HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANKBAKER'S-MA YFL O WER ' BAKER'S TRANSFER & STORAGE~1230 "P' STREET/P.O. BOX 556~BAKERSFIELD, CA 93302/(805) 323-7558 MEMBER MAYFLOWER WAREHOUSEMEN'S ASSN. AGENT FOR AERO MAYFLOWER TRANSIT CO., IN(;, ICC NO. MC-2934 170(~ Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305-4198 Telephone (805) 861-362t AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT LEON M HEBERTSON, M.[ Director ol Public Health Air Pollution Control Offic January 26, 1988 Florence Abrams 2700 Lake Street San Francisco, California 94121 Re: Tank Abandonment, Baker's Transfer & Storage/, Dear Abrams: This department has reviewed t~~.~ory ~. alyses for the gasoline underground storage tank _~_8_0.0 ~3_th S~e~.~. Permit #A520- 16. The samples indicated no slgni£lcan[ soil contamination at the site. Based upon preliminary site required. BS/gb this information, the department considers this assessment complete and no further assessment is Sincerely, BIll Schelde Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous ~taterlals [/anagement I Program cc: Thomas Underhtl] McNabb Construction FACILITY: ADDRESS : PERMIT #: FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY ENV. SENSITIVITY: Actlvtt¥ Date # Of Tanks Comments Environmental Sensitivity ~ Inspection Tine :~/~/ ~1~. UNDERGROUND HAZ~e~DOUS SUBST~ehNC]E STO~OB FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT Type of Inspeo~on: RoutJnef ~ Cpmp1~lnt Rein.pect/on. OPrimary Contalrunent Monitoring: a. InterceptlnR end Directing 8ysten ~Standa~d Inventory Control Nonitorlng c. Nodlfled Inventory Control Nonltorlng d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater #onltoring f. Vadoee Zone #onitorlng 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Liner .. b. Double~Walled Tank c. Vault .~.)Plplng Nonltorlng " a. Pressurized  suction c. Gravity ................................................. ............ .......................... . ....... Overfill Protection 5. Tightness Testing 6. New Conetructlon/#odiflcation .' 7. Closure/Abe~donnent 6. Unauthorized Release 9. #aintenance, 0eneral Safety and 0petEring Condition of Facility .............. ff ........ _ ............... Relnepectlon scheduled? __~ Yea No Approximate Reinspection Date INSPECTOR, ~ ~_.~ REPORT RECEIV,D BY, ~omaents: ITEM Primary Containment MonLtor/n~: a. lnterceptLng and DLrectlnK System b..$tandard Inventory Control Monitoring e. Modifled Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level SensLng Device el Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadoee Zone Monitoring Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Liner b. Double-#ailed Tank c. Vault 3. Pip/n~ Monitor/nE . . I ' ' a. Pressurized I b. SuctLon ~ , o. Gravity 4. Overfill Protection r'"~ 6. New Construct/on/Modification . , I 7. Closure/Abandonment 8, Unauthorized Release .................. ' ....... :~'.~__ .,_.~_ ......... * ............,' ....... L. ........... !-- ' .....~ ....... ~ ........... '- .............. '- · ! 9., #w½ncena~c?,..ueneraj~ety/a~d ~" '~'~ I , . / / / ' . / '- ' ' ' '",~/ Co~eots/Recommendations /~ ..... ' .. . .~ ',/ ' ' ,'f,r,/ ~,/ ¥ I /_~ ~-:'~' '/.~_ " .,:~, L Jr-'/ ... ',.'::.,".'.~ .... ReLnspectlon scheduled? ' Yes No r-- ApproxLmate' Retnspection Date INSPECTOR: REPORT RECEIVED BY: (Form ~FdO(P-l?O) 1700 Flower 8tree! Bakerefleld, California 93305 TeleF.~,c.-,e (805) 861-3636 COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEI~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DMSION July 14, 1987 HEALTH OFFICER '.. : Leon M Hebert, on, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVlRONMENTA~ HEALTH, Vernon Florence Abrams .2700 Lake Street San Francisco, California 94121 Dear Ms. Abrams: This is to notify you the underground storage tank facility· Which you own at Baker's Transfer and Storage, 1230 "P" Street; · Bakersfield. Permit #160017C has failed a fact.lt~y inspeCtion by ' this department, The operator of the' facility is in violation of the permit requirements because he is not "'performing· Standard' .... Inventory Control' Monitoring as required under the permit. A copy ..' 