HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATIONTe]mce R®fining end ~erk®fing Inc 10 Universal City Plaza Universal City CA 91608 October 2, 1995 '--/ ENV-SERVICE STATION . ~d Si~r~ Assessment 2401 North Oak Stree~/' Bakersfield, CA~.~_ Mr. Mark T%]~Wk Bakersfi~ City Fire Department Hazard~ds Materials Division 2130/~ Street ' B.~rsfield,_ CA 93301 /~o~ ~mUsrka: copy of a workplan to conduct limited assessment activities at the captioned Texaco facility. Should you have any questions or comments, please call me at (818) 505-2739. Sincerely, Marcel L. Bouchez Project Coordinator Texaco Environmental Services MLB:hs w:~mlb~bako~2401wkpl.bfd Enc~ure PR:~' Building on a Tradition of Quality I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I ENV AIVERICA EN VIRONMEN TA L ENGINEERING, CONSUL TING & CONSTRUCTION AN ENERGY AMERICA COMPANY WORKPLAN FOR LIMITED SITE ASSESSMENT Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California Bakersfield Fire Department Permit No. BI-0043 Prepared For: Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza Universal City, California 91608-7812 (818) 505-2739 TES Job No. FMLB0605 Prepared By: ENV America Incorporated 16 Technology, Suite 154 Irvine, Califomia 92718 714-453-9191 FAX 714-453-9292 ENV America Project No. TEX-0 l-F038 The following ENV America professionals were responsible for all work associated with this project within the purview of the Professional Engineers' Act and Registered Geologist and Geophysicist Act of the California Code of Regulations. Principal Manager of Geoscience P.E. No. C 042940 C.E.G. No. 1959 September 29, 1995 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I '1 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 1 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION .......................................... 2 2.1 Earlier Site History ................................................ 2 2.2 Recent Environmental Work ......................................... 2 3.0 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING ............................ 4 3.1 Geology ........................................................ 4 3.2 Hydrogeology ................................................... 4.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION ................................................. 6 4.1 Overview ....................................................... 6 4.2 Field Work ...................................................... 6 4.2.1 Preliminary Activities ................................... 6 4.2.2 Drilling and Soil Sampling ............................... 6 4.2.3 Soil Sample Handling .................................. 7 4.2.4 Decontamination Procedures ............................. 8 4.2.5 Waste Handling ....................................... 8 4.3 Laboratory Analyses of Soil Samples .................................. 8 4.4 Reporting ....................................................... 9 5.0 LIMITATIONS ........................................................ 10 6.0 REFERENCES CITED ................................................... 11 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Site Location Map Site Plan Boring Location Map Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (Central Pump Island) Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (Eastern Pump Island) LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A Exhibit B BFD Directive Hand-Augering Illustration ii F SEN 'vqX)C~TEX~AKiI. SFLDWE X-F038.WKP I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! 1.0 INTRODUCTION ENV America Incorporated (ENV America) was retained by Texaco Environmental Services (TES) to prepare this site assessment workplan. The site is an active Texaco service station located at 2401 North Oak Street, Bakersfield, California. The station is situated on the northwest comer of the intersection of North Oak Street and 24th Street, about 1,650 feet east of State Highway 99. The site location is indicated on Figure 1 - Site Location Map. The site is occupied by a station building and three pump islands. The general layout of the site is shown on Figure 2 - Site Plan. Existing underground storage tanks (LISTs) include three containing gasoline, and one containing diesel. The purpose of the activities proposed herein is to further define the extent of impacted soil in the vicinity of the central and eastern pump islands. This workplan has been prepared pursuant to an August 29, 1995, directive from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD), which is attached as Exhibit A - BFD Directive. F:~ENVDOCS~TEX~BAKRS FLD\TEX-F038.WKP I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I i I I I 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2.1 Earlier Site History Review of California and Alaska Oil Field Maps (Munger, 1992), reveals the western portion of the site was once occupied by an uncompleted and abandoned Chewon oil well described as "Chevron KCL-5, 30-6879, No. 4." Details, descriptions and the exact location of the well were not available as of this writing. Based on information provided'by TES, the subject service station was originally operated as a Mohawk service station by the Getty Oil Company through early 1985. Fuel from leaking underground storage tanks and piping was first encountered in 1983. · Previous investigations and remediation activities at the site included removal of defective leaking fuel underground storage tanks; installation of groundwater monitoring wells; and, the design and installation of a hydrocarbon recovery and treatment system. The recovery system operated into the later months of 1984, when water levels dropped to below the recovery well bottom. The proprietorship of the station was relinquished to Texaco in early 1985. Various phases of remediation were initiated after 1985 as well, by other consulting firms. These included product recovery; in-sito bioremediation; and, carbon adsorption systems for treatment. Analytical data obtained during the prior site activities indicated that contamination existed at the site in both the soil and groundwater. This contamination has been reported as petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and diesel, and from volatile aromatic hydrocarbons as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes. Based on information provided by TES, no significant contamination was found in any of the groundwater samples from 1990 through 1993. The lead regulatory agency, the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, granted site closure on December 6, 1994. 2.2 Recent Environmental Work In June 1995, all fuel dispensers and pump islands were replaced under permit number BI-0043, issued by the BFD. ENV America staff collected representative soil samples beneath each dispenser. Each sample was analyzed by a State-certified analytical laboratory for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) or as diesel (TPH-D) by the California Department of Health Services (CADHS) Method, and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) using USEPA Method 8020. Details of soil sampling methodologies are outlined in ENV America's August 1, 1995, "Report of Fuel Dispenser Replacement." F:~!qVEnDC~TEX'OtAKI~FLD~TEX-F038.WI~ I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I ! In order to remove as much impacted soil as possible, without undermining adjacent improvements, remedial excavations were made at each pump island. Representative soil samples were collected from the completed excavations to document remnant TPH/BTEX concentrations. Beneath the western pump island, analytical data indicated that the maximum TPH concentration detected in post-closure samples was 63 milligrams per kilogram (rog/kg) (diesel range). TPH-G Or BTEX was not detected beneath the western pump island. The maximum TPH concentrations detected.i~l~st-closure samples beneath the central pump island were 7,500 mg/kg (gasoline range) and 1,200 mg/kg (diesel range). The maximum TPH concentrations detected in post-closure samples beneath the eastern pump island were 17,000 rog/kg (diesel range) and 790 mg/kg (gasoline range). Hence, residual TPH/BTEX concentrations beneath the central and eastern pump islands prompted the BFD to issue the site assessment directive. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.0 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 3.1 Geology The site area is situated at the southern limits of the San Joaquin Valley, within the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a relatively flat alluvial plain extending fi.om the Tehachapi Mountains on the south to the Klamath Mountains to the noah, and from the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the east to the Coast Ranges on the west. The Great Valley is a downwarped structural trough, deeply infilled with sedimentary rocks. This geosyncline has an asymmetric east-west profile as it rests on a long stable granitic Sierran slope on the east, and valley sediments are steeply upturned on the west (Oakeshott, 1978). The sedimentary sequence of the Great Valley lies unconformably on Paleozoic and Mesozoic metasediments and volcanics, as well as Jurassic and Cretaceous granitic rocks (I-Iackel, 1966). Sediments within the San Joaquin Valley range fi.om Jurassic to Recent in age. The pre-Quaternary rocks are primarily of marine origin and are composed of siltstone, claystone and sandstone with subordinate volcanics (Hackel, 1966). Within the site area, these sediments are estimated to extend to about 10,000 feet below ground surface (bgs). Pleistocene and Recent strata within the San Joaquin Valley are continental in origin, and generally consist of granitic sands and conglomerates (Hackel, 1966). Within the site area, these alluvial sediments were largely deposited by the ancestral Kern River, and were most likely derived fi.om erosion of the Greenhorn Mountains to the east. Earth materials encountered during recent site work primarily consist of unconsolidated sands. These sediments are classified as alluvial fan deposits (Smith, 1964). The sedimentary rocks of the San Joaquin Valley have been the source of vast quantities of petroleum and natural gas (I-lackel, 1966). Most oil and gas production has been within the central and southern portions of the valley. The San Joaquin Valley has also been the site of major land subsidence. Within the subject portion of the valley, subsidence has primarily occurred south of the Bakersfield area (Poland and Evenson, 1966). Subsidence has been caused by intense pumping of groundwater, resulting in the lowering of the artesian head in deep confined aquifers. I I I I I I ! I I i I I I I i I I I I 3.2 Hydrogeology Unconfined groundwater occurs at about 15 feet bgs, as measured in groundwater Monitoring Well MW-8 during dispenser replacement activities in June 1995. Monitoring Well MW-8 is located in the southern portion of the site, as shown on Figure 2. The Kern River is located approximately 150 feet to the northwest, and is estimated to affect the groundwater elevation beneath the site. Local production water is derived from depths of about 250 to 400 feet bgs (Turner, K., personal communication, 1995). Natural groundwater recharge occurs by infiltration of rainwater and infiltration from streams and rivers. Recharge is artificially enhanced via the Cross Valley Channel and the Callaway Weir, which are located north of the site. Additionally, artificial recharge occurs from infiltration of irrigation water. F:~qVDOC ~TEX~BAKRSFLD\TEX-F038.WKP I I i I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I 4.