HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REP 1993 .SENDER: . Complete items i and/or 2 for additional services· · Complete items?3, and 4a & b. · Print ~our r~ame and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this ..... card to.<.you. · Attach this ~or.m to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does no;( ~perm'it.' ~.~ Write '~Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number · Th~ Re{d'rn'tl~ceipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered,' I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1.. [] Addressee's Address 2. [] Restricted Delivery CYnsult postmaster for fee. o 4a. Article Number 'o 3. Article Addressed to: ~ ULTRAMAR INC. ~ ~ P 390 195 233 ~ 4b. Service Type I= ATTN: RANDALL STEP~{ENSON [] Registered [] Insure~l  525' W. THIRD STREET ~ Certified [] COD · I~ I:U~FORD, CA 93230 [] Exnress Mail [] Return Receipt for il ~ Merchandise 7. Date of E~v~ry 15.Signature (Addressee) 8. Addressee's Address (0nl¥ if requested and fee is paid) 6. Signature/J~/e~t)~ //' 7 530 ~ PS Form 31~rl, December 1991 "~ u.s.~'.P.O.: 1992-30 - DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIP I UNITED STATES POSTAL Official Business Print your name, address and ZIP Code here JOSEPH D~DY HAZ MAT DIVTSION, UST PROGR/~I 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, C A 93301 SENDER: · Complete items I and/or 2 for additional services. · Complete items 3, and 4a & b. · Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. Write "Return ,l~.ceipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number ~ The Return ReCeipt wild show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. 3. Article Addressed to: e MARK MAGARGEE :- E EARTH SYSTEMS INC. ~ 6701 MCDIVI~'~ DR., SUITE B 1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 ~{ 5. Signature (Addressee) ~1 6. 'signature (Agent) ~ - F/ O _~ PS Form 3811, December 1991 ~' U.S.G.P.O,: 1992-307-530 I also wish to receive' the following services (for an extra fee): 1. [] Addressee's Address 2. [] Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. · 4a. Article Number P 390 195 234 4b. Service Type ,,- [] Registered [] Insure(~ [] Ce. rtified .. [] COD .~- [] Express Mail ~ Return Receipt for Merchandise 7._Qat~ of DeliYery 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Official Business PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code.here · · JOSEPH D~DY HAZ MAT DIVISION - UST PROGRAM 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 q//? CONTINUED (See 2nd File) BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTfT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVEN~I~N ~t/17/~3 Dote APPLICATION Application In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, appfication is made by: '-....'. Omega Construction, 2tO0 :;. Union Ave., ~akers£ield, Q~ Name of Company Address ' to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involving, Or..Creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: ins~allation of (l) ~2,~q.. ~al underground gasoline storage tank to re_~lace existing one located at ~eacon Oil, 6601 Per m~ ... f../.~..~.~..~. ............................. Dote FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" June 29,1993 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Mr. Randy Stephenson UItramar Inc. 525 West Third Street Hanford, California 93230 RE: Former Beacon Station #578 Dear Mr. Stephenson, We have reviewed the closure report prepared by Holguin Fahan & Associates, Inc., for the former Beacon Service Station #578, located at 6601 Ming Avenue. Based upon the laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the remedial action performed at this site, and require no further remedial action at this time. In order to effect complete closure of this site, the Vapor Extraction wells need to be properly closed also. Please notify this office at least 48 hours prior to the closure of these wells. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely yours, R.EH/dm HAZ~OUS MATERIAIS TIME CHARGED BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: NAME: · TIME CHGD: /,, COMMENTS: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: T-iR /..3, e, oo ~ ! Plo ~ / HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASS T , INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 143 South Figueroa Street · Ventura, California 93001 (805) 652-0219 · FAX (805) 652-0793 853 West 17th Street · Costa Mesa, California 92627 (714) 642-2660 · FAX (714) 642-2544 2820 Pegasus Drive, Ste. I · Bakersfield, California 93308 (805) 391-0517 · FAX (805) 391-0826 July 27, 1993 Mr. Randy Stephenson Ultramar, Inc. 525 West Third Street Hanford, CA 93230 RECEIVED JUL 2 8 199. HAZ. MAI'. DIV. SUBJECT: WORK PLAN FOR VES SYSTEM DECOMMISSIONING AT FORMER BEACON STATION 578 6701 MING AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr, Stephenson: This communication presents Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc.'s (HFA*s) work plan for the abandonment of the five soil vapor extraction wells and associated vapor collection piping located at the above referenced site (see Figure 1 - Site Location Map). Electricity and natural gas service to the former vapor extraction system has been disconnected. The vapor extraction blower and emission control unit, the fenced enclosure, and the vapor collection piping manifold have bee~ removed. HFA proposes final system decommissioning to abandon the vent wells by drilling out th.e two inch PVC well casings, sand filter pack, bentonite and cement seals with eight inch hollow stem auger, and then pressure grouting the vent wells, and vapor collection piping with a neat cement/bentonite grout. The well casings will be cut off two feet below ground level (BGL), and the surface will be restored with the appropriate asphalt, concrete or soil cover. SITE DESCRIPTION The property is located in southwest Bakersfield at the southwest corner of the intersection of Ming Avenue and Ashe Road.' The site was formerly operated as a Beacon retail gasoline sales facility, and is currently being operated for the same purpose by Chevron U.S.A, Products Company. Present at the property are three 12,000-gallon, gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs) and one 6,000-gallon, diesel UST in a cluster in the eastern portion of the property, and three 3,000-gailon, oil-stock USTs and one 3,O00:gailon, used-oil UST in a cluster in the southern portion of the property (see Figure 2 - Site Plot Plan). ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNERS ® SCIENTISTS · GEOLOGISTS AND ENGINEERS Contaminated Site Assessments * Real Estate Audits * Site Remediation * Hazardous Waste Management HOLGUIN, FAHAN & A,SS3 IATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Mr. Randy Stephenson Ultramar Inc. July 27, 1993 - Page 2 BACKGROUND PREVIOUS WORK A record of tightness tests performed on the three 12,000-gallon, gasoline USTs and ane 6,000-gallon, diesel UST indicated that the tanks were tight as of January 15, 1991. However, the 12,000-gallon, premium unleaded gasoline UST previously failed a tightness test on January 26, 1989. Repairs were subsequently conducted and the tank passed tightness testing on February 3, 1989. A Red Jacket brand leak detection system was installed on each of the fuel tanks on October 30, 1990, and an overspill protection system was installed on March 21, 1991. As part of a limited environmental assessment, SSB Environmental Consultants, Inc., (SSB) drilled five soil borings (B-1 through B-5) to a depth of 15 feet BGL on June 18, 1990, adjacent to the four 3,000-gallon, unused and used-oil tanks. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and the fuel constituent volatile aromatics benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes (BTEX) were not detected in any of the five soil samples analyzed. TPH as diesel was detected in one of the samples at a concentration of 11 mg/kg. TPH as oil and grease was detected in the five samples at concentrations ranging from 31'to 40 mg/kg. Analysis for the California Title 22 metals on one of the samples indicated concentrations consistent with that which occur naturally in the soil. As part of a Pre-Property Transfer Assessment, Sierra Environmental Services (SES) drilled 10 soil borings (BH-A through BH-J) and one groundwater monitoring well (MW-l) on July 16 through July 23, 1991, adjacent to the fuel tanks and dispensers at the site. TPH as gasoline and BTEX concentrations were detected in 7 of the 48 soil samples collected from beneath the gasoline USTs to a depth of 50 feet BGL. This included a single sample from well MW-1 positioned 20 feet southwest of the USTs at a depth of 45 feet BGL, where TPH as gasoline was detected at a concentration of 7,900 mg/kg. No TPH concentrations were detected in samples located above or below 45 feet BGL in this monitoring well. The samples were also analyzed for total lead, which was not detected in any of the 48 samples analyzed. Groundwater was encountered in well MW-1 at a depth of 147..5 feet BGL Groundwater within the well showed no detectable concentrations of TPH. Based on the results of this sampling phase, the Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division UST Local Oversight Program (BFDHMD UST LOP) required additional assessment activities to delineate the lateral extent of gasoline-impacted soil. Ultramar contracted with RESNA in October of 1991 to advance seven additional soil borings (B-2 through B-8), and completed four of the soil borings as vapor extraction wells (YEW-2, YEW-3, YEW-5, and VEW-8) (see Figure 2]. TPH as gasoline and BTEX were detected in 3 of the 15 samples analyzed at depths above 50 feet BGL and within a lateral distance of 25 feet from the sauthern end of the premium unleaded UST. HOLGUIN, FAHAN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Mr. Randy Stephenson UItramar Inc. July 27, 1993. Page 3 Because high hydrocarbon concentrations were observed within a five-foot-thick zone at a depth of 45 feet BGL in well MW-l, RESNA installed a fifth vapor extraction well (VEW-9) 40 feet to the southwest of the UST's to access this "finger" of hydrocarbon-impacted soil. Soil sampling in well YEW-9 confirmed that the finger did not extended to this location. RESNA was subsequently contracted to install and operate a soil YES utilizing a 500 scfm Anguil Remedi-Cat Model 5, catalytic oxidation unit. The YES was constructed under San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District-Southern Zone (SJVUAPCD-SZ) Permit to Operate #S-0446-0022-00. Prior to the VES becoming operational, RESNA was replaced as the operations and maintenance contractor and Earth Systems Environmental, Inc., (ESE) was contracted to perform those services. With the approval of SJVUAPCD-SZ, ESE operated the VES on a 7-days-per-week, 24-hours-per-day basis during the months of January through April 1993. Initial extracted soil vapor concentrations ranged from 1,000-1,200 parts per million by volume (10-12 percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL)) and had declined to less than 3 percent of the LEL within four months of operation. ESE estimated the mass of gasoline hydrocarbons extracted from the subsurface for the period of January 18, through March 31, '1993, to be 9,000 pounds of hydrocarbons (equivalent to approximately 1,500 gallons of gasoline). Based on an original estimate that 6,000 pounds of hydrocarbons were present in the subsurface, Ultramar contracted HFA to conduct verification sampling for site closure. The objective of this phase of investigation was to confirm that the operation of the soil YES has successfully reduced the concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons in the soil to below California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region (CRWQCB-SVR) recommended guidelines. A remediation verification work plan to drill three soil borings was approved by the BFDHMD UST LOP. Soil boring CB-1 was slant drilled from the eastern side of the southern end of the 12,000-gallon, premium unleaded gasoline UST and reached total depth at a location beneath the center of the tank cavity. Soil boring CB-2 was positioned 20 feet east of the tank cluster. Soil boring CB-3 was positioned 30 feet southwest of the tank cluster to assess the area of the finger detected in welt MW-1. HFA performed the drilling and sampling on June 2, 1993, using a Mobile B-53 drill rig operated by Melton Drilling of Bakersfield, California. Soils encountered while drilling included clayey silts to 15 feet BGL, well-graded sands to 43 feet BGL, clayey silts to 46 feet BGL, and silty sands to the total depth penetrated in all of the soil borings. No groundwater was encountered in any of the soil borings. Analysis of soil samples collected from soil borings CB-2 and CB-3 showed nondetectable TPH as gasoline and BTEX concentrations, and no PID readings or hydrocarbon odors were observed in any cuttings or samples. Analysis of soil samples collected from soil boring CB-1 (advanced through the central area of the previous gasoline release) detected the presence of gasoline hydrocarbons in the soil samples from depths of 15, 35, and 40 feet BGL. TPH as HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ~IATF.%, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMI~NT CONSULTANTS Mr. Randy Stephenson Ultramar Inc. July 27, 1993 - Page 4 gasoline was detected at a maximum concentration of 570 mg/kg in soil boring CB-1 at a depth of 15 feet BGL. However, the volatile aromatics benzene, toluene, and ethylbenzene were not detected in the sample. The laboratory analysis report showed that the sample does not have a chromatogram reflective of gasoline. Instead, the average molecular weight is greater than that of the xylene components within gasoline, suggestive of extensive physical or chemical decomposition or weathering. This residual hydrocarbon is interpreted to be the nonvolatile fraction of gasoline left from the vapor extraction process. A TPH as gasoline concentration of 50 rog/kg was detected within the thin finger of higher permeability soil at a depth of 40 feet BGL directly below the tank pit. TPH as gasoline was not detected in any of the samples from the two lateral soil borings including samples from the thin finger of higher permeability soil. Benzene was not detected in any of the soil samples. Minor concentrations of volatile aromatics other than benzene were detected in samples from soil boring CB-1 at a depths of 15, ,35, and 40 feet BGL. The operation of the soil VES successfully reduced the concentration of TPH as gasoline BTEX to below the CRWQCB-CVR recommended LUFT leaching potential guidelines. In July 1993 the BFDHMD UST LOP provided approval for no further action at the site. Subsequently the electricity and natural gas service to the former vapor extraction system has been disconnected. The vapor extraction blower and emission control unit, the fenced enclosure, and the vapor collection piping manifold have been removed. HFA proposes final system decommissioning to abandon the vent wells and vapor collection piping. WELL ABANDONMENTS DRILLING Five soil borings will be drilled into the vapor extraction wells to drill out the existing well casing, sand pack, bentonite and cement seals (see Figure 2). Drilling will be accomplished using a truck mounted Mobile B-53TM drill rig operated by Melton Drilling of Bakersfield, California, utilizing eight inch diameter hollow-stem auger. The bomgs will be drilled to the total depth of the vent wells at §0 feet BGL. PRESSURE GROUTING After drilling,out the welt casings, the wells will be pressure grouted through a tremmie pipe using a pressure grout pump with a 3% bentonite, seven sack cement slurry. Subsequently the five vapor collection pipelines will be pressure grouted with a similar cement slurry. Upon completion of the cementing the wells, the well casings will be cut off two feet BGL, and the upper two feet will be backfilled with the appropriate asphalt, cement, or native soil to surface level. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSC IATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Mr. Randy Stephenson Ultramar inc. Juh/27, 1993 - Page 5 SCHEDULE OF COMPLETION HFA can mobilize on-site beginning work described in this work plan within one day upon authorization to proceed from Client, and approval of the work plan by the BFDHMD UST LOP. The projected time frame for completion of the well abandonments is one working day. Thank you for your consideration of this work plan. If you have any questions, or if we can be of service in any way, please contact this office at your convenience. Respectfully Submitted, Mark R. Magarg~ Senior Hydrogeologist Hotguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. MRM;mrm Enclosures: cc: Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Plot Plan Ralph Huey - BFDHMD UST LOP ~ HOLGUIN, ~ FAHAN ~ &~IATE~, INC. . , . ~ ~.,- . ~. . .... , ....... .... ~,,~ . ,. ....... , .... . ~.. ' r,°~ ~ ~ ~ 'a :' ~ "~ . . .' ~ ~ "~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~.,.~~ ~,..,~ ~.., ~ ...... · ~' i ir J J ~ ~-~ ~-,:E[S~:~'. -' :~,:'=r,, ,=:;", ~ ~:,-~:.,4;, ~GEND UL~AMAR,INC. NO SCALE BEACON STATIONg 578 MING AVENUE AT ASHE ROAD ~~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 1- VICINITY MAP HOLGUIN, ~ FAHAN ~ & A.SSCK21ATES, INC. n ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMEN 1 L;UN~:)UL I ~1~ I ~ Ming Avenue I :~::::':i: ;:: :: ~ ::::::::i::ii~i~i~: ~i~:.: :.::i~::~,::~:::::::~ :~ .:~ ............. ~:~':" , . CB- 1 ! ~ MW-1 Gmun~aer Mon~od~ Well · Ve~ We~ L~n "= ~0 ' ~ B~ ~ B~ng Venal · T~ ~x UL~AMAR INC. B~CON STATION~ 578 MING AVENUE AT ASHE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2-PLOT P~N August 2, 1993 RECEIVED AUg 4 i993 HAZ. MAT. DIV. Chevron Chevron Chevron U.S.A. Products Company Marketing Department 1300 South Beach Boulevard Building 4516 La Habra, California P.O. Box 2833 La Habra, CA 90632-2833 Phone 310 694 7300 Mr. Ralph Huey City of Bakersfield 2101 "H" Street ~..-~::. ---~--. --~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 //,~"' -'~'x '~. Re:Dear Mr.Undergr°undHuey: Storage T~I Ming Aven~California Per your telephone conversation with Tina Scolaro regarding your letter dated July 2, 1993, we would like to have an extension on the testing of our service station located at 6601 Ming Avenue. We will be replacing those tanks in late September or early October 1993. The last time those tanks and lines were tested was July 10, 1992. All tanks and lines tested tight. If you have any questions, please call me at (310) 694-7725. Very truly yours, Development Engineer ....... TM8/1-31C/144 FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" August 2, 1993 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Holguin, Fahan & Associates, I~c. Mark R. Magargee 2820 Pegasus Dr., Suite 1 Bakersfield,.CA 93308 RE: 6~01 Ming Ave. Dear Mr. Magargee: This is to notify you that the workplan for the above stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct over sight by this office will nOt be accepted, unless previously approved. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, ~Ra~l'ph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program cc: Ultramar ~'~ ~'~"~-~Ca~. ~ 9382 TELSTAR AVENUE ~ 'EL MONTEs CA 91731 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK QUARTERLY INVENTORY RECONCILIATION REPORT ACCOUNT NO: 1830/201527 DATE: /~.~- / FACILITY NAME AND LOCATION:~oO/~EGStVS~AILING ADDRESS: CHEVRON U.S.A., INC. ~--.~ERICAN PERSONNEL SERVICES INC. 6601 MING AVENUE ({~¥ ~ ~ ]"~ ~ 9382 TELSTAR AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 HAZ. MAY-~V~ONTE'' CA 91731 Title 23, California Administrative Code (CAC), section 2646 (e) requires the owner or o~erator of an underground storage tank utilfzzng inventory reconciliation as part of the required monitoring and leak detection system to submit on a quarterly b~sis a statement to the local agency under penalty of perjury, that ezther., t~e inventory -reconciliation data is within allowable variations or a lzstzng of the dates and variations that exceed the allowable variations. 'This form or a reasonable facsimile, when completed, Will satisfy the quarterly reporting requzrements. Please return a copy of this form to the:<Uhderground Storage Tank Program within thirty (30) days of the end of each calendar quarter, (March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31). ~ '~/ For the-c~lendar garter ending ' , at ~the facility indicated above, records" for.' all underground ...tanks monitored by inventory recon~]~tion indicate that: ~ . .... a. W~ll inventory vari~tl°ns were Within the allowable limits of SectiOn 2644, CAC. - b. Inventory variations in ~xcesS'.of fhe allowable limits of Section 2644, CAC-..have" occurred on'thG following days, in the listed amounts, for the following unde~round storage tanks (use back side of report if additional' space is needed). Tank Tank Size I.D. (~ailons) ' Dates 1/30/90 2/9/90 2120190 3/7/00 #000 10,000 Unl~ded Vari- +125 -130 +150 +175 · ation Dates #001 Vari- #002 Vari- ation Dates #003 Vari- ation Example I certify, under penalty of perjury,.that all variations (if any) exceeding allowable limits for the quarter ending , are indicated above and were investigated in accordance with the requirements of Title 23, CAC, Section 2644. Check One (1) Line: San Bernardino County Los Ag_geles County San Diego County Ventura County Kern County Tank Facility Owner/Operator gATE REGULAR VAR lANCE LOG STATION"" LOCATION SUPREk~E UNLEADED O I ESEL FUEL QtR. ~J-~,-.., :' LC~ YAR I ANOE .STAT ION '¢/= / ~J 61 I.:OOAT. ION IIII I I I III IIII I I II I ........... I. DATE..... ,I , REGULAR' SUPREUE , ,UNI~EADEDm I I ,' DIESEL,, .,, , FuEL ~% ~ ,. ~ , "' ~ ......... %,, /~ ~ ~ , ~ '" ~ .... ( , i , , ~ , ~, , ~ ] , ...... i ,, ~ ~ ~ . ,,, .% CitR /~ ~ YAR IANC, E LOg STATION 1~:) ...... I I I I III j .': II I I JII DATE ~R SUPREME ,UNL~EADED , DIESEL FUEL' I ~ " ~ _ +~7, ~ ~ ~ , ,~  -~ +~,,~' ~Z "~' ROBERT H. LEE & ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1137 No. McDowell Blvd. Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 765-1660 FAX (707) 765-9908 Brian F. Zita, Architect John W. Johnson, Architect James H. Ray, Civil Engineer TRANSMITTAL DATE: August 27, 1993 Mr. Ralph Huey CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 FROM: Tracy W. Lum JOB: 0446.00 REGARDING: S.S. 20-1527, 6601 MING AVENUE TRANSMITTED: [ ] AS REQUESTED [X] FOR YOUR USE [ ] FOR YOUR APPROVAL [ ] FOR REVIEW & COMMENT QTY. DESCRIPTION 2 Revised Plan reflecting new piping route. Please contact me if any additional information and/or fees is required at this time. Very truly yours, ROBERT H. LEE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Trac~~W..L~m~~ Project Coordinator RECEIVED ICAN PERSONNEL SERVICES · 9382 TELST]tR ~VENUE UNDERi~ 1~. EL HONTEv CA 91731 STORAG' QUM TERL Z E OR CO qCILI;,TIO q REPORT FACILITY NAME AND LOCATION: CHEVRON U.S.A., INC. 6601 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 MAILING ADDRESS: AMERICAN PERSONNEL SERVICES INC. 9382 TELSTAR AVENUE EL MONTE~ CA 91731 tle23 California Administrative code (CAC), Section 2646 (e) requires the ~ner o~ operator of an underground s%oraqe tank utilizing inventory reconciliation as part of th~ required monitoring and leak detection system to submit on a guarterly basis a s~ate~ent to the 1Rcal ~gency under penalty -~ ~er~ur~ that either: the lnvennory reconciliation data is within ~lo~a~e ~riations or a listing of the dates and variations that exceed the allowable variations. This form or a reasonable facsimile, when completed, j~¥~ ~=~,, ~he ~uarte~lv reDortin~ requirements. Please return a copy of th{s form to the ~der~round ~orage Tank Program within thirty (30) days .of the end of each calendar quarter, (March 3i, June 30, September.-30, an December 31). gf~-~~ . . . . . For the calendar quarter endin ' '~O. ~3, at the facilitY"indicated above, reqord~ ~or all underground tahks monitored by inventory reconciliation indicate that: Example Ail inventory variations were within the allowable limits of Section 2644, CAC. Inventory variations in excess of the allowable limits of Section 2644, CAC have occurred on the following days, in the listed amounts, for the ~ollowing underground storage tanks (use back side of report if additional space is needed). ~ Tank Tank Size I.D. (Gallons) Dates 1/30/90 2/9/90 2/28/90 3/7/90 #000 10,000 Unleaded Vari- +125 -130 +150 +175 ation Dates ~001 Vari- - ation Dates ~002 Vari- ation Dates #003 Vari- ation I certify, under penalty of perjury~[that all variations (if.any) exceeding allowable limits for the quarter endlnq , are indicated above and were investigated in accordance wi~h the requirements of Title 23, CAC, Section 2644. Check One {1) Line: San Bernaraino county Los Ag. geles Count~ San Diego Count2 Ventura County Kern County VAR lANCE LOG STATION .J~30 LOCATION DATE REGULAR SUPREME UNLEADED DIESEL FUEL g -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ii I ill III I I II I I ~I I VAR lANCE LOG LC)CAT ION ~-'/..~ · DATE REGULAR_ SUPREME UNLEADED" DIESEL FUEL l, VAR lANCE LOG STATIO LOC:AT ION DATE REGULAR SUPREME UNLEADED DIESEL FUEL ~-~-~ ~ ~ ,~ ~" · NDE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. 20000 MARINER AVE. SUITE 500 TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 90503 (800) 800-4NDE FAX. (310) 542-6657 INVOICE INVOICED~E INVOICENO. PAGE 7/~2/~ ~1~ 1 Rust #= bHEVKUNU,b.R CHEVRON U. S. A. SHIP SOLD 3UANITA CINTRON 1500 SOUTH BEACH BLVD. LA HABRA, CA 906:51 CHEVRON NO. 01527 6601 MING AVENUE DIANE MARSHALL BAKERSFIELD , CA CUSTOMER SALES PURCHASE SHIP VIA SHIP DATE TERMS ORDER NO. ORDER DATE NO. PERSON ORDER NO. 910.57~ 06/26/91. 5(31 STRETCH VAN #5~ 07110/9; NET QUANTITY ORDERED ITEM NO. PRICE UNIT UNIT PRICE UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION n~u EXTENDED PRICE QUANTITY SHIPPED UNIT QUANTITY BACK ORD. ' ¢.SCOUNT 1. OC)( UL-1 NDE lOC)C) TEST I NG EACH 1,8C)C). 00 1.00( 5 12K, 1 6K TANKS 1,8(3(i).00 4.00( TTU TANK TEST UNDERFILL EACH .0C) 4. O(])C .00 5.00( ULLAGE ULLAGE TEST EACH . C)O 5. OOC .00 5.00C LTK LINE TEST EACH .0 5. OC)( .00 4.00( LDT LEAK DETECTOR TEST EACH .00 4.00( .00 1.00( SD SITE DIAGRAM EACH .00 1.00( . ]..- -- .,~J. ES AMOUNT 1,800. O0 MISC. CHARGES , ()0. FREIGHT · 00 ~I. ES TAX .0C) REMIT TO: NDE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. TOTAL I, BOC). C)O ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 20000 MARINER AVE., SUITE 500 PAYMENT REC'D TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 90503 BALANCE DUE SUMMARY OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM TESTING NDE ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 20000 Mariner Avenue, Suite 500 Torrance, California 90503 (31 O) 542-4342 Date: July 20, 1992 Test Date: 7/10/92 Chevron 1300 S. Beach Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Chevron #01527 6601 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA NDE Work Order No. 910372 The following tests were conducted at the site described above in accordance with all applicable portions of federal, NFPA, state, and local regulations and codes. TANK SYSTEM INFORMATION Vapor Tank Tank Tank Product Tank Recovery No. Capacity Diameter Product Level Material Type 1 11829 ~15 UNL + 50 STEEL UNK 2 11829 95 RE(~ lINE 4~1 STEEL UNK 3 6061 96 DSL 44 ~TE~EI- UNK 4 11829 95 SUPER 51 STEEL UNK 5 3000 UNK WASTE OIL 2 STEEL UNK TESTING RESULTS VPLT Wetted Ullage Vent & Leak Leak Volume Portion Portion Product Vapor Detector Detector Tank Change of Tank of Tank Lines Lines Present? Results No. (gph) Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Yes/No Pass/Fail -.036 PASS PASS PASS PASS YES PASS -,039 PASS PASS NIA PASS YES PASS -.022 PASS PASS PASS PASS YES PASS -,01 ~r PASS PASS PASS PASS YES PASS N/A N/A FAIL N/A FAIL NO N/A NDE appreciates the opportunity to serve you, and looks forward to working with you in the future. Please call any time, day or night, when you need us. NDE Customer, r~.rvice Repre~se~tative Braden O. Ballre'ich Testing conducted by Alan Thrombolt License No. 93-1107 NDE Proprietary. Not to be copied, duplicated, or distributed without the express written permission of NDE Environmental Corporation. NDE ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 20000 Mariner Avenue. Suite 500. Torrance. Califorma 90503-1670 (310) 542-4342 · (800~ 800-4NDE · FAX i310, 542-6657 TESTING SUMMARY PAGE 1 WORK ORDER NUMBER: 910372 SALES REPRESENTATIVE: BRAD BALLREICH I. TEST DATE: 7/10/922 TEST START TIME: 2000 TECH(S) ALAN THROMBOLT VAN NUMBER: SITE NAME: . CHEVRON VAN MILEAGE: UNKNOWN SITE ADDRESS: 6601 MING AVE. OIL CHECK: YES BAKERSFIELD TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE SITE PHONE: 805-831-1270 OTHER NDE PERSONNEL NONE SITE ID NUMBER: 01527 TECHNICIAN 1107 CERTIFICATION NUMBER: NDE Proprietary. Not to be copied, duplicated, or distributed without the express wrifien permission of NDE Environmental Corporation. :IflN:~AV H~V ' TANK TESTING DATA Page 3 NDE utilizes the patented VPLT-A Computerized Tank Leak Tasting System for all preoision tank testa. This eytem meeta or exceeds all federal, state, and local regulatory requirements for precision underground .torage tank testing. 11829 11829 6061 11829 3000 NO NO NO NO NO 6310 5993 2709 6468 .~ 5 ~ .~4. .s4s STEEL STEEL STEEL STEEL STEEL BELOW TANK BELOW TANK BELOW TANK BELOW TANK WELLS WELLS WELLS WELLS 2247 2254 2325 2311 -.0375 -.0428 -.0399 -.0349 -.036 -.039 -.022 -.014 NDE Proprietary. Not to be copied, duplicated, or distributed without the express written permission of NDE Environmental Corporation. · ULLAGE TESTIN~i DATA Page 4 NDE utilizes the UTS-4T Ullage Testing System for all preoision ullage tests. This eytem meet. or exceeds all federal, state, end local regulatory requirements for precision underground storage tank testing. .:..:: .,:...:.::::.:....: .: :::.:..:...:. :.: ========================================================= '.'.'.;." '""' '" "'"'"'"'"'"'" '"'"'"' '; ;"'"";"" ;'i'"";';'h'";':';?'?;';'" ' ' ?; '"'" ' ' 0155 ;OULD NOT ACHIEVE PRESSURE ON WASTE OIL TANK NDE Proprietary. Not to be coped, duplicated, or d]strlbuted without the express written permission of NDE Environmental Corporation. LINE TESTIN~ DATA Page 5 NDE utilizes the PTK-88 Une Testing System for all precision line testa. This system meeta or exceeds all federal, state, and local regulatory requirements for ,recision under round storage tank testing. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "REG UNL TURBINE PIT FILLED WITH WATER TURBINE UNDER V NDE Proprietary. Not to be copied, duplicated, or distributed without the express wrlttm permission of NDE Envlronmemal CorpOration. LEAK DETECTOR DATA Page 6 NDE utilizes the FTA Leak Detector Testing Apparatus for ail precision leak detector tests. This apparatus tests leak detectors in accordance with the manufacturer's protocol for testing. NDE Proprietary. Not to be copied, duplicated, or distributed without the express written permission of NDE Environmental Corporation. IMPACT VALVE REPORT Page 7 Please answer yes or no to the following: DISPENSER LEVER CORRECT BASE SEALS NUMBER PRODUCT FUNCTIONS HEIGHT ANCHORED INTERNALLY 1,2 RU. U +. SU YES YES YES YES 3 DSL YES YES YES YES 4,5 RU, U +, SU YES YES YES YES 6,7 RU, U +, SU YES YES YES YES 8 DSL YES YES YES YES 9,10 RU, U +, SU YES YES YES YES NDE Proprietary. Not to be copied, duplicated, or distributed without the express wr~____pn permission of NDE Environmental Corporation. Page 8 MANAGER LET ME START EARLIER THAN ON WO# COULD NOT ACHIEVE ANY PRESSURE FOR ULLAGE TEST ON WASTE OIL TANK. POSSIBLE REMOTE FILL IN LOCKED UP GARAGE. GARAGE NOT IN USE FOR 6 MONTHS - NO KEY! SITE DOES NOT HAVE OVERFILL PROTECTION. DROP TUBES HAVE TANK BOTTOM PROTECTORS. NDE Proprietary. Not to be copied, duplicated, or distributed without the express wr~___e~_ permission of NDE Environmental Corporation. June 25,1993 Mr. Randall K. Stephenson Ultramar Inc. P. O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hanford, CA 93232-0466 Dear Mr. Stephenson: We have reviewed your letter of June 1, 1993, concerning the oversite bill for the former Beacon Service Station located at 6601 Ming Ave. in Bakersfield. The city manager and I, as well as the staff of the Hazardous Materials Division have an interest in keeping the cost of doing business in Bakersfield down. To that end we would invite you to meet with our Hazardous Materials Division Staff to review how we can better control your costs on this site, as well as the several other Beacon Stations doing business in the City of Bakersfield. If you feel such a meeting would be mutually beneficial .please contact Mr. Ralph Huey at (805) 326-3979 to schedule an appropriate time. We do look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely yours, Stephen D. Johnson, Fire Chief SDJ/ed cc: Alan Tandy City Manager FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" June 14, 1993 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Mr. Randall K. Stephenson Ultramar Inc. P. O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street.. Hanford, CA 93232-0466 Dear Mr. Stephenson: We have reviewed your letter of June 1, 1993, concerning the oversite bill for the former Beacon Service Station located at 6601 Ming Ave. in Bakersfield. The city manager and I, as well as the staff of the Hazardous Materials Division have an interest in keeping the cost of doing business in Bakersfield down. To that end we would invite you to meet with our Hazardous Materials Division Staff to review how we can better control your costs on this site, as well as the several other Beacon Stations doing business in the City of Bakersfield. If you feel such a meeting would be mutually beneficial please contact Mr. Ralph Huey at (805) 326-3979 to schedule an appropriate time. We do look forward to working with you in the future. .