HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZMAT INSP 11/6/1996HAZARDOUS MATE~)LS INSPECTION Business Name: Location: /o i~lilkersfieid Fire Dept. Ha~dous Materials Division Date Completed ,~o~, G -[? ?~' Business Identification No. 215-000-oo Station No. ~ Arrival Time: (Top of Business Plan) m,ec or Departure Time: ~ Inspection Time: C~--~ ~ t t~ Adequate Inadequatet~ ~"~ Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Verification of MSDS Availability Number of Employees: Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Property Labeled Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: /,,/'~5/,,/'b~'~ Violations: Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME ,{IGI(I~,TURE ' All Items O.K Correction Needed White-Haz Mat Div Yellow-Station Cop/ Pink. Business Copy LLL1 ..! k._J] IL'J- ITl] frei I-ITI-~ '-"" LJ-I I '11 m r i-) l lJ' rJ fi-Ill' ~T~ l'_11 ~-- F OU ARE HERE L_ CALE OFFICE BUILDING i 1~ B)4:Z't'l ITE PLAN C}-Iltllltllltllltllltllltlllt WEST WINO Em'nv j EAST WINO o/ N t EXPANSION FIRST FLOOR PLAN OPTION I · WE$1~WiNQ ' EASTaWlNQ ii ii '- · COflPOflATE OFFICE (~ SECOND FLOOR PLAN ,,,~,,. LODDY CORPORATE OFFICE _THIRD FLOOR PLAH C(XtPO~A ] E O['F1CE 1 , I O~'F'lC£ 9UILI~IN$ Iii ill ,, "1 Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE LOCATION ........... ,~,,~,,~,,?,~??~,,,~:~,~,~,~,~,~, .......... This permit is issued for the following: CASTLE & COOKE .. .... v... ~h'-.... Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIR ONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 Approved by: Expiration Date: June 30, 2000 ., HAZJ DOUS MATERIALS INVEIk RY Page_of__ usiness Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision { ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) ChemicaJ Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed HeaJth (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximum Dally Amount: Average Daily Amount: Annual Amount: L~rgest Size Container: # Days On Site UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES lbs [ ] gal [ ] 1t3 [ ] a,) Container:. curies [ ] b) Pressure: c) Temperature: CircteWl~ich Months: All Year. J, F, M, A, M, J. J. A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: list tt~e three most hazardous cnem~caJ components or a~ny AHM components COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM 1). [] 2) [ ] 3) [ ] 1 0) Location CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION iNVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ]. Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY Maximum Daily Amount: Average Dally Amount: Annual Amount: I_~rgest Size Container: # Days On Site UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES lbs [ ] gal [ ] ft3 [ ] a) Contalner: cunes [ ] b) Pressure: c) Temperature: CircteWhich Months: All Yea~. J, F, M, A, M. J, J, A. S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust the three most hazardous chemical components or ~y AHM components COMPONENT CAS# %WT AHM ~) [] 2) [ ] 3) [ I 10) Location certify under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the infomafion submitted on this and all attached documents. I befieve me ;ut~mitted informa~on is true, accurate, and complete. ~RINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Date BAKERSF LD CiTY FIRE DEPAI TMENT HAZAR :)OUS MATERIALS INVEN'I RY 3usiness Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional). Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate HeaJth (Acute) [ ] Delayed Hea~th (Chronic) [ ] ' 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Raslioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY Maximum Daily Amount: Average Daily Amount: Annual Amount: Largest Size'Container: # Days On Site UNITS OF MEASURE lb~ [ ] ga~ [ ] ~3 [ ] curies [ ] 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c) Temperature: Circle Which Months: All Yesr. J, F, M, A, M, J. J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust the three most hazardous cnem~caJ components or any AHM components COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM ~) [] 2) [ ] 3) [ ] 10) Location CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (option-I) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Releaseof Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed HeaJth (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code Eom DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAClUTY Maximum Daily .Amount: Average Daily Amount: * Annual Amount: L.~rgest Size Container: # Days On Site UNITS OF MEASURE lbs [] gal [ ] t3 [ ] cunes [] 8) STORAGE CODES a) Container: b) Pressure: c) Temperature: Circle Which Months: AllYesr, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List the three most hazardous chemicaJ components or any AHM components COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM 1) [] 2) [ ] 3) [ I 10) Location. ceph/under penalty of law, ~hat I have personally examined and am familiar wiOh ~he infoma~on submitted on lt#$ and ail ariacl3ed documents. I believe the submitted informe~fon is true, accurate, and complete. PRINT Name & Title of Authonzed Company Representa~ve Signature Date + C~STLE &' COOKE DEVELOPMENT Operator: Location: 10000 MING AV City : BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 EPA Numb: SiteID: 215-000-001190 + BusPhone: Map : 102 Grid: 07B (805) 835-6031 OvrlHaz : Low FacUnits: I AOV: SIC Code: DunnBrad:04-600-1665 Emergency Contact / Title ROBERT F. BOON / MANAGER Business Phone: (805) 664-6031x 24-Hour PHone : (805) 589-~q-~x~O/~- Pager Phone : 4 I Hazmat Hazards: + First Response Directives: ency~uon=acu / FLOYD iiO~E~ / BLDG ENGINEER Business Phone: (805) 24-Hour PHone ~ (805) Pager Phone · (~o~-)~-~_~_~'¢"'~ Fire ImmHlth DelHlth += Hazmat Inventory +== MCP+DailyMax Order Hazmat Common Name... DIESEL ~--.~/~'.~.~ ~~-- STATE ~"~" ~ ..... ~ BOILER TREA .... One Unified List + Ail Materials at Site + + ~ + .... +---+ ISpecHazlEPA Hazardsl Frm I DailyMax lUnitlMCPI + ~ + .... +_--+ F IH DH L 6000 GAL Low IH L 55 GAL UnR ~,/~.,,c'..,-~,¢,¢~,¢ Do h~'¢;by ceriify that ! have (T:'r~e ~ print naine) / ment plan forsooth, and that it along w~th (N~e cf Busine~) any ~fmctions constitute a complete ~nd coffee; man- agement plan for my gacility. -1- + CASTLE ~ COOKE DEVELOPMENT += Inventory Item 0001 +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME DIESEL Location within this Facility Unit ALONG OLD RIVER RD NEAR ENTRY 6~w~~f~j SiteID: 215-000-001190 + Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + += Days On Site =+ I 365 I CAS# I I 68476-34-6 +=~TA~ =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+ .... CONTAINER TYPE ..... + ~Liquid) I Pure I Ambient [Ambient I UNDER GROUND TANK I ----4 :===~-===+ :=======+= :======+= Lrgst Cent.this Loc GAL DailyMax Stored GAL ZOO O. OO AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE ...... + I DailyMax this L°c GAL I DailyAvg this L°c GAL 16000.00 5800.00 ---+ ---+ [ DailyMax Open Use GAL I DailyMax Closed Use GALI 4 ...... + .......... +-- = ..... + + ....... 4 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ....... +===+== ........ + 100.00 Diesel Fuel No. 1 No 70892103 +=======+: ...... +===+= ....... + + ....... +===+ ...... +--- HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===+==== ..... + ........ +=====+ ~ No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Low TSecret[EHS[BioHaz · No ..INo [.No ...[.,Radioactive/Amount + ~---+ ....... 4 UFC Article 80 In Cabinet? Control Zone: Sprinklered Area? 4 ~ ~ + USDOT Hazards Ag. Definedl: MISC. LOCAL AGENCY DATA Ag.Defined2: Ag. Defined3: Ag. Defined4: Ag. Defined5: Ag. Defined6: Ag. Defined7: Ag. DefinedS: Ag.Definedg: Ag.definel0: +- Ag.Definell -2- + CASTLE ~ COOKE DEVELOPMENT SiteID: 215-000-001190 + += Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + ........... STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM A) ......... + PermitStatus: Business Type :.~ Operator :~'-~-~.~L6-J~--~C~ Phone : (fo~-)~ -~x Location : 10000 MING AV State / Zip : City : BAKERSFIELD #Tanks/EPA# : erg.Type : IndnRes/Trust: No EMERGENCY CONTACTS Primary Name: ROBERT F. BOON Day Phone : (805) 664-6~3~x Night Phone : (805) Second Name Day Phone Night Phone : (805) 664 6~x ~-~-/ : (805) Prop Owner Mail Address:--~?~-~ City Org. Type : I Phone : ( ) - x State / Zip : Tank Owner : Mail Address: City : erg. Type Phone State / Zip I BeE UST Fee#: Legal Notice: /Billing : : Financ'l Resp: I erg. Type Phone State / Zip ........... STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM B and AGENCY-DEFINED) ........... + I Owner's Tank ID#: Mfgr : )~'~-~- I Local Agency ID#: Installed:/~i..~ Capacity: 6000 GgJ-, Contents: MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL PRODUCT ~ I Tank Construction Type : SINGLE WALL Prime Material : FIBERGLASS Interior Lining : UNLINED MeOH Compatible : No Installed: (Spill C°nt'mnt) Piping System Type:UdrGnd PRESSURE Construction Type :UdrGnd SUCTION iMat./Corr. Detect.:UdrGnd Leak Detection : Overf Tank Corrosion Protection FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLAST .11 Prey. Equip) Tank Leak Detection VISUAL CHECK 'TANK TESTING Closed: Gals: Filled: No Agency-Definel2:01/25/1996 PASSED Agency-Definel3: Agency-Definel4:12/22/1998 Agency-Definel5: 280035 -3- + CASTLE ~ COOKE DEVELOPMENT SiteID: 215-000-001190 + += Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +========== STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM C) ...... + Contractor State Licensed: No Installer certified by tank/piping mfgr: No I Mfgr's installation checklist completed: No Installation inspect/approved by registered Engr: No; by local agency: No I Local agency-approved alternative method (s): I + Owner/Agent: Date : Individual : Phone: ( Address : · City : ST: Zip : ) - x -4- + CASTLE ~ COOKE DEVELOPMENT += Inventory Item 0002 +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME STATE ~27""o~-~ ~GGL-AD~ BOILER TREATMENT Location within this Facility Unit MECHANICAL YARD SiteID: 215-000-001190 + Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + ........ += Days On Site =+ I 365 I ~ -+ += STATE =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+===~ONTAINER TYPE ..... + d~~d~-~ Pure I Ambient I Ambient I~/~ARREL-METALLIC I +~~==========+==== .... ===+== _-====~==+~ ...... ====+ Lrgst Cent.this Loc GAL AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE { DailyMax this L°c GAL155.00 DailyAvg this Loc GAL 55.0O DailyMax Stored GAL I + ....... +~ ::::::::::::::::::::: TSecret I EHS IBi°HazNo No No 'UFC Article 80 IDailyMax Open Use GAL [ DailyMax Closed Use GAL I HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ...... +===~ ........ + IEHSI CAS# I HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===+===== .... +~=== .... +=====+ I Radioactive/~ountNo/ Curies EPA Hazards NFPA/// I UnR I Control Zone: In Cabinet? Sprinklered Area? Ag.Definedl: USDOT Hazards IUSDOT# MCP MISC. LOCAL AGENCY DATA Ag. Defined2: Ag. Defined3: Ag.Defined4: Ag. Defined5: Ag. Defined6: Ag. DefinedT: Ag.Defined8: Ag.Defined9: Ag.definel0: +- Ag.Definell -5- + CASTLE ~ COOKE DEVELOPMENT SiteID: 215-000-001190 + Full Format + += Notif./Evacuation/Medical +== Agency Notification Overall Site + 10/20/1992 + CALL 911, OCI MANAGEMENT, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION AND OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES +=== Employee Notif./Evacuation 10/20/1992 + IN THE EVENT EVACUATION IS NECESSARY ON THE FLOORS ABOVE, PERSONNEL CAN BE MOVED DOWN BY USE OF FIRE STAIRS FROM THE EMERGENCY AREAS. THE EMERGENCY STAIRWELLS ARE FIRE RATED FOR SAFETY UP TO ONE HOUR. THE SEPARATION BETWEEN FLOORS IS ALSO FIRE RATED FOR A PERIOD OF AT LEAST ONE HOUR. WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY 600 PEOPLE IN THIS BUILDING, THEREFORE, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT PERSONNEL TRY TO LEAVE THE BUILDING IN AN ORDERLY MANNER, GOING TO THE FURTHER MOST POINT IN THE PARKING LOT TO ALLOW EMERGENCY VEHICLES IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO THE BUILDING. EACH DEPARTMENT WILL ASSEMBLE IN GROUPS AS A MEANS TO ACCOUNT FOR PERSONNEL. ONCE THIS HAVE BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, EACH MANAGER/DIRECTOR WILL REPORT TO THE OFFICE SERVICES MANAGER THAT ALL OF THEIR PERSONNEL ARE OUT OF THE BUILDING. · +==== Public Notif./Evacuation 10/20/1992 + A SIMPLEX FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS IN PLACE FOR THE PURPOSES OF ALERTING PERSONNEL OF A FIRE. THIS SYSTEM IS PUT ON LINE AFTER WORK HOURS (8:00 AM -5:00 PM) WITH KER-~! £~CURITY SERViC-.-S, 320 CHESTER AVE., BAX~RSFI-~-LD, CA. .