HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK (4)I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ENV AiVERICA ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, CONSUL TING & CONSTRUCTION AN ENERGY AMERICA COMPANY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REPORT OF FUEL DISPENSER REPLACEMENT Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California Prepared For: Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 7th Floor Universal City, California 91608-7812 (818) 505-2739 TES Job No. TMLB0599A Prepared By: ENV America Incorporated 16 Technology, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 714-453-9191 FAX 714-453-9292 ENV America Project No. TEX-01-N033 August 1, 1995 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ~ 1 2.0 BACKGROUND ....................................................... 2 3.0 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING ........................... 3 3'.1 Geology ....................................................... 3 3.2 Hydrogeology .................................................. 4 4.0 SUMMARY OF FIELD ACTIVITIES 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Introduction .................................................... 5 Dispenser Abandonment and Soil Sampling ............................ 5 Remedial Excavation ............................................. 6 Soil Stockpile ................................................... 6 Groundwater Sampling ............................................ 7 5.0 LABORATORY TESTING ............................................... 8 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 General - 8 Western Pump Island (D1, D3, and D5) ............................... 8 Central Pump Island (D7 and D9) .................................... 9 Eastern Pump Island (Dll, D13, and D15) ............................. 9 Soil Stockpile ................................................... 9 Groundwater ................................................... 9 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................. 10 7.0 LIMITATIONS ....................................................... 11 8.0 REFERENCES CITED ................................................. 12 9.0 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION ...................................... 13 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Analytical Results, Dispensers Table 2 - Analytical Results, Post-Closure Samples Table 3 - Analytical Results, Soil Stockpile Table 4 - Analytical Results, Groundwater Sample ii F:~N V1XX2~TEX'~lAKR. SFLD\TEX-N033 .RPI~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Site Plan Figure 3 - Partial Site Plan Figure 4 - Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (Western Pump Island) Figure 5 - Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (Central Pump Island) Figure 6 - Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (Eastern Pump Island) Figure 7 - Soil Sample Location Map, Soil Stockpile LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A - Closure Permits Exhibit B - Air Monitoring Records Exhibit C - Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal Records Exhibit D - Laboratory Reports and Chain-of-Custody Records iii F:'~ENVDOC ~TE X~BAKRS FLD\TEX.N033.RPT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 INTRODUCTION ENV America Incorporated (ENV America) was retained by Texaco Environmental Services (TES) to provide oversight services for the removal and replacement of fuel dispensers at the Texaco service station, located at 2401 North Oak Street, Bakersfield, California. The station is situated on the northwest comer of the. intersection of North Oak Street and 24th Street, about 1,650 feet east of State I-Iighway 99. The site location is indicated on Figure 1 - Site Location Map. The facility is an active Texaco service station with a station building and three pump islands. The general layout of the site is shown on Figure 2 - Site Plan. Existing underground storage tanks (LISTs) include three containing gasoline, and one containing diesel. In general, the scope of services provided for this project, as outlined by 'rES, included: soil sampling; vapor monitoring of soil in accordance with the San Joaquin Valley Unified Ak Pollution Control District's (SJVUAPCD) Rule 4651; and, preparation of this report. The purpose of this report is to document closure activities and to present the results of soil sample analyses. This project was conducted under the auspices of the Bakersfield Fire Department, Environmental Services Division. The following services were directly contracted by TES and/or Texaco Refining and Marketing Inc., (TRMI): general contracting services by K.E. Curtis Construction Company, Inc. (K.E. Curtis) of Newbury Park, Califomia; analytical laboratory testing by BC Analytical of Glendale, California; and, soil transportation and disposal services by Belshire Environmental of Lake Forest, California. F:~N'VIX)CS',TEX'~BAKP,.S FL D\TE X-N0 3 3 .P-.PT 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Review of California and Alaska Oil Field Maps (Munger, 1992), reveals the western portion of the site was once occupied by an uncompleted and abandoned Chevron oil Well described as "Chevron KCL-5, 30-6879, No. 4." Details, descriptions and the exact location of the well were not available as of this writing. Based on information provided by Texaco, the subject service station was originally operated as a Mohawk service station by the Getty Oil Company through early 1985. Fuel from leaking underground storage tanks and piping was first encountered in 1983. Previous investigations and remediation activities at the site included removal of defective leaking fuel underground storage tanks; installation of groundwater monitoring wells; and, the design and installation of a hydrocarbon recovery and treatment system. The recovery system operated into the later months of 1984, when water levels dropped to below the recovery well bottom. The proprietorship of the station was relinquished to Texaco in early 1985. Various phases of remediation were initiated after 1985 as well, by other consulting firms. These included product recovery; in-sim bioremediation; and, carbon adsorption systems for treatment. Analytical data obtained during the prior site activities indicated that contamination existed at the site in both the soil and groundwater. This contamination has been reported as petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and diesel, and from volatile aromatic hydrocarbons as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes. Based on information provided by Texaco, no significant contamination was found in any of the groundwater samples from March 1990 through 1993. However, it was noted that impacted soil appeared to remain above the water table. The lead regulatory agency, the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, granted site closure on December 6, 1994. F:~qVDOC S~TEX~BAKR8 FLD\TE X-N033.1LPT 3.0 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 3.1 Geology The site area is situated at the southern limits of the San Joaquin Valley, within the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a relatively fiat alluvial plain extending from the Tehachapi Mountains on the south to the Klamath Mountains to the north, and from the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the east to the Coast Ranges on the west. The Great Valley is a downwarped structural trough, deeply infilled with sedimentary rocks. This geosyncline has an asymmetric east-west profile as it rests on a long stable granitic Sierran slope on the east, and valley sediments are steeply upturned on the west (Oakeshott, 1978). The sedimentary sequence of the Great Valley lies unconformably on Paleozoic and Mesozoic metasediments and volcanics, as well as Jurassic and Cretaceous granitic rocks (Hackel, 1966). Sediments within the San Joaquin Valley range from Jurassic to Recent in age. The pre-Quaternary rocks are primarily of marine origin and are composed of siltstone, claystone and sandstone with subordinate volcanics (I-Iackel, 1966). Within the site area, these sediments are estimated to extend to about 10,000 feet below ground surface (bgs). Pleistocene and Recent strata within the San Joaquin Valley are continental in origin, and generally consist of granitic sands and conglomerates (Hackel, 1966). Within the site area, these alluvial sediments were largely deposited by the ancestral Kern River, and were most likely derived from erosion of the Greenhorn Moumains to the east. Earth materials encountered.during site work primarily consist of unconsolidated sands. These sediments are classified as alluvial fan deposits (Smith, 1964). The sedimentary rocks of the San Joaquin Valley have been the source of vast quantities of petroleum and natural gas (Hackel, 1966). Most oil and gas production has been within the central and southern portions of the valley. The San Joaquin Valley has also been the site of major land subsidence. Within the subject portion of the valley, subsidence has primarily occurred south of the Bakersfield area (Poland and Evenson, 1966). Subsidence has been caused by intense pumping of groundwater, resulting in the lowering of the artesian head in deep confined aquifers. F 5ENVDOC S~TEX'~BAKRSFLD\TEX-N033.RPT I I I I I I I ! I I i I I I I I I I I 3.2 Hydrogeology Unconfined groundwater occurs at about 15 feet bgs, as measured in groundwater Monitoring Well MW-8. Monitoring Well lVlW-8 is located in the southern portion of the site, as shown on Figure 2. The Kern River is located approximately 150 feet to the northwest, and is estimatec~to affect the groundwater elevation beneath the site. Local production water is derived from depths of about 250 to 400 feet bgs (Turner, K., personal communication, 1995). Natural groundwater recharge occurs by infiltration of rainwater and infiltration from streams and rivers. Recharge is artificially enhanced via the Cross Valley Channel and the Callaway Weir, which are located north of the site. Additionally, artificial recharge occurs from infiltration of irrigation water. F:~ENVDOC S~TEX~AKRS FLD\TEX-N033.RPT I I I I i I I I I i I I I I I ! I I I 4.0 SUMMARY OF FIELD ACTIVITIES 4.1 Introduction The dispenser replacements were conducted under permit number BI0043, issued by the Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division, Underground Storage Tank Program, and permit number S-2105-1-4, issued by the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD). Copies of the permits are included in Exhibit A - Closure Permits. Air quality monitoring during project work was conducted in compliance with the SJVUAPCD Rule 4651. Dispenser replacements were performed by K.E. Curtis, under direct contract with TRMI. ENV America provided oversight services directly for TES and TRMI. 4.2 Dispenser Abandonment and Soil Sampling The fuel dispensers, the pump islands and local surface paving (i.e., concrete) were removed on June 26, 1995. On June 27, 1995, representative soil samples were collected beneath each dispenser. Samples were collected at depths of 2 and 6 feet beneath the piping leading to each dispenser. Identification numbers for samples beneath dispensers remained consistent with the former numerical designation of the dispensers. Each dispenser contained two nozzles which were numbered consecutively 1 and 2, through 15 and 16. For convenience, sample identification refers to the odd numbered nozzle of each dispenser, i.e., sample D1 for nozzles 1 and 2 of the dispenser. With this convention, dispensers D 1 (gasoline), D3 (diesel), and D5 (gasoline) were located on the western pump island; dispensers D7 (gasoline) and D9 (gasoline) were located on the central pump island; and, dispensers D11 (gasoline), D13 (diesel), and D15 (gasoline) were located on the eastern pump island. Dispenser locations are shown on Figure 3 - Partial Site Plan. Samples were collected in glass jars by either of three methods: excavation of a hole by shoveling and direct insertion oftbe glass jar into the soil; by hand-augering a hole and collection of the last augered soil into the glass jar; or by direct insertion of the glass jar into the soil within the bucket of the backhoe. The glass-jar method consisted of placing a pre-cleaned, 4-ounce glass jar into the soil until no headspace remained, and sealing with a threaded, Teflon®-lined lid. Upon collection, each sample was labeled, recorded onto a chain-of-custody form, and submitted directly to an onsite mobile laboratory. Soil sample locations are depicted on Figure 4 - Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (Western Pump Island); Figure 5 - Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface F:~XDC S~TEX~BAKRSFLD\TEX-N033.RPT Profile (Central Pump Island); and Figure 6 - Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (Eastern Pump Island). 