~J~~hnson, SD J/ed cc: Alan Tandy City Manager June 3,1993 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M.R. Kelly, Deputy Fire Chief R.E. Huey, Hazardous Material's Coordinator UItramar, Memo of June 1, 1993, Concerning UST Oversite Bill Ultramar, in a correspondence to Drew Sharpies, concerning a bill of $652.50 for oversite of a contaminated underground fuel storage tank site, states that justification for the time charged has not been provided and the payment is therefore made under protest. The following is a brief summary of' the facts concerning this site and the correspondence exchanged: Feb. 29, 1992 - UItramar was billed $652.50 for 14 1/2 hours oversite on this project. Aug. 6, 1992 - Ultramar, in a letter to me, requested that I evaluate the oversite charges incurred by Mr. Joe Dunwoody regarding this facility. A review with Mr. Dunwoody showed that the 14 1/2 hours were accumulated over 6 days between 9/26/91 and 2/20/92. Three and a' half hours were in office review of workplans, reports 'and correspondence. Eleven hours were in the field oversite on 10/16/91, 10/17/91 and 10/23/91. The field operation completed by RESNA during this time period was the drilling of.seven 8 inch diameter borings to a depth of 55 feet. Collecting soil samples at 5 foot intervals. Installing Vapor extraction wells in the borings that exibited detectable hydrocarbon odors and conduct soil vapor extraction tests to evaluate.remediation equipment. Sep. 25, 1992 - I responded to Mr. Stephenson's memo of August 6. In my memo I stated that our oversite responsibilities included verification that the work is being performed in accordance with accepted standards, that the extraction wells are placed in the areas proposed in the workplan, that the soil samples are collected in accordance with accepted standards and that the wells do not serve as a conduit for vertical migration of contamination. I further stated that I did' not find the times charged to be excessive. It is 'also true that even though a registered geologist may be the project manager, he or she may not necessarily be on site. Many Project managers simply review and certify the report, but do not spend much time on site. The Regional Water Quality Control Board has even suggested that for final clean-up verification that the local implementing agency obtain a "split" sample (duplicate) of the soil sample and submit that sample to an independent laboratory for verification of the engineering companies results. Sep. 29, 1992 - Ultramar, returned, our invoice for oversite charges and in an attached memo Mr. Stephenson stated that the oversite for this site was under Kern County Environmental Health. Oct. 6, 1992 --I returned the invoice and explained in a memo to Mr. Stephenson that this project is now, has been and will continue to be under the oversite of the City of Bakersfield. Oct. 16, 1992 - In a telephone conversation with Mr. Glenn Dembroff I was requested to show under what authority the City assumed responsibility for the Underground Tank Program. I was' also told in this conversation that Mr. Dembroff alleged that our Mr. Dunwoody was biased because of a former relationship with RESNA. I replied in corresponden'ce form on OctOber 16th, sending copies of the Health and Safety Code, Section 25283 and the City .ordinance relating to jurisdiction within the City limits. That was my last communication on this subject with Ultramar although, we have had Several separate correspondence about a contaminated site on Pierce Road and we have completed a workplan review for the site-in question on Ming and Ashe. Subsequent communication on the bill has taken place between the finance department and Ultramar on: Apr. 12, 1993 - City Finance to Ultramar Apr. 14, 1993 - Ultramar to City Finance May 14, 1993 - City Finance to Ultramar And today's memo of June 1 and the accompanying payment. The correspondence referenced are attached for your review: REH/ed Encl. MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" June 3, 1993 TO: FROM' SUBJECT: M.R. Kelly, Deputy Fire Chief ~ 11.~" R.E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinat Ultramar, Memo of June 1, 1993, Concerning UST Oversite Bill Ultramar, in a correspondence to Drew Sharpies, concerning a bill of $652.50 for oversite of a contaminated underground fuel storage tank site, states that justification for the time charged has not been provided and the payment is therefore made under protest. The following is a brief summary of the facts concerning this site and the correspondence exchanged: Feb. 29, 1992 - Ultramar Was billed $652.50 for 14 1/2 hours oversite on this project. Aug. 6, 1992 - Ultramar, in a letter to me, requested that I evaluate the oversite charges incurred by Mr. Joe Dunwoody regarding this facility. A review with Mr. Dunwoody showed that the 14 1/2 hours were accumulated over 6 days between 9/26/91 and 2/20/92. Three and a half hours were in office review of workplans, reports and correspondence. Eleven hours were in the field oversite on 10/16/91, 10/17/91 and 10/23/91. The field operation completed by RESNA during this time period was the drilling of seven 6 inch diameter borings to a depth of 55 feet. Collecting soil samples at 5 foot intervals. Installing vapor extraction wells in the borings that exibited detectable hydrocarbon odors and conduct soil vapor extraction tests to evaluate remediation equipment. Sep. 25, 1992 - I responded to Mr. Stephenson's memo of August 6. In my memo I stated that our oversite responsibilities included verification that the work is being performed in accordance with accepted standards, that the extraction wells are placed in the areas proposed in the workplan, that the soil samples are collected in accordance with accepted standards and that the wells do not serve as a conduit for vertical migration of contamination. I further stated that I did not find the times charged to be excessive. It is also true that even though a registered geologist may be the project manager, he or she may not necessarily be on site. Many project managers simply review and certify the report, but do not spend much time on site. The Regional Water Quality Control Board has even suggested that for final clean-up verification that the local implementing agency obtain a "split" sample (duplicate) of the soil sample and submit that sample to an independent laboratory for verification of the engineering companies results. Sep. 29, 1992 - Ultramar, returned our invoice for oversite charges and in an attached memo Mr. Stephenson stated that the oversite for this site was under Kern County Environmental Health. Oct. 6, 1992 - I returned the invoice and explained in a memo to Mr. Stephenson that this project is now, has been and will continue to be under the oversite of the City of Bakersfield. Oct. 16, 1992 - In a telephone conversation with Mr. Glenn Dembroff I was requested to show under what authority the City assumed responsibility for the Underground Tank Program. I was also told in this conversation that Mr. Dembroff alleged that our Mr. Dunwoody was biased because of a former relationship with RESNA. I replied in correspondence form on October 16th, sending copies of the Health and Safety Code, Section 25283 and the City ordinance relating to jurisdiction within the City limits. That was my last communication on this subject with Ultramar although, we have had several separate correspondence about a contaminated site on Pierce Road and we have completed a workplan review for the site in question on Ming and Ashe. Subsequent communication on the bill has taken place between the finance department and UItramar on: Apr. 12, 1993 - City Finance to UItramar Apr. 14, 1993 - Ultramar to City Finance May 14, 1993 - City Finance to UItramar And today's memo of June 1, and the accompanying payment. The correspondence referenced are attached for your review. REH/ed Encl. Ultramar Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hartford. CA 93232-0466 (209) 582-0241 June 1, 1993 Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wholesale 209-583-3330 Administrative 209-583-3302 Inforrna[~on Services 209-583-3358 Accounting Mr. Drew Sharples City of Bakersfield Treasury Division P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, California 93303 SUBJECT: FORMER BEACON SERVICE STATION NO. 578, 660.1:/~ING AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr.. Sharpies: We are in receipt of your letter dated May 14, 1993, for oversight charges regarding the above-referenced facility. It has become apparent that the City of Bakersfield is requiring Ultramar to pay for oversight charges related to the referenced site, without question of the charges, and that the City is unwilling to reach a compromise 'regarding disputed charges. Since Ultramar is being charged for services rendered by the City of Bakersfield, it seems appropriate that the. City provide justification that eleven hours, over a three day period, were needed by the. City Fire Department. to verify field activities associated with this-.project. To date this'justification has not been provided. In a letter dated September 25, 1993, Mr. Ralph Huey, of the'City Fire Department, stated that the City's responsibilities, for oversight are to verify that the -field Work. ~s conducted as proposed, is performed in accordance with accepted standards,'and is actually completed. Mr. Huey also stated that the registration of the consultant performing the work does not ensure that the individual is experienced, competent, responsible or ethical in -the performance of the work. The fact that a person is employed by the City of Bakersfield does not ensure-the same, yet Mr. Huey implies that a non-registered person from the City Fire Department is qualified, to oversee work performed by a professional.registered by the State of California. We also believe that for the City to infer that this is a "court of law" issue if left unresolved is side-stepping the issue of what a~e appropriate charges for oversight of environmental field activities. In closing, 'we have enclosed a check for the amount of $652.50 which is. 'for full payment of the oversight charges to date. By acceptance of this payment the CitY of Bakersfield Fire Department acknowledges that payment A Member of the Ultramar Group of Companies Mr. Drew Sharples June 1, 1993 page 2 is made under protest. In an effort to preclude future disputes regarding ~ oversight charges, we request that the Fire Department provide, in advance of field activities, reasonable estimates and justification for field work verification and report review. Since the Fire Department reviews all reports and workplans associated with an environmental project, the Fire Department personal will be aware of the scope of work and the amount of field time proposed by the consultant. Knowledge of the scope of work will facilitate a more precise oversight estimate. Please ~let me know information. Sincerely, if you .have any questions or comments regarding this ULTRAMAR INC. ~ /7 F(~ndall K. Stephenson Environmental Specialist C.' Ralph Huey, Bakersfield Fire Department Alan Waskin, Esq., Ultramar Mayor Bob Price, Bakersfield Bakersfield City Council 578-1tr8 Ultramar Ultramar Inc. P.o. ~3ox 466 525 W. ThirO Street Hanforci. CA 93232-0466 (209~ 582-024t · August 6, 1992 Mr. Ralph Huey Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Cre0it & Wholesale 209-583-3330 Administrative 209-583-3302 Information Services 209-583-3358 Accounting AUG 1 i 1992 By FORMER BEACON ~:ovTr: STATION NO. 578, 6601 MING AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD', CALIFORNIA " Dear Mr. Huey: This letter is prepared as a request of your assistance in evaluating recent oversight charges incurred by Mr. Joe Dunwoody of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department regarding the above-referenced Ultramar facility. These charges were incurred during routine drilling activities conducted during October, 1991, at the site. The activities involved the 'installation of vapor extraction wells which are currently being used for remediation. According to an itemized statement of the oversight charges, Mr. Dunwoody spent eleven hours of "Work Oversight" at the facility in a three day period, (A copy of the statement and invoice are enclosed with this letter). We believe these hours are excessive. While it is evident that oversight charges may be necessary, we question the needed for Mr. Dunwoody to spend excessive time at the site during routine drilling. Especially when the activities are being conducted by a California Registered Geologist. Since Mr. Dunwoody is not in a position of directing the project, il is more reasonable that oversigh~ time be used to simply verify that field activities are taking'place. Upon your review of this information, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, · ULTRAMA~ IN~,/ Environmental lenson ~ecialist Enclosures 578-1tr3 BEACON A Member of the Ultramar Group of Companies #! Quality MEMORANDUM '- "WE CARE" September 24, 1992 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Material Coordinator Joe Dunwoody, Hazardous Material Specialist Oversight Fees, former Beacon Station N0.578 .Three basic points.were raised by Mr. Stephenson: That ultramar should determine how much time should be spent to verify work. That the project is not under our control. That the presence, of a California Registered.Geologist negates the need for any on-site oversight of workbeing .performed. POINT ONE The following work ha's to be.verified, at a minimum,'at the project site-: work is actually being ~performed. work is being performed safely. samples are being collected in accordance with accepted standards. borings and extraction wells are being placed in the areas proposed in the work plan. vapor extraction wells are being installed and completed in an acceptable manner so that' the wells don't serve as a conduit for surface run off(fuel, contaminated water, etc.). work is actually completed. It Should be noted that the actual amount of time spent by the contractor was 5 days - over a six month period. The specific dates were: October 16-17,22,23, 1991 and March 13, 1992. Given a minimum of 8 hours per day the. total minimum hours spent by the contractor would be.40 hours. The 11. hours that Mr. Stephenson alleges are excessive amount to only 27 % of that total minimum time used by the contractor. Further, as the time itemization indicates, the time decreased each successive day, as the "comfort level" increased and the "kinks" between what was proposed and what was being done were worked out. This point it exemplified by the fact that on the October 23, 1991 I returned to the site only to witness and verify that the vadose wells were being properly sealed. Additionally, the vadose well installed on March 13, 1992was only verified aS to the completion and no oversight fees were charged. This office has been more than conscientious in attempting to keep cost down. Ultramar is not in the position to dictate what amount of time regulatory oversight requires. By law we can charge for all time spent on every aspect of the operation. POINT TWO-~ Ultramar submitted' the project, to this office, for the sole purpose of obtaining regulatory approval. In order for' this office to grant such approval, a certain- amount of oversight has to be performed to reach a "comfort level" with the people performing that work and the manner which the work is being done. POINT THREE. Unfortunately, A state registration as ..a geologist, Or anything other professional registration, dOes not insure that the registered' individual is experienced, competent, responsible or ethical. Nor does it guarantee that work will be carried out in a safe, competent and professional manner. This point is not germane to subject of whether, or not fees charged are excessive or that no oversight"is necessary. In short, the charge that this time is excessiv~ is' unfounded and can only be deemed as petty harassment by Mr. Stephenson. It should be noted that Ultramar spends a great deal of time and effort not to comply with regulatory requirements. This request is Mr. Stephenson's attempt to set ground rules that he regulates the regulators as opposed to the opposite. Unfortunately, these kind of request only raise the cost of projects for Ultramar.' An additional 3 hours have been spent in review the records and compiling this data. Not including your tim~ that raises the bill another $142.50. We may have to consider implementing a vadose well permit and fee. Kern County Charges $335.00 per well. Under that price structure the cost to Ultramar in permit fees alone would have be~n $1,675.00. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD; CA 93303-2057 ' FIRE ACCO H~ZARDGUS MATE~ I/~LS NO. FD--O00'08 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RETURN THIS COPY WITH PAYMENT 0%'ERSITE CH~RQE FOR i4. ~ HOUI:L~: e $4~.00 PE~'H~UR 0.1i-111.17 Closing Date 0~/29/c~2 BrLL I$ DUE UPON RECEIPT. /'" \ Yt% ' ~IES CONCERNN~ THIS BILL, P~EASE' PHONE: BER MUST RETURN THIS CO?r' L56696 Total Cu~enf; Bi l't' TOTAL NOW D~.~ BEACON STATION P.O. BOX HANF'ORD CA 652. F oooOe Billing Itemization for Invoice #156696 Ultramar Station #578 6001 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, CA. DATE 9/29/91 10/16/91 10/17/91 10/23/91 2/12/92 2/2O/92 TIME CHARGED 1.5 HRS 5 HRS 4 HRS 2 HRS 1.5 HRS .5 HRS TOTAL TIME 14.5 HRS @ $45.00/hr = $652.50 ACTIVITY REVIEW WK. PLAN WORK OVERSIGHT REVIEW REPORT CORRESPONDENCE FIRE OEPARTMENT S. O. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" September 25, 1992 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELO. 93301 326-3911 Mr. Randall K. Stephenson UItramar Inc. P.O. Box 406 525 W. Third Street Hanfor. d, Ca. 93232 Dear Mr. Stephenson: As requested in your memo of Aucjust 6, 1992, I have evaluated the oversight charges regarding the former Beacon service station ¢~578, located at 6601 Ming Avenue. You state that the charges were incurred during routine drilling activities and that our oversight time is "simply to verify tha( field activities are taking place". Mr. Stephenson, this is just not the way it is. Our oversight responsibilities include: Verification that work is being performed in accordance with accepted standards. Verification that the extraction wells are being placed in the a(eas proposed in the work plan. Verification that the samples are being collected in accordance with accepted standards. Verification that the wells are being installed properly and do not serve as a conduit for vertical migration (fuel, surface run off, water etc.) and Verification that the work is actually completed. The fact that the field supervisor for these activities is a California Registered Geol°cjist, or for that matter any other registered professional, does not insure that the registered individual is experienced, competent, responsible or ethical. Nor does it guarantee the work will be carried out in a safe, competent and professional manner. I do not find the times charged to be excessive. In fact, feel that overall our per hour fees and permit fees are extremely reasonable. It should also be noted that we do 'not require permits for vadose wells in an attempt to keep industries' cost down to a · minimum. If you would simply review our over all regulatory cost compared to regulatory cost in any of the surrounding areas you will quickly reach that same conclusion. Sincerely Yours, " ~//'Ralph E. Hu';y '%;' · (/ Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH:vp cc: J. Dunwoody Ultramar Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box ,~66 525 W. Third Street HanIorcL CA 93232-0466 (209) 582-0241 September 29, 1992 Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wholesale 209-583-3330 Administrative 209-583-3302 Information Sen/ices  209-583-3358 Accounting City of Bakersfield Fire Hazardous Material Division P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, california 93303-2057' SUBJECT: FORMER BEACON SERVICE STATION NO. 578, 6601 MING AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA To whom it may concern: Please find enclosed original invoice #156696 and statements for the same. As noted on the invoice, the billing was for oversite charges related to an environmental investigation involving the above referenced site. The invoice and statements are returned unpaid as oversite for this project has and remains under the Kern County Environmental Health Department. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this information. Sincerely, ULTRAMAR INC. Randall K. Stepnen Environmental Specialist II 578-1tr5 BEACON A Member of the Ultramar Group of Companies #1 Quality and Service FIRE DEPARTMENT S.D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" October 6, 1992 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Randall K. stephenson Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Third .Street Hanford, Ca. 93232-0466' Dear Mr. Stephenson I have returned the invoice and statements for oversite charges related to 6601 Ming Avenue. This bill is due and payable. As we have explained in previous memos the City of Bakersfield has assumed responsibility for the Underground Storage Tank program within the City of Bakersfield as of July 1, 1991, per the California Health and Safety Code. This project is now, has been and will continue to be under the oversite of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division. I do hope this helps clarify the situation for you. If you have any questions regarding this information please contact me. Sincerely Yours,, / Hazardous Materials Coordinator / CC: J. Dunwoody G. Oembroff CITY of BAKERSFIELD "I, VE G4 RE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S..O. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF October 16, 1992 210',. H STREET 8AKEP, SFIELO. 93301 326-3911 Mr. Glenn R. Dembroff Ultramar Inc. P.O.' Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hartford, Ca. 93232;0466' Dear Mr. Dembroff: Per our conversation this morning, I have enclosed Section 25283 of the California Health and Safety Code, as well as City Ordinances Number 3292 and 3475, Per these regulations the City of Bakersfield has "exclusive jurisdiction within the boundary o'f the City for purpose of carrying out" Chapter 6.7 and 6.75 of the California Health and Safety Code. On a case by case basis the City has granted Kern County Environmental Health Department the responsibility for overseeing r. emediation projects that have been in some phase of remediation prior to the July 1, 1991 da(e that the City assumed responsibility for this program. We did not grant.Kern County Environmental Health Department oversite responsibility for the former Beacon Station at 6601 Ming, or do we have any reason to do so at this time. Per California Law, this facility comes under the jurisdiction of the Local Implementing Agency, the Hazardous Materials Division of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. I have also reviewed your allegations that our project leader for this project, Mr. J. Dunwoody is biased because of a former relationship with RESNA. I find these allegations totally unfounded! The Central California Valley is a relatively small world when it comes to environmental engineering. I am relatively sure that several of UItramar's employees have had previous employers as have mine. We do have as a major interest however, resolving the contamination issue at 6601 Ming Avenue. To that end I will assign someone else from this office to project leader. I feel very strongly that it is to your best interest,to move forward with this project and get it r?solved. I do hope this clarifies any misconceptions youhave about the Underground Tank Program. I look forward to working with you on the speedy resolution of the 6601 Ming Avenue Site. If I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to call. REH:vp ENCLOSURES Sincerely Yours, ,~dE;uHsU~Yaterials Coordinator Mr. Randall Stephenson, Environmental Specialist II, Ultramar Inc: Mr. Alan Waskin, Esq., Corporate Council, Ultramar Inc. BAKERSFIELD May 14, 1993 Mr. Randall K. Stephenson Ultramar, Inc. P. 0. Box 466 Hanford, California 93232-0466 Dear Mr. StePhenson: I have received your letter of April 14, 1993 and have review the particulars of this billing with Mr. Huey. A determination has been made that the amount of time spent in on-site verification is not excessive and there is no justification in. reducing the billed hours. You give no reason in yom: letter to justify your belief that four (4) hours is sufficient time to perform the verification. Therefore, the City of Bakersfield expects to be rendered payment in full in the amount of 8652.50. If you still wish to dispute the bill the only other alternative would be to submit the matter'to a court of law. sincerely hope this settles the matter and payment will be made promptly. Financial Investigator ce: R. Huey City, oi Bakersfield · Treasury Division · P. O. Box 2057 Bakersfield · California · 93303 (805) 326-3757 Ultramar Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Th=,a S',ree[ Haniora. CA 93232-0466 (209) 582-02.:. l April 14, 1993 Mr. Drew Sharples City of Bakersfield Treasury Division P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, California 93303 SUBJECT: FORMER . BEACON SERVICE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Telecooy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wnolesate 209-583-3330 Admmmtrat~ve 209-583-3302 [nforrnauon Sen/~ces 209-583-3358 Accoummg STATION NO. 578, 6601 MING AVE., Dear Mr. Sharpies: As per our telephone conversation on April 13, 1993, we .have reviewed the invoice from the Bakersfield City Fire Department for oversite charges regarding the above referenced Ultramar facility. We do not dispute the amount of time (3.5 hours total) spent by Mr. Joe Dunwoody reviewing the reports associated with this project. However, we believe the eleven hours spent for field work oversite is very excessive. Mr. Ralph Huey of the Fire Department stated in a letter dated September 25, 1993, that the field time was necessary to verify that the work was being performed as proposed and according to City requirements. Venification, as Mr. Huey speaks', of in his letter, should not require eleven hours of time. .. Based on this information and previous information provided by Mr. Huey, we believe that 4 hours of field time is sufficient to perform the necessary verification. Therefore, we are willing to pay for the 3.5 hours of review time and,4 hours of verification time, for a total of 7.5 hours. At $45 per hour this equals $337.50. · Please let me know if this amount is acceptable or if you have any questions regarding this information. Sincerely, ULT,/P~,~..~,, IBC'.~., ./,'" Randall K./Stephenson Environmental Specialist 578-1tr8 A Mem0er of the Ultr2, mar Grooo of Comoa. mes B A K-..E R S F I. E L D April 12, 1993 Mr. Glenn R. Dembroff Ultramar Inc. P O Box 466 Hanford, California 93232-0466 RE: Account FD-00008. Mr. Dembroff: The above mention account is now thirteen months past due. I understand there was some question regarding the validity of the charges and whether or not the City of Bakersfield had jurisdiction in the matter. It is also my.understanding that these questions were. answered in the correspondence from Mr. Ralph Huey on September 25, October 6, and'October .16, 1992. The only question now remaining is whether or not Ultramar Inc. has any intention of paying this bill. Your expedient response would be appreciated. Financial Investigator (805) 326'3933 City of Bakersfield', Treasury Division · P. O. Box 2057 Bakersfield · California · 93303 (805) 326-3757 Ultramar Ultramar Inc. ? 0 Box .:F.6 525 w P-.'c S:'ee! ,~an:o~o C*; ~3232-0~'66 I209) 582-324 ~ Oune 1, 1993 Mr. Drew Sharples City of Bakersfield Treasury Division P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, California 93303 Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wholesale 209-583-3330 Adm~mstratlve 209-583-3302 Information Services 209-583-3358 Accoum~ng RECEIVED JUN 8 1993 HAZ. MAT. DIV. SUBJECT: FORMER BEACON SERVICE STATION NO. 578, 6601 MING AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Sharpies: We are in receipt of your letter dated May 14, 1993, for oversight charges · regarding the above-referenced facility. It has become apparent that the City of Bakersfield is requiring Ultramar to pay for oversight charges related to the referenced site, without quest!on of the charges, and that the City is unwilling to reach a compromise regarding disputed charges. Since Ultramar is being charged· for services rendered by the City of Bakersfield, it seems appropriate that the City provide justification that eleven hours, over a three day period, were needed by the City Fire Department to verify field activities associated with this project. To date this justification has not been provided. In a letter dated September 25, 1993, Mr. Ralph Huey, of the City Fire Department, stated that the City's responsibilities for oversight' are to verify that the field work is conducted as proposed, is performed in accordance with accepted standards, and is actually completed. '"' ,.,,. Huey also stated that the registration of the consultant performing the work does not ensure that the individual is experienced, competent, responsible or ethical in the. performance of the work. The fact that a person is employed by the City of Bakersfield does not ensure the same, yet Mr. Huey implies that a non-registered person from the City Fire. Department is qualified to oversee work performed by a professional registered by the State of California. We also believe that for the City to infer that this is a "court of law" issue if left unresolved is side-stepping the issue of what are appropriate charges for. oversight of environmental field activities. In closing, we have enclosed a Check for the amount of $652.50 which is for full payment of the oversight charges to date. By acceptance of this payment the City of Bakersfield Fire Department acknoWledges that payment A Mernber of the Ultrarnar Group of Com0ames EIEACON ::1 ()mdity and ~ervicr Mr, Drew Sharples June 1. 