'of the inspection report Is enclosed with this letter. '.. As the owner of the facility,' you are responsible for ensuring '- that all permit conditions are met. At present~ the operator is not operating the taqk. If he does not perform Standard Inventory Control ~lonitoring as described in Handbook #UT-10 from 'our department, you must choose between three options to comply with the law: ..... JJ:'-" . '.' .... ': : 1. Perform Standard Inventory Control Monitoring as presently · · .'.'j ::,,.: .. , ... r e q u i r e d; ' . , ':',:..:::/:. :. :: i:~,'.": ' :.':': .' ..' J-. - . . · :'!< :,':'i.~:::.::.~:~.-::~>:...~::. 2 Propose an equivalent method of...'tank':':.;mont, tortng, that".will:"-: ::::::~ ~" for · abandonment of ' the ··':,tank :?'::under::.j:~::'an .... abandonment·· .: - '. -.' :':::.:::'~-.:.'..: ' Ihave enclosed a copy of the '.UT-lO'::'handbook".'.for: you ...to:.:......:.:'::.~::.. '~:~:':?"'"::'?'famlllarlze yourself with the current monlto.rlng::':'vequlrements.: "In ' '" addition I have enclosed a handbook" of .the :"::'regulations :~for ' '. /-; ~::'::' ~.l,'abandoning tanks', (UT-30') as well as .an '::.application for :' an ':::?J"::.::.?:::~:abandonment permit. ' ' ": "?:. ..... -.. :,,~ ~,~,~ :. ~;~5'~'.'" . .:..,:~¥:.~,¥~;~.:~...,:.... ' :. "':d.::....:.:.:::~:~:::'.'... :..:. .'. '-. :..'. '~ : .'- - ' ,;'.: ~:,..j:.~. ';::~"~,..' , ::' ·" ' ':.' '- 'c-,~':~:~::: ": .'.... '. '::. '" . · ' . ' · ': .' ~. : ~. - . :.. ...... ~.~::~::.:,.... . ...::. ,..~...=.:......~...:..:~,.~...~::~.~:,,,.~... ......... : ....,.... .......... . ..... .: . . ... . . . :. ...'~'~.,,.,,.':;,,:..~=.:.. ;,,.<~.~ .-:..~,.~.. ,...~...~,.. ..... . . . . -. . ...:.,, ':~ ....'.:/ . } (., ........ :~(~i.~:.:;:.:: '..- . · Delano . ~flt . ' a~ leabella Mo~J i~~ Rld~e['~'~;~;.Shefl~ ~'~:~.Taft :.~' '.:': .':' ', :' .. ".:':?:~,' ~':J'~:~J~j:~'~[::~ · i Florence Abrams . ~,- ,..,u!y 14 , 1987 ...... "~'~' · ....~,' ..... :~:,~s: ....:' ,- . '.. :. :~: ...:...:.' ~ Page "~' '" t W 0 '~' ':~ ' : '":"~::' :" ' ' ;:' -: ........ ' .:.:~ ., ...-~,. . :~'~?>~, '"?~,.,.~. Please call me immediately if you'd'are not sure ~htch option you want to .take to comply wlth"the :law. You have 30 days from the date of 'the Inspection of 'July 8,':~1987 to begin taking steps .to' comply with the law. Should You have any quest'tons about this ,,matter do not .hesitate to call me at (805)' 861-3636 for assistance. It ts very Important you take act!on on this ma. tier before the 30-day period ends, to avoid further legal action.' Sincerely-, B~ll ~heide ..... E'nvlronmental Health Speolalis~ Hazardous ~aterials ~anagament Program BS sw Enclosure .cc: ~4r; Ray Taylor A~IlI£Ul IUtI~ '::: ~.. , ..- ,~ .,' ~.:.~ ? : -'".'i' ~ i'c . ~T~OL[U~ ~ .... J. ~LIN, I~. CHEM. ENGI. 41~ PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) R L W EQUIPMENT 2080 SO. UNION AVEUNE BAKERSFIELD, CALIF 93307 Attention: Date of Report: 16-0ct-87 Lab No.: 20747-1 Sample Desc: BAKERS TRANSFER & STORAGE - GASOLINE 2' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 08-0ct-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 08-0ct-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 14-0ct-87 Constituent Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Pet. Hydrocarbons Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Reporting Units ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g' ug/g Analysis Results None Detected 'None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected Minimum Reporting Level 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 o.io. TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. Dry Matter Basis T.P.H. for Gasoline Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification ·of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By Robe. rt Plaisance Chemist CH£~ICAI ANALYSIS PETROLEUM qlF . Inc. J. J. EGLIN, IIEG. CHEM. ENGII. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327o4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) R L W EQUIPMENT 2080 SO. UNION AVEUNE BAKERSFIELD, CALIF 93307 Attention: Date of Report: .16-0ct-87 Lab No.: 20747-2 Sample Desc: BAKERS TRANSFER & STORAGE - GASOLINE 6' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 08-0ct-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 08-0ct-87. DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 14-0ct-87 Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g. None Detected TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis 0.10 Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of.~olatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents, specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By Robert Plaisance Chemist ,70OF~.~SU,~ COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEI !(' u,~a~~u~ ...... DIRECT~ ~ ENMR~EN~ ~ ~ ~~ ~n~ · R~d ~cillty Name ~~ Kern County Per~lt f * * UNDI~ROROUND TANK DISPO$1TION TRACKING RECORD · · This fora 18 to be returned to the Kern County ~oalth Department within 1.~4 days of acceptance of tank(8) by disposal or recycling facility· The holder of the permit with number noted above 18 reapoflsAble for Insuring that this form Aa cospleted and returned· Sec~tea ~ - To be ~ttted ou.__[t by contract~or "decontaatn~la~ tapk(e}= Authorized representative of contractor certifies by slgninl below that tank(s) have been decontaminated In accordanoe with Kern Counti~ Health Department requireR.nra. ........................... ;.~h~rl ' ' ; P.' J J ; ~i~q' 'f 'tie .... ~etloq 8 - ?o ]~ filled out aad .sl~ned ~ ~ --ed e r s n a o ~Featmen, t, storage, o~ ~d_ts~o~al l'aqlllty ~ tank's}; Faotltty Name ,.AM. ER.ICAN METAL RECYCLTNG: TN£- Address 2,2,02 $,- MILLIKEN AVE. ONTARIOr CA ,, , Date Teaks Recg~Fed ~CT. 8, 1987 (Author/zed Representative) %. · · · MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold In half and 8taple. Po8tage and nailing label have already been affixed to outside for your convenience· DISTRICT OFFICES '"':' ~ 3t~aofC&llton~l~HeallhandWelfereAgenCY -':. :' ' .;:' De,~artmemotHealthSef~cea ,&.IN)roved OM8 NO. 2Q60--O039 (Expires 9-3~ ~1~ . ' , ux,G ~uu.,..u.. ~..omr~, T UNIFORM HAZARDOUS · K' or, tot', us EPA ID No. of *' I is not required by Federal law. 5. Tmn~ 1 C~p,ny Name/- · 6. US EPA ID Number C. State Tran~er'a ID Z'~:~ No. Type Wt I Vol b. 8tats ' ~A/~h~ State EPA/Other I I I I I I I d. 8late "' I I I I I I I GENERATOR'5 CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping nam and are clasaifled, pack~, marked,, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for tranapo~ by highway according to applicable ~temational and national government regulations. H I am a large quant'ity generate, I ce~i~ Ihat I have a program in Place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have dete~i~ to be economically praaicable and that I have 8elected the pra~lcakle method of treatment, storage, or disposal cu~entty available to m ~ich minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, if I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good fa~ effo~ to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can alford. A pflnt~ypedNamez I.nature .,< .. .... .1 . MonthOayYear 18. Transpolar 2 Acknowledgment gl Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name I Signature Month Day Year 19. Di~repan~ Indication Space 20. Facility Owner or Operator Ce~ification of receipt of hazardous material8 covered by this ~ni~st except as noted in Item 19. DHS 8O22 A(t/aT) GREEN= HAULE/RE"I"~I~$ .. INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BACK EPA 8700.--22 (Rev. 9-86) Previous editions are obsolete. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY OR SPILL. CALL THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER 1-800-424-8802; WITHIN CALIFORNIA CALL 1-800-852-7550 1700 Flower Street B~k®rtfleid, California 93306 T~ephone (~05) ~1-3~3~ PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDER6ROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAI~/ADDRESS: KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: HEALTH OFF{CER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relchard PERMIT NUMBER A520-16 CONTRACTOR: Baker's Transfer & Storage 800-13th Street Bakersfield, CA PERMIT FOR CLOSURE oF;"" Florence Abrams R.L.W. Equipment 2700 Lake Street 2080 So. Union Avenue San. Francisco, CA 9412] Bakqrsfield, CA 93307 Phone # (415) 221-7926 Phone # (805) 834-1100 .. _ ........... '.License .No.. 294074 pERMIT EXPIRES' NoVember*261 1987 I TANK AT ABOVE -- . APPROVAL DATE August 26, 1987 LOCATION ~" ,:' !-: APPROVED BY -' .:".:' ~.. ~:~'::: :...... '.- Bill Scheide · .' · POST ON PREMISES', ....... '- . ". '... CONDITIONS AS FO*LLOw~:. :;, .... ' "' ' ' ' ' ' ........ ~" 1 It is the responsibility of' the Permlttee' to obtain permits which required by other regulatory agencies prior 'to beginning work. 2 Permtttee must obtain a .City Fire Department permit prior to init closure, action .... ..:' 3 Tank closure aCtty, ttles must be per Kern county Health and Fire Depa approved method's as ~descrlbed in Handout #UT-30 4 The tank removal Contractor must have a qualified 'employee' on-:si supervising the:~ac~t{iai"jtank removal. . .... ,.-. 5 A minimum of tW'~::sa~'p'i'e's~'must be retrieved beneath the.centeu_'of.the,t at depths' of approXimatelY two and slx feet. 6 A minimum of two samPles must be retrieved at depths of approximately two and six feet for every 15 linear, feet of pipe run and also near th'e dispenser area(s). AI.I (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene ~. toluene xylene, and total volatile hydrocarbons Copies of transportation manifests .must be submitted to' the Heai~h'j Department within five days of waste disposal All applicable state "laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, 0F. treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Health Department must ~b'.e. notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. Permlttee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" Issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14 days of tank removal. Advise this offic~ of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice, Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis c omplet,o~ ~~. --~-'-~-. ACCEPTED BY DATE .... KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT DtVIStON OF ENVIRONMENTAL NRALTH 1700 FLON£R STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA (805) 861-3636 93306 LENGTH OF PIPING TO ABANUON. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR APPL! CATZ ON I~'OR PERI~i! T I?OR PER~NENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT Ol~' UND~"RGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBST&~-~IC~S STORAGi~ ~'ACXLXTY [] REMOVAL, OR D ABANDONMENT IN PLACE (i~fLL OUT ONE APPLICATION PER FACILITY) REMOVAL CONTRACTOR lADD--ss . ,lq A ~ P~,,./P"',"*~ I ;o;o ~,,. JPEOPosrm PR~ECT STAN, KO DATe ]CALIFORNIA L~CERS8 ,' ]MOm~..R'8 CO~KN~TJO,, ADDRESS INSURER ADDRESS ~/.o0. '~,'~,~ R,~. LABORATORY THAT MILL ANALYZE SAMPI,ES I SEC/T/R (RURAL lOCATIONS ONLY) INgAREST CROSS STREET kNSUREK CHEMICAL COM~ITION OF MATERIALS STORED rANK · VOLUME ?o TO TO TO CNEMICAL PUVIOUSLY GTORI':I IDKPTIi 1'0 ~MDMATF~ I SOIL TYPEAT FACILITY DE$CR1BR BOM RBSIDUB IN TANK(S) AND PIPING IS TO Bg RI1MOVED AND .DISPO$£D OF (INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAl, COMPANIES): ~ ~ p~$cRJsE BOTH T#S DISPOSAL #gTliOO AND DJSPOHAL LOCATION VO~: E TANK(S) . . / ~IPINO ~ ' I · ' · * PLEASE PROVI~E INFORMATION RBOUESTEDON. RSVERSB ~IOEOF THIS ~gET BEFORE SUeNITT/N~ APPLICATIOH~OR~E¥!EM ' · TH/S FORM HA8 BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OP PERJURY AND TO THE BEST OP MY ENO#LEDGE ]$ TRUE AND CORRECT, T,TL, DATE (Form ·ItMMP-140) ANGELO J. $CAMpINI BEN MORTARA. JR. HAIG A. HARRIS. JR,, INC, JOSEPH C. FRIEDMAN BRUCE N. SHYER. JR NElL 5. TURNER SCAMPINI, MORTAR/[ & HARRIS A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING A PROFE$5~ONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 46S CALIFORNIA STREET, SUITE 300 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 9,4104 July 22, 1987 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 415 ,it, al-B556 Mr. Thomas H. Underhill 930 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 106 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Tom: .... You will remember Mrs. Florence Abrams, an old friend and client of mine, who you met on several occasions .and who is the owner of the warehouse building and property located on California Street, occupied by Baker's Transfer and Storage. The property and building has been under lease and occupation by Baker's Transfer and Storage for quite a few years, and currently is being occupied on a month-to-month basis as the term of the lease expi~e~ some years ago, but was never formally renewed.' We. h'av~ never had any trouble with the tenant and he is current in his rent, and Mrs. Abrams is not inclined to put the property on the market or