HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK (2) I I I I I I I i I ,! I I I I I I I Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. Solving environment-related business problems W orklwide 9i~ South Pi~imrose Avenue', Suite K Monrovia, California 91016 USA 626.256.6662 800.477.7411 Fax 626.256.6263 www. deltaenv.¢om May'l 7; 2004 Delta Project PA24010-T Inspector Steve Underwood Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue, 3'd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Underground Storage Tank Closure Report and OVer-Excavation Results FOrmer Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California Dear Inspector Underwood: Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. (DELTA), on behalf of Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil Products US (SHELL), submits thii report summarizing soil sampling activities-conducted during the removal- of undergrour~d storage tanks (USTs) at the above-referended site'(Figure i). The purpose of this work was to collect and analyze soil samPles as required by the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD). This report also presents the results'of over- excavation activities that addreSsed hydrocarbon4~npacted soil encountered beneath a former'cLispenser and corresp6nding product piping, location. BACKGROUND SITE DEscRIpTION " The subject sit& is a former Texaco service station located on the northwest comer of 24th Street and North Oak Street in Balkersfield, California (Figure 1). The ~ervice station consisted of three 8,000gallon gasoline underground, storage tanks (USTs), one 8,000-g~llon diesel UST, three dispensers, and a station build/ng. FigUre 2 illustrates the approximate site layout. The property is currently unoccupied and fenced. Xlnog~,~ May 17, 2004 Page 2 PREVIOUS WORK Recent environmental activities at the site are sUmmarized in the table below. Well and boring data is presented as Table 1 .' Historical soil analytical data is shoWn on Table 2. Historical groundWaier data is presented in Table 3. 1/2003 G~SP Ske Assessment hsmllation of 5 on-site 5/9/2003 Activities (Tier II) gro~dwater monito~g En~komenml wells (~-1 ~ough ~-5) M~agement, Inc. (~) 7/2003 RWQCB - Cen~al 7/3/2003 ~ RWQCB - Cen=M Valley Region leaer Valley Region begNs case oversight ~d request additional assessment work 10/2003 Work PI~ for Additional 10/3/2003 ~ Propgsed 3 on-site Site Assessment soil bongs 10/2003 RWQCB - CeriUM .. 10/21/200 Conditionally VMley Region leaer 3 approved work pl~ 2/2004 Additional Site Drilled 3 bongs (SB-1 2/20/2004 DELTA Assessment ~ -~ough SB-3) 3/18/03 Qumerly Groundwater 'MoNtohng of 5 on-ske wells v~ious ~/DELTA m Monimr~g' (~- 1 ~ough ~-5) present I I I I I SITE SPECIFIc GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY Soils encountered at the site during previous investigations were primarily poorly-graded sands with interbedded layers of sandy silt, silty sand, and clayey silt to approximatelyto the total depth explored of 50 feet below ground surface (bgs). Over the past.ten months, depth to groundwa~er-in on-site monitoring wells has varied from 15.28 to 31.02 feet bgs. Historical groundwater gauging data is provided in Table 3. \~SERVERW.&gvI_Dam\CIi~mt s~_Shell~_Sh ell Siles~2~2401 Oak~004-05-17_UST Closmm\UST Closttre Rpt & OvrEx_doc May 17, 2004 Page 3 PERMITTING ACTMTIES Prior to the tank removal, SHELL's general contractor, LC Services, Obtained the necessa~ permits from the BFD. A~ CoPy 0fthe UST Removal Permit iS provided as Appendix A. FIELD ACTMTIES USTs AND PRODUCT PIPING REMOVAL On April 28, 2004, Adams Services, Inc. (Adams) rinsed and degassed the USTs..LC Services uncovered the three 10,000-gallon gasoline fiberglass USTs and one 12,000-gallon fiberglass USTs in April 2004. The empty USTs were removed from the ground, and transported off-site for disposal on April 28, 2004. The following documen/cs pe.rtaining to the removal and disposal of the USTs and product piping are included in Appendix B: · Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifests for UST Transport · Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifests for UST Rinseate · Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifests for Product Piping · Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifests for Soil The USTs were removed under the observation Of Inspector Steve Underwood of the BFD.' The former locations of the USTs are shown on Figure 2. SOIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS A total of 25 soil samples were collected from beneath.the USTs, dispensers, and associated product piping for laboratory analysis. Sixteen soil samples 'were collected beneath the former gasoline USTs at depths of approximately 19 and 23 feet below ground surface (bgs). Six soil samples were collected beneath, or in the immediate vicinity of, the former dispensers at depths of approximately 3 and 7 feet bgs. Three soil samples were' collected beneath, or in the immediate vicinity of, the former product piping at depths of approximhtely 4 and 6 . feet bgs. S0il samples were .initially collected using ar/excavator bucket, ·placed in gla~s jars, sealed, labeled, and stored on ice for'transport, under chain-of-custody documentationi to Calscience Environmental Laboratories,'Inc. (CEL), in Garden Grove, a State-certified laboratory. Soil samples were collected under the observation of Inspector 'Underwood. " A summary of soil analytical results is included as Table 4. Sampling locations and designations are presented in Figure 2. \~S ERV~R~I~vI_Dat a\Clieakq~_Sh elB_SheI 1 Sit~s~2L2401 Oak~2001-05-17_UST Closure\UST Closure Kpt & OvrEx.doc May 17, 2004 Page 4 LIMITED OVER-ExCAVATION ACTMTIES On May 6, 2004, DELTA returned to the site with LC Services ~o pdrform limited over-excavation activities beneath one dispenser and correSPonding product piping }ocation [Figure 2]. Approximately 1 cubic yard of soil was removed during ove. r-excavation activities. The soil Was transported off-site by trucks to TPS Technologies, in Adelanto, California for proper disposal on Mayl0 and 11, 2004.' The soil manifests are included in Appendix B. Using an excavator bucket, two confn'mation soil samples were collected from the floor of the over-excavation. LABORATORY ANALYSES Soil samples collected during site activities were submitted, placed in glass jars, sealed, labeled, and Stored on ice for transPort, under chain-of-custody documentation, to CEL. Ail soil samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) and total petrole~urn hy&:ocarbons as diesel (TPH-d) by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8015 Modified; benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX ' compounds), methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), tert-butyl alcohol (TBA), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tea-butyl ether (ETBE);tert-amyl methyl ether(TAME), and ethanol by EPA Method 8260B. A summary of the soil analytical results is included in Table 4. Certified analytical reports and chain-of-custody documentation are included as Appendix C. · UST RINSEATE, UST DESTRUCTION, AND HYDROCARBON-IMPACTED SOIL On April 28, 2004, the UST rinseate was transported by Adams to DeMenno Kerdoon of Compton, California. The manifest is included in Appendix B. The USTs were removed from the site on April 28, 2004 and transported to Ecology Control Industries (ECI) m Fontana, California for destruction. The manifests are included in Appendix B. I I I I' I I Approximately 500 cubic yards of pea-gravel was excavated during uncovering 0fthe USTs, product dispensers, and associated piping in April 2004. The pea-gravel was temporarily stockpiled on-site and was hauled offto TPS Technologies, Inc. (TPS) in Adelanto California for disposal on May 10 and 11, 2004. The manifests are included in Appendix B. As previously noted, approximately 1 cubic yard. of hydrocarbon-impacted soil was generated during limited over- excavation activities. The.soil was. temporarily stockpiled on-site and later transported off~site to TPS Technologies, in Addlanto California for disposal. The manifests are included in Appendix B. ANALYTICAL RESULTS - UST CLOSUR~ ACTMTIES Former Gasoline Fuel UST Ar~a. TPH-d.waS .detegted in soil samples collected from beneath the former UST area at a maximum concentration of 150 milligrams per kilogram (rog/kg) [T:lBd23]. TPH-g was detected in three soil samPles, collected at a maximum Concentration of 40 mg/kg (T-k~d23). Howeyer, i?or the two highest TPH-g detections, the sample chromatographic pattern for TPH did not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified StanSard (please refer to.certified analytical results in Appendix C). Benzene, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, and ethanol were not detected in any of the UST soil skmp!es collected. ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I May 17, 2004 Page 5 Former Dispenser Areas. TPH-d and TPH-g were detected in soil samples collected from beneath former dispenser location D-3 at maximum concentrations of 3,400 mg/kg (D-3d7) and 160 mg/kg (D-3d3), respectively. However, for all TPH-g detections, the sample chromatbgraphic pattern roi TPH did not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard (please refer to certified analytical results in Appendix C). Be. nzene, MTBE, TBA, D~E, ETBE,. TAME, and ethanol Were not detected in any o£the former dispenser soil samples. ' ' Former Product Piping Areas. TPH-d was detected in two soil samples collected from beneath the former product piping locations at a maximum concentration of 130 mg/kg (P-3d6). TPH-g, benzene, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, and ethanol were not detected in any former product piping soil sample. ANALYTICAL RES.U-LTS - LIMITED OVER-EXCAVATION ACTMTIES On May 6, 2004, LC Services and DELTA performed limited over-excaVation activities to address hydrocarbon- impacted soil beneath the one former .dispenser and corresponding piping location. Former Dispenser Areas. One 6onfn-mation soil sample was collected from the floor of the dispenser excavation at approximately 10 feet bgs: TPH-d was detected in the confLrmation soil sample at a concentration of 370 mg/kg (D-3dl 0). However, for the TPH-d detection, the sample chromatographic pattern for TPH did not match the ' chromatographic pattern of the specified standard (please refer to certified analytical results in Appendix C). TPH-g, benzene, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, and ethanol were not detected in the cor[f'lrmation soil sample collected. Former Product Piping Areas. One confn-mation soil sample wa~ collected from the floor of the piping excavation at approximately 10 feet bgs. TPH-d was detected in the confu-mation soil sample a,t a Concentration of · 1200 mg/kg (P-3dl0); however, for the TPH-d detection, the sample chromatographic pattern for TPH did not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard (please refer to certified analytical results in Appendix C). TPH-g was detected in the confirmation soil sample at a concentration of 1.3 mg/kg (P-3dl 0). Benzene; MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, and ethanol were not detected in the confnTnation soil sample. \kSERVERIK}i]M_Dam\Clitmt s~_ShellLSheli SitesX2~2401 Oak~2004-05-I?_UST Closta-e\UST Close'_ c Rpt & OvrEx.doc I I I I I I I I I I May 17, 2004 Page 6 SUMMARY Th~ USTs and dispensers were properly removed and disposed of as documented in this report, DELTA performed · limited over-excavation activities beneath one former dispenser and CorresPonding product piping location and removed approximately 1 cubic yard of hydrocarbon-impacted soil. Based on the results of samPling and over- excavation activities, DELTA concludes the following: Concentrations of TPH-d and TPH-g were detected beneath the former UST pits. Detectable concentrations of TPH-g and TPH-d were initially encountered in soil beneath one former dispenser location and corresponding product piping location. Localized source area impacts beneath the former dispenser location D-3 and former product piping location P-3 were addressed by over-excavation activities. Due to restrictions presented by the footing of the existing canopy, over-excavation activities were limited to only 10 feet bgs. For some TPH-d concentrations detected on-site, the sample did not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. This indicates the possible existence of naturally occurring compounds in the soil column that elute out in the TPH-d range. Benzene, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, and ethanol were not detected in any soil sample collected during the UST closure or over-excavation activities. \\SE RVER~2bIM_Data\Clitmts\_Shellk_Shell Sites~2~2401 Oak~2004-05-17_UST Closure\UST Closure ROt & OvrEx.doc May !7, 2004 Page 7. The recommendations contained in this report represent DELTA's professional opinions based upon the .currently available information and are arrived at in accordance with currently acceptable professional standards. This report is based Upon a~ s~ecific scope of work reque, st~ed by the client. The Contract between DELTA and its client outlines the scope of work, and'only th6se tasks specifically authorized by that contract or outlined in this report were performed. This report is intended only for the use of DELTA's Client and anyone else specifically listed on this report. DELTA will not and cannot be liable for unauthorized reliance by any other third party. Other than as contained in this paragraph, DELTA makbs no express or implied warranty as to the contents of this report. If you have any questions about this report or the__information presented herein, please call either Mr. Brad Clark [DELTA Project Manager] ' at (626) 256-6662 or Mr. Tony Palagyi [SHELL Project Manager] at (425) 377-8530. Sincerely, Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. Hannah Gabriel Staff Geologist Project Geologist I S emor ~r~j eC~?Ek~gP.~nEe;rC55425 IAttachments: Table 1 - Well and BoringData - 'Table 2 - Historical Soft AnalYtical Data ' Table 3'- Historidal Groundwater .Gauging and Analytical Data Table 4 - Summary of S0il Analytical Data (UST Closure Activities) Figure 1 - Site Location Map F, igur~ 2-- Site MaP Figure 3 - Hydrocarbon Distribution in-Soil Map Appendix A - UST.Removal Permit Appendix B - Waste Manifests Appendix C - Certified'Analytical Reports and Chain-of-Custody Documentation cc: - Mr. Tony Pa!agy/- Shell Oil Products US Mr. John Whiting - RWQCB Central Valley Region \~SERVER~KlffM_Data\CIiCal s\_Sh¢ll~_Sla ell SitesX2X2401 Oak~2004~05-17_UST Closm-e\UST Closure Ppl & OvrE~.doc I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I i !' I I I T~LEs Table 1 Well and Boring Data FORMER TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 North Oak Street, Bakersfield; California MW~I GWM Well 1/27/2004 ,400 continuous 5 - - 20 - 380.0 4.0 I0.0 50.0 Air knifed to -7' bgs MW-2 GWM Well 1/27/2003 400, 50 5 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 - 20 - 380.1 4.0 10.0 50.0 Air knifed to -7' bgs MW-3 GWM Well 1/28/2003 4013 50 5 10, 15, 20 - 20 - 380.2 4.0 10.0 50.0 Air knifed to -7' bgs MW-4 GWM Well 1/28/2003 400' 50 5' 10, 15 - 20 - 380.3 4.0 10.0 50.0 Air knifed to -7' bgs MW-5 GWM Well 1/28/2003 ' 400 50 5 15 - 20 - 380.4 4.0 10.0 50.0 Air knifed to -7' bgs SB-I Exploratory Boring 2/5/2004 NA 30 5 10 through 30 23.5 NA SB-2 -Exploratory Boring 2/6/2004 NA 30 5 I0 through 30 23.5 NA , SB-3 ~- Exploratory Boring 2/7/2004 NA 30 5. 10 through 30 24.5 NA Notes: NA = not available - = not applicable GWM = Groundwater Monitoring Air knifed to -7' bgs Air knifed to -7' bgs Air knifed to -7' bgs \\Server\khm_data\Clients\_Shell\_Shell Sites~X2401 OakL2004-05-XX_UST Closure\Table I (2401)_Well and Boring Data Table 2 Historical Soil Analytical Data 2401 N. Oak Street, Bakersfield, California. ' MW-2 01/27/03 30 79* 500 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.50 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 35 97* 300 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.50 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 40 - 64* 270 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.5'0 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 45 100' 260 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.50 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 50 89* 380 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.50 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 MW-3 01/28/03 10 2.8* NA ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 0.21 ND<0.50 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 15 ND<0.50 NA ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 0.083 ND<0.50 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 20 ND<0.50 NA ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050~ 0.48 0.086 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 MW-4 01/28/03 10 ND<0.50 NA ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 0.43 0.088 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 15 ND<0.50 NA ND<0:0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 1.2 0.061 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 MW-S 01/28/03 15 ND<0.50 NA ND&0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 0.071 ND<0.50 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 SITE ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES SB-1 02/05/04 10 15 20 25 30 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050. ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<~).050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 SB-2 02/05/04 I0 15 20 25 . 30 ND<0.50 390 * ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 ND<0.50 140 * ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 ND<0.50 5.2 * ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 ND<0.50 5.5' ' ND<0.~050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 ITab~e 2 Historical Soil Analytical Data 2401 N. Oak Street, Bakersfield, Caiifornia SB-3 02/05/04 10 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 15 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 20 ND<0.50 5.2 ~ ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 25 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<O.O050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.25 30 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.0050 ND<0.050 ND<0.010 ND<0.010 ND<0.010. ND<0.25 iNotes: mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram ND - Not detected above laboratory reporting limits iNA - Not analyzed TPH-g - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline rPH-d - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel MTBE - Methyi'tert-butyl ether TBA - Tert-butyl alcohol DIPE - Di-isopropyl ether ETBE - Ethyl tea-butyl ether TAME - Tert-amyl methyl ether TRPH - Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons TPH- g and TPH- d quantified using DHS LUFT Method BTEX Compounds, MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, and TAME analyzed using EPA Method 8260B TRPH analyzed using EPA Method 418.1 *The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the specified standard. HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER GAUGING AND ANALYTICAL DATA SHELL SERVICE STATION I 2401 Oak Street, Bakersfield, California ~W-I Top of casi~g elevation {fl): 402.03 _ 3/18/2003 26.81 _ 0.00 375.22 ' 3/25/2003 28.19 0.00 373.84 ~<1000 ~<50 ~<0.50 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~2.0 6/18/2003 17.7~ 0.00 384.33 ~<50 ~<0.50 ~<1.0 ND<I.0 ~<1.0 ~D<I.0 ND<10 ~<2.0 ND<2.0 ~<2.0 9/3/2003 16.33 0.00 385.70 ~<50 ~<0.50 ~I.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ND<I0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ND<2.0 ~<100 10/21/2003 21.63 0.00 ~ 380.40 ~<50 ~0:50 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ND<I0 ~<2.0 ,~<2.0 ~<2.d ~13~004 17.6~ 0.00 384.43 -- ~50 ~0.50 ~<1.0 ~<I.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ND<I0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~ ~' Pre-purge sampl~ 1/13/2004 ~ ~<50 ND<0.50 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ~<2.~ ~<2.0 PostEpur~e sam~l~ MW-2 Top of easing elevation (f~404.49 3/18/2003 29.70 0.00 374.79 -3~25/2003 ~'].02~_ 0.00 373.47 ~<I000 660 ~<0.50 ~<1.~ ND<I.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ~0 ~<2.0 ~<10~ 6/18/2003 20.79 0.00 383.70 ' ~50 ~<0.50 ND<I.