HomeMy WebLinkAboutES-BUSINESS PLAN 12/19/2002Hazardous. Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS.~OF ~PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE Permit ID #:: 015-000-002026 BAKERSFIELD pOp LOCATION: '2020'P ST '.: : ., . :-:..,-,,-~':~:~..? '.. This oermit.is Issued for the followin.: [] Hazardous Materials Plan [] Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials E] Risk Management Program ~ Waste On-Site Treatment Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES'  1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576' ApprO~ted by: i £xp'u'ation Date: Office of Evironmea~S~ic~ ~ :'June 30; 2003 Issue Date WWW. 1*4APQUEST.COtd Print Options 2020 P ST, BAKERSFIELD, CA, 93301-4713, US }2001 ~Quest.~m, Inc.; Q2001 Nav~atbn Technobqbs-~ ~-~ All Rights Resewed. Use Subject to License/Coovd~ht w ere to go how to get thereat~ This map is informational only. No representation is made or warranty given as to its content. User assumes all risk of use. MapQuest and its stfppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use. ' I I,' · /- (8) 4' CO,~DuI~E ~5'- ~ ' 'Ai F ~/~' -~s~' o ~/a - ......... _O~ I~ ~ I ~ O) 1" INNERDU(T A (EMP~) (1) 1" INNEROUCT A (ARRIVAL COM) ' ~ I~ (1) 1" ]NNERDU~T B (EMP~ (1) 1" INNERDUCT B (EMP~) I~ ~ (1) 1" INNERDU~T C (EMPTY (1) 1" INNERDUCT C (EMP~) ~ I (1) 1" INNERDU T C (EMP~ (1) 1" ~NNERDUCT C (EMP~) ~{;". ~ ~ (I) 1" INNERDUt f A (EMP~) ~ N N (1) 1" INNERDUCT A (EMPTY) ~ , ~ FIBER ENTRANCE ~-~ ~-~ :~ ~ ~-* ~ E::~~ ,--- DETAIL 2 ' / : I ~-~ ' i~ ~ (1) 1" INNEROUC'[ A (EMPTY) (1) 1" INNERDUCT A (EMP~) -~ ~ a~ L ___ (1) 1" INNERDU(~[ C (EMPTY) ~ (1) 1" INNERDUC~ C (EMPTY) I ~ I-~ I I :¢ I I ~¢ I I ~ I ~ ~ ] I I ~ I i ~ I I b I I b [ 6~'-~e ~/.' (1) 1" INNERDU([ A (EMP~) ~ (1) 1" INNERDUCT A (EMPTY) ., ~ .~ (1) 1" INNERDU(~F C (EMPW c~c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (1) ~" T A (1) t" INNERDUCT A (EMP~) ~ ,~[~ou~i ([~Pm N X I >. t ~ (Q ~'' ~NNEROU*~[ C (E~PW) O) ~" INNERBUCT C (EMPTY) - ~* ~"-~'/'~'~~ ~ ~'-~o" FIBER ENTRANCE I I ~ , , ~'-~"~ ~ ~ ~ ,'-~,w~" ~'-~ s/~,.~~,~-~ ,/~' '~""' ~ 'il' ' ' ~ ..... ~.~ . I~ 6' 9~t~,, AFd SURGE / ~ EPO SWITCH ~FIBER ENTRANCE 2020 "P" STREET ~ ~ 6-8 AF.F. (SEE DETAIL 5) ADDRESS: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-47t3 T-3]ll~'' ~F -7 ~/2' 6'-9~1~'' A.F.F. OPS: N 35~22.676 : W 119'O0.688 IN0 ELEC.INE ~ CONTACT: SITE TECH: WALTER HUN~INOTO ~DP-A ~e'-s ~/m ~]'-~ s/e" ~o'-~ m/~e' ~'-5" (616) 324-3402 ...................... C LLI .CODE:_ _. BKF_ "' '": GPS COORD. N 35" 22.676 W 119" 00.688 SITE AUO~T ~NCORPORAfCD BY D.CONZALEZ ON ~0 24-00 OSr~EY C.REONI[R DES~ONED BY: M. TOM [:)ATE: 03-23-99 B/KERSFIELD, CA - POP AS 8U~Lf *NFORMAnON PROWDED BY B~LL EDWARDS 8/~/9e76 ~OVEB RACKS ~0205 ~ ~0206 ~O RACKS ~03.09 · ~03~0 05-29-0~ 0S~A~[~ ~0.~ SCALE : 3/16"=1'~ SCALE : 3/32'= ~'F[ )ORPLAN OVERALL LAYOUT o.. -I~ FACILITY NAME ADDRESS ~ 5~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., .3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY CONTACT ,Oa,,,..fn ,~a,-~, INSPECTION TIME 5' ,,~,~,.. INSPECTION DATE ?,,2 ~ / 9--,~ 2- PHONE NO. ~/- BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program Routine [~j Combined I~ Joint Agency [~ Multi-Agency ~.] Complaint J~ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate ~"'~,'f ;~ae.~/,'/.)/ Visible address . ~j~,'~. Correct occupancy r ~ ¢ l,x Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Prope~ segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection · Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: Yes ~No Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (66 I) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Business Site Responsible Party Inspector: ~ ~ UNi PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS ACTIVITIES FACILITY ID.# BUSINESS NAME (Sameas£AC1LITYNAMEorDBA'~nsBuslnessAs) ~., ,~ /) _ 3. If y0u CheCk YES to any part of this list, Does your-facility..-Z---- please submit the BusinesS OWner/Operator Identification. page· (OES FOrm 2730),'..?:.:. -- If-Ycs~- please-complete.these pages of the UPCF ..... 'i' :.': ...... A. ItAZARDOUS IvIATERIALS Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materLils at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable Federal threshold quantity for an extremely hazardous substance specified in 40 CFR Part 355, Appendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emergency plan is required pursuant tol0 CFR Parts 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) 1. · - Own or opcratc underground storage tanks? 2. Intend to upgradc existing or install ncw USTs? "'" "'Need to report closing a UST? ~k'~NO ~. I/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVEHrORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (o~s 2mi C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own Or operate ASTs above these thr~holds: --any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or --thc total ~city for thc facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? D. HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. Generate hazardous waste? °WS o OYES ~ ~ UST FACILITY (Former sWRcB roan ^) .................. ~ ..... US_T. TA.~ (one. p~g¢ p~r ink) (Formcdy Form B) OYES (~'t~. ~' UST FACILITY ~/ UST TANK (one ~ tank) ~/ UST INSTALLATION - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (o~ ~e p~ ~)(~o~m~dy ~o.~ C) NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAS EPA II) NUMBER~p~vla~ ax ~¢ top Or~is UPCF (1199) 2. Recycle mor~ than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted recyclable materials (per H SC §25143.2)? 3. Treat hazardous waste on site? 4. Trealm~nt subject to financial assurance requirements (for Permit by Rule and Conditional Authorization)? ' : 5: consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? 6. Need to report thc dosurcYremoval of a tank that was classified as hazardous waste and Cleaned onsite? ........ OYES Ov~s RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - FACILITY' (£~'m~d¥ DTSC Form 1772) . _ _ ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - UNIT (one page ~' mit) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE (Fo~,~x DXSC Fo~ REMOTE WASTE / CONSOLIDATION SITE. ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (tone. Ix DTSC Form I I ~) HAZARDIDUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE CERTIFICATION (~orm~r~x OTSC E. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS __ _OZoumay also be requir~d to provide additi6nal'in~ormationbv YO ,ur CUPA br local ~igen~~) ".. ............... .,.. .. . ,.i ~ ZS~', ' .::-~''~:'r,".. "'- .'.v' ;" . -. .... ""'.L: '~; :'"! ?.';'7::.5 ' ~:':':.') · ...' ". ~;.' ' :.'L' - UNIFIED PROGRAM (UP) FORM BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION PAGE ~-OF.~ ri NEW BUSINESS [] OUT OF BUSINESS REVlSEAJPDATE (EFFECTIVE ! I ) I. IDENTIFICATION FACIUTYID# I I ~i~ ' BEGINNINGDATE BUSINESS NAME (same as FACILITY NAME or DBA- Doing Business As_) , . BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS DUN & BRADSTREET 878271204 COUNTY' /*~'~./L,J No 13,~. BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME ilo Chip Williams '-' II. BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME iii OWNER PHONE 100 I ENDING DATE 1 2001/12/31 3 I BUSINESS PHONE I NA 103 ,o41CA I z, P CODE G~.~O[ ~o6 SiC CODE (4 digit Cf) 4813 ' ~os I UNINCORPORATED I-I Yes [] ~o9 I BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE ....... 1_801-.584-7173 , . . 105 107 Williams Communications I 918-547-6000 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS One Technology Center; TC-4Y CITYTulsa il4 I STATEOK il5 I ziP CODE74103 113 116 III. CONTACT NAME Blaine Storts CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS One Technology Center; TC - 4Y ClTYTUlSa ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT 1~7 I CONTACT PHONE 1 918-547-5991 12oJ STATEOK 121 J ZIPCODE74103 -PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY- NAME Dan Samara TITLE HSE - Supervisor BUS~NESS PHONE918-547-0905 123 124 125 NAME Joe McCartney 118 119 122 128 TITLE 129 Sr. Operational Assurance Manager BUSINESS PHONE918-547-0903 ~3o 24-HOUR PHONE918-231-2580 13~ 24-HOUR PHONE918-527-0015 126 PAGERCf t27 PAGER# . 132 : V. ADDITIONAL _OCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION ~33 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 133b i FEDERAL TAX'IDENTIFICATION NUMBER MAILING/BILLING INFORMATION One Technology Center;, TC - 4Y Tulsa OK 74103 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the informaUon is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNAT~~N~E~OPERATOR O~AjTED REPRESENTATIVE DATE 134 J NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER ~ ../'~"-~---~ 2/14/02 I Blaine Sto~ts NAME OF SIGNER (print) 136 TITLE OF SIGNER Blaine Storts HSE - Specialist 133g 135 137 'OFFICIAL USE ONLY INSPECTOR I UPF_LAC4:02_2730 - - UNIFIED PROGRAM (UP) FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION · ~one ~3a~e )3er material p~ buildin~l or areaI J'IADD I-]DELETE I~REVISE REPORTING YEAR 2001 200 I. FACILITY INFORMATION Bj~S~:~INESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA-~Dojpg Business As) 3 CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 I CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 Inside Facility in Battery StringsI (EPCRA). [] YES [] NO II. CH£MICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET [] Yes [] No 206 Sulfuric Acid , Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME Sulfuric Acid 207 EHS* [] Yes [] No 20s CAS# 7664 939 2og *If EHS is "Yes". all amounts below must be in lbs. ........ 210 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete If required by~CUPA) 213 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 211 RADIOACTIVE I-lYes IS~)No ._212 CURIES TYPE (Check one item only) [] a. PURE I~b, MIXTURE [] c, WASTE 215 PHYSICAL STATE 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 18.5 lbs (Check one item only) [] a. SOLID I~b. LIQUID [] c. GAS FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) [] a. FIRE [] b. REACTIVE [] c. PRESSURE RELEASE [] d. ACUTE HEALTH [] e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DALLY AMOUNT 21z I MAXIMUM DALLY AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 I STATE WA~.~.S,.~L~- 221I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS* []a. GALLONS []b. CUBIC FEET [] c. POUNDS [] d. TONS I 365 (Check one item only) * If EHS, amount must be in pounds. I STORAGE · CONTAINER [] a. ABOVE GROUND TANK [] e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM Fl i. FIBER DRUM [] m. GLASS BOTTLE [] q. RAIL CAR [] b. UNDERGROUND TANK [] f.-CAN [] j. BAG [] n. PLASTIC BOTTLE [] r. OTHER [] c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING [] g. CARBOY [] k. BOX [] o. TOTE BIN [] d. STEEL DRUM [] h. SILO [] I. CYLINDER [] p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE [] a. AMBIENT [] b. ABOVE AMBIENT [] c. BELOW AMBIENT 224. STORAGE TEMPERATURE [] a. AMBIENT [] b. ABOVE AMBIENT [] c. BELOW AMBIENT '[] d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 60 =6 Lead, Lead Oxide 227 [] Yes [] No 226 229 2 10 23o Lead Sulfate 231 []Yes [] No 232 7439-92-1 2~3 3 <1 234 Sulfuric Acid 23s [] Yes [] No. 236 7664-93-9 237 4 <1 238 Antimony 239 []Yes [] No 240 7440-36-0 241 5 < 242 Inert Battery Parts 243 []Yes []No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight If non-~arclnogenlc, or 0.1% by weight If carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required Information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 'If EPCRA, Please Sign Here (Facilities reporting Chemicals subject t° EPCRA reporting thresholds must sign each Chemical Description page for each EPCRA reported chemical.) OFFICIAL USE ONLY I DATE RECEIVED REVIEWED BY UP FoRM (1/2000 Version) ' THE CUPAS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY 1 UpF_LAC4: 04_CD . . .g.:.:.::.,:.~:.:.... .... : ::. ;::...:.:ii..AeTimTiESDECLA~TION . ..:..:: . ..... · : .-.. :,. · ':."~'~".~'"~'" "~ :."~: ' . NOTE~'~IfY0u'CheCk~S to anY pa~ of th s list, ~" ' .."?" ~' ~'.~ .. . } :~':..::::,.