HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #1 5/1989STATE ROUTE 17'8 SPARKLE CLEANERS' SITE NTEREY BAcKHoE TESTHOLES , OVERHEAD CANOPY I TESTHOLES FOUR '~,'o Hospil~ ,mi [i EXHIBIT VICINITY 1 MAP MONTEREY SCALE I INCH: 40 FEET s,~.: so'n'°M HoLE LOC~'nON EXHIBIT 2A BORING' LOCATION MAP SCALE I INCH: 4O FEET EXHIBIT SITE LAYOUT MAP ' ii! "" " / A.M.~ FOR- _ ATE t t' AREA COO~ UMSE ~ ~ S O ~LEASECALL MESSAGE , . ~ -- ~[ ~ ~lkk - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ' CAME TO _ ' - / J I..WANTS TO Employee Signature 0 ~f.~l, (~f) Funding (Loc~l. State. o~ Fede,~l) ...... _~_ ..................... ~___ ICat. IActivtty I 'JH~r~ __~ /~_/~_~_ [ .... .~_ .... ~ ___~ ~_ ...... J_ ~::~ ~,~:~_ .... ~ ..... ~,,::(:~ ~!,:.~ ~ ................................ ~__~,~_~__. Notes __~___~___~i~A__~__~ .... ~z ..... ~::~:~L~_, .... ~___~: .... ~_~;:¢___z~ ................ _~~.~__,.~:c~_[~___~.,:~____~ .... :b~_:~ .... ,,~z~____A~ .... ,~_~:~_:_ ....................... Data Entered By ......................... Oate Env. Health 580 4113 137 (12/88) C.O.L.T. SITE SPECIFIC TIME ACCOUNIING SIIEET Permit Il , Employee Signature ..... Funding (Local, State, o~ Federal) L ................................................. Date Icodo ~Code mOescrlption of A Y ................................... ----~ ......... ~ ........... I ............ ~-- ' · Notes ......... ~ .......................................................................... Data Entered By .......................... Date ........................ FILE CONTE.~ITS SUMMARY SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments GARY J: WICKS - Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE NT DEPART~~MENTAL 2700 M Street, Sulle 300 Bakersfield; CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY April 26, 1990 Mr. Mike Daniels Sparkle cleaners 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 SUBJECT: Location : 121 MOnterey Street, Bakersfield, CA Known As : Sparkle Cleaners Permit # : 140006 Dear Mr. Daniels: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions,'it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. (805) 86J-3636. . Program Manager you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Dolores Gough at Environmental Health Services Department CB:DG:cd cc: John Wilson, Wilson and.Associates colt\140006, b SS0C TES CIVIL ENGINI=EI:::IIN(~ SUI:::IV;:::YING April 23, 1990 M~. Chris Berger Environmental Health Specialist IV Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" Street suite 300 Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 SUBJECT: SPARKLE CLEANERS - ACCOUNTSP49e66REQUEST FORADDITIONAL MONIES PURSUANT TOKERNCOUNTY'SLOCALOVERSIGHT OPTION. Dear Mr. Berger: Pursuant to our conversation on Friday April 20, 1990 and the County's letter dated April 10, 1990, the owner/agent for Sparkle Cleaners respectfully requests that the county allow Sparkle Cleaners to forego the submission of an additional $1,000.00 to cover oversight expenses. Sparkle Cleaners is making this request for the following reasons: * The project has been completed; The report (included with this correspondence) has been completed; Remaining overview will not likely exceed the amount remaining in the account; Sparkle Cleaners will pay upon submission of an invoice any charges in excess of the original contract. ThaDk you for your consideration in this matter. Kindly respond to this request in a timely fashion so that Sparkle Cleaners will not be forced into the State program. Respectfully Submitted, WILSON & ASSOCIATES Philip Goalwin, R G # 779 Principal Hydrogeologist cc: Susan Gonzales 1701 WF=ST~/IN[D [3)~IIVEE · SUITE 113 · BAKEI~SI~II~L0, CA ~)3301 - ]II_50N & OlVIL EN(~INEERING SI_II:qVEYING April-- 23, 1990 ~ Mr. Chris Berger Environmental Health Specialist IV Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" Street Suite 300 Bakersfield, Ca.. 93301. SUBJECT: SPARKLE CLEANERS - ACCOUNT$140066REQUESTFORADDITIONAL MONIES PURSUANT TOKERNCOUNTY'SLOCALOVERSIGHTOPTION. Dear Mr. Berger: Pursuant to our conversation on Friday April 20, 1990 and the 'County's letter dated April 10, 1990, the owner/agent for Sparkle Cleaners respectfully requests that· the county allow Sparkle Cleaners to forego the submission of an additional $1,000.00 to cover oversight expenses. Sparkle Cleaners is making this request for the following reasons: * The project has been completed; The report (included with this correspondence) has been completed; Remaining overview will not likely exceed the amount remaining, in the account; Sparkle Cleaners will pay upon submission of an invoice any charges in excess of the original contract. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. respond to this request in a timely fashion so that Cleaners will not be forced into the State program. Respectfully Submitted, WILSON & ASSOCIATES Philip ~GoalWin,, R.G. #4779 Principal Hydrogeologist cc: Susan Gonzales Kindly .Sparkle 1~'01 WESTVVlNID OF:lIVE · SUITE 113 ? I::IAKEI~-~:~::IEL[D, CA ~.~01 (805] 323~480 · FAX (8(D5] 323~723 CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING SITE ASSESSMENT STUDY AT SPARKLE CLEANERS 121 MONTEREY STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PRESENTED TO; MR. MIKE DANIELS PRESENTED BY; WILSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. APRIL, 1990 1701 WESTVVINO DRIVE · SLIITE 113 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 [805] 323-6460 · FAX (805] 393-4723 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Executive S~mmary Background Assessment Activities Analytical Results Site Geology Conclusions Recommendations Limitations Signatures Table of Contents ~age 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 Exhibits 1 Table 1 Appendix A Appendix B Zaps LUFT RiskAnalysis Boring Log Analytical Results 1.0 Executive Summary Sparkle Cleaners contracted with Wilson & Associates, Inc. to perform additional site characterization at the Sparkle Cleaners Site, 121 Monterey Street, Bakersfield, California (Exhibit 1). This assessment was focused on the area where a gasoline product line had evidence of rupture during a tank removal operation and subsequent laboratory analysis confirmed soil impaction. A followup site assessment delineated the lateral limits of impaction, however, the vertical limit remained to be found. This assessment included a slant vertical assessment soil boring, sample' collection, and analyses for fuel hydrocarbons as gasoline, and the · gasoline constituent volatile aromatics. .On April 19, 1990 three soil samples were submitted to National Toxicology Laboratory for analysis using EPA Methods 3810 (purge and trap for gasoline), and 8020 (BTEX). Analytical results did not detect any of these compounds at or above the stated detection limits from the sample depths of 40,52.5, and 65 feet, respectively.. A previous soil boring had detected fuel hydrocarbons 'at a maximum concentration of 20,601 mg/kg at a depth of 20 feet, decreasing to 5,238 mg/kg at a depth of 30 feet. The vertical and lateral limits of fuel hydrocarbons in the soil have been delineated. They describe a plume .of impacted soil from the western end of the former dispenser island extending 20 feet to the west by 10 feet to both the north and the south, and confined to the upper 35 feet of sediments. This corresponds tO a volume of approximately 520 cubic yards. The depth of the water table in the area is estimated at 135 feet (Water Supply Report, Kern County Water Agency, May 1989). ,No groundwater was encountered in the boring, advanced for this assessment, which penetrated to a maximum depth of 66 feet below the surface. The alluvial Quaternary sediments that were encountered by the boring was comprised of a 9 foot section of fine grained sands overlying a 21 foot sequence of fine- to medium- grained sands underlain by 17 feet of silts with minor clay above 19 feet of clay to the deepest depth penetrated in the boring. Given this site characteristics a score of 49 for the LUFT Manual gasoline leaching potential risk analysis is interpreted. This corresponds to a low potential of leaching to groundwater. Due to the substantial impermeable clay and the depth to groundwater no remedial, action is required. The no action alternative is recommended for this site. 2.0 Background Sparkle Cleaners is located at 121 Monterey Street, Bakersfield, Kern County, California (Exhibit 1). The former underground storage tanks were located south of Monterey Street and one half mile east of Union Avenue (Exhibit 1). In August 11, 1988, McNabb Construction of Bakersfield removed two 10,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tanks and associated piping. B.C. Laboratories, Inc. of Bakersfield collected eight samples from the excavation and dispenser area and analyzed these samples for total petroleum hydrocarbons, and volatile aromatics (BTX). Laboratory results indicated "none detected" concentrations in the vicinity of the tank excavation. However, elevated concentrations increasing with depth were indicated at the west end of the dispenser island, and the adjacent product line. Discolored soil had been observed along the product line just west of the dispensers island, Additionally, a section of piping had evidence of a very small hole. Subsequently, two extendahoe borings were advanced to 13-1/2' just west of the dispenser island which is beneath an overhanging canopy. Elevated concentrations of gasoline and gasoline constituent volatile aromatics were indicated in laboratory analysis from these borings. Three more borings, TH-l, TH-2 and TH-3 were advanced in November of 1989 just to the west of the overhanging canopy. Borings TH-1 and TH-3 had low concentrations and defined the lateral limit of impacted soil (Exhibit 2). Boring TH-2 was slant drilled to the east toward the dispenser island and had elevated concentrations to the drilled depth of 30 feet. Drilling refusal was experienced at this depth. The vertical limit of elevated concentrations remained to be assessed. Sparkle Cleaners contracted with Wilson & Associates, Inc. to implement further site characterization and prepare this report. 3.0 Assessment Activities Field activities for this phase included a soil boring on April 8, 1990, to assess the vertical extent of soil impaction (Exhibit 2). · The soil boring was advanced with a top hole location 20 feet west of the former dispenser location, and slant drilled 12 degrees to the east with a bottom hole location 7 feet to the west of the dispenser location to a depth of 66 feet. 3.1 Boring Methods The boring was advanced using a Mobile Drill B-53 rig with 8-inch hollow stem continuous flight augers in accordance with ASTM Method D1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The augers were steam cleaned prior to drilling the boring. The lithology and other pertinent data was recorded on a field boring log in accordance with ASTM Method D2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils. 3.2 Soil Sampling Soil samples were Collected through the auger in 2-inch diame{er brass sleeves placed in a split spoon sampler and driven into the soil using a 140 pound hammer with .a 30-inch drop in accordance with ASTM Methods D1586-84 for split-barrel sampling'of soil and D1587-83 for thin-walled tube sampling of soils. The brass sleeves and sampler were cleaned and rinsed using a low-phosphate detergent solution followed by immersion in deionized water rinse prior to each use. Soil samples were driven at the depths of 40,52.5, and 65 feet in the boring. The blow counts, recovery, and lithology were recorded on the field log (Appendix A). Lithology was described in accordance with ASTM procedure D2488-84 (Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils).. One brass sleeve with soil from each interval was capped, sealed, labeled in accordance with EPA protocols, recorded on a Chain of Custody Form, placed in a cooler at 4 degrees centigrade or less, and transported to National Toxicology Laboratory with the Chain of Custody for the specified analysis. 3.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples Soil samples were collected using three six-inch brass tubes installed inside a split-spoon sampler. The middle sample tube was immediately capped and stored in an iced cooler upon collection. The bottom tube was used for lithologic description, and the top tube was used for field screening. The material form the top tube was capped at approximately 50 percent capacity. A headspace reading was collected at this time, and noted on the boring log. 4.0 Analytical Results The soil samples were analyzed by National Toxicology Laboratory, a state certified laboratory, for fuel hydrocarbons as gasoline by EPA Method 3810 (purge and trap for gasoline), and the gasoline constituent volatile aromatics benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020. Analytical results did not detect any of these compounds at the sample depths of 40, 52.5, and 65 feet. The previous vertical delineating boring had detected fuel hydrocarbons at a maximum concentration of 20,601 mg/~g at a depth of 20 feet, decreasing to 5,238 mg/kg at a depth of 30'feet. Drilling was terminated at that time due to drilling refusual. Analytical data are included in Appendix B along with laboratory analytical data summary sheet. Table 1 presents a LUFT Manual gasoline leaching potential risk analysis. Wilson & Associates estimates the score to be 49 points which corresponds to a low potential of leaching to groundwater. 5.0 Site Geology The sediments underlying the site are Quaternary alluvial deposits which consist of unconsolidated, clays, silts, sands, and gravels (calif. Div. of Mines and Geol., 1971). The depth to groundwater is estimated at approximately 135 feet below the ground surface (Water Supply Report, Kern County Water Agency, May 1989). The alluvial Quaternary sediments were comprised of a 9 foot sequence of fine grained sands underlain by 21 feet of fine-to medium- grained sands overlying 17 feet of silts above 19 feet of clay to the deepest depth penetrated in the boring. 6.0 Conclusions Concentrations of fuel hydrocarbons as gasoline and gasoline constituent volatile aromatics were detected to a depth of 35 feet. These concentrations dropped off rapidly below that' depth. Groundwater is anticipated at a depth of 135 feet. Boring TH-4 encountered 36 feet of clayey silt and clay from depths of 39 feet to 66 feet (the deepest depth penetrated in this assessment). For these reasons the site receives a score of 49 for the LUFT Manual gasoline leaching potential risk analysis, which corresponds to a low potential.of leaching to groundwater. 7.0 Recommendations The substantial impermeable clay and the depth to groundwater deems that no remedial measures are necessary. Based upon the results of the investigation three alternative courses of action are presented; excavation and disposal, in-situ treatment, or no action. The impacted soil could be excavated and disposed of at a solid waste facility. The impacted soil lies beneath a canopy structure. For this reason excavation is not recommended. The limited extent of impaction and the apparent high permeabilities of the gasoline impacted sands at the site lend themselves to a vapor extraction system. However, the substantial impermeable clay and the depth to groundwater does not lead Wilson & Associates to recommend this alternative. The no action alternative is appropriate if the concentration present iow risk to health and the environment as prescribed by federal, state, and local regulations. This site presents that low risk of leaching to groundwater. The no action alternative is recommended at this site. 8.0 Limitations Wilson & Associates performed this investigation in accordance with generally accepted standards of care which exist in Central California at this time. It should be recognized that definition and evaluation of geologic conditions is a difficult and inexact art. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with limited knowledge of the subsurface conditions present. No warranty expressed or implied, is made. This Report of Findings was prepared by: /~w.~ ~~ \%X NO. 4892 /~/ Mark Magargee, 'R'G. #4892 .'~,'~>~~~O~kL\¥~ Senior Hydrogeologist " Registration Expires 6/30/90 '~..:. ~ This Report of Findings was prepared under the supervision of: Principal Hydrogeologist Registration Expires 6/30/90 This Report of Findings was reviewed by: Jo~ .R. Wilson P.E. #23270 P~i~clpal Engineer R~q~stration Expires 12/31/93 LEACHING POTENTIAL ANALYSIS FOR GAS~I~INE USING TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) AND BENZENE, TOLUENE, XYLENE AND ETHYLBENZENE (BTX&E) S SCORE S SCORE S SCORE SITE C 10 PTS. C 9 PTS. C 5 PTS. FEATURE O [F CON- O IF CON- O IF (~ON- R DITION R DITION R DITION E IS MET E IS MBT E IS MET Minimum Depth to > 100.~ 51-100 25-50kl Ground Water from the Soil Sample (feet) - Fractures in subsurface None Unknown Present (applies to foothills ,or mountain areas) 10 Average Annual < 10 10-25 26-40\2 Precipitation (inches) Man-made conduits which None Unknown Present increase vertical . migration of leachate Unique site features: None At least More than recharge ~ea, coarse ] {~ , one one soil, nearby wells, etc. co,.u N qO + c/+ O _- qc/ RANGE TOTAL PTS. 49 pts. or more 41 - 48 pts. '40 pts. or less MAX. ALLOW~LE X/50/50/50 .31.31VV NA\3 BTXE LEVELS' (PPM) MAX. At.I.OWABt F. 1000 100 10 TPH LEVELS (PPM) If depth is greater than 5 ft..and less than 25 ft., score 0 points. If depth is 5 ft. or less, this table should not be used. If precipitation is over 40 inches, score 0 points. Levels for BTX&E are not applicable at a TPH concentration of 10:. ppm. APPENDIX A 7 CONSTRUCTION "' o , .,! .... i '- "' '1 I t.i I I I I I ..... ~" !,,, ~ I i ] i 'i. I, '"'., j l I i ii I t ..... I I ...! I ~ I i I 'l ...i ii ..... ~ "i ~ i i"il ii~ . . i 'l i,~.i'! I I .i, '.i i'" il .. .>".~/ i .. i i.. I ~ .!~ ., I i I I ! II i ! I i I ii i I I i' . ! i'! ,, i i ! i ! Il. .. I "I I 'i I ' -" "' ' ',,'I iI i I '-"11 ,-~.,' ~'.~.' ~ ~.,....,~..,.,~ o~',,,~. ~ ,.,, , 'l.' ...... ! ..'i'i - ~' ., '" I I..:'.'i I' ' " . " .i .,i, - I .... · , i ". I I. 'i I ,~....,,'~, ~ ,..,.,~..,*:,. - i ,I ,,1 i,,, ..~ i I I I , ,1 ,,. ~o/o~/.~/'.*/,~,,,... <:~.~;~.,c.~-//"/<b...~' ..~r~. ~"; //~"': ///*/Y'~"'&'//"~"~"'"'2"'~'a'~'/'Z"'u DATE , , i,,,i I i I ! I I I I i ii .~ i i .i "i ii ,,, I I I I i Ii I I I I I I I i i . I ~,,..,..,~,~,/..-'~.,.~.~.' ~' ~',.-,,~ ...~,/". ,~",'-V, . I I I I I {I ~'~-.~..,~'~ ~ ~"~.~. ~.~,-,~ ~'-~ i i i i ! ii ~' ~ '" ~ · I I i 'i I ii I I i I I Ii , i i i ,I i ii. ,,. i I i I I i'1 i I 'i 'l,, ..~ ' I .,, ' I- I I i ~ i-. I I ! .... ' I I I ' , ~ I ! i '1 i I ...., ., I I ~" DATE LOG of. BORING TI--t -- '~ I , '",', i ~ ,,~ i ~ ~ .. '"~i I I I 'i I I I' "~ 'i m I i ~ I .~ ~ ,,I !1, .l t ~ ~. .... i .... i ;.i .! .... i ..I I - , ..... ~ .~ ,,- · - LOG of. BORING APPENDIX B Noat. ional xlcology Laboratories 1100 California Ave. Bakersfield, California 93304 AFFILIATED WITH ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. 805 / 322-4250 800 / 350-3515 Naresh C. Jain, Ph.D. Laboratory Director Thomas C. Sneath, B.S. Chief Toxicologist FAX 805 / 322-4322 LABORATORY REPORT A'ttention: Mark Magargee Project: ~88134 Sparkle Clean. Sample ID: 040990D-$ Date Extracted: n/a Date Received: 09-Apr-90 Test Requested: TPH as Gasoline Date Analyzed: lO-Apr-90 Date Reported lO-Apr-90 Test Method: Calif. DOHS Method Type of Sample: Soil Date Collected: OB-Apr-90 Basis: As Received Sample DeScrip: Data Release Constituent 403 Reporting Units Minimum Analysis Reporting Results Level Total PetroleUm Hydro- carbon as Gasoline ug/gm None Detected 5.00 CommentS: California D.O.H.S. Cert. '~225 .National loxlcol°gy Laboratories 1100 California Ave. Bakersfield, California 93304 AFFILIATED WITH ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. 