1993. page 2 i's made under protest. In an effort to preclude future disputes regarding oversight charges, we request that the Fire Department provide, in advance of field activities, reasonable estimates and justification for field work veri'fication and report review. Since the Fire Department~reviews all reports and workplans associated with an environmental project, the Fire Department personal w~ll be aware of the scope of work and the amount of field time proposed by the consultant. Knowledge of the scope of work will facilitate a more. precise oversight estimate. Please let me know' if you have any questions or comments regarding this information. Sincerely, Randall K. Stephenson Environmental Specialist C.' Ralph Huey, Bakersfield Fire Department Alan Waskin, Esq., Ultramar Mayor Bob Price, Bakersfield Bakersfield City Council 578-1tr8 Ultramar Ultramar Inc. P,O, Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hartford, CA 93232-0466 (209) 582-0241 June 1, 1993 Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wholesale 209-583-3330 Administrative 209-583-3302 Information Services 209-583-3358 Accounting Mr. Drew Sharples City of Bakersfield Treasury Division P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, California 93303 SUBJECT: FORMER BEACON SERVICE STATION NO. 578f, 66OTIs?MING.. AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr.. Sharpies:' We are in receipt of your letter dated May 14, 1993, for oversight charges regarding the above-referenced facility. It has become apparent that the City of Bakersfield is requiring Ultramar to pay for oversight charges related to the referenced site, without question of the charges, and that the City is unwilling to reach a compromise regarding disputed charges. Since Ultramar is being charged for services rendered by the City of Bakersfield, it seems appropriate that the City provide justification that eleven hours, over a three day period, were needed by the City Fire Department to verify field activities associated with this project. To date this justification has not been provided. In a letter dated September 25, 1993, Mr. Ralph Huey, of the City Fire Department, stated that the City's respopsibilitie~for oversight are to verify that the 'field W°rk..i.s cdnducted as proposed, is performed in accordance with accepted standards,'and is actually completed. Mr. Huey also stated that the registration of the consultant performing'the work does not ensure that the i'ndividual is experienced, competent, responsible or ethical in the performance of the work. The fact that a person is employed by the City of Bakersfield does not ensure-the same, yet Mr. Huey implies that a non-registered person from the City Fire Department is qualified to oversee work performed by a professional registered by the State of California. We also believe that for the City to infer that this is a "court of law" issue if left unresolved is side-stepping the issue of what are appropriate charges for oversight of environmental field activities. In closing, we have enclosed a check for the amount of $652.50 which is for full payment of the oversight charges to date. By acceptance of this payment the City of Bakersfield Fire Department acknowledges that payment A Member of the Ultramar Group of Companies ;ACON #1 Q,ality and Service Mr. Drew Sharples June 1, 1993 page 2 is made under protest.' In an effort to preclude future disputes regarding oversight charges, we request that the Fire Department provide, in advance of field activities, reasonable estimates and justification for field work verification and report review. Since the Fire Department reviews all reports and workplans associated with an environmental project, the Fire Department personal will be aware of the scope of work and the amount of field time proposed by the consultant. Knowledge of the scope of work will facilitate a more precise oversight estimate. Please let me know information. Sincerely, if you have any questions or comments regarding this ULTRAMAR IN~ ~ /? an all K. Stephenson £n¥ironmental Special ist C: Ralph Huey, Bakersfield Fire Department Alan Waskin, Esq., Ultramar Mayor Bob Price, Bakersfield Bakersfield City Council 578-1tr8 JUN- 2-93 WED 13:36 FAX NO. 8053233780 P, 01 C. IT~LERK tlltramar Ultrama~ Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wholesale P.O. Box 4GO 525 W Third SlreeL Hanford, CA 93232.0466 (209) 582-0241 June ], 1993 209-583-3330 Administrative 209-563-3302 [ntormallon Services 209-583-3358 Accounting Mr. Drew Sharples City of'Bakersfield Treasury Division P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, CalifOrnia 93303 SUBJECT: FORMER BEACON SERVICE STATION NO. 578, 6601 MING' AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Sharpies: We are in receipt of your letter dated May 14, 1993, for oversight charges regarding the above-referenced facility. It has become apparent that the City of Bakersfield is requiring Ultramar to pay for oversight charges related to the referenced site, without question of the charges, and that the City is unwilling to reach a compromise regarding disputed charges. Since Ultramar is being charged for services rendered .by the City of Bakersfield, it seems appropriate that the City provide justification that eleven hours, over a three day period, were needed by the City Fire Department to verify field activities associated with this project. To date this justification has not been provided. In a letter dated September 25, 1993, Mr. Ralph Huey, of the City Fire Department, stated that the City's responsibilities for oversight are to verify that the field work is conducted as pKoposed, is performed in accordance with accepted standards, and is Actually completed. Mr. Nuey also stated that the registration of the consultant performing the work does not ensure that the individual is experienced, competent, responsible or ethical in the performance of the work. The fact that a person is employed by the City of Bakersfield does not ensure the same, yet Mr. Huey implies that a non-registered person from the City Fire Department is qualified to oversee work performed by a professional registered by the State of California. We alsol''~ believe that for the City to infer that this is a "court of law" issue if left unlresolved is side-stepping the issue of what are appropriate charges for oversight of environmental field activities. In closing, we have enclosed a check for the amount of $652,50 which is for full payment of the oversight charges to date. By acceptance of this payment the City of Bakersfield Fire Department acknowledges that payment ..... BEACON A Member of the Ultrarnar Group of Companies ;I Qu~atity and Sec'vice JUN- 2-93 WED 13:37 CITY CLERK FAX NO, 8053233?80 P, 02 Mr. Drew Sharple~ June ~, 1993 page 2 is made under protest. In an effort to preclude future disputes regarding oversight charges, we request that the Fire Department provide, in advance of field activities, reasonable estimates and justification for field work verification and report review. Since the Fire Department reviews all reports and workplans associated with an environmental project, the Fire Department personal will be aware of the scope of work and the amount of field time proposed by the consultant. Knowledge of the scope of work will facilitate a moreprecise oversight estimate. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding this information, i. Sincerely, ULTRA, AR IN~ ~ Rr~ndall K. Stephenson Environmental Specialist C· Ralph Huey, Bakersfield Fire Department Alan Waskin, Esq., Ultramar Mayor Bob Price, Bakersfield Bakersfield City Council 578-1tr8 BAKERSFIELD May 14, 1993 Mr. Randall K. Stephenson Ultramar, Inc. P. O. Box 466 Hanford, California 93232-0466 Dear Mr. StePhenson: I have received your letter of April 14, 1993 and have review the particulars of this billing with Mr. Huey. A determination has been made that the amount of time spent in on-site verification is not excessive and there is no justification in. reducing the billed hours. You give no reason in your letter to justify your belief that four (4) hours is sufficient time to perform the verification. Therefore, the City of Bakersfield expects to be rendered payment in full in the amount of $652.50. If you still wish to dispute the biil the only other alternative would be to submit the matter to a court of law. I sincerely hope this settles the matter and payment will be made promptly. Drew Sharpie~ Financial Investigator cc: R. Huey City of Bakersfield · Treasury Division · P. O. Box 2057 Bakersfield · California · 93303 (805) 326-3757 FiRE OEPARTMENT S. O. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of "WE CA RE'.' May 12, 1993 BAKErSFiELD. 9330'~ 326-39! ~ Ultramar, Inc .... 5'25 West Third Street Hanford, CA 93230 Attn: Mr. Randy Stephenson RE: Workplan.for site closure at former Beacon Station No 578, 6601 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield~ CA Dear. Mr. Stephenson, This is to notify you that the workplan, for the above stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct over sight by this office will not be ~ccepted, unless previously approved. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program REH/dlm HAZARDOUS MATERIAL D SION PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit No.: 280018C State ID No.: 38963 Issued to: BEACON #578 Location: 6601 MING AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Owne~ OperatOr:. ULTRANL~R INC. 525 W. 3RD ST. HANFORD, CA 93230 CHEVRON USA 6601 MING AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Facility Profile: Year Tank No. Substance Capaci ,ty Installed 1 · GASOLINE 12,000 GAL 1983 2 'GASOLINE 12,000 GAL 1983 3 GASOLINE 12,000 GAL 1983 4 GASOLINE 6,000 GAL 1984 ~s mpLng YES YES YES YES This permit is granted subject to the conditions listed on the attached summary of conditions and may be revoked for failure to adhere to the stated conditions and/or violations of any other State or Federal regulations. Issued by: Ralph E. FIue~/ _ Title: Hazardous Materials Coordinator Issue Date: JULY 1, 1991 Expiration Date: JULY 1, 1994 POST ON PREMISES NONTRANSFERABI.E FIRE DEPARTMENT S. O. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD '.'WE CARE" May 12, 1993 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-39~1 Ultramar, Inc. 525 West Third Street Hanford, CA 93230 Attn: Mr. Randy Stephenson RE: Workplan.for site closure at former Beacon Station No 578, 6601 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Stephenson, This is to notify you that the workplan for the above stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct over sight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program REH/dlm Chevron Chevron U.S.A. Products Company 1300 South Beach Boulevard, Building 4516, La Habra, California. Phone (310) 694-7300 Mail Address: P.O. Box 2833, La Habra, CA 90632-2833 Marketing Department April 27, 1993 Mr. Drew Sharpies City of Bakersfield P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, CA 93303. Dear Mr. Sharpies: Please mail all correspondence and permit renewals for Chevron sites listed below to: Chevron U.S.A. Products Company P.O. Box 2833 La Habra, CA 90632-2833 Chevron Sites Chevron Service Station 9-2718 5101 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, California Chevron Service Station 201527 6601 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, California If you have any questions, please call Carol Hall at (310) 694-7831. Very truly yours, Environmental, Fire, Safety and Health Supervisor CSH/1-35B/161 82 TELSTAR AVENUE EL HONTE~ CA 91731 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK QUARTERLY INVENTORY RECONCILIATION REPORT ACCOUNT NO: 1830/201527 DATE: ,~ FACILITY NAME AND LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: CHEVRON U.S.A., INC. " .': .~ ~ _.AMERICAN PERSONNEL SERVICES INC. 6601 MING AVENUE 9382 TELSTAR AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 EL MONTE, CA 91731 Title 23, Califo~nia A~ministra~ive Cod? (C~C), Section 2646 (e) requires the owner or operator o~' 9n .unaergrouq~. s%~raqe tank utilizing inventory reconciliation as Parn oz.,r4%? requi're~ monitoring and leak detection system to submit on.a qu'grteK~Y b~s{~ a state~entfto the l~ca~ agency under penalty of Perjury, ~-th~~ ei4:ner. ~ne inventory .reconcilianign data is Within~.. '.allOwable ~riations Qr a listing of the dates and variations that exceed t.he allowable variations.. T~is fo~m. ora reasonable facsSmile, when completed, will satisfy the ~uarneriy reporting requirements.. Please return a copy of this form to th~.:Un~e~o~nd-St~rage-~ank~Program within thirty (30) days of the end of each calenaar quarner, (March 31,' J~ 30, September'30, and December .31). For th~' calendar quarter ending-~ ~~% , ' /'~ at the facility indicated .,, above, records._ ~o~ ~1~ .underground tanks monitored by inventory ~ca~ that: reconciliatiOn ind -' All inventory variations ~gre- within the allowable limits of Sectio~ 2644, CAC. '- ~. . b. ~ Inv~h~Try variations in excess of t~ allowable limits of Section 2644, CAC have occurred on the following days, in ~the listed. amounts, for the following underground storage tanks (use back side of report if additional space is needed). Tank Tank Size I.D. (Gallons) Dates 1/30/90 2/9/90 2/28/9'0 3/7/90 #000 '10,000 ;= r Unleaded Vari- -' +1~5 " -130 +150 +175 ation - Dates ~001 Vari- Date~ ... #002 ..~ ation Dates #003 Vari- ation Example I certify, under penalty of perjury, that all variations (if any) exceeding allowable limits for the quarter ending , are indicated above and were investigated in accordance with the requirements of Title 23, CAC, Section 2644. Check One (1) L~ne: Tank Facility/Owner/Opera or San Bernardlno County Los A~geles County San Diego County Ventura County Kern County ~'~' QTR. J , VARIANCE LO~ STATION I"~:;"~ LOCATION DATE REGULAR SUPREME UNLEADED DIESEL FUEL ~7 41 . VAR lANCE LOG STATION LC)CAT ION DATE REGULAR SUPREME UNLEADED DIESEL FUEL ~' -,- ~,,~,--1, + IO,,-3, ~-~::)-~ -~ ~ ~ ..... -~771 '- ---~ ~ // ~ - ~-nOl · ~:, .~_ /~ -~ ~ -l~Z~3 --77 ultramar Ultramar Inc. P.O Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hanford, CA 93232-0466 (209) 582-0241 -April 14, 1993 Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wholesale 209-583-3330 Administrative 209-583-3302 Information Services 209-583-3358 Accounting Mr. Drew Sharples City of Bakersfield Treasury Division P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, California 93303 SUBJECT: FORMER . BEACON SERVICE STATION NO. 578, 6601 HING AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Sharpies: As per our telephone conversation on April 13, 1993, we have reviewed the' invoice from the Bakersfield City Fire Department for oversite charges regarding the above referenced Ultramar facility. We do not dispute the amount of time {3.5 hours total} spent by Mr. Joe Dunwoody reviewing the reports associated with this project. However, we believe the eleven hours spent for field work oversite is very excessive. Mr. Ralph Huey of the Fire Department stated in a letter dated September 25, 1993, that the field,time was necessary toverify that the work was being performed as proposed and according to City requirements. Verification, as Mr. Huey speaks of in his letter, should-not require eleven hours of time. Based on this information and previous information provided by Mr. Huey, we believe that 4 hours of field time is sufficient to perform the necessary verification. Therefore, we are'willing to pay for the 3.5 hours of review time and 4 hours of verification time, for a total of 7.5 hours. At $45 per hour this equals $337.50. Please let me know if this amount is acceptable or if you have any questions regarding this information. Sincerely, Environmental Specialist 578-1·tr8 EAC;)N A Member of the Ultramar Group of Companies #1 (.)u;llily ;md .~er'.i~.'e B A K E R S'F I E L D April 12, 1993 Mr.' Glenn R. Dembroff Ultramar Inc. P O Box 466 Hanford, California' 93232-0466 RE: Account FD-00008 Mr. Dembroff: The above mention 'account is now. thirteen months past due. I understand there was some question regarding the validity of the charges and whether or not the City of Bakersfield had jurisdiction in the matter. It is also my understanding that these questions were answered in the correspondence from Mr. Ralph Huey on September 25, October 6, and October 16, 1992. · The only question now remaining is whether or not Ultramar Inc. has any intention of paying this bill. Your expedient response would be appreciated.. Financial Investigator (805) 326-3933 City of Bakersfield · Treasury Division · P. O. Box 2057 Bakersfield · California · 93303 (805) 326-3757 ORDINANCE NO. S 2 g 2 AN ORDINANCE OF ~ COUNCIL OF ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIEI2) ADDING SECTION 8.60. 060 TO ~ BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO UNDER- GROUND STORAGE TANKS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakers- field as follows: SECTION. 1. Section 8.60.060 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: 8.60.060 City administration. The City, pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 25283, hereby assumes responsibility for implementation of the State laws and regulations and applicable federal'~laws and regulations for design, installation, monitoring, removal, release and reporting requirements regarding undergroUnd s~orage tanks. SECTION This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o ORIGINAL I ~E~RY C~RTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed 'and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on ~HN ~ ? lqan , by the following vote: AYES; COUNCILMEMBERS: EDWARDS, OeMOND, SMITH, ,~R'J;.';;!, PETERSON, McOERM0'I'J'. SALVAGGI0 NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: C0UNCILM~.MBERS' ~G CITY CLERK and lerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPRO'VED JUN 1. 3 1'390 - C~CE E. ~T~DDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield kPPROVF~k as to form: ARTStUR.~ J. SAALFIELI~ { CITY A(~y o~/~e City ADD/meg UG-TANKS. ORD 5/7/90 of Bakersfield ORIGINAL I H~REBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on August 5, 1992 , by the following vote: AYES; COUNCILI~EMBERS: EDWARDS, DeMOND, SMITN. BRUNNI. PETER$ON, McOERMOTT, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: . ABSENT COUNClLMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS* CITY CLERK and Ex Officio/Clerk of Council of the City of Bakersfield the APPROVED AuEust 5, 1992 CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield MGA/meg UG-TANKS.O-1 4/28/92 ORIGINAL Earth SYstems Environmental, Inc. A Member of The Earth Systems Group 6701 McDivitt Drive, Suite B · Bakersfield, CA 93313 · (805) 836-0901 · FAX (805) 836-0911 November 4, 1992 Doc. No.:921 I-E002.RPT Project No.: EB-8254~1 City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2101 H Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Attention: Mr. Ralph.Huey RECEIVED 'NOV 0 5 1992 HAZ..M,~,T. DiV. SUBJECT: REPORT OF INITIAL SYSTEM REPAIR FOR ANGUIL REMEDICAT UNIT BEACON STATION NO. 578 6601' MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Huey, In response to your request Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. (ESE) has prepared this summary report of the repair activities which have been completed on the Anguil Remedi-Cat Model 5 Vapor extraction unit located at the above referenced site. These activities where performed due to the vapor extraction system failing to go through a standard 'start up sequence when ESE initially acquired the contract for operations and maintenance at the site. It was ESE's understanding that the previous environmental contractor, who had installed the extraction wells and the Remedi-Cat unit, had experienced difficulties in starting the system, and recently replaced the LEL sensor prior to being removed from the project. However, the contractor had assured Ultramar that the unit was then in full operational use. ESE attempted a start up and discovered that the burner would not ignite. At that time it was decided that at that point it was appropriate for a service technician from the manufacturer to conduct an overhaul of the unit while determining the source of the faults. On September 28, 1992, Rahn Schmidtke representing the manufacturer, Global Environmental Technologies, Inc. with the assistance of personnel from ESE began the overhaul. Beacon Station No. 578 2 November 4, 1992 The flame arrestor was removed and found to be in good working condition. The catalyst door was removed and inspected. The catalyst was removed and determined to be in good condition. Several of the bolts securing the block were missing heads due to incorrect installation. New nuts were welded onto these bolts. · The burner as then removed. Copper wiring to the insulators were loose and determined to not be making good connections. The burner was cleaned and all of the fittings tightened. Piping for the natural gas delivery system was reoriented to make the removal and replacement of the burner easier. The burner was then reinstalled. The catalyst and cover were reinstalled as well as the new bolts. The power to the unit was then turned on to allow the LEL monitor to warm up. The LEL would not respond. The manufacturer was notified to have a service representative come to the site. In the mean time, the temperature control logic systems were inspected and determined to have been incorrectly connected. Additionally the internal system fan had been wired backward by the previous environmental contractor at the site, resulting in the supplemental natural gas being blown toward the LEL. This was determined to be the cause of the LEL sensor repeatedly burning out. After correcting these errors, the LEL representative determined that the sensor was again bad and required replacement. With the LEL repaired, the system was placed in the start up mode and the LEL set to a 25% warning and alarm point. The rotation on the exterior 500 scfm blower from the extraction wells was checked and determined to have been wired correctly. At this point the system appeared to be ready to receive gasoline vapors from the extraction wells into the treatment unit. However, the inlet process actuator valve would not respond and permit process vapors into the unit. It was believed that a circuit board within this unit was the culprit, and a replacement board was ordered from the manufacturer. Without this actuator operating, the unit was only capable of processing clean air from the outside atmosphere. EB-8254-1 9211 -E002.RPT Beacon Station No. 578 3 November 4, 1992 When the new board was installed, the actuator still would not open the valve to receive vapors from the extraction wells. The problem was traced back to the temperature control logic system which instructs the actuator to operate. A new UCD 3000 was ordered. The component arrived and was installed on October 28, 1992. Thee unit was then placed in the start up mode, and has performed as designed since that time. ESE is currently making 'adjustments to the ratio of extraction well flow to manual dilution flow to obtain the correct balance of VOCs to efficiently heat the'burner without supplemental natural gas, and oxygen from the dilution air to maintain the burner's pilot while adhering the the emission restrictions of the Authority to Construct. Upon successful tuning, a source test will be performed during the first or second week of November, 1992 in the presence of a representative of the San Joaquin Basin Air Pollution Control District - Kern County Zone. The system will then go into full time operation until the concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons in the subsurface have been reduced to below Regional Water Quality Control Board recommended guidelines. Thank you for your consideration of this report. If you have any questions, or if we can be of service in any way, please call this office at your Convenience. Respectfully Submitted, EARTH SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Ma~k R. l¢la~arg~e, RG~ ~/- Senior Hydrogeologist Addressee- 1 Ultramar Randy Stephenson - 1 SLO- 1 BAK- 1 EB-8254-1 921'1 -E002.RPT groundwater resources inc. A RESNA Company 1500 .SO. UNION AVE. 11AKERSFIELI), C^I.IFORNIA 93307 (.:I~tSS NH;Iz I_iC~llSe No. 609572 September 11, 1991 Environmental Solutions Through Applied Science, Engineering & Construclion I ECEIYEB 1991 ............. Mr. Thomas Paxson, P. E. Air Pollution Control District 2700 M Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Re: Beacon Station Ming Avenue and Ashe Road. Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Paxson, RESNA/Groundwater Resources Inc. (RESNA) requests an experimental research exemption to conduct a vapor extraction pilot study at the Beacon Station on the comer of Ming Avenue and Ashe Road in southwest Bakersfield (Plate 1). The pilot study will be conducted within a 24 hour period and is tentatively scheduled for the week of September 23 - 27, 1991. Reference is made to a similar research exemption granted by your office to RESNA (formerly Groundwater Resources Inc.) in response to a letter dated February 19, 1991 regarding the former A. R. B. Construction facility at 1500 South Union Avenue, Bakersfield. BACKGROUND The underground locations of eight steel storage-tanks at the Beacon Station are shown on the Plot Plan, Plate 2; all of the tanks are presently operational. A record of tightness tests performed on three 12,000-gallon fuel tanks and one 6,000-gallon diesel tank indicates they were tight as of January 15, 1991. The 12,000-gallon premium unleaded tank, however, had failed a tightness test on January 26, 1989. Repairs were made on the tank and it passed the test on February 3, 1989. Between July 16 and July 23, 1991 ten borings were drilled and one monitoring well, MW-l, was installed to determine the presence or absence of volatile hydrocarbons in the soil and groundwater below the site. Hydrocarbons, as gasoline and as diesel, were detected in soil samples from nine of the ten soil borings drilled for this investigation. TPH (gasoline) concentrations were reported by the lab to be as high as 7,900 ppm in a soil sample while 51 ppm benzene was also reported. The highest concentrations were in soil samples from borings BH-C, BH-E and MW-1, in the vicinity of, and below, the fuel tanks at the east side of the property. PURPOSE The purpose of this vapor extraction pilot study will be to: MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835-7717 Mr. Thomas Paxsot~P. E. Air Pollution Contr~l~District September 11, 1991 Page 2 o Evaluate the potential for using granular activated carbon filtration for the elimination of extracted vapors. o Determine the radius of influence of the central extraction well by monitoring pressure drop at adjacent air supply wells. o Determine vapor recovery rates at varying vacuum flow rates. o Evaluate the need for additional air supply wells. o Determine pore volume turnover rates. o Collect air samples to determine the maximum concentrations of hydrocarbons in the vapor stream and the ratios of the components. o Estimate time for cleanup. PROCEDURES The pilot study will be done by extracting vapors from individual wells in an array of six wells (Plate 2) using a 150 SCFM regenerative blower. This blower will be connected in series to four granulated activated carbon (GAC) drums to reduce hydrocarbon vapors in the effluent stream (see Plate 3). Flow rates will be measured by magnehelic gauges. Static well-head pressure drops will be monitored at neighboring wells with a manometer to determine the radius of influence for each well at varying flow rates. A photoionization detector will be on-site to monitor both influent and effluent air emissions. Estimated influent hydrocarbon concentrations during the vapor extraction testing are 1 to 10 ugm/cc benzene (at a maximum flow-rate of 50 SCFM). Concentrations in the effluent stream after the carbon drums should be less than 100 ppm (or 1.2 ugm/cc). Air samples will be taken periodically to confmn these values and data collected will be used in the application for the Air Pollution Control District (APCD) Authority to Construct permit. Following the testing, a pilot study report will be sent to the Bakersfield City Fire Department and to the APCD with plans and application to construct and operate a full scale vapor extraction system at the site. If there is a question concerning this letter, please contact RESNA at (805) 835-7700. Sincerely, Rex J. Young Geologist RJY:tab:macpvt Enclosures: Location Map Plot plan Vapor Extraction System Diagram Randall Stephenson, Ultramar, Inc. Joseph Dunwoody, Bakersfield City Fire Department Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. A Member of The Earth Systems Group 6701 McDivitt Drive, Suite B · Bakersfield, CA 93313 · (805) 836-0901 · FAX.(805) 836-0911 November 4, 1992 Doc. No.:9211-E002.RPT Project No.: EB-8254-1 City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2101 H Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Attention: Mr. Ralph Huey SUBJECT: REPORT OF INITIAL sYSTEM REPAIR FOR ANGUIL REMEDICAT UNIT BEACON STATION NO. 578 6601 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA RECEIVED 'NOV 0 5 1992 HAZ. MAT. [::)IV. Dear Mr. Huey, In response to your request Earth Systems Environmental, Inc. (ESE) has prepared this summary report of the repair activities which have been completed on the Anguil Remedi-Cat Model 5 Vapor extraction unit located at the above referenced site. These activities where performed due to the vapor extraction system failing to go through a standard start up sequence when ESE initially acquired the contract for operations and maintenance at the site. It was ESE's understanding that the previous environmental contractor, who had installed the extraction wells and the Remedi-Cat unit, had experienced difficulties in starting the system, and recently replaced the LEL sensor prior to being removed from the project. However, the contractor had assured Ultramar that the unit was then in full operational use. ESE attempted a start up and discovered that the burner would not ignite. At that time it was decided that at that point it was appropriate for a service technician from the manufacturer to conduct an overhaul of the unit while determining the source of the faults. On September 28, 1992, Rahn Schmidike representing the manufacturer, Global Environmental Technologies, Inc. with the assistance of personnel from ESE began the overhaul. Beacon Station No. 578 2 November 4, 1992 The flame arrestor was removed and found to be in good working condition. The catalyst door was removed and inspected. The catalyst was removed and determined to be in good condition. Several of the bolts securing the block were missing heads due to incorrect installation. New nuts were welded onto these bolts. .. The burner as then removed. Copper wiring to the insulators were loose and determined to not be making good connections. The burner was cleaned and all of the fittings tightened. Piping for the natural gas delivery system was reoriented to make the removal and replacement of the burner easier. The burner was then reinstalled. The catalyst and cover were reinstalled as well as the new bolts. The 'power to the unit was then turned on to allow the LEL monitor to warm up. The LEL would not respond. The manufacturer was notified to have a service representative come to the site. In the mean time, the temperature control logic systems were inspected and determined to have been incorrectly connected. AdditiOnally the internal system fan had been wired backward by the previous environmental contractor at the site, resulting in the supplemental natural gas being blown toward the LEL. This was determined to be the cause of the LEL sensor repeatedly burning out. After correcting these errors, the LEL representative determined that the sensor was again bad and required replacement. With the LEL repaired, the system was placed in the start up mode and the LEL set to a 25% warning and alarm point. The rotation on the exterior 500 scfm blower from the extraction wells was checked and determined to have been wired correctly. At this point the system appeared to be ready to receive gasoline vapors from the extraction wells into the treatment unit. However, the inlet process actuator valve would not respond and permit process vapors into the unit. It was believed that a circuit board within this unit was the culprit, and a replacement board was ordered from the manufacturer. Without this actuator operating, the unit was only capable of processing clean air from the outside atmosphere. EB-8254-1 9211-E002.RPT Beacon Station No. 578 3 November 4, 1992 When the new 'board was installed, the actuator still would not open the valve to receive vapors from the extraction wells. The problem was traced back to the temperature control logic system which instructs the actuator to operate. A new UCD 3000 was ordered. The component arrived and was installed on October 28, 1992. Th'e unit was then placed in the start up mode, and has performed as designed since that time. ESE is currently making adjustments to the ratio of extraction well flow to manual dilution flow to obtain the correct balance of VOCs to efficiently heat the burner without supplemental natural gas, and oxygen from the dilution air to maintain the burner's pilot while adhering the the emission restrictions of the Authority to Construct. Upon successful tuning, a source test will be performed during the first or second week of November, 1992 in the presence of a representative of the San Joaquin Basin Air Pollution Control District - Kern County Zone. The system will then go into full time operation until the concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons in the subsurface have been reduced to below Regional Water Quality Control Board recommended guidelines. Thank you for your consideration of this report. If you have any questions, or if we can be of service in any way, please call this office at your convenience. Respectfully Submitted, EARTH sYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Senior Hydrogeologist CC' Addressee- 1 Ultramar Randy Stephenson - 1 SLO - 1 BAK- 1 EB -8254-1 9211 -E002.RPT FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" October 16, 1992 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Mr. Glenn R. Dembroff Ultramar Inc. P.O.' Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hanford, Ca. 93232-0466 Dear Mr. Dembroff: Per our conversation this morning, I have enclosed Section 25283 of the California Health and Safety Code, as well as City Ordinances Number 3292 and 3475. Per these regulations the City of Bakersfield has "exclusive jurisdiction within the boundary of the City for purpose of carrying out" Chapter 6.7 and 6.75 of the California Health and Safety Code. On a case by case basis the City has granted Kern County Environmental Health Department the responsibility for overseeing remediation projects that have been.in some phase of remediation prior to the.July 1, 1991 date that the City assumed responsibility for this program. We did not grant Kern County Environmental Health Department oversite responsibility for the former Beacon Station at 6601 Ming, or do we have any reason to do so at this time. Per California Law, this facility comes under the jurisdiction of the Local Implementing Agency, the Hazardous Materials Division of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. I have also reviewed your allegations that our project leader for this project, Mr. J. Dunwoody is biased because of a former relationship with RESNA. I find these allegations totally unfounded! ~ The Central California Valley is a relatively small world when it comes to environmental engineering. I am relatively sure that several of UItramar's employees have had previous employers as have mine. We do have as a major interest however, resolving the contamination issue at 6601 Ming Avenue. To that end I will assign someone else from this office to project leader. I feel very strongly that it is to your best interest to move forward with this project and get it resolved. I do hope this clarifies any misconceptions you have about the Underground Tank Program. I look forward to working with you on the speedy resolution of the 6601 Ming Avenue Site. If I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to call. REH:vp ENCLOSURES CC: ,.~~~~.Sincerely ~ours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Mr. Randall Stephenson, Environmental Specialist II, Ultramar Inc. Mr. Alan Waskin, Esq., Corporate Council, Ultramar Inc. October 16, 1992 Mr. Glenn R. Dembroff Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hanford, Ca. 93232-0466 Dear Mr. Dembroff: Per our conversation this morning, I have enclosed Section 25283 of the California Health and Safety Code, as well as City Ordinances Number 3292 and 3475. Per these regulations the City of Bakersfield has "exclusive jurisdiction within the boundary of the City for purpose of carrying out" Chapter 6.7 and 6.75 of the California Health and Safety Code. On a case by case basis the City has granted Kern County Environmental Health Department the responsibility for overseeing remediation projects that have been in some phase of remediation prior to the July 1, 1991 date that the City assumed responsibility for this program. We did not grant Kern County Environmental Health Department oversite responsibility for the former Beacon Station at 6601 Ming, or do we have any reason to do so at this time. Per California Law, this facility comes under the jurisdiction of the Local Implementing Agency, the Hazardous Materials Division of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. I have also reviewed your allegations that our project leader for this project, Mr. J. Dunwoody is biased because of a former relationship with RESNA. I find these allegations totally unfounded! The Central California Valley is a relatively small world when it comes to environmental engineering. I am relatively sure that several of Ultramar's employees have had previous employers as have mine. We do have as a major interest however, resolving the contamination issue at 6601 Ming Avenue. To that end I will assign someone else from this office to project leader. I feel very strongly that it is to your best interest to move forward with this project and get it resolved. I do hope this clarifies any misconceptions you have about the Underground Tank Program. I look forward to working with you on the speedy resolution of the 6601 Ming Avenue Site. If I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely Yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH:vp ENCLOSURES CCZ Mr. Randall Stephenson, Environmental Specialist II, Ultramar Inc. Mr. Alan Waskin, Esq., Corporate Council, Ultramar Inc. Ultramar Ultramar Inc. P.O. (~ox 466 525 W. Third Street Hartford, CA 93232-0466 (209) 582-0241 Tele¢opy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wholesale 209-583-3330 Administrative 209-583-3302 Information Services 209-583-3358 Accounting October 12, 1992 Mr. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator City of Bakersfield 2101H Street Bakersfield, California 93301 SUBJECT: OVERSIGHT CHARGES FOR FORMER BEACON STATION AT 6601 MING AVENUE Dear Mr. Huey: Thank you for the courtesy copy of the October 6, 1992, letter to Mr. Randall Stephenson of my department. After discussing the Ming Avenue project with Mr. Stephenson, one question has become evident: How has the City of Bakersfield taken project oversight from Kern County? Please feel free to correct us if we're wrong, but we were under the impression that any project under'Kern County oversight prior to July 1, 1991; would stay under the County's oversight unless specifically requested by the Responsible Party. Because we never requested a change, Kern County should have retained project oversight. With this understanding you could see how Randall was surprised to find oversight invoices from the City of Bakersfield. Kern County Environmental Health's response was that they did not know how the City of Bakersfield wrestled oversight responsibility from the county and did not care to research it. The purpose of this letter is to clarify whether the City of Bakersfield can take project oversight responsibility from Kern County without either the County or the Responsible Party's approval. We would appreciate it if you could send us a copy of the agreement between the City of Bakersfield and Kern County discussing UST project oversight assignment. Besides the oversight jurisdiction problem, we are having difficulties with the City of Bakersfield's personnel responsible for project oversight. Mr. Joe Dunwoody, as you know, is an ex-RESNA employee (formerly Groundwater Resources). We have recently removed RESNA from the project due to ineffective project management. It is our understanding that RESNA then anonymously called the City of Bakersfield to'warn'them of BEACON A Member of the Ultramar Group of Companies #1 Quality and Service Mr. Ralph E. Huey - City of Bakersfield October 12, 1992 Page 2 the project's remediation system problems. Again, it is our understanding that Mr. Dunwoody, in a phone conversation with the new project consultant, alluded to the acknowledgement that RESNA did indeed place the anonymous phone call. We feel that Mr. Dunwoody's past relationship with RESNA does not allow him to act in an unbiased manner. Additionally, we have recently found out that Mr. Dunwoody characterized Ultramar as an unethical company to an environmental consultant not involved with the Ming Avenue project. We have documentation of other occasions~where Mr. Dunw°ody spoke of Ultramar and specific Ultramar employees by namein a derogatory manner. One specific comment made of a female Ultramar employee could even be construed as sexual harassment. This type of behavior is not professional and we're sure it's not condoned by the City of BakerSfield. We would appreciate your investigating, this matter. If Bakersfield should indeed have oversight responsibilities we would like to see documentation as to why. If documentation is supplied, we would seriously suggest that your organization consider returning oversight to Kern County whose personnel, to the best of our knowledge, have no bias against Ultramar. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions regarding this request. Sincerely, ULTRAI4AR INC. Manager, Marketing Environmental cc: Mr. Randall Stephenson, Environmental Specialist II, Ultramar Inc. Mr. Alan Waskin, Esq., Corporate Counsel, Ultramar Inc. October 6, 1992 Randall K. Stephenson Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hartford, Ca. 93232-0466 Dear Mr. Stephenson I have returned the invoice and statements for oversite charges related to 6601 Ming Avenue. This bill is due and payable. As we have explained in previous memos the City of Bakersfield has assumed responsibility for the Underground Storage Tank program within the City of Bakersfield as of July 1, 1991, per the California Health and Safety Code. · This project is now, has been and will continue to be under the oversite of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division. I do hope this helps clarify the situation for you. If you have any questions regarding this information please contact me. Sincerely Yours, CC: J. Dunwoody G. Dembroff Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator October 6, 1992 Randall K. Stephenson Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hanford, Ca. 93232:0466 ' Dear Mr. Stephenson I have returned the invoice and statements for oversite charges related to 6601 Ming Avenue. This bill is due and payable. As we have explained in previous memos the City of Bakersfield has assumed responsibility for the Underground Storage Tank program within the City of Bakersfield as of July 1, 1991, per the California Health and Safety Code. This project is now, has been and will continue to be under the oversite of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division. I do hope this helps clarify the situation for you. If you have any questions regarding this information please contact me. Sincerely Yours, CC; J. Dunwoody G. Dembroff Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF October 6, 1992 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Randall K. Stephenson Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hanford, Ca. 93232-0466 Dear Mr. Stephenson I have returned the invoice and statements for oversite charges related to 6601 Ming Avenue. This bill is due and payable. As we have explained in previous memos the City of Bakersfield has assumed responsibility for the Underground Storage Tank program within the City of Bakersfield as of July 1, 1991, per the California Health and Safety Code. This project is now, has been and will continue to be under the oversite of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division. I do hope this helps clarify the situation for you. If you have any questions regarding this information please contact me. Sincerely Yours,/. ~' Ralph E. Huey · [ Hazardous Materials Coordinator CC: J. Dunwoody G. Dembroff October 6, 1992 Randall K. Stephenson Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hanford, Ca. 93232-0466 Dear Mr. Stephenson I have returned the invoice and statements for oversite charges related to 6601 Ming Avenue. This bill is due and payable. As we have explained in previous memos the City of Bake[sfield has assumed responsibility for the Underground Storage Tank program within the City of Bakersfield as of July 1, 1991, per the California Health and Safety Code. This project is now, has been and will continue to be under the oversite of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division. I do hope this helps clarify the situation for you. If you have any questions regarding this information please contact me. Sincerely Yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator J. Dunwoody G. Dembroff 469 HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE § 25284 Library References Words and Phrases (Perm. Ed.) § 25282. Master list of hazardous substances (a) The department shall compile a comprehensive master list of hazardous substances. The master list shall be made available to the public and mailed to each local agency no later than June 30, I984, notwithstanding any other provision of law, including Chapter 3.5 (com- mencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. Local agencies and owners or operators of underground storage tanks shall use the master list or, when adopted, the revised list adopted pursuant to subdivision (b), to determine which underground storage tanks require permits pursuant to this chapter. Hazardous substances included on the list may be denominated by scientific, common, trade, or brand names. (b) The department may revise, when appropriate, the master list of all the hazardous substances specified in subdivision (a). The revised list of hazardous substances shall be prepared and adopted, and may be further revised, in accordance with Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. (Formerly § 25281, added by Stats. 1983, c. 1046, ~ 3. Renumbered ~q 25282 and amended by Stats. 1984, c. 1038, ~ 3.) § 25283. Implementation Of chapter; notice by city of assumption of responsibility; proration of revenue (a) Every county shall implement this chapter pursu- ant to the regulations adopted by the board. A city may, by ordinance, assume responsibility for the implementa- 'tion of this chapter pursuant to the regulations adopted by the board and, if so, shall have exclusive jurisdiction within the boundary of the city for the purposes of carrying out this chapter. A city which, prior to January 1, 1990, was exempt from implementing this chapter, has the exclusive jurisdiction, within its boundaries, for the purpose of implementing this chapter. (b) A city shall notify the county on or before July 1, 1990, of its intentions to assume responsibility for implementation of this chapter. For a city which assumes responsibiIity for implementation of this chapter after January 1, 1990, the county shall have until July 1, 1991, to transfer responsibility for the enforcement program to the city unless an earlier date is mutually agreed upon by the county and city. The ordinance adopted by the city shall comply with this chapter, applicable federal law, and'regulations and guidelines adopted pursuant thereto. A county shall designate a department, otT~ce, or other agency of that county as the local agency responsible for administering and enforcing this chapter, and a city which assumes responsibility for implementing this chapter shall also make a similar designation. A city which assumes responsibility for implementation of this chapter pursuant to this para- graph shall designate the agency which has responsibility for implementing Chapter 6.95 (commencing with Sec- tion 25500) as the local agency responsible for adminis- tering and enforcing this chapter. (c) Revenue from fees collected by the county pursu- ant to this chapter shall be prorated between the city and county based upon when the city assumes responsibility for implementation of this chapter. (Formerly § 25282, added by Stats. 1983, c. 1046, § 3. Renumbered § 25283 and amended by Stats. 1984, c. 1038, ~ 4,'~'Stats. 1985, c. 1228, ~ 1, eff. Sept. 30, 1985; Stats. 1989, c. 432, ~q 1; Stats. 1989, c. 1397, § 5.) Effect of amendment of section by two or more acts at the same session of the legislature, see Government Code § 9605. Cross References Hazardous waste facilities permits, see § 25200 et seq. § 25283.1. Joint powers agreement This chapter does not prohibit any county from entering into a joint powers agreement with other counties for the purposes of enforcing this chapter. (Added by Stats. 1986, c. 1390, § 3, eff. Sept. 30, 1986. § 25283.5. Exemptions from chapter; underground storage tanks; criteria An underground storage tank which meets all of the following criteria is exempt from the requirements of this chapter: (a) Ail exterior surfaces of the tank, including con- nected piping, and the floor directly beneath the tank, can be monitored by direct viewing. (b) The structure in which the tank is located is constructed in such a manner that the structure provides for secondary containment of the contents of the tank, as determined by the local agency designated pursuant to Section 25283. (c) The owner or operator of the underground storage tank conducts daily inspections of the tank and maintains a log of inspection results for review by the local agency, designated pursuant to Section 25283, as requested by the local agency. (d) The local agency designated pursuant to Section 25283 determines without objection from the board that the underground storage tank meets requirements which are equal to or more stringent than those imposed by this chapter. (Added by Stats. 1988, c. 876, § 1. Amended by Stats. 1991, c. 627 (A.B. 1057), § 1.) § 25284. Permit to own or operate underground stor- age tank; transferred permits (a) Except as provided in subdivisions (c) and (d), no person shall own or operate an underground storage tank unless a permit for its operation has been issued by the local agency to the owner. (b) Each local agency shall prepare a form which provides for the acceptance of the obligations of a transferred permit by any person who is to assume the ownership of an underground storage tank from the previous owner and is to' be transferred the permit to operate the tank. That person shall complete the form ORDINANCE NO. 3475 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8.60.060 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING SECTION 8.60.070 TO THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO UNDER- GROUND STORAGE TANKS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakers- field as follows: SECTION 1. Section 8.60.060 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.60.060 City administration. The City, pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 25283, hereby assumes responsibility for implementation of the State laws and regulations and applicable federal laws and regulations for design, installation, monitoring, removal, release and reporting requirements regarding underground storage tanks. The agency which has responsibility for administering this Chapter is the Hazardous Materials Division of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. SECTION 2. Section 8.60.070 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: 8.60.070 Underground storage tank cleanup fund. The City hereby adopts the "Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup" law, Chapter 6.75 of Division 20 of the California Health and Safety Code, and the regulations which implement it, including, but not limited to, Title 23, California Code of Regulations,~Chapter 16, Article XI and Chapter 18. The Hazardous Materials Division of the Fire Department of the City of Bakersfield shall be responsible for the implementation and enforcement of Chapter 6.75 of the California Health and Safety Code. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o .... CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FIRE DEPARTMENT T I ME CHARGED S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 DATE: NAME: CHGD: COMMENTS: 9,t PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit No.: 280018C State ID No.: 38963 Issued to: BEACON #578 Location: 6601 MING AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Owner: Operator: ULTRAMAR INC. 525 W. 3RD ST. HANFORD, CA 93230 CHEVRON USA 6601 MING AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Facility Profile: Year Is Hping Tank No. Substance Capaci ,ty Installed ~ 1 GASOLINE 12,000 GAL 1983 YES 2 -GASOLINE 12,000 GAL 1983 YES 3 GASOLINE 12,000 GAL 1983 YES 4 GASOLINE 6,000 GAL 1984 YES This permit is granted subject to the conditions listed on the attached summary of conditions and may be revoked for failure to adhere to the stated conditions and/or violations of any other State or Federal regulations. Issued by: Ralph E. Hue/~/ J Title: ltazardous Materials Coordinator Issue Date: JULY 1, 1991 Expiration Date: JULY 1, 1994 POST ON PREMISES NONTRANSFERABLE Ultramar Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hanford, CA 93232-0466 (209) 582-0241 September 29, 1992 Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wholesale 209-583-3330 Administrative 209-583-3302 Information Services 209-583-3358 Accounting City of Bakersfield Fire - Hazardous Material Division P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, California 93303-2057 SUBJECT: FORMER BEACON SERVICE STATION NO. 578, 6601 MING AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA To whom it may concern: Please find enclosed original invoice #156696 and statements for the same. As noted on the invoice, the billing was for oversite charges related to an environmental investigation involving the above referenced site. The invoice and statements are returned unpaid as oversite for this project has and remains under the Kern County Environmental Health Department. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this information. Sincerely, ULTRA_MAR INC. Randall K. Step e Environmental Specialist II 578-1tr5 A Member of the Ultramar Group of Companies BEACON #1 Quality and Service CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S.D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF September 25, 1992 2~0~ H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Mr. Randall K. Stephenson Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 406 525 W. Third Street Hanfor. d, Ca. 93232 Dear Mr. Stephenson' As requested in your memo of August 6, 1992, I have evaluated the oversight charges regarding the former Beacon service station #578, located at 6601 Ming Avenue. You state that the charges were incurred during routine drilling activities and that our oversight time is "simply to verify that field activities are taking place". Mr. Stephenson, this is just not the way it is. Our oversight responsibilities include: Verification that work is being performed in accordance with accepted standards. Verification that the extraction wells are being placed in the areas proposed in the work plan. Verification that the samples are being collected in accordance with accepted standards. Verification that the wells are being installed properly and do not serve as a conduit for vertical migration (fuel, surface run off, water etc.) and Verification that the' work is actually completed. The fact that the field supervisor for these activities is a California Registered Geologist, or for that matter any other registered professional, does not insure that the registered individual is experienced, competent, responsible or ethical. Nor does it guarantee the work will be carried out in a safe, competent and professional manner. I do not find the times charged to be excessive. In fact, I feel that overall our per hour fees and permit fees are extremely reasonable. It should also be noted that we do not require permits for vadose wells in an attempt to keep industries' cost down to a minimum. If you would simply review our over all regulatory cost compared to regulatory cost in any of the surrounding areas you will quickly reach that same conclusion. Sincerely Yours, // Ralph E. Huey ' . ( Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH:vp cc: J. Dunwoody Billing Itemization for invoice #156696 UItramar Station #578 6001 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, CA. DATE 9/29/91 10/16/91 10/17/91 10/23/91 2/12/92 2/20/92 TIME CHARGED 1.5 HRS 5 HRS 4 HRS 2 HRS 1.5 HRS .5 HRS ACTIVITY REVIEW WK. PLAN WORK OVERSIGHT REVIEW REPORT CORRESPONDENCE TOTAL TIME 14.5 HRS @ $45.00/hr = $652.50 'CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S.D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF September 25, 1992 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Ultramar Inc. 525 W. Third Street Hanford, CA 93230 Attn: Randall stephenson Mr. Stephenson, .Due to Ultramar's difficulties in achieving operational status of the thermal oxidation - remediation unit, located at 6601 Ming Avenue, and along with other public safety concerns, it has been deemed by the Bakersfield Fire Department that this machine is unsafe to operate at this time. Please be advised, that ~ in accordance with Sec. 2.205 of the Uniform Fire Code, the machine has been "RED TAGGED" by the Bakersfield Fire Department. Further, any attempt to operate this machine before all safety concerns have been resolved, to the satisfaction of the Bakersfield Fire Department, would be a misdemeanor offense and could result in further enforcement action; up to and including the issuing of citations to appear in court. With the above stated in mind, I have been informed by Mark Magargee, of Earth Systems Inc., that it is the intentions of Ultramar and Earth Systems Inc. to engage a factory engineer for the purposes of working the "bugs" out of the system. Additionally, it is our understanding that in order for this corrective work to be performed the machine would have to be put in an operational mode. This would be acceptable to the Fire Department provided that, at a minimum, the following information is submitted for approval by the Fire Department, in writing, 5 working days in the advance of the actual performance of work. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Name and title of the person(s) performing the corrective actions. 2. Name and address of the company the individual represents. Estimated operational time needed to perform corrective actions. An additional requirement of a detailed report is to be submitted, to the Fire Department, no later than 48 hours after the work is completed. The report will include a list of all detected defects and the actions taken to correct them. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. cere.,~, A. Dunwoo~ ardous Material Specialist Underground Tank Program cc: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Material Coordinator Larry Toller, Fire Marshall Michael Allford, Deputy City Attorney Mark Magargee,. Earth .Systems Inc. 6701 McDivitt Drive, Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93313 FIRE DEPARTMENT S, D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" September 25, 1992 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Ultramar Inc. 525 W. Third Street Hanford, CA 93230 Attn: Randall Stephenson Mr. Stephenson, Due to Ultramar's difficulties in achieving operational status of the thermal oxidation - remediation unit, located at 6601 Ming Avenue, and along with other public safety concerns, it has been deemed by the Bakersfield Fire Department that this machine is unsafe to operate at this time. Please be advised,' that~ in accordance with Sec. 2.205 of the Uniform Fire Code, the machine has been "RED TAGGED" by the Bakersfield Fire Department. Further, any attempt to operate this machine before all safety concerns have been resolved, to the satisfaction of the Bakersfield Fire Department, would be a misdemeanor offense and could result in further enforcement action; up to and including the issuing of citations to appear in court. With the above stated in mind, I have been informed by Mark Magargee, of Earth Systems Inc., that it is the intentions of Ultramar and Earth Systems Inc. to engage a factory engineer for the purposes of working the "bugs" out of the system. Additionally, it is our understanding that in order for this corrective work to be performed the machine would have to be put in an operational mode. This would be acceptable to the Fire Department provided that, at a minimum, the following information is submitted for approval by the Fire Department, in writing, 5 working days in the advance of the actual performance of work. REQUIREMENTS: Name and title of the person(s) performing the corrective actions. Name and address of the company the individual represents. Estimated operational time needed to perform corrective actions. An additional requirement of a detailed report is to be submitted, to the Fire Department, no later than 48 hours after the work is completed. The report will include a list of all detected defects and the actions taken to correct them. If you have any questions, please call'me at (805) 326-3979. cere,~y, A. Dunwoo~If ardous Material Specialist Underground Tank Program cc: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Material Coordinator Larry Toller, Fire Marshall Michael ~llford, Deputy City Attorney Mark Magargee, Earth-Systems Inc. 6701 McDivitt Drive, Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93313 MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" September 24, 1992 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Material Coordinator Joe Dunwoody, Hazardous Material Specialist Oversight Fees, former Beacon Station N0.578 Three basic points were raised by Mr. Stephenson: That ultramar should determine how much time should be spent to verify work. 2. That the project is not under our control. That the presence of a California Registered Geologist negates the need for any on-site oversight of work being performed. POINT ONE The following work has to be verified, at a minimum,'at the project site: work is actually being performed. work is being performed safely. samples are being collected in accordance with accepted standards. borings and extraction wells are being placed in the areas proposed in the work plan. vapor extraction wells are being installed and completed in an acceptable manner so that the wells don't serve as a conduit for surface run off(fuel, contaminated water, etc.). work is actually completed. It should be noted that the actual amount of time spent by the contractor was 5 days - over a six month period. The specific dates were: October 16-17,22,23, 1991 and March 13, 1992. Given a minimum of 8 hours per day the. total minimum hours spent by the contractor would be 40 hours. The 11 hours that Mr. Stephenson alleges are excessive amount to only 27 % of that total minimum time used by the contractor. Further, as the time itemization indicates, the time decreased each successive day, as the "comfort level" increased and the "kinks" between what was proposed and what was being done were worked out. This point it exemplified by the fact that on the October 23, 1991 I returned to the site only to witness and verify that the vadose wells were being properly sealed. Additionally, the vadose well installed on March 13, 1992 was only verified as to the completion and no oversight fees were charged. This office has been more than conscientious in attempting to keep cost down. Ultramar is not in the position to dictate what amount of time regulatory oversight requires. By law we can charge for all time spent on every aspect of the operation. POINT TWO Ultramar submitted the project, to this office, for the sole purpose of obtaining regulatory approval. In order for this office to grant such approval, a certain amount of oversight has to be performed to reach a "comfort level" with the people performing that work and the manner which the work is being done. POINT THREE Unfortunately, A state registration as a geologist, Or anything other professional registration, does not insure that the registered individual is experienced, competent, responsible or ethical. Nor does it guarantee that work will be carried out in a safe, competent and professional manner. This point is not germane to subject of whether or not fees charged are excessive or that no oversight"~is necessary. In short, the charge that this time is excessive is unfounded and can only be deemed as petty harassment by Mr. Stephenson. It should be noted that Ultramar spends a great deal of time and effort not to comply with regulatory requirements. This request is Mr. Stephenson's attempt to set ground rules that he regulates the regulators as opposed to the opposite. Unfortunately, these kind of request only raise the cost of projects for Ultramar. An additional 3 hours have been spent in review the records and compiling this data. Not including your tim~ that raises the bill another $142.50. ~, We may have to consider implementing a vadose well permit and fee. Kern County Charges $335.00 per well. Under that price structure the cost to Ultramar in permit fees alone would have be~n $1,675.00. UNDEROROUND STORAGB TANK QOARTERLY XHV~qTORY RBCOMCXLX&]~)N REPORT ACCOt.m NO: 1830/201527 DATE: 9/23/92 FACILITY NAME AND LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: CHEVRON U.S.A INC AMERICAN PERSONNEL SERVICES INC 6601 MING AVENUE 9382 TELSTAR AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 EL MONTE. CA 9.1~31 Title 23, California A~ministra~ive Code (CAC), Section 264~ ~e) requires the 'owner 9r .operator o~ 9n..underg~ouqd s%graqe tan~ .u%il}z~n~ .inventgry reconciliation as part o~ the requ~re~ mqn~torlng ano leak oe=ect~on system to submit on a quarterly Dasis a statement to the local agency under penalty of. er'ury, that either: the inventory reconciliation data is within alloP~a~{e variations or a listing of the dates and varig%ions that exceed the allowable variations. This form or a reasonable facs~mlle, when completed, ~ii1-satisfy-the quarterly--reporting-requiremen~s~- Pi'ease~return- a-copy of this form to the Underground Storage Tank Program within thirty (30) days o~ the end of each calendar quarter, (March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31). For the calendar quarter ending ~0~O,~ , at the facility indicated above, ~ecord~ for all underground tanks .monitored by inventory reconciliation ~ndicate that: a. All inventory variations were within the allowable limits of Section 2644, CAC. b. ~ Inventory variations in excess of the allowable limits of Section 2644, CAC have occurred on the following days, in ~the listed amounts, for the following undeFground storage tanks (use back side of report if additional space is needed). Tank Tank Size I.D. (Gallons) Dates 1/30/90 2/9/90 2/28/90 3/7/90 #000 10,000 Unleaded Vari- +125 -130 +150 +175 ation ~0~oO Dates #°01 ~ ~k~ vari- -- ation 10 ~0 Dates /.,~3T #002 va=i- 6' 0 ation / ~ Dates #003 ~/~Db~0 vari-ation I Example I certify, under penalty of p~rjury~ tha~ all variations (if a~y) 9xqee~ing allowable limits for the quar=er ending ~~o , are in~lca=e~ above and were investigated in accordance with the requirements of Title 23, CAC, Section 2644. Check One {1) L~ne: San Bernardino County Los kggeles County Ban D&ego County Ventura County Kern County VARIANCE LOG STATION LOCATION~ DATE REGULAR SUPREUE UNLEADED DIESEL FUEL q-I~ e ~ - ~5 I . 