HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANKHazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS .OF ,PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE Permit ID#:: 015-000-000389 ELD '~ This permit is issued for the fo_llowin_.: El H-~,~rdous Materials Plan [] Underground Storage of HazardOus Materials [] Risk Management Program [] Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment TEXACO GAS STATION.#121 LOC, ATION: 2401 OAK ST 015-000-000389-0001 UNLEADED 015-000-000389-0002 UNLEADED 015-000-000389-0003: SUPER UNLEADeD-GASOLiNE 015-000-000389-0004 DIESEL ~2 ~sst/ed by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES' 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Approved by: Expiration Date: June 30. 2003 Issue Date Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE' SIDE PERMIT ID# 015-0214)00389 .~,¢i?ii¢ii: ~i~ ~i;#;!:;:iiiiii?iii? ??!~=i?}=:=~=::.i;?!!},!!!!! ::,!!iiiiiiii, i,,~!i~ki~nagement Program ~,./"-..:~' '~¢~.::~' '~¥':]:'""7~:;:,:.~?'~¢~:~::':~J'~~ ~ '~'%~ ....... !;': ~ ~;' "--:~ :~ ¢'~i~?-=~k~.~T ' , . '., ~ i ~I '~% · ~'~ ''=~ ..... ?'. ~'~ . I I ..,.~,~i~,,,,,,,,,,~,, ~AN~PIPING PIPING ' · PIPING HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE CAPAE:IT¥ ?hA i,, ~R.:i.lii~,,', .,..T~N;¢" ...,. ~,,.~, ,,,. ,,.,,r..,,,,,,,..,~,. ,.< ,. ....... '~(~':::::;:~:~!, '-'"' 'i,,:~:~ INS~E'" ;;:;~!','M~TERIAL ,;~I~R ,~¢. d~l:~OR TYPE TYPE METHOD ONITO UNLEADED GASOLINE 10,00O(~.'GAL '.,.;::,. DW'~::;. F MIR,c:? A~G'? sw GAL PRESSURE LTT 1'0002 UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE 10,000.~:::GAL ."":E, ...... "D~- ' SS ~l~B'" , 'A~ SW GAL PRESSURE LTT 10003 SUPER UNLEADED GASOLIN 10,000.0~b i[?*':'?';?,b;:?:~?~:',, ,D~ F ....... ~::¢:::~ :.;~i'~ /¢:{~= ',A~ SW GAL PRESSURE LTT 10004 DIESEL ¢2 10,000.00 ~:"~', ?%;;~?;i~{i "~4;~?,;~:;~;:,?;.;.~ :~;~W'?. ~F,,, ':'~.~.,;:';;~;;;;?;;%'~MI=B ,,?."~.'=' ;~'TG SW GAL PRESSURE LTT Issued b~': Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 Approved by: Expiration Date: · June 30, 2000 ICA Cert. NO. 00732 City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 An upgrade compliance certificate has been issued in connection with the operating permit for the facility indicated below. The certificate number on this facsimile matches the number on the certificate displayed at the facility. Instructions to the issuing agency: Use the space below to enter the following information in the format of your choice: name of owner; name of operator; name of facility; street address, city, and zip code of facility; facility identification number (from Form A); name of issuing agency; and date of issue. Other identifying information may be added as deemed necessary by the local agency. This permit is issued on this 2nd day of November, 1998 to: TEXACO GAS STATION #1405 Permit #015-021-000389 2401 Oak St Bakersfield, California 93301 TIME CHARGED BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: °-1 NAME: CHGD: COMMENTS: PROJECT COMPLETION: 6, /,o/4(,, DATE: wv. 'TEXACO '/ham SCALE 'I ½ mi. CITY Road - T29S/RZ7E-25B2-i Cal. Water Serv. # 120-01) .25D2 (60-02) oO Texaco Service Station i.2qth and Oak : Streets' , Bakersfi61d 1~. ',/;"'i';- r~ __ ~ Getty Refining and Marketing Mohawk Service Station 24th & Oak Streets BLDG. ISLAND8 U.G. FUEL TANK - ~ -22 ~!~A )-12 9-14 LEGEND MONITOR WELL RECOVERY WELL DEEP MONITOR WELL , O' 60 100 FEET GETTY /MOHAWK E4lh & OAK , -BAKERBFIEL'D ! CA. FIGURE 1 568 ' I TANK TEgTING - '"', P.O. BOX 36].3 cu -, g' GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344 UNE TF. SI'EI~ HEATH CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED 100 TO$CA DRIVE ITOUGHTON, MA. ~072 (617) 344-1400 CONTINUED (See 2nd File) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANI~SPECTION Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME t'e~acO BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 FACILITY ADDRESS ~{o i 0ttlL ST- CITY f~'t-r~-~{~ ZIP CODE ?~'~/' FACILITY PHONE No. ~D~ ~D~ INSPECTION DATE ~1[2~ /q7 ! ~ TIME IN TIME OUT U~ *O~ Inet ~te Inet Date Inet ~te INSPECTION ~PE: /~ Size S~e ROUTINE ~ FOLLOW-UP /0~o~ REQUIREMENTS yes no n/a yes no n/a y~ no ~a la. Forms A & B Submi.ed lb. Form C SubmiR~ lc. O~rating F~s Paid ld. State Surcharge Paid la. Statement of Financial Res~nsibili~ Submiff~ lf. Wriffen Contract Exists ~een Owner & O~rator to O~rate UST 2a. Valid O~mting Permit 2b. Approv~ Wri~en Routine Monitoring Pr~edure ~ ~q 2c. Unauthoriz~ Release Res~n~ Plan e~(~, ~l~f[¥ ~ ~'~,~5 ~ 3a. Tank Integri~ Test in Last 12 Months 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months ~. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years ~. Gravi~ Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years ~. Test Resume Submiffed Within 30 Days 3f. Daily ~sual Mon~oring of Suct~n Pr~uct Piping ~. Manual Invento~ Reconciliation Each Month 4b. Annual Invento~ R~onciliation Statement Submiffed ~. Meters Calibrat~ Annually 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging R~ords for Small Tanks 6. Monthly Statistical Invento~ Reconciliation Results 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results 8. Ground Water Monitoring ~[ ~6~ ~e~ ~e~c~ ~ 9. Vapor Monitoring 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks 11. Mechanical Line Leak Detectors 12. El~tronic Line Leak Det~tors 13. Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps 14. Automatic Pump Shutoff Capabili~ 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment 16. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series 17. Wriffen Records Maintained on Site 18. Re~ Changes in Usage/Conditions to Operating/Monitoring Pr~edures of UST System Within ~ Days 19. RepoSed Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours 20. Approv~ UST System Repairs and Upgrades 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection 22. Secured Monitoring Wells 23. Drop Tu~ RE-INSPECTION D~E RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR: [//z,,o C~~,~ OFFICE TELE;H~E'c~- _ No. ~-3~7~ FD 1~9 (rev. 9/95) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPE( )N Business Namei "'l~'¢~e Location: 9 (/e I ~)al~ ._,;T. Business Identification No. 215-000 Station No. Shift__ Arrival Time: ~kersfield Fire Dept. OFFIIL~ OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Completed (Top of Business Plan) Inspector 5~,.. Departure Time: Inspection Time: Address Visable Correct Occupancy Verification of Inventory Materials Vedfication of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: Adel~te Inadequate[] Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees: Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abbatement Supplies and Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Propedy Labled Comments: Adel~te Inadequate D Verification of Facility Diagram Housekeeping~ r'l Fire Protection Electrical Comments: UST Monitoring Program Comments: Permits ~ Fl Spill Control El Hold Open Device ~ [:3 Hazardous Waste EPA No. Proper Waste Disposal ~ I'1 Seconda~/Containment 13]/ 1:3 Secudty li~ Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: U/~r'd. ~ oe c~ Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy All Items O.K Correction Needed Pink-Business Copy GALL O:,.M F_; Fi. JEi Li ..q. L F; i_iLLRF~E i NL-:HE::; F'~' T I-.i !-'; ' ,_-- ,-- ' ' ,~,_.H; ._, H~TEi ~'~- -~'E'--',--; F TE:;.::ACO :STaTiOH 24C~': H= OaK ST= BaKERSFiEL'D Ca,9330 (8'95) :326-94:2,4 TEXACO :STaTiON 24E~l N= Oa,k': ST= SaKER:_:;FiELD C:a.9:33E;: (8e..5) :2:.26-94:2:4 .~ , = , ,,"=: f.. .': :?, E',' 7GALLON:--; FUEl '~ tj k',- '.::. C-:ALS ULLA(::E ~ :-, -; ,-, T L i -- ~ ,' =-, ,' HCHE'.--; ' i_iEi E',- :'-_'-~ ? ~.~c: '-J '--c .... = ,,. .."-4 R T E i .... .~ E F; F..: E E :--; F ' TH,q~ :: 2i_iF'£F..: i lF: E~D..'--D '.:'. :"~ .... G'aLLONS' FUEL 9 E~ L.-',. '_:..' GaLS ULLAGE i ::": 7 L:: i .F-~ L-: Pi E ::; F U E L 0= 0 i' FICHES.;,~.=-... ~ ..- ...'--.." ..... ~- R'? 2 ?, '--,-' F..:~-~- ,-- T a h.',i.:: 4 Di ESEL 2 ;::72 GALLONS FUEL 44 rt '"'" L :.:-'; ULLAGE '-:, L:HES FUEL ~3= ."-3 TNCHES i,,..'aTE...,=.. ::',4,6, '.'DEGREES F SUBJECT: SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION PETROTITETANK & LtNE'TESTI~IG P.O. BOX 191 CANOG^ PARK, CA- 91-305 213-875-9830 / 818-993-9575 ~ ..~,.-~577 FAX. Annual Electronic/Mechanical Monitoring System Inspection-and Meter. Catibratien- DATE: 1J15/97 LOCATe: 2401 N. Oak S/S#: 61058001405 Bakersfield, CA 9~01 Dear Sir, Thisis tocertify-~~~inspection '~*~='-'~"~'*""" ~1 I.r~ orAIoZ~rJ~ IV~L~.rlH~,~ ~,~y~,~.,,,, was performed at the above referenced facility. The method used to test the electrOnic and mechanical-monitoringsystems is approved by and exceeds-t~ns according to {he manufacturer.' R. J: Myers & Sons, Inc. has been contracted by-.TEXACOR &-M toinsurethat their facilities- comply with al~-the-, rules and regutatio,'~sthat underground storage tanks and product lines. If you have any questions, please call. Sin cere~. ' R. J: MYERS-& SONS; I~C. Ronald J. Myers, Present RJM/rf CENT: LIC: ,~30631 (B-C61-)_ SERVING .THE PETROLEUM INDUSTR-¥ SINCE 1967 Monitor Certification Inspection This-'letter.certifles that the-. monitor- ts-in., place,,.-.theprobes are~n.--the- correct position and the operation of the system. FACILITY ST. DEALER: ADDRESS: 61058001405 DATE:-,- 1 ft5~197 Tex~co 2401 N.' Oak Bakersfield, CA 93301 TYPE AND MODEL OF MONITOR: Red Jacket PPM 4000 SYSTEM FUNCTION TANKS PASS X FAIL USED'OIL PASS- FAIL IN LINE PASS X FAIL SUMPS MONITOR PASS FAIL PRODUCT-'L~IES' FiLL SUMPS PASS. FAIL N/A N/A- N/A N/A N/A X X X WHEN TURBINE SHUT: OFF?" YES NO IS-THE CONSOLE LABEEED CORRECTLY? MONITOR IS TURNED OFF OR IN ALARM DOES THE X YES-. NO: X COMMENTS: INSPECTED BY: R. & MYERS & SONS, INC. TECHNICtAN~ Jack-Ban~ R. J. MYERS & SONS, INC. SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION PETROTTTE TANK& ~ff~E TES~NG P. 0. BOX 191 CANOG~PARK~ CAUFORN~ 9%3o5 818-993-9575 / 818-9939576 213-875-0830-/81~-993-957T FP~ DATE OF SERVICE: 1/15/97 S.S. #: 61058001405 W.O. #: 1124777-000 TECHNICIAN Jack Barry SERVICE REQUESTED BY: Fred Long BILL TO: Texaco R & M 1900 E;. Eos~~ve~. Simi Valley, CA SERVICE REQUESTED- Annual electronic monitor inspection and certification. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Check attprobes for properope,-ation; Affi~line probes positive shut down and all annular probes operatrng properly. PROBE I.D. #: I Diesel 2- Super 3 Unleaded 4 Plus Transducer Location I Plus 2 Unte~.ded 3 Super 4 Diesel ]~)EL #: ~aeket PPM4000 SERIAL #: 20190-P3 ~;YSTEM- CERTIFIED ~y,~TEM PSD N/A NO RUNNI~NG NO WASTE OIL. YES' ~- NO TEM SEA LiE D ' NO P~ J~ MYERS & SONr4 EVC. SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION PETRO 'mE TANK & UNE TESTING P. O. BOX 191 CANOGA PARK, CAL~-ORN;A 91,305 818-993-9575 / 818-993-9576 213-875-0830 / 818-993-9577 FAX DATE OF SERVICE: 1/15/97 S.S. #: 61058001405 W.O. #: 1124777-000 TECHNICIAN .JackBan7 · SERVICE. REQUESTED-- BY: BILL TO: Texaco R & M t900-E.-Los-Angeles-Ave;. Simi Valley, CA SERVICE REQUESTED- Annual 'electronic monit~or inspection and certification. PROBE I.D. #: t- Di~esel 2 SUper 3 Unlea?led 4 Plus DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Verified proper operation and calibration of all in-ta~ng probes. All probes calibrated within tolerance. MODEL · #: Vec'dcr:,~)tTLS-250 SERIAL #: 1441 SYSTEM-CERTI'FIED (' NO ~rYSTEM PSD YES · ~ NO SYSTEM RUNNING NO WASTE. YES (~ NO' SYSTEM-.. ,~EAI~EO LEAK DETECTORS TEST CHART LOCATION Texaco R & M S/S 61058001405 2401 'N.-Oak Bakersfield, CA 93301 SERVICE COMPANY R. J. MYERS & SONS, INC: P. O. BOX 191 - CANOGAPARK; CA ~91-3 0 5 DATE: 1/15/97 TECHNICIAN- PERFORMING TEST: TECH #: Jack'Barry TYPE OF-LEAK RED JACKET: TOKHEIM: VAPORLESS: FE PETRO: OTHER: DETECTORS--TESTED (CHECK APPROPtRATE MF6--~]) Accumalor SERIAL # GRADE RESILIENCY (ML) OPENING TIME-' (SEC) TEST LEAK. RATE. ML/MIN FUNCTIONAL ELEMENT HOLDING~ PSI METERING- PSt PASS OR FAIL TEST INFORMATION 762;"5' 7651' PASS Super-'v/' PASS PASS PASS O6Ol NOTE: Texaco Refining 10 Universal City Plaza and l~arkefing Inc Universal City CA 91608 ENV- E~IRO~ENTAL ~TTERS Pollution Incidents - Under~round/~ove~round Storage Tanks Well ~andonment Report Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, CA Mr. Howard Wines, III Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Wines: Enclosed is a copy of the Well Abandonment Report for the captioned Texaco facility. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please call me at (818) 505-2739. Sincerely, Marcel L. Bouchez Project Coordinator Texaco Environment, Health & Safety MLB:hs p:~mlb~bako~2401wlab.bfd Enclosure pr:__ Building on a Tradition of Quality S COR International Incorporated February 4, 1997 Job Number K0920-007-01 Mr. Lee Bouchez Texaco Environment, Health and Safety Texaco Refining and Marketing 10 Universal City Plaza Universal City, California 91608 SUBJECT: 'WELL ABANDONMENT REPORT Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Bouchez: On behalf of Texaco Environment, Health and Safety (Texaco), SECOR International Incorporated (SECOR), is pleased to present a summary of well abandonment activities at the above referenced site (Figures 1 and 2). Well abandonment was initiated at the site in order to mitigate potential future environmental liability as well as potential physical hazards associated with both on- and off-site inactive wells. Fourteen groundwater monitoring and extraction wells were abandoned as part of this scope-of-work (Table 1). Abandonment activities took place on December 19, 1996 and consisted of the following activities: · Submittal of the appropriate well destruction permit applications to the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD), included as Attachment A; · Abandonment of seven off-site groundwater monitoring wells (C8, C10, Cll, C5, DW2, MW17, and MW20); · Abandonment of seven on-site groundwater monitoring and/or extraction wells (RW1, RW2, C7, 4A, 8A, 8B, and MW8; and · Preparation of this report detailing the field protocol utilized. The seven off-site wells which were abandoned were located in two areas. Three of the wells were located within the City park to the south of the site. Four additional wells were located to the east of the subject site on property currently operated as a Shell gas station (Figure 2). WELL ABANDONMENT PROCEDURES Groundwater wells were abandoned following the requirements set forth by the KCEHSD. Well abandonment was performed by Cascade Drilling, Inc. of Norwalk California (C57//717510) All wells were abandoned in a similar manner by filling the well casing with a bentonite grout mixture installed D59:L2980.doc 290 Conejo Ridge Avenue, Suite 200, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361-4947 (805) 230-1266 (805) 230-1277FAX www.secor, com Mr. Lee Bouchez Texaco February 4, 1997 Page 2 under pressure. Following the grouting of each well, the surface completion (well box or monument casing) was removed and the well casing was cut off approximately 1 foot below ground surface..All of the abandoned wells but one were located in planter or grass areas. In these areas, following the removal of the well box or monument casing, the excavated area was filled with clean imported fill dirt. One well (C7), located within a paved area of the subject site, was contained within a concrete vault box set flush with grade. Following grouting of the well at this location, the vault box was removed and the abandoned vault excavation was backfilled with clean silica sand and completed to grade using concrete to match the existing surface grade. WASTE DISPOSAL/RECYCLING Waste materials generated during well abandonment activities included concrete and steel well boxes, as well as steel monument casings. All waste material was placed in a roll off bin and stored on-site pending disposal/recycling. Waste materials consisted of typical construction debris and were disposed of at a Class 3 municipal landfill. The non-hazardous waste disposal manifests are presented in Attachment B. Should you have any questions or comments, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact either of the undersigned at (805) 230-1266. Sincerely, SECOR International Incorporated Paul C. Salmonsen Project Engineer Mark Lal~re~ .G~.~5961 /~' Senior Geologist Attachments: Table 1 - Well Abandonment Details Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Site Map Attachment A - KCEHSD Monitoring Well Distruction Permit SECOR TABLE TABLE 1 WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Texaco Service Station 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, California OFF-SITE WELLS C8 4 78 C10 4 72 Cll 4 36 C5 6 73 DW2 2 47 MW17 2 43 MW20 2 28 ON-SITE WELLS RWI 6 120 RW2 12 27 C7 4 54 4A 2 39 8A 2 35 8B 2 30 MW8 2 19.2 Note: All wells were pressure grouted with bentonite grount mix. ~5o:we~^~^~.x~s SECOR FIGURES ~/ ~ ~ ~ .4~-" ~ O O O - See~~ '~ .............. ,m~ · /~ ~. ' -/; :'::=': -' m · I · .-~ L o o~ ;, ~ ~,,. ~.o '11 ~',~. ~~<."~~ o ~'O I' ~/ II nilSum~'":v, II '1. o' . ' ~~. ?~,~ II I1: II II II . ~ ,; i o o 7° r ~ '~3 II ':M" ' , ~~;~E~~ · ~ ~ , :~oo t o ol o~o~,.~-.I.~jj:- o ~"l:~]-'::i:i'i j ' ~ .... : /~~--X~/II'. ?~l '~''- .' . ~ k r~o.o(~ -~l. '~: '11-': .......... '" ~::~ i~Z~~,~I''';":~ I ~ x~, ~ o a .- o o . .? ' '-~ ....... / / I ~ , w ~ ':' ~;:~:~ :' ~ I: ' .... ' ' o o: . ' ~'-'- ....... ~ ~ ' ~0 ~H 01 le :'~ , :. . .o. ~o~ :1 , . , ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ .' o ~ ' ~ .' o'U~. ~ (l/ 397 ~ ~. · . ~ '-' - , A f (~ ~ -- m . .~ o. ~ o o .- ~ ] ~ ;XII//~' :s~~~~L ~ o-~~'~=~~-----':",#'~~~~u~~ o . :. rz ...... .,. ~==~' / /~' -~~"~% '..~ ," ~~~/l~ i ~,' /' I t ' T .... F<I~.,- ::7 SOURCE: U,GS 7.5 MINUTE ,0POG,APHIC MAPS. OILDAL[ QUAD,ANGL[. 1954 ~ PHOTOREVISED 1968 ~./////////////////~ GOSFORD QUADRANGLE. 1954 PHOTOREVISED 1968  ~ 0 2000 4000 / APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET FIGURE: SITE LOCATION MAP SECOR'1 PHONE (805) 230-1266 r~ (605) 230-IZ77 TEXACO ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY 2401 NORTH OAK STREET PROJECt: BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA K0920-007-01 HIGH VOLTAGE // I ELEC' TOWER/~ ' ~// I /' RESTROOMS / X I / AND STO~GE~ ~ ~ /  KIOSK LEGEND NOTES: SITE PROPER~ LINE 1. SITE FEATURES ANO LOCATIONS ARE APPRQXlMATE. ~MW-8 ABANDQNED GRQU~DWATER MQNITORING WELL LOCATIONS 2. NOT SHOWN ON MAP; MONITORING WELLS C8, C I0 ANO C 11 WERE ABANDONED SOUTH OF SITE AT BEACH PARK. ~. NOT SHOWN ON MAP; MONITQRING WELLS C5, DW2, MW- 17 AND MW-20 WERE ABANDQNED EAST OF SITE AT THE SHELL GAS STATION. 0 40 80 I , APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET [~te~t~o~ Z~o~te~ CUENT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING DATE: R~V~SiON TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING, INC. TEXACO ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY K0920-007-01 2/4/97 SITE ADDRESS: DRA~ED BY: CAD FILE: FIGURE: 2401 NORTH OA~ STREET AJK 115-7ASU(1:40) 2 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ATTACHMENT A KCEHSD Monitoring Well Distruction Permit KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Application Date: No. of Wells/Borings: PTO No..' Well No(s).: LO.20q3-17 Thru APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR MONITORING WELLS This application is to: [] Construct [] Modify Type of well/boring [] Groundwater [] Cathodic Protection J~ Destroy [] Test Hole [] Other Address ~.ptt9/ 4/, ~ .~, ]T/R/Sec City ~:~,~r~/~t~ttJ Zip Cross Street Z~v/~ ~'t4%~ I Phone Name Address ./~ ~/~9,~,L,,~.$,~J C4,,y/4./ ,~/a.~z4~. CityAo,¥et45evJ /;~.y State c/'~4-- Zip Phone ~ l ~s' S-~>3'-~27.~ ? Drilling Contractor Environmental Contractor 5~'Ca9/~_ .T-;.~'/L. ~-r~_. License # and Type ~-~15"7 fi:: 7/7~-/ 0 Phone Address //2..~"0 ~--/~'. /-.~7~/'~1~ City fi/pr't4/~//( State ~2~.~ Zip Drilling Method Proposed st~r~ date: Depth to groundwater: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION: 1. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. Other required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to comr~ence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 5. All wells constructed of PVC located at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be destroyed after two years or prove no degradation is occurring or has occurred. 6. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Permit Conditions or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP WORK ORDER." 7. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report, as well as copies of logs, water quality analyses, and as- builts of wells must be submitted to the Environmental Health Services Department within 14 days after completion of the work. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOR DESTRUCTION: 1. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department if a well is being destroyed that is no..._!t in conjunction with a test hole permit. 2. Destruction procedures must be followed as per UT-50. 3. Placement of the seal must be witnessed by a representative of this Department. Twenty-four-hour advanced notice is required for an appointment. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION WELL. DEPTH GROUND ELEVATION (IF KNOWN) BOREHOLE DIAMETER CASING--INSIDE DIAMETER CASING MATERIAL & GAUGE SCREEN MATERIAL & GAUGE TYPE OF BENTONITE PLUG & DEPTH ANNULUS SEALANT & DEPTH FILTER PACK MATERIAL & SIZE SCREEN SLOT SIZE & LENGTH SEALANT PLACEMENT METHOD LOCKING WELL CAP FACILITY PLOT PLAN Provide a description of the facility to be monitored, including: location of tanks, proposed monitoring and placement, nearest street or intersection, location of any water wells or surface water within 500' radius of facility; please attach. ZONE OF INFLUENCE Information on zone of influence, such as mathematical calculations or field test data, may be required VADOSE ZONE WELLS upon review of the application. WELL DESTRUCTION INFORMATION WELL DEPTH CASING MATERIAL SEALANT ~TE~L SEALANT PLACE~NT METHOD DESC~BE DES~UCTION PROCEDU~: I have read and agree to comply with the general conditions noted This permit must be signed by either the contractor or owner. Owner's Signature Date i~ontractor's §ignature / / D~te Permit Expiration Date: Receipt # Cash Work Order # P~d On Check # ch /- THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN, APPROVED KERN COUNTY ~ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Application Date: No. of Wells/Borings: PTO No.: Well No(s).: APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR MONITORING WELLS This application is to: 1-3 Construct [] Modify Type of well/boring [] Groundwater [] Cathodic Protection ~ Destroy [] Test Hole [] Other Address IT/R/Sec s' t rs r%/4' c,os, S e¢, 3F,- r I Phone Zip Address Phone Project Contact Mt'7. ~,a~.ct/ %.,~a.t/,~/4tOSE~l Phone SaS' 23eD ~/2..~ Environmental Contractor .5 ~'Ce>,~_ ,L-"~ ~-'. City ~r'-,~/g.5,a.,,~ ff, a'.~5 State ff,,/~. Zip ~'?..~4; / Phone Drilling Contractor License # and Type Address City /v/~//t4~,:zjj<_ State Drilling Method Proposed start date: //,//~///c~ Depth to groundwater: /._%-- GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOIl CONSTRUCTION: 1. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. Other required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 5. Ali wells constructed of PVC located at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be destroyed after two years or prove no degradation is occurring or has occurred. 6. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Permit Conditions or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP WORK ORDER." 7. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report, as well as copies of logs, water quality analyses, and as- builts of wells must be submitted to the Environmental Health Services Department within 14 days after completion of the work. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOR DESTRUCTION: 1. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department if a well is being destroyed that is no.__[t in conjunction with a test hole permit. 2. Destruction procedures must be followed as per UT-50. 3. Placement of the seal must be wimessed by a representative of this Department. Twenty-four-hour advanced notice is required for an appointment. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A v.F-~r.,~,w WH~,N~ APPR©VED WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMAl'ION WELL DEPTH GROUND ELEVATION (IF KNOV~q) BOREHOLE DIAME~R CAS~G--~SIDE D~ME~R CAS~G ~TE~L & GAUGE ~E OF BENTONITE PLUG & DEPTH A~US SEALANT & DEPTH FILTER PACK ~TE~L & SIZE SC~EN SLOT SIZE & LENGTH SEALANT PLACE~NT ME.OD LOC~G ~LL CAP FACILITY PLOT PLAN Provide a description of the facility to be monitored, including: location of tanks, proposed monitoring and placement, nearest street or intersection, location of any water wells or surface water within 500' radius of facility; please attach. ZONE OF INFLUENCE Information on zone of influence, such as mathematical calculations or field test data, may be required VADOSE ZONE WELLS upon review of the application. WELL DESTRUCTION INFORMAT ON WELL DEPTH CASING MATERIAL SEALANT MATERIAL SEALANT PLACEMENT METHOD DESC~BE DESTRUCTION PROCED~: I have read and agree to comply with the general conditions noted~This permit must be signed by either the contractor or owner. Owner's Signature Date (C~ntractor's Signature / Date Total Receipt # Work Order Paid On Cash Check # THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERM{T WHEN APPROVED ch HMS6 KERN COUNTY .... ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Application Date: No. of Wells/Borings: PTO No.: Well No(s).: APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR MONITORING WELLS This application is to: [] Construct [] Modify ~ Destroy Type of well/boring [] Groundwater [] Cathodic Protection [] Test Hole [] Other Address ,2Lt4tS,/ A,/. oodc city T/R/Sec Cross Street 2 ~ ~ [ Phone Zip Phone~. ~'/~) Zip Project Contact Drilling Contractor ~a~5 ~t.~ Environmental Contractor~'~C_~p~' .~_.~/. 2"'..'t.~.. License # and Type .~-5-7 .afl 7/ 75--/?_.9 City 7'~/~tz-,~ ~ ~ .,g State ~,~c Zip ~/~, / Phone Address //Z.5"r_)~.. ,,L'~'.5-~2~ ,,/7/p~< City /~/~Y~H~/]< State CA Zip Drilling Method Proposed start date: ///~ Depth to groundwater: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION: 1. Well site approval is required before b¢~innin~ an)' work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the sta§c at which a~ inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. Other required inspections include: conductor casin~, all armular seals, and final construction £eaturcs. 3. A phone call to thc Department office is required on thc morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours bc£orc thc placement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 5. All wells constructed of PVC located at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be destroyed after two years or prove no degradation is occurring or has occurred. 6. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Permit Conditions or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP WORK ORDER." 7. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report, as well as copies of logs, water quality analyses, and as- builts of wells must be submitted to the Environmental Health Services Department within 14 days after completion of the work. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOR DESTRUCTION: I. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department if a well is being destroyed that is not in conjunction with a test hole permit. 2. Destruction procedures must be followed as per UT-50. 3. Placement of the seal must be witnessed by a representative of this Department. Twenty-four-hour' advanced notice is required for an appointment. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PEIRMET WHEN APPROVED WL,';L CONSTRUCTION INFORMA'$ sON "- WELL DEPTH GROUND ELEVATION (IF KNOWN) BO~HOLE DIAMETER CAS~G--~SIDE D~ME~R SC~EN ~TE~L & GAUGE T~E OF BENTONITE PLUG & DEPTH A~LUS SEALANT & DEPTH FILTER PACK ~TE~L & S~E SC~EN SLOT S~E & LENGTH SEALANT PLACE~NT METHOD LOC~G ~LL CAP FACILITY PLOT PLAN Provide a description of the facility to be monitored, including: location of tanks, proposed monitoring and placement, nearest street or intersection, location of any water wells or surface water within 500' radius of facility; please attach. ZONE OF INFLUENCE Information on zone of influence, such as mathematical calculations or field test data, may be required VADOSE ZONE WELLS upon review of the application. WELL DESTRUCTION INFORMATION WELL DEPTH I CASING MATERIAL SEALANT ~TE~L SEALANT PLACEMENT METHOD DESC~BE DES~UCTION PROCEDU~: I have read and agree to comply with the general conditions noted. This permitraust be signed by either the contractor or owner. Owner's Signature Date t. ontractor's Signature / I~ate r Receipt # Cash Work Order # Paid On Check # THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ch HMg6 KERN COUNTY : ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Application Date: No. of Wells/Borings: PTO No.: Well No(s).: APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR MONITORING WELLS This application is to: [] Construct [] Modify [] Destroy Type of well/boring [] Groundwater [] Cathodic Protection [] Test Hole [] Other IT/R/Sec Cross Street ,2. e./r~ ~"/}..e, w7/ [Phone Zip Address. ~/d~?/.~,~ff ~,~ State Phone ~IW ~'c, 5- ZT.~~ Project Contact /~l~. tO~clJ oc, s/mo, se, :;i./-. :?i:.:! :.:: :::CO~CTOR~S.:INFORMATION ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :'.-:': =============================================== ::':;.'::: ':: :-:+;':'.'.' 5': .': · --.: - .: -. · · · ':' .- · ' :.. · Drilling Contractor (O~Sr..&q/e_- Environmental Contractor.5~-'C~l~.. ~/t.../~r~__~ License # and Type ~ '"5"7 afg' '7/75-/0 City"~tXA~a~d ~la.~--5 State ~f. Zip q./ff.~,j City %Vt4jd/~ State C~ Zip Drilling Method ~r"t"55 ~s/~ ~ y'ot.~..~7L c/oO.5-o Proposed start date: Depth to groundwater: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION: I. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. Other required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 5. All wells constructed of PVC located at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be destroyed after two years or prove no degradation is occurring or has occurred. 6. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Permit Conditions or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP WORK ORDER." 7. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report, as well as copies of logs, water quality analyses, and as- builts of wells must be submitted to the Environmental Health Services Department within 14 days after completion of the work. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOR DESTRUCTION: 1. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department if a well is being destroyed that is no~t in conjunction witF. a test hole permit. 2. Destruction procedures must be followed as per UT-50. 3. Placement of the seal must be witnessed by a representative of this Department. Twentw-four-ho~r advanced notice is required for an appointment. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS APPLICATION BECOMr::-S__ ,-~.': ?EREtti':' WHEN APPR()VED WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION WELL DEPTH GROUND ELEVATION (IF KNOWN) BOREHOLE DIAMETER CASING--INSIDE DIAMETER CASING MATER/AL & GAUGE SCREEN MATERIAL & GAUGE TYPE OF BENTONITE PLUG & DEPTH ANNULUS SEALANT & DEPTH FILTER PACK MATERIAL & SIZE SCR_EEN SLOT SIZE & LENGTH SEALANT PLACEMENT METHOD LOCKING WELL CAP FACILITY PLOT PLAN Provide a description of the facility to be monitored, including: location of tanks, proposed monitoring and placement, nearest street or intersection, location of any water wells or surface water within 500' radius of facility; please attach. ZONE OF INFLUENCE Information on zone of influence, such as mathematical calculations or field test data, may be required VADOSE ZONE WELLS upon review of the application. WELL DESTRUCTION INFORMATION WELL DEPTH ~o! 2_-7 ] '2_-0 CASING MATERIAL 5c_-k. 9'0 PVC__- 5f-~'1 .5/LOC- } SEALANT MATERIAL ~rt,,.~J6 Grot. x_+ ~ v'ov~+ SEALANT PLACEMENT METHOD -F~.r~_.~.,~e (-gv-e.¢ 5c.t.r-e_.. ~,--,d S DESCRIBE DESTRUCTION PROCEDURE: "Tr-er~vvl't e. / ~or'e'5%t.&r~e ,..~F'obc.df- I have read and agree to comply with the general conditions noted ]'his permit trl~t be signed by either the contractor or owner. Owner's Signature Date Contractor's Signature / ~atc Approved g~~ ///- d'~'~'~'~'V~ Total V L~ P~d On "c~it Expirafio. Date: ~Z~r ' ~ /teO Work Ord,r, THIS'~PPLtCATtON BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ttM86 M Lee Bouchez Environmental Geologist Environmental Remediation Southwest Environment Health and Safety Texaco Refining and IViarkefing Inc 10 Universal Ci~ Plaza Suite 741 Universal City CA 91608 7812 818 5O5 2739 818 505 2129 FAX recycled paper BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 June 12,1996 Marcel L. Bouchez, Project Manager Texaco Refining and Marketing Inc. 10 Universal City Plaza Universal City, Ca 91608 RE: Texaco Station No. 61-058-1405 at ~fl_hlo[lfi-Oa-l~Sff~et in Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Bouchez · This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results of the Limited Site Assessment Report dated May 22, 1996 associated with the dispenser replacement. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the dghts of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. if you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: R. Huey J. Castillo, RWQCB D. Gifford, ENV America, Inc. SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION PETRO TITE TANK & LINE TESTING P.O. BOX 191 CANOGA PARK, CA 91305 213-875-0830 / 818-993-9575 818-993-9577 FAX SUBJECT: Annual Electronic/Mechanical Monitoring System Inspection and Meter Calibration DATE: 2-13-96 S/S #: 61058001405 LOCATION: 2401 N. Oak Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Sir, This is to certify that the annual inspection of the existing Monitoring System was performed at the above referenced facility. The method used to test the electronic and mechanical 'monitoring systems is approved by and exceeds the specifications according to the manufacturer. R. J. Myers & Sons, Inc. has been contracted by TEXACO R & M to insure that their facilities comply with all the rules and regulations that govern the operation of underground storage tanks and product lines. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, ~~ i,~~~. MYERS & SON~, IN~.~ ona d J. Myers, II Vice President RJM/rf R. J. Myers & Sons, Inc. SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION PETRO TITE TANK & LINE TESTING P. O. BOX 191 CANOGA PARK, CALIFORNIA 91305 818-993-9575 / 818-993-9575 213-875-0830 / 818-993-9577 FAX DATE OF SERVICE: 2-13-96 S.S. //:61058001405 W .O.#:1121217-000 TECHNICIAN: RonNorris SERVICE REQUESTED BILL TO: Texaco R & M 1900 E. Los Angeles Ave, Suite 200 Simi Valley, CA 93065 SERVICE REQUESTED -Annual electronic monitor certification. BY: Fred Long PROBE ID#: T1 Unlead T2 Plus T3 Super T4 Diesel DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Inspected and tested all in tank probes for proper operation and calibration. MODEL #:..Veeder-RootTLS-250 SERIAL #: 1441 WASTE OIL YES ~ NO SYSTEM PSD YES ~ NO SYSTEM RUNNING NO SYSTEM SEALED R. J. Myers & Sons, Inc. SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION PETRO TITE TANK & LINE TESTING P. O. BOX 191 CANOGA PARK, CALIFORNIA 91305 818-993-9575 / 818-993-9575 213-875-0830 / 818-993-9577 FAX DATE OF SERVICE: 2-13-96 S.S. #:61058001405 W .O.#:1121217-000 TECHNICIAN: RonNorriS SERVICE REQUESTED BILL TO: Texaco R & M 1900 E. Los Angeles Ave, Suite 200 Simi Valley, CA 93065 SERVICE REQUESTED -Annual electronic monitor certification. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Test for PSD. Test all sensor in annular. System operational and certified. BY: Fred Long PROBE ID#: T1 Regular T2 Plus T3 Super T4 Diesel L1 Diesel Annular L2 Prem. Annular L3 Unleaded Annular L4 Plus Annular MODEL #: Red Jacket PPM 4000 SERIAL #:__ 30694P9R SYSTEM CERTIFIED YES WASTE SYSTEM PSD ~ N/A NO EM RUNNING NO SYSTEM SEALED NO Monitor Certification Inspection This letter certifies that the monitor Is In place, the probes are In the correct position and the operation of the system. FACILITY # DEALER: ADDRESS: 61 O58001405 Texaco R & M 2401 N. Oak Bakersfield, CA 93301 DATE: 2-13-96 TYPE AND MODEL OF MONITOR PPM 4000 RJ SYSTEM FUNCTION TANKS PASS X FAIL USED OIL PASS FAIL IN LINE PASS X FAIL SUMPS MONITOR PASS FAIL PRODUCT LINES FILL SUMPS PASS FAIL N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A X X X WHEN MONITOR IS TURNED OFF OR IN ALARM DOES THE TURBINE SHUT OFF? YES X NO IS THE CONSOLE LABELED CORRECTLY? YES X NO COMMENTS: INSPECTED BY: R.J. MYERS & SONS, INC. TECHNIClAN~--~n Norris,, . ' ' ' LOCATION 2401 N. Oak Bakersfield, CA LEAK DETECTORS TEST CHART SIS #: 61058001405 SERVICE COMPANY R.J. MYERS & SONS, INC. P. O. BOX 191 CANOGA PARK, CA 91305 DATE 2-13-96 TECHNICIAN PERFORMING TEST: TECH #: RON NORRIS TYPE OF LEAK DETECTORS TESTED (CHECK APPROPRIATE MFG [S]) RED JACKET: Accumulator TOKHEIM: VAPORLESS: FE PETRO: SERIAL # GRADE RESILIENCY (ML) OPENING TIME (SEC) TEST LEAK RATE ML/MIN FUNCTIONAL ELEMENT HOLDING PSI METERING PSI PASS OR FAIL NOTE: TEST INFORMATION ! 2 8_ _4 7655 7651 7625 7436 Premium Unl Reg Plus Diesel _ 13 12 12 13 ~6 285 24 25 PASS PASS PASS PASS DATE OF TEST: 2-13-96 LOCATION: 2401 N. Oak, Bakersfield, CA OWNER: Glen Henry OPERATOR: Glen Henry REASON FOR TEST: Line Test TEST REQUESTED BY: Fred Long PHONE: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: CONTRACTOR - R.J, MYERS & SONS, INC. MECHANIC NAME: R0n N0¢riS TANK TEST WITH THIS LINE TEST: N MAKE & TYPE OF PUMP OR DISPENSER: Gilbarco Red Jacket WEATHER: Cloudy COVER OVER LINES: Concrete, Asphalt TEMPERATURE IN TANKS: N/A APPROX. BURIAL DEPTH: 24" STATION #: 61058001405 PHONE: 805-861-8972 PHONE: PHONE: '~)~F~iI~Y ~ ME - LOG OF TEST i PRESSURE i PRESSURE :: VOLUME BOLUME i NET i CONCLUSIONS/REPAIRS/COM EACH LINE :: (MILITARY) :: PROCEDURES AMBIENT BEFORE AFTER ! READING - i READING - i CHANGE i MENTs - ( .................... i .......... ~.~--!.~-~-~.~-~T~---~-~-~-?--~~.~.