HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-REPORT 5/23/1991CAPACITY 500 GALLONS O2' 41 02' 2"0 2'-0 U/L /"~ GAUGE '1 EST AT 5 PSi' -UL 142 STEEL ABOVEGROUND ' TANKS FOR FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS NOTE: ADD 1 '; TO HEIGHT FOR SKIDS A I L-J 1' 1/2' B 51/2' 1'' C j I I II It · I II ID INNER TANK 4" EMERGENCY VENT 2" REGULAR VENT 2" GAUGE .' 2" FILL OUTER.TANK 4' EMERGENCY VENT 2"INSPECTION LUBE CUBE SPECIFICATIONS 500 GALLON U/L DOUBLE WALL TANK F I i OFFICE 1715 Cheste PERMrF APPLICATION TO CONSTRI _T~E OF AFFLtC^T:ON (CHECK) [ ~ FACILITY [ ]MODIFICATION OF FAC1L STARTING DATE .~ITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~F ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 ~rCT/MODIFY UNDERGRO~ STORAG~ TANK ~rlgw TANK INJ3T, aL~AT/ON AT EXIS~O FACILITY PROPOSED COMPLLrI'ION DATIg, ~E OF B~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ T~ O~ ~~ ~ ~. ~ i .. ~0~ ~0.~~.. ~D~~/~ ~~~ ~ I C~,'~~ ,, ' . ~.COD~ wo~ c~ No./~/- ~ ~, , _ [ ~~~- ~ ......... WA~TOFA~~O~BY ~ ~~ _ ' -.. '" NO, OFT~TO~~I~.~ ~ ~~RM~~ ~. , ~ S~ ~~0N C~OL~ CO~ ~ ~ ~ 0N~ ~ ~ .. ~ · ~o~ T,~qK.NO. VOLL~[E UNLEADED r FOR MOTOR FO~L REOULAR PRgMIUM DIt~EL AVIATION S]ICTIg}I FOR NON ] rOTOR FUgL b'TOIO.(~g TANK~ TANK NO. VOLUME ~ STO ~ CA~ NO. ~ FI~VIO~Y STOP~D FORC ~FIClAL t~EONLY . .. ' THIS APPLICATION BECO ~fES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED 07 O~ TRACER TIGHT® TEST RESULTS Prepared for: Shirley Environmental Lb2 P.O. Box 219 Nebraska City. NE 68410 Testers St Lic. No: 97-1 _~ 79 SYSTEM STATUS 4/1/2002 Job No: 860003 Jaco//785 370i Ming Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93309 SYS'fEM # PRODUCT ," IZE TRACER TRACER DETECTED? I Unleaded 10,000 A NO 2 Premium D U;00 R NO 3 Unleaded 1o,000 B NO 4 Diese I 1 ~),(100 R NO Soil permeability is greater than 41.6 darcys. GROUND WATER INFO SYSTEM # DEPTH / (;ROUND WATER DEFIH / TOP OF TANK DEPTIt / BOTTOM OF TA3:K (Inch) (Inch) (Inch}... ..................... Tank I >140 31 127 Tank 2 >140 35 131 Tank 3 >140 34 130 Tank 4 >140 32 128 SITE COMMENTS Back fill in tank pits consists of packed sand. Backfil in pi;ting trench i.; '¼ to ~/:pea gravel Ground cover over tanks and pipeing t~'ench consists of concrete and a ;phalt. TEST EVENTS INSTALLATION INOCULATION SAMPLING ANALYSIS 3/14/02 3 '14/0~ 3/25/02 3!27/02 FILL RISER - SPitl, BUCKET TEST I'ANK # PASS/FAlL Tank I PASS Tank 2 PASS Tank 3 PASS Tank 4 PASS St,bm/tied by: . zicct ~cer Research Corporation jun O? 02 12:04p 626- p.3 ~44-7017 TEST COMMENTS General Tanks I through 4 are double wall steel component. Product di:tribution, vent, stage I vapor recovery lines and sta~;e Il ~apor recovery lines are single wall steel components. Tanks 1 Through 4 No detectable Tracer'a in the lank excavatio~ zon,: and tank in~erstitials. There were moderate detections ofTVHC ITotal Volatile Hydrocarbons) in the tank ex avation zone rang ~g from 0 2.'.' 00 ) mg/L to 130.99000 mg/L. Product Distribution Lines, Stage I and 2 V:~ por Recovery Lines and Tank Vent lines No delectable Tracer i,~ line e::cavation zone. Tht rt: were light detections of TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons} il~ the I ne excavation zones, ranging l'ror~ 0.00000 mD% to 1:;.51000 mgq. Conclusion Tank a~d line components ar~: Enhanced Tr ~cer 'I,'ight® at the time of testing ~un 07 O~ ~:O~p 68S~44-7017~ p.4 Tracer Research Job No. 860003 Sample Date: 03/27/02 CONDEN~,ED DATA Page 3 of 5 Location (;ompound Concentration(rog/L) 001 A 001 B 001 R 001 TVH£ OO2 A 002 B 002 R 002 TVHC 003 A 003 B 003 R 003 TVHC 004 A 004 B 004 R O04 TVHC 005 A 005 B 005 R 005 TVII( 006 A 006 B 006 R 006 TVHC O07 A 007 B 007 R 007 TVHC 008 A 008 B 008 R 008 TVH£ TVHC (Total Volatile Hyc~rocarbonsl x alue: reportcd h milligrams/htcr (rog/L). Tracer values reported in mill/grams/liter 0.0000 = Not Detected -999999.99')9 = No sample 0.00000 0.00000 0.000fl0 2.41600 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.13000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 130.98700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.413 O0 0.(10000 0.00000 0.00000 3.36700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 63.49100 0.00000 0.00000 0.000oo 1.39700 0.000(/0 0.00000 0.0000(} 2.3110(I .;un 07 02 12: 05p 628 F44-7017 ~. 5 Tracer Research Job No. 860003 Page 4 of 5 Sample Date: 03/27/02 CONDENSED DATA Location (?ompound Concentration(rog/L) 009 A 009 B O09 R 009 TVH£ 010 A 010 B 010 R 010 TVH( 011 A 011 B 011 R 011 TVH£ 012 A 012 B 012 R 012 TVH¢ 013 A 013 B 013 R 013 TVHC 014 A 014 B 014 R 014 TVHC 015 A 015 B 015 R I) 15 TVHC 016 A 016 B 016 R 016 TVHC 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.08800 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.234O0 0.000{'~0 0.00000 0.00000 15.50700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.65200 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.34700 0.O0O00 0.00000 0.00000 13.99200 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.8870{) 0.000O0 0.00000 0.00000 1.56800 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons}, v:dues reported in milligran ~xs/liter 0ng/L). Tracer values mpo~ted h~ ntilligrmm/lite' 0n~,&). 