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION 4.1 Overview As previously indicated, the purpose of this investigation will be to define the extent of impacted soil in the vicinity of the central and eastern pump islands. Due to physical restrictions such as the canopy, and relatively shallow groundwater (15 feet bgs), the subsurface investigation will be performed by hand augering methods, or alternatively by means of a limited-access drill rig. A total of six borings is planned to be drilled. Three of the borings will be positioned adjacent to the central pump island, and the other three will be located adjacent to the eastern pump island. Boring locations are identified on Figure 3 - Boring Location Map. Boring locations, with respect to previous soil sampling data, is further illustrated on Figure 4 - Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (Central Pump Island), and on Figure 5 - Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (Eastern Pump Island). 4.2 Field Work 4.2.1 Preliminary Activities The proposed borehole locations will be pre-marked in white paint and Underground Service Alert (Dig Alert) will be contacted to delineate proximal underground utilities. Once a drilling date is scheduled, appropriate BFD staffwill be notified at least 72 hours before field wOrk begins. Prior to the onset of field activities, a project-specific health and safety plan will be reviewed and signed by all members of the field crew. 4.2.2 Drilling and Soil Sampling Boreholes are anticipated to be advanced by means of a manually-rotated hand-auger set equipped with a stainless steel bit. In the event a limited-access drill fig is utilized, drilling will be preceded by a geophysical survey, and then boreholes will be advanced with hollow-stem augers. The borings will be advanced until groundwater is encountered, estimated at about 15 feet bgs. Four of the borings, HI, 1-12, H4, andH5 will be slant drilled toward the pump island at an approximate angle of about 20o from vertical, in order to collect samples directly beneath the pump islands. The other two borings, 1t3 and H6, will be drilled vertically. F:~2qVDOCS~TEX~BAKRS FLD~TEX-F038.WKP Soil samples will be collected at minimum intervals of 5 feet, at the capillary fringe, and in zones exhibiting field evidence of impact. Field evidence includes soil staining, noticeable odors, and vapor readings on the organic vapor meter (OVM). Samples obtained during hand augering will be collected with an 8.5-inch long, by 2.25-inch diameter, solid-spoon sampler containing two 3-inch long, 2-inch diameter stainless steel or brass sample sleeves. The sampler will be manually driven into subsurface soils with a slide hammer. In the event a drill rig is used, the boreholes will be post-hole dug to about 5 feet bgs, and samples will be collected with a California-modified, split-spoon sampler containing three 6-inch long, 2-inch diameter brass sample sleeves. Soil will be logged in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) by qualified staff working under the direct supervision of a California-Registered Civil Engineer (R.C.E.) and a California-Certified Engineering Geologist (C.E.G.). Great care will be taken to prevent any vertical cross-contamination within the hand-augered boreholes. The concern prompting this precaution is'that if impacted soil is present only at near-surface depths, then impacted soil could potentially be transported downward via hand augering equipment to deeper, non-impacted depths. Therefore, following the retrieval of the shallowest impacted sample, each borehole may be reamed to a diameter of approximately 4.5 inches. Then, prior to advancing the borings to greater depths, temporary casing consisting of sections of new or decontaminated 4-inch diameter blank PVC casing will be placed in each boring. This precaution will significantly reduce the potential for false-positive laboratory results and, in mm, will more accurately define the vertical extent of impacted soil. The installation of casing is conceptually shown in Exhibit B - Hand Augering Illustration. Upon completion of drilling, the borehole cavities will be backfilled with bentonite chips and hydrated with potable water. The upper 12 inches will be capped with rapid-set concrete. 4.2.3 Soil Sample Handling Upon retrieval of each sample, the ends of the lead O.e., lowest) sample sleeve will be immediately trimmed, covered with Teflon* sheeting and sealed with plastic end caps. The end caps will be secured with silicone tape. The samples will be labeled, placed in resealable plastic bags and stored on ice in a cooler, pending submittal to the analytical laboratory. For each sample collected, field screening and monitoring for possible volatile organic compounds (VOCs) will be conducted utilizing a Photovac I-IL-2000 OVM, calibrated to 50 parts per million (ppm) hexane. The field screening method will consist of placing a desegregated soil sample from the sampler shoe inside a resealable plastic bag, and placing it in the sun to accelerate volatilization. The ~ 7 F:XENVDOCSXTEXXBAKRSFLD\TEX-F038.WKP Memo From: ~A, ~..,~,,~/, I I i I I i ! I I I I I I I I I I I OVM probe will then be inserted through the bag to obtain a reading ofVOCs con6entrations in the headspace. 4.2.4 Decontamination Procedures Extreme care will be exercised to ensure adequate decontamination of all sampling and drilling equipment. Decontamination of drilling and sampling equipment will be accomplished by washing equipment in a non-phosphate detergent solution (Liqui-Nox) and triple rinsing in distilled water. The sampler and sample sleeves will be decontaminated before each sample is collected. The hand- auger bit and conductor casing will be decontaminated between each borehole. In the event a drill rig is utilized, the drill rig will arrive with a sufficient amount of augers that were steam cleaned before arrival to the site. 4.2.5 Waste Handling All soil cuttings and decontamination rinsate water will be containerized in DOT-approved 55-gallon drums. The drums will be labeled and stored onsite, pending analytical data. The contents of the soil- filled drums will then be recycled at a licensed facility. The water-filled drums will be disposed at a licensed treatment facility. Disposal sites will be designated by TES. 4.3 Laboratory Analyses of Soil Samples All soil samples to be analyzed will be delivered under USEPA chain-of-custody procedures to BC Analytical, a California Department of Health Services (CADHS)-certified analytical laboratory. Samples collected at the central pump island will be analyzed for TPH-G using the CADHS Method, and BTEX using USEPA Method 8020, since only gasoline dispensers were used at that island. Samples collected at the eastern pump island will be analyzed for TPH-G, TPH-D and BTEX, as both gasoline and diesel were dispensed at this island. 8 F:~NVDOCS',TEX'xBAKRSFLD\TEX-F038.WKP I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I i I I I I 4.4 Reporting Upon completion of field work and laboratory analyses, a site assessment report will be compiled. The report will conform to industry standards and will include a summary of previous environmental work, details of drilling and soil sampling, results of laboratory analyses, and appropriate conclusions and recommendations. As part of this report, boring logs, tabulated laboratory data, appropriate scaled drawings and cross-sections, and original laboratory data (including QA/QC documentation) will be included. F:~NVDOC ~TEX~BAKRS FLD\TEX-F038.~KP I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I ! I I 5.0 LIMITATIONS Information provided in this workplan is intended exclusively for Texaco Environmental Services for the evaluation of petroleum hydrocarbons as they pertain to the subject site. The professional services provided have been performed in accordance with practices generally accepted by other scientists and engineers practicing in the geosciences. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. As with all subsurface investigations, there is no guarantee that the proposed work will identify all or any of the sources or locations of contamination. ENV America reserves the right to deviate from the proposed scope of work in order to gather necessary information. In the event deviation of note is necessary, ENV America will attempt to first notify the client and supervising regulatory agency. F:kEN VDOCS~T~X'~BAKI~FLD\TEX- F038.WKp I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.0 REFERENCES CITED ENV America Incorporated, "Report of Fuel Dispenser Replacement," Texaco Service Station, 2401 North Oak Street, Bakersfield, California, August 1, 1995. Hackel, O., "Summary of the Geology of the Great Valley," in Geology of Northern California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Bulletin 190, 1966. Oakeshott, G.B., "California's Changing Landscapes," McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1978. Munger, A.H., "Munger Map Book, California - Alaska Oil and Gas Fields," Munger Map Service, 1992. Poland, J.F. and Evenson, R.E., "Hydrogeology and Land Subsidence, Great Central Valley, California," in Geology of Northern California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Bulletin 190, 1966. Smith, A.R.., "Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet," California Division of Mines and Geology, 1964. Turner, Ken., Kern County Water Agency, personal communication, July 17, 1995. F:~ VDOC S~TEX'~BAKR.SFLD\TEX-F038.WKP I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I i I I I I I I I I FIGURES ===~---~~~~ ~-_ .... ~ .'~;~'-~~~--~h . ~=~ . . ~ '~ '%: ~ . x ........... ',; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,p"n ' , , . ' ,', -~,. ', '. '' ' :":": >~d _ SITE : 397" o "'o ' -I ~ ~ ~ .'::"':'~ , ' o o , o ,0 . .