HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE 3KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD OWNER ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ADDRESS ASSESSORS ' PARCEL ~, CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION DATE KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD ASSESSORS ' PARCEL ADDRESS c? / :-D c/!_ DA~E I CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD DBA ADDRESS ~,'~-, ~ ASSESSORS ' PARCEL c?/c5-O ~// CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION DATE MC:cd TANK REPORT JUL 10 1992 1. I have not done any major modif~tions to thi~ facility during t~e last 12 months // . ' ,,ii {'5 JIM HiNDMA~ Su,w ~ote:All major modiflcatlonCrequl~ ~ Permit' to ~onstrUct from the Permitting Authorl~. 2. I have done major modifications for which I obtained Permit(s) to 'Construct frOm Permitting Authority Signature Permit to Construct # Date 3.Repair and Maintenance Summary Attach a summary of all: -- Routine and required maintenance done to this facility's tank, piping, and. monitoring equipment. -- Repair of submerged pumps or suction pumps. -- Replacement of flow-restricting leak detectors'with same.. -- Repair/replacement of dispensers, meters,.or nozzles. -- Repair of electronic leak detection components, or replacement with sane. -- Installation of bail float valves. -- Installation or repair of vapor recovery/vent lines. Include the date of each repair or maintenance activity. NOTE: All 'repairs or replacements in response to a leak require a Permit to Construct from the Permitting Authority as do all other modifications to tanks, piping or monitoring equipment not listed here. Fuel Changes - Allowed for Motor Vehicle Fuel tanks Only. List all fuel storage changes in tanks, noting: Date(e), tank number(s), new fuel(s) stored. Inventory control monitoring is required for this facility on the Permit to Operate, and I have not, exceeded any reportable limits aa listed in the appropriate inventory control monitoring handbook during the last twelve months (if not applicable, disregard). Signature 6. Trend Analysis Summary Please attach Annual Trend AnalySis Summary for the last 12 periods. 7. Meter Calibration Check Form Please attach current, completed Meter Calibration Check Form ANNUAL TRI~-ND ~NALYS T $ $ U~RY TANK QUARTER 1 PERIOD !: PERIOD 2: PERIOD 3: TIME PER OD: Total Mlnuses Th£s Perlod (Line 3) Ac~lon Number ~or thls Perlod (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) to / QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: PERIOD 5: PERIOD 6: QUARTER 3 PERIOD 7: PERIOD 8: PERIOD 9: QUARTER 4 TIME PERIOD: PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3} Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number ~or this Period (Line 4) TIME PERIOD: //~/~'~ to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Date I hereby certi~y this is a true and accurate report. FAC I L I TY TANK# ~ C CONTROL SHEET PERMI COL. COL. 2 TEST WEEKLY WEEK SHUT-DOWN PERIOD I COL 3 I ' INCHES TIME DATE/HR TO DATE/HR DATE/HR DATE/HR DATE/HR TO DATE/HR DATE/HR DATE/HR 6 7 8 9 11 12 DATE/HR 7-2--~- ~; o 0 I I DATE/HR 7'J/- ~4 ~,., I DATE/HR ~*-~Z- 6: ,*o I · TO I DATE/HR ~?-/~/' ~ o o I DATE/HR ~-/~-~.' .~ o I DATE/HR ~'21'~; 0~ TO DATE/HR DATE/HR ~- Z - 6,'3~ DATE/HR q-~' ~ 30 DATE/HR e' I1' ~: ~-' I -- DATE/HR TO DATE/HR I ICOL. 6 COL. 4'COL. 51 2ND IST INCH iGAUGE -GAUGE = CHANGE INCHES I INCHES I ! I I I I INCHES ICOL .- 9 I COL I 0 I I COL' 8.l I ' I COL. 7I 2ND _ 1 ST :VOLUME+suBTOTAL:· VO n Ub~z. VOLUME CHANGE GALLONS I GALLONS 13 DATE/HR TO I DATE/HR DATE/HR ?-/O- To /0-2- [DATE/HR GALLONS GALLONS COL. 11 CUMULATIVE CHANGE GALLONS "' ·- QUARTERLY SUlVllVI~kRY FILL~ OUT THE FOLLOWI~ REPORTING 'SUMMARY APPLICABLE TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE (CHECK ONE ONLY)· TANK MONr,'ORED tS A WASTE-OiL OR NON-MOTOR-.VEHICLE FU~.L'~T'~NK' REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTH~RITY'MITHIN 24. HOURS 'IF: A. VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) ,IS +/- 10 GAL~ONS"0R MORE . ~ B. CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGe, (COL. 11) IS-+'/~:]0~) GALLONS OR MORE' f ' { SUMMARY i TANK .# , P{ERMIT # MONITORING BE.I~WEEN DATES OF AND ~ (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON!REVERSE RESULTED IN: I. A ~XIM~WEE~r~Y I' VOLUME CHANOE (COL. 9) OF OAL~. 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLUME ~CHANGE (COL. 11, BOTTOM LINE) OF OALLON~ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT AND='THAT THEY/DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE' LIMITS DESCRIBED IN "A" AND "B" ABOVE. SIGNED TITLE DATE TANK MONITORED IS A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK REPORT TO THE PERMITTIN6 AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS IF:- A, TANK OF 1000 OALLONS OR LESS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME CHANOE (COL. 9) OF +/- 25 GALLONS OR MORE B. TANK OF 1001 TO 5000 GALLONS CAPACITYHA~ A. VOLUME.CHANOE (COL. 9) OF +/-35 GALLONS OR MORE , C. TANK OF OVER=5000 GALLONS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME cHAN~E'"(COL. 9):. +/- 50 GALLONS OR MORE :. ~ D. ANY'TANK HAS:A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (coL'. ]i)..OF'i',~/~'. 250 GALLONS OR MORE-OVER~ THE QUARTER TIME FRAME REPRESENTED' ON REVERSE - SUMMARY ....MoNIToRi'NG"BETWEEN' DATESi O~ V~/~! ' ' AND' ~-~ · (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RESULTED 'IN:' " !'. 'A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (C~L. 9') OF... : !)::.: GALS. 2. A CUMUL~IVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. :ll,"~BOTTOM'LINE)' OF GALLONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A :TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE.LIMITS DESCRIBED IN "A" THROUGH "D" ABOVE. ¢ DATE' JiM HiNDMAr,{, S.upv Mecn i~ ~neral SerVices · Garage Divi~ior,. SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMM~Y WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS MODIFIED ~NVENTORY CONTROL SUBSTANCE STORED ~ ~ / g ~J* J SHEET * ~ QUARTER/YEAR ~ C'-/-- -- J~¢ c COL. 1 TEST WEEKLY [WATER WEEK SHUT-DOWN } LEVEL 1 2 COL. 311COL' 41COL' '511 [ 2ND 1 ST I GAUGE -GAUGE -- TIME PERIOD [ INCHES [ INCHES I INCHES DATE/HR IDNrE/HR 10-2~-&:~ I ~ I I TO /0-2] ~"~*1 I ~ I DATE/HR ! ~ I 4 IDATE/HR I ?o [DATE/HR 5 6 COL. 6 INCH CHANGE 7 INCHES 8 I I I I TO ~,.o.~I i ~:::~--- I I I I 11 IDATE/HR TO I DATE/HR IDATE/HR TO DATE/HR 12 IDATE/HR [2-3o- &: ~ [DATE/HR I ICOL 8 COL. 9 COL. 7I . . 2ND IST VOLUME _uBTOTAL: IVOLUME-VOLUME =CHANGE+~ GALLONS GALLONS 13 I I I I ! I COL. 11 CUMULATIVE CHANGE I GALLONS GALLONS I I I I ! V ~'1 I I/ I~'1 I I GALLONS '~¥ oUARTERLy S UlVllVi;%R Y FILL OUT THE '- '-"': ~:' "' ... . FOLLOWING REPORTING SUMMARY'-'APPLICABLE TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE (CHECK ONE ONLY) TANK MONITORED IS A WASTE-OIL! OR NON-MOTOR VEHICLE-FUEL TANK`·., --\ REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS IF: A. VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) IS +/- 10 GALLONS--OR MORE · B. CUMULATIVE VO.LUME CHANG{E' (COL."" 11')... IS" +/-; 100 GALLONS~':OR MORE-' GALS. TANK #" '...~ PERMIT # ' MONITORING Bi~TWEEN DATE~ OF AND (INCLUDE YE.AR) NOTED ONI REVERSE RESULTED IN: 1. A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) OF 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11, BOTTOM LINE) OF : ;.. GALLONS. : I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT AN[~'THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS DESCRIBED IN "A" AND "B" ABOVE. SIGNED TITLE DATE TANK MONITORED IS A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS IF: A. =TANK OF 1000 OALLONS OR LESS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME cHANOE (COL. 9) · OF +/- 25 GALLONS OR MORE B. TANK OF 100! TO 5000 GALLONS 'CAPACITY HAS: A'VOLUME CHANGE (COI;. 