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ND<2.0 ~<2.0 9/3/2003 19.31 0.00 ~ 385.18 ND<50 ~<0.50 ND<I.0 ~<I.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ND<2.0 ~<10~ 10/21/2003 24.57 0.00 -- 379.92 ~<50 ~<0.50 ~<l.0 ~<1.0 ~1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ~<2,0 ~<2.0 1/13/2004 20.59 0.00 383.90 ~50 ~0.50 ~1.0 ~<1.0 ND<I.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ND<2.0 .... Pre-purge sample ~__ 1/13/2004 ~<50 ~<0.50 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ND<10 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ND<2.0 Post-purge sampl~ --~-3 To~ of easing elevation (ft)~ 403.43 .... 3/18/2003 28.94 0.00 374.49 '~/~2~03 30.27 ~ 0.00 373.16 ~<1000 72 ~<0.50 ~<1.0 ND<I.0 ~<1.0 57 ND<10 ~<2.0 ND<2.0 N~2.0 ND<10~ 6/18/2003 20.98 0.00 382.45 ~ ~<50 ~<0.50 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 17 ~<10 ~.0 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 9/3/2003 19.01 0.00 384.42 ~<50 ~<0.50 ND<I.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~<100 10/21/2003 23.89 0.00 379.54 ~'N~50 ~<0.50 ND<I.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ND<I0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 1/13/2004 20.37 0.00 383.06 ~<50 ~<0.50 ~<I.0 ND< 1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~10 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 Pre-purge sample MW-4 Top of ca*lng elevation (ft): 400.11 3/19/2003 25.42 0.00 374.69 3/25/2003 26.75 0.00 373.36 ~<1000 ~<50 N~0.50 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 7.3 ND<10 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~.0 ~<100 6/[8/2003 17.31 0.00 382.80 ~<5~ · ~.5~ ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ND<2.0 ~/3/2003 15.43 0.00 384.68 ~<50 ~<0.50 ~<1.0 ~1.0 ~<1.0 3.4 N~<10 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~D<I00 10/21/2003 20.34 -~.00 379.77 ~<50 ~0.50 ~<l.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ~.0 ~2.0 1/13/2004 16.77 0.00 383.34 ~<50 ~<0.50 ~1.0 ~<1.0 ~<I.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~Q.0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 Pre-purge staple MW-$ _ Top~casi~atioa (It): 399.91 ~ 3/19/2003 25.03 0.00 374.88 3/25/2003 26.38 0.00 373.53 ~<1000 ~<50 ~<0.50 ~<1.0 ~<I.0 ~<1.0 ~0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ND<2.0 ~<2.0 ND<100 6/18/2003 16.72 0.00 383.19 ND<50 ND<0.50 ~<1.0 ND<I.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ND<I0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~2.0 9/3/2003 15.28 0.00 384.63 ~<50 ~0.50 ~<1.0 ~1.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~<100 ~I/2003 19.89 ~ ~.00 380.02 N~50~ ~<0.50 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 ~<2.0 -'}/13/2004 16.30~_ 0.00 ~ 383.61 ~50 ~<0.50, ~<1.0 ND<I.0 ~<1.0 ~<1.0 ~<10 ~<2.0 ND<2.0 ~<2.0 Pre-purgesample Page I of 2 HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER GAUGING AND ANALYTICAL DATA SHELL SERVICE STATION [ -- -- 2401 Oak Street, B_akersfield, California Notes: t ___ [ OW - Groundwater~ _ SPH - Separate-phase hydrocarbons MSL- Mean ~-e~ level~--~_ ND- No~et~~ ~ -- -- I'PH-D - Tota_l petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel YPH-G -~T~ota_ 1 petroleum__hydrocarbons as gasoline using either EPA Method 8015M or the DHS LUFT Method MTBE - Methyl-tert bu[yl~ether rBA - Ten-butyl alcohol ~ DIPE - Di-isopropyl eth~er-l- _ ETBE ~ Ethyl-tert butyl_~ther TAME - Tert-amyl met_hy_l ether Survey data_p_~Hl~ Envirom~ental Management, Inc. __ Page 2 of 2 TABLE 4 Summary of Soil Analytical Data (UST Closure Activities) 2401 lq. Oak Street, Bakersfield, California :i:~i:i~i;i~:i:i:i:i:i:b~i:!:i:i:i:!:i:.~/.a!:i:i:i:!:!:~i~:~/!:i:i:i:i:i~i~?~?i:i:!:i:~i~i:i:i:i:i: i;~h~i~i:i:i:i:i:i:i~i~:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:~i~i:i:i?i:i:i: ~ii~i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~'l~:::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ======================================================================== = ============================= = =============== :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:=:=:::?:=: '·"~::'::=/="~::l'"'=':': .:...:~..:.:./~.-.::.:.::... ~..:...:,::-! :~).:..::.:...~. ~.~.::...:;:..(. ~)...:....-.::.(. ~!...:.:.....~..~.......:::.:.~: ~,~..............r. ~.~:.-..._::..~. ~:...-.-...-~. ~.......-....-{: .~.~!:..:....-..:!, .~.-.......:{:..~ ~).... T-1Adl9 4/28/2004 19 100 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND T-lAd23 4/28/2004 23 8.6 ND ND ND ND ND ND · ND ND ND ND ND T-1Bdl9 4/28/2004 19 120 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND T-IBd23 4/28/2004 23 150 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND T-2Ad19 4/28/2004 19 ND 4.2 * ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND T-2Ad23 4/28/2004 23 140 40* ND ND ND 0.057 ND ND ND ND ND ND T-2Bdl9 4/28/2004 19 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND T-2Bd23 4/28/2004 23 ND 0.56 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND T-3Ad 19 4/28/2004 19 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ' ND ND TZ3Ad23 4/28/2004 23 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ·ND T-3BdI9 '4/28/2004 19 ND · · ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND T-3Bd23 4/28/2004 23 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND T-4Adl9 4/28/2004 19 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND T-4Ad23 4/28/2004 23 ND ND ND ND ND ' ND ND ND ND ND ND ND T-4Bdl9 4/28/2004 19 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND T-4Bd23 4/28/2004 ' 23 ND ND ND - ND ND ND' ND ND ND ND ND ND 102 W. Huntlng~on Drive\Table 4 - Soil Analy UST Closure\Table 1 Page 1 of 2 TABLE 4 Summary of Soil Analytical Data (UST Closure Activities) 2401 N. Oak Street, Bakersfield, California D-Id3 4/28/2004 3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND D-ld7 4/28/2004 7 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND D-2d3 4/28/2004 3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND D-2d7 4/28/2004 7 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND D-3d3 4/28/2004 3 2400 160' ND ND ND 0.013 ND ND ND ND ND ND D-3d7 4/28/2004 7 D-3dl0 5/6/2004 3400 140' ND ND ND 0.0126 ND ND ND ND ND ND 10 370* ND ND ND ND ' ND ND ND ND ND ND ND P-Id4 4/28/2004 4 9.7. ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND P-2d4 4/28/2004 4 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND P-3d6 4/28/2004 6 130 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND P-3d 10 5/6/2004 10 '1200' 1.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Notes: mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram ND = Not detected; refer to laboratovj reports for detection limits TPH-g = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline TPH-d = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel MTBE = Methyl tert-butyl ether TBA = Teit-butyl alcohol DIPE = Di-isopropyl ether ETBE = Ethyl tert-butyl ether TAME = Tert-amyl methyl ether BTEX & Oxygenates analyzed using EPA Method 8260B TPH-g and TPH-d analyzed using EPA Method 8015 modified * = The sample chromatographic pattem for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the specified standard. 102 W. Huntington Drive\Table 4 - Soil Analy UST Closure\Table 1 Page 2 of 2 FmuP~s ~19~04'00" W li?~O?O0" W ] !9c02'00" W WG$84 139°01'~0'' W o i~T,,,..:~,...~:~ ~~7 ~ ~ ~ 11~04'00" W 11~0~'00" ?¢ , 1!9~'00'' W - WGSB4 11~01'00" W  DELTA S.ECC o~c ~.0~UCTS US S~ ENVIRONMENTAL FORMER TEMCO SERVICE STATION  CONSULTANTS INC. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA F~eURE ~ ~"~ S~TE LOCATION MAP 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA · CASHIER FORMER DIESEL UST DISPENSER ISLAND (TYP) TRA ~ MW-1 0 CANOPY LEGEND PRODUCT PIPING (TYP) N S ·MW-1 ~i~·GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION AND DESIGNATION SB-1 · SOILBORING LOCATION AND DESIGNATION P-1 ~ SOIL SAMPLING LOCATION AND DESIGNATION []EXTENT OF LIM!TED OVER-EXCAVATION ACTIViTIES ~----~ EXTENT OF FORMER UST EXCAVAIION PLANTER ~W-2 PLANfER FOR~ GASOLINE UST PIT D-1 SB-2; PLANTER -5 -4. 0 50 ' 60 · SCALE IN FEET Delta ENVIRONMENTAL · CONSULTANTS INC, SHELL OIL PRODUCTS.US FORMER TEXACO SERVICE STATION BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 'FIGURE 2 SITE MAP 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA CANOPY CASHIER ( ~,/26/20~)4 DISPENSER ISLAND PLANTER FORMER DIESEL UST PIT-- GASOLINE UST PIT ~ MW-1 PLANTER D-5 (~/28/2004) ond (5/6/2004) I DEPTH TPH-d TPH-g BENZENE MTBE 3 2400 160' ND ' ND 7 3400 140' ND ND 10 370* ND ND · ND P-3 (4/28/2004) and (5/§/2004). I DEP~ TPH-d TPH-g BENZENE MTBE 6 130 ' NO NO ND RMER PRODUCT PIPING (TYP) T-4A (~ LEGEND MW-~ ~ SB-1 · P-1 Q r-I ,TPH-g TPH-d MTBE mc/kg ND N W. _~ E S GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION AND DESIGNATION SOIL BORING LOCATION ANDDESIGNATION SOIL SAMPLING LOCATION AND DESIGNATION EXTENT OF LIMITED OVER-EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES EXTENT OF FORMER UST EXCAVATION TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS GASOLINE TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS DIESEL METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER MILLIGRAMS PER KILOGRAM NOT DETECTED THE SAMPLE CHROMATOGRAPHIC PATTERN FOR TPH DOES NOT MATCH THE PATTERN OF THE SPECIFIED STANDARD. QUANTITATION' OF THE UNKNOWN HYDROCARBON(S) WAS BASED UPON THE SPECIFIED STANDARD. 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET Delta .ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS INC. SHELL OIL PRODU(~TS. US FORMER TEXACO SERVICE STATION .. BAKERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA FIGURE 3 HYDROCARBON DISTRIBUTION !N SOIL MAP 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UST REMOVAL PERMIT RPMaY.ll 2004. 3'26PM LC SERVICES:~E PREVEHTTUH '----~ No. 0 5,2 · P~gl 1 of't ..... I l~.o NE- a~' 'P. 2 ]~L~erufleld ~ ;Dept. r~vironmenr~l se, moon · ,I715 Cbestc~ A~e ]~dr. e4*~leld, CA 9330! Tel,' (661)326-3cj79 T)'II~ APPLICA'I"IOI~ WIkL BECOME A P~RMIT WHeN APPROVED p.2 APPENDD~ B WASTE MANIFESTS I I I r) 05/11/2004 10:28 310523151B $1Ole Of ColiFornio--[nvironmenrot Proteclian Agency Form Ap~rDved OMb No. 205~0039 IExpires Please print or ~p~. For~ designed ~r us. on eli~. [12-p;tcA] ~pewriMr Jl UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 3. O~n~ra~r'~ Name and Mai~ing Address I 5. T/on,parlor 1 Company 7. Tran~porler 2 E~pany Nome ADAIVIS SERVICES INC See Instructions on back of page 6. 6, US EPA ID Number PAGE 02/02 ,~. D,,p~,,tm*,,~ o~ Toxic Su~?s¢oncee Control ..... ,~ $c~crr~menro, Call[or hie Is not requira~ by Cederal I~w. ~. ~l~Ie G~e~J~r'i I~ ' ' .' .' ' ' · ' '. ;' ""'"",':. ':~'.":'. I I I I,/,../.r/~l'l.'f'. ' ' I'.t. '::I" L'-':'"::' ~: ~,~,,,,.~,~,,,,.., ...~, :.. ...... .., :' . ~.":..".,':';'.'?...;; ~: ~,;~,~,~,','"~, ' ':.:~::;0 JS~...'bl':~¢:.":'.: ;,':~:.:.:..' ....~ .. ::.:... I . US DO Oascr'pl'on (inc,uaing Proper 5hipping Nam. Hazard Cla~l end ID Numb.ri No ' f '~'J Q~an i J W'l/Vol J I ~o~te Nv~'ir "' ' ": I 5. Special Handling Instructions and AdditiDnal Informalion "' ,., ~ ~.- ,.., 16. GI~NERATOR'$ CERTIFICATION~ I hereby d.cla~'~ ~km ~hc conmnl,s of thb con~ignmenl are fully ond accu~meJy de~crlbtd a~ve ~y proper *hipping nam. and are classJfied, packed. mark.d, and Iob~led. and are in all r.~.cls in pro,er cond/lion for Ironspo~t~y gighway according Io oppflc~ble imernali~nol and naliona/governmen~ I~ I am a I~ge Ruonlily generolor, t c~rti~ Ihat I hay. a program in place Io r.duce Ihe ~oJumo and Io~icily o~ wa,to g.ne~oled ~o I~e degree } have.d.iermined la be practicable and thai I have sol.clod Ihe ~rocl~cobl~ mchod of ,~01ment, s,oragn, or dbposal curr. nlly av0iJ~ble 10 ~. which minimiz.s th~ pras~nl and ~lure threel and Ihe environmenl; OR, il. I am o small quanli~ generator, I hove made u good ~o~lh effor~ lo ~inimize my waste g.ner¢i0n and eeJecr the bott wa,lo management malhod t~at available m me and that I con a~erd. I Acknowled o~ Mater;oJ~ ~'rlnh,d/Typ~d Nome ~:'[ ,: ,".' :' ...'": I.., :' ...; Sig~alur~ .¢. [~ , Monlh 2 A:icnowled 0f M0~erial~ Printed/Typed Name Mon~k Day . Year . j Si~nalure 19. Oisct. poncy Ir~dica;ion Space DTSC 8022A Jl/99) EPA 8700--22 C.l;ti[ication of recei, D~ o~ hozarclou~ materlof~ ~:overed b WRITE BELOW THIS ,LINE. ~him 19. I 2004.,11'41AMo.c, ECl FONTANA No,6407 P. 2 use on cl;~ 112-pJtch) ~p=wri~r. ~acramen~o, California 1, Generator'* US EPA ID No. Mon;leJt Document No. 2. I ~ ~. ' :L :~,' ,, '(R.'~.. ~ .;::~.? ::~',::~:'. J. , . ~~ ~. 99067-25.0~ . ~.'~i~:~,~i~'r~.'iD',~'~:':.;,.~;~'~.;;;.Z;,.'...".'.:.".:'...:-' ~5. Tmnap0~r 1 C~pany Nome 6. US ~PA D Number '~:lSl~i~:T~:~b'~ O':~']~'u. ~'~' ::~ ..... . .~...,.,~?:j, ::,~l,:;~::~,~s~ ....... - ........ ~,..,.',~ ~ .~L.,~ ~,,,.~, ,<:,~ ... '. ,, ~.~ :,.~:~:~:~, ,,~',~ 7 Tra~perl.r 2 Comport Name 8 US EPA D Number 'E'.':~','~,~,~)'"~)~' ~ . . . ,:.~-,.:,,~;.~.:~,[:,,;r~,.;,~.,.,,~L~;~,;,~,,..?,z~,.~.~,~.~::,:~ .~,,~,'...: ...::.:.,., L,,',..r~:',:' ;,~,..~.:,~';',.f~uF:,,~.~:~ /,, us DOT D ' - ~ .... ;:""~'~-"~ou~':~ :.~ ~-:.: .' ' :.- .,:.... ..... : .... . ,,%,.: ..... ~.. / "s~/~~s ~o~;~ .... ' _ " ~,,~:,;,~,:~~ .J ' ,' "~ '.~ I i ~'r'"'7'"'""'V¢;:~"~',';;:::~'/~""F~'i~?~:'~ ) 5. Sp~ial Handling I~muclion~ and Ad~lllon~l I.~tm.li~ ' ' ~ ~Z~,~: ~ . .'.'~Z ~ .... ~.e~ ...,'~::.I: ~~ ' ' .' "".' ""- ' 16, GENE~tOA'I CIITffICA~ONJ I ~er'.~ dKlare ~at ~he ,onlem oF IhlJ COn~ignm.nl'me fully and accutalely dQscri~d ab~s by proper ihlpplng name and ar" classified 'poc~ed, ma~, a~d IobeJ~, and are b oll mpech in proper ca,dillon ~r Iranlpo~ by hlgk~y according la appJicable in~rnalianal and nmienal g~ver,men/~uJ~JJons. ' J, lf.~Trans~rler I Ackn~Je~geme~ oF KeceJFt. oJ Malmials / '119,OiKre~ncy Indication Space " ' . ' , · . - i I 34352 DO NOT.WRITE. BELOW THIS. LINE.. DTSC 8022A (1/99) EPA 8700--22 To; TSDP SRND$ THIS COPY TO DTSC WITHIN 30 DAYS, P.O. Box 3000, Sacra~menio. CA 95812 FONTANA See Instructions on back of page 6, I 1,. General=/s US FPA ID No. Montest Dc~cumcnl No. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE ~NIFEST 3. ~neto~r'~ N~me end Mo~Jlng ~,..:... ., - - S~L-b-OIL,, 6407 P, 3 Oepo/'~ie0~' of Toxic SuJ~s~ances Cohi'roJ Socram eniD, California 6. US EPA ID Number 8.' US EPA'ID NumSer" 10. US EPA ID Number 12. Conh~;ner: nat required by ~ede~al ) 3, Total 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATIOIq: I h~,.I7 declar~ Ihal I~e conlenlj o~ IhJJ conJ;gnm.nt ara fully and acwrateJy deJcdbed above ~y p~pel ~;pp;ng nam. and are classi[~.d pack.d, mar~, a,~ labeled and are in all ~e*p~¢Ji.~n pt.pm condition f~r Iran~porJ~y ~lghwa.y according ~ appJicabl~ imerna~ionaJ mhd ,eri~a/go~ernmem re9~lo~ om IJ I am . ~rge quanli~ ge,er.ler, I ~ thor I have 0 program in placn'~ reduce-~* ~blgme and ~xici~ .f was~ gate,amd m the degr~ I hav~';deiermJned ~ b~ eCO,amically practicable and Ihat I ha~ .alacled f~ praclicabl, mmh~d aF tre~lm~n , ' ' ' ' available ~ me which mmtm,z~s th~ p~s~nl and ~uture ,brain ~e human heellh available ~ m. and Ihal I can a~rd'. Year AC[hOwled Prinled/lyped Name Manlh Day Yea,' ) 9, Discrepancy Indication Space '3'4351 OtSC 8022A (1/991 EPA 8700--22 ~"~ ~~ ~ SJgho~~~/~ Mofl~ Day Year Wh;~: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO DTSC WITHIN 30 DAYS. To: ~P:~,-B~ 3000, Sacramento, CA 95811 I I I I I See Inslcuctlons on back of pacje 6. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 1, Generator', US E~A ID No. 3~LL OIL. BRODL~T3 US . -.[2.~:0 O v NOD~'~OROL~G~ -',.DR., 6. US ~PA ID Number B, US EPA ID Number Ma,lfe,t Document N=. No. 6407 P, 4 O~:parim=m at I'OX[¢ S~J~ltanCe~ Conlro~ Sacramento, 2. Page 1 In~rmatian i~ fha shaded or,as ~ nat required by Federal Iow. 1 l, US DOT De*.crlpllon linclvdln$ Proper Shipping Nam~,, Hazard Cia*e, and ID Num6ed 12. C0n~ine,t 13. Tmal .~eo~. ~'. o~. ~ and la~i~d, and ar~.i~ afl respe~ in proper ~ondifion ~ lranl~rlby ~ighwaZ according '~ a~plicab~ imrn~fional and nationa/governmenl regulations. and t~a~ [have sa~eclnd Iha prac6cable melhod o[ I~eo~enl, I~roga, or dispoSal'currently ~vailabM ~ me w~;ch min;mizel ~e pre*enl and lulv~ Ihraal la human lo mo and INet t can e~rd, o~ Materiale 5ignalu~e '" Month Pay Year Prln,led/q'?p.d Name I '1 ......... 5495] ..... DT$C 8022A I1 EPA 8700--22 a~ m~eipt of ~a;-,rcJeus maierials cov~ed by Ih;s manl~e~t'except ~)~gled in Item 19. ......................... I $ig~y '~F ~, . Monlh Day Year Whil. c: TSDF SENDS 'THIS COPY ,TO DTSC WITHIN 30 DAYS. To; P,O, Box ~000, Sacramento, C_~ 95812 I A , I I I I I Il Z i I I s*.,.,May, ii. 2004.,,11:43AM.-~ ECl FONTANA ~:orm Approvec~ UMI~ Ho. ZU~I~UL)J¥ [bxp~res ~-30-991 Pleoie print or ~p~. Fo~ dcs;g~cg ~r u~ on ~1~ ~ ~2.pi~) UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 3. G~n~ra~r's Nam~ and ~aiiing Address -' ~L O[~ . ~~....~US .... 5. Tranlporle! I Company Nome .... I~O~OOY No. 6407 P, 5 See Instructions on back of page 6. D.partmen~' o~ Toxic 5ub~tonc~s Control Sac~omenlo, Call~ornio ManJ~a~} Documenl No. 2. Page 1I In~rmuli0n in ~ ~h~ded area~ lo~ I 6. U5 EPA ID Number ..it:L/'" "",."'. 7. fr~n~pormr 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID N~mb~r 12. C~,taine,~ 13. Ta~al Quantity .b. TC." GENE~d~TOK S CER11FICATION: I hereby d~clore thal'l~e canlen,, of'i'hli consignment om fully and accurately d~scrib~d above by p~p'r shipping .o~ end a re c a),ified, pocked : mmked~ and labeled, and are in all re,pacts Jn p~ap~r condition ~r ~rqns~y highway ac~MMg Ia applicable ~nlErnational and nati~a~ gavernm~n~ I~ I a~ o ~a~e ~nli~ generator, I ce~i~ I~a) I flare a program in pJoca lo r~duce ~he volume and Iox~ci~ a~ wasla ganaraled Jo the d~grtc I ~e d~mrmined. ~ be ec~nomica y pracl~ca~J~ and that I h~ sdoc)~d ~he procs;cab~ melhod o~ Ireatment, storage, ur di~potoI currvplJy avoi{o~le ~ me whic~ minimizes th, presenl and ~ulurt ~real ~ human haah~ available m m~ and thai I can a~ord, - ... , . '~'igna~re. Monlh ~uy Year Printed/Typed'Name Signa, ure Month boy Yom' 19. Di,~crepancylndlcalion Space ~ra~or C~rlillcatlan al re~ei ~! of hazardous materials coverzd by Ihb mani~, except a~ noted /Typed Nam. 34351 DT$¢ 8022A (1/99) EPA 8700-22 DO ,NOT WRITE. BEllOW THIS LINE.' White: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO DTSC WITHIN 30 DAYS.' Tat P.O. 50~ 3000, Sacramento, CA .95812 .... MaY. II. 2004~II'44AML~o,,ECI FONTANA PJeale prmr or ~/p=. rare ae~ignaa rat use ~n ellh~ (l~:-y~rcnl ~ypewnmr, See Instructions on back o~ page 6. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST · 1. Generator% US EPA ID No. Document No, ~. ~anmrator'~. Na~nm a,~d Mcdl~.g Addr~,. ' ~LL OIL .PRODUCTS 12 ~.0 0 'LI~OR~-I]5OROUGH.. DR..., . ~OUS.TON, . ~'X.=:,~.9 0 6.9- 5. T,anspor,~r 1 Com~}. Name · .~%COL0~¥ CON~.Qb IHDUSTRZ~.S 7. Tran~p0ner 2 Compo0y Nam~ 6. US EPA ID Number 8, US EPA ID Number Sacramcnlo, Cal;~orn~o 9, Page i In~ormatlor~ in the ~hadec{ areas i~ no~ required by Federal iow. . 10: US EPA ID Number 11, US DOT D.scr;pHon (in~ludlng Proper Shipping Nome, Hazard Cia,s, and ID Number) '"~Y ~OUt¢~ S~O~!u~ ~.~- d. 12. ComaJnetl ' ~KRVITK ~TATION 120~77 HAK~SFI~LD , ! 6. OEICERATO~.;$. ~:EIITIFICATION: I h..r*by d.c~are thol ~he conical, el Ihb Con,ignm~n'l ~re tully .n~ actually described above by proper shipping name and are dos,iliad, pack~d, marked and I~belnd~ an~ are In all re*p~cis in prap.r condiliao ~r I~ans~rl~y highw~ according Io applicable In e~m eno end ne ong~ go~rnmenl ragu al ans. ILFam.a latge, q~en~iygenero)er ~ cerfl~ Ihat J have a program ~n place to reduce ~n volume and ~ic)~ of wae~ genera ed o the dege~ have d~rm ned ~ b~ econamJca y p~cbcabJe q~d'lhat Jh~ s.lect~. Ih. practicable method ~f tma~eBl,,eloroge ar dbpasal currenlly available I~ me w~ic~ minimlzas I~. presen~ and ~lure Ihre~l to human healt~ end the envlron.me~; OR. If I am o ~mofl qua'.li~ g~ra~r, I hay. mode o g~ la th ef~ ~'e my ~ genera on ~nd ~.l~ct ~. ~o,I wa~ managem~n method I~a s ~ o~ Materiels '~rinmd/Typed'Name ..... Day Year ,t, o~ Materiah I ~'. Discrepancy Ind;ccdlon S. pa¢e ,I of ha"~'&¥dou~ maleriols c~vecad by thi~ moni[ell except at no.ed in Ilea 19. 