HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK (5) California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region Winston H. Hickox Fresno Branch Office Secretary.[hr Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca,gov/-rwqcb5 Environmental 1685 E Street, Fresno, California 93706-2020 Protection Phone (559) 445-5116 · FAX (559) 445-5910 Gray Davis Governor 23 July 2003 Regional Board Case No. 5T15000885 Mr. Tony Palagyi Shell Oil Products U.S. 2255 North Ontario Street Burbank, California 91504 UNDERGROUND TANK RELEASE, TEXACO SERVICE STATION, 2401 OAK STREET, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY You submitted Second Qurrrrer 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report (Report) dated 15 July 2003 and prepared by KHM Environmental Management, Inc. (KHM). The Report documents a quarterly groundwater monitoring event at the above-referenced site on 18 June 2003. In a letter dated 17 June 2003, the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) referred the subject case to our agency for regulatory oversight. It also provided us with information indicating that gasoline- and diesel-range petroleum hydrocarbons and the fuel oxygenates methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) leaked at the subject facility degrading s0il and that gasoline range petroleum hydrocarbons and MTBE have degraded groundwater. The Report indicates that low concentrations of MTBE continue to be detected in groundwater. By our 3 July 2003 letter, we requested that you submit a work plan to identify the source of the release, abate the release, and determine the extent of impacted soil and groundwater. Our letter also requested that you submit quarterly groundwater monitoring reports and identify sensitive environmental receptors near the site. We reiterate these requests. A summary of the Report and our comments follow. Report Summary Blaine Tech Serv{ces, Inc., San Jose (Blaine Tech) collected groundwater samples from monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-5 on 18 June 2003. Depthto-groundwater was measured from 17 to 21 feet below the tops of the casings (below TOC). Groundwater flow direction was toward the southeast with a'water table slope of 0.016 feet per foot. The samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015M and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), MTBE, TBA, di-isopropyl ether (DUE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), and ethanol by EPA Method 8260B. TPHg was not detected. TPHg was detected at 660 and 72 micrograms per liter (pg/L), in MW-2 and MW-3, respectively, during the 25 March 2003 monitoring event. MTBE was detected in MW-3 at 17 gg/L. MTBE was detected at 57, 7.3, and 40 gg/L in MW-3, MW-4, and MW-5, respectively, during the 25 March 2003 event. Other analytes were not detected.. California Environmental Protection Agency Recycled Paper Mr. Tony Palagyi 2 23 July 2003 Based on field reconnaissance, KHM has verified that the nearest water well is California Water Services Company well BK0600-02 is 759 feet east of the site. Comments A release from the UST system has contaminated soil and degraded groundwater quality beneath the site. Investigation summarized in KHM' s GRASP Site Assessment Report dated 9 May 2003, discovered low concentrations of TPHg; TPHd, MTBE and TBA in subsurface soils adjacent to the UST system. Higher concentrations of these analytes may be present beneath the UST system. Low concentrations of TPHg, and MTBE were detected in groundwater samples collected from on-site monitoring wells during the 25 March 2003 monitoring event. The site is underlain by a transmissive aquifer used for municipal water supply and municipal wells are within 1,000 feet. We requested by our 3 July 2003 letter that you identify and abate the source of the release and investigate the extent of impacted soil and__, g.roundwa[er. -~~W~--al-g-o- reque--~d t~at you Yfibm~t a wO'fk--PT~n proPOsi~ these investigations by 6 October 2003. The work plan should include the results of an investigation to identify water supply wells within 2,000 feet of the site. Our letter dated ~ July 2003 also requested that you conduct quarterly groundwater monitoring beginning with the Third Quarter 2003. During the Third and Fourth Quarter 2003, we .request that you confirm chemicals of concern (COCs) by also analyzing at least three groundwater samples for the analytes usually reported in a full EPA 8260 analysis (approximately 63 to 67 analytes) and dissolved lead. Samples for dissolved lead should be filtered in the field prior to acid preservation or filtered in the laboratory prior to acid preservation within 24 hours of sample collection. These procedures should be noted on chain-of-custody documentation. Analysis for general minerals, nitrate, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen should be performed during two non- consecutive quarters to characterize groundwater quality and assess evidence for natural attenuation of gasoline and diesel constituents. We request that at least one upgradient and two downgradient monitoring wells be sampled for these parameters. Please submit a report describing the Third Quarter 2003 groundwater monitoring event by 3 November 2003. 'S~-~io-'h~ZV~J~-~9'TT~"~~-r0tin~"'S~or-~ge ~ks 'were added to the California Code of Regulations requiring you to submit analytical and site data electronically. Enclosed is our letter (Required Electronic Deliverable Format for Laboratory and Site Data Submittals to Regulating Agencies) explaining how to obtain information to implement the requirements. V:\UGTXProjects\JDW_files\2003 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Texaco Stn OakSt GW 7-03.doc Mr. Tony Palagyi 3 23 July 2003 Please contact this office at least five days prior to fieldwork. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact me at (559) 445-5504. Engineering Geologist R.G. No. 5951 Enclosure: Required Electronic Deliverable Format for Laboratory and Site Data Submittals... C~ ~i;-. Ba;bara Remp~l'~' SWRCB, Us~ -cleanup FUndl ~sac~tment01 ~)o en~osfir0Q, ..... Mr. Howard H. Wines IH, Bakersfield Fire Department, Bakersfield, w/o enclosurl',~ File: UST/Kern/Texaco Service Station, 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield/5T15000885 V:\UGT~Projects\JDW_files\2003 Correspondence\City of Bakersfield Cases\Texaco Stn OakSt GW 7-03.doc Delta ~ ... COMBINING OUR ~ ~? ~ - ~SO~CBS TO BNH.