HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN MONIq[ RING SYSTEM CERTIF ATION For Use By All .h,'ixdictions ~Vbhin the ~tate of Ccdfornia .-l~'/~orio, Cire& Chttp~er & 7, Health and Scdk~ Code; Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, Cal~brnir~ Code ¢'Reg~da~ions This fot-m tx~ctsr be used ro doc~ent test~g ~d servicing of ~onltoring equipment. A separate ce~ification or repo~x must be prepared for each monirorine system con~ol panel by the rectmician who performs ~ work. A copy of this ~brm must be provide~ ;o the rank sys[em owner/operator. The o~m'/operaror must submit a copy of ~is form to ~e local agency regnlating UST systems within 30 :4.. Central information Factli'ty Name: /..~¢~¢ 7 S S Facili[y Comacr Person: Make, Model of Monkoring System: ~0~ ~OTO .~r! ~ g. tn'¢cmocy of Equipment Tested/Certified .~lj_~c~ t~ff .:q~propriate goxes [o iadiea[e specific equipment inspected/service& l_,Vf:mk Gauging Probe. Model: .. Annuim' Space or Vault Sensor. Model: Piping Sump i Trench Sensor(s). Model: }:ill Sump Sensor(s). Model: Mcchm~ical Line Leak Detector. Model: ~ k:l&.n'onic Line Let& De[ecmr. Model: CI 'funk Overfill / High-Level Sensor. Model: _-~_.Qj')_~'Lkspeci~: equipment type and model in Tank kD: 53 iii- funk Gauging Probe. Model: ~3 .~mtHar Space or Vault Sensor. Model: Ci Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: ~ l:Jll Sump Sensor(s). Model: Ci Mechmfical kine Leak Detector. Model: CI tilecrronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Section E on Page ~ llmlc Overfill / High-Level Sensor. Model: ~_ 9)[l?_¥~peci~' equipment type and model in Section E on Page Dispenser ID: J "~  DLqpeascr Containment Sensor(s). lvlodel: Shear \;alveks). - ~_ _t}i_.~p~2!ser Containmen[ Float'(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: ~g Dispenser Conminn~eht Sensor(s). Model: ~ Shear Valveks). ' ~. [)~32~5~r Contaimnenr Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: ~ Dispenser Containmen[ Sensor(s). Model: ~ Shc:a' Valveks). Bldg. No.: Contact Phone No.: (~). Dare ofTesth~g/Servicing: .._~/ Tank ID: ~ In-Tank Gauging Probe. Modek Jlr~_,.~ ...... ~ ~nul~ Space or Vauk Season Model: ~ Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: ~ Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: ~ Mech~ical Line Leak Detector, Model: ~ Electronic Line Le~ Detector. Model: ~ Tm~k Overfill / High-Level Sensor. Model: ~ O~er (specie, equipment type ~d model in Section E on Pa~e.~; _ . _ Tank ~: [] In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: ~ Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: rq Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: [] Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: [] Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Tank Overfill / High-Level Sensor. Model: . rq Other (specify equipment b, pe and model in Dispenser ID: ,~'" ~/ Section E on Pa~e 2): .... ~[ Dispenser Containment Sensor(s), lvlodel: ~~__O.~_ ~ Ill Shear Valve(s). ~ Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: '~' ~' III Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: ~~_ .... ~ Shear Valve(s). D Dispenser Contain,nent Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: ~ Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: [] Shear Valve(s). ~_l}i_Spenser Containmen[ Float(s) and Chain(s). rq Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). :qfrhc fiicilky contains more tm~ks or dispensers, copy this ~brm. Include information for eve~ t~k ~d dispenser at the facili~,. C. Cerrilicafion - 1 certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manul~cturers' guidelines. A[rached to this Certification is intBrmafion (e.g. manuthcturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information correc[ and a Plot Plan showing ~he layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also attached a copy of the report; (cheer all that t~pply): ~ System set-up ~rm hist~y~port License No'-~ ~061/D40 'I'estingCompa~yNmne: RICH ENVIRONMENTAL PhoneNo.:(661 ) 392-8687 Sire Address: ~O ~L~3 X ~ ~g~l~&O~ ~ Date of Test~g/Servicing: Page l of 3 03/01 5'loniroring System Certification D. '~%sul~} of Testing/Servicing Sofl-~; m'~ Vm'sion Installed: ~on, pietc ~he following checklist: '¥ es ICi No'~ Is the audible alarm operational? _ Yes { CI No* isthe visUalalarm0perational? _ Y~-s