tim C. ews (re_hca. 425].6) Senior Project Engineer r-.ngiueering Se..~viccs awed By: T.A. Skower~ {Ext. ~.2086) ~-ngiaeer~-~ Group L~-adez Engineering Services AFFILIATE ~'£UM [O.UIPP,,gEP, II I~ April 1, 1997 SESSIONS TANK LINERS,Inc. Main Office Branch Office P.O. Box 731 9521 W. Fritz El centro, CA 92244 Bakersfield, CA 93307 (619) 352-4832 FAX 352-2646 (805) 833-9501 FAX 833-0423 CA LIC.NO. 418129 A-540757 AJI-IAZ AZ LIC.NO. 099125A NV. A22/0039190 NV. Handlers UTH-1103 Mr. Steve Underwood Bakersfield Fire Prevention Bureau 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Re: Mesa Matin Pit Stop Marker, 11101 Highway 178, Bakersfield, Ca. Dear Mr. Underwood Sessions installed an impressed current cathodic protection system designed by a corrosion engineer to the site stated above. I have enclosed the start up survey which was put together by CorrosiOn Electrical Services. Should you have any questions or comments please contact Steve Brewis of Corrosion Electrical Services at 310-634-4929 or you may contact me directly at 805-833-9501. Sincerely, Ross Sessions RS :mtm cc: David Bird / Sullivan Petroleum; P.O. Box 5007, Bakersfield, Ca. 93388 CORROSION- , ~' ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. START'UP CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM suRvEY MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET 11101 HIGHWAY 178 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93306 Prepared For: Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. PO Box 49061 Bakersfield, California 93308 Prepared B~/: Corrosion-Electrical Services, Inc. 16210 Gundry Avenue Paramount, California 90723 March 1997 · 16210 GUNDRY,4VEi~'UE, PARAMOUNT, CALIFOR~¥L4 90723 PHONE:(562) 634-4929. FAX: (562) 634-5131 CA. £1CENSE C-10 684718 .CORROSION- TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS SURVEY PROCEDURES SURVEY ANALYSIS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TABLES · Potential Survey Data Sheet · Cathodic Protection System Maintenance Record Sheet · Rectifier Data Sheet DRAWINGS · Site Map 1 1 2 2 16210 GLhVDRY,4P'ENUE, P.,-IR.4MOUNlC, C.41.IFORz,~i.4 90723 PHO.NE: (562) 634-4929 FA,Y: (562) 634-5131 C,4. LICENSE'C-IO. 684718 ' ,CORROSION- ELECTRICAL SER VICES, INC. INTRODUCTION This report contains information pertinent to the successful operation of the cathodic protection system located at. Mesa Marin Pit Stop Market 11101 Highway 178, · Bakersfield, California, including present structure-to-soil potential measurement data, survey procedures, and recommended maintenance program. INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS The impressed current cathodic protection system installed at this facility in March 1997 consists of the following items: Four 3-inch diameter x 60-inch long graphite anodes installed in one 10-inch diameter x 40-foot deep cathodic protection well. The well is backfilled with · petroleum coke breeze and vented to the surface via PVC piping. A traffic-rated road-box is placed over the anode well. The anodes are connected to the rectifier by a header cable. · One Good-All rectifier rated at 50 volts and 12 Amperes (DC). · Miscellaneous electrical fittings and cathode header cable. SURVEY PROCEDURES The following procedures were followed during the start up surVey: · The rectifier was energized and the operating voltage and amperage were noted. Structure-to-soil potentials were measured with a digital volt meter connected between the structure and a saturated copPer-copper sulfate reference 'electrOde in contact with the earth. Test point locations are listed on the attached data sheets. During the above procedure the tap settings on the rectifier were adjusted as needed to ensure that suffiCient protective current is being applied to the underground metallic structures at this facility. - ,. _ 16210 GUNDRY,4VENL;E, P,4R,4MOUNT, C,4LIFOILNI,4 90723 PHONE: (562) 634-4929 FAX: (562) 634-5131 C,4. LICENSE C-lO 684718 1 .CORROSION-. ELECTRICAL SER VICES INC. SURVEY ANALYSIS Structure to soil potential measurements for each test point are above National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) design criteria of 850 millivolts (mV) with cathodic protection applied. Rectifier output (DC volts and amperes) and pOtential measurement data for each test location are shown on the enclosed data sheets. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon our visual inspection and the data obtained during the survey, Corrosion- Electrical Services, Inc., concludes and recommends the following: · The Cathodic protection system is operating as designed and the underground tanks are receiving adequate protective current at this time. · The State required follow up survey will be conducted at this facility within the next four to six months. Corrosion-Electrical Services, Inc., recommends that the rectifier data (volts and amps) be recorded weekly On the attached Rectifier Data Sheet and mailed or faxed to Corrosion-Electrical Services, INC., on a quarterly basis. If any significant Changes are observed in the volts and/or amperes on the rectifier, COrrosion-Electrical Services, Inc., should be notified immediately. Along with the above Corrosion-Electrical Services, Inc., recommends, that in order to protect your investment, an annual survey be performed by a qualified individual. We will forward a letter approximately one year after the installation date requesting your 'authorization to perform this service on your behalf. 16210 GUNDRYAVENUE, P.4R.43'IOUNT, £;4LIFORNL4 90723 PHONE: (562) 634-4929 F,:LY: (562)'634-5i31 CA. LICENSE C-lO 684718 2 CORROSION- ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. This start up survey was conducted in accordance with the Procedures described in the National Association of Corrosi(~n Engineers (NACE) Standard Recommended Practice RP0285-95, Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection and American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practice 1632, Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems. Thank you for the opportunity to assist you in this phase of your cathodic mitigation program. If you have any questions please contact us at your convenience. Respectfully, CORROSION-ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. President 16210 GU:Sq)RYAVENUE, P,4RAMOUN1; C4LIFOtL,VIA 90723 PHONE: (562) 634-4929 FA,Y: (562) 634-5131. CA. LICENSE C-lO 684718 3 .CORROSION- ELECTRICAL SER VICES, INC. CUEN'r: MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET TEST DATE: ~8~7 SERVICE s'rATION NO.: SYSTEM LOCATION: ' 11101 HIGHWAY 178, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1445 ENC_.dNFFR: JAY M, SHIPLEY TECHNICl.a31: G, SAIT..A RECTIFIER DA TA . MANUFACTURER: GOOD-ALL SERIAL NO.: 96UT2561 RATING: .50 VOLTS 12 AMPERES VAC- 120 OUTPUT: 4 VOLTS 2.5 AMPERES MONITOR CHECK: SETTING: A - 3 HOURME'r~R i:iF_.ADING 00116.8 HRS LAST ~ HRS. DATE 3-8-97 CHANGE IN READING ,HRS AC'rUN. HOURS HI:IS DAYS OFF FIELD TEST DATA STRUCTURE-TO-SOIL I (ON) INSULATOR TEST LOCATION POTENTIAL (MV) POTENTIAL (MV) i (on) i (o~) STATION UnUTV FUELTANK- #~ -m~m7 ~0i FUELTANK - #2 -m114 ~0m FUELTANK - #3 -1113 401 FUEL TANK - #4 -1112 - ~{01. VENTB - -1140 DkB~ENSERS WATER UNES - , -m 0~ 7 STRUCmURE-TO~(~L GAS CO. METER - POTEN]Z~L (my) ELEc, ~CAL CONDUrr - -103~ I (on) I ~MR - W~ { ~ OIL TANK - aFT CYUNDER - DIRT LOT SOUTHWEST OF TANKS REMARKS: (Fii=i n) START UP SURVEY. SYSTEM IS OPERATING AS DESIGNED.~ ALL POTENTIALS ARE ABOVE THE'NACE CRITERIA OF -850 MILUVOLTS. 16210 GUNDRY,4VENUE, P,4RAMOUNT, CAZIFOR.~7~4 90723 PHONE: (562) 634-4929 F,,L~:' (562) 634-5131 CA. LICENSE C-lO 684718 CORROSION. ELECTRICAL SER VICES, INC.. CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE RECORD S'HEET LOCATION OF RECTIFIF_.R UNIT: NORTH WALL INSIDE STORF TYPE OF RECTIFIER: ~ TYPE OF ANODES: ~ RECTIFIER MANUFACTURED BY: RECTIFIER AC INPUT: RECTIFIER DC OUTPUT: DATE TURNED ON: "~ NUMBER: GOOD-ALL SERIAL .f/'96UT2561 120 VOLTS MARCH 8, 1997 4 SD~-. 3-- X 60' LONG I PHASE 6O 12 AMPERES CYCLE LU RECTIFIER READINGS RE(; I IFp-H St= I I lNG D.C. OUTPUT' BY DATE REMARKS COARSE RNE VOLT AMPS A 3 4 2.5 G.S. 3-8-97* START UP SURVEY 16210 GU:¥DRY,4I~ENUE, PAR,4MOUNT, CALIFOR~¥1,4 90723 PHONE: (562) 634-4929 F/L~L' (562) 634-5131 LA. LICENSE C-lO 684718 RECTIFIER QUARTERLY RECORD RECORD WEEKLY JOB ~ 1445 OWNER MESAMARIN PITSTOP MARKET ~ LOCATION 11101 HWY178, BAKERSFIELD, CA. UNIT D.C. OUTPUT DATE TIME REMARKS BY .NO. VOLTS AMPS I 4 2.5 3-8-97 START UP SURVEY G.S. UNIT NO. UNIT NO. NORMAL RANGE: UNIT NO. UNIT NO. UNff LOGATION UNIT LOGATION NORTH WALL INSIDE STORE NOTE: IF UNIT STABILIZES OUTSIDE NORMAL, NOTIFY YOUR ENOINEER !!! MAIL TO CORROSION-ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC. QUARTERLY HIGHWAY 178 10,000 GAL UST. I LEGEND 10,000 GAL UST. i I · CPW i 10,000 GAL UST. ' I AS BUILT · PROPOSED CATHODIC PROTECTION ANODE WELL 10,000 GAL UST. ~ I I ISLAND KERN CANYON ROAD C Es Corrosion Electrical Services Paramount, California josNo. [ ,445 I CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM LAYOUT SCALE NONE MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET  11101 HIGHWAY 178 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 93306 'WEGENER CONSTRUCTION BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. - .... : ..... .:OFF~CE-.~oFrEN¥-I-RONMENTA-L-SERVICES .... - STEVE UNDERWOOD' _1715 CHESTER AVE. BAKERSFIELD, .CA. 93301 MARCH 3, 1997 RE: MESA MARIN' PIT SH°P MARKER 11101 HIGHWAY 178 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93306 INSPECTOR UNDERWOOD ._ - FIND ENcLOsED, FOR YOUR RECORDS, THE FOLLOWING DOCU' MENTS. IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED PLEASE · CONTACT-ME. 1." S.M.C. L~BORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT 2. CHAIN OF-CUSTODY RECORD ~wNERiWEGENER -CONSTRUCTION- ':" '~ 6701-B MeDIVITT .D~.'- I~-AKI~-R-SFIELD7 CALIFORNIA 93313--:(8051 398:9566'-' I~AX 18051 a§8-1161- LIc~ ::' "~' SMC Laboratory, Inc. Client Name: Wegener Construction Address : 6701-B McDivitt Drive Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention : Doug Wegener Date samples collected: 2/25/97 Date samples received : 2/25/97 Project Site: Mesa Marin Pit Stop Analytical Chemistry Certificate ~1049 Date analysis completed: 2/27/97 Date of report : 2/27/97 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: 189 ID: '~1 mG/kG DLR,mG/kG Benzene 110 0.005 Ethylbenzene 130 0.005 Toluene 570 0.005 Xylenes 770 0.005 TPH (Gasoline) 4200 1.0 190 ID: ~2 mG/kG DLR,mG/kG Benzene 54 0.005 Ethylbenzene 95 0.005 Toluene 430 0.005 Xylenes 540 0.005 TPH (Gasoline) 2600 1.0 191 ID: ~3 mG/kG DLR,mG/kG Benzene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 Toluene ND 0.005 Xylenes ND 0.005 TPH (Diesel) ND 10 Matrix Type : Soil Method of Analysis for BTEX : EPA 8020 Method of Analysis for TPH (Gas & Diesel): EPA 8015M TPH : Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons DLR : Detection Limit for Reportin9 mG/kG : milligram per kilogram (p~m) ND : None Detected ~tan ~omer, sc.~i. Analytical Chemist 211 Aviation Street · Shafter Airport ° Shafter, CA 93263 (805) 393-3597 ° FAX (805) 393-3623 Project Site: Mesa Marin Pit Stop RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: 192 ID: ~4 Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylenes TPH (Diesel) 193 ID: ~5 Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylenes TPH (Gasoline) 194 ID: ~6 Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylenes TPH (Gasoline) Stan Comer, Sc.M. Analytical Chemist mG/kG ND ND ND ND ND mG/kG 5.0 4.8 31 150 mG/kG 0.15 0.18 0.42 1.4 8.8 DLR, mG/kG 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 10 DLR, mG/kG 0.005 0.005 0.005 0;005 1.0 DLR, mG/kG 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 CI~_AIN OF CUSTODY RECOt(D Location of Sampling Company: Address:///~, /~ Telephone: ( ) Bill to Property Owner ( (O~ing Method: Collector Name :¢ ~ '~=~z~5- ~~_ Address: ~'?