805 / 322-4250 800 / 350-3515 Naresh C. Jain, Ph.D. Laboratory Director Thomas C. Sneath, B.S. Chief Toxicologist FAX 805 / 322-4322 LABORATORY Attention: Mark Magargee Sample ID: O4099OD-$ Date ReCeived: 09-Apr-90 Date Analyzed: lO-Apr-90 Date Reported lO-Apr-90 Date Collected: 08-Apr-90.' Sample Descrip: 403 REPORT Project: ~88134 Sparkle Cleane Date Extracted: n/a Test Requested: BTX & E Test Method: Modified 8020 Type of Sample: Soil Basis: As Received Dilution Factor: Data Release Constituent Benzene: Toluene: Ethylbenzene: Total Xylenes:. Authorized: Reporting AnalySis Units Results ug/gm NOne Detected ug/gm None Detected ug/gm None Detected ug/gm None Detected Minimum Reporting Level 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~225 Noat. ional xlcology Laboratories 1100 California Ave. Bakersfield, California 93304 AFFILIATED WITH ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. 805 / 322-4250 800 / 350-3515 Naresh C. Jain, Ph.D. Laboratory Director Thomas C. Sneath, B~S. Chief Toxicologist FAX 805 / 322-4322 LABORATORY Attention: Mark Magargee Sample ID: 040990D-1 Date Received: 09-Apr-90 Date Analyzed: lO-Apr-90 Date Reported lO-Apr-90 Date Collected: 08-Apr-90 Sample Descrip: 401 REPORT Project: ~88154 Sparkle Clean. Date Extracted: n/a Test Requested: TPH as Gasoline Test Method: Calif. DOHS Method Type of Sample: Soil Basis: As Received Data Release Authorized: Constituent Total Petroleum Hydro- carbon as Gasoline Reporting Analysis Units Results Minimum Reporting Level ug/gm None Detected 5.00 Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert.. ~225 Noat. ional xlcology Laboratories 1100 California Ave. Bakersfield, California 93304 AFFILIATED WITH ZALCO LABORATORIES. INC. 805 / 322-4250 800 / 350-3515 Naresh C. Jain, Ph.D. Laboratory Director 'Thomas C. Sneath, B.S. Chief Toxicologist FAX 805 / 322-4322 LABORATORY ~ttention: Mark Magargee Sample ID: 040990D-1 Date Received: 09-Apr-90 Date Analyzed: lO-Apr-90 Date Reported iO-Apr790 Date Coilected: 08-APr-90 Sample Descrip: 401 REPORT Project: ~88154 Sparkle Cleane Date Extracted: n/a Test Requested: 8TX & E /est Method: Modified 8020 Type of Sample: Soil Basis: As Received Dilution Factor: Data Release Constituent Authorized: "F'-- /i/ / Reporting Units Benzene:' ug/gm Toluene: ug/gm Ethylbenzene: ug/gm Total Xylenes: ug/gm Minimum Analysis Reporting Results Level None Detected 0.05 None Detected 0.05 None Detected 0.05 None'Detected 0.05 Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~225 iNoat, ional x ,col L,ogy aboratories 1100 Califomia Ave. Bakersfield, California 93304 AFFILIATED WITH ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. 805 / 322-4250 800 / 350-3515 Naresh C. Jain, Ph.D. Laboratory Director Thomas C. Sneath, B.S. Chief Toxicologist FAX 805 / 322-4322 LABORATORY REPORT ~'ttention': Sample ID: Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported Date Collected: Mark Magargee 040990D-2 09-Apr-90 lO-Apr-90 lO-Apr-90 Project: ~8B154 Sparkle Clean. Date Extracted: n/a' Test Requested: TPH as Gasoline Test Method: Calif. DOHS Method Type of Sample: Soil Basis: As Received S~mple Descrip: 402 Data Release Constituent Authorized:/_~/~ '/~/ ¢/ Repo rti ng Units Minimum Analysis Reporting Results Level Total PetroleUm Hydro- carbon as Gasoline ug/gm None Detected 5.OO Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~225 oat. ional xlcologY Laboratories 1100 California Ave. Bakersfield, California 93304 AFFILIATED WITH ZALCO LABORATORIES. INC. 805 / 322-4250 800 ! 350-3515 Naresh C. Jain, Ph.D. Laboratory Director Thomas C. Sneath, B.S. Chief Toxicologist FAX 805 / 322-4322 LABORATORY REPORT Attention: Mark Magargee Project: ~88134 Sparkle.Cleane Sample ID: 040990D-2 Date Extracted: n/a Date Received: 09-Apr-90 Test Requested: BTX & E Date Analyzed: lO-Apr-90 Test Method: Modified 8020 Date Reported lO-Apr-90 Type of Sample: Soil Date. Collected: OB-Apr-90 Basis: As Received Sample.Desccip: 402 Dilution Factor: Data Release Constituent Authorized: / Reporting Analysis Units Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene: ug/gm None Detected 0.05 Toluene: ug/gm None Detected 0.05 Ethylbenzene: ug/gm None Detected 0.05 Total Xylenes: ug/gm None Detected 0.05 Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert.'~225 GARV'J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 661-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOUR AG EN 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopier (805) 861-3429 CY April 10, 1990 Mr. Mike Daniels Richard K. Newman and c/o Sparkle Cleaners 121 MontereY Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Associates SUBJECT: Location: 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Known As: Sparkle Cleaners PERMIT #: 140006 Dear Mr. Daniels: This letter is an official notice to inform you that, as the responsible party for the property described above, your agreement with the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department is about to expire. In accordance with Section d.2. of that agreement which states: "Seventeen (17) hours of billable time has been reached. This will give notice that the available funds will be exhausted after five (5) additional hours of billable time at which time. the agreement will expire. A statement estimating the amount time necessary to complete any remaining oversight work will be sent. The responsible party will then have another opportunity to renew their agreement with the County. Failure to enter into another agreement shall require Kern County Environmental Health to utilize the State Water Resources Control Board Pilot Project for which the responsible party may be billed by the State directly for the cost of County services as well as State costs." You are hereby notified that the current balance in your trust account is $ 171.62 . Remaining oversight will require an estimated 8 hours to complete. We are, therefore, extending this opportunity to renew your agreement with Kern County Environmental Health or to utilize 'the State. Water Resources Control Board Pilot Project for completion of the required oversight activities. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property and the cost for oversight of these activities. California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8-.48 require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. The cost incurred by Kern County Environmental Health for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health in one of the two methods described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options only pertain to costs associated with oversight. (A) STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provide§ a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party, for both the costs incurred by the County and the State, pertaining to your site, under the State terms explained below: Whereas the Legislature has appropriated funds from the California Hazardous Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action al the above site are funded, in whole or in part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund; and Whereas the above individual(s) or entity(les) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and Safety code, the Above Responsible Parly or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all state and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Control Board. (B) COUNTY OF KERN LOCAL AGREEMENT OPTION Kern County Environmental Health is providing this option for those who prefer to pay the County directly and avoid the addition of .State costs. Prior to the. County's performance of services, this option requires your deposit of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account. In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, attachment "B". The environmental sensitivity (attachment "C") of this site has been reviewed by Environmental Health to determine the potential threat for groundwater contamination. Only sites determined to be non-environmentally sensitive may enroll in the Local Option Agreement. The site described above is not in an environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Agreement Option~ however, the County of Kern reserves the right to cancel any Local Agreement Option, should it be discovered that groundwater contamination or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Environmental Health will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this ri'ght for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally sensitive area. It is necessary for you to respond, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmental Health of your choice: either the State contract or the County's Local Agreement Option. If you select the County's Local Agreement, please complete and sign the Local Agreement,~(attachment B), and return it with your check for $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) m~de payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kern County Environmental Health 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attention: Accounting - Local Agreement Option. If you select the State contract, please indicate, in writing, that you have made this selection and that you have read the above official notification. Failure to respond within ten (107 calendar days to this notice will automatically result in oversight cost recovery tor your site(s) to be placed under the terms of the State contract for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, Please contact Susan Gonzales at (805) 861-3636. Steve McCgq~Yey, Di rector Environmental Health Servi ces Department attachments GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE March 8, 1990 2700 M Street, Suite Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY Mr. Mike Daniels Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Subject: Underground Tank Site Assessment, Sparkle Cleaners, 121 Monterey Street, Bakersfield, CA Permit No.: 140006 Dear Mr. Daniels: We have reviewed the "Added Wo~kplan for Further Site Characterization" prepared by Wilson and Associates for the subject site. Wilson and Associates has satisfactorily responded to our questions regarding the samples to be analyzed and the laboratory that will do the analysis. Accordingly, approval of the workplan is granted. Per telephone conversation with Mr. Mark Magargee with Wilson and Associates, the workplan was scheduled to be implemented on March 18, 1990. Please notify this office at least 48 hours of any changes on the workplan or this schedule. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at (805) 861- 3636. Sincerely, Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:cas cc: John Wilson / Wilson and Associates \140006.1tr ~]ILSON & ~ .ZlS~n_rl~lTE CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING Addended Workplan For Further Site Characterization Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, California Presented To: Sparkle Cleaners Presented By: Wilson & Associates, Inc.' March, 1990 PhiliP Goalwin Senior Hydrogeologist 1701 WESTVVINO O~IIVE · SL_IITI~ 113 · BAKI~RSF~ELO, CA 93301 I805) 323°6460 · FAX [805) 323-4723 1.0 INTRODUCTION Sparkle Cleaners has authorized Wilson & Associates, Inc. to prepare this addended workplan for further site characterization at the Sparkle Cleaners site located at 121 Monterey Street, Bakersfield, California. The Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (County) is the lead regulatgry agency. 1.1 PURPOSE The site characterization described in this workplan has the following objectives: Further assess the lateral and vertical extent of on-site vadose zone contamination involving gasoline. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of services described in the Workplan include: Locating underground utilities using Sparkle Cleaners as-build drawings (if available) as well as Under-ground Service Alert (U.S.A.); Advancing one soii boring through the center of the former dispenser location; The boring will be advanced to a maximum depth of sixty-five feet; Steam cleaning of equipment prior to contamination; all drilling and sampling boring to avoid cross- Collecting soil samples at depth to be evaluated in the field. Initially, samples will be collected at approximately five foot intervals beginning at five feet and continuing until 65 feet. The samples will be collected using a standard California split-spoon sampler equipped with brass tubes, steam cleaned prior to use. These samples will be field screened and two selected samples will be chosen for chemical analyses; Soil samples collected for chemical analysis wil~i~ be collected in brass tub~s and sealed with aluminum foil, end caps and tape. The sealed tubes will be placed in a cooler with blue-ice and 2 transported to a DHS certified laboratory under chain-of-custody procedures; Analysis of the two selected soil samples for fuel hydrocarbons as gasoline and gasoline constituent volatile aromatics (BTEX) using EPA methods 8015 Modified and 8020, respectively; Prepare field boring logs; Prepare a written report summarizing the results of the investigation with conclusions and recommendations. The report will be certified by a California Registered Geologist or Civil Engineer. 1.3 Schedule Wilson & Assoicates, Inc. anticipates beginning work described herein within one week upon approval from the County and authorization to proceed from Sparkle Cleaners. The soil boring can be drilled and sampled in approximately one working day. The analytical data will be reported within three weeks and the report will be completed within two weeks after receipt of the analytical results. 2.0 Background Sparkle Cleaners is located at 121 Monterey Street, Bakersfield, California as shown on Exhibit 1. 2.1 Facility Description The facility is shown to scale on Exhibit 2. occupied by a dry cleaning services Company. The facility is 2.2 Project History In August 11, 1988, McNabb Construction of Bakersfield removed two 10,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tanks and associated piping. B.C. Laboratories, Inc. of Bakersfield collected eight samples from the excavation and dispenser area and analyzed these samples for total petroleum hydrocarbons, and volatile aromatics (BTX). Laboratory results indicated "none detected" concentrations in the vicinity of the tank excavation and product lines, however, elevated concentrations increasing with depth were indicated Wt. the west end of the dispenser island. 3 Subsequently, two extendahoe backhoe borings were advanced to 13- 1/2' at the dispenser island which is beneath an overhanging canopy. Elevated concentrations of gasoline and gasoline constituent volatile aromatics were indicated in laboratory analysis from these borings. Three additional borings were advanced in November of 1989. Borings TH1 and TH3 had low concentrations and define the lateral limit (Exhibit 2). Boring TH2 had elevated concentrations to the drilled depth of 30 feet. The vertical limit of elevated concentrations remains to be assessed. Sparkle Cleaners contracted with WilsOn & Associates, Inc. to prepare this workplan and implement further site characterization. 3.0 Work Plan Wilson & Associates, Inc. proposes to assess vertical extent of contaminants in the soil. and define the 3.1 Soil Boring Depth and Location The soil boring .will be drilled through the cobble sediments to a depth of 65 feet. Soil samples will be collected at five foot intervals beginning at five ~feet. The proposed location is shown on Exhibit 2A. The location has been chosen to vertical definition in the vadose zone. Testhole 4 (TH4) will be advanced through the center of the previous dispenser. area. Because of the overhanging canopy, the boring will be advanced by slant drilling at a 10° angle from vertical. In this way the'drilling rig mast will be outside the canopy, while bottom hole location will be directly beneath the dispenser location at a depth of 65 feet. 4.0 Methods The following sections will describe in detail the methods to be employed in implementing this workplan. 4.1 Boring Methods The borings will be advanced using a Mobile Drill B-50 rig, or equivalent, with a six inch or larger hollow stem continuous flight auger in accordance with ASTM Method D 1452-80 for~.soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The augers will be steam cleaned prior to drilling each boring. The lithology and other pertinent data will be recorded on a field boring log in 4 accordance with Method D 2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils. Cuttings and other spoil from the borings will placed in appropriate D.O.T. approved 55-gallon drums until verified, with analytical results, whether or not the soil is contaminated. If the material is contaminated, a written plan will be submitted by the facility operator to the County for their approval before treatment and/or disposal occurs. Disposal will be the responsibility of the Facility operatOr and occur within 90 days of completion of drilling. Back filling of any boring or part there of, will occur by pouring a bentonite cement slurry through the auger. 4.2 Soil Sampling Soil samples will be collected through the auger in 2-inch brass sleeves driven in a split spoon sampler by a 140 pound hammer with a 30-inch drop in accordance with ASTM Methods D1586-84 for split- barrel sampling of soil and D1587-83 for thin-walled tube sampling of soils. The brass sleeves and sampler will be steam cleaned prior to each use. Soil samples will be driven at depths of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 and 65 feet in the boring. The blow Counts, recovery, and lithology will be recorded on the field logs. Lithology will be described in accordance with ASTM procedure D2488-84 (Standard Practice for Descrip%ion and Identification of Soils). One brass sleeve with soil from each interval will be capped, sealed, labeled in accordance with EPA protocols, recorded on a chain of custody form, placed in a cooler at 4° centigrade or less, and transported to a California Certified Laboratory with the chain of custody for the specified analyses. 4.3 Soil Analyses The soil samples will be analyzed by BC Analytical Laboratories, a California State Certified Laboratory in accordance with state guidelines and EPA protocols. The samples will'be analyzed for fuel hydrocarbons as gasoline constituent volatile aromatics, and using EPA methods 8015 modified and 8020, respectively. 4.4 Field Screening of Soil Samples ~ Soil samples will be collected using three six-inch brass t6bes installed inside a split-spoon sampler. The middle sample tube will be immediately capped and stored in an iced cooler upon collection. The bottom tube will be used for lithologic description, and the top tube will be used for field screening. The material from the top tube will be placed, in mason jar to approximately 50 percent capacity, shaken, and stored for a period of 15 minutes. A standard headspace reading will be collected at this time and noted on the boring log. Two samples will be selected for laboratory, analysis. One sample will be from the bottom of the boring at 65 feet. The other will be the deepest soil sample that field screens as having possible elevated' concentrations. 5.0 Quality Assurance Plan This section described field and analytical quality-assurance procedures to be followed during the investigation and remediation. 