HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-02/28/86FILE CONT~NTS'SUMMARY / ENV. · FACILITY :' AD~ESS : ,2~ /¢~r ~E~IT #/?~0/~ SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments !,Ke r n .~C'oUn ty/'H ea't th. ~.D~e' ~a r {MIT MPORI MANENT" · .~.'.:".'..,....,.:-': ~Conditions..,, ..... as Follows.:...i/'[.,.~ :','~..' .; ' permit application. '"."'.~;'..-:,:;/L:j:3,.--: AK1 procedures u~ed must be in ac'c.ordanco' wi~. }::, ,~;~J'~,~:~,~,;~':'~'.... ..... .... . [~ ~..',"j[".&g.......:.'.-"~:'"'[requirements of :Standards .and (.~.uide!ines d'eve:lope'd :~J;~.?.~:/."~:~"?.. ,..implementation of:: Kern .Couh'tY; : ..on~'inanee:,~C. od '..? .... 'S'.,:~."'..~:~"}/'. FlashPolnt o~ ~ubstance 'wi.thi~:::.th~:':tanks "'.::} /, '.' ':....and .'ffeported to ['he 2ermf:ttin'g A't~Ho~i.ty. ';,.." it~(~.'.":"i:."".~.?"::v~:..:t'' ~." Kern Connty Health ~epa~tmen Division of Environmental Health '1700 -Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA Permit - · · Appl ication Date 93305 No. of Tanks'~to be Abandoned . T~ of ~plication (Fill Out One Application Per _'Facility) ..-:, .. ,,,r:.~-~,,.;,,~,,~.,-, ' ' ~T~rary .Closure/A~ndo~e6~ ·Michael' Callagy . -~ ~ Pemanent Closure/~ndo~ent ' A. 'Project Contact. (~me, area c~e, phone): ~ys (805) 325-947~ . .Nights (80-5~ 323-6880"' " : Facility Name Orowheat Bakery . ' Facility ~dress 222 Oak ·Street Nearest Cross St. Bank Street- T ~',;~- R S~ (Rdral' ~catio~ ~ly) . . ," ~r O~ktr~9 Associati~'n ' . -' Tele~one fRo~%327-)8p.1."--" ' " ',~dress 7J00. Baker. Street · . ' ' Zip /- :' -' :~rator Lee Sattley Tel'ephone 327_qR~ip · · Address 700 Baker Street ' 93305 ~ ' : ..... .i " ' -" ' :.:'. B. ,. Water· to' Facility. Provid~ by Cal Water v~:]~:q'''-'''''' [: 41:7-[{[b:t]L p~ ~ Gro~d~ter 250' .... S°il CharacteristiCs at Facility ~C Type III " ': ""~ ...... ~' ~sis for Soil ~ and Gro~ter ~pth ~te~inatio~ Evaluation by C.' Tank Removal Contractor Turman Construction CA'License NO~ 227755 .' Address -4301 Park Circle Drive Zip 93309 Telel~hone 831-0905 'Proposed Starti.ng Date 09/09/85 Proposed Ccmpletion Date 09/09/85 Worker's Compensation Certff'£catibh' ~ InSurer Wal~er M0rtenson Environmental Assessment Contractor Address Proposed Starting Date Worker s Compensation Certification .N/Ai~ff CA License No. .' Telephone Proposed Completion Date Insurer Chemical Composition of Materials Stored · Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-co~nerci'al name)- 1 Water _ 2 Water 3 ~t~r DatesStored Chemical Previously Stored · (if different) 1980 to Present Gasoline lqg~ to 'Pr~nt ~Sn]~n~ ],qgO to pr~nt G~n]{n~ tO' Describe Method for Retrieving samples . Glm~T,,hm & pl~ mmmpl~ hn~tl~ Samples Will be Analyzed for Flash point Laboratory That Will Perform Analyses of Samples B.C. Labs ' Address .Telephone F. This application for: ~removal or []]abandonment in place ', * * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SiDE OF THIS SHEET BEFORE SUBMI~ING - APPLICATION FOR REVIEW. This form has .be.eh completed unde~ penalty of Perjury. and to the best. of my knowledqe is true' Provide D~scrip~:ion ¢ [cai Layout' of Facility ~ce Provided Below; Include All the Following Information: Location of Tank(s), piping & Dispenser(s) Proposed sampling Locatio~ Indicating' Approxilaate Depth of Samples -, Any Water Wells br Surface Wa'rets within 100 {~. Radius -of - ... 