~CB O~ ~~ SBRWCBS... ~v[ronme~t~l ~~S~' ~ Consultants, Inc. ~NAGE~NT, ~C. [I I ! july 15, 2003 KHM Project D80-2401 Mr. John D. Whiting California Regional Water Quality' Control Board Central Valley Region 1685 E Street Fresno, California 93706-2020 Re: SECOND QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT Texaco Service Station 2401 Oak Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Whiting: On behalf of Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil Products (SHELL), KHM Emdronmental Management, Inc. (KHM) has prepared this Second Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring I~eport for the above referenced site. If you have any questions regarding this site, please contact Brad Clark at (626) 256-66~2.'or' Tony Palaygi at (425) 377-8530. Sincerely, KHNI Environmental Management, Inc. Bradley E. Clark, P.E. Senior Project Engineer Attachment: Second Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Report cc: Tony Palaygi, Shell Oil Products US Isabel Mejia, Shell Oil Products US Steve Underwood, City of Bakersfield Fire Department 6284 San Ignacio Avenue · Stdte E San Jose, California 95119 USA 408,224.4724 · Fax: 408.224.4518 800.477.7411 911 South Primrose Avenue · Suite K Mo~ovia, California 91016 USA 626.256.6662 · Fax: 626.256.6263 I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, july 15, 20o3 SHELL QLIARTERLY STATUS REPORT Station Address: KHM Project No. SHELL Environmental Engin./Phone No.: KHM Project Manager/Phone No.: ' Pr/mary Agency/Regulatory ID No.: Other Agencies to Receive Copies': 2401 Oak Street, Bakersfield, California D80-2401 .Tony Palaygi/(425) 377-8530 Gretchen Tagavilla / (626) 256-6662 Central Valley RWQCB / John Whiting None WORK PERFORMED THiS QUARTER (SECOND - 2,003): 1. Quarterly groundwater monitoring and sampling. Submitted quarterly report. 2. Submitted Site Assessment Report. ' 3. Received agency letter from CVRWQCB on July 3, 2003. WORK PROPOSED FOR NEXT QUARTER (THIRD - 2;003): 1. Quarterly groundwater monitoring and sampling. 2. Prepare and submit response to CVRWQ CB agency letter. Current Phase of Project: Frequency of Sampling: Quarterly Frequency of Monitoring: Quarterly Is Separate Phase Hydrocarbon Present On-site (Well #'s): Cumulative SPH Recovered to Date: NA SPH Recovered This Quarter: None Sensitive Receptor(s) and Respective Direction(s): ~ Current Remediation Techniques: Permits for Discharge: Approximate Depth to Groundwater: Groundwater Gradient Current Agency Correspondence: Summary of Unusual Activity: Groundwater monitoring [~] Yes [] No Nearest field verified well is Well BK060-02 (State Well No. 29S/27E-25D02M) of the California Water Service Company in Bakersfield approximately 759 feet East of the site. None None f6.72' to 20.98" Southeast ~ approximately 0.01666 ft/ft None None ff~/tchen Tagavilla/~/ P(,p~ject Manager (KI4'M) ATTACHED: · Table 1 - Groundwater Gauging and Analytical Results · Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Groundwater Elevation Contour Map · Figure 3 - Hydrocarbon Distribution in Groundwater Map · Figure 4 - TPH-G Concentrations in Groundwater Map · Figure 5 -.Benzene Concentrations in Groundwater Map · Figure 6 - MTBE Isoconcentrations in Groundwater Map · Appendix A - Field Data Sheets · Appendix B - Field Procedures · Appendix C - Waste Disposal Document · Appendix D - Laboratory Report and Chain-of-Custody Documents TABLE m m m mm mm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m TABLE 1 I ~ I I I HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER GAUGING AND ANALYTICAL DATA SHELL SERVICE STATION 2401 Oak Street~ Bakersfield, California ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~hi~N~: :: ¢~:~i~: ::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::': :::: b~::::::~::::~:~:~:~b::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::~:~:):::::~:~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ I MW-1 T~p of ¢~sing elevation (ft): 40~,03 ~/18/200~ 26.81 0.00 37~.22 3/25/2003 . 28.1~_ 0.00 373.84 ND<1000 ND<~0 ND<0.50 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<10 N~<Z.0 NDe.0 ND<2.0 ND<100 6/18/2003 17.70 0.00 384.3~ ND<~0 ND<0.50 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 NB<I.0 N~<I.0 ND<10 ND~.0 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 ~W-Z To~ o~as~ng elevadon (ft): 404.4~ 3/18/200~ 29.?0 0.00 3/25/~003 ~.0~ 0.00 3?3.4? ND<1000 66~ ND<0.50 ND<I.0 N~<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<10 ND<2.0 NDe.0 ND<2.0 N~<100 6/18/200~ 20.79 0.00 383.70 ND<~0 ND<0.50 N~<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 N~<I.0 ND<10 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 MW-3 Top of casin~ eleration (ft): 3/18/2003 28.94 0.00 3?4.49 3~5/2003 30.27 0.00 373.16 ND<1000 72 ND<0.50 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 57 ND<10 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 NDQ.0 ND<100 6/18/2003 20.98 0.00 382.45 ND<50 ND<0.50 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 17 ND<10 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 MW-4 ~op of casing elevation (ft): 400.11 3/19/2003 25.42 0.00 374.69 3/25/2003 26.75 0.00 373.36 ND<1000 ND<50 ND<0.50 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 7J ND<tO ND<2.0 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 ND<I00 6/18/2003 17.31 0.00 382.80 ND<50 ND<0.50 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<10 ND<2.0 NDe.0 ND<2.0 MW-5 Top of casing elevation (ft): 399.91 3/19/2003 25.03 0.00 374.88 3/25/2003 26.38 0.00 373.53 ND<I000 ND<50 ND<0.50 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 40 ND<10 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 ND<100 6/18/2003 16.72 0.00 383.19 ND<50 ND<0.50 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<10 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 Notes: GW - Groundwater SPH - Separate-phase hydrocarbons MSL - Mean sea level ND - Not detected ~g/L Lparts per billion TPH-D - Total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel TPH-G - Total petrolemn hydrocarbons as gasoline MT~E - Mefl~yl-te~ buWl ether TBA - Ted-buWl alcohol DIPE - Di-isopropyl ether ~BE - Ethyl-te~ buW1 ether TAME - Tert-amyl mefl~yl e~er \\Server\khm_data\ClientsLShellX_Shell GRAS~_GRASP Site~L2401 OakX2003-07-15_2Q03 Quarterly Repo.