HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REP. 1987FACILITY: ADDRESS : PERMIT #:_ FILE CONTENTS SUMMA ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date $ Of Tanks Comments ~ TO0 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 · Telephone (805) 861-3636 COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENt~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard August 24, 1987 Norman Williams Tenneco West Inc. P. O. Box 9380 Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Williams: 93389 'rhis is 'to' advise you that: this dc[)artm(:nt has reviewed the project results for the subsurface contamination investigation conducted at the Tenneco West Inc. facility located on Ming Avenue. Based upon the find:lng.', ,lescribed in the report, this department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination resulting from the fuel tank leakage exists at the site. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Joe Canas Enviroumental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:aa DISTRICT OFFICES Oe~a.o l. arnoni ' e Isabella Moiave RJdgecrest . Shafter Taft Laboratory No. P87-0129 Date Reported: June 3, 1987 County of Kern Health Department Environmental Health Services 1700 Flower St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Subject: Soils Report and Logs for (2) tank removals near Ming Avenue and Old River Road, Bakersfield, CA Gentlemen: Submitted herewith are the soil contamination results and loggings Ghat we performed on the removal of (1) 1,500 gallon gasoline tank and (1) 2,000 gallon gasoline tank on May 8, 1987 for Whitten Excavation. No product lines were involved with the removals. Soil samples were collected at depths of 2'-p" and 6'-0" below the tanks. Each sample was put in a glass container and taken to Crown Pacific Corp- oration for testing. As shown on the contamination test results, low levels of contamination were encountered in. test.hole #3 at a depth of 6'-0". Since low levels of contamination were found at the site, we conclude that the site should be backfilled and compacted to 90% of the Maximum Dry Density in accord- ance with ASTM D-1557 in layers not to exceed 8". The soils logs, a drawing showing the tank and test hole locations, and test results for contamination are attached. Lawrence L. Wismer , . . , ...... 3012AntoninoAve.,Bakersiield. Ca 93308!(805)~~' tROWN PACIFIC CORPO Contractors Lic. #A-500646 Fon~erly CROWN ENVIRONMENTAL INC. Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3012 Antonino Ave. Bakersfield CA 93308 Date Received: 5-29-87 Date Analyzed: 6-1-87 Analyse: J. Johnson Sample Description: P87-0129 TH1 2' VOLATILE ORGANICS Parameter Results Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethyl Benzene ND p-Xylene ND m-Xylene ND O-Xylene ND T P H ND Method 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8015 Detection Limit .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g T P H = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Ail results reported in ug/g ND ? None Detected Submitted By: ~mist L/ 2145 Rumrill Blvd. Ste. "G" San Pablo, CA 94806 (415) 234-4461 5630 District Blvd. Ste. 102 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (805) 397-7230 ROWN PACIFIC CORl Contractors IAc. #A-500646 Formerly C~OWN ENVmONM£NTAL, INC. Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3012 Antonino Ave. Bakersfield CA 93308 Date Received: 5-29-87 Date Analyzed: 6-1-87 Analyst: J. Johnson Sample Description: P87-0129 TH1 6' VOLATILE ORGANICS Parameter Results Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethyl Benzene ND p-Xylene ND m-Xylene ND O-Xylene ND T P H ND Method 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8015 Detection Limit .