5.1 Sample Collection and Handling Protocol Proper sample collection and handling are essential to assure quality of data obtained from a sample. Each sample therefore will be collected in a brass tube, preserved correctly for the intended analysis and stored for no longer than permissible holding time prior to analysis. Protocol to be applied in this project is described in section 4. 5.2 Sample Identification and Chain of Custody Protocol Sample identification ~nd Chain of Custody procedures are designed to assure sample quality and to document sample possession from the time it is collected to the time of its ultimate disposal. The container for each sample submitted for analysis will have a label affixed with the identifying number or the number will be inscribed directly on the container of feasible. The analytical laboratory will assign a separate sample number unique to that sample for internal sample coordination and identification. A description of the sample including the sample number and other pertinent information regarding its collection and/or geologic significance will be written in field notes and/or a geologic boring log being prepared by the site geologist. These field documents will be kept in a permanent project file. All sample will be analyzed by a state certified laboratory for the analyses requested. A properly completed Chain of Custody Form will be submitted to the analytical laboratory along with sample..The laboratory's assigned number will be properly entered on the form. A quality control officer at the lab will verify integrity of sample submitted, proper sample volume correctness of containers used, and properly executed Chain of Custody Form. Pertinent information~ Will be entered into a log book kept by the laboratory. 5.3 Analytical Quality Assurance In addition to routine calibration of analytical instruments with standards and blanks, the analyst is required to run dupliCates and spikes on 10 percent of analyses to assure an added measure of reliability and preciSion. Accuracy is verified throUgh the following: 1. U.S. EPA and State certification of results; Participation in inter-laboratory round robin program; "Blind" samples are submitted for analysis by the quality control officer on a weekly basis. These are prepared from National Bureau of Standards specifications of EPA reference standards; Verification of results with an alternative method. 6.0 Site Safety Plan Appendix A contains a Site Safety Plan which complies with'Worker Right to Know Regulations and CAC Title 26. 7 "' 24 ;." "" 18",, noO ~ · OnQ~ '..2 FOUR HO$1.JII Jl EXHIBIT V1CINITY 1 MAP MONTEREY . \~~,¢~._.~o~-_~t .¢,~ ~ EXHIBIT 2 SITE LAYOUT MAP EXHIBIT 2A BORING' LOCATION MAP APPENDIX A SITE SAFETY PLAN Introduction: ~ A site Safety Plan (SSP) has been designed to address safety provisions needed during the site soil assessment/remediation. Its purpose is to provide established procedures to protect all on-site personnel from direct skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion of potentially hazardous materials that may be encountered at the site. The SSP establishes personnel responsibilities, personal protective equipment standards decontamination procedures, and emergency action plans. Wilson & Associates, Inc. seeks to enter property described above of the purpose of conducting a site assessment consisting of up to four (4) borings to evaluate the extent of soil impaction. Soils samples 'will be collected at five-foot intervals during exploratory drilling using a California modified spirit-spoon sampler through a hollow-stem auger. All possible efforts will be made to collect undisturbed samples. Each sample to be chemically analyzed will be collected in a brass sleeve, capped with lined plastic lids, sealed with tape, and placed on ice in a cooler immediately. All Chain of Custody protocol will be followed. Drilling equipment will be brought to the site and operated by a subcontractor: Melton Drilling '7101 Downing Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 C-57 License Number 508270 The SSP described means for protecting all on-site personnel from deleterious contamination or personal injury while conducting on- site activities. As described below we will meet all requirements promulgated by the California Department of Health Services. Site Background: This property is an dry cleaning service located at 121 Monterey Street, Bakersfield, California. The facility previously contained two-10,000 underground gasoline storage tanks and associated piping. Responsibilities of Key Personnel: Ail personnel on-site will have assigned responsibilities. Mr. Mark Magargee of Wilson & Associates, Inc. will serve as Project Manager and On-Site Geologist. He will also serve as Site Safety Officer (SSO). As SSO, Mr. Magargee will assure that on-site personnel have received a copy of SSP. Personnel will be required to document their full understanding of the SSP before admission to the site. Compliance with the SSP will be monitored at all times by the SSO. Appropriate personal Protective equipment, listed below, will conduct a training session to assure that all are aware of safe work practices. In the training session, personnel will be made aWare of hazards at the site and will utilize Material Safety Date Sheets for information on compounds to be encountered. Mr. Mark Magargee will also be responsible for keeping field notes, collecting and securing samples, and assuring sample integrity by adherence to Chain of Custody protocol. On-site employees will take reasonable precautions to avoid unforeseen hazards. After documenting .understanding of the SSP, each on-site employee will be responsible for strict adherence to all points contained herein. Any deviation observed will be reported to the SSO and corrected. On-site employees are held responsible to perform only those tasks for which they belie~ei~hey are qualified for. ~ Provisions if this SSP are mandatory and personnel associated with on-site activities will adhere strictly hereto. Job Hazard Analysis: Hazards likely to be encountered on-site include those commonly encountered~when operating any mechanical equipment, such as the danger of falling objects or moving machinery. Simple precautions will reduce or eliminate risks associated with operating such equipment. A drilling contractor has been employed to deliver and operate al1 drilling equipment. Qualified personnel only will have any contact with this equipment. All on-site personnel, including the drilling contractor and his employees, are required to wear hard hats when in close proximity to drilling equipment. Latex gloves will be worn by persons collected or handling samples to prevent exposure to contaminants. Gloves will be changed between samples, and used ones discarded, to avoid cross-contamination. Proper respiratory equipment will be worn if vapor contamination levels on-site exceed action levels as determined using PID. Action levels requiring respiratory apparatus will be 5 ppm, in the breathing space. 9 Furthermore, no on-site smoking, open flame, or sparks will be permitted in order to prevent accidental ignition. Risk Assessment Summary: Exposure to chemicals anticipated on-site include gasoline, diesel, and benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX). These chemicals represent a hazard because they are moderately to extremely toxic and most are highly flammable. Threshold Limit Values (TLr's), Short Term Exposure Limits (STEL's), and Toxicity'levels (LD50, oral-rat), all in mg/kg (ppm), are listed below: Compound TLV STEL Toxicity Gasoline 200 300 .... Diesel 50 75 Benzenes 10 25 4894 Toluene 100 150 5000 Xylene 100 150 4300 Benzene is considered an extreme cancer hazard. Exposure Monitoring Plan: A Photo-Ionization Detector (PID) will be used to monitor vapor concentrations .around the site. Should concentrations exceed TLV's, protective measures will be taken. Passive dosimeter badges will be placed in downwind locations if PID reading indicate high levels of volatile organics in the breathing space. Personal Protective Equipment: Personnel on-site will have access to respirators with organic vapor cartridges. Replacement cartridges will be available on-site as needed. When handling samples, the on-site geologist will wear latex gloves. Hard hats will.be worn by all personnel on-site when in proximity of drilling equipment. Work Zones and Security Measures: Access to the site will be restricted to authorized~personnel. A set of cones, placards, or wide yellow tape, surrounding the site will define the perimeter. The Project Manager will be responsible for site security. 10 Decontamination Measures: Avoidance of contamination whenever possible is the best method for protection. Common sense dictates that on-site personnel avoid sitting, leaning, or placing equipment on possibly contaminated soil. Ail personnel will be'advised to wash their hands, neck, and face with soap and water before taking a break or leaving the site. Respirators will be washed with soap and water following each day's use. Drilling and sampling 'equipment used will be decontaminated by steam-cleaning, Sampling equipment will be decontaminated before each sample is taken and drilling equipment will be decontaminated before each boring is commenced. General Safe Work Practices:. Drillers and other on-site personnel will be briefed each day in "tailgate" meetings as to the day's goals and equipment to be used. Anticipated contaminants and emergency, procedures will be reviewed. Appropriate personal protective equipment will be put on and verified correct by SSO, including respirator fit. Drilling and sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before.being brought on-site. Split-spoon sampling equipment will be steam- cleaned before each use. Augers will be steam-cleaned between borings. The On-Site Geologist will oversee operations and log borings in consultation with drillers. The Sample Coordinator will assure that proper protocol is used at all times in collecting and handling samples. Training Requirements: The SSO will conduct a pre-site training session which will include all points of MSDS forms, contaminant properties, warning signs, health hazard data, risk from exposure, and emergency first aid. All chemiCals to be covered and the SSO will assure that everyone fully understands site hazards. Medical Surveillance Program:. According to CFR 29, 1910.120, Paragraph (f), employees who wear respirators 30 days or more during .one year or who have been 11 exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards above established permissible exposure limits are required to be monitored medically. all site personnel will be required to have had a complete chemical physical within the past year. Record Keeping: Documentation will be kept on personnel exposed to contaminant hazards on the job site according to OSHA regulations. These will include documentation that employees have received training on the SSP, respiratory protection, MSDS forms, and all emergency procedures. These will be reviewed during the pre-site training meeting. Exposure records on each job will be kept for 30 years to meet requirements. Included will be names and social security number of employees, medical evaluation, on-the-job logs from entry to exit, first aid administered, visits on-site by outside persons, and personal air monitoring records. Contingency Plans: · In the event of accident, injury, or other emergency, the Project 'Director, Senior Project Manager, or other person will notify appropriate government agencies or individuals as follows: 1. Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Ms. Dolores~ugh (805)836-226~ 2. Police, Fire, or Ambulance emergency 911 3. Nearest Emergency Hospital: Memorial Hospital 420 '34th Street Bakersfield, California (805)327-1792 12 Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Sparkle Cleaners/Bakersfield Dear Ms. Delores Gough; .Please be informed that'Wilson and Associates intends to mobilize to the site to conduct field operations described in the workplan at 8:00 AM on Sunday, March 18, 1990. We anticipate one day of field activities. We have contracted with Earthtec Limited to provide a B-53 drill rig and crew. Please see the attached drillers registration form and information. If there are any changes in this schedule we will immediately be in contact with your office. Sincerely, WILSONAND ASSOCIATES Mark R. Magargee Senior Hydrogeologist cc. Mike Daniel 1701 WESTVVINO E)I~IVE · SUITEE 113 · BAKEi::ISFIE!-D, CA 9330~ [805] 383-6460 · FAX [805] 3~-47~ O~AY J. A~n~)' AGENCY Name of individtJal, partn'e[ship~ company or corporation currently legally lice, aged t¢ pcrbrm tt,~ drilling, digging, driving or bori~g of domestic ~'ato. r wells )n Ken Co,~aty. ; ' EARI~IEG, Lff0- 1880 Vernon Street, Suite 7, Rose~ille, ~A ggBIB Business Address: aRlHl~C, CTO. 1880 Vevn0n Street, Suite 7, Roseville, gA gSO)~ Busings( phone number: (gl~ )~LL~=~_ ............ .. = ..... _ ...... _ If jndividual.:owner or partnership glw home address(s) and home phone(s) where owner(~) c~n~be r~ached ~fter normal work hours. Ed Hendr~ok home' phon~ - g16-7~l-2H1 I{' company or corporation glw home address and phone number of company or corporation representative that has the primary management responsibility. Current California State Well Drilling contractor's License Number. 9. Number of drilling rigs: .,.~ ........ _ , .... : ..... , Typ~: __Tr'u~k.= ........ ~ounted.[3-53 and_ ..... 8-3~ Trucks used for moving rigs: Make of Truck FORD 1987 356079 OWNERSHIP IDENTIFICATIONI Lettering th~l gives name, address and phor~e number and assigned re{llstrstion number business is to be on both sides of truck cab thai hauls or.fowl drilhng equipment, STATI;. COM IIIN~llATiON I N I~U IqANCll FUND' F5 8RU,~ RY P.O. BOX 807, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94101-0807 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE . I 990 , POLICY NUMBER: CERTIFICATE EXPIRES= 1 0-I- SA,~-! .J(~AQUIN CO'U,gTY E~VZRCNP. ENTAL HEALTH C~V[SION P.O. BOX 20~9 Sl 0CKTO~ CA 952C1 ~01~ L JO8: ALL CALIFOR?~IA ~PER~TI L_ This is to certify that we have issued a valid Workers' Compensation insurance policy in a form approved by the California Insurance Commissioner to the employer named below for the policy period indicated, This p~iicy is not subject to cancellation by the Fund except upon ten days' advance written notice to the employer. We will al~o give you TEN days' advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration. This certificate of insurance is not an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed herein. Notwithstanding any requirement, term, or condition of any contract or other document with respect tO which this certificate of insurance may be issued or may pertain, the Insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. PRE.~IOENT ~:"FL~'fE?,'~ LIAEiLiTY LI;'I:T: ~3,']C:),,2']C' ? ' EMPLOYER r- CURTIS E H,"NDR[CK DER: EARTHTEC,~ LTD. 1,~30 VERN(~N STREET~, RC SEVILLE C~ 95 57,~, #7 PRODUCER JOHN O, BRONSON CO, P.O. BOX 2553B7 SACRAMENTO~ CALIFORNIA ZIP CODE IN~URE~ EARTHTEg~ LTD, EP HEN~RICK 1830 VERNON ST, SUITE 7 ROSEVILLE~ CA ZIP CODE 95678 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSU£~ AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RI6HTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CKRTIFICATE DOE8 NOT AMEND EXTEND OR ALT~R THE COU£RAGE AFFOR~E~ BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVE~AOE COMPANY LETTER A TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY LETlEk B COMPANY LETTER C FE~ ~ 1990 COMPANY LETTER D COMPANY LETTER E COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTE~ BELOW HAVE ~[EN ISSUEU l'(I THE INSURED NAHED ABOVE ~OR lHE POLIC F'ERIDD IN~ICATED~ NOT~I?HSTANDING ANY REOUIRE~ENT~ TER~ DR CONDITION DF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUHENT ~ITH RESPECT WHICH THIS CERTIFIC~[.~Y BE )SSUED ~ ~AY,F'ERTAIN~ THE INSURANCE AFFORPEB..B~.IHE ~OLI~tES ~E~CR~BEb HEREIN' t~ SUB, TO ALL THE TE~MS~ EXCLUSIONS~ AND COH[~ITtON$ DF SUCR POLICIES, LIMII'S SHUSH MAY HAVE BEEN RE~UuED BY PAID CLAt~S, ==================================================================================================================== CO POLICY POLICY LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFF. DAlE EXP. DATE ALL LIHITS IN THOUSANDS IGENERAL LIABILITY I Al (X) COMMERCIAL GENERAL'LIABILITY 660~84JI~5088 04/10/8~ 04/10/90 I GENERAL A~OREGATE $I~ I ( ) CLAIMS MADE (~) OCCURRENCE I PRO~UCT-COMP/OPS AGGREGATE $1; I ( ) OWNERS & CDNTRAU~OR8 PROTECTIVE I PERSONAL & ADVERTIStN~ INJURY $1; ) ( ) - ' i EACH OCCURRENCE I ( ) . ~ FIRE DAMAGE (ANY ONE FIRE) $1( .J .................................... ~ ...................................... (AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY I CSL I ( ) ANY AUTO () ALLOWNEDAUTOS t~ODILY INJURY I) SCHEDULEDAUTDS i(PERPERSON) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY I ( ) NON-OWNED AUTOS (PER ACCIDENT) $ I ( ) GARAGE LIABILITY I PROPERTY __!_L! ................................ : ...................................... !_~E .......... ! ................... I I EAC" IEXCES8 OCCURRENCE AGGRE LIABILITY I ( ) UMBRELLAFOR, I ()DTHERTHANUMBRELLAFORM I I $ $ ................................................................................ ~i~iGi~Ei .......................... WORKERS' OOMFENSATION ' ' $ (E ~ ~CIDENT) EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ~ $ (DiSEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE) / ..................... , .............. ...................................... .................................... I I I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS JOB: THE GROVE AT JOHNSTON PARK APARTMENTS, CERTIFICATE HOLDER I CANCELLATION M~. BRUCE MINTZER I SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE.CANCELLED BEFORE THE.EX- 512 lOTH STREET P~RATIDN DATE THEREDF~ THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL IO DA' SACRAMENTO~ CA I WRITTEN NOTICE TU THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT~ BUT FAILURE · I TO HAIL SUCH NOTICE ~HALL IMF'O~E,NO OBLIOATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND ZIP CODE 95814 i UPON THE CO~PANY~ ITS AGENTS OR RE~ESENTATIVES. ....................................... COMPANY BACKGROUND EEIRTHTC--C, Ltd., Is a limited partnership ~hat mas formed In March, 1981, The company is located in Roseville, California. The company provides professional services in soil engineer- ing, 9sob9y. engineering geology, field obser- varJon and density testJng during earthwo~ conslzuclJ, on, and environmental consultation. Our service area extends from ~e 8av area to Reno and from Shasta to Fresno. ERP, THTEC's support personnel includes ~ngineers, Geological Engineers. Engineering Techn~dans, an, ~ngineering Secretarv, a Boote~eper, and Drill Rig Crecu. HRRTHTEC, Ltd., provides professional ser- vices ~ arch~ec~s, engineers, developers, can- tractars, governmental agencies, and private oumers, Including major oil companies. FI list of dl~nrs can be provided upon reeluest/further discussion. ¢J:IRTHTEC, U:d.'s professLonai GeatechniccY Engineering and Geological workload indudes studies for shopping center sites, hospitals, commercial and Industrial buildings, subdivi- sions, slope InstabilJlcles, and geological hazards. PRINCIPAL CONSULTANT C-d Hendrids is Earthl:ec's Pdndpai Consultant. Ed has many years of experience as o Soil Engineer, Geologist, and Engineering Geologist, as uuell as a Master of Sdence degree in ~nglneertng Science (Geology} from. the University of Callfornla,'B~rkele¥ campus. He is registered in I~e State of California as a Civl~ Engineer, a Geatechnlca! Engineer, a Geologist, and certified as an Engineering Geologist. He is also r~gistered in the State of Nevada as a Civil Engineer. In addition, he has Class Fi General Engineering and C-57 ~llnter tUell Driller's contractor'~ licenses from 18~0 Vernon Street, ~ulte 7 Ro~eulll~. I~R 9.