HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ-BUSINESS PLAN 1/1995Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit . CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE Permit ID #:: 015-000-001141 MIKES FOOD & LIQUOR #3 This _Dermit is issued for the follow~rl~i; E~ H=,7=rdous Materials Plan [] Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials [] Risk Management Program [] Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment TANK HAZARDOU~'SUI~'~AN~ ~:;,~:; CAP~ ~;ii~. DISPENSER~PANSMONITORING 015-000-001141-0001 UNLEADED GASO.LINEi~..?? ;'i; ..... :~': : ~'::~:~ii!~t~ ~6]~:~;~ SENSOR W~;.EO~. ~UTOFF 015-000-001141-0002 DIESEL ~:.' ? ~? ............. ;~:.:~'0 DISP:PAN"SENSOR W&~OS: S~UTOFF 015-000-001141-0003 UNLEADED PREMIUM GASOLINE ,~:~:':".50~.0 ~NONE ' ::::% :~ ..... ~ ',:~ ' LOCATION: 2300 PANAMA LN qELD Issued by: APproved by: Expiration Date: June 30; 2003 Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIR ONMENTA L SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Issue Date STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P 0 BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 TO: WiNE HOUSE LIQUORS DATE: 6/01/00 CHAROE HMO05 SSOOi UTOO1 DATE DESCRIPTION REF-NUMBER DUE DATE 5/01/00 BEQINNIN~ BALANCE &/Oi/O0 HAZ MAT HANDLiNO FEE E &/Oi/O0 ~A BTATE 9URCHAR'3E 6/0i/00 U~T STATE SURCHARC-'E THiS FEE !9 A STATE 9URCHARQE u~ $8. O0 FOR EACH UNDEROROUND 8TORAQE TANK. ~/0i/00 UNDEROROUND TANK ANNUAL OPERATiNO PERMIT FEE OPERATiNO PERMIT FEE O~ $&&. O0 FOR EACH TANK. THiS UNIFIED BILL REPLACES SEPERATE BILLS RECEIVED IN THE .pAsT FOR THESE PRO~RAM8. TOTAL AMOUNT 8.50- liO. O0 i0.00 24.00 198.00 FOR GUESTIONS OR CHANGES TO YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL THE NUMBER AT THE TOP OF THIS STATEMENT. CURRENT 342:00 DUE DATE: 7/03/00 OVER~-°n OVER 60 OVER PAYMENT DUE- TOTAL DUE' 333.50 $333.50 CUSTOMER NO: CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ 'TOTAL DUE: 3292 H I G H W A Y 99 -N- STORE ~B-5 Diesel ~ B- 4 Tank-~ _,:~. Gasoline,~f' Tanks =~' ~'t zo~ PANA~ LA:-IE PROPOSAL BP89041, April, 1989 FIGURE 1 C 0 L 0 N Y 'S ' ' T R E E T SITE PLAN UNDERGROU~ID TANK' SITE C}~RACTERIZATION WINE ttOUSE LIQUORS BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Scale: 1" = 30' LEGEND Bakersfield Construction Inspection Test H01e Borings (August, 1~85) Groundwater Depth Confirmation Boring. (BSK & Associates) B~( ~ Proposed Test Boring Locations (BSK &' Associates') &Ass~'~ates G[OTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS ........................ ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT - PHASE II January, 1995 WINE HOUSE LIQUOR STORE 2300 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA, 93307 Submitted to CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION JMK INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT PHASE II WINE HOUSE LIQUOR STORE 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 PREPARED FOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION January 1995 SUBMITTED BY JMK INTERNATIONAL CO. 1300 Vercoe Pl. Monterey Park, CA 91755 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Site History 3.0 Purpose and Scope 3.1 Purpose 3.2 Scope 4.0 Field Work 4.1 Boring and Sampling Procedures 4.2 Drilling and sampling 5.0 Regional Geology 5.1 Site Geology 6.0 Analytical Results 6.1 Field Summary 6.2 Laboratory Analyses 7.0 Conclusion 8.0 Recommendations 9.0 Limitation 10.0 Disclaimer 2 11.0 Summary APPENDIX A APPENDIX B LOCATION MAP SITE PLAN WITH DRILLING LOCATIONS GEOLOGIC BORING LOGS TABLE OF FIELD READINGS FROM BACHARACH PORTABLE TLV SNIFFER APPENDIX C CHART OF SOIL CONTAMINATION, CHEMICAL ANALYSES CHAIN OF CUSTODY APPENDIX D PIT SAMPLING DATA (Pre-drilling data) SAMPLE LOCATIONS CHEMICAL ANALYSES CHAIN OF CUSTODY APPENDIX F Reference: TAILGATE SAFETY MEETING 1. Characterization of Soil Contamination, Under Ground Tank Site July 20, 1989, BSK & Associates 2. Preliminary Work Plan, Dec. 1994, JMK International. 3 WiNE HOUSE LIQUOR ,JANUARY 199..5 1.0 Introduction In December 1994, JMK International was requested by the owners of Wine House Liquors to perform site assessment testing at Wine House Liquors, 2300 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA. The facility, currently, is an operating convenience and liquor store. In the past, the property also functioned as a service station. Three underground fuel tanks were removed on Nov. 18, 1994. The neighborhood is largely open and undeveloped except for a restaurant, motel, service station and the subject store. The site is located east adjacent to Hwy 99 at the north off-ramp on Panama Lane, south of Bakersfield. 2.0 Site History The item property has been subjected to environmental audits, previously. See reference reports, above. The earliest was related to the removal of three underground fuel tanks on the east side of the Wine House store. During the removal, minor hydrocarbon contamination was discovered. The impaction was subsequently determined to be of low and acceptable levels, because of the character of the local, site geology. The connected pump stations and islands were located 75 feet 4 WINE HOUSE LIQUOr ,JANUARY I c:Jg5 away on the south side of the Wine House building, close to Panama Lane. In December of 1994, final modification of the site was commenced with removal of the concrete of the islands and drive slabs. At this time further hydrocarbon contamination was discovered. To assess and remediate the contamination, the Island area was then backhoed and sampled to depths of between 15 and 25 feet. Several samples showed contamination. The highest registered almost 8,000 ppm, TPHg. This sample SC#2 - 25' was obtained from approximately the same location as B-2 and at a depth of 25 ft. See also sample B-2 at 25'. The location map and lab reports for these early samples are provided in Appendix D. No Benzene contamination is reported. As a result of these early findings, officials of the Bakersfield Fire Department determined that further, follow-up, deep assessments were necessary. See attached map for locations. 3.0 Purpose and Scope 3.1 Purpose The current Phase II audit was planned to obtain deeper subsurface samples in order to test current soil conditions below the pitted, island area and provide data, which might either support site closure or indicate the need for further assessment and remediation. 3.2 Scope WINE HOUSE LIQUOR ,JANUARY I CJCJ5 JMK International performed 3 borings, north-south across the middle of the pitted pump island area. The borings specifically are located as follows: adjacent to the south side of the pit area, adjacent to existing concrete (B-l), 9 ft. farther north (B-2), and 26 ft. still farther north (B-3). See site map. Depths ranged to 55 ft. in borings 1 and 2, and 50 ft. in boring 3. Samples were obtained at 5 ft. intervals, field screened with a TLV Sniffer and sent to a licensed chemical laboratory for analysis, under chain of custody. 4.0 Field Work 4.1 Boring and Sampling Procedures Three soil borings were performed under the supervision of a California Registered Geologist on Tuesday, December 15, 1994. A mobile B-53 hollow stem auger, equipped with 8-inch augers, was on site for the drilling and sampling. Each boring was subsequently backfilled with cuttings. During the drilling, the R.G. classified the subsurface soils and logged the bore holes. Bore hole logs are presented in Appendix B. The borings were drilled to depths ranging from 50 ft. to 55 Since no groundwater was encountered, no ground monitoring well was installed. A tailgate safety meeting was performed by Safety Officer prior to the any field activities.