}'please sUbmit'the Business'dwner/Operator IdentificatiOn'page (OESForm 2730);-' .~US Ha~ on site (for ~y p~) h~do~ ma~s ~ or ~ve 55 g~lo~ for liq~, 500 ~ for mli~, or 2~ ~bic f~t for ~mp~d g~ (~clude li~ ~ ASTs ~d USTs); or ~e ~pli~le Fed~ ~old ~ti~ for ~ ~NO ~. ~ ~~US ~~ ~ORY - e~mely h~ mb~ ~ified ~ 40 C~ P~ 355, Ap~n~x A or B; C~C~ D~C~ON (o~ ~) or h~e ~ologi~ mat~s ~ ~fifi~ for ~ch ~ ~gen~ pl~ ~ ~qU~ed p~u~t tol0 CFR P~ 30, 40 or 70? B. ~ERGRO~ STOOGE TA~ (USTs) 2. Intend to up.de e~s~g or ~1 new USTs? O~S ~ ~ UST FACILI~ ~ UST INST~LA~ON - CERTIFICA~ OF ~:? ~ ~"- ~.~:? ~ :~ ~:,~:,~ ~o~- ,,?' v,; ~.:~ ,.~/ ~: r':r:-- r, .'~ ..... CO~Ll~E(o~e~r~k)(~o~C) . ~. UST T~K (cl&~ ~nion~e ~c ~ C~ ~O~ GRO~ P~OLE~ STOOGE TANKS (ASTs) ' .'.: ..... ~ ~ · ' . ~ 0r o~e ~T* ~ve ~ ~hol~: NO FO~ ~QHI~D TO ~my t~ m~ci~ i* ~ater ~ 660 g~lo~, or O ~. ~. ~e to~ m~ci~ for ~e hcili~ ~ ~ater ~ 1~20 D. H~US WAS~ 1. Gene~te h~m w~tc? O~S~ ~ EPA ID ~ER~vlde ~ ~ ~ of~i~ ~_2. ~- Re~cle mo~ ~m 1~ k~mon~ ofexclu&d or exempted g~cl~le mge~s ~S ~ ~CYCL~LE ~~ ~RT ~r HSC ~25143.2)? ~" (~ ~ ~) 3. Tgat h~do~ wing on site? ~S~1 L ~ ONSI~ ~US WAS~ ~A~ - FACIL~ ONSI~ ~US ~~ - ~T (~c ~c m mit)  (F~y DTSC F~ I~.C~, ~d L) 4. T~a~nt mb~e~ to ~ci~ ~ ~en~ (for P~t by R~e ~d O~S .~ CER~FICA~ON OF F~C~ Con~fion~ Auto.on)? ~S~CE (F~ OTSC F~ ~:) 5. Co~li~e h~ ~ gen~ed ~ a ~o~ site? O~S ~1~. ~ ~MO~ WAS~ / CONSOLIDA~ON SI~ ' A~ NO~FICA~ON (F~ffly · 6. · -'N~d~n~eclos~m°~ofa~~cl~ified~h~ O~s~4. ~ ~USW~T~CLOS~ ::. ~ou may ~m ~ ~d to pm~dc ad~on~'~;~8n b~yo~ C~A O~'i~:) ...... ~ ........ NEW BUSINESS n OUT OF BUSINESS UNIFIED PROGRAM (UP) FORM BusINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID,~ REVISE/UPDATE (EFFECTIVE I I ) IDENTIFICATION BEGINNING DATE lo4 I CA 106 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILrPt' NAME or DBA - Doing Business ~ _. BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS DUN & BRADSTREET 878271204 PAGE ~.O F._~ COUNTY' BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME loo I ENDING DATE 1 2001/12/31- 101 BUSINESS PHONE lo2 NA ZIP CODE ~',...~O/' 1o5 SIC CODE (4 digit #) 4813 lo7 108 109 UNINCORPORAIP-u I-lYes r-I No 133a. BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE 1~o -80~1-584-74 7.3 II. BUSINESS OWNER NAME 111 I OWNER PHONE 112 Williams Communications I 918-547-6000 113 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS One Technology Center; TC-4Y cITY Tulsa 114 I STATEOK 115 I Zip CODE74103 116 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME 117 CONTACT PHONE l~s Blaine Storts 918-547-5991 119 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS One Technology Center; TC - 4Y ClTYTuIsa 120 I STATEOK 121 I ZIPCODE74103 122 -PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCY ;ONTACTS -SECONDARY- NAME 123 NAME 128 Dan Samara Joe McCartney TITLE 129 Sr. Operational Assurance Manager TITLE HSE - Supervisor 124 BUSINESS PHONE918-547-0905 125 24-HOUR PHONE918-527-0015 126 PAGER # V. 127 PAGER # ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION BUSINESS PHONE918-547-0903 . ~3o 131 24-HOUR PHONE918-231-2580 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 133b I FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER MAILING/BILLING INFORMATION ADDRESS ,33d I CiTY ,33e I STATE ~33f I ZiPCODE ,33g One Technology Center;, TC - 4Y Tulsa OK 74103 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SiGNAT~a,I~i:-~N~E~,/OPERATOR O.,~DE,,~I}IA~'ED REPRESENT~ATIVE DATE 134 I NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER ~ /~::~__g~'"-~--.--~ 2/14/02 I Blaine Sto(ts NAME OF SIGNER (print) 136 TITLE OF SIGNER '~ 137 Blaine Storts HSE - Specialist DISTRICT INSPECTOR IDATE OFINSP. IDIVISION I CUPA I PA BATI'ALION,. I STATION UPF_LACA: 02_2730 · UNIFIED PROGRAM (UP) FORM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION lone ?a~e ~ n'~tedal ~3er buildin~l or area1 I-lADD I-]DELETE I~REVISE REPORTING YEAR 2001 200 I Page ~ of I. FACILITY INFORMATION Bj~S~=::~INESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA--_ Do~g Business As) 3 CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 I CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 Inside Fadlity in Battery Strings .J (EPCRA). [] YES [] NO FACILITY ID # I I ~ ~ I I I I , I MAP'#(opaona,, 203 I GRID# (opaonal) 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET [] Yes [] No 206 Sulfuric Acid , Subject to EPCRA,'refer to instructions COMMON NAME Sulfuric Acid 207 EHS* [] Yes [] NO 208 CAS# 7664 939 209 *If EHS is 'Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSICS (cormlele if required by CUPA) ...................... 210 21'3 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL 211 RADIOACTIVE []Yes I~No _212 CURIES TYPE (Check one item only) [] a. PURE I~b. MIXTURE [] c. WASTE 215 PHYSICAL STATE 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 18.5 lbs (Check one item only) I-] a. SOLID I~b. LIQUID [] c. GAS FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Check all that apply) [] a. FIRE [] b. REACTIVE [] c. PRESSURE RELEASE [] d. ACUTE HEALTH [] e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DALLY AMOUNT (~)70 _ 217 MAXIMUM DAILY AMOUNT (~ ~'~ ' 218 I ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT ~ 219 I STATE W..~ASTE CODE 22.~00 221 I DAYS ON SITE: 222 UNITS* I-la. GALLONS r'lb. CUBIC FEET [] c. POUNDS [] d. TONSI 365 , (Check one item only) * If EHS, amount must be in pounds· STORAGE CONTAINER [] a. ABOVE GROUND TANK [] e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM [] i. FIBER DRUM [] m. GLASS BOTTLE [] q. RAIL CAR [] b. UNDERGROUND TANK [] f. CAN [] j. BAG [] n. PLASTIC BOTTLE [] r. OTHER [] c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING [] g. CARBOY [] k. BOX [] o. TOTE BIN [] d. STEEL DRUM [] h. SILO [] I. CYLINDER [] p. TANK WAGON 223 STORAGE PRESSURE [] a. AMBIENT [] b. ABOVE AMBIENT [] c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE [] a. AMBIENT [] b. ABOVE AMBIENT [] c. BELOW AMBIENT [] d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS # 1 60 226 Lead, Lead Oxide 227 [] Yes [] No 22s 229 2 10 230 Lead Sulfate 231 []Yes [] No 232 7439-92-1 233 3 <1 234 Sulfuric Acid 235 [] Yes [] No 236 7664-93-9 237 4 <1 23s Antimony 239 []Yes .