~678 - ! I- Qualifications for EFIRTHTEC, Ltd. Fl G~o~¢hnical ~ncjin~ring and Environmental ConSultatJon Compa~) Serving Northern California 1830 Vernon Street. Suite 7 Rosevifle. CA 95678 (,916) 969-5252, · (916) 786-5262 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Professional engineering and geological ser- vices include: General site.reconnaissance Subsurface exploration to generally deter- mine earth materials conditions Soil m~chanlcs laborato~ testing to Further assess various engineering properties Soil mechanics analysis/evaluation Of site and earth materials condlLtons and reporl: of .conclusions and recommendations Including: --Graundmater '--Foundation selection and soil beating capability --PotenUal seKlement --Lateral ear~ pressures --Potential seismicit~/ --Soil improvement methods --Dewatering methods --Slope stabilL~ --Slab-on-grade and pavement support --Appropriate guide specifications :: · ldenuflcaffon of and mitigation measures for geologlc hazards, including: -- Landslides --Expansive soils , --Potential erosion ~' ~ --Faults and potential liquefaction SOIL TESTING SERVICES Quali~ assurance services include: · Earthwork Observation and soil densl~ testing during construction of building pads for residential and commercial buildings,' pavement subgrades, and ether related earthwork construction · Moisture content verification · Observation and compaction testing of backfill for utility trenches, retaining malls, el:C. · Laboratory compaction characteristics to determine soil maximum density -- optimum moisture content · All soil Sampling and testing is conducted with the latest applicable or designated specifications_ of the American Sodety for Testing Materials (ASTM). American f:lssodat~on of Sta~e HighuJay and Transpor- tation Officials (FIRSHTO), or other pertinent agencies DRILLING SERVICES ERRTHT£C, Ltd., maintains Mobile B-34 and Mobile 8-53 auger ddlilng rigs with complete soil sampling equipment for quick, flexible response for subsurface exploration. Our dNI- lng service is fully equipped to provide for either environmental related or geotechnical engineering related projects. U Jo can: · Instatl monitoring ~uells up to four inches in diameter · Drill and sample exploratory borings for various projects · Keep all augers and samplers steam dean- ed to avoid cross-contomlnaUon at con- taminated sites Drill at vartous onqles ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EAflTHTEC, Ltd.'s Engineerlng-Geologfsts pro- vide timely response to assessments of soll. rock, and groundmater potential contamina- tion by hazardous s. ubstances. S~ud[es'and services include: Solid uJaste assessment tests (S.LU,A.I', far landfills Pr~purchase site assessment of potential contamination to document site conditions in conjunction uJith real property transfem Leaking underground storag~ ~ar~ and pro- duct line assessments Including determine-" tion of extent of contamination, liaison ~¢th -.' regulatory agencies, report on cost effec- tive dean-up ai~ernatJves, and proje4t-' management of remedia~ion Surface and subsurface investigation to determine the source and extent ~IL suspected soft and ground~u~ contamination Analysis of field and analytical testing stages from feasibilit~ ~rough final reports including recommendations, design, Im- plementation and operation of o fi~a! remed~aLton measure University of California, Davis, California: B.S. Geology, 1970. University of California, Davis, California: Various courses in Civil Engineering, 1971 - 1974. University of California, Berkeley, California: M.S. Engineering Science,' 197§. University of California, Davis, California: Extension courses on professional studies of current interest. Professional. ~e~istrations and~9_CJl~.O~lOr=~nizations Registered Civil Engineer: California and Nevada Registered.Geotechnical Engineer: California Registered Geologist~ California Certified Engineering Geologist: California · Mr. Hendrick is professionally active in the Association of Engineering Geologists, American Society of Civil Engineers, Geologic Society of America, and Building Industry Association of Superior California. Professional Hi~ Lowney-Kaldveer & Associates, Oakland, California, Staff Geologist, summer 1974. Moo~e & Taber, Northern California, West Sacramento, California, En~ineer/Geologist, summer 1975, 1978 - 1978. Lowry & Associates, SaCramento, California, Project Engineer and Geologist, 1978 - 1979, Hendrick Soil and Geological Engineering, Citrus Heights, California, Principal, 1980. Earthtec, Ltd., Roseville, California, Principal, 1981 - present. Mr, Hendrick has been a geotechnical/geological consultant on over 1000 project~ in Northern California and Western Nevada, including earth dams and levees; landfills; residential, commercial, professional, and industrial buildings; churches; roadways; bridges; gas and oil drilling pads/sumps; slope stability and stabilization; erosion mitigation; site seismioity and fault ident i3fication/- location; other geologic and soil hazards; sewage ~%reatment facilities and l~aterals; dewatering; groundwater monitoring; groundwater determination: mass earthworks; airports: breakwaters; shopping centers; underground utility vaults', banks; pipelines; schools; bleachers; running tracks/play fields; etc. Also, he has consulted on sites contaminated b~ hazardous substances, tyDicall~ related to hydrocarbons, preliminary assessments prior to property sales, and S.W.A.T. February 5, 1990 ENGEL ~ cOMPANY 4oo~ UN,on AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CA 93305 Mr. Mike Daniel Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Mr. Daniel: In reply to your request that'I study the feasibility of setting a drilling rig under the drive-through canopy at your dry cleaning plant, 121 Monter. ey Street, for the pur- pose of retrieving earth samples at a depth of thirty feet (30') or more below the pavement surface, I call you.r attention to the following-: . · 1) The drilling r!g's m"~Bt would have to projebt tbrough.,the canopy roof. I know of no drilli, n~"equipment available which 'is caPable of drilling the required depth with an. operating.h'~ight l(~wer than ..your canopy roof. 2) According to the' structural drawings of the canqpy¢ t%ere are steel beams running north-south which have a clear spacing.of approx'imately six feet (6'). I don't think it is possible, to nlaneuver a drilling rig into position under' the canopy without removing at. least one of the steel' beams. These beams extend southerly over your glassed-in receiving room to. a' concrete block walt at the rear of the customer area. If you remove one beam you should remove them att and dismantle the entire receiving room. To do otherwise would jeopardize the glass watt and the r. emaining roof structure. You could re-erect the steel structure and the glass ~vatt after the dri'lting has been completed, but you'would probably have to replace the steel decking. It is practically impossible to remove and re-use steel decking without having teaks. 3) This is an expensive undertaking requiring that you make other arrangements to serve your customers for a period of at least a week prior to drilling and at least two weeks after the drilling has been completed. 4) Perhaps there is a less expensive way to sample the earth under the canopy such as slant drilling. I don't know enough about it to make specific recom- mendations, but I suspect the drilling equipment would have to be more sophis- ticated than that used in vertical drilling. Unless you already know it won't work, it might be worthwhile to look into it. Please advise, if you think I can be of further service .tn this matter. Very trutY~' yours, Alton C. Engel ACE/Iw cc." chuck Antonino, Valley Steel John Wilson February 5, 1990 ENGEL & COMPANY 400~ UNION AVENUE BAKER,~FIELD0 CA 933C~ Mr. Mike Daniel Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Mr. Daniel: In reply to your request that I study the feasibility of setting a drill£ng rig under 'the drive-through canopy at your dry cleaning plant, 121 Monterey street, for the pur- pose of retrieving earth samples at a depth of thirty feet (30') or more below the pavement surface, T call your attention to the following: 1) The drilling rig's mast would have to project through the canopy roof. ~ know of no drilling equipment available which is capable of drilling the required depth with an operating height lower than your c, anopy roof. 2) According to the structural drawings of the canopy, there are steel beams running north-south which have a clear spacing of approximately six feet (6'). I don~t think it is possible to maneuver a drilliOg rig into position under the canopy · without removing at least one of the steel beams. These beams extend southerly over your glassed-in receiv, ing room to a concrete block wall at the rear of the customer area. If you remove one beam you should remove them a11 and dismantle the entire receiving room. To do otherwise would jeopardize the glass wall and the remaining roof structure. You could re-erect the steel structure and the glass wall after the drilling has been completed, but you would probably have to replace the steel decking. Tt is practically impossible to remove and re-use steel decking without having leaks. 3) This is an expensive undertaking requiring that you make other arrangements to serve your customers for a period of at least a week prior to drilling and at least two weeks after the drilling has been completed. 4) Perhaps there is a tess expensive way to sample the earth under the canopy such as slant drilling. ! don't know enough about it to make specific recom- mendations, but I suspect the drilling equipment would have to be more sophis- ticated than that used in vertical drilling. Unless you already know It won't work, it might be worthwhile to look into it. Please advise if you think T can be of further service in this matter. Very truly yours, ACE/lw cc," Chuck Antonino, Valley'Steel John Wilson klII_E~0N & LZlC:;r-~_ r'IATE~ CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING DATE: TO: ATFENTION: SUBJECT: ENCLOSED: REMARKS: SENT BY: 1701 WESTVVIND DRIVE · SUITE 103 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93~101 IS05] 383-r~460 · FAX [B05] 323-4783 CONSTITUENT UNITS 15' DEPTH 20' DEPTH I~' BENZENE ug/g 0.02 92.21 TOLUENE ug/g 23.15 463.49 ETHYL BENZENE ug/~ 18.23 395.13 p-XYLENE ug/g 24.99 513.72 m-XYLENE Ug/g 49. 85 781.88 o-XYLENE ug/g 43.68 706.-15 TOTAL PET. ug/g 1333.36 20600,'74 HYDROCARBONS / 25~ DEPTH 30' DEPTH ~-/ ~0~ 60.09 ~.22 488.64 456.21 124.48 118.71 165.07 153.84 419.22 388.38 237.65 216.75 5659.43 5237.73 ENVIRONI,~NTAL CHEIt~/CAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM Wilson'andA~sociates 1701Westwind~Dr ~103 Bakersfield, CA Attention:. Lab No.: Sample Desc: DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 02-Nov-89 LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) 93301 John R. Wilson Date of Report: 07-Nov-89 8689-1 ~1 Sparkle Cleaners 15' DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 02-Nov-89 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results DATE ANALYSIS CCMPL~: 05-Nov-89 Minimum Reporting Level ~enzene ug/g O. 02 O. 02 Toluene ug/g 23.15 O. 02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 18.23 O. 02 p-Xylene ug/g 24.99 O. 02 m-Xylene ug/g 49.85 O. 02 o-Xylene ug/g 43.68 O. 02 Total Pet~le~ 1333.36 5.00 PHONE 327-4911 TEST METHOD: TPH for' ~oline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituentS by EPA metP~xi 8020. As Received Basis California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 CHEIiIICAI. ,41VAI. Y$1$ PETROLEUM LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Wilson and Associates 1701WestwindDr ~103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Lab No.: 8689-2 Sample Desc: $2 Sparkle Cleaners 20' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: · 02-Nov-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 02-Nov-89 Constituent ~ne Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene ug/g Analysis Results 92.21 463.49 395.13 513.72 781.88 706.15 20600.74 Date of Report: 07-Nov-89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 05-Nov-89 Reporting Level O. 02 0.02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 0.02 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Indivi~m! constituents by EPA method 8020. As Received Basis Co~ents:' Due to high level of Toluene, M-Xylene, O-Xytene present, the lowest possible sample weight gave values out of the instrument range. California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 ~ V~Analy~t ENVIRON~4ENTAL CHEMICAL ~4NAL¥$1$ PETROLEU¥ EABO RATO RI ES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Wilson andAssociates 1701 Westwind Dr $103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Lab No.: 8689-3 Sam~leDesc: $3 Sparkle Cleaners 25' DATE SAMPLE (]Or ,~ .~CTED: 02-Nov-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 02-Novr89 'Date of Report: 07-Nov-89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 05-Nov-89 '. Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units ~" Results Level 60.09 O. 02 Benzene ug/g . Toluene ug/g 488.64 O. 02 Ethyl Benzene · ug/g 124.48 O. 02 p-Xylene ug/g 165.07 O. 02 m-Xylene ug/g 419.22 O. 02 o-Xylene ug/g 237.65 O. 02 Total Petroleum 5659.43 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 ~ ~nalyst ENVIRON~IENTAL CHE/itlCAL ANALYSIS PETROLEU¥ LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Wilson and Associates 1701 Westwind Dr $103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Lab No.: 8689-4 Sample Desc: $4 Sparkle Cleaners 30' "i,. ~i ,.~:,':: i:.'.~,::~ ~::- ,,.~'. : ....... "'. ..... DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 02-Nov-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 02-Nov-89 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results Date of, Report: 07-Nov-89 DATE ANALYSIS COflPLgFED: 05-Nov-89 Reporting Level Benzene ug/g 64.22 0.02 Toluene ug/g 456.21 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 118~71 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 153.84 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g 388.38 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 216.75 0.02 Total Petroleum 5237.73 5. O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. r~thod. Indivi~,al constituents by EPA method 8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 ~ ~ualyst ENVIRONYENTAL CHEmiCAL ANALYSIS PETROLEU¥ LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Quality Control Data Wilson and Associates 1701Westwind Dr $103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Spike ID: 8629-17 Analysis Date: 05-Nov-89 Sample Matrix: Soil Units: ug/g Quality Control for Lab Nos: 8689-1, 8689-2, 8689-3, 8689-4 One sample in twenty is selected as a representative matrix which is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relative measure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spik~ with a duplicate spike is a w~asure of the relative precision of the analysis. in Spike Added to Spike Constituent Sample Spike % Eec Benzene O. 03 5.02 98.06 99.86 1.82 Toluene O. 09 5 .' 16 103.88 109.13 4.93 Ethyl Benzene O. 03 5. O1 103.81 106.52 2.58 p-Xylene O. 05, 5.06 101.90 104.43 2.45 m-Xylene O. 08 5. O1 113.13 118.35 4.51 o-Xylene O. 05 5. O0 107.14 111.06 3.59 TPH Gas O. O0 301.06 89.99 95.66 6.11 % Recovery = Spilmed Sample Concentration - Sample Concentration (Concentration of Spike) x 100 RPD (Relative Percent Difference) = Spiked Sample Conc.- Spiked Duplicate Sample Conc. (Average Conc. of Spikes) X 100 sampler: ~ate Rec'd: !'lient: Lab ~ [Description: Name: Address: BC CHAIN OF CUSTODY Sample Type: Water Soil Sludge Oil Other Tests Other:' :i (specifYi, NO. L-3553 Analysis Requested: Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By: Time: Comments: Whitc: Return to Customct with Rcpon Yellow: BC Lab Copy -'.~-~IUILS0N & CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING TO: A'FrENTION: SUBJECT: ENCLOSED: REMARKS: SENT BY: cC.. 1701 WESTWINO ORIVE · SUITE 103 · BAKE'RSFIELO, CA 93301 [805J 323-S460 · FAX JS05J 323-4723 GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director October 10, 1989 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY Mr. Mike Daniels Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Subject: Site Characterization at Sparkle Cleaners, 121 Monterey Street, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Daniels: The site characterization reports prepared by Wilson and Associates have been reviewed by this Department. The report indicated the presence of gasoline plume by the dispenser area. The report presented three mitigation alternatives including the estimated costs and clean-up time. These alternatives are as follows: Excavation and Disposal: Contamination can be removed to none detected levels but this method is not cost-effective. w Vapor Extraction: This method is effective in removing gasoline contamination in permeable formations. A Permit from the Kern County Air Pollution Control District may be required for the air emissions of the treatment system. This alternative is acceptable to this Department. Status Quo (do nothing): This alternative was recommended by Wilson and Associates with the understanding that this site'would need to 'be remediated at a future date. This Department cannot approve the "status quo" proposal at this time due to the following reasons: The "remediation at a future date" is not clearly describqd. The potential for perched groundwater at about 65' exists as indicated by recent drilling in the vicinity of the site. Mr. Mike Daniels October 10, 1989 · Page 2 The "status quo" will be reconsidered pending your ~esponse to our concerns. Regardless of the remediation chosen, please inform this office of your decision within 15 days from the date of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at (805) 8~61-3636. Sincerely, o l 5.0 Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:cas cc: John Wilson, Wilson and Associates \c:\wp\gough\sparkles.ltr ' ~I~IIL~ON & ,4~OCl,4TF~ DATE: CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING TO: SU~ECT: <~ ~~ I ENCLOSED: REMARKS: SENT BY: 1701 WESTWIND ORIVE · SUITE 103 · BAKERSFIELO, CA 93301 [8051323-6460 · FAX 1805] 323-4723 CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING DATE: TO: ATTENTION: SUBJECT: ENCLOSED: REMARKS: ~S SENT BY: /\ 1701 WESTWINO ORIVE · SUITE 103 ' ~AKERSFIELE), C~, 93301 [805) 323-6460 ® FAX (805] 323-4723 BORING NO. 1 Depth 0' -0.2' 0.2' - 10.0' 10.0' - 20.0' 20.0' - 23.0' 23.0' - 25.0' 25.0' - 12.5' 20.0' 25.0' Description A.C. Paving, 2" thick Lt. brown sl. silty med. fine sand, damp Lt. brown very sl. silty med. ?? sl odor of "gas" Sample No. 070689-1 Dark brown, sl'. silty med. sand, damp Sample No. 070689-2 Lt. brown silty med. sand with small"rocks and cobbles Sample No. 070689-3 Bottom of boring BORING NO. 2 Depth O' - 0.2' 0.2' - 10.0 10.0' - 20.0" 20.0' Description A.C. paving, 2" thick Lt. brown si. silty med. fine sand, damp Lt. brown sl. silty med. sand, damp 15.0' Sample No. 070689-4 20.0' Sample No. 070689-5 Bottom of boring BORING NO. 3 Depth O' -0.2' 0.2' - 10.0 10.0'- 20.0' 20.0' 20.0 15 .0' 20.0' · Description A.C. Paving, 2" thick Lt. brown si. silty med. fi'ne sand, damp Lt. brown sl. silty med. sand, damp sample No. 070689-6 Dark brown sl. silty med. sand, damp Sample No. 070689-7 Bottom of boring GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE ~~~NT DEPARTI ~MENTAL 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY September 25, 1989 Mr. Mike Daniels Sparkle Cleaners ' 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Subject: .Site Characterization Report Sparkle Cleaners, 121 Monterey St., Bakersfield, CA Permit #: 140006 (A-750-14) Dear Mr. Daniels: The site characterization report prepared by Wilson & Associates for the. sUbject site .has been reviewed by .this Department. In order to adequately evaluate the proPosed remediation alternatives, the log of the soil borings must be submitted for our review. This information must be submitted to this office within 7 days from the.. . - " .... .. .' , -:.:,."~..:. i' .;' date 'of this letter.'' . If you' have''any qUestions regarding this matter~ pleaSecall me at'(805) 861- .... ~. 3636' " Sincerely, · Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:cd dolores\daniels.let ~IL~ON ~ CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING DATE: TO: ATTENTION: SUBJECT: ENCLOSED: REMARKS: SENT BY: 17Ol WESTWIND DRIVE ' SUITE 103" BAKERSFIELD. CA ~)3301 [805l 323-6460 · FAX [805] 323-4723 BORING NO. i Depth O' - 0.2' 0.2' - 10.0' 10.0" -' 20.0' 20.0' - 23.0' 23.0' - 25.0' 25.0' - 12 .5' 20.0' 25 .0' Description A.C. Paving, Lt. brown sl. silty med rlnm sand, damp Lt. brown very sl. ~i't%-y-~m~'d" ?? si odor of "gas" ' -=~'- ....... Sample No. 070689-1 Dark brown, si. silty med. sand~ damp Sample No. '070689-2 Lt. brown silty med. sand with small rocks and cobbles Sample No. 070689-3 Bottom of boring BORING NO. 2 Depth 0' - 0.2' 0.2' - 10.0~ 10.0' - 20.0' 20.0' Description A.C. Paving, 2" thick Lt. brown si. silty med. fine sand, damp Lt. brown si. silty med. sand, damp 15.0' Sample No. 070689-4 20.0' Sample No. 070689-5 Bottom of boring BORING NO. 3 Depth O' -0.2' 0.2' - 10.0 10.0'- 20.0' 20.0' 20.0 15 .0' 20.0' Description A.C. Paving, 2" thick Lt. brown st. silty med. fine sand, damp Lt. brown sl. silty med. sand, damp ~%. sample No. 070689-6 Dark brown sl. silty med., sand, damp Sample No. 070689-7 Bottom of boring ]ILC:;ON & , "' XIEiE OClXITI? CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH August 25, 1989 Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Attn: Mike Daniels Re: Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey street · Dear Mr. Daniels; Attached are the results of our Site Characterization, Addendum 1, for Sparkle Cleaners, 121 Monterey Street, Bakers- field, California. If you have any question, please contact %his office. Respectfully Submitted, Kern County Environmental Health Services Department Dolores Gough ~23270 1701 WI:STVV1NO O~IIVE · SUITE 103 · BAKERSFIELD, CA (1~0~--] ~:?.3-r=~4E}O · FAX [BIDS] ~--~'~--4783 Si%e Characherization Sparkle Cleaner's 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, California Prepared by: John R. Wilson and Associates, Inc. 1701Westwind Drive, Suite 103 Bakersfield; California Procedure/Results Pursuant to approval by Dolores Gough, Hazard'ous Materials Special- isis, Kern County Health Services Department, three borings were comp- leted at Sparkle Cleaners, 121 Monterey Street, Bakersfield, California. These borings were completed on July 6, 1989. The boring equipment consisted of a truck mounted, hollow stem, continuous flight auger. 8 5/8" diameter Samples were collected at various depths, as referenced below, and analyzed for BTX, and TPH, also referenced below~ Laboratory Results (ug/g) Sample Boring Depth Benzene Toluene Ethyl Xylenes TPH Number Number Feet Benzene p m o 070689-1 1 12-1/2 ND 0.24 ND ND ND ND ND 070689-2 1 20 ND 0.26 ND ND ND ND ND 070689-3 1 25 ND 0.24 ND ND ND ND ND 070689-4 2 15 ND 0.24 ND ND ND ND ND 070689-5 2 20 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 070689-6 3 15 ND 0.23 ~ ND ND ND ND ND 070689-7 3 20 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Samples were collected Using a split spoon sampler. Soil was transferred to glass jars, sealed with aluminum foil and a seal and lid attached. Samples were placed in an ice filled container and delivered to B.C. Laboratories, Bakersfield. Summary of Results - July 6, 1989 Minor amounts of Toluene Were found to a depth of twenty-five feet in Boring No. 1. The testing, 'in general, did not detect significant amounts of contamination in any test hole. Summary of Results - August 11, 1989 & March 7, 1989 Significant contamination exists in an area as delineated on the site plan to a depth of approximately fifteen feet. A "clean" sand layer was found at a depth of approximately 10-13 feet, and was.generally limited to an area on the western side of the canopy. Recommendations There are below. three mitigation alternatives for this site as outlined 1. Excavate all soil contamination and remove to a suitable disposal site. /¢ Due to the fact that the soil contamination lies under or adjacent to a structure supporting the roof/canopy, the costs %o excavate will be high as illustrated below. Spakle Cleaners Page 2 Plans and Specifications Excavation 20'x20'x14' deep = 200 c.y. @ ll/c.y. Shoring Backfill - 200 c.y. @ $15/c.y. Import - 200 c.y. @ $8/c.y. Disposal - 200 c.y. (300 tons) Trucking - 35 hrs. @ $65/hr. Disposal Fees - 300 tons @ $85-/ton Taxes (approx.) 300 tons @ $24/ton Soil Testing (Analytical) 8 Samples @ $10$/ea. Technician - 6 hrs. @ $48/hr. Soil Testing (Geotechnical) Technician - 16 hrs. @ $48/hr. Compaction Testing Structural Engineer Paving Shoring & Underpenning Final Report Materials, Copies, Supplies, etc. Sub-Total: ~oss of 4 days of revenue due to closure of "drive-thru" 1,500 2,200 2,000 3,000 1,600 2,275 25,500 ?,200 840 288 768 400 1,500 2,350 5,000 2,000 500 58,921 4,680 Total: $ 63,601 Approximate time to complete after approvals - 45 days. 2. Operate a vapor extraction system (VES) Complete 3-4 "wells" to extract "gasoline vapors" by applying a vacuum to the wells and discharging through a APCD approved system. Approximate cost as determined by Thorne Environmental Loss of 4 days of revenue due to closure of "drive-thru" Approximate time to complete including approvals - 4-6 months Status Quo The site would be left '"as is" nothinq. $15,000-$20,000 4,680 This recommendation is to do' Sparkle Cleaners Page 3 This office is recommending understanding that this site future date. Demolition of iation of the faciIity. to leave the site "as is" with the would need to be remediated at a the structure would require remed- our recommendation is based upon the following: The source of the contaminaiion was apparently the dispenser lines. The tanks and dispenser lines have been removed. 2. The entire site is surfaced with either paving or concrete thus.preventing downward migration of the contamination. 3. Groundwater is at a depth of approximately 126 feet. 4. Contamination was ,~enerally located above a depth 'of 5. The limitations for site remediation due to adjacent struc- tures. EtWIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable' Aromatics (SOIL) Wilson and Associates 1701WestwindDr ~103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Date of Report: Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5246-1 070689-1 Soil In Jars 19-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 06-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 06-Jul-89 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results Benzene ug/g none detected Toluene ug/g' 0.24 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected p-Xylene ug/g none detected m-Xylene ug/g none detected o-Xylene ug/g none detected Total Petroleum none detected DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 13-Jul-89 Minimum Reporting Level O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 5. O0 TEST METHOD: T~ for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 ENVIRONI~ENTAL ~ LABORATORIES, INC. PETROL£Ufll J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (,SOIL) Wilson and Associates 1701Westwind Dr ~103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Date of Report: Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5246-2 070689-2 Soil In Jars 19-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 06-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 06-Jul-89 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results Benzene ug/g none detected Toluene ug/g 0.26 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected p-Xylene ug/g none detected m-Xylene ug/g none detected o-Xylene ug/g none detected Total Petroleum none detected DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 13-Jul-89 Minimum Reporting Level O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 0.02 5. O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 £NWRONM~NTAL ~ LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. PETROLEU¥ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Wilson and Associates 1701Westwind Dr $i03 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Date of Report: Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5246-3 070689-3 Soil In Jars 19-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE COl ,f ,~--"I'ED: 06-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 06-Jul-89 DATE ANALYSIS CCMPLETED: 13-Jul-89 Minin~m Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected Toluene ug/g 0.24 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected p-Xylene ug/g none detected m-Xylene ug/g none detected o-Xylene ug/g none detected Total Petroleum 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. ID~ividual constituents by EPA meth~ 8020. Dry Matter Basis California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 ENVIRONYENT,4L CHEMICAL ANALYSIS LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Wilson and Associates 1701Westwind Dr $103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Date of Report: Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5246-4 070689-4 Soil In Jars 19-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 06-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEI~ @ LAB: 06-Jul-89 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results Benzene ug/g none detected Toluene ug/g 0.24 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected p-Xylene ug/g none detected m-Xylene ug/g none detected o-Xylene ug/g none detected Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g DATE ANALYSIS COMPLEFED: 13-Jul-89 Reporting Level O. 02 O. 02 0.02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 none detected 5. O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O,H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020, Dry Matter Basis Co~m~nts: California D.O.H.S. Cert, ~102 fAnalyst ENVIRONMENTAL CHEI/IC,4L ANALYSIS PETROLEUM LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Wilson and Associates 1701Westwind Dr $103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Date of Report: 'Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5246-5 070689-5 Soil In Jars 19-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: ,06-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 06-Jul-89 DATE ANALYSIS ODMFLETED: 13-Jul-89 Minimum , Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene Ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 0.02 O. 02 O. 02 none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method, Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 EN¥1RONMEHTAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM . ABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 t%zrgeable Aro~tics (SOIL) Wilson and Associates 1701'Westwind Dr $103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Date of Report: 19-Jul-89 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5246-6 070689-6 Soil In Jars DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 06-Jul-89 Constituent DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@LAB: 06-Jul-89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 13-Jul-89 Reportir~~ A~mlysis Reporting Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.23 Toluene ug/g .. Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected p-Xylene ug/g none detected m-Xylene ug/g none detected o-Xylene ug/g none detected Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 0.02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 0.02 none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 ENVlRONM~TAL ~ : PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR.' 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (BOIL) Wilson and Associates 1701Westwind Dr ~103 Bakersfield~ CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Date of Report: Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5246-7 070689-7 Soil In Jars 19-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 06-Jul-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 06-Jul-89 Reporting Analysis. Constituent Units Results~ Benzene ~ ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Banzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ' ug/g Total Petroleum none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 13-Jul-89 Mininum Reporting Level 0.02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 0.02 O. 02 5. O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis Co~z~nts: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 0 YAnalyst Date Rec'd: BC CHAIN OF CUSTODY NO. L- ] 2 ] ] Client: Sampler: Sample Type: Analysis Requested: Name: /'7o/A.~ C~7~t,4o /~,~ Name: ......... Water Other: ~ un ~, ~ u, ~ Ad.ess: ~o~ Ad.ess: ' .SoU ~ (specify) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' '~ Sludge ~ ~ ~ Attn: ~/ ~3o/ ~1 ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ -Lab $ Des~ption: Other Tests ~ m Relinquish~ By: Date: T~e: ~eceiv~ By: Date: Time: Coments: · White: Remm to Customer with Report Yellow: BC Lab Copy Date Rec'd: C CHAIN OP~i~USTODY '~'i";~"'* NO. L- 1 2 I ' : .i:~.!iii! Client: Sampler: Sample Type: ?/ Analysis Name: Attn: Lab ~ Des~pfiOn: - ... . O~er Relinquish~ By: Date: T~e:' ~eceiv~ By:~ ...... :-- - .... :7 d ' ' ' .-/" ". ~ i White: Remm to Customer with Report ' -.Yellow: BC Lab Copy 2700 "M" Streel, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 Fax Number COUNTY OF KERN Environmental Health Services Department June 1, 1989 Mr. Mike Daniels Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Subject: Site Characterization Proposal, Addendum I Sparkle Cleaners, 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA Permit # 140006 (A750-14) Dear Mr. Daniels: In reviewing the site characterization addendum prepared by Wilson & Associates for the subject site, this Department approves of the work described in the proposal. Should the full extent of contamination not adequately defined by this phase of the investigation, subsequent addendum to this proposal must be submitted to th/s Department. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Dolores Gough Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program DG:dr dolores\daniels.Itt 5/31/19 · XIgIL_SON ~ _ AEiSOr'IATE~ CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING M~¥ 2 2 ~989 ~pr.i 1 ENVi RON MENTAL HEALTH Hs. ..lanis Lehman Kern County Health Department Enuironmental Health Division · 2700 "H" Street BaKersfield, CA ..03301 Si t~ C:hm. racteriz.stion Proposal, Addendum I SparKle Cleaners Dear Ids.. Lehman; Attached is a copy of our "Site Char. acter-izatior, Proposal: Addendum I" for SparKle Cleaners on Monterey Street, BaKersfield, California, for- your r. evie,.g. If you have any questions, please contact this office. rR~espectfull>' Submitted, (dc~hn R. Wilson, R.C.E. #23270 k~, g. Expires !2/31/87 ~ 1701 WEST//VlNO OI:IIVE * SUITE 10:3 ' BAKEI::ISFIELO, CA Cl3301 [80~5J 3~B~o460 · I=AX [BO5] 3~B3-4783 Si te Characterization Proposal , For SparKle Cleaners 121Honterey Street 8aKersfiled, California Addendum I Prepared By: John R. Wilson and Associates 1701Westwind Drive, Suite 103 BaKersfield, California 93301 B~.cKqr. ound/Si te Histor~z On August 11 ~ 1.988 McNabb C:c. nstr,Jction Company of BaKersfield rernoved t~..go-ten thousand gallon underground gasoline tanks located near the northeast corner 'of SparKle Cleaners at 121 r~lontere'..','' Street. After removal of the t.anKs, B,C. Laboratories procurred four sarnples:fro~ the soil under the tanks, t,.....,o samples from the soil under the product 1 ines and t~..go sarnples frorn the soi 1 under/near the ~,,.;est end of the dispenser island. The soil samples .,.Jer. e del ivered to E',.C. Lalz, or. atories f.:,r. constituent .analysis. The samples .,..ere an.alyzed for TPH and BT)(. All sarnples, were "l',ione Detected" for. all con.--.ti tuents ex,_-ept for' th~ t~,.o sampl es procurred from under the west ' end of the di spenser i ql and. The analysis for the island follows; Benzene ug/g 4.80 2.63 Toluene ug/g 1,~',. 13 50.67 Ethyl Benzene u g.,"g 25.84 82.5,_~ p-),.'.yl ene ug,;g 55.._44 I 66.14 m-Xyl ene ug/g 80. el 238.29 o-Xyl ene ug/g 7.9.9`8 235.63 I sopropyl Benzene u g,"g 17.53 82..98 Pet. Hydrocarbons u g,"g .99'3.02 2807.34 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 1273.85 3,~6.25 The site is served by California Water Service Company. The depth to the unconfined aquifer, in this area is approximately 126 feet. A workplan, "Site Characterization Proposal for SparKle Cleaners, 121 Monterey Street, BaKersfield, California", was submitted to the Kern County Health Department on November 20, 19'8.9, for review. See Exhibit A. On February 14, 19'8.9, the Kern County Environmental Health Department determined that the worKplan was acceptable. On March 7, 1.98.9, an "Extendahoe - BacKhoe" was used to procure additional soil samples from the "dispenser island" area. Two holes were excavated to depths of approximately 13-1/2'. See Exhibit B. The following is a summary of the analytical resul ts of the sampling. See Exhibit C. (Note: Mailed copies of the results were received April 19', 19`89'.) Sample No. Boring No. Depth 8.90307-1 1 ,~. 6 1/2' -2 1 ~9 1/2' -3 1 ~ 13 1/2' -6 2 i_ ~-~ .... 10 1/2' -7 2 i 13 1/2' L a t-, o r a t o r. >.' R e ---. u 1 t .--. ~ u q,.." q S '.;' 0 :;: 0 7 - 7 Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-)<yl ere m-X>'l ene o -:~ ,'," 1 ere Total Petroleum Hydpocaphons 23, :--:_ F,_ i 4 , ,_,~-' ~.'--' I · 'P 5 f".I D 8,6 9 7 ~ o .q.~ r~ :3 9 ~3 4 7 N E:, ';' 8 3 ¢";' 7:3 ';' 5 --, ¢, ,p 8 ...... - ~,.. ND 41 2,2S ?5 · 8,4 61 · ,.-"3 NC' 'P5'P · 1:3 217,86 I 48.75 ND 543 · 7,5 1 25 · 75 75.75 ND 15301.7,5 5114.21 ~ 6240.23.¢/ ND ~-- ND ND ND O. 12 0. '"4 0.32 4:3. ?6 ~ At the bottom of each excavation, the soil was "a clean running sand" causing the hole to "bell out". Gas odors ,,ere noticed., as t.gell as detection of hydrocarbons by meter. The results of samples procurred from Boring bio. 1 is generally representative of the prior sampling. The results of Boring No. 2 is "none detected" at the upper levels, with' minor amount of detected constituents in the previously described sand layer at t3-I/2 feet· Proposal Due to an overhanging canopy~ it was necessary to use a "bacKhoe" for obtaining soil samples. We are proposing to drill four additional borings to a maximum depth of forty feet using a continous flight~ hollow stem auger. These holes will be drilled around the exterior edge of the canopy· See Exhibit D. Samples will be procurred at incremental depths of five feet commencing at five feet by driving a split spoon sampler into undisturbed soil. The soil samples would be placed into glass jars~ covered with aluminum foil, lids tightly applied, labeled, and placed on ice in a'plastic bag. The samples would be transported to B.C. Laboratories along with chain-of-custody documentation. Samples would be analyzed to BTX constituents~ including TPH (gasoline)· During sampling a "hydrocarbon meter" would be used to ascertain if hydrocarbons were present. If hydrocarbons were not detected, an additional five feet would be drilled and an additional sample procurred. After completion of drilling, the' hc. lu~ would be bacKfilled with a combination of bentonite and native soil. An enqineering technician will be present during,the site drilling to record observations, provide field screening of samples, and to comp le soil logs of excavations. -2- Heal th and Safety CC, ITIff~OI'I ~.en.