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ng/g .1 ug/g .l'ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g T.P H = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons All results reported in ug/g ND - None Detected Submitted By: 3ef/ hnso / Christ 2145 Rumrtll Blvd. Ste. "G" .5630 District Blvd. Ste. 102 San Pablo, CA 94806 (415) 234-4461 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (805) 397-7230 CROWN PACIFIC CORPa Contractors Lic. #A-500646 V Formerly CROWN ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3012 Antonino Ave. Bakersfield CA 93308 Date Received: 5-29-87 Date Analyzed: 6-1-87 Analyst: J. Johnson Sample'Description: P87-0129 TH2°2' VOLATILE ORGANICS Parameter Results BenZene ND Toluene ND Ethyl Benzene ND p-Xylene ND m-Xylene ND O-Xylene ND T P H ND Method 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8015 Detection Limit .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g T P H = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Ail results reported in ug/g ND ~ None'Detected Submitted By: $~,., :' ,',1o. CA 9~'~'~'' (415) 9.,34,44¢~ s~ ~ ~," "1~05) 397-723tt CROWN PACIFIC COR/ Contractors Lic. #A-500646~ Formerly CROWN I~NVIRONMENTAL, INC. Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3012 Antonino Ave. Bakersfield CA 93308 Date Received: 5-29-87 Date Analyzed: 6-1-87 Analyst: J. Johnson Sample Description: P87-0129 TH2 6' VOLATILE ORGANICS Parameter Results Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethyl Benzene ND p-Xylene ND m-Xylene ND O-Xylene ND T P H ND Method 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8015 Detection Limit .1 ug/g .1 ng/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g T P H = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons All r,esults,reported in ug/g ND - None Detected Submitted By: J ~/~Mohn~/~n C~mi s t 2145 Rumrill BI~,~ 5630 District ": San Pablo, CA 9480t Bakersfield, CA 93313 , ~ 234-4461 (805) 397-7230 CROWN PACIFIC Contractors Lic, #A-500646 - Formerly CROWN ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3012 Antonino Ave. Bakersfield CA 93308 Date Received: 5-29-87 Date Analyzed: 6-1-87 Analyst: J. Johnson Sample Description: P87-0129 TH3 2' VOLATILE ORGANICS Parameter Results Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethyl Benzene ND p-Xylene ND m-Xylene ND O-Xylene ND T P H ND Method 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8015 Detection Limit · 1 ug/g .1 ug/g · 1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g · 1 ug/g .1 ug/g T P H = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Ail results reported in ug/g ND - None Detected Submitted By: C~m'z s t Cz 2145 Rumrlil Blvd. Ste. "G" 5630 District Blvd. Ste. 102 San Pablo, CA 94806 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (415) 234-4461 (805) 397-7230 CROWN PACIFIC CORI Contractors Lic. #A-500646 Formerly CROWN ~.NVIRONMENTAL, IN(;. Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3012 Antonino Ave. Bakersfield CA ,93308 Date Received: 5-29-87 Date Analyzed: 6-1-87 Analyst: J. Johnson Sample Description: P87-0129 TH3 6' VOLATILE ORGANICS Parameter Results Benzene ND To luene ND Ethyl Benzene .2 p-Xylene ND m-Xylene ND 0-Xylene ND TPH .1 Method 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8015 Detection Limit .i ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g T P H = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Ail results reported in ug/g ND - None Detected Submitted By: 2145 Rurnrill Blvd. Ste. "G" San Pabio, CA 94806 (415) 234-4461 5630 District Blvd. Ste. 102 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (805) 397-7230 ROWN PACIFIC CORP. Contractors Lic. #A-500646 Formerly CROWN ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3012 Ant°nino Ave. Bakersfield CA 93308 Date Received: 5-29-87 Date Analyzed: 6-1-87 Analyst: J. Johnson Sample Description: P87-0129 TH4 2' VOLATILE ORGANICS Parameter Results Method Detection Limit