9) .OF. +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE C.- ~TANK OF OVER 5000 GALLONS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME CHANGE ~(COL. 9) +/- 50 GALLONS OR MORE D. ANY TANK HAS A CUMULATI .YE VOLUME CHANGE (COL':' '11 ,.,?='+/~ 250 GALLONS OR MORE OVER THE QUARTER TIME FRAME REPRESENTED ON "REVERSE. ~' SUMMARY ........ .... ... · MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF ( INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON'REVERSE RESULTED IN: ' A XIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (COL-. 9)-OF'-'-': .-ii': GALS.:.'. 2. A CUMULAT.~I-iVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 1~, BOTTOM LINE)OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS' REPRESENT A 'TRUE AND · ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE. REPORTABLE LIMITS .. DESCRIBED IN "A" THROUGH "D" ABOVE. k SIGNED TITLE ,.:~::eral $.erv~ce$:® Garaoe Divi.~ior, SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS ~ :~ QUARTERLY T~K~ ~ CAPACITY 10/ JO 0 MODIFIED ~NVENTORY CONTROL ~'~-.. SUBSTANCE STORED (,I,~L~ ae~ SHEET II ICOL 91 COL 10 I COL. 11 COL. 1 COL 2 COL 3 coL 41COL 51 COL 6 COL 71 COL- 81 ' I ' I VOL UME C UMUL AT I VE TEST WEEKLY WATER 2ND 1 ST INCH ] 2ND 1 ST =CHANGE+SUBTOTAL: WEEK SHUT-DOWN LEVEL GAUGE -GAUGE -- CHANGEIVOLUM~--VOLUME CHANGE · TINE PERIOD INCHES INCHES I INCHES INCHES [ GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS [ GALLONS P~- ~.'oo ' o 2 3 DATE/HR TO DATE/HR /-~' 6:O0 TO DATE/HR 4 5 6 .7 8 9 DAT,~./HR 122- ~ :~ CFC)' DATE/HR DATE/HR DATE/HR TO DATE/HR DATE/HR ,,7' 2-- (~: TO , DATE/HR 7-~-~, DATE/HR-:~" 9-' ~:: ~ ~ I I I I 12 TO DATE/HR DATE/HR ~- I ~ TO DATE/HR DATE/HR ..~-2f' 6: o 0 I' TO I i DATE/HR .~-25-- ~' oo ! 13 IDATE/HR 7-3o-~:30 I ' I TO IDATE/HR "/-1- 6"°°1 I I I I I I I TANK MONITORED IS A WASTE-OIL~ OR NON-MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK~ . ,, ',,' O'UART.ERLy sultry FILL OUT THE'FOLLOWING RE~oRTiNG SUMMARY APPLICABLE'TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE (CHECK ONE ONLY) REPORT. TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 'HOURS IF: 'A. VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) lis +/- 10 GALLONS OR MORE. B. .-CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. ,11) 'IS-"+/'~ 100 ~ALLONS OR MORE 'j.¢ { ... ,. A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11, BOTTOM LINE) OF GALLON'S ~-? , SUMMARY ........... TANK # "~.. PERMIT # .... MONITORINO BETWEEN DATES OF AND (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ONREVERSE RESULTED IN: 1. A xIMU , EEKLY VOLUME. CHANGE (COL. 9) OF GALS. ,I HEREBY,CERTIFY THAT-THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS, REPRESENT A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT AND~:'THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS DESCRIBED IN "A" ,AND "B" ABOVE. S I GNED '<':=' TITLE DATE TANK MONITORED IS A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS IF: Bo Co TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR LESS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) OF +/- 25 OALLONS OR MORE TANK'OF 1001 TO 5000 OALLONS CAPACITY HAS A'VOLUME cHANGE (COL. 9) ' OF +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE ':'" TANK OF OVER!5000 GALLONS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME CHANOE (COL. 9) +/- 50 GALLONS OR'MORE - ' : .... ' ~'- '"'": - ANY TANK HASJ A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL." 11)~OF:'¥/~ 250 GALLONS OR MORE OVER THE QUARTER TIME FRAME REPRESENTED ON/REVERSE. SUMMARY '- ' .- (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON ~EVERSE RESULTE~ IN: --~ -- A ~XIMUM WEEKLY VOL~E CH~GE (COL'.- 9) OF GALS. ".-'- A C~LATIyE VOL~ C~NGE (COL. :~ BOTTOM LINE) OF I -HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT'A TRUE_ AND ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE..Li'MITS DESCRIBED IN "A" THROUGH "D" ABOVE. SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS' SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM oF THREE YEARS TITLE DATE ~ ~ (~UA]~TERLY ~IODI FI ED ~ NVENTORY FACILITY d-__Joo~';~,f oJ" /~.~,'r',-'. "J V,,..,~ 0" TANKS' ~- CAPAC I TY /~ c-o ~ SUBSTANCE CONTROL COL. 1 I COL 2 I ' TEST WEEK HUT -DOWN Il IcoL $ I COL. 3 COL. 4I ' WATER I 2ND 1ST LEVEL IGAUGE GAUGE TIME PERIOD INCHES I TO IDATE/HR/-/-;-7- (:-~ o I ~ 3 4 y I 5 6 8 9 lO 121. IDATE/HR 5"--,./- ~"'~1 I t DATE/HR ~'- DATE/HR ~ // TO ~-ij. coo DATE/HR DATE/HR ~-/~- ~'-2 o-~,: o~, DATE/HR I DATE/HR TO DATE/HR DATE/HR DATE/HR To ~-/7-~'.'~ ~ DATE/HR DATE/HR TO DATE/HR i DATE/HR ~ ~/-~'~ g TO DATE/HR INCH C HANG E INCHES INCHES INCHES GALLONS COL 7 I COL 8 ICOL 9 I COL 1 0 I COL- ! 2 ND 1 S T VOL UME =CHANGE+SUBTOTAL: C UlVIULAT I VOL UMW- -VOL UMW-- C HANG I c/~¢ q I I , I GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS I GALLONS !3 · ' .. ' ....... QU,~i{TERLY SUI~IlW_,i, RY FILg OUT THE 'FOLLOWING RE~'oR~!NG..S_uMNARY APPLICABLE TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE (CHECK ONE ONLY) TANK MONITORED IS A WASTE-OIL OR NON-MOTOR VEHICLE'FUEL TANK REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS IF: A. VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9)" IS +/- 10 GALLONS'OR MORE B. CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL' 11) IS +/- 100 GALLONS OR MORE TANK SUMMARY PERMIT # MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF AND (INCLUDE YEAR.) NOTED QN REVERSE RESULTED IN: 1. 'A MAXIMUM-i. WEEKLY VOLUME-CHANGE (COL. 9) OF 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11, BOTTOM LINE) OF GALLONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABovE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS DESCRIBED IN "A' AND "B" ABOVE. GALS. SIGNED TITLE DATE TANK MONITORED IS A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK REPORT TO TItE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS IF: B. C. D. TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR LESS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) OF +/- 2§ GALLONS OR MORE TANK OF 1001 TO 5000 GALLONS CAPACITY HAS A VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) OF +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE TANK OF OVER 5000'GALLONS CAPACITY HAS A' VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) ~/- 50 GALLONS OR MORE ' ANY TANK HAS A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE {COL. 11) OF +/- 250 GALLONS OR MORE OVER THE QUARTER TIME'FRAME REPRESENTED ON REVERSE. SU~,RY TANK # ~ PERMIT (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVER~ RESULTED IN: 1. A ~xIMUM WEEKLY VOLU~E CHANGE (COL..9) OF $9/ ' GALS.. 2. A CUMULATZVE VOLUME C,ANGE (COL. ~l, BOTTOM LZNE) OF · ~ GALLONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REpRESENT-A TRUE. AND ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS DESCRIBED IN "A" THROUGH "D' ABOVE. TITLE ,.~J~neral Ge~wces-Garag~ Divi~k~, DATE '77,~.