-~:-~-~-~-~~-"-T: .......... i .................... ~ .............................................. ~ 3 DIESEL~ 0814~ BLEED BACK 50~ 0 :: 0.0100 0.0400 + .300~ BLEED BACK: OK ~'~ ......... 08';'~"~'~,~ ...... 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L~ .............................. .~'~'~'~'?~'~'~'~ ............... ~ ............... ~ ................. ~'?~:~'~-~'?~-:~'~'~'?-;":~-~'~'~'a~"~;"~'~ ............... - ,/ 2]. ;ovem~az Z977 Dote · BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPAR _~ · BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION APPLICATION Application .No.' ' In conformity:with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations; aPPlication -is made by:. _~.. ~- Name of Core. ny Addre~ . to dispioy, sto~, instoll, use, o~rote, ~11 or b~ndle moteri~ls or priests involving o~ Crating con- diti~s deemed hozordous to life or pro~ as follows: '. ,1 UNDERGROUND STORAGE T~NK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK)/~ SITE REPORT N~E ~F INDIVIDU~ FILING REPORT [PHONE I SIGNA~RE .~ REPRESENTING ~ OWNE~PE~TOR ~ REGION~BOARD ~ ~MPA~OR~ENCYNAME ADDRESS m NAME I ~NT~T PERSON ~ PHONE ADDRESS ~RE~ C~ STA~ ~IP ADDRESS C~ ' ~U~ ZIP CRO~ STREET L~AL AGENCY AGENCY N~E ~NT~T PERSON PHONE REGDN~ BOARD PHONE (1) NAME QUANTI~ LOST (~LLONS) Ag~l ~ ~ UNKNOWN DA~ DI~VERED ~1~ HOW DIS~VER~ ~ INVENTORY ~NTR~ ~ SU~URFACE MONITORING ~ NUIS~CE ~NDITIONS O.I 2.1 7 .I TANK~ST ~ TANK REMOVAL ~ OTHER ~P~~ DA~ DI~HARGE BE~N M~HOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ~L ~AT APPL~ ~ '1 ~ ~1, ~1 ~1 ~ UNKNOWN ~ REMovE ~N~NTS ~ CLOSE TANK & REMOVE ~ REPAIR PIPING HAS DISC~RGE BEEN 8TOPP~ ? ~ REPAIR TANK ~ CLOSE TANK & FILL IN P~CE ~ CHANGE PR~EDURE ~ REP~CE TANK ~OTHER ~IS~~ SOURCE OF DIVERGE CAUSE(S) ~ TANK~AK ~ UNKNOWN ~ OVERFILL ~ RUP~R~AILURE ~ SPILL ~ PIPINGL~K ~ OTHER ~ ~RROSION ~ UNKNOWN ~ OTHER CHECK ONE ONLY ~ UNDERMINED ~ SOILONLY ~ GROUNDWATER ~ DRINKING WATER - (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS ~ AC~ALLY BEEN AFFEC~D CHECK ONE ONLY ~ NO ACTION TA~N ~ PR~IMINARYS~A~E~MENT~RKP~NSUBM~ED ~ POLL~IONC~RAC~RI~TION ~ LE~BEING~NFIRMED ~ PR~IMINARYSI~A~E~MENTUNDERWAY ~ POSTCLE~UPMONITORINGINPROGRE~ ~ REMEDIATION P~N ~ CASE CLUED {~E~UP ~MPLE~D OR UNNECE~AR~ ~ CLE~UP UNDERWAY CHECKAPPROPR~TEACTION(S) ~ EXCAVA~&DIS~SE(ED) ~ REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) ~ ENH~CEDBIODEGRADATION(I~ ~ CAPS.(CD) ~ EXCAVATE&TREAT(E~ ~ PUMP&TREATGROUNDWA~R(G~ REP~CESUPPLY(RS) ~ ~NTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) ~ NOACT~NREQUIRED(NA) ~ TREA~ENTATH~P~U) ~ VENT~IL~S) ~ VACUUM EXTRACT ~ ~ OTHER (O~ iNSTRUCTiONS E~GENCY Indicate whether emergency r~_sponse personnel -.~ ectuipment were involved at any time. If so, a Hazardous ~ateriaL !nci£a~D Report should be filed with the State Office of Emergency Sera, ices [~ a% ZdO0 Meadow';iow Road, Sacramento, CA 95832. Copies of the ORS rs~rrru f~ ~ay be obtained at your local underground storage ta~2< pe~ur-_'uLinf zEe--ny. Indicate whether the OES report has been filed as of %he dau5 nf 5i~!s report. LCCAL -aGENCY ONLY To avoid duplicate notification pursuan~ ts ~_s,aL~k ~d Safety code Section 251B0.5, a government employee should sign ~u~ fete %he form in this block. A signature here does not mean that the Leak ht_~ l~sen determined to pose a signifio~nt threat to human health or safety, n~57 t~a~ notification prucedures have been followed if required. REPORTED BY '/Ente£ your name, telephone number, and ad~dxa~s. L~iicate which party you 'represent and provide company or agency na~e. RESPONSIBLE PARTY Enter name, telephone n~tmber, contact pers~, er-f~~ address of the party responsible for the leak. The responsible Derby ~r~id normally be the taxi< SITE LOCATION Enter information regarding the tank faoilit~-~ ~%t a ~ininr~m, you must provide the facility name and full address. IMPLEi~NTING AGENCIES' Enter names of the local agency and Regic~aL ~ate~ ~mality Control Board involved. SUBSTANCES 15~7OLVED Enter the name end quantity lost of the hazardous suJ~stance involved. Room is provided for information on two substances if aDq~ropriate. If more than two substances leaked, list the two of ~s~ c~-cerr~ for cleanup. DIBCO~q~RY/ABATEMENT Provide information regarding the discovery ~r_~ a~at~ent of the leak. source(s) of Le~k. Check bo~(es~'L~i~cm~/m~ cause of leak. CASE TYPE Indicate the case type category for this leak. Check one box only. Case type is based on %he most sensitive resource affected. For e~ampLe, if both soil and ground water have been affected~ cmse type will be "Ground Water". Indicate "Drinking Water" only if or_e ~r~remunicipal or domestic water wells have actually been affected. A "Ground Water" designation does not imply tha~ the affected ~mter cannot be, or is not, used for drinking water, but only that water ~e~ ~a~e not yet been affected. It is understood that case ty~e ma~ cha~e upon further investigation. C~3~RE~T STATU~ Indicate the category which best describes the cuurrent status of the case, Check one box only. The response should he relati~ +~o the case type. For ex~mpIe, if case type is "Ground Water", then ~C%~rrent Status" should refer to the starts of the ground water invessigati~n~ ~r cleanup, as opposed to that of soil. Descriptions of options follow: No Action-Taken - No action has been t~-ke~ ~ responsible party beyond initial report of leak. Leak Bein8 Confirmed - Leak suspected ab site, but has not been confirmed. Preliminary Sit9 AsseSsment Workpian Submitted - workp!en/proposal requested of/submitted by responsible parby to determine ~hether ground ~ater has been, or will he, impacted as a result of the release. Pre!iminar~ Site Assessment Underway - implementation of Poilu%ion Characterization - responsible party is iR the process of fully defining the extent of contamination in soil and ground ~ater and assessing .impacts on surface and/or ground water~ Remediation Plan - remediation plan submitted evaluating long term remedia%ion options. Proposal and implementation schedule for appropriate remediation options also submitted. Cleanup Unde~ay - implementation of remediation plan. Post Cleanup Monitorins in Pro,ross- periodic grouund ~ater or other monitoring at site~ as necessary, to verify and/or evaluate effectiveness of remedial activities. Case Closed - regional board and local agency in concurrence that no further work is necessary at the site~ IMPORTANT: THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM IS INTENDED FOR STATISTICAL PLqlPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS REt~SEt~fING THE OFFICIAL POSITION OF ANY GOVERNPIENTAL AGENCY REMEDIAL ACTION Indicate which action have been used to cleanup or remediate ~he leak. Descriptions of options follow: CaD Site - install horizontal impermeable iayer to reducz rainfall infiltration. Containment Barrier - install vertical dike to block horizontal movement of contaminant.. Excavate and Dispose - remove contaminated soil and dispose in approved site. Excavate and Treat - remove contaminated soil and treat (includes spreading or land farming). Remove Free Product - remove floating product from ~aLer~table. .Pump and Treat Groundwater - generally employed to remove dissolved contaminants~ Enhanced Biodegradation - use of any available technologcy to promote bacterial decomposition of contaminants. R__eptace Sunply - provide alternative water supply to affected parties. Treatment at Hookup - install water treatment devices at each dwelling or other place of use. Vacuum Extract - use pumps or blowers to draw air through soil. Vent Soil - bore holes in soil to allow volatilization of contaminants. No Action Required - incident is minor, requiring no remedial action. CO~-I~NTS - Use this space to elaborate on any aspects of' the incident. SIGNATURE - Sign the form in the space provided. DISTRIBUTION if the form is completed by the tank owner or his agent, retain the last copy and forward the remaining copies intact to your local tank permitting agency for distribution. I. UriginaI - Local TmnkPermit~ing Agency 2, State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Clean Water Programs, Underground Storage Tank Program, P.O. Box 944212, Sacremento, CA 94244- 2!20 Regional Water Quality Control Board Local Health Officer and County Board of Supervisors or their designee to receive Proposition 65 notifications. 5. Oyster/responsible party. R. J. MYERS & SONS, INC. SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION PETRO TITE TANK & LINE TESTING P.O. BOX 3007 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91609 213-875-0830 / 818-768-2126 818-768-2127 / 818-768-2128 (FAX) APR g 5 1995 Bye. SUBJECT: Annual Electronic/Mechanical Monitoring System Inspection and Meter Calibration DATE: 4-13-95 S/S#: 61058001405 LOCATION: 2401 N. OAK BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 Dear Sir, This is to certify that the annual inspection of the existing Monitoring System was performed at the above referenced facility. The method used to test the electronic and mechanical monitoring systems is approved by and exceeds the specifications according to the manufacturer. R. J. Myers & Sons, Inc. has been contracted by Texaco R & M to insure that their facilities comply with all the rules and regulations that govern the operation of underground storage tanks and product lines. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, R. J. MYERS & SONS, INC. Ronald J. Myers II. Vice President R. J. MYERS & SON.g, INC. SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION PETRO TITE TANK & LINE TESTING P.O. BOX 3007 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91609 DATE OF SERVICE: 4-13-95 S.S.#:61058001405 W.O.#:1117700 TECHNICIAN: RON NORRIS SERVICE REQUESTED BY: F. LONG BILL TO: TEXACO R & M PROBE I.D.#: TRANSDUCERS 1. PLUS 2. UNLEADED 3. SUPER SERVICE REQUESTED: ANNUAL ELECTRONIC 4. DIESEL MONITOR CERTIFICATION DESCRIPTION OF WORK: RELABELED BREAKER PANEL AND PPM 4000 TEST SENSOR, PUT PULL ROPE AROUND ANNULAR TANKS ALL 4 TANKS. ALL SYSTEMS OPERATING PROPERLY 2. SUPER 3. UNLEADED ANNULAR 4. PLUS ANNULAR MODEL #: PPM 4000 SERIAL #: 20190-P3 SYSTEM CERTIFIED ~._~ N/A NO SYSTEM RUNNING (;YI~ .~. NO SYSTEM SEALED ( s7 NO R. J. MYERS & SONS, INC. SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION PETKO TITE TANK & LINE TESTING P.O. BOX 3007 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91609 DATE OF SERVICE: 4-13-95 S.S.#: 61058001405 W.O.#: 1117700 TECHNICIAN: RON NORRIS SERVICE REQUESTED BY: F. LONG BILL TO: TEXACO R & M PROBE I.D.#: 1.UNLEADED 2. UNLEADED PLUS 3. SUPER 4. DIESEL SERVICE REQUESTED: ANNUAL ELECTRONIC MONITOR CERTIFICATION DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CHECK FOR CORRECT READING AND FOR WATER IN TANK ALL PROBES CALIBRATED WITHIN TOLERANCE MODEL #: TLS 250 SERIAL #: SYSTEM CERTIFIED ~ NO YES ~)NO SYSTEM SEALED _NO SYSTEM RUNNING ~9? NO Monitor Certification Inspection This letter certifies that the monitor is in place, the probes are in the correct position and the operation of the system. FACILITY # 61058001405 DEALER ADDRESS DATE: 4-13-95 2401 OAK ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA TYPE AND MODEL OF MONITOR RJ PPM 4000 SYSTEM FUNCTION TANKS PASS X FAIL N/A USED OIL PASS FAIL N/A X IN LINE PASS X FAIL N/A SUMPS MONITOR PASS FAIL N/A X PRODUCT LINES FILL SUMPS PASS FAIL N/A X WHEN MONITOR IS TURNED OFF OR IN ALARM DOES THE TURBINE SHUT DOWN? YES X NO IS THE CONSOLE LABELED CORRECTLY? YESX NO COMMENTS: PUT PULL ROPE AROUND ANNULAR TANKS INSPECTED BY: 1LJ. MYERS & SONS, INC. TECHNICIAN: RON NORRIS SIGNATURE: LEAK DETECTORS TEST CHART LOCATION 61058001405 2401 N. OAK ST BAKERSFIELD, CA SERVICE COMPANY R.J. MYERS & SONS, INC. P.O. BOX 3007 N. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91609 DATE 4-13-95 TECHNICIAN PERFORMING TEST: RON NORRIS TECH #: TYPE OF LEAK DETECTORS TESTED [CHECK APPROPRIATE MFG(S)] RED JACKET: X (accumulator) TOKHEIM: VAPORLESS: FE PETRO: TEST INFORMATION 1 2 3 SERIAL # 31090 7655 31090 7651 31090 7625 GRADE SUPER UN[,. PLUS RESILIENCY (ML) N/A N/A N/A OPENING TIME (SEC) N/A N/A N/A TEST LEAK RATE ML/MIN N/A N/A N/A FUNCTIONAL ELEMENT HOLDING PSI 14 15 METERING PSI 29 28 PASS OR FAIL PASS PASS PASS 31090 7436 DIESEL N/A N/A N/A 13 30 PASS 14 29 NOTE: DATE OF TEST: 4-13-g5 LOCATION: 2401 N. OAK St'. BAKERSFIELD, CA OWNER: TEXACO R & M OPERATOR: ROSEMARY RAY REASON FOR TEST: LINE T~ST STATION 61058001405 PHONE 805-8614~g72 PHONE: PHONE 805-861~972 TEST REQUESTED BY FRED LONG SPEcIAL INSTRUCTIONS PHONE CONTRACTOR - R~. MYERS & SONS, INC. MECHANIC NAME: RON NORRIS TANK TEST WITH THIS LINE TEST? NO MAKE & TYPE OF PUMP OR DISPENSER TOKHEIM RED JACKET WEATHER: CLOUDYNViNDY TEMPERATURE IN TANKS N/A IDENTIFY EACH TIME LINE AS TESTED (MILITARY) COVER OVER LINES CONCRETE/ASPHALT APPRO~ BURIAL DEPTH 24"+ LOG OF TEST PROCEDURES, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, WEATHER, ETC. VOLUME PRESSURE READING BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER NET CHANGE CONCLUSIONS/REPAIRS/COMMENTS PREMIUM 1229 1230 1245 1300 1315 1330 1331 1229 UNLEADED 1230 1245 1300 1315 1330 1331 ARRIVED AT SITE, SET UP TEST EQUIPMENT AT DIST. 3EST PORT BLEED BACK 50 0 +.0300 START LINE TEST / 50 .096 LINE TEST CON"F 50 50 .096 .096 .000 50 50 .096 .096 +.000 BLEED BACK 50 0 .0100 .0440 +.0340 BLEED BACK 50 0 .015O .0460 +.0310 START LINE TEST I 50 49 50 .096 .096 .000 49 50 .096 .096 .000 BLEED BACK 50 0 +.0320 BLEED BACK OK LINE IS TIGHT VOLUME CHANGE: -.002 BLEED BACK OK BLEED BACK OK LINE IS TIGHT VOLUME CHANGE -.002 BLEED BACK OK 1229 PLUS 1230 1245 1300 1315 1330 1331 BLEED BACK 50 0 .0100 .0415 +.0315 START LINE TEST / 50 LINE TEST CON~ 50 50 .096 .09~ .000 BLEED BACK 50 0 +.0325 DIESEL 1229 1230 1245 1300 1315 1330 1331 BLEED BACK 50 0 START LINE TEST I 50 LINE TEST CON~ 49 50 5O 5O 5O 5O BLEED BACK 50 0 .0200 .0500 +.0300 .085 .084 -.001 .084 .084 .000 .084 .084 +.000 .084 .0~4 +.000 .0100 .0420 +.0320 COMMENTS; BLEED BACK OK LINE IS TIGHT VOLUME CHANGE -.'003 BLEED BACK OK BLEED BACK OK LINEIS ~GHT VOLUME CHANGE .000 BLEED BACK OK Facility: Address: Permit/ID #: ANNUAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION SUMMARY REPORT Tank # Size Product I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that: Ail inventory variations for this facility were within allowable limits for this year. Inventory variation(s) ~exceeded the allowable limits during this year. The source of the variation(s) is not due to an unreported, unauthorized release. List the Month, tank number, and amount of variation for all variations which exceeded the allowable limits during this year. MONTH TANK'# AMOUNT OF VARIATION/EXPLANATION 5 Additional incidents shall be listed on a separate, attached sheet of paper. If the cause of the Variation(s) which exceeded allowable limits was a leak, the incident(s) shall be reported no later than the next business day to your local permit implementing agency. An Unauthorized Release Report shall be submitted within five days. The Annual Summary Report shall be submitted within 15 days of the end o~ each.~ear. 06-93/mgf1709.wpw/4-5 INV OR¥ RECONCILIATIoN/MON X TANK1 TANK2 DAY +/- DAY i ~ I ~1' 2 -7 2 /~. 4 .... c~ 4 -z.o. -- MONITORZNG OF T2~qK 3 UI~ROROUN~ TI~NKIa ~o._ e/. a3o 1 T~ 4 TANK5 =DAY -!-/- 1 4 5~.~ 6 ?-~ 11 14 't6. 17 ~yJ 18 · 19 22 23 ~7.~j'~ 25 26 28 29' 3,1 CUM CUM OVER ALLOWABLE ?- NOTIFIZD= UY/IO I CERTIFY THE ABOVE 'Z~ '~;C~) IF YE__S - STAT__E ACTION TAKEN _AND WHOM ~AGER/RETAI LER DATE --F S TANK1 TANK2 DAY +/- DRY +/- D~ +/- ... 54-~. ,g'770 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 23. /~ 23. .- 22 --S' 22 .! 23 -'~' 23 24~' 2'4 26 ZC, 26 27, -t~ 27,, -lq 28 -Z'5 28 2. 29 29 30 30 31 31 cuM- ~ cum - TOTAL DELIVEI~IES: 2o3.?~ ' 1% OF DELIVERIES: /3~ 1% + 3.30 GALLONS = . CUM OVER ALLOWABLE ? YES NOTIFIED: 23. ,22 23 25 -zz. 26 27 -/5 28 /4, 29 30 33. cuM,,, - 21 '2.. 21 _.-.~ 21 22 22 23 -C.' 23 24 / 24 25 9' /& 25 26 '" b" 26 27 _/.. 27 28 -p' 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 q...: ? o IF YE8 /74, - STATE ACTION TKKEN AND WHOM I CERTIFY THE ABOVE IS ACCURATE AND TRUE. MANAGER/RETAILER 'DATE ' ' '. OF UNDERGROUND TANI~.01S$~09.~0,29 (1405) MONTH/YEAR ~/al/7/ ADDRESS: 2401 N. OAK TANK I TANK 2 TANK 3 TANK 4 TANK 5 DAY +/- DAY'" +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- 1 -13 1 -t7 1 ~17 1 2 31 2 -Iq 2 ..zq .2 ~ 2 3. -/z.' 3 , -q 3 33 3 -5" 3 4 g 4 - zo 4 -~(. 4 /~_ 4 5 -zT.. 5 353 5 /70 5 _/ 5 6' .-/ 6 -$ 6 - 6 -z__ 6 7 5" 7 -9 7 -/5- 7 -5/ 7 8 -$5 8 -28' 8 -!:3 8 5" .8 - 9 5:Z 9 ,20 9 ~'c.. 9 -7 10 239 10 - z ! -.' 10 --z o : *; 10 ---'- 10 ~.~ _ II 12 · f, "b .12 . -~ 12 ,4-/ 12 :-3 12 ~A~k~'-,..~,, ,,--~,,., 13 -q ~ 13 / 13 .2.,4 13 2 ,¥' 13 14 -q 14 -~O 14 -tq 14 /2. 14.__~ / 15 1~ 15 -iff 15 ~z. 9 15 / 15 - 16 ~ zg 16. -- 16 ~ ;~ 2_ 16 --t.._ 16 17 .fro 17 - 6, 17 275; 18 ~ $ 18 -~ } 18 t .5 18 / / 18 19 -z. 7, 19 7. ~-1 19 3 · 19 20 13 20 gb, 20 5'r., 20 21 A! cfi '2' 21 /.."z--'7 21 'z. 'Z. 21 22 q~ 22 2.'Z. 22 3 0, 22 -~. 22 ' 23 z.<; 23 '~' 23 I '/ 23 ~; 23 24 -I"t 24 i $ 24 z$ 24 7_ 24 25 ~ o~ 25 ~ O 25 ~ :3 25 O 25 26 lO 26 '1 ~ 26 ~ ~0 26 ~'l 26 27 el 27 /% 27 $~ 27 _ 28 -q ,..' 28 -/6 28 - 28 -3" 28 29 -tz_ 29 -t 29 -~ 29 ~.a 29 30 gl 30 -q 30 $o 30 31 -5 31 -- 31 -/o 31 -~ 31 CUM /q7 Ctm 0_5' CUM z/go CUM q~ CUM TOTAL DELIVERIES: 1% OF DELIVERIES: I I I c. or I . I I 1/2 OF 1%: 1% + 130 GALLONS = CUM OVER ALLOWABLE:. ? YES (,~lO) IF YES, STATE ACTION TAKEN AND WliOM NOTIFIED:' "-,M~~/RETAILER DATE :"'~7~"::"~"'"" ......... ':"'?"':':%:: :":: "' OF UNDERGROUND TANKS' $1..088.0~90~9 {1406'} ~401 ~. OAK MONTH/YEAR ~t°~.~L-- / 99¢ ADDRESS: BJiKER$FIF. I,D. C~gaani' TANK I TANK 2, TANK :3 TANK 4 TANK DAY +/- DAY'" +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- 2 1'7 2 9 2 3 zq" 3 , q3 3 -I 3 Iz 3 .riel, wry 4 ~t! 4 _ / 4 -/g 4 ~/ 4 ~-. · 5 2. 5 ~e.o 5 6' fi' 6 zo ' 6 ~- ~ 6 7 -,/ 7 - z.7 7 -'- zo 7 --/ 7 -.- 8 0¢6 8 Ich 8 9 /,, .o1'5 9 qoq> 9 10 .5'0 - ' i0 - 5"' 10 - 11 -$Z. 11' Z. 11 -go 11 --/~t 11 - 12 .. 'z.- 12 Z. 12 · 13 - } 13 2. 13 14 ..- 5' 14 / 14 -zz_. 14 / 14 ~ 15 /¢ 15 -/~, 15 5-0 15 / 15 ~--~--Z w~.~ 16 ~,. 16. o~ 16 t "~. 16 , < t3 16 ..--- 17 17 yte 17 18 ~z._ 18 -- 18 - zo 18 -/o 18 - 19 -./ 19 -z./ 19 -./ 20 z2_ 20 z/ 20 73 20 21 -G 21 -to 21 -/,~ 21 0 21 ~ 22 <[q) 22 - 2. ~ 22 - ;go 22 q 22 23 ~ '2. 23 ,~ 5;~ 23 '~.q, · 23 -. 24 -.7 24 · -t4 24-)-~ 24 7 24 25 -z. 25 -2z- 25 - 27 , C., 27 - 3 27 - z.o 27 ---- 27 28 ~7~ 28 ~ 28 -qqc¢ 28-~ 28 29 ~> 29 °1 29 29 .! 29 30 [ 30 'Z.[30 .;Ia/30 "'L. 30 31 31 31 31 31 CUM &~ CUM 37 CUM /7q CUM 94 cUM b TOTAL DELIVERIES: I I I I I I 1% OF DELIVERIES: 1/2 OF 1%: 1% + 130 GALLONS - CUM OVER ALLOWABLE: 9 yES /NO-"~ I I IF YES, STATE ACTION TAKEN AND WHOM NOTIFIED: I CERTIFY THE ABovE IS ACCU~.~/~~E: M~vN AGEI~RE'I~I LER DATE D lt~.058.022029 (1405) MONTH/YEAR'"/~/'9 t. pt ADDRESS: 240! N. O&~' PdU(ERSFIELD, CA 93ao~ TANK 1 TANK 2 TANK 3 TANK 4 TANK 5 DAY +/- DAY'~ +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- 1 -/ 1 - 2 6 2 g 2 3 ~ 3 ~ 3 -~g 3 O 3 ~ -- 6' ~ 6 8 - ~ 8 9 3~ 9 10 ~ 10 - , 11 q 11 12 - ~ 12 13 -t 13 14 < z~ 14 15 .~ _~ 15 -~l ~ 15 -to z~ 15 _~ -z 15 ~ t 16 - 5 16. 17 ZG 17 18 - 7 18 - 19 _b q 19 -~ ,o 19 -~ z~ 19 ~ -9 19 ,, 21 -I 21 L 21 ./ff 21 [~ 21 22 < q ? 22 < q ) 22 ~ ~ 22 ~ t ) 22 23 t [ 23 - 24 .~ 24 ~ 24 - ~r 24 -~ 24 25 I~ 25 26 _ ~ 26 - 27 I ~ 27 28 <~> 28 <~ 28 ~ 28 = 28 29 <z? 29 30 ~ 5o 30 31 -~ 31 3 31 -z~ 31 ~ 31 ~ -- CUM q~ Cm~ CUM 5~ CUM /~ CUM TOTAL DELIVERIES: 1% OF DELIVERIES: I I I I I 1/2 OF 1%: 1% + 130 GALLONS = CUM OVER ALLOWABLE: ? YES WHOM NOTIFIED: IF YES, STATE ACTION TAKEN AND I CERTIFY THE ABOVE IS ACCURATE AND TRUE: MANAGER/RETAILER DATE TANK 1 '""~/ TANK 2 TANK3 TANK 4 TANK 5 DAY +/- DAY~ +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- 1' -Z. 1 I 1 -Zq 1 .g 1 ---- · 2 10 2 I 3 2 7 7 · 2 Z- 2 5::I?' 5 fi' 5 · ...~.d~ 5 I '? 5 - - 6' ./o 6 -- 6 _! c~ 6 j '~ 6 7 ~ 7 .~y 7 [,7 .~,-~ 7 -~' .~ 7 ~ 8 ti 8 - z7 8 .-t g 8 --I~ '8 ---- 9~0 9 -17 9 6, g 9 / 9 10 -1 10 < t) 10 ~ 7 10 K ~ :> 10 11 -~ 11 <~$'~ 11 ~3 11 ~ 11 12 '.1 12 q$ 12 7g 12 -7 12 t~l, ~.~ 13 ~ 13 - r9 13 - ~ ,-/ 13 - z.. 13 .._---., 14 6,~' 14 -t4' 14 20 14 -3 14 15 - ~' est, 15 -t4 % 15 - .3 15 ~ -t,' 15 16 -o 16 ~zt ~ 16 ~,~- 16 '7 16 17 - q 17 -?l,, 17 q,l 17 ~/ 17 18 z. 18 '1 ':l 18 ~ 18 18 19 -I 19 -.S 19 - z? 19 - z. 19 20 q ! 20 ! 20 '~3 20 ~ 20 21 '~ 21 - Zl 21 - ~ 21 ~ 21 ..---- 22 ff- 22 - z~ 22 -, 22 -~ 22 .---- 23 -~ ~.qm 23 -/ .q,~ 23 -t.¥ ~.~} 23 -t~ .~,./ 23 ----x. 24 . q$ 24 ./7 24 ~.tr,. 24 .'r- 24 ,0~_./~ 25 --t 25 -z.. 25 ...'z.7 25 ~ 25 ~ ./ 26 .~ . 26 /3q 26 /qq 26 /~ _ 26 2- 27~ ~t, 27 ~7 ?~ 27 -'i5' -?oz- 27 -.i9_-- . ~? 27' 28~ - 28 ~ o 28 t ~ 28 t ~ 28 ,_ 29. 9~- 29 -~ 29 ~,% 29 -tG 29~ 30 ~ 30 -t?, 30 --)'5 30 -at., 30 31 31 31 31 31 CUM qyo CUM CUM cUM CUM TOTAL DELIVERIES: I I I I I 1% OF DELIVERIES: 1/2 OF 1%: 1% + 130 GALLONS = CUM OVER ALLOWABLE: ? WHOM NOTIFIED: I IF YES, STATE ACTION TAKEN AND I CERTIFY THE ABOVE IS ACC~E: MAN'A GER/RET~'LER DATE ,% TANK 1 0~ TANK 2' ' TANK 3:, ': TANK4 'TANK 5 DAY +/- DAY" +/- DAY' +7-' DAY +/-"' DAY +/- 1 -2.- 1 --.32. 1 --Z~ 1 -~' I - 2 y-t.- 2 t 2 ,qo 2 6, 2 ~__~-~ .3..,. ~ - 3 ,~. 3 4" I 4 6' 1o~- ;, 6..~ ..' 6 7 -,8 7 _ ~ 7 -/r 7 -~ 7 8 -/~ 8 - 9 -t 9 /~ 9 /3z 9 -~ 9 10 g nz 10 11 -q 11 12 ~ 12 13' -f 13 _ ~ 13 13 it 13 15 -~ 15 - z 15 -t~ 15 ~ 15 16 .~ 16.._ 18 -~ 18 -9 18 -zo 18 -~ 18 ' ' 19 ~ 19 -b 19 -l,g 19 -~ 19 ' 20 ~ o 20 21 -/~ ~ 21 23 d~ 23 24 . :{37, 24 <t~7 24 24 <5'~ 24 / 25 "<Z 2 25 < Z 7 25 ,t) 25 < '6 > 25 26 ~ 26 g~} 26 - 26 - i~' 26 28 28 < ,/) 28 < 6~ 28 ~.~3' 28 29 _~ 29 30 ~7 30 < vo) 30 ~s> 30 ~.~ ~ 30 / 31 <.~ 31 < ~7 31 g IZ% 31 lq 31 CUM 3.~Z C~ ~%q CUM ~0~ " C~ i~0 CUM TOTAL~DELIVERIES: I~ 0 a l~ .d~_\'~q 7"~ ,~t~'ff' . 1'% OF DELIVERIES: IZ:o3 I .,, I 7z. I 1/2 OF 1%: II 1% + 130 GALLONS = CUM OVER ALLOWABLE: ? (~,~.--_~ NO, IF Y~T~TE ACTION TA[EN AND WItOMNOTIFIED: 34q ~t/ ~ e/t~f P~O~ ~ I CERTIFY THE ABOVE IS ACCURATE ~RUE: MA R DATE ..;' ' . . INV~RY'RECONCILIATION/MON~ MONITORING.' ' / t OF UNDERGROUND TA~ MONTH/YEAR~ [~qq ADDRESS: TANK I } TANK 2 TANK 3 TANK 4 TANK DAY +/-I DAY'~ +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- 1 -7__ 1 --/f' 1 - 22. 1 q . 1 ..--- 2 R~- 2 -.3/ 2 //_v- 2 ~. 2 3 -ti 3 ,-3 3 -tv_. 3 q 3 4 '-3 4 / 4 -//~ 4 /& 4 ---- 6 ,~4to 6 %_ 6 '1 3q~ · 6 I 0 6 8 t 8 ~ 8 - / 3 8 _ly .8 9 ~ 9 I ~ 9 ' Izg 9 9 ~t 10 ~z~? 10 q 10 qlo¢ 10 "~ 10 11 -I 11 b/ 11 70 11 -~ 11 ~2 ~ u~ · ~2 ff~ X2 ~ ~. 12 ~ ~2 13 ~ '13 ~j 13 ~ 13 ~? . 13 15 -I~ 15 ~ 15 _~ 15 ., t~ 15 ~~ 16 g3 16. //~ : 16 7m 16"_ ~ 16M~ 17 "-13 17 -G 17' -5 17 t~ 17 - 18 ,~ , 18 -~9 18 -[~ 18 -~t 18 19 .5 19 -~ 19 _ ~ 19 _/ 19 ~ 20 y~ 20 ~ ~ 20 I~o 20' ~r% 20~ 21 ~I 21 -z3 21 _/a 21 ./o 21 23 ~t ~ 23 ~ 23 . - ~ 5 23 ~ 23 24 -~, 24 i.~ ~ 24 11% 24 - t 24 ~1[~ 25 .~ 25 ~ 25 -,.7 25 -~ 2S ~ 26 ~b 26 .5 26 5 26 - 7 26 _ 27 -/ 27 _ ~ 27 -~f 27 -t6 ~ 27 28'~0 3%~ 28 - ~ lB*. 28 tvo q~ 28 tg ~ 28~ 29 -13 29 - qq 29 -~ 29 6 29 30 -t~ 30 tv5 30 'tow 30 2z~ 30 31 ~ 31-I- 31 -t~ 31 7 31 ~ CUM 3~, Cm t~ CUM /Ot~ Cm ~q~,,, CUM TOTAL DELIVERIES: I ~.~ I t~.,~- I 5==.~ I ~*. ~ ~ I I 1% OF DELIVERIES: I '~0 I '~' t s~ ~ I 'z~ I I 1/2 OF 1%: I ,,o I ~ I z~ I ~ I I 1% + 130 G~LLONS ' CUM OVER ALLOWABLE: ? ~ NO 2F YES, STATE ACTION TAKEN AND I CERTIFY THE ABovE IS AcCuRATE~~E: · ©//. k._/~ ?'-3/-~7: M A1N'A~% R-/'R E'~A 1L ER DATE RECONCILIATION/MONT~ ~ .~.., .-' ~r,,v~~Y ~O~TO~ · ~. ~o~~O~A~~,0~0 ~ / - ~9 (1 ~0~) MONTH/YEAR~ ~ ADDR~S: 2~1 N. OAK ~ ~.~E~SF~E~D, CA ~301 TANK I TANK 2 ' TANK 3 TANK 4 TANK 5 DAY +/- DAY'~ +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- 4 -~ 4 - '7 4 -5' 4 / 4 , 5 -- 5 -3 ~' 5 -z.o 5 - 39 5 8 - ~ 8 3 8 -a~ 8 ,4 z_ .8 15 I 15 20 - 3 20..~ 7 21 S 21 ,/ 21 -/,-/ 21 3/ 21 .-.----....a 22 -6, 22 -¥ 22 --/ 23 -- 5 23 -'7 23 - / g 23 6, 23 ----- 25 -'z- 25. - 3y 25 ' -t~' 25 /z. 25 27 -.5 27 - 28 =-'/ 28 / 28 -~ z. 28 9, 28 ------ 30 ' ~5 30 ., -c-L 30 x-.~ 30 10~ 30 Deli,tee,~ 31 31 31 31 31 CUM 2-qf CUM q.a CUM 76 ? CUM 2.3 o CUM TOTAL DELIVERIES: 1% OF DELIVERIES: ! 1/2 OF 1%: I q? I s3 I 2,-~ I // I 1% + 130 GALLONS = I :~ I z.~-~ I ~'~,¥ I,~'3 I CUM OVER ALLOWABLE: - ? ':~""~ ~NO .,IF YES, STATE.ACTION TAKEN.AND - *'- .. ' '1 ~.-. '/. 0 . MA N A'G ER/R b.71'A 1LF~R DATE -. !-, ' . ~ ,.'. INVEN~RY- RECONCILIATION/MONTHI~oF UNDERGROUND TA~MONITORING. MONTH~YEAR ~)C/~ ADDRESS: TANK1 TANK 2 TANK 3 TANK 4 TANK 5 DAY +/- DAY'~ +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- 2 ot:~ 2 z'o ~) 2 -~0 2'0~ 2 1 - 3 4 ' ~ 4 ~tl 4 _ q~ 4 7 ,% 7 I 7 ~3 ~ 7 -% 7 - 10 ~ 10 - ~ 10 - ~t 10 _ ~ 10 15 ~ 15 ~ 15 ~O 15 ~ 5 15 20~ 20 ~ 20 ~ - 3 20 - ~ 20 22 3 22~ ~3 22~ 9) 22 ~ 22~,~ 23 .g~ 23 ~ 23 . / 23 _ ~ 23~ 25 V 25 -~3 25 ~ 25 ~ 25~ ~ 26 9~ 26 .~ 26r ~g 26 ~ 26 27~ .fi 27 -~ 27 _~o 27 6 27 ~ 29 / 29 ([? 29 -c~ 29 _/ 29 ~/,~ 30 -~ 30 -~ 30 g 30 -~ 30 TOTAL DELIVERIES: "z. 2.7.. z.~ [ / '7o- / ,4 1% OF DELIVERIES: 1/2 OF 1%: 1% + 130 GALLONS = so, I '1 I CUM OVER ALLOWABLE: ? YES ~ IF YES, STATE ACTION TAKEN AND WHOM NOTIFIED: CERTIFY THE ABo.vE IS A'cC~RuE: · MA'NAGER/R~TA 1LER //- ~ 9~ DATE MONTH/YEAR ,A/Ol/zm~,r' tg?r ADDRESS: TANK 1 TANK 2 TANK 3 TANK 4 TANK 5 DAY +/- DAY" +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- DAY +d- 1 -/ 1 -/? 1 -/7_ 1 ---- 1 ~' 3 ~ 3 wY. 3 ' -~ 3 .~ 3 4 3 4 ~ 4 -/T 4 ~ 4 6' ~ 3 6 -g 6 _q 6 ~ ...6 _ 8 g 7 8 ~ ~ 8 zo 8 q ~ '8 ~ 10, 7 10 I~ 10 ~ : .10 · 11 -~ 11' t 11 ~ ~ 11 _ ~ 11 __ 13 -~ 13 -t~ .. 13 -iq 13~ _ 3 13 14 -~ 14 ~ 14' -7 14 ~ 14 15 ~ 15 t 15 -~9 15 q 15 ~ 17 ' l 17 ~.-- _~ 17 I .'.'17 18 -t~ 18 --/ , 18 -~ 18 ~/ 18 19~~ 1~ ~ 19~- ~o 19 . .19~ 20 - t 20 ~ 20 ~ 20 -- y 20 25-24:~U : "~"" 2524':': .... g*" "V":~''I~"'2'~ ::'0'"~: ~25 -I ~.~.".,'.~'.':2425 26 Z' 26 ~Z > 26' ','~,': -.'.:,-.26Y'q :26 ~ - 28 '.' Off 28 4.2 28:. q u~ 28 < z5 28 - . 29 -I:"' 29 ~.1~:., 29, -~ 29 ~*t 29~ 30 -3 30 ~ 30 -t/ 30 ~ 30 ~ _ · 31 31 ,..: ,31 .:31 ..~:~ . 31 CUM ~1 cm-0~ CUM al-. c~-~f c~ J I '1 /70 I CUM OVER-'ALLOWABLEf~" ? ~ "YE, S:: :' .,'"~70~:~:~i':IFiYF_,S;: STATE:, ACTION TA'KEN'~AND' WHOM NOTIFIED: '-:'-' ...~,'. ....... . . INVEN~RYRECONCILIA~ION/MONT~ MONITORING ' ' OF UNDERGROUND TANK'S .MONTH/YEAR ~ q~/ ADDRESS: jO'ol A/. t~,~ ..c~. TANK I TANK 2 TANK 3 TANK 4 TANK 5 DAY +/- DAY'" +/- ,DAY +/- DAY +/- DAY +/- 1 ---/~ 1 ~ 1 --/(,- 1 ~ 1 -- 2 o~o 2 o~ 2 '~ 20? 2 ~ 2 3 ~ 3 ~ 3 -// 3 ~ 3 ~ . /' 43 4 4~-/o ~ .~t~ 4 ~ 5 ~ -~ 5 -7 -7 5' ~/o -7~ ~ ..z~ 5  .~ 6 -~ 6~-~ 6 -~ 6 -7 7 _~g 7 -/7 7 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~6 8~ ~ 8~ /o 8 ~' 8 ~ 9 -/g 9 I 9 - zo 9 ~ 9 11 /~ 11 to~5 11 Z~ 11'4o~3 11 12 ~ 12 ~'7 12~ t7 12 .~ r 12 ~ 13 ' -t* 13 ~lt , 13 ~ 13 ~ 13 14 ~ff 14 -q ... 14 -37 14 -~ 14 - 15 ~to 15 ~ /o 15~ ~q~ 15 /$ 15 ~~ 16 -~ 16. ) , 16 -/~ 16 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~.~) 17 .{ge ..... 17 %1 17 o/ 17 18 -5 18 -5 18 -zx 18 -~ 18 - · 19~_-a'7 19 -7 19~/~ 19 -~ 19 ~/~ 20 / 0 20 / 0 20 ~ z 20 0 ~ 20 21 ~ 2I -t/ 21 - ~ 21 ~ 21 22 Lo .. 22 ~% 22 /~ 22 ~ 22 23 o~ 23 tff 23 I W 23 ~ 23 24 ~ 7 24 - 3 24 -~ 24 ~ 24 25 -~ 25 ~ 25 -t~ 25 -[ 25 ~ 26~ t3 26~ -6 ... 26 -3o 26 - 3 26 27 ~.3 27 6 ' 27 -t* 27 _q 27' ~ 28 -7 -~ 28 ' q -r~ 28~ ~ ./~ 28~ ~o sz 28~~ 29 -~ 29 - ~ 29 -t7 29'~ 29 ~ 30 oq 30 3 ~ 30 z~ 30~ 30 · 31 07 31 qO2.~ 31 O~ 31~Ol 31 ~" / CUM <~5> .Cm. ~> CUM qt.o~¢ Gm ~g . Cm .... TOTAL DELIVERIES: I - I I 1% OF DELIVERIES: 1/2 OF 1%: I I I I I I% + 130 GALLONS = CUM OVER ALLOWABLE: ? WItOM NOTIFIED: YES ~ IF YES, STATE ACTION TAKEN AND CERTIFY THE ABOVE IS ~CC~AND/T, RUE: I ~,.,-'~ANA-~-~R~TA 1LER DATE TNT ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 800 N, Eckhoff Street / P.O. Box 4429 / Orange, California 92613 (714) 634-2464/FAX (714) 634-9036 CERT[F[CATION OF COHPLIANCE TO HANUFACTURER'S REQUIREHENTS _ _Da+_e ' · . Facility Location RECEIVED HAZ. r. DIV. This certifies that on .. /'~,~'..3~, an inspection was made on the Date Make and model ~ ~ -- monitor system. Said monitor system is in compliance with the manufacturer's specifications and requirements. Authorized service technician identification 6971 (rev 9/92) White - Customer Copy Canary - File Copy Pink - Goverment Agency Copy Hard Copy - Facility F/~vlro~elllL~l Mon~=or~nq STsr~s Sys=em complies wi~.h manu~ac:r, urers specifica=ions and.. requiremenc. (a) ~es .~., ~o Cb) ~es X No (c) Yes ~o Car=ifica=ion of Sys=em Compliance issued. (a) Yes ~ No (b) Yes ,~ ~o (c) Yes _ Ho If no, s=a=a reason(s) issued. car=ifica=ion of compliance WAS:r7 Seal moni=cr Ca, inert wi=/~ snicker ' ~aSl ~ Fail 4. ~ ~ Fa~ ~ · ~ass Fail .4. sl)eG.t,C~caC:Lons and tequtce~ancs. Yes " 1~o Produce Yes /~, No Produce Yes No P~du~ lea Jo de~c~r Is each ~ecna~cal ~.clenc:Lf¥ location of non-eealed leak :an~ol e lid? Yes /~,,' No if no, identify ~-ocacion of inade.quace clearance. no, idan~iX~ff loca~.im~ cE misaincy valve~.  . s~ear/impacc valve sb~r/plane~, within 1/2"± · oE pump island~ Yes __~. Ro no, £dencify location of noncampXi~ valve. (s=a~ilizad) ? Yes 'co 'c2xe pump bloc~ no, iden=ify loca=ion of nonc~m~mlianca valve. · Does ~h.~ shear/impact valve open and close easily? 'fas ~ No no, iden=ify Zoca=ion of pro~lem valve. . Does shear/im~ag= valve s=op all produce closed? Yes ~ No . ..'' no, iden=ify loca=ion of pro, lam valve. flow 4 o I£. no, idmrct~ lcca~imn of PrUblem valve. Az~ cor:ec~ p~-,£~~.c~.~m ~ec~s. ct~splayed~,,on .ce so IE no, idenCif~ loca~/~n-o£ noncc~/ianc~. Ar~ proper ocCane d .ec~ts.. displayed: on eac~ d£spens~ for-" eac~ prcduc~ Yes ...~ No no, identify locat:l, on of nonccm~Liance. o 'Are "No Sm~tn~,7 Stop M~cor" signs posted at eacl~ pu~- island? Yes _~ No If no, identify location of noncompliance. Is "War~ing- it is unlawful and dangerous Co dispense., gasoline into unapproved containers,, si~ecal pos~d~ aC eac~ fueling position? Yes ,. No _~ If nO, iden=ify' loca=ion of noncompliance. no, id~rCify local, ton of noncampliancm. If no, iclm~ci~ local::ton of nonca~p~l~ca. S. Is a sign/decal wig ~ions for praper: use of ~. vapor =ecm'eFF nozz~.n wit. tt.A.~/A..~lfp tmone, nun~ers at: eacl3 ~elinc~ pos~.t::Lon? Yes ._%_.... No no, identify location of noncompli~ca. Arm a~nozzles No in good repair (~orn boo~s, e=c. ) iden=ify loca=ion of "bad" nozzle. 10. Does eac~ nozzle have latcA-o'pen device? No'_~_ a I~ iden=ify loca=ion of nozzle withou= latch-open. 7 11. Are all Pr~duc~ (~ud .vapor; in good repair leaks, e~c.) yes _~ro hoses. I£ no, idenl:lfy location of "bads hoses. auuF device? Yes _ . e~c7 bL"u8~-.. no, ichnl:Xf7 location of =L~SS~.:. devices. 13. 14. Open. each dispenser sk~. NoAre all componen:S an~ plp~. free-of lea~s~ Yes _ _ _ I£ no, idenl:tf7 local/on, of leak(s) rs each conduit Yes-: ___~ No and tala:ad, fittings in:ac=? no, idencXf7 location of Problem. Are conduits equipped wi~h seal-offs? Yes ~ ~ no, i~enci~7 !:ca: ~ ~o ~ ion of noncOmPliance. IS there a ,, Yes _~ ~ofilter'' warning sign a= each filter? If n~o~ iden=ify loca=ion of missing signs. 8 ~ ca~bL-aC~on o~ eac~ d£spense~ (mece~). chose:, nece~s. ~ac vece ouc o~ c~L~b~C~on. Tamm 1. Num~, size and con=eh= of t~ a= ~.~e facility. e. Tan~No .... Size ,, Cor~cains ~. Tan~No. Size Are fi~ connec~ons properly idenT.~fied/~agged? No ~ - 32£ no, £derrc/.f¥ 3.oca~c/.on of non 3. Identify fill ~an~. adapters and caps (Ha~e: & Model) for ea=~: Are Phase I vaupr recovery adap=ers clean and in goo~ repair? Yes ,~ No If no, £den=ify lcca=ion of pro~Zem adap=er. 10 Idencify vapor recovezy for eac~ Are fill box drain valves opera=Lonal? Yes ~/~ No . · I~ no, £dan~ify location of fault7 valve. Are fill boxes clean and-free-. -~ dirl:, debris, and/or producC? Yes No ,~.. no, £dencif¥ location of problem fill box. Ars remaining manhole boxes/sumps clean and.free of de~t~s, wa~er and producC~ Yes _ ..' No ¥ If no, identify location of problem. Does e. ag~ tan~ ~ave a drop t~e (s~e~ fill p~pe)7 Yes ~ No ... If no, identify location of Ca~ missing 11 10. Does eacm drop ~.t~e ~:anx ]~otcom7 ~es /z~ ~o .. no, identify loca~.~on of s~ drop 11. 12. Does aacm ~ l}aTe, overf:t, ll prcreec~on on ~,.l~e drop. 'is eac~ ~ f~e~ from wa~er in No~ I~ no, identify' tani~(s) con~ca/ninq water (includ.tnq' ~ 13. Do all manholes ~ave cover plal=es~ Yes ~ No I~ no, iden=ify loca=ion and size of missing cover~. 14. Identify eacl'~ manway (by can~) 'Make, Model and size. Vapor Tan~ No. Fill Recover~ TurBine Gage 12 15. Do all ~%n~c risers nave ca~s? Yes ~/i No I~ no, iden=ify loca~.~on and size of m.tss~ng caps. 16. Are. al~/=an~ r~ser ca~. in good condi=ion? If no, ident~y location and size/type cap needed. 17. Does ~acili=¥ ~ave a ~ c,tla.rC for eac~ =an~? , Yes No lB. yes, type: nave a gage sr. ic~ or =ape? wood ~/, alum~ gage cape Does ^scjacion nave else=tonic "gage stick" 19. Yes , ~'e~ No I~ y , identify m~e ~d ¥0./o 21. 13 DO all t~ut~ ven=s disc~e s~rai~= up? ~es .._b~/ No I~ no, iden~zLfy locar~Lon of noncomp~ance. 22. :ws17 ¥~co Re~tnin[~ =nd ~er~fin~ ~nc 10 Universal City Plaza Universal City CA 91608 August 7, 1995 ENV-SERVICE STATION Report of Fuel Dispenser Replacement 2401 North Oak Street Bakersfield, CA Mr. Mark Turk B~kersfield City Fire Department "..Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Turk: Enclosed is a copy of a remediation report generated by ENVAmerica describing remediation activities performed during dispenser replacements at the captioned Texaco'Facility. Should you have any questions or comments please call me at (818) 505-2739. Sincerely, Marcel L. Bouchez Project Coordinator Texaco Environmental Services MLB:mlb w:~mlb~bako~2401disp.bfd Enclosure PR:~ Building on a Tradition of Quality R.E. HUEY HAZ-MA'r COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 CITY ~o f BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPA R TMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA ° 93301 R.B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 February 9, 1996 Boyd H. Stringham, Project Coordinator Texaco Refining and Marketing, Inc. 10 Universal City Plaza Universal City, 91608 RE: ~-_240~1__~o-~hTOak_Street--in-Bakersfield--~]- Dear Mr. Stringham: This is to notify you that the workplan for the above stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct oversight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: D. Gifford, Env. America '~'®~;~c;) R®fining ;~nd ~=;~®fing Inc 10 Universal City Plaza Universal City CA 91608 Janua~ 30,1996 ENV - SERVICE STATION Workplan Addendum 2401 N. Oak Street Bakersfield, CA RECEIVED HAZ, MAT. DIV. Mr. Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician City of Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 99301 Dear Mr. VVines: Enclosed for your review and approval is a Workplan Addendum for limited site assessment at the above location. This addendum was requested in your 6 December 1995 letter. Additionally, please be advised that future environmental project coordination by Texaco for this property will be the responsibility of the undersigned. If you require additional information, please contact me at (818) 505-2706. Respectfully, Boyd H. Stringham Project Coordinator Texaco Environment, Health and Safety BHS:bhs u:\sites~401 noak\bkfd.doc Enclosure Building on a Tradition of Quality AIVERIGt 16 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE SUITE 154 IRVINE CALIFORNIA 92718 (714) 453-9191 FAX (714) 453-9292 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, CONSULTING & CONSTRUCTION January 23, 1996 Mr. Howard Wines, HI Hazardous Materials Technician City of Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 99301 WORKPLAN ADDENDUM Texaco Service Station 2401 N. Oak Street Bakersfield, California ENV Project No. TEX-O1-N038 Dear Mr. Wines: On behalf of Texaco Environmental Services (TES), ENV America Incorporated (ENV America) is pleased to submit this workplan addendum. This addendum is submitted in follow up to your letter of December 6, 1995, regarding the limited site assessment activities proposed at the above-referenced site. As requested, groundwater sampling will be conducted concurrently with the hand-augering activities proposed in ENV America's September 29, 1995 "Workplan for Limited Site Assessment." The nature of groundwater sampling is addressed below. ENV America proposes to collect one groundwater sample from each of the three groundwater monitoring wells shown on Figure 1 - Site Plan. Based on past groundwater monitoring events, it is estimated that groundwater Monitoring Wells MW-8 and RW2 will be hydraulically downgradient from the two pump island areas under investigation. At the onset of field work, the depth to groundwater in each of the three wells will be gauged with a SolinsffM water-level sounder. The submerged portion of the water- level sounder will be washed in a non-phosphate detergent (Liqui-Nox) solution and double-rinsed with distilled water between measurements. Each groundwater monitoring well will then be purged manually by means of a PVC bailer or by means of a vacuum truck. Purging will continue until at least 3 well casing volumes have been removed and water quality parameters (pH, temperature, and electrical conductivity) have stabilized. If the wells are purged by bailing, the water generated will be stored onsite in DOT-approved drums, pending laboratory analyses and disposal arrangements. If the vacuum truck is used, the water will be disposed of at a licensed recycling facility. F:'~NVDOCS~TEX~BAKRSFLD\TEX-N038.ADD Mr. Howard Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician City of Bakersfield Fire Department ENV America Project No. TEX-O1-NO$8 January 23, 1996 Page 2 Once purged wells have recovered to at least 80 percent of their original volume, groundwater samples from each well will be collected using a new 1-inch diameter disposable polyethylene bailer. The water will be slowly decanted into laboratory- supplied 40-milliliter (ml) glass vials (VOAs). The vials will be labeled and stored on ice in a cooler until delivery to the laboratory. In order to avoid cross- contamination between wells, all sampling equipment, including bailers, string and gloves, will be dedicated to each well and discarded upon collection of each sample. Each groundwater sample will be delivered under strict chain-of-custody procedures to a California Department of Health Services (DHS)-certified analytical laboratory for analyses. Each sample will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) and as diesel (TPH-D) using the CADHS Methods, and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) using USEPA Method 8020. The results of groundwater sampling will be presented in a limited site assessment report, in combination with the results of hand augering and soil sampling. Included in the report will be a description of field procedures for groundwater sampling, field notes, the results of analytical testing, and other pertinent information. ENV America appreciates the cordial service provided by the Bakersfield Fire Department. If you have any questions or comments regarding this letter, or the project in general, please contact me at (714) 453-9191, extension 290; fax (714) 453-9292. Respectfully submitted, ENV America Incorporated Daniel J. Gifford, C.E.G. Manager of Geoscience Enclosure: Figure 1 - Site Plan / ~. / -~ ( %, / '- C ~ ........... X '~, ~.x~]/ o 4o 8o FEET ExP~.