3435.1 D/SC 8022A ll/99) EPA 8700--2.2 O0 NOT' WRITE BELOV~'THIS LINE, Whit,.: TSOP SENDS THIS ,COPY TO DTSC WITHIN 30 DAYS, 'To: P,O. Box 3000, Sacramento, CA 95812 ATTENTION SHIPPERS! FREIGHT CHARGES ARE PREPAID ON THIS BILL OF LADING UNLESS MARKED COLLECT. STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING ORIGINAL -- NOT NEGOTIABLE Shipper No. Cagier No. · =age ,,1' of l (Name of carnet) ~ rD: :~ ~nsig nee ECOLOGY CONTROL INDUSTI~IES ($CAC) COUNTY LANDFILL ~ FROM: 31 REFUSE RD c~ RF_.DLANDS s,~e CA z~pCo~e 92373 Shipper S~rem ECjZ'~_ __c~".y c'_-O _kI_TR_O L 13738 SLOVER AVE City FONTANA s~te CA z~pc~ 92337 hr. Emergency Contac¢ Tel. Nc,. ~oule No. of Units & Con~n~r Type TOTAL QUANTITY IWeight V~u~, Gallons, e(c.) PLACARDS TENDERED: YES I-'l NO I'-1 CHARGES ~o, (J~ o~,~.I C.O.D. TO: AD{3RESS C.O.D. FEE: PREPAJD [3 OOtLEGT D TOTAL CHARGES $ FRE[GH'T CHARGES · ;HIPPER ECOLOGY CONTROL iNDUSTRiES 'ER MARY IVES CARRIER/,,,) ECOLOGY CONTROL INDUSTRIEs imm AI-I'ENTION SHIPPERS! · ~age I of I FREIGHT CHARGES ARE PREPAID ON THIS BILL OF L~DING UNLESS MARKED COLLECT. STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING O~RIGINAL -- NOT NEGOTIABLE ~o 31 REFUSE RD c.y REDLANDS s{~. CA Zip co~. 92373 Ro~rte NO. BI U ~'ls & ~c~ I ai,'l er · FROM: Shippe~ FE. COLOCY CONTROL 13738 c~ FONTANA s~e ~A zip co,~ ~q'P3R7 24 hr. Emergency Con/act Tel. No. '~Aa,'Ll3ca$1~o'n~s) SHELL 24131 N. ~ ~e~, ~ Id~nl~i~i~ N~be~ (~ ¢ NAL P~ G~p. pm f ~. 10 (, 172J~, I~.2~ C LEAN UNDE EOUNn ~ToRAGE T~K F~R nlR P~AI 'PLACARDS TENDERED: YESE] NOr-1 TOTAL QUAI~TITY t%v cig hi, Volm-n e, Ga~ca~. eb~.l ..... (909)~55~5-~_0! - EC! D!_~patch C.O.G. TO: ADDRESS, C.O.D. FEE: COD ..~.A.O O Ami; $ COLLECT ~) ~mo ~e ~nee ~m ~e GA i~ ~, me TOT~ CHARGES (For Ca~i~. U:m Oml¥) FREIGHT CHARGES LJ · ;HaPPER ECOLOGY CONTROL iNDUSTRIES MARY IVES Pen-nam[ p~A-ol~ce a~ldre~ BI mm m m m CARRI~:R ~EC-~L .C~Y CONTR.O.L INDUSTRIES II / II III I /' ~ m il II ATTENTION SHIPPERS! FREIGHT CHARGES ARE PREPAI0 ON THIS BiLL OF L,~D{NG UNLESS MARKED COLLECT. STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING ORIGINAL -- NOT NEGOTIABLE Shipper No. Carrier No, · Page I of 1.__ ~ (Name 0I cafde~ ~ to: ::~ Consignee ECOLOGY CONTROL INDUSTRIES $^N ~Ei~ARD~NO COUNTY ~/LL ~ ISCAC) FROM: 31 REFUSE RD c~,7 REDLANDS s,.,~ CA z~pc~. 92373 No. ol Un~s & ~mai~ Type 1 ~'"~tk Loe~njr~) ~ELL 240J N. Oak. i~ad. CA Shipper Sl~Eel ECOLOGY CONTROL I. NDUSTRI. ES 13738 SLOVER AVE c.y FONTANA s~,. CA z~ c~. 92337 24 hr. Emerg~r'c'y C~ntacl Tel. No. BASIC DESCRIPTION I~a3p~t Sh[pJ)~g I~Jarae. H~a~l Class;. I~n~ Nm~r (UN or HAl. P~p, p~ 17Z.1~. 172~2, 1 ~.2~ . C~ UNDEROUND STOOGE T~K FOR D[8~SAL TANK ~1 PLACARDS TENDERED: YESFI NO I-'1 REMIT C.O.D. TO: ADDRESS cen.~gnmi~ :~J lul[y a~d ~-u.a-a~dy ~ I~Opef C~d~on ~ ~l~l"l Z~:~ng · ~HIPPER ECOLOGY CONTROL INDUSTRIES 'ER MARY IVES I I I I I I I TOTAL QUANTITY Cd/~ ~h t'. Vol.-ne. J Vehicle Number WEIGHT I ~,o I RATE T ('l('~'t II,-~ I CHARGES (F'c~ Carr~ ~e m COD Am,: ~ COO. FEE: PREPAID ~ COLLECT [] TOTAL CHAP, GES FREIGHI' CHARGES ' I / I / / I / I I I I ! ATTENTION SHIPPERS! · 3age _:1 of 1 FREIGHT CHARGES ARE PREPAID ON THIS BILL OF LADING UNLESS MARKED COLLECT. STRAIGHT BILL O'F LADING ORIGINAL -- NOT NEGOTIABLE EOOLO~Y ~:ONTROL INOU&TRII:::& (.Name of ca, fief) (SCAC) FO: S,.e~, __ 31REFUSE RD ci,y REDLANDS s~¢~ CA zipCo~ 92373 FROM: Shipper Route No. ol Un[Is ' & Container Type S~ree~ L~ath3nJs) SHELL 2401 N. Oak, Baker~f~d, CA ECl -JO_~.. 515~ TANK ~! 1,4~ Carrier Nc}i //~ ~ )_~ i~ ~' I:t'Ntll flt'~V I'"'t'~l~lTl:3f~l mhll~,l I~,'I'DII~'i~ 13738 SLOVER AV~ c~ FONTANA state CA zip co.~ 92337 24 hr. Emergency C0nlact Tel. No. BASIC DESCRIPTION P~q3e~ S~ippir~) Narae. Ha.c~ (~1 FAN UNDI~ROLIND &TORA~I:: TANK FOR r3!$pO$_A~ PLACARDS TENDERED: YES r-I NO RF. NtIT C.O.D. ADORE~ TOTAL QUANI'~Y ONe~hL Number w~,~.~ I I (s,~u ~o j ~AT£ j CHARGES {For Ca,~e~ Use Onmy) CO D *m,: s C.O.D. EEE: PREPAID COLLECT TOTAL CHARGES $ FREIGHT CHARGES ~ m ;s c.~e,~.ed . ' ;HIPPER ECOLOGY CONTROL INDUSTRIES ,ER MARY IVES Pezrnanenl posl~ttice address of CARRIE% ECOL~Y CONTROL INDUSTRIES I I I I I I I I I 2004 lI:45AM ECl FONTANA No,6407 P. CERTIFICATE CERTIFIED SERVICES COMPANY CUSTOMER: SHELL OIL PRODUCTS ECI JOB# 51569 FOR: Ecology Control. Industries TANK NUMBER: # 1.1,435 I.,OCATION': Fontana, CA. DATE: 04/29/04 TiME 12:00 NOON'TEST METHOD: Visual, RKI ..-. Eagle LAST PROD'UCT: GASOLINE Tiffs is to certify that I have perso:nally detet~in.ed that fhis is .i~ accordance w.il/h the American Petroleum Institute and have found the condition to be ill accordance with/.ts assign.ed desig~atio'n. This certificate is based on condition, s e:xi. sfitag at ';.he time tl.~e inspection herein set forth was completed and is issued subject to complimace with all qualifications and ins'a-u.ctions. TANK SIZE: 12 K FIBERGLASS U.S.T. CONDITI'ON: SAFE FOR FIRE REMARKS: Oxygen of 20.9¥0, Lower Explosive Li.mJ.t Less than 0.1%. Ecology Contol Industries hereby certifies that the above ~.u.mbered tank has been c'ut ope:n, processed anti therefore destroyed at out permitted hazardous facility. Ecology Contol Industries Inc. has the appropriate permits for and has accepted the rank shipped to us for progessing. In tl~e event of any physical or atmospheric changes affecting the gas-flee conditions of the above tanks, or it .iu any doub't, immediately stop all hot work a'~d col~tact O.le undersigtled. This pem~it is valid 'for 24 horn's .it' n.o .physical or atnaospht, r.ic charlges occur. STANDARD SAFETY DESIGNATION SAFE FOR. MEN': Memos that h:~ the compartment or space so designated (a) The oxygen, cOn.tent of the atmosphere is at least 19.5 percent by volume: and that (b) Toxic materials in the atmosphere are within permissible concentrations; and (.c) in the judgment of the Inspector's certificate. SAFE 'FOR FIRE: Means that in the compartment so designated (a) The concentration of flammable materials in fhe atmosphere is below l0 percen.t o1' the lower explosive limit; and that (b) in the judgment of the Inspector, the .residues are not cap~ble of prod{'~cing a tfigher con.centration 'that peru:fitted m.~der existing atmospheric conditions in the presence of fi're and while maintained as directed o~ the Inspector's certificate, al]d further, (c) Ail adjacent spaces have either been cleaned sufficiently to prevent the spread, of fke, are sa.t:isPactorily in.erred, or i'r~ t'he case of fuel tanks, have been. treated as deemed necessary by the blsp' e"ctof The undersigned represe~0.tative acknowledges receipt of this certificate and understands the conditions and. limitai.ons under which, i{ was' i.ssued. R.:E PKESENTATIVE SUPERVIS OR BILL WiETT'13R INSPECTOR May.il. 2004 lI:46AM ECl FONTANA No,6407 P. CERTIFICATE CERTIFIED SERVICES COMPANY ' '~' ' ' ' ..IAi K CUSI OMLR. SHELL OIL PRODUCTS ECl JOB# 51569 FO'R: Ecol.ogy Control Industries "' N ' 'NUMBER: # 117436 LOCATION: Fontana, CA DATE: 04/29/04 TIME 1:00 P.M. TEST METHOD: Visual, RK[ ..... ;Eagle LAST PRODUCT: GASOLINE This is' to certify that I have personally determined '(hat tiffs is in. accordance with the Amer/can Petroleum Institute m~d have found the condition to be in accordance with./ts assigned designation. This certificate is based on. conditions ex.'isting at the time the inspect:ioJ:l herein set forth was Completed and is/sst'ted subject to compliance with all qualifications and irtstr'uctions. TANK SIZE: 12 l{ FIBERGLASS U.S.T, CON'DITION: SAFE FOR FIRE REMARKS: Oxygen of 20,9%, Lower Explosive Limit Less than 0.1%. Ecology Contol Industr.ies hereby certifies t'hat the above llumbered tank has been. cut open, processed a~d therefore des'troyed at out permitted hazardous facility. Ecology Contol Ind'u¢:ries Inc. has the appropriate permits for a'nd has accepted the tank shipped to u.s l!or processing. .In the event of any physical or atmospheric changes aff. ecting the gas-free conditions of the above tanks, or it in any doubt, immediately stop all hot work and. contact the undersigned. This permit is va'[id t~r 24 .hours .ii: no physical or atmospheric changes occur, STANDARD SAFETY DESIGNATION SAFE FOR MEN: Means that in the com,tlartment or space so designated (a) The oxygen con:tent of the atmosphere is at least 19.5 percent by ¥olume; and that (b) Toxic materials in the atmosphere are within penmissible concentrations; and (c') In the judgment of the Inspector's certificate. SAFE FOR FIRE: Means that in the conapartment so designated (a') The concemration of flammable in ateh al s in th e atmosphere i.s below 10 percent of th e lower explosive limit; and that ('b) in tl.~e judgment of the ][o.spector, the res/dues are not capable of producing a higher concentrati.o.n I~hat permitted uuder existing atmospheric conditions in the presence of fire mad while 'maintai. ned as directed on the Inspectm"s certificate, m~d fhrther, (c) Ail adjacent spaces 'have either been cleaned sufficiently to prevent the spread of fire, are satisfactorily in. erred, or i.l~ the case of :fuel tanks, have been treated as deemed necessary by '[he l:nspecto.r. The un.dersJ, gn.ed representative ac.knowl.edges receipt of this certificate and understands the conditions and lim/,t,~tions under whi.ch, it was issued. MARY .I'/VE~ T1TLE REPRESENTATIVE SUPERVISOR BILL WETTER INSPECTOR May.1 2004 ]:46AM ECl FONTANA No.6407 P. 13 CERTIFICATE CERTIFIED SERVICES COMPANY CUSTOMER: SHELL OIL PRODUCTS ECl JOB# 51569 FOR: Ecology Control Industries TANK NUMBER: # 11~437 I..OCATION: Fortran.a, CA, DATE: 04/29/04 TIME 2:00 P.M. TEST METH'OD: Visual, KKI' ,..... Eagle LAST PROD'UCT: GASOLINE This is to certify that 1 have personally determined that tills i.s ir}. accordar~ce with the American Petroleum Institute m~d have fora)cl, the condition to 'be in. accordm~ce with. its assiglaed designation.. This certificate is based on co.r)ditions e×isti.ng at the time t'he in.speefion het'ein set 'forth. was completed and is issued subject to comp[ial~ce with all qualifications and in.structions. TANK SIZE: 12 K FIBERGLASS U.S.I, CONDITION: SAFE FOR FIRE Rfe]M.AR'KS: Oxygen of 20.9%, Lower Explosive Limit Less than 0. I%. Ecology Conto} Industa'ies hereby certifies [hat the above numbered tm:~k has been cut open, processed and therefore d. estmyed at out permitted h,~.ardous facility. Ecology Contol 'Ind'tastries Inc. has the appropriate permits for and has accepted the tank: shipped to us .£o.r processi.ag. In 'the event of any physical or afmq.ospheric changes affecting the gas-fi'ce conditions of the above tanks, or it in any doubt, immediately' stop alt hot work and contact '/he undersigned. This permit .i.s valid for 24 hours if no physical or atmospheric changes occur. Si'ANDAR.D SAFETY DESIGNATION SAFE FOR MEN: Means that in the compartment or space so desigrtated (a) The oxygen conte~.t of the atmosphere is at least 19.5 percent by 'volume; ~nd that (b) Toxic materials in the atmosphere m-e w/thin permissible co~acentrations; and (c) In. the judgment of the Inspector's certificate. SAFE FOR FIRE: Means that in the compartment so designated (a) The concentration of flammable materials iix the atmosphere i.s below 1.0 percent of' the lower explosive 'hmit; and that (b) m ~he judgment of' the Io.spector, the re,idues are not capable of producing a kigher con. centratiort 'that permitted under ex/.sti.~g atmospheric conditions in the presence of fire and while maintained as directed on the Inspec~or'~ certificate, a~d ~[brther, (c) All adjacen! spaces have eifher 'been cleaned sufficiently to prevent the spread of fire, are satis.factori.ly inerted, or i~ the case of fuel tanks, have been treated as deemed necessary by the h~s'pector. The tmdersigned representative acknowledges receipt ofthi, s certificate and understands the concl.itions a~ad. li.mitafior~s under which it was issued. MAR.'. .IV.E~ Ti'TLE .BILL WETTER KEPR.ESENTATIVE SUPER'VISOR 'INSPECIOR May.il. 2004 li:46AM ECl FONTANA No,6407 P. 14 CERTIFICATE CERTIFIED SERVICES CO1VIPANY CUSTOMER:. SHELL OIL PRODUCTS ECl'. JOB# 51569 FOR: Ecology Control. Industries TANK NUMBER: # 11,438 LOCAI'ION: Fo~0tar~.a, CA DATE: 04/29/04 TIME 3:00 P.M. TEST METHOD: 'V:is'ual, RKJ, - Eagle LAST PRODUCT:. DIESEL This is to certify that I have personally detemqined that this i.s ~r~. accordance with the American. Petrol. cum Instil:ute and have found fhe condition to be in accordance 'with. its assigned designation. TbJ. s eerti, ficate .is based o.n co~.ditiol.~s existing at the time the inspection herein set forth, was completed and is issued subject to compliance with all qualifications and :[nstruct{o:ns. TANK SIZE: 12 K FIBERGLASS U'.S.I, CONDITION: SAFE FOR. FIRE REMARKS: Oxygen of' 20,9%, Lower Explosive Limit Less than 0.1%. Ecology Contol lindustries hereby certifies that the above num'bered tank has 'been cut open, processed and therefore d.esu'oyed at out permitted hazardous facility. Ecology Contol Industries Inc. has the appropriate permits for and has accepted the tank: shipped to 'us for processing, In tile event o.f~y pb. ysical or atmospheric changes affecting 'the gas-fi:ce conditions of the above tanks, or .il' in any doubt, immediately stop 'all hot work and contact the 'undersig~ed. This permit is valid tbr 24 hours if .o.o physical or atmospheric changes occur. STANDARD SAFETY DESIGNATION SAFE FOR MEN: Means tl~at in the compartment or space so designated (a) The oxygen content of the atmosphere is at least 19.5 percent by volume; and that (b) Toxic .materials i.n the at~Ilosphere are witbJ.n permissible concentrations; and (c) In the judgmer~t of the Inspector's certificate. SAFE FOR FIRE: Means 'that in the compartment so designated (a) The c0n.ceutration o.f flammable materials in the atmosphere .is below 10 percent of the lower explosive limit; and that (b) in thejudgment of the Inspector, the residues are .not capable of producing a higher concentration that permitted under existJ.ng atmospheric conditions in the presence of fire and while maintained as directed on the l.nSpector's certificate, and further, (c) All adjacenl spaces have either been cleaned sufficiently to prevent the spread of fire, are satisfactorily inerted, or in the case of fuel tanks, have 'been treated as deemed, necessary by the Inspector. The undersigned representative acknowledges receipt of this certificate and 'understands the conditions and limitations under which it was issued. MARY' ' TITLE BILL WETTER .I?dSPRESENTATIVE SUP.ERV[SOR, INSPECTOR I I Il I[ U H H II I MAY, 12,2004 9:29AM TO:BELSH]RE ENV TPS TECHNOLOGIES NO. gO~ P, 1 Soil Master (c) Job lqumbe~ Name Customer Job Report Cnoss & Tare W~a~,ht Cod~s; M=Manuat; S=Scale; T--Trk ~ Site. Address $iteCity TPS Technologies, Inc. Stat~ A07 -- 22651 TBXACO ~4610-5800-1405 Lo~ # Da~ & ~ Out T'r'~m'I~ 4 0~/10/0410:48 7000193 3 0~/I0/0410353 70001 I 05/10/04 10:~ 7~0199 ~ 05/I0/04t1:13 70001~ 8 0~/10/0411320 7000193 7 0~/10/0411:~ 7000193 6 05/10/0411:31 10 0~/10/0411:42 ?0001~3 9 0~/10/0412;01 '14 0S/lO/0415:41 13 0~/10/0415:41 ?000193 I~ 05/10/04 16;24 7000193 I6 05/10/0416:~i iH 05/10/0416;50 24 0~/10/0417:1~ ,2~ 05/10/0417:f4 7000193 23 05/10/0417:~ 27 0~/I0/041~:00 70001~3 ~0 01/~0/04 1~:20 2~ 05/18/04 IB:iT 3000193 )3 0Mll/0409:30 70001~ 34 05/I~/0~ 0~:34 70001~ 35 ', O~/ll/O4 09:39 3~ 0~/1~/04 10:04 ~6 OS/ll}4 18:26 39 0Mll/04 11:06 40 05/11/04 11:07 7000193 RiPRF34350 SAP#12OgT7 llqCNDT~707S,BAF~F,$~ 1--01 420-~ 420 T3- 50A 127 --O~ 65 ~ 395 60 - 319 68--3~1 49--313 730 .,730 63 -345 66 --345 1 - O1 02 - 02 420--420 T3--5oA 127 --02 65 - 396' 364 -- 354 60-319 68--$21 49 -- 313 ~30--730 227-227 63 --345 995 -- 995 1298--1295 126 --126 125 - 125 128-:125 66 --361 60--319 69 ..360 49--313 65 -- 345 63--345 730--730 227 - 227 Gro$~ Taxe ~) ~) 77,160M 32,620M $0,700M 30,540M 80,420M 29,340M: g0,240M 32,720M 77,36031 32,920M 69,780M 34,080M 74,920M 3~,780M 77,3goM 33,600M 79,540M 29,320M 73,560M 32,720M 6B,340M 32,120M 80,320M 32,650M 85,940M 33,120M 79,$o0M 3o,o40M g0,600M 29,020M. 80,620M 32,250M 83,390M 32,25oM 84,000M 29,260M */4, IOOM 34,720M ?9, I00M 33,320M 73,4802Vl 33,180M 78,2:~0M . 29,980M 78,700M 32,1201',Z[ 67~520M 33,100M 78,750M 26,420M 84,540M 31,520M 80,00OM 27,500M 79,80OM 32~420M 78,980 M 31,020M $0,550M 32,220M '/5,2goM 32,9003M 84,920M 35,220M 79,540M 34,740M 83,880M 33,760M {~q-,760M 32,300M ,91,700M 33,500M 78,880M 2g,2SOM 82.,100M 32.,700M CA 44,540 50,160 51.~080 47,520 44,440 35,700 41,140 43,780 49,220 40,8~.0 36,220 47,640 $2,820 49,460 51,580 48,340 51,10o 54,7z~0 39,380 45,780 40,300 48,240. 46,580 3.4,420 52,360 53,020 52,500 47,380 47~960 48,360 42,380 49,700 44,800 50,120 52,460 58,200 30,600 49,400 ZtpCode 93301 NmWt 22.2~ 25.08 25.54 23,76 22,22 17,85 20.57 21.89 24.61 ~0.42 18.11 23.82 26.41 24.73 25.79 24.17 '25.~S' 27.37 19.69 22.89 20.15 24.1~ 23.29 17.~1 26.18 26.51 26.25 23.69 23.98 24.18 2%I9 24.95 22.40 25.06 26.23 29.10 25.30 24,70 5/I'2/04 I MAY. 12,2004 9:29AM TPS TECHNOLOGIES .N0,903 ?,.2 Soil Ma~te¢ Customer Job Report Tare Weight Codc~: M=Marmal; $=$va]=; T=T:k File 37 O5111/041i:49 7000193 /;4 -- 349 83,ggolY/ 38 05/1U0416:51 7000193 03 -03 71,100M Inc. 32,680M 51,~,00 25.65 33,1gOM 43,920 21.V6 mi II Il Ii I mi I! Ii Ii I I Comp~tcd Load~ lO0.00% Manifests Rece/ved 40 Completed Weight 126.00% EBtimated Weight 7so,oo(t~) TOTAL Nzt Wt; 5/12/04 MAY. 12, 2004 9:33AM NO, 903 .P, 7 PO ~3X 786~ G~n by T~: Laad # G~er~tor'6 U5 RPA ID NO. Oel~tion $[b~ (2Y~msport from): TP~ TECHNOLOG~E~ s.~.s,~. /'k/,/. F I#C. $i~ Yhone ~, SR~IE6 Pt~qRT~N BI'EX DELLENR J'E~R~Y LRRRY lqOOTH~RT AVG. L~vels Facility P~uit Numh~ ~n~m[mr'l{ US EPA ~:) No.: Des~lptlon d Delimy 50~47 S~t ~ted ~ ~fled ~ ~s ~r t~ G~tion 8itc ~ ab~ a~ ~t~ng has bern added ~ dom to such e~t that ~uld aI~ ~ in ~y ~. C~..,-ultam O r~edpt af th~ ~il dascn~ed abava , ' that such soil is being ddiver~l as r~h~n m~iu~.d, I/We f~rthe~ eefi~f~ t~at this ~oll is b~qng dimat~ ~ran~l~ortad from t~ G~n~,ation Site ~o ', adding ts, subtrac~ from or in arad way d~laying ddi~ry su~ ~"ll~t, ~?EI~RiE Y / ,.T, PROVlqN61qL COPY ' '/0 m MAY, 12. 2004 9'32AM TPS TECHNOLOGIES NO. 903 P, 6 m r) ]ecnnmogies Soil Recycling TPS FACILITY COPY MAY, 12. 2004 9:31AMTPS T.ECHNOLOG[ES NO, 903 P, .5 ,, ~ ,~:cnnologies Soil Recycling ~ / 2~3~8 Ht~ISCU5 DELLEN~ ~EFFREY when raeei~d. ~4qe further certify tha~ Jhi~ soil t, bring directly lransF~rted from Jhe G~n~ratton $it~ t~'the Dtaigna~ed Padli~y off~laadin$, adding ~o, aubiracting frtrm ~ in an]t way delmding ddit~ry ia ~ elis, Reoyding Fadlf~y c~ttfias ~be rac~ipt of the soil aoverat by thls · ' . TP8 FACILI3~ COPY MAY, 12. 2004 9:30AM TPS TECHNOLOG NO. 903 P. 4 TI'$ Tecl~nOlogies Soi! Recycling ~ when rc~i~d, f/We further certify ~ thia ~m7 t~ being dire~tly Jrom tha Generation Site to the 'Dc~ttated Facility without off-loading, adding ia, sub~acIing from o~ in any I . . .TPS FACILITY COPY MAY, I2, 2004 9:29AM TPS TECHNOLOGIES Non-H~erdou~ R~onsible for Fay~t~ ~a~po~ ~ ~: MRRTZN RT'rN : J~ES N0,903 P, 3 EL TORO~ o,~ lNC~T~70764~ AVG, Persou I~ LRRR¥ HO~]TH~RT ' C~tome.~.R::cc~ Number with T~. S~r,d r~ ~ 0 O- lO% Q Cas n, 'L0-20% Q I~s~.i Q Description of Delivery Gr~$ Weight and/or ~onsultnnt'o ~r~tton: I/We eertO that ~he sail rqf~r~nc~d h~r~in t~ tnken entirely frorn those sa~s descrft~d in fhe $oti Dat~ · e~rfifi.tl by rne/u~ for th~ C-~ratlo. $i~ sho~n abo~ and nothing ha~ be~n .dded or d~e t~ su~h so~ fhat roouId alter it in Recycling Facility eerfifles tt~ r~t of tht solt co~r~ ~, TPS FACILITY COPY TP$ Technologies Soil ReL3'Cling .......... - , ~ , ~I~ $~LL OIL PRODUCTS U~ BOX 7~69 ~4~I N ORK ~T ~Ax~: ...... Avo. ' ...... Le~ - ~,~"','~ ~.: Soil ~ ~ re.treK I~ ~r ~ t~t th~ soil ~ bein~ gt~etly ~o~ ~ ~ Ge~a~ S~ ~o tfl~ ~t~at~ F~Ti~y ~itMu~ o~lo~ting, ~ding to, ~b~ng~m ~ tn ~ ~ ~Ja~ ddi~ to ~ch ....... ~O]ON~I TPS Technologies Soil Recycling Co~s~hmt's Neu~ ~ Bill]nS Ad&'us: Load Customer Account 7BHELJ~4 TEX~g~0 ~610-5801~- 140~ 'tmH l.m, el~ AVC, Level~ PAX~ CL~33~r AccoUnt Number w~h 'I'~; Description of Soil Mofitum Content Conta~nated bY: Appl~x, Qty; s~ r, o~ o O - 1o% O ~ 0 ~y ~ o~ 0 2o~-o~ Q O~ Q lO. 21~/o Cl Db~eI Q /0 ~nript~on of Delivery Gross Wa~ht 90]0NH33± ~HEL.L OZL TPS Tec;hnologie,~ Soil Recycling Non-HaZardous Soils 1~u~po~ible for ~ym~ ~ ~ ~ PRODUOT~ U8 ~tURB~Nt,[ C~R ~151~ .... c.~.al'4ES,, Lv~RTIN Cozxs-altapt"e N~mc mnc[ ~{{h~ ,,,ddruma: Cor,,~It~mt'~ Phone Gene. za~t'~ US .B.~.~. ~ No, Load # C[~tom~t Account I~.