4.3 Remedial Excavation Upon removal of dispensers and pump islands, and upon review of preliminary analytical data, remedial excavations were initiated. The excavations were performed by means of a backhoe, beneath dispensers where impacted soil was detected. The purpose of additional excavation was to remove as much'impacted soil as reasonably possible without jeopardizing adjacent improvements. The extent of each excavation is shown on Figure 3. The excavation at the western pump island was trapezoidal in plan view with approximate dimensions of 4 feet by 5 feet, and extended to about 5 feet bgs. The excavation at the central pump island was irregular and elongate in plan view, measuring about 6.5 feet by 11 feet and about 10.5 feet deep. The excavation at the eastern pump island was nearly rectangular in plan view, with dimensions of about 5 feet by 7 feet, and about 10.5 feet deep. As soil was excavated, emanating vapors were monitored for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for health and safety purposes, and to comply with Rule 4561. Air monitoring was conducted utilizing a Photovac HL-2000 organic vapor meter (OVIVl), calibrated to 53 parts per million (,ppm) hexane. Air monitoring records are included in Exhibit B - Ak Monitoring Records. Upon completion of the excavations, post-closure soil samples were collected to document the residual concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon compounds remaining in-place. Soil sampling and handling were performed in the same manner as beneath the dispensers. Post-closure sample locations are shown on Figures 4, 5, and 6. It is understood that all excavations were subsequently backfilled with imported sand. 4.4 Soil Stockpile All soil excavated from the pump island areas, including the remedial excavations, was placed onsite as one stockpile (SP1). At the end of each day, the stockpile was covered with plastic sheeting. Discrete soil samples were collected from the stockpile for disposal profiling. Sampling was conducted in an identical fashion as described above. Stockpile sample locations are indicated on Figure 7 - Soil Sample Location Map, Soil Stockpile. F:~qVIXX2 SXTEXXBAKRSFLD\TEX-N033.RPT I ! I I I I I I I ,! i I I I I I I I Stockpiled soil was subsequently transported as non-hazardous waste and thermally treated at the TPS Technologies facility in Adelanto, California. Transportation and disposal were performed by Belshire Environmental of Lake Forest, California. Disposal documentation is included in Exhibit C - Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal Records. 4.8 Groundwater Sampling Subsequent to measuring the depth to groundwater in groundwater Monitoring Well MW-8, a groundwater sample was obtained by the TES representative. The sample was collected by lowering a disposable polyethylene bailer into the water colum. The water was slowly decanted into a laboratory-supplied 40 milliliter (mi) glass vial. The sample was submitted to the mobile chemist for transportation to the laboratory. 7 FSENVDOC S~TEX~BAKR. SFLD\TEX-N033.RPY I I I I I I I I I I ,I I i ,I i I I .I $.1 General 5.0 LABORATORY TESTING All soil and groundwater samples collected were delivered to an onsite mobile laboratory operated by BC Analytical, a California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA)-certified analytical laboratory based in Glendale, California. Soil samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TI>H-G) or as diesel (TPH-D) by USEPA Method 8015M, and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) per USEPA Method 8020. The groundwater sample was analyzed for TPH by the California Department of Health Services (CADHS) method, and for BTEX per USEPA Method 8020. Selected samples were further analyzed for total lead per USEPA Method 6010. Lead analysis was performed on the sample which contained the highest TPH concentration detected beneath the dispensers, the sample from the stockpile with the highest TPH concentration, and the post-closure samples that exhibited the highest TPH-G and TPH-D concentrations. Analytical results are categorically tabulated in Table 1 - Analytical Results, Dispensers; Table 2 - Analytical Results, Post-Closure Samples; Table 3 - Analytical Results, Soil Stockpile; and Table 4 - Analytical Results, Groundwater Sample. Complete analytical reports are included in Exhibit D - Laboratory Reports and Chain-of-Custody Records. The results are summarized below. 5.2 Western Pump Island (D1, D3, and D5) Initial concentrations (prior to excavation) of TPH-G and TPH-D ranged from non-detectable (<0.5) to 1.1 milligrams per kilogram (rog/kg), and non-detectable (<10) to 11,000 rog/kg, respectively. BTEX concentrations were below laboratory detection limits. After remedial excavation, TPH-G, benzene, ethylbenzene and xylenes were non-detectable. The maximum remnant concentrations of TPH-D and toluene were 63 rog/kg and 0.0051 rog/kg, respectively. FSENVDOC~TEX~BAKRSFLD\TEX-N033.RYT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.3 Central Pump Island (D7 and D9) Initial concentrations of TPH-G ranged from non-detectable (<0.5) to 3,300 mg/kg. TPH-D was not detected. MaximumBTEX concentrations were 0.24 rog/kg 2.6 rog/kg, 0.98 mg/kg and 76 rog/kg, respectively. Upon completion of the remedial excavation, maximin remnant concentrations of TPH-G and TPH- D were 7,500 rog/kg and 1,200 rog/kg, respectively. The maximum xylene concentration detected was 78 rag/kg. Benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene were not detected. Remnant lead was detected at a concentration of 49 mg/kg. 5.4 Eastern Pump Island (Dll, D13, and D15) Initial concentrations of TPH-D ranged from 51 to 87,000 rog/kg. Lead was detected at 49 rog/kg. TPH-G and BTEX were not detected. After remedial excavation, the maximum TPH-G and TPH-D concentrations were 790 mg/kg and 17,000 mg/kg, respectively. BTEX and lead concentrations were below the laboratory detection limits. 5.5 Soil Stockpile In samples collected l?om the soil stockpile, maximum TPH-G and TPH-D concentrations were 190 nag/kg and 2,100 nag/kg, respectively. Lead was detected at 7.5 mg/kg. BTEX was not detected. 5.6 Groundwater TPH-G and BTEX concentrations were below the laboratory detection limits in the water sample collected from groundwater Monitoring Well MW-8. 9 F :'~'H VDOCSXTEX~A. KRSFLD\TEX-N033.RY~ I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The maximum TPH concentration detected in post-closure samples beneath the western pump island was 63 mg/kg (diesel range). TPH-G or BTEX was not detected. The maximum TPH concentrations detected in post-closure samples beneath the central pump island were 7,500 mg/kg (gasoline range) and 1,200 rog/kg (diesel range). The maximum TPH concentrations detected in post-closure samples beneath the eastern pump island were 17,000 mg/kg (diesel range) and 790 rog/kg (gasoline range). Further site assessment in the vicinity of the central and eastern pump islands is suggested. 10 F:~lqVIX)C~TEXXBAKIt. SFLD~TEX-N 033.Rlrr I I I I I I ! I I I I I I i I I I ! 7.0 LIMITATIONS This report is intended exclusively for Texaco Environmental Services for the evaluation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination as it pertains to the subject site. The professional se~wices provided have been performed in accordance with practices generally accepted by other scientists and engineers practicing in the geosciences. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. As with all environmental projects, there is no guarantee that the work performed has identified all or any of the sources or locations of contamination. This report is issued with the understanding that Texaco Environmental Services is responsible for ensuring that the information contained herein is brought to the attention of the appropriate regulatory agency. ll F:'~,FIVDOC~-~TEX'~BAg. R. SFLD\T~X-N 033.1~PT I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8.0 REFERENCES CITED Hackel, O., "Summary of the Geology of the Great Valley," in Geology of Northern California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Bulletin 190, 1966. Oakeshott, G.B., "California's Changing Landscapes," McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1978. Munger, A.H., "Munger Map Book, California - Alaska Oil and Gas Fields," Munger Map Service, 1992. Poland, J.F. and Evenson, R.E., "Hydrogeology and Land Subsidence, Great Central Valley, California,"/n Geology of Northern California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Bulletin 190, 1966. Smith, ~1~, "Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet," California Division of Mines and Geology, 1964. Turner, Ken., Kern County Water Agency, personal communication, July 17, 1995. 12 F:~ENVDOC S~TE X~,BAKRS FLD\TE X-N033.RPT 9.0 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION The following ENV America professionals were responsible for all work associated with this project within the purview of the Professional Engineers and Registered Geologist Acts of the California Code of Regulations. James A. Larwood, C.E.G. Project Geologist C.E.G. No. 1897 · C.E.G No. 1959 S. "Sean" Shahin, P.E. Principal P.E. No. C 042940 ! ! 13 F:~NVDOC S~TEX~AI~R. SFLD\TEX-N 033.1~T I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I ! I I TABLES I I I I I TABLE 1 ANALYTICAL RESULTS DISPENSERS Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California ENVAmerica Project No. TEX-O1-N033 (Concentrations in milligrams per kilogram - mg/kg) Western Pump Island Area D1-3.5 3.5 5.8 NA <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA Dl-8 8 <0.5 41 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA D3-3.5 3.5 1.1 11000 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.02 NA D3-7.5 7.5 <0.5 <10 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA D5-3.5 3.5 0.57 NA <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA D5-7.5 7.5 <0.5 <10 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA Central Pump Island Area D7-3 3 4.4 NA <0.03 0.11 0.043 0.16 NA D7-8 8 <0.5 <10 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA D9-3 3 3300 NA <10 <10 <10 76 NA DgEX-B-8.5 8.5 170 NA 0.24 2.6 0.98 7.3 NA Eastern Pump Island Area D11-3.5 3.5 <0.5 NA <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA D11-8 8 <0.5 1100 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA D13-3.5 3.5 <0.05 87000 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 49 D13EX-B-10.5 10.5 <0.5 l~10 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA D15-3.5 3.5 <0.5 lxlA <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA D15EX-B-9 9 <0.5 51 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA I I i I I I ! I I I 1 I I F:~IqVIX)C B~TEX~BAKI~FLD~AB-DATA.TBL I I I i ! I I TABLE 2 ANALYTICAL RESULTS POST-CLOSURE SAMPLES Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California ENVAmerica Project No. TEX-Ol-N033 (Concentrations in milligrams per kilogram - mg/kg) Western Pump Island Area D3EX-E-3.5 3.5 <0.05 <10 <0.005 0.0051 <0.005 <0.01 NA D3EX-S-3.5 3.5 <0.05 <10 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 NA D3EX-NW-4 4 <0.05 53 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 NA D3EX-B-5 5 <0.05 63 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 NA Central Pump Island Area DgEX=N-4 4 7.1 NA <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA D9EX-NE-7 7 7500 NA < 10 < 10 < 10 78 49 D9EX-W-7 7 3000 NA < 1 < 1 < 1 6.6 NA D9EX-NE-9 9 <0.5 NA <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA D9EX-NW-9 9 0.83 NA <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA DgEX-B-10.5 10.5 1700 1200 <10 <10 <10 <10 NA Eastern Pump Island Area D13EX-6 6 0.10 1800 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 NA D13EX-S-9 9 790 17000 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 5 < 5 D13EX-B-10.5 10.5 <0.5 130 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA D15EX-B-9 9 <0.5 51 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 NA I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I F:~3~)(~DS~T~AKRSFLDkLAB.DATA.T~L I I I I I I I I TABLE3 ANALYTICAL RESULTS SOIL STOCKPILE Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California ENVAmerica Project No. TEX-OI-N03$ (Concentrations in milligrams per kilogram - mg/kg) SPI-1 190 2100 <1 <1 <1 <1 7.5 SP1-2 29 280 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 NA I i I I i ! I I I I I F:'~qVDOC ~TEX~AKI~FLD'~B-DATA.TBL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE4 ANALYTICAL RESULTS GROUNDWATER (MW-S) Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California ENVAmerica Project No. TEX-OI-NO$3 (Concentrations in micrograms per liter ~,,~-8 I <~oo I <0.3 I <0.3 I <0.3 <0.6 F :kENVDOC gxTE X'~BAKP~ FL D'~,.-DATA.TB L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURES ' /, ~ oWAY ' IDr,ve-in .// ,,/~ ~o'~;'~,;~ ;, ;1' I ':,,.= . °'' ~~':~,'" . ~ ,_~1~"11 '"' o I~;~ ; ~ ~[ i ,' ' ' ~ ~,Oou~Iy ~us~um~ It~ II I1.--I/ / i II ,,..' ! ././o "~= ....... ~ · , '~' ' ~i~ %:' . .'w~ o · . '~ " o '~ / o' ~ ~ '~ , ' .... '~t ~.'~.~ , ~ ~( ., : au '.l · ," ;-- ', -. o ....... ~ 1 , ~ '1 Sump ' 0 2,000 4,000 FEET I I I APPROXIMATE SCALE  FIGUSE 1 ~~__ SITE LOCATION MAP REFERENCE: 7.5 MINUTE U.S.G.S. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OF OILDALE AND~=~,~ TEXACO SERVICE STATION GOSFORD, CALIFORNIA. BOTH MAPS DATED 1954 AND PHOTOREVISED 1968. 2401 NORTH OAK STREET ORIGINAL SCALE: 1 INCH = 2,000 FEET. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I I I I I I I I I I I I EXPLANATION / \ \ / L J MW-8 EXISTING UST FORMER UST LOCATION PRODUCT LINE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL 0 40 APPROXIMATE SCALE 80 FEET FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 11 I EXP~NATION 0 10 20 FEET I <~ I ~ I APROXIMAIE LIMITS OF APPROXIMATE ~) REMEDIAL EXCAVATION S~LE  ~ CANOPY COLUMN FIGURE ~ DISPENSER ~MPLE IDENT,FICAT'ON  ~ PARTIAL SITE PLAN I 2401 REFERENCE: FIELD M~SUREMENTS TAKEN BY ENV AMERICA STAFF. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I ~ WEST ISLAND PLAN VIEW ~.