[] No 2,0 7440-36-0 241 5 < 242 Inert Battery Parts 243 []Yes []No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight If non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight If carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required Information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 'If EPCRA, Please Sign Here (Facilities reporting Chemicals subject to EPCRA reporting thresholds must sign each Chemical Description page for each EPCRA reported chemicaL) OFFICIAL USE ONLY 'DIV IBN ISTA I DATE RECEIVED OTHER REVIE'WED BY .i UP FORM (1/2000 Version) I UPF_LAC4': 04_CD THE CUPAS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY Bakersfield POP 2020 P Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Business Owner: May 3, 2001 FIRE CHIEF RUN FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 . VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 Enclosed, please find the Site and Facility Diagram Instructions packet. When your Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Inventory were submitted it was lacking the diagram portion. Please draw and submit the diagram(s) of your facility by June 8, 2001. The diagram should include the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ~6) 7) 8) 9) name of your business; business address; indicate which direction is North; the ~cross streets neighboring business addresses (within 300 feet) entrances and exits location of utility shut-offs; location of the nearest fire hydrant; portions of the building protected by automatic sprinkler system; and most importantly the location of the hazardous material(s). If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3658. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, RALPH E. HUEY, DIRECTOR OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Esther Duran, Accounting Clerk II Office of Environmental Services ED\db Enclosures UNII PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS ACTIVITIES FACILITY INFORMATION ?a~e I of ~ · ' ' ' '" I' FACILITY IDENTIFICATION " BUS[NESS NA~[~ (Same ~ FACILITY NAME or DBA.Doing Buzine~s A~) BKFDCA1W - BAKERSFIELD POP ":':'": "' : ·: II. ACTIVITIES DECLARATION : ' · . ;'' "' NOTE: If yoU check YES to any part of this list, ii'i :. i lplease submit the Business Owner/Operator Identification page (OES Form 2730). .... : Does your facility... A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ' ' ~ ' Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable Federal threshold quantity for an extremely hazardous substance specified in 40 CFR Part 355, Appendix A or B; or handle radiologieal materials in quantifies for which an emergency plan is required pursuant tol0 CFR Parts 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) 1.. Ovm or operate underground storage tanks? 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? .Need to ~port closing, a UST? C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: --any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or --the total capacily for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? D. HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. Generate hazardous waste? 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted recyclable materials (per HSC §25143.2)? 3. Treat hazardous waste on site? 4. Treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for Permit by Rule and Conditional Authorization)? '5. Consolidate hazardous waste generated al a remote site? If Yes, please comp!ete these pages of the UPCF... c~s ONO OYES (~0 s. OYEs (~o ~. OYES ~TO 7. OYES ~O 9. OYEs e4qo ,o. OYEs ~o ,,. OYES (j~lqO n. OYEs O~6,3. OYES (~ ~4. Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that was classified as hazardous ~/ waste and cleaned onsite? . , LOCAL REQUIREMENTS (You may also be required to provide additional information by your CUPA or local agency.) HAZARDOUS MATER/ALS INVENTORY- CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (o~ 27a 0 UST FACILITY (Formerly SWRCB Form A) UST TANK (one page ~ mO (Formerly Form B) UST FACILITY UST TANK (one ~-r ~) UST INSTALLATION - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (one pa~e par tank)(Form~rly Form C) UST TANK (closure potion--one pa,e per tank) NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAS EPA ID NUMBER~pmvide at ~e top of this page RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - FACILITY (Formerly DTSC Form ! 772) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT - UNIT (one page Ix'r uni0 (~ msc ~=o,-= ~rm. Kc~. ~ t) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASS~CE (~o,~r~y v~sc ~o~m REMOTE WASTE / CONSOLIDATION SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (Formmy DTSC ~orm H~6) HAZAREX3US WASTE TANK CLOSURE CERTIFICATION (Formerb' D'rSC Form 1249) UPGF (1199) IDENTIFICATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) BKFDCA1W - BAKERSFIELD POP loo. | ENDING DATE lOl. 1999/12/31 3 BUSINESS PHONE lO2. BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 2020 P. STREET 104' I CA C~TY BAKERSFIELD 1°81 DUN&BRADSTREET 87 827 1204 103. ZIP CODE 93301 lOS. SIC CODE 107. (4 digit #) 4813 108. COUNTY . 109. I- BUSINESS OPERATOR 110. BUSINESS ' I PHONE (801) 584--7173 OPERATOR NAME CHIP WILLIAMS . OWNERNAME WILLIAMS COMMUNCIATIONS 111. I OWNERPHONE (918) 573-6000 112. OVVNER MAILING 113. ADDRESS 2 EAST 1ST STREET 114. I STATE 0K I ZiPCODE 116. c~TY TUL SA 115. 74172 Illi ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT '" ":': ": i:. ¢'ONTACTNAME MARK WEBSTER 117. I CONTACT PHONE (918) 574-7221 118. NTACT MAILING ADDRESS ONE WILLIAM CENTER - WMS3 4TH FLOOR 120. I STATE I ZIP CODE 119. CITY TULSA NAME GLEN LAFITTE TITLE HSE - SUPERVISOR 12~ OK 121. 74172 EME=GENC¥'CONTACTs:,, _ . .'