========~ ....... . ~~~c_~_~_ ~ _~_~_~ _ ~_~_~_ _ _ _ ~_ _~_. ~_)_ _ _ ~-=~/ ....... ...... Emergency Medical Plan 10/20/1992 MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AVE - BAKERSFIELD, CA. - (805) 327-3371. + --=======+ -6- + CASTLE ~ COOKE DEVELOPMENT SitelD: 215-000-001190 + Full Format + += Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt +== Release Prevention Overall Site + 10/20/1992 + DIESEL FUEL TANK (6,000 GAL) CAPACITY IS SELF CONTAINED UNDERGROUND WITH FUEL LINES TO A GENERATOR. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY COMPANY TO BE UTILIZED IN THE EVENT OF A HAZARDOUS EVENT: KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, TELEPHONE 589-5220, CONTACT PERSON IS FRANK ROSENLIEB +=== Release Containment 10/20/1992 + DIESEL STORED IN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS WITH A BUILT IN SPILL CAPTURING BASIN DURING THE REFILLING PROCESS. .+==== Clean Up 10/20/1992 + ENVIRONMENTAL CLEAN UP COMPANY TO BE CONTRACTED IN THE EVENT OF A SPILL: ~ ~ ~ .... /~~~~ ~- ~. ======+ + ..... Other. Resource Activation -7- + Ch,:~TLE ~, COOKE DEVELOPMENT SiteID: 215-000-001190 + Full Format + += Site Emergency Factors +== Special Hazards Overall Site + +=== Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - MAINTENANCE YARD WEST SIDE OF BUILDING B) ELECTRICAL - MAINTENANCE YARD WEST SIDE OF BUILDING C) WATER - ALONG OLD RIVER RD WEST SIDE OF BUILDING D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - ABOVE REAR ENTRANCE DOORS, LEFT SIDE (KEYS ONLY). 07/24/1991 + +==== Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - WE HAVE CLEARLY MARKED FIRE EXITS; FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOCATED THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING 07/24/1991 + FIRE HYDRANT - ON ALL CORNERS SURROUND THE BUILDING -8- + C~STLE ~ COOKE DEVELOPMENT SitelD: 215-000-001190 + + ........................................................ Full Format + += Site Emergency Factors +===== Building Occupancy Level Overall Site + -9- + CASTLE ~ COOKE DEVELOPMENT SiteID: 215-000-001190 + Full Format + += Training +== Employee Training Overall Site + 10/20/1992 + WE HAVE 550 + EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: ON A MONTHLY BASIS, KEY PERSONNEL ATTEND SAFETY MEETINGS FOR THE PURPOSE OF KEEPING ALL PERSONNEL ABREAST OF NEW SAFETY PROCEDURES AND/OR THE OPERATION OF NEW EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIONS THAT WERE DESIGNED TO COMPENSATE FOR ON THE JOB ACCIDENTS. ~~--~-~-~/~r~''-~-~c// ~z~c~m/___.!/_~__.r~__.~-~_~_~-_~Z.~/7.~-/,~.~.~¢ fr.~_~.~_~_~ ~ =======~+ +=== Page 2 -10- Castle&Cooke CALIFORNIA, INC. December 2, 1996 Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Reader: Recently you mailed correspondence to our physical address. Please be advised the US Postal Service has notified us that all correspondence should be mailed to our post office box number or it will be returned to sender. ALSO NOTE: The Company name has been recently changed to the new name as listed below. Our Post Office Box address and new company name is: Castle & Cooke California, Inc. P.O. Box 11165 Bakersfield, CA 93389- I 165 Pleas~e start using this address from this date forward. Administrative Assistant - · · ~ ~ :. 10000 Ming Avenue (93311) ° P.O. Box 11165 ° Bakersfield, CA 93389-1~'65 ° (805) 664-6500 ° FAX (805) 664-6199 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION October 9, 1992 HAT-, 1~4AT. City of Bakersfield Fire Department Mr. Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: Enclosed please find the 1992-93 Business and Hazardous Materials Plans for the Castle & Cooke Development Corp. office facility located at 10000 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California. As in past reports, the primary use of chemicals is for the heating and air conditioning closed loop pipe systems. Should you have additional questions or require further assistance in this matter, please contact me at 664-6031. Sincerely, Robert F. Boon Project Manager RFB:mh 10000 Ming Avenue (93311) * P.O. Box 11165 * Bakersfield, CA 93389 * (805) 664-6000 * FAX (805) 664-6199 08/18/92 CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT 215-000-001190 Page Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information Location: 10000 MING AV Map: 102 Hazard: Low I Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 11 Grid: 07B F/U: 1AOV: 0.0 Contact Name IROBERT F. BOON FLOYD HOEGER Title MANAGER BLDG ENGINEER Business Phone (805) 664-6031 x (805) 664.6195 x 24-Hour Phone] (805) 589-5113! (805) 833-1302/ Administrative Data Mail Addrs: P.O. BOX 11165 City: BAKERSFIELD Comm Code: 215-011 BAKERSFIELD STATION 11 D&B Number: 04-600-1665 State: CA Zip: 93389- SIC Code: Owner: CASTLE & COOK DEVELOPMENT CORP Phone: (805) 664-6031 Address: 10000 MING AV State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93311- Summary RECEIVED OCT 1 1992 HA7. I~/IAT. I'IIV. I, .~'...<'-:,~'oo.~ Do hereby certify that ! have revlewed the attached hazardous materials manage- merit plan ,or c~.e~,~.~. ~.~ ana that it along with ...... (Name ~' S~lnesa) any~OrluCtions constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. 08/18/92 CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT 215-000-001190 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order Page 2 02-001 DIESEL · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 6000 Low GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL 6,000 Daily Average GAL 5,800.00 Annual Amount GAL 6,000.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK Press T Temp Location IAmbient~AmbientlALONG OLD RIVER RD NEAR ENTRY - Conc 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No.1 Components MCP List IModerate I 02-002 #278 COOL- DS ,Ler · Immed Hlth Liquid 300 Unrated GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GAL 300 I Daily Average GAL 55.00 Annual Amount GAL 300.00 Storage DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC -- Conc i Press T Temp Location IAmbientlAmbient I~i~,~¢..3P..-~j~D ~A;.~i~'~ ~- Components . MCP ~List 08/18/92 CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT 215-000-001190 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical Page 3 <1> Agency Notification CALL 911, OCI MANAGEMENT, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION AND OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation IN THE EVENT EVACUATION IS NECESSARY ON THE FLOORS ABOVE, PERSONNEL CAN BE MOVED DOWN BY USE OF FIRE STAIRS FROM THE EMERGENCY AREAS. THE EMERGENCY STAIRWELLS ARE FIRE RATED FOR SAFETY UP TO ONE HOUR. THE SEPARATION BETWEEN FLOORS IS ALSO FIRE RATED FOR A PERIOD OF AT LEAST ONE HOUR. WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY 600 PEOPLE IN THIS BUILDING, THEREFORE, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT PERSONNEL TRY TO LEAVE THE BUILDING IN AN ORDERLY MANNER, GOING TO THE FURTHER MOST POINT IN THE PARKING LOT TO ALLOW EMERGENCY VEHICLES IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO THE BUILDING. EACH DEPARTMENT WILL ASSEMBLE IN GROUPS ASA MEANS TO ACCOUNT FOR PERSONNEL. ONCE THIS HAVE BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, EACH MANAGER/DIRECTOR WILL REPORT TO THE OFFICE SERVICES MANAGER THAT ALL OF THEIR PERSONNEL ARE OUT OF THE BUILDING. <3> Public Notif./Egacuation NONE LISTED A SIMPLEX FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS IN PLACE FOR THE PURPOSES OF ALERTING PERSONNEL OF A FIRE. THIS SYSTEM IS PUT ON LINE AFTER WORK HOURS (8_:00 ~.m. - 5:00 p.m.) WITH KERN SECURITY SERVICES, 320 CHEStE. R AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, (805) 323-4357. <4> Emergency Medical Plan MERCY HOSPITAL 2215 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA. (805) 327-3371 08/18/92 CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT 215-000-001190 Page 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention DIESEL FUEL TANK (6,000 GAL) CAPACITY IS SELF CONTAINED UNDERGROUND WITH FUEL LINES TO A GENERATOR. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY COMPANY TO BE UTILIZED IN THE EVENT OF A HAZARDOUS EVENT: KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, TELEPHONE 589-5220, CONTACT PERSON IS FRANK ROSENLIEB <2> Release Containment with a built-in spill capturing basin during the refilling process. DIESEL STORED IN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS <3> Clean Up ENVIRONMENTAL CLEAN UP COMPANY TO BE 'CONTRACTED IN THE EVENT OF A SPILL: KES - 805-589-5220 <4> Other Resource Activation 08/18/92 CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT 215-000-001190 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors Page 5 <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - MAINTENANCE YARD WEST SIDE OF BUILDING B) ELECTRICAL - MAINTENANCE YARD WEST SIDE OF BUILDING C) WATER - ALONG OLD RIVER RD WEST SIDE OF BUILDING D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - ABOVE REAR ENTRANCE DOORS, LEFT SIDE (KEYS ONLY). <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - WE HAVE CLEARLY MARKED FIRE EXITS; FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOCATED THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING FIRE HYDRANT - ON ALL CORNERS SURROUND THE BUILDING <4> Building Occupancy Level 08/18/92 CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT 215-000-001190 00 - Overall Site <G> Training Page 6 <1~ Page 1 WE HAVE 550 + EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAvE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF St~ARY OF TRAINING: ON A MONTHLY BASIS, KEY PERSONNEL ATTEND SAFETY MEETINGS FOR THE PURPOSE OF KEEPING ALL PERSONNEL ABREAST OF NEW SAFETY PROCEDURES AND~'OR THE OPERATION OF NEW EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIONS THA.T WERE DESIGNED TO COMPENSATE FOR ON THE JOB ACCIDENTS. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use CITY HAZARDOUS NATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and AgricultUre ~Standard Business BUSINESS NAME: LOCATION: .-~. ~o o CITY, ZIP: ~~/~ · PHONE ~: (~J OF" BAKERSFIELD OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: · · C'ITY, . ZIP: :' PHONE ',.# :" ~R TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES: Page / of~ NAME OF THIS"<FACILITY: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 'DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trans Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Amt Amt Units on Site Type Press Temp Code Stored in Facility wt See Instructions Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number ~F/ Component # I Name ~ C.A,S. Number (Check all that apply) Component # 2 Name & C.A.S. N~mber . ..~,',w.,-~'-..,~ ~ ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity ~ Tn~ediate ~ Delayed ..~"-~"' ~I~/ I of Pressure .. Health Health ~ ,,i. Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number I Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component # i Name :& C.A.S. Number i (Check all that apply] '. . . Component # 2 N~me a C.A.S. Number [] Vire Hazard [] Sudden Release 'L..~ React. ivity [] l'nm~ediate [] Delayed. " ' of Pressure :, Health Heal~:h Component # 3 Name :& C.A.S. Number - ' Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number ' ~'' Component # i Name & C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) '~; Component # 2'Name& C.A.S. Number ~m~,~ ~ Fire Hazard [] Sudden Release ~ Reactivity [] In~ediat. ~ Delayed :. __ of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component # i Name & C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) Component # 2 Name &-C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazerd ~ SUd4'" Release [] Reactivity j~ Innnediate [] Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component # 3 Name & C.A.S. Number .. EMERGENCY C ~ONTACTS #1~..~:'. ~o-~- ~-~-~. ,~,~. C~~.~{-~ #2 ,~"~,~/~'~-~ ~=~'~= ~'~-~O ~wm-~-~ : Title 24 Hr Phone Name Title ~-,~e' ~/'.. 24 Hr. Phone Name .7;.. : Certification (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) . ! certify under peanlty of law that I haver personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtain~ng the informat~on. I believe that the submitted information is~omplete.. . N~/~E AND OFFICIAL TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATO~ OR OWNER/OPERATOR'S AUTHORIZED ~m'~T£V~ f.,,. DAT~ aliNED June 21, 1991 Castle & Cooke DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Mr. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Material Coordinator BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: This letter is to advise you of the letter we received from Steve McCalley, Director-Environmental Health Services Department, dated June 13, 1991, regarding underground storage tanks. As general information, Castle & Cooke Development Corporation does have, on the premises located at 10,000 Ming Avenue, a 6,000 gallon diesel fuel storage tank which is utilized to fuel a diesel generator during power outages. With the many new laws and ordinances, we do not wish to be delinquent in the reporting of information that is vital to this tank. We appreciate the past assistance regarding hazardous materials reporting and express a desire to continue to cooperate with you and your staff in this matter. Sincerely, CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Robert F. Boon Manager, Project Management RFB:efv Enclosure CC: Scott D. Peters, Vice President - Castle & Cooke Development Corporation Floyd Hoeger, Building Maintenance - Castle & Cooke Development Corporation 10000 Ming Avenue (93311) * P.O. Box 11165 · Bakersfield, CA 93389 · (805) 664-6000 · FAX (805) 664-6199 OCEANIC COMMUNIT[~~ INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF CASTLE & COOKE March 27, 1990 Mr. Ralph Huey Bakersfield City Fire Department 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RECEIVED {diOR ~ § 1990 H47'... MAT- DIV. Dear Mr. Huey: Enclosed please find an update of the hazardous materials inventory to the Oceanic Communities, Inc. Business Plan Jbr 1990. In the years of 1985-1987 our Engineering Department utilized the brand name State Cool-Ade for the purposes of controlling scale buildup on the Heating and Cooling Systems piping. Then in 1988-1989, we discontinued the program due to using JelBars, which have a magnetic field to control the scale. Since this method appears to be useful for the water tower only a decision was made to revert back to the original treatment program of Cool-Ade. A label of the material is attached in the event you require more concise information. Please feel free to contact me at 664-6031 should you require additional information. Sincerely, OCEANIC COMMUNITIES, INC. ~oper~Management ~ 10000 Ming Avenue (93311) P.O. Box 11165 Bakersfield, CA 93389 (805) 664.6000 · FAX (805) 664-6199 .,--'" CITY of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDous MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm andAgticulture ri Standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page ...... of_ LOCATION' j,o.'o~o ,,,~',,,,,~,~- ,4¢,,'c" ADDRESS; STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE.~ ...... . - -- REFER TO--INSTRUcTIONS-~-OR--PROPER CODES - - I 2 :' 3 4 5 6 ~ 8 9 10 II 12 l~l~y Hames of ~ixture/~o~Donents Trains .!yl~e Max Average Annual Hea~ur'e I~ys Con[ Cent Cent ~le Location.Whole.' Code code Amt Amt EsL Units on Ite Type Press lemp , Stored In racl/.icywt See Instructions Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S, Humber ~ CpmponenL II Name I C,A,S Number ~~~~~~' Name & C.A,S, Number ~ Fire Hazard O Reac,iviL, "DelayedHea ,Lb 0 Suddenof PressureRelease ~ ,mm~¢~''cOmp°nenL,,,",,,, ~(~ ~'~ Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number ~~. Physical 10d Health Hazard C;A.S. Humber Co,Cohen[ II Hame ~ C.A.S. Humber (Check ~1/ that'a~ply) ' Co~ponent 12 ~a~e ~ C.A.S. Hu~ber ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ immediate ~ ' Health of Pressure Health Component 13 'Name I C.A.S. Humber Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber Component II Hame IC,A.S. Humber (Check all that apply) ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Name t C.A.S. Number . Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C,A.S. Humber Physical end HealthUal4rd C,A.S. Humber Component II Name I C,A.S, Humber (Check all that 4pp/H Component 12 Name ~ C,A,S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C.A.S, Humber Name fiEle 2~fl~e R~e Title ' STATE' FORMULA 278-M tiltg® cooL'AD coo,,. Contains no Chromates, Zinc or other heavy metal pollutants · Use COOL-ADE in recirculating water systems. ' * Prevents scale formulation in piping~ valves, heat exchanger (condenser) tubes and equipment.- . Controls corrosion in the system. · Reduces costly shutdown. Saves time-consuming plumbing andc ean- ing operations. . · USDA Accepted for use in Federally Inspected Meat and Poultry Plants. COOL-ADE is a speciaIly developed formulation to control scale build-up and provide protection on copper, bronze, aluminum and stee~l parts of the cooling system. -.:,. ' COOL-ADE is compatible with ail State ALGAEClDES for the ~'c,pntrol of · algae and slime in coo#rig tower water, ' ~: CAUTION: Avoid contact with eyeS. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes w. ith ~ plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists seek mledi~al attention. Keep container closed. , This product contaln~ no Ingredients on the New Jersey Right to Hazardous Substance Ltat. ,., 'KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN To order call ~-SDo. STA CHEM'. ©Copyright 1989 -- The State Chemical Ma~utacturing Co. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Pre-Treatment Cleaning: Clean the system as necessary with State ACIDINE to get rid of accumulated scale and slime. Flush with fresh water; then refill the system with fresh water. For systems with gslvanized steel surfaces use State Formula 418 as e descaler. Initial Treatment: Usa one gallon of COOL-ADE for every 200 gallons of circu!atir~g water. Add slowly in the tower sump to provide uniform mixing. Rep~.s! thi~ treatment for two weeks and switch to preventive treatment Pmv.entlve Maintenance l'matment': Use oneto two pints of COOL-ADE for every 200 gallons of makeup water added to the cooling system. Add Sufficient amount of COOL-ADE to maintain a residual of between 30-60 ppm:This level should be monitored daily with the State Cooling Tower test kit to insure that the tower is properly protected at all times. Bleedoff: Sleedoff should be set to maintain 3 to 5 cycles of concentra- tion in the cooling tower. Monitor cycles daily. It is important to note that proper bleedoff is as important in preventing scale buildup as maintaining the proper COOL-ADE levels. · 'NOTE: Send feedwater and cooling tower water samples at least twice a year for analysis at State's water treatment lab in C!eveland. 98R7 Bskersfield Fire Depi,. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 RECEIVED ','~I 0 2 1~0 HAZ. MAT. DIV. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: ' To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. Answer tl~e Questions below for the business as (3 whole. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: ~~",,~,,'~/¢ L 0 C ATIO N: /~ ~~ MAILING ADDRESS: ~~' DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: STATE:~--/"~4 ZiP' ?,--¢,~oc.5' PHONE: ~(',g"'P'"",~"~':"~'/ ,::::2 ~,,"_,~ ~ ~ ~.,/,~"~"..C'-' SIC CODE: PRIMARY ACTIVITY' .~"~:~.,,~,,c. ~../-.~.,r~''~''' MAILING ADDRESS: .......~".,,~ SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: coNTAcT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24. HR. PHONE .. (.?~,~-'.-.o.- ~'-/'"'""~' I Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous ~la~erials D~visio HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE' ELECTRICAL: WATER' SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES/NO IF YES, LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A, PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardou~ Materials Dwismn HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE' BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REGUEST: ,I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE'" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: ~ WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES.-' ' OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: INACCURATE INF.ORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. '"'~' SIGNATURE Th~ I, ~/,'~"'-. ~<o ,:::,,,',-) CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 sec. 25500 ET AL.)' AND THAT DATE F01590 CITY of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MAT ER. ~IALS INVENTORY Farm andAgticulture El Standard RusJness I-1 NON--TRADE SECRETS Pa~e _,/.__ of__ '1 2 3 4 5 § 7 8 9 )0 11 12 13 Trans Tyl~e Hax Avgr.age Annual Heasure ! .Oy.s Coot Con~ ConC Us~ Location?ece. ~x~y N~eeSseeOf ~ixture/Cce~ocen[s Code ~ cooe Aat Amc EsL Un~ts on 51:e Type Press Temp Coue S~ored ~n rac~y Physical aod Health Hazard C,A,S, Number Component II Hame & C,A,S, Humber Checkal/ that apply) ~/ ~~- '"~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Name i C.A,S. Humber /~/~~ Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Hame A C,A,S, Number /~ Physical A0d Health bayard C,A.5. Number ~~~ Componen~ II N8me i C,A,S. Number (Check al/ that app/yl ~/~-~ Component 12 Name t C,A,S, Humber ~ Fire Hazard ~ ReKtivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Hame I C,A,S, Humber (Check all that apply) Component 12 Name A C.A,S. Number D F?e Hazard D Reactivity D Delayed D Sudden Release D Health of Pressure Component 13 Name ~ C.A.S. Humber Physical Ind Health bayard C,A,S. Humber Component II Hame I C,A,S, Humber ~ [Check al] that app/y~ Component I~ Hame & C,A,S. Humber ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release . ~ Health of Pressure Component 13 Name & C,A,S. Humber Certlfl .... atlo Re and i n a£ r com 7 C7ng. a77. sectTons2, o ].'cerj:,ly un3er pena,~¥ o~a~)~ theft I~,v¢ per. sonaf~y examlnq?aq~ q, famlliac.,,LU the ,nfocmatl. n suUmittcd in this.and ,1~ ~.Kned.docueent), anQ t~at oaseo on.my inqu)ry ¢.those IflOlVIOUa/S responsible Tot obtaining the InFormation, I beml~at tn~ ~~ sU~mltteo Inloruclon Is true, accurate, ano coepmece. · 07/02/91 215-00~1190 P.age Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information ~ ILocation: 10000 MING AV Map: 102 Hazard: Low Ident Number: 215-000-001190 Grid: 07B Area of Vul: 0.0 Contact Name Title Business Phone 24 Hour Phone- FLOYD HOEGER BLDG ENGINEER (805) .664-6195 x (805) 833-1302 Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 10000 MING AV p~ ~ /~/~ ~s~f D&B Number: 04-600-1665 'City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93311- Comm Code: 215-011 BAKERSFIELD STATION 11 SIC Code: 'Owner: CASTLE~/COOKE ~~~~~'"~ Phone: (805) 664-6031 Address: 10000 MING AV State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93311- Summary Do f-:,~r~by cer[ify thru ~ have reviewed %~'~ ~n"~'"{ ~ .............. ' .... materials mana~e- .... ~,~d ~h"'~ ~t ~;Icm~ with agement plan for my ~aci~ity. 07/02/91 ~~ ~u~ i~C 215 )1190 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quantity MCP 02-001 DIESEL Liquid 6,000 Low FAre, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-002 STATE #278M COOL-ADE Liquid '300 Unrated Immed Hlth GAL Page 2 07/02/91 02 - Fixed containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 02-001 DIESEL Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 6000 Low GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure DaYs: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL 6,000 Daily Average GAL 5,800.00 Annual Amount GAL 6,000.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK Press T Temp Location IAmbient~AmbientlALONG OLD RIVER RD NEAR ENTRY -- Conc 100.0% [Diesel,Fuel No.1 MCP iList Components 02-002 STATE #278M COOL~ADE Immed Hlth Liquid 300 Unrated GAL CAS #: Form: Liquid Trade Secret: No Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GAL 300 Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL -- 55.00 I 300.00 Storage DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Press T Temp Location AmbientlAmbientlUNDERGROUND TANKS -- Conc ~ Components ~ MCP ~List 07/02/91 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical Page <1> Agency Notification CALL 911, OCI MANAGEMENT, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION AND OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation IN THE EVENT EVACUATION IS NEQESSARY ON THE FLOORS ABOVE, PERSONNEL CAN BE MOVED DOWN BY USE OF FiRE STAIRS FROM THE EMERGENCY AREAS. THE EMERGENCY STAIRWELLS ARE FIRE RATED FOR SAFETY UP TO ONE HOUR. THE SEPARATION BETWEEN FLOORS IS ALSO FIRE RATED FOR A PERIOD OF AT LEAST ONE HOUR. WE ~AVE APPROXIMATELY 600 PEOPLE IN THIS BUILDING, THEREFORE, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT PERSONNEL TRY TO LEAVE THE BUILDING IN AN ORDERLY MANNER, 'GOING TO THE FURTHER MOST POINT IN THE PARKING LOT TO ALLOW EMERGENCY VEHICLES IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO THE BUILDING. EACH DEPARTMENT WILL ASSEMBLE IN GROUPS AS A MEANS TO ACCOUNT FOR PERSONNEL. ONCE THIS HAVE BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, EAC~ MANAGER/DIRECTOR WILL REPORT TO THE OFFICE SERVICES MANAGER THAT ALL OF THEIR PERSONNEL ARE OUT OF THE BUILDING. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation NONE LISTED <4> Emergency Medical Plan MERCY HOSPITAL 2215 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA. '(805) 327-3371 07/02/91 OCEANIC CALIFORNIA INC 215-( 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt 90 Page 5 <1> Release Prevention DIESEL FUEL TANK (6,000 GAL) CAPACITY IS SELF CONTAINED UNDERGROUND WITH ~,~,~.T~ ....... ARE FUEL LINES TO A GENERATOR ~.._ ....... n,, ~ ~m,~,~ ~, ' ................ STORED ...... ENCLOSURE TIIA- v~.,~ D TI P TING ~ARE iN A W UTILIZED IN THE EVENT OF A HAZARDOUS EVENT: KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, TELEPHONE 589-5220, CONTACT PERSON IS FRANK ROSENLIEB <2> Release Containment <3> Clean Up <4> Other Resource Activation 07/02/9~ OCEANIC CALIFORNIA INC 215 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors 90 Page <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - MAINTENANCE YARD WEST SIDE OF BUILDING B) ELECTRICAL - MAINTENANCE YARD WEST SIDE OF BUILDING C) WATER - ALONG OLD RIVER RD WEST SIDE OF BUILDING D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - ABOVE REAR ENTRANCE DOORS, LEFT SIDE (KEYS ONLY). <3> Fire Protec./Avail. water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - WE HAVE CLEARLY MARKED FIRE EXITS, <4> Building Occupancy Level 07/02/91 00 - Overall Site Page 7 <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE-300 + EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use Aerial View of 10,000 Ming Avenue Building Castle&Cooke DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION June 28, 1991 RECEIVEO Mr. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Material Coordinator BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 JUL 0 1 1991 HAZ. MAT. DIV. Dear Mr. Huey: On Friday, June 28, 1991, telephone discussions were held with Mr. Dunwood regarding the business plan that is on file with your department. The two (2) issues that need to be resolved are: (i) the name of the Company; and (ii) chemical uses. Currently, the owner of the property located at 10,000 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93311, is Castle & Cooke Development Corporation, formerly known as Oceanic Communities Inc. and Tenneco West Inc.; therefore, these names need to be deleted. The chemicals utilized are the same products as reported on the business plan which is the State Cool-ADE Cooling Tower Treatment and State BT-64 Boiler Water Treatment. These chemicals are used for air conditioning and heating water treatment purposes. In the event these are not adequate answers to the business plan currently on file, please contact me at (805) 664-6031. Thanks again for your cooperation in keeping our firm updated on your requirements. Sincerely, CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Robert F. Boon Manager, Project Management RFB:efi, Enclosure CC; Scott D. Peters, Vice President - Castle & Cooke Development Corporation Floyd Hoeger, Building Maintenance - Castle & Cooke Development Corporation 10000 Ming Avenue (93311) · P.O. Box 11165 · Bakersfield, CA 93389 · (805) 664-6000 · FAX (805) 664-6199 July 2, 1991 Mr. Robert F. Boon Castle & Cooke Development Corp. 10000 Ming Ave. P.O. Box 11165 Bakersfield, Ca. 93389 Dear Mr. Boon: Enclosed you will find a copy of the most recent Hazardous Materials Management Plan we have on file with our office. Please make any corrections or revisions that are necessary (i.e. name 'change) and return it to this office by July 25, 1991. Also enclosed you will find a blank copy of the inventory to make any inventory corrections. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely Yours, Valerie Pendergrass Hazardous Materials Division Enclosures July 9, 1991 Castle&Cooke DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RECEIVED J U L 1 0 1991 Ans'd. . Ms. Valerie Pendergrass Hazardous Materials Division Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H. Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Ms. Pendergrass: Attached, please find the 1991 Hazardous Materials Management Plan for the Castle & Cooke Development Corporation's office facility located at 10,000 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California. As you have requested, the appropriate changes have been made, including the locations of fire exits and fire hydrants. Should you require additional information, please contact me at 664-6031. Sincerely, CASTLE & COOKE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Robert F. Boon Manager, Project Management RFB:mew Attachment cc: Scott D. Peters, Vice President - Castle & Cooke Development Corporation I0000 Ming Avenue (93311) · P.O. Box 11165 · Bakersfield, CA 93389 · (805) 664-6000 · FAX (805) 664-6199 OCEANIC COMMUNITIES, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF CASTLE & COOKE December 22, 1989 Ralph Huey 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey; Enclosed please find the updated Business Plan material for the Oceanic Communities, Inc. office facility at 10,000 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Thank you again for taking the time to see me regarding this Business Plan'. Should you reguire my assistance I can be reached at 664-6031. Robert Boon Manager/Property Management RB:re 10000 Ming Avenue (93311) P.O. Box 11165 Bakersfield, CA 93389 (805) 654-6000 · FAX (805) 664-6199 Oceanic California Inc P. O. Box 11165 Bakersfield, CA 93389 Telephone (805) 664-6000 January 30, 1989 Mr. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator City of Bakersfield 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 {989 ............ Dear Mr. Huey: The enclosed information pertains to our 1989 Hazardous Materials Business Plan for the 10,000 Ming Avenue Office Facilities. In the event errors or emissions have occurred, please call my office at 664-6031 for clarification. Sincerely, OCEANIC CALIFORNIA, INC. Robert F. Boon, Manager Property Management RFB:kls Oceanic California Inc P. O. Box 11165 Bakersfield, CA 93389 Telephone (805) 664-6000 January 3, 1989 Mr. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator City of Bakersfield 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Er. EIVED 1989 DearMr. Huey: ~ti~ ............ Enclosed please find the documents as requested and the revisions that are currently active. /~~d~t~eir be additional information and/or assistance, please call me at Sincerely, ~C CALIFORNI~ Robert F. Boon, Manager Property Management RFB:kls CITY of BAKERSFIELD "W£ C,4R£" t~- - Drq · , u3.~3e or ~nt name Do hereby certify that I have reviewed the attached Hazardous ~laterials business plan for (name of business) ~ECEIVED F E~) 0 1 !989 Ans'd ............ and that it along with the attached additions ~uue a complete and correct or corrections consti~ ~ Business Plan for my facility. signature / / date CITY of BAKERSFIELD ~7/HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS I NVENT.ORY' Far. ~nd Aqricultura Standard Business NON--'FRADE SECRETS LOCATION:/~. OoO .,~w.~.~,~ ~,.~ -- ADDRESS: ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE CITY, ZIP/ ~~ - ~// CITY, ZXP~~~~ ~~' ~w/ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER m ~ ~~o~ ~ ~o~ co~ ~ ~ ] 4 S t 7 I g 10 II IZ 13 II (~e C~e ~t ~t Est Un*~s m Site T~ ~ TW ~ St~ In F~lll~y~. ~ I~t~ti~ ~lth of Pm~ ~lth ........ P~icll ~ ~lth Hlzlff C.A.S. (C~k ~ll t~t a~ly) ~lth of (C~k ~11 t~t ~ly) ..... ~ ~ F~re Hazaed ~ ] Rflct~v~ty [ ] ~le~ [ ~ ~ Raima [ ] I~t~te H~lth of P~su~ ~lth ....... ~ ~t 13 .&C.A.S.~ t ........... k ........... ~ ........... 1. ~.C_l. I_ ~ 1_2 (C~k all t~t ~-~ - ~-~ ~-~ ~-~ c~t t2 Fire Hazard H~lth of Pr~sure H~lth ~t 13 ~&C.A.S. ~r ,, ~,c~ ~ ~-~o~/ ~/c~ ~- ~/~ Certtficat~e~ (Read and SiKh after colpJetinE all sections) I certify under penalty of 1~ t~t I ~ve ~rs~allyexamin~ e~ am f~iliar with t~ tnf~t~ t~ ~m~ts. ~ t~t ~s~ ~ ~ i~i~ of t~e IMtvi~ls ~sible Farm and Aoricu|tur! ~ Standard Business ~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS UI'RAD E SECRETS ' ' BUSINESS NAME: OWNER NAME OF LOCATION: //~__~O ,~-'~ ~- ' --~D~s~-.. ...... ~/,4/ -' -- STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE CITY, ZIP: L ~ H&~ Wc CITY, ZIP: ~ /~ ~ ~ ~/ ~ND BRADSTREET NUMBER PHONE 1: ~- ~~ PHONE ~: ( '~ ~-- o -~-~ ~- ~ - ~ C~, ~e ~t~ ~t Est Units m Stt, Ty, ~, T~ ~ .. St~ in FKtl$ty ~~ ~ Inst=ti~ .~. 1 _a_l__~.~.i~_~_l_z~_~_~~~~~~J~~_~~;~ ~ ............ ~ .... fleilth~ of P~re ~lth / · ' ..... ~~ .......... ..... ~__1_~_,___~ ._.].~z~____l~_o~___~l~~ ~~2.~~ ~;~ .......... ~~ ........ -~ Fir. Hazard u-~ Mcttvlty ~--J hlIM ~--~ bl~ u--J I~tltl~ / ' P~icl) ~ flHIth HIZ4~ C.l.S. ~ ~t II ~.A.S. ~ (C~k ill r~t ipply) ~--~ r--. r--~ ~--- r--, ~t 12 ~&C.A.S. ~ Hfllth of P~sunl HNIth ........ P~icll ~ H~lth ~zled C.l.S. ~ ~t II h & C.A.S. ~ (~k oll t~t .~ly) ~-~ -- r--~ -- r--~ C~t B2 ~& C.A.S. ~ H~lth of PP~suee Health .............. ~t 83 ~&C.A.S. ~ . ' ...... Certification (Read and sJRn after compJetinE all sectJons) I certify under ;enalty of law that ! ~ve ~rsmally e~aem~ end aa faeil~er e~th t~ ~nf~t~ ]n~s~ ~~ts. a~ t~t MI~ m W ~n~W of t~e t~tvt~ls r.~s~ble BUSINESS NAME OCEANtC'-[]ALIFORNIfl INC LOCATION 1~00 MING AV HIGH HATflRD RATING 1, OVERVIEW LAST CHfiNGE 09/18/88 BY ESTER JURIS coDE Zi5-009 JURIS BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 M~P PAGE 10Z GRID 0?8 " -. FRCI"E~TY'UNITS ! HAZARD RATING Z RESPONSE SUMM~RY ~A SEC 4) ROBERT F. BOON, FLOYD ftOEGER,~B~AND HECTOR CONTRERAS. EMERGENCY CONTACTS 2A SEC ROBERT F, BOON -~G3~-G031 OR 39Z.'9B1Z FLOYD HOEGER ~55-6195 OR 8~-,I~0Z UTILITY SHUTOFFS Zfl SEC fl) GAS - MAINTENANCE YARD W S10E OF BLOG, B) ELECTRICAL - MAINTENANCE Y~RO W SIDE OF 8LDG C) WATER -' ALONG OLD RIVER RD W SIDE. OF BLOG .D) SPECIAL -~ NONE E) 'LOCK BOX'- I~BOVE 'REAR ENI'RBNCE DOORS, LEFT S10E (KEYS ONLY), NOTIFICATION / PUBLIC EVflCUfiTION LAST CHANGE / / BY < NO' INFORM~'TION RE'CORDED"'FOR THIS SECTION > PAGE 1 12/20/88 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC, (805) DOLE FOOD COMPANY HOUSE OF ALMONDS OCEANIC CALIFORNIA INC. SUN GIANT, INC. TENNECO OIL COMPANY TENNECO WEST, INC. OFFICE FACILITY EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 10,000 MING AVENUE Revised 3/2/88 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES PREFACE Disaster is an unforeseen occurrence that can result in the destruction of property and life, if not properly dealt with by the use of good judgment and plans of action. The function of this manual is to apprise each Department Manager/Director of their need to set up a plan which, in the event of an emergency, would be implemented to minimize the loss of life and property. EMERGENCY CALL NUMBERS 1. OCI - Building Management Peter Lacques, Sr. VP Bob Boon 6031 Pager 321-5253 TOC - Building Management Gary Johnson 6703 Eileen Hempel 6865 2. Building Security Kern Security Systems 3771 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Building Monitoring System Mel Davis 398-0586 Trans West Security Services 4444 Grissom Bakersfield, CA Tom Burns or Don Beardon 834-0711 3. Building Engineer Floyd Hoeger 6195 Pager 321-5366 4. Building Technician Dave Roper 6195 Pager 321-5367 5. Fire Department Emergency 911 or 324-4542 6. Ambulance Emergency 911 or 327-4111 7. Police Department Emergency 911 or 327-7111 8. Hazardous Materials Division 326-3979 9. Office of Emergency Services 800/852-7550 EMERGENCY CALL NUMBERS - After work hours (5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.), Holidays and Weekends, call in sequence listed on next page: -1- RESIDENCE PHONE NUMBERS Bob Boon Floyd Hoeger Dave Roper OCI 392-9612 833-1302 397-9037 TOC Gary Johnson Eileen Hempel R.T. Bogan Frank Brandauer 397-0644 397-9520 831-5004 325-9335 PURPOSE To establish a safe, orderly procedure for systematic evacuation of an area or areas of the building by our personnel, in the event of an emergency, in the least possible time, to a safe area by the nearest safe means of egress. Pro- vide for the controlling of emergencies and the safe guarding of human life. Each Department Manager shall assign a Fire Coordinator and an Alternate for their departmental office space. If a department is occupying more than one area within the building, then there should be one Coordinator and one Alternate per area. When the Coordinator and Alternates are chosen, their names are to be given to Office Services. Office Services, with the assistance of the Bakersfield Fire Depart- ment, will then instruct them in the use of the fire protection sys- tems, as well as the fire escape routes. The departmental authority of the Coordinator and Alternate will be the decision of and delinea- ted by each Department