~ ',=~L~ o.,: ~,' ...~_.~'., ~ .?;'~ ~ I~" [ i~~~ 0 2,000 4,000 FEET APPROXIMATE SCALE  FIGURE 1 /~~ SITB BOCA~ION NAP REFERENCE: 7.5 MINUTE U.S.G.S. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OF OILDALE AND ~I~A TEXACO SERVICE STATION GOSFORD, CALIFORNIA. BOTH MAPS DATED 1954 AND PHOTOREVISED 1968.~ 2401 NORTH OAK STREET ORIGINAL SCALE: 1 INCH = 2,000 FEET. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FENCED ~ ' BOUNDARY / 0 40 80 FEET I EXP~NATION I T J ~ APPROXIMAT[ SCALE / ~ EXISTING UST FIGURE 2 ~ ..... ~ FORMER UST LOCATION L ..... J i ~.oouc~ u.~ ~~ SITE PLAN ~ GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL MW-8 .I~. TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I I I i I ~ .~- I-~.sTERN ISLAND ~, H6 I  EXP~NATION H6 PROPOSED VERTICAL ~ HAND AUGER BORING LOCATION 0 10 20 FEET I I I  .s ~.o~os~o S~T ~P.OX,UAT~ ~ HA.D AU~ BO~,~ LOCAr, O~ SC~ i ~ AP~OX,UAT~ L,U,TS OF (:~:~:~:~) RE~ED~L EXCAVAT.ON FIGURE ~ ~ (JUNE 95) , ~ c,.o~ co~u.. ~~ BORING LOCATION ~ TEXACO SERVICE STATION  2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA ESTIMATED LIMITS OF CENTRAL ISLAND PLAN VIEW SAW-CUT CONCRETE APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF REMEDIAL EXCAVATION H2~ / D9EX-NE-7 (TPH-G 7 500) e~ . D9-3 . . ' ' ~' __ (TPH-G, 3,300) D7-3 (TPH-G, 4.4) /~ D7-8 TPH-G, <0.5) D9EX-NE-9 (TPH-G, <0.5). D9EX N 4~.~/ / ~TPH-D. <10) ~Z(TP"-~' ~'~)~ - .Z rSUBSURFACE CANOPY ~L~,---- -- * .... ~7--~-- -- ~ .... -- IPROFIL[ LINE .......... ...... ....... ~ ~ J (TPH-G, 170) L~ · ~ ~ ~ FORMER .... ~ -- ~ -- -- ~ -- ~-- -- --~ ~-- ~ · PUMP IS~D 'mDgEX-NW-9 DgEx-w-7 ~~ -~ V J (TPH-G 085~ (TPH-G 3000~ DgEX-B-IO.5~ r ...... ~ (~PH-~, ~,700) % / g (TPH-D, 1,200) ~ H1 H3 CENTRAL ISLAND SUBSURFACE PROFILE H2 D9EX-B-B.5 (TPH-G, 170) 0 DgEX-N-4 (TPH-G, 7.1) · SP SM ML PI FOOTING L_ DgEX-N-4 -- :IPH-G. 7.1) EXPLANATION PROPOSED VERTICAL BORING LOCATION PROPOSED SLANT BORING LOCATION SOIL SAMPLE REPRESENTING EXCAVATED SOIL SHOWING TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN rog/kg (D=DIESEL, G=GASOLINE SOIL SAMPLE REPRESENTING IN PLACE SOIL SHOWING TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN rog/kg (D=DIESEL, G=GASOLINE) POORLY GRADED SAND SILLY SANO SILT GAS D9-3 0 (TPH-G, 3,300) I ~ I ~o I I I I m_ I~ ~1.~~ __ (Tp'~D~i4~ I OgEX-B-8.5 (TPH-cG, 170) /__~ '~ ogEX-B-IO.5 Ig zg: I:;§i FORMER PUMP ISLAND -_-5 PIER FOOTING SM SM SM )7-8 (.TPH-G, <0.5) (TPH-D, <10) APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF sP REMEDIAL EXCAVATION APPROXIMATE GROUNDWATER LEVEL .~ ML '~'-ML FIGURE 4 SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP AND SUBSURFACE PROFILE (CENTRAL PUMP ISLAND) TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 0 5 10 FEET APPROXIMATE SCALE EAST ISLAND PLAN VIEW APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF REMEDIAL EXCAVATION 015-3.59.(TPH-G' <0.5) D13EX-6 / H6~ 011-3'5011-8 (TPH-G,(TPH-G' <0.5)<0'5) (TPH-G, <0.5) (TPH-D, 1,800) D15EX-B- ~(TPH-D, 51) (TPH-G, 0,10) \ / / (TPH-D, 1,100) ~ ,,"'""'~' -- /' "~ // ~ SUBSURFACE ~ ,~ 013-3.5 nn~ / IPROFILE LINE / ...... (TPH-D 87 000] ...... ~ ..... T ....... .... T717 .... "'r ....... ' ~ DIE EL CAS ~ ~ COLUMN ...... }x-- D13EX-B-lO.5 ~ J D 5E -S-9~ ~ (TPH-D, 130) ~ (TPH-D, 17,000) ~ ~ ..... (TPH-G, <0.5) ~ (TPH-G, 790) ~ PU~"~D H4 H5 EAST ISLAND SUBSURFACE PROFILE 2'- J==J>-z I FOOTING "---?-~ D15-3.5 (TPH-G, <0.5 10'- 14' SM APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF/ REMEDIAL EXCAVATION Ol~ (TPH-E O15EXiB-9 (TPH-G, <0.5)~ (TPH-D. 51)~ EXPLANATION H6 D13EX-6 (TPH-D, 1800) 0 015-15.5 (TPH-G, <0.5) PROPOSED VERTICAL BORING LOCATION PROPOSED SLANT BORING LOCATION SOIL SAMPLE REPRESENTING EXCAVATED SOIL SHOWING TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN rog/kg (D=DIESEL, G=GASOLINE SOIL SAMPLE REPRESENTING IN PLACE SOIL SHOWING TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN rog/kg (D=OIESEL, C=GASOLINE SP POORLY GRADED SAND SM SILTY SAND ML SILT DIESEL '~' GAS D13-3.5 J-D, 87,000) ~ i 0 X-6 ~ ,800) v~'~' u~J FORMER .~. PUMP ISLAND __ PIER FOOTING D13EX-S-9 (TPH.-D, 1~ D13EX-B- 10.5 (TPH-D, 150) (TPH-G, <0.5) <0.5) ~011-~ (TPH-G, <0.5) (TPH-D, 1,100) APPROXIMATE GROUNDWATER SM LEVEL -2' -4' -6' -8' -10' 12' .14' 0 5 10 FEET APPROXIMATE SCALE FIGURE 5 SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP AND SUBSURFACE PROFILE (EASTERN PUMP ISI~ND) TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BFD DIRECTIVE SENT BY:TEXACO ITRMII Elias ; 9-14-95 ; 4:46PM ;TEXACO ENVIRON. $VC$-., 714 4.53 9292;# 2 of BAK~RSFIEZD FIRE .D~'PA RTMENT I ~'lRl! S,! I:l!'l') SERV/¢:E.¢; ~; O/'FICE OF L:NVIRONMENT;~L SERVICES i .,..~.~_~.:;.... lC.L. IIULY l~.[J. (~0s~ ~.397,, August ~, 1995 ~) 32~ 3~.~ I I I I Mr. Marcel Bauchez, Project Coordinator Texaco Environmental Services .10 Universal City Plaza, 7th Floor Universal City, Ca 91608 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the Texaco Service Station, 2401 Oak Street in Bakersfield California. Permit #B1-0043 I ,1 I I I I Dear Mr. Bouchez: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has. determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with the central, and east dispenser islands located on your property, has not been adequately defined. This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the Califomia Health' and. Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 days ~om receipt of this letter. The workplan should follow gu'idelines found in: Appendix A - Reports. Tri - Re~lionai Board Staff. Recommendations for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of_ Underar.ound Tank Sitm; July 6, 1990. I Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $62.00 per hour. I I I I If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIRIT B HAND AUGERING ILLUSTRATION I I Ii ':'!';.:i':i:i..::i~'~" ! I ~-' HAND-AUGERING BIT I ILLUSTRATION Texaco Refining and ~arkefing ~nc 10 Universal City Plaza Universal Citv CA 91608 May 29, 1996 ENV-SERVICE STATION Limited Site Assessment Report 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, CA Mr. Howard Wines, III Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Wines: Enclosed is a copy of the Limited Site Assessment Report for the captioned Texado[facility. As described in the enclosed report, a confined small diesel plume has been identified under a section of the eastern-most pump island. The report also indicates that the confined diesel plume does not appear to be impacting groundwater beneath the site. Additionally, analytical results indicate that no TPH or benzene constituents were discovered above Bakersfield City Fire Department action levels for soil. Therefore, Texaco is requesting case closure. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please call me at (818) 505-2739. Sincerely, Marcel L. Bouchez Project Manager Environment, Health & Safety MLB:hs p:\mlbkbakok2401arpt.bfd Enclosure pr: ~ Building on a Tradition of Quality I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. NV AIVERICA ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, CONSULTING & CONSTRUCTION AN ENERGY AMERICA COMPANY I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I. I I LIMITED SITE AssEssMENT REPORT Texaco Service Station No. 61-058-1405 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California Prepared For: Texaco Refining and Marketing Inc. Environment, Health and Safety Department 10 Universal City Plaza, 7th Floor Universal City, California 91608-7812 (818) 50s-27s9 Texaco Job No. UMLB0636 Prepared By: ENV America Incorporated 16 Technology, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 714-453-9191 FAX 714453-9292 ENV America Proje~ No. TEX-01-T043 May 22, 1996 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................... 1 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................... ...... 2 2.1 Site History .................................................. .. 2 2.2 Recent Environmental Work ........................................ 3 3.0 4.0 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING ........................... 4 3.1 Geology .................... ................................... 4 3.2 Hydrogeology .................................................. 5 SUMMARY OF FIELD ACTIVITIES 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Introduction .................................................... 6 Hand Augering and Soil Sampling 6 Field Screening of Soil Samples ..................................... 8 Groundwater Monitoring .......................................... 8 Waste Handling ................................................. 9 5.0 LABORATORY TESTING .............................................. 10 6.0 FINDINGS 11 7.0 LIMITATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL CERTWICATION ................... 12 8.0 REFERENCES CITED ................................................. 13 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of Soil Sample Analyses Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Sample Analyses LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Site Location Map Site Plan Boring Location Map Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (~entral Pump Island) Soil Sample Location Map and SubSUrface Profile (Eastern Pump Island) Groundwater Contour Map F:~qVIX)C~TEXqlAKRgFLD\'I~X-T43.RFY I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I :1 I I -I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Boring Logs Hand Augering Illustration Elevation Survey Data Sheet Monitoring Well Purge and Sample Logs Drum Disposal Records Laboratory Reports and Chain-of-Custody ReCords F:~.