0.0000 = Not Detected -999999.9999 = No sample Jun 07 02 12:05p 828 ,44-7017 Tracer Research Job No. 860003 Page 5 of 5 Sample Date: 03/27/02 (IONDENSED DATA Location (:ompound Interstitial Tm~k l A Interstitial Tank 1 B Interstitial Tank I R h~terstifial Tm~ 1 TVH£ Interstitial Tank 2 A Intei~fifial Tank 2 B Interstitial Tank 2 R Interstitial Tank 2 T'vqtC Interstitial Tank 3 A Interstitial Tank 3 B Interstitial Tank 3 R Interstitial Tank 3 TVH¢ Interstitial Tank 4 A Interstitial Tank 4 B Interstitial Tank 4 R Interstitial Tank 4 TVHC Concentration(mg/L) 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 O. 00000 0.00O00 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) v flues reported in milligramsfliter 0ng/L). Tracer values reported in milligrams/litei' (mg/L). 0.0000-- Not Detected .999999.9999 = 5Io sample 2 o 0 Tank 4 Tank 3 Tank 2 Tracer IR] Tracer [BI Tracer [2] 8 12 14 unleaded Tracer S i d e w a 1 k ~x E X P !, A N A T I ON J a c c ~ 7 8 5 / (D 7,, ~O~r' 12 02 11:24~ 62{ ~44-7017 p.3 TEST COMMENTS General Tanks I through 4 are double wall steel component. Product distribution, vent, stage I vapor recovery lines and stage II vapor recovery lines are single wall steel components. Tanks 1 Through 4 No detectable Tracer's in the tank excavation zone and tank interstitials. There were moderate detections of TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) in thc tank excavation zone, ranging from 0.230110 mg/L to 130.99000 mg/L. Product Distribution Lines, Stage I and 2 Vapor Recovery Lines and Tank Vent lines No detectable Tracer in line excavation zone. There were light detections of TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) in the excavation zones, ranging from 0.00000 mg/L to 15.51000 mg/L Conclusion Tank and line components are Enhanced Tracer Tight® at the time of testing ' '~p~ 12 02 11:25a 82 ~44-7017 p.4 Tracer Research Job No. 860003 Sample Date: 03/27/02 CONDENSED DATA Page 3 of 5 Location Compound Concentration(nag/L) 001 A 001 13 001 R 001 TVHC 002 A 002 B 002 R 002 TVHC 003 A 003 13 0O3 R O03 TVHC 0O4 A 004 B 004 R 004 TVHC 0O5 A 005 B 005 R 005 TVHC 006 A 006 B 006 R 006 TVHC 007 A 007 B 007 R 007 TVHC 008 A 008 B 008 R 008 TVHC TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in milligrams/liter (mg/L). Tracer v',flues reported in mill]grams/liter (rog/L). 0.0000 = Not Detected -999999.9999 = No sample 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.41600 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.13000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 130.98700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.41300 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 3.36700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 63.49100 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.39700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.311O0 ~ ~ Rpr 12 02 11:25a 44-7017 p.5 Tracer Research Job No. 860003 Sample Date: 03/27/02 CONDENSED DATA Page 4 of 5 Location Compound Concentration(rog/L) 0O9 A 009 B 009 R 009 TVHC 010 A 010 B 010 R 010 TVHC 0Il A 011 B 011 R 01 l TVHC 012 A 012 B 012 R 012 TVHC 013 A 013 B 013 R 013 TVHC 014 A 014 B 014 R 014 TVHC 015 A 015 B 015 R 015 TVHC 016 A 016 B 016 R 016 TVHC 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.08800 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.23400 0,00000 0.00000 0.00000 15.50700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.65200 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.34700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 13.99200 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.88700 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000o 1,56800 TVHC (Total Volatile ltydrocarbons) values reported in milligrams/liter (mg/L). Tracer values reported in millignuns/liter (mg/L). 0.0000 = Not Detected -999999.9999 = No sample ' ~pr 12~ 0:p 11:25a 44-7017 Tracer Research Job No. 860003 Page 5 of 5 Sample Date: 03/27/02 CONDENSED DATA Location Compound Concentration(rog/L) Interstitial Tank 1 A Interstitial Tank 1 B Interstitial Tank I R Interstitial Tank 1 h~terstifial T',mk 2 A Interstitial Tank 2 B Interstitial Tank 2 R Interstitial Tank 2 TVHC Interstitial Tank 3 A Interstitial Tank 3 B Interstihal Tank 3 R Interstitial Tank 3 TVHC Interstitial Tank 4 A Interstitial Tank 4 B Interstitial Tank 4 R Intemtifial Tank 4 TVHC 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in milli~ter (mg/L). Tracer values reported in milligrams/liter (mg/L). 