ICl No* Were all sensors visually hxspected, functionall¥ tested, m~d confirmed operational9 j~ \'es / ~ No* Were all sensors Nstalled at lowest point of secondary containment m~d positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their proper operation? Yes 1 ~ No* If aim'ms are relayed to a remote monitorhxg station, is all conmmnipations equipment (e.g. modem) ~ N/A operational? '\' c-s~ No* For pYessurized piping systems, does thc turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary comainment l:J 'N/A monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is elecu'ically discom~ected? If yes: which sensors positive shut-down? (Check all theft c~fl,oly) ~ Sump/Trench Sensors; 121 Dispenser Contaim~ent Sensors. Did you confirm positive shut-down due to leaks at\~ sensor failure/discormection? IZl Yes; IZl No.' ¥c-s ~ No* For r'a_nk systems that utilize the monitoring system as the prhnary tarrk overfill warning device (i.e. ~[~ N/A mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the tank fill point(s) '.and operating properly? 'If so, at what p.e. rcent of tank capacity does the alm'm trigger? . '~'cs:~~ No Was any monitoring equipmem replaced? If yes, identify specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaced m~d list the manufactm'er name and mod. el for .all replacement parts in Section E, below. ','es;" I ~ No Was liquid fotmd inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check all &al appl).? I Product; ~ Water. If yes, describe causes in Section E, below, Yes I Gl No* Was monitoring system set-up reviewed to ensure proper settings? Attach set up reports, ifapplJcabie ____.~ [~1 YesI El No* Is all monitoring equipment.o.per'.at!onai p, er. manufact[~rer's specifications? Section £ below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. Commems: ~ ~/'/4-_ ~[ .~',att... $_..~ ~ I Od"/' ' ~0~ Page 2 ot'3 03/0 Gauging / SIR Ec Cb. eck this box. gauging is used only for inven[o,-y Check this box if no tank o o' o ~au=m~, or SIR equipment is installed. This sec lion must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. the following checklist: Yes ICl No'* Has all input wiring be~n inspected for p. roper entry and termination, including testh~g ~or ground faults? ' Y cs / Ct No* Were all tanlc gauging probes visually inspected for danxage and residue buildup? '~'cs/ CI No* Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? ...... 'Yes [CI No* Was accuracy of system water levelreadings tested? Xes [ ~ No* Were allprobes reinstalled property? Y~s' I Iq No* Were all items on the equipment manu£~erurer's maintenance checklist completed'? =' in 't'ne Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. (~. Lille Lenk Detectors (LLD): gl Check this box ifLLDs are nor installed. Complete tile following checklist: Yes O No~ ~or equipment start-up or annual equipment 'certification, was a teak simulated to verify LLD perfo[mance'..' ~ N/A (Check all that ~p~o139 Simulated leak rate: {~3 g.p.h.; gl 0.1 g.p.h; gl 0.2 g.p.h. Yes [] No* Were all LLDs confirmed operational m~d accurate within reg~tlatory requirements? -' 'x'es ~ No* Was the testing apparatus properly calil~rated? '~'es I-1 N'o* For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? ~ N/A Yes [] No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut offifthe LLD detects a leak? ..... [] N/A Yes [] No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the 'monitoring system is disabled [] N/A or disconnected? Yes ] [] No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut offifany portion of the monitoring system malfunction~- [] N/A or fails a test? Yes [ [] No'* For electronic LLDs, have ail accessible wirbg connections been visually inspected? - gq N/A Y es I ~ No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. Page 3 of 3 o3/o ~. ¥1oni'toring System Certification UST Monitoring Site [ lan Date ,,,ap was drawn: __~/~/0~. Instructions If; ou ah-eady have a diagram that shows all reqmred information, you may include it, rather than this page, wkh your Monitoring System Certification. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identil\' locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular spices, sumps, dispenser pasts, spill containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line del'colors; ~md in-tank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan ~x. as prepared. Page bi of t,,..J os/m} MONITOR CERT. FAILURE REPORT ADD~ESS: 7~3 SITE CONTACT THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS WERE REPLACED/REPAIRED TO COMPLETE THE MONITOR CERTIFICATION TESTING. LIST OF PARTS ~EPLACED/REPAIRED: REPAIRS: LABOR: PARTS INSTALLED: 'rHNK i F'RODUCt': UNLEHDED i'.lO PF.'EUIOUS TI:INK ALARHS TRtiK 2 ~ "'~' ' ..... .._ HO r:'F::EL i ]_S TIqNK P, LARI'iS iiO PREVIOUS COi'ITRCT ALARMS ........ 'FRNK 'T-'I ......... ::,~ IL r REPORT HON MAY 24,04 2:52:0.3 PH ,-.Tm T T LdCKY 7 HARKET h iL~..:, ST. ~-SE~5".325-728J r_,~p..l:~...:,r: ~ Lu., ~M, FiS2E35E Fab f8 i997 N:32:20 TFINK i T~NK iS: NORMAL ~','?~ OF TANK: ..,T,..EL STEEL iNSIDE D!RMETER: 95.500 in STEEL TOT~ UaUHE:iSeOB.E~ee gal TILTED?: NO 8~WEEN FILL & CENTER.: NO EETWEEN PROBE & CENTER: 0.000 BETWEEN PROBE & F~LL: 0.000 in FUEL LEVEL 8 PROBE: 0,080 in FUEL LEVEL E~ FILL: 0,000 in PROEE S/N: 8ki5593i-G33-389~ ~.u~,~ SPEED-O-WIRE:9.094 uSECyin VERT!CgL SCALE~ 0~000 gal/in VERTICAL HEIGHT: 0,000 i~ INIT'~IL PRODUCT LEVEL: ir!~i:~L WATER LEUEL:0,250 in HiM! ~LARI,I: 0,000 gat HiGH ALARM: 0,000 gal LOW FILARM: 0.000 gal Hi WFffER ALARH: 0.~00 THEFT FiLARH: 20 LEAK gLARH: 0.2 ga!,"hr PRODUCT: UNLEADED TgNK IS: NORMAL TYPE OF TANK: STEEL ST~r, ,~ INSIDE DIAHETER: 9§ .500 in STEEL TOTAL VOLUHE:t. 2080.800 gal T!LT~D~. NO' 8ETWEEN FILL ~ CENTER: NO BETWEEN PROBE & CENTER: 0,000 BETWEEN PROBE & FILL: 0,000 FUEL LEVEL @ PR]BE: 0,000 FUEL LEVEL @ FILL.: 0.000 in PROBE S/N: 8W55931-G50-~097 PROBE SPEED-O-WIRE:9,~06 · UER. T!CAL SCAi K: v~T~UAL n~l~ ~, 0.000 in 'INITIAL PRODUCT . L~t,I~L. 16,850 in i tiIIML. ,.,.IHTEK LEUEL: 0,250 in alit .qLFIRM: 0,000 -' n:,.~i-i ~LflRM: 0,000 gal LOW FtLARH: 0,000 gal Hf '~ WATER ALARM: 0,000 in THEFT ALARM: 20,800 gal ~_~fi,, ALARM: 0,2 gal/hr PRODUCT: PL US UUItlHUI SENSE: TIED TO RELAY: FOHTACT IS: ~NTRCT 6 NONE HORMFIL CONTI:ICT 7 ~'.qr~_: CONT~:iCT 7 .::d't..-,c · N .0. TiED TO RELAY: NONE Q.'iNTACT I.S: NORMAL CONTACT 8 !,iANE: CONTACT 8 SENSE: TIED TO RELAY: HONE CONTACT IS: NORMAL CONTACT 9 i~AME: CONTACT 9 SENSE: N.O. TIED TO RELAY: NONE CONTACT IS: NORMAL CONTACT 10 iqANE: CONTACT 10 SENSE: N.O, TIE[:, TO RELAY: NONE ~ONTACT IS: NORMAL .... CONTACT PROGRAM REPORT .... ,bH MAY 24,04 =,.~.~ PM STATION NAME: LUCKY ? HARKET 788 NILES ST. 1-805-S~5-?~8t BAKERSF!ELD~ CA. 9~86 CONTACT 1 NAME: O]NTACT 1 SENSE:i N.O, TiED TQ RELAY: NONE CONTACT IS: NORMAL CONTACT 2 N.qME: CONTACT 2 SENSE: N.O. r,~zz, TO RELm'. NO,~.: CU ~,.CT IS: NORMAL CONTACT 3 NAME: Dr'IX.Df ~ TiED TO RELAY: CONTACT IS: CONTACT 4 SENSE: TIED TO RELAY: CONTACT IS: CONTACT 5 NAME: SENSE: ~E~ Tn RELAY: CONTACT I$~ CONTACT 1i !'iAME: CONTACT 1i SENSE: "fi TiED TO R. ELAU: NONE CONTACT IS: HORi'I~L CONTACT 3 N.O. NORMAL I' CONTACT 4} NONE~ NORMAL CO,"~, HCT 5 i CONTACT 12 CONTACT t2 c. FI,.te r, ..... ,,~.. N.O. TiED TO RELAY: NONE NT,qUT IS: NORMAL CONTACT i3 f'!AHE: CONTACT i3 SENSE: N.O. TIED TO RELAY: NONE CONTACT !S: NORMAL CONTACT 14 ~iRME: CONTACT 14 SENSE: N.O. TiED TO RELAY: NONE CONTACT IS: NORMAL CONTFtCI' 15 ,. !,lAME: CONTACT 1.5' SENSE: N.O. FIE[) l'O RELAY: ~NE O_'iHTACT IS: NORMAL CONTACT 16 ~i~p£: COHT~CT 16 SENSE: TiED TO RELAY: .. HONE 'N.O.' COHTDCT -o i~: NORMAL · NONE: ., .............. <. ...... NORMAL CONTACT 1Z HAME: CONTACT' i7 SENSE: i,i,rj: TIED TFi RELAY: ~,,'~.c CONTACT IS: h'OR~tPL CONTACT 18 H~ME: CONT~CI' !8 SS~SE: TIED TO RELAY: HONE CONTACT !S: NORMAL · CONTACT 19 HAME: CONTACT !? SENSE: TiED 1'0 RELAY: CONTACT IS: HORM~L CONTACT ~RNE: CONTACT SENSE: TZED TO RELAY: COHTACT IS: HORMAL CONTACT 21 ~. ~Mc. ... ".'--'--. ' CONTACT si c:.:NoE. TiED TO RELAY: NONE CONTACT ~.:,. NORMHL CONTACT 22 ii,HE: CONTACT 22 E'F' "%" ,IH.=,_. H ~:z'- TO RELAY: NONE F-F¢.'TPr~ ,.......,ri, HoT tS: NORMAL CONTACT 23 ii~i, iE: CONTACT 23 · x,'Ic, E. N I'IED TO RELAY: NONE CONTACT IS: NORMAL CONTACT 24 N~NE: CONI'HCT 24 SENSE: TiED TO RELAY: HONE CONTACT IS: NORHHL CONTACT 25 CO NT.qC T St, ,r-C = -'-['t---:,_.. :' ": TIE[.', TO RELAY: NC, iiE C:ONTDCT IS: HFIRHFi. HAME: COHTACT 26 COHTACT 26 od'bE. ~, - TIE[) TO RELAY: NC:NE CONTACT IS: NORMHL F:OHi'RCT 95 ¢OHTAC'r £8 TiED TO RELAY:: HONE C:OfTFRCT IS: HFjR. MAL COHT~CT 29 !-!FINE: CO:fiTt:ICT 29 SENSE: H .... :.lF!k l'iFi) TO RELAY.'