~ ! ~ D3-3.5 (TPH-D, 11,000) (TPH-G, 1.1) DSEX-B-5 FORMER ~ D3-7.5 (TPH-D, <10) D3EX-E-3.5 (TPH-D, 6.3) PUMP ISLAND (TPH-G, <0.5) (TPH-D, <10) (TPH-G, <0.05) / I ~ REMEDIAL EXCAVATION WEST ISLAND SUBSURFACE PROFILE I GAS DIESEL GAS ~z I-----I I-----I r----I ~z ~ I i i i i i <1:0 I I I I I I <~0 o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oo/-- FORMER PUMP ISLAND I I I I I I · / ~ ,: . (TPH-O. <,o). ,: . FOOT,NG PIER __~ D5-3.5 ~ L Q '~k ~-- co FOOTING ' (TPH-G, 057)~ ~ !L----k \ ~ (TPH-G. 5.8) D5-7.5 .Ii (TPH-D 6.3) !(TPH-D il 000)jj REMEDIAL EXCAVATION SM 6'- (TPH-C, <0.5) ' (TPH-D, <10) ~_ I D3-7.5 (TPH-D, <10) ~ D1-8 8'- (TPH-G, <0.5) (TPH-G, <0.5) (TPH-D, ~) SP I ,I FX~/ANAIION ~ 0 5 10 FEE1 'i(TPH-D. 11.000) EXCAVATED SOIL SHOWING APPROXIMATE i 0 TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN SCALE ,, rog/kg I D3EX-S-3.5 SOIL SAIVlPLE REPRESENTING FIGURE 4 (TPH-D, <10) IN PLACE SOIL SHOWING · TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN mc/kg~l SOII.I SA~PI,E I,OCA?ION lV[AP j SP POORLY GRADED SAND ~,,~-- AND SUBSURFACE PROFILE I' SM SILTY SAND (WESTERN PUMP ISLAND) GP POORLY GRADED GRAVEL ~¥ TEXACO SERVICE STATION I ~ 2~o~ ~ORT~ OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I ~ ESTIMATED LIMITS OF "~ SAW-CUT CONCRETE APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF ~ ~ REMEDIAL EXCAVATION  DOEX-NE-7 (TPH-G. 7,500) I~ 7 3 'TPH G 4 4 / ~ 09-5 (TPH-G, ;3 .300) D - ( - , ) ' /' ' 07-8 TPH-G, <0.5) D9EX-NE-9 (TPH-G. <0.5). D9EX-N-4 ~ / / /TPH-o' <,0) ' ~"~ c~oPY COLUMN ! GA~ ~ / .~.0~ COLUMN FORMER - PUMP ISLAND I D9EX'NW-9 D9EX-W-7 (TPH-G, 0.85) (TPH-G. `3.000) DgEX-B-IO.5 S_ (TPH-G, 1.700) I CENTRAL ISLAND SUBSURFACE PROFILE  GAS GAS r .... I r- -- -- ~ ~-z I I I I I~z o~ I I I I i o~ Z<o ~ : I I I I ! ~) FORMER uu I I I I ~u PUMP ISLAND I I I I / o,] C _ _~ ...... -- _Z~L_ I q ' ~ PIER . 07-.3 . FOOTING I 2' PIER I 09-`3 (TPH-G, 4.4) OOTING I SM ~ 09EX-N-4 (TPH-G `3 `300) ,.---,;, ~ M L .... .--~ (TPH-G, 7.1) ...... II ~ (TPH-G, 170) /~ i~07-8 (TPH-G, <0.5) 8't DgEX-NW-9 ~ 0 /~__ (TPH-D. <10) ~ ?-- (TPH-G, 0.8`3) ~~.__/ ~\ SP ' II DgEX-B-10.5 APPROXIMATE LiMiTS OF (TPH-G, 1,700) REMEDIAL EXCAVATION (TPH-D, 1,200) II ,, EXPLANATION o 5 lo FEET .. II (TPH-G. 170) EXCAVATED SOIL SHOWING APPROXIMATE 0 TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN SCALE rog/kg D9EX-N-4 SOIL SAMPLE REPRESENTING FIGURE 5 II(TPH-G' 7'1) IN PLACE SOIL SHOWING : i TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN i ~/~ SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP I sP~OO~L~ GRAgEo SAND ~',,~./-- AND SUBSURFACE PROFILE II II sM S,L~ SAND (CENTRAL PUMP ISLAND) ML SILT ~lJll,~r~,Id~,~ TEXACO SERVICE STATION II~lll~l~l~ 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA EAST ISLAND PLAN VIEW (TPH-G, <0.5) (TPH-D, 1,800) Dll-8 (TPH-G, <0.5) D15EX-B- ,,~TPH-D, 51) (TPH-G, 0.10) (TPH-D, 1,100) .- -- -- - --K(.TPH-D, 87,000.)~-- -- '-T - CANOPY COLUMN GAS XJTPH-G, <0.05) ~ ! CANOPY ~ FORMER D13EX-B-IO.5 D13EX-S-g PUMP ISLAND (TPH-D, 130) (TPH-D, 17,000) (TPH-G, <0.5) (TPH-G, 790) APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF SAW-CUT CONCRETE EAST ISLAND SUBSURFACE PROFILE GAS DIESEL GAS >-z r----I r---"l r---'l >-z o.'~ I I I I I I Q..~ o ~ I I I I I I o ~ FORMER I I I I I I z-J ~z ~ I I I I I I <z: o PUMP ISLAND OC.~ I I I I I ...... ,.._~_ _~ ~___ __~ ;p~ _ _ .J. _ _, .... L_J. .... i _ .~,,1_ _~ ~_ _,,,,,,[ | = ---1piER ? "-'5 o1~-~.5 , (TPH-D, BT,000) I' ' FOOTING ~?-- D15-3.5 ~ 0 ~Dl1_3.5~?~ SM (TPH-C, <0.5)1 {i SM (TPH-G, <0.5) D13EX-6 I I (TPH-D, 1,800)0 iil / D15EX-S-9 j ~Dll-8 (TPH-G, <0.5) D15EX-B-9 (TPH-G,(TPH_D,<0.5)51) ~-, , (TPH-D, 1,100) / D13EX-B-IO.5 APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF (TPH-D, 130) REMEDIAL EXCAVATION (TPH-G, <0.5) EXPLANATION ; o 5 10 FEET D15EX-6 SOIL SAMPLE REPRESENTING APPROXIMATE (TPH-D. 1.BO0) EXCAVATED SOIL SHOWING ' SCALE 0 TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN J rog/kg FIGURE 6 015-.3.5 SOIL SAMPLE REPRESENTING (TPH-G, <0.5) IN PLACE SOIL SHOWING · TP. CONCENTRAT,ONS ,N~l SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP mg/kg AND SUBSURFACE PROFILE SM s,,~ SAND I~l~__ i (EASTERN PUMP ISLAND) GP POORLY GRADED GRAVEL ' · II~I~I~-~l TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT A i CLOSURE PERMITS I I I I I ! 1 I I I I 07/20/95 14:29 FAX 805 499 4516 K.E. CURTIS CONSTRUCTION Bakersfield FLre Dept. HAZARQOUS.MATERIALS DIVISION UNDERGRQUND STORAGE. TANK PROGF, AM ~003 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PERMIT APPLJCATIQN TQ CONSTRUCT/MODIFY UNDERGROUND STOl:La, GE TANK FACILIW NAME FAC{L1W ADDRESS Q N~W TANK INSTALLATION AT EXIstiNG FAC[LI~,/ TANK OWNER '"~~.C.{,, . CONTI~ACTOI~ , ~-;..C~,. C_.u,,~?~ '~ Cc, ,'~";~ CA LIC~NS~ PHON~ NO..~O ~- ~ ~o ~% BAKErSFIeLD C~ BUSiNeSS LICENSE Nb.. .... WA[ER tO ~AC~I~ P~'OvIDED ~Y, OEPTH TO G~OUNO WAT~ ~OJL WP~ EXPECTEO AT 51TE No. OF TANKS TO 8E INSTALLED ~ AEE TH~ ~OR MOTOR F'bEL Pt~OPOS~D COMPLETION DATE .II ~ ' ~l © ~ EXISTING FACILITY P~_~MIT No. z~ CODE '- ~)~ ~, ,.i" ' ~-." ~'~ ~t.5'l~ ~.~ . Z[PCCO~ SECTION FOR MOTOR FUEL TANK Na. vOLUME UNLSADED RSGULAR ,=RC. MIUM OlES=.L AVIATION TANK No. VOLUM~ $~.CTIO,N FOR NON ,,MOTOR FUELSTORAG.~ TANKS CHEMICAL STORED CAS No. (no J3f~n<: name) (if known) CHEMICAL STO~C.D TH~ AP.~MCA NT HAS REC~J'VI~ID. UNOERSTAN0,S. AN0 WiLL CO MPLY WITH TIlE A~'AC:,.i~.D CONID[TIO NS CF ?HIS P~_~MIT AND ANY STATE. LOCAL AND F:.'DF.~AL I1 EGUI.A/ION$. ?u,e ^ t~,lr"a'l'Tm~l ~m. OMl~ A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED 07/20/95 ~ 14:30 F.a~X 805 499 */516 ! K.E. CURTIS CONSTRUCTION ~005 San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT i~]~ oNO: S-2105-I-4 WNER OR OPERATOR: MAH ING ADDRESS: ~.OCATION: 2~01 N OAK ST~ET, BAKERSF~LD TEXACO REFINING & MARKETING P O BOX 7812 ATTN: GARY wING UNIVtiRSALCITY, CA 91608-7812 ISSUANCE DATE: sr. CTION SF_24 TOWNSHIP 29S RANGE 27E tU'IPMENT DESCRIPTION: 1FY THREE 10,000 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS SERV*ED BY PHASE I VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM (G-?0-97) 18 NOZ7-,L~S S]~RVF-.D BY VAPORVAC PHASE II VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM (G-70-150): REPLACE DISPENSERS fD ozzL s To CONDITIONS . All nozzles shall be equipped with coaxial hos~ configurations. 2. Tile permittee sha!.l l~.fform a Dynamic_ Back Pressure Test using BAAQMD Method ST-27 within 60 days after initial start-up and at least once every live years thereafter. lt. The permitt, ee shall perform a Vapor Leak Test using BAAQMD Method ST-30 within 60 days after initial start-up anti at least annually thereafter. ~. The permittee shall perform a Air to Liquid test using CARB Method TP-201.5 within 60 days after initial start-up and at least once every five years ~ereafter. I i. The District shall be notifi~ by the pe__nnittee 15. days prior to each test. The test results shall be submitted to the District no later than 30 days alter each tnt.  . The v.apor recovery_system and i.ts 'components shall be installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the State cerUnchtion requirements. CONDITIONS CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE IThis is NOT a PERMIT TO OPERATE. Approval or dcalal of a PERMIT TO OPERATE will be tn,adc aftc. r aw m.~[~ctiem to verlfv that thc ~.ui.vm=nt ha,s be~t~ constructed in accordanc~ with the approvctl plans, specifications and conditions or' thi,~ Authori'ty to Construct. and io dotermine if the equipment can be operal~d in compliance with all Rule~ and Regulations of thc San $oaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District. YOU MUST NOTIFY THE DISTRICT COMPLIANCE DIVISION IAT ($05) 86~-3682 WHEN CONSTRUCTION OF THE EQUIPMENT IS COMPLETED, Unless construction ha~ cornmet~c~ pursuant to Rule 2050, this Authority to Construct shall expire and application ~hall be cancelled two y~ars ['rom the date of assuaac~. The applicant is responsible for complylng'with all laws, ordinances and regulations of all other governmental ag'encie, which may l~rufin to the above equipment. ! DAVID L, CROW, EXECUTIVE D1XECTOR/APCO -~ SEleCTOR OF PI~RMrr SERVICES I Southern Regional Office *2700 M Street, Suite 275 *Bakersfield, California 93301 *(805) 861-3682' FAX (805) 861-2060 I ~,-*~ - I~Y 07/20/95 THU 14:31 FAX 805 499 4516 K.E. CURTIS CONSTRUCTION ON~. ~ONS FOR S-2105-I-4 Page: 2 '. The facility ~asoline throughput shall not e~c~ 11.6 million g~lons ~r y~, ~d r~ords of monthly ~oughput s~l be k~t on s~ for a ~fi~ ot ~o y~rs, ~d sh~ be made available to Dis~ct ' s~ u~n r~u~t. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~]005 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT B AIR MONITORING RECORDS I I I I Site Project No Date Personnel ENV America OVM Monitoring Log. CALIBRATION RECORD Time Gas ppm Comments DAILY LOG Time Area OVM Comments Reading (ppm) 9ob ZIo I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I Site Project No Date Personnel ENV America OVM Monitoring Log CALIBRATION RECORD Time I Gas ] ppmI Comments 71T-- DAILY LOG Time ' Area OVM Comments Reading (ppm) qz.%' 03e~ 0 .o q.z7 $ o. o ~'~O} o.O logo Dq e~ zo ~oob ~ ZS- 'lois I02-~ o. I I I I I I ,l' I I I Site Project No Date Personnel ENV America OVM Monitoring Log. T~_-X - f)~ "r0 035 -CALIBRATION RECORD Time I Gas [ ppm [ Comments DAILY LOG Time Area OVM Comments Reading (ppm) Iz..~ ~ Oq ~,.,,,o,o ,, TZA- o. o '(3lB f') 13.~ 15~5' ( o-o '1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --I 1 I I I I I I. I I I I I I I i. I I I I I EXHIBIT C NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL RECORDS ' TPS Technologies Soil Recycling ...... .:~,.,. .... · an. e Non-Hazardous Soils ............... . Date of Shipment: Responsible for Payment: Transporter Truck Generator's Name and Billing Addrcs~: Generator's Phone FAX~: Customer Account Nomber with TPS: Consultant's Name and Billing Address: Consultant's Phone Person to Contact: FAX~: Customer Account Number with TPS: Generation Site (Transport from): (name & address) Site Phone ~: B~X 2-q ~ 1. N . 0 A N 5:'~' ~ t~ [-~'F Person to Contact: TPH Levels NkUI~AN FAX~: AVG. ,, ,:,N :~F .[ }::i~D, C A 7' 3301 (.tfgA Levels Designated Facility (Trans~rt to): (name O address) Facility Phone 8: Facility Permit Numbers ~arson to Contact: Transporter Name and Mailing Address: Transporter's Phooe ~: Transporter's US EPA ID No.: FAX~: Customer Accouut Numbe~ with TI~: Description of Soil ~oisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. O~: Description of Delive~ Gross Weight Tare Weight ~et Weight Clay ~ Other ~ 20% - over ~ Other ~ : ' Sand ~ Organic ~ 0-10% O Gas 10- 20% ~ Diesel ~ ~ List any exception to items list~ a~ve: ., GeneratoFs and/or consultanYs certification: I/~e certi~ that the soil re[erenced herein is taken entirelg ~om those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet completed and certified bg me/us [or the Generation Site shown above and nothing has been added er done to such soil that would alter it in ang wag. Print ~ Type Name: Generator ~ Consultant Transporter~ certification: I/~e acknowledge receipt o[ the soil described abo~e and certi~ :condition as when received. I/We ~rther certi~ that this soil is being directly transported ~om the Generation Site to the Designated Facility without off-loading, adding to, subtracting ~om or in any way delaying delive~ to'such si~e ..... Print or Tv~ Name: Signature and.~e: -' / Recgcling FacilitF cert}~es the receipt o[ the soil co~ered bg this mani[est except as noted abope: Print or Type ~ame: Signa~re and date: I I I I I I I ! I i I I I I I ! I I 'T~"S T'echn o 1 o§ i es Inc- 07-05352 Time In 11:07 Time Out 11:35 Date 06-28-95 : ]'EXACO #61-058-1405 2401 N. OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA Gross: 60440 lb INB 'rare : 3080~ lb KEY Net : ~_~6~*0 lb ~o.: 001 er: ]RIPLE D ~me: JAMES BARRY io. : 025S54 Net tons : .... ~.~_.::.' ,. TPS .Technologies Soil Recycling '~/~'~;l~'~:~ef Non Hazardous Soils Date of Shipment: Responsible for Payment: Transpofler Truck ~: Facility ~: Given by TPS: Load Generate. ~'~ Name_ a ~d B ~g Addrc:s r ~ Gcc . (r': P t nc J: : Gene r ~ ~s US ~ [ .......... ConsultanVs ~ame and Billing Address: Consultanfs Phone ~: FAX~: I Customer Account Number wi~h TPS: Generation Site (Transport f~m): (name & address) Site lhone ,: B~X '. Levels T~O~ N -,A~ 3TR["F'T I'erson to Contact: ,TPH D~ignat~ Facility (Transport to): (name ~ address) Facility Phone ~: ...... ~4 .... ~ _ c~(._c, ,/ _ Penon to Contact: ........... ,' Tmns~rter Name and Mailing Address: Trans~rter's Phone ,: ' Transporter's US EPA ID No.: ..... . , ..... . F AX~: . . Customer Account Number w th TPS ~na ~ urganic ~ ~o-2o% ~ v,~ : ~ .... ,-~ ~'~ '.-.~.,,.'. ' 0 - 10% ~ Gas ~ " ~nd a O~anic ~ 10 - 20% ~ D~esel ~ .,' O, er '"' Gen~ator~ and/or consultantg certification: I/We certi~ that the soil referenced herein is tarn entirely ~om those soils described in the Soil Data Sheet cotnpleted and certified by me/us for the Generahon S,te shown above and ::othzng has been added or done to such sod ,hat would alter zt tn ~t or T~ Name: · Generator ~. Consultant ~ Signa~ and date: Month Day Year Transporter's certi~cation: I/We acknowledge receipt of the soil described above and certi~ that such soil is being delivered in exactly the same condition as when received. I/We ~rther certi~ t~t this soil is being directly transported ~om the Generation Site without off-loading, adding to, subtracting ~om or in any way delaying delive~ to such site. Year ~ ~ Re~cling Facility certifies the receipt o[ the soil covered by this manifest except as noted above: ' /, ,,.' . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~T'echn o 1 og i es me In 10:57 'rime Out 11:31 Date ~-1405 Gross: ~:~E~ lb INB I'R~T Tare : 303~ lb KEY Net : 3~3480 lb Net Ions : l~. ~4 Manifest No. Customer Nam, Load 'fpanspor Driver's Transaction lexaco Environmental ~ervices NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM lll~d'lll-I i/-~t.,t-~l iI.I, VV~,~ llnV i ~ ~n i ~ i vi laws G~TOR SITE .~E Texaco Refining & Marketing '~:¥ =oatss 10 ~n~versal C~ty Plaza ' c,~.~a,~.=~ ~n~versal City. Ca 91608 CONTAINERS: No. VOLUME WEIGHT ~EN ERATING PROCESS COMPONENTS OF W~TE PPM % COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM H~OUNG INSTRUCTIONS: ~ON-HAZ~OOUS. N~[ -- · , SE8~C[ ORDER NO. TRUCK, UNIT. LO. NO. q/ .pE. OR PAIN,ED ~ULL N~, & .GNATURE ~ ~ / DATE N~E ~ ~DFILL ~ OTHER CI~, STATE, ZIP ~PED OR PRITNED FULL N~E & SIGNATURE DATE OEN OLOm~ L A TONS m~S S B NONE DISCREP~CY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! EXHIBIT D LABORATORY REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORDS I B C Anu/yt/cu/ ANALYTICAL REPORT Illllllllllllmlllllllll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · · · · · · · · · · I 8 01 Western Avenue Gtendale, CA 91201 tll 8/247-5737 IFox: 818/247-9797 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 LOG NO m DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION mSOiL TPH/BTEX (8015M) Date Analyzed Dilution Factor, Times Benzene, mg/kg REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 06-506-1 27 JUN 95 D9-3' 06/29/95 10000 <10 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Mailed: ~JUL 6 )995 Project: TMLB-O599A Page i 06-506-2 27 JUN 95 D7-3' 06/27/95 5 <0.03 I I I TPH Toluene, mg/kg Ethylbenzene, mg/kg Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg Carbon Range, . (Gasoline Range), mg/kg <10 <10 76 C6-C12 3300 0.11 0.043 0.16 C6-C12 4.4 I I I I I I I B C Ana/yt/ca/ mllllmmllmmlllmmllmmllg m m m m i m i i i I I I I · · · · · · · · · · · · 801 Western Avenue Gletuh~, CA 91201 818/247-5737 Fax: 81'8/247o9797 LOG NO m DATE SAMPLED Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California g2718 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION mSOiL GRO/DRO (8015M) IDate Analyzed Date Extracted m Dilution Factor, Times REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 06-506-3 27 JUN .95 D3-3.5' 06/27/95 06/27/95 5O Project: TMLB-O599A Page 2 mcarbon Range, . TPH (total), mg/kg m Other GRO/DRO (8015M) C10-C25 11000 m m m I I I I i I B C Ana/yt/ca/ 801 Western Avenue Glendale, CA 91201 818/247-5737 Fax: 818/247-9797 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A LOG NO I DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ISOIL TPH/BTEX (8015M) I D ate Analyzed Dilution Factor, Times I Benzene, mg/kg REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 06-5.06-4 27 JUN 95 D1-3.5' 06/27/95 5 <0.03 Page 3 06-506-5 27 JUN 95 D5-3.5' 06/27/95 5 <0.03 mToluene, mg/kg Ethylbenzene, mg/kg I T otal Xylene Isomers, mg/kg Carbon Range, . I TPH (Gasoline Range), mg/kg <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 C6-C12 · 5.8 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 C6-C12 0.57 I I I I B C Ana/yt/ca/ 801 Western Avenue Glendale, CA 91201 818/247-573 7 r~: 81'8/247-9797 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 m m Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A m LOG NO I DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION mSOiL GRO/DRO (8015M) I D ate Analyzed Date Extracted m Dilution Factor, Times REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 06-506-6 27 JUN 95 D3EX-NW-4' 06/27/95 06/27/95 1 Page 4 06-506-7 27 JUN 95 D3EX-B-5' 06/27/95 06/27/95 1 mcarbon Range, . TPH (total), mg/kg mother GRO/DRO (8015M) C10-C25 53 C10-C25 63 m m m m I I B C Analytical 801 Western Avenue Glendale, CA 91201 818/247-5737 Fax: 818/247-9797 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A LOG NO DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS mSOiL I I I I I I i GRO/DRO (8015M) Date Analyzed Date Extracted Dilution Factor, Times Carbon Range, . TPH (total), mg/kg Other GRO/DRO (8015M) 06-506-8 27 JUN 95 D3EX-E-3.5' 'o6/~8/95 06/28/95 1 C10-C25 <10 Page 5 06-506-9 27 JUN 95 D3EX-S-3.5' 06/28/95 06/28/95 1 C10-C25 <10 ~ B C Ana/yt/ca/ mFax: 818124~9797 ! _ Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America m 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 mIrvine, California 92718 mREPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS ~-~ .......................... l ~-~~ .................... SAMPLE DESCRIPTION mSOIL ~~-i~i ................. mDate Analyzed Date Extracted mDilution Factor, Times mcarbon Range, . TPH (total), mg/kg mother GRO/DRO (8015M) m m m · · m · · · · · · · · · LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Project: TMLB-O599A 06-506-10 27 JUN 95 D13-3.5' Page 6 06/27/95 06/27/95 100 C10-C25 87000 B C Ana/yt/ccd mBimBBiiimmmBImmlllmBIBmBBBI m mm II B m II m iiii Im II I · · J  ax: ~/~9~9~ I Mr. Jim Larwood · ENV America · 16 Technology D Irvine, Califor m m ................. ~-~~ ........... ISAMPLE DESCRIPTION _ SOIL m ~;~;~E~-i~i ....... m D ate Analyzed Dilution Factor, Times m Benzene, mg/kg m Toluene, mg/kg mm Ethylbenzene, mg/kg mTotal Xylene somers, Carbon Range, . m TPH (Gasoline Range), I I m 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 California 92718 Xylene Isomers, mg/kg mg/kg · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 06-506-11 27 JUN 95 Dll-3.5' 06-506-12 27 JUN 95 D15-3.5' LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 06-506-13 27 JUN 95 D9EX-B-8.5' 06/28/95 5 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.05 C6-C12 <0.5 06/27/95 5 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 C6-C12 <0.5 06/27/95 lO0 0.24 2.6 0.98 7.3 C6-C12 170 Page 7 Project: TMLB-O599A I I I I I I I I B C Ana/yt/ca/ 801 Western Avenue Glendale, CA 91201 818/247-5737 ~x: 81-8/247-9797 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS LOG NO DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION mSOIL TPH/BTEX (8015M) I D ate Analyzed Dilution Factor, Times I Benzene, mg/kg 06-506-14 27 JUN 95 DgEX-N-4' 06/27/95 5 <0.03 06-506-15 27 JUN 95 D9EX-NE-7' 06/29/95 10000 <10 Project: TMLB-O599A Page 8 06-506-16 27 JUN 95 D9EX-W-7' 06/29/95 1000 <1 m m m TPH Toluene, mg/kg Ethylbenzene, mg/kg Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg Carbon Range, . {Gasoline Range), mg/kg <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 C6-C12 7.1 <10 <10 .. 78 C6-C12 7500 <1 <1 6.6 C6-C12 · 3000 m m m B C Analytical mm,mmmmm[mmm[mmmlmm[~[~ [ · · ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m m m 801 Western Avenue Glendale, CA 91201 818/247-573 7 Fax: 818/247-9797 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION mSOiL GRO/DRO (8015M) m D ate Analyzed Date Extracted m Dilution Factor, Times [ [ m [ [ m m m m [ m m m m m 06-506-17 27 JUN 95 D13EX-6' 06/27/95 06/27/95 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Project: TMLB-O599A Page g mcarbon Range, . TPH (total), mg/kg mother GRO/DRO (8015M) C10-C25 1800 m m m m I I I I I I B C Ana/yt/ca/ IBIIIBIIIIIIIIIBIIBIIIIIIIIIBIIB B I III II B lB B R II t · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 801 Western Aven~e '- Glendale, CA 91201 818/247-573 7 Fax: 818/247-9797 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A m LOG NO m DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION JSOIL TPH/BTEX (8015M) Date Analyzed Dilution Factor, Times Benzene, mg/kg REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 06-506-18 27 JUN 95 D9EX-NE-9' 06/29/95 5 <0.03 Page 10 06-506-19 27 JUN 95 D9EX-NW-9' 06129/95 5 <0.03 mToluene, mg/kg Ethylbenzene, mg/kg mTotal Xylene Isomers, mg/kg Carbon Range, . m TPH (Gasoline Range), mg/kg <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 C6-C12 <0.5 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 C6-¢12 0.83 m m m INm~mmm~mm~mmm~mm~m~mm~mmmmmmmmmmm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m · · · ~01 Weste~ Avenue · · I Fax:818/24~9797 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 _ Mr. Jim Larwood m ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A mm REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 11 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION DgEX-B-iO.5' m ........................ GRO/DRO (8015M) m Date Analyzed 06/29/95 Date Extracted 06/28/95 m Dilution Factor, Times 10 mCarbon Range, . C10-C25 TPH (total}, mg/kg 1200 mother GRO/DRO (8015M) ! m I I I I I I m LOG NO il SOIL B C Ana/yt/ca/ mlmmm..mmmm..mmmmmm..mmmmmmmm..m m · m m w m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m 801 Weste~ A~ ~, ~ 91201 ~: ~/:~-~ LOG NO: G95-06-506 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Received: 27 JUN 95 TPH/BTEX (8015M) I D ate Analyzed Dilution Factor, Times I Benzene, mg/kg Project: TMLB-O599A REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 12 06-506-20 27 JUN 95 D9EX-B-IO.5' 06/29/95 10000 <10 Toluene, mg/kg Ethylbenzene, mg/kg Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg Carbon Range, . TPH (Gasoline Range), mg/kg <10 <10 <10 C6-C12 1700 I I I I I I B C Ana/yt/ca/ 801 Western Avenue Glendale, CA 91201 818/247-5737 Fax:818~247-9797 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A LOG NO m DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION mSOiL GRO/DRO (8015M) IDate Analyzed Date Extracted m Dilution Factor, Times REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 13 06-506-21 27 JUN 95 D7-8' 06/28/95 06/28/95 1 iCarbon Range, . TPN (total), mg/kg I Other GRO/DRO (8015M) C10-C25 <10 B C Ana/yt/ca/ 801 Western Avemte Gletwlale, CA 91201 818/247-573 7 IFax: 818/247-9797 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 zm LOG NO m ~ATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION mSOIL TPH/BTEX (8015M) m Date Analyzed Dilution Factor, Times m Benzene, mg/kg REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 06-506-21 27 JUN 95 D7-8' 06/28/95 5 <0.03 Project: TMLB-O599A Page 14 m m m TPH Toluene, mg/kg Ethylbenzene, mg/kg Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg Carbon Range, . {Gasoline Range), mg/kg <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 C6-C12 <0.5 /m I I I I B C Analytical 801 Western Avet~e Glendale, CA 91201 818/247-5737 Fax: 81'8/247-9797 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 m m Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A m m LOG NO DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION iSOIL GRO/DRO (8015M) m D ate Analyzed Date Extracted m Dilution Factor, Times REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 06-506-25 '06-50'6-26 27 JUN 95 Dll-8' 27 JUN 95 D1-8' 06/28/95 06/28/95 5 06/28/95 06/28/95 1 Page 15 06-506-27 27 JUN 95 D5-7.5' 06/28/95 06/28/95 1 mcarbon Range, . TPH (total), mg/kg m Other GRO/DRO (8015M) C10-C25 1100 C10-C25 41 C10-C25 <10 m m m m ~ B C Analytical --1~0~'~e~:~ ~:~' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '~,~4 ~9/ ~° ' ~' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' mFs: 818/24~9797 I Mr. Jim Larwood ~ . ENV America · 16 Technology Drive, Suite Irvine, California 92718 mREPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS [~'~ ....................... SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Dll-8' ................................. TPH/BTEX (8015M) mDate Analyzed 07/06/95 Dilution Factor, Times 5 mBenzene, mg/kg <0.03 mToluene, mg/kg ' <0.03 Ethylbenzene, mg/kg <0.03 m Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg <0.03 Carbon Range, . C6-C12 m TPH (Gasoline Range), mg/kg <0.5 m m m · · · · · · · · · · · · 06-506-26 27 JUN 95 D1-8' 06/28/95 5 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 C6-C12 <0.5 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Project: TMLB-O599A Page 16 06-506-27 27 JUN 95 D5-7.5' 06/28/95 5 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 C6-C12 <0.5 B C Ana/yt/ca/ BO1 Western Avenue Glendale, CA 91201 818/247-5737 Fax: 818/247-9797 LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A LOG NO mDATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION GRO/DRO (8015M) m D ate Analyzed Date Extracted m Dilution Factor, Times mCarbon Range, . TPH (total), mg/kg mother GRO/DRO (8015M) I I I I REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 06-506-28 27 JUN 95 D3-7.5' 06-506-29 27 JUN 95 SPI-1 Page 17 06-506-30 27 JUN 95 SP1-2 06/28/95 06/28/95 1 C10-C25 <10 06/28/95 06/28/95 10 C10-C25 2100 06/28/95 06/28/95 2 C10-C25 28O B C Analytical 801 W~m A~ ~, ~ 91201 818/247-573 7 F~: 818/247-9797 m ! Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 m m m m · m m m m m m m m m m m LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Project: TMLB-O599A m LOG NO m DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION mSOiL TPH/BTEX (8015M) Date Analyzed Dilution Factor, Times Benzene, mg/kg REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 06-506-28 27 JUN 95 D3-7.5' 06-506-29 27 JUN 95 SPI-1 06/28/95 5 <0.03 06/29/95 ,1000 <1 Page 18 06-506-30 27 JUN 95 SP1-2 06/29/95 200 <0.2 m Toluene, mg/kg Ethylbenzene, mg/kg m Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg Carbon Range, . m TPH (Gasoline Range), mg/kg <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 C6-C12 <0.5 <1 <1 <1 C6-C12 190 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 C6-C12 29 m m m I B C Analytical 801 ~estem A~tu~ Received: 27 JUN 95 m Mr. Jim Larwood m ENV America · 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 IIrvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 19 m · ~-~ ...................... ~~ ...... I~-~;~ ................ ~-~-~ .... SAMPLE DESCRIPTION D13EX-B-10.S' mSOIL m Date Analyzed 06/27/95 Date Extracted 06/27/95 m Dilution Factor, Times 1 m Carbon Range, . C10-C25 m TPH (total), mg/kg 130 mother GRO/DRO (8015M) m m m ~ B C Analytical m~ F~: 81~/247-9797 I Mr. dim Lar~ood m ENV America · 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 mIrvine, California 92718 . m REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS ~-~ ........................ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION mSOiL ' Dilution Factor, Times m Benzene, mg/kg mToluene, mg/kg Ethylbenzene, mg/kg mTotal Xylene Isomers, mg/kg Carbon Range, . m TPH (Gasoline Range), mg/kg m m m · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 06-506-22 27 JUN 95 D13EX-B-10.5' Project: TMLB-O599A Page 20 06/29/95 5 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 ~0.05 C6-C12 <0.5 801 WestemAvem~ ' · · m Fax:818/2459797 . LOG NO: G95-06-506 Receive : 27 JUN 95 i Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America · 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 m Project. TMLB-O5ggA m REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS . Page 21 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION D13EX-S-g' m ............ GRO/DRO (8015M) m Date Analyzed 06/29/95 Date Extracted 06/29/95 I Dilution Factor, Times 100 mcarbon Range, . C10-C25 TPH (total), mg/kg 17000 mother GRO/DRO (8015M) m m m m I B C Ana/yt/ca/ [~O~e~,~,~'''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ~:~1~?~? LOG NO: G95-06-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 _ Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America · 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 m Irvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A m REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 22 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION D'15EX=B-9' m SOIL m Date Analyzed 06/28/95 Date Extracted 06/28/95 m Dilution Factor, Times 1 m Carbon Range, . C10-C25 -- TPH (total), mg/kg 51 m other GRO/DRO (8015M) m m m m I I I I I I B C Ana/yt/ca/ Illllllllllllilllllllll · · I · · · · · · I · · · · · I · · · · · · · · · · · · 801 Western Avenue Glendale, CA 91201 818/24 7-573 7 Fax: 818/247-9797 LOG NO: G95-05-506 Received: 27 JUN 95 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A m LOG NO m DATE SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION mSOIL TPH/BTEX (8015M) m D ate Analyzed Dilution Factor, Times m Benzene, mg/kg REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 06-506-24 27 JUN 95 D15EX-B-9' 06/28/95 5 <0,03 Page 23 m m mTPH Toluene, mg/kg Ethylbenzene, mg/kg Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg Carbon Range, . (Gasoline Range), mg/kg m /m <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 C6-C12 <0.5 Site Address: 2401 North Oak St., Bakersfield Texaco Contact: Mr. Lee Bouchez Jane~r?. yCm ,~g~ ram Manager . Lab Type'. Sampled by Number ~.! .. Sample Date · Time See key of number sampled sampled below San~e desc;iption//.. ' containers ~.~.' '~ _signature- Print Name ~~ Company ~:,,,~ Date 'Received~'by Labor~t~.~ ..~ '. . . . . ~ALYTICAL Note:' Samples are discarded. 30 days after.,, re~ults~, are. reported, unless...ether, arrangements are made. *KEY: -AQ~Aqueous N~--Nonaqueous. SL--Sludge . ;.~. · Hazardous samples wdl be returne~ to chant or d~sposed of at chant s expense. GW~Groundwater SO~So~' eT--Other P~'-~Petroleum _~.~'~'~5~P6~1~ Stre~t,~'Emeryvi~le. CA 94608 (~15) 428-2300. Western Avenue Glendale. CA 91201 (818) 247-5737 Disposal arrangements: -J'1200PacfcoAvenue. Anaheim. CA 92805 (714)978-0113 '. ~ ..'L~ i? ;! ~-~ (~lient name ' ' ' . __ " ' ' . Project or POll . ' ~ --~'~5.~-~ ~I~;~. · : '. . . ~-oI- ~oz~ . . .'/ ~ ' , ~ I ~," ."~:'~,' -~". · . .'. "- '..' .- '~ ~..: ~-' .' ''~ ' . P~~. ~ ~-.' ~. '. ' ~ ~'d%~ ~h'zTm'.. · ',. ', ' .', · - - ·" %~.. '.~,~..~'-.X/-.. ".~ . .~.'.':.- ..~ Lab . - ' ' ' '" , '.'. .... . '~..~ ' /~'~~. ':-'Number Sample Oate- 'rime -.See'key" - · ' ~'~ _~~~. of '~ :' i.._~. :~' : .' '.' .' ~' "~'~ n.m,., sam,,...a.~,., '"°W ,, . , ..~,,..,,,~n , ., 'on'a--' / . . ,~,~' ~1~: ~. ,. ~,.: :, .'..~,,',~_ ~.~ ,~,,,-,. ,,.:.. -. ,.~.:.,: :,~, ./,/~,,: ~,~ ,~: ..,~ ,.-. ,,,~:,, ,~,,:.. ,~.,. ,.~, ~.~ , , , . . .. ' . .. ...-' ~ ~' ' ' . , ~ · · . .* . . . · . . .. ... .. ... .. ~ ~ · ~.~~,~. /~zo ... . ...~.'~. ~ .~' . ~ -'"". ,/'-" ' . .., .... ,.,.. ............~ ...~.~. ....~.... ,...~,....~ ..,.. . . . ~ ,~ ..t~~ .".'~_ ~..:; ~.; ."..'D3 , ~..' .'.' ~ '... · ...-~ ' .:...." "~:':~ ~'~-~'~ '~'' ~ '.,...."~; '"~'~'.~ ~' ~.'~.~-,"':~.~".~ ::...'..~. "~ '.~".'.:-TPH "71~ .;- . .'.. ' -.'. ~o~lzzh~"!'?~.~ ....~.:.~.. ,..~.~._.~....... .:,~.~:.~..... .~............,..~.i ..~.. ~.~ .,.X.~.'~.';".r.. ~'~..'~'. :~':~..:.'~.~. ''..'.:.;~..~.:~..~.~: .~'.'.~-....~.'.. '... ~. ~.~ , ' , .. ~: , ~, ..,. . .~ . .:.. . .~'... .. ~ . .. .. ~ . :, .... ~.~ ~ ~.~,' ~ .' ..: ..".:.':._'~.;"~":'.....,. ':. ' · . · .'.'... . ~; ".. ::. . .," .':." .,~' ..-':..-.. '.,..-_, .., . :. . . · ~.-,.,.......~'.~:...: .~.~.'~-~..~.....: ~'.~.::.. ,,~-.-,.?..:,~.,:.,,-/.,,, .,..:'.-,,.~, ...:...~._-~..~.: ~,~,:.,,. ,'.,,?',, ~.~.~:,'~ ~.:,-~,~.,,~ : ~' .'-:' : .......: ...,.' ~..~' ,..~ . . .- .. .. ''~. , ' , ..~..-.. ..~-.......'.~' . .':., :_,. · . ". ~ . .. .. :"1'.. ,'.~ ": ' ' -.. '..... ~ '.," · ' · ,' .'~.' - .~ '. '~:-. '~.. '.: ~..'. .~:.. ... .... ..._.~..~...~.......~ .~:.~.....~. ...'....': .:~. .. ....-~ : ...-..:~..:..:.:~.'.'~...'-,.'~ .:..: ~-.,..~:~::..~ ~..:.-.'.:..~: .... .~. ... ...... · .... ~.- ..' . ..... '..,. ,.......' ....'..~. '. '. :: .~ " · .' i':".': "'." ~' .: "'.~'"..'."' .': ':~' " '" ' ~ " " ' ''~ ' '"'"~ ' · '~ · ' ' ' '.1 " ':" '' :'.'" ," ',' ~'', ' ' ' '~,~'~'~-'"' '"' "'"' '" "' ""': . 'Signature. . ,.. ,' : ' .: .' Pri.~e '. . '., · ...,,..company.:.' ': '' ,. ',-: Date Time ~..ev., ~ ' '' ~ ~ .... ' · ~~...~ .. ~. ~~ ~, ~ ~-.~.'. .e,,~.~~ :~-"'-':','~- ' ' .: ~ :', ': ', ~"': """. :" ~"~',~-':'"':' ""'" '", "' "" '- ' . ....... .... .:.. :. ~.. . :..... :-'~: ..... :~...... '...'......,'~ ~.~' .--.-..:..~.'..~..,.....::-...~ ..~..'..'.,~ ~-.'~-..-~ .:...:.:.....:~ ~;,.,.e,,~ :~".. : " ': :..'"...':'.':'~"..'. , "'. :'". ...':~'- .."... . ..~...~ ..-.....i..~ ...: .~ ..~..~?~.~.-~....~ ~...........:.~.,..~.:........ /.. ~...........~ '~,. .. .,.,,,,u,s,,,,, .,,..,v.,. .. ..."..........: .......'"' ..."'" .... "".. .. :... ._' ~ .- Hazardous eamplos will be returned,to clienl or disposed of at client's expense: []'1..0~5 Shary Circle,,Concord, CA 94518 (510) 825.3~04 _ .~. GW--Groundwater SO--Soil PE--Petroleum E} 8~1 Western Avenue. Glendale, CA 91201 (818)'247-5737 DIsposal arrangements: · ' ii [] 1200 Gene Autp/Way, Anahelm, CA 92805 (7141 978-0113' :' ": "' '" ': ' ' ' ' - i ! E REPORTED : 06/30/95 P~J~RAMETER 1, TPH/BTEX "Date Analyzed Benzene ~Fol uene ~thylbenzene ethyl-tert-butylether 'oral Xy]ene Isomers 'PH (Gasoline Range) ,! BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506560 METHOD BLANKS AND REPORTING DETECTION LIMIT (RDL) FOR BATCHES WHICH INCLUDE THIS ORDER DATE BATCH ANALYZED NUMBER B5061487'1 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 BLANK RESULT RDL UNIT 06/28/95 NA Date 0.0 0.3 ug/L 0.0 0.3 ug/L 0.0 0.3 ug/L 0.0 10 ug/L 0.0 0.6 ug/L 0.0 100 ug/L Page 1 METHOD 8015M 8015M 8015M 8015M 8015M 8015M 8015M I I I I I I I I Accuracy: Precision: Batch: Laboratory Control Standard (Lcs): I Matrix QC: Method Blank: Batch i Number: I L C Result: I LT Result: Percent Recovery: B C ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT Definitions and Terms The ability of a procedure to determine the "true" concentration of an analyte. The reproducibility of a procedure demonstrated by the agreement between analyses performed on either dupli- cates of the same sample or a pair of duplicate spikes. A group of twenty samples or less, of similar matrix type, prepped together or analyzed together if no sample preparation is required, under the same conditions and with the same reagents. The batch must include a method blank, LCS and matrix QC. A blank that is spiked with a known amount of analyte and subjected to the same procedures as the samples. The LCS indicates the accuracy of the analytical method. It also serves to double-check the calibration because it is prepared from a different source than the standard used to calibrate the instrument. Quality control performed on actual client samples. The matrix spike is a client's sample spiked with a known amount of analyte. For most analyses, the laboratory performs matrix spikes in duplicate (duplicate spikes). A sample that contains no analyte. For water analysis, organic-free or deionized water is used. For solids analysis, analyte-free solvent is used. The method blank serves to measure contamination associated with laboratory storage, preparation or instrumentation. Numeric designation for a batch of samples and the associated QC. The batch number sequence is unique for each determination. Laboratory result of an LCS analysis. Expected result, or true value, of the LCS analysis. The percentage of analyte recovered. For LCS, the percent recovery calculation is: LC/LT x 100. B C A.~dytic¢d I I I ! ORDER QC REPORT Definitions and Terms Page 2 LC1, LC2 Results of analyzing duplicate LCS's, used to determine precision. RI, R2 Result: Results of analyzing duplicate aliquots of a sample, with R1 indicating the first replicate and R2~the second replicate; used to determine precision. I MS, MSD Result: Results of analyzing a matrix spike and a matrix spike duplicate, used to determine precision. I I I Relative % Diff (RPD): Calculated using one of the following: ~'LCi - LC2~ x 100 ( [LC1 + LC2]/2 ) ! IMS - MSD, x 100 ( [MS + MSD]/2 ) !R1 - R2' X 100 ( [R1 + R2]/2 ) i MS, MSD %: The percentage of analyte recovered in the matrix spikes. The percent recovery calculation is: MS %: (MS - X) x 100 MSD %: (T - X) (MSD - X) x 100 (T - X) where X is the sample result, listed on the analytical report, and T is the true value, defined below. True value: The theoretical, or expected, result of a spiked sample analysis. I NC Flag Q Flag Blank I Result - Indicates that the spike recovery was not calculated due to high sample concentration relative to the amount of spike added. Indicates that the quality control measurement is outside the specified control limits. Laboratory result of analysis of the method blank. IRDL ( Reporting Detection Limit ): I BCA-assigned limit, set at a level higher than the method detection limit (MDL) determined using EPA guidelines. Sample RDLs may differ from the blank RDL if the samples were diluted. B C Analytical IOBRDER PLACED FOR CLIENT: ENV America 9506506 : C ANALYTICAL : GLEN LAB : 17:41:49 06 JUL 1995 - p. 1 : MPLES... SAMPLE DESCRIPTION.. DETERM DATE METHOD EQUIP. BATCH.. ID.NO ANALYZED  6506'1 D9-3' 6506*2 D7-3' 9506506*3 D3-3.5'  6506'4 D1-3.5' 6506*5 D5-3.5' 6506*6 D3EX-NW-4'  6506'7 D3EX-B-5' 6506*8 D3EX-E-3.5' 6506*9 D3EX-S-3.5' 9506506'10 D13-3.5' ) ~6506'11 Dll-3.5' )6506'12 D15-3.5' ~6506'13 DgEX-B-8.5' )6506'14 D9EX-N-4' )6506'15 D9EX-NE-7' )6506'16 D9EX-W-7' 9506506'17 D13EX-6' DgEX-NE-9' D9EX-NW-9' D9EX-B-IO.5' 6506'18 6506'19 9506506*20 ~D6506'21 D7-8'  6506'25 Dll-8' 6506*26 D1-8' 6506'27 9506506*28 ~m)6506,29 }6506'22 m,65o6.23 16506'24 D5-7.5' D3-7.5' SPi-1 SP1-2 D13EX-B-10.5' D13EX-S-9' D15EX-B-9' Notes: Equipment ID.NO GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.29.95 8015M 556-19 953319 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.27.95 8015M 556-19 953316 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.27.95 8015M 556-11 955060 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.27.95 8015M 556-1-9 ~953316 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.27.95 8015M 556-19 953316 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.27.95 8015M 556-11 955060 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.27.95 8015M 556-11 955060 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.28.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.28.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.27.95 8015M 556-11 955060 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.28.95 8015M 556-19 953318 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.27.95 8015M 556-19 953316 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.27.95 8015M 556-19 953317 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.27.95 8015M 556-19 953316 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.29.95 8015M 556-19 953319 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.29.95 8015M 556-19 953319 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.27.95 8015M 556-11 955060 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.29.95 8015M 556-19 953318 6843. GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.29.95 8015M 556-19 953318 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.29.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.29.95 8015M 556-19 953319 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.28.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.28.95 8015M 556-19 953318 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.28.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 07.06.95 8015M 536-31 9590185 8171 FUEL.TOT 06.28.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.28.95 8015M 556-19 953318 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.28.