'l' "' -" '~'" . ._ .- . '- ~ ' ./--...... ; '.' - , "!' '<:-,,{.'; ,,-,,.".,. Approved By Scale 1700 Flower Street Bakerstield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Oaktree Association ?00 Baker Street Bakersfield, CA KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION February 28, 1986 HEALTH OFFICER ' "' '(' / ' Leon M Hebertson, M.D: "' ' - ' - DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 93305 Dear Sir/Madam: This is to advise you that this department has reviewed the certification letter from Cornerstone Engineering pertaining to the tank abandomaents at the Oro~heat Bakery, '222 Oak Street. Bakersfield, California. Based upon the findings described in the letter, this department ts satisfied that no significant soil conta~lnation ~esulting from fuel. tank leakaze exists at the site. · " Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. SincerelY, ~ Environmental Health Specialist. III Hazardous Substances,Management Prozra~ AB:aa · DISTRICT OFFICES M.'..Boyce: .emen: This correspondence will certify that on'september 16~'= 1985 :'"-' :: :".i:"' '"~ and September 17, 1985, four 6,500 gallon fUel.storage .tanks ' ~-where removed from the property at 222 Oak Street, Bakers- field, Ca 93301. .. .... . At the time these tanks where uncovered they where filled' with drilling fluid completely to the top of the pipe connections extending therefrom. The tanks .evzdenced no indicatmon of lea~ge from th~ top. · '- ~ ' : .... ~ .. , Upon excavation of the tanks from their position the earth . materials underneath where checked for any signs of leakage. None was found. 'Upon lifting the tanks from thei= buried . ~..positions a check was made to dete~ine if the tanks' exhibited a~y ~n~a~o~ o~' ~a~a~ o~ ~a~o~. ~on~ was ~oun~. . . · ' -' .Christopher L. Conway ·" Civil Engineers ' L~nd Surveyors !: ~'~':~:"!:'::: . 4. Generator's Phone ( '~5 ) 325-.~474 ' ."':' ' 5 .Transporter 1 Company Name St=tenor Calltornla'Heaitl~ an~l Welfare Please print or type.. (Form designed for usa on elite ~i2-pltch) typewriter.) ' . 41: UNIFORM HAZARDOUS. ll. Generator's US EPA ID No. TI WASTE MANIFEST !' C&Z.0002..52:3 t2'.' . '113' Generator's Name and. MatllngAddress . . 93301 2; Page .1 No. · · . . of · Department of Health Services TOXIC Sub~tances Control Division ~' , 8a;ramento, California M~ Vlcuum Tru~ 8eFv~e; :[ua, I.~ 0006~2A7 ' . · 7. Transpofler 2 Company Name' 8; ' US EPA ID Number ~. ':~"~"' ..... ' ' ....... ' "': '"':': !' "' " · · '~ .' 9. Deaignat~ Facility Name and Site Addr~a ' 10. '- US EPA ID Numar II · , Us ~T'~rlPti~ (In'elUding p<~, sh/PP/ng Name, HaZarE C/ass, and/D N,m~). lZContalnera Is not ·required: by Federa! 15. Special Han0fing Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and ace.rarely described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are ih all respects in proper condition for transport bY highway according to applicable International and national ~overnmen'tal regulations. 17. Transportei ~l~Acknowledgement 'of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name ol18. Transporter ?~'-.