. COH'TFCT iS: SILEHT' I]Oii'FflCT 38 T~-~F', Tn ¢.,n ,-,v=_ NOHE C ]Hi'ACT 31 i.!RHE: CO!iTACT 3i SEiiSE~ H.O. TiED ~u ~..:=M',', HONE F':'-~HT r, ~- fO: .... ~ H,..t ~o SILENT ,...L,f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .-'£ ~,~F: CONTACT 7o · :,=.'-:,c, ii ,0. TIE[:, TO RELAY: NONE ........ EEL.~Y PROGRAM REPORT ..... NON NAY 24,04 2:55:29 PH STAT[Ok NAME: LUCKY 7 HARKET 7~0 NILES ST, !-885-525-728i BAKERSFIELD, C~, 93306' ~,rED 'fO: UM!H6: RELAY i RELAY ! not timed N;qHE: ~"~O TO: rZH!f, iS', RELAY ~ RELAY '2 not tii~ied T !EL-.', TO: RELAY 3 RELFtY 3 not timed HAME: TiED TO: ~ ,, Tiiii[.IG: RELAY 4 RELAY 4 not timed RELgY 5 H.;IME: TIED TO: RELAY 5 00018 sees .... SENSOR PROGRAM REPORT ..... MON I'I~Y '24,~4 '2:.56:2~ I~1,~ STF,'T~ON NAME,' LUCKY 7 ['IHP~K=T 7E~e NILES ST, ~-885~325-728~ BAKERSFIELD, E:A. 953~6 SENSOR 1 HRHE: SENSOR 1 SENSOR 1: no transducer module OPEN BELOW: 8,00 mR OPEN TiED TO: NONE WATER BELOW: i4.88 ~ WATER TiED TO: N~iE FUEL BELOW: 18,00 mA FUEL TIED TO: NONE SENSOR 2 NAME: SENSOR 2 SENSOR 2: no tr'msducer module OPEN BELOW: 8.00 mR OPEN TiED TO: NONE HATER BELOW: 14,00 mA WATER TIED TO: NONE FUEL BELOW: 18,08 mA FLEL 'FLED TO: NONE TiED 'TO: TiHiN6: RELDY 6 RELAY ', 00010 ~iRf'tE: TIED TO: TiMiN6: RELAY 7 RELAY 00010 HAME: RELAY 8 RELAY 00010 *COPY REQUESTED'PLEAS~ FAX(661)392-0621' CXT¥ OF BAKERSFIELD ,OFFICE~ OF~.~VIRONMENTAL SERVICES FAX' (~661) ; ~7_-ZI7~Z " 'APPLICATION. TO PERFORM FUEL MONITO~4G CERTIFICATION FACH JTY ADDRESS OWNERS NAME., ; ..... ~, ¢ , DOES FAQ~Y ~ DBP~S~.P~IS$ ~: ~S,, NA/VIE OF TESTING COMPANY RI CH'' ENVIRONMENTAI~ ' ':~:"'~'"' F'![ cONTR~CTORS.LICF.2qSE ~ 9 0 - 10 7 ~ :: ::'.. N~ & PHO~:~ER.OB CONTACT~SON JAMES RICH DATE & T~ T~T ~ :TO BE CO~U~(~ ~/a Li / 0 ~/ TANK#. ,.¢ NO '~ APPROVED BY ::Z 66.1 s oF m?PUCANT CONTENTS / MONIT ING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION £or Use By All Jurisdictions Within the State of Cal~ornia -.4zithorio; Cited: Chapter 5. 7, Health w~d Sc~eO, Code; Chapter ]6, Division 3, Title 23, Cal~brnia Code of Reguh~tions This tbrm must be used to docmnent test~g m~d servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or repot~ must be prepared tbr each monkoring system consol panel by the teclmician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system owner/operator. The o~er/operator must submit a copy of this tbrm to the local agency regulating UST systems wkhh~ 30 days of test date. - A. General Information site <~ddi'ess: 'DOd ./,o t t..-~s5 :57" Facility Contact Person: Make/Model of Monitoring System: ~ ¢3../g B. lnveutory of Equipment Tested/Certified :~/l_lS_ck~d~e j?2~ropriate boxes Io indicate specific equipment inspected/serviced: 1~ la-'['ask Gauging Probe. Model: [] AImuhtr Space or Vault Sensor. Model: [] Piping Sump /Trench Sensor(s). Model: Cl Fill Smnp Senso'r(s). Model: CI Mcchmfical Line Leak Detector. Model: ~I Electronic .Line Leak Detector. city: Contact Phone No.: (__ Date of Testh~g/Servicing: (~ff/'/:2, _~_.~_.._ Model: .~]~ t~ ~ Electronic Line Leak Detector. [] Tank Overfill /High-Level Sensor. Model: ~ Tank Overfill /High-Level Sensor. Model: t-q _Otl~_cr~(speci~, equipment type and model in Section E on Page 2). ~ Other (speciff/equipment type and model in ~Fank ID: Tank ID: ~ ln-l'olfl4 Gauging Probe. Model: __ ~ in-Tank Gauging Probe. Tank ID: ~ in-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: ID Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: t21 Piping Sump /Trench Sensor(s). Model: ID Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: -- [] Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: Model: Bldg. No.: Zip: ) [] Ammlar Space or Vault Sensor. Model: [] Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: [] }?ill Sump Sensor(s). Model: k_q N. lechmfical Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Line Leak Detector. lVlodel: "l':mlc Overfill / High-Level Sensor. Model: Model: ~ Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: ['q Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: ~ Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: 121 Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: [] Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: ~_ Odier (speciS' equipment type and model in Section E on Page 2). Dispenser ID:_____] ~ ~ ~ Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: hiDShear Valve(s). =CI~DJ_~_~?er