~)OC S~TEX~BAKRS FLD\TEX-T43. P~PT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 INTRODUCTION ENV America Incorporated (ENV America) was.retained by Texaco Refining and Marketing Inc., Environment, Health and Safety Department (TRMI-EHS) to conduct limited site assessment activities at the Texaco service station located at 2401 North Oak Street, Bakersfield, California..The station, is situated on the northwest comer of the intersection of North Oak Street and 24th Street, about 1,650 feet east of State Highway 99. The site location is indicated on Figure 1 - Site Location Map. The facility is an active Texaco service station with a station building and three pump islands. The general layout of the site is shown on Figure 2 - Site Plan. Existing underground storage tanks (USTs) include three containing gasoline, and one containing diesel. The purposes of the activities conducted as part of this project were to further define the extent of impacted soil in the vicinity of the central and eastern pump islands, and to evaluate groundwater conditions. In general, the scope of services provided for .this project included the drilling and sampling of six hand-auger borings; purging and sampling three groundwater monitoring wells; well head elevation surveying; coordination of laboratory testing of soil and groundwater samples; data analyses; and, preparation of this report. The following senrices were directly contracted by TRMI- EHS: analytical laboratory testing of soil and groundwater samples by BC Analytical of Anaheim, California; soil cuttings and rinsate water transportation and disposal services by Belshire Environmental'Services of Lake Forest, California; soil recycling services by TPS Technologies of Adelanto, California; and, recycling of rinsate water at the DeMenno Kerdoon facility in Compton, Califomia. F:~NVDOCS~TEX~BAKI~ FLD\TEX-T~3.P~I~ I I I ,I I I I I .I I I I I I I I '1 I 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2.1 Site History Review of California and Alaska Oil Field Maps (Munger, 1992), reveals the western portion of the site was once occupied by an unCOmpleted and abandoned Chevron oil well described as "Chevron KCL-5, 30-6879, No. 4." Details, descriptions and the exact location of the well were not available as of this writing. Based on information provided by TexaCO, the subject set-vice station was originally operated as a Mohawk s~h~ice station by the Getty Oil Company thrOugh early 1985. Fuel from leaking USTs and piping was first encountered in 1983. Previous investigations and remediation activities at the site included removal of defective leaking fuel USTs; installation of groundwater monitoring wells; and, the design and installation of a hydrocarbon recovery and treatment system. The recovery system operated into the latter months of 1984, when Water levels dropped to below the recovery well bottom. The proprietorship of the station was relinquished to Texaco in early 1985. Various phases of remediation were initiated a~er 1985 as well, by other consulting firms. These included product recovery; in-sim bioremediation; and, carbon, adsorption systems for'treatment. Analytical data obtained during the prior site activities indicated that contamination existed at the site in both the soil and groundwater. This COntamination has been reported as petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and diesel, and from volatile aromatic hydrocarbons as benzene, toluene, ethylbenZene and xylenes. Based on infOrmation provided by TexaCO, no significant COntamination was found in any of the groundwater samples from March 1990 through 1993. However, it was noted that impacted soil appeared to remain above the water table. The lead regulatory agency, the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, granted site closure on December 6, 1994. F:~NVDOC~TEX~AKI~FLD\TEX-T43.RPT I i I ,I I I I i I I I I 2.2 Recent Environmental WOrk In June 1995, all fuel. dispensers and pump islands were replaced under permit number BI-0043, issued by the Bakersfield Fire Department. ENV'America staff collected representative soil samples beneath each dispenser. Each sample was analyzed by a State-certified analytical laboratory for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) or as diesel (TPI-I-D) by the California Department. of Health Services (CADHS) Method, and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) using USEPAMethod 8020. Details of soil sampling methodologies are outlined in ENV America's August 1, 1995, "Report of Fuel Dispenser Replacement.". In order to remove as much impacted soil as possible, without undermining adjacent improvements, remedial excavations were made at each pump island.- Representative soil samples were collected from the completed excavations to document remnant TPH/BTEX concentrations. Beneath the western pump island, analytical data indicated that the maximum TPH concentration detected in post-closure samples was 63 milligrams per kilogram (mt/kg) (diesel range). TPH-G or BTEX was not detected beneath the western pump island. The maximum TPH concenlrations detected in post-closure samples beneath the central pump island were 7,500 mt/kg (gasoline range) and 1,200 mgP~g (diesel range). The maximum TPH concentrations detected in post-closure samples beneath the eastern pump island were 17,000 mt/kg (diesel range) and '790 mt/kg (gasoline range). F .'kl~r VIX~,?~'i'P21kBAKI~PLD~,TEX-Ta3.Ri~ I I I I I I 3.0 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 3.1 Geology The site area is situated at the southern limits of the San Joaquin Valley, within the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a relatively flat alluvial plain extending from the Tehachapi Mountains on the south to the Klamath Mountains to the north, and from the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the east to the Coast Ranges on the'west. The Great Valley is a downwarped structural trough, deeply infiiled with sedimentary rocks. This geosyncline has an asymmetric east-west profile as it rests on a long stable granitic Sierran slope on the east, and valley sediments are Steeply upturned on the west (Oakeshott, 1978). The sedimentary sequence of the Great Valley lies unconformably on Paleozoic and Mesozoic metasediments and volcanics, as well as Jurassic and Cretaceous granitic rocks (I-Iackel, 1966). Sediments within the San loaquin Valley range from Jurassic to Recent in age. The pre-Quaternary rocks are primarily of marine origin and are composed of siltstone, .claystone and sandstone with subordinate volcanics (Hackel, 1966). Within the site area, these sediments are estimated to extend to about 10,000 feet below ground surface Cogs). ' Pldstocene and Recent strata within the San loaquin Valley are continental in origin, and generally consist of granitic sands and conglomerates (I-Iackel, 1966). Within the site area, these alluvial sediments were largely deposited by the ancestral Kern River, and were most likely derived from erosion of the Greenhorn Mountains to the east. Earth materials encountered during recent site work primarily consist of unconsolidated sands.~ These sediments are classified as alluvial fan, deposits · (Sn~th, 1964). The sedimenta~ rocks of the San Joaquin Valley have been the source of vast quantities of petroleum and natural gas (Hackel, '1966). Most oil and gas production has been within the central and southern portions of the valley. The San Joaquin Valley has also been the site of major land subsidence. Within the Subject portion of the valley, subsidence has primarily occurred southof the Bakersfield area (Poland and Even,son, 1966). Subsidence has been caused by intense pumping of groundwater, resulting in the lowering of the artesian head in deep confined aquifers. sw 4 F:~NVDOC~~TEX-T43.RPT I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I Hydrogeology Based on groundwater elevation monitoring on April $; 1996, groundwater currently exists at about 27 feet bgs, and the groUndwater flow direction is generally to the southwest. In June 1995, groundwater beneath the site was gauged at about 15 feet bgs (ENV America, Augg. st 1995). Based on known site conditions, the groundwater is estimated to be unconfined. The Kern River is located approximately t50 feet to'the northwest, and is estimated to affect the groundwater elevation beneath the site; Local production water is derived from depths of about 250 to 400 feet bgs (Turner, K., personal communication, 1995). Natural groundwater recharge occurs by infiltration of rainwater and infiltration from streams and rivers. Recharge is artificially enhanced via the Cross Valley Channel and the Callaway Weir, which are located north of the site. Additionally, artificial recharge occurs from infiltration of irrigation water. F:~NVDOC~FLDkTEX-T43.RFr i I ! I i I I I I I I i I I I I I I I 4.0 SUMMARY OF FIELD ACTIVITIES 4.1 Introduction As indicated above, the purposes of this investigation were to define the extent of impacted soil in the vicinity of the central and eastem pump islands, and to evaluate groundwater conditions.' In order to accomplish these goals, six hand-auger borings were advanced adjacent to the pump islands, and three groundwater' monitoring wells were purged and sampled. Hand-auger boring locatiOns, groundwater monitoring well locations; and otherpertinent site data are shown on Figure 3 '- Boring Location Map. Field work was conducted on April 8 and 9, 1996, and was performed in accordance with ENV America's "Workplan for Limited Site Assessment" and "Workplan Addendum," dated September 29, 1995, and iIanuary 23, 1996, respectively. 4.2 Hand Augering and Soil Sampling Prior to the onset of field activities, Underground Service Alert (Dig Alert) was contacted to locate all underground utilities within the general work area. At the commencement of field activities, a tailgate safety meeting was held onsite to outline the day's activities and to identify potential hazards. During the meeting, a' site- and project-specific health and safety plan was reviewed and discussed with all members of the field crew. ' All hand-auger borings were advanced by means of a manually-rotated hand-auger set equipped with a stainless steel bit. The borings were advanced until refusal, at about 18 feet bgs. Four. of the borings, H1, H2, H4 and H5 were slant drilled toward the respective pump island at an approximate angle of about 20° from vertical, in order to collect samples directly beneath the pump islands. The other two borings, H3 and H6, were drilled vertically.. i I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I Soil samples were generally collected at S-feet intervals with an 8.S-inch long, by 2.2S-inch diameter, solid-spoon sampler containing two 3-inch long, 2-inch diameter brass sample sleeves. The sampler was manually driven into subsurface soils with a slide hammer. Between each sample drive, the sampler and brass sample sleeves were washed in a non-phosphate detergent solution (Liqui-Nox) and double-rinsed in distilled water to prevent cross-contaminatio~ Upon retrieval of each sample, the ends of the lead (i.e., the lowest) brass sample sleeve were covered with Teflon® sheeting, sealed with plastic end caps, and secured with silicone tape. The samples were labeled, placed in resealable plastic bags, and stored on ice in a cooler pending submittal to the laboratory. Samples were submitted under strict chain-of-custody procedures to a State-certified analytical laboratory for allalyse$. Earth materials encountered during hand augering were logged in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) by a California-Certified Engineering Geologist (C.E.G.). Detailed descriptions of the soil types encountered during drilling are included in Exhibit A - Boring Logs. The relative position of the borings and soil samples, are schematically illustrated in plan view and in cross-sectional view on Figure 4 - Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (Central Pump Island), and on Figure 5 - Soil Sample Location Map and Subsurface Profile (Eastern Pump Island). Great care was exercised to prevent any vertical cross-contamination within the hand-augered boreholes. The concern prompting this precaution was that if impacted soil existed at near-surface depths only, then impacted soil couldpotentiaHy: be transported, downward via hand augering equipment to deeper, non-impacted depths. Therefore, following the retrieval of the shallowest impacted sample, each borehole was reamed to a diameter of approximately 4.5 inches. Then, prior to advancing the borings to greater depths, temporary casing consisting of sections of new 4-inch diameter blank PVC casing was placed in each boring. This precaution significantly reduced the potential for false-positive laboratory results and, in turn, more accurately defined the vertical extent of impacted soil. The installation of casing is conceptually shown in Exhibit B - Hand Augering l~lustration. Upon completion of drilling the borehole cavities were backfil!ed with bentonite chips and hydrated. with potable water. The upper 12 inches was capped with rapid-set concrete. F:~qVIX)C~FLD~TEX-T43.RPT I I I ! i I I I I I I I I 4.