- ,: ::...' .SECONDARY. IV. 123. / NAME JOE McCARTNEY 124/ T~TLE SR. MANAGER OPERATIONAL ASSURANCE 125 BUSINESS PHONE (918) 574-7275 128 I 24-HOURPHONE (918) 760-7525 127I PAGER # 13~ BUSINESS PHONE (918) 574-7214 ~ ~ - 13' 24-HOUR PHONE (918) 760-9269 PAGER # ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: 132 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible fo~ obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. 1.- I DA~///~(~134. NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 136. TITLE OF SIGNER - 1~ HSE SUPERVISOR SIGNA~~GNATED REPRESENTATIVE NAME OF SIGNER (print) MARK WEBSTER OES FORM 2730 (1. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- CHEMICAL DESCgmTION (one form per mater~al per building or area) B USIiNTmS~ NAM~ (Same as FACILITY N.AM~ or DBA - ~ng B~s~ ~) ' BKFDCA1W - B~ERSFIELD POP,_ ~ ~A~ON 201. ~ ~ON NEXT TO POP ON P~ WITH GENE~TOR MO~TED ON TOP CO~m~- FA~a::.... "::' · I I Il' Il ~.(optionaO 2~.lO~a(optiona #2 FUEL OIL (DIESEL FUEL) TRADE SECRET Yes ~'/No ~6. IfSubj~t to EPCRA, ref~ to imma:fiom CO~ON~ DIESEL FUEL ms. ves',./No ~. FIRE CODE ~ C~ ~ (Complete ~r~ ~ CUP~) 210. ~EfCA~k~eitemonl)9 ~IOA~ Y~ ~No ~ 21~. (~k~ebemonl)9 z SO~ ~b. UQ~ ~ ~ 214. AVF. R. AGE DALLY ~o~ ~ D LY ,,O (00o 218.IAMOUNTANNUALWASTE~ 219. UNITS* ~ . b. CU FT c. LBS d. TONS (Check one item only) ° If EHS. amoant must be in lbs. CODE DAYS ON s~ 365 STORAGE CONT.adl~r.R (Cfieck all that app,9 ~ ABOVEGROUND TANK b. UNDERGROUND TANK c. T~NK INSIDE BUILDING d. STEI~L DRUM C. PLASTIC/NON.%tETALLIC DRUM f. CAN CARBOY SILO ' L FIBER DRLrM ~t GLASS BOTTLE · q. RA2L CAR 223. j. BAG tt PLASTIC BOTTLE r. OTHER i k BOX .x TOTE BIN · L CYLLN'DER 2. TANK WAGON STORAGE PRESSURE ~ AMBIENT · b. A~O%~A.MBII~T c BglOWAMBI~NT 224. STORAGETEM?ERATURE a AMBIENT .. I~ A~OVEAM~FEI~' ~ BELOWAMBI~-NT d. CRYOGENIC 2:25. Yes No 22~. 234. 235. 238. 239. 242. 243. Yes · No 232. )3l .- Yes No 22,6. 241. Yes No 240. ']~JYes.No 244. 245. If more ba=ardous eamponeats are present a~ grea~er than 1% by weight if non-~arcinogen~. De n ] % by weight If carcinogenic, attack additional sheets of paper eapturlng the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLaC~ t:.~ INFORMATION: 246. If EPCR.4, Please Sign Here DES FORM 2731 (I/99) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ltAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY-CH£MICAt~ o£scmeTgoN (one form ~ material per building or ~'~) ADD DELETE Q REVISE 200. P~g¢ BUSINESS NAME (Same ~ FACILITY NAME o~ DBA- Doing Business As) BKFDcA1W - BAKERFIELD POP C'HI~flCAL LOCA~ON BATTERY STRING INSIDE POP BLDG 201. I ~CAL LOCATION . yes .I,.,~ I CONFIDENTIAL - ]FACILITYIDI I [~}~'~1 I I t~;?,l I I I I I I I1 MAP~(optional) 203. ] ORID~(aptionaO '. '.1 I [~l I I l~ I I II I ~ I I SULFURIC ACID co~o~ ~ SULFURIC ACID cna# 7664 939 2o~. TRADE SECRET Yes I'~No 206~ If Subject to ~ r~fer tc insm~dons EHS* ~es No 2fla. FIP~ CODE HAZARD C I..A~ F~ (Complete if required by CUPA) 210. ~'"b. 213. TYPE (Check one item anly) a PURE (Ch~k~eitcmonly) ~ SOLID · a GAL . t~ CU FT ~n~c(~ ct TONS UNITS* (Check one item only) 219. STATE WASTE CODE DAYS ON 121. srm 365 STORAGE CONTAINER : L FIBERDRUM q- RAILCAR 223. (Check all that apply) · , , j, BAG ~..-'"t. OTHER i k BOX I. ABOVEGROUND TANK . t PLAK~ONONMETALLIC DRUM UNDERGROUND TANK f- CAN TANK INSIDE BUILDING F, CARBOY STEEL DRUM It SILO n. GLA~S BOTrL.E it PLASTIC BOTTLE o. TOTE BLN ~ *. TANK WAGON STORAGEPKESSURE ~,'/a. AMBIENT . b. ABOV'EAMBII~NT ¢ BELOWAMBI~'qT ~24. ~I'OR. AGETEMPERATUR. E a. AMBIENT ., b. ABOVEAMBI~NT g. BELOWAMBI~NT ~"%. CRYOGENIC 227. 22~. Yes No 22~. 2~1. . Yes , No 2.32. 2~$. 2~7. .. Yes . No 2~. 239. "Yes No 240. 24L 245. 242. 243. 'i'~[ Yes ' No 244. If more Aa:~rdaus coml~nents a~t present at greaXer tAan 1% by weight if non-cerein~genle, er O. 1% by weight If carcinegenle, attach mfa~itional shem of In,Ocr ea~utlng the tvquire~t inform~t'o~. ADDmo/,~J.. LOCALLY COLI.~CTED RqFORMATION: 246. If £PCR.4, Please Sign Here OES FORM 2731 (1/99) Emergency Procedure Battery Electrolyte Spill · Evacuate area and complete notifications (Supervisor, Safety Department, NCC, Fire Department, Building Management, etc. as applicable). · Ventilate area (as applicable). · Wear personal protective gear (Battery Board items). · Control, contain, and/orabsorb leak. · Dilute, neutralize; and dnse contaminated area (solution: mix 1 lb. baking soda per I gallon water). · Fill plastic trash bags (double lined) with contaminated absorbents (towels, etc.). · Prepare trash bags for disposal (secure-with ties and abel). · Neutralize and rinse tools and personal protective equipment. · Dispose of Trash bags and contents (instructions to come from Safety Department). DO: DO: DO: DO: Report all spills. Wear personal protective gear (Battery Board items). Check the MSDS (sulfuric acid and battery electrolyte). Cover drains and ventilate room. YES DON'T: DON'T: DON'T: DON'T: Endanger yourself, or anyone else, in any way. Spread baking soda directly on the spill without mixing with water. Use a metal Container to catch the liquid or gel (Acid). Forget to remove contaminated clothing. NO · Contact to skin or eyes - flush immediately with water or eyewash solution for at least. 15 minutes. · Get immediate medical attention (after flushing) if any electrolyte makes contact with the eyes. · If any discomforts are noticed after spill cleanup, get medical attention. Ops Supervisor - Abbrv. Form Williams Network Safety Department NCC Fire Department Building Management LEPC. Williams NETWORK EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Generator Diesel Spill · Evacuate area and complete notifications (Supervisor, Safety Department, NCC, Fire Department, etc. as applicable). · After proper emergency notifications have been made, donn proper personal protective equipment (chemical resistant gloves, hard hat and chemical splash goggles). · If deemed safe to approach the spill area a~d leaking tank, attempt to stop leak at source. Contain or absorb diesel fuel spill with pigs placed around the perimeter of tank pad. Once leak is stopped and/or contained, immediately notify the Safety Department regarding the stares of the emergency and to report the visually pemeived extent of soil contamination, if any. · If significant contamination of surrounding soil and equipment has occurred, then the Safety Department will coordinate the hiring of an environmental contractor to remediate and replace the contaminated soil and conduct general cleaning of all contaminated equipment. · If the diesel spill did not leave the generator pad, then the pig absorbers should be adequate in absorbing the diesel fluid. Place contaminated pig absorbers into double-lined, properly labeled trash bags for future proper disposal (Contact. Safety Department for instructions regarding proper disposal). DO: Report all spills. DO: Wear proper personal protective equipment. DO: Check the MSDS for proper handling, first-aid and other pertinent information before exposure to the fuel. DO: Cover all drains etc. and try to prevent spill from leaving WN property and entering waterways. 