~T,O. I 1 I ~PROXlMATE / ~ EXISTING UST FIGURE 1 C ...... q FORMER UST L~TION ............. ~o~ ~,.~ ~~__ SITE P~N ~ CROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL ~w-8 ~ TEXACO SERVICE STATION 2401 NORTH OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Texaco Refining and IVtarketing Inc 1900 E Los Angeles Ave Suite 200 Simi Valley CA 93065 December 20, 1995 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 Truxtun Avenue P. O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Please refer to attached Statement of Account dated 11/15/95 in the amount of $124.00. Our check number 90058491 is also attached in order to expedite payment. However, subject statement contains no description or details on what services were rendered by the City of Bakersfield. This office would appreciate your assistance in advising as to what billing is for and to what Texaco location it may apply to. Again, any assistance your office may be able to provide will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely. TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING INC. F. G. LONG EH&S Coordinator (805) 579-5024 attachment Building on a Tradition of Quafity STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-0000 TO: (805) 326-3979 · EXACO %/0 / ATTN: E & V 19 E. LOS ANGELES AVE STE 200 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 DATE: 11/15/95 CUSTOMER NO: 3799 CUSTOMER TYPE: FD/ 12151 CHARGE DATE DESCRIPTION REF-NUMBER DUE DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 10/19/95 BEGINNING BALANCE 124.00 Please call 326-3979 if you have question or changes regarding your account. CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER 90 124.00 DUE DATE: 11/15/95 PAYMENT DUE: TOTAL DUE: 124.00 $124.00 .J BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMEHT BUREAU OF FIRE PREVEHTIOH ~ · APPuCATION In conformity with provisions of'pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, a~iCatlc~ is made .... . ~.~ .' .'~, to diSPlay, store, install, use, operate, sell o~ handle, materials or FroceSSes involving or creating con- ' '~ ditions deemed hazardous to'life or propertv as .follows: ,.'." , ~,! .......... _',' .... ~ _ · Pom,~, ~-~ ...~ ............ ~a;~,..~ ................ '. :. :'. ~ -.: ~ · .. ':: vi~ . . .m . ~" '~ .' '~',' i' Drawn: Date: ~- Checked: Date: Approved: Date: Job !"1o:_,~ ...... SET. 1, N -" FOR ~ESSI~ ~IT I~TAL~TION, S~ ~PICAL ~0~ ~ ~. 10~0. 1~. 1016 (NO~ ~ INSTAL~T. ION OF F~ ARR~T~ ~R ~. 1016 SliT. ~)' FOR" VAPOR COLLECTION ~.ANIFOLD, SEE D~G. 1057 DET. 1 FOR P/V VALVE AND VENT MANIFOLD. SEE DWG. lOC? (NOTE OVERHANG ON MANSARD STYLE ROOF) ~IN. ~.8" HT. FROM GROUND FOR CONDUIT.RUNS THROUG]4 WALLS SURFACE/STYLE ,ROOF DISPENSER MFC/T, ODEL,-~ '' '" ' DISPENSER MFG/MODEL, QTT, 7APOR RISER STUBS, MOVE ,r ,. INTO:' T}ffi O IS PENSER IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION, CONTRACTOR NOTIFY, ~ONTRACTOR TO CONDUCT LEAK TEST PER SEC. 11.3 %F INSTALLATION N~UAL TO INSURE SATISFACTORY ~NSTALLATION. NOTIFY OWNER IMMEDIATELY IF ~EMEDIAL WORK IS REQUIRED TO PASS LEAK TEST. o / / R.E. HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE.' · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 99301 December 6, 1995 R.B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 Mr. Randy Platt, Project Coordinator Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza Universal City, CA 91608 RE: ~401-~O-~--S~Texaco Station in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Platt: I have reviewed the workplan dated September 29, 1995, prepared by ENV America Inc., for a limited site assessment at the above address. While the plan for hand auguring soil samples under the affected dispenser islands is adequate, the proximity of groundwater being within five (5) feet of the known extent of the contaminated soil warrants groundwater sampling during this phase of the investigation as well. Please submit an addendum to the above referenced workplan that will address the groundwater sampling at this site. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Sean Shahin TEXACO FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET NOTE: DO NOT USE BU.IE OR RED INK OR EN~IL ON THIS FORM. THEY WiLL NOT REPRODUCE I-IURGEN~ NO. OF PAGES C-.. O c/e ~"' MESSAGE TO: . ._ TELEPHONE NO. ..] 7...,~'- 3 ~ ~ ? FAX MACHINE NO., J ~¢ - O,J- ~ C. DEPT./DIV./SUBS. C, ~ ,~,~- LOCATION ROOM NO. MESSAGE FROM: TELEPHONE NO.~'~c~-~ J- 7'- ,.r'o z y' FAx MACHINE NO. ~b,t'-) ~"2~-.y-o w,~' DEPT./DIV./SUBS. LOCATION J'~--~,' d,/~/,/~,,,'- ~ ROOM NO. / SENDING DEPT. APPROVAL TIME TRANSMll-FED [] RETURN ORIGINAL VIA INTER-OFFICE MAIL [] RETURN ORIGINAL CALL SENDER TO PICK UP ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ?,,/,.r-- Goo -oo / z, Yz. FICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILI A. 1 am inROad to dem~s~a~ ~al Re~n~ib~ ~ ~e ~q~d amouaU is s~fied ~ ~ed~ ~07, ~a~r 18. ~. 3, Ti~ 23, ~ ~ t mifllon do~ars ~r ~m~ ' ~ 2 miflion dolJan anuul a~gate B. TEXACO RERNING ~ND MA~K~ING IH~ . ~ebyce~s t~t ~ ~ ~ com~ ~h t~ r~re~n~ of ~t~n 2aO~ A~ 3, Chapter 18, D~n 3, T~le 23, ~lffo~ ~e of ~gulat~, Self- TEMCO INC. Insurance 2000 Westchester Ave. ~ite Plains, N.Y. 10650 No~e: /f ~ou are using ~ ~ate Fu~ as anY ~ or.ur ~e~tmt~n of fl~l r~/~ ~ ur'~n and subm~S~n , Texaco #058-1405 .. ~a~e~sEie[d, 93~01 Texaco Star Mart #058-1408 ~~ite'Lane & Potrero Bakersfield; 93304 ~ Texaco Star Mart #058-0988 ~~alifornia & Real Bakersfield, , 93309 -,~~ ,, '~'"=' Texaco *058-0700 maKer~6~8 M$,mszz~ld&,R~09 '~'"=' Texaco Star Mart #058-0799 '~%0sforE" & ~ite Lane 3akersf~eld,, ~330~ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Texaco #058-0450 EZS' ON c~-"~l~21 Stockdale & New Stein Bakersfield, 93309 "~William C Bousquette $'en,or V~ce~Pres~aent ,and Chief F~nanc~al Officer Texaco Inc 2000 Westchester Ave. White Plains NY 10650 Regional Administrators U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Underground Storage Tanks Financial Responsibility Dear Sirs: I am the Chief Financial Officer of Texaco inc. with offices at 2000 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, New York 10650. This letter is in support of the use of the financial test of self insurance to demonstrate financial responsibility for taking correctiv, e action and compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage caused by sudden accidental releases and non-sudden accidental releases in the amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrenca.and tw6' million dollars ($2,000,000) annual aggregate arising from operating underground storage tanks. Underground storage tanks at the following facilities are assured by this financial test or a financial test under an authorized State program by this owner or operator: See Schedule A A financial test is also used by this owner or operator to demonstrate evidence of financial responsibility in the following amounts under other EPA regulations or state programs authorized by EPA under 40 CFR Parts 271 and 145: ~ZS' ON EPA Regulations Closure {Sections 264.143 and 265.143) Post-Closure Care {Sections 264.145 and 265.145) Liability Coverage {Sections 264.147 and 265.147} Corrective Action (Section 264.101 Plugging and Abandonment {Section 144.63) Closure Post-Closure Care Liability Coverage Corrective Action Plugging and Abandonment TOTAL 4,252,305 31,842,439 16,000,000 0 252,000 0 0 0 0 0 This owner or operator has not received an adverse opinion, a disclaimer of opinion, or a 'going concern" qualification from an independent auditor on his financial statements for the latest completed fiscal'year. P'd EZS'OH IWM± W~E:II ~66I'0I'±30 4. 5. 6. 7. Alternative Amount of annual UST aggregate coverage' being assured by a test, and/or guarantee Amount of corrective action, closure and post-closure care costs, liability coverage, and plugging and abandonment costs covered by a financial test, and/or guarantee Sum of lines I and 2 Total tangible assets Tangible liabilities Tangible net worth Total assets in the U.S. 10. in the U.S? 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Is line 6 at least $10 million? Is line 6 at least 6 times line 3? Are at least 90 percent of assets located Is line 7 at least 6 times line 3? Current assets Current liabilities Net working capital Is line 14 at least 6 times line 37 Current bond rating of most recent bond issue Name of rating service 18. Date of maturity of bond 19. Have financial statements for the latest fiscal year been filed with the SEC, the Energy Information Administration, or the Rural Electrification Administration? $2,000,000 $52,346,844 $54,346,844 $25,419,000,000 $15,756,000,000 $9,663,000,000 $12,995,000,000 Yes No x _ _ $6,019,000,000 $5,015,000,000 $1,004,000,000 ,X ~ A+ A1 S~nda~ & Moody's Poor's Augu~ 1, 2024 I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to the wording specified in 40 CFR Part 280.95 (d) as such regulations were constituted on the date shown immediately below. Wil~Y-~ C. Bousj~uett . Se~or Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Texaco Inc. Date w:~carpfin~nviron~tepe.wP 9'd. E~8'ON IW~l W~EE:II~S66I'01'130- RTHUR ANDERSEN LLP REPORT OF INDEpENDENT.PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS To Texaco Inc.: We have audited, in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the consolidated financial statements of Texaco Inc. and subsidiary companies (the "Company") for the year ended December 31, 1994, and have issued our report thereon dated February 23, 1.995. We have not performed any auditing procedures since that date. At your request, we have read the letter dated April 27, 1995, from Mr. William C. Bousquette, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, to the Regional Administrators, Underground Storage Tanks, Financial' Responsibility, United States Environmental Protection Agency and compared the data therein that ara specified as having been derived from the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1994, referred to above, with the corresponding amounts in those financial statements. In connection with this procedure, 'no matters came to our attention that caused us to believe that the specified data should be adjusted. This report is furnished solely for the use of the Company and the Regional Administrators, Underground Storage Tanks, Financial Responsibility, United States Environmental Protection Agency and should not be used for any other purpose. New York, N.Y. April 27, 1995 R.E. HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. * BAKERSFIELD, CA * 93301 September 15, 1995 R.B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 TEXACO GAS STATION 1900 E LOS ANGELES AVE., STE 200 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 Dear Business Owner: 2401 OAK STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 NOTICE OF VIOLATION STATE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT Failure to renew your state registration is a violation of Section 25287, California Health and Safety Code, and will result in your Permit to Operate the underground tank(s) being revoked. Owners of underground storage tanks must register those underground storage tanks with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal You must submit a state surcharge of $56.00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to return the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed R.E. HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. * BAKERSFIELD, CA * 93301 August29,1995 R.B. TOBIAS, FiRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 Mr. Marcel Bouchez, Project Coordinator Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 7th Floor Universal City, Ca 91608 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the Texaco Service Station, 2401 Oak Street in Bakersfield California, Permit #B1-0043 Dear Mr. Bouchez: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with the central and east dispenser islands located on your property, has not been adequately defined. This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 days from receipt of this letter. The workplan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A - Reports, Tri - Re.qional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; July 6, 1990. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $62.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTME'~T HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION INsPEcTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOBSITE OWNER ADDRESS CITY, ZIP CITY, ZIP PHONE NO. PERMIT # INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same number are ready, They will run in consectYdve order beginning with number 1, DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all items in that group are signed off by the Permitting Authority, Following these instruc'dons will reduce the number of required inspection visits and therefore prevent assessment of add~onal fees, TANKS AND BACKFILL INSPECTION' [ DATE I INSPECTOR Beck/ill of Tank(s) Spark Test Certification or Manufactures Method Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) · PIPING SYSTEM Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints, Fill. Pipe Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tank(s) Cathodic Protection System-Piping SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, OVERFILL PROTECTION, LEAK DETECTION .liner installation - Tank(s) liner installation - Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors, Float ,Vent Valves Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Product Une Leak Detector(i) Leak Detector(s) for Annular Space-O.W. Tank(s) Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) - H~O Test Leak Detection Device(s) for Vadose/Groundwater , FINAL Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks CONTRACTOR L}CENSE # K. E. Curtis Construction Co., Inc, (805) 499-0428 Pager: (805) 523-5231 - ~ FAX: (805) 499-4516 1400 OLD CONEJORD., NEWI~URY PARK~ CA 91320 ~iliiAZARDQ U S- MATERIALS DIVISil~ UNIDL~RGRGUND STGRAGF__ TANK PI:J~AM PERMIT APPLJCATIQN TO CONSTRUCT/MOrtIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE. TANK TYPE OF APPLICATION (CHECK') ,mD.. NEW FAC:LFFY Q MOOIFi'C'A'fION OFFAC[LITY STARTING DATE ~¢' '¢~-~ .c;/ ~ FACtL1TY NAME '"~~~O, FACILITY AOORESS ,,.~1 ~A~ TYPE OF BUSINESS ~ 5 ~'5-F~Tt o ~, a NEW TANK INSTALLATION AT EXISTING FACILITY PROPOSED COMPLETION OATE ~ - .~) -~t~"- ~_XISTING FACILITY PERMIT No. ZIP COOE ~'~ ~o~ APN TANK OWNER ~~(_~C~ PHONE No.o°l (~ ..~O~'~20.Z ~J ..ADDRESS' IO ~V~Rg~C C/~ ~~ _ CIW ~[¢, Ct~ ZIP COOE CONTRACTOR ~,~, ~ ~%1 ~ ~% CA LIC~N~[ No. ' ADORESS_ J ~ O ~ o~ ~o ~ ~ CI~ ~800 ~¢ ~/~ ZiP CODE ~(' ~ Z-o PHONE No. ~0.¢ ~ ~0 ~%~ BAKERSFIELD C~ BUSINESS LICSNSE NB. · WORKMAN COMP. No. INSURER BR~FLY DESCRIBE TNE ~¢RK fO BE DONE WATER TO FAC:LffY PROVIDED BY' DEPTH TO GROUND WATER No. OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED SOIL TYPE E'XPECTED AT SiTE ARETHEYFOR MOTC, RF(JEL -QYES C~NO SECTION FOR MOTOR FUEL TANK No. VOLUME UNLEADED REGULAR PREMIUM DIESEL AVIA~ON SECTION FOR NON MOTOR FUELSTORAGETANKS TANK No. VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED CAS No. (no iRran¢ ncme) (it known) CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED THE APClLICANf HAS RECE~WED. UNDERSTANDS. ANO WILL C~ MPLY WITH THE AIi'ACHED CONOITIONS CFTNIS PERMIT ANO ANY STA f~. LOCAL ANO FEDERAL THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility State Tank Piping Number Monitoring Issued By: Approved by: O. CONDITION ~:: EV R E SIDE' ...... · !..RMI:~:?J E Hazardous G~!ii~'~:~i?iiii!!?:i::!i~:;J:i:i;il; ..... Y e:.a:ii!iiii!ii!!.~::.:I :i.~i'ank ..... ::i:i::.?~i:~:~ :i :i:': :!!!i !!!i::i~: PIping Piping Substance C ~'P ~i.~.!{~%.i:i:;::::' In ~ i~li:~'?.'::::.. ~ :?..(T y p e M o ~:ff ~;~'i~:~:?::~?:: Type Method Bakersfield .... ~;:;~;::;~;~?:::~;]:::;~;;::?'~?:'::;~;~;~:'"::;~'::':'::~]~:~:'~ ~;;?'"':~?~;:::'":'~?;??:"~;"~ ~..:?::issued To: Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS ~A~ERIALS DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor .................................... Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator CITY of BAKERSFIEL "WE CARE" January 30, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF WARNING! 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED 215-000-000389 ~40 ! OAv~ TEXACO GAS STATION P 0 }~OX 7812, MARKETING UNIVERSAL CITY, CA 91608 ATTN: MARKET I NG Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate' box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm  State of California CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPOI R--'R.'! !TY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM .A, I am required to demonstrat~ F'manchi Responsibiity in the required mouu** os specified in Section 2807, Chapter t8, Div. 3. 3'ide 23, CCR: [""=1500,000 dollars per __.~_ ,_~rence ~ I minion dollars annul affresate ~ 1 million dollars per occurrence · ' ~ 2 miRion dollars annual afl:re,ate B. TF. XACO REFINING AND MAR'KEI'ING INC. he. reby cenifies tbat # ~s in cornpl~nce with the requirements of Section 2807, Article 3. Chapter 18, Dit4sion 3, T~tle 23, California Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial responsibil#y as required by Section 2807 are as follows: Self- ;[XACO INC. Insurance 2.000 West:chester _Ave. ].0650 Note: If you are using the State Fund as any part of your demonstration of financial responsibility, your execution and submission of th~s cer~ication also cer##es that you are in compliance with all conditions for participation in the Fund. J '/Texaco :/)058-1405 Bakersfield, 93301 · ~.' Texaco Star Mart #058-1408 F~~hite Lane & Potrero Bakersfield, 93304 F~N~ac ~/~exaCo Star Mart #058-0988 F~--California & Real Bakersfield, 93309 ~ 36 8 M'n ~'~*~=c v?exaco Star Hart: :/)058-0799 ~(}'~5~osford & krh±te Lane Bakersfield,,,,, ,93309 Texaco #058-0450 c~'-~§21 Stockdale & New Stein Bakersfield, 93309 PERMIT'TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit NO.: 170002C State ID No.: 11583 Issued to: TEXACO FOOD MART Location: 2401 OAK ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93001 Owner:. Operator:. TEXACO REFINING AND?MARKETING INC P O BOX 7812 UNIVERSAL CITY, CA 91608 TEXACO FOOD MART 2401 OAK ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Facility Profile: Year Is Piping Tank No. Substance Ca0aci~. Installed i ~ 1 GASOLINE 10,000 GAL 1985 YES 2 GASOLINE 10.,000 GAL 1985 YES 3 GASOLINE 10,000 GAL 1985 YES 4 GASOLINE 10,000 GAL 1985 YES This permit is granted subject to the conditions listed on the attached summary of conditions and may be revoked for failure to adhere to the stated conditions and/or violations of any other State or Federal regulations. Issued by: Ralph E~tuey Title: Hazardous Materials Coordinator Issue Date: JULY 1, 1991 Expiration Date: JULY 1, 1994 POST ON PREMISES NONTRANSFERABLE FROI','I T~ I T ENU I ROb S TAIT ENVI~ONMENTAJ. SY$?~M$ . ~C' (714) ~34-246~ / FAX (7~4) 634-9036 E~T[FfCATiON 0F COHPLIANCE T-847 P, 02 / ,~,~ %,_; /,, .,, ..... ,. 484'7 White - Cultomer Copy Bakersfield Fire Dept,-~ HAZARDOUS MATERI,.ALS DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3970 I. FACILITY/SITE No. OF TANKS NK~N'~K~QU ESTkNNAIRE RECEIVED JAN 0 5 1992 HAZ. MAT. DIV. DBA OR FACILITY NAME ?~x~ co ,,~oo,,,//~,.-7"' "~/~o~ ADDRESS crlY NAME ~' 'OX TO INDICATE [~'~ORPORATION [~ INDIVIDUAL [~ PARTNERSHIP r~ OPERATOR TEXACO R~FiNING AND/v~RK£TING INC. J NEAREST CROSS STREET PARCEL No.(OPTIONAL) J STATE ZIP CODE LOCAL AGENCY DISTRICTS [~ COUNTY AGENCY ~ STATE AGENCY [~ FEDERAL AGENCY TYPE OF BUSINESS [~'I~AS STATION [~ 2 DISTRIBUTOR FARM [~ 4 PROCESSOR [~ 5 OTHER KERN COUN~IY PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. MERG CY co ,, ¢ RSON (SECONDARY) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) DAYS: NAME (lAST. FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (~$T. FIRS~ PHONE ~. WI~ AR~ CODE DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME C~i ~. ~. l~..f ~,- MAILING OR STRE~ ADDRESS CI1Y NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION ~' BOX 0 INDIVIDUAL ~ LOCAL AGENCY 0 STATE AGENCY TO INOICATE ~PARTNERSHIP ~ COON~ AGENCY ~ FEDERAL AGENCY STATE ~ ZIP CODE PHONE No. WITH AR~ CODE c~J III. TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING INC. MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS · / BOX [~ INDIVIDUAL ~ LOCAL AGENCY ~ STATE AGENCY TO INDICATE 0 PARTNERSHIP (~ COUNTY AGENCY [~ FEDERAL AGENCY STATE ZIP CODE Pc;ONE No. WITH AREA CODE OWNER"S TANK No. DATE VOLUME INSTALLED 7-8~ /~ o o o PRODUCT STORED IN SERVICE ®/N (~N Y/N Y/N DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? ~N TYPE J"~'/~ /~,,,,r~,,,'e,<:~ SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION / PETRO TITE TANK & LINE TESTING P.O. BOX 3007 NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA. 91609 213-87,5-0830 ! 818-768-2126 818-768-2127 1 818-768-2128 FAX SUBJECT: ~NNUAL ELECTRONIC/MECPLA/~ICAL MONITORING SYSTF2~ INSPECTION ~_ND ~E~rER CALIBP~TION DATE: 6/18/92 STATION # 1408 ADDRESS: 2401 W. OAK ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA .~A~TN: FRED LONG This is to certify that the annual inspection of the existing monitoring system was performed at the above referenced facility. The method used to test the Electronic and Mechanical monitoring systems is approved by and exceeds the specifications according to the manufacturer. R.J. Myers & sons, !nc. has been contracted by TEXAC0 R&M to insure that their facilities comply with all t~e rules and regulations tha~ govern the operations of underground storage tanks and product lines. If you have any .c~/estions, please call. Sincerely, R.J. ~fYEP~S & SONS, INC. ':Ronald--J.----~yers - Vice P~esident P~/td CON]'. UC. #330631 (8-.061) THE PETROLEUM [NOUSTRY SINCE 1967 SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION / PETRO TITE TANK & LINE TESTING P.O. BOX 3007 ' NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91609 213-875-0830 / 818-768-2126 818-768-2127 / 818-768-2128 FAX TEXACO R&M 10 UNIVERSAL CITY PLAZA UNIVERSAL CITY, CA 91608 Attn: FRED LONG STATION LOCATION: 1405 RE: LEAK DETECTION SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For your information and records, the leak detection system at the above referenced site was certified on 6/18/92 by R. J. Myers & Sons, Inc. as indicated below. PRODUCT LINE TYPE RED JAC~RANSCUCE~ MONITOR TANK TYPE ~DJACKET ~N3L~R TLS-250 MONITOR Non Existing X Operational Non Operational __Non Existing __Operational Non Operational WASTE OIL TANK TYPE 0 MONITOR X Non Existing Dperational __Non Operational Please feel free to contract our office for any questions you may have regarding your leak detection equipment. Sincerely, . Vice President RJM:tlk CONT. LIC. #330631 (B-C61) SERVING THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY SINCE 1967 SERVICE STATION CONSTRUCTION / PETRO TITE TANK & LINE TESTING P.O. BOX 3O07 NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA. 91609 213-875-0830 / 818-768-2126 818..768-2127 / 818-768-2128 FAX DATE OF SERVICE 6/18/92 STATION ~ 1405 W.0.~,1106404-004 TECHNICIAN: S. MOSER SERVICE REQUESTED BY: F. LONG PROBE I.D. NUMBERS: UNL BIT~ TO: TEXACO R&M 10 UNIVERSAL CITY PLAZA UNIVERSAL CITY, CA S~VICE REQUESTED: ANNUAL MONITOR CERTIFICATION :].;DESCRIPTION OF WORK: TEST TRANSDUCERS TEST ANNULAR SUP PLUS DIE UNL SUP PLUS DIE TRANSDUCERS TRANSDUCERS TRANSDUCERS TRANSDUCERS ANNULARS ANULARS ANNULARS ANNULARS SPACE PROBES CALIBRATE DISPENSERS FACILITY INSPECTION. -- ' SYSTE~ RED JACKET PPM-4000 SEPJ. AL~ · . . .~.: -..~, ~..'. . _ .. CERTIFIED' SYSTEM Ps6 NO G NO WASTE OIL SYSTEM SEALED YES~ NO ~ NO RECEIVED ALAR.H--~ .-AT: .... LEFT FOR JOB SITE: ARRIVED AT JOB SITE: LEFT JOB SITE: RETURNED TO BASE: 2019d-P3 SYSTE~{ 'RUNNING NO CONT. UC. ~r:J:30631 (8.C61) SERVING THE PETROLEUM [NOUSTRY SINCE 1967 SERVICE STA]]ON CONSTRUCTION / PETRO TITE TANK & LINE TES'QNG P.O. BOX 2007 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91609 213-875-0830 / 818-768-2126 818-768-2127 / 818-768-2128 FAX DATE OF SERVICE 6/18/92 STATION ~ 1405 W.O.~1106404-004 TECHNICIAN: S. MOSER SERVICE P. EQUESTED BY: F. LONG PROBE I.D. NUMBERS:UNLEADED PLUS BILL TO: TEXACO R&M SUPER 10 UNIVERSAL CITY PLAZA DIESEL UNIVERSAL CITY, CA 91608 SERVICE REQUESTED: ANNUAL MONITOR CERTIFICATION DESCRIPTION OF WORK: STICK TANKS AND COMPARE READINGS WITH TLS-250. ALL SYSTEMS WITHIN CALISRATION. z, EODELf TLS-250 SER. IALf. · -'SYSTEM CERTIFIED' SYSTEM PSD No YEs WASTE OIL SYSTEM SEALED ' YES~ NO ~ NO LEFT FOR JOB SITE: Ai~P. IVED AT JOB SITE: LEFT JOB SITE: RETURNED TO BASE: 144~ SYSTEM 'RUNNING CONT. UC. ~PJ30631 SERVING TI'iE PETROLEUM [HOUSTRY SINCE 1967 TANK EQUIPMENT SURVEY 1405 ~Ub~b: 2401 N OAK CI'CY/STATE: BAKERSFIELD, CA COUNTY: TANK INFORMATION- SIZE: PRODUCT: STEEL/FIBERGLASS: $INGLE/DOUBLEWALL: INSTALLATION DATE: TANK TEST DATE: LINE TEST DATE: TANKS SIPHONED: TANK ! TANK 2 10000 10000 ENGR/ANALYST- F. LONG OFFICE: TELEPHONE- SUPERVISOR:_. TANK 3 TANK 4 TANK 5 10000 10000 UNL SUP PLUS DIE F/G F/G F/G F/G UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK N/A N/A N/A N/A PRODUCT LINE_INFORMATION: LINE STRUCTURE: SECONDARY CONTAINMENT: F/G SINGLE N/A STEEL/FIBERGLASS SINGLE/DOUBLEWALL FIBERTRENCH, LINER, om OTHER INFORMATION:_ SU~LMERSIBLE PUi~P HANUFACTURER : RED JACKET. 3/4 H.P. LEAK DETECTOR MANUFACTURER : RED JACKET PPM-4000 TANK T,~AK DETECTION MANUFACTURER: RED JACKET TLS-250 LINE LEAK DETECTION MAlqUFAGT~-,. RED JACKET TRANSDUCERS OVERFILL PROTECTION: / YES--~ YES or NO .. IF BALL FLOAT : /_____~ S0~(16") or S5~(6 ) SPILL CONTAINMENT BOX : / ¥ E S___~ YES or NO . SIZE : / 5 __ ~ ($) or (15) GAL!~DNS AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING: /~-- lYES or NO TYPE : l VEEDER-R00T IVEEDEROOT, ETC .... VAPOR RECOVERY: STAGE I : ~,,,v, COAX, DUAL POINT or- SINGLE PICK UP PER TANK STAGE II: YES YES or NO MONTTORINGWATI~qi MONITORING W~LLS: PROBES IN WELLS : NO YES or NO 0 NO. OF WELLS VADOSE or GROUNDWATER YES or NO TYPE OF PROBES WELLS LOCKED AND COLOR CODED: YES or NO ATTACH ~rl. TANK TEST RESULTS, TANK RELATED PE1R~ITS AND STAR~ UP VERIFICATION FOR~S FROM [~ONITORING SYSTEMS. Environmenta Awareness R.J. HYERS & SONS, P.O. BOX 3007 NO. HOLLYWOOD, (213) 875-0830 (818) 768-2:[26 INC. 1609 Annual Environmental Facility~nspection Retail Marketing Address 240:3. N. OAK Inspector S. HOSERIiDate6/,18/92 Fac.# :[40." I DisponsedPump Leak No leak Repaired YIN Ill Leak D~tectom Leak No leak Repairedl YiN Piping X Housing Check Valve X Test Hoses X Sealed (Y/N) Nozzles X Proper Clearance to Lid Fittings IV Compliance Monitoring Wells X Impact Valve Operational (Y/N) y Caps Secured & Locked (Y/N) Filter Warning Signs (Y/N) Box Covers Fit Propedy (Y/N} N Il Tanks V Visual Promises Check Piping X Electronic Tank Monitors (Y/N) Operational Y Emergency Pump Shut Off 0'/N} Fills Tagged (Y/N) y Switch Operational Y Fill Boxes Free of Dirt, (Y/N) y Check for Evidence Debds, Water of Spills: Fill Box Drain Valve, . (Y/N} Low Spots Around Facility Operational (if present) Y Property.. N 0 N'I Vapor RL, c. overy Fittings X Landscaped Area 0 K submerged Pumps - .'. -.. X Nearby Ditches, Creeks, E!c. N / A Turbine Relays (Y/N} y' VI DealedFranchlsee -- Ask i( Operational R[I Drop'Tubes Any leaks reported within (YIN) past year N Top of 45e Taper y Any spills reported within (YIN} N <6' frTank Bottom (YIN) past year Note: All discovered leaks am to be reported by phone to ARCO I~alntens0ce prior to le~v(ng the facility. Comments IInspector's Signature APPC-248-C (6-90) LDT 880 _z J_EAK CONTRACTOR R.J. MYERS & SONS, INC. DATE 6 / 18 / 92 I PRODUCT P L U S MOSER DETECTOR CHECKLIST CUSTOMER TEXACO 1405 LOCATION 2401 N. OAK BAKERSFIELD, TECHNICIAN S. CA ][ SUBMERSIBLE PUMP IDENTIFICATION :[ CHECK MFG. INDICATE MODEL NO. IF KNOWN RECORD SERIAL # 10014485-0781 RED WAYNE A.D. SMITH KEENE WEST JACKET TOKHEIM GILBARCO BENNE-i~ DRESSER BOWSER SOUTH OTHER LEAK DETECTOR IDENTIFICATION CHECKTYPE DATE 3/10/90 RED JACKET I I RED JACKET MODEL 116-030 L_~ MODEL 116~317 PLD-2SEC DLD 2SEC HEX HEAD HEX HEAD S/N 7625 ~ I'MODELll6~311AI ~ MODEL585PM ~ ~. PRE-TEST CONDmONS VOLUME OF PRODUCT FLUSHED THRU LINE GALLONS OTHER COMMENTS TEST PROCEDURE LEAK DETECTOR INSTALLED TEST AT DISPENSER [[[ GENERAL LINE AND PUMP INFORMATION RECORD OPERATING PUMP PRESSURE __ psig. AIR-VAPOR TEST WITH PUMP OFF MEASURE AND RECORD ML [¥ PRESSURE STEP TEST WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN PRESSURE STEP TEST POSITION TURN ON PUMP RECORD TIME IN SECONDS GUAGE NEEDLE REMAINS IN COLORED ZONE SEC. 3 GALLON PER HOUR LEAK SIMULATED TEST WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3 GPH TEST POSITION A) MEASURE AND RECORD VOLUME IN CALIBRATED BEAKER FOR 60 SECOND TEST__.ML B) OPEN DISPENSER NOZZLE OR PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN DISPENSER NOZZLE POSITION. FLOW RATE OF APPROX. I~f~3GAL PER MINUTE WILL BE OBSERVED. DOES GUAGE NEEDLE MOVE TO LOWER END OF COLORED ZONE YES NO DOES FLOW RATE INCREASE TO APPROX. IV2-3GAL PER MINUTE YES. , NO C) CLOSE DISPENSER NOZZLE OR PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3GPH TEST POSITION: GUAGE RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GUAGE DOES NOT RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO. GAUGE GOES TO OPERATING PRESSURE YES NO LEAK DETECTOR TEST PASS~. FAIL| P UR ~:)P,A ~/A¢~CILES S FORM LEAK DETECTOR ISOLATED FROM PRODUCT LINE -TEST AT PUMP PIT REFER TO LDT INSTRUCTIONS [][[ GENERAL PUMP INFORMATION FLUSH LDT TESTOR RECORD OPERATING PUMP PRESSURE psig. IV PRESSURE STEP TEST-SUBMERSIBLE PUMP REMAINS ON THRU-OUT TEST PROCEDURE WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN PRESSURE STEP TEST POSITION ROTATE ISOLATOR FULLY (CC/~ RECORD TIME IN SECONDS GUAGE NEEDLE REMAINS IN COLORED ZONE SEC.' 3 GALLON PER HOUR LEAK SIMULATED TEST WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3 GPH TEST POSITION A) MEASURE AND RECORD VOLUME IN CALIBRATED BEAKER FOR 60 SECOND TEST ML B) PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN DISPENSER NOZZLE POSITION. FLOW RATE OF APPROX. 11/2-3GAL PER MINUTE W(LL BE OBSERVED. DOES GUAGE NEEDLE MOVE TO LOWER END OF COLORED ZONE YES NO DOES FLOW RATE INCREASE TO APPROX. 1V2-3GAL PER MINUTE YES NO C) PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3GPH TEST POSITION: GUAGE RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GUAGE DOES NOT RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GAUGE GOES TO OPERATING PRESSURE YES NO LEAK DETECTOR TEST PASS~_ FALL! LDT 88( EAK DE.'rECTOR CHE )KLIST CONTRACTOR , 1 ~-~STOMER R.J. NYERS & SONS, TNC. ' TEXACO 1405 DATE 6/:18/92 IPRODUCT UNLEADED LOCATION 2401 N. OAK TECHNICIAN S. NOSER BAKERSFTELD, CA SUBMERSIBLE PUMP IDENTIFICATION CHECK MFG. INDICATE MODEL NO. IF KNOWN RECORD SERIAL # 10014485-1002 RED WAYNE A.D. SMITH KEENE WEST JACKET TOKHEIM GILBARCO BENNETT DRESSER BOWSER SOUTH OTHER LEAK DETECTOR IDENTIFICATION CHECK TYPE DATE 3/10/90 RED JACKET I I RED JACKET MODEL 116-030 MODEL 116~317 , PLD-2SEC . DLD 2SEC HEX HEAD HEX HEAD PRE-TEST CONDITIONS VOLUME OF PRODUCT FLUSHED THRU LINE S/N 7651 'MODEL 116~11Al I MODEL 585PM I Ibm M ~ ~Tn~ X OLD 5SEC I ~OLD 2SEC ..-..I r~ ....... SQUAnEHEAO" / ROUNDHEAD I i GALLONS OTHER COMMENTS TEST PROCEDURE LEAK DETECTOR INSTALLED TEST AT DISPENSER III GENERAL LINE AND PUMP INFORMATION RECORD OPERATING PUMP PRESSURE psig. AIR-VAPOR TEST WITH PUMP OFF MEASURE AND RECORD ML ]IV PRESSURE STEP TEST V A) C) WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN PRESSURE STEP TEST POSITION TURN ON PUMP RECORD TIME IN SECONDS GUAGE NEEDLE REMAINS IN COLORED ZONE SEC. 3 GALLON PER HOUR LEAK SIMULATED TEST WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3 GPH TEST POSITION MEASURE AND RECORD VOLUME IN CALIBRATED BEAKER FOR 60 SECOND TEST OPEN DISPENSER NOZZLE OR PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN DISPENSER NOZZLE POSITION. FLOW RATE OF APPROX. I'/~3GAL PER MINUTE WILL BE OBSERVED. DOES GUAGE NEEDLE MOVE TO LOWER END'OF COLORED ZONE YES NO DOES FLOW RATE INCREASE TO APPROX. I'/~3GAL PER MINUTE YES NO CLOSE DISPENSER NOZZLE OR PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3GPH TEST POSITION: GUAGE RETURN TO COLORED ZONE GUAGE DOES NOT RETURN TO COLORED ZONE GAUGE GOES TO OPERATING PRESSURE ML YES NO YES NO YES PASS FAILJ LEAK DETECTOR TEST PURt~)~A'VAPORLE$$ FO~M 880A ~) LEAK DETECTOR ISOLATED FROM PRODUCT LINE -TEST AT PUMP PIT REFER TO LDT INSTRUCTIONS [[[ GENERAL PUMP INFORMATION FLUSH LDT TESTOR RECORD OPERATING PUMP PRESSURE l psig. IV PRESSURE STEP TEST*SUBMERSIBLE PUMP REMAINS ON THRU-OUT TEST PROCEDURE WITH BoI"rOM SELECTOR IN PRESSURE STEP TEST POSITION ROTATE ISOLATOR FULLY (CC/W) RECORD TIME IN SECONDS GUAGE NEEDLE REMAINS IN COLORED ZONE SEC.' V 3 GALLON PER HOUR LEAK SIMULATED TEST WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3 GPH TEST POSITION A) MEASURE AND RECORD VOLUME IN CALIBRATED BEAKER FOR 60 SECOND TEST ML B) PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN DISPENSER NOZZLE POSITION. FLOW RATE OF APPROX. 11/2-3GAL PER MINUTE WILL BE OBSERVED. DOES GUAGE NEEDLE MOVE TO LOWER END OF COLORED ZONE YES NO DOES FLOW RATE INCREASE TO APPROX. I'I2-3GAL PER MINUTE YES NO C) PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3GPH TEST POSITION: GUAGE RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GUAGE DOES NOT RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GAUGE GOES TO OPERATING PRESSURE YES NO LEAK DETECTOR TEST PASS~_ FAIL LDT 88 { LEAK DETECTOR CHECKLIST ICONTRACTOR CUSTOMER R.J. MYERS & SONS, ]]NC. TEXACO 1405 DATE 6 / '1 8 / 9 2 I PRODUCT p L U S LOCATION 2 4 0 '1 N. 0 A K TECHNICIAN S. FIOSER BAKERSFTELD, CA I SUBMERSIBLE PUMP IDENTIFICATION , .. CHECK MFG. INDICATE MODEL NO. IF KNOWN RECORD SERIAL # :100'14485-0783 RED WAYNE A.D. SMITH KEENE WEST JACKET TOKHEIM GILBARCO BENNETT DRESSER BOwsER SOUTH OTHER LEAK DETECTOR IDENTIFICATION CHECK TYPEDATE 3/~.0/90 RED JACKET I I RED JACKET MODEL 116-030 MODEL 116~317 PLD-2SEC DLD 2SEC HEX HEAD I HEX HEAD I S/N 7655 'MOOEL116~)11AI I MODEL58SPM I I DLD 5SEC [ I DLD 2SEC ....I J ACC[JvIULATOR X ROUND HEAD J SQUARE HEAD"' I PRE-TEST CONDITIONS VOLUME OF PRODUCT FLUSHED THRU LINE GALLONS OTHER COMMENTS TEST PROCEDURE LEAK DETECTOR INSTALLED TEST AT DISPENSER III GENERAL LINE AND PUMP INFORMATION RECORD OPERATING PUMP PRESSURE psig. AIR-VAPOR TEST WITH PUMP OFF MEASURE AND RECORD ML IV PRESSURE STEP TEST WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN PRESSURE STEP TEST POSITION TURN ON PUMP RECORD TIME IN SECONDS GUAGE NEEDLE REMAINS IN COLORED ZONE SEC. V 3 GALLON PER HOUR LEAK SIMULATED TEST WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3 GPH TEST POSITION A) MEASURE AND RECORD VOLUME IN CALIBRATED BEAKER FOR 60 SECOND TEST ML B) OPEN DISPENSER NOZZLE OR PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN DISPENSER NOZZLE POSITION. FLOW RATE OF APPROX. 1V~3GAL PER MINUTE WILL BE OBSERVED. DOES GUAGE NEEDLE MOVE TO LOWER END OF COLORED ZONE YES NO DOES FLOW RATE INCREASE TO APPROX. 1'/2-3GAL PER MINUTE YES NO C) CLOSE DISPENSER NOZZLE OR PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3GPH TEST POSITION: GUAGE RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GUAGE DOES NOT RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GAUGE GOES TO OPERATING PRESSURE YES NO LEAK DETECTOR TEST PASS~_.~ FAILI PUR¢~34:~A ~VAPORLE$ $ FORM LEAK DETECTOR ISOLATED FROM PRODUCT LINE -TEST AT PUMP PiT REFER TO LDT INSTRUCTIONS ][[[ GENERAL PUMP INFORMATION FLUSH LDT TESTOR RECORD OPERATING PUMP PRESSURE IV PRESSURE STEP TEST.SUBMERSIBLE PUMP REMAINS ON THRU-OUT TEST PROCEDURE WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN PRESSURE STEP TEST POSITION ROTATE ISOLATOR FULLY (CC/W) RECORD TIME IN SECONDS GUAGE NEEDLE REMAINS IN COLORED ZONE SEC.' V 3 GALLON PER HOUR LEAK SIMULATED TEST WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3 GPH TEST POSITION A) MEASURE AND RECORD VOLUME IN CALIBRATED BEAKER FOR 60 SECOND TEST ML B) PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN DISPENSER NOZZLE POSITION. FLOW RATE OF APPROX. 11f2-3GAL PER MINUTE WILL BE OBSERVED. DOES GUAGE NEEDLE MOVE TO LOWER END OF COLORED ZONE YES NO * DOES FLOW RATE INCREASE TO APPROX. 1V~3GAL PER MINUTE YES NO C) PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3GPH TEST POSITION: GUAGE RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GUAGE DOES NOT RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GAUGE GOES TO OPERATING PRESSURE YES NO LEAK DETECTOR TEST PASS~_ FAIL| CONTRACTOR CUSTOMER R.J. MYERS & SONS, INC. TEXACO 1405 DATE 6 / 18 / 92 I PRODUCT D T E S E L LOCATION 2401 N. 0 A K TECHNICIAN S, MOSER BAKERSFIELD, CA SUBMERSIBLE PUMP IDENTIFICATION CHECK MFG. INDICATE MODEL NO. IF KNOWN RECORD SERIAL# 100110585-1995 RED WAYNE A.O. SMITH KEENE WEST JACKET TOKHEIM GILBARCO BENNETT DRESSER BOWSER SOUTH OTHER LEAK DETECTOR IDENTIFICATION CHECK TYPEDATE 3/10/90 S/N 7436 REDJACKET I IREDJACKET MODEL116-030 MODEL116~17 PLD-2SEC DLD 2SEC HEX HEAD HEX HEAD 'MODELDLD 5sEcl16'011AIl Ii DLD 2SEC .~-.I I /'~L,UJFIUL/~ I UH X PRE-TEST CONDITIONS VOLUME OF PRODUCT FLUSHED THRU LINE GALLONS OTHER COMMENTS TEST PROCEDURE LEAK DETECTOR INSTALLED TEST AT DISPENSER III GENERAL LINE AND PUMP INFORMATION RECORD OPERATING PUMP PRESSURE __ psig. AIR-VAPOR TEST WITH PUMP OFF MEASURE AND RECORD ML IV PRESSURE STEP TEST WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN PRESSURE STEP TEST POSITION TURN ON PUMP RECORD TIME IN SECONDS GUAGE NEEDLE REMAINS IN COLORED ZONE SEC. 3 GALLON PER HOUR LEAK SIMULATED TEST WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3 GPH TEST POSITION A) MEASURE AND RECORD VOLUME IN CALIBRATED BEAKER FOR 60 SECOND TEST ML B) OPEN DISPENSER NOZZLE OR PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN DISPENSER NOZZLE POSITION. FLOW RATE OF APPROX. 