to.seek a new tenant as she is completely satisfied with continuing in effect the present arrangement. However, every once in a while certain matters do crop up which require her consideration and decision and at that point she generally takes the matter up with me and I handle and dispose of it for her~ What I am writing to you about now is exactly one of these situations. On the property there is located a subsurface gasoline tank, used quite a few years ago by the tenant to supply his trucks and vehicles with oil and gas. I am informed that for some years it has not been used for this purpose, but it is in the possession and under the control of Baker's Transfer and Storage and if any problems come up for solution, the problems are first addressed to Baker's and thereupon passed on to us. The subject matter about which I am writing is a little more complicated than usual and requires professional attention - not so much that of a lawyer as that of a competent engineer 6r experienced contractor familiar with the requirements of the City of Bakersfield relating to permits required for the operation of such an oil and gas facility, or Mr. Thomas H. Underhill -2- July 22, 1987 any changes in its operations or termination of the operation, and also in order to obtain a permit authorizing the removal of or repairs to the tank. Just such a situation has arisen and Mrs. AbramM has transferred everything over to me with the request that I look into it and do whatever is necessary to resolve the problem, preferably by obtaining a permit from the City authorizing her, as owner of the property, with the consent of the occupant, to terminate the storage and remove the tank. Last week, she'received a letter, dated July 14, 1987, from the Kern County Health Department, signed by Bill Scheide, ~a copy~of which is enclosed and which is self-explanatory .... She delivered the letter to me and we had quite a conference to decide what to do with the problem and the decision was reached to engage your services to negotiate with the City for a proper permit authorizing the termination of the storage tank facility and the removal thereof from the premises. Because of the peremptory character of the concluding paragraph of the letter received, I deemed it advisable to call Mr. Scheide immediately, which I did on Monday of this week, and I told him that I had been authorized by Mrs. Abrams.to let him know that she had decided that the maintenance of the subsurface tank facility on these premises had become unnecessary and constituted a constant problem of one kind or another. Mr. Scheide was a very courteous gentleman and replied that in his opinion it was a wise decision to make, and anything he could do to facilitate the granting of the application he would be glad to do. He promised to send me a copy of pertinent rules and regulations governing the situation, which I enclose for you to follow. They consist of: A handbook entitled "Standard Inventory Control Monitoring", which I am told we can disregard if our decision is to terminate and abandon the storage tank facility. " A booklet of Requirements for Permanent Closure of Underground Hazardous Substance Storage Tanks. This contains the appropriate requirements applicable to our intended termination. 3. A "fact sheet" entitled "EPA Hazardous Waste ~dentification Numbers". Upon a review of the regulations appertaining to Mr. Thomas 'H. Underhill -3- July 22, 1987 permanent closure of the underground facility and removal of the tank, I decided that this required the assistance of an engineer .experienced and qualified in such operations, who is familiar wi~h the requirements of the City of~ Bakersfield, and can proceed to make all necessary arrangements to bring about the favorable consideration of the~ application for termination of the permit and removal of the storage tank. Mr. Scheide was kind enough to give me the names of three engineering concerns who have had considerable experience in this type of work; also said that there are many qualified engineers and contractors listed in the yellow pages of the telephone book. However, you told me that you yourself have in mind an engineer that~you'have used in your past~practice, and ....... if you deem him capable, by all means you are