0.0000 = Not Detected -999999,9999 --- No sample 0 o 0 0 0 0 Tank 4 Tank 3 Tank 2 Tank 1 10,000 9al 10,000 gal 10,000 gal !0,000 gal Diesel Unleaded Premium Unleaded Tracer IR] Tracer [BI Tracer [RI Tracer IAI 11 13 S i d e w a 1 k ~ S t o r e o~ EXPLANATION ' ! Sampling Probe Location f e · 860003 J a c o ~ 7 8 5 I SA M Pb I N 0 LOCATIONS F i 91u r e i t~,?r~.r 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 tYPE OF ACTION J--J ! NEW SITE PERMIT [] 3. RENEWAL PERMIT ~$. CHA~E OF INFOR~TION (~ c~e · ~ C,~ec~ one ,tern o~] ~ 4. AMENOED ~RMIT local use o~ly]. ~ 6. TE~RY SITE CLOSURE Page -- o/ ~ [] ? PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE [] 8. TANK REMOVED I. FACILITY I SITE INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same a~ FACILITY NAME ~ DBA - D~ng 8uanMs Aa) 3 NEAR E S'"I"CRO-SS 5'~'R E E'I" 401. ~E'7".~s ST,mO. [] 3. FARM [] s. [] 2. DISTRIBUTOR r'] 4. PROCESSOR [] $. OTHER 403. FACILITY ID # FACILITY OWNER T~P~ [] !. CORPORATION [] 2. INDNIDUAL [] 3. PARTNERSHIP [] 4. LOCAL AGENCY/OISTRICT° [] 5. COUNTY AGENCY' [] 8. STATE AGENCY' []' ?. FEDERAL AGENC~ 402. TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS I~ f~olity a~ Indlal~ ~ of ~ owns' cd UST a pulpit agenc'F name cd ~ul~(vis~ cd REMAINING AT SITE tmsUands? div~*~,. _,~,__ _u~. ~ ~ wfli~ ~0ei'ale~ Ihe UST. (Thi~ i~ ~e c~n(~cl j~n/(x ~e t~nk recMcl~.) II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION 407. I/PHONE\ ~ 4~8. 409. [] 4. LOCALAGENCYIDISTRJCT [] 6. STATE AGENCY 413. [] s. COUNTY AC, ENCY [] 7. FEDERAL A~ III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION TAN6 OWNER NAME TANK OWNER TYPE [] 2. INDIVIOUAL [] 1. CORPORATION J~'"'"'~. PARTNERSHIP 416. 417. I $T~, 418. [] 4. LOCAL AGENCY I O~'~*RJCT [] 5. COuNTY AGENCY ZIP COOE 419. [] 6. STATE AGENCY 420. [] 7. FEDERAL AGENCY IV. BOARD OF EQUJU.JZATION UST STORAGE FEE AccoUNT NUMBER V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY''::' ': tNOICATE METHOD<S) 1.[~'"~SELF-INSURED [] 4. SURETY BOND ~ 7~.~.T~D ~ STATE FUND & CJ=O LETTER 421. [] !0. LOCAL GOVT' MECHANISM [] 99. OTHER: [] 2. GUARANTEE [] 3. INSURANCE [] S. LETTER OF C~EDIT [] 6. EXEMPTION [] 9. STATE FUND & CO 422. VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Cheer( o~e box ID ~le 'wflic~ a~te~3 ~to~l~ be t.~ed fo~ legaJ no~flca~ Mid mailing. Legal noliflcation$ a~d maillng~ wiW be sent to Ihe ta~lk owne~ unles~ box I [] 1. FACILITY J--J 2. PROPERTY OWNER 3j 3.. T~K OWNER 423. VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Ce~iflcatlon: I certify ~hal [he infoi'mation peOWded he'e~n ~a line and accurate to the be~ cd my Imov,4edge. NAME OF APPLICANT 426. DATE · J STATE uST FACILITY NUMBER (Potlocal use onty) T~TCE AI~I/~ANT ' ~ - ~ Li, [). PHONE 427. 428. 199~ UPGRADE CERTIFICATE NUMBER (For local usa oniy) UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS~swrcb-a.wpd . .._~-, ._ CITY OF BAK~.R.SFIELD '~ _.~.~ OFFL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SI~VICE$ 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAOE TANKS- rANK PAGE 1 ~OC.A r~N w~rNIN ~ --- E:].. u~:~ 0 m. ~~ [] ~. ~ 0 ~. A~'r~FU~ 0 ~ ~~ 0 ~. OA~ O~. o~ ~ of: [1 4. ~NOL~WALL~IAVAULT r~u~TE,~q..pdmarym~N !"1 1. I'1 2. ~:~LL ~ ov~RF~U. 450 TYI~ (For ~ocM u,M oe,Y) ,01 OVF.~u:~ J:,lc~)TECT1ON EC~)iPI, F-NT: ~ ,q~T~ t ~n ~ 3 V~MArlo OA~ U~T U~D Ct~MOd~Y~ 4~ ~T~D OUAN~TrY O~ ~TANC~ ~ 4~ T.*.M"_. F,~ ! 0 WITH ::~,, .'~1 9:~CUPAFORMS~3WR~'~c ~CF (7/90) l~lChd4tM' Av~., e4kem~eld. CA t.3.101 (~1) .121~.~1) CCNSmuC:~(3J~ $1NC.~J" WAU. 0 ]. UNeO~ O~e. ,~,4ANL, FACTLJRERI~] Z. CX~U~4.EWALL OM. UI~4OIMd ~rE~t~.S^~()'O 2. STAUqt,~3."I~TEEL I'1 ?. (3A4.VAMZF. D3T1EEI. i E] 4. F~ f-! & FLEX~E(~ 1-1 ~e. ~FAC~RER ~ STEEL ~ T. ~V~ ~ ~. u~ 4 ' ~ I-I 2. Mom~YO2Om~"r O 2. (:~nHU~SOeSPeW. APA~OedC~')U~'E)~C)Y~-S~-)u~ · ["~ 3. C~NTrI~OO~..N~PA~_. wm. IAUTO~/~rrOFFFO~D~P~N~F~*AUO{BL~ANOV~JALALAJ~v~ I-1 & NON~ IX, OWNERIOPIIRATOR $1ONATUR! JPCF (7/9<2) 471 CITY OF 8AK. ERSF'IELD OFFI OF ENVIRONMENTAL Si~ItVICE$ 1715 Chester Ave., BakerSfield, CA 93301 (661)326-3979 Pn>E of TA~I( I--I ?. LL~DED 441 EXT~ W UI~ I'1 ~. mea~3t. As3/~ '~LL ~ OV~.qfl,.L ~ 0 ,. m,e,~e..~ ~ 0~. omru~ Y~I~TALLED 4,~ 1'Y1~(~~) ~! OVFJ~ILLPROTECl'~NE(:~IPflEKr:Y-eJ, RI~T~uirn ~~. FILL 1'U~ SHUT CXCF VALV~ V. TANK CLMUI~ INFORMATI~i I IIIRIL~NINT' C~JR~ IN I~AC~ 4~ TX/4( FIJ.~O wrrH ~ MATEJ~.A~? C1¥# O~ :F (7/99) S:~CUPAFORM~c-,a'8'WPc ~ 0~1"1Cl O~' INV~RONMENTAL S~V~Cg.~ 17ql~hetltl' Av~,. ~lklrlfleld. CA t3301 (~1) 3~ (~ ~"/ C] 3. ~8D~..NaEAPAHMN~OAWrrHAUTOSHUTOFFFO~OLI~N~F~°AUO~L~A,NOV~UALALAFJ~ ~ 4. 13At. YVI~UAL C3.