Manager. e When a departmental employee is aware that an emergency exists, or is imminent, he/she must immediately notify the Coordinator or Alternate in a quiet and discreet manner, to prevent panic. The only exception to this procedure would be in the case of a flash fire or explosion, -2- evacuate all personnel in immediate area first, then (from a safe area) notify: FIRE DEPARII4ENT - 324-4542 e then the Office Services Department, and finally the Coordinator and/ or Alternate. At this point, Office Services will also call the Fire Department. In the event evacuation is necessary on the floors above, personnel can be moved down by use of fire stairs from the emergency areas. The emergency stairwells are fire rated for safety up to one hour. The separation.between floors is also fire rated for a period of at least one hour. We have approximately 600 people in this building, there- fore, it is imperative that personnel try to leave the building in an orderly manner, going to the further most point in the parking lot to allow emergency vehicles immediate access to the building. Each department will assemble in groups as a means to account for per- sonnel. Once this has been accomplished, each Manager/Director will report to the Office Services Manager that all of their personnel are out of the building. In the event of fire, the stairs should always be used. However, if you are in an elevator that stops~on a floor that has a fire, you should immediately press the Fire Emergency Button. This button de- activates the traffic sentinel (lights in doors) to allow the doors to close, otherwise the smoke will keep them activated. In the event the elevator is in motion, an automatic device will activate the car to immediately return to the first floor with the doors locking in an open position for safety purposes. Should yOu be outside of the build- ing, stay clear of the area to avoid falling glass and debris. SUGGESTED LIST OF COORDINATOR AND ALTERNATE RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Become completely familiar with your assigned area. e Know your personnel within your area, apprise them of particular responsibilities as far as yOur assignment is concerned. Advise each one of his means of egress. -3- 3. When an emergency procedure is put into operation, it is extremely important to respond in a calm and orderly manner. The Coordinator will be initially concerned with the avoidance of panic. This person must be efficient, yet calm, with an attitude that will set the stage for those he or she will be trying to assist. 4. Have a working knowledge of the location and use of the emergency equipment in your area, also the stairwells. Be During an evacuation, the Coordinator will: a. be completely familiar with evacuation routes and alternates. b. remember the specific duty of a Coordinator is to lead, main- tain order and keep calm. c. after the employees have left the area, make a thorough search of the floor you are responsible for, making sure that all is clear. UPON HEARING A FIRE ALARM: 1. Immediately evacuate the building. 2. Keep calm - do no~ panic. 3. Use elevators only if directed by Fire Department. 4. Know the exact location of primary and secondary fire stairwells. 5. Walk rapidly - do not run. 6. Before opening any doors, feel the door - IF IT IS HOT, DO NOT OPEN. 7. If possible, close all doors, do not lock them; closing will slow the spread of fire. 8. If you are caught in smoke, take short breaths, CRAWL ALONG THE FLOOR, and breathe through your nose approximately 12 to 18 inches above the -4- fl oor. breath. If forced to make a dash through smoke or flame, hold your 9. Do not attempt to fight the fire. Leave the job of fighting fire to the firefighters. ILLNESS OR INJURY If guests or employees become ill or injured, keep them quiet and dial "0", ask Tenneco operator to locate someone from the Emergency Treatment List, and give the following information: 1. Location (floor, suite number, etc.). 2. Nature of illness or injury. e Circumstances causing the injury, (for example, if the injury was caused by a fall, determine the kind of shoes the injured person was wearing, conditions of flooring and/or reason for fall). 4. The type of action that was taken. 5. The name, address~'and phone number of the injured, and any witnesses. The emergency treatment provider will coordinate all further action. attempt to treat the injured unless absolutely necessary. DO NOT EARTHQUAKE When an earthquake occurs, and it is apparent that damage will be caused, take cover immediately. If you are in an elevator, stop at the next floor, get off and take cover in the stairwell. An ideal shelter in the office is the knee-well of your desk. Move only to get away from windows, walls, or any other item which might fall. Remain in the protected area until you are con- tacted by a Department Manager. They will instruct you with details of all further action, including evacuation instructions. AFTER THE TREMORS CEASE, YOU SHOULD: 1. Continue to stay away from windows, walls, shelves or any items which might topple. Avoid all unnecessary movement. -5- 2. Disconnect all electrical lines, water lines and open flames. SMOKE. DO NOT strike matches or use lighters. DO NOT 0 4o 0 Do not use the telephone because the system will be needed for emergency calls. Do not use' the elevators until instructed to do so by the proper authority. Report injuries to someone on the Emergency Treatment List; (dial "0") for first aid treatment. ELEVATORS General Information 1. There are emegency telephones in each car that can be utilized in the event the elevator malfunctions. 0 0 The Tri-County Elevator Company, telephone number 323-6402, is on con- stant radio disPatch. They will arrive in a reasonable time, includ- ing night time and on weekends and holidays. If you are in an .elevator and it temporarily malfunctions, when you reach your office, please call the Operator, Dial "0", or Office Services Department, Ext. 6031, and report it. Try to give as much information as possible, i.e. which car and what happened. Never try to force open the doors if you are in a malfunctioning ele- vator. This is a job for the elevator service company, and could result in injury to the untrained. 5. Never use the elevators in the event of fire or earthquake. ELEVATOR EVACUATION PROCEDURES DURING POWER FAILURES: 1. Call Operator - Dial "0". 2. Wait until elevator has reached bottom floor. -6- 3. Push doors to open position from inside of car. 4. Step up to floor level. 0 In case the above procedures fail, an escape hatch is located in the ceiling for your protection and safety. This exiting procedure will be performed by the elevator contractor. ELEVATOR EVACUATION PROCEDURES DURING FIRE ALARMS: 1. Elevator will automatically return to the first floor, car doors will open and lock in OPEN position. ELEVATOR SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - LOCATED IN ELEVATOR ROOMS: 1. Pull down on both main power handles. 2. Turn elevator release valve counter clockwise to allow elevator pressure release. 3. Once elevator has reached the first floor, turn pressure release valve to original position. 4. Check elevator position and let personnel out by having them push inside door. 5. Turn main power switch to ON position with handles up. APPROVED BY: Bob Bbon Property Nanager -7- TEN~_CO ~.S!, INC. EHE~CE,C~ ORemiIZirIO~t '~nEC~LIST FIRE CIIIEF FIRST, AID . OPE~OR p~P SQUAD E~CIRICIAN OH C~L 2~ liOnS BOB BO01I BUTCH DAVg FLOYD IiECTOR FLO~D IIOICEI A DAY STEUART ROPER IIOEGER CONTraS , , [ROTE~ION CO Hoeger ~OeG~R ROPER ROPER Famtlia~ with Siren8 Familiar Knows -Knows else, plant layout emarsency with II~e p~p Power&lhuC- QUALIFICATIONS medical sy~t~ .operations offs background &maintenance -Ventilation syste~ ~er -~a one In ~irst Aid Ensure as Ensure fire ~ploy hose -Shut char{a (Hedlcal) valve p~p la or ~alI o[1 to lire FU[{CTIOH -Directs all to all ara open' opern~in{ a~cinsuishars opera[Ions lnJur ad during correctly on lire -Provid~ ~ers~nciea durin8 any (tempo~nrlly) emersency aider ~ar[ancy BUSINESS NF~ME OCEt~-INIi ~F~L!FORNIA INC L. OCt~TtON 10000 PIING AV ~. HAZ M~I' TRAINING S'UMN~RY t0 NUIR ZIS--000-001t90 H!IS-H HAZARD RA~ING Z LAST' C'Ff,~NGE / / BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR'THIS SECTION > 4. LOCAL EPIERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE " LAST 'CHANGE 09/1G/88 BY ESTER PAGE Z MATERIAL SRFETY "DRI"A' ~S¥STEMS, ' 'I'NC; ' ( B05 )' "G4B*-.'B800 · 8US~[NESS NAME OCEAN ¢tLIFORNIft INC LOCATION 180~)0 MING FACILITY UNIT ID N~R 215-O00,-OOt HIGH HAZARD RATING Z OVERALL H~ZRRDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ........ ER'ST C'HRNG£- 09/"i6/88 BY ESTER ID TYPE N~ME LOCATION ......... -' " M/q~ AMT L/NIT H~:~ZARD CONTet'I"NHEN T USE PURE DIESEL FUEL GOOO GAL ALONG OLD RIVER RD UNOERGRO[tNO'T~NES FUEL I0 PERCENT COMPONENTS " 1t'78.03 100.0 DIESEL FUEL NO.! MODERATE H~Z~RD LIST MODERATE Z PURE RNHYDROUS AMMONIA G7ZO F'F3 TENNECO OIL DRAFTING RM FIXED PRESS.TANKS CATALYST ID PERCENT COMPONENTS 10Z4.08 1(~8.0 RMMONI~ (EPA) MOOERRTE HAZARD LIST MODERATE EP B. FIRE PROTECTION / WATER SljPPI..IES L. RS'F CHANGE I I BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > PAGE 3 lZ/20/8B iZ:}Z MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) G48-G8~ BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 9S301 (Q~ (805) 326-3979 OFFICIAL USE OMLY IUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS lVL,~T E R I ALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A 1. To avoid further action, return this form by ~ 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: ~<~.~".~.,<2/~- ~(~~',>~--~,-F,~,'/,,~ '-~~. B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-75~0 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by 1aw. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE .-'~-~"/'~-~-'~ DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. Ph~ _.v~;~2 - SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE B. ELECTR l CAL: ,.,.,~,..~,,,,~.,,.~,,,,~,,,~:"o,~-- >.,".,,~.,,,~ -~".~'c.~o~-~*.e'~' C. WATER: D. SPECIAL LOCK BOX: g~-~'/ NO IF YES. LOCATION:.,,'/~J---~z~:,~',,F ~,~7,4,-',,;,~-,~-,,'~-~' E. / 0~) MSDSS? YES / NO IF YES. DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES FLOOR PLANS? YES /~ KEYS? NO SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION ~: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YO5~ BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO ' INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES .'-'~'-~ WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... ~Y--~'~) NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. ~ NO .NO c~..~'.,~'~?_~' ...~ E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... YES~._N.O~ YES N Q.~ CIRCLE~_YES~- NO - NONE ? DOES YOUR:BUSINESS HASSLE HAZARDOUS ~TERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ....... I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obliyations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information con'stitutes perjury, SIGNAT~~ BAKERSFIELD CITY FiRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFiCiAl. USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS I. To avoid further action, this form must be-re'turned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR A:YSWERS IN ENGLISH. 8. Answer the questions below for THE FACII, ITY U.YIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible.' FACILITY UNIT~ FACILITY b'NIT NA.ME: SECTION I: MITIGAT!ON~ PREVEN'rIoNr ABATEMEN'T PROCEDURES SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDL-RES AT THIS L~."IT O.YLY - SA - SECTION 3: HAZARDOI;S MATERIALS FOR THIS B.'NIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials? ...... YES NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES NO If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form ~4A-1) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form ~4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on'form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES ' NO iF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLA~f$? FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs? YES ," N0 YES ./ NO KEYS? YES / NO - 3B - ,,l~lUl~R5 ri^lqE:~.-'"..,,,~,,,,¢.//~~,.<: ~ OHNER NAHB:~.-~--:~'~'.~.'~--'';''~''~'~.'~' FAClI, ITY UNIT ',lllllll~.q.s :_/~c:~.c~c~ .,,"/""/"/"~.,,"~r.,,,"~./'-'~e''-- Al)liRE991 /~.~ (::)~::)o .,,~x.,,~S' ~ FACILITY UNIT HANE:~~.~__. ] I ~'. z I I': ~~- ~/~ ~ ~ ~// c I TV, Z ! P; _~/~~/~ ~~ ~// ~~' ~'ll~lHl? t:~' ~ ~/ PIIOHB I~~/ ~ ~/ FFICIAi, USE CFIR~ - ONLY , 2 3 7 g ,'1'1 HA× ^NNIIAI, LOCATION IH TIIIB ~ UY IIAZAIII~ i. (). 