'DON'T: Endanger yourself or anyone else in any way. DON'T: Allow any smoking on premises or the creation of any ignition Sources. DON'T: Forget to remove contaminated clothing and equipment. · Upon eye and/or skin contact - flush immediately with water or eyewash solution for at least 15 minutes. · Avoid prolonged exposure to the diesel' vapors. If dizziness, blurred vision, headache or nausea is experienced, leave the area immediately and get to a location where there is plenty of fresh air. · If any further discomforts are noticed after spill cleanup, get medical attention. SAFEGUARD MEASURES FACILITY SPILL PREVENTION · The fuel tank is equipped with a secondary containment in the form of a double wall design. · Venting capacity is suitable for fill and usage rates under normal operation. · Fuel tank will not be filled without prior checking of available storage · Fuel tank is Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approved. · Fuel tank is equipped with:an electric float detection system. · Fuel tank area is set up as to sufficiently deter vandalism. ~ · Fuel tank is inspected when technicians visit the facility. · ' Fuel tank area is fenced with a security fence. · The tank and facility are accessible to authorized personnel only. · The gel filled batteries are virtually spill proof. · The site is remotely monitored at various levels with redundant alarm systems. · 3# sodium bicarbonate, 12 feet of absorbent boom, 12 absorbent pads and proper Protective Equipment is located in a Spill Kit on site. EMERGENCY AND SPILL PROCEDURES The appropriate Williams Network Emergency numbers are to be called in the event of a spill. All appropriate manpower and equipment required will be provided for the recovery of the spill. The order the various Williams entities are called is as follows: · Any local emergency numbers as needed - 911 · Williams NCC- 800-582-9069 · Glenn Lafitte and/or 3oe McCartney (Tier Two Contacts) · Williams POP Tech. Located in the nearest major City · Williams Qualified Individual · Williams Environmental Specialist Mark Webster · Emergency Response Contractors in Appendix A -I OMATERIAL 'SUBSTANCE SAFETY DATA SHEET Sulfuric Acid NO. PRODUCT NAME. NUMBER. SYNONYM ~ANUFACTURER'S NAME ANO ADDRESS COMMON OR TRADE NAME Sulfuric Acid, 0il of Vitriol, 01sum TELEPHONE NUMBER HEALTH HAZARDS HAZARD RATING {XI DANGER I I WARNING I I CAUTION TYPE OF HAZARD Skin contact, Corrosive, In~alation, Ingest/on ISYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE On contact with skin or eyes sulfuric acid produces severe burns. Swelling may cause severe injury, or death. Znhalacion of concentrated vapor aisc from hoc acid may be injurious co the lungs. I~FFECTSOFEXPOSURE Contact of acid with body tissue can burn, char and destroy tissue. Dernmtitis, chronic bronchitis and irritants to the respiratory tract. Splashes DE sulfuric ac~d ~nto eyes ~y cause rap~d t~ssue destruction and to,al ~oss of vis,on. EMERGENCY FIRST AID Immediately irrigate eyes vtth copious quantities of running water for a prolonged per- iod. Remove all clothing touched by acid. under a safety shower, if possible, even if no acid appears to have contacted the worknmn's body. Wash contaminated areas of body ~th soap and water. If evall~ed, do not induce vomiting. CalZ ~hyetcia~ i~ediatel7. FIRE ~PLOSlON, AND R~~ DATA EXTINGUISHING AGENTS AND FIRE FIGHTING METHODS Fire involving ~ll ~unt of c~busctbles ~y be ~othered ~th suitable d~ chemical. Uae water on c~busttbles burn,nS v~c~n~ty of t~e ~tertal bu~ use care as racer applfed directly to the ac~d results F~SH POINT Non fl,~able FLAMMABLE OR EXPLOSIVE LIMIT OPEN CUP . ' C CLOSED CUP 'C LOWER % UPPER IGNITION TEMPERATURE "C AUTO.IGNITION TEMPERATURE "C PRODUCTS FORMED BY FIRE OR EXCESSIVE HEAT RTdrosen CONDITIONS TO AVOID Tt should be isolated from organic' materials and products such as nitrates, carbides, chlorates and metallic powders. Vhen diluting, always add the acid to water. Never add water to acid, STABILITY ( I Slabit (XI Unstable-Explain Conc~mon$ Do not use, generate, or distribute through hose or pipe, sulfuric acid at pressures in excess of 25 PSZ. INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS AND REACTIONS Sulfides, nitrates, nit:iCes, fluorides, bromides, iodides, fulminates, saltpeter, metallic powders. Carbides~ picrates. ** PRODUCTS OF DECOMPOSITION Deco~poses at 360e C HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION (~0 Will not occur ( I May occur -- Explain Reaction and Products PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PERSONAL PROTECTION Eye protection-chemical or spectacle, type safety goggles. Respir- atory protection-se'If-contained breathing a~paratus, positive pressure-hose mask, or Air-Line ~ask. Head, foot, body skin & hand protection where necessary. VENTILATION Vaper'fro~hot sulfuric ac~d while not seriously toxic is extremely irrit- ating to the upper respiratory tract. Storage should be located in open orvell-ventilated buildings. ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE EOUIPMENT Safety shower. For welding operations involving Sulfuric Acid, use appropriate protective equipment. ],85 SULFURIC ACID ~G-19sl The acid itself is not fls~ble, but in its higher concentrations may cause ignition by contact with combustible ~aterials. It should, therefore, be isolated from organic ~aterials, and such products as nitrates, carbides,. chlorates and metallic, powders. Safeguard agaf~t mechanical inJu~ of containers. ~en diluting, always add the acid ~o water. Never add va=er =o =he acid. Hydrogen, a highly flammable gas, can be generated inside a dru~, tank car, tank truck or metal at. rage tank containing sulfuric acid. As hydrogen will form explosiv~.~txtures with air under certain conditions, smoking should not be permitted near ope~drums, tank cars or tank trucks, nor should open lights be perm/tted..' - - ~rhen welding .or performing other hot york in storage areas, precautions should be taken so that hydrogen vapors will not be flashed or e.rploded by a spark. This precau=/on is particularly applicable to partially filled dr,mi or tanks. Explosions have occurred when welding in a~mospheres where hydrogen h~s accumulated over a veekend. Weak acid can attack systems during such idle time, permitting accumulation of hydrogen in coolers, towers, and other equipment. To prevent hydrogen explosions when burning or veldin8, valves on lines leading to the equipment being worked on should be closed or blanked off. Sampling ports' should be provided at the top or,overs and elsewhere in the system, to test for hydrogen before wort is started. Meters for hydrogen measurement are available c~..~.,.ercially. Special care should be taken when welding or burning on acid lines which have been emptied but not washed. The accelerated generation of hydrogen by localized heat often Causes minor explosions, spraying acid and destroying velds. Such lines should be washed and purged if at all practicable. On all' closed systems which are opened for hot york, the section involved must be isolated as far as possible in both directions. $~eeping out en- trained or accumulated gases should be practiced to the maximu~ extent feasible. Hydrogen can be exploded when alarm probes on automatic pump controls come. in contact with acid. An induction type relay with a high probe voltage can produce a spark. If this type relay is used, the low volt tap should be used. Other types of level alarms, where there is no spark hazard, are preferable. Adequate ventilation is the best precaution against hydrogen fires. 186 ?2-&~-78Z~-0~ ...... MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ASHLAND. KENTUCKY 41114 1606) 329-3333 71-ele p'h o n~ I 1800) 274-5263 or 1-800-ASHLAND I1 ii #2 FO Page HZ'DH Z9 CFR ].el0.].Z00 [THE HAZARD CI::~tt.I'~CATZOH STANDARD! Product Name: ,Z FO CAS MJ~ER: 68~76-30-Z J Da*~a S,he.et No: 0013q17-00~* 02 10 720 97"190 -003 Prepared: 05/0.%/89 ~LL~ P/PELZ~ C~ ~rse~s: 0S/Z0/~ P O ~ ~ PRODS: ZSO~Z2 Z~ZCE: 090Z85 [~[CE DATE: II El II i I Notes: I 1 ) TLV 143T ESTJ~I../SI{ED FOR THIS I'~TER.T, AL, KIOSH RECOI~'ENDS A LTI~'T OF 100 ~ - 10 HOUR T'/HE HE1*GHTED AVERAGE. Ympm' P re,.s.s, ur~ 7'/.0O ~( ZS.OO ) ~ecific Vapor ~ity A/R ,: ! 5p~:ific ~r'~vity .87& ~l ~o.oo ii I1 i i FLA.,~q POZNTICOC ) > 13;5.0 D~g F I $7.Z D~g C! EXPLQraZVE L,THI'T UNAVA,T LAGLE ~SH/NG HEDZA: REI;UL&R FOA~ DR ~ D*rooCI:DE DR DRY CHEI~CAL ItAZ.~RDOUS DECOHPOSZT/ON PRODUCTS: ~ttY FOR~ TOX/C I'tATER/AL~:~, ~ D/OX/DE ~ CARIU:~H tI::~CD~DE~ VAR/OLIS F'ZREFZGH'I'ZM3 PROCEIXJRES: HEAR SELF~AZHED BRE. ATKZI~ &PPARATUS NZI'H A F1JI. L F&CEPZEC~ OPERATED TN THE ~ p~ DEl'ttt~ tlODE NNEN F.TI~(X~I'~ F,TRES. NATER OR FGN~ HAY CAUSE FRDTH/NG I~/CH CAN BE V2OLENT ~ ~LY E)~ TIE LZF£ OF THE I~REIrZgt{TER, ESPECZALLY ZF ,~aRAYED ZNTO C~fi'AZHER~ OF HOT~ ~ L/GUZD. SPEC/AL F-ZRE it EXPLOS'~ON HAZARDS: VAPORS ARE HEAV'ZER THM4 A.TR M~ HAY TRAVEL ALONG TI~ ~ OR BE tlOVED BY ' VENT'ZL&T'ZON AHD :EGt~LitO BY HE&T~ PZLOT /.ZGHT~ OTHER FLANE~ AND Zg~TZGe4 Sa:/JRCES AT LOCAT'ZONS DZ.%-TAHT FROt~ HEVER USE HELDZI~ OR CtrrT'/l~ TDRCH ~q DR FEAR DRt~ (EVEN EPFTY) BECAUSE Iq~OLL'T IEV~N JUST RESZIXJE) rAN ZGNZTE EXPLDSZVELY. ALL F'I'VE G&LU~4 PAZL.S AHD LAJa;ER HETAL COHTA/NEit5 Z]~:LUOZ)~; TAJ~ CAJ~ AF~ TAJ~ ~ SHOULD BE G~OUHDED AI~/OR ~ ~IEN HATER[AL ZS TRAt~FERP~D. NFPA COOES: I~r. ALTH- 2 FtJe~ABZLlq'Y- Z REACT/YI"rY- O COPYRZGHT 1989 CONTZNUED ON PAGE: 72-&2-7,BZ,5-u~ MATERIAL SAFETY · -DATA SHEET 1606) 329:3333"'--" 1-800-ASHLAND oooz37 aZ' FO Page: 2 PERHI'SSI:BLE EXPOSURE LEVEL qO0 PPH EF.F~CTS OF AC~ ~ERE~E: EYES - MAY CA~E SE~RE 2RR~TA~, RED~, TEAR~, BLURRED ~SZ'~. ' SKZN - PROL~ED OR REPEATED C~ACT MAY CA~E ~DE~TE ZRR2TA~ OEFA~NG, BREAT~ - EXCE~ZVE INHALATZ~ OF VAP~ ~Y CA~E N~SAL ~O RESPZ~TORY ~RRZTATI~, CECAL NERV~ SYSTEM EFFEC~ ~LUDI~ DI~NES~ ~~ FA~ ~EA, HEAOACHE ~O PO~ZBLE ~I~E~ AN0.EVEN ~PHY~ATZ~. S~LL~I~ - ~Y CA~E ~TROI~S~L ~R~A~ ~EA, V~'iZ~, THE L~ ~Y CA~E CHE~CAL PNE~A ~CH ~Y BE FATAL. ?~RST ZF ~ ~ZH: ~DR~HLY ~H E~ED AREA ~ ~ ~ ~R. RE~ C~Z~TE0 CL~Z~. ~OER C~TED CLOTfiZ~ BEFO~ ~. ZF Z~ EYES: FL~H ~ ~RGE ~ OF ~R, ~ ~PER ~ L~R LZDS ~C~Z~Y, ~T ~gZCAL A~. ZF ~LL~Dt DO ~T Z~E ~~ KEEP PE~ ~, ~ET, ~ G~ ~OZCAL A~iE~. ~PZ~ OF ~TE~L Z~O'~ L~ DUE TO ~ C~ ~ C~C~L P~ZS ~CH C~ BE FATAL. ZF BREADED: ZF AFFE~EO, RE~ Z~Z~L ~ ~SH ~R. ZF ~EA~Z~ BREA~ ~ ST~PED ;ZVE ~AR~FZCZAL ~SP~. KEEP PE~ PRIMARY R~I~I OF E~.; - ~qALL SPZLL: ALLC~ VOLATZLE PORrTZON 'rD EVAPORATE ~1 HOOD. ALLOI, I ~J~F-ZCZEHT ~ FOR ~ TO C:~MPLETELY CLF. AJ~ LAR~ .~rZLL: DE~TROY BY tTQUZD CI~T~T~D AI~SOR~EI~ HAY BE DEPOS.T~O ZN A LANDF/LL ZN ACCOfiOANCE NI'TI< LOCAL~ STATE ~ FEDERAL RESPZRATORY PROTECT'~ON: ZF NORKPLACE ~E L.ZH2TIS) DF PROOUL~ OR &NY C~I. fl~HENT A I~DSH/I~HA APPROVED A~R SUPPLZED RESPIRATOR 'ES AD~SED ZN ~E OF P~ER ~~AL (~E Y~ ~FE~ E~ ~P~)- ~~ ~ ~~ ~ TLYt S J. EYE PR~: CHE~CAL ~L~H ~ ~ C~KE ~ ~ ~~ ARE AD~D; ~~ A~ PE~T ~ ~PE ~ ~. I~T Y~ ~F~ E~ ~P~RJ ,-.,..,,-)vc~-~u-r' lo~o CONTZNUED ON PAGE: - ASHLAND. KENTUCKY 4 MATERIAL SAFETY ~ (606) 329-3333 'DATA SHEET oo[~? fl2 FO Page.' ~ARN];NG ! (:Or~,UST];~LE LI(~JZD AND VAPOR ~Y CA~E EYE AND ~ZN IRRZTA~. ':' Z~A~ OF VAPOR ~Y CA~E ZRRZTA~ OF ~SAL ~D RESPZ~TORY PASSAGES. ~LL~ ~Y CA~[ ZREZTA~ OF ~H, E~PHA~S, ~ GAS~OZ~ESTZNAL SYSTE~ ~D HAY BE FATAL. 