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples For each sample collected, field screening and monitoring for possible volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were conducted utilizing a Photovac HL-2000 organic vapor meter (OVM). The'Photovac OVM utilizes photoionizafion to detect VOCs. The field screening method consisted of placing a desegregated soil sample from the samPler shoe inside a resealable plastic ball and placing it in the sun to accelerate'vola '~tion: The OVM probe was then inserted through the bag to obtain a reading of VOCs concentrations in the head-space. These readings were recorded on each boring log (Exhibit A). Ambient air at the breathing level was' also monitored for health and safety purposes., 4.4 Groundwater Monitoring. The top of the well casings (TOCs) of three onsite groundwater monitoring wells (C7, 4A and C8) were surveyed relative to a temporary benchmark (TBM), with a W-fidTM Automatic Level. Field records of the survey are included'in Exhibit C - Elevation Survey Data Sheet. The depth to groundwater in each of the three wells was gauged with a SolinstTM water-level sounder. The submerged portion of the Water-level sotuder was washed in a Liqui-Nox solution and double-rinsed with distilled water between measurements. The TOCs served as reference points from - which groundwater levels were measured..The recorded depth to groundwater in each well is included in Exhibit D - Monitoring Well Purge and Sample Logs. Each groundwater monitoring well was then purged manually by means of a pVC bailer. Purging continued until at least 3 well casing volumes had been removed and water quality parameters (pH, temperature, and electrical conduCtivity) stabilized. Details of well purging and sampling,, including the amount of water removed and water quality measurements, are included in Exhibit D. The water generated by purging was stored onsite in Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved drums, pending laboratory analyses and disposal arrangements. aw 8 F:~/DOC~FLD\TEX-T43.RFI' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Once purged wells had recovered to at least $0 percent of their original volume, groundwater samples from each well were collected using a new 1-inch diameter disposable polyethylene bailer. The water was slowly decanted into laboratory-supplied 40-milliliter (ml) glass vials. The vials were labeled and stored on ice in a cooler until delivery to the laboratory. In order to avoid cross-contamination between wells, all sampling equipment, including bailers, string and gloves, was dedicated to each well and discarded upon collection of each sample. Groundwater elevations measured during this monitoring event were used to calculate a groundwater flow direction and hydraulic gradient. GrOundwater flow beneath the site is to the southwest at an approximate hydraulic gradient of about 0.015 feet per foot (fi/fi), based on the data collected on April 9, 1996. Groundwater flow is schematically illustrated on Figure 6 ~ Groundwater. Contour Map. 4.5 Waste Handling Soil cuttings, decontamin~'on rinsate, and purged groundwater generated as a result of drilling, and sampling activities were placed in DOT-approved 55-gallon drams. A total of 2 soB-filled drams and 2 water-filled drums were generated. The soil-filled drums were subsequently transported as nonhazardous waste and thermally treated at the TPS Technologies facility in Adelanto, California. The rinsate water-filled drums were treated at the DeMenno Kerdoon recycling facility in Compton, california. TranspOrtation and disposal were COOrdinated by Belshire Environmental of Lake Forest,~ California. Records of waste disposal are included in Exhibit E - Drum Disposal Records. 9 F:~IVDOC~FLI~TEX-T43.R~T I I I I I I I I I i I I I I i 5.0 LABORATORY TESTING All soil and groundwater, samples were delivered to BC Analytical, a California Environmental Protection AgenCY (Cal/EPA)-certified analyti, cal laboratory located in Anaheim, California. All soil samples collected at the eastern pump island were analyzed for TPH-G, TPH-D and BTEX, as gasoline and diesel have both been dispensed at that island. Ail soil samples collected at the central pump island were analyzed for TPH-G and BiTEX, since only gasoline was dispensed at that island. Additionally, the two deepest samples l~om H1. (at 15 and 18 feet bgs), located near the central island, were also analyzed for TPH-D..The groundwater samples were analyzed for TPH-G, TPH-D, and BTEX. BTEX was not encountered in any soil sample analyzed. In the'vicinity of the central pump island, TPH-G and TPH-D were detected in soil at maximum concentrations of 6.1 mg/kg and 13 mg/kg, respectively. At the eastern pump island, ~'PH-G and TPH-D were detected in soil at maximum concentrations of 2.8 rog/kg and 1,400 mg/k~ respectively. In ' 1 TPH TPH.DI. I 1 the groundwater samp es, -G, ' I' to uene, ethy benzene or xylenes were not detected. Benzene was detected at a maximum concentration of 4.2 micrograms per liter (tzg/l) in the groundwater sample f~om Groundwater Mohitoring Well Laboratory. results are tabulated in Table 1 - Sununary of Soil Sample Analyses, and in Table 2 - Summary of Groundwater Sample Analyses..C, omplete laboratory reports are included in Exhibit F - Laboratory Reports and Chain-of-Custody Records. 10 F:~ENVDOC~FLD\TEX. Ta3.RFI~ i I I ! I i I I I I I I 'i I I I 6.0 FIND1~GS Based on the results of laboratory analyses of soil samples collectedin Hand-Auger Borings HI,. H2, and H3, the gasoline and diesel impacted soil detected in the remedial excavation at the central pump island in June of 1995 is an extremely localized pocket. At the eastern pump island, impacted soil appears to be limited to diesel fuel. The extent of impacted soil at the eastern pump island is also relatively localized, in that appreciable concentrations of TPH-D were only detected in two of. three proximal borings.~.. The relativdy low concentrations of benzene detected in groundwater samples are not necessarily related to either of the pump islands investigated as part of this project. The benzene could represent residual impact associated with earlier remedial efforts. sw 11 F:~qX~C~TI~X~BAKRSFLD\T~X-T43.RPT 7.0 LIMITATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION This report is intended exclusively for TRMI-EI-IS for the evaluation of petroleum hydrocarbon impact as it pertains to the subject site. The professiOnal services provided have been performed in accordance with other scientists and in the practices generally accepted by engineers practicing geosciences. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. As with all environmental projects, there is no guarantee that the work performed has identified all or any of the sources or locations of impact. This report is issued with the understanding that TRMI-EHS is responsible for ensuring that the information, contained herein is., brought to the attention of the appropriate regulatory agency. The following ENV America professionals were responsible for all work associated with this project within the purview of the Professional Engineers' Act and Registered Geologist, and Geophysicist Act of the California Code of Regulations. Daniel I. Gifford, C.E.G. Manager of Geoscience C.E.G. No. 1959 S. "Sean" Shahin, P.E. Principal P.E. No. C 042940 ! ! I I I I I I i I i I 1 i .i I / i i ! / 8.0 REFERENCES CITED ENV America Incorporated, "Workplan Addendum," Texaco Sera, ice Station, 2401 North Oak Street, Bakersfield, California, January 23, 1996. ENV America Incorporated, "Workplan for Limited Site Assessment," Texaco Service Station, 2401 North Oak Street, Bakersfield, California, September 29, 1995. ENV America Incorporated, "Report of Fuel-Dispenser Replacement,"=Texaco Service Station, 2401 North Oak Street, Bakersfield; California, August 1, 1995. Hackel, O., "Summary of the Geology of the Great Valley,"/n Geology of Northern California: California Division oflvfmes and Geology, Bulletin 190, 1966. Oakeshott, G.B., "California's Changing Landscapes," McGraw-Hill PubLishing Company, 1978. Munger, A~H., "Munger Map BoOk, California - Alaska Oil and Gas Fields," Munger Map Service, 1992. Poland, J.F. and Evenson, I~E., "Hydrogeology and Land Subsidence, Great Central Valley, California,"/__n Geology of Northern California: CaLifornia Division oflVfines and Geology, Bulletin 190, 1966. Smith,/~1~, "Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet," California Division oflvlines and Geology, 1964. . Turner, Ken., Kern County Water Agency, personal communication, July 17, 1995. aw 13 F:'~I~VI:K:)CSX~PLD\TE~-T~3.1~oF I I I I I I I ! I I I I ,I I I I I I /I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I ! I I ! I I TABLES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California ENVAmer~a Projecl No. TEX=O1-T04$ Dates Sampled: April 8 and 9~ 1996 CENTRAL PUMI' ISLAND ARF_,A H1-5 5 <0.05 NA ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 H~-l~ ~2 1.7 NA <0.~5 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 Hi-~ ~ · 0.20 <10 ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.01 HI4S ~ 0~2 13 ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.0~ ~-5 5 <0.05 NA <0.~5 ~.005 ~.