authorized to hire him. In any event, upon receipt of this letter and enclosures, and after you have reviewed it, please get in touch with Mr. ~cheide, to whom I am sending a copy of this letter, and let him know that you are going to represent Mrs. Abrams. I have never had a proceeding of this character in my practice, but I am told by lawyers who have that in all cases, the client is billed on an hourly basis at an agreed rate, with a billing forwarded at the end of every month covering services during that month. I would suggest that you follow this procedure. <~ I have talked to Mr.Taylor, and told him of our intention to proceed with termination, to'which he has agreed. Let me know the name of the engineering or contracting firm that you finally do retain to help you, and keep me current with developments in your negotiations with the city Health Department. I am glad to know that you are still available for jobs of this character. Warm regards. Sincerely, AJS:mdv Encl. c.c. Mr. Bill Scheide Mrs. Florence Abrams Angelo J. Scampini 1700 Flower Street 8al.~,fl~d, Cellfo~da 93306 TM~hone (eM) ee 1.3e3e ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH HEALTH OFFICER L~on M Hebert~m, M.D. DtRECT~R Ot: ENVIROHMEN'I~L HEALTH Vernon S, RMchard July 14, 1987 Florence Abrams 2?00 Lake Street 'San Francisco, California 94121 Dear Ms. Abrams: This is to notify you the underground storage tank facility which you Own at Baker's Transfer and Storage, 1230 "P" Street, Bakersfield, Permit #160017C has failed a facility inspection by this department. The operator of the facility is in violation of the permit requirements because he i.s' not performing Standard Inventory Control Monitoring as required under the permit. A copy of 'the inspection report is enclosed with' this letter. As the owner of the facility, you are ~esponsible fo'r ensuring that all permit conditions are met. At present, the operator is not operating 'the tank. If he does not perform Standard Inventory -Control Monitoring as described in Handbook #UT-10 from our, department, you must choose between three options to comply with the law: 1. Perform Standard Inventory Control Monitoring as presently required; 2. Propose an equivalent method of tank monitoring that will be acceptable to this department, or 3. File for abandonment of the tank under an 'abandonment permit with this department. I have enclosed a copy of the UT-10 handbook for you to familiarize yourself with the current monitoring requirements. In addition I have enclosed a handbook of the regulations for abandoning tanks. (UT-30) as well as an application for an abandonment permit. DISTRICT OFFICES ' ake lsat)Mia ' MoJev® . Rldgecriit . Shalter . Ta/t, Florence Abrams July 14, 1987 Page two Please call me immediately if you are not sure which option you want to take to comply with the law. You have 30 days from the date of the inspection of July 8, 1987 to begin taking steps to comply with the law. Should you have any questions about this .matter do not hesitate to call me at (805) 861-3636 for assistance. It is very important you take action on this matter before the 30-day period ends, to avoid further legal action. !, Sincerely, BIll S.cheide Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program Bm:mw ~nclosure cc: Mr. Ray Taylor Snvlrnnnentnl Sensitivity ~ UNDEROROUND Prinry Contelnnent #onitorlna: a, Interoeptlng and Olreotlna 8ystea ~atondnrd Inventory Control Monitoring o. Nodlrled Inventory Control Mouitorln~ d. ln-Tnnk' Level SenslnR De'Ice n. Groundwater #onltoring r, Vadose Zone #onltorlng a. '*8eoondary Containment #onltorlngs " :&.jLlnsr . · it b,~ Doubler#ailed Tank o, .Vault . "'"' a.' Pressurized . ,.. .: ,~o.~Oravity  : 'overfill Proteotion · 6.' Tl~htnnse Testing ': i? · ---:~.L_..; .................................. 8. Unauthorized Release O. !NaJfltenance, Oeneral Safety and · [Operating Condition of Faolllty Cont&Lnmeflt #onltorlnR: e.-%Interoeptlnf end Olreotlng System b~ntendard Inventory Control Monitoring o.i.#odiried Inventory Control Monitoring d.~ln-Tank~evel 8enulng Devine .... -~-~Oroundunter Non/retina r.