038~ TELST ~ OOT ~' ~ER~RO~ S~O~OB ~ 9~T~LY ~~ORY RBCO~C~L~~ ~PORT _ ACCO~ NO: 1830/201527 DATE: 9/23/92 k FACILITY N~E ~D ~TION: ~ILING ADDRESS= .. CHEVRON U.S.A INC ~RICAN PERSONNEL SERVICES INC 6601 MING AVENUE 9382 TELSTAR AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 EL MONTE. CA 93~31 T~" 23 California Administrative Code (CAC), Section 2646 ~e) requires the owner.sr. o~erator of an underground, stora, qe tank utilizing . inventory reconclllat~on as part of the required monitoring and leak detect~on system to submit on a quarterly basis a statement to the local agency under penalty of- -er~ur~ that either: the inven=ory reconciliation data is within allo~a~e %~riations or a listing of the dates and variations that exceed the allowable variations. This form or a reasonable facsimile, when completed, ~ilI satisfy :the qu~rterly--reporting-requirements~- Please:return a-copy oz this form to the Underground Storage Tank Program within thirty (30) days of the end of each calendar quarter, (March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31). For the calendar quarter ending ~0~O.~ , at the facility indicated above, ~eqords for all under~round tanks .monitored by inventory reconcillat~on indicate that: a. All inventory variations were within the allowable limits of Section 2644, CAC. b. ~ Inventory variations in excess of the allowable limits of Section 2644, CAC have occurred on the following days, in ~the listed amounts, for the following underground storage tanks (use back side of report if additional space is needed). Tank Tank Size I.D. (Gallons) Dates 1/30/90 219190 2128190 317190 ;000 10,000 Unleaded Vari- +125 -130 +150 +175 ation lO'OS Dates ;001 ~ . . ?k~% var£- -- ation ation / ~ Dates Example I certify, under penalty of perjury~.tha~ all variations (if any) exceeding allowable limits for the quarter ending ~~o ,_are in~}?ated above and were investigated in accordance with tSe requiremen=s of T~=le 23, CAC, Section 2644. Check One (1) Line~ San Bernardino Count~ Los a~.golos Count~ San D~ego count~ Ventura Count~ Kern Count~ ~li'ty~~tor Q~'R. VARIANCE LOG STATION ~ LOCATION II DATE REGULAR SUPREUE UNLEADED DIESEL FUEL -~.~ .- j o ~ - .7.~. -/oo .~ I QtR. _.~ VARIANCE LOG; -STATIONLocATiON~/~. , 0 '- DATE REGULAR SUPREME UNLEADED DIESEL FUEL ,7_~-,~ ..p/O.=O'-_- ~oz, -~- lo.i)- e. ,.t_ t ,..i .d. .e. t- · .t.l~, _.-;6 e. '"t-~..6 4-- 11'7 .f.. ':'1! 4.. "1-~.'1' 4-- t_~;'l ~. ~. ~,~ -- ,o~ · + t~.o 4.. ~.~.~ . I I '~..3,0/,. '&P-.,LJ,3.1. I'%A Avoe BL MONTE, CA 9].731 UI4)ERGRCXJI4) STORAGE TANK I~JARTERLY INVENTORY RECONCILIATION REPORT ACCOUNT NO.: FACILITY liAIqE AND LOCATION: DATE: HAILING ADDRESS: Title 23, California Administrative Code (CAC), Section 2644(e) requires the owner or'oper- ator of an underground storage tank utilizing inventory reconciliation as part of the re- quired monitoring and leak detection ~ystem to submit on a quarterly basis a statement to the local agency under penalty of perjury, that either: the inventory reconciliation data is ~thtn allowable variations or a li~-~tng-o'~-t,~e dates-and-v.ar-i-~t-ion~ that:exceed-the allowable variations. This form or a reasonable facsimile, when completed,'will satisfy %L ...... .~.~ ~an. rtine requirements. Please return a copy of this form to the Underground ~C ~Uom~mmj --~r~-- ~ ~ _ · Storage Tank Program w~thin thirty t30) days of the end of each calendar quarter (garch 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31). For the calendar quarter ending ~ ~.~'~ ., at the f~!l!ty t~d~cat~d abo~e, records for all underground tank~ moAitoreo'oy ~nventory reconc~i~ation ~noicate the" a. All inventory variations were within the allowable limits of Section 26::, CAC. b. ~. Inventory variations in excess of the allowable limits of SectiOn 2644, CAC · have occurred on the following days, in the listed amounts, for the following underground storage tanks (use back side of report if additional space is needed) Ex amp l e: Tank Tank Size I.D. (Gallon) Dates 01/30/87 02/09/87 02/28/&7 03/07/87 ~000 10,000 Vari- Unleaded atio~ +125 -130 +150 '+175 5_~jO0 Dates Vari- ~001 ~ ation Dates ~002 Vari- ation Dates 1003 Vari- ation I .certify, under penalty of perjury, that all variations (if any) exceeding allowable limits for the quarter ending , are indicated above and were investigated in accor- dance with the requirL~nts of lithe '23, CAC, Section 2644. CHECK (~) LINg San Bernardino Los Rngeles County 'Orange County R~verside County Ultramar Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hanford, CA 93232-0466 (209) 582-0241 August 6, 1992 Mr. Ralph Huey Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 SUBJECT- FORMER. BEACON SERVICE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wholesale 209-583-3330 Administrative 209-583-3302 Information Services 209-583-3358 Accounting 1 1.1992 STATION NO. 578, 6601 MING AVENUE, Dear Mr. Huey: This letter is prepared as a request of your assistance in evaluating recent oversight charges incurred by Mr. Joe Dunwoody of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department regarding the above-referenced Ultramar facility. These charges were incurred during routine drilling activities conducted during October, 1991, at the site. The activities involved the installation of vapor extraction wells which are currently being used for remediation. According to an itemized statement of the oversight charges, Mr. Dunwoody spent eleven hours of "Work Oversight" at the facility in a three day period, (A copy of the statement and invoice are enclosed with this letter). We believe these hours are excessive. ~: While it is evident that oversight charges may be necessary, we question the needed for Mr. Dunwoody to spend excessive time at the site during routine drilling. Especially when the activities are being conducted by a California Registered Geologist. Since Mr. Dunwoody is not in a position of directing the project, it is more reasonable that overs"gnt time be us~ed t~simply~ver!fy that field activities are taking place. Upon your review of this information, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, 578-1tr3 Enclosures A Member of the Ultramar Group of Companies #l Quality and Service BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 RECEIVED 0 1 1992 APPLICATION TO OPERATE .AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE T~7 ~aI. DIV. APPLICATION IS BEING SUBMITTED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: TO OPERATE A NEW FACILITY SFER OWNERSHIP ___~ OPERATE AN EXISTINO FACILITY BILLING ~DRESS TANK OPERATOR (if different, from owner) NAME . PHONE ADDRESS APPLICANTS NAME (if different from owner) NAME 'PHONE ADDRESS TANK LOCATION a FACILITY NAME_ ~.~d~../~'~t,'~. U~I~,ADDRESS ~/ G~ ~~fi~'~ PHONE ~- CZ/z /~ ~0 OPE~TORS N~E ~>, ~ h~ EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME ~.~e~ ~ k~ ~)~ PHONE ADDRESS~qlO ~-~ substance stOred previous substance Do You Have a HAZARDOUS ~TERIAL RESPONSE PLAN? ~ NO Do You Have an OWNER - OPE~TOR AGREEMENT? ~ NO Have You Filled Out a HAZARDOUS ~TERIAL BUSINESS PLAN?~ NO '/date 7~ ' name (print) TANK INFORMATION tank~ volume dat~l~talled / ix/Z- · ~ s:ature ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE ENTER ACCOUNT NO. FD00008 BILLING DETAILS FOR BEACON STATION BILLING DATE RECEIVABLE AMOUNT DUE FFFOOOOO REVENUE / EXPENDITURE OBJT SPRG PROJ 1 02/29/92 652.50 01111117 56069 EXPLANATION: UST OVERSITE CHARGE FOR 14.5 HOURS @ $45.00 PER HOUR [#] = CHANGE [D] = DELETE <CR> = NEXT RECORD [Q] = QUIT ALT-F10 HELP ADDS VP I FDX I ~9600 E71 I LOG CLOSED I PRT OFF I CR I CR , i lltramar Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hanford, CA 93232-0466 (209) 582-0241 Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wholesale 209-583-3330 Administrative 209-583-3302 Information Services 209-583-3358 Accounting March 26, 1992 RECEIVED 1 1992 HAZ~ .MAT. OIV. Mr. Joe Dunwoody City of Bakersfield Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G St Bakersfield CA 93301 SUBJECT: FORMER BEACON STATION 578, 6601 MING AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Mr. Dunwoody: Per our telephone conversation of this date, enclosed please find the latest analytical results for the stockpiled soil (approximately 3 cubic yards) sampled at the above-referenced Ultramar facility. Disposal of the soil will be at the property of George Knevelbaard located at 4615 Excelsior Avenue, Hanford, California. If you should have questions, please contact me'at (209) 583-3347. Sincerely, ULTRAMAR INC. Carolyn V. Nunes Environmental Coordinator, Marketing Environmental /cvn Enclosures BEACQN ,gl Quality and Service A Member of the UItramar Group of Companies LABORATORIES Petroleum Hydrocarbons ULTRAMAR INC. 525 WEST 3RD STREET HANFORD, CA 93230 Attn.: KENNETH R. EARNEST 209-582-0241 Date of Report: 02/11/92 Lab #: 938-1 Sample Description: FORMER STATION ~578-MING AVE., BAKERSFIELD: COMPOSITE OD SP-1 & SP-B (SOIL), 02-03-92 ® 10:40 & 10:45AM COLLECTED BY KENNETH EARNEST TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sample Collected: 02/03/92 · Date Sample Received '® Lab: 02/03/92 Date Analysis Completed: 02/10/92 Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Constituents Results Units Level Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 o-Xylene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 m-Xylene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 p-Xylene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg !. Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Department Supervisor 41 O0 Aclss ~. · E~skersf~elol. 0A ~330~ · [~-) 327-4~1 I · FAX [~O5-) 32-7-1 I_Z~BO F~IATO~IIISS LrLTRAMAR INC. 525 WEST 3RD STREET HANFORD, CA 93230 Attn.: KENNETH R. EARNEST 209-582-0241 Date Reported: 02/05/92 Date Received: 02/03/92 Laboratory No.: 938-1 Page 1 Sample Description: FORMER STATION ~578-MING AVE., BAKERSFIELD: COMPOSITE OD SP-1 & SP-B (SOIL), 02-03-92 @ 10:40 & 10:45AM COLLECTED BY KENNETH EARNEST Constituents TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (Title 22, Article 11, California Code of Regulations) ReguiaUory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Organic. Lead None Detected mg/kg 1.0 Luft-F~unua None 13. Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = N.D. = · STLC = TTLC -- Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed. None Detected (Constituent, if present, would be less than the method P.Q.L.). Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Total Threshold Limit Concentration Department Supervisor Ultramar Inc. BEACON CHAIN OF CUSTODY REPORT Beacon Station No. Sampler (Print Name) Date Form No. ANALYSES 2/~/~ 7_~ / of / Project No. Sampler (Signature) Project Location Affiliation ~ ~ - ~ z REMARKS Sample No./Identifi~tion Date Time Lab No. Relinqyish~ by: (Signatu~/Affiliation) Date Time Received by: (Signature/Affiliation) Date Time Relinquish~ by: (Signature/Affiliation) Date Time R~eiv~ ~: (Signature/Affiliation) Date Time Relinquish~ by: (Signature/Affiliation) Date Time R~eiv~ by: (Signature/Affiliation) Date Time Repofl To: Bill to: ULTRAMAR INC. 525 West Third Street .~ ~ . ~ Hanlord, GA 93230 Attention: WHITE: Return to Client wilh Report YELLOW: Laboralory Copy PINK: Originator Copy Utilities General Account Maintenance PUTLS801 Acct Nbr: 436201 Bill Stat: NO Cyc Stat: CL Acct Cyc Stat: CL Transfer-from: Transfer-to: Page 1 of 6 Due: 0.00 2. 4. Service Address: 6601 MING AVE 5. Service City: BAKERSFIELD 6. State: CA 8. Parcel ID: 9. ~Bill Cycle: 5 20. Water Svc Class: 10. Route Nbr: 11. Comments : BUSINESS CHANGED FROM BEACON TO CHEVRON 12. Prev Acct: HM00918 23. Misc Services: 23.1 13. Service Date: 03/26/92 23.2. 14. Fund no: 15. Bill-to Addressl: 9382 TELSTAR AV 16. Bill-to Address2: 17. Bill-to City: EL MONTE Customer Name: CHEVRON USA DBA APSI STATION Social Sec Nbr: 3. Telephone: 805-831-1270 7. Zip: 93309 MISC ACCT FFD0008 F05 HAZ MAT HANDLING 24. Closing Date: 18. State: CA 19. Zip: 91731 Enter Save(S), Cancel(XX), Next Page(/), or Field # to Change oiQ9}oooowgCSlo ALT-F10 HELP I ADDS VP I FDX I 9600 E71 I LOG CLOSED I PRT OFF I CR I CR '~:-:,!'~i*'":-,,~c¥;-~'¥~'-:' :?--~, :: -~- . February:20., -~1992 '~/i,:..:. ,~ ~," ,:' :i:i-:'..i'-: .... ~.i:,.~:, .. ..TO::;i.'.':vale~ie pendergrass~.:' '* ':;'~:..'~ ".:: '* - ' ':. ;:'SHB:JEC~ :;~ de~ S'men%';' :}~0VerS ight':'' 6f :;. the.. 'Beacon o f '~ the:-.:Beacon ~stat'i°n' ~g 758' ~bi 1: 6°ntaminati o~i: ;i:~t;~o~';comp'let'e.: .;:A':~t°ta'l :<_of :.Tourt'een:: and ~ one ha. lf hours ( 14 1/2 ). :~ Fate!~{'o f':'.$ 45':;00.:: per: hour, ::.~ere!: spent?: on'. this. pro j ,t'otaL ~'am0unt:-lis:.~iisted,.· below .' ::' Please enter.' the '~ount' on~- 'note:; th$}¢date :;';0n:.:~he': mere6., and?file '~when' ComPleted. ~:.-;' ~:::1./2~: hfs ;~ :~:~'?.$45". 00./hr ..¢= $652'. 50 : - ,:-;-::..~-.' ¥ :>;~':, ',~. JRN PAY&',,~NfS TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 ACCOUNT NO. Total Current ail't ..... Clo~tng Date DUE UPON RECEZPT. PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RETURN THIS COPY WITH PAYMENT TOT^L. NON DI.,,~ ~IEscONcEI~g:THJ$ ~1~; PLEASE:PHONE: ~6--;:~t'79 ' I" ' :': "¢'":" ":'' ' ;" ' ?:'~": "': ~BER I"E~' 8TATI~ ' P.O. BOX 4~ MUST RE ,URN THIS COPY WrT? ?A'r'MEhJT O. OC FDO0008 MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" February 20, 1992 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Valerie Pendergrass Joe A. Dunwoody Billing for assessment oversight Station #758, 6601 Ming Avenue. of the Beacon The assessment phase of the Beacon Station #758 soil contamination is now complete. A total of fourteen and one half hours(14 1/2) hours, at a rate of $45.00 per hour, were spent on this project. The total amount is listed below. Please enter the amount on the computer, note the date on the memo and file when completed. 14 1/2 hrs. * $45.00/hr. = $652.50 cc: Ralph E. Huey ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE ENTER ACCOUNT NO. FD00008 BILLING DETAILS FOR BEACON STATION RECEIVABLE BILLING DATE AMOUNT DUE FFFOOOOO 1 02/29/92 652.50 01111117 56069 REVENUE / EXPENDITURE OBJT SPRG PROJ EXPLANATION: UST OVERSITE CHARGE FOR 14.5 HOURS @ $45.00 PER HOUR [#] = CHANGE [D] = DELETE <CR> = NEXT RECORD [Q] = QUIT ~LT-~10 HEL~ I~ ~DDS V~ I~DXl 9600 E71 I LOG CLOSED ~RT O~ I CR I CR groundwater resources inc. ~ A RESNA Company 1500 SO. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CAL~I-ORNIA 93307 General Engineering Contractor Class A/Haz License No. 609572 RECEIVED f,"B 1 0.1992 HAZ. MAT. DIV. Environmental Solutions Through Applied Science, Engineering & Construction TO: Mr. Joseph Dunwoody City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Material Division 2130 G Street Bakersfield, California 93301 DATE: RE: February 3, 1992 Vapor Extraction Pilot Test Ultramar, Inc. Ming & Ashe Road Bakersfield, California WE ARE SENDING YOU [] Attached [] Site Assessment Report Workplan for Site Assessment Environmental Assessment Under separate cover via [] Closure Report [] Proposal [] as listed above the following: THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] [] For your use [] [] FOR BIDS DUE 19__ [] As requested For review and comment REMARKS COPY TO: Rex J. Young, J~egister~eologist #720 MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835-7717 groundwater resources inc. ~ A RESNA Company ceP¥ Enviro.mental Solutions Through Applied Science; Engineering & Construction February 3, 1992 Mr. Thomas Paxson County of Kern Air Pollution Control District 2700 "M" Street. Suite 275 Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Vapor Extraction Pilot Test Results Beacon Station g578 Ming Avenue and Ashe Road Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Paxson, RESNA/Groundwater Resources Inc. (RESNA) tested four vapor extraction wells at the referenced site on October 28, 1991 to measure flow parameters and vapor concentrations. This is a report of the air contaminant testing. PROCEDURES A portable unit consisting of a 30 SCFM blower connected downstream from four granulated activated carbon (GAC) drums was used to conduct the test. The 150 SCFM regenerative blower which was described in our letter of September 11, 1991 was not available. Each well being tested was fitted with a PVC well head assembly equipped with a pitot tube, sampling port, and a downstream fresh air bleed. This was, in turn, attached by rubber hoses to four drums of GAC connected in series to a 30 SCFM blower. Power was provided by a portable generator. The pitot tube was connected by tubing to a magnehelic gauge to measure differential pressures which were then used to calculate air velocities and flow rates. A small air pump was used to extract samples from the gas stream at the sampling port; samples were collected in tedlar bags. One sample from each well was submitted to SMC Laboratory for analysis. As each well was subjected to pressure drawdown with the blower, adjacent wells were equipped with a slack-tube manometer to measure the vacuum response. The test procedure was completed in one day. No subsequent operations have been performed. FLOW CHARACTERISTICS During the vapor extraction test on October 28, 1991 a calculated rate of 30 to 40 Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) of air was extracted from the 2-inch diameter wells at well-head MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383,1]AKERSFiEi_D, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835-7717 Mr. Thomas Paxson County of Kern Air Pollution Control District February 3, 1992 Page 2 pressures ranging from 1.2 to 1.4 inches Water Column (WC) vacuum. These relatively large flow rates and correspondingly low well-head vacuums indicate the predominantly sand soils have a good permeability to air flow. VAPOR CONCENTRATIONS Well-head vapor samples collected during the pilot test contained Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, as gasoline, ranging from 13,000 ug/liter to 75,000 ug/liter. Benzene was reported in concentrations from None Detected to 1,300 ug/liter. The laboratory report is enclosed. Very truly yours, Rex J Oun/~' · · REX J YOUNG Geolog,st RJY:tab:macpvt Enclosure. cc: Randy Stephenson, Ultramar, Inc. Joseph Dunwoody, Bakersfield City Fire Department :Ullramar CHAIN OF CUSTODY REPORT BEACON Beacon Station No. Proiect No. Project Location Sampler (Print Name) Sampl_er (Sig~iature) Affiliation Sample No/Identification Date Time Lab No. dE' E' VE' 3 I~elinquished by: (Signature/Affiliation) Time Time ANALYSES tDate I Time" Dat~ I Time Date I Time ~~l~eiJnquish~byi (Signature/Affiliation) Report To: iDate' Time Receiv~ed by: (Signature/Affiliation) R~ived by: (SignaturelAfliliat~on) Received by: (Signature/Affiliation) ~'~ ULTRAMAR INC. 525 West Third Street Hanford, CA 93230 Attention: Date I Form No. I of REMARKS WHITE: Relum lo Client with Report YELLOW: Laboratory Copy PINK: Originator Copy SMC Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Groundwater Resources Inc. Address : 1500 South Union Ave. Bakersfield, Calif. 93307 Attention : Mr. Bob Becker Date samples received : 10-31-91 Date analysis completed: 11-01-91 Date of report : 11-04-91 Project Name: N/A Project ~ : 4491-3 P.O. $ : N/A RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: %4050 ID: VE-2 ug/cc Benzene ND Toluene 11. Ethylbenzene 2.4 p-Xylene 2.8 m-Xylene 6.1 o-Xylene 2.9 Isopropylbenzene .21 TPH (Gasoline) 73. MDL,ug/cc .0500(PQL) .0050 .0050 .0050 .0050 .0050 .0050 0.20(MRL) Method of Analysis for BTX/GAS 8020 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level MDL = Minimum Detection Level PQL = Practical Quantitation Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/cc = micrograms per cubic centimetre ND = None Detected Robert~. Michels Analytical Chemist 3! .5.5 Pegasus Drive P.O. 13ox 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93380 o(805) 393-3597 FAX (805~ 393.q~9~ RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: ~4051 ID: VE-8 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ug/cc 1.3 12. 2.4 2.8 5.9 2.9 .21 75. MDL,ug/cc .0500(PQL) .0050 .0050 .O050 .0050 .0050 .0050 0.20(MRL) ~4052 ID: VE-3 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ug/cc ND 1.2 .32 .42 .87 .44 .018 13. MDL,ug/cc .0500(PQL) .0050 .0050 .005O .0050 .005O .O050 0.20(MRL) ~4053 ID: VE-5 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ug/cc .80 4.6 .84 1.0 2.2 1.1 .092 43. MDL,ug/cc .0050 .0050 .0050 .0050 .0050 .0050 .0050 0.20(MRL) Robert J(~ Mi~hel'~ Analytical Chemist groundwater resources inc, ~ A RESNA Company 1500 SO. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIEI.I), CALIFORNIA 93307 General Engineering Conlraclor Class/VHaz Licec~se NO. 609572 Environmental Solutions Through Applied Science, Engineering & Construction October 1, 1991 Mr. Thomas Paxson, P. E. Air Pollution Control District 2700 M Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Re: Beacon Station Ming Avenue and Ashe Road. Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Paxson, RESNA/Groundwater Resources Inc. (RESNA) requests an experimental research exemption to conduct a vapor extraction pilot study at the Beacon Station on the comer of Ming Avenue and Ashe Road in southwest Bakersfield (Plate 1). The pilot study will be conducted within a 24 hour period and is tentatively scheduled for the week of September 23 - 27, 1991. Reference is made to a similar research exemption granted by your office to RESNA (formerly Groundwater Resources Inc.) in response to a letter dated February 19, 1991 regarding the former A. R. B. Construction facility at 1500 South Union Avenue, Bakersfield. BACKGROUND The underground locations of eight steel storage-tanks at the Beacon Station are shown on the Plot Plan, Plate 2; all of the tanks are presently operational. A record of tightness tests performed on three 12,000-gallon fuel tanks and one 6,000-gallon diesel tank indicates they were tight as of January 15, 1991. The 12,000-gallon premium unleaded tank, however, had failed a tighmess test on January 26, 1989. Repairs were made on the tank and it passed the test on February 3, 1989. Between July 16 and July 23, 1991 ten borings were drilled and one monitoring well, MW-l, was installed to determine the presence or absence of volatile hydrocarbons in the soil and groundwater below the site. Hydrocarbons, as gasoline and as diesel, were detected in soil samples from nine of the ten soil borings drilled for'this investigation. TPH (gasoline) concentrations were reported by the lab to be as high as 7,900 ppm in a soil sample while 51 ppm benzene was also reported. The highest concentrations were in soil samples from borings BH-C,' BH-E and MW-l, in the vicinity of, and below, the fuel tanks at the east side of the property. PURPOSE The purpose of this vapor extraction pilot study will be to: o Evaluate the potential for using granular activated carbon filtration for the elimination of extracted vapors. MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835-7717 Mr. Thomas Paxson~ E. Air Pollution Control"lSistrict October 1, 1991 Page 2 o Determine the radius of influence of the central extraction well by monitoring pressure drop at adjacent air supply wells. o Determine vapor recovery rates at varying vacuum flow rates. o Evaluate the need for additional air supply wells. o Determine pore volume turnover rates. o Collect air samples to determine the maximum concentrations of hydrocarbons in the vapor stream and the ratios of the components. o Estimate time for cleanup. PROCEDURES The pilot study will be done by extracting vapors from individual wells in an an'ay of six wells (Plate 2) using a 150 SCFM regenerative blower. This blower will be connected in series to four granulated activated carbon (GAC) drums to reduce hydrocarbon vapors in the effluent stream (see Plate 3). Flow rates will be measured by magnehelic gauges. Static well-head pressure drops will be monitored at neighboring wells with a manometer to determine the radius of influence for each well at varying flow rates. A photoionization detector will be on-site' to monitor both influent and effluent air emissions. Estimated influent hydrocarbon concentrations during the vapor extraction testing are 1 to 10 ugrn/cc benzene (at a maximum flow-rate of 50 SCFM). Concentrations in the effluent stream after the carbon drams should be less than 100 ppm (or 1.2 ugm/cc). Air samples will be taken periodically to confmn these values and data collected will be used in the application for the Air Pollution Control District (APCD) Authority to Construct permit. Following the testing, a pilot study report will be sent to the Bakersfield City Fire Department and to the APCD with plans and application to construct and operate a full scale vapor extraction system at the site. If there is a question conCerning this letter, please contact RESNA at (805) 835-7700. Sincerely, Geologist RJY:tab:macpvt Enclosures: Location Map Plot plan Vapor Extraction System Diagram O21 Randall Stephenson, Ultramar, Inc. Joseph Dunwoody, Bakersfield City Fire Department WAY lid. .. ,/ AVENUE NMdic D~. 09/11/91 No: Environmental Solutions Through Applied Science, Engineering & Construction BEACON STATION #578 MING AVENUE & ASHE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA LOCATION MAP PLATE 1 Ming Avenue pumps BH-1 ~ I canopy BH-C~, ('~') BH-J MW-I~- B-2 B-3 B-1 · · BH-A II · BH-B (45°) dtBH-E (35°) 0 20 40 ft. ~)- MW-1 Monitoring Well O · B-1 Soil Boring O//' · BH-A Angled Soil Boring at Degree Shown · (35°) .... Path of Angled Soil Boring [] Environmental Solutions Through Applied Science, DATE: 09/11/91 Engineering & Construction ; NUMBER: 4491-3 Proposed Vertical Boring/Well Location Proposed Slant Boring/Well Location Turbine Box Fill Power Poles (20' & 35' high wires) · ~ =.----'-- BEACON STATION #578 PLATE MING AVENUE & ASHE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 2 PLOT PLAN m VENT TO ATMOSPHERE 2-inch PVC I Vacuum sched.40 i Gauge ~ \ , 55 GAL DRUM 55 GAL DRUM 55 GAL DRUM 55 GAL DRUM · VAPOR PHASE VAPOR PHASE ~ VAPOR PHASE VAPOR PHASE  GRANULATED -- GRANULATED ~ GRANULATED -- GRANULATED VACUUM ' ~ i PUMP I I~~---ACTIVATED- ACTIVATED---- ACTIVATED -- ACTIVATED , , / J t(,~) (,~ z..~ CHARCOAL CHARCOAL ~ CHARCOAL , CHARCOAL Fresh Air Bleed = Perforated = : v~=w VEW (Vapor Extraction Wells) (~ PRESSURE / VAC PORT {~ SAMPLE PORT Not To Scale BEACON STATION # 587 ~ _. PLATE Ming Ave. and Ashe Road Bakersfield, CA 93309 Environmental Solutions QI ThroughAppliedScience, ~ VAPOR EXTRACTION E~i~o~ ~ co, station PILOT STUDY SCHEMATIC 9-30-91 PROJECT NUMBER: 4491-3 I. FACILITY/SITE DBA OR FACILITY NAME / Bakersfield Fire Dept~ ~/' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION ~=~ 2'130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3970 UNDERGROUND TA~'~U~~N NAIR [ E C E I V E D No. OFTANKS ~ ' \ ~ "- /', Ansd ............ ADDRESS NEAREST CROSS STREET PARCEL No.(OPTIONAL) CITY NAME STATE ZIP CODE ~' BOX TO INDICATE ~CORPO~TION ~ INDIVIDUAL ~ PARTNERSHIP ~ L~AL AGENCY DISTRIC~ ~ COUN~ AGENCY ~STATE AGENCY ~ FEDE~L AGENCY [~5OTHER EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE (,~o~) ~- ,~o EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY) optional DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION. (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS CITY NAME ~' BOX ~ INDIVIDUAL TO INDICATE [~ PARTNERSHIP ZIP CODE q 5'~B~ LOCAL AGENCY [~ STATE AGENCY [~ COUNTY AGENCY [~FEDERAL AGENCY PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE III. TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS CITY NAME ¥ BOX TO INDICATE [~INDIVIDUAL . ~LOCAL AGENCY [~STATE AGENCY PARTNERSHIP ~ COUNTY AGENCY [~ FEDERAL AGENCY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE OWNER'S DATE VOLUME TANK No. INSTALLED ~qs- ?. ~q,i~ ~,~0 DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? Y/N TYPE PRODUCT STORED P..e~u CARL- IN SERVICE ~/N ¥/N ¥/N -' ~, Fill one segment .t for each tank, unless al~m~tanks and piping are constructed of same materials, style an~ype, then only fill on~ segment out. please identify tanks by owner ID #. I. ~ANK'D ESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN ' A. OWNER'S TANK L O. # B. MANUFACTURED BY: JC. DATE INSTALLED(MO/DAY/YEAR) JO~ D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: IZ,O~)(~ III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B. ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER B. TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE (Primary'rank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN  4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER ] LINED [] 2 N..KYD LINING 1 RUBBER C. INTERIOR [] 5 GLASS LINING [] IS UNLINED LINING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? [] 3 EPOXY LINING ] 95 UNKNOWN YES_ NO__ ] 4 PHENOLIC LINING ] 99 OTHER D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 3 VINYL WRAP ~ 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] os UNKNOW. [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RCLE A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTHIFAPPLICABLE A, SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A {~ 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION BARESTEEL A t) 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLY'ViNYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A(~ 4. FIBERGLASS PIPE ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP GALVANIZED STEEL k I,j 10 CATHODIC PROTECTiON .~ I,j g5 UNKNOWN k ~ 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTtNG [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MON~ORING [] 99 OTHER · V. TANK LEAK DETECTION [] ~ VISUAL CHECK [] 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MGN[TORING [---1 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUNO WATER MONITORING [] 6 TANK TESTING [] 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER I, TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK LD.# ~¢J~)_,Z~ B. MANUFACTURED BY: D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: BOXES A, B, AND C, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) ~'~I~ III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN /,,, OOO A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM ~ 2 SINGLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER B. TANK [] 1 8ARESTEEL MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] e POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN ~ 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] ~ ~o ~E~ANOL COMPATIBLEW'FRP [] 99 OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING C. INTERIOR LINING [~ 5 GLASS LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 1005o METHANOL ? YES_ NO__ ] 4 PHENOLIC LINING ] 99 OTHER D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 3 VINYL WRAP ~. 