'i' ',1~1: A/.lOll U'i' ANtIUHI' FACILITY UNIT .P YOo ,,~i, iF':.,~:~_~~_ ~, ~ _...~/~,,,,~ . TITLE :~~,/~~ 9 IO.ATUnE; _ -_ ~ DATE: ~ AFTER BUS IIRS: i~IO~'II'AI,. IIItSIHl~SS ACTIVITY:~~. ~~~ ~~/~~" AFTER BUS. IIRS: ..,'- 4n--I - SD'PPLEMENT 2 Hazardous Materials List The following list of materials on-site was developed during the audit on the basis of vishal observation or available material safety data sheet~ provided by Tenneco. Common Name · Trade Name Quantity Clear~Jng liquid Water treatment chemical Water treatment chemical Algacide Water treatment chemical Paint thinner Silicone lubricant Insecticide Contact cleaner Enamel Scram sulfuric acid drain cleaner NS State Hardwater Cool-Aid Formula 55 gal 417 Cooling Tower Treatment State Formula 410 Algacide 60 ~ (EPA 1685-91) Not spedfied or labelled 55 gal State AT-16 Corrosion Inhibitor 55 gal (EPA 1685-70-ZA) NR SQ NR SQ Black Flag Ant and Roach Killer SQ NR SQ NR SQ Key To Abbreviations NS: Not specified. Material safety data sheet only. NR: Not rmordad at time of audit due to limited quantity. SQ: Small or lmusehold quantity only. E7-287.0 HIGH H~ZRRD RRTING Z BUSINESS NRME OCERNICRLIFORNIR INC LOCR~ION 10U)v'~Q> ~NG ~V D. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION / EVRCU~TtON "L~ST'CH'~NGE"Og/IGI88 BY ESTER < NO INFORM~TION'RECOROED FOR' THIS SECTION > E. MITIGATION / PREVENI'ION / RBS'FEMENT LRST'"CH~NGE 09116/88 BY ESTER SEC '1 ) DIESEL FUEL TANK (B,OOO"GRL) "CAP~CITY' I'S' SELF"CONT~INEO UNDERGROUND WITH FUEL LINES 'TO R GENER~TOR. -" FIM(~O'NI~) CYLINOERS ARE STORED WITHIN ~"'~'~'~'~°rf+~ ~M~ RAFT NG THE ,,- ..... :.,~0 ........ O I ' ROOM. ~LL CYLINDERS RRE STORED IN AN ENCLOSURE THRT IS VENTE~O"TQ THE EXTERIOR OF THE BLDG. THE USE OF PROPER 9F~LVES ~ND FITTING ARE IN PLRCE WITH POSTED DBNGERS. PAGE 4 M~TERI FIL "S'FI~ETY' 1]¢ITPI"~¥STEMS ~ '"INC, '( '805 ) '"G4'B-B800 i Z-/'Z'6r/t-"fS"'f'Z': ~ ' ~ ' A., MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SliEET iDE#Ti~:~CATiON ' ric cid '#amd Scra]~ ''~ Type dr~n-'~' cleaner O.O.?. Compound cleaning liquid Shipping Nlme:. Hazard Cta~: Corrosive mat.er(al ID No. NA 1760 L,belCorrosive II. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Material Sulfuric Acid Weight% TLV Greater 1 mg/m3 than 85 IlL PHYSICAL DATA Belling Poln~ [Fi 290 Specific Grevlty (Water=l] 1. 836 Volatile By Weight (%J N/A Weight Per Gallon: (Pounds] 1_5.3. Solubility In Water Complete AH Less than 1 Xppearence&Odor..A light pink liquid with acidic odor IV. FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Fi.hpolnt(oFj(MethodUaed]: ~one by TOC and COL Extinguishing Med]l: Special Fire Fighting PrKeduris: N/A Unusull Fire & Explosion Hazards TIr~-il,;ht,.r, ,.humid V. HEALTH HAZARD DATA This product can cause Effects 0l Overexposure severe chemical burns on all body tis- sues. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED. FIRSTAIDPROCEDURES Prompt treatment is essential in IfSwall0wed treatinK Sulfuric Acid burns. dive person large quantities of water immediately to dilute the Sulfuric A~d. Do not make patient vomit. Get.medical ~hing by mouth to unconscious~person. II,haled ~ve to frp~b a~r ~t mnrP- T~ ._ brea~hing has stopped, perform artifi- cial respiration. Keep affected person warm and aC rest. Get medical attention as soon as possible. medical attention i~ediately~ Contact lenses should not be worn when working with ~his chemical, I~ediat~ly flush_~on~am~at~ If0nSklm skin w~th water. It the J~m]]e has penetrated clothing, remove ~h~ cloth(nH ~ediately ane flush with plenty of water, such as in a s~ower. Get medical attention ~ed~steSY. VI. REACTIVITY DATA Stability S~ab~e bier Conditions To ivolt ..~, INCOMPATIBILITY tm,w.. Te A~dI Hazard.s Decomposition Products: Toxic ~ases and vapors (such as Sulfuric Acid fume. Sulfur Dioxide and ~erbon Monoxide) may be released when Sulfuric Acid de- NAZAmOOUS pOLyMERI~TION WILL NOT ~CUn comps se s. VII. SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Steps To Be ~n II~leriaJ~ Released Or S-(lied Ventilate area. ~ne llqu~e should ~e a~~n the most convenient and safe manner ~or reclamation or ~or disposal in a secured landfill. If may also be dE- .luted and neutralized. z~in sealed containers or absorbed in vermiculite, dry sand or similar mate- rial and disposed ot in a secured land- f~]]. It may ~]so be di]uted & neutral- ,~. ~, ,.,,,, ,,,,,., l~, ,.,*,~, ,.,,,,~ .,-, o~,, i z e d. VIII. SPECIAL PROTECTIOH INFORMATION · ~o special protection under R,p[ret0~ Protection normal use situations. Ventilation Adequate ventilation required. Acid Face shield Protective Gloves resi_~tant Eye ProteCt(Dp in ~ case Wte Other ProtectlveEqulpme.nt ~ou~d be available 'n immediate wor~ area. Facilities for s~igk ~renchiqi of body (such as shower) ould be avamiable in case of acciden- tal IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS spAasnxn~ r~ To k Tekm~ In #Jndliq q~dlifiad p0r0~fle~, l~AJd~J! ~02f~J(: Cent·bo concentrated $~lf~rtc A~Sg. ~by b~ fatal if akin, ayes or cl~thin~. ~7 Clem eruptic~l of o~ ~ j~rr~d c~18, ~t WILe! or bJssr, h ire fresdot. Pr·tact rKe (ssp~cf.~317 a~0 with enclooe~ foe, shield) vslm$. DO ~oC stand ~v~r draL~ to proc·ct a&a~AIt p~SmiblC blo~,4~tck of acid. FOR IID4JSTRIAL USE NtT. KEEP OUT OF TRE REACX OF CXILI4tEI. While wi believe thai the lilts c~ntalned hlreln is lactual and the eplnlons Izpressld Ire those of Qualified expe~, thl ditl Irs not to be taken Is wlrranty or reprlsentltlon for which the complfly essumea legit responsibility. They Itl offered solely for your consideration, Investigation. lad vlrlfication. An)' uae of these dill loci Information must bi determined by the usu to be in Iccordeflcl with IppHcabfl Flderil. Stats. and Local Iiwa and rlgulations. .- September, 1985 ,SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT V~LiJE . . : EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSUre Formdla 410 ^lgaecide can be irritating to the skin and eyes. Zt is ~onvulsion m~y be need TiONVl . REACTIVITY DATA. .. ~ STABILITb' CONDITIONS TO AVOID uNsTAaLE: Extreme heat .... · STASLE X Acid. will cause decompos'ition. INCOMPATABILITY {ttfoteHal$ to avoid} CT-128 and/o~ Formula ~.nQ~ mix.with othe: chemicals except Cool-ARe, / A~gaec~ae.~ ' HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Hydrogen Sulfide and other sulfu~ containing gases. CONDITIONS TO AVOID HAZARDOUS MAY OCCUR ~O~ e ~LYMERiZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X moderately, toxic by ingestion. Harm£ul or fatal-if swallowed. EMERC, ENCYANOFIRSTAIC) PROCEDURE$ In ~-~s--E--bT-~b'A-t-'gE"t, i~fi'~"/-ATe'ly £1u~h e,vc~ .o_r s~in wil;h ~__ater for at least ~5 ~utes. ~o~ eyes, ca~] a ~s~c~a~.l ~e~pve.a~d ~h c~tEm~ted c~~'5'~tO~e ~euse. ~ s~a~owe~ ca~ J e ~nv~c~a~. uT~ ] o~ 2 [lasses o~ ~ate~ a~d ~duce vom~[. Do ~o~ I in~u~e Vomitin~ or ~ive anything ~y mouth to an unconscious person. J NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use ~ gastric lavage.Measures against circulatory shack respiratory' aepresszoh, an d; SECTION Vii - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS REL~AS,ED OR SPILLED This pesticide is toxic to z~sn. Do not discharge into lake~, streams, ponds or public water unless in accordance with an NPDES Permit. For guidance contact your regional office of the EPA. wASTE DISPOSAL METHOD This product should be disposed of in a landfill approved for pesti- cides, or buried in a safe place away from water supplies. Follow all Federal~ State and Local laws regarding disposal practices. SECTION Viii - SPECIAL PROTECTION. INFORMATION RESP,RATOR¥ PROTECTION [,~pZCfj~ I.V~Dd NO special protection needed. VENTILATION LOCAL EXHAUST SPECIAL PROTECTIVE OLOVES I EYE PROTECTION Requi~ed~ Goggles o~ Eace sAie~ OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ~o~e SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO B{ T~KEN Ir~ HiANDLING ANC} STORING For industr~az an~ ~nstitut~onaz use only. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. OT~ER PRECAUTIONS Do not reuse drums. Triple rinse containers and offer fo.r Tecycl~ng, reconditioning or o~spo~az in an approved ~t~e. ~e~p uu,~,e~ when not ~n use. Recommended ~helf life is one year. PAGE {2) .efo ~.~u ' Form OSHA-20 MANU RING CO. *' .,~* ¢ 'MAIN OFFICE AND PL.~NT C MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NAME: PRODUCT TYPE= DOT SHIPPING NAME: 0OT HAZARD CLASS= DOT ID NO.: N/A MATERIALS SECTION I -- IDENTIFICATION AT-16 A formulated algaec'ide for-treatment -of cooling tower water Not a DOT hazardous material Not Applicable DOT LABEL: N/A .SECTION II -- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WEIGHT PERCENT TLVfunits) This prod.~ct contains no l~azardous ingredients at g, reater than 1% as defined Federal and State Right-to-Know laws. BOILING POINT: 210°F % VOLATILE BY WT.= SOLUBILITY IN WATER: APPEARANCE AND ODOR: SECTION III -- PHYSICAL DATA ~PEClFIC GRAVITY [WATER =13: 90% WT. PER GALLON: :- complete pH: 6.7 8.5 Clear liquid with very faint amine odor SECTION IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT (METHOD USED)= None to 200°F (T.C.C.) EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: N/A SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: None 'INUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: None 1.022 ~1111LrrlON CEkqT, JU I~AllO.NWID~'~~ 2801 SPRING GROVE AVE.. CINCINNATI. OHIO 4522~...513~'5~-0600 425 SO~H ~H ~T, RENTON. WA ~..~-IM3 I~ j&M[~ ~L~E~E 8~VD~ AT~NTA, GA ~...~69l-~I1 I~ F~NCI~ ST. TORRANC~ ~ ~..~1~.g7~ I~ TANEY ST.. N KANSAS Cl~. MO ~ t16...~16/~2-~ '-11~ ~..~;ir~-,~it~ C H EM I CA~.~.. _~ I,~I,C MANUFA~IRING CO. HAIN OFFICE AND PLANT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION I -- IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT- NAME: Hardwater CooI-Ade PRODUCT TYPE: a formulated cooling tower treatment DOT SHIPPING NAME: Not a DOT hazardous material DOT HAZARD CLASSY." Not Appicable (N/A) DOT ID NO.: N/A 'DOT LABEL: N/A -' ,/. ." 3100 HAMILTON :AVENUE CLEVELAND. OHIO 44154 TELEPHONE: 1215! 861o7114 SECTION II -- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS This product under MATERIALS WEIGHT PERCENT TLV(uni ts) contains no ingredients at greater thah .1% considered haz,~rdous Federal and State Worker Right-to-Know laws. SECTION I II -- PHYSICAL DATA BOLLING POINT: 205 - 212°F % VOLATILE BY WT.: 95 % SOLUBILITY IN WATER: complete APPEARANCE AND ODOR= a clear light SPECIFIC GRAVITY WT. PER GALLON: pH: 6.1' amber liquid with a CWATER :1]: 1.'016 8.5 pounds -' mild odor SECTION IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT (METHOD USED): None to 200°F [T.C.C.] EXTINGUISHING. MEDIA: N/A -~r' '~ECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: N/A UNUSUAL'FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: N/A · MAIN OFFICE AND PLANT Quality sJnce 191! } 3100 HAMIL.¥ON AVENUE: CLEVEI_asND. OHIO 44114 TELEPHONE: 1216I 861-7114 PRODUCT NAME= .AT-16 SECTION VIII -- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Eye protection and protective gloves are recommended anytime you work with any concentrated industrial strength cleaning Products. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: None required VENTILATION= Normal room ventilation PROTECTIVE GLOVES= Rubber EYE PROTECTION= Safety glasses OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: '4 None r SECTION IX'-- SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS ,RECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN 10 HANDLING AND STORAGE: Store in a cool dry place. Keep from freezing. Keep container closed when not in use. Do not ~euse empty containers for any purpose. Follow cont. ainer disposal instructions on the label. OTHER PRECAUTIONS= ~ This product is toxic to fish. · Treated water should not be discharged into lakes, ponds, streams or public waters. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of equipment, or disposal of wastes. Read and follow all label directions and precautions before using the product. These products are intended for industrial use only. FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. While we believe that the data contained herein is factual and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts, the data are not to be taken as a warranty or representation for which the company assumes legal responsibility. They are offered solely for your consideration, investi- L:ation, and verification. Any use of these data and information must be 'Jetermined.by the user to be in accordance with applicable Federal', State, and Local laws and regulations. DIITRIIUTIOII (;~RI N&TIONI~qDe'' ~ 2801 SPRING GROVE AVE.. CINCINNATI. OHIO 4522~...$13/579-0G0~ I I ,125 SOUTH TTH ST, RENTON. W& I.