\Table I (2401).xls Page ] of I FIGURES 119°Q4'00" W - 119~03'00" W 119~02'00" ~V WGSB4 119o01'00" W ° ~.~ ~, ~:~ ~r~:~ ~ ~ ~ SITE LOCATION j~ I ~04'00" W ~¢~03'00" ~ ' ~9~02'00'' W Wa~B4 ~¢~0~'00" W BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA l' ~"> FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP 2401 OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CAL FORN A N DEISEL TANK SLAG PLAN'~R  SERVAllON WELL MW-2 DISPENSER iSLAND (TYP) OFFICE AND SLAB P~N~R ILl I,I o MW-~e 383.00-- -- -- LEGEND GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION AND DESIGNATION C~ROUNDWAT~R ELEVATION IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL (Ft/MSL) GROUNDWATER CONTOUR IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL (Ft/MSL) CONTOUR INTERVAL:O,50 FEET APPROXIMATE GROUNDWAI~R GRADIENT DIRECTION ,30 60 , SCALE IN FEET SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US TEXACO SERVICE STATION ~/~J BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR MAP 24-O1 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA K:\Clients~_Shell~_Shell GRASPS_GRASP Sites\2401 Oak\2003-O7-15_2Q03 Quarterly Report\FIGURE 2(2401)_GROUNOWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR MAP.dwg, l-lodeI, 7112/2003 11:58:01 AM IO MW-1 I 3/25/OSIND<SOINO<0.50j ND<I.0 J ND<lO I o6/18/o3 J ND<50 J NO<O.~O J ND<tO J ND<10 J DEISEL TANK SLAB , PLANTER MW-2 MW-2 OBSERVATION WELL DISPENSER ISLAND (wP) OFFICE AND BOO3H PLANTER CANOPYI LEGEND [-- MW-I~ GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LLJ LOCATION AND DESIGNATION bJ  1~H-g TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS GASOLINE M~E METHYL TERT-SUTYL ETHER <~ TBA TERT-BUTYL ALCOHOL O .ucJ/LMICROGRAMS PER UTER ND NOT DETECTED MW-5 MW-4 MW-3 DATE TPH- BENZENE MI~E TBA 03/25/03 72 ND<0.50 57 ND<lO 06/18/03 ND<50 ND<0.50 17 ND<lO 30 60 SCALE IN FEET SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US TEXACO SERWCE STATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 3 HYDROCARBON DISTRIBUTION IN GROUNDWATER MAP 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA K:\Cllents~_Shell~_Shell GRASPS_GRASP Sites\2401 Oak~2003-07-15_2(~03 (~uartedy Report\FIGURE 3(2401)_HYDROCARBON D]STPJBUTJON IN GW MAP,dw~J, Model, 7/12/2003 11:58:37 AN ~ASH ~ N DEISEL TANK SLAB PLANTER MW-2 (~ EXISTING - '""--...~,~E R VAll 0 N WELL ISLAND OFFICE AND ~-MW-1 SLAB PLANTER CANOPYJ LEGEND MW-1 ~ GR(TdNDWAT~R MONITORIN~ WELL LOCATION AND DESIGNATION (ND<50) TPH-g CONCENI~ATIONS IN MILIJGRAMS PER KILOGRAMS Om/L) NO NOT DETECTED 5O 6O , SCALE IN FEET  SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US TEXACO SERV1CE STATION FIGURE 4 TPI-I-g CONCENTRATION MAP 06/18/03 2~-01 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA K:\Clients~.Sheli~.ShelI GRASPS_GRASP Sites~240! Oak\2003-07-tS_2Q03 (~uarteHy Report\FIGURE 4(2401)_TPH-g CONCEI'FI~AT]ON MAP.dwg, Model, 7/12/2003 12:00:41 PM Fl, DEISEL TANX SLAB PLANER MW-2 OFFICE AND A~' MW-1 CANOPYO<~ -s I LEGEND MW-I~' GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION AND OES~GNATION ND<O,50 BENZENE CONCENTRATIONS IN MILUGRAM$ PER KILOGRAMS O~/L) ND NOT DETECTED EXISTING -  ERVATION WELL OISPENSER ISLAND (r~) PLANTER O ,30 60 SCALE IN FEET  SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US TEXACO SERVICE STATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 5 BENZENE CONCENTRATION MAP 06/t 8/O3 24-01 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA K:\Clients~.Shell~_Shell GRASPS_GRASP Sites\2401 Oak\2003-O7-15_2Q03 Quarterly Report~ClGURE 5(240t)_BENZENE CONCENTRA'r]ON MAP.dwg, Model, 7/12/2003 12:02:57 PM DE[SEL TANK SLAB · PLANq~R MW-2 ND<I .O OFFICE AND CANOPY LiJ I,I LEGEND MW-I~- GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION AND DESIGNATION ND<t.0 MTI3E CONCENTRATIONS IN MILLIGRAMS PER KILOGRAMS LINE OF EQUAL MTBE CONCENTRATION MTE]E METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER EXISTING '"'"--.... O...~...ER VA TI ON WELL DISPENSER ISLANO (TYP) MW-5 17 -~. SLAB PLANTER 0 50 .60 SCALE IN FEET  SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US TEXACO SERVICE STATION BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA FIGURE 6 MTBE ISOCONCENTRATION iN GROUNDWATER MAP 06/18/03 24-O1 NORTH OAt( STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA K:\ClienLs~_Shell~_Shell GRASPS_GRASP Sites\2401 Oak\2003-07-15_2Q03 (~uartedy Report~=IGURE 6(2401)_MTBE ]SOCONCENI~ATJON MAP.dwg, Model, 7/12/2003 12:08:07 PM APPENDIX A FIELD DATA SHEETS WELLHEAD INSPECTION CHECKLIST Page Client .-~'~,1, SiteA~ldress ~ZL/M 42~.~...<¢.'-~.~,us~C,.~,/~' Job Number O Date Technician Well Inspected - No Corrective Water Bailedj Wellbox Other Action From Components Cap Lock Taken Wellbox Cleaned Replaced Replaced (explain below) r Well Not Inspected (explain below) Repair Order Submitled NOTES: BLAIHE TECH SERVICES, INO. SAIl JOSE SACPJ',,MEI';TO LOS ANGELES SAI-I DIEGO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WELL GAUGING DATA .a~, g/~[/V3 Client Size [ Sheen/ (in.) [ Odor · ' '[ Thickness Depth to I of Immisc~le [ la~scihle Liquid (ft.)[ Liquid (fi.) VoI~e of[ lmmisc~les] Removed ]Depth to water (r~) [ (n.) Depth to well · bottom (fi.) qq. 3z Survey Po[ut: TOB[ or TOC. I I I I Blaine Tech Services, inc. 1680 Rogers Ave;, San Jose, CA 95112 (408) 573-0555 S~LL WELL MONITORING DATA S][[EET BTS #: 0 ~ Ogre' I~F-- 7. Site: t~//'~.. [77' 0 - Sampler: ./~ ~ Date: ~ ~'/0X 3 4~ 6 Well I.D.: /tx to- ~ Well Diameter: 2 Total Wel-I Depth (TI)): /4 t~. 0 6 Depth to W~er (DTW): Depth to Free Product: Thickness of Free Product (feet): Referenced to: r~ Grade D.O. Meter (ifreq'd): YS~ DTW with 80% Rechm'ge [(Height of'Water Column x 0.20) + DTW]: Purge Method: Bailer Waterra Sampling Method: ~ Disposable Bailer Peristaltic Disposable Bailer Ivliddleburg Extraction Pump Extraction Port  ~11~ e Other Dedicated Tubing Other: I Case Volume Specified Volumes Calculated Volume !Well DiamelerM~lttiplier Well Diameter Multiplier l" 0.0,l 4" 0.65 2 ' 0.16 fi" 1 3" 0.37 Other mdi~'- * 0.163 Cond. Turbidity Time Temp (°F) pH (mS or ~ (NTUs) Gals. Removed Observations o z7 .[f ,.t4of/ ..... 