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.28.95 8015M 556-19 953318 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.28.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.28.95 8015M 556-19 953318 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.28.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.29.95 8015M 556-19 953319 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.28.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.29.95 8015M 556-.19 953319 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.27.95 8015M 556-11 955060 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.29.95 8015M 556-19 953318 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.29.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 FUEL.TOT 06.28.95 8015M 556-11 955061 6843 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.28.95 8015M 556-19 953318 6843 BC Analytical identification number for a particular piece of analytical equipment. BC Analytical employee identification number of analyst. m m rTE REPORTED : 07/06/95 ! PARAMETER TP,/BTEX IDate Analyzed Benzene IToluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers iTPH (Gasoline Range) TPH/BTEX Date Analyzed Benzene IToluene Ethylbenzene lotal Xylene Isomers ITPH (Gasoline Range) TPH/BTEX Date Analyzed Benzene mToluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers mTPH (Gasoline Range) TPH/BTEX Date Analyzed iBenzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) · GRO/DRO Date Analyzed mDate Extracted TPH {total) 6. GRO/DRO mDate Analyzed Date Extracted TPH (total) iGRO/DRO Date Analyzed Date Extracted TPH (total) mGRO/DRO Date Analyzed Date Extracted mTPH (total) TPH/BTEX Date Analyzed m BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506506 LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARDS FOR BATCHES WHICH INCLUDE THIS ORDER DATE BATCH LC ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT C5062906'1 06.28.95 953319 06.28.95 953319 06.28.95 953319 06.28.95 953319 06,28.95 953319 06.28.95 953319 C5062926'1 06.29.95 953319 06.29.95 953319 06.29.95 953319 06.29.95 953319 06.29.95 953319 06.29.95 953319 C5062846'1 06.27.95 953316 06.27.95 953316 06.27.95 953316 06.27.95 953316 06.27.95 953316 06.27.95 953316 C5062847'1 06.27.95 953316 06.27.95 953316 06.27.95 953316 06.27.95 953316 06.27.95 953316 06.27.95 953316 C5062828'1 06.27.95 955060 06.27.95 955060 06.27.95 955060 C5062829'1 06.27.95 955060 06.27.95 955060 06.27.95 955060 C5062903'1 06.28.95 955061 06.28.95 955061 06.28.95 955061 C5062904'1 06.28.95 955061 06.28.95 955061 06.28.95 955061 C5062905'1 06.28.95 953318 LT RESULT UNIT 06/28/95 06/28/95 Date 15.4 15.2 ug/L 87.5 97.4 ug/L 19.7 20.4 ug/L 119 119 ug/L 1386 1100 ug/L 06/29/95 06/29/95 Date 17,1 15.2 ug/L 90.3 97.4 ug/L 20.0 20.4 ug/L 112 119 ug/L 1190 1100 ug/L 06/27/95 06/27/95 Date 16.4 15.2 ug/L 90.3 97.4 ug/L 19.6 20.4- ug/L 113 119 ug/L 1202 1100 ug/L 06/27/95 06/27/95 Date 20.3 15.2 ug/L 93.2 97.4 ug/L 24.0 20.4 ug/L 120 119 ug/L 1401 1100 ug/L 06/27/95 06/27/95 Date 06/27/95 06/27/95 Date 462 500 mg/L 06/27/95 06/27/95 Date 06/27/95 06/27/95 Date 197 250 mg/L 06/28/95 06/28/95 Date 06/28/95 06/28/95 Date 285 250 mg/L 06/28/95 06/28/95 Date 06/28/95 06/28/95 Date 239 250 mg/L 06/28/95 06/28/95 Date Page i PERCENT RECOVERY N/A 101 90 97 100 126 N/A 113 93 98 94 108 N/A 108 93 96 95 109 N/A 134 96 118 101 127 N/A N/A 92 N/A N/A 79 N/A N/A 114 N/A N/A 96 N/A m m REPORTED : 07/06/95 m ~/~mAMETER ~nzene m~oluene Ethylbenzene Ital Xylene Isomers H (Gasoline Range) .0. TPH/BTEX ~te Analyzed ~nzene 1-oluene m~thylbenzene m~p~al Xylene Isomers (Gasoline Range) .1. TPH/BTEX I~te Analyzed ~nzene Toluene l:hylbenzene )tal Xylene Isomers ~H (Gasoline Range) 2 TPH/BTEX l~te Analyzed )nzene Toluene I:hylbenzene )tal Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) 3mTPH/BTEX ~te Analyzed u~nzene Toluene Ihylbenzene tal Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) mTPH/BTEX ~te Analyzed Benzene ~m~luene mhylbenzene l~Stal Xylene Isomers iH (Gasoline Range) m BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506506 LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARDS FOR BATCHES WHICH INCLUDE THIS ORDER DATE BATCH LC ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT 06.28.95 953318 15.4 06.28.95 953318 87.5 06.28.95 953318 19.7 06.28.95 953318 119 06.28.95 953318 1386 C5062925'1 06.29.95 953318 06/29/95 06.29.95 953318 17.1 06.29.95 953318 90.3 06.29.95 953318 20.0 06.29.95 953318 112 06.29.95 953318 1190 C5062844'1 06.27.95 953317 06/27/95 06.27.95 953317 16.4 06.27.95 953317 90.3 06.27.95 953317 19.6 06.27.95 953317 113 06.27.95 953317 1202 C5062845'1 06.27.95 953317 06/27/95 06.27.95 953317 20.3 06.27.95 953317 93.2 06.27.95 953317 24.0 06.27.95 953317 120 06.27.95 953317 1401 C507427'1 07.06.95 9590185 07/06/95 07.06.95 9590185 0.0203 07.06.95 9590185 0.0937 07.06.95 9590185 0.0205 07.06.95 9590185 0.120 07.06.95 9590185 0.876 C507428'1 07.06.95 9590185 07/06/95 07.06.95 9590185 0.0182 07.06.95 9590185 0.0922 07.06.95 9590185 0.0215 07.06.95 9590185 0.129 07.06.95 9590185 1.30 LT RESULT 15.2 97.4 20.4 119 1100 06/29/95 15.2 97.4 20.4 119 1100 06/27/95 15.2 97.4 20.4 119 1100 06/27/95 15.2 97.4 20.4 119 1100 07/06/95 0.0152 0.0974 0.0204 0.119 1.10 07/06/95 0.0152 0.0974 0.0204 0.119 1.10 UNIT ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Date ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Date ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Date ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Date' mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Date mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Page PERCENT RECOVERY 101 90 97 100 126 N/A 113 93 98 94 108 N/A 108 93 96 95 109 N/A 134 96 118 101 127 N/A 134 96 100 101 80 N/A 120 95 105 108 118 m m BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506506 REPORTED : 07/06/95 m iAMETER TPH/BTEX ate Analyzed Benzene Ioluene thylbenzene lotal Xylene Isomers ~PH (Gasoline Range) ~mTPH/BTEX '))ate Analyzed ,enzene oluene ithylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers mPH (Gasoline Range) GRO/DRO Date Analyzed late Extracted GRO/DRO ate Analyzed late Extracted PH (total) . TPH/BTEX Date Analyzed lenzene oluene Ethylbenzene .~otal Xylene Isomers H (Gasoline Range) PH/BTEX Date Analyzed mnzene luene Ethylbenzene mtal Xylene Isomers H (Gasoline Range) , TPH/BTEX te Analyzed nzene luene hylbenzene tal Xylene Isomers H (Gasoline Range) SAMPLE NUMBER ADDITIONAL LCS PRECISION (DUPLICATES) BATCH QC REPORT DATE BATCH LC1 LC2 ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RESULT UNIT 06.28.95 953319 06/28/95 06/29/95 Date 06.28.95 953319 15.4 17.1 ug/L 06.28.95 953319 87.5 90.3 ug/L 06.28.95 953319 19.7 20.0 ug/L 06.28.95 953319 119 112 ug/L 06.28.95 953319 1386 1190 ug/L 06.27.95 953316 06/27/95 06/27/95 Date 06.27.95 953316 16.4 20.3 ug/L 06.27.95 953316 90.3 93.2 ug/L 06.27.95 953316 19.6 24.0 ug/L 06.27.95 953316 113 120 ug/L 06.27.95 953316 1202 1401 ug/L 06.27.95 955060 06/27/95 06/27/95 Date 06.27.95 955060 06/27/95 06/27/95 Date 06.28.95 955061 06/28/95 06/28/95 Date 06.28.95 955061 06/28/95 06/28/95 Date 06.28.95 955061 285 239 mg/L 06.28.95 953318 06/28/95 06/29/95 Date 06.28.95 953318 15.4 17.1 ug/L 06.28.95 953318 87.5 90.3 ug/L 06.28.95 953318 19.7 20.0 ug/L 06.28.95 953318 119 112 ug/L 06.28.95 953318 1386 1190 ug/L' 06.27.95 953317 06/27/95 06/27/95 Date 06.27.95 953317 16.4 20.3 ug/L 06.27.95 953317 90.3 93.2 ug/L 06.27.95 953317 19.6 24.0 ug/L 06.27.95 953317 113 120 ug/L 06.27.95 953317 1202 1401 ug/L 07.06.95 9590185 07/06/95 07/06/95 Date 07.06.95 9590185 0.0203 0.0182 mg/kg 07.06.95 9590185 0.0937 0.0922 mg/kg 07.06.95 9590185 0.0205 0.0215 mg/kg 07.06.95 9590185 0.120 0.129 mg/kg 07.06.95 9590185 0.876 1.30 mg/kg Page RELATIVE ~ DIFF N/A 10 3 2 6 15 N/A 21 3 20 6 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 N/A 10 3 2 6 15 N/A 21 3 2O 6 15 N/A 11 5 7 39 I I DIE REPORTED : 07/06/95 I IAMETER TPH/BTEX ate Analyzed Benzene ioluene thylbenzene lotal Xy]ene Isomers ~PH (Gasoline Range) ~IGRO/DRO · ate Analyzed i}ate Extracted 'PH (total) TPH/BTEX Date Analyzed menzene oluene Ethylbenzene i otal Xylene Isomers PH (Gasoline Range) I I I I I I BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506506 MATRIX QC PRECISION (DUPLICATE BATCH QC REPORT SAMPLE DATE BATCH MS NUMBER ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT 9506506*30 06.29.95 953319 06/29/95 0'6.29.95 953319 3.43 06.29.95 953319 19.3 06.29.95 953319 4.32 06.29.95 953319 23.9 06.29.95 953319 257 9506506*8 06.28.95 955061 06/28/95 06.28.95 955061 06/28/95 06.28.95 955061 218 9506506'21 06.28.95 953318 06/28/95 06.28.95 953318 0.0821 06.28.95 953318 0.447 06.28.95 953318 0.0998 06.28.95 953318 0.557 06.28.95 953318 6.05 SPIKES) MSD RESULT UNIT 06/29/95 Date 3.32 mg/kg 19.3 mg/kg 4.26 mg/kg 24.0 mg/kg 260 mg/kg 06/28/95 Date 06/28/95 Date 239 mg/kg 06/28/95 Date 0.0815 mg/kg 0.431 mg/kg 0.0947 mg/kg 0.537 mg/kg 6.29 mg/kg Page RELATIVE ~ DIFF N/A 3 0 1 0 1 N/A N/A 9 N/A 1 4 5 4 4 I REPORTED : 07/06/95 l~METER 'PH/BTEX }nzene Toluene Ihylbenzene ~tal Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) ~RO/DRO ~H (total) ~-[PH/BIEX ~nzene Iluene ,~hy]benzene lotal Xylene Isomers I'H (Gasoline Range) I ! ! 1 ! ! ! 1 I BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506506 MATRIX QC ACCURACY (SPIKES) BATCH QC REPORT SAMPLE DATE BATCH MS NUMBER ANALYZED NUMBER ~ 9506506*30 06.29.95 953319 113 06.29.95 953319 99 06.29.95 953319 106 06.29.95 953319 100 06.29.95 953319 104 9506506*8 06.28.95 955061 87 9506506'21 06.28.95 953318 108 06.28.95 953318 92 06.28.95 953318 98 06.28.95 953318 94 06.28.95 953318 110 MSD 109 99 104 101 105 96 107 89 93 90 11'4 TRUE RESULT 3.04 19.5 4.08 23.8 249 250 0.0760 0.487 0.102 0.595 5.50 Page I UNIT mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg m REPORTED : 07/06/95 m P~mRAMETER lmTPH/BTEX · 'Date Analyzed Benzene mFoluene m~thylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers 'PH (Gasoline Range) 2 TPH/BTEX )ate Analyzed Eenzene oluene thylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers PH Range) Date Analyzed !ate Extracted PH (total) GRO/DRO )ate Analyzed )ate Extracted (total) e Range) Toluene Ithylbenzene oral Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) TPH/BTEX )ate Analyzed )enzene Toluene mthylbenzene 'otal Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) m BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506506 METHOD BLANKS AND REPORTING DETECTION LIMIT (RDL) FOR BATCHES WHICH INCLUDE THIS ORDER DATE ANALYZED B5061465'1 06.28.95 06.28.95 O6.28.95 06.28.95 06.28.95 06.28.95 B5061434'1 06.27.95 06.27.95 06.27.95 06.27.95 06.27.95 06.27.95 B5061426'1 06.27.95 06.27.95 06.27.95 B5061463'1 06.28.95 06.28.95 06.28.95 B5061464'1 06.28.95 06.28.95 06.28.95 06.28.95 06.28.95 06.28.95 B5061433'1 06.27.95 06.27.95 06.27.95 06.27.95 06.27.95 06.27.95 B507213'1 07.06.95 07.06.95 07.06.95 07.06.95 07.06.95 07.06.95 BATCH' BLANK · NUMBER RESULT RDL UNIT METHOD 953319 06/28/95 NA Date 8015M 953319~ 0.0 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 953319 0.013 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 953319 0.0 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 953319 0.014 0.01 mg/kg 8015M 953319 0.0 0.05 mg/kg 8015M 953316 06/27/95 NA Date 8015M 953316 0.0 0.005 ug/L 8015M 953316 0.30 0.005 ug/L 8015M 953316 0.0 0..005 ug/L 8015M 953316 0.48 0.01 ug/L 8015M 953316 0.0 0.05 ug/L 8015M 955060 06/27/95 NA Date 955060 06/27/95 NA' Date 955060 0.0 10 mg/kg 955061 06/28/95 NA Date 955061 06/28/95 NA Date 955061 0.6 10 mg/kg 8015M 8015M 8015M 8015M 8015M 8015M Page 953318 06/28/95' NA Date 8015M 953318 0.0 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 953318 0.00013 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 953318 0.0 0.005 mg/k9 8015M 953318 0.00014 0.01 mg/kg 8015M 953318 0.0 0.05 mg/kg 8015M 953317 06/27/95 NA Date 8015M 953317 0.0 0.005 ug/L 8015M 953317 0.2995 0.005 ug/L 8015M 953317 0.0 0.005 ug/L 8015M 953317 0.48 0.01 ug/L 8015M 953317 0.0 0.05 ug/L 8015M 9590185 07/06/95 NA Date 8015M 9590185 0 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 9590185 0 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 9590185 0 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 9590185 0.0013 0.01 mg/kg 8015M 9590185 0 0.05 mg/kg 8015M m ANALYTICAL REPORT m m m 801 Western Avenue Glendale, CA 9]20Z 8]8/247-5737 Fax: 8]8/247-9797 LOG NO: G95-07-091 Received: 07 JUL 95 Mailed : 12 JUL 95 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Project: TMLB-O599A REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page I NON-AQUEOUS SAMPLE DATE TPH/BTEX DESCRIPTION SAMPLED (CADHS/8020) Date Dilution Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Total Xylenes TPH-g Carbon Analyzed Factor Benzene Isomers Range Date Times mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg q/kg RDL i 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.05 1'D3-3.5' 06/27/95 07/07/95 2 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.02 1.1 C6-C12 2*D3EX-NW-4' 06/27/95 01/07/95 I <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 3*D3EX-B-5' 06/27/95 07/07/95 I <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 4*D3EX-E-3.5' 06/27/95 07/07/95 i <0,005 0.0051 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 5*D3EX-S-3.5' 06/27/95 07/07/95 I <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0,05 C6-C12 6'D13-3.5' 06/27/95 07/07/95 1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 7*D13EX-6' 06/27/95 07/10/95 I <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.10 C6-C12 8*D13EX-S-9' 06/27/95 07/10/95 500 <3 <3 <3 <5 790 C6-C12 Teemy,.