(See Appendix 6 WINE HOUSE LiQUOr JANUARY 1995 F). All work was performed under the direction of a California Registered Geologist. The sampling equipment was cleaned with a detergent solution (Trisodium Phosphate) and tap water rinse, prior to the collection of each soil sample for laboratory analysis. Upon retrieval, the core barrel was opened and a field screening analysis was performed. The soil samples were collected and immediately-capped with teflon sealing lids and foil, taped and placed in an ice chest with ice. The samples were then hand delivered to a state Department of Health Services approved Hazardous waste, testing laboratory, under chain of custody. The drilling equipment was prepared before coming on site. 4.2 Drilling and Sampling Field testing was performed during drilling. The cores were extracted from each boring and analyzed for organic vapors, using a Bacharach Portable TLV Sniffer, parts per million (ppm) accuracy. Staining and odors were also recorded, if present. Soil samples were collected at 5 ft. intervals. The samples were obtained from an eighteen inch (18") split spoon sampler with six inch (6") cylinders. Soil samples were analyzed for: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) by EPA Method 8015 M Aromatic Volatile Organics (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020. WINE HOUSE LIQUOR JANUARY I 9C~5 To prevent cross contamination, all sampling equipment was decontaminated prior to each application. Decontamination procedure included washing with a TSP solution and rinsing twice with distilled water and air drying. Samples was handled using disposable gloves. 5.0 Regional Geology The regional geology is reviewed in Reference Report 1. Generally the soils at the site are classified as Quaternary alluvium, which occurs in the area in alluvial fan deposits of sand, silt and clay. An unconfined ground water aquifer is believed to be present at a depth of 150 feet. 5.1 Site Geology The borings of this report explored the section to a depth of 55 feet. The lowest part of the section, from 45 ft. to.55 ft. is a pronounced clayey zone, consisting chiefly of clay and silty clay, which probably acts as an aquitard. The middle part of the section, from 25 to 45 ft., consists chiefly of sand, which is graded (moderately sorted) and ranges in grain size to coarse sand size. 8 WINE HOUSE LIOUOR ,JANUARY 199,5 The upper part of the section, 0 to as much as 25 ft., is pit backfill. These soils had been excavated earlier in the month from the old Island and Piping area for shallow Phase II assessment and possible remediation. The soils are all native to the pit area and were replaced after investigations were completed. Induration of sediments was not encountered until deepest parts of the clay zone. No free ground water was encountered. Field evidence of contamination in the soils was not notable, generally. Hydrocarbon odors were detected in a few places. 6.0 Analytical Results Test results (enclosed) are delineated in Tables. 6.1 Field Survey Organic vapors were scanned routinely in the field. Only 4 samples showed appreciably elevated 9 WINE HOUSE LIQUOR JANUARY I Cj95 readings (100 ppm or over), B-1 at 45' and 50', and B-2 at 25' and 30'. The chemical results from these samples were also anomalous (see below). Similarly, only a few samples gave off distinct hydrocarbon odors. Staining of the soils (irregular coloration and mottling) was lacking generally. 6.2 Laboratory Analyses A chart summarizing and correlating analyses is provided in Appendix C. Only 5 of the 23 analyses indicate hydrocarbon contamination. The most severe, B-2 at 25 ft. gave a contaminant grade of over 8,000 ppm, T.P.H.g. However, the sample was obtained from near the bottom Of the back-filled pit area, which had been excavated previously for sampling and remediation. This back-filled area is indicated on the chart of soil contamination by dashes in the place reserved for analytical results in the upper part of each section. The other 4 contaminated samples, are indicative of scant impaction, only less than 3 ppm. T.P.H.g. No benzene is reported. Three of these last 4 samples were obtained from the top of the clayey zone, which occurs in the lowest part of the zone of investigation. The coincidence of occurrence of this minor contamination with the top of the clays suggests an affective aquitard or barrier to further downward migration. Only negative (ND) results were 10 obtained from the bottom of the drill holes. WINE HOUSE LIOUOR JANUARY I 7.0 Conclusion Hydrocarbon contamination is spotty and restricted in occurrence to two areas of the section -- the zone close to the floor of the former shallow assessment pit and the top of the clay zone in the lowest part of the section. The contamination is very low grade with the single exception of the sample from B-2 at 25 ft. This particular sample may also have been left or overlooked during the excavation procedures around the former islands and some how was picked up as an odd piece or clod during the drilling. The sample obtained from this location during back-hoeing gave similar results (SC#2-25'). Overall, the deeper part of the section at the subject site appears unaffected by hydrocarbon impaction, except for an apparent residual spot or two at the former floor of the shallow assessment pit, which escaped earlier attention, and a front, composed mostly of BTEX components, which is lodged at the top of the clay zone at the bottom of the drill holes. All of the lowest drill hole samples were negative (ND results), suggesting that any contaminants carried by downward percolating waters were stopped at the interface between sands and clays. The ground water zone is said to be at a depth of 150 ft., 100 ft. lower than the lowest 11 contamination discovered in the current progrmn (Ref. Report 1). WINE HOUSE LIQUOR ,JANUARY 1995 8.0 Recommendations The results of this investigation suggest that subsurface conditions at the Wine House site are within acceptable limits. Therefore, JMK recommends that this report be submitted to county agencies as grounds for granting site closure. 9.0 Limitations The conclusions and recommendations of this report are based ~on the following: A. The results of drilling operations B. The observation of field personnel C. The results of laboratory analyses of samples. 10.0 Disclaimer The findings and recommendations of this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted Professional practices in the environmental field. This warranty is in lieu of all other 12 warranties, either expressed or implied. WiNE HOUSE Llouor JANUARY All properties are subject to some environmental risks. These risks cannot be eliminated completely. Many properties that were developed prior to the enactment of the modem environmental laws are particular prone to risks associated with environmental hazards which include, but are not limited to wastes which may be toxic, ignitable, corrosive or reactive. The identification and mitigation of the potential environmental hazards can lead to the reduction or elimination of the impact of the environmental hazards on the use of the property. No warranty, expressed or implied, of nay kind is made or intended in connection with this report, or by the fact that you are being furnished with the report, or by any other oral or written statement. 11.0 Summary This report has presented our observations, the results of laboratory analyses, conclusions and recommendations regarding the site investigation at the Wine House Liquor Store. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions concerning 13 WINE HOUSE LIQUOR JANUARY I gg5 this report or require further information and services, please contact this office at your convenience. 14 APPENDIX A LOCATION MAP SITE PLAN WITH DRILLING LOCATIONS z I ~ ~ . J~. .... ~.~ ~- , . .... ~:_~~~~~-~"~1[ :~ ;~s~,~'~ ..... '' ~' ;fl-~.,.,~. o, I /a~Tf~;~,~' ~ I-- , ..... ~.~ '  '.~ !'~N~lm: PANAMA i ~*mc~ - . ~ · ~.sL g ~ ~; ~ ~ ':'.. '.-..' ~'--:'~: i .... ~ ;N~/ . ~1~%~: d~ o--1:~ ',-: -....;- JMK INTERNATIONAL ig. o tionMap General Enginee~ng 1~00 Vcrcoe PI., Monterey P~k, CA 91755 ~L: (StS) 5~a555, ~:'(SIS) 5V~-S~% B~ersfield, CA 93307 PROJ.: SA-6033 LEGEND ~]' TANKS AND PRODUCTS TANK I.D. PRODUCTS VOLUME ~ Boring for 8015M & 8020 Analyses TANK 1 GASOLINE 10,000 GAL. l k TAN~ 2 D~ESEL ~,000 TANK 3 GASOLINE 5,000 GAL. 1- -I Removed Islands J} I) Underground Storage Tanks TANK 1 L/ EXISTING LIQUOR I I I I TANK 2 MARKET I I I 11 ITANK3 [ 3  )- BORING #3(or B) ~ BORING #1(OR A) P A N A M A L A N E JMK INTERNATIONAL FACILITY PLOT PLAN (SCALE: 1" = 20') GeneralEngineering and Environmental Services 2300 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307 1300 Vercoe PI. Monterey Park, CA 91755 TEL (818) 573-3555, FAX (818) 573-8676 PROJ.' JMKUR-6033 January, 1995 PP-UR-6003-1 APPENDIX B SOIL BORING LOGS PORTABLE TLV SNIFFER READINGS JMK INTERNATIONAL 1300 Vercoe Pl. Monterey Park, CA 91755 TEL (818) 573-3555 FAX (818) 573-8676 BORING LOG ~U~EmNTENT: /8~ ~/~~GE: i O~ / DmLLING EQU~. ~-~2 ~bT~' BOmNG . d~) FIELD SC~ENING - ~; SURFACE ELE. · T~,e/ DEPTH TIME US BLOW OVA SAMPLING (FT.) CS COUNT READ. INTERVAL © BGS PER 0.5' (PPM) (FEET) FORMI05B. REV. 2~94 JMK INTERNATIONAL 1300 Vercoe PI. Monterey Park, CA 91755 TEL (818) 573-3555 FAX (818) 573-8676 BORING LOG PROJECT' /'('fi'/~;,~5 ,,~/;~'o~'X DATE' /,~-/~'-,,,c'~ ADDRESS: 2.~Z'~../;~,.-~/~..~4~ _d"v,,r JOB NO: SUPERINTENT: A'~/,~'/~'d/ ~/,,,~.~GE: ) OF _~_ DRILLING EQUIP.: z'.~-dT~ ~~ORING//: SAMPLING:,/~Z'Z.,,.Z ,ff;~..~Yf'.~ DEPTH: FIELD SCREENING i ,,*~ / ' SURFACE ELE: ..c,,~-~-//~,~ DEPTH TIME US BLOW OVA SAMPLING ::r: DESCRIPTION (FT.) CS COUNT READ. INTERVAL BGS PER 0.5' (PPM) (FEET) FORMI05B. REV. 2~94 JMK INTERNATIONAL 1300 Vercoe Pl. Monterey Park, CA 91755 TEL (818) 573-3555 FAX (818) 573-8676 BORING LOG / PROJECT- ~z_~/~., ,~/,, ¢'d ~,,,_.¢ DATE ' Z,.Z-~'~'-.F' ~ ADDRESS: ~ ~.l~j Z~ ~/~//]OB NO: fiji{ SUPERINTENT: ~~ PAGE: / OF / DmLLING EQUW. :~¢~//~~ BOmNG ~' J ff~) SAMPLING :~,~,~ ~/~a~ ~' DEPTH' ~d ~ FIELD SC~ENING ' ~ SURFACE ELE. :f~,,~/. DEPTH TIME US BLOW OVA SAMPLING (FT.) CS ]COUNT READ. INTERVAL BGS PER 0.5' (PPM) (FEET) I FORMI05B. REV. 2/94 FIELD SNIFFER READINGS BORING NUMBER SAMPLE DEPTH READING (ppm) COMMENTS: ODOR B1 15 FEET 70 NONE B1 20 FEET 90 MILD B1 25 FEET 80 MILD Bi 30 FEET 60 NONE B1 35 FEET 60 NONE B1 40 FEET 40 NONE B1 45 FEET 100 MILD (CLAY) B1 50 FEET 110 MILD (CLAY) B1 55 FEET-TD 30 NONE (CLAY) B2 25 FEET 1000 + STRONG B2 30 FEET 200 MILD (CLAY) B2 35 FEET 60 NONE B2 40 FEET 90 MILD B2 45 FEET 70 NONE (CLAY) B2 50 FEET 70 NONE B2 55 FEET-TD 20 NONE B3 25 FEET 60 NONE B3 30 FEET 90 MILD B3 35 FEET -80 NONE B3 40 FEET 20 NONE B3 43 FEET 20 NONE B3 50 FEET-TD 20 NONE LOCATION: DATE(S): SAMPLER/MRI: WINE HSE LIQUOR 12/13/94 2300 PANAMA LN BAKERSFIELD, CA APPENDIX C CHART OF SOIL CONTAMINATION CHEMICAL ANALYSES SOIL CONTAMINATION Hydrocarbon B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 Contaminants 5 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. 30 ft. 35 ft 40 ft. 45 ft. 50 ft. 55 ft. TPHg, 8015 M (ppm) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.1 ND Benzene, 8020 (ppb) .... ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Toluene, 8020 (ppb) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 29 ND Ethyl Benzene, 8020 (ppb) .... ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 6.9 ND m - Xylene + p-Xylene (ppb) .... ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 41.1 ND o-Xylene (ppb) .... ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 4.46 ND Hydrocarbon B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 Contaminants 5 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. 30 ft. 35 ft. 40 ft. 45 ft. 50 ft. 55 ft. TPHg, 8015 M (ppm) ...... 8099.2 2.4 ND ND 1.44 ND ND Benzene, 8020 (ppb) ............ ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Toluene, 8020 (ppb) --- 3.66 4.2 ND ND 10.6 ND ND ppm Ethyl Benzene, 8020 (ppb) ......... 4.0 ND ND ND ND ND ND ppm m - Xylene + p-Xylene (ppb) ......... 48.8 20.3 ND ND 45.8 5.8 ND ppm o-Xylene (ppb) ......... " --- 36.4 21.7 ND ND 36.5 ND ND ppm iHydrocarbon B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 iB-3 B-3 B-3 Contaminants 5 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 25 ft. 30 ft. 35 ft. 140 ft. 45 ft. 50 ft. TPHg, 8015 M (ppm) ............ ND ND ND ND ND ND Benzene, 8020 (ppb) ............ ND ND ND ND ND ND Toluene, I' 8020 (ppb) ............ ND ND ND ND ND ND Ethyl Benzene, 8020 (ppb) ............ ND ND ND ND ND ND m - Xylene + p-Xylene (ppb) ......... ND ND ND ND ND ND o-Xylene.(ppb) ............ ND ND ND ND ND ND CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported= 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND m-X¥1ene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Collected by: MIKE BECK Project No.: Collected on, 12/13/94 Submitted To: R. OSORNO Sample Desc: SOIL ~ Received: 12/13/94 2300 PANAMA LANE Tested: 12/15/94 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Reported~ 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Patrick Q. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: Project No.: Submitted To: WINE HOUSE R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported~ 12/15/94 :.:..................:....:..........:...C.~{~..~;~.T......................................:......, :'.'.'.' '.'.'::'.'::.'" '.'::.'.'.':.': '.'.'. .............. ~ ..................................... -' ':.'.'.: .'.'.'.':'.~%}{~. ~.'.'.'.'.' ~................:...............................a~a~x~m..::..:..:................:..... ...,.................-....,..~.~.e.m.................. ....u~..~........, :.'..:.:.:.:.:.:j~'..f;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:, .:.:.:.:.:.:~:.:i:~. :-~:.:.:.:-:-:.::: TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1. O ND Pa~ick Q. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8~15m ppm ~.~5~ ND Benzene LUFT/8~2~ ppb 1.~ ND Toluene LUFT/8~20 ppb 1. ~ ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8~2~ ppb 1.~ ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8~2~ ppb 1.~ ND o-Xylene LUFT/8~2~ ppb 1 .~ ND Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 ....~.....~.~..~.~`.~.......~`~..~...~.~~:.~..~...~.....`~......~.~....~.~`~...~...~.i~..~....~...~.~...~..~.~¥~.~..~¥~.¥..`~.~.~..~...~.~.~.....~~.~..~..~.~..~..~..~..~....~...~`.~.~.~.~`~.~...¥~.~¥.¥.¥.¥~.~.¥.¥.~.~ ..... . ........ .¥-¥.¥.', .................................................................................................................................................... .~%~.p..~.~ ..... TPH as gasoline LUFT/8~15m ppm ~.~5~ ND Benzene LUFT/8~20 ppb 1.~ - ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8~2~ ppb 1.~ ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8~2~ ppb 1.~ ND o-Xylene LUFT/8~2~ ppb 1. ~ ND Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 14,58 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: Project No.: Submitted To: WINE HOUSE R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 · PPb 1..0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND m-X¥1ene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1. O ND Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND 'iTolUene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Patrick Q. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: Project Submitted To: WINE HOUSE R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 ..................................................~.Y..Z.~D....................................:.......... '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.':.~{B.'U~.O.D.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.~'I~'.'.'.' ,'.'.'.'.'.'.'.~.k'.'.'.'.'.', .'.'.'.'.'.~'~...-..'.5.~.'.'.'.¥.' TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 1.1 Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 29 Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 6.9 m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 41.1 o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1. O 4.46 Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND P~f~ick Q. Lao Laboratory Director CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE AND LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: 8020/602 (BTEX) Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : OTTAWA SAND Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.0 gm. QC Batch# :8020121601 Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Compound: Spiked, Sample: LCS: LCS: LCSD: LCSD: RPD: Benzene 20 ND 18.0 90 18.4 92 2.2 Toluene 20 ND 18.0 90 19.0 95 5.1 Ethylbenzene 20 ND 18.0 90 19.0 95 5.1 Total Xylenes 60 ND 54.0 90 56.0 93 3.2 ND - Not Detected % REC =(Conc. LCS or LCSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*100 RPD = (LCS - LCSD)/((LCS + LCSD)/2)*100 LCS - Laboratory Control Spike LCSD - Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: %RECOVERY: RPD: Benzene: 70-130 25 Toluene: 70-130 25 Ethylbenzene: 70-130 25 Total Xylenes: 70-130 25 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 MATRIX SPIKE AND MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: 8020/602 (BTEX) Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : B1-55 Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.0 gm. QC Batch# :8020121601 Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Compound: Spiked: Sample: MS: MS: MSD: MSD: RPD: Benzene 20 ND 18.0 90.0. 18.8 94 4.2 Toluene 20 ND 18.O 90 18.8 94 4.1 Ethylbenzene 20 ND 18.0 90 18.6 93 3.2 Total X¥1enes 60 ND 54.0 90.0 56.0 93.3 3.5 ND - Not Detected % REC = (Conc. MS or MSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*100 RPD = (MS - MSD)/((MS + MSD)/2)*100 MS - Matrix Spike MSD - Matrix Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: %RECOVERY: RPD: Benzene: 70-130 25 Toluene: 70-130 25 Eth¥1benzene: 70-130 25 Total Xylenes: 70-139 25 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE AND LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: Modified 8015 Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : OTTAWA SAND Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.O gm. QC Batch# :8015121601 Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Compound: Spiked: Sample: LCS: LCS: LCSD: LCSD: RPD: Gasoline: 807 ND 760 91.7 770 93.0 1.2 ND - Not Detected % REC = (Conc. LCS or LCSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*lOO RPD = (LCS - LCSD)/((LCS + LCSD)/2)*lOO LCS - Laboratory Control Spike LCSD - Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: %RECOVERY: RPD: Gasoline: 50-164 20 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 MATRIX SPIKE AND MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE~LAB. METHOD: Modified 8015 Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : B1-55 Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.0 gm. QC Batch# : 8015121601 Compound: Gasoline Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. %'REC Spiked: Samples MS: MS: MSD: MSD: RPD: 807 ND 760 90.7 780 96.3 6.2 ND - Not Detected % REC = (Conc. MS or MSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*100 RPD = (MS - MSD)/((MS + MSD)/2)*lO0 MS - Matrix Spike MSD - Matrix Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: Gasoline: %RECOVERY: RPD: 50-164 20 CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: R. OSORNO Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/16/94 Reported: 12/16/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8~15m ppm ~.~5~ 8~99.2 Benzene LUFT/8~2~ pp~ ~. ~1 ND Toluene LUFT/882~ ppm ~. ~1 3.66 Ethyl benzene LUFT/8~2~ ppm ~.~1 4.~ m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8~2~ ppm ~.~1 48.8 o-Xylene LUFT/8~20 ppm 0. ~1 36.4 Pa~rick Q. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported~ 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 2.4 Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 4.2 Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 20.3 o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O 21.7 Patrick'S. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1. O ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND ~g~rick O. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laborat~ory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND m-Xylene + p-X¥1ene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: Project No.: Submitted To: WINE HOUSE R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 '.' .' .* .' .' .' .' .' .'.'.'.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.' .' .' .'.~ .OHP..0.1,1,1{ .:N.T .' .'.'.'.' .' .' .' .' .' .'.'.'.'.'.' .'.' .' .' .' .' .'. ~~~~~..~...~.~~~~.~~.~~~~~.~...~.~~~~.~~~.~~~~...~.~~.~...~....~.~.~~~~.~~~~~.~~.~~.~~.~~ '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.*.'.'.'.'.'.'.*..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'rrrrrrrr.¥r rrrrrr.8'.~liP.. ~]~rrrr.' TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 1.44 Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 10.6 Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O 45.8 o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 36.5 Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: Project No.: Submitted To: WINE HOUSE R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 5.8 o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND ~rick Q. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 Project Name: WINE HOUSE Collected by: MIKE BECK Project No.: Collected on: 12/13/94 Submitted To: R. OSORNO Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 2300 PANAMA LANE Tested: 12/15/94 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Laboratory Director CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE AND LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: 8020/602 (BTEX) Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : OTTAWA SAND Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.O gm. QC Batch# :8020121602 Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Compound: Spiked~ Sample: LCS: LCS: LCSD: LCSD: RPD: Benzene 20 ND 18.O 90 18.4 92 2.2 Toluene 20 ND 18.O 90 18.4 92 2.1 Ethylbenzene 20 ND 18.O 90 18.4 92 2.1 Total X¥1enes 60 ND 54.0 90 57.0 95 5.2 ND - Not Detected % REC =(Conc. LCS or LCSD - Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*lO0 RPD = (LCS - LCSD)/((LCS + LCSD)/2)*lOO LCS - Laboratory Control Spike LCSD - Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: %RECOVERY: RPD: Benzene: 70-130 25 Toluene: 70-130 25 Ethylbenzene: 70-130 25 Total Xylenes: 70-130 25 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 MATRIX SPIKE AND MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: 8020/602 (BTEX) Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : B3-50 Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.0 gm. QC Batch# :8020121602 Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Compound: Spiked: Sample: MSt MS: MSD: MSD: RPD: Benzene 20 ND 18.2 91 18.8 94 3.2 Toluene 20 ND 18.2 91 18.8 94 3.1 Eth¥1benzene 20 ND 18.2 91 18.6 93 2.2 Total X¥1enes 60 ND 55.0 91 56.0 93 2.2 ND - Not Detected % REC =(Conc. MS or MSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*100 RPD = (MS - MSD)/((MS + MSD)/2)*lO0 MS - Matrix Spike MSD - Matrix Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: %RECOVERY: RPD: Benzene~ 70-130 25 Toluene: 70-130 25 Ethylbenzene: 70-130 25 Total Xylenes: 70-139 25 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE AND LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: Modified 8015 Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : OTTAWA SAND Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.0 gm. QC Batch# :8015121602 Compound: Gasoline: Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Spiked: Sample: LCS: LCS: LCSD: LCSD: RPD: 807 ND 740 91.7 770 95.4 4.2 ND - Not Detected % REC = (Conc. LCS or LCSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*100 RPD = (LCS - LCSD)/((LCS + LCSD)/2)*100 LCS - Laboratory Control Spike LCSD - Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: Gasoline: %RECOVERY: RPD: 50-164 20 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 MATRIX SPIKE AND MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: Modified 8015 Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : B2-55 Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.O gm. QC Batch# : 8015121602 Compound: Gasoline Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Spiked: Sample: MS: MS: MSD: MSD: RPD: 807 ND 740 91.7 750 92.9 1.2 ND - Not Detected % REC = (Conc. MS or MSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*100 RPD = (MS - MSD)/((MS + MSD)/2)*lOO MS - Matrix Spike MSD - Matrix Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: Gasolines %RECOVERY: RPD: 50-164 20 CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92207 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: Project No.: Submitted To: WINE HOUSE R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: Project No.: Submitted To: WINE HOUSE R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT / 8020 ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND ~rick Q. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.O ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppb 1.0 ND I Patr~ O. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 ....................... ~i~'.0.' ~.~i~'..?..?.?.'.'.':.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' '.¥.¥.¥.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'i'i.i,?,'.?..i.i.i.i.i.i.i.?..'.,i.i.i.i.i.i.i .~~~~~~~.~.~.~~~.~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?~~~~~.~.:~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~, .i.i.i.i.:<.~hi~i~i.i.ili-i TPH as gasoline LUFT/8el5m ppm e.e5e ND Benzene LUFT/8~20 ppb 1. ~ ND Toluene LUFT/8~2~ ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8~2~ ppb 1.~ ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/802~ ppb 1.~ ND o-Xylene LUFT / 8~20 [ ppb 1. ~ ND ~r i c~--Q. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: MIKE BECK Collected on: 12/13/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/13/94 Tested: 12/15/94 Reported: 12/15/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8~15m ppm ~.~5~ ND Benzene LUFT/882~ ppb 1. ~ ND Toluene LUFT/8~2~ ppb 1.0 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8~2~ ppb 1.~ ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8~20 ppb 1.~ ND o-Xylene LUFT/8~20 ppb 1.~ ND Laboratory Director CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901 TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE AND LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: 8020/602 (BTEX) Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : OTTAWA SAND Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.O gm. QC Batch# :8020121603 Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Compound: Spiked: Sample: LCS: LCS: LCSD: LCSD= RPD: Benzene 20 ND 18.2 91 18.4 92 1.2 Toluene 20 ND 18.2 91 18.4 92 1.1 Ethylbenzene 20 ND 18.2 91 18.4 92 1.1 Total Xylenes 60 ND 56.0 93 57.0 95 2.2 ND - Not Detected % REC =(Conc. LCS or LCSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*lOO RPD = (LCS - LCSD)/((LCS + LCSD)/2)*lOO LCS - Laboratory Control Spike LCSD - Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: %RECOVERY: RPD: Benzene: 70-130 25 Toluene: 70-130 25 Ethylbenzene: 70-130 25 Total Xylenes~ 70-130 25 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 MATRIX SPIKE AND MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: 8020/602 (BTEX) Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : B3-50 Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.O gm. QC Batch# :8020121603 Conc. Compound: Spiked: Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Sample: MS: MS: MSD: MSD: RPD: Benzene 20 ND 18.2 91 18.6 93 2.2 Toluene 20 ND 18.2 91 18.6 93 2.1 Ethylbenzene 20 ND 18.2 91 18.6 93 2.2 Total X¥1enes 60 ND 55.0 91 57.0 95 4.2 ND - Not Detected % REC =(Conc. MS or MSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*lOO RPD = (MS - MSD)/((MS + MSD)/2)*100 MS - Matrix Spike MSD - Matrix Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITSz %RECOVERY: RPD: Benzene: 70-130 25 Toluene: 70-130 25 Eth¥1benzene: 70-130 25 Total Xylenes: 70-139 25 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901 TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE AND LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: Modified 8015 Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : OTTAWA SAND Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.0 gm. QC Batch# :8015121603 Compound: Gasoline: Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Spiked: Sample: LCS: LCS: LCSD: LCSD: RPD: 807 ND 740 91.7 760 94.1 3.2 ND - Not Detected % REC = (Conc. LCS or LCSD - Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*lO0 RPD = (LCS - LCSD)/((LCS + LCSD)/2)*lOO LCS - Laboratory Control Spike LCSD - Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: Gasoline: %RECOVERY: RPD: 50-164 20 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 MATRIX SPIKE AND MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: Modified 8015 Date Received: 12/13/94 Date Analyzed: 12/16/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : B3-50 Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.O gm. QC Batch# : 8015121603 Compounds Gasoline Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Spiked: Sample: MS: MS: MSD: MSD: RPD: 807 ND 760 94.7 750 92.9 2.2 ND - Not Detected % REC = (Conc. MS or MSD - Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*100 RPD = (MS - MSD)/((MS + MSD)/2)*lOO MS - Matrix Spike MSD - Matrix Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: Gasoline: %RECOVERY: RPD: 50-164 20 CES Laboratories C 13570 Tonikan Road Apple Valley, CA 92308 ES (619)247-6670 FAX: (619) 247-6629 Chain of Custody Please Print in Black Ink Only Page / of / California DOHS ELAP Certification #1458 Client: ~f~|.k/6 '~ L.i~-1, Z~'-r,,JL-. Contact: Address: '~.,.._.~>d:>(-.~ ~::2/4.-~,f~,~ ~.~ity: Project Title/Code: ~9 .~-~ -- ~ Sampler: "~- [~ Tel.:7,~o¢/~'...~ FAX: ~5 ~---~ State: ~ ZIP: ~_~..~3 '"~¢~..~-_,~¢_.~. Sample Location:/¢~,/¢/x~- Bill To (if different from above)' Due Date: Today's Date: /2?//>/4/_ P.O.# Date Time Matrix CES Comments Sample Description Collected (soil,mr etc) A-Type Lab ID e~, ~ - ~t- so ,/¢0 _ ~/- 4o ~/-4~~ Sample Condition Seal: intact broken none; Temperature: ~.qold ambicint; Other: Relinquished:~_.~.~._..-~ Date/Time'./~(/ 0e:c_.Received'. '..~ ~;,. ~._ __' · -',-~ /n //,,.o Date/Time' Relinquished: Date/Time: Received: ~/ · Date/Time: _R___e_l?_q_u ished: Relinquished: CES USE ONLY Dat~e/Time: Date/Time: CES Project#: Received: Date/Time: Received: Date/Time: Rush (T.A.T. 24hr 48hr 72hr ) Standard CES Laboratories C 13570 Tonikan Road Apple Valley, CA 92308 ES Tel: (619)247-6670 FAX: (619) 247-6629 Chain of Custody Please Print in Black Ink Only Page / of / California DOHS El_AP Certification #1458 Client: ~i/¢6. ~-~4& ~ ~ · L t , -~ Conta~' Address: ~o ~~~ ~Ci~: Proje~ Title/Code: ~ ~ ~ -~ Sampler: Tel: State: Sample Location: Bill To (if different from above): P.O.# Due Date: Today's Date: /~///,3//~- Sample Des?ption Collected (soi,,~, etc) A-Type Lab ID ele~, m3te sample characteristics) / Sample Condition Seal: Relinquished:~d_..- Relinquished: intact broken none; Temperature~.,~l/d ar~bient; Date/Time: 12//, ~/~ZZ,,~eceived : Date/Time:' ' ' Other: Date/Time: Date/Time: Relinquished: Relinquished: I CES USE ONLY Date/Time: Received' Date/Time: Date/Time: Received: Date/Time: CES Project#: __Rush (T.A.T. 24hr 48hr 72hr ) __Standard CES Laboratories C 1 3570 Tonikan Road Apple Valley, CA 92308 E S Tel: (61 9)247-6670 FAX: (619) 247-6629 Chain of Custody Please Print in Black Ink Only Page /of / California DOHS El_AP Certification #1458 Client: ~ MC-..- ~5~..~ Lt~, /;::~'i~.. Contact: Tel: Address: ~¢ "~,~-¢~ ,"vl~i- f.~City: ~ ~'/cFP State: Project Title/Code: ~C::L~ ~ -/.~ Sampler: ~.~'J~,.~. Sample Location: Bill To (if different from above)' P.O.# Due Today's Date: /~'/~¢¢"/¢ Date: ~-~a~e Time Matrix "~ "'"' CES Comments Sample Description , Collected (soil,aJretc) A-Type Lab ID , _ sample Condition Seal: intact broken none; Temperature:_,~cc~J ¢?ml:)Cent; Other: Date/Time: Relinquished:~'~.~ Date/Time:/¢¢~, ,¢~.~Received~~/.~:/.~_~, Relinquished: Date/Time:' - ~ Receiv .~ C~-~¢¢"~-'¢ "' Date/Time: Relinquished' Date/Time: Received: Date/Time: Relinquished: ICESUSE ONLY Date/Time; CES Project#: Received: Date/Time: Rush (T.A.T. 24hr 48hr 72hr ) Standard APPENDIX D PIT SAMPLING DATA (SAMPLING LOCATIONS & ANAYLSES) CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY ,J 1.11',2 iNTEI-INATIONAL PI-i~ /8()5 ~ 327-62X0 FAX. ~ (80~) 3'2269Q~ Cizy Fire' Dept. Ave. Ca. 93301 1 © / 07 / .'1-I 'l'hi~ l~-cter ~ill ~ddress thc prelimin~r'Y work plan Liquor Jobe J~ilL-UR-6033. The facility is located NOltl( PI,AN sl~b on thc north side el island "B" and the south "B" ('5EI~ DRAWING ~1). Jbtl( will bring in a backhoe s~,mpiing purposes and excavz~ion. I C I) ~ ~ua'ce (:er~ified Laboratory will be on site to peri'erin soil imlxlysis. Samples will be takea ut designated areas (a), (b), (c) indic,~ted on plot plan above. Sample (a) and (b) will taken a't 10' L0 dcgermirle the northern and southern lateral extent ~oi-' plume. flample (c) will be 'taker, at 15". A determination based on soil ~malysis will be: made on site after results are reviewed by on site ii,specter. If, samples (a), (b), (c) analysis are above City cri[eria. JMK in. tent is to excllvate and take further samples unt;il we re'-~ch 50 tons of impacted soil. Impacted soil will manifcsl;ed ;.,lid 'l:i'alisporLcd Lo blli]' J'~.~¢;'i. lity. ]'t', there are further quos'tier,:; 'l'h,,~ik You, CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: R. OSORNO Collected on: 12/09/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/09/94 Tested: 12/09/94 Reported: 12/09/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 ND ?oluene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 ND Patrick Q. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: R. OSORNO Collected on: 12/O9/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/O9/94 Tested: 12/09/94 Reported: 12/09/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 2646.7 Benzene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.OO1 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.O01 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 7.32 o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.OO1 12.54 Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: R. OSORNO Collected on: 12/O9/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/O9/94 Tested: 12/09/94 Reported: 1~2/09/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 3051.1 Benzene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.O01 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.OO1 2.34 Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppm O.O01 4.95 m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 47.75 o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppm O.OO1 25.87 Patrick Q. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Project No.: Submitted To: R. OSORNO 2300 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Collected by: R. OSORNO Collected on: 12/09/94 Sample Desc: SOIL Received: 12/09/94 Tested: 12/09/94 Reported: 12/09/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 7848.4 Benzene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 2.76 Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 3.85 m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 46.48 o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 33.47 P~r~ck Q. Lao Laboratory Director CES Mobile Laboratory 13901Tawya Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 Certification# 1458 ANALYTICAL REPORT Project Name: WINE HOUSE Collected by: R. OSORNO Project No.: Collected on: 12/09/94 Submitted To: R. OSORNO Sample Desc: SOIL Received~ 12/09/94 2300 PANAMA LANE Tested: 12/09/94 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Reported: 12/09/94 TPH as gasoline LUFT/8015m ppm 0.050 ND Benzene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 ND Toluene LUFT/8020 ppm O.OO1 ND Ethyl benzene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 ND m-Xylene + p-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.O01 ND o-Xylene LUFT/8020 ppm 0.001 ND Laboratory Director CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE AND LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: 8020/602 (BTEX) Date Received: 12/O9/94 Date Analyzed: 12/O9/94 Job.NUmber : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : OTTAWA SAND Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.0 gm. QC Batch# :8020120901 Conc. Compound: Spiked: Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Sample~ LCS: LCS~ LCSD: LCSD: RPD, Benzene 20 ND 18.8 94 18.4 92 2.2 Toluene 20 ND 18.6 93 19.0 95 2.1 Ethylbenzene 20 ND 18.8 94 19.O 95 1.2 Total Xylenes 60 ND 57.0 95 56.0 93 2.2 ND - Not Detected % REC =(Conc. LCS or LCSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*100 RPD ~ (LCS - LCSD)/((LCS + LCSD)/2)*100 LCS - Laboratory Control Spike LCSD - Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: %RECOVERY: RPD: Benzene: 70-130 25 Toluene: 70-130 25 Ethylbenzene: 70-130 25 Total Xylenes: 70-130 25 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 MATRIX SPIKE AND MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: 8020/602 (BTEX) Date Received: 12/09/94 -Date Analyzed: 12/09/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : SB#1 Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.O gm. QC Batch# :8020120901 Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Compound: Spiked: Sample: MS: MS: MSD: MSD: Benzene 20 ND 18.O 90.0 18.8 94 Toluene 20 ND 18.0 90 18.8 94 Ethylbenzene 20 ND 18.O 90 18.6 93 Total X¥1enes 60 ND 54.0 90.0 56.0 93.3 RPD: 4.2 4.1 3.2 3.5 ND - Not Detected % REC = (Conc. MS or MSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*100 RPD = (MS - MSD)/((MS + MSD)/2)*100 MS - Matrix Spike MSD - Matrix Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: %RECOVERY: RPD: ' Benzene: 70-130 25 Toluene: 70-130 25 Ethylbenzene: 70-130 25 Total Xylenes: 70-139 25 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE AND LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: Modified 8015 Date Received: 12/09/94 Date Analyzed: '12/09/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE sample ID : OTTAWA SAND Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix: SOIL Sample Amount: 1.0 gm. QC Batch# :8015120901 Conc. Conc. Compound: Spiked: Sample: Conc. % REC Conc. % REC LCS: LCS: LCSD: LCSD: RPD: Gasoline: 807 ND 760 91.7 770 93.0 1.2 ND - Not Detected % REC =(Conc. LCS or LCSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*lO0 RPD = (LCS - LCSD)/((LCS + LCSD)/2)*100 LCS - Laboratory Control Spike LCSD - Laboratory Control Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: %RECOVERY: RPD: Gasoline: 50-164 20 CES MOBILE LABORATORY 13901 TAWYA RD. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 CERTIFICATION # 1458 MATRIX SPIKE AND MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE % RECOVERY AND RPD SUMMARY LABORATORY : C.E.S. MOBILE LAB. METHOD: Modified 8015 Date Received: 12/O9/.94 Date Analyzed~ 12/O9/94 Job Number : WINE HOUSE Sample ID : SB#1 Units: ug/kg (ppb) Matrix~ SOIL Sample Amount: 1.O gm. QC Batch# : 8015120901 Compound~ Gasoline Conc. Conc. Conc. % REC Conc. % REC Spiked~ Sample~ MS: MS~ MSD: MSD: RPD: 807 ND 760 90.7 780 96.3 6.2 ND - Not Detected % REC =(Conc. MS or MSD -Conc. Sample)/(Conc. Spiked)*lOO RPD = (MS - MSD)/((MS + MSD)/2)*lOO MS - Matrix Spike MSD - Matrix Spike Duplicate SOIL QUALITY CONTROL LIMITS: Gasoline, %RECOVERY: RPD: 50-164 20 CES Laboratories I 13570 Tonikan Road Apple Valley, CA 92308 CE Tel: (619) 247-6670 [ S FAX: (619)247-6629 Chain of Custody Please Print in Black Ink Only Page __of__ California DOHS ELAP Certification #1458 Client: ~/~l/kl¢- ~1~ /_,1~C~¢-. Contact: (-'t'~() Tel: FAX: Address: ,¢%~_00 JCPi~[~/Vl.~. [,,,/kI. City: ~/~' State: ZIP: Project Title/Code: _~_ '~ Sampler: Sample Location: Bill To (if different from above): P.O.# Toda, ts Date: [~'/C /¢J'¢~- i- Date Time Matrix CES Comments Sample Description Colle~ed . .. (s~,=, ~tc) A-Type I ~h ID ~ ~ ~ ~~) 5.~- g}~t°' , h ,, ~, I Sample Con~i~ I: inta~ Broken , none;~ lomporaturo: ~d ~B~nt; Othor: Relinquished: / Date/rime: Receive.//, 'I Relinquished: Date/Time: Receiv'edl. Date/rime: Relinquished: Date/Time: Received: Date/Time: ICES USE ONLY CES Project#: Rush ('LA.T. 24hr 48hr 72hr ) Standard APPENDIX F TAILGATE SAFETY MEETING ~ JMK INTERNATIONAL General Engineering and Environmental Services 1300 Vercoe Pl., Monterey Park, CA 91755 TEL (818) 573-3555 FAX (818) 573-8676 TAILGATE SAFETY MEETING LICENSE NO. 685115 SITE: DATE: CLIENT: Wine House Liquor Dec. 9, 13, 1994 Mr. Chang Weon Chon PRO~CTNO. J~K-UR-6033 TIME: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM SPECIFIC LOCATION: 2300 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307 TYPE OF WORK: Drilling, Sampling CHEMICALS USED: Gasoline PROTECTIVE CLOTHENG/EQUIPMENT SAFETY TOPICS PRESENTED Start with Level "D", Level "c" if required. Hydrocarbon fume and vapors and associated aromatic CHEMICAL HAZARDS compound exposures. PHYSICAL HAZARDS Trauma, Slip, Trip, Fall in excavation and drilling · EMERGENCYPROCEDURES First Aid, call paramedic 911 HOSPITAL/CLINIC SJMA PHONE 327-961 7 PARAMEDIC PHONE HOSPITALADDRESS 2021 22nd St., Bakersfield, CA 93301 911 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Monitor for L.E.L. and V.O.C. If V.O.C.'s are over 50 ppm ~ak~ 15 min: br~a~ or until VOC's are diluted. ATT,ENDEES NAME~/~ /,~ SIGNATURE ',, NAME SIGNATURE FORMI03S. REV. 2~94 + MIKES FOOD & LIQUOR #3 ~.~==_-..~==_-=u~=-_-_~==-_~_-~ SiteID: 015-021-001141 + Manager : BusPhone: (661) ~ Location: 2300 PANAMA LN Map : 123 Com~qaz : Low city : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 24D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code:5541 EPA Numb: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title DALJINDER CHAUHAN / OWNER Business Phone: (661) $36-33~2x 24-Hour Phone .: (661) 836-3362x Pager Phone~-~(661) 203-8050x Hazmat Hazards: Emergency Contact / Title Business Phone: (~) ur Phone : ( ) - x Phone : (~'/) Fire ImmHlth DelHlth Contact :~L~;~D6~ ~-c~uM~w Phone: (661) ~-3~-~7~x MailAddr: 2300 PANAMA LN State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93307 Owner DALJINDER CHAUHAN Address : 2300 PANAMA LN City : BAKERSFIELD Phone: (661) 836-3362x I State: CA -+ Period : to TotalASTs: ~ Gall Preparer: TotalUSTs: ~ Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: I I, D~LT;~3~'C~u~"'Do~ hereby certify that i have rev:awed the attached hazardous materials manage- ment plan forP'/l~l£~-~-~L:~t"'~J:and that it along with any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. -z- 03/1~/2002 MIKES FOOD & LIQUOR #3 J~ ........................ JSiteID: 015-021-001141 + ......... ~ ....... ~- STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM A) Last Action Type: ............. FACiLITY/SITE INFORMATION Business Name: MIKES FOOD & LIQUOR #3 Cross Street : Business Type: Org Type: Total Tanks : 3 IndnRes/Trust: No PA Contact: ......................... PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION ...... + Name : Address: City : Type : Name : Address: City : Type : Phone: ( ) State: Zip: TANK OWNER INFORMATION Phone: ( ) State: Zip: - X BOE UST Fee# : UNKNOWN Financ'l Reap: STATE FUND Legal Notif : Business Mailing Address Name:DALJINDER S. CHAUNt{AN Ttl:OWNER State UST # : 1998 Upg Cert#: 00816 +~ Hazmat Inventory ~-~--===~~== .... ...z.~===~-... One Unified List + +-- Alphabetical Order ............. ~z ..... ==~- .... = All Materials at Site + ................................ + ....... + ........... + ..... +- + .... Hazmat Common Name... tSpecHazlEPA Hazards ................................ + ....... + ........... + ..... + .......... + .... +-- -+ DIESEL F IH DH L 5000.00 GAL UnR UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 10000.00 GAL UnR UNLEADED PREMIUM GASOLINE F IH DH L 5000.00 GAL UnR -2- 03/18/2002 MIKES FOOD & LIQUOR #3 ....... ==~========== SiteID: 015-021-001141 .= Inventory Item 0002 .......... - .... Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME .............................. + ..... === DIESEL I Days On site 1365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: + ................ UST ~ SIDE OF STORE SPLIT TANK [68476-34-6CAS# += STATE =+- TYPE =-=+== PRESSURE -~+ TEMPERATURE ==+~=== CONTAINER TYPE I Liquid j Pure I Ambient I Ambient J UNDER GROUND TANK +~==~=====.====~==~====-=~+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION ......... =~= .... = ...... =2+ Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 5000.00 GAL 5000.00 GAL 3800.00 GAL .... == ..... = ........... HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ......... = .... +===+ ...... %Wt. NO 68476302 I 100.00 ITSecret No Diesel Fuel No. 2 .... + ..... =+=~=== ..... = HAZARD ASSESSMENTS RSIBioHazl Radioactive/Amount I EPA HazardsI NFPA I USDOT# I MCP I No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / UnR Inventory Item 0001 ........ = ...... Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site + +~= COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME =~========== .... ==== .... =====~+ .... == .......... + UNLEADED GASOLINE I Days On Site 1365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: + ................ + UST E SIDE OP STORE I8006-61-9CAS# STATE ~+~ TYPE ~==+=~ PRESSURE ~==+ TEMPERATURE --+ .... CONTAINER TYPE Liquid J Mixture I Ambient I Ambient I UNDER GROUND TANK +=.~====~=== ..... = ....... + AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION =~===~== .... = ........... + Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 10000.00 GAL I 10000.00 GAL I 6000.00 GAL += .... ==+=~== .......... HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ====2================== ........... 100.00[Gasoline No 8006619 +~====~=+~==+ .... ==+==== .... === HAZARD ASSESSMENTS =='+= .... ~=='+== .... ==+ ..... TSecretl RSlBioHazI Radioactive/Amount I EPA Hazards I NFPA I USDOT# i MCP No INO I No ] No/ Curies I F IH DH I / / / I I UnR Inventory Item 0003 .......... z.~:~ Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ................ * ................ UNLEADED PREMIUM GASOLIN. I Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: * ................ UST . SIDE OF STORE SPLIT TANK I8006-61-9CAS' +~ STATE =+= TYPE ~-z+-- PRESSURE ==~+'TEMPERATURE ~=+==== CONTAINER TYPE ~-+ I 5iquid t Pure I Ambient I Ambient I UNDER GROUND TANK +=~. ........ =~=~=~==~=+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION --~=~=~'" ........ ~ .... ~+ Largest Container ! Daily Maximum I Daily Average 5000.00 GAL 5000.00 GAL 3000.00 GAL +=~=~=+-__-~.~==~===~- HAZJ%RDOUS COMPONENTS 100. ~Ol~asoline I TS~cre=l ~Sl~o~azl Raaioac~ive/amoun= EPA ~zar~. I ~F~A ! USDOT# I~CPI I No INo I No I No/ Curies iF IHDH I / / / I L unRI 03/18/2002 MIKES FOOD & LIQUOR ~3 ~W. ...... == .............. ==-~SiteID: 015-021-001141 ,- Notif./Evacuation/Medical .................................... Overall Site +~- Agency Notification ........................................... 06/14/1999 CALL 911. +~ Employee Notif./Evacuation ---~~~--~--~=~ .......... =~ 06/1~/19~9 NO ~MPLOYEES. +=--- Public Notif./Evacuation ---====------~=~-====~=---===~= ..... 06/14/1999 YELL AT THEM TO LEAVE. ~ ................. 11/27/2000 + +=--~ Emergency Medical Plan ~ .... =~ ~= ..... ~=== ! NEAREST HOSPITAL OR CALL 911. -s- o / a/2oo2 MIKES FOOD & LIQUOR %3 .... - ..... - .... ~ .... - SiteID: 015-021-001141 ......... =~= ........ == ..... == ~; ~.~ ~ Fast Format / /Ab +z Mitigation Prevent atem~ -~ ....... ~-z .......... ........... 06/14/1999 +== Release Prevention STICK UI~DERGROLTND STORAGE TANK, AUTOMATIC SHUT OFFS- +~-~ Release Containment ===~----== ==== .... ~ ...... ~ 11/27/2000 USE ABSORBANT MATERIAL, MOP AND BUCKET, SHOVEL ABSORBANT MATERIAL INTO DRUM. .......... . = ..... . .... 06/14/1999 ..... Clean Up ........ = SHOVEL ABSORBANT MATERIAL INTO DRUM, HAVE HAULED OFF- ---= Other Resource Activagion -6- 03/18/2002 + MIKES FOOD & LIQUOR #3 z~= ..................... SiteID: 015-021-001141 +~z~= ........ ~ ...................... ~=~_=~== ...... ~=~==~==~== Fast Format +5 Site Emergency Factors ~--= .................... ~ .............. Overall Site +~ Special Hazards .................................................. = ........ +=-- Utility Shut-Offs ............................................ 06/14/1999 A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE STORE N WALL BEHIND ICE CREAM REFREGERATOR C) WATER - UNDER THE LARGE GLASS WINDOW - S SIDE D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO · ..== .................. 11/27/2000 + Fire Protec /Avail. Water ............. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHER AT L SIDE OF ENTRANCE. FIRE HYDRANT - AT THE SE CORNER OF PROPERTY. Building Occupancy Level .... o3/18/20o2 + MIKES FOOD & LIQUOR #3 ~Q~_=~==5 ........ 55 SiteID= 015-021-001141 + == =ms ~mmm.{ ...... - Fast Format + Trai i g ............ 11 +~ n n .... = == ....... ~--~----~ ...... -----== ~--~ Overa Site + +=~ Employee Training ..................... 06/14/1999 + WE HAVE NO EMPLOYE~S AT T~IS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: NO SMOKING IN THE AREA OF THE GASOLINE PUMP; AVOID PROLONGED AND/OR REPEATED SKIN CONTACT; PREPARE ABSORBENT MATERIAL FOR SMALL SPILLS; IN CASE OF LARGE SPILL OF GASOLINE, POWER OFF, EVACUATE PREMISES, NOTIFY 911. +~=== Held for Future Use + .... 5 Held for Fueure Use ===~5==..=55~=~=~.55=~-~-~ ................. - ...... + 8 03/18/2002 D May 3,2001 Mikes Food & Liquor #3 2300 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Business Owner: FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 · VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 Enclosed, please find the Site and Facility Diagram Instructions packet. When your Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Inventory were submitted it was lacking the diagram portion. Please draw and submit the diagram(s) of your facility by June 8, 2001. The diagram should include the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) name of your business; business address; indicate which direction is North; the cross streets neighboring business addresses (within 300 feet) entrances and exits location of utility shut-offs; location of the nearest fire hydrant; portions of the building protected by automatic sprinkler system; and most importantly the location of the hazardous material(s). If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3658. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, RALPH E. HUEY, DIRECTOR OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Esther Duran, Accounting Clerk II Office of Environmental Services ED\db Enclosures MIKES FOOD & LIQUOR #3 Manager : Location: 2300 PANAMA LN City : BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 EPA Numb: SiteID: 015-021-001141 BusPhone: (661) 832-0678 Map : 123 CommHaz : Low Grid: 24D FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:5541 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Tit~ Business ~ (80~32-0678x 24-Hour Phone~-~~ 831- 8468x Pager Ph~ : (805) ~B~.~8816x Emergency Contact ~/% Title suzm . / / SIST .R Business~ (805) 831-8468x 24-Hour Ph~ .~. 5) 831-8468x Pager Phode : ( ~ - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : MailAddr: 2300 PANAMA LN City : BAKERSFIELD Phone: (661) 832-0678x State: CA Zip : 93307 Owner DALJINDER CHAUHAN Address : 2300 PANAMA LN City : BAKERSFIELD Phone: ( 661 ) ~9~3~T~-~ State: CA Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: · i';~'SL.-~I~.P~5'£,~,';u~/~)O hereby cer~ihl ~ha~ ~ have (Type or print name) reviewed ~he a~ached hazardous ma~fials manage- mere plan ~or~Jx~';~ ~[~ g~/~nd ~ha~ i~ along wi~h (Name of Busine~) any corre~ions constitute a complete and corre~ man- agernen~ plan ~:or rny ;acili%y. Signature Date .* 1 10/31/2000 WINE Manager : Location: 2300 PANAMA LN City : BAKERSFIELD SiteID: 215-000-001141 Phone: (805) 832-0678 : 123 CommHaz : Low S~id: 24D FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 EPA Numb: SIC Code:5541 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / TiJ~ / Business Phone?~~ 832-0678x Pager P~ : (805) 633-~15x Emergency Contact / ~itle . Business Ph~5! 831-8468x 24-Hour~~e : !8~1-8468X Page~-Phone : I ) - x Hazmat Hazards: ~ _~,> ~b~-O~ ~ Contact : MailAddr: 2300 PANAMA LN City : BAKERSFIELD Fire ImmHlth DelHlth Phone: ( ) State: CA Zip : 93307 X Owner CHANG W. CHON Address : 2300 PANAMA LN City : BAKERSFIELD Phone: (805) State: CA Zip : 93307 832-0678x Period : Preparer: Certif'd: to TotalASTs: = TotalUSTs: = RSs: No Gal Gal Emergency Directives: = Hazmat Inventory --Alphabetical Order Hazmat Common Name... DIESEL UNLEADED GASOLINE UNLEADED PREMIUM GASOLINE JSpecHazI One Unified List Ail Materials at Site EPA HazardsI Frm F IH DH L F IH DH L F IH DH L DailyMax UnitlMCP 5000 GAL UnR 10000 GAL UnR 5000 GAL UnR 05/28/1999 WINE HOUSE LIQUORS = Inventory Item 0002 -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME DIESEL Location within this Facility Unit UST E SIDE OF STORE SPLIT TANK SiteID: 215-000-001141 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site Map: Grid: Days On Site 365 CAS# 68476-34-6 STATE T TYPE PRESSURE Ambient Pure Liquid TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 5000.00 GAL Daily Average 3800.00 GAL %Wt. 100.00 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS Diesel Fuel No. 2  SI CAS# N 68476302 TSecret No HAZARD ASSESSMENTS I RS BioHazl Radioactive/Amount EPAHazards No No No/ Curies F IH DH NFPA /// USDOT# MCP UnR = Inventory Item 0001 -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME UNLEADED GASOLINE Location within this Facility Unit UST E SIDE OF STORE Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site Map: Grid: Days On Site 365 CAS# 8006-61-9 STATE ~ TYPE Liquid /Mixture PRESSURE Ambient TEMPERATURE Ambient CONTAINER TYPE UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 10000.00 GAL Daily Average I 6000.00 GAL %Wt. I 100.00 Gasoline HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS N 8006619 TSecretINo NoRSIBi°HaZNo HAZARD ASSESSMENTS Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards No/ Curies F IH DH NFPA /// USDOT# I MCP UnR 2 05/28/1999 WINE HOUSE LIQUORS ~ Inventory Item 0003 -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME UNLEADED PREMIUM GASOLINE Location within this Facility Unit UST E SIDE OF STORE SPLIT TANK SiteID: 215-000-001141 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site Map: Grid: Days On Site 365 8006-61-9 F STATE TYPE PRESSURE Liquid I Pure Ambient -- TEMPERATURE [Ambient CONTAINER TYPE UNDER GROUND TANK Largest Container GAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Daily Maximum 5000.00 GAL Daily Average 3000.00 GAL %Wt. I 100.00 Gasoline HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS IRSI CAS# No 8006619 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards No/ Curies F IH DH NFPA /// USDOT# MCP UnR -3- 05/28/1999 WINE HOUSE LIQUORS SiteID: 215-000-001141 Fast Format Notif./Evacuation/Medical Agency Notification CALL 911 Overall Site 05/03/1990 i Employee Notif./Evacuation NO EMPLOYEES 05/03/1990 Public Notif./Evacuation YELL AT THEM TO LEAVE 05/03/1990 Emergency Medical Plan NEAREST HOSPITAL - CALL 911 05/03/1990 -4- 05/28/1999 WINE HOUSE LIQUORS SiteID: 215-000-001141 Fast Format = Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt --Release Prevention STICK UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK, AUTOMATIC SHUT OFFS Overall Site 05/03/1990 --Release Containment 05/03/1990 USE ABSORBANT MATERIAL - MOP AND BUCKET, SHOVEL ABSORBANT MATERIAL INTO DRUM -- Clean Up SHOVEL ABSORBANT MATERIAL INTO DRUM, HAVE HAULED OFF 05/03/1990 Other Resource Activation -5- 05/28/1999 WINE HOUSE LIQUORS SiteID: 215-000-001141 Fast Format Site Emergency Factors Special Hazards Overall Site --Utility Shut-Offs 05/03/1990 A) GAS - NONE B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE STORE NORTH WALL BEHIND ICE CREAM REFREGERATOR C) WATER - UNDER THE LARGE GLASS WINDOW - SOUTH SIDE D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO -- Fire Protec./Avail. Water 05/03/1990 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHER AT LEFT SIDE OF ENTRANCE. FIRE HYDRANT - AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PROPERTY. Building Occupancy Level 6 05/28/1999 WINE HOUSE LIQUORS SiteID: 215-000-001141 Fast Format Training -- Employee Training WE HAVE NO EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE Overall Site 05/03/1990 NO SMOKING IN THE AREA OF THE GASOLINE PUMP AVOID PROLONGED AND/OR REPEATED SKIN CONTACT PREPARE ABSORBENT MATERIAL FOR SMALL SPILLS IN CASE OF LARGE SPILL OF GASOLINE, POWER OFF, EVACUATE PREMISES, NOTIFY 911 -- Page 2 Held for Future Use Held for Future Use 7 05/28/1999