~/-4 /~gl~,d/'T7-- Telephone: ( Bill to Collector o~vlt, 13,1~UHAi L)H¥ II,iL3, 211 Aviation Street Shafter, CA 93263 Sample Type: Name: Client Company: Address: Telephone: ( Bill to Client Preservation Methods: Sample No. Date J Ti, me .( ,%¢ /I,'Z7 Description ~ II /I Analysis Requested It /I t / Laboratory No. Iq-I I q.t Company: Re].inquished B ..i~,/~/_~_ ~A~_~ Received Dy: ~_~~ Relinquished By: ,-..-, -.- . - - ~m.~=ny. Da te: Received ~nv: Ccm~.a~v:. .._ Date: Company: Date: Received gv: Comoanv: ' - - Date: Sheet of AFFILIATE U~ E[:QJ1Pi~BT ~ March 4, 1997 SESSIONS' TANK LINERS,Inc. P.O. Box 731 9521 W. Fritz El Centro, CA 92244 ~eld, CA 93307 (619) 352-4832 FAX 352-2646 (805) 833-9501 FAX 8334)423 Steve Underwood Bakersfield City Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 CA lAC.NO. 418129 A-540757 A/HAZ AZ lAC.NO. 099125A NV. A22/0039190 NV. Haudl~ UTH-I103 Re: Mesa Marin Pit Stop, 11101 Highway 178, Bakersfield, Ca. Dear Steve, The tanks at the site stated above have been certified by Ed Swenson, the coating expert of Los Osos Engineering. Ed had performed several test on the tanks and they have met the necessary requirements. I have enclosed the coating certification for your files. Let me also inform you, that striker plates have also been installed to the tanks. We will also install the monitoring system sometime this week. Should you have any questions or commems please contact me at 805-833-9501. Sincerely, Ross Sessions RS:mtm Enclosure :,:: .,.. ..: . ':.. '. _ :'...,.' ,..'.. ' . ... Los Osos Engineering, Inc. P.O. Bdx 6749 UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANK INSPECTION DATE: {~ / O"~ / 19'~7 DAY: /~'~/t~ PROJECT:/4//~'$/-~ CONTRACTOR: SESSIONS TANK LINERS, BAKERSFIELD, CA TANK DESCRIPTION Los Osos, CA 93412 1 /~ ,000 Gallon Underground Fuel Storage Tank 4 ./~ ,000 Gallon Underground Fuel Storage Tank 2 /~,000 Gallon Underground Fuel Storage Tahk :.5 ': ,000 Gallon Underground Fuel Storage Tank 3 /~,000 Gallon. Underground Fuel Storage Tank .,~::.':. 000 Gallon Underground Fuel Storage Tank INSPECTION DESCRIPTION Dry Film Coat ng dry film discontinuity :(~'~iing':wa~ ~b~ormed with a TINKER- RASOR AP/W Discontinu t es HOLIDAY DETECTOR with th~.(;~pa¢~ s~ a{~ 38,000 volts. 100% of surface area was Testing tested. Calibration by completi~n:d~;Sircui~:'i' AIl discontinuities were marked for remedial repair. CCR TITLE 23 DIV 3, CHPT 16 SEC 2663 (h) (7) & APl 1631-92 SEC 5.1.3. Dry Film Dry film thickness measurement~:We~e"~u'~ted utilizing a DEFELSKO POSITECTOR 6000 Thickness ~2 (meets Ferrous ASTM B499 & SSPCCP~) calibrated this date before and deer Measurements inspection. Calibration was obtained in ~cc°~dance with A.S.T.M. D - 1186 on NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS (NIST) calibra{i~:~ plates SRM ~1358 at 39.7 mils. DW film thickness readings met 100 MIL and manufactures requirements based upon SSPC PA2 criteria. CCR TITLE 23 DIV 3, CHPT 16 SEC 2663 (h) (6) & APl 1631-92 SEC 5.1.3 Tank ¢ 1 Averagemils /~ ./ Standard deviation ~o.~ Number of readings 2 Average mils)~ Standard deviation ~.~ Number of readings 3 Ave~ge~i~:s/~.~ Standard deviation~.~. Number of readings 4 Aver~gemiis~:Standard deviation ¢~? Number of readings ~ 5 Average ~iis :~' ~' Standard deviation Number of readings __ 6 A~er~e~mii~'~:::~:~ ~ ".::~:~ Standard deviation Number of readings ~ DW Film Hardness ~easurements rang~ ]rom/~ ~O 8~+ 0n a BARBER ~,~,~,. HARDNESS Hardness IMPRESSO~: Model CGYZJ ~3~ _ Calibrated on a GYZL ¢69 test disc stamped 87-89. CCR Measurements TITLE 23 D:i~3 CHPT 16 SEC 2663 (h) (6) & AP1 1631-92 SEC 5.1.3. Off-ratio Coating film was uniform inte~ure and color indicating no OFF-RATIO application. .:::: c ~t i n g BASED SOLELY UPON THE ABOVE TESTS, THE COATING APPLICATOR'S FINAL INSPECTION CRITERIA, THE ABOVE REFERENCED TANK/S ARE'~SUITABLE FOR CONTINUOUS USE FOR GASOLINE OR DIESEL FUEL STORAGE ONLY ~ PURSUANT AND LIMITED TO CCR TITLE 23 DIV 3, CHPT 16 SEC 2663 (h) (8) (a). .,~~ c,~ ~.,~._ DATE /' James E. "Ed" Swenson President - Los Osos Engineeringl Inc. San Luis Obispo 805-528.7969 / FAX 805.805-528.5911 Seattle 206.448.4843 A I' F' ILIA, I'E SESSIONS TANK LINERS,Inc. Main Office Br,pnqh Omce P.O. Pox 731 9s21 w. J~fit2 El Cent~. CA q~__ .a4 ~,qcld, C ~. 93~07 (619) 352-4832 FAX 352-2646 (805) 833-9501 PAX 833-0423 CA L]C.NO. 418129 A-540757 A/ItAZ AZ LIC.NO. 099125A NV. A22/0039190 NV. Handlers Lrl'i-l.1103 FAX COVER SHEET FROM: DATE: ..~- L.[.--(. [~'~ MESSAGE: Total number of pages including cover: Hard copies to follow: Yes: , .j '~No: If you do not receive legible copies of this fax call (805) 833-9501 ASAP [O"d £E~0££8S08 S~BNI~ HNUI SNOISSBS ~T:TT L66T-~O-~UW AFFILIATE SESSIONS TANK LINERS,Inc. P.O. lk~ 731 9~21 W. F~i~z 1~1 c.~, CA ~ '~eld, CA (61~ ~2 F~ ~-2~ (~ 83~1 F~ 833~23 ~ MC.NO. ~I~A ~. ~91~ ~. ~m ~-1103 March 4, 1997 Steve Underwood Bakersfield City Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Re: Mesa Maria Pit Stop, l 1101 Highway 178, Bakersfield, Ca. Dear Steve, The tanks at the site stated above have been certified by Ed Swenson, the coating expert of Los Osos Engineering. Ed had performed several test on the tanks and they have met the necessary requirements. I have enclosed the coating certilication for your files. Let me also inform you, that striker plates have also been installed to the tanks. We will also install the monitoring system sometime this week. Should you have any questions or comments please contact me at 805-833-9501. Sincerely, 3 ................. Ross Sessions RS:mm Enclosure UO'd £~70££8~0B S~NI7 ~NUI SNOISS~S CT:TT £6ST-?O-~UW LOs Osos UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANK INSPECTION DATE: D3 / 0~'~ / ~,,9~ DAY: PROJECT:/4~'$~ ~/~ ~ ~~ ~.~ : i CO~¢OR: $E8810HS TANK LINERS, BAKERSFIELD, CA T~NK BESCRI~IOH Engineering, Inc. .. RO. Box 6749 Los Osos, CA 93412 I /~ ,007 Gallon Underground Fuel St?rage Tank 4 ~/~ ,000 Gallon Undergrobnd Fuel Store_ge Tank _2 /~',000 Gallon Ui~derground Fuel Storage Tank 5 ,000 GallOn Underground Fuel Storage Tank 3 ~E; ,000 Gallon Underground Fuel Storage Tahk 6 ,000 Gallon Underground Fuel Storage Tank- INSPECTION DESCRIPTION Dry Film Coating dry film discontinuity testing was performed with a TINKER - RASOR AP/nC,/ Discontinuities HOLIDAY DETECTOR wi~h the capacitor set at 35,000 volts. 100% of sudace area was Testing . tested. Calibration by completion of circuitl AJI discontinuities were marked for remedial _.. repair. CCR TITLE 23 DIV 3, CHPT 16 SEC 2663 (h) (7) & APl 1631-92 SEC 5.1.3. Dry Film Dry film thickness measurements were conducted utilizing a DEFELSKO POSITECTOR 6000 Thickness FT2 (meets Ferrous ASTM 0499 & SSPC-PA2) calibrated [his date before and after Measurements inspection. Calibration was obtained in accordance with A.S.T.M. D - 1186 on NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS (NIST) calibration plates SAM #1358 at 39.7 mils. Dry film thickness readings met 100 MIL and manufactures requirements based upon SSPC PA2 criteria. CCR TITLE 23 DIV 3, CHPT 16 SEC 2663 (h) (6) & APl 1631-92 SEC 5.1.3 Tank H 1 Average mils /,~ ./ Standard deviation ~'o.~,r,~ Number of readings ~:~ 2 Average mils~.__~. Standard deviation ~ Number of readings ~/*- 3 .Average.mas/.j~c).,,;.-.- Standard devlatJon..T~.c~' Number of readings 4 ~ve~age 'mils/pO.~ Standard deviation ~ Number of readings 5 Average mils · ' ~ Standard deviation Number of readings ' 6 AGer~e..:mil$ - ' - Standard deviation ~ Number of readings ~ ,;i::' , Dry Film Hardness ~. ~asurements ranged from 75 TO 85 ~ on a BARBER COLMAN HARDNESS - Hardness IMPRESSO~ Mode/¢fGYZJ 935 - Calibrated on a GYZL ~¢69 test disc stamped 87-89, CCR Measurements TITLE 23 Di¥.3, CHPT 16 SEC 2663 (h) (6) & APl 1631-92 SEC 5.1,3, Off-ratio Coailng film ~as uniform in texture and color indicating no OFF-RATIO application. coating ':L. - CERTIFICATION- BASED SOLELY UPON THE ABOVE TESTS, THE COATING APPLICATOR'S FINAL INSPECT/ON CRITERIA, THE ABOVE REFERENCED TANK/S ARE.~UITABLE FOR CONTINUOUS USE FOR GASOLINE OR DIESEL FUEL STORAGE ONLY - PURSUANT AND L/M/TED TO CCR TITLE 23 DIV 3, CHPT 16 SEC 2663 (h) (8) (a). -- DATE · James E. "Ed" Swanson ' President - Los Osos Engineering, Inc. San Luis Obispo 805-528-7969 / FAX 805-805-528,5911 ¢'0' c:l £~t~0££8c;08 S~I=IN !.-I ~Ntd/ SNO ! SS=IS -AFFILIATE SESSIONS TANK LINERS,Inc. Main ~ Br~_och Office P.O. Box 731 9521 W. Fritz l~i Ceutro, CA 92244 Bak~sfield, CA 93307 (619) 352-4832 FAX 352-2646 (805) 833-9501 FAX 833-0423 CA LIC.NO. 418129 A-540757 A/HAZ AZLIC.NO, 099125A NV. A22/0039190 NV. Handlers UTH-I103 Ralph Huey & Steve Underwood Bakersfield City Fire Departmem 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Re: Mesa Marin Pit Stop Market, 11101 Highway 178, Bakersfield, Ca. Dear Ge~lemen, The tanks at the site stated above have been certified by Joe Engel, the structural engineer of Engel & Company. The tanks have no perforations and are in good condition. I have enclosed the letter of certification and copies of the ultrasonic thickness gauging reports. we Will be touching up the sandblasting in the tanks today and tomorrow. By tomorrow af[emoon we'will be interior lining the tanks. As soon as we interior line the tanks Ed Swenson, the coating expert of Los Osos Engineering will be at the site to perform several tests on the coating. Should you have any questions or comments or if you need additional information please .contact me at 805- 833-9501. Sincerely, Ross Sessions Rs:mtm February 27, i997 eNItEL & OOMPANY Sess|onS Tank Lin~i~s, Inc. I',O, Box 49061 Bakersfield, cA 93382 Attn: Mr. Ross Scss|ons: Re: The structural condition of the four i0,000 gallon underground steel fuel storage tanks at 11101Flwy, i78~ Bakei. stieid~ IjA:. ' ': ' Dear Mr. Sessions: As you explained in our recent telephone conversation~ the interi0i' of the tanks have been s~ndblasted nnd cleaned; ALSO, the tanks are in good condition with no splits or perforations. ' '- Having reviewed thc resultS of the thickness tests, ! hereby ccfiify ~hat the tanks meet the requirements for structural integrity found.lti CCR Title 23~'. Division 3~ Chapter 16, Artivle 6 and may receive nn interior linin8. Sincerely, Joseph C, Engcl' JCE/Iw " PEi. I SESSIONS TANK LINERS,Inc. P.O. Box 731 9521 W. ~UM t~tNl ~ El C~, CA ~ Bs~field,, CA 93307 "-- .................... ' (619) 352~32 F~ 352-~6 {~5) g3~-9501 CA LTC.NO. 41g129 A-5~57 ~ LIC.NO. ~]2~A ~. A22/~391~ NV. H~]~ ~.1103 FAX COVER SHEET MESSAGE: ~' "'1-, t~A~,~ L,' C Total number of pages including cover: ~-~ Hard copies to follow: Yes:~ No:~ If you do not receive legible copies of this fax call (805) 833-950! ASAP TO'd £E~0££8S08 S~BNIq HN~i SNOISSBS ~T:LT LGGT-L~-~B~ AFFILIATE ~'UM E--QiJIPMENT IIik5TM SESSIONS TANK LINERS,Inc. ~.o. sox ~ ~ w. ~,~ ~ co.o, c~ ~4 $~=~. CA ~.~ c~ ~c.~o. 4m2~ A-~ ~ ~ ~.NO. ~ ~. ~391~ NV. ~ ~-tl03 February 27, 1997 Ralph Huey & Steve Underwood Bakersfield City Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Re: Mesa Matin Pit Stop M~rket, I 1101 Highway 178, Bakersfield, Ca. Dear Gentlemen, The tanks at the site stated above have been co'tiffed by Joe Engel, the structural engineer ofEngel & Company. The tanks have no perforations and are in good condition. I have enclosed the letter of certification and copies of the ultrasonic thickness gauging reports. We will be touching up the sandblasting in thc tanks today and tomorrow. By tomorrow af[emoon we will be interior lining the tanks. As soon as we interior line the tanks Ed Swenson, thc coating exper~ of Los Osos Engineering will be at the site to perform several tests on the coating. Should you have any questions or comments or if you need additional information please contact me at 805- 833-9501. · Sincerely, Ross Sessions RS:mtm ~0 'd £C~0££8S08 S~NI] HN~± SNOISS~S £T:LT L66T-L~-SB~ UNION AVENUE IBAKER$i~IEI,,D, CA 8~30~ February27,1997 SessionsTankLinets, lnc. ?,O..Box49061 Bakerstiet~ CA 93382 At'in: Mr. Ross Sessions: The m-uctural condition of thc four 10,000 gallon underground steel fuel storage tanks at I 1101 Hwy. 178, Bakersti¢ld, CA. Dear Mr. S~sions: As you explained in our rec~nt telephone convcrsaliou, thc interior of the tanks have been sandblasted and ckatlecl. Also, the ~mks ate in good condition wi~h no splits or perforations, Having reviewed ~e results of thc thickness tests, ! hereby certify that thc tanks meet the tequiizm~uts for structural integrity found tn CCR Title 23, Division 3, Chal~r 16, Arfic, le 6' and may r=~eive an interior lining. Sincerely, Joseph C, Engel JCE/Iw FEB 2T 1997 £0'd £~0££8S08 S~BNI~ ~NU1 SNOISSBS £$:L$ Sesstons Tank Liners, Inc. Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Report Tank Site ln['ormat~on ~Cll~e: ' ' Address: ~~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c ~ Tank Size: 40 .ooo Tank Location: t.l~ Date: ~2.,,- 7---I --~ Tank Diameter: ~ IrT Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Report Fill End 7~e~ OPl, osite End Totals CYLINDER FI'ALL ]'otal .o f Gauges Total Numl~er of Gauges '~.2 al A verag~ 'l~iekn ess FILL. END total of G .~ze~ ' I 1. q{: I Totrd Numl~er of Gauges ~"~. = ~ ~tvera~e JIiiclute_ss OPI'OS£TE END !'otal of Gausses Total. Num3er of Gauges ~ 09~ ,, Average 71tickness ~,trtl Nurn3er of Craug~ ~7-'"1 ~ AVEllAGE 71tlCKNES$ ~ 2 ~ DESIGN THICKNESS -- 2 ~ el Avertl~e 7[ltielmess , X 100 = % OF DESIGN IIIICKNE$S /ICCEI'T .?_~__ I~.'JECT ~ A U~I~IORIZED $1GNA 1UIiE~ qO'cl £~0££8q08 S~BNI] >~N~I SNOISSBS I~T :LT Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Report Ttutk ,~ite Information_ l~nk Size: Tank Locazion: Date: ~_. Tank Lengtlt Floor Tank Dianteter: . ~ Tank tength: ~__FT 90'a £E~0££8S08 S~BNI] ~N~I SNOISSBS ST:LT LGGT-LE-SB~ Sessions Tank Liners, btc: Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Report Fill End Of£osite End P~g¢ Z eJ'Z 8 FT Totals 2.30 A veragg Thickness FILL. END Total olr Ga. uee~ Total Number of Gauges = ~ Average 71iickness OPI'OSlTE END !'oral of Gauges Total Number of Gauges Average 7hiclutess I~OTAL TANK SHELL A VEI~ Gl:' Total of Gau£es 1 '-1 -I. 0"1 T~t~ yt:,~r of c.~.g~ ? 3 o --~ Average lltickness DESIGN TtIICKNESS 2.~'0 ,, X I00 = % OF DESIGN THICKNESS A CCEI'I'~ REJECT A UIIIORJZED S1GNA IURI£ .J~~ LO'd £EP0££8S08 S~BNI3 3N~± SNOISSBS fi~:L~ Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Report Tank Site In['orma~on T~k Zoc~on: P,~',~ 1 eS,l 7br~t/s Tank Diameter: .~_FT Tank Leng~:.~_FT 80'd £~0££8S08 S~BNI~ HN~I SNOISSBS 9T:&T L66T-&g-SBJ Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Report Fill End Tankhead Opposite End 8 FT Totals 2 ~..cl Averngei Ihickness FILL,END rou,l or a~. '! ~ q ~ ¢i Total Number of Gauges ~'2 = ~ Avera'~x OPI'OSITE END 11 btal olr Gauee$ Total Number of Gauges 5'2. Average Thickness 70TAL TANK SHELL AVERAGE Total of Gau£es . / "] [,.q 5'0 7~t~t N. ,,mb~r of C~uge~ 77 ~ Average Thickness ,.1 l."lilOl GE 71IICKNE$$ ~.9_ ~ DESIGN X 100 = % OF DESIGN 7[HICKNESS A CCEI'T AUTHORIZED $1GNA IU I~E~ Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Report Ttutk ,giXe bt[ormation 7bnk Size:. I 0.0 O0 . .. Tank Length Floor 'lbtals Tank Diameter: ~ . FT Tank Length: ~_ Fl' II'd q~±Ol Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging Report Fill End Op£osite End T 8 FT Totals CJ%INDER WALL ;btM. o£ Gau£es 1'oral Number of Gauges FILL,END Total of Gauges Total Number of Gauges A verts~e 'lIiiclo, ess OPI¥gSITE END Z'otal o£ Gauge~ Total Number of Gauges Average 7hicbtess TOTAL TANK SHELL A P'ERAGE .7'brat o£ Gau£es ] "J L. 93 ~ '= ~ Average ?hickness ?'brai ,N, ftmber of Gaug~ '7"Jo AI."EIMGE IltlCKNE.~$ ~2'43c~ X 100 -- % OF DESIGN DESIGN ?IIICKNE$$ ~. ~'0 TttlCKNESS /1 CCF-PTI' ~ A UIHORIZED $1GNA 7'Ulil:-~l~~~l&ama~ II'd £E~0££8~08 $8~Nlq ~N~± $NOI$S~$ 8I:LI L66I-LU-8~ pR£SSLII~;E L. 1I',IE LEAK AL~:~RM G 1 :UI'4LE~['~F][;~ · GRO~S LiNE F~IL MAR 28, 1'397 5:53 F'M . i F:'F.'ESSUF~E LINE LEAl( O 4: F:'LLIS PLI.D SHIJT[,'.)I.4N ~I..A~M MAR 28. 19'37 5:42 PRESSIJRE LINE LEAK ALARM 0 ! :IJNLEADED PLLD SHUTDOWN ~LARM I'.'IF~R £~, ! 997 PRE,Sci' ~%LIRE' LINE LEFt}::: ~LARI'.'I i O S:SUPER' I_III,ILEgDE[~ (3ROSS LINE FAIL MAR 28, 1997 E,:ll PM PRESSURE LINE LEAK ALARM C-i 2: D I ESEL. GF,',[)SS L [ NE FA I I._ l'.i~R 28. [ 9'37 E,:20 F'M F:i~L.D SHLIT[~;O,[...IN AL~RH MAR 28. 1997 E,:20 Pr..1 Y MAR I lq ST':::'F' I"IARKET HI.,.,.i'y' 1713 PRESSURE L I NE LEA}::: &I.ARI'-'I 9 O:SIJI::'ER UNLEADED '" PLLD SHUTB©WN AL&RM 'MAR"28, 1997 6:11 l::i"l MESA I'-'I~::~R I N PIT STOl::' MARKET 11101 HWY 178 Btql(EF. tE;F 1 EL.D. ,];A 9:3:3 0 E, MAR 28. 19'3'7 E,;12 PM Q :3 :,:;;FtI::,~',S; 1.. 1 I'4E IrA l L O :3 :F'LL[', ~t-tI_IT[,:}t.....II'.i AILARM I"fE',~Y4 NAR I Iq P I T ST,.'}F' MARKET 1110I Ifll.,,,.IY 178 BA}(ERSF I ELD .,'3A 93306 " , MAR '2g. 1997 SYSTEM ~;T&T'LIS REPORT AL.[., Fl_if,l( T / ~ FIHONINO. AND BACKFP I- I ' ' ' SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, OVERFlU. PROTECTION, LEAK DETECTION FINAL r'2'~NTLr~' ~ · TANK8 AND BACKFILL ' PIPING SYSTEM SECON_rlA_RY CONTAINMEI~, OVERFILL PROTECTION, LEAK DETECTION FINAL '¢IECORD~J~F TELEPHONE Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: Inspec~oPs Name: Time of Call: Type of Call: /~ Pc. ~ .~?J¢¢~ /hd~lL Date: ¢¢J,~,J'77 Time: Incoming [ ] Outgoing # Min: Returned Content of Call: Actions ~eauirea: .,,(/rCN¢; Time Reauirea to Comsiete A~ivit¥ -~ Min: ~SFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTIONFORM FACILITY ~-~ ~v,~ ~,45%o,~ ~,~- OWNER .~,~ ~4~.~ CONTRACTOR ~¢~ &~,~,,,~k CONTACT PERSON LABORATORY ~ ~ ¢ # OF SAMPLES (~ TEST METHODOLOGY -P~ ~ .~7-~ ~.:.~" - ' PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. [~a~c CONTACT PERSON CO~ RECIEPT P~v~ ~" LEL% ADDRESS lifO! t6.6u~V, /75 PERMIT TO O~E~ATE# 0~% PLOT PLAN CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL ~ COMMENTS O ,,:, t,',~,-,~ ~ ~ i~,,~ DATE INSPECTORS NAME SIGNATURE Bakersfield Fire Dept OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM ?ERMI[ Nc). PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT/M_ODIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TYPE OF APPLICAT1ON~.~HECk~ E2 NEW FACILITY I~r'MODIFFC'A-TION OF FACiLITY C) NEW TANK INSTALLATION AT EX1STJNG FACILITY STARTING DATE_ l:~-c,~O . t-ii ~qL~'l pROposED COMPLETION DATE ~'Y~O_V~ % FACILITY NAME Jf)~.&~ ffl~(~r) ¢~+osJro.p ~,c;~V_-e_~- EXISTING FACILITY PERMIT No.'q.~4~ Jc~kc,~iK ... ZiP CODE' q' '~D~ APN :. , PHONE No. 3~l'5- l;~j~y..~,.~'.~¢ ZIP CODE q:~,~9., CA LICENSE No. ~.- - FACILITY ADDRESS t~kO~ ~k~Jr.~:~ :1'15 TYPE OF BUSINESS TANK OWNER ~ili~(k~ ADDRESS %oo ~,~i~(q~. CONTRACTOR ~.~o~ ~ CITY .ADDRESS q~'7.~\ ~,~-~r-¢~'~- CITY ~ ZiP CODE PHONE No... ~5~-q~ BAKERSFIELD Cl~ BUSINESS LICENSE No. -' WORKMAN COMP. NO. 6r~p~ ~ INSURER ~4~ ~~&~ ~S~'r~'~ 8REIFLY DESCRIBE THE WORK TO BE DONE %.~SSio~ .~t~ b-~ J~r~o¢ co~ L~/ WATER TO FACILI~ PROMIDED BY DEPTH TO GROUND WATER No, OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED TANK No. VOLUME TANK No. VOLUME SOIL TYPE EXPECTED,'_A'T-'SiTE ARE THEY FOR MOTOR FUEL .OYES CjNO SECTION FOR MOTOR FUEL UNLEADED REGULAR PREMIUM DIESEL AVIATION SECTION FOR NON MOTOR FUEL:STORAGE TANK:S CHEMICAL STORED (no brand name) CAS No. .(if known) CHEMICAL PREV',OUSLY STORED THE A PPLICA NT NAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS, A NO WILL COMPLY WITH THE AFTACNED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND A NY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL ~EGULATIC)N$. TH%(~RT~COM.~ED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, iS TRUE AND CORRECT. Bakersfield .Fire Dept ~ OFFICEOF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM PERMIT NO. PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT/M_ODIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TYPE OF APPLICATION ,(CHECK') · Q NEW FACILITY ,f;~vlODIFFC'A/TION OF FACILITY gl NEW TANK INSTALLATION AT EXISTING FACILITY STARTING DATE ,,~ - / '~ ~' ? PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE :~- /'7~ '~"-~ FACILITY NAME ,/'~--..<,~, /~/,~/,~''/~T~To~,,~/.4X'X"ET EXISTING FACILITY PERMIT No. ~,7~_~t=j7 FACILITY ADDRESS //tc~ / TYPE OF BUSINESS TANK OWNER ~1o~ ~oZZl~5' ADDRESS ~o, ~ ~/7 CONTRACTOR ~-~E~ ZIP CODE ~.F3o/=, APN PHONE No. ~'o.5"- $6~:~711 CITY~,'~Cc',~g~'L~ ZiP CODE ~ -~5 $&, CA LICENSE No. ~/37/~ ADDRESS ~,7o/-~' /'.//eZTIv/,W CITY ~5:',4/~",e'~',A'?~"/_.z2 ZIP CODE PHONE No. ~T- $~/~- q~-~' BAKERSFIELD CITY BUSINESS LICENSE No. WORKMAN COMP~ No. /v,/c~-y/~;~z/z,,,.-oe INSURER J,~,'~:,¢~, ~//4,~-Z ~ ,,o,,f~,g--~ - BREIFLY DESCRIBE THE WORK TO BE DONE ~~ ~z~5 '(4~, ~z~& TO FAClLI~ PROVIDED BY. .~/~ DEPTH TO GROUND WATER SOIL ~PE EXPECTED'~TSITE No. OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED ~ ARE THEY FOR MOTOR FUEL '~ES Q NO SECTION FOR MOTOR FUEL TANK No. VOLUME UNLEADED REGULAR PREMIUM DIESEL AVIATION TANK No. VOLUME SECTION FOR NON MOTOR FUELSTORAGE TANKS CHEMICAL STORED (no brand name) CAS No. (if known) CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED THIS THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE AFl'ACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FO'RM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE.AND CORRECT. APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATUre/~ APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Location: t [ [ O ! FI,.,,._ t / Business Identification No. 215-000 Station No. O. ~ $, Shift~ Arrival Time: (Top of Business Plan) Inspector / uP-..~ Departure Time: Inspection Time: Address Visable Cbrrect Occupancy Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Matedal Comments: Adequate Inadequate Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees: Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abbatement Supplies and Procedures Comments: Special Hazards As ociated with this Facility: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Propedy Labled Comments: Adel~, Inadequate [] [] Verification of-Facility Diagram ~ [] Housekeeping ~ ("1r Fire protection [] Electrical ~ El Comments: ......... UST Monitoring Program [] Comments: Permits Spill Control Hold Open Device Hazardous Waste EPA No. Proper Waste Disposal Secondary Containment Secudty Violations: Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME SIGNATURE All Items O.K Correction Needed White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy PERMIT ST~,I'EIV~NT~ Ba~rsfield Fire Dept. ~[_ ~715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 AMOUNT ! STATE SURCHARGE 86 TANK TESTING 83 COPIES/REPORTS 89 D AMOUNT TENTS, LPG 84 FIREWORKS, POWDER, 84 OTHER PERMITS OTHER TOTAL DU)O~ f - FD1595 'B A K E R S F I E..L' D FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISlRATII/E SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRE~ION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301. (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805] 326-3979 FAX [805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (8[],5) 399-4697 FAX (805 399-5763 December 6, 1996 Marion Collins P.O. Box 6217 Bakersfield, Ca 93386 Underground Storage Tanks located at Mesa Matin Pit Stop Market, lll01 Hwy 178. Dear Mr. Collins: As I am sure you are aware, all existing single walled steel tanks that do not meet the current code requirements must .be removed, replaced or upgraded to' meet the code by December 22, 1998. Your tanks do not currently meet the new code requirements and therefore fall into the remove, replace or upgrade category. Your current operating permit expires on or before that date and of course will not be renewed until appropriate upgrade of your tank system is accomplished. In order to assist you and this office in meeting this fast approaching deadline, I have attached a brief questionnaire addressing your plans to upgrade these tanks. PleaSe complete this questionnaire and return it to this office by Monday, December 23, 1996. If you have any questions concerning your tanks or if we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Office of Environmental Services attachment F p. -- · l'l'L',k/~ U.L I O 0 O O G /~ ~ l O ,~' lO000 /o0o0 G,~ZLON _1  State Water ReSources Co~Bom~! 