+mb~ with. TP$: 7~'IELJN ' Generation Sib~ (Txa~port i~m); (~me · ~J $itu Phol~ ~ DELLENR JEFFREY Tran~pOr tut Na='t~ and M~ Ad~: ' ~spor~'s ~ LARRY TPit Level~ AVG, ~7 pa,n',Jt Numb.m Oesoription ,of Soil Moisture Content Contaminated by: Approx. Qty. Desoriptian of Delivery Gr~ Weight 10.2.0% Q Dt~el Q ~ 0 o~=r a 2[~-ovez O Other Q 10 - 20% O Die,r,e.1 Q Sheet cornpl~ed a, nd c~r~i, fted b~l me/us far the Gmeration Site sht~n above and nothing baa been add_,'4 or done to suck r, oit that mould alter it in w~t~t o.O'-Jo~d!ng, ~Ia~n,f to, ~u~g ~om or ~ ~ny ~uy ~.d~/ing del~'~y ~o ~r.h qTQOIONH,3tl $~t PO0~ '~[ TPS TechflOlOgles Soil Recycling Non-I6_--~,xlous So[l~ RHELL ~L PRODUCT~ ~TTN : J~ME~ BOX .,! FAX~ ,-. ,~'i~M~.~, .MARTIN Coz~ul~z~'l Phone ~ Give~ hy TPS: G~e~$ar'ii US EFA Ir~ No. Customer ~;~o$1n~: Number with 7~HE~M Cu~e~A~unt Numb~ AVG. ~ ~PA ~ ~,; Load # T~,XA~O #810-58~8-1455 R~PR~4~8 N O~N ~T i~KERSFIELD TECHNOLOGIES J~NEB M.qRTZN'. DELi I=N~ JEFFREY (76~) ~ LRRRY MOOTH~RT 't any ~y, " ' ' condition as when received, *, ~oil'ii'g~ dt..~.~tl~c~a~o~ted frora ~he Gen~,a. tion $1~e ~o t~ Dtsignated !zacility , TPS Technologies Soil. Recycling Noa-HazGrdous ,%ih Load# Conml~ar~t'; Phone Number with 7BHELJM P~rson ~ Con,cb FA~. . Cu~tom~ Acc..mt N'~ L',tn' '.~th T~5: RIPR~3~O ~AP~i~0977 ~N~ Desired ~cilt~ ~ran~p~t ~ ~l~e LARRY Cusmznez Account Conm~nat~ b~ Appr~, Q~: D~ ~ Other 0 I)e,oription of Oellvsrlt Weight C, er~rator'~ and/er conauitant's certlfieatt~: I/We ~rt~ thai ~e soil ~pr~ed ~min ~ t~n ~dy ~m tho~ ~i~ d~b~d ~ t~ Soft Data s~ comp~ and c~fied ~ me/~ ~ the G~ Site ~ ~ow ~ ~ng ~ ~ add~ or ~ne ~ ~ch ~ ~t ~uld alt~ ii ~ any ~, udthaut off. toading, a~ag *o, subtracting from ar in any w~y ddaying ddi~ery to rae3 stte. D. JEFFREY/~, F:'ROVANSAL I TPS Technologies Soil Recycling Non-Hazardous ~oils MARTIN ~ ~c~= PAX#~ Comulhmt's N~m~ an~. Btll~n~ ~dclvo. az: Con~ltant'~ l%o:~e #: EPA ID No, Cu~me= Ar~nt Nurah~r with ~i~gidd~ RD. AVG, Levtla DELLENR J~FFREY T~i~-po~ s US ~PA ID N~.: CRDgg~5~+61 5-$~n~potte~ DOT No.: Cu~n~z Ac~6unt Number w/& T~ De~=ri~on d SoU Moisture Content Confandnated by: Approx, Qly: s~ Q o~ O o · 1~ Q ~ Q tO · 2~0 Q ~ Q · ~ o ~l= o O. 10% ~ ~ Q lO - ~% ~ ~1 ~ Clay 0 ~ o 20%-over O 0~ Q D~e~ription of Delivery Groaa Weight the ~o~ $~e a~ abo~ ~d ~hin$ has b~ ~dd~ or do~ fo such a~l t~ ~ld alt~ ff in · . ~ af ~ ~ d~d t~t su& s~7 ~ ' del~d in e~ty ~ t~t ~h~ ~oil ~ ~d~ dlmc~l~ ~a~t~ ~m t~ ~a~ $ae to 't~ De;i~ed Fac~i~ su~mcting ~m a~ ~ any w~ deta~ dsl~e~ ~ s~h site. m~.ydlng Pe~it~ certi~ ~h~ receipt of th~ ~ott ~owred ~ D...TE:FF REY / J. PRO VAhl~RL aa noied ,~NINI~t-I,~t I gr~l TPS Technologies 5oll Recycling No~-Haz_~l_nus Soils ~WELL OZL PR~UCT8 U8 BURBANK~ CA 91~10 Con,~lbiin'~'a N~tr,~ ~md Billh'~ Addmr~; eS~l 7~;H1ELJM 'rEXlqCO t~6 t 0-~1Zl0-.t ~401N O~K'ST TP~ TECHNOL~IE~ [NCNDT~7~7~; USA Per,on to Conb~¢b ~R~E~ M~RTI N Phone #: T~ml:,~mr'~ US ~A ID ~mt~r'~ DC~ No.; CustaZZl~ Ac~Knt Number wil~. 'i.PS; Oe. ription d Sail Moisture Content Contaminated Iv/: Appr~ Qty: 0 - 10% 0 ~a Q ~y O o~ D ~-~Q O~r 0 0 - 1~ O ~aa ~ ~ ~ ~ Q lO- 20% O Dles~ 0 l~erll~on d Oeliver~ [O5-'5 a~ ~y. . · ~ w~ ~c~d. I~e ~r ~ t~t t~ ~il ie b~8 d~Iy ~r~rt~d ~ t~ ~ner~n 5ire to t~ Deoi~d ~ity ~t~t off-~ing, a~ng to, ~bfraeff~ ~ or in ~y w~ dd~ng ddtv~ to ~ site. I 'rP$ Technologies and c~fi~ by ~ ~ the G~e~ti~ ~ite s~ ~ a~ nothing ~s ~ added ~ done 3 ~uI~ ~ ~tu~ ~d of the soil ~rtify that such rog ~ being deli~t~l in ~aetl~ ~thout o~lo~ing, a~ing to, ~U~acting ~ or in any w~ dd~ delt~ ~ such eite. I TP$ Technologies Soil Recycling Non-~aza~dous So~ls Re~ponaible foz ~aym~t: ~a~ Laa~l# 7$HEL~TM ~. UBR D~d ~ (T~ to); ~;#te ~ ~d~s) TP~ TECHNOLOGZEB Site Phone #, SRMES MRRTIN BTEX Level~ Levels AVG, PaeJlity Permit ~:z~ TR~BUCO RD. T~anspor~er '~. i~one ~. Account Number w~.~ Cant~mlnated I~/: Appr~ Gty: Desoriptien af Oslivwy Oross Weight S~t ~pl~ ~d ~ed ~ me/us ~r t~ ~ffon Site a~w~ ~bove ~ ~th~ h~ ~en ~d~ a~ done ~ ~ $~ that ~ould a]t~ tt i~ : as w~ ~ived. I~e~r~ cer~i~ that this soft ~ bd~g d~ctly t~ G~t~ Site to t~ Desi~a~ F~li~ · ~o, ;ub~ting~am ar ' site. / I I TPS Technologies Soil Recycling Non-Haza~om $oi]~ EPA RI Nm C'ust~m~ Aceo~a! Nmnb~r wifi~ TP8: ~01N OF~A ST TP8 'T~HN~L~SI~ AVG. PAX~ 'I~t~'m~otber'a US KPA ID No.: Oe~=riptlan ~ Soil Moisture Cantent Contaminated b ~4 u ~= ~ O- 1~ O C~ 10-205 O D~ Q ~y ~ O~ ~ ~o-ov~ ~ Q C~Lsb::~e~ Acr. oig'~: Nu.~b~r with Approx. QIy: Defcri~on of Oeliv, ry TP$ Technologies Soil Recycling Non.Haza~o~ Soil~ R~on~ibls fo= Paymem~ Givcn I~'~B: Lop. d ,~ U~A: C~erator% U9 lIPA ID No, ?~HEL~M PAX~: TPS TE~HNOLO~, BTE~ JAMES MARTIN Plume TPH · , AVG. pa6l~ty P~riv~% Nun~ar~ 7aX#: B,E.S.Z. ~'anspm't~'s ~ I~PA rD No.; Deee~iption of Soil ~lsiurs Content Con¼mineted by: Ap~. O¥ D~eription of ~11~ Gross ~a U o~e ~ O- 10% O G~ ~ C~ O O~b~ 0 ~-ove~ 0 O~ O Sand Q 10 - 20% ~h~ ~m~let~ and cert~d PO ~ox 7~6~ Co~]~'s Na~ and ~i[]~ Adgrens: TPS Technologies Soil Recycling Non-I-Iar,,udoGs $oila Load # Is'rEX Levels P~ro-on to Con~ TPH J ~,1~.. HARTIN Y~ AV~. ~vzl~ P~c~ Pho~ ~l Pa~i~y P~ L~RRY ~OOTHi~RT .... t~J~,). ,., De~orJplion of Delivery ~ c~p~M a~ ~rfffi~ ~ m~/us ~ the Gm~at~ ~ite s~ a~ ~ ~g has b~en add~ or 4~ to ~ch so~ t~ w~Id al~r i~ in ~y that s~¢h ~otl t~ bdrtg ddit~red in exac~Iy the same l~ecycling Facilitlt c~ti.~s the receipt of SHELL O~L P~ODU~T~ U~ ,~TTN : JRM~ MAgTIN Consult.,nF~ N~m~ ~ BU[~ Add~m, P~_-~o'n m ~crnt~ct: Given by TP~: ~ ~681 Ctut~n~ Aecxmnit Numbsg wit~ TI~: 7~I-[ELJM Load G~un Sit~ C'fr~--nspart truaa): (aatr~ &nddt~ss) RIPR~SB ~AP~ItO~77 ~t N OA~ 8T ;~81 Demand Fac~ (Tr~t~pm't ~): (,u~ ~ add~) INCNDT#7~?I ~54~2 TR~BU~O RD. ~X~ Per, an t~ Contacb FAX~. No,; Customer Accom~t Number wit~ TP$: Oeaorlptlon att Soil Moislure C~ntent Contaminated ~: Approx, lib/: Oescrip~i~ o! Oellvery Gro~ Weight Sand r, o~mic o O. 10% 13 Gas O ~ 10- 2O% O Di~ei 0 cl~ cl Of'~r O ' 20~-over ~ Other Q G~erat~g and/~ ~nsult~t'~ ~tiom ~e c~fi~ t~t t~ s~ r~enced ~dn ~ tarn ~g~ly ~ thee ~ls d~ibd ~ the 5~ Data $~t ~ple~d ~d ~rfffied by me~ ~ t~ G~a~n S~ ~o~ able a~ ~t~ng h~ be~ ~d or ~e to ~uch soit f~ wo~d alf~ it tn ~ ~hen n~i~d, ~e~r~r c~ft~ th~ fh~ ~off ~ bd~ dbectIy t~t~ ~ t~ D~i~ated P~lt~ ~f o~ing, ~ing ~, ~u~g~ ~m ~ & any w~ ~ ~ite. D. ~-EF'FREY/.!r, F~RO~AN~AL ........ .,,,, 90qONH331 Sdt ,00~ '~[ 'AVIA TPS Technologies $oi! Recycling No~.,I-l=z.dous ~oil~ G~m~alor'~ Name SH~LL OIL BOX Consultants Name and Billing Given by TP$; CenaraIm,'s US .T. PA ~ No- TPS TE~HNDLOGIE8 ~H Leve.~ AVG. , Permit No,mb~ra , ID No-.' Description of gaff MoMure Content Conti~rninatecl by: Approz, 0 - I~A Q ~as o- ~ ~ G~ Des~ril~ion of Delivery Gen~rator'~ and/or con;~ltatt~'$ certification: I/~e csrtt~ thai tM ~otI r~J~nced herein i~ taken entlr~ly from those ~oils descr;7~d tn the Soft Da~a ReajcHng Facility c~rtifie~ the r~{ of ~hc stol covered by thb tnanlfesi ex~ep~ as noted above:  ~:'~t~ ~r~ Tecnno,ogms so. ~(ecycung ~ I 5~et m~J~t~ ~d ce~fi~ ~ me/us ~r t~ G~ Site ~fl~n ~o~ and noth~ h~ bezn ~d~ ~ d~ to ~ch ~l that any ~, ~ndi~on ~ wfl~ ~d, ~e ~rthtr ~ th~ th~ soil ~ bring dir~Iy ~a~d ~m ~e ~on 5fie to ~ D~g~ Fa~Ti~ ~t a~ding, a~i~g ta~ s~btmcffng~ ~ in ~ way d~ytng ~I~ ~ ~ d~ p~t ~ T~ N~m~ l~adding F~:ility certi.~ the receipt of tl~ roll eovm~ ~ this r~[I~r'I~E~EY/,.T,, PRO URNE~glL- IgOIONHO]I 8~± 'gl I II ATTN :, JAMES ~ARTIhl BOX 78S9, : B~RBANK~ CA .91~l~. ~nsul~nk'$ N~ and ~llingAdd~: ' TPS Technologies Sail Non-I-l- zardo,,.ls S6~l~ 9e~ra~o~ · G~ena~'~ US ~A ~D No. ~1 N O~ ST ! NDNDT~7B'~' PAX#: Stye P~o~ L~veta Per~n ~ C~n~'ac~: DELLEN~ JEFFREY 10-'20% O D~aaet r'l FAX#: Cu~b~me~ Acc~mat Nttmbet Wi~%'l/~ ¢949 ) Zi.~O-5t~l~ 7~193 Gr0~ight Genttator% ~d/~r con~l~anYs c~rt~mtf~: I~A~e certi~ that the tort r~f~,~c~ hertln i~ taken ~ntire~ from th~se soiI~ dcs~n3ed in the $c~ Data Sheet o~rnpleted and c~rtifl~d bj me/us f~r the Generafftm Site shown abo~ and no~hing has b~n added or dome ~o such soil tha~ mould ~er ff in ~uit~u~ q~.lo~dfng, adding to, su, btrac~ing from ~, in a~y ~y E~Ig~a,f deti~j/ d ,-,~,= c~,, frye 9010NHO31 Sdl ~'6 ~O0~'~L 'A¥~ TPS Technologies Soil Recycling l~/on-PIn__~dmas Soils TEXRtCO ~t 1 ~-Sa~'.- 1 De~a~d Padl/~ ~n~ort ia): O~au ~ Phone FAX~, Trar~l~ltl~r'~ LIS ~A 1D No.: llraO~loorter'a DOT No,; C~tame4' Ar~unt Number w~lt~ T!~: DssGripttan of Sail Moisture Content ~nbminated ~ O o~ ~ 0 - 1~ Q 10-~ ~ ~ Q ~y o o~ 0 ~%-ov~ 0 O~ Q 0 - lO% ~ ~ a ~ o 10- ~ O De~ription at Delivery ~ 5~t ~plet~ a~ ~ed ~ ~u~r ~he Gm~n Stt~ eh~n a~ve and nafhing ~ b~en ~d ~ ~ to su~ ~o~ ~hat w~ld Mt~ it in ~cdvd. Z~e ~ c~ff~ t~ th~ sa~ ~ b~ dbe~ly ~an~ ~om adding to. ~g ~ such ~ L~ad # TP$ Technologies Soil Recycling No~-Hzza~dous 5oUs i ~TTN ~l JRMES MRRTIN , ' ............ I Co~ia~ Na~ and ~iUi~ Aaa~: ' ' c~,ui~,~ ~e ~ ' ' ......... P~'~ m C~ ..... I ~1 N O~ ST r~ ............ Ave.' '" / ' ~ ~ c~'cc , I/ . . F~: ' CU~ A~mt Ntt~er ~ TPS; I /Demadptlo, of S011 Uo~tura ~mnt c°~minated ~: ~p~, GIY:I De~dp~ of ~live~ Gmsweight ~mWelghi N~ighI ~ / ........ - o.,A ~ ~, = ' ' .' ,~ "-"~ g ~ ,, ~o~- ~, ~ o~ ~ , . .... , ~ '~ / ~ Shee~ completed and c~rttf~d by me/u~ for the Ge, etal'ion $tt~ shown abave and n~t~.g ~ been added or done ~o such sos7 ~hat would Mt~r it in any may. ff-~adinb addi~ to, sub~racting ~m or in ~y way del~g Prm~ ~ ~e I I TPS TechnologJe~ Soil Recycling Non-I-Ia:~a~loua $~1~ ~TTN : SRME~ MRRTIN Ii~JR~RNK= CFi 9,1.51E~ {2~r~j~~er witlx TPS: P ~era~. t~ C,:rAt~o~: EL, T~RO, CR. 9~63~ Dea=ripti=n of Soil blol~lure L~val~ ~onfamlnmted I~, AVG, Leve$; · L~RRY MOOTHRET D~iono~Dellvery Generator's a~/or consultant's eertificativn: I/~e c~h~ t~t ~ s~ re~ her~n ~ ~ ~t~ly~am thooe s~D descHbd i~ ~e ~il Date a~ t~hen recdned.' l/W~ furtl~r eerfffy that tht~ tall ta being directly tmns~rfed from the G~r~atlan Site to the D~slgnated with~ut off-l~adlng, ~dding to, subtmcti,g from or m an~ way delaying ddiwry to such site. Recycling t~adlit~ certlft~ the recelp~ of the ~it ~ by this m~..~st exa~t as noted TPS Technologies Soil Recycling ~thout o~l~in~, addle to, o~tr~g f~oni or i~ ~y s~h ,-. 3I~O]ONHD31 '~ L'"A¥~ TP$ Techno/ogies Soil Recycling Non4-T_az~tovs Son. Date of Skipmunb It~pon~tbla fo: P~y~ Coti~lt~l~.Fe N~t'nc ~lnd Billi,ng .Addree$~ Cons~lbmt'S Plan,' ~. Load Pert, on to ~AX#: INONDT~707~4~ 51~e ~Phmna #; Pc,,~u.~n to Co=mcfl JJ~EG M~RT ! N Contaminated by: Approx, Qty: O~he~ O ~nd o otg~l~ ta o · lO% O O~ O 10 - 20% O D~e/ ~ c/ay ~ c:~ar O 209'e-o~et n' O~e~ Q Ll~t ~ny ex=~0n to i~r, rns li~t~4 ab~.. - Cu~tom~ A~unt Numb,~ with Des,N'ip'don of Delivery Gm~ Weight ~et c~Fl~ed ~d c~fffled ~ me~s ~r t~ G~ra~n 5i~ s~n ~ a~ nothing has ~ ad~ or d~ to m~ s~I that ~Id alt~ it in any ~. Tr'S Technologies Soft Recycling Noa-H~ardm~ Soils B~ottaible ~or Paym~ RTTN ~ ~NES ~R~T3N BtJRBRNM,, GA 91~1~ Ca~ultanr~ Name and ~flhr~ AddresS, FAX~ C, enmator'~ ?dS EPA ID No. IN~NDT$7~?~4 ~ TORO~ ~'~A 10-I0% ~3 lO- 20% C3 5ire Phbne ~, ~TID~ Sh~ c~t~ and ~i~ ~ ~ ~r ~ G~ar~ Site sh~ able and no~g h~ been added' or done to ~ch aott that ~ alter it tn any way. r-, Com~.~nt O Slgn~ ~d d m~ut a~l~dt~, a~ to, ~b~act~g ~m ~ in su~ site. Na~ PO0~ 'It .MAY, 12, 2004.. 9:43AM TPS TECHNOLOGII:~ TPS TechnologieS: Soil Recycling::. C. enera~o~ '~ Phal~ ~. Pe~on ~o Co~ac~ Cu~k,m~ Acccnmt Number with TFS: ~DELRNTD~ CR ~te Phon~ #: I~T~( .' ~w'els DELLENCt JEFFREY L~RRY IflQOTHRRT 45~47 D~criFJon of Doll~ry Gro~.We~ht 5~e~ ~ ~d ~ff~d by md~ ~ ~ G~on Sif~ ~ ~ a~ noting ~ been ~d o~ ~e tv ~ ~ tha~ ~ouM al~r ff 1~ c~di~on a~ ~h~ r~d~d, I~ ~ ce~ that ih~ ~it ~ b~g ~ne~y ~o~ed ~ t~ G~tlon $ffe ta the D~t~ted ~Ii~ ~th~t off-~fng, ~ing t~, mb~a~ ~ ~ in ~ny may driving ddi~ ~ su~ die, ~ ~.~e N~me: ~ ~ dam J~e~ 'FPS FACILITY COl MAY, 12, 2004 9:43AM TPS TECHNOLOGI NO, 903 P. 19 :r~ ,ecnnologies Soil Recycling Non-Hazardous ~oils Ill ] LRERY MOOTHR"T ~t. 47 ' ~ ~I D"~D"ip~ion~S°ll MoistumC~n~,, Co~i~; AP~ox, gty:' De~Crl~lonMDel~q Gmss~lght ~weioht NmtWei~t~ 0 - 10% ~ ~ ~ ' ~ and ~H~d ~ ~ ~r t~ Gm~a~n Site ~. able a~ noth~g h~ bern ~ or done to s~h soil that I/We ack'm~l~dg~ rec~ql~t ~f ~he sail ~n r~ Z~ ~ ~ that tMe wtt~t o~l~dtnb ~ding to, aub~acHng~om or in Any ~ d~hyi~ ...... ' .... : ' "' '"', ..... ' Ti'PS FACILITY COl MAY, 12, 2004 9:42AM TPS TECHNOLOG NO. 903 P, 18 i~'~ Tecnnologles Soil Recycilng I1 "'1 ' ' lo - ~ o ~ Q · ' ~ o ~nic O - O" ' ' Sheet eoml~leted ~l c~ed lzy medus for ~he C~r~raYon $tte shoum abave and nothing has beon addod ar ~ne to s#ch ~l th~ would al~er i~ in cn~u~nt ~ I/W~ ' ~s¢eipt ~ the s~l de~rt~d above ami certify tha~ such ~n r~. Z~e ~th~ ~ t~ *~ soil ~ ~tflg direly ~a~d ~m ~ C~r~ ~t~t off-I~, adding ~, subt~e~g ~om o~ ~ ~ w~ dela~ d~to~ to such si~. P~t ot ~ N~: '.. " ' TPS FACILI' MAY. 12, 2004 9:41AM Da~ of Sht~e~ R~po~tble ~t Pa~ ~TTN : J~MEB ~RT~N · BURB~NK~ CA 91~0 5illin§ Ad.d~: TPS TECHNOLOGI , r"a ,ecnnologles Soil Recycling Non-Hazalntous Soils NO, 903 P. 17 Gen~lur's US Et>A ID 'Load USA Cu~k, mmr Ac~,mt Nu~er wl~h PAx~. 760 ) Z46-B~04 T~porm~'~ US HPA ID No,: Pe~zot~ t~Crmlmcb LRRR¥ M00TH~RT Tran~oxt~,r's ~ No,: YAX~. Cust~m.~ Accotmt Number with ¢949 ) 46~-~t~ D~tlon of Deli~ Gr~s List any ~=c, pfl~3 '~ llealm lia~ above; Sheet ~l~ed and ~rt~ by ~ ~ the ~t~n Si~ ;h~ ~ous and ~hing ~ be~ ~ or do~ to ~uch so~ t~ ~mdd ~It~ it ~ O C~mnr O ~ adcru~ledg~ receipt of the sot2 described, ' that ;uch sat2 is ~eing delivered in exa~tY the ~arna as when reaeR~ed. [/W~ further ~qify that thig ootl is being directly trans~or~ed from the Generation Si~ to the De~fgnaf:ed F;ctltty mithout off-loadingt adding t~, aubtra~t~ngfrmn ~r in any u~ty ~tlaylng d~ltvend fo ~uch site. Recycling Fa~ti~ c~rtifles the receipt of the ~oil covered by fhis rnanifeat excq~t s~ noted abo'ae; I~fD~r~Ey/J. I~RC1V~N~AL .... -" ']'PS FACILITY COPY ,.., , f TPS TECHNOLOGI · , ra ,c~;n,ologies ~oil Recycling Non-Hazardous Soils Re~po~ble Jol Pa~ N0.903 P, 16 Give~ bX TPS, Gener~r'~ US EPA~D N~. FAX#~ I NCNDT%%Te754 LeveL~ }"etsan eo C~tm~t; TPH PAX#: PaeLH~/Pl~one ~. ~er',.,oa to ConJac~: DELLENA $ F..F'F REY ~a~,~r t~r '~ US EPA ID Noa Sh~t ~t~¢d ~ ~t~ed ~ me~a ~ t~ ~n Site ~n above ~ ~thing h~ b~ ~ed or d~ ~o ~ ~ ~ a~ c~n: l~e , ~ ~ce~t of the soil des~ffbed a~ ~nd ~t~ t~t such S~I ~ ~'ng delivered in ~ who ~e~v~, [~e fur~h~ ~rt~ ~t ~h~ ~1 ~ b~ d~c~ly Gm~ratlon Site to t~ Deigned F~li~ mitho~t o~-I~ing, a~ing to, ~acttng ~m vi & ~y 'TP$ FAGILITY COPY MAY. 12,2004 9:39AM NO, 903 P, 15 Number ~vltl~ TPg: 7b~4ELJM ..., Nxtmb~r vfifn TP$'- - Pe'~ [o ~401N OnK ~T P~r~an ~ CctV. cb 'IPH J~M~8 M~TIN ~; AVG. DELL~N~ JEFFREY ' LflRRY MDDTHRRT AFFmS, I;Ity~ Oeacriptien of Delivery Gena, ator'~ and/or cOnsultanFs ~er tifieaNom l/We ~rttfy t~at Ibc so~2 r¢r~ her~ ~ t~ ~ly ~m t~se soi~ d~s~ i~ the $~ D~ ~et ~la~da~ ~fified ~ ~/~ ~r the ~ner~ Site sho~ abow a~ no~h~g ~s b~ a~ed ~ do~ to s~ ~1 ~ w~M alt~ i} in TPS FACILITY COPY MAY, t2,2004 9:38AM TPS TECHNOLOGI 'N01903 P, 14 TP$ Technologies Soil Recycling ~ c~I~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~ ~ t~ G~a~ ~i~ ~0~ a~e ~ notMng h~s b~ ~d~ ~ ~e ~o s~ch ~ that any ~y, w~ut ~ing, ~ing to, subtra~'~ ~m ~ in any ~y ~ying ~Ii~ to ~u& si~, R~tcling Fac~ity car~q~ the r~c.~pt af th: .~.t co~'d by this tttantf~t ezc~t aa r~ed ab~roe: TP8 'COPY MAY. 12. 2004 9:38AM TPS TECHNOLOG NO, 903 P, 13 I t,a lecnnologles Soil ~on-He,zazdou~ Soils r-/ / ,;,, · ~/~ } ! ,! ,, - , i~ t~ I aT-TN ~ ~R~S MRRTIN .... _ ............ ~ml~nt3 Name ~d ~ill~ / . [ RIPR~3435~ - fl~LRNTO~ ,' ! Des~p~on~Soll , aois~C~e,t Con. Ink. by: App~Q~: Deseri~onofOe,l~er~ am. Weigh[ TemWeig~ NaWe~t~ ~d ~ ~nlc C~y 0 ~ ~ttt~aut qOCl~ading, addd~g ~o, mbtracffng from or in any ~.~ay delaying d~livery to such ,,.~)i~ ~I~EY / J. PRO V ~N~t:IL ~,,~ =~ ~,~.' Y COPY MAY, 12,2004 9:37AM TPS TECHNOLOG " , r~ ~ec-nulogle~ Soil Recycling NanoH---_rdous Softs Responsible for Paymen~ NO, 903 ~lven by TP8: P. 12 U~ U8R · G~m~.tae's I.~ ~P.~ tD No. Pm~n I~ Cant~c[: Cuatomer Accou~ Ntwaber wt[h TPS~ TE X AC 0 ;rE; 1 ~--=18~0-14~ TP~ T£~HNOLQBIE~ and ~iling LeveL~ JR~E8 MRRT I N .~1~ AVG. ~els DELL~NR' JEFFREY U~SR Pe~ [o Conta¢~ ~.nrarLs, portet's DOTNo.~ LRRRY FtO[:ITHP.'RT thy Q Ot~er Q 20% - aver C30thez Q 10- 20% Q DLea~t g} Generator's ~ncl/or consultant's eol~ficafJon: l/~e certify that Jha soil referenced h~rdn ~ taken entirely from thos~ so~le described in ~h~ Soil Da~a ' 5beet completed and certified by. me/ua f~r ~I~ Gen~regon $ife dno,~ abo~v and nothing to ~uch ~ofl that tumid at,er it tn and da~ as when receioed. I/We farther c~ify that thla am7 is bring directly tr~n~l~orted from ~he C-enercttf~n Site ~o ~he Daslgnated ~adli~y ' to, ~ubtractlngfrvm or in any ~o such sit~. il MAY, l~.2004 9:36AM TPS IECHNOLOGI ES I I-re' Tecnnologies Soil Recycling N0.903 P, 11 ~651 ~ TE~HNOLO~E~ ~DEI-~NTOs C~ 9~1 (949) L~RRY MOGTHART S~at c~ple~ and ~5~ ~ mf/~s ~ the ~i~ 5i~ s~ ~n ad~ ~ ~a ~ s~ so~ ~t ~dd dt~ if in '~ ~t~af~n; ~d~ ~c~ of f~ ~l d~bd abave and ~ that ~ch ~iZ mndit~n a~ mhm ra~d. ~e ~r~ ~ ~ th~ ~l t~ ~ng dire~lly ~mnsp~d pom the ~a~on ~out o~t~di~, ~ing to, ~&g~ ~ in any w~ ~k~g ~Ii~ tv such arid date: TP$ FACILITY COPY MAY. 12, ~004 9:35AM TPS TECHNOLOGIES NO. 903~ P. 10 5~et ~l~t~ and ~fled ~ ~e ~ the G~tion 5i~ ~wn ~e a~ no~hing. ~ b~ added or do~ ~ s~ ~dl ~t ~v~d al~ ~ ~ O C~uJ~F reaqpt of the ooil des~nTaed Certify that such soil is ~g dsli~ in ~=~y ~ r~d. l~e-~er ~r~ ~t ~hi= ~oil is b~g di~tly tra~ pom the G~m~ Site to th= Desi~ ~a=~ ~f o~load~, a~ to, ~bt~ctlng ~ ' ~ au~h site. ~t~I~{~RE¥/,ir, PRDgANSIRL '-, ..v:-.. 1 FACILITY ~PY MAY. I2, 2004 g:34AM TPS NO, 903 P, 9 ,~,'a mcnnoiogies $oil Recycling Nnn-Ha~a~lous ~o~ Generator's wnd/or c~nsultant's csttifi~atton: ffWe ~,tlf~l ~h~tt th~ soll ~ef~enc~ he.in Is tt~n entlrdj/from those ~i~s des~Ti~d in the'Soil Data Sh~t carnpie~ed ~nd certifizd by ~ts for the Generation Sit~ shawn above ~'nd nothing has been added or dyne to auch aoil that would att~r if in any way. Q Ce:n~t ~ l~lgnatum and dai~: when r~v~. ~ ~rth~ cer~ t~t ~ so~ i~ b~g di~ctly ~a~rt~ ~ the ~ation Site to t~ D~d ~ac~i~ . o~l~d~, a~i~g ~, ~btmcffng~ or & ~y .m~ dd~ng deliv~ to su~ slee. TP$ FACILrTY ,.,, MAY, 12. 2004 Pearl tu pmson W Cord~c(': NO. 903 ?, 8 Gclw'~l~r 't~ 'DS ~PA ID No, C~tomet- Account Number ~tl~ 'rP~: ~w'l$ INCNDT~7~754~ AVG. levels 'Pa~i[tty l%rrnlt l~tunbe~ ~ ~ ~ o 0-10% O OW O 10-3o% C3 Ot,~l El Clay ;{ ~ o 20%-over 13 OLher O' ' Lbt ~' ~:pti~ t~ ii*~mn I~d mbo~. as ~ ~ei~d, ~e ~h~ cer~ ~t t~ ~oil ~ ~n~o~ed ~om the ~Hon ~te to the De~i~fed 'I'PS FACILITY CERTIFEED ANALYTICAL REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CuSToDY DOCUMENTATION ~alscience ~m~r_nvironrnental ~ aboratories, Inc. May 03, 2004 Kathryn Ewing Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Subject: CalscienceWork Order No.: Client Reference: 04-04-1578 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Dear Client: Enclosed is an analytical report for the above-referenced project. The Samples included in this report were received 4/29/2004 and analyzed in accordance with the attached chain-of-custody. Unless otherwise .nOted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines established in our Quality Assurance Program Manual, applicable standard operating procedures, and other related documentation. The original report of any subcontracted analysis is provided herein, and follows the standard Calscience data package. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. ' Sincerely, . ',J_-'arp f Pro ect Manager ~ 'CA-ELAP ID: 1230 · NELAP ID: 03220CA · ' CSDLAC ID: 10109 · 7440' Lincoln' WaY,.Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427· · TEL:(714) 895-5494 Michae~l J. iCrisostomo QUality Assurance Manager SCAQMD ID: 93LA0830 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I C aiscience I --- --_nvironmentat aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 .South Primrose Avenue, Unit K MonrOvia, CA 91016-0000 Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order No:. Preparation: Method: Units: 04/29/04 '04-04-i578 EPA 3050B / EPA 7471A Total EPA 6010B / EPA 7471A mg/kg Page 1 of 1 Date Analyzed QC Batch ID N,. ~aK Lab Sample Date M trix Date Project: 2401 St., Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number . Number Collected a ' Prepared Comment(s)' Mercuw was anal~ed on 4/30/2004 5'22'57 PM with batch 040430L04 Parameter' Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual O%0 Amenic 2.08 0.75 1 Molybdenum ND 0.250 1 Barium 31.8 0.5 1 Nickel 1.61 0.25 1 Be~llium · ND 0.250 1 Selenium ND 0.750 ' 1 Cadmium ND 0.500 1 Silver ' 0.250 1 Chromium ~otal) 2.59 0.25 1 Thallium ND 0.750 1 Cobalt 2.22 0.25 1 Vanadium 10.7 0.2 1 Copper 1.96 0.50 I Zinc 12.9 1.0 Lead ~ 1.52 ~0.50 1 ~ I Comment(s): Mercuw was anal~ed on 4/30/2004 5:26:00 PM with batch 040430L04 ' Parameter ' Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual Antimony ND 0.750 1 Mercuw ND 0.0835 1 Arsenic ' 2.49 0.75 1 Molybdenum ND 0.250 1 26.2 0.5 1 - I 0.25 1 Nickel BewIlium ND 0.250 I Selenium ND 0.750 1 Cadmium ND ' 0.500 I Silver , ND 0.250 1 Chromium ¢otal) 2.17 0.25 1 Thallium ' ' ND - 0.750 1 2.58 1 13.0 0.2 1 Cobalt O.25 Vanadium Copper - 1.67 0.50 1 Zinc . 