1'/2-3GAL PER MINUTE WILL BE OBSERVED. DOES GUAGE NEEDLE MOVE TO LOWER END OF COLORED ZONE YES NO DOES FLOW RATE INCREASE TO APPROX. 1'/2-3GAL PER MINUTE YES NO C) CLOSE DISPENSER NOZZLE OR PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3GPH TEST POSITION: GUAGE RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GUAGE DOES NOT RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GAUGE GOES TO OPERATING PRESSURE YES NO LEAK DETECTOR TEST PASS ~__ FAILJ PUR~OI~A~/APORLESS FORM 880A (~ LEAK DETECTOR ISOLATED FROM PRODUCT LINE-TEST AT PUMP PIT REFER TO LDT INSTRUCTIONS [[[ GENERAL PUMP INFORMATION FLUSH LDT TESTOR RECORD OPERATING PUMP PRESSURE __ psig. IV PRESSURE STEP TEST-SUBMERSIBLE PUMP REMAINS ON THRU-OUT TEST PROCEDURE WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN PRESSURE STEP TEST POSITION ROTATE ISOLATOR FULLY (CCNV) RECORD TiME IN SECONDS GUAGE NEEDLE REMAINS IN COLORED ZONE sEC. 3 GALLON PER HOUR LEAK SIMULATED TEST WITH BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3 GPH TEST POSITION A) MEASURE AND RECORD VOLUME IN CALIBRATED BEAKER FOR 60 SECOND TEST ML B) PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN DISPENSER NOZZLE POSITION. FLOW RATE OF APPROX. 11~2-3GAL PER MINUTE WILL BE OBSERVED. DOES GUAGE NEEDLE MOVE TO LOWER END OF COLORED ZONE YES NO DOES FLOW RATE INCREASE TO APPROX. 1'/2-3GAL PER MINUTE YES NO C) PLACE BOTTOM SELECTOR IN 3GPH TEST POSITION: GUAGE RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GUAGE DOES NOT RETURN TO COLORED ZONE YES NO GAUGE GOES TO OPERATING PRESSURE YES NO PASS LEAK DETECTOR TEST FAIL No, Type of Report: (Please circle oriel Equipment Transfer, Product Transfer, Pump Test. Intercompany Data Form Repair, Station Audit, Station Opening, Station Sold, Product Changes. Station Closing. Location Name TEXA£fl Location No. ' ~ 1405 Date .6/18/92 Address ?Z~flq N. flAK City, BAKERSFIELD State CA Failure Reported P.O. AFE No. Service call made Marketing Rep. Rep. No. In addition to correcting the problem reported, please perform the following: Stick all tanks with water finding paste. Read.all pump totalizers. Record data be[ow including product type and pump no. where necessary. Time arrived Time Comp. Repair Time Travel Time ]TYPE UNL No.. I TYPE SUP No. 7 TYPE U.LI: No. 3 Meter Readings Gallons Dollars Gallons Dollars Gallons Dollars After 820622 620 444273 710 308228 625 Before 820617 £;2:u 444268 308223 TOTALS 5 5 5 Calibr. Beg. +/- 0 0 + 2 - 2 Cot. After ./- . TYPE DIE No.. 4 TYPE UNL No. 5 TYPE, PLUS No. 6 Meter Readlnl~s Gallons Dollars Gallons Dollars Gallons Dollars After 418061 625 798377 620 311926 SbU Before 418056 798372 311921 TOTALS 5 5 5 Calibr. Beg. +/- 0 O + 2 + 2 Cot. After +/- TYPE pi IIS No. 7 TYPE .qllP No. R TYPE IINJ No. ,c} Meter Readin~ G~lions Dollars Gallons Dollars Gallons Dolhtrs After 650 710 329182 620 Before 712716 688946 329177 TOTALS --. 5 5 5 Calibr. Beg. */- + 2 - 1 Cor. After +l- TYPE PI IlS No. 1 0 TYPE PLUS No. 11 TYPE sup No. 12 Me{er Readittgs Gallons Dollars Galbns Dollars Gallons Dollars After 258088 650 018047 650 570088 710 Before 258083' 018042 570083 .TOTALS + 1 + 2 + 2- Calibr. Beg. */- Cor. After +/- PeOduet TYPE . TYPE TYPE !TYPE TYPE TYPE . Stick Readings Inches Water Product TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE. TYPE Stick Readings Inches Water arrdpn am/pr, No. Type of Report: (Please circle one! Equipment Transfer, Product Transfer, Pump Test, Intercompany Data Form Repair, Station Audit, Station Opening, Station Sold, Product Changes. Station Closing. Location Name T E X g C 0 Location No. - 1405 Date 6 / 18 / 92 Address 2401 N. OAK ST. City .BAKERSFIELD State CA Failure Reported P.O. AFE No. Service call made Marketing Rep. Rep. No. In addition to correcting the proMem reported, please perform the Stick all tanks with water finding paste. Readall pump totalizers. Record data below including product type and pump no. where necessary. Time arrived Time Comp. Repair Time Travel Time TYPE DIE "No. 1~ TYPEDIE' No. 14 TYPE UNL No. 15 Meter Readings Gallons Dollars Gallons Dollars Gallons Doflars After 478513 625 577952 625 442459 620 Before 478508 577947. .442454 620 TOTALS 5 5 10 Calibr. Beg. +/- - 1 - 2 00 Cot. After +/- TYPE PLUS No. lB TYPE No. TYPE No. Meter ReadinG Gallons Dollars Gallons Dollars Gallons Dollars After 767942 650 Before 767937 TOTALS 5 Calibr. Beg. ,,/- 00 Cot. After +/- TYPE No. 'TYPE No. TYPE. I No.. Meter Readit~ Gtlbo. s Dollars Gallons Dollars Gallons Dolh~" After Before TOTALS ,_ Callbr. Beg. +/- Cor. After +/o TYPE [No. _ I TYPE No. TYPE. No. Meter Readings Gallons l)o~lars _ Gallons Dollars Gallons Dollars After Before TOTALS ...... Calibr. Beg. Cot. After Product TYPE TYPE TYPE. TYPE :TYPE TYPE. Stick Readings Inches Water Product TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE .. TYPE TYPE Stick Readings Inches Water am/pc am/pc P.O. Box 80427 Bakersfield , CA 93380 (805) 393-2212 .qssociated Environmental Systems, Inc. TEST LOCATION: T=,,ACO STN 2401 OAK STREET/24TH BAKERSF I ELD, CA. SITE RESULTS COVER SHEET I. D, $~ DIST/REG : ENO./CONTAOT : FRED LONG TEST DATE : 11/18/91 TEST TIME : 14:00 COUNTY: CERTIFICATE . W/O : 15755 T~CH i' BNL ~ : 89165 RECEtVEO ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC. HAS TESTED AND CERTIFIES THE FOLLOWING: Certification ~$ 9115755 PRODUCT LEAK "!- ~n k PF;ODUCT TANK LINE DETECTOR REG. PASS R/UL PASS S/UL PASS DSL PASS 1 3 6 REG,,,P/L= -.001 R/UL, P/L= -.006 S/UL~P/L= -.005 D'.BL. , P/L= -. 001 ALL F'RODUCT LINES WERE TESTED AT 50 P.S.I. FOR 2, 15 MINUTE TEST SETS. TECHNICIAN: IRWIN LINDSTEAD O.T.T.L.~91-1131 ANY FAILURE LISTED MAY REQUIRE NOTIFICATION OF AGENCY. Recertificat on Date Recommended: 1'1192 ~ Associated Env' ~nmental Systems, Inc. / P.O. Box 80427 ~_~.~iS~ake~sfi~eld, CA 93380 (805)-393-2212 Invoice Numb e~-]_~_7~_- HYDROSTATIC PRODUCT LINE TEST WORK SHEET TEST NO. PRODUCT START TIME END TIME START VOL. (ML) END VOL.(ML) TEST VOL. DIFF.(ML) Divide the volume differenti.al by the test time ( 15 minutes) and multiply by 0.0158311, which will convert the volume differential from milliliters per minute to gallons per hour. The conversion constant is found by : (60 min/hr)/(3790 mi/gal) = 0.0158311 (min/hr) (gal/ml) The conversion constant causes the milliliters and minutes to . c,ance 1 out. Ex. If the level dropped 3ml in 15 minutes then: RESULTS-OF T~HIS WORK SHEET TO BE COMPliED ON RESULTS SHEET. Fill one segment_~ for each tank, unless all~=~anks and piping are constructed of t~!~same materials, style andtW~De, then only fill one segment out. please identify tanks by owner ID #. I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) 7-- ~ ~ A. OWNER'S TANK I.D.# .. ',a:~// /~--C~t4.~," '7-~,,~'~'.,t' 8. MANUFACTURED BY: I11. TANK CONSTRUCTION D. TANK CAPACIT~ .IN GALLONS: MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, AND C, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D LO, A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER B. TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN ] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] C. INTERIOR LINING [] 5 GLASS LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOLIC LINING UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER __ NO_a. O. CORROSION [] , POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING ' [] 3 vINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN *[] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION CmCLE .~ IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND. BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U I SUCTION . A(~ 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A(~)I SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION A IJ 1 BARE STEEL A tJ 5 ALUMINUM A(~9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL /% IJ 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A [J 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE A [J 6 CONCRETE A U .7 STEEL Wl COATING A U 8 1009'o METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A IJ 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A IJ 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] gg OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION [] 1 VISUAL CHECK [~'"2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING ~ AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING [] 6 TANK TESTING [~7 ,NTERSTITIALMONITORING [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: III. TANK C-(~I~TRUCTION MARKONE ITEMONLY,N BOXESA, B. ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPL'ES'NBOXD A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER B. TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE 'r--] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM (PrimaryTank) [] B BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN ] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER ~ 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING 1 RUBBER LINED C. INTERIOR LINING [] 5 GLASS LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 1009'o METHANOL ? YES__ NO__ ] 4 PHENOLIC LINING ] 99 OTHER D. CORROSION [] I POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 P,BERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C,RCLE A IFABOVEGROUNDOR'U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEMTYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION A IJ '1 BARE STEEL A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVlNYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A tJ 4. FIBERGLASS PIPE A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A t.J 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR '[] 2 LINE T~GHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION VISUAL C~ECK [] ~ INVENTORY RECONC.L,AT'ON I~ 3 VAPO. MONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] ~ GROUND WA~_~ ~ON,TOR,N~ ~ANK ~E~G []]] ~ ,NTERST,T,ALMON,TOR,NG ~., NONE ~ 9~ u.K~o'~. ~ .. OTHER RETURN PA,.Y, MENTS TO: ~ ,.~Oj: BAK'ERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 ~ zar~ous Site Ador =~401, OAF, ST INQUIRIES CONCERNING THIS BILL, PLEASE PHONE: ''':t' ~:'~6-- 3979 ~E~ACO ~E! INVOICE NUMBER 217.48=b ~2~,~ MUST Iq,~/~ IF~I',,~ ii its C©i='V WiTil FWlkiill'~ I' PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RETURN THIS COPY WITH PAYMENT Previous 4 02Jt21191 ~ a t 'a'ri c e ...... 1.,5'8'. 4-5 Cur refll Charges TOTAL BALANCE DUE MR. FRED LONG. 4TH FLOOH p.o° BOX 7812 HH3991 01 A Subsidiary of Arizona Instrument Corporation May 17, 1993 Fred Long Texaco R & M 10 Universal City Plaza, 4th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Re: Tank Tightness Tests - Texaco 610-058 1405 2401 North Oak , Bakersfield CA Dear Fred, Line testing was perfOrmed at the above location using the ACURITE® Line Tester. In addition, leak detectors were tested to the manufacturers specification. We have reviewed the data produced in conjunction with testing for purposes of verifying the results and certifying the lines and leak detectors. The testing was performed in accordance with ACURITE® protocol, and therefore satisfies all requirements for such testing as set forth by NFPA 329-87 and USEPA 40 CFR part 280. The results of testing are shown on the following page. This information is stored in a permanent file if future verification of test results are needed. gJ Enclosures Sincerely, Quinn Johnson President P.O. Box 8490 · Mesa, Arizona 85214 · (602) 926-3000 · (800) 229-2930 HORIZON ENGINEERING & TESTING P.O. Box 8490 · Mesa, Adzona 85214 · (602) 926-3000 · (800) 229-2930 CERTIFICATION Contract No: [3994-2497-93 Test Date:!May 13, 1993 Customer: iTexaco R & M Attn: IFred Long 110 Universal City Plaza, 4th Floor I Universal City [CA--~(~0 8. Site: ITexaco 610-058 1405 co.t. t.. 2401 North Oak [Bakersfield gA_ L9__3301 Tank Tank Line Teat Leak Det. No. ~ ResrtLt l~esttlt /~ I Unleaded Pass @ .000 [---- Pass ./~. . 2 Unleaded + Pass @ .000 Pass v/ '. 3 Super -Pass @ ~000 Pass v/ / ~4_ Diesel .Pass @ .000 __ Pass v/ Technician Name: iKenneth Fine License NO.: !~3_-1_3~8_6- State: [CA Technician's Signature Job No. Technician License No. Date Customer Location CIt, State GRADE PUMP TYPE ISOLATOR PUMP PRESSURE TEST PRESSURE INITIAL LEVEL FINAL LEUEL TIME STARTED TI ME COMPLETED TEST I NTERUAL LEAK RATE (GPH] HORIZON LINE TESTING DATA SHEET I 2 3 4 5 6 ,fro ,50 o"b 6'0 .oCo . c~ ., ol . o3 /¢'oo /¢"-/,S-~::~ ~', /y/So /~'/~"- IG', o~ PAS~ FAIL PASS FAIL PASS FAIL PASS FAIL PASS FAIL PASS FAIL EXISTING LEAK DETECTOR TEST Pass Fall Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fall Pass Fail Pass Fall' 0 ~ 0 0 O O O O 0 0 0 O MFG. & TYPE SERIAL # Test GPH__ Test GPH NEW LEAK DETECTOR TEST Pass Fail Pass Fall Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fall O F~ 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 O MFG. & TYPE SERIAL # AFTER TESTING · Oispenser 0 r-] O O r-] O FI r-] 0 r-] 0 Operational I uerlfy that the dispenser (s) work normally and that the leak detector (s) are not leaking. Field Notes MGR Signature .... ENGINEERING & TESTING A Subsidiary of Arizona Instrument Corporation May 17, 1993 Fred Long Texaco R & M 10 Universal City Plaza, 4th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Re: Tank Tightness Tests - Texaco 610-058 1405 2401 North Oak , Bakersfield , CA Dear Fred, Line testing was performed at the above location using the ACURITE®' Line Tester. In addition, leak detectors were tested to the manufacturers specification. We have reviewed the data produced in conjunction with testing for purposes of verifying the results and certifying the lines and leak detectors. The testing was performed in accordance with ACURITE® protocol, and therefore satisfies all requirements for such testing as set forth by NFPA 329-87 and USEPA 40 CFR part 280. The results of testing are shown on the following page. This information is stored in a permanent file if future verification of test results are needed. gJ Enclosures Sincerely, Ouinn Johnson President P.O. Box 8490 · Mesa, Arizona 85214 · (602) 926-3000 ° (800) 229-2930 HORIZON ENGINEERING & TESTING P.O. Box 8490- Mesa, Arizona 85214. (602)926-3000. (800)229-2930 CERTIFICATION Contract No:!3994-2497-93 Test Date:[May 13, 1993 Customer: iTexaco R & M Attn: !Fred Long 10 Universal City Plaza, 4th Roor lUniversal Cty ICA 191608 Site: !Texaco 610-058 1405 Contact: IManager/Owner 2401 North Oak Bakersfield ICA 193301 Tank Tank Line Test Leak Det. ~ Er_od_uct BesuJ_t Besult I Unleaded Pass @ .000 Pass 2 Unleaded + Pass @ .000 Pass 3 Super Pass @ .000- Pass 4 Diesel Pass @ .000 Pass Technician Name: [Kenneth Fine License No.: 193-1386 State: ICA Technician's Signature -? Customer Location Cltu State HORIZON LINE TESTING DATA SHEET I 2 3 4 5 6 GRADE PUMP TYPE ISOLATOR PUMP PRESSURE TEST PRESSURE INITIAL LEVEL FINAL LEVEL TIME STARTED TI ME COMPLETED TEST INTERVAL LEAK RATE (GPD) PAS~ FAIL PASS FAIL PASS FAIL PASS FAIL PASS FAIL PASS FAIL EXISTING LEAK DETECTOR TEST Pass FallPass FallPass FallPass FallPass FallPass Fail. I~ D k-1 ~ I~ID ~ !-! 1-11-1 FI.I-] 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 O O O O MFG. &:TYPE SERIAL # Test GPH Test GPH, NEW LEAK DETECTOR TEST Pass Fall Pass Fall Pass Fail Pass Fall Pass Fall Pass Fall MFG. & TYPE SERIAL # AFTER TESTING I verify that the dispenser (s) work normally and that the leak detector (si are not leaking. Field Notes MGR Signature BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301. (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST FACILITY '~o ~ I-0~"~ PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPERATORS N~ME ~A~%~ / o~ NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED RECEIVED :~PR 1199j HAT., ~4~T. DIV. IS P'IPING GOINS TO ~E TESTED TANKS. VOLUME CONTENTS TANK TESTING COMPANY CERTIFICATION TEST METHOD NAME OF TESTER..~' ST~ ~ST~O~ O/OOq DATE ~ ~APAP~icANT SIGNATURE OF DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301. (805) 326-3979 RECEIVED APPZ, ICATIOU TO P~.RFORM A TIGHTN~-SS T~.ST' :APR 1 1995 HA% 1~4AT. r~lV. FAC ILITY ~F~fo ~ PERMIT TO OPERATE ADDRESS Z ~/~) / ,~o"~.-~ OPERATORS NAME A~A~~,./O~;;~6'P~ · NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED TANK~. VOLUME CONTENTS TANK TESTING COMPANY ~%7_~ TEST METHOD ~-.~c~'~k 'C, ,. ~'~' NAME OF TESTER DATE & TIMg TEST ~&,~I~ADDRESST. 0.. "~oX ~0 CE~TZ~ZCATIOU ~ OlOOq DATE SIGNATUREOF ICANT FILE Fac i 1 i tY T~_.~._L~ [-]Permit to Operate ~ /~d~. . ''/ [~Construction Permit ~ ;7000~%~ /~,'~'d~; ~Permit to abandon~ ~0~ · No~. o'S Tanks ~' ~ended Permit Conditions ~Permit Application Form, ~ . Tank Sheets, ~Application to Abandon ~ . tanks(s) ~Annual Report Forms CONTENTS INVENTORY Date Date Da te Flow Da te Chart ~---/~_~-- []Copy of Written Contract Between Owner & Operator []Inspection Reports Da te Da te [Unauth°rized Release Reports ~Abandonment/Closure Reports []Sampling/Lab Reports '-~,.~, ~aD -- TL,._)/M,~ ~ []MVF Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) ~J~STD Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) []MVF.Plan Check (New Construction) []$TD Plan Check (New Construction) ~MVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) ~S'i3 Plan Check (Existing Facility) 'Incomplete Application' Form Permit Application Checklist :~ermit. Instructions []Discarded T~ghtness Test Results Da te Date Da te [-]Monitoring Well Construction Data/Permits [-]Environmental Sensitivity Data: [~]Groundwate~ Drilling, Boring Logs []Location of Water Wells [-]Statement of Underground Condui'cs ~Plot Plan Featuring Ail Envi~onmentalty .Sensitive Data [~ Photos ~Cons~ruction Drawings .. -~c.~, ~ion: ~]Half sheet showing date received and ~a"ly of inspection time, etc KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGRO[]ND STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT {170002B FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: Texaco Refining and Marketing Inc. 2401 Oak Street Bakersfield, CA OWNER(S) NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS: Texaco Refining and Marketing Inc. 3350 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90010 ~ NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP RENEWAL MODIFICATION OTHER PERMIT EXPIRES APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY May 28, 1986 May 28, 1985 ~ Anh-Boyce, R.~. POST THIS PERMIT ON PREMISES CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: ** Note: Ail pertinent equipment and materials used in this construction are subject to identification and approval by the Permitting Authority prior to construction. This.permit is issued contingent upon guaranteed compliance with the guidelines as determined by the Permitting Authority. 1. All construction to be as per facility pl-~ns apprqved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. 2. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48 hours advance notice. 3. Backfill material for piping and tanks to be as per manufacturers' specifications. 4. All underground metal product piping, fittings, and connections must be wrapped to a minimum 20-mil thickness with corrosion- preventive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. 5. Construction inspection record card is inc'uded with permit given to Permittee. This card must be posted at jobsite prior to initial inspection. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority and arrange for each group of required inspections numbered as per instructions on card. Generally, inspections will be made of: a. Tanks and backfill b. Piping system with secondary containment c. Overfill protection and leak detection/monitoring d. Any other inspection deemed necessary by Permitting Authority 6. The following equipment and materials must be identified by manufacturer and model prior to their installation: a. Secondary containment of underground produc~ piping b. Tank fill box(es) c. Tank liquid level gauge(s) 7. Permittee to 'provide "as-built drawings" p~'~or to completion of project. 8... Monitoring requirements for this facility v '7~ b~ described on final "Permit ~_o Operate".c-x l.~0 Flo~mr Street:, Bakez:sd~l~.~.d, C~ 93305 ~ of ~lt~ti~ (c~k): ,, ~ F~ility · ~i[ication o[ ~ilit~ o~isti~ ~ili~ " ~ o~ ~i~ ~) Is ~(s) U~ ~cl~iv~y ~c ~i~l~~~s? oyes .~ili~ ~cess ~/ j . ' '. T a ~ ~ ~ (~ .~a~io~ _ -- ~ke~'s ~~ti~ e~ ca on This Pemit Is For l~dification .0~ An Existing ' o osed ,_,,,ri; Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ~ ~ste Produc~: ~o~ Vehicle ~ a ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ Chemical Ca~lmsition of Haterials Stored (not necessa~:¥ for motor vehicle f~els) Tank % ~cal Stored lnon-ccm~rcial nm~) C~S..,,! (if kno~) Ch~ical Pzeviously Stool (if di ffereflt:) ~. T~ansfer o£O~nership Dat~ of T~ansfer l~evious Facility modify or temi'nate the .P~evious O.~.c acc.ep~ [ull¥ all c~lig'ations of Permit 1~. issued · I understard that the pemittinq authority may =evie~ '; t~ansfer of ~e ~enuit to' operate this ~de~qround ~cor~ facility upon receivirg this caupleted fonu. This fona has ~ ca~pleted undec penaltY per'ju~ ard to the best of my knowledge i~ ~ ~.. (FILL OUT SEPAHATE FORM TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK A[.L APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: DVaulE~d ~qon-Vaulted ~Double-Wall I-]Single-Wall 2. Ta~ Materi~l  C~bon Steel [] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [-] Concrete D Alumin~ O Bronze []Unknot. Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Dste Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacture: 4. ~ank l~.,¢or~la ry containm~6t  Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner DLined Vault 0']None Ounkno~ Other {describe): Manufacturer: []Material Th'i~kness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining --~ubber ['1Alkyd []Epoxy []menolic []Glass [-!Cla¥ [']Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --'~Galvanize~ ~ass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap [-]Vinyl Wrapping ~'lTar or Asphalt' [']Unknu~n .~None []Other (describe) Cathodic Protection: ~None I~Im[~essed Current System ~lSacrf'fi~lal Describe System & Equisment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, ar~] Intercept'~0n ' ' ~i Tank: ~'~Visual (~aUlted' ~s only) ' U]Ground~ater Monitorirg' ~mll (s) ['lVadose Zone Monitorin~ %~ell(s) C]U-Tube Without Liner ~U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitorirg [1 Vapor Detector* ~Liquid Level Sensor' ~ Conductivity Sensor" UI Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank" [] Liquid Betrie~al & Inspmction From U-Tube, Monitoring W~ll or Annular .~c~ l-ID ally Gauging & In~ent~r¥ R~conciliation []Periodic Tigh~ne~ T~ti~ b. Piping: E~Flo~-R~trictin~ Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping= Monitoring St~p ~lth Rece~y O Sealed Co~crete Rece~y ~alf-Cut C~umtible Pi~m ~ace~ay rTSynth~tic Liner ~ac~my 8. Date of Last Tightne~ Test Test N~me 9. Tank Re~air ' "~:~'l~epaired? OYes ~io Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. O~erfill Protection Results of Test .... Testin9 Company ' rlL~kno~ a. t~derground PiPing: ~Yes F~No OUnknown Material Thickness (inches) .~"Olameter 2" Manufacturer /~.zg, [~Pressure OSuc~aravity -ApprOximate Length of Pipe b. Underground PiPir~j Corrosi~n Protection : OGalvanized ['1Fiberglass-Clad OImp~essed Current C]Sacrificial An~ [2]Polyethylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolation ~Vinyl Wrap [-]Tar or Ounkno~ ~None OOth~r (describe): C. Underground Piping, Secondary Contairment: ~]Double-Wall OSynthetic Liner System []None OUnknown mother (describe): [~Operator Fills, ~trols, & Visually, ~onitors ~evel ~Tape Float ~e ~Fl~t Vent Valv~ ~ Auto Shut- Off Controls  ci~e ~r ~al~ Fill ~x~~ ~o~ O~r: List ~ & ~el F~ ~e- 11. ~i~i~ Tank Is: ~Vaulted ~Vault~ ~uble-Wall ~Si~le~a]l ~ ~terial Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~Concrete ~~in~ ~Bronze 3. Pr i~ry Contai~nt ~te Ins~ll~ ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (c~llons) Tank ~'co~a ~y t~ (descri~): · ~ufacture~: ~terial ~ic~ess' (Inc~s) Ca.city (~ls. 5. Ta~ Interior ~ 6. Ta~ Corrosion Prote~i~ 7. Leak ~t~tion, ~it0ri~, a~ Interception a. Ta~: ~ ~vi~l (vauIt~ ~ on!y) ~G~o~ter ~nitort~' ~11  U-Tube with C~mpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to ~onitorirg I~.11(-~)' Val~r l~tecto~* ~Liquid Level Sensor' [~Condu~tivit~ Sen~or' BPressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- Liquid l~tri~val & Insl~mction Fr~m U-Tube, Monitoring W~ll or Amnula. I'1 Daily Gau~ling & Inventory Beconciliation [] Periodic Tightne-- T~ti~ ONone i-lt~kno~ ['lOther ° b. Piping: [~Flow-R~tricttng Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' ['~ Monitoring S~sp with Race~y ~ Sealed Concrete Race~y ~]Hal~-Cut Cmp~tibls Pipe Race~ay []Synthetic Liner Race,my FT~k~e *Describe ~ake & ~kxlel'I'' ,, " ' ., z / ...... .. -- -- 8. ~en q~c~ht.n~s T~sted? ffJYes []No []Unknown Results 'of Test Pate of La~ Tightnem Test T~st ~ 9..,T~nk ~e~ai r l~epai red? []Yes Pate(s) of Repair(s). Describe Re. irs 10. ~erfill Pro.etlon · esting Omapany []Ol~rator Fills, C~trols, & Visually ~onitors [~vel []Tal~ Float Gauge ~Fl~t V~t Valv~ ~ Auto Shut- Off Control~ ci~e ~r ~al~ Fill ~x ~ ~o~ O~r: List ~ & ~el ~ ~e 11. Pipi~ a. tt~derground Plpin~ ~[Yes []No Ott~kno~m ~4atertal ~es~re ~~Gravity ~roxi~ ~ o. --~ b. U~ergro~ Pipi~ Corro~i~ prot~ti~ : ~lvani~ ~Fi~gla~l~ ~ess~ ~rent ~criftcial ~lye~yle~ Wrap ~El~trical I~lati~. ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar ~U~o~ ~ ~her (~ri~): c. U~ergro~ P,ipi~, ~co~ary Contai~nt: ~1~11 ~~etic Liner ~st~ ~ ~kno~ ,,-a,~. ~ [FILL OUT :;EPAI~A'I'E FORM CH TANK) .FO~ EAC,. ~.~-7-O~,--.C~.~ AL,- AP~O~R~m~ aOX~S H. 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted ~Non~Vaulted ~DouO]e-Wall OSingle-Wal ! 2. ~ Mater iai- · '~'~Fi~rg~ss-Rein[o~c~:Plastic ' ~Concrete' ~ ~in~ ~ Bronze ~t;nk~',~ ~O~er (de~ri~) . 3. Priory Contai~nt ~te Ins~ll~ ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (~llons) 4. Tan~ ~cO~arI Co,Ia Ot~r (de~rt~): 5. ~a~ Interior 6. Ta~ Corrosion .Prote~f~ 7. Leak ~tection, ~itori~, a~ Interception a. Ta~: Ovi~l (vault~ ~ only) OG~o~ter ~nitortg' OV~ose Zo~ ~itori~ ~ll(s) OU~ Wl~ut ~ner b. Pi~_in~: [~Plow-i~tricti~ Leak Detector(s) for Pressurizad Pipi~= ~itotl~ ~ ~ ~y ~al~ ~re~ ~c~y ~u~o~ ~r - ~s~(~ -- ' ~ - ~ '~ ~ *~rt~ ~ ~ ~ ., - ..... -i' [] Auto Shut- Off Controls List Make & ~kx~el Po~ A~ove 8. Tank Tightness l~as' Tfiis 'l~nk~Been Tightna~s Tested? OYes ~te of ~ Tigh~em Test Res~ of ~0. ~erfiXi ~rator Pills, ~trols, i Vis~lly ~itors ~vel O~r: 11. PipiGg F~R EAC~ ~ECTION, CHECK ALL APPPOPRIA.~I~dOXES 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted ~on-Vaulted ~DouOle-Wall [~Single-Wal 2. ~ Material. ' D. Ca~bon .Ste~l [-] S~ain-less .$tee! E] Polyvin¥1 Chloride. ~'~Fiberg~lass~Rein.fo~ced;'-Pl~stic" [~Concrete 'E]Al~inum ~[']Bronze [~ Other (describe) 3. ~ Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) 4. Ta~nk ~e~ondar¥ Contalrment ---~_ Double-~a11- ~-~---~ic Liner E]LJned Vault [-]None ~Othe~ (describe): Manufacturer: rl~aterial Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals. · 5. Tank Interior~lning '.,:~ Otl~r ~(,desc~i~e): 6. Tank Corrosion Protectf'on '--~Galvanizecl --~f~---~a~s-Clad E]Polyeth¥.lene Wrap r'lvin¥1 Wral~ing rlTar or Asphalt' [~Unkn~ ~,_one ['~Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ~None~u~i~essed Current S~stem ~ribe Syste~ & Egutl~ent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Intercept/on ~. 'Tank: E]visu~! (vaulted ~nks ~F!¥) E]Ground~ater Honttori~g' ~1! {s) F1Vadose Zone Monitoring ~e11(s) [-]~-Tube Without Liner [:] Liquid Retrieval & Ins~ctton Fr~m U-Tube, ~onitoring Well or Annuls,  Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [-I Periodic Tightne~ Testi[ .one [:] ~kno~ ~ b. Piping: [~l~w-Re~trictirg L~ak Detector(s) for Pressurizad Pipit" l'lMonltorin~ ~p ~lth Recemy IT Sealed Concrete Raceway Describe ~a~& ~ .. ,, ,, .. 8. Tank Tightness Ha~ This Thnk-~een Tightr~ T~sted? I--lYes l-lNo rllunkn~wn Date of Last Tightnes~ Test Results of Test Test. ~ Testing Ccml~ny 9. Tank ~epai% 10. Overfill Pro~ection rlot~rat:or Fills,' Coatrols, & Visually ~onitors Level fi]Tape Float Gauge r'lFloat'Vent Valves [-]Auto ShUt- Off Controls Capacitance Sensor ~Sealed Fill Box ~]None [~Unkno~ Other: List Make & Model Fo~ ad:x>ve 11. S. Lt3derground Pipi~ c IN[Yes ,fi]No OUn_kn~,,~ Mater iai . Thickness (inches) _~'Di~aeter ~ ! Manufacturer r~Pressure ~Suctto~ ~]Gravity ]~oproXimate Length of Ptpe~ b. Underground Pipits] Corrosio~ Protection : fi]Galvanized ['TFiberglas~-Clad E]Imp~essed Current ~Sacri[icial [[]Polyethylene Wrap ~]Eleetrical Isolatio~ ~]Vin¥1 Wrap fi]Unkno~l ~None [-]Other (describe): c. Underground~fi'pi~g, Secondary Containment: I-]Double-Wall fi]Synthetic Liner S~stem fi]None fi]Unkno~n Kern County Health Department '1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 (805i' 841-3636 PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND Permit Number CT Facil Name ~:~<~j~%%,r'¢~?..~:~:Texaco Refining & ~r',?~ff/:.:}:~ 'b~'2401 North Oak -'~' ,<.~:"'...~ermi~ to 'Abandon ~:....u:"~.. ::>'tanks a't above HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 4 ~.~.:....~ ,. .,' [~.:.':~location " -' .... :.' '.'~:::'i:7 :..!~;"-.i.. .-- .. Address .. . · . · ..::.:.,;/~, .< .' i: .: ' .. .. ..... ~.': ::..,' '~...;'~? OWner Name. and Address , :l'~ ./ . , ~.~.....~ ~ ".<Texaco Refining &,,~'-' :, . . ?.7~ '~ ~" '2' ~ .:~:: ..? ..., :Marketing InC,.:--~ :,':. -' . 3350 Wtlshire Blvd. :?'" ' .:e't'~::,~.~:.~:" ',:: ,~n~e~-',- ~ -~ '~-" 90010 .'"'. Los' per'it sxpiras'.?'"May 2s,"tgss'"":...:~-.:, Approval Dake :May 28; 1985 : . , , / - //' ,--: Ann B yca ,. . Permi.ttee must obtain Permit from Fire DePartment pri~'r to initiating :abandonment action. Aba~'donment mUSt. be per approved methods, as 'de'scribed :in permit application. All procedures used must be in accordance with £equirements of' standards and GuiOelines ideveloped implementation of Kern County Ordln ,nce Code ~3941. A copy of these requirements are enclosed with this permit. Accepted for .: Kern Count'~ Health Depart~ ' Div~ision o£ Environmental~' ~h . 1700-Flo~r Street, Bakersfze_.~, CA 93 3O5 App[ icati -'re 3 · ~-~,~ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STO~A~E FACILITY Type of Applfcatton (check): ' ~ []Ne--~ Faci'iitY r~Modification of Facility~isting Facility nTransfer of Ownerst. Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, are~ Code, p~one): Eays ~DO ~l-~;O~z- Facility Nam~ .?EXACO REFINING AND MARKETING NC ts~ Type of Business (check)-: ~asolJne station [~Other '(describe) Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? rlyes ~[NO Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for ;~]ricultural Purposes? rJyes ~[No ~ T R ' SEC "(RUral Locations Only) Owner TEXACO REFINING AN'--5 MAR~ Contact Perso~ JZ. ~z.~ ~_~5 Soil Characteristics at Facility Basis for Soil Typ~ and Gro~ater Dapth Det~mina~.iona C: Contractor Address , Proposed S~arting Dat~ Worker's Caapensatio~ C~rtffica~i'o~ J CA contractor' s License No. Zip Ta lsphom Proposed Canpletion [late Insurer D. If This Permit Ia For Modification Of An Existin9 Facility, Briefly Dascribe Modificatic Proposed. , Tank(s) Store (~heck all that apply): Tank ! %~asta Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded ~ Pr~ium Diesel Waste j [] Chemical Composition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stored (ne~-co~m~rcial name) CAS ! (if kno~) Chemical previ..ously Storm ' (if differeht) Ge Transfer of O~nership Date of "~-ansfer previous Facility Name I, modify or terminate the Previous Owner accept ful'ly ~'1'1 obligations of' Per~it No. __ issued · I understand that the Permitting Authority may review transfer of the Permit to Operate this t~ergro~%d stora~ facility upon receiving this ca.Dieted form. This form has been canpleted under psnalty of true and correct. Signature ~. ~ _~~ perjury and to the best of my knowledge ,~Facility Name TEXACO REFININ .,~ MARKETING INC. - Permit No. ~ TANK ~ / (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK) · H. 1.' Tank is: []Vaulted ~Non-Vaulted []-]Double-Wall ~Si~gle-Wall 2. Ta~ Material ' Ca~bon Steel []']StainleSs Steel [-]Poly~inyl Chloride ~Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [~Concrete ~Al~in~ [-~Bronze ~Unkn~wn [] Other (describe) 3. ~r imary Containment Date Installed Thicknes~s ,(Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Containment ' - ' ' [~Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner ~ Lined Vault ~None ~Unkno~ [] Other' (describe): Manufacturer: ~lMaterial ThickneSs (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. TanR Interior L~i'n~ -- ---~R~bber []Alkyd []Epoxy []Phenolic [~]Giass []Clay ~t~lined [1Unkn~. [']Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ~]~Galvanized ~ass-clad []~ol~thylene Wrap [']Vinyl Wra[~lng :,. []Tar or Asphalt []Unknown [~None [~Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ~[N0ne [2]Impressed Current S~st~m ~l~a~riftCial Anode DeSCrl6e SYste~ & Egui[~ent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and IntergePt. i0n - a. Tank: []Vis~a'l ('vaulted tanks only) '~Ground~ater Monitoring' Wail(s) []Vadose ,Zone Monitoring Wall(s) ~U-Tube Without Liner []~U-Tube with C~U. patible L~ner Directing Flow to Monito.rir~ Vapor Datector' [] Liquid Level Sensor" [] Conductivit~ Sensor' [~ Pressure Sensor' in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank Liquid Betrie~al & Inspection Fr~m U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Tasting None [] Unkno~ [~ Other b. Piping: ~( Fica-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' ~.Monitoring S~up with Race~y []Sealed Concrete Race~y ~Half-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Raceway [] Synthetic Liner Race~ay []None [] Unknown [] Other 8. ~en Tightness Tested? ~yes []No []t~known Date of Last Tightness Test ~~,l~{Results of Test -/7/~ ~ , 9. Tank ~ Tank Repaired? i-lYes I-]No ~Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ~ aT~a rator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors bevel pe Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls  Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box l']None ['1Unknown Other: List Make '& Model For Above Devices a. Underground Piping: ~Yes I-1No {-IUnknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter .~___Manufacturer ~Pressure r-lsuction []Gravity Approximate ben, th of Pipe 'l~m b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection :  Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad I-1Imlxessed Current []Sacrificial Anode o l ye thy l e ne Wrap ~Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap [2]Tar or Asphalt ~Unknown []None []Other (describe): c. Undergrour~J Piping, Secondary Containment: FqDouble-Wall []Synthetic Liner System ~None []Unknown I-]Other (describe): TANK ~ ~. (FILL OUT SEPARATE FO EACH TANK) --FOR EACH SECTio~,--~ECK ALL AP~ROPRI-~E BOXES Ho lo ~ Material -~-Carbon Steel rlStainless Steel U1Polyvinyl Chloride rlFiberglass-Clad Steel ~] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Alumin~n E] Bronze [-]Unkno~n E] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thicknes.s ,(Inches) 4. Tank Secondary Contair~nent ri Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner []Other (describe): [-[Material Thickness (Inches) 5. Tank Interior 'Lining -~;---~Rubber ['lAlkyd U1Epoxy Ul~henolic []Glass [']Other (describe): 6' Tank Corrosion Protection ® 8~ e 10. Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer []Lined Vault ~None r']unkno~,~ Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) []Clay [NU~lined E]mkno~ '---[~Gal~anized ~ass-Clad rlPolyethylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrapping r[Tar or Asphalt []Unkno~ [~None rlother (describe)-- Cathodic Protection: [~Ngne []Impressed Current System I~Sacrt[lcI~l /~xle Descr~b~ System & Equilm~ent: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: E]~isual (vaulted tanks only) ~Groundwater Monitoring' Wall(s) [2]Vados~'.Zone Monitoring ~ll(s) []U-Tube Without Liner ~[]U-Tubm with C~.patible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Wall(s) Vapor Dstector* [] Liquid Level Sensors ['lCondu~tivit~ Sensor= [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank Liguid Retrieval & Inspection Fr~m U-Tube,_Monitoring %gell or Annular Space DailyG~uging & Inventory Reconcifiation. [] Periodic Tightnmsm Testin~ None [] U~known [] Other b. Piping: X Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping D Monitoring S~p with Race~ay []Sealed Concrete Race~y [IH all-Cut Ccmpatible Pipe Raceway [] Synthetid Liner Race~ay [] Unknown [] Other Tank Tightness l~-~--This Tan~ Been Tightness Tested? ~Yes ~No []Unknown Date of Last Tightness T~st ~ '/g~,~Results of Test Test T tim c ,.pany Tank ~ Tar~' Repaired? []Yes []No Date(s) o~ Repair(s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors [~vel Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [']Auto Shut- Off Controls Capacitance Sensor [-]Sealed Fill Box [-]None [-]Unknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. a. Underground Pipirg: ~Yes []No []Unk~9wn Material ~}~/ Thickness (inches) Diameter ,~_~.Manufacturer ~Pressure Dsuction FTGravity 'Approximate I.e,ngth of Pipe i~ b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : Galvanized E]Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current r'lSacrifi'cial .Anode olyethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolation ~Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt [-]Unknown [~lNone []Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Contairment: ~Double-Wall ~]Synthetic Liner System ~.None []unknown ~Other (describe): ....... . ................... ya~ili~y Name ~ND MARKETING INC. TANK ~ ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE F(DRM FO~ EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: '[]Vaulted~ ~Non-Vaulted nDouble-Wall ~Single-Wall 2. ~ Material Carbon Stol [] Stainless Steel n Polyvinyl Chloride []Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ~n Concrete [-I Al~nin~n [] Bronze [-]Unknown [-] Other (describe) 3. Pr in, fy Containment Capacity (Gallons) Date Installed Thickness .