'i -- (~nsa~on, on ,evene} CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY' · . FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM 'A. I am required to demonstrate F'manelal'Responsib~ty in the requixed amounts as spewed in Section ?,~07. C~a,p~er 18. Div. 3. Title 23. CCR: ~00,000 dollars per oeeun, enee ~ minion dollars annual a~re~ate or AND or ~ 1 ml]lJon dollars per. occm'rence -= ~=~ 2 million dolla~ annual a~resate lB., MARION COI~.,INS · (Na=,o~TaatO~rorOj~'a~). Article 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, 77tie 23: California Code of Regulations. The mechan~ms used to demonstrate financial responsibility as required by Section 2807are as follows: ~.~EIF TN~ hereby cert~es that it is in compliance, with the requirements, of Section 2807, ' l 3TATE. C"I .EAN' - MARION COI,I,INS - P-- O~X//6217 BAKERSFIEI.D, CA.' 93'396_~ ? STATE WATER BOARD P O BOX 944212 ..CACR~.~.~20, C~. 94244 JP TO ~90,000 CONTINOU5 YES ::i:coii~tivel ~i~d:.partyI YES Note: If you are using the ~tate Fund as any part of your demonstration of financial responsibility, ,our execution and submiss,on -~--of this certification-ai$'o.certi~,es ,,~t~=u are-incomplia~,ce-.,~ Fm'llt~ Name MARIN PIT STOP MARKET Faci~ty Name +. Fa~tity .,NMrem Fa~h~ Name Facility Addrma ' 03-06-95 ~amo ofWJmefs m' .The Chief Financial Officer or the owner or operatOr must sign, under penalty of perjury, a letter worded EXACTLY as follows or you may complete the letter by filling in the blanks with appropriate information: j · LETTER FROM CHIEF FINANCIAL 'oFFICER:' " I am the Chief Financial Officer for MESA MARIN PI? ~qTOP blARKET, 111.Q1 HIGI-I~IA¥. 1 78, (Business name, business addr~ss,.and c0rmspondence address' of owner or {~perator) P O _BOX 6217, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93386 This letter is in support, of the use of' the Underground Storage. Tank Cleanup Fund to demonstrate financial resPonsibility for taking cOrrective action and/or compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage caused by an unauthorized release of petroleum in the amount of at least $10,000.00 per occurrence and $10,000.00 annual, aggregate coverage. (Dollar Amount) (Dollar Amount) UiidergroUnd-storage-tkhks at 'the fbllo~ing f~icilitieS ~6 as-st/red by'this letter: MESA MARIN PIT STOP M3LRKET, 11101 HIGHWAY 178, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93306 (Name and address of each facility where tanks for which financial responsibility is being demonstrated is located.) Amount of annual aggregate coverage being assured by this letter ......................... ' ............................. $" '10;0o0¢00 .Total tangible-assets ........ , ...... · ..... - ......................... $ 350,000.00 Total liabilities, i... " · · ' $ ' .-o- Tangible net worth (subtract line 3' from line 2. Line 4 must be at least 10 times line 1) .....................$ 350,000.00 I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to the wording specified in subsection. 2808. l(d)(1), Chapter 18, Division 3, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. i deClare {inder ~enalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ~ Executed at BAKERSFIELD, CA. On MAY 10, 1995' . MARION COI~,INS (Printed Name) OWNER (Title) . (Place of Execution) FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF f _,ITY of BAKERSFIEL "WE CARE" January 30, 1995 WARNING! · 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED iii 15- 000-&.~01211 MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET Ii101 HWY 178 BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330E, Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $i0,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence". For owners of i01 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate" box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25265.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility Tank Hazardous G~ii:~:~ ?i::ii::::?::: ;.:::::::.i;:i:: .... y ~:.a~ii~i~ii~:: :: ?.~.::T ank ':~;;::.;:~;~:.~i~iiii~.:~:~i;' !i}i!~:~i:::::~ Piping Number Substance C ~ i~; ~!~%/.::::::?' i fi.~'{ ~jj~:~i?;.':::.;.. i iii.~i!T y p e M o iii{~i~]'~:~?i:':!]:!:.!?:: Type 01 UNLADED PLUS .~:d~':'~;~:~; ?' )?:;:;:~.~;~h~?~WS . MiR~:,~::;~]:~.~:~ SWS 02 UNLEADED ~i'~0~ ~.~' ::,;.;;;;:~,;:':...~::~8~::~;~' .;~ ~:':~WS:~ ........... ~?:~.,,MIR/~? ~ ::::~?~ SWS mit N 1211 VERSE SIDE Piping Piping Method Monitoring Issued By: ..... ~;.i;; ================================================ .~?::'":?]}~:: 'iiii;i;;i!!?)i?~i~:-.!?.:?':~" !:?:issued To: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 Approved by: ~ ~" Ralph E. Huey, Hazar~l~s Materials Coordinator Valid from: PRESSURE LTT PRESSURE LTT PRESSURE LTT PRESSURE LTT DON WRIGGLE MESA MARIN PIT STOP. 111O1 HWY 178 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93306 12-22-93 to: 12-22-98 ~tate Water Resoumes Con~ Board ' I'/CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK8 CONTAINING PE-FROI..EUM A. ! am r~,~,,.'.~d to ~---ou,::.~ F'maG-~_,~ R~-i,4~,~~ in the required amounu as specified in Section 2807. Chal~mr 18, Div. 3. Title 23. CCR: or AND et r'--] I m;~;on dollars per o~eurrence [-'-] 2 minion dollars annual aIIte[ate F;TATE CI E~q- (Name of T~al~ 0~,~ or Art/cie 3, Chapter 18, D~ion 3, F~le 23, Cal~orn~ Code of Regulations. C...~ ~f~. ~l to. de~n?mte ~1 res~ib#~ as requir~ by SecSon 2807 are as follo~: / ~0~000 ~:~ ~ STATE WA~ ~A~ 2 3 1995 P O ~X 9~212 qQ0,000 FA~~, ~. 942~ HAZ= MAT. DIV. -- Note: If ~u are ~ing the ~ate Fund as any ~ or.ur de~tmt~n of fi~l res~ibi/~ ~ur ex~n a~ su~n of th~ ce~at/on also cerises that )=u are in com~e ~ all co,~ ~r ~f~n in ~ Fu~. MARIN PIT STOP MARKET F~N~me · ,/ hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of ~ection 2807. 11101 FW'Y 17R Dam Nsmo sod 'l'lde of Tank Omse~ or Opa-amr 03-06-95 ,MARION COLLINS - OI;%~ER Sisnamre of WTmesa or Notary Date Name M Wimem ~ No~ cF'~) ~ Off#md - bx~,~.~ c~..- Fs~tepSite(,) ~S YES R,E. HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE. * BAKERSFIELD, CA * 99301 March 22, 1995 R.B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 Don Wriggle Mesa Marin Pit Stop Market 11101 Hwy 178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 RE: Monitoring requirements for underground storage tanks. Dear Mr. Wriggle: Our records reveal that no precision tank. testing has been performed on 4 underground storage tanks located at 11101 Hwy 178. Section 2643 2(A) of Article 4; Title 23, Div. 3, Chapter 16, CCR., requires that all underground tanks that do not utilize automated leak detection shall have a precision tank test annually. Additionally, pressurized piping shall be tested annually and non- pressurized piping shall be tested every three Years. Pipeline leak detectors and automated leak detection systems also have to be certified to be in working order on an annual basis. Please make arrangements to bring the tanks into compliance with state law. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, ] Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm State Water Resources I Board CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILI]Y FOR UNDERGROUND STOOGE TANKS CO~AINING P~O~UM am ~qubed M dcmons~m ~maa~l ~e~onsib~ h ~e ~qubed amounM as ~fled in ~on ~, ~pbr 18, D~. 3, ~de ~, C~ or ~D or ~ I m~ion dollars ~r ~u~en~ ~ 2 minion dolla. a~i a~gate hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Section 2807, Article 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, T'rUe 23, California Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial responsibility as required by Section 2807 are as follows: ~;ii:Mechanism~::?:i:: ~::~:?::Name:i~'~tAddress.°~i~r.::~i!!!iii!;:::?:i~i!~::i[1 ~i[::~::~Mectmnism!~[::i:::i::::i::::?:i?:::!:::~:: :i::ii.~ve~g~:?:iiii ~::'c0~,~ra'ge.~i;~ :icorre~tive.,~ird party! ~.~i F !N~URED ~TATE CtEAN- STATE WATER .BOARD P 0 ..BOX 94A212 SACRF~DiO, CA. 94244 0,000 UP TO 990,000 .REN.~D a2~NUAII Y CONTINOUS YES YES .YEg YES Note: If you are [/sing the 6Yale Fund as any part of your demonstration of financial responsibility, your execution and subi~ission of thia cerSfication also certi,?es th, st/vVV~u are in compliance ~',~',h ail conditiors.fo~tion in the Fund. ._-.----- ~ESA MARIN PIT STOP MARK~"t' Fscil] ty Name Fs~Slh7 N~zne 11101 ~ 17R $i~ua~re ofT~ Oe~r or c't~) DaM qmne und 11 de of Tank Owuer 03-06-95 ~aJRION ~I.LINS - STATI~ Oi: ~.ALIFOI~IA - F~OT~CTION AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF CLEAN WATER pRo43RAMS 2014 T STREET, SUITE 130 P,O. BOX ~44212 SACRAMENTO, CAUFO~NtA ~4244,-21~0 (916) 227-4307 ~ ~.. ~ . (916) 2 -?-4530 (FAX) AUG 0 2 1993 To: Underground Storage Tank Owners and Operators Subject: FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY'S (EPA) APPROVAL OF CALIFORNIA'S UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLEANUP FUND (USTCF) AS A FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY MECHANISM This is to notify you that pursuant to Fed&fa1 and'state regulations, EPA on June 9, 1993 approved California's USTCF as a mechanism for meeting the federal financial responsibility requirements for underground storage tanks (UST) containing petroleum. If you are in compliance with UST state (CCR, Title-23, Division 3, Chapter 16) and Federal (40 C.F.R. parts 280 and 281) regulations and meet the requir~m~nt~ for reimburse~nt from the Fund (CCR, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 18), you may ~se the USTCF to meet financial.resPonsibility coverage. If you do not qualify to use the USTCF, then you must have one of the following to meet state and federal financial responsibility requirements which can be found in 40 C.F.R. Part 280, sections 280.95 - 280.103: 1. Self-Insurance 2.- Guarantee 3. Insurance and Risk Retention Group 4. Surety Bond 5. Letter of Credit 6. Trust Fund 7. Standby Trust Fund. Mechanisms available to Local Governmental Agencies can be found in 40 C.F.R. Sections 280.104 - 280.107 and include the fol!owing: 1. Bond Rating Test 2. Local Government Financial Test 3. Local Government Guarantee 4. Local Government Fund FIRE DEPARTMENT M R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD January 30, 1995 ~,R 7 ~995 '~ 15 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. 93301 WARNING! sy_ J 320.391, CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office, Please forward either a copy of Your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists theapproved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to showfinancial responsibility, for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are aa follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate" box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within $0 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). ' If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines Hazardous Materials Technician, at $26-$gTg. · ,,- ~ .. : .: HazardousMaterials Coordinato_r REH/dlm ' - .~ = · B~rsfield Fire'Dept. UNDERGROUND' STO 'TANK INSPECTION ~:: ~ ..... ~ .! ~ ~. ~ ~ . · Hazards Matenals DwJston Operating Permit: Business Name: Location: !ttol Business Identification No. 215-000 Number of Tanks. Containment: CONTACT INFORMATION Owner: (Top of Business Plan) Emergency Contacts: Monitoring Program Adequate Inadequate RECORDS RESPONSE PLAN Violations: Maintenance Testing Inventory Reconciliation Emergency Plan 0// White - Haz Mat Div Pink - Business Copy All Items O.K. Correction Needed INVOICE #TL000058 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT TEST DATE: 08/11/93 ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** BAKERSFIELD, CA. ' 93306 ***** SITE DATA ***** MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET 11101 HWY 178 BAKERSFIELD, cA. 93306 CONTACT: WRIGGLE, DON. PHONE #: 805-366-4886 CONTACT: WRIGGLE, DON PHONE #: 805-366-4886 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** RECEIVED CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL. TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. *' THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING' THE USTEST PROTOCOL.* TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .026488 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL TANK IS TIGHT. RATE: .048200 G.P.H. GAIN TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL. TANK IS TIGHT. RATE: .001661 G.P.H. LOSS TANK .#4: PLUS UNLEADED. TYPE: STEEL TANK IS TIGHT. OPERATOR: DENNIS E. GOODAN UTTL#92-1000 RATE: .039244 G.P.H. GAIN SIGNATURE: ~/~~DATE: TANK, DATA ******** TANK NO. 1 TANK NO. 2 TANK NO. 3 TANK NO. 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH.(FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 26~5.9 10000 ST 73 REG UNLD 113.22 96 96 96 26.59 10000 ST 68 DIESEL 2 120.56 26.59 10000 ST 8'2 SUP UNLD 93.62 26.59 10000 ST 68 PLS UNLD 120.56 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 10.65625 26.95313 41.93750 56.93750 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000058 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): WRIGGLE, DON ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 11101 }{WY 178 ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX'XXXX) : 9'3306 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-366-4886 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S *******. ******* S I T E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-xxXx GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MINi) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) D A T A ******** : MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET : WRIGGLE, DON : Ii101 HWY 178 : : BAKERSFIELD, CA. : 93306 : 805-366-4886 : 0 : 4 : 30 : 240 Z "r' 15 10 0 -5 -10 START TIIqE:66:12:46:66 _-'C6: - C1: T.BAX RATE: m -15 0 .66639 .666Z3 .62649 GPH G~Ifl I I I PTA, lIE:RS lOH 1.26 TIME (MINUTES') CURREHT TIME :6t: 12r:49:66 ¢5 CP i m m 6O TL889658. TST., 1 68/11/93 W T Z 15 10 -5 -1¸0 - Tl~lt]( 2 STPJTT TIHE:84:58:48:SB O. IRREIqT TIHE:85:5B:48:88 [.Eh]{ RhTEi: -15 . J 0 TLSO8858.TST,2 .66969 .86646 .64828 GPH G~IH PT~, UERSIOH 1.28 15 30 4.5 TIME I'MINUTES] CP: II 6O 88/11/93 15 - PTI~, tIERS lON 1.28 0 15 30 4-5 TL888858. ~S1', 1 TIME (''MINUTES~} .I 88/18/93 60 W Z - Z tail{ 4 StARt tlflE:66:Z?:26:66 _-*C6: -Cl: ' LI~AX RAIT: , I I J t'' ~ Il I J I "II' TL~58. tSt, 1 .88651 '.66633 PtA, ~RSION 1.28 3O 4-5 TIME (MINUTES') 80 68/11/93 · 63924 GPH'. CAIM INVOICE #TL000058 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 (800) 244-1921. TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST TEST DATE: ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET 11101 }{WY 178 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93306 ***** SITE DATA ***** MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET 11101 HWY 178 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93306 CONTACT: WRIGGLE, DON PHONE #: 805-366-4886 CONTACT: WRIGGLE', DON PHONE #: 805-366-4886 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** 08/11/93 CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. * THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL * TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: -.05 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL TANK IS TIGHT. SN: .10 TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: -.15 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #4: PLUS UNLEADED ~~ _~ ~: NONE o~?o~: OENNISE. GOODAN s~.~?~: ]~~~ ~?~: UTTL ~92-~000 TANK DATA TANK 'NO. 1 TANK NO. 2 TANK NO. 3 TANK NO. 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH (FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 26.59 10000 ST 73 REG UNLD 113.22 96 96 96 26.59 10000 ST -68 DIESEL 2 120.56 26.59 10000 ST 82 SUP ~NLD 93.62 26.59 10000 ST 68 PLS UNLD 120.56 CALIBRATION ROD 1 2 3 4 5 DISTANCE 10.65625 26.95313 41.93750 56.93750 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000058 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): WRIGGLE, DON ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 11101 HWY 178 ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93306 PHONE NUMBER '(XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-366-4886 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) D A T A ******** : MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET : WRIGGLE, DON : 11101 HWY 178 : : BAKERSFIELD, CA. : 93306 : 805-366-4886 : 0 : 4 : 3O : 240 Z 3,¸1[] 2,¸0 - TMIX ! -,85 9.78 5O 50O TI,666658.SOfl TINE -- 66: t6:62 CP 5000 FREQUENCY' (HZ% 50000 68/11/93 ~ 2,.0 0 Z Z '--' '1,0 0 .0 TIBE-- 86:17:17 .18 5O 18.63 5OO 5000 50000 TL881{858.801'1 FREBUENCY ( HZ~ 88/11/93 Z 3;0 2,0 1,0 .0 TIME.-- 86:22:28 - SM: -. 15 PEri]( SM':5.89' -~ 50 5~ 5000 TL866658.SOH FREQUENCY' ~HZ~ 50000 68/11/93 INVOICE #TL000091 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST TEST DATE: 09/08/93 ****~ CUSTOMER DATA ***** MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET 11101 'HWY 178 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93.306 ***** SITE DATA ***** MESA MARIN PIT STOP'MARKET 11101 HWY 178 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93306 CONTACT: WRIGGLE, DON PHONE #: 805-366-4886 CONTACT: WRIGGLE, DON PHONE #: 805-366-4886 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** RETEST PLUS UNLEADED TANK #4 CURRENT EPA STANDARDs DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. * THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL * TANK #i: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .21 TANK IS TIGHT. OPERATOR.: DENNIS E._G__O_0_D_A_N____ SISNA?UR .: UTTL #92-1000 DATE: TANK DATA TANK NO. 1 TANK NO. 2 TANK NO. 3 TANK NO. 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH (FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 96 26.59 10000 ST 35 PLS UNLD 127.67 CALIBRATION ROD 1 2 3 4 5 DISTANCE 10.65625 26.95313 41.93750 56.93750 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000091 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): WRIGGLE, DON ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 11101 HWY 178 ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93306 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-366-4886 ******* C O M M E N T RETEST PLUS UNLEADED TANK #4 L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) D A T A ******** : MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET : WRIGGLE, DON : 11101 HWY 178 : : BAKERSFIELD,, CA. : 93306 : 805-366'4886 : 0 : 1 : 30 : 180 Z 3,0 .Zl 4.99 4/ 3 I TIHE -- 81:83:12 UTA, UERS ION 1.08 500 5000 FREQUENCY ( HZ~ CD: 50000 89/88,/93 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 West BellevieW, Porterville, CA 93257 1-800-244-1921 TESTER LOG PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMANATION PL400 FORMAT TEST LOCATION: TEsT OPERATOR: DENNIS E. GOODAN UTTL. #92-1000 Date Reg. Unld. · Unld. Plus Super Unld. Diesel User Instructions (rev. D) Step # 17A 18D or 18B 18D OR 17 18F 18F 18F OPTION OPTION OPTION 18A For plUS' change, use - For minus change)use lSr Calculation: ~.//../.'~. . + 18F 60 18B 18F 60 Time of TS~--o f Test (Divide) Test(Divide) Comments: Leak Detector functioning properly' '.PLOT PLAN. JOB$ITE LOCATION TANK SIZE PRODUCT 'LEGEND ~2 ~3 iOOOO FILL TURBINE· TURBINE WITH LEAK #5 DETECTOR OVERSPILL CONTAINER~ON FILL REMOTE FILL EXTRACTOR VALVE MONITOR SYSTEM I ./ MANIFOLD SYSTEM BAKERSFIELD-FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805.) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO-PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST PERMIT TO OPERATE ~ NUMBER OF.TANKS TO BE TESTED y IS PIPING GOING TO'BE TESTED TANK~ VOLUME CONTENTS ./~ ~,~, ~' p c~ STATE REGISTRATION ~ f ? -~ ~ o DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED SIGNATURE O~OF APPLICANT FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY f BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" July 2, 1993' 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 MESA MARIN PIT STOP MARKET 1110! HWY 178 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93306 RE: Monitoring requirements for underground storage tanks. Dear-Business .Owner: Our records reveal that no precision tank testing has been performed on the four underground storage tanks located at 11101 Hwy 178. Section 2643 2(A) of Article 4; 'Title 23, Div. 3, Chapter 16, cCR., requires that all underground tanks that do not utilize ~automated leak detection Shall have a precision tank test annually. Additionally, pressurized piping shall be tested annually and non- pressurized piping shall be tested every three years. Pipeline' leak detectors and automated leak detection systems also .have to be certified to be in working order on an annual basis. Please make arrangements to bring the tanks into compliance with state law. If you have~_any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Hue~ Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program -~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ~)IVISION' 2130 G Street, Ba'k~sfield, CA 93301 · .~' ~ (805) 326-3970., .. %~-' UNDERGROUND TANK QuEsTIONNAIRI DBA OR FACILITY NAME ' I NAME OF OPERATOR flBd ............ CiTY NAME ~' BOX TO INDICATE [~ CORPORATION NEAREST CRO~ STRE~ PARCEL No.(OPTIONAL) STATE' ~ ZIP CODE · ,TYPE OF,BUSINESS .... --[~-1, GAS-STATION- -~[~ 2 DISTRIBUTOR~- ...... ,~ [~ 3 FARM [~ 4 PROCESSOR [~OTHER EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARy) DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE : NAME (LAST, FI'~'ST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE TOO.RATE.o. . EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARy) optional. DAYS: NAME (~S[ FI~ PHONE No. WITH AR~ CODE / NIGH~: NAME (~'SL FI~ PHONE No. WITH AR~ CODE II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) : NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION M/~ION O3LLTN$ MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS O LOCAL AGENCY [~ STATE AGENCY P. O. BOX 6217 [~ COUNTY AGENCY" Q FEDERAL AGENCY CIIY NAME BAKERSFIELD ~' BOX [~ INDIVIDUAL TO INDICATE ~:~PA RTN ERSHIP STATE ZIPCODE I PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE CA 93386 J 805-366-5711 III, TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION MARION COLLINS MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS - ' P. O. ~X 62-17 CITY NAME BAKERSFI~Tr,D V~ BOX [~ INDIVIDUAL TO-INDICATE -~ ~X~ PARTNERSHIP STATE ZIP CODE CA .. 93386 I LOCAL AGENCY . ~ STATE AGENCY [~ COUNTY-AGENCY - [~ FEDERAL.AGENCY- - PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE 805-366-5711 OWNER'S TANK No. DATE VOLUME INSTALLED 19ooo PRODUCT STORED 'bi IN SERVICE Y/N y/N DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? Y/N TYPE .Fill one segment curer each tank,'unless all ~ "' · and piping are constructed of the ~ame materials, style and t~r~ then only fill one segment out. please identify tanks by owner ID #. I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN .c. DATE INSTALLEO(MO, DAY/YEAR) {ff 3 ' O. TANK OAPAC,TY.IN GALLONS: (O1ooo III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. B, ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPLfESiNBOXD '- .I A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL ,J---J 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANIO [] 99 OTHER 8. TANK J~ 1 BARE STEEL MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE '(PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE ] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 'UNKNOWN ] 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] 8 1(X:~% METHANOL COMPATiBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR LINING [] 5 GLASS LINING ~ 6 ·UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES ~ NO__ D. CORROSION [~, 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING PROTECTION [---J. 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE · ·1-'-1 3 V, L WRAP [] 4 F,BERGLASS RE,NPORCED PLAST,C iV~'PIPING1N FO R MATiO N~CiRCI~--A~IFXBOVE G ROUND OR~U'~F UNDERGROUND; BOTH~F-Appi;iCASLE ............ A. SYSTEM TYPE ~. U 1 SUCTION ' A~ 2 PRESSURE ..A ~ 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION ~ 1 SINGLE WALL A JJ 2 DOUBLE WALL A ~ 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION A U 1 BARE SI'EJ-L A JJ 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A tJ 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE A IJ 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A{~ 7 STEEL W/ COATING A I.I 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A g 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A g 99 OTHER [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3~ INTERSTITIAL MONITORING oTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION ..J...~.T.~q~ 1 VISUAL CHECK: [~_ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION J J 3 VAPORMONITORINGJ--~ 4 AUTOMATIC TANKGAUGING [~] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING 6 TANK TESTING [] 95 UNKNOWN' [] 99 OTHER ] 7 INTERSTITIALMONITORING [] 91 NONE I. TANK DESCRIPTION ' COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. # C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) B. MANUFACTURED BY: D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE I~TEM oNLY IN BOXES A, B. ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER ~J:'"~:-2~STAINI;ESS- STEEL- ,-- J'~-3 -FIBERGLA. SS~-J~]~4_STEEL.CLAD~W/, EIBERGLASS,REINFORCED P. LAS~ C B. TANK MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM (Primary'rank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN ] 8 100'/. METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP ] 99 OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR LINING [] 5 GLASS LINING [] 6. UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES__ NO__ D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP 'J~l 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASs REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 95.UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV, PIPING INFORMATION C~RCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER 8. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A g 99 OTHER C.' MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A IJ 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A JJ 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 100°/o METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL ALI 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN' A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION J---] 1 AUTOMAT1C LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL · MONITORING [] 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION L.~_.J 1 VISUAL CHECK [] 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ~ 3 VAPOR MONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GRO'UNO WATER MONITORING ~<ERN~; COUN RESOURCE ' ~'~IAtlF_~(:~iEivlENT ~ ~NVIRONMED"-:i~L HEALTH 'SERVICES DEPARTM'(~J~ 2700""M" STRE=F, SUITE 300, BAKERSFIELD, UA.93301 (805)861-3636 UNDERGROUND'HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY * INSPECTION REPORT *  ' IME IN /00.O TZME OUT .J.~..~"~.~.. NUMBER OF TANKS: ................. 4. .............. PERMIT'S j.T,~¥ES. "'['"'~'~ ...... ..... INSPECTION DATE:..~..:..~:..~,J ..................... PERMIT P . ~ ........... 7'~'~ INSPECT I ON COMPLAINT 'TYPE OF ~NSPECT~ON:~ "-'~'~'{~-~'~NE. ...................................................................... ~ ~ C ~ ~Tf:F'~'~'~'~-~'~L~gZ~g~Z~Z~Z~,.,..~.z,~.~_~.~.~.~.z ............................ :: .............................................................................................................. FAC ! L I TV ADDRESS :.~..~..~..~.~...,..~j..~.~.~.~%.._]..~..~ ...................................................................................................................................................... BAKERSFIELD, CA O~N E RS N AM E:.~%&.!.B.~_,......E_B.6.B.~.....~_..B.~.!.9.B .................. ~ ............................................................................................................................ o P e RAT O RS N AM E:.B.~.~_..B.6.B.~..B..2B.~..Z.._.~.Z~.~.....B.~.B~2. ...................................................................... : ......................................... COMMENTS: .................. ~ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..... 2L~ .................................................................................................................................................... : ............................................................................................................ ,.: ........ :.~j.~7.~:q ................................................... : .............................................................................................................. .V-~,~,E,~-~--~,-~-~-~-2-6-~,~-~:D-V-Z-~-~--~-~-~ PRIMARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: !-iDtercepting an directing.system Standard Inventory Control Modified Inventory Control In-tank Level Sensing Device- Ground~atar Monitoring Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: · ~ a. Liner" b. Oouble-~a!led tank c. 'Vault 3. PIPING MONITORING: Pressurized . Suction .c.. Gravity 4. OVERFILL PROTECTION: 6. 7. 8. 9. TtGHTNES3 TESING NEW CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATIONS CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE MAINTENANCE, GENERAL SAFETY, AND OPERATING CONDITION OF FACILITY INSPECTOR:i' .' ~C~.~ .............. .............. REPORT REC.-~VED E~'.~.,..::~!~.j.L..'.~:,.L.,.,~e..~.-c.. .................. KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTRO IICT 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 (805) 861-3682 /' ( ~ PHASE I VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM . _Company Uail~pgAd~ )~ I O{ ~ Ci~ Date '~- 7 :' ~ i Phone .inspectOr '; ~] ~ )~ P/O # '~ (~, ~ - C.~ ~ ~5 ,~, System Type: Sep..l~iser . Notice Rec'd TANK · i -TANK ~2 T~K ~3 .TANK ~4 PRODUCT (UL, PUL, P, or R) TANK LOCATION REFERENCE BROKEN OR MISSING VAPOR CAP BROKEN OR MISSING FILL CAP 5. BROKEN CAM LOCK ON VAPOR CAP 6. FILL CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED 7. vApOR CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED 8. GASKET MISSING FROM FILL CAP 9. GASKET MISSING FROM vAPoR CAP 0 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. FILL ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT VAPOR ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT GASKET BETWEEN ADAPTOR & FILL TUBE MISSING / IMPROPERLY SEATED DRY BREAK GASKETS DETERIORATED EXCESSIVE VERTICAL PLAY IN COAXIAL FILL TUBE COAXIAL FILL TUBE SPRING MECHANISM DEFECTIVE TANK DEPTH MEASUREMENT TUBE LENGTH MEASUREMENT DIFFERENCE (SHOULD BE 6" OR LESS) 19. OTHER 20. COMMENTS: WARNING: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A CHECK ABOVE ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 209, 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF, UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLU- **~'~- TION OF THE VIOLATION(S) ***************************************************** 9149-1010 .- ' APCD FILE . -]':)i:¢i?;:!':i~(?~;-:"¥.?' '" ": '":'"'<'h:"..,':?;'.- ~ ;¢ ..... ;.'.- ":, . -:..) : 2: '" '". ::' ~:'.'" KERN , A'IR PoLLUTION'c O lOT .... '~ ~' 2700 Street, Suite 275 _~. ; Bakersfield, CA. 93301 ~' (805) 861-3682 PHASE II VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM :' Company.Addre~s-~-M'Y (3 ! ~ CA ~ '~ ~ City ~--~-~. f".~ -~ g f'c~Z, ip ,! i Contact ~~ ' J' i · Phone ,"~, ~- - ~/~ [ ~=, System Type: C~_Rj Him HE GH HA ' Inspect°r'J~lJ~~ Date~/"7-/~ NoticeRec,dBy~~~,,~.,.~ ,'" L~,~4,~.ir,~ NOZZLE # "~.' i-.; i.' . GAS GRADE i ' NOZZLE TYPE II · .1. . CERT. NOZZLE 2. CHECK VALVE O 3. FACE SEAL ' Z .~.4 ....... RING; RiVEt ........... E 5. BEELOWS 6. SWIVEL(S) _ co. mo. ¥ ,-,-' ~,.~..j~ A 2. LENGTH O':~' ~ ~ONFIGURATION 4. SWIVEL - -~ " S v E 6. POWER/PILOT ON Key to system types: - Key to deficiencies: ~ ~CTM not certi B= broken . BA=Balance HE =Healey M= missing,. ' TO=/~orn,. F= flat, TN= tangled ' RJ =Red Jacket CH=Gulf Hasselmann AD=' needs adjustme~ L= long, LOTMloose, HI =Hirt HA =Hasstech S= short MA=~aligned, .K= kinked, FR= frayed. bthg~/,- ~ inspection ~s: ' ~k= ~K 7= RePair '~ ~even days, ,' T= Tagged (no~le tagged out-of-order until repaired) U= Taggable violation but left in use. COMMENTS: ~~ ~~ ~.~~.~. ~ ~, VIOLATIONS: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A "T OR U' CODE IN INSPECTION RESULTS, ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR pOLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH &. SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE VIOLATION. NOTE: CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 41960.2, REQUIRES THAT THE ABOVE LISTED 7-DAY DEFICIENCIES ' ' BE' CORRECTED WITHIN 7 DAYS. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN LEGAL ACTION 9149-1015 ' , · : APCD FILE FiLE cONTENTS iN~/''~17¢)R¥ , .peaband°nt ~ ~ ~ended _.,~a~ion Focm, ~ankS{s) ~ pe~mi ~ bandO~ . ~¢itten ContCact Setwe~- - ~CopY ~.,on aepo¢tS ~ , ceSveo ~Co ' Date lled Date -- --s-ondence - pla . .. .... Date v ' Date - Zed ilelease Reports ~onao~hoZi_ sate aepo ~'t s banaonmen~/Ci° plan che___, icatiOn" Sensi~iv itY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEP TMENT 2700 "M" STREET, STE. 30p BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 '"(7~mit .o. Application Date Co De APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type Of Application .(check): [~New Facility ~]Modification Of Facility [-]Existing Facility. ~]Transfer Of Ownership Bmer~ency 24'Hour Contact {name, area code', phone): Days k~,~k ~/ ~-~ _. ,_~ ' ~ / ./ ..... / Night~/e~ ~d~ ~.- ~/~/ T~e Of Business (check): ~Oasoline ~ation ~Other (describe)(~/~ IS Tank(s) ~ocated On An A~rtcultural Far~ / ~Yes Is Tank(s)'Used Pri~rtl~ Fgr ~rtcult~ral Pur~oses~ ~Yes ~o T R ~EC / I (Rural Locations Only) ' ' Address //~. ~/~f/~~ ~Ci~/~}ate ,..~,~ '' Telephone~-~7// Operator'~-~ '~~ ~'// ' Contact Person .~~ Water To Facility Provided By ~.~ ~/~ Depth to Groundwater Soil Characteristics At .Facility /d~ ~z~' ' Basis For Soil Type and 6roundwater Oep}h Determl~atlon, ~ird~'D~/ /-- Contractor Address Proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation Certification No. If This Permit Is For Modification .Modifications Proposed CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion Date Insurer Of An Existing Pactltty, Briefly Describe Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank # Waste Product Motor Vehicle' Unleaded ReEular Premium- Diesel Waste Fuel OiL i E] [] [] [] E~ [] [] E)' [] [] [] EF [] O ID. [D 0 Chemical Composition Of M~terials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank # Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS # (if known} Chemical Previously Stored (if different) Transfer Of Ownership Date Of Transfer PrevioUs Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued to I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and 'modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to .Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed form. This form has been completed under_penalty, of perjury and to .the best Of my knowledge Is true and correct: ~ ~ //~ ./~ ~ ~ ' C~'~//q~/~ ~ --/dc>-ffO KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT (805) 861-3636 Ma ling Address: Office Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 2700 M Street, Bakersfield PERMIT/INVOICE ~100007C-88 r- COLLINS. FRANK & MARION LEON'S DELIMART. INC. 11000 KERN cANYON ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93306 PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMENT IDENTIFICATION DETACH HERE ~ SE . ITHIN 80 DAY~~,~w 04/07 89 PERMIT/INVOICE ~ 100007C-88 FISCAL YEAR 88/89 FEE FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE WITH 4 TANK(SI LOCATED AT:' 11101 HIGHWAY 178 BAKERSFIELD. CA J ~W~:?~ BILLING DATE~' ,, 04/0?/89 J h~,~i AMOUNT DUE ~" i~' 240.00 AMOUNT ENCLOSED CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY DUE DATE'"? l~i 7~: ,;:.