12.3 1.0 1 Lead ~, 1.24 0.50 1 ~ ~ ,~ ' Parameter ~ Result RL DF Qual " ' Mercuw : ND' 0.0835 ' 1 ' ' ~ ' ' 1 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual ~ ND 0.750 1 . .- Molybdenum ND 0.25~ 1' Arsenic ' . ND 0.750 1 Nickel ' ND 0.250 1 Barium · ND 0.500 1 Selenium ND 0.750 Bewliium ND 0.250 1 Silver ' ND '0.250 ' 1 Cadmium ND 0.'500 - 1 Thallium ND. 0.750 1 Chromium (Total)' ND _0.250 1 Vanadium ND 0.250 1 Cobalt ND 0.250 1 Zinc ND 1.00 1 ' Copper ND 0.500 1 Lead ' ND 0.500 1 RL- Repoding Limit , DF- Dilution Factor , Qual- Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · 'TEL:(714) 895-5494 · F~: (714) 894-7501 ~._nwronmental Analytical Report Consultants Inc. Date ~eceived: 04/29/0~ Envir0nmental 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit ~ 'Work Order No: 04-04-1578 M°nrovia, CA 91016-0000 ' ~ ' Preparation: . EPA 5030B ' ' ' "~. Method: ' "DH8 LUFT Project: 2401 N, Oak St., Bakersfield, CA ' Page 1 of 7 . Lab Sample Date * Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Anal~ed QC Batch ID Parameter ' Result RL DF Qual Units TPH Gasoline ND 0.50 ~g/ko Su~oRates: REC (%) Control Qual I ~ ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 89 ''~9 '' Parameter . Result RL DF Oual Units ' TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 I mg/kg SurroRates: REC (%) ~ . . Qual ,1,4-Bromofluor:benzene 8~, ~.~: :~ Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units '' TPH as Gasol'ine ND 0.50 1 mg/kg Surrogates: 'REC (%) Control Qual 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 ~9 ' ' 'Parameter ' Result RL DF Oual Units TPR as Gasoline ND' . 0.50 1 mg/kg Su~o~ates: ' REC (%) Control Qual ' " ' 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 ' 39-129 RL - RepoAing Limit , DF - Dilutibn Factor , Qual -Qualifiers ' n CA 92841-1427 895-5494 · F~: 894-7501 Grove, TEL:(714) (714) I ~ aiscience' -:~m_nvironrnental -= aboratories, Inc~ Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: O4/29/O4 04:04-1578 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Page 2 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Comment(s): -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the. specified standard. Parameter Result R._~L D__EF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline 4.2 0.5 1 rog/kg Surro.qates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 39-129 Qual Comment(s): -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the specified standard. Parameter Result RI_ DF: Qual Units TPH as Gasoline 40 0.50 1 mg/kg Surroqates: RE~ (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 108 ' 39-129 Qual Parameter Result ' RI_ DF: Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 1 rog/kg Surroqates: REC (%) .. Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluor0benzene 99 39-129 'Parameter Result RI_ DF:. Qual Units TPH as Gasoline 0.56 0.50 1 mg/kg. Surroqates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 39-129 Qual porting Limit , 'DF- Dilution Facto~r , Qual- Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX:.(7'14) 894-7501 alscience I -- -nvir°nmental 'l aboratories,'lnc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 SOuth'Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 I Project: 2401'N. ~ ., Bake ;1~ Clien}, S~ ,p,.~ Number ~ Parameter Result RL I TPH Gasoline ND 0.50 as Surrogates: REC (%) ' Control · I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 3-'~-~- 12! Parameter Result . RL TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 I' Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 ~ IParameter Result RL 2401 ·N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Analytical Report· Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Lab Sample Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Page 3 of 7 Date Analyzed QC Batch ID D__F Qual Units 1 mg/kg Qual 39-129 D_.EF Qual Units 1 mg/kg Qual 39-129 TPH as Gasoline ~D 0.50 I. Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 39-129 DF: Qual Units 1 mg/kg *~ D__EF Qual Qual Units mg/kg Parameter Result RL I TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 Surrogates REC (%} Contrd I Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 89 39-129 RL- Reporting Limit , DF- Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers '  Lincoln Way, Garden CA 92841-1427 744O Grove, · TEL:(714) 895-549~ · FAX: (714) 894-7501 Analytical Report I alscience I nvironmental aboratories, Inc. I Delta EnVironmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K I M onrovia, CA91016-0000 I P roject: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number i Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Lab Sample Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Page 4 of 7 Date Analyzed QC Batch ID ~arameter , Result ~ D~ Oual Units IPH as Gasoline ~D 0.50 ~ m~/k~ Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 39-129 Qual Parameter Result RL D__.~F Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 I mg/kg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4:Bromofluorobenzene 87 39-129 Qua! Parameter Result RI- D._.[F Qual Units TPH as Gasoliqe ND 0.50 I mg/kg Surrogates: ,- REC (%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 88 39-129 Parameter Result RL TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 Surroqates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 89 39-129 DF: Qual Units 1 mg/kg' QuaJ  [, 'RL- Reporting Limit , DF - Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ aiscience -~___nvironmen~al -~. aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. '911 SoUth PrimrOse Avenue, Unit K 'Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Analytical Report Date Rece, ived: Work Order No: . preparation: Method: O4/29/O4 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT i I ! I I I I I Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Page 5 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Parameter Result RL_ DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 1 mg/kg Surrogates: -. REC (%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 39-129 Parameter Result R._.~L D__E Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 1 'mg/kg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 78 39-129 Qual Parameter Result R._~L D__~F Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 I mg/kg . Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 39ol 29 Pa~meter Result R~ D~ Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 1 rog/kg Surroc~ates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 58 39-129 Qual Ij' RL - 'Repoding Li.mit , DF - Dilu, tion ·Factor , QUal - Qualifiers  7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 -=--_ - alscience _=nvironmental aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 04/29/04 04-04-1578' EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Page 6 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared. Analyzed QC Batch ID Comment(s): -The sample chromatographic pa~ern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard· Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the specified standard. Parameter Result R~ D~ Qual Units TPH as Gasoline 160 13 25 rog/kg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 39-129 Qua! Comment(s): -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the specified standard· Parameter Result RI_ DF: Qua[ Units TPH as Gasoline 140 13 25 mg/kg Surrogates: REC (%) Control' Limits. 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 39-129 Qual Parameter Result RI_ D._[F Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND ,0.50 1 mg/kg Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual .Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 39-129 - Parameter Result RI-, DF' Qual' Units TPH as Gasoline ND .0.50 Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 89 39-129 I mg/kg Qua! Ij RL- Repealing Limit , DF - Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers ' · 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 alscience _ nvironmental' aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Analytical Report Date Received: Work.Order No: Preparation: Method: 04/29/04 04-04-1578 ' EPA'5030B DHS LUFT. Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number Page 7 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Parameter Result RI_ TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 39-129 DF Qual Units 1 rog/kg Qual Parameter Result RI_ D.__~F Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 39-129 Qual Parameter Result RI_ DF' Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ND 5.0 10 mg/kg Surrogates REC (%) Control Limits .1,4-Bromofluorobenzene . 92 39-129 Qual Parameter ' Result RI_ D_EF Qua! Units TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 I mg/kg Surroqates: 'REC (%) Control I 1,4-Bror~ofluorobenzene 92 'L:~i~'~9 ! RL - Reporting Limit Qual DF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 ° FAX: (714) 894-7501 I alscience - m_nvirOnmental aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental 'Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K 'Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 3550B DHS LUFT Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Page I of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared An;41yzed QC Batch ID I ~ i~,,~ ~,~.;~,~,':':.:'~:',t ;,~,~;;: ~'~ ~%:-~!?~1~'~ % ~ ~> "" ~*'"'~;~ ~:' ~.~,~'::: ;;:;~ ", ~-~'~ ~":~ :~ ' ~"~;;;:¥~ ~¢~::~.~t~ 1 Parameter Result RI_ DF' Qual Units TPH as Diesel 100 5 I mg/kg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 97 62-152 Qual Parameter Result RI_ DF' Qual Units TPH as Diesel 8.6 5.0 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 89 62-152 Parameter Result RI_ TPH as Diesel 120 5 Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 89 62-152 DF Qual Units. 1 mg/kg Qual Parameter Result RI_ DF' Qual Units TPH as Diesel 150 5 I rog/kg Surroqates: REC (%) Control Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 98 62-152 Qual 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 ° FAX: (714) 894-7501 ~= alscience ~ nwronmental Anal~cal ReDo~ ~ aboratofies, Inc. . Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: 04/29/04 91~ South ~rimrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: * 04-04-1578 Monrovia, CA 91016-000~ ' Preparation: EPA 3550B ' ' ' ' Method: DHS LUFT Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA ' Page 2 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Anal~ed QC Batch ID Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ' TPH Diesel ND 5.0 1 ' mg/kg SurroRates: REC (%) Control Qua~ Limits Decac~lorobiphenyl 84 62-1 ~ TPH as Diesel 140 5 1 mg/kg Surrogates: .~EC (%) ~ ~_ ' Qual i Decachl~robiphenyl ' ~ 97 ~2 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Diesel - ND 5.0 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Decachlorobiphenyl 89 ~ 62-152 , . _ .. Parameter ' Result RL DF Qual Units' TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 mg/kg ~urro~ates: REC (%) Control ' Qual ' Limits .Decachlorobiphenyl ' 84 62-152 RL - Repealing Limit , DF - Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL:(714) 895-5494 F~: (714) 894-7501 -~ - alscience -rm~_nvironmental -~. aboratories, Inc. Analytical Report Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 91 i South Primrose Avenue, Unit' K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 3550B · DHS LUFT~ Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Page 3 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Parameter Result R_.~L DF: Oual Units TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 89 62-152 Qual Parameter Result RI_ :D._~F Qual Units TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 mg/kg I I I I Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 93 62-152 Parameter Result RI_ DF Qual Units TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 mg/kg Parameter I- TPH as Diesel Surroqates: Decachlorobiphenyl ,.Surro.qates: ,REC .(%) Control Qual Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 89 62-152 Result RI_ DF: Oual Units NI~ 5.0 1 rog/kg REC (%) Control Limits 85 62-152 Qual  , "RL- Repodin.g Limit , . DF- Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 ~= alscience ~ nwronmenral Analytical Report · ~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: ' 04/29/04 911 South Primrose'Avenue, Unit K . Work Order No: 04-04-1578 'Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 ' PreparatiOn: EPA 3550B ' Method: DHS LUFT Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Page 4 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 rog/kg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 88 62-152 I Parameter Result RL DF Qual 'Units TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 ~ 1 mg/k9 Surrogates: REC (%) Control Q~al ' Limits . De~c~orobiphen;I 92 · ~2 . Parameter Result' RL 'DF Qual Units TPH as Diesel ' ND 5.0 1 rog/kg ' Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual · . Limits 'Decachlorobiphenyl 93 62-152 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ' TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 rog/k9 Surrogates: REC (%) . Control Qual Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 79 62-152 RL- RepoSing Limit , DF- Dilution Factor , Oual- Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 '. F~: (714) 894-7501 -~- - alscience ~'nvironmental ,._ Report , ~ aboratofies, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: 04/29/04 911 SOuth Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-04-1578 M0nrovia, CA 91016:0000 Preparation: EPA 3550B Method: DHS LUFT Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Page 5 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ' TPH as ~iesel ND 5.0 1 mg/kg Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits . . De~chlorobiphenyl 87 ~2 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 ' rog/kg ' Surroqates: REC (%) Control · Qual Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 121 ~2 .... I Parameter Result RL ~F Qual Units TPH as Diesel ' * ND ' - 5.0 I rog/kg SUrrogates: REC (%) Control Qual ~ . ~ . Decachlorobiphenyl ' 106 ' ~2 ' ' Parameter Result RL D~ Qual Units TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 mg/kg Surrogates: · REC (%) Control Qual Decachlorobiphenyl 99 62-152 ing Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · F~: (714) 894-7501 I ~ alscience -~----___nvironmental . -~. aboratories, In{:. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 04~29~04 04-04-1578 EPA 3550B DHS LUFT Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Page 6 of 7 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I I Parameter Result RI_ D._EF Qual Units TPH as Diesel 2400 25 5 mg/kg Surro,qates: REC (%) Control Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 108 62-152 Qual Parameter Result RI_ D._~F Qual Units I I I I I TPH as Diesel 3400 25 Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 110 62-152 5 mg/kg Qual Parameter Result RI_ TPH as Diesel 9.7 5.0 Surro,qates: REC (%) ,Control Limits Decachlo~obiphenyl 109 62-152 D~F Qual Units I ,mg/kg Qual Parameter Result RI_ D_.EF Qual Units I: TPH as Diesel ND 5.0 1 rog/kg Surroqates: REC (%) Control I Limits Decachlorobiphenyl 96 62-152 Qual RL ~ Reporting Limit , DF - Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 IC=.. alscience I ~""'nvironmental ~ aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K i Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 I Project:' 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number Parameter Result RL · · , Limits I D ecachlorobiphenyl ~ 96 _ TPH ~s Diesel ND 5.0 ~ Sur~oRates: REC (%) ~ De~chlorobiphenyl 101  :Parameter ·Result TPH as Diesel ND ' 5.0 ~ Surrogates: REC (%) Control ~ Decachlorobiphenyl 87 ~ts  podin~ Umit DF - Dilution Factor Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: -Method: Lab Sample Date Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed 04/29/04 04-04'-1578 EPA 3550B DHS LUFT Page 7 of 7 QC Batch ID Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 Control 62-152 62-152 D._EF Qua! Units I mg/kg Qual D_EF Qual Units 1 mg/kg Qu..at DF Qual Units 1 mg/kg Control Qual 62-152 alscience ' . . =nvironr , Anal yt ical Re port .-~';2¢~'~! , aboratones, Inc. . < Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: 04/29/04 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-04-1578 Monrovia, CA 9~0~6-0'000 - Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B - ' Units: 'mg/kg Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA ~ ' Page 1 of 10 r Lab Sampe Date M tn Date Date Client S~,~ple Number Number Collected a 'x Prepared ~ Anal~ed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Pa~meter Result RL DF Qual ~ ~ 0.0050 1 TeA-Bu~I Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 0.0050 I Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 E~ylbenzene ND Diisopropyl 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 ' TeA-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 I ' o Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Surropates: REC (Fo) Control Qual ' Limi~ Limi~ Dibromofluoromethane 112 ~5 Toluene-d8 97 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 72-114 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual ~ ' ~ 0.0050 1 Ted-Butyl Alcohol FBA) ND 0.050 1 - Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 I DiiEopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 .Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ' ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ted-AmyI-Methyl CAME) ND 0.010 1 Ether o-Xylene . ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 . Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC [%) Control Qual Limits ~ . Limits Dibromofluoromethane . 102 ~5 Toluene-d8 - 96 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 80 72-114 . ~arameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF' Qual' ~ ~enzen _ ND 0.0050 1 - Ted-ButylAIcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 I Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Teluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 .Ted-AmyI-Methyl ~ther (TAME) ND 0.010 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ' . ND 0.25 ' 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 I . Curropates: ' REC (%) Control Qual Surropates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 118 ~5 Toluene-d8 99 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 79 ' 72-114 RL- Repoding Limit , DF - Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers  7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · F~: (714) 894-7501 -~m aboratories, Inc.' I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 9'1'1 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K i Monrovia,~CA 91016-0000 · I P roject: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Client~Sampl~ Number ' mm I · Parameter Result RL DF Qual ~ ND 0.0050 1 m Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 · Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 m o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 · Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 m Surro.qates: . REC (%) Control Limits __ Dibromofluoromethane · 118 81---~5 m 1,4-~romofluorobenzene 80 ~ 72-11~ I Parameter Result RL DF Qual · o.oo 0 Ethylbenzene ND 0,0050 1 . Toluene ' ND 0.0050 1 m p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 · o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ' 0.0050 1 -- Surro.qates: REC {%) Control Qual · . Limits · Dibromofluoromethane 118 ~-~-~'5 ~1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 72-114 m-- 'Parameter Result - RL DF Qual ~ ND 0.0050 - 1 · Ethylbenzene ' ND 0.0050 1 I Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ' 0.028 0.005 1 o-Xylene 0.029 0.005 1 m 'Methyl-t-Butyl Ether'(MTBE) ' ND 0.0050 1 · Surro,qates: REC (%) Control Qual 'Dibromofluoromethane · 114 81---~5 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 108 ' 72-114 i eporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Analytical Report Lab Sample Date Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Parameter .Result RI_ D__EF Qual Ted-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Surrogates REC (%) Control Qual .. Limits Toluene-d8 97 86-110 Parameter Result RI_ D__~F Qual Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl EU~er (ETBE) ND 0.010 . 