(Inches) 4. Tank SecOndary Containment rlDouble-Wall ~-S~nthetic Liner ['lLined Vault [-]Other (describe): rlMaterial Thickne~s (Inches) 5. Tank Interior ¥.inincj '--~Rubber '"[]~---'~--~ []Epoxy [']men•lit •Glass []Other (describe) 6. Tank Corrosion Protection Permit No. I 7 ~)QO~ Manufacturer ~None [-1Unkno~ Manufacturer :' Capacity (Gals.) ® Be e 10. C]Ciay [ [Uniined []Unkn m ---i~Galvanized ~ass-Clad FqPol~ethylene Wrap C]Vlnyl ~a[~ing I'lTar or Asphalt •Unknown [~None l~Other (describe): - "Describ~ System & £qutt~nt: ' Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Intercepti. on a. Tank: []-]Visual (vaulted t~ks only) ~[Ground~ter Monitoring' Wmll(s) []Vados~'.Zone Mc~itorir~] Well(s) ['TU-Tube Without Liner B U -Tube with C~patible Liner Directing Flow t~ Monitoring wall(s)® Vapor Pstector* [] Liquid Level Sen~r* []Cond,~'-tivit~ Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Armular Space of Double Wall Tank [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing None ri Unknown D Other b. Piping: X Fl~Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping TM []Monitoring ~p with Race~ay []Sealed Concrete Race~y []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race,my DNone U1 Unkno [2] Other Tank Tightness ~is Tan~ Been Tightness Tested? ~Yes liN• []Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test ~~,1/ ./~Results of Test Test Name /-'/~_/'~, : .".'ff ~_~ ' I / Testing Ccmpany_ /--j.'~2 Tank ~ Tank Repaired? r~yes []No ~Unknown Da te (s) of Repa I r (s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection Operator ~ills, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~vel Tape Float Gauge ~Float Vent Valves []Auto Shut- Off Controls B Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box []None []Unknown Other: List Make & Model F~r Able D~ices 11. piping a.. Umierground Pipirg: ~Yes ON• •Unknown Material ~/ Thickne~ (i~hes) Di~eter ~," ~nufactucer ~essure ~tion ~Gravity '~prOxi~te ~ of Pf~ '~ b. Undergro~ pipi~ Corrosion Prot~ti~ : ' ~lvaniz~ ~Fi~rglass<l~ ~ess~ ~rrent ~crificial ~e . ~olye~yle~ Wrap ~Electrical Isolati~ ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or ~lt ~Unkno~ ~None ~her (de~ri~): c. Undergro~ Pipit, Seco~ary Contai'~nt: ~l~all ~~etic Liner ~st~ ~ne ~kno~ ~Other (de~ri~): ~.. {,"Stilit.y. Name TEXACO REFINtt,"~'O MARKETING INC. q '~ "kTJ TANK J (FILL OUT SEP~TE FO~ ~R ~ SE~I~, ~ECK ~ ~PROPRIATE ~XES - .' Tank is: '~Vault~ ~n-Vault~ ~uble-Wall ~Si~le~all ~ ~terial Car~n Stol ~ Stainless Steel ~l~inyl C~oride ~Fi~rglass~l~ Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic' ~Concrete ~ ~in~ ~ Bronze ~k~ [-] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness ,(Inches) · Capacity (Gallons) 4. 'rank SecOndary~ Containment · {-]Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault ~None [[]Other (describe): []Material Th'ic'kness (Inches) 5. Tahk Interior Lining ---~R~ber ~AlkYd []Epoxy []Phenolic •Glass [-]Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection Manufacturer .-, ..~.~.,.< [-I Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity~Oals. ) OClay ~t~lined ~l~lnkn~ --[~Galvanlzed' "~--FI~ass-Clad []Pol~thylene Wrap [-[Vinyl Wrapping . [-[Tar or Asphalt [3Unknown [~No~e [1Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ~[N?ne [2]Impressed Current System ~lSacrifi~ial"~e~xle System Describe System & Equil~ent: ""'-". 7. Leak Detection, .Monitoring, and IntercePtior{ a. Tank: [-[Visual (vaulted tanks only) ~Ground~ater Monitorirg' Well(s) [] Vadose' .Zone Monitori~g Well (s) [-1 U-Tube Without Liner ~lU-Ttlbe with C~patible Liner Directin~ Flow to Monitorirg I~is.ll(s)m- [-[ Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor' [-[ Conductivit~ Sensor [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [] Liquid l%strieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring ~ell or Annular Space Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [-[Periodic Tightnsss Testing None []Unkno~ []Other b. Piping: X Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Diping" ~Monitoring St~np with Race~y []Sealed Concrete Race~y Ii]Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway, []None [] Unknown [] Other 8. Tank Tightness ' l~is-Tank Been Tightness Tested? ~Yes []NO DUnknown ,/ 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? []Yes []NO ~Unkno~n Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection Operator 'Fil~s, Controls, & Visually Monitors [~vel Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [']Auto Shut- Off controls B Capacitance Sensor [-]Sealed Fill Box [3None [-]t~nkno~,~ Other: List Make & Model F~ Ab~e Devices 11. Piping a. tt~derground Piping: ~Yes [2IN• •Unknown Material. ~5.~/ Thickne~ (i~hes) Di~eter ~ ' ~nufacturer ~essure ~S~tion'' ~Gravity '~prOXi~te ~ of ~f~ '~ b. Undergro~ pipi~ Corrosion Prot~tl~ : . lvaniz~ ~Fi~rglass~l~ ~ess~ ~rrent ~crificial ~e olye~yle~ Wrap ~Electrical Isolati~ ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or ~lt ~Unkno~ ~None ~her (de~ri~): c. Undergro~ Pipit, Seco~ary Contai~nt: ~l~all ~~etic Liner ~st~ ~ne ~kno~ ~Other (de~ri~: Kern County Health DepartmentF~/ Division of Environmental Hea. · 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA Application 93305 No. of Tanks to be Abandoned PERMIT FOR ~-OR PEMqANI~ BAZARIX~IS SUBSTANCES S'I'GR~E FACILIT~ pro~]eTOf 'Application (Fill Out ~ Application Per FaCility) ~m~porary Closure/Abandonment ~]Permanent Closure/Abandonment t Contact (name, area code, phone): Days ~W~ ..323- ~/3~Nights * · Facility Name 7~,~,c~. ,~'~,,,~,;~, Aw~ ;U;~'A~/7,,'~ '~'~. ' Facility Address ~qO/ ;~, ~9~/~ / ~'~,'~'~f~i Nns~are~t Cross St. ~.~-h ~_~- >- SEC T R - ~( r Lo t-o On y) .. Address U.,~ ~f3;/~,/,,,~. /~1~_. 2_~z /~,~,/~..r~'.~,. Zip 'Operator ~e.~mk -/~/~ ~'7~ _ . '_Telephone ,,5""~- ~¥- ! - .. Facilityby Soil Characteristics at Facility. (.. ~~'~n~ ~.~ // ' ~sis for ~il ~ and Gro~ter ~pth ~temi~tio~ ~. ~ ~ ~,~v ~ Tank Re~val Contractor ~/f E ~ ~ ~ Lice~e ~. ' ~3 - ~f/~ ~dress ~. 'W" J~ ~~~/~ Zip 93~/, Telemone ~- 323- Pro~s~ S~rti~ ~te ' ~-~o-f~ Pro~s~ C~pletion ~te ~ '/~-F~ ' Environmental Assessment Contractor ~.7~. t~ CA License No. Address 1~/.9 /9~,~/~; l~z.~ ~..~ Zip '~q~5~3 Tele~one ¥15-33~-~ Pro~s~ Starti~ ~te ~%,,n/w~ ,,, Pro~s~ C~pletion ~te - - ~rker's C~ation CertifiCation ~1.~_~7/. ~ Insurer ~,,~A ~. ~. Chemical Composition of Materi~ls Stored Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) Describe Method for Retrieving Samples Samples Will be AnalYZed for Dates Stored Chemical Previously Stored ( if different) to to to to // Fe Laboratory That Will Perform Analyses of Samples Address Telephone This application for: [~removal or [2]abandonment in place PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION R~QUESTED ON .REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET BEFORE SU.SMI~TING APPLICATI(~4 FOR REVIEW. This form has been completed under penalty of pez~ury and to the best of my knowledge is tru~ and correct. September 3, 1985 Kern County . Environmental Health Dept. 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Attention: Richard Casagrande Re: Texaco 24th and Oak, Bakersfield Dear Richard: On August 26, 1985, I had a meeting with Ernie Kirby of Texaco, Inc. As of that date, he told me that he had not spoken with you regarding the contaminated soil at the above-referenced location and the amount which had to be removed. At this point we have conflicting statements regarding the amount of contaminated soil which had to be removed. I will be getting in touch with you next week to set up an appointment with you so that we can resolve this matter. We appreciate so much your cooperation in this matter. ~r6hn j~nes i Operational Coordinator JJ/dc CC: E. Kirby B. Hill File 1100 North "J" Street F & H Equipment Maintenance Co. Post Office Box 88.~- Tulare, California 93275-0088 Phone (209) 688-2977 STATE OF CALI'FORNIA ' ' GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-- CENTRAL VALLEY REGION SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED I~RANCH OFFICE: 3374 EAST SHIELDS AVENUE, ROOM 18 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 PHONE: (209) 445-5116 Mr. Bob Wark .... 26 August. 1985 Texaco, Inc. P. O. Box 3756 . Los Angeles, CA 90051 REVISED PLANS FOR ASSESSMENT'AND CLEANUP OF SOILS CONTAHINATION AND GROUND WATER POLLUTION AT 24TH AND OAK STREETS, BAKERSFIELD We have reviewed the corporation's revised plans for addressing the program deficiencies discussed in 'our letter to you dated 16 July i985. The enclosed staff report outlines modifications needed in these plans that Scott Smith of our staff discussed with you on 16 August. The plans were submitted to us in draft form and should therefore be finalized and incorporate the changes 'in well construction and drilling techniques. With the modifications noted, we find the plans acceptable..Please submit the results of the boring program for defining the vertical and lateral extent of soils contamination and 9round water pollution to this office within two weeks after the boring program is completed. The staff report also indicates additional reports regarding the extraction program and the bioremediation program are forthcoming as soon as the necessary data has been gathered. If not submitted for our review by 9 September 1985, please provide us with a progress report describing the reasons for the delay and an estimate of when the report(s) will be submitted. Finally, the staff report discusses the need for sampling and analysis of municipal water wells that are in the vicinity of the service station. We are concerned that the wells noted may be affected by the gasoline leakage. Therefore, please provide us analytical results for benzene, toluene, xylene, 1,2-dichloroethane, and ethylene dibromide for samples collected from the two wells indicated. Please submit the samples for analysis to the laboratory by 6 September 1985, and direct the laboratory to contact us promptly if any of the compounds are found at concentrations above Department of Health Services' action levels..Otherwise, provide us with a copy of the laboratory report when completed. Thank you for your cooperation on these matters. If you have any questions, please cogtact Scot~ Smith at (209) 445-5569. F. SCOTT NEVINS Senior Engineer CSS:hmm Enclosure cc: Ms. Anne Boyce, Kern County Health Department, Bakersfield Ntemorondum CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD , CENTRAL VALLEY REGION 3374 E. Shields Avenue. Room 18 Fresno. California 93726' phone: (209) 445-5116 TO: F. Scott Nevi ns Senior Engineer FROM: C. Scott Smith · Staff Engineer DATE.: 23 August 1985 SIGNATURE: . _ SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT ON TEXACO, INC. CLEANUP AT 24TH AND OAK STREET SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY In a letter to Texaco dated 16 July 1985, we discussed deficiencies in their assessment and cleanup program to address contaminated soils and polluted ground water resulting from the underground storage tank leak.~ge. We directed them to submit a report outlining measures to address the deficiencies. On 25 July, we received their report. On 16 August, I discussed the plans in detail with Bob Wark of Texaco and, Don Bishop of IT Corporation, Texaco's consultant. We discussed and agreed on what I believe are needed modifications in their proposed ground water monitoring program, additional tasks that need to be performed, a.nd reports that need to be submitted. These areas are discussed below for each of the areas of program deficiency outlined in our 16 July letter. Extent of Ground Water'POllution: Additional monitoring w.ells are needed due to the known increases in vertical and lateral extent of ground water pollution that has occurred as a result of past declines in ground water levels and the delays that have occurred in the extraction program. Th'e present vertical extent of ground water pollution is estimated to be about 40 feet. The plans contain proposed locations for additional deeper monitoring wells to aid in defining the present vertical and lateral extent of ground water pollution. As the borings are advanced at each location, soils and ground water samples will be field tested for the presence of hydrocarbons to provide a first approximation to'the vertical extent of contamination. Borings will be advanced until the apparent vertical limit of contamination is reached. Laboratory analysis of samples will be performed for verification of the approximate vertical limit. Wells will be screened'over the interval of discerved contamination and will be monitored in conjunction with the existing shallow wells the d~efine the extent of contamination. · It.was agreed that the need for the use of packers in some of the monitoring wells would be evaluated once the boring program has been completed. In general, packers should be placed in wells found to be outside the area of. ~ contamination to allow depth descrete sampling over a maximum interval of 10 feet for verification of the continued absence of contaminants. The boring program has been delayed due to drilling rig availability. The presence of large cobbles up to 6 inches in diameter near the bottom of the TEXACO, INC. -2- 23 August 1985 borings makes it necessary to us~ a dual wa.Il air per. cussion hammer, one of which is not available, for four to six weeks. Ground Water Cleanup: The extraction well was deepened and the ground water cleanup program wis resumed. However, in recent weeks the ground water level has risen substantially to a present depth of about 20 feet, so extraction from the shallow recovery well has also been resumed. The adequacy of the extraction program has not yet been ~valuated because the rapidly changing ground water conditions have prevented' the'measurement of a cone of depression. It was agreed that TeXaco will be reporting on this once the data can be developed' and will be making necessary modifications in the ground water cleanup program once the extent of ground water pollution is determined. .' .-~.'~ Monitoring Programs: Well water samples were recently collected over the entire study area and analytical results will be submitted to us shortly. The results of this testing will be utilized in conjunction with data developed during the course of. the boring program to finalize the location of the monitoring wells. A general program for monitoring the ground water cleanup has been presented. It includes quarterly monitoring of all wells for all contaminants that have been detected above Department of Health Services' Action Levels. The monitoring program may need to be modified as more information is developed on the extent and rate of movement of contaminants, and the effectiveness of both the bioremediation program (discussed below) and extraction program. In some cases more frequent sampling may be in order and for others less sampling may be acceptable depending on their location and specific function. Varying the number of wells and constituents tested during a given sampling period may also be acceptable, again depending on well function and location. The adequacy of the monitoring program needs to be continually evaluated throughout the course of the cleanup and any changes in the proposed program, and the rationale for the same, need to be reported ahead of time. Cleanup of Contaminated Soils A program is being developed to enhance the breakdown of petroleum hydrocarbons in the soils. The program will consist of introducing nutrients into the vadose zone and upper water table zone at various injection well locations. Natural bacteria in'the.soils abe presently being sampled and studied. Texaco has indicated the specifics of the bioremediation'program will be submitted in early September for our review and comment. Sampling of Local Municipal. water Wells: An area that has not been evaluated is the possible affect on local municipal water wells hydraulically downgradient from the service station. Within about TEXACO, INC.' -3- 23 August 1985 1/2 mile downgradient of the leak are two active municipal wells owned by the California Water Service Company. The well locations and designations are shown on the enclosed map.. Neither of these wells are perforated near the top of the water table or solely within the unconfined aquifer. No complaints have been submitted to us regarding objectionable taste and odor in water from these wells. However, the possibility that these wells may be affected needs to be evaluated for the following reasons: .- Regional geologic conditions and the possible presence of older wells in the area that were 'not constructed or abandoned properly, have not been evaluated in terms possible vertical migration of contaminants. - After hearing of the leakage, California Water SerVice Company immediately discontinued use of these two wells. - The actual time when the leakage began is not' known. The leakage was discovered close to two years ago and the extent of ground water pollution has yet been defined. Therefore I believe the'wells should be tested for the presence of volatile organic compounds that have been found in ground water near the service station. EPA Methods 601 and 602 be used. Conclusions: Texaco now appears to be making adequate progress towards addressin9 the problem. The recently submitted plans are adequate provided the program incorporates the above areas that were discussed during the 16 August phone conversation and the sampling of the California Water Service Company wells. CSS: hmm ,~'~'"~ S~'A'I;'E OF (~ALIFORNIA GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-- CENT L VALL REGION SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED B'RANCH OFFICE: 3374 EAST SHIELDS AVENUE, ROOM 18 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 PHONE: {209) 445-5116 16 July 1985 Mr. R- W. Wark Texaco, Inc. P.O. Box 3756 Los Angeles, CA 90051 SOILS AND GROUND WATER CLEANUP AT 20TH AND OAK STREETS, BAKERSFIELD ? Enclosed is a report which reviews the progress being made towards addressing · contaminants in the soils and ground water pollution at the subject service station. Although the extraction program has finally been resumed, we believe the corporation is still not making adequate progress towards addressing the entire problem. The staff report outlines the continued deficiencies in the program. Scott Smith of our staff has expressed our concerns over these areas to you and Mr. Phil Olwi'n on several occassions during the past few months. Should we not receive the r~port addressing the deficiencies in the cleanup and assessment program by 22 July 1985, we will consider taking appropriate enforcement actions. This could include the issuance of a Cleanup and Abatement Order or penalties of up to $1,000 per day as allowed under the McCorquodale Bill (SB 2131). Should you have any questions on this matter, please call Scott Smith of this office at (209l 4~.5-5569. F. SCOTT NEVINS ~ Senior Engineer CSS:sjb Enclosure cc: Mrs Tom Kovac, Toxic Substances Control Division, Department of Health Services, Fresno Ms. Ann Boyce, Kern County Health Department, Bakersfield Memorandum CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD · CENTRAL VALLEY REGION 3374 E. Shields Avenue, Room 18 Fresno, California 93726~ Phone: (209) 445-5116 TO: F. Scott Nevi ns Senior Engineer FROM: C..Scott Smith Staff Engineer DATE: 16 July.1985 SIGNATURE: SUBJECT: PROGRESS REPORT ' TEXACO SERVICE STATION GASOLINE LEAK, 24TH AND OAK STREETS,'BAKERSFIELD In a letter to Texaco dated 4 June .1985, we expressed our concerns regarding the limited progress being made-towards addressing ground water pollution resulting from the leak..of leaded gasoline from an underground storage tank at this service station.-In the letter we outlined deficiencies in the contamination assessment and Cleanup program and indicated that it was our understanding that they would be providing us with a report during the week of June 10th outlining measures that will be taken to correct the program's deficiencies. We did not receive the report. Rather, Texaco sent us a. letter indicating that before they proceed with any additional work at the site they would need to know if the Shell service station (located acro'ss the street) is contributing .to the ground water contamination problem. I talked with Texaco and indicated that while the results of the tank testing and soils sampling at the Shell station are certainly important in Texaco's assessment and cleanup program, we cannot accept further delays in addressing the soils and ground water contamina- tion from leakage of their storage tanks. Subsequently, we recieved a letter from Texaco (dated June 17) presenting a brief summary of a program for the installation of additional monitoring wells. The'proposed program was inadequate because it was absent of the following elements (all of which were previously indicated as areas that need to be addressed): 1. A schedule for restarti.ng the ground water extraction/cleanup program. The ratiohale_for the location and construction of additonal-monitoring wells needed for: a) defining the vertical and lateral extent of-contaminated ground water; b) monitoring the effectiveness of the extraction/cleanup program; and c) monitoring the release of gasoline from the soils with fluctuations in ground water elevations. 3. Description of a program for addressing the threat posed to ground water by the significant volume of gasoline that remains in the soils. 4. Description of a Program for monitoring the effectiveness of 3. above. TEXACO SERVICE STATION -2- 16 July 1985° I have since indicated these deficiencies to Texaco ~and expressed that our primary concern continues to be the delays in resuming the extration/cleanup program. I indicated that we could not accept any further delays in its resumption and that we are presently considering taking enforcement actions that will ensure that the assessment and cleanup program is carried out.properly. Subsequently, Texaco completed the deepening of the extraction well on July llth and resumed the extraction/cleanup program. They have indicated that a report addressing the remaining areas will be submitted by July 22nd. CSS:sjb , STATE OF CALIFORNIA GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN. Governor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-- CENTRAL VALLEY REGION SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED 8RANCH OFFICE: 3374 EAST SHIELDS AVENUE, ROOM 18 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 PHONE: (209) 445-5116 4 3une 1985 90051 Mr. RL W. Wark Texaco~ Inc. P. O. Box 3756 Los Angeles, CA GROUND WATER CLEANUP PROGRAM AT 24TH AND OAK STREETS, BAKERSFIELD ' L' The enclosed staff report indicates that little progress has been made tn recent months towards cleanup of'ground water from the Corporation's underground storage facilities at the subject service station. We are concerned that the migration of ~ontaminants is occurring unchecked and that little cleanup has occurred since the beginning of the program. The report outlines what we believe are deficient areas of the program. We understand that you met with your consultant on 21 May to address these areas and that we will be receiving a report next week outlining measures that will'be taken to correct the program's deficiencies. You will receive our evaluation of the report and. proposed program modifications once received. We have contacted Shell Oil Company and requested that they conduct initial evaluation and testing to determine if leakage from their underground facilities at'24th and Oak Streets is occurring and contributing to the contamination problem. We will provide you with the results of their work once received. Should you have any questions on these matters, please telephone Scott Smith of this office at (209) 445-5569. F. SCOTT NEV[NS Senior. Engineer CSS:h~ Enclosure cc: Mr. Tom Maher, Shell Oil Company, Anaheim Ms. Anne Boyce,~Kern County Health Department, Bakersfield ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-- CENTRAL VALLEY REGION SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED BRANCH OFFICE: . ' 3374 EAST SHIELDS AVENUE, ROOM 18 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 PHONE: (209) 445-5116 4'Oune 1985 Mm. Tom Maher Shell Oil Company P. O. Box 4848 Anaheim, CA 92803 POSSIBLE LEAKAGE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITIES AT 24TH AND OAK sTREETS, BAKERSFIELD Texaco Inc. is presently involved in a ground water cleanup program to address leakage from their underground storage facilities at their service station at 24th and Oak Streets, Bakersfield. Recent progress reports submitted to us suggest that Shell's facilities across the street may also be contributing to the problem. We have evaluated the findings and rationale presented by Texaco's consultant and believe that they warrant investigation. Scott Smith of our staff.has spoken with you and requested that the Company conduct a gasoline inventory search over the past two years and perform testing of the u'nderground facilities in accordance with the Kern County Health Department underground tank program. In addition, we believe it is necessary to perform initial soils testing immediately below the underground facilities. Please submit the plans for such sampling to this office by 19 June 1985. The plans should contain sufficient information on sampling locations, sampling procedures and handling, and laboratory analytical procedures for us to determine its adequacy. Should you have any questions on these matters, please telephone Scott Smith of this office at (209) 445-5569. F. SCOTT NEVINS Senior- Engineer 'CSS:hr~ CC: Mr. Bob Wark, Texaco, Inc., Los Angeles · 'Ms. Anne Boyce, Kern County Health Department, Bakersfield ? '.,,Vtemoranaum -' -- CALIFORNIA REGIONAL 'WATER QUALITY CONTROL. BOARD · CENTRAL VALLEY REGION 3374 E, Shields Avenue,' Room 18 Fresno, C~lifornia 93726 Phone: (209) 445-5116 TO: F. Scott Nevins Senior Engineer FROM: C. Scott Smith Staff Engineer DATE: 4 June 1985 SIGNATURE: SUBJECT: STATUS OF GROUND WATER CLEANUp PROGRAM, TEXACO, INC., SERVICE STATION ~ AT 24TH AND OAK STREETS, BAKERSFIELD In April 1984, Getty Refining and Marketing Company (now Texaco, Inc.) was issued an NPDES permit for the discharge of treated ground water generated in a gasoline and ground water cleanup program at the subject service station to the Kern River and Carrier Canal.' . At the time the leak from the Underground storage tank was originally 'discovered, the water table'was within just a few feet from the bottom of the tank. By the time the cleanup program was initiated in late July 1984, the water table in the area had fallen an average 15 feet. This resulted in takeup of essentially all of gasoline in the soils. As a result, the cleanup program to da~e has consisted solely of removal and treatment of contaminated ground water and~not the removal of any significant volume of gasoline. The ground water cleanup program was discontinued in late August 1984 at which time the water table had dropped completely below the extraction well. In june 1984, 21 deeper monitoring wells were installed-to allow continuation of the assessment program. Samples were collected from these wells in ~uly and August, and excessive concentrations ·of ethylene dibromide (EDB), 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE), benzene, toluene, and xylene were detected and confirmed in nine of the wells. By February'1985, all but five of the wells were dry from the water table dropping an additional average 10 feet since'their installation. Samples collected from these remaining wells were found to contain excessive concentrations of the same five compounds. Observed exceedances of the DHS action levels in the monitoring program to date can be summarized as follows: (Shown for each well is the most recently observed exceedance.) Well No. EDB BENZENE DCE TOLUENE XYLENE (p~5) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb)' ACTION LEVEL 0.000 0.7 1.0 100 600 4A 5.05 7A 0.7 9A 0.65 IOA 0.4 17 0.21 19 3.5 22 0.5 DW1 0.8' DW3 0.07 6040 52.5 8040 735 10.8 1500 1350 14.6 1340 235 6.6 · 945 72. 1.1 - 1740 17.3 5565 59 - 112 1480 17.1 - 235 1.3 - 2275 840 1705 800 2~95 STATUSOF GROUND WATER CLEANUP PROGRAM, T'EXACO, INC., -2- 4 June 1985 No cleanup efforts have occurred at the .site for c!.ose to nine months. Texaco. has been requested to develop (1) a satisfactory extraction well(s) for continuing the cleanup program; (2) additional monitoring wells for defining the extent of contamination; and (3)'a program for monitoring the breakdown and decomposition of gasoline in the soils. Little progress has been made towards addressing these areas but Texaco is meeting with their consultant this.week to address the .deficiencies in the program. In TQ~aco's last progress report (dated 1'May 1985), their conSultant indicated that~"There is clearly a [additional] source of contamination in the vicinity of the Shell station [located across the street in the northeast corner] that has not as yet ~een identified." They have recon~nended that Shell be requested to install monitoring wells around their tanks and associated piping. .I have reviewed the analytical, boring, and water level data. It. is not completely clear nor totally demonstrated that Shell's facilities are contributing to the probl.em. However, the data does suggest a strong possibility that Shell is contributing to the problem and I believe it warrants investigation. The Texaco progress reports contain very little evaluation of the pertinent problem. Additional work needs to be done by. both companies to explain the significance of the following factors when lOoked at collectively. At the time the leak was discovered, local ground water was only a few feet below the bottom of the tanks and the Shell facilities appear to have been hydraulically downgra~ient from the leakage. However, the full lateral extent of the contamina{~on is not know. Monitoring wells 17 and 19, located on Shell property, were installed later in the program after the depth to ground water in the area dropped an average 10 feet from the time the leak was originally discovered. (See Figures I and 2 which were taken'from submi.tted progress reports). Presently they are clearly hydraulically downgradient from the Shell facilities. The boring logs for both wells indicated the presence of gasoline from 16 feet (approximately 5 feet below the average water level at the time. the program.was initiated eight months previous) to somewhere between approximately 26 to 31 feet (5 to 10 feet below the water level at the time the wells were drilled). e Water.samples collected from wells 17 and 19 at the time of.drilling were reported to not-contain contaminants. (See above table). I have contacted Shell and requested that they perform testing on 'their facilities in accordance with the Kern County Health Department ordinance and present a summary of the gasoline inventory 'over the last two years. In addition, I believe they should be directed ~to initiate a sampling program to. determine if any gasoline originating from 'their underground facilities is present in. the soils in the immediate vicinity. From this collective information we can evaluate the need for directing Shell to develop a contamination assessment program. CSS:hn~n CAL!FORNiA R .GIOkA . WATER QUA.ITY CONTROL BOARD-- CENT L VALL REGIOR SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED BRANCH OFFICE: 3374 EAST SHIELDS AVENUE, ROOM 18 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 PHONE: (209,) 445-5116 28 Harch 1984 .< Mr. Dave Gumbley.' · Getty' Refining and. f-~arketin9 C°. ~: " .. -" P. O~ Box 1476 :...:: . ~ Bakersfield, CA 93302 NOTICE OF PUB[.!C HEARING,"': ':"~ ...:..:. /' ';'.','!..2.. i"-:' Three,:(-3):':"~°pies of a Notice of Public Hearing concerning your waste discharge requirements 'and one (1) copy of a Proof of Posting Form are enclosed. Regu- lations require you to comply with the following items: By 29 March i984, post one (1) copy of the Notice at the nearest city hall. or county courthouse; and one ~(1) copy at the post office nearest your faci 1 i ry. 2. By 6 April 1984, file with this office Proof of Posting, using the enclosed form. F. SCOTT REVINS Senior Engineer CSS: i ay CC' U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX U.S. F~sh and Wildlife Service, Sacramento U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Sacramento District U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service, Fresno Department of Health Services, Fresno DeDar;ment of Fish and Game, Region IV De;ar;.;.~ent of Water Resources, San Joaquin Distric; Division of Oil and Gas, District 4, Bakersfield Division of Hines and Geology, Sacramento Le~' Division, Wa~e:' Resources Control Board, Sacramento Kern County Health Department Wt. George Adrian, California Water Service, San Jose Hr. Ficrn Core, Ci~' of Bakersfield ~.!r. ~;~rren Ceb~ii. Kern County Water Agency ~Ta.:: ~iiiiar,.son, Kern County Ground Water Quaii~v CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER'QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION 3374 E. SHIELDS AVENUE FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 (209) 445-51'16 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING and Application for Waste Discharge Requirements (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit) for Getty Refining and Marketing Company Gasoline Cleanup Project Mohawk Service Station, 24th & Oak Streets Kern County Getty Refining and Marketing Company (hereafter Discharger) has applied to the C~lifornia Regional Water Quality COntrol Board (hereafter Board) for waste dsicharge requirements (NPDES Permit) for the discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States. The Discharger proposes ~o cleanup an estimated 6,600 gallons of gasoline from ground water. The gasoline leaked from an underground pipeline at their Mohawk service station at 24th and Oak Streets in Bakersfield, California. Re£enti'~ installed shallow water wells will be continually pumped To create a cone of depression and to promote accumulation of gasoline in the well bore. Accumulated gasoline will be continually withdrawn from the top of the well bore. Tn£ Di¢ ~- =c,,=roer ~*~ to discharge about O.s? m~d (c ~ 1/sec) of eround c_n~f¢..u in the cleanup program to eith¢~ the Kern River (Discharge 001) or the Carrier Canal (Discharge 002). Prlc, r t,3 discharge, all wastewater will be treated by activated carbon to re~-- =' or,~ani ti . · ¥.. c con~. tuents The Board wishes to obtain information to assist it in determining the proper waste discharge remuirements, and for that purpose, will hold a public hearin~ as fol 1 DATE: 27 April 1984 ,TIME: PLACE: }0:00 a.m. City Council Chambers 1313 California Street Redding, California On ..... ~-=s~s of Preliminary staff review and ap$1ication of lawful anc r-:suia~ions, the California Regional Water ~uality Control Board. Central "- ~ OF PUBL "~ I~Ot [~ IC HEARI~: GETTY REFINING AND o MARKETING COMPANY -2- Valley Region, tentatively proposes to issue waste discharge requirements, 'including effluent limitations and special conditions. Persons wishing to comment upon or object to the proposed discharge requirements are invi'ted to submit same in writing to the above address no later than 20 April 1984. All comments or objections received prior to the above date will be considered in the ~formulation of final determinations regarding the waste discharge. Interested persons are invited to attend to express their views on these issues relating to the above waste discharge. Oral statements will be heard, but, for the accuracy of the record, all important testimony should be submitted in writing. Oral statements should be brief to allow all interested persons time to be heard. The report of waste discharge, related documents, the Board's proposed require- ments? and ali comments and petitions received may be inspected and copied at: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region . 3374 E. Shields Avenue Fresno, California 93726 Phone: (209) 445-5116 Hours: 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ~ Please bring the foregoing to the attention of any persons known to you who would b6 inzeres~ed in this matter. LOREN J ~21~,o,n~., SuDervisino E'n'~ineer CSS' nm~ 3/28/84 State of California Memorandu'm From ·: Loren J. Harlow, Supervising Engineer Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board 3374 East Shields Avenue Fresno, CA 93726' Date : Subie~t: Sanitary Engineering Branch 5545 East Shields Avenue Fresno,-CA-~ 93727' Department of Health Services April 9, 1984 Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements for. Getty Refining and Marketing Cc. Gasoline Cleanup Project, M~hawk Service Station, 24th and Oak Streets KERN COUNTY Your request dated March 27, 1984, for our comments and recommendations regarding.the requirements covering the discharge of treated groundwater at .the above facility has been received. The wastewater will be pumped from beneath the Mohawk·Service Station where a significant gasoline leak occurred during October 1983. Prior to discharge, the water will be treated by activated carbon to remove organic constituents. We have reviewed the tentative requirements and believe they will protect the public health providing the carbon treatment is adequate to remove the contaminants. We request that the plans for the carbon filter treatment units and plans for'the proposed monitoring program be sent to us for review before the plant is activated. If both treatment and monitoring are not done correctly, this discharge has the potential of causing a serious downstream water contamination. Also, this mitigation and cleanup project should be implemented without further delay. In the future, similar occurrences should be handled in more of an emergency fashion, bypassing your lengthy NPDES procedure. TNA/cr Theodore N. Andrews Senior Sanitary Engineer CC: Department of Fish and Game - Fresno Department of Water Resources - Fresno Kern County Health Department~.-~ SEB - Sacramento Fresno .3374 EAST S~!FLOS AVENLJ~_":, ROOM 18 FRESNO, C~.L~FOFINIA ~.725 PHONE: (2~i445-5!!6 16 May 1924 Getty Refining and . Marketing Company P. O. Box 1476 Bakersfield, CA 93302 TRANSHITTAL OF ADOPTED WAS~ DISC~ ~QUI~'ENTS Enclosed is an official copy of Order No. 84-047 as adopted by the California Regional '~-~ , , ,--.~er Quality Control Board, Central Valley ReQion a~ its las~ regular meeting. Please acknowledge receipt of this Or.der by signing and returning the enclosed card, F. SCOT7 !~EV~I~S ' ,~,: knc:,.A e ~gement Card - -:, ':'?,..',~0, ,Protection Aeencv, ;,~qior~ ~. San ~=~,.~i-_'cc. .~ 'q :~h and ~.~';idlife Service, Sacra~n~o ,_~.. ~,~. .~ ~'..',,:.~ [.cr~,. of Engineers, Sacra~n~o District ;: S,. Z: 't ~: Conservation Service. Fresno Oe~ar:~ent of Health Services, F~sno ~.e~,a~-~ent c,f' Fish and Ga~, Region I'J, Fresno .... ?-~'-~'~ of Na~er Resources, San Joaquin District, F~r,c [qvi~i,:n of Oil and Gas, District 4, Bakersfield [;i v'~ '.~ -:, ,:::~ c,f Hi nes and Geology, Sacra~n~o ,.,~s~ ?,anage~en~ Board, Sacra~nto ~ai :~ivision, Water Resources Control Board, Sacra~nt:: ,~,_~r,. ,",-..,~-,-.,.: ~-.~ t~n Department ~r. Geo,-¢~ Adrian California Nater Service ~,. c. rn Core, Ci~,y of Bakersfield ..... ~';;q?t'~¢i t_.['~)t:]l ~.ern County Water Aq:ncy ;:: ,, 7,~:..': ~i'J~ia;~son, K~rn County Groun~ ~ate.- Ouaii~-. ~.., Cedi~..~.. CALIrO~,'~iA ~GIONAL WATs_r, QUALITY CONTROL BOAP. D CENTRAL VALLEY REGION ORDER NO. 84-047 NPDES NO. CA 0081515 WASTEDISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS FOR GETTY REFINING ANDMARKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24TH AND OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY The California Regional Water Quality Control Board,'Central Valley Region, (hereafter Board finds that: 1. Getty Refining and Marketing Company (hereafter Discharger) submitted a R~port of Waste Discharge, dated 24 January 1984, to discharge waste under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. o The Discharger proposes to cleanup an estimated 6,600 gallons of gasoline from ground water. The gasoline leaked from an underground pipeline at their Mohawk service station at 24th and Oak Streets in Bakersfield, California. Recently instaliedshailow water wells will be pumped to create a cone of depression and to promote accumulation of gasoline in the well bore, Accumulated gasoline will be withdrawn from the top of the well bore. The Dis~-=~=~ proooses to discharae about O.~? water generated in ~ne cleanup program to either the Kern River (.~iscnaFge 001) or ti~e Carrier Canal (Discharge 002). Prior to discharge, ail wastewater will be treated by activatec Carbon to remov£. :~.~a,~i- constituents Samples of the wastewater prior to treatment nave been collectec ano wer~ fou.~ ~o contain concentrations of ethylene dibromide, carbon te.-,rachloride~ 1,2-michioroethane, toluene, benzene, xylenes and leae in excess of- D==:~=,=,r-~ of Health Services' action level~- for drinkinu water SuDDiies 7. The Board, on 25 July 197.5, adopted a Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin (SD). These requirements are consistent with that Plan. The dur.~tion of the project and discharge are not known, but will continue un~ii cleanup of gasoline is complete.. This is an emergency project and the action to adopt was=.e discharge require- menzs is exemmt from the provisions of the California Environmen:ai Quality Act, pursuanz t,o Section 15269 of Chapter 3, Tizle !4, o~ the California, Admini s~ra~i ye Cooe. WASTE DISCHARGE R~Qu~R~I.I:NTS GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJEC? MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24TH A~ID OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY ' 10. The discharge will normally be to the Kern River at a point in the of Section 26, T29S, R27E, MDB&M. 11..,:~The beneficial uses of the Kern River are municipal, industrial and -:~agricultural supply; recreation; esthetic enjoyment; ground water recharge; fresh water, replenishment; anO preservation and enhancement of fish, wild- life and other aquatic resources. .12. The Discharger proposes to maintain an alternate point of discharge to the Carrier Canal at a point in the SW~ of Section 24, T29S, R27E, MDB&M. 13. The Carrier Canal originates on the Kern River, a water of the United States, at Rocky Point Weir about 4 miles u~st'ream of the ' discharge. It is unlined and parallel to the Kern River Channel. The Carrier Canal terminates at the River Canal Weir on the Kern River, at which poin; it becomes the River Canal. The River Canal is concrete lined, is parallel to the Kern River and terminantes near the California Aqueduct. 14. At numerous locations .... waters of the Carrie- and Riv:~ Canals are ~,'-:~u~.,"-~,~'~l¥ ~iver;e~ Pack t~o ;ne Kern River. 15. ~he beneficial uses of the Carrier Canal system are agricultural supply an~ ground water recharge. Waters in ~ne Kern River and Carrie~ Canal are of exceilen~ oual; 17. The quality of ground water in areas served by the Carrier Canal and Kern River varies from excellent to manginally acceptable for agricultural purposes. i~. Ti~e 6oaro nas notified the Discharger' and interestee agencies ano persons of i~s intent to p~scribe waste discharge re_quire~ents for this discharge and has provided them with an 'opportunity for a public hearing and an opportunity to submit their written views and recommendations. i~. The ~oarC, in a public meeting, hear~ and considere~ ail comments per- taining to the discharge. 20. This Order shall serve as a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sy~stem permit pursuan~ to Section 402 of t~e Clean Water Act, or amendments there- to, and shall take effect 10 day~ fro~ the date of hearing, provided E?/~ has ne objections. MOH~w~ S~R~'~u: STAT~Oi~ 2~,n A,',~~,,~ STREETS KERN IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that.the Discharger, in order to meet the provisions contained in Division 7 of the California Water Code and regulations adopted thereunder and the provisions of the Clean Water Act and regulations and guidelines adopted thereunder, shall comply with the following: A. '~rohibitions: 1. By-pass or overflow of untreated or oartially treated wastes is pron~ o~ ~ea. The discharge of wastewater to the Kern River or Carrier Canal is prohibited when there is no flow in the receiving water upstream of the point of discharge. B. Effluent Limitations: 1. The discharge of an effluent in excess of the following limits is prohibited: u.rl T'. Ethylene dibromi de Benzene .... i-2, OlCn~'~,,.,= X v'i eries To~ai ieac u'g/i O. 7 u~.,l 62C ug,-'i 50 T~.= di~.-~ .... -= ¢",=':'; ~' nave O~; les£ '"- ~ ' ..................... n~ a ~,,an 6.-, nor ¢reate,* triFJr. S.5. · , .... ~,,~,:~u Darzi iy treated waste is The Discharcer shall use the '-"' _ b=~ orac~icabi~ ~' ~=~v= c~~,~ CO.,u-~T,: ............ i technique currently availabi~ to limit minerali~-~= ==~,on to no more than a reasonable increment.' T~=,,,_: ciscnar'ce sn.B7":, rr..z =¢u.-.u* ..... ' a v~,,a, tion' ~: cf anv apr:iicab'ie oua!~t.y s~a -¢~ =~ ~¢¢ivina waters adopted hv ~' '- fiOd, u ~r r___ ~n~ Board o~ State ma~e~ Resources Conzro! Board as reouired by the ~iean .......... =..=..,~.,ons a~F,..=~ ~nereunder more strinqent apF:~:cab~e v,,:,~: 'J ~.': .h ',_, ? ~ ' t. :.'.;z. GASOLINE CLEANLP PROJECT ,,~,~',,,. SERViu:. STATION 24TF~ and OAK KERN COUNTY '--4- e This permit shall ~ modified, or alternatively, revoked and ~issued to comply with any applicable effluent standard or limitation issued or approved under Sections 301(b)(2)(C) and (D), 304(b)(2), ana 307(a)(2) of the Clean Water Act, if the effluent standard or !imi- tation so issued or approved: (a) Contains different conditions or is otherwise more._ stringent than any effluent limitation in the permit; or (b) Controls any pollutant not limited in the permit. The permit as modifiJd or reissued under this paragraph shall also contain any o;ner requimmen~s of the Ac~ then D. Receiving Water Limitations: The discharge shall not cause visible oil, grease, _cum, foam. floating r~_tvinq wa:e~ o~ waze-.-.~`,,'~=: ., The miscnarge shall nog cause concentraCions of any mm=~erials -~n receiving waters which are deleterious to human, animal, acu~;ic, plant life. . -? 4. The discharge snell ncz cause fungus, slimes, or ozner o.~jec-.,ionabie urowths in ther~=~'vinm~=~ ~. waters. . . ]:::~ C.~SC!~&r.]r SF,,~;]- nCL C3G$~Z: u~-~--~-~,~,,, ~:-pC2J-gg iF. CF:~2 fe__gZi~.- ... ,-,'SL/zFL . Ti~e discnar.me., shall no~. inc, e~_~- :¢ ~ t!}e turbidity cf the re_seivlnc.'wa~ers ~ .... mo re than 0 ~: uni The discharee shall no% increase the normal ambi:~n~ the receiving water more than 5°F (3OC). the dischare~_, nor its treatmen~ snell L,:i ~L.~'iC;:'l a£: d~fir:c: iF'. Sc:c'~ion !305:],~'=, ~t:£ MOHAWK SERVICE STATION The Discharger shall com,~iy with ali the ~tems of tZme "SZanaard .~ro- visions and Reporting, Require_menu (NPDES)" which are par: of t. his Or~er. 3.~.~- The Discharger shall comply with the attached Monitering and R:_por:ing · ° .... ora. ere. d by t. he Exec:ive Officer. ~.~Program No o-,-~,~ as This Order expires five years from the date of its adoption, an~ the Discharger mu-zr_ file a Re.~or: of Waste Discharge Title 23, California Administrative Coae, no: later r. nan 180 aays in advance of such da~e as applica+~ion for issuance' of new waste C, is- charge requi remen:s. Ir. tree even.: of an;, change in c:n-.rol cr ownershic of land or wa~..-.e discharge facilities presen:iy owned or c~n:rolie~ Dy ~ne Disznarger, the Discnarq_er shall notify tlqe succeeding owner or o~erator zf .~ne existence of t:qis Order by ie:zer, a copy of which shall be forwaraed ~o tm, is office. .z~_~.,~.,: n. ~,uu.~a? ~.xecutive Officer, az full, ~'~ - ~ ~_~.~ ef an Order a ~-'~e ~ c .... _ . ~.u~,. :': Czn~rzl ~3arc, Central Valley Region, CSS: i aL' [:5/0 L.: ,~ - r~,,~.,,-, R,_~O~,~,~_ WATER OuA.:_~.~ , C~-i~.iKOL ~O~R~ CENTP, AL VALLEY REGION MONITORING AND REPORTING PRO~RA:~ NO 8~-047 NPDES NO. CA 0081515 FOR GETTY REFINING AUD MARKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT r, DHAWK SERVICE STATION 24TH N~D OAK STREETS KE~ COUNTY EFFLUENT MONITORING A monitoring program that establishes the perfomance of the dual filter.activated carbon treatment shall be implemented to ensure that the discharge meets effluent limitations. The monitoring program is subject to the approval of the Executive Officer and wi,, consist of the following: Two weaks prior to discharge, the Discharger shall submit a plan for moni- toring the performance of the treatment system. The plan shall include the following: monitoring Dro~ra~,, _ ~ncl udi~S!, ccns~i'tuen~.s and freque~. ,."- the break:hrough point of ~he primary fil~er. The rationale fgr (a) above that incorporates system design., organic cs:'~z~iSae~;t concentrations, loading ra~es an~ es~i.,mated breakthrcuch - A ~_roDosenJ monitorine fremuencs for the final effluent cons:i~uents. .... ,, -_c, ~.,,e first discharge of treated -~":~ sg]~uenzs conta~nec unmer Effiuenc Limitations 5. i. of ~nese requiFemencs. ,,~ .... ,,,, +.;n w=:.~.~ after the f~rs~ remenera~ion of the primary filter, "-: Discna~-:er shall submi~ an engineering report_ th&t includes: ~'r~mt:~F:rouq~ cu,"ve showing organic consti~uen+~ eTTlUe~i% concentra- tions as a function of throughput volume.. An'-.., Drono~ed revisions in monitorinq frequencies based on the con_~, CUYV~. rationale for any proDosed revisions. GETTY 24TH A~'~D GAL ~n::: KERN COUNTY -2- REPORTING In reporting the monitoring da:a, the Discharger shall arrange the da:a in tabular form so that the dates, discharge loca:ion, volumes discharged, consti:uent concentrations, and de:ec:ion limits are readily discerniDie.. The da:a shall be s~arized in such a manner to illustrate clearly the compliance :ith waste cisc~arge reQuiremen.Cs. Monitoring repor%s shall be submitted to the Regional Board by the 15th day of the following month. Any violation of effiuen: limitations shall be promptly reported. · The results of an,,, monitoring ~one more ~ o ~-- - ,r_mu_..~lv than required at ~ne locations s~ecified in :ne Honi:oring and Remorti~c Program shall be remer:ed to the Board. The Discharcer snai' im~lemen: the above moni%orin~ Drc~aram on the effe~:ive CSS: i ay: 03/2~./~-': · ..... r~' ~propose '.ti vate d ~Ca rb~fii: ~.fil ~at~i on:-to. ~remove ~.o rgan i.C .:cons.ti t~uents;:~}~E ffluent~ ~spe¢i fi ed '9 n 'the 'was te dis charge _.mqui remen ts ~:mq'ui re~'~:m at. rte nt':to ':level! Department of Health 'Services.' actiOn levels-for drinking water suppiies,..':¥.' ~<-~!~-:~. :'.:. ~.. ',-::,' ]',:. ~-'.,.~.. '~.:..-.~??:. :..,~The Carmer Canal. ~om~g~nates on ~e ~ :?:r?:;.t??,~:a~;tema%e d~scha~e :.locatlon.'-:;A~.n~mus ':locat~ons;'~:~?~the'~Carr~er~Canal~connec~.?~: Wa~rs of ~e '~ Ri ver and Cagier ~anal, are of excellent ~::L::~,;..~The~r collect~ ve.-bene, ~c~al ':uses am >>~,x~<~?eplen~ shunt; and p~serva~ on and enhance~nt of-:flsh, ~:,~ond wa~r' poses --:a ~hr~ ~.~o .~1ocal ..~v~rad~ · ~ ~,~" '..'~-~ :: "· - ~-~:c-~-~-~ '~":'- ~ ..... ~':' :'~'-'~?- '"..~-' -~'-'.''.% : .'T'? ....... ~ ~:?~.t,~:,+~:v?~ :~ - .~ ~ ~...:- ~. -.-:, ~ · .". '~-.'.~.~,.~-~.~,,:.~:~,~ STAT5 OF CALI,CORNIA GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN. Governor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WA.T-ER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-- CENTRAL VALLEY REGION SAN JOAOUIN WATERSHED BRANCH'OFFICE: 3374 EAST SHIELDS AVENUE, ROOM 18 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 PHONE: (209) 445-5116 27 April 1984 Mr. David J. Gumbley Getty Refining and -Marketing Company P. O. Box 1476 Bakersfield, CA. 93302 GROUND WATER CLEANUP, MOHAWK SERVICE STATION, 24TH AND OAK STREETS We have reviewed the Company's revised plans for ground water monitoring and cleanup to address contamination problems resulting from the gasoline leak at the subject service station. The nine additionally proposed monitoring wells in conjunction with the existing wells appear adequate to monitor the movement of gasoline and contaminants in ground water and the effectiveness of the. gasoline and ground water cleanup program. The four additional wells located east of the service station and north of 24th should be installed and sampled for the presence of gasoline promptly. Please submit the testing results for these wells by 18 May 1984. We have no problem with your proposal to change the frequency of testing for the presence of gasoline in selected wells to once per week. However the company needs to begin a program to monitor for the presence of organic constituents in off-site ground water. Initially wells B-11, B-20 and B-24 should be tested for the proposed indicator parameters. Please submit the results of these analyses by 18 May 1984. The above requested information should be submitted in a report summarizing all findings. The report should clearly indicate, where applicable, ground water el eva tions, sampling intervals, analytical procedures, and laboratory detection limits. The report should also describe chain of custody procedures used for these and all future ground water samplings. A ground water monitoring program will be established based on the tests for the presence of gasoline in all newly proposed monitoring wells and the analytical results' for samples collected in wells B-11, B-20 and B-24. Mr. David J. Gumbley -~- 27 April 1984 The monitoring program, once developed,.may be~periodically changed based on 'future sampling results, fluctuations in ground water elevations and the addition of any new monitorin~ wells as needed. We will continue to coordinate with you and the Co~any's consultant on this program. Should you have any questions on these matters, please telephone Scott Smith at this office. F. SCOTT NEVINS Senior Engineer CSS:ir cch Mr. Ted Andrews, Department of Heal th Services L~-Vern Reichard, Kern County Health Department Mr. Warren Cebell, Kern County Water Agency STATE OF CALIFORNIA GEORGE DEUKMEji,~,;, Governor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-- CENTRAL VALLEY REGiO SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED BRANCH OFFICE: 3374 EAST SHIELDS AVENUE. ROOM 18 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 PHONE: {209) 445-5116 27 March 1984 Mr. Dave G~mbley Getty Regining & Marketing Co. P. Oj'Box 1476 Bakersfield, CA 93302 NOTICE .TENTATIVE WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS FOR GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24th AND OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY Any comments . or recon~endations you may have concerning this tentative Order should be submitted to this office in writing by 20 April 1984 in order that consideration may be given them prior to.the meeting of the Regional Board. If you have any questions, please call C. Scott Smith at this office. LOREN J VHARLO~ Supervising Engineer CSS:iay Enclosures: Tentative Order CC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sacramento U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation 'Service, Fresno Department of Health Services, Fresno Department of Fish and Game, Region IV Department of Water Resources, San Joaquin District Division of Oil and Gas, District 4, Bakersfield Division of Mines and Geology, Sacramento Waste Management' Beard, Sacramento Legal Division, Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento. Kern County Health Department Hr,, George Adrian, California Water Service Mr. Florn Core, City of Bakersfield Iqr. Warren Cebell, Kern County.Water Agency ,.,. ~. Tad Williamson, Kern County Ground Water Quality Com~..ittee CAL1'FORNTA REGIONAL WATER.QUALTTY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION ORDER NO. NPDES NO. CA 0081515 WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTs FOR GETTY REFINING AND .)~RKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24th AND OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, (hereafter Board) finds that: Getty Refining and Marketing Company (hereafter Discharger) submitted a report of waste discharge, dated 24 January 1984, to discharge waste under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. The Discharger proposes to cleanup an estimated 6,600 gallons of gasoline from ground water. The gasoline leaked from an underground pipeline at their Mohawk service station at 24th and Oak Streets in Bakersfield, CA. Recently installed shallow water wells will be pumped to create a cone of depression and to promote accumulation of gasoline in the well bore. Accumulated gasoline will be withdrawn from the topOf the well bore. The Discharger proposes to discharge about ~.22 mgd (9.5 1/sec) of ground water generated in the cleanup program to either the Kern River (Discharge 001) or the Carrier Canal (Discharge 002). 5. Prior to discharge, all wastewater will be treated by activated carbon to remove organic constituents. Samples of the, wastewater prior to treatment have been collected and were found to contain concentrations of ethylene dibromide, .carbon tetrachloride, 1,2-dichloroethane, toluene, benzene, xylenes and lead in excess of Depart- ment of Health Services' action levels for drinking water supplies. - The Board, on 25 July 1975, adopted a Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin (5D). These requirements are consistent With the Plan. The duration of the project and discharge are not known, but will continue until cleanup of gasoline is complete. This is an emergency project and the action to adopt was'ce discharge require- ments is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, persuant to Section 15269 of Chapter 3, Title 14 of the California Administrative Code. WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24th ArID'OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY -2- 10. The discharge will normally be to the Kern River at a point in the NE¼ of Section 26, T29S, R27E, MDB&M. 11..IThe beneficial uses of the Kern River are municipal, industrial and agricultural supply; recreation; esthetic enjoyment; ground water recharge; fresh water replenishment; and preservation and enhancement of fish, wild- life and other aquatic resources. 12. The Discharger proposes to maintain an alternate point of discharge to the Carrier Canal at a point in the Sk~ of Section 24, T29S, R27E, MDB&M. 13. The Carrier Canal originates on the Kern River, a water of the United States, at Rocky Point'Weir about 4 miles upstream of the discharge. It is unlined and parallel to the Kern River Channel. The Carrier Canal terminates at the River Canal Weir on the Kern River, at which point it becomes the River Canal. ~ The River Canal is concrete lined, is parallel to the Kern River and terminantes near the California Aqueduct. 14. At numerous locations, waters of the Carrier and River Canals are frequently diverted back to the Kern River. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The beneficial uses of. the Carrier Canal system are agricultural supply and ground water recharge. Waters in the' Kern ~iver,and Carrier Canal are of excellent quality. The quality of ground water in areas served by the Carrier Canal and Kern River varies from excellent to marginally acceptable for agricultural purposes. The Board has notified the Discharger and interested agencies and persons of its intent to prescribe waste discharge requirements for this discharge and has provided' them with an opportunity for a public hearing and an opportunity to submit their written views and recommendations. The Board, in a public meeting, heard and considered all comments per- taining to the discharge. This Order shall serve as a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit pursuant to Section 402 of the Clean Water Act, or amendments there- to, and shall ta~'~e effect 10 days from the date of hearing, provided EPA has no objections. wAsTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMP~qY GASOLII;E CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24th AND OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY -3- IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the Discharger, in order to meet the provisions con- tained in Division 7 of the California Water Code and regulations adopted thereunder and the provisions of the Clean Water Act and regulations and guide- lines'adopted thereunder, shall comply with the following: A. Prohibitions: 1. By-pass or overflow of untreated or partially treated wastes is prohibi ted. B. Effluent Limitations: i. The discharge of an effluent in excess of the following limits is prohi bi ted: Cons ti tuents Units Daily Maximum Ethylene dibromide ug/1 None detectable Benzene u§/1 O. 7 1-2, dichl oroethane ug/1 1.0 Carbon tetrachloride ug/1 5.0 To 1 uene ug/1 100 Xyl enes ug/1 620 Total lead ug/l 50 2. The dischar~ge shall not have a pH less than 6.5 nor greater than 8.5. 3. The 30-day average daily d_ry weather discharge shall not exceed ..22 Fniliion gallons (833 m3). 4. By-pass or overflow of untreated or partially treated waste is prohi bi ted. The Discharger shall use the best practicable cost-effective control technique currently available to limit mineralization to no more than a reasonable increment. The discharge shall not cause a violation'of any applicable water quality standard for receiving waters adopted by the Board or the StaTe Water Resources Control Board as required by the Clean l'Jater r,~ and regulations adopted thereunde~ If more strinoent appli~ole water quality standJrds'are approved pursuant to Section 303 of the Clean Water Act, or amendments thereto, the Board will revise and modify ti~is Order in accordance with such more stringent standards. WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS GETTY REFINII~G AND MARKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24th and' OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY -4. 7. This permit shall be modified, or alternatively, revoked and re'iSsued to comply with any applicable effluent standard or limitation issued ~.~. or approved under Sections 301(b)(2)(C) and (D), 304(b)(2), and 307(a)(2) of the Clean Water Act, if the effluent standard or limi- tation so issued or .approved: (a) Contains different conditions or is otherwise more stringent than any effluent limitation in the permit; or (b) Controls any pollutant not limited in the permit. The permit as modified or reissued under this paragraph shall also contain any other requirements of the Act then applicable. D. Receiving Water Limitations: 1. The discharge shall not cause visible oil, grease, scum, foam, floating or suspended material in the receiving waters or watercourses. m The discharge shall not cause concentrations of any materials in the receiving waters which are deleterious to human, animal, aquatic, or plant life. 3. The discharge shall not cause esthetically undesirable discoloration of the receivin~ waters. 4. The discharge shall not cause fungus, slimes, or other objectionable growths in. the receiving waters. The discharge shall not cause bottom deposits in the receiving waters. 6. T'he discharge shall not increaSe the turbidity of the receiving waters by more than 10% over background levels. The discharge shall not alter the normal ambient pM of the receiving water more than 0.5 units. 8. The discharge shall not increase 'the normal ambient temperature of the receiving water more than 5°F (3°C). ~ Pro¥isions- 1. Neither the discharge nor its treatment shall create a nuisance or poIlut~on'as defined in Section 13050 of the California Water Code. WASTE DISCn,~R:_ REQUIREM?~iS GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAWK SERVICE STATION 24th AND OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY ' =5- e e The Discharger shall comply with all the items of the "Stanard-Pro- visions and Reporting Requirements (NPDES)", dated I October 1'983, which are part of this Order. The Discharger.shall comply with the attached Monitoring and Reporting Program No. as ordered by the Executive Officer. This Order expires five years from the date of its adoption, and the Discharger must file a report of waste discharge in accordance with Title 23, California Administrative Code, not later than 180 days in advance of such date as application for issuance of new waste dis- charge requirements. In the event of any change in control or ownership of land or waste discharge facilities presently owned or controlled by the Discharger, the Discharger shall notify the succeeding owner or operator of the existence of this Order by letter, a copy of which shall be forwarded to this of fi ce. I, ~ILLIAN H. CROOKS, Executive Officer, do herby certify the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an Order adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, on WILLIAM H. CROOKS, Executive Officer Css:iay 04/20/84 Attachments CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRN~ NO. NPDES NO. CA 0081515 FOR GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY GASOLINE CLEANUP PROJECT ~HAWK SERVICE' STATION 24th AND OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY EFFLUENT MONITORING A monitoring program that establishes the performance of the dual filter activated carbon treatment shall be implemented to ensure that the discharge meets effluent limitations. The monitoring program is subject to the approval of the Executive Officer and will consist of the following: Two weeks prior to discharge, the Discharger shall submit a plan for moni- toring the performance of the treatment system. The plan shall include the following: a. A pro. posed monitoring program, including constituents and frequency., to determine the breakthrough point of the primary filter. The rationale for (a) above that incorporates system design, organic constituent concentrations, loading rates and estimated breakthrough period. ~ c. A proposed monitoring frequency for the final effluent constituents. Pricr to the first discharge of treated wastewater to the Kern Eiver er [-~rrier Canal, a sam~.ie of the wastewater shall be analyzed for ali con-' sti~uents contained under Effluent Limitations B.1. of these requirements. J. W~in two weeks after the first regeneration of the primary filter, the Discharger shall submit an engineering report that includes: a. A breakthrough curve showing organic constituent effluent concentra- tions as a function of throughput volume. b. Any proposed revisions in monitoring frequencies based on t~e constructed curve. c. The rationale for any proposed revisions. MO,qITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY GASO.~L~I~,~!~!E CLEANUP PROJECT MOHAW~K'~ SERVICE STATION 24th AND OAK STREETS KERN COUNTY' -2- REPORTING In reporting the monitoring data, the Discharger shall arrange the data in tabular form so that the dates, discharge location, volumes discharged, con- stituent concentrations, and detection 'limits are readily discernible. The data shall be summarized in such a manner to illustrate clearly the compliance with waste discharge requirements. Monitoring reports shall be~ submitted to the Regional Board by the 25th day of the following month. Any violation of effluent limitations shall be promptly reported. The results of any monitoring done more frequently than required at the loca- tions specified in the Monitoring and Reporting Program shall be reported to the Board. The Discharger shall implement the above monitoring program on the effective date of this Order. Ordered by WILLIAM H. CROOKS, Executive Officer (Date] CSS:iay 03/20/84 .~REFIN ING: ~RND-iMARKEI~ ING: .~.~?~j~..:?~%~?i~Samples ','of .~e wastewater:Pr~, ~ ~ we~ ~co f::::~,~47the ful 1 rang, of .to.x~ c organ~ c ..constituents. ,?~They ~ ~found 'si ve concentrati OhS of ethylene '~J bromi ~,. 'l ~2-di chloroethane chloride', benzene, .toluene, ,xylenes and lead, 'all of ~ich ~ deri'~ ~.the gasoline. Prior to discharge, all wastewater is proposed ~ be trea~d bY activated carbon filtration to ~move organic constituent~'.~.':Effluent "specified in the waste discharge ~qui~nts require t~at~nt'to ..-:'.~:,>?~--:~,Depart~nt of Health Se~ices".:action l eve~s Lfor drinking T~e Carrier Canal ,originates on the Ke~ River abOut 4 miles'uost~'~m O~'the , .ai:ernate discharge i~cation .... At nmmrous locations,'the Carrier Canal ],w~th ~e Kern R~ver, whe~ exchanges :o and from ~ myer a~ Waters of ~e ~rn River and Carrier Canal a~ of excellent mineral ~uali:y;~::~?~L~?:~ .::~,The~r collective beneficial uses a~ municipal, ~ndus~mal and agricultural supply; recreation, esthetic enjoymnt; ground water recharge; fresh :'::i-?:'.::~::.rep~en~ shment; and p~servation and enhance~nt of .fish, wi I dl i fe ?~dd '°th6~]~.~?~i ~.~.,~::,.:ffhe progect '~s ' ofman 'e~rflencv nature as _~e 'presence of.~'aasol~ne "~n ':useable ~~~f~ '.'"-~"~"gmund water poses 'a ~threat :e local do. gradient water well users.:';~The issuance ~:~?::~'~¢~of ~e pe~ t .~ s,~,~he~fo~,--'exempt from the Cal ~fo~ a Enw ron~ntal:Q~l ~ty ,::~;:~!~:'~.~.~.~Rct ',Per' SeCtion ~.~5269 ,:~Chap~r.~2, '~,~itle :14 of :me :Col i fornia '~Ami nist~ati"~61:~C0~~: C~S:l~y ..... -'.. - ". :-:.' ...... ~: ' >,' · . : .... -':-~:~ ,::~:>.,."::...':~ '.., ¥-~-:-' '. :.-'" 0~1.20184 ' ."':'"" ":'~ ".: ':: , ::':: ..... ' .':;::~'" :' ,' ..'"." ' '."'.: '. "'~'.-'"::':::'~:.?:::'~.,'?:~?':~"-' ~'.: i · c '"-.,,.'-., : ... H~ ,,; ... ~.. ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ................. ~,,, ~';,~'"'"'L ~ .. ~'~ ~ .,- Ld i© _ o o --,~!~"; ' ~'~' ~ ' :" ' - ~" :i ~ / ~=:=~====..'~.{~ I' . ] / ~.~ '~ ',y ..' ~:. - ~: c ;'- ,~ :, ,' ~ - ~ ~ / '- :',.' ,,' , ~ "%. ..... · ...... · , ,', tt'l~ ~..- .- /", .~ ~ .... ' · D '- ~' '":.: ]-¢=, , · ¢/ / ~ [SCHARGE 002 ~'*,, ...... ~ .. . . ~L-.=--::~. .. /: ,~ .... % · . ~ '~ '= ';' - .... ~ , '~~ ,. . - ~ .... ~. .'~ ~ ~~.' ,,'.~ o ~ DISCHARGE Out ' L -- ~. .,..~~,. ,~. GETTY REFINING Ar4D HARKETING ....... S~?L q¢ction 24 and ['IE~ Section ~- ..5 : _.% Kern Count,., ~ - , .. .. . Portions of Oilda~e ~' ~:,orc U q.C c 7~ r~n. ~.,ua-': ~".. '-~, STA"I'E OF CALl FORNIA GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-- CENTRAL VALLEY REGION SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED BRANCH OFFICE: 3374 EAST SHIELDS AVENUE, ROOM 18 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 PHONE: (209) 445-5116 14 March 1984 Mr. Vern Reichard Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93302 MOHAWK SERVICE STATION, 24th AND OAK STREETS, BAKERSFIELD - DISCHARGE OF GROUND WATER FROM CLEANUP PROGRAM An estimated 4,500 gallons of gasolinehas leaked from an underground storage tank at the Mohawk service station in October I983. Getty Refining and Marketing, owner of the service station, recently .began the initial stages of the gasoline cleanup program. During the final stages of the cleanup, Getty will utilize an on-site extraction well or wells that will be pumped to collect and remove the gasoline and accompanying water. Getty proposes to discharge the pumped water from the extraction well(s) to either the Kern River or the Carrier Canal. Ground water samples were collected below the standing gasoline and were analyzed for the full range of the toxic organic constituents. The samples contained high levels of benzene, carbon tetrachloride, 1,2-dichloroethane, ethylene dibromide, toluene, .lead, and xylenes. A representative sample of the ground water located below the standing gasoline which will be discharged to the river or canal will be collected and analyzed for the above constituents within the next two weeks. Getty has indicated that they will treat the ground water prior to discharge if necessary. We are in the process of developing tentative waste discharge requirements (NPDES permit) to regulate .the discharge. The waste discharge requirements will contain effluent limitations as follows for either discharge location which are consistent with Department of Health Services' action levels for drinking water supplies: Cons ti tue nts · Maximum A1 lowabl e Concentrations L ~(.ug/_l ) Benzene Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-dichloroethane Ethylene dibromide Toluene Lead Xylenes 0.7 5.0 1.0 Limit of quantification lO0 50 620 Mr. Vern Rei.chard -2- 14 March 1984 Your previous comments have been very helpful. 'Should you have any additional comments, please submit them by 27 March 1984. Tentative waste discharge requirements will be sent out for your review and comment after 27 March. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. We Will continue to keep you informed on the remedial cleanup and analytical results. Supervising Engineer CSS: i ay , cc: Mr. Dave Gumbley, Getty Refining and Marketing Co. SCALE: 1" : 24' FIG. 2 WELL NO. INCHES OF GASOLINE DETECTED Trace 7~ 0 6 0 Trace 7~ 0 Trace 1700 Flower Street Bakerafl®id, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 COUNTY HEALTH DEPA ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIV;SION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hehertso~. M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL',.' Vernon S. Reichard June 2c~, lOR5 Ernie Kirby Texaco Refining & Marketing 'Inc. 3350 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90010 Dear Mr. Kirby: This is to notify you that this department has reviewed the results of laboratory analyses of composite soil samples taken fr. om soil removed from tank hole excavations at your facility at 24th and Oak Streets, Bakersfield, California. These results indicate levels of contamination by motor vehicle fuels above our action levels. At this time these levels for various fuel constituents in soil are as follows: Benzene 1 ppm Toluene 100 ppm Xylene 620 ppm EDB, .05 ppm Total Hydrocarbons 100 ppm Since you have indicated that other options such as on-site treatment are not viable alternatives at this location, this soil must be transported by registered waste hauler to an approved disposal site immediately. Please provide this office with a copy of the properly completed manifest. Please contact this matter. me if you have any questions regarding Sincerely, Environmental Health Specialist II Hazardous Substances Management Program AB: aa DISTRICT OFFICES Oelano . . Lemonl . Lake laabelle Molave . Rldgecrelt . Shelter . Taft ' , .Standard Compliance· Check Equipment to. be installed': ~ '" .' -" .... '"' ~ ' "' . ' '/['' ' ':: · : ~ Tank(s) , ~ ft.'of '~suctton '~essurized piping .'- .. . . ~-~5 ' ~Fiberglass {FRP) Make & Model ~ :.. ~Fiberglass-Clad steel Make & Model -- -: -. ~Uncoated steel Make & Model ~Other: . 'Make & Model ~%~. C omme n t: -- · '.. '.:i-.Additional: .. . . ~. -. Facility: seco_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_~ary Containment of Tank(Z) - - ...... ,' - ' "',- 1711Double-walled tank(s) Make & M°dei ':i'V~'/~t~L~D /,~,~.i' DSynthetic liner Make & Model DLined concrete vault(s) Sealer used ~Othe'r Type Make & Model Comment: Add. i{fonal: .... 9<'Z3-~"Secondary containment volume at least 100% o~ primary tank vol ume (s) Comment: Additional: Seco~d'ary containment volume fo6 more than one tank contains 150% of volume of largest primary containemnt 10% of aggregate primary volume, whichever is greater Comment: Additional: o Secondary containment open to rainfall must accomodate 24 hour rainfall Total Volume -Comment~ Additional: Secondary containment is Product-compatible Pr oduct Documentation Additional: ./ Annular space liquid Product · ' Comment: Additional: is compa' ble Annular '[~Fiberglass pipfng with product liquid Size &'Make~' J-]Coated steel piping "'Size& Make [~]Uncoated steel piping Size J-]Other . ' Comment: ~;~'~-~%eco.dary Containment of Piping .... I :' ~pouble-walled pipe :Size & Make ~ ..-" ' ~S,n~hetic liner, in trench _Size & Make ~Electrical isolation ~' ~ Cogent: ~ ~ ~.~,~ ~ ~ ~. ' ' A~ditiOnal ~ .......... Manufacturer-Approved Backfill for Tank~ & Pipin~ ' ~. ' ~' ~t2~"~fTank (s) Located Comments: Additional: No Clo~er Than 10 .Feet to, B?i~d'in~'(s) Complete Monitoring System Monitoring device within secondary containment: L iquid level indicator(s) ~ . iquid used ~Thermal conductivity sensor(s) [~Pressure sensor(s). []Vacuum gau~e ~su~p(s) /e,z~ ~~.~, ,~.~.~.~?'-''-~ ' ~Gas or vap6r-~etec~or(s) Ma nua 1 Visual Other inspection & sampling inspection Comments: Additional: "·Other Monitoring ,.~.PeriOdic tightness ,testing Method essure-reducing line leak detector Comment: · Additional: .[-]T/ape float gauge(s) [~Float vent valve(s) ~/~.-'/~-- ~/~M/ ~/. . , ~Capacitance sensor(s) ~, ~igh level alarm.(s)~ - - .... ~ ' control(s) ~.,~, ~omatic shut-off -'~~ '~ill box(es) ·with 1 ft.3 volume ~perator controls with visual levelS~monftoring 'COmment. Additional: M6nitor ing Requirements Additional Comments Inspector 'Date KERN .COU~PY HEALTH DEPArt.. '-' ENVIROnmENTAL HEALTH DIV?SIO. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANC~ 'S~CTION INSPECTION I~D 1700 FLOWER STREET BAKERSFIELD,~ CA 93305 [~{ONE (805) 861-3636 INSTRUCTIONS: 'Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the sam~ number are ready. They will run in consecutive order beginning with number 1. DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all itsms in that group are signed off by the Permittinq Authority.' Following these instructions will reduce the number of required inspection visits and therefore prevent assessment of additional fees. .., - TANKS & BACK~ILL - INSPECTION DATE INSPE~-~OR Backffll of Tank (s) ' · Spark Test Certificati6n " Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) 12 I_. dF - PIPING SYSTEM- p_ Pipin9 {,-Baeew~ w/Collection Sumps '~.. Corrosion Protection of Pipin9, Joints, Fill Pipe Electrical Isolation of Pi~ing From Tank(s) Cathodic Protection s~st~-pipin~- - SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, OVER~ILL P~ION, LEAK DET~CTION - Liner Installation - Tank(s) Liner Installation -.Piping {Vault With Product Com~atib~!.~._Hea193~ _ Level Gauges or 6Sensor~Fl~at Vent Valv~s~ Product Com~tible Fill Bb-x~ Product Line Leak Detector(s) Leak Detector(s) for Annular Space-D.W. Tank(s) Monitoring Well (s)/Sump(s) Leak Detection Device(s) For Vadose/Groundwater - FINAL- Monitoring Wells, caps & Locks Fill Box Lock Monitoring Requirements CONTRACTOR CONTACT KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARq~ EI~VIROI~{ENTAL HEAL~ DIVIS~OI,~ H~ZASDOUS SUBSTANCES SD~TION 1700 FLOWER STREET BAKEP~FIELD, C~ 93305 PHONE (805) 861-3636 , '. INSTI~I-~IONS: Please call for an inspector only. when each' group of inspectibnS' with. the s~ne n%m~er are ready. They will run in consecutive order beginning with number 1. DO NOT cover .. "work for any number~ group ~til all ite~s in that group are signed off by t~ ~--~itting ~:::':::'"~,.:, ~tl~rity. ~ Following these instructions will r~u~e the number of reqUir~' inspection visits Backfill of ?ank(s) : " 6--'~ ' ..... '""' Spark Te~t Certification .. .: ......... "'- Cathodic Protecti'on of, Tank (s) -.,.. '-' '-' "" ' - PIPING SYSTID! [~. Piping ~ w/Collection S.u~ps ~ Corrosion protection of Piping. Joints, Fill Pi.~e .-- Electrical' I~lation .of Pipi~ ~ Ta~{s) ~. ~ F. Ca~ic-~~i~'~s~Pipi. h.',.' ] ' "' ..,.. : ..' ..., ' ' <:' '~ '" .... " "' '";~ · ii; , [.~ .v.", :-~.~a.':~' .:..,', '~ '-~ ': '., .~ ..... MonitoriW Wells, Caps & Locks "' Fill.l~x Lock Monitoring Re~uir~ntS '- m# ,{< ' · - Permit Application Checklist Facility Name i ~ ~ ~ Facility AddreSs Application/Category: ./ Standard Design (Secondary Containment) Motor Vehicle Fuel Exemption Design '(Non-Secondary Containment) proved _.~ . ~-2f-~'~ Permit Ap~.liCation Form Properly Completed . , ,~ ~ ~.~,T...' - ...... ~ ~ " ' 3' Copies of Plot Plan Depicting: 'i'' .... '. Property 1 nl-fi~F_Z~~" ' Area encompa.sse6 'bY~ftnlmum 'r00 foo't' 'radf'us arou'ffd tank (s) and piping 7~-~//: ~ .......... hll tankfs) identified North arrow ~1~ ~truceuros wtehin 50 fooe radius of tank(s) and ~Ipfnq Location and labelln~ of all product piping a~d dispenser islands Environmental sensitivity data incl'ud'ing: *Depth to first groundwater at site *'Any domestic agricultural-water well within 100 feet of or tank(s) and piping *Any surface water in unlined conveyance within'100 feet of tank(s) and piping *Ail utility lines within 25 feet of tank(s) and piping (telephone, electrical, water, sewage, gas, leach lines, seepage pits, drainage systems) *Asterisked items: appropriate documentation if permittee seeks a motor vehicle fuel exemption ~fo~ S'econdary containment Comments: Approved 3 Copies of Construct'ion Drawings De__e~_~ting: ',~econ~a, ry containment and/or Leak Monitori~tem in Place. -~-Z~ Top View of Tank IystaYIatlon with Raceway(s), S.Condary ' Containment and/oF Leak Monitoring System in Place ~Y, ff'Z~ ~ Materi~s List (indicating those used in the coAstruction). - ~ ~~_ - ~ackfilI Tank(s) .. =~,'~:X~.t C.~'4~"~'~/ /~d.~.J~-~/L.'~.~:'. Id/.~ . Product Pipl-n~ ~ .~_ Raceway (s) S~"a let (s) __ ~~~). ,- -~ ... , ~ . ....-, nas or wpo/ / (/ ., ~onitoring Well Additional. ~~<~&~ · ............... ~ /~z.,_. ,~ . Documentation of Product performance Additional Comments Reviewed By SITE INSPECTION: Comments: Approved Disapproved Inspector · Date CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: Standard Instructions HEALTH PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS This Conditional permit applies only to the modification of an existing facility invOlving (Blank will l'ist the construciton specifi~ed' in section D Application for Permit) Note: All pertinent equipment and materials used in this construction are subject to identification and approval by the ~ Permitting Authority prior to construction. This permit is issued contingnent upon guaranteed compliance with the guidelines as determined by the Permitting Authority. All construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Author. ity. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48 hours advance .notice. Backfill material for piping and tanks to be as per manufacturers' specifications. All underground metal product piping, fittings, and connections must be wrapped to a minimum 20-mil thickness with corrosion- preyentive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. Float vent valves required on vent/vapor lines of underground tanks as a prevention to overfillings. Construction inspection record card is included with permit given to Permittee. This card must be posted at jobsite prior to initial inspection. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority and arrange for each group of required inspections numbered as per instructions on card. Generally, inspections will be made of: A. Tanks and backfill B. Piping system with secondary containment~e~k~ C. Overfill protection and leak detection/monitoring D. Any other inspection deemed necessary by Permitting Author ~ ty All metal connections (e.g. piping, fittings, fill pipes) to tank(s) to be electrically isolated. Monitoring requirements for this facility will be described on final "Permit to Operate". Special Instructions Permittee must clearly identify what substan.-e(s) will be stored in the underground tank(s) and piping, and' verify by chemical analysis, if n~.' ?essary, compatibility of combined stored substances. N,~ chemically incompatible substa,.~ces may be combined in the underground tank (s) and piping. Documentation of compatibility must be submitted to Permitting Authority prior to construction. Special Inst. ructions (con't) Primary and secondary containment of both tank(s) and underground piping must not be subject to physical or chemical deterioration due to the substance(s) stored in them. Documentation from tank, piping, and seal manufacturers of compatibility with these substance(s) must be submitted to Permitting Authority prior to construction. Provide design, method and materials for precluding any leakage or seepage at the piping/tank interface(s). All tank inlets, outlets, and manway extension tubes must have seals both product-tight and product-compatible for substance(s) stored in the tank(s) . Sp~r.k testing (35,000 volts) required-at site prior to installation of tank(s). Test(s) must be certified by the manufacturer, and a copy of test certification9s) supplied to the Permitting Authority. The vacuum gauage for each tank~must have a secured access point for periodic leak.monitoring and for vacuum system maintenance. -. The following equipment and materials must be identified by ~ ~ manufacturer and model prior to their installation: Tank(s) _~ Tank liquid level gauge(s) Tank secondary containment automatic monitoring systEm(s) Under.ground product piping ZI. Secondary containment of underground product piping Tank monitor fitting(s) ~ Tank fill~ box(es) Sealer used to secure fill box(es) Per--~ttee to provide "as-built draWings" Prior to completion ~f ' project. vapor detector must be used with the leak interception system in order to meet monitoring requirements. The vapor detector must receive prior approval from the Permitting Authority in order t° assure it will meet current monitoring performance standards. PEit~I? I~STRUCTIONS c,r /7 Fee Basis: Owners: Mailing Address: Date Expires: CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: Received By Health officer Notes: If letter requires reply prepare in triplicate, for- warding original and duplicate, and retain copy. By. ADDRESSEE: Use reverse side to reply. Return original. Retain duplicate. PLEASE PRINT o Data Cir -'or Tank System Tigh ._tIs Test o 10. 11. ~-TEET: NO OWNER Property Tank(a) OPERATOR REASON FOR TEST ( Expleifl Fully) WHO REOUESTED TEST AND WHEN WHO IS PAYIIJG FOR THIS TEST? TANK(S) INVOLVEDJ~/ INSTALLATION DATA Name '2..~! . TANK TESTER Ninla ,/- UNDERGROUNO WATER FILL-UP ARRANGEMENTS CONTRACTOR, MECHANICS. .ny other eontrl~tOr involved TO DETEltMINE TIGHTNESS OF: ISOLATED TANKS OTHER TMe~ofle Telee~o~e Tele~ofle IcIm~tify by O~fiofl Capacity Corm $Ifth. etc. Brand/Supplier 'reyA c Size. TIMI# rake, O~op tubal, Remote FIIle Gmde Ve~ta ~ MI~foklld Si~hone~ SwllFibe~lm 3T~;L Del)th to the Water table (J~'~ ' Tanka to be filled ~._~_'~_~ht. "~'"~- 2.~ Dale Arrangedby Extra product to "top off" and run ?STT. How and who to p~ovide ? Name Con$idM NO Laid. ~m::l~ml. Remo~, VERBALLY ADVISE CUSTOMER OF TEST HESULTS. ~¢, the witM w the taM; ? 12. INFORMATION OR REMARKS TEST RESULTS I Add~ional inform~ion on any i~ms a~ve. Officials or others to ~ a6vis~ when t~[ing is in ~mss m ~mplet~. V~ b'ob~ print during teal etc. Te~e m m~ on t~ I~Ve t~k sylteml In ~r~ ~ IW W~ ~N fM ~ ~ 13. CERTIFICATION July 1, 1980 Various- at detailed on attached test chartl with requite ,.I follow~: I T.nk ,dentific.tion I Tight I Leak.e fndic~ted Dm. Te~ted ~,~. ~o~""~ GRANADA HIL~, Md~ No. end $~et(e) .CAPACITY ~twn'D~EAMiNING TANK ~PAC~" '300 17. FILL-UP FOR TEST mick WmtM Bottom 4, o& E. Iqll UI).STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DEUVERY QUANTITY 8tick Reedlnos Total Gmflons to 14 In. OsNom #. Reading ~OP O~ .... Pmduc~ in fu. t'nk (up ,o Nil pip~) 18: SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK ~ ¢ 0 ~ ~ -~£ p 7" Sew manuel lectlor4 II~icible. Check below egd record ~,~Gc~dure In log (2e). T~i~O~Ar~'/ [] WMer In tlnk [] High liter tlble In link exclvltion [] Uric(l) being W with VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM '19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR TsI'r ASSEMBLY Bottom M Mnk to Orlde* .................... &dd ]0' f~ 4" L ................. Add 24" go( 'l" L,m. lit Nil .; ..... Totll lubing ~ II~emble ~10~oxlmete ........ .. 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING Extend homo on luctiofl tube ~' M mom below link ~ ..................................... · ff Flff pipe emeflcb Ibov~ grade, use top of fdl. 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (I)TO TEST THIS TANK Is Today Wafter? LO Colder? i J ° F PTOCiUCt in Tank __' F Fig.up Product off Truck __' F Expected Change ( + of - ) 22. Th~..~S~nw mM:ling ,her '23. ~. ~ * ~ ,,.~ o, ,.~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ (18 m 1~ 26. I,, ~ ~g~5 ~~~p4) Ik~ (as) voluml (:haW In this tank .',60V~L[~O06 Volume ~ pM digit Compute 1o 4 dec~nii I:MIc#. flcto~ (i) c. o. TANK TESTING P.O. BOX 3613 GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344 15. TANK TO TEST B~ e~l Grade """'"="'"' 11,755 17. FILL-UP FOR TEST , ~ Up, sTICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY QUANTITY 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK See manUl! lecti~m IIP~liclbie. Check IMIow end record proclduro iff Jog (25). [] WMe~ In Mnk [] High water tM)lo in tin# excavltion 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR Ts'Ir ASSEMBLY /$ 8ottMn M rink to erode'. ................... ! Add 30" k~ 4" L .............. ~.. Add 24" tot :)" L or lIT NIl ....... ' Total tubing t~ ememW ApP~oximo,e / ~3 ? 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING j.//./ Tl~k tOp tO grodO' ........................... ; ......... Mlow tonk top ..................................... "~ Fig Pepe extends a~ve gem:b, um lop o1 fill. J~x GRAT2~ .............~.5 c. o. It. - ................ ~oo~5%~(~ I~duet m fun rank (Up to JUl pips) ~/A~.~ '"T'~.~., ~_~ ~ '/'-,H~_c~_ .~. vAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (I)TO TEST THIS TANK ~ T~ ~r? L3 ~Mer ? .... F Product in Tank ' F Fill-up ~ro~uct on Truck ~* F Expected Change ( + m - ) 24. , I I, 755 ~11 trak (1~ m ~7) 2s.. G.?z 77 W)k~N eMng~ Im 'F (24) TANK TESTING P.O. BOX 3613 GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344 'TE )~ ~ ' ~.L{~/~- ~i~ I'~ ~ ~,~'1 ~,~ CONTROL RECORO TO .#l GAL. US~ FAi:IOII'(a) ~CH nEJKOI#6 CHANGE BaIT ia Inches CheM. C#q.,t~t/# Adjutmewt Teed Fad Record dmils of rifting ~ · S.~,.S keing O~edlmte Itetd~eed (-) Tkmel Higher + (ti x (-J - Wume Minus ,. and running test. (Use full ~°~ ~ k. (24 ar.) Ibldlq I~estwed ll.sdkq II#diq liR~ered (+! , ~2,, ~'2~ d133{V') -- #37{T) OlFI~ crkda) ,. ,~ , . .'~. .' _. .. · [, : ~. .... . , . .... ~10 T0P OFF ~L~ T~6~ ARR~v~ ~ t~IgTE DRIT ,'~ ZN FI:'.T.INO T~. /ol5 mrG~ Z,¢?]~ 'L'ES? S~ATmC;D Z .3.Z,9ti& . ~6,5 ../7o ~. ~(5 ,$0 +7.5 ,~ . ~ /, Z.'~5 , 26. ' ....... : '~ 30. NY0.OS~AT~C 31. VOLUU[ MEASUREMENTS 34. TTMPEP~TURE COMPENSATION ~8. N. ~LUME39. " TANK . ~ ~ ~/ ,,, . I PLEASE PRINT 1. OWNER Prop,dy Tank(I) 2. OPERATOR 3. REASON FOR TEST (Exl~ln Fully) 4. WHO REQUESTED TEST AND WHEN 5. WHO IS pAyING FOR THIS TEST? $. TANK(S)INVOLVED 7. INSTALLATION DATA 8. UNDERGROUND 'WATER JU g. FILL-UP ARRANGEMENTS 10. CONTRACTOR, MECHANICS, en¥ other contr~"~' invohmd 11, OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS 12. TEST RESULTS 13. CERTIFICATION J~l.7 1, 1980 Dill Various- Data ql r.-,or Tank System Tight?.-'- Test .s petro TLte TANK TESTER DArI~: 2 TO ]IErI'E]iMIt~ TI~BS OF: / ~'"' Re~mlenmdvt ~ TMephone lMeoh(me Identify by Oirection 1;~'L - ~ No~h IW drlvl%ve~ Bm~d/$upplw 7~x~ca FiN ,~zL TIIMill Mke, D~ ~. Rede ~ V~ntl S~llFib~gM~ tf sm Pump~ Mlkl II tm Oepthtotl~WetMtsl~e la//,,/ l~'.~,JO M.J A.) . [] Y# ~No E~re ~uct to "top off" and run TSP. How e~ who to ~e ? ~n~ NO ~. Com~nv N~ /~' Fr. TMe~on® L FEltBALLY ADVISE CUSTOMEH 01~ TEST I~SUTmS. MR Additional i~formetJofl on any items above. Offlciell or others to bo advilm:l when tilting il in p~ogrm M completed. Vtsito~l M obMn~l p~ent during test etc. Tests wMe mede on the MN)Vl tMlk iyltlmi In iccofdince with tW imx:edum~ pmecm).d fM Il detailed on Mtlched tell chilli with remultl Tenk Identification Tight MO Leek~ Indicated / Thll II to callfy lh~l tl~e link lyitmml WMm t~tecl mt the dire(i) a~ow~. Tho~m ~ m~ "light" meM tl~ cdtMll m~tad~lm~e(I by. D.A. Howard J.P. Mo~""'~ GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344 Form 568 TANK TESTING P.O. BOX 3613 GRANADA HILLS, CA 91.~..~ ' ~HEATHco.suLTA.Ts INCORPORATED 100 TOSCA DRIVE ~TOUGHTON, MA. 02072 (617) 344-1400 )15, TANK TO TEST " I~mmv No. eMI BtNd(~) 16, CAPACITY #oad~ Cep~c~y ~ ~n ~D~ERMINING TAN~ 17, FILL-UP FOR TEST FIN up. STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DELIVERY OUANTITY [] TiM M~nufmgtuw'm Cmn ~tick Readlngm Total Gm#one m ~ in. ~ 04. Re~ding Pn)duct k~ Me t~nk (up k) mm idP~) ..~...;'?"c,,~? '7'"~: -~/""*'. ,,~//e ~lC ~ ,,~*',P../&6,c ow 'T'/./)~k~ ~ -V,JE:, R; ;C/'~, VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM [] Une(,) bMng W with LVLLT [] Brag 18, SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK See manuM #ctiom ipplicalde. Check below end recMd p~.u~ in log (28). [] WMm*Jn trak [] High watertM)le In rank exemption .19,TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR TST[ ASSEMBLY- Bottom M tank to Grlde* ....... ~ ............ Add 30" for 4" L ............... ~. , Add 24~ b ]" L M lb NIl ....... Total tubing !o ~m~mbie Approxl~mte ........ 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING IMtow rank top ..................................... · fl FIP pape oxtonds idmvo grab, use top of fill. -. ..lo, B' O)mmVgD ~m,j~,',eRA,Puas ---- . ~o o. o. s. - ............... , oO o *43 ~ &o 21, TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (m) TO TEST THIS TANK Is Today Warmer? 19 Colder? ! 5 --' F Product in Tank __° F Fill-up Product o~ Track 22. ~,,.,,kq..,o. ,..dj...,., .,~.m,o. IA ? & ~ 23, reg,, pe, .e= M ,..,ge of expected che~ge ~ 1 2- 2s. /. '3210 + ~ ;~ % ,okwne ehmg~ per 'F 424) O4g~8 pa4' *F M ta~t n,nge (n) · F F.x;~ Change / Nearest /. ~, :2. o volume chamge in thil tlnk TANK TESTING P.O. BOX 3613 GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344 15. TANK TO TEST 17. FILL-UP FOR TEST AddM No. ofld SM(o) 18. rAPACITY Itlck W~M Bottom ~ · Iqll Ug). STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DEuvERY QUANTITY By ~ eccullto r-gQm ~ C~mpiny En~ineMin~ O-ti [] Cb,~..m~d*~ ~'frOT]~ Product M/uN tm~ (w k) Nil FIF4) //, 7,.~3 · YAPOP, RECOVERY SYSTEM Expecled Change ( + m - ) S~ rMn~uM sKtk)m epr4icet~. Check b~tow end ~ procedure in log (2e). [] V/MM' In rink [] ~ wi, tM tible in tlflk .,clvltion [] Line(i) being k~t~d WJth LYLLT 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (I) TO TEST THIS TANK ·19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR TsTr ASSEMBLY I~ Today Warmer? [~ Coider') i3 ~° F Proclucl in Tank ~* F Fill-up Product on/TM ' F Add IQ'° for 4" L ................. .? c:) ,, d~ds / Add24"fmJ'LorMrMII ....... ~ -~ " 23. mg. OlX~'Fk~rw~eeofexpect~dch~nge ~C~ 20. IMM!.p..-...p coefficient of explniiofl for volume cf~ in this rink Tlnk 1ol) to gr~Jeq'. ................... ~ ............. " M rink (16 Or 17) kwolved product pM '1r ............. t vMume ehonge pM '/: (~4) Dig~tl pel' 'F In m~t ~Mume ehm~ pM digit / I~ · ff Fm p~p. om~h .MM Wnd". ~" to~ of fro. R.n~ (23) LI)]: GnAT2'~Z ............ ~"~' / TANK 'rEs'rING GRANADA HILL~, CA 91~1~ 15. TANK TO TEST ~/d~' klentity 1~. ~PA~ITY .o...., , c~ /I stat, om~ of Tm tM)oclty L-h~rt Ivl#lble [] Tam& MmwfBetum(e Ch~rt [] Compeny EnginM~ng Date ~ ~ion"DETERMINING TANK CAPACITY" 17. FILL-UP FOR TEST Ot~ck Wlt~ Boltom · FII up. STICK BEFORE AND AFTER EACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR EACH METERED DEUVERY QUANTITY Pn)duct In fun tank (up k) ~ Pk~) 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR TSTT ASSEMBLY , . / Bottom of t~k to Omde°. ................... } ~ ¥ .. Add ~0" got 4" L ................. ~ ~ " Add 24' for T' L Molr #al ....... · '~,--'"~' ,, Total tubing to momble Approxlffmte ........ " 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING Tlnk top to grlde'. ................................. ,,, I)ol(~qr tonk top ............ ~ ........................ *If Fal pipe .xtends ,,bovo erode, ~ to~ ef fill. _.,, .& .... __ £..! .................... , , ouY ........ ¢' - , Oo o 0/3 I0 VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM [] Uno(o) being tooted wtth LVLLT 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (l) TO TEST THIS TANK I~ToclayWarmer?O ColdeOi3~'F PToductmTank~'F flll-ui)ProdumOnTfuck-..__'F ExpectedChaflge( + or - ) 22. Them~S~.or re.cling ,,,ft®r c:irculltiofl . O(~' ? / ~ ¥ ~'/4/? 'F 23. Oi~t, ~. 'F in r.~ge of ,xp. Ct,d c,~ge .~ O/ TANK TESTING P.O. BOX 3613 GRANADA HII.13, CA 91344 TANK TO TEST ', Add,ess No. ~n4 Bt~.l(~) '%, 16. CAPACITY OMm M Trot [] Trak MenufK1u~M's 17. FILL-UP FOR TEST to v~ In. GMIon8 Fig u~. ~TIcK BEFORE AND A~I'ER FACH COMPARTMENT DROP OR ~Cfl M~RED DE.VERY QUAN~ 18. BPECI~ :NDIT INS ~D PROCE[ ~ ~nu~ ~ ~. ~ ~ .~ ~ ~um m ~ (2e). P~duc~ in M. toflk (up to mi pku) 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK~-~ys~O'Afl 'T"C'"/~'?.i,',',',',',',',%'" ~;~"~"7"*~"~. ~ '"/"A~/C" ~//~: [] w.w. m tm* [] High ,me,. ~ in ~k exc~v, tk)n 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR -'. .,,..,,,.,,,o o,.,,.. .................... / 3 ,, Add 24~ k~ $" L or ol~ uol ....... ~'~-- ,, Tot~! tutMng to esseml~l . ^pproxlmate ........~ / ' ) Ex~n(J bom o~ ouctlofl hfbe 8" o~ more beJow toM[ lop ..................................... Fill ~ ~mm~ds dMmv~ ~ u# lop of fill. O. O. u. ..... .-. ,000 /(2, 3/0 VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (I) TO TEST THIS TANK IS Today Wanne~? Iq Colder? 22. Them~LSenommlding~terckculmlon ~ ~/VC~Noare~ 'F 24. ~Ot~l q~ottty in ~ (~mfflci~t of expane~n for glllofll w)lume change in thli tlnk TANK TESTING ~.0. BOX 3613 GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344 ' ' * .... . - 38. mET VOLUMf 39. 26. · ~0. HYDROSTATIC 31. VOLUME MEASUREMENTS 34. TEMPEP~TURE COMPENSATION ACCUMULATED LOg Of TEST POgCEOUI~S . 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TEMPERATURECOMPEN~ATION ACCUMULATED I~ OF ~ ~ ~' P~SSURE ' ~LUME M~UREMENTS ~GiS ?~HS " " .," " b 36~ qS I,mO .9~0 --560 ~07 e~ +.~7~ -.739 ~ F,Ue~ i2& ' ' . 30. HYDROSTATIC 31. VOLUME MEASUREMENTS 34. ,.M,'E,'.*TUR~ C0Mm, SATm,, 3~."NET VOLUME139. ACCUMuu.rEo - CHANGES LO6 ~ TEIT fllOC~DIJl~ ~ fRESS,J~ (V) ~CORO TO N1 ~ US~ FAC'rOll (~) CHANGE Oat. Recerd details of setting III ~ i ~ Bm*mi ~ (-) ~ uilaw + (~) x (.) = V~lm Time and running tilt. (Uae fall (Z4 br.) lsngtk of line if Nedod.) 'L°~'8%. ~k be? Lm~t,wUd S,fm Afro Pr, dm " nndbOS""'L,w,r-(~) Cmmcdu -~bum* LqMs~, t*). C. mdm (-) Jd~"~"~u'mudmAp p,, b,r lkmdq j II~dlq Ibldiq ~ (+) , ol(~(c) ~'.. )Z~l DroPTo ~deL Te~T , ~ ~ ~/~L ,~9o .ego ~ 7ql .... ; .... TANK p.O. E OX · ' ....... 38. Nrr VOLUME 36. 26. 30. NY0flOSTATIC 31. VOLUME MLA~UREMENI'S 34. TT, IIPEP, JtTURE COIdP'rJLSATION ACCUMULATEO LOS OF TF.~T I'IlOCEIXJI~ .. ' PRESSUII~ CHANGES -T~tu ~ (~ l-/ol~" ~, . . cO,mOL (vi nEC0RD TO .m CAL. .. USE. FACTO, (,) ........ EACH nLAmN, OLUOE 27. 28. o 29.. ~ L~d 32. Pm~d k 33. Pmkd 36. 36. 37. Tpq~m,, · At H~* Lin, ~ Date bcord dmib of setting WI RNd. ia haM= ~ I1~ (-) 11~.~t + lei. FI ~eieslr Llwler -- F. xlme~iel (4-) Ir At Ilw I~1 Time end nmnlng test. (Use furl ~- [-~' kg BNIJiW ~ k*n' Afw Pm~d C~m~am - r.~,~di~ (-)(*N~ p~ bNr (24 iv.) Ilngtk of line ff Imedli) ~ k d Ikadlk~ (~) r~oo mm IAWEL ~ STAm~m 2 ~/~,~. '~ .,$ZO · 5~5 ~ ,OI.5 ~50 * :5 *.0~%~. ,oW.% ~ 7~ . . ,, ,, b ~Z'5 LfZ .6VO ·eoo ~.o30' 8.52- + ~. e. o3ci _. oo~ TANK ~TINQ P.O. ~ OX ~:, ~ Sacramento, California Please print or type. (Form designed' for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.) UNIFORM HAZ~RDO'US 11.'GeneratOr's US EPA ID No. ' MB~ifest 2. Page  is not required by Federal . of aw. 3. Generator'~ Namecand Mailing Ad.ess 84~3325'9  Transtar 1 Company. Name (~ ~ US EPAID Numar C.S~te Tran~,~'s 7. Trans~er2 Com~ny Name 8. US EPA ID Numar E. Stam Tran~'s ID 9. "Designat~ F~ili~ Name and Site A~re~ 10.. US EPA ID Numar G.S~te F~IiW's ID. -' 12.Comainers 13. 14. . 1 1. US DOT DeRription (InClUding Proper Shipping Name, Hazard C/as;, and ID Numbm Total ~ Unit I. No. T~ Quantiw ~ W~te No. ' h'l 5. S~i~l "Ha~dling Infusions and A~itional Information 16. GEN ER~TOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby d~lare that the contents of this consignme~ ire fully and a~urateiy de~ri~d a~ve by ~ro~r shipping name and are classifi~, pack~, marke~, and la~l~, and ~e in all res~s in proper condition for ~t~ Name $~ / ,, ~ .,~ Month Day Year 17. Tran~[r '1 ~n~l~gement of R~eipt of Materials .j Date 18./rans~ner ~ AcknB~l~gement or Receipt of Materials' - I Date Print~ Name I Signature Month Day Year 19. Di~re~n~ Ihdi~tion Space 20. Facil~ Owner or Operator: Ce~ifi~tion of r~eW~of hazardous materials cover~ by this manifest e~epl as not~ in ~ Date Print~, Name ~ Signature IM°nth~ Day J Year OHs 8022 A (7/84) (EPA 8700-22) GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DAYS To: P.O. i;i~x ~'00', ",,~c~'u~i'lenlo, CJi. ;,~U02 Stat, o ~t Calltornla--Healt h and Wetfare /:/l ~/'~'L '~ ~- t ('/Y /~b/'~ ~ i ~ Department of H~alth S~rvlc~$ . * [r~ - /~ Toxic SuDstances Control DiviSion -., ,. ~. [, . .'~' Sacramento, California Please prin! or type. (Form designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.) i WASTE MANIFEST ~ ~(~ n' I£· ~'SJ0 I-/'E°cumem ND.E_ ~ n~, of ~e ,aw.iS not'required, by A.Sta Manifest O~ument Numar 3. Generator's Name-and Mailing Ad,ess ..~. 4. G~rator's Phone (~') ~--/f O~ . 5. Tran~r 1 Compady ~ame - 6. US EPA ID Numar .C.Smm Tran~er's ID~ ~%~ 7,...TranS~er 2 Core,ny Name 87' US EPA ID Numar E:Sta~e Tran~Aer's ID ~ ........... !F. Tran~er's. 9. Designat~ F~ili~ Name and Site A~re~ 10. US EPA ID Numar ~S~te Facili~'s ID .... ~, 12.C0ntainers 13. 14. i. . 1 1. US ~0~' De~ription (Including Proof Shipping Name, Hazard Cla~, and ID Numbm Total Unit _: ' I. O ~ '~, No. Type Ouanti~ ~ Waste No. .. Oj '15. S~ial Han'dling Inslru~ions and ~ilional Information " 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby d~lare thai the ~nlenls of this consignme~ are fully and accurately descried a~ve by pro~r shipping name and are classified, pack~, mark~, and la~l~, and mi in ail respects in proper condition for ttan~ ~ highway a~ording to appli~le international and national governmental r~ulations. Date ~i17. Tran~aor 1 ~knowi~em.nt of R~aipt of Mamrial, / I Dam T Print~ Name I Signature Month Day Year E . I I I 19. Di~r~n~ Indi~tion. Space F C ~ 20. Faciliw Owner or O~rator: Ce~ifi~tion of r~eip~of hazardous materials cover~ by this manifest except as not~ in y Item 19. ' I Dale Prim~E~ Name I Sionmur8 Month Oay DHS 8022 A (~/84) (EPA 8700-22) Blue: GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DAYS : To: P.O. Box 400, Sacramento, CA 95802 IT CORPORATION July 30, 1984 Mr. David J. Gumbley Getty Refining and Marketing Company Post Office Box 1476 Bakersfield, California 93302 Dear Mr. Gumbley: Subject: Progress Report No. 7 Gasoline Leakage Mohawk Service Station .24th and Oak Streets 'Bakersfield, California ITE Job No. 3067.3 This report contains the water analyses for the samples collected in late June from the wells at the service station. Well DW-3 was not sampled because the well casing has a kink that would not allow the downhole bladder pump into the well. We have designed a slightly different system, and we will be able to sample the well with no modification to the well. The analytical results for the samples collected June 26 through June 28 are included in the attached analytical report. The well identifications for the results have been corrected to correspond to the system used in our reports. The data indicate that there are four wells that have some reported values for one or more of the components that we tested. Wells B-22, B-7A, and B-iOA had measurable amounts of benzene, toluene and ~ylene, with Well B-IOA showing the highest levels of all the components measured. Wells B-19, B-8A, and B-9A had 0.5, 0.6, and 1.6 ppb of 1,2 dichloroethane. Figure 1 is a well location map for reference.. Well B-19 is located on the opposite side of the street in an upgradient 'direction from the spill at the Getty site. It is possible that this is due to a spill at the Shell station. Well B-22 is also a new well and indicates that the plume that we were seeing under the station extends at least half way across 24th Street. Similarly, the contamination in Wells B-7, B-8, and B-9 is in the area that had known contamination, and the presence of contaminants is not a surprise in these wells. The results from Well DW-1, which is sampling a deeper interval than the shallow wells, indicates that the dissolved materials have not penetrated to a depth of 34 to 39 feet. Regional Otlice IT Corporation · 1815 Arnold Drive · Martiriez, California 94553 .'415-228-8400 IT CORPORATION Mr. David' J. Gumbley Getty Refining and Marketing Company July 30, 1984 Page Two Well B-lO is the well with the highest levels of contamination. The .levels are greater than the well immediately upgradient, Well B-22. There are several factors which could be the cause of the anomaly. The readings could be from the Getty spill except that they are not consistent with the upgradient readings or the readings.from the known spill area. 'There is a buried petroleum pipeline within 15 feet of Well B-IOA, and this pipeline could have a small leak contributing to the problem in the area. Thirdly, the storm sewer from Oak Street discharges into the park approximately 35 feet west of the well. This sewer carries any surface spillage that occurs along Oak Street directly into the park. On July 19 we visited the site and found dead.grass adjacent to the sewer outlet, which was filled with stagnant water that had a definite sheen. Conclusions There is some contamination of'the ground water with dissolved hydrocarbons under th~station and in a downgradient direction. The presence of contami- nants in Well B-19 is likely due to spillage at the Shell station rather than the Getty station. The high. level of contamination in Well B-IOA has three possible sources. The concentration levels in Well B-IOA are higher than under the station, where gasoline has been found in the wells, and therefore could be~from one of the alternate sources, the buried petroleum line or the storm sewer. Recommendations We recommend that Wells 19A, 22, 7A, IOA, and DW-3 be resampled to confirm the presence of the reported contaminants and verify the relative concen- tration levels. We estimate that the cost of collecting the samples and running the same series of analyses will be $4,300. Once the results are confirmed or refuted, we can determine if additional wells in the 'park are necessary. We trust that this information is responsive to your needs at this time. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me at our Martinez, California, office at (415) 228-8400. Very truly yours, Robert M. Galbraith, R.G. 3881 Manager, Geotechnical Engineering RMG:jc 14:013 Attachments Getty Refining and Marketing Company etty P.O. Box 1476, Bakersfield, CA. 93302 · (805) 326-4265 Gordon A. Turl, Environmental Director-- Mohawk Region February 9, 1984 Certified Mail No. 0220984 Mr. F. Scott Nevins, Senior Engineer California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region 337t, E.'Shields Ave., Room 18 Fresno~ CA 93726 Dear Mr. Nevins: Enclosed is a summarization of our understanding of the meeting of 3anuary 10, 198% regarding the proposed GRMC soil/groundwater assessment project. I also have attached your letter of 3anuary 31, 1984 regarding the same subject matter. In reply to your concern of our proposed schedule, I want to emphasize that the timeframe we specified in our September 23, 1983 submittal (cover letter attached) is being met. The only delay has been in obtaining concurrence between our organizations regarding the implementation of the project; this concurrence has been formulated by our meeting of 3anuary 10th and our subsequent communications. Again, the twenty-six week schedule we've specified is for the entire investigation outlined in the September 23rd submittal; the internal contractural preparation timetable outline in our September 23rd submittal has been advanced two (2) months. As such~ the awarding of a contract is anticipated in May, 1984. We have explained this to your staff on numerous occasions and are miffed that concern about it remains. Please feel free to contact myself or Ms. A. Sue Luft (805-326-4426), if you need any further clarification. Gordon A. Turl GAT:kvg 25/84 attachment CC: Bill Wilson', EPA Region IX William Crooks, RWQCB = Sacramento Loren Harlow, RWQCB = Fresno Vern Reichard, Kern County Health Dept. Mohinder Sandhu, CDHS - Fresno W. H. Baker, Tulsa A. C. Pierce, Los Angeles L. E. Perrier, Bakersfield A. Sue Luft, Bakersfield File 34040-0-A-25-X-413 STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ~ ~ "' CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER (~I~I. ITY CONTROL .BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED'BRAN(~H OFFICE: 3374 EAST SHIELDS AVENUE, ROOM 18 - FRESNO. CALIFORNIA 93726 PHONE: (209) 445-5116 GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN. Governor 31 January 1984 Mr. Gordon Turl Getty Refining and Marketing Company Bakersfield, CA 933 2 :~,, ~, .... ~:+ .... ' ~. . ~-,~..; ~.',~,~. '~l~',b ...... MEETING TO DISCUSS PROPOSED CONT~I~TION ASSESSMENT PLANS, 20 JANUARY 1984 On 26 JanuafY~1984 j':S~ott'~Smi th A~B I' met ~ith Company's consultant in response to your request to clarify certain areas presented in the Company'~ contamination assessment Discussions centered around our letter to the .Company dated I December 1983 in which we listed specific deficiencies in the proposed contamination assessment program. With reference to the items as listed in our 1 December 1983 letter, we collectively arrived at the following understandings as a result of the meeting. Item 1. The compositing of ground water samples is appropriate for the purposes of determining contaminants present. The results of the analysis will be used together with previously collected ground water and soil samples to arrive at indicator constituents. The results of the analyses, proposed indicator constituents, and the criteria for selection of indicator constituents will be submitted to us for our review and comment. Item 2. The proposed plans submitted to date deal only with the initial stages of the investigation and are not intended to cover the entire contamination assessment program. They are plans for the development of information regarding local ground water flow conditions and the sources and composition of contaminants present in ground water. Upon completion of this initial phase of the investigation, a report will be submitted for our review. The report will present the findings and conclusions of the first phase and a description of proposed plans 'for completing the investigation. Item 3. ;~o discussion. Mr. Gordon.Turl -2- 31 January 1984 Item 4. Soil boring locations at.each site will be determined after initial surface samplings to determine background information and 'indicator constituents. Before the program to determine the depth and extent of contaminants is intiated, the Company will submit for our review the analytical results for the initial samplings, proposed indicator constituents for the subsequent sampling program, the rationale and criteria for selected indicator constituents and proposed boring locati'ons for subsequent sampling. "?~':~L' ~'~ :?'~:~? .:,,',: ~?~::~ .... ~? With regard to the proposed time schedule, we originally did not ha~e '~y :~ problem with the completion date assuming that the 26-week period was for '~ the entire investigation.' However, our understanding now is that the time schedule presented is meant Only to cover the first phase of the investigati].o9 and further that an additional three-month delay is now anticipat~' This would move '{he completion date of the first phase' into mi d-October.~ "' We' '~'~ ~.'~ believe this is too long a time period for only the first phase of the ~'~-~-'?~'~:~'~ investigation and that a completion date of 15 July 1984 is more appropriate. Should you have any questions on this matter, please telephone Scott Smith at this office. ~ F. SCOTT NEVINS Senior Engineer CSS:hmm cc: Mr. Mohinder Sandhu, Department of Health Services Getty Refining and Marketing ComPany. P.O. Box 1476, Bakersfield. CA. 93302 · (805) 326-4265 Go~cloo A. Tull, Environmental Oir~cto~-- Mohawk Reg~ January 3, lC)gq Mr. F. Scott Nevins, Senior Engineer California Regional Water Quality ContrOl Board Central Valley Region 337t~ E. Shields Ave., Rm. 18 Fresno~ CA 93726 · . ::~.-'_ · ~.,_ ~,~* Dear Mr. Nevins: ~is letter is intended to confirm the m~ting~e '*hav'e'S~ul~ ~o~: J~uary 10, l~g~ with your agency to discuss the soil and gr~ndwater a~e~ment proj~t your agency is requiring us to pursue. Due to the complexity and nature of such a project~ we feel that it is essential to clearly understand what your agency ~eels will be an adequate assessment. In addition~ we need to relay to you the many .difficulties that exist~ and be assured that due to the potential ~inancial consequences~ that your agency and our company will be pursuing a prudent project. The attached is our proposed agenda. Gordon A. Turl GAT:kvg 3/~t~ attachment cc: Messrs: Bill Wilson, EPA Region IX Mohinder Sandhu, DHS - Fresno Vernon Reichard~ Kern County Health Dept. Loren Harlow, RWQCB - Fresno Scott Smith, RWQCB - Fresno Rich yon Langen -' Brown and Caldwell W. H. Baker, GRMC - Tulsa A. C. Pierce, GOC - Los Angeles L. E. Perrier, GRMC - Bakersfield File 3q0t~0-0-A-25-X-~09 MEETING TO DISCUSS SOIL/GROUNDWATER AS~'ESSMENT PRO3ECT Attendees: 3anuary 10, 19gO 1:30 AM Regional ~/ater Quality Control Board (R~IQCB) Office - Fresno Representatives of R~I/QCB Getty Refining and Marketing Gompany (GRMC) Brown and Caldwell Other Interested Agencies AGENDA · Introduction · Presentation of Proposed Approach to Project · ~ Response to Recent RWQCB Letter · Project Flexibility and Coordination with R~/QCB · Questions · Proposed Schedule · Involvement of other Agencies? · Memo Regarding Understanding of Meeting GRMC Brown and Caldwell Brown and Caldwell GRMC-R~YQCB RWQCB GRMC GRMC ? Meeting to Discuss SoiUGroundwater Assessment Project Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno 3anuary 10, 195t~ (Meeting Confirmation and -' ' .= ".>'.~ -': '" Proposed Agenda Attached) Atte'ndees: ' Scott Smith, RWQCB ' ~,-: ".~ -,,,c.¥: :.:.,.:~ ,,~....:.~'.: -.:: ' - .... '~?~'t .::.:hRich von L~gen~ Brown ~d C~dwell Mark Bulot, Bro~ and Caldwell Gordon Turl, GRMC .... ' - · Gordon Turl exPlained that the pur~'s~'~f the"'~t[n~was GRMC stands with resp~t to the soil/groundwater.project and to address the RWQCB staffs questions regarding the submitted ~il/Groundwater Ass~sment Plan. In addition, it w~ stat~ that GRMC is not a~empting to delay t~ proj~t. ~ough the causes are not completely ~own~ GRMC ~d ~e RWQCB r~ognize that contaminat~ groundwater and soil exist throughout the Fruitvale area. ~e propos~ proj~t is a prudent investigation to more clearly identi~y the degree and extent o~ any su~ contamination within the ~undaries o~ the GRMC refinery. ~is is a very complex issue ~d GRMC ~ being forthright and 'u~[ront" with the RWQCB. As such, it w~ agre~ that a considerable degree o~ flexibility is needed in order to pro~rly pursue the project. Rich von Langen and Mark Bulot described their approach to the proposed project. As proposed, the project should yield a fairly good definition of the extent of soil contamination, characteristics o! groundwater movement, and definition of any contaminants in the groundwater beneath our facility. Since groundwater flow rates and direction are poorly defined at present, defining these is the first step. Also, groundwater plumes, as such, may or may not be definable. Brown and Caldwell does not believe that off-site contamination, if any, can be addressed until more is' known about the groundwater characteristics. · Response to questions in RWQCB letter of December 1, 1983. Question #1: The proposal is to composite samples for qualification, not quantification, o~ contaminants present· 'This will keep costs down. Samples can. be concentrated in the lab, as feasible, to assure that all contaminants present are identified. Regional Water Quality' control Board Meeting Page 2 3anuary 13, i984 Question #2: . RWQCB wants more flexibility and wants GRMC to address contamination at UI and ~D2. It was stated by GRMC that some degree of contamination has been found at all of the existing monitoring wells. Brown a~d Caldwell feel they located the five proposed additional wells in a way-to best define groundwater movement and address contamination. Studying the possible source(s) of contamination is a more realistic approach than working back from the existing wells. Additionally, thi~ project is only to be the first step towards definition of the groundwater condition..,~.~ , Flexibility will be assured by GRMC sending interim reports '~d ......... the final report to the RWQCB for review. Concerns with the project expressed to GRMC by the RWQCB will be addressed. Although GRMC will respond to such concerns, ;'-, RWQCB approval will not be necessary at each interim point. Question #~: Brown and Caldwell explained that boring locations will be based on initial screening and can not be specified at present. They also feel that use of properly preserved samples is appropriate for determination of heavy organics (including polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons) content, as these chemicals ~re semi- to non-volatile. These samples should, agreeably, not be used for determination of volatile organic content, and since the subject soil has been stockpiled for a long period of time, neither the subject samples nor new samples from the piles would yield significant volatile organics. The R~/QCB intends to consult with the Department of Health Services on this project; it is the desire of GRMC that all applicable agencies' requirements be met. GRMC will continue to send copies of pertinent information to interested agencies; but the RWQCB feels that they will be addressing all concerns. Interim Status (RCRA) groundwater monitoring appears to not apply to the GRMC facility. Unless the RWQCB, pursuant to valid' statutory authority, requires that GRMC take samples (other than for this project), GRMC does not intend to do so. GRMC requested to we be notified in writing of the legal (Statute/Regulation) basis upon which a groundwater monitoring program would be required; in addition, GRMC needs to know the legal basis by which the proposed project is being required by the. RWQCB. Gordon Turl requested that such notification be sent to his boss, Louis Perrier, Vice President Manufacturing. It was again emphasized that this project is just a step and may not totally define the extent of any groundwater contamination. Regional water Quality Control Board Meeting Page 3 3anuary 13~ 198~ GRMC expressed at the meeting the intention to pursue the selection o! a contractor with the submitted Plan being the basis for evaluation. GRMC will continue according to the schedule proposed in theirletter of September 23, 1983, with a three month delay anticipated due to the time necessary _~or GRMC and RWQCB staff to concur on an acceptable approach. Specific .changes to the Plan will be made, if necessary, as part of the contract negotiations with the selected contractor. ^SL:GAT:kvr Getty Refining and Marketing Company P.O. Box 1476, Bakersfield, CA. 93302 · (805) 326-4265 G~rclon A. Tutl, Envi~lal Director~ Mcd~awk Region September 23, 1983 '~' Mr. Scott Nevins California Regional' Wal~&r Qu~iity Cor~tro! Board Central Valley Region 337At Easl: Shields, Room Fresno, CA 93726 Dear Mr. Nevins: Enclosed is the problem assessment plan for soil and groundwater contamination at our refinery as requested and outlined by your letter o~ May 2~, 1~83. This plan was prepared for Getty Refining and Marketing Company by the firm, Brown and · CaJdwell. We would appreciate your review of the enclosed plan. Your comments and any direction which we together-can determine are not essential to pursue will be appropriately addressed· If we receive your written approval of this plan by the end of November, 1983 and no substantial work scope changes are required, we propose to proceed according to the ~ollowing schedule: · December, l. cJg3 - prepare request ~or proposals and bidders list. 3anuary, 1~)~ - mail request ~or proposals and receive responses. February, 198~ - e~aluate bids, choose contractor, a~d negotiate contract. March, lgg~ - begin project according to schedule proposed on page 19 of the enclosed report. If you would like to meet with us and the Brown & Caldwell firm to discuss this Mr. Scott Nevins Page 2 September 2l, 1983 plan, we would be happy to meet with you in Fresno or at our refinery. In addition, in anticipation that the other Concerned federal, state, and local regulatory agencies may be involved I am copying them this transmittal. I will be attempting to clari~y the extent or applicability o~ their involvement. As always, we appreciate your rational approach to this situation and We 'will continue to closely coordinate our activities. If you hame any questions, please contact either myself or Ms. A. Sue Luft at gOS-326-z~z~26. ASL:GAT:kvg 119/83 enclosure Messrs: Bill Wilson, EPA Region IX w/enclosure Mohinder Sandhu, DHS-Fresno w/enclosure Vern Reichard, Kern County Health Dept. w/enclosure A. C. Pierce, GOC-Los Angeles w/enclosure W. H. Baker, GRMC-Tulsa w/enclosure .. 3. Lynn Hartford, Brown & Caldwell w/o enclosure File 3#0#0-0-A-2§-)X_~09 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVlGE COMPANY 1~o*0 NOR'TH FIRST STR.I~RT · P. 0. BOX 1150 · SA.."q' JOSR, CA. 95108 · (408) o98-1414 March 22, 1984 Mr. Loren J. Harlow Supervising Engineer '~California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Joaquin Watershed Branch Office 337~ East Shields Avenue, Room 18 Fresno, California 93726 Dear Loren: The following comments are made in response to your letter of 14 March 1984, regarding groundwater contamination by the Mohawk service station at 24th and Oak Streets in Bakersfield: The effluent limitations for the seven materials presented in your letter conform with action levels of the State Department .of Health Services for drinking water and as such are judged to present a minimal risk to the health of persons drinking the water. o The discharge of water conforming with the above referenced effluent limitations will be diluted by the flows existing respectively in the Kern River and the Carrier Canal. Therefore, the minimal health risk mentioned above will be further reduced. 3. In view Of items 1 and 2, we do not object to the effluent limita- tions presented in your letter of 14 March 1984. In your letter reference is made to "high levels" of the se~en chemicals which have been determined to exist in water samples collected below the standing gasoline in the contaminated area. Based on'tele- phone discussions with your staff and on some material of written record, the areal and vertical extent of this contamination appears to have been fairly well established. We recommend that the efforts be continued to the maximum extent feasible to thoroughly define the contamination and that extraction procedures be developed to prevent the movement of con- tamination beyond the area already effected. A significant additional question remains as to the extent to which water which has been contam- inated should be removed for treatment and disposal. It is suggested the file not be closed on this contamination until there is substantial concurrence that the situation is cleared to such a degree that no significant threat remains to the domestic groundwater supply. We appreciate the opportunity to review your letter of 14 March 1984, and will be pleased to co'ordinate with you on further developments and final cleanup. Sincerely, George W. Adrian Engineer of Water Quality GWA:jmt cc: B. D. Lewis, D~trict Manager Gunter RedlinW REGION ,L VYAiER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-- gENTPJ L VALLEY REGION SAN JOAOUIN WATERSHED BRANCH OFFICE; 3374 EAST SHIELDS AVENUE. ROOM 18 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93726 PHONE: {209} 445-5116 · 24 Oanuary 1984 Mr. Eara Vazinpour Getty Refining and Marketing 'P. O. Box 1476 Bakersfield, CA 93302 GROUND WATER CLEANUP - MOHAWK SERVICE STATION AT 24th AND OAK STREETS, KERN COUNTY We have reviewed the Corporation's recently-submitted plans for ground water cleanup and monitoring to address the gasoline leakage discovered at the sub- jec~ service station. Our comments.on the plans and information submitted are summarized .below and grouped according to items listed in our letter to the Corporation dated 16 November 1983. The an. alytical results for organic constituents in a sample collected below the gasoline/ground water inter~ace indicate excessive concentrations for benzene, toluene, xylene, 1,2-dichlorethane, carbon ~etrachloride, chloroform, and e~hylene dibromide. Our concerns for the results of these analyses and the evidenced contaminA- tion of ground -~ w~r are discussed later. 2. Information presented pertaining to the extraction program is sufficient. The olan indicated that the Corporation intends to apply for an NPDES permit for the discharge of ground water evolved in the extraction program. If such a permit is adopted by the Board, i.~ could likely contain effluent limitations baseo on action levels recommended by the Department of Health Services for · - drinking water suDplies. The action levels for the organic constituents found in the analysis are as follows: ~ ACTION LEVEL CONSTITUENT _ (ppb) REPORTED CONCENTRATION (ppb) Benzene O. 7 8400 Toluene 100 7200 Xyl enes 620 -1600 1,2-dichloroethane 1.0 , 610 Carbon tetrachlori~e 4.0 4.0 Ethylene dibromide limit of 150 quantification Mr. Fara Vazinpour 24 January 1984 Moni-toring wells presently installed within the service station property boundaries appear adequate to monitor the effectiveness of the extraction program within close proximity to the extraction well. However, no criteria is presented for the location of off-site monitoring wells. While the monitoring data submitted to date for on-site wells does not depict any specific pattern to the movement of gasoline, monitoring wells installed~ across the intersection to the southeast appear to have very limited coverage. Their overall effectiveness in monitoring the completeness of the extraction program and the criteria for their selection is not clear. The need for additional monitoring wells across the intersection to the east should be evaluated considering local soils conditions, ground water flow patterns, and the results of the monitoring to date. In addition, the proposed program does not appear to have enough flexibility to be expanded or modified as needed based on findings during the course of the cleanup and investigation. Finally, the program does not address the presence of organic constituents in ground water. The analytical results indicate a considerable water soluble fraction in the gasoline and a program to define their extent, both vertical and lateral, needs to be developed. To adcress the aoove indicated deficiencies ir, ~ne Corporation's proposed plan, please submi.: a revised plan to this office by 15 February 1984. The revised plan snould Oe prepared under the direction of a ticensed engineer or engineering geologist competen~ in performing investigations of this nature. Finally, froF the time the Corporation submits an application for an NPDES permit, i~ would be a minimun~ of 60 days, assuming the information submitted is adequatE, before it could be considered for adoption by tne Regional Board in a public hearinc. 'In the meantime, the Corporation continues to have full responsibility for wa~er quality imoa~ts resulting from the presence of gasoline in ground water. Shoui~ you have any question-: on these matters, please contact Scott Smith at this office. F. SCOTT NEVi~iS Senior Engineer CSS: i ay rqF. Ted Andrews, Department of Health Ser~'ices ~ Verr, Reicharo, Kern County Heal th Department Mr. Warren Cebell, Kern County Water Agency Mr. Florn Core, City of Bakersfield Mr. George.Adrian, California Water Service, San Jose Nr. Bob Lewis, California Water Service, Bakersfield STATE ~F ~ALI FORNIA CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-- CENTRAL VALLEY REGION' SAN JOAOUIN WATERSHED BRANCH OFFICE: · 3374 EAST SHIELDS AVENUE, ROOM 18 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93720 PHONE: (209) 445-5116 NOV 1.. 8 'Lg Ccunt He.:-[th 16 November 1983 Mr. David J. Gumbl ey ~, '". Geti~y Refining and Marketing Co. P. O. Box 1476 .. Bakersfield,.~ CA 93302 MOHAWK SERVICE STATION AT OAK AND 24TH STREETS - GASOLINE LEAKAGE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY We have reviewed the information you submitted on 3 November 1983 regarding the gasoline leak to ground water at the subject service station, and the results of the ground water monitoring program to date. We are pleased to see the prompt manner in which Getty is addressing the problem. From the information submitted, it appears that Well No. 7 would be an appro- priate location for beginning the extraction program as you've proposed. However, before the cleanup program and monitoring programs begin, you will need to sub- mit an engineering report containing the following: The concentration of all contaminants in ground water directly below the gasoline/ground water interface. All toxic organic constituents, including organic lead and ethylene dibromide, plus any additional gasoline additives need to be addressed. For base/neutral and acid extractable organics, EPA methods 624 and 625 are acceptable provided the laboratory identifies all peaks on the chromatograph. Include a description of sampling locations, method for sample collection, and analytical methods used for determining contaminant levels. ® A more detailed description of the extraction program, including (a). well construction; (b) procedures for determining and reporting volumes of gaso- line extracted; (c) methods for monitoring the quality of the discharge; (d) a description of the location and meth·od for the discharge of unrecycled gasoline; and (e) a description of the location and method for discharge of ground water. Mr. David J. Gumbley -2- 16 November 1983 3. A description of the proposed monitoring program addressing all areas con- tained in the last paragraph of the enclosed staff report.. The required duration of the ground water monitoring program that we will later prescribe will depend on ~the success of the extraction program and reported hydrogeologic conditions. Actual constituents for which Getty will need to monitor will be based on the 'findings of the above requested ground water analysis. F. SCOTT NEVINS Senior Engineer CSS: i ay Enclosure CC: Mr. Ted Andrews, Department of Health Services ~a-CF.. Vern Reichard, Kern County Health Dep. artment Mr. Warren Cabel, Kern County Water Agency Mr. Florn Core, City of Bakersfield Mr. George Adrian, California Water Service, San Jose Mr. Bob Lewis, California Water Service, Bakersfield C~ENTRAL VALLEY REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD MEMORANDUM TO: ' F. Scott Nevins FROM: C. Scott Smith SUBJECT: 16 November 1983 GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING CO. (GETTY) - GASOLINE LINE LEAK - MOHAWK SERVICE, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY ~' Background One20 October 1983, Getty reported the leakage of 4,545 gallons of gasoline from underground storage tank pipeline at their Mohawk Service Station located at 24th and Oak Streets in Bakersfield. That afternoon, I talked with Dave Gumbley of Getty about a sampling and monitoring program to determine the extent of ground water contamination. I also talked with representatives of Department of Health Services (Ted Andrews), Kern County Health Department (Vern Reichard), California Water Service. (Bob Lewis), and the City of Bakersfield (Pat Hauptman) to inform them of the incident and to obtain information regarding domestic and municipal water wells in the area. Figure I attached shows the location of the Mohawk station. Also shown are the location of domestic water wells in the area. Seven domestic' water wells, namely 24R1, 25B1, B2, D2, Gl, G2, and J1 are located within a one mile radius down- gradient (away from the Kern River) of the Mohawk station. All of these wells' are owned by California Water Service. Wells 25B1 and D2 were shut down when California Water Service learned of the incident. Depths and perforated inter- vals of the eight wells vary. However, the shallowest perforations are in Wel.1 25B2, and begin at 173 feet. Well 25D2, located closest to the station, has a conductor casing and seal at 72 feet, and perforations beginning at 265 feet. Getty has secured I. T. Corporation to determine the extent of ground water con- tamination and perform ground water cleanup. By 26 October, a total of nine monitoring wells were installed within the property limits of the station. Each well was dug with a hallow stem auger to a depth of about 18 to 20 feet. Ground water was encountered at an average depth of 11 feet. Results of the sampling program to (~ate were received from Getty on 3 November. Figure 2 attached shows the location of each well with respect to the underground tank and the amount of gasoline found standing above ground water. Getty has continued to keep us informed 'of their activities and has made a great deal of progress towards defining the extent of contamination. Five additional monitoring wells have been installed south of 24th Street. No gasoline was detected at any of the wells. To remove gasoline on top of ground water, Getty proposes to deepen Well No. 7 (Figure 2) to .a depth sufficient to allow vacuuming of gasoline in the well bore while extracting ground water. They are presently working to find a means of disposing the ground water that will be evolved in the extraction program. Reviewed GETTY REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY 16 November 1983 To monitor the 'entrainment of any gasoline through the well screen during the extraction program, Getty proposes to utilize a portable tank with an outlet at the bottom of the tank to afford separation of any gasoline from the discharge. In a conversation that I had with Dave Gumbley on 7 November, he indicated that they would like to go ahead and deepen 'Well No. 7 early this week so that they can begin the extraction program as soon as the final details are worked out. I agreed with him that well No. 7 appears to be a good location to begin the ext'raction program given the findings of the monitoring program to date. Finally, Getty proposes to utilize monitoring wells diagonally across (to the southeast) the intersection from the station to monitor the effectiveness of the extraction Program. .. .. '. Comments and Recommendations While the extraction program discussed by Getty appears to have the potential of removing the majority of'gasoline present as a result of the leakage, certain areas need to beI addressed before the actual cleanup program begins. To begin with, a representative sample of ground water directly below the gasoline/ water interface should be collected and analyzed for toxic organic constituents, and gasoline additives, including tetraetyl and tetramethyl lead. The' ground water cleanup and monitoring program will need to address the presence of dis- cerned contaminants. Also, depending on where ground water will~ be discharged, the outflow may need to be monitored for the presence of contaminants. Finally, after the extraction program begins, Getty may find that additional extraction locations may be necessary to .afford complete cleanup. The program needs to have adequate flexibility to change depending on volumes of gasoline extracted at a given location, and the presence of other discerned contaminants in ground water that have showed from the presence of gasoline. They should also be directed to document and report on the volume of gasoline extracted. A ground water monitoring program will be needed to evaluate the effectiveness of .the cleanup program. To evaluate the appropriateness of the monitoring program, Getty will need to submit a report on their proposed monitoring program. The report should include a map showing monitoring well locations, description of pe,rtinent hydrogeologic conditions, well construction, and criteria for selecting monitoring well locations. Finally, in addition to monitoring for the presence of gasoline, the program will need to address the presence of any other dis- cerned contaminants. -C. ~COTT SMITH, Staff Engineer CSS:iay CH~I$ T,$ · ENGI~ER$ 2527 ~ S.m ~, ~ g2721 (20gl 2~B-702 I 1405 ~te ~. ~te I ~e~o. ~ ~6354 (209) 623~994 "' 14~ ~ O~, ~e 118 ~erlf~, ~ (806) 322-6216 ~1 W. ~ ~le, ~ 83277 (209) 651-2190 Please Addreea All Mail to P.O. Box 1472,. Fresno, California 9'3716 July 18, 1984 ..: tT CorPoration -1815 Arnold Drive Martinez, California Attention: Mr. Dear Mr. Kwoka: Examination 84-05274 (Invoice 818379) 94553 Chris Kwoka Enclosed .are the results for the twenty-three samples submitted ~y John Geels. Also enclosed are the chain of custody forms. In accordance with'your instructions, the samples were analyzed for 1,2 dichloroethane (ethylenedichloride) , tetrachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride), 1,2 dibromoethane (ethylenedibromide), benzene, toluene, and xylene. Samples were analyzed using Tekm~r purge and trap equipment. A Varian 3700 gas chromatograph equipped with a Tracor Hall 700A detector and a HNU Systems photoionization detector was used for compound detection. Several observations should be made concerning the samples marked inlet, between beds, and discharge. The inlet sample contained an organic film on the water. Therefore, sample homogeneity might be suspect. The between bed samples .contained air bubbles an'd the discharge samples contained sediment which looked like carbon. 'THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. John Bricarello ' JB/nk enclosure ENGINEERING AND ANALYTICAL SERVICES FOR CONSTRUCTION. TESTING, CONTROL. AND RESEARCH Soil Foundation and Geololical Investigations, Construction Malcrials Inspcclion and Te~tini, Chemical and Physical Analy~s of Concrete, Sleel. Alloys, Soils, Plan( Tisa,e. Fertilizers. Feeds. Walers, Minerals, tnsecucide$. Food Procluc~s. Alcoholic Beverales, G~es, Paints. Petroleum Producu, Crop Damalc Investigation, Exp~t Wimeu Court Teslimony. As a mutual protection to clients, thc public and our~lves, all repons axe submilled as the confidential property of clients, and aulhorization for publication of , IT Corporation DCE .Sample ug / I 17/ ND ~ 0.5 21~ ND 22 ~ ° ND 23/" ND 1~ ND Nn 4~k. ' ND 5~. ND 0.6 11~ ND 12~ ND 13~ ND DW-1 ND DW- 2 ND Inlet 11.8 Between beds ND Discharge ND CTC' ug/1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND · ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.4 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND EDB ug/1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.5 ND ND ND ND ND 1.7 ND ND Examination 84-05274 July 18, 1984 Page 2 Ben Tol ,. Xyl u~/1 u~/1 ug/1 ND ND ND ND ND ND. ND ND ND 19.2 90 420 ND ND ND ND ND ND' ND ND -0.6 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 17.0 2.6 235 ND ND ND ND ND ND 388 2540 870 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 29.6 0.4 60.1 0.8 ND ND ND ND ND Irresno Modesto Stocktor~ Vlsalla IT Corpor.~tion Examination 84-05274 July 18, 1984 -Page 3 ND implies none detected DCE = dichloroethane; detection limit: 0.3 ug/1 CTC = carbon tetrachloride; detection limit 0.4 ug/1 EDB = ethylene dibromide;, detection limit. 1 5 ug/1 Ben = benzene; detection'limit: 0.1 ug/1 Tol = toluene; detection limit: 0.1 ug/1 Xyl = Xylene; detection limit: 0.1 ug/1 Fresno Modesto Slockton Vlsalia · "£~'EIdlCAL ANAL Y$1~ PE TirOl [U~ IT Corpora ti on 1815 Arnold Drive Martinez, California 94553 'Attention:Chris Kwoka LABO.RA ,,DRIES 301& UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA ~)305 MAIN OFFICE 4100 PIERCE ROAD· BAKERSFIELD CA' ~330~ P~ONE 327-491 ~ Date Reported: 6/29/84 Date Received: 6/18/84 Laboratory No.: 7104 - 7106 Sa~Rle Descriptions: #i.- 6/16/84 Between Beds #2 - 6/16/84 Inlet #3..- 6/16/84 Discharge Total Lead, Parts/billion = #1 #2 #3 (-) lo (-) Io (-) ~o (-) refers to "less than" B C LABORATORIES, INC. Texacolnc 3350 Wiishire PO Box 3756 Los Angeles CA 9005 August 7, 1985 ENV-POLLUTION CONTROL - GENERAL PETRO-TITE TANK TIGHTNESS TEST 24TH & OAK ST. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Ann Boyce, R.S. Environmental Health Specialist II Hazardous Substances Management Program 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Ms. Boyce: Enclosed please find copies of the tank tightness tests performed on the diesel tank at our location 2401 N. Oak St., Bakersfield, CA. Very truly yours, N. E. KIRBY /~ ' Field Maintenan~ Supervisor NEK:adg 25/844 cc: WM .Enclosures -- for Tank System, Tag '- ;ss Test PLEASE ~RINT 1. OWNER Te~ho.e 2. OPERATOR I 3. REASON FOR i TEST (Exp4iin Fully) TO ~ TIG~ESB OF: / -~I~UND ISOLATED T~ ~ 4. WHO REQUESTED TEST AND WHEN . 5.WHO IS PAYING FOR THIS TEST? .. · 8. TANK(s)INvoLVED;h 7. INSTALLATION DATA 8. UNDERGROUND WATER 9. FILL-UP ARRANGEMENTS Corm etc. Brand/Supplier L/ "cUt Size. ~ mike. D/o~ tub~, Rm FI~ RMf o! slaIWn, glo. WNeh tlnkJ ? ki~ Il known IExtmj]pduct to "top off" and run TSTT. How and who to provide ? Con~le NO Lend. TMaphone 10. CONTRACTOR, MECHANICS. any othM contr~"IM 11. OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS 12. TEST RESULTS 13. CERTIFICATION · ]'ul7' 1, 1<:)80 Date Various- SePal No. ol Th--al Ad~litionel information on any items above. Officials oz otNfl to I~ IdviNd wl~fl tilting il in ~ ~' completed. V'aitm M ~ pt.ent during test etc. Te~tl wlri aide on the Mx)ye t~nk lylteml In KcMdMN:e with te~t W W fM' INe~T011~ff Il detmlkKI on ii. chad telt Chldl adlh ill. itl II foilowl: '~'~ "m' Tank Identification Tight Indicated Date Tilted Thll Il to c~dlfy thlt theme tlnk lyileme W~l testecl on the dire(I) ihown. Th(me indicated am "Tlghf' meet the cdlwll eltlMllhld ~ : the N~ .ri Protection Aloclmtlon ,.mphlet 32L ' TANK 'i~l~tf~'°' ? c°?"~G4 j'.p. Mozr.~'"'~-/' , ........ ~ ,^.~'~. / x - GRANADA HILL~, CA 91344 M.A. 3e, ll 8.:P. Mon~l.io ][..ti'. Mo~t,1o '? ' TANK TESTING ' ' :,,'- - P.O. BOX 3613 '"" I~~~ .Idp' j -~* GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344. . 'Ali[ ~ Form 568 ' ' HEATH CO"'ULT*NTS INCORPORATED 100 TOSCA DRIVE ITOU(IHTON. IA. I2072 lei71 344-1400 ...~,,. ............................... : ..... zo ', zs. ¥,$a~7:~+ 3/f- .,o/??'~d'=.~:~, ~~ · if FI. pipe ~dends M)o~ gmdB, us~ ~op of fill . ' .. · ,_ , ., . ..- o~ G~T~ .... Jr', ~ TANK TESTING P.O. BOX 3613 GRANADA HP I ~, CA 91344 , LOG OF TEST PROCEDURES ' P~E~-~uI~E - VOLt)Mt ilL~URtI£NI~ IV) TTMPEIt~UR~ COIPENSAIIOll CHANGES ACCUMULATED .... >,~' C~ r,~ Adiustmmd Tetal Ed ~ . , ', , ,,. ,. ,;.,; ,,, I ~ ~. PLEASE PRINT ]~]~ ~ 1. OWNER Pm.ty ~ TInk(e) ~] 2. OPERATOR 3. REASON FOR TEST (F. xMMo 4. WHO REQUESTED TEST AND WHEN 5. WHO IS PAYING . FOR THIS TEST? 6. TANK(S) INVOLVED 7. INSTALLATION DATA 8. UNDER6ROUNO WATER 9. fiLL-UP ARRANGEMENTS 10. CONTRACTOR, MECHANICS, Iffy othM Gofltrlctor, Iovoiwd 11. OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS 12. TEST RESULTS 13. CERTIFICATION ,TG.T¥ 1, 1980 Olte -¥a.rious- SMml NO. of T~el Data qJrt for Tank System TighJ!ss Test petro TLIe ~ TANK TESTER DATE: Neme -- Addm~ ~I R~fl~ TIdelMtone Idetily by Direction CapKity Brend/$uppiw Grade fill SiN. fi#ON mae. Omo tub~ Remote Fills Bled Top. h.h. etc. NOelh Iff,Me ddveweT. R#f of Station. IlL O~th tO the Warm tlb~ -~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ ~' ~ · la the w~tef OVM the tank forTefmine' Or othm' contKtnotice ot ,ncluify ''4 Additionll infofmetiofl off any ttem~ above. 0fflctlll or others to bi advi.d wbifl tNting ii in pfogm, of completed. Visito~ o~ obNwlt IX. eflt · .; during t.t etc. T. tl were made on the above Mnk ipteme In ~-~-,,~ WWl t.( p/Q. dume pr. cHbld fM II detllied o~ ittlched tilt chldl with relUltl II fMIowl: w~, Tank Identification Tight Leakage Indk:Ked /)T Lou~ LEVEL+ '-. Om TNted .:...:-:: i Thi. to to codify th.t them !.nk .y.tem. wee t.t.d on the d.tql) .hewn. Tim. Indi.t. -- "Tight' m.t tl~ cdtea.tddld~d by ..' :;~ the NltJond Flre Protection Alociltlon Plmph~t 329. GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344 · lv[,A, ]3ell S,:P, IV[ont:LJo [,IT, X~on~J.,~o ~-:~ Nlme Extra product to "top air' and run TS'IT How and who to provide ? Conlide NO TM.hone Fi IIF~TI¢IC BEFORE Alii) AFTEI~ EACH COYPARTMENT DROP O1~ EAC# METEI~ED ~LIVEI~Y OUANTITY Ileetem ae tm~ te ~,,ee* ......... ~.,~.~..~.. /'.-~""/' ,, ~ -~,-~ ....... ~ .... -,.. ~'... ...... ~ ~ ?-~-~ ~.....~.~.. ,, . T~m~* ......................... '., ....... ~ I,~uct mn rum tm~ (t~, m m mlmm,) ~ P, eecling 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST roms TAN ,',, '~C~II~' ~ ~t~.~ [] Wl~rillllnk [] tllgh W~'IMIM In I~lll exg~slk~ [] 1,1~1(,) being Siegel lfftt~ LYLLT c. o. x. ------ ....... ._, ooo ¥¢%/lO ~POR RECOVERY SYSTEM 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR' (m)TO TEST THIS TANK ' IlTedeytNaf~i'l Cekler'~[.3, ..'F l~___~,et, in Tank ..---e F Fil~ProductonTmct , of F,.~le~ledQllnge(+m'-) TANK TESTIN~ P.O. BOX 3613 GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344 26. ' .' .' '"' ' ·-'. 30... "#Yonosu,c 31. mag[ rouser[gms m 34. ~ LOG~~S .' · . · -. . :,~:?; P~SSUflE ~ ~GES · 27. 28~ ' '. "~' ' . ~4~'~, :~ ~, 29. '"" " , ~ ?.~~ 32. 36. 37. T~ . ~ ~ing~ (~e~fl ,~?:~: '?~% ~.~ ~ ~l-I ~ · .. ._ . .~?.~' .., ,'(' -. ,.. /ov~" " " " .... ~~o.I"' ~o ,~-,/~ ~o- I-,Olg -,1~1 //oc. . . . 5. 90.1 .,,~ ,~o-,1~-a~-I -,o!~ -,/~1 //,~,' " .... "; ·~o.~ ',.~o .~zo~/3o AY3 /,~o. " " ' ..".. 7 ~o,I '~.3Zo ,/~o -,1~ AgY + /+,01~ - izoo,, " ", ,,,~.', ,,,~ I!,~ ',.~o, ~-,~ ~31 -I' -,o/~ -.o~/, ~. . , ~. ~'.~,~,~ -' . " --~ -- YaNK- ~STiNG ,.- ~ ~ ~ LEvE~ /~D Ip~ ~ --./& ~ ~,~.~ ~ ~'OU~ . G~ ~NADAHI LS, CA91~ PERMIT~~ PERMIT POSTE0? TYPE OF INSPECTION: FACILITY "FACILITY KERN C O~h~TY RESOURCE ~,~m~ANAGEMENT ENVIRONMEN~mm~L HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTM0~ 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300, BAKERSFIELD, CA.g3301 (805)861-3636 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS sUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY ' * INSPECTION REPORT * TIME IN ~.~.e~ IME OUT ........................... ~iUMe. ER OF TANKS: ................ ~ .............. '"~'0~'~NE~- ...... ~INSPECTiQN ' COMPLAINT· ADDRESS:2401' OAK STREET'S:" BAKERSFIELD, OWNERS NAME:,T'EXACO REFINING & MARKETING. INC. OPERATORS NAME: COMPU-PLAN MGMT <~!(~"~::!.'. · COMMENTS: ?' ' , ' ;. -: ?i~?.:, ' .- 11." ~RIMARY CONTAINMENT ~0N[TORING: .. InterceDting an directing .system. StanderN Inv~'~tor¥ ~ontrol c. Modified Inventory ~ontro] (~ In-tank Level Sensing Device · e, .-~qundwater Monitoring ~.":"Vadose Zone Monitoring ~E{S~!OARY $ONTAiNMENT ~O!i[TOFiNG: a. Liner b. Double-Walled tank c. Vault PIPING ~ON[TOR:NG: b. Suction c. Gravity ~. OVErFiLL PROTECTION: TIGHTNESS TESiNG 6. NEW · JNAU~HOR~cu RELEASE VIOLATIONS/OBSERVATiONS MAINTENANCE, GENERAL SAFETY, ANO Pc~A,IN~ CONDITION FAC'~'w KERN CC~N?¢ AIR POLLUTION CONTROL ~ 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 8akersfieid. CA. ~3301 q~ ~H -" (8OS) 861-3682 ~ ~ VA~R RE. VERY ~NS~ECTZ~ ===================================================================== ......... '*:NOZZLE TYPE .:. o 'a. FACE. SEAL -:_ RrNa.. :VET ~- 5. BELLO~k~ 6. S~IVEL(S) ':. HC'SE CCNDZT:ON ,7 A 2. L~GTH P 3. C~FIGU&~Tt~ &. S~iVEL i. CERT.. NOZZLE ,' 2..'OHECK VALVE · ':"' , , , ~~:~~~~ l, I .,., , ... t . : , ~ .I ._ 1 ~ ~ I I Kev ~c ~ys~ t'/~es: . · KeV , ~ VIO~TI~S: SYST~ MARKED WIWH i "T" ~0E IN IN~PECTI~ R~LTS, ARE IN VIO~TI~ OF ~ '~-~~AIR ~LLUTi~,~T~L DISTRICT ~LE{~) 412 AND/OR 412.1. ~E CALIFO~IA ~ H~L~ & SAFE~ ~DE SPEC,FI~ P~ALTI~ OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY ~R ~ DAY OF ~ VIO~TI~. TELEdaR (805) 861-3682 ~CE~ING FINAL R~LUTI~ OF ~E VIG~Ti~. ~ CALIFO~IA H~L~ ~ SAF~ CODE SECTI~ ~1960.2. RE,~IRES ~AT ~E ABOVE LIS~ED 7-DAY NO, ~: QEFiC[~C[~ 8E ~RRECTED NI~iN 7 DAYS. FAILURE TO ~PLY ~Y RE~LT IN LEaL ACTI~ KERN AIR POLLUTION CONTROL OlST~ 2700 "M" S~r,_oeC, Suite ~75 l~ak~rs'fi~ld. CA. gS~O'I (80.5) 861-a682 2. TANK LOCATION REFERENCE t '".: -3.: BROKEN OR MI,~.~ING VAPOR CAP I '" ~.. BROKEN OR MISSING FILL' CAP I 5. BROKB",I CAM LOCK ON VAPOR CAP' 6 Ei,-L CAPS NOT PRO~ER_Y SEATED f 7. VAPOR CAP~ NOT PROPERLY SEATED 8. GASKET MISSING FROM FILL CAS> g. GASKET MISSING FROM VAPOR CAP ....,u. ,:r",c.~ AOAfiTC, R NOT T[~T i t. VAPOR ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT GASKET BE?~EEN ADAPTOR & FZLL TUBE ~Vl!F.~NG / IM:PROTERL',' ;SEATED · ] ~ ,:"..-r~,-'~ '~ .~- ,, COAX[AL FTLL TU~E. .... COAX ,:.,,: L~ .L~,._ ,,Ji~E SPF.'.fFiG ",7. TU,9_,E ;_.~NGT'.,-.I, MEA.-'Z. UREM~,,tT :,.-.. ~.,-r'r'.'-~:,_.4b,- <SHO..LD 8E 5" OR LES,S ' 19. OTHER =u. CO~4~TS: WARNING : SYSTEMS ~RKED ~TH A OqECK ABOVE ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION ~"~*:* CONTROL DISTRICT RULE¢~)209, A12 AND/OR &12.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH.& SAFETY CODE ~:*:*: SPECIFIES P~NALTIES OF 0P TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH VIOLATiON. TELEPHONE ~ 861-3682 CONCEF~NiNG FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE VIC~'TION(S) ~ Tag Number ! ~ Date ~/'-/3-.~ .time ?"~' ~' / S~on ~dr~ ,,~0/ O~ ~, Major Cro~ S~ ~ Y ~ In--or P- ~ WARNING Use of this device is prohibited by state law and un- authorized removal of this tag or use of this equipment will constitute a violation of the law punishable by a maximum civil fine of $1,000 per day or a maximum criminal fine of $500 per day and/or six months in jail [ declare under penalty of perjury that the device tagged was not used, nor u~s the tag removed, until the required repairs were effected and the district notified. Repaired by Title (Ple.~ print) - Signatun, Date ~me Totalizer Reading at Time of Repair Repairs made BEFORE USING THIS DEVIC~eI~e ~l~a5 local air pollution control district at ?~ ~ ,-, t~ ~ If repairs were made to the nozzle body you must notif~ the County Department of Weights and Measures. 66074 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART/~ENT (805) 861-3636 Mailing Address: Office Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 2700 M $1reel, Bakersfield INVOICE #SF0129 ~ARON & NEWMAN P.O. BOX 791 FRESNO, CA 93712 CHARGES PAST DUE ATTN: MURRAY M. L DETACH HERE ARON PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMENT IDENTIFICATION ARE BILLING DATE o6/13/89 AMOUNT DUE 172.15 AMOUNT ENCLOSED SUBJECT TO PENALTY DUE DATE 07/13/89 DETACH H~ SEND PAYMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS TO AVOID 50% PENALTY DESCRIPTION AMOUN] .~RVICE / POS11NG 06/13/89 INVOICE ~ERVICE FEE FOR #SF0129 ( FEE FOR FILE SEARCH AT $42.00 PER HOUR FOR 3.75 HOUR: 140 COPIES KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 93305 TOTAL AMOUNT DU.E 157 .50 14.65 2700 '"M~ StregL Sulfe 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 86L-36~6 (805) 861-3429 Fax Number COUNTY OF Environmental Health Services Department June 13, 1989 Aron and Newman Attention: Murray M. Aron P.O. box 791 Fresno~ CA 93712 Re: Shell and Texaco Station at 24th and Oak St. Dear Mr. Aron: Enclosed you, will find copies of the information you requested on April 11, 1989, regarding the Texaco and Shell Stations on the corner of 24th and Oak Street ill Bakersfield, California. Currently this office does not have all the lab analyses for the monitoring well and/oF soil samples tested for hydrocarbons prior to or before July 1985. Both the Shell and Texaco Station monitoring is regulated by the State Water Resources Control Board, at 3614 East Ashlan Ave., Fresno, California, 93?26. (209) 445- 5116. Should you need any additional information p~e~e contact them or feel free to contact this Department. As per Kern County Ordinance Code section 8.04.130, a charge for services rendered based on a per-hour fee of forty two dollars ($42.00) will be assessed. An invoice is enclosed reflecting the amount due. " If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, r~'.. ~. r'--.. '/ ~uronda R. ~rumpler, R~.E.H'.~s. ' Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program TO:cd Enclosures crumpler\newman.let, 6-8-18 MURRAY M. ARON JOHN M. NE~IAN. INC. CRAIG A. STEPP ARON & NEWMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW April 11, 1989 800 "M" STREET P.O. BOX 791 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93712 (2091 268-4021 Ba'kers~ld~h~191~ion at 24th and Os.k Dear Ms. Boyce: '. ' d some We represent FranZen-Hill Corporation that lnstalle underground tanks at the Texaco station on the corner of 24th and Oak in Bakersfield. I would like to obtain a copy of the whole installation file for both the Texaco station and the Shell station at that corner. I am particularly interested in any test well reports reflecting hydrocarbons at that location both prior to and after July 1985. If there are any expenses in conjunction with producing the files, please let us know and we will reimburse you. MMA:mfs CC: Mr. Bob J. Hill President Franzen-Hill Corporation Very truly yours, ARON & NEWMAN