HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-11/15/96'Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste'Unified Permit CON Permit ID #:: 015-000-000733 · lOST FLOOR COMP ~-": LOCATION: .320 OAK~ST,,?.; .... .': Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES' 1715 Chester Abe., 3rd Floor . Approved by: Bakersfield, CA ..93301 ' Voice's(661) 326~3979 FAX (661) '326-0576 ..REVERSE SIDE This _permit is issued for the followin~_: [] Hazardous Materials Plan I~ Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials [3 Risk Management Program f'l Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment Issue Date FII~ CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY AD~IeSmA11VE Si~VlC~ 2101 "H° Street 8c~e~fletd. CA 93301 (805) 326394.1 FAX (805) 395-1349 SU [,f,~?~loN SEIIVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakerstie~. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PI~cVENllON SEK'I,'I~:S 1715 Chester Ave. Bakers'field, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576' EN1/IEONMENTAL ~EEVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakemfleld, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 3260576 TI~AINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Balce~sfielcl. CA 93308 (805)'399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 B A K E R S F.I.E' L D' FIRE DEPARTMENT November 18, 1996 Moss Family Trust Edgar L. Moss 5330 Office Center Court Bakersfield, CA 93309 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 220 OAK STREET.. PERMIT #BR-0159. Dear Mr. Moss: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank~; located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at' ' (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard Hi wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Kathy Gill, RWQCB ' t700 Flower Street K~]~,, Bakersfield, California g3305 T~lephone (805) 861-3636 COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM£N~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER' '., . Leon M Hebertson, M,D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH'~ Vernon S. Reichard ~ Narch 6, 1987 Hr. Leon Davenport 1600. 24th Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Davenport: Thls department received proof of abandonment in place under permit with the Bakersfield City Fire Department for four undergr°und storage tanks at 220 Oak Street. After Inspection of ~he site, I confirmed no.other tanks exist at the site.. Since these tanks ~ere abandoned legally in 1978 prtbr to' the lmpiementatton of the underground tank ordinance,, tht's department will not require further abandonment investigation under' the present regulations. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ca'Il me at 805) 861-3636. Sincerely ,. Blll Schetde Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Naterials Nanagement Program 8S:sw DISTRICT OFFICES , ~r,~ ~.k~l~ ~i.~v. R;dc~ecrest Shafler · Tall 28 August, 1996. 24 HOUR SERVICE Baker Construction 1404 Telegraph Ave. Bakersfield~ Ca. 93305 ATTN: Kevin Baker Dear Mr. Baker, This is to certify that the 500 gallon UST at Oak And Banks Street, Bakersfield, Ca. has been triple rinsed and certified to be clean of ali contaminated materials. p ?,tified by: Frank Jones ~ ~ '~ Inspector ~ Date: g:,./~ W//9.-/_, P.O. BOX 81503 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380-1503 · TEL. (805) 393-8882 · FAX (805) 393-0559 State of California---Environmental Prote~o~ Agency , , ' ' ' ' · , ' ': . L ' "' , ",,, · · :'!.!~"~,~:! .~:~:::~',,~ : Form Appro~d OMB No. ~5~39 (Expl~s 9.3~96) ~" ~ '~ ' "' ;' ~ ' ': "'~ ~ "" '~ ' ~CINIFORM HAZARDOUS ~ 1. Oenerator's US EPA WASTE MANIFEST~ 3. Oene~,,;u,'s Name and Mailing Ad~e~i 6. US EPA ID Number :" bac "ge6~ · ,*. Manifest* 2. Page I Departm~t ~f Toxic Substa,~ ,Sacr~w~o.~', Collfongo ,,~j Informafloh In the shaded arum Is not required by FederM law. 7. T~a~,o~e~ 2 Company Name and Site Address 8. US EPA ID Nuinb~ ' ? 10. US EPA ID l"~"~ r,e~. Name, Hazard Class, and ID Numbei.) 12. Containers J3. ToJal 15. ~.,-..~::.~! Handling Instruc~,,~s and Add~',or, al ;nf,~,,b~,,;o,, 16. C:~,:~.ATOR,'S.CER,T?.C~, I~.ON:. I ,~,e~eb], decL, ie that the c,~,,;e,,:, of this cons:~n~ie,~; are fully and accurat6ly de~:ribed .