~Vndoee Zone Monitor/hR Kern County Health Department. Division or Environmental Healt 1700 Flower Street, BakersfieL CA 93305 Permit Appli ca t i on APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type of Application (check'): [-INe-~ Facility ~']Modification of Facility ~Existirlg Facility [-I Transfer of Ownership ~ .~ (' ~ (--, Nights~%-~--.-~~~~.~ Facility Na.~/~z~.~.J~ /.,~--,~, v D~o. o-f ~'anks /.. / · Type of Business (~heck): ~GaS°ltne~ ~Oth~er-(describe) ~-/v~_~f,~~ ~ Is Tank(s) Located on an Ag'r~cultural Farm? ~'lYes ~hk) //- - -' .~ > ' Is Tank(s) Used Prima$ily for ~3~.icultur~l Purposes?' DYes WNo~ /q ~ ~/ T ._. R Z .SEC / ~ (Rural Locations ~ly) ~---7~ i .~ . Operator<7~4_~?./z/~.~, J.~ Contact Person ~ :.~f~x_ Soil Characteristics' at ~acilif9 . ~ ~ -' ' Basis for Soil Type and Groundwat~ DePth Deten~lnatlons .---~.. C. Contractor CA Contractor's License No. Address Zip Telephone Proposed 'Start'ing Date proposed Completion Date Worker's Comlmn~ation ceft{ficati0n ! Insurer _~ '" ........... D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modtflcatt~m Tank f . ~s~ Pr~uct ~tor Vehicle Unlead~ R~ular pr~t~ Die 1 ~ste = B B B F. Chemical Composition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stored (.no.n-comm~ercial name),. CAS ~ (if kno~m) Chemical Previousl Stored Transfer of Ownership Pate of ~--ansfer ~ Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all- 0bffgatlons of Permit No. issued to , . I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and ify or terminate the transfer of the Permit. to Operate th!s mdergrotmd storage .......facility upon receiving this completed form~ ./~~~--~../j~.~d~...~.~, _ ?" .~/ This form has been completed un, er penalty o~f~pe~u~y and to the~est ~ my knowledge iS true and t. ' Fac il i t¥ Nam~ FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is: [~Vaulted ~on-Vaulted [-1Double-Wall ~Single-Wall 2. , ~ Material ~,~arbon Steel I-] Stainless Steel ~ Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel ~] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [-] Concrete [~ Altmlinum [] Bronze []Unknown [] Other (describe) ' 3. ~ Contain[ge. nt Date Installed Thickness/~(Inches) Capacity (Gallons) 4. Tank Secondary Containment []Double-Wall ~]Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault [']None [] Other (describe): Manufac~curer []Material Yhi~Jkn~eSs (Inches) 5. Tank Interior Lini~ ---~Rubber []Alkyd []Epoxy []~henolic []Glass []Clay []t~lined DOther (describe): Tank Corrosion Protection --]~Galvar~fZed ~ass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap []Vinyl Wral~Pir~" ~]Tar or Asphalt ~Jnk~ ['lNone []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: []None ~[~.Impressed ~urrent System ~lSacri'f~ic~'al 9~x]e 'system Describe System & Equi[~ent. ~-'~~~. _ Leak Detection, Moni~, and Interception ~. ~ ~-~is~-~ (va--v~ed~ ~s ~nlY) [2]Groundwater Monitorir~' Wmll(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner []U-Tube with C~mpatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring We.il(s)* ~Vapor Dstector* [] Liquid Level Sensors []Conductivit~ Sensor' [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank [] Liquid Rstrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness TeStir~ e ?lD aily Gauging a None ~Unknown ~ ~her b. Pipit: Fl~Restricti~ ~ak ~tector(s) for Pressuriz~ Pipi~= ~nitori~ S~p ~th ~ce~y ~al~ C~crete ~ce~y ~lf~t C~tible Pi~ ~ce~y ~t~tic Liner ~ U~no~ ~ ~er *~rt~ ~ a ~eI:~~ 8. ~en Tigh~ess ~st~? ~Yes ~ Results of Test ~te of ~st Tightne~ Test ~~: ~sti~ ~st ~e 9. Tank Repair .emtred? []yes []Unkno Date(s) of Repair(s) ~ .... Describe Repairs ~~ 10. Overfill Protection Capacity (Gals.) rator Fill's, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level pe Float Gauge [2]Float Vent Valves [-]Auto Shut- Off Controls BCapacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box [']None []Unknown iOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ~Yes ~NO []Unknown Material _ Thickness ~inches)---~._ Diameter~./~?~ Manufacturer~-~~,~ []Pressure ~.Suc~Sravity Approximate Length o~ Pipe' b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad [2]Impressed Current []Sacrificial Anode OPolyethylene Wrap [qElectrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or A~lt ~nknown .[]None []Other (describe): c. Underground Pipirg, Secondary Containment: I-]Double-Wall [-]Synthetic Liner System []None ~?nknown [3Other (describe):