~CX IX, O~EIIUOPERATOR SIGNATURE 'CF (7/99) I 47'1 TfTI~ S:\CU pAF(3RMS~WRCI~B'WFD ,, _~. OFFI~I[ OF £NVIRONMENTAL Si~It~,ICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 t.0C,~ r~ vWrmN ~ ~ -=-. i"] r ~Rj, w,~,,Crt, y Ct. OMo ON ~rre L TANK OF$CRII~ION 0 Y'Ym'. mm~. (r4 ~ge rot w:h ~ ONd Od} O~. O~. or~e~ I-} 3. ~II,,IOLEWALLWITN n 4. ~I,40LEVMU. INAVAUL'r 'ILL ANO OVERFILL P,~mEeno~ 0 4. na,n~.IMo CU~R~Cr ON. omen Y~AAIC~TALLED 4,f,0 TYPE(FOebcMuMMI~) 4~t 'OVEJRFILLPROI'ECT30NEQUIPMENT:YE,a.Ra'~T,U~O 0 z ~FLO^'r~ 0 4. ~ ~~-4. AU. TU~ SHUT OFF VALV~ / i~ DO{~ WALt. TANK OR TANK I"I ~. Vk~q.(M4OLEWaU.~V~JLrOM.Y} V. T.,I~K CtM4JI~ INFroRIL~TI(~ I PIRM,UIINT Ct.OJURII iN P/ACl :F (Ttgg) S:~CU PAJ:ORM-I~C~'$'WP c leC (34mlmlCl O4~ INVIAONMENTAL SERVICE3 ~ hllW Av~.. e4kirlfllld. CA g330~ (~1) 32~]~1F9 I'-1 0~. u~<~ I-1 ~e. OTHER [] e. F.PCO~*~.~ vw '00% ~.,'n~,oc 0 ~. ~.AST~CCOMPArm4~WFmCON'~NTS (:] e. FL~U~E(K)~') C:]9L OT)~]~ K'l 4. m~ I::] ~. CAi'HOOt ~TC-CnON C]~. uNm~ov~ IX, OWNER/OPERATOR SIONA'I'URtI )CF (7/99) S:~CUPAF ORMS~C~'B'WPO ' _~. OFFI~OF E~VIRON~ENTAL Si~'ICES,' 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326 3979 ,3,A :'E :NS T,~.LED (YF.A,q/M~) I. TANK {-I ~. JET FUEi. 0 ~. AWA'nON Ft,e. C:] ~. o~ EXTW M~ I. JN~ 1-1 4. ~m, Kli~WAL~I,4AVAU~.T DM. UNKNOWN 0~. om~. '~L{. AJ',M30VER~LL Y~.q~I~TALLED 4~0 I'YP~(~m,;Oc. MuMMih/) 4~I C~ Z ~ FLOAT V. TANK CI. i31URJ INFOI~MATI(~ I IIIRWlNT :LOll. JR[ IN PLAC~ 444 TAM( FI,J.~0 WITH ~ MAI'EF, I~.? :F (7,~g) S:~CUP,4U=ORM~'vR~'~c lEAK S'Y~--r.M FNLUf~. A.ND ar~iaM'Ol~ * NA3~L~ ANO VISUAl. 0 9. CAT'~ J~T~ 0 ~. ~A~Yv~U~C~ECX C] S. (~ ~) ~ESTR~T~ [] 3. ~8 0tSpF. N~ PAH ~t,j~4~ Wi~ AjjTO SHUT OFF FOfl i~qp~N~,R , AUO~LE AND VI~jA4. Aj.A,cU~ C] 4. D,M. YV~JN. CHECX IX. O~I~ER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE 474 'CF (7/~J) S ACU PAFORM~/VRC~.8.WI=C~ O-- uO Z ~J 28 ;,~ / RENEWAL DOING BUSINESS AS ~ ~. USINESS ADDRESS PUB?~jH EALTH',. PERMIT FORM APPLICATION,/ FAS~RIP FOOD STO,~f] 3701 ~ A~]N~: RI~JP£FIKLD,* CA ~3 ~ PAY BY JULY 31 TO AVOID · TYPE OF BUSINESS EE BASIS FEE PENALTY(IF ANY} PAY THIS AMOUNT OWNER/S x NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP JACO OE,, RENEWAL MAIL'ING ADDRESS .. BLIND· P.O. BO~ 1807- CHARITY/TAX SUPPORTED Bkk%.,~ ~LD, CA ~33 3 "" PERMIT EXPIRES.3:Q/,/ :bs I '"" PAY FEES TO COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER I 1700 FLOWER STREET · BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 DATE FEE PAID'. DATE APPROVED HEALTH OFFICER · LEON M. HEBERTSON, M.D. APPLICATION INSPECTION [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL DATE Au~tst 20, 1984 DBA FASTRIP FOOD STORE [] APPROVED DATE ': ' ADDRESS. 3701 MING AVENUE .................. ~ ................................................... ~.-: ..................................... O.~.~.[E JACO 0ZL ' 1..-.~.All.construc¢~on~.to..be..as..I~._ r .fa_c_~_~_ty_:.:~lanS~~ed_,~h~s 'd__e.~nt and j, Backfill material for D..i..P_i~g_ and tanks to be as er manufacturer's s ecifi . ........................................................................................................................ D ........................................... p cations_ _4~~ite ~Dg. ctions ~ Permitt~ Authorit wi]1 be made of: ' .... B_L ~ank insts]letions'and R~iRe wrappj__i~gs. C~ A~Z..~ ~ther j_zD~_..D.e_ction Permitt~ A1Athori~y deems necessa_r~. 5'~ Underg_xLqund stor_a_ge_, facil~_t~_not to be 'put into operation dntil final approval on 'A'es~ must be certified ~ manufacturer. ...... 8. _~..nitor__~_ re.~,t~ements for this facili_t~ w~1! be described on final "Permit to RECEIVE ~ COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER B I 8 L PERMIT. ' SECTION 3807. PEN,ALTIES.:/If a fee required by this D v s nat" t I t r any bus- paid prior to the delinquency d6te in addition to such fee the appricant Shall ' mess, occupation or other activity provided for in this Division, and shall file pay o penalty equal tO twenty-five percent (25o/,) of the fee. The term "delin- an application with the Health Officer on a form to be provided and pay the quency date" shall mean in case of a renewal July 31,' and in the case. of required fee and penalty, if any. o newly established business or activity thirty-one (31) days after commencement of the business or activity, ~ , (Mail: or stre6t dadl purposes of notification only.) De{finafidn , ~E~TFT..~ St ; '~ ' Court ;' ' · '. - ~' :.- .::b,'~- - --.;' '~: ~..;.;.~;_~,, '. ,., ..,.... ..':,' (* To be filled in. only when shipper d~sirds and, _ for delivery thereat.) Dei~erf~g'' Caroler .~ -" : ~':': ;' ?':' '~,:-;~'.h.::-%.. or Vehicle N :, ~ : "Of Articles. Special- ' *WEmH1' Clos~ Check~-' m~-~ecl.,to' ' ' Section '~ ~ ~tton.~ ~ : . .:.'-',: '.:., .',':',..,. .. · . .: ,,,, · . , . . ,: .. l~'~.Agent mu{t detach and retain, this Shipping Order end must. s~qn fhe Origin~l 8111 of Lading. . R~EIYED. subject ~ ~e classifi~tlons ~d tari~ In effect on the date of-~e issue' of ~is Bill of Lading~ '-'-,,?x -: .... ,' -. , ~- . ,.. . . ,.. tCALIFORNIA 937![";~:~ '::; ' '~6".'