~, ~ SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS Facility 1. T~K FACILITY ~u'~INU~L REPORT I have not done any major mo~ft0atlons to this facility du~tng the last 12 months. ///~ //~/~~/ . JIM HiNDk~AN. ~pt,' Mech i: Signature' ~ --c (~ ~- -- '/ , =e~eral Se~'wces~ Note: Ail major modificat~ns require a Permit to Construct from the Permitting Authority. I have done major modifications for which I Obtained Permit(s) to Construct from Permitting Authority Sifnature Permit to Construct Repair and Maintenance 9unmary Date / A~ch a summary of all: -~ Routine and required maintenance done to this facility's tank, piping, and monitoring equipment. -- Repair of submerged pumps or suction pumps. -- Replacement of flow-restricting leak detectors with same. -- Repair/replacement of dispensers, meters, or nozzles. -- Repair of electronic leak detection components, or replacement with same. -- Installation of ball float valves. -- Installation or repair of vapor recovery/vent lines. Include. the date of.each repair or maintenance activity. NOTg: All repairs or replacements in response to a leak require a Permit to Construct from the Permitting Authority as do all other modifications to tanks, piping or monitoring equipment not listed here. Fuel Changes - Allowed for Motor Vehicle Fuel tanks Only. List all fuel storage changes in tanks, noting: Da(ets), tank number(s), new fuel(s) stored. Inventory control monitoring is required for this facility on the Permit to Operate, and I have not, exceeded any reportable limits as listed in the appropriate inventory control monitoring handbook during the last twelve months (if not applicable, disregard). Signature 6.. Trend Analysis Summery Please attach Annual Trend AnalySis Summary for the last 12 periods. ?. Meter Calibration Check Form Please attach current, completed Meter calibration Check Form INYO ST. REPAIR HZSTORY TANK {! & 3 PERMI'T {ZSOOl/C YEAR PERIOi) .._~ ............ ..U...A._T_,S_ ...... i_.l ........................... _W_0B.K__._C.O_~_~_I...~_!_'~_~ ................................................... i...__~_~_V_:__{.. .... ....... 5./_0.. ~Z~_z_ _..3__~_e_..p...Z.. ,a_c.~ __b...a..~_ =~_o_c...~_ _a.~_ .s_e._u_~.b_~.~_. j_.~_ _~_~ ] _~ ~ .................. [_._s_.~_~ 'j_~ ........... ........ . ~...J._2_ .8,. _/.~_~_ ~....~._~ e__a__n. __a..Q~_ ~ u b ~ .__K...e.~..!.o_ ..c...K_. _s.~.. _s_ .t:.e..~. ............................................................. ~.~_~_~...6. ........ ...... ~/_~_'L ./_~_~..__ J__'.~'.~ :~..n_ _.~_~ .~.r_._~_u_ ..~.~ _..~_~_o_~_~_o_u.~_h_~..o, _..~Lo.x.t. :_h__.t.~_n_.~.._ .......... l.._.S...5~_~..O_ ............ ............................... j I ..... "?'¢' ........ :~ ........... ~'*'"' ;'" '" ' "' ,"; :SupPlies" nplete& '¢Saies:~&x L~ '.~;'.?~;~; ,::;':.. ,~'` : ';" 7:' ~AY FRO VOICE2~ERMS:'~Nei~sue;u~on"BeCeipt'~'.'~'~-;%;'' ;ipEEASE:;~C'" ' '. ,RLW EQUIPMENT ; "" ,,,~;,, ': -;' '~ . --" .'--- -',' ;:4;.:'..-Finance. Cbarge.o~,:2~ per Month v>'.' ~=~IT"T~ ".' P.O 'BOX 640 ' ~.-'. · ' ' · : . '~' ".'. '., ;. · ~- ',~'~; .:;'..~. ':.. ",, .,,," ..' '-~v~ ~.~,~; ...... ' ' ' ' ' · '- : ~ . ~,- '-L after~0day~'-.'~ ~ A.-.*'. '" .' :%;: , · .- ; '-; ~,.,'~?~-;~-;¢ BAKERSFIELD; CA 9~0~; . s :AUTHORIZED BY ' CRXSRA~ SSRVZCss.~ UAZ~TS'~A~CS 1415TRu!IUN AVSNUI~ ..'. '. BAKRRSFIBLD, CALIFORNIA 93301 -Facility #587 lnyO.& ChiCo Bakero£teld '* /-, ICUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER TERMS: NET 30 DAYS REPAIR O~DER NUMBER . '. INVOICE DATE cV][ '1:3960 0717-':: 0'8t28/91 ~Custoaer reported keylock Vould.:not acttva~ for needed-'repatre - cleaned-and sprayed.v: RetUrned to Joba~te to replace keyloek . n~ NO PARTS' "~- .- _(:Va te,;~hn~'tctan' vtXl order Part customers unto n.~.n 8 ."properly .(.-' .... ~'.. '.. '~...'}:.. :" . . ~ ..'.' ' -: . . . - . ..... .f:'=: ...: ~..~... ,: · -:.,;: . -. CONDITIONAL SALES AGREEMENT:' Tide t~eii'ab0ve ehumerated prope'ty ~hall re~aln /', wholly In CAL-VALLEY EQUIPMENT CO.; until ~ald. ~ and vendee ~all ~d~ ~e on demand If In default on paymen~ It II ell~ e~ ~ i~ ~oll~flon I~.m~e by su~ o[ o~' wise, I/we agree tO pay In~ until ~lly pa~d; ~.~lm~~ Ip~l'ret~ ~ In~ ~ month -.. a~er 30 day~ ~ collation ~o~, including ~ney~.f~ ~' ma~ be ~dJud~ by c~. and waive all ri~a to anv claims ~mpt~ und~ S~te La~;' and.will not rem~e p~p~ ~hout. .wrl~en consent of CAL*VALLEY EQUI~.N.T . ' '...: ~.... ~;,-~ . ~' .'~ r ~.~?~.:~..j/'~¢; · ' . -"' '"- "" '" .... ' .CASH DIS(~OuNT IF TOTAL THIS INVOICE IS PAID BY.' - NO STATEMENT ISSUED UNLESS REQUESTED.'· 84. O0 N~.V.~O ICE. N~ ,. ~ ......... . ~,.~,~..,,,~ .~:,.,.,.~,,~.. ~.~-... -~,,~ ..... ..,,: .... , ..... ' · ........ . . . - ' ..'.:USE ~,~OR~'.~g~ORMg~. ' ' :'*ONLY · '?'*'.~'"' " ',' ".. '* '."' 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'...' ~, :' TANK QUARTER 1 PERIOD !: PERIOD 2: PERIOD 3: ~INUAL TREND ~LNALYSXS 7/' I, t Total Minuses Th£s Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Nunber for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) S UNle~RY ! QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: PERIOD 5: PERIOD 6: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) 7 0 Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) /{9/ PERIOD 7: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Nunber for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 8: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) /~ PERIOD 9: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /~ Action Nunber for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 4 PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) TIME PERIOD: ( I,-tl !?~, I hereby certify tills is a tru~ and accurate report. Stsnature ? JIM ' e ' HINDMAN,$upv M cn P ~ ~.~eral Secv~ces · Garage. Div~ior,' Date KERN ~NTY TREND ANALYSI ~ .TANK # / CAPACITY /0~ 0O 0 PROOUCT O~Ce-J*J YEAR/PERIOD I NSTRUCTI ON'S : PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top form. In the space for year/ 1 16 period indicate the year and th( DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analysis DAY 1 -~__/..~_ { .... being conducted (from 1 througl DAY 2 y.~-.')y --~ 12 only). Transfer the date an¢ DAY 3 ~-~'-~! ~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 DAY 4 ~.-~- ~ ~ ~ Reconciliation Sheet to columnl DAY 5 7~-~[ ~_ , at left. Use the table below t~ DAY 6 ~-~-~ -~ determine the action number fo~ DAY 7 ~--~1~ ~--~ ~ the period be in8 analyzed. DAY 8 ! DAY 9 ~-~-5{ ~ ACTX ON NUMBER DAY 10 ~-/~-~j ~ TABLE DAY 12 /'1~- ~1 ~ ... 30~DAY } ACTION DAY 18 ~-]~'~l ~ ,PERIOD NUMBERI NUMBER DAY 14 7-1~-~) ~ ~1 = 20 DAY ~5 7-/~fll ~ I 2 = DAY Z6 ~-/~'~l ~ , 3 = 54 ray DAY 18 ~ -1~-,~ / ~ 5 = 85 DAY 19 ~-/~-~/ ~ 6 = ~0~ ~AY 20 ~-~ql ~ ~ = ~ ., DAY 2Z ~-~*~t ~ 8 = ~33 DAY 22 ~.~-~/ ~ 9 = 149 DAY 23 7-~- ~1 -~ l0 = Z65 DAY 24 7-~ ~-~/ ~ 1Z = 180 DAY 25 7-~-91 ~ 12 = 196 DAY 26 7-~f,-ql DAY 2~ '~-~7-~1~ Circle appropriate period and DAY ~8 ~,~-~/ ~ action number, A full cycle DAY 29 ~.~-~/ ~ made up of periods 1-12, after DAY 80 7-~.-~[ ~ which a new cycle begins, Use TOTAL MINUSES {~ Information to complete Part B, PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Line 2. Line 3. Line 4. Line 5. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Cumulative minuses from previous periods in thi's cycle. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ............. Action~ number for this period (from table ~bove) . / Is line 3 greater than line 4? ~Yes If Yes, you have ~ reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". Env. Health 580 4113 1016 (6/86) II KERN COUNTY TREND ANALYSI ~ .TANK # I CAPACITY /~ o~ PRODUCT u~L¢~de~ YEAR/PERIOD I NS T RU~TI ON-S : PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top o! form. In the space for yeart 1 16 period indicate the year and the DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analysim DAY 1 7'Jl-~l -~ .. being conducted (from 1 throug{ DAY 2 ~-/~ 9/ ~ 12 only). Transfer the date an~ DAY 3 ~-2-~1 ~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 o! DAY 4 ~7.~/ ~ Reconciliation Sheet to column~ DAY 5 ~-~-~) -~ at left. Use the table below tc DAY 6 .~-_5'- ~/ - determine the action number foz DAY 7 ~-.