~ram Manager JUL 14 Report al~endan samNed sampled /033" I I I I -/~E,~'-.-o I - IPhon~.-rf' . (.~/~ ~;'c,~_~: ;~ 7.3 .i I I I I Log Number ..%. : ,_ .._- :: .- I _.,_ I - . :' , _:...:.'. --.-.-...-.-'-...I . . " .-: .:-'..'.~,:~ ..... . .. ...... . . .... ... ....... .-:....-,,~ ! C AN ALYTICAL . . .. . Nole: ~amplea ace ~scarc'ec130'da~s a~er msulb'em m~xSrted unbssolher arra~ge.n~anls are made..' -. .~',KE'r/:. _A.G-.~'~c:e~us ]g~aqueOus SL--Sludije :-:. :},~'~4 Client name ' A.ddmss Cily, Slat. a, Z p Da:e Time sampred Sampred Sar. p]-d by Iptlo~ Phone, # ¢o'nt~ilner~ See key . ~,.7~St, gnat Ute · P~,,,q,,~-,~o~ ~... -- . Relinquished 137- .. :..~.;~ Recei,~ed by' I-abi~mlor), [I CAI, IAI.¥?II}AL - ' · · · . . ' ~. ~: -:. Note: 8~rr~]e~ ~re d~s¢ard~d ~D day`s a~ter resu~$ are m~r~d un~es~ ~he~ ~r~angemen1s ~re n~ade` .. .... ~l ;'CB 5 Shary Crrcle, ,Corl~0rd, CA 9451 a (610] 82s,~3sg4 _qool w'~s~e,-n ,~var~. i 12oo G~.'~e Auh'¥ · .: . .... . .,; . .-: 4-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Accuracy: Precision: Batch: Laboratory Control Standard (LCS): Matrix QC: Method Blank: Batch Number: LC Result: LT Result: Percent Recovery: B C ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT Definitions and Terms The ability of a procedure to determine the "true" concentration of an analyte. The reproducibility of a procedure demonstrated by the agreement between analyses performed on either dupli- cates of the same sample or a pair of duplicate spikes. A group of twenty samples or less, of similar matrix type, prepped together or analyzed together if no sample preparation is required, under the same conditions and with the same reagents. The batch must include a method blank, LCS and matrix QC. A blank that is spiked with a known amount of analyte and subjected to the same procedures as the samples. The LCS indicates the accuracy of the analytical method. It also serves to double-check the calibration because it is prepared from a different source than the standard used to calibrate the instrument. Quality control performed on actual client samples. The matrix spike is a client's sample spiked with a known amount of analyte. For most analyses, the laboratory performs matrix spikes in duplicate (duplicate spikes). A sample that contains no analyte. For water analysis, organic-free or deionized water is used. For solids analysis, analyte-free solvent is used. The method blank serves to measure contamination associated with laboratory storage, preparation or instrumentation. Numeric designation for a batch of samples and the associated QC. The batch number sequence is unique for each determination. Laboratory result of an LCS analysis. Expected result, or true value, of the LCS analysis. The percentage of analyte recovered. For LCS, the percent recovery calculation is: LC/LT x 100. B C Analytic~H I I I ORDER QC REPORT Definitions and Terms Page 2 LC1, LC2 Results of analyzing duplicate LCS's, used to determine precision. Ri, R2 i Result: I MS, MSD Result: I Relative % Diff i(RPD): Results of analyzing duplicate aliquots of a sample, with R1 indicating the first replicate and R2~the second replicate; used to determine precision. Results of analyzing a matrix spike and a matrix spike duplicate, used to determine precision. Calculated using one of the following: ILCl - LC2~ x 100 ( [LC1 + LC2]/2 ) IMS - MSD~ x 100 ( [MS + MSD]/2 ) 'Ri - R2' X 100 ( [R1 + R2]/2 ) MS, MSD %: I iTrue I N C Flag Q Flag Blank I Result: value: IRDL (Reporting Detection i Limit): The percentage of analyte recovered in the matrix spikes. The percent recovery calculation is: MS %: (MS - X) x 100 MSD %: (T - X) (MSD - X) x 100 (T - X) where X is the sample result, listed on the analytical report, and T is the true value, defined below. The theoretical, or expected, result of a spiked sample analysis. Indicates that the spike recovery was not calculated due to high sample concentration relative to the amount of spike added. Indicates that the quality control measurement is outside the specified control limits. Laboratory result of analysis of the method blank. BCA-assigned limit, set at a level higher than the method detection limit (MDL) determined using EPA guidelines. Sample RDLs may differ from the blank RDL if the samples were diluted. B C Analytical RDER PLACED FOR CLIENT: ENV America 9507091 : C ANALYTICAL : GLEN LAB : 18:01:22 11 JUL 1995 - p. 1 : IMPLES... SAMPLE DESCRIPTION.. DETERM ......... DATE ...... METHOD ..... EQUIP. BATCH.. ID.NO ANALYZED  }7091'1 D3-3.5' )7091'2 D3EX-NW-4' )7091'3 D3EX-B-5'  7091'4 D3EX-E-3.5' 7091'5 D3EX-S-3.5' 7091'6 D13-3,5' 9507091*7 D13EX-6' I )7091'8 D13EX-S-9' GAS.TPH BTEX GAS.TPH BTEX GAS.TPH BTEX GAS.TPH BTEX GAS.TPH BTEX GAS.TPH BTEX GAS.TPH BTEX GAS.TPH BTEX 07.07.95 8015M 07.07.95 8015M 07.07.95 8015M 07.07.95 8015M 07.07.95 8015M 07.07.95 8015M 07.10.95 8015M 07.10.95 8015M 536-31 9590188 8501 536-31 9590188 8501 536-31 9590188 8501 536-31 9590188 8501 536-31~9590188 8501 536-31 9590188 8501 536-21 9590190 8501 536-21 9590191 8501 I I Notes: Equipment ID.NO BC Analytical identification number for a particular piece of analytical equipment. BC Analytical employee identification number of analyst. REPORTED : 07/12/95 m PARAMETER TPH/BTEX Analyzed oluene thylbenzene otal Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) 2~TPH/BTEX ate Analyzed Benzene []Toluene Ethylbenzene 'Total Xylene Isomers LTPH (Gasoline Range) TPH/BTEX ate Analyzed Benzene moluene thylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers PH (Gasoline Range) TPH/BTEX ate Analyzed menzene oluene thylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers I'PH (Gasoline Range) BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9507091 LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARDS FOR BATCHES WHICH INCLUDE THIS ORDER DATE BATCH LC LT ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RESULT C507684'1 O7 O7 O7 07 07 O7 O7 O7 O7 C507799'1 07.10 07.10 07.10 07.10 07.10 07.10 C507803'1 07.10 07.10 07,10 07.10 07.10 07.10 C507806'1 07.10 07.10 O7.10 07.10 07.10 07.10 UNIT 07.95 9590188 07/07/95 07/07/95 Date 07.95 9590188 0.0213 0.0152 mg/kg 07.95 9590188 0.0983 0.0974 mg/kg .95 9590188 0.0218 0.0204 mg/kg .95 9590188 0.126 0.119 mg/kg .95 9590188 0.913 1.10 mg/kg .95 9590190 07/10/95 07/10/95 Date .95 9590190 0.0182 0.0152 mg/kg .95 9590190 0.107 0.0974 mg/kg .95 9590190 0.0208 0.0204 mg/kg .95 9590190 0.116 0.119 mg/kg .95 9590190 1.14 1.10 mg/kg PERCENT RECOVERY N/A 140 101 107 106 83 Page N/A 120 110 102 97 104 .95 9590191 07/10/95 07/10/95 Date N/A .95 9590191 1.82 1.52 mg/kg 120 .95 9590191 10.7 9.74 mg/kg 110 .95 9590191 2.08 2.04 mg/kg 102 .95 9590191 11.6 11.9 mg/kg 97 .95 9590191 114 110 mg/kg 104 .95 9590191 07/10/95 07/10/95 Date N/A .95 9590191 1.78 1.52 mg/kg 117 .95 9590191 9.92 9.74 mg/kg 102 .95 9590191 2.02 2.04 mg/kg 99 .95 9590191 11.4 11.9 mg/kg 96 .95 9590191 116 110 mg/kg 105 m m l'rE REPORTED : 07/12/95 m PARAMETER TPH/BTEX ate Analyzed Benzene moluene thylbenzene otal Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) I ! I l ! ! I l ! ! SAMPLE NUMBER BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9507091 ADDITIONAL LCS PRECISION (DUPLICATES)' BATCH QC REPORT DATE BATCH LC1 LC2 ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RESULT UNIT 07.10.95 9590191 07/10/95 07.10.95 9590191 1.82 07.10.95 9590191 10.7 07.10.95 9590191 2.08 07.10.95 9590191 11.6 07.10.95 9590191 114 07/10/95 Date 1.78 mg/kg 9.92 mg/kg 2.02 mg/kg 11.4 mg/kg 116 mg/kg Page I RELATIVE % DIFF N/A 2 8 3 2 2 ! I TE REP{)RTED : 07/12/95 ! PARAMETER TPH/BTEX ate Analyzed enzene Toluene mEthylbenzene mTotal Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) ITPH/BTEX )ate Analyzed Benzene mToluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) m m m m m m m m m ! BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9507091 MATRIX QC PRECISION (DUPLICATE SPIKES) BATCH QC REPORT SAMPLE DATE BATCH MS NUMBER ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT 9506643*36 07.07.95 9590188 07/07/95 07.07.95 9590188 0.151 07.07.95 9590188 0.0252 07.07.95 9590188 0.0322 07.07.95 9590188 0.179 07.07.95 9590188 1.85 9507004'1 07,10.95 9590190 07/10/95 07.10.95 9590190 0.0186 07.10.95 9590190 0.105 07.10,95 9590190 0.0214 07.10.95 9590190 0.120 07.10.95 9590190 1.14 MSD RESULT UNIT 07/07/95 Date 0.161 mg/kg 0.0279 mg/kg 0.0396 mg/kg 0.215 mg/kg 2.14 mg/kg 07/10/95 Date 0.0151 mg/kg 0.0918 mg/kg 0.0192 mg/kg 0.109 mg/kg 1.20 mg/kg Page 1 RELATIVE ~ DIFF N/A 6 10 21 18 15 N/A 21 13 11 10 5 ! TE REPORTED : 07/12/95 p~AtRAMETER TPH/BTEX enzene oluene Ethyl benzene Iotal Xylene Isomers PH (Gasoline Range) 2..TPH/BTEX ~enzene ~roluene -Ethyl benzene _Total Xylene Isomers ,/!/ :PFI (Gasoline Range) BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9507091 MATRIX QC ACCURACY (SPIKES) BATCH QC REPORT SAMPLE DATE BATCH MS NUMBER 'ANALYZED NUMBER % 9506643*36 07.07.95 9590188 NC 07.07.95 9590188 NC 07.07.95 9590188 119 07.07.95 9590188 114 07.07.95 9590188 119 Q 9507004'1 07.10.95 9590190 122 07.10.95 9590190 108 07.10.95 9590190 105 07.10.95 9590190 101 07.10.95 9590190 104 MSD NC NC 155 Q 145 145 Q 99 94 94 92 109 TRUE RESULT 0.0962 0.197 0.0283 0.162 1.64 0.0152 0.0974 0.0204 0.119 1.10 UNIT mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Page 1 NC NC Q ! . D~TE REPORTED : 07/12/95 P~AMETER lmTPH/BTEX ~ate Analyzed ~enzene Toluene ,thylbenzene motal Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) 2mTPH/BTEX mate Analyzed I~e~ze~e mmToluene m~thylbenzene mmFotal Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) 3mTPH/BTEX m)ate Analyzed Benzene m~oluene mthylbenzene 'q~otal Xylene Isomers iPH (Gasoline Range) ! BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9507091 METHOD BLANKS AND REPORTING DETECTION LIMIT (RDL) FOR BATCHES WHICH INCLUDE THIS ORDER DATE BATCH BLANK ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT B507385'1 07.07.95 9590188 07/07/95 07.07.95 9590188 0 07.07.95 9590188 0.0018 07.07.95 9590188 0 07.07.95 9590188 0.0041 07.07.95 959018B 0 B507444'1 07.10.95 9590190 07/10/95 07.10.95 9590190 0 07.10.95 9590190 0 07.10.95 9590190 0 07.10.95 9590190 0 07.10.95 9590190 0 B507456'1 07.10 95 9590191 07/10/95 07.10 95 9590191 0 07.10 95 9590191 0.017 07.10 95 9590191 0 07.10 95 9590191 0.027 07.10 95 9590191 0 RDL UNIT NA Date 0.005 mg/kg 0.005 mg/kg 0.005 mg/kg 0.005 mg/kg 1 mg/kg METHOD 8015M.TX 8015M.TX 8015M.TX 8015M.TX 8015M.TX 8015M.TX Page i NA Date 8015M 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 0.01 mg/kg 8015M 0.05 mg/kg 8015M NA Date 8015M 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 0.005 mg/kg 8015M 0.01 mg/kg 8015M 0.05 mg/kg 8015M m m m I ANALYTICAL REPORT B C Ana/yt/ca/ I iB·BmliB·iiB··BiiiIiiiiB· · · B · · · B i i i B · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 801 Western Avetme Glendale, CA 91201 ~ 8181247-5737 · Fax: 818/247-9797 I I I I Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Lead (6010), mg/kg Digestion (3050), Date mSOiL REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS LOG NO: G95-07-248 Received: 13 JUL 95 Mailed ~UL 18 19~5 Project: TMLB-O599A Page I 07-248-1 07-248-2 07-248-3 27 JUN 95 27 JUN 95 27 JUN 95 D9EX-NE-7' SPi-1 D13-3.5' 49 7.5 07/17/95 07/17/95 49 07/17/95 ! B C Ana/yt/ca/ I illllllllmlllmlllllmlll i i i i i I i i i i i · · · · · i · · · · · I · ! ! i · 801 Western Aveyme Glendale, CA 91201 Fax: 818/247-9797 Received: 13 JUL 95 I I I I I Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS LOG NO 07-248-4 DATE SAMPLED Project: TMLB-O599A SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SOIL I ~-;~-i~)(~10), mg/kg Page 2 27 JUN 95 D13EX-S-9' <5 I I I I Digestion (3050), Date 07/17/95 Site Address: 2401 North Oak St., Bakersfield, Ca. Texaco Contact: Mr. Lee Bouchez Jane ree yer g am ~F~ ~Manager I I I I I I I I Accuracy: Precision: Batch: Laboratory Control Standard I(LCS): I Matrix QC: Method Blank: Batch iNumber: I L C Result: I L T Result: iPercent Recovery: B C ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT Definitions and Terms The ability of a procedure to determine the "true" concentration of an analyte. The reproducibility of a procedure demonstrated by the agreement between analyses performed on either dupli- cates of the same sample or a pair of duplicate spikes. A group of twenty samples or less, of similar matrix type, prepped together or analyzed together if no sample preparation is required, under the same conditions and with the same reagents. The batch must include a method blank, LCS and matrix QC. A blank that is spiked with a known amount of analyte and subjected to the same procedures as the samples. The LCS indicates the accuracy of the analytical method. It also serves to double-check the calibration because it is prepared from a different source than the standard used to calibrate the instrument. Quality control performed on actual client samples. The matrix spike is a client's sample spiked with a known amount of analyte. For most analyses, the laboratory performs matrix spikes in duplicate (duplicate spikes). A sample that contains no analyte. For water analysis, organic-free or deionized water is used. For solids analysis, analyte-free solvent is used. The method blank serves to measure contamination associated with laboratory storage, preparation or instrumentation. Numeric designation for a batch of