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] 95 UNKNOWN [] ~ OTHER. eSpl'~lt IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A tFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A~ 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION AC'~ 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A(~4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER ~ LEAK DETECTION [~ 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 99 OTHER V, TANK LEAK DETECTION 'Kern County Health Depart~ Division of Environmental Bealth 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA (805) 861-3636 " 93305 Permit N°. "':' ..... ~' ication Date ! --~7 ~ ~ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type Of Application (check): ONew Facility~Modificatton Of Facility ~]Existing Facility,]Transfer Of OWnership A. Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code. phone): Days Type Of Business (check): ~soline Station' ~Other (describe) Is Tank(s) Located On An Agricultural Farm? ~Yes ~o Is Tank(s) Used Primarily ~or A~icu~t~ral Pur2os~s? ~Yes Facility Address f~[~/ ~l~~~~-~ Nearest Cross St. T ,~ R ~ ~ SEC~ / (Rural Locations Only) Operator .~ d~~J ~ ' Contact Person Address' ' -- Zip Telepho~~i-- Soil Characteristics At Facility Basis Eot Soi~ Type a~d Ground~ater.~epth Determinations ~roposed Startin~ D~te ~/~ Eroposed Co~pletio~ Date ~ ~~ , ~. If This Per.it Is ~9~ ~odifi~tion Of An Existin~ Facility, Briefl~ ~escribe E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): ' Tank ~ Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Fuel_ Oil [] mF -~ ~' [] [] [] [] 0 [] [] [] [] [] [] 0 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 0 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Chemical Composition Of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank # Chemical, Stored (non-commercial name) CAS ~ (if known) Chemical Previously Stored G. Transfer Of Ownership Date Of Transfer Previous Facility Name I, Previous Owner accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued.to I understand that the Permitting Authority may review anc modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completdd form. ~ This form has been completed undezr pemalty of perjury and to/the best of my knowledge ~s true L- /~A ( ~,~.~ /~ . .. ..," ' and correct. , /~ . ~ '-~' '-' '.. , ~ ~ c.c~'(~,~, j f~ //., / / 2700 'M' Street, 5te. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301' (805) 861-3636 PEP31IT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: B~acon Station 6601 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 KERN COUN, Environ~enta/ Hea/th Department PERMIT NUMBER 280018M OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Beacon Oil 325 W. Third Street Hanford, CA 93230 CONTRACTOR: ¢al Valley EqUipment 3300 Gilmore Avenue Bakersfield, CA License #A451970-6299 x NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP --RENEWAL MODIFICATION OTHER PERMIT EXPIRES March 30, 1989 APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY J:nu~y_~ 0, 1989 //~ Joe Canas CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: Standard Instructions o This permit applies only for the inspection and repair of all vapor recovery, vent product piping and tank risers which are found leaking product· All construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. Permi'ttee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 24-hour advance notice. Be advised that any area found significantly contaminated, w/Il require samples to be retrieved to determine the extent of contamination. DISTRICT OFFICES ,, Oelano * Lamont · Lake Isabella · Mojave · Ridgecrest · shafter · Tart TANKNOLOGY CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL 5225 Hollister, Houston, Texas 77040-6294 Phone: (713)690-TAN K CerlJficate of Service Order # 3~724 [ h ] Tank(s) & Piping, [ ] Tank(s) Only, [ ] Piping only. Qu8fl. Quan. Tank Owner/Address ULTRAMAR 525 W. Test Site Address ULTRAMAR //578, 6601 Tank sizes & products tested TANK #1 Fax: (713) 690-2255 , Testdate 9/23/91 Ousfl. ~rd ST.r HANFORDr CA.r 93230 MING AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA. 12K RUN, TANK #2 12K REG, TANK #3 6K PUN, TANK #4 12K DIE Piping Tested LINES: 1A~ 2A~ 3A, 4A TCI #62-5/92 /~9. () /;DO /[, CA. #1121-12/~2 U, S. Patent TAnNerY Customer 'u LTRAMAR Invoice Name/Address Site Name/Address ULTRAMAR #578, VacuTect T. TANK TESTING REPORT Site # 578. ULTRAMAR 525 W. 3rd ST., HANFORD, CA., 93230 6601 MING AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA. S.O.~ 36724 Date 9/23/91 Phone 209-583-5598 Att'n: SANDY HUFF TANKS LINES Leak Det i s~ l Tank Dipped Dipped J Probe Exist TANKS and LINES Tested to · ie aat'l Water Product', Water J LD NEW CFR-40 Parts 280-281 and I Far Water Bubble UIlIgeAJr Tight Line Deliv Tight ( Pass PreTested NFPA 329 Spec's. L=~ · I~evel Level I Level ingress ingress Ingresa (T) Mat'l Syst. (T) (P) LD ST/ · · · Detected Detected Detected or · · or Fml · Other: Tank Tank Tank Tank FRP/ _START START START · · · Fail ST / PS / Fail (F) cr SOLD · Product Dia. Gallons Lined END END END Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No {F) Line# FRP SS (F) NONE Yes/No I RUN 92 12K FRP NO NO NO T lA FRP PS T P NO ExistLD SN: 0 68 .16 lB NewLD SN: Start q ime: 22:00 lC PumpMlr.: End T me: 03:00 TOKHE IH _ -.010 0 81% .16 1D 2 REG 92 12K FRP NO NO NO T 2A FRP PS T P NO Ex~LDSN: 0 71 .16 2B New LD SN: Startlime: 03:30 End T me: 05: 30 2C Pump Mir.: TOKHE I M -.006 0 85% .16 2D 3 PUN 92 6K FRP NO NO NO T 3A FRP PS T P NO ExistLDSN: 0 69.75 .16 3B NewLD SN: Start 3'im¢: 06: O0 End T me: 08:00 33 Pump Mfr.' TOKHEIM -.006 0 83% . 16 3[) 4 DIE 92 12K FRP NO NO NO T 4A FRP PS T P NO EximLDSN: Start'l'ime: 06:00 0 74 .16 4B NewLDSN: End T me: 08: O0 4C Pump Mir.' TOKHEIM · 007 0 80% .16 4D RANDY ALDRIDGE #62-5/92 CA. #1121- 12/92 TANKNOLOGY CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL TANKNOLOGY Regional Office: 992 Unit Number 405 4960-F Allison Parkway · Vacaville, CA 95688 NOTE: Original VacuTect Data recoilings are reviewed by Tanknolgy's Audit Control Department and maintained on file. (707) 446-2494 · (800) 826-5837 · FAX (707) 446-2495 FORM l A .~1700 Flower Street BakerSfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS sUBSTANCS '~ · '-'STORAGE FACILITY KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR .EALTHOFFiCER '- ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION. *': ' ~. . ....... *'~':-: ":d,~:~: '.'~:~ ::.*:.~'. , .. ' '~' ~' '~ DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH :. I1.~1 !:. I S SUED': .?~:'u-ULY /' ]~ X~:' ii: i:~.E S: JULY 1, 1989 ~"'.' '¢,'?':i;;i' NUMB-ER'OF .TANKS= '4 NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING · '-~"'~?"~:;:~ .... ~F':~" AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT ' .' .".' ....... :' : ' - - .;' .. : .... '~" '. :<'v?'?':''~ : :" - -.: · .; ~'< ,'.,%~:,;~,~--?. DATE. PERMIT tv'C..:]:T,'RI3= J~U6.2 5 1986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: FIL~5 ~:ONTENT$ INVENTORY Facility ~-~_ ~f)Y~ ~/Z~ ~7 ~;~ ~ 5~ ~Pe~mit to Operate ~ ~O~. Date ~Construction Permit ~ Date ~Permit to abandon~ No. of Tanks Date ~ended Permit Conditions ~Permit Application Form, ~ Tank Sheets ~O~'~a,S~ Application to Abandon ~'anks(s) Date Annual Report Forms [-]Copy ~of Written Contract []Inspection Reports Between Owner & Operator []Correspondence - Received Date Da te Date []Correspondence - Mailed Date Da te Date []Unauthorized Release [] Abandonment/Closure [~ Sampl lng/Lab Reports Reports Reports []MVF Compliance Check ~N'ew "~o~struction Checkl'is~) []STD Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) []MVF Plan Check (New Construction) []STD Plan Check (New Construction) []MVF Plan Check (Existing. Facility) []STD Plan Check (Existing Facility). ~l"Incomplete Application" Form []Permit Application Checklist Tigrm it Instructions /[]Ui scarded htness Test esUlts ~lMonitoring Well Constru6tio'n 'Data'/Permlts Da te Date Da te []Environmental Sensitivity Data: [:]Groundwater Drilling, Boring Logs []Location of Water Wells []Statement of Underground Conduits ~Plot Plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive []Photos Construction Drawings Location g]~.If sheet showing dgte receiv~ed ,~_d tal [~Miscellaneous .~/~ ~ 7L~_,/~i,, ."~. ~"/- :{,~. Data of~ i,.~spection! t~me, etc CAL-VALLEY EQUIPMENT 3500 GILMORE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308-6299 (805) 327-9341 CO. Kern County Health Dept. ATTN: 30E CANAS 2700 "H" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 April 18, 1989 H~. £anas: RE: Beacon Oil SLation located at6601 Ming Ave at Ashe Rd. Per our phone conversation Friday morning April 14th. We discussed the relocating of dirt piled on east side of property and removal to another site on the same property., With your acknowledgement and approval - this has been done. Thank you! R~,ully, Dennis A. Kamps ~ t_ Cai-Valley Equipment Co. DK;tb Pumps' Meters' Reels' Dayco Hose' Alemite Lube Equipment- Emco-Wheaton Products' Red Jacket P~Jmps- 1. OWNER mo=,.v~" Tenk(I) ,J~ Z. OPERATOR 3. REASON FOR' TEST (Exolain Fully) 4. WHO REQUESTED TEST AND WHEN 5. WHO IS PAYING FOR THiS TEST? 6. TANK(S) INVOLVED 7. INSTALLATION DATA :0. 8. UNDERGROUND WATER 9. FILL-UP '1. Data Chart for Tank System Tightnes~Test ~pefro .T. ff__e IANK TESTER '3. 'Z. ARRANGEMENTS CONTRACTOR. MECHANICS, involved OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS TEST RESULTS CERTIFICATION Tanks to be filled Iv. __ Extra prOdUCt tO "tOD oil" end run T~rT. AGe Sts$11Fibe~gliss Cov~t IBrend/$uDplM Fills Vents Date ~enged by How mhd who to WOVMI ? Consider NO I-ed. ~-77'/ Terminal Or other Contact fo~ notice o~ inciun Tests were made on tP4 above tank systems in acco,clerics with test price(lutes pralcrii3Ml for ~fro ~f~ Tank Identificmt~n T~ht I Lllklge Indiclte~ Ol'te Tilted ' ~ I Thli Ii to cirtl/y that these link Iyalema were teate(~ on the dmt~s) sh~n. ~o~ ~dl~t~ the Nlli~II Fire PrOIKtIM AGIiIIoA Pamphlet 329. ~ ~ L~rence Tank Testing ~ P.O. Box 407 , ....... Downieville. California gSg3d (9~) 28g-310g //~l-l/l/-. PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER 280018M ADDENDUM Ail underground metal connections (e.g. piping, fitting, fill pipes) to tank(s) must be electrically isolated, and wrapped to a minimum 20 mil thickness with corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistant tape oz- otherwise protected from corrosion. · AGGEPTED BY JC:cas Canas/280018M 1. Tank Is: ~ Vaulted.. ~Non-Vaulted ~ Oouble-~all Slngle-~all a. Tank Material ~ Ca~'bon Ste~l ~' Stainless Steel ~ Polyvinyl Chloride ~ FiberMlass-Clad Steel  oFtberglass-Reint'orced Plastic ~ Concrete ~ ~'luminum ~ Bronze ~ Unknown 3. PrlmavE Containment . Tunk Socondu~zx CoutaJnmenL Othe~ (describe): Manufacturer: ~aterial Thickness (luther) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior ~. Rubber ~ Alkyd ~ Epoxy ~ Fh'enolic ~ 6]ass ~ Clay ~ Onlined ~kno~n ~ Other (describe.): 6. Tank Corrosion Pro~ectlon ~ Galvanized ~ Fiberglass-Clad ~ Polyethylene Wrap ~ Vinyl' Wrapping . ~ Tar o~ Asphalt ~Unknown ~ None ~ Othev.(describe): ~a~hodic Pro~ecEion: ~ ~one ~ impressed Current U Describe System ~ Equipment: Li~O~ '" '" ..... '"' a. Tank: ~ Visual (vaulted tanks only) ~ Gpound~a~er Monitoring Well(s) ~ Vadose Zone Monitorln~ Wellis) ~ U-Tube WithOut Liner ~] U-Tube wi~h Compatible Liner Oirecting Flow To Monitoring Well(s)* ~ Vapor Detector *~ Liquid Level Sensor * ~ Conductivity Sensor* ~ Pressure Sensor In Annula~ Space O~ Oouble Wall Tank * ~ Liquid,Retrieval a Inspecttol~ From U-Tube, ~onttoring ~e]l O~ Annular Space ~Oall~ Gauging · Inventory lieconclltatlou ~ertodlc Tightness Testing ~ None~ Unknown ~ Other b. Piping: ~low-Restricting Leak Detector(s) For Pressurized Piping* ~ Monitoring Sump With Raceway ~ Sealed Concrete Race~ay ~ Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ~ Synthetic Liner Raceway ~ None ~ U,,known ~ Other ~< · l)escrlbe ~ake & ~lodel:. ~. ~ llas This Tank Been.Tightness Te~ ed? e No ~ Unknown Onte o~ L~Tlgl~s ~est Results g. Tank Repair ~ Date(s) Of Repair(s) llesc~tbe Repairs 10. Overfill I'rotection I-] Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually. H.uitors Level ["] Tape Float 6auge ~ Float Vent Valves 1] Al~to Shut-Off Controls ~ Capacitance Sensor ~ Sealed Fill Box ~ None ~ Unknown ~ Other:' List Make & Hodel For Above Devices 11. ?lplnlgjnd,erground I'lpi,,g: .i-l~Yes [] No ..[~ Unknown Material b~/~j/]/~/] a. Th~k,less (Inches) ~,~Diameter Manufacturer l,lffi)Z~)[;)~ ~ Pressure ~ S~ction ~ Gravity Approximate Length Of P.l}e Run ' b. Underground Piping Cocrosion Pro~ection:  Galvanized ~ Fiberglass-Clad [~ .Iml)ressed Current ~ Sacrificial Anode PolyeUwlene ~rap ~ Elec[['ic~l Isolation ~ Vinyl ~rap ~ Tar or Asphalt Unknown ~ None ~ OUmr (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: / ~ Double-Wall ~ Synthett' Liner System ~ None '~Unknown ~ Other (descvibe): 02,-'"'~37.,'i'9S9 09: _E(EACON OIL CREDIT HANFORD 2~q'9 E84 61~S P.Oi 525 WEST THIRD STREET · HANFORD, 93230 · (209) 582-0241 P~EASE TO: FROM: DATE: PAG ES TELECOPY TRANSMITTAL SHEET DELIVER THE FOLLOWlNO TELECOPY: ~P_~C IAL INSTRUCTIONS: If you do not receive all pages, please contact: Thank you, ple~a,e retur o~iginal t.~ Messa'ge'"S~it By Time TOTAL P. 01 ~Jaae ~, OWNE~ 2. OPERATOR 3, 1~60N FOR' J. WHO REQUESTED T~$T AND WHEN 5. TANK INVOLVED 9,"'tNSTALLATION DATA ?, UNOER6ROUNO WATER 6. FILL-UP ARRANO~MENT$ CONTRACTOR. IMECHANIC$, 10. OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS 11. TEST RE~tUI. T~ Chart, for Tank s ,. ness st Beecon 6601 Min Ave. ....... Nl~,m- , 525 [4. :h~t~ ~ctaet tiaa Ca. Beacon .6601 #i~g Ave. J~akersfie]d, .C,a. -~/.~/.89 15. TANK TO TESt iSa- ]IRflSF MA4a:LAM OF T,AI'JK J:W~ O .,%? ,. ~ EXlI~ HOSE SETTING ~ /Z qVT,. ~l. VAPORIIEI~VERY SYSTEll lO~,,., L% ~ . 03 P-T Timk Test T~I~ OmwxJOpE~tOE' Oa~e ~ ~.~o~= ~ .... .~_ ._ ~ i 6601 Xow~- ;Beaco~ 525 lg. ~t~rd Street ~ ~~ ~ ~o ~est syst~ for _ ~ ~ ..... ~e ~rou~ Liquid --.~ !.' la, ~ke~sfiel~, Ca. BEAC-,,N An Ultramar Company ENVIRONMENTAL HmALTH. 525 WEST THIRD STREET · .HANFORD, CA 93230 · (209) 582-0241 January 2~, 1989 ~s. Ann Boyce Environmental Health Specialist COUNTY OF KERN Environmental Health 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Ms. Boyce: RE: Beacon Station #578 6601 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, CA Enclosed are the precision tank test results for the'above referenced Beacon Service Station. Please review the results and if you should have any questions, feel free to contact me. After a subsequent repair to the turbine, a re-test has been scheduled for the premium tank. The re-test is scheduled for January 26th, the results of which will be forWarded to you as soon as they are received. Very truly yours, ~.~Julie M. Caldwell Environmental Coordinator JMC/jsm Enclosures 0200i TANK TEST REPORT LAWRENCE TANK TESTING INC. P.O. BOX ~07 DOWNIEVILLE , ~A 95936 Phone : 916-'289-3109 Prepared By : MIKE LAWRENCE INVOICE #881286 Date : 1/1~/1989' SITE INFORMATION Test Date : 12-13-88 Number Of Tanks Tested Site Contact : Site Phone : Owner : BEACON OIL 525 WEST THIRD ST. HANFORD , CA 93230 Phone : 209-583-32~7 Location : BEACON OIL ~578 6601 MINS AVE. BAKERSFIELD , CA Phone : Billing : SAME Billing Contact : JULIE. CALDWELL Reason. For .Testing : YEARLY MAINT. Who Requested test : J~LIE Who Supplied Tank Capacity : BEACON Who. Supplied Coefficient : LTTI INFORMATION ON TANK # 1 Brand : BEACONS Contents : REGTrLAR Tank Age : year(s) Tank Construction ~ Pump System : WAYNE Cover : CONCRETE Lines Tested : TRUE Vent Size : 2.00 inch(es) Siphons ~: FALSE Date Filled : 00/00 Time Filled : 0000 Quantity Filled : 0.0 gallons Thermal ID% : 00000000 Vapor Recovery : TRUE TEMPERATURE/VOLUM~ FACTORS Nominal Capacity Estimate : 12000.0.gallons Chart Capacity : 11829.0 gallons 3... Best Inch : 95.0 inches Water Bottom : 0.0 gallons Water Bottom : 0.0 inches Top Off : 25.0 gallons Top Off': 57.0 inches Best Capacity Estimate : 1185~.0 gallons Total : 16~.0 inches Temperature in. Tank : 10267 Digits Temperature in tank : 53.0 F Temperature of Sample : $6.0 F Temperature Difference : -7.0 F Hydrometer Used' : 6H Observed A.P.I. Gravity : 56.6 Reciprocal Value : 1~93 Digits Per F In Range Of Expected Change : 308 Volume Change Per F : 7.9397187 gallons / F Voiume Change Per Digit : 0.02578 [FACTOR (a)] )ara Readings For Tank # I At High Level 26hr Sta~d Volume Measurements Time -pipe Before After Delta 0700 0.0 0.000 0.250 0.000 '0715 62.8 0.250 0.330 0.080 0730 ~3.0 0.330 0.4~0 0.110 0745 ~3.3 0.440 0.560 0.120 0800 ~3.~ 0.560 0.690 0.130 0815 ~3.4 0.690 0.820 0.130 0830 ~3.7 0.330 0.~90 0.160 0845 ~3.6 0.~90 0.640 0.150 T Data Readings For Tank # I At Low Level 24hr. Stand Time -pipe 0900 0.0 0915 1~.8 0930 14.7 0965 16.6 1000 1~.6 Volume Measurements Before-After Delta- 0.000 0.180 0.000 0.180 0.440 0.260 0.440 0.690 0.250 0.190 0.430 ~0.240 0.~30 0.670 0.2~0 Temperature Digits Delta 10267 0.000 10269 0.052 10273 0.103. 1028~ 0.284 10291 0.180 10299 0.206· 10308 0.232 Net Vol Change 0.000 0.028 0.007 -0.16~ -0'050. · ' -0.076 ,-0 072 .... 10317 0.232 ... -0.082 Digits Delta , '.'Ch~ge 10326 0.000 0.000 10333 0.180 ..... 0i080 103~q 0.28~ -0.03~ COMPUTER RESULTS FOR TANK # 1 ~utomatic Accumulative Volume Change For Last ~ Low Level Readings = ?his tank therefore PASSES the NFPA 329 Standard 0.036 GPH Data Readings For Tank # 2 At 2~hr st'and R# Time -pipe I 0700 0.0 2 0715 ~5.9 3.0730 ~6.7 ~ 07~5 ~6.9 5 0800 ~6.7 6 0815 ~6.~ 7 0830 ~6.8 8 08~5 ~6.7 High Level Volume Measurements Before'After 0.000 0 160 0.160 0 ~10 0.~10 0 690 0.690 ' 0 990 0.210 0 ~90 0.~90 0 780 0.230 0 520 0.520 0 800 Delta 0 000 0 250 0 280 0 300 0 280 0 290 0 290 0 280 Data Readings For Tank # 2 At Low Level 2~hr Stand Volume Measurements. R# Time -pipe Before After 1 0900 '0.0 0.000 0~170 2 0915 17.1 0.170 0.~80 3 0930 16.8 0.~80 0.770 ~ 09~5 17.0 0.210 0.510 5 1000 17.0 0.510 0.810 Delta 0.000 0.310 0.290 0.300 0.300 Temperature Digits Del~a. 9~36 0.000 9~ 0.213 9~57 0.3~6 9~67 0.2-66 9~80 0.3~6 Net Vol Change 0.000 0.037 -0.066 0.03~ _~0.066 9~92 0. 320 .ii '-0.1030 9503 0.293 . :.'-~'~l'0 003 .,.4 ~517. 0,. 373 r0.093. Temperat~e ..... Net Vol' Digits Delta Ch~ge 9527 0.000 0.000 9539 0.320 -0.010 , 9552 .-O.3~6 -:.,' .:;:?0.056 _:-:_ 9562 0.266 :~r-::,-0.03~ ".,7' 9573 0.293 0.007 · COMPUTER ~ESULTS FOR TANK ~ 2 Automatic Accumulative Volume Change For Last ~ Low Level Readings = This tank therefore PASSES the NFPA 329 'Standard '0.025 INFORMATION ON TANK % 2 Brand : BEACONS Contents : UNLEADED Tank Age : yea~ ( s ) · Tank Construction': Pump System : WAYA~E Cover : CONCRETE Lines Tested : TRUE Vent Size : 2.00 inch(es) Siphons <~: FALSE Date Filled : 00/00 Time Filled : 0000 Quantity Filled : The~-A~'~l ID% : 00000000 Vapor Recovery : TRUE 0.0 gallons TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTORS Nominal Capacity.Estimate : 12000.0 gallons Chart. Capacity : 11829.0 gallons Best Inch : 95.0 inches Water Bottom : 0.0 gallons Water Bottom.: 0.0 inches .Top Off : 25.0 gallons Top Off : 58.0 inches Best capacity Estimate : 1185~0 gallons Total : 165.0 inches Temperat~e in Tank : 09&36 Digits Temperat~e in tank : 50-.~ F Temperat~e of Sample : ~2.0 F Temperature Difference : -8.~ F Hydrometer Used : 6H Observed A.P.I. Gravity : 57.6 Reciprocal Value : 1~79 Digits Per F In Range Of Expected Change : 301 Volume Change Per F : 8.01~87~9 gallons / F Volume Change Per Digit : 0.02663 [FACTOR (a)] Data Readings For Tank # 2 At High Level 2~hr R# Time I 0700 2 0715 3 0730 ~ 07~5 5 0800 6 0815 7 0830 8 08~5 Stand · -pipe 0.0 ~5.9 .~6.7 ~6.9 ~6.7 ~6.8 ~6.7 Volume.Measurements Before After 0.000 0 160 0.160 0 ~10 0.~10 0 690 0.690 0 990 0.210 0 ~90 0.~90 0 780 0.230 0 520 0.520 0 800 Delta 0 000 0 250 0 280 0 3OO 0 286) 0 290 0 290 0 280 Data Readings For Tank # 2 At. Low Level 2~hr Stand Volume Measurements R# Time -pipe Before After 1 0900 0.0 0.000 0~170 2 0915 17.1 0.170 0.~80 3 0930 16.8 0.~80 0.770 ~ 09~5 17.0 0.210 0.510 5 1000 17.0 0.510 0.810 Delta 0.000 0.310 0.290 0.300 0.300 Temperature Digits Del~a 9~3~ 0 000 9~ 0 213 9~57 0 3~6 9~67 0 266 9~80 0 3~6 9~92 0 320 9503 0 293 9517' 0 373 Net Vol Change 0.000 0.037 -0.066 0.03~ :0.066 u0.030 -0.003 -0.093 Temperature Net Vol' Digits Delta Change 9527 0.000 0.000 9539 0. 320 -0. 010 9552 ..'.0.3~,6 '0. 266 0.293 0.007 .~ 9562 9573 COMPUTER RESULTS FOR TANK % 2 Automatic Accumulative Volume Change For Last ~ Low Level Readings = This tank therefore PASSES the NFPA 329 Standard -0. 025 GP} INFORMATION ON TANK % 3 Brand : BEACONS Contents : DIESEL Tank Age : year(s) Tank Construction : Pump System : WAYNE Cover : CONCRETE' Lines Tested : TRUE Vent Size : 2.00 inch(es') Siphons~ : FALSE Date Filled : 00/00 Time Filled : 0000 Quantity Filled : 0.0 gallons Thermal ID% : 00000000 Vapor Recovery : TRUE' TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTORS Nominal Capacity Estimate : 6000.0 gallons Chart Capacity : 6061.0 gallons Best Inch : 95.0 inches Water Bottom : 0.0 gallons Wa=er Bottom : '0.0 inches Top Off : 25.0 gallons Top Off': 57.0 inches Best Capacity Estimate : 6086.0 gallons Total : 16~.0 inches Temperature in. Tank : 18~50 Digits Temperaturein tank : 78.6 F Temperature of Sample : 60.0 F Temperature Difference : -18.6 F Hydrometer Used : %H Observed A.P.I. Gravity : 32.~ Reciprocal Value : 218~ DiEits Per F In Range Of Expected Change : 321 Volume Chan~e Per F : 2.7866300 gallons / F Voiume Change Per Digit : 0.00868 [FACTOR (a)] Data Readings For Tank # 3 At 2~hr Stand R# Time -pipe I 0700 0.0 0.000 2 0715 38.8 0.920 3 0730 38.2 0.7~0 ~ 07~5 38.1 0. 5 0800 38.5 0.9~.'.:~ 6 0815 38.5 0.730 7 0830 38.5 0.520 8 08~5 38.6 0. High Level Volume Measu~-ements Before'After 'Delta Data Readings For Tank # 3 At 2~hr Stand R# Time -pipe I 0900 0.0 2 0915 9.8 3 0930 9.9 ~ 09~5 9.8 5 1000 9.8 Low Level Volume Eeasurements' Befer~ After Delta 0.000 0.910 0.000 0.910 0.760 -0.150 0.760 0.620 -0.!~0 0.620 0.~70 -0.i50 0.~70 0.330 Temperature Digits Delta 18~50 0.000 18~30 -0.17~ '184!0 -O.176 18387 -0.200 18373 -0.122 Net Vol Change 0.0.00 -0.016 20.056 -0.0~0 -0.088 1;~355 -0. 156 .3'.,~"~',;- ~rO. 05~ ~.2~ I~3'39 -0.~3. ; ..-:..:'~0.071 18~16~ -0. ~00 ........ "' ...... 0. 000 Temperature Net V~I Digits Delta ' Ch~ge 18310 0.000 0.000 18293 ,-0.1~8 ~,~2-0.002 18278 -0,130 ..i~::_.~-r0.010 18261 -0.1~8 ~-0.002 182~8 -0.113 -0.02? COM_OUTER RESULTS FOR TANK # 3 Automatic Accumulative Volume Change Fcr Last ~ Low Level Readings This tank therefore PASSES the NFPA 329 Standard -0,0~2 Gl INFORMATION ON TANK % 3 Brand : BEACONS Contents : DIESEL · Tank Age : year(s) Tank Construction : Pump System : WAYNE Cover : CONCRETE Lines Tested :TRUE Vent Size": 2.00 inch(es) Siphons :~: FALSE Date Filled : 00/00 Time Filled : 0000 Quantity Filled : 0.0 gallons Thermal ID# :,00000000. · Vapor Recovery : TRUE .~ . ~-. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTORS Nominal Capacity Estimate : Chart Capacity : 6061.0 gallons Best Inch : 95.0,inches Water Bottom : 0.0 gallons Water Bottom : '0.0 inches Top Off : 25.0 gallons Top Off': 57.0 inches Best Capacity Estimate : 6086.0 gallons Total : 16~.0 inches Temperature in. Tank : 18~50 Digits Temperature in tank : 78.6 F Temperature of Sample, : 60.0 F Temperature Difference : -18.6 F Hydrometer Used : 4H Observed A.P.I. Gravity : 32.~ Reciprocal Value : 218~ Digits Per F In Range Of Expected Change : 321 Volume Change Per F : 2.7866300 gallons / F Voiume Change Per Digit : 0.00868 [FACTOR (a)] Data Readings For Tank # 3 At 26hr Stand R9 Time -pipe 1 0700 0.0 0.000 2 0715 38.8 0 920 3 0730 38.2 0 730 6 07~5 38.1 0 500 5 0800 38..5 0 9;,0 6 0815 38.5 0 729 7 0830 38.5 0 520, 8 0865 38.6 0 3"'~~ High Le. vel Volume Measu~-ements Before'After Delta Data Readings For Tank ~ 3 At 26hr Stand Time -pipe 0900 0.0 0915 9.8 0930 9.9 0965 9.8 1000 9.8 Low Level Temperature Digits Delta 18650 0.000 18~30 -0.17~ lB&!0 -0.17~ 18387 -0.200 18373 -0.122 Net Vol Change 0.000 -0.016 -0.056 -0.060 -0.088 355 -0.156 ........ 0.056 Volu~'e Neasurements Before After Delta 0.000 0.91'0 0.O00 0.910 0.760 -0.150 0.760 0.620 -0.!~0 0.620 0.670 -0.150 0.~70 0.330 -C.!~0 Temperature Digits Delta 18310 0.000 18293 -0.168 18278 -0.130 18261 -0.168 182~8 -0.113 Net Vol -Change 0.000 _~,:.-0.002 .tO.010 --0.002 -0.027 COMPUTER RESULTS FOR TANK # 3 Automatic Accumulative Volume Change For Last 6 Low Level Readings = This tank therefore PASSES the NFPA 329 Standard -0. 062 c- Brand : NONE Contents : PREMIUM Tank Age : year(s) Tank Constructiom : Pump System : WAYNE Cover : CONCRETE Lines Tested : TRUE Vent Size : 2.00 inch(es) Siphons~ : FALSE Date Filled : 00/00 Time Filled : 0000 Quantity Filled : 0.0 gallons Thermal ID9 : 00000000 · Vapor Recovery : TRUE TE~ERATU~E/VOLUME FACTORS Nominal Capacity Estimate : 12000.0 ga!l,Dns Chart Capacity : 0.0 gallons Best Inch : 0.0 inches Water Bottom : 0.0 gallons Water Bottom : 0.0 inches Top Off : 0.0 gallons Top Off: 0.0 inches Best capacity Estimate : 0.0 gallons Total : 0.0 inches .Temperature in Tank Temperature in tank Temperature of Sample : Temperat.ure 'Difference : Hydrometer Used : Observed A.P.I. Gravity : Reciprocal Value : : 00000 Digits : 0.0 r 0.O 0.0 F 0.0 0 Digits Per F In Range Of Expected Change : 0 Volume Change Per F : 0.0000000 ga,~ons /. F volume Change Per Digit : ......... ~=A~TOR (a)] Operator Accumulative Volume - N~PA 329 Standard Operator Comment-: TURBIN 0. 000 GPH .BECKER INDUSTRIES, INC.' Date: 11/18/87 Beacon Oil Company Re: SS ¢ 578 6601 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, CA Attention: This letter is to suramarize the tank/line test regults at the referenced service station: Tank No. Capacity South 112,000 Current Test Results Product Tank Prod. Line Date Tight . -.,008 gph +.'014 gph I I S. Mid. ,12,000 ~Reg. U/L N. Mid. i , . , 6,000 ,DJ. esel I I Nort ,12,000 ~Prem. U/L I I +. 008 c~h 11/4/87' ,yes I 11/4/87 ,yes : -. 014 gph I I 11/4/87 , yes I 11/4/87 ,yes These test results are as of the day tested. If you have any question, please call David Becker at (707) 255-9580. Sincerely, BECKER INDUSTRIES, INC. Dau~d ~. Becket v±ce-Pres~dene PERMIT POSTE"~'? TYPE OF INSPECTION: RESOURCE HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTM~ SUITE 300, BAKERSFIELD, TM (805)861-3636 MAN AG EM EN T ....... AGEN C' 93301 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ·SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY * INSPECTION REPORT :~~ :-.'.: TIME IN S't~'~ TI'ME.,,~UT NUMBER OF TANKS: S --'~-~---__~_., INSPECTION DATE- -" ~UTINE ~/ ___ REINSPECTION..... ~ ..... COMPLAI.NT FACILITY NAME:BEACON STATION FACILITY ADDRESS:6601 MING AVENUE " .... -BAKERSFIELD, CA OHNERS NAME:,ULTRAMAR INC..~ATTN: .... JULIE CALDWELL . . " . - ' .": .... ~ " '-'..: --__-:_' ..':"ip- OPERATORS NAME:.ULTRAMAR INC. · '.'r,-~,~r., _ -: :'~ .. .... -- .. ...:.;'~'fi:'~: .. ;' ::',...-..i~]}.,,~..'. ~...' ,..~ ., .. , .' ,:",.:::., . . .....:.~:: ....- ...- -.. . . '. -,?i,'v-.:' ' ......... : "-- Standard Invmntory Control Modified Inventory Control In-tank Level ~ensing Device Groundwater'~onitoring f. Vadose Zone ~nitoring SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. Liner b. Double-Walled tank c. Vaul% PIPING MONITORING: .Pressurized Suction c. Gravity OVERFILL PROTECTION: TIGHTNESS TESING NEW CONSTRUCTION/MOOIFICATIONS CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE MAINTENANCE, GENERAL SAFETY, AND OPERATING CONDITION OF FACILITY . COMMENTS/RECOMMENOAT IONS ~EINSPECTION' ~CH£D_U.,L. ED? APPROXIMATE REINSPECTI~ION DAT~:,_~ _ Station ~z3~'~ KE ;OUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTR~ DISTRICT 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 " Bakersfield, CA. 93301 -. (805)861-3682 .-.'" PHASE I VAPOR RECOVERY-INSPECTIONFORM -~' ~//Location /~,0')/ ~'].','~/_ ,~.1.),~'.,. .... ~::Company Mailing Address - ' '.~C~ty : ~~-. · .-'..Date ' '~/'~ ' I~,/ -Phone .... ''- ' ' . 7:': : '""":: 1 .PRODUCT (UL PUL P, 0r R) ....:..:.' '..'. '-. :'- ;, ,~.".: :. '::;, 2. :T~K LOCA~ON REFERENCE . :~, ': 7'.:,::. ,:~:~:',;'~.~n,:3.'.': BROKEN OR MI~ING VAPOR C~ .? _-:;.:: t · '~:.~-';,~;, , -,-'. - >,, -.~'- '-~-.-,'. '~".. ; ~,-~'.-~'.~ . z ;~, '",~' --:~;.-¥,-:.;'-'',~-.",,", -~'_-.,-?::.*...-:~; ',,.~.~;¥~-" ' '~:~..-:~' :.;~.'~:~*~;}~'-~;~'.'i'>*~'~· --..,:'~' =========================..::..:.::.._..??:~,-:~:':4.: BROKEN OR MISSING FILL CAP ': ..' . '-: ....... ':'-', ..... ~ ~.,,~ .....- ::'~ .: ,-: ,- .:.::?;?;::r-:.. ....... 5. BROKEN CAM LOLKc ON VAPOR CAP 6. FILL CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED -7. VAPOR CAPS NOT pROpERLY SEATED 8. GASKET MISSING FROM FILL CAP 9. GASKET MISSING FROM VAPOR CAP 10. FILL ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT 11. VAPOR ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT 12. GASKET BETWEEN ADAPTOR & FILL TUBE MISSING / IMPROPERLY SEATED 13. DRY BREAK GASKETS DETERIORATED 14. EXCESSIVE VERTICAL PLAY IN COAXIAL FILL TUBE 15. COAXIAL FILL TUBE SPRING MECHANISM DEFECTIVE 16. TANK DEPTH MEASUREMENT 17. TUBE LENGTH MEASUREMENT 18. DIFFERENCE (SHOULD BE 6" OR LESS) 19. OTHER 20. COMMENTS: WARNING: sySTEMS MARKED WITH A CHECK ABOVE ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 209, 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH'& SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLU- ~ TION OF THE VIOLATION(S) APCD FILE .' 9149-1010 .KEI~OUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTR~ DISTRICT 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 Company · : ~Contact ' ' inspector'.,.~. / ....... ' :'" " " " NOZZLE# Bakersfield, CA. 93301 (805) 861-3682 ~ .-~- PHASE II vAPOR RECOVERY INSPEGYRON FORM Phone Date· '~/~-~l/c::~ ] _'o 37 . · City Zip · .. System Type: ..... BA - .. RJ i.]GH.. ?. HA :. . Notice Rec'd By GAS GRADE ::1. ,CERT. NOZZLE . . ':' .. :, . ":: ,]'>: :,"-': ' '.:.~:':: :' -..... ......................... .,~ ...... ~.:~ - ..::~.~;> '.'~; ,-~ '." Z' '"' :-~ '. Z 4. RING, RIVET -'L · E 5. BELLOWS "' 6. ' SWIVEL(S) " ' -'- ~.*' : :,,.* .." ,..,.. 7. FLOW I'IMITER (EW) 1. HOSE CONDITION '* V A 2. LENGTH P O 3. CONFIGURATION R 4. SWIVEL . ..:~' H O 5. OVERHEAD RETRACTOR S E 6. POWER/PILOT ON 7. SIGNS POSTED t~ey to system types: Key to deficiencies: NC= not certified, B= broken BA=Balance HE =Healey MTM missing, TO= torn, F= flat, TN= tangled RJ--Red Jacket GH=Gulf Hasselmann ADTMneeds adjustment, L= long, LO= loose, HI =Hirt. HA =Hasstech S= short MA= misaligned, K= kinked, FR= frayed. INSPECTION RESULTS ** Key to inspection results: Blank= OK, 7= Repair within seven days, T= Tagged (no~le tagged out~f-o~er until top, md) ~= Taggab~ COMMENTS: ~?.~ ~ ~/,~,~ L'>.4~ '" .4 ~~ [)'~-/~'~) VIOLATIONS: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A "T OR U" CODE IN INSPECTION RESULTS, ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE VIOLATION. NOTE: CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 41960.2, REQUIRES THAT THE ABOVE MSTED 7-DAY DEFICIENCIES BE CORRECTED WITHIN 7' DAYS. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN LEGAL Ac'noN 91~,,:,-,o ~5 APCD FILE . Station Locati6'n- CompanY;-~:ldre~-~'''~ ! ' . Contact inspector. -" NOZZLE # GAS GRADE "KER,~COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT · 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 - ' ' Bakersfield, CA. 93301 ·, ". .. '(805) 861-3682 ,?.. · ." '..' PHASE II vAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM ', ~' City. 'Zip Phone' System.Type: ,, ;. 'BA '. Date ' ' · '" ' ':Notice Rec'd By Z ' ..:. ,:- Z 4. RING, RIVET .... ', ?: , ~ .~.?.: ~'..,~ - L E 5. BELOWS '.., .:.. I' 6. SWIVEL(S) ...... :.,. ".::,' . ~': .... ' :~,:. '.';v 1. HOSE CONDITION V A 2. ~NG~ P 0 3. CONFIGURATION R 4. SWIVEL H 0 5. OVERH~D RETRACTOR S E 6. POWER/PILOT ON 7. SIGNS POSTED Key to system types: Key to deficiencies: NC= not certified, B= broken BA=Balance HE =Healey M= missing, TO= torn, F= flat, TN= tangled RJ =Red Jacket GH=Gulf Hasselmann AD= needs adjustment, L= long, LO= loose, HI =Hirt HA =Hasstech S= short MA= misaligned, K= kinked, FR= frayed. INSPECTION RESULTS Key to inspection results: Blank= OK, 7= Repair within seven days, T- Tagged (nozzle tagged out-of-order until repaired) U= Taggable violation but left in use. COMMENTS: VIOLATIONS: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A "T OR U" CODE IN INSPECTION RESULTS, ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 412 AND/OR .412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY OF V!OLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE VIOLATION .... NOTE: CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 41960.2, REQUIRES THAT THE ABOVE LISTED 7-DAY DEFICIENCIES BE CORRECTED WITHIN 7 DAYS. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN LEGAL ACTION 9149.1015 APCD FILE Division ox Environmental H Application 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 · APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ae 'C. Type o_~f Application (checK): []New FaCility [']Modification of Facility ~]Existing Facility []']Transfer of Ownership Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days Jim McCutchen 209/582-0241 Night's Shif% Super_visor 209/5~2-0246 Facility Name BEACON STATION #578 No. of Tanks 4- Type of Business (check): ~3Ga'soline Station ~Oth'er '(describe) Is Tank(s)~ Located on an Agricultural Farm? []Yes Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? Facility A~dress 6601 Ming Ave., Bakersfield, CA Nearest Cross St. ~ Ashe Road T R SEC (Rural '~ocat'i'ons Cnly) Owner Beacon Oil Company ~ddress 525 W. 3rd St., Hanford, CA Operator Beacon Oil Company Address 525 W. 3rd St., Hanfo~, CA Water to Facility Provided by ' Zip Contact Person Jim McCutchen -:' ',:' ::" :' 93230 Telephone 209/58~-0241 Contact Person Gil Davis 93230 Telephone 209/582-6241 · . . ' ,, - ~i~'~- · '',~,- ~.'~, ' ,.. .- Soil Characteristics at Facility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth DeEemina'Ei°ns Contractor Address Proposed sta~tin~ Date Worker's Ccmpens~gtion.Certi'ficati~n CA Contractor's License NO. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion ~ate Insurer If This Permit I:~ For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed Ee Tank(s) Store (d~eck all that apply): Tank t Waste Product Motor Vehicle Fuel 578-1 [] [] [] [] 578-2 [] [] [I~ [] 578'3A [] ZI [] 5 7__s- [] [] [] [] Unleaded Regular Premit~ Diesel Waste Chenical CCmposition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS [ (if knc~n) Chemical Previously Stored · ' (if differ~nt) Ge Transfer of Ownership Date o~-ansfez~ Previous Facilit~ Name I, ~x~ify or terntinate th~ Previous Owner accept fUllY all obligations of Permit No. ,,. issued to . I understand that the Permitting Anthority may review and transfer of the Permit to Operate this ~dergromqd storage facility upon r~.~eiving this ccmpleted form. This form has t~:en completed unde~l penalty of true and correct;. . // : fl.." perjury and to the best of my knowledge is Title Mgr., Mktng. Oper. Date 3/26/85 An Ultramar Company 525 WEST THIRD STREET · HANFORD. CA 93230 · (209) 582-0241 Febt~ary 13, 1989 Mr. Joe Conos COUNTY OF KERN Environmental Health 1700-Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Mr. Conos: RE: Beacon Station #578 6601 Ming Ave Bakersfield, CA Enclosed is copy of the tank test results sheet from a precision test performed on 1/26/89. This test was prior to the repair work done on the premium tank at the above referenced location and t~e precision test again perfotnmed on 2/3/89. The results of this subsequent test were faxed to you on 2/7/89. The sequence of forwarding the precision test results to Kern County has. simply just gotten Out of chronological order. If you should have any questions, please call me (209) 583-3247. Very truly yours, BEACON OIL COMPANY /3ulie M. Caldwell Environmental Coord ~nator JMC/jsm Enclosure 8256L LEAK DETECTORS TESTED:tO EQUIPMENT SPECS. ..,.,..,,u......,.: I~ INST~uCq~ON$; ' ~R O' ~"PA~ M~NO T~ST A~/ MI~ICII) NAME NO Ultramar Ultramar Inc. P.O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street Hartford, CA 93232-0466 (209) 582-0241 January 15, 1991 Ms. Amy Green COUNTY OF KERN Environmental Health 2000 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Credit & Wholesale 209-583-3330 Administrative 209-583-3302 Information Services /~'~i'? ~ 209-583-3358 Accounting Dear Ms. Green: Re: Beacon Station $578 6601 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Enclosed are PetroTite tank and/or line tests and Red Jacket leak detector tests performed on 10/30/90 for the above referenced Service Station(s). Ail tanks and lines tested tight; all leak detectors tested good. Please review the results and if you should have any questions, feel free to contact me at (209)583-5598. Very truly yours, ULTRAMAR INC.. Sandy J. Buff Project Engineer I Environmental /jsm Enclosure 0078i BEAC )N A Member of the Ultramar Group of Companies #1 Qualit~ and Service PL[ASE PRINT OWNER P,o...~ Tank(i) Dat ,hart for Tank System Ti{ } ness Test .. petro .Tite IANK 1'ESTER Z. OPERATOR 3. REASON FOR TEST (Explain Fully) 4. '7Z / - ~ 7.'5 WHO REQUESTED TEST AND WHEN """' T.t. 5..WHO IS PAYING FOR THIS TEST? co-,,-.,. ^.-e, o, t.o~.~,.a, ,'.,'.. ^,,,,,o,.,.~ n.. . '~.,.°,,o.. Capacity [ Brsn4/Supplwf Cover Steel/Fiberglass IS the water over t~ tank Depth to tho Water table , 6. TANK(S) INVOLVED 7. INSTALLATION DATA 8. UNDERGROUND WATER $. FILL-UP ARRANGEMENTS Tanks to be lilled -- hr. Date Azure°ged by Extra I~oduct to "top orr' and run TS1T. How and who to P~'ovide ?Conside~ NO Lead. for notice or inquiry Telephone Thll ii lo Ce~tlfy that tl~M tank systems were teet~:l on tM dat(~e) e~own. Thom in~llcate~l as "Tig/~t" meet tt~ crlte~'ie esteblieh(Kl by the Hello°il FIr~ Protection AI~)CIetion Pa°preset 32~. ." "~,~ "?'., · ,~ ~ _~cke__~nd~ ~ies_,~.. pelto TIl._.e Date Tested 13. CERTIFICATION 1Z. TEST RESULTS ll. OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS Teats were macie on tl~ al)Dye tank systems in eccorclance with test pro<:eclurea prescribecl lot as ~etliie<~ on illnche~ test Char~s with results as (oIlows: Tank Identil~cat~o~ ~.~ Tight J Leakage In(t,cated _< o,a.-r--,-) . "/ E' £ -.c'~? 10. CONTRACTOR. MECHANICS. involved 14. Addfall Ne. Ind Still 15. TANK TO TEST ,.'~,?' ,?-t 16. CAPACITY Nomin,I Capacity. ' GIIiOAI Ii th.fa doubt es to Tsue Clpeclt¥ ~ [] See Section "DETERMINING TANK CAPACITY" capacity chid available Tank Menulaclure(s Chi,! Company Engineelmg Dill (:ha,ts supplied with p'f'lrO Tile. -Z,~o~ .o~ t 17. FILL-UP FOR TEST Stick Water Bottom be lore Fill*up ~ ' ~) Invenlor¥ lo I~ In. GIIIone Fill up. STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY OUANTITY Tink Diameter ~,.~ If Producl In lull link (up Io IIX pipe) Total Gallons Gallons ea. Reedmg //?;q _ iI ~/~?' Observed APl Gravity' .~-~o.~ 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. AND PROCEDURES TO TEST Tills TANK Observed Temperature See manuel sections applicable. Check below and reco~d procedure in log (26). Adjusted APl Oravlty at OOF ~'.~../~/ D:'Wller In ~nk [~'-"~lgh Wlllr labia II1 ~.nk .xclvlllon I~Llne(,) being Illle~ wllh LVLLT VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM O Siege I [~ Stage II 19. TANK MEASUflEMEN.TS FOR TSTT ASSEMBLY ' Bollom ol link to Grade* .................... / " Add 30~ for 4~ L .............. ~.. ~'~ ~,, Add 24' lot 3" L or air aeal ....... " Total tubing to assemble Ap~oxlmate / 7~~'~ " 20. EXTENSION HOSE' SET[lNG './~.. E.end hole on luclion lu~ ~" Of mole 'II Fill pipe extends el>ova g~ade, use top of lift. ' 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (a)TO TEST THIS TANK . Is Today Warmer? I J Colder? I I --' I~ Pl0ducl in Tank .... ' I~ I~dl.up Ptoducl 0n 1~uck .... ' f ThermlI-Senaor rlldlng iRlr clrculallon /5C/~ 0 (J'~7/70 Olgltl per 'F In range Gl ixpecl~ change ~' (/ .~ 23. d,g,lS 24. //fV~7 x ,:n~.~-Fa~_V" = __ tolel quanllly In coeUIcienl of espenlion for lull link (16 or 17) Involved producl 25. /,, ~ ~"3 ~- ~?oc, + . .... ---'~: (/ ' volume change per 'F (24) Diglta per 'F In leal Range (23) Expecled Change ( · of 'F volume change in Ibis tank per 'F Volume change per digit. Compule Io 4 decimal plicel. gallons This la teal feclol CONTROL IfCOIO I0 .Hi ~, US[ ftClOl Iii (ACH 14. p 15.' TANK TO TEST .~J~'~' ~ . /,7 '. >,:~ , No. lad St,ii 16. CAPACITY / GJllonl ti there doubt is Io True Capicll¥ ? [] Sac BeclloA"OETEflMINING TANK CAPACITY" 17. FILL.UP FOR TEST moll lccul'lle Clpicity Chill Fiom i--T"s,.,io. Ch..I J', J Tank MinullClu,lf'l Ch&et j. J Compin¥ [nginlleing I.':1 c..,,....p,i.d ~.,,. ~t,O Tile Stick Water Bottom ' ' l~lore Fill-up ~ ' D lo ~, In. GiIIona Fill up. STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACll COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY'OUANTITY Tank Diameter oD 18. 19.TANK MEASUREMENJS FOR TSI-I' ASSEMBLY ' BoSom of tank lo' G;Ide .................... Add Total tubing to as;amble App;oxlmale ........ .inventory Product In lull lank (up to fill pipe) Stick Readings Io V. In, ~),~/¢ ,-- ', .~o.. I Totll G ellonl Gallons aa. Reading Observed APl Gravity' ~';,/ SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK Observed Temperature (/0 "l~'' S ....... I sections applicable. Check below and record IXocedwe in log (26). Adjusted APl Gravity at eOF ~'~,/ [] Wale, In lank [] High water table In tank aaclvatlon [] Line(l) b~ing lalled wllh LVLLT VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM O Stage I ]Stage II _ 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETI'ING Jlnk lop lo g/Idle .................................. / t '11 Fill pipe eXllndi ibove gelds, usa top o till. 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (a) TO TEST Tills TANK IS loday Walmet? I J Colder? I ] ~' F PtoducI in lank ' F Fdl.up PIocluCl on Truck .__' F Eipecteo Change I · or 2Z. Thermal-Senior feeding ehe~ circulation i ~ 'TSp.... ~ c///(/~-- 'F O,g,ll 23. Digits per 'F In range of expected change ,-~,~-.~ 24. I1,~/~/ x .olDS 7~'1 =_C,, 'F.~g 3 / 9u~ g,,,on, Iolll quinllly In c~/flclent of explnsion lot volume change in Ihll tank lull link (16 or 17) Involved product per 'F 25. /,.~S~qc9 + ~ ~(~ =.~0~//. ~o~.? ~,,,,, volume change per 'F (24} DIgltl pe~ 'F In tell Volume chlnge per ~lgit. Range (23) Compule Io 4 decimal plicei. Iicto~ . LOG OF Till r~OCEDUR[S PRESSUREcoNTROL ' '" '*. * .. . .:.:.~(.~.. ., : !u,J~ Add~eSl NO. eh4 Slleel(I) Ch¥ ¢4, Dill of Till 15. TANK TO TEST .. " Ifind end '16. CAPACITY Hom,n., c..,.,,y ~ 0~ 0 Glllonl II thoro doubt Bi to True Cipoclty ]' O SII SlClioA"D[T[RMININQ TANK CAPACITY" clplcll¥ chili ivlileble From i'.'...J t,nk ms,ul,cl",,,'l Chi,, i...JCompany Enelnee~ing I.'.'l Ch,,, ..¢i., wilh ~lro T~e ~ Olh,~ 17. FILL-UP FOR TEST : Stick Water BoUo~ ~ before Fill-up ~ ' Inventory Io ~ In. Gallons 7..'. Fill up. STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY QUANTITY ' Tank Diameter Pr~uct In lull link (up to fill pipe) Slick Readings Io ~ In. Total Gillonl Gallons ' es. Reading Observed APl Gravity· .3..~/ 0.. 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK Obse~"ved Temperature'_ ~ ~> b Sfl mlnual ..lions epplicoble. Chock below and ,ocMd .ocedu, e in log (26). ~ q ", ,.". AdJusted APl Gravity at eOF 3 ,. [] Woter in tnnk [] High water LAbI~ In I~nk .xcavailon [] Lift°Es) being lelte<J with LVLLT VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM O Slogs I [] Stage II 19. TANK MEASUREMEN]'S FOR. TSll' ASSEMBLY ' Bottom ii tank lo Glide* ............. ~ ...... Add 30~ fo~'~' L ............... p. Add 24' for 3' L or iIr soil ....... Told tubing to esxemlde Api~oxlm'ete ........ -__ 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING Tlflk top ID grids'. ........ '.:: .......... ; ........... · Exlend hole 0/1 ll,~On luh 6' Or moro ' below link lop . 'i ..... ." .... ~" ......... '~."~ .......... ' 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (a) TO TEST THIS TANK I.s Today Warmer? I J Colder? I ) __' f PloducI in Tank __* f Till.up Ploducl on truck ___' f Expected Change ( · or · ) · '23,. Dlglll per :F In ~'lngl ol axpacl~ : lull link (16 or 17) ' · ....;. ' . volume chonge per"F (24) 'If Fill pip~ calends above grade. Use'top OI fill ~ ": ' , · · . ..~\ *,'.'.:' ~' . .:~:. ',. '. : . · · ..'' ~" ¢.' 'L". ' . . .,' . -'".,'."~ ..I,, ~' d. '. · . ....... , . . .'... ,.... . . ....: ~ ~, . ~ .. ,..~ '. ~ ,.. . , . , . : ' . · ..-. , ':.'"':':~' ~':~ :;';~'.:,",::~-'::'..~1:7' ...':':." ". ,;' '. ~',..,;::' : ' . / .. .~,~... , ...'...':~: ....,,,.. . '. :'.. :. .. . .: ::',":'~'~'...: ~. .., . , ~: ,-~ .... , ~. d*g,lS co~fllclenl gl a~panelon Involved producl + Dlgllm per °F In loll Range (23) 7. "' 0.,,on, volume change In IhJl link per 'F =, 00_,~ '~ ..,.~ .cj// ~ L/~//~c':. th,. ,. Volume chongo per digit, tell Compule lo 4 declmol plocoi, lector la) CONTROL , I[COlD lO .NI ~. U~ liClOI Iai JACH RJAOINC bflwod .RosdhIA,odlaI A,covof,d (*J ~- ~31(I) 1~ ~ '14' N~m~ OI SuDDIIiI. Ownel o~ O~l*! AddJa. Ho. and SIIIIlll) CIly (:lite 15. TANK TO TEST , ).16. CAPACITY II there doubt is to True Clpaclly? ~ ' S.ee Sectlon"DETERMINING TANK CAPACITY" capecll¥ ch4.1 availabla //.,F.~ ¢ · ' G iii&ns Floe [ ~t,l~on Cha,I [.' } Tan~. ManulactufaFs Cha'rt i. ,I Company [nglnaealng Dill {.:lChi,Il supplied wilh p. lro Tile IL FILL-UP FOR TEST ' Stick Water Ootlom bela. Fill-up to IA In. Gallons InValiDly Fill up. STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY QUANTITY /I Tank Diameter ¢...~J Product In full teak (up to IIII pipe) Stick Reedings to ¥, In. er" Total G allonl Gallons ea. Reading //,,r'-/'/ Observed APl Gravity' .~.~.7.'~ 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK Oblerved Temperature_ (,2 "f:~: See manual SKliOna spplicable. Check below end fecMd IxaceduAe in log (26). Adjusted APl GraVity at OOF [] Water In lank [] High wale, table In tank excavation [] Line(e) being ,eete~ wllh LVLLT VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM [] Siege I --1 Siege II 19. TANK MEASUREMEN]'S FOR Ts1-r ASSEMBLY eollo*n o! tank to Grade' . ................... /~) .(I " Add 30' for 4' L ................. ~/'~) __" Add 24' for 3~ L or air seal ....... " Total tubing tO islemble Apl~oxlmltl ........ / ~'~ 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING lanl~ lop lO glide' ................................... LCj,lend hole on i~,P:~on tub* 6' Of more below link top ........ . ............................. L 'If Fill pipe ealends above grade, uae top ol fill. 21. TEMpERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (a) TO TEST THIS TANK Is Today Warmer? I J ColdeO I I __' F Product in Tank __' F Fill-up Pfoducl on 1luck ___' f Expecled Change ( - or ) a 22. 'Thermal-Senior reading after circulation 23. Dlglle Per 'F In range of expecled change 24. //~c/'c/ x tolel quenllly Iff full tank (IS or. 17) ' volume change per 'F (24) Chg,ts d,g,ls COefflclenl of expenslon for Involved producl Digits per 'F In teal Range (23) = h, ~, o..~'/~/,~'~/~/ g.,,on. volume change in Ihia lank Volu~e change ~e~ ~lg~l. leal Compute lo 4 decimal pllcei, lecto, (~) LOG Of COXIROL I[COIO lO ,NI UL.. US[ IlClOI OI IACH RIAOI~C ~:orn~ 5~a HPN $~55 100 TOSCA DRIVE P.O. BOX CS.200 STOUGIITOH, MA 02072.1591 Facility Name BEACON STATION #578 .---. permit NO,.--~ TANK ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM TANK) --FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ;~LL APPROPRIATE BOXES Ho lo Tank is: [-]Vault~ ~]Non-Vaulted []Double-Wall []Single-Wall ~ Mater ia~ ~] Carbon Steel [-] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel ~ Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Altm~inum [] Bronze [-] Un kr~own ~] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 1983 .025 6M 4. Tank secondar~ Co~ta'inment [~Double-Wall '[~ Synthetic Liner []-]Lined vault [R~None []Unknown [] Other (descr ibP): Manufacturer: []Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining ---~Rubber []Alkyd []Epoxy .[]Phenolic []Glass []Clay ~]t~lined []Unknown []Other (describe): '" ' ':~' ": 6. Tank Corrosion Protection '--~'Galvanized' "~F{5~fass-Clad •Pol~thylene Wrap •Vinyl WraPPing'; ~Tar or Asphalt []Unknown []None []Other (describe): · Cathodic Protection: []None []Impressed Current System ~lSacrificial 9~de System DesCribe System a gquigment: ~' -' "- "~" "" ~'," Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) []Groundwater Monitoring' Well(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring %~ell(s) []']U-Tube Without Liner []U-Tube 'with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivit~ Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [] Liquid Betrieval & Inspection Frc~ U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [] Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [] Periodic Tightness Testing [] None [] Unknown [] Other Piping: ~ Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring S~p with Race~y '[]Sealed Concrete Race~y []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway []None [']Unknown []Other Red Jacket Two Second Leak Detector *Describe Make & Model: 8. Tank Tightness l~is Tank Been Tightness Tested'? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank ~ Tank Repaired? []Yes [~No []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs []Yes ~No []unknown Results of Test Testing Company 10. Overfill Protection ~Operator Fills,~Controls, & Visually Monitors bevel []Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls []Capacitance Sensor· []Sealed Fill Box []None []unknown []Other: Lis~ Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: be Co ~Yes [-]No []Unknown Mater ial Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ~Pressure []Suction []Gravity Approximate Length' of Pipe Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : ~Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current []Sacrificial Anode ~Polyethylene Wrap [qElectrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or Asphalt ~Unknown ~None · []Other (describe): Underground Piping, Secondary Contai~nent: []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System ~None []Unknown [']Other (describe) :· Facility Name BEACON .STATION #578 ., e e Permit NoG ~ 0 0 / d~"'<'''', TAN____~K ~_ _ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted' ~Non-Vaulted I-]Double-Wall []Single-Wall 2. ~ Material {R~Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [2]Polyvinyl Chloride []Fiberglass-Clad Steel ['] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Alunin~n [] Bronze []Unknown [] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) .'Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 1983 .025 12M Tank Secondary Containment {-]Double-Wall [3Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault ~[None []Unknown [3Other (describe): Manufacturer: []Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) Tank Interior Linin~ ---~Rubber []Alkyd []Epoxy []Phenolic []Glass []Clay [~Unlined []Unknown -..-.~ []Other (describe) Tank Corrosion Protection ---~GalVanfzed --~-fI~-~'~ass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap []vinyl'wrappir~'":-~=d':'~?.7!i::~q []Tar or Asphalt {-]Unknown []None []Other (describe): ' .. , -',...u~'., :... .... .Cathodic Protection: ~[None []Impressed Current System {'~acrificial Anode System ~--~rib~ System & Equil~nent: . ~ · Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) [3Groundwater Monitorirg' W~ll(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Nell(s) []U-Tube Without Liner []U-Tube with C~npatible Liner Directin~ Flow to Monitoring W~ll(s)* [3 Vapor Datector* [] Liquid Level Sensor' [] Conductivit~ Sensor* r] Pressure sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring %~ell or Annular Space [] Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing [] None [] Unknown ri Other Piping: ~ Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping~ [] Monitoring Sump with Race~ay [] Sealed Concrete Race,amy []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway [3None [] Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model: Red Jacket Two Second Leak Detector [3 Yes []No []Unknown Results of Test Testing Company []Unknown be 8. Tank Tightness l~-~-Tnis Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank Re_~_~ Tank Ra--~pa red? OYes ~NO Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ~Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors L~vel DTape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves []Auto Shut- Off Controls [-]Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box [3None [-]unknown •Other: List Make & Model For 'Above Devices 11. Pipzng a. Underground Piping: ~Yes [3No {-]unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure •SUCtion DGravity Approximate Length of Pipe ~ b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []Galvanized {-]Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current [-]Sacrificial Anode []Polyethylene Wrap [-]Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap {-]Tar or Asphalt [~]Unknown _~None' []Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ~Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System ~None {-]Unknown [3Other (describe): Facility Name BEACON STATION #578 permi~ Not~ ~(~(~/~.~ TAN____~K ~_ ~ 3A (FILL ()UT SEPARATE FORM F . TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES I H. 1. Tank is: [~vaulted' ~Non-Vaulted ~ Material' []Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel ~ Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [~ Other (describe). 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 1983 .025 · Conta lnment 4. Tank Secondary ['TDouble-Wall [] Synthetic Liner [-~Other (describe): [~Material 5. Tank Interior Linin~ ---'[~Rtd3ber [-3 A1 k. yd []Other (describe) e e [']Double-Wall ~Single-Wal 1 [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel [] Concrete [] Al~m~in~ [] Bronze [~Unknown caPacity (Gallons) 12M 10. Manufacturer []Lined Vault [~None [-~Unkno~ ManufaCturer: ThiCkness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) []~henolic []Glass ['1Clay ~lined rTunknown Tank Corrosion Protection [~lTar or Asphalt []Unknown ~None OOther (describe) Cathodic Protection: ~None FTfmpressed Current System 'Describe System & Equipment: Leak Detection, Monit0ri.ng, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) [~Groundwater Monitorirg'Wmll(s) [2]Vadose Zone Monitoring ~ell(s) [~U-Tube Without Liner ITU'Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directir~ Flow to Monitorirg We~l(s)* ~Vapor Detector* []Liquid Level Sensor' []Conductivit~ Sensor ~ []Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- ~lLiquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [~Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [2]Periodic Tightness Testirg []None []Unknown ~Other · b. Piping: ~ Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring S~pwith Race~y '[']Sealed Concrete Race~y []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway ~]None []Unknown ~Other *Describe Make & Model: Red Jacket Two Second Leak Detector Tank Tightness Has TI%is Tank Been Tightness Tested? DYes ~No [2]Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing C~pany Tank Re_~_~ Tank Repaired? []Yes ~INo DUnknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection ~Operator Fills~ Controls, & Visually Monitors Level [~Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [']Auto Shut- Off Controls []Capacitance Sensor ~Sealed Fill Box [2]None []Unknown ~Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Pipxng a. Underground Piping: {~Yes l-'lNo ~Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ~Pressure ~Suction'" [']Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe ~ b. Underground Pipirg Corrosion Protection : [-]Galvanized [~Fiberglass-Clad [-]Imp~essed Current ~Sacrificial Anode DPolyethylene Wrap ~]Electrical Isolation ~]Vinyl Wrap [']Tar or Asphalt ~Unknown [~None ~Other (describe): c. Underground Pipirg, Secondary Contair~ent: ~Double-Wall .~Synthetic Liner System [~None ~Unknown ~Other (describe): Facility Name BEACON STATION #578 ~ Pemit TAN___~K ~_ ~B (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FetCH TANK) I~R EACH SECTION, CHECK AI.L APPROPRIATE BOXES ' 1o e e e e 10. Tank is: [-]Vaulte~ ~N°n-Vaulted I-]Double-Wall []Single-Wall ~ Material' [-]Carbon Steel [-]Stainless Steel [Polyvinyl Chl0r-ide []Fiberglass-Clad Steel ~] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Alumin~ [] Bronze []Unknown [] Other (describe) Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 1984 ~ .025 12M Tank Secondary Co~{ta'inment []Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner [] Lined Vault [] None [-]Unknown [] Other (describe): Manufacturer [] Mater ial Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) Tank Interior Linin~ DRubber []Alkyd []Epoxy []]]Phenolic [][]Glass []Clay ~t~lined []~kno~n []Other (describe): .' .. . . Tank Corrosion Protection ---]~GalvaniZed --~ass-Clad []Pol~thylene Wrap []Vinyl Wra~i~ :'::'~'~:,:'.: ?'-~t'i.q.:~ ~Tar or Asphalt []Unknown [2]None []Other (describe): " .. Cathodic ~rotection: ~None []Impressed Current SySt.m ~l~a~rlfl¢ial anod~ 5.--~ribe Syst.m & Equipment: -. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) [q Groundwater Monitoring' Well(s) U1Vadose Zone Monitoring ~ll(s) []]U-Tube Without Liner []-]U-Tube with C~patible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring ~.ll(s)* [] Vapor Detector* []-]'Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivit~ Sensor' [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank [] Liquid Betrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [] DailyG~uging & Inventory Reconciliation [] Periodic Tightness Testing [] None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: ~ Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring S~p with Race~ay []Sealed Concrete Race~y []Half-Cut Ccmpatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race~ay [']None [] Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model: Red 3acket Two Second Leak Detector Tank Tightness ]~-~is TanR Been Tightness Tested? ~Yes ~No []Unknown Date of Lest Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company Tank ~ Tank Repaired? []]Yes ~No Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection []Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ~Tape Float Gau~e []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls [']Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box []None []]unknown [2]Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ~]Yes' [-]No []unknown Material Thickness (inches) Di~neter Manufacturer []Pressure [']Suction []Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe ~ b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current [']Sacrificial Anode ~Polyethylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap [-]Tar~or Asphalt ~J~Unknown ~jNone ~]Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System ~None [-]unknown []Other (describe): · PERMIT CHECKLIST Facility Service Stati6~ #578 Permit # 280018C This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has'obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to KCHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within $0 days of receipt. Check: Yes No A.~ The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between O~ner and Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes, · Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook ~UT-10 a) Inventory Recording Sheet ' b) Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the'following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) ~ater-finding paste D. I have read 'the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the o~ner of this facility is the operator (if "no',is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will s~fice; label chart(s).with corresponding tanknumberslistedonpermit).~o~-~i~qo~L~b~~' F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-1D, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman ~f out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in H~A~dbook #UT-lO. . Title: Envirnnmantal CoordSnator Date: July 1. 1987 #510 #5ii 500. Norris Rd. 3818 N~s!~ Bakersfield, CA ~Bakersfield, CA ~ £AC ON OIL C O#P ANY 1/4 I/2 808 3/*4 14.e 82 1/4 38 3/4 61 I/4 ?3-0 3#4 '~ 114 : 9 3/4 le I/4 lO 3/4 738*f II 3/4 12 I/4 893.8 12 I/2 12 3/4 947.8 13 974.8 13 I/4 1881 13 3/4 1836-8 14 l· 1~ IS 3/4 188&.l 21 1943*9 ~t I~ ~ee~.e 21 3/4 2e~.o 22 2~75.8 ~ J~ 2142.2 23 JlA' 2244.8 23 3/~ 2313-e #5Z8 6601 Ming Ave. · Bakersfield, CA / INCH£S ~LL,ON$ 24 I/4 238108 36 I/4 414808 24 I/2 2416,8 36 I/~ 4186,8 24 3/4 2451-8 36 3/4 4~25.8 25 845608 3? .4~64.~ 85 i/4 2521,8 37 I/4 4382-8 25 i/~ 855608 ~T.~ 4341,8 25 3/4 2591,~ 37 3/4 4380,0 -2& 1/4 26~.e 38 i/4 ~6 I~ 2697-1 38 I~ 4496.8 86 3/4 2733-8 38 3/4 4535,0 27" 2168*0 3t 45?4-0 f? 1/4 2M4.4 39 i/4 4613-8 ~? 3/4 R876,8 39 3/4 28 2912-0 ~ 4731*l ~8 1/4 2948-0 M I/4 4778,0 30 3/4 331508 3l 3/4'' 3~ I/4 3~39-e 33 33 1/4 33 i~ 33 3/4 3~65.8 34 3~3-~ 34 I/4 3841 *e 34 3/4 35 3956.8 35 ~/4 35 I~ 35 3/4 ~71 36 4to9.· dl~ 3/4 ' Sl&3ol 44 I~ 44 3/4 45 5516,0 45 I/4 SSSS,O 45 3/4 46 d6 1/4 . STI6uf 46 ~ 5756,8 46 3/4 4~ 5835,~ 4~ ~/4 47 I ~ 591 47 3/4 595481 INCHES GALLONS' INcHr~ GAl I MIS 48 l/d 603308 48 i/2 6873 48 3/*4 611300 49 6152 49 I/4 619~.8 · 49 I/2 6831-8 49 3/4 6871.8 58 6311 58 I/4 6358.8 ~ 3/4 6d~9,8 51 SI 3/4 ~ 67B508 S3 I/4 54 3/4 ?lS~*l 56 725500 S6 J/4 56 I/~ ~333 56 3/4 7372 57 7411 ~7 I~ 7488.8 57 3/4 7527 58 7~65-8 SS 1/2 58 3/4 ~681 '59 1/4 7758*0 59 I ~ 7797 ~g 3/4 60 7873 60 I/4 68 l/8 7949*8 68 3~4 ' 7988.8 61 8026.8 61 1/4 896408 61 3/4 8139-6 ~ 1/4 ~i5-~ ~ )~ 8551 .B ~ 3/4 ...... .~ .... ; "._ , 3/4 8S81 6~ ' :_'/' 8~i~-~ 67 1 ~ 8989 67 3/4 ~25 69 69 I/4 69 i~ ~73-0 69 3/4 78 i~ 9413.e 70' 3/4 9448.8 71 9482-8 ?l I/4 9516. o0 71 I~ 9551 .e 71 3/4 9585.0 72 9619.8 NCHES G~LLONS INCH£3 G~LLO~ 72 I/4 9653.0 78 1/2 9687.8 72 3/4 9728.8 73 9754.8 73 I/4 9767.8 73 I/'2 73 3/4 9853-8 74 9886.0 74 I/4 9919.8 ~4 3/4 99~108 ?S ?S J/4 10049.0 ?S 3/4 10113-2 11 1~ 18332.e 3/4' 79 1/4. 18543-8 84 3/4 11141 85 I/~ ]1213- 85 3/4 11237 86 11260 86 I/4 11883 86 3/4 11329 $? I/4 11373. ST 3/4' 11415 79 1/'2' 12532**8" 91 1/~ ._ IlI~9 79 3/4 106~2 I 91 3/4 M - '?' 18631.8 .1171~ B~ !/4 $165988 ~ i/4 11~31 68 I/~ 18&88.8 92 1/2 II~d4 88 3/4 10716.0 ~ 3/4 11756 81 I/4 ~0773~8 93 81 l~ 10800.8 93 l~ 1178~ ~ 18655,8 94 :.... ~ I/4 le8~.e 94 1/4 ~ I~ 18~9.~ 94 I~ ~ 3/4 10936.~ 94 3/4 ~ I/4 Jot89.o 83 1~ ilelS.o J 84 1106608 Ultramar Ultramar Inc. P,O. Box 466 525 W. Third Street , Hanford, CA 93232-0466 (209) 582-0241 December 19, 1990 Ms. Amy Green COUNTY OF KERN Environmental Health 2000 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Green= Re: Telecopy: 209-584-6113 Credit 209-583-3330 Administr~ 209-583-3302 Informatic 209-583-3358 Accountm Beacon Station ~578 6601 Ming Ave~ Bakersfield, CA 93309 Cardlock Site #4 Bakersfield, CA Enclosed are PetroTite tank and/or line tests and Red Jacket leak detector tests performed on 10/30/90 and 10/13/90 respectively for the above referenced Service Stations. All tanks and lines tested tight; all leak detectors tested good. Please review the results and if you should have any questions, feel free to contact me at (209)583-5598. Very truly yours, ULTRAMAR INC. Sandy J. Huff Project Engineer I Environmental /ism Enclosure 0078i. BEA A Member of the Ultramar Group of Companies #1 Quality a Permit Questionnaire Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit # and check one of the following before returnin, g this fOrm with payment': For · 2. OolgC, ~, 1. Send all information to Owner at the address ' listed on invoice (if Owner is different than.,- · ...... - ' ~ ~- ' ' . Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator wi th pertinent .'.: ...... ' ,, information). 2. Send all information to following corrected address: Owner at the 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator. can make copy of permit Owner). for 1 I I BEACOI',! OIL COMPANY 525 WEST THIRD STREET, HANFORD, CALIFORNIA 93230 4~as~ f~ t.=st: As par California State &e~ested by: Sandy Huff Tm~k involved: ~. plier · Capacity ~ade ~e :nstalati:~ O.~a. Cov~ . ,=ills =:cn~s VEts ~ili-Ao Arr~qgements: Pt..lo? to a,,'r, iv~. ~tber P~sons involved: St~.~ # ~87 Oper=.tsr -sro_= :riss :v. tari~mr to :~,~1_=+.=. t~p ~ff, .~,'-~'::+. . . t.~~. very ~nst~ble in tank. ~is ~ ..~.~ ~-f ::r.:':'.'a~im ti~e o~ prod~:t t~ attain ~abili~ati~. ~:T._. ,~.~JLT$: Ta~k identificatio~ Tight if --'- '~-.,,~..a~eo~ ' as '~'...~.~..; ~eets the criteria e'::~,~.~;-s~ 2308 Harvard Street. 3acrame~,t~,: 'SA 958!5 William Ca~bei! State Lic. i ~Z-iS:~ No~e Ballons: ,::;~e :~.~e in this t~nk per. T.~ Factor "A 200. 2 42.6 ~2 ,:,5 *~ 42.7 42 .4BO 2'30 4 42.7 42 . 24~ ~ 42.7 42 , v .... 2 '.4. a ~in le~ level :~i 12 ~0 ! 13.0 12 · ' ,5~ !.70 : 12,~ ~2 ~ ~ 12.7 !2 O.C~ ~cO ~ ~ ~ 7 12 .0~0 ~0 B 12.6 12 . .. ,260 ~O Ii !2.6 6L~ 12 !2.~ !2 .340 .... : - '~ .445 .480 .040 i~!0 .~BO ,050 16214 .770 .045 14223 . OSO . CSO 1 .100 .05C "iS241 .,6v .~40 !6247 ....... '. ~25B $242 .';0¢:.,272 ." ' , -,'""'~. ~.L:'~ ','--~! 0242 ,.'3~ , :";.7 · · .': :",~,:%.'.::.,.:;.:::?</?::~L::: :'' ' :?' ' ' ' ':"t'::::~?Q<J ,'..:,:::':::~:~,"~ /8242 ,, ~ '.: ~'~:L:.:' '::: :'.? ~- '- ,0: -..::: - ,~: .0242' ,:':~ : 7:'2 ,.-, Z , :)242 .04~ -, i .0242 , ')'2~ , 2 .0242 , O~ -: '. .0242 .024 · 0 ! .~42 .024 .016 2 · 0242 , O,;B -..,-.~3 9242 ,..~-= . :-:.:- - -..~ · :t? i*~ .... ' ' :" : ,0242 · 024 · 006 I .0242 .024 by N.F,?.A, ~ubli:ation 32% ~.s is not i~tnde~ :: incicacm =eraissi~ :f,' a leak r~ is :? Inte~ced ts guarmnz~ c:mdition of tank system ~ast -=r future. -~i .