~S ~.01 ~-10 10 ~.05 NA ~.~5 ' ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 ~-1 g 18 <0.05 NA ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 ~-5 5 1.0 NA (0.~5 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 ~-10 10 6.1 NA ~.01 ~.01 ~.01 ~.02 ~-15 15 ~.05 NA ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 H~5 5 ~.05 <10 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 H~I0 l0 <0.05 <10 <0.~5 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 Ill. Ii 18 <0.05 <10 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 H5-5 5 <0.05 <10 ~.~5 ~.~5 . ~.~5 ~.01 H5-10 10 <0.05 <10 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 H5-15 1~ 0.48 ~ ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 H~5 5 ~.05 (10 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.~5 ~.01 u~o ~o <o.o~ ~o ~.~ ~.~ ~.~s ~.o~ H6-18 18 '0~6 1,100 _ ~.~ ~.~ ~.m~ ~.0~ I I Q~Qc: ~ DATE: -' $1~i1'~ (. E'~ENVI:)OC~TEX~.MO~FLD~T43HND-A. Ti I I i I ! I ! ! TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ANALYSES 'Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California £NV America Pr oject No. T£X-O1- T045 Date Sampled: April 9, 1996 C7 <100. <l 0.92 <0.3 <0.3 <0.6 Ci <100 <1 2.9 <0.3 <0.3 <0.6 4A <100 <l 4.2 <0.3' <0.3 <0.6 ! TB//60312 <100 NA i<0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.6 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...................... ~::::::::::~ ~ ~i ii i ............................................... :~.:.:-:-:....-:-:.:.i:i:i:: ::: :: :~:!:: ::::::: ~::~:-.-.-.-::: ............. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :i: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: i!: :::: ~: i:i:!:!:!:i:!:i:i:i:i:i:!:!:!:i:i:!:i:i:i:!:!:~:i:i:i:i:!:!:i:i:!:i: I I I I i :1 I I QA/QC: ~ . DATE: ~ I'~ I'~_ F:~'4VDOC~TE X~ F~ D\T, J3G DWTI~ T2 I I I I ! I I I I I I I I ! I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURES 0 2,000 4,000  FIGURE 1 ~~__ SITE LOCATION MAP REFERENCE: SERVICE STATION OOSFORD, CALIFORNIA. BOTH MAPS DATED 1954 AND 2401 NORTH OAK STREET PHOTOR~ISED 1968. ORIGINAL SCALE: 1 INCH = 2,000 FE~. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I '1 I I I I I I I I I EXPLANATION ! ..... \ EXISTING UST \ FORMER UST LOCATION ............. PRODUCT UNE o 40 ..... APPROXIMATE SCALE 80 FEET I FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I .I I I I I I I I I I STATION OFFICE EXPLANATION H6 H5 VERTICAL HAND AUGER BORING LOCATION (APRIL 1996) SLAN:I' HAND-AUGER BORING LOCATION (APRIL 1996) APROXIMATE LIMITS OF REMEDIAL EXCAVATION (JUNE 95) CANOPY COLUMN FORMER DISPENSER IDENTIRCA~ON Hi( CENTRAL ISLAND SEE FIGURE 4 I~ H5 ,,E 'ERN ISLAND FIGURE 5 H4 H5(~ ~ / / / / / / / 0 ' 10 20 FEET APPROXIMATE SCALE FIGURE BORING LOCATION MAp TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA CENTRAL ISLAND PLAN VIEW DEPTH TPN-G 5 ~ 1.0 10 6.1 1.5 <0,05 18 O.OB1  APPROXIMATE UUl'rS OF FORMER REMEDIAL EXCAVATION ' · H3 / / (TPH-O, 0.32) ' / / DgEX-NE-7 (~PH-C~ 7,$00).e~'""~ / / (TPH-O, 0.20) / ,%__ /r / (TPH--D. <10) . .... --~'-~ ~)-' '~/.- -/-/-/- - - - -.- ::.- ' /'oeex a &5 ~ '",Z / / '. '- /PROnU~ '""' ~, / ('~--G, 1,7)J ~ '~ . GAS '~ ~ CANOPY COLUMN ~N-O. 0.~) ~,-0. ~.000:~#~~ '¥.~P,-0` <O.OS~ ~07-~ ~TP,-O. <0`5) " ~k ~:~: ;:~ ~ ....... (T.-O, H1 ~C, <0.5) H2 01. 21. t 12'- 20~. 24~- CENTRAL ISLAND SUBSURFACE PROFILE PiER· FOOTING I I --I---- D9EX-N-4 -- (~m-~ o,s3) APPROXIMATE GROUNDWATER <0.081) APPROXIMATE GROUNDWATER FORMER OAS (TPH-O. <0.05) FORMER I ! I PIER FOOTINO SM ~ML SM ,'TPH-O, <0.05) <0,5) <10) ~PH -0, (T~-O. ~PH-D, 15) 0,5 (TPH-O. 1,700) '~.2oo) APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF REMEDIAL EXCAVATION (TPH-O, <0.05) H-~ 0.051) ('rPH-O, < 0.0`~) SP SP -0' -2' -4' '6' -8' '12' ~ bJ '1- · 18' '22' H~ H2 DgEX-N-4 (TPH-G, 7.1) SP ML SM EXPLANATION VERTICAL BORINO LC~a~TION SLANT BORING LOCKnON SOIL ,~N~tPLE R£PRE~ENTINO IN PLACE SOIL SHOW1NO TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN m;/kg (D=OIESEL, G=G~OUNE POORLY DRADED SAND SILT SILTY SAND SOIL AND 10 FEET FIGURE 4 SAMP!,E LOCATION MAP SUBSURFACE PROFILE (C~HTRAL PUMP ISLAND) TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~I~ . EAST ISLAND PLAN VIEW ~~ APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF FORMER ~ 10 <0.05 880 ~ ~PH-g, <0.05)~ ~ D11-5.5 ~PH-G, <0.5) ' gPH-D, <10) ~ ~_ ~ ,. ' 011-8 .~H-G, <0.5) '~ D15-3,5 (TPH-~, <0,5) __ ~ ~ _ .~ FPH-D, 1,100) --SUBSURF~E ~J D15EX-B-9 (TPH-G (0.5) ~ -- -- ~ ~ ~ ~H-G, <0,05) ~ ....... ~ PROFILE LINE · (TPH-k 51) ~ ~ ~PH-D, 22) t ~P.-~. Z.S); q".-O, ~,~) ............. ¢ ..... .... ....... ...... FORMER J' ~ .................~~~ ~ ~ ~-- ~ H-D 2 ~' ' ' ~ ~ 0,,-o. ~7.ooo) ~ ~,,_~. <o.os) ~PH-g, <0.05) H4 ~PH-D, <10) ~ ~-D. <m) H5 EAST ISLAND SUBSURFACE PROFILE ; FORMER FORMER FORMER ~ I I I I FORMER PUMP IS~ND ~ I I I I _1 I ~ o ' W2 .......... w -- [ ---~o ~' ~,~ ~,-o. <~* ~/ ..'~ 4 6' REMED~ ~VATtON j ~ J J / /~ / ~PH-D, <10) i 14- ~PROXi~TE G~UNDWATER ~__ ~H-G, <0.05)~ ~ n n4.~ 16- ~H-D, 1,1~) 20- - 20 SP 22 ' - 22 24 - · 24 APP~XI~TE OROUNDWATE~ L~L ON 4/9/96 26 - ~- 26 DEPTH TPH-G TPH-D 5 <0.05 <10 10 <0.05 880 15 0.31 1,400 18 0.56 1,100 EXPLANATION H6 (~ VERTICAL BORING LOCATION H5 0 5 10 FEET ~ SLANT BORING LOCATION I I I D13EX-6 SOiL SAMPLE REPRESEhrTINO AP SI:~dATE (TPH-D, 1800) EXCAVATED SOIL SHOWINO 0 TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN rog/kg (D=DIESEL, G=GASOLINE) D15-15.5 SOIL SAMPLE REPRESENTING FIGURE 5 (TPH-G, <0,5) IN PLACE SOIL SHOWING ~ · TPH CONCENTRATIONS IN rog/kg (D'DIESEL. O-OASOLINE) SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP Sp POORLY ORAD[DSAND ~~ AND SUBSURFACE PROFILE (EASTERN PUMP ISLAND) (~P POORLY GRADED GRAVEL ~ I ~/4~]~ll~mll TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~.~ I ., ~,~ ~ c~ ' EXP~NATION c~ .o.,~o.,.~ w~ ~.ow,.~ o.ou.~w~.~. ~,o. / ~ EXISTING UST FIGURE 6 C ....... ~ FORMER UST LO~TION ~ ....... j GROUNDWATER i~[ I CONTOUR MAP ............. ~o~cx u,~ (APRIL 9, 1996) EL~ATION). D~HED WHERE EXT~PO~T[D ~l~~ TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA m m m m 'm m m ,m m m m I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I '1 I EXHIBIT A' BORING LOGS I BORING LOG BVV (DRILLED AT 20° FROM VERTICAL) I H 1 .... tBACKFILL DETAIL LIIHOLOGY TEST DATA epth O~ G~PHIC DESCRIPTION Somple ID./ R~odi~g (feet) LOG Time ~ppm) :~':~':~[I~'~ ,',~'u:t:".'~, 6 ;~h concrete ~.~:~ ........... ,.,,:.~..~ 2 "llll~[llll~ 2 ~,.7"d";~:(:: moist. ~ium d~., no ~. no stolnin~. 2 ,1111 ~ IIIII ~ .~,, ,.., , ~o (sP). ~c~ fine to ~ium ~in~. ~ist. ~ium · . ':,~ .;;~ .,:: ~:2 [l~l ~ ~JJll ~ ::":.",: .",v::. ~D (SP). m~um oronge bm~n. fine to m~ium groin. ,. ~ IIII ~ IIII ..... .:.,,:..., ~... .,: m~st. medium ~se, no ~. ~ staining. -- -- ~[[~ II~]~ 5 '.~':~'~:~'f'.:'~ ~D (SP). m~;uffi orange brown, fine to m~ium gro;~. 5 1111 ~ IIII ~ ~0~ 7 ~ IIII ~ IIII "'. ".;," ~ Iltl ~ LIIII ~ 7 ¥:..:::,,.:,.,.,.: 7  ~ 11111 ~ IIII '. :;...5::~:.,. ~...: ~1111 ~ [111t ~ s I:'.',,'..,..% ,..~; s illll ~ II11~ m ;':...r:'.: :.... :~ ~ 1~ ~O (SP), I~ht to ~;um ~wn, ~dlum to c~ I0 ~ IIII] no r~. ~ ~ IIIII ~ · 2 graln~, d~ to damp, ~n~, f~b~, ~ ~e~, ~ _IIIII ~ z.. ;.~..:.?~:' ~. ao2o  ffi ~ IIIJ a ~ ::/.: 4..:.4:.::, · ~1111 ~ 15 ';~C/:-'['~' ?'j":~0 (SP), liqht brown, medium to c~ ~raln~, d~ to 15 ~[~l~] ~ -- ~::~{"':.':'2~["~:'"::~" ?~,[47.:~ ;' sto;nin~.d°mp' ~n~, sl;ght~ fdob~, m;c~us, sr~ht ~or, ~ -- H1-15/ ~ 46 ,.;';., % ."*' C" 1 ~1111~ -- ~ -- ).?-??¥:.'q'.~ ~O (SP), ~gh[ oron~e brown, fine to m~;um groin~ ~1~ ~l 3.~' I~ 1~ TOT~ BORING LENG~  18.5 FE~ I teStatiC: 4/8/96 Drilli~ Meth~: ~O ~GER ~ ~mp~ted: 4/8/g6" S~n ~mpler 10: D INCH L~g~ ~ JIM ~D, C.E.G. Sompler Ty~: CORE ~P~R ~pm~ By: ~ GIFFORD, C.E.O ~: . OTE: ~ Rgure 5 for ~rlng I~oUon. ~te: ~PROJECT NAME: TEXACO STATION, BAKERSFIELD. CA PROJECT NO: TEX-O1-T043 BORING LOG ~1~ HAND AUGER BORING BVV (DRILLED AT 20° FROM VERTICAL) H2 BACKFILL DETAIL LITHOLOGY TEST DATA I Depth ' OVM · GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Somple ID./ R, eo din, g (feet) LO(; Time --1EIIIIIII~"~'"" ~ ~ --1 ]':i'-?~'.~:'i'~."!'~';!' molst.SAND (SP).dense.mediUmno odor.Or°ngeno ,to;ning.br°wn' fine to medium ;roined. __1 I[ 0.0 · 111~ IIIII -------- ::.,.::.~,:..: :..:. . IIl~lllllli_=-- I111[ '"..".~,'. ":'. I1~11111 -~IIIII .... '~ :", '." ...,...,.;... ~.~, ',,~ ~ IIl~llllll --- IIII ~ o IIIEE~ ~.~o ..~'.,.?~.~.[..:?:.. SAND ($P), ligh[ brown, medium ~rolned. dry to domp. 10 - ~ ~ [J[[ ~ ...:.;,.., :!.,, .::.', ...:. l~ ,../'.;/:, ..4..'..~ '.' 3 ~ 13 ' ,. ",' .".',../ EIIIIII ~ ,,.'...:...... , -- -- '?:'¥:'¥':'!'":':SANo (SP). light brown, medium ID ¢o~e 9rolned wlth 1~.$ FEET 07.4 F~[T !0 - 2...~0 20 Dote Stetted: 4/8/96 Drilling Method: HAND AUGER D~te Completed: 4/8/96' . Spoon Sompler ID: 2 INCH Logged B~.. JIM LARWOOD, C.E.G. Sompler Type: CORE SAMPER Approved B~: DAN GIFFORD, C.£.G Q~QC: ~IOTE: See Figure 5 for boring Iocotlon. Dote: PROJECT NAME: TEXACO STATION. BAKERSFIELD. CA PROJECT NO: TEX-O1-T043 I (DRILLED VERTICAL) II BACKFILL DETAIL LITHOLOGY TEST DATA I )epth OVM GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Sample ID./ R,e e d in, cj '.feet) LOG Time ~ppm) I/  .:',:,.:.?..:,..).:. SAND (SP), medium gray, flne.to me(Gum g~'elned, damp, ~ ~ ..-... ~ ,, dense, mlcOCeous, moderate odoe, alight stoln;n9. '"~1111 }'~''¢' 10 !>.::'.~.~? SAND (SP). medium gray. fine to reed;urn gm;ned, damp. 10 · 1355  -- .: =,..:.. dense, m;coceous, sl;~ht to moderate odor, no sro;ri;rig. -- H5-15/ ~ 599 ~ ~ H3- t 8/ ~ 4.3 I/ ~ ~ 18.5 FEET b6s I Dote 'Started: 4/8/96 Dr~lfin9 Method: HAND AUGER I I Date Completed: 4/8/96' Spoon Sampler ID: 2 INCH Logged I]y:.. JIM LARWOOD. C.£.G. Sampler Type: CORE SAMPLER Approved By: DAN. OlF'FORD. C.£.G QA/QC: IPROJ£CT NAME: TEXACO STATION. BAKERSFIELD. CA PROJECT NO: T£X-O1-T043 ~,4~ HAND AUGER BORING BVV (DRILLED 20° FROM VERTICAL) H4 BACKFILL DETAIL LITHOLOGY TEST DATA OVM epth GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Sample ID./ Reodlng ~feet) LOG Time (ppm) [,','~.:~¢.L~;~ ~.~; ;t~'~5~.~ 6 inch concrete ~'~'"~ "~"~;'.':'.",': .' ~O (~), ~;um g~ to bloc~ fine to ~;um gm;n~, ~11111~ Illl~ ~ ~ ""'"~ "':' ': -- ~'~,.~:;?.?/{., mo;st, medium d~se. ~emte to h~ ~fine ~, --  m~emte staining.... IIII ~ 2 ~.:'w"'~?".;;: 2 ~,lll.~ .,11 ~ ' · "."-'.: ',:*'.-~ (s~)~ I~t omnge bro~n:~;um to c.. ,ro;~.=.~........, ... ~11111~ IIII ~ ..... ,..~.....',, ~11111 ~ IIII ~.~..:.,.:..., ~....,:. ' ~{~ ~ 5 .:':' ;'~."~:: micoceous, slight to m~erote ~, slight ~oining, 5 I1~11111~ IIII -- , ~..,,.~. ..... H4_5/ '~, '" ': ' ·: ' 0.0 ::,. ,:,...,t :.. ,; :' 1510 ~11111~ IIII ~ :~...::., ~,., t..:.., ~11111~ IIII ~ ~ ~.::.;:..~,.: ...... 7 I1~11111 ~ IIII ,': ;" ~'¢; ''7: .'