12o.... Did well dewater? Yes ~ ., Gallons actually evacuated: Sm~pling Date: 6~[0 >._ Sampling Time: [ ~ { g Depth to Water: ,/ ~.ample I.D.: ~ ~- [ Laborato~: Kiff ~ Other . Analyzed for: ~ ~ ~IT~E *P.~-~-D Ox~~? Other: EB I.D. (if applicable): ~ riae Duplicate I.D. (if applicable): ' . ................. L .... .". .......... ~l~zed-f~ TPH-G BTEX MTBE TPH-D Other: D.O. (if req'd): Pre-purge: me/~. Post_purge: mg/L O.R.P. (if req'd): Pre-purge: ~}I.V Post-purge: . ,, mV Blaine Tech Services, Inc. 1680 Rogers Ave.~ San Jose~ CA 95112 (800) 545-7558 SI~LL WELL MONITORING DATA Slq[EET Site: ~7'q7-177'0 ! Is~p~,': 5 ~ Iwe]l ~.r>.: Total Wetl Depth (TD): /.{'a~. 5' ? Depth to Free Product: Referenced to: Welt Diameter: 2 3 ~ 6 Depth to Water (DTW): Thiclmess of Free Product (feet): I D.O. Meter (if req'd): YSI DTW w/th 80% Recharge [(Height of Water Colunm x 0.20) + DTW]: HAClq Purge Method: Bailer Waterra Disposable Bailer Peristaltic Middleburg Extraction Pump [~ible Other Case Volume Specified Volumes Calculated Volume Sampling Method: Other: Disposable Bailer Extraction Port Dedicated Tubing Well Diameter Multiplier Well Dinmeler Multiplier 1" 0.0,1 4" 0.65 2' 0.16 6~ 1.47 3" 0.37 JOker radius: ' 0.163 ~ Cond. Turbidity Time Temp (°F) pH (mS or ~[~ (NTUs) Gals. Removed Observations Did well dewater? ..Yes ..... (~ . . Gallons actually evacuated: ..C Sampling Date: D//,~'/,~') Sa..mp..!ing Time: / ._q' 2. ao' Depfll to Water: Smnple I.D.: ~ [-o ~' ~. . Laboratory: Kiff ~e Other Analyzed for: '1'1~:;-~ ~ff~ r~rl'13a TPI4-D~ Other: EB I.D. (if applicable): @ 'r~ .... Duplicate I.D. (if applicable): Analyzed for: TPH-G BTEX MTBE TPH-D Other: D.O. (if req'd): Pre-purge: mg/L 'ng/L Post-purge: O.R.P. (ifreq'd): Pre-purge: ..... illV Post-purge: Ii'IV ! I I Blaine Tech Ser~ices~ ~nc. t680 Rogers Ave., San Jose, CA 95112 (800) 545-7558 ri' 'S]:[ELL WELL MONITORING DATA SI-fEET 0 Site: qT-qT17'7'O Sampler: . ~ ~' Date: {~/0 g"/t./~ wen m: / t4- 3 Total Welt Depth (TD): /-{r--t'. '5 ~' Depth to Free Product: Well Diameter: 2 3 (~ 6 8 Depth to Water (DTW): 2.0 · q~ .Thiclmess of Free Product (feet): Referenced to: ~ O~de D.C. Meter (ifreq'd): Ym ~-~^CH DTW with 80% Recharge [(Height of Water Colmma x 0.20) + DTW]: 2~.o/j' Purge Method: Bailer Waterra Sampling Method: ~ Disposable Bailer Peristaltic Disposable Bailer Middleburg Extraction Pump Extraction Port e Other Dedicated Tubing Other: J 5~" 5; (Gals.)X 3 = ~"~'° q Oa[s. Case Volume Specified Volumes Calculated Volume Well Diameter Multiplier Well Diameler Multiplier I" 0.04 4" 0.65 2" 0.16 6" 1.,17 3" 0.37 Off)er rndiusz ' 0.163 Cond. Turbidity Time Temp (°F)pH (mS or It~ (NTUs) Gals. Removed Observations lq/5 ~O.q 7.0 38L ]L{ 3~,,, Did welI...d~water7 Yes ~ ............. Gallons actually evacuated: Sampling Date: ~ff[o 3 Sam Ih~g Time: lq 2 { Depth to Water: Sample I.D.: /M ~- ~ Laborato~7: 3~ff ~ Other' ~alyzedfor: ...~ ~ M'm~ rpl-l-O ~5)Other: .... EB I.D. (if applicable): ~ =,,,~ Duplicate I.D. (if applicable): ,~alyzed for: TPH-G B~X' MTBE TPH-D Gther: ~D.O. (if req'd): Pre-purge: mg/L Post-purge: O.R.P. (if req'd): Pre-purge: mV Post-¢urge: mV ! ! Blaine Tech Services, Inc. 1680 Rogers Ave., San Jose~ CA 95112 (800) 545-7558 S]~ELL WELL MONITORING DATA BTS¢: Site: Sampler: 5 ~' Date: Well I.D.: Total Wel.! Depth (TD): /,/t~,. ~ 2. Depth to Free Product: Referenced to: r(~P Grade Well Diameter: 2 3 ~ 6 8 Depth to W]aier (DTW): [ 7, 3/ Thiclmess of Free Product (feet): D.O. Meter (i£req'd): YSI DTW with 80% Recharge [(Height of Water Column x 0.20) + DTW]: 2, 3' 5 ? I-IA CH Purge Method: Bailer Waterra Disposable Bailer Peristaltic Middleburg Extract[on Pump ~_~[e Other ?a3,q' <oals.)× 3 -- g(.2. oa, s. Case Volume Seecified Volumes Calculated Volume Sampling M~thod: Other: Disposable Bailer Extraction Port Dedicated Tubing Well Diameter Mul,tjplfer Well Dimneler Multivlier 1" 0.04 4" 0.65 2" 0.16 6" 1.47 Y' 0.37 Other radius~ * O. 163 Cond. Turbidity Time Temp (°F) pH (mS or ~ (NTUs) Gals. Removed Observations Did well &water? Yes (N~ Gallons actually evacuated: ~2 Sampling Date: ~/~/'O,3 Sampling Time: It[o ~ Depthto.Water: ! 7-~(f' Smn.p!.e I.D.: /M-Id- q Laboratory: riff c~4'>~-rv..~ Other EB I.D. (if applicable): @ ,-~, Duplicate I.D. (if applicable): Analyzed for: TPIt-G BTEX MTBE TPH-D Other: D.O. (if req'd): Pre-purge: rog/I: Post-purge: O.R.P. (if req'd): Pre-purge: ITIV Post-purge: mV ~laine Tech Services~ Inc. 1680 Rogers Ave. San Jose, CA 95~ 12 (800) 545-7558 SHELL WELL MONITORING DATA S~ET Sampler: . Well I.D.: total Welt Depth (TD): /'/g-'Lq[ Site: Da'tel Well Diameter: 2 3 6 8 I Deptla to W~t'~er'CDTW): /~', )z ~. Depth to Free Product: ]Thiclcness of Free Product (feet): >~eferenced to: ~ Grade ID.0. Meter (if req'd): . YS~ ~_ACH )TW with 80% Recharge [(Height of Water Column x 0.20) + DTW]: '2-2 2,~/ I I I I I I I I I Purge Method: Bailer Wa[erra Sampling Method: ¢:J~r Disposable Bailer Peristaltic Disposable Bailer Middleburg Extraction Pump Extraction Port le Other Dedicated Tubing Other: Case Volume Specified Volumes Calculated Volume Well Diameter Multiplier. Well Diameter Mulliplier 1" 0.04 4" 0.65 2" 0.16 6" 1.47 Y' 0.37 Other radius" · O. 163 Cond. Turbidity Time Temp (°F) pH (mS or/~._u..(NTUs) Gals. Removed Observations .,.!5~o ~L ~ 7.~ ~7/ .qq 4 ~ ,,," Did well dewater? Yes ~ Gallons actually evacuated: ~ ~ Sample I.D.: ~ - ~ Laborato~: ]dfr ~e Other ~a]yzedfor: ~ ~' MTB~ ...... rm-~-g ~) Other: EB I.D. (if applicable): ~ ~.,,,~ Duplicate I.D. (if applicable): ~yzed for: TPH-G a'rEX MTBE Tt't4-D Ofl~er: D.O. (if req'd): Pre-purge: m~/L' Post-purge: ~g/L O.R.P. (if req'd): Pre-purge: mV~ Post-purge: mV Blaine Tech Services~ inc. 1680 Rogers Ave., San Jose~ CA 95112 (800) 545-7558 I '1 I I I APPENDIX B FIELD PROCEDURES 1680 ROGERS AVENUE SAN JOSE, CA 95112-1105 (4081 573-7771 FAX (408) 573-0555 PHONE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE #746684 www. blainetech.com I I I July 17, 2003 Tony Palagyi Shell Oil Products US P.O. Box 7869 Burbank, CA 91510-7869 I I '1 Second Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring at Shell-branded Service Station 2401 Oak Street Bakersfield, CA Monitoring perforated on June 18, 2003 Grom]dwater Monitoring Report 030618-BF-2 This report covers the routine monitoring of groundwater wells at this