Benzene ND 8020~ .1 ug/g Toluene ND 8020 .1 ug/g Ethyl Benzene ND 8020 .1 ug/g p-Xylene ND 8020 .1 ug/g m-Xylene ND 8020 .1 ug/g O-Xylene ND 8020 .,1 ug/g T P H ND 8015 ,.1 ug/g T P H = Total Petroleum All ~results reported in ND - None Detected Hydrocarbons ug/g Submitted By: 2145 Rumrill Blvd. Ste. "G" 5630 District Blvd. Ste. 102 San Pablo, CA 94806 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (415) 234,.4461 (805) 397-7230 ROWN PACIFIC CORP. Contractors Lic. #A-500646 Formerly CROWN ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Bakersfield Construction 3012 Antonino Ave. Bakersfield CA 93308 Inspection Date Received: 5-29-87 Date Analyzed: 6-1-87 Analyst: J. Johnson Sample Description: P87-0129 TH4 6' VOLATILE ORGANICS Parameter Results Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethyl Benzene ND p-Xylene ND m-Xylene ND O-Xylene ND T P H ND Method 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8015 Detection Limit .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g .1 ug/g T P H = Total.Petroleum Hydrocarbons Ail results reported in ug/g ND - None Detected Submitted By: 2145 Rumrili Blvd. Ste. "G" 5630 District Blvd. Ste. 102 San Pablo, CA 94806 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (415) 234-4461 (805) 397-7230 Laboratory No. Date Reported: Gas tank remnval Whittan Cnn.~tr~ctinn Gosford & White P87-0129 TEST HOLE #1 Dept Feet Log Symbol Soil Description 2 ,,, ~ SW Sand - Light gray when dry. Sand well graded. · · ., Non-cohesive. 6 · ~ · , SW Sand - Light gray when dry. Sand well graded. Laboratory No. Date Reported: Whitten Construction Gosford & White P87-0129 TEST HOLE #2 Dept Feet Log Symbol Soil Description '' ~' SW Sand - Light gray when dry. Sand well graded. 2 ,, ,, Non-cohesive. 3 ,.... 5 6 , o, · SW Sand - Light gray when dry. Sand well graded. ' ' ' ' Non-cohesive. Laboratory-No. Date ~eported: Gas tank removal Whitten Construction Gosford & White P87-0129 TEST HOLE #3 Dept Feet Log ~ymbol Soil Description 2' ' °' ' SW Sand - Light gray when dry. Sand well graded. 3 4 6 ~ ~ ~% SW Sand - Light gray when dry. Sand well gradeO. , , , , mon-coneszve. Laboratory No... Date Reported: Gas tank removal Whitten Construction Gosford & White P87-0129 TEST HOLE #4 Dept Feet Log Symbol Soil Description 2 °''' SW Sand - Light gray when dry. Sand well graded. Non-cohesive · 4 6 : i '~ SW Sand -Light gray when dry. Sand well graded. ..... Non-cohesSve. 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 ~ Telephone (805) 861-3636 Facility Name Address KeRN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebedson, M.D. ENVIRQNMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Kern County Permlt # UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD This form is to be returned to the Kern County Health Department within 14 days of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. The holder of the permit with number noted above is responsible for insuring that this form is completed and returned. Section 1 - To be filled out by tank removal contractor: Tank Removal Contractor: ~ ~-~' ~d~/~-~-dd~O~ Date Tanks Removed ~/~, /~'~ No. of Tanks ~ / , ~eution 2 - T~ b~ filled out ~ contractor "deconCaminatinK tank(s): ¢ nk Authorized representative of contractor certifies by si8nin8 below ChaC tank(s) have been decont~inated in accordance with Kern County Health ~Oe~uffmenC require~enCs. Si¢nature Title Section 3 -To be filled out and sl~ned ~ a~ authorized representative of ~he treatment, storaze, or disposal facility acceptln¢ tank(s): Address Date Tanks Received {guthorized R~presentativ~ Title HAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold in half and staple. Postage and mailing label have already been affixed to outside for your convenience. (Form #1tl~P-150) DISTRICT OFFICES Oelano . L~mont , I..~ke I,mnhelln . M<q,'.