~19 .- ~'~rt'~Fr /~''"* MODERN 'WELDING c0M NY, INC. -,, ..-~ ~ .-. · (M~iI, or if reef address of co~$1gne~urpos~of ~tif ca,on ~[~.) Route ' .- ,.- '' ..: ...... .,._ ... . ... ' -",:'-;'-"~'.--"," -.;4:~ ' .- -~:' :.. ' '~' · No :, ~ ,-d .~,':. '~ K nd of Package.~ DescHption of Artlcles. Special .: .:::' r ' ' ' 'WES~ ' ClaSS ' Check I~bJec~. te Beetlon ? a~ ~t,onn e . .' .:..~:' .,, ):':'. :.... ':::'.. :~;'/.,-':,:.~.:'-.'..,'~..'.~'.,:., ,.., ,, '..' - ..: .:,',.. . ,-,-,:.. ·... '~~~0 · ,.. :,...' ::-.::,.'~' ,:".,=, ~?2 ':" :"~:' :'. :"' "" ": "" "" :"' " -'-...,,, ',.' .,--m..,''. ,. ~... .-y , ~ Agent.must detach and'retain, this Shipping Order and must s.qn the Original 8ill of Lading. Winston H. Hickox Secretary for Environmental Protection California 14 February 2001 i gional Water Quality ontrol BOard Central Valley Region Robert Schneider, Chair Mr. Richard Young Texaco Express Lube Northeast 3701 Mt. Vernon Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93306 Fresno Branch Office Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/~rwqcb5 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 Gray Davis Governor TEXACO EXPRESS LUBE NORTHEAST, 3701 MT. VERNON AVE., BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY We recently received a referral from a City of Bakersfield County Certified Unified Program Agency inspector regarding aboveground petroleum storage tanks at your facility. A 9 February 2001 telephone conversation with your employee, Rod Ruth, and a member of our staff confirmed the presence of five 85-gallon oil tanks (a sixth one to be disposed of this week), one 185-gallon oil tank, three 260-gallon oil tanks, and One approximate 500-gallon waste oil tank. Major provisions of the Aboveground PetrOleum Storage Act (Health and Safety Code, §25270), a state law effective 1 January 1990, require the owner or operator of an aboveground petroleum tank facility with a single tank capacity greater than 660 gallons or with a cumulative storage capacity greater than 1,320 gallons to do the following: 1'. File a storage statement and submit an appropriate fee on or before 1 July 1990 and on or before 1 July every two years thereafter. 2. Prepare and implement a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan, except farms, nurseries, logging sites, or construction sites. o Establish a monitoring program for the tank(s) if the appropriate Regional Water Quality Control Board, upon inspection, has determined that discharge from the aboveground tank facility will affect waters of the state .or sensitive ecosystems. A storage statement form and information about the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act are enclosed. By 13 March 2001, please submit documentation to our Fresno Branch Office that you have submitted your storage statement and fee to the State Water Resources Control Board in Sacramento. By 13 May 2001, please submit a copy of the SPCC plan that will be maintained and implemented at your facility. The SPCC plan needs to be prepared in accordance with Part 112 of Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations. California Environmental Protection Agency ~ Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption, For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web-site at http:llwww.swrcb.ca.govlrwqcb5 Mr. Richard Young -2- 14 February 2001 Guidance for the preparation of a SPCC plan, as developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is enclosed to assist you. If we may be of further help or if you have any questions regarding the Abovegr0und Petroleum Storage Act, please telephone Anthony Medrano at (559) 488-4395. RUSSELL W. WALLS Senior Engineer RCE No. 43140 Enclosures cc: Mr. Howard Wines, City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services, Bakersfield · ~-. i'. CERT~I~.D UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY ~"PA) Mail a copy of the completed form to: California Regional Water Quality Control Board t~(u-?<;~JO , CA ~ ~726 Date: ~5~ / ~l / 2~ CUPA Inspector: Address: ~--'~C~ Phone: The following facility is storing "petroleum" in a single storage tank greater than 660 gallons or in multiple storage tanks with a cumulative storage capacity greater than 1,320 gallons. "Petroleum" means crude oil, or any fraction thereof, which is liquid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit temperature and 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute pressure. This includes petroleum based substances comprised of a complex blend of hydrocarbons, such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuels, residual fuel oils, lubricants, some petroleum solvents, and used oils. An example of a substance that is not "petroleum" is liquid propane gas (LPG). Note: The backside of this form identifies storage tanks and facilities exempt from the state Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act SPCC requirement. Facility Name: Facility Address: ~ 70 t tva'iL x/'C'--ro~ A,V'- Contact: i~tCI-V4t~ ~Oom~ Phone: ..... :" Th~ Fai~ili~ ls itl ~6~Plian~i~: ~ith ! H&SC- .. Sectii~h 2$P, 70~5(~)i~ ~hi~'Pri~pai'atiow of im :sPc~:pli~n; ~;~!): :~h:~!!iJ. ~:'eomp!ete,,copy ofithe:f~dli~y~s,SP,.EC~:plan~:c~rfifi~d::!