Shell-branded facility. In accordance with standard procedures that conform to Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements, routine field data collection includes depth to water, total well depth, thiclmess of any separate immiscible layer, water column volume, calculated purge volume (if applicable), elapsed evacuation time (if applicable), total volmue of water removed (if applicable), mad standard water parameter instrument readings. Sample material is collected, contained, stored, m~d transported to the laboratory in conformance with EPA standards.' Purgewater (if applicable) is, likewise, collected and transported to D.K. Environmental. I ! Basic field information is presented alongside analytical values excerpted from the laboratory report in the cumulative table of WELL CONCENTRATIONS. The fid/analytical repoz~ for the most recent samples and the field data sheets are attached to this report. At a minimum, Blaine Tech Services, I. nc. field persom~el are certified on completion of a forty- hour Hazardous Materials and Emergency Response training course per 29 CFR 1910.120. Field personnel are also enrolled in annual eight-hour refresher courses. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Blaine Tech Services, Inc. conducts sampling and documentation assignments of this type as an independent third party. Our activities ,at this site consisted of objective data and sample collection only. No interpretation of analytical results, defining of hydrological conditions or formulation of recommendations was performed. Please call if you have any questions. Yours truly, Francis Thie Vice President FT/ks attachments: Cumulative Table of WELL CONCENTRATIONS Certified ,Analytical Report Field Data Sheets CC: Gretchen Tagavilla KHM Environmental Management, Inc. 911 S. Primrose Ave., Suite K Monrovia, CA 91016 I I, I I I -BLAINE..TE'CH SERVICES; .!NC.. METH..O~:S' AND PROC-EDUI~ES · ' FO.R THE ROU. T!.NE"M.ON!TORING'0F. " GROUNDWATER-'WELLS AT,EQUWA SITES Blaine' Tech. Serdces; Init, perfSrms en:vironme, ntal sampl!ng.a, nd:~docume'nt~ti.e_'n aS indelSendont third par~.'. NEe .speoialEe in ¢¢ou~d~a'[6r monitoring asS~ig/iments and intention~j-ly limit the. scope of'out' serv. i'~es ia thos&"cknterad On 'rifle gederation ~f Objective i'.n.formatiam.: ' .- TO aoai'd cOr~tlict~ bf intems~t,. Blaine Tecl~ Servi.c6s,-ibc. personnel do n~)t, ev'aluafe,or interpret die in'formation we collect. As'~ ..state licen's'ed 'c0ntr:,~ctor (C-57 Well drilling -~atei~ perfb. F.~,!ng s~icfl¥ technical. §arviC. i~s,'we db not.' make an¥~professiohai rebommendations .and.'._.' per,btm no &onsulting ~:f any; kind. .sAFETY,. 7sAMP[I'NG' PRoCEDuRES .OVE~VJ EW I . Al[~'mu'n~..water.~onitoring aSsi. g.nment~ Oed~rrnkdlfaf Eq. Uiva ~mp!.y with-Equiga~s safeby : gui'deiine~s., .2.9 ors: 191'0.,.i20 .and-SB-198. In'jbr}, and illness ,Prevention Prog:.r. ar~ .(IIPP); Ail,. ~ Field T~chniciahS .receive the.full 40 hour 290FR 1'9i"0'.120 OSHA SARAHAZWOPER courge~ I-r~edi'c;al i~iearance' and o~-.the~J'~iB trairiir~g 'p.'dor. to-'cbmmenci'mg any wo~'k ori a~y. E~Lli¢:~ alta.' i1.N~INEdTiONANDGAEiGiNG ,..; , : ., .' W'e'll~ ar~ i'n-sPec~'bd-~d0r-to e~a~a~tSn, arid SampJin¢ The c6ndifion of: th6 ~.'elih~d .is.:ch~ckeci and noted according fo'a wel'[head inOection: checklist. .. . %:, '. Standard measurement~ incJude, t~e ;cJ&.p~h'to Wa't~r (DTWi and ~he total W~lldePth'..(TD) · obtaihe~ with'industry, st'~'ndard;'elecf~'or~ic' sourid~rs. Which' erie gr~adu'a'ted in¢ihcreriien{s hundredths of.a f6mL .... .. ., $. The wafer i'r~'each moil is in~ected-.for'-tbe.pr&sence Of [mmisoibtes O~: ~deen a'nd'whb'n :free:. produd 'is. sUs~e¢~d, i:t is_ confirmed u..~ing an ¢leiSt. ro-nic ihtsrface probe .(e.g.: .:MMG).- NO sarhples ar~ chi ected from .a vCell containing Over ~wO-hundre'dfhs of a fo6f (0..02')' of product. I. Deb¢'t0 w~ter.TmeaSUi:ernentsar& collected by our ~er~'o.n~e:(pfibr tb pu~ging and .minimum I¢urge'vdlame~ ape ~lcula'ted anew for each Well' based.on the height o{ (he.~ater ~lumn and ' th~ diame'fer of thb well Exp~cte.d,~urge volumes are-n~ver ~ass, thah three ~s~ volumes hnd .re set af n~ less-~han four ~se " ... ' v et i Well purElihg' devices are .selected .~n '~e basis of the well ~iame'ter.Ann the rot'a! 0Ium 'o be evacuated, In 'most-cases:the welt.will be pdr~ed using an electS-lc submersii:ile i~ump (i.e. Grundfc~s) susP'ended near (but no~ tou~l-iing) the :b'ot[~m ~f the~weil. Small ~)otum~s .of I purgewater are ellen removed by hand bailing With si ~i.i~posable Isa.tier. :' - . · Well purg.ing 'corriFileIion' s.t'andai-cls' include minimu .re.purge voiflmes, .l~ut additierially requi~:~, ~ stab/li~atior~ .of sp.ecifi, c Or~und ,wa.tot parameters prior, ici'sAmple .c'0llec.tion,,T~Pi'cal groundwater · par.'ame{e.rS dsed:tc~.meas.ure. ~tabilily are electrical c0rMdCl:ivity::PH, and.,temp-i~[ature,." Instrument r.¢adings are ,dbtai.nod at re~l'uiar.inlervai~ d'udi~g ~he '~'vaouat. ion' p¢0cess (t'io b.ss I' -than 5nce. pe'~casevol.ume), - ' ' - .. ' ' . '" ,'.-' ;- ' : stab~lJzatio,~· standards fo'r. rautine cluAderly mOnitaring Eib' ft]¢i, slt~s'include the foiioWing:. ' ~ "Temi~eratUre.is conSicler~d t.5 ~a~)~ :stabilized when"Succes¢ive, readings dO 'not'fliiCtuate mere ~1 than 4-/= ~1 'degree Celsius. Electrical.csnductivi¢i~. con~iider-ed.stable.Wh~.n' sub6es-siv¢. ' · read'in'Ds are w~thin 1.0%, pH is i2on'siderecl to be stable' whe, n su&cess'ive readings :remain . I Constant' ~r varY n'o .mo're than 0,2 of a. pHuniL' ' - .. · -- '" ' .' · ' I -D~WATtEREDWEI"L$ · ' .':' ':" ' ':"" ' · · Narma:l eV,~C.Liatimi~ removei~'no less than tl~i'ee'cas& volUme~ of wa.tgr :~roni the ~eli; Hovi/eV~r, I "l'eS"wa"~r maY- be~;: ie~v~Se?h~'i~e th~ w~ll cl"ew~ters and ~Ide'~ n°t '~eC~ge' ' ' ' "-W¢iis known to-de' ' '"'" 'uat d ~ earle.as J~O~s~ble during each site :~i~!t'ir:i orClerto _. ;al'iOw fo~' the grAatest amount 0fr. ecovering; A~ well ~ha~ does not-r,echarge'te .80% of Ifs. I or.i~inal volume will be. sampled Prior td the d'~'parture' of our pefsor~nei from' the :site in Order to I e'Iiminata-the need of a ~eturri'-~,isit. · :". : '... . .," - ' ' · "' i. in:jbrbSi.¢ions_where a-oe~tain perdantaOe of i;ecO.veiry i~ inclbded, in.~bS'.iecai comp.lotion ' I standard' OUr i~ersonne:l,follow the' regUlatorY expectat~io~ ' . _. ,.