Comainment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: ~ ~' q ~ DJ.spenser Contaimnent Sensor(s). Model: ~1::> S hear Valve(s). _O__[?.i_~nser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID:__ [] Dispenser Containment Sgnsor(s). '~ Shear Vah, e(s). Model: Section E on' Page 2). CI Tank Overfill / High-Level Sensor. Model: [] Other (speci .lq, equipment U'pc and model in Section E on Page 2). Dispenser ID: ~ _~? ID Dispenser Contair~ment Sensor(s). Model: J~P Shear Valve(s). CI Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: [3 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 12 Shear Valve(s). [] Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Model: Dispenser ID: [21 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). ~1 Shear Valve(s). · ~_j_D_i~s..~_nser Containment Floal(s) and Chain(s). [] Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). *If the bacility contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this form. Include information for every tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification - I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manulhcturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification is information (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, [ have also attached a copy of the report; (cheek all t/tat appl.)9: Technician Name (print): ~~ C! System set-up [~afL,m history report Signatu~~ - - License. No.: 061/D40- ~8=09850 Phone No.:(66 1 .) 392-8687__ /Ot/~'5' ;~'---- ~gll~.t~,5~'z~'/~ _/') Date of Testing/Servicing: Certification No.: 0 t~ / ~ jr Testing Compm~y Name: RICH ENVIRONMENTAL . dd,-ess:_ U c.V_v b. - Voo / Page 1 of 3 03101 Monitoring System Certification D. Results of ~estmg/Serwcmg $o£tx~.':are Version Installed: Complete the following checklist: [:}f15' Yes CI No* ls the audible alarm operati'ona[? ~ X:~:s ff.1 No* is the visual alarm operational? ItW Yes ~ No* Were all sensors visually inspected, fimctionally tested, m~d confirmed operational? ~ Yes [] No* Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipt~ent will ~ ~J(4- not imerfere with their proper operation? ~ h'es ~ No* If aim'ms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.'g. modem~ ~ N/A operational? [] Yes (ZI No* For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment '~3 N/A monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electrically disconnected? lfyes: which sensors initiate positive shut-down? (Check all that apply) ~ Sump/Trench Sensors; IZI Dispenser Contaimnent Sensors. Did you confirm positive shnt-down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? [] Yes; [] No. ill 'X%s 71 No* For tank systems that utilize the monitorh~g system as the primary tmLk overfill warning device (i.e. no ~ N/A mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the rank fill point(s) and operating properly? If so, at what percent of tar~k capacity does the alarm trigger? Ci Yes* ~1' No Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaced- and list the manufacturer name and model ~br all replacement parts in Section E, below. ~ Yes* ~ No Was liquid fotmd inside any secondary containment systems designed'as dry systems? (Chect all &al Product; tZl Water. if yes, describe causes in Section E, below. ~ Yes l-I No* Was monitoring system set-up reviewed to ensm'e proper settings? Attach set tip reports, if applicable / ~ Yes [] No* Is all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturer's specifications? * h~ Section E below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. E. Comments: Page 2 of 3 03/0 ! F. l/n-Tank Gauging / SIR Equipnient: Check this box if tank gauging is used only tbr inventory control. Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in-tardc gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Complete the following checklist: ~, Yes FI No* Has all input wiring been inspected fbr proper entry and termination, including testing for ground fimlts? Yes _51 No* Were al'l tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage mad residue buildup?  