--.e FFle -~ ~.~ur'es. to saf e gu ar ,-I per-=.onn~l ..~.t he site ~..~,ill be -~--~,-,-~ This in,_-lude~ the use c,f boots, hard hats, a~nd glo,...,~s, et,_-. Final Report in,:~ / This. office ,.,..~i ll '=.uhmi t COl:,ies. ,of the .--.m. mple Im.n.~.lys. is to the- Kern r:nunty Heal th Del:,..~.rtment wi thin 7 days. ,of r'e,-,e~l:,t from B.C. Laboratories, !~ithin t~.,,~o ~.,eeKs of our receipt of m.r, al>.'s.;~ ~,.~e ~gi ll · _=.ubmit a report of ,_-,ur findings, -3- ~.1~. J~ni':-. L. ehmam P.e~n C,_~umt.~. He~.! th r.'eO.-~r trnent ~n~.~ir. onmer, tal He~l t~, C,i,..,isi,-,n 2~rjo "M" Street 8, akersf iel d, C~ 93.301 Si te Characterization Proposal SparKle Cleaners De ar Ms. Lehman; Attac Proposal f 8aKersfiel heal is a copy of the "Site Characteriz or SparKle Cleaners on Monterey Street d, for yoLIr rev i ew. If you have any questions, please contact t Respectfully Submi fred, John R. Wilson~ R.C.E. #2327 Reg. Expires 12/31/89 tion is office. EXHIBIT A' SITE CHARACTERIZATION PROPOSAL FOR SPARKLE CLEANERS 121 MONTEREY STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared'by: John R. Wilson and Associates 4000 Easton Drive, Suite 18 Bakersfield, California 93309 SITE C:HARACTERIZATION WORKF'LAN BacKqr. our, d,"Si te Hi-=.tor?" On August 11: 1'~E:8 M,_-Nabb C:onstruction C:ompan';/ of Bakersfield remoued two-ten thousand gallon underground gasoline tanK~ located near the northeast corner of Sparkle Cleaners at 12! Monterey Street. After. removal of the tanks, B.C:. Laboratories. procurred four samples from the soil under the tanks, two samples from the soil under the product lines and two samples from the soil under.."near the west end of the dispenser island. The soil samples were delivered to B.C. Laboratories for constituent analysis. The samples were.anajyzed for TPH and BTX. All samples were "None Detected" for all constituents except for the two samples pre, cuffed from under the west end of the dispenser island. The analysis for the island follows; Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Pet. Hydrocarbons Total ~et. Hydrocarbons u g/g u g/g u g/g ug/g ugx'g u g/g u g/g u g?g ug/g 2t 6t 4.80 2.63 16.13 50.67 25.84 82.56 55,64 166.14 80.91 238.29 77.98 235.63 17.53 82.98 993.02 2807.34 1273.85 3666.25 The site is served by California Water Service Company. .The depth to the unconfined aquifer in this area is approximately 126 feet. Sampl inq Proposal Due to the overhanging canopy it is proposed to use an "extendahoe" backhoe for obtaining soil .samples. Three test holes are proposed at the locations indicated on the attached "Facility Plat". The holes would be excavated to a depth of approximately sixteen feet. Soil samples would be taken at depths of; 7', 10', 1:3' and bottom of excavation. Soil would be collected from the bucket of the backhoe. Care would be taken to gather the soil from the "interior" of the soil in the bucket. The collected soil would be placed into glass "Mason Jars", capped and taped. The samples would be labeled with a sample number, boring number, and depth, and placed in a plastic bag. The bagged sample would be stored on ice, and transported to B.C.,.- Laboratories along w,i th chain'of-custody documentation. " Samples would be analyzed for BTX constituents, i'including TPH (gasoline). -1- Page 2 SparKle Cleaners November 30, 1988 During smmpling a "hydrocarbon meter" would be used to ascertain if-contamination existed in the soil. ]'his would assist in determirming which sample to analyze. If the "meter" detected hydrocarbons in the bottom of the excavation, then the first sample analyzed would be at t'he bottom of the excavation. If significant hydrocarbon contamination exists at the bottom of the excavation, it would be proposed to use a "slant" drill rig for procurring samples to a maximum depth of forty-feet. The "slant" drill rig would be used for drilling under the .overhanging canopy. After completion of drilling, the holes would be bacKfilled with a combination of bentonite and native soil. No underground sampling is proposed in this worKplan. An engineering technician wi'll be present during the site drilling to record observations,~provide field screening of samples, procure samples, and to completei'soil logs of the excavations. Heal th and Safety Common sense measures to safeguard personnel at the si te will. be observed. This includes the use of boots, hard hats, gloves, and safety glasses at a minimum. Final Reportinq This office will submit copi~es of the sample analysis sheets to the Kern County Health Department within 3 days of receipt of from B.C. Laboratories. Within two weeks of their receipt we will submit a report of our findings which will include the following; description of activities and observations, soil logs, cross-section, mitigation alternatives, sample analysis sheets, and chain-of-custody forms. EXHIBIT B AGIIICUL Tll~q ~ ~ET~OLEU~ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 i Wilson and Associates 4000 Easton Drive ~16 Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Lab No.: 1651-1 Sample Desc: ~890307-1 PUrgeableAromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: 10-Mar-89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 07-Mar-89 Constituent DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 08-Mar-89 Reporting Analysis Units Results DATE ANALYSIS- COMPLETED: 10-Mar-89 Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g 23.35 0.02 Toluene ~g/g 869.71 0.02 'Ethyl Benzene ug/g 283.99 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 412.28 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g 959.13 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 543.76 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 15301.62 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis Co~nents: California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 Analyst EXHIBIT C OF:lIES, Inc. ,EI',9OL£1JAt J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Wilson and Associates 4000 EastonDrive $16 Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Lab No.: 1651-2 Sample Desc: ~890307-2 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Re~ort: lO-Mar-89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 07-Mar-89 · Constituent DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 08-Mar-89 Reporting Analysis Units Results DATE ANALYSIS 10-Mar-89 Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g 14.83 0.02 Toluene ug/g 332.03 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 73.95 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 95.64 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g 217.86 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 125.75 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 5114.21 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA m~thod 8020. Dry Matter Basis Co~nents: · Calif°rnia D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 Analyst AGfIICU; TUR~ ,,.,,,,,,.,,,,, LABORATORIES, Ir'lC. I~ELgOL£LI~ J.J. EGLIN, REG. CHE~. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Wilson and Associates 4000 EastonDrive ~16 Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Lab No.: 1651-3 Sample Desc: $890307-3' Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: 10-Mar-89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 07-Mar-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 08-Mar-89 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 10-Mar-89 Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g 1.95 0.02 Toluene ug/g 90.47 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 39.98 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g 61.73 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g 148.26 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g 95.75 0.02 6240.23 5.00 TEST METHOD: TFH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 Analyst LABORATORIES, Inc. J' J' ~LIN, ~. CHEM. ENGR. 41~ PIE~E RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Wilson and Associates 1701Westwind ~103 Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Attention:John R. Wilson Lab No.: 1651-6 Sample Desc.: $890307-6 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: 16-Mar-89 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 07-Mar-89 Reporting Constituent Units Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ LAB: 08-Mar-89 Analysis Results None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 15-Mar-89 Minimum Reporting Level 0.02 0.02 O. O2 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 Analyst LABORATORIES, Inc. iYTfl4~L£Ut~ J.J. EGLiN, REG. CHEM. ENGI~. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Wilson and Associates 4000 EastonDrive $16 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: John R. Wilson Date of Report: 17-Mar-89 Lab No.: 1651-7 Sample Desc: $890307-7 PHONE 327-4911 DATE SAMPLE COT,r,wLT~D: 07-Mar-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 08-Mar-89 DATE ANALYSIS 16-Mar-89 Minin~m Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected Toluene ug/g none detected Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected p-Xylene ug/g O. 12 m-Xylene ug/g O. 24 o-Xylene ug/g O. 32 TOtal Petroleum ~drocar~ns ug/g ~.~ 0.02 O. 02 0.02 O. 02 O. 02 O. 02 5. O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 "Analyst Date Rec'd: ~ 7 BC CHAIN OF CUSTODY NO. L. 2 0 6 4 Client: ~'amp'ier: Sample Type: -Analysis Requested: >~~ Name: ~mo ~ ~ Name: Water Other: I.ab ~ Description: Other Tests Yellow: BC Lab Copy John R. Wilson Civil Engineer 4000 Easton Dr., #16 Bakersfield, California 93309 (805) 323-6460 SUBJECT -7_, REPLY 2?00 '~' Street. ~te. 308 Bakersfge~d. CA 93301 1805) B61-3636 KERN COUNTY Environmental Health Department C.O.L.T. LOCAL OPTION February 6, 1989 Mr. Mike Daniels Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA SUBJECT: Location: 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA Known As: Sparkle Cleaners PERMIT #: 140006 Dear Mr. Mike Daniels: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property described above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health to be the site of an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank. This notice is sent to you because our records indicate that you are a responsible party for this property. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property and the cost for oversight of these activities. California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48 require a determination of the threat to. the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL, ON A TIMELY BASIS, DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTERIZATION, FEASIBILITY STUDY AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find attachment "A", Handbook UT-35, which states the minimum required site workplan activities, the necessary requirements for selecting environmental contractors qualified to perform this work, a glossary of terms, example illustrations, and a section discussing the answers to commonly asked questions. The cost incurred by Kern ~ounty Environmental ~alth for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health in one of the two ways described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of the (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement 6Ut$on. These options ONLY pertain to costs associated with oversight. (A) STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for. the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this state contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party, for both the costs incurred by the County and the State pertaining to your site. (B) COUNTY LOCAL AGREEMENT Kern County Environmental Health is providing this'option for those who prefer to pay the County directly and avoid the addition of State costs. Prior to the Caunty's performance of services, this option requires.your deposit of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account. In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, attachment "B". To safeguard the environment, the environmental sensitivity (Attachment "C") of this site has been reviewed by Environmental Health to determine the potential threat for groundwater contamination. Only sites determined to be non-environmentally sensitive may enroll in the Local Option Agreement. The site described above is not in an environmentally'sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Option Agreement; however, the County of Kern reserves the right to cancel any Local Option Agreement, should it be discovered that groundwater contamination or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Environmental Health will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally Sensitive area. It is necessary for you to respond in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmental Health of your choice: either the State Contract or the County's Local Agreement option. If you select the County's Local Agreement, please sign the Local Agreement, enclosure "B", and return it with your check for $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) made payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kern County Environmental Health 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attention: Underground Storage Tank Contract Administrator. If you select the State Contract, please indicate that you have made this selection and that you have read attachment "D", the official notification, in a letter sent to the address indicated above. Failure to respond in writing to this notice within ten (10) calendar days will automatically result in oversight cost recovery for your site(s) to be placed under the terms of the State Pilot Program for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. Enclosure "D" will then serve as the official notification of your enrollment into the State Pilot Program for Underground StOrage Tan~s. If you should.have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Nilon, contract manager, at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Mary Weddell Assistant County Administrative Officer Environmental Health attachments 2?00 'M' $~reec. Ere. 300 8akers~fie]d. CA 93301 (805) 861-~36 Mr. Mike Daniels Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA KERN COUNTY Environmental He~ith Department ATTACHMENT "D" SUBJECT: Location: 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA Known As: Sparkle Cleaners PERMIT #: 140006 Dear Mr. Mike Daniels: This letter will serve as the official notification concerning reimbursement requirements for a responsible party enrolled in the State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program. As ~mentioned in the introductory letter, by either not responding to this package within ten (10) calendar days or through your own selection of the State Contract option, your site will be placed under the terms explained below: Whereas the Legislature has appropriated funds from the California Hazardous Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action at the above site are funded, in whole or in part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund; and Whereas the above individual(s) or entity(ies) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and Safety code, the Above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all state and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parti-es shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Control Board. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Nilon, contract manager, at (805) 861-3636~ Sincerely, ~'~. Mary Weddell Assistant County Administrative Officer Environmental Health attachments I N C. O R P O R A T .E D HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS For Mobile and Industrial Equipment 2-_ OMB No. 2050--0039 (ExpireSon~l["/ '. * *". ' - *: -: ........ ~* ": ........ . .......... : *':. ' * ~** . · .' · ~* * Sacramento, California · r type. (Form designed for use o~'~~1~ 2-pitch typewriter). . . . _ -- - Manifest JNIFORM HAZARDOUS ' I .... "': ' ~ Document No. :~:~:!/:'.o, ;-?':':-:1 ,:ia not required by Federallaw.::.?~ i. Generator's US EPA ID No. L.2.;...P. age..!..l'~.lnformation'in'the sha~Jed WASTE MANIFEST ~ >1 ,.".1 .,q'~l ~. 'Il ;?1 -~ Ti Gl I I~J .~f ~ ' A. State Manifest Document ........... ,.... .............................. : :;~,:.~:_ ..... ......~ ....... ~:.:~: '*.:,~r.*:~7~:~5:~-C~:.': ..... ........ .. '. , . I I t .5. Transpolar 1 Company Name ': ' 6. = US EPA ID Number C. State Transp~f's'lD .*~ ~ ..... 7. Transpolar 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number. . E. State ~rans~ef'a ID .... T:' -' G. State Fac~'s ID .... .~,~-~.:,:-.-==...-~ / 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number . ..'.-. ' -. : {: : T :: : ~' C :~-d .*. ~ H. Facili~'s Ph~e ; 12. Containers 13. Total 14. . ~ I. . .:,.. , Quanti~ ' Unit .-':~*': Waste No. 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) ' Wt/Vo *.:' ~ ~ · No. Type ., State ~ : ..~..~ .~ ~'~..~: ~ -..-.~: . State ' ' ' : ~ : * * EPAl~her : I I I I I I.I State d. : ~ : ..... : . . EPA/Other ..... · - J Add tional Descr pt ohs for Mater a 8 L sled Above ' . ......... ~ Handling C~es f~ Wastes Listed Above - . ~ :.' · · .. ;~:.':' : , · : '. : .' a..::'. : ~ b. ....~, -.--. · ~.,.,::. :~' :: ~..' .:.-.:.::::.~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .~:.'- :. ===================================== ?~.-:.:....::: ..... :- . . ...: . ... ~ ~ .' .~.:". ~,': *'~ ~: ..:....%..~.~: ,: .,..:~:::~:.~.::...=~:;~...... ~. ,. ....... ~ '.:.-~... ,-*. .... .. . -~-:. .:':: .......... ':, ~: ':::.¥:~*;:?~S~:..":.*..:':.:: : L' ' C .... ..:.~.:'~ ~:: ..*~.~. .d ...... '.;:;: ":' :::.'. :"-':.':.: '. :' ' :.: .:.' ====================== :: ?:.'..;.~:::.-.: .... ' ".':: "..':.; =================================== :.:~: ================================ 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information . ....... : . -.-:..:~.*: ". -- ~::' ' -~ _ : ~: ~" ~/~'~' ,-'~ ~; . : :. ..... . - _ ~'?.':': ::'< ~' '?=' ,_,7/~.'~: - ~:-:..~";~' .' =:: · ~ :' 16. ' GENERATOR'~ CERTIPICATION: I hereby d~clare that t~e contents of t~is consignment are fully and a~curately ~esc~ibed:abov~ by prope~ ~ipping name ~nd are classified, p~cked, marked;, a~d. labeled, ~nd are in all re,pecks in prope~ ~ondition for transpo~ by hi~h~Y~, according to applicable international and national government regulations. ~ ' ~ ' If I am a large ~ua~tity ~enerator, I ce~i~ t~at I b~ve a program in ~lace to reduce t~e volume and toxicity of ~aste ~ene~ated to the ~e~ree I have determined to be economically practicable and that I bav~ ~elected fha ~ractic~ble m~tho~ ~ ~reafment. stora~e, or ~is~s~ e..~P~fi7 ~v~i~e me whic~ minimizes t~e present ~nd future t~eat to ~ma~ ~ealth ~d the envi~o~ment~ OR, if I am a small ~uantity ~ene~ator, I have made a ~ood fait~ effo~ to minimize my waste ~eneration and select tbs best ~aste management method that is available to me and t~at I can afford. ~ ~ Printed/Typed Name., . . . .. ~ Signature../.'