-.' . ' ' -- ' - ' I PuRGEW;ATER'CONTAINMENT' ' ' . ' '.. .' .. ' "" ' . .. '"' " ~" Ail .non-hazaEdouS purge~ate¢ eva'cuated fr:orn:-L~a~l~ .g~-oLindwater'monitoring t~ll is ~captur;ed .: land 'ccintained tn oh-bOard s'torage .tanks tin th~'Sa..mpiin~ veHi'Cle'.ahd/or sped~l w~ter ha'uli~ig · trailers, Effluent from the. decontarriina[i0n' of-reusab'le appara(us .(sounder¢,. eie~tdc,purdps' and --hoses.~[c,),, consisting c~.grod~dwater' comb.ined With.'di~idnized.Water and nor~pl~oS, pt~e soap,·  S-also c_~'p['U~d .and-pdmped into-effluent-tanks. ' ,' . Non-hazardous purgb~,vater iS trar~spoded Unde~r.~ta.n'dard. B[Ii of ~.a~Jing documentation tO t~ . ,~.alain~ Tecl~ Services', inc, facility b, efore being banS.ported .to.an Equiya at~proved disposal cility, ~ ..'. : .. ! ,AMPL= COLLECTION DEVICES i .. : ISAIgI-PLE CONTAINERS -.. .. Sar:nple' material i's d.ebanti~d directly frown the sampling bailer into' sample.containers'provial&d I by the laboratory ~vhich-wi'If aflaIYZ¢ 'the ~r~p]e~."The tPnsf~r of sarhpl~ matert, ial 'from. the ' " i'bail~r to the s.~mple containercon, fo .r(nls to spec!fi~dOns contained in the-U'SEPA'T2E. G.D.. The', ty~e of sample contai, ner; material of oo'nstmdion, method· .of closure and filling req~iPem~nts I are slp~ciflc to the intended~ ~nalysis. chemica, is needed, tO prese~v& the sa.mpl~ rha:-te,rial are common, ty' placed 'inside the' gahnple conta, iners by ±he. le. bo~'atory or, §!asswai'.e vendhr prior to 'delivery of the. bot~l~ to aur'.personne!. The. la.borate, ry sets..~he number of replicate.~n~ainers. TRIP BLANKS- , ' ' ' .- Ot~on .reqoest, a Tril~ Blank is carded to.ea~h~si, te and is kept :insid.e the coo!~ ~dr the .dUralion. of , the 's.r:impl!ng event~ it is ~umed. o~.er t6 the laboi=a[ory-¢or a,nalygis with ~ke .samples f~:om that UpSn request, on~ DUpli -¢--.~.l;e sample is .colle~teUl al each site. It' is up. :to'.~e Fie. Id Technician to ChOose the well at w. Nch the DUplicate is calle.cted, Typically, a duPli~,a-te is'~51ie6tSd -from one' I- 0fthe mosul contaminated Wells, ':Fh¢ Duplicate sample is labeled DUP.·thus i-endering the I.Ail people c~OntaTnefS are promptly F~laced iri' rood'grade ice cheSCt~S ~'or st~rag&, in the field and ;, transpoR (dir,'ect or via .oU¢ Cecilia) tb llhe,anal.ytica!'la.'borat0~ that will perform .the iritended' .. · .analYtical' pr6cedui-es.' 'These. ice chests o6'nt.a.'in, quantitle~ of.i-.estaumnt grade :ice as a. I.refdgerant mated~l. The sample~'ar~-maintained i.n .,eith~er art'-ice-cBesf oF a refrigerator'ur!tii. re-linq.uished into..the CUS~oSy of the labbr..ator~; or laboi-ator3i Courier. '.. '.' ,- I. DOCUMENTATION CONVE~TiONS. ., ,. " ~'a~h'and every sO,pie' =ont~iner'has a label affixed to. it, In most oas&S these, l~'bets are , IDen'~ra~ed by .our o~'ice p~rsoh-nel and are pailia!iy peep.tinted. :Labels re'ri ai~o. Be hand writ!.eri by our field. Fier:Sonn_.ei.' ' T The Site is'ipentifie.d_ .With the':~;tore numb~r'a,nd ~;ite .ad,Ii;ess, as is.the .' p~iiicular groundwater w..ell Eom'which. the, sample~ is drawn (e.g., MWzi ;. MW~2, 'S~1 .~tc,)', The. Itime.af WhiCh ~he shmple ~as 'Coll:ec~ed and the init!als ot~ the per~;Or~ colle6tl;~g the sample, are . I~phain of Custo'dy;:records are-created using 0lient specific ~epi-inted-forms'following UsEPA" I3il.l'of Ladin~l records-are conlempbraneSus 'records. Creeled in th~ field al. the site whe'Fe the I~o'~-ldazardous pur;geWa~er is -generate6I. riel8 T~6hnicia.~s use'prePFifited Biil'of Lading forms, 'All equipmen,t is brought to the site :in 61.e;an and s~r~iceabb conditio~ and-is ctea~'ed after Use, 'in each weJl' and before.subseq~ent~use, ih anyoth~ well.. Equipment. is de~ontambated before- .leaving th~ site. " , · . · ~e pdma~ decontamination d~vic~ is a commercial Ceam cleaner. ~e steam' cl~aner is de~ t~ned to functi~n-~S a hot pf&s~ure washer which i~ 'then opefated wi~.'high qu.aii~'d¢'io~zed Water which 'is p~oduced ~t' ob~ f~cifi~ and' stored o~board our ~am~liflg. Vehicle,. Cleani. ng facilitated by the use 0~ prop~ieta~ fi~urCs a.~d devices indfud.ed iq' the.patented Wofkstation (U.'s;: Pa~ent 5,535,7¢5)-tba't is incoMorated' ih eauh sampling' vehicle: TSe, steaW' used to deOon reei~ pum~s and baiters. ~ . .. AnY, sensitive e~uipmed[ar p~'~. (LC.' Diss~}~ed 'O~eh sensor mem-braqe;' souhde[ etc.)'-~at..~' ~nnOt be ~,ashed using' ~¢.h'ot high pt~ssu~e:,W&te~, will be ~yed -~ith a, non~Ph.o~ph~te' soap ~nd ~ionized.~ater s~iufion'and rinsed with d~ioni~ed wa[er, : .., ... ~MPLE: The sbun~er ~-~ban~d 5e.~een'w~!ls.~sing-~e ~n0mphbsp.hate ~oap and ~ei°nized Water.sol~ien ¢ollbwad-by d¢iohi~ed'water ~inS~s.. T~e ~ou~de~is. then, Was~ed wi~ th'e ste'~m cleansr beseem sites or as necessita{ed b~ Use' i~ a :pa~icut-arlY con~amiflated-welL, ' ' ' ., DISsOLVe: O~G~N R~DINGS ' . . - - ,; Ail.'Diss4t~ed O~eq' ~¢,a.diags-are taken u~i~g YSI]me~ers (e.g, YSl'Mbd~i 58 or eqdiv~tent ySi "~eter). These'meters are' equipped'Wi, th.a YSf s'ti~i~g deYide ~t~nables them-to ~[le~. -abcurate i~-situ.readings.. ,The'.prob~/sd~ng deeices:.ape medified ~o allow doWnho~e -" meaSqrements tu be taken fr~m we.IlS as ~m'al~ as ~oqn'ch dia~&te~ - ,, ' ~he'probe and 'reel is dec~btami~'a~ed 5e~eeh W~l~' aS deEc~ibed abo~e~ ThC ~'¢ter is ~librated 'be'~een 'weljs ~s per'the instmC[i'ohs Jh'..th~ opeCati¢~*manuaL Th~ prCbe-and ~iffer. ~ater C~lu~n alluw~'~O use: . in~0,'~he. b'e¢oCe bXYIDATON'REDDOTiON :PO~IAL REAblNGS - ,Ail ~eadingS .are ¢b~ained With .either taming: or My~onzL meters (e::g, C°'mb¢ 'oRpL6'5 or a' Myron.-L:'ultrame~er GP)..The-me:tecis cleaned b'e;~een' wellS. &s described a~ave. ~'e meter ~S ~librated ~t. ~he s.ta~ of.e~ch day aceohdi.~g tb ~he"ihStructio~ ~anua. L in: U. se.-th~ :Placed jna cup of freshly obtained..mOnTtofing ~el] w~ter.and alld~ed, to stabilize. *' I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I i APPENDIX C DISPOSAL DOCUMENT NO. 63537 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM G I::: N F: R A-13'N,:.; oHELL OIL PRODUCTS U--.'~ ['=..-'.-=~ NAME ...... BURBANK. CAg1510-Tm9 C/ / . D .- , /'. 713 241-1516 ...... / u~V i'~[fl'gyF - " " TAINERS: No. VOLUME ._ NON-H~DOUS GROUNDWATER PURGED GROUNDWATER WAS~ DES~I~ION , GENE~TING PROOES~ COMPONENTS OF WAS~ PPM ~ COMPONENTS Of WAS~ PPM WATER 99-100% TP H ' < 1% IN CID E RiP R ~ ~- · ~ ~ -- ~m ~ "' ' ,-~0 vv ~ . ..... PROPERTIES: pH__ ~ SOLID ~ L[QUID ~ SLUDGE ~ SLURRY ~ OTHER 24-HOUR E~{ERGEHCY PHONE (BO0) 424-9300 HANDLING INDUCTIONS: ~ .... 