~ 0 5 / 0 7 / 8 9 50% PENALTY FOR LATE PAYMENT OF ORIGINAL INVOICE UNDERGROUND STORI N1~33~ ..... ~ . DETACH HERE GE FACILITY 160.00 80 .00 .240. O0 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 ~.RN COUNTY HEALTH DI~.: :ARTMEN ii ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH D~'~'ISION HEALTH OFF!CER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Frank & Marion Collins Leon's Delimart, Inc. ll000 Kern Canyon Road Bakersfield, CA 93306 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Collins: This letter is an official notice of.your non-compliance with state and county laws relating to. underground tanks. Upon review of our records, it was discovered that the 1988 Permit to Operate fees for' Leon's Delimart, 11101 Highway 178, Bakersfield, California were not paid. Enclosed is a copy of 1988's invoice plus the 50R late penalty required by county ordinance. The second invoice is for this year's Permit to Operate fees. These invoices must be paid within 30 days to avoid further penalties and/or legal action. Be advised that these fees must be paid even if the tanks are no longer in use. If the tanks are not in use, a permit for permanent closure must be obtained from this office. Permanent closure.requires either removal'or closure in place of your tanks and assessment by soil sampling to determine whether there has been environmental damage as a result of unauthorized releases of hazardous substances from your tank site. The specific requirements for~these activities are in Handbook #UT-30, available with your application. No closure activity can ~G~qpr~or to the issuance of a permit from this office. If you have any questions or feel this assessment is in error, or if you would like an application and our handbook on permanent closure please call me at (805)861-3636. Your prompt attention to this very important matter.is appreciated. Sincerely, Lydia yon Sydow Environmental Health Technician Hazardous Materials Management Program DISTRICT OFFICES f3el~no · Lamont · Lake Isabella · Moiave · Ridgecrest · Shafter · Taft 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 "~0 0 ::L=, E p..AT E: KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 3UND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES · STORAGE FACILITY F~iCILITY: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PE RMI ~-L'~el OOOO7C ISSUED: EXPI RES: JANUARY 1, 1987 JANUARY 1, 1990 NUMBER OF TANKS= 4 LEON'S DELIMART, INC. 11101 HIGHWAY 178 BAKERSFIELD, CA OWNER: COLLINS, FRANK & MARION 11000 KERN CANYON ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93306 ~ANK # AGE(IN YRS~ 1-4 2' SUBSTANCE CODE MVF 3 _PRESSURIZED PIPING? YES NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABLE * * * POST ON PREMISES DA.Iii PEJ{Hi'I' C~K LIST. MAILED: 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield 93305 · ~., '~-~'-~'~ , ~-I0°°°7C- ~T' I~ . " APPLIC3V~ ~ON ~R PE~T ~ OPE~TE ~E~~~ ~~S SUBST~CES S~E "FACILI~ ~ o~ Application (ch~k): ~w Facility ~.~ification of Facility .~isti~ Facility ~'ansfer of ~ership ~ergen~ 24-~ur Contact (n~e, area c~e, ~one): ~~o~~15 Facility ~-'--' ~ - ---,--'--.~, /~ ~ of B~ineSs (check): ~Ifne S~tion ~er (de~ri~)~/e~.~r Is Tank(s)~ ~cat~ on ~ Agricultural Fa~? ~y~ Is Tank(s) Us~ Pri~rily for ~ricultural ~r~ses? ~Yes Facility ~dre~ ///,1' ~/ff~ /2~ 'Nearest Cro~ St. T R SEC (Rural ~atio~ ~ly) Contact Person Zip ?$~e ~ Telephone Contact Person _ .Zip. ~5~) ~ Telephone B. Water to Facility Provided by ~..~3;~ ~;~/~/~J · Depth to Groundwater Soil Characteristics at Facili{~ ~o~.-~ /;/,~ ' · Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Detehninations ~/V%,/~n~f~ e~r~;~_ C. Contractor /~.~. cO. ~tt;)6;.~7- CA contractor's License No'. ~/~07~, Address ~.~0 5'. ~C~J, 6'~J-" ,~'~ Zip 9'3 3 O? Telephone -~a~- - ~3F--//~ Proposed Startir~ Date Proposed C~pletion Dste Worker's Compensation Certification ~ Insurer If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed ~ E. Tank(s) Store (cheek all that apply): Tank _~ Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel '"~ ri O [] [][] n 8 8 8/8 F. Cheuical C~upost~ton of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-cOmmercial name) CAS ! (if kno~) Chemical PrevXousl~ Stored ( if different) Waste G..Transfer of Ownership Date o[ ~--ansfer Previous Facility Name I, Previous Owner ~Odify or terminate the facility upon receiving this completed form.' accept fUlly all obligations of Permit No. issued to · I understand that the Permitting Authority~ay review and transfer of the Permit to Operate this ~dergro~d storage Tnis form has been completed under penalty of true and correct. perjury and to the best of my knowledge is Title ~ Date [] Other (describe) 3. 'primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 4. Tank Secondary Contair~nent []Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner ~]0ther (describe): []Material. Thickness (Inches) 5. Tank Interior Lini__~ DRubber []-]Alkyd' [-]Epbxy [']Phenolic []Glass [']Other (describe): 6. 'Tank Corrosion Protection ~==~ ,v,~-,~, E~ /,~__,' FOR SE~ION, CHECK ~ .APPROPRIATE. BOXES Tank is: ~ Vaul ted ~,~n-Vaul t~ ~uble-Wal 1 e~al. 1. ~ Material ................ ~r~6 ~eel ~ Stainless Steel ~l~inyl C~ofide ~ Fi~rglass<l~ Steel ~Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~Concrete ~ ~in~ ~Bronze ~k~ e 10. Capaci ty (Gallons) t-]Lined Vault ~/~ne Manufacturer Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) []Clay [~]~lined []unknown ---]~Galvani'zed ~ass-Clad •Polyethylene Wrap [-]Vinyl wrappi~:] . [~'Tar or Asphalt []-]Unknown []None []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ~None []Impressed Current System ~lSacriff'cial A~e System Describe System & Equipment: Leak Detection, Monitorir~,' and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) [2]Groundwater Monitorirg' Well(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) [~]U-Tube Without Liner []-]U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Fl°w to Monitoring Well(s)* [~ Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* '[-] Conductivit~ Sensor* [_] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank Da Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ily Ga .uging & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness' Testing []None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring S~p with Race~ay [2]Sealed Concrete Race~y ' []Half-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Raceway [-].Synthetic Liner Race~ay ~"~e ' [] Unknown [] Other ' · Describe Make & Model: . en Tightness Tested? · [~Yes []No []Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test ~-~3 Results of Test ~.~'. Tank ~ Tank Repaired? [].Yes ~ []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection []Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually.Monitors Level []Tape Float Gauge ~Float Vent Valves [] Au_to Shut- Off Controls [-]Capaci~ance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box [~9~ne []Unknown []Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices .11. Piping 'a. Underground Piping: ~es []No [2]Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter ~" Manufacturer/~.~A~F_ ~essure []Suction []Gravity ~ro~imate Length of Pipe' Ru~ ~_~ / b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : [-]Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []Im[xessed Current []Sacrificial Anode [-]Polyethylene Wrap[]Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap [-]Tar or Asphalt ~]Unknown [-]None ~'~her (describe):/:f~Te~Z, C~T~/,~z c. Underground Piping, Secondary Contai.r~nent: t-]Double-Wall ~]Synthetic Liner System ~nne ~Unknown [-]Other (describe): FOR E~ SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE_BOXES~ 11 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted ~-h~on-Vaul ted [~Double-Wal i 2. -Ta--~ Materi-aI 3--2 ~ ~arbon Steel [-]Stainless Steel []Polyvinyl Chloride I-]FiberglasS-Clad Steel ~Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [-]Concrete [-]Alum~inum [Bronze i-]Unknown Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment .Date Installed ThickneSs (Inches) 4. Tank Secondary Containment [-~Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner [-]Other (describe): [~Material 5. Tank Interior Lining ~Rubber []-]Alkyd [-1Epoxy i'lOthe~ (describe): Capacity (Gallons) [_']Lined Vault [~ne Thickness (inches) [~]Phenolic [-]Glass Manufacturer [] Unkno~ Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) []Clay [~1 ined ~ l.~kno~ 6. Tank Corrosion Protection -~alvanized ~ass-Clad [2]PolyethYlene Wrap []-]Vinyl Wrappir~ ar or Asphalt []unknown []None []Other (describe): 'Cathodic Protection: []None []-]Impressed Current System ['1Sacrificial Al%ode System DeSCribe System & Equi[mnent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception· a. Tank: []Visual (vaUlted tanks only) []Groundwater Monitorirg' Well(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner []U'Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring We.ll(s) [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level sensor, [] Conductivity Sensorw [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ~Daily Gauging & InVentory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing [] None [] Unknown [] Other b. · Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring Stm~p with Race~y ~]Sealed Concrete Race~y []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race~ay [] Unknown [] Other ' · Describe Make & Model: 8. ~en Tightness T~st~d?. ~Yes [NO •Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test ~-g ~__ Results of Test ~9. Test Name ~/~_ 7-~D7- Tank Repair ' Tank Repaired? []Yes Date(s) of. Repair(s) Describe Repairs [UnknoWn e Testing Company 10. Overfill Protection [Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level '[2]Tape Float Gauge •Float Vent Valves [-~to Shut- Off Controls []Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box~g°ne []unknown [-~Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ~es []No [-IUnknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter ~" Manufacturer/~Z~C)~/Z [~essure []Suction [-]Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe ~ ~$~ , Underground Pipirg Corrosion Protections: [']Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad [~Im[xessed Current []Sacrificial Amode [2]Polyethylene Wrap· [~lectrical Isolation [qVinYl Wrap []Tar Or'Asphalt [-~Unknown [None [~]~her (describe): ~Z~eFL ~b~a7- Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ~]Double-Wall ~]Synthetic Liner System [~ne []-]Unknown [-]Other (describe): H. 1~ 2. 1' O~-C~, ~C~ N~T FOR -~ SECTION, CHECK. ALL __APPROP~-BOXES: -- /OOO~ 7~ · ' ~l Tank i s: [] Vaul ted []'~n-Vaul ted []DOuble-Wal 1 e-Wal 1 Tank mater iai ~arbon Steel [-]Stainless Steel [~PolYVinyl Chloride I-]Fiberglass-Clad Steel [-]Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [-]Concrete [2]Alumin~ [-]Bronze [-]Unknown ~-] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 4. Tank Secondary Contair~nent [-]DoubleTWall ~-] Synthetic Liner []Other (describe): [-~ Mater ial 5. Tank Interior Lining [~Rubber. [] Alkyd []Epoxy e e Capacity (Gallons) e []Lined Vault Thickness (Inches) []Phenolic []-]Glass Manufacturer ~one [-]Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) [] Clay ~lined []Unknown []']Other (describe): Tank Corrosion Protection -~lvanized ~ass-Clad []~lyethYlene Wrap ~Vinyl Wrappi~ r or Asphalt [~Unknow~ []None [-~Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ~None [~Impressed Current'System, ~Sacr'~ftci'al Anode System Describe System & Equilmment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: [2]Visual (vaulted tanks only) [~Groundwater Monitoring W~ll(s) [-]Vadose Zone Monitoring %~ell(s) [gU-Tube Without Liner []~U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring ~.ll(s)* Vapor Detector* [] Liquid. Level Sensor* [] Conductivit~ Sensor' [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- quid ~trieval & Inspection Fr~m U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space. ily Gauging .& Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing []None [] Unknown [] Other b.. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping~ []Monitoring St~np with RaCe~y [q Sealed Concrete Race~y []Half-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Raceway Iq Synthetic Liner Raceway .' [] Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness l~is Tank Been Tightness Tested?. ~es []No [-]Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test ~- ~__ Results of Test Test Name ,,"q/~ ;"~sT Testing Company /C. ~. Tank Re~ai r . Tank Repaired? []Yes [~ []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection []Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level [-]Tape Float.Gauge []Float Vent Valves [~Au_to Shut- Off Controls []Capaci{ance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box ~N~ne []unknown [-]Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices il Piping a. Underground Piping: ~es ~No [qUnknown Material Thickness (inches) Di~neter ,~ °' Manufacturer ~essure []Suction ~Gravity ~roximate Length of Pipe b. -Underground Piping Corrosion Protection.: Ce []Galvanized I-]Fiberglass-Clad [2]Im[xessed Current [2]Sacrificial Anode [-]Polyethylene Wrap [~Electrical Isolation [-]Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt []Unknown [-]None [~her (describe): Underground Piping, Secondary Contair~ent: I-]Double-Wall [']Synthetic Liner System ~ne [-]Unknown [-]Other (describe): e o Se e e e ..., Tank/ is: ~Vaulted .~'mn-Vault~ ~uble-Wall~ ~le~all '/~Oo~ T~ MateriaI ~ar~n Steel ~Stainless Steel ~l~inyl C~oride ~Fi~rglass~l~ Steel ~Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~Concrete ~ ~minm ~Bronze ~k~ ~ Other (de~r [~) Primr, y Contai~nt ~te Install~ ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (~llons) Tank Secondary Contai~ent ~le-Wall ~thetic Liner ~Lin~ Vault ~ne ~Other (descri~): ~terial Thic~ess (Inches) Tank Interior Lini~ ~R~r ~kyd ~xy ~enolic ~Glass ~Other (de~ri~): Tank Corrosion Protection ~lvaniZ~ ~ass-Cl~ ~l~thylene ~ap ~Vinyl ~a~i~ . ~Tar or ~p~lt ~k~m.. ~No~ ~Other (de~ri~):' Cath~ic Protection: . ~ne ~pres~ ~rrent S~t~ ~criftcial ~e ~t~ ~ri~ System & Equi~ent: Leak Detection', ~nitori~, and Interception a..Tank: ~Vis~l (vault~ t~ks only) ~Grou~ter ~nitori~' ~ll(s) ~Vadose Zone ~nitori~ ~ll(s) ~U-T~ Wi~ut ~ner Manufacturer [] ~o~ ~nufacturer: Ca.city (~ls.) ~Clay ~in~ ~o~ ~[~U-Tube with Ccm. patible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring We.Il(s)* Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivitt Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- ' ~3,iquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or. Annular Space [~Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing []None []Unknown [] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Lear Detector(s) fOr Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring S~p with Raceway . [']Sealed Concrete Race~ay [2]Half-Cut Ccmpatible Pipe Raceway [2]Synthetic Liner Race~ay ~one [] Unknown [2] Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness l~is Tank Been Tightness Tested?. ~Yes []No [-]Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test ~-g3 Results of Test []Unknown Testing Company/F.l. a3~ ~o~/~,,~-~ Test Name Tank Re~ai r Tank Repaired? [2lYes Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. 11. Overfill Protection · []Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level []Tape Float Gauge [qFloat Vent Valves [3 Auto Shut- Off Controls [-]Capaci~ance Sensor [-~Sealed Fill Box ~ne []Unknown [~]Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices Piping a. Underground Piping: [~es. [qNo [-]Unknown Material J;-~C Thickness (inches) Diameter _~" Manufacturer./cL~rchc~ ~essure []Suction []Gravity Approximate Length of 'Pipe R~ 'b~ Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []]Impressed Current [qSacrificial Anode [-]Polyethylene Wrap.~Electrical Isolation [qVinyl Wrap [qTar or Asphalt [-]Unknown [~None ~Other (describe):/~e?~/L C~ ~//~'~-. c. Underground Piping, Secondary Contair~ent:~/n I-]Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System e []Unknown ~Other (describe): ""::::: ,.7 ;:21 Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. :.' f ~: . Invoice Address: Tank Location: ADVANCED PRODUCTION ADVANCED F'RODUCTION '"'." .:. 'P.~ 0'. BOX' 5755 ~J..o"='~= MONTE CRISTO ',... BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93388 BAKERSFIELD, CA. ..,...~.. F Box' 80427 Bakers-Field, CA 95380 (8L ,~) 39:3-2212 .PRECISION'TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS W.O.~: ~-'1 I'. D. Numb~'~4 :'" NTA ......... Technician:D.'YOUNG . . ....:... _ Tech.~:86116 Van#:6106 · ? Date: 11/25/87 Time Start:' 11:00' End: :t6:00 County: KE '~acilitY Ph0ne~: ~ o,-,~ '.~-~o ~c~ _.. ..- · -c ..... ~-:;,~ ~--~.~,~ Groundwater Depth: 20+ /4lute Prints: . Contac.t: MIKE HARGEF4 ':DateiTime. system was f'illed: 48+.' HOURS :" .... ...~""..: " -'t~' ".' Tank' Fili/Vent Ppoduct Ty~e O~ Vapor ..Inches o~ Pump. '.~a~k]',. '.".Tank., Capacity' 'Pp~duct' T'an~(. VaPor Lines Line Recogery. Water/Tank Type Matepial · .'.: '."~'t.'..'." · 'tOK . DSL' PASS:' PASS N/C N/A 0 TURB; SWS  ..U/L ' ' PASS PASS. PASS II EW 0 TURB. SWS '?'. ';:' t0K , :...;.] ,. ~.: .; · .. : . .-.. f?" Add~t'ional"In~°r",ation: .THERE...IS. A L~RGE FILTER ON .THE DSL SYSTEId , DUE TO THAT FACT IT CAN NOT BE ISOLATED AT THI¢ TIME , THUS THE INCONCLUSIVE ON ' · .'.. THE DIESEL SYSTEM.. ' ". SITE LOG ' 'TIME :'.'..Set i'p E~uip: :[1:00 ' Bled' Product L~nes: 1i:o5 Bled 'Vapor Lines: il:t~ - ' Bled Vent lines: N/A Bled Turbine: 1!:(}5 -Bled 'Suet ion F'ump: N/'A Ri ~ers Installed: N/A a) These results obtained using.:th'e: patented.:A.E.s./Brockman System.' b) This system and method meets the'c~:iteria-Set· ~°~th. in NFPA ~329.. c) Any failure listed ab'ow~ may requi~e ~ur'bhep action, ch'eck with ' ' all regulatory a~encies .... .. Certified Technician Si'~n.ature . 'Date Associated Enviponmenta! Systems, Inc. P.O. Bo 80427 Bake~-sfield~ CA (8A5) 59.7.-221 ~ PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS Invoice Address: ADVANCED'F'RODUCTION P.O.BO× 5755 BAKERSF!ELD~CA.93388 Tank Location: ABVANCED PRODUCTION 2525 MONTE CRISTO BAKERSFIELD,CA. W.O.~: 5701 I.D. Number: N/A Technician: D. YGUNG Tech. #: 86116 Van~:61(])6 Date: 11/25/87 Time start: 11:00 End: 16:OF,' County: KE Facility Phone#: 1-8(].'5-399-5528 G~'oundwater Depth: 2(])* Blue F'pints: N/A Contact: MIKE H?~I-,,~._-~ Date;Time system was t~illed: 4~]+ m~UR~ Tank Fill/Vent Tank Capacity Product Tank Vapor Lines 1 iOK DSL' PASS PASS 2 I OK O / L PASS PASS 4 5 6 Product Type Of Vapor Line Recovery Inches of Pump Tank Water/Tank Type Material N/C N,'A 0 TURB. SWS r H,=.-. I i. EW 0 TUEB. SWS Additional Info~-mation: -FKE?--(E IS A LARGE ?"LTER ON THE DSL SYSTEM , DUE TO T CAN NOT BE ISOLA]'~D A~ 'FH%S TIME , T,~,~ THE i THE DiESE;_. S'/ST~M. SITE LOG TIME Set Up EEuip: Bled Ppoduct ·Eines: I 1: O.5 Bled Vapor- Lines: 11:(]2 Bled Vent lines: N/A Bled Turb i. ne: 1I:(i)5 Bled Suction Pump: N/A Risers Installed: N/A NOTE PUMP TEST FOR DSL TANK' CONDUCTED ON ANOTHER DATE. THAT TEST IS ATTACHED. a) These r~esults obtained usin.g the patented A.E.S./Brockman system. b) This system and method meets the ·criteria set fo~-th in NFPA #329. c) Any failu~-e listed above may reguire fu~'ther action, check, with all re.gula.to~-y a.~encies. Date ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE SHOP SVSTEMS t8K U/L t8K I~SL Site Lagout, For ~) ~1 0 oVENTS : AI}VANCE~-'PROI)i~CTION ~,ERVIcE", BfiKE'~SFI'ELi)",CA, I AES/Brockman F'rec ision Leak Test UNITS = ~ Calibration Value /~t .......... ~ ~' Gal. Date 11/25/87 : System Variation ~ UNITS ~ GFH Time Started 14:23 : HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) ~ .~. ~ ~. Gal Ions 1OK : LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( ) : ' : Tank Diameter 94" ~ F'RODUCT LINE ~ ~ Ground Water 20+ ~ TEST IS ~PASSED ()FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVEo~ TEST CONDUCTED AT /J~ INCHES I GRADE LEVEL AT ~ INCHES Technician D. YOUNG L E T £ M FOCUS _~,00 L..-" i,00 T 0 RD ER NO . ~5~'0 i G ** Notes ADVANCED PRODUCTION SERVICE , 2525 MONTE CRISTO , BAKERSFIELD,CA. THIS IS A HIGH LEVEL TEST WITH A 2X-CAL. AES/B~-oc k F'~-ec i s i on ak Test Technician D. YOUNG I Calibration Value UNITS = Gal. Date 11/25/87 ~ System Variation ~ UNITS ~ GPH ~ · Time Started 15:31 I HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) : ~ Gallons 10K : LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( ) ~ : Tank Diameter 94" ~ PRODUCT LINE ~ ~ Ground Wate~- 20+ ~ TEST IS ()PASSED ()FAILED ¢ INCONCLUSIVE TEST CONDUCTED AT INCHES ; GRADE~LEVEL AT INCHES E T E M THE FILT R SYSTEM ON FHtS TANK WA~ AS THE C USE OF THE D }WNWARD MOVE~I THIS TES .. The ~esuZts were liste!l CONCLUSI E. CUSTOMER qEPLACED FIL.]' " PRODUCT INE WAS RETE~TED ON 12/3~ THE PROD~ CT LINE PASSED ON THAT D~ ORDER# 713 FOR THATi PASSINGTES!, ';i'.' ':i:~;:'.~ ":" SUSPECTED NT SEEN IN as NOT ERS AND THE '87. ~TE. SEE WORK FO C U $ "~,, ,DOL./ ** Notes 2525 MONTE CRISTO , BAKERSFIELD,CA ADVANOED PRODUCTION SERVICE , - PUMP TEST AEES/~Broci-::n. _,.n ' F"rec is-i on e.=-~l-=: Test Date 11/25/87 I System Variation. Time Started 11:22 I H~GN LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) Gallons 10K I LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( ) Tank Diameter 94" I PRODUCT LINE Ground Wate~' 2(]:+ ~ TEST IS ~PASSED ()FAILED () INCONCLUSIVE TEST CONDUCTED AT._~...,~,,INCHES : GRADE LEVEL AT ./~,, INCHES T 0 E .M 1 ** Notes ADVANCED PRODUCTION SERVICE ~ 2525 MONTE THIS IS A HIGH LEVEL TEST WITH A 1X-CAL. CRISTO , BAI<ERSFIELD, CA. AE,S / B ~" c~ c k man Technician D.YOUNG .¢ F' ~-e c-i-~si .on- Leek Test : Calibration Value J~. UNITS ~O~_Gal- Date ' 11/25/87 : System Variation : UNITS ~ GPH Time Started !2:34 ~ HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) ~ : Gallons 10K : LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( ) ~ ~ Tank Diameter- 94" : PRODUCT LINE Ground Water 20+ ~ TEST IS (~PASSED ()FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVE TEST CONDUCTED AT ~"INCHES ~ GRADE LEVEL AT ...... L,I T ill M Iii .... H I I'.,I LIT TAI".I]':: ;ii!: I..I..'"L l FOCUS 00,0'0L/ 1,00 T ** Notes qDVANCED PRODUCTION SERVICE , 2525 MONTE :'UMP TEST CHRISTO 0 ];:D ER i',iO, ~.T~ i C BAKERSFIELD,CA. ~ssociated Environmental Systems Inc = glOOO%0 P.O. Box 80427 Baker~sfield ~ CA 9~,58A 805> 59.5-2212 PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS nvoi ce Address: Tank Location: W.O.#: 5713 ~DVANCED PRODUCTION SER A. F'. S. FF.O.BOX 5755 2525 MONTE CRISTO' 'BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93588 ~BAKERSFI ELD, CA. iD~at e: 12/03/87 Time Start: 10:00 End: 11:30 County: KE ~F~acility Phone#: 1-805-399-5528 Groundwater Depth: 20+ Blue Prints: N/A ;ontact: MIKE HARGER Date;Time system was filled: 12+ HOURS I.D. Number: N/A ~echnician:D.YOUNG Tech.#:86116 Van#:6106 Tank Material SWS TI Tank Fill/Vent Produci Tyse Of Vapor Inches of Pump , nk Capacity Product Tank Vapor Lines Line ~ecovery Water/Tank Type 1OK DSL N/A N/A PASS N/A 0 ' TURB. A lditional In{ormation: THIS IS A PRODUCT.LINE TEST ONLY THE REST OF THE S~YSTEM WAS TESTED 11/25/87 AND THE TANK AND LINES PASSED ~T THAT TIME. SITE LOG TIME '~et Up Equip' (]9~ .=15 ~led Product Lines: 10:C>~.-~ BIled Vapor Line?: N/A Blled Vent lines. N/A Blled Turbine: 10: 00 BIled Suction F.'ump: N/A R:i set s Installed: N/A a~ These results obtained using the patented A.E.S./Brockman system. b) This system and method meets the criteria set forth in NFPA #529. c Any ~ailure listed above may require further action, check With all regulatory agencies. Certified Technician Signature Date : AES-/-Broc km Pre¢i si on 80427 L~ k Test Technician D.YOUNG ~ Calibration Value UNITS = Gal. Date 12/5/87 ,' System Variation ~ UNITS ~ GPH ~Time Started 10:40 : HIGH LEVEL <FULL SYSTEM) Gal 1 ons 10K LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( Diameter 96" PRODUCT LINE Ground Water 20+ J- TEST IS ~PASSED ()F~ILED ()INCONCLUSIVE TEST CONDUCTED AT ~/ INCHES : GRADE LEVEL AT ~q.~ INCHES £ LI FOCUS * Notes DVANCED PRODUCTION SERVICE , 2525 MONTE CRISTO , BAKERSfIELD,CA. HiS IS A P~ODUCT LINE TEST ONLY.