&05S...206122'~.9S43 JAMES ALDREDG[ BLVD.. ATLANTA. GA 303,36...404/691.6211 12~ FRANCISCO ST, TORRANCE., CA ~3502...213153~-STB5 I,~28 TANEY ST., N KANSAS CI~'Y. MO 64116...~ t~.~.2*Of:~3 DOLE FOOD COMPANY HOUSE OF ALMONDS OCEANIC CALIFORNIA INC. SUN GIANT, INC. TENNECO OIL COMPANY TENNECO WEST, INC. OFFICE FACILITY EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 10,000 MING AVENUE Revised 3/2/88 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES PREFACE Disaster is an unforeseen occurrence that can result in the destruction of property and life, if not properly dealt with by the use of good judgment and plans of action. The function of this manual is to apprise each Department Manager/Director of their need to set up a plan which, in the event of an emergency, would be implemented to minimize the loss of life and property. EMERGENCY CALL NUMBERS 1. OCI - Building Management Peter Lacques, Sr. VP Bob Boon 6031 Pager 321-5253 TOC - Building Management Gary Johnson 6703 Eileen Hempel 6865 2. Building Security Kern Security Systems 3771 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Building Monitoring System Trans West Security Services 4444 Grissom Bakersfield, CA Mel Davis 398-0586 Tom Burns or Don Beardon 834-0711 3. Building Engineer Floyd Hoeger 6195 Pager 321-5366 4. Building Technician Dave 'Roper 6195 Pager 321-5367 5. Fire Department Emergency 911 or 324-4542 6. Ambulance' Emergency 911 or 327-4111 7. Police Department 8. Hazardous Materials Division Emergency 911 or 327-7111 326-3979 9. Office of Emergency Services 800/852-7550 EMERGENCY CALL NUMBERS - After work hours (5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.), Holidays and Weekends, call in sequence listed on next page: -1- RESIDENCE PHONE NUMBERS Bob Boon Floyd Hoeger Dave Roper OCI 392-9612 833-1302 397-9037 TOC Gary Johnson Eileen Hempel R.T. Bogan Frank Brandauer 397-0644 397-9520 831-5004 325-9335 PURPOSE " To establish a safe, orderly procedure for systematic evacuation of an area or areas of the building by our personnel, in the event of an emergency, in the least possible time, to a safe area by the nearest safe means of egress. Pro- vide for the controlling of emergencies and the safe guarding of human life. Each Department Manager shall assign a Fire Coordinator and an Alternate for their departmental office space. If a department is occupying more than one area within the building, then there should be one Coordinator and one Alternate, per area. When the Coordinator and Alternates are chosen, their names are to be given to Office Services. Office Services, with the assistance of the Bakersfield Fire Depart- ment, will then instruct them in the use of the fire protection sys- tems, as well as the fire escape routes. The departmental authority of the Coordinator and Alternate will be the decision of and delinea- ted by each Department Manager. When a departmental employee is aware that an emergency exists, or is imminent, he/she must immediately notify the Coordinator or Alternate in a quiet and discreet manner, to prevent panic. The only exception to this procedure would be in the case of a flash fire or explosion, -2- evacuate all area) notify: personnel in immediate area first, then (from a safe FIRE DEPART~4ENT - 324-4542 then the Office Services Department, and finally the Coordinator and/ or Alternate. At this point, Office Services will also call the Fire Department. In the event evacuation is necessary on the floors above, personnel can be moved down by use of fire stairs from the emergency areas. The emergency stairwells are fire rated for safety up to one hour. The separation between floors is also fire rated for a period of at least one hour. We have approximately 600 people in this building, there- fore, it is imperative that personnel try to leave the building in an orderly manner, going to the further most point in the parking lot to allow emergency vehicles immediate access to the building. Each department will assemble in groups as a means to account for per- sonnel. Once this has been accomplished, each Manager/Director will report to the Office Services Manager that all of their personnel are out of the building. In the event of fire, the stairs should always be used. However, if you are in an elevator that stops on a floor that has a fire, 'you should immediately press the Fire Emergency Button. This button de- activates the traffic sentinel (lights in doors) to allow the doors to close, otherwise the smoke will keep them activated. In the event the elevator is in motion, an automatic device will activate the car to immediately return to the first floor with the doors locking in an open position for safety purposes. Should you be ou{side of the build- ing, stay clear of the area to avoid falling glass and debris. SUGGESTED LIST OF COORDINATOR AND ALTERNATE RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Become completely familiar with your assigned area. 0 Know your personnel within your area, apprise them of particular responsibilities as far as your assignment is concerned. Advise each one of his means of egress. -3- 3. When an emergency procedure is put into operation, it is extremely important to respond in a calm and orderly manner. The Coordinator will be initially concerned with the avoidance of panic. This person must be efficient, yet calm, with an attitude that will set the stage for those he or she will be trying to assist.. 4. Have a working knowledge of the location and use of the emergency equipment in your area, also the stairwells. During an evacuation, the Coordinator will: a. be completely familiar with evacuation routes and alternates. b. remember the specific duty of a Coordinator is to lead, main- tain order and keep calm. c. after the employees have left the area, make a thorough search of the floor you are responsible for, making sure that all is clear. UPON HEARING A FIRE ALARM: 1. Immediately evacuate the building. 2. Keep calm - do not panic. 3. Use elevators only if directed by Fire Department. 4. Know the exact location of primary and seCondary fire stairwells. 5. Walk rapidly - do not run. 6. Before opening any doors, feel the door - IF IT IS HOT, DO NOT OPEN. 7. If possible, close all doors, do not lock them; closing will slow the spread of fire. 8. If you are caught in smoke, take short breaths, CRAWL ALONG THE FLOOR, and breathe through your nose approximately 12 to 18 inches above the -4- floor. breath. If forced to make a dash through smoke or flame, hold your 9. Do not attempt to fight the fire. Leave the job of fighting fire to the firefighters. ILLNESS OR INJURY If guests or employees become ill or injured, keep them quiet and dial "0", ask Tenneco operator to locate someone from the Emergency Treatment List, and give the following information: 1. Location (floor, suite number, etc.). 2. Nature of illness or injury. o Circumstances causing the injury, (for example, if the injury was caused by a fall, determine the kind of shoes the injured person was wearing, conditions of flooring and/or reason for fall). 4. The type of action that was taken. 5. The name, address' and phone number of the injured, and any witnesses. The emergency treatment provider will coordinate all further action. attempt to treat the injured unless absolutely necessary. DO NOT EARTHQUAKE When an earthquake occurs, and it is apparent that damage will be caused, take cover immediately. If you are in an elevator, stop at the next floor, get off and take cover in the stairwell. An ideal shelter in the office is the knee-well of your desk. Move only to get away from windows, walls, or any other item which might fall. Remain in the protected area until you are con- tacted by a Department Manager. They will instruct you with details of all further action, including evacuation instructions. AFTER THE TREMORS CEASE, YOU SHOULD: 1. Continue to stay away from windows, walls, shelves or any items which might topple. Avoid all unnecessary movement. -5- 2. Disconnect all electrical lines, water lines and open flames. DO NOT SMOKE. DO NOT strike matches or use lighters. 3. Do not use the telephone because the system will be needed for emergency calls. 4. Do not use the elevators until instructed to do so by the proper authority. 5. Report injuries to someone on the Emergency Treatment List; (dial "0") for first aid treatment. ELEVATORS General Information 1. There are emegency telephones in each car that can be utilized in the event the elevator malfunctions. 2e The Tri-County Elevator Company, telephone number 323-6402, is on con- stant radio dispatch. They will arrive in a reasonable time, includ- ing night time and on weekends and holidays. e If you are in an .elevator and it temporarily malfunctions, when you reach your office, please call the Operator, Dial "0", or Office Services Department, Ext. 6031, and report it. Try to give as much information as possible, i.e. which car and what happened. me Never try to force open the doors if you are in a malfunctioning ele- vator. This is a job for the elevator service company, and could result in injury to the untrained. 5. Never use the elevators in the event of fire or earthquake. ELEVATOR EVACUATION PROCEDURES DURING POWER FAILURES: 1. Call Operator - Dial "0". 2. Wait until elevator has reached bottom floor. -6- 3. Push doors to open position from inside of car. 4. Step up to floor level. e In case the above procedures fail, an escape hatch is located in the ceiling for your protection and safety. This exiting procedure will be performed by the elevator contractor. ELEVATOR EVACUATION PROCEDURES DURING FIRE ALARMS: 1. Elevator will automatically return to the first floor, car doors will open and lock in OPEN position. ELEVATOR SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - LOCATED IN ELEVATOR ROOMS: Pull down on both main power handles.. 2. Turn elevator release valve counter clockwise to allow elevator pressure release. 3. Once elevator has reached the first floor, turn pressure release valve to original position. 0 Check elevator position and let personnel inside door. out by having them push 5. Turn main power switch to ON position with handles up. APPROVED BY: Property f4ana§er -7- iENN~Z-CO ~;ST) INC. EH~ERGEHC~ ORGAHIZ~IION CIIEC~,LISI' ( VAL~ FIRE FIRE ~IRE CHIEF FIRST. AID * . OPE~TOR P~P SQUAD E~CTRICIAN C~AN~ ALTE~ATE ~ ....... ASS~IArEO OH C~L 2~ tlO~S BOB BOON BUTCN DAVE FLOYD IIEC~OR FLOYD IIOEGEK A~TIC A DAY STEWART ROPER IIOEGER cotlr~S ~RO~E~ION CO ~ ERNATE F ] o~d FLOYD DAVE Hoege r IIOEGER ROPER ROPER Familis~ vith Stroflg F~illar Knovs -Eno~s elec. plant l~youC emersency ~Lh lire p~p ~UALIFICATIONS ~edlcal eyst~ .ope~acione off~ background &maintenance -Ventilation system I ' -~mpute~ -The one in First Aid Ensure ~s Ensure fire ~ploy hoee -Shut char{e (Hedlcal) vnive p~p 1~ or ~ali oil to lire FUNCTION -Directs all to ail ara open operating e~tinguishezs area oper~tions injured during correctly on lire -~rovide ~erilncies during ~ny (t emporarliy) emergency after ~er[ency KERN ~NTY 1601 "H" Street, Suite 150 AIR POLLUTION Bakersfield, California CONTROL ~S;T R I CT 93301 Telephone: (805) 861-3682 APPLICATION FOR: [] Authority to Construct (ATC) [] ATC- Modification [] ATC- Renewal AN APPLICATION IS REQUIRED FOR [] Permit to Operate (PTO) [] Banking Certificate [] PTO - Modification [] Transfer of Location [] PTO - Transfer of Ownership EACH SOURCE OPERATION AS DEFINED IN RULE 102, SECTION cc. 1. PERMIT TO BE ISSUED .TO: Name of organization to operate the following equipment: OCEANIC CALIFORNIA, INC. 2. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 11165 ZipCode: 93389 3. LOCATION AT WHICH THE EOUIPMENT IS TO BE OPERATED: 10,000 MING AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 4. GENERAL NATURE OF BUSINESS: REAL ESTATE DEVELOPHENT 5. EQUIPMENT FOR WHICH APPLICATION IS MADE: CATERPILLAR DIESEL GENERATOR PLEASE NOTE: THE ABOVE EQUIPHENT IS UTILIZED ONLY DURING EHERGENCIES, I.E. POWER OUTAGES. UNIT IS ALSO STARTED ON A HONTHLY BASIS FOR PERFORHANCF. TESTS. Provide additional information as required by District "Instructions". 6. TYPE AND ESTIMATED COST OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENT: 7. TYPE AND ESTIMATED COST OF BASIC PROCESS EQUIPMENT: 8~ANT: TITLE OF SIGNER: PROPERTY HANAGER 9. TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF SIGNER: DATE: PHONE NO.: R.F. BOON 2/3/88 (805) 835-6031 DATE RECEIVED Validation (ForAPCD UseOnly) FILING FEE: $ RECEIPT NO.: DATE: Air Pollution 580 9149 011 (Eng.) (Rev. 11/86) lUllll  ill I¥1111 &ii IMIII& 3&ti IYtlli ]112 3&1~ 1¥1812 3&12 !