'THE GENE~TOR CERTIRES THAT THE ~ ~ WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100°~ [ ~ ~ / /// ~ ~On ~hal-of ~PED OR PRIED FU~ NAME & SIGNATURE .,". DATE 1281 BR~ CAIWON BR~ CA~FORN~ 92821 ] Blaine Te~ Se~s. Inc. (7 ~4) ~90-6955 To~an~, CA 90501 PHONE.O ...... (310) 782-2J65 ~UCI(, UNE, I,D. NO. ~PED OR PRINTED FULL N~E & SIGNATURE 3650 E. 26TM STRE~ DISPOSALM~HOD ADDRESS ~ ~NDFiLL ~ OTHER LO~; AJ~GELES, CA 90023 C~, STA~. ZIP ~PED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNA~RE DATE c/o ] NONE DISCREPANCY '1 I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX D LABORATORY REPORT AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTS I ~alscience ~ff._nvironmental I ~aboratories,,nc. I June '25, 2003 I Nick Sudano I Blaine Tech Services, Inc I Subject' Calscience Work Order No · 03-06-1102 i ' Client ReferenCe: " 2401 Oak Street, Bakersfield, CA I Dear Client~ Enclosed is an analytical report for the above-referenced project. The samples ~ included in this report were received 6~20~2003 and analyzed in accordance with I the attached chain-of-custody. · Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the · guidelines established in our Quality Assurance Program Manual, applicable standard operating procedures, and other related documentation. The original report of any · subcontracted analysis is provided herein, and follows the standard Calscience data · package. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. I If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. I Sincer..~y' tal ~ -- I r s, '.c. Quality Assurance Manager I Project Manager , I' ~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432· TEL:(714)805-5494 · FAX:(714)894-7501 clence ANALYTICAL REPORT - ~.. aboratones, Inc. Blaine Te, ch Services, Inc Date Received: 06/20/03 20360 G~amercy Place Work Order No: 03-06-1102 Torrance, CA 90501-1511 Preparation: EPA 5030B · Method: EPA 8260B M Project: 2401 Oak Street, Bakersfield, CA Page 1 of 2 Lab Sample Date Date Date Analyzed QC Batch ID Prepared Client Sample Number Number Collected Uatdx I ~MW~I,.~'~:~:~:~,-~F~'~:~i~:~'.i~'.? ::~i { .!-!~: ~:::~.=~.~j~:~:~i~:~ i: i~[~03~I~02,~1~.~ ?~.~. Parameter Result 'RL DF Oual Units Parameter Result RL D~F Qual Units ~ ND 0.50 I ug/L Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TI3A) ND 10 I ug/L Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L Toluene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L p/m-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 2.0 1 ug/L o-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Total Purgeable Petroleum ND 50 1 ug/L Hydrocarbons Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 1.0 1 ucj/'L Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC/%) Control Qual ' Limits 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4-TPPH 98 70-130 1,4-Difluorobenzene 103 70-130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 98 70-130 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ~ ~ -'~. 50 '--'1 Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 I ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 I ug/L Toluene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L p/m-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 2.0 1 ug/L o-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Total Purgeable Petroleum ND 50 I ug/L Hydrocarbons Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 1.0 1 ug/L S~rro,qates: REC (%) Control Qu.a,I Surro;l. ates: REC (%) Control Qual Limil~s 7 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4-TPPH 99 70-130 1,4-Difluorobenzene 93 0- 30 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 99 70-130 ~ · Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RI_ DF Qual Units Benzene ND 0.50 1 ug/L Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 10 1 ug/L Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 I ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 I ug/L Toluene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 2,0 1 ug/L p/m-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-Amyt-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 2.0 1 ug/L o-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Total Purgeable Petroleum ND 50 1 ug/L Hydrocarbons Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 17 I 1 ug/L Surrogates: REC {%) Control Qual Surrof:l. ates; REC (%) Control Qual Limi~ 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4-TPPH 98 70-130 1,4-Difluorobenzene 96 70-130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 98 70-130 RL - Reporting Limit , DF - Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers I. I J~,'~ I I~ ,. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I I I I I I I I I /I /I I .aiscience vironmen tal aboratories, Inc. Blaine Tech Services, Inc 20360 Gramercy Place Torrance, CA 90501-1511 ANALYTICAL REPORT Date Received: 06/20/03 Work Order No: 03-06-1102 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B M Project: 2401 Oak Street, Bakersfield, CA Page 2 of 2 Lab Sample Date. Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I I Parameter Result R~L DF Oual Units Parameter Result RL D__F Qual Unit._.._~s Benzene ND 0.50 1 ug/L Ted-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 10 1 ug/L Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L Toluene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L p/m-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 2.0 I ug/L o-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Total Purgeable Petroleum ND 50 1 ug/L Hydrocarbons Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 1.0 1 ug/L Surrogates: REC(%) Control Qual SurroR, ates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4-TPPH 98 70-t 30 1,4-Difluorobenzene 97 70-130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 99 70-130 Parameter Result RI. Benzene ND 0.50 Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 Toluene ND 1,0 p/m-Xylene ND 1.0 o-Xylene ND 1.0 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 1.0 Surroqates: REC (%) .Co.n. trol Limits 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4-TPPH 97 70-130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 97 70-130 DF Oual Units Parameter Result RI. 1 ug/L Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 10 1 ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 1 uglL Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 2.0 I ug/L Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 2.0 1 ug/L Total Purgeable Petroleum ND 50 Hydrocarbons 1 ug/L Qual Surro.qates: REC..