'x'e.s ~ No* Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? Yes [] No* Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? -- Yes ~ No* Were allprobes reinstalled properly? Yes [] No* Were all items on the equipment manufactm'er's maintenance checklist completed? the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): '~t Check this box if'LLDs are not installed. Cf)replete the following checklist: ~ Yes [] No* For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to veri~ LLD performance? ~ N/A /Check all that ap, v/y) Simulated leak rate: [] 3 g.p.h.; [] 0.1 g.p.h; ~ 0.2 g.p.h. [] Yes [] No* Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? ~ Yes ~ No* Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated'? 51 Yes [] No* For lnechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? ~ N/A ~ Yes 51 No* For electronic LLDs, does the tm-bine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? -- [2 N/A -1~ Yes [] No~ For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled [] N/A or discom~ected? !~ Yes [] No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine arttomatically shut offifany portion of the monitoring system malfunctions [] N/A or fails atest? ~ Yes [] No* For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wh-ing connections been visually inspected? [] N/A ~ Yes [] No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In the Section H below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. .il. Comments: Page 3 of 3 o3/o ~ onilormg System Certification UST Monitoring Site Plan ............. ......................... Date map was drawn: ~ / ~ / 0.~. Instructions if yoti ah'eady have a diagram that shows all required information, you ]nay include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certification. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identil\, locations of the £ollowing equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak detector>; and in-tank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared. Page gT/ of 9 0s/00 %ii( ~' PRO[:tiCT: UiiLFFIf)E[:, i,.E7: FUF:L. L~OE.~ kiiTf£R LEUEL.: TEHP :: :4-:3SS UTF.:. L-ii<G;::!; IJLLFIGE ~ Tf$iK 2 PRODU'iT: FLUS: L'U~?:,C.'I i '3 i I".' ] UO } i' i i:U£L LEUEL: 'FEHP ~ GROSS UTF~ i'fi!iK i PRODUCi'~ UNLEFIDED "" ..... "'-', THHK REPORT i -8¢S"325",7281' ruu ::: !:LR7 i4:.]Z:28 'i ,.-' ,. NORH~L ';'<'! ;'=i ij ._L :N~;YDF D!FtI'ETER: ~ .... · 95,508 in ~ f!LTED'?: -NO '" ' · 16,850 ir: 0,~00 sM 8 ,:c~q gal ..i¢' F'i;'.EUrFiib~ '!'~:i'/K · U:~.ik" ' :}; P~'F:5;i;. i': · PL J.¢. F-L~RH REF'ORT !JED$1PR 02.,8,$, 12,'.58:F.12 l:'I'1 ~ft-l'[!ON Ht:iHE: · · .. :: LLiCKY 7 NI~RKET , . ~ iiILES ST. i · Bi~KER..q?IELD, CFI, TFdK i PRODUCT: UNLEFtDED : F.~H,, '~ PRODUCT: PLUS . . NO PREVIOUS .TI:INK ALRRI'!S , I:UCK. V 7 NF~RKET 7"~8 NILES ST, E:FIKER % ':ELD, Ui~L.Ei;:C, i..i:iST 'O.j GPH TEST: HOT i.ERRKED' FF_2~ DEC: NOU: OCT: LAST 0,1 6PH TEST:. 7.??'??';' 8~.¢j(jO:O6:80..aM · .' '-' ' : · , . ,.:,. !. ,:[.::· ~"" ~...~;,-~-~-.i..~.?~:~L~-:.-..z.:- · :~':tF:: · · "· ":'4;~i." CUR~EHT STFITUS: "HOT '~ ~' GPH FIOHT;~LY o.~,-.~., - , ~:,.:,, NO. F~..C~ GPH TEST ..... Y ..... FEB ' i)EC: {40U: OCT ~ :;':;'! '~ TEST: ,.. u,. GPH · ........ L!HE LEHi< REPDRT "?80 tiiLE~ ST. " HONE 06/04/200@ ].4,'29 PAGE 01/08 _R. I CH EI~_ IRO1VI~ENTAL 56~3 ~00K~ CT ~AK~.RSF~ELD,CA'93~08 OFFICE(661)392'8~87 & FAX (661) 392-0621 FAX_ TRA/~SMTTTAL COVER Time:__ No.o~ page.: From:_ 06/04/2003 14:29 661392~! PAGE 02/08 MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For Us~ ~y Wll Jurisdictions F/ithln the State of California ;iuthorto, Cited: Chapter 6. 7, Health and Safety Code; Chapt~ 15, Division 3, Tide 23. Calibrate Code of Regulatlolg Tibia form nxu~t be used to document testLug ~d aetvloiag; o~ moa {toting equipment. A seuarata certification orJ'enm't muat~o ~raam'od ~r. eac~ .monitor~a syste~ contro| 1~ne[ by the technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must bc p,'ovided to the tank system owns/operator, The owner/operator must submit a copy of this fom~ to the Inca1 agency regulating UST systems within 30 days oftc~t date. A. General Information FacU.ky Contact Person: Make,,/M.odel of Mcmltoring System: __~~l~'t~) B. Inventory of Equipment Tested/Certified Check I17 ~ppro )r d,te boxes to Indicate soeclfie cquioIneot iu.