~q), -~ ,,, the period being analyzed. DAY 8 DAY 9 ~-~-'%1 " ACTI ON N U~BER .,DAY 10 ,,DAY 11 ~-/~-~, ~ " DAY 12 ~-tl- ~1 ~ 30-DAY { ACTION DAY 13 ~-/~-~/ ~ PERIOD NUMBER{ NUMBER [ DAY D~Y 16 ~'~/~-~l ~ 3 : 54 DAY 17 ~'./~ -~{ ~ 4 : 69 DAY 19 ~=/~-~/~ ~ 6 = 101 .... DAY 20 ~/ ~-~/ ~ , 7 : 117 DAY 21 ~~/ ~ ' 8 = 133 DAY 22 ~/~/ ~ 9 = 149 DAY 23 ~-~-51 ~ 10 = 165 DAY 24 ~-2~-~/ ~ 11 = 180 DaY 25 ~'~'~ ~ ......... : ..... 12 : 196 DAY 26 DAY 27 ~-q/ ~ Circle appropriate period and DAY DAY 29 ~-~/ - - ma~e up of periods 1-12, after DAY 30 ~-~/ ~ which a new bycle besins. Use TOTAL MINUSES / ~ information to complete Part B. PART Line Line Line Line Line B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods tn this cycle. Total minuses (add lines 1 & g) ............. Action~ number'fo~r this period (from table above) . / Is line 3 greater than line 47 ~Yes If Yes, you have a reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described~¢~f~j$ in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". P Env. Health 580 ~1~ 1016 (6/86) KERN TREND ANALYSIs ~'AC I L I TY C Ou~,-r~/ ~ /~'~ /a,~O £~. PERMI T # TANK $ / CAPACITY/ ! O. O 0 l) FRODUCT (~Y~m Lt~e cl YEAR/PERIOD INSTRUCTION'S: PART ~ : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all Information at top ol form. In the space for year, 1 16 period Indicate the year and th~ DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analyslt DAY 1 ~7f~-~/ . being conducted (from 1 throug{ .DAY 2. ~-~/~f ~ 12 only). Transfer the date an( DAY 3 ~-/ ~! ~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 ol DAY 4~L~I -/- " Reconciliation Sheet to columm DAY 5 ~-~-q/ ~ at left. Use the table below t, DA.Y 6 .... ~-~-61 ' ~ determine .the action number fo] DAY 7 ~-~T~:/ ................ the period being analyzed. ,DAY 9 ~-TT~,, ~- ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 ~-~"~1 -- T ABL E ,DAY 12 ~-IO,-~l , ~ , 30LDAY { ACTION DAY 13 ¢-'~-~! , ~ PERIOD NUMBER{ NUMBER .... pAY 2~ ,~r 2~-~/, ~ Circle appropriate period and DAY ~8 ~--~[ , ~ action number. A full Cycle is 0AY 29 ~--~( ~ ~ made up of periods 1-12, af.ter DAY 30 ~-~,~~ which a new cycle begins. Use TOTAL N,'INUSES ,, ~ Information to complete Part B~, PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Line 3. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ............. Line 4. Actiow, number for this period (from table 'above) . .. .~ Line 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? ~]Yes ~o I_~f Yes, you have ~ reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation, procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". ~v. H~lth 580 4113 1016 (6~6) TREND ANALYSI ~ TANK # / CAPACITY-- / O, 0 0 0 PRODUCT U~ Ce ~ J ~ d YEAR/PERIOD I NSTRUCTI ON'S : PART A :'OVERAGE/SHORTAGE ~'~';'~ '" " Fill in all lnfocmation at top o: form. In the space for yea-r, 1 16 period indicate the year and th~ DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analyat~ DAY 1 ~.-'~-81 -~ being conducted (from 1 throug{ DAY 2 ~-~.O-5!. ~ 12 only). Transfer the date an~ DAY 3 /~'/'~I ~ . the sign from columns 1 and 16 o~ DAy 4 /O-2-51'~ Reconciliation Sheet to column~ DAY 5 /0-/-5/ ~ at left. Use the table below t, DAY 6 /~-~-~ ~ determine the action number fo{ DAY ~ /~-~-~/ ~- the period being analyzed. DAY 9 /,,-~-~{ ~ ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 ;~ - ~-~1 - TABLE DAY.. lZ ~ 30-DAY [ ACTION DAY 13 ]o'Yl'~l ~ PERIOD NU~ER} NU~BER DAY 18 /O~Y6-~I ~ ; 5 = 85 DAY 20 /O-/g-~/ ~ 7 = 1~7 DAY 21 /p'/9-9{~ 8 = 133 DAY 22 /a-;o-~l ~ 9 = 149 DAY 23 /~-~Y- ~ ~ 10 = 165 DAY 27 /O.-~-~l ~ Uircle au~ro~riate period and DAY 28 {0~{ ~ action number. A full cycle is DAY 29 ~0-~7-~[ ~ made up of periods 1-12, af.ter DAY. 30 /~-2~-~/~ which a new cycle begins. Use ~.OTAL MINUSES { ~. information to complete Part B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line Line Line Line Line notification and investigation procedures in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING" Env, H~lth 580 4113 1016 (6/86) 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ 2. Cumulative minuses f~om previous periods in this cycle. 3. Total minuses (add lines I & 2) ............. 4. Action number for this period (from table above) .... 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? ~]Yes ~o If Yes, you have ~ .~eportable loss and must begin as described {¸3 q- O 'COUNTY TREND ANALYSI ~ i:"ACI LI TY ~'0U~T? 0~ /~"~'~ /~'l~ /77 PER~,IZ T ~ 13 301IC TANK # [ CAPACITY / ~), Oo tY PRODU~w LJ~t~J.~. YEAR/PERIOD "' I NS'TRUCTI'ON'S : PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top form. In the space for Year, 1 16. period indicate the year and th~ ' '.DA~ DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analySi,, DAY I /~o~'/ ~ ............. ~ being conducted (from I throug] DAY 2 /0-.~@'~ ~ lZ only). Transfer the date an~ DAY 3 DAY 4 ]y--]-~.] ~ Reconciliation Sheet to column~ DAY 5 ..YY'2 ~{.. ~ at left. ,Use the table below t, DAY 6 /Y-~-~ { ~ determine the action number fo] DAY 7 ~/-~-~/ ~ the period belnz analyzed. DAY 8 DAY 9 I/-~-9, ~ ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 12 //- ~-~j . ~ 30-DAY { ACTION DAY 15 DAY 16 //-/3-~; ~ 3 = 54 ,,,DAY 27 //-~-~{ ., , Circle appropriate period and DAY 28 //-2~--~{ ~ action number. A full cycle is DAY 29 /Y-Z~-q'} ~ made up of periods 1-12, af.teu DAY 30 ,//'~7-~l ~ ' which a new cycle begins. Use TOTAL MINUSES /~ information ,to complete Part B. PART Line Line Line Line Line B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. 3. Total minuses (add lines I & 2) ............. 4. Action-number for this period (from table above) . / a.o 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? ~Yes If Yes, you have ~ reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-lO "STANDARD INV~NTORY CONTROL MONITORING" Env. H~ltb 580 4113 1016 (6/86) COUNTY TREND ANALYSI 3 . TANK # { CAPACITY/ / 0., ooo ~PRODUCT 0~-,(.~-~~l~d YEAR/PERIOD " I NSTRUCTI O'N'S : PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top of form. In the space for year/ 1 16 period indicate the year and the DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analysis DAY 1 l}-2[i.i5 { ~- ' being conducted (from 1 through DAY 2 II'?--~-~l -[- 12 only). Transfer the date and ..DAY 3 1{-~-5~ ~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 of DAY 4 [~-}- q~ ~ Reconciliation Sheet to columns DAY 5 {~-l-~ .. ~ at left. Use the table below to DAY 6 ]2'~-~) ~ determine the action number for DAY 7 ~-~, ~ .. the period being analyzed. DAY 8 ] DAY 9 ]~ -' ~-~l -- ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 /2-7-~/ ~' TABLE ,DAY 11 /~-~-~] DAY 12 /2--~-5{ ~ 30-DAY { AcTiON DAY 13 /~-YO'~{ ~ PERIOD NUMBER] NUMBER DAY 15 /2-/~ -~1 ~ 2 = 37 DAY 16 /2- IT- ~/ ~ 3 = 54 DAY 17 /2 '/~- 0/ ~' , 4 = 69 DAY 18 /2'/~--'~1-~ ~ 5 = 85 DAY 19 /2.'~-~/ -- 6 = ..... DAY 20 /~-/7-~] ~ 7 = 117 ..... DAY 21 /~-/~'~1 ,, ~ 8 = 133 DAY 22 /~-/~-~1 ~ 9 = ~49 DAY 23 ]Y-20-~I ~ 10 = 165 DAY 24 ]Z.2]' ~i~ 11 = 180 DAY 25 /~ '2~ '~/ ~ 12 = 196 ; ' DAY 26 /~ -~ ~' 7/ DAY 27 /~-~- ~/ ~ Circle appropriate peri.od and DAY 28 ~-~-'5/ ~ action number. A full cycle DAY 29 /~-~-~/ ~ made up of periods ,...1-12, after DAY 30 /2 ~ which a new cycle .b:e~lns. Use TOTAL MINUSES ]~ information to ,coaplete::'Part B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Line 3. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ............. Line 4. Action" number for this period (fro~ table above) . / Line 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? ~Yes % If Yes, you have ~ reportable loss and Bust begin notification and investigation pr'ocedures in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". ~nv. H~lth 580 4113 1016 (6~6) '" TANK ~ ! CAPACITY-- . . . ~ NsTRUCTI"ON'S : PART ~ : 0VERAGE/SHORTAG~ ~ill in all information at top of form. In the space for. year/ I 16 period indicate the year and the D~Y DAT~ (+/-) consecutive period of analysis ~AY .1 /~-~g'~l ~ being conducted (fro~ I through . ~AY 2 /~-~-~ ~ 12 only.). Transfer the date and DAY 3 ~2 ,ff~-~ ~ DAY 4 /2-~/-W.I ~, ., Reconciliation Sheet to columns 0AY 5 .