.'..".. ~.~ ~0 (~), m~ium g~, fine ~mi~, m~ ~11111~ II11: ~ ~ :..' .",..':.¢..' ..... mlcoc~u~, ~l~ht ~or, ~fight ~lolni~. 8 I1~11111 S IIII -- :.~ :..',.. '~ , -- alllll~ tllll ~ ....... ~,..,~ ~11~11111 I ~' ' ........ ~ ~lllll ""~"""""~ ~ {$~). ~ht ~r~. m~lum to ~ ~mln~. dom~ Io ~ ,4-10/ I11~ 1~ ~". <' :."'::"~' mo;st, ve~ dense, m;coc~us, ~ ~or, ~ ~ton;ng.. atlll{~ ,,,~,.....:~...:., ~545 ~ o.o -- ,., ~..:.,.~.:.;..: II1~ Illl ,,;: ~.: ,:~ ~::"' ~ L~ -'.:;" g ~ '~.~ ~11111 ~ ~ 2 ~ 2 ii1~IIII ~ ~:::.:...:::~.:'~,c:: · .F'.: ::. "..~ ".;'~' II1~ IIIII ~3 ' ,. '.',. ,?,, ~ 3 II1~ IIIII .,'.~,",,,'?:".' "" ""~'"~'""" ~D (SP). light brown, medi~ 1o c~me gm,ned, damp ~11111 ~ ~5 .... ~' ;.~..-" ~ I111~ -- :.::~' · ":.J~;.:.:e.",.,q. ;: to m~st, ~ de~, m~oc~s, slight ~r, ~. ston;~. -- H4-15/ ~ 0.0 ~lllll ~ ...,., .,:,. ~ 62o ~lllll ~ '::..:.::...:. :~ ." ', ~[~l[l[[ 17 '?':":'¥';':"~:'"~O (SP), m~ium bm,n, ~ium to c~ groin~, ?;.~.'; :.:. :~ ~.~..: ~::L',:L;.:¥~:?' moist, ve~ den~, micoc~s, ~ slight ~, no staining. · al~ IIIII -- -- .s-~s/ ~ 52.~ ~11111~ '" ~ ;' "'~" '"'~ <': 1 ~ ~l 3.5' I~ 1~ TOTA ~RING ~NGTH ~8.5  ' 2~.. (17.4 FE~ ~s) 2~ _ ~te Sto~: 4/8/96. Drilling Meth~: ~O AU~R ~te ~mp~[ed: 4/8/96 S~ ~mpte; [0: 2 INCH ~oGGed- ~: JIM ~0, C.E.G. ~mpler Ty~: CORE ~P~R ~prov~ ~: ~ GIFFORD, C.E.G ~TE: ~ ~ure 3 for boring I~aUon. ~te: ~ROJECT NAME: TEMCO STATION, BAKERSFIELD. CA PROdECT NO: TEX-O1-T045 I BORING LOG [ HAND AUGER BORING BVV (DRILLED AT° FROM VERTICAL) I H5 1 i BACKFILl_ DETAIL LITHOI_OGY TEST DATA epth OVM GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Sample I0./ R, eo din, g (feet) LOG Time ~,ppm) ~ .'.'~";'~. 5. ,.'.'L ~" ~ 1 ,.'..' ,,?. ;7: '.;: 1 I1~11111--= t111 ,'.';.7:~..F~'..;':~ medium dense, mlcoceou$, no odor, no I[~lllil _--- Illll -- : ~'.. 4.-:?,';: :. ~llll~ l[ll ---- .-..,,', ,. '., '.. :.::.,: ~ ;. :.'.'., .>., ~..' - I~lUIl~ IIIII --- ~ ,.:j':..:;::2.:4/:.;:~. IIl~llllll _--------Illll ~,~ :'.~ :...'.:.:..-' l~lllll~ IIIlt-=-- 5 .:'., ,: ... :SAND (SP), IkJht brovm, fine to medium groined, dump, ~ IIE~IIIII_--------ilIII ~ ~,..'".:',". ?'; ':.:' medium dense, mk:oceous, no od(x, ~o stoifl~n9. ~ H5-$/ ~ '0.0 . .. ::..:....:,~.:..4::.. BIIIII~lull _--- ~... =..: :..:,.:.., ~520 · I/ IF IIE~IIIII -------tull :'.'.. ': ~,~: ':: ? I~11111~IIIll--= ? : :!..':~:;,::":'"'} ? Ili~lUII ~ IIIII ': :'~ :':, ".: I~11111~ IIII1~ ---= 8 ::.">. '::.,. ',:: ' 8 IIE~Illll ~ IIIII ~ .":, :..' ,.:.,'~. i~llll~ IIIIII--= ~.?.,::-.,:..:..,:~,. 9 III~IIIU ~ II111 __~ :~.: ,:: :.-'<.' __9 -- Ill~llllli ' ~1o :...,,,;',:',::':':'~'.,.,...: ,: 'SAND (SP), light brown to light grey, fine to-medium --10 HS-10/ ~ ~,..~: ,:...x,. groined, doh~p, medium dense, mk:oceous, $1~ghl[ odor, no II IUI~mil ,;;: ¥. :::,"::': -- iiil~ lull -- .~.':.::.:::~, .;?...( -- '. ;: ..~,:: .?.,t~~ ~ Ill~ Illl a3 :' ,.'.-,. :... l~lllll --- :.,.,.,.?.,::F::.: . 'll{~{Ill ~v..,:',.,'-:.'.":' I11~ UII .,:"."'::~.~. ~ ':"::'*'"'"":' SAN0 (SP)2 light to medium medium to coorse ISlIll-=-- 15 :::.:: <: .:..~.::?.:. grey. 1,5 111 ~ ..~':~., ..... . -groined, domp, dense to ve~7 dense, micoceous, slight ~ H5-15/ _= ,:?,.?:.,.:,:;:.: odo,. no .to;.;,~. ~s~5 ~ ,os II1~ IIII ~s ...... ::- ',.'.,.-'. ' I11~ IIII ":; ''':'~'''' 1 ..;~...;.:.:.:=,-..,.SAND ($P), fight to medium grey, medium ~o coorse '~.:, "~' .::..,:'.: groMed,' domp, very dense, herd to drill, mlcoceou$, slight I~ ' '15 18, I11~1111 __ ?.,..:,,:...:;. o~o,, .o .to;,,~. __ I! I~1111 --= '" :'-.'.":""<' "v,.':::.,.:,?: ~. ~: ·I ,9 III1~ IIII ~9 · ..~ ...... ...I 1735 '-~l I'~'' 20'-TOTAL BROINO LENGTH " ' ' 20 3.5" -- 19.5 FEET Oma FE~T b~s) 10<3re St(~rted: 4/8/96 Drilling Method: HAND AUGER I Dote Completed: 4/8/96' Spoon Sompler ID: 2 INCH ""Logged By:. JIM LARWOO0, C.E.G. Sumpter Type: CORE SAMPLER Approved By: DAN GIIrFORD, C.Ir.G QA/OC: I IoT£: See ~ for Iocotlon. Dote: boring II pRoJECT NAME: TEXACO STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CA PROJECT NO: TEX-O1-T043 BORING LOG HAND AUGER BORING (DRILLED VERTICAL) H6 BACKFILL DETAIL LITHOLOGY TEST DATA GRAPHIC LOG DESCRIPTION 8 inch medium brown, fine to medium gm;ned, damp. dense, m;coceous, no odor. no staining. SANO (SP), medium brown, fine to medium ~ra;ned. damp. dense, m;caceoas, no odor. no stain;rig. SAND (SP). medium brown, slightly gravelly, damp. dense. m;caceous, herd to dr;Il, no odor. no sro;nih9. SAND (SP), fight to medium gray, fine to medlum gm;ned, damp. dense, micoceous, sl;ght odor. sl;ght sro;ri;rig. 1--2 SAND (SP). light gray. medium to coarse grained, damp. very dense, m;coceouS, slight odor. slight sro;nih9. SAND (SP). light gray. medium to cnorse groined, damp. very dense, micaceous, sl;Qht odor. slight stainin~. SAND (SP), medium orange brown, medium to coarse groined, some small grovel, damp, very dense, m;coceous, very slight odor, no staining. 19 TOTAL DEPTH 18.5 FEET bgs Sample ID./ __.2 ___~ 4 H6-$/ 0745 He-~O/ 0810 HA6-15/ O840 0905 2~ ire ate. 9ged OVM R(~o d;n, cj pm) 140 -66 Started: 4/8/96 Completed: 4/9/96 - By: JiM t. AR~OOD, C.E.G. TEproved By:. DAN GIFFORD, C.E.G : See Figure 5 for boring location. Drilling Method: HAND AUGER Spoon Sampler JO: 2 iNCH Sampler Type: CORE SAMPLER ~/~C: Dote: PROJECT NAME: TEXACO .STATION. BAKERSFIELD. CA PROJECT NO: TEX-O1-T043 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I EXHIBIT B HAND AUGERING ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXItIBIT C ELEVATION SURVEY DATA SHEET I I ELEVATION SURVEY DATA SHEET I Project No. "['~¢(-~X -'1--'~$ Date: Project Name/Address: "V~r.~-.o ~q~e, ~.'x',,,l/ o..~o~ k~. o,,,z.- I Field Personnel: ~. ~a~. t~t,g~/~'. ~:~4~-~n'~..~ Equip. i I I I I I I I I I I I Backsight Foresight Elevation Station (ft) (ft) (ft) Comments ,, ~.~ fl~.~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT D MONITORING WELL PURGE AND SAMPLE LOGS 1 I MONITORING WELL PURGE AND SAMPLE LOG Vage~.ofJ tROJECT NAME:"~e.~o~ - INELL NO: ~ ~ TESTED BY: easuring Point Description: tatic Water Depth (ft): 2.~ · Level Measuremem Instmmem: II~vater I[ur~~ Method: Time Start Purge: O~ qf- . PROJECT NO: 'W-el°''o~''r° ~'5 Sample Method: Time Sampled' omments:__ Depth to Water at Sampling: Time End Purge: ~'o'-[.o. Field Preservation:, ~ co._. I Depth Water = Column · x 2 inch 6 inch fit) (f0 fit) 0.S 4.4 I f:\data~forms~pu rge.log 1 I MONITORING WELL PURGE AND SAMPLE LOG Page_~of_[ [ROJECT NAME: ~-.o_.~o - IWELL NO:. ~i7~ TESTED BY' measuring Poim Description: tic Water Dep~ (ft): ~ ~ater ~vel Measurement Inst~ent: rge Me.od: ~q ~ Time Start Purge: \\\0 I comments: PROJECT NO:~~ DATE: '~-] Sample Method: Time End Purge: Time Sampled: Depth to Water at Sampling: 7...<5, (-'~ Field Preservation:__ ~<o_.. Depth Water = Colunm x 4inch 6inch ! f:\data~forms\pu rge.log Il I MONITORING WELL PURGE AND SAMPLE LOG Page'_of ~ ROJECT NELL NO: ~' ~:~ TESTED BY: '"~- [-o'~,~,~ DATE: taeaSuring Point Description: tic Water Depth (ft): 2_'3/4 \ I¢/ater Level Measurement Instrument: IrMrge Method: ~C. ~ ...- Time Start Purge: ~ omments:__ Sample Method: Time End Purge: Time Sampled:. X 2. \5- Depth to Water at Sampling: Field Preservation: ~ ~ Total Depthto Water ~ = (gal) Depth Water = Colmnn x 4b, ch 6inch ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I i}:i!}i~ii~ii!!i!¢!:i:~:?i ..................................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I f:\datakforms~purge.log I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I EXHIBIT E DRUM DISPOSAL RECORDS : ~: '?~ta~l~st~::.~:~:: .::: Non-Ha~ardou~ Soils : ::.:. ~.?:.:., , ~...Man!fest~.,~:~.~:-:, :~:~ .Date of Shipment: Responsible f~yment: . Transpo~er T~ck ~: Facility ~: Given by TPS: I C;enerator's Name and Billing .~ddr~s: " ' generator's Phone ~: i generator's US EPA ID No. .................................. ~ ~- ._ ~ ~ ~ .... :; '.: t i~] ~ tl-'~:' . FAX~: Customer Account Number with T~:  Consultant's Name and Billing Add~s: Consultant's Phone ~:. ':"¥  Per~vn to Contact: ~. FAX~: Customer Account Number with T~: [ Generation Site (Trans~rt from): (name & address~ '; Site Phone ~: BD '~:~: I ~t- os~ -/4oc : .. · ~¥,.~ ,.. ILe~ ~I~ ,-. ~-, :~ - 't FAX~: AVG. ~'~ II ; ., ... Levels ;:; t ~ ? 30 fil ~'~ [ ~ignat~ Faci~ty (Transport to,: (name & address, Facility Phone ~: i Fadlitv Pe~it Numbers " ' .::4~' ' ' ' :' Pe~on to ~ontact: ~ ' ~e~l :=,=h,-,. ~"~:~) ; F.~--.:- ~ :, '.;.:~':'~,h ~ ;::~ ~'.~, .:,:,~ ..~2~.:~;;.z ~, ~ Trans~rter Name and Mating Address ' Transporter's Phone ~: Tin.porter's US EPA ID No.: ~: / ........ : .... P~o~ ~o 6o.~t:" ' ~von~r~ ~T ~o.: · '",~:~ -~'-, '~-~ .- ~. -- O ~ ; ' :~ ~:.--': ,~,-' "' . ~_ ~ ~'Y'~.~ ~ c) C; e: ~-: ~'~'-' !: r:-'... ~ [ FAXO: Customer Account Numar with T~: Description of Soil Moisture 0ontent Oontaminated by: Approx. 0~: Desoription 0f Delive~ I ~ross Weighl I Tare Weight I Net Weight / ...... 0 - 10% O Gas O ~ ~ ' ~na ~ ~amc ~ · ~ ~ ~ - ' -. 10 - 20 o Di~l ~ ~ · ' .... ' [ ...... 0- 10% O Gas O ~ ' ' :; -- . ' ~ ~no ~ ~amc ~ : 10-20% ~ ~1 D " /~ ' - Clay ~ O~er ~ · ~ · / ~ ~0~-o~e~ O~e~ ~ ~ ,, t " ~ ~'- / I G~erator~ and/or consultantg certificatwn: I/We c~ti~ t~t the soil ref~enced h~em ~s taken ~t~rely.~om those soils described m the Sou Data" I Sheet completed and certified ~ me/us for the Generation 5ite sho~n ~bove ~nd nothing ~s been added or done to such soil that would alter it in ~ ~n~ w~. ' ' ~..~;i [ Transport~ c~tificatio.: I/We ~ckn~tedge receipt of the soil desc~bed above and c~ti~ that suc~ soil ~ aeliv~ea in exactly the same ~-~ [ condition as when received. I/We ~rther c~ti~ that this soil is being directly transported ~om the G~$ite to the Designated. Facili~ .[ without off-loading, adding to, subtracting ~om or in any way delaying deliv~ to such site. . ~' [ ~t ~ t~ N .... ~ 5i~a~Bd~:~- ~-' ~:~ ' , Month , Day , Year .... ,. . . · ~ Re~cline Facilitu certifies the recei J of the soil covered this mani est exc t as noted above' ~,. ..... . .... ~ '. ~'::...:.: '.. ....... .._: :..::'. ~ . ' . I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I TPS TECHNOLOGIES INC. ADE 009~ 04 12328 Hibiscus Ave. Pxtelanto, CA 92301 WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or .counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 12700) of Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Manifest # A07~ _~, 00]. 04/30/96 Generator Si%e Information Facility information TEXACO #61-058-1405 TPS TECHNOLOGIES ~401N. OAK ST. !2~28 HiBISCUS; AVE. b^KERSFZ-ELD,~ CA '93301' 'US.~ ' ^delanto. CA 92~303~ DWILSON 1N ---> · ~AS:~5:~pm 5~oss W~: 2,~2~ DWiLSOH OUT --> ~5:35:54pm ?.