~ a.Regis~er~o ~rofe~sionm:Egg!ne~(;~ii~!i!~i!!l D mahi~aineda{':thefa~ilitys~Whieh isn~irmallY atteiidediilt:.le~stShou~gperdaYa:</!t;~tltefieiii~iS::.!¢:':i',i i ' Thefaci!itY is;not in:compliancewith H&SCSeetion 252~0;5(c);' ' This form:.constUutes'~eferral to the Re~ionai;Bo~rd f°r ~i':.::~he/' ' '<'"::~:" '~=::{a~iiitY does not: have' a certified sPcC .planin . '' Place, I ! :Tli~.6~ii~i~::.:or oPerat0i:.:Was'Unaware.Of the. Aboveground Petroleum storage Act.'.. Acopy'of,:m~'?::.'I ResourCeS Controj~B°ard,:AboVeground Tank Program brochure was pr°¢id~i!!i~''' I i<..i:!:th~ °~n'el{" 0r:°pera:tor~ ' "" I cc: Carol Julian State Water Resources Control Board Division of Clean Water Programs P.O. Box 944212 Sacramento, CA 94244-2120 SWRCB. CWP Form AGT-I (06~28~99) ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK PROGRAM STORAGE TANKS AND FACILITIES EXEMPT FROM THE STATE SPCC REQUIREMENT The Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA), Health and Safety Code (H&SC), Section 25270.2(k), defines "storage tank" as any aboveground tank or container used for the storage of petroleum. "Storage tank" does not include any of the following: pressure vessel or boiler which is subject to Part 6 of DivisiOn 5 of the Labor Code. (2) A storage tank containing hazardous waste, as defined in subdivision (g) of Section 25316, if the person owning or operating the storage tank has been issued a hazardous waste facilities permit for the storage tank by the Department of Toxic Substances Control. (3) An aboveground oil production tank which is subject to Section 3106 of the Public Resources Code (Division of Oil and Gas). .(4) Oil-filled electrical equipment, including, but not limited to, transformers, circuit breakers, or capacitors, if the oil-filled electrical equipment meets either of the following conditions: (A) The equipment contains less than 10,000 gallons of dielectric fluid, or (B) The equipment contains 10,000 gallons or more of dielectric fluid with PCB levels less than 50 ppm. The appropriate containment or diversionary structures or equipment are employed to prevent discharged oil from reaching a navigable water course, and the electrical equipment is visually inspected in accordance with the usual routine maintenance procedures of the owner or operator. If you checked any one of the four boxes above, then the facility is not subject to the state APSA registration, fee or SPCC plan requirements. Additionally, H&SC Section 25270.5(d) specifically does no_At require an SPCC plan for the following facilities: Farms, nurseries, and logging or construction sites, which do not have a single tank exceeding 20,000 gallons and which have a cumulative storage capacity no greater than 100,000 gallons. However, these facilities are still required to pay a fee and register their tank(s) with the State Water Resources Control Board. Comment: FACILITY NAME~'!~---~/~4~° ~,~Z~-'J5 t~o't3~-- Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION 'CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION DATE [] Routine /[~ombined [] Joint Agency Type of Tank Type of Monitoring [] Multi-Agency Number of Tanks ~ Type of Piping [] Cot [] Re-inspection OPERATION ,.33~ ~' COMMENTS Proper tank data on file J Proper owner/operator data on file J Permit tees current J Certification of Financial Respon~ Monitoring record adequa~d current Maintenance recor~equate and current Failure toc~t prior UST violations He~4~ been an unauthorized release? · Yes No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) 2-60 ~'S"x6 ~ ~ AGGREGATE CAPACITY' T of Tank A~7~" o~ ~fft..- Number of Tanks /(-) OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO Inspector: ~50' tax/'~'"5 Oflicc of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White- Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy TEXACO (805} 327-7~ SUN VALLEY OiL CO. WHOLESALE PETROLEUM {:~ISTRIBUTORS BOBBY McKIM 5ALES MANAGER 3940 ROSEOALE HIGHWAY ~BAKERSFIELD, CALIF, 93308 I!~PORTANT M ESSAGI M TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH MESSAGE SIGNED ASSOCIATED L1 I I~PORTANT MESSAG~.A. IFOR ~~ SIGNED ~SSOCIATED Piazsrdous ~[a[e.-'dals iD~v~s~on TO: BUILDING DEFT. II. STATUS CF HAZ MAT RE'3ULAT~CN$ equJre~, tc complete c Hczc~Ccus Mctedcls Busine~ Plcn [--~ HczcrCcus Mc:erlc:s 8usine~ ?!Ch Comple:e Risk Mcnc.gement & Prevention Prcgrcm Required Risk Mcncgament & ?reventicn Prcgrcm Requiremeni's crc ~eJng me? - CK to issue permit Risk Mcn~gemem' cnd Preventicn Prcgrcm l~cs ~ee.q c.