~'I~ q~ ~ .. at left. Use the table belo~ to .DAY 6 :,~:}--~-~ '" , .... deteraine the action number for ' DAY 7 I-ff~ ~ ..... the period beln~ analyzed. DAY 9 /-ff*~ ~ .~ . . ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 /;'~-~ ~ ~ TABLE DAy 12 ~Sy-~ ~ + 30-DAY { ACTION DAY 13 ~- ~ ~ ~ ,PERIOD NUMBER NUMBER ,uAY 18 u = 8u DAY 2~'/'~]-~) ., ~ Uircle appropriate period and DAY 28 ],--~'~- ~ DAY 29 /-Z ~" ~ ~ made up of periods 1-12, af.ter DAY 30 /'~ g-~- ~ which a new cycle beRins. Use TOTAL MINUSES ~,,~ in,,for~atlon ,to ,complete P~r$ B. PART B: Line 1. Line 2. Line 3. Line 4. Line 5. ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Total minuses this period-Part A .' ........... Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ..... ........ Action~ number for this period (from table above) . / Is line 3 greater than line 47 ~]Yes I_~_f yes, you have a reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described ~;/¢~ tn Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING" E:nv. Health 580 4113 1016 (6/86) //7 KERN COUNTY TREND ANALYS I ~ INSTRUCTION'S: pART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top o form. In the space for yea~~ 1 16 period indicate the year and th DAy DATE i+/T) consecutive period of analysi~ DAY..1 /-~7-5~ ---' being conducted (from I throug], , DAy 2 /~-~2~ ,~ 12 only). Transfer the date DAY 3 /o~,~-~7.. '"'-' the sign from columns 1 and 16 =:iDlY 5 at left. Use the table below 'DAY 6 Z-Y- ~ ~ 7~' determine the action number fo] : DAY ? ~'~' ~ ~ Ill the period being analyzed. DAY9 ~-{l~I { '' ..... ACTION NUMBER .DAY 22 ~-~-~ ~ 30-DAY { ACTION DAY ~Z Z~6-7~ ~ ~ = DAY 22 ~Y2-?~ ~ , 9 = 149 l DAY 23 ~-/~ ~ ~ 10 = 165 I DAY,2? ~-~~ ~ Ctrcte app~opr~a[e period and DAY ~8 ~-~~ ~ action number. A f~[[ cycle DAY 29 ~-~~ ,,, ~ made up o~ per~ods 1-~2. DAY 30 ~-~ ~'-~ ~ ~h~ch a ne~ cycle beE~ns. Use TO,Ab M[~USES /~ ''~ tnforma[ton [o coa~te[e Pa~ B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle.. Line 3. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ............. Line 4. Action number for this period (from table above) . / Line 5. Is line 3 greater than line 47 ~]Yes I_~_f .Y.e.s, you have a reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK ~UT-IO "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". inv. H~lth 580 4113 1010 KERN ~'OUNTY H~A~-l'n TREND ANALYSI ~ TANK # [ CAPACITY /qtc~O? P~RODUCT ~. ce.,~c~ YEAR/PERIOD I NS'TRUCTION'S : PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top o: form. In the space for year, 1 16 period indicate the year and th~ .DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analysii qAY 1 ~.~.~Z.- ~ .... being conducted (from 1 throug{ ..~Y 2 2.2~.~z-- ~ 12 only). Transfer the date an~ DAY 3 2'~~-- -~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 o{ DAY 4 ~-~-q~- ~ Reconciliation Sheet to column~ D,,AY 5 ~-'/~' ~ ~ 'l "~ at left. Use the table below t~ DAY 6.,, .~'-~- ~, ~ determine the action number fo~ DAY 7 ~-~-~ ~ the period being analyzed. D, AY, 9 ~-~- ~ ~. ~ ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 12 ~-~ ~ -~ ,, , 30-DAY { ACTION ..DAY 14 ~'/~,-~ -- 1 = 20 ..... DAY 18 ~/~:?~ ~ , 5 = 05 DAY 24 ~-~ 0 '9'? + 11 = 180 DAY 25 f-Z/-5~ .. . 12 = 196 DAY 27 7-2J- fi~ ~ Circle appropriate period and DAY 28 ,~ 2~-~ .~ action number. A full cycle Is DAY 29 ~ ~ ~ made up of periods 1-12, af.ter ..DAY 30 .~-~-?~ ~ which a new cycle begins. Use TOTAL MINUSES ]~ .{ information to complete Part B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle, Line 3. Total minuses (add lines I & 2) ............. Line 4. Action-number for this period (from table above) . ,. , .// Line 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? ~]Yes If Yes, you have a reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-lO "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORIN6" Env. H~lth 580 4113 1016 (6~6) /'4*? KERN ~OUNTY fl~A~'l'~ u~rA~'I'MBN'~ TREND ANALYS1 u wu~uflu~'l TANK # / CAPACITY' /0, 0{20 PRODUCT U,-(,'o:~t''d YEAR/PERIOD ' ' X NSTRUCT['ON'S : PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE ~ill in all information at top o form. In the space for year, 1 .lB ,. period indicate the year and th, DAY DATE .{+/-) consecutive period of analyst: DAY 1 .7-~'~-~ ~._ ---- being conducted (from 1 throug DAY 2 ~:.~-~ 7,- ~ rr~d ~~ ~.~,A'~j 12 only). Transfer the date ,DAY 3 J-~/~-~ ,,. " the sign from columns 1 and 16 o DAY 4 ~-~,~ '~'~"' ~ Reconciliation Sheet to column DAY 5 ~-~/-,~ at left. Use the table below t DAY 6 ~-/~ determine the action number fo: BAY 7 ~-~-~ ~ the period being analyzed. ,DAY 9 ~-~-~,~,~ ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10~;g~-~J~ ~ TABLE DAY 11 ~.~ D~Y 12 ~-:~ ~ 30-DAY I ACTION DAY 13 - -~ ~ ~ PERIOD ,NUMBER NUMBER DAY ~5 ~-/O-~z 2 = 3v DAY !6 ~)')Y' ~ ~ ~ 3 = 54 DAY 27 ~'22~ ~' ' Circle appropriate period and DAY ~8 ~'~~ ~ action number. A full c~cle .DAY 29 .~'2.~-~ ~ aade up of periods 1-12, af.ter .DAY 30 ~~ ' ' ~"' which a new cFcle begins. Use ..TOTAL. NINUSES information to co~plete Part B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this Line 2. Cumulative minuses Line 3. Total minuses (add Line 4. Action,s'number for Line 5. Is line 3 greater If Yes, you have Env. Health 580 4113 1016 period-Part A .............. from previous periods in this cycle. lines 1 & 2) ............. / this period (from table above) . / than line 4? ~]Yes ~ reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation, procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING?. 'T TANK ~ / CAPACITY ~ O~ O o O . PRODUCT ~ m Le~ J,~ YEAR/P~RIOD ~/- I/ I NSTRUCTI ON'$ : PART A : QV.EgAGE[SHORTAGE Fill ia all information at top. o form. In the space for year, 1 16 period indicate the year and th~ DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analysi~ DAY 1 ~'~G~ ~ being conducted (fro~ 1 throug[ DAY 2 ~(~_~L ~ 12 on.l~). Transfer the date an( DAY 3 ~-~-'~ ~ the slgQ from columns 1 and 16 o DAY 4 ~/-~ ~-~ ~ Reconciliation Sheet to column~ DAY 5 ~-~ ~ at left. Use the table belo~ DAY 6 ~/- ~ ~ determine the action number for DAY ~ ~-~-~ .. ~ the period being analyzed. .. DAY 8 ~-~ 9 ~ ~ .., DAY 9 ~-~-~ ~ ~ ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 ~- ~~ ~ TABLE DAY 12 f-7- ~ ~ 30-DAY [ ACTION UAY ~3 ~-~'-~, , mPER[OD NUMBERI NUMBER , { DAY 15 ~-/O-9~ ~ 2 = DAY 22 ~'/7'~ ~ 9 = 149 DAY 23 ;- YFT~ ~ 10 = 165 , ..,DAY 27 ~-~ -9~ i . Circle appropriate period aud DA~ 28 f.Z~-9¢ '~ action number. A full cycle .,~AY 29 ~~-9~ ~ made up of periods 1-12, af.ter DAY SO f~-$-~]~ which a new cycle begins. Use TOTAL MINUSES ~ i,nformation to complete Part B. PART B:' ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Line $. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ............. Line 4. Action number for this period (from table above) .... Line 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? [~Yes ~o If Yes, you have a reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK ~UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING" Env. H~lth 580 4113 1016 (6/86) 't> '-- t __~._..--~ DEPARTMENT TANK it / CAPACITY / O~, 000 ~/ PRODUCT U~'/-¢-,~ · ~ YEAR/PERIOD I NSTRUCTI ON'S : PART /k : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top of form. In the space for year/ I 16 period indicate the year and the DAY DATE ,' (+/-) consecutive period of analysis DAY 1 ~.