~vn . Rldgecr~t . Rh~fter . Tni't 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telel3hone (805) 861-3636 PERMIT FOR' PERMANE~ CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: Tenneco West Inc. Farm Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA . ,,q COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTME ENVIRONMENTAl- HEALTH DIVISION ' OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Tenneco West Inc. P.O. Box 9380 Bakersfield, CA Phone #(805) 835-6000 HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT NUMBER A419-28 CONTRACTOR: D.J. Construction P.O. Box 5202 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Phone #(805) 327-1871 License No. 428493 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF 2 TANKS AT ABOVE LOCATION. PERMIT EXPIRES APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY July 6~ 1987 May 6, 1987 Joe Canas .POST ON PREMISES ................ · · · CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiating Closure action. 3. A minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two and six feet. 4. Ail (leaded/unleaded) gasoline sampl'es must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total' petroleum hydrocarbons. All diesel samples must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons and benzene. 5. Copies of. transportation manifests must be submitted to the Health Department within five days of waste disposal' 6. All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Health Department must be notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. 7. Permittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14 days of tank removal. 8. Advise this office of the time and date of proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. 9. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis completion. ._ . '.-/ ~ / ~_~, DATE DISTRICT OFFICES K~RN COUNTY IiEALTli DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF SNVIRONMENTAL IIEALTH 1~00 FLOWSR STREET. BAKERSFIELD. CA (80S) 801-3630 ~330§ IAPP~ICATIONI / $ OF TANKS TO BE ABANDONED LENGTII OF PIPING TO ABANDON THIS APPLICATION IS FOR C~REMOVAL; OR PROJECT CONTACT -. NORM_AN WILLIAMS FACILITY NAME TENNECO WEST'INC. FARM OWNER TENNECO WEST INC. APPLI CATION FOR PERMIT FOR PEI~ENT CLOSURE/AB~DON~]~NT OF UNDERGROUND H~~OUS SUBST~C~S STOOGE FACILITY J N~UH~S- 835--6~ {SEC_ 7.T 30S. R. [~D"SsSAPPROX % MI.WEST OF OLD I RIVER RD2 'SOUTH SIDE MING AV.I ' I TeK P,S.qOV~ CONTRACTOR [~DRESS · I D.J. CONSTRUCTION · [ P.O. BOX 2202 BAWRP~WTRT.D ~ OIBA~ERSFIET,D C~N~m_ T~D~OmT~ 3021 .ANT~NI~(~ BAKERSFIELD ~ ~lwo~R s co~sATIo" , - INSURER ° ON F LE m~ ~ B.C. LAB. 4100 p~CE ~D IPNORE ( 805) _ 327 1871 PHONE ~05 ) 322-214-1 ( ) -- PHONE ~05 )327-4911 CIt~IICAL COMPOSITION OF RATERIALS STORED rARK · VOLUME CIII~ICAL STORED (.ON-C0~CI~ ~) DATES STOOD 1 2000 GAL. G~SOT,TN~ UNK T0 UNK 2 , . ~onn nAA. D~EL FUEL TO CtUDIICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED ~ATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY NONE NIL~RBST WATER WELL - GIVE DISTARCE A~D DESCRIEE TYPE IF WITHIN 500 FEET ABANDONED WELL APPROX. 3YEARS AGO BASIS FOR SOIL TYPE AND GROUNDWATER DEPTH DETERMINATION IDEPTR TO GROUNDWATER I rINK SOIL TYPE AT FACILITY UNK · IS~PLES WILL BE ~ALYZED FORt OTAI,_sNUMBER~.~,~.._.~_T~0F SAMPLES TO BE ~ALYZSO [ BENZENE, TOLUENE, XYLENE , TOTAL PETRO . HYDROCARBONS tBECRXBB HOW RESIDUE IS T~K(S) ~P PIPING IS TO DB R~OVSD ~D DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE T~SPORTATXON ~D DISPOS~ COM~IES} I ~,'~ ,L"~.C~; ' ~ -'~ DESCRIBE BOTH TBS DXSPOS~J~ METHOD ~D DISPOS~J,, LOCATION FOR: ,.,..,,,,s, __ d "~-~/,.,~Kc. yz.~, lc,, 6'7' cos PIPIN0  PROVIDE INFORI~iATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SlD~ OF Tills SHEET BEFORE SUBMITT{NO APPLICATION FOR REVIEW * * THIS FOR~HAS B~E~ COMPLETED UNDER PF~N~J.,T¥ OF PENURY