~pccled/se~,,,wieed: ~ tn-Tan~-'C]~u~i~g ~ robe~ Mbciel: [] Ammlar Space or Vault Sensor. Model: C3 Piping Sump /Trench ~en$o~,s). Model: ~ FlU Snmp Sensorial. Model: CI Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: ~ EIcctronic .Linc ~ Detector. Model: '~"d~O __ __ C] 'ra~)k Overfill 1 High-Level Sensor, Model: 0 0d~cr (specie, cq_ulpm.en.t lype and mod, el in Scctj0n E 0n_~age 2)._ Tank ~' In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: 0 Am~utm' Space or Vault Sensor, Model: __ ~ Piping Sump / T~ench S&nsor(s). Model: ~ Fill Sump $OlSOr(S). Mod~: ~ M~hanie~ Linc L~ Da~cI~. Mo~[: Elects,tic Line Lc~ ~t~tor, ~1: ~ T~tnk Overfill / HIgh-Levcl Season Mo~l: ~ O~c,' (sp~i~ equipmeni type ~d ~odsl in S~tio~.E o,~ Page U Diipc:~ Contgnmcnl Sensor(s). ~odcl: ~Shca Valve(s). ._~ blsp~?~t ~a~nm~t Floaqs) ~d Ch~?iS). Dispenser 10: ~ · ~ ~ Disposer Containm~t S~so~s). Model: ~Shem' V~v~s). _~_ pisp~ser CJmtalnmcnt Flea'is} ~d Chain(s}. , Dispenser ~: ~ Bldg. No.: City: .~{~~ _ Zip: ~ Contact Phone No.: ( ._ ) ..... Date of Testing/Servicing: .~.~__/_.~.__O....T Tank ID: In.Tank Gauging Probe. Model; __ Anmflar Space or Vault Sensor. Model: __ Piping Sump 1 Trench 2{cnsor(s). Model: __ Fill Sump Sensor(s). Modet: Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: __ Electronio Line Leak Detector. Model: Tank Overfill / High-Level Sensor, Model: __ Other (spcei~ equipment type and model iq S,,ection E on Peg~_~), "l'a n k Il): C{ la-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: 0 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: [] Piping Sump/Tr~meh $~sor(a). Model: C{ FiB ~ump Sensor(s). Model: ~ Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Modal: C{ F. lectronic Line Leak Detector, Model': ~ Tank Overi~ll ! High-Level Sen~or. Model:: O Other (speciFy .equipment t~pc and model i,n Dispenser ID:. O Dispenser Containment Sensor[s), Model': lip Shear Valve(s). Iq Digpenser Containrn?nt Dispenser ID: O Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Mode[: O Shear Yelve(s}. ~ Dispenser Containment Ploa.t~ and ChainLs Dispenser ID: O Dimpen~r Containment Sensor{s). Model: Section E On Page 2). Dispeaser Conminment Sensor(s). Mc~ted: Shear Valve(s), ' n Shear Velvets). _{~{?pen,~cr Containment,Float(s)~_d Chaiu.(s). C3 Disposer Comainment Float(s} and Chain,s},. ,, . , *Ir'tile facility e$-~mins more tanks or dispensers, copy this fo~m. Include information for ~ve~y tank and dispenser at tlu~ feciliry. C. Certification - [ certify that the equipment identified ia this document was inspected/serviced in nccor'danee with the manufocturerd guidelines. Attached to this Certification Is Information (e.g. manufacturers' ehecldlsts) necessary to verify that this information is correct add a Plot Plan shawin{ the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment eapnble of geuerntin{, such eeports, 1 have al.no attached a copy of lhe report; (ca,eli all that eRgO'J; I-I System set-up ~ry report 'l'¢chnician Name (print): --s~-~L~{~ Signatu .r~ .---r~l~,.,~Jqr-.~-~r-~. Certification No.: ..... ~ Liccnso. No.: Testing Company Name: I~ICH ~NVIRONMENTAL Page 1 0f 3 Monitoring System Certification C6i/D40- ~8_09850 ). Date of Testing/Servlcing'. 03Y0J 00/04/2003 i4:29 661392~! PAGE 03/08 1), Results of Testing/Servicing .~o~x~are Vcrsio~ installed: Yes O ~o' [~ thc audible a~ opcmfio~tal? . , ...... Yes O No* Is the visual alarm operational? Yes ~ No* Were all sens°m v~-~tly inspected, ~nc~onall~ m~*.ed~ ~d confirmed op~at~0nai? Yes ~ No* '~ere alt'~flsors ~tatled ~t lowe~ point of~nda~ containment and positioned so that other equipment Yes O No* if al~s are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all comma~ications ~qutpment (~.g. modem) Yes Q ~o* For pressured aiplng s~m,~s,'d~s the ~i~e a~tomatlcalty 'shill do~ ir cbc piping sccot~d~ conta[m~ent ~ N/A monitoz~ sysmm de.ets n le~ fails to ~erate, or is elecn'icatly dBcon~c~d? ffyes: which sentra positive shut-do~? (Ch~c~ ~11 ~h~t e~p~) ~ Sump~mnch Sensors; ~ Dispe~er Contai~ent Scnsom, Did ~ou ~onfi~ positive shut~own due t9 l~ and sensor ~/lurddisconnectlon? O Y.es; D No. ~'e~ ~ No* For t~ ~ysmms t~t udllz~"~ monitor~ system as the prima~ ta~ ove~ll wami, ns device (i.e. no ~ N/A men.ica] overfill prevcudoo valve is installed), is Oe overfill warning alarm v~ible and audible at thc tank. fill points) an~ operating properly? .ffso, at what percent of tank ~pacl~ docs me alan~ ~i~er? Y~s* ~ ~o Was any monitor~s equinem repla~ed? T. iycs. idcnti~ speci~ s~naom, ~obcs. or other equipment a~d list ~e m~u~ur~ ~me and model,(or al replacement ~ts in Section ~, ~low. Y~* ~ No Was liquid fo~d ~side any secondly ~tsinment sys~ms dmig~.ed as d~ systems? (L~,~ci ~11 ;h~ ~oduct; ~ Water. lf~es, describe causes i, Section ~, below. . M Ye~ Q No* Was monitoring sysmm set-~ reviewed to ensue pro, er se~nis~ ~ch set up ~cpom, it:applicable ~?"eS' ~ No* is ~l monitor~i equipm~t operat~pnal per m~u(~cturer's, spec~.Catlo~? , . .. - * In Section E below, describe how and when lliese deficiencies were or will be corrected. E. Comments: :P~e 7. of 3 O.