?..",?,."' "":; ~:'"' ,:, :~'"' ':/'" ' ': "'' T 17. Transp~er I Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials .. ~...... · . ,. R I . Month Day Year A Printed/Typed Name~ Signature ' " ~ 18. Transpolar 2 Acknowledgement 0f Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name [ Signature Month Day Year : ~. Discrepancy Indication Space '~wner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as no?d in Item~,19. Month Day Year K.)r.:i -"J GREEN: HAULER RETAII~'S INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BACK · are obsolete. · EMERGENCY OR SPILL. CALL THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER 1-800-424-8802; WITHIN CALIFORNIA CALL 1-800-852-75E, O ,?oo F~w~ S~eot ncRN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN · H~ALTH OFfiCER - Bake~afiatd, California 93305 Leon M Hebe~on, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ~-~.~ DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH f~~x~ Vernon S. Reichard Facility Name P; ~ Kern County Permit # · * UNDgROROUND 'TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD * * This form is to be' returned to the Kern County Health Department within ~ o£ acceptance of tank(s) by disposal7 or recycling facility. The holder of the permit, with n~ber noted above is responsible for Insuring that. this for~ Is completed ~d returned· Section I - To be' filled out ~ tank removal contractor: Tank Removal Contractor: Addre.. V O8 0IC_ / Date Tanks Removed ~ction 2 - To be filled out ~ cea r ctor "deconta inattn~'tank(s)~ .o. of Tank. Tank "Decontsalnatlon" Contractor Authorized representative of contractor certifies by signing belo~ that accordance elth Kern County l/ealth Tltle tank(s) have been decontaminated ........ an t .......................... 'n e of i'.,' Section 3 - To be filled out and si~ned bj[ __ authorized e res treatment, storaEe, o_Er dlsvosal facility acceptinE tn,ak(s): .' "".' Title ,'- N°.'''. of Tanks ~-' ' (Authorized Representative). MAILIN6 INSTRUCTIONS: Fold In half and' staple. Postage-:.a~d'" nailing label have already been afflxed to outside for your convenience. '""".'~: (Form #iINMP-150} ' ols'n%r CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING November 20, 1988 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTF,~ his. Janis Lehman Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 2700 "M" Street BaKersfield, CA 93301 Re: Site Characterization Proposal SparKle Cleaners De ar his. Lehman; Attached is a copy of the "Site Characterization Proposal for SparKle Cleaners on hionterey Street., BaKersfield, for your review. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Respectfully Submitted, 4000 EASTON DRIVE SUITE 16 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 [805} 323-6460 FAX 323-4723 SITE CHARACTERIZATION PROPOSAL FOR SPARKLE CLEANERS 121 MONTEREY STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared by: John R. Wilson and Associates 4000 Easton Drive, Suite 16 Bakersfield, California 93309 SI TE CHARACTERI ZATI ON WORI<PLAr-4 Ba,:Kqround/Site Hi story On August !!, 19'88 McNabb C:onstruction Company of BaKers. field removed two-ten thousand gal l on underground gas. ol i ne tanks located near the northeast corner of SparKle Cleaners at 121 Monterey Street. After. removal of the tanks., B.C. Laboratories procurred four samples from the soil under the tanks, two samples from the soil under the product 1 ines and tv~o samples from the soil under/near the west end of the dispenser' island. The soil samples were delivered to B.C. Laboratories for constituent analysis. The samples were analyzed for TPH and BTX. All samples were "None Detected" for all constituents except for the two samples procurred from under the west end of the dispenser island. The analysis for the island follows; Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xyl ene m-Xyl ene o-Xyl erie Isopropyl Benzene Pet. Hydrocarbons Total Pet. Hydrocarbons 4.80 2.63 u g/g :. ug/g 16.13 50.67 ' 25.84 82 56 ug/g ,,, · ug/g , 55.64 166.14 ug/g 80.91 238.29 ug/g 79.98 235.63 ug/g 17.53 8.2.98 ug/g 993.02 2807.34 ug/g 1273.85 3'6&6.25 The site is served by California Water Service Company. The depth to the unconfined aquifer in this area is approximately 126 feet. Samptinq Proposal Due to the overhanging canopy it is proposed to use an "extendahoe" backhoe for obtaining soil samples. Three test holes are proposed at the locations indicated on the attached "Facility Plat". The holes would be excavated to a depth of approximately sixteen feet. Soil samples would be taken at depths of; 7', 10' 13' , and bottom of excavation. Soil would be collected from the bucket of the backhoe. Care would be taken to gather the soil from the "interior" of the soil in the bucket. The collected soil would be placed into glass "Hason Jars", capped and taped. The samples would be labeled with a sample number, boring number, and depth, and placed in a plastic bag. The ba~ged sample would be stored on ice, and transported to B.C.,-- Laboratories along with chain-of-custody documentation. Samples would be analyzed for BTX constituents, including TPH (gasoline). -1- Page 2 SparK! e Cleaners November 30~ 1988 During sampling a "hYdrocarbon meter" would be used to ascertain if contamination existed in the soil. This would assist in determining which sample to analyze. If the "meter" detected hydrocarbons in the bottom of the excavation, then the first sample analyzed would be at the bottom of the excavation. If significant hydrocarbon contamination exists at the bottom of the excavation, it would be proposed to use a 'slant" drill rig for procurring samples to a maximum depth of forty-feet. The "slant' drill rig would be used for drill ing under the overhanging canopy. After completion of drill ing,. the holes would be bacKfilled with a combination of bentonite and native soil. No underground sampling is proposed in this worKplan. An engineering technician will be present during the site. drilling to r.ecord observations, provide field screening of sa~hples, procure samples,, and to complete soil logs of the excavations.. Health'and Safety Common sense measures to safeguard personnel at the site will be observed. This includes the use of boots, hard hats, gloves, and safety glasses at a minimum. Final Reportinq This office will submit copies of the sample analysis sheets to the Kern County Health Department within 3 days of receipt of from B.C. Laboratories. Within two weeks of their receipt we will submit a report of our findings which will include the following; description of activities and observations, soil logs, cross-section, mitigation alternatives, sample analysis sheets, and chain-of-custody forms. SPARKLE CLEANERS SITE STATE ROUTE 178 140NTEREY ~PROPOSED ~ ~ / ~~/~{~ ~CK~OE 2?00 'M' Streec, Ice. 300 8akersfi~]d. Ci 93301 (805) 861-~6'36 KERN COUN~ Envirenmenrml Health DeparmerL'c February 14, 1989 Mike Daniel Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Site Characterization Proposal for Sparkle Monterey St., Bakersfield Permit #A750-14 Cleaners, 121 Dear Mr. Daniels: This department has reviewed the site characterization proposal prepared by John Wilson of Wilson and Associates for the above referenced facility. The work described in this proposal will be acceptable for the initial investigation of the full extent of contamination at this contamination an addendum to this proposal mUs~ be ~ubmi~ ~8 this department. After all samples have been retrieved and analyzed a final report describing the full extent of. contamination at this site must be submitted to this'department within SO days. This report must discuss the remediation alternatives available for this site. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Lehman Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JL:dr 2-14-89 staff.haz\daniel.ltr cc: John Wilson Mary Weddell '~)S'11:11~ 0~IC£S Delano · ~mont · ~ke ~' '~lla · Moiave · Ridgecrest · Shafter · ~ft 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 .,ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEI~, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard October 7, 1988 Mike Daniel 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Daniel: This department has recently reviewed the laboratory results for the Sparkle Cleaners facility located at 121 Monterey Street in Bakersfield. These results indicate that a significant amount of hydrocarbon contamination is present at this site near the dispenser island. A site characterization study is necessary in order to determine the full extent of the contamination. Enclosed is this department's outline for a site characterization study. A site characterization proposal must be submitted to this department within 30 days from the date of this letter. The proposal must be approved by this department prior to initiating any work. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Janis Lehman Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Program JL:cas cc: File DISTRICT OFFICES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT EMERGENCY HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICEES :: i ~0 R LOC~ ~ ~k G E N C ~ U ~ ~ ! O N IJ'Yiiiiiiii}! ii?:ii.i}iii::::::::::::::::i::ili::i:: ::i::ii::i~iiiiiiiiiiiii~i:~i:ii~iii:::::~i::~::iiiiiii::i::i::i:::::iiiiiiii:i~i::ii::iiiii~iii~i~i~iii REPORT BEEN FILED ? ' NAME OF iNDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT I PHONE ' V "' ~MP~Y OR AGEN~ N~E ~ .~.RESE~G ~ OW.S~OP~TOR ~ R~O~Lm*.D ~ ADDRESS ~ ' ~AOILI~ NA~ E (IF APPLIOABL~ PERAT . I -- ADDRESS ~ CROSSS~RE~ ' [ ~OFAR~ ~MERC~L ~ ,NDUSTR~L ~ RUR~ m ~o~us,.~s~ ~ RETAaLFU~LSTA~ON ~ L~AL AGENCY AGENCY NAME ~NTACT PER~N P~NE (1) NAME QU~T~ LOST (G~LONS) u~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~No~ ~ ~ UNKNO~ ~z DATE DISCOVERED /~ ~WDI~VERED ~ IN~ORY~ROL ~ SU~URF~E MONITOR~G ~ NUISA~E~NDIT~NS ~ SOURCE OF DISCHARGE T~KS ONLY~I~ MA~RI~ CAUSE(S) PIPINGLE~ AGE YRS ~ mRROSION _~ UNKNOm ~E~ ONE ONLY o~ NDE~RMINED ~ SOILONLY ~ GROUNDWAmR ~ DRINKINGWA~R-(CHECKONLYIFWAmR~LLSHAVEACm~LYBEENAFFECmD) CHECK ONE ONLY ~ NO~TIONT~EN ~ POST ~NUP MONITORING IN P~RE~ ~ ~FUN~AVAI~TOPR~ED ~ EV~UATI~C~UP~RNATI~S CHECK ~PROPRIATE ACTON(S) (SEE BACK FOR ~TAILS) ~ $ ~ C~ Sim (CD) ~ EX~VAm & O~POSE (ED) ~ REMO~ FREE PRODmT(FP) ~ ENmmEDBIO DEG~ATION (1~ ~ ~ CONTAINMENT BARRIER (~) ~ EX~VA~&TREAT(E~ ~ PUMP&TR~TGROUNDWA~R(G~ ~ REP~CE SUPPLY (RS) ~ TR~TMENTATH~P(HU) ~ NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) ~ O~ER(O~ HSO~(4~ 2700 M STREET MAILING ADDRESS 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 PERI~IT FOR PEPuMANENT ~LOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN! ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M,D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT NUMBER A750-14 SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Sparkle Cleaners 121 Monterey Street Bakersfield, CA Phone #($05) 325-1241 CONTRACTOR: McNabb Construction Company 7808 Olcott Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 License No. 474337 Phone #(805) 399-474~ PEP~tIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES October 27, 1988 2 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE July 27, 1988 LOCATION. APPROVED BY (j~Janl s Leh~ad ..................... POST ON PREMISES .............. ' .... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiating closure action. 3'. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handout #UT-30. 4. A minimum of four samples must be'retrieved one third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 5. If any contractors or disposal facilities other than those listed on permit and/or permlt application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. 6. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and slx feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and also near the dispenser area(s). DISTRICT OFFICES Isabella Moiave · Rldqecrest Shafter PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANOES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A750-14 ADDENDUM 7. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. All diesel samples must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons and benzene. 8. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Health Department within five days of waste disposal. 9. All applicable state laws fo~ hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Health Department must be notified before moving/or disposing of any contaminated soil. 10. Permtttee is responsible for making sure' that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14 days of tank removal. 11. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. 12. Results must be submitted to this 'office within three days of analysis completion. ACCEPTED DATE AGRI£U~ CIt£MIC,41 AiVAL YS/S PE I'ROI ABORATORIES, In . J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) MCNABB CONSTRUCTION 78O80LCOTT ~VENUE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attention: BRYAN MCNABB Date of Report: Lab No.: Sample Desc: 6032-1 SPARKLE CLEANERS NORTH TANKE. HOLE 2' 25-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: il-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ LAB: il-Aug-88 DATEANALYSIS COMPLETED: 24-Aug-88 Minima Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g P-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected NoneDetected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 None Detected None Detected 0.10 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. Dry Matter Basis None Detected T.P.H. for Gasoline 0.10 PETROLE[~ HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile ~drocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCAR~NS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Analyst AGi~ICUL TURE £t~EMICA/ A~/AI YSIS PE Tt~OL EIJ/~ &BORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) MCNABB CONSTRUCTION 7808 OLCOTT AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attention: BRYAN MCNABB Date of Report: 25-Aug-88 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 6032-2 l SPARKLE. CLEANERS NORTH TANK E. HOLE 6' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: Il-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ T..,~,2~: 11-Aug- 88 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 24-Aug-88 Minirr~.~ Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-X¥1ene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Pet. Hyd~v~carbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 Total Petroleum Hyd~arbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Cor~nents: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile ?~drocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. '~TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-c?~orin- at~]] constituents on this report. Analyst AGI~I£UL TU~9£ ~fEMICA/ A/VA/Y$15 P£TROL£U~ LABORATORIES, Inc.. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) MCNABB CONSTRUCTION 7808 OLCOTT ~VENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attention: BRYAN MCNABB Date of Report: 25-Aug-88 Lab No.: Ssmple Desc: 6032-3 SPARKLE CLEANERS NORTH TANK W. HOLE 2' DATE SAMPLE COLLEC'rED: Il-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: il-Aug-88 ' DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 24-Aug-88 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results Mini~m, Reporting Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Datected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0. l0 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0. l0 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 I sopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarborm ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] ~onstituents on this report. Analyst AGRIt'UL TUR~ Clt£MICA~ A~VAL YSI$ · P£TROL£UM -ORATORIES, Int_;. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 MCNABB CONSTRUCTION 7808 OLCOTT 'AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attention: BRYAN MCNABB P~rgeable Aromatics [SOIL) Date of Report: 25-Aug-88 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 6032-4 SPARKLE CLEANERS NORTH TANKW. HOLE 6' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: il-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ LAB: il-Aug-88 DATE ANALySIs COMPLETED: 24-Aug-88 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results Mini~n Reporting Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p, Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detecte~] O. 10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5. O0 Total Petrole~zm Hydrocarbons ug/g None 'Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Con'J'nents: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present'(C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined con this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-c?~orin- ated] constituents on this report. Analyst £H£MICAI ANAl )'SIS LABORATORIES, In(:::. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGII. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 McNABB CONSTRUCTION 7808 OLCOTT ~VENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attention: BRYAN MCNABB Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: Lab No.: Sample Dasc: 6032-5 SPARKLE CLEANERS SOUTH TANK E. HOLE 2' 25-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 11-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ LAB: Il-Aug-88 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 24-Aug-88 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene .ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Pet. Hy~trocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Datected None Datected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 Total Petrole~r~ Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the ~constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [nonhchlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Analyst AGRI£UL £/./£A41CAI A~/AI YS/$ P£Tf~OL Et/It ~ -- ORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) MCNABB CONSTRUCTION 7808 OLCOTT ~VENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attention: BRYAN MCNABB Date of Report: 25-Aug-88 Lab No.' Sample Desc: 6032-6 SPARKLE CLEANERS SOUTH TANK E. HOLE 6" DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: il-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ ~: il-Aug-88 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 24-Aug-88 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Datected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ng/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hy~lrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrc~arbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: CAlifornia D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Co~r~ents: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCA~NS: The S,~, total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Analyst AG~I£UI TI/RE £/'/£/~/CA[ A/VA/YSIS P£T/IO/£1./M ~ LABORATORIES, Inc.. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Arorrmtics (SOIL) McNabb Construction 4204 Amour ~ve. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Bryan McNabb Date of Report: Lab No.: Sample Desc: 6032-7 Sparkle Cleaners South tank W. hole 2' 29-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: il-Aug-88 .DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 11-Aug-88 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 26-Aug-88 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results Minimt~ Reporting Level Benzene ug/g None Detected Toluene ug/g None Detected Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected p-Xylene ug/g None Detected m-Xylene ug/g None Detected o-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detect~] Pet. Hy~lrr~arbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 Total Petrole,ma Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for ~asoline Dry Matter Basis C~rfrr~nts: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarh~ns are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLE~UM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this re~rt. /. ,' zd'_~, ~7 Analyst A~ CttE~I£At A~/AI YSIS t~E l'flOl EUM LABORATORIES, Inc. ! J.J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 14100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 McNabb Construction 4204 Amour Ave. Bakersfield, CA Attention: Lab No.: Sample Desc: DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: Il-Aug-88 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) 93308 ' Bryan McNabb ' 6032-8 Sparkle Cleaners South tank W. I hole 6' DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@LAB: ii-Aug-88 Date of Report: · 29-Aug-88 Reporting Constituent Units Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g. o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Pet. Hydrocarbons ,~/g Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 26-Aug-88 Analysis Results None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detect~] None Detected None Detect~] T.P.H. for Gasoline TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. Dry Matter Basis ~Tr~ents: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: ~,~antification of volatile ~drocarbons present (C1 to C20) ~utilizi~'a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum ~r~tal of all [non-cb]orin- ated] constituents on this report. Minirr~m Reporting Level Analyst 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 0.10 CH£~ICA~ AIVAL YSI$ PE TflOL £UM LABORATORIES, I C. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) McNabb Construction 4204 Amour~ve. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Bryan McNabb Date of Report: 29-Aug-88 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 6032-9 Sparkle Cleaners Lines 2' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: Il-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ LAB: il-Aug-88 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 26-Aug-88 Reporting Analysis ConstiO~ent Units Results Minirr~ Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-X¥1ene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detect~] 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Con~Tr_~nts: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrc~arbons present (C1 to C20) utilizir~ a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrc~arbons ~ in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on tkis report. Analyst AG~ICU~ TUR£ £~E/~I~'A/ AlgAl YSIS PETROLEUM LABORATORIES, InC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) McNabb Construction 4204 Amour ~ve. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Bryan McNabb Date of Report: Lab No.: Sample Desc: 6032-10 Sparkle Cleaners Lines 6' 29-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: il-b/g-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: il-Aug-88 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 26-Aug-88 Mini~,~n Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydr¢~ar~ns ug/g None [~tected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis CoT~nts: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Q~antification of volatile ?~drocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarh~ns are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLE[~ HYDR£CARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin ..... ated] constituents on t~s report. Analyst AG/U£UI £tlE/~I£A/ A/VA/ Y$1S PETROl EII/~ LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) McNabb Construction 4204 Amour Age. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Bryan McNabb Date of Report; Lab No.: Sample Desc: 6032-11 Sparkle Cleaners Island 2' 29-Aug-88 DATE S~PLE COLLECTED: il-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@LAB: Il-Aug-88 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 26-Aug-88 Minir~m Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 4.80 0.10 Toluene ug/g 16.13 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 25.84 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 55.64 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 80.91 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 79.98 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 17.53 0.10 Pet. Hydro. carbons ug/g 993.02 5.00 Total Petrole~n Hydrocarbons ug/g 1273.85 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Colwoents: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outline]by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total~of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. ~J. t~J:. Eg~in Analyst AGRI£U/TU#E £1t£MICA/ AIiIA/ YSIS PETRO[ EUM LABORATORIES, J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable A~matics (SOIL) McNabb Construction 4204 Amour Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Bryan McNabb Date of Report: Lab No.: Sample Desc: 6032-12 Sparkle Cleaners Island 6' 29-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 11-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ LAB: Il-Aug-88 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 26-Aug-88 Mini~m~ Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 2.63 0.10 Toluene ug/g 50.67 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 82.56 '0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 166.14 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 238.29 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 235.63 0.10 Isoprop¥1 Benzene ug/g 82.98 0.10 Pet.Hyd~arbons ug/g 2807.34 5.00 Total Petrole~. Hydrocarbons ug/g 3666.25 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Confronts: PETROLEI~ HYDROCARBONS: Q~tification of volatile ~drocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizir~ a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are 'in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. ?OTAL PETROLEI~ HYDRC~ARBONS: The s~n total of all [non-chlorin- atoll] consti~3aents on this report. Analyst KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF EN¥IRONMENTAL HEALTH 17OO FLOWER STREET. BAKERSFIELD. CA (805) 861-3636 93305 INTERNAL USE ONL~j~ PTO PTA APPLICATION [FATE THIS APPLICATION IS.FOR APPLICATTON FOR PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTA~WCES $TORAOI~ FAC]:LTTY REMOVAL. OR F~ ABANDONMENT IN PLACE (PILL ON._.~E OUT APPLICATION PER FACILITY) NIGHTS~ INF.~. R~ST CROSS STRAET' :'ROPOSED ~'ROJEC? STARTING DATE {CALIF~ORNIA~ LI~ENSI ~ {MORKER'S CO~tPENS~,',T~QN { '"" INSURER ~ORKER'S COMPENSATION { ,.; PHONE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MATERIALS STORED TANK # .VOLUME C.HBMIS~L ST0~J~D (NON?C.O~U4ERC~AL MA~E ) DATES STORED C HEMICA. L~SLY STORE~ TO To TO TO ~EAREST ~ATER ~ELL - IVE DIST~CE ~D DESCRIBE TYPE IF HITIIIN 5OO FEET __ pROV[O~ I~FOR~T[OH REQUESTED O~ REVERSE SID~ OF ~HI$ SHEET BEFORE SUBMI~ING APPLICATION FOR REVIE~ 'ROVIDE DRAWING OF PHYSICAL L" 'UT OF FACI-LITY USING SPACE PROV-'O BELOW. ~T,T. OF THE FOLLOWING INFORM~TIuN MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR ~ ,?PLICATION TO BE ~ROCESs~ TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS J PROPOSED SAMPLING I/DCATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL "(~" NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION ANY WATER .WELLS OR SU .RFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' NORTH ARROW -I RADIUS 'OF FACILITY /. / 1700 Flower Street / Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENI ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INTERIM PERMIT TO OPERATE: UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVlRONMENTA~ HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMI T~i 4OOO6C ISSUED: JULY 1, 1986 EXPIRES: JULY 1, 1989 NUMBER OF TANKS= 9_ FACILITY: I OWNER: SPARKLE CLEANERS I RICHARD K. NEWMAN & ASSOCIATES 121 MONTEREY I 121 MONTEREY BAKERSFIELD, CA I BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 TANK # AGE(IN YRSk SUBSTANCE CODE 1,2 UNK MVF 3 UNK PRESSURIZED PIPING? NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT N'ON-- TRANSFERABLE ~ ~ ~ POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAlT,ED: JUL 2 1 1986, DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: Kern County Health Departmen/ Division or Environmental Hea.a~· 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 Permit Application ae APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type of Application (check): []Ne--~ Facility [-]Modification of Facility ~Existing Facility pTransfer of Ownership ~mergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Nights ~4~ Facility Name ~~ ~~%.f No. of Tanks · [~Gasollne Type of Business (check): Station ~Oth~ (deSCribe) ~]%~4f(4~a~'~ ~-~ Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? [-]yes ~No ' Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? []yes ~NO Nearest Cross St. ~"/a~ Facility Address ~ ~ ~4~~ ~ T R SEC (RUral Locations Gnly) ;~kiress F~ ~F~"~. Zip ~ ~ ~%' Telephone ~_A~i Operator Contact Person Addr ess Zip Telephone Water tn Facility Provided by Soil Characteristics' at Facility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth' Determi'nati6n~ Depth to' Groundwater Ce Contractor Address Proposed St~ar~lng Date Worker's Ccmpensation Certification CA Contractor's License NO. Zip Telephone Proposed CCmpletion Date Insurer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed ......... Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ~ Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premi~ Diesel Waste Y-'uel ~ [] [] [] B la [] [] [] Chemical Ccmposit:ion of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS ~ (if known) Chemical Previously Stored ( if different) Transfer of Ownership Date of ~-~nsfer Previous Facility Name I, n~'i'fy or terminate the Previous Owner accept fully all obl'ig'at'ions 'of l~rmit NO. __ issued to I understand that th- Permitting Authority may review and t~ansfer of the Permit to Operate this ~dergrou~d storage facility upon receiving this c~mpleted form. This form has been c~mpleted under penalty of true and correct. Signature ~ perjury and to the best of my knowledge is Facility Name ~.' Permit TANK ~ / (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM Fbi, ~7~ TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ;%Lt. APPROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted [~Non-Vaulted []Double-Wall []Single-Wall 2. ~ Material  Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel []Polyvinyl Chloride []-]Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Al~m~in~m~ [] Bronze ~Unknown Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secor{dar~ Contairm~ent []Double-Wall ~ Synthetic Liner []Other (describe): []Material 5. Tank Interior Lining ---~Rubber [-]Alkyd []Epoxy []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection 10. []Lined Vault Thickness (Inches) Iq None []unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) []Phenolic [-]Glass []Clay [t~lined D1.~known --]~Galvanized -~-~-~ass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap []vinyl Wrapping []']Tar or Asphalt DUnknown [-]None []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: DNone []Impressed Current System ['~saCrificial ;~node System Describe System & Equipment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception. a. Tank: Dvisual (vaulted tanks only) []Groundwater Monitorirg' Well(s) DVadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ['1U-Tube Without Liner' D~u-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring We.il(s)* Vapor Detector* []Liquid Level Sensor* D Conductivit~ Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space D Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing [] None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: ~lFlow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring Sump with Raceway DSealed Concrete Raceway []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway []None [] Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model: ~en Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank ~ -~.~ Tank Repaired? []Yes []No /x~Unknown Da te (s) · of Repa i r (s) Describe Repairs DYes []No DUnknown Results of Test Testing Ccmpany Overfill Protection []Operator Fills, COntrols, & Visually Monitors 5.vel DTape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves D Auto Shut- Off Controls []Capacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box [-]None [Unknown []Other: List Make & Model For.Above Devices 11. Piping ~ a. Underground Piping: ~Yes [~NO .~known Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure []Suction []Gravity Approximate L~ngth Of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad [qImpressed Current [-]Sacrificial Anode olyethyle.ne Wrap [Electrical Isolation [qVinyl Wrap [-]Tar or Asphalt nknown [-]None []-]Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: [~Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System []None ~/Unknown [-]Other (describe): Facility Name T__~_~ ,~_ _~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM__ ,, TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is: [qVaulted []Non-Vaulted I-]Double-Wall Ii]single-Wall 2. ~ Material D Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [-]Polyvinyl Chloride []Fiberglass-Clad Steel [] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Altm~intm] [] Bronze ~Unknown [] Other (describe) 3. ~ Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) dapacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Co~t'ainment '[]']Double-Wall ~Synthetic Liner '[]Lined vault [~Other (describe): OMaterial Thickness (Inches) 5. Tank Interior ~ ---~Rubber [-]Alkyd []Epoxy []Phenolic ~]Glass []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection e e. [] None []Unknown Manufactur er: Capacity (Gals.) [] Clay []Unlined ~Unkno~ --]~G~ ~ass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrappir~' []Tar or Asphalt []Unknown [[]None [2]Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: []None []Impressed Current System ['lSa'C'ri'~ic~al ;~9~x]e System Describe System & Equipment: Leak Detection, Monito~in~, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) [-~Groundwater Monitori~' Wall(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) [[]U-Tube Without Liner []U-Tube with C~mpatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitorirg Wall(s)* [] Vapor Datector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank' [] Liquid l%etrieval & Inspection Fr~m U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [][]Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing None[] Unknown ~ Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipll~j= ~Monitoring Sump with Raceway · []Sealed Concrete Race~y [']Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race~ay ~']l~)ne [] Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model: ~en Tightness T~sted? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank ~ ~a--r~Repaired? []Yes []No ~Jnknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs [] Yes []No []Unknown Results of Test Testing Company 10. Overfill Protection []Operator F['l'ls, Controls, & Visually Monitors I~vel []Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [-]Auto Shut- Off Controls B Capacitance Sensor [']Sealed Fill Box [-]None ~rdnknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping /~/Z~; ?'~ r'~ C.t~ ~'P' a. Underground Piping: ~es []NO ~UnknOwn Material. ~' Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure []Suc~Gravity Approximate [~ngth 6f 'Pipe l~ b. Underground Pipirg Corrosion Protection : Ce []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad ~Imp~essed Current []Sacrificial Anode olyethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolation [[]Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt nknown []None []Other (describe): Underground Pipirg, Secondary Contaim~ent: []Double-Wall []Synthetic. Liner System [']None ~known ' []Other (describe): PERMIT CHECKLIST This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to. K~HD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No ./ A. The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-394.1), Explanation of Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-10. 3) The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recording Sheet · b) Inventory Recording Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) I Interim Permit Between Owner and Substance Codes, B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that.the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for al.!' tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). ~[~ -/~~ i5 ~;~.~'~ ~~, F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks'within the last 30 days and were calibrated b~ a registered device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in Handbook #UT-10. Date Started _~-~r-~_tm~ ~ /~ [~ CALI~RATIUN DW/M NOTIFIED Record of Computer ..n.nge, Meter Change, Or Calibration '. Co,~pa.~ MODEL TOTALIZER READINGS IN~ODUCT FINhSH START TOTAL GALLONS CALIBRATION CHECKED ADJUSTED TO I F: TOTALIZEA SEALED METER SEALED 1:3 Y- [] .o ID ,- ID NO AND MOO~.L rOTAI IZEH READINGS ~ODUC! FINISH START Pump # MONEY TOTAL SERIAL NUMEER GAl GALLONS CALIBRATION CHECKED IOIAL IZEH SEAL DYES D NO 10 STORAGE ADJUSTEr) TO I Si OW ME rEA gEALED iPUMP-MAKE,ANO MODEL TOT&LIZER READINGS FINISH START* MONEY Pump # TOTAL SERIAL NUMBLR (.~AI. I (',INS GALLONS R{.TUflNI'U I0 CALIBRATION CHECKED t A'~! SLOW toTAL IZER SEALED D YES D NO METER SEALED FINISH 1 (.) I ALIZER READINGS START ~--"-'~;"".~ ...... Pump # Pt~MP.MAKE &NO MOOEL TOTALIZER READINGS . ~D~r FINISH START S~' I~,IAL NUMOI" R MONE¥ TOTAL IMONEY MONEY GAl. (iAi I ()N,~ GALLONS fie IURNt*U 10 :;IORAGL GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS RETURNED TO STORAQE CALtBRAT ION AOJUS1 ED TO CHFCKEL) M~-I Lfl ~LAL~'U DYES ON**' CALIBRATION FAST CHECKED · IsLow * AOJUSTED TO FAST ISLOW METER SEALED TO1A~IZER SEALED '1' O TALIZER READINGS Pflo[)uC ! FINISH START PUmp # IMONEY MON£Y TOTAL SERIAL NUMOkH GALLONS TO SIORAGE CALIBRATION CHECKED METER SEALED DYES D NO Facility: ~'~II~TER CALIBRATION CHECK FORI~ Permit Note: 1. All meters must have calibration checks a minimum o_~f twice ~ year, which may include checks done by the. Department of Weights and Measures. . ~ 2. Before starting calibration runs, wet the. calibration can with product ~nd return product to storage. 3. Run 5 gallons with nozzle wide open into the can. Note gallons and cubic Inches drawn, and return product to storage. 4. Run 5 gallons with the nozzle one-half open Into th~ can. Note gallons and cubic inches drawn, and return product to storage. 5. After all product for one calibration check is returned to. storage, remember to record the volume returned to storage in column 9 of the Inventory Recording Sheet. 6. If 'the volume measured in a 5-gallon calibration can Is more thafi 6.~ cubic inches above or below the 5-gallon mark, the meter requires calibratiou by a registered device repairman. Hose or Tank #/ Fast Flow Slow Flow Volume Returned Calib~ Date/Time' Pump # Product 52Gallon Draft 5-Gallon Draft to Storage Requ: Gals Cu. Inches Gals Cu. Inches Gallons Yes ation Device Repairman Dar red? Used for Cai ib No Cai ibration Owner or Operator Signatuy/ Calibrator's Signature SUBMIT A COPY OF T~IS FOR~ WITH ANNUA~ R~PORT. : '" ':3975 46:':"('."i.. -,.,'".:' 4177 "47 '"' ~ 4004 · .'48 ,:~i"":'