~i-~{. '~- being conducted (from 1 through DAY 2 .C-27-~-- ---- 12 onl,y). Transfer the date and DAY 3 ~-2~-~ ~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 of DAY 4 ~':~5-?~ ~ Reconciliation Sheet to columns DAY 5 ~-ffO-~ ~ at left. Use the table below tc DAY 6 f-J~-~ ~ determine the action number for DAY 7 ~-/~~ ~ the period being analyzed. DAY 8 DAY 9 f-J-O~ ~ ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 ~' ~- ~ ~ TABLE DAY lZ ~- (-~ ~ ~ 30-DAY I ACTION DAY 13 ~-7- ~ ~ ~ PERIOD NUMBER[ NUMBER DAY 14 ~ ~' ~ ~ ~1 = 20 DAY 15 ~-'~~ - ~ 2 ~ 37 DAY 16 ~-/~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ , 3 = 54 DAY 17 ~-//~ ~, ~ 4 = 69 DAY 19 ~-/~- ~ ~ ~ 6 =. 101 DAY 20 ~/~- ~; ~ 7 = 117 DAY 21 ~--/~ ~ ~~ 8 = 133 DAY 22 ~/~ ~ " 9 = 149 DAY 23 ~/~ ~ ~' ~ 10 = 165 DAY 24 ~/~ ~ ~ 11 = 180 DAY 26 _.DAY 27 ~'~/- ~ ~ Circle appropriate period and DAY 28 DAY 29 ~-~- ~ ~ made up of periods 1-12, after DAY 30 ~-~-~ ~ which a new cycle begins. Use TOTAL MINUSES [~ information to complete Part B. PART B: Line 1. Line 2. Line 3. Line 4. Line 5. ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Total minuses this pe?iod-Part A ............ Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ............. Actto.[} number.:,~;or this period (from table above) . .// Is line 3 greater than line 47 [-]Yes If Yes~ you have a reportable loss and must be~in /v~',~ d notification and investigation procedures as described p in Kern County Environmental Health Services Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". /5 Env. Healtrt 580 4113 012 (Rev. 6/90) I A~NNUAL TANK QUARTER 1 PERIOD !: PERIOD 2: PERIOD 3: TREND A~N~LYS I S TIME PERIOD: / To~a~ ~nuses Thfs Per~od (~ne 3) Ac~on Nu=ber for ~h~s Per~od (L~ne 4) To~a~ ~Inuses Th~s Per~od (~ne 3) Action ~u~ber for ~h~s Per~od (~ne 4) To~a~ ~lnuses This Per~od (~ne 3) Action N~ber for th~s Per~od (L~ne 4) S UI~F.~RY QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: PERIOD 5: PERIOD 6: TIME PERIOD: to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Nuiber for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Nuaber for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 3 PERIOD 7: PERIOD 8: PERIOD 9: TINE PERIOD: '~/~-~/¥/ tO Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Nulber for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses, This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 4 TINE PERIOD: PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) st~natureZ hereby cer~~ie,~/~is a true and accurate report. HIND~,.iiA;'.:: L~upv Mech i; Jild ' ~e~eral O~ce~ · Garage Oivis~n" Date KERN COUNTY tt ~ A k, ~i' Ii ~ ~- ~ A J~'t' ME t~ ~t~ TREND ANALYS I ~ w t~ tt 1~ ~ ti *'- t~ '1~ ~'ACI LI TY ~'OL~'~"']")/ ~-J" ~'e{,'~ [~',~ '{" -f")" PERMI T # I.~ 001'1 · TANK # .-~ CAPACITY-- ~; O (~ ~ ~PRODUCT p; *itt~ YEAR/PERIOD I NSTRUCTI ON-S : PART A : OVERAOB/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top o{ form. In the space for yeart 1 16 period indicate the year and th( DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analysi~ DAY I 7-/- ~)! ~- ......... being conducted (from I througl DAY 2 7~,~-'~ - : 12 only). Transfer the date an~ DAY 3 ~,~-~ ~ ~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 o{ ..... DAY 4. 7-~'~] ~ Reconciliation Sheet to column~ DAY 5 ~-~-~} ~ at left. Use the table below t~ DAY 6 ~-~-~ ~ ~ determine the action number fox DAY 7 ~-~-~} ~. . the period betnz analyzed. DAY 9 y-~-~ -- ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 7-]~'...~/ ~ TABLE DAY 12 ~/~-~{ , ~ 30'-D~Y { ACTION '"DAY 13 , oar DAY 27 -~~/ ~ Circle appropriate period and DAY 28 DAY 29 ~-~-~/ ~ made up of periods 1-12, after DAY 30 ~-~~ ~ which a new cycle begins. Use TOTAL MINUSES information to complete Part B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line Line Line Line Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ 2. Cumulative minuses from previops periods in this cycle. 3. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ............. 4. Actiofi~ number for this period (from table above) 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? ~Yes If Yes, you have a reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation, procedures as'described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING" ~ ~"3'-~ 17 Env. Healtlm 580 4113 1016 (6/86) ~ KERN COUNTY TREND ANALYSI ~ Wu~~'l" .TANK # ~ CAPACIT~ 2~ O O O --PRODUCT p jeZ~ YEAR/PERIOD I NSTRUCTI ON'S : PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill In all information at top form. In the space for year~ 1 !6 period Indicate the year and th~ DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analysil DAY I ?'-~/~ ( ~ being conducted (from I througl ~AY 2 ~-/-~,] ~- .... 12 only). Transfer the date an~ DAY 3 ~-~.-~{ ~- the sign from columns 1 and 16 Gl DAY 4 ~ ~] ,,, ~ Reconciliation Sheet to columnl DAY 5 OAY,,, 6 ~- ~ ~{~ determine th~ action number roi DAY 7 ~-. ~[ ~ the period being* analyzed. DAY 9~ f~'l -- ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 ~-~- ~] ~ TABLE DAY 11 . DAY 12 ~-//- ~] -- 30-DAY { ACTION DAY 13 ~'/~-~1 ~ " PERIOD NUMBER~ NUMBER DAY 14. DAY 16 ~'/~"' ~t ~ 3 = 54 DAY 17 p'/~'~ ~ [ 4 = 69 DAY 18 ~/~-~/ ... -t [ 5 = 85 DAY 21 ~-'~ ~-~] ~ 8 = 133 DAY 22 ~'~'~l ~ 9 = 149 ~AY 23, ~-~'~) ~ 10 = 165 DAY 24 , = DAY 25 ~-~/ ~ 12 = 196 . DAY 26 DAY 2?. ~ ~/ Circle appropriate period and DAY 28 ~-~/ .... ~ action number. A full cycle ts DAY 29 ~2 ~/ - " ~ade up of periods 1-1.2, after DAY 30 ~-~.~9/ ....... ~ which a new cycle begins. Use TOTAL MINUSES /.~ informat.~on to cosplete Part B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative minuses.from previous periods in this cycle. Line 3. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ' · ........ Line 4. Line 5. Actton'~number for this period (from table above) . . . ..// ~,~ Is line 3 greater than line.4? [~Yes If Yes, you have ~ reportable loss and must begin '/~,$fe~ ~7.'c~ notification and investigation.procedures as described ~d~j -)--~ in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". '~-/-~ Env. Health 580 4113 1016 (6/86) KERN ~OU TREND TANK # ,.~ cAPACITY ~, OOO PRODUCT Di ¢~ret~ YEAR/PERIOD INSTRUCTION'S: PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top o: ~ form. In the space for yea~, i 16 period indicate the year and th~ DA~ DATE .... (+/-) consecutive period of analysl~ DAY i ~0-~], -it-., being conducted (from I throng{ DAY 2. ~! -~/. -~- .. 12 only). Transfer the date an~ DAY DAY 4 ~Z-~ ) ~- , Reconciliation Sheet to column~ DAY 5 ~-~-5/ ~ at left. Use the table below t, DAY 6 ~-~9! --~ determine the action number fo] DAY 7, ~-~-~1 ....... ~., the period being analyzed'. DAY 8 ?,~-~ { ~ ..... DAY 9 ~-7-~l --, ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 . ~-~"ql TABLE DAY 12 ~-/O-~} , , -~' 30-DAY { ACTION DAY,ia 5-//-0l ~ PERIOD NUMBER{ NUMBER DAY 17 DAY 22 ~0-~ ~ 9 = 149 DAy ,24 ~-~Z-O/~ 11 = 180 DAY 2~ 9-2Y-q/ -- Circle appropriate period and DAY 28 DAY 29 ~?