~lOt 06/04/2003 14:29 PAC~ 04/08 F. In-Tank Gauging / SIR Equipment: [] Chcck &is box if tank gauging is used only for inventory [] Cher. Jk this box [Eno tank gauging or SIK equipment is installed. This sectiotx must be completed ii' in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform, leak detection monitoring. Complete tan totlowm[~ enec~lm~[;, ...........  [~Yes [] Ilo= Has all input wiringbeen [n.spec'ted for proper entry and tem,dnation, [ncluding testing for ground fau}ts? '~' es O No'*'" Were all tank gauging probes v~uaiiy insp"e'~tad for dat~age and residue buildup? ? ,Ye~' C1 No' Was licCumcy o'fsystem pr6dm:t level r~adi.gs teste~? ,, /1~ .?es [] No;" Wer~'all pr°bcs rein.st•tied properlY? ~ Yes ~ No* Were ail it~.m~ on the"equipmeet'~ufaerurer's rr~inteuar~'c'~'eh~flclist ~ompl%d? thc Section H, below, describe how and when these defieiencie~ were or will be corrected. .Line Leak Detectors (LTL,D): ~ Check this box lf)..LDs are not jnstaJled. [] Yes 13 No* For equipment start-up or mm•al equipmeut c, erfific~tion, was a leak simulated to verify LLD i~;'t".ormance? ~i~ N/A ~¢heckallthata~') Simutated leak rate: []3g.p.h.; rq0.] 8.p.h; CI0.2§.p.h. -[:j- yes ~ Nu* Were ali L_LDs comZi.ru~ed oper~ion~.l, and a~curate'wjthin re~uJato.ry requkements? ..... [] Yes- [] Nr~ Was d~e testing apparatus properly caJibrated? .,, CI Yes' CI No* For me~hani~i LLDs, doeJ'¥he LLD restrict pr•duet flow it;it detects a le~ic-? -' ~ N/A .......... ~ Yes [] No* For cJc'~-~mnJ¢ LLDs. d~es the turbine a~tomafica]ly sht~'~ ;)ff if the LLD'deteets a leak? [] N/A 'T~ Yes [] 'No* For electronic LLD-~ does the turb{~e au~omati~aliy shut off if any portion of the m~)nitoring system is disabled CI N/A or disc•tunneled? 1~ Yes CI No* ~or electroni~ LLDs, does the t~biae automatic~liy shut el'f if any portion of'the moaitori~"s'~-'stem m~tfunctions ~ N/A or flails a test? ~ Y~ [] No* For electro'hie LLDs, have 'all accesslbt~"wiring co[me~ions been vi$~ially inspected.~' ~ Y?.s -C3 No* were all items'"~?.~e equipment manufacturer'~'~aLnteuance ch,?st completed? .... · ' In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. Comments: Page 3 of 3 6/84/2883 14:29 66139~1 PAGE 85/88 Monitoring System Certification UST Monitoring Site Plan si,~ ^~d,,,~.,: d.U.t.~7, ~.,, ~oo_..~uxl~~,-- 1:~.~'2..--c~-~_ ~_._,o., ~ · .................. ................. ..................":i: ~:: i i i i i~ .~.~i i i i i i ! i ! i i, ~: :::::::::-.:-P~.~.'~,~,r .... :..::~. ::::::::::::::::: ~' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::.:::/ .............. ::: ~: :':'::::::: :~? :~ ~..r~::::::..::: ..... ::::::::::: ...................... :...:../-.~....,__,_. ................ ..................... : ~,~t. ~ ....................... Date map wes drawn: /f' Instructious ]f you already have a diagram that shows nj1 required information, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certificafio.n.. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify Ioc0tJons of the following equipment, i,f inst~llcd: monitor~g system control panels; sensors monitoriog tal~k annular spaces, sumps, disjpc~ser pans, spill con~alners, or other secondary containmo~t areas; mechan, ic~l or electronic tine leak detectors; and iii-tank liquid level probes (if used ~'or leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site ?lan was prepared. Page .~ ._ of..~ I~ $~-~lOU$ mN( I'RHK, 2 pl~ff.~c'r:. H. US,, -qHK "L P~DU31':' tJNLEI~B PAGE OCT t 07/08 29 661392~! IO:14 BK~FI_D FIRE PR~¥;~NTION [ 861 ) tl52-217P. PAGE 88/88 MRR 28 2003 10:14 SFLD FIRE PREVEMTIOM 1) 852-2172 p.1 02/2?/2003 16:91 6613920621 PAGE 81 / 81 *COPY R~QUEsT~D PLEASE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OffiCE OF F. AWVIRON1VIENTAL SERVICES 1715 Ches~er Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 526-3979 fax {~6) 326-0576 APPLICATION TO FERFOR,M FUEL MONITORING CI~RTII~ICATION ~D~S ~' ' ~ · O~ ~ ~