~ Tank involved: ~,~iier ' V_-nts Fill-~p A~ran~ememts: Prior to .m~ivai. .... s ~y tanker to comoletm t~ o-,'f pr~uct tern;, ver~ ~stable in of 'circulatio~ time o~ product to attain - '"' TE~T ~EBIT~: Tank Identification Ti~h! ~ Dar: Test:O '~:s is t: :ertif¥ that the tank syst~ ~aS ~ inoicat~d as "ti~bt"~ ~ts the William Cam~bei 1 Stat: Lic. ~ q2-!:.2a ~ure at t~-of tank ':an, k .~iametm-: gS" 'Water in Tank: None !hYatt-y: ~!. Total Th~rmai-:.~s~r Rea~ing after Cir.dlatiom i,~5 ,7~fficient of Expansion: .... 8al!ohS: ' Between.: ~/~9 5e~r'et~ Type of ProUu~~. ~dr.-.J~et~ E:.p!oyed: 6 H ~em?.-..:n Tan~ =.ft~r '"'~ir.u~,;on:"' 88.6 r.~at,,_-e of ~avity ~ampte:. ~.0 ]i f:erence: ~.& per degree Divided by the number, of disits: Te~t Factor "A": ,024~ ti~e ~ beior=.r?~t.b~inoin;.~ding :hange :~,e~mc ~/- factor A amc~qt ~a:: ".::~: time incr~ Dar ,-:'7 ;'. :': -' -* -_:.:.;~:~: ~.. -.-. . r~k ~d p~ck' h~dli~::~t~.has b~ t~t~ tight according La the Pr~isi~ T~t Crit~ia as by N,F.P.A. p~lica~?-~ }~.~s' iS.~ intnd~ to indicate p~missim gu~i~ c~.ti~:~::~"~sJ~:'~st'"~ future. ..... ::.. - :-.. . ..... . .. ' ,. '?:: z>. ~.. -:' - -...: :,.': Bakersfield, Reouested Tank inv~lve~: East/Weet ) 3 Beac~ Capacity '~ dnstaiatim Data:. C~ver .Fills Sights ~epth t: the ~a:~' t~ie: !.44" - ~eil ~:i~t ~bser'/asi~ :r7 Other ?ers~s invoiveU: Stye ~ ~B, Operat~ ~r_~ trios by tanker to c~m~lete to; ~f, product te~. vmFy u~st~le in t~k. ~is remir~ the extetim clr..,at.~ ti~ ~ pr~uct to attain st~ilizat, i.~. 'E~ ~EB~LTS: Tan~ !dentificati~n Tight ~ Date Tested System EtW'# S -,0~ ~H Tag Readout ~is is to c~rtify that the ta~k syste~. .. i,ena ish~ by the Nati~al Fire Pr~i~ ~iati~ Zf indi=at~ as 'tight', ~ts the ~-'~ ~hi~ r~ting COak°any: Technicians: ~I~'S PREC!SI~'T~K Harvard Street ~acraaento? ~' ~5B15 fi00-~0-9443 ~ii!i~.- ~r~bell 9~-~24 Htate Li=. ~ ~" Total T~i~ to Ass~eoie ~end Hose ~n S~cli~n' - ·-,1i6 aa..... ~ · . , '(2) 'SI:n.~-C~2' ~ '(3) (4) (5) '(?) (8) (9) (lo) (~) P.S.Z. '(3) (4) (~) P.S.I., (~) (~.) (~) (8) '(7} PR:3I:XL'T ~ '(3) (4) With Valx~ ~ S~P - Lis1: Prassuz~ *~--' P.S.I., '~ P.S.Z., " (8) (Io) (11) (12) 'PERMIT ~ ................................... FACILITY NUMBER OF TANKS .AT THE SITE: EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(PRIMARY): ENV. SENSITIVITY ......... z. oo/7 NAME: ................................................................................................................ PHONE NUMBER: ' EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(SECONDARY): NAME: ................................................................................................................ PHONE NUMBER: ' TANK OWNER' INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: TANK CONTENTS: ;~ ~ .... ~XN6FAcTURER YEAR INSTALLED CAPACITY CONTENTS TANK CONSTRUCTION: +~ ~ .... ~(dw, sw, sec.cont.) MATERIAL INT. LINING CORROSION FKUI. /LEAK DETECTION: TANKS: .-- VISUAL 'GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS VADOSE ZONE MONITORING WELL~"'-- U-TUBES WITH' LINERS U-TUBES WITHOUT LINERS VAPOR DETECTOR __. LIQUID SENSORS CONDUCTIVITY SENSORS PRESSURE SENSORS IN ANNULAR SPACE LIQUID RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS 'IN U-TUBES, MONITORING WELLS, OR ANNULAR NONE UNKNOWN OTHER PIPING INFORMATION: TANK ~ SYSTEM~..T~PE I (SUC.~__~,,,~..GRAV.) CONSTRUCTION (SW,DW,LINED TR) MATERIAL FOR'PRESSURIZED RESTRICTING LEAK DETECTORS LEAK DETECTION: PIPING: ..... .~........ FLOW PIPING MONITORING SUMP WITH RACEWAY S~'['~'6'"~'6'~CRETE RACEWAY .................... HALFCUT COMPATIBLE PIPE RACEWAY '~'.',,~uETIC '_~NEP RACEWAY NONE UNKNOWN NOTE: THiS iS ~ rnM='lrr'~RT?:n 'ViRSi'5~,i ,Z? ..... :~q ..... CHART Beacon Oil 525 West 3 rd Street Operator': Beacon Oil ~ 57~,660i Ming Ave., Bakersfie!O, CA Reason for test: As ocr r ~;~ ~ , ~a .... r,,.a State Law Requested by: Owner Tank involved: .System., ~ 1N/S System # 2 N/S System # ~ E/W System # 4 N/S Calif. ID 8 ' Capacity Unk ;~2,000 Unk 6,000 8'ade ~4e ~siti~ R~u!ar Unk Unk ~ :.,~,7 . Diesel ~k ~k instaiation Data: Cover Fill"-' ~nret8 4" none 2" Depth to the Nat~ table: +147 Fi!i-uo Arrangements: Tanks to be filled ~rior to aFrival. Other Persons :n',..,/~,~,,,e~. ~:' None B.B. Co. Turbins "OOR ORIGINAL Syste~ ~ 3 -.05: S?~ iOiJOiSO Pamphlet 525, T=~_s ~ ?.c ~c~?:anv: Technic i !45i ~akhurst Sa~r.~cen~o. SA ~5B~2 ~ii!iam ~mpbeii Vaoor ~ecover,! System: None Tank i'lea~ure~nts: .....~ ~ottom to ~rade Total Tubin~ to Assembi~ Is the 41b rule required? . ~. mark fro~ botto~ of tank Pressure at bottom of Pressure at top of tank Tank Diameter: 95" ~tat¢ in lank: 4.52 psi 1.85 ps~ ~one 6aiions: 0 'Inventory: Gal. ... ._ ~otaI 95" 12000 11829 Water 0 , 11827 To20f~ 10 . ~r.ula,,¢,. !620~ Between: 72172 Degrees ~er~al-Sensor Readino after r' ~' ~ '~' C~ss-rved A.P,i. ~r~avit'/~ 55,(? Voiur~e change in this t~nk per degr~ ~han§e: / ....... u. 2100 Arrival at test location. Tanker on site topping tanks(third load)· Re,bYe bali float from Premium tank. Open vapor recovery li~es to pur~ air during top off. 130 Stiff tmst 42 145 i 43.0 42 .400 .440 200 2 . 43.0 42 ,440 ,4~0 230 ~ 4 45.5 42 .550 .580 245~ 5 4~.~ .42 .5~0 ·650 ~00 6 4~.~ 42 .&50 .680 ~15 7 4&i 4~ ~680 .725 ~0 ' 8 4~.I 42 ·.725 .770 ~ Reset level 12 '~5 ! 20.0 !2 . .020 .~40 400- 2 !6.5 :12 .~40 .520 B~gin Iow level test 12 450 ~ iL5 !2 ·620 .740 440 4 1S.~ 12 0.000 .050 450 5 i~.~ 12 .050 ·!00 500 6 15.0 12 .100 .140 · .~6v ,500 '6iC %5 12.? 12 .575 recovery lines aris the equiptment. Begin cir~uiation. Cir~ulati~ time incrmased to ,040 · 040 nSq ,05~ .050 .o4s ;045 ',.~2o ~ 1BO · 060 · 050 · 050 .040 .0~.0 · 040 ~'l~'" ; 0 J:.'~ stablize temp..in tank· 16204 16207 16210 162~ ~6 162i9 16221 1622~ 16225 i~2~ 162~9 162~! 16247 16248 16252 ~S257 !625a :.dZS:J · 02~2 ~, ', 0242 ,07~ -.0~., 3 .0242 . O~ -. O~ ~' .0242 .0~ .002 2 .0242 .048. -.002 2 .0242 ,048 ". 002 ,~ .,0242 , .,0~ -~023 ' 2 .o2~2 ;o.~ 2 .0242 -<~048 n" ~ .0~ -.~7 ~--'4= -. 007 .0242 .04B .Oe~ .0!5 .02~2 .075 %0i.] .002 0242 .04B .002 ~ 004 ,' 0242 ., 048 , ~2 , 0242 .048 -. OOB -, ~2 .0242 .024 .0i6 .014 0242 ' . 04B -,~K~B . .0242 .024 .0t~ .0~ .u~4= .02~ .016 .0~ 0242 .0~ -, 008 . ,¢e~l .04S .... ,017 ' ..... ?i n: ~ ,028 a-~ ~.e Ni43 - '"~ 015 0242 . r, ni,.,., ,006 . OOE 0242 ,02~ ,066 , flOOR ORlt IHAL STAT£KEi'.~T: and ore:duct ~"~ ........ t,=~ has beer: tes::~ ~': .... azc-:r~n~ to tbs F'rec:.sizn 7~st Criteri~ as estabiisn~d Vap~ Recovery System: None Tank ~ ......~°~*~' iq:, Bottom to Grade Total Tubin~ to Assemble 5W' T~p to arad~ 4~ ruie requ~re¢? the '~ Hight to ~ ¢~rk from bottom of tank i66" Pressure at bottom of tank .c.. osi Pressure at top of tank 1.85 psi. · Tank Dia,~eter: 95" Water in Tan, k: Non~ ~alloos: 0 Thermai-S~sor Reading after Circulation: 1~75 B~tween: ~Bi69 Degrees. Oigits: 326 -Di,;id-3~ h,'y the n,,;~Coer of digits: 325 Test Factor 'W' = .0240 vapor recovery lines to p~r§ air during to~ ~f. off completed~ set up mquiotment,' fill, chm~k for. visible leaks. Bleed air fr~m tank risers~ Yapor ,460 ,860 .200 .660 .BTO 12i0 0,000 · .210 ,2!0 · 2!0 ,420 ',2!0 .420 .630 2!0 .650 .8~J .200 0.000 ,200 ..20~ -,200 ,500 ,500 I~2o~ 9 "~'"' ~"~ ~ .02AO I .... ~ S .0240 t5~20 10 .02~ i5~2~ 9 ,0240 15'3~ 6 .0240 l~4s - s .'o2~o '1~52 .21~ -,015 .2!~ -.016 .216 -.006 .!g2 .018 .240 -~0~0 .2!6 .-.005 recovery lines aris 2330 Becin i~0 Start test' 42 145 I 47,0 42 200 2 47.0 42 2!5 ~ 47.5 42 270 ~ 47.~ 245 5 {7.: 42 $00 ? 6 47.5 42' 51~ 7 ;7.0 ~0 8 47.0 ~ Reset level 12 345 I 19.5 12 400 2 i5.8 :Be}in i~ level test 12 .410 I 14.~ 12 01'000 420 2 14.~ .!2 .090 470 ~ 14.0 450 5 i5.? 12 .5~0 500 6 !~.9 i2 .415 510 7 15.8 i2 .zO 8 o,~ .560 550 ~ 17.~ !2 ,630 540 !0 i3.5 i2 .700 550 ii i5.5 12 .0%0 ~00 12 ~,~ = ~ ·070 810 ~x i5.5 !2 ~.~.o ~.~ ~:: ~i 15,0 ASri '~ ~ f, i~ ~'" ;0% .180. .280 · .415 ,490 .560 .078 · 27 % · 3.50 ':;090 ,090 .075 .075 .070 .070 .06.9 · 06.0 , · 0:9 · 040 , 15~5S · '" "' :"" 'i~62 i~65 '" ~ ~xi~ :: ,~If, ,072 . 15~71 : .0240 .072 .OOS '1 ~ 3 .02~ .072 . ~ . , 4 .02~ .~6 -.026 15784 ~ .0240 .072 -. i 55S7 5 .0240 ,072 -. 002 15:aT 2 .0240 . O~ .0i2 ~5~2 3 .0240 ·072 -.0i2 155B4 2 .02% .04~ .0!2 { 5';::1:-(: '2 . (bi 4.) , ,54':,'2 2 ,0240 .048 154c 75 i ,0240 .024 . 15405 - 2 .0240 .020 , .031 .006 · 004 .016 .OOt, .016 .OiS · 020 .0!2 .004 .020 .012 Recovery Tank Measure~nts:. 1¢i" Bott~ to ~rcde Total Tubing to Asse~le " ts the 41b rule required? Hioht. to 12" mark z~m ....bottom of ~.an~' 154" inventory: Pressure at botto~ of tank Pres,~ure at t~ of tank Tank Diameter: ~"~- '~ Water in Tan~: Gal. 95" 120t~} Water 0 T~ Off Total 11829 11~9 iiSJ? Gallons: 0 Thermal-Sensor Reading after Circulation: l~J5 Between: 69/70 Degrees ~igits: ~26 Tem~, in Ta~ after Circulatio~ 69.~ Temperature of Gravlb/ Eamp!e~ 54,~ 2i5 '545 4OO B~in 420 "?50 500 510 520 559 Open vapd~ recovery lines to purg air during top off. T~ off co~leted, set up. equiptmentl fill, check for ~=~e leaks. Bleed air ~ro~ tank risers,~ vapor recovery-lines aris Bmoin circulation. ! 45.8 42 3 45.5 ~ 42 4 45.5 42 5 ~5.5 ~2 . 6 45.0 42 7 45.0 42 8 44.5 42 Reset level "12 '1 17.~ 12 2 16,0 !2 !ow level test 12 1. 14.B ',,12 2 14.8 , 12 ' 3 !4.5 12 4 i4.5 i2 5 14,5 '12 7 14,5 12 8 14.5 12 ii i~.~ 12 ~ 14 5 the equiptment. Cirzulation ~i~e inc~easec ' . 230 .~70 .510 .140 ,640 .770 .130 .7~0 .450 .!20 ,450 .550 .I00 .080 .240 .2!0 ;290 .450 .!60 · ..450 '.560 '~110 ,040 ,150 ,liO ,. .~5o .t~ ~50 ~' ~ ' ,33) .45::, . ,450 .55~J · 550 .650 . i O0 ,010 . li(i , !00 .!!0 .210 .lO0 · 3GO .5% .,.'"~': ,,. .70 ,49::: , · 490 ' .5% . · 5 ~..'<,580 · 140 ,2:5:.'.' · "~"~' temp, ~ tank, 15555 .0242 . 1~5~ 4 ,0242 ,0~7 I557:) I 1 . .0242 .256 15581 I1 .0242 .2~ 15590 ~ .0242 .21B !5~05 7 ,0242 ,169 i5614 8 .02~2 .IB4 15620 6 '.0242 ''.145 15620 "i56~ '4 ' ' · ' ": !56~ 7 '.0240 ".1~ i5957 4 .)24n .0% 15~S2 5 .0240 .120 i5~6S 4 .0240 .,0% !~70 4 .0z4~ .096 15S74 4 .,0240 .096 '156.79 : ,0240 ' ,0% 156~: 5 .02% .i20 15~% 4 ,0240 .0% 15'9% 5 .0240 .072 ~ ~:' "- ,004 · -. .004 ,(*04 -. :)<~i.. -,006 -, 060 -. -,076 -.o~2 -, ~70 -~ -, 096 -, -. 0?2 STATE:'S:,:T; Vapor Recovery'System: None Tank Measurements: ~=*".~ ~ ;~ Srade iotal lubidg to Assemble is the 4ih rule recuired? Hight to 12" ~ark fro~ botto~ of tank Pressure at botto.,?,'of tmqk Pressbre at t~. of tank T~nk Diameter: ~5" Water in Tank: .Invent~¥: 168" 5.2! psi 2.26 psi None Gal. Total 95" 60OO 6061 Water 0 606! Gai!~ns: 0 Reading after m~-,-~ ~' · 16~5 Between: 74/75 Degrees Bigits: ~2~ Volume chanoe in this tank p~r de~rse :barite: =./~,'~.¢ Test F.:-'c t cr va¢or rereverv~ lines ~o our~,air off ~.~.~..~-~-~.=~=~' set u~; ecuipt~enr.. . filt~ cnecx ,., dsib!e leaks. Bleed air from tank rlsers~ vapor. 2~0 !45 200 215 250 245 300; :3i5 ~.-.~ · ~45 400 Begin 4i0 ~.~':'~ 440 51 <' Beosln c:-rculatlon· ~:rs~iat:on ti:~e :acreas~o ~ te.~ 42 ! 42.0 42 .4~q .480 0.000 2 41.8 42 .480 ;470 -.010 ~ 42.0 42 .470 ,470 0.000 4 42.0 42 "~ .4~'~. ·470 0.000 = 5 42.0 42 ..470 .470 6 41,8 42 .470 ·460 -,0i0 7 42.0' 42 .%0 .460 0.0~ 8 42.0 42 .460 .460 0. Reset level 12 I lZ.~ 12 .060 ·110 .0D low level test ~ I ·12.! 12 ·!25 .I~0 ' .005 5 I2.1 ~' ~ ,!55 , ,!60 .005 stabi7ze t~m:, in tank. !6~95 , ~3~6 i 69% ~ · Ov8~ ! 5~q7 1 I6~9B O .0086 1~9g 1 .0086 1699~ 0 .~ 1~000 0 .~86 17g02 17003 17t~3 17004 I . i~004 0 .0086 17005 0 .00~6 ~7006 t · ~OB6 ! 700~ 0 . 17007 " .00~.~ 17002 0 .00~6 1700~ ! . 1700'~ 0 .0086 17:1: i 0 i ,00'26 17910 i 7:: (, O 17011 6 .0086 .009 .OOq ,009- 0,000 ,00~ .0.000 j,.o09 0,.000 0.~<;0 .00~ O. 0¢0 .009 .009 .00~ 0.000 .009 O.~X~O :), 0,000 .009 .009 O. 000 -.004 .0!0 , ,~tv~ .0i0 .010 -,00~, .001 .00I · 005 -.004 0.000 -. O, 000 -. O.OOO :006 .004 .014 .010 .020 ,016 .0!7 .022 .02J · 028 · 024 ,029 · · 025 .021 .021 i (2F~%M~I~ ~IC~t TANK TE~TING 14S1 ~ ~ I C~Mi~S PR~:ISICt~ TAN~ TE~TING 1451 ~ SACrAMEntO, C~ 95822 C~AMP'r0N'$ PRECISION 'lANK 1451 (I%KHUR~ · h 1AY $ACRAMIDITO, CA 95822 (6)' (9) (~) (12) SATISFAC'I~RY r~'.AK D~R %' Yes (:'IAMPI0~'$ PRECISION TANK 1451 OAKEFul~T ~AY SACRAMENTO, CA 95822 PRODUCT: '(3) (4) (5) RED JACKET LEAK ~R ~q~.S~ T3~- r, eparate form for each Tank. '(7) With Valve Open--St=r~ STP - TACt Prmmmure %'- P.S.I., g P.S.I., ', .. (6)- ~'~ ~f- ~t ~~ to z~ ~~ j~t ~t~- ~ tm , ·" f= '.~o ~ ~ ~- ' ~ P.S.I. - ~ ~ at~z~' G.P.M., .- ~t ~ %~ ~.s.I.', , ~~z~ t~t ~ P.S.I. (9) (~o) (12) LF.,AK ~R · Date Ccd~ & Se. rial · .. - Beplaa~ it with ? (~%MPION'S PRECISION TANK TESTL%~ 1451 0AKHURST }dAY ~&2~}~NTO, CA 95822 RED JACKET LEk~ Y3~ffEC'I~R ~ NOTE: Usa se?arate form for each Tank. {~)~ m~n~ng ~essuce' % ~ , .{2) (3) (4) (5) (6)' '(7) (8) (10) (~) SATISFACTO~ LF~ DETSCTOR List Pressur~ ~O P.S.I., Opan m°zz3~ and Li~t Pressure P.$.I. Yes No. · ... . BepL:ceitwithanewo~e. ~I'ON ~ $ ~$1'Ol~I TANK 1451 OAKHURST IiAY StIIiIRA~O, CA 95822 '(3) (4) (5) (6)' (7) (8) (9) (~.) (12) Use se.Darate form for each Tank. Date Code & SeriAl SATISFA~I~RY LEAK DETECTOR x Yes PERMIT NUMBER TYPE OF INSTALLATION ( ) 1. In-Tank Level Sensor FACILITY NAME ( ) 2. Leak Detector ( ) 3. Fill Box FACILITY ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON 1. IN TANK LEVEL SENSORS Number of Tanks List By Tank ID Name of System Manufacturer & Model Number Contractor/Installer 2. LEAK DETECTORS Number of Tanks List By Tank ID Qq?-* Name of System ~ !'~,_,,.'~_, Manufacturer & Model Number Contract~or/Installer ~.,'¥_~;,' ~ 3. FILL BOXES Number of Tanks List By Tank ID Name of System Manufacturer a Model Number COntractor/Installer ~%~,~. '~L.a~,~ OWNER/OPERATOR DATE PERMIT : .............................................. 0 ..................................FACILITY N : NUMBER OF TANKS AT THE SITE: ................................................ EI~V. SENSITIVITY ......... EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(PRIMARY): ~-- (~(~ [ NAME: ' ' PHONE NUMBER: ..................................................................................................................................................................... EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(SECONDARY): NAME: .............................................................................................................................................................................................. PHONE NUMBER: TANK OWNER INFORMATION: NAME: ................................................................................................................................ ADDRESS: PHONE NO : TANK CONTENTS: TANK ~ MANUFACTURER YEAR INSTALLED CAPACITY CONTENTS TANK CONSTRUCTION: TANK : TYPE(dw, sw, sec.cont.) MATERIAL INT. LINING; CORROSION PROT. LEAK DETECTION: TANKS: VISUAL ..... ~ROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS VADOSE ZONE MON'fT--6'~'~NG WELLS U-TUBES WITH LINERS .................. U-TUBES WITHOUT LINERS ..... ~ D---~ECTOR ....... LIQUID SENSORS ..................... CONDUCTIVITY SENSORS ..................... PRESSURE SENSORS IN ANNULAR SPACE ..................... LIOUID RETRIEVAL SYST'~-]~"~LTUBES, MONITORING WELLS, OR ANNULAR NONE UNKNOWN OTHER ........................................................................ PIPING INFORMATION: TANK : SYSTEM/c??_T--Y~E' (SUC, ~)- , GRAV. ) CONSTRUCTION t MATERIAL (SN,DW,LINED TR) 'U/ LEAK DETECTION: PIPING: ................. FLOW RESTRICTING LEAK DETECTORS FOR PRESSURIZED PIPING MONITORING SUMP WITH RACEWAY S'~'~'~'~'~'""~'~'~CRETE RACEWAY HALFCUT COMPATIBLE PIPE RACEWAY .................. ~'FNTHET~C LINER RACEWAY NONE UNKNOWN ,Y I. TYi'INGI {'lifn II, Iff. I¥, MAIL~ ___.. Rtr, ala/ Certified wlth Return Respons~ .,.,....,.,..,ds Federal £xl)reu (over,,l~ht) . Other Mall Fax to~ ENYELOPE~ Route tm .----- ReGu{~ '~ ~ £.cJoso Serf Adc?retied Staml~ed FILINO~ fl't, s~ch '*---' Super Dhtrfcl Staff Wefun .___. eoples fo jeodff' ...-..... ChJefl __._ This Is a .nzoa fRlOmIZY rRolr, cT (CONTACT JANKT WHITFIELD) CORR~CTION{ ......... RI;VISIONS_ oo TANK TEST REPORT LAWRENCE TANK TESTING, INC. P.O. BOX 407 DOWNIEVILLE , CA 95936 Phone : 916-289-3109 Prepared By : MIKE LAWRENCE INVOICE ~891581 Date : 10/11/1989 Te. st Date. : 00-20-8a Number Of Tanks Tested : 4 · SITE INFOR,',tATION Site Contact : Site Phone : Own e r : BEACON OIL 525 WEST THIRD STREET HANFORD , CA 93230 Phone : 916-289-3109 Location : BEACON STATION #$78 6601 MING AVE BAKERSFIELD , CA Phone : Billing : SAME Billing Contact : JULIE CALDWELL Reason For Testing : MAINTENANCE Who Requested test : BEACON Who Supplied Tank Capacity : BEACON Who Supplied Coefficient : LTTI NFORMATION ON TANK ~t 1 Brand : BEACONS Contents : PREMIUM Tank Age : year(s) Tank Construction : STEEL Pump System : AO SMITH Cover : CONCRETE Lines Tested : TRUE Vent Size : 2.00 inch(es) Siphons : FALSE Date Filled : 00/00 Time Filled : 0000 Quantity Filled : 0.0,gallons Thermal ,ID# : 00000000 Vapor Recovery :TRUE TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTORS' Nominal Capacity Estimate : 12000.0 gallons Chart Capacity : 11829.0 gallons Best Inch : 95.0 inches Water Bottom : '0.0 gallons Water Bottom : 0.0 inches Top Off : 25.0 gallons Top Off : 46.0 inches Best Capacity Estimate : 11854.0 gallons Total : 167.0 inches Temperature in Tank Temperature in tank Temperature of Sample Temperature Difference Hydrometer Used Observed A.P.I. Gravity : Reciprocal Value : 15951 Digits : 70.8 F : 71.0 F : 0.2 F : 6H 51.0 : 1573 Digits Per F In Range Of Expected Change : 325 Volume Change Per F : 7.5359186 gallons / F Volume Change Per Digit : 0.02319 [FACTOR (a)] Data 24hr Time 0330 0345 0400 0415 0430 0445 0500 0515 Stand -pipe 0.0 42,4 42.0 42.0 42.1 42.1 42.0 42.1 ~t High Levul Volume Measurements Before'After Delta 0.000 0.320 0.000 0.320 0.340 0.020 0.340 0.340 0.000 0.340 0.340 0.000 0.340 0.350 0.010 0.350 0.360 0.010 0.360 0.360 0.000 0.360 0.370 0.010 Temperature Digits Delta 15951 0.000 15956 0.116 15958 0.046 15962 0.093 15968 .0.139 15971 0.070 15977 0.139 15980 0.070 Net Vol Chang~ 0.000 -0.096 =0.046 -0.093 -0.129 -0.060 -0.139 -0.060 DaLa. Readin~;s For Tank 24hr Stand Volume Rg Time -pipe " Before 1 0530 0.0 0.000 2 0545 13.6 0.540 Drop Measurements After Delta O.540 0.000 0.640 0.100 Temperature Digits Delta 15980 0.000 15984 0.093 Net Vol Change 0.000 0.007 -Oat, a 24hr Rg Time 1 0550 2 0555 3 0600 4 0605 5 0610 6 0615 7 0620 8 0625 9 0630 10 0635 11 0640 12 0645 13 0650 14 0655 15 0700 16 0705 17 0710 18 0715 19 0720 20 0725 21 0730 22 0735 23 0740 24 0745 25 0750 For Taak ~OAt Stand Volume -pipe " Be£ore 0.0 0.000 12,2 0,180 12,2 0,200 12,2 0,220 12.2 0,240 12,2 0,260 12.2 0,28O 12,2 0,300 12,2 0,32O 12.2 0,340 12,2 0,360 12,3 0,380 12,1 0,410 12,0 0,420 12,2 0,420 12,1 0,440 12,4 0.450 12,2 0,490 12.2 0,510 12.2 0,530 12,2 0,550 12,2 0,570 12,1 0,590 12,2 0,600 12,2 0,620 Low Level .... Measurements After Delta 0,180 0,000 0,200 0,020 0,220 0,020 0,240 0,020 0,260 0,020 0,280 0,020 0,300 0,020 0,320 0,020 0,340 0,020 0,360 0.020 0,380 0,020 0,410 O,030 0,420 0,010 0,420 0,000 0,440 0,020 0,450 0,010 0,490 0,040 0,510 0,020 0,530 0,020 0.550 0.020 0.570 0,020 0,590 0,020 0,600 0,010 0,620 0,020 0,640 0,020 Temperature Digits Delta 15986 0,000 15988 0,046 15990 0,046 15991 0,023 15992 0,023 15993 0,023 15993 0,000 15994 0,023 15994 0,000 15995 0,023 15996 0,023 15996 0,000 15997 0,023 '15998 0,023 15999 0,023 16000 0,023. 16002 0,046 16003 0,023 16003 0,000 16004 0,023 16005 0,023 16007 0,046 16008 0,023 16009 0,023 16010 0.023 Net Vol Chan~e 0,000 -0,026 -0,026 -0.003 -0,003 -0,003 0,020 -0,003 0,020 -0,003 -0,003 0,030 -0,013 -0.023 -0,003 -0.013 -0,006 -0,003 0,020 -0.003 -0,003 -0,026 -0,013 -0,003 -0,003 COMPtI',eER RESULTS FOR T:~.N [ Rate Computed From The Last 24 Low Level (5 Mln) Readings= This tank therefore PASSES the NFPA 329 Standard - 0.0 ~.8 GPH 525 WEST THIRD STREET · HANFORD. CA 93230 · (209/ 582-0241 October 16, 1989 Ms. Ann Boyce Environmental Health Specialist COUNTY OF KERN Environmental Health 1415 Truxton Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Boyce: Re: Beacon Station #578 6601'Ming Ave. Bakersfield, CA Enclosed are the precision tank test results for the above referenced Beacon Service Station(s). Please review the results and if you should have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ULTRAMAR INC. " /,'f . /'.,1 'I.,,~.': .- " ? / ? " "'" " Julie M. Caldwell Environmental Coordinator JMC/jsm Enclosures 0078I LAWRENCE TANK TESTING , .tl,'nl,ro u~' ~ ~,, a ~r,i, ('716) 289-3109 rANK TESTEF~S EACH LINE AS TESTEG LOG OF TEST YES NO /4'¢''; L. ' NIT 14 PRESSURE I 1! vOLUMI ~., O. k,. t READING BEFORE ! AFTER BEFORE I AF1'~I~ POOR OR~GIN.~L ~o.o..! .... LAWRENCE TANK TESTING ..._, //,,~ ...................................... , / LEAK DETECTORS TESTED T© EQUIPMENT SPFEC$,YES NO I ~ ~4 ~ssun[ ( ~m VOLUMI .. , ,, LOG O, ,EST ,,OC~,U.,S I ~~, ~ :t'.'; 7 o~ / ORIGINAL FaCility No. of Tanks Type of Inspection: Comments: Routine · ~.. Date ._ ,: espection Time · UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY * INSPECTION REPORT * Address · Is Information on Permit/Application Correct? Complaint Yes No Permit Posted? Reinspecfion Yes ITEM VIOLATIONS NOTED 1, Primary Containment Monitoring: a~ Intercepting and Directing System b. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Liner b. Double-Walled Tank c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring: · a. Pressurized .... b." Suction c. Gravity '-.. .... 4. Overfill Protection , 00R,0R INAL 5. Tightness Testing ~ ~ : . .......;. -., .. ~ , -..,,. ~ ,,',,, ,~., --. _::... ,__ 6. New Construction/Modification 7. Closure/Abandonment 8. Unauthorized Release 9. Maintenance, General Safety, and "., Operating Condition of Facility '-. ~--,,,,.,~-....,~.~ ~ --..- .~nmm'~n*e/l~rnmmanrlntinn~: ...... ' ..... ' '" ' ~' ' -.m- : '~:;- ..... ""'-..~' ...... Reinspection scheduled? ,. Yes __ No INSPECTOR: Approximate Reinspection Date Health 580 4113 170 (7-87) . "- REPORT RECEIVED BY: ! ~.~ .., A~:-~ '2700 "M" STRICT i. PRODUCT (UL, PUL, P, or' R) 2. TANK LOCATION REFERENCE 3. BROKEN OR MISSING VAPOR CAP 4. BROKEN OR MISSING FILL CAP .~' 5. ~ROKEN CAM LOCK ON VAPOR CAP .¢' 5. ~FILL CAPS ,',.lOT PROPERLY SEATED 7. VAPOR 'CAPS NOT PROPERLY SE.iT,D 3. GASKET. MZSSZNG FROM FZLL CAP 9. GASKET MISSING FROM VAPOR CAP !0. ?".LL ,iDAPTOR NOT TIGHT ;i. ',,.'AF,,rDR.~4OAPTOR NOT TIGHT ~SSZNG / !MPROF'ERLY :3. DRY ,3REA','<: C-.ASKET3. O~T,~RIC:R~TED COAX[AL FZLL T~J'BE '!~ .COAXIAL ~--iLL ?USE SPR:NG PHASE I VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTiCN FORM ~aEfi~:r, >.lame ~-'-x-m' ~r- '.'/-% Lcca ,.-. :' ;:n .-t,.-:,, ~ ~ -"~ ~ '4', ~-:x '~-'.x~ ij ¢- -.,~ ~ ,~__.. -;.'i ...... .~..~-:.:2~.,.~....,. ,~ ....... ~ .................... ,,,c~,~. :% ............. ~ ............. ~ ............................ ;. -~ ................. . ....................................... Company Mar, ~c,g A~ar'mss . >':--~.:~¢..----.~ ....~ ........ ~'. ....... :--'.-.'~-~---~-~ " ~: ....................... ~ \ ,¢~-"-~ '-.~o 4- "'"'~'~"-~ ~.. -' -/'1 * ~- ;r'~-* .' -' -' .... l.l,.~- ................ ~ ..................... / / ~ .'.'-,~ ' . --'N T~K ' ,"~., . X .~,~.. :S .)[FFER'ENC~ 'SHOULD SE 5" OR ~':=3', ~ NA~ZNG : SYST~ ~RKED N[%N A ~ECX ABOVE ARE iN -~:~ C~T~L OISTR!CT ~LE(S) 209 412 ~O/OR 412 1 - ' ' . -¢ -, T~ E~E (805' SPE .... ~ P~ALTIES OF 0P TO $1,900.00 PER OAY FOR ~&Q~ l~,J~'~ ~?~ ~6!-3682 C~CE~!NG FINAL R~LUTi~ OF ]~E VIO~TICN(5) ~~~ ' ' ~,pe^ rator's Namekl\+rc~cv~c~r~'/' ' Statio~ ^ddress GrZ<-C~ ~ ~a'or Cross Street 'i~a- Telephone R~ -~ ~ lnspedo~~ v~' ' - L~ -- W~NING ' Use of this de~ce is prohibited b~ state law and un- . autho~zed removal of this tag or use ot this equipment ~11 constitute a ~olation oJ the law punishable b~ ma~mum ci~l fine of $i,000 per da~ or a ma~mum criminal fine of $500 per da~ and/or six months in jail I declare under penalt~ of perju~ that the de~ce tagged was not used, nor was the tag removed, until the required repairs were effected and the dist~ct notified. Repaired by. Title (Please print) Signature. Date Time Totalizer Reading at ~me of Repair Repairs made BEFORE USING THIS D~CE,Tel~p]po_..qe-~?ur local air pollution control district at'-1'~c' ~,.-.'"x.:~/~ - · If repairs were made to thenozzle body you must notify the County Department of Weights and Measures. , Ser.' 66202 ---- "' Tag Numbe/O "- - t :," ~ ' Station Name Operator's Name ~ ~ ~ ~- ': Major. Cross Street__s, .n~-. ~m~/t ~ ~ . . .', :, WARNING Use of this device is prohibited by state law and authorized removal of this tag or use of this equipment will constitute a violation of the ~aw punishable by. a maximum civil fine of $1,000 per day .or a maximum criminal fine of $500 per day and/or six months in jail. I declare under penalty of perjury that the device tagged was not used, nor was the tag removed, until the required repairs were effected and the district notified. Repaired by Title (Please print) Signature. Date Time Totalizer Reading at Time of Repair Repairs made_ BEFORE USING THIS DEVIl- ~, T~lel%hpr~ y/our local air pollution control d strict 9t -~,(, /~ ~!O o~.,-- . 7..,' If repairs were made .to the nozzle bo~t9 you mus~ nou~y the County Department of Weights and Measures. Set." B6203 525 WEST THIRD STREET ° HANFORD, CA 93230 ° (209) 582-0241 October 4, 1989 Ms. Ann Boyce COUNTY OF KERN Health Department 1415 Truxton Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Boyce: Re: Corporate Name Change to Ultramarine. Beacon Oil Company is pleased to announce that ~ffective October 1, 1989, its corporate name was Changed to Ultramar Inc. This change will unite our operations under a single name and identify our West Coast operations with our world Wide affiliates in the Ultramar group of companies. We will continue to use the Beacon brand name to identify our gasoline stations. Ail addresses, telephone numbers, agreements, and operations will continue without modification or interruptions. Please update your records and accounts payable for invoicing to reflect this name change. A list of stations in your area is attached. Any questions may be directed to: ULTPdk~R INC. Attn: Julie M. Caldwel! 525 W. Third St. Hanford, CA 93230 Tlf: (209)583-3247 Siincerely, /"' BEACON OIL COMPANY z:! /// Julie M. Caldwell' ~.- Environmental CoordinatOr JMC/jsm Attachment 0350I . SERVICE STATIONS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF: COUNTY OF KERN Kern Count~ 00~ 0~.'aIl; ' 454 1331 Bernard St. Bakersfield, CA 490 510 511 550 571 578 805/325-2721 93305 10920 Main Street 805/845-0317 Lamont, CA 93241 500 Norris Road 805/399-0807 Bakersfield, CA 93308 3818 NiZes st. 805/871-3854 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Hwy 46 & Warren Dr., 93249 805/797-2315 Lost Hills, CA 93249 1102 34th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 6601 Ming Ave. 8051831-1270 Bakersfield, CA 93309 805/322-5268 597 CARDLOCK SITE ~2 3311 Truxton Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 805/327-9426 598 CARDLOCK SITE ~4 4600 Stine Road & District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 8.05/833,9475 608 CARDLOCK SITE ~1 241 Un&on Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 8o5/327-9426 27-3 6607 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93309 805/398-9833 ~?OO~-[ 51-4 Beacon T/S Hwy 99 at Hwy 58 on 3225 Pierce Road Bakersfield, CA 93301 805/324-9481 JMC/j~m 01521-23 BEAC-,,-N An Ultramar Company 525 WEST THIRD STREET · HANFORD, CA 93230 · (209) 582-0241 May 18, 1989 Attention: Joe Canas 2700 '9~' Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Enclosed please find information ~ our Beacon Station #578 located on Ming Avehue in Bakersfield. If there are questions, please contact me at (209) 583-3374. Sincerely, Glenn R. D~mbroff ~ Environmental Specialist GRD/cvn Enclosure 1320 EAST SHAW AVENtJE, SUITE I10. FRESNO. CALIFOP, NIt\ oWIO 120~1 222-7~~Z FAX (209) 222-19~7 May 15, 1989 Beacon Oil Company 525 West Third Street Hanford, California 93230 uay 1 9 1989 E~iror~ntaJ Heath Div. K~b'n_O~oumy Health OeoL Project No. 10801-011-o3 Attention: RE: Subject: Mr. Glenn Dembroff Authorization No. 578-3030-A Composite Soil Sampling and Chemical Analysis Stockpfted Softs at Beacon Station #578 6601 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California Gentlemen: In accordance with your authorization, we have completed composite sampling of st0ckpfted aerating soils for chemical analysis at the above-referenced subject property. The composite samPle was obtained in order to assess the progress of aeration treatment of petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated softs unearthed during underground tank maintenance at the subject property. The softs stockpiled at the subject property were aerated under the auspices of the Kern County Environmental Health Department and the Kern County Air Quality Management District. The aeration criteria established by the local Health agency was met, and prior to aeration, a permit exemption was obtained from the Air Quality Management District. A Dames & Moore geologist visited the subject property on May 12, 1989 to conduct composite sampling of stockpfted aerating soils at the subject property. At the time of oUr site visit, one stockpile of excavated soil was observed. The sampling frequency for the aerating softs was one composite sample per 50 cubic yards of material. The quantity of excavated material was estimated in the field to be less than 50 cubic yards. A total of l-composite sample, comprised of three individual sample locations at varying depths within the pre were obtained. The soil samples were obtained by drive tube method at each sample location. Samples were obtained from about 12 inches below the soil surface in a brass tube; each were capped, sealed and taped. The soft samples were placed into a cooler chest on ice under proper chain of custody protocol for transportation to a state-approved laboratory for compostting and chemical analysis. The soil sample was composited by the laboratory, and analyzed to detect the presence and concentration of benzene, toluene, xylenes, and-total petroleum hydrocarbons: The result of that analysis have been summarized on the table as follows: Beacon Oil Company - Page 2 TABLE I Concentration of Petroleum Constituents In Soil (Concentrations expressed in parts per million) Sample I.D'. l~enzene Toluene Xylenes T.P.H. lA, 1 B, 1 c n/d n/d n/d n/d Legend: n/d - non-detected T.P.H. - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons For more detailed information regarding the results of chemical analysis, please refer to the certified analytical report Included at the end of the text. Please refer to the site plan at the end of the text which illustrates soil sampling locations. The results of the chemical analysis conducted on the composite samples obtained from the stockpiled aerating soils at the Beacon station No. 578 have been reported as non- detected for petroleum hydrocarbons as referenced to gasoline. We trust this report satisfies your current needs. Should you have any questions concerning this report or if we may be of additional service, please feel free to contact this office. The following are attached, and complete this report. Plate I Site Vicinity Map Plate 2 Site Plan Certified Analytical Reports Chain of Custody Form JSP/MRE/Jp 3e herewith Respectfully Submitted, DAMES & MOORE Jeffrey S. Palmer, REA Environmental Specialist Mtchael R. Em'in, RCE Senior Geotechnical Engineer ~,,\),1 ES ,& ~G AVE CANOPY~ o NTS J~-~ SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS .... -.-57 8 BEACON OIL ~- 6601 Ming Ave., Bakersfield, CA Dames & Moore- ~f LABORATORIES, I r-lC. J. J. EGLIN, IIIG. CH~M. ENGII. 4100 PIERCE RI)., IJAKERSFI~LD, CALIFORNIA 9330~ PHONE 327-491 I Purgeable Aromat~.c':.s (SOIL) Dames and Moore 1320 E. Shaw Ave. Ste Fresno, CA 93710 A%~en%lon:Jeff Palter Date_ of Re~ort: Lab No.: 3644-1 ~m~ple Desc.: Job #10801-011.-44 Beacon Sta 578 1-A,B,c 5/12/89 ~ 1300 ~',il DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 12-May-8$ DATE SAMPLE FECEIVED ~ LAB: 12-M~y-89 DATE ANALYSIS Cr~MPL~: 15-Ma~-89 Reporting Constituen~ UniTm Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzzne ug/g p-Xylene u~/~ m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene u~/g To~al Pet, Hydrocarbons. ug/g Analysis Resultz None Detected None Detected None Detacted None Der~cted None Detected None Detected None Detected 15-Ha~-89 Minim~r, Level O. 02 0.02 O. 02 .0.02 O, 02 O. 02 5. O0 TEST METHOD: TPH for ga.~oline by D.O.H.S.L.U.F.T. m~t?~. Individua/ co~sttblent..~ by ~A rr~th,~] 8020. D~ 'Ma%~r ~sis C~].ifornia D.O.H.$. C,?rt. ~102 CHAI~I OF CUSTODY RECOirlD 'CHAiI~ OF CUSTODY RECORD .! :. BC CHAIN OF CUSTODY 1~0. L- Lab# Relinq t~sfied By: Dal~_ Timc: Received By: Sart~k: Type.: Sludge Of,~er: Chh~ Te~ Time: :', aaly ;i~ Roqecslod: ~J