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Surrogates: . REC (%) Control Limits Toluene-d8 98 86-110 Qual Parameter F~esult RI_ DF' Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND . 0.25 I Surrogates: 'REC (%) Control Limits Toluehe-d8 101 86-110 Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 Qual Qua[ · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (7.14) 894-7501 Date Received: 04/29/04 Work Order No: 04-04-1578 Preparation: 'EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: rog/kg Page 2 Of 10 Analytical Report Date Received: WOrk Order No: Preparation: Method: Units: 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B rog/kg Page 3 o~ 10 Lab Sample Date Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Parameter Result RL DF Qual Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0,010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Qual Surroqates: REC (%) Control Limits Toluene-d8 100 86-110 D__~F Qual 1 1 1 1 1 Parameter Result RI_ Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether ('TAME) ND 0.010 Ethanol ND 0.25 Surroqates: REC (%) Control .Qual Limits Toluene-d8 95 86-110 Parameter Result RI_ D_~F Qual Tert-Butyl Alcohol· (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 , 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 .Qual Qual - Qualifiers m alscience m -'- nviron aboratories, inc. m Delta EnvirOnmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose'Avenue, Unit K m M onrovia, CA 91'016-0000 m Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number ~ ~:: ,~,, :~!~,~,: ~:~ Parameter Result RL DF Qual _ Benzene' ND 0.0050 m Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 · Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 m o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 · Methyl-t-Butyl,Ether (MTBE) ND o 0.0050 1 m Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual ~ Dibromofluoromethane 108 81---~5 m 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 96 72-114 li~2 B ~2 ~ ;~:i:~.~{~ ~ }~ m Parameter Result RL DF Qual · ND o.Foso Ethylbenzene ' ND 0.0050 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 m p/m-Xy)ene ND 0.0050 1 · o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ' 0.0050 mm .Surro.qates: REC (%) Control Qual · , , Limits · D)bromofluoromethane 107 81-135 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 88 72-114 · · mm ~_arameter Result RL' Qual edzene ND 0.0050 1 · Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 m Toluene ' ND ' 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 o-Xylene " ND 0.0050 m Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 _ · ~urro~ates: REC (%) Control Qual -- Limits Dibromofluoromethane 106 81--"~'~5 m 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 63 72-114 ! po~ing Limit DF - Dilution Factor Surrogates REC (%) Control Limits Toluene-d8 95 86-110 ' 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 C alscience -~_nvironmental ~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016;0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number " ~er~meter . Result ~L DF Qual ~ ND 0.0050 Eth~lbenzene ND 0.0050 Toluene ND 0.0050 Wm-XHene ND 0.0050 o-Xyiene ND 0.0050 1 Methyl-t-Buy Ether (MTBE) ND o 0.0050 1 Surrogates: REC (Yo) Control Qua~ Limits Dibromofluoromethane 110 ~5 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 72-114 Parameter,' Result RL DF Qual ~ ND 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 Surrogates: REC (%) Control . .. Qual Limits Dibromofluoromethane 106 ~5 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene g5 72-114 Parameter Result RL DF Qual ~ ND ' 0;0050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ~.0050 1 Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual , Limits Dibromofluoromethane 109 ~5 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 96 72-114 epoding Umit DF - Dilution Factor Analytical Report Lab Sample Date Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Parameter Result RI_ DI= Ted-ButylAicohol (TBA) ND 0.050 .. - 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 Ted-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Qual Surroqates: REC (%) Control Limits Toluene-d8 96 86-110 Qua! I Parameter Result RI_ D__EF Qual Ted-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether,(ETBE) ND 0.010 1 Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Surrogates: REC (%) Control. Limits Toluene-d8 97 86-110 .Qual Parameter . Result RI_ DF Qual Ted-Butyl Alcohol (TBA)' ND 0.050 1 Diisoprop, yl Eth~er (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND. 0.010 1 Te(t-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Surrogates: Toluene-d8 REC (%) Control Qual Limits 100 86-110 Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 Date Received: 04/29/04 Work Order No: 04-04-1578 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: rog/kg page 4 of 10 Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order No: preparation: Method: Units: C alscience nvir°n aboratories, Inc. Delta Consultants Inc. Environmental 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Clien~,Sample Number I Parameter Result RL DF Qua~ ~ ND 0.0050 1 Ethyibenzene ND 0.0050 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Methyl-t-Bu~l Ether (MTBE) ND o 0.0050 1 SurroRates: REC (Fo) Control Qual Limits Dibromofluoromethane 117 ~5 ,4-Bromofluorobenzene 82 72-114 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ' ND 0.0050 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 .Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) :ND o 0.0050 1 Surrogates: REC (~) Con~rol Qual Limits Dibromofluoromethane 108 81-135 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 96 72-114 Parameter Result RL DF Qual ~ ND 0.0050 1 Ethylbenzene ~ ND 0.0050 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ' ND' . 0.0050 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 Currogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Dibromofluoromethane 98 ~5 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 72-114 epoding Limit DF - Dilution Factor 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B mg/kg Page 5 of 10 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 DF Qual 1 1 1 1 1 Surrogates REC (%) Control Limits Toluene-d8 99 86~110 Qual Qual- Qualifiers Parameter -Result RI_ D~F Qual TeK-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 Tert~Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits Toluene-d8 100 86-110 Qual Parameter Result Te~t-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND Ethanol ND Surrogates: REC (%) Toluene-d8 96 R__CL D._~F Qual 0.050 1 0.010 1 0.010 1 0.010 1 0.25 1 Control Limits 86-110 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 ° Qual FAX: (714) 894-7501 Parameter. Result RI_ Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 Ethanol ND 0.25 Lab Sample Date Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID ~ Analytical Report . &. aboratories, Inc. I D elta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K i Monrovia,'CA 91016-0000' Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Client Sample N~mber Parameter Result RL DF ~ ND 0.0050 I Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 · Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 I o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 · Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) .... ND 0.0050~ 1 I Surro.qates: REC (%) Control Qua.__J ' Limits _ Dibromofluoromethane 95 ~-'~'5 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 72-114 I Parameter Result RL DF Qua · Benzene ND 0.0050 --1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 I ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xyle'ne · o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 -- Surroqates: REC (%) Control ~ Qual · ' Limits · Dibromofluoromethane 124 81-135 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 74 72-114 ~ Parameter . Result RL DF Qu~ enzene " ND 0J0050 '~1 · Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 · Toluene ND ' 0.0050 1 ~ p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 o-Xylene ND ' 0.0050 1 ~. Methyl;t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) . ND 0.0050 1 · .Surro.qates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Dibromofluoromethane 118 ~-'~'~5 I1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 77 72-114 eporting Limit , . DF- Dilution Factor Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Units: 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B mg/kg Page 6 of 10 Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 Parameter Ted-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether iETBE) Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) Ethanol Surroqates: Toluene-d8 Result RI_ D._~F Qual ND 0.050 1 ND 0.010 1 ND 0.010 1 ND 0.010 1 ND 0.25 I REC (%) Control Qual Limits 97 86-110 TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX! (714) 894-7501 Qual Lab Sample Date Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch .ID Qual Parameter Result R~ D~ Qual Te~-Bu~l Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 Ted-Amyl-Methyl Ether CAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Surroqates: REC (%} Control Qual Limits Toluene-d8 96 86-110 Qual Parameter Result R~ D~ Qual Ted-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Bu~l Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 Ted-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Surrofiates: REC (%) Control Qu~l :Limits Toluene-d8 101 86-110 m ~ nvironmental Analytical Report ~? ~ aboratones, Inc. ~ m Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: 04/29/04 911 South Primrose Avenue,' Unit K - Work Order No: - 04-04-1578 · Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 · ' Preparation: . EPA 5030B m Method: · EPA 8260B Units: . . - mg/kg m Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA , Page 7 of 10 ,i Lab Sample Date ' Date Date Client S~ple Number ' Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter' Result RL DF Qual __ ~ ' ~ 0%50 -~1 Tert-Buty) Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 m Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 ' · Toluene ' ' ND 0.0050 I Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 P/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-AmyFMethyl Ether (TAME) .ND 0.010 1 ~1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 I Ethanol ND 0.25 1 · Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 m Surrogates: REC (%) ~ Qual Surrogates: REC (%) ~ .Qual __ Dibromofluoromethane 129 ~-'~5 Toluene-d8 99 86---'~-~0 m I 77 72-114 ,4-B romofl uorobe.~ze ne m Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF Qual · ~ 0.~'~50 --1 Tert-ButylAIcohol(TBA) ND 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene '- ND 0.0050 I Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 m p/m-Xyiene ND 0.0050 1 Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 · o-Xylene ' ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 ' Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 --, Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual · Dibromofluoromethane 128 81-135 Toluene-d8 98 86-110 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 73 72-114 ' ' -- Parameter Result RE DF Qual Parameter Result RL 'DF' Qual ~e zene ND' 0.0050 1 -- . Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 · .Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 I Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 m Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 · 1 p/m-Xylene 0.0067- 0.0050 I Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND - · 0.010 1 o-Xylene 0.0063 0.0050 1 ' Ethano)1 . ND 0.25 ' 1 · Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 I . · Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: ~. REC (%) Control Qual Dibromofluoromethane 130 81-135 Toluene-d8 104 86----~0 I1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 72-114 Ij RL- Reporting Limit , DF- Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers  7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 ° TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I alscience I nvir°nmental aboratories, Inc. I .Delta~Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K i Monrovia,CA 91016-0000 I P roject: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number ' Parameter Result RL DF Qual _ Benzene ND 0.0050 I Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 · Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene 0.0068 0.0050 '1 ~ o-Xylene 0.0058 0.0050 1 · Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND o 0.0050 1 ~ Surro.qates: REC (%) Control Qua.___l Limits __ Dibromofluoromethane 107 81 --'~'~'5 I 1,4-Bromo~uorobenzene 96 72-114 I Parameter Result RL . DF Qur: ~ Benzene ND 0.0050 _ 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 · Toluene ND 0.0050 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 , 1 · o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 .. Surro,qates: REC (%) Control Qual · Limits · Dibromofluoromethane 110 81---'~-~5 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 84 72-114 '=' Parameter Result ' RL DF Qua . · Benzene ND 0.0050 1 · , Ethylbenzene ' · ND ,:0.0050 1 '·'" "Toluen~ ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ' ND 0.0050 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 I Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 · Surroqates: ' REC (%) Control Qual ' Limits Dibromofluoromethane 113 81-135 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 72-114  eporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Analytical Report Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 Lab Sample Date Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Qual Qual Parameter Result RI_ Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 Ethan61 ND 0.25 DF Qual 1 1 1 1 1 Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits Toluene-d8 102 86-110 Qual Parameter Result RI_ D._.~F Ted-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND · 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Qual Surroqates: REC (%) Control Limits Toluene-d8 96 86-110 Parameter Result RI- DF' Qual TeA-Butyl Aicohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ' ND 0.010 1 EthyPt-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0:010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 , 1 Surro.qates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Toluene-d8 94 86-110 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 Qual FAX: (714) 894-7501 Date Received: 04/29/04 Work Order No: .. 04-04-1578 preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg Page 8 of 10 alscience _- ,~ ,.,,.;,.,..,,, ........ i... ~w~ v~ /.~naly~lcal ~,eport ~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: 04/29/04 91t South PrimrOse Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 04-04-1578 Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 ' Preparation: EPA 5030B ' · Method: EPA 8260B ' . Units: _ ' 'mg/kg Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Page 9 of 10 ' Lab Samp e Date Date Date Client Sample Number ', .... Number Collected Matrix ~repared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter · Result RL DF Qual ~ ~ 0.0050 1 Ted-Butyl Alcohol ~BA) " ND 0.050 1 Ethylbenzene . ND 0.0050 ] Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 ' Ethyl-t-Bu~i Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Te~-Amyl-Methyl Ether ~AME) ND 0.010 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 'Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Limits Dibromofluoromethane 116 ~5 Toluene-d8 98 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 80 72-114 ' ~ Parameter Result RL DF Qual Parameter Result RL. DF Qual ~ ND- 0~50 1 Te~-Butyl Alcohol FBA) ND .0.050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND ' 0.010 I Toluene ND 0.0050 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (E~BE) ND 0,010 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Ted-Am'yI-Methyl Ether ~AME) ND 0.010 1 o-Xylene ' ND 0.0050 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND o 0.0050 1 o Surrogates: REC (~) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (~) Control Qual Limits - Limits ' Dibromofluoromethane 120 81-135 Toluene-d8 99 ~0' 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 77 72-114 ~arameter ' ' Result RL ~ DF Qual Parameter Result RL DF ' Qual enzene ~ 0.0050 I TeA-Buy Alcohol (TBA) . ND 0.050 ~, 1 Ethylbenzene ' ND 0.0050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Toluene ND ' 0.0050 I Ethyl-t:Bu~l Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 p/m-Xylene ' ND 0.0050 . I Te~-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 , o-Xylene . ND 0.0050 1 · Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 · Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: ' REC (%) Control Qual D ' Limits ~ ~ ibromofluoromethane 103 ' ~5 Toluene-d8 96 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 86 72-114 " RL - Repofling Limit , DF- Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers  7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · F~: (714) 894-7501 I alscience I . nvironmental. Analytical Report -- aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K i M onrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Client Sample Number Parameter Result RL DF Oua.__.~l Benzene ' ' ND 0.0050 1 ~ Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 · Toluene - ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 ~ o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 · Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 ~ Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qua_l , Limits Dibromofluoromethane 103 81---~5 I 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 72-114 · :Parameter Result RL DF Qual · Benzene ND 0.0050 1 -- Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 I p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 · o-Xylene ' ND 0.0050 1 . Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND o 0.0050 1 __ Surrogates: REC ( '/~} Control Qual · . Limits · Dibromofluoromethane 98 81---'~5 -- 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 72-114 Parameter Result 'RL DF 'Qual ~ ' ND 0.0050 1 ~ Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 · Toluene . ' ND 0.0050 1 '"' p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 · Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 · Surro.qates:' ' REC (%) Control Qual . Dibromofluoromethane 96 81--'~-~'5 ' ' I 1,4-Bromoflt~orobenzene 97 72-114  eporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor ,- Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Units: 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B 'EPA 8260B mg/kg Page 10 of 10 Lab Sample Date Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared' Analyzed QC Batch ID Parameter Result R~ D~ Qual Te~-Bu~l Alcohol CBA) ND 0.050 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Buy Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 Ted-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 Surropates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits Toluene-d8 100 86-110 Parameter Result R~ D~ Qual Ted-B~l Alcohol CBA) ND 0.050" 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 ' Ted-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 Ethanol - ND 0.25 1 Surroffates: REC (%) - Control Qual Limits Toluene-d8 94 86-110 Parameter Result Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND ND REC f%) Ethanol Surro.qates: Toluene-d8 96 Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 RL. D__[F · Qual 0.050 1_ 0.010 1 0.010 1 0.010 1 0.25 1 Control Qual, Limits 86-110 FAX: (714) 894-7501 I~=. alscience I ~nvironmental ~ -~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. I911 south Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0'000 I Project: 2401 N. Oak St. · Quality Control Sample ID I Parameter _ Antimony Arsenic Cadmium · ~horb°~ium (T°ta') · Copper i' LMeola;bdenum Nickel Thallium I vanadium · Zinc I I I · I I I Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate ~ Bakersfield~ CA Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 3050B EPA 601 OB 57 54 50-115 6 0-20 97 97 75-125 0 0-20 104 114 75-125 4 0-20 97 96 75-125 I 0-20 92 93 75-125 1 0-20 100 102 75-125 1 0-20 95 96 75-125 ' 0 0-20 105 104 75-125 1 0-20 91 91 75-125 0 0-20 89 89 75-125 0 0-20 86 90 '75-125 2 0-20 85 86 75-125 I 0-20 101 102 75-125 1 0-20 89 88 '75-125 1 0-20 104 109 75-125 3 0-20 87 91 75-125 3 0-20 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 o TEL:(714)895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Date Date MS/MSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number I =~-~= alscience I ------- nvironmental Quality Control - Laboratory Control Sample I ~ aboratOries, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: I 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: B· Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: Method: i Project: 2401 N. Oak St., 'Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Parameter Conc Added Conc Recovered LCS %Rec Antimony 50.0 46.5 93 I Arsenic 50.0 46.0 92 Barium 50.0 52.3 105 · Beryllium 50.0 48.9 98 I Cadmium 50.0 49.8 100 Chromium (Total) 50.0 49.6 99 Cobalt 50,0 52,0 104 I 50.0 47.8 96 Copper ~ Lead 50.0 49.8 100 Molybdenum · , 50.0 48.6 97 ~ Nickel 50,0 49.7 99 Selenium 50.0 46.3 93 Silver 25.0 23.9 96 Thallium 50.0 49.6 99 50.0 50.2 100 Vanadium I Zinc 50.0 47.8 96 ~~~l~[~,,~,~l_mcoln Way, Garden Grove, CA @2841-.1427 · TEL:(7.14) 895-5494 · FAX: N/A 04-04-1578 EPA 3050B EPA 601 OB instrument Date Analyzed Lab File ID LCS Batch Number %Rec CL Qualifiers 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 I~. aiscience I ~nvironmental Quality Control- Spike/Spike Duplicate i -~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received:' I 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: -- Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 I Project: ;'.401 h. ~ · Quality Control Sample ID I Parameter I Mercury I ' I I I I I I I ' Preparation: Method: 2401 N. Oak St.~ Bakersfield~ CA 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 7471A Total- EPA 7471A Date Date MS/MSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared AnalYZed Number MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 125 123 76-136 2 0-16 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 o TEL:(714) 895-.5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~. aiscience I --~--'~nvir°nmental Quality Control-Laboratory Control Sample -- ~ aboratories, Inc. I Delta Environmental Consultants'inc. Date Received: I~ 911 South Primrose AVenue, Unit K Work Order No: ~' Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 i PrOject: 2401 t Bak Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Preparation: Method: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA N/A 04-04-1578 EPA 7471A Total EPA 7471A Instrument Date Analyzed Lab File ID' LCS Batch Number Conc Added Conc Recovered LCS%Rec 0.835 0.908 109 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 %Rec CL Qualifiers 82-124 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 -~-~= aiscience --~_nVironmental Quality ContrOl - Spike/Spike Duplicate -~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak St.~ Bakersfield~ CA Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Date Date MS/MSD Batch Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number Parameter MS %REC .MSD %REC %REC CL .RPD RPD CL Qualifiers TPH as Gasoline 84 82 66-108 2 ,0-18 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 o TEL:(714) 895-5494 ° FAX: (714) 894-7501 ~ alscience --~.nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate ~ aboratories, Inc. 'Delta. Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received:. 911 South Primr~ose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 IXl. ~ Quali~ontro, ~ample ID .Parameter TPH as Gasoline Preparation: Method: 2401 N. Oak St.r Bakersfield~ CA O4/29/O4 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Date Date MS/MSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number ;,~; ;:,:~,~;~,,~ ::~,.~,~ ~ ,. :~:%,:,,,~,~ ~!:;%!:?= ~ ~ .:~ I MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL 74 77 66-108 RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 4 0-18 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 -~= alscience ~ nvironmental ~. aboratories, Inc. Delta EnvironmentaJ Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 I~1. Quality Control ~ample ID' ' . 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate Date Received: Work Order No: 'Preparation: Method: N/A 04-04-1578 'EPA 5030B DHS LUFT LCS/LCSD Batch Number 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL'.'(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 96 100 70-118 5 0-28 Date Date Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed =~. alscience ~ nvironmental ~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants 'inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Quality Control 'Sample I~D ' . 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: N/A '04-04-1578 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL 99 100 70-118 1 0-28 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 Qualifiers Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed 'Number ~ aiscience -~-~nvir°nme ntal -~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-00~0 Project: 2401 !'1. ~ ~i. Quality Control Sample ID '~asoline " . - 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT LCS/_LCSD Batch Number ' 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · 'FAX: (714) 894-7501 LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 95 94 70-118 0 0-2~ Date Date Matrix . Instrument Prepared Analyzed 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 3550B DHS LUFT Date Date MS/MSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number MS %nEC .MSD %nEC %nEC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 9 0-12 I '~=. alscience I --~_nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate --~ aboratories, Inc. ' I ~-----------~ev~d-- Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. e' ' : 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: Met-hod: I Project: 2401 N. Oak St.~ Bakersfield~ CA Dat~ · Q~li~l~ntr~SamplelD ~ ~r~i> ~ Instrument ~ Prepa:e~ I Parameter MS %nEC ¢1~ ;D %nEC %nEC CL R_ . I TPH as Diesel 87 79 71-125 !  7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841~1427 o TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ alscience I ~.nvironmental ~ aboratories, Inc. I Project: ;:401 N. i · ,,Q,,~ality Control Sample ID · I;' I Parameter ' i TPH as Diesel I I I I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K 2401 N. Oak St.~ Bakersfield~ CA Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 3550B DHS LUFT 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 o TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 84 89 71-125 5 0-12 Date Date MS/MSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number I -~-~ alscience I --~nvironmenta! Quality Control- Laboratory Control Sample I --~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Envir(~nmental Consultants Inc. 'Date Received: · 911- South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: · Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 I Project: 2401 Bak Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Parameter II TPH as Diesel ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Preparation: Method: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Instrument Date Analyzed Conc Added Conc Recovered LCS %Rec 400 330 83 N/A 04-04-1578 EPA 3550B DHS LUFT 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 %Rec CL 71-119 Qualifiers · FAX: (714) 894-7501 Lab File ID LCS Batch Number I ~_. alsCience I ~ nvironmental Quality.Control - Laboratory Control Sample ~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. ~. Date Received: · 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: · Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 . . Preparation: Method: iProject: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Quality Contro~ Sample ~D Matrix ~n~ Parameter Conc Added Conc Recovered LCS %Rec I TPH as Diesel 400 360 89 17Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 N/A 04-04-1578 EPA 3550B DHS LUFT Instrument Date Analyzed Lab File ID LCS Batch Number %Rec CL Qualifiers 71-119 TEL:(714) 895-5494 ' · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I C aiscience ~ nvironr~ I ~aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultantslnc. I911 South'Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 I project: 2401 N. Oak · Quality Control Sample ID I Parameter Benzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethene · ;~'cUh~leoeth e ne · Vinyl Chloride !' TMeedt !BY ~ tt~ ~,,t Yclo~ 'o~ ~ ~(BMA~BE) -- Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) I TE t ehr tY~-/~-rnB~ -t YI~I eEt thhy~ rE(~Eh eTrB ~'f)AME) iEthanol I I I Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate 2401 N. Oak St.~ Bakersfield~ CA Date Date MS/MSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number I MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 106 103 77-113 3 0-9 106 103 57-141 3 0-14 100 102 72-114 I 0-13 95 95 53-125 0 0-24 110 103 72-126 7 0-24 104 101 72-114 3 0-11 105 103 80-116 2 0-14 95 93 64-130 2 0-13 98 97 60-126 1 0-13 88 86 66-120 2 0-27 104 100 67-121 4 0-17 98 99 74-116 I 0~11 102 102 73-115 I 0-9 87 87 28-148 1 0-55 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove,'CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 Date' Received: 04/29/04 Work Order No: 04-04-1.578 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B alscience ~= nwronmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate ~ aboratones, Inc. . .. Dolta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: 04/2~/04 ~ ~ South Crimrose Avenuo, ~nit K Work Order ~o: 04-04-~ 578 Monrovia, GA ~ 0~ ~-0000 ' . ~reparation: [~A 5030B ' ~ Method: [~A 82~0B ~roject:' 240~ ~. Oak St.~ Bakorsfield~ CA ~ate Date MS/MS~ Batch Ouali~ Control Sa~,e ID ~ Uatrix Instrument ~ropamd Anal~ed ~umbor ~.~.. Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 94 95 77-113 1 0-9 Carbon Tetrachloride 105 99 57-141 6 0-14 Chlorobenzene 96 95 72-114 1 0-13 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95 95 53-125 0 0-24 1,1-Dichloroethene 105 ' .103 72-126 . 2 0-24 ~l~k~2:ethene ~: ~ :20~ ~ ~14 Vinyl Chloride 91 ~ 89 ~-130 3 0-13 Methyl-t-Bu~l Ether (MTBE) 105 106 60-126 I 0-13 Ted-Butyl Alcohol ~BA) 92 91 66-120 2 0-27 ' Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 104 103 67-121 1 0-17 Ethyl-t-ButYl Ether (ETBE) 107 107 74-116 I 0-11 Te~-AmyI-Methyl Ether ~AME) 107 108 73-115 I 0-9 Ethanol . ~ 2 3 28-148 49 0-55 3 Uncoln Way, Gardon Grove, CA ~284~-~427 . TEk:(7~4) 8~5-54~4 F~: (7~4) 8~4-750~ I ~ al~ 7..;science I ~'~nvir°nmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate .-~m aboratories, Inc.~ 'Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: I 911 South piimrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: ' Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 ' Preparation: · . ~ Method: · Project: 2401 N. Oak St.~ Bakersfield~ CA 'DateDate I Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD Benzene 99 100 77-113 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 90 95 53-125 5 I 1 ,l-Dichloroethene 101 102 72-126 2 · Vinyl Chloride .86 89 64-130 4 __ Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 97 101 67-121 4 Il' Ethanol . 3 6 28-148 . .' ,67 I 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 o TEL:(714) 895-5494 - O4/29/O4 04-04-1578 EPA 50308 EPA 82608 RPD CL Qualifiers 0-9 0-14' 0-13 0-24 0-24 0-11 0-14 0-13 0-13 0-27 0-17 0-11 0-9 0-55 3,4 FAX: (714) 894-7501 MS/MSD Batch Number ~. aiscience ~ nvironmental ~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South :Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak St.~ Bakersl ~uality Control S~mple ID . Parameter ' Benzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethene - Vinyl Chloride ;;;yl MethYl Ether (TAME) '. Quality Control -'Spike/Spike Duplicate ~ Bakersfield~ CA Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: 04/29/04 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 98 93 77-113 6 0-9 92 91 57-141 1 0-14 97 91 72-114 6 0-13 97 89 53-125 8 0-24 100 95 72-126 5 0-24 100 94 72-114 6 0-11 98 92 80-116 6 0-14 89 84 64-130 6 0-13 105 97 60-126 7 0-13 91 92 66-120 1 0-27 105 99 67-121 5 0-17 107 102 74-116 5 0-11 105 100 73-115 5 0-9 96 89 28-148 7 0-55 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 o TEL:(714) 895-5494 'o FAX: (714) 894-7501 MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL . RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Date Date MS/MSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number II ~-~=aiscience ~ n ~iron~ ~ aboratories, Inc. !1 Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak Sti~ Bakersfield~ CA Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Date Received: 04/29/04 Work Order No: 04-04~1578 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Date Date MS/MSD Batch 'Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers BenZene 101 97 77-113 3 0-9 Carbon Tetrachloride 92 92 57-141 0 0-14 Chlorobenzene 103 102 72-114 1 0-13 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 102 101 53-I 25 2 0-24 1,1-Dichloroethene 107 99 72-126 9 0-24 Toluene 103 99 72-114 5 0-11 Trichloroethene 99 98 80-116 1 0-14 Vinyl Chloride 92 85 64-130 8 0-13 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 104 95 60-126 9 0-13 Ted-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 106 90 66-120 16 0-27 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 94 87 67-121 8 0-17 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 100 98 74-116 2 0-11 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 99 99 73-115 0 0-9 Ethanol 109 89 28-148 20 0-55 I I I I I 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA'92841-1427 o TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 _ aiscience I -- .nvironmental aboratories, Inc. I )elta Environmental Cons; · ~)11 South Primrose Avent~, Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 I Project: 2401 N. Oak , ma Q~lity Control Sample I~ I Parameter i Chlorobenzene · Toluene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride · Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) -- Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) _. EthyPt-Butyl Ether (ETBE) I I : I I Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate Delta Environmental Consultan(s Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Date Received: N/A · Work Order No: 04-04-1578 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number LCS %REC 103 104 100 98 102 98 99 96 102 98 102 101 100 99 91 89 102 98 93 85 101 101 98 98 104 104 98 85 LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 82-112 1 0-10 71-131 3 0-12 86-110 4 0-10 82-112 3 0-11 84-120 4 0-10 81-111 1 0-10 84-114 1 0-10 75-123 2 0-.11 82-118 4 0-13 70-124 9 0-25 73-121 0 0-14 82-118 1 0-1~ 81-117 0 0-8 22-154 14 0-21 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ aiscience ~ ~r nvironmental - ~ aboratories, Inc. I · Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Ba~ I Quality Control Sample ID i Parameter . · ~l~;nn~l.etra ch io rid e · Chlorobenzene . · Toluene Trichloroethene w Vinyl Chloride m Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Ted-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ~ Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) . I ;~hd;nA¢?yl'Methyl Ether (TAME) I I ~ · ~ . I I ~_ 7 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate .Date Received: Work Order .No: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B TEL:(714) 895-5~494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RSD RPD CL 104 98 82-112 5 0-10 109 102 7%131 7 0-12 102 100 86-110 2 0-10 102 103 82-112 1 0-11 116 108 84-120 8 0-10 108 104 81-111 4 0-10 104 96 84-114 8 0-10 110 99 75-123 10 0-11 99 108 82-118 9 0-13 91 96 70-124 5 0-25 103 105 73-121 2 0-14 104 110 82-118 5 0-13 105 110 81-117 4 0-8 99 90 22-154 9' 0-21 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 Qualifiers Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number , = '" ~;. :::'?= ~ ~ ~:.~:~;'~ ~= ~ = ~;~,~*~ I _=_=_~= aiscience ~ nvironmental -~ aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental COnsultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 IProject: 2401 N. Oak -- Quality Control Simple ID I Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene · Toluene '1 ~;'nCyhll~rh~;trihdeene · Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) I ! 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation:. Method: Date Date LCS~LCSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number N/A 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL 97 96 82-112 2 0-10 87 86 71-131 1 0-12 95 94 86-110 1 0-10 92 94 82-112 2 0-11 89 88 84-120 I 0-10 96 94 81-111 2 0-10 94 94 84-114 1 0-10 82 80 75-123 2 0-11 101 99 82-118 2 0-13 92 84 70-124 9 0-25 93 93 73-121 0 0-14 102 1~1 82-118 1 0-13 107 105 81-117 1 0-8 77 78 22-154 2 0-21 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · Qualifiers aiscience nvironmental aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak Quality Control Sample ID Parameter Chlorobenzene Toluene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ' Ter-[-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: N/A 04-04-1578 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B · TEL:(714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 LCS%REC LCSD%REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL 94 98 82-112 4 0-10 88 90 71-131 3 0-12 92 97 86-110 5 0-10 90 96 82-112 7 0-11 98 98 84-120 1 0-10 97 101 81-111 4 0-10 93 99 84-114 6 0-10 87 88 75-123 0 0-11 102 102 82-118 0 0-13 86 88 70-124 3 0-25 101 103 73-121 2 0-14 105 105 82-118 0 0-13 105 106 81-117 1 0-8 83 92 22-154 11 0-21 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 Qualifiers Date' Date LCS/LCSD Batch Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number .-~----' nvironmental Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate ~- aborat~or~es, Inc. ' . Delta'Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: ·' N/A 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K . Work Order No: 04-04-1578 Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 - Preparation: EPA 503~B ' - Me~hod: ' EPA 8260B Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA . Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID . Matrix Instrument Prepared Anal~ed ~umber Parameter LCS %REC LGSD %REC %REC CL · RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Chlorobenzene ' 94 93 86-110 0 0-10 Toluene 90 88 81-111 2 0-1 Trichloroethene 90 87 ~-114 3 0-10 Vinyl Chloride 88 89 75-123 2 0-11 Methyl-t-Bu~l Ether (MTBE) 93 96 82-118 4 0-13 Te~-Bu~l Alcohol (TBA) 84 91 70-124 8 0-25 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 91 93 73-12~ 2 0-~4 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 93 92 82-118 1 0-13 I ~440 Uncob Way, Garden Grove, CA ~284~-~427 · T[L(7~4) 8~5-54~4 F~: (7~4) 8~4-750~ I =--~= aiscience -2~__nvironmental oratories, Inc, Glossary of Terms and Qualifiers Work Order Number: 04.04-1578 Qualifier Definition 3 4 ND Spike or Spike Duplicate compound was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated LCS and/or LCSD was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. The MS/MSD RPD was out of control due to matrix interference. The LCS/LCSD RPD was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. Not detected at indicated reporting limit. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM Work Order Number: Client Project ID: ' Client: · 04-04-1578 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA KHM / Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: 4/29/2004 1of 1 TEMPERATURE - SAMPLE(S) RECEIVED BY: CALSCIENCE COURIER: Chilled, cooler with temperature blank provided. Chilled, cooler without temperature blank. X Chilled and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient temperature. 