~,,a~. veby prOper shipping hame MKI are classified, pacKea, ma[Kea, ana moema, and are in all respects in proper condition for tranSpOrl by highway according to applkable intenna! mid national ga~,'~h~nent reguiafloht. If I am a large quanti~ generator; I ce~fy that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity bf WaShi gen6tMed fo th& degree I hav~ defe/'mlned to b~ economically practicable and that I have selected the pra~cable me~od of treatment, storage, or disposal curr~ available to me which minimizes th~ present dmd future w~:.fm°anh,:;:mn hn;~%~ldth~~ ,environm,l?.~eO~R: if ~ · ' a~m_,ai s_m_~ll_~u_a_~n~y gener~atOr, I/,have made/~l] good f~ effmt to minim my waste e~ei, atton mid s~lact the b~t Signature Month Day Year _materials ?~red b this manifest exc t as noted in Ito_m 19.., '1. DTSC 8022A {9/94) EPA 8700~22 OO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE~ 5330 Services. t~e n3a. . for~ So that · dP~ece, or on the back We Can ~rtified I.. ~ Addressee,s Address Restricted Mail ~ Insured COD receive., - for an me extra STATES sERVtCE Official Business pENAL'~' FOR pRIVA'rEAYMENT Print your name, address and ZiP Code here , Ciql-~ O~ BAtr~t~SYIgl~D ~IAF~ D O~IC~ 0~ ~I~0~~ t7t5 ~S~R A~~, S~ 300 B~RS~i[~, C~ 9330[ ~ Ce~i{ied Mail . :' ' insur an~Ov~ge provided ~. No not use ~ oo B AK E RS F[E L D FIRE DEPARTMENT' October 30, 1996 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 · SIJPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805] 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICEs ' 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 .(805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DI~/ISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Moss Family Trust Edgar L. Moss 5330 Office Center Court Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: 220 Oak Street CERTIFIED MAIL Dear'Mr. Moss: The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for the Submission of documentation to this office related to the decontamination, removal, disposal and laboratory analysis for one underground tank at the above referenced property. Our records indicate that you were required to submit the documentation to this Office within five (5) days after the results are available. Since your underground tank was removed on August 28, 1996, sufficient time has elapsed for these documents to have been submitted as required. Failure to submit the documentation in a timely manner may cause the data to become suspect and may result in a fUll characterization of the site to be required by this office. Therefore, Within seven (7) days of this letteL please submit the necessary documentation relating to the aforementioned underground tank removal. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call me at 326-3979.- Sincerely, ~ ,. ' ' Howard H. Wines, Ill Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Ralph Huey · ~.~.,~ ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept~.. ""'-"~ --. , /~,~'~,,k~ -*(~L~ICE OF ENVIRONMENTA~!SERVICF-_S "i.~.~ ( I~; t~..~} UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM ~'~,~.~ APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL O~,'AN uNDERGROUND STORA~GE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE s .-'r" ADDRESS ZIP CODE APN .T~O s~- CROSS STREET 'I~M~ PHONE No. FACILITY NAME /~to s5 TANK OWNER/OPERATOR MAILING ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE CONTRACTOR_INFORMATION COMPANY ¥/~¥,(C-,"4. ¢o~$'~- ~ PHONE No. ADDRESS' INSURANCE ~/~I~RIER ~77~.'~ Il ~ J.~CENSE No. (3 ~,~07 CITY ~:~i~--~-~-~7) . ZIP CODE WORKMENS COMP No. PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION, COMPANY ~ C._ cA-6 ADDRESS INSURANCE CARRIER TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY ADDRESS CITY PHONE No. LICENSE No. CITY ZIP CODE WORKMENS COMP No. PHONE No. <~/ ZIP CODE ~-WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY ADDRESS FACILITY INDENTIFICATION NUMBER TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY ~/~Kd,'C C_o-,~J'$~- ADDRESS TANK DESTINATION CITY LA ZiP CODE PHONE No. CITY LICENSE No. ZiP CODE TANK INFORMATION. TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL · STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER 'STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. DER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE AND/~ORRECT. APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) THIS 'APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APpR__OVED. Plot Plan must show the following: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Roads and alleys t3ulldings ..... :~'-~ ';".:" -- '.: · I'~'~'-- ' ':'-' ".-'-' ;'~ ~.