samples and the associated QC. The batch number sequence is unique for each determination. Laboratory result of an LCS analysis. Expected result, or true value, of the LCS analysis. The percentage of analyte recovered. For LCS, the percent recovery calculation is: LC/LT x 100. B C Analytical ! Page 2 ORDER QC REPORT Definitions and Terms I LC1, LC2 Ri, R2 Result: Results of analyzing duplicate LCS's, used to determine precision. Results of analyzing duplicate aliquots of a sample, with R1 indicating the first replicate and R2 ~he second replicate; used to determine precision. MS, MSD Result: Results of analyzing a matrix spike and a matrix spike duplicate, used to determine precision. Relative % Diff i(RPD): Calculated using one of the following: ILC1 - LC2~ x 100 ( [LC1 + LC2]/2 ) IMS - MSDI x 100 ( [MS + MSD]/2 ) ' X 100 {R1 - ( [R1 + R2]/2 ) MS, MSD %: The percentage of analyte recovered in the matrix spikes. The percent recovery calculation is: ! ! MS %: (MS - X) x 100 MSD %: (T - X) (MSD - X) x 100 (T - X) where X is the sample result, listed on the analytical report, and T is the true value, defined below. True value: The theoretical, or expected, result of a spiked sample analysis. I NC Flag Q Flag Blank Result: Indicates that the spike recovery was not calculated due to high sample concentration relative to the amount of spike added. Indicates that the quality control measurement is outside the specified control limits. Laboratory result of analysis of the method blank. RDL (Reporting Detection Limit): BCA-assigned limit, set at a level higher than the method detection limit (MDL) determined using EPA guidelines. Sample RDLs may differ from the blank RDL if the samples were diluted. B C A.alytic¢J iORDER PLACED FOR CLIENT: ENV America 9507248 : BC ANALYTICAL : GLEN LAB : 13:44:55 18 JUL 1995 - P. 1 : IMPLES... SAMPLE DESCRIPTION.. DETERM ......... DATE ...... METHOD ..... EQUIP. BATCH.. ID.NO ANALYZED I 07248'1 D9EX-NE-7' PB 07.17.95 6010 DIG,NAQ.HCL 07.17.95 3050 9507248*2 SPI-1 PB 07.17.95 6010 DIG,NAQ.HCL 07.17.95 3050  07248'3 D13-3.5' PB 07.17.95 6010 DIG,NAQ.HCL 07.17.95 3050 9507248*4 D13EX-S-9' PB 07.17.95 6010 I DIG,NAQ.HCL 07.17.95 3050 Notes: Equipment : BC Analytical identification number for a particular piece of analytical equipment. ID.NO : BC Analytical employee identification number of I analyst. 535-02 951039 7396 951039 7620 535-02 951039 7396 ~951039 7620 535-02 951039 7396 951039 7620 535-02 951039 7396 951039 7620 I I I PARAMETER ILead m m m m m m m i m m m m m m REPORTED : 07/18/95 C5071359'1 BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9507248 LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARDS FOR BATCHES WHICH INCLUDE THIS ORDER DATE BATCH LC LT ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RESULT UNIT 07.17.95 951039 101 100 mg/kg Page i PERCENT RECOVERY 101 REPORTED : 07/18/95 PARAMETER Lead SAMPLE NUMBER 9507219'1 BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9507248 MATRIX QC PRECISION (DUPLICATE SPIKES) BATCH Q¢ REPORT DATE BATCH MS MSD RELATIVE ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RESULT UNIT ~ DIFF 07.17.95 951039 99.7 109 mg/kg 9 Page 1 I I I PARAMETER Lead REPORTED : 07/18/95 ~AMPLE NUMBER 9507219'1 BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9507248 MATRIX QC ACCURACY (SPIKES) BATCH QC REPORT DATE BATCH MS MSD ANALYZED NUMBER ~ ~ 07.17.95 951039 91 101 TRUE RESULT 108 Page i UNIT mg/kg I I I  AMETER Lead I I I I REPORTED : 07/18/95 BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9507248 METHOD BLANKS AND REPORTING DETECTION LIMIT (RDL) FOR BATCHES WHICH INCLUDE THIS ORDER B507825'1 DATE BATCH BLANK ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RDL UNIT 07.17.95 951039 0 5 mg/kg Page I METHOD 6010 I~Arm~j~ticm~ m m m m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~mI.~~R~R~ ~ ~ ~ 80] Western Avenue Glendale, CA 9]20] 8]8/247-5737 Fax: 8]8/247-9797 Mr. Jim Larwood ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvineo California 92718 LOG NO: G95-06-560 Received: 27 JUN 95 Mailed: JU~ 30 Project: TMLB-O5ggA B95 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page i AQUEOUS SAMPLE DATE TPH/BTEX DESCRIPTION SAMPLED (CADHS/8020) Date Dilution Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Total Xylenes TPH-g Carbon Analyzed Factor Benzene Isomers Range Date Times ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L RDL I 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 100 ~*M.-8 o6~27/9~ o6/28~9~ ~ <o.~ <o.~ <o.3 <o.~ <~oo c6-c~2 ~;~;-~;;;;;-~i-~;;~-o~-~7~-~;;s¢;;;~ ................................................................................................... Ja~myer,~g~/ Manager · · ' Number Client name ,. "--; t · . . Project or P__O# ..,.. f" ~ """ '" ' " ' ' '' .... ~ 'o ..... . ~ · " ' '- -,'T~,'-".. ..,.' ~':~>'e* Sampled~y "' ' ' ·~/ * Sample Date Time See key ,. ' ' "~' --'* ' ' : , ~," of number sampled 'sampled ' below '' Sample descriPtion ' "J' containers. ~~:-~:... R~ar~ · ' .... . . · ,' ' '..~ '.: ' .,'. , ~' , '~:-'. i :' ·, :..., .,. · ~.. . . . '.: . >'~' . :' .' .... ' ' '.' ' :" -- .: :" '.',:~.'-':':-: '::".."~"/': '"':'", ."?' '.:.:i '..:>. ~':': > ' ' · ' - , '"'-.. :.~:~ . ,.,~ .. '. '~ . --,,,.' . . . . .:. :.,"~ ,...':..: :.~... '. , .... .. .~,.':.. ,,.,? ..,,.,'?f ~,.,. . ~ . ~ ' ~: ..... . ............ ... ............ ....... ,.. . Relinquishedby '~ ' ' ' :' : ""' ' '" "" > ' ' " '"" ~ " ' ' ' '"' ~' "~"'"':"'":?>";~':>' .... ...'.'-.'.~?',-.e.,;::(..... ,:,. .. ' .., ,.' '". .'.' . ,. , ~ ' '. '] . ;. ..'...' .., .....- ' : ' ." :. '.-.'. ..:.:~.: ," ..:7'.'-.':......' , '"~:> .;.:' :;:,~'.." '..? .: ...... % .'. ...~, ......... ...... , .......... . ..... . ........ ............. Relinquishedb~ ~ ..", . , .. ~.',; : ' . ., ~ ~'~ ANALYTICAL .... ' · ' :'... : - · ". Note: SamPlesare discarded 30 days after resu ts are reportec~'un e~s o~'her ~,rra~gen~nts'a'r~'~ade~': ': ~.>~ .K~:' 'A~Aqu~oos NA--N0naqueous SL--S udge 1200 Gene Aut~ Way, Anahelm,:dA'9~80~ ~14)978~118 , '. ': ' .... ' ' . ." ,:':'" ': ':':' .:; '".: ."-".~:..' ~; :;" ,' :~':;.;::'>:':;~','.:'":?:'?. ;:;:~""~,:".':;~.;?j:'.'~::i:..:;V:::';:?' '"?:'. : '. I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I Accuracy: Precision: Batch: Laboratory Control Standard (LCS): Matrix QC: Method Blank: Batch Number: LC Result: LT Result: Percent Recovery: B C ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT Definitions and Terms The ability of a procedure to determine the "true" concentration of an analyte. The reproducibility of a procedure demonstrated by the agreement between analyses performed on either dupli- cates of the same sample or a pair of duplicate spikes. A group of twenty samples or less, of similar matrix type, prepped together or analyzed together if no sample preparation is required, under the same conditions and with the same reagents. The batch must include a method blank, LCS and matrix QC. A blank that is spiked with a known amount of analyte and subjected to the same procedures as the samples. The LCS indicates the accuracy of the analytical method. It also serves to double-check the calibration because it is prepared from a different source than the standard used to calibrate the instrument. Quality control performed on actual client samples. The matrix spike is a client's sample spiked with a known amount of analyte. For most analyses, the laboratory performs matrix spikes in duplicate (duplicate spikes). A sample that contains no analyte. For water analysis, organic-free or deionized water is used. For solids analysis, analyte-free solvent is used. The method blank serves to measure contamination associated with laboratory storage, preparation or instrumentation. Numeric designation for a batch of samples and the associated QC. The batch number sequence is unique for each determination. Laboratory result of an LCS analysis. Expected result, or true value, of the LCS analysis. The percentage of analyte recovered. For LCS, the percent recovery calculation is: LC/LT x 100. B C Analytical I I I I ! I '1 I I I I I I I I I I ORDER QC REPORT Definitions and Terms Page 2 LC1, LC2 R1, R2 Result: MS, MSD Result: Relative % Diff (RPD): MS, MSD %: True value: NC Flag Q Flag Blank Result: Results of analyzing duplicate LCS's, used to determine precision. Results of analyzing duplicate aliquots of a sample, with R1 indicating the first replicate and R2 the second replicate; used to determine precisi°n~ Results of analyzing a matrix spike and a matrix spike duplicate, used to determine precision. Calculated using one of the following: ILC1 - LC2{ x 100 ( [LC1 + LC2]/2 ) IMS - MSD, x 100 ( [MS + MSD]/2 ) 'Ri - R2' { { X 100 ( [R1 + R2]/2 ) The percentage of analyte recovered in the matrix spikes. The percent recovery calculation is: MS %: (MS - X) x 100 MSD %: (T - X) (MSD - X) x 100 (T - X) where X is the sample result, listed on the analytical report, and T is the true value, defined below. The theoretical, or expected, result of a spiked sample analysis. Indicates that the spike recovery was not calculated due to high sample concentration relative to the amount of spike added. Indicates that the quality control measurement is outside the specified control limits. Laboratory result of analysis of the method blank. RDL (Reporting Detection Limit): BCA-assigned limit, set at a level higher than the method detection limit (MDL) determined using EPA guidelines. Sample RDLs may differ from the blank RDL if the samples were diluted. B C A,,alytic~,l RDER PLACED FOR CLIENT: ENV America 9506560 : C ANALYTICAL : GLEN LAB : 13:15:26 30 JUN 1995 - P. 1 : ' ~mqPLES... SAMPLE DESCRIPTION.. DETERM ......... DATE ...... METHOD ..... EQUIP. BATCH.. ID.NO ~m ANALYZED t)6560'1 m m m m m m m m m m m m MW-8 GAS.TPH.BTEX 06.28.95 8015M 536-23 95579 8501 Notes: Equipment ID.NO = BC Analytical identification number for a particular piece of analytical equipment. = BC Analytical employee identification number of analyst. I ITE REPORTED : 06/30/95 I PARAMETER ITPH/BTEX Date Analyzed Benzene loluene thylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers PH (Gasoline Range) TPH/BTEX ate Analyzed Benzene IToluene Ethylbenzene lotal Xylene Isomers ITPH (Gasoline Range) I I BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506560 LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARDS FOR BATCHES WHICH INCLUDE THIS ORDER DATE BATCH LC LT ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RESULT UNIT C5062952'1 06.28.95 95579 06/28/95 06/28/95 Date 06.28.95 955'79 12.5 15.2 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 76.7 97.4 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 17.2 20.4 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 99.1 119 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 1140 1100 ug/L C5062953'1 06.28.95 95579 06/28/95 06/28/95 Date 06.28.95 95579 11.8 15.2 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 75.2 97.4 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 16.7 20.4 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 98.7 119 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 942 1100 ug/L Page I PERCENT RECOVERY N/A 82 79 84 83 104 N/A 78 77 82 83 86 I ! I ITE REPORTED : 06/30/95 P~RAMETER ITPH/BTEX ~ate Analyzed Benzene ~[oluene ~thylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers iTPH (Gasoline Range) I I I I SAMPLE NUMBER Be ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506560 ADDITIONAL LCS PRECISION (DUPLICATES) BATCH QC REPORT DATE BATCH LC1 LC2 ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RESULT UNIT 06.28.95 95579 06/28/95 06/28/95 Date 06.28.95 95579 12.5 11.8 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 76.7 75.2 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 17.2 16.7 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 99.1 98.7 ug/L 06.28.95 95579 1140 942 ug/L Page 1 RELATIVE ~ DIFF N/A '6 2 3 0 19 m ! I TE REPORTED : 06/30/95 Benzene IToluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506560 MATRIX QC PRECISION (DUPLICATE SPIKES) BATCH QC REPORT SAMPLE DATE BATCH MS NUMBER ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT 9506484*4 06.28.95 95579 06/28/95 06.28.95 95579 14.1 06.28.95 95579 83.0 06.28.95 95579 18,8 06.28.95 95579 107 06.28.95 95579 1370 MSD RESULT UNIT 06/28/95 Date '13.8 ug/L 81.9 ug/L 18.5 ug/L 106 ug/L 1430 ug/L Page I RELATIVE ~ DIFF N/A 2 1 2 1 4 m m m ,m m ~m m m m m m m ! I I~TE REPORTED : 06/30/95 iRAMETER TPH/BTEX Benzene Toluene IEthylbenzene Total X¥1ene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) I I I I I I I I I I I I I BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506560 MATRIX QC ACCURACY (SPIKES) BATCH QC REPORT SAMPLE DATE BATCH MS NUMBER ANALYZED NUMBER ~ 9506484*4 06.28.95 95579 93 06.28.95 95579 85 06.28.95 95579 92 06.28.95 95579 90 06.28.95 95579 125 MSD 91 84 91 89 130 TRUE RESULT 15.2 97,4 20.4 119 1100 Page I UNIT ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ! ! ITE REPORTED : 06/30/95 RAMETER ?PH/BTEX Date Analyzed Benzene IToluene Ethylbenzene Methyl-tert-butylether i Total Xylene Isomers TPH (Gasoline Range) I I I I BC ANALYTICAL ORDER QC REPORT FOR G9506560 METHOD BLANKS AND REPORTING DETECTION LIMIT (RDL) FOR BATCHES WHICH INCLUDE THIS ORDER DATE BATCH ANALYZED NUMBER B5061487'1 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 06.28.95 95579 BLANK RESULT RDL UNIT METHOD Page 1 06/28/95 NA Date 8015M 0.0 0.3 ug/L 8015M 0.0 0.3 ug/L 8015M 0.0 0.3 ug/L 8015M 0.0 10 ug/L 8015M 0.0 0.6 ug/L 8015M 0.0 100 ug/L 8015M