~re Wi: 820 Truck Humber 93 HET WT: I, 200 Trailer Number 93T Wt Gross & Tare Weights Inciud Driver on Scale MCLAUGHLiN TRKHG I ' ' 'vimmt~mtal Sawic~ ~ NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM ei~il~,AT~q SITE WASTE DEIGtllP'TION ~ :. P~C~ERTt~[S: ~H~ [] BOLID I,IMDUNI~ INaTR~'"I'IoN ~ NO. : - : DAT~. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I ! I I I i I I I EXHIBIT F LABORATORY REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORDS ANALYTICAL REPORT 80~ ~estern Avenue Glendale, CA91201 8~8/Z47-5737 Fax: 8]8/~47-g797 Mr. Dan Gilford ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 AMENDED REPORT LOG NO: G96-04-164 Received: 10 APR 96 Mailed : 19 APR 96 Requisition: 610581405 Project: TMLBO636A/TEXACO REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 1 NON-AQUEOUS SAMPLE DATE TPH/BTEX DESCRIPTION SAMPLED {CADHS/8020) Date Dilution Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Total Xylenes TPN-g Carbon Analyzed Factor Benzene Isomers Range Date Times mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg RDL I 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.05 1.,1-~ ........................ ~}~ ........................... 04/~1/96 ' ................................................................. 1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 c6-c12 2'H1-12 04/08/96 04/11/96 I <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 1.7 C6-C12 3'H1-15 04/08/96 04/12/96 I <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.20 C6-C12 4'H1-18 04/08/96 04/12/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.32 C6-C12 5'H2-5 04/08/96 04/12/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 6'H2-10 04/08/96 04/12/96 I <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0,05 C6-C12 7'H2-15 04/08/96 04/12/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.051 C6-C12 8'N2-18 04/08/96 04/12/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 9*H3-5 04/08/96 04/12/96 ' 1 <0.005 <0,005 <0.005 <0.01 1.0 C6-C12 10'H3-10 04/08/96 04/12/96 2 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.02 6.1 C6-C12 11'H3-15 04/08/96 04/12/96 I <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 <0,05 C6-C12 12'H3-18 ~4/08/96 04/12/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.01 0.081 C6-C12 . Texaco contact: Mr. Lee Bouchez Site address: 2401N. Oa~ Street, Bakersfield, CA Amended report: The dete~tion limit~ for tph (total) has been changed to i mg/L. --E. Strahan 05/13/96 ANALYTICAL REPORT 801 itestern Avenue Glendale, CA91201 818/247-5737 Fax: 8]8/247-9797 LOG NO: G96-04-164 Received: 10 APR 96 Mailed : lg APR 96 Mr. Dan Gifford ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Requisition: 610581405 Project: TMLBO636A/TEXACO REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 2 NON-AQUEOUS SAMPLE DATE TPH TPH/BTEX DESCRIPTION SAMPLED (CADHS/3550) (CADHS/8020) Dilution Date Carbon TPH-d Date Dilution Benzene Toluene Factor Extracted Range Analyzed Factor Times Date Mg/kg Date Times mg/kg mg/kg RDL 10 i 0.005 0.005 13'H4-5 04/08/96 i --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 <10 04/12/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 14'H4-10 04/08/96 1 --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 <10 04/12/96 i <0.005 <0.005 15'H4-15 04/08/96 1 --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 22 04/12/96 i <0.005 <0.005 16'H4-18 04/08/96 1 --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 <10 04/12/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 17'H5-5 04/08/96 1 --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 <10 04/12/96 I <0.005 <0.005 18'H5-10 04/08/96 I --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 <10 04/12/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 19'H5-15 04/08/96 10 --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 250 04/12/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 20'H5-19 04/08/96 20 --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 1100 04/12/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 21'H6-5 04/09/96 i --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 <10 04/15/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 22'H6-10 04/09/96 ' 20 --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 . 880 04/15/96 1 <0.005 .<0.005 23'H6-15 04/09/96 20 --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 1400 04/15/96 1 <0.005 <0.005 24'H6-18 04/09/96 20 --- 04/11/96 C10-C25 1100 04/15/96 i <0.005 <0.005 I~1 I ~ ~ ANALYTICAL REPORT 801 Ifestern Avenue Glendale, CA 91201 818/247-5737 Fax: 818/247-9797 LOG NO: G96-04-164 Received: 10 APR 96 Mailed : 19 APR 96 Mr. Dan Gifford ENV America 16 Technology Dnive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Requisition: 610581405 Project: TMLBO636A/TEXACO REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS .- Page 3 NON-AQUEOUS SAMPLE DATE TPH/BTEX DESCRIPTION SAMPLED (CADHS/8020) Ethyl- Total Xylenes TPH-g Carbon Benzene Isomens Range mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg RDL 0.005 0.01 0.05 13'H4-5 04/08/96 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 14'H4-10 04/08/96 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 15'H4-15 04/08/96 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 16'H4-18 04/08/96 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 17'H5-5 04/08/96 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 18'N5-10 04/08/96 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 1g'H5-15 04/08/96 <0.005 <0.01 0.48 C6-C12 20*H5-1g 04/08/96 <0.005 <0.01 2.8 C6-C12 21'H6-5 04/09/96 <0.005 <0.01 <0.05 C6-C12 22'H6-10 04/09/96 <0.005 <0.01 .<0,05 C6-C12 23'H6-15 04/09/96 <0.005 <0.01 0.31 C6-C12 24'H6-18 04/09/96 <0.005 <0.01 0.36 C6-C12 801 Western Avenue ~/enda/e, 0,4 ~.~201 818[Z47-$757 Fax: 818/247-9797 LOG NO: G96-04-164 Received: 10 APR 96 Mailed : lg APR 96 Mr. Dan Gifford ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Sutte '154 lrvine, California 92718 ," Requisition: 610581405 Project: TMLBO636A/TEXACO REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 4 . AQUEOUS SAMPLE DATE GRO/DRO TPH/BTEX DESCRIPTION SAMPLED (CADHS/8020) ~ Date Date Dilution TPH (total) Date Dilution Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Analyzed Extracted Factor Analyzed Factor Benzene Date Date Times mg/L Date Times ug/L ug/L~ ug/L ................................................................................. ~.? ~- -~ ~ ........................................................... RDL i 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 25'C7 04/09/96 04/11/96 04/11/96 1 <1 04/12/96 1 0.92 <0.3 <0.3 26'C8 04/09/96 04/11/96 04/11/96 1 <1 04/11/96 1 2,9 <0.3 <0.3 27'4A 04/09/96 04/11/96 04/11/96 1 <1 04/11/96 1 4.2 <0.3 <0.3 B C Analytical ~ ~ / BBB ANALYTICAL REPORT 801 ttestern Avenue 6lendale, CA~I201 818/247-5757 Fax: 818/247-9797 LOG NO: G96-04-164 Received: 10 APR 96 Mailed : 19 APR 96 Mr. Dan Gifford ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Requisition: 610581405 Project: TMLBO636A/TEXACO REPORT OF ANALYT. ICAL RESULTS Page .5 AQUEOUS SAMPLE DATE TPH/BTEX DESCRIPTION SAMPLED (CADHS/8020) ~ Total Xylenes TPH-g Carbon Isomers Range ug/L ug/L RDL 0.6 100 25'C7 04/09/96 <0.6 <100 C6-C12 26*¢8 04/09/96 <0.6 <100 ¢6-C12 27'4A 04/09/96 <0.6 <100 C6-C12 B C Analytical ANALYTICAL REPORT 80Z Yesterf~Avenue Glendale, 8Z8/247-5757 Fax: 8Z8/247-9797 LOG NO: G96-04-164 Received: 10 APR 96 Mailed : 19 APR 96 Mr. Dan Gifford ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Requisition: 610581405 Project: TMLBO636A/TEXACO · ~ REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS · Page 6 · £ AQUEOUS SAMPLE DATE TPH/BTEX DESCRIPTION SAMPLED (CADHS/8020) Date Dilution Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Total Xylenes TPH-g Carbon Analyzed Factor Benzene Isomers Range Date Times ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L RDL 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 100 28*TB # 60312 04/09/96 04/11/96 i <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.6 <100 C6-C12 Gre'~.'a~Ga]~sti~~~[a ba ou ' n, r y ' ~ The analytical results within this report relate only to the specific compounds and samples investigated and may not necessarily reflect other apparently similar material from the same or a similar location. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of BCA. No use of this report for promotional or advertising purposes is permitted without prior written BCA approval. A ALYTICAL REPORT 80] Yestern Avenue Glendale, CA 91201 8181247-5737 Fax: 818/247-9797 LOG NO: G96-04-388 Received: 18 APR 96 Mailed : 26 APR 96 Mr. Dan Gilford ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine, California 92718 Requisition: 610581405 Project: TMLBO636A/TEXACO REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page I NON-AQUEOUS SAMPLE DATE TPH DESCRIPTION SAMPLED (CADHS/3550) Dilution Date Carbon TPH-d Factor Extracted Range Times Date Mg/kg RDL 10 1'H1-15 04/08/96 1 --- 04/22/96 C10-C25 <10 2'H1-18 04/08/96 ! --- 04/22/96 C10-C25 13 Site: 2401 Oak St., Bakersfield TES contact: Mr. Lee Bouchez 'Greta Galoustian, Laboratory Director~~ The analytical results within this report relate only to the specific compounds and samples investigated and may not necessarily reflect other apparently similar material from the same or a similar location. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of BCA. No use of this report for promotional or advertising purposes is permitted without prior written BCA approval. BC ANA DATE PRINTED: 07 MAY 1996 NON-AQUEOUS SAMPLES' ...... METHOD BLANK ..................... LAB CONTROL .............. Batch: DIESEL*9663 TPH (Diese) Range) [Naphtha)ene] LCS LCSD RPD UNITS RESULT RDL FLG ~REC FLG ~REC FLG LCL UCL RPD UCL Method: 8015M - Modified 8015 mg/kg 0 Percent 124 10 137 - 114 37 166 18 121 - 103 55 127 ................ MATRIX QC ................ RPD MS MSD RPD RPD FLG ~REC FLG ~REC FLG LCL UCL RPD UCL FLG 103 - 117 43 151 13 38 109 - 92 52 145 - - ~-) ~$3-~/~1 ~C~A~JRE ' . ., ' PHOiiE. NUMBER SAidPLE lO t-/I-/ ~ /"/Z-lo ENV PROJECT NUIdBER: 'l~;{-. 01~71~3 PURC~S[ ORDE~ NUMBER: ~L~O~ ~ VIA ' TAT: SAMPLE_ RECEIPT TOTAL- NUMBS' OF' CON1'A{NERS CI'gJN OF' CUSTODY S~LS (;ORD./COLD C4B NUUB£R: · lim~: ENV AI4L::RICA IH~, HY: I{~:CEIVED BY: Sigr)alure: · .r,m~:! lPrb{ed H,~mc; ~le RECEIVED BY: C~por~.. COJ~PAN¥: ENV A~[I~I{[CA ~DDR~S$: ~6 TECHNOLOGY DRNE SUIT[ 154 LRVINE, OAUFORN~A 92718 PHON~: (7 ~ 4) 45J -9191 F~: (714) 453-g292 BEL. TO; COMPAq: ~AI~FLE ID ,_ 91 ENV , PRO~I~CT INFORMATION PROJECT gU~BER: rE'.x~., ol.../'o~-~ i ORDER VIA ' SAMPL~ ])~.PO,~^L INSTRUCTTONS: COMMENTS:, RRLINqUISHF_~ BY: ,' ENV.AUERICA JNC, ~olt; RgCEIV£D BY: noJurc; ' ~m~ P~t~d Nm~ne: O~,ta: R, int.ed ~e~: RELIN'QUISH~D '} 'Compony: BY' RECEIVED BY: lic~c: S~nolu~c: PriMed I,,tam¢: Oale:j pc~,lcd N,mmm: Comlx]ny: C~mpa~y: