HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-REPORT 2/27/1995 Permit Operate Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ........ ~,,,~,,,~,,~,,T,~,~,,,, ~,~ ............... This permit is issued for the following: PERMIT ID # 015-021-001141 .~i~:~,. '= ,...r:~!~!~,.. <~,:,<' ...:~:~ ....... '! ';}=~ .~ , '~ , ~::~ "i ......... T~K H~OUS S~ST~CE C~ACI~ .;:GAL ;: ~,,,,~.~.,,.. T~K ~K , T~ PIP~G PIP~G P~G :~;::::2"'~> v,, INST, L,.. ~PE MATE~ ~ONITOR ~E ~OD MOTOR 'i~i'-" ,~. , .. .. ~ -~ . , '.., ~F =~: .... ~ ....... ~'."Q~,., ,.. ..-.....~ ~ , ~,',~,' ~ · 0001 Unleaded G~oline 10,0~0........~ ~ ,,,,.~, ...... ,t994 DW ...:, F ..~.,,~,<.' .,~.~ ,, ,:GLM D~ P~SS~ ATG · 0002 Diesel 5,000 '~,:~. '":~1 ~' ~i~F )~9~;;m:','"r' ~D~;.~,.<;~, ~ ~i~,~"~"~'' '; ~,,,~' CLM D~ P~SS~ ATG 0003 Unleaded Premium n~oline 5,000 ": ~;~17'~;:.~ ~:;:::::~?' 1.~¥~$~''''~ ~,.'~?~ ..::~}:~?,i~':~?' }.J~'~J?' CLM D~ P~SS~ ATG Ism~ by: 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor B~e~el~ CA 93301 ~~[ Voice (805) 32~3979 F~ (805)326~,76 Expiration Date: June 30, 2000 City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 An upgrade compliance certificate has been Issued Inconnection with the operating permit for the facility Indicated below..The certificate number on this facsimile matches the number on the certificate displayed at the facility. Instructions to the issuing agency: Use the space below to enter the following information in the format of your choice: name of owner; name of operator; name of facility; street address, city, and zip code of faeili~r, facility identification number (from Form A); name of issuing agency; and date of issue. Other identifying information may be added as deemed necessary by the loc, al agency. This permit is issued on this 26th day of January, 2000 to: MIKES FOOD & LIQUOR Permit #015-021-001141 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California 93307 HA~_., .~_0~ MATERIAI ~q~IVISION TIME CHA2~GED BUSINESSfDEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: PROTECT DESCRIPTION: PRomCT NU~m~R: DATE: NAME: TIME CHGD: COMMENTS: 'PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: K E F;,' 'N D ! 5i::'L.A '~'(Z;OLJF:~: T'7. A:SE C J I S THERE 'ARE 1'40 CODEFF="Iq):}ANT'S MORE DATA PENDING CASE: BM50149"& A DEF': CHOW, (]i'"h':~l'.!~]~ W EVENT CODE: .'.=.",'T'~AF(T DATE: SEQUENCE: NORHAL DATE SEQ CODE ................. EVEN'T DESCRZF'TION ...................... 09/'~8i'9~ 005 F'DATA AGREIEMEN"I" TO AF'F'EAiR FILED. 10/19/~4 005 HHELD I...iEAF:!NB HEL. D 014 10/19/':F4 AT E::O0 A.M. iN BAKEF;;~F'!EL.D J'UDGE ~ I:::!::;;EZSIDIi'qG. CLERK: CHRIS VELASQLIEZ. REPORT'EFi:: ER 010 HHI'"IAFi NATURE C)i::: F:'ROC'EED I NBS: M ~ SDEI'IEANOFi ARRA i GNHEiqT. 0~0 AF'F'RO PF, OBATiON OF'F'ICER HUN'TER APF:EARED. 085 TNOKE DEFE:NDAN]" ANSWERS T'O ]"RUE NAIfiE AS CHARGED. 030 SHCAB CONTINUED TO 11/07/1~ AT 8:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIF'AL COURT D'rs]"F~:I ...... '" ~"~ .... G FOR MISDIEHEANOR Ti'"iEF:~i~ ARE N(2 CX}DEF'ENDAi',I'T:~E: END OF DA'TA PAGE C:J. CASE: BM5014'9~ A DEF:: CHOW, CHANG W EVENT CODE: START DATE: SEDUE:NCE: NgRMAL. DATE SE:D CODE ................. EVEi4"i" DESCRiF:'T]:E)N ........................ 10/19/94 040 CSFRK DIEF'ENDAI"~T TO F:HEHA~i'.': ON (]I'i"E/F':E:LEASE. NEX "I- F:'UNCT I ON: CUi:~:R F::'UiqCT I 01'"-~: CTDSF' i D: J'E~4 i 4'7 '"-JEF+ i q 7 ! i::~i:::' 1 :::i"-iE{LF:: K E F:;; N D ISI::'L. AY CI"~AFkGES AND ~.~'{.:'F:,~.~.~.~[.~.~,(.:~..:-::.~-4:.:~. - =.:. .:,;. .L:, ~.: ::.~.:' .:::..::..,:.:::..;,.:. :..~:..~'.: ~ ~:: ;~ ~ :~: A~ :,' ~: :c :,; ~ ' : : ' "4 ': ( ~: .' ...... , ........... EEI'qD 0t:: D~TA F'AGE C i C~SE: BM50149'Et A DEF: CHOW~ CI"'iAi',iE~ ,~.x:.~..~z-.~.*****.~..~:..~..)~..~;:..~:.,~.:..i,~..!~.. CI'"iAF;:Gi~Z~ ~ F:'LEA:E; AND D CNT Ai_G ...... F:'L_ EA E~; ...... D I SF:'OS NO. NO. CODE .-.":i:::,i::i:C T' i Oiq T 1S"i' LAS"i" · ................ D i Si::'OS i 'T' :[ ON ................... DA'TEL C'O ~ HC 8.6C:,. 020 PI OPERATE LINDE. RGROUND STORAGE "i"AI'"~K N/O VALID FERMIT TO OPERATE. NEXT FUNCTIOI'4: CUF:~F.: f::'IJI~..IC"I'' I ON: CTDSF' iD: J24144-J241441 F'F 1 =HELF' RECORD OF - -~ . - . Location: Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: InspeCtor's Name: Time of Call: Date: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Time: '~; 4-~) # Min: I O Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ] Actions Required: ~ ~.dv,.Jr-~ /.../.-~ --(-O ~'~/ ~-~; ~¢--%' ,~J~_ ~M~¢ Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: i ~ RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: Business Name: ID# Contact Name: Business Phone: Inspector's Name: Time of Call: Date: Type of Call: Incoming Outgoing Returned Actions Required: ,-~ ~'~,/l ! Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: CONTINUED (See 2nd File) STATE OF CALIFORNIA WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION ' FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARKONLY ~ 1 NEW PERMIT [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION [] 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ONSITEi ONE ITEM [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] S TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE ~ 8 TANK REMOVED DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED: I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ~TEMS - SPECIFY ~F UNKNOW~ A. OWNER'S TANK ,.D., a .p,- D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) II. TANK CONTENTS ~FA-1 iS MARKED, COMPLETE ITEM C. A. [] 1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL [] 4 OIL B. C. [] I=UNLEADEDREGULAR [] 2 PETROLEUM [] ~0 EMP'TY ~ , PRODUCT [] [] 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT [] 95 UNKNOWN r'-- 2 WASTE [] 2 LEADED 99 OTHER (r~_._~C_.RiBE IN ITEM O. aLLOW) D. IF (A. 1)IS NOT MARKED, ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED t//..- 4" C.A.S. ·: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARKONEITEMONLYINBOXESA. B. ANDC. ANDALLTHATAPPUESiNaOXDANDE A. TYPE OF ~ 1 DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL - [] 4 SECONDARY CCNTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER B. TANK [] 1 BARESTEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL r~ 3 FIBERGLASS [] 4 STEELCL~.DW/FIBERGI.ASSREINFORCEDPLAST~C MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] B 100"/. METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP (Primll'yTallk) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING~ ~ 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR UNING [] 5 GLA~ LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES__ NO__ D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP C._J 2 COATING PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE E. SPILL AND OVERFILL SPILL CONTAINMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED Pf~A~T]C [] '~ UNKNOWN [] ~ OTHER OVERFILL PREVENTION EQUIPMENT INSTALLED ('YEAR) IV. PIPING INFORMATION A. SYSTEM TYPE B. CONSTRUCTION C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICAB~.E SUCTION ~ PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY ,~ U 9~ OTHER SINGLE WALL ~ DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCN A U 95 UN~IOWN ~ U 9g OTHER BARE~T~-L A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHt. ORtDE(PVC)& U 4 FIBERGL,~ PIPE ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING .~,~..~8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN ~ OTHER ~="'7"~ ~ W/FRP AUTOMATICLINELEAKDETECTOR ~ 2 LtNE TIGHTNESS TESTING ~ 3 IN'['~][[[~. ~ -- Lf__J IdoNrroRING I_._J b'~ UIHt=H V. TANK LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 VISUAL CHECK [] 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VADOZE MONITORING ~. 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING ] [] 6 TANK TESTING [~ 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 91 NONE i-~ 95 UNKNOWN [] ~ OTHER I VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION 1. ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAY/YR) 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH YE~ r~l No [] SUBSTANCE REMAINING GALLON~ INERT MATERIAL ? THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW COUNTY ct JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK I~ ST^TEI.D.# ~ ill l lllll l Ill I THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY l PERMIT APPUCATION · FORM A, UNLESS l CURRENT FORM l HAS BEEN FILED. FORM B (7-91) STATE WATER RESOURCE~ CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TAM( SYSTEM. MARK ONLY ONE ITEM '[] I NEW PERMIT ] 2 INTERIM PERMIT [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] $ OHANO~ OF: INFORMATION [] 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SIT~ [] $ TEMPOF~$1Y TANK CLC~URE [] 8 TA/~( REMOVED DBA OR FACIMTY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTAl t;n: I. TANK DESCRIPTION co~p~-~s- SPECI~,;UNKNC~ A. OWNER'S TANK L D. # ~ C. DATE INSTALLED(MO/DAY/YEAR) o. TANK c~P~cnY II. TANK CONTENTS ,~A.~ ,S MARXED. CO~PLETEITEM C. A. [~ 1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL [] 4 OIL [] 2 PETROLEUM [] 80 EMPTY [] 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT .~.~ 95 UNKNOWN [] I PRODUCT [] 2 WASTE C. [] IaREGULAR UNL~D ] lb PflEM~JM UNLEADED [] 2 LEADED ~ 99 OTHER ,_~_~CRIBE IN ITEM O. BELOW)[ C.A.&#: 0. IF (A.1)IS NOT MARKED. ENTER NAME OF ~UBSTAJ~ICE STORED IlL TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. B. ANDC, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D A. TYPE OF ~ 1 DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 SINGLE WALL [] 4 SEDONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER B. TANK ~ 1 BARE STEEL MATERIAL ~ S CONCRETE ,'PrimarfTank) ~ g BRONZE [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLA~ [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] ,o ~vAN=o sTEEL [] . u.~.oWN [] 4 STEEL ClAD W/FIBERGI.A~ REINFORCED PLASTIC [] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP ] 99 OTHER __F--] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING--~ 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR LINING '~ 5 ~ LINING [] S UNLINED ~ 95 UNI(NO~Id [] 99 OmE" IS LINING MATERIAl. COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES__ NO__ D. CORROSION --~__ ? POLYETHYLENE WRAP ~ 2 COATING ~1~ 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PROTECTION__~ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~__ 91 NONE ---- 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION A. SYSTEM TYPE El. CONSTRUCTION C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION CIRCLE A (l: ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUNO. BOTH IF AFq=LICABLE A U 1 SUCTION ~ ~_~j~. PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVIS( A U ~ OmER A U 1 SINGLE WALL ~ DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U OTHER A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLA,S~ PIPE A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI DOATING ~ 100% ME'IHA~ L COMPAT1BLEW/FRP A U g GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U g5 UNKNOWN ~.~ ~ ~9 OTHER ~-(e ~ 3 INT~a m ~L ~---~1 AUTOMATIC UNE LEAK DETECTOR ~--~2 LINE TIGHTNESS TEST~NG ~ UON~3 'r-'~ 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION __ 1 VISUAL CHECK ~'-~ 6 TANK TESTING - I i= 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ~ 3 VAPOR MONITORING ~ 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] S GROUND WATER MONITORING ~. 7 ,NTERSTITIALMONITORINO ~ g, NONE ~'~ 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION ~. ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAY/YR) SUBSTANCE REMAINING GALLONS INERT MATERIAL ? THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT APPLICANTS NAME DATE ~PRINTED & SIGNATURE) LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY STATE I.D.# PERMIT NUMBER FORM B (~-go) THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMElERS BELOW COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK # I PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE I PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOIV~ANIEO BY A PERMIT APPUCATION - FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAll BEEN FILED. Sl'~TE OFC~ STATE WA'I-r.R RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TA~ SYSTEM, MARK ONLY [] 1 NEW PERMIT [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] $ ~ OF INFORMATION ONE ITEM [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT ~ 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE [] ? P'L~y ccosr:o c~s~l [] ~ TAM( REuOVED DBAOR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLFrl: I. TANK DESCRIPTION COM.CETE ~ rn~s - SPEC~' ~F UNKNOW. A. OWNE.S TANK ,. o., D. G c. DATE ,NSTAL,ED(MO=A,MEA"~ t[.~i, f~! I1. TANK CONTENTS IFA.~ IS MARKED. COMPLETE ITEM C. D. TANK CAPACITY IN GAU.ONS: MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL PETROLEUM CHEMICAL PRODUCT [] 4 OIL [] 8O EMPTY ~ 95 UNKNOWN ['~ 1 PRODUCT [] 2 WASTE C. [] IaREGULAR UNLEADED [lb PREMIUM UNLEADED [] 2 LEADED OA&N4ocDIESEL ~1-'-] e AVIATION GAS Il I D. IF (A.1)IS NOTMARKED. ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. R. ANDC. ANDALLTHATAPR. IESlNBOXO A. TYPE OF [~ 1 DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 SINGLE WALL [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK} [] 99 OTHER B. TANK [] I BARES'rEEL MATERIAL .,~ 5 CONCRETE ~PdmatyTank) F~, 9 BRONZE [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FII:IERC-~ [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORID~ [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 4 STEEL ClAD WI FII~=RGI. AS~ REINFORCED Pt. ASTtC [] 8 100~ METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] gg OTHER ~ 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING-- ~ 4 PHENOLIC LININQ C. INTERIOR UNING ~ 5 Gi. AS~ LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] 9~ UNKNOWN [] 9g OTHER iS LINING UATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100~ METHANOL ? YES_ NO__ O. CORROSION ~__ ~ POLYETHYLENE WRAP ~ 2 COATING ~ 3 VINYL VVRAP '~ 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION__-'~ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~__ gl NONE --__ g5 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RCL~ A ,FABOVEGR.~.~OOR U IFUNOERGROUNO. BOTH IF AmLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A~.,~.~PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNI~IOWN A U gg OTHER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING A U~8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL k U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN ~ OTHER ~t~7~ D. LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR --~ 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING ~ 3 MONffORINGINTERSTITIAL [] 99 OTI'IER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION __ 1 VISUAL CHECK '--"~ 6 TANK TESTING - - I ':__ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ~ 3 VAPOR MONITORINGI-~ 4 AUTOMATIC TANKGAUGING [] 5 GRGUND WATER MONITORING I~. 7 ,NTERSTITIALMON,TORING ~ 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION I. ESTIMATED OAT~ LAST USED (MO/DAY/YR) I 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH YES [] NO [] I i SUBSTANCE REMAINING GALLONS, INERT MATERIAL ? THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT APPLICANI~S NAME DATE SIGNATURE) LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY STATE I.D.# THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED 0FTHE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK # PERMIT NUMBER FORM 8 (9-go) I PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE IPERMIT EXPIRATION DATE THIS FORM UUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPUCATION - FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN RI.ED. CC RECTION NOTICiJE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N°- 605 ' Location il/!~ Sub Div., Blk. Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: Co~. No Completion Date ' Correctiong~ JO h~-~/~ ~' ,/, - y Date ~/'2 ~'/~ 7 / v -- Inspector 326-3979 TA SPECTIC UNDERGROUND STORAGE )N Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME U)m,,_' it~us~_ /~,~_~'a¢-~ BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 FACILITY ADDRESS ,-3.~0 ~o~t~a4t.. /~,~ CITY [~t~tr~f~(~(' ZiP CODE FACILITY PHONE No. ~o~ ~o~ INSPECTION DATE '~/,~5'Jf. , 7 Product Product ,P/l:~duct TIME IN TIME OUT C/t., I t. JL,'f- P'n:~ Inst Dale Inst Date Inst Dale size size b~ ~.~L Size ROUTINE 'V/ FOLLOW-UP lO, Ce 0 ~O00 )d~'' ~o~ O REQUIREMENTS yes no rea yes no rea yes no rea la. Forms A & B Submitted v/ 1 b. Form C Submitted V' lc. Operating Fees Paid ld. State Surcharge Paid 1 e. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted lf. Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST 2a. Valid Operating Permit 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure v/ 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan v/ 3a. Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months V/' ,,., 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months V ~' 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years ~ '~ '~' 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years ~r .~ 3e. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days . I ~"./ ~ 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping v_ 4a. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month V' 4b. Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted ,~'1 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually VrI 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks 6. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results 8. Ground Water Monitoring 9. Vapor Monitoring v/' 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks V' ~ ~ Mechanica~ Line Leak Detectors 12. Electronic Line Leak Detectors ~ 3. Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps ~ 4. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability 1,5. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment V' ~. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LGWI3 Series ~ 7. Written Records Maintained on Site ~ 8. Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to Operating/Monitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades ~/' 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection V" 22. Secured Monitoring Wells 23. Drop Tube .V'r INSPECTOR: ..~/~ //~ ' OFFICE TELEPHONI 3. 3.~0(,'3727 FD 1669 (rev. 9/95) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPE'~[.~ON Business Namei Location: Business Identification No. 215-000 Station No. Arrival Time: ~akersfield Fire Dept. OFF~i~' OF ENVIRONMENT'AL SEt'VICES 171 $ Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Completed (Top of Business Plan) Shift Inspector Departure Time: Inspection Time: Address Visable Correct Occupancy Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: Adequate Inadequate Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees: Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abbatement Supplies and Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labled Comments: Adequate Inadequate [] D Verification of Facility Diagram ~ [] Housekeeping ~ [] Fire Protection [] Electrical ~ [] Comments: UST Monitoring Program Comments: Permits ~ [] Spill Control I~' [] Hold Open Device ~ [] Hazardous Waste EPA No. Proper Waste Disposal I~', [] Secondary Containment ~ [] Secudty ~ [] Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME VVhite-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy All Items O.K Correction Needed Pink-Business Copy [] [] _ .=_.o.._.=, ..... CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILI]Y FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM dollars per occurrence ~ 2 million doilL~ annul Article 3, Chapter 18, Division $, T/tle 23, California Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial responsibility as required by Section 2807 are as follows: hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Section 2807, Note: ff you are using the State Fund as any part of your dernonst/ation of financial responsibility, ~o-ur-execubon and Submission '-- - of this cerffflcation ~isn_ certifies that you are in compliance with all conditions for participation ~n the Fund. D. Probity Nm Fm:iii~,Nm~ Fsa'iit~Nm DOCLWENT X#FORMATiON B. lameof TaniCOlmer - or Operator C. Nedmnis. Type - Coverage Period - Third Party - D. FaciLity - Informtion Sock the appr~riate bexes.' FuLL ~ of either the tank o~er or the operator. Indicate .hich State approved mchsni~Cs) are being used to show financial responsibility either as contained in the federal regulations, 40 CFR, Part 280, Sub,art #, Sections 280.90 through 280.10~ (See FinencJeL RponsJbjLJty Guide, for mre information), or Section 2802.1, Chapter 18, Division ], TitLe ~3, CCR. List ali name, and addresses of canpanies and/or individuals issuing coverage. List JdefltJ~n~ n~ber for eech mechanism used. ExampLe: insurance policy nLImer or file ru,ber as indicated on bond or docLJ~ent. (If using State CLeanup Fund (State Fund) Leave blank.) Indicate mmunt of coverage for each type of mochanism(s). If more than one mechanism is JrldJcated, total n/dst equal 100~ of fJnencJaL responsibility for each faci L i ry. Indicate the effective date(s) of aLL financial mechanism(s). (State F~YI coverage would be continuous as Long as you maintain campLJance and reemin eLigibLe to continue participation in the Fund.) Indicate yes or no. Does the specified financial mechanism provide coverage for corrective action? (If using State Fund, indicate "yes".) Indicate yes or no. Does the specified financial mechanism provide cov~erage for third party compensation? (If using State Fund, indicate "yes".) Provide eLL facility end/or site names and addresses. E. Signature BLoc~ - Provide signature and date signed by tank o~ner or operator; printed or typed name and title of tank owner or operator; signature of witness or notary and date signed; and printed or typed name of witness or notary (if notary signs as witness, please place notary seal next to notary's signature). ifnere to I~il Certification: PLease send original to your Local agency (agency who issues your UST permits). certification at each facility or site Listed on the form. Keep a copy of the Ouestione: If you have questions on financial responsibility requirements or on the Certification of Financial ResponsibiLity Form, please contact the State UST CLeanup Ft~d at (916) 7~J9-2475. Note: Penmttie~ for FaiLure to C ampLy with Financial Res~,-~ibitityRequir,m.qts: FaiLure to comply may result in: (1) jeopardizing claimant eLigibiLity for the State UST CLeanup FLed, and (Z) LiabiLity for civil penalties of up to S10,000 doLLars per day, per underground storage tank, for each day of violation as stated in ArticLe ?, Section 25299.76Ca) of the CaLifornia HeaLth and Safety Code. HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 32~3979 FIRE SAFETY SERVICES O OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 171,5 cHESTER AVE. *' BAKERSFIELD, CA * 93301 " (805) 326-3951 REVOCATION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT WILL FOLLOW IN 30-DAYS IF VIOLATION PERSISTS Pieamm be mmmre that Iillmm to provide the finaneA~l reapaaail)illty d°~ument to thia office Witldn 30 dmym, ~ tumult In your I)ermit to Operate being mvokml (2~28~.1(b) California Health & Safety Code). WINE HOUSE LIQUORS 2300 PANAMA LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CHRIS CHON Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner. Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Our records also indicate that you have been issued at least one warning letter pdor to this notice. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification for Financial Responsibility form and return it to this office within 30 days. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from your tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check '$500,000 per occurrence'. For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate' box. All other need only check the '1 million dollars annual aggregate'. If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm attachments R.E. HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 CIT~oo f BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPA R TMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. * BAKERSFIELD, CA * 93301 September 15, 1995 R.B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 WINE HOUSE LIQUORS 2300 PANAMA LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Dear Business Owner: NOTICE OF VIOLATION STATE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT Failure to renew your state registration is a violation of Section 25287, California Health and Safety Code, and will result in your Permit to Operate the underground tank(s) being revoked. Owners of underground storage tanks must register those underground storage tanks with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit a state surcharge of $56.00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to return the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, . Ralph. E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed City of ~ke~sfield ~ CUSTOMER RECEIPT DATE: 9/~7/95 0i RECEIPT ~: FR U~ERGR~ T~NK ~1~8 8~ CE FR ST6TE SURCH~R ~157.92 TOTAL CHECk( ~-"-~ MENT ~ ' ; PERMITSTATE ~ ~, i~i Bakersfield Fire Dept. AMOUN'I[ Bakersfield, CA 93301 AMOUNT ! TENTS. LPG .~.,/I .011-"~2280 ~T% E%OpREKRSi~iTsi~D~01 ]. _ 52090 OTHER TOTAL DUE "~ I ~,~ ~). ~ FO 159~ RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ID# Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: InspeCtor's Name: Time of Call: Date: ~)//?o(~ Time: Type of Call: Incoming [~ Outgoing Content of Call: ~ ~ (~'~ # Min: Returned [ ] Actions Required: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: R,E. HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPA R TMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE, · BAKERSFIELD, CA ° 99301 May23,1995 R, B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 Wine House Liquors 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Business Owner: This notice serves as a reminder that owners of underground storage tanks must register those underground storage tanks with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit a state surcharge of $56.00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of thiS letter return these the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Failure to renew your state registration is a violation of Section 25287, California Health and Safety Code, and will result in your Permit to Operate the underground tank(s) being revoked. ~R~alph E. Huey ,-' Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed WINE HOUSE 2588 PA~AMA BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 SITE # 80881 2/8/1995 11:82 AM INVENTORV REPORT TANK NO. 1 10000 GAL GAL UNLEADED REG GROSS ?678.9 GAL NET 7654.3 GAL PROD LEVEL 67.985 IN ULLAGE 2465.5 GAL TEMPERATURE 64.548 F WATER LEVEL 8.655 IN WATER VOL 9.7 GAL WINE HOUSE 2300 PANAMA BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 SITE # 00001 2/8xt995 11:02 AM INVENTORY REPORT TANK NO. 2 5000 GAL GAL DIESEL GROSS 3927.0 GAL NET 3918.8 GAL PROD LEVEL 69.442 IN ULLAGE 1144.2 GAL TEMPERATURE 64.591F WATER LEVEL 0.735 IN WATER VOL 5.8 GAL WINE HOUSE 2380 PANAMA BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 SITE ~ 00801 2x8x1995 11:03 AM INVENTORY REPORT TANK NO. 3 5080 GAL GAL UNLEADED SUP GROoo 3947.4 GAL NET 3936.2 GAL PROD LEOE[ ~- 69.719 IN ULLAGE 1127.6 GAL TEMPERATURI 64.533 F I r ~AT~R LEVI 0.372 IN 'WATER'VOL 2.1 GAL kiNE H~USE 2~88 PANAMA BAKERSFIELD, CA 2/8/1995 11:18 AM ALARM REPORT 2'"8/1995 11:18 AM UN 1 INTERS BAKERSFIELD CA q"~-' :' ~...:,..:,0," SITE # 80881 2/8/1995 11:15 AM ALARM REPORT 2/8/1995 11:15 AM UN 1 INTERS WINE HOUSE 2580 NANAMA 8AKER.DFIEuD, CA 9550? SITE # 00001 2/8/1995 18:59 AM ALARM REPORT 2/'8/1995 18:51 AM POWER DOWN WiNE HOUSE 2588 PANAMA BAKERSFIELD, CA 95587 SITE # 88881 2/8/1995 18:5'9 AM ALARM REPORT 2/8/1995 18:59 AM POWER UP WiNE HOUSE 2588 PANAMA BAKERSFIELD, CA SITE # 88881 2/8/1995 18:52 AM ALARM REPORT 2/'8/1995 !8:~.~ DIES SUMP WiNE HOUSE 2588 P~NAMA 8AKER~FI£LD, CA 95587 SITE # 88881 2/8/1995 18:29 AM ALARM REPORT 2/8/1995 18:28 AM SUP SUMP WINE HgUSE 2380 PANAMA BAKERSFIELD, CA 95587 SITE # 00001 2/8/1995 10:55 AM ALARM REPORT 2/8/1995 10:55 AM SPLIT INTERS . ~HE HULoE 2588 P~NAMA BAKERSFIELD,, CA 95587 SiTE # 88881 2/8./1995 18:26 AM ALARM REPORT 2/8/'1995 18:26 AM UNL 81JMP Uaderground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility CONDITION.:iP: EVERSE SlOE Tank Hazardous G~::ilb:~ii:.?:~:':iiiiii~i?:.:f?~; ...... Ye:a~i!~i?~::i~.¥:, :~?:/~.:Tank "'::;:.;'~a~:~i~'~i;ii?i::::~: Piping Piping Piping Number Substance c~i:~'~.~{{~%.;';? InstallS8!'::...: ~:~?Type Moh:i{~i~?::::~:~: Type Method Monitoring 3 UL ~,~ ~:~o ::~:::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..-:::.'?' ::::::::::::::::::::::: ....:. ':.] · Bakersfield Fire Dept. 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 ~ ~ - ~~ ~ ~~ Ln . armroYed by: naloh E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Valid from: to: INVOICE #WS000149 ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15870 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 (800) 244-1921 TEST DATE: 02/02/95 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ***** SITE DATA ***** JMK INTERNATIONAL 128 CHESTER AVENUE, #B WINE~OUSE LIQUOR 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 CONTACT: BOB UNDERWOOD PHONE #: 805-834-3139 CONTACT: CHRIS CHON PHONE #: 805-832-0678 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: FIBERGLASS TANK IS TIGHT. RATE: .009330 G.P.H. LOSS TANK #2: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: FIBERGLASS TANK IS TIGHT. RATE: .017314 G.P.H. LOSS TANK #3: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: FIBERGLASS TANK IS TIGHT. .011758 G.P.H. LOSS WILLIAM E. COX 0TTL UC 97-1583 op~.RAToR:U.S. TEST ]050-64'l TANK DATA TANK NO. 1 TANK NO. 2 TANK NO. 3 TANK NO. 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH (FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 96 29.26 10000 FG 70 REG UNLD 118.99 96 15.96 5000 FG 71 SUP UNLD 59.00 96 15.96 5000 FG 71 DIESEL 2 59.00 CALIBRATION ROD 1 2 3 4 5 DISTANCE 10.65625 26.95313 41.93750 56.93750 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000149 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : JMK INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): BOB UNDERWOOD ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 128 CHESTER AVENUE, #B ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93301 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-834-3139 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY,' STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) D A T A ******** : WINEHOUSE LIQUOR : CHRIS CHON : 2300 PANAMA LANE : : BAKERSFIELD, CA. : 93304 : 805-832-0678 : 0 : 3 : 30 : 180 W -5 -10 -15 - C1: 0 I START TIME:Il:29:88:88 CU]~liEXT TII~E:12:29:88:88 .88885 -.88872 I,E~K Rf~TE: I WS888149.TST,1 .08933 GPH LOSS PT~, VERSION 1.28 3(~ ¢5 TIME (MINUTES') 82/82/95 15 CP I 60 15 10 W -r ~ 0 -15 0 ~TART TIXE: 11:29:66:60 I ' T IXE: 12:29:88: 08 CP I _--C8: .88821 - C1: -.882G2 LEAl( RATE: .81731 GPH LOSS PTA, I 15 ~S888149.TST,1 UERSION 1.28 , TIME (MINUTES') 4-5 6O 82/82/95 W 15 10 5 0 I - T~N~ 3 START TINE:Il:29:08:80 CURRENT TINE:12:29:OO:OB Ct, - C1: I,E~t]( R~TE: -5 "'-88-' -10 -1..,5 0 .88816 -.80178 .81176 GPH LOSS t{S808149. TST, 1 PT~, VERSION 1.28 TIME (MINUTES') 6O 82/82/95 INVOICE #WS000149 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS. 15870 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST TEST DATE: 02/02/95 ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** JMK ENTERPRISES 128 CHESTER AVENUE, #B BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 ***** SITE DATA ***** WINEHOUSE LIQUOR 2300 PANA~LA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 CONTACT: BOB UNDERWOOD PHONE #: 805-834-3139 CONTACT: CHRIS CHON PHONE #: 805-832-0678 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: FIBERGLASS TANK IS TIGHT. SN: .09 TANK #2: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: FIBERGLASS TANK IS TIGHT. SN: .04 TANK #3: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: FIBERGLASS TANK IS TIGHT. SN: .25 WILLIAM E. COX OTTL UC 97-1583 °~ERAT°R:U.S. TEST 1050-641 SIGNATURE: ~~_~ DATE: TANK DATA TANK NO. 1 TANK NO. 2 TANK NO. 3 TANK NO. 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH (FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 96 29.26 10000 FG 70 REG UNLD 118.99 96 15.96 5000 FG 71 SUP UNLD 59.00 96 15.96 5000 FG 71 DIESEL 2 59.00 CALIBRATION ROD 1 2 3 4 5 DISTANCE 10.65625 26.95313 41.93750 56.93750 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000149 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : JMK ENTERPRISES CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): BOB UNDERWOOD ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 128 CHESTER AVENUE, #B ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93301 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-834-3139 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) D A T A ******** : WINEHOUSE LIQUOR : CHRIS CHON : 2300 PANAMA LANE : : BAKERSFIELD, CA. : 93304 : 805-832-0678 : 0 : 3 : 30 : 180 3,0 .0 - T~K i TI,E -- 12:45:53 - il 50 500 5000 50000 ~81]118149 .SOH FREi~UENCY (HZ~ !]2/02/95 3,0 - T~M]( 2,0 1,0 -- - ~M: .0 LISOOO14~.SON 2 SN: .04 20.72 I TIME -- 12:54:45 5000 FREQUENCY fHZ~ 50000 82/82/95 2.0 .0 - T~M~ 9 - SN: ~EA~ SM: L/S808149.SON I TIME -- 13:85 :ZG .25 11.24 ,~. 7/ 6 UTICl, UERS ION 1.88 ~ ~,{~-'{~ '~,~~¥ LJ t~'~'~'t' 500 5000 FREDUENCY fHZ$ I 50000 82/82/95 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15870 AVENUE 288 VlSALIA, CA 93292 TEST LOCATION: TEST OPERATOR: (800) 244-1921 PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMINATION; PL400 FORMAT WINEHOUSE LIQUOR 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93,3q4 ~I~LIAI[/I E. COX O~rL LIC 97-1583 TEST INITIAL FINAL VOLUME LEAK RATE LEAK RATE PASS FAIL DURATION PRESSURE PRESSURE DISPLACED 30 MIN 50 PSI 47 PSI 3 -0.0071 X 30 MIN 50 PSI 44 PSI 6 -0.0143 X 30 MIN 50 PSI 49 PSI 3 -0.0071 X DATE: 02/02/95 REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 COMMENTS: LINE LEAK DETECTORS TO BE INSTALLED 2/3/95. ENVIROFLEX PP1500 PIPING. LEAK DETECTOR/S FUNCTIONING PROPERLY YES NO FLU I PLAN ~3 W ,~o i !~1 I I I I I SiZE PRODUCT J ~r-.~ln ~ r r,~ ~ TURBINE I ' TL i~Riu~ WiTH LEAK DETECTO,R 5.0O0 GAL ?'_'_'"' · aur UNi.D ! ~.q ~,nnn GA~ DIESEL 2 I I ~#4 I I I I'~Ff I 1 I TL FO f~t/EOl~§ll I /~f't&ll'AIklg-rl I--II , I V V Li lgr ILl-- g~/ll I tA!l~lr=rl ON FILLI I R REMO~ ~- o VENT ,v, bIONiTOR SYSTEM [ MANIFOLD SYSTEM MW MONITOR WELL BA~SFIELD cITY FIRE DEPAIF~IENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOBSITE FACILITY ADDRESS CITY, ZiP OWNER (q_F ~,~ ADDRI:SS CITY, ZIP [, PHONE NO. , PERMIT # INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each cjroup of inspections w~h the same number are ready. They will run in consectrtNe order beginning wi~ number 1, DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all items in that group' are signed off by the Permitting Authority. Following these instructions wile reduce the number ot required inspection visits and therefore prevent assessment of add~onaJ lees, TANKS AND BACKFILL Spark Test Ce rl~cation or Ma nu factures Method Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) PIPING SYSTEM Cathodic Protec~on System-Piping SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, .OVERFILL PROTECTION, LEAK DETECTION liner Installation - Tank(s) liner Installation - Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors. Float Vent Valves Produ~ ~ne Leak Dete~or(s) Leak Oete~or(s),o, A, nu,ar Space-O. W. Ta~k(,) Mon~orin, Weil(s)/Sump(s) - H,O Test Leak Oetec~on Oevice(s) for Vadose/Groundwater FINAL ~r Monitoring Requirements ,, .--.~,,~,~/~_.~ CONTRACTOR LIC.,~NSE # S226220 3MK INT'L 8053226220 148 PO1 DEC 06 '94 17:03 1300¥e~o~?l,.~onmre~ Patk, C, A91755 T~L,(81g) 573-3555. ~AX,($~8)573-8676 JMK INTERNATION/~i[ ~oteral ~ngineerin~ and Envlronmtntal Services ' /  462I Amari~an Ava., Suit~ ~D. ]Bak~:r~fio~l, CA 93309 TEL.(80$) 397.3759. FAX,($0$) 8~.3R08 FAX COVER SHEET TO FAX NO. DATE ATTN. ! ! t '/ TEL NO. TIME ~o~ ...~,,t~. . ................. SUB~ COMMENTS: IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH ~ MATTER PLEASE CALL ME AT (818) b"'/3-3f~.~ OR PAGE ~ AT (213) ~MK INT'L 8053226220 148 P02 DEC 06 '94 17:03 5226220 The AutoStikJr. is an elec~onic ¢ontinuou~ monitoring device, designed to meet the need~ of each particulgr inst~llation. Thc AutoSfikJr. system utiliz~ the following featu~e~: Features ' A four line, 40-character-pe~-linc baddk Liquid Cxy~al Display. In thc RUN mode the display indicates the ~llowing: - C~o~s ~11ons - N~t gailo~s - Pzo(Iuct lewl - Water levd - Volume w tank full - Volume to tank (95%) full · A 16-huron keybo~d with audiblc acknowledgement of data · Five front pane1 lamps indicating the following: Run/Diagnostics - indicates system is in operating mo~e Key~a~l Entxy - data ~l~/mode iafitiated Print Repox~ ~ indicates a printout is stored in memory and nced~ to be printed out Almm - an alarm condition exists LeakMo& - unit is performing leak test · An internal 80 db annunciator which indicates any progvamed ~ condition. * A thirty-two character impact printer for all repox~s. The following reports can be printed: - Alarm - Conta~ - Drop- Inventory - Drop History - Leak - Tank Chart - SWft - Shift Tunes - Status- Tsank -Tank Setup - Lelk Test Tunes The AutoStikJr, monitoring system incorporates g single main CPU board, an interface boaM and a printer with interface board. Inventory control, In-Tank lealc detection, interstitial and sump sensing are all possible through thc use of the AutoSf~Jr, The main CPU board is capable ofmonkoring the following items: larobe In~. Capable ofmonkoring up to four~ Series h-Tank pro.be.s, Conta~ Inlm~ Capable of monitoring eight separate passive switches. The AutoStik LS Series liquid sensors are capable of momtonngpiping sumps, mtersntaal spaces of fiberglass and steel tan~, dispentar sumps and hydrostatic spaces of fiberglass tanks. O_u~ut Rday. Capable of operating two, 10 Amp passive N.C. rela)~. Eas2h relay is capable o£being programmed for an individual alarm. The interface is capable of monitoring the following items: Impa~.'t Printex. 32 column impact printer capable of printing the following alarms: Alarm, Contact, D~p, Invenwey, Leak, Tank Chart, Shi~, Shi~ Tirn~s, Status, Tank, Leak Test Times The pfir~t~w~ll not ~'dwt~ automatlc~lly, any x~ports ~t m be pfintexl must be done so nmnu~y. Probes The AutoStik lr em accotrmaodates tl~e EBW 960 serie~ The AutoStikJr. system can ~ccommodate a variety ofEBW LS Series ]~quid ~nsor~ in addition to sensors from other manufac- turers. Consult factory for specific sensor capabilities. 3226220 iK iNT, L 80~22~220 148 PO~ 17:134 f-- -I~'~I.NTRINSICALLY SAFE t~ ' ,-;~- =7 =' lit,/=- ' := "'"~'-~'" '' - ~'1 I =.~ = .Z · CLASS II, GR~JP$ E,~'. ,~ G 3> © CD Z cD 3226220 SMK [ MT' h 8053226220 ~48 P04 DEC 06 '94 17:04 WALL MOUIVT~ 9SO MONITOR INSTALLATION DIAGRAN i VAPOR SEAL WALL OU TS/DE WALL OROUND LEVEL -- l ........... "WA T£R PROOF" JUNCTION BOX 'SEE' DETAIL) , VAPOR SEAL WIRE CONDUIT ./ MANHOLE (;8" Rb'UND/ ' PROBE W/RE 16" MIN. RISER PIPE CABLE" GRIP "WATER PRE]DF" JUNCTION ]~X TO RtOID MONI [DR NO T£: DRAIN YflR£ TO B£ TWIST£D AROUND SHIgLD- I~RE AS SHOWN TO GROUND, FO NEXT PROBES OPTIONAL WiRE TIONALWl~,~c ~ RIGID CONOU/ APPLICABLE) , Of PROSE CONNECTOR / ORE~N ~R~ (NO T US£D) S£AL£D JUHCnO~ BOX (COVER RgMOVED) WA T£R T/EH T ~ 950 CAP 950 4" TOP 5~AL ADAP CODE SPEED OF WiRE I AU TOS TI/<' ~ PROBE iR4" PIPE . ISER PIPE .////~ TANK BUSHING FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF I CITY of BAKERSFIE "WE CARE" December 7, 1994 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 32~3911 Wine House Liquors Mr. Chang W. Chow 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr. Chow: This is to notify you that the requirements of the corrective action, incorporated in the Notice of Violation issued to your facility on December 2, 1994 have been met. This office is satisfied that all of the requirements for installation of Underground Storage Tanks at Wine House Liquors, 2300 Panama Lane have been met. Construction may therefore resume at this site. Please be certain all hold points for inspection, are met for the remainder of this project. Sincerely yours, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed SENT BY:MODERN WELDING GOMPANY;11-30-94 ; 3:39PM ;~ODWSLDGO-GALIFORNIA~ modern welding company of' calif'ornla, inc, 4141 N. BRAWLEY AVE, ' FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93?22 F'AI~IR. IGATOR,I~ OF M~TA~ PROOU~T~ (209) ~75-9~53 ~ FAX [20~) 275-43~1 November 30, 1994 JMK Construction Attn: Jae Kwon Gentleman: This le:ter is to certify that the two 10,000 gallon tanks delivared to the Texaco station at 2300 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, on November 29, 1994, received a 35,000 volt holiday test at the jobsite. The test was performed by Noe Lopez, one of our qualified operators. Sincerely, ER~WELDING COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC. Rob Bartlett Estimator CC: Ralph Huey Mark Turk · -Thi~ Shipping orde( i~.~t be ~egib,y ~i,e~ i~. i, i.k:'Wi~e~iUe PEncil~i]n Carbon". ..... ,- end retained by the agent. RECEIVE, sub,ecl to the classifications and lawfully flied tariffs in effect on the date of the issue of this Shipping Order. the p~operty described below in epparenl good o~der, excepl as noted (con ents and coed t on ~f-~ont~nts of packages unknown), marked consign~, and destined ~s in.~icaled ~l~: w~ich ~i~,cmri? {the wo~ca~fier ~ngu de~t~od t ~oug outt ~cont ac ~smean ~gany persona corpoaton npossessono the pope~yunde thecon act ag eesto carrytoltsusua[p~aceoldellveryal ~alooesenat~on, -on~tsroule, olnerw~se to dellve~ to ~nothel carder on the route 1o said destination. It is mutually agreed, es to each ca~rler of ell or any al saidp[operty ave e o any portion ofs~id ~oute to destination end as to eachpert~ at any ti~e inle es od n ~ I al [ ny of se d p ope~y I et eve y se~ ce 1o be pedormed he auntie she be subjec to a the %e ms end cond 1 ohs of the' Uniform Domestic Strelght Biff of Lading Gel ~orlh (1~ in Officml, Southern, Western end Phno[~ F~eighl Cl~ssilicetions in effect on the date he,eof, if this is a rail o~ e rail-water shipment, o~ (21 in the applicable moto~ carder classification or terif~ if this is e motor carder shi~ent. S~p~r ~eby cavities ~% ~ is familiar w~ all the term~ and conditions of ~e ~id bill of la~ing. ~cludin~ t~e on the ~ck ther~f. ~t fo~h in the ~assification o~ tariff w~ch ~erns the ~ans~etmon of this shipment, and ~e said terms and c~diri~s ere hereby agreed to by the shipper and e~tad for bimse~ and h~s assigns. ? _o~ FrOm ....... ~ CO~,~ hh~ OF CAL~FOR~/~, l~,~, .,s~s.m WITH AN IX) Date- 4141 N. BR~,WLEY AVENUE At FRESNO, CA 93722 BY TRUCK Carrier ,Mnrlern WeldUn? Co of Ca ~r.qc (SCAC) % Texaco Station FREIGHTI J Shipper's No. Carrier's No. ilgo Consigned to ,~ M K International Destination Route Delivering No. o~ Shipping Units 1 Bakersf Je] d State Ca County Delivery AddressW ~ 300 Pana,'~a Lane Carrier Vehicle or Car Initial No. 'Weight (Subject to Corr.) U L Label# L490496. Vaccum at shop:16 Description of Articles, Special Marks and Exceptions 10,000 ga]_lon Double Wall G] ast:ee] II 8200# Secondary Contained Underground tank'- Vac in f 10,O00 hal]on Poub]e Wa].] Glast. ee] I.]~ Secondary Contained Underground tank, 2 Compartment (5 & S). 9,000# U L Label#' L490497, ~,accum at shop:14Va in fie] Gage stick & charts 2 Glast. ee] fi. eld kits 35,O00 volt ho].Jday test w~tnessed by: ( ~ I~ta I Column :e_td :[/~ f "This is tO certify that the above ~emad materials ere properly classified, described, packaged, marked and labeled, and ere in proper c~ndition for transportation, according to the applicable ~gulati0ns of ~e Department of Trensportatlon.' · If the shiF. ment moves between two ports by a cerrisr by wetar~_the law requires that the bill of lading shell state whether it is "carrier's or shipper's weight." I Shipper*~ imprints in lieu of stamp; not a part of Bill of Lading approved by the Department of Transportation. NOTE - Where the rate is dependent on velum, shippers ere required to state specifically in writing the agreed m' declared value of the prope~y. The egreed o~ declared value of the property is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding REMIT C,O.D. TO: Subject to section 7 of conditions of applicable bill of lading, if this ship- ment is to be delivered to the con- signee without recourse on the cam signor, the ~onsignor shall sign the following statement: - The carrier shell not make delivery ;'of this s~ pme~t without payment of frelgbt ~d ~1 qtt~ er I~.~f~l J~harges. - //-,,~?-7 -7 Per (Signature of Co~signor.) If charges are to bo prepaid, write or stamp here, "To be Prepaid." Received $ to apply in prepayment of the charges On the property described hereon. Agent o~ Cashier Per (The signature here acknowledges only ff~e amount prepaid.) Charges Advanced: C.O.D. SHIPMENT C.O.D. Ami. Collection Fee Total Charges CORRECT WEIGHT IS LBS. Item 222. of the National Motor Freight Classification. / . / CONSIGNEE -- / I~,ODERN WELDING CO[~PAI~Y OF' CALIFORNIA, INC. Shipper//' '//) /;},,,'"'~' //'~ ~./'~'/" -/Shipper .AGENTsHiPPINGMUSToRDERDETKCHAND ANDMusTRETAINsiGN THISTHE Per ~ ,/~..///_~/.~/,(~ ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING. Pem~enent pos! office address of shipper · MARK WITH "X" TO DESIGNATE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AS DEFINED IN TITLE 49 OF THE CODE'OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS. FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF ~ne House Liquors Mr. Chang W. Chow 2300 Panama lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr. Chow: CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" December 2, 1994 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 - Notice of Violation and Order to Comply - Your facility located at 2300 Panama Lane, Bakersfield is suspected of being in violation of Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code, and in violation of your permit to construct and underground storage tank facility. Your construction permit includes hold points for inspection of tanks, placement of tanks and backfill of tanks. These inspection hold points have not been met nor has the tank placement drawing or tank system materials list and design been approved by this office. Correction Action Stop all work associated with the installation of underground storage tanks at the above facility immediately. 2. Submit drawings and material lists for approval. 3. Verify tank integrity and placement before continuing with any construction activities at the above location. Sincerely yours, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed cc: JMK International RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ~),%~. ~e ~,~ (~. Business Name: ID# Contact Name: Business Phone: Inspector's Name: .Time of Call: Type of Call: Date: /~Z///~;~ Time: Incoming [~ Outgoing [ ] Returned [ Content of Call: Actions Required: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: ~ DEC 01 '94 08:36 KERH .CO EHV HLTH (805)8~1-34~9 P,3 IIII IIII III I I II II I DEC 01 '94 08:36 KERN CO ENV HLTH (805)861-3429 P.1 ENVIRONiViNTAL HEALTH SERVIiEs DEPARTMENT STEVE hilmtiid, CA Iii01 TRANSMITTAL SHEET FAX NO. ~,.~"~, TOT;~L PAGES (tnctudtng C~ts cover page) ~.," ~,~A~ ~ '~~o .... ~"~ l~ :, '- DEC 01 '94 08:36 KERH .CO ENV H/TH (805).861-3429 RESOURCE NT l/lO0 IdB 81111t, 14JlllOO . AGENCY HAZARDOUS PROGRAM Date ~ovember 16, ..lC~9~ ........ Firm Name ~ In. ternatlonal Address ~6~1 Amez'~cam'Ave ........ , ~ekerefleld' CA 93309 Facility Agd~ss ~00 [ernvt[le Road. ~rson Inte~iewed ......... Underground Tank Facility'# _520006 ~ EPA I.D. # . ........... kltlliOre Parcel # ,, Type FacUlty ~aa Station .... NOTICE OF vioi..ATION AND ORDER TO COMPLY The following conditions or practice, observed thl. date are violations of one or mom sections of the California Health and Safety Code. Div. 20, or the California Code of Regulation., Title 22, Div, 4, Chap. 30, relating to the "storage, handling, transportation, and all.po.al of hazardous wute" or the Ordinance Code of Kern County, Div. 8, "Underground Storage of Hazardous Substance.." Condition. or practice, must be corrected within the times ordered below: Violation ~f Chapter 6.7 of the California H~alch and Safety Code and Violation o'f Chapter 8.~8.030 of the [em County Ordtnance~ "No person shall, construct a factlicy.,f, or the undersround sCorase of hazardous substances without first . obcatnin8 a' pe~lt from the peal:tin8 a~orlt7." CORREX3TIYE AcT'IoN: ...... 1. S, tqp all work associated wtc,,h,,,,the inet. al!etlon of,, .undergrodnd storase tanks at the,e~ve facility immediately. .. 2. Obtain a valid Permit to construct an underaround storaae tank system from ~hie d,e,,,partmenc be,fore continu!n8 any construction activities at the above location. Your signature acknowledges receipt of 'a copy of this report and collection of any temple, described above, and not an ~l~lsslon of guilt. ',. , " . , · , ' I Failure t~.ltull1~, cetnply with thl. "Notice and Order:,' may result In further legal action by County or State o~ficlal., 'wane - ~l.e, . Hazard~l Ma1~dal8 81amalal~ RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ID# Business Name: ~¢r~ Cra, /-/~///, Contact Name: Business Phone: Inspector's Name: Time of Call: Date: Type of Call: Incoming Time: ~r~:/5'~ # Min: ~ Outgoing [~" Returned [ Actions Required: · Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Loca~Jon: Business Name: ID# Contact Name: Business Phone: Inspector's Name: .Time of Call: Date: I~//.~/~'~ Time: # Min: ~ Type of Call: Incoming ['3" Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ] · Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: ~- SENT BY:MODERN WELDZNG COMPANY;Il-30-@4 ; 3:33P1~ ;MODWELDCO-CALIFORNIA.-* 805 328 0576;~t 1 m~ern weldin~g company coifornia, inc, 4141 N. BRAWLF. Y AVE, ', FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 1209) 2';$-9353, * FAX ~2091 2.75-4381 FROM ~____~_~_~_~ FAX 209-275-4381 PHONE 209--275-9353 SENT BY:MODERN WELDIN6 C0MPA~Y;11-30-94 ; 3:33PM ;MODWELD¢0-CALIFORNIA* 805 326 0576;~ 2 modern wedin company of' california, inc. 4141 N, B]~AWi=EY AV~, (~'09) 275-93E,.3 · FAX (209) 27E,-4;38! November 30, 1994 JMK Construction Attn: Jae Kwon Gentlemen: This letter is to certify that the two 10,000 gallon tanks delivered to the Texaco station at 2300 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, on November 29, 1994, received a 35,000 volt holiday test at the jobsite. The test was performed by Lopez, one of our qualified operators. Sincerely, ER~~COMPANy OF CALIFORNIA, Rob Bartlett Estimator INC. CC.' Ralph Huey Mark Turk CORI~3'RATE OFFICE: Owenalmm. Ku~ntuck¥ (~oZ) 6B~-4400 SUBSIDIARIES: A_.~_l~_la, GA / Buw~g Green, KY / SLIrJinaton. IA I i;;llz,=hatht.,,.. I~v RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: Business Name: ID# Contact Name: Business Phone: Inspector's Name: /~, .Time of Call: Type of Call: Date: Incoming [,/]/ Time: / Outgoing # Min: Returned [ ] · Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: .~J~ ~5, v ate Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility CONDITION~ P: EVERSE SIDE 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor X~ 9A,~.,.. ~ (~ Bakersfield, CA-93301 (SO5) 326-3979 [ A~& ~ 350 ~ Piping Monitoring LTT Approved by: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Valid from: FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "I, VE CARE" January 30, 1995 WARNING! 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED 215-000-001141 WINE HOUSE LIQUORS 2300 PANAMA LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate' box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). ' If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 328-3979. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm rmit Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility CONDITIONS ~ P~!~i~ ~h kEVERSE SIDE Number Substance c~:pa.:~!~:~%.? In'st~i:ll~i:.i:i....:.. ~:~..~i!:Type Moiiit~:~i'ri:~::?:::.:::~:!?:~ Type Method Monitoring H^Z^ROOUS U^TER~^LS D~V~S~ON ...................... ,:,.:.::,.:.::,::.:-,:~.::, .................... WINE HOUSE LIQUORS 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor 2300 PANAMA lANE Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 325-3979 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Is Coordinator Valid from: 01-09-95 to: 01-09-00 R.E. HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA * 99301 February 28, 1995 Chris Chon Wine House Liquors 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 R,B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 RE: SITE ASSESSMENT AT 2300 PANAMA LANE, IN BAKERSFIELD, CA. Dear Mr. Chon: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results of the site assessment dated January 1995 associated with the dispenser island. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician CC; R. Huey Jay Kwon, JMK International Jason Castillo, RWQCB P.O. BOX 6278 December 14, 1994 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93386 · (805)589-5648 Bakersfield City Fire Department ATTENTION: RALPH HUEY 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey SUBJECT: PERMIT #BR-0030 On November 10, 1994 CALPI, Inc. removed two 4,000 gallon and one 6,000 gallon underground tanks from Wine House Liquors at 2300 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA. The tanks were decontaminated on site using a high pressure steam cleaner and inerted with dry ice. Rinsate was disposed of at DeMenn0/Kerdoon in Compton, California 'under hazardous waste' manifest #91482795. The tanks were removed to Golden State Metals. Soil was sampled under.the direction of the Bakersfield City Fire Department. The samples were analyzed at CES Mobil Lab of Bakersfield for TVH Gas & BTX&E. A copy of the manifest and the tank disposition tracking record are enclosed. Please contact our main office at (805) 589-5648 if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, 'Pat Mul lhof~r~'~ Supervisor PM/sjb cc: JMK international' 1300 vercoe Place Monterey Park, CA 91755 Santa Maria, California 93454 (805) 925-2231 - Bakersfield, California FAX (805) 589-5312 DeMEN, N0/KERD00N TEL: /-2i5-659-2946 Nov :50,94 16:/5 No.0i8 P.0/ - ~ Instructions on j k of ~ge 6. Tox~ ~,t,:~..~ Con~ UNIFORM R ~ ,, .'" ~ 17. Trc~F~rfu~ 1 A~k~w~e~nt Ot ~ceipt ¢ M~et~ A · T E DO NOT WR~ BELOW THIS UNE. 5~ (1~) ~ile: TSDF ~NDS I~ COPY TO D~ W~IN ~ DA~. Z EPA TO: P.O, B~x ~0r.~J, ~.~',, .,~ d~, CA 95812 GOLDEN STATE METALS, INC. P. O. Box 70158 · 2000 E. Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559 · Fax (805) 327-5749 Scrap Metals, Processing & Recycling DESTINATION: ItQ 1 0685 TANK DISPOSAL FORM Contractor's License No. Contractor's Phone No. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 G. S.M. · 2000 E. BRUNDAGE LANE WEIGHT CERT. NO: EHSD PERMIT NO: ~ COUNTY LEL READING OXYGEN CONTENT DISPOSAL FEE SCRAP VALUE OTHER All fees incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature rep resents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE ' ' ~ TOTAL QTY GALLONS SERIAL NO. .NETTONS 25o .14 550 .24 1000 - 6 ft .61 2000 .97 3000 1.32 5000 2.42 7500 3.28 9000 3.82 ,:.:,:+.......,. ........ =================================================== .................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 12000 4.93 TOTAL CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION T~O gERTIFY THE I::~CEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S)AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED WILL BE COMPLETELY AUTHORIZED REP. -,--~w~,,,....~ -- - T WHITE ~ Contractor Copy · YELLOW ~ File Copy · PINK-- Permanent Copy RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION ID# Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: Inspector's Name: Time of Call: Date': ,~-/z-,,3_/~;~- Time: / ~-~ # Min: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing [ ] Returned Content of Call: ~. ~1~' /. l _co Actions Required: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: Ph#. JHK INTERNATIONAL General Engineering and Environmental (805) 322-6220 FAX.# {805) 322-6905 Bakersfield City Fire Dept. Hazardous Material Div. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 12/07/94 Re: Wine House Liquors, Work Plan. Attention: Howard Wines JMK International submits a preliminary work plan for Wine House Liquors Job # JMK-UR-6003. Preliminary Site Characterization of soil failed to define extent of contamination. WORK PLAN JMK International proposes to test bore using a B53 drilling rig with a continuous flight auger. The drill rig will use a 8" hollow stem auger continuous advancing steel casing preventing test holes from caving in above the level sampled. Preliminary site characterization indicated soil' sample (c) (which was taken with excavator bucket) with TPH of 3000 ppm at 25' feet. Soil sample (c) was taken under pre-existing multiple product dispenser. Preliminary soil sample (b) and (a) indicated NON DETECT levels at 10'feet. Based on preliminary site characterization soil analysis. JMK proposes test boring soil sample (c) at 25' and intervals of 5' until test boring reaches 50' or clay barrier has been defined. Lateral test boring samples northern (b) and southern (a) test boring sample will be obtained in excavated areas furthest from test boring sample (c) (see drawing lA) . Test boring sample (a) and (b) will be taken at 20' feet and intervals of 5'feet until boring reaches 50' or clay barrier is defined. A field geologist will be on site to log boring, recording of field boring logs, recording of field conditions, soil sample handling and preservation, chain of custody documentation and field equipment cleaning process. Laboratory testing will be performed by C.E.S0 mobile laboratory certificate #1458. Selected soil samples will be analyzed for the presence of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons-Gasoline (TPH), as well as Benzene, Toluene, Total Xylene and Ethylbenzene (BTXE). JMK will review field data and submit remediation plans based on finding. If you have any questions regarding this work plan, please call me at (805) 322-6220. Respectfully submitted, JMK International Richard Osorno RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Business Name: ID# Contact Name: Business Phone: Inspector's Name: Time of Call: Date': ~//'~-/'~ Time: 2_ ~.5- # Min: f 0 Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing Retumed~J Cor,to.t of c~,: ~,~~ ! Actions Required: ~ V<-r'~J(/~. ~ ~ r~<~ Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: / ~ JlqK iNTEIINATIONAL General Engineering and Environment service PH~ (8051 322-~220 FAX.~ 180,5) 3'226905 ~;.,i:~'~-;['i~ld City Fire Dept. 15'15 Chest, er Ave. £k~l:er'sfieid, Cat. 95201 Work Plan ..'~/:c,.:ntion: lloward Wines 'l'iiis l~.cter will address the preliminary work plan for Wino ,lous:'e tiquoz' 0ob~ ObiK-UR-6033, The facility is located a~ 2300 WORK PI,AN international proposes 't:o excavate concrete island and o~] the notch side of island "B" and the south side SEE DRAWING ~1). DMK will bring in a backhoe for puPposes and excavz, gion. ._3 tt ~na'te certified Laboratory will be on site to perform soil **nalysis. Samples. will be taken at designated areas (a}, (bi, (c} indic,~ted on plot plan above. Sample (a) and (bi will taken a't i0' Lo determine the northern and southern lateral extent of plume. San, pie (c) will be taken ut 15". A determination based on soil ~nalysis will be made on site after results are reviewed by on site inspect0~.. If, samples (a), (b), (c) analysis are above City criteria. OMK intent J.s to excavate and take further samples until we reach 50 'tons of imp~cted soil. Imp~cted soil will manifested :,nd L~'anspO;'l;od to Mill' I'acJli ry. ]'f, there are furthez' ques'tion's i,ie~so caJ. J. lao aL (~J05') 322-6220. You, ~/~g° ~. O~ 5MK INTEBNATIONAL General Engineeriag and Environment service PH~ (805~ 322-8220 FAX.~ (80.5) 3225905 Bakersfield City Fire Dept. Hazardous Haterial Div. 1715 Ches'ter Ave. BaKersfield, Cat. 93301 Re: Work Plan 12/07/94 Attention: Howard Wines This letter will address the preliminary work plan for Wine House Liquor Job# JMK-UR-6033. The facility is located at 2300 Panama Earle. WOI~K PLAN O'MK international proposes 'to excavate concrete island and drive slab on the north side of island "B" and the south side of islz~nd "B" (SEE DRAWING #1). OMK will bring in a backhoe for s~ml)ling purposes ~nd excavation. .i , ~ ~nane certified Laboratory will be on site to perform soil analysis. Samples will be taken at designated areas indicated on plot plan above. Sample (a) and (b) will taken at 10' to determine the northern and'southern lateral extent of plume. sample (c) will be 'taken at 15". A determination based on soil analysis will be made on site after results are reviewed by on site inspector. If, samples (a), (b), (c) analysis are above City criteria. JMK intent is to excavate and take further samples until we reach 50 tons of impacted soil. Impacted soil will manifested and l;[-ansported Lo MRI facility; If, there are further questions please call me at (805) 322-6220. ~~! a r.d Osorno JMK International ate Underg Hazardous Materials Storage Facility State I.D. No. 310071 CONDITIO Tank HazardOl~'~ Number Substance!~ O1 UNLEADED 02 UNLEADED 03 OUT OF Issued By: Approved by: 'Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 )e RSE SIDE Piping Piping Piping Type Method Monitoring SWS SWS USE PRESSURE LTT PRESSURE LTT CHANG W. CHOW WINE HOUSE LIQUORS 1300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Valid from: 12-22-93 to: 12-22-98 SUMMARY OF CONDITION/PROHIBITIONS CONDITIONS/PROHIBITIONS; 1. The facility owner and operator must be familiar with all conditions specified within this permit and must meet any additional requirements to monitor, upgrade, or close the tanks and associated piping imposed by the permitting authority. 2. If the operator of the underground storage tank is not the owner, then the owner shall enter into a written contract with the operator, requiring the operator to monitor the underground storage tank; maintain appropriate records; and implement reporting procedures as required by the Department. 3. The facility owner and operator shall ensure that the facility has adequate financial responsibility insurance coverage, as mandated for all underground storage tanks containing petroleum, and supply proof of such coverage when requested by the permitting authority. 4. The facility owner must ensure that the annual pemfit fee is paid within 30 days of the invoice date. ,,~note facility will be comidered in violation and operating without a permit ifam~ual permit fees are received within 60 days of the invoice date. 6. The facility owner and/or operator shall review the leak detection requirements provided within this permit. The monitoring alternative shall be implemented within 60 days of the permit issue date. 7. The facility underground storage tanks must be monitored, utilizing the option approved by the permitting authority until the tank is closed under a valid, unexpired permit for closure. g. Any inactive underground storage tank which is not being monitored, as approved by the permitting authority, is considered improperly closed, proper closure is required and must be completed under a permit issued by the permitting authority. 9. The facility owner/operator must obtain a modification permit before: a. Uncovering any underground storage tank after failure of a tank integrity test. b. Replaceroent of piping. e. Lining the interior of the underground storage tank. d. Any other work which alters the tank or piping. 10. The tank owner must advise the Bakersfield Fire Department within 10 days of transfer of ownership. 11. Any change in state law or local ordinance may necessitate a change in permit conditions. The owner/operator will be required to meet new conditions within 60 days of notification. 12. The owner and/or operator shall keep a copy ofall monitoring records at the facility for a minimum of three years, or as specified by the permitting authority. They may be kept offsite if they can be Iobtained within 24 hours ora request made by the local authority. The owner/operator must report any unauthorized release which escapes from the secondary containment, or bom the primary containment if no secondary containment exists, which increases the hazard of fire or explosion or causes any deterioration of the secondary containment with!n 24 hours of discovery. Code Explanatiom: Types of Tanks and Pinina DWF = Double Wall Fiberglass FCS = Fiberglass Clad Steel LPT = Lined Piping Trench SWF = Single Wall Fibergla~ SWL = Single Wall w/Liner SWS = Single Wall Steel MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: 1. Any underground storage tank not utilizing interstitial monitoring or a State approved automated lank gauging method shall be monitored utilizing the following method: a. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring (tank gauging five to seven days per week). If needed forms can be obtained from the Bakersfield Fire Department. Inventory reconciliation and/or tankgauging shall not be used on any tank for leak detection after December 1998. 2. All tanks shall be tested annually utilizing a tank integrity test which has been certified as being capable of detecting a leak of 0.1 gallon per hour with a probability of detection of 95 percent and a probability of false alarm of 5 percent. The first test shall be completed before December 31, 1992, and subsequent tests completed each calendar year thereafter. All tank integrity tests completed after September 16, 1991, shall be completed under a valid, unexpired Permit to Test issued by the Bakersfield Fire Department. 3. Manual tank gauging and/or inventory reconciliation for purposes of leak detection shall not be allowed after 1993 for tanks located in areas where the highest historical ground water is with in twenty feet of the bottom of the tank. 4. All suction piping shall be monitored for the presence of air in the pipeline by observing the suction pumping system for the following indicators: a. The cost/quantity display wheels on the metered suction pump skip or jump during operation; b. The suction pump is operating, but no motor vehicle fuel is being pumped; c. The suction pump seems to overspeed when first fumed on and then slows down as it begins to pump liquid; and d. A rattling sound in the suction pump and erratic flow, indicating an air and liquid mixture. 5. All underground storage tanks containing motor vehicle fuel shall be retrofitted with overspill containers, over fill protection, automated tank gauging/inventory control and/or interstitial monitoring devices and corrosion protection by December 1998, or shall be removed and replaced with a system that meets new construction standards specified by the State regulations. All tanks containing a hazardous substance other than motor vehicle fuel shall have secondary containment and meet all other State 'standards by December of 1998. 6. All equipment installed for leak detection shall be operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks (at least once per year) for operability or running condition. 7. An annual report shall be submitted tothe Hazardous Material Division ofthe Bakersfield Fire Department each year after monitoring has been initiated, ANY QUESTIONS, RELEASE REPORTS, ETC. SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION BAKERSEIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVE., BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 (805) 326 3979 Menitorin~ Methods ALD= ATG= CLM = LTT= MIR= MTG= SIR = TI-I = Automatic Leak Detector Automated Tank Gauging Continuous Leak Monitor Line Tightnms Testing Manual Invent(ny Reconciliation Manual Tank Gauging Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Tank Tightness Testing SUMMARY OF CONDITION/PROHIBITIONS CONDITIONS/PROHIBITIONS: 1. The facility owner and operator must be f~miliar with all conditiom specified within this permit and must meet any additional requirements to monitor, upgrade, or close the tanks and associated piping imposed by the permitting authority. 2. ffthe operator of the underground storage tank is not the owner, then the owner shall enter into a written contract with the operator, requiring the operator to monitor the underground storage tank; maintain appropriate records; and implen~ent reporting procedures as required by the Department. 3. The facility owner and operator shall ensure that the facility has adequate financial responsibility insurance coverage, as mandated for all underground storage tanks containing petroleum, and supply proof of such coverage when requested by the permitting authority. 4. The facility owner must ensure that the annual permit fee is paid within 30 days of the invoice date. ,,~not· facility will be comidered in violation and operating without a permit if annual permit fees are received within 60 days of the invoice date. 6. The facility owner and/or operator shall review the leak detection requirements provided within this permit. The monitoring alternative shall be implemented within 60 days of the pemfit issue date. 7. The facility underground storage tanks must be monitored, utilizing the option approved by the permitting authority until the tank is closed under a valid, unexpired permit for closure. 8. Any inactive underground storage tank which is not being monitored, as approved by the permitting authority, is considered improperly closed, proper closure is required and must be completed under a permit issued by the permitting authority. 9. The facility owner/operator must obtain a modification permit before: a. Uncovering any underground storage tank after failure of a tank integrity test. b. Replacement of piping. c. Lining the interior of the underground storage tank. d. Any other work which alters the tank or piping. 10. The tank owner must advise the Bakersfield Fire Department within 10 days of transfer of ownership. 11. Any change in state law or local ordinance may necessitate a change in permit conditions. The owner/operator will be required to meet new conditions within 60 days of notification. 12. The owner and/or operator shall keep a copy of all monitoring records at the facility for a minimum of three years, or as specified by the permitting authority. They may be kept offsite if they can be t obtained within 24 hours of a request made by the local authority. The owner/operator must report any unauthorized release which escapes from the secondary containment, or from the primary containment if no secondary containment exists, which increases the hazard of fire or explosion or causes any deterioration of the secondary containment with!n 24 hours of discovery. Code Explanations: Tv~s of Tanks and Pininu DWF = Double Wall Fiberglass FCS = Fiberglass Clad Steel LPT = Lined Piping Trench SWF = Single Wall Fiberglass SWL = Single Wall w/Liner SWS = Single Wall Steel MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: 1.. Any underground storage tank not utilizing interstitial monitoring or a State approved automated tank gauging method shall be monitored utilizing the following method: a. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring (tank gauging five to seven days per week). If needed forms can be obtained from the Bakersfield Fire Department. Inventory reconciliation and/or tankgauging shall not be used on any tank for leak detection after December 1998. 2. All tanks shall be tested annually utilizing a tank integrity test which has been certified as being capable of detecting a leak of 0.1 gallon per hour with a probability of detection of 95 percent and a probability of false alarm of 5 percent. The first test shall be completed before December 3 I, 1992, and subsequent tests completed each calendar year thereaRer. All tank integrity lests completed after September 16, 1991, shall be completed under a valid, unexpired Permit to Test issued by the Bakersfield Fire Department. 3. Manual lank gauging and/or inventory reconciliation for purposes of leak detection shall not be allowed after 1993 for tanks located in areas where the highest historical ground water is with in twenty feet of the bottom of the tank. 4. Ail suction piping shall be monitored for the presence of air in the pipeline by observing the suction pumping system for the following indicators: a. The costfquantity display wheels on the metered suction pump skip or jump during operation; b. The suction pump is operating, but no motor vehicle fuel is being pumped; c. The suction pump seems to overspeed when first turned on and then slows down as it begins to pump liquid; and d. A rattling sound in the suction pump and erratic flow, indicating an air and liquid mixture. 5. Ail underground storage tanks containing motor vehicle fuel shall be retrofitted with overspill containers, over fill protection, automated tank gauging/inventory control and/or interstitial monitoring devices and corrosion protection by December 1998, or shall be removed and replaced with a system that meets new construction standards specified by the State regulations. Ail tanks containing a hazardous substance other than motor vehicle fuel shall have secondary containment and meet all other State:standards by December of 1998. 6. Ail equipment installed for leak detection shall be operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks (at least once per year) for operability or running condition. 7. An annual report shall be submitted to the Hazardous Material Division of the Bakersfield Fire Department each year after monitoring has been initiated. ANY QUESTIONS, RELEASE REPORTS, ETC. SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326 3979 Monitoring Methods ALD= /fiG CLM LTT= MIR= MTG= SIR TTI'= Automatic Leak Doteetor Automated Tank Gauging Continuous Leak Monitor Line Tightness T~sting Manual Inventory Reconciliation Manual Tank Gauging Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Tank Tightness Testing CITY of BAKERSFIE' L 'D "WE CARE" December 8, 1994 FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Chang W. Chon Wine House Liquors 2300 Paname Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the Wine House Liquors, 2300 Panama Lane in Bakersfield (Permit #BR-0109) Dear Mr. Chon: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with the dispenser island previously located on your property, has not been adequately defined. This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, with in 30 days from receipt of this letter. The work plan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A - Reports, Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary Evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; January 22, 1991. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $62.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. HHW/ed Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician cc: JMK International FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" December 8, 1994 ~SC F. Schilling Consulting 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Chang W. Chon Wine House Liquors 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Frederick A. Schilling, Ph.D. Project Geologist R.G. #4566 R.E.A. #4297 30037 Steel Head Dr. - Canyon Lake, CA 92587 o (909) 244-8999 RE: Additional Sampling under Dispenser Island Dear Mr. Chon: This is to notify you that the workplan for the above stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct over sight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/ed cc: JMK International FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" December 7, 1994 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Wine House Liquors Mr. Chang W. Chow 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr. Chow: This is to notify you that the requirements of the corrective action, incorporated in the Notice of Violation issued to your facility on December 2, 1994 have been met. This office is satisfied that all of the requirements for installation of Underground Storage Tanks at Wine House Liquors, 2300 Panama Lane have been met. Construction may therefore resume at this site. Please be certain all hold points for inspection, are met for the remainder of this project. Sincerely yours, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" December 2, 1994 FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF Wine House Liquors Mr. Chang W. Chow 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Dear Mr. Chow: - Notice of Violation and Order to Comply - Your facility located at 2300 Panama Lane, Bakersfield is suspected of being in violation of Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code, and in violation of your'permit to construct and underground storage tank facility. Your construction permit includes hold points for inspection of tanks, placement of tanks and backfill of tanks. These inspection hold points have not been met nor has the tank placement drawing or tank system materials list and design been approved by this office. Correction Action Stop all work associated with the installation of underground storage tanks at the above facility immediately. 2. Submit drawings and material lists for approval. 3. Verify tank integrity and placement before continuing with any construction activities at the above location. Sincerely yours, ~hE. Hue~ Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed cc: JMK International RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERS~"'~ON Location: ~,~. Business Name: ID# Contact Name: Business Phone: Inspector's Name: /'2/, 1~.,~e'' Time of Call: Type of Call: Date: Incoming [ ~'"' Time: [-, ~ # Min: D_ Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ] Content of Call: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Loc~Iion: ID# Business Name: Contact Name: "--~ ~, ~"~ °~ Business Phone: Inspector's Name: Time of Call: Date': Time: ~ 3o # Min: t O Type of Call: Incoming Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ] Content of Call: / Actions Required: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: ~ ~ From : FROM JMK I 818-573-3555 FAX 818-573-86 P01 1300 Vcrcoe PI., Montcr~y Park, CA 91755 TEl..(818) 573-3555, FAX, (818) S73-8676 JMK iNTERNATIONAL General F. ngin eerln£ and Environmental Services ~ 4621 American Arc,. Suhc #D, l~akcrsfield, CA 93309 TEL.(805) 397.3759. FAX .(805) 833.3908 FAX COVER SHEET I COMMENTS: IF YOU IIAYE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THI$ MATTER PLEASE CALL ME AT (818) fi73-3~$$ OR PAGE Mb; AT (213) 920-9412. F~om : FROM 3MK [ONAI 818-573-3555 FRX 818-573-86 P02 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRk~' '~ ~T' '~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TAN~ TANK OWNERIOPE~ATOR /'~ ~- ~ : .... PHQN~ NO. ~.~:~-E~ ~ MAILING AOO~SS ~oo ~e~~.. Cl~ ~.~.~Z1P COD~ ? ~5 ~_ CONTRACTOR INPORMAIIOH '- ~-6MPANY c.,~"x~,~' ,/,,,[/7-~-..~,.4/~.~J,c~/7 PIiONE No,~-:~/e~ °~-C~r-~', ~/LICENSE No. [_~ .-)' '/i ,~' ' AOORESS ~_~ Z~,'/~'-~ ~/-~X ~o~ CI~-~_~_~_X~ZIP CODE INSURANCE CAI~RIER ~me~ica~ iai' 1._~u~g..,~, WOR~MENS COMP I¢0. _1,. .3_8_8. . ~, 7-4-~g~ coMPANY "T-J~K (~g~_,.~L.---~-~,..~o '.PHONE No, ~~~iNSE ADDRESS 9~4 Wilshire ~1~, ~~.% Cl~ Z~P COD~ ..... INSURANCE cARRI-~R same as ab~ge ' ' WORK~ENS COMP TANK CL-EANih~-~AT.!ON PHON~ No. 589-5648 COMPAN[ -'T.. ~Dl ..' ,,, ADDRESS -- 'O" ts°x hZ78 Ci1Y B~ ZIP COD~ 9339,6.. WASTE TRANSPO~IER ID~NTIFICATI~~ER NAME OF EINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILI~ ADDRESS ~nd of Commercial Dr, ?~CJLI~ JNDfN~IFICAHON NUMBtR CAD,..~ 8Q 883177 TANK T~ANSPORTER INFORI~AT1ON. COMPANY_ ~-P~ ... .- _ PHONE NO,(589TS6~8 .LIC~NS£ No~n6075 .-- ADDRESS ~.~ox b'z i~ CIW B~~ Z;P CO~E ~._ JANK D~sfiNA~ION ~'~G6' ~State Metals tN. FoRMAtION TANK No, AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DALES CHEMICAL SIORED PREVIOUSLY $10.ED / ~z~o o o ..... ~?~_ '~./. ~,c .... -, '.'.'.'.':. . · ~, '~ ~ . ~ ,; '~. ~.!~, .,, '~L,,q~ ~ ~< ~.~', ' :~. , ~ .... ' ....... : ,¥..~,..~%~,': ~*.:-*~...~.,':~,..:~.: ~ ': :' ': ..... APPLICANT NA~ R~EIVEO, UNDERSTANDS. A ND Wit L COMPLY Wilt{ THE A~ACHEO~NOI11ONSOF THiS PEffMiJ AND ANY APPLICANt NA~,' ~ (PRIN~ ' AePLKCANI SJGI, ATUR~ ICATION BECO~E~.A.P~R~IT.WHEN APPROVED FROM CONEX INT'L INC. BEVERLY HILLS U.S.A. 10.26.1994 16:20 P. 2 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL8 DIVI$10~N .... , .., ,. PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ~,~M~VAL,~[.~N"~DE OROUND STOpAGE TAN~ ApDRE~ _~~~ ZIP CODEg~ APN ~' '' TANK OWNER/~~ ~ ~ . ' PHO~ NO. ~- MAILIN~ ADDRE$~ ~om_.~4~. ~ ........ Cl~ ~ZIP CODE ~ ~. cOMPANY ~~ /~~~PHONE NO,~I~2 ~/~IlCENSE No,~ ADDRESS _~' ~.'/~2~ ~, ~oZ '~ ~ZIP INSURANCE CA~'I~R . Ame.=.tCaa, ~At ~.[.. S-~. T,n, WOR~No. 1 PRELIMANARY AISIMENT INFO~MA~ ' COMPANY ~ ~-z-~-~ ' PHONE No, ~g~ENSE No..~ ~ ~ , INSURANCE CARRIER ~a~e aa aboV~ ' '~ ' WOAKMENS COMP No, ' TANK CLEANINm. INFORNIATII~,N WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENtiFICaTION N~BER - ...... NAME OF RIN~TATE DISPOSAL FACILI~ ' ADDRESS "- ' .....C'i~v FACILI~ INDEN/IFICA11ON NUMBER ........ TANK ~ANOPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY ~ ~' '-/;..J_ ,._ PHONE No. ADDRESS -- ' 7':.,.',~....,o "~ .... PHONE No, ZIP CODE TANK _INFORMATIOH LICENSE No, ZiP CODE TANK NO, AGE VOLUME CHEMICAl, DATES STORE~ SlORED . I. ~? ~" _.L_ ....... . ~..~,.~. ~ ....... CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED . 1HE APPLICANT MAi I~E¢ RIVED, UNDERSTANDS, A ND WiLL COMPLY WITH TA£ ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER BTME, tOCAt AND FEDERAl. REGULATIONS. , PLICANTNAME (PRIN~ APPL~CANISIGNAIU~ ..7~1~ APPLICATION BECOME~.A,.~J,RMIT.WHEN,ApP~ .,. "'" "MAKE CHEOKS PAYABLE TO THE ~ O~ BAKERSF/ELD~ ***END*** J2~81 KERN CJIS ORGAN I ZAT I ON: WM IN BAKERSFIEL~ MUNICIPAL CC~ DISTRICT 11/21/94 OF THE SrATE OF CALIFOR/gIA 15:17 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN PAGE 1 --- CRIMINAL CASE DOCKET --- CASE NO. PEOPLE V. BM501492A STATUS: CLOSED CHOW, CHANG W 4708 MT VERNON AV BAKERSFIELD, CA 93306 D.OoB.: 06/01/56 ******************************************************************************* ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: PROSECUTION: DEFENSE: CHARGES, PLEAS AND COUNT NO. CODE/SECTION 1 MC 8.60.020 DISPOSITIONS: LATEST PRS TYPE PLEA M GUILTY DISPOSITION PLED GUILTY BAI(I~FIELD l~NI~ COURT DISTRICT COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA THI~ IBTO OERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS ATRUE AND OORREu-~r' COPY OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT ON FILE IN THE OFFIOE OF THE GLERK OF THIS COURT. DATED:~ ~0~ ~ ~ '~[ .- I~[NNE']'~I J. KLIMUS~'O, ~;I:E~K J24~81 11/21/94 ~<kRN CJIS 15:17 ORGANIZATION: WM PAGE 2 --- CRIMINAL CASE DOCKE-~--- CASE NO. BMS01492A ******************************************************************************* CASE SYNOPSIS: 09/28/94 10/19/94 11/07/94 11/21/94 CITATION - GROUP B FILED HEARING HELD IN DIV. G, BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, BEFORE HON. JOHN L FIELDER, JUDGE. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. CUSTODY STATUS: CITED & RELEASED. HEARING HELD IN DIV. G, BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, BEFORE HON. JON E STUEBBE, JUDGE. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. CUSTODY STATUS: CITED & RELEASED. HEARING HELD IN DIV. G, BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, BEFORE HON. JON E STUEBBE, JUDGE. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. CUSTODY STATUS: CITED & RELEASED. J241~81 ~.ERN CJI S ORGAN I ZAT I ON: WM --- CRIMINAL CASE DOC~ CASE NO. BM501492A 11/21/94 15:17 PAGE 3 RECORD OF CASE EVENTS: 09/28/94 08:00 AGREEMENT TO APPEAR FILED. MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT SET ON 10/19/1994 AT 8:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, D- G. 10/19/94 08:00 ** HEARING HELD ON 10/19/94 AT 8:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, D- G. HON. JOHN L FIELDER, JUDGE, PRESIDING. CLERK: CHRIS VELASQUEZ. REPORTER: ER 642. BAILIFF: CLIFF CHRISTOFF. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. DEFENDANT APPEARED WITHOUT COUNSEL. PROBATION OFFICER HUNTER APPEARED. DEFENDANT ANSWERS TO TRUE NAME AS CHARGED. CONTINUED TO 11/07/1994 AT 8:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, D- G FOR MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. DEFENDANT IS TO BRING PROOF OF COMPLIANCE. DEFENDANT TO REMAIN ON CITE/RELEASE. ENTERED ON CJIS BY GASSAWAY DATE 10/19/1994. 11/07/94 08:00 ** HEARING HELD ON 11/07/94 AT 8:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, D- G. HON. JON E STUEBBE, JUDGE, PRESIDING. CLERK: JULIE GRIFFITH. REPORTER: E R BAILIFF: SANDY WELCH. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. DEFENDANT APPEARED WITHOUT COUNSEL. CONTINUED TO 11/21/1994 AT 8:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, D- G FOR MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. FOR PROOF OF COMPLIANCE. DEFENDANT TO REMAIN ON CITE/RELEASE. ENTERED ON CJIS BY C. VELASQUEZ DATE 11/07/1994. 11/21/94 08:00 ** HEARING HELD ON 11/21/94 AT 8:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT DISTRICT, D- G. HON. JON E STUEBBE, JUDGE, PRESIDING. CLERK: REYNA CAZARES. REPORTER: E R. BAILIFF: SANDY WELCH. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. DEFENDANT APPEARED WITHOUT COUNSEL. DEFENDANT ANSWERS TO TRUE NAME AS CHARGED. DEFENDANT INFORMED OF AND ACKNOWLEDGES UNDERSTANDING OF HIS LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, AS FOLLOWS: TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY AT ALL STAGES OF THE PROCEEDINGS; TO A COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY IF HE LACKS FUNDS TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY; TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL, BY JUDGE OR OR JURY, WITHIN 30 TO 45 DAYS UNDER PC 1382, AND TO A DISMISSAL IF NOT TRIED WITHIN THESE TIME LIMITS UNLESS GOOD CAUSE IS SHOWN OR TIME WAIVED; TO CONFRONT AND CROSS-EXAMINE THE WITNESSES AGAINST HIM; TO USE THE SUBPOENA POWER OF THE COURT TO COMPEL THE ATTENDANCE OF WITNESSES ON HIS BEHALF; TO REMAIN SILENT AND NOT INCRIMINATE HIMSELF; TO BE SENTENCED WITHIN THE J241%81 11/21/94 ~ERN CJIS 15:17 ORGANIZATION: WM PAGE 4 --- CRIMINAL CASE DOCKE'~~--- CASE NO. BM501492A RECORD OF CASE EVENTS: 11/21/94 - CONTINUED STATUTORY TIME, AND TO A DELAY OF SIX HOURS; TO BE RELEASED FROM CUSTODY UPON POSTING A REASONABLE BAIL; TO A PROBABLE CAUSE HEARING IF IN CUSTODY; THE PROVISIONS OF PC 1016.5; THE PROVISIONS OF PC 987.8(E) REGARDING POSSIBILITY OF HAVING TO PAY FOR ALL OR PART OF THE COSTS OF COUNSEL. DEFENDANT ADVISED AS TO THE PERILS, PITFALLS, DANGERS AND DISADVANTAGES OF SELF- REPRESENTATION. DEFENDANT ADVISED OF THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE PUNISHMENT THAT CAN RESULT FROM A PLEA OF GUILTY OR NOLO CONTENDERE. DEFENDANT INFORMED OF THE CHARGE(S) ALLEGED. DEFENDANT ACKNOWLEDGES UNDERSTANDING THE NATURE OF THE CHARGES AGAINST HIM, AND THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE PUNISHMENT THAT CAN RESULT FROM A PLEA OF GUILTY OR NOLO CONTENDERE. DEFENDANT ACKNOWLEDGES UNDERSTANDING OF WAIVER OF RIGHTS, AND BEING SPECIFICALLY QUERIED, VOLUNTARILY AND INTELLIGENTLY WAIVES: RIGHT TO COUNSEL; RIGHT TO TRIAL BY COURT OR JURY; RIGHT TO CONFRONT WITNESSES AGAINST HIM AND TO CROSS-EXAMINE THEM; RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT AND RIGHT AGAINST SELF-INCRIMINATION. DEFENDANT'S SIGNED WAIVER OF RIGHTS FILED AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. DEFENDANT ENTERED A PLEA OF GUILTY TO COUNT 1. DEFENDANT WAIVES STATUTORY TIME AND REQUESTS IMMEDIATE SENTENCING. PROBATION DENIED AS TO COUNT(S) 1. FINE SUSPENDED AS TO COUNT(S) 1. TO PAY $104.82 INVESTIGATION FEE TO THE CITY FIRE DEPT.. ALL SENTENCE ELEMENTS FOR THIS PROCEEDING ENTERED. ENTERED ON CJIS BY JULIE GRIFFITH DATE 11/21/1994. END OF CRIMINAL CASE DOCKET FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" November 17, 1994 Mr. L. D. Hunter, Probation Officer Kern County Probation Department 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 RE: Case No. BM 501492 A, People v. Chow Dear Mr. Hunter: The following is a cost analysis for investigative efforts in the above referenced case. Position Cost/Hr x # Hrs =_ Investi.qative Costs Haz-Mat Coord. $ 34.06 x 1 hr = $ 34.06 Haz-Mat Tech. $ 26.03 x 1 hr -- $ 26.03 Haz-Mat Insp. $ 22.36 x 2 hr -- $ 44.72 Total Investigative Cost: $104.82 Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator RH/hw F~o~ ~ FROM JMK IN~ATIONAL 818-573-3555 FAX 818-573-86 JMK INTERNATIONAL PO1 TI?.L 1818) 573-35.S5, FAX 1818} 573 86'/6 4621 American Ave., #l~, Rakcrsfi¢ld, CA 9330~ TIlL (80:D 397-3759, FAX (805) 833-3908 Nov. 19,1994 Mr. Chm~g Won Chon WINE ItOUSE 12QUOR STORE 2300 Panama l,ane Bakersfield, CA 93307 (805) 832-0678 RE: Co]nplction of llnderground Slorage Tanks Rc~noval Dear Mr. Chon, This letter is to notify you and rchttcd agencies fl~at JMK lnternational(a General Engineering Contractor, (.',al. State Lic. //685115) has successfully removed and disposed of three underground tanks at 2300 l'anama Lane., Bakersfield, CA per our contract. During Nov. 16 and 18, 1994, three tanks(one-four thousand gallon, two-six thousand gallon) were excavmed and removed according to the existing rules and regulations. Conlinuously, JMK will install two new double wall underground storage lanks, four dispensers and secondary pipings. Thc new system will also be equipped with invcnlory and leak detection monitoring system. If you have any question, please feel free 1.o call me al. 1818) 573-3555. Sincerely, Vice President filcs:lct.wnh I Mr. Howard I'1, Wincs I h:~J~rdous Matcrials Division, lluk~r/~fleld Fire Dcl)arlmcnl ~AKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTME~ HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITY /~1:~9.~ / {c u0~ ADDRESS ~9~9 ~~,/3d OWNER~'~ ~h~ - ~ PERMIT TO OPERA~E# CONTR~CTOR ~.%1~o~ CONTACT PERSON LABORATORY #OF SAMPLES TEST METHODOLOGY PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO.~/~ CO~ RECIEPT LEL% pL~T PLAN CONTACT PERSON 02% CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING DATE INSPECTORS NAME S I ~NATURE PERMIT APPLJCATION TO CONSTRUCT/MQBIFY UNDERGRQUNB STORAGE. TANK TYP~ OF AP~tlCAT~O,N/(CHECkO ~ NEW FAC:LITY I~MOOIFFC'A'TION OF FAC[LIi'Y ~ NEW TANK INSTALLATION AT EXISTING FACILITY !AC:LITY NAME ~/')¢~-/~f-~ /_?,~..~'~ c',~(ISTJNG FACILITY PERMIT No. C%,/~,24~,' ~'7~.. ' TANK OWNER ~'/p,,"~'.~ ~.f?p,,~' CL/?/¢/V ' PHONE No. (,~,)m.~2 - .ADDRESS ~/ CJW _ ~//~ ZIP CO0~ CONTRACTOR ~ z~T~Tf-~ cA LICENSE No. " PHONE No., (~/¢2 ~j- 5~ BAKERSFIELD C~ BUSINESS LICSN.SE ~o. BRE!~LY D~SC~IBE THE. WORK TO B(DONE ~~f ~ ~¢¢ ~/~¢~ ~/¢~ . WAFER TO FAC:L[~ PROVIDED BY- DEPTH TO GROUND WATER ~¢~ /¢~ SOIL ~P5 ~XPECTED AT SiTE No. OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED ARE THEY FOR MOTOR FUEL .OYES QNO SECTION FOR MOTOR FUEL TANK No. VOLUME UNLEADED REGULAR PREMIUM OIESEL AVIA lqON SECTTON FOR NON MOTOR FUELSTORAG.E TANKS TANK No. VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED CAS No. CHEMICAL ?R8/IOUSL', ,,~/,~ (no arena name) (if known) STORED file APPLICA Nf HAS REC~I'VEO. UNOE~$'I'ANOS. A NO WILL C g MPLY WITH THE A~ACHED C~ NOITIONS C~IS F~MIT ANO ANY Of N~ THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ,-'I~IDERGROUND STORAGE'.'rA~'~wROGRAM '." '~. .~ .... . ..:.~ PERMIT APPUCATION FOR REMOVAL OF'AN UNDERGROUND sTOOGE TANI< SITE INFORMATION SITE ,<~'~8o ~,~~ ~/'~ ADDRESS ~:~'-~'/~-/~c~/ZIPCODE~~' APN FACILITY NAME' ,~,/,~-~o .,~/~,~ ~';~,¢LCROSS STREET ~2~__~y- ,~ TANK OWNER/OPERATOR ~.~'_~c/.~ MAILIN~ ADDRESS ~ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY c..,,~ ?,,'J~"'~',g,4,/,~-7;Td, x./~ PHONE No.(,..~/°,) o~,-~-~,, ~ LICENSE No. ~'~Cr' 0TM / '-~--'~ ' ADDRESS ~ ~),'/_r~,',,-~ ,~/..-~ .:,-*c~7 CITY _,~d,~.,.../..~,,z~/,/ZIp CODE ?~-'9'..~ INSURANCE CARRIER WORKMENS C~MP No. PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY ;~]-"Jff K ~~__~__~,~ ' PHONE No. ADDRESS - ' ' ' INSURANCE CARRIER LICENSE No. CITY ZIP CODE WORKMENS COMP No. TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY ~ J~. ~ ADDRESS ( ~-4~-~ WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFIC~,TION NUI~BER NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY ADDRESS FACILITY INDENTIFICATION NUMBER PHONE No. CITY ZIP CODE CITY ZIP CODE TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY ~-T'f ~' ADDRESS TANK DESTINATION PHONE No. LICENSE No, CITY ZIP CODE TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED .............................. .~,,..*, ................................................................. , .......... , FOR OI~C~AL USE ONLY ............................. ,..,~ ................... ,..~..<..×...<~,::.:<.:,,:,..:+','~:<.,,,;..:<.:.,,:.~: .................... ~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: , ~..~ ~:i::: ~.~,.'.,::: ::::::.:::~,:: ::..::'::':.'~:'::'~::" .::::::::::::::::::::::~::~:~ ~:~ ~g<:~::~:~ :!~ ~ ~.~.~.:.:?..~ ~>.~,:~$-.'.- ~.~::~::.':$: ::~.:: ~.::::: ::::::: I: :: ::::::::::.': :: ::: :: :: :: :: ~::: :::: :: :: :': ::: ffi ~ :::.~::ffi ::.¥:::::::::::;:::: ::.: ::-.': .': ::: :::::: ::::: ::: ffi ::::::::::::: .'~.~.:::: :::.': :::::::~:::: :: ::: ::.'::.'-':'-'~.~!~ :::: ::: :: :: :: :: .:::.:: ::: 2::: ::::::::'-:::::: :~ ::::: :..'-::ffix :: ::::.::~: :::: :::::::::: ::::'.x::A.::: :::: ~.::. ::.::.:::g.:::: ::'<:::-: ::: ::..~:-'::-:-:-:~.-.~:::::::: ~:.~.':.':::.':: + ×. ¥: ::.'..::::.':.~.'.< .-.' ~:~ :::: :::::::: ::: c.:.:.~:S. :+:+I ...' *. : · ' '-' '. · '. · .' '- . . :::.':::..--*-:.:*:*:--:-:*..-:-:-~..:--:-:-:-:,A-:.:-:...:.:*:*:-:.:<<-..-: '.: ' : · . '. ~:~:~:~:.~::::::~:.:~:~`~::.~::.:...::~`~::...~:::.:.:~c.:~:~'.: .... ..:-:-' · :::::: '. '- '.:-:,:'":5~.~:::-:~ .... .' :::::::::::::::::::.'::.'::::::-::::-:::>.::::-'::: THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT. ~--~..~.u~ ~,:~,' ~,','~,'J APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLJ"CANT 'SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES_A PERMITWHEN.A_PPROVED ___ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE "CITY OF BAKERSFIELD" K E R N DISPLAY COURT CASE EVENTS C J I S THERE ARE NO CODEFF-NDANTS MORE DATA PE:NDING CASE: BM501492 A DEF: CHOW.., []HANG W EVEN'i' CODE: START DATE: ,,"2 C'/94 10:37 SE:'QLiENCE: NORMAL PAGE i ............................................................... %............. DATE SEQ CODE ................. EVEN]" DESCRIPTION ...................... 09i~8/94 005 FDATA AGREEMENT TO' AF'PEAR FILED. 010 SHMAR MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT SET ON iC,/!9/!994 AT 8:00 A.i"!~ IN BAKERSFIELD MUNiCiPAL COURT DiSTRiCT, D- G. t0/19/94 005 HHELD HEARING HEL. D ON 10/I9/94 AT 8:00 A.M. iN BAKERSF'IELD MtJNiCIPAL COURT DiSTRiCT, D- G. HON. JOHN L FIELDER, JUDGE, PRESIDING. CLERK: CHRIS VELASQUEZ. REF'ORTER: ER 64~7. BAILIFF: CLIFF CHRISTOFF. 010 HNMAR NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MISDEMEANOR ARRAIGNMENT. 015 AF'WOC DEFENDANT APPEARED Wi"i"HOUT COUNSEL. 0~0 APPRO F'ROBATiON OFFICER HUNTER APF'EARED. 0~5 TNOKE DEFENDANT ANSWERS TO TRUE NAME AS CHARGED. 030 SHCAB CONTINUED TO 11/09/1994 AT 8:00 A.M. IN BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CO(JRT DISTRICT, D- G FOR MISDEMEANOR .............. ~A R R'~I~N M E~.~T% ........................................ 035 MiM1E DEFENDANT IS ]'0 BRING PROOF OF' COMF'LtANCE. NEXT F'UNC]"ION: CURR FUNCTION: CTDSF' ID: JR414?-J~4147! PFi=HELP K E R N DISPLAY COURT CASE EVENTS 10/80/94 C J I S 10:37 THERE ARE NO CODEFENDANTS END OF DATA PAGE R CASE: BM501498 A DEF: CHOW, CHANG W EVENT CODE: START DATE: SEQUENCE: NORMAL DATE SEQ CODE ................. EVENT DESCRIP]"iON ....................... 10/19/94 040 CSFRK DEFENDANT TO REMAIN ON CiTE/RELEASE. 045 MiEOC ENTERED ON CJiS BY GASSAWAY DATE 1C,/19/1994. NF'XT FUNCTION: CURR FUN(]TiON: CTDSP ID: JF_-'4i4'7-JP_414'71 PFi=HELP K E R N DISPLAY CHARGES AND DiSF'OSiT!ONS 1.0/~0/94 C J I S 1C":38 END OF DATA F'AGE 0i CASE: BM5(")149~:i: A DEF: CHOW, CHANG W ***********'~"'e*******'e* CHARGES, PLIEAS AND DiSPOSITiONS *******-*'~'**'~**'~****'e** - ---EeN-T----AL.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-G ...................... P-L-EAS ..... Dt SF~]S- NO. NO. CODE/SECTiON T 1Si- LAS]' - .......... DISPOSITION .......... DATE 001 MC 8.60.0~ 0 M OPE:RATE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK W/O VALID PERMIT TO OPERATE. NEXT FUNCTION: CURR FUNCTION: CTDSP iD: J24144-J241441 F'FI=HELP BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION PREUMINARY INVESTIGATION REPORT Date: Prepared by: Violation: Location: Business Owner: September 28, 1994 Mark A. Turk Hazardous Materials Inspector § 8.60.060 Bakersfield Municipal Code: "Operation of an underground storage tank without a valid perm~ (Reference: § 25283 California Health & Safety Code) (Penalty: $50.00 as first infraction of the Municipal Code) Wine House Uquors (A convenience store selling gasoline) 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 CHON, Chang W. (DOB 06/01/56) 4708 Mt. Everest Wy, Bakersfield 93304 (Residence) (SOS) 831-8468 Narrative: Leaking underground storage tanks are a known threat to the waters of the state. State law is implemented by local regulatory agencies to insure that leaks from underground tanks are detected and remedied. Bakersfield Fire Department is the local agency authorized to enforce underground storage tank regulations within the City of Bakersfield. On July 2, 1993, Wine House Uquors was notified by letter that an annual precision tank test was required by law and had not yet been performed on the underground staorage tanks. (Attachment A) On August 5, 1994, a certified letter was addressed to Chang W. Chow [sic] at Wine House Uquors stating that the Permit to Operate the underground storage tanks had expired and would not be reissued until the tanks were brought into compliance. A 30 day period was given in the letter in order for CHON (DBA Wine House Liquors) to apply for the tank system tightness test and correct other deficiencies noted in the certified letter. The letter was certified received on 08/10/94. (Attachment B) On August 15, 1994, Jay KWON, Environmental Consultant, representing Wine House Uquors telephoned the Bakersfield Fire Department in response to the certified letter received by CHON. KWON indicated that he would be in Bakersfield during the next week to obtain the necessary permits to remedy the expired Permit to Operate for Wine House Uquors. (Attachment C) No permit activity has been recorded for Wine House Liquors during this investigation. On September 28, 1994, Bakersfield Fire Department citation # 9156 was issued to CHON for violation of Bakersfield Municipal Code § 8.60.060. NO FURTHER AT THIS TIME. cc: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Pumping Gas NLEADED ~'~ ~ (. , NAME (FIRST, MIDDI I=. ~ RESIDENCE ADDRE~ CITY DRIVER'S UCENSE NO. I ~IA?E I BIRTHDATE , ~DR~ OF ~NER OR ~EE ~O~T~N(~ . L~ATION VBBTION(S) ~ O~ENS~S) NOT ~MM~D IN ~ PRE~NCE. ~IFIED ON INFORMA~ON AND BEUEF I CE~I~ .~ o~.~,.~ o~,cE.-,~ o,~.~ ~..~v~ ,~.o. WITHO~ ADM~ING GUILT., P~MI~ TO APP--'AT ~E~ ~ ~D BELOW: X SlGNA~RE. ' - ~ JU~NI~ ~U~. ~s ~E ~A~ ~FIE~ ~UF. D ON THE ' ';" DAY OF -. OFFICE COPY SEE REVERSE SIDE BF. D. - 1933 {OTICE TO APPEAR  DAy OF IN~K ~ (flinT. u'00~E. LASl~ . - VE~II~I~ LJC~NQ. ~rATE I:~=GI~TERED QwNER oR ~ -AOORi~8 OF OWNER OR i..~.~u=l: LOCATION VIOLATION(S) [] OFFEnseS) NOT cOMI~T~D ~N MY PREsEI~E7 cERTI~E~ ON ~FOI~A110~ AND BEOEF I cERtIFY UN~R PENAL~Y O~ P~IURY THAT THE FOREGOI~ I~ TRuE AHD o..~gRE~ E~ECPbff~ O~ THE sHOwN ABOVE AT NAME OF APdRESTING OFFICER- IF DIFFERENT FROM A~OVE lADlE NO. WITHOUT AOMR-FING GUILT, I P~OMI.~E TO APPREAR AT THE TIME AND PI.,A~E GHEGK~D ~ F"LIUVENILE COURT. 2005 PdDGE ROA?. BAKERSFIELD, CaM. IF. I'-I ~ THE / 9 DAY OF ~)~'~"~ AT~ COURT COPY BF. D.- 1~33 .{ ~; ~SENDE~: '~ ' Complet'~/it'~ms 1 and/or'2 for additional services· * C~plete items 3, and 4a & b. . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you, · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. · Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. I also wish to ~eceive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. [] Addressee's Address 2. [] Restricted Delivery , Consu. lt postmaster, for fee. C~G ~. CHO~ 4b. Service Type ~ Insured nzquo s ~:l 2300 ?Ai~IA~ LN. ~ B~ERSFIELD, CA 93307 SForm 3811, Dace~~ tuber 1991 ~u.s, GPO: 1992~ Crtistered ified [] COD Ex,,mss Mail [] R~turn Receipt for ~. v | M~rchand~se AddreSs ddres On requested and fee is paid) DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT )UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Official Business PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here · /- -~ · ' City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. 1715 Chester Ave., Ste. #300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 _J 390 214 2~2-~ ~ Receipt for Certified Mail No insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail {See Reverse) Sent to Street and No. P.O., State and ZIP Code Postage 1~ ATCR, R .qYT ET.B: ~,A Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing o Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Add~essee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees Postmark or Date STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTEO OPTIONAL SERVICES (see front). 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Eater fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 105603-92-B-0226 CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" ~ August 5, 1994 FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF Chang W. Chow Wine House Liquors 2300 Panama Ln. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr. Chow: 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 NOTICE OF VIOLATION - SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE WARNINGI THE PERMIT TO OPERATE YOUR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK(S) HAS EXPIRED AND WILL NOT BE REISSUED UNTIL YOUR STORAGE TANK(S) ARE BROUGHT INTO COMPLIANCE. Our records indicate that you have not performed an annual underground tank system tightness test in the last year. This annual tightness test was a condition of your previous permit to operate which has now expired as of June 30, 1994. In addition, there appears to be an illegally abandoned tank on the property. There have been no monitoring records submitted to this office for the tank since it's apparent abandonment. Herein, you are granted a conditional authorization to continue to operate your underground storage tank(s) for the next 30 days. During this interim, you must submit proof to this office that you have arranged for the tank system tightness test. A valid permit issued within the next 30 days by this office, to perform a tightness test at your underground tank site will satisfy the interim condition. The abandoned tank must either be brought into compliance with current requirements for repair or upgrading of existing underground tanks, or else c~e~p.,ly with permanent closure requirements, commencing within 30 days of this notice. %, If you do not respond to this notice within 30 days either by providing pro°f of an annual tightness test performed within the last year, or obtaining a permit for testing the tank(s) and/or upgrading or closure of the abandoned tank, you will be required to cease underground tank operations until compliance is achieved. Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call the Hazardous Materials Division immediately at 326-3979. Sincerely yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" July 2, 1993 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELO, 93301 326-3911 WINE HOUSE LIQUORS 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 RE: Monitoring requirements for underground storage tanks. Dear Business Owner: Our records reveal that no precision tank testing has been performed on the two underground storage tanks located at 2300 Panama Lane. Section 2643 2(A) of'Article 4; Title 23, Div. 3, Chapter 16, CCR., requires that all underground tanks that do not utilize automated leak detection shall have a precision tank test annually. Additionally, pressurized piping shall be tested annually and non- pressurized piping shall be tested every three years. Pipeline leak detectors and automated-leak detection systems also have to be certified to be in working order on an annual basis. Please make arrangements to bring the tanks into compliance with state law. If you h~Ve any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Rrogram ~ ~WHILE YOU ~ °~ ~ AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION . 81BNED TOPS COVER SHEET CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FII~ DEPARTMENT - HAZAI~OUS MATERIAI,S DIVISION Date: 6-/c/ , 199___,~ 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Fax Phone (805)326-0576 Office (805)326-3979 PLEASE ROUTE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO: Name: Company/Organization: ~_~ Fax No. Sending Mgssage to: FROM: Contact Person: Number of Pages (including cover sheet): Description' of Ma~e,,riais Sent/Special Instructions: FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CI T Y of BAKER SFIELD "WE CARE" June 11,1993 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Diane Cummings California Trade & Commerce Agency Office of Small Business 801 "K" Street, Suite 1700 Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: Wine House Liquors Dear Ms. Cummings: As of June 11, 1993, Wine House Liquors, located at 2300 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA is current on all Environmental permits regarding their Underground Fuel Storage Tanks and Hazardous Chemicals stored on site. Sincerely yours, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed  G Street, Bakersfield, (805) 326-3979 CATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST p~o.~w' F?~- O~ 7o° OPE~TORS N~E C#,~/,q m~ga OF T~XS TO BE TESTED OWNERS NAME ~.H£/,q r~t~O4J IS PIPING GOING TO'BE TESTED TANK# VOLUME CONTENTS / i}LE-~'~ co - TANK-TESTING COMP-~-Y--/~L~'J-gx)7;oir --.7-~-~'7~/mZ'~DDR'ESS~,~Ov~O~-1~-7- TEST METHOD /~/6A/~-~ a~ ~?_/C~f ~7~ NAME OF TESTER~//~F//~W~79/,/ CERTIFICATION # ~/-/~/ ! STATE REGISTRATION # DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED APPROVED BY~ / ' DA~E SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT I]:LZ ENT: LOI[:ATI F_IH: CZTY, STATE: WINEHOUSE LIQI_IORS 2.300 PANAMA LAHE BAKERSFIELD, CA F'RO._IECT NO.: BT0062 TANK TESt t: i ~ 2 MRNI FOLD REDWINE TESTING SVCS., INC. PO BOX 1567 BA~ERSFIELD, CA. 93302 (805) 326-04`46 TEST LEVEL: SYSTEM SIZE A: `4000 SIZE B: `4000 PRODUCT TEMP: COEFFICIENT A: 0.00059 COEFFICIENT B: 0.00059 PRODUCT TEMP: 76 M `4000 = 2.36 N `4000 = 2.36 LEb'EL LEI)EL GAIN + :..: (A .':, LEVEl_ TEMP. TEMP. '3AIH STFIRT EN[I LO'-':S - :-: (FI'). RESULT L~TAF-:T EN[I LO.:-,_,"-c _ :...: (B) RE'--]IJLT START EI'.I[) 72 -- 75 ---% 3 N 0.01_'1`417 --- 0.01250 0. ? 16 - 0. ? 1:3 -- 0. 002 x 2.36. = 0. I]10`472 0.0:"-'9 (]~l'ji;~i ' 75 - 78 = F_t >.: 0.00'417 1'8 - 82 = `4 x 0.00417 82 - 76 = -6 :-: 0.00417 76 - 80 = 4 x 0.00417 :30 - ,92 = 2 x 0.00417 86 - 84 = -2 ~ 0.00417 8`4 - 8? = 3 ~ 0.00417 `4? - 50 = 3 ~ 0.00`417 50 - `41 = -9 ~ 0.00`417 `4i - `44 = D ~ 0.00`417 4`4 - `4? = 3 ~ 0.00`417 47 - 49 = 2 ~ 0.00`417 49 - 52 = 3 ~ 0.00`417 52 - 55 = ~ .~ 0.00`417 55 - 58 = 3 :..: 0.00`417 58 - 61 = ~ ~ 0.00`417 61 - 6`4 : 3 ~ 0.00`417 6`4 - 59 : -5 × 0.00`417 0.01250 0.7i8 - O. 01667 O. 720 - -0. 02500 0.722 - 0.01667 0.721 - 0.00:-=:3-'~; 0.72~ - O. 01667 O. 725 -- -0.00833 O. 727 - 0.01250 0.728 - 0.01250 O. ?30 - -0.03?50 0.730 - O. 01250 0.728 - 0.01250 0.730 - O. 00833 0.732 - O. 01250 O. 71~`4 - O. 01250 O. 736 - 0.01250' 0.738 - 0.01250 O. ?`40 - O. ') 1250 0.7`42 - -0. 0208~ O. ?44 - 0.?20 = 0.002 x 2.36 : O. 00`472 0.091 0.722 = 0.002 :-: 2.~6 = O. 00`472 0.093 0.721 = -O.OOl x 2.36 = -0.0023 0.096 O. 72Z3 = 0.002 ~ 2.36; = 0.00472 0.096 O. 725 = O. 002 x 2.36 -- O. 0£1472 0. 100 0.727 = 0.002 x 2.36 = 0.00`472 '3. 102 0.72:~ = - 0.001 M 2.36 -- 0.01327-_'36 0. 106 0.730 = 0.002 x 2.2_16 = 0.00472 O. 106 O. ?30 = 0 x 2.36 = 0 O. 110 0.?228 = -0- 00.'~ ~ 2.3E, -- -0.00`47 0. 110 0.730 = 0.002 :.,: 2.36 = 0.00`472 O. 106 O. 732 = 0.002 x 2.36 = 0.00`472 O. 108 0.73`4 = 0. 002 .'4 2.36 = 0.00`472 0.110 0. T--d6 = 0.002 x 2.36 = O. 00`472 0. 112 0.738 = 0.002 x 2.36 = 0.00`472 O. 11`4 0.7`40 = 0. 002 :-: 2.3t6 = 0.00`472 0. 116 0.7`42 = 0.002 :-: 2.36 = 0.00`472 O. 118 0.7`4`4 = 0.002 :-: 2.36 : 0.00`472 O. 120 0.7`43 =- -0.001 :,-: 2.36 = -0.01-123 O. 122 0. O. O. O. ].l~ 0. ]. :L IT A. TANK BO? TO GRADE: E:. TANK TOP TO GRADE: C. TAN~: DIAMETER: O. TEST LEVEL ABOL,~E GRADE E. DEPTH OF WATER IN TANK 113.0 " 38.0 " ?5.0 " 37.00 " 0.00 " F. DEPTH FOR TANK SAMPLE: G. TEMPERATURE PROBE DEPTH: H. TEST LEVEL TO TANK BOTTOM I. GROUND WATER ABOVE TAHK BOTTOM J. PRODUCT PRESSURE PER 1" HEIGHT 75.5 " `42.0 " 150.0 " 0.000 " 0.027 PSI RESULTS PER HOUR: -0.0191`4 TIGHT: YES NET TEST PRESSURE: `4.05000 STANDARD DEVIATION .00?2 TEST DATE: 10-01-92 TECHNI CI AN: HcCARTHY CALIF. LIC:. NO. 9`4-1061 GAT I',1 + :-: CB 1) /EMF' Fl. I',IAL END LOSS - :-: (B 1) RESULT TEMP RESULT 1'1' ME 0.002 x 2.3G 0. 002 x 2.36, 0.003 :-: 2.36, 0 x 2.36' 0.00'-.1 ~ 2.36' 0. 002 :-: 2.36 O. 004 x 2.36 0 x 0. om)4 :-: 2.36 0 x 2.36 -0.004 x 2.36 0.002 x 2.36' 0.002 x 2.36' 0. 002 x :-":'. 36' 0. 002 x 2.36 0. 002 x 2.36 0. 002 x 2.36 0.002 x 2.36 0.002 x 2.36 ~.001 x 2.,36 = 0.00--17 0. 0094 0.0m_-m306' 821 = 0.00'~17 0. 009'-1 0.00~."06 827 = 0. 01171 0 _ 011:3 0. 004,97 82t3 -- 0. 0000 -0. 0024 --0. 02264 839 = 0.009""1 0.0142 0. 00251 8'~5 -- 0. m3Cr-l? 0. 0094 -0.00111 851 = 0. 009-1 0.0142 0. 00251 857 = 0. 0000 0. 0024 -O. 01069 '303 = 0. 0094 0.0142 -0. O015.6' 909 = 0.0000 0.0000 0.01250 915 = -0. 009'-1 -0.0142 -0.02.-_134 921 = 0.00":17 0. 0094-1 0. 00306 927 = O. 004? 0.0094 O. 00306 933 = 0.0047 0.0094 -O.OO111 939 = 0. 004? 8. 0094 0. 00306 94-15 = 0. m)047 0. 0094'-1 0. 00306 951 = 0. 0047 0. 0094-1 0. 00306 957 = 0. 004-'17 0. 009'-1 0. 00306 1003 = 0. 1304'-17 n. 0094-.1 0. 00306 1009 = -0.0024 -0. 0047 -0.01611 1015 TANK BOT TO GF4ADE- TANK TOP TO GRADE: TAll.' 01'AMETER: TE'-.-I- LEPEL ABClI?E GRADE: DEPTH OF WATER 1'N TANI<: 114.5" F. DEPTH FOR TANK SAMPLE: 77.0 "' 39.5" G. TEMPERATURE PROBE DEPTH: 43.5" 91.0 " H. TEST LEPEL TO TANK BOTTOM 150.0 " 35.50 " 1'. GROUND WATER ABOVE TANK B 0.000 " 0.00" O. PRODUCT PRESSURE PER 1" H 0.027 PS] BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit No.: 310071C State ID No.: 310071 Issued to: WINE HOUSE LIQUOR Location: 2300 PANAMA LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Owner: Operatol~. KIMMY MCGHEE 505 REDWING AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 WINE HOUSE LIQUOR 2300 PANAMA LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Facility Profile: Year Is Piping Tank No. Substance Capacity Installed ~ 1 GASOLINE 6,000 GAL ? YES 2 GASOLINE 4,000 GAL ? YES 3 GASOLINE 4,000 GAL ? YES This permit is granted subject to the conditions listed on the attached summary of conditions and may be revoked for failure to adhere to the stated conditions and/or violations of any other State or Federal regulations. Issued by: Ralph E. Huey Issue Date: JULY 1, 1991 Title: Hazardous Materials Coordinator Expiration Date: JULY 1, 1994 POST ON PREMISES NONTRANSFERABLE ~'/~~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-DIVISION 2130 G Street,. Bakersfield, CA 93301 ':?:'.:.~ .......... .,,. ::ii!iii?' .~ . (805) 326-3970 . ' n_/\ UNDERGROUND TANK QUEST_LON~AIRE 03' 1992/ I. FACILITY/SITE No. OF TANKS ~ ~ ~' DBA OR FACIL~ NAME ~ ~ J NAME~ OPE~TOR . AODRE~ I N~REST C~ SmE~ PARCEL No.(OP~ONAL) Cl~ NAME I J STATE ZIP CODE · ~ BOX TO INDICATE ~COR~ON ~INDIVIDUAL ~'~E~HIP ~L~ALAGENCYD~IC~ ~COU~AGENCY ~STA~AGEN~ ~F~E~LAG~NCY TYPE OF BUSINESS STATION Q3FARM EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON iPRIMARY) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY) optional DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE J DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION NAME MAILING OR StrEET ADDRESS CIW NAME ~' BOX ~-INDIVIDUAL TO INDICATE [~ PARTNERSHIP STATE ZIP CODE LOCAL AGENCY [~ STATE AGENCY [~ COUNTY AGENCY ~ FEDERAL AGENCY PHONE NO. WITH AREA CODE III. TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CITY NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION ~' BOX ~NDIVIDUAL TO INDICATE [~ PARTNERSHIP LOCAL AGENCY [~ STATE AGENCY [~ COUNTY AGENCY (~ FEDERAL AGENCY PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE OWNER'S DATE TANK No. INSTALLED DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? VOLUME '~ TYPE PRODUCT STORED t/ IN SERVICE ¥/N YIN Y/N I: T~NK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE A SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK LO.# '7~/-- ~~ ~ ~J [ B. MANUFACTURED BY C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) ~//C~.~-/~ D, TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: III, TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B. ANDC, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D A. TYPE OF [~w 1 DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM [~ 2 SINGLE WALL [] 4 SECONDARY C~NTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER TANK ~ 1 BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS B. MATERIAL ~ 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVlNYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM (Primarymank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN ] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER [] I RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIORLiNiNG [] 5 ,G?SS LINING J~8 UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES ~ NO__ D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION, [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION,.,~ 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RCLE ~. IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTHIFAPPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A(..~2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION ~13~ 1 SINGLE WALL .~ U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER ' ' MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION A~I BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE A U 5 ALUMINUM A, U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A IJ 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHOOIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A IJ 99 OTHER [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIALMoNiTORiNG ~9 OTHER/~_ ~'. V. TANK LEAK DETECTION I [] 6 TANK TESTING [] 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 1 VISUAL CHECK ~;~ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN C. OATE,NSTALLED<MO,DAY"EAR, O. TANKOAPAO,TY,,GALLONS: II1. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, a, ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD [~,,,1._ DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN A. TYPE OF SYSTEM ~2 SINGLE.WALL [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER TANK ,; : ';ARESTEEL []2STA,NLESSSTEEL []3F,BERG S MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVlNYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM (Primary Tank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED. STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN ] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC- ] 8 100"/o METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR ~ LINING [] 5 GLASS LINING UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER' IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES__ NO__ D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION.,~I NONE [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] g5 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U I SUCTION A (~ 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION ~1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 .LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER ~) BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE c. MATERIAL AND v CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A IJ 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 100'/o METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U g GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTEcTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION [---I 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL ~9~ OTHER J ln lUZ~' MONiTORING _ -~ V. TANK LEAK DETECTION ~ [] 1 VISUAL CHECK ~ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [] 4 AUToMATIc TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUNDWATER MONITORING [] ~ TANK TEST,NG [] ~ INTERSTITIAL MON,TOR,NG [] ~ NONE · [] g5 UNKNOWN [] ~ O~ER T. T~NK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. # B. MANUFACTURED C, DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, ANOC. ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER TANK [] I BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] 6 PQLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM (PrirnaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN ] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP ] 99 OTHER ~-~ 1 RUBBER LINED ~ 2 ALKYD LINING ~ 3 EPOXY LINING C. INTERIOR UNING [] 5 GLASS, LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN tS ENING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES__ NO__ ] 4 PHENOLIC LINING [] 99 OTHER D. CORROSION [] I POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION, [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV, PIPING INFORMATION C~RCLE A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IFUNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A, SYSTEM TYPE .~ U i SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARESTEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVlNYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL Wl COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR · [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITL~L MONITORING [] 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION [] 1 VISUAL CHECK [] 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING [] 6 TANK TESTING [] 7 INTERSTITIALMONtTORING [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ~TEMS'- SPECIFY ~F UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. # B. MANUFACTURED BY: C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, ANOC, ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL ] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANIO [] 99 OTHER B. TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN ] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING ~ ~ 3 EPOXY LINING C. INTERIOR LINING [] 5 GLASS LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH i00% METHANOL ? YES ~ NO__ ] 4 PHENOLIC LINING ] 99 OTHER D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE ] 3 VINYL WRAP ]95 UNKNOWN ] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RCLE A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IFUNOERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEMTYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U I SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 9g OTHER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARESTEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVlNYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL CoMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A' U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR. [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 MONITORINGINTERSTITIAL [] 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION [] 1 VISUAL CHECK [] 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUNDWATER MONITORING [] 6 TANK TESTING [] 7 INTERSTITtAL MONITOR,NG [] g, NONE [] UNKNOWN [] OTHER FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY 1 SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments ~'~'E'~'NENVlRONME~"F HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTM~ .2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300, BAKERSFIELD, CA.93301 {805)861-3636 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY * INSPECTION REPORT * PERMI 0071 TIME IN TIME gUT NUMBER OF TANKS: 3 PERMIT POSTED? YES NO Z .... ~'~INSPECTION COMP TYPE OF INSPECTION:. ROUTINE FACILITY ADDRESS:2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 O~NERS NAME:KIM MCGHEE OPERATORS NA~'~- COMMENTS: VIOLATIONS/OBSERVATIONS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. Intercepting an directing system b. Standard Inventory Control c. Modified Inventory Control d. In-tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f'. VadoBe Zone Monitoring SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. Liner b. Double-Walled tank c. Vault 3. P~J~PING MONITORING: -'~_~/ Pressurized b. ~uction c. Gravity OVERFILL PROTECTION: $. l. 8. g. TIGHTNESS TESING -~-~;S ~/~;~ NEW CONSTRUCTiON/MODIFICATIONS CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE MAINTENANCE, GENERAL SAFETY, AND OPERATING CONDITION OF FACILITY COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS ~/_~?_~...., ') ,,.~,.~, ~_,~"--J~.~" ........ ~ ' .................................... ~'~ ........ ~ ..................................... ' ..................................................................... ....... ............ ...... ~ ~.-~ .......... ~..~ ............. ~ ~_ ..................................................................................... PPROXIMATE RE!NSPECTION~ DATE: RETNSPECTION S_CHEDU, LED? yes mo A / / Station Location Company Address Contact Inspector I~,.~, KERI~q ?NTY AIR POLLUTION CONTR~. STRICT 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 (805) 861-3682 PHASE II VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM P/O # I.'t L~ I~ ~.i ) ,~ , , !,~. -L'Z, / !~- ~ Zip y '~' BA RJ HI HE GH HA Phone S ste Date ,/ Notice Rec'd By : ~ -~ NOZZLE # GAS GRADE NOZZLE TYPE 1. CERT. NOZZLE 2. CHECK VALVE N O 3. FACE SEAL' Z Z 4. RING, RIVET .L E 5. BELLOWS 6. SWIVEL(S) 7. FLOW LIMITER (EW) 1. HOSE CONDITION ._ V A 2. LENGTH P O 3. CONFIGURATION R 4. SWIVEL H O 5. OVERHEAD RETRACTOR S E 6. POWER/PILOT ON 7. SIGNS POSTED Key to system types: Key to deficiencies: NC= 'not certified, B= broken BA=Balance HE =Healey M= missing, TO= torn, F= flat, TN= tangled RJ =Red Jacket CH=Gulf Hasselmann AD= needs adjustment, L= long, LO= loose, HI =Hirt HA =Hasstech S= short MA= misaligned, K= kinked, FR= frayed. INSPECTION RESULTS COMMENTS: Key to inspection results: Blank= OK, 7= Repair within seven days, T= Tagged (nozzle tagged out-of-order until repaired) U= Taggable violation but left in use. ' ,~, VIOLATIONS: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A "T OR U" CODE IN INSPECTION RESULTS, ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE VIOLATION. .. NOTE: CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 41960.2, REQUIRES THAT THE ABOVE LISTED 7-DAY DEFICIENCIES BE CORRECTED WITHIN 7 DAYS.. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN LEGAL ACTION · 9~4~-~o~5 APCD FILE -.L, ..-(..~ -- u ,.JUCr, ur. NT --NCV RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE ill ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Hea~th Services Department STEVE McC~,t i Fy, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Ptanning & Development Sex~fic.~ Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR 'ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 8, 1991 Klm McGhee 505 Redwing Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 Re: Project Results Dear Klm McGhee: This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results associated with the release of a large quantity of gasoline on July 1, 1990. Based on the sample results 'submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on cun'ent requirements and policies, no further assessment is indicated at this time. Prior to the operation of the tank in question, repairs must be made to the subpump. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and the California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program LF:pss cc: Chris Chou, Winehouse Liquors (funk~mcghee.ltr) 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 groundwater resources inc. ~ A RESNA Company I SI)Il S(). UNI(.)N AVl:. IIAKkRSI'IEI.I), CAI IF()RNIA 93307 May 31, 1991 Environmental Solutions Through Applied Science, Engineering & Construction Ms. Laurel Funk Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services · 2700 "Mn Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Winehouse Liquors 2300 Panama Lane Soil Sample Results Dear Ms. Funk, On May 15, 1991, Groundwater Resources, Inc. collected soil samples at Winehouse Liquors located at 2300 Panama Lane. These were done at the KCDEHS direction in response to a spill which occurred due to an underground gasoline storage tank equipment failure. One of three underground storage tanks containing 6000 gallons of gasoline had suffered a pump failure, and the fill box sump area had become flooded allowing gasoline to flow to the backfilled soil. Three soil borings were augered to a depth of 6 feet by hand in the locations indicated on the plot plan. Samples were collected at 4 feet and 6 feet in depth below gradeby driving brass tubes into undisturbed soil. The tubes were sealed with teflon, wrapped in duct tape and immediately placed on ice for transport to a state certified laboratory. The samples were analyzed for BTXE and TPH(gasoline) using the LUFT Manual recommended methods. Adjacent samples were collected for metering with a PID meter. RESULTS None of the lab analyses indicated BTXE or TPH exceeding the minimum reporting levels of .005 mg/kg (.007 for Xylenes) and 1.0 mg/kg, respectively (see Lab Analysis Report, attached). The borings were in backfill material consisting of silty sand. No staining was apparent, but moderate odors of gasoline were observed in the north and south borings, drilled along the sides of the tank nearest the pump. No odor was detected in the east boring, off the end of the tank. PID meter readings in ppmv were as follows; North Boring South Boring East Boring Depth 4' 90 100 na 6' 60 260 na MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835-771 7 Ms. Laurel Funk Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services May 31, 1991 Page Two ff there are questions we can answer or more data is required, please feel free to call at 835-7700. Sincerely, Gary J. Cawthon Project Geologist GJC:tdc:fx60 cc: Mr. Chris Chou, Winehouse Liquors AttachmentS: Plot Plan Lab Results Chain-of-custody APPLIED ANALYTICAL Environmental Laboratories 13844 Alton Pkwy., Suite 140 Irvine, CA 92718 ]~1~4~ 472-5060 Attention:Gary Cawthon Groundwater Resources,Inc 1500 S. Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Date Sampled: Date Received: Date Analyzed: Date Reported: 05-15-91 05-16-91 05-21-91 05-22-91 Project: 3431-3 Matrix: Soil Detection Limit (mg/kg) SampLe descripti°n Beflzefle 0.005 Ethyl- Total Totuefle benzene Xytenes TPlt 0.005 0.005 0.007 1.0 NB-4 ND ND ND ND ND 2-105-116' NB-6 ND ND ND ND ND 2-105-121' EB-4 ND ND ND ND ND 2-105-118' EB-6 ND ND ND ND ND 2-105-117' SB-4 ND ND ND ND ND 2-105-119' $B-6 ND ND ND ND ND 2-105-120' TPH = total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline. q/kg= Milligrams per kilogram = ppe = parts per million. * = Laboratory identification ~mnber. #O = Ana[ytes not detected above the stated detection Limit. NR = Analysis not requested. AHALY~ICAL PROCEDURES 'BTEX-- Benzene, toluene ethyLbenzene, and total XyLene isomers are measured in accordance with EPA Method 5030 followed by analysis using EPA Method 8020. ,~' TPH-- Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline are measured in accordance with EPA Method 5030, ~o~'[owed by axx~ified EPA Method 8015. 1SO0 S. Union Avenue ~ Bakersfield, CA 9330? groundwater resources, inc. Telephone: ( 805 ) 835-7700 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Tele-Fax: ( 805 ) 835-'/717 LAB DESTINATION: PROJECT NUMBER:-~-z/z'~'--'~- PROJECT CONTACT: ~'~'~ ~/~ ~~/~'~ SAHbLER(5): (Signature), ~~~ .-~ ~ /~ ~ ~ ~ COUNTY: ~~ ~U Z~ LAB ANALYSIS SAMPLE CONTAINER NUMBER NUMBER DATE TIME SAMPLE LOCATION ~ REQUESTED TYPE TYPE ~By ,, .~:~o. " " " " E D~ ,, II r t~ ', " " " 5~ f ,, ?:2~ " " " " ~ -,, ~:~ ., ,, ,, ,, 1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Pf~/'~-~'- ~-~/L'-T /V~--~-L/~-L---J~'~''~T/L/(~/~ -' POSSIBLE SAMPLE HAZARDS: · b ' Z~ru'u I. C'~~Date/Tlme: 1 Relinquished y;/ ,;~ 1. Relinquished by: Date/Time: · ' Received by: :"::' ":~ ,.,;-://--','-'~-"-?' Date/Time: '~' "'"' ':" "' Received by: Date/Time: Received by: Date/Time: Recelved by: Date/Time: JOB FILE YELLOW: SAMPLE LOG 1. Relinquished by: Date/Time: 1. Relinquished by: CCR (Rev. 10/89) Date/Time: WHITE: LABORATORY PINI~ '?'('!! [: . UTHO IR IZATiON. " ' ' '. .. · . '' . . :...'. G'R ': · .. :.:,..,'.:,"c'..".".'.. ' . .. . . '.../~ ":.'.':'?.!~?~)'" ";"' 5400 ^Kirin Gourt · P.O. Box 0303 .:o B.a, korshel0,.Q~.gJ '.:.'. "'b..'-~}?i}'('~.?..::' .: ' .n.',iov ~ '1o e[Jeai(805) 835-77004 :SMHaTTHaMY~ · ........:..":.'.:':~47~., '~'.: "" ' -... ... '' · · ' ...':'" '... :". ':"~':.~/ . ':'t':'~"~'?" T~'~.. .,.: ,,,~ ~,,~-~,~;'ma=r~Inn~d ....... Customer hereby_, authorizes., and, .._.._...., . .',:~'r,~ t. ~t': ..:.requests,. ., .,, Gr~uqd~[~[. ..... ~p.u.rce9. "~.. ~ .... ..,,~=~c,~, u~,~;;) I[a~ '~oflslde~tlSn~for.tl~e~'pertor~nce'.~o~'such"~w0r · ... to. penorm tile worK'Qesu~uuu u~uvv, . ,,o - Customer agrees to,p~y~.GRl'~ll~al~ounts:wlthi~"80i fl~Y~ bf're~elbl, rO'f!lhvoi~°~f0¢~'.alI .'. reqUl[ed to perform such work, ~ncluding but not Ihnited to tho.amo~nt~lsp~U!O~.:.t) ~.labor';~.p, arts, materials.,: and eq mer acknow~dge~.reCel )t..df':a~cppy.i~ ; '~": '-o'~~r~e~t''mte schedule.: ~C . '"reverse.s~de will ggvern ~gree~ .~,::.. ~. ,' .., . ., ;':".' ;:.'":'"~'::'~'=':~::..' ,'~. :.. ~",..:'.;.~ .:- to ~r, oiIibr o~ lxm'~m~ek.~' w.'~Pn~o',o~'[i~ · ~ - ,;' . '2'' ' ', '~ ':'," -' Is ~ contract tot servicesand Is not an admission oJ ~Jxll;or'crlminal"lla~jl!t~]t(~ ' ,CUSTOM[ ,Services Authorize,.,d,:i~.~0oni J~u~;.p.!~!~u..~,.. ' '~ ... ':, :'.4' ,':'~! . · · :~ q.'.:!.~;: '....... ~ '..? .',.(P;rint name and addr~'~!~)eJa?; r'0°v ebu'loni Ilrv' . ..'. . ~d~J~q I · · - " ·-'.'"'-h'"'"-- ."' 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P.INK;"cUSTOMER .: "..,¥. :::,fi.;'~.';;: ..,., ...~ .. · :.' GRI Form WA (O~189) .'.. :.,. i '"" .... ~.." '":"{.". groundwater resources inc. Jerry White CAI. GENERAl ENGINEERING CONIR^Ci'OR CI.A$~ AItI^Z LIC. NO. ~20168 LOS ANGELES 1213~ 724-3147 g 'oundwater resources inc. 54¢X) ALDRIN CT. 1.1AKERSFIELD. CALIFOI~NI^ 93313 General Engineering Conl~actor Class NHaz License No. 520?68 SCHEDULE OF FEES The following Schedule of Fees is provided to our clients for the{r use in project cost planning and analysis. Our fees are payabl~ one half in advance for most technical contract services, with the balance due and payable upon project completion, upon issuance of a final report, or on monthly statements. Prepayment for large contracts are usually prorated during contract negotiations, and may, in some instances, be precluded in lieu of a specified payment schedule. Strai glit Time: OVERTIME: BASIS OF TZHE Monday through Friday, 8 hours per day between 7:00 A.M. and 5:00. P.H. After 8 hours a day or 40 hours a weeks PREHIUH TIME' SUBSISTENCE: All day Sunday and National Holidays Per Man/Day - $00.00 Automobiles and pickup trucks charged at $.50 per mile or $5.00 per hour, whichever is greater. Haterials and sub contracted equipment rentals are charged at cost plus 20%. Haterials and .,,?-special equipment are in addition to the above hourly rates. Fees , required by Governmental agencies are to be paid at cost due at procurement. Rates subject .to change within 10 days notice. Invoices are due and payable upon presentation. After 30 days, a finance charge at the maximum rate allowable by law is charged. Actual attorney fees and all other costs and exp'enses which may be incurred for nonpayment .of obligation are an additional charge due and payable. All terms and condi'tions of Groundwater Resources, Inc. standard pro~ect contract are hereby incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. Other'service~ are given by current quote to include engine_ering geologic service, other laboratory testing and computer mode3, ing. All services are available to be reviewed for quantity discouht p r i c i n g. tvlAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 LOS ANGELES {213J 724-31't7 {805J 835-7700 groundwater resources inc. 5400 ^LURIN C'[. BAKERSFIELD.' CALIFORI'JIA 93313 Gellefal Engil~ecdng Con[raclor Class A/H,lz License No. 520?68 I'ECHNICAL PERSONNEL Our fees e'ffeOtive ~ebruary 1, 1990 are as follows: TECIINICAL PERSONNEL S/HR. Principal Geologist or Engineer $ 80.00 Project Geologist, Engineer, Manager $ 05.00 Staff Scientist or Engineer $ 50.00 Senior Technician l'echn 'i c 'i an --(/$ 38. O0 ~ Draftsman - CAD $ 28.00 Word Processing Operator $ 26.00 HIN. 2 hr. 2 hr. 2 hr. 4 hr. 4 hr. __E._&~U_ ! I'MEN'r/SERV I C ES Free Product Recovery Pumps (Auto Skimmer/SOS) UL 142 Portable Storage Tanks (500 gallon) Well Development Pumps (bladder'gas drive, submersible) 1" Flowmeter & Totalizer Solinist Waste Level Meter, o11/waSte Orion pit Meter Conductivity/pH Meter YS~ TLC 30OO Photovac l"ip PfD t-INU PZD Photovac 108 Portable Gas Chromatograph HMC Interface Detector 105 feet; DO'r -'Approved Drums 79/day 10/day 75/day 15/day 50/day $ $ $ $ $ $ 50/day $ 40/day $ 70/day $ 60/day $ 05/day $2500/month $'lSO/day $ 45/ea MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 LOS ANGELES 1213J 724-31 't7 835-7700 groundwa[er resources inc. 5'100 ALDRIN C1'. UAKERSFIEI.D, CAI.IFORNIA 93313 [ie~ ~¢~ al E[ ~gi~ ~('. ~i[~g CoT ~tracLor Class NHaz License No. 520768 HON II_]O_R_I NG WELLS M. obi 1 i zation Oemobi 1 i zat'ion Decon Ri g Travel ' Wel 1 Head Benton ite Well Installation (Rig) Well Material Bentonite Pellets Brass Sample Tubes Cement Ring Caps (the following are typical costs) 300.00 300.00 150,00/day 125/hr. 235.00/e~. 75/bkt. 135/hr. 10-12/ft. 05/bkt. 8/ea. 0,50/sack 1.04/ea. LABORAIOllY Total Total Total Total Hydrocarbons due to Gasoline Hydrocarbons due to Diesel Fuel Hydrocarbons due to Waste Oil Hydrocarbons with Lead $ 135/sample $ 150/sample $ 145/sample $ 150/sample MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 LOS ANGELES (2131 724-3147 (805) 835-7700 groundWater resources inc. OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 5400 ^I.DRIN Cl. BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93313 General Engineedng Contractor Class A/Haz License No. 520768 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL Project Manager Construction Supervisor l'echn i ct an Elec'trician Electrician Helper Labor ~IHR. $ 65/hr. $ 55/hr. $ 38/hr. $ 41/hr. $ 29/hr. $ 20/hr. MIN. 2 hr. 2 hr. 2 hr. 4 hr. 4 hr. 4 hr. OPERATIONS EQUIPMENT Vacuum l'ruck Backhoe Backhoe w/breaker Dump Truck (0 yards) Mini-Excavator Mini-Excavator w/breaker Loader (1/3 yard) Wacker Compactor Genera'tor 120 v. Sawcutt, ing Demo- h amme r Air Compressor Cemen 1; Mixer' Steam C'leaner (3,.000 p.s.i) Transfer Pumps $ 80/hr. $ §5/hr. $ 80/hr. $ 05/hr. $ 60/hr. $ 70/hr. $ 70/hr. $ 70/hr. $110/day. · $ 3.10/ft. $ 05/day $ 65/hr. $115/day $115/day $ 95/day 4 hr. 4 hr. 4 hr. 4 hr. 4 hr. 4 hr. 4 hr. 4 hr. 4 hr. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 LOS ANGELES 1213] 724-3147 1805l 835-7700 groundwater resources inc. 5'100 ALDRIN ~1'. BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A/Haz License No. 520768 Below you will find our current price schedule. office for a quote on your requirements. Please call our UNDERGROUND 'rANK, LINE AND SYSTEM TESTING RATE Tanks or Systems: PRECISION TANK 'rESTING l'etro-Tite Equipment T_~A~ 500 gallons to 2,500 gallons'to 5,500 gallons to 10,500 gallons to 12,500 gallons to Waste Oil Systems 2,000 gallons 5,000 gallons 10,000 gallons 12,000 gallons 30,000 gallons $ 350.OO/test. $ 375.00/test $ 400.00/test $ 450.00/test $ 050,00/test $ 1.O0/gallon Chemicals and solvents quoted on individual basis. Product-line Tests: Single line (Suction or Turbine) ..... $ Two or more lines (same location) .... $ 90.00 75.00 Travel Expenses: Time (portal. to portal) ........ $ Mileage ................. $ 35.00/hr. ,50 per mile Performance Del ays_: Delays caused, by others in commencing or continuing test $ lO0./per hr. Cancellation Char(je:~ All rate charges are subject to a 50% cancellation charge in the event a scheduled test is canoelled within 48 hours o'f~. the scheduled test date. 'Mult'iple Discount: special rates are available for quanitity and contract testing. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 LOS ANGELES 12131 724-3147 RANDALL L. ABBOTT Director ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 26, 1990 Klm McGhee 505 Redwing Avenue Bakersfield, CA 9330g Dear Mr. McGhee: In regards to the release of a large quantity of gas at Winehouse Liquors on July 1, 19g0, information still needs to be supplied to this Department. Without the required information, the extent of the release cannot be determined. Please submit to this Department, within two weeks of the date of this letter: 1. Copy of the receipt from the transportation company that removed the remaining gasoline in the sub-pump hole. 2. Copy of the Hazardous Waste manifest for the proper disposal of the above mentioned gasoline. 3. Copies of the facility inventory records for the months of June and July. Also please submit the name of the company to retrieve and analyze samples to the north, south and east of the contaminated sub-pump hole at depths of 4' and 6'. The results of these samples will determine if further investigation and remediation will be required. The company must be approved by this Department. An inspector from this Department is to be present during soil sampling. The samples are to be analyzed for benzene, toluene and xylene and total petroleum hydrocarbons for gasoline. The results of the analysis are to be submitted to this Department within 30 days of the date of this letter. The south tank and sub-pump are not to be used until all necessary repairs are completed and approval granted from this Department. Within one .week of completion of the repair work, a copy of the receipt and letter'stating the extent of the repairs are to be submitted to this Department. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 RECYCLED PAPER (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861.3429 'Klm McGhee July 26, 1990 Page 2 Failure to comply with the above requirements may result in legal action. If you have any questions, contact me at (805) 861-3636, Ext. 587. Sincerely, Laurel Funk Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program LF:ch CC: Chang Won Chon Debra Brown Ronald Bolt Associates, Inc. J U L--2~-- 90 M 0 N i 5._: 50 R 0 N A L D BOLT R~'nald Bolt Associates, ~Inc. Bakersfield AVE,, SUITE 200 BAKEt'tsrIEI. I),.CA 93301 A$$0C BKFLD P. 01 'TELEPHONE 80,5.32'1-3031 P8 g_...r'l.~. Cji ~ ......... F~.X Nf.I, (¢3()R) 327-3736 REGARDS, ............ ~ ..... ~rc~..~..~..: ..... FAC$IHIL, E: M.,.;HINE TRANSMISSION INSURANCE AI)JUSTER$ LIC. NO. 270;.,' . · FIRE AND ALLIED LINES -.- INLAND MARINE i JUL--2~..~--9 0 MO N 1 $ : ~ 0 R 0 N A LD ~B O1_. T A$$ OC: I~ KF L]3 P . O2 HU ';[CH .~nt ~2 ~ROPOGAL AND C0NTm~CT Proposal and Contract ~o~ cleaning up created by a leaking underground tank. the sot1 con~amination I..BiDASSUI~TION$ Clien~ shall have 8l~e plot 91ans with 9iping, tanks and underground utilities to scale. Client shall-also furnish inventorY logs and leak detection monitoring reports to date. IX. ~eoa=atiOn 1.2 - SawOUt approximately 20' x 20' concrete/ asphal~ (~o =eba=) Workplan, Sa[ety Plan $ 1,115 1,3- Hand auger to 5' at 5' laterals to g=id contamination (estimated 12 bores) 1.4 - Field ~XD/PFD Instrumentation 1.5 - US EPA con~trmation soil ToSts * TPH - gasoline 10 ~ 885 10 ~ 1.6 - Chain o~ Cumtody and Delivery 1.7 - Sxcava~ion o2 Con~aminated So~ls Stockpile in~o Transport Bin TOTAL Phase Z 200 2,350 50O 850 340 6O ;10,650 JUL--2~.--90 MON 1 $ : ~5 1 I:~0 NAL I1 BOLT ASSOO B~(FLD p . 0._~ 2.1 - Zmpo~t Clean Fill, Compact 2,2 - Replace Concrete Pad to Code ~.3 - Haul and Dispose'of Contaminated Soils 2.4 - ~ubmitting Obtaining Approval of Closure Report TOTAL - Phase * Ass~e~ 10-day ~ur~around~ costs mus~ be doubled for a 48-hour ~urnaround. 1,690 ~,880 7,250 2,775 $13,59~ Assumes pre-approval and profile accepted for Nevada disposal in bulk, hauled by D~IS certified/licensed hauler bulk maximum). TOTAL ~rice for comple~lon of ~he project, including res~oration of the si~e and all If NUTECH's proposal is acceptable, NUTECH is ready to proceed ~ediately upon ~eceip~ of a regainer of $8,000, approximately 33 percen~ of ~he total estimated cost. Another 33 percent of tho cos~ shall be billed a~ the completion'of Phase I and the remainder a~ the completion of Phase II. Esthaa~ed ~ime fo~ completion of the Con~rac~ is not-to-exceed seven w~eks f~o~ co~trao~ signa~ure~ as tollows~ Phase I -- two week~ NUTBCH will work with client to provide schedule adjustments or modifications fO= cl~en~ requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE All. ta~ks shall be ~erform~d ~n a workmanlike manner. Sub- con=rac~ors employed for this pro~ec~ have b~en pre-qualified by NUT,CH to perfo~ ~he~r a~signments. They are all fully-insured and lnd~mnified in ~he even~ of accidents. They are fully bonded, regi~ter~d and licensed by appropriate Governmental Agonc~es to ~e=for~l the work entailed in the JUL--25--98 MO.N I ~ 52 R'oNACD BOLT AS$OC BKFLD ' "~ V. PROJECT 8IT~ ~ In the prosecution of Client's work, NUTECH ~hall take all reasonable precautions to avoid damage or injury to subterranean structures or u~ili~ies. Client agrees to hold NUTECH harmless for any damage to subterranean structures or existing above- ground s~ruc=ure8 which are no~ called ~o ~he NUT~¢H'S a=~ention and correctly shown on the. plan~ ~urnished. Client shalX ~ake available to NUTSCH all readily-available information regarding existing and proposed conditions o~ =he si~e which will aid NUTECH in ~he Scope of WOrk. Client shall immediately transmit ~o NUTECH any new information which becomes available or any change in plans. NUTECH shall no= be Client for any lnc0rrec~ advice, Judgement or dec~sion based on any inaccurate ln~orma~ion £urnished by Client~ l~s agents or other coniultan~s~ and Client shall indemnify NUTECH agains~ claims, demands or liability to the extent arising out o~ or con~=£bu~ed toby such info~a=ion. NUT,CH shall be entitled to rely upon all such information, withou~ re-performing any of the geoteohnical work re~lec~ed in any r~por~s, data or lnforma~ion so ~urnished. during ~he performance o~ ~e~ices~ any un~ore~een hazardous substances or constituents or other unforeseen conditions or occurrences ar~ encountered which, in NUT,OH's sole ~udgemen=, Signlfican~ly affec~ or may affec~ the ~ervioes~ ~he risk involVed in providing the 8e~ices, o= ~he reco~ended 8cop~ of (a) I~ practicable, in NUTECH's sole Judgement, complete ~he original Scope of Work £n accordance with the procedures or~ginally intended in the Proposal~ (b) Ag=es with Client to modify the Scope o~ Work and the estimate of charges to include ~tudy of the prev~oualy un- foreseen cond£~ons or occtzr=ences, such ~ev~sion to be ~n writing and signed by ~he part~e~ and £ncorporated herein~ O~ (?) Te~m£na=e the services immed£ately and/or effective on V. ~ONFIDENTIALIT¥ NUTECH shall hold confidential all business or technical in~orma=ion obtained from Client or its af~lliates, or g~ne=a~ed in ~he performance of service~ under this Agreement. NUTECH shall' not disclose information without Client written consen~ or order~ excep~ ~o the extent required fo= (1) performance of services under ~h~s Agreement; (2) compliance with profess£onal $UL--25--90 RONALD :]BOLT AS$ 0 O BKFLD HU TECII and welfare; (3) compliance with nny .court order or other governmental directive, and/or (4) protection of NUTECH against claims or liability arising from performance of .services under .NUTECH"s obligations he~eunder shall not apply this Ag=eemen~. to informatio~ in the public domain or ].awfull.¥ acquired o, a non-confidential b=sis from others. P= 05 VI. TBRMINATION This Agreement may be ~erminated 'by_either party upon seven days written notice in the event o£ substantial failure by the othe~ party to pe=~orm in accordance with the te~s hereo~. Such term~natio~ shall not be effective i~ tha~ ~ubstantial failure expiration' of the period specified s been remedied h9 ............ e-t of termination, NUTECH shall.be reasonable ~e~ination expenses, In the event o~ ~e~ination, or suspensio~ for more than three ~ months,' riot to complp~ion o~ all work oontem9lated by this ( ) - -~--~-. ........ ~e~ such analyses and records as are nec ~ e date of notice of t on the services De=fo=mad to th repot ' The expenses of =e~mL~anLon ~erminatl. on or suspension. suspension shall include all costs, of NUT'ECH ill completing such analysee~ records and ARBITRATION ess otherwise provided herein, any claim Or controversy Un} ........ ~-~'-- ~ this Contract or it~ bre~ch shall the re uest of any party involved, be submitted to and upon_ · - ~ .... --- - .... --dance with the rules of set , Y o= an other ~orm o~ arbl~rat£on mutually acceg~able to the pa~t**- made ' pursuant ef£ea~ An the S~a~e ot Cali£o~nia, ~he decision to a~bi~ration sh~ll be binding and oonclueive on all paroles. invo~ved~ ~nd ~udgeme~t upon ~h~ dec~sion ~a¥ be entered in the h£~he~ oourt o£ any foru~ federal or s~ate, havin~ lurisd£etion, JUL--2~--~O VXXI. ALTERATIONS Or Any alterations deviations ~rom the above Scope of Work shall be executed only~.~on written order for same, signed by Clien~ and NUTECH~ and there is any charge for additional charge shall be added ~o the ~lnal con~rac~ price. Respectfully submitted ~ ACCEPTANCEI NUTECH Aa hereby authorized to f~rni~h materials and labor to complete the Scope of Work outlined in this co~tract, for which Client shall reimburse NUTECH in accordance wxth the Payment Schedule in ~eotion II. I certify that x have rea~ and agree to the p=ovisions contained herein. ACCEPTED Date .......... "~?00 'M' ~treec. ~te. 300 8akersfieiO. CA g3301 {805) 861-3636 KERN COUN~ £nv~o~en~He~Deparr.~ent February 1§, 1989 Ms. Klm McOhee 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield. CA 93307 SUBJECT: Location: 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Known As: Wine House Liquor PERMIT #:..~/ Dear Ms. Klm McGhee: This letter is an official notice to inform you, a responsible party for the above described site, of your options for oversight cost recovery. As previously notified, you are a responsible party for a site determined to have an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank and are required to provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property; see attachment "A". The costs incurred by Kern County Environmental Health for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan. site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered, by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health in one of the two ways described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of the (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreemen~ Option. These options ONLY pertain to current and future costs associated with'oversight, and you will not be "back-billed" or retroactively charged for previous oversight costs. (A) STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party for both the costs incurred by the County and the State pertaining to your site. DISTRICT OFFICES (B) COUNTY LOCAL AGREEME~. -Kern County Environmental Health is providing this option fo~ those who prefer to pay tile County directly and avoid the addition of State costs. P~ior to the County's performance of services, this option requires your deposit of $1.000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account. In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, attachment To safeguard the environment, the environmental sensitivity (Attachment "C") of this site has been reviewed by Environmental Health to determine the potential threat for groundwater contamination. Only sites determined to be non- environmentally sensitive may enroll in the Local Option Agreement. The site described above is not in an environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Option Agreement: however, the County of Kern reserves the right to cancel any Local Option Agreement. should it be discovered that groundwater contamination or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Environmental Health will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally sensitive area. It is necessary for you to respond in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmental Health of your choice: either the State Contract or the County's Local Agreement option. If you select the County's Local Agreement. please sign the Local Agreement. enclosure "B", and return it with your check for $1.000.00 (one thousand dollars) made payable to the County of Kern. addressed to Kern County Environmental Health 2700 M Street,'Suite 300. Bakersfield. CA 93301. Attention: Underground Storage Tank Contract Administrator. If you select the State Contract. please indicate that you have made this selection and that you have read Attachment "D". the official notification, in a letter sent to the address indicated above. Failure to respond in writing to this notice within ten (10) calendar days will automatically result in oversight cost recovery for your site(s) to be placed under the terms of the State Pilot Program for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. Attachment "D" will then serve as the official notification of your enrollment into the State Pilot Program for Underground Storage Tanks. .If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John NIlon. contract manager, at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ..- Mary Weddell Assistant County Administrative Officer Environmental Health attachments 2?00 'H' Street. ~ce. 300 8a~ersf~eiO. CA 93301 KERN COUNT Env~o~en~He~Department ATTACHMENT "D" February 15. 1989' Ms. Kim McGhee 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECT: Location: 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield. CA 93307 Known As: Wine House Liquor PERMIT r: Dear Ms. Klm McGhee: This letter will serve as the official notification concerning reimbursement bequirements for a responsible party enrolled in the State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program. As mentioned in the introductory letter, by either not responding to this package within ten (10) calendar days or through your own selection of the State Contract option, your site will be placed under the terms explained below: Whereas the Legislature has appropriated funds from ~the California Hazardous Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks: and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action at the above site are funded, in whole or in part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund:' and Whereas the abovq individual(s) or entity(les) have been identified as the party'or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to section 25360 of the Health and Safety code, the Above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all state and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Control Bo~rd.. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Nilon... contract manager, at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Mary Weddell Assistant County Administrative Officer Environmental Health GARY J. WICKS Agency O~rector (805) 861-3502 STEVE Mc CALLEY Director RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopier (805) 861-3429 June i, 1990 K. L. McGhee 505 Redwing Avenue Bakersfield, California 93309 CLOSURE OF ! UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 2300 PANAMA LANE IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A1034-31/310071 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon the results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the closure is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. LAUREL FUNK, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST 2?00 'M' Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 '. KER'N COUNTY Environmenm~ Health Services Dep~ent April 10, 1989 Klm McGhee Wine House Liquors 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California 93307 Dear Mr. McGhee: This letter is in response to our meeting on the 4.th of April to discuss the site characterization status, and possible transfer of ownership which you are pursuing. As discussed at the end of our meeting, you have two weeks to begin a site characterization study. At the end of the two week period, further legal action will be initiated by this Department with the District Attorney's Office. In the event of a sale of ownership, the new owner will be required to prepare characterization report for our review immediately. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Should you have'any questions you may contact me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ~ /~oe Canas Environmental Health Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program JO:cas CanaS\Mcghee.let GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE DEP~ NT [NTAL 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 A.GENCY August 14, 1989 Kim McGhee 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECT: Site Characterization Results for the Wine House Liquors Facility Dear Mr. McGhee: This Deoartment has completed the review of the site characterization performed by BSK and Associates for the Wine House Liquors facility at 2300 Panama Lane in Bakersfield, California. Based on the results described in the report, this Department has determined that a significant threat to groundwater does not exist. As per our discussion of 14 August 1989, the tank must be permanently closed by either of the two methods cited in UT-30. The two methods are removal of the tank, or abandonment in place. Enclosed is an application which must be submitted within 30 days, and a copy of UT-30, which outlines the requirements for proper closure. Since the extent of contamination has already been determined by the recently completed site characterization study, the required preliminary assessment described in UT-30 does not have to be performed.. Should you have any questions regarding the subjects described above, I may be contacted at (805) 86[-3636. Sincerely, e Canas Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:jg enclosures GARY d. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861.3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE ~ENT DEPARTM H EAI~T H ~S.~V,.I..Q E S ~ .'%~-~5~ 4: ~''' . 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakerafleld, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY August 25, 1989 Kim McGhee 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECT: Site Characterization Results for the Wine House Liquors Facility Dear Mr. McGhee: This Department has completed the review of the site characterization performed by BSK and Associates for the Wine House Liquors facility at 2300 Panama Lane in Bakersfield, California. Based on the results described in the report, this Department has determined that'a significant threat to groundwater does not exist. As per our discussion of August 14, 1989, 'the tank must be permanently closed by either of the two methods cited in UT-30. The two methods are removal of the tank, or abandonment in place. Enclosed is an application which must be submitted within 30 days, and a copy of UT-30, which outlines the requirements for proper closure. Since the extent of contamination has already been determined by the recently completed site characterization study, the required preliminary assessment described in UT-SO does not have to be performed. Should you have any questions regarding the. subSects described above, I may be contacted at (805) 861-3656. Sincerely, Joe Canas Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Pro~ram BSI( & Associates ~ Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. April 27, 1989 PROPOSAL BP89041 Mr. Kim F4c Ghee 505 Redwing Avenue Bakersfield, California ENvimONMENI'AL NgALTH 93309 SUBJECT: gharacterization of Soil Contamination Underground Tank Site Wine House Liquors . Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Mc Ghee: At your request, we' are pleased to submit this prQposal for the Characterization of Soil'Contamination beneath the Underground Tank Site at Wine House 'Liquors in Bakersfield, California. ~r.__~oject Information The subject site is located on the northwest corner of Panama Lane and Colony Street in Bakersfield, California. The property is currently owned by Mr. Mc Ghee. A Soil Contamination Investigation was conducted at the site by Bakersfield Construction Inspection (BCI) on August 1, 1985. Soil samples were obtained for chemical analyses from three test borings drilled adjacent to three existing underground gas'oline tanks and one diesel tank (Figure 1, Site Plan). The tanks are situated parallel to each other, aligned in an east to west direction. The size of the gasoline tanks is presently unknown. The~diesel tank is reported to have contained 6,000 gallons, but is currently empty. Mr. Mc Ghee noted that the diesel tank may have leaked as much as 1,500 gallons of product over an undetermined time period. Test Borings I and 2 were located between adjacent gasoline tanks. Test Boring 3 was located between a gasoline and the diesel tank. The borings were situated near the eastern e~d of the tanks. Soil Engineering- Engineering Geology* Engineering Laboratories, Chemical Laboratories [] Fresno, California 93706 · 1645 "E" Street, Suite 105 · Telephone (209) 485-3200 Fax (209) 485-7427 [] Fresno, California 93706 · 1414 Stanislaus Street · Telephone (209) 485-8310 [] Visalia, California 93291 * 808 E. Douglas Avenue · 'Telephone (209) 732-8857 [] Bakersfield, California 93304 * 117 '°V" Street ~ Telephone (805) 327-0671.[ [] Pleasanton, California 94566 * 5729-F Sonoma Drive * Telephone (415) 462-4000 Characterization Ol~e il Underground Tank S ~ Wine' House'Liquors ~ Bakersfield, California Contamination ~ROPOSAL BP89041 April 27, 1989 Page 2 Test Boring I and 2 were drilled to a depth of 20 feet. Test Boring 3 was drilled to a depth of 51 feet when BCI ran out of' augers. The soil samples were analyzed for the presence of Benzene, Hexane, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Is~ropylbenzene, Total Xylene, and EDB (Table I). In addition, soil samples from Test Boring 3 were analyzed for Percent Total Hydrocarbons (Table II). The soil test results indicate Lrelatively low levels of Benzene in the samples obtained from Test Borings 1'and 2.~ No other tested constituent was detected. The absences of detectable levels of Hydrocarbon constituents other than the'highly Volatile Benzene suggest that contamination in the area of test boring numbers i and, 2 is the result of vapor migration from the source of fuel leakage. To'SOil samples obtained from Test Boring 3 were fou'nd to contain moderate to high levels of the aromatic constituents as well as tal Hydrocarbons ' _ Based on the test rJsults, Characterization of Soil Contamination at the Underground Tank Site is requested to assess the vertical and lateral extent of soil contamination originating from the diesel tank. Soil And Groundwater Information The soils in the vicinity of the project site are classified as Quaternary Alluvium. The soils consist of alluvival fan deposits comprising chiefly sand, silt and some clay. According to information derived from the Kern County Water Agency 1988 Water Supply Report, the unconfined .groundwater aquifer may be encountered at an approximate depth of 150 feet. However, a shallow perched groundwater zone'at a depth of about 20 feet is mapped 2 miles east of the site. The BCI report noted very moist soil conditions in Test Boring 3 at a depth of 40 feet. ' '~ Sco~e of Work The field investigation would begin with the drilling of one boring (B-l) at the site'to confirm the depth to groundwater. The boring would be drilled until groundwater is encountered d~ to a depth of.lO0 feet, whichever is less. The groundwater boring would be drilled on the site, iX a geologically similar area at a location where soil contamination is not expected to be encountered. .BSK & Associates Characterization oi ,il Contamination ~ROPOSAL BP89041 Underground Tank S April 27, 1989 Wine House Liquors Page 3 Bakersfield, California The Kern County Environmental Health Department requires that borings which expect to encounter groundwater be properly _ permitted. The County fee for test-hole permits are presently $225.00 per hole. BSK & Associates would submit the permit application with a check for $225.00 suppl.ied by Mr. Mc Ghee. U~ky~(~l~J' The scope of soil contamination investigation under this proposaJt~ .would be limited to drilling 5 borings at the site and sampling soils for chemical analyses. The initial test boring B-2 would be drille¢ at the approximate location of the aforementioned BCI Test Boring 3 to assess the vertical extent'of soil contamination. The initial test boring B-2 would be dril)ed to a maximum depth of 100 feet or until the vertical extent of contamination has been prelimina_r_i_ly_ eyalua~ted by ~in_strumentation and observation, whichever is less. The remaining test borings would be drilled at various radial distances from boring B-2 to assess the lateral extent of soil contamination. The lateral borings would be drilled to the maximum depth of 100 feet or until lateral contamination has been identified, whichever is less. The test borings would be terminated at least 5.0 feet above the confirmed depth of groundwater. The depths, locations, and the .number of borings may be modified based on soil conditions observed at the site. Prior to drilling, a means to identify the locations of existing underground utility improvements-at the site is required. Two alternatives are offered: A backhoe may be used to remove pavement and'soil cover above the tanks to locate structures and utilities beneath the surface. Following the investigation, the excavation would be temporarily backfilled with the removed materials. This method would disturb the site, and.utilities could be inadvertently damaged during excavation. We will not be responsible for damage caused to underground improvements during excavation. An underground utility locator service company may be used in utilizing geophysical Survey techniques. Using hand-held instruments, a locator company would map underground improvements without distOrbing the site. This technique has some l'.imitations and underground utilities may not be located with a high degre~ of accuracy. BSK & Associates Characterization oi il Contamination Underground Tank S Wine House Liquors Bakersfield, Cali'fornia ROPOSAL BP89041 April 27, 1989 Page 4 We request that plans showing existing underground utility improvements be provided.. We will not be responsible for damage. to underground.improvements not accu-rately shown on the plans. Drilling would be performed with a truck-mounted continuous flight auger drill rig using 8" h~llow stem augers. The augers act as continuously advancing steel casings preventing test holes from caving-in above the levels to be sampled. The samples would be obtained by lowering a 2-inch inside diameter .sampler containing Stainless steel liners, inside the hollow stem auger, and driving it into undisturbed soils. The sampler would be cleaned with Trisodium PhosPhate (TSP) and rinsed with distilled water between sampling activities. The hollow stem augers would be steam cleaned prior to entering the site and between borings to prevent cross-contamination. .The drill crew would consist of a driller and a helper. The field-exploration would be supervised by an engineer'or a geologist who would be responsible for the field boring logs, recording of field conditions, soil sample handling and preservation, Chain-of-Custody and the field equipment cleaning process. ~j~ Soil sampling from the initial t~st boring would begin at 40 feet · and would proceed at 5 foot intervals until the boring was terminated. Soil samples from the remaining borings would'begin at approximately 10 feet from the surface.- Samples would be collected intact in stainless steel liners. The samples would~be capped with aluminum foil, then with pressure fitted plastic caps, and sealed with adhesive tape. Each of the samples would be labeled with an adhesive-backed label including boring designation, depth of sample, and initials of the individual preparing the sample. The samples would be stored in insulated chests with "Blue Ice" and delivered on the day of the sampling to BSK Laboratories in Fresno for testing. Soil samples would be tested for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, and Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and Ethylbenzene. To the extent permitted by State Regulations (maximum holding time) of 14 days, samples not selected for chemical testing would be held in the ~~~laboratory in the event additional testing is deemed necessary to define the extent of contamination. Th~ cuttings resulting from the borings would be.stockpile~ at the site and covered with plastic sheeting for eventual disposal by the owner. The holes would be backfilled with sand-cement slurryJ .BSK & Associate~ Characterization .j~m~eJil Contamination Underground Tank Wine House Liquors Bakersfield, California ?ROPOSAL BP89041 April 27, 1989 Page 5 FolloWing the completion of. laboratory chemical testing, a rePort would be prepared describing our work and presenting the test results. Based on the above Scope of Work, we estimate the fee to be approximately ~.r. _=~to <~ ~--~;' A-ctual charges would be billed on the basis of services 'rendered and unit prices contained in our Current Fee Schedule. A summary of Estimated Charges is enclosed for your review. Should fewer or greater numbers of borings, sample testing, or time spent on-the investigation be required-to adequately characterize the extent of contamination, adjustments, upward or downward, to the estimated charges would be necessary. The maximum, fee estimate, however, would not be exceeded without authorization'. ~-. " We anticipate performing the field exploration within 3 days of receiving notice to proceed. _.The completed report should be available, three weeks after completion of the field exploration. Should this proposal appear satisfactory, we would ask that both copies of the enclosed Standard Agreement be signed and returned to this. office. An executed copy will be returned. The opportunity to submit this proposal is appreciated. We would be pleased to discuss questions concerning it's content. MFM/ds Enclosures Respectfully submitted, 'BSK & Associates Mark F. Milward Geologist 'BSK & Associates Underground Tank Characterization Wine House Liquors ~. Bakersfield, California PROPOSAL BP89041 April 27, 1989 Enclosure 3 Tested J~y TABLE II SOIL TEST RESULTS B.C. Laboratories for Bakersfield Inspection on August 9, 1985. % Total Location ~ep~ ~drocarbons Test Boring 3 8 10 15 20 25 3O 35 40 45 5O 0.25 1.16 0.68 0.58 0.52 0.80 1.04' 1.42 1.35 0.10 Construction T P H (m,~Zkg_.) 2,500 11,600 6,800 5,800 5,200 8,000 - 10,400 14,200 13,500 1,000 BSK & Associates Underground Tank Site Characterization Wine House Liquors Bakersfield, California TABLE. I SOIL TEST RESULTS Tested by B.C. Laboratories for Bakersfield Construction Location _Depth Benzene Hexane Toluene Ethz1 benzene Test Boring #1 PROPOSAL BP89041 April 27, 1989 Enclosure 2 Inspection on August 7, 1985. , Total, 10' 1.77 ND ND 0.21 ND ND 15' 1.97 ND ND ND ND ND 20' · 2.87 ND ND ND ND ND. Test 10' 2.77 Boring 15' ' 4.61 #2 20' 1.54 8 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1.29 17.01 9.78 11.40 11.48 12.15 21.67 27.39 41.95 10.39 constituents reported Minimum Reporting Minimum Reporting None Detected ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.31 ND 12.81 0.71 ND' 78.50 0.59 14.69 64.41 0.72 ND 72.54 4.20 ND 100.84 0.41~ ND 120.37 0.63 48.99 208.38 1.14 48.19 93.04 0.91 60.34 227.40 3.02 ND 50.34 as Level: Level: micrograms/gram 0.1 0.5 All ND Test Boring #3 ** EDB ND ND ND ND ND ND . ND ND: ND ND ND 9.01 26.28 18.02 28.46 37.56 49.16 98.42 92.90 105.56 13.40 17.45 73.77 54 8O 78 23 101 38 123 37 22~ 93 119 71 223 22 57 96 4.21 6~'68 ND 5.64 ND ND ND ND 3 ND Charcterization Soil Contamination Underground Tank Site Wine House Liquors Bakersfield, California PROPOSAL BP89041 June 6, 1989 Enclosure I HEALTH AND SAFETY BACKGROUND Based on the Preliminary Soil Contamination Assessment,. substances that may be encountered include petroleum based hydrocarbon compounds. Moderate to high levels of Total Volatile Hydrocarbons and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons were tested in the soil samples. Moderate to high levels of hazardous petroleum constituents, including Benzene, Toluene, Xylenen, and Ethylbenzene may be exposed to the drilling and sampling crew. EMERGENCY CONTACTS AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Kern County Health Department (8o5) 861-3636 Highway Patrol, Police Department, Ambulance, Paramedics and Poison Control 911 The field crews should be aware of the location and telephone number of the hospital closest to the site. The hospitals in Bakersfield are: ~ospital Bakersfield Community Hospital Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Kern Medical Center Mercy Hospital Address 901 Olive Dr. 420 34th St. 1830 Flower 2215 Truxtun Telephone No. 399-0311 327-1792 326-2000 327-3371 JUN 0 6 1989 Environmental Health Div. ~em County Health Debt BSK & Associates Charcterization Soil Contamination Underground Tank Site Wine House Liquors Bakersfield, California PROPOSAL BP89041 June 6, 1989 Enclosure I General Procedures: BSK & Associates employees working on this project must comply with the procedures set forth in this Health and Safety Plan and with safety procedures discussed by the Health and Safety Officer (HSO) prior to start of work. It is virtually impossible to anticipate all conditions on the site and health haza'rds beforehand. Field crews must accordingly exercise common sense and good judgement in their comportment on the job and in the approach used in a given situation. This plan contains rules, guidelines and working procedures appropriate to the tasks at hand. Field crews shall follow the Health and Safety procedures in this plan. Should there be questions, advice and direction should be sought from the HSO. Medica~ Screening: BSK & Associates personnel working on this projec~ must maintain the BSK & Associates medical screening program and undergo a medical evaluation on a six-month interval. The purpose of the medical examination is to monitor personnel health status for evidence of project adverse health effects and for personne'l suitability for future work assignments of similar activity. Health an~_~~ Officer (HSO): The Health and Safety Officer for this project shall be Mark F. Milward. The HSO is given the authority for the following actions: Require health and safety precaution prior to site entry by BSK Personnel. Require BSK Employee to obtain immediate medical attention. Deny access to the site. Order the immediate evacuation of BSK Employees from the site. BSK & Associates Charcterization Soil Contamination Underground Tank Site Wine House Liquors Bakersfield, California PROPOSAL BP89041 June-6, 1989 Enclosure 2 Emergency. Ac t i o n: If an emergen'cy involving actual of suspected personal injury occurs, the HSO will follow these steps: Remove the exposed or injured person(s) from the immediate danger. Render First Aid, if necessary. personnel. Decontaminate affected Obtain paramedic service or ambulance transport to local hospital. This procedure should be followed even if there is no visible injury. Other personnel on site should 'be evacuated to a safe distance until the HSO determines that it is safe for work to resume. If there is any doubt regarding.the condition of the area, advice of knowledgeable personnel should be sought. (See emergency contacts and telephone numbers). A written report of the incident must be forwarded to the Project Manager, or HSO designee, within twenty-four hours following the incident. Personnel Protection: The nature of the work 'is such'that potentially hazardous conditions could be encountered. It is not possible to anticipate the required protective equipment for unforeseen but remote conditions. The potential for airborne contamination is low to very.low. Unless field conditions change., Level "D" protection is considered adequate for this project. Splashing, immersion and unexpected inhalation of chemicals are not anticipated. Items specified below should provide the range of.protection anticipated for the working conditions and standby equipment (respirators) for unanticipated Level "C" protection. Gloves: - Inner: surgical type (vinyl disposable) - Outer: Chemical protective, neoprene or nitrile. BSK & Associates Charcterization Soil Contamination Underground Tank Site Wine House Liquors Bakersfield, California PROPOSAL BP89041 June 6, i989 Enclosure 3 Protective Clothing: - Tyvek, Saranek-coated-, zippered coveralls. Footwear: - Disposable shoe covers, PVC. Eye Protection: - Safety Glasses with sideshields. - Goggles. - Hard hat with attachable face shield. - Medical Oxygen Respirators: , - Half-mask air-purifying chemical cartridge respirator with an organic vapor cartridge(s) and dust, fume and mist filter(s), including pesticide respirators which meet these requirements. The HSO will ensure that appropriate protective clothing and equipment is in use during field activities. At the end of the day, outer protective clothing should be removed and stored in impervious bags. Disposable clothing should be disposed as directed by the HSO. Safety Equipment: The HSO will have certain safety items immediately available on-site. These items include: First Aid Kit, including compresses, splints, gauze, triangular bandages, gauze roller bandage, tape, eye dressing packet, emetics. Supply of clean water. Portable eyewash facilities or equipment. Maskin9 or fiber tape. Indelible marking pens. BSK & Associates Charcterization Soil Contamination Underground Tank Site Wine House Liquors Bakersfield, California PROPOSAL BP89041 June 6, 1989 Enclosure 4 Plastic bags for contaminated equipment and clothing. Soap or waterless hand cleaner and towels. Medical Oxygen for resuscitation purposes. Fire extinguisher (alcohol foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide). Decontamination: The HSO will make arrangements for a temporary decontamination station at the work site. Soap'rinse water and wash pan should be available. Waste generated from decontamination shall remain on the site and properly disposed by the owner. Tools and sampling equipment decontamination shall conform to the procedures outlined in the Groundwater Sampling sections. Field personnel shall receive health and safety training in the following topics: Hazardous Substances in the Field: Types and concentrations of hazardous substances known or suspected at the site. Determination of which routes of exposure to avoid for the waste being sampled and the proper sampling and protective equipment to be utilized. Physiological and behavioral warning signs of acute toxicity. Role of the Site Health and Safety Officer. Authority of the HSO. Identifying and Avoiding Hazards: Responsibility of each individual to obey the HSO. Monitoring equipment. Use of common sense. Specific problems on site which should be avoided. Maintenance of personnel communication and visibility. BSK Associates Charcterization Soil Contamination Underground Tank Site Wine House Liquors Bakersfield, California PROPOSAL BP89041 June.6, 1989 Enclosure 5 Use of Apparel and Safety Equipment: Respiratory protection: selection, fit, donning and use. - Personnel protective equipment. Limitations of clothing and equipment. Personal hygiene. Decontamination of clothing and equipment. - Disposal of contaminated clothing and equipment. Prohibited Activities: ApproPriate conduct of personnel during hazardous waste site operations. Emergency procedures and services. Refer to the emergency contacts and telephone numbers for emergency procedures in the field. First Aid: The HSO or designated field personnel shall be familiar with first aid and CPR Topics and Procedures. Mitigation of Contamination: The HSO shall enforce procedures to mitigate potential contamination during field activities. These procedures should include the following: Decontamination of sampling equipment, other equipment and tools. Disposition of decontamination solutions and any other materials used on sampling and drilling equipment. Dis'position of wastes and protective clothing. Minimization of dust generated from operations b~-water spraying of surf. Qces if this procedure is compatible with obtaining s.ample of specified quality. Minimization of personnel exposures through the placement of crew members upwind. BSK & Associates & Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislau~ Stref, t * Fresno. California 93706 * Telephone ~2091 485-gt10 * Fox 12fig1 4Rc;-7427 K. McGhee B89159 Sample Type Sample Description Soil 1425 hrs. B-2-55 Lab No. Ch892009-4 Report Date 7/11/89 Date Sampled 6/26/89 Date Received 6/28/89 Date of Analyses 7/2/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... ND 0.02 ., Toluene ................... ND 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... ND 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TPH-DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-BeLow Detection Limit DLR-D~tection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 70489 Q ' ~/C ~perv~ rganlcs~ervisor Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Staniglaus Street * Fresno, California q'{706 * Telpphnne t20q~ 485-8'~1(3 * Fax t3~3q~ K. McGhee B891-59 Sample Type Sample Description Soil 1441 hrs. B-2-60 Lab No. Ch892009-5 Report Date 7/11/89 Date Sampled 6/26/89 Date Received 6/28/89 Date of Analyses 7/2/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... ND 0.02 Toluene ................... ND 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... ND 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TPH-DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Betow Detection Limit DLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Re~orting ..~70489 QA/~/~ ~ v , Superviso~ Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California g'~706 * Telephnn~' ~20g) 485-fl3111 * Fax (209) 485-7427 K. McGhee B89159 Sample Type Sample Description Soil 1609 hrs. B-3-35 Lab No. Ch892009-6 Report Date 7/11/89 Date Sampled 6/26/89 Date Received 6/28/89 Date of Analyses 7/2/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ...... · ............. ND 0.02 Toluene ................... ND 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. ND 0.02 Total Xyl'ene Isomers ...... - ND 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TPH-DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected 8DL-Betow Detection Limit OLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting Organics S~ervisor Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California g3706 * Telephnne ~2~c)~ 485-8'~10 * Fax ¢2~q~ 4R~;-Ta27 K. McGhee B89159 Sample Type Sample Description Soil 1623 hrs. B-3-40 Lab No. Ch892D09-7 Report Date 7/11/89 Date Sampled' 6/26/89 Date Received 6/28/89 Date of Analyses 7/2/89 Soil Analyses for BTxE and TPH II Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... ND 0.02 Toluene ................... ND .0.02 Ethylbenzene ...... ' ........ ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... ND' 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10. Hethod: BTXE-EPA 8020 TPR-DHS GC/FIO ND-None Detected BOL-Betow Detection Limit OLR-Oetect~on Limit For the Purposes of Reporting .370489 QA/QySupervi~ BSi( Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone ~2091 485-8310 * Fax ¢209) 48~;-7427 K. McGhee B89159 Sample Type Soil Sample'Description 0910 hrs. B-4-20 Lab . No. Ch892009-8 Report Date 7/11/89 Date Sampled 6/26/89 Date Received 6/28/89 Date of Analyses 7/2/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... ND 0.02 Toluene ................... ND 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... ND 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TPH-DHS. GC/FID ND-None Detected BOL-Be[ow Detection Limit DLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 370489 QA~C~' ~uperv~ Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno. California 93706 * Telephono ~2~)c~ 4R:,-R'{lO · Fax (2f)O~ 4R~;-74~7 K. McGhee B89159 Sample Type Sample Description .Soil 0925 hrs. B-4-30 Lab ~Ic. Ch892009-9 Report Date 7/11/89 Date Sampled 6/26/89 Date Received 6/28/89 Date of Analyses 7/2/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... ND 0.02 Toluene ................... ND 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... ND 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TPH-DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Be[ow Detection Limit DLR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 70489 S;pe iy ~anics~pervisor & Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-8310 * Fax (209) 485-7427 K. McGhee B8915~ Sample Type Soil Lab No. Ch892009-10 Report Date 7/11/89 Date Sampled 6/26/89 Sample Description 0955 hrs. B-4-40 Date Received Date of Analyses 6/28/89 7/2/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TPH Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... ND 0.02 Toluene ................... ND 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... ND 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TPH-DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Betow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 70489 Superv~ O~g/a//n is ~p ~rv i s o r BSK Log Number ~_.4~_'2U ~ ANALYSIS REQUEST/CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 'J000-0 8 ~)'4 Project or P.O.// . ~ ~ Analysis required Client NameK //~J ~3 ~ ~- ~ '~" ~-'~ /'"~ "~ Lab Use Only ~/ / ,/ / / / ' -' Phone 8 In this / / X ~ / / / / _b / Sampl~ by Number Lab Sample .. Date Time ~ of Sample Seal~ sampled sampled See ke~ below) Sample description containem number (See key l Remar~ bel~) . - ' " ~ ~{~ ~t '" IMPO~ANT NOTICE: No samples will be analyzed without an authorized signature in this section. I am hereby requesting BSK's Normal Chain~f-Cuslody Pr~edures for the above samples. I understand that I am hereby requesting BSK's ~rmal Chaln~f-Custody Procedures for the a~ve samples. I understand that these procedures are generally consistent with Ihose oullined in lhe U.S.E.RA. SW 846 and that there Is no these procedures are generally consistent with those outlined in U.S. EPA Contract ~borato~ Program State- extra charge fort this cerise.~...~/~/~ ~----~,X~~-/--' greater.ment of Work, Section F, and that there is a charge of $50.* per work order or $5.* a bottle, whichever is By: ' ~' By: Authorized Sigaatum Authorized Signature Signature Print Name Company Date Tim~ ~ali~quished by ~acelved by BSJ(& Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (209) 485-&310 · Fax (209) 485-7427 KEY: Type: AQ-Aqueous SL-Sludge SO-Soil PE-Petroleum or-Other Seals: P-Present A-Absent B-Broken ' DISTRIBUTION: WHITE, CANARY - LABORATORY PINK - ORIGINATOR Note: Samples are discarded 14 days after results are reporled unless other arrangements are made, Hazardous samples will be returned 1o client or disposed of at client expense. .sK .og.umbe,,, /?]/*./'? ^.^.rS,, .. O...T,O.^,. OF O... O.V .EO O.. 1 0 0 0- 0 8 2-5 !Address I~hone # in this ~' / / / / / / / _b / See of Sample Seal.-.--~s~/ below) Sample description ;ontalners number (See key I:~w)~// Remarks ~/:_z ~-~ ~__ ~-:- '~° - ': -- ~F~-:-- -- ........ "-'~i ..... -:~ ! IMPORTANT NOTICE; No samples will be analyzed without an authorized signature in this section. I am hereby requesting BSK's Normal Chain-oFOustody Procedures tot the above samples. I understand that I am hereby requesting BSK's Forma~ Chain-ct-Custody Procedures lot the above samples. I understand that these procedures are generally consislent with those outlined in Ihe U.S.E.RA, SW 846 and that Ihere is no these procedures are generally consistent wilh lhose outlined in U.S. EPA Contract Laboratory Program State- ment of Work, Section F, and lhat there is a charge of $50.00 per work order or $5.00 a bottle, whichever is extra charge for this service, greater. By; By: o Authorized Signature ' Authorized Signature Signature Print Name Company Date -/ / [ - Relinquished by " Received by KEY: Type: AQ.-Aqueous SL-Sludge SO-Soil PE-Petroleum eT-Other BS](& Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street Fresno, California 93706 Telephone (2091 485-8310 · Fax (209) 485-7427 Seals: P-Present A-Absent B-Broken DISTRIBUTION: WHITE, CANARY o LABORATORY PINK - ORIGINATOR Note: Samples are discarded 14 days after results are reported unless other arrangements are made. Hazardous samples will be returned to client or disposed of at client expense. GARY J. VVICKS Agency Director (805} 861-3502 STEVE Mc CALLEY Oirecto~ RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 2700 M Street, Suite 3C,'J Bakersfield. CA 933¢ ~ Telephone (805) 861-3E36 Telecopier (805) 861-3429 AGENCY' June 1, 1990 Winehouse Liquors 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Attn: Klm McGhee Dear'Mr. McGhee, An inspection was conducted at Winehouse Liquors on March 7, 1990. At that time, overspill containers were ordered to be installed within thirty (30) days. A reinspection was conducted on June i, 1990. Overspill containers had not been installed as of that date. The operator of the facility informed me of a potential sale of the property and replacement of the existing underground storage tanks. Based of that information, the time frame for installation of the overspill containers has been extended to six (6) months from the date of this letter. Should a permanent closure application be submitted within that time frame, overspill containers for the existing tanks will not be required if the tanks are properly closed under permit. Thank you for your cooperation regarding this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (805)861-3636, Sincerely, o ~urel Funk Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program Ken HcKee Wine House Liquors 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California 93307 September 9, 1988 Joe Canas Kern County Health DePartment 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Diesel Fuel Leak Wine House Liquors 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, Ca 93307 Dear Mr. Canas: I have contracted with Dames & Moore to propose clean up of diesel fuel contamination at the above referenced property. In order to complete this task, my consultant will require a copy of the site assessment .report which the County has in their files. Please release this report to Dames & Moore so that a proposal can be developed for my review. My consultant with Dames & Moore is Mr. Herman Schymiczek. He will be in contact with you within the next several days with regards to the site assessment report. I hope this matter can be resolved in the near future. KM:nrc Sincerely, UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONTAMINATIO'N SITE REPORT ?:I:HEREBY::CEFff!~:!HAT!::~Ii!~!~A i:OESlGNA!ED::iGOVER k~EN"F:EMPEOYEE::AHD:!HA~i:: t~'RAVE~; NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT~ G ' ' " [PHONE. I ~//~o~ ~//~.SIGN . CONT~T PE~ON . P~NE FAClLI~ N~E (IF A~PpC~L", 0"ERATO~ [ ProNE CROSSST~ ~"EOFAR~ ~ mMMERCaL ~ INDUSTRaL ~ .U~ WPE OF BUSINESS ~ RETAILFUELSTAnON ~ RESIDENTI~ ~ O~E. ~ FARM ~ O.ER L~AL AGENCY , / ~ AG~CY NAME ~NTACT PER~N P~NE ~ U~NO~ roTE DImO~RED ~ mW DI~VEmD ~ IN~mORY mmRm ~ SU~URF~ MONITORIm ~ MI ~ ul ~ o[ ~ ol ~ YI ~ ~ TANK~ST' ~ TANK REMOVAL ~ O~R DA~ DI~HARGE BE~N MmOD USED m STOP O~HARGE (CHECK ~ ~T .I ~1 01' ol ~1 ,I ~ UN~OWN ~ ~MOVE~N~NTS ~ :REP~ET~K ~ CL~ET~K ~S Di~HARGE BEEN STOPPED ? ~ ~PNR T~K' ~ REPAIR P~G ~ CH~ PR~EDURE ~UR~ OF DI~HARGE T~ ONLY~I~ MA~RI~ C~SE(~ ~ T~Km~ ~ UNK~ (~ OS ¢ ~. ~ FIBERG~S ~ OVERFILL ~ "UPmR~ALURE ~ PIPI~L~ A~ YRS ~ ~EL '~ ~RR~ION ~ UNKNO~ ~ O~ER ~ UNKNO~ ~ O'ER ~ SP'~ ~ O~ER ~E~ ONE ONLY ~ UNDE~RMINED ~ ~'LONLY ~ GROUNDWA~R ~ DRI~"GWA~R- (CHECKONLYDWA~R~L~HAVEAC~LYBEEN~C~D) ~E~ ONE ONLY ~ smm IN~SnmTION IN PRmRESS ~INNG ~ OF PROB~ ~ ~UP IN PR~RESS ~ S~Nm O~ (~NUP ~MP~mD OR UN~ ~ NO~T~T~E. ~ PmT~PMONffORINGIN.~' ~ ~m~AVAm~mPR~ED ~ EV~UATI~C~UP~RNA~S ~E~ ~PROPRIA~ ~T~N(S) (SEE B~K FOR ~AI~) ~ C~SI~(CD) ~ ~VA~&D~SE(ED) :'~ R~O~FR~PROD~T(~) ~ EN~EDBIODEG~ATION(I~ ~ ~NTAINMmTB~RIER(~) ~ ~VA~&TREAT(E~ ~ PUMP&TR~TGROUmWA~R(Gn ~ REP~ES~Y(RS) ~ TR~AT~P(~ ~ NO~T~NREQUI~D~ ~ O~ER(O~ !<. :n County Health Departme D /ision of Environmental Health 1'-00 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 Application. uate No. of Tank.s to be Abandoned APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR TEMPORART OR ~ aAZARIX3US ~ STOR~E FACILITY ~ of A~lication (Fill Out One ;pplication Per Facility)/ ' · D~-~p~rary Closure/Abandonment ~-~ ~e~nent Closure/~ndo~ent A. Project ~ntact (~, area c~e, ~.~e): ~ys ~//~ ~~~igh~ Facility ~dress ~~ ~~ ~~ ' Nearest~ Crc~ St. ~/~ - S~ ' (Rural ~catio~ ~ly) / '~ner ' ~/~ ~ d~~ Tele~one ~ ~ F~ ~'~ 7 F ~dress ~-'-~~ ~ Zip ~~ ~rator ~/~_ ~(~ ~~ Tele~one ~ B. water 'to Facility ~ovid~ by ~V ~3~~ g~~P~ ~ Gro~ter ~ Soil Characteristics at Facility ~ ' ~sis for ~il ~ and Gro~ter ~p~ ~te~i~tio~ C. Ta~ Re~val Contractor ~ ~ .~ ~ Lice~e ~. ~dress ~ Zip Tele~one Pr°~s~ S~rti~ ~te Pro~s~ C~pletion ~te ~rker's C~n~tion Certifi~tion '~ I~urer Environmental Assessment Contractor Address Proposed Starting Date /~-5/~- ~ Worker's Compensation C~ftifiCati~n ! Chemical Cnmposition of Materials Stored. Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-cq~ercial name) CA License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion Date Insurer Dates Stqred to to to to Describe Method for Retrieving Samples Samples Will be Analyze~ for Chemical Previously Stored ( if different) Laboratory That Will Perform. Analyses of Samples ' ' '' Address Telephone F This application for: ~removai or ~a/abandonment in place ~-- ~ * PLEIkqE PROVIDE INFO~MAT~ION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET BEFORE SuBMITtING APPLICATION FOR REVIEWi is fo~a has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true correct. '' ~ · gnature ~ Environmental S~ pection Time ,~('~. ~'~ UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY * INSPECTION REPORT * Facility Name ./.,(~I, '/t I~ No. of Tanks ,~ _ ,j Type of Inspection: Routine t Is Information/on Permit/Application Correct? Complaint Yes No Permit Posted? Yes Reinspection _ .~.,~" No Comments: · ITEM' VIOLATIONS NOTED 1. Primary Containment Monitoring: a. Intercepting and Directing System b. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Liner b. Double-Walled Tank c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring: a. Pressurized b. Suction c. Gravity 4. Overfill Protection 5. Tightness Testing 6. New Construction/Modification 7. Closure/Abandonment 8. Unauthorized Release 9. Maintenance, General Safety, and Operating Condition of Facility Comments/Recommendations: Reinspection scheduled? Yes . No INSPECTOR: Health 580 4113 170 (7-87) Approximate Reinspection Date REPORT RECEIVED BY:" ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2700 "M" STREET, STE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 RTMENT APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Tripe Of Application [check): []New Facility [~Modification Of Facility ~Existlng Facility ~]Transfer Of Owne~ship A. gmergenc~ 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days ~-- ~U~ - T~p~ Of Business {~heok): ~msoltne S~m~lou ~Other (describe) ~~ Is Tank(s) Lo~ated On An Agricultural Farm? ~Yes ~No Is Tank(s~ Used P~imaril~ For Agricultural Purposes? ~Yes ~No F~cllttF Address ~_~ ~~ ~,~_ Nearest Cross St. ~..,}, ~(°~' T R sECI ' (Rural Locations 0nly) % · ~ank Owner ~ ~~ Co,tact Person ~m ~.~ , Address~q ~;~ ~ ~0 ~~lCity/State Q~ ~ Telephone . Operator-- (t{~ d ~ ..... Q Contact Person Add~ess ,, 3_RD~ ~~ [_~ ._ Zip ~%5 ~ Q Telephone Oasis ~or Soil Type and Oroundwat~ ~ptl~'bei~ml~ailons '~' il ,, ii ' i~ .... Address Z I p Telephone proposed Star,lng Date Proposed Completion D~te ~ovke~'s Compensatioa Certl~lcation No. Insurer If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed Tank(s) Store'(check all that apply): Tank # Waste Product Motor Vehicle / [] [] Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Fuel Oil [] [] [] [] [] [] Chemical Composition Of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank # Chemical Stored Inca-commercial name) CAS # (if known) Chemical Previously Stored different) Transfer Of Ownership Date Of Transfer Previous Facility Name I, modify or terminate the facility upon receiving thls comp:"ted form. Previous Owner ,'- accept fully all 'obligations of Permit No. issued to I u~derstand that the Permitting Authority may review and frans fo.' of the Permit to Operate this underground storage This form has been completed under pe~::,lty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. Signature -~_z~r7~-~~-'---~ Title ~ Date /'~--~--~7 Facility Name Ho 1. ° 10. .... T~_..~_~.~_ ('FILL OUT. SEPARATE ~£H TANK). FOR~EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPPdA~I~E BOXBS Tank is: ( ) Vaulted ( ).Non-Vaulted ( ) Double-Wall (~ Single-Wall- Tank Material (~ Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyl Chloride ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown ( ) Other (describe) Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (G~llons) Manufacturer Tank Secondary Containment c, =~~v ,~'._ ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner ( ) Lined Vault ( ) None ( ) Other (describe).: Manufactur~ri ( ) Material Tank Interior Lining () Rubber () Alkyd () Epoxy ()Clay () Other (describe): Thickness Cinches) Capacity (Gallons) ( ) Phenolic ( ) Glass ( ) Unlined (13 Tank Corrosion Protection ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad (],) (4~ or Asphalt ( ) Unknown CathoWdie Protection: ( ) None ( ) Describe .System and Equipment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: ( ) Visual (vaulted tanks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Without Liner ( ) U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* (). Vapor Detector* ( ) Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conductivity Sensor* '( ) Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank* ( ) Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tightness Testing () None ~ Unknown () Other Piping: ( ) Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping* ,-.! ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway / Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway ( ) Unknown ( ) Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? ( ) Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair Tank Repaired? ( ) Yes ~ No Date(s) of Repair(s) Unknown ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping () None () Other (describe):' Impressed Current System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System Yes ~[/)' No ( ) Unknown Results of Test Testing Company None Describe Repairs ( ) Unknown Auto Shut-Off Controls ~)' Unknown List Make & Model for Above Devices Overfill Protection ( ) Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent Valves ( ) ( ) Capacitance Sensor ( ) Sealed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) Other: 11. Piping a. bo Co Underground Piping: ' ~ Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Material .- Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer " - ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Run Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt (0/ Unknown ( ) None ( ) Oiher (describe): Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: / ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None (~Y Unknown ( ) Other (describe): FO'~ ~GH SEG~ON, CHECK ~ ~PROP~ BO~S H. 1. Tank is: ( ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vatted ( ) Double-W~l ~ (~ S~gle-W~l~ 2. Tank Matefla[ (~ C~bon Steel ( ) Starless Steel ( ) Pol~yl C~ofide ( ) Fiberglass-Re,forced Plas~c ( ) Concrete ( ) ( ) O~er (describe) 3. Pfim~ Containment. Date Inst~led ~ic~ess (Inches) Capaci~ (G~lons) M~ac~er 4. Tank Secondaw Containment ( ) Double-W~ ( ) S~efiC L~er ( ) Lined VaSt () O~er (describe): Man~ac~r: ( ) Matefi~ ~i~ess 0n~es) Capaci~ (G~ons) 5. T~k Interior Lining () Rubber (.) ~d () Epo~ () Phenolic () Glass ()Clay ()Uffi~ed () O~er (describe): 6. Tank Co~osion Protec~on ( ) ~v~ized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad (~ ~ or ~phMt ( ) U~o~ Ca~o~ic Protecfionl ( ) None ( ) Describe System ~d Equipment: 7. Leak Defection, Monito~g, and Interception a. T~: ( )' Visu~ (vatted t~ o~y) ( ) Gro~dwater Monito~g We~(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monito~g Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Wi~out L~er ( ) U-Tube ~ Compatible L~er Dkec~g Flow to Monito~g Well(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector* ( ) Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conducfi~ Sensor* '( ) Press~e Sensor ~ ~ Space of Double W~I T~* ( ) Liquid Re~ev~ & Inspection From U.Tube, Monito~g Well or ~ Space ( ) Daily Gau~g & Invento~ Reconcflia~on ( ) Periodic Tighmess Tes~g () None. (~ U~o~ () O~er b. Pip,g: ( ) Flow-Res~c~g Le~ Detector(s) for Press~zed Pip,g* d- ( ) Monito~g S~p ~ Raceway ( ) Se~ed Concrete Raceway ( ) HMf-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) S~e~c L~er Raceway ( ) (~. U~o~ ( ) O~er *Describe M~e & Model: 8. T~ Tighmes! Has ~is T~ Been Tighmess Tested? ( ) Yes ~ No ( ) U~o~ Date of Last Tighmess Test Res~ of Test Test N~e Tes~g Comply 10. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? ( ) Yes Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection () () () () ( ) Fiberglass'Clad Steel ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown ( ) None (];f Unknown Unknown ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping () None () Other (describe): Impressed Current System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System ~ No ( ) Unknown Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent Valves ( ) Capacitance Sensor ( ) Sealed Fill Box ( ) None Other: None Auto Shut-Off Controls (~) Unknown List Make &Modei for Above Devices 11. Piping a. bo Co Underground Piping: (Vi Yes ( ) No Thickness (inches) Diameter ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( ) ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) ~/) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthedc Liner System ( ) None (~' () Other (describe): ( ) Unknown Material .- Manufacturer Approximate Length of Pipe Run Sacrificial Anode Tar or Asphalt Unknown Capacity (Gallons) 4. Tank Secondary Containment ~ ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner ( ) Lined Vault ( ) None (t~z/U~own () Other (describe): Manufacturer: ( ) Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) $. Tank Interior Lining ( ) Rubber ( ) Alkyd ( ) Epoxy ( ) Phenolic ( ) Glass ( ) Clay ( ) Unlined [,,y Unknown () Other (describe): ~-~~L(F L OUT SEPARATE Facility'Name oo ' - - Permit No. FOX EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: ( ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vaulted ( ) Double-Wall (pr' Single-Wall- 2. Tank Material (~Y Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyl Chloride ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown ( ) Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Manufacturer o 10. Tank Corrosion Protection ( ) G,~vanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping (tr)'"~l'~)or Asphalt () Unknown () None () Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ( ) None ( ) Impressed Current System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System Describe System and Equipment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: ( ) Visual (vaulted tanks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Without Liner ( ) U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector* ( ) Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conductivity Sensor* '( ) Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank* ( ) Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gau .ging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tightness Testing ( ) None (l,y Unknown ( ) Other Piping: ( ) Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping* ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway Ik Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway ( ) None Unknown ( ) Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? ( ) Yes . No ( ) Unknown Date of Last Tighrness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company Tank Repair Tank Repaired? ( ) Yes ~/No ( ) Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs Overt'ill Protection Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent Valves ( ) Capacitance Sensor ( ) Sealed Fill Box ( ) None Other: Auto Shut-Off Controls (~Y/Unknown List Make & Model for Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: (~V Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Material .'- Thickness (inches) Diameter ~ Manufacturer ' ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Run Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( ) Sacrificial Anode j/ Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None (~/Unknown ( ) Other (describe): ........ -State oGCalif~)mFa---Health and Welfare ,~gen~y ( ................... Form Approved OMB NO. 2050--0039 (Expires 9-30-9~D. arid Front of P.--~. 7 ,o~,~ o.u.,.,,~.o ................. Please 3rint or (Form designed for use on ?.pitch typewriter). Sacramento, California ........................................ ~1) ~A ID No. , Manifest ,~ 2. Page1 WASTE MANIFEST ~[~C'l~'Jl~/~l o, / ,s not required by Federal law. GeneratoT~:e a i' Address A. State Manifest 7. Transpo~er 2 Co.any Name 8. US EPA ID Number E. State Transpoder's ID 9. D~ig.~ted Facility N[m~ a.a Site~dres~ . ~ ~0.~ US EP~ ID N~mber G. ~te ~ilit~s ID 12. Containers 13. Total 14. I. 11. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) Quanti~ Unit Waste No. No. Type Wt/Vol b. State ~PA/~her I I I I I'1 I c. State EPA/~h~ I I I I I I I d. State EPA/~her I I I I I I I K. Handling C~ea f~ Wastes Listed Above J. Additional Descriptions f~ Materials Listed ~ve a. 0-/oo0 18. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transpo~ by highway according to applicable international and national government regulations. If I sm a large quantity generator. I cedi~ that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable metho~ of treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR. if I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good faith effo~ to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can afford. I ~ignatare - . Month Day Year 17. Transpo~er 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials 18: Trans~o~er 2 Acknowledgement ~f Receipt of Materiala Printed/Typed Name I Signature Month Day Year I 19. Discrepancy Indication Space . ~ Printed/Typed Name . [ Si~ ~ Month Day Year DHS 8022 A (1/88) EPA 8700~22 (Rev. 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete. Do Not Write Below This Line White: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DAYS To: P.O. Box 3000, Sacramento, CA 95812 G~RY J. WICKS Agency Director (80S) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Dlreclor sou.c DEPART MENTAL PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY AGENCY PERMIT NUMBER A 1034-31 FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: Wine House Liquor 2500 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: K. L. McGhee 505 Redwing Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 CONTRACTOR: K. L. McGhee 505 Redwing Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 Phone: (805) 834-8884 License #N/A Phone: (805) 834-8884 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF 1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION PERMIT EXPIRES APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY February 28, 1990 November 28, 1989 Laurel Funk Hazardous Materials Specialist ..................................................................................... POST ON PREMISES .......................................................................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments) 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT- 30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable law~ regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted {)y the specialist · listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAOE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1034-31 ADDENDUM The following timetable lists pre-and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program. Ali hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste DEADLINE At least two weeks prior to closure Two working days No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort of repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMEN-DATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations [or this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by ,CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the'permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will. be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyses documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlo§ of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. LF:cas \ai034-31 I~ERN CO 'Y HAZARDOUS WASTE ',DENT REPORT RCI'ORTING AGENCY I REPORTING PERSON PXONE %61.~!0N OF ~[%CIIARGE OR TIIREATENED DiSCIIARGE {DATE AND TIME OF KNOWLEDGE OF DISCIIAROE OR TIIREATENED DISCHARGE DBA PROPERTY OWNER N~E AND ADDRESS OF PARTY RESPONSIBLE FUR DiSCHAR E. IF KNOWN: 99--OTHER:SPECiFY { 04 . PRIVATE RD 08 'DOMESTIC WATER WE~ 12 LAKE/POND 16 .,OILFIEbD SOURCE ~ RELEASE CIRCUMSTANCES O~ RELEASE CAUSE OF RELEASE O~ H{I. REFINERY oi WHILE BEING MANUFACTURED JZ {)UR1NO CONTAINER ~ EQUIPMENT FAI'LUI{E 02'~CIIEM. MANUFACTURER 02~WIIiLE IN STOOGE OR CONDUIT REPAIR O2 .VANDALISM 03__~!19C. FIXED FACILITY 03' ',_DURING NOR~L END USE ]2 ..ILLEGAL DISPOSAL O~ .ACT OF NATURE O~.__MOTOR VEIIICLE 04 WHILE BEINO LOADED 96__THREATENED REL~SE 04 ACCIDENT 09__TRAIN 05 ~WIIILE IN TRANSIT ONLY; NO DISCIIARGE 05 ILLEGAL DISPOSAL 06__AIRCRAFT OR _WIiILE VEIIiCLE PARKED 9~ RELEASE OR INCIDENT 98 UNKNOWN 07 P{I'ELINE 07 DURING VEIIICLR AdUIDENT MITIGATED AT TIME 99 OTHER: O8~UNDRRGROUND TANK U8 ,DURING FIRE/EXPL. OF REPORT SO.UNKNOWN 09 _DURINO AIR CRASIi 98__UNKNOWN 99~01'liER: lO--rill bE ABANDONED 99 OTIIER: LIST TIlE ONE, TWO OR THREE MOST SIGNIFICANT SUBSTANCES DISCI~RGED OR THREATENED TO BE DiSCIIARGED: CIIE". NAME/MAJOR C~PONENT:,~I--~'~ CONCENTRATION ~OUNT AT RiSK AMOUNT RELEASED COMMON NAME: ~~/~' CHEMICA5 { CHEMICAL -- ~ {--~ASTE~AS [ 3 J [ 3 J [ 3 ] RAD i OA~ i VE CHEM. N~E/~OR COMPONENT: IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL CO~ENTS/DETAIL9: (US~ REVERSE IF NEUESSARV{ COMMON N~E: REACTIVE CORROSIVE {~MIX --L]Q. CHEM. NAME/~JOR COMPONENT: COMMON N~E: · --RADIOACTIV~ I WASTE GAS ..................... ~_~_3 .......................... iNI)ICATE ACTUAL {"a") OR I,OTENT{,%L {"P") ~OR APPUiCABCE  ~ CHEM ~ CIIEM 3 Oe~CANAI./NATERNAV INT~RNAb US~ ONbY: 08__LAK~/POND 04__90I~ ~ IDENTIFICATION f .-~ 05 .... CROPS _ _ O6__I,[V~STOCK INV~STIOATION REFERRAL MAD~ O?__N[CDCiF~ ........... 08__NOODED AREA HEA~TH RISK ASSeSSmENT 09__D~SDRT ]O__~RUSIILAND .INFOR~TIOH PHONED-IN? Y N IF YDS. DATE I I__F~DSTU~FS ?AK~N BY: I2__GROUNeWAT~R ~ DATE REPORT RECEIVRD DY 13__DWELLING COMPUTER INPUT (CIIECK) CLERK'S iNITIAlS 14~{{UMANS DATE OF NOTIFICATION OF HEALTH OFFICER BOS 99__OTHER: DATE OF, NOT[ F [CATION OF MEDIA FORM {{{MMP-{30 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENI' ENVIROMENTAL HEALTH REPORT (805) 861-3636 2700 'M' STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CORRECTIONS FORM Name (D.B.A.) ....... .~.~) i. ~ ~.... ~.~..~ ~._.. ...... ..~...~.: ~. ~.0~,~ .................... Date ........... ...~....~?..T..?..~.~.. ................................................... Address ~ .~..~..~f~ r~.~. ~'? ~ z'~':- ~.~...~.~ ........................ ~ E.H. Specialist: ~..~/~.~-.~.~,~ ~.~.~.. ..... ............................. .?~7;.;.;~.....;~. ............................................. ........................................................................ r~.,..i~.~....!~.~._~_~.~:.::..~ ..... ~.~....~.~~...~.~ .............. Env. Health 580 2760 244 (Rev. 11/87) KERN COUNTY 2100 'M' Street. St.. 3'00 Bakersfield. Cl~ 93301 Envlrormental HeMth Services Department (805) 861'3636 ~ -'---"--'~ Agony '~ ' ' ~.,,.,,..tco~m..,,/Exposures '~~~ ..... ~ .......... ~.~ Sampling: yone ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~/ ~~Z~ ~ ~~ Water ~aza=dous Substance(s} Results: Billing Information: Billing Company/Insurance Address  no Ctt7 Personnel gqutpment ~,d .ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVIS~2N ! H A Z.~._..~,R DOUS.R E L E AS ElS PI L L R EsP~J~E Location County i of Inc1(3111! INCIDENT j pall i Time' ~.INCIDENT j Date -i/Time INC:~,~NT Nlml Of SrtlDr)el'/InQustry TYPE OF INCIDENT/MATERIALS [chec/~ ontv one result I/$redl '~ Number of Item~ ~'~' Vehicle in Accident -- Leak in Moving Vehicle '_.: Fell from Vehicle ~- Abandoned Material j~ Fixed Facility Name of Material Fire .~ Explosion · Reaction !~ Amount Released :'.~ ~ I No. J Openl Stall of MJttl~' I Check here if there are more listed on the back of th:s page [] Yes ~ No Manifest or MSDS Copy is attached tothis form. ENVl RONMEN TAL [$e/ect at least one from e~ch secrionl Rural r-I Suburban [] Urban Industrial Off-Road r-I County Road [] Highway/Freeway City Street ACTIVITII~S ON THE SCENE (check al~ boxes al~plicablel Barriers Established [] Road Restricted ~ Bridge (D ~rve [] Steep Incline ~ Tunnel J~ None ~ Other (explain) Affected [] Air I-; Water ~ Ground i-'; Human [] Animal [] Vegeta(ion [] None %'ea chef Conditions J-- Rain I-- I- Fog ' Snow, Ice ' J.l~' Fair, or not a Factor [] Road Closed [] Evacuation [] Hoso,ta;ized [] C;viiian~ [] Resoonding Persons [] Sweepdown i-'; Washdown ~] Ever)oration [] Wino RESPONDING AGENCI ES (check a/I agencie~ ar $cene. Ha,~Mat-$pec/al Team, ProEqu=Protecrive Equip.) LOCAL HazMat ProEqu ~i~ Fire Dept. 0 I-1 ~ Police Dept. ' [] [] ;:::] Health [] [] Road Dept. · r'] [] Public Works [] Parks Dept. r'] F'] Other I-~ COUNTY HazMat ProEqu I-~ Fire Dept. !-1 [] ~ Sheriff Dept. 0 0 J~ Health [] 0 ~ Road Dept. ,--1 0 ~ Public Works :'~ [] [] [] Agriculture Dept. I-J [] ~ Other I::] I-1 STATE 1:3 CDF ["3 CHP [] Health Dept. [] C~aI-Trans.' [] Fish & Game FEDERAL [] Forest Service [] EPA [] ERDA [] Coast Guard HazMat ProEclu 0 [] [] 0 [] [] KERN COUNTY Bakersfield. CA~ 9330t Environmental Heal%h Services Department (805) 861-36:36 ~, -.~ Water 'Hazardous Substance(s) Results: Billing Information: Billing Company/Insurance Co.  no Personnel Address City Equipment Used Costs ecific Time Accounting Permit # ~ ~ 0 C3 ? / d_ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee.Signature Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Date ~eegOry Activity Hours Code Description (lOths) 'Notes: . ../ (. , ----~ ~ ~,.~... .,,~¢.,~...,.~. . ,,.~.,-...,.. .t~ ~/~,,, ../;.._ .,,...~, .~,..:,,~.',; ~P~OR Data Entered ~y: · Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ~ i /~: <,~ 7 / Employee # / Employee Signature Site Name or Addres~/~/ Funding (Local, State, of F~deral) Site Specific Status Changes: Cat~ egory Activity Hours Date ~o~e Code Description ( 10ths ) Notes: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet ~e~a.t. # ~100 21 d__ Employee # Employee Signature ?/~ Site Name or. ~V. e~ Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: ~t~o~' Activity Hours Code · Description ( 10ths ) Da,te/ Notes: Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR T,RAKINGTANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ~ ;O. 0 "// ~' Site Specific Status Changes: Employee Employee Signature ~ite Name or Address//~, ~ ~ ~ 0 Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Cat~egory Activity Hours 'Date uo~e Code Description ( 10ths ) . h~ !_.~ l, ~ Notes: ' ~ /" L., ~...f :,;P.,' ) ,':"~' ~x~.,-.,,,~'~ t 'i ~ ~ '"'" ' ;"~ ' '~ "' ' ": ~ .... "l ",.: ,.... · ,. · ~(~ ...~-"" '&':'{2,:,~ '__ /"" ' -"'-' ' ~:~ ~ -'i' .'-'"I ~ ...... - ' ..... .~ .,,z.-~.c,-, ,~' ~_ -~.,'1 .', .': >,,' ~>:,.,,,,._: ~ 9.-,'..,r j ~, . , ... ~':-',_ ~,,' ., .... ,, /,. ~._ ,_.,--'. ,,,,' ~'"~ ::: --~- ,. ,,. ,:/ .~ · , '~/,~ .,1" : ,'f" ,- . .. ' 1':," Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5~89) _ONTRACT OPTIONS FOR r,~.~ING ~ Site Specific Time Accounting ~'eet Permit # ~g/ ,~0U ] Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ~ Employee Signature ~ O / t.l-ri.~. ~;.~ A Site Name or Address ~ ~' . i ~'~_ ~ ,..,~ Funding (Local, State, of Federal) ~ ~_ Cateqory Activity Hours Date Code- Code Description ( 10ths :,/z~/-.F.. 3' 10 .~,~ ~' / .~... _-.,~.e;.~ ?~ ~':~/,-.' Notes: W¢~:.~4 't~ .,~ ~ t.~_~; ~/~' ~/ fi.z:. ~'r:t: ~...~;-~.-, Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FORr,¢AKINGTANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit Employee Employee Signature /?;!~/,:.;,..<.: / '- ' Site Name or ia~tdress 'i"' -: ~ ': .... Funding (Local, State, of FederaZ) L Site Specific Status Changes: Cat~egory Activity Hours Date uo~e Code Description ( 10ths ) Notes: ..... ~. j "' ' ' ,, -" ' i' - : ).-.J~.._[~-"~"' ?.~.:. ~' '_ . .~': ;.t,f' ' ' , ,. - ...... " ' Lg: ~~-'::,' F..::., .( ..... · '.,~ .' ' t:.:.. :.~ :,..... :'../ .. ~_::~ i:,~, ,:-? Ez F,~ ::...i.~ /.,.? ?..~.~?:~ , b ,..: ........ ,_ n -t;.-,:'-..,': ~._.....,.., :-:-'. .... . .~ ,,fi /. : / ,°~" . .., .~:-~ ~ ,'.::> t,/,.., ._~',,.-,,~..-,~ ~,_~;.~.~.~...-, ~,' ~Y,....,.~ .,~--~- c/~.'.-.-. L.;',:,~-~" ., '~ ---~ /'i "' - .. . ~..~ :. . ,,,.:...., ,,: ~:::~..~.t i.d,/~: -" ' 7:,":: .... ,i ?~- .... :-' Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) ~ite Specific Time Accountlng Shg~c Permit % ~/0~ 7/ ~ Site N~e or ~ess/,x Funding (Local, State, of Federal') Site Specific Status Changes: Date, uo~e Code Description (lOths) No~es: , ~ Da~ ~ter~ By: Date: 'CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Permit Employee # E~ployee Signnt~e Site Name or A~ress ~ing (~cal, S~te, of F~eral) , -- Cat~egory Act~ivity Hours Date uo~e uo~e Description (lOths) Notes: - / - ~ ~ ..... ~ - ~ ~ I ,' /, ,.~,~, .~...:..,~>..~ ~,.. ~,-"p :,~, C4~~ ,'~ ~ ~ '-~ T~ :,, ~- ~,~ ~,.~ ~ .A,~..,h., .... /4 ~, - ~ .c ~,~ ('~.,~ - ~,' :'' ~r~ ' ~ ' / / i ,?,...: ~ .:/ / ~ .... ,f ", 't Da~ ~ter~ By: ~te: ~nu ~nlth 580 4113 1~ (Rev. 5/8g) ONS FOR LEAKING TANKb Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet rmit # ~ / O O U / C_ Site Specific Status Changes: ite Name or Address// /, ~ing (Local, State, of Federal) tes: IDescription Permit # EmPloyee Employee Signature Site Name or Address Fur~ing (Local, State, Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/69) ~ite Specific Time Accounting ShE Permit Employee # ~ Employee .Signature ...._¢_ / ~' Site Name or AddreSS' Funding (Local, State, of Federal') " Site Specific Status Change%:.. Date ~eegory Activity Hours Code Description ' ( 10tbs ) Notes: Data Entered By: · Date: CONTRACT'OPTIONS FoRLEAKING TANKS - Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ~ I0 <3 7. / ~-~ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Addre~S.~/ " Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Cat~ egory Activity Hours Date uo~e Code Descript. ion ( 10ths ) ~.~,1,,~1~'., ..~ -~ ~ _: Notes: ' ~.~'~; ~,.~.;~. ,:,.~3 ,.p.t f~: , .... ... /z .- ,~' :.t.,~:; ~ : (',~ ':n ;, ~ / / '/ c'" '-~/~ ,; <""? " t J ,'~ ' : ' -- "-~-"'. ', ~ t : ~ ~ ......, / ~ :; ~'~ ', :' ~ ~ ':','., ,. L~ ;r. .: ~' ,' ~ ,. "~ "~ ~J~/~ ,': "/"'?"' ~ "-~- ~ / /~ ~ .~ -~ t ,~.~ ~ ~ > ~l. ~,~ ~ ..~ Da~ Enter~ By: Date: Env. Healtt~ 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5~89) , Env~ronmen, tel Health Memorandum To: /~~. Ilazardous l, latc.,rials Enforcement Program ~Ianager Date: · f Facility Name: /~ Funding Source: The facility named above is the site of contamination from an underground storage tank leak and ]~ currently enrolled the COLT program for oversight recovery. This facility has adequately completed the assessment and remedial work. and as such. the responsible party will be receiving a "site certification" letter. This memo will serve as the official inter-departmental notice that the site'has met the closure requirements. Attached to this memo will be the last site specific time accounting sheet and a final site specific status form, If the site is enrolled in the Local Agreement, a refund of the remaining deposit will be Initiated. Mr. Casagrande, your stgnature~ransmtttal to tile Contract Administrator trigger the admtnist~cess of closing the site. ~t c"l'~'r d Casagr~n~// Date ecialtst) Date cc: John Nllon, Contract Administrator (~ ~3) GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director November 20, 1989 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopier (805) 861-3429 AGENCY Wine House Liquors 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California 93307 ATTN: Tae and Ruth Ham RE: Underground Storage Tank(s) Dear Mr. & Mrs. Ham: It has come to the attention of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department that 3 underground storage tanks are located at 2300 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, California and are not permitted. According to the owner of the property, you are responsible for all permits associated with the facility. You are therefore in violation of: 1) Division 20, Chapter 6.7 Section 25284(a) of the California Health and Safety Code which states "... no person shall own or operate an underground storage 'tank unless a permit for its operation has been issued by the local agency to the owner." 2) Division 8, Section 8.48.030(a) of the Kern County Ordinance Code which states, "No person shall operate a facility for the underground storage of any hazardous substance..., unless by authority of a valid, unexpired and unrevoked Permit to Operate is issued to owner..." Enclosed you will find an application for the Permit to Operate. The completed form must be returned to this office within 14 days of the date of this letter. In lieu of the application for a Permit to Operate, a completed permit for permanent closure of your tanks may be submitted within lt4~- days. Failure to obtain a permit may result in fines of five hundred dollars ($500.00) to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per day per Division 8 Section"r8.48.480 of the Kern County Ordinance Code. Wine House Liquors November 20, 1989 Page 2 · After we receive the application, .an invoice will be sent to you for the annual fee for a Permit to Operate of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the first tank and twenty dollars ($20.00) for each additional tank. A state surcharge of fifty-six dollars ($56.00) per tank for each facility permitted will also be included. This is per Chapter 6.7 Section 25287(b) of the California Health and Safety Code. Also enclosed are the inventory monitoring requirements that must be started within 2 weeks.. Please insure that you have all the necessary equipment listed on page 6, before starting. For example, lack of or improperly placed striker plates may result in permanent damage to the tank. · If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 861-3636. Your cooperation.is much appreciated. LF:cas Sincerely, Laurel Funk Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management prOgram \wine-hos.liq ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 801-3636 APPLICATION DATE . _ ~ OF TANKS TO RE A~AND~NED / -- LF..NGTH OF PTPING TO ABANDON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PER~iI%I~NT CLOSURe/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS $UBST.~%NC~S STORAGE FACILITY THIS APPLICATION I$ FOR [] RF~OVAL. OR PROJECT CONTACT ~ACIL{~ NANe OWNER --'] AEANDONNENT IN PLACE [FILL OUT ON.,.._~E APPLICATION PER FACILITY} PHONE ~ [SEC/T/R (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLY) ~DRESS tN~R~ CROSS S~EET TANK REMOVAL CONTRACTOR PROPOSED PROJECT STARTING DATE CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT CONTRACTOR ADDRESS IINSURER PHONE ( k/ORKER ' S COMPENSATI ON It INSURER PHONE ( ) -- LADORATORY THAT WILL ANALYZE SAHPLES ADDRESS PHONE ( ) -- :NENICAL COMPOSITION OF MATERIALS STORED TANK ~ VOLUME CHF.~ICAL STORED (NON-CO~ERCZAL DATES STORED CHEHICAL PRE~/IOUSLY STORED dATER TO FAC.'LZTY PROVIDF. D BY ~EAREST WATER WELL - GIVE DISTAZgCE AND DESCRIBE TYPE IF WITHIN 500 PE~T ;BASIS POR SOIL TYPE AND GROUNDWATER DEPTH DSTERNIHATION TOTAL NUHBER OF S~PLES TO ~g ~ S~PL~ ~ILL BE ~YZED FOR: IDEPTH TO / 3 2 ' SOIL TYPE AT FACILITY . 3ESCRIBE NOW RES/DUE iN TANK(S) AND PIPING IS TO BE RENOVE, D AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSA. L-CONPANIES}: ~ESCRJBE ~0¥i1 THE DISPOSAL MzTIIOD A~D DISPOSAL LOCATION FOR: PIPING ·" PLE.'.:~ 'PI~]VTDZ :HI~ORHATIOH REQUESTED OH RE~RS~ SIDg O~ TffIS SHE~ BEFORE SUB~I~INO APPLICATTOH FOR REVIEW PORN ,iA$ OEEN ':OMPL~ ~ER P~L~ OF PE~U~ A~ ~ ~Ig BEST OF ~ ~OWLEDOg IS ~UE ~ CORRE~. 'b 1'-'"",'7 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM z/o/c_ ....... ,'rill' "'.....,: APPLICATION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION FEE PAil) AMOUNT PAID l~ 'II~PL ICAI iON DATE STARTING DATE ouE~,~---- YES ( ] NO ( ) AOD,~ESS ...... /J.__7 .'"':T./" Z~ ..... ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTOR AODRESS LITHOLOGY LOGGING REVIEWED BY:_[~-oZ~t _/C'~///C' OEPTH TO GROUNDWATER & FLOW DIRECTION PERFORMED BY: HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO (CIRCLE ONE) CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN OR DESTROY~J~5 CT APN: HOME PHONE NO.. 5~34- ~ Ffl'4 _ WORK PHONE NO. LICENSE NO.._ PHONE NO. ~ ON APPROV_~:~~ LICENSE NO. PHONE NO. ON APPROVED'~IS~ REGISTRATION REGISTRATION JOB SITE: T S 0 OIRECTIONS TO WELL SITE: -' ' _ .(:2_,o1~.,~ ,/ · ,5'-e ' , / GENERAL COD:C';'i>:i OF THE PERMIT: 1. Pe .c aDaiications must be submitted to the Health OeDaPtment at least lO working days orior ~o ~he · . '~ce aoDroval is reouired before beoinning any work related to well construction. It is lawful to .. :'~:,~e work past the stage at which an ~nsDection is reouired unless inspection is waiveO or completed. ~ .-.,:?eouired insoec~ions include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. ~.A phone call to the OeDartment office is reouired on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 2~ hours before the placement of cay seals or' plugs. 5. ]:n's~ruction under this Permic is subject ~ any instrcctions by OeDartment representatives. 6. q,~¥ :,~:represeatation or non-compliance with reNuir:d Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a 'Stop Work Order." ?. A ¢~DY Dr.':he Department of Water Resource? Oriller': ieoort as well as copies of logs and water Quality ._ analyses ~ust be submitted to the Health :3.~artmenc :~icr~n 1~ days'after completion of the work. '.: 8.A well destruction a~plication must be filed with this DePartment if a well is being destroyeo that is not in conjuction with a test bole permit. · g. The oermit is void on the ninetieth (~0) calendar been star,co Feesar/7~fundablen°f/lransfer~le. and i'easonable Progress toward comoletion mane. day aftgr daDelof issuancej~work baUDot ~.~~~_~.iO'i nave read and agree t°c°m°iywiththeG~eral C°ndit~o~n~edab°ve' "111" (~c~:~25' ¢~/~ , ~~ ¢ ~ ~' C A~LICATION ADPROVED BY: OATE: DI~?~I{Y OFFI{[~ OUR JOB B89159 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOIL CONTAMINATION UNDERGROUND TANK SITE WINE HOUSE LIQUORS BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA BSK & Associates Associates, Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering * Engineering Geology * Environmental Engineering · Engineering Laboratories * Chemical Laboratoriet, Jul.y 20, 1989 OUR JOB B89159 Mr. Kim McGhee 505 Redwing Avenue Bakersfield, California 93309 SUBJECT: Characterization of Soil Underground Tank Site Wine House Liquors Bakersfield., California Contamination Dear Mr. McGhee: In accordance with our agreement, we have performed a Characterization of Soil Contamination at Wine House Bakersfield, California. Liquors The characterization, based upon a total of four test borings chemical analyses of soil samples obtained from those borings, provides an indication of the extent of soil contamination at site. The accompanying.report summarizes our field work, and presents the .results of the analytical testing and our conclusions. If you have questions regarding the information contained in report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully.submitted, MFM/ds BSK & Associates Mark F. Milv/~rd ' ~n B ~;~aq:¥ Geol · Moore , . ivil Engineer! Distribution: Mr. Kim McGhee (2 copies) --_ Fresno, California 93706 - 1645 "E" Street, Suite 105 - Telephone (209) 483-3200, Fax (209) 485-7427 = Fresno, California . 1445 "F" Street . Telephone (209) 485-0100 -- Fresno, California 93706 . 1414 Stanislaus Street ; Telephone 1209) 485-8310 -- Visalia, California 93291 - 808 E. Douglas Avenue - Telephone (2091 732-8857 ,~ Bakersfield, California 93304 - 117 "V" Street . Telephone (805) 327-0671, Fax (805) 324-4218 ~ Pleasanton, California 94566' . 5729-F Sonoma Drive . Telephone (415) 462-4000, Fax 1415) 462-6283 in and the this TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SITE DESCRIPTION PREVIOUS WORK FIELD INVESTIGATION SOIL CONDITIONS GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS .LABORATORY ANALYTICAL TESTING CONCLUSIONS MITIGATION ALTERNATIVES LIMITATIONS Page 1 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 11 12 TABLE I TABLE II TABLE III APPENDIX A TABLES Soil Test Results by B.C. Laboratories for BCI, August, 1985 Soil Test Results by B.C. Laboratories for BCI, August, 1985 Soil Test Results by BSK & Associates, July 5, 1989. Laboratory Soil Test Results by BSK & Associates~ July 5, 1989 FIGURE FIGURES 2 through 5 ILLUSTRATIONS Site Plan Boring Logs BSK ~OI~ CONTAMINATION CHARACTERIZATION WINE HOUSE LIQUORS BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION The subject site is located on the northwest corner of Panama Lane and Colony Street in Bakersfield, California. The property is owned by Mr. McGhee but is currently leased and operated by a tenant utilizing it as a mini-market with gasoline dispensing facilities. Mr. McGhee was directed by the Kern County Environmental Health Department (KCEHD) to perform a site characterization to' identify the extent of soil contaminati'on possibly resulting from an underground diesel tank. A previous investigation, related to the directed work, was conducted at the site by Bakersfield Construction Inspection (BCI) on August.I, 1985. BCI apparently failed to assess the complete extent of contamination to the satisfaction of the KCEHD. Mr. McGhee contracted BSK & Associates (BSK) to complete the work initiated by BCI and characterize the extent of contamination at Wine House Liquors. SITE DESCRIPTION Three underground gasoline tanks and one diesel tank are located adjacent to the east side of the mini-market building. The tanks are situated parallel to each other, aligned in an east to .west direction (Figure 1). The gasoline tanks are approximately~5,000 to 6,000 gallons. The diesel tank is reported to have contained 6,000 gallons, but is currently empty. Mr. McGhee reported that the diesel tank may have been used by a previous owner to store leaded gasoline. BSK & Associates Page 2 Gasoline dispenser islands, currently serviced by the underground gasoline tanks, are located south of the building ~pproximately 75 feet from the tanks. Most of the site' is paved with asphalt concrete. The surface overlying the buried diesel tank was. capped with soil and gravel by Mr. McGhee, following excavation and backfilling to allow for the_inspection of tank condition. PREVIOUS WORK As previously mentioned, BCI conducted a soil contamination investigation at the site on August 1, 1985. Three vertical test borings were drilled adjacent to the east side of the buried tanks. Test Borings i and 2, located between the three gasoline tanks, were drilled to a depth of 20 feet. Test Boring 3, located between the northernmost .gasoline tank and the diesel tank, was drilled to a depth of 51 feet where BCI terminated the bori.ng due to an insufficient capacity to drill deeper. Soil samples obtained by BCI were analyzed by B. C. Laboratories for the presence of Benzene, Hexane, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Isopropylbenzene, Total Xylene, and EDB (Table I). In addition, soil'samples obtained from Test Boring 3 were analyzed for Total Hydrocarbons (Table II). Soil test results indicated relatively low levels of Benzene in the soil samples obtained from Test.Borings I and 2. No other tested constituent was detected. (Absence of detectable levels of hydrocarbon constituents other than the highly volatile...4 Benzene would suggest that contamination in the area of Tes{- Borings I and 2 is likely the result of vapor migration from the source of fuel leakage.) BSK & Associatt,,~ Page 3 Soil samples obtained from Test Boring 3 w.ere found to contain aromatic constituents.as well as Total Hydrocarbons. FIELD INVESTIGATION Our field investigation was performed on June 26 and 27, 1989. ~Test Boring B-1 was drilled to confirm the depth of groundwater beneath the site. Soi1 samples were not obtained from Test Boring B-1. Test Boring B-2 was located near the approximate location of BCI Test Boring 3 to assess the vertical extent of soil contamination. BCI Test Boring 3 was drilled to a depth of 51 feet where soil contamination conditions were found to exist. Our Test Boring B-2 was designed to continue the vertical assessment of'soil contamination initiated by BCI. Soil samples taken from Test Boring B-2 were initially obtained at a depth of 40 feet and proceeded at 5 foot intervals until the boring was terminated. Test Borings B-3 and B-4 were located north and west Of the diesel tank to assess the lateral extent of s'oil contamination. Boring B-4, situated west and adjacent to the diesel tank, was additionally intended to provide an indication of Which end of the tank the leak may have occurred. Prior to drilling, surface locations of underground'utiTities were marked by the utility companies servicing the site. The locations of other underground improvements at the site were indicated by Mr. McGhee. _ Depths, locations, and number of test borings were ba~sed on soil conditions observed at the site. A portable photo-ionization detector was used at the site for soil screeni'ng and.to assist in determi ni ng needed drilli ng depths. BSK & Associates Page 4 Drilling was performed with a truck-mounted drill rig using 8" hollow stem augers. The augers acted as continuously advancing s%eel casings, preventing test holes from caving above the levels to be sampled. Soil samples were obtained by lowering a 2-inch inside diameter sampler in the hollow stem auger and driving it into undisturbed soils. The sampler was equipped with stainless steel liners designed to receive intact soil specimens. Th~- sampler was cleaned with Liquinox, a surgical grade bio-degradable detergent and rinsed with distilled water prior to each sampling action. Clean stainless steel liners were placed inside the sampler. Steam cleaning of the auger was also performed prior to entering the site and between test holes to prevent, cross-contamination. The drill crew consisted of a driller and a helper. Field exploration was supervised by a Staff Geologist who was responsible for'preparing the boring logs, recording of field conditions, soil sample handling and preservation, and control of the field equipment cleaning process. The samples were capped with aluminum foil and pressure-fitted plastic caps, and sealed with adhesive tape. Each sample was labeled ~ith an adhesive-backed label ~ncluding boring designation, depth of sample, sampling time and initials of the individual preparing the sample. The samples were placed in an insulated chest packed with dry ice for preservation and transported to BSK & Associates Laboratories in Fresno, California for testing. BSK Page 5 A Chain-of-Custody form was prepared recording the name of the individuals collecting, transferring, and analyzing the samples. A copy of the Chain-of-Custody form is included in Appendix "A". Borehole cuttings were stockpiled at the site for eventual diSposal by the owner. The test holes were grouted with a sand/cement slurry consisting of 5 sacks of Portland Cement per cubic yard of volume. SOIL CONDITIONS Soils in the vicinity of the project site are classified as Quaternary alluvium. The soils consist of alluvial fan deposits cons'isting chiefly of sand, silt, and some clay. Native soils encountered during drilling consisted of 16-to 26-feet of silty sand and sandy silt overlying a 19- to 34-foot thick layer of fine to medium unconsolidated sand. Underlying the sand unit is a 7- to 12-foot thick clayey silt layer encountered at depths ranging from 40 to 68 feet beneath the ground surface. Various thicknesses of interbedded soils comprising silty sand, sand, and gravelly sand continue to an approximate depth of 105 feet. A 25-foot thick, moderately plast'ic clayey sand continues to a depth of about 130 feet. Finally, a'lO foot thick unit of silty sand was observed to the maximum explored depth of 140 feet. Soil cuttings and the undisturbed soil samples obtained fro~the · test borings were~observed by the site geologist for obvious hydrocarbon staining and odor. The soil samples were further screened with a portable photo-ionization detector for indications of hydrocarbon contamination. Page 6 Staining was not observed in the soils from the test borings. Hydrocarbon odor was first detected in the soils from Test Boring B-2 at an approximate depth of 25 feet and continued to about 46 feet. Hydrocarbon odors were not detected in the other test borings. The portable photo-ionization instrument'indicated~qualitative concentrations of hydrocarbon constituents in the 40- to 45-foot soil ~amples from Test Boring B-2. Hydrocarbon.constituents were not detected .in soils sampled from the other test borings. Test Hole Logs., shown in Figures 2 through 5, should be consulted for more detailed, subsurface conditions. The logs contain both factual and interpretive information. Horizontal lines, designating the interface between materials encountered', represent approximate boundaries. The-transition between soil layers may be gradual. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS According to information derived from the Kern County Water Agency 1988 Water Supply Report, an unconfined groundwater aquifer may be encountered at an approximate depth of 150 feet. However, a shallow perched groundwater zone at a depth of about 20 feet is mapped less than 2 miles east of the site' The BCI report noted very moist soil conditions in Test Boring 3 at a depth of 40 feet. .. - ~e'pth to groundwater beneath the site was confirmed by drilling ~'~/~i~ /est Boring B-1. The boring he site, approximately /~'~ of contamination. was located at the northwest corner 150 feet west of the suspect'ed %re~ BSK Page 7 Depth to groundwater was determined to be 138 feet beneath the surface. Groundwater was initially detected by obser'ving saturated soil cuttings returning to the surface. The depth was confirmed by lowering a steel measuring tape into the borehole. Prior to drilling Test Boring B-l, a test hole permit was obtained from the KCEHD. Following termination of B-l, the test hole was backfilled, in the presence of Ms. Dolores Goff with the KCEHD, with a sand-cement slurry. LABORATORY ANALYTICAL TESTING Laboratory testing was performed by BSK & Associates Laboratories in Fresno, CalifOrnia. Selected soil samples were analyzed for the presence of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Ethylene Dibromide (EDB), Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and Ethylbenzene (BTXE). Chemical tests on the Soil samples were conducted in accordance with the following listed EPA methods: Constituent Test Method TPH DHS (recommended procedure) EDB EPA 504 BTXE EPA 8020 The test results from this assessment are included'in Appendix "A" and summarized-in Table III. BSK & Associates Page 8 CONCLUSIONS Results of our assessmen~ suggest that the maximum depth of soil contamination, apparently due to leakage from the diesel fuel storage tank, is less than 45 feet below the ground surface. Based on constituent concentrations in the 40-foot soil sample and the-absence of contamination in the 45-foot sample obtained from Test Boring B-2, it appears that a clayey layer occurring at a depth of about 44 feet has successfully inhibited downward migration of the contaminant plume. The lateral extent of soil contamination is likely to be less than 15 feet from the eastern end of the diesel tank, as suggested by the absence of contaminants in soil samples obtained from Bori. ngs B-3 and B-4. A discrepancy may be noted correlating our vertical extent of soil contamination with test results reported by BCI. The 50-foot soil sample obtained from the BC'I Test Boring 3 contained 0.10 percent Total Hydrocarbons,.or an equivalent 1,000 mg/kg concentration of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. BSK & Associates' 45-foot soil sample obtained from Test Boring B-2, drilled in the immediate vicinity of BCI Test Boring 3, indicated no detectable amounts of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. o Mr. McGhee noted that while he was present observing the BCI procedures at the site, BCI did not clean sampling .equipment between soil sampling operations. There are some indications based on the test results reported by BCI that the soil contamination may have some components o~~ leaded gasoline. Valu~es of Benzene, Hexane, Toluene, '~ Ethylbenzene, and Isopropylbenzene, tested in the soil samples BSK & Associate> Pa ge 9 obtained from the BCI Test BOring 3, are higher than might be expected from typical diesel fuel analysis. Additionally, some concentrations 6f-Ethylene Dibromide (EDB), a leaded gasoline additive, was also detected in the soil samples obtained from BCI's Test Boring 3. BSK & Associates' analysis of soil samples, obtained as part of our investigation, di~ not confirm the presence of leaded gasoline as a contributor to the soil contamination. BTXE values, from the 40-foot sample obtained from Test Boring B-2, are typical of diesel fuel. BSK & Associates' analysis of the TPH chromatogram from the aforementioned sample indicated diesel fuel as the primary constituent of the contamination. However, diesel fuel at very high concentrations may mask chromatographic analysis of lesser concentrations of gasoline. Regu'latory agencies require that remedial action must be taken when concentrations of hydrocarbon constituents in soils exceed the maximum allowable levels. For purposes of preliminary assessment, maximum allowable levels of BTX&E and TPH in soils can be estimated using the Leaching Potential Analysis outlined in the Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Field Manual: Guidelines For Site Assessment, Cleanup and Underground Storage Tank Closure published by the State of California Water Resources Control Board. In the Leaching Potential Analysis procedure, the following characteristics of the site are evaluated for downward migration potential of contaminants: 3. 4. 5. Depth of groundwater from the soil sample Subsurface fractures Annual precipitation Man-made conduits Nearby wells and existence of coarse soil' BSK & Associate~ Page 10 Each characteristic is scored on a scale, low (10 points), medium (9 points), or high (5 points) potential for leaching. The sum of the scores provides an appraisal of site characteristics. Based on the total score, 'a set of allowable levels of BTX&E and TPH can be obtained. Conditions at the site are listed and evaluated as follows: Site-Condition 1. Depth to groundwater from the contaminated soil sample is about 98 feet. 2. No fractures in subsurface. 3. An annual precipitation of less than 10 inches. 4. No man-made conduits. 5. Coarse soil Corresponding Score 10 10 10 10 9 Total 49 At the subject site, soils with a TPH level higher than 10~000 mg/kg would be considered excessive of current allowable levels assigned by the Leaching Potential Analysis. MaXimum levels of Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and Ethylbenzene would be 1, 50, 50, and 50 mg/kg, respectively. However, ac'cording to KCEHD officials, action levels required for remediation by Kern County could be higher than the aforementioned concentrations should the contamination pose no significant risk to human health or to groundwater. ~ _ // Test resultS from our assessment (Table III) indicate .the 17,000 mg/kg TPH concentration from the 40-foot sample of Test Boring B-2 exceeds the maximum allowable guidelines. Simi;i~arly, soil test results fKom the preliminary testing (Table I) indicate concentrations which also exceed stated action levels. BSK, Page 11 MITIGATION ALTERNATIVES Results of the Eh~mical testing from this assessment suggest that the radial extent of soil contamination is relatively small. Mitigation alternatives would include the following: No Action A "no action" option is a likely consider, ation for remediation. The leaking tank is currently empty of product and is planned for removal by Mr. McGhee. Based on the measured depth of groundwater at the site and other factors identified in the Leaching Potential Analysis, the potential risk of impact to groundwater quality is 16w. If the no-action alternative is adopted, we recommend re-paving the backfilled area following tank excavation and removal to contain and shield the zone of contamination from precipitation and surface activities at the site. Excavation and Disposal This alternative would consist of excavating and selectively stockpiling contaminated soils for disposal to a suitable site. Excavation of contaminated soils from depths of some 45 feet may prove very difficult because of the near presence of an adjoining building and other buried tanks, and the rather cohesiooless character of the native soils. A braced vertical excavation and use of a clam shell could be an alternative. A series of large diameter bucket auger drill rig holes could also be considered provided temporary steel casings are used to stabilize eac~'~.hole uQti] backfilling. Depending on the residual concentration of hydrocarbon in soils, disposal of contaminated soils could cost $250 to $50 per cubic yard, for Class I and Class II disposal BSK & Associates Page 12 sites~ respectively. As an alternative, biodegradation of the excavated soils could be used to lower hydrocarbon concentrations to the level ac~e~table to Class II landfill disposal. A suitable temporary treatment site would be required in this event. The act'ual configuration of the extent of contaminated soils would b~ established during excavation. Contaminated soils would be removed to the levels set by the KCEHD. Sampling for laboratory 'analyses of the soils would be performed .during excavation to establish areas where removal of contaminated soils is needed. The excavation would be backfilled and properly compacted to prevent future subsidence at the site. Biological Remediation In-situ biological remediation may be considered as a treatment option. Biodegradation of hydroca, rbon-contaminated soil is performed by introduction of oxygen and bacteria to break down the hydrocarbon compounds. Conveyance and maintenance of oxygen may prove difficult at this site due to the 'absence of groundwater. However, a network of wells delivering oxygen and nutrients to the soil may be suitable to maintain needed levels. LIMITATIONS Findings and conclusions presented in ~his report are based on data obtained from the test borings shown on the Site P~an (Figure 1), and the soil sample analytical test results. The report does not reflect variations which may exist between borings and sampling points. These variations cannot be anticipated nor can they be entirely accounted for in spite bf exhaustive additional testing. BSK' & Associates Page 13 This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices for the area, based on the guidelines of 16c~1 and State jurisdictions. No warranties, either expressed or implied, are made. BSK & Associates BSK & Associates TABLE III SOIL.TEST RESULTS 'Tested by BSK & Associates Laboratories on July 5, 1989 Total Location B-2 Depth Benzene Toluene Xylene Ethylbenzene TPH EDB 40' 0.06 0.66 2.20 0.47 17,000. ND 45' ND ND ND ND ND NT 50' ND ND ND ND ND NT 55' ND ND ND ND ND NT 60' ND ND ND ND ND NT B-3 35' ND ND ND ND ND NT 40' ND ND ND ND ND NT B-4 20' ND ND ND ND ND NT 30' ND ND ND ND ND NT 40' ND ND ND ND ND NT All constituents reported as milligrams per kilogram ND = None detected NT = Not tested TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Diesel EDB = Ethylene Dibromide BSK ~'~,-sociatbs TABLE I I SOIL TEST RESULTS Tested by B.C. Laboratories for Bakersfield Construction -'Inspection on August 9, 1985. % Total Location Depth Hydrocarbons TPH (m~/k~) Test Boring 3 8 10 15 20 25 30 35 4O 45 5O 0.25 2,500 1.16 11,600 0.68 6,800 0.58 5,800 0.52 5,200 0.80 8,000 1.04 10,400 1.42 14,200 1.35 13,500 0.10 1,000 BSK Associates Tested by B.C. Laboratories for SOIL Bakersfield TABLE I TEST RESULTS Construction Inspection (BCI) on August 7, 1985. Location Depth Benzene Hexane Toluene Test 10' 1.7~' ND ND Boring 15' 1.97 ND ND #1 20' 2.87 ND ND~ Ethylbenzene 0.21 ND ND I soprop~,l benzene ND ND ND Total , Xylene ND ND ND EDB ND ND ND Test 10' 2.77 ND ND Boring 15' 4.61 ND ND #2 20' 1.54 ND ND Test Boring #3 8 10 15 20 25 30 35 4O 45 5O 1.29 0.31 ND 12 17.01 0.71 ND 78 9.78 0.59 14.69 64 11.40 0.72 ND 72 11.48 4.20 ND 100 12.15 0.41 ND 120 21.67 0.63 48.99 208 27.39 1.14 48.19 93 41.95 0.91 60.34 227 10.39 3.02 ND 50 ND ND ND .81 .50 .41 .54 .84 .37 .38 .04 .40 .34 ND ND ND 17.45 73.77 54.80 78.23 101.38 123.37' 221.93 119.71 223.22 .57.96 ND ND ND 9.01 26.28 18.02 28.46 37.56 49.16 98.42 92.90 105.56 13.40 ND ND ND 4.21 6.68 ND 5.64 ND 32.07 ND All constituents reported as * Minimum Reporting Level: ** Minimum Reporting Level: ND Non~' Detected micrograms/gram 0.1 0.5 DATE: 6-26-Bg TEST HOLE LOG LOGGED BY: HFM ELEVATION: 8-1 WATER LEVEL: NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED. JOB: 889159 EQUIPMENT: CME 75 8-INCH HOLLOW STEM AUGER FIGURE: 2 ~ ~' ~°: ~_. =°~ ~z ~-= d SOIL.' OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES 0 3" .Asphalt concrete pavement. S.H SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine; dry. 5- HL SANDY SILT: olive brown; fine; slightly clayey; dry. SH SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine to medium; dry, HL SANDY SILT: olive brown; fine; slightly . , 20- ] c I ayey; .mo i st. SH SILTY SAND: dark yellow brown; fine; .mi caceous; moist° 25 THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS HAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND TIMES. -BSK & Associates TEST HOLE LOG B-1 (CONTINUED) .~OB: B89159 PAGE 2 OF 6 FIGURE: 2 ~ -~ '" ~- =~ u~ '~ ~S SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES 25 SM SILTY SAND: dark yei low brown; fine. SP SAND: dark yellow brown; fine with occasional ~ medium; micaceous; dry. 3~- I 35- 4~- I I THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS HAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND TIHESo ~ BSK & Associates .... TEST HOLE LOG 8-1 (CONTINUED) JOB; B89!59 PAGE 3 OF6 FIGURE; 2 -- ~ ~ ~ 50 SP SAND; yellow brown; fine to medium; micaceous; dry. SS- SM SILTY SAND; yellou braun; fine; micaceous; slightly clayey; moist. ML CLAYEY SILT: olive brown; trace fine sand; micaceous; Iow to moderate olasticity; moist. 75 THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF. THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIDNS AND TIMES. ~ 8SK & Associates TEST HOLE LOG B-1 (CONTINUED) JOB: 889159 PAGE 4 OF6 FIGURE; 2 ~ ~ I-'75 HL CLAYEY SILl: olive brown; trace fine sand; ~icaceous; Iou to moderate ~!asticity; ~oist. BO- SM SILTY SAND: olive bro'wn; flne to medium sand; occasional fine to m~diu~ gravel; subangular; micaceous; moist. 85- SP SAND:' yellow brown;.f~ne to medium; micaceous; moist, gO- I I SG i GRAVELLY SAND: yellow brown; fine to medium I sand; fine to coarse gravel; subround; micaceous; moist. 100, , , THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT' L~CATIONS AND TI~ES. BSK & Associates TEST HOLE LOG B-1 (CONTTNUED) " JOB~ 889159 PAGE S OF6 FIGURE: 2 v ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ SOIL OR BOCK DESCBIPTION NOTES 100 SP SAND: yellow brown; fine to medium with trace coarse sand; occasional fine to medium gravel; micaceous; moist. SC CLAYEY SAND: olive brown; fine to medium; 105 low to moderate plasticity; micaceous; moist, 110 115 120 125 ! I THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFEBENT LOCATIONS AND TI~ES. BSK & Associates TEST HOLE LOB- 8-1 (CONTINUED) JOB: B89159 PAGE 6 OF6 FIGURE: 2 125 SC CLAYEY SAND; olive brown; fine to medium _~ sand; occasional fine gravel; Iow to moderate plasticity; .moist, 138 SH SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine to medium with occasional coarse sand; slightly clayey; micaceous; moist, !38~ Groundwater Encountered, 148 -- -- Boring Terminated at ! 40ft.. 14Fr 150 THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS I1AY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND TII'IES. BSK & Associates ^TE: -26-8 TEST HOLE LOG LOGGED BY--' MFM ELEVATION: B--2 WATER LEVEL: NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED. JOB: B89159 EQUIPMENT: CME 75 8-INCH HOLLOW STEM AUGER FIGURE: 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 't ~ SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NO~ES 8 ML SANDY SILT: olive brown;' trace of fine sand; micaceous; dry. I -! I SH SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine; micaceous; 10- dry. !5- ML CLAYEY SILT: olive brown; fine; low to moderate plasticity; moist. j SH SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine; trace of I clay; micaceous; molst, 20- I I ~ ;SP SAND: yellow brown; fine to medium; micaceous; moist. I ~ - I 25 , THE )ESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND TIMES, BSK & Asseciates TEST HOLE .LOG 8-~ (CONTINUED) JOB: 889159 PAGE 2 OF3 FIGURE: 3 '~ "'_-~mlv' ~. ~- z ,~- G SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES 2S SP SAND: yellow brown; fine to ~ed~um; micaceous; slight petroleum odor; moist. 38- 35- Photo- Ionization - Detector ~- Reading 25~6 2,~ 36 HL CLAYE~ SILl; olive brown; ~oderate 45- ~ p ~ast ~,city; ~oist. 2.e 3~ 2.9 SO 2.0 29 .-. 1.0 THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BSK & Associates TEST HOLE LOG B-2 (CONTINUED) JO8: B89~, S9 PAGE 3 OF3 FIGURE; 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~, SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES 58~ ML CLAYEY SILT: olive brown; moderate Photo- ~ p Iast i c i ty; mo i st. Ionization ~ Readings SP SAND: yellow bro~n; fine tb medium; .~ micaceous; moist. 2.~ ~2 0.3 I SM SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine; micaceous; mo ist. 0 Boring Terminated 2.8 32 lat G1 ft. 7~- .... , I ' THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS HAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND /JMES. BSK & Associates DATE: 6-26-89 - TEST HOLE LOG .... LOGGED BY: rlFM ELEVATION: WATER LEVEL: NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED. JOB: B89159 EQUIPMENT: CME 7S B-INCH HOLLOW STEM AUGER FIGURE: 4 - ~ ~ ~ ~'t] d SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION 0 3" Asphalt concrete pavement ML SANDY SILT: olive brown; trace of fine sand; micaceous; dry. S - 5~ SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine; micaceous; 10- dry, 1S- NL CLAYEY S~LT: olive brown; fine; Iow to moderate plasticity; moist.' I I SM SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine; trace of c!ay; 20- micaceous; moist. · · SP I 'SAND: yellow brown; fine to medium; I micaceous; moist. 25 THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIDN~ AND TI~ES, BSK & Associates TEST HOLE LOG 8-3 (CONTINUED) JOB: 889159 PAGE 2 OF2 FIGURE: 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES 2S S~ SAND: yellow brown; fine to medium; I micaceous; moist. Photo- Ionization Detector Reading 35- '0 2.0 31 40- i HL [ CLAYEY SILT~ olive brown; moderate~ Or 2.0 37 i~l~lasticity~moist' -- lng Terminated at ~1 ft. THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT 8E REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND TJ~ES7 BSK & Associates DATE: ~-27-B9 TEST HOLE LOGGED BY: MFM ELEVATION: WATER LEVEL: NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED. EQUIPMENT: CME 7S B-INCH HOLLOW 'STEM AUGER LOG JOB~ BB9159 FIGURE~ S -~- = .~ o i - SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION ND.rES ~ 2" Asphalt concrete pavement, ML ~ SANDY SJLT; olive brown; fine; micaceous; I dry. I S - S~ SILTY SAND: olive brown; fine; micaceous; dry. I I 1S- ML CLAYEY SILT; olive brown; trace of fine sand; Iow to moderate ~lasticity; moist. 5P SAND: yellow brown fine to medium; micaceous; ~ho~o- mo i st. Ionization .I ~ Read~ng 2S THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND TIMES. 8SK & As~oc iates .... TEST HOLE LOG B-4 (CONTINUED) JOB: 889159 PAGE 2 OF2 FIGURE; S v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ d SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION NOTES 25 SP I SAND: yellow brown fine to medium; micaceous; -- moist, ?hoeo- Zonlzaeion Reading 0 2.8 29 35- 48- ~ 0 2.0 22 ~ Boring Terminated at 41 ft. THE DESCRIBED SOIL CONDITIONS MAY NOT BE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS AND TIMES. BSK & Assac iates 'BSK & Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fregno. Calif'nrnin q'~Tf~f-, * Tc, lpDhnnc, Q~lql 4R~-RRln * Fax (2ha) 485-7427 K. McGhee B89159 Sample Type Sample Description Soil 1345 hrs. B-2-40 Lab No. Ch892009-1 Report Date 7/11/89 Date Sampled 6/26/89 Date Received 6/28/89 Date of Analys~s 7/7/89 Analyses For Ethylenedibromide (EDB) In Soil Compound ResUlts Detection (ug/kg) Limit (DLR) Ethylenedibromide ......... ND 1.0 Method: EPA-504M ND-None Detected BDL-Be[ow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit For the Purposes of R~porting '0489 Organi~upervisor Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus S"'eet * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone (209) 485-R'~10 * Fax f20c)} 4,Rq-74')7 K.'McGhee B89159 Sample Type Sample Description Soil 1345 hrs. B-2-40 Lab No. Ch892009-1 Report Date 7/11/89 Date Sampled~ 6/26/89 Date Received 6/28/89 Date of Analyses 7/11/89 Soil Analyses for BT XE and T PH ti Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... 0.06 0.02 Toluene ................... 0.66 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. 0.47 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... 2.19 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 17000 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TPH-DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Betow Detection Limit OtR-Oetection Limit For the Purposes of Reporting 070489 QA~C Supe=~lsor / ~r Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno, California 93706 * Telephone f209~ 485-8310 * Fax f2Oq~ 485-7427 K. McGhee B89159 Sample Type Soil Sample Description 1357 hrs. B-2-45 Lab No. . Ch892009-2 Report Date ,7/11/89 Date Sampled : 6/26/89 Date Received 6/28/89 Date of Analyses 7/11/89 Soil Analyses for BTXE and TPH ][ Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DnR) Benzene ................... ND 0.02 Toluene ................... ND 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... ND 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: BTXE-EPA 8020 TPH-DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Betow Detection Limit DLR-Oetection Limit' For the Purposes of Reporting 370489 QA/~ Supervi~ & Associates Chemical Laboratories 1414 Stanislaus Street * Fresno. California 93706 * Teler}hnne f2091 485-8310 * Fax (2091 48ci-7427 K. McGhee '~ B89159 Sample Type Sample Description Soil 1413 hrs. B-2-50 Lab No. Ch892009-3 Report Date 7/11/89 Date Sampled 6/26/89 Date Received 6/28/89 Date of Analyses 7/2/89 Compound Results Detection (mg/kg) Limit (DLR) Benzene ................... ND 0.02 Toluene ................... ND 0.02 Ethylbenzene .............. ND 0.02 Total Xylene Isomers ...... ND 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND 10. Method: 8TXE-EPA 8020 TPH-DHS GC/FID ND-None Detected BDL-Betow Detection Limit DLR-Detection Limit~or the Purposes of Reporting 70489 Or/~nics'S p~i'sor Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3014 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (805) 324-1815 Laboratory No. P85-0222 Date Reported: 8/14/85 County of Kern Health Department" Environmental Health Services 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Attention: M~. Richard Casagrande Project: Test Borings on Three Existing Underground Gasoline Tanks and One Diesel Tank at the Corner of Panama Lane and Colony Street Subject: .Contamination RepOrt Gentlemen: J Submitted.herewith are the results of the three borings.we made on August 1, 1985 on three existing gasoline tanks and one diesel tank at the corner of Panama Lane and Colony Street. Samples for contamination were taken at test borings #1 and #2 beginning at 10' depths and at test boring #3 at 8'. Ail samples for analysis of contamination were taken to B. C. Laboratories, Inc., at 3016 Union Avenue for testing. Results of Borings: 1. Benzene was evident in Test Borings #1 and #2 with 'no evidence of any other contamination. Borings on these two holes stopped at depths of 20'. 2. Evidence of contamination at Boring #3 began at approximat.ely~8' and continued on to a depth of 51' before running out of drill sections. Samples for analysis of contamination were taken beginning at 8' and then 10' and th~n every 5' in depth until boring was terminated. Beginning'at approximately 40' the soil became very moist and remained in 'this condition until the boring was stopped. Recommendations: 1. It is highly recommended that additional borings be made over the entire area to determine both the depth of contamination and also, how far out the contamination has spread, with heavy concentration of borings around Test Boring #3, the diesel tank area. A drilling rig with capabilities of going deeper and still retrieving samples at given depths should be used. A drawing showing the locations of the borings along with the contamination reports for each boring includeing t~tal Hydrocarbons is attached. Laboratory No. P85-0222 Date Reported:. 8/14/85 The water table for this area, accoridng to the Kern County Water Agency Report for 1982, is approximately 150' - ! ;~:- ~. ~ ~ . °John H. Hansen RCE 26544 PETIIOLHIM RA' ORI J. J. EGI. IN, REG. CHEM. ENO4. INC. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PUE~EABLE ~,,u, .... ~ ;~;ALYSIS (SOIL) Bakersfield 3onstruction inspection z~ Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA DZ~:O5 REPORT: 7 August $~,iFLE 'DE SCRIPT!ON: Panama 'Lane Test Hole ''~ loft. DATE/TIME S~d;~LE ~O~L._ ~TEu. DA,=/iI~.= RECEIVED 2 August 1985 TEST 5~THODS: Purgeable Aromatics & EBB in Soil DATE ..... ~ o'-o COMPLETED :' 7 August REPOETi:':] /2'.~ALY% EE ~r~-~'~T :'~:'~,,T'"' ,~.~T~ RESULTS Benzene Hexane Toluene Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene p-Xylene o-Xylene m-Xylene EBB ug/f uf~/g ug/s ug/g ug/g ~.g/g ug/g ug/g ug/g 1.77 hertz'detected none detected 0.21 none detected non~ detected none detected none detected none detected [.iINi:.Tj: l LEV-_L 0.I O.l O. I 3.1 ).I 0.! 0.1 0.1 0.5 By ORATORIES J. J. EGLIN, lEG. CHEM. ENGil. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PURGr--~,BLE ARO."-~* ~'~S ANALYSIS (SOIL) Ba]:ersfie!d Construction Inspection S014 Union Ave. ?akersfield, CA 95195 DATE OF REPORT: ? August LAB !,',o.:~ ~ 2835 S~,{FLE i'E$SE!PIiON: -- Lmne ~ nam~ Test ~ole SA:?LE 30ELECTED: DATE ~*":"e~" CO[,~LETED: 7 August TEST i(ETHODS: Purgeable Aromatics ~ EDB in Soil' ' EEPORT!N3- ANALYUES CO." fST!?U~.~T N,:iT£ RESULTS Benzene ug/~ Hexane ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethylbenzene ug/g Isopropylbenzenc ug/~ p-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene, ug/g. m-Xylcne ug/g EDE ug/g 1.97 non_ detected none detected none detected none detected none detected ,none detected · nons detected none detected REPOETiN5. LEVEL 0.1 0.i 0.! 0.1 0.i 0.1 '0.i 0.5 By C#EI~AL AIdALI~I~ I~ETItOLE~I¥ J. J. EG~.IN. lEG. CHEM. ENGI. INC. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 (SOTL) Eakersfield Construction Inspection ...'-.~,iz. Union A\'¢ . Bakersfield, CA 9.3i05 S;J,:?LE DE2 2RiP!iON: P :..nar~a Lane Test Hole "'" .2Oft. DATE/Ti:,:: SAZ.:FLE RLCi!VED '3 LA-2'.: 2 August 1985 TEST 5~THODE: Purgeable Aromatics ~ EDE in Soil DATE OF REPORT: LAB No.: DATE ~{ALYZi.} COi,iLETED: 7 August i2~5 REPORT=NS .~,a~ ..... 30::3TI'iU~{T 'D:!S~ T RESULTS Benzeni ug/s Hexane ~/g. Toluene' ug/g Ethytbenzene ug/g Isopropylbenzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g EDE ug/g 2.87 none detected none detected nons detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected RE_--~'RUiN3 · LEVEL 3.1 0.1 0.I 0.1 0.i 0.1 0.I 9.5 By ~,IIEMICAI AIIALJ~I~ PETIIOLflI¥ LABORATORI J. J. EGI. IN, 'lEG CHEM. ENG4t. INC. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD. CA. g3308 PHONE 327-4911 1' /-I iD '!~ PUR~EA_L- ARO]'.U. Ti ZS ~,~ALYSI2 (SOIL) ~=zers~l¢ld Construction Inspection Union Ave. ~ : ~' ~A ~.' Bav. e. sf~e&u, ~_ 05, DESTRiPTiOX: Pan~m~ Lane Test Hole =c 10ft. DATE OF REPORT: 7 August LAB No.: !25~7 ~T=/T=I'-= S~'~PLE 3OLLE$TED: DATE~TiMi RECEIVED 2 August 1985 DATE ~.~A~YSiS C05~LETED: 7 August 1~5 TEST METHODS: Purgeable Aromatics & EDB in Soil ~e~zeL£ Hexane -Toluene Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzens p-Xylene o-Xylene m-Xylene EDD ug/g ug/g ug/g ugTg ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/a ANALYSES RESULTS 2.77 nons detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected EEPOETiX~ LEVEL O.! 0.! 0.1 0.I 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.t 9.5 By LABORATORIES J. J. EG~IN, I~G. CHEM. ENG,. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327.4911 PURGEARLE ARO:,2%!!CS /d<~YS!S (SO~.L) 2akersfieid Construction Inspection J.'3~.4 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA S;J,IPLE DE32EiFTioN: Fanama Lane Test Hole ~/2 .DATE OF REPORT: 7 August i955 .',~O.: x .... DATE/TiZE S~'TPLE RLCZIVED ~ ~ = L~.~: 2 August 1985 TEST a~.,~. Purgeable Aromatics & EDE in Soil DATE 7 August 4.61 non: detected none detected none detected none detected none d~tected none detected none detected none detected Eenzen~ ug/g Eexane uL/£ Toluene ug/£. Ethylbenzene ug/g Isopropylbenzene ug/£ p-Xylene ~ ug/g o-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene u£/g EDB ug/g 0.1 0.i 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.I 0.5 LABORA-IIORIES J. J. I:GI. IN. I~G. CH~M. ENMI. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. ~3308 PHONE 327-4511 PURGEABLE ARO~.%ATiCS ANALYSIS (SOIL) Bakersfield 3onstruction Inspection 3O!d Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 33595 DATE OF REPORT: 7 A.~ust i~$5 Li~ No.: 12~3~ S~,~LE DESCRIPTION: P:namz Lane Test Hole #2 20ft. DATE/TI~'%E SA~LE COLLECTED: DATE/Tib:E S;d,~PLE RECEIVED ~ LAB: 2 Augast 1995 DATE ~NALYBiS C05~LETED: 7 August I~95 TEST ~THODS: Purgeable Aromatics ~ EDB in Soil £EPOET!'N3 Benzene ug/z Hexane ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethylbenzene ug/g Isopropylbenzene ug/g' p-Xylene u~/g o-Xylene uE/g m-Xylene u~/g EDB ug/g RESULTS 1.54 none detected none detected none detected none d~tected none detected none detected none detected none detected 3.1 3.! 3.! 0.i D.1 (~OIL) Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3D14 Union Ave. Bakersfield, uA 93395 DESCRIPTION: Panama Lane Test Hole #3 Diesel Tank Bft. DATE OF REPORT: 9 August 198B LAB No.: 12908 DATE/TIME SAMPLE COLLECTED: DATE/TIME RECEIVED @ LAB: 2 August 1985 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 8 August 1985 TEST METHODS: PurEeable Aromatics & EDB in Soil ,=.O~TI.,= ANALYiES 30NSTIiU=~:/ ~'~ITS RESULTS REPO~!IN~ LEVEL Benzene ug/g 1.29 Hexane u~/g 0.Si Toluene ug/g none detected Ethylbenzene ug/g 12.81 Isopropylbenzene ug/g 17.45 p-Xylene ug/g none detected o-Xylene ug/g 9.01 m-Xylene ug/g none detected EDB uE/g 4.21 0.1 0.i 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 Diesel fuel contains various compounds. It is possible for others compounds to co-elute with those reported. By £11E~I~I~AL AIIAL I~ I~I~LL~II~I LABORATORIES J. J. lOl, lll, REG. CI~M. ENG.. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA, g3308 PHONE 327-4911 PURCEABLE AROMATICS mqALYBIS (SO~L) Bakersfield ConStruction Inspection 301~ Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 DATE OF REPORT: ~ August 1925 LAB No.: !2~77 S~.~LE DESCRIPTi~J: Pznam~ Lane Test Hole Diesel Tank 1Oft. DATE/TIME S~,~LE SOLLECTED: DATE/TIME S~,~LE RECEIVED * LAB: 2 August 1985 DATE ~ALYSi2 C05~LETED: $ August 1995 TEST METHODS: Purgeable Aromatics ~ EDB in Soil 2~':STiTU~T ~';iTS RESULTS Mi;-JZi .-f~ L REPORT2N~ LEVEL Benzene uE/g 17.01 Hexane u~/g 0.71 Toluene ug/E', none detected Ethylbenzene u~/g 78.50 Isopropylbenzene uE/g 73.77 p-Xylene uE/E none detected ,o-Xylene uE/g 26.28 m-Xylene uE/g none detected ED3 u£/g 6.68 $.1 0.i 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.I 0.5 Diesel fuel contains various compounds. It is possible for others compounds to co-elute with those reported. By J. J. EO4,1N, lEG. CHEM. ENG~. INC. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PUR~EABLE AROS~TICS ANALYSIS (SOIL) Bakersfield Construction Inspection $014.Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA '93305 DATE OF REPORT: 9 August 1925 LAB No.: 12@0£ S~.~PLE DESCRIPTION: Panama Lane Test Hole #3 'Diesel Tank 15ft, DATE/TIME $AS~LE COLLECTED: DATE/TIME RECEIVED @LAB:' 2 August 1985 TEST METHODS: Purgeable'Aromatics & 'EDB in Soil DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 8 August 1985 By REPORTIN~ ~ALYSES REPORTiN~ CONSTI~J~ D~:ITS ' RESULTS LEVEL Benzene ug/g 9.78 0.1 Hexane u~/g 0.59 0.1 Toluene ug/g 1~.69 0.1 Ethylbenzene u~/g 6~.~1 0.1 Isopropylbenzene '. ug/g 5~.80 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g 18.02 0.1 m-Xylene uE/g none detected '0.1 EDB uE/g none detected 0.5 Diesel fuel' contains various compounds. It is possible for others compounds to ¢o-elute with those reported. LABORATORI J. J. EGLIN. I~G. CtI~M. EIIGI. INC. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD. BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93301 PHONE 327-4911 PUR~EABLE AR05~ATICS ANALYSIS (S0IL) Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3014 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 SA~LE DESCRIPTION: Panama Lane Test Hole #3 Diesel Tank 20ft. DATE OF REPORT: 9 August 1985 LAB No.: 12903 DATE/TIME S~%~LE COLLECTED: DATE/TIME S~,~LE RECEIVED @ LAB: 2 August 1985 DATE ~ALY$IS C05~LETED: 8 August 1985 TEST METHODS: PurEeable Aromatics ~ EDB in Soil REPORTIND ANALYSES C~STITU~ UNITS RESULTS REPORTIN2 LEVEL Benzene ug/g 11.40 Hexane ug/g 0.72 Toluene ug/g. none detected Ethylbenzene ug/g 72.54 Isopropylbenzene uE/E 78.23 p-Xylene ug/g none detected o-Xylene ug/g 28.46 m-Xylene uE/g none detected EDB ug/g 5.8~ 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 Diesel fuel contains various compounds. It is possible for others compounds to co-elute with those reported. By J. J. ~11~ I~G. CI~M. EN(~. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE Re'AD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. S:~01 PHONE :127-4Sll PURGEABLE AROF~TICS AEALYEIS (SOIL) Bakersfield Construction Inspection 2014 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 DATE OF REPORT: 9 August 1985 LAB No.: 12@10 Panzma Lane Test Hole #2 Diesel Tank 25ft. DATE/TIM~ SA~LE ~OLLE~TE~: DATE/TIME EA~LE RECEIVED @ LAB: 2 August 1985 TEST METHODS: Purgeable Aromatics & EDB in Soil DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 8 A6gust'19$5 REPORTIN~ ~ALYSES CON3T!TU~ UNITS RESULTS Benzene ug/g Hex~ne ug/g Toluene u~/g Ethylbenzene Isopropylbenzene u~/~ p-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene EDB ug/g Diesel fuel contains various others compounds to co-elute REPORTIHS LEVEL 11.48 4.20 none detected 100.84 101.38 none detected 37.56 none detected none detected 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.I 0.1 O.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 compounds. It is possible for with those reported. By J. J. EG~IN, IIt. G. CHEM. ENGI. INC. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 53308 PHONE 327-4511 PURGEABLE AROMATICS ;4~ALYSIS (S0IL) Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3014 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA '93305 DATE OF REPORT: 9 August 1985 LAB No.: 12911 S~,~LE DESCRIPTION: Panama Lane Test Hole #3 Diesel Tank 30ft. DATE/TIME SAMPLE COLLECTED: DATE/TIME SA%~LE RECEIVED @ LAB: 2 August 1985 TEST 5~TH0!YS: Purgeable Aromatics & EDB in Soil DATE m{ALYSIS CO5~LETED: 8 August 1985 REPORTING CO'.WSTI TU~ %~'~ITS Benzene ug/g Hexane ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethylbenzene ug/g Isopropylbenzene ug/g p-Xylene UE/E o-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g EDB ug/g Diesel fuel contains various others compounds to co-elute ~ALYSES RESULTS REPORTING 'LEVEL 12.15 0.41 none detected 120.37 123.37 none detected none detected none detected 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 compounds. It is possible for with those reported. By ~Y' $'J Eg~n J. J. EGI, IN. I~G. CHEM. EI4Q~. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 PHONE 327-4811 PURGEABLE AROMATICS ANALYSIS (S0IL) Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3014 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 DATE OF REPORT: 9 August LAB No.: 12912 S;2,~PLE DES 3RIPTION: Panama Lane Test Hole #3 Diesel Tank $5ft. DATE/TIS~ SAFLPLE ~OLLE.~TEu. DATE/TIME B~PLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 2 AuEust 1985 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 8 AuEust 1985 TEST METHODS: PurEeable Aromatics & EDB in Soil REPORTiN~ A/~LYS ES REPORTIND CONSTI TUEA~ U~'ITS RESULTS~ LEVEL Benzene uE/E 21.67 Hexane u~/£ 0.63 Toluene uE/E. 48.99 Ethylbenzene uE/~ 208.38 Isopropylbenzene uE/E 221.93 p-Xylene uE/E none detected o-Xylene u~/E 98.~2 m-Xylene' uE/E none detected EDB uE/E none detected 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 Diesel fuel contains various compoUnds. It is possible for others compoUnds to co-elutewith those reported. By J. J. 104.114, lEG. CNEMi INQ~. INC. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PUHGEABLE AR0~TICS ANALYSIS (SOIL) Bakersfield Construction Inspection 30la Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93205 S~FLE DESCRIPTION: Panama Lane Test Hole Diesel Tank 40ft. DATE OF REPORT: 9 August 1955 LAB No.: 12913 DATE/TIME SAS~LE COLLECTED: DATE/TIME SN,~LE RECEIVED ~ LAB: 2 August 1985 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 8 August 1985 TEST 5~THODS: PurEeable Aromatics & EDB in Soil REPORTIND ANALYSES CONSTITUE~ UNITS RESULTS Benzene Ug/g Hexane ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethylbenzene ug/g Isopropylbenzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g EDB ug/g Diesel fuel contains Earious others compounds to co-elute MIN!~9~i REPORTiN~ LEVEL 27.39 1.14 48.19 93.04 119.71 21.22 51.90 19.78 none detected 0.1 0.1- 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 compounds. It is possible for with those reported. By LABORATORI ,,,,,::. J. J. lEG&l#, I~G. C#EM. ENGI. MAIN OFF:lC;E: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. S3308 PHONE 327-4911 PURGEABLE AROb~.TICS ANALYSIS (SOIL) Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3014 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93235 S~¥1PLE DESCRiFTiON: Panzmz Lane Test Hole #3 Diesel Tank 45ft. DATE OF REPORT: 9 AU£ust 1995 LAP No.: !291~ DATE/TIME S~,~LE COLLECTED: DATE/TIME $~4PLE RECEIVED @LAB: 2 August 1985 TEST METHODS: 'Purgeable Aromatics ~ EDB in Soil DATE ANALYSIS C05~LETED: 8 August 1985 REPORTING ~LYZES CON~TZTUE~ UNITS RESULTS REPORTINS LEVEL Benzene ug/g 41.95 Hexane ug/g 0.91 Toluene ug/g. 60.34 Ethylbenzene ug/g 227.40 Isopropylbenzene ug/g 223.22 p-Xylene ug/g none detected o-Xylene ug/g 105.56 m-Xylene ug/g none detected EDB ug/g 32.07 0.1 0.i 0.! 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 Diesel fuel contains various compounds. It is possible for others compounds to co-elute with those reported. By ~ · ~. Eg~%n CNEIdlCAL AlIAL I'33~ PETIIOLEU~I LABORATORIES J. J. EGLIN, lEG.' CHEM. ENG4I. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PURGEABLE AROM~TIC$ ANA_LYSI$ (S0IL) Bakersfield 0onstruction Inspection 3014 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 92505 DATE OF REPORT: 9 August LAB No.: 12915 S~PLE DEEZE!PTION: Panama Lane Test Hole #3 Diesel Tank 50ft. DATE/TIME $AS~LE COLLECTED: DATE/TIME SA~LE RECEIVED @LAB: 2 AuEust 1985 TEST 5~THODS: Purgeable Aromatics & EDB in'Soil DATE ANALYSIS COS~LETED: 8 August.1985 EEPORTIN~ ~2~ALYSES C~¢STITU~T ~ITS RESULTS Benzene ug/g Hexane ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethylbenzene ug/g Isop~opylbenzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g EDB us/g Diesel fuel contains various others compounds to co-elute 'MiNII.~:i REPORTING" LEVEL 10.39 3.02 none detected 50.34 57.96 none detected 13.40 none detected none detected 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 compounds. It is possible for with those reported. By j,~r j~/Eal~ - ' ~,NE~t~4L A~AII~I~ LABORATORIES I. J. IFOLIN, lEG. CHEM. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Bakersfield Constructi on InSpection 3014' Union Avenue Bakersfield, California · 93305 Date Reported: 8/9/85 Date Received: 8/2/85 Laboratory No.: 12906 - 12915 Sample Descriptions; Panama Lane TH #3 ~ 8' 10' 15 20 25 30 35 40' 45' 50' % Total Hydrocarbons, .Determined by Freon Extraction 0.25 1.16 0.68 0.58 0.52 0.80 1.04 1.42 1.35 0.10 B C LABORATORIES,. INC. UNIFIED SOIL CI-ASSIFICATION SYSTEM METHOD OF SOIL CLASSIFICATION G,ov~ Log MI jot Divi~i~m~ Symbols ~ pLASTICITY INDEX · . Test Hg].e #1 Depth Feet Symbol ( ,/ ' Soil DescriPtion 1 2 3 4 ' ' 5 SM Silty sand - medium grey, fine to coarse sand, poorly graded, ' [~ I l] cohesive 6 7 8 ~ 9 10 eu ' Silty sand - light grey, fine to coarse sand, poorly graded, 11 ~'-' '[, [ ~[slightly cohesive -- Silty sand - light greyish tan, fine to coarse sand, poorly graded, 14 15 eM ~ ~t ISilty sand.- brownish tan, mostly fine sand with some medium to 16' °"'[ilt] Ic0arse~ n0n-c0hesive 17 18 SM /tit,. [Sandy silt-'brown,~poorly graded, fine to coarse sand, very cohesive 19 SM [I~[ ,[Silty sand, dark brown, mostly fine sand with some medium to coarse, , slightly cohesive . 2O SW, -':,::,~'Sand-G°lden tan, fins to medium, well graded, clean sand 20 I / ' ' BORING TERMINATED TeSt Hole #2 Depth Feet Symbol Log Soil Description 1 2 3 , 4 Silty sand - medium grey, fine t.o coarse sand, poorly graded, 5 SM [ cohesive 6 8 .10 11 SM ~ Silty sand-light, grey, fine to coarse sand, poorly graded, cohesive 13 SM I Sandy silt - light brownish grey, mostly silt with few sand i. particles, very cohesive 16 SM I Silty sand-brownish grey, mostly, fine sand with a few medium and i coarse particles, poorl7 ~raded, slightly cohesive 18 SM I Sandy silt - light brownish.grey, fine sand, slightly cohesive SP ·· , ° ~Sand-golden tan, fine to coarse, poorly graded, clean sand · Sand - golden tan fine to coarse, poorly graded, slight evidence of 21 SP '' · ' , , silt and pea gravel BORING TERMINATED Test Hole #3 Soil Description Sandy silt - medium grey, fine to coarse sand, poorly graded, cohesive Sand - greYish brown, fine to coarse sand, poorly graded, trace of silt Sand - dark greyish brown, fine to coarse sand, poorly graded, mostly sand, few pea,size gravel, trace of silt Sand - dark grey, fine to coarse, poorly graded, with pea size gravel, trace of silt Sandy silt - light greyish tan, poorly graded, fine to coarse sand, cohesive, some black oily-tar material throughout, evidence of material cementing Sandy silt - medium greyish tan, fine to coarse sand, very cohesive Sandy silt - greyish tan, fine sand, slightly cohesive y sa~d-iigh~ brown,,~ine to medium sand, poorlY graded, ,sion±ess silt Silty sand - light brown, mostly fine sand with some medium to coarse, few pea size gravel, cohesionless silt very Zew coarse, lea size gravel Sand - golden tan, fine to coarse, poorly graded Sand - reddish brown, fine to coarse, poorly graded, pea size to ½" gravel Sand - golden tan, fine to coarse, well graded with ½" gravel Sand - light tan, fine to coarse, well graded, few pea size gravel Sand - light grey, fine to medium, poorly graded, few pea size gravel Test Hole #3 (Cont'd) Depth Feet Symbol Log Soil Description SM ItI't Sandy silt - light grey with rust coloring throughout, fine sand, 22 cohesive, mostly silt 33 ' · , Sand - reddish tan, poorly graded, fine to coarse sand, evidence of 34 , 35 °' 36 '' 37 SP ' ' Sand - brown, fine to medium sand, poorly graded 38 ' 39 , 40 ~ SP · · Sand - golden brown, fine Sand, slightly cohesive 42 43 ~ Silt - white, very cohes±ve silt, nosand 4~ ~5 46 S~ Sandy silt - whitish tan, fine sand, slightly cohesive silt · , Sand - light grey, fien to medium sand, poorly graded, evidence of silt' 48 SP · · 49 · 50 ' 51 SM I~!t Sandy silt - light tan, cohesionless silt, some'very fine/~nd SP ' ,' Sand - white, fine to coarse poorly graded sand, evidence of silt BORING TE~INA~D Bakersfield Construction Inspection 3014 Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93305 (805) 324-1815 August 1, 1985' County of Kern Health Department Environmental Health Services 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Attention: Mr. Richard Casagrande Subject: Test Borings on Three'Existing Underground Gasoline Tanks and One Diesel Tank; proposal for Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is our proposal for doing test borings for contamination between three (3) existing underground gasoline tanks and one (1) existing underground diesel tank at the corner of Panama Lane and Colony Street. The purpose for the borings is because the Gasoline Station/Liquor Store is being sold and the buyer wants to know if any contamination is present around the existing tanks. Once the purchase is complete the buyer will be removing the entire existing gasoline system and installing a completly new system with new tanks being moved to a new location on the premises. There are two (2) 4,000 gallon.tanks and two (2) 6,000 gallon tanks at this location and at this time, it is not known which tank is which. Approximately one year ago a substantial shortage appeared on diesel fuel. that time, diesel fuel was no longer sold at the station a~d the pump was removed. It is not' known whether the diesel tank was emptied at that time. At Three (3) borings will be made to determine if any contamination is present. (See attached drawing for locations of proposed borings). At a depth of approximately 10' below pavement, contamination samples will be taken and will be continued to be taken at 5' increments to depths of between 20' and 25' or, if contamination is detected, to depths until no detection of further contamination is present. Soil samples for logging purposes will be taken at each test hole whenever a change in the soil appears. Samples for contamination purposes will be put in glass tubes, sealed,.Dnd properly labelled and taken to B. C. Laboratories, Inc., at 3016 Uniod Avenue to be analyzed. A report including soil logs, contamination report, and a drawing showing the exact locations of the borings will be forwarded to the Health Department for their review. The depth of the Water Table in this area, according to the Kern County Water Agency's Water Supply Report of 1983, is approximately 150'. ~_~rence L~is~e-r