~Ckn~wledgeme~t of Race pt of Materials I Signature Date· Month Day Year Month Day Year I ' 'Date ":': PrlntedlTyped Name DiscrepanCy Indication Space :acillty Owner ,r Opel tern ~9. Printed/Typed Name ISIgnature Month Day ~ea( i. 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. . . DHS.8022 A (11184) '(EPA 8700-22) ISignature , YELLOW:GENERATOR RETAINS' State of Californta~Health and Wellare Agen . ,~' ~ ~ '~' ~ r=" ~' Please print or type. . (Form designed for use on elite (12:pitch) typewriter.) · '" · UNIFORM HAZARDOUS il. Generator's US EPA ID NO.' WASTE'MANIFEST J.C~& 3[ 0~0. 0.2!$ 2:3 Generator's Name and Mailing Address "'" ~' / .... /' :'/' ' ' " ' Oepartmem Of Health Services · ' ' TOXic Sul~tencea Control Division .. . .. ~ .. , :',: ,~ Sacmmento, Callf~nla 2. Page ! io mn o Is not'required' by. Federal ~1D-cu-e-t N-' of: law.. 4. Generators Phone (' . ~ ) 3~7~ -: , ' 5. Transpo~er I Company Name · 6. ,US EPA ID Number '~ Vm ~k b~ ~, I.c A T:0.0 0. 6.2 :~ :2 ~7 7. Tr~spo~er 2 ~mpany Name -.,', .. 8. ..: US EPA ID Numar 11. ~ ~T ~rlption (In~/u~/ng Proof Shipping Name, H~ I a',.,t¢2~ ,'' .... ~, .'"¢~ ' ~ ,'1';¢ -', ~.; ; , 4 : -'~' .~;~ ,;-.as~ ,~ :t~? "~.¢~ ',': · · ~, ~. ' ¢;'~,~ -.,~- ~4~ ~ .~-,~ .:'-:>': ', ,~. "'* ,~i/~ ~:~-~-~ ~ - 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Inlormatlon .: ~ ' . ' . .' -.: ': :~:~F'~: 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in Proper condition for t~'ansPort by highway according to aPplicable international and national governmental.regulations. Printed/Typed Name ,. ISIgnature,,~.' -,"'~" . '. , -," 17. Transporter I Acknowledgement of Receipt of Material' Printed/Typed Name Signature. 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Race!pt of Materials Date Month 'Day Date , Month Day Year Date Printed/Typed Name Signature" . Month Day. Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space : . . · ' , '..:- · i': :' ; 20. Facility Owner or Operator:. Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by thle manifest except as noted in Item 19. ' ' ' I Date ' Prln%edlTyped Name / DHS 8022 A (11184) · (EPA 8700-22) s,.g,,t..u.,. ..,: .;. YELLOW': GENEfb~TOR RETAINS - Month Day 'Year 84 U9641 '1 State'of CaJlfornla--Health and Welfare Agan~ ]DR~]~[~]i. ~t[,,L07,~' · Please print °r type, . (Form designed for use on eltra (12-pitch) typewriter,) UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ]~. Generator's US EPA ID No~ ,~u~e~t N?, : WASTE MANIFEST . I' · · *"' ' " · " ' Generat~ N~me'and Ma ling.Address ~ ~Z~Z3~ ' . . 5. Transporter I Compa~Viqame'L~''~u~tq 6. 7. Transporter 2 Company Name .~ . 8. .... :.';' Department of Health SerVices · '. '.:. ' :: :". "Toxic'Substances Control Division sacramento, California 2. Page 1 of US EPA ID Number ..:. US EPA ID Number 9, Designated Facility Name and Site, Address .!0, ' ,~.,..,.~.j US EPA ID Num!~er 11. US ~T ~rlPtion (!nc/ud/ng. Pro~r ~/pp/ng Name, H~a~ C/~, end/D Numbs) If& t~993...:. ! ..... ~ ~ do Is not required by Federal law. 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: i hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are claa,~lfled, packed, marked, and ~a~,eled,.~nd.are In all ro~p6ct,~ 1,-, proper condition, '. ' :i .17' for TransporterPrl.ntedlTyped Printed/Typed' transport lbYAcknowledgement Name Name highway., accordingof to Receipt appltcaDle of InternationaIMaterlals., "' IIIii Signature Signature and national., governmental! . regulations. 