'KEEP ANAY FR~ NEAT A~ OPEN FLAHE. ~E OR STORE ~ILY ~TH ADE~[TE VE~LA~. ~Z~AZN C~E~ISI OF ~LATZ~ C~P~E~ISJ BEL~ PE~ZBLE E~O~_~E LZHZT~. A~ZD PRGL~ED OR REPEA~D C~A~ ~ ~ZN. ~AR SAFE~ G~ES ~ ~LESs RESZST~ GLOVES, ~ ~R A~PROPRZkTE PROTEC~ EQ~ E~E~AL FOR Y~ OPE~TZ~. P~C~CES. '~ ~T TR~FER TO ~L~ELED C~AZNER. ~ ~T ~E ~Z~ ~ ~LDZ~ TORCH ~ TN~ ~R I E~N EHP~), FOR ZND~ZAL ~E ~LY BEFORE ~E, REVZEH ~TERZAL SAF~ D~TA ~E~ F~ ~ ~L~ ~F~TZ~ 3~L~Z~ CHR~C HEAL~ EFFECt. 2~-H~ E~RGE~Y ~ER FZ~T AID: EYE~: FL~H ~HLY-~TH ~R._ G~ ~DZC~ A~E~ Z~DZA~LY. ~N: ~H ~LY ~H ~ ~ ~R. - C~: P~OLE~ ~ C~~ APPEAR ZN ~mmvo~-u~' '~o~o I ~.~'r I~AGE--SEE ATTACHMENT PAGE ENCLOSED--LAST'PAGE I MATERIAL SAFETY ' DATA SHEET P.O. BOX 391 ' ~'=,-' ...... I ASHLA,%'D. KENTUCK¥41~I'Im~ 1 (800l Z74-5263 or I 1606, 229-3333 1-800-ASHLAND I DEFINITIONS This definition page is intended lot use with Material Safety Data Sheets supplied by lhe Ashland Petroleum Company. Recipients ol these data sheets should consult the CSHA 5afeiv and Health [tanclards ~29 CFR tgt0i, particularly subpart C - Occul3ahonal Health and Enwronmental Control. an~l suDoar~ I - ~'ersona] Protective Equipmenl. for general guidance on control Of potenhal Occuoahonal Health and Salety Ha:eros. ~ SECTION I PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION GENERAL OR GENERIC ID: Chemical lamily or product description. DOT HAZARD CLASSIFICATION: Product meets DOT criteria for hazards listed. SECTION II COMPONENTS Components are listed in this section if they present a' physical or health hazard and are present at or above 1% in the mixture. If a .component is. identified:as_a_ CARCINOGEN by NTP IARC or OSHA as of the d:~te On the MSDS, it will be li~ted and footnoted in this section when present at or above 0.1% in the product. Nega- tive conclusions concerning carcinogenicity are not.r.e,- E~orted. Additional health reformation may be fOUnd m · Section V. Components subject to the reporting re- quirements of Section 313 ol SARA Title HI are identi- fied in the footnotes in this section, along with typical percentages. Other components may be listed if deemed appropriate. Exposure recorru'flenclations are for components. OSHA Permissible Exposure IJmits (PELs) and American Con- ference of Governmental industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) 'Threshold Limit Values ('rLVs) appear on the line with the component identification. Other recommendations appear as footnotes. SECTION !11 PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT: Of product if known. The lowest value of the components is listed for mixtures. VAPOR PRESSURE: Of product if known. The highest value of the components is listed for mixtures. SPECIFIC VAPOR DENSITY: Compared to AIR - 1. If Specific Vapor Density of produc, t is not k.nown, the value is expressed as lighter or r~avier man air. SPECIFIC GRAVTTY: Compared to WATER -. 1. If. Specific Gravity of product is not kno..wn, the .value is expressed as less than or greater man water. phi If applicalcde. PERCENT VOLATILE$: Percentage of re.ate, rial .wi.th init- Ual boiling point below 425 degrees t-anrennelt and vapor pressure above 0.1mm Hg at 68 F. EVAPORATION RATE: Indicated as faster or slower than ETHYL ETHER, unless otherwise stated. SEC'TI ON ~V FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA FLASH POINT: Method identified. EXPLOSION LIMITS: For product if known. The lowest value ot the components is listed for mixtures. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUC'T~: Known or · expected hazardous products resulting from heat- ing, burning or other reactions. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Following National Fire Prote~::tion Ar~tociatitm criteria. SECTION IV (cont.) FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: Minimum equipment to protect l',ref~gniers from toxic products_ of vaporiza- tion. combustion or clecompos~tlon In hre situations. Other i'~refightmg hazards may also be indicated. SPECIAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Stales hazarcls not covered by other sections. NFPA CODES: Hazard ratings assigned by the National Fire Protection Association. SECTION V HEA~'r. H~RD DATA P~R~i~SI~-~ EXPOSURE Cl~rr?~-'-~t. THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: For producL EFFECTS OF ACUTE OVEREXPOSURE Polential Ioca! and systemic effects due Io single or short tenn. overexposure to the eyes and s~in or through halation or ingestion. EFFECTS OF CHRONIC OVEREXPOSURE: Potential local and systemic effects due to repeated or long term overexposure to the eyes and skin or through inhaler,on or ingestion. FIRST AID: Procedures to be followed when dealing with accidental overext:x:~ure. PRIMARY ROUTE OF ENTRY: Based on I:~'operties and expecte~ use. SECTION VI R. EACTIVTTY DATA HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Corn:lilt:ms to avoid to prevent haze _reCtus polymerizaUon r~sulting in a large release o1' energy. STABILITY: Conditions to avoid to prevent hazardous or violent decomposiYon. INCOMPATIBILITY: Materials and conditions to avoid to prevent hazardous reactJm'~. SECTION Vll SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURF_~ Reasonable precautions to be taken and methods of containment, clean-up and disposal. Consult federal, state and local regulations for accepled procedures and any reporting or notification requirements. SECTION VIII PROTECTIVE E~UIPMENT TO BE USED Protective equipment which may be 13ceded when han. dling the producL SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS OR OTHER COMMENTS Covers any relevant points not previously mentioned. SECTION X LABEL INFORMATION Contains label information including .1~. _~sical and health hazard warnings, handling and first ~id ir~truc:tions appropriate for the producL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS containers should be in accordance with appl~came laWS and. r.e_g.m~a!~..n.s. C.M.r I ]_ .-- ,5 ,srl~.. II.~t ,CP~,,q.q ~ - -- _' ,vic~ua,!s... S..e,r,!o. us accidents have resulted trom the misuse o! EMPI II::U containers Iorums, pails, etc.}, r[e~er to ~ect-