~prove~, CK to issue CerTiticcte ct CccuDcncy, III, ~ Nc HczcrCcus Mctericl Requirements, IV, ~--] All Hczcrdcus Mctericts Re;crtlng Requirements Complete, Now that most local regu- lators permit fuels, lubri- cating oil and used oil to be stored above ground, Lube Cube offers you the most economical and convenient alternative to underground storage tanks. With Lube Cube, you don't have to invest time or money to install or replace an underground tank. This saves fOU llOt only the cost of the UST and in- stallation, but also the liability insurance requirements. Our space-saving design ~~nlso makes in-building tion. The installation easy when out- side installation is not practical. All Lube Cubes meet N FPA-30 for storage of flammable and combus- tible liquids and are manu- factured, tested and labelled per U/L 142. Because of the double wall protection, Lube Cube double wall tanks require no dikes for spill protec- interstitial space allotvs for convenient monitoring, if required. double wall units are available in standard sizes from 120 to 3,000 gallons. Cus- tom sizes can also be fabri- cated. And t)ur tanks are available nationwide! Give tls a call and let our staff of sales engineers help you select the tank best suited to your needs-- or design a complete Lube Cube system .~ for you. For more information, call 800 777-2823. PO Box 396 Severna Park, MD 21146 8O0 777 2823 Double Wall Above Ground Tanks Capacity Dimensions (Gallons) (L x W x H) 120 2'5" x 3'1" x 3'4" 280 5'3" x 3'1" x 3'4" 480 7'6" x 3'11" x 3'0" 500 5'3" x 3'3" x 5'4" 650 7'4" x 3'0" x 5'4" 1,000 10' 10" x 3'0" x 5' 4" 1,500 15' 10" x 3'0" x 5' 4" 2,000 18' 10" x 2'10" x 6' 4" 2,000 18' 10" x 3' 4" x 5' 4" 3,000 20'10"x 4'4" x 5'4" Add I* I/2" to Height (H) for skids Standard Features Optional Eqnipmenl · Consl]'uclcd of I() gauge shccl sleel · Skid mounlcd to permit inspcclion · Shop primed exterior · Standard NPT fittings · Openings hmer tank: emergency vent regular vent gauge fill Outer lank: emergency vent inspection · Meets NFPA-30 · I.Smmcl finish in your choice of color · Custom NPT fitting pattern available · Fill Caps ' Vtll[S · Lockablc Fill Hatch · lntank Level Gauges Also Available In Single Wall UL Listed (L x W x H) 2'2" x 2'6" x YO" 5'0" x 2'6" x 3'0" 7'Y' x Y4" x 2'8" 5'0" x 2'8" x 5'0" 6'6" x 2'8" x 5'0" 10'0" x 2'8" x 5'0" 15'0" x 2'8" x 5'0" 18'0" x 2'6" x 6'0" 18'0" x 3'0" x 5'0" 20'0" x 4'0" x 5'0" Add 4" to Height (H) for skids s ~ ~yc ~ ~'e a e ontr,, BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. FIRE PREVENTION BUR~U APPROVED FOR NOTE: Acceptance applies to plans as submitted and for construction and/or installation thereon, subject to final inspection and acceptance. Fire 'Marshalh ~'~. ,~.~.~¥ ~.) : PROJECT DESCRIPTION (ADDRESS/LOCATION, NAME OF PROJECT, SPR No., NAME OF DEVELOPER OR ARCHITECT): SEE ~3ACK SIOE FOR ADOI%ONAL COMMENTS C~DINANCE NC . 3319 AN ORDINANCX OF CZTY OF B~FI-~-r-~.n ~I.NG SECTI_~N 15.64.410 OF ~ MIFR-I Ci P AL CODE GRO~ S~GE OF ~~~ OR CC~UE~B~ LiQ~S. .BE 'IT ORDAI~N-~D by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTX__~N I. Section ~5 64 410 of the Bakers=~ , ~ ~ zs herebY amended to read as follows: 15.64.410 Section 79.902(c)(!) add. ed - Above-.~r.=~-ud sturace of f!amma~ie or c-----~r~sti~ie !i~ids. A. T~e limits of the district r=~=~-=d'to in which storage of flammable or combustible !i~aids in outside, above- · ground tanks is prohibited are established as follows: Fire Zones ! and 2 and the c!cse!y-built ccmmercia! and residential areas of Fire Zone 3~ as said zones are defined in Chapter !5.64, Section !~.64.400 Subsecsicns A, B and C, of this code. Exceoticn: Fire Zones !. and 2, above-ground tanks installed in special enclosures for dispensing of Class i, il or iii-A ii_~uids shall include the following: !. Above-ground tanks ~cntaznzng C!as= =, =_ iXZ'-A ~u~s shall not exceed a cauaci?z of 2 000 -~ tank. A tank vault shall ccmpiete!y enclose the 3. The tank vault shall be constructed cf reinforced concrete at least six inches thick (eq~a! tca two- hour ~ . wa__) ~e tank vault shall be izTamd tzcnu. 5. A~ vaulted tanks/tank ~" __ vau,~ shall have an enclosed space between the tank and the tar~ vault andw~__~ be called seccnda~f contair~ent. 6. The only cpenlngs permitted in the tar~ vault shall be for inspecticn, =~g, dispensing, venting, ~mergency venting,; and they shall be installed through %he top only. Anti- siphon devices shall be installed on discharge lines. ~. Tank ~onne~nzcns s~a!l ~e so ~z~e~ crc ..... that neither vapors or !i~aid can escape into -h.~ .= enclosed space between the tan~ and the ~ank vau!~. ~ 8. Means shall be vault to dilute, disperse and. remove vapors. 9. Means 'shall be provided to recover i'i..