-i-.. location of tanks, piping, and dispensers utilities SCALE water wells (if on site) any other relevent information NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY an ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING COMPANY September 5, 1996 ATTEN: Kevin Baker Baker Construction 1404 Telegraph Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Kevin, Thank you for the opportunity to assist you on the tank pull on Oak Street (Ed Moss Property) last week. The analytical results are as follows: ~ ' .... * 2' smnple-2'10 PPM for-TRPIt ' .... : -" · 6' sample ND for TRPH I have attached the analytical results from BC Laboratories. This should assist you with your closure report to the City of Bakersfield. If you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at (805) 833-3313 or (805) 839-5794.. Sincerely, Frank W. Jones Sales and Marketing P.O. Box 10585, Bakersfield, Ca. 93389-0585 (209) 935-0935 FAX (209) 935-8332 LABORATORIES Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Date Reported: 09/04/96 D & K DIVERSIFIED INC Date Received: 08/28/96 1301'JAMES RD LaboratOry No.: 96-10084-2 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn: FRANK JONES 805-393-8882 Sample Description: SOIL - MOSS 6' SAMPLE SAMPLED BY FRANK JONES Sampling Date/Time: 08/28/96 · 03:50PM Page Constituents Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Sample Result~ None Detected units mg/kg Method 20. Method EPA-418.1 California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 /~ Stuart G Buttram - '" '!' .:,~. i/~ ~,. · %'"~' ~<"-'~ ;-~ Department Supervisor .... · , ' s nc assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third pa~y interpretation. 4100Atlas Ct. · Ba , ' tABORATORIES Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons D & K DIVERSIFIED INC Date Reported: 1301 JAMES RD Date Received: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Laboratory No.: Attn: FRANK JONES 805-393-8882 . Sample Description: SOIL , MOSS 2' SAMPLE SAMPLED BY FRANK JoNEs Sampling Date/Time: 08/28/96 ~ 03:30PM 09/04~/96 o8/28/96 96-10084-1 Page -Constituent__ s' Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Sample Results Unit8 ". 210. mg/kg Method P.O.L. 100; Method EPA-418.1 Note: PQL's were raised sample dilution. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 due to high concentration of target analytes requiring · ..- "~.~ ."',. : ' ~',.,i '! Stuart G.,, Buttram Department ,Supervisor All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield. CA 8330B · [805) 327-491 I · FAX (805) 327-1918 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM. -PERMIT APPUCA~ON FOR REMOVAL O~ AN UNDE;;ROUND SITE' ~ ' ~ ~ ADDRESS ~P CODE FACILITY NAME - ,~o55. TANK OWNER/OPERATOR MAILING ADDRESS . CROSS'STREET CONTRACTOR_INFORMATION COMPANY ~:~A-~<C-"~ Co~vs.'~_ ,~ PHONE ADDRESS '[Go~ ~H~v~N~ ~., INSURANCE C~RRIER '~)~~ NO. PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT'INFORMATION COMPANY E, C.. ~,,~ PHONE No. ADDRESS INSURANCE CARRIER TANK CLEANING ·INFORMATION COMPANY ~.~ ,ADDRESS WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY ADDRESS FACILITY INDENTIFICATION NUMBER TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY ADDRESS · PHONE No. .. CITY ZIP CODE ~;~ ~, ~ ~?~~ CENsE'No.'.'<~ ~O'7 WORKMENS COMP No. : LICENSE No. CITY ZIP CODE WORKMENS COMP, No. '2 PHONE No. ZiP CODE CITY ~-,,~ PHONE N°. CITY ' TANK DESTINATION ZIP CODE LICENSE No. ZiP CODE TANK No. AGE ! TANK INFORMATION VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED DATES STORED CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED THE APPLICANT HA:~ RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATrACHED COND TIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHE~ STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENA~.TY OF PERJURY: AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE AND[(~ORRECT. ..,THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT_WHEN.APPROVED, ,-,. RSFIELD FIRE DEPARTHENT ARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISI~ 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM OWNER PERMIT TO OPERATE# CONTRACTOR ~~'_~%, CONTACT PERSON LABORATORY ~ #OF SAMPLES ~k - TEST METHODOLOGY ']~k ~_~ PRELIMANARY ASSESSMkNT Cb. O~m;~.'~.~DNTACT PERSON CO: RECIEPT ~ ~EL% ~ 02 PLOT PLAN CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING ~%~. CONDITION OF SOIL COMMENTS '~ ~,~ R~o~%~ %,, INSPECTO~ NAME , .., ~, ,.'~x. OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTA~ERVICE . '~ . . ~Z.