~-~[ ~ made up of periods 1-12, af.ter ~AY 30 ~-~-~{ .. -~ .:' which a new cycle beitns. Use .,TOTAL MINUSES, ..... , /,[ information to complete Part B. PART ~: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A Line 2. Cumulative minuses from previous Line 3. Total minuses (add lines I & 2) Line 4. Action number for this Line 5. Is line 3 greater than If Yes, you have ~ periods in this cycle. period (from table above) .... line 4? ~]Yes [~o ~.eportable loss and~ must begin as described #UT-lO notification and investigation procedures in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". Env. H~Jth 580 ills 1016 (6/86) P COUNTY TREND ANALYSI ~ Wu~~'l ~'AC ILI TY C OU~"]-y O t /~cr~-- //~ O" f'7:' PERMI T # TANK # ~ CAPACITY/ 7. t9 0 0 ~RODUCT t) i ef~C YEAR/PERIOD .. I NSTRUCTI ON'S : PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top o: form. In the space for year, 1" 16 period indicate the year and th~ DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analysi,~ DAY I ~"~'~l ~ being conducted (from I throng] DAY 2 ~o(~ ~-' 12 onlY). Transfer the date an, DAY 3 / ~ ,,, the sign from columns i and 16 DAY,4 / ~)~ 2-- ~)/ ~ Reconciliation Sheet to column{ DAY,5 /~'_~t , , ~ at left. Use the table below t~ DAY 6 I~-q'~l { ~ determine the action number fo] DAY 7 /d-~/ ~/ the period being analyzed. DAY 9 /~'~,~1 ~ ACTX ON NUMBER DAY 10 /~-~-'~] ~ .. TABLE DAY ,1R /~-/0-~( ~ { 30-DAY ] ACTION DAY 13 /O-//--~l -- I PERIOD NUMBER[ NUMBER DAY 16 ID~/~/~l .....~ i 3 = 54 DAY 1~ /~ ~/~-~/ ~ ~ = DAY 18 ~-/~' ~/ ~ 5 = 85 DAY 19 '/~/~?~, ~ 6 = 101 DAY 21 /~-/~J ~ 8 = 133 DAY 22 /~-~/ ~ 9 = 149 DAY 23 /d~/-~/ ~ 10 = 165 DAY = DAY 25 /~ ~]- ~,~ 12 = 196 DAY 26 /0~2~'~1 ,,,DAY 2~ /0-2 ~-9/ - Circle appropriate period and DAY 28 /0-~{, ~ action number. A full cycle DAY 29 /~-~7-~ ~ made up of periods 1-12, af.ter ,DAY 30 /~,'~/ ~ which a new cycle bezins. Use TOTAL MINUS,ES {~ tnformati, on to complete Part B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Line 3. Total minuses (add lines I & 2) ............. Line 4. Action number for this period (from table above) .... Line 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? ~]Yes ~No If Yes, you have a reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING" inv. H~lth 580 4113 1016 (6/86) KERN COUNTY TREND ANALYS I ~ w o ~t 1~ ~ tt ~- l~ 'l ~'ACILITY COt/n~--~ O~ era ' ~3 ~ 3~ PERMIT ~liOo /c TANK $ ' ~ CAPACITY/ ~ 0o0 PRODUCT ~i'e~tc YEAR/PSRIO~ ~ ~ ' I NSTRUCTI'ON'S : PART A : 0VE~%~E/SHORTAGE Fill In all information at top o] form. In the space for 1 16 period indicate the year and DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of. DAY 1 /~-~9~ ~ being conducted . (fro. 1 throuzI DAY 2 '/~'~d'9] --- 12 only). Transfer the dmte DAY 3 /~'//,~-} ~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 el DAV 4 {{-{-~ '~ Recon~iliation Sheet to ~olumnl DAY 5 ~ ]~  at left. Use the table below DAY 6 )Y-~-'9] { ..... determine the a~tion number fo~ DAY 7 j/~-.9~y -- the period being analyzed. OAY 8 g- ~-~ t ..... ~ ...... OAr 9 //-&-~l + ACTION NU~ER~ DAY ~2 /~- ~--9~ ~ 30-DAY { ACTION DAY 18 //-/~'~,~ ~ PERIOD NUMBER{ NUMBER DAY 16 .)y-/3-%i , , , -- 3 = 54 DAY 18 //-~ ~-91 ~ 5 = 8U DAY 22 //--J~--~/ -- 9 = 149 DAY ag t/-~-~I ~ Clecle appropriate period and DAY 28 //-~-~/ / action number. A full cycle Is DAY 29 //-~i-41 ,,~ made u~ of periods 1-12, af.ter DAY 30 //-~-~ which a new cycle begins. Use TOTAL MINUSES ]{ information to ~omple~e Part B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER.'CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Line 3. Total minuses (add lines I & 2) ............. Line 4. Actto~ number for this period (from table above) .... Line 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? [-]Yes 0o If Yes, you have a reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-lO "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING" Env. Health 580 4113 1016 (6/86) KERN COUNTY TREND ANALYSX ~ TANK # CAPACITY-- ~, Q t9 o RODUCT ~l'df.eL YEAR/PERIOD I NSTRUCTI ON'S : PART A :' OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top o: form. In the space for year, 1 16 period indicate the year and th~ DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analysl~ DAY.,,1.,, [{~-~'i ---' being conducted (from 1 throng{ DAY 2 !_{-~-~} ~- , 12 only). Transfer the date an~ DAY 3 ~lo~0-~{ --- the sign from columns 1 and 16 o: DAY ,4 })- }'- ~ { ~ ; Reconciliation Sheet to column~ DAY 5 l~-~'5~ ..- at left. Use the table below t~ DAY 6 . [~-JT~ ~ determine the action number fol DAY 7 I~-~-~{ ~ the period being analyzed. DAY 9 12-~-51. ~. ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 /~- 7-51 -- TABLE DAY 22 ~ - ~--~/ ~ ' ' 30-DAY { ACTION DAY 1~ /~/~-~1 ~, , , PERIOD NUMBERI NUMBER DAY 16 /~- IJ-~l ~ 3 = 54 DAY 18 /27YF-qI ,~ . 5 = 85 DAY 27 '[~-2~-~/ ~ Circle appropriate period and DAY 28 /~ff--S] ~ action number. A full cycle is , .DAY 29 /2~2~/ ~ made up of periods 1-12, af.ter DAY 30 /~27-~/ ~ which a new cycle begins. Use TOTAL MINUSES /~ .. Information to cosplete Part B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Line 3. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ............. Line 4. Acttoff number for this period (from table above) Line 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? r~yes I_~f Yes, you have ~ reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". p Env. H~lth 580 4113 1016 (6/86) 7 KERN COUNTY TREND ANALYS1 ~ wut~t~.att*--ll'l ~'AC I L'I TY C'OU~fy O~ K~r~ I'1~ 0" 37-.' PERMIT #J.,~O011 TANK # ~ CAPACITY fY_/ ~'O c~ FRODUCT p1'¢$,/- YEAR/PERIOD I NSTRUCTI ON'S : PART A : OVERAGE/SHORT4GE 'Fill In all Information at top o! form. In the space for year/ 1 16 period indicate the year and the DAY DATE (+/L) consecutive period of analysis ,D,.AY 1 /2.~.~.~m[' .,L.{.--' being conducted (from 1 throug! DAY 2 1~'~-~1" , ,,~' 12 only). Transfer the date an~ DAY 3 /~-~¢-~/ ~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 o{ DAY 4 ,,~2-~1- ~ ~' ~ Reconciliation Sheet to columnl DAY 5 .'/-~~ ~ at left. Use the table below t~ DAY 6 1-2-~ ,, ~ determine the action number roi DAY 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ the period betn~ analyzed. DAY 9 /- ~-,~ ..... ~ .... ACTX ON NUMBER DAY 10 /-~~ . . TABLE DAY 12 /-~-~ ~ ~ 30-DAY { ACTION DAY 1~ /- ~-'~ ~ PERIOD NUMBER~ NUMBER DAY 19 / ~/~-- ~ ~ ~ 6 = 101 ,,DAY 77 /-Z~>'~Z ~ Circle appropriate period and .DAY 28 1-~-~ ~ action number. A full cycle is .,,OAY 29 /~,~-e~ ~ made up of periods 1-12, al.rev DAY 30 /-2~-,~ ~ which a new cycle begins. Use' TOTAL MINUSES ]~ info~mation tq, complete Part B. PART B: Line 1. Line 2J Line 3. Line 4. Line 5. ACTION NUMBER Total minuses this Cumulative minuses Total minuses (add CALCULATION Action; number Is.line 3 greater than I_~f yes, you have a period-Part A ............ from previous periods in this Cycle. lines 1 & 2) ............. /, / for this period (from table above) . . . / line 47 ~]Yes ~]No ~eportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described tn Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING" Env. Health 580 4113 1016 (6/86) // ?¥ TREND ANALYSIs TANK ~ . ,J, CAPACITY/ ~/ O0 0 ~RODUCT _ ~, eat6 YEAR/PERIOD , , ][ NSTRUCTi""ON-$ : PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top. o,1 form. In the space for year~ 1 16 period indicate the year and tht DAy DATE ~+/-) consecutive period of analyst~ DAY.1 /~7-°/z-' ~ being conducted (fro~ I throu~l DAY ,2 /'2~5..~ ~ 12 0nly). Transfer the date an~ ..DAY 3 /-Z~-~ ~ the si~n from columns 1 and 16 el DAY 4 ;_/'~-~ '' .~ Reconciliation Sheet to column~ DAY 5 /;~l-~ ~ at left. Use the table below t~ DAY 6 ~"/-.~ ~ ~' . determine the action number fei DAY 7 ~-2-~.~ ~ "' . . the period being analyzed. DAY 9 .~e~' ~ ..... ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 ~ -~-'~ .. ~ TABLE DAY 12 2- 7- ~ ~ 30-DAy I ACTION .O,l¥, 1~ ~-F-~; ,,. ~ .... PERIOD NUMBER[ NUMBER ,..DAY 15 ~'-/O-~ '' ' -- 2 = 37 , DAY 18 ~-/Y- ?~ ~' { 5 = 85 DAY 21 ~-/~-?~ ~ 8 = .DAY 22 ~'27:~ ,., ~ 9 = 149 DAY 25 ,.2~2 0-~ '~ - 12 = 196 .DAY 2,7 ~-~'~'~ ~ ~ Circle appropriate period and .DAY 28 2-Z,~-'.~ ~ action number. A full cycle is DAY 29 ~-2~-~ - made up of periods 1-12, af.ter DAY 30 ~-Z~ .~ which a new cycle beEtns, Use TOTAL MINUSES ~ ~.' information to complete Part B. PART B: Line 1. Total minuses this Line 2. Cumulative minuses Line 3. Total minuses (add Line 4. Action number for Line 5. Is line 3 greater ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION period-Part A ............ from previous periods in this cycle. lines 1 & 2) ............. period (from table above) . , , ./ this than line 4? OYes ~No If Yes, you have a reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 ~¢.~'~ "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL ~ONITORING" Env. H.Ith 580 4113 1016 (6186) KERN COUNTY TREND ANALYSI ~ I NSTRUCTI ON:S : PART & : QVERAGEISHORTAGE Fill tn all Information at top Gl form. In the space for yea-r ~ 1 16 period indicate the year and th~ '~AY DATE '" (+/-) consecutive period of analysit DAY 1 ~-~-')~'- ' "~" ' ... being con'ducted (from 1 throug{ DAY 2 ~-~7-~ ~ ~ 12 only). Transfer the date an( DAY 3 2-~-~ ~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 oJ DAY 4 ~-~'9'~~ ~ Reconciliation Sheet to column~ DAY 5,, ~[-~- ~ at left. Use the table below t~ DAY 6 ~- ~- ~ ~.. ~ determine the action number fol ,DAY 7 ~-~-.~. ~ ., , the period being analyzed. .,,OlY 9 3,-~-~ - " ACTX ON NUMBER · DAY 12 ~.-~- ~ ~ ,, , 30-DAY [ ACTION DAy 13 ,~-~--~ ~ PERIOD NUMBERI NUMBER DAY 14 ~-YO- ~ ~ 1 = 20 DAY 2~ ,,f-~~ ~ Circle appropriate period and DAy 28 3-a~-~Z~.,. action number. A full cycle is DAY 29 ~-2f-,q~ ~ made up of periods 1-12, af.ter ,,,DAy 30 ff-~-~ .~ which a new cycle begins. Use ,TOTAL MINUSgS /~ information to complete Part B. PART B: ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Line 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Line 3. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) ' Line 4. Action number for this period (from table above) . / Line 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? ~]Yes I_~f Yes-, YOU have a reportable loss and must begin notification and investigation procedures as described In Kern County Health'0epartment HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING" inv. I-4~atth 580 4113 ~0~6 /o7 KERN COUNTY TREND ANALYS1 ~ TANK # ~ CAPACITY '~ '2/ o o o PRODUCT 'i~i c J,',t YEAR/PERIOD I NsTRUCTI.,ON'$ : PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top Gl form. In the space for year', 1 16 . period indicate the year and th~ DAY DATE. .... (+J-) consecutive period of analysii DAY 1 ~7-27772._ ~ being conducted (from 1' throng{ DAY 2 .7'-2P-°/-L~ A,~,'j',r~.J ~,~-~-e~,, ~.~J,'~. 12 only). Transfer the date an( DAY 3 f-2~-~Z~ ~ " the sign from columns 1 and 16 ol DAY 4 ;7-.7 0' ~) z-~ ~' :~- Reconciliation Sheet to column~ DAY 5' ~-fl-~ at left. Use the table below t~ pAY 6' ~-/-~ ~ .... determine the action number roi DAY q ~-~-~ ~ the period being analyzed. DAY, ~ .... ~'~- ~ ~ DAY 9 ~- ~-?~ ' ~ , , ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 ~'J- 5v ~ TABLE DAY 11 ~-~-'.~ . ~ pAY 13 '1 ~ }PERIOD NUMBERI NUMBER DAY lT ~-/~'~ , ,, ~ 4 = 69 DAY 19 ~-/~- ~ ..... , ...... i 6 = 101 DAY 20 ~/~-.~ ~ ~ 7 = 117 .... p,~Y 2,~ ~-/~-~"~ 8 = DAY 22 - ~-/7- ~ ,,~ 9 = 149 DAY ~ ~/y-~ ~ ,~. ~ 16~ DAY.24 ~/~V~ ~ l~ = ~80 DAY 25 ~/~ ~ - ~ -- 12 ~ 196 DAY 2~ ~~ ~ 6ircle appropriate period and DAY 28 ~~' ~ action number. A full cycle DAY 29 ~-~~ ~ .... made up of periods 1-12, af.ter DAY 30 ~~ ~ which, a new cycle begins. Use TOTAL MINUSES information to complete Part B. PART B: ACTION .NUMBER CALCULATION Line Line Line Line Line 1. Total minuses this period-Part A ............ 2. Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. 3. Total minuses (add lines I & 2) ............. 4. Action'number for this period {from table above) 5. Is line 3 greater than line 4? [~Yes ~No If Yes, YOu have ~ reportable loss and must begin notification'and investigation procedures as described fvx'~£/e~ in Kern County Health Department HANDBOOK ~UT-iO "'STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". ~ ~-T-¢ Env. Health 580 4113 1016 (6/86) KERN COUN~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SER~ES DEPARTMENT TREND ANALYSIS WORKSHEET TANK $ -~ CAPACITY-- ~ 0 00 P~0DUCT /)l' ¢f¢~' YEAR/PERIOD c~)-ii I NSTRUCTI ON'S.: PART A : OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top o! form. In the space for year/ 1 16 period indicate the year and DAY DATE (+/-) consecutive period of analysi~ DAY 1 ~2 i-~ ~ '-~ being conducted (from 1 througl DAY 2 ~7-~ ------ 12 only). Transfer the date an( DAY 3 ~,x~ -]-- the sign from columns 1 and 16 o! DAY 4 ~.Z ~. ~ ~ Reconciliation Sheet to columnt DAY 5 ~-~o-~-~- ~-- at left. Use the table below DAy 6 ,~-/~ ~-- ---- determine the action number fo~ DAY 7 ~-2- ~ -~ the period being analyzed. DAY 9 f.~ ~ ~ ACTI ON NUMBER DAY 10 y-~-~ -- TABLE DAY 12 ~.~_ ~ _ 30-DAY { ACTION DAY 13 ~-~ ~ ~ PERIOD NUMBER{ NUMBER DAY 14 ~-~-~ ~ t = 20 DAY 15 ~-/0-~-. ~ ' 2 = DAY 16 ~-~-~ ~ 3 = 54 DAY 17 ~-/2-'~ - ~ 4 = 69 DAY 18 ~-lJ-~- ~ 5 = 85 DAY 20 ~--/5- ~ ~ ~ 7 = 117 uny at ,,, · 8 = t33 DAY 22 ~_/~.9~., ~ 9 = 149 uny 23 lo = DAY 24 ~/~-~ ~ 11 = 180 DAY 26 ~-~/- 9.~ DAY 27 ~,y~-~ ~ Circle appropriate period and DAY 28 ~.2y-q~ ~ action number, A full cycle is DAY 29 ~-~ ~ made up of periods 1-12, after DAY 30 ~-9~- ~ which a new cycle begins, Use TOTAL MINUSES I~ information to complete Part B. PART B: Line 1. Line 2. Line 3. Line 4. Line 5. ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Total minuses (add lines I & 2) ............... / Action number for this period (from table above) , / Is line 3 greater than line 47 ~]Yes If Yes~ you have a reportable loss and must besin notification and investigation procedures as described ~fO in Kern County Environmental Health Services Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 D~T~ '----- ''STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". Env. Health 580 4113 012 (Rev. 6/90) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH sER~ES TREND ANALYSIS WORKSHEET DEPARTMENT ACXLXT¥ oF # /CO b"IC TANK # ~ CAPACITY -- '~-/ () O ~ ' PRODUCT 'Vi e~¢~, YEAR/PERIOD ~/- I NSTRUCTI ON'S : PART A : .OVERAGE/SHORTAGE Fill in all information at top of form. In the space for year/ 1 16 period indicate the year and th~ DAY DATE {+/-) consecutive period of analysis DAY 1 ~'-2~'~- ~ being conducted (from 1 through DAY 2 ~,-~,~-~ 12 only). Transfer the date and DAY 3 ~C'2~-~{.. ~ the sign from columns 1 and 16 of ~DAY 4 ~:~-~ ~ Reconciliation Sheet to columns DAY ,5 ~-~~ ~ at left. Use the table below tc ,DAY 6 ~f/-~ ~ determine the action number for DAY 7 ~-/-~ ~ the period being analyzed. DAY 8 ~'~-~ ,.,' ' -~ ~ ,DAY 9 ~-'~' ~v ~ ACTI ON NUMBER' DAY 10 ~- ~' ~ ~ - TABLE DAY 11 ~-~-~' ~ ,DAY 12 ~-~ ~ ~ 30-DAY ] ACTION DAY 13 ~ ~ ~ ;PERIOD NUMBER[ NUMBER , DAY 14 ~.~. ~ _ -' I = 20 DAY 16 ~/d-~ ~ 3 = 54 DAY 18 ~-/y -~ ~ ~ 5 = 85 DAY 19 ~/ F~ -- 6 = 101 DAY 20 ~7~- ~ ~ .... ~ 7 = 117 DAY 21 ~/~ ~ ~~ 8 ~ 133 , DAY 22 ~-/g -- 9 ~ ~ 9 = 149 DAY 23 ~-/7 ~ ~ ~ 10 = 165 DAY 24 g~/~ ~ ~ 11 = 180 DAY 26 ~*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DAY27 ~'~/ -- ~r~'~ Circle appropriate period and DAY 28 ~-~ ~ action number. A full cycle is DAY 29 ~~,- ~ made up of periods 1-12, after' DAY 30 ~-~ ~ which a new cycle begins. Use TOTAL ~INUSRS ,, information to complete Part B. PART B: Line 1. Line 2. Line 3. Line 4. Line 5. ACTION NUMBER CALCULATION Total minuses this period-Part A ............ Cumulative minuses from previous periods in this cycle. Total minuses (add lines 1 & 2) Action number for this period (from table above) /~ Is line 3 greater than line 4? ~']Yes If Yes, you have a reportable loss and must be~in ~"7, notification and investigation procedures as described -[-~ ~¢"i in Kern County Environmental Health Services Department HANDBOOK #UT-10 "STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING". Env. Health 580 4113 012 (Rev. 6/90)