{%) Control 1,4-Difluorobenzene 97 70-130 D_..~F .Qual Units 1 ug/L I ug/L 1 ug/L I ug/L I ug/L Qyal Parameter Result RI_ DF: Qual Units Parameter Result RI. DF Qual Units Benzene ND 0.50 1 ug/L TeA-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 10 1 ug/L Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 I ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L Toluene ND 1.0 I ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 2.0 1 uglL p/m-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 2.0 1 ug/L o-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Total Purgeable Petroleum ND 50 1 ug/L Hydrocarbons Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 1.0 1 ug/L Surrogates: REC (%) Cont. rpl Qual Surrogates; REC (%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4-TPPH 96 70-130 1,4-Difluorobenzene 100 70-130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 96 70-130 RL - Reporting Limit , DF - Dilution Factor , Oual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 ~ alscience j~ nvironmental ~A~ aboratories, Inc. , Blaine Tech Services, Inc 20360 Gramercy Place Torrance, CA 90501-1511 Project: 2401 Oak Stree ~ B; ~uallty C°ntr°l Sample ID ' Parameter Benzene Ethytbenzene Toluene p/m-Xylene o-Xylene Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Diisopmpyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) Total Purgeable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate Date Received: 06/20/03 Work Order No: 03-06-1102 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B M 2401 Oak Street~ Bakersfield~ CA Date Date MS/MSD Batch Matrix Instrument ' Prepared Analyzed Number I I MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 105 112 61-139 6 0-27 95 109 81-123 13 0-16 96 103 76-124 7 0-12 98 110 85-121 12 0-15 94 107 85-121 14 0-14 98 104 73-127 6 0-18 82 90 40-172 9 0-31 100 102 73-121 3 0-14 95 103 77-125 7 0-15 87 97 74-128 11 0-16 91 103 82-118 13 0-13 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 o TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 nvironmental I j aboratories, lnc. Quality Control - Laboratory Control Sample Blaine Tech Services, Inc 20360 Gramercy Place Torrance, CA 90501-1511 Project: 2401 Oak Street, Bakersfield, CA Date Received: 06/20/03 Work Order No: 03-06-1102 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B M Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Date Analyzed Lab File ID LCS Batch Number I Parameter Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene p/m-Xylene o-Xylene Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Diisopmpyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Conc Added Conc Recovemd %Re; %Rec CL 50 59 118 80-122 50 54 108 87-117 50 55 110 81-123 100 110 114 85-122 50 54 108 85-121 50 53 107 81°117 250 220 86 68-128 50 56 112 78-120 50 51 102 81-123 50 47 94 78-126 750 760 102 88-112 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 qualifiers · FAX: (714) 894-7501 ~=-alscience GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND QUALIFIERS ~nvironmental ~ aboratories, Inc.  Work Order Number: 03-06-1102 ....... I Qualifier Definition ND Not detected at indicated reporting limit. I I I I I I I WO.K 0~ #: 03 -~- ' ' o / o,/ SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM / TEMPERATURE - SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: CALSCIENCE COURIER: Chilled, cooler with temperature blank provided. ..,Chilled, cooler without temperature blank. ~"'Chilled and placed in cooler with wet ice. __ Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient temperature. __ o C Temperature blank. CUSTODY sEAL INTACT: Sample(s): __ Cooler:__ No (Not Intact) LABORATORY (Other than Calscience Courier): ° C Temperature blank.. o C IR thermometer. Ambient temperature. SAMPLE CONDITION: Chain-Of-Custody document(s) received with samples ........................ Sample container label(s) consistent with custody papers ..................... Sample container(s) intact and good condition ................................... Correct containers for analyses requested ........................................ Proper preservation noted on sample label(s) .................................... ,. · __ VOA vial(s) free of headspace .................................................... Tedlar bag(s) free of condensation ........................................................ COMMENTS: Initial: Not Applicable (N/A): No N/A ~.~ 2"":',..~; ' ' Initial: LAB:__.~(~'O'¢v~'g SHELL Chain Of Custody Record Lab i ................. [, necessary): Shell Project Manager to bl invol'~d: il i~ ~ h~U~ {~N~¥:~ !ii ~~::~ :~:.:::~ :: ]~'~ ....................................................................... PAGE: ~ LOG ~DE: SITE ~ {Steer and C~y): OLO~ mO NO Blalne~.Ess:Tech Se~lces, Inc. BTST 2401, Oak Street, Bakersfield Pending 20360 Gramercy Place Torrance, CA 90501-1511 PROJECT ~NTACT H~m ~ ~to~ Gretchen Tagavitla 626-256-6662 Nick Sudano ~. ~s)(~r .... gtagavilla~KHM 1 .com[~[~~ ~ ~ ~ [ :: 310'782-2465 310-782-2958 nsudan~blainetech.co~ g~ TURNAROUNDTIME (BUSINESS DAYS): " ~ ~ { :::{ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~;~ 0 DAYS ~. 5 DAYS ~ 72 HOU~ ~ 48 HOU~ ~ 2~ HOU~ LESS ~AN ~4 H~ REQUESTED ANALYSIS ~ ~- RW~Ca RE~ET FORHAT ~ U~ AGENt:. GC/MS M~BE CONFIR~TION: HIGHEST HIGHEST pe~ ~OmN~ ~- A~L ~ ~ ~ FIELD NOTES: SPECI~ INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: CHECK BOX IF EDD IS NO~ NEEDED ~ ~ ~  ~ · ~ ContalneflPrese~atlve ~ ~ or PID Readings ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ m ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ · ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ or Labora,o~ Notes ~0~ Field Sample Identification ~TmX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DATE TIME CONT. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~:~:~:~; ,, Rel~h~ b~ (~nalure) ' R~eiv~ b~ (Sl~~ ~ ~ ~ Da[~ ~ Time: 10/16/00 R evisk3n