~~/~ · RGROUND ~O~GE TANK.PROG~M,.. PE MIT AppUcA o, FO. -%.-...,' . ', .. ·" S,~ ,Nm"M..O, 9C'uv'u~ ~,' q~DERGROUND' sTO~GE TANK SITE 9.7_0 DA ~.. s ."r- .ADDRESS · ' ZIP CODE FACILITY NAME . /,,tOss ~u'$~'- CROSS STREET ~ ~o,~j~ TANK OWNER/OPERATOR MAILING ADDRESS PHONE No. CONTRACTORJNFORMATIO~. COMPANY .. ~/~,,<C-"a Co~v$-c, 4 PHONE No. ' ADDRESS [LJ-og. '~-~"-{/e-~l~/A ~-4. '. INSURANCE CARRIER_ "'l-i~)~..~.~ p. RELIMANARY A$$EMENT INFORMATION COMPANY I~ C. ~-,~.~ PHONE No. ADDRESS INSURANCE CARRIER ]',ANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY .~.~ ,t ~ ADDRESS .. WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY ADDRESS I"4.(,t~ FACILITY INDENTIFICATION NUMBER TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY. ~,~G'4_ C_~,~,~J'~ .-'- PHONE NO. ADD~ESS CITY TANK DESTINATION CITY '" _ .ZiP CODE WORKMENS COMP No. LICENSE No.. CITY ZIP CODE WORKMENS COMP No. CITY PHONE No. <g~//3AO-?zff,:] ZIP CODE ST',~T'C-~.j, r) -- -,,.r V, ~,,~,,~ ~-.;7', ,~c . CITY ~,~ ZIP CODE LICENSE No. ZIP CODE TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL., STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED THE APPLICANT HAS REC RIVED. UNDERSTANDS. ANO WILL COMPLY WITH THE A1:TACHED CONOITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTH E,~ STATE. LOCAL ANOFEDERAL REGULATIONS. . THIS. APPLICATION.BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED· 213'0 G St:eet; ~-' Bakers~ield, ~ 93301 · (805), a2~-397; -,', ' -* TANK REMOVAL INsPECTIONFORM'. OWNER LABORATORY TEST ~ODOLOGY PREL~ARY ASSEsS~T C~. ¢~1~ ~~ACT .PERSON CO= ~CIEPT PLOT PERMIT TO OPERATE~' CONTACT PERSON #OFSAMPLES ~)~ . h CONDITION OF PIPING ~%-<. CONDITION OF SOIL ('~k&.- COMMENTS "~aK ,~ R~w.%~-~ Moss Family Trust c/o Edgar L. Moss 5330 office Center Court Bakersfield, CA 93309 ..... "m-' * alservices I a[so~,Sh to receive the .SE~£~.~te~s, and--~ fo, addition ' ,O,,OWi~V~Ce' I,Or ~" ~X',~ . ~lete items 3, a~ b._ the reverse of this form so that we can fee): -- ~" ---me and ~ss o. 1. ~ Addressee's AddreSs , print yoU~ [eturn this card to yoU. t. he ma[{piece, or on the back if space ~. ~,,~c~,~,s,o~,o"~'~°"'°' . ~,, ,~ce ~,o~'~'~'~"~'~~ ~' ~ ,~s,,,c,~O does not permR. %~- ~ turn Receipt w,ll show ~o ~ ;le Number . 3. Article Addressed to: --' 024 368 ~ ~egistereu ~- -'lied ~ COD uertt ~ Return Receipt  ~st~ ~ and fee is paid) essee) ~ ... ~nM~ST? RETURN RECEIPT , ~po.. 1993--352-714 U U I'1 ~' "~ UNITED STATES PC SE Official Business Print your name, address and ZIP Code here City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office Of Environmental Services tT15~-C~&s~r Aven~&~Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT JuN 25,1996 R~ CHIEF MICHAEL.R. KELLY ADMINISTIMdlVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street 5aKersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 F,~((805) 395-1349 SUPI~ESSION SERVICES 2!01 'H" Street ~k~Ke~fieia, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 ;AX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. g,a~ersfielcI, CA 93301 ,,'805) 326-3951 :AX (805] 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Ba~ersheld, CA 93301 · ,'805) 326-3979 F:.K (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION ~c.42 Victor Street ~_,o~ersfield, CA 93308 ~505) 399-4697 ;AX (805) 399-5763 ' Moss Family Trust cio Edgar L. Moss 5330 Office Center Court Bakersfield, Ca 93309 CERTIFIED MAIL NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Mr. Moss: It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at 230 Oak S~eet (APN: 008-061-26-00), in Bakersfield which contains at least four (4) underground storage tanks, three of which appear to be properly decommissioned motor vehicle fuel tanks. The fourth tank, a waste oil tank located on the south side of the building, has not been properly permitted and has been out of service.- Therefore, you are in violation of the following section of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64: Section 7902., Uniform Fire Code (1994 edition). "Underground tanks which have been out of service for a period of one (1) year, shall be removed from the ground in accordance with Section 7902.1.7.4 and the site shall be restored in an approved manner". In order to avoid regulatory action, you must either properly permit and bring fl~e tanks up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tanks within 14 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Matenals Technician HHW/dlm cc: Carl Hemandez, III, Assistant City Attorney