--aids from the ~eccndar'.7 ccntairamenu area. if a p~,p is used ~-c mee~ this re~a~remenn,' the ptump shall be o,= an approved t'~e, and not permanently instal!ed in the seccndaz-~ 10. Tanks should be b~ Listed for above 9round use. Emergency venting as~oer Uniform -ir~ Code (minimum in diameter). 12. Vent pipe ~ ~=~ p~ov ....... normal tank venting shall ~ ~ ~e_.,_na~_ at ~.leaSt ~'~ fee~ above ground !3. Permits' shall be required for al! reinforced concrete suck as pad, sides, ends and top through Building Department. i~ Permits shall be ~ocu~=d for a~ electrical tkrcughBui!ding Department. 15. The tank vault shall be protected against accident~! dislcdc~menn_ by_ use cf crash posts m_..hmum~ six inches in d~ame~°~ s~'~ ~een !cng, two feet of '~ ;~' .... , _.. .~n~_n shall be below grade and encased in concrete. Be send'our feet on canner and three ==~? ~rcm vault. (Encas~enn in concrete shall be ~ of i2 inches wide. Bottom c~ posts, suspended in concrete minimum cf three inches from bottom). 16. Shall be protected against dislcdgmmenn during seismic activity as per Building Code. 17. Tank vault should be au least 25 feet from any~cpening in a building, any prcper?I~-ne or any o~ ==~, =~=~- cr public way One h~udred f__t from i A-~ and A-2 occupancies One h~udred lift? fee~ from all~A and E cccunancies (see Uni~orm.~ · Building Code). ~8. Vaults shall have -~ and sign installed ~ clearly ; '=~-:=' ' i9. Vaucr recover-; --~-~ ~ a~_~e_ ~i! air_-o__-- ~""~---~ 2 20. All vaulted tanks shall De inspec-~ed for vapor and/or li_~uid leaks eve~! six months. Records kepu on pr=--~ises and signed by res~cnsibie par~y. monitoring. Vaults shall have capabili?y cf physical 22. flammable liquids. Dispensing nozzles wiZh auno shun off No hold-open devices al!owed Class years. 24. M~ximum life of above ground 'tanks: 25 Sv. CTZ_. ON 2. This Ordinance shall be posued in accordance '~w__n "=.n_ Cit~/ Charner provisions and shall become effecuive thiru-y 30) days from and after ~he date of its passage. o0c .......... I' ~__=t~__y ~<TI._vY_ tha-~ -.he =--~ ~ .~_g .... g Or-Lina_nce was passed and adcp-~ed by Uhe Council cf -.he Cf-J! cf Bakersfield au a regular mee-_ing Uhereuf held on OCT ~ ~_~0 , ~-',' ~he following roue: AYES: COUNC:LMEMBERS. EDWARnS. DeMOND. SMITH, BRUNNI. PEARSON. McDERMO~, ~LVAGBJ8 NOE~. CDUNC~LMEMBERS ~5, ~ k~Z~ CGUNC)L~EMBERS. ~Q~ ABSTAIN· COUNC:LMEMBERS' .~ g~ E /s/. Carol Williams CI_"~Z CLF-%i% ant Fu~ Officio ~ ~-" ~:__x of une Council cf Uhe Ci-_y of Bakersfield /s/ Clarence E. Medders C~C2 E. b~QDEP~ N. IYO.~ cf Uhe CiUy of Bakersfield /s/ Robern ~. Sherry i__,ATT~P.N--~-f ~= the Cf?! cf Bakersfield ACTi~G C --v ._ L~M/me? 6t~/~n ;PRAY. RITE CO. SALES AND SERVICE P.O. BOX 40040 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93384-'0040 PHONE: 805 832-2705 Coin-Operated Car Washes STATE LICENSE 461057 B-C 10-C33 MANUFACTURER OF: AUTOMATICS AND SELF-SERVICE UNITS To John Hodes July 5, 1991 I wanted to give you in writing what I know about the waste oil tank at 3701 Mt. Vernon. When I turned in for my building permit, it was sent to the Fire Department. I met with Fire Marshal Lugo. He gave me this form and told me I needed a double walled tank with a 6" curb. He told me I did not have to use a convault tank. Double wall above ground was good enough. I was told to call him for inspection when the tank and fire extinguishers were installed. We left one wall partially down and put it up when the tank was installed. We would have to take down the wall to remove tank now. I own this building and Randy Smith is renting the Lube Shop. We have talked to no One but you and Mr. Lugo about the tanks. I have talked to 5 or 6 others about renting Lube Shop. Two of these people wanted to put the tanks in the bottom of the lube pit if they took the shop. I told them to Call the Fire Department and if the Fire Department said it was OK, I would put the tanks in the pit. Maybe one of these people talked to your Captain. Thank you, Charles Ruth 500 GALLONS z/~ ~'~':..'7 J ?S" 02' 04" , ~ O2' 2"0 2'0 U/L ,/~ GAUGE EST AT 5 .PSI' · UL 142 STEEL ABOVEGROUND r~ TANKS FOR FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS NOTE: ADD I '.* TO HEIGHT FOR SKIDS A ~2 B 51/2' C I I iI I, ' ii .I I ,H INNER TANK 4" EMERGENCY VENT 2" REGULAR VENT 2" GAUGE 2" FILL OUTERTANK 4" EMERGENCY VENT 2" INSPECTION LUB'E CUBE 'SPECIFICATIONS 500 GALLON U/L DOUBLE WALL TANK -- I :~l~.'e Safety Contel BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. PREVENTION BUREAU APPROVED FOR NOTE: Acceptance applies to plans as submitted and for construction and/or installation thereon, subject to final inspection and acceptance.' ~: /~.~ ,;2.? ,/~2/ pRoJECT. DESCRIPTION (ADDRESS/LOCATION, NAME OF PROJECT, SPR NO., NAME OF DEVELOPER OR ARCHITECT) SEE ~BACK SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL COMMENTS