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Material8 . Printed/Typed Name I Signature DHS 8022 A ('11/84) ' (EPA 8700-22) Date Month Day. Year . Date Month Day yea~ 19. Discrepancy Indication Space . · · 20. Facility Owner or Operator:. Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in .. -I ' ' Date Item 19 · Printed/Typed Name .ISignature . :.'- . 'Month' Day. Year yELLOW, GENERATOR RETAINS' - · :" . please prin~ or4yp~. '. {Fo~ ~e~lgn~d fo~ u~e on ~ll~e (l~.ptlch} ~ypewri~er~] .~' ' UNIFO~ffi H~ZA~DOUS ~.n~r~or'~ US EPA IDNo. 3. Generator.'.~ Namean~ M~lllng Address , : .: · ., ..... . . . 5. Transpolar ICom, p~am~,'-~- -""'--~ ~ 6. .: US. EPA'ID Num~ Numar 9; Designate'Facility N~e and Site'Address 10...~ ....~ US:EPA ID Number ~:~'?'~'" ~7' ~ ~.. "~; "'" ~'" :~ ' ~1.' US. ~T ~rlption (Including Pro~Shlpplng'Name, H aza~ Class, and ID Num~) 2. Page 1 of ' Department of Hea'lth Se~icea. :Toxic'SubstanceS Cbntrol DiVision · .' ..Sacramento, Callfom!a,.. · : not required by Federal law. 15-Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I .hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by'proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are In all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable International and national governmental regulations. ,ed Name 17. Transporter I Printed/Typed Name 19. Discrepancy Indication Spa;e 3orter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name I Signature . Month Day Year · ' I- I'.1"1 20. Facility Owner or OPerator. Certification of receipt Item 19. Printed/Typed Name of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except a8 noted In Date 'lSIgnature r Month-Day Year DHS 8022 A (11184) (EpA 8700-22) YEkEOW' GENERATOR RETAINS · ' .. 84 89641 State of Calllornla_Health.and Weltere Agency' Please Print Or type.. (Form designed for .se on elite )itch)' typewriter:) Company Nam Name No. 6. "US EPA ~ber +::. :~ . ....... and. Site 10 ' .":- ~.. '. . = ...,g proper dipping N.m.' H=a~ Cl~e, andlO nstructlons and Ad(Ill ion e conten cna1 or OVe b),; proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marke(~; and labele~l, and are in transport by highway according to'applicable international and national 1 Acknowledgemen~ ~ Receipt of 'pad Name 2 Acknowledgement of ame 19. Discrepancy Indication Space ·. DHS 8022 A (11/84) (EPA 8700~22) aterials · . : ' ' ' ": -'Department'of Health Servi&ea ~ '}.,' :: : ,Toxic Substances-Control Division Sacramento, California,... of not all respects i governmental regulations. ~rately proper condition on of receipt of hazardous materials covered by Printed~Typed Name . -. 'YELLOW: GENERATOR RETAINS"' ' Date Mont, - Date Da.re Month Date Men 84 89641 'Stata.'o~ Call~rnla' Health and' Welfare Age · .' : 'Ptee_-e print or type.. (Form designed for use on elite (12-pitc!~) typewriter.) · 1. Generator's US EPA' ID No. ' · ' : WA E MANIFEST ' ;ument No. . .' Generators N~eand Marling A~dress , : '". *- .-. ',.' ~ '. US EPAID Number . US EPA.iD.Number . . 