3.1 °C Temperature blank. LABORATORY (Other than Calscience Courier): °C Temperature blank. °C IR thermometer. Ambient temperature. CHECKED BY: BT CUSTODY SEAL INTACT: Sam pie(s): Cooler: No (Not Intact): Not Applicable (N/A): X CHECKED BY: BT SAMPLE CONDITION: Chain-Of-Custody document(s) received with samples ....................................................................... Sample contai.ner label(s) consistent with custody papers ................................................................... Sample container(s) intact and good condition .................................................................................... Correct container(s) for analyses requested ...................... : .................................................................... Proper preservation noted on sample label(s) ............................................................... .. ..................... VOA vial(s) free of headspace " Tedlar bag(s) free of condensation ...................................................................................................... Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A ~N/A N/A CHECKED BY: RDM COMMENTS: 04/29/04 14:29:13 Generated in UMS RPR 30 2000 l:41PM HP LRSER.]ET 3200 p. 1 .. ~/!11~. ~~, ~e. ' 911 S, ~e Avenu~ Su~ K Monm~ ~lffor~ 9101~ ~~2 Fax: 626/2~2~ ' FACS E ~Oj~Gt NO.: M~: , .... ~?~ ~ I __ ~ S~t by, CONFIDKIVTI. d].J'I'Y NOI'ICE: This fac.~imile and t~e docurnemt(~) ttccornt~ying this facsimile contain confidential information, which is legally prh, iJegea[ ~'l~e informa4ion i: inten~led only for the use of the intended recipient named abow [f you are not t~e inlended recipien~ you are hereby notified thal cmy disclosure, copying,, di~trlbu~on, or the ral~ng of ~ny action In ret~Jce on the contents of lhis f~c~imile and it~ attachments, except, it~ direct delivery to tire intended rec~pien~ n~ne~ a3ove, is ~trictly proh~bit~d, ff you have received thi~ facximile in error pleare notify us immediately by telephone. ProvMing a Competitive Edge -- I I ~ UI'IlP= COJ"~"~qUAT1OhP. HIC~H~.,~T ' .HK~HE...~I' p~ I~INa~.N.I: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTE,~ · ' Ptea~'~ax lo Kalhp/n Ew~ng A CHUCK'BOX IFEDo I$ NOT NEEDED "Reid Sample Identification 8AMPLIN5 m heli l ' P l uct a S (l l in . Equiva Project Manager to be invoiced: ' ~;~~~~ Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 . ~~::~J ................. ~::~::~~~j~ ] ~ '" ; ~ '~ ....... ; ; .... ?m Mamn [~acm~ ~ng~neer, ~m~LL) PAGE' '=~ ;; .... ~ .......... '418~egal Lily Lane, San Ramon, CA 94583 . SAMPLING COMPANY: . ]L~ C~E: SITE ADDRESS (Street a~d C~y): ~ ~O~L ~ N~ Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc.IKHMM ' 2401 No~h Oak Street, Bakersfieldl ' I]T0602925120 9~1 S. Primrose Ave., Monrovla CA I I~*~ · PR ............ ( ...... y .......... ): Britney Gunderson . 626-256-6662 ~b~erson~de~aenv,c0m Kath~n Ewing SAMPLE~GEOLOGIST NAME: Hannah Gabr e . TURNAROUND TIME,(BUSINESS DAYS): ~ 10 DAYS ~ 5DAYS ~ 72 HOU~ ~ 4SHOU~~~ 20U~ LESS~AN 2~HOU~ REQUESTED ANALYSIS [] LA - RWQCB REPORT FORHAT [] us-r AGENCY: __ HIGHEST per BORING __ CHECK BOX IF EDD ~'S NO'F NEEDED GC/MS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: Please fax to Kathryn Ewing ASAP FIELD NOTES: Contatner/Preservative or PID Readings or Labol~atory Notes NSL Site Field Sample Identificatio.n 3.5 SAMPLING TEMPERATURE ON RECEIPT C* DISTRIBUTION: White with final report, Green to File.~tiow a n d Pi~ij,ij,i~ C Ii e n t. Receded by: (Signature) IReceived by: (Signature) Time: 7440 Lincoln Way Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 (714) 895-5494 (714) 894-7501fax ~AMPLINO COMPANY' Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. ADDRESS: 91'1 S, Primrose Ave., Monrovia CA PROJECT CONTACT (Hardccpy or PDF Report to): Kath~yn Ewlng TELEPHONE: t FAX: S26-256-6662 626-256-6263 ~418 Regal Lily Lane, San Ramon, CA 94583 .~L-~. ~ LOG CODE: =[ SITE ADDRESS (Sfreet and City): ' EHMM J2401 North Oak Street, Bakersfield T0602925120 /EOF DEUVERA~LE TO (Responsible Party or Designee): IPHONE NO.: I Gunderson 626-256-6662 SAMPLER/GEOLOGIST NAME: Hannah Gabriel TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS): [] :10 DAYS [] 5 DAYs [] 72 HOURS [] 48 E-MAIL: kewin.q~deltaenv.com [] 2~ HOOPS LESS THAN 24 HOURS E-MAIL: . CONSULTANT PROJECT NO,: bqunderson(~.deltaenv.com ' PA24010-T REQUESTED ANALYSIS [] LA - RWQCB REPORT FORHAT [] UST AGENCY: GCIMS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST HIGHEST per BORING __ALL __ FIELD NOTES: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: Please fax to Kath~/n Ewing ASAP CHECK BOX IF EDD IS NO__.[T NEEDED Container/Preservative or PID Readings or Laboratory Notes NSL Site Field SamPle Identification SAMPLING TEMPERATURE ON RECEIPT C* DISTRIBUTION: WMle w~th final report, Green to File, Ye~lo'"~a nd P~ ~'~iJe~t. Received by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) 10/16/00 Revision SC, ENV EN P'L lluc' S'l -in Y LABORATORIES, INC, 7440 Lincoln Way [iDi~i~!~i~i~!~ Tankpull ....................... ........... ' DATE: Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 ~Jim Martin (Facility Engineer, SHELL) ' : PAGE;_~ of,~ (714) 895-5494 (714) 894-7501 fax ~ ~ - ~418 Regal Lily Lane, San Ramon, CA 94583 SAMPLING COMPAN~ LOG CODE: S~E ADDRESS (Street and C~): GLO8AL ID NO,: Del~ Environmen~l Consultant, Inc. KHMM 2401 No~h Oak Street, Bakersfield T0602925120 EDF DEL~B~ TO (R~i~ Pa~ ~ D~); PHONE 9~ S. Primrose Ave., Monrovia CA . ~o~c~ CO.~CT (.~.~ ~,~ ,.~ ~): Britney'Gunderson 626-256-6662 bRunderson~deltaenv.co~ ' PA24010-T Kath~n Ewing SAMPLE~GEOLOGIST NAME: Hannah Gabriel TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS): ~ ~ ,0 OAYS ~S DAYS ~ 7~ .ou~ ~ ~8 HOU~ ~ HOU~) ~SS~ ~, .OU~ REQUESTED ANALYSIS ~ ~ - RWQCB REPORT FORMAT ~ U~ AGENt: ~ GC/MS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST ~ HIGHEST per BORING ALL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ FIELD NOTES: ._ ~ ~ ~ ~ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: CHECK BOX IF EDD IS NO~ NEEDED ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~O ~E ~ · ~ Con~ineflPrese~ative  m ~ or PID Readings Please fax to Kath,n Ewing ASAP ~e &[ ' ~ g =~ ~ ' ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~~ = _ ~ or Laborato~ Notes - NSL Site ~ m m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~a:~ SAMPLING ' ND. OF ~ ~ m Field Sample Identification .A~mx ~ ~ ~ o ~ ; ~ TEMP~RATUREONR~CEIPTC~ DATE T~ME co.~. ~ E ~ ~ O ~ = ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~:~:~:~:~:i ReUnqu' : ' Rece~:(S~nature) ' Reli.quished ,: (,igna). ~ ~J~/~ Rece'' ,: (S~.at.re) ~~.~.~. Time: _ Kathryn Ewing' ' Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. -- 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 B Subject: CalscienceWork Order No.: 04-05-0363 ~ . Client Reference: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA ear Chent ' · included in this report were received 5/7/2004 and analyzed in accordance with B the attached chain-of-custody. . · Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the B guidelines established in our Quality Assurance Program Manual, applicable standard -- operating procedures, and other related documentation. The original report of any · subcontracted analysis is provided herein, and follows the standard Calscience data ~ package. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. I If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact . the undersigned. . I I sincerely,. '. ~t ' L, aiscience Environmental Mich ostomo _ Laboratories, Inc. Quality Assurance Manager I LarrY Lem Project Manager P · 03220CA · CSDLAC ID: 10109 · SCAQMD ID: 93LA0830 ID: 1230 NELAP ID: 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX! (714) 894-7501 alscience =.nvironmental aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Client Sampl~ Num.b,~r Parameter Result RL TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 Surro.qates: REC (%) Control · Limits 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene . ~ 74 39-129 Parameter Result RL TPH as Gasoline 1.3 0.5 Su~opates: REC (%) ~ 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 72 ~9 Parameter Result RL TPH as Gasoline ND 0.50 Surrogates: REC (%) Control 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 80 ~9 opo~in~ kimit DF - ~ilution Factor Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Lab Sample Date Date Number Collected Matrix Prepared 05/07/04 04-05-0363 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Page 1 of 1 Date Analyzed QC Batch ID D_EF Qual Units 1 mg/kg Qual D~F Qual Units I mg/kg Qual D_.EF Qual Units 1 mg/kg Qual Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 ° TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX.: (714) 894-7501 E - alscience ~' _ aboratOries, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method'. Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed 05/07/04 04-05-0363 EPA 3550B DHS LUFT Page 1 of 1 QC Batch ID Comment(s): Parameter TPH as Diesel Surro.qates: Decachlorobiphenyl -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the specified standard. Result RL. DF' Qual Units 370 5 1 rog/kg REC (%) Control Limits 92 62-152 Qual Comment(s): -The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH does not match the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard. Quantitation of the unknown hydrocarbon(s) in the sample was based upon the specified standard. Parameter TPH as Diesel Surro.qates: Decachlorobiphenyl Result RI_ 1200 5 REC (%) Control Limits 99 62-152 DF' Qual ' Units I mg/kg Qual I I I I l Parameter TPH as Diesel Surro.qates: Decachlorobiphenyl Result RI_ ND 5.0 REC (%) Control Limits 97 62-152 D._~F Qual Units 1 mg/kg Qual '1~ i RL-Reportmg' Limit , DF- Dilution Factor , Qual- Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 aiscience .,=nvironmental aboratories, .Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 91'1 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monro¥ia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Analytical Report Date Received: 05/07/04 Work Order No: 04-05-0363 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B Units: mg/kg Page 1 of 1 Lab Sample Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID DF: Qual Parameter .Result RI_ DF Qual Parameter .Result R~. Benzene ND 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 Toluene ND 0.0050 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 Surro.qates: REC (%) Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 106 81-135 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 98 .72-114 1 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 1 1 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 1 1 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 1 1 Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 1 1 Ethanol ND 0.25 1 1 Qual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Limits Toluene-d8 95 86-110 Qual Parameter Result RI_ D__EF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 o-Xyl~ne ND 0.0050 .1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0050 1 Surroqates: ' REC (%) Control. Qual Limits Dibromofluoromethane 102 81-135 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 72-114 Parameter Result RI_ Ted-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 Ethanol ND 0.25 Surroqates: REC (%) Control Limits Toluene-d8 91 86-110 DF: 1 1 1 .Qual Qual Parameter Result RI_ D__~F Qual Parameter Result RI_ DF Qual Benzene ND 0.0050 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 1 p/m-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 1 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND. 0.0050 1 Surro.qates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits. Dibromoflu0romethane 107 81-135 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 96 72-114 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 0.050 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 0.010 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.010 Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.010 Ethanol ND 0.25 Surro.qates: REC (%) Control Limits Toluene-d8 . ' 91 '86-110 Qual RL- Reporting Limit , DF - Dilution Factor , Qual - Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~aiscience I ~-----nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate ~ aboratories, Inc. I ~ Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: I 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K' Work Order No: Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 I Project: 2401 N. £ · Quality Control Sample ID I Parameter I T PH as Gasoline I ! ! ! ! ! ! · Preparation: Method: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Date Matrix Instrument Prepared 05/07/04 '04-05-0363 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Date MS/MSD Batch Analyzed Number MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL 73 74 66-108 RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 2 0-18 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 o TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~ aiscience ~ · nVironrr Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate I --=--- aboratories, !nc. I Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: · 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K ~ Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 WOrkpreparation:Order No: Method: Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA I Date _ Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared i Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL · TPH as Gasoline,. 80 78 70-118 I I I I ~ · ' I I I N/A 04-05-0363 EPA 5030B DHS LUFT Date LCS/LCSD Batch Analyzed Number RPD RPD CL Qualifiers 2 0-28 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 ~. aiscience I -~--.-_nvironmental . Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate -~- aboratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K. Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID Date Received: Work Order No: Preparation: Method: Matrix Instrument Date Prepared Date Analyzed 05/07/04 04:05-0363 EPA 3550B DHS LUFT MS/MSD Batch Number I Parameter TPH as Diesel MS %REC MSD %REC 88 95 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 %REC CL RPD 71-125 8 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 RPD CL Qualifiers 0-12 · FAX:(714)894-7501 = aiscience --~--' nvironmental Quality Control - Laboratory Control Sample ~ aboratories, Inc. , Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K *W0rk Order No: Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: Method: Project: 2401 N. Oak St., ' Bakersfield, CA Quality Control Sample ID Matdx Instrument Date Analyzed Parameter Conc Added Conc Recovered LCS %Rec TPH as Diesel 400 390 98 Lab File ID N/A 04-05-0363 EPA 3550B DHS LUFT LCS Batch Number 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 %Rec CL Qualifiers 71-119 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 ~ aiscience ~ nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate ~ab oratories, Inc. Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. Date Received: 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: Monrovia, CA 910.16-0000 Project: 2401 N. Oak ,~ Quality Control ~ample ID Parameter Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-D ch oroethene Vinyl Chloride Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ;~hr t;nA~lyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) Preparation: MethOd: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Date Matrix Instrument Prepared MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD 05/07/04 04-05-0363 EPA 5030B EPA 8260B Date MS/MSD Batch Analyzed Number 90 81 77-113 97 91 57-141 93 84 72-114 86 80 53-125 101 91 72~126 94 ~6 72-114 93 84 80-116 98 90 64-130 99 91 60-126 97 86 66-120 99 92 67-121 102 96 74-116 94 84 73-115 65 70 28-148 RPD CL Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 o TEL:(714) 895-5494 10 0-9 4 7 0-14 10 0-13 8 0-24 10 0-24 9 0-11 10 0-14 9 0-13 8 0-13 12 0-27 8 0-17 6 0-11 11 O-9 4 7 0-55 FAX: (714) 894-7501 ~r alscience -~---~nvironmental ~ aboratories, Inc. Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate Delta Environmental Consultants Inc. 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Date Received: N/A Work Order No: 04-05-0363 Preparation: EPA5030B Method: EPA 8260B Project: 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control S~mple ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 92 89 82-112 4 0-10 Carbon Tetr~chloride 101 101 71-131 1 0-12 Chlorobenzene 100 97 86-110 3 0-10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 101 96 82-112 6 0-11 1,1-Dichloroethene 101 101 84-120 0 0-10 Toluene 101 95 81-111 6 0-10 Trichloroethene 93 91 84-114 2 0-10 Vinyl Chloride 98 98 75-123 0 0-11 Methyl-t-BL~tyl Ether (MTBE) 99 98 82-118 1, 0-13 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 92 90 70-124 2 0-25 - Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 101 100 73-121 0 0-14 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 104 103 82-118 1 0-13 Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) 96 92 81-117 4 0-8 Ethanol 96 102 22-154 6 0-21 I I 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 ~,--_nvironmental ~ aboratories, Inc. Glossary of Terms and Qualifiers Work Order Number: NE) 04-05-0363 Definition The MS/MSD RPD was out of control due to matrix interference. The LCS/LCSD RPD was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported-without further clarification. Parameter not detected at the indicated reporting limit. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 · TEL:(714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 CLIENT: ~---~L-V~' WORK ORDER #: Cooler { .of I SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM TEMPERATURE- SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: ~CALSCIENCE COURIER: Chilled, cooler with temperature blank provided. Chilled, cooler without temperature blank.~ ~hilled and placed in'cooler with wet ice. Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient temperature. LABORATORY (Other than Calscience Courier): °C Temperature blank. o C IR thermometer. Ambient temperature. Temperature blank. CUSTODY SEAL INTACT: samPle(s):· .... . Cooler: SAMPLE CONDITION: No (Not Intact) · Chain-Of-Custody document(s) receiVed with samples ......................... .. Sample container label(s) consistent with custody papers ..................... __ Sample container(s) intact and good condition ................................... Correct containers for analyses.requested .........: ................. ' .............. Proper preservation" noted on sample label(s)i .................................... __ VOA ~/ial(s) free of headspace ......... : .................. ~.: ......................... Tedlar bag(s) free of condensation .................................................. '. - Not'Applicable (N/A): r-~',/ ' Yes No N/A COMMENTS: -SC, EN E pl uct! S iain I lcus ody LABORATORIES, INC. Equiva Project Manager to be invoiced: i iiii!~!~iR.'.~ i~,~ 7440 Lincoln Way ti~i~!~::~i~!~:~lTony Palagy, Tankpul, J J I I DATE: Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 [~;~~?:::?:{::~ ?~~~}~J ~ PAGE: ~ of Del~ Environmental Consul~n~, Inc. KHMM ' 2401 NoAh Oak Street, Bakersfield T0602925120 91 t s. Primrose Ave., Monrovia CA 626-256-6662 b~underson~deltaenv.com PA24010-T Kath~n Ewing SAMPLE~GEOLOGIST NAME: Luis Changkuon ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i626-256-6662 kewJn~deltaenv.~m TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS): ~ 10 DAYS ~ 5 DAYS ~ 72 HOU~ ~ 48 HOU~ ~ 2~ HOU~ ~ ~ ~ 2~ HOU~ REQUESTED ANALYSIS ~ ~ - RWQCB REPORT FORNAT ~ U~ AGENt: ~ ~ ~ GC/MS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST HIGHEST per BORING ALL ~ ~ ~ . z FIELD NOTES: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: CHECK BOX IF EDD IS NOT NEEDED ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ - Con~lneflPrese~ative ~ ~ i ~ ~ or PID Readings Please fax to Kath~n Ewing ASAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - : ~ or Laborato~ Notes NSL Site ~ m m ~ < E e m :J~a:: SAMPLING Ne. OF = ~ ~ ~ ~ d [ [ [ [ ~ ~ ~ TEMPE~TURE ON RECEIPT Co ~ Field Sample Identification .AT~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ o . ~ DATE TIME CONT- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m m > > ~ ~ ~ ~ E .~ , 2 x x x x x x "eli~'hed ~'S~nature'~~ ~ ~~~ ~'~ - "ece~' ': (S'natu' / ~~ / Da,e:, .I~/C~ ' ~ ' ~ .... DISTRIBUTION: White with final report, Green to F 10116/00 Revision