#111~ iii 3ill I¥1111  ill 1t1111 )iii I#llll )ill t¥tlli )iii ltlll& 31Ii I¥1111 ~51& 314404 )SI& 2MI414 )SI& ~11414 ~51& 2~11i71 ~$1& 2~71 2UI4OS 711711 711711 3412 ~7111 ~41~ 3414 4i~li ~ 4~ltl  4tfl SI ]111 fill ~?tl 5175 il ~11 5tll 11743 ~75 fllw ~1 Al 1711 ~li ~ ~ lift SI ~li ~311 ~ ~ii . ,,,, .,, ,,,, .,. ,,,, ,, ., ,,,, 14IS Xlg t~ 51 · 311 47M ~ ~ 131 HEN Ifil ii 1~S &~S ,, ,,, . .,, {~ ,, ., .,, ,,~ ,, ,,, ~., ,., '* '" ~U! '"" ~1 211 --,. 11314 ii ~l 1411 '1 Si ~ 4~. ~1 ~11 '" ' ' l{ ,'~ ~ " " '"* ffi il SI !~1 - 41 ii SI ~ 111 ,, ,, . ,,, il Al 211 Al PaIR PIIR I1~ S~ tiff Pair ~5 Palll 721 STN Ill fllN Ill Pain 541 Pair ~1 ~lg ~ln ~ STH ~ll S~ Ill 5~ Ill ~in ~In 22S PIIR , ~ln 235 Iil SIST[NS AlO I~l~OIl~ S~P 17 ~4O& 7~1537 STOl 351 )IQ6 2M!7]1 STOl '111 ~06 7u&tl3 STOl ~06 71~1Y STDO 2" '~;~ 7u9760 STOl 225 51 SI $1 ill $1 111 Il 21 41 il 21 ~1 ~11 51 ti St 41 21 3111 [lolU( 211 )4SS )47 411 14~1 161 26 1111 l&.Tk~ 177 371 till l~J 711 ILT2 - 117 44 711 1132 Il? 44 9il l?fl 171 1121 Ifil 144 1~71 2111 lO III {{11 ,,, .,, ., ,, {~{ ,],, ,, t41f 9~' 49g 1690 112 4? ' Century-CastTM MOOEL 6,000 1. Hold down straps rib locations are indicated by arrows. ~ -¢ 2. Fittings cannot be installed in locations marked * 3. For information and limitations on accessory locations on tanks, refer to current Bulletin. Specification: 'The contractor shall provide Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) U.L. labeled underground storage tanks as. shown on the drawings. Sizes and fittings shall be as shown. The tanks shall be Century-Cast'T~ Tanks as manufa&ured by XERXES FIBERG LASS INC. - Tanks shall be tested and installed with pea gravel or crushed stone as specified in the current install~ion .... instructions provided with the tank. PREPARED Ry RECOMMENDED SERVICE ~IZE NO,. ITEM NOTES DESTINATION & METHOO ,~P'R:IOX. WT'.I CUST. DRWG. NO. 1500~' [ XERXES FIBERGLASS INC. CUSTOMER Cylindriac l tc nks Nomi~l I Act~l 20.000' 20.022 15.000' 15.226 I2.000 11,763 10.000 9,886 8.000..,~_..009 5.000~'~-6~131 4.000 4.254 2.000 2.206 t.650- 1,625 STANDARD TANK DATA ~'°~oY.'~o"~",'~°I ~,.~,~,.~ 6 i..6oo! 6 '1 ~.ooo j 6 - 2.500 j 6 2.000 6 1.500 j 4 ~.200 t.000 [ 1.055 700"' 828 'Avallol~le sDdng 1981 *'Macle to oraerlonks 4 850 4 400 4 320 4 250 Oulsicle 10'4' 10'4' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 6°.6. 5'-9' Lengt~ 37' 20' 6V~' C entury Tan t I I I I I I I I t I 2' 4~. 6' 8' t0' 12' t4' 1,3' Diesel tank and installation December 1982 GAY3 · VENTS' 882 UTILITY FILL CAP & VENT For above ground fill pipes, Cast iron. Female threads. Can be padlocked. Sizes: 2", 2-1/2", 3", 4". ,i 882-M UTILITY FILL CAP & VENT Same as Model 882, except with male threads. Sizes: 2" Only.. Threaded brass body, iron cover. Brass body is secured to fill pipe with set screws. Threaded iron lid can be padlocked. 2", 2-1/2", 3"/~ Sizes: Set for 1 oz. pressure release and 1/2 oz. vacuum release. Brass body, aluminum vacuum ring, Iron cover. Removeable .screen for stick gauging. Can be padlocked. Sizes: 2", 3". WARNING: INSTALL AT LEAST 10" ABOVE TANK, OR AS REQUIRED, TO AVOID SEALING FROM DRIFTED SNOW. MODEL 8§2 FILL.CAP & VENT MODEL 882-M FILL CAP MODEL 905 FILL CAP MODEL 834 FILL CAP AND VENT 9 · FOOT MAWE$ MODEL 932 FOOT VALVE MODEL 9't8 FOOT VALVE L MODEL 9'!3 · FOOT VALVE 932 FOOT VALVE Brass construction with basket type strainer. Single poppet. Operating Pressure: t25 PSI. .-' J size J l/2" J 3/4" O.D. 1-t/4" t-9/16" 1-7/8" '918 FOOT'VALVE All brass construction with screen. Single brass pappet with flat brass seat. Operating Pressure: 125 PSL Size 1-1/4" O.D. 2-tl/16" 1-1/2" 2-11/I 6" 3-1/16" 4-7/16" ~13 FOOT VALVE~ Brass construction with screen. Double brass poppets with flat brass seats. Operating Pressure: 125 PSI. O.D. J 2-11/1~"J3-1/16" BUSHINGS, PLU & SWING JOINTS ~-. MODEL 880 MODEL 88'i DUPLEX DOUBLE BUSHING TAPPED BUSHING MODEL 887 MODEL 886 REDUCING - PLUG BUSHING 880 CAST IRON DUPLEX TANK BUSHINGS Furnished with brass connectors for copper tubing. Sizes: SEE PRICE SHEET. 88t BLACK CAST IRON DOUBLE TAPPED BUSHINGS / For use in making connections in underground storage tanks. Sizes: SEE PRICE SHEET. " ~HEX BLACK REDUCING BUSHINGS Sizes: SEE PRICE SHEET. 886 BLACK CAST IRON PLUG Sizes: SEE PRICE SHEET. 983 SWING JOINT For use in bulk plant loading lines. Rotates 360° in one plane. i Sizes: 1-t/2", 2", 3". · ! 984 SWING JOINT For use.in bulk plant loading lines. Rotates 360° in two planes. Sizes: 1-1/2", 2", 3". · .~_.~ MODEL "' ' '- 983-R SWING ~ JOINT MODEL 983-RSV STRAIGHT INLET SWING JOINT 983R & 983RSV HOSE REEL SWING JOINTS For use on tank truck hose reels. All brass construction. U. L. Listed. Model 983R: 1-1/2" Female Thread x 14/2" Male Thread. Model 983 RSV: 1-1/2" Female Thread & Vlctaullc Groove x ~-1/2" Male Thread. FOR ADDITIONAL SWING JOINT MODELS AND '1 SPECIFICATION DETAILS, CONSULT FACTORY. These adaptors provide an unbroken line from lank truck to storage tank when used with tite-fill truck equipment. Minimizes vapor losses. · Eliminates time-consuming unscrewing of caps or winter-time freeze-ups. The two designs make possible replacement of existing caps and adaptors. MODEL 267-C CAP MODEL 267-A ADAPTOR MODEL 267 CAP & ADAPTOR ASSEMBLY MODEL 268-C CAP MODEL 268-A ADAPTOR MODEL 268 CAP & ADAPTOR ASSEMBLY 267-C FILL CAP Almag 35 aluminum cap. Spring loaded brass locking latch. Sand and gravel guard. Provision for padlocklng. Sizes: 3", 4". 267-A BRASS ADAPTOR Heavy duty brass construction. Positive seal w~th gasket. Slotted grooves for convenient spanner wrench hoo~p. Sizes: 3" x 3', 4" x 4". J.~-~CAP AND ADAPTOR ASSEMBLY Sizes: 3"x 3",~ 268-C FILL CAP Almag 35 aluminum cap. Brass cam-type locking latch. Interchangeable with most other caps. Provision for padlocking. Sizes: 3', 4~. 268-A BRASS ADAPTOR Heavy brass construction. Internal lugs for ease of installation; lugs will not interfere with use of McDonald 236 vapor-rite fill tubes. Interchangeable with most other adaptors. Sizes: 3" x 3", 4" x 4". 268 CAP AND ADAPTOR ASSEMBLY Sizes: 3" x 3", 4" x 4". 8 200 MANHOLE Deep, steel skid design. Non-skid cover tread. Size: 8", t0", `12" Diameters. ' CONSULT FACTORY IF I.D. TAG DESIRED. 201 MANHOLE Deep, steel skirt design. Non-skid cover tread with hand hold grip. Size: 12" Diameter Only. , CONSULT FACTORY IF I.D. TAG DESIRED. 202 MANHOLE Deep, cast iron body design. Non-skid cover tread with hand hole grip. Size 9" Diameter Only. CONSULT FACTORY IF I.D. TAG DESIRED. Shallow (3-1/4" depth), cast iron body design. Non-skid cover tread. Size 8", `10" Diameters. CONSULT FACTORY IF I.D. TAG DESIRED. 245 ALUMINUM DROP TUBE Faster tank fill-ups with less vapor loss are possible when the gasoline is delivered to the bottom of the tank. Available in 10' and '12' lengths, this thin wall aluminum tubing has a flared lip on the upper end. Gasket Included. Sizes: 3" x 10', 3" x 12',-4" x 10', 4" x 12'. LJ FOR TYPICAL INSTALLATION DIAGRAM, SEE PAGE 4. IllJ~ll I I~,J LI,. g~/'lll i,/ MODEL 200 MANHOLE MODEL 201 MANHOLE MODEL 202 MANHOLE MODEL 203 MANHOLE MODEL 245 MANHOLE DROP TUBE STO~AM' VALVES 8~ FliNGS BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA. T Z I,,IJ n Cw DESCRIPTION MATERIAL ASTM SPEC. BOOY BRONZE 8-61 BONNET BRONZE B-61 BONNET RING DISC HANDWHEEL I-2. B~ONZE ~ 'COPP£R ./" NICKEL ALUM I NUM , M~t_L IRON B-61 B-149 CLASS IIA A-197 ' HANDWHEEL NUT BRASS !B-16 PLATE PACKING PACKING GLAND ALUMINUM GRAPHITED ASBESTOS BRASS BRONZE lNG NUT ICOPPER RING iNiCKEL IAL-SI- !STEM [~;)NZE B-16 B-62 CLASS' B-149 ~ A ALLOY: B-150 NO. I FIG. B-145 RENEWABLE SEAT INSIDE SCREW-RISING STEM-SOLID DISC SCREWED END BRONZE GATE VALVE ::500 LB. S-I000 LB. O.W.G. IB-145 "i Extract0 ittings' i OPW 233 SERIES J OPW 233 Series Exlractor fillings allow loot valves lo be removed lrom und(:rgr¢)und ( tanks without break~ng up the concrete Ai:~phcatiuns lot the 233 Seri~:.~ are shown . I on page 19. I OPW 233 - ~ I The OPW 233 Exlraclor is for wdl~ t Y.." lool valve with a maximum (Jul- htting USe side diameler el 2'~.:,". The 233 is gaskel-sealcd [o prevenl loss el prime, caused hy J a~r being sucked in Ihrough lhe lop lill~ng i Materials i Body: cadmium plaled cast iron J' Cap 8nd suction stub adaptor: bronze Gaskel: chromed fanned leather ~IZE: 1 Y.," OPW 233 OPW 233-E The OPW 233-E Exl~aclor lilting ~s simda~ lc OPW 23.3 except OPW 233-E has a male lh[ead for conneclion to 4" lank flange. i/~IZE: 1 '6" / OPW 233-P The OPW 233-P Exlracl0r litlinfl has internal threads Io accnpl a cnnnccl~n(l Iwnl :n Ill, ~ ~ ,x If;lc 'h )r ;if ]{ t Il ~:, l; Il ik il; Il 11. Jl '. wJ Ill :J I I il! )VII Jl ':; UI tiff.; ~33-1J III ruJiJh()ll IU Iht: lank. I hu cagu ul Ih(: ~:J~:J Ihro. adless--il ~5 s~mply Idled oul like. R b~)lll~: The 1 '~," s~ze. is used with a 1V.." loot valve with a maxitnum ouls~de d~a~lelor el ~ %". the 2" size is used with a maximum 3',~," O.D. loot valve. Materials Body: cast iron Cage: bronze Seals: buna-N O-ring ;IZES: 1%". 2" 0PW 233 Top Ihread Outlet Ihread Inlet ol,'11o Inlel female Ihread Maximum clear I.D Ih¢ough valve OPW 233-P .i,._ . 1 '~,,5" SIZE OPW 233-P i 2" SIZE J j ~ ~*.. · t Service Station Vents' OPW 23 ;IJ)ov~ th~: hlhli!J :;I;llil)n ill{il lil)l: II ihll:l: :; V;il~or III)W;IHI ill)l(: Vi.~p()lS Jlt)lll ;Jt;t;tillllllilJllig ill JilL; gll)Ulld Iuvel. A 4¢0-11it:.'-:,h enlry el foreign mailer. The vent area allows lho tank to "brealho" spouts extend oulward Io prevent rain water hem entering. The 23 ~,.(:nl ~s held in place by lwo set screws. Materials Body: aluminum Cover: aluminum Screen: brass SIZES I" '2". ~' 26 Sucbon Stubs OPW Suction Slubs mount on the end el the suChOn line inside the Storage tank. and are recommened lot use wherever an Angle Check Valve or Vemcal Ch(:ck Valve is used. They help proven! intake of scale and. by keeping the suc~ton hne away trom lhe bottom of the tank. help prevent water from entering !he line. · OPW 212-G The OPW 212-G Suction Stub Strainer has a 20-mesh screen with a large screen area which minimizes flOW restriction. Il clears the tapping el a 3" tank flange so that lowering ii to the bottom el the tank on the end of a rigtd suction line is no problem. Materials Body: galvanized casl iron Cap: aluminum Screen: brass SIZES: 1 '/..". 2" OPW 212-O O :') OPW 287 .- The OPW 287 Sudio.q S{ub helps prevent intake scale, water, eh:· by huldmg lhe suction inlel 2 roches oil tht; bnttom (d tm: .~t(~r;~(F: tank The bndy ha'.-~ a start- (lard lemale P~l": II,teac! J'4() SC~Ce~'l is included Materials Body: aluminum SIZES' ~ v.,". 2" .t' Fill Caps I OPW 83 The OPW 83 is a Iockable screw-on Fill Cap. Threads are standard pipe s~ze. A gasket assures a hgm seal ', against air and water, and a lug on the body has two drilled holes: one lot locking purposes, the o;her lor a wire seal. Materials Body: bronze Cap: cast iron , Gasket: chromed tanned leather S~ZES: 2". 3". 4" · //0 PW 116 The OPW 116 is normally used as a screw-on Pipe Cap lot exlractor assemblies (page I 9) II has a rmsud cross bar lot easy inslallahon and rofnoval. Threads are standard female pipe threads Materlall 89dy: die cast zinc Cross bar: cadmium plated stool S~ZES: 3". 4" OPW 126-B The OPW 126-B Fill Cap Assembly conslsls of a cast iron collar and a bronze (:ap. The 2" arid 3" sizes have replaceable threads, and has a lock type cap. tThe lock shown in [he illustration iS not included w~[h the assembly] Materials Collar: cast iron Cap: bronze Thread insert. 2" and 3" sizes only: bronze Gasket: chromed tanned loather SIZES: 2". 3". 4" OPW 126-D The OPW 126 O Assembly c(~ns~s[s of a bronze Collar and bronze IOck-lype cap. A IOck bar is used as a tL;rmng lever wh(:n Materials Collar: bronze Cap: br~mze Lock bar: bronze Gasket: chromed !armed loather SIZES: 2". 3". 4" OPW 83 I P - FIRE DEPARTMENT D.S. NEEDHAM FiRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" OCTOBER 19, 1988 2101 H STREET BAKERSFILED, 93301 326-3911 OCEANIC CALIFORNIA INC. 10000 MING AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 DEAR MR. ROBERT F BOON: THE ENCLOSED "ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM" MUST BE COMPLETED BY ANY BUSINESS, HANDLING ABOVE THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITY OF ANY MATERIAL ON THE EPA LIST OF EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. (FED. REGISTER VOL. 52, NO. 77, P. 13397). YOUR COMPANY HAS REPORTED HANDLING THE FOLLOWING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: ANHYDROUS AMMONIA PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM TO:' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS FORM PLEASE CALL RALPH HUEY AT 326-3979. SINCERELY YOURS, RALPH E. HUEY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR REH/ed ENCLOSURE