'Oepa~:tment of Health Services ... ' Toxic Sul)etancea ContrOl DIv sion. "' Sacramento, Californi;a ~:---'::~?' ;-:CoL'Uozocou~ Snsi.noez:l. n8 ,:. ::"-', 4. Generator's Phone'( : 5. Transpolar 1. Company Nam· ,= .. · ,~ 7. TranSporter 2 Company Name Page of, not.. required, by Federal law.. "~ :. ': .'-'. 9. DeSignated Facility Name and Site Addre88 10. . · US EPA ID Number ,' m3d lan. loc4 tlonal D escrlptlons~.:for" Mat&dais., 5. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects In p?oper condition for transport by I~lgllway according to applicable International and national governmental regulations. 1 AcKnowledgement of R~celpt of Mater-~als '-'" '~ '/! 'lSignature. ' ~ 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Date Printed/Typed Name I Signature Month Day Year Date Month Day Year Date Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space - 20. Facility owner or Operator. Certification of receipt of hazardous material8 covered by this manifest Item 19. except as noted in Printed/Typed Name DHS 8022 A {11184) (EPA 8700-22) ,ISIgnature : YELLOW: GENEEATOE RETAINS Date Month Day Year 84 6964 St-~te of Cali~ornia:-.Health and Welfare Agencyi.' '"' ' : '/ ' ,'~ ' ~" '' " /" ~ " :' T ...'..'-~:..~L.. .'; ~- ...... ~ ; -. . " .: ' . Toxic Substances Control Division ' ! .... ' ~ ' ' Sacramento, California: Please print or type.. ·(Form designed for use on elite (12.pltch)'typewriter,) - :- / : .* DePartment of' Health Services -' %' ~ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS. Jr. Generator's US EPA ID No. Manifest 2.'Pege I Information in the shaded areas · ' L. ' lis not.required' by Federal ,,~, '~,lOocument No. WASTE MANIFEST I*C:A Z O 0 0.2.:i.2.3 t, : .... . -u, . I~aw.' '. . ' - 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address '" . 2032 17th St,-~sZto~, ~ 93301 : :'-' . ~' 4; Generators Phone (. '~ ) ~2~.9~7~ ~~.~~~~ :~. , Transpolar I Company Name 6. , US EPA ID Number C;State~.:~e~:~,~~~,~. . . . .,... . ~ .,..: ~:~ 7; Transpo.er 2 Company Name . S. ~ US EPA ID Number . 9. Designa,. Facility' Name :and Site Aaaress 10. US EPA ID Number 11. US DOT ~scrlption (IncluWng Proper Shipping Name, Hazard C/ass, and iD Numo~) 12.Containers *~ 13. -14: 'v~TOtal unit ? ~, ~[ .i~.'~ .~ -. . No. Type ?Ouantlt~ NtlVo~ ...... 15. Special Handlin0 Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: 1 ~ere~ ~ecfare t~at t~e comefltSor this coflsiGflmem am fully arid accurately descried above by proper shipping name ~fid are classlfi~, pscked,'rnark~, and i~eled, and are in all resets in proper condition ,o, ,ranspofl ~, highwaysme . according ,o applicaDl, International. and national govern:e~tal/.... ~"~ul?l°n" I Date Pr~Typ. N U '~'/ MonthDay Year ' · ~ ~"~.,"~ ' ' ',.:--'-.'-"' ,..~. ? , l) ,,~1 ~':=~'?~ I ~ l'/.'~l~..~: 17. Transpo~e~'l ~cknowl~gem~ht of Receipt- of-~Material~ ..~ t '~-.' -- . [ ~ Date Printed/Typed Name ISlgnature . - ~ Month Day Year '~' '" 'I ' ' ' 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials .- ' ~ ~ ~ ' "Date - Printed/Typed Name ISIgnature Month Day Year , ' , .I I I 19. Discrepancy Indication Space . ~ 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Ce~lflcatlon of receipt of h~rdous materials cover~ by t~ls manifest except as noted in Item 19. . ' - } Date Prlnt~lTyped Name Signature . Month Day 'Y~r ' ' " : '1.1 DHS 8022 A ( 1 i/84) (EPA 8700-22) . YELLOW.. GENEAATORI~E'[AINS' ' 84 89641